#for me PERSONALLY they tend to be gendered
pokegyns · 3 days
the way that baeddelism & antitransmasculinity permeates & slips through every corner of the trans community and nobody does anything about it because transfems are this Protected UwU Baby Girls™ is actually so sickening. i’m tired of seeing literal baeddels getting away with saying shit like “men are oppressive. but by men we do not mean just cis males we mean trans men too! they are also men!” like. “validating” my gender identity only to dehumanize me & throw “tme” at me in a demeaning manner is not progressive at all. i am not “privileged” for being transmasc & i am not violent or abusive or powerful or capable of systemically harming trans women. i am not simply oppressed on the basis of being trans, i am quite literally, quite factually oppressed for being a trans man– i am oppressed for being a person of the female sex, and doubly so for being a person of the female sex who misaligns with cisheteropatriarchal ideals & inherently goes against what the cisheteropatriarchy has set upon me. i was punished & shamed for being gnc during my childhood, for being gnc in the way that female people are gnc. i wasn’t seen as a feminine boy, i was seen as a masculine girl, and i lived the childhood of a masculine girl. i went through all the hardships cis girls did, and i also experienced a subset of misogyny that specifically targets masculine & gnc girls– antitransmasculinity. i was punished for not fitting in with the cishet norms, for being autistic & not understanding gender roles, for not liking boys, for being the “strange odd girl”…
when i learned what dysphoria was & began identifying as trans, i did not suddenly gain male privilege overnight. saying that transmascs are a category of marginalized men might seem like a harmless statement, but it is often used for erasure & furthering transmasc invisibility, violent invisibility. it might “gender us properly”, but saying we are a category of marginalized men often fails to fully encompass the factual reality that we aren’t seen as men. we aren’t marginalized just for being trans, we are marginalized for being female & for being transmasc. our oppression more aligns with the way that lesbians, especially gnc ones, are oppressed, than it does with the way that any other category of marginalized men are oppressed.
telling transmascs that we “need to make sure everyone else around us is comfortable” & that we “should pander to the women around us” literally reeks of this specific type of misogyny that targets us. the way that the trans community tends to treat us as “just queer men” & quite literally erase the fact that we are trans, is rooted in deep misunderstandings of lesbophobia, antitransmasculinity, misogyny & gncphobia. when we are punished for being gnc during our childhoods, we aren’t punished for wearing dresses & liking make-up– we are punished for not doing that. when we are punished for not being opposite-sex attracted (i know not all transmascs are same-sex attracted, it’s just that a lot of trans people in general do tend to be ssa), we aren’t punished for liking boys/men, we are punished for liking girls/women. in what world are regular men punished for liking women? in what world are regular men punished for not being feminine? antitransmasculinity in the trans community either malgenders us & paints us just as capable of perpetrating misogyny as cis men are (even when we aren’t even out, apparently it’s ingrained in us– does that smell of gender essentialism???), or it straight up attacks us on the basis of our observed sex without even trying to hide it– see “afab privilege”, “theyfab”, “tme” (not necessarily inherently bad, but the way in which it is used is bad), “trans guys need to be subservient & quiet”, literal fetish accounts made by transfems who openly misgender us & talk about “detransition kink”… it all goes back to the good ol’ “shut up and let the smart people speak”.
this is not the way that normie men, even normie marginalized men, are treated. the crowd that malgenders us & expects us to be okay with their little “kam includes trans men!”, “all men are bad! including trans men!”, “trans men’s gender identity harms trans women!” comments because they’re “affirming” us… no. shut up. i do not care about being “affirmed” if the way you are “affirming” me is dehumanizing. transmascs do not have the systemic power to oppress neither cis, nor trans women.
the baeddel belief system, that misogyny is born out of transmisogyny (& not the other way around, at the very least), is also so fucking wild and insane. transfems refusing to accept that they’ve generally been male socialized & that they were punished for being gnc in the way that they misaligned with the cisheteropatriarchal ideals for being seen as feminine boys & not for being seen as masculine girls is one thing– dysphoria can take a massive toll on your beliefs, and i get being uncomfortable with the whole gender socialization theory (although it is legitimate, even if some people do use it maliciously), but it is another thing to firmly claim you weren’t under any circumstance ever treated as a boy at one point (then are you denying transphobia exists?? what???), but at the same time, transmascs absolutely were socialized female & we have this nonexistent “afab privilege”, BUT we’re also evil men who hate & oppress women of all sorts. but god forbid we ever enter women’s spaces or connect with women in any way, especially not with lesbians. we have no right to those spaces, and we are “invading” women’s spaces even if we do not pass– but non-passing trans women who are literally hypermasc & would look like the average normie guy if people didn’t know their gender identity (i’m not talking about masc passing transfems, transfems def can both pass as women & be masc) are free to call themselves lesbians & enter women’s spaces, and we are evil and bigoted if we say that’s dumb as fuck. we cannot ever connect with lesbians or, i apologize for the heresy, do the vilest sin humanity has ever seen & even call ourselves lesbians. we are hurting lesbians! we are totally capable of harming cis lesbians, because we totally yield systemic power over them, even if we do not pass at all. the trans woman whose lesbianism is fully dependent on her inner identity is more free to enter lesbian spaces & her lesbianism is more valid than mine, a visibly gnc transmasc butch’s who-is-not-out-as-trans. the trans woman who didn’t even experience transmisogyny growing up & wasn’t ever even gnc at any point in her life, is somehow more valid to call herself a lesbian, than i, a person whose childhood was practically made of antitransmasculinity & lesbophobia, am.
baeddel ideology is inconsistent. they either use radfem talking points but flip them all the way around & turn them upside down, so trans men are now as evil and abusive as cis men & oppressive to both cis & trans women & the entire reality of us being assigned female is erased, or they straight up attack us based on the very fact that we are assigned female & treat us as if we are not Truly Trans. either way, we are never acknowledged as trans. the former sees us as “just guys” (but keep in mind that crowd never uplifts us & babies us in the way they do to cis men, so again we aren’t even really seen as guys), and the latter sees us as “stupid theyfab ftms tmes” “who aren’t really trans”. in simple words, the former sees us as cis guys undeserving of male privilege (but still claiming we somehow have it), and the latter sees us as cis girls undeserving of cis privilege. baeddelism was designed to harm transmascs, and while it can also do harm to cis women (with the whole misogyny part of it), it specifically harms transmascs & even just gnc cis women. it deeply hurts me when i realize that these sort of people are out there dating trans men & transmascs. some of them even actually do the next step & start with physical abuse. it makes me so incredibly sad. i will never shut up about antitransmasculinity, no matter what.
– mod zoroark
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yanderes-galore · 3 days
Jack marston (adult obviously + low honor) prompts 15, 21 by inuzkua
Shitty wifi will NOT stop me!!
Oh God... Here's yet another Marston who can't take a hint. This takes place after the Epilogue in RDR1.
Prompts Here
Yandere! Low Honor! Jack Marston Prompts 15, 21
"You’ll come around sooner than you’ll think."
"I kinda like when you play hard to get."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Harassment, Jack is icky in this, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Restraints, Swearing, Forced kissing, Forced "relationship".
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It became a routine for Jack... watching you.
The man had once met you at the saloon you work at. He was getting a drink to revitalize himself after a long horse ride... only to find you. You caught his eye with your looks and innocent personality, tending to patrons with little care in the world.
Jack can't help but feel drawn to such innocence.
Look at you, some townie who hasn't seen what the world has to offer. You look as if you've never seen corruption. As if you've never seen an outlaw up close...
It's like he has to corrupt you at this point.
He's been making it a fantasy... a goal... to tear such innocence from you... to make you his.
But you've been difficult.
You've been denying Jack ever since he met you at that saloon. He's a regular at this point, a common face for you. You look at him like he's scum.
Each time Jack enters the saloon, he's searching for you. Be it at the bar itself or the saloon tables, he's hunting. Then... when he sees you... he corners you like weak prey.
Every word out of his mouth comes out as some odd flirtation. Anything from crude pick up lines, depraved comments, teasing touches.... Jack is a man who doesn't leave anything to the imagination on this path...
It frustrates him when you bat his hand away or curse him out of the saloon. It irritates him even more when he's tossed out of the saloon by folks on your side. You are a difficult catch...
Which just means you'll taste all the sweeter once he has you.
"I kinda like when you play hard to get." Jack purrs out one evening, leaning against the saloon wall as he watches you clean. You ignore him, which causes him to chuckle darkly. Oh you hated him... He knew it...
He loved it.
"Fuck off, Marston...." You spit, causing Jack to whistle in response.
"Ohhh, naughty mouth, dear..." Jack chuckles, eyes staring you down with a predatory grin. "I like that too... want me to clean it for you...?"
You grimace, continuing to do your job. It was typical of patrons to harass you as you work. That's the downside of working in a saloon.
However, Jack came here just to do that. He would spend hours in the saloon just to watch you. Sometimes, when he's merciful, he's just watching.
Other times... like now... He follows you around the saloon to try and court you. You're never receptive, especially with what words come out of his mouth. The worst part...?
Jack's sober during all of it... acting like some hormone charged disrespectful teenager the moment he sees you.
You were getting tired of him messing with you. You were even more tired of having to throw him out for getting into bar fights over you. Jack... wore you out.
But that was all when it came to him. He would just be a nuisance to you at work and that's all. The moment he's kicked out and you get back on your horse, things are fine.
Which is exactly how tonight was going to go it seems.
"Oi!" You call, making Jack grit his teeth. "He's back again!"
"Come on, doll...! I haven't even touched you this time!" Jack pouts, only to receive a glare in return.
"It doesn't matter... get out of my sight!" You spit, irritated by his past behavior. Jack looks irritated but raises his hands in defeat with a sigh.
"Sure, fine... whatever you say, sugar...." Jack surrenders, making you confused for a moment. "Want me gone? I'll go, sweetheart...."
His tone feels... suspicious to you. Jack leaving of his own accord? That doesn't sound like the Marston you know.
"I'll leave you alone tonight..." Jack murmurs, going to walk by you. "But I hope you know how much I want you, darlin'...."
Jack then kisses your cheek, the feeling wet and uncomfortable. A teasing lick is given to your skin before Jack pulls away and heads out of the bar. You stare blankly when he leaves... before quickly rubbing your cheek with your sleeve.
That's all you expected that night.
As suspicious as it was for Jack, you're just happy he's gone. Afterwards you were able to continue your work. Cleaning tables, serving drinks, making money...
Then you left to go home on your horse.
The air is crisp outside as night begins to settle on the town. The chirping of crickets and howling of wolves greet your ears as you make your way to your horse. You're exhausted and...
Your horse is gone.
Your heart drops to your stomach when you realize your ride could be stolen. You look around the area, concerned for where the animal went. Panic sets in as you aren't sure what to do... then you hear footsteps...
"You won't need a horse where you're going, sweetheart...."
You're roughly slammed into the back of the saloon's wall. You yelp, wanting to scream before feeling lips on your own. Facial hair tickles your skin as a wet warmth coats your lips.
You roughly push back, allowing you to part from the disgusting kiss. The man allows you to pull away with a grin, yet pins your hands above your head. Upon closer inspection... you see it's Jack...
No wonder he left so easily...
He was waiting for you.
"I was wondering how you'd taste..." Jack murmurs in a husky tone, licking his lips. "I hope I'll get more tastes like that when you're mine, darlin'...."
"No! Get off me!" You bark, only for Jack to chuckle.
"Aw... all bark no bite, puppy?" Jack teases, pulling something off his belt. "Come on... Don't be like that. You deserve a real man, know that?"
You struggle against his hold, yet it only accomplishes you two falling to the ground. This new position only aids Jack, who manages to pull his lasso off his belt to tie you. He starts with your wrists... then your ankles...
Then he picks you up like you weigh nothing.
"Pissy, are we? I thought you always wanted someone to sweep you off your feet like some romance story, dear?" Jack hums, seeing you struggle in his arms.
"Please! Let me go!" You plead, making Jack click his tongue and shake his head.
"Sorry, sugar, you made me wait long enough... You're mine now." Jack chuckles, whistling for his horse.
Jack notices you shake in his arms as he begins to stow you on the horse. He sighs with a chuckle, patting your back before mounting his horse. You are so cute when you cry...
"Now don't get all upset on me..." Jack soothes in his own twisted way. It's obvious he doesn't mean it as he rides off with you on his horse.
"You’ll come around sooner than you’ll think." Jack laughs, looking back at your bound and scared form
"Then you'll realize you like being mine... won't you, darlin'?"
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theheightofdishonor · 20 hours
GL Recs Masterlist
I've watched a couple hundred gls now and so I thought i'd put it to good use and help other people find some. There's not enough gl rec lists anyway
First things first, I'll like to direct you to https://mydramalist.com/list/1xrpwdW3 which is a gl rec list on mdl with more than 200+ titles + links. It's an EXCELLENT resource, kept up to date and even tracks upcoming titles.
Now for stuff that I've watched and thought are decent. I'll link all of these to their mdl page and the links to watch the show can usually be found in the comments. If you're new to gl, be warned that a lot of these are pretty short, ranging from 1-30 minutes.
1 in 10,000 (2018) Korea. This is a soulmates piece told in 3 parts following two girls through different parts of their lives. I think this got more confusing as it went on but I really liked Act I and I think it's worth watching. It's beautiful and angsty and a bit artsy. I'm pretty sure it has a happy ending but don't quote me on that.
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Afraid of (2019) Korea. A short film about a girl struggling with her sexuality. Yeah, I know, there's a THOUSAND of these but I do like this one. It's beautifully shot and there's a lot of heart.
Am I the only one with butterflies? (2018) Korea. A girl blogs about falling in love with the manager at her new job. I like part ii better than part one but it's just cute and the pining is very similar to het kdramas.
Anonymous high school girl (2022) Korea. A low stakes love triangle. Good chemistry, low budget, awful kisses.
The Beauty of the Law (2023) China- If you're not familar with chinese gls, I think it's certainly something to get used to. This is like in the top 1% of the category. It's an ad for Adolph Shampoo and i'm going to let you know that they're going to appear often on this list because they make excellent gls. It's a historical about a female unlicensed lawyer trying to help a woman escape her abusive marriage. Makes great points about gender imbalances and women's historical lack of legal rights in China. (f you like this one, Sheng Wei, one of the actresses stars in 50%+ of all chinese gls, check her out)
Beguine (2018) Thailand - It's if the school dancing scene in My School President was a 30 minute sequence with two girls. No plot but adorable.
Cat in the eastern palace (2020) China - Watch this just to have the surreal experience of seeing like 3 whole cdrama arcs which normally take 20ish eps executed in a 7 minute timeframe. Also because it stars laoji who's in the other 50% of chinese gls. As for plot, it's about a cat spirit and a girl pretending to be the crown prince.
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Clasper (2021) Thailand - And they were roommates! I liked the production, the dialogue and the acting was pretty decent.
Couple of Mirrors*** (2021) China- Wait to watch this because it will ruin you for everything else. This is like typical thai bl length, like 12 45~min episodes. It's a historical mystery about a wealthy woman who finds out about her husband's affair with her bff and the photographer she enlists to help her. If you watch one thing out of China, watch this.
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Dear My Girlfriend (2021) Korea - A group project ft love triangle. It´s pretty classic. A girl starts dating someone who likes her only to realize she might instead be in love with her best friend. The editing is cute. It's a touch angsty as love triangles are and pretty well done.
Dear Uranus (2021) Taiwan. Another school love triangle. Does feature an adorkable female character, you know a bit awkward, a bit cutesy, if you hate this archetype, ignore this one. Personally I think the chemistry for the lead couple was lacking (genuinely shocking considering taiwan tends to be great at this) but both the love interests are hot and I am not immune to hot women
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The Demonic lord and the virtuous cultivator (2021) China - Avoid this if you don't like toxic yuri. I personally love it so this is 10/10 for me. Orphan gets taken in by a benevolent benefactor who turns out to be her parents' killer and eventually....you know what go watch it.
Encore Martha (2021) Taiwan. One of the few gls about older women. A tomboy reunites with her first love. This one's only available on gagaoolala so you'll either need a subscription or sometimes they promote it for free. If you can find it though, it's worth a watch.
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Family Plan (2016) Korea. This is a bit of an odd one to describe. The first half is two high school girls who are dating. And then the second half is their relationship as adults where they marry guys and use it to have a kid that they raise as theirs. I liked how this examined how two gay people would go about their relationship in in a world where they can't freely be with each other.
Favorite Girl (2022) Thailand. Very standard plot about a girl suffering from a breakup and her roommate but something about it stuck out to me.
Five steps to accept farewell (2016) Korea. Warning for unhappy ending. This is all pure angst, a 9 minute snapshot into a breakup. I like how it's done and the messiness of the situation.
Fragrance of the first flower (2021) Taiwan. A beautifully shot, beautifully acted, slightly too short show about two ex-lovers reuniting ft. all the angst about living in a homophobic society. It stayed in my head for weeks after I first watched it.
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Girls Blood** (2014) Japan. A movie about 4 "girls" in an underground fight club. warnings for rape, trauma, domestic assault. One of the main characters is a trans man. There are sex scenes. It's very queer and I highly recommend.
Girls Love** (2016) China. Pre-censorship China had some very wonderful queer work and one of them was this movie It's about a girl who falls in love with her hot butch roommate ft all the tropes AND we get to see them function in a relationship instead of the movie ending when they get together. Warning for both characters being forcibly outed at the end. (nothing bad really happens to them after though). Also do NOT watch the sequel. If you go to mdl, everyone else will also tell you not to watch the sequel and I foolishly did not listen to those people because I liked these girls so much and I suffered for my mistake.
The Girls on Rela (2016) China. It's an anthology of short, I wouldn't say stories, more like moments, sponsored by a lesbian dating app. Each one's really short but the acting and scripts are all pretty good.
The Girls on Rela Season 2** (2016) China. This is sponsored by the same company but it's a totally different format. It's one long show about two girls cohabiting. Pretty well executed if a bit slow.
Graduation, Present + Propose (2021) Korea. A short about a high school girl giving a graduation present to her crush. What it does it does well. It's pretty.
The Handmaiden (2016) Korea. Historical set movie about a conman and thief girl who plot to steal a heiress’s fortune. I make it sound boring but that's only because it's a pretty popular movie and everything to be said about it has already been said.
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Happy to have you here (2021) Thailand. Two friends have a sleepover and figure out their feelings. This is definitely in the top 20% for this trope, even though they rushed just a tad into the kiss.
Hello, spring is coming (2019) Korea. I'll let you read the synopsis for this one. What you need to know is that it's pretty, well acted, has good chemistry and is as brightly colored as a lollipop. It's a bit disorienting, parts of it doesn't make a lot of sense but it's a fun time.
I broke up because of you (2023) Korea- A bartender and their client catches feelings for each other. The dynamic is nice, the kiss less so but it can be forgiven.
I’m her weapon (2022) China- It's kinky, it's angsty, it's 3 minutes long and still fits in a separation arc. I would pay money for an extended version.
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Kanojo no Kuchidzuke Kansensuru Libido (2022) Japan - two girls fall in love in a hospital. I like the tone of this one.
The L Bang** (2015) China- Another Rela production. It's a 4 episode comedy about a bunch of lesbians + (1) gay man who live in the same apartment complex. It's got queer friendship, queer acceptance and queer love. It's just wonderful. It feels like 2000s American sitcoms but queer and Chinese.
Led Astray by Love (2022) China- Fairly long for a cgl. A girl gets transported to a manhwa and falls in love with the ruler. Sunshine/grumpy. This baby is 52 minutes long and covers like the same amount of plot as word of honor does in 30 something episodes.
Legend of Yunze (2021) China - A human and a half demon vanquish demons from a village. It has a second season and a special that I haven't watched yet.
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The Lost World** [Xia Ye Zhi Dao Feng De Tian] (2023) China - After watching as much cgl as I have, I was shocked to see Laoji in a modern piece. This is a college setting running-into-a-childhood-friend trope. The pacing and chemistry are both pretty good. It's one of my favorites from her.
Love in the Tinder Age** (2019) Korea- A black comedy about a bullied lesbian's failed suicide attempt ft psychics, ghosts and a teacher/student relationship. It's not really a gl because the main character doesn't get a romance BUT it's really fun so you should watch it anyway.
Love of Secret** (2022) Thailand- More of a slice of life than a love story but it's cute and fluffy and the main character very much is in a relationship. The actual plot is about a med student who's hiding both her relationship with her best friend and her dreams to be an idol. I found it positively charming.
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Lover’s Concerto** (2002) Korea- Calling this a gl is a stretch. It's more just queer? The girls were most likely in love but they don't end up together and the movie itself doesn't really have a happy ending. I did find it beautiful though.
Mayfly angel (2024) Korea- Classic discovers-feelings-for-bestie-after-a-breakup plot. Warning that this is angsty and they don't end up together. But I found it realistic and I liked that they felt like two real people. Take that how you will.
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Miss shen and the woman warlord (2023) China- a woman cross-dresses as another young woman's fiance and they fall in love. Despite how i describe it, there's a decent amount of plot and some political commentary.
More or less than 75 celsius (2019) Korea- A tea master and her supervisor fall in love. It's sparse and short but cute.
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My Dear (2021) Thailand. A drunk girl confesses to her friend and luckily for her, it's mutual. It's 5 minutes long but it uses its time well and the acting is nice. It feels a bit like gmmtv's confessions. If you like it, the production company ShakeShoulder makes TONS of gl shorts and i'd recommend checking them out.
No distance left to run  (2022) Hong Kong. a 15 minute short film about how fame causes issues in a pop star's relationship. Unhappy ending. The song's a bop though and it's well done.
Nü er hong** (2023) China. I forgot to mention but this one, the legend of yunze and the lost world are all produced by the same studio. They do a lot of fairly long chinese gls. The story is about these two beings from an alien world who crash land on earth and are hunted. One is a healer and the other is a killer, they're in love, the killer goes insane so her lover kills her. Unbeknownst to them, they're immortal so the killer wakes up with no memories 200 years later. The pacing is better than some of their earlier stuff but it's not quite perfect here yet. It is one of my favorites from the studio though and it ends happily.
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Our relationship ended before it began (2022) Korea. A barista falls in love with her manager at a coffee shop ft gender roles, miscommunication and the classic "cool one picks on the nice one to show affection" trope.
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Pyramid Game** (2024) Korea. This is more gl adjacent like Devil Judge and Beyond Evil. There is a secondary gl couple that's more explicitly canon though. If you've watched other kdramas about school bullying, this is pretty similar except it's an all-girls school and everyone is so gay. It's got so much heart and is one of my favorite shows of the year.
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Really, Lily? (2019) Korea. A 6 minute short about two girls who visit a cafe and beats up two men who were making homophobic remarks about them. It's surprisingly comedic and the coloring is bright to match. Features a pretty decent kiss. Watching it, I wished it was longer but what's there is still good.
Secret of us (2024) Thailand. The only longform thai gl that i've liked enough to finish. It's about an idol who comes back to win over her doctor ex. It falters from ep 6 onwards but until then, the show is really good at showing the emotional thought processes of the characters and the way they construct the story is compelling, even though I don't even like second chance romances.
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Shackles (2023) China. Another one from the Chinese shampoo ad. The pairing itself is not my favorite but it's so cool that this is basically a warning against nuclear pollution AND features chinese mythology that's used in the brand's marketing. Like a 3 in 1. It's so interesting.
She Makes My heart flutter (2022) Korea. Baby lesbian finds out her aunt runs a lesbian bar and starts working there. It's so goddamn cute but it has this weird relationship with homophobia where everyone in the show is apparently 100% ok with queerness but a lot of the aunt's actions is so driven by her being a queer person in an unaccepting society. A bit like how Moonlight Chicken deals with Jin and Li Ming's different attitudes towards being queer except they don't dwell on why the aunt is the way she is or what she's been through. Anyways, it's worth a watch.
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Sleep with me (2022) Philippines. A 6 episode series about two girls who are disabled in different ways fall in love. One of them can only sleep during the day and the other is in a wheelchair and the show does a pretty decent job at showing how these disabilities affect their lives and their relationship
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Soshite, Yuriko wa Hitori ni Natta** (2020) Japan. If you follow me, you may have seen me talk about this show earlier this year because I found it and promptly fell in love. It's not quite gl but Mizuki's actions are all driven by the fact that she's in love with Yuriko. It's queerer than you would expect, less queer than you might want. It's a supernatural-adjacent school horror about a girl who's new school has a weird thing where every year, a girl named Yuriko becomes "Yuriko sama" and rules the school while everyone else in that year with the same name mysteriously dies. Yuriko's best friend Mizuki plots to make the sweet innocent Yuriko the newest Yuriko-sama to save her life. It's weird, there's plot holes everywhere by the end, it definitely vilifies it's gays and the ending is weak but it's such a compelling watch.
Stand-in love (2023) Philippines. 2 best friends have a ‘stand in’ relationship where the straight one helps the lesbian one learn how to court someone but they end up falling in love with each other. Like 20 min long and I love it.
Ti Shen** [The substitute] (2017) Taiwan. The mdl synopsis can describe the plot better than I can but it's a romance between an idol and a normal girl that's split into two parts. The first half is about them meeting in high school, the second is when they reunite later on a movie set where one of them is the other's stunt double. I think the first part could've been a bit longer but it's a great movie.
Transit Girls (2015) Japan. Stepsisters. Happy ending though and it's fairly long. I liked this mostly because I like Japan's moody stuff. I also liked how they handled the male love interest.
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Truth or Dare (2022) Korea. A 10 minute short about two girls who like each other playing truth or dare. It does a great job at building tension and revealing things without saying it.
Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna** (2022) Japan. A woman who loves to cook comes to an arrangement with her neighbor who loves to eat. Japan does food-centered dramas better than everyone else and this is no exception. The romance itself is slow and you watch how their dynamic changes through this and the season two that came out this year.
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The Twelve flower gods: Camelia (2020) China. A xianxia romance about a girl falling in love with a flower but it's a minute twenty so I promise you're not watching for the plot. You're watching to witness the ridiculous amount of innuendos that they manage to fit in under two minutes.
Twin souls of destiny (2023) China. Xianxia romance between two elves, one who is made from the memories of the other's past life. I want someone else to watch this so we can discuss whether or not this is selfcest. The color combination is interesting because I very rarely see lovers in red and purple. The time travel is confusing but it's a good time and laoji is in it.
Until Rainbow Dawn** (2018) Japan. Movie about two deaf girls falling in love ft homophobic parents. The director is a deaf lesbian herself so the movie does a wonderful job in how it depicts deafness and their relationship. It's really well done
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When the light pours (2022) Korea. A girl's boyfriend wants her to sing him a song so she enrolls in guitar lessons and ends up falling in love with her teacher. The girls don't get together and I really wish they had! So if you watch this, don't watch the ending and pretend that they did end up together.
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king0fcrows · 1 year
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fearmeeeee · 1 year
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TUMBLR ATE THE ASK WHEN I SAVED IT AS A DRAFT SO IM SORRY IT WONT NOTIFY Sorry for taking so long to reply! If there is ONE thing I need to stay with you from this, it's study your own body. Its the fastest, most accurate, most easily available way to study anatomy. Crouch, touch your shoulders, hug your legs, raise your arms above your head and try to notice the differences in size between limbs. Put your hand on your face. Look at your reflection in a mirror/window. Especially since we are talking about proportions, those are about the same in all bodytypes and need just minor tweaking to get the feel of a different build. And if you dont draw your bodytype, who will? Disclaimer: I'm very honoured you asked me for tips, but I usually dont think abt proportions, since I internalize the things I learn by observing, so its a bit hard to put into diagrams. I will do my best!
Since the ask is pretty general, I just tried to give the first advice that comes to mind.
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When drawing the body standing up, the top of the hip is the middle of the entire height. Also when standing, the elbows would align with the waist and the wists with the crotch.
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Try touching your shoulder with the hand of the same side. The forearm is shorter than the upper arm, but combined with the hand it exceeds the length. Same for legs (thighs are the longest part) when the foot is pointed down. When you measure from the base of the foot though, the knee is around the middle. When the arm is held above the head, it can bend at the elbow around 90 degrees and then it will touch the top of the head with the forearm. A hand will take up the face of a person, from chin to eyebrow tips, but hand sizes can be pretty varied.
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The bodies can have different muscle and fat masses and be exagerated, but the ratios above will still be about the same.
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Also when drawing sitting down and hollding the legs , I've found its easy to kinda align the collarbone with the top of the knees (this works because the spine is bent so the torso has less length than when standing). The tips of the limbs (hands and feet) can be exagerated a bit bigger if you are unsure (or just want to) and they still look correct, whereass being drawn smaller makes them feel off.
Personally I draw hands MUCH bigger than I should because I like the way it looks, it is very much not the right proportion. I also tend to stretch the bodies much more, but it is very important you understand how bodies work and what the proportions are before you start stretching and exagerating the limbs. This is already my interpretation so studying real life is better still. I hope this makes sense, I'm bad at explaining Thank you for the ask, and have fun creating💚
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thepoisonroom · 8 months
the assumptions people make upon learning that my current girlfriend is my first cis partner should be studied
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loyalhorror · 4 months
[transes every character's gender but not in the way you think]
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Feeling dysphoric⁉️
Highlight the part about you that makes you feel dysphoric
Force yourself to accept that part of yourself by making it something beautiful‼️‼️
If that's something as big as drawing art on ur tits or something as small as putting on some mascara
Do it‼️‼️
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pynkhues · 2 years
So I started watching Succession somewhere between s2 n s3 and till yesterday, I was under the impression Rava Roy(?) is supposed to be of Indian descent (though why someone would name her after food idk) but then I saw some bts of s4 with the actress and I'm sure she's white or not idk 😂 Point is, can you tell if the kids are supposed to be adopted? (That's what was suggested in an article) like I'm so confused??? Are they biracial? Is her ethnicity ambiguous? I feel like maybe you might have the answer for me 😅
It's never explicitly stated, anon, but I'm pretty sure Rava is supposed to be Jewish.
Natalie Gold, the actress who plays her, is Jewish herself, and the name Rava actually has Hebrew origins dating back to around the year 300CE. Interestingly enough, it's actually traditionally a boy's name in Hebrew meaning a father, which feels pretty deliberate given the nature of the show. I think too that her being Jewish makes sense given the tension between her and Logan, and Kendall's hyper-sensitivity to Logan's anti-semitism, most notably in 3.04 which happened pretty quickly timeline-wise after Kendall retreated to (and took over) Rava's apartment when he didn't have anywhere else to go.
In that sense, I do think we're supposed to understand that Sophie is adopted, yes. I've talked about it on here before, but I tend to think that Iverson is biological, and it's that, plus him being a boy and white, that causes Logan to simultaneously dote on, weaponise and abuse Iverson more directly and visibly on screen than he does Sophie. As far as Logan's concerned, Iverson is the only heir beyond his children, and it's pretty clear that he's been found wanting. What that means for Sophie who is, of course, just as much Kendall and Rava's child, is open to speculation, but I think the show is deliberate in the way it focuses on Iverson and forces Sophie aside.
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scionshtola · 9 months
the thing about reading wlw historical romance is the men in it are always so over the top evil but also they were just kinda like that weren’t they
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twunkzilla · 1 year
Once you meet like cishet dudes that are actually cool and you can dudebro around its the funnest shit I'm like dude imagine for every birthday as a kid you just got barbie dolls and dollar store nail polish and they were like broooo that sounds awful I know your pain
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drawnecromancy · 10 months
Sometimes I worry that I might actually be faking the whole not a lot of gender except a sprinkle of guy on top thing, and then i am aggressively gendered as a cis woman in day-to-day life and remember why i don't go out much.
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natsmagi · 8 months
i can't settle on a gender headcanon for tsumugi. she's a trans boy. he's transfem. she's something in between. they're every gender at the same time but also none of them. schroedinger's gender. all i know is that he has nice boobs in every version of herself.
if theres one thing heaven officials blessing has taught me its that queergender is the way to go. yes thats a man yes thats a woman yes shes nonbinary no he doesnt align with the gender spectrum whatsoever theyre something else entirely its everything at once
true happiness comes in the character looking fem as fuck one second, masc the other, while simultaneously being neither. the world is literally in our hands why should we limit ourselves to simply one when they can be all
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cherubchoirs · 1 year
Can we get ultrakill pride stuff!!!! Shakes you around.. I kinda wanna ask specially for v2 stuff since Im so in love with it and your art.
yayayay pride headcanons!! i'm not sure if i'll be good at putting this into words, but i very much love whatever the machines have going on with their genders - v1 is strictly it/its to me, while v2 is an any and all pronouns haver. both of them very rarely experience attraction as well, but when they do, it's a strong pull to the other party who can be any gender or presentation. having my brain rewired by dect like everyone else as well as bc of my own personal interpretation of the character, i like to think v2 would primarily be drawn by intricacies of thought and an emotional connection, as those are incredibly rare for it to find. bc i think of v2 so much as a dreamer, i am absolutely drawn to its chemistry with mirage in her rumination, and i certainly think it could only feel attraction to someone else when it felt its mind and inner self were understood. v1 is its flip side, needing to feel its spark through physical connection, generally through a fight but it's more than just that fight being good - the movements, the attacks, the flow all influence how it feels. overall, v2 is cerebral while v1 is material in how they are attracted to others, because that's how they define themselves in a sense
gabriel is definitely gay to me and very much in the process of figuring out what he likes and how his attraction works since any relationships he's had never got the chance to breathe before this. he does crave a lot of affection and attention, both physical and emotional, and he can be quite romantic but the way he loves and experiences love is very different from humans. i also very much like trans gabe hcs, if only just bc it makes me happy and i think it suits him. bonus for bi minos of course, nb ferryman, and trans sisyphus :] and just in general, i feel so comfy in how the machines relate to their gender so differently and have aesthetic ideas and presentations, but don't identify in binary terms. i'm an nb ace myself with a strong pull to neutral pronouns (esp "it"), so i love seeing machines like the mindflayers that have defined aesthetic/presentation preferences but those don't necessarily indicate their gender, if that makes sense
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striddums · 1 year
if i see/hear one more person refer to taurus as a “masculine sign” or “the masculine side of venus” i am going to explode into a thousand pieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!! LITERALLY OBJECTIVELY INCORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS AN EARTH SIGN RULED BY VENUS AND THE PLACE OF EXALTATION FOR THE MOON IT IS MOTHER GAIA IT IS LITERALLY THE FIRST FEMININE SIGN OF THE ZODIAC WHEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your perception of what femininity means has become so warped and rotten due to social conditioning!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to be sturdy and stable and stubborn in your ways and to have a strong desire to care for and pamper yourself and fill your own cup FIRST so you can nourish others RESPONSIBLY & SUFFICIENTLY and to have a practical approach to your nurturing nature and to be blunt with your boundaries and to be STRONG IS SUCH AN INTEGRAL PART OF WHAT IT MEANS TO BE FEMININE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM BEGGING YOU TO REALISE THIS PLEASE
it really truly does have the same connotations to it as when people nowadays call fat women / hairy women “unfeminine” (which is obviously untrue), when this was absolutely not at all how people viewed womanhood in history, and stems from a much more ‘modern’ mindset that’s a direct result of our current social climate. fat + having volume to one’s body used to be seen as a clear indicator of good health and feminine fertility (nourishment => a very taurian trait!) and body hair was literally just so normal (being natural => another trait heavily linked to taurus!!!)
taurus, and every single one of the characteristics connected to the sign/archetype, is feminine >:I
#it used to make me feel so insecure whenever people would imply this because i've struggled with my femininity a lot & i'm a triple taurus#but my struggle with it was definitely caused by my aquarian ascendant... cause i've always FELT very feminine#but constantly worried that i didn't look the part... i used to get bullied very frequently as a kid for being 'unconventional' (aquarius)#which often translated to my physique (being tall & sticking out didn't help) so i had a very unhealthy relationship with my appearance#but i've done a lot of inner work and tended to those wounds for years ;o; and i feel a lot more comfortable in my skin now!!!!#(getting back to a healthy weight definitely helped as well ;w;)#so now whenever i hear people say this stuff i just feel kinda PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!#it's never coming from professional well-educated astrologers either it's always pop culture twitter users and such >:|#''masculine side of venus'' LIBRA!!!! THAT'S LIBRA!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HATE TO HEAR IT YOU REFUSE TO SEE IT BUT IT'S LIBRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#LIBRA IS AN AIR SIGN!!!!!!!!!! AND IT'S EVEN REPRESENTED BY THE SCALES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD IT CANNOT BE ''HYPER FEMININE''#AND YOU KNOW WHO GENERALLY NATURALLY AGREE WITH ME ON THIS?????? TAUREANS /AND/ LIBRANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#IT'S ONLY SHALLOW OUTSIDERS LOOKING IN WHO GENERALLY PREACH THE ''TAURUS = MASC & LIBRA = FEM'' BS#PPL WHO MOST OFTEN HAVE VERY BIASED & TAINTED VIEWS OF THE SIGNS DUE TO THEIR OWN EXPERIENCES WITH SOMEONE OF THAT SUN SIGN#AND WHO ARE ALSO INCAPABLE OF DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN ''FEMININE + MASCULINE ENERGY'' AND ''GENDER IDENTITY'' (BAD!!! BAD & INCORRECT!!!!!)#WHO'S STEREOTYPICAL VIEW OF FEMININITY EQUALS ''FRAIL & PASSIVE & (SOLELY) RELATIONSHIP-ORIENTED & MARTYRDOM & FRAIL BOUNDARIES''#I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#personal#rant#astrology is very dear to me i'm sorry for venting so much ;v; please excuse the excessive use of capslock as well#i promise it is not my ''extremely AGGRESSIVE and MASCULINE'' taurus placements' fault......................it's the mercury in aries HAHA#edit: i just realised the moon moved into aquarius literally a few hours ago LMFAOOOO EXPLAINS A LOT#of course i'd be going off with this transit
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autogeneity · 9 months
anyway I think someone advertising themselves as "neurodivergent, poly, queer" etc makes a great deal of sense. and certainly the reality of those traits do appeal to me perhaps even to a critical extent. likely they want similar. yet it feels like the fact of naming them is intended to appeal to someone who is not me. even when I am in theory those things. I probably am not in The Right Way
but with linked post in mind I am perhaps just being insecure about it?
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