#for most of the designs i tried to stay close to the colors of the original character but here they kind of stray from that
wheucto · 2 years
adr versions of everyone else on inanimate island + pickle
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kathaynesart · 1 month
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Took a bit of time to myself to finally sketch out my vision for Frida based off Andy Suriano’s Farewell. More design thoughts under the cut.
I know some were wary of her appearing too feminine, but honestly I enjoyed the challenge of finding a way to feminize the base turtle model and stay true to Andy’s wonderful design. I don’t want her to just look like her brothers in a show that embraces their differences.
The biggest thing I added to her design was an exposed heart. My own little twist inspired by a real life issue some turtles deal with as well as a fitting ode to the artist she is named after, Frida Kahlo, who often drew herself with her heart floating outside of her body. (And yes I made the creative decision to keep her heart at her center as with many turtles.)
This deformity occurred during her mutation where the sudden growth spurt tore open a hole at the seam of her plastron. She has survived as long as she has because of Big Mama who uses mystic wards to keep her heart physically safe and emotionally numb. If you look closely to her plastron in the show it’s not actually a natural body part but rather seems to be an attachment of her trench coat. Likely a false cover to hide her obvious weak spot (or at least that is my head canon!)
I love the idea of her and Donnie having something they can relate to and I’m sure he’ll be happy to design chest armor for her down the line once she’s free of Big Mama. Maybe someday I’ll figure out her full Mad Dogs outfit, but for now this is just her base and bandana.
As each of the boys embodies a shape, I found it all too fitting to have Frida’s be a heart. It’s honestly a cool shape that uses both rounded forms and sharp points, which I think would encapsulate her character well. Prickly on the surface but a softy deep down. I tried to find less typical ways of feminizing her. Sharpening her beak and digits while retaining the style of feminine eyes present in most of the female cast but matching it more closely to the unsettling shape of the eyes on her assistant’s mask.
Her markings are a color flip of Mikey’s, where as his are yellow spots with orange outlines hers are orange with yellow outlines. Coupled with her yellow eyes to match Donnie and Raph, it gives her this fiery vibe that I think still sets her far apart from Mikey.
The mask was honestly the hardest part. I love that it further accentuates her heart motif and made her more expressive, but just giving her the obvious bow and calling it a day did not sit well with me. I decided to try more of a high ponytail look, but I think it still needs some work. I’m pretty sure I like her with yellow though, both as a nod to Jennika and the idea of April giving her something of her own to help form the bond between the two.
Would love to flesh her out further but back to my usual stuff first.
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bookmaker-untaken · 3 months
your husband stays getting on your last nerve
Hayato Suo x Reader // Wind Breaker x My Happy Marriage AU
Summary: The first tranquil image of this man was highly misleading. Suo Hayato's calm facade hides a cheeky devil that loves to tease, and unfortunately - you are the perfect (blushing) target.
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Making Out, OOC!Suo, Probably (Look, I Tried), Non-Graphic Torture, Implied/Reference Abuse
Word Count: 4,106
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The man before you is the most beautiful you've ever seen.
He's leaning his cheek on his fist, a scroll rolled out over his lap. Cherry blossoms fly around the courtyard in a colorful tornado, some crossing the threshold and dotting the bright wood.
The wind rises to ruffle his brown hair.
"Hello," He croons. "Might you be my new wife?"
Your mouth feels dry. Everything - your fist, your jaw - is clenched tightly. "I- uh, yes."
His smile is polite, close - lipped, and his one eye is closed as well.
You can't read his face and it disquiets you.
"Lovely to meet you," He says. "I am Suo Hayato."
The first tranquil image of this man was highly misleading.
Suo Hayato's calm facade hides a cheeky devil that loves to tease, and unfortunately - you are the perfect (blushing) target.
You try to avoid them as much as you can, but it's not always enough.
Suo stares at you across the breakfast table. He's always watching, observing.
It freaks you out, warms your cheeks. "What."
He leans his chin on his palm. "You're cute."
"Huh!" You almost choke. How can he say such a thing so nonchalantly!?
The smile never leaves his face. "I just think your cute. I'm happy to have such a cute little wife,"
You are not little, or cute, but what comes out instead is, "I'm not your wife."
"Yet," He hums. "But you will be. And I, for one, am looking forward to it."
You cough. "Sure."
At least the maid, Yurie, does not share her young master's penchant for teasing. You were worried at first, not that you'd tell anybody, that she would dislike you as the maids at your house had.
To be wrong was a startling relief.
You have a few dreamless nights before the nightmares return.
In your dreams there are no monsters - only your mother and her mother, pelting you with subtle insults and ignoring your pleas.
You awaken in the middle of the night, eyes wet.
Unable to sleep, you start to make your way to the kitchen.
Across the courtyard, in an open door, sits Suo beside a kettle of tea.
His eye is closed and he seems tranquil, enjoying the cool night breeze on his face.
You retreat.
You will not allow him to see such weakness.
"I was asked to attend a banquet by my superior," Suo says. “I'd like you to come."
"Alright," You say, despite the very idea making your sick. Your mind flickers with candlelit dinners and thinly veiled insults.
“We should go shopping," Suo continues. "Your kimonos are from last season, aren't they?"
"I ... suppose," You shift awkwardly and hope he doesn't notice. Shopping, too, is an incredibly sore spot for you.
"Wonderful! It's a date!"
"D-date!" You jerk to attention. "It's not a date!"
"Why not?" Suo says, pout in his voice. "The two of us are going to do something fun together, aren't we?"
"It's just shopping! That's more like - a mission! Yes, a mission."
Suo seems to think for a second. "No, I like date better."
You scoff in disbelief.
The town is bustling, full of throngs of people moving to and fro like a rushing lake, some harking their wears, some enjoying the nice weather.
You stay close to Suo, careful not to get lost.
So close, you walk into his back when he stops.
"Hayato!" The person at the counter cheers. "And who is this?"
"My wife," Suo says easily.
"H-his fiancée!" You stutter.
"Same thing," He says. "This is Tsubaki. Their family has made kimonos for the Suos for generations, though I do prefer Tsubaki's unique patterns and eye for design."
Something about being preemptively called a Suo makes you cheeks warm despite yourself.
"What a flatter, am I right?" Tsubaki grins at you. "At your service!"
You give a polite nod. "Nice to meet you."
Fabric brushes against your shoulder and you turn to a kimono - a very expensive kimono, more expensive than anything you've owned - being held up beside you. "Hmm. No."
"Do you have any sort of patterns or colors you like?" Tsubaki asks. You realize too late that the question is directed to you.
You take your eyes from Suo to stare at them blankly. "Um?" Normally, your used to being told exactly what to wear, dressed up like a little doll at the mercy of others. "Surprise me?"
"Sure!" Tsubaki disappears further into the store.
Suo stands beside you, far too close. "Your in good hands. Tsubaki has excellent taste," You can feel the heat of his breath and lean away slightly on instinct. “I'm sure they'll find something amazing.”
"Okay," You say, trying to keep any hint of nervousness out of your voice.
“Though," He says, near the tips of your warming ears. "I'm sure you'll look wonderful either way."
You arch away from him. "Sure!"
Your thankful when Tsubaki comes around the corner. "What about this one? Would you like to try it on?"
You glance to Suo. "You can do whatever you wish," He says. "We'll probably end up buying a few, anyway."
You follow Tsubaki to the fitting room.
"Would you mind ... waiting outside, please?"
Tsubaki looks slightly confused. "Are you sure? It might be hard to get into some of them alone."
"I ... please."
"Of course."
In the mirror, you seem distorted. You're vaguely aware that you've seemingly gained some wight, a consequence of them feeding you well at the Suo household - but a potential target nonetheless. Your stretch marks ripple across your skin, shining lightly in the sunlight that sneaks though the top windows of the shop.
"It looks nice on you." Suo looks up when you walk out. "Do you like it?"
You pause. Do you? You don't know. "I -"
"You hesitated."
You slump, but go back into the fitting room.
Again you emerge, bashfully asking, "How about this one?"
"How about it?" Suo asks, seemingly fishing for an answer.
"No!" calls Tsubaki from the front of the store. "Not it!"
You return with the final kimono of the stack, padding your way out of the fitting room.
Suo's eye widens a fraction and he swallows.
You instinctively sink into yourself at the intensity of his gaze.
"Now we're getting somewhere!" Tsubaki says, bouncing over and turning you around. Looking between the two of you, they say, "Hey, this kimono is the same color as your eyes, Hayato!"
You look down, meeting the slightly hooded eye of your fiancée.
Tsubaki's right.
"What do you think ... Suo?"
Suo's eyes flicker up, then down once more. For not the first time, you wish he was easier to read. "We're taking that one home Tsubaki.”
You try on a few more Kimonos before waving goodbye to Tsubaki.
The sun has risen higher and the streets seem even more crowded, if that where even possible.
Suo takes your hand.
His hand engulfs your own - unnaturally cold, fingers long.
You stop in your tracks with a sound like a record scratching.
"I don't want to lose you, dear," He says, as if it's the simplest thing in the world.
"You don't need to hold my hand, though!"
"Of course I do." He says.
The two of you continue, stopping at one of the small stalls for a snack.
It drips down your hand and your eyebrows furrow as you debate licking it up. You feel Suo's eye on you. It would be unladylike.
Suo chuckles at your hesitation. "I'll go get napkins from the stall."
You nod, taking another bite of your food.
For a moment, you feel something... calm.
"Hello there, pretty lady."
The man looms over you, casting a long shadow.
"You seem to be enjoying that treat. How’s about we go into that alleyway and I give you another?"
"I-I'm waiting for my fiancée - " You force out tightly.
He looks down. “I don’t see a ring on that finger. Maybe if I got a closer look?"
He moves to grab your hand and you yank it away, but he's faster.
"Excuse me?" It's Suo's voice - but it's different.The teasing is still there, but his voice is lower. Colder. A dark growl. "Would you kindly unhand my wife?”
"S-suo- " Falls out of your mouth, and you hate how pitiful you sound.
The man turns his head, but you can’t see beyond his large stature. “That’s your man? Why not hang with a real man instead of pretty boy over there?”
Your throat constricts.
And then the man crumples, holding his arm and screaming. Spikes of ice, swirling with snowflakes, split his arm.
"Were my instructions unclear? I told you to get your hands off of my wife."
The man turns to Suo, panting. He starts to run at him, but Suo simply sidesteps the man, flipping him onto his back.
“Are you hurt?" He walks over to you and you shrink away on instinct. His lips quirk in a thin line.
He holds out a hand. "Can I see?"
Reluctantly, you extend your arm. He takes it gingerly, eye darkening at the blooming bruise.
"I'm alright," You find yourself saying, more for him than for you.
He sighs. "If I had been even a moment later, you might not have been."
"But you came."
Suo doesn't respond, eye swirling with unidentifiable emotions. He releases his gentle hold on your arm. "Let's go home."
When he takes your hand again, you don't argue.
You let out a sharp exhale of pain and bring your finger to your mouth, the salty taste blooming on your tongue.
You feel stupid standing in the Suo estate kitchen in an inappropriately fancy kimono over a boiling pot of water.
You'd never cooked alone before, so you didn't exactly know why you'd thought you should try it now. You could hear the low hiss of voices in your head, and you squeezed your eyes shut before opening them determined.
You would pay him back for his kindness.
You went to retrieve another bandage, returning to continue your clunky cuts.
The result was ... very ugly.
You were not going to serve this to Suo. Knowing him, he'd probably tease you for it. The voices were getting louder.
You weren't fit to be a wife -
"Hmm? And what might you be doing?"
You jerk. "Suo! I - " Your eyes dart around. You'd lost track of time, and now he was already home before you could disregard the evidence. The familiar heat warmed your cheeks.
"Could it be?" He moves smoothly into the kitchen, eye closed and smile curling. "My darling wife has made something for me?"
"No!" You squeak, heat crawling up to your ears. "Y-your mistaken! I was just tasting something - "
"Oh? Well, I'd like a taste, too. As you can imagine, I'm properly famished after a hard day's work."
You open your mouth to refute it but can't.
"...Go sit." You grumble.
"Hmm?" He leans forward slightly, and your chest pounds.
"Go sit!" You snap.
You concentrate on plating his food and setting it in front of him, before moving back. Your blush-darkened fingers hold on to the tray for dear life.
He raises the spoon to his mouth in a delicate, measured moment, chewing slowly. You want to scream.
"Delicious!" He says, grinning, taking another bite. "You did this by yourself?"
You don't meet his eyes. "Yeah. Yurie is busy enough," I don't want to be a burden, you don’t say.
"It's kind of funny looking - " He says, smile unchanging.
" - Why you - "
"But it's really good!"
"It's no big deal," You say, avoiding his eyes.
"Oh, yeah?" He says, eyes falling to your hands. You immediately try to hide them in the sleeves of your kimono. "I'm grateful to have such a loving wife."
"Just eat." You grumble.
The night of the bequest arrives faster than you'd anticipated.
You arrive stiff, but begin to loosen up when the plum wine begins to flow and your fiancée's fellow soldiers - Haruka and Akihiko - begin to regale you with tales of your husbands great skill and fortitude.
You commiserate with Haruka about how teasing he is, and Akihiko how mysterious.
"He is rather mysterious," You agree, laughing along.
During the night you feel a hand sneak it's way around your waist, you look up at Suo with a quirked eyebrow.
He doesn't smell drunk and he doesn't move his hand.
You blush all the way down to your fingertips.
"Alright," Suo says eventually. "It's time for me to take my darling wife home."
He leaves relatively quickly, tugging you by the wrist.
"Suo?" Your brows furrow. "Is something wrong? Suo?"
He doesn't answer. This increases your worry. What had you done wrong?
"... Suo?" He turns around then, stepping forward and caging you against the wall.
"You seem to be enjoying discussing how "teasing" and "mysterious" I am with my colleagues."
There's a different quality in his voice that you can’t read again, different still from that day in the market.
He is smiling, though.
"B-but you are!" You squawk in your defense, eyes darting around and quickly realizing you have nowhere to run.
"I'd tell you if you only asked,"
"Would you really?" You look up at him with something akin to hope.
His eyes dart down, and he looks as he's contemplating something. The tip of his tongue darts out to wet his bottom lip. "Yes."
"So - so - " You stutter when he gets closer. "Are you ... mad with me?"
His eyes dart to meet yours once more. "Mad with you?"
"It's just that we left so suddenly, and I didn't mean to embarrass you, if I did - "
Suo's lips claim yours and you freeze. They move hotly against yours and you struggle to keep up with the slow dance he's leading. All you can think to do is hold your shaking grasp on his kimono under his army uniform as he grasps you tightly by the waist and seems to try to eat you alive.
He runs his tongue along the seam of your lips, but you don't respond.
"Open," He murmurs, without breaking the kiss.
"Huh? Why - " But he's upon you again, tongue exploring your mouth as you quake against him. He finally pulls away connected by a translucent string, scanning your face - the tears gathering in your lashes, your scrunched nose, your kiss bruised lips.
He kisses down to your jaw, then nips.
"D-did you just bite me?" You stammer.
"Oh, love," He coos. "That was hardly a bite."
He presses more kisses to your neck and then bites, hard, and it draws a sound out of the back of your throat that mortifies you.
You want to melt into the wall. Your hand flies up to try to cover your mouth, but he catches you by the wrist - pinning it against the bricks.
"Uh uh. I want to hear," He says, biting down again.
You do, indeed, reward him with another sound that chokes into a gasp when his cooling tongue soothes over the bite.
He moves away, eyes falling to your lips once more.
"Oops!" Suo pulls away, a smug quality to his smile. "Got a bit carried away there, didn't I!"
You stare at him, wide eyed, heaving and disheveled. Your cheeks are on fire.
"Sorry, love," He says innocently, rubbing circles on your hip with his thumb, as if he hadn’t just kissed you senseless.
You can't meet his eyes. You don’t know what to say first, but what comes out: "D-did you have to bite me?"
"Oh?" He asks, eye glinting. "Absolutely."
You can't wipe this kiss ... er, well, kisses - from your mind.
It's all you can think about.
You feel like a silly school girl, unable to stop your mind from wondering to his darkened eye swimming with ... desire, you suppose.
You didn't know what you'd done to deserve such a look!
You weren't even a very good wife or anything!
Hell, until he'd kissed you like that - you'd never really known he'd ... you'd just thought you where to be married on paper and nothing more.
Ug, you could still feel his lips moving on yours.
You really hated this!
When you almost chopped your hand off again helping Yurie prepare a meal, you decided that you where going to confront him about this.
You stood in front of the door to his office.
You where going to confront him!
But ... how exactly?
What would you say?
You hear a familiar chuckle on the other side of the screen. "Are you going to just keep standing there, or are you going to come in?"
You, very ungracefully, slam the door open.
Suo smiles at you.
You stomp across the mat, sitting before him.
Your hands fidget in your lap, already starting to darken with a blush. "About - about the other day."
"You mean when I kissed you outside of the banquet?"
Despite your embarrassment, your happy he doesn't beat around the bush. "Yes. Um, why."
"Why?" He echoes, brow quirked.
"Yes, why."
He tilts his head. "Because I wanted to?" He says. "Can't I kiss my future bride?"
You slam your hand down. "Not like that you can't!"
"Did you like it?"
"I - " You stammer, eyes darting around.
"It's alright if you did," He coaxes.
"It ..." You shift. "Surprised me."
"Really? But I've been flirting with you this whole time!"
You squint at him. "You've been messing with me! You say weird things all the time! I never know when you’re joking or not!”
"I've been honest with you," He says. "Very honest. In fact, so honest I deserve another kiss."
"You can't just decide -! "
"Please?" He says. "If not now, then when? If I have to wait too long again, it's going to build up like last time - and I don't think you want that."
"Look!" You hold a hand out to stop him from approaching you. "You can do it again! Just ... less. It was a bit ... too much ..."
"Hmm," He puts a finger to his chin as if thinking. "You where shaking,"
"Shut up!" You snap.
You move forward on your knees to him with the intent of shutting him up but you falter half way when you catch him looking at you in that way again. It's intense, weighty.
"I - " You swallow. You gulp, looking down at his lips - you can feel his breath.
You will yourself to move.
"Young master, breakfast!" Yurie's voice chimes.
You fall forward into his lap and start to skitter backwards, but he catches your wrist.
"Oh! Is the mistress in there with you? Breakfast!"
"Coming!" Suo sings back, pressing his lips to the inside of your wrist as he looks up at you.
You quiver, looking down at him with wide eyes.
"Let's go eat," He says lowly. "Shall we?”
One minute your shopping with Yurie, and the next minute you are gone.
When you awaken, a familiar stands over you face stands over you. "Mother?"
The woman looks down at you. "Mother, what are you - "
"There was no there way."
"What-what do you mean?"
"That man - he wouldn't let us see you, even when we called the marriage off."
"What?" You ask, mind racing. "Why would you do that?"
She frowns. "I do not need to explain myself to you."
"But I - "
"What? Love him?" She laughs. "Do you think he loves you?"
You pause. Could he? You remember the kimonos, and how he held your hand so gingerly, and the the kisses he'd spared after the first one that always turned searing. Yurie had laughed at the two of you, murmuring something about young love to herself.
"He does." You say, steadfast.
Something in your eyes glints and your Mother turns away.
"Well. It matters very little."
Suddenly you remember that look in his eye that day in the marketplace - the icy chill in his voice.
"Mother," You say, and she looks at you. "For your safety, I would request you return me to Suo. I ... I don’t want him to hurt you.”
She laughs again. "Bluffing won't save you dear." Her laughing cuts off, eyes dull and exhausted. "Not even I can do that."
The room they keep you in is dark, undisturbed - until the man in a suit and fedora comes.
He hurts you, plain and simple.
Your parents had done many things, but they had never laid a hand on you. The pain is unfamiliar and hard to bear.
And after what could have been days or hours, something strange happens.
The man moves to hurt you again and it bounces off. He tries again and his attack slides off of the iridescent bubble once more.
He seems satisfied with this, sporting a toothy smile that could make milk curdle.
He goes for another blow, then seizes. Icicles sprout from his chest.
The temperature of the very room drops, freezing the tears on your cheeks.
Your savior comes into view, eye hard and merciless. Cold air streams from his lips.
"Suo ... " You rasp, lips quirking. You are too weak to smile.
He gathers you into his arms immediately, holding you against him. "I'm sorry I took so long to find you, my love. But I'm here now."
"Everything ... " Pain flickers across your face. "...Hurts..."
He's clutching you so tightly. “I know, my heart, I know."
"Hayato - " You say, and you feel him freeze against you. "Hayato, I - "
"Shut up." He grits out.
"But, I - "
"Won't die here. Keep your eyes open for me."
"But I'm so tired," You say. "And..."
"You won't leave me," He snaps. "I won't let you."
"I won't," You agree, eyes lowering. "Hayato, I - "
"Shut up!"
"I ... love you..."
Hayato is strange after that.
Both close and extremely far.
He stays silently glued to your side, even after he's sure your family is no longer powerful enough to take you from him, again, he still insists on coming with you to every shopping trip and excursion he can - asking you to postpone if otherwise.
He doesn't say those three words back.
You try not to be hurt about it, and continue on as normal as possible. Well, as normal as your injuries allow.
In time, your Mother's words begin to eat away at you.
Maybe you were mistaken after all.
You approach Hayato in the courtyard, taking a deep breath, saying his name.
He opens his eye to look up at you.
You take another deep breath, wring your hands. "I understand ... if after what my family has done - the grave insult they have caused ... if you do not wish to marry me anymore."
He looks truly taken aback, which would be funny in any other circumstance.
The brunt of his focus is heavy. "And if you left here? What would you do then?"
"I ... don't know," You admit, looking away. "But ... I wouldn't be a burden to you any longer."
"That's what you think I see you as?" He murmurs, more to himself than you.
You shift.
"Do you know," He asks, in a strangely hoarse voice. "Do you know how I felt when I saw you lying there? Beaten? Broken?"
You stay silent.
"It took everything in my being not to kill them all."
You glance to him and he's looking at you.
There is no remorse or regret in his eye.
"You don't deserve the love of any more monsters."
Your fists curl at your side. "You - you take that back."
His eye widens slightly at your tone.
“You - you saved me."
He starts to open his mouth, but you’re faster.
"I was afraid I was going to die there, all alone, in the dark, but you came for me!" You say, unshed tears in your eyes as you yell. "And you! You don't get to talk about the man I love like that!"
Hayato stays silent.
"And you - you love me too!" You accuse. "And you don't have to say it back, right now. Or at all, if you don't feel that way - ”
"I love you." He says, breathlessly.
"Oh," You says dumbly. "Oh."
His hands find your waist, pulling you into his lap. "Why do you sound so surprised? Didn't you say you knew?"
"Well, I wasn't - wasn't completely sure." You grumble. "And - and it's different hearing you - hearing you actually say it."
"I can say it again," He mummers, rubbing circles on your hip. "Until it becomes as natural as breathing."
You cover your face with your hands, wondering if your poor heart can take such a thing.
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ryanmarshallryan · 3 months
Pride Pool Party
Here is a vore story inspired by a scenario requested by @malebellyvore987
Nathaniel and Jonathan were having a lot of fun celebrating their first pride month together as boyfriends. They went to the local parade and watched all the fun floats go by, waving to their friends who were marching along among the floats. Nathaniel’s younger brother, Hector, had never been to a pride parade but had always wanted to go, so they let him tag along.
“I think Mario’s hosting a pool party sometime later today,” Jonathan mentioned to Nathaniel as they watched a gay men’s chorus march by blasting Chappel Roan, “did you wanna stop by for a bit? Maybe after we drop off Hector?”
Before Nathaniel could chime in, Hector who had been listening blurted out “Pool party! I wanna come!”
“Hector, this won’t be like one of your college frat parties,” Nathaniel responded, adjusting his sunglasses in the hot sun, “I think the dress code is speedos… or less.”
“C’mon we don’t have a pool, and it is soooo hot. I don’t have a problem with guys there assuming I’m gay,” Hector retorted.
“Yeah, but isn't this like your first pride? We don’t wanna overwhelm you too much,” Jonathan added.
“Guys relax, I can blend in. Anyways I’d spend most of my time under the water, not bothering anybody…” Hector replied, now beginning to pull his sweat drenched shirt off over his head, “but I’ll let everyone enjoy the view.”
“Gross,” Nathaniel joked when Hector revealed his skinny toned frame. Someone on a float whistled at him and Hector spun his shirt around over his head in response.
After making their way back through the crowds and taking the subway, they found their friend Mario’s apartment complex and headed over to the secluded pool area. 
The scene had been decked out in the vomit of a rainbow monster. Multi-colored streamers adorned the fence. A rainbow-sequined fabric was strung up near a box of props for photo taking. The pool was littered with rainbow and pool donuts, and the snack table was arranged as well with donuts adorning rainbow designs. Hector admired some particularly lewd posters hanging by a changing area, and saw a caption underneath that read like “Made by an actual, full-time gay man, not but some money hungry conglomerate that showers the world in rainbows only one month a year.”
Nathaniel and Jonathan found their way into a changing area, visited with Mario and chatted a bit, then dove into the pool to cool off for a bit and socialize with the other swimmers. Jonathan began to remark “where’s Hector,” when they saw a flash above their heads as Hector jumped over them in only his underwear and did a cannonball in the center of the crowd.
“Well, there’s your answer,” said Nathaniel, wiping water out of his eyes.
Hector stayed true to his word and began exploring under the water to get out of the heat. At one point he came up to Jonathan and Nathaniel and whispered, “I’ve never seen so many yahoos in my life!”
“Yahoos? You sound like you're twelve,” Nathaniel replied.
“Hector, maybe don’t stalk guys' junk from under the water,” Jonathan added, “It’s kinda weird.”
“Only admiring, don’t worry,” Hector said, then pointing to a guy across the pool, “He’s been doing it, too.”
“I think I’m gonna go dive into the pool,” Nathaniel said, searching for an excuse to leave this uncomfortable conversation. 
Hector nodded goodbye, then went off jumping back underwater and splashing nearby swimmers who were caught off guard.
Nathaniel closed his eyes and took a deep breath and tried to convince himself that everything was going great, willing the universe to not let his brother mess up his pride pool party day. Apparently the universe had other plans. For the moment Nathaniel opened his eyes and lept head first to dive into the water, he saw a slim figure approaching from the depths of the pool, that was not his reflection.
It happened very quickly. Hector, who had been playing around sitting on the bottom of the deep end, then coming up for air at the last second, zoomed to the surface and opened his mouth as wide as he could to take in a big gulp of air. But instead he got a face full of his brother, Nathaniel, who slammed hard into the back of his throat, and kept sliding down with astonishing speed into his rapidly expanding stomach. Nathaniel felt his arms crumple against his body, as he was forced to curl up, tightly encased in the balloon of his brother’s stomach. Hector, had the wind knocked out of him from the unexpected gulp of Nathaniel, and experienced a short period of shock as he tried to suck in air but could not pull down his diaphragm. 
Jonathan swam over, planning to greet Nathaniel in the pool, and wiped the water out of his face to find Hector, who was now wheezing with his torso under the water.
“Hector, are you okay? Did you swallow a bunch of water or something?” Jonathan asked, concernedly.
Hector tried to respond but was still too out of breath to form words. But a guttural, mumbled and grumbling sound issued out of his throat. Hector took one more deep breath and opened his mouth to speak, but instead found another voice issuing from out of his throat saying, “Oh he swallowed something all right!”
Jonathan looked down in surprise. He assumed the large view of Hector’s gut was simply an illusion of the light refracting in the water. He plunged under the water, opened his eyes to the stinging chlorine, and put his ear to Hector’s deformed and distended belly, which was forming the exact shape of his boyfriend in fetal position. He could hear frustrated grunting.
“Hector, you ate my boyfriend? You ate your brother?” Jonathan yelled in confusion.
Hector replied with a sheepish, toothy smile to show apology. “In my defense he literally dove down my throat,” Hector replied, now rubbing his tight gut.
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“Regardless of how it happened, it’s time to get him out. Right now,” Jonathan tried to push on Hector’s stomach, but ended up just pushing Hector through the water to the shallow end. Swimmers they passed by stopped the conversation to gaze at the unexpected view of the tight man-filled belly emerging out of the water. “Nothing to see here people, unless you got some emetic drugs or something.”
Jonathan got Hector up against a wall of the pool and continued pushing, but that just made Nathaniel more uncomfortable, and as he tried to wriggle around to avoid being squeezed too hard by the stomach and added pressure of Jonathan’s hands, Hector moaned in discomfort as his insides were pressed tightly against his spine to make room for the comparatively gigantic mass in his gut. 
Next, Jonathan made Hector open his mouth wide again, and tried to shove his arms down Hector’s throat to grab Nathaniel and pull him out. This not only did not work, it had the opposite result, as Hector’s peristalsis kicked in and he began swallowing Jonathan as well.
Jonathan had just enough time to yell “I need a big strong bear to pull me out of this!!!” before his head was sucked in along with his arms into Hector’s powerful esophagus. 
By the time the bears had been summoned, Jonathan was up past his groin into Hector’s mouth and throat, and his arms and head had reached the stomach. Jonathan and Nathaniel got closer than they ever got before as they were crushed between Hector’s clammy stomach walls, with tingling stomach acid and sweat making it difficult to grip onto one another.
One of the bears reached his arms around the slender waist of Hector from the back and picked him up, with pressure on the lower half of Hector’s belly. Two other bears grabbed hold of Jonathan’s legs, which only the lower half of were showing outside of Hector’s mouth. Mario came over too and started chanting “1… 2… 3… Heave!!!” over and over again. LIttle by little, inch by inch, they pulled Jonathan’s body back out of Hector’s maw. Jonathan was trying his best to hold tight to Nathaniel, but as his head made it past Hector’s face, he felt his hands slipping. Luckily one of the bears noticed, grabbing onto Nathaniel’s wrist and pulling with a great might. 
Once Nathaniel and Jonathan were freed from Hector’s surprisingly powerful and durable stomach, the lot of them waded in the water with the bears, all catching their breath. The guys thanked the bears, who thanked them for an unexpected and interesting experience. One of the bears tickled Hector’s belly and joked that the little’s stomach was much bigger than his eyes it seemed. The other bear that had held Hector from the back gave Hector a slap on the butt, and swam on.
The last of the bears admired Nathaniel and Jonathan saying, “Hey if you two ever wanna have fun inside a gut that’s actually roomy enough to hold both of you, send me a message.” He pulled a sticky note pad and a pen out of his pocket and wrote his number down twice and gave it to each of them. The bear gave them a wink, and swam backwards, letting his belly rise above the water, looking like a whale coming up for air.
“How did that guy have a dry piece of paper in his pocket?” Jonathan asked.
“Honestly a lot of surprising things happened today and that’s the least of my concerns,” Nathaniel replied.
Jonathan held the paper up out of the water to avoid getting it wet, “Well, it could be fun to try something new.”
Mario dove into the water next to them and came to chat. “All right, Hector? Maybe refrain from eating these lads in the future,” he said, patting Jonathan and Nathaniel on the backs, “but if I run into any willing meals I’ll send them your way,” he said with a wink.
“Oh, no, that was all an accident, I didn’t mean to - wait, there are guys willing to - ” Hector began.
“Thanks so much for hosting, Mario. Sorry for my brother. He gets nervous and starts stress eating in crowds,” Nathaniel cut him off.
“No I don’t! Don’t make me - “ Hector began again.
“Well don’t just be food, come eat some! We’ve got a great buffet over by the changing rooms. And I mean eat as much as you can, I do not have the fridge space for all of this,” Mario implored them.
“I think I know a guy who could definitely help with that,” Nathaniel said, just before playfully punching Hector in the gut. “Race ya,” and they were off to the buffet to fill their bellies, and enjoy the rest of the pride pool party.
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boozenboze · 1 year
Take A Sip But Don’t Spill It TF 141 x Male reader Summary:After joining the Military at 16, and becoming an irreplaceable hacker, M/n ended up leaving the Military after an incident with his old team. 4 years had passed since then and the man had acquired a job at a well known bar in a downtown area. During the 141’s mission, they were in need of a hacker due to the new mission they had been called to. After a lot of digging, Laswell was able to find the location of the once known soldier who went by Tech.
Fun fact: M/n (you) joined the Military at the same age and time as Gaz :)
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Females She/Her and She/They DNI
“Hey can I get another shot over here!” A voice rang through the bar as the bartender approached. His fancy attire made his e/c eyes pop under the mood lights throughout the bar. The man poured the shot before returning to the main area where he would greet people. The man wiped of a few tables when a woman walked in, she had blonde hair and blue eyes. The h/c haired male then went to the front and stood inside the cocktail lounge.
“Hello what can I do for you today?” The man asked as he grabbed a glass.
“Yeah can I get a shot of whiskey and vodka mixed together?” The blonde asked as the h/c haired man looked at her confused
“Ma’am I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The server said looking the woman in the eye. “Mixing a dark and a clear liquor together will make you feel s-“
“Just give me the drink.” The woman cut the server off looking annoyed
The server was heavily annoyed but went ahead and made the drink. He gave the drink and the woman put her payment on a tab. She walked away and went by a group of girls who seemed to be her friends. The server sighed while preparing some more glasses to be put to use.
“You said that he’d be here Laswell.” Price questions, skeptical if they had come to the right place. Soap and Gaz looked at the fancy looking building with sparkles in their eyes. Laswell and the 141 had been searching for a certain someone. M/n 'Tech' L/n, ex hacker and very skilled man. He was the best in his time, being the same age as Gaz when he joined the Military. He gained his code name because of his skills, and his fast working coding. That's the purpose of the 141 and Laswell being where they are now. After a lot of digging, Laswell learnt that Tech had a job at a popular bar.
“To say this guy was in the military, it’s quite shocking that he works at a place like this.” Gaz said as Soap chuckled
“Maybe he’d give us a discount.” The Scot replies playfully as Ghost sighed at their antics.
“Listen up, we came here for one thing, we convince this guy to help us, get into those bastards system and go our separate ways. Clear?” Price said as he looked at everyone with a serious demeanor.
“Yes sir.” The men and Laswell then made their way inside. The place had a nice interior and exterior design, you wouldn’t have thought it was a bar.
“This place looks fancy…” Gaz said as he looked at all the neon lights that’s changed color every so often. The smell of liquor and beer was the most prominent scent and it gave them all an itch to have a drink.
“Ok let’s split up, I’ll go by myself, Gaz and Price you two stay together. Ghost and Soap, same to you.” Laswell said as she looked at them all.
“Yes ma’am.” Soap said sarcastically as he began walking in another direction, Ghost followed close behind him. Gaz and Price moved to where some of the seats were before sitting down. They tried to look like any regular guests, not wanting to foil their current task.
Laswell approached the bar, seeing at least 2-3 bartenders at work. She was looking for a specific man, with h/c hair and e/c eyes. She approached a stool and sat down, waiting to see who would serve her. A good 8 minutes went by before a well dressed bartender approached. His suit looked fresh and crisp, having no wrinkles whatsoever. His h/c hair was well kept, and looked neat as well.
“Welcome to ******* I will be your server for today.” The man asked as he wiped off the inside of a glass before placing it down. He didn’t look at her until he placed the glass down and looked up. A look of surprise could be seen on his face upon seeing Laswell.
“Um…what can I get for you..?” The man said, shock still on his face as he approached the bottles.
“Just a beer would do.” Laswell said as she watched the h/c haired male prepare the beer. He looked pretty calm to say the least, but shock was still clear on his face.
“How’ve ya been M/n?” Laswell questions as she took a sip of the beer. Her eyes locking with M/n's e/c eyes, as he let out a chuckle.
"Alright...for the most part, people here can be quite shitty. But hey, I digress, how have you been Kate?" M/n asked as he looked at the dirty blonde woman. Laswell smiled at him but her facial expression turned full blown serious as she looked at the ex-soldier.
"I'd be fine...if the enemy wasn't stealing information from the Military's data base." Laswell said while looking M/n dead in the eye. M/n looked at her in shock and confusion, if that was happening right now why was she at the bar. Shouldn't she be working on finding the fuckers who were stealing their intel?
"Kate...shouldn't you be working on finding the bastards, and not be drinking at the pub?" M/n asked as he took Laswell's finished glass of beer before setting it aside and crossing his arms. The veins in his arms and hands were visible and those who were close enough to see were drooling over him.
"I have located them..., but we need a guy who has had experience with coding and well, hacking." Laswell said as she looked M/n in the eye. The e/c eyed man looked nervous now, was she trying to recruit him into the mission?
"I-uh Laswell i'm not in the military anymore.." M/n said as he walked to the employees only room. Laswell followed close behind him and grabbed him by the shoulder, making him turn around.
"You can be, plus M/n there's a 50% chance that this mission won't go smoothly without you, I know you've been off the field for 4 years but that doesn't change the fact that you used to be a soldier. A great one at that." Laswell said to M/n trying to convince him, "I know that somewhere in that stubborn head of yours Tech is still there, and that your skills are something you of all people could never lose."
"Laswell I-" M/n was cut off by Laswell saying
"We need you M/n."
M/n looked at her for a few moments before going inside of the employees only room. Laswell stood there, now hearing some approaching footsteps behind her. The rest of the group were now standing behind her, wanting to know what was happening.
"So..what'd he say?" Soap asked as he looked at Laswell, his gaze occasionally shifting to the door that M/n had walked through.
"Nothing, i'm just waiting to see if he'll consider helping us.” Laswell said as she stared at the door with hope in her eyes. M/n walked out the room with a bag that contained his laptop and a few other gadgets.
“Alright, hurry up so we can get this done…” M/n’s voice dragged when he saw the 4 men behind Laswell
“I-Uh…who are they?” M/n asked as his gaze shifted between the men and Laswell. He was quite interested and also intimidated by the me.(Mainly Ghost)
“Task Force 141, but you can introduce yourselves later we have a mission to do.” Laswell said as she looked between M/n and the others. She could see the way Soap was staring at Tech’s attire, and even the others had to admit that the s/c skinned male looked good.
“Eye’s on the target, get in position.” Price said as he looked through the scope on his sniper. He had his eyes on the main man that they were after, the same guy who had been stealing their intel. Gaz and Soap were inside, hiding and making their way through the building. They took down any enemies that would possibly get in their way as they kept moving. Ghost and Tech were on the rooftop, Tech doing what he did best as Ghost sat their sniping down any enemies that were getting to close to Soap and Gaz.
The sound of typing could be heard as Tech hacked into the buildings systems. He shut the lights off in the lower half of the building and short circuited the automatic doors. Tech worked fairly quickly as he began messing with the computer bases that the enemy was using. Every time Tech hacked into the enemies devices they would get flashed by a bright light that stunned them for a period of time.
“You seem pretty good at that Tech.” Gaz said over his radio as he did a takedown move on an enemy.
“I’m in the zone right now don’t disturb me.” Tech said as his fast typing remained the same. Ghost glanced over at the other man who was still nicely dressed. Tech had insisted that he’d be alright without any proper gear, considering that he wouldn’t be getting close enough for the enemy to be able to shoot and try and attack him.
Something that had immediately attracted Ghost to Tech was his hands. Tech may not have been taller than Ghost himself but the veins in Tech’s fast moving hands were something Ghost failed to not look at.
The mission was coming to an end, Soap and Gaz had cornered the main man behind all the stolen info, and they were now detaining him.
“Nice job sergeant.” Ghost said as he looked over at Tech who had shut down his computer. The man stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles, his veins popping out more as he did.
Ghost found himself staring at Tech’s hands for far to long before saying.
“You work out a lot?” Ghost asked as he and Tech made their way down the building that they had set up on.
“I do, not that much though. I usually just do it to stay toned ya know?” Tech said as he and Ghost descended the buildings stairs. Ghost hummed, realizing that he usually didn’t make small talk with people he didn’t know. Tech must have been different from most if he somehow got Ghost wanting to talk to him.
The two then stuck to silence as they went to regroup with the others.
“You did good out there M/n, great job.” Laswell complimented as she walked to M/n’s side.
“Heh, thanks….Laswell.” M/n responded nervously as he sat in the back of the truck that they had arrived in. Gaz was driving, listening in on Tech and Laswell’s conversation.
“Imagine how this thing would’ve ended if we didn’t have your help mate.” Gaz said as he looked at Tech through the rear view mirror.
“What made you quit anyway?” Soap jumped in, looking at Tech with curiosity in his face and tone.
Tech was now quiet, as if he had been sworn to silence as to way he drafted from the Military. The tension in the truck was high, so…thick to the point that it could be cut with a knife. Price cleared his throat, attempting to break the silence as he glanced over at Tech who was now holding his pistol. He seemed to be relishing how he used to always use the gun before his sudden departure.
“So uhh….would you like to join again? The Task Force I mean.” Price questions, his voice holding a serious tone while he continued to look at the road before them. The sound of the ac and the tires were again the loudest thing.
“I mean…I don’t know. I’ve been off the field for 4 years now…” Tech said as he glanced outside of the window. He recalled the day of the incident in full detail. Having endured 5 gunshot wounds, and still having the spirit to finish hacking the enemies lockdown system so he and his team could escape. You could have imagined how betrayed and hurt he was when he heard his team talk and execute on the plan of leaving him behind. That was something that stuck in the back of his mind since he left, and the fact that Price was trying to offer him a spot in the Task Force scared him a bit.
“You’d be a great addition to the team, and, look I don’t know what happened back then that made you quit but guess what.” Price said as he sat up and glanced at everyone in the truck, all of them besides Tech knowing what he was about to say.
“No one fights alone.” Price concluded, earning a nod from everyone in the truck besides Tech. The words seemed to have struck something in Tech as his eyes lit up for a moment.
Even if the words were or weren’t true, they did instill some type of hope in Tech’s spirit. He now had a choice to make.
Join the Task Force 141 or Don’t
A/n-Heyy…. How y’all doin? Expect to see more of me again 😁😅. Also HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BITCHES 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️⚧🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗
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unreliablesnake · 2 years
How would Ghost and König react to seeing your huge makeup collection for the first time when you’re off-duty together?
You don’t wear makeup at work, even if you go out for a drink before going home, you just use some mascara and maybe a very slightly pink colored lipgloss. Since you haven’t met outside of work yet, they have no idea how dedicated you are.
When you show up in the restaurant, you wear full makeup. Nothing dramatic, but it makes you look completely different. He can barely take his eyes off of you, because you look so good.
He makes sure you get home in one piece, secretly hoping you would invite him in. When you do, he can’t hide his smile, and he pulls you into a kiss the moment the front door closes.
In the morning he wakes up before you and he takes a good look around the room from the bed where he sat up. He notices the big makeup vanity set by the window and wonders how full it is. You can do makeup, that’s clear after the previous night.
“Morning,” you purr as you get on your knees and wrap your arm around his torso while you rest your head on his shoulder.
Simon smiles at you and kisses the crown of your head. “Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?” You mumble something against his skin without looking up. “Can I ask you something?”
Finally you look up, eyes mirroring a mixture of confusion and worry. “Is something wrong?”
“What? No! I was just looking at the makeup vanity and wondered what’s in there,” he says with a reassuring smile.
None of the women he dated before had such a thing in their homes. Sure, they had makeup, but they usually kept it in the bathroom or somewhere hidden from his eyes. You seemed to be putting a lot of effort into your looks, especially if this vanity is more than just a design choice.
“Wanna take a look? Come on, I’ll show you,” you say with a wide grin as you get out of bed and hold out your hand for him.
Without hesitation Simon grabs it and climbs out of bed as well. You open the drawers, revealing so many products that he’s beginning to wonder how you managed to fit them in there. He doesn’t even know what half of those are for.
“Foundations, concealers, and primers are stored on this side, eyeshadow palettes and eye liners are here, lip pencils, lipsticks and lipglosses are over there, blushes and highlighters–”
“You lost me here,” he interrupts you, picking up a shiny powder to take a closer look at it. “Do you really use all of these?”
“It depends on my mood and the occasion,” you reply with a smile.
He tries to understand it, he really does, but even though you explained him the use of highlighters, he just couldn’t understand it and barely remembered a thing.
Instead of trying to understand it, he just enjoys seeing the excited look on your face whenever you buy something new, and he even buys you some products as a surprise–although you’re always there to choose what you want.
He first learns about your collection when he watches you get ready after the first night you spend together. You agree to go for a walk then visit a museum, so you decide to put on some makeup. “Just to look good as your side piece,” you joke.
Whenever you reach for the products, he keeps asking what they are, why you use them, and most importantly, he pays attention to how you use them.
As you get closer with time, he begins to ask you to put on some makeup even when you’re not going anywhere. He loves seeing you do it, and he loves to compliment you even more. A part of him is convinced that you wouldn’t stay with him if he didn’t take any chance he got to compliment you in some way.
“You look stunning, bunny,” he whispers into your ear as he shows you a necklace. “Mind if I put this on you?”
You turn your head to look at him and flash a smile at the man. “It’s beautiful, thank you,” you say before giving him a quick kiss, leaving a lipstick mark on his cheek. “Let me wash your face,” you say with a laugh.
“Let it stay there,” he mumbles as his lips capture yours in a passionate kiss. “It feels like you just marked me as yours.”
“If you put it this way,” you begin with a quiet giggle before kissing his chin, the tip of his nose, his forehead, and any body part that you can reach from there.
These moments are incredibly precious to him, when you let him know you love him, that you don’t want him to leave. Because he wants to stay, he desperately wants to be by your side for the rest of your lives.
“I love you,” you whisper against his lips.
He couldn’t help but smile. “I love you too,” he says.
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sytiart · 1 year
This is a little personal project i've started early this year. A full Asura house! I wanted to practice with interiors since i do have a job dealing with them but not dealing with the design part.
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What i noticed is that designing the spaces is hard, really. It's not just about filling the rooms with items, that's kinda straight forward. But designing the actual spaces was a problem for me and a carefull look can spot several problems :'D
But i decided it was ok, I was more interested in the final look and I had fun with all the tiny items in the rooms.
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I had fun inking. Even if it was an endless process and it really got me tired ad the end. But i'm satisfied by looking at the b&w lines!
In the final version, each line was coloured. First, with a trick to bulk color them. And then manually, where it was necessary. The final result is a bit messy if you zoom 100% but it works just fine at web-sizes.
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I decided to publish the final version as a small file for reasons u_ù buuut this doesn't stop me from doing close-ups! I also posed the asura inside according to the light source, it was fun ;3
Overall, I tried to stay faithful to Asura designs, taking lots of ingame references and designing extra items based on them (like the bath tub (even if I think an asura would rather bathe with a little golem model rather than a quaggan one xDDD). That was the most fun part! I love asura culture being so tribal (inca-like, stone and garish textiles) and yet full of advanced magitech. That's the very first thing that won me over to the master race ;DDD
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kunikukitty · 4 months
✐ Always An Artist, Never The Muse
Scaramouche/Wanderer x Fem!reader
xi. covet
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The last time you held a pencil was a couple of months ago, and it was used for shading your answers in exam.
You prepared yourself mentally before going here, yet you really cannot run away for too long.
You thought that messaging Mona would atleast ease your nerves, but it's no use, you're still overwhelmed. Being inside an art studio where you're surrounded by different types and brands of mediums is surely taking a toll on your mind.
You're tempted to pick up something, whatever it is, anything could be used to create strokes and form a shape.
But you can't. The materials not being yours is one thing, but the fact that it might cause you to actually give up on art. Because yes, you still have hope, you are still wishing for that talent to magically come back to you, just not yet.
You remember the times of your frustration. A blank paper awaits in front of you to be filled with yet another masterpiece. With a flick of your wrist, you guided your pencil to leave an ink behind. You did it a few more times, but it's not turning out good.
Erase, draw, erase and draw.
The lines ain't making sense, the paper is almost ripped due to the continuous erasing. You're beginning to lose your patience, the image in your head is turning blurry. The more you try to correct the mistake, the worse they get. It is the only thing you're capable of doing, so you have to finish it. You cannot fail.
Silly you thought it was just an artblock, and you told yourself that you cannot have that now. You have to fight it. You have to create something. You did not allow yourself to rest until you manage to draw something pretty.
You tried, tried and tried again and again. Until your hand stopped moving and your creativity dried up.
You remember how your wrists, fingers, and inside your head feels like there's something so itchy internally that you cannot soothe.
"What are you doing?"
You were surprised that you almost let out a gasp. You looked over to the door to see Scaramouche looking at you with a raised eyebrow. "I suggest not to steal anything, I have all of my materials memorized."
The gasp now left your mouth. "Are you accusing me of thievery?!"
He simply shrugged, and when he put down something that's when you noticed he's holding a tray, with food in it.
"Wow, I didn't expect you're the type to give food to your guests."
"Yeah, right? Shocking. Especially to you? I'm too kind." He rolled his eyes at you. "Quick. Eat now so we can start."
"Oh wait, you mean... you'll paint me eating?"
"You just confirmed my assumption of you. You're pretty stupid." He remained indifferent while you glare at him. "I told you I'm too kind, didn't I? I'm letting you eat before making you stay still."
'Oh yes, of course of course...' you muttered irritably under your breath as you walked towards the table where he placed the tray. He managed to hear them, even heard his name being cursed—a predictable response from you, really.
Nonetheless, you're thankful. Although you aren't on good terms(but not really much on bad terms either) with each other, he still prepared something for you. He can choose not to, but he did. Not to mention, you are indeed hungry right now.
You look at the plate and it's a... jelly? Transparent too, but you can't make out what's inside. The most dominant color is light brown, and theres some orange, yellow, white— maybe it's a gelatin cake? You've only seen those in videos, where they decorate floral designs and whatnots inside the gelatin. This jelly is not as pretty, though.
You took the spoon he prepared and sliced a small piece, and the texture inside interests you. The spoon glides easily unto it yet at the middle part it gets a little hard— and inside the brown part is white. You took a closer look by bringing the spoon close to your face, the closeness made the scent of it go through your nostrils.
By the look of it, it seems like a— wait... is that...
"Is this meat??? Inside a jelly?!" You were appalled. Is this a joke? Is this a prank? Your eyes are wide open as you looked at him, stunned.
"What?" He clicked his tongue as he shook his head. "That's a traditional snezhnayan dish, kholodets. How rude of you to react that way."
Wait, what? "Oh." You calm yourself. Right, you're in a different country, their cuisine is different from your homeland. Now you feel bad from reacting like that, it's no different from his earlier statements about blind people, you think.
Not wanting to stoop down his level, you fixed your composure and sat straight. "Right, sorry." you say with seemingly matured tone, putting the spoon down.
"I even chose carefully what to serve you, especially after I heard from Caps that you're a picky eater." He said, shaking his head and clicking his tongue again repeatedly. He looked so disappointed, too.
You may dislike him, that's true, but you're a person with morals. You don't like upsetting people unless you're purposely doing so.
So took the spoon again in your hand, the little piece still in the scoop, then you brought it into your mouth.
Your eyebrows contort in disgust as you taste the unfamiliar food. Boiled meat with meaty jelly, complex seasoning and unusual flavor— you don't understand. The jelly... is it supposed to be the broth? It doesn't go well, in your opinion. Disturbing, for you.
Amidst your evaluation of the taste, your ears caught on a quiet chuckle.
You turn your head, only to see Scaramouche looking down at you as if belittling you.
"So it's true," he starts, "for foreigners, kholodets is unappetizing at first glance. I really thought you wouldn't give it a taste, but you did. How surprising."
The face you make is that of someone who just got betrayed. He doesn't even look like a snezhnayan himself! You forced to swallow the bits in your mouth, "You..!"
The remaining chance for your relation with him to be amended is completely gone now. How dare he? You regret playing nice with him. Men are truly atrocious beings. How can Capitano even tolerate this guy?
You're utterly shock. And how did the fucker react now? Giggling, like an ass. He looks too amused, in fact.
While he's in a laughing state, you took the time to drink water.
"Glad to give you fun. Didn't know you're so childish."
He shrugged, unaffected. "You won't eat anymore?"
His sarcastic smile is annoying you. You really shouldn't had agreed to this. "It was so delicious Im already full at first bite. Thank you very much."
You watch him take a round brush and sit sit on the stool with the canvas im front of him. He looked at you, "Come on." he said, pointing at the other stool.
You rolled your eyes before obeying. "Pose?"
"Arms up."
"Fuck you."
He chuckled again and you're beginning to dislike the sound of it. "Try Mona Lisa's."
You crossed your legs elegantly and straighten your back. You faced left a little, mimicked her hands in your memories, and... should you smile too?
"Is Da Vinci your fave artist?"
You want to slap your mouth at this very moment. That was out of instinct, you guess. You like asking artists you meet their favorite historical artist— well, before.
No, it's alright. Knowing Da Vinci is a basic knowledge, even non-artists knows that. You shouldn't think too much.
"What if I say it's Picasso?"
You don't know how to react to his answer. Would it be obvious that you're an (ex) artist if you react as if you know?
You remember how confused Itto was when he learned that not many artists like Picasso. He's dumb though... but still!
Should you act confused too? Should you act knowledgeable?
You glanced at his artworks on the wall with your peripheral vision, who could he be inspired of? However, when you looked at him again, he's paying attention to his canvas.
Maybe he doesn't care. Good, good. Stay that way.
Wait... His hand is moving. He started now, yet he hasn't told you to smile yet, should your expression remain fierce?
Okay, now you're nervous again. Does your face look asymmetrical? Can he see the texture of your face at this distance? The corner of your eyes do not have gound, right? You want to lick your lips but you're not sure if you should move. It's not chapped, right? You only applied light make up, it's not too much, right?
"Relax." You heard him say. It felt like you were allowed to breathe again.
Right, right. Relax. This is another one of your reasons why tou dislike being a muse, you feel awkward! What are you so nervous of, anyway? This man, asshole one at that?
He doesn't deserve your kindness anyway. You may make funny faces to tick him off, you couldn't care less.
Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes. You don't know how much time passed but you guess the painting is going smoothly. It doesn't seem like he's struggling nor does he look stressed.
But what matter is... how long is this going to take?!
You, personally, it takes so much time to finish a painting. Hell— you don't think you were able to finish a piece in just one day.
"Can't you just take a picture of me?"
Not being able to move too much is annoying for most people, you're not an exception. You're an impatient person, too. And you're still on a stool, too!
One word, tiring.
"That defeats the purpose."
Your eyes narrowed and your lips curled inwards. "Everything has evolved, we're in modern world."
"Besyashchaya devushka." You didn't understand what he muttered under his breath. "Shut up and stay still, fix your expression."
There's no point in convincing him, you realize.
Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes. Being in this room is surely annoying. The emotions you've been trying to reject ever since you step foot in here is resurfacing much stronger now. Especially now that you have nothing to distract yourself and there's an artist painting in front of you.
You miss it— holding a brush, the feeling of relaxation when the process is going well, the challenge of drawing the reference...
You miss all of it. You want to paint again.
"Fix your expression."
You were taken aback of his words. He noticed the slightest change, he must be really paying attention. Artists are truly amazing, aren't they?
Scaramouche. That's his name, right?
He's rich, he can buy as many materials a he like. Based on this studio; he can sculpt, paint, draw with charcoals, color with different types of mediums.
This could've been your life too if you didn't stop drawing, you think. But no. He's much more capable and skillful.
Come to think of it, you never even hang your works on the walls of your house. You don't even have many finished artworks, and the finished ones aren't that beautiful.
You heard him click his tongue. "I told you to fix your expression, don't I? If you're eager for this to be done as soon as possible, then do as I say."
"When did you began to draw?"
"None of your business." He glared at you, "Look, if you have time to kill, waste is somewhere else. Don't start a chitchat with me, I don't have all day."
Wow. Now he's the one annoyed, when he was the one who wasted time earlier by making you eat something he know you wouldn't like? He's funny.
Five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes. After a while, it was done. You checked the time and it has only been two hours and a couple of minutes that passed ever since he started.
That was fast.
"Can I see it?" When he nodded, you immediately approached the painting.
Honestly, you were expecting it to be a little messy in style with some defined parts since it was just done in two hours. But the painting is a perfect copy of you, as if he took a picture of you. The only blurred part is the background, and your entire image is refined. He caught everything in perfect precision.
Is this even humanly possible? Two hours is too short for this.
You take back what you thought earlier. This could've been your life too? You wanted to laugh at yourself. Compared to him, your level is way too low— even if it's the you from before.
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taglist. @veekoko @aeongiies @featuredtofu @kodzusmiles @magica-ren @feiherp @beriiov @hiraethhv @kleej @eutopiastar @keiiqq @bananasquash @kuniisvt @tamikahoshiko @scaraenthusiast1 @sketcheeee @xxrougefangxx @luciledreamz @icomeheretolaughnottofeel @sereniteav @lily-lmao @h3xi2g0n3 (i cant tag those in bold)
note. i searched the worst rated russian food and interviewed some russians for this okay, don't come at me (for this ill share something in my country that foreigns would find disgusting— a cup of coffee poured in rice!)
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Jake x OC (f)
Warnings: possibly spooky subject to some, talk of human remains
Quocumque ingrederis sequitur mors corporis umbra.
My story begins like any other I suppose. When I was small and staying with my Grandma Julie, as I did most weekends, I saw my first fantôme, ghost. As I lay sleeping, I woke to a woman sitting at the end of my bed. She was old, her red hair reminded me of a poodle and the way she dressed seemed out of place, even to a five year old. She lounged at the end of the bed, legs crossed, one arm draped across her lap and a cigarette in the hand of the other. Up until then my little mind had not thought to be frightened, just confused. 
Then, she took a drag of her cigarette and slowly faced me. She stared at me, unblinking. My heart began to pound and I could feel my throat begin to close from the sheer terror that coursed through my body. I wanted to scream, jump up and run to my grandmother, anything! But I was frozen in place. All I could do was screw my eyes shut and pray for her to go away.
The next morning, I told Grandma Julie about the woman in my room. She, like most adults, thought nothing of it and figured the woman was an imaginary friend I’d conjured up. That is until I began to describe her. As I recounted the details of the woman, from the color of her pants to the pattern on her sweater, my grandmother’s face slowly began to fall.
“Oh! And she had funny looking hair. It was red like yours, but looked like cotton candy!” I’d said.
All color drained from Grandma’s face. Her hand slowly raised and covered her mouth. Tears welled in her eyes and she whispered, “Oh, God!” I later learned that the person I’d described had been my grandmother’s mother, Ava. Not only that, but the way I described her was how she’d looked the day she told Grandma Julie that she had lung cancer. 
Since that day, I’ve never stopped pursuing the paranormal. It started with me asking my parents– or rather any adult– about ghosts. Were they real? Had the woman I’d seen just been in my head like my mother tried to convince me? As I got older, I would read any ghost story I could get my hands on, be it fiction, reddit forums; whatever form they took. Some would say that I was/am obsessed, but I’d like to think that I’m on a lifelong pursuit of knowledge. Albeit niche. 
Which brings us here, to Paris.
Paris, the city of love, the city of light, the city of the dead. It should be clear as to which name brings me here. The city of love… Ah, who am I kidding? I’m here for the Ossuaire Municipal de Paris, otherwise known as the Catacombs.
The Catacombs are steeped in mystery, the macabre, and stories of the paranormal. Which, how could they not be? They hold the remains of an estimated six million people. Not only that, but most of the remains were exhumed from their original resting place and dumped into the then abandoned limestone mines. 
But then there was good reason for this, as the cemeteries of Paris were overflowing by the mid to late 1780s. It was so overflowing and “unpleasant” to live near that it became a matter of public health and safety. So, the bones of millions began to be moved and continued to be until 1814 and then began again in 1840. 20 years later, the interment of remains officially and finally stopped.
Now, the remains weren’t left undisturbed during this time. Just before the Ossuaire Municipal de Paris was opened to the public, a man named Héricart de Thury was charged with heading the “decorative rearrangement” of the bones, that up until this point, were just pushed in the massive piles along the walls to utilize as much space as possible. So, Thury was the man who planned and executed the macabre and morbid designs and art that you see today within its walls.
These two things, the mass exhumation and further disturbance of the remains, are said to be the catalyst for the haunting of the Catacombs. Which in turn has brought thousands of urban explorers, paranormal investigators, and lovers of all things supernatural to the city. There are so many stories and urban legends told by those who have braved the uncharted parts of the catacombs. I’m sure they could fill a library's worth of books. 
This particular excursion of the city of the dead will fill mine.
taglist: @peaceloveunitygvf, @edgingthedarkness, @jakekiszkashangnail08
If you would like to be added to the taglist for future installments, let me you 🖤
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maddascanbe-blog · 8 months
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Miracu-class girls are done! It took less time than I initially anticipated, thank goodness. Let's talk re-write's and re-designs shall we?
Sabrina so freaking cute, give the girl her hat. It was probably a gift from Chloe. For her redesign I thought she would be the kind to dress in cute blouses and flowy skirts. She has tennis skirts in every color for every occasion. As for her re-write- anyone who saw how I changed Chloe probably will guess that their dynamic is drastically changes as well.
Sabrina met Chloe when they were in their tween years, Officer Roger having worked security for the Bourgeois on multiple occasions. One day he had to bring his daughter into work and Chloe found her wandering the halls. When a kidnapper tried to abduct Chloe, Sabrina sprayed him with pepper spray her father gave her and then kicked him in the dick for good measure. Chloe then declared that Sabrina should be her full-time body guard, and she technically is being paid to hang out with Chloe. But Sabrina would have done it with or without the money since Chloe is actually very endearing once you figure out how she works.
Alix is next! Alix's violently pink hair could not be ignored, so I kept it (albeit a little less saturated) Also she is in fact still short. Her outfits are probably all variations of sports gear unless she has an event to attend at the museum. I also tanned her up since I imagine she spends a lot of time outside, girl is sunburnt. She is actually a year ahead in history, having gotten too bored with junior level classes. So she's friends with some of the seniors too. I won't get into Bunnix anytime soon but- let's just say it's a lot more tragic than cannon would ever admit. The rabbit's powers are changing, and Alix still has to live with that.
On a lighter note, Juleka, as stunning as ever. Tall queen. She is a year behind since her lack of participation in classes ultimately tanked her grade in several subjects. Her band director was more then happy for her to stay an extra year though, since she is trained classically as well as electrically on the bass. She may not like talking, but she has little fear of performing when the music can do the talking. Her twin brother actually graduated early, and he's working now to help pay for the band the two want to start. Her design doesn't change much from her cannon one other than the fact I switched her ripped leggings for lace ones. I imagine she actually has many outfits in this color pallet, since Chat Noir quickly becomes her favorite hero.
Mylene, okay the change I made here is pretty obvious. I debated for a long time on whether or not I change her skin tone. And when I did the line art? Wasn't planning too. But changed my mind last second, since I thought it helped the color pallet more. This would imply she is mixed, with her dad looking pretty much the same as cannon. it's hard to tell her unless you look closely but I gave her freckles that just cover every inch of her. She is Sunkissed. He character isn't super different, she is still easily startled, but she knows what she believes and will fight for it no matter what.
And finally, Rose! The lovely Rosey! The flower child! Her nonspecific illness still definitely happened, but I like to think she has actually recovered. I do not know enough about most chronic illnesses to make any sort of specification on what she has so nameless headache disease it is! She struggled a lot as a kid, but now she's planning to start a non-profit to help kids who are going through hard times of their own. She definitely still has her down days, the fact that she nearly died so young is not something she is quick to forget. But she will do whatever she can to give other people hope, sinee she knows all too well what it feels like to be hopeless.
As for her design, she had a bucket of pink upturned on her. She did have to have her hair shaved as an affect of her illness but now it's growing back faster than ever. She gets it cut every time it gets past a certain length to donate it.
Luka is next!
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damagedintellect · 2 months
Skk Brainrot
💌 A Walk in Each Other’s Shoes: Chapter 3  💌  
Summary:  “They’ve been like this since returning from their mission following up with the defection of several gifted members. From what Chuuya or rather “Dazai” said a new organization was behind said defections, Sonrisa, created a machine to essentially “steal” abilities-” Chuuya dropped from the ceiling in front of Hirotsu finishing the report “But it didn’t work how they originally designed it and now me and Chuuya switched bodies!” his smile was wide, almost creepily so. Chuuya doesn’t smile often and especially not like that. Without a doubt, it was Dazai in Chuuya’s body.
Notes:  The bodyswap AU no one asked for, Dazai I gift you with emotions, I wanted to play with the hc that “No Longer Human” nullifies more than abilities
💌 Word count: 1,970 💌  <= Previous Chapter | 4 coming soon
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In the other room Dazai was having a hard time staying awake. Food, a shower, the long exhausting training montage heck even the slug’s comfortable pajamas were lulling him into this sleepytime junction. It's not like he needed to wait for Chuuya. He knows the other will rewrap the bandages just fine but it's still gnawing at the back of his mind. Although he's starting to wonder, has Chuuya’s couch always been this cozy? Dazai stretched, yawning as he sprawled out over the full surface area, something he couldn’t do before. It felt like the cushions were cradling him in just the right way so that he could pass out without any effort at all. Normally his chronic insomnia would kick in and he'd lay there staring at the ceiling for hours until he took the pills Mori gave him. It frustrated him knowing that Mori took extra measures to prevent him from being able to overdose on them. Which is why Dazai has always treated them as a last ditch effort. Right now however Dazai thinks this is the first time he's going to fall asleep without copious amounts of effort on his part. A soft smile graced his lips as his eyes slipped shut.
Chuuya didn’t take very long showers so color him surprised that in the span of maybe ten minutes tops Dazai had managed to pass out on the couch. That's gotta be a record for the mackerel. Chuuya’s never seen himself look so peaceful before. It's bizarre to know that this is Dazai in his body. He frowns, if Dazai wasn’t awake then that means he rewrapped most of the bandages for nothing. 
Chuuya fluffed his freshly blow dried hair as he grabbed a blanket and draped it over him. At least he didn't have to hear Dazai nag him that he couldn't sleep and that the only way to remedy it was for Chuuya to tell him a bedtime story. He only fell for that bullshit once and it was more out of habit than anything else. It's not his fault he used to do that back in the sheep for some of their younger members. Dazai teased him about it for a week even though he was the one who fucken asked!
Chuuya turned off the lights and flopped down on his own bed. His body was tired but his mind was so awake. Which was unlike him. Typically Chuuya could fall asleep any time anywhere. He rolled over to his side and groaned. 
“Don't tell me this is curtsy of one of Dazai’s bodily quirks.”
He mumbled in frustration as he got out of bed. Sometimes Chuuya will fall asleep listening to music. If he plays some it might help. He turned the volume down low and crawled back under the covers, closing his eyes. The last thing he needs is for Dazai to wake up complaining about the music. He tries to focus on the melody while imagining laying in an open field. The warmth of the sun, a nice breeze, just the quiet serenity of being at peace. Chuuya frowns, it isn't working. He smothers himself with his pillow. It was going to be a long night.
The feeling of weightlessness and floating in a dark expanse. It reminded Dazai of the first time he jumped in the river except it was less cold and wet. There was no uncomfortable pressure pulling air from his lungs but somehow he could still hear his muffled screaming. Slowly he opened his eyes only to be met with the ceiling fan not more than a foot from his face. In a panic he was dropped from a decent height as he woke up and registered what had been happening. 
He whimpered on the floor groggily as he regained his composure. The dull ache of falling was only second to whatever that incessant noise was. Rubbing his lower back, Dazai finally realized what the familiar sound was and stumbled to Chuuya’s room. As he swung the door open he was met with the sound of his own voice screaming. It was sincerely grating on the ears and at this volume it really was going to wake up the whole neighborhood. Now you’re not supposed to wake people up from nightmares but at this moment in time Dazai didn’t give a shit, he wanted to go back to sleep. Plus it was his body he could do whatever he wanted to it. 
Chuuya seemed to be twisting and turning in the center of the bed. It took Dazai a moment staring at his own face before he jumped into action. For a split second part of him thought this was a dream where he is outside of his body watching himself having a nightmare. He nearly forgot about their little switch despite being woken up because he was using Chuuya’s ability by accident. He wasn't sure how to go about waking his counterpart. Dazai tried to grab his shoulder but was easily pushed away, almost thrown off the side of the bed. To be fair he had to lean pretty far over to reach the other. The bed frame was raised fairly high considering Chuuya’s height and it didn’t help that his bed was a big luxury mattress so the center was much further than normal. With all of Chuuya’s thrashing about Dazai decided to crawl on top of him to shake him awake.
“Hey. Chuuya it's just a dream, you're gonna wake the whole neig-”
Chuuya’s eyes snapped open as he bolted upright eyes frantically darting around the room before scowling at Dazai being mere inches apart. He didn't say anything, still trying to process the visions his subconscious tailor made for him. He layed back down covering his face, annoyed. Just when he finally drifted to sleep he was awoken harshly by his own corrupted thoughts, and Dazai.
“Get off.” Chuuya demanded. Dazai compiled but opted to sit next to him pulling his knees to his chest. The former brunette made no effort to leave or get off the bed. They both looked at each other for a moment before Chuuya huffed again.
“Now get out.”
Chuuya continued to glare at him when he didn’t move. It was bad enough he had to be shaken awake, he didn't need Dazai’s pity too. There was an awkward pause between the two as Dazai mulled over how to bring up the theory in his mind.
“You know, I memorized your files back at the lab. I didn't think it was possible but science was able to do this,” he gestured to each other. “So I'm not really that surprised anymore.”
Chuuya raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms. “What’s your point?”
“N somehow figured out how to revoke your capacity for dreaming. Naturally your brain would have a backlog to process, especially now that you have a vessel that has the capability.” Dazai pulled back the blanket enough to shimmy his way in, making himself at home beside Chuuya. Dazai already thought the couch was comfy but he was not prepared for the heavenly feeling of Chuuya’s bed. He practically melted into sleep again had it not been to the tension that lingered over the elephant in the room.
“Oi, I said get out!” Chuuya sat up about to push him away but Dazai sighed. “I don't like it either but unless you want to get your dick stuck in the ceiling fan you have to at least be within arms reach.”
Chuuya raised an eyebrow. “You were sleep floating? I haven’t done that since I first joined the sheep.” 
Dazai stiffened. Well that seemed to tank his self esteem. He was only as good as a seven year old, and here he thought he had natural talent considering the given circumstances. While he never properly studied physics in school it wasn’t that hard to understand. That’s disappointing, but not more disappointing than being stark awake now. They both took a long pause, it was starting to make Dazai uncomfortable. Chuuya was being too quiet, what happened to trying to kick him out? Dazai cleared his throat. “So how’d you stop the sleep floating?”
“Like hell if I know! I guess I just learned how to use my ability.” Chuuya grumbled, turning around. The warmth coming off of Dazai was oddly comforting especially since he was still shaken up. Chuuya has figured out that Dazai’s ability doesn’t completely nullify his emotions otherwise he wouldn’t be so on edge at the moment, it just dampens them severely. In a way he’s almost glad the other stayed. Although he didn’t want to talk about it in its entirety, but an eye for an eye. Chuuya hummed to himself. 
“Are all dreams like that?”
“Not particularly, but I don’t know what happened.” Dazai turned his head to look back at Chuuya. “You wanna talk about it?”
“Absolutely not, I just want to go back to sleep.”
“Fair enough.” 
They fell silent after that, letting the faint piano fill the dead air. Once again Dazai felt like he was floating but this time it was because Chuuya’s bed felt like sleeping on a cloud. The soft music was starting to lull him back to sleep with ease. He yawned loudly, spreading his limbs out. Dazai was on the cusp of sleep when he heard Chuuya grumble “Your body sucks.” When Chuuya didn’t get a response he turned around to see his counterpart had already fallen asleep.
“You gotta be fucken kidding me.” Still no response, Dazai was out like a light. Chuuya huffed watching his chest rise and fall. He still wasn’t used to the fact that he was able to stare at his own face in the candid. On impulse he reached out to poke his cheek, surprisingly squishy. He retracted his hand as Dazai’s face twitched, his mouth fell open slightly as he turned toward where Chuuya’s finger was. A few strands of red hair fell with the movement. Chuuya couldn’t help but marvel at his face. He didn’t know how to describe what he was feeling. His hands itched for some reason and he was starting to have heart palpitations and the longer he observed his face the warmer he felt his cheeks get. Chuuya took a deep breath and turned around. That was weird, he doesn’t remember feeling this sensation earlier. Was it residual tremors from the nightmare? It’s not impossible but he doubts it. Without any information he can’t exactly deduce what the strange echo is supposed to be so he shrugs and tries to go back to sleep.
He tries to slow his heart rate down and steady his breathing. Once again attempting to quiet his mind and clear his thoughts. It seemed to be working until he felt the blanket being gently pulled off his body. His eyes snap open to see Dazai starting to float up, taking the blanket with him. Not good. Luckily he was still within arm's distance and as Chuuya grabbed the other’s hand he flopped back down on the bed starfishing out into Chuuya’s personal space. The former redhead rolled his eyes. He didn’t bother pushing Dazai’s leg away nor did he let go of his hand. If he didn’t want Dazai floating away again they would need to be touching anyway so what’s the point. 
Coincidentally the warmth radiating off of his body was strangely soothing and after a few minutes he could feel his eyes getting heavy. Chuuya exhales, repositioning himself to absorb as much warmth as possible. His body was finally relaxing enough to drift back to sleep after being stark away for what felt like hours. Eventually the soft music faded away from his focus as he finally nodded off.
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softchouli · 1 year
When Katniss' third trimester collided with winter, she stopped going to the woods altogether. It was a reasonable decision advised by her mother who was now on close watch, but it didn't do any good to the intense uneasiness Katniss felt most of the time.
As much as she was trying to keep busy indoors, what seemed to placate her the best even if short-lived on some days, was Peeta's contribution to their child's bedroom.
She immediately took interest when he started to block out a variety of big green sections. Then her husband picked the comfiest armchair in the house and paired it with pillows, so she could watch for as long as she wanted, her favorite person doing their favorite thing.
On breaks Peeta would sit beside her, while she took one of his sturdy and contagiously warm hands in both of hers. Tracing and caressing the colorful smudges, hoping their child could take after him and inherit those very same hands.
As days flew by, flowers began to bloom on the gradient green that became intricate foliage, but with no onions in sight. Peeta diligently embellished all the flowers Katniss had taught him about. A wildflower garden shielded from wilting, curated with all the ones that bring hummingbirds and bees around.
Even Buttercup acquired a spot on the wall, peacefully curled up, fur in a generous rendition, surrounded by the blossoms that gave him a name. An old resilient little thing, he barely hears anymore and Katniss suspects he soon won't see too. He lays on Katniss' lap while Peeta paints, the cat's new habit consists of sleeping next to Katniss whenever he sees her close enough to do it, as if on duty to protect her belly.
Later on a ladder, Peeta moves to work on the ceiling. A lilac base starts to take form with pale pinkish clouds that meet his orange right on the corner of the wall that has a window. It looks just like the sunset's 12 displays in better weather. Like Peeta is ensuring their child's little world would still have a clear sky even in grayish times. It's so limpid that sometimes Katniss swore if she was sleepy enough the fluffy clouds would start moving lethargically.
"I can repaint when our child gets a little older and asks me for something else," Peeta told her, the day when there were no more blank parts to give life.
He knows it will take time for the baby to sleep in the room, even when the little one can finally be by their side. Katniss had long before accommodated a crib by the couple's bed, just to be sure it would fit perfectly there, and it has been the furniture's designed place ever since. However, putting the nursery together gives them a sense of a new reality. It makes them both aware of a future where everything good in their family could take a life of its own.
One night when he enters their shared bedroom, the sight of his wife on the bed greets him. She's frowning, seemingly lost in thoughts while working on soft wool, baby shoes judging by the size of the yellow piece she's holding. For months she's been doing all types of small-sized garments to occupy her mind and free time, and by now they could dress a whole town.
The moment she notices him and looks up, Peeta turns the lights off.
"What are you doing?" Tone telling him her frown it's even deeper now.
His answer comes in the form of him gently scooping her from the bed, "taking you two to see a surprise."
"Peeta I'm not looking forward to seeing the floor, turn on the lights, you're going to drop us all." She's clinging to him now, knowing well her full weight, precious baby bump included, are in utter safety in his arms. The years she was steadily taken care of in their hold could prove It.
That makes him chuckle, the rumble on his chest a feeling too familiar. She wants to stay annoyed but her body, the betrayer that it is, instantly relaxes towards his stable warmth.
"Alright, close your eyes."
"I don't know if you noticed yet…" she gestures in the air, "it's already pitch-black." She tries to state the matter-of-fact information with a brisk voice, but by the last word, her hand is back on his shoulder.
So Peeta, as best as he can, presses his forehead on hers. "My love, close your eyes please." He can feel the sigh she lets out against his face, and he's sure she can feel how that only served to amplify his grin.
"They're closed now, but I could be lying, and you wouldn't even know," she mumbled defeatedly.
The sound of his steps, so distracting for hunting, grew to be the kind of noise Katniss is most fond of in their home. The comforting signal that her husband was nearby. And said noise takes her to the faintest smell of paint. Their child's room.
"You can open them now."
There's no complete darkness when Katniss does as she was told to. Diminutive spots are carefully placed everywhere and they timidly shine, like fractionated versions of the sun that mirrors on the lake's surface.
As her eyes take in and get gradually used to it, Peeta slowly walks closer for further inspection so she can make more sense of the dots. The little bright circles have shapes, it's too delicate and detailed, he must've used one of those thin brushes to make this frizzy at the edges. And it's when it hits Katniss.
Dandelion seeds.
Dispersing as if they were being blown away by the wind, twirling in pretty, fluid patterns, going up to their child sky to take the place of stars. Forming constellations that seemed to be dancing just like the fireflies that accompany cicadas and dragonflies in the summertime.
"It's luminescent paint, it absorbs light so it can look like this when there's none," he says smiling, cheek pressed against her loose hair. "But I think it looks the brightest after getting exposed to natural light."
"Their last glimpse before falling asleep." She softly blurts out in awe, and as tears are threatening to spill over the edge; she manages to release a "thank you," right by the side of his neck, her best-loved hiding place.
"Katniss just a few more days until we can see them, my love" Peeta whispers against the crown of her head, squeezing her a little tighter, his endless effort to make her lighter.
The last thing Peeta remembers from that night is blurry, a mixture of them going back to bed, the slight dampness from the tears on the nightshirt his wife was grasping. The soft sounds of Katniss humming herself to calmness.
The first thing Peeta remembers from the next morning is clear as that first day of spring. It sent him running to bring Mrs. Everdeen. To help them finally welcome the permanent visit they couldn't wait any longer to receive.
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jeridandridge · 10 months
I Am King
This is a little different.. I hope you all like it. 🩷
King Florence + the machine
Melissa Schemmenti isn’t an impulsive person. Okay well, maybe she is. She did have to go to court for an impulsive punch one time but the guy had it coming. But when it comes to her body, she’s thought about this next step.
Driving to her appointment her heart thuds hard against her ribcage in excitement, the bass of the song she’s listened to on repeat for over a year. The words put a fire under her to do better for herself, not because she needs to be in a relationship, but because she feels ready. Finally.
We argue in the kitchen about whether to have children
And about the world ending, and the scale of my ambition
And how much is art really worth
The very thing you're best at is the thing that hurts the most
When she was younger she had thought about getting a tattoo until Joe talked her out of it, telling her it wasn’t ladylike. It was a petty argument, and one she did not care to have towards the end of her marriage.
But you need your rotten heart
Your dazzling pain like diamond rings
You need to go to war to find material to sing
I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king
Having a man like Joe try to police her body was never good for her mental health, god help anyone that tries to do that now. Pulling up to the tattoo shop she takes a deep breath looking at the sign and the welcoming light blue color on the window.
“Okay, you’re doing this.” She breathes out grabbing her purse getting out of the car. Inside the shop the walls are a welcoming light blue and each artist section is divided into a cubical. With classic rock playing through the speakers Melissa relaxes a bit as a young woman comes to the counter.
“Hey! You must be Melissa.” The stranger smiles at the redhead. “Ava told me what we’re doing today, come on back.”
As Melissa follows the woman back, she makes a mental note to kick Ava’s ass. She left out that the tattoo artist was hot. Incredibly hot. So much so that as Melissa fills out the proper paperwork and the woman sets up the station with all sterile materials, she gets lost looking at the art on the walls, the one that catches her eye the most is a painting of a nude woman, curvy and sat sideways looking out a window.
“That’s one of my older paintings,” the artists smiles, looking up from her station for a moment.
“Yeah? It’s gorgeous, the gold frame is perfect with it.” Melissa smiles admiring the work, curious as to who the model was.
“I’ve been meaning to take it down, reminders of exes, ya know?” The artist chuckles.
This catches Melissa’s attention. She was doing something as a reminder of her ex, but instead of a painful reminder it’ll be a powerful one. She was in control now.
“Alright, Melissa, here are the designs I came up with after your consultation email, all different sizes, we can play around with them as much as you want until it’s exactly how you want it.” She smiles.
Looking over the three simple words Melissa smiles, willing herself to hold the tears back. “This one.” She points.
“Perfect!” The young woman beams.
As Melissa’s walked through the process of how it’ll go and the stencil is put on, the words play over and over in her head even as she lifts her shirt up and rests her arm over her head, ready for the tattoo.
Feeling a warm gloved finger put the gel on the stencil, she stays completely still.
“Ready to rock n roll?” She smiles.
“Party on,” Melissa chuckles nervously, licking her lips.
The buzz of the machine sounds and Melissa feels strong fingers stretch the skin on her side just beneath her breast.
“Take a deep breath for me,” the artist instructs.
Melissa closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, letting it out when she feels the sharp scratch of the machine.
“Good girl.”
The redheads eyes snap open at the words used. She knows it probably doesn’t mean anything coming from the woman, but god did it sound nice coming from someone like her.
The tattoo doesn’t hurt much just like Melissa thought, and when it’s done she pulls her arm back slightly to meet the woman’s eyes as she cleans up the tattoo.
“Alright, Melissa, that’s it! Your first tattoo.” She smiles. “Check it out in the mirror, then I’ll bandage you up and walk you through the aftercare instructions.”
Carefully getting up off the chair Melissa gets up looking at her now inked skin, the three words giving her a confidence boost she’ll always be able to feel now. “Thanks, hon. This is amazing.”
The artist smiles, leaning forward to carefully put the clear bandage over the ink. Her fingers are soft and warm, and she smells amazing this close Melissa thinks.
The three words go through her head once more. She’s her own person.
At the front of the shop Melissa pays for her tattoo and tips generously leaning against the counter.
“So, hon, if I have any questions about taking this bandage off or anything like that can I call the shop and ask to talk to you?” She asks with a shrug and pursed lips.
The artist matches her smile quirking a brow. “You could, but if it’s easier for you, just text me or give me a call.” She says grabbing a business card from the counter writing her number on the back of it. “Anything you need, Melissa,” she shrugs, “let me know.”
Melissa takes the card with a smile tucking it safely into her purse to be used later on.
“Thanks again, hon. I’m sure you’ll hear from me soon.” She smiles slinging her bag onto her shoulder.
The artist smiles and sends her a wink. “Looking forward to it.”
Melissa leaves the shop with a pep in her step, even more so when she gets to her car and sees a text from Ava asking how it went with her friend. She laughs, shaking her head with a smile as her music starts to play again.
But a woman is a changeling, always shifting shape
Just when you think you have it figured out
Something new begins to take
What strange claws are these scratching at my skin?
I never knew my killer would be coming from within
I am no mother, I am no bride, I am king
I am no mother, I am no bride,
I am king.
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truths33k3r4 · 5 months
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CHAPTER 28 - An Un-Sound Mind
Murky black morphed into overwhelming, piercing white as Don’s vision steadily began to return. The growing ache in his shoulders were revealed to be two sets of large, gloved hands dragging him through the first dimly-lit corridor. His ears were echoing with a screeching hum as he once again was pulled back to consciousness. He tried to blink away as much of the sleep crusties in his eyes as he could, despite it making little difference given he still couldn’t SEE. That makes planning one’s escape and taking notes of surroundings just a bit more difficult. 
I bet Raph’s got the seeing thing covered.. Knowing that flame-head he probably fought off the sedative far quicker than I did.. 
Don got a little worried by how much concentration he needed just to turn his head. His mind still lagged, and his body still felt unreasonably heavy and uncomfortable to move.
Don slowly turned his head to face the guard on his left. The only human traits of his captor were their two legs, two feet, and their head. Anything else regarding the features of their hair or the color of their eyes was concealed behind their reflective helmets. Instead of looking into the face of another person- another soul, the only eyes that met his were his own mirrored in the reflection of the man’s helmet. 
While Don stared at the faceless soldier, his eyes quickly fell on to the design of their gear and armor. Thanks to the guard’s close proximity to himself, his infuriatingly blurry vision only partially distorted their image, making it easier for him to study the fine work of the man’s armor. Its sleek design and firm material moved with ease as the man walked. All the seams stayed pressed and tidy. Not a button was loose. It was excellent craftsmanship.
Of COURSE it is- look at the size of this place.. Pretty sure whoever’s in charge can afford giving his guards quality gear.. I should probably make some alterations to ours when I get back.. Maybe I would have enough saved up by then to be able to-
His words echoed painfully back to him like a slap to the face.
‘ ..when I get back.. ‘
This is not some vacation or a WEEKEND GETAWAY. 
He and Raph are prisoners.
.. And the chances of them returning to their home are slim at best. That isn’t fear. That’s fact.
Nevermind that- Focus. Raph is most likely awake now, if he hasn’t already been for the past few minutes.. I don’t hear any struggling, but if he got hit with the same stuff I did, then his body must feel heavy too.. I can hear footsteps behind me. Most likely Raph is being carried by two more guards..
And then a new problem arrived at the door of Don’s brain: 
HOW THE SHELL AM I GONNA COMMUNICATE WITH HIM? I can’t speak. I can’t reach him.. How-
Almost immediately a childhood habit reemerged from the forgotten corner of his matured mind.
Don inwardly groaned to himself.
That’s self-demeaning.. But it just might work.
As quietly as he could manage- cause he still had some dignity - Don sounded the tiniest of chirps; a sound he had not made in more than ten years.
Before he was taught how to speak, this is how the brothers would communicate to each other. Raph, Leo, Mikey and himself would sound an assortment of clicks and chirps, each in different orders to translate to specific messages. 
Click- chirp - click ~ “ Are you ok? “
Chirp ~ “ Hey “
Chirp - click  ~ “ Yes “
Click - click ~ “ No “
And so on.
The refreshing nostalgia that washed over Don with the memories of his childhood was quite welcomed in the situation he had found himself in. But with the joyous feelings of memories long past, comes the sadness of the fact that those times are, indeed, OVER. In fact, he was so lost in the past that he failed to pay attention to what was occurring in the present. Like if Raph even heard or answered his call..
Deafeningly silent minutes passed as Don’s anxiety only grew. The jingles of his chains no longer swayed, but shivered. He could feel the same painful ache in his chest infect his heart as it had throughout his teen years.
Now’s not a good time for a panic attack, calm down.
In spite of his clear refusal, Don’s body continued to betray him. Theories in his mind began to transform into worries; What ifs. 
What if Raph’s not here?
What if they took him away to some other lab?
What if he’s in another city entirely??
What if he’s being tortured as I just sit here being blind and USELESS?!!
NO. STOP IT. FACTS, DON. You don’t know where he is. BUT there’s a possibility that he’s literally right behind you, just unconscious. And if he’s asleep, then of course he wouldn’t answer your call. 
The jingles of keys snapped Don back to the situation at hand. He raised his head just as he and his captors reached what appeared to be the final door at the end of this eternal hallway. Thankfully, moving his body was slowly becoming an easier feat.
Guess the sedative is finally wearing off.
As one of the guards fumbled with the set of keys, Don took the opportunity to take one last look around. 
Why the shell did he use the word ‘ last ‘ ??
What if it was.
Ochitsuke, Don. THAT’S ENOUGH.
To Don’s right, a pane of see-through glass stretched across an entire wall, revealing the inside of another room. He tried to peer through, but his blurry vision once again became a hindrance. He had to squint and grimace to even begin forming the floating blobs into a recognizable image.
Something.. was kept upright. But the angle of the something made him think it was being held up. He could see that the something was mostly consisting of a pale green color as well. His confusion only grew when he noticed what appeared to be a large growth coming out of the something’s back. It was rounded, and covered the length of its body perfectly- 
And then it hit him.
That something was a turtle. A turtle LIKE HIM. And the only other turtle like him in this nightmare lab was Raph. And if that’s RAPH, then what the heck happened to his skin?!?!?? The shade of it was all wrong. It was misty and faded- not vibrant and healthy like his own.
He wanted to cry out. To scream to his brother. To make sure he was ok. To make sure that he was ALIVE. 
He could try to run. Attempt to save him and his brother from this nightmare. Or just try to get a closer look to see if there was even a brother to save anymore.
The decision was made for him as he was pushed through the now open doorway in front of him. He yanked and tugged and fought, but the grips on his shoulders stayed firm. Even so, he continued to try to elbow and kick at his captors, aiming always for the areas he knew would cause the most pain. His actions were harshly cut short with a single blow to the side of his face. His ears rang so loud it gave him a headache, pulsing and pressing deep into his mind. The nausea that came with the disorienting hit made his whole head go limp, hanging lifelessly as he tried to keep down his dinner. His cheek began to swell, burning with a reddish- purple bruise, and the fresh tears falling from his eyes stung as they trickled down his face.
Raph.. I’m sorry.
As he watched the door close behind him, he kept his eyes on his brother’s faded form till the last second. Then he was pulled to the floor and tied down by the cuffs and chains restricting his wrists. They locked into place in a slot on the ground, pulling him down to his knees. The room smelled dank and the cold, dirty ground dug into Don’s shins. His wrists ached from the abnormal pressure and weight.
But despite all the pain flowing freely through his body..
.. all he wanted was his brother back.
Without knowing if Raph was ok, Don’s mind could only guess. Estimate. Hope.
The room’s aura deepened into a chasm of fear and anxiousness as all he could do was think. His fear constricted him worse than any of his chained cuffs could. His anxiety weighed him down far below the floor he was already kneeling on. His doubt yanked and tugged at his thoughts relentlessly until they went to places he didn’t want to go. 
The thing about having a strong mind is.. It can turn on you. Like the monster from Frankenstein, the thoughts you give life to will eventually have a will of their own. And if you’re not strong enough..
.. it will consume you. It will control you, beginning with your thoughts, and ending with taking full control of your body. 
Sensei had noticed the power of Don’s mind when he was a kid. But not just on the technological side. He noticed Don would overthink things. Become super anxious if he were left to his thoughts. When one of the brothers got sick, Don would hide in his closet praying like a warrior. Not for his brother’s health, but for his own. He would stay up all night, not looking for remedies for his ill sibling, but instead searching for ways that he could make his body an impenetrable fortress against the germs. And when he became a teenager, things didn’t get much better. If anything they got worse.. He just got better at hiding it. 
Eventually, Sensei pulled him aside and told him about the dangers of his mind. How easy it is to become a slave to your thoughts. An empty shell, always worrying, always afraid. How if he didn’t learn to hold truth in his heart, then the lies his mind would create would roam freely, taking full control.
Don didn’t understand all those years ago.
Now he’s beginning to. Here, in this dark cell, held down not by his chains, but by the overpowering grip of his mind.
Sensei’s words echoed in his heart.
‘ Remember this, my son. When worry begins to pull things apart, never forget to speak truth in your heart. 2 Timothy 1:7, “ For God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and of a sound mind. “ ‘
A sound mind.
A.. sound.. Mind..
Sound - which means reliable or Sensible. Well, it seems my brain is quite reliable when it comes to solving diverse equations AND creating worries.
Ok. Let’s try this mind that is sound thing. 
Don did his best to get into a less- uncomfortable position on the ground as he took a long breath.
Or as long as he could make it, that is. Which was like two seconds, but it was close enough.
He closed his eyes and harnessed all his focus into keeping his thoughts at bay. 
Lord. I am scared. I know You already know that, but I will still communicate it.. I am scared and I don’t know what’s happening to Raph- but I know YOU do- You know all- You’re omniscient, which means that You know all, but ANYWAYS. I um.. I know You have Raph in Your hands right now. I know You’re with him. Please, God.. Please keep my brother safe. I don’t even know where we are- but AGAIN- I know You DO, so I really shouldn’t worry- but I am- cause my brain is being stupid right now- but uhhh please- please Lord- help us to make it back home. Alive preferably.. That’s not sarcasm! Just being honest- I’d really prefer to not die today- You’ve seen my list- there’s still so much that needs to be done in the lair- And I’ve already lost so much time being here- AGhhhhh I’m so bad at this. Which You.. already know.. Cause You made me this way.. And I know You still love me- despite my blatant faults and failing to do the simplest of chores… Aaand there I go again.. I’m sorry- my brain just won’t stop- yes, that is my request- Please, Lord, help me to have a sound mind. Help me not to have a spirit of fear. Uh.. A- amen.
Don let out a frustrated groan as he rubbed at his temples. He flinched at the tenderness of his bruised cheek as his hand skimmed over the fresh bruise.
“..D - don? “
 A familiar voice strained from the far corner of the cell, making Don flinch something awful to the sudden noise in the silent room.
Don twisted his head as far as it could turn towards the dark corner where the voice emanated from.
 Even with blurred vision, Don knew it was his twin.
“ RAPH!!!!! “
That's it for this chapter. :) Not sure if you can tell- ( I truly hope you do since its spread out all throughout this chapter ) but Don deals with anxiety. The kind that pulls you to silent, dark places. The kind that doesn't ever let go of your brain and thoughts.
In my Biblical Study of Anxiety, I am learning how imperative it is to speak truth in your heart. " Don't fill your heart with what if's, but instead truth. " And I wanted to explore this with poor Don here. XD Worry and fear have been a huge part of my life- just as much if not more than my faith. But slowly, I'm learning to let go of the lies I tell myself. I'm learning to give all my fears and worries to God. And it's hard. It's very hard to let go of control. But the peace I have found in Him- It is indescribable. And I pray that this chapter will touch hearts- and help them to see there is a way out of your anxiety. There is hope to quiet your noisy soul and mind. :) And giving it all to God is a good first step. :)
To God be the glory!
~ Melissa
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tachiharastanacc · 5 months
short baby tachi drabble
At seven p.m. on a Tuesday, most elementary schools would’ve been empty. Sure, there was the occasional sports team who managed to rent out the gym or field outside, but they never stayed for more than an hour or two, and even they were usually gone by then.
The school was quiet, freshly waxed floors gleaming despite the multitude of scuff marks that seemed to never fade, so deeply etched that they were practically part of the design itself. If one were to listen closely, however, they would hear what sounded like a young child humming.
In one of the rooms sat a dark-haired boy, no older than five or six. He was sitting criss-cross in front of a low circular table, happily humming to himself as he scribbled some stick figures on a paper. Across the room sat a woman dressed in a brightly-colored sweater. She shot the kid occasional glances as she talked lowly on the room’s landline.
After a few more minutes of hushed words, she hung up the phone and pinched the bridge of her nose.
The boy looked up from his drawing. “Yeah?”
“C’mon. I’ll drive you home.”
The kid got to his feet, carefully folding his drawing and slipping it into his fraying black backpack along with the pile of assorted old crayons he had been using.
It was clear this wasn’t the first time this had happened.
He took the teacher’s hand as they made their way out of the room. He waited patiently for her to lock the door, seemingly unbothered by the empty school around them.
Beat up white sneakers followed behind vibrant pumps as the pair left the building. There were only a couple cars left in the parking lot; most people tried to leave school before it was dark.
“What were you drawing today?”
Michizou hummed as he climbed in the front seat (that he probably shouldn’t have been allowed to sit in, but they weren’t going very far). “My family.”
He pulled his backpack onto his lap as the teacher settled herself in the driver’s seat.
“Are you going to show them?”
There was a slight rumble as the key was turned.
“Yeah. I’m gonna be extra good and then maybe they’ll hang it up with Shunzen’s drawings! Or maybe we can mail it to him! My big bro always sends us letters!”
“I’m sure he’d like that.” A gentle smile.
The rest of the ride passed in silence until the car pulled into the driveway of a small house.
Michizou jumped out happily, waving goodbye as he pulled out his key. His parents and grandparents were probably home already, but they were always busy with work and usually didn’t have time to pick him up.
That was why he was given his very own special key!
He pushed the key into the lock, quickly fumbling with his backpack to find the folded drawing. He didn’t even remember turning the key at all when the door unlocked.
Unbothered in the way only young kids are, he shrugged and slipped the key back into his pocket.
“I’m home! I made a new drawing…today…?” When he walked in, the other members of his family were sitting around a wooden table, staring down at a small box. They didn’t bother to look up as he entered.
“Michizou, sit down. We need to have a very important talk.”
The rest of the night was a blur.
There were adults yelling, someone was crying…and witnessing it all was a now crumpled drawing left forgotten on the ground.
Just like the one who created it.
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chiiyuuvv · 11 months
hii!! I would like to request the reaction of xikers to the fact that you had a nightmare or something like that, thank you in advance ♡
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• PAIRING — bf!xikers x gn reader (uses she in i think seeun???)
• GENRE — you have an nightmare, sleepy xikers, comfort, fluff, my attempt of humor, i think thats it
• WORD COUNT — 663
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — finally have motivation to write!! Just one more request then ill write a few imagines i had in mind, then requests will open with a special surprise! Stay in tuned ♡
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Minjae was tired for sure, but he'd sacrifice his sleep for you
Fishes through his bookcase to find a small children's book to read to you
He'd wrap his arm around your waist and make you lay your head on his chest as you sniffle
Uses different voices for the characters (the girls would get a really high pitch while the boys are super deep) to make you laugh
Kisses your forehead when you fall asleep ♡
"What.. whats wrong, honey?"
Wants to comfort you but is so sleepy
So he pulls you into a sleepy hug, a lazy kiss on the forehead
Rubs your back and ruffles your hair a little
And then you'd fall back asleep a few moments later ♡
"A what now..?!" Sumin would get scared with you
Goes to turn on all the lights in the house then proceeds to hug you tightly
"If anyone comes for us, ill scream loudly and you jump out of the window."
But nothing happens as you two fall alseep in each others arms
Wakes up to find you on the floor but youre still hugging, so sumin doesnt mind ♡
It broke his heart when he found out that you were crying because this dark entry took your best friend and made her act like a middle school boy going through puberty
And jinsik didnt have anything else to do so he decided to pet your hair in order to comfort you
That didnt work so he thought of another idea
Ticking you!!
His heart melts when he hears your cute laughter but also hurts when you slap his arm too hard ♡
Would install a nightlight in front of your bed
"See nothings wrong!" He would reassure you constantly
And if you feel insecure about using a nightlight, he would reassure you of that too
"Lots of people use nightlights, thats why there are so many of them."
Spends the night online shopping for different color lights and designs ♡
Junghoon already had a difficult time falling asleep so when he saw you wake up he was at ease
"How are you doing?" He would hold your hand, rubbing your knuckles
Tries to talk it out with you, but just gives up and gives you a big hug
"I'm here." He would whisper in your ear
Lets you rant and if not, he'd find something else to talk about ♡
You'd probably more annoyed than scared when you tell seeun
His very first time using logic in something
"Why would the person chase you anyways, its not like you're smart or anything."
"And even at that, no one is touching my girl. She may be dumb but i am in love with her."
You smile at the compliment but that soon turns to a frown when you hear the rest ♡
Because he was half asleep, his voice was extra deep and raspy
"I'll.. I'll sing you a song.." he would mumble
Sings you a lullaby, lulling you to sleep
He would place a short kiss on your lips when you fall back to sleep
And would have a small smile on his face, as he drifts back to sleep ♡
"Shh, its okay.." he'd try to console you but just like junmin, hes tired as hell
Climbs on top of your body carefully to grab your face and place sleepy kisses all over it
Kisses away your tears
Would give you the most slowest, softest kiss that would give him the most lovesick smile, blushing terribly
But would become the big spoon and rub you to sleep ♡
Just like sumin, he was pretty scared when you told your dream
But he took a different approach
He would make sure all the doors were closed, then get all the blankets and pillows on the floor, including you
"What are you doing?" "A pillow fort!!" With a ':D' smile
And then you spend the rest of your time cuddling ♡
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