#for now like said I'm leaning towards red but idk for sure yet will have to see how it looks
starsmuserainbow · 3 months
Top of the morning to ya, Starfire. I noticed you have lovely green eyes and that your star bolts are green. Very festive for St. Patrick's Day. Does your planet have a holiday that is celebrated by wearing a certain color?
[[Thank you for the ask!]]
"Oh, I thank you!" She had also gotten out a dress to wear - as long as no trouble would arise - for the occasion, and Starfire was happy to hear a compliment.
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"On Trie'hr, it is common for my people to wear grey or white, but the color of our clothes is not as important to that festivity as I believe it is here for this celebration."
0 notes
judasgot-it · 6 months
Hiii! I suddenly had an idea like a vision or something tehee
imagine after a party (idk, hunting dogs celebrating another victory) and s/o’s feet hurt for her heels so tecchou noticing, carries her on his back. sorry if it was simple
btw Can i call you Judy and be 🪻anon?
You've gifted me a nickname and all I did was ignore you. I think the best thing that should be done is that I write your ask and that you beat me (jk please don't I'm just a writer. but ily flower anon that nickname is so sweet u have full use to call me it <3)
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Scenario: Husband! Tecchou carries fem! reader around while at a party (TW for reader being a little drunk at some parts lol)
1 k words
Kiss Me - Sixpence None The Wiser
1:15 AM
The work party was still raging on.
Fukuchi and Teruko were screaming a duet into the karaoke machine, some sort of anime intro that Tachihara complained only old people would know.
Jouno was surprisingly still in the room, forcing some poor chef to make another batch of some overly complicated dish that apparently only Jouno could appreciate. There was a gun on the table, although surprisingly it wasn't pointed at anyone yet.
You could breathe a sigh of relief at that.
All you were looking for now was Tecchou. He had gone missing around half an hour ago, doing who knew what. He was the one thing keeping you alive at this party, considering how you were one or two drinks away from either passing out on the floor or just trying to take yourself home.
Your feet hurt, what else could you say? Maybe you were a little bit too drunk right now since you were sad over where you had placed your shoes. They were somewhere in the room, you were sure of it.
It was a really emotional endeavor, enough that you felt tears start to come to your eyes thinking about where you placed them. You tried to wipe them away the best you could, trying to not hit your face with the pair of shoes you were holding in your hands.
You walked across the room, hoping to find your husband in the crowd of very important government people whose names had lost you at that moment. Thankfully no one approached you, although maybe it was because they were all as messy as you were.
Tecchou was one of the tallest people there, and even on your tippy toes, you couldn't find his messy chestnut hair in the sea of heads. The feeling of panic started to settle quickly, your heart almost beating outside of your chest - your husband could be almost anywhere.
You turned around, feeling your tongue fall into your throat as you still couldn't locate your man. Wiping your wet eyes, you watched as a man approached you - tall, with messy chestnut hair.
Swallowing deeply, you tried to compose yourself as you saw his eyes land directly onto yours. Against your will, your eyes began to well up with tears once again.
Your feet guided you, rushing towards him like a bullet.
There was no thought as you wrapped your arms around him, your face buried down inside of his red suit. You sighed with relief as you felt your cold nose start to warm up against his body, the air you breathed our fanning against the cold skin on your cheeks as you nuzzled deeper onto him.
“Oh, there you are Angel.”
Two hands pulled at your arms, their warmth shocking your cold skin into goosebumps. His fingertips danced along your skin, callouses massaging your skin all the way up to your shoulders.
“I was looking for you. I was starting to think you got lost.”
You looked up as you said this, blinking innocently up into his honey eyes. He leaned his head a little bit away to stare at you, the tattoos on his cheek blending in with his long eyelashes.
Watching them twitch made your lips curve up, how they perfectly melted in together. You took one of your hands and pulled his face to look down at you properly, his brows pinching as he took in the full sight of you.
“You're so pretty Tecchou. Do you ever hear that?”
He smiled at those words, leaning closer into your hand.
“You told me that on our wedding night, actually.”
His brows pinched again, his gaze looking downward once again.
“Angel, why aren't you wearing your shoes?”
His words took a little to sink in, you still too busy watching how his beautiful face pulled apart as he said those words - the tattoos underneath his eye moving just underneath the small creases from his smile.
“Hmm… My feet hurt.”
You other hand lowered itself, cradling his waist as you swayed to the music that played throughout the room. It was easy to ignore the horrible singing that accomidated it, as you instead focused on the strong muscles that were barely consealed underneath Tecchou's suit.
He barely budges, only swaying slightly as he let you have your moment - watching you with hooded eyes. His steps were small, his heels clicking lightly against the tile of the dance floor.
“You know, if your feet hurt I can just carry you around.”
Stopping, you looked up at him, looking at his face carefully. His eyes held no lie, seeing as he was always a truthful man.
“Are you sure about that?” It was always polite to ask in your mind, even when you were challenging one of the strongest men you knew.
“I can lift twice your weight, you know that angel.“
A small smirk spread on his face as he said this, his eyes poring through your figure. His hands traveled down to your waist, squeezing you gently.
”I wouldn't break a sweat at all, if that's what you're worried about.“
You didn't have time to react as you stomach did twists, Tecchou manhandling you into a bride carry with ease.
”Oh my god, Tecchou!”
It was impossible to hide the joy in your words as he carried you, continuing the dance you had started earlier with ease. He hummed along softly to the song that still played, ignoring whatever wailing words were coming out of a horribly drunk Fukuchi's mouth at that moment.
It wouldn't ruin yours at the very least.
“What? I'm not going to let you walk around while your feet hurt.”
He danced with ease, completing a lazy waltz with you in his arms. His soft locks were lit up by the chandelier above, turned into a soft caramel from the light that shone through the strands. They stuck up in all sorts of directions, forming a creme brulee halo around his face.
You brought one of your arms to wrap around his neck, bringing your fingers to sift through the longer strangs of his hair. It was soft, almost an estactic feeling to have something so ethereal under your hand.
“You're so gorgeous.”
His face was closer to yours, his nose nearly brushing against yours. You giggled, stealing his air as you did so.
“I think you said that to me on our wedding night, handsome.“
His lips were pressed against yours, his handsome face blocking your vision for the rest of that night.
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prongsie-kins · 1 month
part four of when i met you
this is a filo!james au revolving around james potter courting regulus black in a semi-traditional way
disclaimer: english is NOT my first language and not the type that this would be beautifully written but there might be some grammatical error i didn't notice while editing. also keep in mind that this is my first multichapter fic and im still trying to improve my writing
translation at the bottom, italicized text is when they are speaking french because idk french
Beginning | Previous | Next
you gave the world to me
"Have you seen my parchment?" Regulus asks while searching the table.
James doesn't say anything for a while so he has to glance up at him. The guy insisted on him to study at the library. Regulus got distracted reading a book so he lost sight of the parchment he was writing on.
"Potter, did you know where it is?" Regulus repeated.
James pursed his lips without looking away from the book he was reading.
"Huh?" He asked, bewildered.
James only pursed his lips even more.
"Just speak, Potter. I have no idea what are you doing."
"It's right there." Once again, James pursed his lips. This time, pointing his head towards a certain direction.
"Are you asking for a kiss right now?"
"No, I said it's right there," James insists, pursing his lips again.
Regulus sighs, actually leaning in before being stopped by James pressing his palms on his lips. "Wait, you're actually considering it? The parchment's right there."
He smacks James at the back of his head. "Why'd you use your lips then? Just point where it is."
"I'm more focused on the fact that you considered kissing me just 'cause I said so." James smirks, not so subtly leaning towards Regulus' side.
"Distance, Prongs," Sirius suddenly interrupts. "Keep your distance."
"When did you even get here?"
"I told you I would keep an eye on you."
"Tangina naman neto oh"*, James murmured, scratching the back of his hair.
"Putain de marde, Prongs. Don't cuss at me in tagalog assuming I can't understand you." Sirius snapped.
"Gago wala naman akong maintindihan sa sinasabi mo. Tarantado ka ba?"**
"You asked for my blessing. Just keep a distance."
"Blessing? What blessing?" Regulus asked which went unnoticed.
"Pa'no ko siya liligawan kung nakasamid ka sa bawat ginagawa ko."***
Regulus can only switch glances between the two men arguing. "You two look like idiots."
"Shut up, Reg," They both say in unison.
"Not on my watch, Prongs."
"But you're always around!" James complains.
"So," James started. "Were you really trying to kiss me back in the library when you thought I wanted one?"
"Fuck off, James." Regulus really hopes his blank face can hide his flustered expression.
"No, no, let's keep talking about it."
"Why'd you go here, anyway? It's late."
"You weren't at the Great Hall today. I figured you hadn't eaten yet. I made this." James handed Regulus another circular Tupperware, color yellow this time.
By the time Regulus opens it after getting back to his dorm, an aromatic scent hits him. What greeted him seemed to be white rice with an odd-looking red meat. It looks fried with a slightly charred hint of melted sugar.
The predominantly sweet, garlicky, and slightly peppery taste is what reaches his taste buds. The meat that seems to be pork is incredibly soft. He can't help but let out a quiet moan while chewing.
With the food James kept giving him, he might gain weight sooner or later. He still didn't know what his agenda was. Even with his embarrassing stunt at the library, Regulus is quite sure James is doing it just as friends. His friends were just confusing him.
That is how James really is. He is clingy. He's sweet. He's considerate. He's flirty. That's just how the man is around his friends. He certainly does it around them too.
Like the way he always notices when Regulus hasn't eaten anything. The way he always gives him food and always tells him all these cheesy lines he barely understands since it's in another language.
How he unknowingly makes Regulus' heart flutter. How he made the stoic, cold, often emotionally devoid Regulus Black feel flustered. He does that to all his friends. That is where they are getting to, right?
"Prongs," Peter started. "Can I have one of that tocino you're making?"
*"Tangina naman neto oh." - This motherfucker.
**"Gago wala naman akong maintindihan sa sinasabi mo. Tarantado ka ba?" - I don't understand a word you said, asshole. Are you kidding me?
***"Pa'no ko siya liligawan kung nakasamid ka sa bawat ginagawa ko." - How am I supposed to court him if you're keeping an eye on every move I do.
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twiyke · 2 years
said i'd ramble a bitt about my vague protege!tommy au so i will do that noww. please heed the tws. all rp! c!
not gonna go super into detail but basic premise is when tommy is on the tower in exile he DOES jump (killing himself) but dream revives him and it sort of spirals from there. so:
obviously for tommy to actually have jumped he wouldn't have realised dream was just watching/controlling him or shaken off that exile mindset
the way i imagine death messages work is canon deaths are notably different on comms. so when tommy's message shows most people see it. dream goes to investigate (and eventually his cover is it was a server issue. he's the admin after all. who else is gonna know.)
i'm also pretty sure, based off the canon timeline, the lazar/vikk experimentation would have happened after exile. so in this au dream hasn't tested the revivebook on people yet. so it's a fluke of luck he manages to get it working on tommy under duress - getting it first try certainly wouldn't help with the god complex
and yeah all that means tubbo and l'manberg and everyone is aware that tommy is a. alive and b. with dream. don't get me wrong, i love versions of this au with a dramatic reveal, but it doesn't really work for this one? and i think there's a lot of under-utilised angst/horror potential in everything happening right under people's noses.
also this would mean dream would be too occupied to help techno at his execution - whether they just wouldn't hold it because tubbo's too worried for tommy, or whether techno just does lose a life, i haven't decided. leaning towards the latter because it has a lot of interesting character potential. not sure how it'd affect quackity's arc, though.
my issue with the au is i'm just not sure where to go with it tbh. because it has changed A LOT over about a year and a half until i settled after dream's revivebook lore this year. so i USED to have scenes and stuff planned out but idk anymore ( - -;;) maybe i'll come back to it.
so ermm misc points of relevance:
tommy's conditioning and mental gymnastics kind of hitting hard. harder than canon, because now dream technically did save him, so there's a feeling of debt added on to all the exile manipulation. (i don't think tommy would want to die again. especially after limbo and the agony of revival. would he stop ideating about suicide? probably not. but i wouldn't have him attempt it again.)
like i mentioned, reviving tommy prematurely wouldn't help dream's god complex. as well as discduo's canon bullshit, he'd probably see tommy as some kind of 'proof' of his godhood? to some degree. gotta think out the intricacies of that more though.
tommy is obviously under duress, so any decision he makes isn't really fair to blame him for. but the idea of him initiating some things with dream - maybe the idea of training or servitude - is just really interesting to me. not really a choice if he's being manipulated and threatened, but interesting character stuff nonetheless.
tommy also does some fucked up shit. probably kills someone at a point haven't decided who. angst and complexity of morality and guilt i love you.
at some point tubbo lifts tommy's exile, so technically he could come back to l'manberg, but whenever he does it's with dream and generally... very off/creepy. if i ever do something with this probably a lot of tubbo things. but yeah the idea of tommy being IN l'manberg but people not comprehending what's going on or being able to help him... freaky.
no idea what to do about enderwalk or doomsday.
clingyduo fight still happens. not sure if it'd be at the community house or not, but it'd have a LOT higher stakes than canon because tommy is slash gen Out For The Kill
I WANT TO WORK IN EGG STUFF!! because red banquet with dream there is a super interesting idea, especially considering tommy's immunity. and the fact he destroyed parts of the egg that one time but took damage from it whatt was up with that.
and above all else if i ever make this a fic or comic or whatever it WILL have a happy ending and hurt/comfort because. i am weak for that.
soo ya. bit of rambling. design notes ermm
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as much as i love the classic :( mask i figured (x x) is a bit more unique, and makes sense considering the revival aspect of this iteration
tommy's hair is LONGISH! and keeps getting longer because i have always had headcanons about dream having a preference for it being long (being able to play with it, yank him around by it, etc).
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tommy's facial scar is a near mirror of dream's. because i'm fucked up <3
tommy's design is generally much more rounded than dream's and has a hint of a moth/butterfly motif (as opposed to dream's spider)
tommy's mask/hood shows his hair and face behind it because it is not enchanted. just porcelain.
not pictured but somewhere there is a :) carved into tommy. from a particularly harsh "punishment".
also not pictured but TOMMY TRIDENT SYMBOLISM. which i DID NOT COME UP WITH ORIGINALLY!! don't know who did unfortunately. but the connection to the sea plus it being an unconventional weapon plus loyalty and channeling enchantments. yass.
and i'll link a coloured drawing related to this au so you can see the designs better
ermm that's about it for now. very workshop vibes not concrete under construction et cetera. but here if anyone is interested
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clairelsonao3 · 10 months
Happy STS!
What's a bit of dialogue or a scene that you're really proud of, but hasn't found a home yet in any of your stories?
Happy STS! Thanks for the ask!
Well. I did NOT intend to exhume this today (or ever), but since you asked:
CW: Minors living alone and committing nonviolent crimes, mention/implication of parental loss
Above the Chinese fireworks shop was where the pickpockets lived, multiplying like mouselings in the garret. All that summer, they slept on flour sacks and in milk crates, half-naked on the bare metal roof; they drank sawdust whiskey and ate black bananas and melted moon pies; they cussed out old ladies and bet on the horses and smoked cheap cigars and dumped rotting garbage over the heads of passersby, howling with laughter at the screams below. 
They were all orphans, or might as well have been. The street was their mother, their sister, their sweetheart, and their friend. They were all boys, except for one. 
Each one plied his racket. Swing did the glim drop; Fisheye the quick-change; Avenue the pigeon fold. Popcan, just five, as curly-headed and big-eyed as a cherub on a Valentine card, cried until some society girl came to wipe his tears, and Swing could slit her reticule with his jackknife, raining pennies from heaven. For a good three-week run in July, Polo Grounds was king of them all, making two whole dollars a day flipping cards between two milk crates on Cherry Street — find the lady, find the lady, find the lady — until the bulls clubbed it to smithereens and he had to start from scratch next to Mr. Alberelli’s banana cart on Mott. 
Dodger, the tallest one, with the most artful hands and grayest eyes, had earned the right to climb up on the fire escape every night alone, to watch the schooners roll into the India docks, their masts shrouded in clouds as purple-black as amethyst smoke, leaning toward a place and time none of the rest of them could ever reach and knew better than to try. 
But even he looked skyward when Mr. Chung tore the hot air apart with his purples and reds and yellows, testing his wares, Shanghai-style, bang-bang-boom, as if it and all the Lower East Side, and all New York City, and all the world, was a nickelodeon playing just for them. And those swells on Park Avenue, they all said, couldn’t be living half so good.
This was meant to be the opening of my Oliver Twist-inspired YA historical romance I conceived of IDK how long ago. There are a couple more scenes written, but it didn't get much further than this. I guess it’s now my first official Tumblr fiction, since it doesn’t currently live anywhere else and I'm not sure it ever will.
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katsukikitten · 3 years
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Just some general warnings and disclaimers, this is an aged up Victorian era AU that I did a sort of collab with @bakugotrashpanda, so please check out BTP’s work as well. We had so much fun discussing this idea and breathing life into it, we would love to hear how these stories made you feel. Please also note that the woman in the banner is NOT the set skin tone for reader so please feel free to have that match your own skin tone! Also this is one of my bigger works coming in at a little over 14,000 words! (maybe a part two idk) but enjoy~
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The room ebbs in the low light of flickering candles, people gather in clusters like lost geese as they honk their gossip at one another causing you to sigh. It would be another long night of mental games as your cold eyes fail to warm from the eccentric sights. Silk dresses, long gloves, shimmering gems, and endless drink and food. 
Yet you hated how little power you had over your choice of being here or not. 
Countless eyes rake over your long dress, always choosing a color so deep in hue it is often mistaken for black. They often murmur curiosities as they ponder over what exactly you are mourning.
Little do they know it is your freedom. 
Tonight you are in blood red with matching gloves to your elbows, diamonds, garnets and rubies drip from your throat and ears. A sight to be seen in your bold dark colors that are often frowned upon during the bright season of spring and summer. 
A bold male approaches and yet the closer he gets to your stunning form the more meek he becomes. He nods his head and reaches for your hand, pressing his lips to your gloved knuckles. 
"May I have your first dance?" He peers up at you as you stare down with an icy glare. Removing your hand with deadly precision from a man you know of but could not care less about. 
"You may not." You say simply and all he can do is stew in his rejection, affirming your wishes with a small nod. Another male in a smooth storm grey suit approaches. His large hand grasping onto your fingers, bringing your knuckles to his lips. 
"You look exquisite my dear. Would you honor me with your first dance?" 
"I shall not." Another subtle yet swift removal of your hand from his, wishing you had worn two pairs of gloves for this sniveling little asshole. Not everyone knew his secret love for abusing women but you did. He would never get the pleasure of dancing with you and in the two years since your introduction into the market you've made sure he had no one to wed. Using the power and respect people had towards your Father's name, towards you for guidance, ultimately steering them away from this pathetic sack of bones. 
And with your power you were dubbed the icy hot debutante of Alryne, fierce as a flame so hot, it felt cold. 
You wear a neutral face, but you do not smile, making yourself a touch unapproachable. This already weeds out the weak men who want nothing more than to suck the blood and money from your father's estate. 
But it wasn't as if the neutral face was easy to achieve, oftentimes you had to fight a scowl. For two years you've hated every second of every ball, party, or soiree since the Queen smiled in your favor during your first debut. She often praised, as did your mother, your cold precision, quick wit, and intelligent political decisions that were so well disguised that men just thought you modest. 
When in actuality you were playing the game, and since you were being forced to play by your father then by Hell's flames you would win it all. 
The first half of the ball drags in stupor of tedious repetition as you idly chat with women of various titles to gather any information you could without revealing your own hand. 
Besides all of the pestering gnats, everyone knows that your first dance is always reserved for important males, to never approach until after the two of your six stamps have already been taken. Even then there was a high chance of rejection, as there were no men of value to be seen. 
At least not yet. For as long as you could remember the higher ranked males arrived a touch late, "fashionably late" they claim. Abhorrently annoying is what you call it.  
Fashionably late men such as Lord Bakugou, son to the Duke of Summer or his distant cousin Lord Kirishima, son to the Duke of Spring. 
Bakugou arrives first, his grin wolfish as he scans the crowd, women flock to his arrogance in troves, although he ignores them. He has one woman in his sights yet it is not the woman he stands before. You give a small courtesy as you speak. 
"My Lord." Offering your hand gently. 
"My Starlight." He presses his lips to your silky glove for a long moment unable to keep his cocky smirk off of his face, "May I take your first dance?" 
Fighting to keep the delighted smile off of your face you offer a flutter of your lashes. He kisses your knuckles once more as if you needed convincing but the two of you know what you are doing. 
"You may." And with that his wolfish grin returns as he sweeps you onto the dance floor, showcasing your abilities as he shows off his own. Not to mention the dance floor is a great place to talk in private. His hand lingers just above your lower back, firm in his grip as his other hand holds yours almost delicately. 
"We match tonight, my Starlight. A brilliant touch." He guides you along the floor with ease, his eyes gesturing towards his vest and tie. 
"I only took an educated guess as to what you would wear, my Lord." 
"Do not sell yourself short. I know how sharp that mind is." Another wolfish grin, his eyes never leaving yours while feeling the court gaze upon the two of you. You give him a knowing smile before asking. 
"Any luck with her majesty, the prized diamond?" You ask, eyes blazing with curiosity. He smirks again, only his eyes revealing his true scoff as he twirls you in your jeweled slippers. 
"I did as you instructed and went with my father to that dreaded stay at the countryside Manor, how did you know her Majesty and Princess Amila would be close by." 
"I took an educated guess." A blatant lie that has him grinning from ear to ear. He leans closer, pulling the attention of the ladies especially as his ember eyes burn into you. 
"Far more than an educated guess." He spins you again and you fight the tightness in your gut. Enjoying the dance as he parades you around the room as if to say look at what I have that you could never. 
Even if the two of you agreed you would never be his. The two of you having struck up an arrangement of sorts on your first dance. He was forced by his Grace to ask at least one woman to dance and he had only chosen you with hopes that you would say no. 
But you loved the honest, irritated look that lingered in his eyes and on his lips. So of course you said yes as misery loves company. It was then he told you not to fall for him as he had his eyes set on the Crown, you laughed loudly and said "As if I would ever fall for an arrogant pig such as yourself, my Lord." His smile was wild as he enjoyed your insult, it was then you told him you would help him with the Crown, only if he made you his first and last dance of the evening at every event. 
Back then he had hesitantly agreed, now he can see how far your scheming mind went. Saw the numerous callers and suitors who loitered in your parlor, the extravagant flowers that they sent in excess. The rings they bestowed to you as they dropped to one knee, bold enough to peacock the large diamonds in front of other callers. 
And all after Bakugou had done as you asked for only three parties. He got a front row seat to rejection every single time, which in turn started the talk, the gossip, that this city loved.  You were desired because of how you painted yourself and in turn made Lord Bakugou desired as well. Talked about, all because he was the only male who had your approval. 
He loved your scheming mind so much he could kiss you, but alas you did not wear a crown. Although you often had a braid of jewels atop your head, sadly you were not kin to royalty, only a Baron's daughter after all. 
Bakugou wonders what you could have done as a queen. He would think you an empress.
"Is that all the detail I get? Just a confirmation that I was correct about their holiday?" He spins the two of you in step, hand guiding you although you did not need it. Having memorized every step to every dance there was since before your debut. 
"She saw me." 
"And?!" You can hardly keep up the façade of calm collection as you wait. 
"And she flushed. Her cheeks were as red as any rose, Starlight, she was a rare red diamond sparkling by the lake. She must already be in love with me."  You snort, unable to stop the smile on your lips. 
"I've never heard you so poetic before. Normally you leave that to Lord Kirishima. How many times did you run into her? Not more than three I hope."
"Oi, I am a well versed student and I listened to my teacher. I made her wait for the fourth and denied it. Left her in wonder and hope as you said." He rolls his eyes, fingers sliding up to your dress line touching your bare skin with his beneath your guise of hair. The sensation of his warm fingers against your cool skin does not go unnoticed. 
"Are you practicing for your dance with the 'rare red diamond' now?" You taunt, earning that chest tightening wolf grin. 
"I'm only doing as my teacher has instructed." 
"Well the Princess will fall for you the moment you kiss her hand." 
"One can only hope. Her official debut is less than a month away. I want it to be perfect." His eyes shimmer with plotting mischief as does yours. 
"So it shall." 
The music flows and ebbs to the end of the song as Bakugou deposits you right back where he got you. Bringing your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles as he holds your gaze once more. 
"My Starlight." When he straightens you curtsy.
"My Grace." With that he leaves, heading towards the table of sweets and beverages, you were sure he would be ordering bourbon. Your mother clears her throat from her chair, the out of season silk blanket over her thick skirts pulls at your heart. She sits on that plush chair as if it were her throne. 
"You dance with Lord Bakugou often." An observation. 
"Indeed." A dry retort. 
"I am sure Lord Kirishima will be your next dance, correct?" 
"One can only hope." 
"So you have an eye for a Duke's son?" 
"I am happy to dance with those deserving, Mother." Your mother keeps her eyes on the turning bodies on the hardwood floor, Kirishima makes his way through the crowd once he spies you. Your mother turns to face you as she says 
"Is the Duke of Winter's son deserving?" 
"Hmm, he has three sons, mother." You keep your eyes away from her until she finally looks back into the crowd. 
"Ah yes but only one is ever at these events." You follow your mother's gaze and they fall upon the Lord, he is the third son, he opted to chase after the world of medicine rather than women. Earning his doctorate much faster than his peers, he only just returned to conduct his practice in Alryne. 
Pity he returned at all. 
He catches your eye and you make a point to turn your cheek, unable to stomach his heterochromatic, condensing gaze. Your turned cheek was as close to fuck you as you could ever say to the high and mighty Lord. Still the words burned on your tongue as if you swallowed acid. 
"It is not as if he ever dances mother. Therefore, how can I give him my attention? As you taught me a woman must wait to be asked as it is every woman's dream to be wed to a handsome, skilled dancer." Out of the corner of your eye you can feel her displeased look before she straightens. 
"At least do not string along Lord Kirishima, that boy is not as zealous as his cousin." She says just as the large man slips through the last throng of the crowd. 
"My shining gem." He smiles with sharp teeth before he places a chaste kiss atop your hand. 
"My Lord." A curtsy before he asks. 
"May I have this dance?" His smile is plastered on his face as he knows your answer. 
"You may." Kirishima sweeps you across the floor in a different manner than Bakugou. Lord Kirishima is more flirtatious in the way that he guides you. Always choosing more of the upbeat dances as opposed to his cousin's serious selection. You do not hesitate to go in for the kill. 
"So when do you plan to ask Lady Mina for her hand?" He blushes at your words. Biting the inside of his lip subtly, a habit you could only notice from being up close. 
"Have you even attempted to court her? What fear plagues you, Lord?" Confusion dots your features as a sad smile paints his soft lips. 
"I am not sure she would- That we would be an ideal fit." Kirishima admits, turning you gracefully, pulling you close to his body. Scandalous some would say had the two of you been an inch closer. 
"Well my Lord, I believe, had you actually talked to her while the two of you danced, as I suggested, then you would come to find out that she is lovely. Pure hearted as she is honest in this game seeking love. Most women here are making attempts to move up in position, my Lord. As a Duke's first son the title of Grace is yours to master. She is a delight and air is not the only thing between her ears as some of these…"You survey the room as everyone watches with greedy eyes, "Vultures." 
He laughs never used to your own unwavering honesty. He knows you are not participating by your own free will, he knows because you are helping himself and his cousin when he was sure you could have had anyone in this room.
If the Majesty's nephew, Prince of the Yarrow were to attend even one ball this season, Kirishima was sure you would have his attention too.  
He twirls your body away from his and brings you back to the safety of his sturdy form. Your eyes are molten determination as you all but hiss 
"Ask her to dance next. You know the host prefers the set to be serious, flirtatious, and then a slow dance. It will be the perfect time to talk." 
Lord Kirishima sighs, squeezing your hand as he guides the two of you closer to your mother so he can leave you in her company. 
"You could turn any dull man into something more. Whoever wins your hand is getting a precious gem indeed." He kisses your hand as the music begins to change into something slower as you had predicted. 
"One shall only hope." You curtsy as he takes his flushed neck towards a certain Countess. Your mother gives you a knowing look and you offer her a cat smirk. She shakes her head but even she cannot hide her own satisfied smile.
A blonde male approaches, as he does every third ball after he ensures your first two dances have been taken. The flamboyant male has not once asked for a dance first, trying to be just as calculating as you. Although he is much more obvious. 
You suppose it was not half bad for a male. 
"My lady." He bends lower than he should for his station in life, but he is obviously copying the cousins before him having seen how it makes you smile. 
Lavender eyes shine up at you as the Viscount brings his lips to your gloved hand. You debate if you should say yes tonight. Having left him in the dark as your desire to dance with him solely depended on your mood. 
"May I show the room the grace in which steals the breath from my lungs?" Your eyes smirk as your lips form a small smile. It seems flattery would earn him a dance tonight. 
"You may." 
The Viscount smiles with delight as he gently takes you to the dance floor, holding you to him as he takes you across the hardwood. The candle lights play along your features as Monoma's face grows soft. Had he been anyone else his gaze might have brought a flush about you. The two of you shared a few dances before, he has sat in your parlor in the time he has attempted to court you and the flowers he sends are always the most expensive. 
He has even brought you chocolate from a month's long trip. Even you had to admit that was thoughtful, not too many people knew of your Achilles heel. A small part of you thought that if no one else would do, at least this man would bring you luxurious chocolates. 
"No trips this season?" You smile politely, he blinks as he seems to come to. 
"Only if I can take you with me." He smiles, a hint. You pretend yourself modest and look away to fight the roll of your eyes. 
Maybe chocolate would not be enough to sate you. 
His eyes flicker to your mother as a question forms on his lips. 
"Neither your brothers nor the Baron attended tonight?" 
"Ah unfortunately no. My mother is my chaperone tonight." You say tilting your head, he turns so you can face her, stepping slowly as the song lulls on. 
"I am elated she is well enough to attend." He smiles, you cannot tell if it reaches his eyes so instead you offer 
"As am I." 
The rest of the night is filled with rejection tumbling from your rouged lips as champagne flutes seem to find their way into your hand. 
"Not too much of that dear or you will not be able to enjoy the company of your suitors." 
"Truly a pity." You say taking another from a passing waiter. Eyes trained on Lord Iida and the lovely dancer in his hands, a blue dress sweeping across the floor and a white carnation nestled in her hair. 
A beautiful touch and it pays homage to their first dance before they were even wed. 
The love that embraced the couple could turn anyone in the room green with envy. 
You down your flute as you reach for another. 
Night brightens into morning much too soon as curtains are ripped open in your room. 
"My lady callers will be here soon." Rose, your handmaiden says softly, "I have a bath waiting for you."
You groan in response having not had enough sleep after pouring over your drafts for your book until your candle snuffed itself out. 
"Turn them all away Rose." You growl turning away from the irritating light, could it not have rained this morning to delay the suitors as it always did in this forsaken town?
"She will do no such thing." Your mother says as she walks into your room with her cane, her hand gripping onto the golden beak of a bird. 
"Mother, why not marry off Hendrix or  Hideki?" 
"Hendrix must apprentice under your Father for a period of time while Hideki can do as he pleases for now. He is only 20, besides he makes an excellent chaperone does he not? He isn't too nosy nor does he neglect his duties to intimidate pushy men." She pushes some of your hair back as she sighs, "Although I doubt you need help in that manor." 
"I deserve a strong bloodline, so I will do what I must to ensure that. Even if my face has to be scary at times." You and your mother share a laugh before she adds. 
"Your face is far from scary my dear." She touches your cheek softly rising from the bed to allow you to get ready, "The suitors shall arrive within the hour. Make haste." 
"Yes mother." You half groan rising to wash. Enjoying the warm water that Rose has so kindly added aromatic flora and citrus to. Once you enter your bedroom Rose has a dress picked out for you, waiting for your final approval. You nod allowing Rose to assist you with your corset and strings of your dress before you pick out jewelry to match your silver finery. You choose a silver bracelet with little diamonds as stars that Lord Bakugou had given you for your birthday this past year, smiling down at the small thing before assessing yourself in the mirror. 
"What do you think Rose, should I add some rouge to my lips?" She gives you a smile of delight. 
"And your cheeks too, my Lady." 
Breakfast is served in the parlor as it consists mostly of fruits and finger pastries that will be served to the other guests. Hideki comes down in a fine and deep sapphire suit. 
“Sister.” He gives a smirk to which you nod.
“And what trouble will you get into today?” He stage whispers, causing you to cut him a glare as your father comes around to loom in the arch way of the parlor. 
“Remember, you need to pick a husband this season or I will pick for you. It is disgraceful to have gone through two seasons at your age.”
“I am only twenty four, dearest Father..”
“That just proves my point. You have a month before I extend an offer to the Duke's-.” He takes in a sharp breath to chide you further only for his Grace to swoop in and save the day.
“Baron.” Bakugou says, his eyes challenging as your father bows his head. As Bakugou makes his way towards the delicate foods. Father cuts you a knowing glare. As if to say I know your games child.
You offer a sweet smile as you make your way towards your small writing desk, fighting off the urge to groan outwardly. You just wanted to work on your manuscript or read for that matter. Instead you would have to entertain men who cared not what you thought only what your pretty mouth would not say. They would swarm you, demanding attention as you waved them off gently, half you had never even spoken too.  Bakugou gives you a wicked smile from beside you as if he could read your thoughts. At least he always sat closest to you, saving you in a way although you never instructed him to sit close. 
He just always had. 
"Do you not want to play the piano today, my shining Gem?" Kirishima asks from the door. 
"Ah I am not sure I am in the mood for it, my Lord." 
"Easier to avoid people as the bench is only meant for one." Bakugou gives a devilish smirk, Kirishima almost pouts, his sullen expression does not go unnoticed by his cousin. 
"It has been an eon since you last played for us." Bakugou adds. 
"Am I to be your song bird today?" You cut a glare at him. 
"Yes, Starlight I believe you are." It seems it had no effect. Sighing you stand, collecting your skirts as your wrist twinkles in the morning sun. Garnet eyes bore into the delicate wristlet. Your fingers pluck a key here or there until you begin to play. Losing yourself in the music as you sing ballads from ages ago, melding them into songs you've written until it all sounds like a cohesive piece. Each old song is lost in transition to the new one, time ticks on but you do not notice the string of men who come and go from your parlor. Resting your voice for the time being as your fingers fly across the keys to something you composed while thinking of your father and his ever pushing hand towards a Duke's son you had great distaste for. The notes are sharp, almost jarring at times yet still the piece is stunning.  In that time you had not noticed the lavender eyed man who sat closest to you, right in front of the piano in the corner of the couch. The finger cramping song ends on a somber, harsh note. 
"What a beautifully charged song." Monoma says breathlessly. 
“Well I was thinking of my enemies when I composed it.” You smile at the sunshine blonde with a devilish grin, he feels unsettled by it but says nothing nonetheless. His lavender eyes glance over to the wolves at the back of your den. Hideki gives him a small nod, Kirishima a soft smile but Bakugou gives him a glare that feels like Monoma is gripping needles. 
He swallows thickly, adjusting himself on the plushed silk of the couch before your small piano. 
“Ah before I forget.” He smiles pulling out a box setting it atop the polished wood. Gifts were a natural part of courtship or so your mother said. You offer a smile, grabbing for the box with poised eagerness and yet not overly so. 
Not that you were excited but you had to pretend to be. You unbox the obvious jewelry and fight back the distaste as you stare down at a gaudy, overly large necklace. The colors are a soft green and yellow, colors you avoid for many reasons. 
“Thank you.” You think to add a chord or two to your unnamed song in honor of Monoma. Bakugou laughs loudly from the back of the room, feeling how much you hate the gift, you look over your shoulder to send him a glare that he can only smile at. 
After hours of trepid and boring conversation Monoma takes his leave. 
“Another evening my Lady.” He smiles softly and you return it half heartedly.
“Another evening.” Lavender looks over your shoulder before Monoma clears his throat
“Your Grace and your Grace.” He bows his head, the ash blonde and redhead nod in unison. 
"Shall we go and drink my high friends?" Hideki asks, hoping for an excuse to leave the stuff house. He was more than over bearing witness to  gag worthy stares and compliments some of these men gave you. 
"An excellent idea!" Kirishima exclaims, standing before stopping by you. He takes your gloveless hand with a sharp, flirtatious smile. 
"My shining gem." He presses his lips to your skin and you return his smile. 
"My Lord." He nods and takes his leave, Hideki at his heels as Bakugou approaches. He does an exaggerated sigh unable to hide his smirk. 
"Little songbird how will I ever get through the night without my Starlight?" He holds your hand, lowering his upper half as did his cousin before him. 
"I suppose you will fumble in the dark."
"If only I had the pleasure." He purrs as he presses his lips to your bare skin. Suddenly his fingers are too warm as he holds your gaze, he looks as if he could devour you. 
Lest he forget he is staring down a panther himself. 
"Have fun fumbling in the dark by yourself, my Lord." You remove your hand and look out of the corner of your eye at him. He backs towards the door of the room. 
"I should hope to have thoughts of Starlight." He calls before he disappears into the hall. You tap a key as your mind wanders before you rise, famished and ready for dinner before you would take a long night of writing. 
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A month passes by faster than you'd like and you find yourself outside of the ballroom in the grand hall of the castle. Soft music filters in through the doors as your Father insisted the family be a bit late this evening. 
For he wanted to make a statement and one at your expense. 
"If Duke Enji's son asks you for a dance you will oblige." Your father hisses, his large hand curling around your bicep. You bare your teeth, stepping out of his grip as you collect yourself. 
"He has three." Acid drips from your tongue as sure as morning dew. 
"The doctor. Not the failure first born and not the inadequate second. The third. Shoto. Think of your ailing mother...would you abandon her for such vile, pointless ambitions?"
"I think you will not weaponize her. So do as I please and decline." You hold his burning glare as you add, "If the Duke's family is as bad off as you make it seem." 
"Oh I think you shall accept his dance. Or so help me God I will burn every book your ill, grief stricken mother ever shoved into your scrubby little hands." He leans closer, a nasty smile forming as his lips, "And if that is not enough I will throw your manuscript into the fire for fodder." 
Your eyes blaze with a rage that ignites beneath your skin, burning your blood as your eyes make unspoken promises. When I am through with you 
You part your lips to retort but your eye catches Hendrix and Hideki, their eyes filled with pity before your mother slowly approaches. 
Father chose his battleground well, knowing you would be unable to react as you pleased and with Bakugou already at the party there was no other male to save you. You bite your tongue until you taste blood. 
"Is everything alright?" Mother asks tentatively, fussing with your hair, "Darling you must mind your face, my love." 
You swat her away, breathing through your nose as if you were a dragon. Heat still dancing in your veins as you allow your feet to move on their own. 
"Announce me. Only me. And do not announce another soul until I am beyond the last step." You hiss to the harbinger whose eyes grow wide before he nods. His voice booms over the murmurers of the crowd and once eyes begin to land on you they are silenced. 
Your eyes are set hard and as cold as stone as you look over the crowd, slowly descending the steps in your deep ombre gown. Starless night black from the bodice before it lightens gradually into a charcoal grey, glittering crystals sewn into the material shine in the candle light like miniature stars. Your gloves followed the same gradual pattern except it seemed as if each finger was dipped in glittering silver and atop your wrist was your favorite piece, diamonds winking in the low light set into silver pointed stars. Woven in your hair were diamonds and pale citrine alike forming a crown in its own nature. 
Had Her Royal Highness not have already been announced and seated it would be easy to mistake you for the Crown. Considering how you commanded attention and held yourself, eyes looking at no one but seeing all. 
The envy, the awe, the lust. 
A pivotal moment was coming, the last three stairs is where a woman would normally hold out their hand, expecting their favorite suitor to take action but you did not hold out your hand. Keeping one firmly on the dark wood of the banister while the other was eloquently posed beside you. Even if you had held out your hand the men in the room were too stunned to step up to help you. This allowed a soft, devilish smile to form on your painted lips as they performed exactly as you had planned. Finally your gem encrusted slipper touched the hardwood, parting the crowd before the spell was broken by the announcement of the rest of your family. The room let out a collective breath and instantly erupted in hot gossip. All of it falling on deaf ears as you grabbed onto a flute of trusted champaign. 
From across the room you felt burning garnet eyes on you, you met them briefly before sipping at your bubbly beverage. He begins to cross the sea of bodies when a large man steps into your view. 
His eyes are cold as they bore into you, a shining sapphire paired with a smokey quartz. Distaste curdles your stomach as you fight to keep your face neutral and your eyes trained on him. Fans block painted lips as they spread more gossip about the man before you. 
"Is she ensnaring another Duke's son?" 
"She is becoming too haughty for a Baron's daughter." 
"Do you think she insulted the Crown with her entrance?" 
"Would you allow me your first dance?" His deep voice cuts through the vultures' cries pulling you back to him. He has your glittering left hand in his. Brining the dazzling glove to his lips in greeting, there is no joy in his gemstone gaze. 
The hot rage bears its teeth again as it surges through your blood like liquid fire, burning so hot it felt cold as it licked at your bones. Your lip barely twitches, No poised on your tongue as your father's grating voice echoes in your head. 
"Think of your ailing mother...would you abandon her for such vile, pointless ambitions?" 
And so your mouth finally forms the words. 
"You may."  He looks surprised, surrounding faces mirror his own before he fully takes your hand. Guiding you to the floor during one of your favorite songs that you always sat out as no dance partner ever dared the secret, advanced steps. You were steeling yourself for disappointment 
Shoto's grip on your body is tight but not uncomfortable as he sweeps you across the dance floor, twirling you, guiding you as he holds your gaze. His stare is heavy and intense in a different manner from Bakugou's with a hint of something that could be mistaken as flirtatious. But you saw it for what it was, discontent. 
As the song pushed on the discontent seemed to change into something new entirely as he showcased your skill while hiding his own. Allowing you to twirl away from him in several rotations that would make even the most skillful dancer fearful of misstep and yet you breathed in the music as if it were precious air. Neither of you notice how the other dancers give you room, allowing for more twirls and advanced steps as the two of you are becoming lost to the music. His fingers brush your bare skin as he pulls you back to him for  guided, sharp steps as the music heightens. His skin brushes yours again, electricity thrums beneath the pads of his fingers before he sends you into another dizzying rotation but to you it was nothing. Briefly you wonder if this were a test until you see the soft smile on his lips when you return to his arms safely for the final set of guided steps before the music were to abruptly end, just as the dance was intended. His eyes were glued to yours the entirety of the dance, softening with each step. 
Both of you stop in beat with the last soaring note panting as the movement seems to catch up with the two of you. Neither of you realize how quiet the room is until clapping comes from the royal dais high above the room, the rest of the crowd follows suit. Shock melts into a smile as your eyes return to his. A sharp pain rings out in his chest. 
"Not bad for a Baron's daughter." Disgust settles on your face faster than you can stop it spewing from your lips. 
"Not bad for a recluse of a Duke's son." You tilt your head up, fighting the snarl of your lip as his face becomes so mind numbingly neutral while his eyes darken. Shoto drops you off by your mother only for Bakugou to approach, swiftly bringing you to the floor for a slow song. 
"Starlight. How did I not know you could dance like that?" He is astonished by your skill, "I've never seen you so happy. Maybe the Duke of Winter's third son will do you justice yet." 
You scoff but all Bakugou can do is offer you a deadly smile. 
"Enough about my dead end dancing." Your eyes glance towards the dias, the Princess cannot look away from the two of you, "This should be enough for the Princess to want to dance soon." 
It is Bakugou's turn to scoff. 
"Are you sure she is even going to have the opportunity to dance? No one is even allowed on the stairs to their enclave." 
"Ah but this is her debut. The Queen will allow it, besides the princess cannot keep her gaze off of a certain ash blonde." 
"How could she ever?" Your laugh rings out, it warms even the coldest hearts as Bakugou pulls you closer to him. Heat radiates from his body in a calming manner, your fingers squeeze his. 
"Arrogant as ever." You smile, thinking how you will miss dancing with him or even having him at the back of your parlor to laugh with over sad attempts at your hand, "Remember once you take her one dance for the night, she must be your first and last dance of the night in the future, if not your only." 
Bakugou cannot hide the dejection in his eyes even as he feigns cockiness. 
"I am a well versed student, remember?" His fingers brush over your skin, his middle finger tracing a small circle. 
"The best student I could ask for." The music comes to a close on more than just the song as Bakugou returns you to your family. He presses a long kiss to your glittering glove. 
"Until we meet again, my Starlight." He holds your stare. 
"Until then my Grace." With that the night sets into motion as you turn down dances left and right. Eyeing a ruby haired man who twirls a certain countess in his hands. As the music ends the Queen stands earning a hushed crowd. 
"My daughter, the Royal Princess shall take the dance floor, she will only allow one dance on the night of her debut." It is not a shock that she is allowed so little but there is no worry on Bakugou's face. The princess straightens at the top of the stairs, trying to exude the same commanding energy you did. She falls short in power but outshines you in other wordly innocence and grace. As if she were a lily that only bloomed for the moon, her beauty unmatched in her pale pink dress. Carefully she guides the layers of it down the steps as diamonds and pearls drip from her hair and throat. She tries to keep her eyes from sticking to a broad shouldered man and yet at the same time from wandering, as she stares at the back wall of the room. 
As she nears the third step Bakugou struts towards his prize with the ease of a relaxed swagger, glaring at men as he passes before he reaches the bottom of the steps. Extending his hand to the Princess just as she hits the third step from the bottom. She cannot keep the smile off of her face as her gloved hand claps onto his bare fingers. He bows deeply, raising her hand above him to look from beneath long lashes before he brings his lips to the silk. 
"Your Royal Highness, my shining diamond. You are truly the envy of the night." A flush gives the Princess' lack of experience away, "May I have this dance?" 
"You may." It is a breathy answer before Bakugou sweeps her off of her feet. Charming her with each calculated step and  arrogant quip. The princess smiles wide and almost pouts once the music begins to ebb. Bakugou returns her to the stairs, supporting her hand as long as he can before she rises out of reach.
But to Bakugou she never was and never will be unattainable. 
Before the night is over an envelope is pressed into your hands with the Crown's seal pressed into the wax. You quirk your brow, tucking it away to be read at home. 
"I am so elated you came." Her voice is like honey as the butler opens the doors to a parlor so large it could hold your entire home. She guides you towards a small table and fights with the layers of her silk dress before sitting.
"How could I reject a personal invitation from her majesty?" You sit across from her, eyes going over the deck of cards and a set of tea. 
"Well, believe it or not, I do not have the pleasure of friends, so please call me Amila." 
"Everyone would desire to be a friend of the Crown, your Royal Highness." You counter, quickly she points her fan towards you, tapping your side of the small ornate card table. 
"Ah but you do not have the desire to befriend the Crown, so I have high hopes that you will befriend me for me." She smiles, a certain gleam to her eye before she says, "Now let's talk about handsome Bakugou and how well you played me." 
Your face gives nothing away as you look up from the cards you've been dealt. Your mind rushes down all possible avenues but you know to avoid the one of playing dumb. It is obvious that the Princess has a keen eye. 
"Surely you'll reveal to me what gave us away." 
"After that dance Bakugou had with me, had I been anyone else he would have returned to you. He either has his only dance with you or his last dance with you. I figured him or Lord Kirishima to be heavily interested in you. You are a sparkling gem amongst the coal down there so I know you have many callers and suitors. But the last to leave are always Lord Bakugou and Lord Kirishima. That is what has thrown me off the scent."  You laugh at her honesty of the knowledge she has obviously collected about you or was tactful enough to guess. 
"This is what we do, your Royal Highness." Your gloved hand gestures to the table, "I take them for all that they are worth." An honest giggle leaves Amilia's lips.
"For that I am grateful and some would dare say I am in your debt." 
"A brazen statement." Your eyes return to your cards, "I would not state it as a debt although I am happy to receive your gratitude. Especially since it is in the form of cards and cake." 
A laugh falls from her lips as a smile settles on yours. The round of cards continues. You win the first few rounds and then Amelia has a lucky hand. Winning the last white tea macaron. 
"Did you allow me to best you?" 
"Lady Luck just happened to take favor of the Crown." 
"Or maybe she took pity. " She smiles, fingers fidgeting nervously, "Would you care to admire the art? Mother allows me to have this as my own personal parlor so I decorate it as I wish." 
"I would love to admire some of these lovely paintings. Starting with the one behind you." You stand, heading to the large piece you had been eyeing for some time during the games. You could tell by the stroke of the brush that the artist was newer to painting but they were quite talented, the strokes almost went unnoticed even by your sharp eye. 
Most importantly were the emotions the work of art evoked from the viewer. 
Silently the two of you drank in the large oil painting. The canvas colored in deep pinks, reds and oranges as the sun laid to rest to allow its lover the full scope of the sky. Shadows stretched far and towards the viewer and if one paid close attention they would notice the black cat in the corner with two large moon eyes. 
You especially liked this painting, the ease it made you feel even earning a small smile. 
"I can already tell this one is by far my favorite, your Royal Highness you have a fine eye for art." She blushes at your compliment, twisting some of her low hanging hair. You keep your amusement of her flustering to yourself, eyes trained on the swirling colors of the rippling blue mirror of the sky, looking for a signature. 
Odd, there isn't a looping set of initials in the corner like most have. As if reading it on your face she speaks. 
"I- I am the artist…" It is shy and soft, unlike the Princess and you realize the weight of the truth. That she had not heard one genuine compliment of anything that she had ever done. 
All she would ever receive is flattery and only for the hopes of kindness from the Crown. Finally time swallows up her sudden meekness as she blurts out.  
"Are you sure Lord Bakugou is not in love with you? I know you fancy Lord Todoroki, Doctor Shoto." 
"I do not fancy the Doctor, he simply is the most logical option I have currently, he would make a fine partner and husband. The seasons have not brought anyone new and my days of spring are limited." You idly move to the next painting as you speak, "As far as Lord Bakugou, he and I are too much alike. Too ambitious for our own good, we'd either explode or implode I'm afraid. Like some tragic star in the vast galaxy." 
"You would not marry for love?"  
"It is best to marry for a strong partnership, love is a possible byproduct, however it proves to be a rarity. Love comes with time, your Royal  Highness, a luxury us women do not have." You glance her way, "Not even a Princess is immune to this unfortunate condition from which all women suffer." 
"But he looks at you with intense burning, with...love." 
A quiet moment passes between the two of you before you offer your honesty. 
"He would learn to look at you that way, more than he would see the Crown. Especially with your mind and artistic skill. He would be a fool not to fall for you." Her eyes water at your response, "Come, let me teach you how to best Bakugou at his favorite card game, Amelia."  
When you return home later that afternoon Bakugou is fidgeting outside of the manor causing your brow to furrow. Then it dawns on you that one of your brother's has a big mouth and told his Grace where you would be. 
"My Lord." 
"Starlight." He offers you a strong arm and you take it as he guides you up the stairs and into the parlor just off the foyer. 
"Are you here to gossip?" You trust Bakugou enough to go without a chaperone, besides the doors to the parlor are wide open. You sink into your writing chair as he takes his normal seat by your side. The plush cushions do not ease his twitching fingers before you give him a playful shove. 
"Out with it then!" You giggle, the sound pulls a devilish smirk from the blonde seemingly easing whatever troubled his mind. He leans back into the cushions. 
"So, how much did her Highness speak of me? Endless compliments no doubt." His teeth flash white as you roll your eyes. 
"And here I thought you had a pressing matter." You move to turn away from him to focus on writing but he grabs onto your knee. Giving it a gentle squeeze as his face gives him away. The tips of his ears burn before he clears his throat. 
"I have to show you something and I need your honest opinion." Silence is his answer as you patiently wait for him to produce the mystery item. Slowly he reaches into his pocket, a black velvet box is in his hands. A smile blooms on your lips as you anticipate the ring he must have picked for the princess. He opens the box and your heart free falls into your stomach. 
It is a pear shaped black diamond flanked by silvery diamonds that wink in the afternoon sun. At the top of the circle of diamonds was a deep red garnet that looked like a drop of blood. The ring felt powerful if it could make one feel such a thing. You fist your skirts as you collect yourself.  He watches your face contort as you look over the ring, his jaw ticking with worry as you assess what is essentially both his ego and pride. 
But the ring is breathtaking, perfect really. 
"Katsuki, it is a gorgeous ring…" Your voice trails as you admire it, "But I believe the princess to have less...moody tastes. She does not normally wear dark colors." 
A small silence stretches between the two of you, almost as if he expects something else, quickly he snaps the box shut. 
"This is why I ask you things, my stunning Starlight." He pulls out a red velvet box popping it open. This ring is beautiful as well but does not have your heart as much as the first. 
It is a stunning and giant marquise cut white diamond. Blinding in the light with a halo of pale pink diamonds. It is vibrant, radiant like the princess. Katsuki always did pick out the perfect jewelry to match a woman's tastes. Bakugou watches your face carefully, the sad smile that pulls your lips upward causes a deep ache in his chest. His jaw ticks again but you answer before he can even think to lash out. 
"Your Grace, this will surely win her heart." He looks you in your eyes, a flash of an emotion you cannot quite catch before his arrogance returns. 
"Indeed it shall. We can discuss the best date to ask another time." He closes the box and tucks them both away, he grabs your left hand, fingers ghosting over the bracelet he gave you, "You seem tired, you should get some rest." 
"I believe that to be a grand idea." You say softly as he kisses each knuckle. He squeezes your fingers. 
"My life would be dark without you my Starlight." You fight to keep the bitterness out of your voice as you reply. 
"Soon you will have a shining diamond to light up your life." 
"Only thanks to you." With that he takes his leave. 
With burning eyes you add to your manuscript, foolishly writing a love story as your other novels have been completed. The candle dwindles as the hours pass before your hunched shoulders ache from the poor posture and lack of movement. You stretch, yawning as you do before you decide to head to bed. 
Expecting an empty foyer you are surprised to see your father looming in the hall, your mother standing solemn by his side. Her fingers clutch at her pearls as your eyes catch sight of bags at their feet. It is not unusual for them to leave in the middle of the night in order to keep the severity of your mother's health from the limelight. 
"Is there troubling news?" Anxiety twitches in your fingers as you clasp them together. Although your father's next words make your fingers want to wrap around his thick neck. 
"We have been invited for an extended stay at Duke Enji's manner in the countryside in hopes the two of you will court one another." 
"Father that is scandalous in itself." 
"Not if an engagement comes of it. Which one will, whether you fall for him or not, young lady. The matter has been decided among the men." His words sting like a slap in the face. Where most would cry you lash out. 
"Oh, I get it. Per usual the men can think with nothing more than what hangs between their legs, fearful that theirs is not long enough. So the men do all that they can to control everything but their own fragility." You step towards your father and he takes a step back, "Or is it more gruesome than that? One blackmailing the other? I just cannot imagine the ambitious Duke wanting a Baron's daughter for his son. Unless his family is so far in decline he must place the weight on his new heir and bride." 
His eyes widen unnaturally before he is frothing at the mouth. 
"YOU WILL NOT SPEAK OUT OF TURN. YOU WILL LEARN YOUR DAMN PLACE. " He slaps you, causing a hush to fall over your family. Your eyes are wide with animalistic rage as you lunge only for Hendrix and Hideki to hold you back. Both strong men begin dragging you away.
"Forgive her, Father." Hendrix starts before Hideki finishes, "You know how the heat gives women a touch of hysteria."
"We will help her pack her bags." 
All the while your mother looks at her husband in horror.  The sight falls beneath the stairs before you are shoved onto your bed. 
"Sister!" Hendrix roars while the youngest brother looks flustered, worried, "What were you thinking? You know how closed minded father is." 
Hideki cuts the eldest a look before he adds. 
"We are just worried. Normally you keep your wrath at bay." 
"As much as it may come as a surprise. I am only human." You rise from the bed asking Rose to prepare you a trunk. To pack anything, that you did not care as you sat at your desk furiously writing. Your bothers watch you with curious eyes as the tension seems to subside before they take their leave.
Minutes tick by before you're standing in the foyer. Father and mother were already sitting in the carriage that waited outside under the cover of misty rain. Hendrix and Hideki stand awkwardly by the round table in the middle of the foyer. Pretending to fuss over lavish flowers Lord Bakugou had sent that morning. A beautiful arrangement of roses and hydrangeas, two of your favorites, the Lord knew of them through observation alone. You wait patiently until one brother makes eye contact with you. Hideki breaks first, guilt shining in his eyes as it threatens to spill over. It is obvious he does not want you to leave the house, his normally crooked smile falters. You cup his cheek, smiling up at your sentimental younger brother, he acts as if you will never come back. 
Maybe there is some truth in that. 
"Cry not, for I have an iron will while father's is but made of glass." You swipe the tear, before pressing two letters into his chest, "Besides I have an important task for you." 
"Is it your scheming?" Hendrix chides and you laugh in answer before continuing. 
"These are for Lord Bakugou and Lord Kirishima, it is imperative you deliver these letters." The paper contained important instructions for not only a successful proposal but a marriage as well. 
You'd be damned if all three of you would turn out miserable. 
"I'll put them in the post." 
"No hand deliver them." Your eyes turn icy causing both brothers to go rigid, "And should I find out the seal has been broken before their arrival I shall take the family jewels from between your legs."
"Is that any way for a lady to talk, my dearest sister?" A jest in an attempt to lighten your souring mood. 
"Yes, it is."
"They will be in their hands by this evening. We are wagering on a fight tonight. Enjoy your stay." Hideki leans in close with a tease but his voice almost cracks, "Make sure the rock is huge." 
"Indeed." Hendrix agrees with an almost sad look in his eye, leaving you to wonder what it is that they know and you do not. 
Well, you do know why they have such long faces, you just do not care to admit. You wave to them and their eyes catch on the silvery reflection of diamonds on your wrist. 
The manner is stifling to say the least. The large, grand thing is as your trunk is set in your room that overlooks a small garden and the long sweeping hill that leads home. You pace your room before a knock comes at your door. 
Hoping to ignore it, having not the desire to speak to a soul, your feet quiet. You listen for them to retreat but instead a louder knock sounds out. Before his grating voice floats from beneath the door and through the keyhole. 
"I know you are in there, my lady." 
Ugh, that stupid doctor stood on the other side of the door. Still you ignore him. 
"It is rude to ignore your host."  It ignites something in your stomach before you rip the door open. Eyes ablaze as Todoroki stands perfectly still in his onyx black suit sans jacket. White sleeves rolled up showcasing his strong forearms. 
"Surely, a good host would not force his guests to his estate?" 
"A good host would not mention how unwanted their guest is." His smile is sickeningly polite, eyes as cold as yours. It is hard to keep your composure as you breathe in deeply through your nose, eyes widening before you slam the door in his face. 
Only once you hear his footfalls retreat and the moon shines long on your floor boards do you finally make your way towards the door. A woman on a mission as you yank the door open, uncaring that you were not in much but a thick white nightgown that could be mistaken for a dress.  You rush for the stairs and through the door just off their back parlor, having memorized it from the long winded tour both your father and his Grace Enji insisted the small party take of the grounds. 
A cool summer breeze whips your hair this way and that as it dries the sweat that sits at your nape. Normally people would describe this feeling as miserable, that even the breeze had a bit of heat to it, but you. 
You lived for it. Twirling in the moonlight you allow yourself a moment for vulnerability you often cannot afford before you go deeper on the grounds, closer to the woods that lie just beyond the manor. 
Once you are at the edge you give the grand home a glare with your back towards the woods. The creatures of the night sing their symphonies well into the late hour. A twig snaps behind you cause you to turn about face, your eyes meet with lavender framed beneath light lashes. 
Ice runs through your blood as you faintly recall him speaking of these trees by his own countryside manor. He often went to these grounds to hunt. 
So why was he standing on the Todoroki grounds? 
"So it is true?" Monoma chokes out an ugly sound. It is between defeat and a snarl. He takes a step closer, "Whisked away in the night. Did Todoroki steal your maiden head from me?" 
Your eyes widen at his scandalous accusation and it is then you see how truly disheveled he is. Hair plastered to his forehead, his canary suit stained green from foliage. The fabric even darkening beneath his armpits and at his collar, it sends a sort of frantic look to his eye. He steps forward and for once in your life you yield, stepping back. 
"That is a damning accusation." You fight to keep the cracking rage from your voice, the small fear that blooms in your belly like poison nightshade. Swallowing thickly he steps forward. 
"He, he can't take what's mine. I- I was going to propose today. But that damn Bakugou is always lingering around like toxic gas. Poisoning your mind with his….ambitions." It is then you see red. 
How dare anyone thing you were so fucking fragile and innocent some young blonde could corrupt you. Your palm strikes his cheek with enough force that he is facing away from you. You strike again and then as you rear up your fist he pulls you to him. Pressing his whisky soaked lips to yours as he swallows you whole. Mouth extended over your lips, sloppily engulfing you as he makes sounds that make you want to retch. His tongue slides past your lips and you bite.
Not enough that he loses it, although you wish you could afford to do such a thing. But you still lived in a society where a man's word was far more valuable than that of a "whore." Shaking you pull back, so much rage that you do not see the flash of light until it is too late. 
"Fucking bitch!" He slashes at your nightgown, cutting the fabric away as you think you've doged, he goes to slash again, "God damn whore!" 
His voice echoes through the trees and that scares you more than the knife in his hand, his sloppy demnor creates an opening as you kick him so hard between his legs he falls to the ground, puking up his belly full of liquor onto the moss floor. 
Suddenly the summer night is too hot, the frogs and crickets too loud as an owl calls deep within the wood. Thunder roars overhead before the clouds become too heavy. Panic slicks your skin before the pounding rain as you turn to run, hopping you kicked hard enough to rupture something in this cowardly man. 
If you lived in any other world, you would have tried your best to seize that knife and plunge it into his chest. 
But you didn't, so you ran. Vision blurring as the pain finally catches up to you. Hand instinctively flying to your stomach only to come up wet. 
"It's the rain, it's just the rain." You gasp out rushing into the house and shutting the glass paned door as quickly and quietly as you can. Fumbling for a lock before you give up all together, arms outstretched in the dim room looking for a candle or a mirror. Shaking fingers find a match that you light using the wallpaper, uncaring of the risks as you frantically look for a stick of wax. Lighting the wick once you've found one and taking it to the mirror above a small runner table. You set the wax down, close to the glass, thunder shakes the windows and the house as you pull the fabric from your torso. It reveals an angry red slash that weeps crimson, a choked gasp leaves your lips as lightning flashes illuminating the whole room. Still you do not see the reflection of the man in the mirror. 
"What happened?" It sounds animalistic as it comes from the corner. Your whirl to face him, pulling the cloth back down to cover your decency. A lie falls from your lips as easy as breath. 
"Nothing." Your rasp, feigning embarrassment, "My-my courses have come early. Your Grace this is not something you should witness." 
"Do you take me for a fool?" He steps closer, eyes burning in the candle light, "I may not be an expert of female anatomy but I know the basics." 
You swallow thickly, trying to jest. 
"Then my Lord you are far more experienced than myself. I am bashful to be in the presence of a skilled womanizer. This truly is nothing." He closes the distance, wrapping his deadly hand around your small wrist. Pulling it away from your body.
"That laceration does not look like 'nothing'." He mocks, "I will not ask again." 
Silence engulfs you as the storm rages on, it competes with the roaring in your head. Your knees slowly buckle as Shoto keeps you up right. His winter's night by the hearth scent floods your senses. 
"I feel a bit faint." Your voice sounds so small, so far away that it stirs something in Todoroki. In the year that he has watched you, he has not once seen your falter or become meek. He makes way to scoop you into your arms and is a mixed of relieved and agitated as you swat him away. 
"I-I can walk." You straighten your back, smoothing the reddening fabric over your bodess and for once you're thankful the blasted nightgown is so thick. He gently guides you to your room. 
Once there he prepares a basin as you try to sit on the plush bed. 
"Aht!" He whispers harshly, "Change." 
You relax into the foot of the bed anyway, unable to hold yourself up right any longer. He sucks his teeth, bringing the supplies to the bedside table before searching through your trunk. 
"A Lady's things should not just be rummaged through." 
"Hmm is that so?" He finds another night gown before he hovers over you, face pinched as he asks, "Can you undress yourself, truthfully?"
Moments pass before you admit that you are not sure that you can with a shake of your head. Slowly he eases you out of the damp fabric, dabbing at your wet skin with a towel. He avoids looking at your breasts and as much as he would love to stare a weeping wound commands his attention. He places the gown just enough to hide your breasts before he lies you down on your back. 
"From beginning to end, tell me what happened." When you do not answer he forces your chin to face him, "Tell me, now." 
And your name slips off his lips like poisoned honey, a truth serum you swallow whole. You retell the quick exchange, including the damning kiss as you watch rage blister across Shoto's handsome features as he silently begins to work. 
"We must  prosecute him."
"We must not!" You exclaim as he dabs antiseptic at your wound. He gives your an exasperated
"What would have happened if he had nicked an internal organ?"
"I suppose I would be free of this wretched world." A nonchalant shrug as best as you can manage.a glare cuts your way as his roar turns soft.   
"Why would you say such a thing? Do you think no one would mourn the loss of you? Do you think he would not weep at your service?" Shoto touches the bracelet of dancing stars and you pull your wrist back. Tears burning your eyes, you do not allow them to fall. 
"He is not up for discussion!" It's a loud whisper before you grip Shoto's jaw with enough force it grinds, "I am more than capable of taking care of myself, Lord. You can take your leave as I do not need a soul."
He melts as he watches the pain flutter in your eyes, a long sigh escapes him as he melts into your touch. His fingers feathering over your forearm.
"Pride is a deadly sin. Allow me to help. I will be quick." Slowly you drop your arm away from him. He digs around in his bag before you change your mind. He disinfects the sutures before he sends the needle through tender flesh, your tears dry as you allow your mind to retreat. Shoto takes quick notice. 
"You do that a lot…" He comments softly, pulling the suture through your skin, you glance his way, "You seem to disassociate." 
"Well, feelings hurt so it is better to not feel at all." You grind your teeth as he pulls the widest part of your wound together. 
"Is that why you push him away so often?" He holds your gaze before returning to his work.
"Did I not tell you that he is not up for discussion. No matter, I do not have feelings for Lord Bakugou." He scoffs at your lie. 
"Ah so then it was not you who suggested the Princess in the form of flattery? Lord Bakugou is a smart man but you played into his blind spot, stroking his ego and enticing his ambition." Your gritted teeth say it all. 
"And how pray tell would you even guess at such grandor things when you are not in attendance at even half of these events?"
"I am privy to this knowledge because I too keep everyone and everything at arm's length. It is much easier to see the moves when one is far enough away from the board." He dabs at your abdomen, "And you my Lady are by far the best player." 
"Flattery does not go far with me." You sigh softly,  fingers idly playing with the wrinkles in the sheets,  "Father wants me to set a final round."
"Mine wishes for me to begin and end in the same turn." He slowly places your nightgown down, "Which is why we should make an effort to at least get to know one another. With your wound I suggest staying an extra week or two to ensure it closes properly. I can convince our Wardens that the extension is for an attempt to win your hand."
He leans back in his chair, sweat on his brow from fusing with your wound, from worry as it furrows. Your chest tightens and suddenly the urge to be in control sinks its teeth into your skin. Quickly you unclasp the birthday present Lord Katsuki had given you, setting it on the nightstand beside Shoto with dramatic flare. His eyes widen as he reads between the lines, the silent vow of "I will make an effort...for now". The promise seems to pierce his heart. 
"Fine. I enjoy picnics, I suggest we do that on the grounds so that we may be chaperoned from afar and yet have privacy. My expectation is unbashful honesty from both parties." You turn over to give him your back as you pull the fine blankets to your shoulders, "Furthermore you must come up with some sort  of endearment for me. Anyone who has ever tried to seriously court me has. I have come quite fond of them as titles bore me. Something lovely so give it thought."
Shoto is stunned into silence for a moment before he lets out a dark laugh. 
"I see, this is still your game"
"Precisely." You say, he stands, lingering in the doorway before shutting the heavy oak. 
It was difficult to sleep to say the least. Still you were grateful to have risen before Rose. Dressing yourself before she could see your wound. More grateful still when Rose set down some tea claiming Lord Shoto sent it.  
You downed the scalding liquid in three swallows, surprising Rose, before she passes you a folded note. 
Meet me in the back garden for lunch. 
A muscle ticks in your jaw as pain blooms across your stomach as you stare at his lovely script. 
Shoto hates to admit that the first thing he looks for is that bracelet on your wrist, when he does not see it he lets out his held breath. Drinking in your deep, sapphire dress. It sparkles as if covered in stardust, his heart clenches. He looks towards your stomach, worry etched on his features. 
"How are your stitches? No corset right?" He asks, gently guiding you to the plush pillows on the ground. Maybe he should have asked the butler to bring out chairs instead. 
"I feel naked without it." You admit, he sees a bit of nervousness you have normally schooled away. 
"You look lovely." His eyes are gentle, lips formed in a soft, genuine smile. Your heart tried to skip a beat. It's the heat you tell yourself. 
"Flattery will not get you far remember?"
"I'm only being honest, my sweet petunia." You give him a puzzled look, was this going to be his nickname for you? You were not a delicate thing. 
"A flower?" You give him a look but his smile does not falter. 
"Ah would you rather I say my dew kissed rose? My begonia?"
You both laugh at his last suggestion. 
"My sunflower." Your heart stutters, you glance away for just a moment and he takes notice. 
"Ah so you approve," He collects a strand of your hair between his fingertips, "Sunflower?" 
Heat rushes your cheeks as you fight the smile on your lips. You lose as he kisses your hair. Maybe you could be a delicate thing. 
"Did you know sunflowers can remediate soil? It is why they are planted after tobacco is harvested in hopes to use the fields once more." He is quiet as he waits for your admission. 
"It is my favorite flower, it is in season now. Alas not one suitor has sent them. Roses and hydrangeas are my favorites too but nothing quite says summer like a sunflower." You sigh, looking over the manicured bushes and flowers in the garden. 
"Is that your favorite season?" He is perceptive, you take  a moment to breathe in the sweltering breeze with closed eyes. Humming your answer. 
"Indeed." You kick off your shoes and place your feet into the grass, leaning back to allow your face in the sun. Not many women would be so open to sitting on only a blanket and with no umbrella or covering. And yet here you were soaking up the sun like a lazy cat. Heat rushes Shoto's cheeks as he realizes just how perfect his name for you is. 
"Have you ever had intercourse with a woman?" You ask, eyes still closed as Shoto flushes further. His cheeks are as red as part of his hair. 
"Sunflower." He gasps but you giggle. 
"Unbashful honesty, remember?" He lets small silence stretch between the two of you before he answers. 
"I have. My brother convinced me it was a good idea." His eyes look sad, it makes your gut clench as you look away for a moment. Question burning on your tongue. 
"What if I were to say my maiden head was taken?" 
"Who am I to judge after I have slept with another. Sadly I know some are stolen." He answers without hesitation. 
"This is true. Mine is still intact, I am grateful Monoma had only stolen a kiss." You sigh.
"You'd never kissed anyone?" His tone is curious although his eyes are dark with anger for you. 
"I tried to be a proper lady. More so because I do not like to touch people or feel their skin. Touching them makes them real, you know? And when someone is real they can have power over your heart." Shoto mulls over your words and realizes how much he relates. He places his hands near your fingers but does not touch them. You notice the gesture and scoff without the pretension you skillfully lace his fingers with his. Delighted to see the burning blush on his cheeks. 
Maybe life with Shoto would not be half bad, if only he gave you more moments like this. 
Moments like this last over the two weeks that drag into three. Days are spent  beneath the summer sun with exchanged and often heated, intellectual debates. Both of you feeling mentally stimulated for the first time as each of you allowed a few walls to come down, pulling each other closer than arm's length. While a few hours of the night are spent beneath the moon. His gem stone eyes raking over your abdomen in worry but nothing more than his checking on your wound as he was ever the gentlemen.
On Monday of the second week Shoto has come fond of his summer sunflower, so much so he brings a large black box to the next picnic, tucked away in his pocket is a matching, much smaller box. He presents to you the medium sized box as you giggle in delight. 
"My Lord, my shining Shoto. What could this be?" Your cheeks hurt from the width of your smile as he opens the box for you to see. Your face flutters into shock before joy returns as you hold out your wrist. Shoto takes the delicate golden bracelet that has several round onyx surrounded by citrine in the shape of petals. Sunflowers dance on your wrist as you twist it this way and that, unable to school your features into your normal distaste for guadry gifts from suitors. But this gift was far from gaudy, only one man before Shoto had earned this reaction. You bring your parasol to hide your face and his from the prying eyes of the manor as you gently press your lips to Shoto's cheeks. 
"I love it." You admit. It gives him enough courage to commit to ask you on Friday, the bigger question. 
Having you walk for "therapy" through the grounds, pointing over your shoulder to point out phantom ducks on the lake as he nervously sinks to one knee. 
"Shoto, love I do not see-" You turn to face him and see his loving eyes, wavering smile and shaking fingers holding open the box that reveals a giant oval ruby surrounded by diamonds.  He clears his throat. 
"My sunflower," You fling your arms around him, making him fall off balance as you land on top of him. Peppering his face with uncharacteristic kisses as excitement, for once, rushes through your veins like a second blood. He laughs lifting you by your ribs, careful of your slowly closing wound as he spins you before setting you on your feet. He fumbles for the momentarily forgotten ring before he slips it onto your ring finger. He presses a kiss to your cheek, smiling warmly. It reaches his eyes in such a way your gut clenches. 
And for a moment you forgot you were ever anyone's starlight. 
For one returning to the manor seems almost dreadful and not because of waiting suitors but because you would be without your own. He insisted the two of you be seperate as your mother and his, prepared to arrange the wedding, as you demanded the ceremony to be small. Despite your desire for to keep the engagement quiet for just a week or so, your mother and father took it upon themselves to spread word back home before you could even arrive. 
You exit the carriage as the house looks quiet, earning a soft smile. Your ring catches your eye and you remind yourself that this truly was the best possible outcome. 
The foyer is covered in flowers, from congratulations to a giant trove of sunflowers on the center table. 
You smile at the flowers Shoto must have sent this morning, they sit in a glass globe of a vase, their usually tall stems cut short. Their flower heads are large and vibrant even in the ambient candle light. You finger a petal as you reminisce over the past few weeks, your stomach hardly protesting as you stand on tip toe to look at them all. Relishing the moment of silence before you realize you are most likely home alone. Your brothers lost in some fighting match while your parents took their leave from the Todoroki manor to busy themselves with venues. You figured a change of clothes would do you nicely before you settled down over your much neglected work. 
A black nightgown and almost sheer robe clung to your frame as you stepped down the grand staircase, smiling once more at the flowers before slipping into your parlor. Lighting only one other candle by the door before taking yours to your desk. With deft hands you pull out one of your manuscripts and tap along the top with a manicured nail. A sigh leaves your lips, you finger with your bracelet, with the ring on your finger before a fresh page is found on your desk. You write furiously. 
About something as trivial as love. 
Still the quil seems to move on its own as if enchanted as words dot the parchment in ink. Suddenly your work is disturbed by someone entering your parlor. You assume it is a brother who has come home, glancing up you see locks of ash blonde causing you to grip at your robe to close it tighter. The moment you realize it is just Bakugou your grip on the fabric loosens.
"I wasn't expecting you at this hour." Fear of needing a chaperone barely crosses your mind since it was Lord Bakugou who was your company. You relax into your seat as he crosses the room to sit in his normal seat, on the corner of the couch, closest to you. His posture is poor as he leans his forearms on thick thighs, garnet eyes cast downward, he grips at his own hands as his knuckles turn white. You wonder if he did not heed your letter. 
"How did the proposal go with Princess Amelia?" Your voice sounds out over the silence of the room, still he remains quiet. It is unnerving how solemn and silent the normally wolfish man is. Something pulls at the strings of your heart. His eyes seem misty. He keeps them to the ground or so you think, as they rake over the ring on your finger, on the bracelet on your wrist. The onyx and citrine dance in the low light of your burning candle. Bakugou feels a sheen of sweat coat his hands, bile rising in his throat that he has to swallow down. 
You think the worst, you think the Princess rejected him but that didn't make sense either. She was so obviously in love with the ambitious man, you heard while away that she even turned down a dance with a forgein prince. 
"What's wrong, Katsuki?" The way your voice forms around his name, the way your eyes look with unbiased worry causes Katsuki's limbs to act on their own. In one swift motion he cups your face in his broad hands, bringing his lips to yours so softly. Once the plush of your lips touch his he cannot stop as his hunger for you comes to the forefront. He kisses you with a fervor unmatched as his lips move yours, his hand moves to the back of your neck. Tilting your head so he may deepen the kiss, tongue sliding over yours as the world falls from beneath your feet.  
But as quickly as it fell it returns, pushing him away while turning to face away from him. You keep your head held high as he pants on the couch beside you. He grabs your thigh, desperate for touch, for anything but rejection. 
"Starlight." His voice is deep, rough from what might be disuse as it cracks on the second syllable. A question runs rampid in your mind.  How long had he felt like this? 
"Please, my starlight." He squeezes your smooth thigh and you look towards him. Watch his force contort with pain, as if you held his beating heart in his hands and crushed it.  
Really it is what he had done to you, as you look down at him with hot tears. 
He is the first and only soul to see you cry in decades. It seemingly tears him about but he brought this among himself. 
The kiss is answer enough as to why he is here. 
It should not be this tempting to throw it all away. 
"Get. Out." You seethe, fat droplets catching on your sheer robe, falling down your cheeks as if you were an actress going through a tragic scene. He does not move, does not breathe as he hopes your temper will cool. 
Instead it heats. 
"Get out, Get OUT. GET OUT GET OUT!!" More composure lost with each increase of volume before you completely lose it, "FUCKING GET OUT!" 
He hardly moves and the ruckus calls alarm for your brothers who were home, who let Bakugou in at such a late hour. They come from the office across the hall in hurried steps, expecting to see an assailant, hoping that Bakugou could fight them off. 
They silently determine what they see is far worse. Bakugou gripping at your thighs with this pleading look while your face is now firmly buried in your hands. A sob racks through your body setting your brothers ablaze. 
Hendrix speaks first. 
"What did you do?!" His eyes are flaming as he sets them on Bakugou, who ignores the two men. Hideki begins to close the distance and his eldest brother follows suit. 
"What have you done to make my lovely sister cry?" Hideki's voice is full of hurt, disappointment and when they receive no answer they decide it is time to remove your true assailant. 
Both grab at Bakugou, pulling him away from the couch as you wet your palms with years worth of tears. 
Everything in your life, no matter how hard you tried to conduct it, was truly wrong wasn't it? 
The fresh swirling ink on the pages answered you enough, the love story you did not know you needed with a protagonist with soft ash blonde hair. 
"Please. Do not make me BEG!" He yells as your brothers' sad attempt at forcing him from the room topples furniture and the like. 
Still you weep your self pity away. 
His next words are deafening  as your heart finally cleaves apart, the pieces falling to the floor before shattering like glass at your feet. He brandishes the black velvet box with the black diamond ring tucked inside as you finally look up to him. 
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volleychumps · 4 years
Heyy idk if this'll make sense but,, I'm ugly (or at least not as pretty as others) and a lot of times guys would be dared to say "oh my friend likes you" while laughing at me. It made me very insecure growing up and makes me suspicious of compliments now... idk if anyone can relate but can you write a fluffy comfort scenario with Bokuto, Kageyama, or Tsukki? Maybe with reader laughing at a confession because she thinks it's a joke or something? Thank you, I love your work and stay healthy ❤️
Aw bby~ I’m sure you’re absolutely goregous <3 hope you enjoy your request!
Insecure S/O Reacting To a Confession (Bokuto, Kageyama, Tsukishima)
This is set in a time in which you’ve developed trust issues because a confession before had been a joke- so a little angsty ngl 
“She’s not coming, is she?” 
“Calm down. You told her to meet you after school- the bell let out less than five minutes ago.” Akaashi’s voice sounded through the spiker’s phone as Bokuto releases a bigger sigh than he expected. Nervousness tingled through his muscles while the burly boy seemed to tremble in both excitement and fear for what was to come, leaning against one of the many exits to the school as golden eyes scoped the area for your figure. 
“Today’s the day, Akaashi, I just know it!” 
“Yeah. You said that yesterday. And the day before that one. Not to mention every day for the past month-” 
“I think she’s coming!!” A hand slipped out of his pants pocket as he pushes off the wall giddily. 
“Well, be careful- I don’t know if you heard about it, but-” 
“See you at practice, my #1 Wingman!” 
Bokuto ends the call, the last thing he hears being a sigh of Akaashi’s at his abrupt cut off. That could wait. A growing grin began at Bokuto’s lips as you, confused, approached him with a crumpled paper in your hand- looking as beautiful as ever in the eyes of the ace. 
“You made it!” 
He couldn’t see the hesitation in your steps, or the nervousness in your movements for the national-known volleyball spiker had his gold eyes downcasted at his feet, a hand nervously coming up to rest on the back of his neck as he internally prepares himself. 
“Was there something you needed from me?” You wrung your hands out, biting your lip as you seemed to fidget in place, the scenario being all to familiar with what you once had to go through. However, you knew better- it just simply wasn’t possible. 
Bokuto was always friendly towards you, but previous events had placed a limit in your head on just how far that friendliness just happened to extend. Until- 
“Y/N...do you maybe want to go out with me?” 
Your jaw slackened a little as you still in shock, watching as the boy you thought was eons out of your league blushed a little, squeezing his eyes tight as the question came out rushed, the words fumbling over each other. 
But you still heard it. 
Your chest sunk and heat flamed in your cheeks as you push out your first instinct- a laugh. A laugh bubbled up in your throat at the question, and Bokuto opened his eyes, confusion and anxiety rising in his stomach at the sound that still made his heart race. Nervously, he began laughing too. 
“Alright.” You make out between giggles. “Who put you up to this?” 
All laughter stopped on his end as you continue to giggle, but your eyes were a tad bit poignant as your fists clenched at your sides. Bokuto straightens, furrowing his brows at the ridiculous question. 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean, this is a prank right?” Your voice wobbled. “Was it Rui? His friend Droy?” 
“Y/N, what-?” 
“You shouldn’t play with girls’ feelings like that, you know?” You continue, smiling yet your eyes screamed of another story. “But in my case, it’s funny- right?” 
Bokuto blinked, mouth agape at the accusation in your words as you take a shaky breath, trying not to show weakness as Bokuto takes a careful step in front of you. Was this what Akaashi was trying to tell him? 
“Y/N, I’m serious!” The ace exclaimed, causing you to finally meet his eyes with your slightly watery ones. “You’re absolutely goregous, there’s no way this is a prank!” 
“Y-You’re taking this too far...” 
“I’m not, because there isn’t anything to take!” Bokuto grabs your hand in his, intertwining your pinkies as you can’t help but smile a little at the childish gesture. “I promise you, Y/N, I like you! Way too much, I’ve been trying to tell you for the past month now, but...you scare me. In a I’ve-never-had-these-feelings before kind of way.” 
You find yourself leaning into his palm as Bokuto smiles, golden eyes gleaming genuinely as he cups your face. “Who made you think of yourself this way?” 
“N-No one in particular...” You lie, looking off to the side as you feel yourself being tugged gently into the sweet boy’s chest, causing you to yelp a little as Bokuto crosses a boundary, digging his face into the juncture between your neck and shoulder. 
“Please.” You stop trying to push him away at the sincerity in his voice. “Can I change that? I can. I promise you I can, if you give me a chance!” 
Shakily, you look up to the sky, feeling Bokuto’s warm breath on your neck as he spoke, wondering if this was worth learning to trust again, your arms wrapping around his mid-section as you did so. 
Your voice quiets, cracking slightly as you hold him back just a little tighter. 
“One chance. Don’t let me regret this.”
“This is ridiculous, you moron!” 
“Trust me, she’s gonna love it Kageyama-Kun!” Hinata flashes his setter a big thumbs up as Kageyama groans, glaring into the bouquet of flowers with pink dusted across his cheeks. After Hinata had snuck a horribly written note into your shoe locker- Kageyama couldn’t put his confession off anymore, much to the setter’s dismay. Admiring you from afar had been enough, and confessing you face to face had once been a daydream- 
“Can’t I just, you know, text her?” The raven haired boy attempts to escape one more time as Hinata points a finger to the spot where he was standing stubbornly. 
“Nope! As if you could get her number anyway-”  Hinata dodges the hit coming his way with ease, sidestepping as he continues his tangent. “So you’re going to stand right there and wait for Y/N-chan to come! I’m going home now, and tomorrow- you better have a newly minted girlfriend!” 
“I should’ve never asked you for advice.” 
“See you tomorrow, and you’re welcome.” 
Kageyama scoffs, snarky reply falling on silent lips as Hinata mounts his bike and takes off before he can get it out, leaving the blue-eyed setter standing at military position near the courtyard, red roses tightened in his grasp around the less thorny areas. He hoped Hinata was smart enough to not mix up the two locations.
Said boy almost drops his flowers when you round the corner, now changed out of your school shoes as Kageyama swallows- a futile attempt to aid his now dry mouth. You took small steps towards him as you find a lump growing in your throat at the scene before you, memories flashing in your mind at what once had been. 
Regardless, you managed a tight smile as Kageyama blinks once. Then twice as if to make sure this was really happening. 
“You...wanted to see me about something?” You question formally, ignoring the red hue of the roses as Kageyama stutters out a response, bright blue eyes darting all over the courtyard. 
“I...um....you are....UGH-” 
In any other circumstance, you might’ve found this cute- but the only thing you could think of was how good he was at acting. 
“Take your time.” Your eyes dim down a little as the familiar unease rises in your stomach. 
“D-Date!” Kageyama manages, the pink on his cheeks now turning into a bright red. “I want to g-go on a date with you...!” 
You press your lips together as a heat pricks the corner of your eyes, the one image you didn’t want to remember blurring perfectly over the one in front of you. 
.... Again?
Kageyama curses, offering you the roses with one hand shakily as the back of his hand covers his mouth, blue eyes seeming to glare off to the side in utter regret. “I heard you like flowers, s-so....”
“You don’t need to do this, Kageyama-Kun.” You find yourself saying, surprised at how stable your voice was as Kageyama’s arm slackens a little, the bouqet lowering in height as he takes in your words- in his case, your response. 
“It’s cruel, you know? I get it- you’re popular, attractive, and people want to be your friend- but this? I know I can’t be with someone like you the way I am now, so you have to show me firsthand?”
You chuckle humorlessly at the genuine confusion in his voice before laughing a little. “It’s hilarious, isn’t it? Poor, naive, ugly girl believes for just a second that the boy she likes wants her back.” 
Kageyama’s eyes widen a little, still trying to process what you’re saying as the roses fall slack at his side. But the only thing he’s able to get out, is- 
“Wait, you like me?” 
You spin on your heel, flustered you admitted it, before beginning to walk off. 
“Goodbye, Kageyama-Kun.” 
“W-Wait!” Before he can stop himself, he finds himself grabbing you from behind to stop your leaving, your eyes widening as the bouqet of flowers remains tightened in his grasp as he does so, your back against his chest. The aromatic scent fills your nose as he successfully stops you from going anywhere. 
“I-I don’t know why you think you’re ugly or any of those things, but you aren’t.” Kageyama mumbles quickly, and you’re shocked to see that he’s trembling at the touch. “But I wasn’t lying, or trying to play you. I want to go on a date with you...and if you like me too, there shouldn’t be an issue, right?” 
“Shit!” Kageyama releases you right away, and you step away subconciously as you find yourself believing him, a hand over the clothed part of your chest as you do, cheeks blooming with a pink of their own. 
“...I think I’d like that.” 
“Like what?” Kageyama questions obliviously as you groan, blushing in a way that made the setter want to admire you even closer than from afar. 
“The date, don’t make me say it!” 
The blue-eyed setter releases a sigh of relief, his heart being sent on an emotional rollercoaster coming to an end as he chuckles the slightest bit at your embarrassed stature, offering the roses again in a now relaxed-manner. 
“Right. So can you maybe take the damn flowers and be my girlfriend?” 
“I regret this. I’m going home.” 
“Tsukki! No!” Yamaguchi whines, pulling on his friend’s sleeve for the second time in six minutes. 
“She isn’t coming. Waiting outside her classroom is creepy anyway. She might’ve even already gone home.” Tsukishima says straight on, glancing at his childhood friend before the freckled boy could interject. “What are you even doing here?” 
“Moral support!” 
“Yeah, could you maybe...do that somewhere else?” 
Yamaguchi sniffs once, frowning. “I get that you’re nervous, Tsukki, but don’t take it out on me. Text me later and send Y/N my regards, okay?” 
“I’m not nervous.” The tall blonde claims, swiping through his playlist when in reality- the butterflies in his stomach said otherwise.
“That’s all you got out of that?” Yamaguchi sweat drops, shouldering his bag a little more before waving as he begins to walk off. “Be nice to Y/N!” 
“Wasn’t gonna kill her.” Tsukishima mumbles to no one as he’s left by his lonesome in the empty school corridor after school had ended, mostly everyone leaving or going to attend their club activities. He knew from Yachi who shared your class- that you stayed a little after school to study for a bit before leaving. 
Tsukishima had discovered about his emotional surge towards you when you had visited practice one day to drop off Yachi’s notebook- only to notice you more and more each time you had passed him by to the point where you would smile and wave while greeting him by name. Soon, all other girls seemed to become see-through, leaving you bright in a sea of unfamiliar heads. 
“Crap!” You stumble back, a relieved laugh filling the corridor as the blonde blinks, wondering how he had gotten so lost in his thoughts he hadn’t even seen you emerge or make himself known. 
“You scared me, Tsukki!” You whine, shifting your bag upon your shoulder before blinking in confusion. “Wait, what are you doing here? Is the volleyball club off today-?” 
“Go out with me.” 
Your breath hitches at the sudden attack. 
Tsukishima remains indifferent, thankful he was able to even say it, as he shoved his hands in his pockets, eyeing you seriously through his spectacles before you find yourself back there again. Back where your trust was stripped and your pride was stomped on before you smile- a smile that was anything but cheerful. 
“That’s not a very funny joke, Tsukki.” You laugh a little, hand tightening around your bag strap as you refuse to meet his eyes, your gaze falling on his shoes as you become overwhelmed with past events. 
“I’m not joking. Go out with me.” He repeats, not asking, but in a way where it sounded like he was basically telling you. 
“...How far are you willing to go?” You feel wetness brim your eyes, but your smile still remains- shaky yet present- as your voice cracks differently from the way you used to call his name. 
“What the hell are you-?” 
A smirk and multiple laughs ring in your head from your memories before you finally snap. 
 “Stop screwing around, alright?”
Tsukishima’s brow quirks up once, and in the next few moments, you gasp as your back is suddenly touching a nearby locker- Tsukishima’s hand resting by your side to create the illusion of entrapment as he leans in to you, and you don’t have to look up to know that his gaze was searing into you with a mixture of frustration and something else you couldn’t pinpoint. 
“Who’s screwing around?” His voice was quiet and irritable, and you swallow the lump in your throat as a few stray tears slip. 
“I’m just a joke, right?” You mumble, barely audible as you breathe in his scent from decreased proximity. “You boys always toy with girls like they’re your little playthings-” 
“Are you talking about that shitty prank that bastard pulled on you a few months back?” 
Your eyes snap up before you can stop them. “You...know about that?” 
“Why the hell are we here wasting our breaths on them?” Tsukishima questions, irritation evident in his tone. “I don’t do these kinds of things, ever, and you seriously think I’d be here telling you I like you as some kind of shit joke? Give me a break.” 
You blink, believing his harsh words as Tsukishima sighs, relaxing his neck so his head falls on your shoulder. 
“On the bright side you finally looked at me. Understood, I hear you loud and clear.” 
You bite your lip when he moves to step away from you, your hands clasping at the sides of his shirt before you can stop yourself. 
“I...I’ll go out with you, Tsukki.” 
The blonde’s eyes widen a fraction as you bury your head in his chest. 
“Just...please please don’t be like the others.” 
“I thought I told you.” Tsukki’s pointer finger prods at your chin, causing you to look up at him as he leans down so your noses brush. 
“You’re wasting your breath on the wrong thing, Y/N.” 
General Works: @takemetovalhalla @savemesteeb @kasandrafaye @dreebbles
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hotjellycow · 4 years
𝚃𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚒 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚘 𝚡 Top 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝙼𝚢 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚘 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚊
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙻𝚒𝚖𝚎 (𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚒 𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚖𝚎)
𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜: 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚛
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐(𝚜): 𝚃𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚜 (16 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐)
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You both walked to the couch and collapsed next to each other, "I'll make dinner," you breathed out still tired from the last encounter you had with a villain. Shoto just nodded also exhausted from his last mission, you smiled pecking him on the forehead and heading to your shared room to take a quick shower and then get dinner ready.
                             Opening the door Shoto and I had just come home from a long tiring day of hero work. Todoroki became the number 2 (or number 3 idk) hero after we both graduated UA becoming very popular, while (Y/N) was number 6.
You were still very strong, but you were more of an underground hero like Aizawa.
Walking inside the kitchen with a towel around your neck then placing it on the chair, you grabbed all the ingredients and started getting to work.
As you were cooking you heard footsteps behind you, turning your head you could see Todo in nice blue pajamas with a loose button up shirt with a matching pair of long flowy pants. You turned your head back to the food stirring the ingredients together, you felt a pair of strong yet slim arms wrapping around your waist nuzzling your back.
This was one of the ways Todoroki showed affection, in the beginning of your relationship Todo had not known about affection due to the lack of it in his childhood () You had taught him more about showing affection which made him realize how touch starved he was (same-) So now daily he would nuzzle or cuddle you as much as he can, and you weren't complaining.
Smiling you just continued your cooking, "How was your day?" you asked, you felt him shrug "Stressing but I'm fine now," he answered nuzzling deeper on your back.
Nodding you placed the food on the plates, "I need to move baby," you said picking up the plates, Shoto slowly let go and walked to the table. Placing the plates down you both began eating. "(Y/N)," Shoto said, looking up you gestured for him to continue, "Can we please have sex today?" he asked.
That made you choke on your food, coughing you looked at him "Well sure but why so suddenly?" you asked your ears turning red form his bluntness.
Well, it has been a while since we have done it and it has been stressful with hero work," you sighed, it had been a couple of weeks since you two have done anything which is far too long for you.
"Sure, baby we can let me just clean up yeah?" you asked, Shoto nodded standing up since he was done with his food, he walked over to you and kissed your cheek. "I'll get ready," he said lowly, "Alright love, safe word?"
"Red" he said before walking inside of your room, you just sighed standing up and washing the dishes before wiping your hands and heading to the room.
Entering you saw Shoto in black bunny outfit (image above) with cute ears and a cotton tail that was attached to something (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) You froze and held your nose to prevent you from having a nosebleed. You inhaled through your mouth, "Is that a new outfit?"
He opened his eyes and looked up at you with his beautiful lust filled eyes. "Fuck baby you're so sexy~" you said he whimpered spreading his legs open showing his soft thighs, "Please fuck me daddy~" he said grinding himself down on the mattress rolling his hips.
"Mhm I got it for you~" he said leaning back rubbing his thighs together, you walked up to him and rubbed his head, Shoto leaned into your touch closing his eyes.
You then grabbed his hair and roughly yanked it causing a groan like moan to leave his mouth.
Your other tentacles wrapping around his thighs making Shoto try to close his legs, but you held them open making him blush from embarrassment, two of your appendages moved towards his chest pulling the outfit down slightly making his chest push up making his breast look even more plump.
You stood back up and stared down at him before summoning your tentacles them coming from your back, Shotos eyes slightly widened before he layed down on his back with his legs still open, "P-please~" he said softly.
You chuckled, one of your tentacles moving to his hands wrapping them together and holding his arms above his head causing him to slightly squirm under you.
You licked your lips and leaned down taking one of his buds in your mouth and sucking on them.
Flicking your tongue over his nipples making Shoto moan softly, "Mhmm (Y/N) ~" as you were playing with his nipples one of your tentacles roamed Todo's body sending shiver down his spine until it finally got down to his groin.
A/N: 𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚑 𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚊 𝚕𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚒 𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚊 𝚕𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 ℂ𝕃𝕆𝕊𝔼𝔻~
You massaged that area, rubbing on it making Shoto grind his hips up for more friction, chuckling against his chest you pulled away from him.
Lifting your shirt off you threw it in a random corner of the room before staring down at Todoroki with a lusty predatory gaze.
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kookie-doughs · 3 years
Beta Tester
Kozume Kenma X Reader
-YN LN is a popular mangaka
Chapter 16: Stage
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Seeing you running towards him made Kenma frown.
"Kenma!" You waved. "Thank you for not leaving yet!"
Ignoring you he continued to walk towards the direction of the stage.
You pouted and crossed your arms. "You know... As sorry as I am for that kiss I really don't regret it."
Jogging up in front of him with a shit eating grin, you positioned yourself in front of him where he'd have no choice but to look at you while you looked at him. His ears were slightly red without a doubt but who were you kidding yours were too.
Kenma cleared his throat, "Good for you then. Now get out of the way so I could get out of here. "
"And honestly I liked that kiss." You continued determined to see him flustered again. "Your lips were soft and I bet my ass you're a great kisser. I rate you 10/10 would do it again."
With a glare he looked at you straight in the eyes, "So do it pussy." Then went ahead before you could see the red settling on his face.
"I- Wh- Excuse me- Wh- Huh? K-Ken- Kenma!!" You squeaked as you chased after him.
"I said what I said."
You finally caught up to him when he was about to climb the stairs towards the stage. Luckily(?) you also have to go up with him.
"Ehh... Where's the flustered Kenma? I wanted to see you all blushy and panicked. You looked so adorable. I don't want hot daddy Dom Kenma. I want cute baby sub Kenma..."
As he was halfway up the stairs your height gap grew and he was way over you. He just looked down on you, leaning closer the gap barely existent he smirked.
"Too bad." Then turned away.
There were a handful of people who saw the scene. Which made you more embarrassed. Holy shit you acted all alpha online only to be dominated by a hermit named Kozume Kenma.
Boy were you happy. You'd happily submit to him.
"Let us all welcome the two people who made the game possible! YN LN and Kozume Kenma!!"
You might be confused why you two were the ones going and why you were introduced like that.
As you are the creator of Puri-Puri you of course are the reason why this game existed.
But Kenma came here as he's the biggest investor, the face of the game and no one else wanted to go. So yeah...
As you two came up the stage you were just wishing the blush from the scene a few moments ago. The cameras flashed and claps were heard.
"Shit the media is here..." You mumbled.
"Your surprised, why?" Kenma gave you an amused and disappointed look. No idea how he managed to do that but he did.
"Shut the fuck up. I just got a feeling the questions won't be about the game thanks to the media."
"So you do think sometimes..."
"You want me to hit you?"
A clearing of throat behind you stopped your argument. It was Akaashi handing you both microphones to be clipped on you [I'm sorry I dont know what they're called] .
"Good luck, don't do and say anything stupid. And remember this is the release of PPM's demo." He reminded and got off the stage.
"Good evening to you all! I hope you've been having a great time!" I started.
"We'd like to thank you again for attending the release of PPM's demo."
"Now of course the game is yet to be played but from the trailer that was shown, I hope you had enjoyed it since the game is going to be much better than the trailer!"
"I'm sure you all must've questions as well. That's why Me and your idi-- dear author will answer."
"You definitely were about to call me idiot." You frowned at him.
He smirked and shrugged. "I have not a slightest idea what you mean."
"You're the worst."
Ignoring you... Again. He motioned at one of the reporters to probably ask their question.
"Ms. LN, as the initial plot of the Puri-Puri Magika is about [REDACTED], and the trailer we saw have quite a large difference from one another only having the universe in similarty. Is it just the universe of the similar one to the manga? "
"Of course the plot would be different. It disappoints me quite a bit that none of you realized how they're connected aside from the universe. Well, I don't really want to spoil you but if you actually read the Manga and saw the trailer," You gave a proud smirk. "Everyone that was a fan of PPM in the team were ecstatic. They were all just-" You mimicked a mind blown. "They were so excited about the game and a those."
"Thank you Ms. LN."
"Next please."
"Mr. Kozume," the next one called. "You were neither a fan of YN, nor PPM, why did you decide to not only beta test the game but sponsor and invest big sum of money on the game."
"No wait ! I want to answer some of those questions!" You cut off cackling. "The one about him investing and him beta testing! It's actually an annoying and Hella funny story."
"No I was a--"
"Shut up you'll probably lie."
"Shut up." Kenma now had his ears red. "Don't you--"
"He was the biggest asshole back then!"
"Stop talking."
"He fucking beta tested despite not knowing shit about PPM because it was the biggest game. And he just banwagoned  on it like a bitch he was."
"I did not. I had some clues about you Manga."
"You did not know shit about PPM cut yo bullshit. You didn't even know who the MC was!"
"Shut up."
"That's why he beta tested! Now the reason why he invested is really hilarious!"
"I really hate this story..."
"This was the reason why Kenma became Bae too! We didn't know shit about how to contact Kenma, we only had his email address and his social media. Keep that in mind. "
"So since he didn't know shit about PPM he really couldn't care about the plot and just looked for bugs and shit. He wasn't even aware of the bugs in the plot since he didn't know which what was supposed to be part of the plot and not. This bitch ass decided there wasn't any bugs anymore so we went with that. But then we had to play it and saw a shit ton of bugs."
"I said there were some bugs don't make me seems so stupid."
"You didn't even inform us about the glitch at the time skip part! That could've ruined the entire thing! Anywayz, so we had to code the game again. So we emailed him that there were way too many bugs other than what he told us so the next testing would be later. But the asshole never replied. And since I was the one entasked to guide this bitch ass, I  had to flood his email! And he didn't respond! Not once! It had been DAYS! I send him at least 20 emails everyday! I have up on the 3-4th day and DMed him on Twitter."
"I really hate this part."
"No. No. This is the best part. Do y'all remember that one trending #KodzuGone started by Tenma? It's because, this asshole never responded to our emails so I DMed him all the shit important shit in the emails. Then this bitch fucking blocked me! I fucking rante to Tenma and he canceled Kenma like he deserved to! I was panicking about it since Mr. Suzumiya told me that Kenma could be a potential investor if he wanted. And I needed cash... "
"Do not call me that publicly. You are disgusting."
"He went full sugar daddy on me!" You cackled. "His entire squad had betrayed him! They were canceling him so he just fucking slid into my DMs apologizing about the shit he did and I told him, bitch I'm coming over there and see you play this fucking game or I will not stop this canceling and make it worse. So he was forced to telll me his address and I'm not sure if yall saw the live but it was hot shit. The next day he bought all the copies of PPM at this one store and gave them to me and then he invested shit ton of money on my on going works, bought me a new tablet, paid my Keiji bills, and many other shit. Yall would die to have him as sugar daddy I'm telling you. Ya don't even have to give him sugar for the treats. "
"That was the biggest mistake I made."
"Awwe, but thanks to that we're closer than ever. "
"Exactly my point."
"Thank you for answering Ms. LN."
"I hate you so much." Kenma sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.
"No you don't. Admit it you love me."
"I really don't. Next question please."
"A-Ah, my initial question was actually answered in the previous question. It about your live. Now my question is, Ms LN and Mr. Kozume, is your relationship really a platonic one or a romantic one? "
"Okay, babe," You chuckled. "my man won't even let me breathe the same air he does. Ya think we're dating?"
"Well your right."
"Excuse me?"
"Huh?! " You exclaimed a little louder than you thought since the mic made a loud noise.
"The relationship we have is both platonic and romantic. As labels aren't placed we share a romantic relationship." Kenma smirked.
You looked at him and the crowd with a clear eminent blush. "I-I I- Wh-"
Pulling you closer to him and turning around so the crowd won't see you both. He lowered the mic to prevent them from hearing.
"I wanted to see you all blushy and panicked . You look adorable." He whispered to your ear before facing the crowd again who were now going crazy over what Kenma had just confirmed.
"Y-You're an asshole..."
"Yeah, an asshole who..." lowering his mic again he leaned to your ear. "Still has your favorite onsie at his place. You really shouldn't have left it at my place. I'm so tempted to burn it."
"You leave my onsie alone! I will drown your consoles."
"With that threat, you're suddenly stripped of your house visit privileges."
"W-Why would you say we're dating?!"
"I didn't. I just said we both share a romantic and platonic relationship with no labels. I technically didn't lie too."
"Why did you do this?"
"Aside from wanting to see you all flustered? I'm probably drunk." Kenma smiled and turned to the crowd again. "Next question please."
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I'm sorry lately there's been to many words and less pictures it's just that... Idk
Lol I'm sorry this was supposed to be smau but there's been too many words
Ooc Kenma is shit so I made him drunk
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @synx-ed @normalisthenewnorm @0majuh0 @leachann @nikanikabitch @almondeupeach @immxnty @mer-majesty @yamayoomi @simpingoveranime-men @lostmarimoismyhubby @mariishat @just-snog-already
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commanderserwin · 4 years
omg are you still writing rn? we live in different timelines so idk if it's still drabble day skskskks but i've been seeing a lot of mafia boss erwin art on pinterest so i'm wondering if u can do that like a headcanon or a drabble if u want huhu luv u xfilanon
❯ notes: I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK A WHILE!!!! okay, i have like 5 drafts of this mafia au, and i couldn’t really pick one. and i don’t even know if this is mafia-ish enough. but here it is! i hope you enjoy!! 
❯ characters. erwin smith x reader
❯ summary. the mafia boss who’s gone soft.
same space.
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The meeting started as he entered, taking the red leather chair at the head of the long wooden table. His black suit was crisp, the clothes over his shoulder enunciating his built underneath. Immediately, somebody lit his cigarette while he listened to his men discuss over business. He crossed his legs over, blowing smoke into the air as he listened carefully- eyes closed and the wheels in his head turning as he pondered over their words. 
Another group has been making a mess out of the city, a couple of new-bloods who doesn’t know how well guarded the city is under Erwin’s hold.
When he finally opened his eyes, his first instinct is to look at you. As quick as he got his cigarette lit, it was also how fast he pinched the end of the stick with his fingers, throwing them in his glass with a soft sheesh. He never wanted to disappoint you, so he tried his hardest to not do those anymore.
The ghost of the smile on your lips made him breathe a little better, as he trained his eyes back to the meeting. The men talked over and over, dragging their own smokes, tapping their own fingers as their signet rings shone through the white light that graced their faces. Their men stood beside you, arms crossed, or for you— a hand resting on your thigh holster, ready to make a move if needed.
Erwin clasped his hands on the table, turning his head on whoever speaks, lending his ears to hear the same words over and over again. From the corner of his eyes, you tried to hide the yawn with your pressed lips, and it made him smile softly knowing that it bores you the same way it does to him.
"Is that all?" Erwin asked quietly, tapping his fingers on the table as everybody quieted down.
"Actually—," one leader started, but he only shut his mouth when Erwin looked at him. The man sighed, closing his folder as he clasped his hands on the table just like his superior. "We could talk about this tomorrow."
"Then we shall continue tomorrow. That's all."
With one flick of his hand, everybody stood up from the table, carrying their folders as they headed towards the door together with their men. When it was your turn— his voice echoed in the room, making you freeze as the others sliver past by you with sympathetic looks. Everybody feels sorry for whoever the boss calls on, and it had to be you.
His antics, and you're sick of them.
Erwin relaxed on his chair, hand fiddling with the leather as he watched you take the chair on the opposite side of the table. His hand immediately reached for his pocket, a stick and a lighter, and he lit them up, the smoke going like a halo around his head. Just one look and he knew it was a mistake.
"Smoke all you want," you assured, crossing your arms as you look at him flick his eyes towards the stick and to yours.
"You don't like it when I smoke."
"I don't."
"Very well," Erwin smiled, dipping the cigarette into the water where it died. He leaned on the table, hands clasped again as he surveyed you. Erwin squinted his eyes, while you looked impassively right at him.
"What is it?"
He thought long and hard as to what he was going to say. After all these years, he still says it and you’ll bite his head off and reject him. He’s used to it, but still he wants to try— a game in his mind of how long it would take you to shut him down. Erwin smiled, take a deep breathe before he opened his mouth starting time timer as he opened his mouth.
“Will you come—,”
“I didn’t even?”
“I know what you’re going to say.”
Erwin exhaled loudly, loosening his tie as he leaned on his chair, feeling the chill of the leather on his hands as he picked at it. You mimicked his movements while he only shook his head, recounting. It only took you a second to reject him even when he hasn’t said anything.
“Fine,” Erwin nodded, flicking his hand away as he twirled his glass in his hands watching the cigarettes swim in the water. He heard your chair screech against the floor, as you stood up making way towards the door. He noted how slow you walked as if waiting for him to call you back. He guessed he just had to surprise you. “Get home safe, then.”
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The door to your apartment finally opened after so many tries, showing the mess of the place it is. Not a whole pigsty— just messy. The pillows needed rearranging, the carpet needs vacuuming, frames needed dusting and the shoe rack needs to be filled but only one pair of your shoes sits there.
“I am so tired,” you sighed, closing the door behind you as you dropped your bag on the floor, feet immediately going to the kitchen in search for something. You crouched down in front of your refrigerator, groaning at the water bottles that it displayed and no actual food. “Really?”
This isn’t what you needed after this day. Today has been exhausting, it has always been exhausting and too physical and you needed a break— but in this line of work, breaks were nonexistent. The amount of people you have met only to have them meet their ends and their days over some squabble over land and money made you too exhausted. The only thing giving your mind peace is the cold air coming from the refrigerator as it mockingly showed you the absence of food— and that you should go grocery shopping soon.
But your night just got even more exhausting. You knew nobody was following you, and you made sure of that. You weren’t a nobody in the organization so having someone stalk you was a normal recurrence but you didn’t want it now. The only good thing is that you haven’t taken off of your thigh holster where a pistol now becomes an extension of your arm as you surely cocked it in your hand.
Whoever followed you was good. Their footsteps were muffled against your wooden, creaky floors yet one sigh out of their body and you immediately let your guard down. You cocked the gun back into your holster— your heart calming down as you slammed the refrigerator behind you.
Their blue eyes made your heart melt as you took a deep breath.
“Can you please learn how to knock?”
“You ought to place another lock on your doors.” Erwin kissed your forehead in passing as he moved inside your kitchen, pulling back the bar stools hidden under your kitchen island.
“I have placed three locks already! So, knock!”
“I will knock if I can’t pick through your door.”
Erwin moved past you as you just noticed that he brought a bag with him- presumably takeouts and your heart did a dance for his thoughtfulness. “Dinner?”
“I’ll grab the plates,” you sighed, peeking through his shoulder as you inspected what he brought. Erwin felt you behind him, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. You tried to press your lips into a straight line but it all failed when he reached down to press a soft kiss on your lips alongside pushing you gently away to go on your merry way. “Burglar.”
“Boss,” Erwin mused, sitting down on the bar stool as he opened the food containers, waiting for you to come back with the plates and forks. He stood up, reaching for some glasses, wine, and water. Once you handed him his plate and fork, he pulled on your chair a little closer to him, serving a big one on the plate. “Eat.”
“Thank you,” you breathed, squeezing his thigh as you ate silently. It made you giddy inside that he brought you your favorite, never missing one bit on your likes and dislikes.
Erwin nodded, smiling gently as he took off of his coat to fold it near him. His hands moved swiftly, on his tie as he finally took them off as well as unbuttoning his shirt at the top. His hand went to his sleeve, but he stopped to ask you something.
“Will you pass me a napkin?” Erwin pointed to the folded ones inside the bag while you pushed them towards him, resuming your dinner. “Thank you.”
From the corner of your eyes, you watched him fiddle with his cufflinks and you wanted nothing more than to chuck those things away far from him as the rusty metal things stained his sleeves. He placed his rusty cufflinks on the napkin, delicately pushing them near his folded things. Erwin only raised a brow in question as you gawked on him, chewing slowly— waiting for you to say it out loud.
“You should throw those out,” you commented, pulling the napkin where his cufflinks were as you inspected them around your fingers. He only pulled them back, swatting your hand as he did so.
“Why should I?” Erwin asked, placing them aside as he turned to you. He watched the immediate rise of the pink tinge on your cheeks as he tilted his head to the side, “You gave them to me years ago.”
Erwin wouldn’t never admit it, but he always deemed those cufflinks were his lucky charms. His day would be incomplete if he wasn’t wearing those, and despite all the expensive and new ones that’s he got from you and others, he would always come back and place the rusty ones on his sleeves no matter how much it stained. Those cufflinks meant the beginning for him, a reminder, and the light at the end of the tunnel— because he knows if he wears those he’ll be fine at the end of the day no more how hard his work was. Those cufflinks meant you.
“They’re rusty,” you sighed, turning at him. “Look at your sleeves now, they’re stained.”
“I own a laundromat for that problem,” Erwin began, his hands feeling his chest for the golden chain that he wears. He always hides them from everybody, but not from you. He fixes them outside his shirt, where a dangling emerald rests on it, making it the sole color on his dark suit.
“I could always buy you a new one,” you said, pushing his plate towards him while he finishes his routine.
“I don’t need a new one.”
“I don’t want a new one.”
He pecked your lips once, twice— thrice until you have shut your mouth, defeated as he settled for those rusty cufflinks. It has been years since he has received them and you did notice that he wears them everyday, and at that point you made a promise to yourself to buy him a better one. But even after those days, he would always come to work, sit on his chair, listen to his men, barge into your apartment— still wearing those cufflinks.
Four times.
“Eat,” Erwin pushed, turning his body away as you scowled beside him. He knows very well what you were doing and he wouldn’t want to let you go through it. He wouldn’t and would never want these— his favorite cufflinks to meet the trash.
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At night, he laid down beside you, eyes droopily closing as you squirmed beside him to fit the both of you in the small bed. Erwin tightened his hold on your waist, making you stop as you chuckled in the dark, resting your head on his shoulder as he gently shook in laughter as well.
You thought about all the times he has invited you to come home to him. Never missing to ask you that question always at the end of the day, and always saying the same answer.
“What are you thinking about?”
Erwin turned to his side, clasping his hands below his cheek as he listened to you in the dark.
“What if I come home with you?”
“If you only want to.”
“Do you want me to?”
Erwin kissed the tip of your nose, nudging them gently as he pulled away.
“So that I know you’ll be safe.”
“I can take care of myself,” you scoffed, snuggling on the crook of his neck as he immediately wrapped an arm around you tight. “Besides I know you have armed men here.”
“Well,” Erwin whispered, smiling atop of your head, “I do own the street.”
That got a laughter out of you, because it was true. His grand gestures always makes sure that you were safe and protected— even when he knows how well you could handle yourself if problem does arise. Erwin has been the first ones to witness it, and he would never forget about it. Still, he would want to make sure you were safe.
“But why?”
Erwin placed a kiss on your forehead, whispering, “I want to come home with you.”
“You can come home with me.”
“Baby,” Erwin chuckled lightly, pulling away from your embrace, “We could barely fit in this bed.”
“I’ll buy a new bed,” you smiled, turning away as Erwin immediately wrapped his arm around you, lazily kissing the back of your neck. 
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In the morning, you’d wake up to the sound of footsteps creaking over in the living room. Familiar footsteps— and you would get out of your bed to tiptoe for the burglar. His back was against your torso for a minute, feeling his chest ramble with every word that he speaks over the phone and it would make you smile— no matter how brutal they might be talking about.
In the afternoon, the meeting would resume once more, and Erwin would find your eyes in a second as he takes a sit on his chair, making sure to flick his wrist as the rusty cufflinks makes an appearance once again on his clothes.
In the evening when everybody is on their way home, Erwin would call you back to his executive room, ushering you take a sit before him. He counted again in his mind on how long it will take you to reject him. He’ll continue to ask even if his voice becomes hoarse, he would still ask. He tapped his fingers on the table, as you only crossed your arms avoiding his eyes.
Nervousness pools at the bottom of your stomach, feeling skittish underneath his blue eyes. Erwin knew something was bothering you, so he immediately jumped on his feet, rounding the table until he could place his hands on your shoulder. 
“Look at me,” Erwin whispered, rubbing circles on to you jaw while he gently lifted your chin. “What is it?”
“Come home with me,” you whispered with your eyes closed. When he didn’t say anything, you pulled away— panting hard because he stayed silent. “Forget that I said anything.”
“Stop,” Erwin caught on your hand, pulling you closer to him, his eyes filled with a shine, as he smiled. Just one look at his face, your suppressed lips and nervous eyes fluttered away, while he nods at your invitation. He grabbed some pins from his coat, dropping it over your hand.
“What is this?”
“I don’t have to pick through your door anymore,” Erwin mused, pushing you towards the door with a hand on your back, while he whispered quietly over your temple, “I’d love to come home to you.” 
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kuryoomi · 4 years
scars to your beautiful (kageyama x reader)
➸  genre: angst and fluff.
➸  pairing: kageyama tobio x reader.
➸  word count: 1.5k
a/n: wHEW. i wanted to write something meanigful, but idk how it turned out !! honestly idek if this is either angst or not lowkey,,, heart fingers.
synopsis: kageyama helps (y/n) love and embrace the scars from her past.
WARNING! mentions of relationship abuse.
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warm, red blood oozed out of the exposed wound, the sharp pain visible on your face. from your left side, a little boy was apologizing to you several times with tears in his eyes. and from your right, kageyama extended an arm to lend you a hand.
"thank you." you took his hand and pulled your body up from the ground, blood still gushing out from your scraped knee.
"i'm s-so s-sorry!" the little boy sobbed in between his words.
smiling at him, you shook your head before patting his head, "i'm fine! still moving, you see?" you shook your leg to prove yourself to the little boy.
"still, be careful. you might seriously injure yourself if you don't!" teasingly, you scolded the little boy, causing him to nod his head ferociously.
"i'll b-be careful next t-time!" swallowing his tears, the little boy picked up his skateboard before running off.
seeing as the boy disappeared from their sight, you let out a breath before stumbling to keep your balance.
"oi! don't fall!" kageyama pulled you back up, "c'mon, i'll help you get seated."
he helped (carried) your body while searching for an empty bench in the park. spotting one in the distance, he continued supporting you before setting you down on the empty, wooden bench.
adjusting your position to your comfort, a sigh left your lips.
"of course this had to happen." you thought to yourself, "i knew this day was going too smoothly for my own liking! ugh, why can't my first date with tobio be a success?? curse you, bad luck!!"
"(y/n)." kageyama interrupted your thoughts, "can you roll up your jeans for me?" he was knelt in front of you, one knee up and the other knee down.
"huh?!" you snapped out of your internal conflict, "why?"
oh no.
"so that i can see your injury." he pointed directly at your knee, "the blood is seeping through your jeans."
oh no. anything but that.
"pfft, i'm sure it's fine! no big deal." you swung your legs back and forth, "you see?" unknowingly, your face gave away your pain.
he took one look at your before shaking his head, "(y/n), don't be ridiculous."
you hung your head, avoiding his eyes, before beginning to slowly roll up your jeans. as more skin got exposed, your fingers hesitated.
kageyama noticed your hesitation and helped you roll your jeans up, thinking that the pain prevented you from continuing,
"no— wait!"
a long jagged scar snaked down the side of your leg, close to your knee. the skin around the mark was slightly discolored, suggesting that it did not heal properly. this was something you did not want kageyama to see, at all. but what could you do? lady luck was not on your side today. you grimaced, too afraid to see the male's reaction.
without any comments, kageyama stood up from the ground and turned his back towards the female.
"i'll be right back." he spoke before jogging away from the bench.
oh no.
he thinks they're ugly.
oh nonono.
what if he decides that i'm worthless—
haha, no way.
as if.
tobio isn't that kind of person...
is he?
amidst your worries and doubts, you noticed kageyama return from somewhere with a plastic bag hanging from his grasp. you jumped up from the wooden park bench, ready to explain yourself.
"t-tobio! you're back!" you shuffled your feet nervously as he stopped in front of you with his eyes on yours, "don't worry! i can explain my— my um. my scars! haha see, i was in this crazy relationship a few years back and my boyfriend wasn't exactly the best person alive. b-but it's all good now! he received his punishment and i'm—"
partially listening to your rambles, kageyama silently sat you back down on the bench. without a single word, he retrieved the item he bought from the convenience store (a first-aid kit) and opened it up before quickly soaking a piece of cotton with bottled water.
"we have to clean up your wound, first." he spoke calmly as his hands dabbed the piece of cotton on your knee.
unable to process his actions, you watched as he peeled off a bandaid before sticking it onto your wound. he pressed his fingers against it lightly, the bandaid sticking well to your skin. he was gentle, almost as if he were working with fragile glass, yet firm at the same time.
"and now we're finished." he smiled softly and awkwardly made jazz hands, signaling his finished work. still struck by silence, your eyes were glued on him as you watched kageyama throw away everything except the first-aid kit, "tobio.."
he returned back to the bench and sat down, his hand reaching out to give you whatever was left inside the first-aid kit.
"here. don't want you being unprepared again." with a kind smile on his lips, kageyama leaned back against the bench and stretched him arms out, "now you can continue your story, if you want. i'm here to listen."
initially, you weren't sure how to feel when he offered his ears to you. strange, right? just moments ago, you were desperately trying to explain yourself, your scars, to him. but now that he was actually listening, it was odd.
as shocking as it may seem, you weren't used to someone offering to listen to your voice, your past, your story. maybe it was because of this reason that you actually felt nervous to say anything.
but you were compelled to tell him. this guy, who had only known you for a couple of weeks, had knocked down any barrier you had built from a previous relationship, in a matter of minutes.
was it the way he looked? at you? or was it because of his caring gestures— you had no idea. whatever it was, it worked to his favor. you instantly desired to spill everything out to him. after all, you just couldn't hide it in any longer.
"my- uh. my ex-boyfriend was abusive, both physically and mentally. he would verbally tear me down with harsh words before resolving our fight with his fists. honestly speaking, it wasn't even a fight. whenever he spat out insults to me, it was all one-sided."
you paused, contemplating on whether or not to continue. spilling details about your painful past was overwhelming, to say the least. you swung your legs back and forth, allowing your silence calm you down. luckily, kageyama was patient.
"he told me that i was ugly with all these scars—said that i should be grateful he was at least willing to be with me, even though he was the one who gave me these."
another pause, with kageyama's eyes widened the slightest bit out of anger.
"my parents eventually found out, even though i didn't want to trouble them with anything, and they reported him. he received his punishment, and i got a restraining order! happy ending to a not-so happy story." immediately, you faked a laugh and encouraged a smile on your face, as if to show kageyama that everything was alright now.
but kageyama saw through it. vividly. even if both the corners of your lips curled upwards, your eyes betrayed you. no matter how convincing your smile looked, if the eyes weren't sincere then nothing was.
you gulped softly, expecting the silence from him. you figured he was processing the information you had given himㅡ it was a lot to take in, after all.
"your ex-boyfriend seemed like an ass." he stated bluntly after a painful silence as his body turned towards to face you.
"yeah, he was. i honestly don't know why i stayed with him." another laugh escaped your lips, nervously this time, "maybe i depended on him too much. pathetic, right?" you glanced down before lifting your wounded knee upwards, "now, i got all these ugly scars marking me for the rest of my life."
"they're not ugly."
you turned your head to the side, "excuse me?"
he shrugged, "your scars. they're not ugly." kageyama said once more, "nothing on your body should be considered as ugly. why would they be?"
"because they make my body seemㅡ destroyed."
he shook his head, "no. your scars show everyone how brave you are. how you survived through the worst of times to make it to the present."
kageyama crossed his arms before continuing, "the scars on your body from your past make up your own constellations. if anything, you should be proud and embrace them."
you bit your lip. since your previous breakup, the concept of loving your body seemed impossible. of course, you'd been trying for years now, but failed every single time. heck, was it even possible? you wanted verbal assurance.
"doㅡ do you think i'm capable of embracing them?" you asked, your voice laced with hope.
kageyama stared at the female, a brief moment of silence between the two of you. he was positive that you were more than able to embrace your scars. you were strong in his eyes. of course, he was willing to help you in any way, shape, or form.
with a hand on top of your head, he gave you a small smile before nodding his head, "absolutely."
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Always for you.
Guzmán x Reader
Request by @cosmomariii : hello! sorry if I'm bothering you. could I request a one-shot with Guzman where him and the reader are a really strong couple and he's so in love with her that he tells her his plans for their relationship in the future? maybe in a fancy date or something, idk. btw I LOVE your writing and your ideas are amazing! :)
Gif is not my own
Requests are open🤍
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You could’ve stayed like this forever if life didn’t call you to commitments. Guzmán lay back against the stone balcony floor as you lay between his legs with your head on his chest. He’d been pointing out different parts of the morning sunrise that made it impossible to want anything more than to stay exactly here. You’d been dating for a little over two years now and even you had surprised yourself with how stable everything had been. This was Guzmán we were talking about! He was practically known for having the easy ability to break hearts. But, somehow, along the way, he’d found yours and had never found a reason to let go. He never looked for one. It felt like you gave him purpose and he gave you reason. You gave him hope and he gave you a home. And piece by piece you’d built up a relationship that you could never see yourself losing. He was all good qualities in a heart wrapped into one beautiful boy.
“We really need to go,” You mumble, swirling patterns on his legs underneath the hem of his shorts.
He’d woken you up early to watch the sunrise before school started and you couldn’t possibly say no.
“I’m sure they won’t miss us at school,” He comments quietly, fingers threading through your hair that was splayed at the side of your head.
“What happened to being motivated?” You laugh, pushing yourself up so you could turn around and face him.
“I found other motivations,” He smirks, pulling you in and pressing a long, sleepy kiss to your lips, “But I do still need to graduate.”
“Then let’s get up, sleepy head.”
You stand and take the chance to stretch out your knotted muscles from the night, jumping as Guzman’s arms wrap around your torso and his chin settles on your shoulder.
“How about date night tonight? I’ll take you somewhere special.”
“You don’t have to Guzmán, I thought we said we’d just stay in again.”
“I’ll pick the place and meet you at yours,” He kisses the side of your neck before heading in back to his room.
Your heart still fluttered at little moments like that. How could it not? He had a power over you that no long-term could ever put out. You could see yourself simply falling deeper and deeper in love.
It was strange really. You knew you were only young. Seventeen was no age to be certain of much. But it didn’t mean that there wasn’t a possibility. And, sometimes, in certain ways and in certain crossing paths - you’ll meet someone that you were meant to meet. And you can be content with that. You don’t have to fear the doubt of other people or the opinions that didn’t belong to each other.
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” Guzmán sticks his head round from the en-suite of his room, toothbrush sticking out of his nose and his bare shoulder giving you a slight glimpse at his naked torso.
“Nothing,” You smile and walk over as he hands over your toothbrush too.
You spent more and more time here nowadays. It no longer felt strange when you’d pass his mum in the kitchen on an early morning. In fact, it had become a regular occurrence for you to be up earlier than Guzmán and he’d find you chatting away with his mother about anything and everything when he came downstairs. He loved that you got on so well with her, it made things so easy. He even got on with your family and practically become a big brother to your younger siblings. Your little sister loved using him for all of her latest ideas and science experiments and your little brother used him for any advice or questions he needed answering. It melted your heart every time you saw them together.
“You sure they need us at school today?” Guzmán pouts, leaning against the counter as he waits for you to finish getting ready too.
“We’re the best people at that place,” You joke, “Come on, we have a test fourth period as well and we never got round to revising last night.”
“There were more important matters at hand,” He squeezes your hips as he follows after you back into his bedroom, his chuckle ghosting over your skin.
- - - - - -
“Morning Samu,” Guzmán smiles as the two of you walk hand in hand into first period.
“Morning,” Samu frowns a little, “Why do you look so happy this morning?”
Ander laughs, “(Y/n) stayed the night.”
The boys laugh as the two of you sit down and Guzmán settles his arm over the back of your chair.
“Is there a problem boys?” He cocks a brow, “Come on, say your worst.”
“Nothing, nothing,” Samuel laughs, sitting down on the table across from where Omar and Ander sat.
“He’s just cuffed, that’s all,” Ander mumbles and the boys all laugh.
“And you’re not, Ander?” You quip, wiggling your brows as you look between him and Omar.
Guzmán laughs outwardly, glancing at you like you’d just said the funniest thing he’d heard. It was something he’d always listed as a quality he loved about you, you welcomed his friends and treated them like they were your own too. You weren’t weird about him spending time with the boys and never minded when he’d promised to spend the evening with Ander before you’d suggested plans. You could be one of the boys as well as his girlfriend. And he never knew that he’d find someone who balanced that so well.
Class begins and you become distracted quickly by Guzman’s arm around you, his fingertips brushing delicately across the top of your back.
“Guzmán,” You say quietly, “Stop distracting me. We both said we can’t afford to not graduate again.”
He laughs a little, dipping his head close to you as he responds, “You distracted me first, darling.”
“What’s gotten into you today?” You shake your head, “You’re like a boy with his first love.”
“Maybe I am,” He mutters, pecking your lips gently before turning back to listen to the rest of the class.
- - - - - -
You find yourself sat in the test, thanking yourself for making sure you’d been over some of the content with Guzmán that morning. You inputted your answers into the screen and kept stealing glances over at him to make sure he was doing the same.
He pokes his head around the side of his screen at looks at you with a smirk, “Thank you.”
You’d practically given him the answers - telling him everything he’d need to know as you were on your way to school that morning. It wasn’t that he couldn’t get away with it. But you knew he was so determined to graduate with you this year, both of you being held back, that he couldn’t possibly slip up yet.
He nods to gesture towards the book you had on the table to which you frown but instantly expect a typical Guzmán move - leaving little notes for you wherever he found the opportunity.
‘You left your book in my locker and I couldn’t resist. How does a Guzmán-special date sound for tonight? Dress code: finest attire.’
You glance up with a smile in his direction. A Guzmán-special, as he’d adequately named over the years, meant a date where you had no idea what you’d be doing, where you’d be going or what to bring if you needed anything. It had included the time he’d taken you to a water park, the time he took you for a walk on the beach, the time he attempted to cook a four course meal and many more.
You turn the page of your book and find another note on the next page.
‘Again, couldn’t resist. You look beautiful today.’
With that, the bell to signal the end of class and the end of the test sounds. Everyone filters out as you wait for Guzmán to collect his things and hand in an extra paper he’d done for the teacher - you were pleasantly surprised by how motivated he’d been recently.
“Right, you’re in track practise for the rest of the day and I’m going to head to the pool,” Guzmán comments, linking his hand with yours instantly, “So I’ll see you at the end of the day. I’ll meet you by your locker.”
“Yeah, okay,” You nod, reaching your lockers as you grab your gym bag and he does the same, “Can you at least give me a clue about tonight?”
“I told you - finest attire,” He shrugs, “Isn’t that enough?”
“What does finest attire mean?”
“Darling, you could wear a bin bag. You look fine in anything.”
“Now you’re just being corny,” You scoff as he closes your locker door and hands you the key.
“Is that so bad?” He shoots you a wink, walking ahead of you and turning to face you so he was walking backwards, “I’m full of surprises, (Y/n).”
“Just please don’t nearly burn down the house like last time,” You groan, following him through to the changing rooms.
“I promise - no attempts at cooking. I’ll see you later.”
You depart with a quick kiss as you go about the afternoon’s activities for the rest of the school day.
- - - - - -
When you’ve finished practice, you’re just about to walk back to the changing rooms when you catch someone sat on the grass.
“Guzmán? What are you doing?” You half laugh, diverting to walk over to him.
“I finished training early so I thought I’d come and watch your practice. You look good out there,” He stands up from the grass and brushes off his trousers, “I didn’t want to distract you.”
“You’re so cute,” You chuckle, “But I’m a red, sweaty mess after running that much so I’m sorry.”
“Hm, I hadn’t noticed,” He jokes, pulling out your water bottle and handing it to you with a smile, “Any talk about scholarships?”
“Yeah, they were saying that a few top universities would definitely give bursaries at least for sports excellence. So I might look into a few.”
That was one thing about Guzmán. He absolutely loved asking you about your future - like the thought of your success made everything so exciting to him. He’d always belittle his own and you had to make sure he didn’t do it too much as you encouraged him more than ever to have a little faith in himself.
Guzmán carries your gym bag for you in his free hand as you try to encourage him not to. It normally ends up with him swinging the bag above his head and you using your field techniques from high jump to grab it from him. He couldn’t really dispute after that.
And, as you’re walking through the sunny grounds of the school, you find yourself revelling in your own feelings of what perfection could be. A caring, conscientious, protective boyfriend who wanted nothing but the best for you somehow fell right at the top of whatever category you were in. And Guzmán checked all of the boxes with ease.
- - - - - -
At seven thirty, Guzmán comes into your house to pick you up for your date. He’d told you to be ready for eight but he always liked coming round a little earlier to spend a bit of time with the family.
You could already hear your siblings running to greet him and knew instantly that your sister would be showing off the new rocket she’d made at school. As you got ready, all you could imagine was him crouching down to their height and chatting away with any conversation they created, all whilst asking how your Mums job was going and complimenting your Dads new car.
Guzmán is talking to your brother about something when you start walking down the stairs. Instantly, he whispers to both of them and they turn to watch you.
“There she is,” He smiles, standing up with a bashful smile on his face as though it was the first time he’d seen you ready for a date.
He’s dressed in his best suit, a dark teal colour, and he’s paired it with the watch you bought him for Valentines Day. You wore a red velvet dress he’d mentioned loving when you bought it and a necklace that he’d bought you for Christmas. Both so alike in your reasons for your outfits, of course.
“I’ll have her home by midnight,” Guzmán confirms to your parents, knowing they’d lost interest in curfew quickly after they’d realised how much Guzmán cared for you, “Be good, kids.”
Guzmán links your arm with his and holds open the door, and the car door, as the two of you start to journey to wherever he’d chosen for this evening.
- - - - - -
You found yourself at what felt like the fanciest restaurant in the city, situated on a table on the cosy rooftop seating - surrounded by other couples alike and enough candles and heaters to defy the chill of the slight breeze outside.
“You look so beautiful,” He beams as the two of you sit opposite each other on the small table.
“You’ve never been so bad yourself, Guzmán,” You laugh, picking up your menu, “I don’t even know half of the stuff on this.”
“Can I say something?” He cuts in quickly, “And then we can figure out this menu together.”
You set it back down and look at him and only him - your eyes focused on every single feature, every freckle, every line from his smiles.
“I know we’re only young, and we’re hardly through much of our lives yet. But I don’t think hearts really run on a schedule like that. There’s no certain age when things happen, when they’re supposed to fall into place and when you’re meant to know that you’ve found something right. I see how Ander is with Omar and I know he’s found one of those people in him - someone who makes his heart stop searching, despite everything else they’ve been through. And I see your parents and I know it took them a little longer to find that person but they’ve found it now. I see my parents and question whether they ever found that at all,” He continues and the mention of his family hits your heart strings instantly.
You reach over and take his hand in your own like it’s instinct.
“But you, (Y/n) (Y/l/n), you seem to make everything else slow down. You make everything just pause for a little bit and seem just that little bit simpler. You’ve been with me through so much and it still baffles me that we’re so young with so much behind us already. We have so much future ahead of us and I’m so excited to see you succeed. I see your brother and sister and I can’t wait for us to have that for our own family, little mini-mes with my freckles, your hair, your heart. I know you hate when I get all corny because I make you cry. But I want to be the guy to make you cry like that always, and for those tears to always remind you of how loved you truly are.”
“Fuck, Guzmán,” You mutter, patting at the tears under your eyes, “You’re going to make me look like a mess.”
He laughs and shakes his head as he does, squeezing your hand.
“How are you so good at that?” You mutter, trying to shake off any more tears from coming through.
“Whatever future we have, I want you in mine - always.”
((((I’m sorry that this is the fluffiest thing ever but we move))))
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lvanter · 5 years
cafe q, chapter three. han jisung
note: obviously not proofread who even does that lmao aight bois chapter three tell me what u think
warning: mom in hospital (idk how to word it lmao) cancer mention,
wc: 1.4k
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being awoken by a pillow hitting your head isn’t ideal, and yet, that’s exactly how jisung got woken up.
“what did you do that for,” he whined, pulling the duvet up over his head.
“well one, you alarm was going off and you didn’t stop it,” changbin threw the pillow on the end of jisungs bed, “and two, you were sleeping talking again,”
jisungs eyes shut open, “what did i say?!”
“oh, you know, just the usual, ‘(name), i love you so much, please believe me, you’re the best person ever and i love you so much,” changbin mocked.
jisungs face got red and hot, “i do not say that!”
“yes, you do,” changbin left the room, “and get up!”
“i do not.” jisung grumbled, pushing the duvet off him and getting up.
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“good morning, jisung,” jungwoo greeted, restocking the cups and straws.
“good morning,” jisung yawned, walking into the back room to put his stuff away.
“oh, by the way, (name) isn’t coming today, so you’ll have to help chaeyeon in the kitchen,” jungwoo informed the younger boy.
jisung stopped dead in his tracks, “why isn’t (name) coming today?”
jungwoo shrugged, “i don’t know. mr. choi called and just said they weren’t coming today,”
jisung nodded, eyebrows furrowed. yesterday were your day off and jisung knew you spend it at home, so it couldn’t be lack of energy. maybe you had gotten sick? maybe, but he spoke to you on the phone yesterday and you sounded fine. jisungs lips fell into a pout, getting a snicker from jungwoo.
“when are you gonna confess?” jungwoo teased.
jisung shot daggers at the older boy. he let out a huff and went to the kitchen, where chaeyeon had just began making cookie dough.
“what’s up, sung?” she asked when she noticed the pout on his face. “can you hand me the salt?”
jisung put on an apron and got the salt, “nothing,”
“i don’t believe you,” she began weighing the salt, as jisung turned on the oven.
“it’s just…” he hesitated, “i’m just worried about (name),”
“ah,” chaeyeon looked at the love struck boy with a soft look, “i’m sure (name)s fine. they’re probably just not feeling well,”
“yeah, i know…” jisung bit his lower lip.
“if you’re so worried, why don’t you stop by their place after work? don’t you get off at twelve today?”
“i..didn’t think about that,” he muttered, “that’s good idea, chae,”
“obviously, it’s my idea,” she snorted. “maybe text them first though,”
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jisung bit his bottom lip as he reread the text before sending it.
can i some over? (✿◠‿◠)
my babey: sure (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
my babey: but only if u bring food
my babey: i’m hongry
will do angel
i’ll be there soon then
my babey: hurry!!!!!! i’m hongry!!!!!!!! (づ≧ω≦)づ
will do baby
get the blankets!!!!!!!!!! we’ll make a fort!!!!!!!!!
my babey: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jisung put his phone in this back pocket, took his jacket and left the busy cafe with a small bye to his coworkers. he stopped by the convenient store and got some ramen packs and other snacks, and made his way to your place. he was listening to music while walking, specifically the playlist you had made for him.
the playlist meant a lot to him, not only because it was you who made it, but also because the songs had given him comfort on nights where he wanted to disappear. he remembers clearly the day you showed him the playlist.
“sung,” you called sweetly, making him hum without looking up from his laptop, “can i borrow your phone?”
“sure,” he threw it too you after opening it, trusting you not to ruin everything for him. after about fifteen minutes you gave it back to him without a word. he, for some reason, didn’t look at him phone until after he dropped you off at your place.
he took his phone out of his pocket and went to listen to music when he noticed a new playlist named: ‘i’m forever thankful for you’
he furrowed his eyebrows as he clicked on it. he went through the songs and felt his heart flutter at the songs he recognized—they weren’t exactly love songs but close enough for jisung to feel like he was on cloud 9.
jisung smiled at the memory. it had been almost one year since you made him the playlist and he had listened to it everyday. the door to your apartment complex opened automatically, letting jisung walk into the big building.
you lived in an big and expensive apartment complex, and jisung had wondered more than once how you could afford it; after all, working in a cafe doesn’t give the best pay.
the elevator was big and roomy, with two very clean mirrors. jisung took the opportunity to fix his hair the wind had messed up. after fixing his hair, he put his hand over his heart; it was beating faster than it probably should.
the small ding from the elevator woke jisung from his thoughts. he found your apartment quickly and knocked softly on the hard wood. the door swung open, and jisung was met with your smiling face.
“sung! you’re here!”
“i said i would, didn't i?” he smiled teasingly, as you closed the door behind him.
you ignored his words and went straight for the food. “you’re a saint,” you gasped, taking the bag from him and walking to the kitchen, while he took his shoes off.
while you made then ramen and prepared the snacks jisung began making the fort and making your couch more comfortable than it already was.
20 minutes later the two of you were cuddled up on the couch, two empty ramen bowls sitting on the table in front of you. his head was on your chest while you ran your fingers through his hair slowly. his arms was wrapped tightly around you, and a baby blue blanket covered you both. there was some soft and calming music playing in the background.
jisung let out a sigh of content at the feeling of your fingers in his hair. he didn’t want to move from this position. he couldn’t remember the last time he felt so relaxed and content.
“(name),” he said quietly, scared to ruin the calm atmosphere. you had been acting just a little off; you were a little too quiet and your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes.
“why weren’t you at work today?” he could sense your hesitation, “you don’t have to tell me if you don’t feel comfortable,”
“no, i..i probably should tell someone,”
jisung noticed how you tensed up and your grip on his hair got tighter.
“uh..it..my mom…..she’s gotten a lot worse, and-and the doctor says she may not get better again..” you whispered, tears falling slowly down your cheeks.
jisung sat up. you had told him briefly about your mom and how she was in the hospital with cancer. you didn’t like to talk about it, and jisung respected that. “oh…” he swallowed his saliva. he watched with a heavy heart as tears began to fall from you eyes at a rapid pace, “c’mere,”
he opened his arms and pulled you into a hug, with your head on his chest.
“i was supposed to go see her today, but i-i just couldn’t,” you cried, “i feel so bad, sung. she needs me and i…” you trailed off unable to finish your sentence.
“it’s okay, angel,” jisung comforted, running his hand up and down on your back.
“but it’s not!” you said loudly, pulling away from him, “she’s the one dying and i’m here! doing absolutely nothing! i feel terrible, and…. i’m..i'm just...useless,” your voice got weaker towards the end of your sentence, and it broke jisungs heart more than anything else had.
“you’re not useless, angel,” jisung carefully put his hands on your shoulders. he didn’t know what to do. the only thing he could do right now was be there for you, and it broke his heart that he couldn’t do more.
he managed to calm you down enough so you could get some sleep. he was quietly singing a song to calm you down. by the time he finished singing you were fast asleep. he was still running his hand on your back, “sleep well, angel,” he leaned in to kiss the top of your head. “i’ll be here when you wake up,”
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purplellamanator · 4 years
Hello! Idk if it's possible but what about a combination of Red String + Hero/Villain for ShinRan? Though if not either one is fine! ☺️ I'm a huge fan of your fics so I'm really happy to see you're taking requests!
A/N~ Hey! I’m so sorry this took such a long time! I’m still on my trip so I’ve been working on this one slowly through my phone! So if there are a lot of mistakes, I’m sorry 🙏 I had more I wanted to do for this one so I’ll probably be adding to it after my other prompts! Also, not sure if you are a fan of my hero academia but I kind of used there whole hero/villain world for this one! Just in case you don’t, their powers are their ‘quirks’. Hope you enjoy and thank you for the ask! 💜 If this wasn’t what you had in mind be sure to send me another!
Red String~ The typical red string of fate that ties two people together as being the perfect match
Hero/Villain~ Person A is a Hero. Person B is a villain. And both have an undeniable attraction to each other
She was in trouble. Ran knew it the moment she saw his expression. The confused expression that slowly morphed into one of dangerous understanding. She had made a mistake. A bad one and it would cost her. Her hesitation was all he had needed to make the connection.
At the call of her partner from behind, proving that in a few short seconds they would no longer be alone, the villain- after giving her a look that was a mixture of disbelief yet somehow . . finality, turned before disappearing into the darkness of the alley.
The expression would've had her frozen if the glowing, crimson ribbon wrapped tightly around her finger hadn't already done so.
"Shinigami- where'd he go?" It was so hard to contain her guilt at seeing the panicked and frantic expression Phantom bore. Ran had to look away.
She was never good at lying- even if it was lying by omission and her partner narrowed her eyes slightly. "What happened?"
I let him go, she wanted to say. Instead, she continued to look dazed at her finger. The ribbon was no longer there since she deactivated her quirk but she knew it could be.
Ran winced at her hero name. "I- I don't know. I was just too slow." Above anything else, at least the apologetic look she sent Phantom was real. "I-I'm sorry."
"Too slow? Too slow!" Her friend and coworker enunciated slowly. It was clear that she wasn't falling for whatever alternative story Ran was trying to spin. Which was understandable considering she was known for her speed and along with her quirk, with a simple tug of the ribbon attached to his finger,  could've had the criminal flinging back towards her like a bungee cord.
Before she even thought her response over she was already blurting out another excuse. "He didn't have a red string!"
That made her friend pause and her eyes go wide. It wasn't completely unheard of for someone to be without their red string of fate. It wasn't as often but sometimes was the case. It happened when someone's fated had already passed or an even more daunting thought- when the host would not live long enough themselves. Fate was cruel sometimes but always absolute. It was a harsh truth that some lives just weren't destined to last long.
Getting over the new revelation quickly though, Phantom sighed with annoyance. "Figures," she huffed while placing her hand on her hip aggravatedly. "Biggest fish in the bingo book and he's immune to your quirk. Next time I'll lead on him."
Ran said nothing, only lowered her eyes to her equally as crimson boots in shame. She didn't enjoy lying. In fact, she never did it. Not with Phantom anyway but this . . . This was something differently entirely. And honestly, it would probably be for the best that Ran never had to get up close and personal with Shinigami ever again.
"Well, he's gone now," her partner heaved. "Let's head back to the agency- regroup. He's probably long gone now."
With any other villain, Ran would've agreed. But with the new update that not only she knew but he knew as well, she determined that wasn't as likely. She couldn't tell if it was because she was already so frazzled and her nerves were still overhyped, but she had the feeling that eyes were on her and they weren't the ones of her partner.
Quickly, she agreed. The agency was close and hopefully it would allow her to calm down knowing there was no way Shinigami could watch her there.
The entire way, during, and even after their report to their boss though, Ran still couldn't help but feel like she had to watch over her shoulders. Even the agency didn't feel safe to her anymore and soon her partner caught on.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Phantom- or Aoko now, asked. They were in the locker room changing back into their pedestrian clothes. "If you're mad at yourself, don't be. You would've had no way of knowing he didn't have a red string. If anything it's my fault. I shouldn't of just relied on your quirk," she tried to reassure.
But it wasn't helping Ran with her feelings in the slightest. If anything, it made her feel worse. Because it was all wrong. She was mad at herself and if Aoko knew the truth, she should be mad at Ran. Because Shinigami did have a fate string. It was just who it was connected to that was the problem. It had made her stumble in surprise the moment she activated her quirk. Expecting to have to look down to see a crimson ribbon that resembled a rope like a coil that she could grab, nothing could've prepared her for the snag of a string latching around her ring finger trying to lurch her forward.
In that moment, her mind shut down and completely disregarding the gaping villain before her, her eyes had snapped to her own finger, widening. She thought the fact that she had stopped moving altogether would've been enough for Shinigami to escape. She hadn't been expecting to look up and find him still standing there. But he was and he wore the most confused expression she had ever seen on a person. When their gazes connected, he had made a step to run but momentarily froze when he realized she wasn’t making a move to follow him.
It was clear he hadn't known what to do at first. He hadn't yet realized what was wrong. She could tell he thought this was all a trap though. He kept looking behind him, probably expecting Phantom to come up behind him since she had successfully stalled him. But her partner's sudden yell of her name had his eyes widening and that's when he seemed to make the connection. Still the ever cautious villain, he had left slowly with his eyes full of suspicion, but eventually he had sunk into the shadows.
Ran was at a loss on what to do. She didn't know how to handle this new revelation. She couldn't just accept that she was the soulmate to an evil villain.
But she also couldn't go against fate.
It was all a mess and in a panic, Ran pulled herself from any of his cases. Aoko along with their boss and coworkers had been surprised. Shinigami was a top rated villain. Great fame and recognition would come with detaining him, but she quickly used the excuse that her quirk was useless against him and someone better qualified to fight him should be assigned to his case.
It was a cowards way out. She knew that. Yet she also had to think of this logically. She was a hero and he, a villain. It would be foolish for her to think he'd want anything to do with her. And besides that, it was her job to hand him over to the police. Something told her that would cause some marital issues down the line.
But this way it would be better, she told herself. Being off of his case, she'd have relatively no way of running into him. He was hard enough to find when you were looking for him.
So in her head, this could all just blow over smoothly. No one needed to address that her soulmate was Shinigami. They could continue their lives as they had been before. She hadn't allowed him to see the string after all. There was a small chance he hadn't made the connection at all.
Walking into her apartment a week later only to find him sitting on her sofa proved otherwise. He was sitting casually against the cushions as if he lived here and had every right. At her entrance, his head rose from where it had been leaning back to acknowledge her. His gaze was scrutinizing as it took in her pedestrian dressed form.
"I think we need to talk."
His voice wasn't as deep as she expected. From what she had heard and the descriptions of feeling pure terror around him, none of that seemed to fit the man sitting in front of her. He was dressed casually like she was but to be honest, if she remembered correctly from the other night, he had also been dressed regularly. All the same, one thing that did hold true was how attractive he was. It had been dark on that first night and she hadn't seen his face all that well. Now, illuminated by the lamp he sat beside, she had an unguarded view.
Swallowing hard and more than a little intimidated, she refused to take any step closer. He was a villain and he was in her house with her alone. When he still said nothing she realized he was expecting an answer.
"About what?" She tried to school her face as much as possible but she doubted she did a very good job.
He wasn't buying it. His blue eyes narrowed on her in what seemed to be exasperation. "Are we really going to play that game?"
Yeah, he definitely knew.
When he came to an abrupt stand however, his quick movements startled her and she pressed herself to the door- her hand gripping the handle tightly. As far as she could tell, they were here alone but for all she knew, he could've had an accomplice close by. She knew from his files that it wasn't likely, but she would be an idiot to make assumptions. That and he had been waiting here for only God knew how long. She was at the disadvantage. And with his quirk, she would definitely lose.
At her almost aggressive demeanor, he paused to give her a blank stare. "I told you I only came here to talk."
Him being a villain however, his words really didn't mean much to her. "How did you find me?" Her tone matched how unwelcoming she appeared. His presence clearly put her on edge.
Shinigami raised his brows. "It's not hard to figure out when your partner calls out your civilian name."
Ran's jaw clenched at his know-it-all attitude. He was right. Aoko had called her by her surname. But that was it. It wouldn't of been enough for him to find her in a city housed by thousands. Suddenly the constant sensation of being watched made sense.
"You followed me," she stated with realization.
"You were avoiding me," he said without even missing a beat. Apparently he didn't care to try to deny her accusation. But avoiding? He said that as if they were friends; as if he had any right to her attention.
Trying to school her features as well as his, she kept her expression neutral even though that wasn't anything she was feeling. Inside, she was a nervous wreck. She had a villain in her home that also happened to be her soulmate. Hopefully that all didn't translate to her face as she said, "I have no reason to avoid you. In fact, it was my job to detain you. But I was removed from your case."
She could tell with the way he didn't even blink that he did not believe a word she had just uttered. When he suddenly began walking again though, she was caught off guard and hurriedly scrambled further into the door. It was a dumb move though and all she did was successfully trap herself. This time at her panic, he hadn't bothered to stop or slow down. Instead, he continued till he was practically pressed against her, hands braced on the wood of her front door on either side of her head. Their chests were almost touching and out of anxiousness, she held her breath as he leaned down.
“You’re not a very good liar. Maybe don’t bother?”
Completely disregarding that she had worked so hard to keep her expression neutral, her eyes narrowed at his taunt. He was already pulling away though and straightening to his full height before she could even think of a response. Again, her body was tensing as she eyed him distrusfully.
“I’m sorry. I have to go. I only had time for this.” She was stunned by how apologetic and disappointed he sounded. To give an excuse as if he owed her anything or like she knew him well enough to care.
Against her better judgment and beyond her control she blurted, “I thought you said we needed to talk.” She wanted to smack herself almost immediately after saying that. It made her sound needy; like she was upset he was leaving. Which she was not.
His eyes shot back over to hers in muted surprise but the slight twitch of his mouth told her that he was stopping himself from laughing at her. Before she could glower at him or even try to take back her statement, he was already talking. “I already figured out what I needed.”
Not even bothering to hide that she didn’t understand what the hell he was talking about, her brows furrowed. They had barely spoke and she hadn’t told him anything.
His hand suddenly pressing against her cheek had her freezing. He wasn’t even gripping her- barely even touching her really. His hand was simply resting there as his thumb suddenly came down to brush against her bottom lip.
She would’ve pushed him away. She was too startled to do anything though- or that’s what she tried to argue with herself.
“I’ll see you again, Ran.”
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retroateez · 4 years
1980s horror film - s.mingi
hello all!!!
it’s been a lot longer than i intended, but a bunch of stuff came up and i both didn’t have time and didn’t feel like writing. this also wasn’t what i initially planned on posting, but life works weirdly and here we are. that being said, i wrote this in a way that is different to how i typically write so i apologise if it sounds/feels weird or awkward. regardless, i hope u enjoy! (also i didn’t realise it was all lower case so please ignore the inconsistency lmao)
pairing: song mingi x reader genre: unrequited love?? idk how to tag it oops word count: 1660 this is inspired by a song titled ‘1980s horror film II’ by wallows! 
mingi had been waiting for eons to score a date with y/n. way too long. all of his friends (mainly wooyoung), teased him constantly about her, but he had never gathered the courage to do anything about it.
they'd been friends for a long while, even hanging out a few times together at the cinema, or just going out for lunch before mingi realised he had an absolutely huge crush on her.
recently he'd been avoiding her like the plague, using volleyball practice, or band rehearsal with the boys as an excuse not to hang out with her. 
that was, until one sunny saturday afternoon, when she called him out of the blue. he took a few moments to collect himself, staring at the ringing phone in his hand like it was a ticking bomb seconds away from a devastating explosion.
"hey dingus!" y/n called down the phone once he had collected himself enough to answer. "what are you doing?" she asked.
"nothing. why?" 
"i'm bored." she declared. "wanna come over?"
"s-sure!" mingi agreed straight away.
"sweet. see you soon then!" y/n hung up, and mingi was convinced he might pass out.
he'd never been to her house before. maybe she really did like him back? oh god, he was starting to internally panic now; how was he supposed to act? he didn't want to be a creep but he didn't want to be painfully awkward either. oh god. oh god oh god oh god.
"get it together, mingi." he scowled at himself in the mirror, shaking his faded red hair side to side. he couldn’t make a fool of himself in front of her; he absolutely would not allow it. 
this could be his chance, to finally muster enough balls to ask y/n out before it was too late. yes, he'd decided; today would be the day.
half an hour later, an exceptionally nervous song mingi knocked on the door of his highschool crush. he reached up and brushed a shaking hand through his hair, wondering whether his legs were numb from fear or the chilling bite of the surprisingly cold weather. 
a few moments passed, then the door swung open to reveal y/n. she was dressed in her usual style, comfy, stylish, beautiful, very y/n. in truth, she could be wearing a trashbag and mingi would still say she looked gorgeous.
she gave him a wide, toothy grin and stepped aside to let him in.
"welcome to mi casa!" she motioned to the hallway dramatically, one arm sweeping out in front of her and almost bashing her elbow into the kitchen doorframe.
"i wanna watch a movie!" she said, once she had recovered from the near injury. "i've already got the snacks ready, so let's go!"
she began bounding up the stairs, mingi following her before realising where they were headed and freezing abruptly in his tracks.
"we're going upstairs?" he breathed, anxiety flooding him from head to foot.
just what exactly was she expecting from him?
"yeah?" she shrugged. "is that a problem?"
"no!" he replied, perhaps a little too quickly. "no, that's not a problem at all."
he was scared.
bordering on terrified.
y/n's bedroom was dark; having pulled the curtains before mingi's arrival to avoid the sun glaring onto the television.
as the minutes went on, mingi became less and less sure just what she was planning this afternoon.
she paced over to the tv set, opening a dvd case and slotting a disc into the player.
"it's a 1980s horror film," she explained. "i've been wanting to watch it for ages, but i didn't want to watch it alone... you don't mind, do you?"
mingi shook his head quickly. he did in fact mind, not being the biggest fan of the horror genre, but he'd made it this far, and backing out now was definitely not an option. plus, if wooyoung caught wind of mingi chickening out, he would never hear the end of it.
"here," she motioned to her bed; a double, with lilac sheets and an appropriate amount of cushions bundled up by her pillows. "take a seat."
unsure of whether he should, but not wanting to be rude, mingi crawled across her bed, sitting down amidst the cushions and crossing his legs like an obedient, yet timid child. he watched y/n grab her desk chair, dragging it across the room and placing it beside the bed, distanced but still close enough to mingi to completely throw him off his guard.
"don't you want the be-"
"nonsense!" she cut him off before he could even get the words out. "you're my guest, so you get the bed."
mingi was bewildered. never in his life had he expected to be in this situation. it appeared that y/n had absolutely zero intentions of doing anything romantic. which, don't get him wrong, was totally fine, but regardless he was still confused.
all the cheesy high school romance movies he’d watched, and all the young adult fiction novels he had read hinted that when you were invited to your crush’s house, alone, it usually indicated they wanted something romantic. or something more. absolutely nothing had prepared him for, or even suggested that the current circumstances would ever occur in a million years. mingi felt rather cheated, to be honest.
was she making him wait on purpose? deliberately staying away from him in the hopes that he'd just cave in and sweep her off her feet? y/n didn't seem like that kind of girl, but mingi had been wrong about a lot of things when it came to y/n. 
the movie began to play, and they sat surrounded by darkness, mingi decided he would simply go with the flow. he was a nervous wreck, but he wasn't a pervert; he wouldn't do anything unless y/n initiated it. the last thing he wanted was to make her uncomfortable. 
despite reaching a solution, he couldn't get it out of his mind how close they were in the moment. glancing to his side, he could very much reach out and gently touch her hair. or softly caress her cheek. 
obviously, he wouldn't, because that would be weird. and that was a vibe he was trying to avoid today.
halfway through the movie, y/n jumped up, explaining she had to use the bathroom and scaring the shit out of mingi in the process.
he kept his gaze fixed on the movie playing in front of him, but his mind wandered to other places. he sighed deeply.
he didn't even know what to say to her.
she's always on his mind,
and yet,
he's too afraid to say anything. how long would this pathetic pining go on for? surely it would be better for him to take wooyoung's advice and just go for it? otherwise he'll be playing this game for god knows how long. 
that was it.
he simply couldn't help the way he was feeling; he needed to get it out, to tell her how he truly feels.
and maybe, just maybe, she'd feel the same way too.
y/n comes back, and mingi gears himself up for his confession. digging into the deepest corners of his mind to find the right words to use. deciding to abandon his previous resolution to let y/n initiate, he convinces himself to take charge and follow the lead of every heteronormative teen movie in existence, and sweep the girl off her feet.
until she ditches the chair, motioning for mingi to scooch over and then she lays down right beside him. 
the bed is fairly large, but then again mingi is no regular sized teenage boy, his lanky frame taking up a considerable portion of the bed.. as a result, his right side and her left are pressed flush against each other, and poor mingi thinks he's about to explode.
but still, he inhales deeply, surveying the situation.
the lights are off, 
the mood was right.
mingi lets her settle for a short while, which is really him internally psyching himself up, before setting his masterplan into action.
he turns his head slowly to look at y/n, noticing how invested she is in the movie and he pouts a little.
he wants her attention.
she still doesn't notice, so he opts for placing his hand on her cheek as gently as he can and guides her gaze towards him.
her eyebrows furrow together in confusion, but she makes no effort to move away.
frozen anxiety that mingi misinterprets as a green light.
his eyes fall shut, and his upper body leans forward the tiniest amount. he's so close. so close to finally being able to show y/n how he feels. he's seconds away from having a weight lifted off his shoulders. he can't wait to shove it in wooyoung's face either, all the times the younger boy had called him a pussy had pissed mingi off to no end, but look at him now wooyoung, look at him now.
all he needed was for y/n to bridge the gap between them.
but instead, a small hand on mingi's shoulder pushes him back, and his eyes snap open abruptly, and he feels his stomach fall straight through his ass.
"y/n, i-"
the look on her face stops mingi dead in his tracks, because he can't read her expression.
is she mad? is she super pissed that he tried to kiss her? he'd understand if she was, it probably wasn't the best course of action but it was the best he could come up with. is she angry? is she hurt? disappointed? he searches her eyes, burning into his, for answers but comes up short. all he can do is try and guess how she's feeling, but realistically he's no expert, he's no mindreader, how is he suppo-
"mingi, i'm really not that into guys." 
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wheresfury · 5 years
Death of Me (Part 2)
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~Pairings: Natasha Romanoff/fem!reader, minor Carol Danvers/fem!reader
~Warnings: Mommy kink, spanking, strapping, degradation, dirty talk, choking, roughness, butt plugs, dildos, Dom/sub, cruelty, humiliation, verbal humiliation, daddy kink, rough oral sex on strap, rough sex, ejaculating dildo, semi-public sex, strap-ons, face-slapping, spitting, some angst, forced voyeurism(maybe? idk how to tag it,) threats made with a gun.
~Word count: 6,913
~Summary: Your date with Carol is bound to go wrong with Natalia at the wheel, you just didn't think it would end the way it did.
~Authors note: Hello! Here’s part 2! I hope y’all enjoy! I kind of went a bit crazy with it and couldn't stop writing. I almost rewrote it but I kind of like how it ended up. It’s kind of crazy and maybe too much idk. Let me know what y'all think. Forgot to mention this last time but the title is inspired by the song Death of Me by Pvris (It’s amazing as per usual with them.)
~Previous parts to this series are on my Masterlist
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You wait nervously by the door to your home, pacing the length of its threshold. Every step you take you have to hold back moans from being so full. You don’t know how you’re going to pass as normal on this date. As you continue to pace you bring a hand up to your left ear where a small earpiece rests gently. This is how she is to communicate with you. You grow more nervous as to what she will make you do or say. Your hands come up to rub at each other, needing something to do.
“Get ready, kitten. Here she comes.” You jump a little, not yet used to how loud she is through the earpiece. You grasp the doorknob and rip open your door just as Carol raised a hand to knock.
“Carol! Hi, how are you?!” She raises a brow at your enthusiasm.
“You okay there, baby girl?” She passes the threshold into your home and wraps her arms around your waist. You forget for a minute why this shouldn’t be happening and lean in to her touch. She leans in to kiss you when her voice stops you.
“You know better, kitten. She gets no pleasure from you. Otherwise it will be taken out on you.” You gulp and turn your head away from her so her lips land on your cheek. She pouts at this and pulls away.
“Are you sure you’re okay? If you’re having second thoughts about us that’s okay too. We have all the time in the world, baby.” You whimper at her sweetness and close your eyes wishing you were in any other situation right now.
“I'm a good shot, kitten. Don’t test my patience. Answer her now.” You quickly open your eyes and place your hand on her forearm, giving her your best reassuring smile.
“No, Carol. I’m more than okay with this, with us. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get on the same page. It’s just um I kinda want to start over? If that makes since?” She nods in understanding and grabs your hand that was on her arm intertwining your fingers together.
“So that’s why you wouldn’t let me kiss you. It’s okay, baby girl. I respect that and I’m more than  willing to woo you again.” She says wiggling her eyebrows whilst smirking. You giggle and pull her outside, locking your door. As she opens her passenger door for you out of the corner of your eye you see Natalia on her motorcycle. You get in and she pulls your seatbelt out for you handing it to you. She leans down and kisses you on the cheek before shutting your door and making her way around to the drivers side. You release a heavy sigh.
“I hope kisses on the cheek are okay?” You smile at her thoughtfulness.
“Of course it’s okay, Carol.” She smiles back at you and starts the drive to the restaurant. You lose yourself staring at her the entire drive, halfway through she places her hand on your thigh. You’re playing with her fingers that are on your thigh lost in your thoughts.
“I want you to call her by the name you use for her in bed. All night. I’m sure you call her something isn’t that right, slut?” You cough, letting her know you heard her and sink further into your seat. Carol squeezes your thigh.
“You okay, baby girl? We are almost there.” You sigh and close your eyes at what you were about to say. Fuck. You knew she was doing this on purpose. She heard you say you wanted to start over with Carol.
“You heard her, baby girl.” You grimace as you hear Natalia call you by Carol’s nickname. You hated it coming from her, only Carol could call you that. You open your eyes and turn over towards Carol, her hand slipping in between your thighs now.
“I’m better than okay, Daddy. I’m with you aren’t I?” She looks over at you in shock as her hand squeezes your thigh harder. She quickly looks back to the road and takes her hand off your thigh.
“Daddy? Really? That’s what you call her? What a pathetic little whore you are, kitten.” You bite your lip at her words trying not to whimper out loud.
“You know for wanting to start over and taking things slow, calling me that is not helping.”
“I’m sorry, Daddy. I love calling you that, I just can’t help that it slips out.” You look at her innocently as you hear Natalia laughing in your ear.
“That’s my good little slut, such a fucking tease. Keep it up, kitten.” You hear Carol let out a grunt as she pulls into the parking lot of a fancy Italian restaurant. She turns towards you after turning the car off.
“If you keep that up, Y/N, I will take you to the bathroom and fuck your brains out.” Your breath hitches as you squirm and you’re reminded of the fact you’re stuffed with Natalia’s toys. Carol never really talks like that, it surprises you.
“Hm that’s an idea, kitten.” Okay now you’re panicking. Carol sees the panic on your face and immediately relaxes her own.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to freak you out like that. I’ll be on my best behavior, I promise! You can keep calling me Daddy, I don’t mind, love.” You release a shaky laugh.
“You’re the absolute best, Daddy.” She smiles at you then jumps out of the car running to your side, opening your door. She holds out her arm to you and your wrap your hand around her bicep as she leads you into the restaurant. She opens the door letting you walk in first detaching from you for only a second before you’re grasping for her again. She chuckles as she makes her way to the hostess letting them know of her reservation. The waiter leads you to a table near the back, in a corner, away from prying eyes. Carol pulls out your chair for you and pushes you in. You smile at her gentlewoman ways. The waiter handed her a drink list and walked away.
“So, Y/N what are you in the mood to drink tonight. Red or white?”
“No drinking. She may but not you, kitten.” You pout at her order. You were hoping you could drink till you pass out.
“Actually, Daddy, I’m not in the mood to drink tonight. You can if you like.”
“That wouldn’t be fair to you, babe. I’m fine with no drinking tonight.” You smile softly at her before picking up your menu. You both silently peruse the menu before deciding on sharing one of their specialty pizzas. After the waiter takes your menus you almost spat out the water you just drank. Not even five feet away sat Natalia, a glass of red wine in her hand, staring at you. You turn red and look away hearing Carol ask you something.
“I’m sorry, what did you just say?” She smiles and releases a cute little laugh at your aloofness.
“I asked you why you decided to give us a shot.” You look down at the table cloth picking at some loose string you saw. You glance up and see Natalia with a brow raised awaiting your answer. Your eyes meet Carol’s and your breath caught in your throat. Fuck she is so beautiful.
“Well as you know I had someone before us and I just thought it was time to move on, you know? Why stay hung up on someone who couldn’t give two shits about you? I mean you, god you are amazing. I never thought I would be so lucky to have found someone like you. You know I just hope I don’t end up breaking your heart and I apologize in advance if I ever do.” Carol leans closer to you and grabs your hand that was on top of the table intertwining your fingers.
“You’re the sweetest, Y/N. I mean really I’m the lucky one here. You could never break my heart, baby.” Your eyes start to tear up at her look of absolute trust and devotion. God do you feel awful.
“Excuse yourself to the bathroom, kitten.” You clear your throat and wipe at the tears before they could fall down your face.
“I need to use the ladies room real quick. I’ll be right back, okay?” She nods her head in acknowledgement and sits back in her chair, watching you walk quickly to the bathroom. The minute you walk into the bathroom she pulls you into a stall at the very end of the room.
“Knees.” You drop down to your knees in the crowded stall and look up at her with teary eyes. She brings a hand to your hair and slowly strokes her fingers through your hair.
“That was some cute shit you said out there, kitten. So cruel of you to say that to her, getting her hopes up like that. Too bad it will never happen.” She pulls your hair back making your head tilt up further. She begins unbuttoning her jeans getting to the zipper before stopping.
“Come on, slut, get to work.” You bring your hands up and finish unzipping her jeans and pulling them down to her knees followed by her underwear. Your eyes widen and you gasp as an eight inch dildo slaps you in the face. She releases your hair and you see her pull out a black ball connected to a pipe from her pocket and holding it in her hand.
“Open wide, kitten.” You open your mouth sticking out your tongue. She taps the fake cock on your tongue before shoving a few inches into your mouth. You groan at the feeling and take in a few more once you adjust to the strap. She grabs your hair in her free hand and thrusts the strap to the hilt. Your throat relaxes as she pulls out and slams back in.
“That’s it, bitch. Take Mommy’s cock, take it all. Fuck.” She starts to consistently fuck your face with deep sharp thrusts. You moan at the rough treatment, it’s been too long since your face has been thoroughly fucked. Tears start streaming down your face at the roughness as you are unable to hold them back anymore.
“That’s it, kitten. Cry like the little bitch you are. You’re going to ruin your makeup, kitten. Fuck, that’s it.” She thrusts till she’s all the way in and holds you there. She lifts up the hand that’s holding the ball and brings it up to your blurry eyes.
“I’m going to cum down your throat, kitten. I want you to swallow every last drop. Anything you don’t swallow you will end up wearing.” You’re confused as to what she could mean. It’s not a real cock so she can’t cum for real. She pulls out halfway and squeezes the ball. Your eyes widen as you feel a thick watery substance enter your mouth. You try to pull away but her hand in your hair stops you.
“Swallow my cum, slut.” You whimper as best you can with a mouth full of fake cum. You start to swallow as much as possible with her cock in your mouth. By the time you were done your belly felt so full. She pulls out of your mouth and a drop of the stuff lands on the dress you were wearing, right on your chest. Oh fuck. You go to scoop it up with your hand when she slaps it away.
“Tsk tsk, kitten. What did I say?” You pout as you wait patiently for your next order. She pulls up her pants and tucks in her strap before she even looks at you. She cups your face in her hand and traces your lips with her thumb.
“Fuck, kitten. Your face has been used hasn’t it? I can’t wait to see what you tell that bitch what happened here. Open up, tongue out.” You do as she says and stick your tongue out as far as you possibly could. She uses her thumb to hold your chin down as she spits right into your mouth, some landing on your eyelid. You shiver at the cool sensation before it grows warm from your skin.
“Swallow, slut.” You bring your tongue back in and swallow her essence, moaning at the taste of her favored red wine. She wipes some of the leftover spit off of your eyelid so you could open it fully. She then grabs your hair and pulls you up. She lets go of your hair as you go to wipe away your makeup stained cheeks. She smacks your hand away before bringing hers back up to slap you harshly across the face. You cry out at the stinging slap. She then grabs your cheeks together in one hand making you look into her steely green eyes.
“You’re going to go back out there looking like this, slut. Looking like you just got your face fucked within an inch of its life. With my cum on your dress, kitten. Now you’re going to go out there and make her cry or I will. I’m getting bored of this so make it fast, kitten.” She exits the bathroom leaving you a mess in the stall. You walk out to the sink and wash your hands. You look up at yourself in the mirror horrified by what you see. Tears mixed with your mascara cascades in streaks down your face, one side red from her slap. Your eye shadow smeared and clumpy with her dried spit. Your lips red and puffy, pink lipstick smudged around the edges. Oh you are so screwed. You shakily fix your dress looking down at the glob of fake cum on your chest. Perfect how the hell are you going to explain your way out of this? You pick your phone out of your pocket in the dress and see that Carol has texted you a few times asking if you were okay and if she should come check on you. You shoot her a text and give yourself one last look in the mirror. With a heavy sigh you walk out of the bathroom with your head held high. You see Nat smirking at you as you make your way to Carol, who is looking at you with a pained expression. She stands up and walks over to you as you reach the table.
“Y/N, is everything alright? What happened in there, you were gone for 15 minutes?” You look down at your feet avoiding eye contact. She lifts your chin up observing your mess of a face and you can see the minute she notices the substance on your dress.
“Is- is that what I think it is? Because if so I think I might just go.” Your eyes widen as she narrows her eyes at you, she’s never looked at you like that.
“No- Carol! It's not what you think at all! I don’t like that whatsoever, I promise. It’s um well I got a little sick in there and it got messy. Really messy.” You see Nat snicker out of the corner of your eye and you visibly twitch with anger. You just now notice you are in the middle of a crowded restaurant trying to convince your date nothing happened.
“Are you sure, Y/N because it looks like you just got fucked and it wasn’t me who did it.” Yikes. You clear your throat and lean in closer to her ear, out of range from everyone else.
“Carol, will you please just take me home?” You pull away from her with the best puppy dog eyes you could muster. She looks at you her eyes completely devoid of any emotions. She pulls out her wallet and drops enough cash to cover the bill and tip before grabbing your arm and dragging you outside. You didn’t even notice Nat was gone. You make it to her car before she releases you from her hold.
“What the fuck are you doing to me, Y/N?! Did you fuck someone else in there?! On our first official date?! Your face is a nightmare right now, your little lie about being sick I don’t believe it at all. You have never been good at lying!” Tears prick at your eyes as you take in her anger. You pull out your earpiece and handed it to her. She looks at it then up at you.
“What is this?”
“I’m, well- it’s a long story, Carol. But I will tell you everything, I promise! Just not here okay? You deserve to know the truth.” She sighs and nods  her head back to the car.
“Come on, let me get you home.” The car ride to your house was dead silent. You were nervous about telling her but you had to, you can’t lose her. Once at your house she parks her car next to yours in the driveway. You unbuckle and turn towards her laying your hand on her arm.
“Carol, I am so so sorry for everything tonight. You don’t deserve this, I’m no good for you, you deserve so much more than I could ever give you.” She looks at you with tears in her eyes.
“Y/N, you’re all I could ever want and more. I just need to know what’s going on. We can work this out, I’m sure.” You shake your head in disbelief at her words.
“Carol, I care about you too much to hurt you anymore. This has become too dangerous. She will never allow this-” You stop yourself from saying anymore and get out of the car as fast as you could. You hear Carol do the same, she then grabs your arm spinning you around to face her.
“You promised me, Y/N! You promised to tell me the truth, so tell me, please. Who is she and why does she tell you what to do?” You hesitate before slowly nodding your head.
“Okay, I’ll tell you everything. Just know that by letting you know everything your life could be in danger. Well it kind of already is? Nat hates you.” She looks at you confused.
“Who the fuck is Nat?” You nod towards your house indicating that you will tell her more inside. She nods back and follows you up the driveway. You step up to your front door with Carol right behind you. You stop as you noticed it’s cracked open.
“Carol, you should leave, right now.” She grabs your elbow at the pain in your voice. She was about to speak when your front door creaks all the way open.
“Oh no, Carol, you should stay.” Your eyes widen as you see Natalia with a gun pointed at Carol.
“What the fuck, Nat?!” She grabs your arm pulling you inside roughly making you fall to the ground. She looks pointedly at Carol motioning her inside with her gun. Carol slowly makes her way inside walking as far away from the crazy red head as possible. She goes to help you up when Natalia clicks her tongue.
“Don’t you dare go near the little slut. She doesn’t deserve any help right now. It seems she’s lost her head calling me by a stupid nickname. Tsk tsk, kitten. You know better.” You look between the two women from your position on the floor. Could today get any worse?
“Well what do you have to say for yourself, kitten?” You look up at Carol, nervously. You scream in protest as Natalia strides over to Carol, gun pointed at her. Carol seems to be doing alright given her situation. Her stern chocolate gaze staring straight into Natalia’s crazed green eyes.
“Mommy! Please! I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t use your proper name! I’ve been a bad girl. Please, Mommy. Please don’t hurt her.” She huffs at you and points Carol towards a chair in the living room.
“Go sit down and don’t say a word.” Carol looks to you and you nod at her. She looks away from you and sighs, walking over to sit in the designated chair.
“You’ve got the bitch wrapped around your little finger, kitten. I’m impressed.” You see Carol grip the armrests as her jaw tightens, glaring up at Natalia. Fuck that’s hot. You shake your head at the mere thought you could be thinking that right now. Natalia grabs some rope from a bag and walks over to Carol tying her wrists and ankles to the chair.
“You’ve got the best seat in the house, Carol.” She says her name with such disgust it sends shivers down your spine. The fact she said best seat flew right over your head.
“Knees.” You shake your head clearing your thoughts as best you can and struggle to get on your knees for her. Once you finally get in to position she slaps you across the face making Carol scream out in disbelief.
“You disobeyed me tonight, kitten. You know i hate disobedience. You’ve been a brat, and what do brats get, kitten?” You whimper as you struggle to speak with your cheek throbbing.
“They get punished, Mommy.”
“That’s right, kitten. You’ve already been punished once today and I’m not going to make it any easier for you now face down ass up, you little slut.”
“Stop calling her that!” You gasp as you hear the bullet entering the chamber as Natalia cocks her gun and pointed it at Carol. You look up at her to say something when she silenced you with a harsh glare.
“Unless you want a hole in your fucking head, I would shut the fuck up. If you knew anything about Y/N here you would know she loves to be degraded, humiliated and punished. They are some of her biggest turn ons. Isn’t that right, slut?” Your mind goes fuzzy as you hear your name fall from her lips for the first time. Your pussy clenched around her dildo at the way it sounded falling from her mouth. You look up at her with wide eyes trying to answer her. She puts her finger closer to the trigger making you stutter out an answer.
“Yes-Yes, Mommy. I absolutely love it. I love being your little bratty slut, Mommy.” She releases the trigger and puts the safety on, sliding it in the back of her jeans.
“That’s my good little whore. Now strip.” You look up at her and then to Carol, face red with embarrassment. You see Nat raise her hand as if to slap you so you quickly start unzipping your dress and pulling down the shoulder straps. Once your dress is at your waist you pick up your knees to slide the dress off the rest of the way, followed by your underwear. You toss it to the side and look back up at Nat. Having lost her patience she grabs your hair making you look up at her, she back hands you across the face with so much force it stuns you for a minute.
“Face down ass up, kitten.” You tremble as she undoes her belt slowly pulling it from the loops. She folds the belt in half snapping them together releases a loud cracking noise making you jump and quickly get into position.
“I want you to count, kitten. You’re getting ten lashes for being a brat and disobeying me tonight, is that clear?”
“Yes, Mommy.” She quickly brings down the belt on your ass with no mercy. You bite your lip to stop yourself from screaming.
“One, Mommy.” You clench as she brings the belt down again, teeth digging further into your lip.
“Two, Mommy.” Your ass was already on fire from earlier and you didn’t think you could take the rest of your punishment. After each stroke she would pause, waiting to see if you would call out red. After the tenth stroke you release a huge sob in relief, you nearly melted when she rubbed her hand over ass, soothing a little of the burn and whispered praises on how well you took your punishment and that you were her good girl. You hear Carol’s heavy breathing once you calmed down from your punishment. Once Natalia realizes you’re okay she wastes no more time and tosses her belt to the side.
“Get up.” You quickly scramble to your feet with your hands behind your back. She grabs a fistful of your hair and drags you in front of Carol, turning your back to her.
“Bend over, slut. Let her see your filthy stuffed fuck holes.” You bend over, her hand still fisting your hair as you flush with even more humiliation. You hear Carol gasp at the mess that are your holes.
“Kitten, you made such a mess of yourself. You’re dripping everywhere. Such a desperate slut, your holes just begging to be fucked by a real woman. To treat them the way they should be treated with a rough hard fucking. Do you want that, kitten?” Both Carol and Nat see your cunt visibly clench around her toy.
“Yes, Mommy, please! Please fuck me!” Your eyes clenched shut as you hear Carol scoff at your pleading words.
“Ah is poor little Carol jealous? Jealous you could never fuck her the way I can? Give this slut what she craves? What she needs?” You feel Natalia’s hand on your ass dragging a finger slowly down your crack to the plug resting in your hole. She pushes lightly on the plug making you let out a moan at the feeling.
“How did it feel, kitten? Being stuffed with my toys?” She slowly twists the plug to the right making you choke on a moan.
“I felt so full, Mommy. I loved every minute of it, feeling stuffed.”
“That’s my good girl. Now relax, kitten.” You relax your muscles as you smile at her soft words. She does have a heart. Once she sees that you are relaxed she slowly pulls out the plug smiling as you clench around nothing. She tosses the plug near Carol’s feet and pushes you closer to Carol who vehemently shakes her head.
“You want to eat this slut’s ass, bitch? Huh want to find out what it feels like? Tastes like? Or is that too far for your prissy ass?” She smacks your stuffed cunt making you jump.
“Kitten, do you want something from Carol here?”
“Daddy, please! Please eat your baby girl’s ass!” Natalia huffs at your plea and smacks your ass harshly making you cry out as it was still sore from your spankings earlier.
“This is my ass, kitten. Don’t say stupid shit like that, you filthy cunt.” You moan out at her words and she raises a brow at Carol.
“Y/N, how could you like this? I was raised to never treat a woman like this. I don’t get it.” Nat rolls her eyes at the woman.
“Your parents taught you how not to fuck a woman, that’s disgusting.” Carol shakes her head at Nat.
“No, I was raised to respect women. Not degrade them.”
“Well this one, so submissive, loves to be degraded and fucked hard. Which is why it baffles me she decided to fuck you of all people! The most vanilla a bitch could get! Kitten, she won’t even eat your ass or look at it for that matter.”
“Well, she did let me call her Daddy. I mean she was skeptical at first but then she loved it.” Nat rolls her eyes at you and snorts.
“Pathetic. Let’s show her what she’s missing out on, hm? I was going to let her participate but now she will only be watching. You better not close your eyes for anything other than blinking or I’ll permanently shut them for you.” You guess she nodded her head as conformation because then Nat’s hands are on you pushing you to stand up. Her hands grab and knead at your breasts roughly, pulling at you nipples making them harden at her touch. She pulls her hands away and smacks your breasts. You bite your lip holding back your moans. Natalia notices and grabs your nipples twisting roughly and holding them there. Your knees bend as you grab onto her wrists releasing a pained moan.
“Don’t hold back on me, kitten. I want to hear you.”
“Yes, Mommy.” She releases your nipples and takes a step back looking you up and down. She points to her feet and you kneel before her, looking up at her through your lashes. She pats your head and traces her hand down your face over your cheek before slipping two fingers in your mouth. You moan as you suck gently on her fingers tracing them with your tongue. You see her look up at Carol, who is watching you intently, mouth slightly ajar.
“Enjoying the show, Carol? If so we’re just getting started,” Nat pulls out her fingers, wiping them on your face and nods towards the couch. “Hands and knees, kitten, facing Carol.” You get up and make your way to the couch getting into position and facing Carol, who is turned to the side. Nat walks up to her chair and spins her around to face you correctly, scooting the chair to the end of the couch, were you could easily reach out and touch her. You give her a soft smile as you see the conflicted desire in her eyes. Nat makes her way to you on the couch, kneeling behind you. You moan as she rubs her hands all over your lower body, squeezing and roughly pawing you everywhere. Her left hand leaves your hips and moves down to your cunt, tracing the end of the dildo that’s filling you up so well. You gasp out a moan at the feeling, staring straight into Carol’s eyes. She grabs a hold of the dildo and slowly pulls it out making you whimper at the now empty feeling. Nat tosses the dildo onto the ground and uses both her hands to hold you open.
“Fuck, kitten. You’re soaked and this beautiful pussy of yours is gaping right now. So beautiful, I bet you missing being full, hm?” She gently blows on your cunt watching it quiver and contract at the feeling. You see Carol bite her lip as you moan.
“How bad do you want to see this pretty cunt, Carol? If you weren’t such a bitch earlier you could’ve fucked this whore’s slutty pussy. Would you have liked that, kitten.” Oh god. You close your eyes and quickly reopen them when she slaps your pussy twice, making you release a strangled moan.
“Yes, Mommy. I can’t help but think of both of you fucking me and filling my slutty fuck holes. Just please, Mommy. Please, fuck me!” You hear her tsk at your answer.
“What a little slut, hm? You want to be fucked by two people at once? You should be upset at Carol, kitten. That could’ve happened. Don’t worry, baby doll. I can make it happen for you soon.” Your eyes widen at the thought of it being with anyone else besides Carol and you pout.
“I want Daddy to fuck me! Not some random girl!” Nat rolls her eyes at your stubbornness and slaps you on the ass, making you lean forward a bit.
“Yes well if Daddy doesn’t take that stick out of her ass she cannot join. Period.” You look up at Carol with hope in your eyes. You notice that her eyes have become watery and you feel bad for her, she didn’t deserve this. You hear Nat unzipping her pants and you moan as you feel her strap hitting you on the thigh. She slowly circles your clit with the head and drags it up and down through your slick folds. Fuck.
“I refilled it, kitten. Are you ready for Mommy’s cock, slut?”
“Fuck yes, Mommy. Please give me your cock! Please fuck your filthy little whore, Mommy!” You see Carol’s mouth drop open as yours does in a scream as Natalia slams her cock into your sopping cunt. She fucks you hard and fast with no intention of ever slowing down. She brings one hand up to your hair taking a fistful and pulling hard. You sob as your eyes leave Carol’s and are now aimed at the ceiling.
“That’s right, slut, taking Mommy’s cock so well. Fuck I’m going to fill you with my cum, baby doll. You dirty whore, that’s what you want, right? Fuck whose cunt is this?”
“Fuck. It’s yours, Mommy! It’s all yours, please give it to me, Mommy! Cum in your filthy slut’s pussy, please!” She grunts and slaps your ass with every thrust, she releases your hair and grabs on to your hip. Your eyes roll back as you feel a nose collide with yours. Your eyes widen and you release a moan as Carol shoves her tongue in your mouth. You eagerly kiss back not expecting it at all. You hear Nat release a cackle.
“Fuck, Carol, I’m impressed you held out so long. It’s hard to resist this little brat, isn’t it?” Carol moans in response not wanting to break the kiss. You feel Nat pull out and you break the kiss to look back at her and pout. She smacks your ass and stands up with her fake cock hanging out of the zipper compartment. You bite your lip as you watch her step towards Carol. She unties her hands but leaves her legs tied down.
“You can do whatever you want to her, wherever you can reach that is. Have fun.” She smirked at Carol then looks down at you before walking back to the couch. You lick your lips as she thrusts back into you as Carol grabs your face and kisses you roughly. She pulls away from you and slaps you across the face and grabs your hair in her other hand. Holding your face still she slaps you again, making you release a sob.
“Is this how you like to be treated,slut?” You nod unable to form a coherent thought as Nat fucks you roughly and Carol is seemingly coming around to rough treatment. Your head may explode right now. She smacks you harder this time.
“Fucking answer me, you whore!” Nat chuckles at your pain reveling in the loud moan you release as she puts her thumb in your asshole.
“Yes, Daddy! I love being treated like this! Please!”
“Tell me this, baby girl. Did she fuck you at the restaurant? Did she?” Your eyes look up at her pleadingly. Her eyes shine with tears as she now knows the answer.
“Daddy, I’m sorry! Please, Daddy!”
“Please what, baby girl?”
“Please use me. Do whatever you want to me, to your baby girl, please, Daddy.”
“No,” You look up at her with pained eyes. She places three fingers at the entrance of your mouth and you open to accommodate them. “you’re not my baby girl, not anymore.” You let tears fall as she looks at you with an unreadable expression. She leans in closer to you as she shoves her fingers further in your throat making you gag. She has tears falling as well, you think maybe because she doesn’t really want to do this. You feel Nat start to rub your clit and you clench your jaw making Carol pull out her fingers making a pained noise.
“I’m sorry, Daddy! I didn’t mean to bite you.” She shakes her head and pulls you into a kiss. You both moan as you come closer to the edge.
“Fuck, kitten. I’m close. You ready to have your pussy filled?” You pull away from the kiss and look into Carol’s eyes and for the first time you see what could’ve been. It could’ve been you and Carol with a stable healthy relationship if only you hadn’t had that chance encounter with Nat in London. You give her a small smile as she returns one, albeit shaky.
“Yes, Mommy, please fill my pussy!” You wince at Carol’s face, still clearly turned on but with so much hurt. Carol brings you in for one more kiss, you knowing it would be your last. You feel Nat release her fake cum inside you and you moan as you cum alongside, her fingers circling your puffy clit helping you along. Carol pulls away first your lips connected by a string of spit. Both of your faces red with tears. Nat pulls out of you and you shiver as the cum leaks out of you. She sits back to admire her work with a satisfied smirk, not at all caring about either yours or Carol’s inner struggle. She smacks your ass for the umpteenth time and gets up. She throws you your dress as she undoes Carol’s legs from the chair.
“You’re free to go. I’m not going to kill you since Y/N did in fact make you cry.” Carol looks at you with clear hurt in her eyes as you look down unable to take it. She gets up from the chair as you slide your dress back on. Carol clears her throat and points to your room.
“I’m just going to grab a few things, then I’ll leave.” Natalia looks bored as you slowly nod your head at Carol. Once Carol is out of the room Nat looks down at you.
“She really spoiled this evening, kitten. At least she won’t be a problem anymore.” She shrugs as you glare at her. You shake your head and stand up on wobbly legs, she reaches out to steady you and your breath hitches as your eyes meet. Why did she have to be so damn beautiful? You were so lost in her eyes you haven't even heard the police sirens. You look over her shoulder as they pound on your door. She looks behind you and you turn as well seeing Carol holding up her wanted picture. Fuck. Nat smirks and pulls you closer pressing her lips against yours. You nearly exploded, her lips were so fucking soft and plump. You moan as she bites your bottom lip demanding entrance with her tongue. Your hands are on her waist when she moves to pull out her gun. She pulls away aiming it at Carol who was making her way to the door. She stops moving towards the door as you kiss Natalia’s neck a few times. She pulls away completely making you whine. She smirks at you and gives you one last kiss.
“Until next time, kitten.” She gives you a sly wink and makes her way to your bedroom and out of that window. You jump as your front door is kicked in.
“Police! Where is she?!” Carol points to your room and you glare at her.
“She went that way, officers.” They nod and run to your room.
“You know that was a bitch move, Carol.” She huffs and crosses her arms making her way to your front door.
“Yeah well at least I’m not being taken advantage of by a freaky serial killer.”
“Hey! She’s not a serial killer, she’s an assassin!” She looks appalled.
“Same fucking difference!” You growl and point to your front door.
“Get out, Carol.” She looks at you one last time with a look you couldn’t decipher and walks away, leaving you alone. You nearly jump when the police walked back into the living room.
“Fucking hell!”
“Sorry ma’am. It seems she got out through your bedroom window. We will pursue her and let you know if we catch her. Thank you for the tip. Have a nice day.” You glare at them as they leave shutting your front door that was now damaged. Once alone you sit down on the couch and put your face in your hands and release a loud sob. God what is this woman doing to you? That kiss was everything yet she can’t stay because she’s on the run. What kind of life is that? You don’t know when you’ll see her next and yet you’ll wait for her. Definitely not going to sleep with anyone  else since that turns out shitty anyways. You take your hands away from your face and rest them on your knees, you look at your coffee table and notice a small black box with a card on top. Has that been there this whole time? You pick up the box and open the card. ‘For next time. - N’ You scrunch your eyebrows together as you put the card to the side. You open the top of the box and gasped. Inside sat a white collar with a few pink diamond studs. In the middle sat a pink bow with a heart shaped tag underneath, kitten was written on the tag with a tiny diamond on the bottom. You release a little sob at the beautiful gift. You replace the top of the box and place it back on the table. You pick up the card again tracing the words and imagining her sitting down to write it. It was then you realized that you wanted this and you know what, fuck it. She could very well be the death of you but you didn’t mind.
———- ⧗———-
What I had in mind for the collar!!
Natasha Series Tag list: @theunknowinglys, @whitecanary444, @kdragonwrestling, @kello-unknown, @baeszler, @andrea25434, @iwillpokeyouwithmyknife, @fun-sized-widow-bites
Forever Tag list: @cheethos
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