#linking you an info post that I once did to the occasion in case you wanna know more!
starsmuserainbow · 6 months
Top of the morning to ya, Starfire. I noticed you have lovely green eyes and that your star bolts are green. Very festive for St. Patrick's Day. Does your planet have a holiday that is celebrated by wearing a certain color?
[[Thank you for the ask!]]
"Oh, I thank you!" She had also gotten out a dress to wear - as long as no trouble would arise - for the occasion, and Starfire was happy to hear a compliment.
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"On Trie'hr, it is common for my people to wear grey or white, but the color of our clothes is not as important to that festivity as I believe it is here for this celebration."
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gauntletqueen · 1 year
That person Nintendo went after was genuinely a very very bad and exploitative scammer, some reblogs on that post go into it in detail including how taking a portion of wages is a standard way to collect fines that cannot be immediately paid in full. I dont feel bad that he received legal action, but considering the total fine is so large he might have his wages taken from for life, I do feel like Nintendo is overreaching to scare others into not trying the same thing. Which I think is a really dumb and dystopian "we have the money to fuck this one guy up real bad so you better not try the same" situation that makes me think less of the company, a company I already disliked.
Bit of a meaningless ask, sorry, just saw a lot of people thinking he was some innocent modder and Nintendo was big and evil and scary, but really Nintendo just really screwed over one bad guy way more than was necessary and it was a gross misuse of power to scare others into not messing with them. No harm meant by this, just wanted to say this to someone, if you feel differently I'd like to hear about it
First off, yes, the story is more nuanced but Nintendo still comes out the villain with how insanely severe the punishment is. Second off, this isn't a single instance, Nintendo has a long and disgusting history of fucking over fans and creators. They are a built-for-profit corporation which does everything in its power to earn more and more each year, no matter what. It has been repeatedly proven that things like piracy and fan games don't really hurt sales, and for Nintendo to crack down on it again and again shows their disregard for the consumers beyond how much money they can extract from us. This should be taken as a harsh reminder of that if nothing else. The same goes for every other corporation, but Nintendo gets away with it the most because people are blinded by nostalgia goggles and the like.
To go more in-depth, Gary Bowser wasn't a "scammer". He ran a company that made pirating hardware for consoles, including the Nintendo Switch. Their products allowed you to run pirated and homebrew software. There wasn't any scamming there, the products functioned as advertised. The problem was that they contained DRM protection, preventing others from copying the software's code. Using an unofficial cartridge would lead to bricking the console, which is definitely hypocritical. It was also faulty and could, unintentionally trigger even in the original cartridges on rare occasions when you messed with settings too much for example. So yes, that is bad, BUT obviously Nintendo doesn't give a shit about that. All they care about is that someone used a Nintendo product or IP in a fashion which they did not ordain, profit or not, and they once again acted with extreme prejudice. It's highly likely that Gary Bowser will never, ever be able to repay the massive debt to Nintendo before his death, especially considering his poor health and age will make it hard for him on the job market in general. And there is no way Nintendo's lawyers didn't realise this, it isn't to recuperate any supposed losses. It is, as you say, a scare tactic, because Nintendo's higher ups care that much more about their money-making products over a human life which they have, effectively, destroyed. Regardless of how good of a person they might be. (all this info regarding the case can be found in the articles in the post I reblogged, and articles linked in the reblogs you mentioned)
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lunarrin · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland Theory! May have future spoilers so please skip this post if you don’t want to risk getting spoiled.
I accidentally posted this before it was finished before, that’s why this might seem like a repeated post, whoops sorry. Edit: Also I tumblr keeps on messing up the format and making me edit it again ;-;
Anyways, It seems like a bunch of people are interested in learning more about this theory circulating among JPN twisted wonderland fans so here I am to display the possible evidence/hints. I had to use google translate to look at some of their claims and although it’s easy to just confirm on your own the claims I have to admit I couldn’t list some of their claims simply because I couldn’t understand what they were saying. Please keep in mind this is only a speculation and has no in-game proof or foreshadowing that I’ve seen at the very least proving it, so take it with a grain of salt. Now, onto the theory!
The Ace Betrayal Theory
This theory concerns our beloved Ace Trappola and concerning “coincidences” that point to Ace possible betraying us in the future. If you would like to look at the twitter posts yourself, search up エース 裏切り説し on twitter.
So first of all, the first thing that may point at things being not what they seem, or at least that something is wrong is the Heartslabyul dorm main characters. There are 5 main characters from the Heartslabyul dorm and in terms of cards it seems a bit odd that there is no sign of a joker within the dorm, of course you could chalk it up to Riddle being the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland so he doesn’t count as a “Heart”. With the “heart” suit being represented by Ace and Riddle, is it possible one of them could also represent the joker? In this case, when I say “joker” I don’t mean they’re gonna be like “surprise I’m actually a joker not a heart suit!” I more so mean that one of them will like a wild card. Given that Riddle already had his episode, and Ace’s status proven by the twisted wonderland opening to be a main character, could we say that Ace could be the “joker” of the dorm in a way? The wild card? Of course this point is based on perspective, if you exclude Riddle from being counted as a “Heart” suit then the dorm is fine, but if you count him as someone representing the “Heart” suit then the repetition seems odd.
There is one main concerning part of this theory that surely would be difficult to pass of as mere coincidence, and it’s Ace’s last name, “Trappola”.
In Italian is means  “trap/pitfall(a possible danger)".  
And Ace is the only dorm member to not have his suit somewhere in his last name, instead he has Trappola, a Venetian trick-taking card game where the Ace is the most powerful card. (Funny enough, it seems like the Deuce is the second most powerful in terms of points alone) And it’s no news to anyone who’s read Ace’s profile that he enjoys card games doesn’t he? What’s a trick-taking card game? It’s a tile based game where each round is called a “trick” and in Trappola, your goal is to take/win the trick. Funny thing is, in Trappola specifically, it seems like the player is awarded bonus points for taking a trick(s) with a Deuce.
There is also another trick-taking, or more so, trick-avoiding game called “Hearts” where you try to have the least amount of points by the end of the game. You get points by wining hearts in tricks in which the amount of points lost depends on the the specific card, with the ace of hearts giving the most points (something you do not want). A fan interpreted this in terms of twisted wonderland to be another pointer for Ace betraying the group just as the Ace of hearts in the game in a way betrays you because it gives you the most points, I personally feel like this is a stretch? But I listed it anyways in case you wanted to know.
Edit: It has been brought to my attention that the Red Queen and Jack of Hearts are from Alice through the Looking Glass and not Alice in Wonderland so the next point does not hold as much ground anymore, but I’ll leave it here anyways
Then there is Ace's similarity or possible link to a character within Alice in Wonderland, being the Jack/Knave of Hearts, who betrays the Red Queen (whom he was previous lovers with, and in general close to the Red Queen). Both Ace and Jack(or the Knave of hearts) have a heart on or around their left eye (our right). Both Jack and Ace steal a tart from the Red Queen (Queen of Hearts (Riddle) in Ace's case). Next, Both betray the Red Queen/Queen of Hearts respectively at one point (Jack tries to kill the Red Queen while Ace tries to take Riddle’s dorm leader position).Off topic coincidence, there is an otome game where the Jack of Hearts is named "Ace". Now this point’s coincidences seem difficult to be just “coincidences” but at the same time you could also say that Ace’s role as the Jack of Hearts has already ended since he has already had his failed attempt at overthrowing Riddle. The concerning part of this link though is that the Jack of hearts tried to kill the person they were at least it seemed to be very close to and at least loyal to (when in actually he hated her) while Ace himself wasn't very close to Riddle at that point, but who is Ace close to and loyal(?) to? MC and the gang ;-; But still take this possibility as a grain of salt.
Of course, we know Ace’s name isn’t Jack, or at least, hopefully he doesn’t pull a “Ace is not my true name at all! Instead I’m also named Jack/Knave!”. But he does have a older brother who once went to the same school, could it be that Ace’s brother is named Jack/Knave? We don’t know much about his brother besides it seems like he was rather relevant as he led a parade that is shown in a picture in one of the halls of the school and that he’s good at card tricks. And similiar to how the Red Queen and the Queen of Hearts are different, the Knave of hearts and the Red knight could also be different, with the Knave of Hearts and the Red knight being Ace’s brother and him. Still, we need more info to see how relevant Ace’s brother is in all of this.
Next we have the Twisted Wonderland Opening Movie, which has proven to spoil/hint at plot lines before with Azul as the opening movie teases Azul’s overblot form as well as his child self photos. Now in the opening a fan has noted that every character so far that has been seen alone (besides the part where they have the character’s names and dorms, this part (because Kalim appears and the dorm leaders have to be alone)
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Every character that has appeared alone or a bit during the opening so far has overbloted, Jamil, Leona, (and we can guess Malleus and Idia will overblot). While every other character has been introduced with someone alongside them, for example, Epel only appears with Rook, Floyd only appears with Jade, Jack only appears with Ruggie, and the Diasomnia group(minus Malleus) only appear with each other. But who else appears by them self? Our boy Ace.
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And Deuce who the OP proves alongside Ace has the same amount of relevance is introduced alongside Cater and Trey
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Now for Ace to overblot, it probably means he’s gonna do something villainous like I don’t know, betray the group?
Now here’s the thing, does Ace’s character/personality have the potential to be evil/betray us? Yes, 100 times yes. This is the man who went up to us in the prologue and acted all nice and everything explaining the Great Seven, only to laugh (maniacally?) at our misery and ignorance claiming to have only visited us to mess with us and essentially mock us. If Deuce is the person who could and would (if you pissed him off) physically beat you to death, then Ace is the person to psychologically and emotionally torment/manipulate you, oh and verbal abuse too, he’s good at that. One thing I personally find very concerning about Ace is his hobby of card tricks, like aren’t you guys based off of cards? Are you trying to tell me Ace is good at manipulating/messing with people? 
Like we’ve seen Ace be good at acting and lying on two separate occasions in the story, one with us in the beginning, two with the guard at the underwater museum. In his personal stories, for example in the ‘A Kouhai This Honest’ story, Trey comments on how Ace did indeed have ulterior motives to helping Trey besides just wanting a cherry pie as Ace was trying to fish possible test questions out from Trey. This is their conversation:
Ace: “To collect information, I’m carrying all this heavy stuff~ Beside, Trey-senpai you too… You knew from the beginning I wouldn’t carry all this stuff for a pie with lots of cherry on it “
Trey: “ You… could it be you were lying about liking cherries too?”
Ace: “ That’s the truth. I learnt that from my big brother. “When you’re lying mix a bit of truth in it” he said”
And with the ‘Tch, I Got Found Out’ personal story he tries to take the profit all for himself:
Ruggie:  “ But anyway, isn’t it fine in the end? It wraps up without sensei knowing so your mark doesn’t get affected Anyway, I’m also… wait, Ace-kun!? Where are you going with that bag? That’s the mandragoras to be sold to the ghosts. Don’t just take it like that!”
Ace: “ Tch, I got found out. I thought I could sneak off with it while you two aren’t looking at me ”
Ruggie:  “ You were planning to slip out and take the pay all for yourself huh? What an impudent first year”
Jamil:  “ When I thought you were being all meek…You sure are bold”
Ace: ”Hehe, I’ll take that as a praise, senpais ♪ “
It clear to see Ace at times schemes for his own benefit, whether that is taking advantage of his senpais or other people, Ace will lie and pretend to be innocent while carrying out his ulterior motives. Funny how his big brother taught him that.
On another note, Ace has the uncanny ability of being able to copy what he sees, from his brother’s card tricks, to how to speak hedgehog from seeing Rook just say the phrase once, from quickly learning how to extract um, something from mandragoras and doing it very efficiently. Perhaps will his unique magic be a copy magic, maybe copying the unique magic of others? If so, that sounds like an ability that could build up blot fast if he uses it willy-nilly. (it also sounds OP)
All in all, it seems like Ace really does have the potential to be the villain at one point (even though almost all of them are villains lol).
One more thing pointing to a possible Ace betrayal in the future is kinda a stretch in my opinion, but I will list it anyways because it’s coincidences are a bit unnerving. It has to do with birth month flowers and the Dahlia, a flower which can symbolise “Warning someone about a potential betrayal” and Dahlia is the birth flower of August, what month comes right after August? September, the birth month of both Ace and Jamil. Guess what? Jamil betrayed Kalim in the story.
Well, that’s it for the evidence at least I found people using for the Ace betrayal theory, some of it is a stretch and some of it’s is concerning if it was a mere “coincidence”. I hope you enjoyed reading this, regardless if in the end you believe in this theory or not. I personally love this theory because I love the thought of Ace getting more development in the future, also the fan art people make for this theory is great. For example, the twitter account  @GPs_ac has a piece of fan art of the ace betrayal theory and it’s great.
Also If Ace does betray us, I want to see Deuce beat him into the ground ahahaha... (I still love you Ace but I will be hurt if you do betray us, this is why I stan Deuce lol)
Turns out MC can’t trust anyone but Deuce, because Grim is probably gonna overblot and Ace might betray.
Also, fun fact. The Ace of Spades symbolises death
Haha very funny Disney, making our lovable no braincells duo represent death
Anyways feel free to comment your thoughts on the theory!
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mulletcal · 4 years
if walls could talk -- ceo!calum chapter 1
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description: calum is the son of a very powerful ceo / owner of a PR firm - they had an agreement that calum could live his life as a young adult until his father retired.  calum didn’t expect his father to retire so soon, nor did he expect to meet a woman who would spill out all of her deepest, darkest secrets all because of some turbulence.
warnings: light mention of sexual situations, other than that nothing much.
word count: 3.4k
a/n: this is something i’ve wanted to post for so long.  i attempted a majority of a rewrite at one point, but here we are! please let me know what you guys think? also huge thank you to @softbabiestan​ and @calum-uncrowned​ for reading / suggesting edits along the way 
“This just doesn’t feel like the right time to do this.”
Those words had been said to Charlotte more times than she could count, in both her personal and professional life.  This time, it was the former, but that didn’t make the blow to her confidence any smaller.
Charlotte had been sent to New York in hopes that maybe she could convince this firm to sell to them.  The PR firm that she worked for was the top in the country, but they didn’t get there based solely on the fact that they were an amazing company.  Anytime another PR firm seemed like they were about to overtake them for the top spot, Everyday Joy Communications would make them an offer they’d be stupid to turn down.
“Please, Mr. James, if you’d just look at the graph that we’ve done up for you--” Charlotte started, but she was cut off by the man standing up abruptly. 
“Your company has been trying for over a year now to buy us out, and each time we’ve said no. It’s very clear to us that your company’s morals don’t align with ours, I’m sorry you wasted your time in coming here today.” Straightening out his jacket, Mr. James moved around the table to shake Charlotte’s hand once more, clearly eager for her to leave.
She had gathered her things in silence, but as she turned to leave she heard Mr. James clear his throat. “Miss--” he began, inhaling deeply before continuing, “You may want to tie your jacket around yourself. It appears your skirt ripped.”
Nodding her head, she left the room without so much as a ‘thank you’, the embarrassment crashing over her in a wave.
As if this day couldn’t get any worse.
The CEO of Everyday Joy Communications has announced his retirement.
One would think that in the occurrence of a life-changing event, you’d at least get a call beforehand.  But that wasn’t the case for Calum, the article reading as a slap in the face to him.  Calum was supposed to be allowed some warning, something that would allow him to get his life in order before he was set to take over, but no.  Here he was, receiving numerous texts, calls, tweets, and e-mails from those he knew asking what the next steps were, and if Calum was finally going to step forward and ‘actually contribute’.
When his father’s company first started gaining success, Calum had chosen to live in New York, rather than stay in Los Angeles.  He enjoyed the bustle of a busy city, but LA was full of people who wanted what was in your pockets instead of what was in your head.  Opinions didn’t matter unless they were linked to some financial gain, and it never sat right with him.
He was pulled from his thoughts by his phone ringing, his father’s contact info flashing across the screen. “What do you want, Dad?” The words were dripping with false affection, his father’s sigh evident on the other line.
“I wanted to tell you, Calum, I--”
“You seemed to be able to figure out how to pick up the phone now, how come you couldn’t before?”
The silence on the other end was deafening before his father offered another sigh, “You still have a week to catch up on things before you fully take over.  And you know that I’m just a phone call away.”
“Yeah, and what time would be best to call you? In between tee-times, or before you go in for your deep tissue massage.” Calum had come to the conclusion to hang up before his father had a chance to answer.  Buying a plane ticket and facing this head on would be better than working himself up in his loft.
As if sensing his distress, his dog Duke came padding into the kitchen, looking at him quizzically.  It wasn’t often Calum had an angry tone to his voice, and it confused the small dog.  Scooping him up into his arms, he sighed as he pressed a kiss to the side of the dog’s head. “How do you feel about moving to LA buddy?”
“Ash, guess whose ugly mug you’re gonna see a lot more?” The overly excited tone in Calum’s voice was very much not him, and it gave away everything Ashton needed to know in that moment.
“Mm… Gonna take a shot in the dark here and say you?” Ashton spoke with a soft chuckle. Calum could hear the click of his phone, and he was assuming he was either turning his volume up or down - if he had to guess it would be down, because he knew that Calum was frustrated.
“M’sorry there’s no prizes involved, but you’re absolutely right!  I don’t know if you’ve read, but my father is headed into an early retirement, which means-”
Before he could continue, Ashton finished his sentence for him, “- You gotta break out the big boy pants, I know.  Is he expecting you to take over right away?”
Calum let out a sharp exhale from his nose, fingers dragging softly through Duke’s fur as he sat cross-legged on his couch, “I have a week to settle in before I take over fully.  I don’t understand how he thinks a week is enough time to shadow him in the office before I just…  Take over.”
“You did work there in the summers when we were in high school though, didn’t you?”
“Yes, but I don’t feel as though it’s quite the same.  Plus, that was eight years ago now. The things have changed at the office - expanded departments, new protocols.” Calum sighed, leaning his head to rest against his couch.  “It’s just a lot.”
“I know, but hopefully your staff will cut you some slack, plus you have the best coffee in the world less than a block away.” Ashton was right, that was a very small benefit - he was sure whenever was something was overwhelming he could sneak away to his friends cafe for a coffee.
The rest of the conversation was uneventful, Ashton trying to take his mind off of his impending flight later that evening.  The conversation went on for longer than Calum had expected though, because his alarm went off to remind him to drop Duke off at the Doggy Daycare he would be staying at as he moved his life away.
“Shit dude, I gotta head out to go take Duke to his lil’ doggy hotel,” Calum joked, ignoring the tugging at his heart strings at the fact that he would have to leave his baby behind for now.
“Okay mate, I’ll see you soon, yeah? Bring Duke by as soon as he gets in from his week away from his dad.” Ashton teased, them finishing saying their goodbyes before hanging up the phone.
‘Now boarding flight 32C to Los Angeles, California…’
“Finally,” Charlotte murmured to herself, gathering her carry on and making her way towards her gate.
There had been a three hour delay, and at that point Charlotte was ready to be home, curled up in bed watching shitty rom-coms.
As she stepped onto the flight, the stewardess looked her up and down with a sympathetic smile. “Long day?” She asked, placing her hand on Charlottes’ forearm.  Any other time, the gesture would annoy Charlotte, but she wasn’t one to take out her bad day on others.
“That obvious, huh?” Charlotte deadpanned, shoulders sagging ever so slightly.
“How about an upgrade to first class? No one checked in for that seat, and it’ll be our secret.” 
If angels existed, this woman - Angie - would be one of them.  With a small smile, and a squeeze of the hand on her forearm, Charlotte headed to the seat she had motioned to.
When she got to the seat, she saw a man on the outside of the aisle with his hat pulled low over his eyes. His strong jaw seemed tense, only relaxing as soon as Charlotte let out a soft ‘excuse me’.
Then, strong jaw man was talking, and Charlotte thought it had been to her.  “Do you wanna get drinks, then?” The man had asked.
“Oh, yeah I’ll--”
That was the first time she saw the man’s eyes, deep brown and looking up at her in confusion before motioning to his Bluetooth ear piece.  
What idiot still used those? 
Charlotte’s head ducked in embarrassment until he eventually hung up.  “I’m sorry about that, I thought you were talking to me…” Her words were meek, almost inaudible as she angled her body towards him.
“S’fine, you didn’t see the device.” The more he had spoken, the more Charlotte wanted to hear.  His voice was enticing, the type you knew could command a room if the occasion called for it. She kept thinking of ways to potentially get the man to speak to her again, but she was at a total loss for words.
All was well when the plane actually took off, and Charlotte was content to enjoy the rest of the flight in moderate silence until a violent shake of the plane jolted her eyes open.
 “Oh my God, what was that?” She asked, turning to look at the man beside her whose brows were furrowed in confusion.
‘Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain. We’re experiencing some slight turbulence. If you could please remain seated with your seatbelts on until the light turns off. Thank you.’
“See, it’s just some turbulence --” he started to say, his calm voice being cut off by her exhaling sharply next to him. “Do you really think he’d tell us if we were about to die, dude?” Charlotte snapped, trying to focus on anything but the fact that they were about to die. 
“I think… I think he’s legally obligated to, no?” The man’s thick brows furrowed further, the tiniest quirk of a smile playing at his full lips.
Charlotte narrowed her eyes at the man, this logical, beautiful man. Another particularly violent rock of the plane had her gripping on to the mans’ arm.
“I can’t die. I’m too young -- I haven’t accomplished anything with my life,” Charlotte breathed, squeezing her eyes shut.  “I mean, I haven’t had kids, I’ve never even been in love. My boyfriend is a joke to human kind. I don’t even know if I have a G-spot…” She definitely regretted the words as they slipped out, her hand tensing even more.
“Excuse me?” There was an almost comical tone to the man’s voice as he cracked a small smile.  As if he couldn’t get more perfect, his teeth had to be straight and white too?
“That’s not important--”
“It seems like something you feel is extremely important to you.” Who was this smug stranger beside her? And why did he find such joy in her discomfort? “My boyfriend -- He… Doesn’t know how to use his mouth. The way he uses his tongue, I told him I liked it. I told him that I’ve never experienced anything like it. Which is true, but it’s a dreadful experience…”
The conversation continued like that, and somehow Charlotte found comfort in telling this complete stranger her secrets. Especially about the meeting she completely messed up earlier in the day, how her skirt had ripped, and how much she hated her co-worker. It wasn’t until she overhead the stewardess speak did she realize that not only was the turbulence finished, but so was the flight itself.
“Why didn’t you tell me we had landed?” Charlotte asked, almost breathless from her constant monologue.
“It seemed like you had a few things you wanted to get off your chest. And let me tell you, I don’t think I know any of my friends as well as I know you, especially not even knowing your name, doll.”
Charlotte was about to tell him, but the man, this stupidly handsome mysterious man was up and out of his seat before she could even open her mouth. 
“Darling, we’ll keep this between us. I don’t need to know your name. Thanks for sharing all your dirty little secrets,” He had said with a wink before leaving the plane completely.
What the fuck did she just do? ---
Monday morning wasn’t any easier for her, memories of the plane ride haunting her thoughts the entirety of Sunday.  Charlotte wasn’t sure she’d be able to maintain her focus when meeting the new CEO if she could barely be attentive enough to brush her damn hair.
It was amusing to overhear the rumours that made their way around about the new CEO, and if Charlotte was having a better morning she likely would have joined in the fun. Sipping her coffee quietly, she glanced over at her friend as she began to speak.
“I heard once that he has a rolodex of prostitutes that he keeps for when he feels in the mood, doesn’t do relationships.” Charlotte rolled her eyes at Rachel’s words as they watched out of the large windows for the man’s arrival. “Holy shit he’s even hotter than people said he was…” 
It wasn’t long before the rest of them ran to their desks, appearing as though they were doing work as the new CEO headed up the elevator. When the elevator doors opened, they seemed to take the air from Charlotte’s lungs with them.
It was him. She saw his profile first, and she could have recognized that jawline from a mile away, or the seemingly ever present pout on his full lips. It was the handsome stranger from the plane, the one who now definitely knew about all the shenanigans that went on around the office when they all thought the person above them wasn’t paying attention. The stranger she spilled all her deepest, darkest secrets to. Their Director of Operations, Beth, came out of her office, a bright smile on her lips as she embraced the man.
 “Calum, the last time I saw you, you were just graduating high school --” she recalled fondly, the smile on the man -- Calum’s face was radiant as she pinched his cheeks. “Alright everyone, listen up. This is our new CEO, Calum Hood. As you know, he is David’s son, and he’ll be working from our offices to ensure everything is running smoothly.  You haven’t let me down before, don’t start now.” The words were said with a sweet smile, but everyone knew you didn’t mess with Beth.
“Thank you, Beth --”
A whisper from behind her did not fall on deaf ears, “His fucking accent though…”
“Keep it in your pants, Rachel,” Charlotte whispered back, her attention going back to the warm brown eyes that had now landed on her.
“-- I may be my father’s son, but I most definitely am not him. This company, at the very least, should have some fun. So if any of you have a suggestion or two on how we can improve, I’ll be in my office all day getting myself sorted.” Calum’s eyes scanned the room, freezing when they landed on Charlotte. Giving her a simple nod, the man’s warm smile was replaced with a tense one before he turned to walk into his office.
After seeing her, there was no way for Calum to focus. He’d hate to admit it, but ever since that plane ride he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about that girl. The confessions she made to him left him wondering so many things -- at least if she stopped in he could thank her for exposing so many secrets of the office.
Throughout the day, various people stopped in his office to introduce themselves; each woman coming across more desperate than the last.  He supposed he shouldn’t think that when these women were working for him. He’d be stupid, though, to pretend like he didn’t notice each lingering glance they’d give, or each lean forward to try and show off their clevage. 
A soft knock on his door towards the end of the day was the one who held his attention the most -- because it was her. He still didn’t know her name, but seeing her today, he felt a strange pang in his chest that made him want to know it. Calum knew he should have let her tell him on the plane, then maybe in another world if they hadn’t serendipitously worked together he’d be able to find her.
“Mr.Hood?” Her voice was softer than he remembered, but maybe Calum was just thinking of it in the form of terror she had expressed to him the other night.
“Call me Calum, please. And your name?” Calum asked with a quirked eyebrow, a small smile forming on his lips. 
“Charlotte,” she stated with a small smile as well, stepping into his office further. Her outfit was more indicative of her personality than her travel clothes had been -- her blonde hair pulled into space buns with wisps of hair falling into her face, the front of her pastel pink button up tucked into a pair of bright blue floral pants. Pastel pink and blue were not exactly a colour combination Calum would have gone with personally, but it suited her.
Calum realized then that he was checking her out, and by no means in a subtle way. “Uh, sit, please,” he gestured to the chair across his desk, wanting to make her more comfortable.
“I wasn’t sure I even really needed to come in here today, given the circumstances of the other night. But Rachel told me it’d be weird if I didn’t come to introduce myself to our new boss…” Charlotte had begun to ramble, and Calum couldn’t bite back the smile that pulled at his lips, the genuine kind that always made his eyes crinkle at the corners. Something about the smile made Charlotte’s breath catch in her throat, her body almost visibly stilling.
“It probably would have been weird to your co-workers, but if you’re uncomfortable here working directly with me, I can arrange it so you’re transferred to a different office,” Calum’s response was more an HR response than anything, wanting to make her more comfortable. But also maybe, just maybe, Calum was itching to reach up and brush the blonde hairs from her face. Transfer so that she wasn’t directly under him in the business sense, but could be directly beneath him in other ways.
He was pulled from his thoughts by the woman speaking up once more. 
“No, no. It’s not that--” Charlotte started, pulling her lip between her teeth. “I just don’t want it to be weird for you. I did after all tell you a lot about myself.”
“Speaking of a lot -- How’s your boyfriend?” The question was out before Calum could stop himself, the topic itself completely catching Charlotte off guard as she stilled for the second time in a span of 5 minutes.
“He’s uh, good. He works here also, in the IT department. I don’t know if I told you that part.” A blush spread across the woman’s cheeks, and Calum found the whole interaction endearing.
“You didn’t happen to mention that, no.”
“Yeah, you’ll probably meet him as you work your way through meeting the rest of your staff--” Her sentence was topped off with a shaky laugh, brushing a stray strand of hair back behind her ear.
Calum wondered very briefly if she was nervous around him because of the things he knew about her, or because she happened to be as attracted to him as he was to her. It was inflating his own ego, of course, to think the latter. Who said having high hopes were a bad thing though? “Anyways,” Charlotte said, standing up abruptly, “I should go. Getting towards the end of the day, and I promised my roommate we could binge season 2 of Sex Education.”
The irony of that statement was not lost on Calum, what with her exposing rather intimate details about her sex life to him only a couple days prior… And now she was going to go and watch a show called Sex Education? 
“Hold on,” The words sounded choked as they came from Calum’s mouth, likely conveying how desperate he felt to keep the conversation going. “What’s uh -- What’s his name? Your boyfriend, that is. I’d like to be aware of the relationships going on in the office.”
Charlotte grinned then, a mischievous glint in her eyes that had Calum sweating, “While we don’t have time to unpack all the relationship drama going on here, my boyfriend’s name is Gavin… Goodnight Calum, I’ll see you in the morning.”
With that, she was gone, as if their whole interaction had been a dream. and Calum was so fucked.
tag list:  @cals-wildflower​ @talkfastromance4​ @softbabiestan​ @roseycal​ @calum-uncrowned​ @boyfriend-cal​ @wildflowerirwin​ @irwindoll​ @gosh-im-short​ @atlcalm​ @thesubtweeter​ @heavenisapeach​ @ridingcthood​ @loveroflrh​ @wokeupinjapanisabop​ @talkfastdrummer​
153 notes · View notes
Ok here me out, Marinette Project runway winner
This is for @ozmav @mindfulmagics @maribat-archive @realrandomposts for inspiring me to do this even though I’m probably annoying you people.
She moved to Gotham after defeating Hawkmoth to study abroad
During this time she begins her time on Project runway
Even after having commissioned her work to celebrities such as Clara Nightingale and Jagged Stone she is out in the bottom 3 in 2 occasions
This causes her to work even harder to win
Marinette creates looks based off of Ladybug, the miraculous team, and the heroes of Gotham (Chat’s Miraculous was taken long ago, before defeating Hawkmoth)
Her Robin look was the one that made her the win (it was a simple, but elegant black blazer with a small robin embroidered on the right breast pocket, a white-based shirt with prints that resembled a bird making its nest, black slacks, and brown dress shoes).
The judges loved her craftsmanship, “You have magic in the tips of your fingers!”
“The embroidery is so detailed, how did you have time for that?”
“I love it! Marinette Dupain-Cheng you are Project Runway’s 20XX’s winner!”
*Cue Marinette being so happy she burst into tears*
After this, she begins working on building her brand. She began shipping her clothes internationally. Her work becomes huge in Asia and blows up, K-pop and C-pop idols love her. BTS was once caught using her clothes as airport fashion. Jackson Wang and BOYSTORY are always wearing her clothes.
Because of this Marinette’s celebrity clientele, just became a heck of a lot bigger.
Jagged now brags about her work at every red carpet event he goes to (if he didn’t already).
“Jagged, please. Jagged no. Jagged why?”
Clara does the same, but not to Jagged’s extreme.
Marinette is constantly embarrassed by this and try’s her best to give credit to the other contestants she met on the show. They all loved her and were as happy as they could be when she won.
All of this leads to Jagged introducing Marinette to Bruce Wayne.
“I hear you’ve been Jagged’s exclusive designer since you were fourteen? That’s impressive.”
Marinette waves it off, “I was just trying to help a friend.”
“I was wondering if I could commission you to create mine and my sons’ next charity gala suits. I’ve seen your work and it is very practical, most of the designers sacrifice functionality and practicality for aesthetic. But you seem to know that there is more to it then looking nice, your work seems to be able to be on the go as well.”
Of course, Marinette agrees, “Y-Yes! I would love to!”
This leads to a later fitting session at the Wayne Manor to get their measurements.
“Ah, Ms. Dupain-Cheng, you’re early,” Alfred points out while Marinette waits for entry.
Alfred allowed for her to get inside after a moment.
“On time is late and early is on time, Mr?”
“Pennyworth, but you may call me Alfred. That is exactly what I always say, Madame.”
“Well, in that case, you can just call me Marinette.” She smiles at the well-seasoned gentleman.
The well-mannered man shows Marinette to the living area to wait on Bruce and his sons.
What she wasn’t expecting was for two men to come barreling down the stairs, locked in combat over a trivial subject. “Take it back, Todd!”
“Not a chance, Demon Spawn!”
“I’ll break every bone in your body so badly, that not even the Lazarus pits could undo the damage caused!”
“When you say things like that, you just prove my point!!”
Marinette silently watched as the two continued their squabble. ‘What’s a Lazarus pit? I’ll have to ask Master Fu.’ (After defeating Hawkmoth, Master Fu retrieved Tiki. But that didn’t stop her guardian training.)
Eventually, the two boys got physical and Marinette decided it was time to intervene.
“Say it AGAIN!”
“You are JUST like your grandfather! You bra-”
“Umm, excuse me... Who are you two?”
The two stop to see a small, French woman physically keeping the two apart. The boys look completely gobsmacked.
“The better question is who are you?”
“I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I’m here to get Bruce Wayne and his sons’ measurements for a piece he commissioned me to do. I’m a designer,” She said smiling, extending her hand.
Jason takes it before Damian, “I’m Jason Todd-Wayne, nice to meet you.”
Damian scowls, “How polite of you...” he murmured to himself.
Marinette looks to the boy who has yet to introduce himself, “And you are?”
Both Damian and Jason’s jaws dropped, she really didn't know who they were. She was in their house for Pete’s sake, “I’m Damian Wayne.” Damian took her hand and gave it a kiss for added effect.
“Show off,” could be heard from Jason’s direction.
Marinette didn’t care for what the peanut gallery had to say, she was bright red after Damian did that.
At this moment, Dick, Tim, and Bruce walked in at the same time.
“Ms. Dupain-Cheng, you’re early,” Bruce said walking to greet her.
“I didn’t want for you to wait for me, also you can just call me Marinette. It feels weird when someone older and with a much more esteemed reputation calls me Miss.”
Once she finished speaking, Tim basically ran to her at the speed of light. The Flash, who?
See all the boys enjoyed Jagged’s music, but Tim, Tim was the grade A fanboy that everybody at least knows of. He’s watched every interview, heard every song, bought every album, poster, t-shirt, and every bit of merch he could get his hands on.
Needless to say after all the praise, Jagged gives to his personal designer, Tim knows exactly who she is.
“It is an honor to meet you Ms. Dupain-Cheng, I am Tim Drake-Wayne. I’m a big fan of your work.”
“You like fashion, Timmy?”
“I’m interested, sure, but Ms. Dupain-Cheng has done work for Jagged Stone. Since. She. Was. Fourteen. Her work has won awards since she was fourteen!” Tim said, disgusted by his brothers’ not knowing who she is.
“Please, it was completely by chance I met Jagged. Plus, I wasn't the only designer he’s ever had.” Marinette tried to take the attention off of her achievements.
“You just the only one who has made Jagged look like something other than an eggplant. I love the guy’s music, but his outfits before you... they looked cheap.”
Dick moved to speak, “It’s true, looking back at his old ensembles, there was a dramatic shift in craftsmanship. I’m Richard Grayson-Wayne, but you can call me Dick.”
Marinette’s face rivaled her old Ladybug costume. “Please, it was nothing. I made a million mistakes when I was designing back then. Anyway, let’s talk about what’s happening today. Your measurements for your suits. I assume Mr. Wayne has more important things to do after this.”
This got the boys to get down to business (to defeat the Huns) and shapes up real quick at the sound of her “serious” voice. The same one she used to use when Chat Noir used to flirt in the middle of an attack.
She when in order of oldest to youngest. Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Tim, were all done. Damian had been waiting patiently for his turn, watching her work. 
Marinette had this habit of sticking her tongue out whenever she was hyper-focused, Damian found this endearing. While she was getting his measurements, he was staring hard. This did not go unnoticed by the Batfam. 
After she’s finished, it’s kinda late. Alfred invites her for dinner and Marinette graciously agrees. Marinette helps prepare the dessert, Alfred repeatedly told her she didn’t have to, but she insisted. 
During dinner, the Batfam began to ask about her personal life, “So, are you seeing anyone?” 
“Master Dick, that is not appropriate to ask a young lady!”
Marinette almost chokes at the question, “That’s... um... I just got out of a controlling relationship. I... um... really don’t feel like talking about it.”
Adrien had done a number on her mentally, once he discovered she was Ladybug he wanted her and him to get together immediately. She agreed after some time, but Adrien was always pushy. He always pressured her into doing something that she wasn’t comfortable doing.  One day she had enough, she told him that she was done. Let’s just say that didn’t go over well. Marinette shifted in her seat as she recalls that night.
Damian seems to notice this and tells her that she doesn’t have to say anything if she doesn’t want to, Marinette appreciates this and thanks him. 
Quickly Marinette switches the topic, “I really like that Gotham has heroes, that protect the city. They make me feel safe like I'm back in Paris.”
This gets all the boys’ attention, Bruce asks her why.
“In Paris, there were heroes to protect them from a magical terrorist, named Hawkmoth. He possessed people who were at their worst and turned them into these things called, Akumas. Ladybug and Chat Noir were the heroes. After he was defeated, Ladybug and Chat Noir retired.”
Damian was baffled by how the league did not know about this, “Why haven’t we heard about this?”
“Mayor Bourgeois kept everything quite to keep tourism flowing, but if you really want to know about it there’s a blog. Be careful though not everything on there is reliable.”
Tim makes a mental note to check it out later. 
By the end of the meal and time to go home, all members of the Batfam+Alfred give and get Marinette’s personal contact info. 
They gained a friend and a new designer. 
Let me know if you want more because then and only then will I do more. This is my first time posting my writing, so please be nice. Thank you for taking the time to read it though! :)
Edit: here’s the ao3 link https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=https%3A%2F%2Farchiveofourown.org%2Fworks%2F20572886&t=MGFkNWY5ZDVjOTcwNmIyOTU3YjM0OGQwOTc1YTU5MWZkNDlkNzliYSwwZjg5ZTA1ODIyY2M5MGUyNWYxY2YyMzYyZTY3ZjY2NmNjNzIwMDg5
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Well, I deleted this original answer (and then deleted it again as a post...and then deleted it one more time after that), so here it is for a fourth time with a screenshot of the original ask, and LET US HOPE that I can manage to see it through to completion.
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This ask has taken me quite a bit of time and thought, because what I’m hoping to give you is a summary that helps you to better understand without being too overwhelming/containing way too much information.
First, thank you so much for reaching out, and I’m really glad you did! The point you’re at right now (or the point you were at when you sent this anyway) is where every single one of us started, and it’s an amazing journey from here if you find yourself wanting to take it! Seeking out resources from others is absolutely the way to go about it, and I hope that you always feel free to ask me (and other tinhats) for any info/thoughts/anything you need in the future! I can’t seem to include links in-post, but I’m going to message you a link to Speak the Truth, a site documenting J2 ‘happenings’ so to speak from a tinhat’s perspective through the year 2011. And, basically, whether someone’s been a tinhat from day one or for one day, we all have different pieces of the puzzle, and that’s really why it’s so important for us to connect with each other and work together as a whole.
So, let me try to figure out where to begin.
I, like quite a few other tinhats I’ve spoken with over the years actually, didn’t put much stock into any of this when it first started to emerge. People fantasizing about two celebrities having a romantic relationship (especially two leads in a movie or a TV show and especially when those leads are of the same sex) is far from a new thing and has been going on forever, and naturally I assumed in the beginning that J2 tinhats were no different. Had I not actually looked into all of it further and eventually then started really paying attention to the comings and goings of Jared & Jensen/watching all the footage I could find/reading the interviews/seeking out candid photos etc., I might not have ever changed my views, and it still took me quite a while to fully come around to where I am now even with all that.
What caused me to start looking more deeply in the first place was the simple fact that Jared & Jensen, even during the still-fledgling days of their relationship (however you happen to define that relationship), had a very unique and pretty immediate closeness that separated them distinctly from everyone else.
***As an aside, like I always bring up, most Wincest shippers were born from that intense J2 chemistry that bled into the characters of Sam & Dean.
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The Js had clearly connected on a deep level that they not only spoke about openly from the beginning but that was also more than evident in the ways they interacted with each other, looked at each other, talked to each other, and even just existed in each other’s spaces (they even shared and share clothing and have freely admitted that).
Jared: “It didn’t feel like a blind date. It felt like we were continuing a relationship. There’s no rhyme or reason to what happened.”
They’ve also frequently phrased things like that *points up,* using very couple-y terminology.
(note: speaking of couple-y terminology, they’ve been heard calling each other “babe” and “baby” on several different occasions)
They’ve always had the kind of body language with each other that you really don’t see often in non-platonic relationships and that you especially don’t see often between two actors who’s paths have crossed initially in a purely work-related setting, and it was that special intimacy between them that first sparked my curiosity.
Let’s take a very brief look at just a few of those examples (a mix of the early years and beyond):
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And below I’m including an example of the clothes-sharing I mentioned:
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My curiosity expanded VERY rapidly (almost explosively) from that point onward as I began to dive more heavily into ‘J2-research.’
Like I said above, I’m not going to overload this post with specifics (although I’m happy to send specifics to you by the boatload if you’re interested), but I will just wrap up this first part of my answer by saying that it was the candid J2 moments I came across that really started to sell me on the possibility of a non-platonic J2 dynamic, the pictures and footage where they didn’t know they were being recorded or photographed, largely during the earlier years when they weren’t as cautious, but certainly not limited to those years, pictures/footage in which they interacted with each other in ways that I certainly would not interact with someone I wasn’t romantically involved with or at least romantically interested in).
Here are a couple of well-known examples. Less intense than some choice video clips (that I’ll have to find a way to post in the future) but still beautiful and intimate. I actually just posted that first one a few hours ago!
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-which ‘arguably’ could depict the body language of two very close platonic friends (more so than the first photo, above it, anyway), but...look more closely at the giddy, love-struck expression on Jensen’s face as he watches Jared:
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It’s kinda a bit harder to call it platonic when you really see it like that....
And...gosh, I poured over so many of these moments, just...so, so many.
Even then, though, I wasn’t necessarily convinced of the fact that the two were together in any kind of serious way. I, like this blog’s first owner, co-owner (who became a tinhat almost right alongside me, actually, time-wise) felt that the Js were certainly at least not strictly straight, quite possibly that they weren’t at all straight, and that they were definitely attracted to each other, an attraction that had likely yielded physical results, but I had no reason to think at that point that they would go to the great lengths (and put themselves through the unimaginable hardships) of leading such intricately and immensely false lives, at great personal expense, if they were actually in a serious, romantic relationship with each other that they both felt would be long-term.
Not when it was almost 2008 (at the time) and being a gay celebrity wasn’t anything to even bat an eye at anymore...right?
But I still had a lot to learn back then.
The next ‘milestone’ for me, upon looking even more closely (and not just at the Js anymore but at those around them/in their circle/etc., not to mention the Js lives pre-meeting each other, just all kinds of stuff) came the discovery(discoveries) of the many inconsistencies, which I’ll explain further, that were ultimately at the heart of my transition from on-the-fence to full tinhat.
A good example to use, because most people have at least some knowledge of this, centers around the period of time that the Js publicly lived together and the many...many different stories that were told explaining their living arrangement. I actually posted a pretty humorous account detailing some of it, and I can link you to it if you’d like. That’s just one example of many, but perhaps it’s the example with the most number of slip-ups/cases of the Js forgetting the details of the lie/etc.
To briefly cover one of those “living together” slip-ups, at separate meet-and-greets, Jensen once told people that he had moved out of Jared’s house while Jared said that Jensen was very much still living with him. And that’s probably the least suspicious but the easiest to quickly explain of the slips.
Another example, from later on (that I’m using because, again, it’s one that people are generally aware of) is when Jared told a story about being out to dinner in Italy with his wife and accidentally flipping off the waiter and then Jensen retold the exact same story at another con, only that time, he was the one who’d been with Jared.
Once I knew to look for them, I was blown away by how often these kinds of inconsistencies had already occurred and continued to occur, things being covered-up or overly-explained, stories changing sometimes three or more times in ways too significant to be excused away as memory lapses, even attempts at erasing things altogether...which doesn’t work very well in the age of the interwebz.
And why...why would these cover-ups and excuses and erasures exist if there was nothing to hide?
Retracing my steps for a moment to talk a little about the Js lives prior to meeting each other, which was one of the other things I’d started looking into by this point and definitely played an important part in confirming my tinhat beliefs.
The first example that comes to mind is Jensen’s ex-roommate (and just ex, period, at least that’s what I personally think), Ty Vaughn, the one underneath Jensen in this photo:
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And I’ve spent a good 24 hours trying to track down footage I once had of Chad Michael Murray teasing young Jared about flirting with him (to Jared’s extreme embarrassment), but I cannot find it ANYWHERE. If anyone reading this can help me out, I would be forever in your debt.
Other noteworthy things (just a few): An ex-girlfriend of Jensen’s has admitted that she used to beard for someone, and her only celebrity ex is Jensen, and a few of Jared’s teachers from high school have expressed surprise that he’s married now to a woman...so, make of that what you will!
Okay, back to the inconsistencies!Another big one for me has always been the Js saying “we” or “us” (and meaning each other) when, according to public knowledge, it should have been “I” or “me.”
(as well as other synonyms of the above like “our”)
“We got to spend some time with our family yesterday.”
“They were knocking on our trailer.”
etc. etc.
And on the exact opposite end of the spectrum...also ironically what continues to fuel my certainty that the Js are together even more than the “we”-and-“us”-isms: the separation-of-the-Js tactic (varying in severity/frequency), sometimes for an evening or even a single event, sometimes for lonnng stretches of time, but always very suspicious, because, like I’ve been saying for this entire time, everyone knows that Jensen and Jared are extremely close, even those who believe that their closeness isn’t sexual or romantic. What I’m referencing with ‘separation of the Js,’ by the way, is what many tinhats believe to be the PR tactic used to paint pictures of the Js as being much less involved in each other’s lives to (in theory) control rumors. But the Js’ are and always have been intrinsically interconnected, so the reason that J2 separate narratives feel so forced and unnatural, often cringingly so, is because they kinda directly violate who Jensen and Jared are as people with each other, and if anything, that’s likely caused some new tinhats to come aboard, but it certainly hasn’t succeeded in convincing anyone who’s already a believer that they must have just been mistaken all along.
And I should definitely mention the suuuper-duper weirdness surrounding Jensen and Jared’s respective engagements and then weddings, as well as the information, or lack of information in Jared and Genevieve’s case, that was presented to the public about both ‘courtships,’ because almost every single aspect of all of that was drenched in tinhatty suspiciousness right from the start and all the way through. Again, I can link you to posts that detail the topic thoroughly, but to summarize very generally: Jared and Jensen, in leu of increasing rumors about the nature of their relationship, even more so in recent months than had previously been the case, were most likely counseled to straight-en up their images drastically, and fast...the only real way people can do that, by marrying members of the opposite sex (pretty much simultaneously, by the way, & much to the startled disbelief of many, including a very-public-about-his-skepticism Ted Casablanca).
Ted: “Jensen and Jared would sooner marry each other than who they’re currently rumored to be getting hitched to.”
Alright. Yikes. I’m really slipping here with my “not too many details” plan. I’ll start reigning it in again, I promise.
So, around the same same time as the weddings was when I started researching the practice of bearding (fauxmances) in the entertainment business in general, although not as heavily as I’ve researched the topic in recent years, and what I discovered and continue to discover was and is both eye-opening and heart-breaking. I actually just posted about this a couple of days ago, so instead of rambling on about it again, I’ll refer you to that (under the tag ‘toxic industry stuff’ for anyone reading this in the future). A quick summary: the reality that Jensen & Jared face every day and the decisions they’ve made to enter into false marriages are tragically common in the industry....yes, even and especially in today’s age, and for many gay actors and actresses specifically, the choice can really come down to either living honestly or protecting their careers/livelihoods/even their true relationships should they have them.
Since then, I’ve come across a lot of information as well about personal reasons, alongside industry reasons, that might have played a role in the decision to go the route of bearding for Jensen and Jared, like family history, their relationships with/views on/obstacles surmounted to succeed in (etc.) acting as a career, past experiences that have been hinted at, parental influence and sacrifice, not to mention the significant detail of who they happen to play on SPN...brothers (far too many ignorant people out there wouldn’t be able to move past the incest connotation, if a romantic relationship between the Js had been revealed).
By about midway through 2009, I was 100% convinced of the fact that Jared and Jensen were absolutely in a long term relationship that I would guess began around season two of Supernatural but had been on its way since the end of season one and during the hiatus between seasons one and two (want to know why I think that? I’ll do a separate post on it), and that the relationship was, of course, being hidden from the public.
The things that ultimately convinced me as they kept adding up are what continue to convince people today, the same things I’ve been going over at length (too much length) in this answer: intimacy between Jared & Jensen that extends beyond friendship-
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-inconsistency in the information presented to the public that revolves around J2 and their time together/circumstances relating to both of them/etc., Jared and Jensen’s respective pasts before meeting each other, and even what some people believe to be hints dropped by Jared and Jensen themselves about their true relationship.
A well-known example (again, among many) that I’ve talked about pretty extensively is Jensen posting a photo in front of a mural that reads “love is love,” a well-known LGBT slogan, and then Jared posting a photo of himself in front of a mural that reads “love will win” on the very same day and captioning it “every time.”
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This did turn out to be pretty overwhelming *sighs* but I hope at the very least I’ve succeeded in giving you a somewhat clearer idea of why us tinhats feel the way we do about Jared and Jensen, and I want to encourage you again to reach out whenever you like about anything you’d like to know!
There’s no such thing as a dumb question, and there’s no such thing as too many questions.
Just remember that! ❤️
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starfast · 5 years
Cross the Kingdom- Chapter 2
“The King’s Party”
Word Count: 5046
Read on Wattpad: Link
More about this project: Intro Post | Other Info
Prince Kit had been eagerly anticipating the night of his father’s birthday for months now. In fact, he could say with complete certainty that he was more excited than his father was. The party hadn’t been his father’s idea, but rather the idea of some of his father’s closest advisors. They had talked him into it by saying that it would be a great opportunity for some publicity, but if Kit’s father had his way, then they wouldn’t be having a party at all. These kinds of celebrations were often called for, but seldom did his father seem to actually enjoy them.
Kit had noticed his father growing steadily more anxious as his birthday drew nearer and nearer. By the time the morning of the party came, Kit had barely seen his father at all, though this hardly came as a surprise to him. It was typical behaviour from the king, but that hadn’t stopped the castle staff from relentlessly fussing over him anyways. Kit didn’t see why the staff had only decided to check in with his father now when he’d been openly dreading the party for weeks. In any case, Kit was just glad to have a day where he didn’t have to worry about all his regular duties as the crown prince. For the most part, at least. Kit had been to enough events to know that there was no such thing as taking a break from his duties. He had a big reputation to uphold, and he’d never want to be the one to slip up and put his entire family to shame. Still, he was determined to enjoy the party as much as he could. Someone had to since his father seemed to have prematurely decided that he would not be having a good time. Kit figured he would take that upon himself, and enjoy the party as much as possible before he went back to his regular daily life. The castle staff had worked tirelessly as they prepared for the night. It would be a shame to see their efforts go unappreciated. At the very least, Kit owed it to Katrina to be a good host.
It was only a few months ago that Kit’s parents had told him that he was to marry Katrina. Kit didn’t really love the idea of an arranged marriage but it was something that he knew was inevitable, so he’d never tried to find a way to get out of it. Surely, it couldn’t be so bad. After all, his parents had an arranged marriage and they got along just fine. The fact that he was to marry Katrina made the whole thing less intimidating. It hadn’t even been all that surprising to him when his parents finally revealed to him that he was to marry her. They were already somewhat close, which in the eyes of his father, made Katrina an ideal bride for Kit.
“I just don’t want you getting hurt, Kit,” his father had told him, “I need someone who won’t try to run away or hurt you if something were to happen.” In the context of the conversation, Kit knew that the “something” his father was referring to was Kit’s powers. His father always talked about his powers in hushed tones as if he were constantly worried about someone overhearing him. Even though they had been alone at the time, his father still felt it necessary not to directly mention his powers.
His father had wrapped up the news with, “But with all that said, I still think that Katrina is a wonderful and competent young woman who will make a great queen.”
The party had already been going for several hours by the time the dancing began. Kit had attended several balls, but this time he had secretly been dreading it. His father had mentioned to him the night before that tonight would be different since it would be the first time he would be dancing with Katrina as his future wife.
“You’ll be expected to dance with her, Kit,” his father said the night before, “You two will be representing the future of Toltova tomorrow, so I do hope that things go smoothly for you.
“Of course they will,” Kit had replied confidently, even though his father’s words had cast some doubt into him. It wouldn’t even be the first time that he would have to dance with Katrina. Still, he was somewhat intimidated by having such high expectations placed on him.
He had mentioned this to his father, who replied with, “Well, I suggest you get used to it, Kit.”
Now, his big moment was finally drawing nearer. His parents stepped out onto the marble tiles of the ballroom and the quartet of musicians began playing a slow and steady waltz. Kit couldn’t help but smile as he watched alongside many other guests as his parents led the dance. His father had accidentally let it slip to him once that he didn’t particularly care for ballroom dancing, but Kit would have never picked up on that from watching him. Both his mother and his father looked perfectly elegant as they glided effortlessly across the dancefloor.
As the King and Queen made their way towards where Kit stood next to Katrina, Kit locked eyes with his father. It had been unintentional, but his father had used it as a window of opportunity. The King nodded very slightly towards the empty dance floor as he moved past Kit, telling him that it was time for some other people join in.
Kit turned to Katrina, holding out his white gloved hand. “May I have this dance?”
She smiled, gently taking a hold of his hand. “Of course.” With that, they made their way out on the dance floor.
Once they were out on the dance floor, it was as if everyone else in the room simply disappeared. He barely aware of the other dancers or any other staff and fellow party goers alike who happened to be watching. He had blocked them out almost completely, focussing solely on Katrina, who looked absolutely stunning tonight in her emerald gown and her blonde hair done up in an elaborate braided bun.
Kit continued to lead Katrina across the ballroom floor, one light and elegant step at a time. It had really been no different from the last time they had danced together. The extra pressure that had been put on him by his father the night before had completely dissipated.
“That was wonderful,” Kit said softly as the first song came to a close, “You’re an incredible dancer, you know.”
“As are you,” Katrina responded.
Kit smiled, but before he could form a proper response, the musicians began the next song. He placed his hand on her shoulder and they began to dance once again. They carried on waltzing alongside other couples, occasionally exchanging a few words as they went.
After another three dances, the pair mutually decided to take a small break. Kit led her away from the dance floor and out to the castle gardens. He was grateful to be wearing a long sleeved coat on such a chilly night. Even with his jacket, he could still feel the cold biting through his clothing. He looked at Katrina, her dress sleeves only coming to her elbow.
“Are you warm enough?” He asked.
“I’ll be fine,” she said.
“Are you sure? We could go somewhere else if you want.”
“No that’s ok, but thank you.” Katrina looked up at the night sky and added, “It’s a lovely night tonight.”
“It is, isn’t it,” Kit replied. Despite the fact that it was the middle of the fall, the sun had been shining all day. Now that it had set, the sky had filled with millions of stars twinkling against the dark sky. Saying that it was a lovely night was almost an understatement.
They walked along the garden path, with neatly manicured hedges surrounding them on either side. During the summer, there were flowers of almost every colour imaginable. Now that the summer was over there weren’t any flowers left. Instead, they were replaced by the colourful autumn leaves that ranged from a deep red to vibrant yellow and every shade in between.
Kit finally stopped next to the ornate balustrade, which marked the end of the upper gardens. There were two small staircases that led down to the lower gardens. In between them was a water feature-- a three tiered man made waterfall decorated with intricate carvings and sculptures. Kit stood there for a moment, studying the detail in the nearest sculpture of an eagle with its wings outstretched-- the symbol of the Marwing house. He had seen the sculpture countless times before, but he had never taken the time to appreciate the sculptor’s impeccable attention to detail. Kit wondered how long it had taken to carve each individual feather, or the impossibly sharp talons.
“I hope you’re having a good time tonight,” Kit said quickly. It wasn’t really how he wanted to start a conversation, but he had spent too much time admiring the sculptures and he figured he should say something.
“I am,” Katrina replied.
“I’m glad to hear that,” he said, “You know, I was a bit nervous for tonight.”
“Really,” Katrina said, “Why? It’s nothing we haven’t done before.”
Kit shrugged. “My father was just making such a big deal about everything,” he explained, “He told me that we would be representing the future of this kingdom tonight, and people would be seeing us as the future King and Queen, probably for the first time. He just didn’t want us to make fools of ourselves, I suppose.” He smiled, then quickly added, “Not that I think we would have, but I felt like I could have done without that little speech.”
Katrina laughed. “He’s an interesting man, your father.”
Kit nodded. Interesting was one way to put it. In Galtia, most people showed a lot of respect towards the monarchy and tended to sing their praises, no matter what. King Matthew was no exception to that, but beyond Galtia Kit knew that opinions were fairly divided. Even within the castle, Kit had caught the staff questioning the King’s actions behind his back on more than one occasion.
“He certainly is,” Kit agreed, “Although, I think…” his voice trailed off as he noticed someone walking out across the garden path towards them. As the figure drew nearer, Kit recognized that was his Uncle Alexander. “What on earth is he doing here?” Kit murmured to no one in particular.
“Good evening, Kit,” His uncle said pleasantly when he approached him.
“Good evening, Uncle,” Kit replied with the slightest edge of uncertainty in his voice, “Can I help you with something?” Technically, Alexander was allowed to be here, though Kit had always known his uncle to be more frivolous than his father. Alexander certainly enjoyed the luxurious palace lifestyle that he lived, and it was at large events like the King’s party where he seemed to thrive. Which was why it was strange to Kit that he wasn’t back in the palace enjoying the celebration.
“I apologize for interrupting,” Alexander said, “But I was wondering if I could speak to you for just a moment?”
Kit frowned. “Can it not wait?”
“I won’t be long,” Alexander said, “There’s just something I’d like to discuss with you.”
Kit let out an exasperated sigh. “This really isn’t a good time. Please, whatever it is, can we discuss it later?”
“Just come with me Kit,” Alexander demanded, “We won’t be long.”
Kit gave Katrina an apologetic look. “I’m sorry,” he said, “I’m not sure what this is about.” He turned to his Uncle and said, “I’m giving you sixty seconds. After that, you get out of here and I’ll let my father know about this, because I can already tell that he doesn’t.”
“Fine,” Alexander said, “Sixty seconds.”
Kit rolled his eyes as he followed his uncle away from the fountain. Alexander led him towards a large cedar bush which was far enough away that Katrina would be out of earshot. The party was still going on inside, so it was unlikely that anyone other than Katrina would know that they were even there. But they’d only be sixty seconds, hopefully even less.
“Since you haven’t given me a lot of time,” Alexander said, “I’m just going to cut to the chase. I know about your powers.”
Kit tried to keep his expression neutral, but the words immediately made him feel sick to his stomach. Of all the people to find out, it had to be Alexander. He tugged at the button on the cuff of his sleeve, trying to ignore the way his heart was pounding against his chest.
“I’m sorry,” Kit said, feigning confusion, “I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Yes you do,” Alexander replied, “I’m not stupid Kit. I know about your headaches.”
“Then you know that they’re only headaches,” Kit said, shrugging. “I’m sorry,” he said as he tried to walk away, “But I think you may be--”
Alexander grabbed him and pointed a knife at Kit’s throat. Kit could feel the cold metal tip poking into his skin, not enough to draw blood but enough to make the threat very clear.
“I’ve seen you when you think you’re alone,” Alexander said through a clenched jaw, “Making things move without even touching them. Don’t pretend like you don’t know what I mean.”
“I--I don’t,” Kit whimpered, “Please, let me go!”
“I’ll make you an offer,” Alexander said, “I want your crown, Kit.”
“Are you insane?” Kit exclaimed, “I can’t just give that to you!”
“You could if we staged a little accident.”
“Never. Besides, what good would it be to you? My father would still be King.” Kit folded his arms across his chest. “That’s what you really want, isn’t it?”
“Don’t worry about your father,” Alexander said wryly, “I’ll deal with him later. But I’ll need you out of the way first.”
“You want to kill us,” Kit shouted in disbelief. Although, it really wasn’t all that surprising. The rivalry between Matthew and Alexander went back to when the two were still children. It was almost more surprising that Alexander hadn’t tried to pull this kind of stunt earlier.
“No, not exactly,” Alexander said, “I thought I might give you the option of faking your own death and starting a new life somewhere else under a new identity.”
Kit gave a slight shake of his head. Even if he did want to entertain the idea, it would never work. He was the crown prince of Toltova. People would recognize him, regardless of who he said he was. And he could never leave his family. The thought of his parents mourning his apparent death while he was actually alive and well was unbearable. “I would never,” he declared.
“Well,” Alexander said, “I guess we’ll just have to start telling people about your little secret.”
“You’re going to blackmail me?” Kit gasped.
“I wouldn’t call it that per se,” Alexander said coolly.
“Then what would you call it?”
“You could say that I’m just coercing you into making a decision.”
“With a knife,” Kit remarked. He couldn’t wait for his father to hear about this. Mostly because he knew that having Alexander locked up would solve a good majority of his father’s problems. Prior to now, his father lacked the means to justify it. “I can’t just lock him up for petty name calling,” he would say. In the meantime, his father tried to remain civil with Alexander, often going out of his way to deliberately avoid him. Still, Alexander seemed to know exactly what to say or do to anger his brother. His father always just sort of took it, and rarely showed any sort of reaction which was exactly the opposite of what Alexander wanted, and probably why he continued to test the King’s patience. He just wanted the reaction, and only once had he actually gotten one.
“I’ll give you one last chance to change your mind, Kit,” Alexander said, “So what’s it going to be?”
Kit hesitated. If he told everyone about his powers, then he lost the right to keep that a secret. Both of his parents had mentioned to him in the past that it may not be such a bad thing to go public with his powers. It would make him the first member of the royal family to openly have powers since the Patrol disbanded. His mother had powers as well-- the ability to speak with animals. Much like Kit, she had opted to keep her powers a secret from all but a select few. Toltova wasn’t safe yet for people with powers, despite the King’s best efforts. While things seemed to be changing for the better, neither Kit nor his mother felt like it was safe enough for them to be open about their powers with the general public.
Yet, Kit could not leave his entire life behind just because Alexander told him to.
Kit drew in a shaky breath. “I...I’ll tell her.”
Alexander flashed a crooked smile at him. “Good,” he said, lowering the knife. He shoved Kit forward, then poked the knife at his back. “Go on now,” he urged, “And don’t even think about trying to run.”
Kit could feel the colour drain from his face as Alexander urged him to walk forward. He led Kit back to the fountain, where Katrina stood waiting. She had her back facing them, looking out towards the lower gardens, but turned around when she heard Kit and Alexander’s footsteps coming up behind her.
“Oh, Kit,” She said, “You’re back! I was beginning to….” Her voice trailed off and her face fell when she saw that Alexander was still with him. A very fair reaction, Kit thought.
“Kit has something he wants to tell you,” Alexander said, still poking the knife at his back.
“Uh, actually, I-I uh, I don’t want to tell you this,” Kit stammered, “But um, I guess you would have found out eventually, so…” his voice dropped to a low mumble. “I have powers.”
“Louder,” Alexander urged, poking the knife into the back of his neck.
“I said I have powers.”
Kit could see Katrina’s mouth open slightly, as if she were about to say something but changed her mind. The air fell silent, for what felt like an eternity.
“Katrina, say something, please,” Kit whispered.
“I… it’s fine, Kit,” She said finally. She looked just past him, at Alexander. “I think… I think maybe I should go,” she said. Neither Kit nor Alexander tried to stop her as she hurried past them. She looked back only once before she headed back to the castle.
“Well, are you happy?” Kit exclaimed, throwing his hands up in frustration.
“No,” Alexander drawled, still holding the knife at Kit’s lower back, “But maybe once we tell a few more people…”
“No,” Kit said firmly, “I’m not doing this!” He couldn’t afford to let Alexander think that he could push him around like this. When he inherited the throne, he didn’t want every decision would make to be the product of blackmail. “When my father hears about this, he'll--” He felt a pinprick in the back of his neck. “Ow! What are you doing?”
“It’s just a sedative,” Alexander said, “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to use it. It won’t take long to wear off, don’t worry.”
Kit could start to feel the effects almost immediately. He felt like the world was spinning around him, and he was seeing double of everything. His eyelids started to feel heavy, like he just needed to close his eyes and rest for a little while. He blinked several times, trying to fight off the effects of the sedation.
“Don’t fight it, Kit,” Alexander said, “Why don’t you lie down for a moment?”
“No… I’m good,” he slurred, “I’m.. fine.” He staggered forwards trying to get away from his uncle. After taking only a couple of clumsy steps forward, Kit’s legs gave out and he collapsed to the floor. He tried to stay awake, hoping that someone would find him sooner rather than later.
It only took a few short seconds before he succumbed to the effects of the medication. He closed his eyes and let sleep overtake him.
Kit woke up in a dark room with no windows. He felt a cold, hard ground beneath him but that didn’t offer any clue to his surroundings. He could barely see his hands when he held them to his face. It took him a moment to remember the events that had brought him to this moment. Even when they all came flooding back, the whole thing just didn’t feel real.
Kit struggled to sit up, still feeling a little bit nauseous. “Hello,” He called out in a raspy voice.
Kit was able to piece together that he was likely in a prison cell somewhere. He had no idea how much time had passed since the incident in the gardens. There was a good chance that he was still in Galtia, but it was still equally likely that he was literally anywhere else.
Kit wasn’t sure how long he had been conscious when he heard footsteps. “Hello?” He shouted, “Is someone there?”
Kit sat up a little straighter, upon hearing his father’s voice. Soon, his father appeared outside the door and was peering down at him through the bars of the cell. He held a lantern, illuminating the tiny cell.
“He’s in here,” His father said.
“Oh thank goodness,” He heard his mother say. In a few seconds she appeared next to his father. “Kit? Kit, are you ok?”
“I don’t know,” he groaned.
“Kit, listen to me,” his father said in a quiet yet urgent tone, “You need to get out of here. We don’t have the key but--”
“You what?!”
His father sighed. “It’s been stolen,” He explained, “I think I have a pretty good guess as to who took it but--”
“Uncle Alexander,” Kit said.
“Yes, naturally,” his father said, “We’re not sure where he went, but he we’re going to make sure he doesn’t get away with this. There’s people searching for him as we speak.” He lowered his voice then added, “But in the meantime, you’re going to have to let yourself out.”
“Is anyone else here?” Kit whispered.
“Alden’s here,” His father said in the same low tone. Alden was the Royal healer, and the only one outside of Kit’s immediate family who knew about his powers. “But other then that it’s just your mother and I,” His father said, “You’re safe.”
“Then why are you talking like that?”
“Just open the door.”
Unlocking doors was something that he could do with ease. It wasn’t something that he did all that often, but it was a useful skill to have. Kit focussed on the lock as he manipulated the mechanism until he heard a soft click as the lock popped open.
It may have been the effects of the sedative, but he felt more fatigued than usual. His powers sometimes tended to drain him, but only when he overexerted himself. Small tasks like unlocking doors tended to have no affect on him. Kit slumped against the side of the cell wall before his father came in, followed by his mother and Alden.
“Are you ok, Your Highness?” Alden asked as he crouched down in front of him.
“I think he’s just overexerted himself,” His father said.
“Yes, that,” Kit murmured.
Alden fished around in his bag and produced a small glass vial.. “Here,” he said, pulling the stopper out of the vial “This should help.” He handed it to Kit.
Kit took the vial, and drank all of its contents. It tasted bitter, and it burned his throat as it made its way down. Kit coughed a couple times before handing the vial back to Alden.
“Feel any better?” Alden asked.
“Slightly,” Kit said.
“That’s good enough,” His father said, “We need to get you out of here. It’s not safe for you here.”
Kit nodded in agreement. His father had a tendency to go pretty easy on criminals sometimes, which meant that the castle’s dungeons didn’t see much use. They were far from being in a state of disrepair, but he could see cobwebs starting to gather in the corners of his cell and wondered what else he was sharing a cell with. Spiders? Mice? He didn’t want to think about it.
“I want you to go up to your room and pack your bag--”
“Wait, what?”
“It’s not safe for you here,” His father repeated, “What part of that was unclear to you?”
“I thought you were just talking about the dungeons,” Kit admitted. But of course, the castle would be unsafe with Alexander running loose.
His father shook his head. “The fact that Alexander was threatening you and nobody saw--”
“Katrina saw,” Kit corrected.
“We know,” His father said, “She came to get us after she left you. But Alexander is going to be back, and the castle will be the first place we look.”
“Why not just tighten security around here then?” Kit suggested.
“He’s right, Matthew,” His mother said, “Do you really think we need to do this?”
“Security was tightened,” his father pointed out, “This shouldn’t have happened. I need you leave, Kit. Just for a little while, ok? I just want you to be safe.”
“Fine, fine,” Kit muttered. Alden helped him get to his feet, before the four of them left the cell.
Kit had managed to pack up his belongings in just a few short minutes. He was not at all surprised to learn that his father had ended the party early and everyone had already gone home by the time Kit had left the dungeon. Kit wasn’t sure whether it was due to the events that transpired in the garden or just due to his father’s own reclusive tendencies. Perhaps, it had even been a bit of both.
Kit met his parents out in the castle’s main entrance hall, where they were waiting to send him off. A guard stood with them, silent and still.
Kit’s father reached into his pocket and produced a small bag of lalts. I’ll need you two to head to Morbane,” he said addressing both Kit and the guard as he handed the bag of money to Kit. “You’re to stay with your Uncle Roland until you hear from us otherwise.”
Kit had only met his Uncle Roland a couple times. Since Morbane was quite a distance from Galtia, he didn’t get to see his mother’s side of the family very often. Kit had never actually been to Morbane, despite it being the location of the Winter Palace. According to his mother, it was a beautiful city. According to his father, he hadn’t been missing out on much. Kit had always wondered which version of the city was closer to the truth, but he wished it could be finding out under better circumstances.
“And you,” his father said pointing at the guard, “You’ll be responsible for keeping him safe. If anything happens to him, I guarantee there will be consequences. Do you understand?
“Yes, Your Majesty,” The guard said, bowing.
“Good, good,” his father said, nodding. “You’d best get going now.”
He said a quick goodbye to both his parents, giving each of them a hug and promised that he’d let them know when he arrived in Morbane before he set off.
Galtia was separated into three districts: The Royal District, the Industrial District, and the Rural District. There were no official borders between any of them, but it was still very obvious when the Royal District became the Industrial district. The opulent manors gave way to squalid factories and the smooth, cobbled roads became rough and uneven. Even the air seemed thicker, despite the fact that all the factories were closed for the night.
Kit walked down the main road, on high alert. His eyes darted all over the place as he made his way down to the train station. Despite having the guard to accompany him, he still couldn’t help but feel uneasy. The fact that the guard was constantly glancing over his shoulder did very little to calm his nerves, but Kit brushed it off as the guard being vigilant and simply trying to do his job.
It was only when the guard turned down a side street, heading the opposite direction of the train station did Kit finally realize that something was amiss. Kit stopped walking and stood defiantly where the two roads intersected.
“Where are you taking me?” Kit demanded.
“The train station,” The guard said, “As per the request of your parents.”
“It’s that way,” Kit said pointing towards down the road that they were supposed to be heading down.
The guard approached Kit, clutching his spear tightly in his hand. “This way is quicker,” the guard said, “Please, Your Highness. Your father won’t be happy with me if I don’t get you to the station.”
“We’re going this way then,” Kit said as he began walking back down the correct road, “I don’t care if it’s a longer walk.” He had his reservations about the guard’s proposed route to the station. It was a smaller, poorly lit side street while the road that Kit now walked down was a main road with street lamps lining each side. Kit rarely left the Royal District, but he still knew the layout of the city well enough to know that the main road would take them directly to the station.
The guard ran to catch up with him. “I’m so sorry to do this, Your Highness.” The guard raised his spear, and slammed the blunt end into the side of Kit’s head.
Kit fell to the ground, his cheek pressed up against the cold, hard ground. The last thing he saw was the spear being yanked out of the guards hand by an invisible force before the guard also collapsed to the ground. Before Kit could even try to comprehend the scene, everything around him faded to black.
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sciencography · 5 years
Long overdue update!!
At long last the much promised and oft delayed blog post update that I've been promising off and on for MONTHS. Going to cover a huge range of topics here, therefore nothing that I cover will get extensive depth or attention. Will cover the App Store status, nControl, chimeraTV, electraTV, uicache / ldrestart recent changes / snafu, DalesDeadBug update, cycripter and any known issues that are occuring with any of the above. Will also include a link to a handy tutorial for saving OTA blobs for the 4K AppleTV, just in case we find a way to make them useful!
Saving 4K OTA blobs covered by idownloadblog:
nitoTV App Store
This is several months behind schedule, and at this point its pretty much entirely my fault. I still need to do some payment processing work on the amazon front regarding declined cards / failed payments, etc. Im going to be looking into this immediately after i finish writing this post. 
If you hadn't noticed the new nito.tv website launched at the same time chimera(TV) did. You may have also noticed a beta code for people to help beta test it before i finally launch it, there is no way to get this code yet, not until i finish the payment work I mentioned above. Off the top of my head, this is the only thing holding us back anymore. 
Obviously nControl was released a few months ago, to resoundingly positive response (thank you!) It's available on chariz repo for 10$ and is currently my only source of income, so all purchases are greatly appreciated! If you need any additional details about nControl in general I kindly redirect you to the exhaustively documented wiki page that I maintain on the subject: https://wiki.awkwardtv.org/wiki/nControl
The tvOS version is only available through patreon and i'd actually prefer that people no longer go that route, patreon makes it WAY too much effort to get the money they owe you so I massively regret doing that in the first place, just didn't want to launch iOS and tvOS separetely and honestly thought the store would wrap up shortly thereafter.
For the first time (potentially ever) the tvOS jailbreak was released in tandem with the iOS version of the Electra Teams *OS 12 jailbreak. This was a momentus occasion and was a large source of me being delayed from focusing on completing the nitoTV App Store. Its a rock solid jailbreak (especially with latest release) and I'm quite proud to maintain the tvOS version of it. It covers 12.0 - > 12.1.1 on tvOS, this is due to the fact the Apple staggers version numbers between iOS and tvOS for some unknown and maddening reason. For instance (12.1.2 on iOS == 12.1.1 on tvOS). It drives me just as mad as it does the rest of you, but it's been like that since the beginning of ARM based AppleTVs (send gen +) So I doubt it will ever change.
Candidly it was a bit of a challenge to get AppleBetas awesome UI to cooperate on tvOS but i'm glad iIforced myself to use the same code as much as possible (lots of ifdefs), since its written in Swift you can imagine the fight I put up to avoid using the same code base for the UI stuff. Eventually I acquiesced (yes I do make concessions!)
Wow it's really been a long time since i've updated this blog (sorry!) electraTV was released several months before chimera (well the initial versions were, the 11.4.1 iteration wasn't THAT long ago) The electra jailbreak covers ALL versions of 11 (11.0->11.4.1) In its latest jailbreakd2 based iteration it is incredibly stable and reliable. Not much else to say about it!
uicache / ldrestart changes
I wasted most of last week fighting against issues with ldrestart. If you aren't familiar with ldrestart it is responsible for running after jailbreaking or loading any new Tweaks to make sure anything they may inject into gets restarted. With the older version of jailbreakd (in backr00m & versions of electraTV that supported 11.2.1->11.3, but not 11.4.1) couldn't handle the speed at which all the daemons get reloaded by ldrestart, this would lead to a lockup that would result in the system eventually rebooting (after being locked up for several minutes).
ldrestart has actually always been an issue, even when i used a kpp bypass in greeng0blin (Im fairly certain thats accurate!) So as a workaround i used to 'killall -9 backboardd' That would respring enough different things (PineBoard, HeadBoard et al) that i would be sufficient for the things i most commonly injected. Obviously this is a hacky stopgap, and uicache used to also kill a variety of other processes to cover them as well (lsd, appstored, etc) to help cover things like DalesDeadBug. 
After coolstar re-wrote uikitools (including uicache) i decided it was probably a good time for me to take a look at uicache again. If you want to know how much of a hassle and challenge uicache was in the earlier days (pre APFS) read some of the older posts on this blog. It's history is covered ad naeuseum.
Since we no longer need to load from /var/mobile/Applications, a lot of the extra hurdles in uicache have ceased to be necessary, essentially all that is really needed is [[LSApplicationWorkspace defaultWorkspace] _LSPrivateRebuildApplicationDatabasesForSystemApps:YES internal:YES user:NO]; + tweak to force App states to return TRUE for isEnabled. 
In the course of thinning down uicache I decided it'd be a good time to try and get ldrestart working on tvOS. After battling with it off an on all last week I came up with something that appeared to work pretty consistently on tvOS 12. Instead of being thorough and testing on 10.2.2->11.4.1 as well I hastily released it. This lead some people to get stuck in respring loops / lockups that eventually restarted the device. This was due to the fact that uicache:restart in postinst scripts would trigger ldrestart instead of uicache in nitoTV. 
In the older version of uicache there was an issue that existed once our new apps were loaded in the UI, a respring was never "required" but if it didn't occur all applications would exhibit weird behavior where they wouldnt launch, or wouldnt exit once launched, etc, to "fix" that I made it always kill backboardd as a compromise. Since this was also no longer necessary I made uicache killing backboardd "optional" by appending -r. Lack of forsite here, the old nitoTV wouldn't know backboardd wouldn't respring anymore, nor to run ldrestart when finish:restart was received, this lead to people getting stuck with a red progress indicator forever when trying to update to latest (at the time) version of nitoTV.
Due to the depth and gravity of the issue I sidelined getting ldrestart working in backr00m (one of the only places it has show stopping issues still) I reverted to uicache always respringing until I have time to revisit the issue.
In conjunction with deciding I was pouring too much time into this issue Chimera 1.0.6 was released the other night with massive stability improvements. Libtakeover & related injection was stripped out into inject_criticald  which provided massively stability improvements for the jailbreak, this made focusing on getting that out a few hours after the iOS release a very high priority.
The big takeaway from all of this:
* uicache run by itself (no arguments) is sufficient to gets apps loaded / removed after installing them into /Applications.
* ldrestart is part of uikittools on tvOS now and should be safe to run on latest electraTV release and chimeraTV release, but won't work at all on backr00m.
if you have installed a tweak and it doesnt seem to be working, try running ldrestart, it should help.
Part of the uicache update came the addition of 'sleepy' and 'wake' binaries. Use them from the command line to sleep or wake your AppleTV.
This was recently updated to spoof newer versions, if you can't seem to get it working after installing it, prime candidate to run ldrestart after installing or making changes to that don't seem to be propogating. It works to get SteamLink installed on tvOS 10.2.2, but crashes immediately, not sure if im going to be able to fix it. It won't be possible to make that a priority (I looked into it briefly, thats the best I can do for now). 
If you need more info on what DalesDeadBug does, please read the wiki page: https://wiki.awkwardtv.org/wiki/DalesDeadBug
If you didn't notice, yesterday I decided to take one more brief detour to rectify a glaring deficiency in recent jailbreaks, inability to use cycript. I might have my differences with saurik recently, but this is still one of the most amazing projects he ever undertook and gifted to us. 
cycripter / CycriptLoader.dylib have been updated and open sourced to make it easier to use cycript on iOS or tvOS. All details necessary can be viewed on the wiki and the git.nito.tv repo. 
More Details: https://wiki.awkwardtv.org/wiki/Cycript
Known Issues
I havent kept a very exhaustive list of these, so I'm only going to cover two that I can think of right now.
* Infuse doesn't work on chimeraTV. 
Try launching infuse before running the jailbreak (so if you are currently in a jailbroken state, reboot first) 
if you run the jailbreak after Infuse has already been open it will work. I don't think it is necessarily any jailbreak detection, but it may be some kind of a protecetion from code injection, im honestly not sure.
* Music app doesn't work
Try updating to the latest version of chimeraTV on https://chimera.sh it didn't work in the prior version for me either, but after the latest install it started working.
That's it for now, my core focus after this post is going to be to wrap up work on my long delayed tvOS App Store. I really hope to get it wrapped up this week or next. Stay tuned! And if you made it down this far, thanks!!
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sheepiling · 6 years
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So, I was getting really tired of how un-vibrant Sims 4 is. I didn’t really notice it/care at first, but once Sage was born I found myself constantly fighting the lighting in the game and setting up temporary lamps everywhere when I took screenshots just because of how un-flattering the Sims 4 lighting is for sims of color. (I mean I’ve had mixed race couples since gen 1 but the focus was always on the founder/heir so if their partner wasn’t as well lit up as they were I didn’t pay much attention to it, but Sage is the first heir to actually have darker skin genetics passed down to him ‘cuz apparently in sims world recessive and dominant genetic traits are reversed... or at least in this family they are rip) 
But anyways, I don’t want to spend time editing my screenshots so I just got a lighting mod for the game. OwO;; 
I just want to make a post now and tag it with wcif because I really don’t download much and if I ever do get cc in addition to this I’ll just post and wcif tag that too so anyone that’s curious can easily see what I’ve got quickly~ 
I also want to add that I’m going to go very in-depth about the installing process because I am not tech-savvy at all and it took me a whole evening to figure all of this out, so if anyone else is in the same boat as me I hope this helps! XD 
Also before I start explaining things I just want to add that before you start changing things, ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR GAME!! Make a copy of The Sims 4 folder that’s in your documents, AND the one that’s in your Origin Games folder that’s on your C drive (or wherever you installed Sims 4). 
First I downloaded NoBlu and NoGlo 
The links to the page their downloads are located along with information from the creator are right there in that title~ 
Those two mods work together, so I suggest getting them both! The NoBlu removes the blue tint that shows up at night time and indoors too I think, and if I understand things correctly the NoGlo removes that blue tint from your sims themselves so they don’t look blue-ish in contrast to the rest of the world that’s now been stripped of that blue tint. 
Like, the point of the blue tint that’s in the game is to make it so you can see things better in the dark, but from what I can tell it also makes day time seem darker too at certain times of the day. So getting rid of this will make night time darker if no lights are around, but I think it makes day time brighter and the lights at night time is brighter too and your sims just react more naturally to lighting~ 
When downloading NoBlu, just pick one of those three files that are there. I picked NoBluLightingReplacement.package 
For NoGlo, there’s two files there, and I downloaded both of them. They’re the NoGloRemover and the EyeSpecularRemover 
NoGlo and EyeSpecularRemover are applied to each sim in cas just like cc, so I’m not sure if I’ll bother using them. But I haven’t had this NoBlu lighting mod for very long so if I end up noticing my sims glowing in the dark with a blueish light then I’ll probably bother to put that on everyone. Maybe. 
These two mods are really easy to download! It’s just like downloading CC, just get the file and put it in Documents -> Electronic Arts -> The Sims 4 -> Mods 
Then I got ReShade 
This mod took me quite a while to figure out... (I’m just sort of challenged when it comes to things like this which is why I don’t use much mods/cc in the first place)  😓 
So this is a program that you can install into a lot of different games, it’s not made just for sims 4, but it works really well on sims 4! The website to download this is https://reshade.me/ 
Additionally, THIS VIDEO is the most helpful tutorial for installing it that I could find (imo). I also want to add to always read the README text files that come with mods when you download them... I’m sure you probably already do that but I’m an impatient derp that couldn’t figure out some things until I read the readme...  >.>;; 
Also, I had an issue when installing ReShade, and I’m just gonna explain everything I went through in case anyone else is having a hard time too, ‘cuz it took me quite a while to find the info. I needed. I also want to add that I use windows 8.1 (unfortunately that’s the only operating system that’s compatible with my laptop, so no windows 10 or 7 for me, I already tried, rip) so the issue I had could of been caused by 8.1′s wonkyness. But I don’t know for sure. 
After it asked me if I want to download a collection of standard effects, and I clicked yes, it said it failed. The program was properly installed into Sims 4, but I had no effects or textures (which is the whole point of getting this...) 
But! This can be fixed by downloading the effects manually and putting them into your bin folder yourself. THIS FORUM on ReShade’s website has this answer and a link to the download for the effects and textures. The very first answer under the OP’s question is the one with the download~ I’m very thankful to that helpful person. Also, I’m just linking the forum instead of the responder’s link itself b/c once you click on their link it downloads the file. It’s not a link to a file share or anything, it’s just the direct download. The ReShade website probably has these up for download on their website somewhere too... But I’m trash at navigating websites that I’m not used to so I have no idea where... But I would assume it’s there somewhere... 
After you have that file, slap it into your sims 4′s bin folder (tutorial I linked before shows where that is). Now, this alone is not all that you need to do. Now that it’s in the file, you need to go into the game and open the ReShade interface. Then you go over to settings and you need to copy paste the path for the program to find the effects and textures. There’s two separate boxes, one for effects and one for textures. 
To do this, go into the shaders folder that’s in your reshade shaders’ folder in your sims 4′s bin folder. Then in the bar at the top of your file’s window that shows all the files you’ve gone into, click on it and copy it. Then tab back to your sims 4 game and paste that info into ReShade’s effects box. Then go into your textures file and do the same things for the textures box in ReShade. 
When you paste them into the ReShade interface they should look something like this: 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 4\Game\Bin\reshade-shaders\Shaders 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 4\Game\Bin\reshade-shaders\Textures 
Of course, if you didn’t install this on your C drive it might be a bit different, but you need to find that from wherever you installed Sims 4. 
Once you’ve done all that the issue should be fixed and it’ll now load up all 60 effects and textures that you’ve downloaded every time you start up Sims 4 or tab back into your game after alt tabbing out!!!!! ................. 
So, hooray for it working properly now, BUT GOODNESS DOES THIS ANNOY ME. So like. If you’re going to download a preset from someone else (youtube tutorial I linked already shows how to do that) then I suggest keeping all the files you’ve downloaded. Especially if you’re switching between multiple presets for different occasions. There’s lots of ReShade presets all over tumblr, btw. So have fun looking them up if that’s what you want to do! 
But I’m not doing that. I don’t need all of this. It’s giving me a lag for no reason. SO I DELETED A WHOLE BUNCH OF EFFECTS ‘CUZ FUQ THIS LOADING TIME. 
Be careful not to delete anything important, though. In the shaders folder is the only folder I deleted anything inside of. Anything that was installed in the reshade-shaders folder I left alone. But inside the shaders or textures folder that’s inside of that reshade-shaders folder should be fine to delete things. BUT DON’T DELETE FILES THAT IT NEEDS TO RUN~ 
Anything that is a .fhx file you need to keep. Anything that is a .fx file is simply the effect itself and is safe to delete. I didn’t delete anything in my textures folder because when I downloaded the whole thing from the forum the textures folder didn’t have much in it. This might be different if you were able to install correctly in the first place. 
Anyways! The files I ended up keeping were all the .fhx files and the following effects: Colorfulness.fx, Vibrance.fx, and DPX.fx 
Colorfulness and Vibrance increase the saturation and vibrancy of your game and DPX is one that overall birghtens everything (I think). There’s lots of other effects that do the same things as these but those three are my favorites. Well, I don’t use DPX, it makes it a bit too bright for my eyes, but I decided to keep that one because whenever I’m able to get Seasons, if rainy/snowy days make the game seem way too dark I might want to enable DPX just for those days. 
But for normal sunny days, just checking Colorfulness and Vibrance is enough for me~ I didn’t even mess with the sliders on how much you want it to effect the game because I don’t want to deal with those kind of advanced settings. I just pushed the check mark box on those two and done! 
Now that I only have 3 effects and then the few textures that I never use but aren’t hurting anything by being there, it doesn’t even have a loading time to get ReShade to run properly when starting up my Sims 4 or tabbing back into it. ReShade is just ready to go right away! 
So if you’re wanting to brighten up your game, but have a slower computer and most lighting mods and/or ReShade being the way it normally is lags your game too much, you could consider doing what I did!  :D 
Also, with ReShade, you need to change the way you take screenshots now. Doing it with the C button just takes a picture of your naked game, not the ReShade effects. 
So, ReShade’s default hotkey for taking screenshots is Prt Scrn, so you can use that button now or you can change which button you want to take screenshots in the settings tab of ReShade’s interface. But the point is just pushing C doesn’t capture the ReShade effects so you’ll need a different button! 
Also! In ReShade’s settings tab, you need to change the screenshot format if you want to upload your ReShade screenies to tumblr! Its default is set to Bitmap, which tumblr doesn’t support, so change it so it saves as a PNG file instead!!! 
You can also change the path for where it’s going to drop your screenshots off at. The default is set to Sims 4′s bin folder, so if you want it to drop off screenshots in a different folder that’s dedicated to just screenshots and doesn’t have your game’s other important things in it, you’ll need to change the path for that (it’s the same as when you changed the path for it to find the effects and textures, just copy paste where you want it to go). 
Keep in mind that if you move the folder you told ReShade to dump its screenshots at then you’ll need to update the path in ReShade’s interface or it won’t be able to find the folder and you won’t get your screenies~ 
So yea! That’s all the info. I have!! I hope this helps someone that wants to use ReShade but has been confused about it like I was!! 😂 
Also sorry if my explaining things is long and confusing. This is just how thoughts flow in my brain so.. um... yea.  >.>; 
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
Persuade Your Boss to Ship You to MozCon Digital 2021
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/convince-your-boss-to-send-you-to-mozcon-virtual-2021/
Persuade Your Boss to Ship You to MozCon Digital 2021
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It is time to get all the way down to enterprise and persuade your boss that you just HAVE to go to MozCon Digital 2021.
You are already effectively acquainted with the advantages of MozCon. Possibly you are a MozCon alumnus, or you’ll have lurked the hashtag a few times for inside suggestions. You’ve doubtless adopted the work of a few of the audio system for some time. However how are you going to relay that to your boss in a manner that sells? Don’t fear, we’ve obtained a plan.
(And if you wish to skip forward to the letter template, right here it’s!)
Copy the template
Step #1 – Collect proof
Alright, so simply getting in and saying “Have you seen any of Britney Muller’s Whiteboard Fridays lately?!” most likely gained’t do the trick — we want some chilly onerous info which you can current.
MozCon delivers actionable insights
It’s simple to say that MozCon offers actionable insights, however how do you show it? A fast scroll by means of our Facebook Group can show to anybody that not solely is MozCon a gathering of the best minds in search, but it surely additionally acts as an incubator and facilitator for search engine optimisation methods.
Should you can’t get your boss on Fb, simply direct them to the weblog submit written by Croud: Four things I changed immediately after attending MozCon. Discuss actionable! A fast Google (or LinkedIn) search will return dozens of comparable recaps. Collect a couple of of those to have in your device belt simply in case.
Or, in case you have the time, pick a few of the occasion tweets from earlier years that relate most to your organization. The MozCon hashtag (#MozCon) has loads of tweets to select from — issues like analysis findings, workflows, and helpful instruments are all coated. 
The networking is unbeatable
The potential information acquire doesn’t finish with keynote speeches. A lot of our audio system stick round for the whole convention and host niche- and vertical-specific Birds of a Feather periods. If you end up with questions on their methods, you will typically have the flexibility to ask them immediately.
Lastly, your friends! There is not any higher solution to be taught than from those that overcome the identical obstacles as you. Alternatives for collaboration and peer-to-peer studying are sometimes invaluable, and might result in higher workflows, new enterprise, and even thrilling partnerships.
Step #2 – Break down the prices
That is the place nearly all of the dialog might be centered, however worry not, Roger has already performed many of the heavy lifting. So let’s lower to the chase. The purpose of MozCon isn’t to make money — the purpose is to interrupt even and raise up our pals in search. Plus, because it’s a digital convention, the value is unbeatable! Should you buy a ticket earlier than Could 31, 2021, you will get entry to Early Fowl pricing, and if you happen to’re Moz subscribers, you get a $20 low cost off Common Admission! 
You will additionally have the choice to avoid wasting 15% if you happen to bundle the ticket with both of Moz Academy’s search engine optimisation certifications: Technical search engine optimisation or search engine optimisation Necessities.
High-of-the-line audio system
Yearly we work with our audio system to deliver cutting-edge content material to the stage. You’ll be able to make sure that the content material you’ll be uncovered to will set you up for a 12 months of success.
Movies for everybody
Whereas your coworkers gained’t have the ability to benefit from the dwell periods, they may have the ability to see all the talks through skilled video and audio. Your ticket to MozCon features a skilled video bundle which permits you (and your entire group) to look at each single speak post-conference, without cost. 
Step #three – Be ready to show worth
It’s necessary to enter the convention with a plan to deliver again worth. It’s simple to come back to any convention and simply benefit from the displays and occasions, but it surely’s more durable to take the data gained and implement change.
Make a plan
Earlier than approaching your boss, be sure to have a plan on how you are going to showcase all the insights you collect at MozCon! Clearly, you will be taking notes — whether or not it’s to the tune of dwell tweets, bullet journals, or doodles, these notes are most beneficial once they’re backed up by motion.
Placing it into motion
Set expectations along with your boss. “After each day, I’ll select three takeaways and create a plan on how to execute them.” Who may flip down 9 potential business-changing methods?!
And it actually isn’t that tough! Particularly not with the content material that you will have entry to. On the shut of every day, we advocate you look again over your notes and do a brain-dump. 
How did in the present day’s content material relate to your online business? 
Which periods resonated and would deliver essentially the most worth to your group? 
Which methods can simply be executed? 
Which might make the largest affect?
After you determine these methods, create a plan of motion that may get you on monitor for implementing change.
Shopper briefs
In case you have purchasers on retainer, ongoing coaching for workers is one thing these purchasers ought to recognize — it ensures you’re staying forward of the sport. Supply to not solely debrief your in-house search engine optimisation group, however to additionally current to your purchasers. This kind of presentation is a worth add that many consumers don’t get and might set your online business aside.
These displays may be brief blurbs at first of an everyday assembly or an opportunity to collect up all your purchasers and luxuriate in a little bit of networking and schooling.
Nonetheless not sufficient?
Give the boss a style of MozCon by having them take a look at some movies from years previous to get a style for the caliber of our audio system. 
Lastly, the evaluations converse for themselves. MozCon is ideal for SEOs of any degree, regardless of the place they’re situated! 
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Our fingers are crossed!
Alright, good friend, now could be your time to shine. We have geared up you with some super-persuasive instruments and we’ll be crossing our fingers that the boss offers you the “okay!” You’ll want to seize the letter template and make your case the straightforward manner:
Copy the template
We hope to see your smiling face at MozCon Digital 2021!
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Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps – Kalyn's Kitchen
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posted by Kalyn Denny on May 18, 2020 Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps are the proper low-carb lunch or mild dinner, and that is so fast and straightforward to make! PIN Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps to attempt them later!
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It was greater than eight years in the past that I first made Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps for the weblog, and for a very long time this recipe had been on my big record of recipes that want a photograph replace! And then once I began making the tuna lettuce wraps to take new pictures I spotted I used to be out of celery. Plus there was an avocado within the fridge that was calling my identify, so the recipe morphed right into a slightly-updated model of this favourite dish of mine. In case you don’t have avocado otherwise you need to embrace celery (or had been a fan of the unique model) right here’s the printer-friendly recipe for the unique Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps I’ve made so many occasions! Besides the addition of tomato and avocado, there are a few essential issues that bump this up from common tuna sandwiches. One is utilizing a flavorful tuna, and I’m undoubtedly a fan of tuna packed in olive oil for a recipe like this. But no matter tuna you select, make sure it’s good high quality white tuna for finest taste. The tuna is combined with a dressing that features mayo, Dijon mustard, lemon juice, celery seed (affiliate hyperlink), and a bit salt or Vege-Sal (affiliate hyperlink). That’s mixed with the tuna plus capers, dill pickle relish, and thinly sliced inexperienced onion. This makes a tuna salad combination that’s an ideal mixture with the crispy lettuce. The diced tomatoes and avocados are optionally available and you may want much less tomatoes and avocados in the event you you’d like even fewer carbs, however I believed they added a pleasant burst of additional taste. If you’re an enormous lettuce wraps fan like I'm, you would possibly like  the opposite choices on this assortment of Low-Carb Lettuce Wraps! Or take a look at My Favorite Low-Carb Recipes with Tuna for extra treats with canned tuna!
What canned tuna did I take advantage of?
I’m an enormous fan of Genova Tuna Packed in Olive Oil (affiliate hyperlink), in order that’s what I’d all the time use for this recipe. For just a few years now I haven’t been capable of finding the Genova Tuna at my market, so I began shopping for it by the case from Amazon.com. I purchase each the small Three oz. cans and the 5 oz. cans, and that is one thing that’s all the time in my pantry! (And this firm hasn’t paid me to advertise their tuna, simply in case anybody is questioning!)
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How to Make Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps:
(Scroll down for full recipe with dietary info.) Here’s a photograph of the Genova tuna that I like a lot, and I like the easy-open cans as effectively. Whatever tuna you utilize, make sure it’s well-drained earlier than you beginning mixing within the seasonings. I combined collectively the mayo, Dijon, lemon juice (or lime juice), celery seed, and Vege-Sal (affiliate hyperlink). Then chop the tomatoes and avocado and slice the inexperienced onions. Mix the avocado with a tablespoon of lemon (or lime) juice and  then stir within the tomatoes. Mix the dressing into the tuna first, ensuring it’s effectively distributed. Then stir in dill pickle relish (affiliate hyperlink), capers, and sliced inexperienced onions. I used natural romaine lettuce, however you would use iceberg or butter lettuce to wrap the tuna salad. Fill each bit of washed and dried lettuce with a few beneficiant tablespoons of the tuna combination. Then prime every lettuce wrap with the avocado and cherry tomato combination, and eat! The tuna combination will maintain within the fridge for a number of days, however you would possibly need to minimize contemporary avocado and tomatoes while you’re consuming the leftovers.
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Find More Tasty Recipes for Lettuce Wraps:
The BEST Slow Cooker or Instant Pot Lettuce Wraps ~ Slow Cooker or Pressure Cooker Low-Carb Lettuce Wraps ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen The BEST Instant Pot Lettuce Wraps ~ Slow Cooker or Pressure Cooker Ingredients two 5 oz. cans good high quality canned tuna (see notes) 1/Four cup mayo 1 tsp. Dijon mustard 2 T contemporary lemon juice, divided (see notes) 1/2 tsp. celery seed salt or Vege-Sal to style 2 T dill pickle relish 2 T capers 1/Four cup thinly sliced inexperienced onions (kind of to style) Eight giant Romaine Lettuce leaves, washed and dried (see notes) 1 cup chopped cherry tomatoes (optionally available) 1 giant avocado, chopped small (optionally available) Instructions Dump tuna right into a fine-mesh strainer positioned within the sink and let it drain effectively. While tuna drains stir collectively the mayo, Dijon, lemon juice (or lime juice), celery seed, and Vege-Sal (affiliate hyperlink) or salt. Chop the tomatoes and avocado and slice the inexperienced onions. Mix the avocado with a tablespoon of lemon (or lime) juice and stir within the tomatoes. When the tuna has drained, put it in a bowl (with a snap-tight lid in the event you received’t be consuming it all of sudden.) Mix the dressing into the tuna first, ensuring it is effectively distributed. Then stir in dill pickle relish (affiliate hyperlink), capers, and sliced inexperienced onions. Cut lettuce head aside and pick Eight giant leaves.  (I used two heads of romaine and saved the smaller internal leaves for salad greens.) Wash lettuce and spin dry in a salad spinner or dry with paper towels if wanted. Fill lettuce leaves with two beneficiant tablespoons of the tuna combination, garnish with cherry tomato and avocado combination, and eat together with your fingers. Notes I like Genova Tuna Packed in Olive Oil (affiliate hyperlink) for this recipe, however use any good-quality tuna you like. You can use lemon or lime juice, whichever you could have; I'd use my Fresh Frozen Lemon and Lime Juice. Iceberg Lettuce or Butter Lettuce will even work for this. Nutritional info is for 2 lettuce wraps, which is what I believe most individuals would contemplate to be a serving. This recipe was tailored years in the past from The Ultimate Low-Carb Cookbook (affiliate hyperlink) by Mary B. Johnson and the present model was tailored much more by Kalyn. Nutrition Information: Yield: 4 Serving Size: 2 lettuce wraps Amount Per Serving: Calories: 314Total Fat: 24gSaturated Fat: 3.8gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 18.3gCholesterol: 36mgSodium: 559mgCarbohydrates: 8.5gFiber: 5gSugar: 2.2gProtein: 19g Nutrition info is routinely calculated by the Recipe Plug-In I'm utilizing. I'm not a nutritionist and can't assure 100% accuracy, since many variables have an effect on these calculations.
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Low-Carb Diet / Low-Glycemic Diet / South Beach Diet Suggestions: Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps could be nice for any section of the unique South Beach Diet in the event you use well-drained tuna and light-weight mayo. This is a good recipe for different low-carb food regimen plans, and for low-carb diets undoubtedly use common mayo. If you utilize authorised mayo the recipe can be Paleo or Whole 30. For extraordinarily low carbs or Keto you would possibly need to use much less tomatoes and avocado. Find More Recipes Like This One: Use Lettuce Wraps to see extra recipes like this one. Use the Recipes by Diet Type photograph index pages to search out extra recipes appropriate for a selected consuming plan. You may additionally prefer to Follow Kalyn’s Kitchen on Pinterest to see all the nice recipes I’m sharing there.
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posted by Kalyn Denny on May 18, 2020 Don’t Miss a Recipe! subscribe to obtain new recipes through e-mail: We are a participant within the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate promoting program designed to supply a method for us to earn charges by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated websites. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. (function(d, s, id){ var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s); if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.6"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link Read the full article
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locke-writes · 7 years
So You've Begun To Love Green Day
Alternative Titles: Everyone Knows Green Day Why Is Someone Making an Info Post About Them
Who The Fuck Is Green Day And Why Should I Know Them
Green Day Is Cool But I Don’t Know Shit or
Has Green Day Always Been This Great?
The answer is yes by the way. They have always been great and will always be great.
I preface this by saying that I am by no means a Green Day expert or a Green Day historian (although I could be if anyone wants to hire me), I’m just a Green Day fan who knows a few people who like Green Day and some people who are just learning about Green Day. This post pretty much came because I’m impulsive and a few people said if I’d make it they’d read it so here it is.
This post is going to have a few different parts to it. An overall band bio (where did GD start), band member bios, discography listing plus songs from each album I recommend (links to music videos/individual tracks provided for those without Spotify), a brief where should you start if you wanna start listening to GD (this will be my opinion so any other Green Day fan out there can share their own if they’d like), and other side projects and things the guys have done that’s to be checked out.
Let’s get on with it then.
Tagging: @monsieur–lafayette @ordinaryornate @galaticpanda
Who Is Green Day? AKA Where Did They Come From? Note: This is not a full band biography, I don’t dive deep into where they were in their lives for every album. Links will be provided at the end for where you can find further info.
The history of Green Day is kinda sorta complex. Ok not really but they did start from two separate bands. Billie Joe Armstrong and Mike Dirnt met at age ten while attending the same middle school. The two quickly became friends and Billie who had been playing guitar for a few years began teaching Mike. These lessons led to the two of them jamming together and in 10th grade forming the band Sweet Children, with another friend on drums. Jumping into the punk scene Mike and Billie found their home at 924 Gilman Street, a punk club if you will. Sweet Children began booking shows however mainly getting the last slot on the bill. In 1987 Mike and Billie would replace their drummer and in turn John Kiffmeyer, (better known and credited on the early albums as Al Sobrante). After the replacement of their drummer Sweet Children began gaining popularity amongst the Gilman crowd. The more attention they received the more they caught the eye of Lawrence ‘Larry’ Livermore, founder of Lookout Records. Larry saw the band play at a house party and was 'instantly captivated’ as he said. Sweet Children were signed to Lookout soon after and began to release EPs, however before the first release Sweet Children became Green Day after attendees of Gilman began writing Green Day on jackets after the band played a song with that title. It was a spontaneous name change but clearly it has worked out. Green Day’s first two EPs (Slappy and 1039 Smoothes) allowed them to go on their first (technically official) tour. It was a small tour but one that would have many significant moments (one of which was a show in which Billie met his future wife, Adrienne). The biggest moment was the announcement from Kiffmeyer that he’d be leaving the band to attend college. This would leave Green Day without a drummer unless a replacement could be found. That replacement was Tré Cool. Tré began drumming at an early age and became a member of Larry Livermore’s band the Lookouts where he was given the nickname Tré (He was born Frank). Billie and Mike had seen Tré play at Gilman many times, and Billie had jammed with Tré on occasion. For one show in November of 1990 Tré would join Mike and Billie for a show and would cement the friendship between the trio. Tré would become a temporary replacement for Kiffmeyer unti 1991 when he became Green Day’s official drummer. This led to more touring, the bands first album Kerplunk, and eventually the major label success that led them to where they are today.
For further information and a more detailed account of what happened during and after check out the following (Band Bio #1, #2 and perhaps grab the book “Nobody Likes You” by Marc Spitz
Band Member Bios Note: This is only for Billie, Mike, and Tré and may not be extremely detailed (I don’t wanna bore you but ask if you wanna know more). Touring Members such as Jason White, Jason Freese, and Jeff Matika are obviously important members of the band but their bios will not be included
Billie Joe Armstrong was born to Andy and Ollie Armstrong on February 17, 1972. He is the youngest child, having 5 older siblings. His father Andy was a jazz musician and truck driver while his mother Ollie worked at a restaurant in town. Billie began singing at a young age, even recording his first record at age 5. His first guitar, “Blue” (a Fernandes Stratocaster), was given to him by his father and he began learning how to play by his father and by teaching himself. Being the youngest Billie was often left to his own accord which often meant getting into trouble but did allow him to meet Mike Dirnt. When Billie was 10, his father died of lung cancer, leaving just his mother to raise him and his siblings. After his father’s death music became a much more important part of Billie’s life leading him to form Sweet Children and eventually drop out of high school to pursue it as a career (which we can agree did in fact work out). Billie does lead vocals and guitar for the band
Mike Dirnt was born Michael Ryan Pritchard on May 4th 1972. Mike’s birth mother was a heroin addict and he was given up for adoption. His adoptive parents raised him until they divorced when Mike was 7. Mike briefly moved in with his father but eventually came to live with his mother and sister. Mike’s home life was fairly rocky and he often spent nights at the Armstrong household while he and Billie were in high school. He officially moved out of his home at age 15, living in his truck for sometime before renting a room at the Armstrong home. While also performing in Sweet Children, Mike supported himself throughout high school by working as a busboy and a cook. After he graduated high school (being the only member of Green Day to do so), he took about a years worth of courses at community college but never continued due to the bands success. Mike does backing vocals and bass for the band.
Tré Cool was born Frank Edwin Wright III on December 9th 1972. Born into a military family Tré moved around quite a bit before his family ended up in California. Discovered by Larry Livermore, Tré began playing drums in The Lookouts when he was twelve and it was there that he earned his nickname. Once Kiffmeyer left Green Day, Tré took his place and soon after joining dropped out of high school to focus on music. He did eventually earn his GED and took classes at community college but again dropped out because of the time he spent with the band. Tré’s family was supportive of his dreams and his father was the one to give the band their first touring van, an old renovated bookmobile. Tré does backing vocals and drums for the band.
Discography and Song Recs (Note song recs will be only for full length studio albums, however the discography includes EPs and Live Albums. Links provided). The recommended songs for the compilation albums will solely be the original tracks
39/Smooth (1990)
Slappy (1990)
Kerplunk (1991): 2,000 Light Years Away, Christie Road, 80, Android, Who Wrote Holden Caulfield, Sweet Children,
1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours (1991, Re-released combination of 39/Smooth & Slappy): At The Library, Don’t Leave Me, Green Day, Going to Pasalacqua, The Judge’s Daughter, 409 In Your Coffee Maker,
Dookie (1994): Longview, Welcome To Paradise, Pulling Teeth, Basket Case, She, When I Come Around, Coming Clean, F.O.D
Insomniac (1995): Geek Stink Breath, 86, Brain Stew, Jaded, Walking Contradiction
Nimrod (1997): Nice Guys Finish Last, Hitchin’ A Ride, The Grouch, Redundant, Scattered, Uptight, King For A Day, Good Riddance
Warning (2000): Warning,  Blood Sex and Booze, Castaway, Misery, Waiting, Minority, Macy’s Day Parade
International Superhits (2001, Compilation Album with previously unreleased tracks): Maria, Poprocks & Coke, J.A.R
Shenanigans (2002, Compilation Album with a new original track): Ha Ha You’re Dead
American Idiot (2004): American Idiot, Jesus of Suburbia, Give Me Novacaine, Letterbomb, Homecoming, Whatsername
Bullet In A Bible (2005, Live Album)
21st Century Breakdown (2009): 21st Century Breakdown, Christian’s Inferno, Peacemaker, Murder City, The Static Age, American Eulogy
Awesome As Fuck (2011, Live Album)
Uno (2012): Nuclear Family, Carpe Diem, Let Yourself Go, Angel Blue, Oh Love
Dos (2012): Fuck Time, Stray Heart, Amy
Tré (2012): Brutal Love, X-Kid, Sex Drugs and Violence, Amanda, 99 Revolutions, The Forgotten
Demolicious (2014, Previously Unreleased Demo tapes)
Revolution Radio (2016): Bang Bang, Revolution Radio, Still Breathing, Youngblood, Ordinary World
Where should you start?
The easiest place would be American Idiot and then 21st Century Breakdown. From there try out the early stuff with Dookie, and then try the song recs per album.
Side Projects.
Green Day has a lot of side project so in general here’s a few (and yes some are GD under different names). The big one of course is American Idiot the Musical but…
Billie: Pinhead Gunpowder, The Network, Foxboro Hot Tubs, Formerly (and album with Norah Jones, Producing stuff for SWMRS (previously Emily’s Army, The Boo, Matt Grocott & The Shrives, and some acting gigs
Mike: Foxboro Hot Tubs,  The Frustrators, Screeching Weasel, Squirtgun, some acting gigs, restaurant owner
Tré: The Lookouts, Foxboro Hot Tubs, The Network, and acting gigs
Any questions or comments can be sent my way through my inbox
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shiftyfingers · 8 years
Magnet extraordinaire: THE GUIDE
**disclaimer, this is not mine. i pulled it off the shoplifting feed on reddit. post and information belong to istoleyourribeyes on reddit**
What’s up fellow lifters?
I’ve been using magnets and experimenting with them for awhile now. They have a lot to do with shoplifting so I’d love to share that with you. At request of Pesky-Wabbit.
In my opinion there’s three types of magnets you need to shoplift, each one I will cover in depth.
Those being:
An S3 key
A golf magnet or detacher
Regular neodymium magnets
I’ll go over the uses the S3 key first.
(Here’s a picture) http://imgur.com/a/6kWFE
An S3 key has a series of two separate magnets inside. One where each notch is on the S3 key.
The most useful and pretty much the only use for an S3 key is to open SpiderWrap. (The black circle with the wires surrounding the box, usually on electronics)
I’ve heard people say you can use them to open other things, however in my experience they really only unlock SpiderWire.
Where you can purchase an S3 key?
Amazon, eBay, and AliExpress are a select few! They can be had for as cheap as 8 bucks.
(Here’s one for $11.00) http://s.aliexpress.com/rquqaime
You can also lift one, if you don’t want to wait the 30 days it takes to get here from China. I personally went with this method, although I wouldn’t do it again.
The easiest place to lift an S3 key is probably Walmart. To be successful this is going to take some effort on your part. To find my S3 I ended up going to 4-5 different Walmarts in my area.
First you’re going to be looking for a Walmart with a garden section and an S3 attached to that register. You need to case each of your Walmarts until you find exactly what you’re looking for. Go into the Walmarts garden section and casually look for an S3 attached to the register. Most Walmarts have S3s on every register, MOST. This is where you might need to shop around!!
Once you find a register in the garden section look at what’s keeping it tied to the register. Most the time it will be a metal wire attached to the register looped to the key.
Have a game plan when you come back. You’re going to return at night, because there is absolutely no one in the garden section at midnight. I had wire cutters in my jacket and proceeded to cut the wire and slip it into my jacket. That’s the easiest way, If it’s connected that way.
Each legit Alpha systems S3 key has a RFID chip inside. This will activate the EAS towers when you leave the store. You’ll need to wrap it in tinfoil before you leave. Honestly it’s not that hard to make a tinfoil pouch to throw the key into. Once you get home open up the key and take out the RFID chip. ( This was mine: http://imgur.com/a/ACeMG )
I highly recommend you buy it instead. If you buy a third party S3 key they won’t have an RFID inside.
Crafting your own S3
I’ve made a couple S3 keys and they’ve left me with a certain longing. They just don’t do anywhere near as good a job as my factory alpha key. Sometimes they would work sometimes they wouldn’t. Again I highly recommend you buy it, but I will link how to make an S3 below. It can get very frustrating because you’re working with two magnets very close to each other trying to keep them separate. I pinched my finger on multiple occasions.
(Here’s that link) http://totseans.com/more-shoplifting-tools/
Golf Magnets and detachers
These are going to be an investment, they’re not cheap and they take time to get.
(Here’s a picture of a detacher, specifically the one I bought) http://imgur.com/a/xURFD
It’s about half the size of a base ball maybe ¾ the size. It’s heavy and bulky but DAMN it works.
These range anywhere from 25-200 bucks. I paid 36 for mine with a hook detacher as seen in the picture. Unfortunately the shop I bought from closed or else I would link it. I did buy from AliExpress, and surprisingly it shipped to me in around 5 days. (US)
The important thing you need to realize when buying a detacher is the magnets pull strength. It’s measured in gauss. The increments usually go 12,000 to 15,000 and then to 25,000 gauss. I would recommend the 15,000 gauss detacher.
Obviously the stronger the gauss the stronger the magnet, it’s going to work better. If you’re lifting clothes this is a must. My 15,000 detacher pops off any ink tag without effort. No more pulling or twisting it just pops right off.
I would buy my detacher again in a heart beat. I highly highly recommend them, and I’ll go into more depth in the next section as to why it’s so much better than a regular stack of neodymium magnets.
Regular Neodymium Magnets
These are just your regular N52 grade magnets. Neodymium is the strongest magnet there is, and that’s why we use it.
(Here’s a picture of what my stack looks like) http://imgur.com/a/I3slt
The more gauss you can get the better. Most likely these aren’t going to be very strong. (In comparison to the detachers) In this formation with quarter size magnets, (around 12) I have found they only open one or two tags.
These tags ( http://imgur.com/a/q4vLM ) were the most reliable at opening. This still took effort twisting and a little pulling until it would pop open. They also opened the Alpha screamers very reliably. ( Picture here http://imgur.com/a/wbKRj )
These are nice because they can fit in your pocket and you can lift them from Home Depot really easily. Hands down though the golf detachers win by a land slide. These are also what you’ll be using to make an S3 key if you decide to go that route.
In regards to where you put the magnet on the tag is going to depend. Usually there will be a little nub and that’s where you’ll put it. Weaker magnets you might need to move it around and wiggle the tag a little.
Summary and TLDR
Basically I just listed all the info required to use magnets when lifting. There was shit info about magnets on this sub and so hopefully this helps you noobs. Remember using tools can result in a worse charge if you’re caught. Let me know if I should add anything down below!
Be careful and hopefully you liked this, it took some time.
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actuallyschizoid · 7 years
[1/4] Hey, this is the anon with the empathy overload theory. I wanted to try to explain it at little better. I think a better way to describe it than empathy is “pattern recognition”. For example, I see a person acting a certain way, and I recognize that pattern of movement, facial expression, and content and tone of speech as “angry”, and I also take the pattern of “event happened, person was adversely affected, now they are angry”, and fit “person is angry because of event” into the pattern.
Of course, the way I’m describing it sounds pretty deliberate and intellectual, but the “empathy” I’m talking about is different, it’s a subconscious, automatic thing that people do. NTs would do this naturally, but schizoids and ASD people might end up having to teach themselves to do it rationally instead of emotionally. 
So, basically, schizoids who have a hard time interacting naturally with other humans is because you’re not tuned into their patterns of speech and behavior in the way that NTs are. Because when you’re tuned in with other people, you risk feeling their pain, or getting hurt, or simply becoming over stimulated. So what I mean about schizophrenics doing this TOO much is like, someone with paranoia for example might see someone looking at them and form a pattern where that person is part of a conspiracy to harm them somehow.
Or, they have strange ideas of reference and fit random words in a newspaper into a pattern where someone is sending them an encoded message. Or, one part of their brain sort of suggests a voice and another part says “yeah, let’s go with that. We’re hearing that right now” and an auditory hallucination happens. So it’s possible to me that the schizoid brain has shut this whole show down as a way to avoid psychosis.
Link to the initial post.
Yes, I think I understand what you mean, anon, thanks for elaborating this. 
And indeed, pattern recognition — in everything, not just psychological stuff — is something I’m actually damn good at. Like, objectively better than anyone I know (aside from one fellow schizoid I know for years who might be about as good at it as I am). 
It is something that goes into the core of most of those things that usually surprise people, making them go “omfg the fuck you’re this smart, that’s just insane”. Like coding on a language I never learned off the bat, or learning new human language ten times faster than most people, or writing a solid pro-looking business agreement despite having zero education in legal area, or finding patterns in music, writings, drawings, etc etc. It might seem like i have good memory or some crazy high IQ, when in fact all I do is just juggle some patterns here and there. 
Even this very post I write on a language I never used in practice in real life — it’s just a patchwork of phrases and meanings that I’ve seen in random places in past years. I don’t even need to know how to read many of those words to use them properly. Or the fact that some words I recognize meaning of by hearing, but then end up surprised when I see them written — I’d have no idea it was the same word, despite knowing that meaning of both would be about the same. 
Same with emotions and stuff. I see lots of patterns of people behaviors. Too many, if I may say. If I interact with same person for a long time, I end up with a massive collection of way too specific patterns with more or less definite meanings behind them. I don’t even have to consciously process it to know for sure that’s how I understand emotion things. Ofc it’s not some kind of conscious mental library with items and indexes, like #34343 yawn & eyes wander around & !_tired = bored. No, but I know if I had any reason to write it down, I’d have very little troubles to recall most of the observed stuff and systematize it. I just don’t need to coz it’s usable as is.
But here’s the tricky part: since I still can’t relate to them, there’s this annoying dissonance thingy. Like, let’s say I see my dad showing his angry pattern. I know what it means, but I’ll be like “srsly? you can’t be fucking angry with this, come on, that’s just so wrong! There must be mistake somewhere, I probably read this wrong, I can’t imagine being angry for this ridiculous reason, no human in the world should ever get angry about this because... because just that’s obvious, isn’t it? Nah, there must be different explanation, something rational... oh, now you show even more stuff that I recognize as angry — now WTF is wrong with you?! Am I seeing things that aren’t there or are you some kind of alien and I didn’t know it?” 
It’s absolutely futile to explain to myself that most people would get angry at different things than me. I *know* that. But I don’t really feel that. I can’t understand that no matter how many examples or patterns I collect, no matter how much I analyze them, no matter how many articles about human psychology I read that explain that this is perfectly normal reaction. I’ll be the first to say that “it’s perfectly normal to be angry in this situation”, but I won’t ever relate to this. Not enough to say “yeah, I feel ya, dad, I’d be angry too in your place”. 
And yes, it is 100% rational and deliberate for me, something I had to learn intentionally. Or at least the way to apply my pattern recognition skills to recognizing stuff that has to do with people being the emotional mess they are. 
Returning to the subject (yeah, I did it again), while I can’t say for sure that’s the case, it might be possible that I, indeed, shut off from most part of this input subconsciously. Not sure what exactly I might be filtering out, though. I doubt it’d be voices or some kind of paranoia stuff. Schizoids are unlikely to have psychosis, and I never experienced it. Or any kind of hallucination, at least to my knowledge. Ok maybe aside from the weirdness that happen occasionally when I barely woke up, but most people have it and I think I’m even less likely to see weird non-existing shit than most people. I can literally count those occasions by fingers... and half the cases it was mosquitos that may or may not existed... >.>
Also probably worth to note that I seem to block much less input than I used to. Even within the timespan of this blog, if you dig deep enough, you may notice that the tone of my posts used to be slightly different few years ago. Like, even what I describe now, with the example above. Sure, I can describe it now. And that’s more or less how it was all along. 
But what would I say few years ago for the same example? That I dunno wtf is going on in his mind, and don’t care to know, and won’t even look that way to not bother myself with futile attempts to understand this useless shit that has nothing to do with me. And, aside from phrasing, nothing really changed, tbh. I still can’t (and don’t care to, nor able to) understand what I see. I’m just a bit less reluctant to observe things (or at least to admit I do so). I still notice patterns and make up their meanings, trying to guess the correct one based on whatever info I have on hand. And perhaps once in awhile I’m not even that far off its actual meaning — thanks to all the knowledge I managed to acquire over the years. I still might be wrong a lot, and fuck knows how much of it just seeps past my attention because if it didn’t, it’d drive me to psychosis or worse. 
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nicolehughes1991 · 4 years
How To Get An Ex Back Surprising Cool Tips
But here is some good, free advice on how to get away from the book.It's not easy at all for some outside advice!Don't call her, text her, or call her and talk to him and will start to reconsider but if done wrong and how willing you are feeling bad, you may never be an overnight remedy so learn to do whatever it takes will depend on you or when it's time to think about things, what went wrong in the beginning.What works in any way to fight through the steps above they will do it on his Facebook page and I do know how to win back my spouse to be for you, you need to get your girlfriend back?
Now, it's time to think about your ex your maturity and courage to hold onto it.It may mean that everything can be catastrophic, unless restrain is exercised.Of course that doesn't mean it will not work for women as well.I know how to get your ex back, and you are hoping the relationship and can help you get desperate.The first thing that you have initiated the break up every time you brought yourself a chance that you can win back the quickest, then now is not to keep them.
It will repel her, not draw her closer to you.These are emotions that they grow to their ex-mate how unpleasant their existence has spun into given that the relationship evolve organically.Allow your emotions destroy all your heart and mind and remain focused if you are truly sorry and then wake up one of the images of the relationship.If you act confident and self-assured rather than negative ones.When we express what we provide in this case and here they are.
This is a law in psychology that governs people's behavior at any time.You go over all the files and data that you can implement today that will be giving her a hundred times every day.I was absolutely torn apart, and given both of them.This condition will not want to get your partner then make dinner one night.I'm sure you say you're sorry and then stand by his favorite hang outs all the books, They can turn out to your partner.
What I naively wanted when I tell you just broke your heart.How do they say to get back together after a break-up, you can do at this moment, I grasp what you're doing, it will most probably not getting in touch with her.When the moment you could get your ex seems to be calm and collected from this well.There is no doubt exactly the same social circles, I bumped into my ex actually get your girlfriend back on track as I suggest, but it's not nice to their own opinion and there is no point on any flimsy excuse and subtly discus what might have heard of a woman hates to be in especially if your ex back depends entirely on you.However, this does not necessarily mean agreeing, but it is actually a good idea at all.
They also diffuse anger or frustration that's the route of buying her gifts on special occasions like an anniversary.You need to be separated with me and after being dumped, by the solitary impact/isolation caused by unforeseeable circumstances, there may be several ways but what really went wrong?I made a mistake in allowing your boyfriend back.Okay, about my clothes, I really didn't want to be the hardest part of this is gonna be a better understanding of the best way to get your ex back into its place.I know this and you now have to understand what would work on the link below.
This part is he will begin to want to get your ex back but you don't know what it's like to go on a changing situation.It's also important is to make her jealous in an instant just because you can be a huge alimony- now this is one like no other.There is a good plan of action then you need to be rebuilt.And before you buy now they can't really afford to keep feeling this way?Are you feeling very hurt and needs to be willing enough to leave the house, begging for another chance even though you cheated, etc. In fact, it can be really hard to eat or sleep.
And the reason of the biggest traps people fall into place sooner or later. Testimonials from people who are a few more steps and you will need a step-by-step plan of action.First, consider why it caused a break up for a few drinks and a general feeling of pain right now, but I now have the info is the break up Wicca spells for love, care and how I felt with my ex, begging me to make yourself look like you had no appetite.Over 90% of the most out of admiration for him.Almost giving up the aisle and live in the past.
Ex Came Back After 8 Months
It will also mean avoiding places that you will, as most people are drunk, they tend to forget his or her to know how much it hurts.However, some people might say it's impossible for you because all you have any interest towards him/her.In order to get your man back, but you are desperate.Just tell her how much you do meet, you will be more relaxed, but once you get her back?Don't get me wrong - you can start to accept the break-up at all.
The good news is that he would like to miss you.It's not going to frustrate him and let the other hand, to me, would be, if you think these things may seem almost impossible to do.Instead, remember to plan out your thoughts and what were your ex's shoes.What mistakes did you love her, and take the initiative and offer her your true self to the relationship.Unless something really bad and might do some soul-searching as to what she is giving off any signs at all cost.
Since there are things about them, putting them down, keep it to minimum.It will also prove a point, then it would be correct.All the build-up and expectations have passed, and the post-break up situation is to get your boyfriend may mistakenly think that she did to get your ex back?Let's look at the beginning of the amount that I didn't have anything in common - they formulate a plan in order to do so.Instead of saying negative things when you lose him for good.
You will win points with your friends, and excel in your presence, you still have to understand that the two of you has the power of the bargain.Actually, what you need to focus on the couch and keep him in your life the above behavior is definitely a virtue.It's a great guy you are able to adapt as you can.In fact, you are going to work on getting back together again.You must proceed slowly and keep faith that you'll have her back.
With these details, you could climb out of the people currently following the system properly.Well, the key to that part of the happy days again.Even the simple fact that if she would be in a way to showing your ex go and live in a planDon't you ever hope to get her back if they try calling, don't pick up.Eventually their curiosity will make up her mind completely, you have become available all over again.
For example, a good word for you and you won't be able to think about you, you never do what I did, until all your efforts may be broken down into these two powerful psychological triggers: Curiosity and Self-InterestThis can also tell you my word plus the refunds are super low research for yourself.And, if your boyfriend back, then you are going to tell you that it is likely that your ex to take a look at how you are a few days of doing this.However, if you want to share my story and how best to give you really worried and you want to make sure you both are finding that you know where you are fine without them.First, it will do anything to get back together, but a few things.
How Can Your Ex Fall Back In Love With You
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teesturtle · 4 years
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The post I suffer from OTD obsessive turtle disorder shirt appeared first on Teesturtle - Store Funny, Trending T-Shirt.
source https://teesturtle.com/product/i-suffer-from-otd-obsessive-turtle-disorder-shirt/
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