#for some reason i really dont like posting things in my drafts when I am not making new art
littlebluejaydraws · 1 year
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Dean squints at him for a moment-- skinny and pale, jeans trying to slide off bony hips and almost drowning in a faded t-shirt-- and tries to work out something he's been wondering for a while now. Map of the World, Chapter 4
ID: Two digital drawings. The first shows Cas front on. He is standing and holding a bottle in his left hand. He is wearing baggy pants and a too large Devilskin shirt. The second image shows Cas and Dean facing each other. They are shown as silhouettes and in profile, with Dean sitting on a picnic bench and Cas standing. There are speech bubbles showing a conversation between them: D- "I know you're not taller than me," C- "?" D- "But sometimes you are anyway. How do you do that?" C- "Perhaps this is stronger than I thought." In both drawings, it is night and there are stars visible. End ID.
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ooctlt · 5 months
I really like this blog most of the time, but sometimes you take reasonable earnest asks that are trying to be thoughtful, and are such a dick about it.
Like if it's the characters being dicks, fine. But you could say something in the tags or post to indicate you're not just viciously mocking someone for trying to engage.
I still haven't submitted an ask since seeing your response that led to comments along the lines of "anon should go die in a hole" for asking, pretty reasonably, why harrow would want to stay with people she didn't seem to like or want to be around or interact with.
(i know, because she does like them and does want them around but doesn't know how to show it) but it's an ASK blog. How do we hear that from her unless someone ASKS
i understand it might be surprising and a bit hurtful to see an ask answered with the characters being mean/flippant, and for that i do apologize that it wasnt made clear that it would be a common thing in this blog. id like to issue the disclaimer: there is always the possibility that the characters here will not take your question well. they might answer rudely, and instigating behavior is not only encouraged but expected on both ends. this does not reflect my personal opinions as the artist; there are over 250 asks even after i constantly compile duplicates, and i will answer the asks that i personally like.
i will assume you are referencing the two most recent posts where gideon acts rudely and i repost an old panel: for the former i thought anon was really sweet for being so heartfelt and encouraging, but gideon isnt the kind of person who needs to be told shes brave for doing that by a stranger. it was a simple act of survival. and harrow is still very much in the passive deprogramming phase. the latter response was meant to kickstart (spoilers) what i will call the "dicks last resort" arc, where i clean out the inbox and share more simple, low effort, but potentially rude responses*. this is because i have roughly drawn almost daily for 87 days straight, and would like to recuperate without being burnt out because i love this blog and i love art.
this leads me to my next point: some of these answers will be curt and short and rude, because they are easy to draw. if i only prioritized the "good" asks or to make certain ask responses kinder, or longer, it wouldnt be a daily blog. it would be a monthly blog where 5 asks get answered among 100s. i didnt anticipate people asking about harrows piercings, and i considered shutting it down by just having harrow say she likes them etc. but i did want to give more insight into harrows character even if she wouldnt say so herself, and that took roughly 3 full unemployed nights. if i treated every ask in good faith the same way i wouldnt have time for anything else, because they take more effort and have to be seriously considered for the future. i can retcon their favorite ice cream or play off griddlehark fighting - it takes more to keep track of a narrative about people talking Around their issues
* by rude responses i mean "this will affect the 679ers negatively, much like making your sim 🧑‍🤝‍🧑➖➖ someone" there are a few asks planned to hurt in the same way one drafts a bad end in a visual novel, and this type of interaction is encouraged. of course if you dont want them to get worse dont send asks telling gideon she should flirt with MILFs (you cant send this ask now i already said it), but i encourage the banter.
TL;DR this is the "characters think you are weird for personal questions" blog. i am sorry i didnt warn of the ask-response banter, because i also enjoy drawing these characters being dicks. i do like when aggravation and conflict leads to character development. "how do we get earnest answers unless someone asks" sometimes you will never explicitly get that from them, and thats what the dead ends are for: to let you know to try something else and read between the lines
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
I love how people are so threatened and deep down believe that km are not dating too esp jikookers, that there is just no discussion about it or why they dont belive the antis, bc you all dont have any reasoning or explanation of blind faith belief that there is something between them even if they are not dating or are real good friends(i just think they are good friends not really that deep/special thing) he dint even know his music shows perf during face ended, bingewatched content bc wasn't updated on the content and jm's schedule unlike hobi and suga who knew which is why he also on fallon stated that he is closer to hobi and suga. the only reason why I think this is bc your avoidance of not even answering one thing and just pointing out that you don't agree, is because none of the km blogs is saying anything more like brushing it under the carpet to continue your fantasies.
OR motherfuxker, I am BUSY and don't enjoy making posts when I'm DEMANDED to. Believe whatever you want, I don't care. Wish I could say the same for you, but clearly you care VERY DEEPLY about me and my opinions, otherwise you wouldn't be in my inbox like this.
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To everyone who wants my opinions and ISNT being an ass about it, thank you. I have a draft started and am working on it whenever I have some free time. I am just busy being a mother, a wife, prepping to start work again soon and have been invited to some author events I'm also trying to get ready for. And some posts require more from me than a few sentences. I know most of you understand. Thanks again.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Shut In (Eyeless Jack x reader oneshot!)
Basic plot: its really cold outside, and you urge Jack to stay in your home with you... he decides to stay despite knowing full well that he will be fine out in the freezing temperatures. You both decide to do things to pass the time and stay warm! Turns out Jack can make a mean cup of hot coco, too
Extra notes: I dont usually write fanfics, and the last one I've written was a personal one from late August... so to say I'm rusty and underexperienced is an understatement! I feel this one ended up a little.. weirdly paced imo but I think I'm still happy with the end result! Dialogue I feel I could have done better on but I'm going to be nice to myself since I mostly write hc posts so this is way out of my comfort zone.. Drafted on Tumblr then sent through google docs to pick up on some mistakes I missed, briefly reread no proper proof reading imo... lets hope this isnt a train wreck + it copied back to tumblr okay!! LMAO
Brief joke about pregnancy/making a pregnancy but its like one small snippet but I know that can make people uncomfortable + implies at least one of the characters is AFAB
Word Count: 2915
Extra Admin's note: I want to say again that I am so so happy about this blog hitting 1k followers, when I first started this blog I was originally going to use it to burn time and have something to do on the side, as well as having a place to put out my cringe ideas and hcs. I never thought this many people would be interested in my dumb thoughts, but here we are! I intend to keep writing this year, and perhaps even make more non-celebratory one shots this year? Maybe? I don't know I guess we'll see the reception on this fic!
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It was the middle of the night, around the middle of January. Your boyfriend and you were holed up inside your apartment, you having locked the man up with you after seeing that it was below freezing out, as well as raining. You had to practically beg your boyfriend to stay with you for the night.
Your boyfriend, who also just so happened to be a man eating demon with tar dripping out of his hollowed out eye sockets. Your boyfriend, who was currently sitting still and staring forward, the only sound in the apartment coming from the dripping of your faucet. You had asked him to come visit you, it'd been a while... and he would never ever let you go to his cabin when it's this cold out. So here you both were now.
You pat the palms of your hands on your knees, sucking in one of your cheeks and working the flesh through your jaws for a moment. You were both technically stuck in the apartment now; you didn't want Jack to go out and risk getting sick, and Jack more than likely wouldn't want you to step out for the same reasons. So, you were both confined to what you already had within the space. You were about to open your mouth to speak but Jack broke the silence first. "You're shivering, do you want me to get some blankets?", blunt and almost robotic. He was never that expressive. "Or would you like to go to your room?" He added after a brief pause, his fangs poking just over his lip before he readjusted his mouth. You were both in the living room, sitting together on the couch; the front door to your left and a view of the kitchen to the right. You thought for a minute as your eyes lingered on the kitchen for a moment. You'd already eaten, before your partner arrived... but..
"That's fine, I'm probably going to make some hot coco," You pulled yourself up, stretching up. "Powdered stuff ooor..?" Jack mimicked you. You only shook your head, earning a disapproving look from him. "What?" You questioned, but he only dismissed you. "Why don't you get some blankets, I'll handle it," and he turned on his heel to make his way to the kitchen. "Maybe put on a movie, too, your choice." He added as his voice carried off. "Are you saying I can't cook?" You called back, following after him. No answer as he tugged out a pot. "I'll have you know-" you started once more
"Do you have half and half?" He was already opening your pantry to grab things.
"No, I don't,"
"Heavy cream? Whipping cream? Whatever it's called..." He mumbled as he placed various ingredients on the counter. Cocoa powder, vanilla, salt and sugar. You only nodded, and as he was about to begin working he paused. "Do you want anything else in it? Cinnamon? Nutmeg?" He paused and through gritted teeth, "Coffee?"
It was almost midnight, of course he would be opposed to you having caffeine so late.
"Cinnamon is fine," You watched him get to work. He measured everything out; even mixing the heavy cream with some milk to make a substitute for half and half.... was that really all it was? You weren't sure what you expected it to be, if it weren't..
He pulled his head up and stared at you. It was then that you noticed he had actually taken his mask off and set it at the end of the counter and out of the way. The black ooze dripping from his eyes was slow and posed little threat to dripping into your drink. He had a fistful of napkins on standby to dap his face dry should the flow quicken. "Aren't you going to get the blankets?"
You pat your hands on your thighs, pausing... watching him. His body had a warm glow on him from the old light bulb in the ceiling; it flickered every now and then. Under the yellowed light he almost looked healthy and alive, though there was no glint where his eyes should have been. His sharp nail tapping on the counter brought you back to the moment, blinking a few times. "Yeah.." you mumbled, defeated at the chance of making a drink for yourself stolen from you. But was that so bad?
You backed out of the kitchen, dragging your feet across the floor. Your apartment was.. a little on the smaller side so within a few steps you were in front of your bedroom door. You didn't really pay much attention to your surroundings as you shuffled through the blankets on the bed.. eventually you settled on just grabbing an arm full and waddling back to the living room, dumping everything you had grabbed onto the couch.
The house smelled of cinnamon and chocolate.. with a hint of vanilla.
Turning your gaze to the tv, your eyes scanned across the DVDs you had stacked messily. Nothing sounded good. "Is there anything you want specifically?" You called out as you settled yourself down criss cross in front of the tv and pulling all the cases onto the floor next to you. "Movie wise," You added as you pulled the first case into your hands. The DVD collection for Child's Play.. you had gotten it a few weeks ago, finding it on sale at your local store. You still hadn't popped it in to watch..
"I have.. Chucky, uhm..." You shuffled for the next case. "All the movies by the way.. I have that and.. most of the Friday the 13th movies," You called out. No answer, the only sound coming from the kitchen was the noise of a whisk gently being stirred. "I don't have Jason goes to hell... But!" You pulled out a third case with the Nightmare on Elm Street DVDs. "I DO have Freddy vs Jason," You mumbled and spread the three disks on the floor in front of you. Most of the disks you had, you noticed, were mostly older slasher movies. Still, Jack hadn't answered you. You pull yourself to your feet and trudge back into the kitchen. His back was to you, too preoccupied with the stove... He hadn't noticed you, not yet. An idea blossomed in your head, a smirk pulling itself across your lips. You steeled yourself, trying to force yourself to stop shivering.. Jack was always paying attention to his surroundings, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
You take a step forward and he still doesn't notice your approach.
Another step.
And another.
Jack wasn't the tallest, in fact if you wanted to you could rest your chin on his shoulder... and that's what you ended up doing, while wrapping your arms around his thick waist. You could feel his body seize up just a little bit against you, before relaxing. "You didn't answer, what sounds good?" You pulled your eyes down to look at the pot. Your drink was nearly finished. You view rocked as your boyfriend shrugged, still silent but the twitching of his pointed ears let you know he was listening.
"Anything's fine," Another shrug as he cuts the heat. "You're the one cooking for me, you get to pick the movie," You insisted. He paused mid-whisk, letting out a soft huff. Suddenly he spun around, his face just a few inches from yours. In the dimmed light his eye sockets seemed deeper, it's black ooze lazily dripping down his cheeks. You noticed the smudges on his face, from wiping the streaks. You briefly wondered what it was like to sleep with them, but your thoughts were cut short as he pulled a blackened and clawed hand to your hair; tucking a lock behind your ear. "How does...." He paused, sucking in his teeth. He looked almost embarrassed. "Bride of Chucky sound?"
"What? Want to study the characters again so we can dress up again this year for Halloween?" You tease. You had convinced him a few months ago to dress up with you. With him as Chucky, and you as Tiffany... It had taken some begging and convincing but you ultimately got him to agree. Although you didn't go out to get candy, you were both fine with staying inside watching movies together in costume. It was also that night you got him to watch the movies..
His ears darkened, before he scoffed. "No... actually this year I was thinking of..." He took a long pause, visibly scraping his brain for names of characters, before seemingly giving up. "Look I don't watch many movies I don't know any.. characters.." He grimaced, before gently pushing you off of him so he could turn his attention back to the hot cocoa. "We've still got nine months, more than enough time to come up with something..." You shrugged, then smirked. "Not enough time to make a Glen... or Glenda," You teased before turning on your heel. You held back a snicker as you heard Jack splutter, finally processing what you had just said to him.
"I'm gonna go ahead and put in the disc, I'll leave it paused for you," You cut him off, still grinning to yourself as you kneeled down to do as you had said.
Soon enough Jack walked into the room with a mug, as well as a platter of cookies. "You didn't have to," You mumbled as you eyed the treats, but he only waved you off as he placed the plate and mug onto the coffee table. "You don't have to eat them, but I figured you might want a snack while watching the movie," He mumbled. You took the mug, and swirled the drink inside of it. "I hope I didn't put in too much cinnamon," Jack added as he watched you. He leaned over and started the movie.
You took a sip, smiling a little as the warmness crept in. "You did good, probably the best hot cocoa I've ever had." You offered a grin to him. "That has got to be the fakest compliment I've ever heard," Jack shot back, though you could see the corners of his mouth turning up just slightly. "Oh, I'm sorry! I believe this is the most decadent and satisfying beverage I've had ever been graced with in my life, and-" You began, only for Jack to hush you. "I'd rather you throw it on me, don't... say words like that again," He grumbled as readjusted himself into the couch. You took a sip and shrugged, "It's just absolutely immaculate," and he lightly smacked you on the arm. "I'm never making anything for you again," He snorted, before turning his attention to the movie.
You weren't going to lie, you felt a little bad treating yourself to the cookies, knowing Jack was unable to eat them without upsetting his stomach. Being a man-eating monster must really be hard. You purse your lips, and shoot a look at him from the corner of your eye. He must have been doing the same, because he turned his head to look at you. "Do you want to do something else?" He asked lightly, his grin from a few minutes ago already faded. "Do you ever miss eating.. food?" You asked before you could stop yourself. He didn't bother pausing the movie, instead he just fell silent and stared down, into the space between the two of you on the couch.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up, I know it's a touchy subject for you," You mumbled and put the mug on the table. You sucked in the air between your teeth, flicking your eyes up to the movie, before bringing them back down to your lap. It stayed like that for a minute before Jack broke the silence. "I mean... yeah, I do. But at least I don't have to eat every day like you do, means I can have more time to do what I want," He said. Clearly, he was still bothered, tip-toeing around the big.. thing about him. The air was still tense and thick, all of the previous joking gone now. It was nearly unbearable. Nearly.
"You know," Jack began after a few more seconds of silence when you didn't reply. "I've never tried cinnamon in hot cocoa, I didn't know that was a thing people did," He was changing the subject. "You haven't?" You asked, raising a brow. He eyed your mug, but you both knew there was no way he was going to take a sip.
"It's really good," You mumbled, and took the drink, "The combo, I mean," You added. He hummed, patting his knees lightly. You swirled the drink again, watching the... what was it called? Those lighter swirls in the drink.. Did that have a name?
"You've had hot cocoa before, right?" You asked. He hummed again, nodding his head. "Well.. the cinnamon makes it warm. Taste wise.. It makes it.." You took a sip and thought for a minute. "Richer, I guess? It's hard to explain," You muttered, then looked back at him. You tore your eyes back down when you saw he was looking right at you, totally hooked onto your words. "I hear nutmeg goes good in it, too.. but I've only tried nutmeg and chocolate together in baked goods," You shrugged. "You did really good with this, you know... not too much cinnamon.. not spicy, at least." You smiled. He nodded, before turning back to the movie.
"Woody, I hear people describe cinnamon like that," He leaned back into the couch, a dull pop came from his back.
"Woody," You repeated, then took a large sip of the hot cocoa. You put the mug down onto the table, and leaned into your boyfriend as the warmth crept and settled into your bones. You weren't even paying attention to the movie, your mind was now occupied with how tired you were. Your eyes slipped up to the clock on the wall, It was nearly one in the morning. Had it only been an hour since Jack walked himself into the kitchen?
You lean deeper into Jack, not caring about his body's natural chill. His clothing still smelled a little like the cocoa from earlier.. "Gotta invest in some cologne, you smell nice like this," You mumbled into his arm. "The cinnamon?" He asked, not looking down at you. "No.. the cocoa, I mean cinnamon would be a nice touch... but you don't seem like a sweet smelling guy, do you?" You muttered. "Are you already getting tired?" Jack asked, and he leaned over you to grab the remote, pausing the movie. You muttered, the heat of the hot cocoa doing way more than you expected on the tiredness you didn't notice you had. "A little," You shrugged, "But we can still try to finish the movie," You offered, but he shook his head. Of course he would, as much of a hard ass or party pooper he came off as, he was going to make sure you were going to get your rest.
You put your hand in his, the one that had the remote.. you unpaused the movie. He paused it, and you unpaused it again. It kind of kept up like this before Jack conceited and kept it playing, although he did lower the volume.. The subtitles were already on, though. "I win," You smirked up at him, before crawling into his lap. You placed your head on his chest, pausing when you felt him stiffen before relaxing against you. His heart beat for a moment before settling to its barely there rhythm. For a minute you thought about asking about his heart, as far as you knew he explained himself like he was becoming a walking corpse... how does that work?
You decided against it, you already asked about him earlier.. and besides, your mind was already beginning to blank as Jack reached to the side of the couch, and turned the lamp off.. It was dark now. It was still raining, you could more clearly hear the drops outside now that the movie was turned down. Plus, Jack was running his fingers through your hair, lightly massaging your scalp. It wouldn't be long until you finally gave in and fell asleep.
"Are you going to still be here in the morning?" You asked, melting into his chest as he hummed in response. "Plan on it, I still need to clean up the kitchen," He added as he curled your hair around his hand. "It'll still be cold in the morning," He added, "I need to make sure you bundle up before you go out for work," He added. "I'm not that dumb," You muttered and lightly slapped his arm. You swear, if he still had his eyes he would have rolled them.
"How do you see? I know you're not.. a normal person, but," You blurted out, lifting your head. He pushed your face back down, shushing you. "Sleep," He ordered, before loosening his hold on you a bit so you could get comfortable. It wasn't an order but it may as well have been with how your body started to loosen into him within the next few minutes, quickly snuffling out your curiosity and questions.
He'd still be here in the morning, you could pester him then. After all, it's what he signed up for when the two of you started to date one another..
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avianreptiles · 5 months
I realized i actually dont know much about kenny, so if you want you can take this as a prompt to talk about him cuz he intrigues me....
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This is not a place of honor
Okay so this is the general summary of his bullshit. I have a lore doc on the way. The lore doc goes soooo much into more detail on particular events and especially more on the reasoning and psychology of the actions in the story. The whole story itself is insane and gruesome and horrible, but i singled out on Kendrick cuz he's the most interesting in my opinion and I don't like him.
If you are waiting for the lore doc, I applaud your patience. It's coming, I swear.
Tw for talks of death, brief mentions of gore, suicide, main character deaths, politics, drugs, alcoholism, whatever. There is no happy endings in the shay/avian cinematic universe yadda yadda yadda okay
OKAY so Kendrick Poste was a transgender man born in 2098 in the right-winged, one-party dominant "democracy", the United States of Albany, to his parents, Mac and Haisley Poste. Mac and Haisley were both left-leaning and tried to raise him away from being rightwinged, but Kendrick ended up growing up not caring that much for politics. Anyways important bit, THEY WERE GOOD PARENTS. Haisley was a wonderful woman. Mac cared deeply for his son. Kendrick was When Kendrick was 12, the three of them got into a car wreck by a drunk driver, with Haisley passing away rather gruesomely, with the nature of the direction that the car hit. Namely, a good chunk of Haisley's lower and mid face had been ripped off by the carnage of the passenger door. Kendrick saw this in full view. It is very important to know that Kendrick saw this.
Kendrick and Mac are neverrrrrr the same after this. Like at all. Kendrick ends up recovering enough mentally after a couple of years and graduates high school early, applying for and getting into college at 16. The first half of the year goes by without a breeze. The second half of the year rolls by, and Kendrick falls like Icarus, got a little too close to the sun, a little too confident. After he lost all the drive to finish school, he started taking up smoking and ended up becoming "friends" with the guy that deals him weed, Percival. I can write so much on how Percival sucks but instead, I'm gonna write about how Kendrick is worse. So this guy manipulated and threatened anyone and everyone to his benefit, including his ex-girlfriend and his father. He was just some egotistical, jackass kid who got caught up gang violence and drug deals who took advantage of the people around him to make a name for himself in almost every circle of the city he lived in. He was known for just about one thing, though: Percival's big scary personal guard dog. He was a violent and often times cruel kid, cementing himself as one of the morr dangerous people to butt heads with AT FUCKING 16.
Anyways I am skipping a lot of important info but the day he turned 17, he got drafted into the war that Albany was in at the time, the Massachusetts/Albany war. The draft was basically a death sentence, as kids who got shipped off to war tended to not come back at all. For what he thought was going to be his last three weeks on earth until he had to go to the selective service office, he proceeded to let himself go almost entirely. Specific events? Threatened to kill Percival a couple times, did cocaine off of a hooker's leg at a party he went to, broke someone's wrist, and drank almost every other night. Mac at that point had given up on him, but their last conversation was when he was dropping him off at the service office, where Kendrick told him to go to hell. Anyways that was fucked up. What's up next is worse
Being drafted sucked dick. He was already pretty damn fit, and the government determined he didn't really need any physical training, but he was still a rebellious, jackass kid, and that needed fixing. Recently in the war, more draftees were going awoll, so the govs solution? Deadend. Deadend was a compound/training facility that I once described as "not supposed to make you love your country, but to fear it." At Deadend, it was basically physical torture under the guise of "if you dissent from the army/go awoll, you will have wished that the enemy had flayed you alive, with the shit we're going to do to you". It was about 2 months of that. This compound is also the reason why a lot of Albany soldiers, especially in the later years of the war, were reported to have looked "empty" or "souless" in the eyes. You had to drop your morals at the door, cuz if you didn't do everything your superior told you to, you were getting shoved into the drywall.
After 2 months, he got put into a special little group called Great Lakes Special Forces. Now I'm going to summarize some of the shit that happened in GLSF in some sort of timeline, because so much happened in the period of about a year:
-Late July 2115, placed into group with four other members.
-Late August, 2115, first kill, a girl about his age
-December 2115, Kendrick (Huron 01) is ordered to kill Ontario 01, to which he complies out of fear.
-Later in December, Ontario 02 is assigned to the group, a reminder that anyone is replaceable.
-December 2115 to about July 2116, Kendrick, distraught about having to carry out Ontario 01's execution becomes more reserved and West (Superior 01), starts to place him on more solo missions. In a combination of unsupervised warfare, cruelty, bloodlust, guilt over Ontario's death, and what not, becomes the most dangerous man on the Eastern Seaboard. His existence becomes a boogeyman tale, with titles such as "Deerhead" and "the devil with white eyes" become tossed around while describing assassinations, killings, and what not that happen within his domain. West (technically his commanding officer) around this point realized that this would be her fatal flaw, letting Kendrick get too cocky.
-In late July 2116, he is sent on more cooperation missions, and actually talks to Ontario 02, the replacement for Ontario.
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stellawolfearts · 2 years
Nezha’s one of those people who insists they prefer coffee black. Everyone else has to pretend they didn’t just watch him dump 20 sugar packets into a single cup of coffee.
i actually have a similar draft for this hold on-
Nezha drinks coffee occasionally. It's a nice "pick me up". Something to quirk up his mood.
When nezha needs energy he will never turn to coffee. Not even black.
Has has this ungodly concoction of things mixed togethor that would kill the jade emperor with a single drop.
Only reason nezha can drink it is bc his biology isn't like other magical beings. He's made out of magic plant and flowers (lotus) it won't kill him.
So It won't kill swk either bc he's stone.
But still. No one knows how nezha can sit still after drinking something that looks like it was forged by Buddha himself and a single sip sent erlang through 100 laps around heaven and back.
its a funny thought but i decided not to post it bc....idk i just didnt like it much anymore. so this isnt canon in my au's....its just a funny thought.
But i like your's better honestly...cause..12.
child like sugar.
He's in his taller form with Jia and is just like.
"I prefer coffee black" * yes adults drink coffee black that is what i am i am an adult and i am doing so well as an adult *
"like....no sugar or milk at all?"
"no, i dont really like sweet things"
he takes one sip and is absolutely disgusted but downs it anyways
".....you good?" Jia asks pouring some milk into her coffee
"yes...perfectly fine" Nezha strains. Jia shrugs and turns away, she pretends not to notice Nezha in the corner of her magic vision pouring an unholy amount of sugar into his coffee.
"are you making coffee?"
"is on of those cups for Nezha?"
"yeeeaaahh. why"
"how did he ask for it?"
"just answer the question"
Jia blinks at Macaque then searches through the cabinets patting down the different items till she feels what she's looking for. she pulls out the sugar and instead of taking a spoon to scoop some out she opens the container and begins to pour straight from the bag.
Macaque begins to think Jia is trying to poison Nezha based on how much sugar she's pouring.
"okay i think thats enough" Macaque says stopping her pouring before the sugar starts to pile up and spill from the mug.
"its never enough" Jia sighs letting Macaque put the sugar away.
"he said he wanted black"
"he always 'prefers his coffee black' but tell me the last time you met a twelv year old that liked raw black coffee"
"is my coffee done?" Nezha asks poking his head in.
"cool, thanks" Nezha says taking his cup and emmediatly taking a sip.
he walks away drinking his cup with a satisfied hum to go back and play with Xiaohua.
"told ya"
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youredreamingofroo · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you have a process for making your simblr posts?
answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛
This question was contributed by an anon !
oh brother everyone pull out the popcorn cuz im aboutta yap for a decade and a half
Here's Roos guide to making a youredreamingofroo post
Step 1, Be up at ungodly hours and have a sudden shock of inspiration for a render
Step 2, Write inspiration down for later
Step 3, Completely disregard "for later" and go boot up my laptop at aforementioned hours
Step 4, open up blender and throw in sim DAEs and start posing them
Step 4.5, use pinterest for pose inspo and/or spend 50 years trying to figure out how to do one thing that I wanna do but dont know how to do said thing (every explanation is explained like I should understand every inner machination of blender, which I obv dont understand) (optional)
Step 5, spend the entire time posing thinking of how I'm going to position the cameras and which chunk of dialogue will go where
Step 5.5, realize halfway through that the song I'm listening to actually fits the scene really well and so I end up listening to that song on repeat for however much longer I end up posing (Optional step)
Step 6, Set up the cameras, lighting and background, usually I don't have a scene in mind, so I just do my usual black background and colorful lighting
Step 7, have a crisis because it's 5 AM and I could've sworn it was 1 AM two seconds ago
Step 8, Render the finished products, which usually goes by fast cause I render in eevee but sometimes I do cycles (which takes fucking eons)
Step 8.5, get sick of the song I'm listening to on repeat (if step 5.5 occurred in the process)
Step 9, Throw them suckers into GIMP and edit them, by this point I'm usually tired and I'm not a huge edit-every-detail kinda guy, so editing is pretty easy, that being said, Clone tool+Heal tool are my best friends for renders cuz of hair clipping, general clipping and/or weird shadows, and I tend to edit everything to the very PIXEL (if you could see me edit, I actually do go pixel by pixel often), and then to top it off, sharpen that bad boy <:P
Step 10, Export them and go to tumblr and throw those pictures onto a post (For some reason, making the post save as a draft makes posting images a lot easier...) and wait for them to process (which takes eons cuz of my wifi), then go to patorjk for title coloring, add the title, and add whatever needs to be added under the cut (transcript, inspo, credits, etc)
Step 11, Schedule it for a few minutes later cuz why not (usually an even number like X:10 AM or X:30 AM etc etc lmao)
Step 12, Wait for it to post and schedule 3-4 TZRs (depending on when I post the renders is how I determine when to post a TZR, if I post something at 7, then I schedule TZRs for 12 PM, 6-7 PM and then 12 AM)
Step 13, profit 🤷‍♂️ (and by profit I mean profit in serotonin and pride)
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glitterfiasco · 11 months
i found this ramble in my drafts from february and it makes some reference to dated news but I wanna post it anyway bc nothing has changed about the issue itself
it really baffles me how dndbeyond does cosmetics.
there's a whole host of currently existing options - varying theme colours, pretty artwork to make your background, cool frames for your character profile! i play with all of these on my character sheets, and they're funky, really help you personalise your sheets and connect them to your characters!!
the main problem? the *only* way you can get a majority of the cosmetics is through pre-ordering books. now, pre-order bonuses are a good marketing strategy, sure, and with pre-order bonuses comes the nececcity for those bonuses to be exclusive. but when those cosmetics are a big majority of those that exist? you have a problem.
on a whole, of course i dislike the overall sentiment behind Cynthia Williams' notion that dnd is 'under monetized' - and the whole money-hungry mess that things have seemed with wotc lately. yet, i think in this specific matter i actually agree that it's a shame players don't have many options to spend money on the game. but...maybe let's give them some reasonable ones?
i am a DM, and have, as per Williams' observations, probably spent more on the game than the average non-DM. wotc can care about that discrepancy, but i really dont. what i do care about is that i am also a player and i *want* to be able to also spend on player things - like making my sheets look cool! and i actively cannot! in fact, the cosmetics i do own are primarily from pre-ordered books (some kindly gifted!) that i had interest in because i was a DM! it's not worth as a player it to pre-order a book you won't use for only the pre-order bonuses, and though a DM can awkwardly share those bonuses with their players, currently the only primary way players can get cosmetics is the few unpredictable monthly reward of a subscription. and we'll get back to those.
another downside to the pre-order bonus model? how fucking specific those cosmetics are - and i move to focus primarily on the frames here. they're of course themed to the books, but so often in a way that makes me wonder how few characters these would really fit the sheets of.
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here are some frames from the Tasha's and Ravenlost pre-orders. the art is nice enough but...who wants these? i dont want these.
to get back to the subscriber frames, one might expect these to offer the more universal range of options. there are a couple nice vague frames, but the very few options are, once again, largely very specific, as season-themed frames. the subscriber frames include such all-applicable options as these.
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you'll also notice a trend of heavily obscuring the character portrait itself (most obvious with my first two examples, and i promise there are other similar instances). overall it's just...frustrating that it's so difficult to find a frame that actually fits a character, nor obscures them beyond readability.
for so long, I've been baffled at the lack of a cosmetics shop where one can buy generic and specific frames for pocket change. It seems so obvious, and hardly outside dndbeyond's current setup. give me leafy frames for naturey characters, music note frames for musicians! frames themed after signature spells - magic missile, mage hand, crown of stars. frames designed after the types of damage, after different subclasses, after different weapons! frames with varying levels of complexity - both simple designs that can just match a character's colour scheme, and detailed animated frames!
when we got these frames, and I was estatic! It really seemed like a step in the right direction with simple, useable, non-obscuring frames. they're great!
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but since, though frames have gotten a little better in readability and specificity, we see no indication towards any change. occasionally, a book like the wildemount book will have some lovely generic frames, but then then the subscriber rewards are right back to weird and specific. can only keep fingers crossed, i suppose.
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oldmemoria · 1 year
i have a lot of unorganized miguel headcanons that float around my brain at times but since i usually think of them at night and forget about them the next morning im just going to continuously update this post probably? anyway here are the ones that i do remember
i will either leave this in my drafts and update it when i want to or ill just edit/reblog with new stuff idk
edit after i stopped typing:
ok its time
fuck you
identity headcanons first, because idk getting those out of the way feel free to get pissed off about these ill just block you 💖
trans man. he/him pronouns. probbably doesnt care if you use gender neutral terms for him because like... why would he, he has a multiverse to stare at
asexual, can't really figure out of i see him as being aromantic as well, i personally just think he's too busy to think about it atm but i dont think hes incapable of it. maybe arospec, like demiro or greyro or smth idk, i just know this mf is asexual.
he is autistic (and probably undiagnosed?) i will die on this hill as if i was a warrior cat defending the sunningrocks i will commit an oakheart fight me on this and i will throw rocks at you and then promptly get crushed by rocks as well (is that warrior cats spoilers um oops sorry)
now to the rest- that i remember- i have not read the comics yet so if some of these are like.. actually canon lmk because that would be really funny
this one might be a hot take but he does not hate miles. he wants to look out for him and definitely either currently regrets or is going to regret what happened in that chase scene. i genuinely doubt he hates any of the spider-gang hes just very, very worried about the multiverse. in his head thats the only way. (i am hoping and pleading that miguel and miles make up somehow, maybe miles doesnt forgive miguel and that totally understandable and would make sense but pLEASE writers i would die if you kept them as being rivals i genuinely would)
he hates Audrey Hepburn, fangoria, harry houdini, AND croquet. he CAN swim, he CAN dance, and he DOES know Karate. he still wont make it though. sorry man.
since hes from the future i dont think he'd be terribly confused by current slang/terms, hed more look at it like we see terms from like... the 80-90s or anything before that as "oh wow people used to say that? huh. interesting."
im going back on a headcanon ive had since i saw the movie im SoRRYYY but he cant curse. from what ive seen from the comics he uses replacements like "shock" and "bithead", thats it. maybe he says fuck on accident or in spanish (he technically kind of does depending on how you see "Ay Coño" being said but thats beside the point).
probably a blue eyes hater idk he just gives me the vibe of saying "jesus christ your eyes are way too blue, get contacts please im begging you stop looking at me" which is probably why him and gwen have so much beef.
i dont give a shit about what the movie says his fangs are not retractable fuck you. (he still has crooked teeth though i will never forget about those <3 )
autism be damned my guy can work a grill 🔥🔥🔥🔥
a lot of people cant really tell if hes pissed or not by his tone sometimes. is this projection? yeah, next question.
he hardly ever sleeps but when he does its like hes dead (at least when its dead quiet, which again, isnt often so he hardly ever gets a good nights sleep). you'd have to use a fucking blowtorch to the face to wake him up.
i also see him as not only having hypersensitive vision but also having elevated senses period. hearing, smell, touch, etc. probably the main reason he sits in the dark with no other noise.
branching off of that he frequently gets migraines of things get to stressful or too loud or if anything is very off about his schedule.
arachnophobe. ha.
cat person.
cat person as in he likes cats not like hes a catboy.. i shouldnt specify that actually that just makes it worse but i will anyway because tumblr hellsite will be tumblr hellsite
he partially likes lego peter because his daughter really liked lego.
ok but like think about it he'd probably be really good at taking legos apart with those claws. like imagine. it'd be nothing for him.
hasnt spoken to gabriel in years. he cant bring himself to reach out and when gabriel does he just doesnt have the energy to try and respond. he has no idea how to, especially now.
this is very specific but he stims a lot with his claws. like extend and retract over and over absentmindedly (mainly because thats what i'd do if i had claws imagine how fun that would be)
he usually bottles up all the emotions that he has, including anger. kind of explains why he lost it in the chase scene in my head because he reached a boiling point. he hates talking to people about his problems.
empanadas are his safe food, also theyre just easy to eat when your mouth is a little funky (i would know i have some fucked up braces theyre great for that 10/10), its mostly just easier on his fangs.
definitely horrible at the whole self are thing. he just forgets, all the time. would forget to breathe if it wasnt involuntary
if you say anything he doesnt particularly like (eg "hey bro are you okay do you wanna talk") he'll just stare at you with his rat eyes like 👁️👁️ until you stopped idk what im saying.
he is a bit touch starved, depending on his mood he'll let people touch him in a friendly (emphasis on friendly. friendly friendly friendly dont take it any other way :/) way.
OH I almost forgot about this one: he hisses. some spiders hiss. so does he. vampire furry energy
he also gets pissed when people call him a vampire so uh... im counting my days oops.
will go out and sit in the rain. (wait would it still rain in the future? is the climate still fucked in his timeline or nah)
like "ah, its water time" and goes out to sit like this:
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Man if only there was a rain filter
that is all i have for now maybe if something else comes up ill reblog with new stuff >:)
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cas-coding · 1 year
My brother in christ...your post about trans Jack was so real fr fr.... like, cas not understanding the minutia of gender and the trans experience for humans but understanding that Jack is a boy and just leaving it at that. I got it as (forgive me if I'm wrong) Cas learning everything he knows about the topic from Dean who is pretty cagey about it and uses as few words as possible when he has to discuss it. Cas knowing that its a human taboo to discuss things like this without the person briging it up themselves and jack not knowing it was something he had to ask about, not knowing how humans understabd it. Cas knowing that Jack being a boy is indisputable but not knowing that Jack himself doesn't know this in the sense that he doesn't know anything about gender and everything, he just knows he's a boy. God, something about trans dean being a dad to trans Jack is just so gkdigstsotsots.
Sorry if this was impossible to understand, my brain is fried from uni exams but your trans dean makes my brain go bzz bzzzzz
oh my god thank you so much i literally love reading your comments,,,, strap in for my long analysis where i share every detail of my thought process with you akdfjdalgj
i've been absolutely devouring trans!jack fics lately and i felt like the thing they always get wrong is that cas doesn't understand human gender and i really don't think he ever will. i'm so glad the detail that he learned everything from dean and realized how essential gender is to some people from dean came across, because that's exactly what i intended!! cas just knows that it's really important to dean that he's a man and dean hates talking about how important it is that he's a man, so cas applies the same rules to his conversation with jack
obviously biology is weird for jack because he's half angel but the general thing that kind of went on with him (and i didnt find a way to fit this in the first draft but it might go in the ao3 version of this story, but who knows when i'll get that up) is that he feels like a boy but got his concept of gender completely from his bond with cas, so he molded himself after cas. the bits of cas he can't see... well he assumed he and cas had the same bits. they do not. but jack's grace starts to fade and he gets his period and ugh,,,,
usually i dont like writing sam because he always feels kind of awkward to me (chalk it up to jarpad's bad acting, because sam really is a cool character) but here he felt like he had a purpose??? he is essentially pulling jack back to earth and being kind of a mediator for it all, knowing dean is the better option for something like this because sam is the one who helped dean through his trans discovery, and just knowing that it's not his place to speak on it because he doesn't understand. i eat up trans!sam fics but he's written as cis here for a reason,,,,,,, and it kind of pained me but he was doing the actual intelligent ally thing: he called a trans person and was like hey! you're gonna be better at this than me, and i care about this person, so i'm calling on better help than i can give,,, and honestly i adore him for that
finally dean??? where do i start with dean.,,,,,, he is so repressed. deeply. and i tried to write it so that was obvious, the way he kind of stumbles his way through the biology lesson and says that it's awkward and tries to wiggle his way out of it but he also knows it's not about him. he understands that jack needs him, and he isn't forced to come out to jack, isn't forced to tell him anything personal, but he does, because he knows it will help jack. selfless!dean for the win,,,,,, because at his core, dean is a caretaker and im so mad that they didnt do that in the show between jack and dean. i feel like dean is meant to nurture and raise and take care of and coach jack and i took my opportunity here. dean kept the conversation light and i just loved the silly scene where jack is like "im not a real boy" and dean is like "well am i a real boy" and jack is like "yes of course!!" and dean is like "haha checkmate" obviously thats not the dialogue but i feel like that is peak dean and jack and i hate that the show didnt give that to us. anyway
tldr everyone in the show is trans even tho sam was cis ally here, cas will never understand gender, jack is going thru it, and dean is a caretaker at heart
also i love you have a wonderful day i loved answering this <33
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ok I sent an anon but I don't think I explained my theory the best way and I don't have a draft with what I wrote to see what wasn't clear.
So I know deuxmoi isnt a reliable source, but what they said might make sense. and then I add a few more things although it might not explain everything.
So he said that Joe started to get a bit distant before the tour. They addressed that and he proposed they took a break until the tour was over (I'm guessing the US part atleast). Taylor was fine with it but she also was expecting him to miss her. Turns out he seemed to like the distance and space away from her, I'm guessing we are talking March here. He has been filming and maybe he realized he wasn't as affected by being away from her as he thought.
What got Taylor pissed then was the fact that apparently they were on a break but the news leaked treated as a breakup. And she wasn't expecting it because it did not come from her team, so it had to be from his side. So the leaking alone, plus saying something she did not even had knowledge off for sure would sting hard.
Then why all of this mass unfollow is happening now? Or better yet since the co-star posted the pic? Here's what I think. I think in the meanwhile she must have been able to confirm somehow who the source was. And then she wondered but why would he do that? And the answer came or atleast she viewed it that way.
You see if the reason for the breakup was cheating I think we would have known when the news came out. So it had to be recent, but how would they be so sure there was cheating? Again we would have known. Joe has been filming since the tour started right? Nothing has come out. So I think the only possibility I see is if they have contact with a crew member or something that confirmed.
And here's where I started thinking...that's where the Emma pic enters the play. Now I obviously dont think they just ran with the fans theories and assumed there was cheating because of a pic. And like I said unless some crew member confirmed they don't have a way to know. But the truth is do they need confirmation?
If Taylor was already pissed over the leaked news, basically that was already shitty and was wondering why...that picture must have made her immediately assume that either he cheated or even if he didn't, he did not really miss her and was sure as hell very eager to end their relationship to be free to move on. Like, the picture was taken in March, we were on a break but he suddenly decided we weren't. Well than it must mean he met someone new and even if he didnt do anything still - something I am not sure off - he met someone and wants to move on.
Believe me, I'm the person who told you I'm an overthinker and while this type of reasoning might seem far fetched...it's exactly the kind of thing I would think in Taylor's place. And even if my friends didn't seem to think that far off I would be like well he made sure everyone knew we were done for real, he's in another country filming with other women and even meeting other people. What other reason would he have to cut ties with me? He met someone and if he did not cheat on me, something might have happened by now.
Now i do know this theory is not perfect and has its flaws but as of now this is what i think
I think this is interesting! Thank you for typing this out, anon. I haven’t made my mind up yet about what happened, but I’m posting this.
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yomiurinikei · 1 year
hibiki for the ask meme (annie)
I TYPED ALL THIS UP FOREVER AGO THEN. never uploaded it. it’s just been in my drafts.
cw for mentions of the god awful ship (not /pos and it’s not brought up by name) + brief mentions of her canon trauma and my desire for it to be handled differently (not in depth/explicit)
everything after this read more was written forever ago i don’t even really recall what’s there i just skimmed it for cws
hi annie!!!!! we have the same brain huh (both asked for biki..)
my identity hc for them
just a little girl. uhhhh ya okay. obligatory 'this is an au where things were. not good but Better' disclaimer, im gonna handle this whole post under the context of. i do what i want and what i want is for hibiki to be okay. she's still a system just because of abuse at the hands of her parents which was exacerbated by kanade being toxic. not uh. yeah.
aaaanyways. she's very nonbinary to me!!! i think she likes like.. all the labels. nonbinary trans genderqueer and one hundred million thousand microlabels. she prolly rbs a ton of incoherent "i am like if a bead rolled underneath a industrial refrigerator before eventually being sucked up into a vacuum, slipped out of the garbage onto the ground where it slowly sunk into the earth was a girl but also not a girl" posts.
also i think she's questioning her sexuality/how she experiences attraction but she like. loves loves having qpps. to her its like... a great sign of friendship but also she wants to signify that shes very close with a lot of people. its a high honor but not a rare one to receive. her relationship with it is just like. i have someone who is very dear to me but without any sort of romantic or familial connotations how lovely and cool this is, how happy it makes me <3. she's just chilling!!!
Thoughts on their home life/family
ooogh. okay. actually i never included this in the ask meme. mm,,, how do i want to handle this. hm. i thiiink.. hibiki and kanade deserve some time to be estranged from each other. obvi this is again, within how i choose to write them. so i dont think this will be a relatable take. buuuut yeah. sometimes the best thing for siblings is to not be siblings for a bit. if anyone asks they just share a last name but have no relation. i think that would be good
i have a very normal relationship with my siblings (<- only child who used to be a younger sibling. that is what i am choosing.)
How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
mmmm,, she is so so so fucking system and i really wish she belonged to anyone but linuj. do u guys remember when i said hm maybe the otono twins were abused by their parents and thats why kanade took control of the situation by hurting the one person she could who would always have to be around her? and then a few months later linuj was like oh kanade is just born evil shes inherently bad because i think thats fun and cool^^ ? i remember. i remember very well.
i think,, hibiki was just ultimately underused. and like. it sucks and was bullshit what happened but also i Understand it within what it did narratively. even if i think linuj kinda dicked up the way it couldve affected the tone of the game. buuut. really the largest disservice that happened was like. the way she ultimately had no agency. according to linuj, no matter what, kanade would be Like That, and hibiki would get hurt, and the end. im not saying what happened to her was her fault, thats not what i mean when i say she has no agency, i mean. there was no in universe reason for what happened, not at the end of the day. she was doomed from conception in and out of universe and it just sucks and makes her feel flat because u cant even go what if not without completely ignoring the way linuj writes a wholeass character. hoping that all makes sense?
buuut yeah. tldr. she couldve been vv well written and handled well, even with her ultimate fate staying the same. but by admitting there's absolutely no way hibiki could have made it out okay, not even a "well, the cards would never line up like this, but if x had happened, and then y, then kanade would've fucked off", but making it that no matter what, kanade is gonna do what she did. it just kinda leaves a bad taste about things
The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
she actually is a person who exists outside of what kanade did <3. yes she has that puppet state sure whatever but also she's part of a system and has alters and one of them is "puppet state" but the others have hopes and desires and likes and etc etc.
My number one favorite ship for them
going off earlier, just assume all these ships are qpps <3! her and setsuka have a really fun relationship. cop out answer but ya know
…Now everyone else i ship with them
i like sora and hibiki!
The thing i will NEVER ship
ignoring the Obvi. i can’t think of anyone? again using ships here to mean like. hibiki having bestie-isms, i think she’s p shippable. she’s fun and friend shaped!
a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
uhhh i agree w/you she and nikei would be silly. they deserve to be character who is like :D but is then like D:< together.
thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
hair so pretty eyes so pretty. kinda weird colors
A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
dreamin chuchu always makes me think of her i cannot explain why
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
this is totally not fair you can’t just write something and stick it in my mind for the rest of the week and just leave it unfinished!!!!!!!! my sear i am already on my knee for you just to beg you to finish “ professor wanda “ please please continue please , it’s just amazing like so amazing i love it so much , and i hope really from the deep spot in my heart that this is not the last fic about professor wanda and a student reader , i hope there is more of it and if you want some ideas i will help with pleasure , i love your fic and writing its the best thing in my day ya know , even if i was the last or the only one who read your fic please keep making them , just dont stop you are already one of my favorite authors so..
i love you and i really hope you have a good time and great day and may god blees you and keep you safe and warm my darling 💙❤️💙
Hello anon! 😊
Ah i see.. this is about the prof Wanda fic.. i thought it was my billionaire Nat fic.😅
Thank you so much for this ask.
Don't worry my dear anon, the fic isn't unfinished. I already have the plot planned for the whole story, in fact I started writing pt. 3. It's just that my writing has been slow because I have a lot going on right now, plus having ear pain and sinus headache problem really bothers me when I think, let alone the blurry vision from it. 😅 but I'm trying my best to finish all the draft, series, one shots and requests I have.
Oh you have some ideas? You can tell me whats on your mind, if it fits with the plot i'm planning, i will squeeze it in but of course i will let u know first. (You might need to pick what anon r u so I can mention it in my post for credit or to summon u so we can talk about it..😅)
Or if you have idea or request just let me know. If I'm comfortable with it, I will gladly write it.
Also, thank you thank you so much for your lovely words and comments about my writing.. it really help me feel better. I was a little down today n I even kinda think to take a break from writing or quit writing but you made my day n one of the reason for me to not give up on writing. I appreciate u. Thank you. 🥺
P.S: you just called me with my favorite petname, n i love it! Haha 😁
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tera-91 · 6 months
Rant. Word Salad.
Its been quite a while since I wrote anything that is not related to my youtube channel videos. Honestly, I don’t know what to write. Im not sure if its writers block or what.
 Also I kind of have gotten out of the sanders side fandom. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the boys but I haven’t been into it like I use to. Until writing this I didn’t even know that there had been a sanders sides video released around the winter holidays. I haven’t been reading stories like I use to. Before I would spend hours upon hours between tumblr and various fiction sites reading a variety of ships.
Now I just watch videos or record and edit my own videos. I did make that account on AO3 I had talked about before, the user name is Tera-91 on there also, but I have never posted on it. Which will hopefully change this year. I just for some reason don’t want to do hardly anything.
I will come home from my job, take care of my plants and animals but then go straight to bed. If I didn’t live with anyone or any animals I feel like I would spend my days off just literally laying in bed and binge watch tv shows or youtube videos.
I feel as if I can only write in one specific spot in my house. If I try in another room I just don’t get hardly anything done which is really weird and I don’t get why.
I know we are already at/past Easter so this isn’t really like a “new years resolution” but I want to start doing more of what I want to do, writing being one of them.
Maybe Ill post more, maybe not. I haven’t decided if I wanted to post anything and everything. Or if I just want to limit it to stories. Short ones, long ones. Just anything that I write from any kind of series or original work. To filter or not filter, maybe just put warnings up if there is any profanity or I should just completely sensor the words like I have before. Which warning there will be profanity in this post shortly. I feel like I wrote just a ton of sanders sides and not much else so I don’t know if anyone who follows would be interested in stories that are not sanders sides.
Oh well. Sorry to kind of word salad my way through this post. Im hoping this will kick-start my brain into writing again. Being more active in the things that I use to like and enjoy, I still do enjoy them I just dont fell like I have the time to do them or if I have the time I just dont have the motivation. Its like I will only get the motivation when my hands are figuratively tied and I cant get to my computer or use my phone, or at least long enough to work on a draft. I am determined to do something productive with my time instead of just laying in my bed and watching youtube videos or streaming platforms.
I recently went to a Fall Out Boy concert with my sibling and Pete said something that hit me hard. I wish I recorded the whole thing so that I could play it on a loop. Im probably paraphrasing it at this point but the thing that Pete said, it rings in my ears now even weeks later, was it’s the shit you make that’s important.
I want to do that. Make important shit. Or at least what is important to me. Stuff that is creative, that helps people in some way or another. And I want that to start being a priority to me here and now.
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soulsmashers · 10 months
About your post maybe people unfollowed not because of intimidation not everyone will like the muses i dont see the big deal but I’ll agree on the opens people often reply or disappear and ignore the next
i really didn't think it was so deep that someone would send me an anon about it but i guess here we are loool i just feel the need to clarify on a few things though
1, i really don't think it's a big deal nor do i really care if people like the muses or not. at the end of the day, i'm here to write for my own creative freedom so whether people 'like' the muses is really out of my reach and not at all a concern for me. the issue i have with this is mainly 2 things – for every open i post, i actually have the muses' biography linked in the source. in addition to that, my pinned post at the very top of my blog has a link to not only my guidelines, but a mobile muses page linking to all my muses' biographies. this means that you can literally read about the muse and my guidelines before replying to an open at all. before drafting anything, i actually copy and paste the other persons reply on google docs before typing my own reply... you can imagine how annoying it is doing this, typing a reply, just to go to my activity bar to draft it and paste my reply, only to see that the reply is no longer there. this would not annoy me as much if i didn't have guidelines available and my muses' biographies were not present, but they are there, clear as day... i am literally linking the biography for the muse on the source link to my open. more than anything, i made a post about it because it's annoying and a waste of my time. this is showing me that you replied, but didn't bother to read about the muse or my guidelines. this indicates that after you replied, you most likely decided to look at either the biography, my guidelines, or both, didn't like something you read, and went to delete the reply and unfollow, which again... not only a waste of my time, but a waste of the other persons' time as well. i think guidelines and biographies ( if you write muses' biographies on your indie, i know some people don't ) are there for a reason. i don't know about you, but before i reply to any open in the tag at all, i make sure to do 2 things
1, read their guidelines and check to see if they have any banned fcs
2, check to see if they have a biography or basic information about the muse they posted an open starter with
after i've done this is when i conclude whether i will reply to their open or not, but one thing i am not gonna do is impulsively follow someone, reply to their open, then check these two things, see something i don't like, then delete my reply and unfollow this person. i'd rather not waste their time, and my own in the process. this is all i really have to say in regards to this tbh
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snowflakesnsundry · 1 year
So today I came across an author who has been deeply hurt by people here and after reading the ‏aftermath and the author's response I feel like I really had to send a message.
Your writing has been a gift for me, and I really hope you know that people appreciate and love your hard work. I'm one of those people - and I'm taken by the way you write a world that feels so natural and magical to me. The time, effort, and feelings you put in Until Dust is incredible to me. According to AO3, I've visited this fanfic a 112 times - and I've only made an official account 2 months ago.
While I wish I could be one of those readers who leave a comment at each new chapter - I seemed not to be able to do that (perhaps from the same reason I keep sending anon asks or maybe something else), but I want you to know I'm so thankful for you, think you are amazing, and truly only wishing you the best❤
P.s. just as I was writing this ask I got a notification of a new update! I'm going to snuggle under my blankets and read what I'm sure is another great chapter😍❤
<3 <3 <3 I hope whoever that author was is allright. I have no idea what happened, but I know that conflict in a fandom space can be so hard to deal with. We all engage with these because they are something that we connect with and love. Anything that taints that can be heartbreaking. That said, I have been incredibly fortunate- I've entered this space and been greeted by nothing but kindness and support; and that support takes so many forms- and I want to make sure you know I treasure them all.
Some people comment on AO3 and feel confident doing so- others dont, and show their love with a kudos, or by sharing it with a friend. Some people I have grown to talk with regularly and share with me their theories about what is to come. Some people are content to just follow me here on tumblr, or to like the new posts when they come out, and all of those little things add up to so, SO much.
Even just the hit count on the fic is something that floors me. Like -and im sorry for this dumb math- every once and a while I look at the hit count and realize that, if i assume each hit is a person coming back for each new chapter, a minimum of 380 people have put their eyes on my fic. A part of me doesnt care if they finished, or if they intend to later, because they at least saw something in the description that made them willing to give it a try.
I am so thankful for all of you, and for all of the love and patience you have shown. It's getting strange to know we are rapidly aproaching the final act, and I will finally be able to share some of the things I have been planning from the very start. I think i am on draft 8 of the final chapter.
so, long and rambly way to say thank you. Thank you for your kindness, your support, and your outreach-regardless of what form it takes. <3
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