#forgot how much i like drawing glenn and him...
risetherivermoon · 1 month
heard this clip again on my 3rd relisten and ended up drawing it bc im insane abt nick & glenn lol
put way too much effort into that detailed nick frame lol
--- still frames + transcript excerpt beneath the cut ---
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finnfhone · 1 year
It is sooooo long like. So long
-god they're all so dumb
-terry Jr has a gun . Watch out
-glenn close 🤝 taylor Swift
-Heart of gold and a pirate smile (chip coded... oops wrong podcast)
-Lincoln wears contacts??? Huh wha???
-oh God oh ew OH GOD OH EW
-so many last names why I love it
-Preteen drinking NORMAL 👀
-rip normal the first time he saw the doodler was the cambucha
-terry marlowe--- oh yeah terry marlowe
-take my money Anthony
-its startinggg
-go on without me" LINCOOOLN
-roll off battle music rn
-NAT20 waaargh
-'a cool part of the narrative bullet' how silly.
-lot of B Words. They already went to hell it's fine
-jfc I missed them
-dude holy fucking shit dungeons and dragons beyond
-🙂 im normal
-OH SHIT WHAT what what what
-"my boys... and Terry"
-is terry jr going to die cuz if so I will cry so much I'll dry up like a raisin
-3 nat 20s, 17min in
-dude why is Terry doing this :0
-Hermie is going to... sulk--- SKDHDBEN
-"stop using guns to solve things" lookin at you us government
-one. Single yellow flower. SOMEONE DRAW THIS OR I WILL
-oH great hEAvens
-HE is making me.. who tf is he
-haha I don't get these references
-dude this podcast is so real . Appreciate
-oh Terry doesn't have a stepdad.. but scary does
-terry jr discovered polyamory
-ad break... grab a snack...
-Normal is Not Strong
-Terry opens the pickle jars <3
-Terry and Scary both love astronomy cuz I said so
-oh no terry sad face ☹️
-oakworthy real
-oh lord the black parade be coming
-i forgot they were wearing red bull suits
-mmm pizza cutters? Why is this a theme
-whoever divorced first is a loser! Ready, fight!
-theyre literally in sync im screaming
-oh shit they want Scary but she's not home rn
-Taylor is a genius (lying?)
-hes depressed so it'll work (I'm crying)
-"but they'll climb up again!" I love you Linc <3
-Terry is not good at this... run bitch ruuun
-is Hermie gonna be a scamster again?
-oh shit they failed
-kersploosh !!
-"hey boys" the silly silly little guy
-its not up to Anthony! (lying?)
-Taylor is a loser I love him so much
-just had a ship idea that would never work. Swiftligoth
-ooo poem
-⚠️scary sadness alert (may cry)⚠️
-oh nosies tERry Jr ;;(
-hip hip! Aw. Hip hip! Aw.
-oh gosh what is Terry doing
-dont do this to us man dont you fucking dare
-OH. NO. NO. NO. NO.
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ren-c-leyn · 2 years
The Shackles of Time chapter 20 - The Stormy Road Ahead part 3
20 CHAPTERS!!! It's so hard to believe the series has come so far. I know I say it all the time, but it still blows my mind lol.
Continuing on with the main trio's second quest. We're touching on why Merle hates the Howling Ice Guild so much, what kind of revenge she's looking for on them, and are quickly approaching the namesake of this story arc.
This chapter ended up being just shy of 1,700 words long.
As far as trigger warnings go there's a sort of implied death, but there's no details of how it happened.
Edit: Just realized I forgot to add the link back to the masterlist. So sorry folks, it’s right here.
And with that, happy reading~!
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Merle felt consciousness's fangs sinking into her. That slow, cold realization that she was beginning to wake weighed on her. No. No that wasn't the weight she was feeling. There was a physical weight on her chest, sharp points digging into her ribs.
She bolted upright, fist catching nothing but empty air. The weight tumbled unceremoniously into her lap, grumbling indignantly. It sounded vaguely familiar.... Slowly, her head tilted down, pale blue eyes blinking sleepily, to inspect the shifting mass.
A far more familiar set of golden eyes glared up at her, scaled tail swishing stiffly back and forth. His entire face was curled, like someone had offered him soured milk. While she couldn't hear Cherrenth's thoughts the way Arlen apparently could, she still had a pretty good idea of what the cat-dragon was thinking.
"Well maybe," she yawned, rubbing her eyes, "you shouldn't wake people up by walking on them... if you don't like the sudden starts."
He snorted in answer, flipping his tail up before marching around the campfire to where Arlen was shaking with suppressed laughter. Beside him, Night stared impassively, watching the scene in silence. Elduin wasn't nearly as sympathetic to Cherrenth's plight, breaking out into a light, airy laugh as he looked on with delight and open amusement.
"This is a fun group, I'm glad you're the ones who answered my request. Nothing makes long journeys fly quite like lively company."
"We're the liveliest," Zephyr replied with a grin.
"The guild in general or us specifically?" Glenn asked.
"Both, of course," Zephyr answered as he flipped his braid back over his shoulder.
"Hm... I don't know about that, Zeph, there's lots of lively teams in the guild. We may only be second or third place. Maybe even fourth now that these three are around."
"Outrageous! I will not be out livelied. Darling, we're going to have to step up our game. Really paint this entire world blue. Draw deep from Trouble's well for inspiration."
Glenn threw his head back laughing.
"Sure, we'll do that, but don't blame me when Wyndulin gives us that scary, disapproving stare."
"Sounds like a normal day to me."
A round of laughter rose up around the campfire as Merle finally crawled out of her bedroll and donned her armor. It was earlier in the morning than her stiff joints suggested. She was getting used to sleeping in a bed again, she supposed. The guild was spoiling her. Her body wasn't used to the tree roots and rocks jabbing her in the back or the chill of the forest floor seeping into her bones anymore.
A warm breakfast helped sooth over some of the night's roughness, and before long she was back into the spirit of adventure. She helped the merchants get the horses and mules hooked back up to the wagons and the camp cleared up.
The road stretched out before them. The further they got from the farms, the more wild the land alongside the road got. Strange, they were not so far from civilization's grasp and yet the forest looked untouched. Wild, feral even. The tree grew thick, their branches almost weaving together, linking them with their neighbors. Though, she noticed many of them seemed broken. Perhaps winds or animals? The undergrowth was thick and untamed as well. Gnarled, full of thorns and determination; it seemed to be fighting savagely for every spec of sunlight it could seize from the trees.
Yes, feral felt like the right word for this place. It felt familiar. Like the snow-capped forest that surrounded the Howling Ice Guild's hall.
Her thoughts turned around that thought for a moment and Merle felt her heart grow icy and hard. The memories flashed through her mind. It was almost funny, how a place she had barely spent time in could be burned so vividly into her mind. She could see the steel gate, surrounded and covered in dozens of shields in a rainbow of faded colors, each with their former bearer's clan and family symbols proudly on display. She could still hear the snapping of the banners in a cold tundra wind and the roar of cheers echoing out from the massive stone building. She could almost see the building glinting in the gray morning light, bringing out the dozens of carvings and statues of snarling wolves.
She almost felt her mentor's large hand settle on her shoulder again, could almost feel them standing behind her and staring at the gate in apprehension. Almost.
What she would have given to make the almost disappear, to have them here again. No one could do that, though. No one could truly master time, not even the legendary Time Keeper. No one could could go back to before she had walked into that den of wolves and they tore her mentor away from her.
So, she decided to move forward. To avenge the wrongs of the past with the deeds of the future, to keep her mentor's memory alive by carving their name into her legacy. And she'd forever shame the Howling Ice Guild by carving their sins into it as well. That would be her revenge. Not bloody and never final. It would outlive them all. That was what she wanted, what she wanted more than anything. To put a stain on their memories that would bleed through the retellings of their tales. To shame each and every one of them until time itself failed.
The chill of the past gave way to a warm breeze caressing her cheek in the present, carrying with it the thick scent of wildflowers and rain. All at once, it felt like the ice around her heart was melting. The flowers of these warmer lands always seemed to have that effect on her. Something about their sweet fragrances and bright colors made it feel like winter would never come again. It was nice.
Merle took a deep breath, grounding herself in the moment. Arlen and Elduin had been talking for awhile. Somewhere behind her she could hear Glenn and Zephyr laughing with their driver. She looked back past the cargo and saw Sig eyeing the back of their wagon with a cautious and confused expression that made her laugh. Night was up to her usual tricks, it seemed. Her smile faded, but lingered on the very corners of her lips as the past reared it's head in her mind again. She lightly brushed the scar from where her lip had been split with a gloved hand.
It was funny. When she had set out, she had done so with a grim determination and a raging fire lit in her soul. Revenge. It was such a heavy thing to carry around. A grave weight that felt like it hung from her neck at all times. The longer she chased after it, though, the more things she found to lighten the load. The beauty of the warmer lands, the people she met along the way, all of the things and places she had experienced, and then The Dawn Isle Guild. Now that she was here, now that she was in a guild of honor, the weight of revenge had almost slipped away. It had almost been completely replaced with an older wish. A little girl's craving for adventure, to see all of the strange and wonderful places in the world and conquer it's challenges.
It was a good thing the two wishes went hand in hand. Merle didn't know which one she'd choose if she could only have one. It would be like picking between the mentor whom she had admired and strove to be like since she was a small child and the new, if a bit odd, friends she treasured now. How would one make such a choice? How could one make that choice?
She didn't know, and she was grateful she wouldn't have to know.
Merle shifted her weight, turning her gaze back to the road before them. The scent of rain was getting thicker, and somewhere up ahead she could hear a faint rumble of thunder.
"It seems we're in for a storm," Elduin commented almost idly.
""Should we wait it out?" Arlen asked.
"While I don't like the thought of weathering a storm on the road, there isn't exactly a place to pull aside. The trees will be a hazard regardless of if we stay or keep going, and we're too far into the forest to turn back now."
"So we have no choice but to continue."
"Afraid so," he replied. "The faster we can get out of here the better. This is an, unfortunately, appealing place for monsters and bandits to set up thanks to the undergrowth and thick trees. Add storms and low visibility to the mix and we're standing at the edge of Trouble's well."
"Monsters of all kinds love a good ambush," Arlen half-joked.
Elduin laughed, though it lacked much of the usual cheer Merle had come to expect from him.
"They certainly do, but I'm not terribly fond of being ambushed myself."
"Nor I, but there's no need to worry. We have a bandit bashing expert right behind us," Arlen gestured to Merle with an elegant motion.
"And a pair of madmen in the rear wagon," she joked, leaning forward with a conspiratorial grin.
Arlen's smile grew to a matching grin, starting to gain some genuine humor to it.
"To say nothing of the embodiment of Death in the middle wagon."
"Not even the Gods themselves would be brave or dumb enough to attack us with her around," Merle agreed with a nod, trying to channel Zephyr's over the top confidence the best she could.
Elduin laughed, starting to sound more like himself.
"True, quite true. It seems I hired the perfect people for the job."
They laughed with him and thunder punctuated the humor with sharp growls and rumblings. Lightening flashed up ahead, illumination the darkening shapes of the trees on the horizon. The warm wind grew in strength and the thick must of rain began to overpower the soft scent of flowers.
This would be a long second day, Merle realized. A very long second day.
Taglist, feel free to ask to be added/removed at any time -  @talesfromaurea @catinthesun2 @helathorloki @dragon-swords-prophecies @thelaughingstag
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cherryyharryy · 3 years
this request went above the character limit so basically the one with 🌸 is the continuation.. my request is basically an angst to fluff where y/n and harry are together the fans know it’s not confirmed but everyone knows they’re together and she’s been getting lots of hate recently and she’s frustrated and upset harry won’t defend her and she’s pestering him why in a fight and he says something along the lines of “ i don’t want people to know i’m with you” meaning he’s scared if he confirms...
don’t from the one ending in confirms .. he’s basically scared if he confirms y/n is his gf the hate will get worse but she takes it to mean he’s embarrassed by her and essentially gives him an ultimatum kinda ( idk a better word than that) of either he sticks up for her and tells them to stop hating on her or she’s breaking up with him bc she can’t be with someone who can’t bother defending her
Thank you! I liked this idea, but I still feel like I suck at fluff lol. But I hope it’s okay
WC: 1.4K
The starchy scent of cigarettes replaces the bite of pasta you slip into your mouth. You choke down the food and subtly cover your nose, although it does no good.
“Okay?” Harry squints across the table, the spring air catching on a few curls laced together across his forehead.
You nod, but roll your eyes, angling your head to the man sitting not far enough, with a coffee and ultra lights. His face is hidden by a newspaper when you turn to catch a look, smoke escaping from behind. “I can taste it.”
“Yeah that’s kinda rude.”
You wait a moment before speaking. “Yes. It is.”
When you look again, a plump, hairy arm extends across the table to dig the bud into a tea plate. You let your irritation slip away and continue eating, only to double up on your anger when you hear the flick of a lighter once again.
“I’m gonna ask him to stop.”
“Wait.” Harry catches your hand before you stand up. “We can just go inside.”
“What? No, we shouldn’t have to move because he’s being inconsiderate.”
“We’re outside, love, not much anyone can tell him.”
“I can tell him to stop being an ass.” You push away from the table, but Harry grabs your wrist. 
“Baby, please, just let it go. Don’t start a scene.”
“A scene?” You settle back into your chair. “Are you kidding?”
You suck in a breath, regretfully, as it’s filled with smoke. “Do you have any idea how many times you’ve said something like that to me in the past month?”
“I just don’t want you to draw unwanted attention to yourself.” He shrugs and sips his coffee. The tips of his ears are red, he’s clearly uncomfortable, but you’re in no mood to let him off. “Don’t want you to have to deal with it.”
“Is that so?”
He nods, unsure if answering you is what you even want.
“I’ve had to deal with a lot of shit,” you lower your voice and lean over the table, “and no one even knows for sure that we’re dating.”
“Shhhh.” You see his brows dip down below his sunglasses, frowning behind the tinted frames. 
“Oh I’m sorry. Forgot how to act for a minute. Y’know, maybe you should write up a list of rules you want me to follow so I know how to behave.” 
You don’t wait for a reply, successfully leaving the table this time as you march off the patio and towards Harry’s car parked down the block. In an alley. Where the two of you waited until foot traffic died down before going to lunch thirty minutes ago. 
The door’s locked so you lean against it, shuffling your feet so you’re not in the sun, or in sight of any passersby. 
The car beeps before you see Harry round the corner. His head is down until you’re both inside, turning the air on and pulling out onto the street without a word. Until he can’t take it anymore.
“Listen, I know I make things harder, but it’s only for security.”
“Security of what exactly?”
“I’m not sure what security you’re referring to, because I’ve gotten more death threats in the past two weeks than I would have liked.” You roll your head to look at him, but he doesn’t take his eyes off the road. 
“Know that.” He grips the wheel and exhales through clenched teeth. “But it could be worse.”
“I doubt that.” You pull up instagram and scroll through some of the latest comments you’ve gotten, looking for one in particular. Clearing your throat, you recite the message. “I don’t know why you bother with him. It’s sad, how clingy you are and obviously using him. How does it feel to have a dollar sign as a boyfriend? Pathetic. Use that car he gave you to do something useful and run yourself over.”
“Baby, please stop—”
“No, Harry, you have no idea what kind of fucked up things are sent to me. And we haven’t even confirmed anything!”
“I do know! You think I haven’t gotten shitty messages? Like I haven’t been through all this before?”
“Then what’s the point! Why even bother hiding our relationship if none of this goes away? It really hurts when you don’t at least stick up for me when someone makes a snarky comment when we’re in public. Girlfriend or not, I’m a human being, and you just let everything slide so we don’t cause a damn scene.”
“I do too stick up for you!”
“No you don’t! You just suggest we leave. One time you walked away and left me in the middle of a store.”
“I just don’t want people to know we’re together!”
Not another word, not another sound until the gate to Harry’s private property screeches open and he pulls up to his house. You’re out of the car before it’s even parked, storming inside with no plan other than to get away from him before you say something you’ll regret.
He calls after you, your name echoing through his huge house, as you make your way up a set of stairs and into a guest room. You slam the door and fling yourself onto the bed, finally letting the tears fall.
He knocks at the door but doesn't wait for your answer, barging in with one last cry of your name. He deflates upon seeing you, crumbles upon hearing your sobs. “Baby.” His hand settles between your shoulder blades as he leans down to brush your hair from your face. “I didn’t mean it like that. Not like it sounds.”
“What the hell could you have meant?” Your words are choppy and tight, catching in your throat before you force them out. “If you’re not gonna defend me, then I can’t have this. Us. I’m not gonna be with someone who cares more about protecting the feelings of complete strangers than his own girlfriend.”
“I do care about you—”
“Like hell you do. That’s why you buy me all kinds of stuff. Make me over so I’m presentable. If you’re that embarrassed to be with me, why would you even ask me out?” A sob takes over. Harry tries rubbing your back, but you shake him off. 
“What—embarrassed? The last thing I am is embarrassed. I’m proud to be with you. I love you, and I only buy you stuff because I can afford to do so.” You turn to face him, your vision blurred with tears. “Then why can’t you stick up for me? I’m not asking you to fight with everyone who leaves a negative comment, but something, Harry. I need someone who’s on my team.”
His voice stutters. Similar words he’s used before, referring to the two of you as a team, strike a nerve. He blinks away a few tears of his own. “You’re right. I’m so sorry, baby. I’m sorry I’ve been letting you down.”
You shuffle up on your knees, encouraging him to join you on the bed, and in a hug. “You’ve never let me down. We just haven’t been on the same page with all this.” You sigh, wiping away a few remaining tears. “I understand why you haven’t wanted to say anything, but I think we’re past the point of keeping us a secret.”
“Was tryin’ to hold onto that as long as I could.”
You both climb off the bed, and Harry takes your hand, pulling you into his chest. 
“We can have privacy without secrecy.”
He kisses your head. “May not be as private as you think.”
“I know…” You step back to look up at him, letting your hands slip down his arms to rest in his palms. “But it’ll take a little pressure off.”
His brows raise in thought, and he drops your hand to pull his phone from his jacket. Without a word, he scrolls through his photos until he finds one he likes, holding it up for you to see. “My favorite.”
Next thing you know, he’s posting the picture of you two from a few weeks ago—when you’d gone out to dinner with Jeff and Glenne, all dressed up with less than sober smiles on your faces—to Instagram.
“It feels weird now,” you mumble.
“Don’t tell me you change your mind?” Harry chuckles.
“No, no—I’m happy. Proud to call you mine.”
“Never gonna let you feel like I don’t have your back,” he leans down to kiss your nose, “ever. Promise.” 
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dannydevitosheight · 2 years
Consolidating more racing thoughts into one post instead of making 50 more:
I need to mention that Charlie is a fragile precious darling baby boy and I need to protect him at ALL costs.
But also I DO feel bad for Frank 😭 it's like he wants to be a father so badly but doesn't know how to be a good father so he thinks he just needs to be absurd and funny but it isn't sustainable
I just have so many thoughts and feelings about this Ireland arc I mean...wow...they are really setting the stage for the next 3 seasons huh..I can't wait. I am genuinely enjoying this so much this show is such a huge comfort to me 😭 no offence but I'm going to kindly ignore all the criticisms; I'm not sure how last week was since I missed the live premiere but I saw an article abt the roller rink being the WORST episode of the entire series?? 😭 I have my own thoughts about that but I'm just here to Enjoy this series and be extremely delusional about how gay it is 😌
hoping this reignites my will to DRAW again I am SO long overdue for drawing MacDennis porn 😭 drew tons of it for Eruri and then I have a brand new ship right at the same time as a brand new job that takes ALL my free time 😭 Rip me 💔 at least sunny is a huge comfort to watch man I really love this show I'm so excited to see them return to these dynamics that made it so good to begin with<3 idc about retcons I'm just loving s15 so much I can't say it enough
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crossbowking · 4 years
Space Between Us
Summary: (Set at the beginning of Alexandria) After the reader has one too many drinks, she finds herself being taken care of by the archer.
Request: “I’m here if you need anything, okay?” @anonymous 
A/N: I’m so sorry this one has taken so long for me to finish! With all of the shit going on in the world, it’s been a crazy couple of weeks. I hope everyone out there is staying safe during this time!
Also, I’m so sad about the season 10 finale getting pushed back because of this virus. 
Hopefully, this story can bring y’all a little joy during this time.
xx crossbowking
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It wasn’t until after you’d finished your fourth glass of wine that you realized you should’ve stopped at your third.
You hadn’t been able to help yourself though — you’d just gotten caught up in the moment, the normalcy, of what was going on around you.
Alexandria was like nothing you’d ever seen before. You hadn’t thought places like this could even exist in the new world you lived in. Yet, here it stood — with steel walls and fortified gates, with watchtowers and armories. There were children of all ages, running around as if there weren’t flesh-eating hoards of the dead roaming outside. There was enough food and water for all, enough medical supplies to stock up a small infirmary. There was even a beautiful garden, for fuck’s sake.
The people within the community had no clue — no concept — of just how bad things had gotten outside their walls.
And just how good they had it inside of them.
When Deanna had first invited your group into her home, to partake in some sort of makeshift ‘welcome to the neighborhood’ party, you’d been hesitant. After everything you’d seen, after everything you’d been through the past few months — the Governor, the Claimers, Terminus — the last thing you’d wanted to do was dress up and play pretend, as if the world hadn’t completely gone to shit.
Still, it was important that you try, that your entire group try — to fit in, to mingle, to get a feel of what exactly you were about to get yourselves into.
And even more so, it was important that you scoped out the people of Alexandria. Your group didn’t trust easy — and for good reason.
You had a little more faith than Rick and the rest of the group. Faith that there were still good people out there and maybe, just maybe, you’d found some here.
Although that could’ve been the wine talking.
A hand suddenly appeared in front of your face, waving back and forth. “Hello? Earth to Y/N,” Maggie teased from beside you, drawing you back from your dazed thoughts.
You glanced down at her sheepishly, swaying slightly from where you sat, perched on the arm of the couch. “Hm?” you hummed faintly, a lazy smile creeping across your face.
Maggie laughed aloud, her features softening for the first time in what seemed like forever as she turned to whisper something to Glenn, who sat beside her.
“Hey, hey, hey, what’re you two love birds whisperin’ ‘bout over there?” you protested with a pout, leaning over in an attempt to eavesdrop — but you suddenly found yourself tipping over, your balance having disappeared right around that second glass of wine, and landed in a clumsy pile beside Maggie.
The pair dissolved into a fit of laughter as you struggled to upright yourself, finding an unexpected giggle slip through your own lips as you gave up with a huff, your face pressed against the back cushion of the couch. “Help?” you asked pathetically, words muffled against the fabric.
Maggie stifled another laugh as she grabbed your hand, pulling you up into a seated position. Glenn shared an elusive look with Maggie, the two seemingly having a silent conversation, before he stood suddenly, extending his hand towards you. “Alright, come on.”
You accepted his reach without question, allowing him to help you up, swaying slightly on your feet. “Ooh, where we goin’?” you mumbled as Maggie joined the two of you.
“Glenn’s gonna take ya home, alright?” Maggie assured, still looking as though she was struggling to keep a straight face.
“What!” you protested, pulling your hand from Glenn’s. “I’m fine — seriously, I’m — I’m fine,” you nodded, waving off the couple as you attempted to do your best impression of a sober person.
“Okay, Y/N,” Glenn relented, crossing his arms over his chest before he smirked at you, shooting Maggie a look you couldn’t quite interpret. “Say the alphabet backward,” he challenged.
You rolled your eyes, ignoring how the motion made your head spin. “Hey, hey, no! That’s not — that’s not supposed to be your shit! Shit, I mean shtick,” you fussed, waggling your finger. “That’s — that should be Rick’s thing, right? ‘Cause, ‘cause he is a man of the law,” you grinned, drawing out the word ‘law’ before you grabbed onto Glenn’s shoulder. “Ya feel me? Ya feel me, brother?” you gasped softly, looking around in bewilderment. “Whoa, that was weird.”
Maggie covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing directly in your face before she excused herself, spotting Rosita motioning her over from the other side of the room.
“Alright, alright, let’s go,” Glenn ushered you forward despite your weakening protests.
You groaned dramatically, earning a side-eye from a couple of Alexandria’s residents — but you simply ignored them, allowing your friend to guide you out of the living room and through the front door.
The cool night air rushed to meet your flushed skin as you inhaled sharply, shaking your head back and forth in an attempt to clear some of the haziness you felt. But the motion threw you off balance and you teetered at the edge of the porch stairs for a moment before Glenn steadied you. “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” he cautioned before helping escort you down the steps safely.
You turned to him once you reached the sidewalk, widening your bleary eyes as you grabbed onto his arm. “Hey, can I ask you somethin’?” you suddenly mumbled, staggering briefly.
Glenn’s expression became serious as he turned to face you fully, his kind eyes locking with yours. “You okay?” he asked, worry etching his features, making him seem much older than he was.
“Is — oops, shit, sorry,“ you fumbled backward for a moment, having accidentally stepped on Glenn’s foot. You stiffened, keeping yourself upright as you took a deep breath. “Is Glenn short for Glennith?”
Glenn froze for a moment as though the question hadn’t fully registered before a smile broke across his face.
“What?” you questioned, brows knitted in confusion. “Come on, what!” you pressed, suddenly unable to stop giggling as you swayed back and forth.
“This is my favorite version of you,” Glenn laughed, reaching out to steady you once more before he jerked his head to the side, making a move to leave.
You took a step forward before faltering, gasping softly. “Shoot,” you murmured under your breath. Glenn shot you a confused look, quirking a brow at the dramatics. “I forgot my jacket,” you frowned, crossing your arms over your chest as a chill racked through you.
“Oh, I got it,” Glenn offered, turning back towards the house — but not before shooting you a firm look. “You just hang out here for a second, okay?”
You nodded, giving your friend two big thumbs up.
Glenn rolled his eyes, though a smirk was still etched on his face. “I mean it,” he urged, pointing a finger at you as he hurried back up the stairway and disappeared inside the house.
You sighed contently, unsure of the last time you’d felt this good — this free. Clearly, your tolerance for alcohol wasn’t what it used to be — but in that moment, alone in the quiet, the chilled night air biting at your exposed flesh, you simply couldn’t find it in you to give a damn.
“What’re ya doin’?” came a sudden voice, breaking the stillness.
You startled, spinning around on your heels towards where the sound came from. But you misstepped, one foot slipping off the sidewalk and onto the road, pitching you forward. Though you managed to stay standing, you straightened too quickly, suddenly losing your balance completely and tumbling down hard onto your right side. “Oof!” you huffed as your body slammed against the pavement, the skin on your right palm tearing as you attempted to catch yourself before your face hit the ground. “Yep, that’s gonna leave a mark,” you groaned through clenched teeth as you rolled onto your back, throwing one arm across your eyes.
You were vaguely aware of footsteps approaching, boots scuffing against asphalt before halting in front of you. “The hell’s wrong with ya?” came that same gruff voice from before, though closer this time.
You lifted your arm slightly, peeking up at the archer now standing above you before you covered your eyes once more. “I fell,” you exhaled defeatedly.
Daryl grunted softly. “I saw.”
You sighed once more, pushing up onto your elbows, locking eyes with the archer. “What can I say? I’m an athlete,” you shrugged sarcastically, waving one hand around as though you were royalty.
“Mhm,” Daryl murmured, nodding along — though you could’ve sworn you saw the hint of a smile toying at his lips before he reached his hand down towards you.
The sober version of yourself would’ve been mortified — but this version, this version couldn’t care less.
You took the archer’s hand, allowing him to pull you to your feet, swaying briefly until you found your balance. You huffed, blowing a misplaced strand of hair out of your face before your eyes settled on Daryl’s, noticing that he’d already been watching you. “Hi,” you smiled sweetly, wondering if you should be concerned that you could no longer feel your face.
Daryl scoffed lightly, unwinding his hand from yours, shoving it deep into the pocket of his jeans before his expression became serious. “Ya shouldn’t be out here alone, ya know,” he rumbled, surveying the surrounding area with guarded eyes. “Ain’t safe.”
You pursed your lips, looking up and down the darkened street before pointing towards the massive walls surrounding the community. “That’s why — that’s why they built these big ass walls, Dixon,” you shot back, tapping your finger to your temple. “Keeps the outside — the outside, uh, outside, you know?”
Daryl grunted. “Ain’t the outside we oughta be worried ‘bout,” he muttered under his breath before pausing, giving you a brief once over as if he was really looking at you for the first time. Then he slowly leaned forward, narrowed eyes boring into yours and you found yourself subconsciously holding your breath under his scrutinizing stare.
“What?” you asked, somewhat self consciously, ignoring the heat suddenly rushing to your cheeks.
“How much have ya had?” he questioned blankly.
“What —“
“Ta’ drink, Y/N,” he demanded, growing irritated for reasons unbeknownst to you.
“Oh,” you frowned, crossing your arms over your chest defensively. “What’s it matter?”
Daryl opened his mouth to respond, but the sound of a door closing drew your attention away.
You spun around, wavering slightly, your nerves still buzzing from the moment previous as you watched Glenn hurry down the steps, your jacket in hand. “Glenn!” you exclaimed, throwing your hands up into the air.
But Glenn didn’t seem fazed — instead, his expression looked tenser than it had before. He spotted Daryl behind you and nodded an acknowledgment as he approached. “Hey,” he breathed, slightly out of breath, glancing over his shoulder back up at Deanna’s house. “Here,” he murmured, handing over your jacket, peeking up at the house once more.
“What’s goin’ on?” Daryl questioned immediately, stepping up onto the sidewalk beside you.
You glanced over at the archer, his normally unreadable features back in place — but he clearly knew something was going on that you hadn’t noticed.
“No, nothing — just —“ Glenn sighed, rubbing one eye with the heel of his hand. “Sasha. She’s — she’s kind of having a tough time in there.”
Then as if on cue, Sasha came barreling through the front door, rushing down the stairs as though someone was after her. She spared the three of you a quick, flustered glance before she pushed past Glenn’s outstretched hand and stormed down the sidewalk, away from everyone else.
Glenn exhaled heavily, looking back at you and Daryl somberly. “Like I said, she’s having a tough time,” he murmured, rubbing a hand through his hair as he shifted, looking torn all of the sudden.
“Go,” Daryl suddenly rumbled.
Glenn glanced at you before looking at Daryl. “But —“
“M’ goin’ back ta’ the house anyways,” the archer interrupted. “I got her.”
You were about to ask who this ‘her’ was that they were talking about — but then Glenn was jogging off in the direction Sasha has just gone and Daryl was nudging you in the opposite direction.
“Wha — oh, alrighty then,” you stumbled forward slightly, feeling Daryl grab onto your elbow to keep you upright.
The longer you walked, the more your buzz began to wear off, the crisp night air having an efficient way of sharpening your senses. Neither you or the archer spoke, walking side by side in silence — you didn’t mind, though. You’d always felt oddly comfortable around him.
When you’d first joined the group back at Atlanta, everyone had warned you of the archer. They’d said he was hotheaded and aggressive, hostile and impulsive — especially living under the shadow of his older brother. But you’d never thought any of that — honestly, when you’d looked at him back then, you’d just thought he seemed scared.
And rightfully so if you had anything to say about it.
You sighed aloud, hugging the jacket you still held close to your chest. The house your group shared came into view — you’d only been at Alexandria for a couple of days and it seemed like no one was quite comfortable enough to move into their own spaces yet. You didn’t care — you preferred to be in close proximity to your family — it was the only way to keep everyone safe.
Daryl was so silent, you almost forgot he was beside you. Not even his footsteps made a sound — that was probably why he made such a good hunter, you thought to yourself. But you didn’t have to look at him to know he was deep in his thoughts, his mind constantly on edge, reliving the brutal past and anxiously waiting for the next bad thing to occur.
You nudged him gently. “Hey,” you murmured, your hazy eyes locking with his troubled ones. “We’re gonna be okay,” you whispered softly.
Daryl huffed, approaching the front steps of the house. “I jus’ don’t trust ‘em, is all,” he finally grumbled.
“You? Not trusting people? You’re kidding!” you teased, feigning surprise as you stepped up onto the stairs.
Karma came at you full force then — you realized too little too late that you’d misjudged your growing sobriety. Almost immediately, your foot slipped out from under you, causing you to topple forward, the steps rushing up to meet your face. But before you could fully face plant, you felt Daryl grab onto one of your flailing arms, stopping your fall just in time. “Shit,” you breathed, craning your neck to look at the archer. “I guess I deserved that one for sassing you,” you groaned, using your free hand to push yourself up.
You hissed suddenly, pain spreading through the palm of your right hand as you straightened — you’d forgotten all about your little tumble outside of Deanna’s. But before you could get a good look at your palm, Daryl’s hand snaked around your wrist, bring your arm closer to his face. He inspected your hand by the light streaming from the front porch, his expression neutral. “C’mon,” he mumbled, releasing his hold on you, nudging you up the stairs.
You cradled your hand to your chest, the pain sharper now that you were sobering up. But above anything else, you simply felt embarrassed. For drinking too much, for making an ass out of yourself — especially in front of him.
Your head hung low as you carefully maneuvered up the stairs and followed the archer inside. You spared the back of his head one last look before sighing, turning towards the stairs that led to the second floor, determined to stow yourself away in pure mortification.
“Where’re ya goin’?” Daryl’s voice cut through the silence.
You faltered, one foot already on the first step. “Oh —“
“C’mere,” he stated simply, waving you forward as he made his way into the kitchen — it wasn’t a request, you realized a moment later.
Your brows knitted in confusion as you set your jacket down on the railing, following the archer into the next room. You stood awkwardly in the doorway, watching Daryl stomp around the kitchen in a whirlwind, opening and closing cabinets, clearly searching for something. He glanced at you from over his shoulder. “Sit.”
His tone of voice made you feel like a child — but still, you did as he told, sliding down into one of the chairs around the dining table. You propped your head up with your left hand, uncurling the fingers on your right hand to examine the cut.
It wasn’t as bad as you’d thought — there were a couple of scrapes, some deeper than others, and little dark specks inside of the torn skin, most likely rocks or small pieces of gravel.
A soft clink drew your attention and you noticed the archer now standing beside you, a glass of water now placed on the table. “Drink,” he grunted before turning without another word.
You watched his retreating form, your eyes narrowing as he began searching the cabinets once more. “Have you always been this bossy or am I just realizing it now?” you challenged, quirking a brow. Daryl didn’t turn around but you heard a soft grunt which you chose to interpret as a ‘yes’.
You rolled your eyes, but grabbed the glass of water nonetheless, nearly chugging the entire contents in one gulp — you hadn’t even realized you’d been that thirsty. Daryl continued to move about the kitchen, clearly on some kind of mission, searching for something he was having trouble locating. But you were content to sit and simply watch him exist — you’d always found him as somebody you had a hard time not noticing.
You took another long swig of water as the archer reappeared at the table, holding a bowl in one hand and a first aid kit in the other. He set the bowl down and slid it towards you. “Eat,” he rumbled, his tone still demanding as he sat down on the chair diagonal from you.
Whatever smart-ass comment you were about to make fell short when you peered inside the bowl, a soft gasp escaping through your lips as you peeked up at the archer. “Is — is this —” a small smile crept over your face. “Spaghetti?”
“Aaron,” the archer answered simply, sliding a fork towards you.
You picked up the utensil from the table, digging into the meal without a second thought, unable to stop the blissful moan that came out of you after the first bite. “Oh my God,” you sighed around the food in your mouth. “I love him — I, I mean, I truly love him.”
“Alright, easy, girl,” Daryl grumbled, rummaging through the kit before pulling out tweezers, gauze and alcohol wipes.
You laughed softly. “Don’t be jealous,” you teased, shoveling another big forkful of pasta into your mouth.
The archer merely rolled his eyes, though you could’ve sworn his gaze darkened. “Lemme see,” he suddenly grumbled, grabbing the hand you’d injured, laying it onto the tabletop, palm facing the ceiling.
Using your free hand, you continued eating, every mouthful further sobering you up. Your body was starting to feel sluggish, your eyelids growing heavier with each passing moment as you finished your last bite, sighing contently.
You pushed the bowl away as you propped your head up with your free hand, watching the archer’s steady movements. He picked up the tweezers, resting them between his fingertips as he slid his other hand beneath yours, bringing your palm closer to his face. His eyes narrowed as he inspected the cut on your hand, using the dimmed light above the kitchen table to survey the damage done.
He pulled your fingers back slightly, the skin on your palm stretching as he hunched over, his soft breath tickling your skin. His touch was surprisingly gentle, you realized then.
“Huh,” you breathed softly, the corner of your mouth quirking up.
Daryl glanced up, regarding you warily. “What?” he mumbled, almost self-consciously.
“Dr. Dixon,” you waggled your eyebrows, a soft laugh slipping through your lips as the archer rolled his eyes, though you could’ve sworn you saw the tips of his ears suddenly turn pink.
“Shut up,” he grumbled, though his tone lacked any harshness. He brought the tweezers to your skin, slowly pushing them deeper into your palm until he was able to grasp an imbedded piece of gravel.
You winced, fighting back the urge to curl your hand into a fist. Daryl glanced up at you, scanning your features for a moment before he continued removing the small pieces of rock, moving a fraction slower than before.
Daryl was efficient — he had your wound cleaned and bandaged within minutes, neither of you uttering a word the entire time. You were content to just watch, keeping your gaze on his features to distract you from the burning sensation on your palm. He was incredibly focused — looking as though he was diffusing bomb instead of simply wrapping your hand in gauze.
His brow was furrowed, eyes narrowed — though that seemed to be a permanent feature of his. You suddenly felt this overwhelming urge to touch him, to brush away some of the worry etched on his face — to just be closer to him.
But you fought back the urge, instead bumping your knee against his to draw his attention. “Hey,” you murmured as your eyes locked. “Everything’s gonna be okay, you know.”
Daryl was quiet for a moment, his gaze searching yours before he finished the last wrap, releasing your hand from his.
“I mean it,” you pressed, sighing softly. “Even if it doesn’t work out here, we’re gonna be alright. I need you to know that, D. I just —“ you exhaled, blowing a strand of hair out of your face. “I’m here if you need anything, okay? Anything.”
The archer remained silent, a flash of something flitting across his features as his eyes flickered down to look at your lips before locking with yours once more. “Ya got somethin’ on your face,” he suddenly murmured.
“What!” you squeaked out, leaning away from him abruptly, feeling your face flush.
Daryl pointed to the corner of his lips. “There,” he motioned, his mouth twitching as though he was struggling to keep a straight face.
Your lips formed into a pout as you pathetically felt around your face. “I was just trying to have a moment with you — you know what, whatever!” you fussed dramatically as you wiped your face, realizing a moment too late that you’d used the back of your bandaged hand. You looked down at the red stains now soaking into the gauze. “Spaghetti sauce,” you whispered defeatedly, glancing up at the archer.
Daryl was still for a moment before his face softened, a deep, rumbling laugh coming from his chest — the sound so rare it immediately caught you off guard.
And so you sat back in your seat, fondly watching the archer, desperately wanting to savor the fleeting moment.
Daryl’s gaze caught yours and his laugh faded, in its place a small, somewhat sad smile. His features settled after a moment before he lowered his head — you couldn’t place the emotion he was suddenly exuding, but it seemed to resemble something like embarrassment.
For letting his tough exterior slip? For allowing a moment of joy to overcome him?
You weren’t sure.
All you knew was that you’d give anything — anything — to soothe his bruised and weary soul.
You regarded him carefully, studying his features under the dimmed kitchen light — his guarded eyes, focused downward, his pressed lips, only parting when he brought the side of his thumb between them, the faint scar above his right eyebrow, peeking through the hair that fell over his face.
Then without thinking, you reached forward.
You didn’t miss the way Daryl flinched at your sudden movement, his entire body going rigid. You faltered, pushing past the unexpected heartache you felt. Your outstretched fingers hovered between you before you extended your reach, gently brushing back the hair that covered the archer’s eyes. “There,” you whispered, a somber smile flickering across your lips.
A beat of stillness passed as Daryl’s gaze searched yours, clearly caught off guard but a look in his eyes you had never seen before.
You exhaled, hoping the archer couldn’t hear the shakiness within your breath as you leaned back. “I —” you breathed quietly, attempting to collect yourself. “I should probably get some sleep,” you murmured, pushing past the lump in your throat, afraid of what would happen if you spent one more second with such little space between you.
“Mhm,” Daryl mumbled, nodding once, his expression unreadable though the air between you was buzzing — practically electric — every nerve ending in your body feeling as though they’d been set ablaze. It was as though there was some sort of magnetic pull, drawing you together, the distance between you becoming smaller and smaller until —
The front door suddenly splintered opened, you and Daryl simultaneously jumping to your feet at the intrusion, heavy breaths mirroring each other as you spun towards the noise.
Acting on pure instinct, Daryl yanked his hunting knife from the sheath hanging from his belt, taking a defensive step forward, part of his body automatically moving to shield you.
But when Sasha came into view, storming past the kitchen and up the stairs without a second glance, you let out the breath you’d been holding, your head dropping into your hands as your cheeks flushed, the moment prior finally registering.
What the fuck was that.
From the corner of your eye, you watched Daryl slowly retract his knife, slipping it back into its sheath. You snuck a glance at him, his body so still you weren’t even sure he was breathing.
You dropped your hands with a huff, carefully maneuvering around the archer without touching him, keeping your gaze forward as you slowly walked to the kitchen doorway. You paused once you reached the entrance, turning around to glance back at Daryl, who remained frozen in place.
“Uh,” you murmured awkwardly, gnawing on your bottom lip for a moment, trying to push past the fuzziness you felt in your stomach. “I’m — I’m gonna head to bed. Uh, thank you —“ you held up your bandaged hand. “Thank you for this,” you finished, awkwardly waving at the archer.
Daryl’s eyes remained fixed on the far wall, motionless, avoiding your gaze completely.
You sighed quietly, feeling like a fool for whatever had transpired before — and though you knew you should’ve just gone straight to bed, you couldn’t help the next words that came tumbling from your lips. “I’m sorry — shit, I’m so sorry. I-I don’t know what happened, but I didn’t mean — you and I —“ you huffed a breath, throwing your hands up. “Damn it, I don’t know. I’m just — I’m sorry.”
You were mortified — even more so when Daryl barely even flinched at your words, acting as though he hadn’t even heard them at all. You sighed quietly, turning to leave when suddenly, the archer spoke.
“Y/N?” his voice seemed thick, like it’d caught in his throat.
You locked eyes with him from over your shoulder, your heart beating a fraction faster. “Hm?” you hummed, not trusting your voice.
He was silent for what seemed like forever until he straightened, as if he was attempting to build some courage, steeling himself for whatever he was about to say. “Ya don’t ever gotta apologize ta’ me,” he rumbled simply.
You let his words settle, the intent behind them more meaningful than you could even comprehend in that moment. A small smile grew across your lips as you nodded slowly, a familiar heat flushing across your features. “Goodnight, Daryl,” you whispered, pushing away from the doorway and towards the stairs.
And as your foot landed on the first step, you heard a soft mumble echo from the other room.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
A/N: So...how did y’all like this one!?
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
Chapter 16 Battle
Below is my random thoughts playing Ch 16. I may or may not have gotten embarrassingly emotional playing a certain route.
I'm playing all 4 routes as my "first route," so please no spoilers beyond this point.
Crimson Flower
As much as I'm absolutely dreading killing Rodrigue and Ingrid, I'm going to relish taking Cornelia out.
My very first move this battle - Felix kills his father. RIP Rodrigue. (Felix used the Crest of Fraldarius first, then crit him. Damn, I hope he's nicer to Ingrid).
Rodrigue and Felix's battle dialogue though :(
Oh, God, Ingrid's chosen to fight for Dimitri till she dies. I'm surprised how upset I am having to fight her. I mean, I always liked Ingrid, but I think I like her more than I even thought I did.
Linhardt just said "is any of this worth it?" Me too right now, buddy, me too.
Time for Felix vs Ingrid. She dodges his bow, then hits his ass with her batallion on EP. I'm proud of her.
God, you have no idea how happy I am that Ingrid called Felix out for betraying everyone - that she didn't forget Glenn. Because, I mean, Felix IS fighting for the team that killed his brother.
His rebuttal was so weak too. "You don't understand." No shit, Sherlock, that's why she asked.
Shit, Ingrid's dead :( that sucked.
God it felt good to kill Cornelia after that.
I really am not ready for Fhirdiad. Ingrid and Rodrigue were hard enough. I'm so not ready for Dedue and Dimitri.
But I think this is my last Crimson Flower level until I'm ready to play the last two back-to-back? I don't know about that. I may just want to get the next chapter over with.
OMG Felix was my MVP. His "motivation" is maxed out after killing daddy and Ingrid and preparing to off Dimitri. That's so cold blooded.
Silver Snow
Time to kill criminally underused dragon lady.
A rare sight - Lysithea having to hit something - twice.
Ok, so does my CF team suck? Or is there a steeper difficulty curve because it's shorter? CF Ch 16 wasn't hard, but everyone in SS is easily killing everything. Like this level is a legit joke to my SS team, but in CF I at least had to be cautious.
You know, I've talked about my SS!Ferdinand before, but my Lysithea and Sylvain are also both absolutely terrifying.
Oh no, Lorenz! He was one of my core SS units 😭(before he betrayed us).
Didn't people say he comes back if I kill him with Byleth or something? Not sure I need him anymore.
Should I? Just? Kill him? Because I can? Or be nice? I'm not even sure killing him with Byleth will work.
Anytime the enemy uses that firey wagon batallion and it misses it's so funny.
Oh, man, Lorenz was told fight for the Empire or die? He sounded so sad about fighting Byleth. I can't not try to spare him after that. Not sure if this is going to work.
OMG OMG IT WORKED! I don't have to kill him!!!! I can't, not after learning he thought he'd die if he didn't join the Empire.
This is the first chapter Ferdinand has actually been dancing. And the second I unleash him, double crits against an armored night. Man is bloodthirsty.
"Defeat boss" when the boss moves and is on a dragon sucks. Because every level is always and forever - route enemy.
Annnnd . . . . that's it. Killed everyone but Ladislava and only Bernie and Anna used their turns, so now it's just a matter how picking who gets the kill.
For the record, Linhardt got the final blow. I always feel bad making him kill, but he needed the experience points so . . .
Seteth just prayed for his enemies 😭
Verdant Wind
I already have Lorenz, so I don't have to "kill" him with Byleth this time.
Oh, wow, Ferdinand's on the map. Didn't see that at first.
Even if he wasn't an enemy commander, I'd kill him. Kill 'em all is just too much fun. I'm also less upset about killing him than I thought I'd be. I thought he'd be a much bigger deal than he actually is. He's a good boi and all, but I'm just not emotionally attached, and I thought I would be.
OMG, Claude. He's like - naw, just kill Acheron. He's a nuisance.
Acheron is really a meme though. He show up in some paralogue (I don't remember) and yeah I don't think we're supposed to take him seriously.
I find it mildly amusing that every noble who sides with Edelgard in the Alliance and the Kingdom either a.) have lands close to the Imperial border or are b.) the corrupt nasties.
Man, I even danced Lorenz so he could reach Acheron and no unique dialogue.
Lysithea is dumb. She one-shotted Ladislava.
Sometimes I think I forget just how hot Claude is.
RIP Ferdinand. At least his dialogue didn't make me feel guilty like Ashe or Ingrid did. His motivation was just inflating his own ego and his petty one-sided rivalry with Edelgard. He grows into a better person if he's recruited.
It's funny the last man standing was the Lorenz replacement lol.
Lorenz was my MVP, seems fitting.
Azure Moon
Alright, so a few people seemed hyped to see my chapter 16 reactions, and nothing worth hyping happened in the other routes (sans killing Rodrigue and Ingrid, but I've already made my feelings known about that). So it's got to be something in AM, but I kind of expected that.
Why does Rodrigue get dialogue, but I don't get to use him as a unit 😔
My AM gameplay every. single. time. Have Dimitri draw as much aggro as possible. End turn.
OMG, Dimitri knows he's alive now. I can't.
OMG he got so hot. That hairstyle is much improvement. And those scars. And he's so tall. I forgot just how tall he is.
OMG he's going to be in the Monastery again. I'm spending every single fricken Professor Point tea timing him.
And all his supports. I finally get to see his A supports. 😭😭
He's got new quotes and everything 😭😭
Dimitri and Dedue fighting side-by-side again. 😭😭
It's been like since December when I last saw Dedue. 😭😭
And his first level up got like 6 points, including speed!
His "I will Break You!" quote is INTENSE.
Oh, right, Lorenz. I'll try to kill him with Byleth. Should be easy. My AM!Byleth is a pegasus knight so.
Lorenz's battle quote is so much more polite than Ferdinand's. I know I want to do a "kill em all" but I just can't after hearing Lorenz say that.
I am DYING to see what Dimitri and Dedue's dialogue is, but it's 12:13am, and I still haven't showered, and I gotta get up at 6am for work 😭😭
OMG lol looking at these. Everything else is so organized and AM's is just crying emojis and Dedue gushing.
#StanDedue 😭😭
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shimmershae · 3 years
Just watched the episode and I’m going to have a lot of thoughts for you, most of them probably bordering on incoherence (LOL) so this is your last chance to nope on out of this post because I’m going to go ahead and put everything else behind a cut to save the eyes that do not want to see any  spoilers at all.  Unlike mine, that very much wanted to see but in a lot of cases?  Could not see shit, but I digress.
Shae’s stream of consciousness coming at you in 3-2-1.  
First of all, can I saw how good it is to have my show back again?  Like, no.  I don’t quite have Season 5 levels of excitement about the new/last season, but it is definitely nice to have all these characters back.  
So all these thoughts of mine.  Okay.  Bear with me because there be a whole lot of them, lol.  
My immediate impression as the episode opened was WHOA.  Such a cool shot of Daryl with one light wing, one dark wing (representing the two sides to Daryl maybe--the man of honor versus the man he was raised to be, hmm?) looking out over some dark vista of something.  Seriously.  It’s dark.  My room is also dark at the moment and still I was squinting to see.  To make out what I’m “looking” at.  I really, really hope the rest of this season isn’t this hard to make out.  
Is that a tank?  Kinda sorta a callback to Rick’s first episode?  If so, cool.  If not, well.  Us fans have always put way more thought into things.  For real.  Change my mind.  
Holy intense eye contact, Batman!  Daryl Dixon has literally never looked at anyone--not BethusConLeah--in quite the same smoldering way as he looks at Carol.  It’s next level.  I don’t know why people be fooling themselves into thinking different.  
Let’s see.  I can make out--besides Daryl, Maggie, and that face mask dude I already forgot the name of--Kelly, Magna, Jerry (who’s that with him?), and Carol.  Sorry.  My world, like Daryl’s, inevitably narrows to Carol.  She’s loking fierce and fine AF per usual.  
Was that Rosita I noticed rewinding to relive Daryl eye-fucking Carol?  
I’m guessing this is the army base they talked about in 10C.  
That Walker perking up like “I smell food--pancakes and bacon and oohhhh” has me giggling inappropriately right off the bat.  WTF.  
Look at all my fabulous ladies tiptoeing through that Walker minefield.  And Carol spotting that gun that might be useful right away.  Listen, if you don’t think her mind ain’t always ten steps ahead of everybody else’s, you’d be wrong.  
So.  Are these Walkers just so old and feeble not even the call of fresh meat attracts them?  Because just tiptoeing through their midst without the knockoff Lady Gaga meatsuits or skin masks has never really worked before that I can remember.  
I just want to see most of this season.  Is that really too much to ask?  Don’t X-Files and Game of Thrones us, Angela.  Please and thank you very fucking much.  
Okay.  Is the one drop of blood thing making anybody else have 28 Days Later vibes?  Kinda?  Sorta?  No?  Just me?  Okay then.  Carry on.  
Wait a minute, though.  How they be explaining how Daryl keeeps acquiring all these new tats all the time?  Hmm?  It’s like they just quit giving a shit about continuity in these latter seasons.  
I mean.  Do Walkers sleep now?  LMAO.  What is this?  I guess they’re constantly evolving?  
There’s my baby Lydia.  Love my smol bean.  
Alright though.  I love to see the ladies of TWD kick some ass.  It’s very gratifying.  Gimps would never.  Thank you, Angela.  
Clever, resourceful, calm and collected, quick thinking Carol to the rescue!  Seriously.  Her haters must be withering away inside with absolute envy.  
Hey, ya’ll.  Remember when Carol was still mastering her sharpshooting skills at the Prison yard and shot at Rick’s feet?  Her little “sorry, sorry”?  LOL.  If Rick could only see her now.  Wait.  He already knew what so many of his stans refuse to acknowledge--Carol=ultimate survivor and true savior to the group many times over.  
Maggie’s got herself a gun, too.  Go my badass girls.  
Of course, Carol’s got everybody’s back.  Of fucking course, Daryl’s got hers even when everybody else seem frozen in some kind of awe or stupification or something.  Microcosm of the whole damn show right there.  
Carol’s like “here’s your knives, love of my life.”   
Eh.  Maybe that’s just me.  
Nah.  She’s totally thinking it, too.  
YAS!  YAS!  Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride with the top billing.  How very far my babies have come.  
Listen.  I miss all the characters we’ve lost.  Absolutely.  But I love the ones that are still with us, that have been with us for so very long so hard.  Whether I love their stories or decisions or not.  
Is that THE Alexandria sign?  That sign’s been through some shit.  
DOG!  Daryl kneeling to embrace our Grimes babies has me all up in my feels.  And how cute is Dog getting all excited and making sure he’s the first one there to welcome back, Daddy?  
Hershel is literally just as puppy dog cute as Glenn ever was.  Really some Grade A casting.  
What did Maggie call Mr. T?  Ducky?  Dougie?  Sometimes with Maggie?  I really cannot tell.  Anyway.  He’s Mr. T. for me until I find out differently, probably through rewatching with close captioning, lol.  
Maggie’s got more people.  So.  Some new redshirts to sacrifice for plot purposes.  I don’t know if I should bother learning their names or not. 
I seem to remember Meridian being mentioned in one of the episode synopses.  
Sophia’s hair tie around Carol’s neck will never fail to be an emotional throat punch.  My heart.  
“They come at night and by the time you see them, you’re already dead.”  Welp.  Guess that means we ain’t seeing shit for at least this first third of the season, lol.  Very horror-eque though.  
“You’re leaving to fight ghosts.”  Aaron, to Maggie.  So I see Aaron’s the type to get the hell outta Dodge when the Boogeyman comes calling, hahaha.  Least he was.  In the old world.  
Rosita’s pissed off expression at Gabe’s decision to volunteer for the so-called suicide mission gives me life.  
My baby Carol is tired AF of suicide missions.  You can tell.  Also?  Methinks she has something to prove to Daryl here.  Or at least feels like she does.  
Dog with his little tactical vest.  I love it.  
I guess I get why they had Carol and Rosita stay behind.  They had to more evenly split up the badassery to make things more fair and balanced, lol.  
Okay.  So Negan’s definitely earned everybody’s disdain.  But they’re being woefully short-sighted by not at least hearing the dude out.  Isn’t he at least native to the area?  
“That is God telling us to turn around.”  I’m actually on Negan’s side with this one, but Gabe answering him with “I’m pretty sure he would have run that past me first” has me howling with laughter.  Father Gabe has gone straight up savage in these last couple of seasons.  Rosita’s influence, perhaps?  
I see what Angela is doing.  Trying to make Negan the voice of reason.  In this particular case?  It’s kind of working.  I’m still ultimately on Maggie’s side with this though BECAUSE GLENN.  
Imagine showing up to work and unironically dressing like a storm trooper every day.  Excuse me while I LOL.  
Even in the ZA, there’s bullshit paperwork.  
“Pumpkin colored spacesuit.”  Good one, Ezekiel.  
LOL forever.  I love Princess.  
“Michonne.  Our Michonne shut people out of Alexandria for years.”  Timely reminder that choices aren’t always perfect.  Neither are people.  
WTF is reprocessing?  Sounds ominous.  LMAO at Eugene’s “Okay.  We gotta go.”  
What in the actual hell with all those bagged, squirming undead?  Creepy AF in that subway tunnel.  
Should I just go ahead and call that the Easter bunny?  We’ve had some version of it pop up since Season 1.  
Is it stubborn pride with Maggie or what?  Why go through with something when all signs point toward the wisdom of stopping?  You can argue that she’s acting similarly to Carol last season, but there’s a huge difference here folks.  Carol did her damndest to Lone Wolf that shit and minimize the danger to those she loved.  Maggie’s straight up enlisting those she “cares about” to carry out her mission of revenge or vengeance, what have you. Let’s see if she gets near the amount of hate for it.  Personally, I don’t blame her for her feelings one bit.  They are valid.  But her knowingly drawing the others into the game?  That’s my sticking point.  That’s how she and Carol differ, even if some people refuse to see or accept it.  Anyway.  Hopping right on off my soapbox.  
“Why don’t you get up on your little tippy toes and try?”  Omigosh, I’d dying.  When I tell you I about passed out with laughter, I do not exaggerate.  I should hate Negan forever and I do.  Really.  But I adore JDM and he frequently makes me LOL.  He’s made Negan entertaining if not completely redeemable since Angela took over and more layered so I say kudos.  
He has a point about Maggie playing dictator.  Damn you, show, for slanting the writing just that smidgen that makes Negan make sense over his victim.  I guess, though, it’s better this way.  Gives both characters more shades of gray.  
“He’s a dick but he makes sense.”  I feel like this is Angela calling us all out when we dare to harbor any lasting resentment toward Negan for what he did to Glenn.  
Speaking of--Negan.  You deserved Daryl’s punch to the mouth.  You just went a bridge too damn far.  
“Keep pushing me, Negan.  Please.”  Warning shots fired, Asshole.  You better watch yourself around the Widow Rhee.  
Have I mentioned how much I love Princess?  Her shipping the Commonwealth guards is killing me, lol.  I can’t wait ‘til she meets Carol and Daryl.  She’s going to have their number in two seconds flat.  
I like Ezekiel and Princess as a duo.  I’m not saying romantically necessarily.  I just like them in scenes together because they’re fun.  There’s sort of a protective indulgence Ezekiel seems to telegraph whenever they’re in scenes together.  Like he’s like don’t hurt this one.  I don’t know.  For all these words I’ve written, I can’t quite find the ones to adequately describe what I mean.  
The wall of the lost gives me such Battlestar Galactica feels.  What sad thoughts it inspires.  
Eugene in that Commonwealth gear.  Omigosh, lol.  So did they just sneak up and take Princess’s little Commonwealth ship’s gear when they were sneaking off on their own to have a quickie?  
Princess finding that note for Yumiko on the wall actually gave me chills.  Yeah.  I’m easy.  Just the suggestion of someone getting reunited with lost family gets me all up in my feels.  Yumiko saying “I have to stay”?  I felt that.  
Oh no.  Dog ran off!  Somebody protect my favorite fictional puppy.  Of course, Daryl goes after him.  He’s always been the sweet one.  Merle said it.  
Eh.  Negan taking Maggie’s hand at the end there would have smacked too much of Negan Sue and Maggie’s biggest plot of the season would have been prematurely dealt with so I get why they did what they did.  But c’mon.  It’s not really that big of a cliffhanger, is it?  
Okay, so Angela calls those sleeping beauty Walkers “Lurkers” and I get it.  Apparently they’re a bigger deal in the comics, but I really don’t remember seeing them all that much on the actual show.  Somebody jog my memory.  
Of fucking course, you can actually see what’s happening in the inside the episode clips.  I wish we could choose to view the episode with that lighting because some of us be blind.  And this time I mean in the more literal sense.  Not the figurative one.  
Anyway.  I’m going to stop trying to write a novel for ya’ll and move on to better things.  Like maybe a nap.  Maybe some early dinner.  I don’t know.  I’m tired AF and need a little recharge.    
Before I go, though?  Overall impression of the episode?  I liked it.  There were parts that I loved (all the ladies being badass, every second of Carol, Daryl reuniting with the Grimes babies and Dog, all things Princess, some of Negan’s one-liners about had me busting a gut, Rosita serving looks, Kelly and Lydia getting to be badass too) and parts I didn’t love (not being able to see a damn thing, Angela trying to tip the scales in Negan’s favor, not enough Carol or Aaron or Rosita, no reunion between Aunt Carol and the Grimes babies even though that picture floating around suggests it was at least shot, not being able to see a damn thing, all the Alexandria people playing follow the leader for Maggie when she’s been gone 6 years and Daryl’s right there--hell, even Father G deserves the honor over her because it’s obvious they’re not exactly on the same wavelength anymore).  
I don’t know about anybody else, but I’m just glad to have our show back.    
Later, lovelies.  
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In this hell Daryl Dixon X Reader part 1/??
Hey guys! This is my first ever story that I have published/ might ever publish? This story Is following the survivors from season one, and the reader of course. 
I do apologise in advance if its not the greatest, but I hope you guys like it :)
Warnings- Talk of Abuse, Abuse, Swearing, Blood, Gore (its the walking dead so I Guess that's a part of it :))
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It has been two months now... Two months since the world had gone to shit, two months since my brother Shane kicked down my door and shoved me into a car with a woman who would turn out to be my best friend and her son who was like a nephew to me.
Since the outbreak had hit, we have found other survivors, now we are a group. We work together to continue to live to continue to exist.
I never thought that I’d be in this predicament. I laugh out of spite as I look down at the two little sticks in my hand, two blue lines on one and a plus on the other.
I hear a twig snap and turn around to see a walker snarling and slowly stumbling my way.
Shoving the tests into my jacket pocket, and wipe my tears before walking towards it. The snarls get louder and greedier as I get closer.
“Oh shut up.” I say as I kick the walker in the stomach and watch it fall down, stomping on its head, hearing the crunch of it’s skull between the earth and my boot. The sound making me sick.
The walk back to camp was quiet, all I could hear was the crunch of fallen leaves under my shoes.
My mind was wandering.
How could I let this happen? How stupid could i be? It’s the fucking apocalypse! In what way is this okay?!
I see the RV and Dale standing up top, keeping watch as he was when I left. His attention snapped towards me as I walked out of the tree-line.
“Hey Dale, it’s just me.” “I was wondering where you ran off to.” “Just went for a little stroll. I ran into a walker, about 5 clicks south east.” “What?! Are you okay?” “I’m fine Dale, I put it down. They seem to be getting closer.” “We will keep an eye on it. You’ll have to tell Shane.” “I will, do you know where he is?” “He went down to the quarry to get water.” “Okay, I’ll y’all to him when he gets back, do you know where Lori is?” “I don’t, try her tent though.” “Will do, thanks Dale.”
I made my way through the camp and around the fire pit. I found myself standing outside of the blue and cream coloured tent and took a deep breath.
"Lori?" I heard a rustle and the door was pulled aside, revealing her familiar brown eyes.
"Oh, hey sweetheart, come in." She smiled "Where's Carl?" I asked. "He is with Sophia and Carol, I just finished cutting his hair. Why?"
I softly smiled, then the tears started flowing. Lori ran over and hugged me, sitting us both down on her cot. "Shhh,  honey what's wrong?" She asked rubbing soft circles on my back. “Lori, I messed up.” I said between sniffles. “What? What do you mean?”
I stood up and paced before her. I could feel her eyes on me.
“(Y/n) you’re worrying me, what’s going on?”
I reached into my pocket and handed her the two tests. The silence was deafening, it felt like hours until Lori spoke up.
“How?” “I don’t know. I made sure we used protection, and we always do.” “What made you suspect this?” “I’ve been feeling off, not to mention I’m late. I’ve never been late.” “How are you feeling?” “All I want to do is cry. I’m terrified.” I softly cried. “Come here.”
She opened her arms and pulled me close, softy rocking me.
“You’ll be okay, it’s all going to be okay.” “What if it’s not?” “What’s done is done. There’s no point in thinking the worst. You have to be positive. You have to deal with this now.”
I sat quietly with her, so many thoughts rushing through my head.
“I didn’t know you were seeing anyone.” She softly joked. “It’s Daryl’s isn’t it?” I nodded my head and laid back. “How’d you know?” “I’ve noticed small changes lately between the two of you.” “What do you mean?” “If anyone goes near you or gets too close he glares.” “That’s just him.” “No honey..You need to tell him.” “I know, I just don’t want him to hate me.” “Oh honey..." She sighed. "I-I don't know what to do.." "Just tell him, it’s never an easy thing to do.” "I know.” “And you have to tell Shane.” “I almost forgot about Shane for a minute.” “Don’t tell him that. I don’t know how his ego would take it.”
We both laughed.
“Thank you.” “What for honey?” “The advice, listening.” “Look, im here for you. Your family now.” “Thank you." I hugged her. “I remember telling Rick I was Pregnant with Carl. I was worried for nothing.” "How did he die?" "Rick?" I nodded. "He was shot on duty, Shane was with him when it happened. He was comatose when everything happened. Shane went to get Rick before he came and got us and he was gone.” "I'm so sorry Lori." I whispered hugging her once more. "It's ok." She smiled weakly.
We were both startled by the sound of a blaring car alarm.
"What is that?" I asked "I don't know, let's go and see." We ran outside and to the R.V. "Dale! What is that?!"I yelled up to him. "A stolen car Is my guess." He answered
I nodded and looked towards where the source of the noise was coming from. It was a red Dodge Challenger that pulled up, only for Glenn to jump out, smiling as if he had just won the lottery.
"Holy crap, turn that damn thing off!" "I don't know how!" "Pop the hood, please." "My sister, Andrea" Amy began "Pop the damn hood!" "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!" "Is she alright?" "Yeah, yeah, she's ok, she's ok!" "Why aren't they with you?" I asked "Why isn't she with you? Where is she?" "She's ok?" "Yes! Yeah fine, everybody is..well Merle, not so much..." "Are you crazy? Driving this squealing bastard up here? You trying to draw every walker for miles?" Shane snapped. "Shane.." I tried "I think we're ok." Dale said "You call being stupid ok?" He asked dale in disbelief. "The alarm was echoing all over these hills. It'd be hard to pinpoint the source....." Shane glared at him. "I'm not arguing, I'm just saying.. And It wouldn't hurt you to think more carefully next time, would it?" He scolded Glenn. "Sorry...got a cool car" he smiled sheepishly. A truck pulled up behind the car. And everyone got out.
"Amy" "Andrea!" Amy sobbed as they ran to each other and hugging as if they were dying tomorrow. "Papa! Daddy!" Morales's kids ran up to him as did his wife. I looked at Lori who was now with Carl talking to him, tears in both of their eyes . "You are a welcome sight" dale laughed hugging morales. "I thought we had lost you folks for sure!" He exclaimed. "How did y'all get out of there anyway?" Shane asked. "A new guy.. He got us out." Glenn said. "What do you mean new guy?" I asked "New guy?" Shane asked "Yeah, crazy vato just got into town.." Morales said. "Hey, helicopter boy! Come say hello." He called out to the truck. A man dressed in a police uniform emerged. "The guys a cop, just like you.."
I looked at Shane's face and he looked stunned.
Carl had ran past me and Lori following in pursuit. The man started to cry and he ran to Carl. "Dad! Dad!" They all hugged sobbing.
I started to cry, for the reunion of a family, that was thought to be impossible.
Later on that night I was lying on my cot, staring at the tarp. My tent door opened and Shane put his head  in. "Come on. Foods getting cold." "I'm not hungry." I sighed. "What? You're always hungry." He laughed. "Shut up." I smiled and smacked his arm.
I sat up making room for him to sit next to me. "Any way what's up. You seem different. More weird.” He asked sitting with me. “So, I need you to Promise me that you won't be mad.” "What’s going on?” “Shane.” “Okay, I promise?" He asked. "Shane... I'm scared" "What why? Walkers can't come near us.." "They’re getting close though, I ran into one earlier today. I’m okay, I wasn’t hurt. But It's not that." He nodded. "I’ll do another perimeter check first thing in the morning. What is it? "I'm pregnant." I blurted out. He tensed up. "Shane." "No... Just be quiet.." He whispered. "You promi-“ "I don’t care. I’m mad. You're 18! So who is it? Please don't be Glenn."
I shook my head.
"Ok please be Glenn." “It’s not Glenn.” He sighed. “By the way im 22.” “Still too young.” “Shane-“ “Who is the father?” “Look it’s not a big-“ “I’m only asking you one more time, before I go out and ask everyone in the camp if they’ve slept with you.” “Daryl.” I sighed softly. “I can’t hear you.” “Daryl is.” I said more confident. “Are you kidding?” “What? no.” “When did this start?” “Shane, I-“ “When did this start?” He asked raising his voice slightly. “About 6 weeks.” “How?” “What?” “How did it start?” “Shane this isn’t any of your business.” “It’s is. How did it start?” “Merle was being a creep and Daryl told him to leave me alone and then he and I started talking. He is really sweet.” “He isn’t-“ “Shane, shut up. You asked and I’m telling you. Anyway. The next day was the same as every other day. Daryl being Daryl and keeping to himself, I tried to talk to him and he was weary. After a week he was a little more talkative and then one night we ran into each other and one thing led to another. For a while there it was only hook ups, and then after a few weeks we connected. He still is weary and doesn’t really talk much.” "(Y/n)! he is like twice your age!" "Not even." "I don't care" “How is this any different than you and mrs Cooper?” He stayed silent.
"Just please Shane.. Don't do anything.." "I don’t like this.." “You don’t have to. Can I show you something?" "I guess..." I stood up and grabbed my jacket, bringing out the two tests. "Is that?" “Yeah, I didn’t want to just ‘guess’ I was pregnant.” "Wow..how far along do you think?" "3 or 4 weeks." I said. "Who knows?" "Only you and Lori..." “I’m not happy with this, but I love you. And if this is what you want I can’t stand in your way. Make sure you eat.”
Shane left the tent and I laid back down. After about an hour of hearing thunder rumbling I fell asleep.
I woke up, and I watched the shadow of the leaves dancing in the wind on the roof of my tent above me. Sighing, I sit up and stretch. I pull on my worn jeans and slip my boots on over my socks.
Walking out of the tent and looking around everyone else seemed to be awake, Rick was the only one asleep... I don't blame him "Hello (Y/N) ." "Morning Dale." I smiled. I climbed atop the R.v. He looked over and smiled. “Sleep well? We missed you at dinner last night.” “Yeah, I wasn’t really hungry.” “Whatever you and Shane spoke about last night he was a bit hot headed when he returned to the fire.” “Yeah. I wouldn’t doubt it. We got into an argument.” “Are you okay?” “Yeah I’m good.” “As long as you’re alright.” I smiled. “Hey Dale.” "Yeah?" "I can trust you with anything right?" "Yeah.. Why?" “I want you to know because you’re really important to me.” “Go on” "I'm pregnant." "What was that?” "I'm pregnant, Roughly 3-4 weeks. I’m telling you because i respect you a lot and you’re a father figure to me. Thank you.” “You’re pregnant? That’s great! I mean it’s not the greatest timing but a baby is a blessing.” “Really?” “Yes! Irva and I were going to have a baby. We lost it though. Didn’t want to try again.” “I’m so sorry you went through that Dale.” “I just want to say thank you for trusting me enough to tell me, your secret is safe with me.”
We shared a quick hug before I walked towards the ladder. "I should probably start getting things ready." "Don't do anything too exhausting." He smiled. "I'll try" I laughed.
Once I touched the ground I walked over towards Carol. "Hey honey." She smiled at me, the faint outlines of bruises on her arms. I smiled softly back. "Hey Carol..do you need any help?" "Sure honey." She smiled I grabbed one of the baskets and started to hang up clothing. After about half an hour Rick emerged from the Grimes’ tent. We all greeted him. "They're still a little damp. But the sun'll have them dry in no time." Carol said to him. "You washed my clothes?" "Well, best we could, scrubbing on a washboard ain't half as good as my old Maytag back home." "Yeah or the laundromats" I said softly, making Carol laugh and Rick smile. "That's very kind. Thank you."
I finished up with the laundry and walked over to where Glenn was standing watching his precious car get torn up. "It's a shame... I'd love to have that car." I said aloud. "It's nice isn't it?" "Yeah." I smiled. Shane came back in the jeep with the huge containers of water. He got out. "Water's here y'all, just a reminder to boil before use." He yelled out.
It wasn’t long until we heard a scream. "Mom!" "Carl?" "Dad!" We all ran towards the screaming. "Baby!" "Mom!" "Mommy!" "Rick!" Morales threw rick a weapon as we all made our way through the trees. "Carl!" "Carl!" "Mom!" "Carl! Baby!" "Mom!" "I've got him, I've got him." Lori hugged Carl. And Sophia hugged Carol. I followed behind the guys and saw a walker eating a deer.
Amy and Andrea both stood next to me. I've grown close to everyone in the group, well with the exception of Ed... And I've been accepting Merle.
All of the guys started to bash the hell out of the walker. Amy and Andrea hugged each other. When finally the head came off. "It's the first one we've had up here. The first one this close. They never come this far up the mountain." Dale said. "Well, they're running out of food in the city, that's what." Jim said A branch snapped and everyone was alert. "Oh Jesus." Dale sighed. "Son of a bitch... That's my deer!" I heard the familiar voice of Daryl call out. I tensed up and smiled.
"Look at it, all gnawed on by this... Filthy, disease bearing, motherless poxy bastard!" He exclaimed kicking its body. "Calm down, son. That's not helping." Dale interrupted "What do you know about it old man?, why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to On Golden Pond?" Daryl then sighed. "I've been tracking this deer for miles." He said pulling out every arrow. "I was gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison., do you think we could cut around this chewed up part right here?" "I would not risk that." "That's a damn shame, well, I got some squirrel, about a dozen or so. That'll have to do."
The smell of the walker was travelling to my nostril and I started to feel nauseous. The decapitated head started to move, Turning around i ran to the closest shrub, collapsing to my knees and vomiting. "Oh my god.." I heard Amy say behind me. "Come on people, what the hell?" Daryl asked using an arrow on its head.
I felt some one up behind me holding my hair back and rubbing my back. "Sweetie it's ok, let it all out." Lori soothed. It just kept coming and coming. By now everyone was around me. "What's wrong? Ain't ever seen a walker die before?" Daryl sneered. "Are you ok?" Amy asked. "What happened to her?" After a few minutes it was safe to get up. I wiped my mouth. "Sorry." I managed to get out. "It's ok, but are you?" Andrea asked.
All of the men left leaving just me, Lori, Amy, Andrea, Jacqui and carol, as well as Miranda. "Guys-." I looked over at Lori when she started to speak.
"(Y/n) is pregnant..." "I'm 3 or 4 weeks along." "I thought you were, I just didn't want to bring it up honey, you’ve got all the symptoms.." Carol sighed. "Oh my god, you're having a baby." Amy squeaked quietly. "Yeah." "Congratulations." They all said and hugged me. “This is crazy. You know that right?” Andrea asked “Yeah, can you guys please not say anything to anyone..." "We won't. " We walked back over and stood under the shelter of the R.V.
"Merle! Merle! Get your ugly ass out here! I got us some squirrel! Lets stew 'em up." "Daryl, just slow up a bit, I need to talk to you." Shane called. "About what?" "About Merle. There was a... There was a problem in Atlanta" "He dead?" "We're not sure." "He either is or he ain't!" "No easy way to say this, so, I'll just say it." Rick said "Who are you?" "Rick grimes" "Rick grimes, you got something you want to tell me?" "Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked to a piece of metal. He's still there. "Hold on, let me process this. You're saying you hand cuffed my brother to a roof? And you left him there?!" "Yeah.” I knew what he was thinking so I pushed Rick out of the way as Daryl threw the chain of squirrels, hitting me with full force. Shane tackled him to the ground. Lori ran over to me as did Andrea and Amy, helping me and bringing me back to the R.v. "Are you ok?" Lori asked. I nodded my head watching Daryl. He pulled a knife out.
"Watch out for the knife." Rick pushed daryl back, getting Shane to put him into a head lock. "You'd best let me go!" "Nah, I think it's better if I don't." "Choke holding's illegal." "Yeah, you can file a complaint." Shane said not letting go. "Come on man, we'll keep this up all day." "I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. Do you think we can manage that?" Daryl glared at him. "Do you think we can manage that?" Rick asked once again. They let him go.
"What I did was not on a whim. Your brother does not work and play well with others." "It's not Rick’s fault." We all looked at T-dog. "I had the key, I dropped it." "You couldn't  pick it up?!" "Well I dropped it down a drain." "Dary-" "Just shut up!" "If its supposed to make me feel Better, it dont" "Maybe this will. Look, I chained the door to the roof, so the geeks couldn't Get at him, with a pad lock." "It's gotta count for something." "Daryl.." I tried "Not now!" He snapped. We were all silent. "Hell with all y'all!" He looked at Rick and then T-dog.
"Just tell me where he is, so I can go get him." "He'll show you, isn't that right." Lori said "I'm going back." Rick said making Lori go to Carl. After half an hour Rick was ready and he was having a  discussion with Shane. "I need to talk to you." I told him. "Not now." Daryl replied "Yes now!, I've been waiting to talk and now that you're leaving again I thought I should tell you." "I'm not interested in what ya have to say! I'm getting my brother back." "Thanks." I said with a scoff "Wh-" "Just go! Your brother is more important." I sighed walking away.
After another 10minutes they got in and left. "You didn't tell him did you?" I looked at Dale. "No, he didn't give me a chance." I sighed. "(Y/n)!, we need your help!" I saw the girls starting to take the washing down to quarry. "Duty calls." "Go ." He smiled at me.
I ran to catch up. I grabbed a basket and went down with them. Once we reached the quarry I saw Shane with Carl across with a net, Shane started yelling and splashing around  making Carl laugh. I was walking with Jacqui and Andrea with more clothes from Carols wagon to the water. "I'm beginning to question the division of labour here." Jacqui said. We continued to wash the clothes. "Can someone explain to me how the women wound up doing all the Hattie McDaniel work?" "The world ended. Didn't you get the memo?" Amy said making us giggle I looked to carol who looked over to Ed. "It's just the way it is" she said. "I do miss my Maytag.” Carol sighed. "I miss my Benz, my sat-nav" Andrea piped up "I miss my coffee maker, with that dual-drip filter and built-in grinder, honey." "I miss my computer, and texting." Amy sighed. "I miss hot water..." I stated. "We hear you honey." Jacqui said. "I miss my vibrator." Andrea confessed. "Oh!" Jacqui said. "Oh my god!" Amy laughed. "Me too" Carol said. Making us all laugh loudly. "What's so funny?" Ed asked "Just swapping war stories, Ed." "Yeah" "Problem, Ed?" "Not that concerns you" "And you ought to focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club." He said toward carol. "Ed, we’re just having a little laugh to brighten things up a bit, something you obviously don't know how to do." I said bitterly. "You shut your mouth." He said to me.
I turned around and continued washing. He stayed there for what felt like forever until Andrea spoke up. "Ed, tell you what... You don't like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself. Here." She threw it at him. And he threw it back. "Oh!" "Ain't my job missy." "Andrea don't." "No Andrea." I backed Amy up. "What is your job, ed? Sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes" "It sure as hell ain't listening to some uppity smart-mouthed bitch." "And ours isn't listening to a halfwit asshole such as your self." I answered him. "I've told you before shut up! Now come on let's go!" He said towards Carol. "I don't think she needs to go anywhere with you Ed." Andrea said to him. "It's none of your business, come on now, you heard me." "Carol." We all asked. "Andrea, please, it doesn't matter..." She said "Carol yes it does." "No honey" she whispered. "Hey don't think I won't knock you on your ass, just cos you are come college educated cooze, all right." He said to Andrea. "You'd have to get through me first." I warned. He looked at carol. "Now you come on now, or you gonna regret it later." He said to Carol. "So she can show up with fresh bruises later, Ed? Yeah we've seen them." Jacqui spoke up. "Stay out of this." He chuckled. "Now come on! You know what, this ain't none of y'all's business." "No, I've stayed outta this for too long, and now it is my business." I said. "You don't wanna keep prodding the bull here, ok? Now I am done talking, come on." He grabbed carol. "No, no carol, you don't" "You don't tell me what?! I’ll tell you what!" He slapped her and Andrea pushed him. His grip had tightened. All of us yelling at him. "Get off her!" "Come here! Come here!" He kept yelling. We finally got her away from him. "ED!" I yelled at him. He looked at me and I hit him square in the jaw. Making him slap me harder than he had hit Carol, I fell to the ground.
He was dragged away, and I saw Shane being the one who dragged him away. "Are you okay?" Amy asked. "I'm fine, look after carol." "Get off me!" Ed yelled at Shane. I looked over to see Shane throwing punch after punch. "Shane!" "Shane! Stop! Just stop!" "Shane!! Stop it!" "Stop!" He stopped. "You put up your hands on your wife, your little girl, my sister or anybody else in this camp I will not stop next time. Do you hear me? Do you hear me? I'll beat you to death ed!" Shane punched  him one last time. Carol ran to ed after and kept apologising.
"Are you sure you’re ok?" Jacqui and Amy asked. "I'm fine just a busted lip and bloody nose. I grew up with Shane, i’ll be fine." I said getting up.
We all packed up the things and Carol got Ed into the car, she drove him and the laundry up to camp, the rest of us decided to walk. "Thank you." Andrea spoke. "For what?" I asked. "For helping me stand up to him." "I actually can't believe you hit him." Amy laughed "I know.. Neither can I.” I laughed “I just hope that the baby is alright." Jacqui said looking down. "It'll be fine." We made it back to the camp after 10 minutes.
I made eye contact with Lori who rushed over as soon as she seen the blood. "What happened?!" "Lori! Calm down I copped a hit off of ed after he copped one off of me. It’s only a busted lip and a bloody nose." "He deserved it." "Shane almost killed him." "I wouldn't blame him." "Look I'm going to go and lie down, I'm tired." "Ok honey." "(Y/n)!" I looked over to Shane. "Are you ok?" "God! I'm fine." "Ok, just tell me other wise." "Will do!" I went to my tent and fell asleep. I woke up to Lori shaking me. "Dinner is ready." I nodded and sat up. "Sounds good, what are we having?" "Fish, Amy and Andrea caught them." "Ok, let's go." I smiled.
We walked towards the campfire and sat down. I ate some of my food and laughed along with everyone's jokes and their stories. "(Y/n), what was Shane like growing up?" Jacqui asked, "Here we go." Shane laughed. "He was the type of brother that would do anything for his little sister, including tea parties and dress ups, oh and the make-up and hair do's oh and this one -" "Ok enough of that." Shane cut me off. "I was going to say this one time I fell out of the tree in our backyard, I would’ve been about 12, I broke my arm and Shane was in the hospital with me, he bought me chocolates and balloons and a flower, that happened to be dead." Everyone awed. "And where do you think you're going?" Andrea asked Amy as Amy stood up. "I'm going to go and pee.. So much for being discreet around here." We all laughed. I started to play with my food, not feeling well, and the fact that daryl probably hates me right now. "(Y/n)?" "Huh? What?" I asked. "I said are you ok?" morales asked "Oh, I'm-"
I was cut off by a loud scream, both Andrea and I looked over to where Amy was, now being eaten alive by a walker. Everyone started running and yelling, grabbing weapons. Carl was with Lori, and Sophia with Carol. I grabbed my knife and started to help with killing the walkers. One was coming up behind Shane, so I ran up behind it and stabbed it with my knife. "(Y/n/n)! Get in the RV now!" Shane scolded. "No! Shane I am helping." I said killing another walker. "I am not risking your life! So get inside!" He stated killing one also. "No Shane! And that's final!" I said as I killed more and more walkers. I dropped my knife, a walker cornering me ,and everyone was pretty much out of ammo, when all of a sudden an arrow went through the walkers head, making it fall on me. I pushed it off of me. There were then gunshots and soon after the walkers were dead, I heard a snarl turning around, I seen one behind me, an arrow lodging itself through its eye, I stood frozen. I felt two hands on my shoulders. "Are you ok?" Daryl asked. I started to function properly again and I hugged him. “I needed you and you weren't here." I whispered "I was trying to get Merle.” "And how did that work out for you? I don’t see him anywhere!” I pushed him off me. “What is wrong with ya?” He snapped. I scoffed. “What is wrong with me? The group was just attacked and you went out on a rescue mission. I get that he is your brother, and I respect that. If it was Shane I would go back as well. Daryl we just lost our people.” “They might be your people, they sure as shit ain’t mine.” “Merle is a trigger happy idiot, he only cares for himself! He doesn't care for you!" "He is the only one that has ever cared for me he��s the only family i'll ever have!" He yelled. "You know what you're an ass!" I said pushing him backwards.
 I walked away, and I sat with Andrea who was sitting over Amy's body. "I'm so sorry." I whispered, rubbing circles on her back. "It's not your fault." "I'll give you some time. If you need me, im here.” "Thank you." She whispered hugging me.
 I got up and walked over to Shane. “You were an idiot out there! I told you to get to safety. What were you thinking?”
 “Shane, if I didn’t help, we could’ve lost a lot more of our people.”
 “I don’t care, we could’ve lost you.” "I know, but it should've been me not them, they were all good people Shane." "Don't say that." He scolded me as I hugged him. "They all were good people, we lost them, and If I lost my baby sister Id never." "What?" "Never be able to cope." "Shane?" "Yeah?" "You scared me the earlier today." "When?" "At the quarry." "I'm sorry." "I know."
He hugged me close as he looked around for anymore possible threats. 
After we were given the clear, we all sat down and grieved for our lost ones. After a few hours the sun was rising. I got up when I saw Daryl walking toward me. I tried to walk off when he grabbed my arm, pulling me over to him.
 "What's wrong with you Lately?” "Nothing that you can do about it anyway." "Honestly why are you being a bitch?" I know that what he said wasn't bad, but it hurt like hell, hormones of being pregnant I guess.
Normally I would take being called a bitch into my stride. I saw Jacqui looking at me, she started to walk over.
"Dixon, treat her with more respect! She doesn't deserve this." She said walking away with me. “Mind ya own business. Stuck up-”
Before I could process what was happening my hand collided with his face.
Everyone’s faces were shocked when I turned around. "I guess you and merle are more alike Thani thought Daryl." I said to him grabbing Jacqui's hand and walking away. "Why would you do that?" She asked. "Because you definitely don't deserve to be spoken to like that.” I looked back and saw him walking to help everyone else. "Sit down honey, we will do this." I nodded and sat down.
"Why do we all get stuck with doing work, you don't have to do anything?" Jim asked. "Jim, shut up" Shane snapped. He did as told and continued working. Lori came over to me and started talking.
"Still haven't told him yet?" "No." "Honey." "I know. It’s just hard." I looked over to where he was, angrily shoving the pick-axe into the dead skulls, to make sure, sweat on his forehead. “A walker got him!" Jacqui called out.
 I looked over to Jim and Jacqui, everyone rushing over to where they were. I pushed everyone out of the way and he held the shovel tighter to protect himself. Someone pushed me behind them protectively, coming face to face with a pair of angel wings. "Show us." Daryl said, still making sure I was there.
After a minute of arguing Shane ripped Jim's shirt up, revealing the gruesome bite. Lori sat down with Jim as the rest of us moved away and started talking.
 "We should put a pick-axe through his skull and the dead girls and be done with it." Daryl stated. "For the love of god, the mans still alive." T-dog whispered. "Only a matter of time." Daryl replied loudly, making  us look at Jim. "How long does it have to kill you?" Glenn asked quietly "I've never seen a survivor of a bite before, have you?" Jacqui asked. I shook my head. "I'm not going to take a chance." Daryl said turning around, "No Daryl, if we do that, that's our humanity gone and I am not-" "You're not what?" Daryl asked suspiciously. "Nothing, I don't feel too good." I said backing up.
 My breath hitched in my throat and I turned around and ran. I didn't get far as I dropped to my knees, heaving and gagging. "Oh shit!" I heard Shane, shortly after the sound of footsteps came close and someone was kneeling beside me. "Are you ok?" Shane asked me. I shook my head in response. After what seemed like forever I finally got all of the contents of my stomach out. I reached out for Shane and he helped me up slowly. I turned around and saw everyone staring at me. The girls all knew and so did Dale and Shane. Daryl looked at me and sighed.
 "We're you bit?" He asked aloud from a distance making sure everyone could hear. "No, It's just the smell, it's getting to me, and I didn't eat much." I covered up. "Daryl, if she was bit, she'd have a fever." "Shane, I need to tell him.” He nodded in response. "Daryl! Come here.” Daryl nodded.
 We walked over to where my tent is. “What? I need to get rid of ‘em.” He motioned to the bodies. “What I am about to tell you is really important. I really, really like you Daryl.”
“Get on with it, we don’t have all day.” He rolled his eyes, with his arms crossed. “Daryl, I’m pregnant.” Breathed out.
“Na, you ain’t.” “I am, I took two tests.” “It ain’t mine. It’s probably T-dogs. You two are close.”
“Are you being serious?”
“We always used condoms. It ain’t mine.”
“Daryl. It’s your baby. I’ve only been with you. Condoms can break.”
He shook his head.
“We have been together every second night if not every night, since we started this thing between us, there is no way that this isn’t your baby.”
He stormed off, grabbing his crossbow.
 I stood there alone, watching him walk away and start loading corpses into his truck. I waited until he was out of sight, until I made my way back to the others.
"Are you alright?" Lori asked as I rejoined what was left of our small group. “I told him. He is mad, thinks I slept with T-dog.” "You should've said something." "I tried. Numerous times." "Don't stress, it isn't good for the baby." She said hugging me.
I heard a branch snap.
 "I think we should deal with this right now!" I heard daryl yell, coming out of the woods raising his crossbow at Jim. Rick raised his gun a Daryl's head. "We don't kill the living." "Says the one with a gun to my head." "Daryl, put it down. Please." I whispered the last part softly touching his arm, making him slowly lower the crossbow, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. Rick lowered his gun and I saw Daryl glare at him. "Come with me." Rick looked at Jim. "Where are you taking me?" "Somewhere safe" Rick said taking him to the RV.
 After about an hour Amy woke up. Andrea had shot her at least five minutes after she awoke. I watched her wrap her own sister up in a white sheet. "(Y/n)?" I heard Rick ask. "Yeah?" "I need you to stay here and watch Jim as we bury the others." "Yeah, I'll do it." "No you aren't!" I head both Daryl and Shane protest. I looked at them both. "Why not?" I challenged. I saw Shane back up a bit. "What if he turns, and you get bit." Daryl snapped. “Look im an adult, not that you’d care at this point, regarding our previous conversation Dixon. I won't, because i'll have this." I said pulling my knife out of my boot. Daryl shot Rick a glare. "If she gets hurt I'm going to stomp your ass." He threatened leaving. Shane looked at him and walked away. "Go, I'll watch him." I smiled Rick thanked me before joining his wife and son. I climbed up into the RV and saw Carol sitting there looking after him.
 "You can go, it’s my turn to look over him." I smiled weakly. "Are you sure? I-" "Carol, you have to bury your husband. Sophia needs you honey." I hugged her. "I-ill be back soon." Carol stuttered with tears slowly running down her face. I nodded and sat down. "How are you going to do it?" Jim asked coughing "Do what?" "End this" "Jim. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise." I smiled dampening a cloth and wiping the sweat off of his head. "Thank you." He panted. "Would you like a drink?" "Please." I got up and went to the refrigerator grabbing the bottle of water that had been placed in there. I walked back to Jim. He couldn't hold the bottle still he was shaking that bad. "Here, I'll help." I steadied the bottle to his mouth and he drank. I pulled the bottle away and done the cap up. "I- I never got to say congratulations." He said with a weak and tired smile. "Thanks." I whispered. He went to smile but he started to cough, I handed him the red bucket that he had become far to familiar with. Blood was coming up with each cough. After a few minutes he stopped. "I'm sorry you have to look over me." "Jim, please stop saying sorry." He nodded his head. I heard a voice outside of the RV and looked out of the window. I saw almost everyone walking back. Jacqui came in and sat down next to me.
"It's my watch honey." She stated. "Are-" "Just go, I'm surprised that you put up with me that long." Jim softly laughed. "Honestly Jim! You make me sound horrible." I said amused. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "I'm going to see you soon okay?" I asked. He nodded his head. I slowly walked out of the RV. I went to my tent and entered it.
I laid down on my sleeping bag and looked at the tarp that lay above. I heard footsteps outside of my tent, followed by Daryl entering and laying next to me. He pulled me close and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry for snapping earlier." He spoke. "I'm sorry for not telling you when I was originally going to." “When was that?” "You were angry at everyone for leaving merle on that Roof, I tried To tell you then.”
The tent was quiet, I could only hear Daryls breath, and my own. “Im 3-4 weeks along-” "It's been decided. We're heading to the CDC" he cut me off. "Rick or Shane's idea?" "Ricks" "I bet Shane wasn't happy about that." I laughed.
 The silence was too much, I lifted my head and kissed his lips softly, him kissing back. The kiss slowly turned into a heated make out session. "(Y/n)! We're leaving in 20!" Shane called out interrupting us. I pulled away. "Cock-block" Daryl groaned. I softly laughed. I got my back pack and daryl got his crossbow and his bag. "I'll put our things with Merle's bike in the truck." Daryl said taking my bag. I sighed as I started to take our tent apart. "Here, let me help you." I looked up to see Lori. "Thanks." "You should be doing the light stuff." "I'm fine with this honestly." “If you say so." She said.
 I looked over to see Shane walk over. "Ok ladies, this is a mans job." He said pulling the tent apart. Lori scoffed and left. After 5 minutes Shane looked at me.
 "And that is how you pack away a tent." "Nice job. Now take it to the RV with the other tents." I smiled sweetly. He rolled his eyes as he grabbed it and started to walk away. I walked to where the rest of the group was.
 "Now, everyone stay on channel 40, but keep the chatter down. Jim will stay in the RV with Jacqui, so he is in good hands. Questions?" Rick asked I shook my head but morales stood up, his family joining. "We're not going." I looked at him shocked. "What?" I asked in disbelief. "Heading the opposite way, we've got family in Birmingham." He finished. "You won't make it alone." Rick said. "We'll take our chances." "That's a lot of pressure to hold on yourself." "We can handle it." Miranda said with a soft smile. "I really think-" "I've got to do what's best for my family." Morales spoke Rick nodded his head. "I understand. Channel 40 ... If you change your mind." He softly smiled back. Morales nodded. We all said our goodbyes and they got into the van. After a while they where out of sight. "Is everyone ready to go?" "Yeah." "Yep." "Sure." We all piled into out vehicles. The RV pulled out onto the road, Rick following behind in the Cherokee, then T-dog in the church van, Daryl and myself and then Shane following in his jeep..... 
The journey so far has been silent, we’ve been on the road for about 20 minutes.
I put my head on the window and sighed. "What's wrong with ya?" Daryl asked "Nothing." "Bullshit." “Im just tired?” “It ain’t that.”
“It’s not important.” "Fine." We sat in silence for at least another 5 minutes, when everyone in front of us had started to pull up. "What the hell?" Daryl started. We both got out and gathered around the front of the RV. "What happened?" I asked "It's the hose, it's completely shot." Dale sighed. "I thought you fixed it earlier." I commented. "Yeah, didn't you jury-rig it or something?" Rick asked. "It's not holding, I was going to strip the cube van." "Shit." Shane sighed. "There's got to be a gas station, or an abandoned car between here and the highway." Rick sighed. We all traded wary looks. "Glenn, Dale, it shouldn't take us long." Rick stated. "I'll go this time." Shane piped up. "You sure?" "Yeah, you stay with your family." Shane said putting some things in his jeep. I looked at Daryl. "Shane!" I called after him. He turned around. "What?" "Be safe" He nodded. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Your brother is the toughest son of a bitch there is." I heard Rick say removing his hand. "You don't say" I chuckled. "I never knew that Shane had a sister." I sighed. "Well, I wasn't the best person to be related to, I was 14 when our parents died, I was in Shane's custody , Shane and I got into a huge fight causing Shane to move out. He left me with my fathers brother who was an alcoholic, he was an abusive drunk, I almost died a few times, so I-I ran away, Shane doesn't know about our uncle. I stole from a gas station, that at the time earlier in the same week a someone tried to hold it up, so they had a few police men stationed there. I refused to tell them who my family was, because I at the time I was on my own, I mean Shane was alive, I thought he hated me, my uncle was a drunk who would get me into more trouble, my parents were dead and if they Weren't they'd be disappointed. It turns out, my cousin worked at the station and he called our grandmother, she took me in and helped me through everything, she had gotten me a job at the bakery that she worked at, she swore she'd never tell Shane about any of this, she kept to her word and didn't, after 6 years of living with her on the out skirts of King County, she had passed, and I re-united with my brother at our grams funeral. When the outbreak hit he showed up at our grandmothers house with Lori and Carl. For quite a chunk of our lives, Shane and I lost contact. Which is why you haven’t heard about me.” By the time I had finished everyone was standing with us listening. "Sorry." I whispered. "Don't be." "What were you two fighting about?" Dale asked. Memories came flooding back. "I-I- dont remember." I lied pushing past people.
I was waiting, for two and a half hours.
I was at the movies with a friend, it had finished at 7.15pm. I was 14, Shane was meant to pick me up. So at 9.20 I decided to walk home, it was a twenty minute drive from home to the cinema, he should’ve been here by now. It was 9.55 by the time I got home.
Shane was no where to be seen.
I sat on the bottom step, watching the front door, waiting for my brother to walk in. Surely he had a good reason to not be there when he said he would. After an hour of waiting, Shane still wasn’t home. I stood up, and got a glass of water to take with me to bed. I hear the door open and I walked over to see Shane walk in with three women, Barely dressed, caked faces.
The girls were giggling, Shane was plastered. They ignored me and made their way up the stairs and into the master room. The next day the girls left, and Shane walked out, pleased with himself. "What was that a new record?" I asked sourly. "What's up your ass?" He scoffed. ���You forgot about me again.”
 “No I didn’t.” “The movie finished at 7.15 last night and I waited until 9.20 for you.”
“I had plans.”
 “I could see that.”
 “You got home, it’s not a big deal.”
 “To you it might not be. But it is to me Shane, you promised. Mom and dad can’t come pick me up because you forgot.” “So what? You’re okay. You’re grown. Deal with it.” “Shane-“ “I can’t fucking do this. Im not your father, I don’t want you.” Shane grabbed a coat and left. This time he didn’t come back.
I walked to the truck, grabbed my bag and pulled out my water bottle, taking a sip. "What are ya doing?" Daryl asked. I offered my bottle to him, for him to shake his head. I put the bottle back. “I was thirsty.” I responded.
 “Are you okay?” "Sure." I said shoving my bag back into the truck. I tried to push past but he blocked me. "Don't start." He said. “Start what?”
 “Being a bitch.” “You gonna hit me like ed hit me, knock me on my ass? Go on, take your shot." I slightly raised my voice. Pure anger went through his eyes. "When did he hit you?!" He said raising his voice only that the two of us could hear. “It doesn’t matter, im okay.”  I replied, softly pushing him out of the way. I walked to where T-dog and Jacqui were sitting. "You alright, I saw you two talking.” Jacqui asked. “Yeah im good.” "I'm sorry." T-dog said "About?" "Your past." "Don't be, that's why it's in the past, we gotta keep, keeping on.” They both smiled. "(Y/n)!" I turned my head and saw Lori, signalling for me to goto her. "I'll talk to you guys later." I smiled.
I walked to the Cherokee and stood with her. "Hey, is everything okay?" "Yeah it's fine, word of advice.." "Yeah." "Fit in as much sex before you start growing bigger, trust me." She whispered I laughed causing everyones attention to land on us. "Don't make me laugh, I doubt we will be even sleeping next to each other." "Why?" "I don’t think this is something he wants.” "Daryl loves you, I can see it in his eyes." I looked over to where Daryl was, talking with Rick about whatever. I heard a rustle in a bush and grabbed my knife. Lori heard it too, pushing the kids behind her. I looked to where Daryl was with Rick and they were still talking, so were the others. "(Y/n). Don't."
I ignored Lori's protests and started walking. I saw a squirrel, torn to shreds on the ground, and saw a walker eating another one. I quietly snuck up behind it and as it turned around I shoved the knife into its skull, blood now all over my knife and a little bit on my shirt.
I heard a twig snap behind me and I turned around, running into a hard chest. "You shouldn't be alone out here." "Daryl you scared the shit out of me.” “I don’t want you out here alone.” “Daryl. I’m not a doll.” I snapped.     Moving around him and heading back to the cars, he grabs my waist and pull me into him, kissing me hard, dropping his crossbow. I kissed back with just as much force. He licked my bottom lip, begging for entrance. I parted my mouth and our tongues fought for dominance. My hands slipped under his vest and ran over his chest. He held me close, not letting me go. We were interrupted by a snapping twig. There was a walker, it was coming toward us. He walked in front of me and grabbed the crossbow, shooting it in the eye. "We should go back." I whispered. "Yeah." He nodded. He grabbed my hand and we walked back to the others.
"Are you okay?" Lori asked as soon as she saw me. "Yeah, I'm fine. We just talked." "Are you going to use my advice?" "To be honest. We kind of tried that then, until a walker ruined it. My sex drive is on high and I just." "I know, I was exactly like that when i was pregnant with Carl." I saw Shane pull up in the jeep, getting out and handing the hose to dale. Glenn and dale started to work on the hose. "It will only take me a few minutes." Dale said looking back to everyone. "Everyone, let's get ready to head out, as soon as the RV is fixed we are moving out." Shane called. Shane made his was to his jeep, passing the RV door. It opened, Rick carrying Jim.
 "What is going on?" Shane asked Rick. "Rick?" I asked "He doesn't want to go any further." Rick said regretting it. Rick carried Jim to a tree and set him down against it. "Are we just going to leave him here?" Glenn asked "No! We can't. It isn't right!" I protested. "Please just go." Jim sighed softly. We all stood there, looking at Jim. "He wants to die peacefully." Andrea spoke up. We all looked at her. Rick got out a bottle of water and placed it beside Jim. "What the hell man?!" Daryl asked. "He's made his decision, I can't force him, I can't force anyone of you." "What's the point of going to the CDC then? we're close." Shane said. "I think it's still the right plan." Rick argued softly "He can't take the bouncing around in that thing, look at him." Carol sighed. We all looked at him. Shane focused on Rick. "We're really just walking away? I don't want to live with that." Shane said. "Shouldn't we.. You know?" T-dog asked. Rick cut him down with a glare.
Andrea kneeled and kissed Jim's forehead, she stood back up and turned away. Glenn stood forward. "Hang in there bro." Dale follows. "Good luck." "I really wish that we weren't doing this, but it is what you want and I respect that.” I said kneeling and kissing his forehead, and wiping his hair away from his eyes. I stood up and walked to the pick up. Daryl looked at Jim and nodded coldly, the followed me to the truck. The others followed with their goodbyes. The RV pulled out slowly, all of us following pursuit. Looking out of the window I share one last smile at Jim. Series Masterlist   Next Part
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musette22 · 4 years
Hello! Can you write a stucky or evanstan fic where steve/chris finally confessed his feelings to bucky/sebastian using the hearts candy, pretty please? Oh I really love your fics!
Aww, thank you so much, lovely! This was such a sweet idea (excuse the pun), and I chose to go with prewar Stucky for this one! I hope that’s okay 🥰🥰
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Rating: Gen
Words: 2k
A/N: Apparently these sweets have existed since the late nineteenth-century, and - fun fact - at some point they were being produced by the Stark Candy Company!
Steven Grant Rogers has never really needed much of a reason to get into a fight. Today, though, he’s in an extra foul mood and he’s just itching for some action.
He promised himself he would tell Bucky how he felt. Promised himself he would do it on Bucky’s birthday, when he had some Dutch courage in his system and Bucky would be in good spirits and hopefully less likely to punch him in the face if he didn’t like what Steve had to say. But Bucky’s birthday came and went, and once again, Steve had failed to get the words out.
Apparently the bullies were right after all: he is a wimp, and a coward to boot.
He’s been stewing over his failure ever since he opened his eyes this morning, getting more and more worked up as the day went on. So when he’s on his way home after a shift at the newspaper and a burly, greasy guy across the street catcalls a dame who’s walking by herself, Steve’s hackles are up even faster than usual.
“Hey, asshole,” Steve calls, his voice ringing out loud and clear in the quiet street. “Didn’t your ma ever teach you any manners?”
He gets the shit kicked out of him, of course – no surprises there. Steve gets in a few good punches too, because he’s feeling amped up and punching assholes has always been his favorite way to let off steam. But at the end of the day, the guy is twice his size and three times as strong, and it’s only because he gets bored with the lack of competition and walks off at some point that Steve escapes the scuffle with ‘just’ a shiner and a few bruised ribs.
Oh, and a mood even fouler than before.
He fumes quietly as he walks the last few blocks home, angrily kicking an empty can out of the way and blowing his tousled bangs out of his eyes. Damn it, he thinks. Damn it all to hell. He’s so busy cursing the heavens that he almost fails to notice the motorcar that turns around the corner, but he manages to jump out of the way just in time. His shoulder bumps against a shop window, and that’s when something colorful catches his eye.
He’s looking at the window of a candy story, or at a jar filled to the brim with candy hearts, to be precise. Sweethearts, they’re called now: little multicolored pieces of candy that each have a word stamped into them.
On a whim, Steve pushes open the door to the shop and steps inside. He’s greeted by the jangle of the doorbell and a wary look from the proprietor, who eyes Steve’s black eye with mistrust but who sells him a small bag of Sweethearts nonetheless. Business is business, after all. Although Steve is well aware that he shouldn’t be spending the money he just made with his extra shift on candy, and this is clearly a stupid plan anyway, he is kind of desperate at this point, and desperate times call for desperate measures.
The hearts burn a hole in his pocket as he makes his way back to the apartment. It’s like they’re taunting him, whispering to him that he’s not gonna do it, he’s too much of a chicken to tell Bucky how he feels. Too gutless to tell him that he’s loved him since the day they met, even if he only later realized he was in love with him. It took Steve a while to work up to the decision that he should tell Bucky about that inconvenient but undeniable truth, which has fueled and consumed him in equal measure ever since it presented itself.
It took him six years, to be precise.
Six years in which Steve pretended he loved Bucky like one friend loves another, pretended he wasn’t looking at Bucky’s mouth and wondering what it would feel like against his own. Six years in which Steve called Bucky a jerk instead of all the other, much tenderer things that were always on the tip of his tongue.
But now, with war raging in Europe and people risking their lives for their own and other’s freedom, Steve could no longer stomach the idea that he wasn’t even brave enough to tell his best friend that he loved him. And in his heart of hearts, Steve knows it doesn’t even matter. He knows he’ll love Bucky until they’re both old and grey, regardless of whether Bucky feels the same way in return.
But maybe, just maybe there is a chance that he does. And maybe today might be the day that Steve’s going to find out.
As he trudges up the stairs and opens the door to their apartment, Steve’s hopes of getting to freshen up a little to hide the worst of the damage before Bucky gets home are dashed when he hears someone whistling the latest Glenn Miller tune from inside.
Shit. Steve is usually home before Bucky, but then he usually doesn’t get into fights on his way home (well, not every day, at least). He sighs, squaring himself up for the reprimand Bucky is no doubt going to give him when he notices the state Steve is in.
As soon as he steps through the door, Bucky turns around from where he’s standing by the sink, holding a glass of milk. He’s in his work pants still, but he’s taken off his jacket, leaving him in just his undershirt and suspenders. Unthinkingly, Steve’s eyes linger on the curve of Bucky’s biceps, taking in the way the shirt is sticking to his stomach with sweat, even though it’s only March. When he finally lifts his gaze to Bucky’s face, though, Steve feels his stomach drop. Bucky’s brow is furrowed, his lips turned down into an unhappy frown.
“For pity’s sake, Steve…” Bucky sighs, sounding infinitely weary. “You really can’t go one week without gettin’ into a fight? What was it this time, somebody breathe in your direction?”
Steve bristles at the implication that it must have been him who started it, even though it had in fact – depending on how you looked at it – been him who started it.
“This asshole was harassing a dame all on her own,” Steve huffs. “What was I supposed to have done, just keep walking?”
“Was he attacking her?”
“No,” Steve replies, frowning. “He catcalled her, but–”
“Steve.” Bucky rolls his eyes, running a hand through his chestnut hair, wavy again now that the cream he put in it this morning has evaporated with a day’s hard work at the docks. “We’ve been over this. There’s always going to be assholes out there, you know that. You can’t fight ‘em all, pal”
“Yes, I can,” Steve counters, unconsciously pushing out his chin a little. “And I will.”
Bucky pinches the bridge of his nose, letting out a deep sigh. “I swear, Steve, sometimes I think you got a death wish. What am I gonna do with your stubborn ass?”
A slightly manic giggle escapes Steve at that, because he’s got one or two idea ideas for what Bucky could to with his ass. The sound must rub Bucky the wrong way, however, because he raises his eyebrows, eyes going comically wide.
“Oh, you think this is funny, do you?” he asks, then draws himself up to his full height before proceeding to lecture Steve on what are and what aren’t valid reasons to start a fight.
Having heard this spiel countless times before, Steve mulishly tunes Bucky out and instead starts digging around in the pocket of his ragged coat for the little paper bag.
His heart starts beating faster as he pulls it out and opens it, but he ignores it, just as he ignores the little voice in the back of his head screeching at him to abort, abort, abort. He’s not getting cold feet this time – it’s now or never.
“Are you even listening to me?” Bucky huffs impatiently, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Steve doesn’t bother replying because he figures it’s pretty clear he isn’t listening, and instead peers inside the bag, trying to find the one he needs.
Ah. There.
Finally looking back up at Bucky, Steve holds out his hand. There, in his palm, lies a pink little heart.
Bucky’s eyes drop to Steve’s outstretched hand. “What’s this?”
Instead of answering, Steve just keeps looking at him, silently willing Bucky to just get the hint already and take the piece of candy.
Bucky peers down at Steve’s hand, uncomprehending. Then, suddenly, he goes still. He blinks a few times, fast, mouth opening and closing as if he’s going to say something. He doesn’t, but he does reach out slowly, picking up the pink heart from Steve’s palm and then staring at it some more from close up.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Bucky lift his head again, his eyes findings Steve’s. “Steve? What’s this?”
And because he can’t help himself and also he’s about to keel over just from sheer nerves, Steve snaps, “Sorry, I forgot you couldn’t read.”
When Bucky doesn’t respond, just keeps standing there with his mouth hanging open like a fish on land, Steve slowly starts to feel very stupid, and very, very vulnerable. He’s unable to stop the heat rising up in his cheeks, a blush spreading like a wildfire from his face to the tips of his ears and down his chest.
And that, seeing Steve shrinking in on himself, that must be what makes Bucky finally understand. Because from one moment to the next, Bucky’s face transforms, his expression melting into something soft and so mushy it makes Steve’s heart ache.
“Stevie…” Bucky breathes, not taking his eyes off Steve. “This says –”  He stops, licking his lips. “This says ‘I love you’.”
Steve nods, slowly, and asks, “Is that okay?”
Because apparently he is still a dumbass, even if he now isn’t quite so much of a coward anymore.
Bucky’s face melts a little further. Steve would’ve thought he looked stupid, if he wasn’t so gone on him. “Are you- Do you mean it?” His voice is barely more than a whisper at this point, as if he’s afraid to break whatever this thing is that’s slowly taking shape between them.
Steve inhales deeply to steady his nerves, his knees feeling worryingly shaky all of a sudden. “I do, Buck.”
Bucky makes a little sound then, something between a sigh and a laugh; incredulous, like he can’t quite believe what he’s hearing. Bolstered by Bucky’s reaction, Steve gets an idea and starts rooting around in the bag again for another heart.
When he finds the one he needs, a yellow one this time, he holds it out to Bucky, not breaking eye contact until Bucky’s gaze dips down to the offering. This time when he sees it, he barks out a laugh, unrestrained and joyous.
Kiss me, the heart says.
Steve watches Bucky pop both the hearts in his mouth, before he bridges the distance between them in two long strides. He takes Steve’s face between his large hands, his touch surprisingly gentle, and leans down, softly pressing his lips to Steve’s.
For a moment, Steve lets himself be kissed – until he recovers from the shock, and then he gives back as good as he gets. He stands up on his tip toes and wraps his arms around Bucky’s neck, pulling him closer, always closer.
By the end of the kiss, Steve has a heart, too.
Bucky tips back his head just a little, looking down at him through his lashes, his lovely slate-blue eyes a few shades darker than they were before. Steve is breathless, both from the kiss and from Bucky’s beauty, which he’s finally able to appreciate openly now, for the first time since he realized the way his heart tripped at the sight of it meant love.
Leaning in again, Bucky gently brushes his lips over Steve’s as he whispers, “I’m sweet on you too, pal.”
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ddixons-angel · 4 years
Fated: Season 3
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Summary: Gloria Rhee narrowly escapes Atlanta with her brother as the outbreak reaches the city. Luckily, they find a camp outside the city and together, they fend through encounters with the living and undead.
Starts a little before Season 1 and then follows the main storyline of the show.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Glenn Sister!OC
Warnings: major TWD spoilers, language, violence (the typical TWD stuff)
A/N: Is it Friday already? :D Well, here’s a new chapter for you guys~ I think I forgot to mention in the last that this Season has 10 chapters total hehehe I love every part though haha~ Anyway, enjoy!
Chapter 2
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Rick had scoped out the prison and decided it was perfect and secure for his group. They had easily cleared out the courtyard with Rick’s leadership and teamwork they had all developed over the few weeks of travelling together. They had decided to rest in the now safe courtyard and wait until the next morning to take over the rest of the prison. As morale was high in the group with their recent wins, they easily cleared out the entrance to the prison. Rick, Glenn, Daryl, and T-Dog enter the prison walls first to clear out any walkers and Rick finds two sets of keys that open the gates to the cell block. Giving one set to Daryl, he goes to open the gate to the cell block. The rest of the group file into the cell block, claiming cells as their own and moving their belongings inside. 
“I ain’t sleepin’ in no cage,” Daryl says as he makes his way to the stairs to the second level of the block, “I’ll take the perch.”
He throws his bag on the ground, taking the perch as his area. Gloria chuckles then follows him up the stairs, wanting to take a cell up on the upper level. She chooses the one closest to the perch, putting down her things and laying down on the bed. 
The next morning, Rick, T-Dog, Glenn, Daryl, Maggie and Hershel were preparing to head deeper into the prison. Rick had suggested the night before that they need to find the infirmary, armory and cafeteria. He had also asked Gloria to stay back and watch over Lori and Carl. She agrees, knowing that with Hershel going she needed to make sure Lori was feeling fine. Carol and Gloria were both in Lori’s cell, looking after her as she didn’t look very well. 
“Carol, can you help me get Hershel?” she pleads and Carol nods, leaving the cell immediately to get the vet. 
“What’s wrong?” Hershel says in a soft voice as he kneels down beside Lori.
“Lori thinks she lost the baby.” Gloria tells him, sadness in her voice. 
Hershel purses his lips in deep thought, “have you felt the baby moving?” 
“No...” Lori says through her tears, “what if... what if it’s already dead inside me... what if it starts to rip me apart from the inside?” 
Gloria grabs onto Lori’s hands, squeezing gently, attempting to comfort the pregnant woman, “No, Lori, don’t think like that.” 
“Gloria’s right, you’re letting fear take over you, that’s not going to happen.” Hershel says reassuringly.
Lori sniffles then looks at Hershel and Gloria seriously, “What if I end up dying during childbirth... what if I turn and end up attacking you, or Rick, or Carl, or the baby? If that does happen, I want you both to promise me that you will put me down immediately.” 
Hershel sighs then looks at Gloria who also glances at him, then she gives him a nod, “Okay, we promise. But I want you to remember that you have two doctors with you, so that should ease some of your worries.” 
“Hey, I’m just a doctor in training.” Gloria says jokingly to try and lighten up the mood. 
Hershel chuckles, “that’s still a doctor.”
Gloria smiles then she turns to Lori, “have you taken your prenatals for the day yet?”
Lori smiles softly and shakes her head. Gloria pats the back of her hand and gets up to go get the vitamins for her. As she leaves the cell, the others are all armored up to head deeper into the prison. Hershel leaves to join them and Carl closes and locks the gates of the cell block when they set off. Gloria gets back to Lori’s cell and gives her the vitamins then walks back out of the cell. 
“I think we could clean up the place before they get back, what do you think?” Gloria asks Carol. 
She nods, “Yeah, we should.” she says smiling. 
With that, the girls start to clean up the cell block that has now become their safe haven. Gloria goes up to the second level and takes a mattress from one of the unoccupied cells, laying it down on the perch where Daryl had slept the night before. She then proceeds to clean up more scraps and garbage littered around the area. Carl is still standing by the gates then hurries to open the gate as he hears Rick calling out for them to open the gate in a panic. The rest of the group rush in, pushing a makeshift stretcher with Hershel lying unconsciously on top of it, the bottom half of his right leg cut off and bleeding out.
“Beth, get blankets, pillows, towels, bedsheets, anything that can soak up blood. Now!” Gloria orders the younger girl as she rushes into the cell.
Maggie and Rick make way for her as she kneels down beside Hershel. Gloria holds onto the towels that were already on Hershel’s stump, pressing down hard with her hands, coating the towels into a deep scarlet red. Beth rushes to the cell with bedsheets, pillows, and more towels. Gloria takes off the blood drenched towels and grabs a bedsheet from Beth, wrapping it tightly around Hershel’s thigh to try and cut off as much blood flow as possible. She then grabs a pillow and presses it down hard on the wound. After a vicious cycle and many bloodstained pillows and towels, Gloria finally managed to stop the bleeding, wrapping up the tender wound with a fresh bedsheet. 
“Did you guys manage to find the infirmary?” Gloria asks, slightly breathless while looking up at Rick.
He sighs and shakes his head, “No, not yet.” 
“We’re going to need to find it, and quick. Hershel’s going to need antibiotics to keep this from getting infected, who knows how dirty these bedsheets are.” she says with a frown.
Rick nods, “we’ll keep looking.” he says then pats her shoulder before leaving the cell, heading out the cell block.
Gloria gets up from Hershel’s side and immediately is met with Beth, hugging her tightly and crying. She hugs the young girl back, patting her back in hopes to comfort her. 
“Thank you... thank you for saving my daddy,” she cries.
Gloria sighs then pulls away from Beth, “don’t thank me yet, your dad will still need antibiotics otherwise I can’t guarantee that he won’t develop an infection. You gotta stay strong for him though, okay?” 
Beth sniffles and nods, “okay,” she wipes her tears away, “okay, I will.” 
Gloria looks over to Maggie who’s leaning on the doorway to the cell, her eyes wet with tears. The two women nod at each other with a mutual understanding then Gloria walks out of the cell as Maggie walks into the cell to comfort Beth. Gloria walks up to Glenn who’s leaning on the wall across Hershel’s cell and looking in with his arms crossed. 
“I stopped the bleeding, but we really need to find the infirmary.” Gloria tells him. 
Glenn nods at that, “Yeah... we have to find it soon.” 
Gloria sighs heavily, looking down at her blood soaked hands and attempts to wipe the drying blood on her pants, trying to distract herself from the bloody scene she just had to endure. She always had to calm herself down after something like that, even in her days as a nurse working in the ER. In the moment, she would be fine, keeping herself calm, collected, and professional but once it was over, her emotions and panic would catch up with her. Knowing her well, Glenn puts his hand on her shoulder to try and calm her down.
“Hey, breathe slowly, deep breaths, come on. Breathe with me.” Glenn instructs as he helps her slow her breath, “you did really good just now.” 
Gloria doesn’t say anything and just nods and focuses on taking deep breaths. As she’s trying to calm herself, movement from outside the cell block catches her eye. Rick and Daryl were leading a group of unknown people outside when one of them turns to look in the direction of their cell block and she could swear that she saw him smirk at her. 
“Who are they?” Gloria says, gesturing to the people outside.
“Prisoners. They were locked up in the cafeteria.” Glenn informs her.
Gloria smiles a bit at that, “at least we found the cafeteria.” 
“Yeah,” Glenn chuckles, “that’s a small plus in our long chain of negatives.” 
Gloria glances over at Hershel’s cell, taking in the heartbreaking scene of Beth and Maggie waiting for their father to wake up. They needed to find the infirmary but Rick and Daryl were busy dealing with the prisoners. She decided to take it upon herself to look for it.
“Hey, look after Hershel, I need a bit of a breather.” Gloria tells Glenn and he nods, understanding.
She couldn’t tell Glenn she was wandering off on her own to find the infirmary, he’d never let her go, not alone anyway, so she had to lie. Rushing up the stairs to the upper level, she goes to retrieve the flashlight from her bag and equips her daggers onto her belt then heads out the back of the cell block. She sneaks down the hallway, dagger in her dominant hand, flashlight in the other lighting up her path. Gloria is cautious, listening intently for any snarling of walkers, killing any that get in her way. She uses the walker blood to mark her path, drawing a large ‘X’ so that she doesn’t get lost on her way back. After going through what seemed like a maze of identical walls, Gloria finally makes it to a set of double doors. She pushes the right side of the door cautiously and hears snarls from the inside of the room, she listens close to pin-point which side of the room the sounds are coming from. She peeks through the crack of the door, seeing shadows moving on the ground that told her the walkers were on the right side of the room. 
She skips to the left side of the door, letting the right door swing shut, she pushes the left door slightly to check how many walkers are in the room. Luckily, there were only three from what she could see and all of their backs were facing her. Gloria pushes through the door and in one swift motion, stabs at the walker closest to her in the back of the head, killing it then does the same to the other two. Looking around cautiously, she lets out a breath of relief as she sees that there are no more walkers in the room. Instead, there are fully stocked shelves of medical supplies. Grinning at her discovery, she starts to pack up bandages, painkillers, and antibiotics to bring back to Hershel. As she’s about to leave, a sight in the corner of the room catches her eye. She chuckles to herself as she sees a very familiar old friend: crutches. 
Taking the supplies back to the cell block, she smudges out any ‘X’ marks she made that didn’t point to the infirmary. When she gets back, her heart drops as Beth and Maggie are in the hallway, holding onto each other as they cried. Fear swallowed her as she thought that Hershel hadn’t made it. When Beth sees Gloria, she storms up to her.
“Where were you?! Daddy stopped breathing and you weren’t here!” Beth yells as she cries. 
“I-I’m sorry... I shouldn’t have left, I’m sorry.” Gloria says, feeling bad for leaving the young girl, “I found the infirmary and got supplies for your dad, he’s going to be okay.” 
“You went alone?!” Glenn exclaims, frowning at her, “why didn’t you tell anybody?” 
“Someone had to! You had to look after Maggie and Beth and I don’t want them leaving Hershel’s side, and I sure as hell am not letting Lori or Carl go exploring the prison.” Gloria retorts, she then goes into the cell where Hershel is laying, she puts down the supplies she'd retrieved on the ground in the corner of the cell, “how is he?” 
Maggie had returned to Hershel’s side, “he’s breathing again, Lori gave him CPR.”
Gloria nods, a small smile of relief on her face, she takes a bottle of antibiotics and a roll of bandages from the bunch of supplies then goes to Hershel. 
"Here, give these to him when he wakes up." she says as she gives Maggie the bottle of antibiotics. 
Maggie nods with a small grateful smile on her face. She watches as Gloria begins to unwrap Hershel's stump, replacing the bloody bedsheets with proper bandages. 
"These should also help with preventing infection." she says, standing up and pats Maggie's shoulder reassuringly, "your dad's gonna be fine." 
Just then, Daryl and Rick walk into the cell block. Rick goes into the cell where Hershel is and Gloria leaves the cell so that it isn’t as crowded. Gloria leans on the wall as Daryl walks up to her, frowning.
“What happened to ya?” he asks, referring to all the blood on her. 
“Had to stop Hershel’s bleeding.” she tells him, looking at the ground. 
He then gestures to her neck and shoulders, "ya got blood splattered all over ya, that from Hershel too?” 
“Walkers. I went to find the infirmary.” Gloria sighs then she adds just before Daryl is about to yell at her, “Don’t. Glenn already went off on me for going alone.” 
Daryl says nothing to that, pursing his lips together then notices that Gloria seemed different, “wha’s wrong?” 
She shakes her head then pushes herself off the wall, “I’m gonna get some air.” 
Daryl watches as she walks out of the cell block and outside the building altogether. He sighs and retreats to his spot on the perch, noticing the bed that was now laying there. A small smile pulls at his lips as he knew it was Gloria who did this. Later on, Hershel had finally woken up, relieving everyone in the cell block. Only Gloria didn’t know of this piece of good news as she was still sitting outside on the picnic bench. Daryl was leaning on the railing on the upper level of the cell block, contemplating whether or not to go out and check up on Gloria when Glenn walks up the stairs and stands beside him. An awkward silence emits between the two of them. 
“How’s Hershel?” Daryl was the first one to speak.
“He’s better. Talking with Beth and Maggie right now.” Glenn nods, then another moment of silence comes between them when Glenn finally speaks up again, “so, I’ve noticed something going on between you and Gloria.” 
Daryl scoffs at that, “what, that kiss on the highway in front o’ everyone wasn’t obvious enough?”
Glenn chuckles lightly, “well, I don’t know exactly what it is you have going on or what you can have going on, I just hope you can take care of her.”
“Ya ain’ threatenin’ me that ya’ll kill me if I hurt her, are ya?” Daryl side smiles at him.
“Nope,” Glenn says, “we both know that if you end up hurting her, she’s going to be the one who kills you.” 
Both of them laugh at that, Daryl nods, knowing that’s definitely true then he looks at Glenn, “I’ll take care o’ her.” 
Next Chapter
I would say this was a pretty eventful chapter, they cleared out their cell block, Hershel unfortunately lost his leg, and we learn more about Gloria and how she is with dealing with emergency situations. I know there wasn’t much Gloria and Daryl interactions here but I swear it leads up to a pretty sweet moment immediately next chapter! And then you get the cute but awkward moment with Glenn and Daryl so there’s that haha~ Let me know what you thought of this!
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy, please don’t panic, we will get through this!
And as always, I would really appreciate any comments left for me! I’ll be replying to any comments in a new post because this is a sideblog!
Taglist (please let me know if you’d list to be added/removed!):
@twdeadfanfic​ | @fandomfanatic97​ | @crossbowking​ | @watchmeaspire​ | @spidergirla5​ | @kamieshep​ | @letsstarsfalling​ | @molethemollie​ | @alicewinchester99​
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billie-ford · 4 years
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1 2 3 4 
A Home Made
What felt like hours in the agonizingly cramped space were only made worse by the sudden sound of a foreign voice from above and the threatening rattle of the wood concealing Billie within. A conversation was taking place. She couldn’t make out the words or even the voices providing them but after too long the hinges squeaked and an already cramped Billie shoved her folded frame as far into the shadowed corner as possible, afraid that the rapid beat of her heart and the increasing shake of her breathes had begun to emit sound.
“Billie?” It was Jesus.
It was the feeling of an officer finding her after a home invasion. A sigh of relief subdued the shake of her shoulders as the Hilltop resident pulled her from the bunker and dusted her off.
“Are you sure they’re gone?”
He nodded, “I watched them all go.”
“Millie? Sasha? Maggie? Where are they? Are they okay?” “Come with me.”
Though the speed of her stride matched his, there was an urgency in her step as they made their way through the long winding halls of Gregory’s mansion until they reached the french doors of his office, Billie throwing them open to find the three women stood along his desk. Millie smiled at her, relieved, and ran to hug her aunt who, much like before, took her into her arms tightly.
“Jesus hid us in a closet.” She mumbled into the fabric of Billie’s shirt before pulling back to smile warmly at Jesus. Billie looked to him too, nodding in silent thanks which he returned with a kindly gaze.
“Ah, Billie..” The familiar monotone pitch of Gregory’s voice made Billie’s jaw clench as she turned to acknowledge the older man. Since the day they met he had an unmistaken glint of disdain in his eye for her and this moment in time was no exception; after all they were asking an awful lot to be refuged within his community with the lurking danger of the Saviors.
“I was just telling your friends about Ms. Caitlin’s famous rhubarb preserve you all can take with you on your journey home. Our way of saying thank you for all the help you’ve been during your time in the Hilltop Colony.”
Billie’s ears perked like a curious dog, “who said anything about leaving?”
That same glint in his eye darkened his iris as he took a sip of whiskey before clearing his throat. “Well, seeing as how the Saviors could come back for whatever reason I’d say it’s best for the three- four of you to be gone to avoid any further..uh..close calls.”
The adults shared a look before Billie spoke again. “We had a deal, Gregory.”
“We did. And now that deal is done. I can’t risk the safety of my community for three strangers who wandered in-”
“Your community’s safety or your own hyde?”
Gregory guffawed, “well what difference does it make?”
Before Billie could say more, taking a confident step forward, Sasha grabbed her gently by the arm, halting her movements. “We’ll go.” She said. “But Maggie stays... We’ll call it even on everything we’ve done around here.”
He looked her up and down, the blue in his eyes suddenly clouded with attraction rather than contempt. It made Billie’s skin crawl as she scowled. “No deal. But it’s been lovely having you here.”
“Just tell me how we can make this work.”
Those owlish eyes that harbored so much attraction fell to the low neck-line of Sasha’s t-shirt. He licked his lips at the sight of the day’s sweat glistening off of dark skin, highlighting collarbone and cleavage. “I think we’d need to...meet on that one-on-one just to explore-”
“Go to Hell.” Maggie growled through gritted teeth.
With an eyeroll and a huff Billie grabbed Millie by the wrist. “C’mon, Mills.” Before another word was spoken she was hauling the teen out of the room and outside to the community grounds.
“What are you doing?” Millie squeaked.
“You’re going home.” “What? No!”
She tore herself from her grip, staring in wide-eyed disbelief at her aunt. “I can’t go! I just got here.”
Avoiding the gazes of the community members that watched them curiously Billie pulled the teen close and through a clenched jaw spoke, “That man in there couldn’t give a rat’s ass if you lived forever or died tomorrow. And after everything that’s happened I will not risk your life for a single thing a’right? Every second you’re here is a risk. It’s a risk for all of us. You and I both are going back to Alexandria before anything can get out of hand. You got me?”
“Bill-” “Do you understand me, Millie?”
The teen sighed. “I understand, Billie..”
“Go get your things and meet me at my trailer. We’re gone once I’m packed..”
“You don’t have to listen to Gregory- You can’t you leave!”
Maggie followed Billie closely as she scurried around her trailer, tossing books and papers over her shoulder while locating clothing to stuff into her bag.
“I never should have stayed, Maggie. I was being selfish... I-I can’t even imagine how many questions everyone has back home, Rosita’s probably worried sick- they don’t even have anyone to lead them! I need to go back, a’right? It’s best for all of us.”
“I need you too, Billie. I wouldn’t have even gotten here if it weren’t for you- gosh, would you just stop and look at me?” Billie huffed and dropped the things in her hands to the couch before turning towards the mother-to-be. Maggie reached out for her friends’ elbow, the gentlest of touches, and rubbed her skin to the effect of Billie relaxing her shoulders. “This is our home now. I told Gregory- Jesus told Gregory we aren’t going anywhere. Just stay.”
Billie chewed her bottom lip nervously, thoughtful eyes darting around the room. She shook her head slightly, more to herself than the woman standing before her. “I have to go, Maggs...”
Sadness filled her eyes when she realized her friend couldn’t be shaken on this and she sighed with a defeated understanding. Had roles been reversed, Maggie would have wanted to get home to Glenn just as bad. “Stay the night. Just one last dinner before you go.”
“I have-” “Just..just the night.” 
The door to the trailer whined on it’s hinges and both women snapped their heads towards the intruder. It was only Millie. “I’m ready to go...” She muttered, back pack thrown over her shoulder and a jar of rhubarb preserve in her fist. Billie looked between the two. Maggie was almost positive that if she could read the thoughts behind her eyes, she could write a novel a day. It almost frustrated her; seeing how Billie’s mind raced yet hardly ever being let in on what it all was. 
“You can leave your bag here for the night.” Maggie’s eyes lightened. “We can stay one last night.”
The teen let out a breath of relief and dumped the heavy bag to the floor. “Thank God. I really didn’t want to do all that walking again.”
Maggie laughed, outstretching both arms to clasp the Fords on their shoulders. “Come by my trailer later tonight, we can all eat there.”
Billie agreed and with that, Maggie headed off to relay to Sasha and Jesus the news of their departure.
The countertop stove sizzled as Millie tossed slice after slice of bread into the hot pan, the delicious aroma of heated butter and melting cheese mingling with the fresh tomato soup bubbling in the pot beside it. The bluesy rock of Chuck Berry played from the small radio Billie brought along while she vibrantly told one of her stories over her third Budweiser of the night.
“I turn my back for two seconds and BAM! She’s getting churned up in the neighbors fuckin’ lawnmower!” Maggie gasped with a sputtered laugh. “And the thing is, I hated the nasty thing every day I had it. But the second she was gone? Mourned her for months.”
Maggie shook her head in amused disbelief. “Rest in peace, Milk dud the snake.”
“You don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone..” Billie muttered before taking another swig of her beer. Maggie found that once a beer or two was in a Ford sibling you could get them to loosen up in just about any situation, and sinisterly she wondered if she could convince her to stick around under such influence. The door opened behind them, which caused Maggie to jerk forward, alert, and spin around to see Sasha walking through the door way.
“Is that an apple pie?” She was standing to take the dish before the sweet smell had even reached Billie just a few steps behind her. Sasha pulled back the cloth concealing the sweet treat with a huff.
“How did you know?” “I could smell it from the other side of the door.”
“That’s pregnancy for ya,” Billie mumbled between bites of grilled cheese, “heightens all the senses.” She watched as Maggie cleared the table for the dessert, digging a fork into the flaky crust and taking an unreasonably large bite. “You wanna plate, mama?”
“No, I’m good.”
Billie swiveled on her seat to face Sasha who sat on the couch just behind her, a pensive look knitting her brows together as she rubbed thumbs over two daggers pulled from her boots.
“Jesus give you those?” Billie asked. She nodded. “S’he still around? Wanted to talk to him about mapping out routes between here and Alexandria, y’know, for safety purposes.”
“Oh, there’s some things I wanted to add to his list before he goes out.” Maggie added with a mouthful of apples and dough, “kids need something to write with - pens, pencils.”
Millie chuckled, “Maybe they can draw up some posters when Maggie runs for president.”
Sasha sighed. “He left already. He told me to tell you, but I-I forgot.” Billie stared at her. She stumbled over her words, and her palms rubbed absentmindedly against her outer thighs. Maggie hmphed in disappointment.
“Okay. Maybe next time... I’m gonna get some milk.” And before Sasha could protest to get it for her, she stood quickly and scurried out the door. Billie’s eyes darted between the door and Sasha who looked back at her friend with an inquisitive look of her own. 
“Millie go help her.” Billie ordered.
“Help her get milk?”
She cut her eyes at the teen who dropped the spatula in hand with a hard exhale and stormed out of the room. You could just ask me to leave, she mumbled. With arms crossed and an ankle swung over her knee, Billie turned back to Sasha. 
“You lyin’ to Maggs about somethin’?” “What makes you think that?” “I can read it on ya.”
She rolled her eyes. Sometimes, Billie was just too much like Abraham, remit the pet names and know-it-all grin he gave when successfully catching someone in a lie. It was something Sasha would miss about him, but she didn’t love it coming from the younger Ford.
“It’s for her own good.” “Why?” “Billie-” “Is it Negan?”
The color drained from her face, her silence bloated the room. Billie was standing now, hands on the table as she leaned forward as if inspecting Sasha’s expression for clues. “You want to kill Negan.” They held a stare that felt threatening before Billie grunted. “Do I really have to tell you why that’s a bad idea?”
“I didn’t want to tell her because I knew she would want to help me. And..and I didn’t want to tell you because I knew you would want to talk me out of it. But if it’s just me than it doesn’t fall on either of you when it happens.
“But it ain’t just you. You think I wanna pick daisies with the bitch that killed my brother?” “I didn’t say you did.”
Sasha stepped forward, her breath brushing Billie’s face as she searched her eyes with a pleading look. “If you care about Maggie, you don’t say anything about this. You’re going back to Alexandria where you and Millie will be safe and I’m staying here, and I have to keep her safe.”
“S’at where Jesus’ is goin’? To find where he lives?” “He was the only one I could trust to stay quiet about it.”
Billie wanted to yell at her, to shove her, to knock some sense into her for planning what would end up being a suicide mission behind their backs. But she knew she had to understand why she wanted to do it, and she knew that if she dug up enough repressed emotions still attached to that night she would end up joining her. Maybe it was the fact she felt more defeated than aggressive these days or the fact that she had grown content with all the memories she had of the brother slain by Negan, but she knew if they went out to wherever it was he hung his hat; they’d be buried right next to Abraham.
Billie sighed, even more defeated than before. “It isn’t just you..”
“It sure looks like it.”
She shouldn’t have been nostalgic about it before she had even stepped outside of the gates. But Billie had grown to love mornings at the Hilltop. A small sense of peace had settled within her when she opened her eyes to the small trailer around her and watched the day begin from her front row seat on her step with her first cigarette of many. However, this morning she awoke with a dreadful pit in her stomach. She tossed and turned so much through out the night that Millie offered to give her back the bed and before the sun had fully risen she was zipping up her boots and marching out to their private burial ground.
And that was where she had sat for hours, unbothered, listening to the chatter of the community begin just beyond the fence. She stared at her brothers grave almost expectantly, as if waiting for him to rise from the grave and had she not watched his brains get mangled it wouldn’t have been such a far fetched idea. 
‘You can sit there all day and say whatever you wanna say to the dirt but he can’t fuckin’ hear you’. She cringed when she thought about those callous words she had spat at Sasha not long after she had buried a brother of her own. She cringed when she thought about the punch she rightfully earned from her too. It amused Billie how similar she was to the former firefighter, yet she couldn’t find the same courage to set out for Negan’s territory and blow a full metal jacket right through his chest. We’re stronger in numbers. But he has an army. Never stopped us before. But Abe wouldn’t want me to be stupid. He wouldn’t want me getting myself killed over him. But I might not get killed. But I could. I’ve survived worse odds.
Maggie had seen Billie when she woke up, her crouched frame just barely concealed by the wood fence when she made her way through the grounds for breakfast. After what Millie told her last night she wanted to go confront her, ask her why she and Sasha were arguing but it was her last day at Hilltop, and had it been her she would have wanted those last moments to be spent with Glenn’s grave. 
She climbed the ladder to the guards platform, gazing out over the fields not concealed by the Hilltop walls and when she saw the figures that occupied the trail her chest swelled with a gasp. She couldn’t stop the wide grin that spread across her face. She turned back towards the community grounds and yelled as loud as she could. “Billie! Sasha! Millie!”
Trouble? It could be trouble. Billie tossed the rock she had fiddling between her fingers and ran off to find where Maggie was, conscious of the hunting knife on her hip. She came stumbling to a halt behind Maggie as the tall gates to the community opened; that wasn’t trouble at all. Billie’s sights fell on Rosita as the gates creaked open and ran to embrace the woman with tear-filled eyes. She half expected it to be a dream, and she would run right through her before her silhouette dissipated in the air. Yet her frame was solid, her arms welcoming, her grip on Billie just as desperate as their lips met for the first time in over a week. It felt like it had been centuries. Her hair was soft, tangled between her fingers, and her clothes smelled like her, earthy but sweet; Billie didn’t know she could miss a smell.
“What happened here?” Billie’s hand traced the features of Rosita’s face, the callous pad of her thumb falling on the fresh stitches of a vertical gash. She pressed her lips to it tenderly.
“It doesn’t matter. You’re okay?” “I am. We all are.”
She looked around them. Michonne, Tara, Odell, Sasha, Maggie, Millie, Jesus. They were all here and by the look on Michonne’s face - they came for one reason. “You were right from the start. You told us to get ready to fight. I didn’t listen, I couldn’t. I can now.” 
Billie’s eyes darted to Sasha who met her gaze when the words were spoken. They were going to fight - they had to fight. If Billie believed in signs she would have taken their sudden appearance as one; the morning after she told Sasha she didn’t want to fight, after she had planned to head back to Alexandria to settle for slightly more peace - here they were. Billie knew what she had to do now, what was right for her brother. And for the first time in a long time she felt that tingle in her spine that squared her shoulders and lifted her chin high.
She felt hopeful.
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la-luthien · 5 years
Tea and Piano Keys
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky is the principal cello player for his orchestra. The glittering guest pianist catches his eye, and to his delight (and somewhat mortification), his best friend Steve introduces them.
Warnings: none? Unless you want to count slight musical jargon.
A/N: Written for @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan’s Multi Fandom Follower Celebration. My prompt was Band/Musician AU. Thank you so much for this opportunity and congratulations! I hope that you enjoy. Also, it is not required but Rachmaninoff’s third piano concerto is the unofficial soundtrack of this. I tried to make it look pretty with a gif, but the internet was not having it
 An early morning rehearsal, the aromatic scent of roasted coffee wafting through the air, the sound of instruments tuning all at once. Bucky breathed deeply as he pulled out his rosin to reapply it to his bow. His trusty and beloved cello lay within its case still, and he was itching to pull it out and get the rehearsal started.
Bucky had been playing cello ever since he had joined the specialist music program when he was attending high school. He had taken to the instrument quickly, albeit with much dedication and practice, and now he was fulfilling his dreams of joining the conservatory. He was now the principal cello player.
His orchestra was preparing for their performance of Rachmaninoff’s third piano concerto, and were anxiously awaiting the arrival of the guest pianist. The rehearsal was set to start in ten minutes, and everyone was setting up their instruments, organising endless sheets of music, and taking their last sips of coffee.  
“How much would I have to pay you to lick your rosin?” a voice asked, sniggering slightly. Bucky whirled around and glared at his best friend, Steve Rogers, who had his hands shoved deep into the pocket of his faded jeans.
“Don’t be an imbecile,” Bucky replied, turning back to his cello and pulling it out of its case, “I thought we were past such immaturity.” He began fiddling with the pegs and tuning it, his tuner lay in front of him on his case.
Steve grinned and sat down next to him, grabbing Bucky’s coffee and pulling a face after draining the last of it. “I forgot you had milk and cream in your coffee!”
“It’s only you who likes to drink yours black, and that will teach you not to steal my coffee again!” Just as Bucky had finished speaking, there came a loud bang from the general vicinity of the grand concert piano that sat in the middle of the room. Bucky turned to face the piano, only to find a woman sprawled across the floor, piles of sheet music flung around her, grinning madly as she clutched what looked like a reusable cup in her hands. Clearly she had saved her drink from spilling, at the expense of her music folder.
“Miss L/N! Are you alright?” the concert master, Sam Wilson, asked, crouching down to help you pick up your music. You nodded, and set your cup down, refusing to make eye contact with the man helping you, embarrassed at your accident and drawing such attention to yourself.
“Who’s that?” Bucky asked, intrigued by the new face.
Steve hummed, stirred out of his thought, “Oh, that’s just Y/N, the guest pianist. I’ve got to get back to my section, my fellow horns are waiting!” He patted Bucky on the back and headed back to his seat.
Bucky looked back to you as you settled down in front of the piano, occasionally sipping from your cup whilst you arrayed the sheet music in front of you. He watched closely as you began rolling back the sleeves of your oversized sweater to your elbows, revealing bright blue polish which adorned your nails. Seemingly satisfied with yourself, you slouched into the piano stool, eyes wandering around the practice room. Bucky found his eyes following your every movement, until he accidentally made eye contact, and turned away, flushing at having been caught staring.
Shaking his head, Bucky resolved himself to the next few hours of the rehearsal, strictly telling himself that he could not, and would not, spend the entire time watching you. The rest of his section were depending on him.
  It had been a long and gruelling rehearsal, the conductor was not at all pleased with the percussion section who had seemed more interested in giggling about some joke, and had missed quite a few of their cues. Luckily, she’d had no problems with cellos, so Bucky could sigh in relief that his preoccupation with your playing went unnoticed.
He’d spent the majority of the rehearsal stealing quick glances at you, cataloguing all the small details about you. The way you bit your lip slightly when you began a particularly challenging series of runs, or how your hair began to fall loose from its ponytail and wisped about your neck. The colour of your eyes, just discernible from his position across from the piano.
“Well you seemed distracted today,” Steve remarked as he and Bucky made their way to the coffee shop across the road from the conservatory, instrument cases still in their hands as they pushed the door opened. A bell tinkled brightly to announce their arrival, and the two joined the growing line in front of the counter.
“You noticed?” Bucky asked, cringing and pretending to read the menu prices above the counter which he already had committed to memory.
“It was pretty obvious,” Steve replied, “You’re lucky that your section made minimal mistakes and the conductor let it slide.”
The door opened again behind them, signalling the entry of another customer. Bucky considered ignoring his friend, reaching into the back pocket of his jeans to pull out his wallet, when Steve laughed and patted him on the back.
“Looks like your new fasciation is here,” he said, directing Bucky’s gaze to you who had just walked in and was lining up behind them. You smiled brightly, the sleeves of your sweater still rolled up, clutching your music folder to your chest.
“Hey Steve!” you said, tucking your folder under your arm so that you could give him a hug. The two of you pulled way, Steve laughing at the astonishment on Bucky’s face.
“Meet my friend from university, Y/N,” Steve introduced, eyes trained on Bucky, smirking as his friend stuttered and introduced himself.
“Oh, I’m, um, I’m Bucky,” he said lamely, sticking his hand out to shake your already pre-offered one.
“Pleasure to meet you Bucky,” you replied, your smile directed solely at him now. Bucky found his breath caught in his throat as he smiled back. Up close he could see the way the corners of your eyes crinkled as you smiled. You had a very pretty voice as well, and he decided that it suited you nicely.
“Uh Buck, it’s your turn to order,” Steve said, tapping his friend on the shoulder. Bucky flushed and turned to cashier who stood patiently waiting for him to place his order. He could hardly stutter out his order, and he shoved the crumpled note from his wallet into the hand of the surprised cashier, before he turned away to wait with Steve.
“How do you know her?” Bucky hissed, “I went to the same university as you!”
“There was a few tutorials that she was in and you weren’t,” Steve replied, shrugging. He smirked as you walked over towards them, having placed your order. Steve clearly didn’t miss the way Bucky blushed again. He also didn’t miss Bucky’s name being called out to collect his order, nudging his friend towards the counter and smirking.
“Would you like to join us in the park?” Steve asked you, ignoring the swift glare sent his way by Bucky.
“Of course! I’d love to!”
Once the orders had been collected, the three of you made your way outside to the park near the conservatory. Bucky held the steaming take-away coffee cup between his hands, breathing in the rich and creamy aroma that drifted up into his face. You found a wooden bench large enough that the three of you could sit comfortably on. There was a slight bite to the crisp air, a sign that autumn was steadily progressing. Bucky watched a few leaves dance around the grass, tuning out the antics of the two musicians sitting beside him.
“Wait, you’re in a jazz band as well?” Steve’s voice interrupted Bucky’s thoughts. Bucky’s head snapped up, now staring intently at you as you giggled nervously.
“Well, I was part of one in high school,” you replied, “I love the classic 20’s and 30’s jazz, give me Glenn Miller any day.”
“Wow, traitor,” Steve muttered, taking a sip from his coffee cup. You laughed in response, causing Bucky to smile as well.
“There’s something so freeing above improvised solos!” You countered, catching Bucky’s eye over the rim of your cup. The second tea of the day, you’d complained about your addiction whilst in the coffee shop, but that didn’t seem to stop you from enjoying it.
He smiled nervously at you, cursing inside that you made his confidence melt until he was fourteen again and sneaking glances at his childhood crush. He was royally screwed if he wouldn’t be able to get over his nerves about being around you. There was going to be a long road to performance night.
  Steve had left the rehearsal straight after it finished, claiming that he had a date he was late to. That left Bucky alone in the coffee shop, staring at the menu before settling on his usual choice. He had already ordered when the bell above the door tinkled and you walked in. You were balancing your purse perilously on top of your music folder. He waited for you to order, rocking back on his heels and trying to look at anything but you.
“Bucky!” you called from the counter, ignoring the cashier who simply sighed and took your bank card from your outstretched hand. Order paid for, you made your way over to him, almost forgetting to take your card back in the process.
“How did you find the rehearsal?” you asked.
“It seems to be coming together,” he replied, his face and ears warming under your bright smile, “Your playing was lovely.”
“Thank you! I thought you were wonderful too.”
Bucky knew we was definitely blushing now, and he missed his name being called out to collect his order. You tapped him on the shoulder, pointing at the cup that sat on the counter with his name on it.
“Shall we sit in the park again?” You asked, collecting your order as well, taking the lid off to inspect the steaming liquid inside. He nodded and followed you out of the store, giddy at his luck.
You sat on the same bench, sipping at your hot drinks and exchanging small talk about the rehearsal and your musical training. Bucky felt his insides warming in a way that was not just from his coffee.
“What made you stick to piano?” he asked after you relayed your lament over your parents refusing to allow you to play the flute.
“I guess it became a part of me,” you replied, eyes fixed solely on Bucky, “I grew to love it. There’s something so satisfying and freeing about being able to play so many styles on one instrument.”
He decided that piano suited you, such an understated and yet grand instrument. He knew  that most people started with it, and yet, you had taken it and made it your own. Capable of such rich colours, so many tones and emotions that his own cello didn’t quite capture on its own.
The rolled up knits, tea flasks, chipped nail polish, ivory keys. It was all so you. He was heady with it, caught up in some spell you had cast over him. Butterflies tumbled in his stomach as he sat beside you, listening to the way you so tenderly explained your love of the piano.
He didn’t need Steve to roll his eyes and nudge him in the side to realise on his own that he liked you. Liked you in a way he hadn’t liked anyone for a long time. You were refreshing, a breath of fresh air even though he knew that you were an old soul. Perhaps joining the orchestra really was the best decision he had ever made.
How he couldn’t wait until the performance night, to watch you in your element.
  Bucky tried to concentrate on the sheet music in front of him, tried to focus on the conductor, tried to blend in with his fellow cellists. It was no use; his eyes were drawn ever to you. There was something ethereal about you, illuminated by the stage lights, and the contented, yet focused, expression on your face as you sat behind the grand piano in the centre of the stage. A living angel, born and breathed from the music that swelled about you. You glittered in the black dress that you wore, a vision of exquisite elegance as your fingers danced lightly across the keys.
And dance they did, for the numerous runs that permeated Rachmaninoff’s third piano concerto demanded it. It didn’t seem to matter that this was one of the most difficult piano concertos to play. You played it perfectly, from memory. He marvelled at your technical brilliance and musical expression. There was a tenderness in the way you caressed the keys, gently coaxing the notes from the instrument before you.
Cursing that his vantage point prevented him from being able to see the side of the piano where the keys were, he firmly fixed his eyes on the next passage of notes, but once again it did not take long for his eyes to search out your form. You were a seductress; your music played with the strings of his heart.
  “Steve, I’ll be right there,” Bucky sighed, gently tucking his beloved cello back into its case.
“Hurry up,” Steve cried, “We can’t be late for after performance drinks” He had already packed away his French horn and was impatiently waiting for his friend to finish. “It’s our tradition.”
“I won’t be long,” Bucky replied, shutting the case and standing up. He ran his fingers through his hair, pulling it down from the neat bun it had been in for the performance. “Besides, I want to catch Y/N before she leaves.”
Steve seemed to understand then, and he picked up his case with a wink, leaving to find Sam and congratulate him on a fantastic performance.
Bucky caught you just as you were preparing to leave the concert hall, music folder tucked into a bag, and for once, not a single tea flask in sight. He wiped his palms on the legs of his suit pants, taking a deep breath and clearing his throat. You turned around, smiling brightly when you saw that it was him.
“Hey Bucky! Good job tonight!” The breath caught in his throat as you set your bag down on the floor and pulled him into a hug.
“You were amazing,” he replied breathlessly, “The cadenza was magnificent.” You laughed in response, tucking the stray hair behind your ears. Bucky felt his heart pounding, beating wildly in his chest. His ears were roaring. This was it.
“Y/N,” he asked, almost astonished that he had managed to choke out the words, “Would you like to, um, go out with me on a date some time?” He held his breath, mind racing with every possible way you could refuse him.
He needn’t to have worried. If it was any possible, your smile grew wider, eyes bright as you nodded, “I would love to.”
Bucky hadn’t planned on it. In fact, he was astonished at how his body moved without his permission. Perhaps it was the memory of you glowing in your dress behind the piano, or the crinkles in the corners of your eyes, or his excitement at your affirmative response. He stooped down and kissed you, and to his immense joy, you kissed back.
Exhilaration coursed through his veins as he pulled away, took your hand in his own, and the two of you walked out of the hall. Steve was waiting outside, a high five saved for his friend as you all piled into his car. Celebratory drinks were long overdue.
All Bucky could concentrate on for the rest of the night was you. Your laugh, your smile, the way you leaned across to occasionally whisper in his ear. He flushed each time you took his hand in yours. He almost couldn’t believe that it was real, that this was truly happening. Surely it was all just some wonderful dream that had ensnared him.
But the way you squeezed his hand grounded him, reminding him that you really were there.
46 notes · View notes
ladyfawkes · 4 years
New Dream/Angelic Dream - New Dream Appreciation Week - Day 4 | Hurt/Comfort
While I don’t have a specific Eugene/Rapunzel New Dream story, this one is still very New Dream-centric in its own way. Some may have seen it before but most have not. It’s very personal and dear to me and I kind of considered it appropriate, considering we’re coming upon a certain anniversary in just three days.....
“When Eugene called Rapunzel Sunshine, I felt that…”
Confession: I feel this each and every time Eugene says this. Especially since Sunshine is an actual nickname of mine. My heart skips a beat because….it’s what my fiancé used to call me. And I say “used to” because he passed away before we could get married. It’s high time I explained to everybody the reason why I glommed onto Tangled the Series for dear life…since I’ve been putting it off for the past 4 months. Got less than a week left til the series finale….. and this series came along right when I needed it.
When I began getting deeper into Tangled fandom, it wasn’t until around later October 2019. I was feeling a real hankering for more of Eugene Fitzherbert’s singing voice. Confession 2: Until Autumn 2019, I had NO IDEA that Zachary Levi had voiced Flynn Rider, both speaking AND singing!! At the time, the main thing that drew me to Flynn was his singing voice. I never forgot that. Like so many others, I fell in love with Tangled’s soundtrack and specially with “I See the Light” and “I’ve Got a Dream”, etc.
Confession 3: I’ve had a crush on Zachary Levi ever since the first episode of Chuck. Even though Chuck’s social and emotional insecurities are a rather enormously huge humorous part of the plot, the way Zac portrayed that anxiety and other types of raw emotions were real. He possesses a markedly rare ability to elicit laughter and tears within the same scene, and sometimes within the very same moment of a scene. While it’s an exceptional gift to exhibit that ability, it nearly always means that underneath it all, the reason why you can perceive this type of emotion so plainly from any given actor is because they’ve experienced those feelings on a personal level in their private lives. Nobody ever told me this, it’s something I learned through observation. It’s true of writers too…and composers. The best way to telegraph emotion through a given medium to someone else is often by having initially having experienced those emotions for yourself. It wouldn’t be until years after Chuck began that Zac would feel comfortable enough to share his mental health history with his fans…and we’d begin to learn just how deep he truly is.
With all of this in mind, I was perusing YouTube with the intent of finding more of “Flynn Rider’s singing voice” and imagine my shock & delight when a whole bunch of Tangled the Series and Tangled Before Ever After songs showed up in my search!!! Then I Looked up the fan wikia only to discover that it was none other than our dear Zachary Levi who had voiced Eugene Fitzherbert!!! I got positively thrilled and was already on Cloud Nine before I’d even begun watching it. Despite Disney’s, uh, thorny history with spinoffs, I couldn’t help but be excited as I learned most of the original cast had returned as well!!
I queued up Tangled Before Ever After and was instantly transported, instantly fell in love. I truly did not expect to be as drawn to Eugene as I was….in the film version, I wasn’t so sure about him….but I gravitated toward him immediately in the series. At first, I really didn’t know why. The feeling seemed familiar somehow and again….I didn’t know why. I couldn’t figure it out.
As I watched the first few episodes, I was constantly live-gushing (that’s akin to live-tweeting, only over Messenger instead) about the show with my friend Samara as I watched; Sammeh is also a Tangled superfan. I was continually talking about how it was the Disney’s best spinoff I had ever seen, how I was shocked that they cast SO MANY original cast members, original songwriters, etc. I can unequivocally state I haven’t loved an animated series this much in my life, even as a child. Then I was describing how much I could not get over the healthy, loving relationship portrayed between Eugene and Rapunzel. As I sat describing it, I suddenly said, “Oh my gosh. Sammeh…..”  And it caused me to freeze. Even though Sam had known my former fiancé just as long as we’d known each other, I didn’t know if Sam would think I was nuts for suggesting that certain aspects of Eugene’s personality reminded me of Anthony. After a long pause, I typed as much to her, “I don’t know if I should say this to you…..” yet I needn’t have worried, because Sam completed my thought for me: “You’re gonna say he’s like Anthony.” I was so surprised I said, “YES!!! How did you know I was gonna say that?!”
”Easy. Because I’ve seen it too.”
In spite of myself, I wept after she said that. So I wasn’t just imaging it. I’m getting teary-eyed now just thinking about it.
The love between Eugene and Rapunzel reminds me of the love I had with my Anthony. Anthony was not intimidated by my inner strength, we took turns rescuing each other, he was willing to listen to me talk for hours and hours and hours and I did the same with him, we took turns forever teasing one another, we couldn’t ever stay angry with each other, we always talked things out. He was forever encouraging my talents and dreams. We hung out with an unlikely, rag-tag group of friends. And especially the way Eugene caresses Rapunzel’s face, kisses her forehead….and spontaneously says _the most heart-melting romantic things….._that was just like my Anthony. And of course, he called me “The light in my life….My Sunshine.”
Now….while Anthony didn’t die while rescuing me from an enemy, his was a sacrifice of a different kind….for shortly before he passed, he was experiencing far too much mental strife….never once did he self-disclose this, though….and unfortunately, we didn’t learn until after the fact. It became apparent he felt his only way out was to take his own life.
Needless to say, I crawled into a very dark place after he died. I tried very hard not to….but over the prior 18 months I’d already lost so very much. I’d lost a job, loss of place to live, for months, I was being literally starved by my abusive-prior-ex-boyfriend ….I just shriveled up inside due to self-doubt, self-hatred, and I couldn’t speak about anything.
Even from 1800 miles away at the time, Anthony managed to be the one person to draw it all out of me. (I was estranged from most family at the time – with good reason) and I told him everything….and he listened to all of it, never interrupting, never judging, never being anything but his amazing self. Somehow, after two years of friendship and listening to one another, Anthony had fallen in love with me….even though all of the garbage I told him. To this day, I do not know what he saw in me. But something inside knew that if I could just strive to put good things surrounding that fateful date, its anniversary would lose its sting and I could heal and live the way Anthony would’ve wanted me to live. Although I’d described some of the lowlights, I’ve definitely had moments in my life that have filled me with much love and light.
I’ve been so very scared to type all of this out, put it all out there, for fear of being…..judged. Ridiculed. You know how the internet can be……naturally there’s a lot more to this story that I would like to share with you yet this has already become prohibitively lengthy.
The whole point is to say that it’s been nearly 14 long years since I last heard Anthony’s light sweet southern drawl. And through the magical medium of Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure, this show effectively allowed me the heartwarming and bittersweet chance to feel a small part of his love within my life again. I don’t know quite how it happened….but happen it did….right when I needed it. Anthony and I were very flirty and silly and ridiculous as a couple, just the way you would expect two twitter-pated people to be….the way Eugene calls Rapunzel “Sunshine” and caresses her cheek….the way he looks at her ….with his heart is full of so much love that it touches his warm brown eyes….those things remind me most of Anthony. Hopefully you can see why it’s been so difficult to, ah, self-disclose this information about myself.
So…..thank you for that from the bottom of my heart, Disney, Chris Sonnenburg, Shane Prigmore, Tara Nicole Whitaker, Tom Caulfield, Stephen Sandoval, Zachary Levi, Mandy Moore, Eden Espinoza, James Iglehart, Jeremy Jordan, Kevin Kleisch, Alan Menken, Glenn Slater, Anna Lencioni, and anybody else whom I’ve missed…..
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childe-wei · 4 years
About the RWBY AU: what if Lan sect was like the Schnee family: whoever is a direct disciple or the equivalent of, all have the same inherited semblance. Maybe something to do with sound manipulation? And still using instruments as weapons (thank you Flynt Coal!)! Lan Wangji is so powerful that he can simply say something like "Be still", or, "Mn", and amplify it to the Grimm so much that it crumbles into ashes. (1)
I did think a hereditary semblance would fit the Lan! And damn I wonder what would happen if Lan Wangji just. SCREAMED.
These strong words shouldn't be confused with Wei Wuxian's 'Compulsion' semblance which allows his to temporarily hijack a person's control of thier body. He never used it to hurt anyone who didn't deserve it but lately there've been rumors he's hiding in Mountain Glen and using it to control Grimm. Weird, he couldn't do that before he went AWOL and left the Academy. (2) 
OHH I FORGOT ABOUT MOUNTAIN GLENN!! That is such a perfect fill-in for the Burial Mounds! That semblance you gave him reminds me of the ATLA AU I haven’t thought about in a while where he would be a blood-bender. Love that! It is always a great idea in any AU to give WWX puppeteer-ish abilities.
Anyways the 4 juniors (gotta have Ouyang Zizhen there too) are on a team and Lan Sizhui is the only one without his semblance unlocked. Idk what the other 3's are, im just thinking about LSZ. He thinks his semblance is going to be something random since he was adopted by the clan. (3)
Well, they're out on a training mission and they are taken by surprise by a horde of Grimm. An Alpha Ursa sets upon Jin Ling who doesn't have enough time to draw his bow, or enough aura left to survive the hit. LSZ calls out to him in a panic, his aura flares up wildy, and his voice becomes a sonic boom that vaporizes all the Grimm for miles around! Of course, he instantly passes out from draining his aura but still. He has his family's semblance!! (4) 
The four juniors on a team would be a riot, and I love when characters unlock extremely powerful abilities in an attempt to save the life of someone they care about. I imagine Jin Ling would have some kind of damage-dealing semblance since he’s the type to just charge right into fights. I bet that’s how he got into that mess pft
Oh gosh that was a lot more than i was intending to write. I was just thinking about the juniors but it just kept going. Sorry about that but this AU is awesome!!
Ramble on, I am glad you are having fun!
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tk-duveraun · 5 years
Can I request Felix clawing at own throat with Sylvix
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The only people who liked soulmates met their partner as an adult. People who instigated the bond when they were old enough to understand the bruises, the pain without a source. Felix had been bound to Sylvain from when he was only a few days old. His earliest memory is his father yelling at Glenn about the hand-shaped bruises on his tiny wrist. He didn’t know many words, but he used all of them to defend his idol, not that it spared Glenn his punishment.
“I know you love your brother, but it’s not okay for him to hurt you.” His father’s eyes were wet and soft, as were his lips when he kissed Felix’s forehead.
At least Glenn didn’t hold a grudge. If anything, he was the most upset at whomever had hurt his little brother. He spent a month interrogating the staff, writing notes with his rumpled practice quill.
It was years later, when Felix was five, that they realized he had touched his soulmate at some point. After all, there was no other way for Felix, asleep in his warm bed, to wake up with frostbitten fingers and toes. There was a cut on his forehead, but that hardly warranted notice as Rodrigue soaked his son’s limbs in cool water and White Magic.
The problem was the question of who.
Rodrigue believed, and King Lambert agreed, that it had to be some page or scullery maid, since no noble child in Fearghus would suffer such injuries with such frequency. The problem lay in the fact that Felix had been to many noble estates and run through countless kitchens across the kingdom. The great hunt for Felix’s soulmate didn’t begin in earnest until he was sitting in the royal nursery with Dimitri and his fingers started hurting. Dimitri summoned his healer immediately, but no amount of White Magic could block the bond, could stop Felix’s fingertips from bleeding and his nails from breaking and tearing.
“I had my doubts before,” King Lambert said next to Felix’s bed in the middle of the night when he should have been sleeping. “But this? I’m sorry, my friend, your son’s match is…”
“I know.” His father sighed and brushed the hair back from his face. “Do you think a reward, for, let’s say, discovering them? Bring the child to Fraldarius territory, receive the gold, no questions asked as long as they leave forever?”
“I can’t think of a better idea.” He rubbed the star-shaped scar on the back of his left hand. “If we used our technique for confirming-”
Rodrigue covered the king’s hand with his own, the same scar blatant, even in the dim candle light. “Then it might escalate. They will fear the consequences of injuring my son. Directly or not.”
The reward yielded no children, but the questionable injuries stopped. Nevertheless, the king was careful to ensure Dimitri wore gloves at all times. When Felix next went to Fhirdiad, he was three months free of wounds. It had him at a lifetime high of cheer so infectious it spread to Dimitri and Ingrid. It took four days into the visit for anyone to notice Sylvain didn’t share in the happiness.
Felix climbed into his friend’s bed in the middle of the night. He pulled the blankets over their heads, so they could have a secret conference. He held Sylvain’s hand. “What’s wrong?”
“Miklan ran away.”
“When is he coming back?”
Sylvain wrapped his arms around his knees. “I don’t think he is. He hated me. And Father.”
“That’s stupid. He’s stupid.”
“You can share Glenn.”
They didn’t get to share Glenn. At least, not for long. The Tragedy of Duscur consumed their lives. Felix drowned himself in training for a battle with a ghost. He almost felt bad for his soulmate, when he sank into a hot bath and felt every muscle ache. Almost because he was thirteen and understood what finger-shaped bruises around his wrist meant. Thirteen and could think of only one scenario that would result in the destruction of his fingertips. Thirteen and aware of the fact that for the suspect injuries to stop, his soulmate had to know who he was and didn’t care enough to reveal themself.
Attending the Officers’ Academy at Garreg Mach was a relief. He hadn’t had any contact with the Central Church or its servants when he was a child. That meant there was no chance his soulmate was sitting back and watching in silence, letting him suffer for no reason.
The students with soulmates paired up quickly. It was easy to match up bruises once they’d shaken everyone’s hand and gone through a few days of training exercises. Felix didn’t envy them. If anything, he pitied them. With both halves in the academy, they’d suffer twice as much for every battle. Not that anyone listened to him.
He rhythmically beat his training dummy while Ingrid argued with Sylvain behind him.
“First of all, you’re never going to be able to dodge like that in full armor. Second, how are you supposed to find your soulmate if you-”
“If I find my soulmate, how am I supposed to flirt with all of the lovely ladies-”
“This isn’t a game, Sylvain!”
“Yeah, so I’m not going to get needlessly injured for a whim that won’t matter when I have to go through with an arranged marriage and have Crest babies anyway!”
Though he didn’t turn, Felix paused at that. He’d never heard that level of venom from Sylvain before. A few days later, he cornered his friend with a flask of whiskey smuggled in from the village. Together, they climbed onto the roof of the dormitories and drank.
“This isn’t like you Felix. What, is it my birthday?”
“You’re better off without a soulmate.”
He laughed without humor. “And don’t I know it? All of Faerghus was in an uproar over yours. Come to think of it, it’s real insensitive of Ingrid to keep going on about them around you.”
Felix took a drag from the flask. “She’s Ingrid.”
“Fair enough.”
When the sun had set and the flask was empty, Felix stayed. Something in him, some tether in his chest wasn’t ready. And he was right to.
In a voice barely above a whisper, Sylvain said, “Miklan didn’t run away.”
“When I was packing my things, Father came up to me with the Lance of Ruin. Made me hold it. Said that was the only bond that mattered and that if I forgot that… That… That I’d find out where Miklan went.”
Felix tried to take a drink from the empty flask. He threw it to the ground below. “I don’t see why my father can’t run Gautier territory until you graduate.”
Sylvain laughed until he cried, pressing his wet face into Felix’s shoulder.
They never spoke of soulmates again. There wasn’t anything else to say. Months passed by and Margrave Gautier made Sylvain ‘prove his worth’ before bestowing him with the Lance of Ruin. It was a threat. ‘I know you’re flirting with everything that moves,’ the lance said. ‘Miklan didn’t run away.’
The night the threat arrived at the monastery, Felix woke up trying to gasp. He couldn’t breathe. It hurt, it hurt like someone was trying to kill him, but didn’t know if they wanted to break his neck or strangle him. He clawed at his throat, drawing blood. His soulmate was dying. Dying and would have been dead if their bond hadn’t shared the trauma. He fell off his bed and the next thing he knew, he was in the hall, dragging himself somewhere, pounding on the floor, the walls, because he couldn’t speak.
The boar woke first, breaking down his own door in his haste to enter the hallway. He took one glance at Felix before cracking through Claude’s door. “Marianne, end of the hall!”
Claude needed no more instructions; he ran bare chested and tripping over his sleep pants to Marianne’s room.
Dimitri knelt next to Felix and turned him on his side. He saw the blue tint to his skin and the blood on his throat. “Sylvain!” He shouted loud enough to wake the dead. “Sylvain now! You know White Magic!”
When he saw Marianne running down the hall in her dressing gown, he left Felix to drag Sylvain bodily out of bed. He shouldered through his door with another shout of his name that turned into a howl when he broke through. “In here! Marianne in here, now!”
Felix closed his eyes. If he’d had breath in his lungs, he would have laughed. Of course. Of fucking course. He sank into the pain, relished it. As long as he felt pain that wasn’t his, Sylvain was still alive.
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