#found this in a scientific paper lol
fullmetal-angelgrace · 6 months
me n the girls 🩷🙏💕
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barksenji · 3 months
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I previously mentioned that I was going to bugify Kid and Killer, and I've now completed Kid. Initially, I considered making him a beetle due to his bulky exterior, but a wasp ultimately seemed more fitting. I decided to transform him into a Red Paper Wasp, which is why he no longer has his muscular build (I'm sorry, I tried, but it just looked weird lol).
Carolina paper wasps are generally more aggressive than other paper wasps. While paper wasps like guinea wasps and red wasps typically do not sting unless their nest is seriously threatened, Carolina paper wasps will attack with much less provocation. They often fly out to sting someone who simply walks within 10 feet of their nest, which reminds me of a certain someone.
Polistes carolina (its scientific name) is one of two species of red paper wasps found in the eastern United States (the other being Polistes rubiginosus) is a social wasp in the family Vespidae and subfamily Polistinae. The species is native to the United States, ranging from Texas to Florida, north to New York, and west to Nebraska. Although I initially wanted to choose an insect native to Scotland, the characteristics of this wasp just fit Kid so well.
Only female wasps have the ability to sting, so take that as you will.
I chose a wasp for Kid because it reflects how the fandom often views him. The lack of understanding of the crucial role wasps play in the ecosystem and economy is why they are generally disliked, whereas bees are much loved. Similarly, Kid is either loved or hated, but more often misunderstood. Social wasps are perceived as more dangerous than bees, though their stings are similarly painful.
Since wasps are more easily aggravated than bees, likely due to the CO2 we exhale, they're seen as nuisances. People believe that bees only sting when threatened while wasps sting for no reason. In reality, certain species of wasps are just more easily provoked. This reminds me of Kid's portrayal as an asshole for killing civilians, despite it being clear that he did so because they mocked his dream. Kid doesn’t attack unprovoked; he is simply more easily provoked.
This is only a sketch btw, I might finish it on my PC once I'm free from my responsibilities. Next is Killer, I'd like to know your suggestions as to what bug you think fits him.
Edit: I'll probably make Killer a Yellow Orchid mantis and I swear I have other explanations besides the color, just you wait.
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Okay, Part One of my as yet untitled Doctor Schreber fic! I hope the three people who read it enjoy it lol
Part One
            She looked down at the crumpled newspaper want ad in her right hand, an umbrella clutched in her left. It had been raining since Saturday, it was now Monday and showed no signs of stopping.
            Help wanted – receptionist/personal assistant
            Pay negotiable
            Inquire at 1106 South East Drive, 3rd floor
            A sparse ad to be sure, but the only one she’d found advertising a job she thought she’d be able to do, and it was close to home. Pocketing the ad, she took a deep breath and reassured herself before heading through the lobby to the elevator.
            “Third floor, please,” she told the operator. He nodded, closing the gate with a loud clunk. He pulled a lever and the car began to rise. She half hoped the elevator would never make it to the third floor. She tried not to think about how badly she needed to land this job. Her last job hadn’t worked out too well, she’d worked as a waitress at a local restaurant, and the customers (and her boss for that matter) could be a bit forward in their dealings with the female staff.
            The elevator door slid open shakily and she stepped out, trying to hide how nervous she was. She was in a long, sterile hallway, at one end of which, just past a line of uncomfortable-looking chairs was a large desk, presumably the desk the aforementioned and as-yet-to-be-hired receptionist would occupy. She wasn’t sure what would be expected of her as a personal assistant, but she hoped she could handle it.
            She looked left and right, seeing a door on the other end of the hall, just adjacent to another door and wondered which to try first when she heard the sound of uneven steps through the door facing the length of the hallway. She approached the door nervously.
            Whatever this man was like, if he offered her the job, she had no choice but to take it. She’d accumulated quite a bit of debt trying to keep her head above water, even while she was working as a waitress, she never seemed to make enough to break even, let alone put money away for a rainy day. So she took out private loans to make ends meet. Now that money was due and she was desperate to come up with it.
            Dr. Daniel P. Schreber, read the frosted window set into the light colored wooden door. She knocked.
            The door opened partway at her knock, it hadn’t been latched. The door led to a large circular room that seemed to double as lab space and personal office. A large polished hardwood table sat on the right side of the room, covered in papers, scientific equipment, and various bric a brac. It seemed to serve as a desk of sorts.
            At the back of the room was a line of full to bursting bookshelves haphazardly organized, atop which various glass tubes and beakers rested. At the center of the room was a large round maze, she assumed built for some sort of small animal. She’d read of some experiments like that before.
            The left side of the room was home to a large hutch made of wood and chicken wire, a man standing in front of it with his back turned. He turned at the sound of the door.\
            He was a little taller than she was, with short blond hair parted neatly in the middle. He wore small round wire rimmed glasses and a white lab coat buttoned up to the collar. He was gently petting the small white rat he held in his hands.
            “Can I help you?” he asked, not unkindly.
            “Yes, I’m here about the receptionist ad in the paper? I hope I got the right floor.”
            “Oh, of course.” He gently returned the rat to its hutch. As he approached she noticed he had a limp, heavily favoring his right side, and he had a prominent scar over his right eye.
            “Daniel Schreber, pleasure to meet you.” He shook her hand. She couldn’t help but notice his grip was much stronger than she would have expected. Realizing she’d taken a beat too long to respond, she mentally shook herself, not letting her anxiety get the better of her.
            “I’m Katherine, nice to meet you, too.” She smiled, hoping she looked less nervous than she felt.
            “Perhaps we should conduct this interview someplace more comfortable.” He spoke in a strange cadence, seeming to often be out of breath, she assumed an effect of whatever injuries had resulted in his scar and pronounced limp.
            She nodded as he gestured toward the door as if to say “after you,” though she wasn’t sure exactly where they were going. They stepped out of the lab/office together into the sparsely lit hallway beyond. He turned to lock the door before leading her to an unlabeled door in the hallway to the right of the lab. He then proceeded to unlock this door and held it for her.
            He noticed her looking at the key in the lock and smiled sheepishly.
            “I’m afraid I was a victim of a break-in years ago and it’s made me a bit more fastidious when it comes to security,” he explained.
            “I’m so sorry to hear that,” she said, genuine feeling for the man’s misfortune evident in her voice. This didn’t escape his notice, very few things did. Her empathy for a complete stranger was touching and somewhat endearing.
             He’d already made up his mind to hire her, he was as desperate as she was to fill the position, it had been weeks since he posted that want ad in the Gazette, and every applicant had turned down the job, not that there were many to begin with.
            He knew he could be off putting, what with his appearance, his speech, even the way he moved, but he hoped this one would take the job anyway. She seemed not to notice or care about his limp or the way he spoke, and seemed completely unfazed by his scars. He found it refreshing and liked her immediately.
            He led her into a small room, richly decorated with dark polished wood paneling and soft lighting. The only furniture in the room were two red upholstered chairs and a plush leather couch.
            “You’ll have to excuse me for using this room, this is where I see my patients, but it’s also the most comfortable room in the office.” He smiled thinly, the left side of his mouth turning up farther than the right, his crooked smile transformed into more of a smirk. She thought about him being hurt during the break-in he’d mentioned and a fresh wave of feeling for the man swept over her. She’d always been too sensitive for her own good when it came to others, often at the expense of her own well-being.
            “Please have a seat,” he said as he took one of the upholstered chairs for himself. She sat in the other across from it, fidgeting with the hem of her blouse for a moment before stopping herself.
            “Before we go any further, I want to be honest with you Katherine, this job is yours if you want it. Somehow I haven’t had the best of luck filling this position,” he smiled awkwardly if a bit sadly. “I can pay you a decent salary, but I keep late office hours.”
            She tried not to show the great relief she felt. The job was hers if she wanted it. And it sounded like it might actually pay enough to get her out of the hole she’d dug herself financially. This was better than she could have hoped for.
            Some details of the job were discussed, and after another handshake she was on her way home with a job to report to tomorrow and the understanding that she may be expected to act as more of an assistant than receptionist in the future, for additional pay of course. As she left the building, she noticed the rain had stopped.
Part Two
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burningvelvet · 1 year
so i have some random questions, maybe you could answer, and am curious if any have had any academic papers written up about them, or if you just.. know where to find the information? Bit of a meta question: How much information do we actually have of the gang on their days in Geneva around the time of digging into their ghost stories? Is it just ex. what you've posted before of their journals of the time, or do we have other later recollections akin to Mary's own in her intro of Frankenstein? Just how much remains, and how much can we pull from various sources etc? (research is fun, go off on this on, i love to read it.) The evening before mary's waking dream, do we have any further recollection by the others on their discussions on the principle of life, other than her account? Or even in general by the squad thru their lives, does anyone dig into the technological advancements and scientific theories of their time, or even those of the Enlightenment thinkers? (Newton, Hooke, Boyle, et al.) I assume since it's the Romantics with their general dislike of the prior period it's a no, and also because I'm asking about bloody poets, not academics, but..? Likewise, anything written by the gang on her waking dream and the effects after? (could've sworn I read something about Mary appearing gastly pale?) (I'd love to hear your thoughts and rants and rambles on the following, :D): Or do we have anything written by others outside the gang in reference to her dream after she gave her Intro? Something like.. (I can't articulate this well, pls bear with me; ) Has there been any sort of mysticism, or poetic acknowledgement of Mary's 'waking dream'/'hallucination' being written as something 'supernatural'? Anything written akin to that one parody/horror film you mentioned where everyone basically hallucinates that night lol. like.. Mary's Intro gives such an inherent je ne sais quoi (lol) of.. this entire fragment of history? It reads like a frozen slice of a gothic novel/poem in itself. Very 'based on a true story' but the true story holds more substance than Frankenstein itself. As if Mary herself was in a gothic novel writers could only dream of. Has nobody noted this? Tried to catch it, wax poetic on it? I feel like there's a.. gravitas here but I don't see anyone speak of it? (other than that horror film.)
This will be long!
Re: Geneva 1816 sources: We have letters, journals, records (like receipts), accounts from the other people on the lake, accounts from aristocrats Byron visited at Geneva without the Shelleys presence, and some accounts from Lord Byron's Geneva servants given to inquiring tourists later on. Lake Geneva was an insulated aristocratic vacation town and gossip abounded.
First-person documents: - Polidori’s 1816 journal, his prefaces to The Vampyre and Ernestus Berchtold. - History of a Six Weeks Tour, Mary’s first book, co-written with Shelley; travelogue containing letters and journals from their travels in 1814 and 1816. - Mary Shelley’s other journals and letters. - Mary Shelley's (voluntarily uncredited) contributions to Thomas Moore's biography series on Byron, where the time in Geneva is talked about and where most of the funny stories come from, and a handful of comments in Thomas Moore's diaries/letters regarding Mary's recollections. - Byron’s letters, found here on Peter Cochran's site (he was an editor/scholar & leading Byronist) https://petercochran.wordpress.com/byron-2/byron/
Best books about the summer of 1816: - Byron in Geneva by David Ellis, - The Poet and the Vampyre by Andrew Stott, - The Making of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" by Daisy Hay.
Books on Frankenstein or the tech & science of the time in relation to Mary & other Romantics: way too many to mention! Frankenstein is one of the most written about works of all time, and tech discourse is inherent to Romanticism — there are tons of books & articles written about all topics. Percy studied science with James Lind and was inspired by Erasmus Darwin who Mary refers to in a Frankenstein preface. 
On if others at Diodati recollected specifically about Frankenstein or Mary being pale: Percy wrote a review of Frankenstein as well as the novel's introduction section (he wrote it from Mary's POV), and he mentioned the novel in his letters; Claire discusses it several times in her letters with praise, Byron mentions it once or twice with brief compliments; Polidori mentions it in the preface to Ernestus Berchtold in compliment but with possible jealousy beneath. Your "pale" reference likely refers to how she and Byron said she looked when learning of the news of Percy's missing boat; I made a post about that (https://www.tumblr.com/burningvelvet/710178692214784000/from-conversations-of-lord-byron-with-the-countess?source=share). 
My Interpretation of Mary's "waking dream": This was largely metaphorical. Mary probably did have an inspirational dream (scientists have found evidence: https://m.csmonitor.com/Science/2011/0928/Frankenstein-moon-Astronomers-vindicate-Mary-Shelley-s-account) but at the same time I do think she sensationalized the trip a bit. From the novel The Poet and the Vampyre: "these [visits to Diodati were] not always convivial - Mary describing the 13 August visit in a single word: 'War.'" Mary, like everyone else, mythologized the summer of 1816. The preface to the 1831 edition of Frankenstein (different from the 1818 original) sensationalizes the origins with a gothic flare because that’s what she knew her fans wanted; she was a widowed single mother in her 30s determined to make a living off her writing, and she enjoyed the immense popularity of Frankenstein, helping to proliferate it through the wildly successful stage adaptation which was spookier and showier than the philosophical novel.
Mary “said the three or four months she passed there were the happiest of her life,” (source: Thomas Moore’s journal, vol. 5, p. 178, via Internet Archive). Before, and especially after this summer of 1816, Mary experienced many traumas which left her with severe depression, and so she romanticized that time, ignoring all of the many ongoing problems surrounding it.
1816 was extraordinary fun for all of them, but it was not paradise. The summer was littered with actual storms as well as emotional storms. In the 1831 preface Mary makes no mention of Claire’s existence, though Claire was the only reason they were even there, since Claire wanted to visit Byron who she was having a horribly drawn out affair with. The two dramatically broke up that summer, made worse by Claire then revealing she was pregnant with his child. There was also a lot of drama with Polidori (writer, and Byron’s doctor) who fought with Byron and Percy, threatening Percy to duel him over a sailing race.
Mary was also in denial about Percy’s many problems. Shelley was mentally and physically ill, perpetually on the run from debtors who had imprisoned him, disowned by his family for being kicked out of Oxford due to atheism, publicly notorious, had a wife and children back in England, and more than likely had an ongoing affair with Claire, causing Byron to briefly wonder at their child’s paternity. Still, Mary was madly in love with Percy from the time she met him until her last moments on Earth when she died staring at his preserved heart which she requested to be buried with. She shared his struggles and spent much of her life defending him, and she's the reason he achieved posthumous fame thanks to her relentlessly promoting, annotating, editing, transcribing, publishing, and republishing his works.
She occasionally does hint at the drama of that time, and how hurt she felt at times, but generally Mary ignored these things, as well as their many other flaws, so that she could remain on good terms with all of them (especially Claire and Byron after their break-up). Despite the drama, she had felt the good times at Lake Geneva were the best times of her life thus far. She was in the most beautiful place in the world, she loved traveling, she felt inspired to write, her baby was healthy and had a good nanny, her own health improved, she spent fun times with her lover who was happily preoccupied with sailing, Claire (who she loved but also found annoying) was preoccupied with Byron, and she found Byron fascinating.
Not even a year after the trip, she was already painfully reminiscing about her good memories: 
“that time is past, and this will also pass, when I may weep to read these words, and again moralise on the flight of time. Dear Lake! I shall ever love thee,”
“We may see [Byron] again, and again enjoy his society; but the time will also arrive when that which is now an anticipation will be only in the memory. Death will at length come, and in the last moment all will be a dream.”
“why is not life a continued moment where hours and days are not counted — but as it is a succession of events happen — the moment of enjoyment lives only in memory and when we die, where are we?”
Frankenstein was started in the summer of 1816 and first published in 1818. Then there was an 1831 edition, the most commonly read today, which is slightly different (slightly less radical for Victorian audiences) and which includes the preface which refers to the “waking dream.” Scholars have noted that Mary’s recollection is partly based on her mythologizing and romanticizing her youth. This is even more obvious considering all of the traumas she had experienced afterward. In her journals (via Project Gutenberg) she often refers to her youth as being like a dream before Percy's death. She was seeing her life through rose-tinted glasses to cope, and possibly experiencing depression-related derealization. 
Condensed timeline of Mary’s traumas to show what I mean about the Frankenstein period being a relatively happier time for her: Her mother died giving birth to her. June 1814: her and her step-sister Claire run away with Shelley. Problems with her father for years after (though they eventually rekindle). Feb 1815: 1st child dies, becomes pregnant a few months later. Jan 1816: has 2nd child who is healthy. Summer 1816: Geneva summer, begins writing Frankenstein; Claire in love with and pregnant by Byron before their relationship dissolves. Oct 1816: Mary’s half-sister Fanny kills herself. Dec 1816: Shelley’s wife kills herself; Mary marries Percy to protect their kids & so he can gain custody of his first 2 kids. Mar 1817: they stay in Marlowe; Mary described this as maybe their happiest residence, and this is where she wrote much of Frankenstein. 1817 misc.: court denies them custody of Shelley's first two kids due to his unorthodoxy; Percy self-exiles from England, they move to Italy, move around continuously, & suffer illness. Sept 1817: 3rd baby is born & dies. Jan 1818: Frankenstein published. June 1819: 2nd child dies while Mary is pregnant with 4th child. Nov 1819: has 4th & only surviving baby (Percy Florence, who lives a long life). 1821: Polidori dies from suspected suicide. April 1822: Claire & Byron’s baby Allegra dies. June 1822: news of Allegra’s death. Mary almost dies from a miscarriage, Percy saves her life. July 1822: Percy dies in a boat accident. Their social circle splits up. Claire moves to Russia. After comforting her, Mary’s closest friend Jane (whose husband died with Percy; the two couples lived together) breaks up their friendship & moves abroad. Mary suffers multiple social conflicts which are largely not her fault, & becomes socially isolated. 1823: Byron & their mutual friend Trelawny join the Greek War. 1824: Byron dies. Mary writes her apocalyptic novel The Last Man as a tribute to her broken social circle & it’s members.
From her journal, Oct 2, 1822: “Father, mother, friend, husband, children—all made, as it were, the team which conducted me here, and now all, except you, my poor boy (and you are necessary to the continuance of my life), all are gone, and I am left to fulfill my task.”
Several times, she wrote that the only reason she didn’t kill herself was because of her son Percy. However, note: Her life did improve after The Last Man. It's a bit of an outdated view that she was just a stereotypical depressed widow forever after. She was a strong and determined woman, and she eventually had a full social circle, friends, married son, daughter-in-law, flirtations, a successful writing career, hobbies, and so on. She found meaning through motherhood, writing, and paying tribute to Percy. However, for all these reasons, she saw the period of Frankenstein and prior to be some of the happiest times of her life and a "calm before the storm" (literally, the storm that killed Percy), which explains all the above.
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havingnonamesucks · 3 months
This post may be a little TMI (information abt me) so continue at your own discretion
Since it's pride month and I've been reblogging a lot of intersex posts, I was just wondering, what is intersex?
I searched it up on Google and found no answers 😌 so I thought the lovely peeps on Tumblr would provide me with an answer or two
One thing I've found out is that people who are intersex have both female an male characteristics and do I count as intersex if I;
Took (and is still taking) medically prescripted estrogen because my body produces way too much testosterone (not really high testosterone but because my estrogen were so low that it might as well be considered high)
I'm hairy af and I used to have a problem with facial hair (they just kept growing lol)
Have abnormal periods because of low estrogen (sometimes they happen, sometimes they don't, and if they do happen it's never a normal amount and it happens for a really long period of time(8-12 days))
Though, I am still seen (medically) as a cis woman people occasionally like to see me as a trans woman because of the certain characteristics I have due to my hormone imbalances
I am aware that all intersex people may not all be the same (and have the same types of characteristics) so here are just a few of my questions, feel free to drop some credited and verified scientific papers about the subject too (I'm a nerd lol).
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miutonium · 10 months
Boogie Man, Utionium and Bubbles!! ~@soft-spooks (good luck in class btw u got this!)
Thank you! I did okay for class when you send this Ask but I am now back in class and Im hoping it go well today ;w; thank u for the well wishes 💕💕💕
The Boogie Man 🎵 — Quick! Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first five songs that come up!
My playlist basically went Mr.Worldwide 🧍‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
Professor Utonium 🥼 — Are there any scientific inventions or discoveries that fascinate you?
You heard of girlies telling true crime like tea so let me talk about antibiotics like them too 💅
Radioactive is cool but the history of Penicillin (the first pure Antibiotic) is one of my fav. Im just gonna write a very simplified version of it after rereading it just now lol
There's reports of usage of mold to treat infection way way back before the 20th century especially in ancient greek and egypt but the creation of the first fully synthetic and commercialise antibiotic only started during the early 40s so like if you get any bacterial infection from uhhh lets say a cut on your pinky, you rubbed your eyes with a dirty hand, you look as someone at the wrong time, you had a hanky panky with Patty at the back alley or maybe you just exist, you can die. Existing antimicrobial meds like sulfanilamide even the strongest one sometimes doesnt work with diseases that in modern days we can simply heal with just 1 course of antibiotics.
Anyway how we discovered Penicillin was purely by accident when back in 1929, Alexander Fleming discovered one of the strep strain he was cultivating in his petri dish that he left for a few days for a holiday seemed off. Upon closer inspection he realized there's a strain of mold that grew on the dish and noticed that the bacteria didnt grow around the mold ring so he conducted a few experiments to comfirm his discovery and ended up publishing a paper about his findings. Despite this though no one wanted to do anything about it. They read the paper and just left him on seen and Fleming wasnt a chemist, he's a biologist, the lowest of the low for the nerds back in the 19th century because all the cool kids major in physics and studying radioactive and actively promoting radioactive quackery while their jaw is rotting off from the radium exposure so he couldn't do anything about it and he just let his research in the back burner until like 10 years later a group of nerds at Oxford found his paper and like "wait this man was actually cooking" and decided to take the challenge to purify this mold juice and see if they can turn it into an antibiotic.
In early stages of their research, there didnt use like a big steep container to 'procure' the mold but instead uses a narrow container with large surface area, think of casserole dish to get the juice because the mold only grows on the surface of the liquid instead of inside the liquid. Purifying isn't easy, at least 2000 litres of purified Penicillin juice were needed just to make antibiotics enough to treat 1 person so 2 of the big nerds, Howard Florey and Norman Heatley flew to the US and asked if anyone could mass produce it and then like jump to idk pages of wikipedia page later it was being mass produced in the early 40s during the peak of WW2 (there's too many conflict happens during this and the girls are fighting over who should be credited for it and I am not into some nerd drama rn)
Here's some interesting facts that I found out while reading:
- During the early stages of mass production, they still haven't produce enough Penicillin for the people they're treating and running clinical trials and they discovered that patients who received Penicillin shot also excreted those antibiotics back into their urine. At least 70% of the Penicillin they got is stored in the balls floating in the urine so they took the pee, crystallised them and extracted the Penicillin from the pee crystals so at least half of the people who gets the antibiotics shot got them from some guy's pee.
- When Florey and Heatley planned to fly to the US, they feared they couldn't bring the mold in a small glass tube without it being missing so they laced the pocket of their coat with the mold.
- Winston Churchill almost died from Pneumonia back in 1943 but fully cured by Sulfanilamide but the tabloid at time said Penicillin cured him simoly because they wanted to instill confidence to the public about antibiotic
- During Clinal Trials, they tested on animals for toxicity but they didn't tested it on guinea pigs. If they tested it on guinea pigs there's a possibility that antibiotics is not what we have now or didn't exist at all since Penicillin is toxic to guinea pigs
Anyway cut to decades later we abused the fuck out of antibiotics and there's rising cases of antibiotics resistant bacteria. It is estimated that we are 5 years away from creating antibiotics that works on the bacteria that resist antibiotics in the present. So the next time if you are prescribed with antibiotics, FINISH THEM ACCORDING TO DR'S ORDERS!!!
Bubbles 🫧 — List three things that bring you joy!
Answered here!
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crouching-vinus · 9 months
16, 43, 77.
I CANNOT believe Blackmail is coming to an end! I think I found it when you were only on chapter 2 or 3. it is by far my favorite fic above all that i’ve read. you’ve become my inspiration to being a good writer lol i hope to be as good as you! 🩷
alsoooo drop the Naoya/Reader fic you mentioned in another ask. i must read it for scientific purposes
16. Do you write by hand, on your phone, or on your laptop?
I never write by hand, but I’ll use my phone to document basic notes/ideas/dialogue/etc. I have for when I’m away from my laptop, which I use exclusively for outlining/drafting. This way I never forget anything. 
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
Yes- well, kinda. There’s a few tropes that I like reading that I would love to write for Sukuna specifically- Soulmates, Arranged Marriage, Fuck or Die, possibly(?) ABO (scary)- but I haven’t really developed any story ideas around them yet. Maybe I’ll save them for a future poll!
77. Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
This is a really good question 😭 I honestly spent so many years just reading it, and struggled to find a lot of Sukuna fics when I was first getting into JJK, that I kinda just said ‘fuck it, I’m probably okay enough to do it myself, and if people like it that’s cool, if not, whatever.’ But now I think I do it because I just genuinely enjoy sharing pieces of my mind with people and hearing their thoughts about it and knowing they enjoy it. Like I’ve always imagined Character x OC stories with whoever I’m fixated on, but now I can put them on paper and actually write them out properly and it’s a fun little hobby that’s turned out to be unexpectedly rewarding 💕
And I know! I honestly can’t believe it’s over either. Bless you for sticking with it as long as you have. I definitely bit off more than I could chew but I wouldn’t regret anything, it’ll feel good to move on to other stories but I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for those two little idiots. And it’s an honor to be your inspiration! I am undeserving!!
Alas, I am unable to drop the Naoya fic bc I have not yet written it 😭. The outline is going by… disturbingly quickly/easily though? So hopefully you’ll have it sooner rather than later! I promise it’ll be nothing but absolute filth.
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doctortwhohiddles · 1 year
Hey, I found this and wanted to share considering, well... you know who lol. There's a growing academic field based around celebrity worship and declining mental health indicators. If you're interested in reading about it, there's an article entitled:
The association of celebrity worship with problematic Internet use, maladaptive daydreaming, and desire for fame
These researchers have done a few studies and literature reviews, and their sample sizes are large enough to be statistically meaningful. Not all their papers are open source, unfortunately. Anyway, I found it really interesting and actually found it useful for my own relationship with celebrity culture, media consumption, and mental health. Thought you might find it interesting too.
I've seen the article, but I haven't read it yet. Of course fandom tinhaters use it to attack those who disagree with them, probably proving the authors right about them.
There are many scientific articles and thesis that could be written about fandom tinhats. Or some stans to be honest. They're both side of the same coin.
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scrollsnsketchbooks · 8 months
Floofty Fizzlebean's Guide To Parturiency
Bound one of a friend’s favorite fics for their birthday last year. They requested that it get made to look like a scientific paper and- well, to be honest I have no idea what a scientific paper is supposed to look like, but we were both quite happy with what I came up with.
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I decided to go off of a spiralbound notebook idea. The front cover was laminated to mimic a clear plastic cover, and the spine was very painstakingly made of many pieces of 1mm leather cord glued onto a rounded piece of cardstock to look like the coiled wire found on such notebooks. It’s been a few months and I’m still super proud of how the spine turned out! Probably not something I’ll be doing again any time soon though, lol.
(photos courtesy of said friend; I was in such a rush to get the book to them I forgot to take a few myself before I packed it up lol)
[Originally posted on April 6 2023]
Also please check out my Ko-Fi and, if you can, maybe toss a few bucks my way? I'm working hard to put money away to finally get a place of my own and build a proper studio, but help is certainly appreciated!
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we-can-be-heroes · 2 years
1, 2, 4, 6? 📚
2) What are 2-5 already published nonfiction books you think you want to read in 2023?
Ok so I’m waiting for this one to arrive and I’m extremely excited :
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And my dream is to read this one entirely :
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She passed away in 2016 and her writings have not been published in years… I’m a bit of a paper fetishist (especially for people I adore) so of course I want the physical version 😭 but I’m afraid it might be hard to find and most of all very expensive. So either I keep waiting for a miracle either I accept to read the pdf version hehe…!
And finally these two :
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These also are two very rare books I plan on finding and buying lol 🥲 ! These were supposed to be a triptych/trilogy but life is hard and making books costs money so unfortunately it didn’t happen. The first volume is about the international post-punk, cold wave, techno-pop, dark folk, gothic rock, electronic, EBM, industrial metal scenes, basically all the related movements that have appeared since the 70’s etc……. And the second volume apparently tackles the….French gothic scene ??? As well as other francophone gothic scenes such as the Swiss, Belgian and Luxembourgish, which I don’t know shit about. As far as I know these are THE MOST COMPLETE publications about the subject written in French !!!!
4) Do you plan to read any genres you haven't read much before?
Hummmm as funny/crazy as it sounds I’ve never read any horror novels lol ! (Except for Carrie when I was a preteen) I watch horror, I read horror mangas, horror comics, even theorical/philosophical stuff about horror in magazines but no horror novels. Reading horror novels sound way scarier than any of the other stuff I listed that contain CLEAR IMAGES 😭 ! But I’m ready and would like to give it a shot. Other than that any good books that contain magical realism ? English Gothic Literature, French romantisme noir. And more theorical/philosophical/scientific stuff about subjects I care about !
6) Do you have any conceptual reading goals?
E.g., I plan to read books on food history.
Yes absolutely, as you can see in the previous book choices & the answer just above, I would like to read more theorical essays about music genres and their historical and political aspects, same goes for genre cinema, and the different themes and recurring patterns found there .
But also more books about cultural studies and critical theory. A few years ago for a long time I was going through a very strong feeling of DÉSIDENTIFICATION (disidentification) which was painful at the time, but also freeing ! [ I am still and constantly going through it tbh but in a very less violent way, the freeing part is starting to kick in hehe !] so, I was saying this word constantly to talk about how I felt and I ended up doing research and learning that this term had already been invented/theorized by someone called José Esteban Muñoz, in his very first book :
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It made me very emotional to know that someone had written an entire book around the topic lol and now I really want to read it ! I found myself wrapped in feelings of unbelonging since forever so I’m always very attracted to and interested in what other people may have said or thought about these matters.
I will probably go through these rollercoasters of identification and disidentification my whole entire life but that’s also what makes it exciting and interesting and worth living I guess !
Not being able to categorize and decrypt you easily or at all is something that always enrages aaaaaaaall types of people ! And this is something I absolutely love and hate and find very interesting.
Pissing of and disturbing people by my very existence has always been my little specialty ! At some point I even started cultivating this by trying to scare people (through my art, looks, and unconsciously, probably, some aspects of my personality and life ““choices”” such as isolation) as an attempt to protect myself and free myself from this weight loool ! Which in my experience really isn't always a good idea, and once again is as liberating as it is painful !! For myself and others !!
Partly for all these reasons i have always been very drawn to the idea of “monstrosity” and have identified with monsters in art for as long as I remember so I’m always very happy to come across writings/books about this ! (if any of you have any recommendations btw don’t hesitate 🤍 ! Except for Paul B. preciado’s book that I have already heard about)
Anyway !!! So yeah basically I want to read these 5 books 😂😂😂….The only link I see between them is the idea of community that I have loved and hated and loved and hated and LOVED again 🔄🔄🔄🔄🔄♾️♾️♾️ and that I keep deconstructing and reconstructing perpetually !!!!
Thank you very much for the very interesting questions, loved answering these and sorry if « 2023 book ask » might have turned into « over sharing » ?? I just thought that it was related, and wanted to explain the book choices !
Have a great night !! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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chikoyama · 9 months
3 & 5 for the mun questions <3
questions for muns | accepting
3. whose writing has impacted your writing style the most?
There's one specific fanfic author that I feel like has influenced my writing, or at least my perspective on it! But as I understand, they wish to be discovered organically, so I can't mention them without feeling like I’m disrespecting them. I know it sounds so annoying that I have to gatekeep and be vague like that, but they have explicitly asked their readers not to recommend them to others. 😭
All I can say is that they're really talented. I read most of their published fics — even those revolving around characters that I wasn't interested in initially. I just couldn’t help myself because I found their work so captivating. I felt like each piece left me with a valuable lesson on life. If possible, I strive to achieve same effect with my writing. I’m not near that level though.
Otherwise, my style is probably a giant quilt patchwork of everything I've ever consumed. Since I've read and written lots of scientific research papers and essays too, I tend to apply the same 'writing method' that I've been taught into creative writing as well. It’s for better or worse really.
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
Mahito and Sukuna. I don’t think they’d be very fun to write against, lol. My Mahito is a psychopath who basks in tormenting and killing people while Sukuna is an impatient ass who would just slice up anyone who bores him. They’re unhinged and untamable, and if people didn’t question my sanity already, they definitely would if I wrote them, lmao.
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thetiredstuff · 1 year
Hello friend, how have you been? :3
oooooh hi bestieeee!!!!!! honestly i'm fucking stressed. okay so hahaha this is very funny to everyone else but def made me cry okay so I have this course called intelligence and I need to write a paper for it that counts toward 80% of my grade. so I asked chatgpt for some ideas for a topic and narrowed it down to three. and then asked chatgpt to give me a bunch of recommendations for scientific papers and articles related to the three topics. i found a bunch of articles about a topic that compares the challenges of intelligence in authoritarian versus democratic regimes so i went with that. cuz i had like 30 papers about it that chatgpt gave me. turns out that fucking stupid ai model made them all up. ALL 30 OF THEM DO NOT EXIST. turns out there only exists like 2 papers about the challenges of intelligence in authoritarian regimes!!!! so basically i'm fucked lol
also i need to write like a proper research question, definition of the problem, and theoretical framework and I don't know how the hell i need to do anything like that!!!!!
so i asked my professor if i could give my paper to him and ask for feedback before the deadline cuz it counts for 80% of my final grade and he said "no. not because I don't want to but because I'm not being paid enough to do that" ....... like????? ARE YOU FOR FUCKING REAL??????????
so all in all i'm pretty stressed lol cuz it needs to be handed in the second week of may. so I'm fucked :)
how are you?!
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So our university introduced AI regulations today...WAY TOO LATE, may I add, but at least they're finally here.
You can't have your papers be written, full or in part, by AI (what a surprise, you doofuses), and the very fact that people have TRIED to submit AI written papers clearly violates academic standards of "it has to be an original thought from your own head". It's fraud. I mean, yes. And extremely unfair to people who spend months racking their brains over quality content and exhibit personal excellence only to be outdone by fiction.
You also can't cite AI due to lack of authorship, except in contexts where AI is the topic you're researching. This is where it gets funny.
Because on one hand there's the EU regulation that all AI created content must be marked as such, and then there's non-EU sites on the internet. What if I happen to use a non-EU scientific paper in my research that so happens to have been written by AI, and I just never come to know of it?? If it's found out later, I can be called a fraud. People can get their licenses and academic grades revoked over this, because we sign a separate declaration of originality beneath each paper that we submit.
And then there's this wonderful thing that happened today where I read an ordinary news article that
a) told me at the bottom it was AI generated, which means I took in the information without having been given the choice beforehand,
b) had an editor who proof-read it who took full credit of authorship,
c) didn't even say that it was created by AI specifically, but by "technological aid/aided by machine". My dude. That is not AI. That could be me typing my paper on my laptop because that, too, is work "aided by machine". That is the most non-specific-ass excuse I've ever seen. My laptop is artificial intelligence too.
We still lack proper terms and vocabulary to distinguish AI from the other technology that we've been using for two decades and longer. People still can, and will find workarounds to use AI in academic environments. This is such a mess lol.
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
Hi!!! I love your account with all of its fabulous jellyfish information. And I wanted to know, where are you getting aforementioned fabulous jellyfish information? Is there a book or a website or documentary or smth? Do you have any recommendations?
Tysm and I CANT WAIT for the advanced quiz :DD
Oh!! I'm glad you enjoy it ^-^
I get my jellyfish research from a variety of places, actually. But since I'm kind of obsessed with collecting my information in one place, asks like these are my cup of tea :)
My main source of jellyfish lore comes from Wikipedia. Just like the legendary Hank Green, I ended up downloading Firefox's tree-tab extension so I can organize the tabs by natural taxonomic order. It's really quite relaxing, actually.
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Wikipedia, understandably, isn't always the best source though (Take the pages for Cephea cephea and Atolla wyvillei for example. The Cephea cephea page is almost entirely blatant misinformation while the Atolla wyvillei contains an incorrect and misleading throwaway line)
That's why the next logical step is simple- Wikipedia references! This serves as a beginning into further jellyfish research.
Let's take the reference page for the Aurelia aurita, for example:
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The information citing citation 14 was super interesting, so I pulled it up on another tab to read it, and got this:
Then I just had a field day reading it all.
One big site that's used as a reference on Wikipedia is humorously named WorMS (World Registry of Marine Species), which goes into the specific classification of pretty much every jellyfish taxon (it is very. VERY comprehensive). It'll tell you how many species are in a genus, what scientific name has become synonomized with another, and even link to the original documents that describe the species (though they may be written in a different language and come in a scan- so tough luck if you don't understand the language since um... it's pretty hard to translate a scan).
Eventually that wasn't enough, though, so I branched out into searching scientific articles myself. My personal favourite website to do this on is ResearchGate, since the UI is the easiest for me to use, but I get plenty of research from other sites and publishers. (And pssst, if you can't access papers through a school or an institution, there's always sci-hub and libgen 😉)
The rest just depends on to how savvy you are with google. I despise normal reporting articles on jellyfish (Most can't tell the difference between them anyways), so I skip those and simply go to the jellyfish papers themselves lol. I've found out a lot of interesting things about jellyfish just by searching random questions on google.
Um, but I suppose I do have extra stuff to add.
Apparently, making a video game for jellyfish is a surefire way to learn more about them (especially when you write them as sapient beings lol). You start to crave niche, specific knowledge of them- like um... If they sleep or not, or what things can make them sleep.
Um... Another thing I've learned about jellyfish? The japanese are absolutely OBSESSED with their jellyfish. Their jellyfish spotlight sites are incredibly detailed (if not a bit region-specific), and I honestly trust them more than I trust our English-speaking sites.
In particular, I adore kurage-ya.com and gogo zoo aquarium, though you definitely will not be able to read anything unless you have a good translator (Kurage-ya is written in such an adorable voice.... and gogo zoo is incredibly detailed. I suggest going onto both for full coverage of your jellyfish knowledge, though)
(I also suggest going on different languages of Wikipedia- you can learn SO much stuff that normal Wikipedia doesn't give to you. Like the Chrysaora pacifica and Nemophilema nomurai have more robust Japanese pages, and the Spanish page for Order Semaeostomeae is a lot more beefed up, haha...)
To learn more about niche jellyfish facts, I also suggest looking through jellyfish husbandry sites (Especially jellyfish warehouse- travis knows so much more about jellyfish than I do it's actually pretty crazy).
As for Jellyfish documentaries? I only know of a few good ones, but I'll list them here:
^^ (not a documentary, but the jellyfish warehouse is friggin awesome and they even have a youtube channel)
Umm... So yeah that's pretty much all the things I got for free.
I think any jellyfan would suggest Lisa-Ann Gerswhin's book, Jellyfish: A Natural History.
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I'm pretty sure you can find it in any major bookstore or whatever (online, at least), but it goes super in-depth about pretty much everything you need to know about jellyfish.
She goes SUPER in-depth about things like jellyfish life cycle, jellyfish anatomy, jellyfish ecology- and SO, SO MUCH MORE. She doesn't stay in Phylum Cnidaria, either, branching out into Ctenophora and even Chorodata(?) (Since Salps/tunicates are also there ig).
If you want to learn about specific jellyfish species, however, I would honestly just stick to Google and write it yourself. She only highlights about 40 different jellyfish species, and only mentions the textually relevant things in their bio. I would use the book just to learn about jellyfish basics, tbh (since it primes you to learn about the more technical jellyfish language you'll inevitably encounter in jellyfish articles). Overall, though, Lisa-Ann Gershwin's book is incredibly detailed, in-depth, and gorgeous and I could not recommend it more to anyone.
Other than that tho? All the English jellyfish books kinda suck, and I'm seriously considering branching out to japanese books instead (There's one that focuses on 114 species of jellyfish and you can bet your manus that I'm salivating over it rn i am enamoured with Japanese jellyfish culture)
Erm... Anyways?
Wikipedia is a good place to start. Reading Published Scientific articles is where you can get the bulk of your information, but Jellyfish-dedicated Websites will also be pretty knowledgeable as well.
There are a choice few Youtube documentaries you can watch, but if you want to read an actual book, Jellyfish: A Natural History is your best bet.
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jimahalangel · 10 months
Wavey Dimensional Pancakes
The multiverse theory explained by highschool me (circa 2016)
---- or:
The multiverse theory discussed in a bit more detail than my Undertale fic(Gelatin Skeleton); courtesy of my Google drive, which is a place where nothing gets deleted.
Aka: a paper I wrote in 2016 for school. Entirely unedited from how I turned it in besides that it's missing a few graphics and a video presentation.
I think I used to be in love with commas; there are so many run on sentences lol.
I guess I can't judge too hard though. I think I just traded the quirk of too many commas for too many ellipses and semicolons.
We use physics to understand the cosmos, our place in it, and how it all works, but there is a problem that is constant in physics. There is no unified theory, or set of rules that applies to everything. What we have applies to subatomic particles or larger bodies of matter; the rules that govern one do not apply to the other. Logic and scientific law implies that something is missing. However, when the existence of multiverses is considered, everything changes.
The very first recorded mention of the multiverse theory was in Dublin, Ireland, in the year 1952. Erwin Schrodinger jovially mentioned the idea to his audience during a lecture he was giving on his Nobel Equations, which govern quantum physics. At first he was hesitant to talk about his idea, as he himself stated that it might ‘seem lunatic,’ but he soon launched into an in depth explanation of how exactly he had thought of the concept. His equations all had different histories that were recorded happening simultaneously. At first he thought that they were just alternative outcomes that had occurred separately, but as he examined the data, he found it to be coetaneous. The attendees to Erwin’s lecture didn’t believe him at first, some even thought he was crazy, but eventually there were some who warmed up to the idea. Soon everyone had their own ideas and theories, though most wanted to disprove Erwin Schrodinger’s. Einstein’s theory of relativity no longer was the ‘cure all’ for physics. It did not apply to subatomic particles, and so there was a call for something that did. Quantum mechanics seemed to fit the bill, but it only worked on subatomic particles. As more was discovered in each field, more evidence was found which alluded to the existence of multiple universes. They also found more evidence that proved our existence to be highly improbable.
Stephen Hawking said that statistically life shouldn’t exist in our universe unless it is one of many others. A planet would need to be in the “Goldilocks zone,” have the right ratio of elements, and a strong enough gravitational field to hold its atmosphere, in order for life to form. All of this is extremely unlikely to occur on one single planet, however if there are a large amount of planets in our universe, and a near infinite number of universes that exist on the same plane of reality, in the same space and at the same time, it is statistically guaranteed that at least one of these planets would have life. Stephen Hawking also explained that, because scientists easily found how our universe was created, but could not find how life was able to form, the only reasonable explanation would be that life itself is ‘an accident’. By chance, a few molecules out of all the multiverses bumped into each other, and copied themselves, creating the first form of life. Our universe just happened to be the one that gave matter the right conditions, and enough time to create the correct molecular combinations to form life.
It is difficult to understand how a multiverse would work, or what it is. There are many different ways that multiverses have been explained to help people understand theories like Hawking’s theory of evolution. Dr. Michio Kaku is one of the main experts on the multiverse theory. He describes our universe as a soap bubble among thousands of others, and the different universes can each split into smaller bubbles. Dr. Kaku says that every now and then, maybe every couple thousand years, these soap bubbles bump into each other, causing phenomena that can’t be explained any other way. An example of such phenomena would be when scientists are observing atoms, and some of them suddenly blip out of existence only to come back moments later. One possible explanation is that they have transferred to another universe. The questions that can’t be answered quite yet are: Where do they go? Why do they disappear? How does all of this happen? The theory of multiple universes seems to hold the answer. Dr. Kaku’s bubble metaphor is not the only idea of how multiverses might work.
Other scientists, such as physicist Brian Greene, prefer the membrane metaphor. With this metaphor, each universe is a membrane laid parallel to another. Favored by string theorists, it describes how a subatomic particle could potentially leave our ‘membrane’ and interact with others. This metaphor is different from Dr. Michio Kaku’s, in that it deals more with the activities of particles than interactions between entire systems. In order to find these metaphors, one has to think outside the bubble, so to speak. There has to be an explanation as to how universes would interact with one another, a description of proximity, and something for the metaphors to explain, otherwise the explanation is insubstantial. In most cases these metaphors are used entirely to help a person visualize something that cannot be seen, like multiverses. Because multiverses aren’t concrete things we can touch, see, feel, or even really prove to exist, metaphors that meet criteria are essential to understand the concept.
Understanding the concept is the key to finding the missing scientific and mathematical proofs that explain the bridge between quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. Proving the existence and laws defining the behavior of the multiverse would fill in the gaps in our understanding of the cosmos. Though we don’t have all the answers yet, Schrodinger’s crazy idea, Hawking’s theory of evolution, and the metaphors physicists are using to explain multiverses have given future generations a starting point. Without the theory of the multiverse, there is no connection between what we know now and the solution to the problems still unsolved.
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lonespektr · 11 months
Something in the dirt (2022)
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This is Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead if you haven't heard of these guys strap the frack in.
I have never fully understood any one of their films without at least a second watch
... maybe synchronic
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Already on tilt
Looks like a morel mushroom but with spikes??
Do not expect an explanation
Ok well guy apparent derelict no furniture sleeping on floor daylight
No subs are
Oh they are okay
The two have been lead actors in their films more than once
Neighbor meet and greet
Divorcee tells him that the apt had been vacant for a decade
Told a big bloody fib about a death
Doesn't explain the vacancy like that's even creepier man
Said something else weird and drove off on a scoot scoot
It was a squirrel omg
Shot of the electricity meters
And a bunch of other things in quick sucession power lines etc then chimes
Ok interview suddenly
Meta about their films lolz
Somebody died
Guy friendship makes me seeth with envy and wrench my clothing
They are best friends now,?!!! U movin furniture??
How??? U just met??? That could be a serial killer an asshole! That's a literal stranger
I hate men
They are chatting like they have known each other for years (they do)
Fish story
They both at each time appeared wary of the other at least
sharing wifi??
That is a STRANG-ER
Behold the promise LAN
First uh tension
Kinda told him after he helped gotta kick u out
Except rolled right into compassion AA convo
Lol 😂 till he said ok cool
Lol housewarming plant dude why would u think he brought a rando plant to a new place obviously
His grandma runs a nursery
Already talking weird, cult vibes
The prism crystal piece he found on the ground just started floating and prisiming
Divorcee saw it and honestly told the new move in guy who was already trying to kick him out but graciously instead of doing the whole wait until it happens later bs as divorcee is leaving it happens again
And unlike the white men they are the bolt out of the apartment
They are literal shots of the text of what is being said randomly interspersed cut into the dialogue
Fights keep passing over head
Three birds just hit the divorcee guys door , dead
They agree that they have to document legitimate supernatural stuff and get rich/ successful
Youth shelter person comes to pick him up
Dude pretty sure that's his PO and he's court mandated
Back to interviews
New guy had stashed the birds in a cardboard box just to make sure they weren't just knocked out
One bird was gone when he went back to check
Lord of heat coming from the closet
Anti title drop??? Cute
This is very meta
Debate about titles they are both rejection sensative like prickly about critiques
He said i guess it waits for you (new guy) but the first time we saw it it was only the divorcee
This is very nope at this juncture
They are tooling up, my Internet is very slow
The chimes are Russian nesting Dolls
Address the obvious P.O.
He said he's on the sex offender registry for peeing in public
The thing is actually moving ( i should clarify it looks like the og big ass crystal ash trashs
Although it's obvious cut in half orb and prismy
They have digital and film cameras
They may have a shot
The geometry of magnetism - rando book that divorcee knows
Lol why was it written in esperanto i mean obvs why but 😂😂
Oh the weird shape that prsim makes is on the cover
Lol divorcee just asked do i sound unhinged and new guys like oh no nono psychologic breaks are totally different 😂😂😂
Lol he just yelled at the paper weight if you are a ghost do something
Now they are like??? Not a ghost
Coulda told you that boys it's very scientific
It's scientific because this is your film and you always do science shit 😂😂
The guy says he has seeing the symbol all over town now
Most of the shots were of old buildings that symbol would have been there for years
Lol new guy said u goin dan brown on me
He's like no man it's just a math thing like the fibbinocci sequence
When a rectangle expressed as a ratio
(how the fuck does one do that #dyscalculia)
It is that irrational number
Lol he said this better not be about Stonehenge 😂😂
This dude is smoking inside like a fucking 1950's film JEEBUS
the whole time there's s discordant plunk in the sound track
(They do this)
This is the third time he has crossed the threshold out of the room and it drops the new guy im googling their names cause im getting irritated
John and levi
The city scape looms large
Planes sirens
They are both a hot mess
Door knob to hot closet that never shits is shaking
Pause for the cause
(the cause being my bedtime)
Gonna switch to something with a better signal and finish that first
OMG wtf the light refractor is floating why was it in the closet?
Omg plot point i couldn't hear
Soil samples (documentary)
High chromium
Wait is the inside of the closet glowing
Now the light is communicating with them
Quartz deposit
More meta
Why did you play youselves reenactment
I love that's is just a series of conspiracy theories
I read this ted talk, i saw this reddit post
Cyotes again
Pulling random unexplainable things weaving them together
Snake skin
Just random things
Found an old ass recorder like old ass
With sacred number tape on it
The rose croutons?
Dream logic
Numerology crystals
City planner 1908
Like full ideas of reference
Literally just picked up a rock at 1908 coordinates that had a strip of paper with w website in it
The guy with hx of mental illness ace is uh keeps trying to back out - John new guy
Crystal resonates with sound
There's the symphony conspiracy theory
The crystal almost fell on his head when he was asleep but did why do you sleep in that room with it
Let alone the apartment at all
Not they are full on literally every single idea of reference
Now they are talking about simulations after seeing a glitch in the stop crosswalk
Mind control cat parasites - which i just heard about
This month
The phenomenon is dried up
John wants to leave as planned
The levi guy made up a bunch of shit and broke in somewhere told john some kies starting to fabric stuff
Lol this tablet was used to design the city
Now my plant is alien in nature ,(from my own grandmas nursery)
Eat the cactus fruit
Inside the cactus fruit is morse code!!!!!!
Here they are
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Lol he's been lying from the jump even about the book
Old ass radio on a loop
Redacted script
Very convenient
John tried to do another idea of reference but lim? Levi shut him down
About his spearfishing
Old ass raio
Levi in an effort to fabricate more stuff erased the original stuff
Melted the hard drive
Just when john wanted to go again
The phenomenon started back up
And the guy keeps digging into his criminal history
Even then he wants him to stay
They are fully fighting and dragging each other
Oo literally dragged his sister into it then when he broke he smiled
Like a sicko
It's a full scale read fest very intense
and they are ignoring it fighting each other
There's an earthquake and not they are drawing a truce
Levi is floating the crystal went high and cracked
John ? Was floating too?
But off the balcony???
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