#free palestine now
longroadhomesblog · 11 months
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remindertoclick · 6 months
Hello there! Here's your Daily Reminder to Click for Palestine!
It only takes 30 seconds!
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mmollymercury · 8 months
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Haven't seen ppl really talking abt this on here. But Jesus Christ, we CAN NOT let this happen. WE CANT LIVE IN A FUTURE WERE THIS HAPPENS.
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sketchingstars03 · 4 months
‏I am Tala Nassar, currently in Rafah. We miraculously survived the attack, but my father is still missing. Please help us. Your donation might be our hope for survival.❤️🙏
TERRIBLY sorry for the late reply. I’ve received similar messages from scam accounts and I wanted to make sure I was uplifting a real Palestinian voice.
I can’t donate myself, but I STRONGLY suggest that everyone who reads this do so if they’re able. It’s incredibly urgent.
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kh4ven · 8 months
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seanisnothing · 8 months
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murizo · 11 months
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strawberryamanita · 4 months
Thought Slime hits it out of the park once again
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seraphdreams · 2 months
i hope every single politician dies.
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longroadhomesblog · 11 months
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I prayed to Allah today.
I prayed that Palestine would be free. Free from colonialism, from the evil hand that is Isr*al. They do not deserve that land, their olive trees, their sea, their joy.
Robbing children of their innocence, and childhood. A crime alone. So much knowledge, love and creativity…lost.
فلسطين الحرة
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ctraceywrites · 1 year
I want to remind everyone to be very skeptical of what you hear coming from Israeli officials in Palestine.
Palestine has no food, water, or power. They are being forced from Gaza, over 1 million people were given 1 days warning to flee their homes with no where to go, no way to get out, to empty hospitals, all before Israeli soldiers would sweep in.
Palestine has no power, they are not able to show what in happening in their country right now. Israeli officials have already been blantently lying about what's been going on, literally just making up horrible things and saying Palestinians have been at fault (in some of those instances it was later proven the pictures/videos associated with these lies were of Israeli soldiers committing these atrocities onto Palestinian civilians).
We can't trust what Israeli officials are saying is happening. We can't hear what Palestinians in Gaza are going through.
Criticize every bit of information you see. Check in with trusted fact checkers online. Do not let yourself fall for dangerous propaganda.
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laurin4475 · 11 months
I don’t know what’s happening on tumblr, cause I’ve been following everything unfold on insta, but if you didn’t know, the situation in Gaza is exponentially worsening and I am terrified for those in Gaza.
Communications have not been completely blocked by Israel (bombing towers and infrastructure), and with the massive increase in bombing overnight there is concern that the lack of scrutiny will enable Israel to commit even more atrocities.
Unfortunately, while the UN passed a resolution for a ceasefire, it was non binding, immediately ignored by Israel and I was disappointed to see that Australia abstained from the UN resolution for a ceasefire. I’m sure that the international politics are very difficult for politicians, but I feel like we have to take a stand. This is not “defence”- this is using the pretext of one attack to wipe out the Gaza Strip. Many are calling it the second Nakba.
I have learned a lot the last few weeks about Palestine, and I am so ashamed that the world has allowed this violence to continue for so many years. I am horrified at the brutal history of the occupation of Palestine. This is not a new war. This is a continuation of 75 years of colonial violence and it’s not going to stop until they destroy Palestine.
If you haven’t heard much or don’t know why I’m worried, please go look- a lot is being shared on Instagram.
I’ve turned my profile to public to share information about this: https://instagram.com/laurin_the_2nd.
Please feel free to have a look, see who I’ve followed recently and who I’ve shared on my stories. Please help us stand up for Palestine because their voices have now been silenced.
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maria-eve-falcon · 7 months
free Palestine now
if Palestine has a million supporters, then i am one of them. if Palestine has ten supporters, then i am one of them. if Palestine has only one supporter, then that is me. if Palestine has no supporters, then that means i am no longer on earth and humanity is dead. if the world is with Palestine, then i am with the world.
If the world is against Palestine I will support Palestine. it's be me against the world
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embryhallowed · 11 months
People get real mad when you point out that they don't actually have morals or core beliefs they follow in spite of current social opinion.
"You've abandoned the ideals of leftism if you say Israel is 'occupying' Palestine."
Ok. Hey, what do you call it when a country sends military forces outside of its border to remove, with deadly force, the people who have lived in this region for millennia? What do you call it when they send military forces who massacre civilians, burn villages to the ground, and depopulate cities to make room for new colonial settlers? What's the word for it when you go to a land, violently remove the people living there, and then say it's your land and only your people can live there? What do you call it when that country puts any remaining indigenous people behind a fence and have armed soldiers patrol their neighborhoods? When they detain those people without trial for years on end with no legal representation? Hmmm what's the word for that?
How do YOU define a military occupation? How do YOU define colonial violence and ethnic cleansing?
"You're anti-semitic and just hate Israel!"
Ok. I mean, I believe that everyone on this planet, every person of any ethnicity and any religion, has the right to exist in peace and safety, has the right to be governed through representation, has the right to observe their faith without harm or persecution. This applies to any and all people.
I also believe that making laws that discriminate against anyone for their religion or ethnicity is wholly and entirely wrong. I believe states who privilege certain religions and ethnicities above others, who enshrine this privilege into the law of the land, are wrong. I believe that states who deny a group of people the right to be governed through representation are wrong. Wholly and entirely wrong.
Jewish people have every right to exist and practice their faith in peace and safety. NO ONE has the right to say "hey guys I'm going to take this already populated land away from the people already living there and make a new state where all the people who look and think like me have all the rights and anyone else doesn't belong here."
Like IDK what you want me to say. Should I make exceptions to my morals? Say that it's ok because it's supposedly "gods chosen" or something? Claiming divine right to anything just tells me you're going to commit some huge sins against other humans and use God as a justification for it. I think that's obscene in multiple ways.
Being an American is wild. You'll see people cry about "kids in cages" and say "what about the children!!" but turn a blind eye to the decades in which Israel has casually slaughtered children.
You'll see people clutch their pearls about Ukraine, then cheer and say "glass Gaza!"
You'll see people proudly claim "liberty and justice for all" and then be absolute bloodthirsty ghouls calling for the extermination of Palestinian people.
Have you ever considered gaining some fucking morals?
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flower-tea-fairies · 5 months
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That part
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dimonds456 · 6 months
Don't forget about the Palestinians.
Don't forget about them now.
Don't forget about them tomorrow.
Don't forget about them in a week from now.
Don't forget about them in a month.
Don't forget them next year.
Don't forget them in 5 years.
When the history books start to update, don't let them put lies in there.
When documentaries come out, boycott the ones who call this a victory for Israel.
When books release talking about soldier's personal experiences with Palestine, remember the victims. Remember the truth.
Don't forget about what we've seen.
Don't forget about what we've heard.
Don't let them tell lies about Palestine.
Don't forget about the Palestinians when the world tries to make this go away.
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