#from how she feels about her asexuality it just did not read that way lmao
aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads // twitter thread  
Ace of Hearts
short contemporary romance
after a career-ending sports injury causes Felix to lose his scholarship, he marries his best friend for free tuition at the college where she works
they realise they have feelings for each other and their marriage could become real, but are threatened by her abusive father
sex-repulsed ace MC
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Aroace Alastor
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Hoo boy here we go- This one might make some people mad at me, so I'll preface by saying I do not want to start a fight and as long as you respect my business, I'll respect yours. But let's get this over with-
First off, I genuinely don't understand how some people can see the Ace-In-The-Hole quote and still believe that Alastor is only intended to be asexual and not also aromantic. Yes, the term Rosie used for purpose of the pun was 'ace', but can we look at the context of that moment before jumping to conclusions?
Rosie, motioning to Charlie: "Oh, who's this you brought with you? Come now, Alastor, she's much too young for you! Oh, I'm just kidding. I know you're an ace in the hole!"
Her original statement implies nothing sexual, only that he's involved in a relationship with Charlie, and she follows it up with why she knows that couldn't be because he's an 'ace in the hole'. I don't think you have to read too far between the lines to see that.
I would also like to say that when Vivienne has spoken about his orientation before, I recall her saying that she didn't want to confirm him being aromantic so that she wouldn't 'ruin anyone's fun', which I just feel like is an odd thing to say if she wasn't already explicitly picturing him as aroace. If she thought he had romantic attraction, why wouldn't she just say that? What fun would that ruin? I also feel like keeping things like this ambiguous just to appease the shippers is a little weird, but I digress-
And to those of you who I know are saying "But aromantic people can be in relationships too!!" *deep inhale* yeah I know. I'm not gonna pretend you're not right about that, but there are also aroace people who have exactly 0 interest in romance or sex at all. This is the part of the post that really is based on how I interpret certain moments, but to me he is absolutely one of those people. I don't really know where people get any vibes of him being interested in that stuff. I have never once looked at him and thought "Yeah I could see him in a romantic relationship with *insert character here*". Even aside from attraction in general, since that's what we'd be talking about at this point anyway, he just seems like the kind of guy who'd rather work and live independently instead of relying on anyone, whether practically or emotionally (which is also probably part of the reason he never joined the Vees, but that's another topic entirely). Hell, I'm pretty sure he's in heavy denial about even developing any kind of care or friendship with the people at the hotel (ie. the episode 8 scene with him and Niffty).
The only ships I see him involved in with people he doesn't hate (so ignoring RadioApple, RadioHusk, and StaticRadio. But to be real, maybe the fact all his main ships are enemies to lovers coded says something about the whole situation, but that's just me-) are Charlastor - which I will not even try to discuss here, people aren't gonna like this post as it is - and RadioRose. Rosie and him would at least be fair, if it weren't for one thing (which is also personal opinion on my end), and I don't know exactly how to word it. I'm tempted to say she has wingwoman vibes? But she knows he's aro, so that's not the right word, but there's vibes of like, she probably did act as a wingwoman before she realized that about him or something.. There's also something about her joking around like "Oh this is the girl? You have a girlfriend and I'm only now meeting her?" is almost giving motherly behavior. Idk man they're just besties to me, I could see them in a QPR though (not that they'd probably label it that way, considering the word queerplatonic is likely just complete gibberish to Alastor lmao).
So to summarize: It feels incredibly likely, if not practically canon, that Alastor was written with aromanticism in mind, even if Vivienne refuses to explicitly state it. Subtext and not-that-subtle implications can say just as much about a character as word of God, especially when that God has explicitly told us why she won't confirm or deny this information. Do I think any of this will stop people from shipping him romantically with literally any other character? No ofc it won't, and that's okay, that's just what fandoms do. I do think there's something to say for the fact the one aroace (or even at the very least asexual) character gets constantly shipped with everyone else in the cast, but this post is long enough I think. The only point of posting this is that I wanted to get information out there in one post to say "Hey, let's look a little bit past the surface for a second before saying there's no proof of him being aromantic"
Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you at least took something away from this
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yxlenas · 2 months
Bishova is such a funny ship name imo, 'cause "fag" in portuguese is "bicha" so whenever I read "bishova" inside my head, it reminds me of "bichona" (aka "big fag" in portuguese) lmaooo
Anyways. Pls feel free to share some of your bishova headcanons (even though I don't even go here lol). I kinda see the ~vision~ from that one scene w/ them that I saw (yeah, I'm gay and weak, sue me)
I HATE the ship name soooo much lmao I was on the ground floor of the ship (Like, pre-hawkeye, using their interactions in the Thompson BW run for inspo) and I was gunning for it to be Katelena but I was 100% outvoted.
I'm gonna give you a couple SFW ones and then a couple NSFW ones because I WILL make you a Marvel girlie if it takes the rest of our tumblr lives
Yelena has some food issues (food insecurity/aversions, trouble acknowledging her fullness cues) and Kate is the one who helps her figure out how to treat those. One thing they do is that when they go out to eat, Kate boxes up half of Yelena's entree for her when it comes to the table so Yelena doesn't eat herself sick.
They're both neurodivergent-Yelena was an excellent assassin but in the MCU there's little to no suggestion that she ever did honeypot missions and I think it's because her social cues aren't great. Kate absolutely has hyperactive ADHD.
I think Yelena enjoys being read aloud to. She finds it soothing. Kate will read news articles and books and shit out loud to Yelena with Yelena's head in her lap.
They are both obviously dog people but Yelena is *obsessed* with Bucky's cat Alpine and will wander around with Alpine tucked in her hoodie. Alpine does not like Kate. Kate will MAKE Alpine like her if it's the last thing she does.
Antonia Dreykov is not much of a Kate fan at first. She finds Kate soft, loud, overly dramatic, and painfully naive. Then Yelena almost dies on Antonia's watch, and Kate steps up in a very serious, real way. That wins Antonia over to the Kate side.
Yelena's the bottom. I love bottom Yelena. She's a spoiled, bratty sugar baby pillow princess and Kate is OBSESSED with the power trip it gives her to see Yelena like that.
Tbh I'm not into asexual Yelena and less and less inclined to even discuss it but I DO think Yelena has hangups and triggers around sex. The girls take the physical intimacy part of their relationship at a GLACIAL pace, and there are times where something Kate says or does ends in a meltdown or panic attack for Yelena. It makes Kate feel very guilty. Yelena makes jokes about it, which does not provide the levity that she THINKS they do.
Kate doesn't really like to wear pants much, especially in their room/their own apartment once Yelena is secure enough to live with just Kate (I think for a while Yelena lives with Bucky and thus Sam, and Kate ends up there too-Yelena gets anxious alone and needs to learn to person). Yelena regularly grabs her ass and squeezes before BOLTING to trick Kate into chasing her and throwing her on the bed.
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antebunny · 4 months
So there's a subgenre of fics in the Harry Potter fandom wherein a person conceived while one of their parents is under the influence of a love potion will become aroace at birth. The origin, afaik, are two insidiously awful decisions of JKR combining: 1) she reinvented date rape drugs/roofies aka love potions, without realizing it I guess, and 2) she said that Voldemort was asexual, because she's never seen a marginalized identity she didn't spit on.
Since Merope Gaunt (Voldemort's mother) used a love potion on Tom Riddle Sr. (Voldemort's dad) I guess people got the idea that what if love potions caused asexuality? And asexuality + aromanticism, of course, meant evil. Here's an excerpt from one of those fics in which Bill Weasley explains being aro/ace to Hermione:
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"No. I just dated because that was what you did. I never really felt anything for them. A few kisses, plenty of hand-holding. I made out in a few broom closets, and had one very uncomfortable make-out session up the top of the Astronomy Tower that I eventually ended by pretending I heard Filch coming past on a patrol. I even tried making out with a guy once in case that was it–nothing. I never told mum about that, of course. Good wizards don't shame their families like that."
"There's nothing wrong with being gay, you know."
He shrugged. "It doesn't apply to me anyway. I'm not gay. I wasn't anything, and I was trying to accept that and be content with it. It was good enough. Until I met Fleur." His eyes lit up with joy as he spoke about her.
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"Look, the point is with her allure from being part-Veela, I love her. Like I can never love anyone else. I don't want to lose that. You don't understand what it's like to go through life feeling nothing for anyone else. I've dated people I said I cared for, but I wouldn't have died for them. Well, out of logical choice I might risk my life, but not from love. But I would die for Fleur. Do you understand? She makes me a better person. I would do anything to make her happy. I'm not alone in the world anymore."
She nodded slowly. "I see." It wasn't so much him manipulating Fleur, as him permitting her to manipulate him. Into feeling. "I didn't realise it could be that bad." She still thought he should confess, but it didn't sound like he was hurting Fleur–he really did love her.
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I read this fic years ago, and at the time I genuinely had not thought about my sexuality at all. I would've never called myself aro or ace. Still, reading this felt like being repeatedly punched in the face. I kept on waiting for Hermione to say something similar to what she said after Bill made a homophobic comment. After all, she went out of her way the first time, didn't she. Instead, what I got was essentially:
Bill: I don't usually feel romantic or sexual attraction. So there's something wrong with me.
Hermione: Yeah lmao. But there's nothing wrong with being gay!
I've been (reading) on Ao3 since 2016, and in all that time I've seen plenty of subtle racism, sexism, etc. But I've never seen anything as plainly stated as this. To this day I have yet to hear any aro/ace people describe the experience of being aro/ace in any of the following ways: "How could I forgive myself if we brought a child into the world to suffer the emptiness I lived with my whole existence[?]" /"You should be unable to love." / "You don't understand what it's like to go through life feeling nothing for anyone else."
I could not understand why Bill described it as "emptiness" or "feeling nothing." I still cannot find a single aro/ace person who would describe themselves as empty. The most I have ever heard is: "I wish I was normal" (meaning I wish I fit in, I wish to be accepted by other people). Historically, many aro/ace people married and had kids, conforming to societal norms, and I am sure many believed there was something wrong with them or hoped to grow out of it. I was one of them. On a very personal note, I suspect that my father is too. I am certain that he's never heard the terms asexual or aromantic in his life. But if you think I'll ever discuss his sexuality with him, you're out of your damn mind.
Now, I know it's really easy to find this fic from these quotes. I chose to include them anyways because I think it's important to show how blatant it was. My Tumblr blog isn't exactly a platform, but for the five people reading this: please, please do not go after the author. I truly believe that they had no ill-intent. In the comments of this fic, a few people bring up variations of "it sounds like Bill is just aro/ace" and the author is consistently understanding. Here are some of the author's comment on that fic:
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I very much understand what you're saying. It's a tricky thing for me to address, however. For the core idea I'm playing with is basically the evilness of "love potions". And part of that is exploring JKR's idea that Voldemort, being unable to love due to his mother using a love potion on his father, was a *monster* because of that. Perhaps that doesn't come across very clearly (there's a little bit more of it in the prequel), that it's one of the assumptions I'm trying to undermine. ("Love potions are funny/romantic", "Voldemort is a monster because he could not love", "Harry's power was that he could love - he's not a monster like Voldemort", "There's nothing wrong with selling love potions to teens/adults because it's not 'real' love".)
I feel like I'm already poking at the inherent problem of framing "people who cannot love" as "monsters/psychopaths" by showing Bill and Harry's struggles with self acceptance, and Bill finding a way to love (though do note he'd been making peace with the idea he wasn't attracted to anyone, prior to meeting Fleur). I really don't like the canonical take on love-redeems/love-is-the-best-power/the-loveless-are-monsters, so I'm messing with it a bit. Exploring other people than Voldemort, ones we admire, who are also dealing with being unable to love. Does that make sense? Now, that doesn't mean I'm doing a perfect job at it, but I'm trying my best to explore that theme around the edges of my Dramione story.
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The author's intention was to show how other characters, made aro/ace via love potion like Voldemort, were not evil or sociopaths. I don't know why all the characters were so aro/acephobic, but sometimes fics get away from you and you don't address everything you wanted to. I don't know why the aro/ace characters had so much internalized shame and hatred when the term bachelor has been in use for centuries, but we fanfic authors love writing self-esteem issues and I would be a hypocrite to say otherwise. I don't know why the author never tagged acephobia or internalized acephobia, but no one HAS to tag anything.
I don't know if the author ended up writing that fic where Harry comes to accept his aro/asexuality. It's totally understable if they didn't; I have failed to write many fics that I really did want to write. Sometimes it's just like that. I really, truly believe that the author had the best of intentions and is not aro/acephobic, just severely misled on what that experience is like.
My beef is not with this author. I used their words to highlight a reoccurring and popular sentiment that I hate. My real beef is that this fic is popular. This is an entire subgenre of Harry Potter fics. I actually decided to write this post because some random person on the internet said, a few days ago, something along the lines of: "Remember when JKR invented a date rape drug that turned people into sociopaths? Yeah…" (And also because I was up until 3 am last night writing a dumb trash angst one-shot about it).
I'd wager that the vast, vast majority of people who write or read those fics don't feel the same way. But the condescension is baked into the very premise of that trope. "Oh poor you, it must be so hard, so lonely going through life without ever loving another person. You must feel so empty inside."
It's actually people who say similar things that make me feel isolated. Most of the time I feel free, like I've cracked this secret code, like I'm able to see things clearly that people so hung up over sex and romance can't. Other times I feel so left out I wish I was "normal." Mostly, being aro/ace is lonely, annoying, exhausting, and liberating.
It wasn't until last year that a friend told me that some people actually do have trouble speaking to someone they've never met before, just because they find that someone attractive. I thought that only happened in stories. But I don't want to get nervous meeting new people based on their looks, I don't want to treat people differently based on how much I want to have sex with them. I wish my friends in high school had never pressured me to come out as bisexual. I wish all the other similarly liberal, queer communities I've found since didn't insist on associating sex and dating with emotional comfort. I wish I could magically stop my parents from expecting me to ever get married and have kids.
But I can't.
Anyways, that's it for today. I'm not sure what the point of writing this was. I really don't want anyone to get hurt or attacked because of it. This is not a callout, or a hate brigade, or any sort of call-to-action. I don't want people to get up-in-arms about this. I'm just tired. I suppose I just wanted to put my feelings out there, and well, this is my Tumblr.
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dootznbootz · 3 months
I went on tiktok to just watch some silly Odysseus videos but then I mostly saw people going like "Yeah, maybe Odysseus cried on Calypso' island every day but honestly he had that coming after what he did Achilles and Patroclous/Circe!!!" and "Everything that happens in Odyssey is deserved cuz he took Patrochilles to war!!!" and "I feel so bad for Circe and Calypso and Penelope, they deserved better!!!"
For fucks sake I beg you, read anything different from Millers bs and like educate yourself- And please stop goddamn saying that rape victim. deserved it.
Circe probably didn't give a flying fuck, Calypso is a rapist and abuser and Penelope deserved everything she wanted and SHE WANTED ODYSSEUS
I think I've had enough internet for today, imma go wash my eyes with bleach. Anyways sorry for ranting here, i hope you don't mind it lmao
It's alright. I absolutely understand the vents about the whole thing. :'D No one deserves to be a victim of such a thing no matter WHAT they've done. I hope your eyes are okay after the bleach
Like Odysseus does so many fucked up things but Calypso and Circe? He is the victim. Period. It's very clear that Odysseus is in extreme distress on Ogygia. And Circe wasn't some sort of FwB situation. There's fear and numbness in the language he uses when talking about it. There's so much victim blaming and it SUCKS.
While back then it probably wouldn't be considered SA but now? It clearly is.
Even then, Odysseus' journey was kind of about "temptation" or just straight up "Die or get out of my sea." From Poseidon. "I don't want you in my waters so I'm gonna try and give you things that will keep you on land or just kill you."
Immortal goddesses wanting you would be many people's dream come true but not for Odysseus. And I think that's the point. His determination, how he clawed his way back into the arms he never wanted to leave in the first place, is incredible. Many people would've given up and just started a new life but he never would because no life he could ever create would compare to the life he had before. Even if it's different, it's what he's always wanted.
He literally tells Calypso "I'm not stopping until I'm home. I don't care if I suffer more until I do. I'm going home."
“Mighty goddess, do not be angry with me over this. I myself know very well Penelope, although intelligent, is not your match                                          to look at, not in stature or in beauty. But she’s a human being and you’re a god. You’ll never die or age. But still I wish, every moment to get back to my home,                                                       to see the day of my return. And so, even if out there on the wine-dark sea some god breaks me apart, I will go on— the heart here in my chest is quite prepared to bear affliction. I’ve already had so many troubles, and I’ve worked so hard                                  through waves and warfare. Let what’s yet to come be added in with those.”
(Book 5, Johnston)
Circe's a goddess and what happened is nothing like Dionysus and Ariadne and Apollo and Hyacinthus for example. Circe never gave Odysseus a crown of stars and he would never go out of his way to kill 120 people for bothering her. They did not love each other and he can't refuse as she's a goddess.
If you interpret them sleeping together the entire year,(It's only explicitly said that they had sex once so that's what I go with personally.) that doesn't mean he was happy with it! Even then, the whole situation is not what a healthy FwB should look like! I'm asexual and even I know that no one in a FwB situation should have to BEG in any way that basically says "Please let me go or kill me" with supplication!!! The fact that he leaves so quickly he forgets one of his men? The fact that during Elpenor's funeral, he doesn't greet Circe himself? He was avoiding her. Wouldn't he want to get "one last night together" during Book 12 if they were fwb? 🙄
It's bonkers to me that people hate him for being a "cheater" when A.) having multiple lovers wasn't uncommon in Ancient Greece, and B.) the two people he is explicitly said to have "cheated" with, weren't his choice. He wasn't actively searching for pretty women either!!!
As mentioned, while it was common for men to have many lovers, Odysseus never had any listed unlike some of the other men. (not bashing any of them. I'm just making a point in comparison.) He also has no other children besides Telemachus in Homer's works. There's no evidence of him having other lovers other than speculation. (funny enough, I once read somewhere that the reason why Odysseus is so mean is because he doesn't "bond" enough with the other soldiers. 😂)
Does that mean he didn't have other lovers? Technically, Nope! It's just never explicitly stated either way. He has slaves but none were ever said to be concubines or that he sleeps with them. He has deep bonds with his fellow soldiers but that doesn't mean he sleeps with them. That doesn't mean people can't write or talk about him doing so even though it's not mentioned! Just like it also means that someone can write him not doing so as there's nothing that says it either way in Homer's Works! :D
It's fucked up when people say "He didn't try to leave Calypso enough" or something of the like. It just tells you how A.) they didn't read the Odyssey or have piss on the poor reading comprehension or B.) ...you should probably stay away from that person...
With Circe though??? I can understand the confusion but digging deeper and looking at the text, he wasn't having a good time. Or at the very least was walking on Eggshells the whole time. I hate bringing up that essay over and over again but like...I literally wrote everything there.
I also don't like how people take Circe's morally gray-ness away from her. Let her do something fucked up to be fucked up!!! Let her traumatize Odysseus!
Idk, I kind of hate that I'm "known" for this but I relate to this idiot asshole a lot and it means a lot to me that his story, despite what happens to him, has a happy ending :'D
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tired-fandom-ndn · 3 months
The Vees, after dating Alastor for a while and having no idea what he likes in bed, resorting to asking his friends for help.
Answers ranging for Rosie giving them a "you should talk to him about that" while knowing full well Alastor just isn't ready for them to see his tail, Mimzy admitting Alastor was a cuckhold in life (she assumed the Vees already knew about the murder-cannibalism stuff), Nifty misunderstanding the question and explaining how Alastor likes his bed made, and then there is Husk who cheerfully tells them (and if anyone ask, they didn't hear it from him) that Alastor has a big thing for being leashed, just loves it, just the mention of being on a leash makes Alastor go wild.
HOW DID YOU READ MY MIND, ANON? Like I have been thinking about the Vees going to Rosie and Alastor's other friends for advice this entire time lmao
Rosie's advice is mostly just "talk to him" but she also does give like. General advice for getting him to trust them with some pointed jabs about how she knows him sooooooo much better than they ever will. Also maybe some invitations to have lunch with her to talk, supposedly because Alastor asked her to help with making them proper overlords but it's mostly because she wants to see them try to choke down their meals at her favorite cafe. She's still their most reliable source of information.
Okay okay okay but wrt to Mimzy "she assumed the Vees already knew about the murder-cannibalism stuff" makes me think of my favorite headcanon which is that Velvette (and maybe Valentino) does NOT actually know about the murder-cannibalism thing but every bit of advice they're getting is based on them having that base level of knowledge lmao. Mimzy dances around how she and Alastor met and how they became friends (probably via murder) but she's more than happy to tell them that Alastor always seemed to prefer to watch. Maybe she knows what asexuality is and that it applies to Alastor, maybe she doesn't, she'd say the same thing either way. She doesn't even bother warning them how much he hates being touched without permission, they'll figure it out the hard way (Valentino loses an arm or two before he catches on).
Niffty goes in EXTREME detail about Alastor's bedtime habits. How he likes his bed being made, but also the materials he prefers for his bedding (silk pillowcases are NON-NEGOTIABLE), what he wears to bed (full pajamas before he gets comfortable where he's at and who he's with, boxers once he's comfortable because his fur gets HOT at night), how he likes to fall asleep to the radio, and his general bedtime routine. As his trusted housekeeper and friend, she knows EVERYTHING about his daily routine and while it's not what the Vees wanted when they asked her, it was. . . suprisingly helpful? Alastor just about melts the first time he actually stays the night with them and Valentino turns on his favorite radio station.
GOD the Husk one is perfect though, he absolutely fucking would. He tells them alllllll about how Alastor just loooooooves being leashed and controlled and dominated, it's his FAVORITE thing and he's totally fine just jumping right in without any prior discussion. Husk and Angel watch from the hotel with a bowl of popcorn as half of V Tower is blown to bits. Alastor storms back into the hotel, throws up a shield, and disappears into his room for several days. Husk would feel bad if he thought that the Vees would've gotten anywhere but he knows that Alastor wrecked their shit the moment he saw a leash or collar. Their relationship will be fine and, if it isn't, then Al's better off anyway.
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byakuya-transgaymi · 3 months
I fell out of the Danganronpa fandom for a bit and unfortunately I am back in it at full force, possibly more than before since I now created a Tumblr account for my favorite character.
My head canons under read more i honestly just wanted somewhere to put them lmao only read if you wanna, but I love seeing others headcanons so if you want, feel free to share your own! I know there aren't a lot of Danganronpa fans anymore but ya know the hyperfixation chose me, I didn't choose it.
Byakuya is genderfluid and gay and on the aroace spectrum because I said so and I'm not projecting. And makoto is a bisexual trans man and his transness helped byakuya realize that he is ALSO trans and sometimes likes to wear more stereotypically "feminine" or gender neutral clothing. And they're gay together, your honor.
Kyoko is biromantic and she loves makoto romantically and Byakuya platonically (platonic soulmates!!!). They are poly cause I think kyoko and makoto together are way too lovely to ignore and also kyoko is such an interesting character. Kyoko helped byakuya come to terms with his asexuality since byakuya was raised to believe that he needed to mate with a bunch of women and reproduce. And of course she made him accept it through some discreet line of questioning and Byakuya had to just go in his dorm for the whole day and mind snowboard until he started to begin to accept it.
And Byakuya helped Kyoko and Makoto get together. Makoto and Byakuya were dating first and Makoto confessed to Byakuya one night about how he had feelings for both him and kyoko and he feels really guilty about it. Makoto expected Byakuya to be jealous but he was just like, "okay and why are you not with her yet, plebian?" Then they discuss polyamory and agree to let Kyoko into their relationship if she wishes to (byakuya knows that she is head over heels for makoto and Makoto is so oblivious to anyone liking him ever).
Kyoko says yes and they're both so in love it's sickening but Byakuya loves to see makoto so trusting of someone and getting to view from a sort of outsiders perspective the subtle things that makoto does when he feels safe around someone and truly loves them. Like how Makoto stands up for himself more and is more confident around his partners, or how he likes to play with kyoko's hair especially when he's thinking about something (bro stims we love to see it).
And kyoko notices how much less douchey byakuya is around makoto. Byakuya will often even get things for makoto or buy things that he knows he loves, even though byakuya always gives some kind of half-assed excuse as to why it wasnt purely out of kindness that he did it. Kyoko also sees how Makoto often ends up falling asleep in places that aren't his bed, and Byakuya will lift makoto up so gently as if he is some priceless thing and carry him to their bed. And he will tuck him in and bring him a glass of water (filtered, not tap) and sometimes he even kisses the top of his head if byakuya doesn't know that Kyoko is there watching (which only happens if byakuya is also extremely tired as well).
And kyoko and Byakuya love to go out to shop together and she helps him find skirts and dresses and stuff that fits him and they talk about makoto and how he's actually so smart and yet so oblivious at the same time like how is someone able to be a genius at deduction and yet forgets how a toaster works. They love to find clothes that they think makoto would look goofy in but makoto always ends up loving the clothes and he somehow looks GOOD in it. And they are always STUNNED. How does this man rock a fnaf crop top with jean shorts?
And both makoto and kyoko taught Byakuya that feelings do play some significance in life and it doesn't have to be facts over feelings (dude is NOT Ben Shapiro even though he sometimes acts like him). He learned that it's okay to be vulnerable at times when you're around those you can trust, though his walls do come back up sometimes when he gets angry or feels insecure about something. But Byakuya always ends up apologizing afterwards , even if it takes a few days.
And Byakuya learns to gradually accept hugs and other affection sometimes. He's pretty touch averse because of his upbringing and he finds that hugs often make him feel overwhelmed and trapped. But after a few months of being together with Makoto, Byakuya tells makoto about his touch aversion and how Byakuya will let makoto know when he is okay with physical touch such as hugging. Byakuya lets him know it's nothing against makoto and its not because he's a "commoner", he just didn't grow up with physical affection and finds that he gets overstimulated very easily from certain things.
Stopping myself from writing anymore I'm so mentally unwell
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gwormly · 11 months
jojo sexuality headcanons lmao parts 1-3
ive scrounged the internet (well, lightly sifted through and then got bored) for a jojos bizarre adventure sexuality headcanons post that I agreed with completely and I literally could not find any so here’s my opinion that nobody asked for 😘
feel free to argue with me in the comments I’ll probably respond lol
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first up Jonathan joestar- straight ally
I think most people can agree that Jonathan is probs the straightest joestar (that I know of, I’ve read up to part 7 but I’ve heard gappy is pretty fucking straight) but yeah he’s straight
He probs doesn’t even fully understand what being not straight is but if someone he knew came out to him he would be very supportive even if he didn’t know what it rlly meant
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idk if this is a hot take or not but this man did not have any sort of interest in women and was never married which if he was gay would make since back then bc being not straight wasn’t the norm lmao also there was that one scene in part 2 where Joseph was implying that speedwagon might’ve felt something more than friendship for jonathan so that’s why i think this
(I’m not gonna do dio bc his bisexuality was already confirmed by the one and only araki so that doesn’t rlly need an explanation 😭)
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joseph joestar: bicurious (female leaning)
I was scratching my head tryna come up with a sexuality for this fucker and eventually settled for bicurious bc we all know that there was sum going on with him and caesar but also he had a wife whom he cheated on with another woman so I mean
caesar was def his awakening that he might like men but sadly the rocks smashed caesar before Joseph could 😔 also Joseph wears far too many crop tops to be straight like let’s be honest
(bicurious applies to oldseph aswell)
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Caesar zeppeli: homoromantic bisexual
dis bro would never date women. but eat them out? Hell fucking yeah
he like dick too tho bc ik damn well if this hoe didn’t get crushed by a rock he would not have a wife like bro what
The words caesar and wife have no business being in the same sentence. Yk this hoe would have a hella 100% Italian husband named like Giuseppe or some shit who would only eat spaghetti for dinner literally every night
this poor dude just wanted some joestarussy but we all know that rocks are homophobic 😔
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lisa lisa-lesbian
she’s lesbian bc I said so she married a dude bc she was bored ok I literally do not care what anybody says
look at her
she’s a lesbian
for all the pillarmen it literally depends on the day, like one day they have big buff boyfriends and then a good nights sleep will make them like homophobic superstraights
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jotaro kujo: gay demiromantic asexual (sex indifferent)
first off jotaro really does not strike me as the type to think about romantic relationships all that much and definitely does not consider anybody for a romantic relationship upon first meeting them. he needs time to feel something more than platonic. I’ve seen people say that he’s aroace which I do think could be possible but I personally think that he does want love and care wether it be platonic or romantic
asexual just makes sense for him I’m pretty sure the majority of the fandom (not including the homophobic pissbabies) can agree with this. he doesn’t understand how people can just look at someone and feel attracted to them, bro probably discovered asexuality when he saw a meme that he related to and saw the asexual hashtags in the caption bro
also he’s just gay. like there is no way that he likes anybody except men. if this bro wanted a gf he’s got plenty of hoes to choose from. But he didn’t. Also he treats his hoes like shit lmao
and don’t even THINK about bringing up his wife (whom didn’t even have a name cause she was so unimportant, for convenience I’m gonna call her samantha smith) bc you and me both know damn well that samantha smith only exists to continue the bloodline. we also all know damn well that araki would make plot points that contradict against characters to continue the story. people who think jotaro is straight need to get real
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noriaki kakyoin: panromantic aceflux
listen I was going to say he was gay but I changed my mind because I really can’t imagine him caring about gender all that much. he does look like a twink tho I can’t deny it
Also araki did actually confirm that kakyoin likes both men and women (he said something along the lines of “I could see kakyoin falling in love with a man” idk I’m too lazy to look up exact wording) but I mean you can take one look at this dude and be able to tell that he is both not straight and has pronouns. I mean look at him
also I’m tired of people characterizing him as the UwU pissbaby fucktoy so he’s aceflux 1. Because I said so and 2. Because it just makes sense idk how to explain it
(ps if I see a kakyoin milf hunter joke in the comments to argue against kakyoin being not straight im going to fire a missile at your house bc telling the same joke for like 15 years isn’t funny luv xx)
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polnareff: pansexual
dis bro is desperate. he can’t be affording to care about gender man he’s tried to rizz up like 15 genders and failed at all of them you think he can actually afford to be anything but pansexual? also he fr fr just gives off stereotypical chaotic pansexual vibes
jokes aside tho he def don’t care. aslong as you give him validation you’ve already won him over
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muhammad avdol: gay demiromantic demisexual
he don’t really think about it all that much he only realizes if he likes somebody after he’s super close to them definitely. He do have a touch of the gay tho
if you disagree with any of these I would love to hear your headcanons in the comments!/gen
pls no like super heated arguments tho lol
also I might do parts 4-7 in another post cause this was fun asf
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dogspeaker · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks..
This ask could not have come at a more perfect time, I am so deep in fictional character brainrot and this gives me such a great outlet for it :,) hope you're ready lmao
In no particular order:
Klaupacius and Trurl — The Cyberiad, Stanislaw Lem
These two are the main characters in this set of short stories. They are the greatest constructors in the universe — they can make anything and everything, to a fault. They're always at odds, but they are fundamentally inseparable; there isn't ever even a question in-universe of whether they'll come back together, because they always do. They have seen each other's greatest triumphs, and they have fixed each other's most egregious mistakes.
I have to put these two together; it just doesn't feel right to separate them into two entries. Even though there are some stories in the anthology where only one of them is acting, the other always makes a cameo by the end. I joke a lot about media altering my brain chemistry when I get obsessed with it, but this book truly did do something powerful to me. They exemplify the quintessential asexual queerplatonic relationship in my mind, and they have become everything I wanted for my own future long term relationship.
This book contains the most beautiful love poem I have ever read.
2. Selina Meyer — Veep
I'm obsessed with this show, and I quite literally rewatch it on a loop, only sometimes buffered by watching something else. I have a giant spreadsheet with every episode and every character listed where I am working on outlining exactly what I think every character's "rule" is, and where in the show they finally break that rule. Everyone breaks their rule — except for Selina Meyer.
Without spoilers: Selina Meyer is a masterclass in writing an in-universe anti-villain. Her (public) goals are, at face value, incredibly noble: she wants to dedicate her life to serving the public in political office. However, due to her deep personality flaws, she ends up being one of the most morally reprehensible characters ever written.
3. Howl Pendragon/Jenkins (movie) — Howl's Moving Castle
What can I say? He's gender. He has the life I want. I watch this movie to live vicariously through him. His growth is beautiful; it inspires me when I feel like I'm running from my responsibilities and loved ones.
I do also have a lot of love for book Howl, though he didn't make the cut for this list. He is a picture perfect blorbo. I'm glad they changed him deeply and fundamentally in the interest of making the movie that I know and love, so that I could be deeply and brutally shocked by how low book Howl will stoop to continue to be worse.
4. Kikyo — Inuyasha, Rumiko Takahashi
She was my first character love. Kikyo is uniquely tragic, and I haven't found another character who makes me feel the same way she does.
She's undead, doomed to wander a place where she doesn't belong until she is finally put down again. However, instead of laying down again willingly after being resurrected, she chooses to continue walking amongst the living, and by doing so endures unimaginable emotional and spiritual suffering, and she chooses this for two reasons. One, because she is still dedicated to defeating the evil that stole her life from her. Two, because she is still hopelessly in love with Inuyasha, and takes every available opportunity to have him again.
Kikyo is sympathetic, but deeply flawed. Despite knowing she is doomed never to live, she can't help but grasp at anything close to the life she desired for herself and Inuyasha, as equals and lovers. And despite knowing her turn at life is over, that she is no longer a factor in the ultimate fate of their world, she still believes that she is the only one with the power to defeat the evil that they are facing.
She dies after a life/undeath full of suffering, without reaping any of the rewards she wanted for herself — the only thing she gets in the end is a peaceful death in her lover's arms.
5. Nux — Mad Max: Fury Road
I'm such a sucker for someone who was raised in a cult, who comes out of it and comes to love the beauty they found in the world outside of their lifelong beliefs. I have so much I could say, but Nux is just so much better experienced than explained in my mind. I wish he could have lived forever.
6. Todd Chavez — Bojack Horseman
Every time I try to write paragraphs about him, it just doesn't come out right. He's the unsung hero of the show. He's a beautifully portrayed asexual character who finds fulfillment after setting hard boundaries. He has compassion for Bojack to a fault, but in the end is still able to set and keep meaningful boundaries. I just love him so much.
7. Jobu Tupaki — Everything, Everywhere, All At Once
I could write so many paragraphs. When I watched this movie for the first time, a hole in my heart was filled. There is not a single other piece of media I can think of that treats a godlike character like EEAAO treats Jobu. Being all-knowing and essentially omnipresent has rendered all material goals pointless, and relationships with people who aren't like her have no benefit in the end.
The movie has a great ending, showing that she and her mother must choose things that matter to them, to give them purpose. To me, though, there's still this big question mark in the background — it's entirely possible that they will end together in the same place that Jobu was in when the movie started, simply because that might be the ultimate final state of omniscient beings.
8. Frankenstein's Demon — Frankenstein, Mary Shelley
I didn't say "monster," because Shelley refers to him almost exclusively as a "demon/daemon" after Frankenstein learns how educated he is. He is first a monster, bumbling around committing murders and doing things without knowing the suffering he's enduring. But after he reads the books and encounters the family in the cottage, he's able to act with intention, and put words to his suffering, and all of a sudden in Shelley's words, he becomes a demon.
Essays have been written about what makes the Demon such a great character. I love him because in the end, seeing his creator's dead body, he tries to tell Frankenstein that he forgives him for his hubris. He is the first true android character in my heart of hearts.
9. Kusuriuri / The Medicine Seller — Mononoke
God, this show is a masterpiece. Kusuriuri represents a type of character that's pretty rare: he has no agenda, and in the end I don't think he even necessarily has fundamental beliefs. His mission is to resolve the turmoil of the dead which create the monsters he fights, on their terms, using "lessons" they can understand. He is entirely neutral but for that one goal. It's awesome to watch, and I absolutely CANNOT wait for the movie!!!
10. Dave Strider —  Homestuck
Listen. I hid it at the bottom of the post like a respectable, shameful Homestuck of old. He’s the best. He’s the worst. He’s transcoded. I love him. What do you want from me. I’ve clearly got some complex feelings about transmasculinity seeing as Howl is also on this list. Leave me alone. But also, I have paragraphs ready to defend this man against all wrongdoing; the only issue is that he has so many timelines, and I don’t want to subject any of the readers of this post to such things.
In all seriousness, his character helped me reckon with some very major changes in my life. For those who need it: sometimes it’s okay for your authority figures to become peers. It’s part of becoming an adult. There are just some things that are not properly articulated in short form fiction; the change from “parent/authority” to “peer/parent” is one of those things. Idk what else to say here.
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marshmellowtea · 1 year
okok willy clarke all prompts? (numbers, questions? idk)
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[email protected] love you both so much (/platonic) ;_; 💞
1: sexuality headcanon
okay i actually do have a solid headcanon for this character for once--he's asexual and you CANNOT change my mind!!--it's, uh. his romantic orientation i keep flipflopping on KLFJDKF. specifically i keep going between aro will and bi/pan will......also ace lesbian william lives in my head rent free because my toxic trait is looking at male characters and going "that could be a lesbian!" ahglkjdsf but yeah he's ace for SURE you can't tell me otherwise lmao
2: otp
not even gonna lie to y'all i really do think it's will/tanya HGLKDSJF something about them has carved out a space in my brain permanently. also will/tanya/mike is REALLY good and i care them so much :') .....i also wanna give a shoutout here to will/regina which was a rarepair that got out of hand and is now genuinely a ship i'm lowkey passionate about ghkljKDF. i wouldn't call them an otp necessarily but.....cradles themin my hands. i care them
3: brotp
can i say basically everyone in this damn game.....? give this boy some FRIENDS oh my go d if i had to choose though i want him and lila to be friends i want her to genuinely care about him and i will Force Her To no matter the cost HGLDJSF. also me being my aro self who enjoys platonic versions of my otps, i'll say i also adore him in brotps with tanya and mike, especially in fix it aus ;v; also, him regina and jimmy as a goofy friends trio who spend more time together than expected has been in my head rent FREE lately lmao
4: notp
there aren't a lot of super popular ships in this fandom, so keeping in my rules about notps being relatively well known ships and not just a crack ship i pulled out of my ass for the sake of hating it....tbh, i'm not a huge fan of him and martha together as a ship? idk why, it seems cute, and it's definitely not a dealbreaker for me when it comes to fics, but it just doesn't click for me for some reason. i kinda wish it did, i know it's a fan favorite :') tbh now that i think about it it's kinda one of those ships i really only feel things for in the context of polyamorous ships with other characters involved HGKFDJSFLK
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
not to be on my bullshit again but age regressor will is so real in my head he's. he's little guy ;_; that feels like cheating because i headcanon every character i love as a regressor but LISTEN ahgkdsj.....he needs to be taken care of he really does he deserves it--
6: favorite line from this character
i have a couple nominees: him saying in his diary that he still loves lila despite her scaring him because holy shit it breaks my heart that little speech he gives to tanya about how she's not the center of the world and how he and her friends do want to be there for her (we stan a king who can read her to filth LMAO) him confessing to lila's murder in the strength ending because it breaks my HEART he deserves the WORLD him asking martha if she needs anything while she's drunk out of her mind.....him just generally trying to help her in that scene tbh. he's such a sweet boy bwahhh
7: one way in which I relate to this character
me 🤝 william being neurodivergents with bad moms :') i'm sure there's more i could think of tbh based solely on the neurodivergent thing but those are the biggest ones HFLKDSJF
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
this is less about him specifically but i watched manlybadasshero's playthrough of this game and some of the expressions he gave him are hard for me to look at idk why adkfjKLDJF 😭 for a more real answer though, it's also a little hard to watch him at the party at points but, like.....tbh i found that whole scene more charming than anything. he's a sweet boy and he's TRYING okay :')
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
i already answered this one but for the sake of completionism he's my littlest cinnamon roll. my little guy. he's certified baby <3
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karmas-chameleon · 19 days
7, 42, 23, 56, 19, and 38 (I just typed random numbers from 1-60)
Thanks for the ask! Gives me something to do while I continue to wait for the power to come back in my house 😭 (although I did get 100 pages into a book I was meaning to read, so that's nice)
7. Would they build a pillow fort together just because?
Manfred definitely wouldn't do that 'just because'...but if either of his kids or my S/I asked him to, he could probably be convinced to play along. My S/I isn't too big on pillow forts though, so she probably wouldn't ask.
42. What’s their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
My S/I would like the occasional bit of snow if it ever happened where she lived, but the part of Texas I'm in hardly ever gets good snow, and I dunno a lot about LA, but I don't think snow there is too common? I am very used to big storms though, and I like them most of the time (fun fact: the streets around my house have flooded so badly in the past that multiple cars have tried driving through my lawn and got stuck on separate occasions. I don't like big storms then lol)
Manfred mostly just wants pleasant weather, though he wouldn't object to a bit of snow either, if it happened.
23. Who’s more likely to convince the other to stay in bed come morning?
My S/I, definitely. She's always sleepy after waking up, and isn't really a morning person. Or a night owl. She's just sleepy and wants cuddles lol
56. What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
Manfred will do something like offering flowers or chocolates, or having a romantic dinner. My S/I is more the type to just kinda. cling onto him and give him puppy dog eyes lol
19. How do they feel about PDA?
Manfred would tolerate a limited amount of it, though my S/I is way too shy for that.
38. Who is more sexually experimental? Who’s more vanilla?
My S/I for sure. I have written two anonymous fics (one of which somehow has way more hits than my actual story fic) about one particular thing she's into and which I'm not gonna mention here lmao
Before meeting her, Manfred's sex life in my story is literally just 'missionary for the sole purpose of procreation' and after getting divorced he's not at all interested in anything more. My headcanon version of him is asexual with zero libido and a desire only for prosecuting pretty much 😅 but he tries to indulge my S/I when she wants it.
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anarchistbitch · 2 years
briefly(3 weeks and 5 days to be precise) but anyway, im tired, there's one class that idk if im gonna fail but im just glad to be done with it for now
how have you been?? ive been thinking of talking to you for such a long while uuuggghhhh but n e ways, i hope youre doing great and send you tons and tons of hugs to make up for the time i've been gone
i'd tell you im gonna read the sxf manga rn but ive got so many things on my list and i havent progressed with any of them bc ive been gaming, there's kinnporsche, and cutie pie, and semantic error, an endless list of books, so many fics too, my three weeks and 5 days are not going to be enough for sure
yeah, s2 was way more messy, but well, it's fictional and enjoyable to watch, benedict i felt was 2 seconds away from jumping him but theyre cowards so i wasnt expecting it
did you end up finishing cbaw?? 👀 btw, im gonna watch fire island tonight bc of you reblogging so many things about it cause i hadnt heard of it at all
i havent read a single thing ugh, idk if i mentioned that i was reading vermillion bird but i havent even continued that one, even tho i watched the donghua and it was good as hell, at this point i wont even login to goodreads cause ill be too ashamed to see the 0/4
i didnt even know there was a semantic error novel lmao, i started the manhua and might watch the la soon but that might is quite stretched
i was reading the lady needs a break or something like that, ive seen so many variations of its english name, it's about this girl that has been reencarnated so many times, remembering every single life and is just done with life and wants to laze around but her plan keeps getting spoiled by her being unable to ignore situations that she sees as unfair or generally disagrees with as well as other plot reasons, i wouldnt say it's high literature or whatever but ive enjoyed reading it despite several moments where i just feel unimpressed lmao
smzs was fantastic, 100/10, so much fun :'3 i wanna watch it with my friends sometime soon but theyre still in classes so it's gonna have to wait
hearstopper ahhhh it was great and i cant wait to see what alice meant exactly with big asexual plans, need me that rep
did you hear about the bts hiatus-not-hiatus?? thoughts on that??? honestly i think they said it wasnt really a separation to bring down the chaos somewhat bc everyone was already crying their eyes out, i feel they went "sheesh" and backed up a bit lmao on a serious note tho im glad theyre taking a break, recently after the announcement i saw two reels that just made me get out of the saddened state, one was about how the op hoped somewhere in the multiverse jk got to live his childhood and the other one was that one time they realized they could go home directly after the shoot, they really have sacrificed so much of their time to this and it's heartbreaking bc yeh, it's their dream but it does not replace family and friends
also, i cant with the memes about joe biden being sold to bts, i think of them and laugh randomly through the day
and yes, i want to tattoo jin's speech in my forehead bc i need to remember it more often
FEVER BY ENHYPEN WAS A MOMENT, it's so fucking good, i think i said in my last ask but i really like their vampire/supernatural concept
i am eagerly awaiting holland's bl, idk what it's about but i hope it wrecks me
did you finish the god of highschool??? it's so fucking good and well, halfway through i BAWLED, damn i wanna rewatch it now, i LOVE the fight scenes and the op makes me wanna stand up and start kicking stuff
heavy by yonaka is so SEXY, makes me think of like a noir movie heroine
re:gooey by glass animal yeeeees indeed, it's just perfect for that, and i though more brownies buuuuuuuut chocolate deserts exactly 😌
sxf does not dissapoint EVER lmao, it's comedy gold and yeah, yuri pls chill, and the thing about anya's performance at school is just agh, cause, i dont remember if it's canon or if it was just an analysis i saw floating around on here, about her having lied about her age and it would add so much bc she's trying her best and i seriously understand trying your best and still not seeing the results you'd hope for and if she's younger then she's already doing so damn good for her age, not to mention that she was in a shitty af orphanage for who knows how long, i cant imagine she got good education there, so yeah it's comedy gold but it has so much heart, what a great show :'3
ok i can be normal now(lie) djkfhjsdhfjd look, i, sdjkhsjfhd, it's something alright, and with context it's so fucking different but still kfhkdsf i cant wait for you to watch/read it, the manga has so many scenes that make me put my phone down to breathe and it's art style doesnt help, in the anime they look softer
and yes i think of you often <3 hope you're eating well and resting enough!
i know ive done this many times, but id like to begin answering by apologizing for the delay[ik u said its okay but its fine if u were frustrated]
i really wish i couldve answered this a few weeks earlier because i wanted to wish you the happiest pride month with better months to come!! i hope it still holds true
i do hope that class went well[on that note, smth similar happened to one of my subjects: long story short, it wasnt fine for a bit but now its fine-ish, if it was the same for u i hope it continues to be well and then better💗💗💗💗]
i have been well!!! ive been in good health but how have you been!!! i hope you see cats , and ice cream trucks/ or little convenience stores with reasonably priced ice creams and chocolates!!![if u hate both maybe drinks? u strike me as a fanta person] ive been thinking of ways to talk to u too!! but it istg tumblr has some agenda against me cause it glitches so weird!! truly home of phobia😔[NOW SEE,, if i posted this during pride month i couldve also landed a joke about "during pride month??". truly my own enemies art mine own actions]. i am hugging u rn so if you feel warm rn thats me!! and if u feel cold in ur hands thats me holding ur hand with my ice cold hands hehe[im distantly related to mbj. sorry🧊🧊<-ice demon emoji for hearts<3]
i have so much to get through and its very ❕❕❕❕❕[<-overwhleming] so im taking everything as slow as possible but i am watching a few things rn like cutie pie and sxf so i get u. but also do tell me ur thoughts on everything regardless!! i like knowing what u think!! [also on cutie pie: idk if u started but i did and i think its a pretty good show and i think u'd like it 🤗 ]
bro i totally thought that benedict was gonna join in and s2 would be those 3 navigating a queer poly relationship in s2 while dealing with societal rules and "decorum" as it was in the 1800s
i did not finish the cbaw kdrama[im kinda abandoning all the shows ive left in the middle and coming back to them fresh in a year or around that time ]
re: fire island. i aim to inspire😔
oh goodreads isnt even that social but boy does it bully you hfksjksf[changed my reading goal to 1 book and now im 1200% done<3<3 beat the system<3 or beat up the system<3]
by the sounds of it she needs a break sheesh. high literature is fake ,if its doesnt bring u joy in some sort of way approach it like a snake[with care and curiosity] and i will check it out[in the future!!]
ive rewatched smzs so many times it really doesnt get old🥰 hope u and ur friends get to see it while eating smth really good!![personal rec is soup cuz im a soup fanatic!][also teeny tiny story but i once watched a show when i was younger and very impressionable ,and one character mentioned hating soup and i was like "ykw i will also hate soup now" and i felt horrible for like a week after that cuz i love soup!! moral of the story: soup is about warmth and love and also a form of rebellion against the deep nihilism engraved in society]
whats ur favourite soup? mine is sweet corn soup cause i used to have it a lot as a kid! and rn i favour egg drop!
heartstopper ahhhh!! i wanna see what they meant by big asexual plans too!!
bts does need a hiatus just for like letting ppl get into the know about what all they done -bbmas, run bts, bon voyage, beyond the screen , in the soop, literally all the concerts, not including solo work and so much more . and its been 9 years since theyve debuted and like namjoon said its hard to improve or grow urself in a field of constant expectations, so if they go to paris or a museum im glad they want to share it as well yk?
writing this in small cause even though i mean this genuinely i also feel a bit cringe😭so like ik theyve sacrificed a lot , not a little ,a lot and even though theyve reached a level of success that is quite hard to achieve without real talent and a lot of support, i do wonder what wouldve happened in another world if they didnt decide to pursue their current career. and yk. i hope theyre happy in both. also i hope in another world we wouldve crossed paths a little closer, m.
hope joe robinette can finally pay those student loans😢 and gets to live his best reverse harem explicit lemon 100k wip wattpad fanfic<3
ooooh wait if i also tattoo it on my brain😳😳 we'll have matching tattoos😳
i dont follow enhypen but yes it was a MOMENT i remember the first time i heard fever i was like "waiiiiittt a sec"
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NOTE: above image is supposed to represent my enthusiasm about the song and nothing else. thank u for ur time
wait didnt holland release a song for it!!! im listening to it rn and its a freaking bop!!!
i couldnt start the god of highschool ( ̄ ‘i  ̄;) but bro . bro why did it make u cry. bro answer me [<- person who is even more motivated to start it once they have enough time]
oooh i do like noir movie heroine!! and also . thats kinda a spot on vibe??
dude i kinda made a mistake associating that song with brownies/desserts cuz now whenever i hear that song im hungryyyy
anya! is ! such ! a ! cool ! character! the thing is idk if shes actually younger than six but if she is then she is technically performing better than any average child at that age would be[when i was six we already started multiplication and also at six i had an impulse to lick window cause of hansel and gretel<3] and shes just so near and dear to my heart💗💗 and also theres this thing about loid being an exemplary spy , but still fatherhood being his toughest mission like iktr
mika shoving his fingers in someones mouth is a spoiler therefore implying major plot significance got ya😊👍🏾
i might actually read the manga before the anime cause im a sucker for cool art [love animation too but as i said , im kinning a snail for the next few months<3 ]
i think of u quite often and hope ur well safe and have lots of food!!!
a song rec: every pore by tamino
love, kit
idk if u wanted to know and i feel. a bit weird about sharing this at all but the main reason for not answering this in so long is cause im in a weird headspace. which haha i mean who isnt right? but a lot of things changed in two months and like i can feel im in that stage you are right before a huge burnout and im trying to not? burnout? and my support system rn isnt the best rn and yea. im doing less than ok but just above being crushed. hopefully it passes and also hope this never happens in mine or anyones life again lol
making u read that might have u bummed out but if u read that [firstly sorry] [and secondly just, thank u for sending that first ask at all<3][my good bitch what do you want for your birthday][i think of u everyday lol][and also these last few months ive learnt to say i love you more freely without it being some huge moment at all, so i'd like to say: i love you. i truly do. idc that we've never seen each other. if u ever feel lonely just know that im rooting for u forever][💗💗💗💗💗]
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natsfirecat · 3 years
Okay! Here’s my request:
Natasha x asexual reader (female),where Natasha confesses her feelings for the reader, but the reader reluctantly rejects her. So after turning down Natasha’s declaration of love, the reader can’t stand seeing Natasha all beaten down and upset, so the reader confesses that she is asexual, telling Natasha that she deserves to be with someone who can give her everything and satisfy her needs. That the reader won’t be enough, no matter how much in love she is with Natasha. But little does the reader know, Natasha doesn’t want those needs, but you.
What do you think? 😃🖤💜🤍
pairing: Natasha Romanoff x asexual fem reader
word count: 3.5k
summary: much to her dismay, r has to reject her crush, natasha
warnings: swearing, drinking, mentions of sex and sexual attraction, lmk if i need to add any more
A/N: thank you for this request! i love writing for asexual reader sm! i hope you like it, and remember that aces are valid and amazing! :D
also not proofread very well. i'm tired and too lazy rn lmao
You fiddled with your ring, staring blankly at the wall. You had just gotten home from a mission, and needed some time to rest up.
The mission had gone well, you went with Natasha. Your task was to stop a HYDRA attack on civilians. Everything went as planned, and there were no casualties.
Now that you were back, all you wanted to do was rest up and relax.
So, you did just that.
You only woke a few hours later because of Natasha calling you, saying that you had to debrief the mission.
So you reluctantly got out of bed, and made your way to the meeting room.
Fury was there, reading files, and Natasha sat in her usual seat. Her face lit up when you walked in, then she waved and motioned for you to sit down.
As Fury started going over the mission, you just gave short, straight to the point answers to his questions.
It wasn’t until Natasha gave a detailed summary that he let you leave.
While walking out the room, she stopped you.
“Are you going to Tony’s party tonight?”
“Wanda’s making me,”
She laughed, knowing that you most definitely would not be going to a social gathering unless one of your friends forced you.
“Well, I think it’ll be fun. I’ll see you there,”
You were about to shrug and go on a rant about how Tony’s parties were very much overrated, but she simply waved goodbye and made her way down the hallway back to her room.
You were about to do the same before you felt someone tap your arm from behind.
You whipped around, then grinned to see Carol.
“You’ve been back and haven’t seen me yet?”
“Sorry…” you muttered, suddenly feeling guilty.
“You can make it up to me by getting me food,”
You rolled your eyes, then agreed, knowing you would get yourself food too.
She gave you a satisfied smile before beginning to walk down the steps towards the garage of cars.
She stepped into the driver’s seat of course, while you followed behind in the passenger’s seat.
“IHOP?” She asked, despite the fact that it was 3:00 in the afternoon.
“Great, you’re buying!”
You rolled your eyes, already knowing she would say that.
“So how’d the mission go?” She asked.
“It was fine, nothing exciting happened.
“As soon as we convince Fury to let you come to space with me for missions, things will get a lot more exciting for you,”
You smiled, then chuckled at her statement.
She would talk to you about space all the time, and you had often expressed interest in it. So she took it upon herself to make a slideshow presentation about why you should be allowed to go with her to space. It still needed some work, but she was absolutely planning on presenting it to Fury when it was done.
“Where will you take me?”
“Well we’d start off with something close, maybe not exit the galaxy neighborhood quite yet,”
You laughed again, looking forward to your space adventures with your best friend.
Carol had eaten about a quarter of her food before she broke the silence,
“So I heard you tell Natasha that you’re going tonight,”
“Yeah,” you said with a shrug, choosing to stare at your pancakes instead of making eye contact.
“Well that’s good, maybe you guys can talk and…”
“And what?” You were beginning to get a little irritated.
“Oh come on! We both know how you feel. Why can’t you just talk with her about it?”
“You know why, Carol,” you said as you subconsciously began to fidget with the black ring you always wore on the middle finger of your right hand.
She sighed, not wanting to fight you on this. So she went back to eating her pancakes, and didn’t say another word about it to you.
As you reluctantly promised, you were at the party that night. Not wanting to engage too much, you stood off at the edge of the room, taking a small sip of your drink.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Wanda and Natasha talking. You thought nothing of it, until you saw Wanda wink at her.
You turned your head to the side, then accidentally made eye contact.
Quickly shifting your gaze to the floor, you took another sip of your drink to hide your embarrassment.
You then decided to walk away, not wanting to create any more awkward tension.
You made your way into the next room until you almost bumped into Sam, who gave you a weird look as he stepped away from you.
“You alright, L/N?” He asked.
“I’m good!” You told him, quickly walking away.
When you finally got to the corner of the other room, you took a deep breath. You finally let yourself relax against the wall, away from the person you wanted to avoid tonight.
You closed your eyes for a minute, pretending you weren’t here.
For just a moment, it worked; you weren’t a loud, crowded party. You were just happy in your room watching movies and eating popcorn. No one was bothering you, and you didn’t have to worry about anything.
Unfortunately, your moment didn’t last.
Your eyes opened again when you heard your name called several times. Standing in front of you, was Natasha.
You noticed both Wanda and Carol standing at the door, watching the both of you.
“Hi, Y/N,” she said, her voice shakier than normal. “There’s something I wanted to talk to you about, can we talk somewhere more private?”
You nodded, then began to follow her back the way you came until you were in another hallway that didn’t have anyone in it.
“Y/N,” she began. “I’ve always liked you as a person, I think you’re brilliant on the field, and I just love being around you. I feel these things around you, and it’s scary. But there’s something between us, I can feel it, and I think you feel it too. I’d like to explore these feelings, so… would you want to go out together… on a date?”
You let out a sigh as your heart dropped. You felt tears coming to your eyes as you thought about what she was saying to you. As much as it would hurt both of you, you had to do it.
“I’m really sorry, Natasha, but no. I can’t.”
“Oh-” she was taken aback from your response, unable to hide the disappointment in her voice. “This was stupid, you’re right. I’m sorry for even asking in the first place, I-” she couldn’t even finish her sentence before walking off, leaving you alone.
Two days later, Natasha had barely left her room. She stayed under the covers, mostly trying to sleep. Of course, it eventually turned into hours of staring at the ceiling while her stomach was in knots.
So, she took a sip from the bottle of vodka she brought up to her room, and leaned back against the headboard.
As soon as she felt tears forming in her eyes, she grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. She watched the saddest movies and TV shows she could think of, and ended up finishing the entire bottle.
If she was going to be sad and cry, it would be from too much drinking while watching sad stuff. It wouldn’t be from you. Natasha refused to let herself cry over a simple rejection.
But it wasn’t a simple rejection.
She’s had these feelings for you for months.
Your smile has made her heart flutter since your first mission with her. She vividly remembers the way your eyes lit up when you found out you were paired with her.
The two of you ended up working so well together. At the end of the mission, you held both your hands up for a double high five. The gesture confused her at first, but she eventually gave in and placed her hands against yours. That’s when you gave her the same smile that still gives her butterflies.
She didn’t even start to notice it until a few months ago, when Clint called her out on it. He noticed that your name was brought up in their conversations a lot. So he blatantly asked her what her feelings for you were.
Of course, she denied everything at first. You were just a friend who was nice to work with. Nothing more.
She didn’t fully realize it until Wanda called her out on it too.
You were eating breakfast, and Natasha’s eyes never left you. You exchanged smiles a few times, and the butterfly feeling in her stomach kept growing.
Wanda saw, feeling a smile grow on her face as she glanced between the two of you. Of course, her powers made this even more fun for her.
While she didn’t usually like to invade people’s private thoughts, especially her friends’, Natasha’s thoughts were loud. Yours too.
So after you got up, and waved goodbye to the both of them, Wanda immediately cornered Natasha. Normally, she wouldn’t do something like that to the assassin, but she felt okay with it considering that her thoughts of you softened her up a bit.
“So, when are you planning on asking Y/N out?” She asked her.
“What are you talking about?”
“You guys would make such a good couple, you should ask her out!”
“Absolutely not! We’re just friends,”
Wanda let out a huff, then rolled her eyes.
“You seem to forget that I’m a telepath,”
This time, Natasha rolled her eyes at her.
“Stay out of my head, Maximoff,”
And with that, she walked away, not wanting to talk about it any longer.
Of course, Wanda had other plans.
The next week, she made mental notes of how the two of you would interact. No matter how much you both denied it, she knew you had feelings for each other.
While you smiled around everyone, you smiled the most around her. Your eyes would light up, and you’d be grinning from ear to ear. And your smile would usually cause her to reciprocate it. She rarely smiled, but she was okay with you seeing her smile.
On top of that, Wanda noticed all the small gestures you would do for each other.
She would pack your bag for missions often, and you would share your food with her.
While both of those things could be seen as platonic, she knew better. You definitely had feelings for each other.
So when she brought it up to Natasha again, she couldn’t even deny it this time.
“Tell anyone, and I’ll make you feel pain you didn’t even know could be felt,” Natasha threatened her.
Wanda nodded, promising that she only wanted to help her.
Eventually, the assassin gave in and let her plan the whole thing out.
It would work out in the end, it had to.
Now, Natasha let out a growl of frustration as Wanda entered her room.
“Can you at least knock?”
“I’m worried about you, Nat,”
Despite her glares, Wanda continued walking towards her until she sat down on the foot of her bed.
“Why do you even care? You lied to me, you said it would work!”
“I really thought it would, I’m so sorry. But you can’t keep yourself locked in here, we’re all worried about you,”
“I can’t face her after I humiliated myself like that. Why would you tell me she had feelings for me too? You said you could tell from her thoughts, but she clearly doesn’t see me that way. Now I’ve probably ruined my friendship with her too.”
“I don’t know why that happened,”
“Please, just leave me alone.”
Letting out a disappointed sigh, Wanda realized this would get her nowhere. Natasha still needed a bit more time.
As she saw her friend leave the room, she finally allowed the tears to fall again.
She hated herself for it, but maybe she actually was crying over you.
It wasn’t like you were doing any better.
You only left your room to train with Carol, and to bring food back up to your room since you didn’t want to eat with everyone else.
You couldn’t help but notice the way Wanda glared at you when you passed her in the hallway. You ended up glaring right back, surprised by her sudden hostility towards you.
The two of you had been relatively close, but she was especially close with Natasha. You knew you had hurt her with your rejection, but in the end, you were doing her a favor.
She’d understand that eventually, and hopefully, so would Wanda.
For now, you lay in bed. You were clinging tightly onto your pillow, letting a few sobs escape.
Even though you knew the rejection was for the best, for both you and Natasha, it didn’t make it hurt any less.
You were only saving the both of you from future heartbreak. It would be worth it eventually. Soon enough, you’d both get over it and go back to being the friends you once were.
However, now you continued crying into your pillow.
You wished you could just turn feelings on and off with a switch, but you couldn’t. It would make things so much easier if these feelings didn’t exist in the first place.
You had tried to suppress and deny them at first.
You ignored the way you felt yourself smiling more at her. You ignored the way you felt like you were on top of the world when she returned your smile. You ignored the way your stomach turned into a knot of nerves whenever you touched; whether it was a full on hug or just fingers brushing past each other in the hallway.
When she sat next to you on movie night though, closer than she normally did, that’s when you realized you couldn’t ignore the feelings anymore.
You wanted to completely close the distance between the two of you, and snuggle completely into her. You wanted to kiss her, and hold her tight. You wanted everything to do with her.
But you couldn’t have her, and it hurt like hell.
After another two days, Carol came barging into your room.
“Y/N, what the fuck?” She said, getting straight to the point.
Your eyes widened, but you said nothing as she sat down and glared at you.
“You’ve been sulking for days, and haven’t done anything about it,”
You shrugged, sinking back father into the bed.
“What do you want me to do?”
“Talk to her!”
“No! I’m just gonna stay here until my feelings go away,”
“Y/N, I love you, platonically, but sometimes you’re the dumbest person I know,”
“Thanks, Carol,”
“Your feelings aren’t gonna magically go away like that. If you don’t wanna date her, then at least talk to her so you can both have some closure on this!”
“I can’t, she’d never understand and it’d just be a whole thing, and I don’t want that,”
“You explained it to me and I understood,”
“Well yeah, cuz it doesn’t affect you at all. It affects her because it’s the reason I can’t be with her,”
“Have you ever thought to consider that maybe she wouldn’t mind?”
“Of course she’d mind, Carol,”
Sighing, your best friend decided she wasn’t gonna win this battle today.
Despite her anger towards you, she still reached over and hugged you before getting up and leaving.
Once again, you were left alone in your own misery.
You began to fidget with your ring, staring at the flag on your wall. The black, grey, white, and purple colors stood out against the wall, adding a nice touch to your room.
You were obviously proud and unashamed of who you were, but that didn’t change the fact that so many people didn’t understand it. So it was just easier to not bring it up. Maybe one day you could find someone like you, who’d understand.
Tears began to fill your eyes as you thought about Natasha. You hated that you had to do this.
You weren’t even sure if you would be able to salvage your friendship at the end of this. That just made everything worse.
You lay back down again, clinging onto the pillow once more.
You remembered the way you felt when Natasha first smiled at you. You remembered the happiness she made you feel. You remembered just how much you wanted to be around her.
Luckily, your thoughts of misery finally stopped when you managed to fall asleep.
The next day, Carol dragged you out of your room. Literally dragged, she grabbed both your wrists and pulled you out of the bed until you hit the floor.
“Ow! What the fuck?”
“No more sulking, you’re getting up and not coming back to your room until tonight. Let’s go,”
You sighed in defeat, then stood up, following her out of your room.
She dragged you downstairs to the kitchen, where she already had breakfast laying out for you.
As annoyed as you were with her, you definitely thought it was sweet that she was going through all this effort for you.
So you sat down and began eating, forcing a smile. You were still hurting, but for now, you could fake it in front of your friend.
She sat down next to you, and seemed satisfied.
You gave a small smile, then continued eating.
It was progress.
When Natasha finally came down, you were the last person she expected to see. Her bloodshot, puffy eyes widened as she saw you with Carol.
She immediately looked away, not wanting to face you, especially like this.
Unfortunately for her, you had already made eye contact for a moment. You took in her appearance, letting out a deep exhale.
She refused to say anything, then turned around as if she had never been there in the first place.
As soon as she left, you turned back to Carol.
“I really messed up, didn’t I?”
As much as the logical part of your mind tried to convince you not to do this, the other part was currently making you.
So now, you stood outside Natasha’s bedroom, hand hovering over the door, prepared to knock.
You took in a few deep breaths, trying to prepare yourself. Just as you were about to knock, the door swung open before you were ready.
“Y/N?” Natasha didn’t expect to see you after what happened. “What are you doing?”
“Can we please talk?”
She frowned, thinking about what happened the last time you two talked. But, she opened the door wider, letting you in.
You walked over to her bed, waiting for her to nod, giving you permission to sit down.
“I just wanted to start off by saying that I’m really sorry for this, for hurting you like that,”
“You don’t need to apologize. You can’t change how you feel.”
“I know, but here’s the thing; I have feelings for you too,”
Her eyes widened in both shock and confusion.
“Then why’d you say no?”
You took in a few more deep breaths, preparing yourself.
“I’m asexual,” you finally got out. “While I feel romantic attraction to you, and really like you, I’m not sexually attracted to you. I’m not sexually attracted to anyone.”
She tilted her head to the side, but continued listening as you went on.
“So as much as I do like you, it’s not fair for us to be together. You deserve someone who can give you everything you want and need in a relationship, and I can’t do that.” You told her, trying to prevent yourself from crying. “No matter how much I love you, I won’t be enough,”
That’s what broke you, causing the tears to stream down your face as they had so many times within the past few days. Telling her everything you had been thinking, and finally getting it out.
You noticed a few tears forming in her eyes as she sat down next to you, wrapping her arm around your shoulder.
“Thank you for telling me,” she said. “I wish you had told me earlier, though,”
“I know, I’m sorry,”
“You’re wrong though,”
“About what?”
“You are enough for me, Y/N. I don’t care about sex, I just want you.”
“Really? You mean it?”
“Of course I do,”
You let out a gasp, then turned and wrapped both your arms around her, leaning in between her chest and neck.
“You’re okay with kisses though, right?”
You smiled, then leaned in and crashed your lips against hers. That certainly answered her question.
It felt like a weight was lifted off the both of you. You loved being like this with her, lips connected and arms wrapped around one another. You never wanted to let go.
When you had to break apart for air, Natasha smirked at you.
“So how about that date now?”
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vvitchering · 3 years
Did anyone ask me to write a whole essay about how Din’s creed and armor read as a metaphor for asexuality to me? No. Am I going to write an essay about that exact thing right now because I do this literally every time I find a new character I really like? Absolutely. 
(Disclaimer: I’m writing this based on my own feelings and experiences with being ace. Asexuality exists on a spectrum and not everyone experiences it the same way. I’ve chosen to interpret the character through the lens of my own asexuality. I in no way speak for all ace people, I’m just one nerd with a dusty English degree, a keyboard, and a hyperfixation)
So I started out just wanting to word vomit some character study stuff about Din because I want to eventually write fanfiction and I never feel comfortable just jumping in until I’ve thought long and hard about how I feel about and understand the characters involved. And then I got to thinking about how relationships are explored in The Mandalorian and something stuck out to me. The show never forces or even bothers to introduce romantic bonds as necessary to their main character’s development. Rather it chooses to focus on Din’s familial relationship with Grogu as the bond that saves Din from his loneliness and aimlessness. 
But I want to dig into that lack of romance a little bit and I want to do it through looking closer at Din as a character. What strikes me as interesting is he isn’t presented to us as the typical “lonely hero” archetype you’d see in Star Wars (or anything else, actually) He doesn’t seem to have much personal investment in his profession. He’s a bounty hunter because its a way to hunt beskar and a means of income for himself and his covert. That’s it. He doesn’t have any particular passion or interest in hunting and fighting, it just happens to be that, as a Mandalorian, he’s a trained warrior. Not a TON else you can do with that as your only skillset. 
We also establish early on that he’s a lot more sensitive and emotionally vulnerable than he lets on. He bonds with Grogu almost immediately. He doesn’t even hesitate to shoot IG-11 through the head when it threatens to kill the baby. This man saw an unattended infant in danger and said “it’s free real estate” and became a dad. 
So we KNOW he has an incredible capacity for compassion and affection almost from the get-go. And that’s reinforced time and time again throughout the show by his willingness to help literally anyone who needs it, regardless of the benefit to himself. So why don’t we ever see a romance?
It’s because he’s Mandalorian. More specifically, it’s because he’s the type of Mandalorian who vowed to live by a creed that prevents him from showing his face to any living being. On the surface, this could potentially cause issues with finding love and intimacy because it physically prevents him from being open with someone else. A relationship with him would mean accepting that you will never See the person behind the armor, and I can see that being uncomfortable for a lot of beings. 
If you dig some more into that, it comes down to there probably not being a ton of people out there willing to make the compromises Din would need to comfortable and happy. I believe he’s been burned by this exact situation in the past, judging from his interactions with Xi’an in The Prisoner. Presumably they had some sort of entanglement when they worked together in the past that ended in some bad blood. She belittles him for his dedication to his beliefs, embarrasses him, and plays into Mayfeld’s childish and invasive questions. 
We’re only ever given this as an example of a past attempt at some kind of relationship, and it ended, and ended badly, because he was unwilling to ignore his beliefs and boundaries for a partner who mocked him for both. 
So it’s really no wonder we get that amazing scene with Omera in Sanctuary. He’s clearly thought about staying with her, someone who has been kind to him and Grogu, and who could maybe come to truly love him. But even she still expects him to simply “pack away” his beliefs in favor of her companionship. The way his voice cracks and shakes, the way he so resignedly (but still so gently) grips her wrists to pull her away from taking his helmet off, that’s a man who had maybe dared to hope for a second that he’d found someone who would respect his choice to keep his face covered. It’s other things, too. It’s his dedication to his quest to both protect and reunite Grogu with his people, first and foremost, but there’s definitely some personal turmoil in that scene as well.
Conclusion: Din is someone who canonically struggles to form romantic/intimate relationships with others because of the creed he’s sworn and the armor he wears. He’s made attempts that have blown up in his face (Xi’an) and while he still allows himself to fall just a little bit for others when they’re kind to him, it’s always with the knowledge that it won’t work out because they see his boundaries as surmountable or conditional (Omera).
If that doesn’t read as an asexual experience, I don’t know what does. 
(I also want to talk about ship stuff now so if you’re not interested in me talking about Dincobb you can peace out! Otherwise, you made it this far, might as well keep listening to me ramble lmao)
This entire examination is also to work out why Din/Cobb works so well for me as a ship and it 100% has to do with how the fandom has interpreted and written Cobb in their fanfic. Overwhelmingly I have seen people write Cobb as incredibly understanding and accepting of Din’s choice to cover his face. He totally lacks the expectation that someday his affection will be enough for Din to forsake his creed, which is novel for Din. 
Here’s this person who not only takes the time to get to know him as a person, fight by his side, and trusts him implicitly, but he also doesn’t come with the usual stipulation that his love is conditional based on Din’s willingness to compromise his boundaries for him. I LOVE that one of the most popular tropes for this ship is Cobb willingly blindfolding himself so that Din is able to remove his helmet and relax around him without violating his beliefs. I LOVE that there are so many fics where Cobb cooks him dinner, understands that Din can’t eat next to him, and sits down on the other side of a closed door so they can still eat together. Cobb respects Din, respects his boundaries, and Din is able to pursue a more intimate connection with him because of that allowance and acceptance, and on his own terms.
As someone who has always struggled to find a relationship free from the expectation that I must somehow trade my identity and comfort for love, this ship just hits different, okay. 
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 3 years
I read your bisexual aromantic Kevin post and omg im so intrigued! could you (if you want ofc) expand on why you think he's aromantic or other headcanons you have about it? Thank you!
Canonly, Kevin was supposed to be with Andrew and Neil. Nora was forced to cut out all that part as she thinks it’s “too much”. Thus according to this, Kevin was actually not straight but then nora changed it.
The whole fandom felt that Kevin is definitely not straight and either ship him with Andrew, Neil, Nicky, Aaron or their ocs. And it could be said that Nora used Thea as a shock factor and to just pair him up with someone. Furthermore, when renee told Neil that Andrew’s not straight Neil’s first thought was that Kevin and Andrew. Moreover, Kevin said “it’s easier to remain heterosexual,” this could imply that this was what he thought about himself.
So thats why I think Kevin day is bisexual.
“Their [Kevin and thea] relationship is built initially on intense physical attraction and athletic respect. It deepens over the years, but Exy will always be tangled up in the midst of it. They’re less about romantic getaways and more interested in beating each other up on the court.”
This is taken straight from the extra content (I know many people don’t consider that as canon, but personally I consider anything written by the author canon so bear with me for this okay). As many people didn’t actually take time to read the extra content, many may have skipped this.
This shows that at first their relationship was all physical and sexual, and only later developed into something more. However I never felt anything from Kevin and Thea and we never saw much so it’s normal to imagine that they broke up later (if you never read the extra content).
Now, we all know that Kevin is obsess with exy, (even obsess is to put it lightly). He put his whole focus on exy because that was what he was taught his entire life. The nest never allowed kevin to have any relationships and he never really find a problem with that? (I mean sure he did had a secret one with Thea but I never see that it was anything more than intrigued or sexual)
Now there’s also four and a half year age difference between Thea and Kevin, therefore, Kevin was only fourteen years old when Thea was eighteen and Kevin was a minor when their relationship began. And I hate big age differences so.
Then why not make Kevin biromantic? because every time someone ship Kevin with anyone else, they change many aspect of him. And I’m not saying that it’s not making Kevin “better” but it is literally just cutting out chunks of his character and moulding him into someone else. Kevin in the books literally never hinted to like anyone in anyway (it could be because he was already in a relationship with Thea but then Thea and him hadn’t talk since he got out of the nest and Kevin didn’t even think about telling her anything?! How does that screams a relationship to anyone? Therefore I rest my case that Kevin and Thea were only physical up until the end of tkm, the rest it depends on what one believes in)
And we rarely see aromantic characters in books or headcanon because the media made it seemed that to be complete or to heal from trauma or anything you will need someone. Yes of course people need support from others but it doesn’t necessarily have to be from your partner or someone romantically. It can be from friends and family which in my opinion is just as important as romantic relationships.
It is so easy to ship kevin with anyone. You can ship kevin with Andrew, Neil, Aaron, Nicky, Allison, Matt, jean, Jeremy. Literally anyone. He is the easiest character to ship with anyone in the books. So why the fuck not make him be satisfied with himself?! Why must we change part of him to make him suit another person when he is perfectly fine the way he is?
Honestly to be short and shallow I headcanoned him as aromantic because I want an aromantic character and all other characters are already taken lmao and I’m too lazy to make ocs for Kevin so making him aromantic make sense and I don’t want to make it about his trauma but he was literally taught to just make exy priority and nothing else so I feel like he never learn to care for relationships and then all the mafia shit and no time and Kevin couldn’t care more or else and feel like it’s wasting time and too much effort so yeah Kevin is aromantic. Oh ya and also there’s too little Kevin content on tumblr and I wanna write sth Kevin related and the first thing that pops up into mind is this. And I also have seen post saying Kevin is aro/ace but I don’t think he is asexual because the way Kevin sees Jeremy and giving his rare genuine smile yeah right straight my ass and Kevin must had been at least a little attracted to Andrew but was just too scared and had too many other things to worry about so.
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Sunday ask time!
What is your position on romance cliches? Do you think of yourself more as a realist or a romantic? Opinions on Valentine's day?
I know you are ace but I am obsessed with wnrs so here's stuff i have shamelessly stolen from that acc (answer all of them, some of them or none of them if you wish):
What story about love have you been telling yourself that no longer serves you? How would you like to change it?
What parts of yourself do you need to break up with?
Have you had your first love? If so how did you get over it?
How would you describe the feeling of being in love in one word?
What do you understand now about love that you didn't understand before?
If your last relationship was a Netflix series how would it be called?
If you're in love, complete the sentence: Loving them feels like _______
Name 3 things you love about yourself
thank you!!! i'm ace but i experience romantic attraction so this is totally fine :)
i like romantic clichés, I think most or them are cute and do no harm.
in spirit i'm a romantic but i'm an incredibly rational person and i'm very realistic in the sense i believe i won't really ever find a romantic partner so that's that.
just as all the other USA-imported festivities, i hate the consumerist aspect of it, but in essence it's a cute day to celebrate love. i also understand not celebrating it, my parents never do as their wedding anniversary is exactly one month after st valentines, so i grew up with it not being super important.
1. for the longest time i believed on love at first sight, mainly because of media and the fact that this more or less happened to me with my high school crush (long story short, i was reading in the library, and she came with a friend asking me for help in some maths homework she had and i could barely speak after looking at her for the first time lmao). when i was researching asexuality and came into the different types of attractions, it all made more sense. i now believe that love takes time to cultivate, and that it's not a sudden thing but a progressive feeling that is built with time. i imagined what happened back in the day was that i was aesthetically attracted to her at first, she was the prettiest girl i had ever seen (she still is), and it wasn't until i started learning more and more about her than i started to fall for her. that's why i'm trying to remind myself that love takes time and comes progresively and in a multitude of ways, to maybe give me more confidence and hope for my own search of 'the one' (even if it will probably never happen)
2. probably my almost inexistent self-esteem and self-confidence, that's part of why i'm going to therapy so let's see how it goes. right now i truly believe i will never actually find a romantic partner, and that the solely idea of fantasizing about it is ridiculous cause it will only make me more miserable cause i'll never have that; i know it's a harmful way of thinking but in true honesty deep down i feel like that's the truth, even if people tell me otherwise. so yeah, it's all a bit complicated haha.
3. yes, as i told you i had a crush on high school. i want to say i'm over her but i'm not 100% sure? i think there's like this feeling that lingers no matter how much time passes and that it'll stay with me forever. like, i don't really think about her much but the few times i've seen her these past few years i've panicked a lot and when i see her in an insta post or something like that my heart races a bit, but that's it. as to how i got over her, i honestly don't know? i can only say it was a long and difficult process, that's for sure.
4. dreamlike
5. i think i kinda answered this one through questions 1 and 2 lmao.
6. i've never been in a relationship :)
i would love to read your answers!!
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