#fun mmorpg
newgroundstier · 7 months
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its halloween month so i can draw the guy undead mode again. ignore that i also drew him when it wasnt halloween
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foxsketch6543 · 1 month
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My quest was to slide in almost all the slides in the map of JAMAA! LOL 🛝🕹️💥
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there's a lot wrong with him but his focus ain't one of them
laser-targeted, really, given he can ignore the clown fandanieling around him most of the time
extremely capable of sustained long-term planning
...to the detriment of everyone around him. but he sure does do long-term plans!
less impulsive than his great-grandpa tbh, and i would also say grandpa sorcerer of eld is extremely not adhd
if this were "do you know this autistic/depressed/etc character" i'd be in trouble but it's not
textually bored out of his mind but also not really adhd about it (which is rare in characters tbh? if a character is textually bored as fuck they're usually hyperactive/impulsive and zenos is just incredibly depressed)
Do you know this (noncanon) non-ADHD character?
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tyanis · 6 months
Poll: Which female Resident Evil character would have the most hours logged in to MMORPGs?
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MMORPGs are usually very fun... unfortunately, they can also be quite the time sink.
Whether it's from hours of grinding, hanging out with your guildmates, or really long dungeons, it's pretty easy to lose track of time...
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Winner goes on to face the winner of the male poll so make sure to vote in both!
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sunsetno4 · 10 days
If ur playing the sidestep ask game, can I get 1, 3, and 12 for ur step?
Absolutely! :D Thank you so much for the questions! <3
what is their secret identity? do they have any nicknames? what is the meaning behind them?
Vendetta Frey (ne/they). c: Ven is the only nickname anyone outside of Anathema has gotten away it. Themmy used Venny and Vendi a lot. Ortega tried 'gummy bear' once (once) but that only got her the nickname of Jello in return, lol.
As for why, Vendetta was one of the first words they remember hearing and ne just loved the way it sounded. It was so pretty and melodic, and ne just really liked repeating the syllables over and over again to nemself. It's just special to nem, like the first spark of the inferno that would be nir future self. There was never gonna be another choice, as much as Vendetta also wishes ne picked something a bit less noticeable sometimes.
On the other hand, Frey is simply because Ven needed a last name, saw nir hoodie sleeve was fraying and was like 'sure sounds good :)!' lol.
3. what is their villain name? why did they choose it?
Ichor! \m/ Ah, Vendetta just really loves words that are just fun to say and a bit archaic too, which Ichor fits that bill perfectly. The number of hours ne spent pouring over words to find the one that just clicked right… :')
Ichor is also like the spicy fluid that is supposedly the blood of gods and immortals, so Vendetta does enjoy the cheeky-in-a-nerdy-way implications that ne isn't human and that ne is toxic to actual humans like ichor is supposed to be.
Ichor can also imply an infection, which I personally enjoy a lot, and probably why Vendetta keeps allowing trippy drippy glitchy static bs through their armor, ngl. Why fight it? It is a fun visual~~~
12. do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or through violence?
Vendetta's ruthless score is like ….18%, so I wanna say diplomatically?? Ne really doesn't enjoy violence for violence's sake (probably why ne ended up gravitating more towards being a thief, well-thought heists avoid people entirely).
Buuuuuuuut, sometimes you just have to bite people and/or slug them in the face to make a point stick and ne certainly isn't above that. Plus, violence is a faster solution a lot of the time. Like you could spend time talking to someone, or you could knock them out. It's simple and it's efficient. :)
It's probably a 50/50 split, entirely depending on the situation. ^^;;
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mothcpu · 2 years
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alter ego
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rikuhearts93 · 2 months
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I'm actually not a big MMO (RPG) player (more of the offline player) but Tera (on a free to play basis) from time to time is already fun(truly is make fun), probably it is more fun to play with friends (and to chat in German). but offtopic i likes to play as a mage or healer.
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morayofsunshine · 4 months
well, started my first mmorpg
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cloudypinkblink · 3 months
i want to share an au i thought
mmorpg au
basically after the timeskip a new fantasy mmorpg comes out, think it like those mmorpg animes that have headsets to play the game
chika and ikuto saw a trailer for it and chika swears that the npc character that teaches the player how to use the weapons, its familar to her
only after getting the game and playing it does she realized why,
its Masaru
time to reveal some Stuff
every digimon was erased by kurata and every human that was killed in the digital world is an npc in this
worst part , a lot of of them are in a soort mental lock which basically means , they can feel and see everything but the npc self is the one in control,
agumon is also there but he is seen as a 'criminal' while in relatie he is trying to save them and bring masaru back to live or let him rest in peace atleast
as the trainer npc masaru fights the players, and to gain the skill to use a certain weapon you have to beat or kill him in battle but don't worry he respawn
oh yeah masaru died
but atleast he gets a fantasy look (who knows maybe fae like npc masaru)
!!! that is a really neat idea :0c
I was actually thinking about something- especially doing something similar with Human!Au where the Digimon are humans, but making their humans into digital characters in a game- mostly bc I didn’t want to design/choose Digimon to represent them LMAO
I like the idea as well if Kurata succeeding in his goals but in an unconventional way, where he makes the digital world more like a game- giving it strict laws and rules to abide by. Some humans get caught up in it, and he uses the DATS tech to make the world forget what they’ve seen about Digimon.
Maybe Chika and Sayuri even forget about Masaru- and think Suguru just died.
But later start playing the game because it got popular, and while playing she meets Masaru’s “npc” and the others, and slowly starts to remember (but maybe she remembers Masaru last, jsut to add some heart ache). It’s kinda up to her and Ikuto to figure it out-
Oh maybe in this AU as well, Suguru/Bancholeomon are able to tell Masaru the truth, so at least he’s got that comfort.
What a neat idea Anon uwu
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rubysparx · 8 months
Is wizard101 good. Be honest. Like if I wanted to hop on it rn do we think I’d have fun
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maestroignitex · 4 months
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greentrickster · 1 year
“So, Trickster, you want to tell the class what you did?”
Not really.
“Cool. Tell them anyway.”
(sigh) I started watching season two of Bofuri.
...paused three minutes in to start re-installing FFXIV. -///-
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planet4546b · 1 year
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tyanis · 6 months
Poll: Which Resident Evil character has the most hours logged in to MMORPGs? FINALS!
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I mean...
These two make so much sense.
I don't really know what else to say...
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simelune · 1 year
i miss playing mmorpgs like ffxiv :| but no money + no friends playing them rn, it is what it is
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junipergame · 6 months
Summary of Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2 is a popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by ArenaNet. Released in 2012, it is the sequel to the original Guild Wars game. Here's a summary of Guild Wars 2:
Dynamic World: Guild Wars 2 features a dynamic, persistent world where events and player actions have a lasting impact on the game environment. The game does away with the traditional quest system, opting for a more organic and dynamic event system.
Player Races and Professions: Players can choose from a variety of races, including humans, charr, asura, norn, and sylvari. Each race has its own unique storyline. Additionally, there are different professions (classes) such as warrior, ranger, thief, and elementalist, each with its own distinct playstyle and abilities.
Personal Story: The game includes a personal story for each character, shaped by the choices players make during character creation and throughout the game. This adds a level of personalization to the overall narrative.
Combat System: Guild Wars 2 features an action-oriented combat system that emphasizes movement and skill timing. Players have a limited skill bar, and many abilities are tied to specific weapons, promoting strategic gameplay.
World vs. World vs. World (WvW): WvW is a large-scale PvP mode where three different servers compete against each other in a massive, persistent battleground. Players can engage in siege warfare, capture objectives, and participate in epic battles.
Structured PvP: ArenaNet introduced a separate structured PvP system, allowing players to engage in competitive matches with balanced characters and gear. This mode is more focused on skill and strategy.
Living World: Guild Wars 2 has a living world system, where the game's narrative evolves over time through regular updates and seasons. These updates introduce new storylines, events, and content, keeping the game world dynamic and engaging.
Expansion Packs: The game has received several expansion packs, such as Heart of Thorns, Path of Fire, End of Dragons and Secrets of the Obscure, which introduce new regions, professions, and storylines. These expansions expand the game world and provide additional content for players.
Community and Social Features: Guild Wars 2 encourages social interaction with features like dynamic events that promote cooperation among players. The game also includes guilds, which can claim and upgrade guild halls.
No Subscription Fee: Unlike many other MMORPGs, Guild Wars 2 follows a "buy-to-play" model, meaning players purchase the game once and can play it without a subscription fee. The game does offer in-game purchases for cosmetic items and convenience, but these are optional.
Guild Wars 2 is known for its innovative approach to storytelling, dynamic events, and engaging world design, making it a popular choice among MMORPG enthusiasts.
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