#funds held on international exchanges
mywebthreenews · 10 months
Brazil Approves New Income Tax Rules for Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies have been gaining popularity worldwide, and Brazil is no exception. To regulate and tax earnings obtained from cryptocurrencies held on foreign exchanges, the Brazilian Senate has approved new income tax regulations. This move is expected to have significant implications for individuals and businesses operating in the cryptocurrency space. In this article, we will delve into the…
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The economic indicators speak of nothing less than an economic catastrophe. Over 46,000 businesses have gone bankrupt, tourism has stopped, Israel’s credit rating was lowered, Israeli bonds are sold at the prices of almost “junk bonds” levels, and the foreign investments that have already dropped by 60% in the first quarter of 2023 (as a result of the policies of Israel’s far-right government before October 7) show no prospects of recovery. The majority of the money invested in Israeli investment funds was diverted to investments abroad because Israelis do not want their own pension funds and insurance funds or their own savings to be tied to the fate of the State of Israel. This has caused a surprising stability in the Israeli stock market because funds invested in foreign stocks and bonds generated profit in foreign currency, which was multiplied by the rise in the exchange rate between foreign currencies and the Israeli Shekel. But then Intel scuttled a $25 billion investment plan in Israel, the biggest BDS victory ever.  These are all financial indicators. But the crisis strikes deeper at the means of production of the Israeli economy. Israel’s power grid, which has largely switched to natural gas, still depends on coal to supply demand. The biggest supplier of coal to Israel is Colombia, which announced that it would suspend coal shipments to Israel as long as the genocide was ongoing. After Colombia, the next two biggest suppliers are South Africa and Russia. Without reliable and continuous electricity, Israel will no longer be able to pretend to be a developed economy. Server farms do not work without 24-hour power, and no one knows how many blackouts the Israeli high-tech sector could potentially survive. International tech companies have already started closing their branches in Israel. Israel’s reputation as a “startup nation” depends on its tech sector, which in turn depends on highly educated employees. Israeli academics report that joint research with universities abroad has declined sharply thanks to the efforts of student encampments. Israeli newspapers are full of articles about the exodus of educated Israelis. Prof. Dan Ben David, a famous economist, argued that the Israeli economy is held together by 300,000 people (the senior staff in universities, tech companies, and hospitals). Once a significant portion of these people leaves, he says, “We won’t become a third world country, we just won’t be anymore.” 
19 July 2024
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mariacallous · 10 days
Sudan’s rival generals have ignored warnings of mass starvation. In more than a year of brutal war, the two military factions have weaponized humanitarian aid.
Sudan’s de facto leader, military chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, has blocked aid into at least half of the country under the control of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) headed by Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, known as Hemeti. Meanwhile, the RSF is obstructing trucks into places held by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF). Local volunteers running soup kitchens have been targeted and killed by the RSF, particularly in Khartoum, Sudanese aid workers told FP.
The conflict has created the world’s largest hunger and internal displacement crises. The fighting has pushed 25 million people, more than half the nation’s population, into acute hunger and forced about 11 million people to flee their homes, including 2.3 million who fled abroad. More than two million Sudanese could die by the end of this year, aid agencies warn.
In areas where there is food available, extortion and attacks on traders at checkpoints have raised prices. Women have recounted having sex with SAF soldiers in exchange for food. Reports of torture, rape, the use of children under 15 in the fighting, and ethnic-based massacres by the RSF and armed militias have surged over the past year.
“People are dying of hunger in the capital,” said Mathilde Vu, the Norwegian Refugee Council’s advocacy advisor in Sudan. “We are looking at the risk of starvation being used as a weapon of war. … This needs to be monitored. The policymakers already have a tool for that. The U.N. Security Council resolution about conflict and hunger, and what they need to put in place is a monitoring of that.”
Both sides in Sudan’s nearly 17-month civil war have committed “harrowing” abuses that may amount to war crimes, a U.N.-mandated mission reported on Friday, calling for a countrywide arms embargo. Sudan’s military government rejected a proposal by U.N. experts to deploy a peacekeeping force to protect civilians.
Compounding the situation, the humanitarian response is critically underfunded. A $2.7 billion U.N. appeal has been just 32 percent funded. Much of that funding has come from the United States. However, aid agencies say local volunteers on the ground need to be better supported since a cease-fire is highly unlikely in the immediate future.
Famine was declared in Zamzam camp housing about 500,000 displaced people near the besieged city of El Fasher, the state capital of North Darfur—areas where the RSF is blocking aid trucks. There’s a realistic chance of famine in 16 other areas, Vu said, but precise figures are hard to confirm. Last month, the SAF agreed to open the Adré border crossing from landlocked Chad into Sudan, for a period of three months. But international aid agencies told FP that the SAF has made things difficult through lengthy authorizations ensuring only a trickle of shipments gets in.
U.S. envoy for Sudan Tom Perriello visited Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey this week in the latest attempt by the Biden administration to expand humanitarian access in Sudan, following failed peace talks in Geneva. The conflict risks turning into a forever war, in which various external actors seize the opportunity to extend their influence. Turkey, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Russia have been accused of arming warring parties.
While such negotiations are essential, U.S. attention and pressure should also focus on other regional powers with a vested interest in the conflict such as Eritrea and Ethiopia. Foreign mercenaries from Chad, Mali, Niger, the Central African Republic, and Libya are believed to be fighting in Sudan.
Pressuring regional powers could engage local armed militias allied to the warring parties in ultimately ensuring access to places like El Fasher. “It will create more of a buffer than two guys signing an agreement in Jeddah” and then breaking it, Vu said. “You cannot bypass the regional powers. … They really are the ones who have the leverage. It’s very important that Western powers engage them so that they have a constructive role in this crisis rather than a harmful one,” she added. Even if Burhan and Hemeti signed a peace deal, many of the local armed groups involved would likely not abide by it.
Both generals have held meetings with several African leaders, while the African Union has been largely absent in peace negotiations. More recently, Burhan held meetings with Eritrea’s president, Isaias Afwerki, and Ethiopia’s prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, at the China-Africa summit.
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matan4il · 6 months
Daily update post:
Another one that I start with news of a terrorist attack. -_- This morning, a terrorist started shooting at several vehicles driving down the Jordan Valley, one of which was a school bus. The driver of this bus confirmed that the terrorist was wearing what looked like an IDF uniform. According to Magen David Adom (Red Star of David) there are at least 3 people injured, one is a 13 years old kid, another is in serious condition. The terrorist has not yet been neutralized.
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After Amit Soussana's testimony about being raped by Hamas, we also have a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist admitting during an interrogation that he had raped a woman in her home in an Israeli kibbutz. It's not the first such testimony, but these are important enough that when they're published, they ALL must be heard.
The prosecution against the terrorists responsible for the massacre of October 7 has been expanded to include clauses which could end with the death penalty (I found a link to a journalistic source online, then I accidentally closed that tab, and can't find it again, but it's been reported on TV. The following tweet recounts the indictments, though the headline is misleading. A death sentence has not been approved, it's just now approved that it's a possible outcome of the trials, once they take place).
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For those unfamiliar with the Eurovision Song Contest, it's an event that has been run since 1956, with the intent to help heal a post-war Europe, by allowing countries to have a friendly competition (instead of a bloody conflict), and also have a chance to get to know each other better through music. It's meant to be a unifying, and therefore also a-political fun music fest. This contest has since been expanded to include all countries that are members of the European Broadcasting Union, which means Israel also gets to compete since 1973, and has even won 4 times. I wrote this post about our entry this year, if anyone's curious. In recent years, the ESC has been used for annual anti-Israel propaganda, way before the war in Gaza. This year, a senior official in Israel's National Security Office had to issue a warning for any Israelis going to the competition in Sweden, to be careful and hide their identity as much as possible. I am passing along the warning, because wherever Israelis are in danger, so are Jews in general.
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After Canada, Sweden, Australia and Finland, now France is also declaring that it will fund UNRWA again, proving that no amount of complicity in anti-Jewish terrorism will stop some European countries from passing along money to those who have raped, maimed, tortured and murdered us. But no worries! France promises it will ensure that their money won't go to terrorism. I will just remind everyone that France brokered a "deal" to pass along medications to Israeli hostages with chronic illnesses in Gaza, in exchange for an additional 1,000 packages of meds for Gazans. It then said they got reassurance that the meds got to those hostages (meaning, France quoted Qatar, which quoted Hamas, so this is the international diplomacy version of, "Trust me, bro. I'm a highly reliable antisemitic terrorist"). When Israeli soldiers got to a hospital in Gaza, they found some of the med packages for the Israeli hostages in its pharmacy, unopened and clearly not delivered to the rightful address. So... IDK about you, but I'm pretty sure even the French know their assurances about the UNRWA funding are just empty words.
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This is 40 years old Mohammad Alatrash.
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He's an Israeli Bedouin Muslim Arab, and father of 13, including a one month old baby. He was kidnapped on Oct 7, and has been held captive in Gaza since. Mohammad's uncle said the whole family's life has not been normal since he was taken hostage. Despite that, today several families of hostages had a tour of the attacked communities in the south, with Israel's and Belgium's Foreign Ministers, his brother Salem said that they're okay with Mohammad being released later, as long as Hamas frees the female hostages. "It's hell what they're made to go through there." Just a reminder that Mohammad is one of the Israeli Muslim hostages that Hamas could have and chose not to release even during the month holy to all muslims, Ramadan.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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aimeedaisies · 3 months
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The Princess Royal’s Official Engagements in June 2024
04/06 As Master of the Corporation of Trinity House, attended the Trinitytide Anniversary Annual Court Meeting, Church Service and Luncheon. 💼⛪️🍽️
As Colonel-in-Chief, The Royal Corps of Signals, this afternoon inspected The Queen’s Gurkha Signals Regiment on public duties at St James’s Palace. 🫡
As Chairman of the International Olympic Committee Members Election Commission, held a Members Election Commission Meeting at St James’s Palace. 💼
05/06 With Sir Tim As Colonel-In-Chief of The Royal Regina Rifles, unveiled a statue and attended a Reception at 10 Place des Canadiens, Thue et Mue, Bretteville. 🇬🇧🇫🇷🇨🇦
With Sir Tim Attended a service of commemoration and reception to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings at Bayeux War Cemetery. 🪦🪖
With Sir Tim As President of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, attended the Annual Service in Bayeux Cathedral to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings. ⛪️
With Sir Tim As President of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, attended a service to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings at Bayeux War Cemetery. 🪦🕯️
06/06 With Sir Tim Attended the Annual Founder’s Day Parade at the Royal Hospital Chelsea. 💂
As Colonel of The Blues and Royals (Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons), attended a Household Cavalry Council Meeting at Hyde Park Barracks. 🐎
07/06 Opened Forest of Dean Community Hospital. 🏥
Visited Ruskin Mill Trust in Nailsworth. 🏫
09/06 Attended the Bramham International Horse Trials Prize Giving, on its 50th anniversary. 🏇🏼
11/06 Opened Mercator Media Limited’s 25th Anniversary Seawork Marine Exhibition in Southampton. ⛴️
As Patron of the British Nutrition Foundation, visited the British Armed Forces Nutrition Programme at The Royal Logistic Corps Regimental Museum in Winchester. 🍏🍊
As Patron of Farms for City Children, and Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Butchers, attended a Festival of Learning at Butchers’ Hall. 🥩🥓🍖
Unofficial Sir Tim attended a reception at the King Edward VII Hospital and unveiled a plaque dedicated to Sir Jameson Boyd Adams. 🍾
With Sir Tim As Royal Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, attended The Prince Philip Fund Commemoration Dinner at Prince Philip House. 🍽️🍾
12/06 On behalf of The King, held an Investiture at Windsor Castle. 🎖️
As Chancellor of the University of London, attended the School of Advanced Study 30th Anniversary Reception at Senate House. 📚📖
As President of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Commonwealth Study Conferences, attended a Dinner. 🍽️🗺️
13/06 As Patron of Transaid, visited the Multimodal 2024 Exhibition. 🛻
As Patron of the Townswomen’s Guilds, attended the Annual General Meeting. 💼
As Patron of the Foundation for Future London, attended the UK Cultural Exchange launch. 🇬🇧🗺️
With Sir Tim As President of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, attended a President’s Panel Discussion and Dinner. 🎤🍽️
14/06 Presided over a conference attended by the Colonels of the Regiments of the Household Division. 💂
Cavalry Regiments
Blues and Royals - Princess Anne
The Life Guards - Non - Royal
Grenadier Guards - Queen Camilla
Coldstream Guards - Non - Royal
Scots Guards - Prince Edward
Irish Guards - Catherine, Princess of Wales
Welsh Guards - Prince William
London Guards - Prince Edward
15/06 With Sir Tim Trooping the Colour
17/06 With Sir Tim Attended a chapter of the Most Noble Order of the Garter in the Throne Room, Windsor Castle. 🏰
With Sir Tim Attended a luncheon, hosted by the King, at Windsor Castle. 🍽️
With Sir Tim Attended an Installation Service was held in St George’s Chapel at which The Duchess of Gloucester was installed as a Lady of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. 🪽🎖️
18/06 unofficial Attended day one of Royal Ascot. 🏇🏼
19/06 unofficial Attended day two of Royal Ascot. 🏇🏼
20/06 unofficial With Sir Tim Attended day three (Ladies Day) of Royal Ascot. 🏇🏼
21/06 With Sir Tim Attended the RNLI Beating Retreat, Reception and Dinner at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich. 🛟🥂🍽️
22/06 With Sir Tim As Patron of the Eric Liddell 100, attended a Service in St Giles’ Cathedral, followed by a Reception to commemorate 100 years since Eric Liddells Olympic gold medal win. 🥇
~ Engagements cancelled due to hospitalisation ~
Total official engagements for Anne in June:
2024 total so far:
Total official engagements accompanied by Tim in June:
2024 total so far:
FYI - due to certain royal family members being off ill/in recovery I won't be posting everyone's engagement counts out of respect, I am continuing to count them and release the totals at the end of the year.
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
Random DPxDC Writing Excerpts
Here are some accidental scenes for fics that are not in the works and just concepts. : I That i wish not to work on right now but they came all the same. I GOT STORIES TO FINISH WHY BRAIN?! Anyways here they are. First one Is Danny being Jason's half-brother:
Jason dragged a chair over to the bed. He plopped down into the seat with a loud sigh, yanking off his helmet. He lay it on the bedside table as he ran his fingers through his hair. Steeling himself, he finally looked at Danny who was sleeping soundly in bed. His heart felt heavy. He clenched his fist trying to keep his anger down, but it stung. It stung a lot. Not only did they share a mother, they shared a similar fate. One Jason didn't wish on anyone, especially his little half-brother. He sniffed, cursing internally. He could have stopped this, if he knew- “Ya know, he looks pretty happy in the pictures before .. well.. recent ones.” Tim hummed as he awkwardly rubbed his arm. Jason glared at him, making Tim jump. “I mean- I know pictures are deceiving but.. I ..” Tim rubbed the back of his neck. “What Timmy saying is that, even if you knew he was out there.. I don't think you could have saved him. From all the reports, and some digging... They were a pretty happy family and honestly, not far off in the danger zone as we are.” Dick chimed in after patting Tim on the shoulder, making the teen jump again. Jason snorted, turning away from them. His insides burned. “Either way, it doesn't matter. Just like you, he's here now.” Dick whispered as he bent down next to Jason. “And he doesn't have to do this alone.” Jason sighed. He leaned forward on his knees. His eyes going back to the sleeping boy's form. His vitals were low, but his organs weren't failing. This was just his natural state. “He has you now, Little Wing. That's what's important.” Dick nudged Jason's shoulder. “What help I've been. I almost got him killed... Again!” “Actually, Babs was able to look into the video files. It wasn't Tailia. Nor the League of Assassins.” Tim spoke up again, pointing to the tablet in his hand. “Or the Joker, Or the-” “Get to the point copyright!” “Sheesh, alright alright. Here, look at this.” Tim tapped the tablet before handing it over to Jason to let him see. Jason furrowed his brows, “Men in white suits?” “Apparently, they're from the ghost investigation ward. A government funded agency. But look even closer.” His eyes widened as he stared where Tim was pointing. “Court of Owls.” “Yep. It looks like they're teaming up with the court to hunt down Phantom, in exchange for something called ectoplasm. It seems Tailia was only using Danny to lure them out.” “Or perhaps she wanted some for herself.” Dick added.
Second one is Danny crash landing on Kent's farm.
Danny felt like he was hit by a brick wall ten times over. He fought against his heavy eyelids as he felt warm light of the sun cast over him. He groaned and grunted as he forced himself awake. He took in a sharp breath, hissing from the light. He pushed himself up, rubbing the crust from his eyes. Man, he must have really conked out. He didn't remember even going to bed last night- Danny's eyes widened once they adjusted to the light. This wasn't his bed. There was a brown plaid blanket tossed over him and the bed was made of iron. He clenched the sheets that felt of old linen. His breaths quickened. “Well, now. I figured you be out for a bit longer. Glad to see ya awake, son.” Danny's eyes snapped to the figure in the door way. It was of an older man, wearing a button up shirt, jeans, and boots. “Take some deep breaths. You're safe here.” Then man held his hands up in front of him, as a sign he meant no harm. Danny tried to control his breathing, his hands still clenching tightly at the blankets. All his instincts were screaming to run... but where to? Where did he even? How did he even? He jerked his attention away from his thoughts when he felt rough hands gently lay on his. Danny jumped backwards out of the bed, falling into the floor. He scrambled up, hissing in pain. “Whoa whoa, take it easy son. I didn't mean to scare ya. You just looked like you were spiraling, is all. Look, I'll back up. Just focus on me, yeah?” The man backed up towards the wall, hands back up in front of him. Danny blinked as he caught his breath. He held an arm over his torso, his eyes staying on the man. He took a swallow of air, before finally nodding to the man. The panic having simmered down, as he realized if he wanted to hurt him, he could have. Danny flinched as a shot of pain went up his shoulder. “Come on back to bed, son. You need to rest those injuries.” “But, my family- my home..” Danny furrowed his brows as flashes of vague memories. Green lights, sounds of a struggle, and a huge machine winding up power. “They're... in danger... was in... I have to.” “You're not going to do anyone any good injured like that.” “But-” “Do you even know where you are? How to get back?” the man asked. Danny fell silent. He didn't. He wasn't even sure what happened. “Look, I don't blame ya for wanting to rush back into things,” The man sighed, “However, I know as a parent, I would hate if my son came back to die trying to save me.” Danny that line made him think of an orange hair girl who nagged about his safety. His sister.. Jazz. Sounded like something she would yell at him for. “I hear crashing from downstairs, is the boy alright-Oh Good Mornin' dear.” An older woman popped up into the doorway, wearing an apron. Danny furrowed his brows, before slightly raising his hand in a light wave. He glanced between the two. “Yer not scaring him, are you Jon?” The woman teased. “Not on purpose.” The man scratched the back of his head.
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darkmaga-retard · 3 days
In a recent report by TASS, a major state-owned news agency in Russia, Valentina Matviyenko, the Speaker of Russia’s Federation Council, announced significant progress on the BRICS digital payment platform, an initiative that could potentially revolutionize global financial transactions. This development comes as Russia continues to navigate the challenges of extensive international sanctions and its exclusion from the SWIFT payment network. BRICS is an acronym representing a coalition of five major emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The term was first introduced in 2001 by economist Jim O’Neill to describe these rapidly growing economies, which were expected to become dominant players in the global market. Over time, BRICS evolved from a concept into a formal intergovernmental organization, with its member countries cooperating on various fronts, including economic development, political coordination, and cultural exchange. The group’s mission extends to advocating for the reform of international financial and political institutions to better reflect the shifting global power dynamics.
As of August 2024, BRICS has undergone a significant expansion. During the BRICS Summit held in Johannesburg in 2023, it was announced that six additional countries would join the group, bringing the total membership to eleven. The new members, effective January 1, 2024, include Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This expansion underscores BRICS’ growing influence and strategic importance on the world stage.
The inclusion of these new members aligns with BRICS’ long-term goal of creating a more balanced global economic order, offering a counterweight to Western-dominated institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. By expanding its membership, BRICS aims to enhance cooperation among a broader spectrum of emerging economies, addressing global financial inequalities and promoting more inclusive international governance.
Per the TASS report, during a press conference, Matviyenko provided details about the BRICS Bridge, an independent financial payment platform being developed within the BRICS nations. This standalone system is designed for mutual payments across BRICS countries, offering an alternative to existing global financial networks.
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allthecanadianpolitics · 10 months
Statement by the SPHR of Concordia University, concerning the meeting with president Graham Carr on 16/11/2023
The Society for Palestinian Human Rights held a meeting with Concordia University president Graham Carr for multiple concerns, the unaddressed violence on campus towards Palestinian and Muslim students and pro-Palestinian allies by zionists' harassment, as well as the University's investments in arms companies that arm Israel, thus funding the genocide of Palestinians. Here is their response to the disrespectful and dismissive exchanges with him.
Full statement under the cut.
"On Novemberr 16th, two representatives of SPHR Concordia met with University President Graham Carr. SPHR and many other student activists have been concerned with President Carr's efforts in recent years to deepen our universities' ties to Israeli institutions since learning about his trip to Bar Ilan University in August 2022, but the President has so far not responded to these student concerns.
This meeting offered a very important opportunity for SPHR members to voice our concerns around systemic anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia on campus, as well as Concordia's investments in the apartheid regime. Due to the administration's stated intentions to listen to student concerns, we were hopeful that the discussion might lead to some positive changes being implemented.
SPHR came to President Carr to ask the following:
An investigation into recent and ongoing attacks against students of all faiths and backgrounds, many of whom have been explicitly targeted for their solidarity with the Palestinian people. The University's divestment from initiatives and organisations [sic] which actively fund or otherwise support the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.
Unfortunately, the outcome of the meeting was disappointing as no commitments were made for meaningful repair and positive change and we were once again met with empty words.
When asked if he acknowledges statements by human rights organisations [sic] such as Amnesty international, the UN, B'Tselem (and at least 16 other Israeli NGOs as of July 2023) identifying Israel as an apartheid state, he replied: "I am certainly well aware of those statements and I think part of this question is here is what the role of the university is...?", deflecting and failing to answer the question.
While he could not deny that Concordia invests in several organisations [sic] identified by international human rights groups as being complicit in Israeli war crimes, he claimed that Concordia differentiates itself by saying "there is a way that we can also use investments to bring about social good in the world", to which one of our representatives asked "so social good is delivered by bombs?"
President Carr failed to respond when asked how investing in institutions founded and dependent on ethnic cleansing initiatives constitutes working to bring about this so-called 'social good'. He also did not specify how these philanthropic investments would benefit Palestinians, but rather continued the university's tradition of Greenwashing or "Social Washing" to divert attention from Concordia's more unsavoury investments.
Graham Carr's response to financially contributing to Elbit systems through its BMO investments was "Concordia is not DIRECTLY funding a weapon's company" and asked "so what's your solution on that front?"
In response to our demands of ending our university's complicity with the apartheid regime, he asked "Do you think Jewish students would be more secure?" We certainly believe Jewish students would feel safer knowing their university isn't complicit in a genocide. These types of questions are not only disrespectful to our demands, but also to the Jewish community.
While we were able to establish common ground throughout our meeting that both SPHR and the administration places the safety of students as an absolute priority, we were not provided with a clear statement on when or how the University's administration would be pursuing sanctions against members of the Concordia community who are actively harassing, doxing [sic], threatening, and otherwise attacking Palestinian, Muslim, and racialised [sic] students and their allies.
Graham Carr cut our meeting short without providing us with clear answers on our demands...
As a diverse coalition of students united for Palestinian Human Rights, SPHR would like to put these questions to their fellow students, as well as Concordia faculty, staff and administration:
Why would President Carr meet personally with SPHR to ask about our concerns, if only to belittle the urgent issues of Islamophobia and anti-Palestinian racism and dismiss the urgent need for divestment?
Why is it that Concordia has an entire Israeli Studies Institute, and Israel is the only state in the Middle East to have its own dedicated Poli Sci course, but does not offer a single course specifically on Palestine?
How could a university President who spent nearly $9000 of student tuition on a trip to Israel organised [sic] by the CIJA, the largest pro-Israel lobby group in Canada, be reasonably expected to ensure a balanced and supportive environment for Palestinian students on campus?
Why would the university promote a social and environmental investment policy, while investing in Elbit systems' largest investors?
How can we ensure our tuition money is invested in humanitarian and decolonial initiatives for the Palestinian people as well as Indigenous people around the world instead of "impact investment" initiatives run by companies like BlackRock that has massive investments in Israel and in companies including Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman that make the weapons Israel uses to murder Palestinians?"
Transcribed from this IG post by @el-shab-hussein, links added were not included in the original post.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
The franc CFA (originally denoting Colonies françaises d’Afrique) is the official currency of Senegal and most other former French colonies in Africa, from before national independence through the present-day. This monetary system and its history are the subjects of a new book by Fanny Pigeaud and Ndongo Samba Sylla, Africa’s Last Colonial Currency (2021), translated by Thomas Fazi from a 2018 French edition. The book brings to the attention of Anglophone readers the peculiar institutions through which the French Republic continues to exercise colonial rule over nominally independent African states. France’s recent “counterterrorism” operations across the Sahel region (supported and rivaled in scope by the United States’ Africa Command, AFRICOM) represent only one phase in what the Black Alliance for Peace (2020) has called France’s “active and aggressive military presence in Africa for years.” Aggression has often had monetary motivations, and control has often exceeded aggression. One of Pigeaud and Sylla’s commitments and achievements is to show how “French ‘soft’ monetary power is inseparable from its ‘hard’ military power” (2021: 99). In their telling, the CFA franc has for decades been France’s secret weapon in “Françafrique,” the zone in Africa where France, its representatives, and its monetary system have never really left. [...]
The franc CFA was born in Paris on the 25th of December, 1945 [...]. The embattled empire was compelled to “loosen its grip” in Africa [...]. Consequently, argue Pigeaud and Sylla, the creation of the CFA franc was “actually designed to allow France to regain control of its colonies” (13). What Minister Pleven called generosity might better be called a swindle. [...] French goods-for-export, now priced in a devalued currency (made cheaper), would find easy markets in the colonies [...]. African goods - especially important raw materials, from uranium to cocoa, priced too expensively for domestic consumption [...] -- would find buyers more exclusively in France [...]. In effect, the new CFA monetary policies re-consolidated France’s imperial economy even as the monopoly regime of the colonial pact could be formally retired in recognition of demands for change from colonial subjects. [...] [T]he egalitarian parlance of community and cooperation modernized French colonial authority, making it more invisible rather than marking its end. [...]
Most importantly, France has held up a guarantee of unlimited convertibility between CFA francs and French currency [...]. CFA francs can only ever be converted into France’s currency [...] before being exchanged for other currencies [...]. In 1994, in conjunction with the International Monetary Fund and against the wishes of most African leaders, French authorities adjusted the franc zone exchange rate for the first time, devaluing the CFA franc by half. This blanket devaluation was the shock through which structural adjustment was forced upon Françafrique [...]. And the devaluation proved, to Pigeaud and Sylla, that France’s “‘guarantee of unlimited convertibility’ was an intellectual and political fraud” (74). Nevertheless, French authorities have continually held up - that is, brandished and exploited - this guarantee, without honoring it. [...] Pigeaud and Sylla do not mince words: “France uses its presumed role of ‘guarantor’ as a pretext and as a tool to blackmail its former colonies in order to keep them in its orbit, both economically and politically” (38). [...] In that respect, the CFA franc system has ensured [...] the stabilization of raw material exportation and goods importation, hierarchy and indirect rule, [...] accumulation and mass impoverishment, in short, the colonial order.
And all along, France has found - or compelled, coerced, and more-or-less directly put in place - useful political partners in Françafrique. [...]
The CFA franc has been central to the French strategy of decolonization-in-name-only. [...]
When and where demands for self-determination and changes to the monetary system (usually more minor than exit or abolition) have been strongest, from charismatic leaders or from below, they have been met with a retaliatory response from France and its African partners, frequently going so far as “destabilisation campaigns and even assassinations and coups d’état” (40). [...]
The first case is exemplary. In 1958, Ahmed Sékou Touré helped lead Guinea to independence [...]. Guinea was alone in voting down De Gaulle’s “Community” proposal [...], and [...] the new state established its own national currency and central bank by 1960. [...] [T]he decision was ultimately made to make Guinea a cautionary tale for the rest of Françafrique. French counter-intelligence officials plotted and hired out a series of mercenary attacks (“with the aim of creating a climate of insecurity and, if possible, overthrowing Sékou Touré,” recalled one such operative), in conjunction with “Operation Persil,” a scheme to flood the Guinean economy with false Guinean bills, successfully bringing about a devastating crash (43). [...] Yet, Sékou Touré was never removed, only ostracized - unlike Sylvanus Olympio in Togo or Modiba Keita in Mali, others whose (initially minor) desired changes to the CFA status quo were refused and rebuffed and who were then deposed in French-linked coups. [...]
So too the Cameroonian economist Joseph Tchundjang Pouemi, an even more overlooked figure since his death at the age of 47 in 1984. Pouemi’s experience working at the IMF [International Monetary Fund] in the 1970s led him to recognize that the leaders of the international monetary system would “repress any government that tries to offer their country a minimum of wellbeing” (60) and could do so especially easily in Françafrique because of the CFA franc.
All text above by: Matt Schneider. “Africa’s Last Colonial Currency Review.” Society and Space [Book Reviews section of the online Magazine format]. 29 November 2021. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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beardedmrbean · 9 months
Facebook's former diversity program manager has pleaded guilty to stealing more than $4 million from the company through fake business deals in exchange for kickbacks to fund a luxurious lifestyle, federal prosecutors said Tuesday. 
Barbara Furlow-Smiles, 38, served as the lead strategist, global head of employee resource groups and diversity engagement at the social media giant while she orchestrated the scheme, the Justice Department said. From January 2017 through September 2021, she led Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs at Facebook and was responsible for developing and executing DEI initiatives, operations, and engagement programs.
"Furlow-Smiles used lies and deceit to defraud both vendors and Facebook employees," said Keri Farley, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI's Atlanta office. "The FBI works hard to make sure greed like this doesn’t pay off and those who commit fraud are held accountable."
Furlow-Smiles committed the fraud by linking PayPal, Venmo, and Cash App accounts to credit cards given to her by Facebook and used those accounts to pay friends, relatives, former interns at a prior job, nannies, babysitters, a hairstylist and others for goods and services that were never provided to the company, a federal complaint states.
It was unclear if her associates were being charged in connection with the fraud. 
After those people received the payments, they kicked back a percentage of the funds to Furlow-Smiles, prosecutors said. The kickbacks were paid in cash and through transfers to accounts in various names, including the husband of Furlow-Smiles, prosecutors allege. 
Some of the kickbacks were allegedly paid in cash sometimes wrapped in T-shirts and other items, the FBI said. She also had Facebook hire vendors that were owned and operated by friends and associates who also paid kickbacks, authorities said. 
To conceal the fraud, Furlow-Smiles submitted false expense reports claiming the individuals performed work on Facebook programs and events, the DOJ said. After they were hired, Furlow-Smiles allegedly approved fake and inflated invoices. She received a portion of the money paid to the vendors under the table. 
Furlow-Smiles also misled Facebook into paying money to entities who didn't provide kickbacks, including nearly $10,000 to an artist who created specialty portraits and more than $18,000 to a preschool, the complaint said. 
"Motivated by greed, she used her time to orchestrate an elaborate criminal scheme in which fraudulent vendors paid her kickbacks in cash. She even involved relatives, friends, and other associates in her crimes, all to fund a lavish lifestyle through fraud rather than hard and honest work," U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan said. 
Furlow-Smiles used the illicit funds to fund a luxury lifestyle in California and Georgia, prosecutors said.
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female-malice · 10 months
Vietnam Relied on Environmentalists to Secure Billions. Then It Jailed Them.
The government is preparing to present its energy transition plan at the U.N. climate talks as it intensifies a crackdown on environmental advocates.
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(Solar panels at the Sao Mai power plant in An Giang Province, Vietnam, last year. The country has been awarded $15.5 billion in grants and loans in exchange for a commitment to renewable energy)
By Sui-Lee Wee Nov. 28, 2023, 5:01 a.m. ET
When Vietnam was awarded a multibillion-dollar deal by a group of nine wealthy nations last year to work on reducing its use of coal, it agreed to regularly consult with nongovernmental organizations.
Instead, the government has arrested several prominent environmentalists from those organizations who shaped policies that helped secure the funding, prompting concerns over sending money to countries that have violated human rights.
As the country prepares to announce how it will spend the money at the United Nations climate talks that begin on Thursday, activists are saying that Vietnamese officials need to be held accountable for what they are calling a harsh crackdown against those who speak out about the country’s environmental woes.
Ngo Thi To Nhien, the director of an energy think tank, was the sixth environmental campaigner to be detained in the past two years.
She had met with officials from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in March to discuss a plan for the climate deal, the Just Energy Transition Partnership, an effort among the United States, Japan and other developed countries to persuade developing economies to abandon coal. The nine nations had announced in December that Vietnam would receive $15.5 billion in grants and loans in exchange for a commitment to renewable energy.
Ms. Nhien, 48, never got the chance to see Vietnam present the plan. She was arrested in September and remains in a detention center on a charge of “appropriating documents of agencies and organizations.”
The other five who were detained were charged with tax evasion, which rights groups say are trumped-up accusations in response to their advocacy. Four were tried in closed hearings that lasted less than a day each, and given jail time, punishments more severe than the norm. While two activists have since been released, the United Nations high commissioner for human rights said in September that the “prosecutions and the arbitrary application of restrictive legislation are having a chilling effect” on environmentalists in Vietnam.
Activists and academics say that Vietnam appears to be emboldened by its growing importance to the West and has taken the opportunity to clamp down, knowing there will be few repercussions. The country has presented itself as an increasingly important geopolitical player, and one of the few Southeast Asian nations that has publicly pushed back against China. President Biden visited Vietnam in September, elevating ties to a new strategic relationship that he said would “be a force for prosperity and security in one of the most consequential regions in the world.”
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(President Biden and Nguyen Phu Trong, the general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, at a welcome ceremony in Hanoi in September)
“We’re dealing with a juggernaut,” said Phil Robertson, the deputy director of Human Rights Watch’s Asia division. “They have run the table on the international community, and they’re continuing to do so.”
He pointed to Vietnam’s invitation to the Group of 7 summit this year, its inclusion on the Human Rights Council and now the funding from the Just Energy Transition Partnership, despite the country’s troubling human rights record.
Since 2016, when Nguyen Phu Trong, the general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, was re-elected, the space for civil society has shrunk immensely. The country has the second-highest number of political prisoners in Southeast Asia, with more than 160 people currently detained for exercising their basic rights, according to Human Rights Watch.
The authorities in Vietnam have long persecuted people who are viewed as overt threats to one-party rule. But Mr. Trong’s administration has gone much further, targeting people who were previously given some room to operate.
Vietnam rejects any suggestions that the prosecutions are politically motivated. Pham Thu Hang, a spokeswoman for the Vietnamese foreign ministry, said last month that the environmentalists’ cases were “investigated, prosecuted and tried in accordance with the provisions of Vietnam law.”
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(An electric vehicle charging station in a Hanoi parking garage. Nine wealthy nations announced in December that Vietnam would be the recipient of funding to facilitate its energy transition)
All six ran organizations that were outspoken about the country's environmental problems. That advocacy ultimately put them on a collision course with the Communist Party.
Their detentions are a signal that the government wants the energy transition to be carried out on its own terms and not on the advice of groups they have long deemed suspicious, said Nguyen Khac Giang, a visiting fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, a research organization in Singapore.
On the day Ms. Nhien was detained, Nhan Dan, the official newspaper of the Communist Party, criticized foreign donors who had funded policy research, saying they had directed groups to publish reports with “one-sided, negative content, tarnishing the situation of the country and the people of Vietnam.”
Vietnam, a manufacturing powerhouse that is home to nearly 99.5 million people, is the ninth-largest coal consumer globally. In 2021, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh vowed that the country would phase out coal consumption by 2040.
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(A coal company in Quang Ninh Province, in northeast Vietnam. The country is the ninth-largest coal consumer globally)
The Just Energy Transition Partnership was first awarded to South Africa in 2021 as part of an effort by wealthy countries to address longstanding inequities in tackling climate change. Activists now see Vietnam as a litmus test for future agreements. Should other repressive governments be given billions of dollars? Should there be specific requirements for countries that receive funding but have poor human rights records?
Several countries behind the climate deal have expressed concern about the detentions in Vietnam, but rights groups say those nations need to predicate their financial support on the release of the environmentalists or a pledge from the government that there will not be additional arrests. So far, the countries have been unwilling to do so, said Ben Swanton, a director at The 88 Project, a U.S.-based nonprofit that focuses on human rights issues in Vietnam.
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(Dang Dinh Bach, 45, ran a law and policy research center before he was arrested in 2021.)
In one of the harshest penalties in Vietnam for someone convicted of tax evasion, Dang Dinh Bach, 45, was given a five-year sentence in January 2022. He ran a law and sustainable development policy research center that provided legal aid to communities.
Mr. Bach refused to plead guilty. Tran Phuong Thao, his wife, said that she was not allowed to attend his trial and that he has been assaulted in prison by police officers.
“People like my husband have made great efforts to support the government and give suggestions on energy transition policies,” Ms. Thao said.
The arrest of Ms. Nhien, the think tank director, was particularly unusual because she was not a government critic. She led the Vietnam Initiative for Energy Transition Social Enterprise, the first group in the country to specialize in energy transition.
A former civil servant, Ms. Nhien had worked as a consultant at the World Bank and the Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership, a program managed by a U.N. infrastructure agency. She championed policymaking based on scientific evidence and was invited in May to speak to the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam. In June 2020, she organized a workshop on integrating renewable energy sources into the country’s grid, presenting information from the state electricity utility.
That was enough to make her a target. On Sept. 15, four days after Mr. Biden left Vietnam, she was detained. The Ministry of Public Security pointed to the workshop as evidence of her “appropriating internal documents.”
Two weeks later, a court in Ho Chi Minh City sentenced Hoang Thi Minh Hong, 51, one of Vietnam’s best-known environmentalists, to three years in prison for tax evasion.
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(Hoang Thi Minh Hong, one of Vietnam’s best-known environmentalists, was sentenced to three years in prison for tax evasion)
Ms. Hong’s husband, Hoang Vinh Nam, called his wife’s trial a sham and said the tax department did not send anyone to testify against her. When her peers started being arrested two years ago, Ms. Hong called the tax bureau to ask whether she owed anything and was assured that she did not, he said.
In December, Ms. Hong decided to shut down her environmental nonprofit, citing government pressures. She was arrested in May.
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Global South countries are currently experiencing a debt crisis wherein governments like that of Sri Lanka are unable to service the debts they hold that are denominated in a foreign currency. Such debts began to balloon across the Global South in the aftermath of the oil crises of the 1970s. Following the Volcker Shock—and the accompanying steep rise in interest rates for dollar-denominated debts—countries that held those bonds found themselves in a situation similar to that of today. At that time, Global North governments, acting through the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), agreed to a series of bailouts conditional on Structural Adjustments Programs (SAPs). SAPs allowed these institutions to intervene directly in the fiscal policy of indebted countries and to implement neoliberal reforms which reduced public spending and opened up economies to transnational corporations. The explicit goal of SAPs was to kickstart growth, as the only means for indebted countries to pay back their loans and to lift communities out of poverty—the implicit goal being the creation of societies mirroring those of their former colonisers. Yet the last forty years have yielded the opposite result: an explosion of inequality both within and between countries and debts at their highest level this century. To understand this trend, we need to recognise that loans to the Global South were never about achieving prosperity; instead, the intention was to reassert neo-colonial control over the decolonising world. Decolonisation reduced the Global North’s access to the cheap labour, energy and raw materials that colonialism had ensured for centuries. Debt relationships between the former colonisers and colonised recreated the conditions for the plunder of the Global South. It turned poor countries into captive markets for companies based in the Global North and created a race to the bottom in environmental and labour standards meant to attract foreign investors. Under this arrangement, indebted countries need to grow their economies to service their debts. Growth relies on exports priced at disadvantageous rates that create ecologically unequal exchange between the Global South and Global North. Economies centred on the export of low-value-added commodities prevent the Global South from achieving full decolonisation. Fortunately, scholars of Modern Monetary Theory have shown that it is not necessary to prioritize growth for the sake of growth before investing in what countries actually need. Instead, what matters is a country’s productive capacity determined by social and ecological boundaries, and here the Global South is far richer than the Global North. To invest in necessary programmes like a Job Guarantee and Universal Public Services, however, countries must first free themselves of colonial currencies and end the cycles of debt that trap them in poverty. Given that stopping ecologically unequal exchange is a cornerstone of degrowth, the need for debt restructuring is clear. The only question is how to achieve this revolutionary reform. 
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adrl-pt · 2 months
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What useful can we do to help Ukrainian civilians detained in Russia? Bring closer a Russia without Putin and Putinism.
You are watching news from the weekly rally at the Russian embassy in Lisbon. Today is January 20th, 14:30.
On January 17th, Mikhail Savva, an expert of the Ukrainian Center for Civil Liberties, held an international discussion of human rights defenders called Solidarity Talk. The topic of the discussion was "Illegal deprivation of liberty of Ukrainian non-combatants by the occupiers: how to release everyone unconditionally and without exchanges". Our representative was also present on the call.
Link to the video recording: https://youtu.be/FWDLoLj0z_g
According to the Kharkiv Human Rights Group and other human rights defenders, Russian authorities have illegally detained between 7 and 14 thousand Ukrainian civilians. This includes several employees of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant who have been held in the basement of a local police department since July 2023. Also, women arrested in 2017 remain in captivity. All these people lack sufficient legal support to defend their rights.
The practice of torture is gradually expanding. A Ukrainian expert reported that some detainees had all their teeth knocked out, and there is the question of how to fund their dental prosthesis. There have been cases where detainees died during torture. Of course, their families need help.
Human rights defenders need assistance: it is necessary to locate "civilian detainees" in Russia and in the occupied territories of Ukraine. A Russian lawyer can make a request to a prison about the presence and health condition of a person. Often Russian authorities respond that they do not have such people, but there are also successful cases where various organizations have already rescued several dozen people.
Also, according to Ukrainian human rights defenders, there is a feeling that nobody abroad knows about this. It is necessary to help spread the information. One can appeal to the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the Human Rights Committee, and the International Criminal Court.
Mikhail Savva suggested that Russians abroad can help by finding and paying for lawyers for the families of unlawfully detained Ukrainians to initiate criminal cases in those countries for illegal detention. If you are ready to participate in this work, write to us through the contacts on the website adrl.pt.
Also, the Center for Civil Liberties is promoting the idea of sanctions for the illegal detention of civilians.
In our catalog of initiatives on the website adrl.pt, you can find organizations Rubicus and Pluriton, which help Ukrainians leave Russia and the occupied territories. This is dangerous and requires funds for tickets and more, so help them with your donations.
And of course, come to the rallies this Sunday, January 21st: 14:00, Praça dos Restauradores, Lisbon. 13:00, Praça da Batalha, Porto.
In Lisbon, Marat Gelman from the Anti-War Committee will take part! https://antiwarcommittee.info/
Say no to the Putin regime and start taking active steps to hasten the day when Putin is no more!
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flowers-of-io · 2 years
Crimson Days: A Brief Characteristic
My piece for the Crimson Days event held by @d2artevents! 💘 // Read on Ao3
From the writings of Eido, Scribe of House Light:
Since our arrival to the Last City one and a half solar cycles ago, I have taken notice of several Human holidays never prior mentioned in Eliksni records. They are mainly small celebrations, rarely tied to naturally-occurring astronomical phenomena or a particular anniversary, and are not commonly observable outside large civilian settlements – which may explain the lack of data. Based on an extensive interview conducted with Lord Shaxx, my own observations, and analysis of contemporary and historical material graciously provided to me by prof. Meren Hale of the Academy, I have compiled an entry on the topic of one such holiday, the Crimson Days, in hopes it may shed some light on the area not yet extensively covered by anthropologists.
NAME: “Crimson Days” take their name after deep purple-red hue, which, according to Lord Shaxx, is the colour of Human blood and most vitals. The sentiment behind that corresponds with the ancient belief, evident in many Terran idioms and phrases (see: “Language and Culture Before the Golden Age”, crpt. Tyra Karn et al.), that the heart is the emotional management unit in the Human body. Curiously, I came across no proof of the notion of naming a holiday after the colour of internal organs being perceived as repulsive.
TIMING: The holiday is cyclical in nature, occurring in the latter half of every winter-season, but appears to be entirely customary and not tied to any natural phenomena. Asked about the significance behind its placement in the calendar year, Lord Shaxx spoke of “warming up frozen hearts” and expressed what (for the lack of visual verification) I presumed to be confusion when I wished for further clarification. From the information I was able to gather, the holiday appears to be of pre-Golden Age provenience, though I could not determine which specific customs date back to the ancient times and which are the result of the impact the Great Machine’s arrival and the Collapse have had on culture.
AESTHETIC AND SYMBOLISM: According to Lorrd Shaxx, the Crimson Days are meant to be a celebration of love and profound emotional bonds. As such, the symbolic coding centers around the colour red (see above), heart and flower imagery, with some variants including arrows, birds, and ribbons (see: ‘Crimson Bond’, Briar-Athewry, “Symbol in Cultural Studies). While I have not observed any municipally-funded decorations as is in the case of the Dawning or the Festival of the Lost, individual people often decorate houses and storefronts in accordance with the holiday’s aesthetic.
RITUALS AND CUSTOMS: Unlike some holidays of post-Collapse origin (see: Solstice of Heroes), Crimson Days celebrations are prevalent in all social classes across the City, civilian and Guardian alike. They are rarely collective, instead involving a small group — usually two individuals — and are meant to celebrate the relationship between them. Common customs include exchanging gifts, most notably plants and confections, writing letters, and involving in “dating” (see: Human Mating Rituals). Group activities are typically targeted at single persons, serving the purpose of finding a mating partner. Guardian-only traditions feature a type of ritual combat, where two pairs are pitted against each other in an activity known as “Crimson Doubles”; according to Lord Shaxx, this exercise is meant to test the partners’ cooperation skills and mutual trust.
- Matsuo, crpt., “The Past Is Now: Understanding Tradition through Contemporary Records”
- “3. Annual Conference on Pre-Collapse Culture”, Peregrine Institute of Higher Learning (see: Attachment 1)
- Briar-Athewry, Alice, “Symbol in Cultural Studies”
- Vale, K.S., “Hunter of the Heart” (see: Attachment 2)
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Dave Whamond :: @DaveWhamond
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January 28, 2024
JAN 29, 2024
Today—last night U.S. time—three military personnel were killed and 34 more wounded in a drone attack on the living quarters at a U.S. base in Jordan, near the Iraq-Syria border. U.S. troops are stationed there to enable them to cross into Syria to help fight the Islamic State. There have been almost-daily drone and missile strikes on U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria since the October 7 attack on Israel by Iran-backed Hamas. The U.S. has blamed Iran-backed militant groups for the attack, and while no one has officially claimed responsibility yet, three officials from such groups have said an Iran-backed militia in Iraq is responsible. 
President Joe Biden today called the act “despicable and wholly unjust,” and he praised the servicemembers, who he said “embodied the very best of our nation: Unwavering in their bravery. Unflinching in their duty. Unbending in their commitment to our country—risking their own safety for the safety of their fellow Americans, and our allies and partners with whom we stand in the fight against terrorism.”
“And have no doubt,” he said, “we will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner [of] our choosing.”
Republican war hawks have called for retaliation that includes “striking directly against Iranian targets and its leadership,” as Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) said, or by “Target[ing] Tehran,” as Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) said. Republicans are blaming Biden for failing to “isolate the regime in [Iran], defeat Hamas, & support our strategic partners,” as Representative Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) wrote on X, formerly Twitter, today. 
But there is, of course, a larger story here. The Biden administration has been very clear both about the right of nations to retaliate for attacks and about its determination to stop the war between Hamas and Israel from spreading. 
Iran would like that war to spread. It is eager to stop the normalization of relations between Arab states and Israel, and is backing Hamas in Gaza, the Houthis in Yemen, and Hezbollah in Lebanon—all nonstate militias—to try to stop that normalization.  
They are trying to stop what Patrick Kingsley and Edward Wong outlined in the New York Times yesterday: a new deal in the Middle East that would end the war between Hamas and Israel and establish a Palestinian state. The constant round of phone calls and visits of Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken with at least ten different countries is designed to hammer out deals on a number of fronts. 
The first is for a cease-fire between Hamas and Israel, which would require the exchange of more than 100 Israeli hostages taken on October 7 for thousands of Palestinians held by the Israelis. The second is for a new, nonpartisan Palestinian Authority to take control of Gaza and the West Bank. The third is for international recognition of a Palestinian state, which would be eased by Saudi Arabia’s recognition of Israel. If that recognition occurs, Arab states have pledged significant funds to rebuild Gaza. 
Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has rejected this proposal, but his popularity is so low people are talking openly about who can replace him. Hamas and Iran also reject this proposal, which promises to isolate Iran and the militias from stable states in the Middle East.   
Behind this story is an even larger geopolitical story involving Iran’s ally Russia. As Democratic strategist Simon Rosenberg retorted when Senator Wicker called on Biden to respond to the attack that killed three Americans “swiftly and decisively for the whole world to see”: “Wasn’t funding Ukraine and Israel the first, critical step in deterring Iran? We are in this place now due to the Russian fifth columnists in the Republican Party including Trump who slavishly do Putin’s bidding.”  
Rosenberg was referring to the fact that Iran is allied with Russia, and Russia is desperate to stop the United States from supporting Ukraine. Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, apparently thought his February 2022 invasion of Ukraine would establish control of the eastern parts of that country in a matter of days. Instead, the invasion has turned into an expensive and destabilizing two-year war that has badly weakened Russia and that threatens to stretch on.
In the United States, today marks the 100th day that extremist Republicans have refused to provide supplemental funding for Ukraine or Israel arguing that funding to protect the U.S. border must be addressed first. On October 20, 2023, as David Frum pointed out today, Biden asked Congress for “$106 billion to aid Ukraine and Israel against attack by Russia, Iran, and their proxies.” That funding has bipartisan support, but “[f]or 100 days, House Republicans have said NO,” Frum said. “Today, Iranian proxies have killed Americans.”
Republicans’ insistence that they want border funding has proved to be a lie, as Democratic and Republican senators have hammered out a strong agreement that extremist Republicans now reject. Former president Trump has made it clear he wants to run on the idea that the border is overwhelmed, so has demanded his supporters prevent any solution. Today, on the Fox News Channel, when asked why Republicans should let Biden “take a victory lap” with a border deal, Senator James Lankford (R-OK), who has been part of the border deal negotiation team, responded with some heat: 
“Republicans four months ago would not give funding for Ukraine, for Israel, and for our southern border because we demanded changes in policy. So we actually locked arms together and said we’re not going to give you money for this, we want a change in law. And now it’s interesting, a few months later, when we’re finally getting to the end they’re like, ‘Oh, just kidding, I actually don’t want a change in law because [it’s] a presidential election year.’ We all have an oath to the Constitution, and we have a commitment to say we’re going to do whatever we can to be able to secure the border."
MAGA Republicans in charge of the Oklahoma Republican Party showed where Trump Republicans stand when they voted on Saturday to “strongly condemn” Lankford for “playing fast and loose with Democrats on our border policy.” They said “that until Senator Lankford ceases from these actions the Oklahoma Republican Party will cease all support for him.” 
In The Atlantic, Frum noted that “vital aid to Israel and Ukraine must be delayed and put in further doubt because of a rejected president’s spite and his party’s calculation of electoral advantage. The true outcome of the fiasco in Congress will be the collapse of U.S. credibility all over the world. American allies will seek protection from more trustworthy partners, and America itself will be isolated and weakened.”
Rosenberg wrote: “If you are unhappy with Iran today, first thing you should do is come out for funding Ukraine fully. Nothing will embolden Iran more than a Russian victory in Europe.”
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