#funniest part of this is the fact so many characters could have worked for the first two
stars-align17 · 1 year
um. drops this
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winterdaphne2 · 3 months
Favorite Johnlock Fics (BBC Sherlock)
I went on a bit of a fic-reading spree this spring, and this list of favorites is the result! There are many other fics that I’ve enjoyed reading, but these are the ones that I’ve really loved for one reason or another.
I’ve tagged the authors whose tumblrs I could find. If that’s you, thank you so much for sharing your writing with us. If your work is on here, you wrote something that I really treasure.
1. A River Without Banks, by Chryse. E, 203,286 words. Starts right after Season 3. A mix of Sherlock’s perspective, John’s perspective, and the perspectives of other characters. Sherlock-focused for the first half.
Author’s summary: “‘You love this, being Sherlock Holmes.’ He had once. When had it all gone so wrong?”
This is my absolute favorite. The author’s characterization of Sherlock is amazingly accurate, and Sherlock’s character development over the course of the story is breathtakingly executed and moving. The plot is fantastic and takes you on a page-turning emotional roller coaster, especially for about the first half of the story. I was also continually impressed by how many details from the show and references to earlier parts of the fic the author was able to weave in throughout while still keeping the story creative and original. Most importantly, though, I love this fic for the message that it sends about Sherlock and John’s love, which is a far more positive message than the one that the actual show settled upon in the end. I’m grateful that we have this version of their love story, and, personally, I like to pretend that this was Season 4 and how the show ended.
2. Another Country, by Chryse. E, 67,414 words. Starts right after the end of TAB. Sherlock’s perspective.
Sherlock spends one month and three days under house arrest in 221B, trying to get clean from the drugs, track down the new Moriarty, and figure out what the hell is going on between him and John.
Another fantastic work by Chryse. This author really gets Sherlock’s character, and once again the characterization of Sherlock is spot-on and convincing. There are a few other elements that also make this a compelling story, including smart use of minor characters, a solid central mystery, and a complicated relationship between Sherlock and John that includes a pretty convincing post-Season-3 version of John. Excellent.
3. walk through ghosts, by @augustbird. M, 6,125 words. Written between Seasons 2 and 3. Sherlock’s perspective.
Author’s summary: “The thing is: Sherlock thought that the two of them would have forever to figure it out.”
This is the saddest fic I have ever read, and so beautifully written. The author captures Season 2 Sherlock’s character perfectly; the fact that this story feels so real is what makes it devastating. The day after I read this, I couldn’t stop thinking about it and walked around with my heart physically aching in my chest.
4. Nature and Nurture, by @earlgreytea68. M, 203,273 words. Set sometime after Season 2. Alternates between John’s and Sherlock’s perspectives, but mostly told from John’s.
The British government clones Sherlock. He and John decide to raise the baby.
A true fandom classic. The premise sounds super cracky, but somehow it really works. This fic is surprisingly serious at times, but overall it is the cutest and funniest thing I have ever read in my life. Basically 200,000+ words of Sherlock and John being adorable gay fathers together and working through some feelings, with line-by-line some of the most hilarious dialogue ever. The five accompanying ficlets that the author wrote as short follow-ups are also worth checking out; my favorites were School (T, 4,753 words) and The Radovljica Apicultural Museum (T, 4,540 words).
5. To a Friend Who Sent Me Roses, by @algyswinburne. E, 16,147 words. Set sometime after Season 4 (but ignores TFP, as we all should lol). Sherlock’s perspective.
Author’s summary: “Five times Sherlock is mistaken for John’s partner and Rosie’s father, and one time it isn’t a mistake.”
This fic is sad, sweet, and hot by turns. Absolutely lovely to read in so many ways, and with so many great details and lines. I think this story offers convincing portrayals of what Sherlock’s and John’s characters might be like after it all and how they might finally get together. This and A River Without Banks are my favorite alternate endings to the show. Beautiful!
6. for all that bitter delights will sour, by @darcylindbergh. E, 9,585 words. Set sometime after Season 3. Sherlock’s perspective.
John initiates a sexually and emotionally abusive relationship with Sherlock.
The second saddest fic I have read. I would never want what happens in this fic to happen to Sherlock and John, so I don’t exactly recommend it as a Johnlock fic. But as a short story, this is a gem, full of absolutely gorgeous and incredibly moving writing. It depicts difficult themes very deftly, in lines and paragraphs that I had to stop to read over and over. I appreciate this as an emotionally powerful and thought-provoking piece of writing inspired by Sherlock, so for that reason I think it deserves to be on this list.
7. The Ground Beneath Your Feet, by Chryse. E, 68,803 words. Set after Season 3, but as if the last two minutes of HLV never happened. “The plane went on to Eastern Europe, and this is what came after.” John’s perspective.
This fic is pretty dark; the author describes it as “a PTSD story in which John was wholly devoted to Sherlock.” I don’t love it quite as much as the other two fics by Chryse that I’ve listed here, but that’s mostly because those two are just so amazing! I still really enjoyed this one. It was wonderful to see a kind and caring version of John emerge out of Season 3, and the story had several memorable moments, including one particularly nail-biting scene. I also really liked seeing John and Mycroft become friends as they bonded over their shared concern for Sherlock.
8. The Adventures of a Single Girl in London (Plus a Consulting Detective), by @earlgreytea68. M, 32,913 words. Set soon after Season 3. Alternates between different characters’ perspectives.
Bored with life at her new cottage in Sussex, Janine returns to London and moves in with Sherlock at 221B. Hilarity, heartbreak, and eventual Johnlock ensue.
This is a Season 3 fix-it fic that features an absolutely lovely friendship between Sherlock and Janine and the best version of Janine that I’ve come across in a fic. Sherlock is vulnerable and sweet, John is an absolute idiot, Janine is perfect, and the last two chapters just make me scream. Great stuff.
And that’s it for now! If you know of any other fics that I might like based on the above, I’d be happy to hear about them, so drop me a line!
Happy reading 😊
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2af-afterdark · 4 months
Bonsoir my dear, as always my brain cannot stop working and you may know the reason i'm sending this ask for.
We all know that Beelzebub is one to try all possible flavors. So how would the other kings (or more characters if you think of any interesting interaction) react to him stealing a quick kiss on their lips ?
- 🪰
My sweet, sweet 🪰. You sent this (and a few other asks) so long ago. You (and many others) have been so patient with my inconsistent mood. 🥺 So here is your beloved wandering kind being an absolute menace to the others.
I can see Satan having one of two reactions depending on his mood. If he's having a good day, then he would probably find the entire thing amusing. Like, he's laughing about it but also very sternly warns Bell to never do that again. The threat is very clear. On a bad day, Bell is getting kicked across the room. Or, well, Satan can try. The fact that Bell can turn into hundreds of flies makes it a little harder to do that >.>
Mammon would probably not care very much. Bell is capricious. It's a one time thing. It was going to happen eventually. He goes about his day the same as usual. It's more likely his nobles will have a bigger reaction what Mammon mentions it casually at a later time. Eligos will be the most angry. Bimet is trying to think of how he can make money from this king x king action. Valephor is listening intently because he's so very normal.
As for Leviathan... hang. Bell already knows how Leviathan will react though, so I imagine he's only there for the 0.2 seconds to steal a kiss, then he vanishes because Leviathan can even react. The funniest part, you just know that Bell purposefully did it when Leviathan was sitting on his throne in front of everyone so they would see. Leviathan is going to kill that man the next time they meet. Bell will play cat and mouse for the next few hundred years. He's so happy to have such a good friend.
I don't even think Bell could get a kiss from Lucifer. Man would be banned from Paradise Lost forever. I think he would still send Lucifer a letter that is just a lipstick mark on the paper.
Honestly, I think Bell has kissed Bael before. He does it whenever he feels like it because he can and they are best friends and it's funny. Bael is so used to it that he usually doesn't have a reaction... until he looks over, realizes this is the first time Bell has been back in months, and immediately starts trying to chase him down to stay.
Amon would be over the moon if he got a kiss. That's all. He wants another, but he won't beg. He burns the moment into his brain forever.
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theprinceofliones · 6 months
(Again, for those who can't fucking read, this is MY OWN PERSONAL headcanons and NO ONE ELSE'S! You do not have to agree or like my own personal headcanons, but please respect them thank you besties 🤪)
(ALSO! I will say that there are some flags that I made sure to look up and research to make sure everything is accurate! But, if something on here is NOT accurate nor used correctly, I'd love it if you guys could let me know and keep me educated! Thank you!)
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My boy is transfeminine and a PROUD bi-mlm (bi w/pref for men) icon 🥰 While he was born with male pronouns, he's very feminine leaning but doesn't really mind any pronouns used for him, so he's a little agender as well. He's found that he is attracted to both genders but most definitely prefers men (COUGHS LANCELOT COUGHS).
2. Lancelot
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GAAAAAY!!!!! This is a one hundred and twelve thousand percent GAAAAAAAY man right here. But, in saying that, he's is ALSO aromantic as he has an extremely hard time forming a romantic bond with another person whatsoever. Sure, he'll go out and have fun with other guys from time to time, but he's never felt any romantic feelings for another, everything is just purely sexual whenever he has these 'encounters' (...enter one Tristan Liones. and Lancelot's whole world is flipped upside down).
3. Percival
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AAAAA Percy my beloved 🥰 my boy is proudly Pansexual! He'll find himself being attracted to anyone no matter how they identify! All that matters to him is what's in your heart. But, he's also demisexual as he very rarely forms sexual attraction to those around him. He DOES have a big fat ginormous crush on Naisens though! Although he doesn't really realize it lol.
4. Gawain
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GAWAIN MY BUTCH LESBIAN ICON!!! She's VERY much into women and women ONLY! She's never had an attraction to men, in fact she thinks that the whole world would be better if there were only women (oml same queen). She's not a very feminine leaning lesbian which is why I assigned her the butch lesbian flag! She prefers to present more masculine-like as she wants to be seen as strong and dominant, but does not identify nor use male pronouns.
5. Naisens
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That kid is non-binary all the WAAAAY and Nakaba PLEASE you have the chance to do the funniest thing ever and make it canon with Naisens PLEEEEAAAAAASE. Post-time skip Naisens uses they/them pronouns and dresses more neutral to not assume either or any gender. They're also pansexual! Any gender, any sexuality works with them as long as your name is Percival LMFAO
Part 2 will come soon! I want to try and do as many characters as I can! Stay tuned and I'd love to hear your guys' OWN headcanons as well!
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vesseloftherevolution · 10 months
Napoleon 2023, Review
I saw this with @idefilarate, and it was such a train-wreck. There was so much wrong with it, in the funniest way imaginable. We spent the entire film whispering what was wrong to each other.
This will be a long post, and I’m aware a lot of other people have already made some excellent points on here.
I can see what Ridley Scott was attempting with this film, and there are several reasons it didn’t work. I also have some historical specific points to make.
Directing Choices, Acting Problems, and the English Propaganda
It can be argued that Scott was trying to show Napoleon in a “more human” light, and I am always perfectly happy with that interpretation. It could also be argued he was deliberately showing Napoleon in a negative light, which I am also fine with. However, this film didn’t really do either. Napoleon did not seem more human for his brutish behaviour to Josephine, the childish tantrums or the forced jokes. If Scott had wanted a proper negative light, he would have focused on Napoleon’s ruthlessness, such as with the Massacre in Egypt, and his willingness to bypass the laws.
The overall sense I got when watching the film was that it was too compressed. The action went from point to point without showing how on Earth it got there. We had about ten minutes of Napoleon as consul, and then he was unexpectedly emperor, with a token line from Talleyrand about becoming emperor. Too much stuff in not enough time. However, I was also bored. By the time it got to Napoleon on Elba, I half felt like taking out my phone and doing something else. There was no narrative arc to keep the load of action in place, and the characters went through no real development.
There was some good acting. The lady playing Letizia Bonaparte was excellent, for the ten minutes we saw of her, as was Talleyrand. There were even a few scenes with the main characters (like Josephine cooing over the baby) that I actively enjoyed. But for the main part, every character had one mode and that was it. Napoleon was sulky and incompetently panicked. Josephine was moody or upset in a coquettish way. Tzar Alexis I was obnoxiously cheerful about everything.
I can see, as others have pointed out, that Scott was following English propaganda of the “Corsican Ogre”. However, he payed no attention to the fact that Wellington had a good deal of respect for Napoleon as a general, and that part of Napoleon’s charm for the English press was just how astonishingly unexpected he was. This wasn’t a caricature of Napoleon. This was a caricature of a caricature.
Historical Inaccuracies
Oh. Where to start with the many many many things that were wrong with this. I am fairly lenient when it comes to historical accuracy in fiction. Authors and filmmakers are allowed some artistic liberties, otherwise they wouldn’t be writing fiction. However, the sheer amount of nonsense Scott made up is incredible. I am going to list it in bullet-points, so as not to rant too much:
The age gap between Josephine and Napoleon, and how that messed up their relationship.
The utter butchery of FRev, including Marie Antoinette executed in 1789, and Robespierre looking like Danton and spouting random nonsense.
Hot-shot destroying the ships in Toulon harbour, whilst N hadn’t finished capturing little Gibraltar.
Josephine’s dress hanging off her shoulder as if she were a whore.
The lake battle with “the high ground”. It doesn’t deserve the name of Austerlitz.
The lack of tactics in any of the battles. Just men running at each other.
Josephine and Napoleon’s relationship being at best toxic and strained.
Napoleon returned from Elba because Josephine had a fling with Alexander, despite the fact Josephine had historically died earlier that year.
Letizia making Napoleon cheat randomly.
The scopes at Waterloo, the lack of farmhouses, the tents just behind the lines.
Wellington being clumsy and talking too much nonsense.
The use of Ça Ira and the Camagnole (which was in itself somewhat good), but the utter lack of any of the other excellent Napoleonic folk songs and military marches.
That is all that immediately comes to mind. Having said all that, I did enjoy the cinematography, and it was worth seeing, just to confirm my suspicions that it was a mess, and that there are many better films. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed this rant! Let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed off the list of failings.
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Have you known that a ship exists, but you have never thought of it that much until one day you realize you ship it and you don't know how it happened? Or have you thought that a ship wouldn't work but then somehow were convinced otherwise? Or you didn't know about a ship and suddenly said ship is everywhere and you can't help but fall in love with it? Well, then this contest is for you!
Shipping is a very funny part of any media! There are ships and ships, some cannon you love or hate, some no-cannon that you wish they had ended up together... and ships you don't know how you ended up shipping.
Really, there are ships you don't know how you ended up shipping! One day you are chill, happy with your life, and the next you are obsessing with a ship you might not even have known that it existed. In fact, that has happened to me twice just this year, so I decided to create a contest for those ships!
Please, be respectful to everyone. Don't be rude to someone just because you don't like the ship or be mean in the tags or reblogs. Let everyone enjoy what they enjoy.
Propaganda is allowed and encouraged as long as you follow the first rule!
You can submit any ship you want, however, because I am not very familiar with a lot of media, I will ask you to please refrain from submitting any ship that you think might cause controversy or if they come from a very controversial media (like Harry Potter or South Park). You will be helping me a lot if you do this!
There are three exceptions to the above rule is that you CAN'T submit an illegal ship, nothing that features an adult with an underage. These ships will be instantly banned.
Also, for this contest, I will not accept OC's as part of the ship.
And last but not least, nothing that features real people. Singers, actors, youtubers, streamers, NO-ONE of flesh and meat.
The ship doesn't have to be cannon, they might not even interact in cannon, who cares? As long as you don't know how you ended up shipping them, then you can submit it! You can even submit characters from different media!
You can submit as many ships as you want but don't submit the same ship twice. Number of entries will not have that much of an influence in deciding if a ship enters or not.
Instead, I added a question for you to tell how you realized you shipped this. It can be anything! You didn't know about the ship but one day you saw a cute fanart of them and OMG they are adorable together; you didn't think of them as a couple but someone convinced you that they are pretty cute together and know you are ready to sink with the ship; or you know that the ship isn't that good in the story they are from, but my god, how could you not ship them?
This is not mandatory, of course, but the funniest and most interesting stories will have a better chance of entering the tournament.
Most important rule... have fun!
Here is the submission link for anyone interested:
They will close on Sunday June 4 at ECT time/GMT-5. If there are too many submission I will close earlier.
Some blogs that have inspired me are @controversial-blorbo-bracket, @weirdass-shiptournament, @guess-that-ship, @found-family-tournament, @died-but-not-dead-tournament and many more! Thank you for bringing joy with your polls!
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youthofpandas · 6 months
so what's crabfic and how'd it get the name?😺
omg hi yes crabfic my beloved... it is my character study type fic about sinclair and their gender issues in the months leading up to that christmas and how they intertwine with the fears of the prosthetics surgery and growing up <3 centering around the relationships they have with their sister and of course demian and kromer
it is slow going but i think it's about half done - kinda unsure how to end it bc well. part of it is is the simple fact the gender issues go unresolved for much longer. but it's been really fun to be so self indulgent with it, it's truly my ideal little world of headcanons and themes I want to see explored. really love how well demian's "i want to see your full potential be realized" thing works in the context of giving increasingly weird, metaphorical advice about this and kromer being a source of both envy and doubt in sinclair as they have very mixed feelings on wanting to be more like her while she also wants sinclair to be, well, her sinclair and so she causes a lot of their self hatred <3 yayyy~ limbus making kromer a girl was so great bc i think sinclair being drawn to the world of darkness And getting weird gender envy from her is just so good... and then they also made her an insufferable fascist so she's also transphobic To Me and it all feels so in line with sinclair's character to get roped into All That Nonsense on their journey of self discovery
the crab thing comes from the fact i believe all my fics need some weird thing for demian to go wikipedia boyfriend mode about and in this one it is hermit crabs. using them as a metaphor for moving forward in life and how picking how you want to move forward doesn't have to be a permanent choice that has the ability to ruin everything - instead the crabs can pick from their shells and if they're not comfortable they can find another one with no harm done and the only thing that will hurt them is refusing to acknowledge that they are outgrowing their past. demian is doing his best to urge sinclair forward but both of them are doing a weird little dance around each other where sinclair still doesn't want to talk about their fears of the surgery and demian doesn't want to reveal he Knows everything more or less. really funny convo happens at some point where Demian is like ^^ oh don't let your fear of your family's reaction stop you, after all they could just all die one day and then what would you do? and Sinclair is like ._. uhm. I don't want to think about that. actually.
sighs wistfully... i love you demisin... world's funniest couple ever, weirdest little nonbinary bisexuals in the world. I've had to cut out many bits that get too romantic bc I'm trying to keep it away from being too shipfic-y i want it to stay more sinclair focused but like of course demian is like "i have a non normative experience with gender myself, (5 minute ramble about gender and crabs)" and sinclair is like (so in love it physically hurts) "would you love me if i was a worm hermit crab?"
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remyfire · 6 months
I think the funniest thing about Hawk being Like That is that Alan Alda has writers credits on the show. This man voluntarily made his character the most touch starved needy desperate person on the planet and that's so fucking insane of him. But also Mr Alda I would like to give you a little hug and a kiss for giving him to us because I love him with my whole heart. And don't even get me started on the fact that Hawkeye yelled to a general "I want to have your baby!" In literally the first season. Like Hawkeye my love not everyone needs to know you want to be pregnant 😂 And truly he deserves to be absolutely smothered with cuddles, everyone loves him and he loves everyone and I think it could help fix him.
Listen my Trap brain is always on, he's my man, I am thinking about him quite literally daily. And now that you reminded me of the priest line I'm gonna think of that too! Like Trapper my love what happened in your past? Did your parents give you that many names in hopes you'd be a priest? Did you pick one yourself for confirmation? Why did you keep all of the names despite seemingly abandoning the religion? I am peering at him like a bug under a microscope and there's nothing he can do about it.
That little coffee through line with Margret is so cute! Even though I'm sure it was unintentional on the show's part I definitely couldn't help but think of it and flash back to The Nurses in both the scenes in Temporary Duty and CAVE. Margaret and cups of coffee representing her character growth is honestly so sweet and I love it. Also ooohhhh self proclaimed Military Brat Margaret Houlihan realizing that the Army Way isn't the only way or even the best way, and the things that would DO to her. The realization that what she's learned her whole life isn't necessarily good, and having to contend with what that means for her and her career and her personality. And also having to face her father after that, because we see in Are You Now, Margaret? that she cares very much about disappointing him and even affecting his career. Would such a realization maybe help her become more of her own person that isn't living only to make her father proud and keep up the Houlihan name? Or is her desire to be a point of pride for her family more important to her than her personal development? Truly she's so fascinating to me. And it's definitely an interesting parallel with Mulcahy, both of them having something so deeply ingrained in them that it h u r t s when it's finally inevitably broken out.
Everyone in this show suffered enough in the narrative for several lifetimes but damn if I don't wanna give them a little bit more hardship to really crack them open and wrap up their character development in the way they deserve. I'll definitely give them softness and love but first they need a little bit of pain I think 😂
(Also I am officially onto season 8! I finished Goodbye Radar last night and was a Wreck. Man I love this show)
Okay hi again anon, sorry for making this sit while thinking too hard about Hawk and Beje and Trap things.
I swear that Alan did more to break and attempt to breed Hawk than any of us fanfic authors have ever done. I am not entirely convinced that this man didn't start getting the bends once he couldn't whump Hawk anymore and instead pivoted to writing fanfics for the old distant zines that popped up in the '80s. He probably has multiple AO3 accounts right now just churning out agonizing pain. Alan we know what you are.
I do hate that we got so little development for Trap compared to Beej but it's also delightful because it means all of us get to sit here and rotate him on a merry-go-round that goes faster and faster and never stops. Anything is possible. He's so INTERESTING!!! He's like half a guy! No matter what anyone says, they could probably make it work! And that means I am in fact slam dunking the religious trauma into him at breakneck speeds. Sorry, bud (lie).
I'm so glad you mentioned Are You Now Margaret because that's one of those underrated episodes that always has its teeth so deep in me. We learn so much about her so fast. Her big friend group!! She had so many people who loved her and who she loves enough that she refuses to endanger them even though she hasn't spoken to make in years!! The fact that she will give her father that kind of deference even though we all know in our bones that he doesn't deserve it! God, Margaret.
I love people like you who run in with a wrecking ball just absolute decimating all these characters that we know and love so that I can come in after in my little clown car with hot chocolate and blankets. I am a simple author. I know what my duty is here. And it's getting everybody laid by everybody else but ALSO giving them extreme amounts of aftercare and pillow nests ;v; We all share such a vital role in this ecosystem.
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goneahead · 9 months
I was tagged by @radiowrites and @stephmcx thank you♥️!!
Hi! I am @goneahead on tumblr. I am also goneahead on A03 and goneahead over on dreamwidth (see links in my pinned post - my internet has gone wonky again)
So, this was definitely not one of my better years. I have three WIPs and while I plodded away at all three, I was never happy enough to post new chapters.
What’s really sad is I finally hit 1 million words posted on dreamwidth—and then I pretty much struck out this year. I’m mostly posting this cuz I think its good for newer writers to realize that yes, even experienced writers have years where things just go all pear-shaped.
My grand total for fanfic was: 1,513😳
I don’t keep track of my poetry word count, but I started the year writing poem #926 and ended the year writing poem #947
Total Number of Fanfics: about 150
Total Number Of Completed Works: this year? 0
Total Number of WIPS worked on this year: 3
How Many WIPs do you still have: 4
Looking back, did you write more than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? Much less. In fact, this year was pretty much a bust.
Did you take any writing risks this year? Well considering I spent all year writing three fics and wasnt happy enough to post anything….
Biggest Surprise: I would love to say I was surprised at how little I posted, but I am a disorganized idjit and—yeah. nobody is shocked.
Biggest Disappointment: see above😆
Do you have any writing goals for the new year? Finish Home verse. Let’s see how that goes….
Fanfiction Questions Below! (if you don’t write fanfiction feel free to skip or rework the questions for your original works.)
Fandoms I’ve written in this year? Hawaii Five-0
Your most popular story of the year? sadly, I didn’t post a new story, just a poem and a tiny addition to another verse.
The story that was easiest/or most fun to write? Still enjoying my MIB AU. Now if I could actually finish it…
Hardest story to write: Lead Me Through the Fire from 2022 was one of those fics where all the different pieces of the plot had to fit together just so. I spent more time than I’d like to admit second-guessing myself on how I arranged the chapters.
Your sweetest funniest story: I have a soft spot for Hawaii Five-0’s Eric Russo. The character is very funny and often wildly inappropriate. I wrote a scene in one of my WIPs where Eric is just soooo Eric
Your saddest scene: I didn’t write anything sad this year.
The sexiest moment you’ve written this year? again, nada.
Your favorite tag: diplomatic javelining😆
Most unintentionally telling story: hmmm. I can’t think of anything too revealing in my fic? Except a tendency to write too many AUs?
Are any of your fics named after/heavily inspired by music? Yes. A lot of my fics have their own playlists and that music definitely influenced those fics. I don’t usually share these songs—or name my fics after songs—because I listen to a lot of obscure stuff most people have never heard of.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? I continued to get a lot of interesting and thought-provoking comments on Care and Feeding of a Super SEAL this year. There are many amazing fix-it fics for S10xE22 written by insanely talented writers—so its crazy and humbling that people are continuing to read and comment on mine.
Fanfiction risks you took this year? sadly, none.
My favorite part of fandom this year: We had new people join our fandom!
You know, I really don’t get what has happened to fandoms these last few years. It used to be that fans just shrugged and continued to write, create, and have fun—even their fandom didn’t have any new content being made. Am I the only one who thinks its weird that most fans now book it for the nearest exit as soon as a show is canceled or a movie series is over?
letsee, tagging um, @cowandcalf @bennyokelly @itwoodbeprefect @stellagioia @redgoldblue
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For the ask game
19), 9), 38) and 14)
Thanks for the ask! :D
19) Which is the funniest moment in the series?
Moran in the anime version of the Phantom of Whitechapel arc, specifically at the start and end. I can't help but crack up when he calls Louis a "traitor". 'Cause it's like? How??? XD
To clarify: I know what he was getting at in that scene, but I can't help but laugh at him! At least he comes around later.
Then at the end when Jack joins the team, again, idk what Moran was so worked up about, but it's just so hysterical! Especially his "Huh?!" in the dub!
9) Sexiest character
Just one?
Well, Moran is basically 75% of the series' fanservice; I mean, look at those muscles! Well, actually most of the guys are ripped-
Then of course, there's William with his infamous line that sends chills up my spine every time!
I don't think I can choose just one; I could so easily measure them on a scale of cute to sexy, however! (I'll have to do that for a separate post, though; these answers are getting kinda long-)
38) Do you read or watch any other adaptations of Sherlock Holmes?
As a matter of fact, I do! :)
The Granada TV series is one that I'll always recommend; it was actually what got me to read the canon again! The attention to detail and faithfulness to the source material are things I never get tired of. There is a reason subsequent adaptations pay homage to the late Jeremy Brett; he was literally born for the role. (Heck, he was even Jean Doyle's headcanon Sherlock)
And while I'm currently taking a break from it (very long story), the Hayao Miyazaki & Kyosuke Mikuriya collab that is Meitantei Holmes (known in English as Sherlock Hound) is another great anime based on Sherlock Holmes. It has many of the traits typical of the Ghibli movies. Need I say more? Also, that version of Moriarty is essentially inB4 Waluigi.
The Great Mouse Detective (the children's books, not the Disney film, though it's good too) is another series I've enjoyed so far, even though I've only covered three of the eight books so far. I look forward to continuing when I get the chance!
Much like YuuMori, these three are also really great introductions to the canon, or just enjoyable on their own.
I've seen others, too, but I don't think I can really recommend them as much. Maybe I should make a tier list one of these days!
14) What is your favorite quote or scene?
The scene in The Final Problem arc where Fred tells William there's really no reason for him to die had an impact on me.
Because aside from it being absolutely true, it's also the first time Fred speaks up without so much as a nudge from anyone else. That was all on his own accord. And if he does finally get a backstory in Part 2 (please Miyoshi-sensei!) , it will only add more to his speech later on. Though even without a backstory, it still tells us how much William means to Fred (and the others as well, obviously).
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
HI! 💖 I love your blog! Do you have any headcanons for Matthew and Alastair's friendship?
HI! Thanks so much for the ask because OF COURSE I DO. These are two of the three characters who've been spinning around and around in my head like a frozen pretzel in the microwave, how could I not have headcanons!? Here are a few!
So, first: the nature of their friendship. I think they're going to have one of those super candid/honest friendships where they tell the other the stuff that they need to hear, even when they don't necessarily want to hear it. Like, I think that the backbone of their friendship will be honesty that goes in both directions, and I don't think they're going to sugarcoat what they have to say to each other. I think they're going to play the (very important) role in each other's lives of friends that are always pushing each other to be better and challenging each other's worldviews, but in the best possible way.
But the other side of this is that they're always the first person that the other goes to in a pinch (besides Thomas and Matthew's Blurry Wife, obviously). They know they can trust each other to provide kind but honest and firm input.
Both of them have a wonderful time playing harmless pranks on each other. Sometimes they enlist others to help create and execute more elaborate ones.
One of Alastair's funniest pranks was breaking into the Fairchild house while Matthew was staying there and leaving random gifts on his bed. He moved furniture around and convinced Matthew that there was a ghost there until he finally revealed himself. Matthew made him give back the key that he was using, a key that he just had because he never returned it to Charles. No one lets either of them live that down. Yes, this is a fic I have in the works.
Matthew plans Thomas and Alastair's wedding. Full stop. I've written this in a fic before, but I think Matthew's a fucking amazing party planner and really, really brings it. Decorates a garden with flowers, hires musicians, deals with clothing, the whole 9 yards. Matthew loves it and Thomastair get to enjoy the leadup to their big day with minimal stress.
When Matthew has depressive episodes, Alastair will come to his flat in Marylebone and force him to eat and have water. He'll also clean up the flat if it seems messy and drag him outside (often swearing and struggling) so he can get fresh air. Matthew hates it in the moment, and maybe hates Alastair in the moment a bit, but it helps him get back on his feet and get both his mental and physical health up. He's grateful later.
Besides Thomas, Charles (Past), Sona, and Cordelia, Matthew is the only person that Alastair has actively allowed to see him cry. Matthew was very empathetic and kind.
They eventually have a frank conversation about PTSD, though of course they don't use the term since it didn't exist in the 1900s. Thomas likely orchestrates this conversation because he sees some similarities between the two of them. They figure out that they have similar responses in many situations and bond over it. It helps both of them feel a little less alone.
When Alastair tells Matthew a little more about what happened between him and Charles, Matthew confronts his brother. He tells Charles how disgusting the whole situation was and insists that he leave his friend alone forever. Alastair never found out that Matthew did this, but Charles did in fact never bother him again.
The entire group gets together to play games (specifically James/Cordelia/Thomas/Alastair/Matthew/Matthew's Blurry Wife). When Matthew and Alastair are on opposing teams, the competition gets ridiculously heated because they refuse to lose to each other. Eventually, the others have enough and force them to be on the same team. HUGE mistake. They work together and completely decimate everyone else. They are no longer allowed to team up.
Matthew gets Alastair 2-3 interesting musical instruments from various parts of the world while on his travels. They come with sheet music as well.
Alastair secretly reads some Oscar Wilde plays and essays. He doesn't love them, but he sees why Matthew does, and that's enough. He goes to the theatre with him (along with the James/Cordelia/Thomas/Alastair/Matthew/Matthew's Blurry Wife group). They see Lady Windermere's Fan and Alastair begrudgingly admits he had a good time.
I have a ton more, but don't want to go on all day! Thanks again for the ask. :)
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tossawary · 2 years
Have you ever considered writing Avatar: The Last Airbender?
On a related note: sometimes I look at existing media play a game of, "Which of these characters is most likely to secretly be an Isekai'd transmigrator?" and for ATLA, my top-two picks would be Sokka (who knows more about science than other characters, and is the main force keeping their party Focused on The Plot, and Keeping a Schedule), and Katara (who meets MANY hot guys in her-age group while on an epic quest to become stronger & avenge her mother, etc... and who is sometimes noticeably miffed by Aang's Avatar/Protagonist powers).
I've thought about it! I watched A:TLA when it was originally coming out and I still really, really like it. It currently stands as One Of The Greats of animated shows in my mind. I've never felt too strongly about any fanfiction concepts that I've come up with, though, even though there are a great many fun canon divergence and universe alteration possibilities with A:TLA. I like it as it stands.
Transmigrator Sokka is pretty compelling and funny, though! I like Sokka a lot (I like all the characters a lot) and it does fit some aspects of the SVSSS transmigration situation. Katara's harem is also always funny to think about. Love the fact that the A:TLA characters get to be interested in love without the story stomping on them for it. If I had to pick between them, I'd probably go with Sokka for the fact that he isn't a bender. Many transmigrator complaints.
I'm trying to think of villains who are good transmigration targets in A:TLA for further SVSSS flavor. Zuko would be a fun target, but he's not a proper villain. Azula has potential, but I like her personality as it stands, so I'd be loath to give her up as a character. Without Ozai, the plot loses its main pusher, so nah. Admiral Zhao is funny to think about given how much work it would take to make that work. Ty Lee isn't particularly villainous either, but she would be fun for the sheer chaos this One Smiley Girl could wreak on the plot. I prefer Mai as part of a group rather than on her own, so also nah.
I think one of the funniest things to do in an AU like this perhaps would be to create some awful PIDW version of A:TLA for the transmigrator to think they're working with. Transmigrator versus A:TLA but if it was a shitty grimdark stallion novel written by Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky, so they're trying to battle it into something better and that ends up a lot more like the children's cartoon we know. Absolutely cursed concept.
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turboautismrobot · 2 months
a kokichi truther could sit me down and ramble about how awsome he is for like an hour and id gladly listen but i still wouldnt understand why people are so drawn to him
i mean, hes the v3 antag and of course people will be drawn to the antag, byakuya and komaeda are also incredibly popular characters, but kokichis character falls so flat to me i just dont get it at all
fanon kokichi often makes him lean into the "not actually evil" thing or erases it completely and makes him straight up evil and a piece of shit and i like those interpretations way more than what he actually is :/
chapter 4 of v3 was insane yes but i still dont understand why he killed miu if hes so "against murder" (which side note but being "against murder" is the funniest shit i ever like killing people is bad?? yeah no shit its fucking bad, welcome to being a normal person bruh) and chapter 5 solidified kokichi as an attempt on the writers part to make another komaeda
but heres the thing with trying to make the same impact that nagito did, komaeda is such a carefully constructed character with so much depth and so many layers that you cant emulate him without an insane amount of work, all of the pieces for nagitos character fall into place seamlessly, he makes sense
kokichi will have monokuma tell you, though his motive video, which has no reason to lie to the audience since it was only ment for kokichi to watch, that he abhors murder and has strictly prohibited it within his gang, and then manipulate gonta into killing miu and watch him do it with a straight face. pick one liar boy
after komaeda dies he is still relevant, after you clock the suicide his trial becomes increasingly terrifying, even when hes dead he seems to be fully in control of the trial, theres a whole mini chapter just about him and kamukura, hinata is still conflicted about him and wants to understand him after he dies, theres the whole cutting his own arm off and replacing it with junkos thing. even if he doesnt have the whole narrative at gun point nagito is still significant after his death, the game still makes a point to bring him up and presence or lack there of is meaningful
after ouma boy dies and his trial is over we find out he, somehow, isnt actually evil and it kind of Ends At That. we find out the camera bots trough the blueprint he made but none of the characters give him any thought after it, his abscence isnt noticed, hes not missed, no one pays him any mind after his death, not even the game. rantaro, the first death of the game, becomes more significant than the antagonist that had been with us the entire time
nagitos luck talent is relevant, its trough his luck that he is traumatized time and time again and turns out the way he is, its trough his luck that he survives the russian roulette and gets the hope's peak file, its trough his luck that his insanely elaborate kamikaze plan ALMOST works, its trough hinatas understanding of nagito and his luck that it fails at the very end
kokichis supreme leader talent is irrelevant, his skills as a petty theif have more spotlight than his talent, in a game with so much emphasis on talent that we have the talent ultimate labs the antagonists talent means nothing, kokichi never leads anything, in fact he isolates and fucks off to the ether for most of the game, i cannot recall a single moment his talent was relevant other than making everyone belive he lead the remnants of despair at some point (which side note if some random mf showed up trying to become a new leader to the despairs they would have killed him i think lmao. specially if its post dr2)
i dont have a conclusion to end this on, im not a kokichi enjoyer but he has successfully become a minor roman empire in my brain due to how mid he is lol
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Kisses In the Dark-A PodPlay- Kinda. Day 6 of Exploring Con Content
Spoilers for Kisses in The Dark
Warnings up to chapter 5: Abuse, stalking, murder, eating/slurping up humans, nonconsensual kissing(it's how he kills people), cheating, implied/brief sex scenes, brief mentions of a past abortion. 
I HAD SO MANY ISSUES TRYING TO LISTEN TO THIS. Chapters 1-4 worked fine. However, with chapter 5 I could not listen past the 5:46 minute mark. 'All right' I thought, after trying to find other sites streaming it and getting the same error 'I'll just skip the chapter'. So I did, and at 5:21 of chapter 6, it also flashed that error.
So what I have below is essentially judging chapters 1-4. I had complaints about the narrative and romance progression, but since I can't see their whole arc, this will be about vibes.
So for this 8ish hour multi voiced audio series, the main love interest is voiced by Con O'Niell, named John. Opposite to the love interest voiced by Rhiannon Clements, Kate. 
My favorite things before we get deeper is the notable roles for Con O'Neill listed on the summary is Chernobyl(fair, as you'd likely recognize his voice) and The Batman. This came out Nov. 2020. The Batman came out 2022. So whoever wrote up this summary for the book Googled Cons IMDB, saw that he was in this movie, prayed that someone would care, and just slapped that on. Not knowing Con was mostly in the background and had less than 20 lines of dialogue. But can you imagine your only reference for the romantic lead of this story being the asshole from Chernobyl. Funniest shit ever. He had so many other roles to choose from guys! Maybe they didn't want his more queer roles to be listed for a straight romance? 
Now, I have a bias to favor Queer stories; I know this about myself and often try to stay to my own lane. Not out of hatred but so much of the media that I consume isn't queer. Be it movies or day time television. So what I read/listen to is one of the easiest spaces to curate exactly what I want.
So when I read the title/synopsis I was skeptical, but willing to give it a shot. 
I am here for Con. I likely would not have listened to this project if not for him. In fact, I found John much more charming than I would have if John had been played by a different voice actor. Considering I was essentially just imagining a more pissed-off Izzy Hands being our protagonist. It's a real'if I didn't find this man hot, this would be creepy' situation.
This story is about a broken old Lovecraftian monster of a man who falls for the lady next door who's stuck in an abusive relationship. I realize that if either party swapped gender, or our male protagonist showed interest in men(beyond wanting to eat them), I know that I would have enjoyed this more. Because this is a standard romantic horror book, almost every cliché is touched and I predicted the twist that some people post online about. Yet there is something inherently queer in monster stories. Creatures that feel othered by society; that need to hide to be safe. So while yeah, it's a romantic novel, it still has some othered element to it. 
Overall I didn't hate it as much as I'd expected. I admire how each murder was described and Con adds a fun disassociated element to the character in his narration. Like he's been killing for so long, nothing phases him. The chapter where he kills five guys at the amusement park, Bloody Minds, was a highlight.
The romantic moments were sweet(that I could hear). The dancing and trying to show her the fun parts of life were very much trying to relate to the target audience. 
Again, I don't know exactly how it ends but see the story beats. If anyone below wants to summaries the story that tells me where these two end up in the end (together, dead, separate), I'd be grateful. I did enjoy this, I just can't find a way to listen to it, and I'd rather mentally close off this series than wait just in case.This is the only website I see anyone talking about this pod series.
I know it gets more cliché, but I was starting to care about where they go as a couple. Mainly cause I see it as a doomed love situation.
Yes. Con either needed a better mic, and/or a pop filter. I got used to the static effect, and the editors did their best to cover it up with background sound. There are only a few points where it was noticeable. Con does a soft narrator voice that's easy to listen to, with some difficulty with enunciation and the fact I don't hear his accent all too often.
Yes. He is the most enjoyable part of this project. The lady doing the performance for Kate does a good job and I did grow to enjoy the performance, but she's just doing the role. Classic vampire craving humanity again storyline, with some fantastic imagery thrown in. I thought the age gap between the voice actors would bother me, but he's literally a century-old creature. So, eh.
Lovecraftian Izzy is a tag I keep an eye out for on AO3, so to see essentially that here was great. It was fun seeing him portray the souls trapped inside of John. Some more 'cringe' bits out of context, but if you listen to how his voice acts Mohg from Elden Ring, it gives off the same vibe. He portrayed desperate-sad-lonely falling in 'Love' very well.
The few sex scenes so far were non intrusive and fade to black in nature, besides her first fantasy.
It bugs me that we don't get a clear understanding on how The Kiss works. Cause he can kiss her skin, but it won't kill her? Is it an orifice thing? Cause he killed a guy sticking his tongue down his ear, so...
Highly recommend it if you already read these sort of stories or are on the fence and just want to hear Con and have some time to put it on in the background.
Performance: 8/10 for everyone all around. A few duds in side characters with a few speaking lines, but overall good stuff from everyone. All the scenes between Kate and John are fun and well acted.
Editing: 8/10 Fun background music and sound effect stuff going on. Super nonintrusive, and when it is, it's too point.
Story/Writing: 6-7/10; you've seen it before. From what I've seen people complain online, the story gets worse at the very end. Don't really know why, but yeah. Sadly, I guessed that there was a god interfering here. I'm glad John didn't just immediately kill her abusive boyfriend, but god, I'm mad I couldn't hear about it. I read an Izzy Hands/John fic out of curiosity and it really pointed out how melodramatic and gothic the writing here is. The way this world is described is very fun, and something that could be fun to emulate in my own writing.
Pacing for an audio medium 7/10: The first chapter is a bit slow, but after a few murders, it picks up well.
Overall 7-8/10. Fun if you go in with low expectations. Again, this might go down if I ever finish Hard Shadows, True Stories, and Sacrifice. But I just can't find a way, sadly.
If you've read this and want somewhere to talk about it down below, don't be afraid to spoil! I love all the comments and likes I get for doing this.
Have an amazing day y'all!
@ivegotnonameidea thanks again for the rec!
Next, who knows? We'll see, probably a movie, and knock through some of everyone's suggestions.
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tk-duveraun · 2 years
@pangolinheart i tried to write an ask and it got too long hahahaha lmaorip
You've activated my ADHD.
Coming up with interesting concepts for characters has never been a particular strong suit of mine (which is why I'm terrible at TTRPGs like D&D).
If you have attempted to play a TTRPG and felt like your character/your playing was boring that is not your fault. TTRPGs are a collaborative affair and the right DM for you could have pulled out the cool shit.
I actually did a write up on how to create a character last year.
I think it's likely you've been convinced by something in your life that you're not creative. Criticised too harshly, mean comments, comparing your own ideas unfavorably to people far more practiced, who knows.
Enjoying and participating so much in ask games shows that your creativity is there it just has to be teased out correctly. Like I said in my other ask, I have so much practice teasing out ideas. I've read so many books teaching me how to do it and I've spent years practicing the skill constantly (thanks ADHD).
Constraint breeds creativity. You know this because when you get a prompt in an ask box, you have an answer, but when you're asked "What's the cool thing about my OC?" you come up with nothing. That's just how human brains work with this kind of stuff!
It's hard to break down the process bc I have severe ADHD, but let me try.
So, personally, I try to design characters with "What would be funniest?"
So Lian is au'ra and all min sliders. So it would be funny if she had a bunch of younger brothers that were just GIANTS. Right? That's funny. Let's throw in more siblings because that makes it funnier, right?
So now the facts we have:
Lian is the oldest of 7 kids
Lian is the Warrior of Light
Lian can fight
Lian has the Echo
Lian is a Raen Au'ra
So we take these facts and run them past the list of potential character/personality archetypes
Eldest daughters are often portrayed as super responsible and protective. This can also come with resentment for having to have looked after their siblings.
So I like the first part, but I don't want resentment. Resentment isn't funny. What would be more funny? If she wanted to parent her siblings, but her parents were like "No, you're a CHILD" and didn't let her.
Now we have a character with a bunch of younger siblings who is a hero saving the realm and desperately wanted to be the mom to her sibs and now it's the Scions' problem. Mom-friend overdrive, especially with the twins.
Enter Estinien. He was my first choice wolmance. He's a horrible raccoon of a man and I love him so much.
So I start going through scenarios and it's not looking great. Mom-friend, mostly-well-adjusted Lian is just gonna end up being a kind of weird therapist to our raccoon man.
But you know what our raccoon man has that we can leverage? A dead family. .... .. :)
So, now Lian's family is dead, they have beautiful mutual survivor's guilt and are gonna fuck about it.
But wait, there's more! I just did the DRK quest. Ishgardians killed a bunch of au'ra for looking kinda dragon-y? :))))))))))))))))))
Estinien is openly hostile and aggressive towards Lian at first.
Well now we need some kind of explanation for what happened to Lian's family. What could kill off 9+ people in one fell swoop? Guess who's in Stormblood now :) Lian's from an underwater raen village. You know what is great at killing 9+ people in isolated villages? Disease :))))))))))))))))))))) Not gonna lie, COVID being on definitely contributed to this.
So Lian's family all died to illness. How did she survive? Was she not there? Zero percent chance she was not there. Too much filial piety for that. So she got sick, but didn't die.
Let's lean into it, take it one step further. Not only did she get sick, she was patient 0. Now the survivor's guilt is even guiltier.
She would have been considered severe bad luck at best by her village, so she feels she has to leave. Well, how does one, orphaned, get from under the sea near Yanxia to Eorzea? Not easily. It was difficult, she couldn't speak the language, she was surely set upon by bandits...
Over time these elements developed into the conceit that Lian can't die. She didn't die from the illness, she didn't die on the way to Eorzea or anything that came to that point.
And now I have something I can leverage into the Big Bang fic where Lian gets speared through at the end of The Vault, and fucking dies but also doesn't die and Haurchefant is super fucked up about it, because no one else seemed to notice or care. They just assumed she was fine.
What I'm getting at is, when I made Lian, I wasn't in the CC thinking "Okay, now the Blessing of Light makes her immune to death for reasons of enjoyable story :)"
I was in the CC thinking "Dragon girl!!!! Dragon girl from asia? Okay I am really into Cdramas, let's make her ~Chinese instead of ~Japanese like Yugiri, DRAGON :))))"
The rest came in increments over time. Taking each new idea and then leaning on it, squeezing it until I had the maximum interesting stuff come out.
Next time you do an ask game, when you write your answer, once you finish, read it again and go "okay, but how can I make this more extreme? More funny? More tragic? More cute?"
Just rinse and repeat and ta da your character is just as cool and complex as everyone else's!
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vacantgodling · 1 year
It Blursday!! 🖤💜
You don’t have to fill all the roles, and they don’t all have to be from the same WIP, but who’s:
the Ring-bearer, entrusted with carrying the One Ring (bonus: funniest instance they use it to nope right out of reality)
the “Sam”, armed with a frying pan and a wizard of potatoes
Sean Bean, who dies in every movie — falls victim to their own hubris
totally crushing on Arwen and has a really cool sword
Merry and Pippin the “package deal”, very concerned about missing second breakfast
the dude with a sick staff and a concerning amount of explosives, may or may not be an actual wizard
— @outpost51
THRJRJRJR THIS IS FUNNY AS FUCK I LOVE IT also this works so good for tcol bc one of its inspos is very obviously lotr LMAO
The Ring Bearer: it was a toss up for this one between deux and karenza but i’m gonna go karenza for this; she is definitely not someone that is easily corruptible and she’s more resilient than people think because she’s a bit ditzy. she’s amazing in a pinch and can hold her own and her amazing medical knowledge would definitely help on the long journey. the funniest reason she would use the ring is ABSOLUTELY to spy on kiba and eryn because they love to skirt around each other and she’s their number one shipper. i suppose in this weird universe karenza has been living in rivendell with them for some reason? lmao?? funniest reason for escape purposes is because she doesn’t want to do chores 💀
“I can’t carry the ring but I can carry you!”: since it was a toss up for ring bearer i think deux would be best in this spot. she’s strong as fuck literally the physical strongest of the main 5 mcs cuz of her heavy armor and big ass shield she can absolutely carry karenza lmao. also; she’s so much like sam. hearty, strong, good natured, the real hero of the story 🌚 and absolutely has everyone around hers best interest at heart. she’d crush it.
Hubris is strong so down u fall: best in this spot would be deux’s brother dion. this would be a really great juxtaposition if deux was the ring bearer which is another reason i REALLY considered it however i think karenza just works better. therefore, dion is definitely someone who has good intentions (for the most part canon not really but in this lotr bastardization yes!!) but he bites off more than he could chew.
Sword Dad: it’s kiba. for SOOOOOO MANY REASONS. firstly the fact that both of them (aragorn & kiba) are in line for the throne but don’t want it, they’re both powerful and resourceful but are humble and are more concerned with protecting others and being there for them. the only difference i’d say is that kiba is more outwardly jubilant instead of broody; and instead of being with arwen-character and cutting it off bc “she should be with her people” it’s more i’ve been pining over eryn for years and i can’t fucking get a grip (that’s canon also LMAO). he also wields a sword. another good candidate for this would be keevan — however i think kiba being in line for the throne definitely wins out in how close he fits the role.
MY AXE: piper. she wields an axe, she’s competitive, she will kick everyone’s ass she’ll kick her own ass.
MY BOW: forte. clearly. best fucking archer in canon lmao. also forte as an elf *bites lip*
Package Deal: now technically these two are NOTHING LIKE merry and pippin and they aren’t traditional best friends, they’re dating but moira and jagoda are my go to because they’re like… the only characters deadass attached at the hip do not separate. if i were to go closer to merry & pippin’s dynamic, then cameron and miona could be a good fit—the slightly more responsible cameron who wants people to take her seriously would be merry and more lackidaisy miona would be pippin. so either works? it depends on how much of a comedy we’re trying to make this LMAO. so overall cameron and miona might be better but they’re not as attached at the hip as moira and jagoda sO yAKnoW
questionable guardian wizard: if miona and cameron are merry and pippin the jihi would absolutely have to be gandalf. mysterious powerful guy that knows a lot and causes problems on purpose is definitely HIM.
thank you so much for this ask this was amazingly funny to think about LMAO
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