#game design workshop
doolallymagpie · 1 year
wow, the (in)famous challenge magazine issue number 36 contains a very...interesting battletech article, along with the piece it's most well-known (and controversial) for
game design workshop was like "stick jump jets on a tank, it'll be fun"
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givesonl · 4 months
Key Learning and Highlights from Readings!
The Role of the Game Designer:
Understand the essential responsibilities and creative vision needed to craft engaging games.
Game Structure and Elements:
Dive into the formal and dramatic elements that form the backbone of compelling gameplay experiences.
Prototyping and Playtesting:
Learn about creating prototypes, both physical and digital, and the importance of iterative playtesting to refine game mechanics and enhance player experience.
Agile Development:
Explore agile methodologies tailored to game design, ensuring flexibility and continuous improvement throughout the development process.
Team Dynamics and Industry Insights:
Gain insights into effective team structures, stages of game development, and tips on selling yourself and your ideas within the game industry.
Interesting Mechanics:
One intriguing aspect covered is the emphasis on a playcentric approach. This methodology ensures that the player's experience and feedback are central to the design process, fostering games that are both enjoyable and innovative.
Game Discussion:
The book includes interviews and perspectives from top industry designers, providing real-world examples and inspiration. It also covers new platforms and genres, reflecting the evolving landscape of game design.
Fullteron, T. (2018). Game design workshop: A playcentric approach to creating innovative games, fourth edition. CRC Press LLC.
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game-develop · 4 months
Outlaw Racer - Design Concept and Knowledge Application
In the game design of "Outlaw Racer," I incorporated the importance of Challenge, Rewards, and Multiplayer mentioned in the Week 7 lecture and referenced the discussions in Chapters 4 and 5 of Fullerton's "Game Design Workshop."
Firstly, the challenge levels in the game design are divided into three tiers:
Micro-level Challenges: Players need to avoid traffic cones and oil spills on busy streets. These challenges test the player's reaction speed and precise control abilities. Meso-level Challenges: Players must avoid traffic of varying speeds while collecting coins to achieve higher scores. Macro-level Challenges: Players need to maintain sufficient health throughout the game to ensure they can continue playing after collisions.
This multi-tiered challenge design not only adds depth and fun to the game but also provides players with a sense of accomplishment on different levels.
In the dynamic system design of the game, I introduced constantly changing traffic conditions and randomly appearing obstacles, making each gaming experience unique and unpredictable. This design not only increases the replay value of the game but also stimulates the player's ongoing interest.
Additionally, I plan to implement various reward mechanisms to motivate players:
Honor Rewards: By displaying historical high scores, players are encouraged to continually challenge themselves and strive for higher scores. Sustenance Rewards: Players can increase their health by collecting medical kits, helping them progress further in the game. Artistic Rewards: The game features different streets and environments, allowing players to unlock new scenes and resources.
This multi-tiered reward system, combined with instant feedback (such as sound effects and visual effects), greatly enhances player interactivity, satisfaction, and user retention. Reference:
Fullerton, T. (2018). Game design workshop : A playcentric approach to creating innovative games, fourth edition. CRC Press LLC.
Introduction to Game Design Lecture 7 Semester 1, 2024 IGB120
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oldschoolfrp · 2 months
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Within the Spinward Marches, the Sword Worlds subsector includes the worlds of Orcrist, Narsil, Anduril, Sting, and other reminders that canonically the galaxy was colonized by nerds (From Traveller Supplement 3: The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979.) Previously
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kinmeki · 27 days
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"the emperor protects"
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fhtagn-and-tentacles · 3 months
by Thomas Elliott
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joelchaimholtzman · 5 months
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Happy to share this weeks DUNE painting I just finished!
Based on last weeks most popular voting; Here is Gurney Halleck, the Master of Arms of House Atreides, and mentor to Paul. He likes to play the Baliset, a nine string instrument. Overal he is embodiement of the ''warrior poet'' archetype, one of the earliest in modern entertainment if I am correct.
Two more DUNE characters to go! Which one should I paint next?
1. Emperor Shaddam IV
2. Rabban
Hope you like it!
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reksink · 3 months
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OFF With Humble Zacharies and A Molting Bad Batter
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【 Shining Nikki CN+TW 】
Main Story “Savior Headquarters”
Volume 3 Chapter 2 “Visitors in Restricted Areas”
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【 Shining Nikki CN+TW 】
Main Story “Savior Headquarters”
Volume 3 Chapter 2 “Visitors in Restricted Areas”
The red storm, the torrent of the rift...
The girl who looks the same as Tatari,
may be the real source of this out-of-control power.
"I wonder if you can take on one of my personal commissions ?"
"A...very, very important commission."
Go deep into the chessboard of memory with Nikki and find the key to break the deadlock.
Suit Display ::
Original :: King side kiss (王翼輕吻)
Recolor :: Queen side guard (后翼守護)
Collection :: Ninir Adventure
Designer :: Lilian & Tatali ( 栗栗安 & 塔塔莉 )
Rarity :: SR
Attribute :: Sexy
Date :: 05/01/2024….
Type ::
Main Story • Vol.3 • Ch.2
(Workshop Design) (Journey Suit) (Chapter Sets)
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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En Garde! (1975) is the first roleplaying game from Game Designers’ Workshop. It’s the earliest swashbuckling game (set in Musketeer-era France, or at least a simulacra of that era constructed from swashbuckling Hollywood films).
Like Boot Hill, this is primarily a one-on-one tactical combat game, though unlike Boot Hill, there is quite a bit going on beside the combat. The combat is about what you’d expect, though an interesting complication is that duelists lay out a series of pre-planned actions in secret and then attempt to reconcile them. There’s something neat about this programming.
More interesting is the focus on the character’s life that takes up the rest of the book. There is a mechanical social life that plays out week to week, with the character taking part in social activities and, hopefully, gaining status points. This system provides a loose narrative framework for potential tomfoolery, duels and other roleplaying opportunities. It’s the first social simulation I can think of and, the ONLY one, for several years. The next thing to emerge like this is probably Midkemia’s Cities simulator.
The other interesting thing is the game’s approach to military life — a necessary part of a gentleman’s life, taking up the entirety of the summer season with campaigning, which imparts special effects, benefits and, possibly, death. This is a clear forerunner to Traveller’s tours of duty lifepath system.
It also establishes a couple of GDW’s publication practices — the book is chapbook sized, give or take, and, aside of the Maurice Leloir illustration on the cover (from The Three Musketeers), there is no art inside.
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oracleandbone · 10 months
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Hello! We have an update regarding the live workshop that we’ll be facilitating in Taiwan. Registration is required to attend in person. Please see Goethe-Institut’s official website for more information and a registration link. Other panels will be free to attend without registration. 
We will have special posters available at the event. We look forward to seeing you!
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givesonl · 5 months
GDevelop - Racer Development
My racer game draws inspiration from popular mobile titles like "Subway Surfers" and "Temple Run," which I spent countless hours playing. I'm aiming to capture the same addictive and straightforward gameplay in my own racer game prototype.
Here's an update on the progress of my racer game:
In the game introduction, there's a straightforward animation where the title and game instructions gradually descend from the top while the player's car enters the scene from the bottom. This preview offers players a glimpse of the game's visuals and mechanics even before they start playing.
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In the introduction, we've included several crucial elements:
An engaging intro theme song
The player car's animated entrance into the frame
Animated presentation of the game title and instructions
Trees spawning along the road's edges to set the game's ambiance
Transitioning to the game scene by pressing the space key, moving the title, instructions, and player car off-screen
This is the layout of the event sheet for the intro scene:
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Game Scene
The game scene closely resembles the tutorial from the workshop but with a small twist. I've introduced coins and a high score feature to incentivize players to compete and strive for better scores and to collect as many coins as possible.
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The player's score is based on their survival time in the game; the longer they last, the higher their score. To add an extra challenge and temptation, I've placed coins along the road, including some in hard-to-reach spots, to entice players to take risks and test their skills.
Here is the list of events required to make this game scene possible:
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Beginning of the Scene & Player's Controls
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Traffic Spawning & Movement of Traffic's
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Collision of Tree, Cars, and Coins Distance Counter for the score Transition to Game Over scene
Game Over
Due to time constraints, the game over scene is quite basic. It simply displays text announcing the game over and prompts the player to reset by pressing "R". Additionally, it shows the total number of coins collected before the player lost the game.
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Upon collision with the game over scene, a theme song will play, signaling to the player that they have lost. However, the upbeat tone of the song aims to encourage the player to try again and strive for a better score in their next attempt.
In conclusion, while I feel there's still ample room for improvement, time constraints limited the full development of my game to my desired vision. However, I plan to present it in the workshop for playtesting among my classmates to gather their feedback and insights. As emphasized in the Game Design Workshop readings, playtesting is crucial for refining games, as it provides valuable perspectives and identifies areas for enhancement. This iterative process ensures that the final product is more polished and enjoyable for players. (Fullerton, 2018).
Fullerton, T. (2018). Game design workshop: A playcentric approach to creating innovative games, fourth edition. CRC Press LLC.
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arainmorn-art · 1 year
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Couple of the interior concept arts I've done for work. I'm working on dark fantsy\middlepunk RPG project called Distortion, it's supposed to be released in the early access somewhere in 2025.  g-a-p.games/ The smithy was especially fun one to make as it required to do a deepdive into Medieval forgery in a very short term. Now I know stuff about wire drawing, different types of hammers and anvils, carpenter tools, chainmail creation and many more x)
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oldschoolfrp · 4 months
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Out to the black (William H Keith Jr cover for The Best of the Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society Vol 3, 1982)
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ngeruma · 29 days
"Cuboid" | Perpetual Testing | Portal 2 Community Maps & Mods
By Storm
When you’re as good at overcomplicating things as I am, it really should be considered a skill. Even GLaDOS acknowledges it.
Full Video
More Test Chambers
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I know the aesthetic is "everyone is filthy and bleeding and the worlds are all polluted and rotting and everything is awful all the time" but considering one of the Ruinous Powers is literally the god of filth and disease, it would make sense for the Imperium to have a culture of purity and cleanliness actually
"To despoil the Emperor-given body of humanity is heresy of the gravest order! You wash your face young lady or the pox-father will strike you down with zits before the Sanguinalia dance!"
People on ships probably have ritual cleansing periods based on the Terran day-night cycle, Ultramar has Roman-style public baths where the Ultramarines hang out
Of course since this is 40k they're going to be absolutely unhinged about it
Commisars shooting soldiers because they're not keeping clean enough when there's mud and blood and death everywhere and they've been fighting orks for the last solid day
Men dying of thirst so the general can have his twice-daily bubble bath to show his piety
The Sisters Hospitaller do canonically daube their armour in 'protective' incenses and ointments, either for genuine protective reasons, weirdass Imperial superstitions or maybe just so they can smell pretty while they're stalking through crowded wards saving lives or torturing injured heretics before executing them with bolt pistols I don't know (her ass has NOT agreed to medical neutrality!)
so I like to think that, like we say "sing yay many verses of this song while washing your hands to make sure you've done it long enough" they're doing the same with Imperial hymns
(not sure about the Militarum's doctors since they sometimes lean into "ghastly WW1 field hospital" vibes, but the SH's actually study new things and have access to medical texts and research mutation and xenobiology so I think they have a grasp of medical sanitation and PPE, most Astartes probs do too)
Picture a Astra Militarum doctor, Sister Hospitaller and Spess Mehreen Apothecary all stood by hand-sinks singing as they wash their hands:
Happy those who do not follow the counsel of the wicked, Nor go the way of sinners, nor sit in company with heretics. Rather, the law of the Imperium is their joy;    the Emperor’s law they study day and night. They are like a tree planted near streams of water that yields its fruit in season...
Some Astartes or Battle-Sisters do the whole "fight gloriously for days without rest against impossible odds until relief comes" thing that happens every week or so like clockwork and realistically come out the other side absolutely filthy and rancid, so they flagellate themselves half to death for failing to meet the ritual bathing criterias needed to maintain their divinely-granted human forms because they're terrifying religious fanatics
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