#gary the bear
kyloknightren · 3 months
sweeps my underrated fave i need him to have a funny moment again in the new season he was gone s2
i just hope there's a discussion in the kitchen about who carmy broke up with cause not everyone knew about claire marcus barely found out sydney is going to act weird around carmy for a while and one day he just interjects during a chaotic moment in the kitchen (gossip time)
gary : what happened?
crew: uh we were just talking about who carmy broke up with
gary: he had a gf? who was it sydney ?
marcus: no he wasn't with sydney it was clarice i think
carm: claire now everyone get the fuck back to work
and then carm asks sweeps : why did you think i was dating sydney
gary : hmm? oh i dont know i just sensed like a vibe . i never met claire. sucks though what happened
and carmen is just like yeah yeah..
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november-rising · 9 months
The Bear: Season Two, Episode Nine - Omelette
This not-fully-plotted-or-planned post is the fruit of a conversation between myself and @unladyboss (including their observations of Carmy). We were supposed to rewatch THE SCENE from that episode to share our interpretations.
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But I tend to do too much which means I watched the whole episode.
It’s been months since I’ve seen Omelette. I certainly remember the significant moments. But, seeing the whole story, allowed me to gain more appreciation for this episode and the show in total.
The driving force – the theme of this episode was focus and unfocus. The writers beat us over the head with the amount of times the word ‘focus’ was said. Yes, I knew this was a crucial arc of the season but watching this play out was fascinating.
We, the audience, are not just told about focus but are also shown how the characters have become streamlined, honing their skills and talents - becoming focused.
In no particular order:
Ebra working on his Serve Safe Certification during prep.
Tina leading the other chefs with precision.
Natalie reviewing the upcoming weeks to keep revenue coming.
Richie commanding the pre-dinner staffing.
Gary and Fak stepping up to be the informants of customer experience/enjoyment.
Marcus using his creativity to craft new desserts.
Uncle Cicero supporting Carmen in those moments leading up to the soft open.
Sydney utilizing her voice to demand respect and to be vulnerable.
Carmen realizing that there is something so important in his life.
Each character was finding purpose, embracing it, and owning their worth. To me, they felt solid and assured. That is everyone except Carmy whose focus wavered throughout.
And that is his greatest fear. Consistency…calm – a focus of his own choosing.
He knows chaos. That’s what his brain and body have become accustomed to due to years and years of childhood abuse and the verbal abuse of that one NYC Chef. Frenzy, hecticness, hypervigilance, planning ten steps ahead, anxiety, disappointment, shame, guilt, anger…so much anger…
These are emotions and “coping skills” that Carmy has depended on his whole life. He tries to mask them, burying or transforming them into his culinary expertise. But here, at The Bear – back home, Carmen is faced with too much stability. He doesn’t know what to do with it.
The expectations that have been placed upon him (internally and externally) are a lot, sure. But he seems to roll with those punches. And he has managed to trust in those around him. That is overwhelming. Things are going fairly well in his life. That is overwhelming. He's dating and taking some semblance of control of his life. That's overwhelming. His vision for the restaurant he wanted to start with his brother is coming true. That’s overwhelming. He has a trusted person standing side-by-side with him in the BOH. That’s overwhelming.
Though Mikey is the catalyst to opening a new restaurant, it’s all the people who are here now that have made it work.
I don’t think Carmy can manage that knowledge. He’s so okay with being alone and driven and self-harming himself in the sense of constant work, lack of self-care, not eating properly, pushing passed exhaustion – you get the picture. He’s not okay in knowing that there are people who genuinely care about him and his dreams; and they have stayed.
People stay.
Sydney stayed.
I believe that’s why he thought of her during his panic attack. Being near her allowed the conversation about Sydney’s mom to happen. He can focus when she’s around. That’s why, when Syd corrected Nat that the fridge guy’s name was Tony, Carmy was in perfect sync. When watching that moment, I thought: “Jinx! You owe her soda!” LOL!
Then there’s the table scene which was utterly glorious. It highlighted his vulnerability concerning his fear dating Claire who was “great”. Carmen doesn't believe he deserves greatness. It's not for him. It's for everyone else.
Under that dang table, he showed his hesitations all the while noticing Sydney. He values her. He made sure she knew.  Towards the end of that scene, the way he looks at her before turning away to go get THE gift, was wow. To me, it seemed like a lightbulb clicked in his heart and soul.
Sydney matters so much to him. He doesn’t want to fuck up for her. But he knows he will. He always does.
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navstuffs · 2 years
also the bear fandom, can we talk about Gary offering his apartment for Marcus cause he thought Marcus was homeless? that was so pure and so nice of him, Gary is such a sweet angel
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margokesses · 2 years
One for my favorite character quirks about syndey from the bear is that she always calls people by their real name. Like she calls sweeps "gary". She calls fak "neil".... Like idk its interesting
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ahsokatanoe · 8 months
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THE BEAR 2.06 Fishes 2.10 The Bear
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thebeartv · 4 months
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THE BEAR 1.01 System
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heardchef · 1 year
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mannyblacque · 9 months
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The young ones and the elders.
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ignify-caligo · 2 years
Soap & Roach: *accidentally set the kitchen on fire*
Soap: We need an adult!
Roach: Soap, you are an adult!
Soap: We need an adultier adult! Get Ghost!
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i rewatched the muppets and muppets most wanted on a whim
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november-rising · 8 months
I just had a sudden thought about the OGB/TB. Other than the semester I was a hostess over a decade ago, I do not understand the dynamics and intricacies of running a BOH as well as a FOH.
I can say this: Seeing everyone show respect by using the honorific of "chef", no matter your position in the restaurant feels good.
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grantaere · 2 years
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Stupid fucking aprons.
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officialbugsposts · 4 months
I just thought this clip was pretty hot. Sonny's great @$$ and GP's great bod... Man, would I love to be in between this manwich!
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stoppingo1k · 4 months
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usually my drawings are notoriously inconsistent, but this time around i'm having a lot of fun building and sticking to stricter ideas of what i want everyone to look like. some agents (and herbert jumpscare) for practice
pushing the pudgy penguin shape can be a little difficult, considering the shape constraint unless you want to go full. whatever CPI did, which i don't personally. but apart from general build, you can get a good amount of diversity out of beak size+shape, feet size+shape, the shape+thickness/thinness of the strip of white that comes from the beak
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club-penguin-artistry · 7 months
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Operation: Blackout (Quest Interface), 2012
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roughridingrednecks · 9 months
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