#gavin the guard
zato-3 · 2 years
Unnecessary feelings might be the iconic gay line but it will never catch me as off guard as much as this did
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tohwitchesduels · 17 days
REQUEST BATTLES OF WITCHES DUELS - Battle 23: Gavin Deamonne vs Hunter Deamonne
Disclaimer: This is not a popularity contest or which character you prefer, in this tournament, you decide who is stronger/better/smarter/etc. opponent.
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information for both opponents under the cut to those who don't know what they can do in their battle:
Gavin Deamonne:
Gavin Deamonne specializes mainly in abomination magic and it is not known whether or not he knows or practices spells of another kind.
Gavin is overall a pretty skilled witch from Glandus High and his debut episode proves he's not afraid to seek adventures and is capable of fighting off beasts or capturing his opponents. He's not necessarily smart enough to see through illusions, especially when emotionally vulnerable (the boy so desperately needs his dad's attention that he falls for an illusion of himself with a mustache).
Now this is pure headcanon territory at this point as Gavin is not confirmed to be Darius's son, so if we would take CANON into consideration, Gavin hardly has anything personal against Hunter and would be rather intimidated by the prospect that former golden guard is the big brother of the kid he bullied, however, if we delve into headcanon territory, things certainly get interesting, to say the least. Gavin would do anything to impress his dad and to only learn that he pretty much was replaced by a white boy and said the boy got more in a shorter time than he did is certainly insulting. Gavin's so jealous he specifically challenges Hunter beforehand to prove himself and lashes out at Hunter for "taking his dad away" while not viewing Hunter as worthy for being the emperor's right-hand man who aided in the destruction of the Isles.
Gavin does in fact possess a palisman as confirmed in Eda's Requiem, and is proven to be a skilled and fast flyer by winning Gland Prix. Now, it's hard to tell whether or not he and Luz were going head to head (granted she had a very huge headstart before King puked at her making Luz crash) however he still managed to win the race by his own skill even if Luz could potentially out fast him. It goes without saying that Gavin still has skills in being an aerial ace that can rival most of the competitors here. It's not however known whether or not can he use staff in combat.
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Gavin may or may not have galdorstones with him to enhance his magic.
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Abomination Slip - Gavin can create abominations beneath the feet of his opponents making them lose their balance. It can be especially effective if his opponents are directly charging at him.
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Abomination Gripe - Gavin is capable of making abomination goo capture his opponents no matter where they are and restrain them or even move them across different locations.
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Abomination Minion - Gavin is capable of creating quite a large abomination golem that can be used to attack Gavin's opponents for him and serve his commands. The golem was smart enough to not be captured by the vines that assisted in the capture of Gus and also the very one to catch Gus first.
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Abomination Bomb - not a canon one to Gavin, it was used by another witch, but I thought it was a nice ability so I gave it to Gavin for him to have more firepower. Gavin can send a bullet of abomination that can explode releasing large amounts of goo that can restrain his opponents.
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Link to more of Gavin's capabilities here
Hunter Deamonne
Hunter "Insert your preferred surname/s for him", also known as a former and the youngest Golden Guard in history, head of the Emperor's Coven, Emperor Belos's right-hand man. One must know that unlike other contestants (aside from Luz) he's not constricted to specific covens and tracks since as a former leader of the coven that allows all kinds of magic, Hunter will have expertise in all types of coven magic as well, and he's also very dedicated to studying wild magic.
Hunter himself was also known as a genius teen prodigy and is undeniably a child soldier who was raised by both hell and the library to get to the very top. While he was born magicless, it did not stop him from earning his title as the right-hand man of the most powerful witch of the Boiling Isles. Hunter spends days and nights both training and learning everything about magic both as a duty and as fun. He's incredibly knowledgeable regarding all kinds of magic, meaning it's hard to actually surprise him with anything. And since he's a child soldier raised in a magical military with no magic by himself, Hunter had to survive hell even worse than some of the adults that also were part of this coven went through, and he survived it all. Hunter has already been to countless witches' duels beforehand, he made it several times through a maze full of traps, and judging by how he calls getting from the top to the bottom of the mountain alive "a classic", this might as well suggest that this Hunter's version of "summer camp", as he did that numerous times and he considers it "fond memories". Hunter without a doubt has the most experience among all participants when it comes to battling, because you know Belos never gave him a break or easy time and for Hunter to be where he is today is all thanks to his own strength, intelligence, and resilience.
When it comes to Hunter's motivations regarding this specific battle, it all comes down to Hunter knowing that Gavin was one of Gus's past bullies, meaning Hunter does not like Gavin and he does not plan on holding back to serve Gavin his commeuppance.When it comes to headcanons of both of them being Darius's sons, it hardly matters to Hunter in grand scheme of things, but Gavin's anomosity towards Hunter if that was the case makes Hunter only much more determined to put him in his place, though Hunter notices that quite frankly, Gavin is completely out ofhis depth, lowkey pitying him. All in all, Hunter absolutely wants to take Gavin down.
Hunter certainly has one of the strongest wills among all characters in TOH, as despite going through a ridiculous amount of pain, he is capable of brushing it off and pushing forward, with his only weakness being Belos. Hunter's willpower was even able to withstand Gus's trauma bubble which specifically puts you through your worst memories and even renders you useless, but Hunter resisted its effect and calmed Gus down instead, despite his pain being very fresh and severe and Hunter in fact not being ok with it, but Hunter keeps on going anyway. One must know it's very hard to break him, trust Belos, he tried but didn't succeed. Hunter even managed to resist Belos's possession for some time, which is a lot considering Belos was his abuser and had power over him metaphorically and physically in that moment.
Hunter displayed throughout the series to have some great athletic skills and agility, being able to keep up pace with running Luz without breaking a sweat while proving he has experience in parkour and acrobatics as seen in him flying on staff. Certainly, he can use his skills to evade incoming attacks with his reflexes while keeping up with his opponents and close distance between him and his enemies. He also has plenty of brute strength at his disposal as well, considering he managed to shatter falling debris by just swinging his staff in one hand.
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Hand-To-Hand Combat - Hunter has proven to be efficient in hand-to-hand combat throughout the series. While Hunter overall plays more on defense as a protector rather than offense, he is not afraid to throw a punch. This post goes more in-depth about Hunter's proficiency in staff-wielding, but I will explain some of it here too. Hunter as a trained soldier and experienced martial artist has his body be his weapon. He knows how the body works and has great control over it. He defeated both Luz and Eda in his debut with a quick kick while evading their attack, straight-up toyed with Kikimora, and had to be put to sleep to be restrained by coven scouts as he was still fighting and kicking. This also gives him a huge advantage against other competitors who are used to fighting across distance, whereas Hunter fights at a close range.
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Back in EC Hunter learned how to be smart, resourceful, and strong, and as I've mentioned before multiple times, he's a child soldier. His opponents usually underestimate him, but he's not the one to be crossed. His victories compromise of defeating Eda and Luz on 2v1 in his debut; immediately defeating Luz in HP once he's recovered; defeating Kikimora in HP; and Tying with Amity in EL after being physically and mentally exhausted, in 2v1 with King (who was rather defeated by Hunter in this duel), while wielding a completely new staff and restraining himself to not kill her but just getting the key; winning flyer derby game on his first try; catching Darius off-guard (which is a feat with Darius's great reflexes); making a strong glyph combo on his very first try; resisting Gus's trauma bubble; kicking ass during Hexside against EC battle; he was defeated twice by coven scouts, which while fair, was also due to his poor condition and the second time he had to be put to sleep to be restrained; handling abomatons and scouts with rest of the Hexsquad during S2 finale; standing his ground and protecting Hexsquad from Belos while being severely weakened in KT; breaking through Willow's vines in FtF with his freshly awakened powers.
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Hunter now is sub-merged with Flapjack meaning he does not require staff anymore to cast spells as magic now comes from within. What's more, I allow Hunter to also levitate/fly without the help of any staff. This is more of a fanon ability, but it's supposed to connect him to having the powers of a palisman (but no, he can't turn into a staff, nor is wooden) and abilities of a palisman are usually just enhanced abilities of the holder, meaning flight is in capacity of any witch, but all of them utilise staff since flight on its own is probably hard spell to pull off, but Hunter should do just fine for the sake of this tournament.
And now finally, let's talk about his staff, as it's her debut at long last. For the purposes of this tournament, I will give Hunter Waffles, sooner than I originally anticipated, but it's rather close to the semi-finals so oh well. I already mentioned how Hunter is absolutely proficient with his staff, utilizing it for both offensive and very effective strikes and flawless defense. Hunter is also a real aerial ace capable of flying at high speeds with agility to dodge attacks and is capable of even surfing on his staff as demonstrated when he showed off in ASIAS. His flying skills were also decisive in both forming EE and winning their very first game together.
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Flash Step - Hunter's trademark and iconic spell. It functions as a high-speed technique letting Hunter travel at the speed of light creating an illusion of teleporting. It allows Hunter to quickly get from one place to another which can be used for either evasion or quick offense as demonstrated perfectly in his fight with Kikimora by him avoiding her attacks without many issues while being capable of closing the distance between them. He can also use this ability to help out his allies, granted his speed is decreased slightly.
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Comet Charge - a stronger version of Flash Step. Hunter was surrounded by an outburst of energy charges with his high speed and big force. It can be used to break through any obstacles as demonstrated when Hunter broke through Willow's stronger vines with it or to fly across the air as demonstrated in ST.
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Resistance Spell - demonstrated in ST. Hunter managed to be sub-merged with the parts of boiling sea without either harming himself or King (and since Hunter doesn't know about being Grimwalker or King being a Titan, it's not like he could assume if they would survive contact with boiling water without a scratch) meaning Hunter can cover himself in magic preventing from damage like burns or high pressure, and the spell could potentially be used to allow Hunter to breathe underwater and resist hard strikes.
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Block Spell - demonstrated in HP and not only that, but Hunter can also block blasts of energy. Since he's now fused with Flapjack, I can imagine him blocking blasts with just his hands now, which seems to be possible considering his resistance spell mentioned above, but he could also probably utilise other tools to do the same like witch's staff or weapon of his choosing.
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Underground Escape - theorized ability of mine, but I assume Hunter could potentially use plant magic to escape being buried alive and maybe even transport himself with plants as demonstrated when he saved Luz, but it's just pure speculation so take this with a grain of salt.
Tool Creation - as demonstrated in ST, Hunter can create weapons (and possibly other kinds of tools to help him in battle) from thin air (by conjuring air into flesh and then into the tool). On-screen he showed he can create swords, but I extend this ability for him to be able to also create staffs and spears to help him in combat without a witch's staff. I also assume Hunter can wield different kinds of weapons considering coven scouts are shown to use weapons in Agony of the Witch and Hunter's prototype shows him with swords, which could suggest he knows how to fight with a sword.
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Tying Spell - demonstrated in HP where Hunter restrained Luz and tied her up. Can be very useful to disarm his opponents during matches.
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Battle Armor - demonstrated in ASIAS where he changed his sports attire into his GG armor. I assume Hunter in general can conjure up any clothes of his choosing with magic if he manages to also get a hands-on sports outfit and school uniform, and he did say in Dana's Livestream that he had full armor on when testing Flapjack, so I can imagine that during battles, Hunter would create armors for himself to better withstand any damage coming in his way.
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Laser Bolt - if both HP with Luz, and EL are anything to go by, Hunter is capable of shooting lightning-like lasers at his opponents.
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Lightning Strike - demonstrated in EL, which is a stronger version of laser bolt, Hunter is capable of shooting multiple lightning bolts at his opponents and spread even across the battlefield as demonstrated when fighting Amity and King.
Barrier Spell - not demonstrated in the show itself but in storyboards of Yasmin Khudari, in which Hunter could create a force field to shield Willow from falling debris. In the final product, he just used his own brute strength and staff to protect Willow rather than magic, but I will allow this spell meaning HUnter can create barriers that can withstand heavy hits and create them anywhere he desires.
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Flesh-Eating Plant - this is more of a speculation rather than a confirmed fact, but I rewatched ST, and Luz and Eda weren't originally standing in the flesh-eating plant until GG showed up, so I decided to be funny and say he actually made this plant himself to taunt them, especially since he also knew what it does (which also shows his expertise in plants among many things). Hunter in battles can utilise flesh-eating plants to set traps across the battlefield to both harm and distract his opponents.
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Telekinesis - one of GG's trademark ability back when he still had artificial staff (but I don't see why he would no longer know this spell anymore and more so just didn't use it as he didn't feel like it) in which Hunter can move objects with his mind. The objects can be multiple, of big size, and can even go as far as to lift other people. Hunter can utilise this ability to change his surroundings, throw projectiles of various sizes, and even push back people with just telekinesis alone.
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Sand Blast - demonstrated in his fight against Luz in ST. Hunter can create sandblasts and waves during battles to use as offensive pushback against his opponents or even defensively to push them back.
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Sand Construct - demonstrated in ST briefly where Hunter created a platform made out of sand for Luz and Eda to take a good look at the boiling sea. I can imagine Hunter using this technique to possibly create bridges, pathways, walls and column to move easier across the battlefield, to defend himself, or to push around his opponents.
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Rock Fist - demonstrated in EL against Amity. Hunter can create giant fists made out of rock (though I would also allow a version in which he can create fists out of ice as well, but it's one and the same attack) which can deal a serious uppercut.
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Earth Magic - demonstrated in both his fight against Amity and against Luz and Eda, in which Hunter managed to make the ground move Luz and Eda to the boiling sea and create a crack from which rock fist came. I can also imagine Hunter creating boulders from the ground in a similar fashion and possibly tossing them around with his telekinesis as well, which makes sense since it seems to be a spell of construction coven, and as former covenhead of all covens, Hunter would be aware of it.
Water Magic - demonstrated in his introduction in ST in which Hunter manipulated huge chunks of boiling water for his flashy entrance. I can imagine Hunter telekinetically pulling large bodies of water in the forms of torrents and waves to attack his opponents or to defend himself (in a similar fashion to a proficient waterbender much like Amity does with her abominations). He can utilise both cold and boiling water for this to also deal extra damage with scalds.
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Aqua Jet - Hunter can cover himself in a body of water (cold or boiling) and charge at his opponents as a form of attack.
Water Hand - demonstrated in ST, Hunter can create a giant hand of cold/boiling water. He utilised it in the show as a form of transportation, but I can imagine Hunter using the hand in the battle for both offensive and defensive purposes. He could also potentially create the same effect with abomination goo, judging by how Hunter's water hand technique is very reminiscent of Amity's abomination hand.
Wall Of Vine And Ice - demonstrated with Luz's glyphs, but I can imagine Hunter pulling out the same trick even without them considering he studies wild magic and normal magic relentlessly. Hunter can create a wall composed of ice and thick vines that can block strong attacks. Demonstrated in HM when defending Luz from Belos's attack.
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Link to more of Hunter's capabilities here
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mariocki · 2 months
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Play for Today: The Flipside of Dominick Hide (BBC, 1980)
"Complacent with your mission, Dominick? Amusing, the history of transport. We've made a modicum of progress: trips are regulated to microseconds, punctuality taken for granted."
"Why then were you two minutes late on your double return? Machine fault?"
"No. I'm sorry."
"I accept apology. Reason?"
"It was raining. Rain slows everything. I saw an old woman knocked down and I was checking how long before help reached her. The medi-car was blocked in progress, I think she died."
"I thought it might be interesting."
"People are not your conspectus, Dominick. If you wish to study people, watch old films."
#play for today#the flipside of dominick hide#classic tv#bbc#1980#alan gibson#jeremy paul#peter firth#caroline langrishe#pippa guard#patrick magee#trevor ray#sylvia coleridge#jean trend#timothy davies#denis lawson#bernadette shortt#tony melody#bill gavin#david griffin#karl howman#PfT is often discussed as if it only produced gritty social realism (which was perhaps its abiding impact) but the strand wasn't afraid to#dip its toes into genre waters: cue this‚ one of the most successful plays in PfT's run‚ spawning a sequel‚ a spin off series of plays#(short lived Play for Tomorrow) and ended up as probably the best received and reviewed bbc play of 1980. finally catching up to it and i#can see why it struck a chord maybe; it's a very charming piece‚ with a delightful central performance from Firth‚ and a greater emphasis#on romantic comedy than hard sci fi. but it's also a rewardingly detailed script (dialogue in all future scenes is stripped of anything#but necessary words‚ so that sentences are blunt and self contained‚ just one aspect of a streamlined future) and with oblique references#for the viewer to work out (unsettling mention of an elderly tourist breaking down at a visit to the 1936 Olympics‚ the significance lost#on Dominick and his future colleagues). the cast is stuffed with future stars in small roles (Phil Davis‚ Mark Wingett and Denis Lawson all#have small roles) but i was delighted to find Pat Magee onboard‚ having genuinely no idea he'd appeared in this. a fun time! sweet and soft
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fandomaddict505 · 14 days
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…am i crazy or was the voice line on his objection a waaay higher pitch than in the first game?
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brodorokihousuke · 7 months
fuck did they do to Klavier's voice in Dual Destinies 😭why does it sound like that
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Chapter 73: Our ancestors had to fight to survive. Just so we could have a chance of a life.
“I trust that you will behave accordingly in my absence, Golden Guard.” The Emperor rasped. He placed a gauntleted hand on Hunter’s thin shoulder – which was now puffed up by the pristine white uniform he wore. 
“Yessir.” Whispered the eleven year old from behind his mask. As excited as Hunter had been to receive the Golden Guard mask, he found it somewhat uncomfortable now that he wore it. At least scout masks allowed for air to pass easily through the nasal passages and mouth. 
But this? This mask was so tight. Claustrophobic. Hunter felt as if someone had pressed a solid gold hand over his nose and mouth, suffocating him.
Sorry for the late chapter! I added some extra angst and Darius lore here to feed you all!
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breitzbachbea · 4 months
🎈for Paddy and 🚨 for Tahir!
The regular order, coming right up!
Red Emoji OC Asks
🎈 (balloon) - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
Paddy is that dipshit who brings the guitar! Has always been, part of a pub session. And he was - and still is! - a party animal! Doing fuck all while the world burnt around them was his favourite thing in his youth and once he was taken in by Aaron in Dublin, he threw himself right back into the fray! Now the difference was that he didn't have a friend group anymore. I do think he made a few tentative friendships/acquaintances with subordinates, strangers or people he ran in at church*, but often went alone as well. Certainly wasn't going with Ben, who had probably found a group of likeminded Corkmen in Dublin exile.
These days, he doesn't go out as much, but still sometimes happens. He's not 24/7 looking for the ride like he used to, but can't help it every few months. He mostly goes out for the pub sessions or a few drinks in company. When there's things like Rugby championships, he goes out with the kids, too.
When it comes to informal get-togethers with other Teams, he's faded much more into the background since the new generation has taken over, but he does enjoy it and joins in with his lads' shenanigans.
*Though probably not. Don't think the people his age of the Presbyterian congretation were much his speed.
🚨 (siren) - What’s your character’s relationship with the law? Have they ever been arrested? What for? What are their opinions on law enforcement?
Not a good one, in every regard, and I believe that was already the case before Arthur hired him. The Law Enforcement was never his friend and he didn't go into Law because he wants to change the system from the inside, wants to keep an eye on the executive from the judicial branch. Lawyers make money, that's it.
He never got into trouble growing up and has avoided any trouble with the law during his ilicit activities so far as well, but he has seen countless other people of his community being harrassed or arrested. The way he got into touch with Arthur was because his roommate sold weed and probably got sucked into the underground. I actually haven't revised this piece of backstory in years, which I should do.
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cyberpunk-20xx · 1 year
about masc!V's VA
cw for general spoilers and mentions of typical-canon violence
I always find it strange that people find masc!V's VA emotionless, or even annoying or plain bad. I'm not gonna say anything about fem!V's VA because I don't pay attention at all to it cus if I do it gives me dysphoria.
I don't, on the other end, find it that strange that most people I've seen with this opinion are in fact cis men.
To me masc!V's VA is actually super emotional, but not in the conventional likeable, heroic way. Jaded and reserved at the same time. I like the VA a lot for doing what I consider great work at presenting us a character who has lived from 2050 to 2077 in a deeply fucked up world where hope is so sparse. A world that we have no idea how fucked up is, even reading about the ttrpg because to me Cyberpunk Red is much less fucked up even if it is already a dystopia.
Just as a reminder, in CP77's NC society:
Amputation without actual health concern is highly encouraged all for the sake of pure performance. And nothing else. Your physical body is socially just disposable. The only way to keep up with the world that keeps eating itself is just to upgrade, and if you don't have the money for it? Fuck you, fuck your ideals, fuck your dreams.
You get suicide baited on the regular by the fucking street advertisements.
Violence against marginalised people is at an all-time all. Sex workers have it even worse than in the real world and that's saying something on how women and queer people are treated in general.
Acid rain is normal.
The majority of the animal population is extinct in the whole world. The cattle industry has collapsed and unless you're Kerry Eurodyne levels of rich, meat is either made of worms or insects and it's not even something hidden or taboo. In fact, it's shown explicitly in ads. Real vegetables and organic food in general is scarce as well. We might, irl 2023, start to be desensitized about it because we're on the brink of the ultraliberal hell that the game is portraying, but human's civilisation started with agriculture, and cattle culture was a big fucking part of that, regardless of one's ethics and morals about meat consumption (do not clown about veganism on this post, people are allowed to value animal life regardless of this video game blurb). In various quests, namely Panam's and River's, we can see firsthand how the collapse of that industry has rotten individuals and left the land in ruins.
Even a mondial star like Kerry or a fixer queen like Rogue are just, in the end, the bitches of the corps they sold out to, and unable to fight back. In fact, they've both given up entirely until V comes crashing into their life, with Johnny in tow. The fandom paints them as charismatic individuals but I really just think that's the rose-tinted glasses effect of us knowing what they used to be, when they tried, and them just being... Pretty conventionally attractive, quippy and sarcastic. But really even those two people who we are presented with as Succesful Individuals TM just... Man they just fucking suck, okay? They're miserable, they don't like themselves, they don't like who they are anymore, they don't have any speck of joy left in their lives, they're both estranged from their kids, alone, and just going on because death is scary. They're so human. They're at the top of the world and in the end they're still nothing in the face of it. Love them both so much but they're heartbreaking.
V always starts the game after having lost everything. Any other fucker in their place would have most likely finished just like a certain Heywood kid with spikey brunette hair. V is an exceptional individual for even having a chance at a second life.
V pretty much has brain cancer and is promised a painful, slow agonising death unless they basically kill themselves, and the less painful way to go is to gobble down medication but then that means giving the body up to Johnny. Johnny's first interaction with them is: violent physical assault and suicide baiting. It's hell. V is in hell. It could not be me if I were honest, I would not bother fighting it and I would not only alt+F4 from life, I would do as Johnny wishes at this point and erase us both at once.
V's so traumatized that when they lose Jackie, they're still able to function, but not enough to see a blatant trap coming. And when they have to carry Evelyn's corpse out of that tub, they don't have a breakdown, they just tank it. Which is not badass by the way, if you frame this as anything positive you need therapy yourself tbh boo you deserve better.
V's also a cold blooded murderer very easily if you want to take that path, and I'd even argue that the game makes it very hard for them to not be a killer honestly. Even the "non-lethal" optic mod doesn't work that well past a certain point. I've yet to try my hand at a pacifist run.
If you want V to be a good person, a hopeful person, someone who does not sound deeply suicidal and terribly fucked up, someone who's not used to death and treason as their daily lot, someone who's going to make you feel good about yourself when interacting with the world... I don't think you understood the game you were buying, nor that you were paying much attention while you were playing.
I'll be the first to admit have my own biases and gripes with the game's bleak looks on life, at its pretense at being "cyberpunk" when it truly only has the "cyber" part down, but at the same time I gotta give it to it, it's cohesive within its own universe and tone. V's canon, vanilla character makes perfect sense in the settings we are presented with. Masc!V's VA just does a good job of translating that.
But I guess that's not all of it, the difference between my interpretation and the one I made this post about makes sense because it is true that masc!V's VA does not act like the normal hero archetype at all, but like an anti-hero, except without the whole "charismatic leader" bullshit tone and bravado, unlike… Well, Johnny himself.
Masc!V's voice is not only not the voice of a good guy, it also fails to be the voice of a leader, of someone who's got it all figured out, of, well, the alpha male. It commits the crime of not being Good and not being Manly, at once! It even dares to be human and vulnerable at times! No wonder it gets haters lmao.
And the people I see bashing on masc!V's VA are always fucking kissing Johnny's ass for being who he is in the flashbacks, in the legends and at the beginning of the game. And that, to me, is pretty self-explanatory why I cannot relate with their opinion on masc!V's VA.
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godsfavouriteamoebe · 2 years
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idk have klapollo as hunter and flapjack bc apollo is literally a tiny weird red birdie
[ ID: a digital drawing of klavier and apollo from ace attorney in halloween costumes. apollo (just a dude with two brown vertical spikey spikes as bangs and weird two-ended eyebrows) is in the front and he's wearing a red two piece (vest and trousers), a blue tie and a big chunky gold bracelet, his costume is flapjack from the owl house (a red cape stylised as wings and a triangular hood with two spikes. his face is painted black in a kinda heart shape and a simplified scar over his right eye). he's frowning as if thinking hardly, his arms are crossed and he's pointing his finger at his midbrow. klavier (also a dude, but blonde and with spiral-ish braids) is in a full golden guard guard cosplay from the same show (golden owlish mask, long white cape, golden shirt, brown pants, leather belt, boots and gloves). he's doing his classic leaning down to your level with his hands on his hips pose.]
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adventures-written · 2 years
❝ wait— have you been here all night? ❞ from Gavin for Colin?
Staying The Night
The RK900 model looked up from his position standing almost statue-like outside of Gavin's apartment. The man had ignored him the previous night after their latest case went south, and naturally the android followed the Detective home. Only to have the door shut and locked in his face. He had tried knocking, though that had little effect on Gavin's decision to ultimately lock him out.
So naturally, Colin stood almost like a sentry outside Gavin's door to his apartment. He was a silent guard for the Detective, receiving strange looks from Gavin's neighbors as night turned to morning and people started to leave for work and various other activities.
When Gavin unlocked his door, he had found Colin had not left at all.
"Yes," he replied, "It was imperative to the mission that we discuss what we found and our next steps. You did not seem interested in discussing this last night, so I decided it would be best to wait for you until morning."
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alicetallula · 4 years
DEArtfest - July 2020 - Day 26 : ROYALTY AU - 26.07.2020
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It was a pleasure to participate to the the DEArtfest organized by @octopunkmedia, based on their movie, Detroit Evolution in the universe of DBH
Day 1 : REVERSE AU / Day 2 : #SHARINGABED / Day 3 : COLLEGE AU / Day 4 : #PROPOSAL / Day 5 : WESTERN AU / Day 6 : #AMNESIA / Day 7 : TIME TRAVEL/LOOP – Reed900 / Day 7 : TIME TRAVEL/LOOP – Valerina  / Day 8 : #DANCING / Day 9 : MERMAID AU / Day 10 : #SICKFIC / Day 11 : ALL HUMAN AU + GENDERBEND / Day 12 : #5+1 / Day 13 : COFFEESHOP AU / Day 14 : #ENEMIESTOLOVERS / Day 15 : SOULMATES AU / Day 16 : NOIR/MAFIA AU / Day 17 : #VACATION / Day 18 : CROSSOVER / Day 19 : #BODYSWAP / Day 20 : VAMPIRE AU / Day 21 : #MUTUAL PINING / Day 22 : PACIFIC RIM AU / Day 23 : #FAKEDATING / Day 24 : ALTERNATE ENDING / Day 25 : #ROOMMATES / Day 28 : MONSTER AU / Day 29 : #STUCKINACLOSET / Day 30 : JANE AUSTEN AU / Day 31 : #TOUCHSTARVED
Day 26 : ROYALTY AU - 26.07.2020
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Here is my take on Royalty AU. Sorry I wasn't really inspired on that one... >< So I went with a Witch!Prince!Nines and his Familiar!Guard/Knight!Gavin ! Hope y'all still like it ! 💙🖤🤍❤️
Done using ink pens, graphite pencils, colored pencils and an acrylic paint pen
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Patreon post / Twitter post
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
Hundreds of cease-fire activists on Wednesday interrupted California lawmakers’ return to the Capitol, forcing the state Assembly to adjourn for the afternoon. The protesters filled the chamber’s gallery and began chanting and singing “cease-fire now” soon after the Assembly gaveled open its first floor session of the year. They demanded lawmakers call for an end to the Israel-Hamas conflict that has killed thousands of civilians.[...]
Assembly leaders initially tried to quell the outburst but quickly recessed and walked off the floor. The protesters hung large black and red posters from the gallery overlooking the area where lawmakers sit, and at least 100 protesters also filled the Capitol rotunda outside the chambers. A number of Jewish organizations across the state were behind the effort, including Jewish Voice for Peace, If Not Now and the International Jewish anti-Zionist network, spokesperson Liv Kunins-Berkowitz told POLITICO.[...]
In November, a crowd of 1,000 pro-cease-fire protesters overwhelmed security guards and stormed the California’s Democratic Party’s convention in Sacramento, forcing party leaders to cancel events for one night. Then last month, Gov. Gavin Newsom moved an in-person tree lighting ceremony at the Capitol to a virtual format due to concerns about protests.
3 Jan 24
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magical-girl-trucy · 8 months
Me 'n my brother were joking about aa7 and here's our pitch for the game:
Every case has the defendant be a main character who hasn't been accused yet.
The game starts with Phoenix receiving a call at 1am where he is being demanded to go to the detention center right there and then. It's *dramatic reveal* Franziska von Karma. She's been accused of murder and she is outraged. And also intimidated the guards into allowing her to have a visitor at 1am.
2nd case is Apollo the man who thought he could get away with being part of the WAA and not being accused of murder.
3rd case? Klavier Gavin! Back to back the lawyers of aa4 get accused of murder :)
The 4th case is *trumpet sounds* Pearl Fey. This one is the most dramatic because PEARL? Our little Pearls? Not a single person thinks she actually did it but the evidence is overwhelmingly against her and it leads to some chaos
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collapsedsquid · 4 months
The plan was simple: The state would buy the tiny homes. The California National Guard would help prepare and deliver them, “free of charge and ready for occupancy.” Los Angeles was promised 500 tiny homes, Sacramento 350, San Jose 200 and San Diego County 150. In October 2023, Newsom’s office gave its first concrete update: It revealed the six companies it contracted with to supply the tiny homes. They ranged from Pallet, a Washington-based company that specializes in sheltering unhoused people and already has multiple sites up and running in California; to AMEG, a company based outside of Sacramento that does disaster recovery and modular home building, but hasn’t built a community for homeless residents before.  But the project’s parameters changed. Instead of buying and delivering the units, the state decided to send several of the cities cash grants and let them order the tiny homes themselves. In San Jose, this left the city on the hook for more money than anticipated. The state awarded the city $13.3 million. Building the planned tiny homes for 200 people will cost $22.7 million, according to Mayor Mahan. 
It's great that we have different tiers of government finding new ways to scam each other.
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Sweet Child O' Mine Micro Writing Notes:
Yes. The middle aged witch Alador was talking to was …
(Answer below!)
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Gavin’s dad.
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radiant-cowgirl · 3 months
i saw a bunch of other people doing this so
random redacted headcanons!
- vincent can’t handle spicy food very well, even post-turning
- ivan hates fishing
- david loves egg salad sandwiches with hot sauce (it’s his favorite comfort food)
- caelum has never had cotton candy and freelancer is pretty sure if he ever did, he would implode
- gavin doesn’t like snow
- lasko on the other hand LOVES spicy food and testing his tolerance to certain things
- damien doesn’t drink coffee or tea or energy drinks, this man is just out here raw-dogging life
- kody still tries to look at all the damn crew’s socials, even though they all have him blocked
- huxley (opposite of damien) gets his caffeine anyway he can but his favorite are the caffeine pouches (similar to zyns (these are also my favorite))
- asher loves watching mma fights and tries (gently) to recreate the moves on babe (“i could have dropped you just then! you gotta keep your guard up!”)
- james “i’m exploding you with my mind” redacted
- marcus begged his mom for a mohawk in middle school but he didn’t have the right texture hair for it and she refused to buy him all the hair gel necessary to make it a real mohawk so they just had to shave his head (kids thought he had lice)
- anton loves sending and receiving physical mail. he knows it’s impractical in comparison to texting or calling, but he loves it
- ollie has a favorite blanket, pillow, and set of sheets. he’s very particular about his bedtime routine
- elliot however could drop anywhere at anytime. and that’s nothing to do with him being a dreamwalker. he’s just a fantastic sleeper
- brachium has never had candy, but he’s curious about it
- avior really really likes classical music and it’s brought him to tears multiple times (especially jupiter comp. by gustav holst iykyk)
- milo holds the door open for everyone whenever he can. sweetheart once thought he was following them for like fifteen minutes but he was still stuck at the door
- cam loves fresh produce and is a frequenter of any local farmers market
- blake had a phase in middle school and early high school where he was super patriotic and right-wing leaning and he hates when people bring it up
- aaron actually knows most of the shaw pack boys. he tried to hire them for an event before realizing they were an empowered company. david thought he knew
- sam showed pigs and sheep when he was younger. he kinda misses it but he doesn’t have the room for livestock anymore
- vega in all his years of existing both in aria and on earth has never been truly hugged
- before falling, regulus lived on earth with his charge. they had two cats
- xavier used to travel ridiculous amounts of miles to go to food festivals around the country. he took the team with him once or twice
- geordi never deleted any pictures of him and cutie. he’s still hopeful that things will work out and he doesn’t want to get rid of older memories with them
- guy was friends with a lot of the unempowered boys in school, but lost touch with them in college
- morgan is very into hair-care. his shower looks like an apothecary shop full of mystery vials and oils. he knows what everything is and how to use it though.
- porter loves classic literature and translating latin to english. it’s one of the few hobbies he allows himself to have
- hush once traipsed into doc’s apartment, mud up to his knees and all over his face and hands, holding a bull frog. he only came to ask what it was.
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