#gay! poe
muichizai159 · 7 months
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Bsd cats!! ♡
Look how adorable it is for them!! :>
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little-blurry-stars5 · 6 months
friendly reminder dazai had a genuinely hard time telling chuuya about his humanity. friendly reminder akutagawa kept his promise to not kill even though killing was his first instinct even after death. friendly reminder poe was the only detective that ever made ranpo feel something. friendly reminder fyodor was the only one who ever truly understood nikolai. friendly reminder tecchou placed jouno over the only thing hes ever believed in. friendly reminder rimbaud changed verlaines entire veiw on humanity and gave him faith in the human race. friendly reminder albatross didnt care if he got hurt or killed if it meant he saved doc. friendly reminder fukuzawa was the only one who understood fukuchi and his motives and couldnt kill him even if it meant saving the world. friendly reminder kunikida calls dazai every morning to make sure hes okay. friendly reminder ango genuinely felt so guilty about odas death he betrayed the government. friendly reminder-
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definetelynotavampire · 2 months
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Ranpoe and Bubbles :D
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bsdtual · 1 year
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Some bsd ships dinamics
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wouldgaysexfixthem · 3 months
would gay sex fix them?
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scrimblyscrorblo · 2 months
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Ranpoe w the recent meme cuz it’s funny af
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sarcasticassian · 2 years
one day in Family Video Robin and Eddie are talking about films, some gay, some not and Steve is half listening but he eventually decides to join in because hey he’s watched a film with a gay couple in it before so that counts right? He tells the others this, feeling quite proud of himself and they both look kinda incredulous and so Steve, feeling helpful, is like I’ll go find them hang on, we should have copies
and Robin is dumbfounded because the only gay movie Family Video, because it’s right there in the name this place is mainly for families, have is The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Robin is pretty sure that’s because Keith didn’t know what he was ordering in because he admitted he’d never seen it but her and Eddie watch Steve trot off to the sci fi section, sharing confounded looks and waiting for him to return in silence
Steve comes back clutching three tapes to his chest and proceeds to drop the Star Wars trilogy onto the counter in between Eddie and Robin, he looks so proud of himself as he leans into Eddie for a moment blinking his big cow eyes at him, like he’s waiting for approval, Eddie decides for once in his life to keep his mouth shut until he’s figured out just what he’s supposed to say
Robin has no such qualms though and just states a fact for them all ‘this is Star Wars, Steve’, ‘yeah! kinda crazy, right?’, ‘sorry, where is there a gay couple in Star Wars? I know you and Dustin watch them a lot but I feel like I’d have noticed’, Steve’s expression drops slightly and Eddie feels so bad because Steve looks like a sad sad puppy and Eddie wants to wrap him up in a giant cuddle
‘are the robots not gay?’ is what softly breaks the momentary silence that has settled between the three of them
‘they sure are’ Eddie blurts out, determined to keep Steve happy and it works because a smile blooms across Steve’s face again and he nods to himself, leaning against Eddie again instead of on the counter like he normally would, Robin stares and Eddie narrows his eyes and then she’s nodding along too, ‘oh yeah, yeah, how could I forget about those funky little guys? they’re definitely married’
and the conversation moves on, Robin recalling Steve and Dustin’s nerdy handshake which makes Steve press his face into Eddie’s shoulder to hide his burning cheeks when Eddie crows in delight and they only send each other a little smirk the next time the Party is watching Star Wars with them and 40 years down the line Eddie sends Steve a tweet about R2D2 and C3PO having gay vibes and Steve starts cackling in the middle of his 9th graders history test and they all demand an extra five minutes because he distracted them all
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ninfadora7 · 1 year
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keithbutgay · 1 year
What do you mean the irl Edogawa Ranpo was gay. What do you mean he traveled with his boyfriend researching the history of homosexuality in Japan. What do you mean they had a competition on who could find the most books about gay sex. WHAT DO YOU MEAN-
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lit3rallyll0yd · 1 year
๋࣭ ⭑ bad period cramps. bsd x reader
gender: gender neutral
type: headcanons
characters: poe, ranpo, dazai, chuuya, atsushi, and akutagawa
warnings: unedited writing, cursing, ooc characters(?), misspelt words :(
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๋࣭ ⭑ edgar allen poe 🖋
"oh, dear..." he whispered to himself.
there you were. clutching your stomach tight, your head thrown back on the large sofa cushions.
you were silenty sitting their, suffering. there were some fresh and dry tears falling down your face.
he watched your from afar, watching you taking deep breaths in and out.
he saw pills on the drawer and a un-plugged heating pad that has fallen of you stomach, he assumed you were using it from your stomach.
"y/n..dear?" he called out, your head turning toward him. he locked eyes with your glossy ones has he walked toward you from the door.
when he reached you and knealt down close to your head, karl jumped off his shoulder and jumped onto the arm of the couch and huddled in on himself.
before he could reach his hand over and rub your stomach, you grabbed his hand and placed it on your stomach.
he smiled softly and started to rub, "you told me you were fine..." he sighed sadly, his cheek leaning against the arm of the couch that your head pillow was resting on.
you whined at the pain again before smiling softly, "i'm sorry, dear...:
"do you need anything?" he asked, looking up at you as he waited for a response.
you shake your head, "you're all i need right now.."
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๋࣭ ⭑ ranpo edogawa 🔍
"it hurts!"
"i know.."
"it's hurts so damn much!"
"i could only imagine..:
"ranpo!" you whined, leaning your head against the work desk you at in. ranpo was sitting on the table across from yours, you and him the only ones in the room.
it was only hour 3 of your full day shift at the agency and you already want to bury yourself six feet under.
the detective eyed you, sucking on his lolipop.
he squints his eyes, watching you clutch your stomach tight and moving side to side slowly.
"then why did you come to work today?" he asked, the lolipop still in his mouth.
you sighed, leaning your head up and rested it on your palm.
"because kunikida will literally have my head if i'm not in...but i don't want to tell him about my period cramps because their embbarssing!"
and your head was back on the desk.
ranpo dug a hand into his pockets on his pants pulled out another sucker. he hoped off the table with a 'hmft!' and waltzed toward your suffering body and tapped your head with the lolipop.
you looked up from the desk, "it always helps me when i'm in pain." he winked, handing it to you and circled around you.
before you could say anything, you felt him lift the chair up and pratically knock you off.
"ah! ranpo-?"
he shuts your mouth with his own sucker and smiled, "you go home and relax, i'll let kunikida know you left early."
"but..i can't just.."
"yup! yes you can, because i said you can! don't worry, i'll talk with kunikida.."
but talk he means just say you left because of period cramps
he kissed your lips and winked, "now go, i got this."
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๋࣭ ⭑ osamu dazai 🩹
"awh~ is my belladonna on their period~?" dazai asked, kneeling down close to your face, which was smushed up against the pillow of your shared bed.
almost pratically making out with it, thats how close you were to it.
you groaned loudly into the pillow hearing your boyfriends words.
he watched you enter the apartment with your bag hugged against your stomach, and small tears dared to fall from the corner of your eyes.
without a word, you stomped into the bedroom and slammed the door. dazai smiled to himself, stirring the tea he held in his hand, hot and ready for you to drink. however...you never even noticed he was here.
that was, until he walked in the room a couple minutes later with two cups of tea for him and you.
he's stands up striaght, walking toward the door to switch off the light. with a click, the room turned dim, the only light was the evening sunlight and the screensaver on the TV that hung high above the ground.
"you do know...a hot bath could help~?" of course, he meant that in a way to calm you down and show you a bright side, however you could'nt help but blush slightly hearing it come out of his mouth like that.
he waited for you to reply, walking back toward you, however you said nothing and just shrugged.
he said nothing as well as he laid in bed with you, however he laid on his back while you lied on your stomach.
"don't put to much pressure on it." he said, talking about your stomach. "it's better to have something soft and light on it..."
he smiled as he watched you slowly turn on your side and cuddle into his side. he followed you, mirroring your actions and grabbed a pillow and gently placed it on your stomach and rubbed the top and back of your head.
sooner or later, you fell asleep...getting a good talking to from kunikida for sleeping in late the next morning.
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"does it hurt that bad? chuuya asked softly, rubbing your stomach gently as you laid in between his legs. your back was resting against his chest, feeling his heart beat once, then twice...and so forth.
you whined softly, grabbing his wrists, following his hands as he rubbed your stomach.
he kissed your ear when he saw a tear fall from your eye and down your cheek.
"sshh.." he shushed your, his breath tickling your ear.
"it hurts!" you cried, resting your head on his shoulder. "it hurts fucking hurts.."
"i know..." he whispered, "i know, baby."
over an hour went by with your cramps literally killing you, and in the moment chuuya's been thinking of ways to help.
you've had period cramps before, and chuuya's been there for you when he's not at work or has a break, or as a day off!
he hates seeing you in pain. when your hurt, he's hurt 10x worse.
he leaned forward, you being forced to follow in his actions and watched him pull out a towel from the drawer.
"i can run you a warm bath? relaxing your muscles should help with your cramps." chuuya said, rubbing your stomach once again before kissing your temple.
"can we havce mcdonalds for dinner?" you looked up at him with pouty lips, your knees close to your chest.
he chuckled, "your a sucker for them fries, aren't you?"
he taps your butt, "now, go get changed! i'll get the bath ready."
before he could leave, once he stepped out of bed he kissed your lips real quick.
"i love you.."
"i love you, too..."
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๋࣭ ⭑ atsushi nakajima 🐅
"do you really not need anything else, y/n? a heating pad? food? i can make you some chicken soup? how about more pads? tampons? i have trouble going to the store and grabbing you some-"
"atsushi!" you snapped, cudding closer to him and rubbing his arm as he held you like a baby in his lap.
he shuts up real quick, rubbing your sides and stomach gently to calm the pain.
"sorry...i just-" he sighed, kissing your cheek before talking again, "i hate seeing you in pain..."
you were quiet for a moment, resting your head to his chest near his heart, taking a breath in and out feeling the sharp pain in your abdomen again.
"i know baby, i'm sorry, i know your trying to help.." you whispered, feeling his chin move a little on your head.
atsushi leaned his back against the bedframe of your shared room and apartment.
"can i be honest?" you asked, and your boyfriend hummed in response, his eyes closed as he rubbed your stomach in a circle.
"having you here is much more then i need to feel better..."
you closed your eyes after saying this, your legs tangled up with atsushi's.
he blushed slightly hearing your words, however he smiled and kissed your temple, leaving his lips there for a little bit bfore putting his chin back on your head.
"i'm gald...i love you."
you smiled, eyes still closed, "i love you more.."
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๋࣭ ⭑ akutagawa ryūnosuke 🩸
"i don't know how to hold you..." he spoke nothing but the truth.
he sat criss-cross on your bed while you were lying on his lap, your head basically in between his legs near his thighs.
he had his hands in the air, almost like he was meditating, which made you laugh despite the sudden pain in your stomach.
"just.." you took his hand and placed it on your head, moving it up and down for him.
he froze, feeling a blush creep up to his face but he covered it with his free hand, coughing and looking toward the open window of your apartment.
once you let go of his hand and rested them on your stomach, he rubbed his fingers into your hair and skull.
you smiled happily, melting to his touch.
he was quiet for a moment, listening to the sound of your breathing.
"i'm sorry...i don't know how to help you properly..." he confessed, feeling bad he can't do more for you.
you almost forgot to respond, feeling his other hand rest on your shoulder and gently rub it.
you scruched your shoulder up when he got close to your neck, and pulled away both hands in fear he may have hurt you.
"aku~..." you laughed, leaning up and pushing yourself closer to him, taking his hands and smiled, "you being here to at least try and help me is all i need from you."
he kissed your lips out of embbaressement and leaned his forehead to yours.
"i only wish i could help you more.."
you thought for a moment,
"pay for my takeout, take a bath with me, and you've done everything to help me!"
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forthetaintedmemes · 1 year
Poe: *in tears because Dazai called Karl a trash panda*
Ranpo: Apologize. Now.
Dazai: Or what?
Ranpo: Ed I need you to write me a book about a wine shop that never closes. I think our rental Executive could use another vacation. One he'll never want to leave.
*takes off glasses to squint at Dazai*
Dazai:.....I don't negotiate with terrorists.
Ranpo: Ed add a puppy.
Dazai: OK HOLD ON!
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Biden or trump....KARL!!!
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(not my image)
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saapphirx · 1 month
Little redraw (?) of this beautiful unused cover for volume 14
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casinocarpediem · 3 months
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Day ∞ asking for one night just one
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tamanegi-san · 2 months
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lowkey wondering where they are right now
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mothonthewall · 3 months
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weird fishes and perfect crime
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