#gege don't you do something bad to my babies
strawmates · 2 years
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It's year of the rabbit! 🐇 May we have a good year ahead!! I hope Nobara would come back and Gojo would be freed from the prison realm. I wish nothing happens to my babies! Gege please 🥺
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nanaminokanojo · 6 months
POTTY MOUTH | sukuna x reader
–your toddler is cussing and guess whom he learned it from | Inspired by this ig reel from sullivanking. It's so Sukuna-coded and I just had to.
CW: just cussing
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Tiny footsteps followed as your toddler tottered about the hallway into the living room where your husband was sitting, watching TV. You ignored it, thinking it was just gibberish your three-year-old son was saying, but then, he said it again, the vowel not quite sounding right, but you knew just why your ears piqued at the sound.
Swiftly, you turned around, your feet carrying you to the direction your kid went before you know it, holding one of the clothes you were folding in the laundry room from whence you came from. He wasn't saying the word quite right, but still... You were met with an equally shocked Sukuna who was just trailing his little replica with his eyes, arms crossed over his broad chest as the latter just walked around the room, seemingly unaware that the two of you were even watching.
You couldn't make out the expression on your husband's face, but your left eye twitched at every single utterance of the foul word coming from your little one's mouth no less. It didn't take long for you to figure out how he felt as he sank his lips between his teeth, also unaware that you were watching him. Soon, much to your chagrin, his shoulders were shaking even as he fought the laughter that was beginning to spill over his mouth.
Then, again, in that small, innocent voice, you heard it again: "Fak." You gasped and both Sukuna and your child looked at you, the older of the two clearing his throat and trying to school his expressions into that of disappointment albeit feigned upon seeing the same yet genuine expression on yours. Your son, however, beamed at you and waved innocently. "Hi, Mama."
"Hello, sweetheart..." You sat on the couch next to Sukuna, hiding your face from your little boy as you glared daggers at your husband.
"What the fuck did I do?" he whispered, but your son heard it and giggled, pointing at Sukuna with his tiny finger. "Papa! Fak –!"
"Sweetheart, don't say that," you interrupted, shaking your head as you beckoned him over. "That's not a very nice word."
But your kid, like his father, was defiant, running out of the room, laughing in high-pitched tones instead of being deterred from saying that bad word again. And finally, Sukuna cracked up, his deep voice ringing throughout the room even as you started smacking him on the leg and arm, fending himself from your "attacks".
"Baby, why are you mad at me?" He jabbed a thumb over to the general direction your son went. "He's the one cussing." He was still fighting laughter.
"This is on you! If you weren't such a potty mouth then he wouldn't be hearing such words!"
He tried to gather you in his arms, pulling you over his lap and securing you there as he planted a kiss on your temple, lingering there and letting go with a loud smack, but you still pouted at him. "Oh, come on. It's not my fault he's so smart."
You narrowed your eyes at him.
"His Mama is very smart," he said, trying to placate you, but you playfully pushed his head away from you. "Is that a roundabout way of saying he got that from me?"
"Naww." He pulled you even closer until your arm was flush against him, resting his chin on your shoulder. "Baby, I'm complimenting you."
"Okay, but do something about it. Daycare starts tomorrow..."
"Oh." He blinked at you and you saw your exact thoughts reflected in his carmine eyes. How he's going to explain why his kid is saying such a word, you didn't know, but it sounds like a Sukuna problem.
"...and you're taking him there."
A/N: To all my readers, I assure you, I am writing, just taking a little break from everything. And yes, I have a bad case of brainrot, Sukuna being the culprit. Hope you enjoyed this though.
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Dagon x Reader
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Your favorite movie is the little mermaid, you tend to be quiet and are the baby of your group.
First Date:
Everyone was chilling out in Dagon's domain. "Man, I'm bored!" Great. Mahito was whining again. "Hey, Jogo! Jogoooooo!" The curse continued to ignore him. Mahito then dumped his drink into Jogo's head, causing the fire to turn into plumes of smoke. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!?" He then smiled and waived his hand. "Hi."
"Geto, can you please do something!?" It looks like he would need to get more medicinal "herbs" from Hanami for dealing with his chronic headaches A.K.A. Mahito. "I already have something in mind." Jogo began to pray to Gege that it wasn't another round of soccer. "Who's up for a game of volleyball?"
"Me, me, I wanna try it!" Geto then materialized a spider curse to spin a web to create a net. "What about you Hanami?" Hanami then looked up from their National Geographic magazine. ".snioj ogoJ fi ylnO". They then turned their head to face Mr. Mt. Fuji. "I can never understand what you're saying but I have a feeling that it's about me... Fine, let's get this over with..."
"And what about you Dagon?" The curse shook it's head since it wasn't capable of speech yet. "That's too bad. If you need us, we'll be over there." Dagon wanted to laugh. 'It's not hard to find them with all the shouting!' The curse then went over to the water. 'What is this?' __________
You were exhausted, having travelled for so long that you had stopped counting the days. "Hey! I think I finally see the shore!" You swam as fast as you could, hoping you could find some help. __________
"Mahito, what are you doing exactly?" The curse had shifted the shape of it's soul to resemble a crab like creature. "You were going to pinch Jogo, weren't you?" Mahito then transformed back. "You're no fun!" Geto then grabbed the spider curse and swallowed it, causing a large bump to be seen in his throat. "Needs a bit more flavor. Why are you all staring at me?"
"You never told us you could do that!" Geto rubbed his throat. "Oh, this? If you thought that a humans neck shouldn't stretch that wide then I'll tell you about the effects of pregnancy." Hanami then spoke. ".won yalp tsuj esaelp we naC" __________
You would question why you saw an octopus on land but to be frank, you were delirious. "Excuse me, have you seen my son!?" The creature then looked your way. "You can see me?" You really must have been dreaming. "Why wouldn't I be able to see you? Do you have short term memory or something because I don't want to deal with that again..."
The creature then spoke. "Sorry, I guess we got off on the wrong fin. My name is Dagon. What's yours?"
"######." __________
"All right, Hanami, you partner with me and Jogo, you pair up with Mahito." The volcano curse then groaned. "Why do I have to be stuck with him!?" Mahito then flung an arm around Jogo. "Stop making it sound like that's a bad thing! I have an idea on how to help us win!" Mahito then changed his soul to resemble a busty girl in a skimpy bikini. "You know this isn't dead or alive extreme beach volleyball, right?"
"Hey! I'm just trying to seduce Geto to distract him. Besides, I think I look pretty cute!" Geto then walked up to the net. "Unfortunately, that's not going to work Mahito. The curse pouted. "Why not?" Geto then laughed and rubbed his stitches. "Tell me. Have you ever heard of the name Jin Itadori?"
"Who?" __________
You learned that Dagon was a cursed spirit while you told him of how you searched far and wide for your son. "I haven't found him yet but I did find another missing child." You then brought out a fish girl in a bucket. Dagon then picked it up. "And what is your name?"
"I WANT HAM!" __________
"So we just have to hit the ball and make it land? That's easy!" Mahito then grabbed Jogo and tore his head off. He then threw it so hard that it began hurtling towards the sun. "Curse you, Mahito!" could be heard. "You didn't hit the oppents side so that doesn't count." The curse then kicked over Jogo's corpse. "Oh well, it was worth it." __________
"Did you hear something?" Out of nowhere came a break in the domain. An old man threw a harpoon, hitting you straight in the chest. "T-tell my son I-" A heel then came came down and stomped on your body. "Damn it, I was aiming for a shark! It must be all these 4k frames messing my moves up! (All the alcohol the man drank prior totally had nothing to do with it).
He then examined his foot. "Seems pretty small for some cursed spirits." Dagon then hit puberty and transformed into a beefy octopus. "WE ALL BEAR NAMES!" The man then vomited all over himself. "And I'm too drunk to care! Now let's get this over with!" __________
The rest of the curses and Geto had finished packing up. "Do you think we're forgetting something?" __________
"Toji, what are you doing here!? Aren't you supposed to be dead?" There was his son,Toji Fushiguro in the flesh. "I heard you ruined another family today... Y'know... I'm supposed to kill this thing over here but I have a better idea..." He then looked at Dagon.
"WAIT TOJI, PLEASE!" But it was too late, as Naobito was already being pummeled to death with playful cloud. As this was happening, Dagon went to the shore to sit and cry. A clown fish then popped out of the water. "Sorry to bother you mister but have you seen my dad?" Dagon began to cry so hard that the water levels rose faster than scientists could have predicted, the only thing able to live there now being aquaman.
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JJK Manga leaks - Heavy spoilers ahead.
Please do not read below the cut if you do not wish to be spoiled.
These are for chapter 237.
I repeat do not read below the cut if you do not wish to be spoiled.
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The pacing of this arc has got me so anxious tbh. It's gotten to a point where people cannot even predict where the plot would head towards and I like it to be honest. It's refreshing (traumatizing) that something isn't predictable even though it follows certain Shonen manga tropes. JJK is such an outlier Shonen. This is a long read, I apologize in advance.
After reading the leaks, I have some thoughts and I have listed them below -
1. Gojo’s death seems kinda pointless right now with Sukuna's reincarnation and reverting to his true form. He literally healed all the damage done by the Hollow Purple. Gojo probably is gone for good and I have slowly come to terms with that. But I need to know what Sukuna's reincarnation to his true form implies for Megumi. From how Twitter and Reddit is reacting, it seems like Megumi also is gone for good now. Everyone clowns on Gojo for being hated by Gege but I truly think Gege hates Megumi the most. Poor baby cannot seem to be catching a break.
2. The fact that we don't see Gojo's body anymore worries me. The fact that we still haven't seen any of our remaining characters react/process Gojo's death also worries me. Worries me because it is giving me copium again and I just have started to accept Gojo's death 🙃
3. We now know Kashimo is going to die when he runs out of CE because he yeeted his human form to fight Sukuna. So Kashimo is not making it out alive in Kashimo vs Sukuna. I atleast hope he damages Sukuna enough for the rest to jump on Sukuna but I doubt that will happen (explained more in detail towards the end)
4. We finally get crumbs of Sukuna's backstory. He was an unwanted child (if the fan translation is believed to be right. I am still going to wait for an official translation because last time the fan translation made us all hope about Gojo's revival way more than it was hinted.). Knowing Gege, I think this is the maximum we will get to know about Sukuna before he became the king of curses. Gege once mentioned in an interview that Sukuna was beyond help and was pure evil. I mean this dude has Uruame cook humans for him. So I don't think Gege is going to give us a tragic backstory for Sukuna.
5. Also Kashimo's line about Sukuna's strength reminds me of Geto and Gojo's KFC breakup line.
6. Hakari vs Uruame. Let's fucking gooooooooo! Beat their ass Hakari!!! I am betting on Hakari winning this. The good guys desperately need this win. Please Gege, just be merciful on us for once.
7. We still don't know what Kenjaku is up to (stay the fuck away from Gojo's body you slimy fiend).
I honestly still do find it weird that Gege chose this route of let's kill the strongest character because he is a roadblock by creating an almost omnipotent character that is absolutely insane and a master strategist. At this point someone will have to turn into Buddha themselves to take Sukuna down. I think the last win we had (if we do not consider Gojo unboxing as a win and the culling games win) was with Yuji and Todo. And Todo retired/left? (I don't blame him though. STAY SAFE MY BOY).
But to summarize the good guys roster right now - Nanami is dead, Nobara is MIA, Yaga is dead, Yuki is dead, Todo has retired, Megumi is likely a goner, Gojo is dead and since we don't know what happened in the 1 month (because we didn't get a training arc), Yuji only has black flash, stamina and super strength right now. The higher ups were probably kiiled/dismanted by Gojo. Zenin clan got KO'd by Maki. Yuta is the only special grade in Japan that is alive. Mei Mei will switch sides like it is nobody's business. Maki is one of the only people who's had an insane shonen level power creep since Shibuya arc. Shoko and Utahime are not fighters.
Whereas the bad guys roster - Uruame with their icy powers, Kenjaku with literally all the curses that Geto had plus several more that he acquired and Sukuna. The fact that Sukuna has a binding vow with Kenny and Sukuna is almost omnipotent rn.
Sukuna abilities :
1) Can make himself immortal by putting his soul into cursed objects(fingers)
2) Can take over others bodies by making them ingest his finger
3) Can use the taken over body's CT proficiently with minimal training
4) Has twice higher CE than the next highest person (Yuta)
5) Has the best RCT on par with Gojo
6) Has a way to revive himself without RCT (such a possibility was not even considered possible in the power system uptil now )
7) Has/Had the 2nd best cursed technique (ten shadows)
8) Has a cursed tool that can shoot lightning
9) Has a flame arrow than can insta kill a special grade curse
10) A way to transfer damage he sustains ,to the soul of the body he inhabits
11) A way to enlarge his body parts (when he tries to eat angel)
12) Has the best durability (sustained 2 purples (probably the technique with the highest damage in the series besides the space-time cleave) a blue infused black flash punch, and unlimited void)
13) An unexplained CT that hasn't been revealed yet.
14) Crazy learning rate able to reproduce anything by seeing it only once
15) Has 4 arms and multiple eyes
16) A barrier less domain - idk if his reincarnation can now do DE
17) Cleave and dismantle for which he can modify the cursed energy output however he wishes.
18) No moral compass or emotional attachments that can be exploited against him.
19) probably has 2nd highest IQ (after kenjaku ) and easily highest battle IQ. Mans not only planned for Gojo but also for after Gojo.
Realistically our protagonists (Right now only Yuji and Yuta) need a dues ex machina moment to take down just Sukuna. And after Sukuna is dealt with, they need to plan for Kenjaku.
The odds aren't looking too good :(
I miss the goofiness that this Manga had lol.
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tempenensis · 1 year
I know you don't usually weigh in on non-canon content, but I've seen a lot of people say 236 was a bad ending, or like gege joked, that things are moving too fast or he's missed a chapter (or 20, I'm personally annoyed that we jumped from Nov to Dec 24, I know gege wants the manga to end for some reason, but those three weeks of training/preparation would have been a great time to let us get re-invested in the student characters since the culling game arc felt like it was missing so much)
Do you have any feeling for what could have been a better way to end things, if indeed things are ended, for Gojou Satoru? Or do you agree that things have been moving too fast?
Sorry for this and please feel free not to answer if this is not the kind of question you want to entertain, I am just curious if you have an opinion you're willing to share since I feel you have a very good grasp of the jjk's plot and themes! I trained as a literature major, so my interest is always in whether character consistency is maintained and what a story is saying and whether that message is carried successfully or not and what that might mean for us as readers. I'm personally still on the fence about this particular twist because I'm trying to withhold judgement of the piece until we actually see it as a whole, but I am starting to feel that the narrative started to unravel a bit after Shibuya, like somehow we didn't see a lot of the characters to their full potential (like Nobara T.T my baby Nobara). Maybe this is just part of gege's notorious fast pace.
Some of this I believe is due to JJK's titular meaning of the issue of curses and what they represent being an "endless battle" but there's only so many times one can show hopelessness and loss I think before it becomes almost redundant. We actually haven't seen that many on-screen sorcerer deaths, but somehow it's been two of the most popular adult characters so far, and only direct mentors, which is a frequent trope of the hero's journey in western literature. I think that even though I really wish it hadn't happened, Nanami's ending made a lot of sense. Power-wise, Gojo's current death also makes sense, and he's not the kind of character who instantly changes his mind or learns something in his heart from a single experience, but I think it feels somewhat frustrating from my point of view because despite the bodhisattva imagery, he had more to learn as a living person, rather than continuing to believe he was like a flower and maybe no one had the right to ask him to understand. I don't know, it's just a bit frustrating for me because I think it feels character consistent (which I think gege tends to be pretty good at) but somehow incomplete too.
Again my apologies for the long ask, you're always the one I wish I could sit down and have a conversation about these things with!
-raindrop anon
Hi, raindrop anon,. Good to see you again.
First of all, I don't really think Gojou's death is particularly bad, but yeah, as you said, there might be something leaves to be desired in the plot - if jjk is a traditional shonen manga, that is. But jjk is different, which is also the reason for its popularity. I feel that jjk storytelling has always been fast-paced, and one thing that Akutami-sensei does really well is to stick to the main points that he wants to tell with his manga. The last time we have a non-serious non-battle chapter was probably chapter 64 lol - but at the same time, this also shows how jjk departs from the traditional shonen jump manga custom where the mangaka tends to drag the story to make the manga runs longer. Gege on the other hand, seems adamant to want to end the story sooner than later (if his last estimation is to be believed, only a few months left for jjk).
I don't actually have a strong feeling of how gege should end thing with Gojou, but it's been a habit of him to get to the.. shocking side of things; we see this with Gojou getting sealed back in Shibuya. Nanami's death. Then we see the Culling game, and Tengen getting killed. And lastly for Gojou to die. The longstanding status quo is going to be changed eventually. And the next one with status quo is already targeted; Sukuna himself.
As I follow this manga, "things moving too fast" has always been the opinion I saw a lot discussed here in my askbox for many, many developments in the manga. And this is more of a personal preference, but I actually like the fast-get-to-the-point-storytelling that Gege uses with jjk, exactly because how it breaks away from traditional jump manga. I feel that this fast pace is just how gege do his storytelling since the beginning lol
tldr is all I can say is jjk has always been different and fast-paced, gege is unpredictable, and I'm in the opinion that Gojou's death does make sense, unfortunately :')
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neonscandal · 9 months
So, if you asked to write your top 5 fav characters each from JJK & BNHA, what genre will you put them (or you agree that they should be in shounen)....
My asks are getting funnier. 🥰 As always, thanks for asking, lets dig in.
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Look at these knuckleheads.
JJK Top 5
I've seen people make really funny observations about how every character in JJK belongs in a different universe but was shoehorned into a horror battle shonen and it delights me to no end. I'm not sure if Gege Akutami actually penned characters that are typical of other anime genres, in a sense, but do believe we all collectively just want our faves to have better odds of survival. At this point, Gege looks at fan polls like a dead pool. I think a story where characters are so obviously not meant to be there would be hilarious if done intentionally, camp even.
Satoru Gojo - The duality of a man who is "The Strongest" in universe while maintaining a girly pop facade to circumvent feeling othered by his strength? Two of my favorite things about Gojo are that he is 1) traumatized 🤪✨ and 2) down astronomically for the days he spent with Suguru Geto. Put this man in a shonen ai, stat.
Nobara Kugisaki and Maki Zenin - Yuri. I feel like I don't need to explain myself here except to say that I put them as one item on the list because I didn't want a list of 6 (I have so many faves). Both iconic, both bad ass. No notes. On the other hand, I would never want to rob Maki of her revenge story so... grain of salt if she stays in universe.
Kento Nanami - I was going to say "this man wants to be in an office sitcom so bad" but, truthfully, would not find the overdone gags and antics palatable. Nanami deserves to rest at an even, dulcet tempo. Traumatized in his youth, he really only returns to jujutsu because office work is unfulfilling but imagine if he were in an office shojo with a found family that he had to provide for? I'm not saying this anime is particularly good but plop him in something cozy like "The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague" but with the home life of "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid". He'll work for the money because it provides for someone else, you know? Let him suffer fools in peace.
Yuji Itadori - Sweet baby angel. Yuji follows the "best of both worlds" phenomenon that we see in other horror anime like Chainsaw Man, Tokyo Ghoul and Attack on Titan wherein he is both human and curse (avoiding further spoilers). But his disposition, his resilience, his pure physical prowess before he ever ate Sukuna's finger? Put this boy in a sports anime and let him thrive. While he'd absolutely body in a fighting sport, what if he was plopped into "Blue Lock"? Sports anime with a dash of horror aesthetic. He'd crush while being as upbeat and hilariously chaotic as Bachira.
Suguru Geto - Baby Girl is one of the most compelling villains we have. I'd say across multiple anime, honestly. He's what happens when a good person, someone who aims to be so morally upright, is faced with the reality that being good actually guarantees you nothing. With someone so unwavering, someone who can't live in shades of grey like Gojo, he can't bend. So he breaks. Honestly, it adds a layer of complexity to the overall story where... can we really, as the viewer, fault him? I feel like he wouldn't have this evolution anywhere else and that there's something to be said as to whether Geto was always doomed by the narrative.
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There's never not been a good time to celebrate this frame, honestly.
BNHA Top 5
What's cool about BNHA is, it is authentically a shonen manga/anime while subverting a lot of it's tropes. BUT, we see this really interesting progression in the art that drifts into horror. Not aiming to spoil anything that's to come in season 7 (body horror, it's body horror. Bones better come through) but you see the beginning of it with the change in vigilante Deku's appearance. If Horikoshi felt inclined to do a horror anime post-BNHA, I'd definitely read.
Katsuki Bakugo - Hilariously, Bakugo wants to shonen so bad but is actually so damsel in distress/love interest coded that it almost undermines his role as Midoriya's rival. Almost. Shonen, shonen ai, I don't think he's out of place in either.
Shoto Todoroki - Todoroki's entire personality and character arc being so intrinsically linked to his family is honestly so amusing given the universe. Like, people have real life superhero powers but awful parents are very much still a thing. So it's interesting to expose the complexity of their family dynamics in tandem with the overarching story because, in every way, the Todoroki family are very much members of the Have's of BNHA society but they are still hopelessly miserable. TBH he could be in a slice of life just experiencing and resolving family trauma. "Kotaro Lives Alone" comes to mind.
Shouta Aizawa - I would cast Aizawa in "Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan" but he wouldn't have the decency to show up to work without a sleeping bag. I'm not saying it wouldn't look out of place in universe but do better for the kids. Joking. He's honestly both the perfect teacher but also a big ole hypocrite. He condemns Midoriya for his recklessness and self-sacrificing (re: breaking bones to use his quirk) but didn't think twice about hacking off his own leg, logical though it may have been. I know All Might is cast as the quintessential mentor in the shonen dynamic but Aizawa is the real MVP when it comes to mentoring and guiding the Class 1A competently. Shonen all the way.
Izuku Midoriya - I can't say Magical Girl Anime, I can't say Magical Girl anime. I appreciate Midoriya's similarity to eponymous crybaby hero Sailor Moon, tbh. She too was OP and with the fate of the world on her shoulders, just saying. He falls in line with the shonen trope of eating something and powering up (re: JJK, One Piece, Attack on Titan) but has emotional range that is not typically seen in shonen which, honestly I love. He is masculine while still being aggressively expressive (even if he struggles to articulate his feelings). His character and subsequent development is another way that Horikoshi subverts shonen tropes and I can't wait to see how his story wraps up.
Dabi - This crispy piece of bacon is a walking, talking and dancing personification of resolute rage. He is quite literally a vendetta held together by staples. Later chapters especially, he just gets unrelentingly grosser and more unhinged and it's both disgusting and emotional. To be honest, between him and Shigaraki, they are undeniably horror fodder by design. In fact, the reveal that he was a little misogynistic extremist radical was particularly wild of Horikoshi. Like, basically if he hadn't self destructed on that mountain he'd have been some incel plotting violence on the deep dark web? I'm trying to think of what to plop him into (maybe not his charred body but just his general... maliciousness, conviction and extremism). I feel like something horror, psychological with a sprinkle of thriller? What comes to mind is a dark series on my TBR but the name escapes me about a kid getting revenge one by one against sadistic bullies though its unclear where Dabi falls on that spectrum.
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seven-ivy · 7 months
About me!
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│⁻ ˏˋ꒰ Basics ꒱ ˊˎ⁻
✧ Nikki ♡ 21, she/her, INTJ
Hello! I'm Nikki, the author of Seven (a JJK fic) and this is my page to share my work and other interests and finally start interacting on this platform with other users.
Seven will be slowly updated on AO3 as I have already pre-written some chapters but these chapters are lengthy and take a while to write and read over. Mind the tags!! There will be violence, trauma, and gore in this fic so I will do my best to display trigger warnings.
My ask box is always open, so feel free to ask anything, or just leave a message on whatever you like. At the moment, I don't take requests but that might change in the future.
I will continue to update with my latest work(s) as well as what I'm currently writing.
More about me and my work(s) below the cut! Happy reading!
│⁻ ˏˋ꒰ Writing Q&A ꒱ ˊˎ⁻
✧ Why did you start Seven?
Seven, like all my other writing endeavors, started as a little fantasy in my head as a way to self-insert into every piece of media I consume. I didn't ever think to seriously write it until Gege started upping the angst and breaking my heart in gut-wrenching scenarios when I decided to give into the delusion and finally write something that would distract me from what was going on in the manga.
Being said, as you read Seven you will start to see that it doesn't exactly follow the plot. This is mainly because I wanted to exercise a little creativity with the plot and Gege's mind, though tortured, is genius that I could never try to imitate.
I also feel like there is a lack of OC-driven multilength JJK fics in the fandom (that, or I don't know where to look) so I wanted to try my hand at filling that niche.
✧ How long will Seven be?
... I don't know? Certain parts of the plot have been running through my head over and over for months, but some things I just leave up to the madness that consumes my brain when I'm writing at 2 AM.
Like Nana, even though is an independent original character, I haven't planned out fully what she looks like (just vague references that she resembles Gojo). As I write more, I get to know more about her character, and even though it isn't a very author-like thing to do, it keeps things exciting for me as well.
But don't worry, I have some arcs briefly planned out, and the manga is still ongoing so there will be lots to keep writing about.
✧ What do you write on?
Google docs. Just one very long Google doc that I keep updating. Maybe it's not the best loading wise but I like to keep it all in one place so I can re-read everything in one go to make sure I eliminate any plot-holes that arise.
I also enjoy Grammarly a lot (my savior) and without it there would be many times Nana would become Naan :(
✧ Writing inspo/tips
This isn't my first go at writing a long (40+) chapter fic so I have experienced an immense learning curve during this writing journey.
The first is one that I used to groan at too but it's honestly the best advice. If you want to be a better writer... read more. And I don't mean on tumblr/wattpad/AO3 (how I wish it could be) but actual published novels.
And read from many different genres from many different origins from many different periods. By doing so, you will diversify your vocabulary, your knowledge, and learn the nuances of writing that can only be learned from reading a really good book.
The second is to take the time to find what works. Writing isn't going to look the same for all people. Some people can only write in the early morning, some at night, and a lucky few aren't constricted by the silly hours of time.
Some writers can listen to music, others can't. Some need to plan everything out in obsessive detail, while others just go with the flow.
Take the time to figure out what works best for you and make use of it.
The third is to write more. Simple, but to improve your writing, first you need to get all of the shaky, baby lamb trying to stand on its own, in other words, "bad" stuff out before you can start to see progress. Looking back at my first attempts at writing... I am appalled but grateful that I got through it to get to where I am now. you don't necessarily need to publish it on a platform, but just get it out. Like letting the murky water run out from a tap first before you get it clear.
✧ My recs
Don't know where to start? I'll help you out. Here are some of the media I consumed that put a passion in me to write.
JJK (obvi), old poetry classics, Greek myths and tales, research into Buddhism and Shinto, Madeline Miller novels, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, Agatha Christie novels, Secret History by Donna Tartt, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, and The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
There are many more, but these have stood out to me particularly.
│⁻ ˏˋ꒰ Other fandoms ꒱ ˊˎ⁻
If you've made it this far I'll let you into some other fandoms/communities I enjoy besides JJK:
Mob Psycho, Saiki K, TWST, Demon Slayer, MHA, Castlevania, Mystic Messenger.
I'm not always active in those fandoms and I'm def forgetting some but at some point in my life I'd been very obsessed.
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dimpledlianfang · 2 years
The Huli jing
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(Sadly the juniors weren't there because they went night hunting)
Yangyang laoshi.
*Everyone crowding over, petting something.*
Nhs: Ah he's so cute!
Mxy: Baby.
Lxc: Want a loquat?
Sms: Get that Lan fruit away from him!
Xue yang: hi simps!
Gosh. Now what are they up to now.
I can't leave them alone, can I?
Correction. I never should have left them alone with Jiggy.
Mingjue: lol he's now the class pet. But the question is, does he have rabies?
Xichen: Dage, it's A-Yao we're talking about.
Su she: have some respect!
Xue yang: what?!!
Ohhhhhhhhh. You found foxyao.
Yao: *lying, blanketed, in lan xichen's arms* oh hey Chengmei.
Xue yang: why have you turned my class into a simp club
Mo xuanyu: it was always a simp club.
Xue yang: you're right.
Nhs: isn't he cute?
Yao: can someone groom my fluff?
Xue yang: *laughing* Jiggy! You pampered little diva!
Lan xichen: *crying in cuteness* his FLUFF? I'm gonna die.
Su she: a.k.a his tail. Now do it for him.
Lan xichen: it would be an honour.
Xue yang: Daozhang give me the strength. To put up with these simps.
Yao: I want Dage to groom my tail first. Then er ge.
Mingjue: why?!!
Yao: because I know you want to.
Mingjue: WHAT?! Who told you that?!
Lan xichen: whatever you want. I'll wait.
Mo xuanyu: can I hold him?
Lan xichen: sure. Hold him gently. And support his body.
Mo xuanyu: yea I got this.
Lan xichen: then give him to Dage.
Mo xuanyu: yea.
Awww foxyao gege is the cutest.
Yao: oh thank you, A-Yu.
Xichen: A-Yao, how did you turn into a huli jing?
Yao: I was messing around with some rituals. Now I can transform as I please. And I'm loving it!
Mo xuanyu: here you go dage.
Mingjue: *rolls eyes*
Huaisang: be careful with him, Dage.
Mingjue: I won't drop him, Huaisang! Relax!
Su she: now hurry up. I have to put him to sleep.
Xue yang: Yaoyao, you even have a schedule for everyone?! Lol!!
Am I on the list?
Yao: yea. You can groom me, once I fire dage.
Mingjue: do you think that I wanted to do this?!!!
Yao: yes, yes you do, Dage.
Fine Chengmei, since that Dage is being jealous again. You can give me a manicure.
Xue yang: of course Jiggy! But why would a fox need a manicure?
Yao: ufff....Chengmei. my claws do grow out. So it must be properly taken care of.
Xue yang: *nods* LOL
Enough explaining. I'll do your manicure.
Mingjue: *holding little foxyao on his lap and brushing his tail.* you know this is kinda cute.
Xue yang: *grumbling* Jiggy wants a manicure.
He's really adorable, but he wants a manicure.
Xichen: awwww.
Huaisang: San ge!!!
Hey San ge, please don't fire Dage. He has a sect to feed.
Mingjue: I'm not getting paid to do this!!
Yao: of course you are.
Su she: Zongzhu runs the harem.
Yao: can someone get that itch behind my ear?
Xichen: got it!
Su she: back off!!
Xichen: he would want me to do it! A real Lan!
Su she: I'll rip your hair off!
Xue yang: yea rip off his weave!
Yao: Minshan.
Su she: yea. I'll scratch it for you.
Yao: such a darling.
Er ge, can I have those loquats?
Xichen: of course.
Xue yang: so what are you going to do, nie twink?
Huaisang: I take him on walks.
Yao: but I rather er ge. I sense negativity around Huaisang.
Huaisang: San ge!
Yao: did I lie?! *grins*
Mo xuanyu: I would appreciate that you keep your negative energy to yourself. It's bad for Yao gege. And especially when he's a tiny little fox.
Xichen: a tiny helpless little fox.
Su she: a tiny helpless little fox with dimples!
Huaisang: what negative thing did I do?!! San ge is the negative one!!! He bit me and my fan!
Yao: because you taste like loquats.
If you don't want me to bite you, then stop tasting like it.
Xue yang: lol why do you taste like loquats?!
Huaisang: sometimes I meet with er ge. And....bribe him to break up with San ge. And he smells like loquats most of the time.
And ice face smells like sandlewood!!!
Su she: can you buy a sweeter smelling perfume. *disgusted* that don't smell like bush.
Xichen: hey, the scent just stuck on me!
Xue yang: why do you want Jiggy to break up with Lan lips, you little sneak!
Huaisang: I don't really know actually. I just thought that it would be fun.
Yao: and you're wondering why I'm using your fan as a chew toy.
Huaisang: noooo, san ge, how dare you!
Mo xuanyu: that's so genius, Yao gege!
Su she: awww.
Xichen: he loves to chew on fans. Because he's sophisticated just like that.
Xue yang: Huaisang, get to the back of the class.
Huaisang: *pouting*
Su she: take your negativity with you!
Huaisang: Dage!
Mingjue: I can't come. I'm holding foxyao.
Huaisang: *sobbing* how could you!!
He casted his spell on you too!!
Xue yang: that's how the simp club works. Jiggy just have to breathe for the simps to start their simping.
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hulijingemperor2 · 1 year
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Meng Shi: *placing hairpins in her hair*
An attendant: *holding a mirror for her* you look very sweet and gorgeous today? Tai Hou jiejie.
Meng Shi: thank you.
Four maids: *entering* greetings Tai Hou.
Meng Shi: oh hi darlings.
Yes, your tea was excellent.
Thanks, Tai hou.
We're here to groom your fox tail.
Meng Shi: lovely! *smile* Now I wonder if you can handle them.
Of course, Tai Hou. You're delicate like Huangdi after all.
Meng shi: *makes her nine fox tails appear*
Maids: *astonished* WOW!!
well you are the goddess of Hulijings!
You're magnificent.
I guess we have to get some more maids.
yea. Like maybe 18 of them.
Meng Shi: *giggle*
Maybe we can dismiss grooming today.
I must get ready for the banquet.
Yes Tai Hou. As you say.
Attendant: *hands her a handfan*
Meng Shi: thank you. Let's go.
Tai hou: how was the caravan ride?
Meng Shi: it was so fun! I really enjoy it.
Great that you enjoyed, Tai hou.
Meng Shi: I'm supposed to do it again, and also meet Yao'er's citizens.
As you must.
Meng Shi: after that, I have to visit Moling Su.
Hmmm what a busy Huanghou.
Yao: *walking down the hall with team dimple and Rusong*
Xue yang: *whispers* Shanshan, look at Jiggy's dimples.
Su she: I was always looking at them. They're hella gorgeous.
Mo xuanyu: Yao gege is so perfect. I wonder what's his hair routine.
Xue yang: the guy wakes up with perfect hair.
Yao: team dimple.
Trio: *kneels* yes boss.
Rusong: Team D. Did your legs stop working? You three are so random.
Mo xuanyu: our A-Yao called us.
Rusong: huh. Is this what it's like to be a simp?
Yao: *laughing* why are you kneeling?
Su she: you got that emperor voice.
Mo xuanyu: you make out knees weak Yao gege.
Rusong: you look really nice kneeling. Heehee.
It makes me feel tall.
Yao: guys, stand up.
Trio: *stood up*
Yao: I was going to ask if everything is put into place.
Mo xuanyu: yea, Yao gege. You can always count on us.
Xue yang: obvi, Jiggy.
Su she: Huangdi, some of my sect members are coming to greet Tai Hou.
Yao: so lovely.
Meng Shi: Yao'er!
Yao: *smile* A-niang! You look stunning.
Meng Shi: *pinches cheeks* thank you, Yao'er.
Baby you look so handsome.
Yao: thanks. *kisses her hand in respect*
Rusong: Nainai!
Meng Shi: ahh Song'er. Such a gentleman.
You make me proud as well.
Rusong: I hope you enjoy the soiree.
Meng shi: of course I would.
Rusong: nainai, team d was simping for A-Die again.
Su she: *blush*
Mo xuanyu: Dianxia, don't sell us out.
Xue yang: because Jiggy is gorgeous.
Meng Shi: well obviously. I made him handsome.
Rusong: they went on their knees too.
Meng Shi: congrats Yao'er. You have mastered it.
Yao: haha. Certainly I have.
During the soiree/banquet, some guests were seated while some others were moving about. Meng Shi however was chatting with some fox spirits, who have her flowers and expensive gifts.
A-Yao and Rusong also mingled with some guests along with team dimple.
Tai hou, you're really beautiful in real life.
Thank you for giving us such a brilliant and caring Huangdi.
Meng Shi: oh you recognize my A-Yao's talent. Yes he's indeed brilliant.
He fought a lot for women equality as well.
Also he protected his empire for threats.
Meng Shi: ahh, I'm so proud of him.
You're the sweetest thing, Tai hou.
Huangdi got his cuteness from you.
Imperial dimples.
Meng Shi: *smiling*
It's so nice to meet you. And thank you for the compliments.
Tai hou, let's toast to your perfect descendants.
Our sweetest Huangdi and ideal Dianxia.
Meng Shi: sure. I would like to toast.
The Mengs are a blessing to hulijings.
Xichen: A-Yao. *toasts*
Yao: *toasts*
Xichen: you look very happy today.
Yao: yes. Because the one I care about the most is here.
Xichen: that's so sweet. *caresses his face* stay happy like this. It's precious.
Team dimple: *fuming*
Su she: look at the lan. Making us look bad.
Mo xuanyu: we care so much about Yao gege.
Xue yang: lipsy is stealing the show. Let's do something.
Xue yang: Jiggy. Jiggy.
Yao: yangyang.
Xue yang: I'm just happy you're happy. And I'm more happy than Lan lips.
Mo xuanyu: A-Yao, your smile and dimples are our reason to live.
Su she: Lan lips, do you have somewhere else to be.
Xichen: but I'm just toasting with A-Yao.
Rusong: I'm sorry Shizun. You know how team D is.
Team dimple, are you hungry? I babysit them BTW.
Xue yang: no! And when do you babysit us.
Su she: well he is mini boss Dianxia.
Mo xuanyu: we want Yao gege.
Rusong; well there's your Yao gege.
Yao: team D, please don't fight Huan. *laughing*
Su she: can I still stab him?
Yao: no.
Su she: fine.
Zixuan: *entering* Yaoyao, I'm sorry I'm late. Pregnancy, remember.
Yao: aww Zishie.
*walking towards him* It's ok.
Meng shi: that Madam Jin's son?!! What is he doing here!
Zixuan: A-Yao, I'm so happy for you. May I meet your mom?
Yao: of course.
Zixuan: but would she want to talk to me? My A-niang abused you a lot.
Yao: come on. Don't be afraid.
Meng Shi: *glaring at him*
Zixuan: greetings Tai Hou. *bows* I'm Jin Zixuan, the emperor of peacock spirits.
Meng Shi: ah, quite decent. Unlike Madam Jin.
Pleasure to meet you.
Zixuan: I have never bullied A-Yao. We're actually really close.
Meng Shi: how sweet. Well you know, I have a rivalry with Madam Jin. Yet that doesn't mean that I hate you. You're my like my stepson.
Zixuan: really??
Meng shi: mhm.
My A-Xuan and A-Yao.
Zixuan: awwwwwww. *cries*
Yao: *smile*
Meng Shi: gosh Madam Jin will flip.
But I want that to happen. She needs a chill pill.
Zixuan: *laughing*
Meng Shi: A-Xuan, why do you have a little baby bump.
Zixuan: well Jimu (stepmom), it's a long story, well~~
Yao: it's gas.
Zixuan: yea it's gas.
Meng Shi: oh no. Don't your servants cook for you?
Zixuan: yea. But I get gasy easily.
Meng shi: poor baby.
Yao: *whispers* Zishie, A-niang wouldn't understand mpreg.
Zixuan: oh, I thought she would.
Well it is a new concept.
Yao: yea. And it would make her laugh.
Zixuan: lol.
Thereafter Huaisang came limping into Yao's conference hall during the banquet.
(He was the cloaked guy who wanted to put A-qing against Rusong)
Huaisang: *limping* hey guys.
Su she: are you constipated?
Mo xuanyu: *judging him* have some conduct.
Xue yang: you look like my homewrecker Songlan. Stop it.
Huaisang: *sarcasm* thanks for your concern team dimple.
Yao: team D *nods*
Meng shi: Huaisang, you shouldn't scare team dimple.
Huaisang: *sobs* yes empress.
Meng shi: Yao'er, would he be alright?
Yao: definitely.
Huaisang, how did you get hurt?
Huaisang: Dage made me train again *sobs* and I hit my knee. I feel like I'm dying! Will my leg be amputated. I can't live without a leg.
Yao: oh my.
Xue yang: you perfectly can. It's like living without a tongue.
Huaisang: *disgusted*
San ge!!!!!
Yao: alright alright. Huaisang. Take a seat here. I'll call the physicians.
Huaisang: no no no. The hulijing physicians might find out the reason why I walk with a limp.
Yao: is there something you did? Other than martial practice?
Huaisang: n...no. why would you ask that? I don't want them to think that I'm weak.
Yao: well fine.
Su she: Huangdi, I thought that he was banned from Jing Manor. And where's Xuan Huangdi?
Zixuan: here. Next to the buffet.
Get huaisang away from me. *opens fan and looks away* I'm not in the mood.
Xue yang: what is hurricane Nie doing here?!
Yao: *sigh* it's a banquet guys. As Huangdi, I put things behind me and invited him along with dage.
Su she: ahh. We see. You're so smart and sweet.
Mo xuanyu: love you.
Xue yang: always will.
Yao: *smile*
Meng shi: smart Huangdi.
Yao: thank you A-niang.
Huaisang: *sobs* (this A-qing and her bamboo stick. Why did she have to beat me like that.
I'm not going to be able to walk properly for days)
Later on, a special someone arrives!
Sisi: Huanghou jiejie!!! Huanghou jiejie!
Meng Shi: Sisi!
Sisi: *goes to kowtow, but Meng Shi stops her.
Meng Shi: *hugs* no formalities!
Sisi: *looking surprisingly at A-Yao* little Yao'er! You have grown so much!
Yao: aunt Sisi. *hugs* I missed you!
Sisi: I missed you too, little hulijing Dianxia. Or should I say little Huangdi.
Yao: aunt Sisi, I'll always be your little Dianxia.
Sisi: *kisses his forehead* I know, baby.
Meng Shi: yes! He became such a wise and successful Huangdi.
Sisi: and he got really handsome too!
Meng Shi: I know right! He's the cutest thing.
Sisi: I'm so happy for our Yao'er.
Meng shi: mhm. And speaking of cutest, our Yao'er has an adorable son.
Sisi: ahhhh Dianxia!!! Where is he.
Rusong: *enters* I'm right here! Great aunt Sisi.
Sisi: omg. How adorable. He has his A-Die's face. And especially his dimples.
Meng shi: yes.
Sisi: *pinches cheeks* little Dianxia. You're the cutest.
Rusong: *blushing* A-Die, help.
Yao: *laughing* you need to be pinched by your great aunt and grandma once in a while.
Meng Shi: exactly!
Isn't Song'er adorable?
Sisi: yup! I'll give him and Yao'er all my love.
Meng Shi: mn.
Now where were you, darling?
Sisi: meimei. I was hidden in Dongying.
Well someone, I can't remember who it is, was so kind to arrange a hideaway cottage for me to stay somewhere around Moling. But I fled to Dongying because I was pulled into a controversy, also I was terrified if someone found and killed me.
Especially Madam Jin.
Meng Shi: oh gosh! That old bat is still around. Ehem...I mean...Madam Jin, *smiling in a regal way* I must pay her a visit.
Sisi: mhm. But in Dongying, I learnt swordfighting and the way of weilding the Katana. I offer my skill to your service and protection.
Meng Shi: ohh, how amazing. I'm glad that you learnt martial arts.
Sisi: yes. And I took the cultivation books you had bought for Yao'er.
Meng Shi: marvelous.
Yao: I have secretly organized the safe house.
Sisi: ohhh it was You?!! Thank you Yao'er. How should I repay you?
Yao: you don't need to.
Meng Shi: *hugs* A-Si. I want you to live near me.
And remember you wanted to be my personal maid.
Sisi: yes, I do, jiejie!
*bows* thanks for your gratitude!
Meng Shi: no formalities.
And you should teach me how to sword fight some time.
Sisi: you were always my inspiration. You showed that women can do great things in this misogynistic world.
Meng shi: *strokes head* yes. Darling, you can do anything.
A few Su sect members: *offering her flowers* greetings taihou.
Meng Shi: nice to meet you. And they're lovely! Thank you.
Tai hou, you're very pretty.
Do you have a skincare routine?
Meng Shi: *whispers* it's the warm spring water. Keep that between us.
I heard that Huangdi does the same.
We'll keep your secret.
Does Huangdi's dimples have its own beauty routine?
Meng Shi: of course it does.
Glamorous Mengs!
Sisi: glamorous indeed.
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honeycreammilkshake · 19 days
About that anon, those gojo fanatics also latched onto kenjaku and even DEFEND him, literally reality is that they are just mad Sukuna killed gojo, that's it, they defend kenjaku (because he didn't kill gojo) despite doing experiment with BABIES and women rape, hello????
It's already sad they are making so many awful edits with blob sukuna (gege please stop making it so hard for us fans) and completely dismissing sukuna and yuji relationship
They even dismiss maki arc. Let's be honest they just want a manga centered about just gojo and that one would become boring fast, sorry. They want to make drama with gojo yes he had drama too but then, how about Sukuna? It's your fault you ignored sukuna's line about him not caring about being the strongest and hinted a bad childhood.
Gojo lived like a rich in easy times, maki and her sister were abused, Sukuna was probably abused too and mocked just because of how he looked, his life was decided just because he accidentally (yes, I believe sukuna is coping with HAHA IM SO EVIL I ATE MY OWN TWIN) ate his own brother, forever making him look like some monster (even more if you read ryomen sukuna lore, apparently he was sold to some circus spectacle and forced to eat other kids or something), which is why Yuji is so sad because that could have been him
I really hope those fanatics move on and latch onto another OH SO COOL character (look at how fast Levi Ackerman was forgotten), I really think and hope anime only people will appreciate Gege story more, without forced agendas or obsession over one character
hi, anon, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me. i'm sorry for the late reply, this got lost in my drafts ;-;
when i first started watching jujutsu kaisen, my first impression of gojo was that he was one of those shonen anime mentors, like vanessa enoteca from black clover or kisuke urahara from bleach. like them, gojo can be really immature, irresponsible, dismissive of his student's safety and even willing to put them in direct danger, self-absorbed, and overly confident to the point that it risks the safety of others.
compare this to how nanami acts. even if he's not very personable, he's still made it clear that he cares about the well-being of others and even stated it's his responsibility to put yuuji's life above his own. meanwhile, gojo has largely been raising his students dangerously so that they can become allies for him. he doesn't seem to care if they don't want anything to do with his cause.
i hate how the fandom so easily dismisses the hardships the other characters (like maki and her sister) faced, and instead only vent about how gojo died. to me, his death was an important part of the story and needed to happen. he even seemed to be content with it. but the tragic deaths of other characters, who didn't deserve such a fate, go unnoticed far more often.
i dislike kenjaku too. i'm very critical of how the fandom let him get away with so much just because he didn't kill gojo.
i'm not all too familiar with ryomen sukuna lore outside of the few facts we've been given in the manga, so i'll do some more research on that. thank you for pointing that out to me! he's definitely had a tragic past and most likely became what he is because of the different pressures to rise above it all.
loved to hear your thoughts, anon! hopefully you've been doing well <3
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robininthelabyrinth · 2 years
Lan Yueheng promised Lan Qiren that he would wait to have children, but apparently a child choosing him as a parent doesn't count. That's how he became little A-Ying's father (aka baby Wei Wuxian).
A Quiet Life of Leisure - ao3
"So how do you feel about small children?" Cangse Sanren asked, swooping in without warning and making poor Lan Yueheng jump nearly a chi into the air.
In his defense, he'd been concentrating on his nightmare plants, and she hadn't bothered introducing herself with a greeting like any normal person. In fact, Lan Qiren was willing to bet that Lan Yueheng, characteristically unaware of what was happening in his immediate vicinity despite being startling well informed on gossip happening elsewhere, hadn't even known she'd arrived at the Cloud Recesses.
"He likes them," Lan Qiren said, dryly amused. Lan Yueheng's field remained under Lan Qiren’s window, so he wasn't far away, leaning close to the window from the inside to enjoy a bit of early summer sunshine. "More than I do, I suspect. Were you asking me or him?"
"Don't be silly, Qiren-ge. You like small children plenty, as long as they're your students or your nephews," Zhang Xin said from where she was sitting on the porch just outside the window. She didn't even bother to look up from the clothing she was applying arrays to - what arrays, Lan Qiren didn't dare to contemplate. The usual set applied by the laundry were enough for most people, but apparently not for Lan Yueheng’s wife…something which Lan Qiren completely understood and sympathized with.
It was, after all, Lan Yueheng. Things often exploded in his vicinity, and sometimes it was even on purpose.
Damn alchemists.
“My students aren’t small children,” Lan Qiren objected. “And my nephews…”
Well, they were perfect. That wasn’t his fault.
"Nephews...? Oh, right, there's a second one now! Brand new, right?" Cangse Sanren beamed. "You’ll have to introduce me, Qiren-gege! And I did mean you, in the first instance, though I suppose…say, pretty lady, you didn't answer the question yourself: any thoughts or feelings about small children?"
"Extremely positive," Zhang Xin said, not taking offense at Cangse Sanren very obviously not remembering her name. "I intend to have ten."
"Absolutely not," Lan Qiren said at once.
"I'm willing to compromise with slightly fewer," Zhang Xin conceded, retaining all her dignity, such as it was. "If necessary."
"We're waiting until A-Huan and A-Zhan are a bit older," Lan Yueheng said, that silly smile he always got when the subject was raised on his face. "Then we'll have some of our own! It'll be nice, having a big family."
"Think of A-Xin’s health," Lan Qiren said, disapproving.
"We didn't say they all had to be mine, Qiren-ge!” Zhang Xin protested half-heartedly. “There could be a second wife! Share the burden!"
“Don’t be absurd, Yueheng-xiong would never and you know that perfectly well,” Lan Qiren scolded, ignoring the way Zhang Xin smirked in satisfaction. “Anyway, I wasn't talking about your womb. Children are exhausting! Don't underestimate it!"
"We still have a few more years to go, given A-Zhan," Lan Yueheng said thoughtfully, and Lan Qiren flinched: he'd tried time and time again to convince his friend to start having children already and not to wait for him, worried as he was about them getting too old for it to be easy, but he'd had no luck. Bad enough they were putting their lives on hold to help with A-Huan, but now there was A-Zhan, too... “We’ll be ready by then. In the meantime, I’m putting together an invention that’ll let us move faster to chase after them with less effort.”
“Oh no,” Lan Qiren said, abruptly alarmed. “Yueheng-xiong…”
"You're all wonderful," Cangse Sanren declared, clapping her hands together. "Absolutely wonderful. Qiren-gege, don’t spoil their fun. In the meantime, Yueheng-di, tell me – what are those plants for..?"
"I'm not getting involved with this," Lan Qiren announced, seeing Lan Yueheng's face brighten with anticipation of sharing one of his hobbies with someone. He reached out to pull the window closed - he had a great deal of work to do, being acting sect leader, and he had hope that he might be able to spend some time with Cangse Sanren during her visit if he finished everything currently on his desk. Unfortunately, the only way to do that, however, was to spend time focusing on it right now. She had said something mildly worrying about dragging him out onto a night-hunt. He wasn’t sure if he ought to be excited or scared.
“In the meantime, Zhang Xin,” he said, pointedly enunciating her name so that Cangse Sanren could hear it and, if she had been the sort of person familiar with shame, feel bad about not knowing it. “Keep an eye on your husband, will you?”
“Oh, you’re married,” Cangse Sanren said in a tone that sounded strangely approving, looking between the two of them with an expression that suggested she was thinking of blowing something up. “Oh good, good, I have some questions –”
Lan Qiren closed his window with a snap, and then put several silencing talismans up for good measure. He did not, and to be very clear did not, want to know what Cangse Sanren, fairly newly married herself, wanted to know from a married couple. She’d always had the strangest blind spots when it came to what she so charmingly (and mildly worrisomely) called ‘human customs’…
At any rate, Lan Yueheng was a remarkably steady person, excluding his love affair with mathematics and alchemy, and Zhang Xin was extremely practical most of the time. How much damage could Cangse Sanren do?
Three shichen later, when the fire had been put out and the illicit gambling den that she’d managed to lure poor Lan Yueheng into thoroughly dispersed, Lan Qiren decided he had only himself to blame for the disaster.
“What do you mean Yueheng-xiong is gone?” Lan Qiren asked when he found out. “He normally logs all his travel well in advance of leaving the sect, and he hasn’t registered anything like that for this time. The Cloud Recesses is only so large, surely he’s just hidden himself somewhere you haven’t checked?”
“No, Sect Leader, he left,” the disciple said stubbornly. “I checked with the gate guards and everything. They said he looked like he was following some sort of compass.”
That…sounded like Lan Yueheng.
Lan Qiren did not need this.
He pinched his brow. “Someone go ask his wife where he might have gone,” he instructed. “And then go find him.”
He didn’t actually need Lan Yueheng for anything that important, but that wasn’t the point, the point was that Lan Yueheng was generally there. Rumors had been going around the cultivation world claiming that Cangse Sanren had died, rumors with enough truth to them that Lan Qiren regretfully actually believed it, and damnit he wanted his friend around – or more correctly, he wanted to know that his friend was somewhere nice and safe. Not outside of the Cloud Recesses’ borders without the slightest bit of protection or guards to keep an eye out for him when he inevitably forgot where he was going, and certainly not aimlessly following some new invention of his that was undoubtedly going to blow them all sky-high sooner or later!
Unfortunately, no one knew where he’d gone, and a sweep of the immediate vicinity of the Cloud Recesses didn’t turn out anything.
Even Zhang Xin had no idea where he might be.
“I’m sure he’ll be back sooner or later,” she said, looking undisturbed and above it all. “Don’t worry, Qiren-ge. It’ll be fine. He won’t be gone long, and nothing bad will happen to him.”
Lan Qiren looked at her suspiciously. “Are you pregnant again? You always get especially tranquil when you’re pregnant.”
Zhang Xin scowled at him. “You can’t extrapolate based on two instances, Qiren-ge.”
She’d had her first child, a little girl, when Lan Wangji was three, and then her second, a boy, just this past year. She was still nursing him, so all reason suggested that she was not pregnant again – and yet…
He arched his eyebrows at her.
She made a rude gesture at him. “We were going to surpriseyou with it,” she complained. “Why do you have to be smart and perceptive? It’s just rude!”
Lan Qiren shook his head at her – she wasn’t going to use compliments to get out of this – but he did feel his mood improve a little. Lan Yueheng was terribly unaware of his surroundings as a general rule, and his skill with a sword were positively horrific, but he was exceptionally stubborn, handy with an explosive, and remarkably lucky, as could be determined by the success he and Zhang Xin were in having in having children. More to the point, he was also an exceptionally devoted husband and father and would not, if there was any way he could prevent it, miss any key moment in his little family’s lives, such as a birth.
He would find a way to come back.
“Do you have any idea where he might be?” Lan Qiren asked, though he was rapidly giving up hope. “I could at least send someone to watch over him…”
Sure enough, Zhang Xin shook her head.
“Don’t worry,” she said again. “How much trouble could he really be in?”
Lan Qiren stared at her speechlessly.
“…maybe I shouldn’t have said that,” she allowed. “He has a history.”
“So I’m bad with faces, and actually I don’t think we’ve seen each other in a few years when you were much, much smaller,” the man in the white robes said, blinking owlishly down at Wei Ying. “So I’m probably completely off, but in the event that I’m not, is there any chance that you’re Cangse Sanren’s Wei Ying?”
Wei Ying stared at him without blinking, lest the man disappear if he did. “Gongzi,” he said. “You just blew up a building!”
“That’s true, but also a remarkably unhelpful answer,” the man said, and pulled something that looked like a compass out of his pocket. “Hmm, it’s spinning in circles again. I must be close by…if you’re not Wei Ying, could you help me find him? His mother asked me to look for him.”
Wei Ying squinted at the man. “No she didn’t,” he said. “She’s dead.”
The man at the inn had said so when he’d kicked Wei Ying out of the room he’d been staying in and taken all of his family’s belongings that had been left with Wei Ying while he waited for his parents to finish their night-hunt. Normally, Wei Ying wouldn’t believe it, but it’d been a few weeks of sleeping out in the streets and feeling very hungry because he couldn’t get enough food from what the merchants gave out or threw away and he was pretty sure if his parents were alive they would’ve come back to get him already.
At least it was still summer, or at least fall. The other street kids said that in the winter there was even less food, and they might even need to fight for it with the dogs –
“I know that! That’s why I’m here,” the man said. Was he pouting? “You see, I won her son in a betting game.”
Wei Ying blinked and stared at the man even harder. “How do you know that?” he demanded. “That was my mom’s special joke with me!”
It was the one joke that his father never laughed at, only rolled his eyes, so it had been his mother and his special joke, just for the two of them – she loved to tell him about how she’d infiltrated a gambling den (set it up, his father would interject; incited, she would correct) and how she’d put a bet down wagering her first-born son with the nicest person there, a sweetheart mark who was losing the robes off his back. And then Wei Ying, giggling, would get to say his part: If you bet me away, why haven’t you paid up?
His mother would kiss the tip of his nose. I won the lifetime rights right back off of him, she would say. Sorry, monkey, you’re mine for as long as I live.
And then she’d laugh.
Wei Ying didn’t really get the joke, but he hadn’t thought much of it. His mother laughed, so he laughed; that’s all that mattered.
The man blinked down at him. “Your mom? Are you Wei Ying, then?”
Caught, Wei Ying nodded.
“Wonderful! What do I do with you, then?”
Wei Ying blinked. “What do you mean?”
“Your mother told me ‘when I’m dead, use this compass to find my son’,” the man explained. He looked very earnest. “She didn’t say what I was supposed to do when I found you. Other than you, who else can I ask? So, little Wei-gongzi…”
Wei Ying started giggling. This man was very silly. He could very easily see his mother tricking him into agreeing to take care of Wei Ying after she died – she was very good at tricking people into things. Had been very good, anyway.
Of course, that didn’t take away from the most important fact.
“You should buy me something to eat,” Wei Ying said, deciding to make that clear up front. “But – you blew up the restaurant!”
The man glanced back at the ruined building and looked sheepish.
“In my defense,” he said, scratching his head, “it was full of bandits that wanted to rob me. I think.”
“You think?!”
“…I’m pretty sure…”
Wei Ying liked this man, he decided. He liked this man a lot.
“So A-Ying, based on ages, you’re going to be the oldest,” Lan Yueheng was explaining when Lan Qiren finally found him, right back at his very own workshop table and carefree as if he hadn’t been gone nearly half a month. “See, there’s little Yanyu – say hello! – and baby Zhijin – yes, you can hold him, careful, he’s breakable – and there’s going to be another one soon, we’re thinking on naming –”
“You don’t even know if it’s a boy or a girl,” Lan Qiren interrupted, even though it was rude, and swept in to help the young boy he didn’t recognize stabilize little Zhijin’s head properly. One year old or not, he was a wobbly child. “Don’t invite bad luck by naming too early. Where have you been? And who is this?”
“This one’s name is Wei Ying,” the boy said promptly, and Lan Qiren nodded in approval at his manners, then did a double take once the words actually reached his brain.
“Wei Ying?” he croaked, and had to sit down quickly. “Cangse Sanren’s Wei Ying?”
“Mine now,” Lan Yueheng said. “I won him fair and square, and the lifetime rights expired.”
“…this is about that gambling den,” Lan Qiren concluded, knowing enough about everyone involved to be able to follow that ridiculous logic. “Yueheng-xiong, you didn’t win anything. She was cheating you from the moment you sat down at the table.”
“Really?” Lan Yanyu said. She was nearly four, and precious with it – she had a marvelous talent for identifying the precise part of anything anyone said around her that they didn’t want her to hear and immediately starting to repeat it.
“My mom is the best,” Wei Ying said. He looked very proud.
“Even if she cheated me into it, I still won him, that’s how the game works,” Lan Yueheng pointed out. “Anyway, now that she’s dead, what else am I supposed to do with him?”
Lan Qiren felt that there were some flaws to this argument. He was certain that once he had recovered from the emotional blow he’d just taken, he would even be able to point them out.
Though…he really had no idea what the alternative might be. It wasn’t as if he could write Baoshan Sanren a letter – he’d been tempted to in the past, just on principle, but sadly one could not deliver one’s complaints to an unfindable immortal mountain – and as far as he knew, Wei Changze had no living family. He’d been a servant in the Jiang sect and close to their sect leader, so Lan Qiren supposed that Jiang Fengmian might be willing to take in the boy…
On the other hand, a nice normal family in the Cloud Recesses seemed like a better option than being a servant in the Jiang sect, or maybe a guest disciple if Jiang Fengmian were feeling especially generous. The boy couldn’t be any older than seven or eight, he still needed a mother and father, and given how jealous Madame Yu was said to be (especially as related to Cangse Sanren), it was highly improbable that Jiang Fengmian would dare her anger by taking the boy into his own family in any serious respect; that would be showing blatant disregard for his wife’s feelings and his own reputation besides. Very likely best Wei Ying would be able to hope for was a placement in one of the side families, with someone who didn’t even know his mother…
“Well, I suppose,” he finally conceded, and Lan Yueheng cheered.
“It’s official now,” he told Wei Ying. “We’re definitely keeping you. Qiren-xiong here is our sect leader, so if he says it’s all right, then it’s all right.”
Wei Ying cheered, and then Lan Yanyu joined in, cheerful as anything, and Lan Qiren put his hands over his ears in pain.
“It’s not official yet,” he insisted. “You still need to go through all the proper procedures if you’re going to adopt him or take him in as your ward. There are rules, Yueheng –”
It turned out Jiang Fengmian would, in fact, have been willing to take Wei Ying into his own family.
He was also extremely upset to discover that Lan Qiren had ‘stolen’ him away.
“You would have to have a claim on the boy for it to be theft,” Lan Qiren said testily. He didn’t appreciate the accusation in the slightest. “Are you saying you have one? Do you own his father’s life-bond contract?”
Jiang Fengmian looked offended. “Wei Changze was a servant, not a slave!”
“A servant who you released from service to your sect upon the occasion of his marriage, if I recall correctly. Did you not do that?”
“Well, yes, I did, but –”
“Do you have any other relationship to the boy beyond a friendship with his father?”
“What exactly are you implying?” Jiang Fengmian said, glaring death, and for a moment Lan Qiren was surprised at the extremity of the response to a perfectly reasonable question.
Except then a moment later Lao Nie swept in and, pretending not to see Jiang Fengmian standing right there, said, “Hey, Qiren! What’s this I hear about you letting someone in your sect adopt Sect Leader Jiang’s bastard?”
Which – explained Jiang Fengmian’s ire, although not why it was aimed at Lan Qiren. It was like everyone forgot that his sect had rules against engaging in unnecessary gossip…
“He’s not my bastard,” Jiang Fengmian said stiffly.
Lan Qiren nodded. “Cangse Sanren would not be unfaithful to her chosen husband,” he agreed, not going out of his way to opine on whether Jiang Fengmian might’ve been willing on his end if she had been willing on hers, “having gone to such lengths to select him in the first place. As a result, when she died, there was no one else with any claim on him at all, and so I permitted my cousin to adopt him. I do not see the issue.”
“No issue, no issue at all,” Lao Nie said, having very clearly only brought up the matter at all in order to needle Jiang Fengmian. “I hope you know what a headache you’re getting yourself into, that’s all, taking in an offspring of Cangse Sanren – or of Wei Changze, for that matter. I recall him having a sense of humor for the ages.”
Lan Qiren had already braced himself.
“I’m not satisfied that the matter is settled,” Jiang Fengmian objected. “Sect Leader Lan, why are you so insistent about this?”
Lan Qiren stared at him in disbelief – was the man stilltrying to claim poor Wei Ying?
“Maybe Sect Leader Lan had a fondness for the beautiful Cangse Sanren as well,” someone said, but looking around Lan Qiren could not see who it was; they had attracted an audience of sect leaders from the smaller sects.
Lao Nie was starting to scowl, though, and it was best not to let him get into it on Lan Qiren’s behalf – he was far too temperamental in defense of his loved ones for Lan Qiren’s taste, and it would only irritate Wen Ruohan to hear about Lao Nie getting into a fight when he wasn’t around to spectate. The only result would be all three of them getting annoyed.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Lan Qiren said instead, letting his own irritation slip out. “If I’d been in love with her, I’d have proposed marriage to her and been rejected like all her other suitors. My concern here is with Wei Ying – he has already settled in quite happily, and I see no benefit to disturbing him, or indeed in disturbing the order and tranquility of how things have been arranged within my sect. Even my nephews have befriended him!”
“You have befriended Wei Ying, have you not?” Lan Qiren asked Lan Xichen during one of their lessons, feeling a little anxious. “He’s settling in well?”
“Oh yes,” Lan Xichen said cheerfully. “I like A-Ying a great deal – though maybe not as much as Wangji does.”
Lan Qiren arched his eyebrows. Lan Wangji was an introverted boy, much the same way Lan Qiren had been. Lan Qiren had never doubted his young nephew’s affection for his family, but he knew that Lan Wangji usually didn’t go much beyond that. He certainly didn’t like strangers very much – or at least, he usually didn’t.
“He’s following him around like a duckling,” Lan Xichen confided. “It’s adorable! I haven’t seen Wangji this happy since – since – ”
Since their mother had died, no doubt.
It had been less than two years ago, and remained a shadow on Lan Qiren’s mind. Lan Wangji had taken it terribly, which was to be expected, and had only very slowly emerged from the gloom it had cast over him. Now that Lan Qiren thought about it, Lan Wangji had started doing better after the visit from the Nie sect heirs – perhaps what he really needed was friends, and if Wei Ying could be that friend for him, that would be good.
Still, while worrying, Lan Wangji’s reaction was not outside the realm of what was to be expected; if anything, Lan Qiren worried more about Lan Xichen, who had soldiered through his mother’s death with almost too much equanimity. He had gotten into a fight with He Kexin a year or so before her death – Lan Qiren did not know on what subject, having not attended that particular visit on account of Lan Wangji being sick with a fever and needing tending – and their relationship had never been the same after that.
Neither had ever explained what had happened, and by now, with He Kexin gone and Lan Xichen still steadfastly refusing any offers to talk, Lan Qiren suspected he would never learn.
Still, since he was unwilling to force the issue, there was nothing to be done about it, and no reason to dwell on it. He could focus on connecting with his nephew in other ways, instead.
“A duckling,” Lan Qiren said. “Wangji? Really?”
Lan Xichen grinned so widely that Lan Qiren almost wanted to quote do not exult in excess at him.
“Oh yes,” he said, looking positively mischievous. “Come see!”
Lan Qiren had to admit that there was a distinct familiarity to the sight of Wei Ying, trotting along the paths of the Cloud Recesses, talking at top speed with one hand moving every which way and the other firmly grasping Lan Wangji’s sleeve, dragging him along. Not that that was necessary, what with Lan Wangji trotting right beside him, watching him with an intent look and nodding along with whatever it was he was saying. Moreover, completing the picture was little Lan Yanyu, right behind them, chiming in at random intervals, and she was pulling the even littler Lan Zhijin behind her in a little cart, since the boy had only barely started walking.
“…I see,” Lan Qiren said, making a mental note to start teaching Wei Ying the Lan sect rules as soon as possible.
He was very fond of Lan Yueheng, strange as the man could sometimes be, but Lan Yueheng was an adult, capable of living by the rules in the manner that fit him best, and his idiosyncratic interpretations weren’t necessarily the ideal ones for children to learn. A proper orthodox education was better for children, serving them as a firm foundation – it would be unfortunate if Wei Ying got the wrong idea about how members of the Lan sect were supposed to behave.
Of course, for that Wei Ying would need a courtesy name. Perhaps they could allow Jiang Fengmian to opine on that, in the interest of smoothing over ruffled feathers…?
“I’m glad they’re happy,” Lan Xichen said, watching them.
Lan Qiren glanced at his obedient nephew.
“Indeed,” he said. “They are, however, going the wrong way – perhaps you would like to join them? We can continue the lesson we were doing tomorrow.”
Lan Xichen was gone almost before he finished saying his thanks.
The number of ducklings had multiplied, but the sight of them trotting through the Cloud Recesses in a bunch had not changed.
It was usually a pretty good way to tell that some trouble was on its way, too.
At this point, Lan Qiren was starting to wonder if Lan Yueheng and Zhang Xin had determined that the best and possibly only way to keep Wei Wuxian from making too much trouble was to have another child and then to graciously allow him to help out with the babysitting. If so, it was a brilliant ploy – Wei Wuxian loved having younger siblings to take care of, and any attempts to chase him away so that he could focus on playing with other children his age resulted only in increasingly dramatic moping and behavior not unlike that of an extremely small child himself. At least he always had Lan Wangji to listen to him, his steadfast companion through thick and thin and even an endless interest in carting around small children.
It did wonders for their arm strength, if nothing else.
Of course, Wei Wuxian was charming enough that even his penchant for bringing his younger siblings everywhere wasn’t enough to drive away the other children in the sect, and he remained exceptionally popular. At least part of that was his penchant for mischief – at this point, he had so much copying to do that he had just made it part of his schedule, and Lan Qiren thought he’d actually looked somewhat lost and confused on the rare occasions that he didn’t have something to be working on – and the rest of it was simply his manner, light-hearted and easy-going in a way the Lan sect rarely was.
Perhaps he really should have been raised a Jiang.
Well, it was far too late for such concerns now.
Although sometimes, the temptation…
Lan Qiren raised his teacup to avoid the now-predictable vibrations stemming from an explosion, counted to four, then put it back down.
“Why do we keep letting them do that?” he complained, and thought wistfully again of sending certain people off for a visit to the Lotus Pier even though he knew perfectly well that Wei Wuxian’s penchant for explosives had more than likely come from Lan Yueheng himself rather than any external source.
“Because it’s better if they do it in a controlled manner at a predictable time than at random,” Lan Wangji answered obediently – he’d done the same thing with his own teacup. “And because creativity is to be commended. Wei Ying has made great contributions to the sect through his inventions in talismans, arrays, and alchemy.”
A brief pause.
“And Third Uncle and his children too, of course.”
Lan Qiren did not roll his eyes, but it was close – he was by now perfectly aware of his younger nephew’s extreme partiality towards Wei Wuxian. He decided to change the subject: “What do you think of your peers in the classroom this year, Wangji? It’s an interesting group.”
They’d gotten virtually all the sect heirs, in fact: Jin Zixuan and Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang, and the only reason they hadn’t gotten Wen Chao was because Lan Qiren had personally expelled him the year before last for disrupting the education of other students and cited that as a reason not to accept him again. He’d expelled Jin Zixun for the same reason the year before that, so Wen Ruohan couldn’t even complain about it.
“They’re interesting,” Lan Wangji allowed. “Jiang-gongzi has become fast friends with Wei Ying and Nie Huaisang, and they make even more trouble together than Wei Ying did with Nie Huaisang alone last year.”
“I see,” Lan Qiren said. “And have you resolved your argument with Nie Huaisang?”
That would be a ‘no’, then. Sometimes Lan Qiren wished his boys were still young enough that he could personally intervene in their friendships to try to fix their problems.
Although there were still some things he could do.
“Wuxian has still not noticed that you’re arguing, has he?” he asked mildly, and Lan Wangji gave him an alarmed look. “Perhaps I should ask him to be an intermediary.”
“That is unnecessary, shufu,” Lan Wangji said quickly. “We will resolve it ourselves.”
“If you’re sure.”
A firm nod.
Lan Qiren picked up his teacup once more – another boom sounded in the distance – and took a sip, then said, “Wuxian has an exception grasp on the Lan sect rules. Although he often uses it as a means to argue his way out of trouble, I would not have made you two the joint heads of the discipline hall if I did not believe him equally capable of enforcing them. He would not appreciate you acting alone in his defense.”
Lan Wangji only looked stubborn.
Lan Qiren decided to drop the matter for now. He’d bring it up again tomorrow, and the day after as well if necessary. There simply was no reason for the two boys who had been friends with each other for even longer than they’d been friends with Wei Wuxian to fight over something as ridiculous as a fleeting infatuation.
…well, he hoped it was a fleeting infatuation on at least one of their parts. Ideally Lan Wangi, but he was starting to lose hope in that.
At least he was pretty sure that Lan Yueheng would consent whole-heartedly to the marriage.
Lan Qiren took another sip of tea, and tried to ignore the smell of smoke.
It usually wasn’t anything serious.
There was smoke in the air, thick and choking, and the heat made it difficult even to see.
The Cloud Recesses were burning.
Lan Qiren coughed into his sleeve, and thought to himself that it was good that the laundry had long ago updated the arrays to include ones designed for fireproofing as part of the regular set. He’d initially only asked for it for his own robes, but they’d taken it as an update to the general set and he’d never bothered to stop them.
“Shufu?” Lan Wangji asked, looking concerned, but Lan Qiren waved him away. He wished he could send Lan Wangji out from this horrible situation through one of the hidden paths, but he had already sent Lan Xichen that way – one man fleeing might be overlooked, but no more, not with how well his nephews were known as the Twin Jades.
Not that Lan Wangji would agree to leave. Not leave his home, not leave his uncle, and certainly not leave his beloved, with whom he had been fighting back-to-back with for the past shichen.
“Do not mind me,” Lan Qiren said, since saying ‘I am fine’ would breach the prohibition against lying. He was very far from fine. “Where is Wuxian?”
“Looking for Third Uncle. They got separated when they started setting off explosives in defense of the sect, and we have not been able to find him.”
Lan Qiren grimaced, and spared a moment to hope that Lan Yueheng and his family were all right. Zhang Xin would be in the women’s area, at least, with the twins and little Zixi, and that would have been locked down as much as they could manage as soon as possible, but the older children…Lan Yanyu was very nearly fifteen, old enough to think that she could pick up a sword and go out to fight, and both Lan Zhijin and Lan Wanli had probably been in the classrooms when the attack had come, making them unwilling participants whether they wanted it or no.
Lan Qiren had been there, too, but he couldn’t remember whether they had listened when he had ordered all the students to evacuate; he had had no time for anything else, rushing over to activate the sect defenses using his own blood before taking his sword and guqin to defend his home as best he could.
It had been a relief when the explosions had started. He’d known that it must be Wei Wuxian and Lan Yueheng behind them, them and their little group of alchemy enthusiasts, using whatever means at their disposal to fight back.
It had been a relief…
Not so much now.
Wei Wuxian, at least, could be trusted to defend himself properly, with his sword and his dizi and a dazzling array of deadly talismans, while Lan Yueheng…years and years of neglecting the sword in favor of his mathematics and alchemical experiments meant that he would never be a good fighter, no matter how fearsome the talismans and arrays and elixirs he wielded. He simply lacked a good sense of his surroundings, and had no notion whatsoever as to where an enemy might be or what they might do.
Wei Wuxian was better, much better, but what could win a duel would not win a war.
And Wei Wuxian was – too talented.
He’d unexpectedly won third place in the archery competition, locking in the entire thing as a Lan sect sweep while knocking out Wen Chao and making the Wen sect lose face, and with his sense of humor he’d gotten more attention for that feat than the calmer and quieter Lan Wangji had for his second-place finish or Lan Xichen for finishing first.
The Wen sect had a tendency to hold grudges. If they got hold of him…
“Call him here instead,” Lan Qiren said, making a decision. “I have a task for him.”
Lan Wangji looked at him in silent question, but long-term habits of obedience kicked in; he nodded and swept off to find his beloved.
Lan Qiren hoped that they would both forgive him.
Wei Wuxian wanted to destroy the Wen sect more than anything, but he was starting to have some unwilling sympathy for Wen Ruohan’s desire to dominate other sects and force them to do what he wanted.
Jiang Fengmian just wasn’t listening to him.
Oh, the man had been kind enough, offering Wei Wuxian shelter with his sect after what had happened with the Cloud Recesses, but it was as if all of Wei Wuxian’s warnings about it meant about the threat of the Wen sect fell on deaf ears. The Jiang sect believed in living freely and doing as you liked, and Jiang Fengmian did not want to go to war; therefore he would not, and certainly not for another sect’s sake no matter how much he liked the person doing the requesting.
Wei Wuxian felt obscurely betrayed by it. Jiang Fengmian had always been very kind to him whenever he was visiting the Lan sect or if they ever encountered each other outside – he’d been friends with Wei Wuxian’s father, and was always full of stories about him and some small knick-knack or gift from the Lotus Pier that his father had liked back when he’d lived there. He’d even allowed Wei Wuxian to call him Uncle Jiang.
But now, now when Wei Wuxian really needed him…
Wei Wuxian had only agreed to leave the Cloud Recesses in its time of need because Lan Qiren had insisted that he was the only one who might convince Jiang Fengmian to help them.
Wei Wuxian had believed him at the time, but he was starting to think that Lan Qiren hadn’t actually thought he could do it, but rather had done it just to get him out of the way.
It wasn’t that Wei Wuxian didn’t know that Jiang Fengmian and Lan Qiren were on moderately bad terms, insofar as sect leaders with as much influence as they had could be on bad terms – they had the usual set of alliances, but they didn’t like each other, and Wei Wuxian had always secretly suspected that the fact that Lan Qiren had taken him into the Cloud Recesses was at least part of the reason why. Jiang Fengmian had always spoken so highly of the Lotus Pier to him, encouraging him to come and visit – Lan Qiren had never allowed it – and Wei Wuxian had known from a young age that Jiang Fengmian had wished he’d been allowed to raise him instead of Lan Yueheng.
Indeed, even now, he had the feeling that Jiang Fengmian secretly hoped he’d find a reason to marry into the Jiang sect and therefore stay with them for good.
Not that there’d be anywhere to stay if the Wen sect did to the Lotus Pier what they’d done to the Cloud Recesses.
Not that Wei Wuxian would want to marry anyone other than Lan Wangji anyway.
“No offense meant,” he said to Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli, who both looked amused.
“None taken,” Jiang Cheng said. “I don’t want to marry you either, and Jiang Yanli’s engaged.”
“And also doesn’t want to marry you,” Jiang Yanli said. “Sorry, A-Xian. I see you only as a cute little brother.”
Wei Wuxian had in turn always seen Jiang Yanli as a friendly older sister, but he still put his hands on his heart and said, “Ouch. Leave me some dignity, all right? Just because I’m taken doesn’t mean that I don’t like to flatter myself about being attractive to women.”
“Flatter yourself another time,” Madame Yu interjected from the door, making them all jump. Her expression was grim. “The Wen sect has sent word that they are summoning one direct disciple from each sect to the Nightless City.”
“A direct disciple?” Wei Wuxian asked, looking alarmed. “You’re not going to send them Jiang Cheng, are you? And you can’t send Jiang Yanli!”
“I’m certainly not sending A-Li, but I don’t see that we have any choice about A-Cheng,” Madame Yu said. She gave Wei Wuxian that strange look that she always had for him, the one where she wasn’t sure if she ought to be angry at him for being the other person’s child in her husband’s heart or grateful that he had stayed in the Lan sect where he belonged, far away where he wouldn’t impact her own son’s position. It seemed a little more the latter than usual, perhaps because he’d shouted at Jiang Fengmian earlier in the hall of the Lotus Pier that he had only one father, Wei Changze, and only one adopted father, Lan Yueheng, and that he had no availability for any others. “I’m going to send you, too.”
Wei Wuxian blinked.
“There’s no point in your staying here as long as my husband refuses to take up arms,” she said, and Wei Wuxian grimaced in agreement. “You resemble some of our servants. If we change your hair and put you in Jiang sect colors – you will need to remove that forehead ribbon of yours – if we do all that, you’d pass well enough. If they’re collecting sect heirs, I’d assume your Lan Wanji would be there, too.”
“Teacher Lan sent Wei-xiong here to avoid him getting captured,” Jiang Cheng protested. “How can we send him to the Nightless City?”
“The safest place is the most dangerous place. Sect Leader Lan didn’t want him to get captured by those with a grudge against him, but Wen Chao is far less dangerous, and less observant, than Wen Xu. If he keeps his mouth shut, it’s possible they’ll overlook him entirely…that’s assuming you want to go, Wei-gongzi. I won’t force you.”
“No, you’re right,” he said. “I want to go. If Lan Zhan is there…I can’t leave him alone.”
Jiang Cheng sighed, but nodded.
“Good,” Madame Yu said. “If you find a way, get out of there and come back here. And don’t be subtle about it, either.”
When they looked at her, she smiled grimly.
“If burning the Lan sect isn’t enough to cow the whole cultivation world – and it’s not going to be – then they will need to bring down a second great sect to make the point. Wei-gongzi is right: we’re the obvious next target, and they won’t hesitate to do to the Lotus Pier what they did to the Cloud Recesses as soon as they have an excuse. ‘Harboring Lan sect fugitives’ would do the trick quite nicely.”
“You want to lure the Wen sect into attacking?”
“I want to lure them into attack at the time of my choosing,” she said, and swept her thumb across Zidian, letting it crackle a little. “Will you do it?”
Wei Wuxian smiled.
Losing a leg had done absolutely nothing to stymie Lan Yueheng’s enthusiasm, and – if anything – seemed only to encourage Wei Wuxian, who had already invented four different types of prosthetics that mixed arrays and metal in innovative new ways, each of them far better than anything they’d had previously.
“Are you certain I can’t convince you to take them more permanently?” Lan Qiren asked Nie Mingjue while rubbing his temples to try to make the headache go away. He didn’t exactly expect tranquility in a war, but the constant explosions, however useful, were starting to get to him – he was starting to hear them in his sleep. “Surely the Hejian front could use some heavy artillery.”
Nie Mingjue was visiting to check in on Nie Huaisang, who had been sent to the Cloud Recesses for his own safety. He smiled.
“You’d miss them if they were gone,” he said, and he was right. “Anyway, I’m quite happy with their inventions keeping the Cloud Recesses safe – and isn’t Wei-gongzi usually with the Jiang sect front these days?”
“He travels, like Xichen and Wangji, but yes, he goes to ground there more often than not.” Lan Qiren sighed. “I suspect that he still feels guilty for not having managed to get as much help out of them in the early days as he thought he’d be able to. Wangji goes with him when he can, of course.”
“Of course…why is he here, anyway? Huaisang said in his letters that they’d thought up some idea that I wouldn’t like, so naturally I came as soon as possible.”
That was a very Nie Mingjue thing to do, and also a very Nie Huaisang way of getting him to do it. Lan Qiren suspected Wei Wuxian to be behind it all.
“He’s probably invented something new,” he said, though he started frowning. Usually he was the first one to receive word of a new invention through Lan Yueheng, who couldn’t resist boasting about his adopted son’s genius, and he hadn’t heard anything recently.
Also, something Nie Mingjue wouldn’t like was very likely something Lan Qiren wouldn’t like, and by and large Lan Yueheng was typically pretty good at figuring what those things were in advance and squashing them before they turned into full on “ideas”.
“In all honesty, I’m not sure what would constitute something I dislike at this point,” Nie Mingjue said, rubbing his forehead. “Provided it helps us do better in this war, I’m willing to be flexible.”
Lan Qiren doubted that very much – Nie Mingjue was many things, but flexible about ethics was not one of them – but he didn’t say as much.
“Have something to eat,” he said instead. “You look too thin.”
Everyone looked too thin to his eyes these days. It was worry, that was all. He worried about his nephews, and his cousin’s children, and all the others, too.
Nie Mingjue accepted his concern with grace and a touch of humor, and then they went to go find the others.
The others, in this case, were Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Nie Huaisang, and Lan Yanyu, as well as Lan Yueheng balancing little Lan Guanling in one arm and Lan Yuhui in the other – how the twins had managed to get here from where they were supposed to be, only they knew.
“I’m just the babysitter,” Lan Yueheng said at once upon seeing Lan Qiren. “They said I wasn’t allowed to know what it was because then I’d blurt it out to you.”
That seemed – very in character, yes, and explained a great deal.
“Dare I ask what it is?” Lan Qiren asked Wei Wuxian, arching his eyebrows and giving the children a look that made them all squirm in their seats. “Now that you’ve managed to lure Chifeng-zun here to hear it out as well?”
Looks were shared – no, to be clear, looks were being very pointedly directed at Wei Wuxian, who cleared his throat.
“All right,” he said. “We think we’ve come up with something that can help change the course of the war.”
“That’s the good part,” Nie Mingjue said dryly. “Can we skip ahead to what the bad part is?”
Lan Qiren nodded. “Specifically the part that will make us hate the concept and want to refuse it without hearing anymore about it.”
“Well,” Wei Wuxian said, and coughed again, not denying that that part was coming. “Before we get there, how familiar are you with the Yiling Burial Mounds…? Because I got stuck there for a tiny little bit and it gave me this idea…”
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unlikelyjedi · 2 years
Jujutsu Kaisen Pride Headcanons
I have waited SO LONG to talk about my latest hyper-fixation, it's unreal!!!
You don't understand how badly I need to talk about how gay the whole cast of characters in in JJK. And for once on these lists I don't think I'm reading too much into it and in many ways, JJK has intended queer readings to its plot and characters. Akutami Gege bless.
I'll try to cover as many people as I can. I know I won't be able to get to everybody, but I'll try my damndest. If you want to hear about somebody I missed, my asks are always open!!
I don't even want to give a fucking disclaimer this time. This is my personal opinion. Art is Subjective. I'm reading it in a gay way. Honestly if you're mad about that, then maybe don't engage with a fucking pride post. I'M READY TO HAVE FUN!!!!!!
For the last day of Pride Month, LET'S GOOOOO!!!
Itadori Yuuji (he/him): Bisexual
I love he!!! But that's beside the point. His celebrity crush on Jennifer Lawrence always cracks me up. I love it! I also like hearing about his little middle school crush on Yuko!
I also tend to read into the relationship of Yuuji and Junpei as romantic, but that might just be wishful thinking on my part.
But let's not kid ourselves. If you know me, you know I ship Itafushi and man they got it down bad for each other!! Let's just hope that nothing bad happens to my sweet boy ever for all eternity.... haha....
Fushiguro Megumi (he/him): Pansexual
Basically Canon.
Although, tbh upon initial rewatches, I just assumed he was gay. It's only upon further rewatches and fandom stuff that I've come to see him as Pan. Of course, Megumi's quote about him liking a person as long as their compassionate doesn't necessarily read as Pan. It could also be read as Bi, or Demisexual, or Ace, etc. etc. It's okay for there to be multiple interpretations. I just like Pan the most!!
I also like the Trans headcanon for him! Like a lot!!! It just works.
Kugisaki Nobara (she/her): Bisexual
A lot of people see her as a Lesbian, which, yeah I can see why.
But I've always felt that she "swung both ways" if you will. Both in her sexuality, and with a hammer.
Mostly with a hammer, actually.
Zenin Maki (she/her): Bisexual
Originally, I thought of her as a lesbian. But then I was introduced to YuutaMaki and I realized "oh they're really adorable" and now I read her as bi.
I believe in Nobamaki supremacy, though! I love them together. They're probably my favorite non-canon wlw ship!!
Inumaki Toge (he/they): Gay
He's gay. Specifically gay for Yuuta. Babes has got it bad.
Panda (he/him): Ally
A bad one, at that. For not seeing that his best friend was clearly in love with Yuuta and trying to set up Yuuta and Maki instead. Honestly Panda, Toge was sitting there pining, and you just had to twist the knife.
Okkotsu Yuuta (he/him): Bisexual, Asexual
Baby boy. Baby. There are, like, a million people that want to hold this man gently, despite him definitely being able to hold his own in a fight. Definition of looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you.
Likes many genders, but only romantically.
Gojo Satoru (he/him): Gay
Another headcanon that I flipped on. I originally read him as bi, but upon further reading and watching, I think he's just gay. Likes men. Gets easily hurt by the men he likes. Rinse. Repeat.
Nobody can physically touch him, but his One and Only leaves him, and he's in shambles for the next ten years.
Don't even get me started on Nanago, because I won't stop-
Geto Suguru (he/him): Gay
I don't know what else to say about the guy who heard a eugenics theory and ran with it.
He's gay. He tops.
Mmmmm Monkey
(I know there's more to his character than that, but this is not the post to do an in-depth character study)
Nanami Kento (he/him): Bisexual
There's a universe where Nanami gets with that bread girl. I believe it.
I believe Haibara and he were a thing before Haibara... yeah.
I also think he'd find himself in an unlikely bond with Gojo. It's not something he saw coming nor particularly wanted, but love is fickle, isn't it.
Ieri Shoko (she/her): Lesbian
Mean Lesbian. Gay protector to her two idiot best friends. Would die for them, but would probably also throw them to the wolves. Likes Utahime, but doesn't go for it because she thinks Utahime doesn't like her back.
Iori Utahime (she/they): Lesbian, Demisexual
Stressed Lesbian. Very Panic. Also very angry. Has a very obvious crush on Shoko but thinks Shoko hates them (because Gojo told them Shoko hated them).
Also she's trans. I didn't put that in the big description, but she's trans.
Zenin Mai (she/her): Bisexual
She discovered she was bisexual once she got out of her oppressive family. We all agree Todo taking her to that idol was her bisexual awakening, yes?
Todo Aoi (he/him): Ally
The most homosexual heterosexual.
A surprisingly good Ally. Helped Mai discover she was bisexual. Looking out for Itadori and being a wingman (unless it's that boring Fushiguro guy). He attacked Megumi not because he likes guys, but because he was just insufferably boring.
He's great. And also annoying. Good character.
Miwa Kasumi (she/her): Sword Sapphic
Disaster. Absolute disaster. Definitely developed a crush on Maki. Falls for someone hard and fast.
Kamo Noritoshi (he/him): Asexual
I don't think Kamo likes anyone in a sexual way. Maybe in a romantic way, though. To be honest, he's kinda got a lot going on and I don't think he realizes he's any type of Queer.
Yoshino Junpei (he/him) Gay
Another reason to get picked on, I guess. Nobody in his close circle has a problem with it, especially not Junpei himself. It doesn't stop the bullying though. I believe Itadori and Junpei could've been a beautiful couple. Yuuji comes back from the dead with a new bf. Would've been great. heh
Sukuna (depends on the vessel): Queer, Genderqueer
I highly doubt Sukuna would care about gender. Despite being born a man, he's a curse. I don't think gender really matters for curses. And along with Sukuna wearing more feminine clothing, it's pretty canon. If Sukuna was inhabiting a girl, she'd use she/her pronouns. Same with a non-binary person, etc. I also highly doubt he's got a gender preference either. It wouldn't matter.
Mahito (any/all): Genderqueer
Same as above. He's a curse. Do you think they really care that much about gender?? She's supposed to represent human fears. Mahito also has a moment of gender non-conformity in the Juju-Stroll, so there's precedent.
Kenjaku (depends on the body): Genderqueer
Same as above. Again. Kenjaku is a curse and takes on the gender of the host he's possessing. This is not rocket science. It's built into the story! I love it!
Choso (he/him): Queer
Choso is GNC as many of the characters in this show are, but I do believe he, too is not straight. He's a curse. Sort of. And a good brother. And I think he'd know he's not straight. And would help out his brother with his love life. Whether Itadori wants it or not.
Really quick I wanted to Mention both Uraume and Hoshi Kirara who both have undefined pronouns and look more androgynous and feminine respectively. I can tepidly say they're both genderqueer, though there is debate on that. I'm hopeful that they both will be canonically queer though!!!
My God! I spent SO LONG on this!!! But I had fun!!! It wan good to do something myself for Pride Month when before I'd only been able to look on with longing as other people did fun stuff for pride! Now I get to put my silly little posts out into the world for a small handful of people to see and it's really fun!
I hope you've had a good month. Let's continue to be proud in the coming months. Especially when it's hard. Even if your version of pride is simply reblogging cute art and making headcanons for silly little characters!
I love you all!!!
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nanaminokanojo · 3 years
[10:00 PM] Ryomen Sukuna
CHARACTERS: Sukuna X You WORD COUNT: 1,202 GENRE: fluff | kinda smut? | kinda angst | salaryman Sukuna TRIGGER WARNING: nudity | some touching lol | profanity | possessiveness | unhealthy amounts of jealousy lol SPOILERS: n/a
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photo/fanart credits to @/Natsushio on Weibo
Sukuna knows you heard him. Still, you continued walking as if you didn't, going ahead of him about ten paces ahead, your posture and the overall attitude in your gait speaking volumes of your current mood. He easily kept up with you, placing an arm over your shoulder, but much to his surprise, you shrugged it off you and walked the remaining expanse of sidewalk towards your shared apartment. He just watched in annoyance as you walked into the lobby and got into the elevator before him.
"Trouble with your princess?" this nosy grandma, who lived at one of the units at the first floor, asked.
Sukuna just smiled awkwardly, bowing slightly as he passed her by on his way to the elevator. When he finally got into your unit, he found your coat lying on the hallway, picking it up only to see your jeans a few steps ahead then your shirt. He finally found you in the kitchen already wrapped in a robe which you didn't even bother tying up, agitatedly pouring yourself a glass of wine, the cerise liquid sloshing around the glass violently.
You were behaving rather out of character, making a mess out of your clothes when he knew just how much you hated it when he leaves his things scattered about. On top of that, you left the cutlery drawer open with the corkscrew you used on top of the counter, droplets of red wine littering the granite top. You just passed him by without saying anything, refusing to look at him on your way to your bedroom.
I see how it is, he thought, taking long strides to the direction you went. He eyed you sternly, having had enough of your attitude. "Y/N, what's going on?" he demanded.
You flinched visibly at the way he addressed you. He doesn't call you by your name unless he was dead serious about something. "It's nothing. Don't mind me."
"Woman, don't tell me it's nothing when –"
Before he could finish, you walked into the adjoining bathroom, turning on the tap to the tub to tune him out. You were evidently being passive-aggressive now, and he detested it when you did that.
"Just go back to your party. I'm sure everyone's wondering where you've gone," you told him, picking up your glass from the dresser top. "Especially Miss Hanako." You shot him a sardonic smile before taking a swig out of your wine, the way you said the woman’s name dripping with vitriol.
And then it hit him. You've been dishing out barb since you told him you wanted to leave the company party he was partly hosting for his department. You did so when the secretary to the president arrived and started chatting him up. He was now thinking your behavior thereafter had something to do with it. You were fine before that so it could only mean one thing.
He didn't know whether to laugh or what at the thought of it. When he decided to pursue you, he didn't have qualms about it even if you were a good six years younger than him. He knew how problematic it could get having an immature partner, but that's where you were different. You held yourself with such confidence, grace and equilibrium way beyond your age, you shared the same pragmatic mindset he had and you didn't seem to have a proclivity for drama like others your age. You hardly ever fought because of petty things and he loved that about you.
But then, you're still young and he didn't hold it against you that you're suddenly acting like a brat. If anything, he was happy about it because you were never ever jealous. It sometimes made him doubt how you felt about him when you yourself would be pointing at other chicks for him to look at while saying things like, "Baby, look at her ass. Damn, she's sexy." And now that the green-eyed monster is rearing its head to the surface, he couldn't say he didn't like it.
"What about her?" he asked cautiously, making you jump the hoops.
You sneered, the action very intimidating despite your angelic features. “Oh, I don’t know, Sukuna. You tell me. You seemed to be enjoying her company. Don’t stop at my expense.”
He leveled his expressions to you. “Well, she is something, isn’t she? Smart, too.”
“Yeah, you deserve each other,” you hissed, the anger flaring up in your eyes making him stir alive.
“But she’s married.”
“All the better!” Seeing through what he was doing, you turned towards the bathroom and slammed the door shut. He didn't hear you lock it so he followed suit.
"If you're jealous, just say so already!" he told you. He wanted to hear it out of your mouth.
"Why would I be jealous? She looks like a bad rip-off of 80s Brooke Shields!" you spat, confirming his thoughts. You climbed into the bathtub sulkily, eyes on the bubbly water.
Sukuna knew he shouldn't even be thrilled about the prospect of it. If you were jealous then that means you were kinda doubting him in terms of his loyalty to you, and he should not like that, but at the same time, you were also being possessive which you rarely do. He couldn't help it.
Loosening his tie, he began shedding his clothes off, stripping naked before you, revealing the tattooed expanse of his skin and his impressive musculature as he tossed one garment after the other.
"What are you doing?" you asked as he approached, the way you mumbled the words causing him to just sigh, feeing defeated at how endearing you looked hugging your knees to yourself. "I thought I told you to go back to your party."
He didn't say anything as he went into the tub, sitting opposite you, but it wasn't long before he was pulling you towards him, positioning you between his legs so your back was pressed against his hard chest. He then began planting hungry kisses on your neck, down to your shoulders, his large hands wandering all over your body, one already having found itself on your breasts while the other coaxed your head to turn towards him so he can kiss you, his movements urgent yet languid and gentle.
"I'm all yours," he breathed against your lips, grinning. "You know that, right?"
"I know." You shrugged, facing forward again. “I don’t like the way that witch was touching you though. And you were all smiles about it, too.” You smacked him on the thigh, eliciting that deep laughter you adored no matter how mad you were at him. “Don’t laugh! It’s not funny.”
“It kinda is.”
“If you even think for a second that anyone can have you, Ryomen Sukuna, you’re wrong.” You looked him in the eyes, your dark orbs boring into him while your hand touched the side of his face, your crimson-painted nails looking like claws against his cheek. “You’re mine.”
He wrapped his arm around you, kissing you on the temple before placing his chin on your shoulder. "Jealousy is ugly, baby," he whispered in your ear, "but I gotta say, you wear it so well."
Okay. Before I get another "untimely (and unsolicited, if I'm allowed to say) lecture" about the etymology of the word "Ryōmen (両面/りょう)" meaning "two-faced/two-sided" and not a surname or given name , let me say it now, I KNOW, but thanks anyway. Sukuna and I are neighbors, just 4 hours by train. Geez. However, I am using his whole name in literature form, so if I do switch it up and use it as a surname for him (cause heaven forbid, the Kamigami rain hell on me) it's all for fun and literary creativity. No need to get too pressed over it.
No more fighting on my comments to point this out @fushigummy @kenkinori XD
And I have nothing against the 1980s or Brooke Shields. *waves at her fans*
It's established. I love bathtub scenes although I detest the idea of stewing in my own filth. But yeah, look forward to more bathtub drabbles.
I say too many things. Bye.
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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kenrik · 3 years
Strong v Weak
Just random notes/rambling again, since I really really reaallyyyy cannot expound/dive deep because I'm supposed to be focused on something else -- and this is just a way to relieve stress!! *kenrik pulls out hair*
It's pretty long rambling this time! Be sure you wanna click ahaha
I've mentioned this in a fic maybe. In a comment, a review, I don't know.
Another point about GoUta -
1. Gojo is a good, dependable person packaged in a bad personality.
Gojo can do anything. His character sheet says he doesn't get involved in a lot of things, because he's a master of everything he does.
Out of the strongest, he prides himself - he knows he is the strongest.
Basically, that character Gojo Satoru, he can do anything. As far as canon is concerned, there are four special grade sorcerers if I remember correctly. Additionally, you have the notable characters that Gojo identifies as definitively strong.
I'm thinking Geto, Yuki, Yuta, Hakari, those from the Zen'in too I guess.
Out of all these strong characters, what do they do? Geto - he forms himself a cult and kills nonsorcerers. Yuki - she's labeled as a good for nothing slacker who travels in search for a different solution to the issue of curses. And Hakari - he quits sorcery and runs a fighting den.
Gojo, who can do anything he sets his mind to. What does he choose to do? That guy chose to be a teacher. He chose to be a protector of the weak. Regardless of why, he chose to serve and protect the weak.
I don't know if this is appreciated enough.
Gojo could do anything. He has the riches, the looks, the power to do anything and everything. He could've turned and worked with Geto. Hell, he could've started his own cult and floored Geto's from the start. He could've been a trust fund baby, could've wasted away in luxury. He could do anything. Anything. But he doesn't. He sticks to his code of protecting the weak. Why is anyone's guess. My guess is that it's a point of pride with him; that his strength is everyone's salvation (like a true god on earth), that; and that he has a softness - as seen from Gege's past works. Maybe as a penance for failing to save Suguru, for not being there when his friend needed him most. He seems to really take pride in the fact that no one can touch him and in extension, those who matter to him.
In Ch. 65, he rushes to save Mei and Utahime. He acts rashly. He acted on impulse. Because I think Gege wants to show that Gojo treasures his friends. That's why you have the - you crying, utahime?! I think Gege put that to downplay Gojo's kindness. This is also why Gojo took it very bad - Geto's betrayal. Because this time - his power couldn't save him. He was a kid then, (teenager i guess, but i'm old so i'm calling him a kid) who's used to his power fixing all his problems. And this once, with Geto - he couldn't. It would be way easier if it was just another Toji, just another curse. But it wasn't. It was this man he respected who's become the monster.
Gojo is a very complex character whose motivations we may never truly know because JJK; it'll only be a story of a great battle if I understand correctly.
But the fact is, he is a good person, a dutiful man. That's why, entering into the fandom surprised me - because the fans keep painting him like an asshole and a dick. I don't get it when you have actual asshole characters like Naoya and the other members of the Zen'in clan... Ahahaha.
To me, Gojo's character is a fun-loving friend to his peers; he's a man who could do anything. And he chose to be a teacher. He chose to protect and support the next generation of sorcerers. He's a good egg packaged in a trash personality ahaha. He's basically a kind man who - in the true toxic masculinity shounen way - hides his emotions because emotion is weakness!!
This is why I ship him and Uta. Aside from the chemistry, I think he really is a good guy! :^) Everything he does has purpose. When he picks on Gakuganji, there's hate and spite there. When he does it do Utahime, there's a fondness there. He lets Yaga headlock him for heaven's sakes! I think he also doesn't let Utahime hit him whenever she retaliates to lord over her how much stronger he was than her... because that riles her up even more so... just him being a special brand of ass - just for her~ xD So hehe - Gojo is a highly complex, nuanced character not everyone will understand, by us, the readers, even his own friends in the story. :D
Second GoUta point -
2. Utahime is the only combatant (among the protagonists' group) that Gege's introduced who is definitively weak.
She is just a semi-first grade sorcerer.
I know Miwa always says she's useless. But she's just on her second year. She can very well reach first grade by Utahime's level; seeing how Atsuya is a first grade himself with the same technique as her.
So really, it's just Utahime who is shown as a weak character. She's had more than enough time in field, and yet; she's just a semi-first grade.
Without knowing her CT, without seeing her in battle, it is hard to confirm if she really is weak/useless. It is something the plot will spell out for us eventually. For now, we have Inumaki who is a semi-first grade. And he was arguably strong against Hanami, a special grade curse. So, I don't know how weak Utahime is if Toge's the benchmark for a semi-first grade's skill. But being a semi-first grade at Utahime's age, I don't think that's a point of pride. Instead, it shows how her skill is stagnant; it definitively shows that she lacks skill to get promoted.
Additionally, out of everyone - even the students - you have Nobara, Yuuji, and Maki who were all being recommended for first grade.
Everyone's surpassing Utahime. She is the only one who isn't getting stronger. She is the only one considered weak. Everyone seems to defend her. You have Gojo always looking out for her. You have Atsuya stepping in front of her. You have Nishimiya as her support.
And I find that peculiar. I find that odd.
In a manga where everyone's abilities are highlighted; where everyone's abilities are a point of pride - even Mei's who thought her CT was weak because all she could do was control crows. Mei; she learned; she developed the power to wield her axe; she became strong enough to be a first grade sorcerer.
Really doesn't make sense to me - that Utahime is labeled as weak. That Utahime is just a semi-first grade sorcerer given her experience.
So, I want to say that Utahime is weak by design. Utahime is a semi-first grade sorcerer because Gege's story needs her/wants her to be.
Why? Who knows?
I can only assume GoUta's written in somewhere there.
Strong v Weak is a recurring trope that Gege's dabbled with in his past works. Strong v Weak is a popular trope.
I'm certain that this is a trope Gege's excited to put his own twist to.
Maybe. Haha
Utahime is a shrine maiden. Her technique involves singing.
Shrine maidens - it's not a role cast randomly and willy-nilly. There is a lore there, a history with the character type. Linked to the gods. Possessed by gods. Can purify, exorcise, perform rituals, seal.
I like thinking that Utahime is weak because she needs to source her energy/her power. Like how Gakuganji's body is the medium/is the amplifier for his power; Utahime's the medium/vessel from which the power of gods/deities are channeled. Shrine maidens are known for performing rituals, it takes time to harness their power. They usually take from the power of their shrine and in extension, from the gods that they serve.
If her power is structured this way, it would make sense to me why Gojo sees her/thinks her as weak. Because unlike him who channels waves of energy - like Yuta who's just a bomb of insane levels of cursed energy; Utahime has to source her power elsewhere. Because she is just a medium/a vessel for the power of the deities. It also makes sense, because she does need to buff her power, it's shown in the manga.
It'll be funny to me too, as a shipper; because Gojo basically sees himself as a god/the honored one he says haha. So having Utahime need a god to unleash her technique... just - they're just a match made in heaven aren't they... ompf xD
Gege is a buff for his Japanese history and folklore... So it'll be interesting to see how he envisions Utahime's character.
Finally, it's fun playing around with Gojo and Utahime's dynamic. They're a funny pair. So funny in fact - that they are always portrayed as arguing, bickering fools who hate each other. That bonus chapter with them was funny.
It's really funny.
Because all this, I believe; is by Gege's design. And he's more than happy to fan the flames of Gojo and Utahime's hateful relationship. Because there's something deeper waiting for their relationship in the plot.
As always, it's just me rambling. Could be nothing. I'm not Gege.
Just really a curious notion I thought to type down. :D
- that Gojo is hated when he's basically everyone's protector; and
- that Utahime is the only weak character from among the sorcerers.
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ghooostbaby · 3 years
Reading the MDZS novel
A high octane journey through the final extras chapter
• ahh LWJ and WWX role playing they've never met before?!
• Lan WangJi, sir, I frankly cannot believe that you, an educator, are lying to children about math
• I got very excited when I first thought this was in Gusu Lan sect, and that they hang out with the little kids there! Logically if they teach the juniors as teens they MUST also teach younger kids and I just want to see it!!!!
• Ahhhhh wei ying feeding Lan Zhan things ... just all of it
• wwx sticking a sweet thing into his mouth and lwj just letting it stay there, and then wwx is like do you like it? And how lwj says nothing. And how wwx says I'll take back if you don't say if you want it! So lwj bites it (oh how he loves to bite what we wants)
• Honestly its one of the most romantic things in my opinion, that knowing lwj has trouble saying what he wants, wwx doesn't try to fix him, and just playfully gives him snacks to try, while teasing him
• The two of them just sauntering around a market together omg the domesticity im MELTING
• "When [Lan WangJi] finished [the snacks], Wei WuXian would always ask, 'How was it? How was it?' Sometimes Lan WangJi replied 'fine', while other times he replied 'excellent', yet more of than not, he would reply 'strange'. Whenever that happen Wei WuXian would laugh and take it, not letting him have any more." AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
• Lan WangJi being the baby oh my heart!
• Lan WangJi sneaking off to secretly learn to cook Wei WuXian's favourite soup for him it hurts
• Wei WuXian: you're a virgin who can't cook
• Lan WangJi: *is silent*
• 1 minute later
• Wei WuXian: plzzzzzz hanguang jun cook for Meeeee
• Love how they bully each other. Love how wwx has no poker face. Love lwj loving to win and being all big and good and getting kissed. Love wwx loving losing to lwj and being all small and bad in his lap.
• Also wwx calling lwj "my dear" (as the translation goes) !!!!
• OK there's just too many little back and forths that I am HOWLING over! WWX begging to be cooked for about to jump in his lap! lwj then correcting his posture!!! The "Er-Gege you can't treat me like this"!!!! And then finally holding wwx's hand and saying he cooked for him already!!!!
• But also hasn't it been months?? Atleast?! What have they been eating all this time?
• Wei Ying!!! No sex in the restaurant!
• Ohhh WWX being serious and he's just so earnestly overjoyed that his husband is a good cook fuck they're sweet
• Ahhhhh smile lan zhan, smile! It would send your wei ying through the roof
• Oh nooooo now they're playing a CARNIVAL GAME?!?! I am dead. They're winning toys for each other ahhhhhhhh help me
• Lan WangJi repeated, "Whatever it lands on is mine." We all know what you're thinking you possessive bitch
• Yeeeeeee forehead ribbon tugging in public. Who belongs to who now?!
• "I want whichever one you get." Oh lwj and your beautiful pure heart
• Ahahahahaha "Look at you. What are you doing in front of all these people?" Lan WangJi, "What?" Wei WuXian, "You're flirting with me." Lan WangJi's expression was calm, "I am not."
• The gentle teasing, the deep familiarity, the sense that they are that old married couple at the farmers market so in love after 100 years oh my god
• Ahhhh if wei wuxian can throw from that far away that must mean he developed mo xuanyu's golden core this is too much goodness
• "The jinshi is a peaceful place only for playing the guqin and burning incense"!?! Wei WuXian I've read about many other things occurring there ...
• Aghhh you never see LWJ as a normal teacher so the image of hanguang jun standing up at the front of a normal classroom as the juniors file into their desks ... "good morning class" ... with the new souvenir their teacher's husband got for him on their recent romantic getaway on display
• Honestly these two being teachers is the sweetest thing. Imagine having this hot gay magical power couple be your teachers.
• Ohhh they're actually in lotus pier!? Ugh my heart
• so adorable and dramatic lwj! wwx: "don't tip the boat sweetie." lwj: "do not worry. I can save you if you fall."
• "Yes! We can come again." Ugh these two. So gorgeous
• The way wwx reacts to lwj's smiles ... they are so so so in love (and the fact that Lan Zhan smiled at Wei Ying saying he wanted to trick him into getting beaten by the angry lotus farmer!)
• Oh Lord!!!! The serenity of lwj when they've fallen in the water, and he takes the blame for tipping the boat, so then wwx takes the blame, and they laugh and kiss!!!! SO. IN. LOVE. I am so happy for these sweet little lambs
• "Back then, all I really wanted was to play with you." Ajhh wwx you're going to end me.
• LWJ just scooping him up and putting him back in the boat, its too much!!
• Did lwj retrieve wwx's hair ribbon from the water or does he just keep a supply of red ribbons incase wwx needs one?!
• Oh no LWJ now you've DEFINITELY killed me: "you can try now to see if I would reject you over anything."
• And then wwx's reaction "please warn me before you say anything so romantic, or else i won't be able to take it." ahaaaaa you little shit. But honestly SAME
• And then lwj's little "ok" !!!! Imagine that he takes this seriously and from then on periodically says, "Wei Ying, I'm about to say something really romantic." And Wei Ying takes his hand and says, "OK, I'm ready Lan Zhan."
• So glad they get to have endless laughter and hugs now. My sweet darlings, you deserve it
• They really are so perfect
I love them so much
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0tivez · 2 years
im a sucker for dad!everyone and I have no idea why
okay so tokyo revengers spoilers below
when akkun jumped off the roof in like episode 4?? (I found a way to not say the word LMFAO) the sound the put when he makes contact with the ground is the sound a box filled with books makes when thrown off a window and it reminded me of the bread video bc its such a dry sound why would they do that
Literally just for the hot guys someone send help-
I wanna say thats kinda a meet cute and lowkey adorable that he mentioned meeting up but 'remind me and we'll arrange it' sounds like a business transaction im so sorry ✋ if you feel comfortable sharing the long story im all ears!! I love long stories 👀 feel free to go off topic more often I well I always do that anyway 😭
OKAY oh boy, where do I start. Its literally so simple to explain but im dramatic as fuck so let me indulge myself ANYWAY so basically we were talking through chat, we spent almost everyday talking and it was sweet and funny and stuff, ya know?? or maybe I was convincing myself he was lol so it was just a normal day after school and we were talking and I think at some point he got boring of just texting so he said "give me a sec im gonna go play with a flamethrower" mid convo and I think something inside of me died. kinda glad he gave me the ick tho, I don't think I liked him that much :/
much hatred for the "I watch real shows lol" >:( specially bc all of the people saying that watched dragon ball or pokemon 😭 when I was younger I usually responded like "haha yeah...ig :,)" but now im ready to smack a bitch; you know what they say, violence isn't the question its the answer 😌
You're gonna make me have a soft spot for eremika TT it sounds very bittersweet when you explain it, but it does make sense why romance wasn't a main plot (I dunno if this is the correct way to say it). AND JEAN! he grew on me so yes, he definitely deserves to be first choice>>>
I think im gonna watch the anime after it finished airing or something. I always say im gonna do so many things but then I get distracted by fanfics lol watch me scream
Aki and Megumi found family trope??? 👀 this is making me think of hurt/comfort followed by pure angst, hurt/no-comfort huh :)
KANEKI??? HE VOICES KANEKI???? I loved watching Tokyo ghoul (I watched two seasons!) :( I had the softest spot for Kaneki but I refused to accept it bc I was scared were gonna make fun of me LMFAO I did have a massive crush on Hide tho, and was very vocal about that lol
I remember watching a gif set of baby tanjiro and my heart melted; same thing with Yuuji I think
Hollywood only thinks of making money over hiring good vas and like random celebrities voicing characters isn't bad ig?? like quality wise, the movie is watchable and entertaining, but still I'd like to see vas recognised for their talent a lot more.
Chris pratt *massive sigh* I heard the only reason why he was taking so many va gigs was bc he didn't get the vaccine so he couldn't go to work or smth; I could be wrong tho.
wait, which dub were you talking about?? the jjk dub??
NOT GOJOGUMI OR WHATEVER IS CALLED 😭 why?? why with the kids?? 😭
ive seen monstrosities on ao3, I could name them but huh...
Gege I a sadist and I refuse to think to think otherwise LMFAO I little part of me thinks that he might see himself in gojo a bit too much and thats why he doesn't like him lmfao
I think my brain blocked the opinion bc I cant remember?? I think they talked about how the hidden inventory arc made no sense bc apparently gojo is constantly jumping dimensions or something?? and like fair ig bc I know shit about this series but?? I was so confused, I think it just short circuited. Its that a take on his character?? I think I worded it wrong now that I think about it, I love her so much she's the best of the best but I felt attacked, and thats on me 😔 she also hasn't read the manga so we're Ig in even common ground lol
YOU WILL GET IN!!! It sounds so fun :D im sending you as much positive vibes as I can <3 disabilities law sounds interesting! do you have any idea what you'd like to specialise in the future??
I'll be on the lookout for the honorary dilf 😌
right?? wtf 😭 ive only seen college aus in which the pairing is like teacher/student with nanami and like I don't mind but I want my student/student college aus LET ME INDULGE 😤 thanks for hyping me up :,) its gonna be more fluffy+suggestive id say?? def not angst bc I cant write angst for nanami; Shibuya already did that for me lmfao
tho if im honest, I think im stuck bc I keep comparing every sentence to the gojo fic I uploaded lmfao
<making you blush3
sending wet slurpy kisses right back 😌💕
I hope you have a good week! and sorry for the late reply, I was stuck using Tumblr mobile for a while 😅
OH AND IM WATCHING THE JJK MOVIE ON THURSDAY 🥳 think Im gonna put mascara solely on my lower lashes just bc 🤷‍♀️ I hope the song at the end doesn't hurt me too much tho lmfao it will
-🥳 anon
ps: I probably should've put this at the beginning but I feel like this wasn't the best response?? like I feel like the energy in my ask is a little down, and I think it might've been a bit venty as well?? I don't now if you can feel it TT I felt a bit like a poser after I finished writing this and I'm sorry if anything I wrote came off wrong :,)
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anyways lol there is a long ass story about a guy i liked in hs under the cut 👀 it's really long tina i'm so sorry 😭
LMAOO YEAH that's what i thought too 😭 my friends got the ick when he said that
okay so!!
i met this dude in 10th grade and he was a senior (12th grade here). we had this jukebox kinda thing in the backyard of our school and we got the keys for it that year, which meant that we could play songs for everyone to hear during lunch breaks. so, that week, i went to watch bohemian rhapsody and OBVIOUSLY had queen brainrot and i was OBSESSED with killer queen. my phone had died so i had left it in my classroom. my friends weren't very fun, they all were doing their homeworks etc etc and i was just sooo bored. anyways, at the last 10 minutes or something, there were only like 4 of us left. my friends were begging to go upstairs and we almost did lol this group of older students came, which meant that they would annoy us and beg us to let them play something shitty (not in genre, they would purposefully open popular shitty songs- it's hard to explain lol it's kind of a turkish thing) so we were like okay :/
i was talking to my friend, this dude started playing killer queen LMAOO i looked at him and smiled, i was like "i love this song!" idk man i used to be so shy but something in my brain flipped off wlsakmdasmwed he looked straight into my eyes and was like "you know queen?" i said "yeah! i love them! i've been dying to play this song but my phone is dead" and he just looked at my eyes like 🧿👄🧿 his eyes were really pretty 😭 i went back to talking with my friends anyways the class was about to start, so we got up and packed. i was soooo nervous lmaoo i didn't even look at him LKMWALKDSMASWED IT GETS WORSE LATER HOLD ON he called behind me and asked which class i was in, NOT MY NAME anyways i told him and waved. my friend was teaaasinggggg me but i shook it off
i started gathering info about the dude. i found his class and stuff, nothing more. idk who sent follow request on instagram first, it was probably me lmaoo but turns out, he's pretty popular! everyone knows him too. i would sometimes share songs on my story and he would always respond. he asked me if i liked david bowie and i said never really listened to him so he shared his bowie playlist! anyways this went on. i would see him in the school garden lol i wouldn't say hi, because we never really met you know? this is a huge problem of mine lkwmsads people think i hate them or something to this day, i'm just too shy what if they don't recognize me NAYWAYS
i thought about the pros and cons. turns out, this dude was living in the dorms (our high school was the best in our city so people from other towns would live in dorms) which meant that he wasn't even from my city? he was also a senior so he probably wouldn't like to be involved with those kind of stuff so i didn't really bother. it was fun tho! so, the day before his uni entrance exam was our last day of school, so the teachers arranged this party stuff with cakes and shit (also! i found out that he was a pretty successful student and would score high on his tests klmsewdlmef this is kinda important cause i like academically successful people 😭my sapiosexuality only works that way) i built up the courage to go wish him well on his test. i could never get him alone, and since my friends didn't know we used to talk occasionally, i left. i waited to make eye contact with him, but i guess it was his time to avoid me. so, i sent my wishes that night, thinking he wouldn't respond. he did, like 2 minutes after i sent the message. he said "we never really got time to get to know each other" GOD I REMEMBER THIS NOW EKSAMDCDLSW i don't remember what i said, i remember i felt kinda embarrassed cause it felt too, out there obvious. it hit me then, that i would never see him again. NOT. we'll get to that >:) i felt sad, i liked having a lil crush. that lil heart skip. i'm not really sure if it WAS a crush, but it definitely was something. oh, he also added me to his close friends like the moment we started following each other and i did the same. WAIT FUCK kKLMWSADLKASEWF HE LOVED DONNIE DARKO??? WHICH IS MY FAVORITE FILM??? I HAVE AN ORIGINAL POSTER IN MY ROOM???????? WHAT THE FUCK???? anwyays i watched pulp fiction for him 😌 it was a win win. oh right, i was sad so i chugged down a whole beer, which was a lot for 16 year old me who went out with her parents lmaooo i was like "pour another one, we're drinking tonight" and they only let me drink 1 💀
what's crazy is
i used to be a scout right? we went to this camp. i got bored, and decided to check if he had a facebook 💀 he didn't, so i was like damn.
2 DAYS LATER HE POSTS A NEW FACEBOOK ACCOUNT ON HIS IG STORIES???? WHAT THE FUCK??? i ran laps i screamed i cried anyways i went to send him a friend request, he already sent me one. cool! i was 14 on my profile picture 💀 thankfully i had deleted everything ages ago
all summer, nothing. NO! results come in, HE'S 1ST IN OUR SCHOOL?? LIKE HE SCORED AN UNGODLY SCORE?? i was like holy shit he went to one of the best, if not the best, uni in our country
so, fast forward 11 grade, first day of school. we were talking in our class (our classes got mixed that year) dude walks in to greet our teacher with his friend and starts talking about the exam and shit. no eye contact? alright whatever lol. 2 or so months later, we go on a trip to visit the unis in that city and his uni is a famous student attraction. he has close friends from his dorm too, so he jumps in on our bus. it was raining so much so we had to stay inside the bus. anyways, we go down, no eye contact still. klsmwadslakwme whatever i say it really is time to stop thinking about him. he vanished off the surface of earth not too long after too lmaoo anyways he probably had a girlfriend back then. so, early pandemic, he deleted his twitter and stopped posting on ig and i hadn't even thought about him at all
he posted a pic on his story... uh,,, october this year? idk at least i knew he was still alive 💀
we went to ikea with my friends one day and got in the wrong bus, ended up in the most ridiculous place so i posted a selfie of us and added it in my close friends (mind that i post from new years to new years) and he responded! he said "you're in this city and didn't invite me?" and i jokingly responded with something. this was late at night, i didn't see him respond and went to bed. i woke up at 9 am and saw that he said "oh btw congrats on your uni! turns out we are really close (our unis are super super close), so we can sit down sometime if you'd like to" and i thought i should respond when im fully awake and went back to sleep. i woke up at 12 pm with my brain mushy and responded with some cringy fucking joke and just liked the message he talked about sitting down. he liked my respond. we were gonna go to a concert that night. i started getting ready, didn't think much of the message. as i was plucking my eyebrows, it occured to me, how DUMB i was. how much of an IDIOT i was. i texted my friends "i did something horrible". i got ready and hopped on the bus, thought about it the whole ride. i got out, met with my friends and told them, HOPING they would at least support me a lil. the first thing they say? "zee, you're such a fucking idiot" i was like "I KNOW" anyways it went on a little more. i said "if i drink enough tonight, i will text him"
2 beers in, mid concert, i sent him a message. "you know, i double tapped it or smth like that but i would really love to meet" sent it, pushed my phone in my pocket. 5 minutes in, i see a notification saying "we only talked on ig" CHILLS MAN I THOUGHT HOLY SHIT THIS DUDE IS SAYING wtf we only talked here KMDSLWKMSDWLKFR FUCKING IPHONE i opened it and he said "same! we only talked on here right? never met face to face" "yeah, guess it was meant to be in this city" "haha yeah. remind me of it and we'll plan something" "sure :)"
this was it omg this shit is so long for no reason, sorry for this lmaooo he's really pretty too lkwsmdaxlsamdwecf i can't i will probably never remind him lol
oh shit wait
my hs friend who goes to the same uni as me, when i told her about my past with the dude, she said she hated the guy bc he ghosted one of her friends. like, he wouldn't wave at her, respond to her texts and stuff. he didn't do any of that with me, so i'm wondering if he liked how i wouldn't really acknowledge him irl lol
yeah that was it lol
flamethrower?? yeah bestie you dodged a bullet there
that dude was also a huge naruto fan. like, he would sometimes wear that bandana and i was like "hmmm okay" i became a weeb literally one year after that 😭 karma is a bitch, death note is bitchier
kaneki was HOT. i liked it when he got violent >:) i could never warm up to tokyo ghoul and keep forgetting that i watched it lol. kaneki was hot tho. i want to read the manga so much, sui ishida is a legend
dubs in general i guess? jjk dub is pretty meh imo. i liked the part where yuji calls nobara a bitch tho
i don't like the so clearly american accent in anime dubs, you know? the way they overdramatise the voices gives me the icks. thats why i loved the death note dub! it was so on point, no unnecessary dramatic moments, following the steps of the original vas. also light's monologue was sick, l's voice was sicker
wait, how does your friend find it bad if they haven't read the manga yet?
aah i didn't get in lol i didn't really expect to be picked anyways so it's cool. thanks for the vibes tho <3
i haven't picked anything yet, i still have very little law knowledge. i've always wanted to be a criminal lawyer (like higuruma hehe) but it looks like i would be more successful (money wise) in private law branches. i also don't know if i want to be connected to the government in any way. fuck the government. i probably wouldn't be picked too lol i'm super marginal for their conservative views. i would LOVE to be a da or prosecutor in usa, like new york lol i watched too much law and order. but yeah, for now, i'm focusing on exploring and seeking out anything involving foreign countries. i would love to study abroad for a master's degree too
ooh hell yeah! go for it!
i was writing the vibrator fic with nanami and realized how LITTLE fics with nanami eating reader out exists lmaoo sorry for the sudden nsfw topic but it was so weird! i don't think i've read it outside of fics specifically for eating out???
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