#gender idenity
Erin Reed at Erin In The Morning:
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Monday that transgender people are a protected class and that Medicaid bans on transgender care are unconstitutional. Furthermore, the court ruled that discriminating based on a diagnosis of gender dysphoria is discrimination based on gender identity and sex. The ruling is in response to lower court challenges against state laws and policies in North Carolina and West Virginia that prevent transgender people on state plans or Medicaid from obtaining coverage for gender-affirming care; those lower courts found such exclusions unconstitutional. In issuing the final ruling, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals declared that transgender exclusions were "obviously discriminatory" and were "in violation of the equal protection clause" of the U.S. Constitution, upholding lower court rulings that barred the discriminatory exclusions.
The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling focused on two cases in states within its jurisdiction: North Carolina and West Virginia. In North Carolina, transgender state employees who rely on the State Health Plan were unable to use it to obtain gender-affirming care for gender dysphoria diagnoses. In West Virginia, a similar exclusion applied to those on the state’s Medicaid plan for surgeries related to a diagnosis of gender dysphoria. Both exclusions were overturned by lower courts, and both states appealed to the 4th Circuit. Attorneys for the states had argued that the policies were not discriminatory because the exclusions for gender affirming care “apply to everyone, not just transgender people.” The majority of the court, however, struck down such a claim, pointing to several other cases where such arguments break down, such as same-sex marriage bans “applying to straight, gay, lesbian, and bisexual people equally,” even though straight people would be entirely unaffected by such bans. Other cases cited included literacy tests, a tax on wearing kippot for Jewish people, and interracial marriage in Loving v. Virginia.
[...] Of particular note in the majority opinion was a section on Geduldig v. Aiello that seemed laser-targeted toward an eventual Supreme Court decision on discriminatory policies targeting transgender people. Geduldig v. Aiello, a 1974 ruling, determined that pregnancy discrimination is not inherently sex discrimination because it does not "classify on sex," but rather, on pregnancy status. Using similar arguments, the states claimed that gender affirming care exclusions did not classify or discriminate based on transgender status or sex, but rather, on a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and treatments to alleviate that dysphoria. The majority was unconvinced, ruling, “gender dysphoria is so intimately related to transgender status as to be virtually indistinguishable from it. The excluded treatments aim at addressing incongruity between sex assigned at birth and gender identity, the very heart of transgender status.” In doing so, the majority cited several cases, many from after Geduldig was decided.
[...] The decision will likely have nationwide impacts on court cases in other districts. The case had become a major battleground for transgender rights, with dozens of states filing amicus briefs in favor or against the protection of the equal process rights of transgender people. Twenty-one Republican states filed an amicus brief in favor of denying transgender people anti-discrimination protections in healthcare, and 17 Democratic states joined an amicus brief in support of the healthcare rights of transgender individuals. Many Republican states are defending anti-trans laws that discriminate against transgender people by banning or limiting gender-affirming care. These laws could come under threat if the legal rationale used in this decision is adopted by other circuits. In the 4th Circuit’s jurisdiction, West Virginia and North Carolina already have gender-affirming care bans for transgender youth in place, and South Carolina may consider a similar bill this week. The decision could potentially be used as precedent to challenge all of those laws in the near future and to deter South Carolina’s bill from passing into law.
On Monday, the 4th Circuit Court ruled in Kadel v. Folwell that gender identity is a protected characteristic and that state bans on covering gender-affirming care are unconstitutional.
It is likely that SCOTUS will take up this case to resolve a circuit court conflict within the next year or two.
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toxins-monsters · 2 years
Gender(s) I coined:
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a gender that is, is connected to, or behaves like fog in a forest and/or mountains and is masculine at the same time. Or when your masculinity feels like a fog in a forest and/or mountains.
The Stripes meaning:
Grey: fog like gender
Black: far off trees/distant forest
Blues: distant mountains
White: connection to fog in mountains and/or forest
Green-ish teal: masculinity
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a gender that is, is connected to, or behaves like fog in a forest and/or mountains and is feminine at the same time. Or when your femininity feels like a fog in a forest and/or mountains.
The stripes meaning:
Grey: fog like gender
Black: far off trees/distant forest
Blues: distant mountains
White: connection to the fog in mountains and/or forest
Purple: femininity
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a gender that is, is connected to, or behaves like fog in a forest and/or mountains and is neutral at the same time. Or when your gender feels like a fog in a forest and/or mountains.
The stripes meaning:
Grey: fog like gender
Black: far-off trees/distant forest
Blues: distant mountains
White: connection to fog in mountains and/or forest
Orange: neutral gender
Pronoun ideas:
(Not required, of course, just ideas if you want to)
You are welcome to make alternative flags as well as mix & match this with other genders (examples: demiboyfog or cat-foggender).
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imoga-pride · 2 months
Just because some identity is contradictory to you doesn't mean it can't make sense. Actually, nuanced identities are often contradictory when you know the basics of it, ignoring all details and complexity a multilabeled or combined identity can be.
If you think cisgender nonbinary people can't have a definition bc then it would describe someone who is not cis, then you're in the wrong bc just cause something describes you it doesn't mean it applies or include you bc the identity requires self-identification as well.
Same goes for bi lesbian, demisexual, or lesboy, you 'are technically lesboy' (/demi/lunian) but refuses to label yourself as such? Cool then you're not/don't experience that identity 🤯 and that's okay. But to imply anyone with such identity are not that thing bc it can't exist, then you're being a reality denier, bc ppl with such identities exist regardless if you recognize them or not. For instance, just bc someone uses ungrammatical conlangs doesn't mean that language can't exist. In fact, it's written already and it's on you if you're gonna cry or ignore.
Also transhet people are allowed to be nonbinary; binaryn't transfems/transmascs are allowed to be hetero due to their alignment, presentation, AGAB, or any other typical reason.
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ljesak · 3 months
i used to call myself agender but i stopped bc it implied i cared about my gender which i don't,, but i still feel kinda adjacent to it i guess
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legoyuri · 6 months
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Just one of the guys (1985)
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crowempress · 1 month
Next con I go to I really want to cosplay THK from Hollow Knight but I think hearing people he/him THK constantly would make me go bonkers
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bigothteddies · 3 months
so much of what you guys say on here when referencing gender is fucking WEIRD
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gothicxreylover · 5 months
Do you mind writing OC X Canon?
I don’t write OC, but I am curious if what’s on your mind.❤️
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chiarasl · 7 months
Rome, 1824
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Yesterday’s attack by Pope Francis on the so-called gender theory has deeply disappointed me.
I have previously written about being a transgender woman, meaning a person who identifies as female despite being born with a male body. I have always felt a connection to this gender, even since childhood. I have endured much rejection, discrimination, and violence from those who couldn’t accept me for who I am. I chose to conform to societal expectations, as I, with a Christian spirit, preferred to bear my pain rather than burden those close to me. But my life has been one of suffering, with many dark moments where I was close to suicide. If I can speak today, it’s because I was fortunate, while others in my condition were not.
The Pope has labeled this theory as “the ugliest danger” of our time, claiming it “erases differences” and “wipes out humanity.” He accuses the theory of being an “ideological colonization” imposing a distorted and artificial view of human beings. He denies the possibility of gender diversity, asserting that only nature and biology determine individuals’ sex.
These are unjust, offensive, and dangerous statements.
read more
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page-2-ids · 10 months
Iden: A suffix or prefix for genders related to one’s identity, identifying with something or a certain way, etc.
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lcngdays · 1 year
@fangmother / sc
"and so what if i'm not a man. what of it? i don't claim to be a woman, either," pale blue eyes are schooled carefully on Rainer's face. "oh what would my brother think. actually, he may not care about that part. he's much too obsessed about that time i tried to kill him."
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lesbiianboyfriend · 1 year
a list of identities that feel like my gender/me:
masc lesbians
he/him lesbians
agender people who are masc or slightly femme
genderfluid people who dont switch from masc to femme and just are
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lgbtqqiaap-activism · 2 years
TW: Transgender Politics, Discrimination, Suicide, Suicidal ideation, Self-Harm, Health Care, Surgery, Hormones, Black Market Drugs, Politics
“When somebody comes in with gender dysphoria that’s bad enough that they are having suicidal ideation or they can’t live their best life, doing nothing is not an option.”-Dr. Michael Haller, Professor and Chief of Pediatric Endocrinology at the University of Florida.
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ashacidic · 2 years
Hi guys, crying. I love being trans
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
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Here’s a base/outline of my idea for breaking up information. I think I could clean it up more, but I have to refamiliarize myself with this type of stuff (working a double today so not sure if I’ll be able to improve my template by tonight tho TT0TT)
Still need to fix the tabs so they have their own text, but I at least figured out how to get the darn tabs up there now. TT0TT Took all of my lunch time but I got there. 
Stageplay is a biiiiiiiiiiiit of a funky spot right now. I’m unsure if I should put both P4 and Arena/Ultimax’s duologies under it........ or if Arena/Ultimax’s Duologies should go under “Yu Narukami (GAME)” section and the Stageplay remains just the P4 duology.
This is because.....the P4 duology the MC changes names each time (only the 2nd one did they reveal the names similar to the P5 stageplay). So the productions are def separate based on just that. 
I can be down for either tbh, just depends on how we organize it I guess. TT0TT
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mmmthornton · 2 years
TERF Queen
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