#genuinely do believe they are all an elite friend group
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piper cait and curie stans rise
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prettyrealm · 2 months
how do the ive members see wonyoung?
this reading is a paid commision, thank you so much for trusting in me! <3 celebrity commissions • personal commissions
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an yujin - she thinks wonyoung is extremely professional and a great idol, she admires that she will try in all aspects of the job (she’s always on “idol-mode”) but she thinks that wonyoung wants to be the it girl, is proud of it, and doesn’t plan on giving that spot up. wonyoung is on yujin’s mind all the time because of this, and I think the reason she sees so many good qualities in wonyoung is because she wants to be more like her. she definitely feels as if she lives in wonyoung’s shadow. she thinks wonyoung is highly attractive.
gaeul - she doesn’t really view wonyoung as a real person. she thinks she’s very distant and that she doesn’t really hang out with the ive members unless she has to (so maybe she’s the first to leave dance practices, or skips out on hanging out with members after work). she thinks wonyoung is really good at being on idol-mode as well. she sees it as not who she really is, not that she thinks she’s a snake or something either, rather it’s more like “no one could really be this way”,’ it’s like she feels she doesn’t and will never know the real wonyoung (as wonyoung doesn’t really open up even behind the scenes). a part of her is even curious to see if wonyoung will ever “break character” one day. she thinks wonyoung is very beautiful.
rei - she thinks wonyoung super attractive, she is actually attracted TO wonyoung (didn’t ask if she acted on it or plans to btw, this is just how she feels). she thinks wonyoung is elite at her job, very beautiful and able to pull everything off, it’s likely that she thinks wonyoung is the best idol in the group. she thinks wonyoung is the ultimate woman. she thinks wonyoung’s kindness is real, she thinks you wouldn’t be able to maintain that type of personality/aura for so long if it wasn’t genuine (she seems to also have the tendency of glossing over possible negative traits or behaviors to interpret them as more positive). she thinks she rarely has a bad day with wonyoung and she can even get butterflies when they’re together. she has a lot of trust in wonyoung and likes her to the point where if wonyoung was ever super mean to her (or betrayed her in some way) she would actually feel heartbroken. she often feels sorry for wonyoung and wishes she could make things easier for her, she sees wonyoung as someone who often has hard times.
liz - she thinks wonyoung is very professional - again, a really good idol. she sees her as a perfectionist and that she’s confident but not arrogant (humble enough that she’s always trying to improve herself and isn’t the type to think she knows everything). she thinks wonyoung’s constant striving for perfection has very harmful consequences though (physically and mentally). she thinks wonyoung is distant and on idol-mode 99.9% of the time so what she sees often isn’t the real wonyoung, but she assumes this is just her being professional rather than fake. she genuinely likes wonyoung and would love to be closer to her and hang out with her more because she thinks she could be a good friend to her, but wonyoung is too distant and simply won’t let that happen.
leeseo - she wants to be wonyoung, there’s a chance that she was even wonyoung’s fan before meeting her. she tries to copy everything wonyoung does, even with how wonyoung acts behind the scenes, she finds herself wanting to be like that (whether she can pull it off or not). this makes her jealous though, she finds herself jealous of how willing people are to help wonyoung because of how loved she is. she understands wonyoung is on “idol-mode” often and this makes her more jealous because she’s like, “yeah i want to be like this too, but I can’t believe everyone is so nice to you when you aren’t even being real!”. i think a part of her even hopes for wonyoung to “crack” and for people to realize she’s not perfect, but overall she basically sees wonyoung as the luckiest girl in the world. she does think wonyoung has a lot of pressure on her though.
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ravensandherons · 5 months
My The Secret History fancast + thoughts on an adaptation (LONG)
Hey guys just screaming into the void here and brainrotting about The Secret History (a Tumblr rite of passage it seems)--but not exactly for the reasons you'd expect. Anyway, I was watching a video essay on why The Secret History shouldn't get made into a film and I found myself disagreeing with a lot of the points the author made (respectfully). A few of their points: 1. The Secret History couldn't get made today because it uses language that uses too many slurs.
I understand how the use of such offensive language (I believe in the book it was homophobic/racist, and mainly from Bunny Corcoran), even when employed with the relevant context and blatantly disapproved of, can still be harmful to hear. But I also know that there are definitely college students today who (unfortunately) regularly use that language, despite the more politically correct world we live in. I also think that responsible screenwriters would take care to add the appropriate weight to those scenes and ALSO point out the more "liberal" characters' own prejudices evidenced in their dialogue (they definitely have them in the book), as Get Out did. IMO those moments were more sinister than the cringe Bunny scenes.
2. The Secret History as a movie would be romanticized instead of being viewed as the critique/satire that it is.
Sure. I fuck with the dark academia aesthetic as much as any other bitch, but... oh my god it was impossible for me to romanticize anything in this book because it was genuinely triggering to read. I grew up with the study of Greek philosophy and mythology being a big part of my life (don't ask), and I went to a small elite liberal arts college in New England. As a freshman, I remember feeling the way Richard did at the beginning of the novel, caught up in the small intellectual, rich friend groups, the rural New England lifestyle, the college debauchery. But I read this book with a lot more experience under my belt and, boy, you come to see through all these characters REAL quick. These rich kids are so puffed up on their intellectualism that they think they can escape the consequences of their actions--it sounds a lot like nearly every motherfucker I met at my college! And Professor Julian is just an older and more hypocritical version of these students, preaching on and on about morality and haphazardly applying theory to elevate themselves above the "common folk." Donna Tartt really captured the frustrating, out of touch, self-important attitude that runs rampant at these privileged institutions. I wouldn't say that's a difficult thing to translate to film as it's been done before (Succession being one of the most prominent examples). And yes, of course there may be a portion of the audience that may choose to ignore the critique/don't necessarily possess critical thinking skills and you'd end up with an American Psycho situation (re: the glorification of Patrick Bateman), but I believe that also had more to do with the fact that American Psycho's critique was in satire form--the humor gave way to memes that removed context from the story. Meanwhile, The Secret History's less likely to be memed because the satire is not absurdist--it's also really fucking obvious that it is a critique because it's written like a Greek tragedy where none of the characters are redeemable at the end of it. Will it be used for Pinterest boards and Tumblr graphics? Sure, but that doesn't necessarily strip away context--just popularizes an aesthetic. And such a thing serves the theme of the story (the obsession with aesthetics above all, especially during the rise of the 80s hyperconsumer culture) as meta-commentary/transmedia storytelling (that parallels our own generation's obsession with using consumption to form our aesthetics and identity).
3. The cast of The Secret History would be predominantly white because that's how it was in the book and that whiteness is an important aspect of depicting the characters' privilege and ability to navigate the situations they find themselves in.
I agree, yes, a good adaptation of this novel would likely be one that had the students/Julian be white, but that also doesn't necessarily exclude POC representation in yet another movie. I think stories that blatantly criticize rich white people, while trendy at the moment, are important when done correctly (Succession!)--AND there are definitely characters that do not have to be white that I think are plenty important (I think Judy and Cloke could be interesting here given Richard's uncharitable depiction of them as unintellectual drug users. Playing into stereotypes is NOT the goal, I think they are foils to the main group in some sense and also come out of this tragedy more or less untouched) (also, you know, the rich white main group do more illicit substances and crimes than they do which I think adequately reflects reality). Adding more POC characters that might not be inner circle but could also be main characters wouldn't be impossible in an adaptation and might help with the point below--I'm thinking detectives, other students and professors, etc. And depending on whether or not you're updating this for the modern day or keeping it in the 80s, I think there's a lot you can play with if Richard Papen was casted as an Asian American (as one myself, having watched the car crash that was the overturning of affirmative action this summer,,, it just feels like there's a lot you can do with that) (I agree with the essayist that making Richard Papen John Boyega might not do a whole lot for Black representation--it feels like there's a certain amount of setting him up with that fancast).
4. The Secret History wouldn't lend itself well to an adaptation because the novel relies mostly on Donna Tartt's prose than anything that could be translated to a filmic structure.
This point I just do not agree with at ALL. I mean, Tartt's prose is excellent of course, and it is told from Richard's perspective, yeah. But here, I just have to point you to Jean-Marc Valee's Sharp Objects or Big Little Lies, based on books. Both are murder mysteries, both are slow burn with plenty of introspective, quiet moments, both are masterful adaptations. What carried me through the novel wasn't the prose but the growing magnitude of dread that spoils the romance of the whole deal. There are so many layers of intrigue too--the enigmatic Julian, the exclusiveness of the group, what mysterious activities they're up to, why Bunny is acting out, whether he'll rat on them, and THEN--will they get away with the murders, will Charles or anyone else in the group confess, will Henry kill again, on and on. Richard's corruption arc was also super fascinating too me--you start out rooting for this guy and at the end he's just like the rest of them. It would be cool to explore the arcs of the rest of the characters as well, even before their murder anxieties. The point is, there is so much material that, if laid out meticulously enough, would make a film or a tv series a medium to enhance the original story's themes and characters.
And now, for the Tumblr tradition: fancast (extremely self-indulgent and incredibly unrealistic)
Richard Papen - Justin H Min
Bro I loved him in The Umbrella Academy I needed more
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Henry Winter - Wilbur Soot
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LOL alternatively Jacob Elordi but Wilbur Soot is just stubbornly what my mind visualized as I was reading
Bunny Corcoran - Dacre Montgomery
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He has the charming smarmy bastard typecast DOWN
Francis Abernathy - Alex Wolff
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I need to see him in more things!!!
Charles Macaulay - Drew Starkey
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I think he plays psycho brothers pretty well
Camilla Macaulay - Elle Fanning
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I mean Gwyneth Paltrow was 100% the right choice but unfortunately that did not materialize... however Elle Fanning slayed in The Great and she's so underrated as an actress
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tiodolma · 1 year
"And have Uther live until he dies naturally" – why? Because Gaius said so?
reply to https://the-king-and-the-druidess.tumblr.com/post/707212300798541824/tiodolma-merganaconfessions-confession-i
Yes. In my opinion, Gaius and Merlin wanted a stable transition of power and they both believe that the kingdom should pass from father to son naturally. They didnt want assasinations or accidents to befall upon the king or the son.
possible reasonings for this
they wanted to prevent civil war - will possibly happen if the heir-apparent dies or if the king gets assasinated. the death of the king will embolden the dissenters and it will divide the kingdom from within coz people will start asking questions on the morality of their rule.
They were paranoid that the deaths of the royalty will be blamed on magic regardless of the actual nature of the assasination/accident. It's like they're rejecting the natural order of the world. Hence Gaius let's Merlin play God all the time.
they would rather be governed by a non-magical monarch they know rather than a magical ruler that they do not know. The nonmagical Pendragons were easier to manipulate tbh. Gaius and Merlin had the power to prop them on the throne (what they were technically doing in the show tbh). But if Edwin/ Sigan/ Nimueh/ Morgause/ Morgana ruled, Gaius/Merlin's positions would be on shaky ground.
Gaius and Merlin genuinely really care about Uther and Arthur. I mean they think they are Friends after all. It's an Unequal (as hell) kind of friendship but the Court Physician and His Apprentice actually believe in it... to the point of allowing mistreatment and insult to their persons.
This complicates things because State Matters have become Personal to them. Gaius and Merlin now think that by protecting the monarchy, then they are protecting their "friends" and the "people" as well. Much is wrong with this. There is a conflict of interests. Their bosses have become their "family". (which is a major red flag in today's job recruiting) This means Gaius and Merlin have merged love/ego/duty to a ridiculously unhealthy degree. They will let the abuses pass because their FRIENDS are the ones doing it and they know THEIR FRIENDS who are the HEADS OF STATE have noble and wounded hearts deep within and can still change if given time. People will just have to be patient and understanding with the monarchy, like Gaius and Merlin are.
Merlin and Gaius both believed in meritocracy under a monarchy tbh
noun, plural mer·i·toc·ra·cies.
an elite group of people whose progress is based on ability and talent rather than on class, privilege, or wealth.
a system in which such persons are rewarded and advanced: The dean believes the educational system should be a meritocracy.
leadership by able and talented persons.
we could say it's a matter of survival for them. Most fans think of Gaius is this way. I partly agree with this but his actions do not make sense either.
My reasons:
He does not have immediate family within camelot to protect (alice is safe somewhere, hunith is in another kingdom)
He is evidently one of the guys Uther heavily relied on in the Great Purge.
Dude hates black magic and everything about it.
He also thinks dragons and other magical creatures are evil and should be chained or killed.
He hid the truth about Balinor from Merlin AND Hunith
He is afraid of morgana gaining power (like wth he's a servant of an old religion he should know what raw uncontrollable power does to people)
He believed Nimueh was wrong.
He only let some magic-users escape: His Friends and some children.
Therefore it is in my belief that Gaius especially have an agenda of controlling the magic world by his own terms. He supported a state-approved way to control magic-folk. He wanted the ability to decide which magic-kind should survive and which magic-folk are dangerous.
Gaius and Merlin's actions are really counterproductive of the Old Religion's aims of magic to be truly free.
The HIgh Priestesses must have been the ultimate governing body and enjoyed a great deal of influence and power.
Magic nobility lorded over non-magic folk because they have an advantage
Kings may have been made to answer to The Goddess and not a lot of people appreciated that.
Gaius may have been one of those non-appreciators
Magic was a great equalizer between wealthy non-magic folk and commoner magic folk. That means powerful magical commoners got good representation in the courts. Druids, HIgh Priestesses, Dragonlords, Prophetesses, etcetc. The non-magic nobility hated that. It threatened the pseudo-feudalistic/monarchist system they had. If the magic folk (both noble and commoners) got united, they would have burst into some kind of democratic revolution and reject the non-magic nobiilty as the majority ruling class.
Gaius must have felt this in his lifetime and he has sided with the ruling class.
But we'll never know. I agree with a prequel to bbc adventures of merlin which shows Pre-Purge shenanigans.
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here4theheartbreak · 11 months
I LOVE your passion for them. It oozes. It's so nice , right? To actually care about comebacks for real. I've been Atiny for 4.5 years and I'm still excited every single time! They're incredible.
Their songs match my tastes so well. Their performances are legendary. My sister came with me to see them this year, she's not Atiny, she only know a few songs, and she said they were the best live performers she's ever seen. And of course they're fun people too! And I always feel like a proud parent when others in the industry/show staff praise them.
It seems like you know a lot of Atiny already but if you ever need anything, or want to know anything, you can just hit me up!
Welcome to Atiny life~!
It really is nice! Even a few days after the comeback I'm still not at all bored or disinterested - generally by now I'm so sick of hearing the same few songs or watching the same choreo that I just give up 🤣
(Apparently I still have a lot of feelings so I'm cutting this for the sake of my followers' dashes lol)
Today I was able go to go a cupsleeve event in my city and the support was overwhelming. I've been to a handful, usually around 50-100 people max -- Even for bigger groups. But today there were probably close to 200+ people minimum. For a good 2+ hours we had a line looping all through the tea bar - from the end of the vendor tables, around to the order counter, then out to the sidewalk and looping around the side of the building, it was insane. Even when my friends and I packed up to go there was still a line heading up to the counter.
I was amazed and it was so sweet to see, esp for a group that I know is less popular in KR - I genuinely don't get it (I mean, I do - not big 4 means people don't pay enough attention - but from a talent standpoint, it's baffling).
My first MV was Guerrilla - my friend and I watched it and sat in genuinely stunned silence for a good 5 minutes afterward. It blended so many of our favorite musical types into one really cohesive package and I couldn't believe it. And every subsequent song - even their softer summery ones (Utopia, please, it's so cute. And Eternal Sunshine - I could cry).
It's been a very very long time since I've heard a group that so perfectly vibes with everything I like in musical styles. (I don't actually know that I have found one before Ateez tbh; even my biggest groups have always had a handful of songs every comeback that are just... Meh.)
Plus the general talent in terms of intense choreography and vocals - they really are top class performers. And then adding in all the AU stuff - I love complex aus, I love storytelling, and these guys do it in such a cool way; and the production value of their mvs?! From an itty bitty company?? Genuinely elite.
My friend Drea went to their AZ show and Chicago shows last year; she had barricade during Chi and has shown me her videos; on top of YT recorded videos - the energy is unbelievable - you can just feel how hyped everyone is. I almost sprung for LA Kcon this year bc Ateez, SKZ, and Taemin are gonna be there; but none of my group are going and it's far too expensive on my own 😭 (plus it's right before school starts up for my gremlin and my own Korean classes start up, so I really shouldn't be traversing the country >.<).
We have plans to all try for the next Chicago concert though; there's about 7 of us for sure, maybe a few more, so carpooling and splitting hotel fees will make it easier - aside from the apparent bloodbath for tickets lol.
Where did you end up going to see them?
Also did you see the stats that dropped today? We broke our own previous record for Spotify streams! Generally I don't care about those, but I'm excited to see the small wins for a group that deserves so much 😭
But yes, thank you! I will 100% reach out with questions lol or to scream - or you can just to chat - bc clearly I can't say enough about them. 🧡
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Some remarks on a text about Herodotus and his Egyptian sources circulating on this site
An internet friend of mine sent me privately the following text, which circulates in some egyptological quarters of tumblr as proof of the “unreliability” of Herodotus’ sources in Egypt and, therefore, of Herodotus himself as historian, and asked me for some comments on it. So, first of all let us enjoy this piece of excellent wisdom:
“I can't believe I'm going to do this. Who wants a presentation on Herodotus' sources for Book 2 (the Egypt book)? It was given by PhD student Alex Tarbet for the Herodotus Helpline and it's 46 minutes long. Folks, this is a scholar who is explicitly arguing that Herodotus' Egyptian sources can not be trusted for factual information on the lives of the Pharaohs. The specific topic is how the stories of the Pharaohs appear to be humorous "Tourist Trap" stories rather than factual narratives from reputable, educated sources. And that the "priests" Herodotus talked to might not have been real priests. While Tarbet is clearly fond of Herodotus, he is also critical of the source material (he also straight up calls Herodotus a tourist). This is an attitude that more people need to have.
“It’s very possible that if Herodotus asked to talk to a priest he could have gotten somebody with a little bit of attitude, a little bit of salt, drawing on these popular traditions. It’s like if someone wandered around Italy asking to talk to the Pope and the locals instead said things like, ‘I’m the Pope,’ or they drew upon all these jokes about the Pope’s hat that they knew, and in some ways it was a way of brushing off a tourist. This is the sort of thing that happens at a festival along the Nile, you get all sorts of interactions between people, and Herodotus had a kindof difficult time figuring out when people were just joking with him or they were telling him true facts.”
In other words, sure, you can learn stuff from The Histories, but only if you remember and accept that it's not all true, and that you can't just trust it and accept it at face value, especially the Egypt part. You know...the thing the Egyptologists have been trying to hammer into people's heads for a couple of years now.
(My stance on Herodotus remains unchanged, and now has another scholar to back it up.)”
I remind that I have posted some days ago Alex Tarbet’s video from the youtube channel of Herodotus Helpline with some first observations on it  ( https://aboutanancientenquiry.tumblr.com/post/701207851115462656/in-this-talk-from-the-2022-23-edition-of-the). 
And now my remarks on the text that has been sent to me and I have reproduced above:
1/ There is no comparison between Tarbet’s views on Herodotus and those of the group of tumblr egyptologists on the same topic, contrary to what the author of the text rather disingenuously claims. Tarbet’s approach has its merits and flaws (more about this later), but his main point is that Herodotus preserves genuine Egyptian popular traditions and, therefore, Herodotus’ Book II (on Egypt) is for him of great value. On the contrary, the tumblr egyptologists claim that Herodotus’ work about Egypt is totally wrong and worthless, an aggregate of lies and fabrications, and the main sourse of misconceptions about ancient Egypt (I omit here any further reference to the other antics of the same group of people).
Moreover, contrary to what the author of the same text claims, Tarbet does not say anything about the existence or not of Egyptian “reputable, educated sources’ that Herodotus should have contacted but he didn’t. In other words, Tarbet says nothing about the histrorical consciousness of the Egyptian intellectual elites of the time of Herodotus’ visit to Egypt and on whether these elites had or not solid historical knowledge of the past of Egypt that they could convey to Herodotus. But more about this later.
2/ Now, to clarify things, most of the stories to which Tarbet refers belong to the part of Book II of Herodotus’ Histories (2.99 to 2.151) having as subject the pre-Saite period of Egypt (before 664 BCE). And of course this is the most problematic part of Book II, because, if each period of the Egyptian history is represented in it (with the exception of the Hyksos) and what the Pharaohs do according to it corresponds to the traditional functions of the Egyptian kingship (see A.B. Lloyd in “A Commentary on Herodotus Books I-IV” of Asheri-Lloyd-Corcella, p. 238), it contains also many tales but also some important factual errors. On the contrary, Herodotus’ account of the Saite period (2.152 to 2.182) is much more solid and a main source for that period, and of course the geographical part of the same Book (2.4 to 2.34) is very interesting as proto-scientific approach and its ethnographical part (2.35 to 2.98) contains much accurate and useful information. So, no one claims that we should take at face value the story of Pheros or of Rhampsinitos, as the author of the text sent to me foolishly insinuates.
But what is more important is that Herodotus himself is aware of the problematic character of what his Egyptian sources (the priests) told him about the pre-Saite Egypt. Thus, he warns us that (translation A. D. Godley): 
(2.99,1, 2): So far, all I have said is the record of my own autopsy and judgment and inquiry. Henceforth I will record Egyptian chronicles, according to what I have heard, adding something of what I myself have seen. The priests told me..,    
And he continues with the story of Min, the first Pharaoh. And again:
(2.123,1): These Egyptian stories are for the use of whosoever believes such tales: for myself, it is my rule throughout this history that I record whatever is told me as I have heard it.
And again, explaining that with the reign of Psammetichos I (the founder of the Saite dynasty) and the settlement of Greeks and Carians to Egypt there are not only Egyptian, but also foreign sources on the Egyptian history and there was thus for the Greeks the opportunity of a much better knowledge of the history of Egypt under the Saite rulers: 
(2.147,1): Thus far I have recorded what the Egyptians themselves say. I will now relate what is recorded alike by Egyptians and foreigners to have happened in that land, and I will add thereto something of what I myself have seen.  
(2.154):  The Ionians and Carians who had helped him to conquer were given by Psammetichus places to dwell in called The Camps, opposite to each other on either side of the Nile; and besides this he paid them all that he had promised. Moreover he put Egyptian boys in their hands to be taught the Greek tongue; these, learning Greek, were the ancestors of the Egyptian interpreters. The Ionians and Carians dwelt a long time in these places, which are near the sea, on the arm of the Nile called the Pelusian, a little way below the town of Bubastis. Long afterwards, king Amasis removed them thence and settled them at Memphis, to be his guard against the Egyptians. It comes of our intercourse with these settlers in Egypt (who were the first men of alien speech to settle in that country) that we Greeks have exact knowledge of the history of Egypt from the reign of Psammetichus onwards. There still remained till my time, in the places whence the Ionians and Carians were removed, the landing engines​ of their ships and the ruins of their houses.
So, Herodotus, far from being some kind of naive fool, has some very clear and innovative ideas about the methods and tools of collection and evaluation of information. Moreover, he is fully aware of the fact (and warns about it his readers) that what his Egyptian informants told him about the pre-Saite period should not be taken at face value as representation of the historical reality. Herodotus records, however, these stories because this was the material that he managed to collect about the pre-Saite Egyptian history and because he judged that this material deserved to be preserved, as it came from the Egyptians themselves.
3 / Now, again about Alex Tarbet and Herodotus, as I said above I find that Tarbet’s approach on Herodotus and Egypt has merits but also flaws. Tarbet (a PhD candidate in Classics at the University of Michigan) presents his project like this (https://lsa.umich.edu/humanities/people/2022-23-fellows/alex-tarbet.html ): 
Ancient Egyptians had rich and complex humor traditions long before Greeks set foot in Africa. In the 5th century BCE, a few of their jokes, anecdotes, tales, and histories were picked up by the Greek tourist Herodotus as he traveled down the Nile. Herodotus met and listened to local storytellers in relaxed settings, and so preserved a bundle of playful and humorous African oral folk performances for his Greek democratic audience. My project imagines that transmission: a local world of brilliant Egyptian folk storytellers engaging with an audience of foreign travelers, tourists, and inquirers, through whom some of their lore passed around the Mediterranean. Humorous and even obscene critiques of authoritarians or tyrants tend to travel easily across languages, identities, and ethnicities, as expressions of popular resistance from below. Drawing on modern Arab and North African folk traditions by analogy, I explore the way ancient Egyptian popular commentaries on matters like power, gender, and colonialism passed obliquely into Greek democratic prose.
 What I find valuable in Tarbet’s approach is his effort to show the influence of the Egyptian popular tradition on Herodotus, but also the existence and importance of an Egyptian folk humoristic tradition, often at the expense of rulers. And of course in some cases (for example the tale of Rhampsinitos and the clever thief) this approach seems totally valid.
On the other hand, what I find objectable in his approach is first of all his rather schematic and simplistic considerations in his video on the Greek philosophers and their views. More particularly concerning Herodotus, Tarbet approaches Herodotus’ interactions with the Egyptians exclusively from the angle of the Egyptian humoristic folk tradition and of jokes (or even pranks) performed by the Egyptians for or at the expense of foreigners. But I think that it should be obvious that most things Herodotus heard in Egypt were not just expression of humor and that most tales circulating in Egypt in Herodotus’ time were not perceived just as humoristic fiction by those who told and heard them. I think also that it is obvious that having fun could not have been the only motivation in the Egyptian attitudes toward foreigners and that the desire to impress the latter, but also curiosity and in some cases willingness for some genuine and serious interaction with them must have played at least some role in these attitudes. With Tarbet we have often the image of joyful Egyptians constantly joking, something which rather contrasts with what we know about the period of Herodotus’ visit to Egypt (which very probably must have taken place somewhere in the late 440′s BCE), a period of oppressive foreign (Persian) rule. And in some places his approach veers toward clichés of the type “the clever Egyptians made fun at the expense of stupid Greek tourists”. 
Moreover, some of the tales Tarbet invokes are not so humoristic: thus, the story of Pheros has an important aspect of misogyny in it (the theme that most women are unfaithful), but also an aspect of horror (the Pharaoh has in the end the unfaithful women burnt alive, something very probably seen as a just punishment by Herodotus’ Egyptian source which told him this version of the story). And, to my knowledge, Tarbet is the only scholar who sees the story of the linguistic experiment of Psammetichos as humoristic or expressing a criticism toward this Pharaoh.
Of course I disagree with Tarbet’s statement in his video and texts that Herodotus was a “tourist”. Tarbet presents Herodotus as a “tourist” because this is convenient for his thesis about the influence of an Egyptian folk humor tradition on more or less naive Greek “tourists” (a characterization which, moreover, is rather anachronistic). However,  if it is true that Herodotus went to Egypt for a brief period of time (perhaps half a year), his purpose was undoubtedly scholarly, not that of a tourist. And we should not forget that, despite all the evident flaws of the Book II on Egypt from a modern perspective, as the preeminent Egyptologist Barry Kerry puts it:
 “In the history of the objective study of the human society he [ my- aboutanancientenquiry’s-note : Herodotus] represents a milestone (there is absolutely nothing like his narrative from ancient Egypt before his day)…Herodotus “History” contains by far the earliest eyewitness account of life in ancient Egypt written by an outsider for the benefit of his own people and should be treasured for that“ (Barry Kemp Egypt-Anatomy of a Civilization).
4/ Did Herodotus talk to “real” Egyptian priests, as he claims?
Tarbet disbelieves that Herodotus talked to real Egyptian priests, in the sense of the permanent staff of the temples and of the religious and intellectual elite of Egypt. As he explains (https://antigonejournal.com/2021/10/egyptian-cats-greek-curiosity/ ):
Temples had thousands of personnel, from groundskeepers to cooks to guards to the high priest himself. Many of these had seasonal priesthoods only for three or four months of the year with temporary prestige and pay. Perhaps Herodotus had a brief encounter with a farmer, merchant, craftsman, local guide, tourist-trapper, traveling bard, streetside raconteur – any of them a ‘priest’ only part of the year.
When someone, say, a metalworker or fishmonger, worked in a temple for a few months as a priest, creative lore from his daily home life could easily trickle in with him. Fresh stuff sourced from the family household: children’s tales, fables, rumors, jokes, myths, news, gossip, insults, spells, problems with the neighbor’s cats – you name it. And then it trickled out. Herodotus could have heard anything anywhere.
But, although I like his description of the life in an Egyptian temple, I don’t think that Tarbet’s reasoning is solid here. Herodotus was not a naive and foolish “tourist’, but a man with intelligence and vast experience of the world. And I think that even an average person with some experience of life could tell the difference between on the one hand a real priest with permanent office and on the other hand manual workers who were temporary ‘priests”, in the sense of the auxiliary personel of the temples. I say this because I think that the quality of a person as elite or subordinate in the Antiquity could be perceived rather easily through their clothes, adornment, and body language, but also because the manual workers-temporary priests of the Egyptian temples obviously performed their tasks as manual workers, something that Herodotus or any other visitor would have perceived immediately. Moreover, I don’t think that Herodotus would have arrived at least at Memphis and Heliopolis without recommendations from Greeks active in Egypt and having some acquaintances in the Egyptian priesthood, something which corroborates the view that he knew the kind of persons he went to meet and that such persons (priests in the full sense of the term) had reasons to receive him well and talk to him.
What I say is confirmed by the fact that most Demotic Egyptian texts having similarities with what Herodotus records about the pre-Saite Egypt have been found in the library of the temple of Tebtynis. I am not talking only about the story of Pheros that Tarbet invokes in his video, but also about this of Sesostris and others. So, it seems that these stories were not just some kind of pop Egyptian culture circulating among the temporary manual workers- “priests” of the temples and more generally among the Egyptian population, but they were the possession and were read by the Egyptian priests in their temple libraries, and perhaps priests played an important role in their formation. This confirms of course Herodotus’ claim that he talked to Egyptian priests in the ordinary sense of the term and that these priests were the sources for his account of the pre-Saite history of Egypt.
German Egyptology professor Joachim Friedrich Quack, the scholar who edited the texts from Tebtynis some years ago and stressed their similarities with Herodotus’ record in Book II, has no doubts that the discovery and study of the papyri from the library of the temple of Tebtynis confirms Herodotus when he says that he heard what he writes about the history of Egypt from Egyptian priests (J-Fr. Quack “Quelques apports récents des études démotiques à la compréhension du Livre II d’Hérodote”  -”Some recent contributions of the demotic studies to the understanding of Book II of Herodotus”, in Hérodote et l'Égypte. Regards croisés sur le Livre II de l'Enquête d'Hérodote. Actes de la journée d'étude organisée à la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée – Lyon, le 10 mai 2010, available on https://href.li/?https://www.persee.fr/doc/mom_0151-7015_2013_act_51_1_2256 , in my translation into English):  
In summary, the current studies show well that more and more parallels appear between Herodotus’ narrative and the Egyptian demotic documentation, for both the traditions on the history of Egypt and the “ethnographic” section. The specific question about the sources should become clearer thanks to this contribution. Herodotus often refers to what he has heard from Egyptian priests 96. The demotic texts that I have presented here originate largely from a priestly milieu, as it is showed clearly enough in the papyri of Tebtynis. This makes also abundantly clear that the traditions on the Egyptian past and the exploits of the heroes, which have often been characterized as “folkloric” 97, have a solid basis in the stories circulating among the priests of Late Egypt. And where Herodotus’ narrative seems to us strange, concerning the anecdotes on the Egyptian kings or their order of succession, it would be appropriate to impute this strangeness less to the errors and misunderstandings of the Greek historian or to the fancies of uncultured guides than to the confusions which had been already produced during the long transmission of the Egyptian culture.
And we come now to the problem of the historical consciousness and historical knowledge of the priestly milieus with which Herodotus had contacts. We know that these priests had at their disposal rather accurate king lists (thus Herodotus 2.100), but on the other hand we know that the transmission of the knowledge of the past in ancient Egypt was far from flawless and that many legends and tales about this past circulated among the Egyptian priests who, at least to some degree, believed in them (this is proved not only by the library of Tebtynis, but also by the surviving fragments of the 3d century BCE priest-historian Manetho, the first Egyptian who wrote a continuous history of Egypt, following but also criticizing Herodotus). We know also that the ancient Egyptian priests and scribes were totally capable of manipulating history in order to serve their agendas. To what degree the problematic character of much of what the Egyptian priests related to Herodotus about the pre-Saite history of Egypt was just the result of their confusions and of distortions in their historical consciousness resulting from flawed transmission of the knowledge of the past and from the influence of legend, and to what degree they served agendas by consciously manipulating history in their interactions with a foreigner like Herodotus is a different and very interesting question that I will try to approach in a future post. 
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
See people (tkkrs) can't just say they think tk are dating and therfore don't think jikook are dating they have to say they've never been friends and everything is fanservice and they hate each other when that's objectively untrue BE NORMAL
It really concerns me, the need to vilify Jimin as the maknae's predator or a fanservice freak or clout chaser. He is a lovely, talented, sincere human being and doesn't deserve any of that bullshit.
Frankly, there are a lot of frightening parallels between the Taekook fandom and Trumper Qanon. You can't trust authority (Hybe / government). A false narrative is being pushed for profit (Jikook / liberals). The people in power have an agenda (Kpop executives / elite moguls). Only a small merry band of rebels know the truth (Taekookers / patriots). They see all the lies (two members are forced apart all the time / pizza shops are fronts for child sex trafficking rings). But the true believers also see the hints of truth (hearing voices off camera, insisting they can see details in grainy photographs, believing third-hand accounts from "fans" / all those Qdrops online). And this bonds them all together, because only they know the truth, and everyone else is out to get them. Through it all, they just have to TRUST, regardless of evidence, and someday, they will be the heroes and everything will work out exactly as they'd hoped. This group thrives on misinformation and bullying. That's a cult. That's straight up cult dynamics. And no one has time to individually deprogram millions of followers.
If Taekook had half as much evidence of genuine off-camera bonding as Jikook, there would be no need to create obstacles to their love story--it would just be obvious. Plus, it's the most popular ship around the globe; Hybe could be making so much more bank just by making them a subunit and pushing that ship hard. They don't. Because it's fantasy. The company won't kill the idea of any ship, because they don't want to alienate fans and forever get into the bullshit, but I don't believe they manufacture intimate moments on members' downtime and then force them to talk about it during Vlives or whatever. BTS doesn't need to get sales like that. JK has straight up said Tae is his friend. Tae said it's not good to stay in your imagination, please love all of us equally. But the cult has to dismiss anything that doesn't jive with their desired narrative. So they don't trust what the members actually say or do. JK and Tae "have" to say that because they are being "forced" all this time to hide. This line of thinking shows, at heart, a deep disrespect for Tae and JK's autonomy and individuality (and also just decent business practices).
I'm sure there are lovely BTS fans out there who just prefer the Taekook ship (not just as two visually appealing men, but, who like, genuinely believe Tae and JK are in love) and they go about their days, enjoying fics and fan art and making friends online, without ever talking shit about others or harassing brands or hiring protest trucks or stalking celebrities. I'm sure they are out there. I haven't met them, because I'm afraid to get too close, because the cult genuinely scares me. Jikook is my happy place where I come to mentally relax after a battle with cancer (which I'm winning by the way, HUZZAH!!!). I don't want to wade into the middle of a war--particularly with enemies who deny facts as part of their personal identity.
But yeah, the smear campaign against Jimin absolutely disgusts me. The Kim Taehyung and the Jeon Jungkook I've been watching all this time would light those toxic fans on fire to keep Jimin warm. They both care for Jimin deeply, even when going through tough times. That should be enough. Regardless of who you ship (or don't ship), the fact that they all have repeatedly shown genuine care for each other means you don't need to put down one to lift up another. The second you do, you've lost.
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franklespine · 3 days
Oh my god why are they so goddamn anal in law like why am I getting marks off for having my footnotes of the case citation after the full stop of the sentence instead of directly after the case - LIKE IN 90% OF SITUATIONS THAT IS WHAT YOURE SUPPOSED TO DO.
Flashback to when I got marked off in another assignment for mistakenly having some of the footnote numbers italicised. But at least I got an 89% on that assignment this one just fell flat on its face.
And apparently you're supposed to finish substantiating the elements of the claim, even when the first one cannot be substantiated?????? If the first element can't be made out, does that not make the other 2000 words you have to spend of your word count substantiating the other elements to an unsuccessful claim redundant?? Also - WHEN WERE THEY GONNA TELL ME THAT??? I'm in my second year of doing law why in gods name has no one told me that I'm literally cutting out CHUNKS of my assignments and exams because I logically thought that you don't continue to make out the elements of a case that you've already disproven????
Just RAHH I hate uni, genuinely believe it's designed to torture the psyche. Literally no one cares about you at all and you make zero friends. It's such a lonely lifestyle.
I'm also doing a creative writing major which is fun, I love creative writing, but then the assignments also make me want to kms cause they just have such a narrow view of what a 'good' creative writing piece is. Doing creative non-fiction rn and it's making me feel like because I don't have a huge life trauma to capitalise on I'm doomed from the start.
I'm not saying that I should be getting 100s or whatever it's just so disheartening to get shit assaignments with easy fixable mistakes in them just cause they didn't tell you. Like I don't have lawyer parents, I didn't go to a big elite private school who's friend groups pretty much just transfer over to law. Idek anyone else who even does/did law. I have no idea what I'm doing and I just feel like they make it so hard to succeed.
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hypnoticwinter · 8 months
All politics these days is a Hegelian dialectic. The 'right '- Conservatives/Republicans/etc - play fake traditionalists, squeezing the working but particularly middle class, as the lower end working & benefit classes will always be reliant on others but a healthy middle class is a threat as they can exercise independent action due to financial freedom & have the potential to grow assets, so politics is designed to prevent the middle class from growing & passing on assets/wealth thus threatening elite power.
They invite accusations of whatever bigotry is a hot button issue, the press stir it up, they go "NO IM NOT SEE" and "I LOVE TRANS PEOPLE JUST DONT BELIEVE IN TRANSKIDS" or whatever, moving the goalposts already, ceding ground on whatever trend issue is going by saying "No I only agree with 40% of what you say." This is step 1, which pays off when the 'left' get in power..
The 'left' - Labour, Democrats, etc - then pretend to be the saviors of these downtrodden masses giving lipservice handouts to the problems their friends wearing the other color tie create. They offer solutions like centralisation of power, bigger government, taxes, restrictions etc., which always conveniently leave loopholes for 'wealth creators' & whoever their favorite underprivileged group is, thus pushing the weight of these policies mostly onto the middle class and especially the self-employed/small business owners. Then step 2 of woke policy kicks in, they push mass migration/woke policies to further this, oversaturating markets, devaluing qualifications, making more people compete for the same job, making wages drop. The 'rightwing' press response is to whip up outrage & bait responses they use to repeat this cycle by having another 'right' politician come in & go through "Im not a bigot, look" all over again. And when the 'right' get in power, they do same thing the 'left' did but opposite, loosening up restrictions in the name of the free market (and providing their fatcat friends with the loopholes they need to magnify their profits by cutting down on safety regulations, etc), becoming harder on illegal immigration (but doing nothing about or increasing legal immigration) and so on.
This left-right flipflop extends across every macroscopic policy action.
The 'right' cut infrastructure spending, and everything starts to fall apart. The 'left' pledge infrastructure spending, actually siphoning public money to pay to their local government friends while insisting they need more tax and money to solve the problems they're deliberately not solving. The 'right' privatise everything to openly give their business friends contracts and play the obvious corrupt bad guy. The 'left' pledge to reverse this and make things government run, in order to increase the byzantine bureaucracy of the system, making it easier to weaponise or persecute people with incomprehensible overreaching regulations that are selectively enforced, and giving makework jobs to their friends.
There is NO genuine small government anti-corporation movement, no party representing this in the UK, the US, or most nations, because why would they ever actually let something go against the system that suits them?
The goal is not to change any of these systems or to actually improve anything, the goal is to create a system where 99% of the population is dependent on government largesse in order to live (and therefore can be controlled through reducing or removing this largesse in response to any attempts to put a toe out of line) and 1% are the unfathomably rich ubercapitalist elite who, through the abolition of the middle class, have secured their positions at the top of the pile for themselves and their bloodlines until something truly cataclysmic comes along to reset everything, like a CME strong enough to actually knock out all electronics for a long period or a meteor obliterating 50% of the global population or whatever.
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fadingsublimenut · 2 years
8 Tips for Choosing the Best MBA College in Bangalore
Your education and job are frequently decided by your parents or classmates rather than by yourself, especially in Bangalore. You may choose to study science in 12th grade rather than art because your parents wanted you to. Perhaps your friend picked engineering or BSc, so you enrolled in those programs. However, selecting an MBA school or course should be based purely on your career objectives, not those of your family or friends.
These 8 suggestions can assist you in selecting the Best MBA colleges in Bangalore if you are a student interested in pursuing a career in management.
Ask yourself if MBA is the right path for you
A management course will prepare you for the workplace. You have to throw yourself headfirst into the action. Knowing what an MBA course entails will help you prepare for what's ahead. However, not everybody is suited for an MBA. Many people pick up business and management skills on the job. You might fall under this group. So, before applying to any college, make sure you are genuinely interested in studying MBA. You've studied for the greater part of your life. Spending a further year or two doing the same is required for an MBA. For it, are you prepared?
Choose an MBA program based on your desired career path.
After deciding an MBA is the right choice for you, research your preferred specialization. See if the MBA programs offered by various universities have the precise specialization you're looking for. For instance, be sure the college you choose offers an MBA in Sports Management if that is what you want to pursue. If a top-ranked MBA college doesn't offer the course you want, there is no benefit in enrolling there. Spending time and money on something that won't help you reach your objectives is a waste of both. Before choosing a college, it is always advised that you decide on your career objectives and do some research on your possibilities.
Ask about the course costs.
The cost of an MBA education relies on a variety of variables, some of which are the faculty, placements, facilities, and reputation of the school. It's vital to remember that the cost of the software does not exactly correlate with the cost. Due to their prestige and high demand, elite MBA programs like IIMs charge exorbitant fees. There are MBA universities that provide quality MBA programs for a reasonable price. On the other hand, some MBA programs charge high prices while providing subpar education.
Find out if the university has any prestigious rankings or affiliations.
Any MBA program's legacy is its own form of advertising. So, before applying, research the colleges' standings and affiliations. A few trustworthy sites that provide information on the top MBA colleges in Bangalore include Outlook, Bangalore, Business Week, Financial Times, and the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) from the HRD ministry. Additionally, find out if the college is accredited by reputable organizations and if it is affiliated with other universities or schools. These accolades, connections, and accreditations only serve to bolster the college's reputation as a respectable place to study for an MBA.
Check out the facilities on campus.
The right infrastructure, well-stocked classrooms, a well-stocked library, labs, and dorms all contribute to a comfortable learning environment. Do not believe what you see in website photographs of campuses. Make sure you visit the college in person and have a look at all the amenities it offers. Many MBA programs promise "state-of-the-art infrastructure" and "top-of-the-line amenities," but in practice, they offer nothing of the sort. All things considered, this is accurate. Big universities like the IIMs and emerging colleges alike participate in it. It's not necessary to have a 100-acre garden with a central fountain and lofty glass structures in order to have good infrastructure. It means the college has to offer a spacious and comfortable environment that removes the tedium of learning and makes it a pleasurable experience for students.
Check the program's duration.
The length of the program will depend on where you are in your career path right now. The greatest course to take when you want to expand your skill set is an executive MBA program. It is often available for 12 or 15 months. A normal 2-year program is the best option for people who want to pursue an MBA full-time. Choose a course that fits your objectives and stick with it.
Learn about the placements and internships the college offers.
A college for an MBA shouldn't be selected solely on the basis of costs. When paying a sizable amount for a course, you should think about the course's return on investment. For instance, an MBA degree should be able to secure you a similar or greater compensation package if you are spending INR 10 lakhs for a 2-year education. Any MBA course's core components are its internships and placements. After all, getting a lucrative job is the major reason you want to pursue an MBA. Information on the placement, project, and internship help the college offers should be available. You can even gather information on placements gained through the college by contacting former students.
student-faculty ratio
Students' careers are significantly shaped by the faculty. They should be knowledgeable about the subject they are teaching and have plenty of expertise. You can research the faculty members on LinkedIn or even the college website to determine their level of expertise. The college must also sustain a favorable faculty-to-student ratio. A good ratio would be one faculty member for every ten pupils or 1:10 in this case. The learning environment will be subpar if there are fewer faculty members. Therefore, it is essential that the college have a large faculty.
MBA in SIMS works to make sure that students receive training in the fields of their choice. No matter what they pursue—sport, luxury, or hospitality—our students have always been a step ahead of the competition. Owing to its international lineage, advanced MBA courses, professional faculty, and state-of-the-art curriculum, MBA SIMS is on track to become one of the Best MBA colleges in Bangalore.
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Don’t Mess With The Queen
Characters: Klaus Mikaelson x Hybrid!Reader
Word count: ~1.7k
Warnings: none
Request by anonymous: Could u do a imagine where the reader is friends with the mystic falls gang and is a werewolf and finds out that she and klaus r mates?
Summary: People who you want to call your friends are planning on killing the love of your life. It’s your job to show them who’s really the boss.
Author’s Note: This is a female!reader. I did change this request a tad, but I hope you like it! I haven’t written for TVD in a while now, so please bear with me on this. After asking a few people, I have decided to end this on a fluffy note. I did write an angsty alternate ending, but I don’t know if the anon who requested wanted that or not.
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No one knows why you’re really here. They all think you’re their friend, so they feel comfortable disclosing their plan right in front of you. You want to be friends with them because they seem like genuinely nice people, but they are so fueled by rage and revenge that they’ll do anything to get it… even plotting against your mate, your sire, the love of your life.
Stefan and Damon have spent their entire life fighting each other and putting their noses in places where it doesn’t belong. Elena and Caroline have always been the people who want to fix others, to make them better even if there is nothing wrong with them. Bonnie is always stuck in the middle of everyone’s problems, putting herself and others in danger for no reason.
“So, what’s the plan here?” Elena asks, taking out the last bit of weapons she has stashed in the Boarding House.
“First thing we need to do is pick a location. When is Klaus most vulnerable?” Stefan asks.
“Yeah, the last time we did that, Elijah betrayed us. That moonrock or whatever was our only chance to get him at his weakest.”
“You were one of Klaus’ bitches. What do you think?” Damon asks and turns to you.
“What?” you ask, pulling back from your own thoughts.
“You spent over two years sired to him before Tyler saved you. You must know things that can help here,” Elena says.
What she says is true. You were sired to Klaus for two years, but not in the way they believe. You were sired to him in the beginning when you were first turned by Klaus’ mother. You were a werewolf that was in the same village as Klaus and his family. You two became fast friends, always leaning on each other whenever his abusive father and your abusive mother decided to make you two their toys.
Everything was going fine until one of your own decided to kill the youngest member of the Mikaelson family. There was a family friend of Esther, Tatia, that she used her blood in a spell that would make them the Original vampires. Klaus wanted you to have the same thing, so without his parents knowing, he gave you some of that wine. You were the first-ever turned hybrid that came from a spell.
You and Klaus have spent every moment together ever since. What the gang of Mystic Falls doesn’t know is just how old you are. They think you were just another hybrid that he made with Elena’s blood, stuck with him against your will. Tyler found your pack in the mountains and proceeded to unsire every single one of Klaus’ hybrids. When Tyler got to you, that’s when you started to catch onto what he was doing.
If Tyler wanted to desperately to save you, then you were going to act like you wanted to be saved. You came to Mystic Falls and befriended the vampires in the town. Now, they all think that you hate Klaus as much as they do when really, you’re just as in love with him as you were when you first met him.
“He really liked hiding out in the woods, though, they’re usually on werewolf territory, so good luck trying to get there. It’s probably why you can never find him. The werewolves will get to you before he does. He hears chatter in the wind and he moves to another pack site.”
“That’s smart,” Caroline comments.
“Yeah, so you’re not going to find him there.”
“Guys, we need to figure out something, or else more people are going to get hurt,” Elena says. Sometimes, you really want to kill her so you don’t have to hear her speak. “Klaus needs to die.”
Hearing them talk about killing the love of your life enrages you a little bit. You could take every single person in here without breaking a sweat, but you don’t turn to violence just yet. You take out your phone to let Klaus know exactly what they’re planning. You’d be a bad girlfriend if you let them attack without warning him.
They’re planning on killing you, my love.
It’s cute if they think they can.
They seem hell-bent on figuring it out.
I’m not afraid of them if that’s what you’re worried about. They can’t hurt me even with their best player.
I’m worried someone is going to get very hurt. What should I tell them?
Tell them where I am. Let them come. If it’s a war they want, I’m only happy to provide.
Are you sure?
I’m always sure, love.
You put your phone away and look at the small group, getting up to join the elite circle.
“I do know where Klaus lives.”
“That would have been nice to know a little earlier, don’t you think?” Damon sneers.
“Damon, don’t,” Stefan butts in. “Where is he?”
“New Orleans. That place is crawling with witches and vampires, but he and his family are stationed there.”
“How do you know this?”
“Because he took me there once. The witches will know once you arrive, but most of them are scared of Klaus anyway that they’ll help you blend in. Everyone from that town knows the Mikaelsons are royalty, but their castle doesn’t have a lot of guards protecting it. If you want to get to him, that’s where you want to do it.”
“How do you know all of this? This seems awfully suspicious for someone who isn’t sired to him anymore.”
“He still thinks I am. He’ll call me every day and ask for something. He figures if he has a hybrid in another state that I can do his dirty work for him elsewhere. You want to get Klaus? That’s how you’re going to do it.”
“She does have a point. Better to take this fight to his turf than ours. He’s more comfortable there,” Stefan points out.
Now that they know a location, it didn’t take long for them to come up with a plan of attack. Of course, you told everything to Klaus as soon as you were on the plane to get to New Orleans. He told you not to worry about a thing because he’ll plan a little something for their arrival.
No one messes with the King and his Queen.
When you land in New Orleans, the gang is eager to carry out their plan of attack. Just like you said, the town is crawling with witches who sense you the minute you landed. Every single witch knows you by heart, so they’re confused why you’re with them and not with Klaus. Your love must have only told them the basic information instead of what was really going on.
“Okay, where is this son of a bitch?” Damon asks.
“The French Quarter is where he likes to hang out. You’ll want to start there. Caroline and Elena will blend in more since they’ve never been here, but you two might stick out like a sore thumb. Just be prepared. If anything, I know these guys so let me do the talking.” You pause right in front of the group and turn to Bonnie. “And Bonnie? These guys know you’re a Bennett witch. Try not to do magic unless absolutely necessary. Klaus has a thing with witches.”
You lead the group into the French Quarter while keeping your head down to avoid conflict. The group follows your lead until you reach the middle of the place you call home.
“Stay here,” you say and leave the group on your own.
You approach the small bar within the Quarter, and lean over the counter a tad, looking at the bartender.
“Is Klaus here?”
“I’m right here,” you hear your lover’s voice. You and the Mystic Falls gang turn to see him standing in one of the many doorways that enter the French Quarter. “I hear you’re looking for me?”
“Where in the world did you hear that?” Damon asks, giving you a side glare. You step away from the group and speed over to Klaus, standing just a tad behind him. He smirks and doesn’t break eye contact with the older brother. “Traitor.”
“It isn’t a betrayal if I was never on your side to begin with,” you state.
“What are you doing? You’re not sired to him anymore,” Stefan tries to appeal to you.
“My sire bond wore off in the tenth century. I’m a lot older than you think I am. I really did want to be your friend, but you’re all so driven by rage and revenge that you can’t leave us alone until we’re fixed to the standards set by you. Next time you plan to kill someone, you should think twice about who you let into your home.”
“We should get going,” Elena whispers.
“Always the level-headed one, Elena. Too bad you can’t,” Klaus grins.
Stefan and Damon try to leave using their vampire speed, but they are blocked by the spell put there from the witches in this town. It’s like a big spell to trap the four vampires and the one witch inside. Caroline steps into the sun and immediately screams in pain, seeking the shade to calm her burning skin.
“My daylight ring isn’t working.”
“Yes, you’re all trapped here. For how long is still yet to be determined. Welcome to the French Quarter ladies and gentlemen,” Klaus chuckles.
“I can’t use my magic,” Bonnie panics.
“The next time you even think about going after Klaus, I won’t be so nice,” you say.
Klaus wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you close, whispering something into your ear.
“Pardon us, we have other business to tend to.”
Klaus leads you away from the group, and only when you two are alone, does he turn you so that you’re facing him.
“You can relax, Klaus, no one is going to hurt you. Not as long as I am alive.”
“I can take care of myself, love,” he chuckles.
“Yeah, but isn’t it better when I do it?”
“Always and forever, my love,” you whisper.
You lean in and press your lips to his, showing him just how much you love him.
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wanna be tagged? add yourself to this document! if your tag doesn’t work, find out why! (not sure how much i will write for this fandom, but add yourself if you want!)
@essie1876​ @choosemyname​ @cuddlyklaus​ @sotmperrie​ @akshi8278​ @chynarosep101​ @gh0stgurl​ @littlemissslytherinprincess​ @honeybums-blog​ @kendall-michele​ @tdntu0​ @miraclesoflove​ @nasatonie​ @thelazywitchphotographer​
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terrence-silver · 2 years
If terry had a daughter I think she would take after her father and orchestrate the entire cobra Kai gang war just for her amusement and using the amazing acting skills from her father to play both sides
― She does whatever she wants, however she wants; the world has been her oyster since day one. She's beautiful. She's rich. She's privileged. She's a teenage heartthrob. She attends private universities. She is studious and disciplined where it matters the most. Drives expensive cars galore or has a chauffeur all of her own. Wears the most lavish clothes. Has her pick of romantic interests and friends (creatures) she discards and uses with impunity and guess what, sometimes, Little Miss Silver gets awfully bored in her ivory princess tower.
― She sees the whole Valley Karate Gang war as her elaborate amusement. A clown show. A circus act she can direct for herself as much as her dad. Of course she wont get in trouble. She's Terry Silver's daughter. She's a college valedictorian, for crying out loud! She's a star pupil! A grade student who's due to study at the Sorbonne, don’t you know! Probably has a posse of people protecting her, even though she can very well protect herself (a lady doesn't have to), both with fists and her fake crocodile tears. She doesn't believe in a cause. She just believes in mischief.
― Probably views the other students in Cobra Kai as underlings. Riff raff. This is her father's revenue (one of countless others) and school, they're just paying pawns in it. No different than the exercise machines, the props and the furniture. The Miyagi Do are laughable. Eagle Fang is also laughable. All the participants in it are also laughable. She learned from her father directly and any other high end, private tutor Sensei imported from overseas and for that reason, she fancies herself as an elite student, with elite privileges. Elite knowledge compared to others.
― Much like her father, seeing as she took after him --- she's devoted to very few. Loyal to only a handful who she personally chose and deemed worthy of such alliances, and that is undoubtedly her family and whoever else she might care for on a personal level. But, those she is genuinely devoted to, she would absolutely walk through fire and flames for and showcase a fierce dedication way past her years. She's on some bonds for life, oaths until death level of fealty and none of it is fake; she really means it. She takes such things very seriously. Gets frightening angry if it isn't reciprocated.
― Again, since you mentioned she is far more like her father than her mother, I see her as fiercely protective of her perhaps softer, more mellow mother (namely, Beloved). Her mother isn't a Silver by blood; only marriage. She doesn't have that Silver hereditary attitude and might be deemed a bit meek inside of her own family, in comparison. She's not a Cobra, even if she lives with Cobras, mated with a Cobra and birthed Cobras. She needs someone to stick up for her once in a while, and that is undoubtedly her own tooth and nails strong daughter.
― Same goes for her siblings, of any gender, age group, younger, older, tougher, sweeter, it doesn't matter. Nepotism is ingrained in this child since birth. Our kind stick together. Ruling class galore. Head in the clouds. Haughty and proud (yet, able to play at fake humbleness immaculately if need be). A Silver watches another Silver's back even when a Silver doesn't agree with another Silver. Cross one Silver you've crossed all the Silvers. She's intelligent about how she retaliates too. Absolute social destruction of her foes and maneuvering things from behind the scenes is her thing. That’s how a lady does it.
― Overly-intense. Again, way past her years. I think, or at least I headcanon and imagine she'd say and do the darnedest things, that just verge of uncanny and creepy. Concerning. If she tells you to climb that dangerous cliffside to fetch her that rare flower perched on top of the cenote, you will do it, or you just don't care about her enough and now she's sad. What will her papa say? Or if she tells you to cut the palm of your hand for her, you will and you'll say thank you very much. Shes very convincing and she'll bat her eyes until what she wants is done.
― But, other than that; she is a wondergirl, I imagine. Well dressed. Prim. Immaculate reputation. Everyone's envy. Teacher's pet. The leader of a sorority. A champion of fine etiquette. Excelling in every extracurricular (either through bribery or merit). Talented. Cultured. So very polite. So darling and articulate. A real doll. Almost like she's from another era and clearly old money. Hard not to like her and be somewhat haunted by this unnaturally perfect kid who truly, beneath her sunshine and rainbows facade loves her family and only her family. Everyone else might as well drop dead and burn.
― If I had to give her a faceclaim, I'd probably use a Elizabeth Taylor as a child, because tell me nobody is getting Terry vibes deep down;
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All Men Have Limits - IV
Character: Dick Grayson x Reader x Bruce Wayne
Summary: A certain bat believes that Y/N is in way over her head, that she’s too naive to act in her best interest. So, whether she wants it or not, the vigilante family is going to help and protect her before she gets herself killed.
Word Count: 3,800+
Previously on…
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As Y/N packed her bags, she was also brainstorming her route once she got to her safe house. She’s just stay there for a couple of nights. Then she’d leave town. Gotham wasn’t safe for her right now. And if she was out of city limits, The Court of Owls had less influence. Though she didn’t doubt they’d send an assassin to the other side of the world to hunt her down.
Y/N looked around her extravagant room.
She doubted she’d ever be back here.
Things were getting…complicated.
It was a cruel reminder for why she kept to herself. People meant drama. Drama meant distractions. And distractions meant she wasn’t focused on the task at hand – which was bringing down the corrupt.
Y/N was just zipping up her duffle when there was a knock on her door.
“Come in!” She turned to see Dick walking in.
He eyed her bag. “What are you doing?”
“I was just about to go pack up my equipment in the cave.”
“No, you’re not. You’re staying here,” he confirmed.
She gave him a repulsed look. “Uhh…No, I am not. This mansion is about to be flooded with unidentified members of The Court.”
“Sure is,” Dick smirked. “But I have a solution.”
He held out his hand to show a bracelet. It looked expensive. The band was gold but there was a giant garnet gemstone at the center of it.
Dick handed it to Y/N.
“You shouldn’t have?” Y/N asked with confusion.
“I called in a favor with an old friend. She’s a magician.”
Y/N tried not to laugh, “A magician?”
Dick gave her a playful glare. “Yeah, a magician. But it’s not tricks and gimmicks. She knows actual magic.” He tapped the gemstone. “When you wear this, you’ll look like a different person. It’s a cloaking spell.”
“Why didn’t you guys suggest this right away?”
Dick sighed. “Bruce isn’t fond of metas and…magic.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier for me to just leave?”
“I would rather have you in disguise with our eyes on you, than have you out of reach,” he explained softly. “When you’re wearing this, all of us will still be able to see the real you. But not anyone else.”
“I don’t want to go to this stupid gala. I’ll just wear this and stay in my room or the cave.”
“Well…that’s the other part,” Dick cleared his throat awkwardly. “You’re gonna be my date.”
Y/N blinked in surprise. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone asked her on any kind of date. Not that Dick even asked. He more so told her.
“That wasn’t exactly a request, Dick.”
“Everyone knows everyone. If you’re by yourself, people will ask too many questions. But if you’re my date, no one will think twice why you’re there.”
“I-I don’t have anything to wear…”
Dick laughed lightly. “Alfred already sent out for a dress and shoes for you.”
“…why do I feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman?”
“Come on, Y/N. You know it’s not like that.”
Y/N remained annoyed.
“I’ll be here at your door around 8 tonight, k?” Dick gave her a soft smirk.
This was just another night for Dick. He’d been dragged to enough of these stupid galas to know the drill: wide smiles, forced laughter, and lay the charm on real thick. With the way this family handled their identities, they could’ve been a family of actors instead of vigilantes.
Dick straightened his cufflinks as he made his way to Y/N’s room.
He could hear the murmur’s of the guest from the ballroom, proving just how many people were attending for the sound to reach him in such a giant manor.
There was a part of Dick that half expected Y/N to be in her usual baggy sweaters and leggings when he opened the door. A silent protest that she wasn’t going to be anyone’s arm candy tonight.
Dick knew he didn’t give her much choice.
When his family had been discussing the situation, Dick tried to off to stay hidden out of sight with Y/N. But Alfred was having none of it. They all knew he took these events rather seriously. Especially one that was started and named after Bruce’s mother.
Dick knocked and turned his back to the door, he double checked there were no guests exploring where they shouldn’t be.
When the door opened, Dick turned around and was stunned to silence.
“Is this bracelet working on you or do I really look that bad?”
Y/N shifted as he stared at her like she’d cast a spell on him.
Dick was seeing Y/N. That was for sure.
“I see the dress fit,” he finally spoke.
What the hell was the matter with him? That’s really what he chose to say?
Though Y/N couldn’t help but laugh at the comment. “That it does.”
Dick woke up a bit and cleared his throat. “You look…beautiful.”
He never had a problem charming women. So why is he suddenly talking like a total cave man?
“Don’t look so surprised,” Y/N call him out teasingly. “Just because I dress like a scrub every day doesn’t mean I don’t know how to clean up.”
His brow furrowed at the first comment. “You’ve never looked like a scrub, Y/N.”
OK. OK. He was getting back to his normal self.
“Well…” Y/N broke eye contact from her bashfulness. “Thank you.”
Dick held out the hook of his arm. “Shall we?”
Y/N inhaled, “Right.”
As soon as she hooked her hand onto Dick’s bicep, a wave of relief washed over her. She wasn’t doing this alone; she was doing this with him at her side.
“So, what’s the the plan here?” Y/N asked nervously.
“The plan is to blend in. Don’t talk to any press. And…” He smirked. “It wouldn’t hurt to try and have a good time.”
“Right. I’ll try to do that while I’m in a room possibly filled with people who want me dead…” Y/N sighed.
“Not ‘possibly.’ There will be.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him. “Way to make me feel better, Dick.”
He laughed. “You’ll be fine. I’ll be with you the whole time. Damian, Tim, and Bruce will be there, too. And somehow Alfred convinced Jason to even make an appearance. You’re not in this alone, Y/N.”
“Mhmm,” Y/N answered as they arrived to the party. She didn’t bother hiding that she was still extremely nervous and on edge.
“I did really mean it,” Dick told her quietly.
His tone made Y/N tear her eyes away from the party to look at him. “Really mean what?”
“You look beautiful.”
His words didn’t fumble this time. He was confident and clear, leaving no room for doubt or insincerity.
Y/N gave him a shy smile.
“I’m guessing a drink would make this a bit easier, huh?” Dick offered.
“Yes. Yes, it would.”
Dick guided her to the nearest bar.
All the staff knew what the Wayne family looked like. Which meant the bartended skipped over all other guests and b-lined for Dick when he requested a drink, and then looked to Y/N to order what she wanted.
There was loud laughter from a group of people near them. Followed by a voice that Y/N thought she knew, but still sounded a bit off.
When Y/N looked over, she realized it was Bruce talking to a group of guests, who were absolutely fawning over him. He was smiling and laughing, and taking very frequent sips of his drink.
This was Bruce Wayne: the character. Charming playboy, debatable narcissist, and spoiled brat. But in the eyes of Gotham’s elite, he could do no wrong.
Y/N wondered if Bruce had ever considered bringing her as his date. ‘Don’t you start,’ said a voice inside her head.
Dick followed her eye line.
“Doesn’t it make you nauseous watching him like this?” Y/N mumbled.
“Not Dick. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Jason answered.
Dick and Y/N turned to see Jason and Damian.
Yes, Dick adopted Bruce’s charm. But he didn’t rip himself into pieces, building characters that were unrecognizable to the people who actually knew him. Dick’s charm was a part of his personality. His flirtations came naturally. But he only used them on people he intended on building a genuine connection with. (Though Nightwing was guilty of using said charm on targets during missions a few times.)
Y/N looked around for Tim and saw him talking to what appeared to be serious businessman. He was the only one carrying on the legacy at Wayne Enterprises. If any of the boys needed to be here, it was Tim.
“Shouldn’t you guys be making rounds or something?” Y/N asked.
Jason shrugged. “People only cared about us when we were cute kids. Now we’re just spoiled adults who are the product of nepotism.” He smirked down at Damian. “But this one isn’t out of the clear yet.”
“Don’t remind me,” Damian groaned. “At the last one, a woman pinched my cheeks as if I was some toddler.”
“I thought I was about to watch him murder someone,” Dick added.
“I wanted to,” Damian clarified.
Dick started talking to Jason about something.
It provided Y/N the perfect window with the youngest Wayne. 
“I’ll sneak you alcohol if you do a mercy killing for me,” she offered Damian.
The boy looked amused but gave no indication that a deal was made.
“Your date that awful?” Jason teased as he smirked at Dick, who ignored him.
“Do you have the hearing of a dog? Fuckin’ Christ.”
The four of them stuck together for most of the night. Tim would touch base with them every so often. But he kept getting dragged away by board members or partners or anyone that wanted to kiss the ass of the future head of Wayne Enterprises.
Dick and Y/N were laughing at Jason about something when Dick’s face suddenly fell as he spotted something on the other side of the room.
“God damn it, Damian.” Dick hissed as he put his drink down on the nearest counter. He turned to Y/N. “I’ll be right back. Stay here.”
Y/N just nodded.
But then Jason seemed to spot the youngest brother as well.
“I should probably help him and do some damage control,” Jason sighed.
Y/N laughed and nodded for him to go ahead.
“Now you can see why I avoid these shit shows.”
She laughed but pushed him away, “Go help Dick.”
Now that Y/N was alone, her senses was hyper focused on the party around her.
As she reached for her drink, she noticed that her surrounding area had gone eerily quiet. And she felt far too many eyes on her. There were hushed whispers and even gasps. 
“Would you care to dance?” A voice asked from behind her.
Y/N’s entire body tensed.
She turned to see Bruce waiting patiently for her response.
But the look on his face was that of a man she didn’t know.
Bruce had a charming glitter in his eyes and his smirk was arrogant.
Y/N looked around at their audience, then at the dance floor. She was desperately trying to remember the last time she danced with someone.
“Umm…I don’t really know how–” her words came out so slowly.
“How to dance?” Bruce offered.
Y/N nodded.
“You just need a good partner,” he reassured her as he held out a hand.
‘What a fucking line,’ Y/N thought as she tried not to roll her eyes. She half expected him to add a wink.
Bruce guided her to the center of the dance floor and then pulled her closer with his right hand while his left wrapped around her hand.
Y/N wasn’t expecting him to pull her so close, but their body’s were now pressed together.
Bruce moved his mouth to her ear. “Relax,” he murmured.
“It’s hard to relax when you’re using me to set up your new flavor of the week,” she criticized. “Everyone is watching us.”
Bruce may be used to such scrutiny, but Y/N had zero experience with it. And it was safe to say she hated it.
“They’re not looking at me. They’re looking at you,” Bruce corrected.
“A woman who’s not even me. It’s just the dress.”
“I’m happy you like it, seeing as I picked it out,” he commented smugly.
Y/N’s chest tightened at the revelation.
“I see the real you right now, and that’s who I asked to dance.”
Y/N wanted to make a run for it. She didn’t want Bruce with an audience. She just wanted him to herself and she wanted him as he really was.
But her brain shut down for just this song and she followed her heart.
If Y/N concentrated hard enough, she could ignore all the invasive gawking. If she closed her eyes, it was just her and Bruce. So, Y/N tucked her head into his shoulder and let Bruce glide them across the floor.
Somehow she felt that Bruce was allowing himself this as well.
One song was not enough for what they both needed and wanted.
But Y/N would take what she could.
Though what she did not expect was to finally pull away to see Bruce looking utterly heartbroken. As if pulling away from her was the hardest thing he’d ever have to do. And for the first time, Y/N legitimately considered that Bruce might want the same thing as she did.
He’ll just never act on his feelings.
If Y/N had blinked, she could’ve missed the moment of honesty and vulnerability Bruce had colored all across his face – bleeding from his eyes.
Because, the next moment, the character was back.
As the party clapped for the band, someone called Bruce’s name. And their locked stare was broken.
And just like that, Y/N was snapped back to reality as if someone threw a bucket of freezing water over her.
Now that Bruce had moved on, no one bothered to keep their voices down. And the upperclass women of Gotham made it loud and clear that they were not pleased with Y/N’s presence.
“Seems he’s found his next prey.”
“She looks half his age, of course he would go for her. Typical man.”
“She’ll eventually learn like we all did.”
“I still say he was the best lay I ever had.”
“Remember when we both slept with him in the same week?”
Now Y/N wasn’t just brought back to reality – she was put in her place.
Before she could even realize what was happening to stop it, her eyes were filled with tears. She had to get out of there.
“Excuse me,” Y/N whispered desperately and she tried to push her way through the crowd.
As soon as she made it outside, she let out a gasp. The fresh air helped, but it wasn’t enough.
There wasn’t any guests outside, but Y/N didn’t feel a safe enough distance from the party. The gardens and maze were in her peripheral and it took her all of two seconds to decide that would be her safe haven.
She hurried through the maze and prayed that no drunken couples had tried to also sneak away from prying eyes. 
But when Y/N reached the center of the maze, she was alone.
A fountain sat in the middle and the sound of its moving water calmed Y/N down a bit. But even that couldn’t stop her tears from finally escaping.
Y/N sat on the edge of the fountain as she tried to get a hold of herself. She could only imagine what this was doing her makeup that she spent an hour doing. 
‘What a waste,’ she thought.
Her escape was short lived. 
Dick called her name repeatedly from a distance.
Y/N panicked at the idea of him catching her crying. She quickly tried to hide any evidence of tears and pull herself together.
Dick finally caught up and let out a sigh of relief from behind her.
“Y/N, you can’t run off like that,” he tried to tell her.
He opened his mouth to lecture her further, but when he finally made it around the fountain and was facing her, his concern shifted. 
“What’s wrong? What happened?”
“Nothing,” Y/N struggled to speak without sounding nasally. “I’m fine.”
“No, you’re not. You were crying.”
“I’m fine,” she tried to laugh. “Seriously, Dick.”
But he wasn’t having any of it. He moved to sit next to her on the edge of the fountain. Without hesitating, he wrapped an around her shoulder and pulled her into him.
“Come here,” he muttered softly.
Why did it feel so natural for him to do that? Like he’d done it a million times before?
He rubbed her arms. “Jesus. You’re freezing.”
Then he was taking off his suit jacket and putting it over her shoulders. But he didn’t miss a beat, quickly bringing her back into his arms again.
“Wanna tell me what’s got you so upset?” Dick asked after a few minutes of silently comforting her.
“It’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid to me if it made you cry.”
Y/N took in a shaky breath, feeling like she was on the cusp of crying again. “I’m just like the rest of them.”
Dick waited, feeling like she needed to say more before he spoke.
“They were whispering terrible things. But it was everything I already knew. I’m just another stupid girl that managed to convince herself that she was different.”
Dick was silent as he processed his words. It wasn’t hard for him to know Y/N was talking about Bruce, even thought she never uttered his name. 
“I’ve got an idea,” Dick announced. “Let’s ditch this stupid gala. Get out of these clothes. Put on some sweatpants. And I’ll have Alfred order us as much pizza and wings as you want.”
Now Y/N wanted to cry for a completely different reason.
Dick was the sweetest man she’d ever met.
“Sound like a plan?” He asked her when she didn’t respond and instead just stared into his blue eyes.
Y/N nodded.
“We can even invite my good-for-nothing brothers if that’ll make you happy.”
Her first instinct was to say yes. They all amused her beyond belief. Watching the way they all interacted with each other was like watching a reality show. And it was always obvious how much they loved each other deep down – even with Damian, who would rather die than admit such a thing.
But if all of them were included, who knew when Bruce would eventually make an appearance. And Y/N just didn’t think she could be in a room with him again tonight. 
“Just you and me,” she clarified.
That seemed to please Dick and he nodded. 
“Just you and me,” he confirmed as he offered her a hand up. 
When they started walking back to the manor, Dick wrapped an arm around her shoulder, keeping her close to his side.
“I’m going to ask you a question and I need you to be completely honest with me,” but she said it through a smile.  
Dick looked a bit nervous, but nodded. “Alright.”
“Do you know how to order takeout on your own?”
Dick threw his head back and laughed. “How dare you!”
He pinched her waist, making her yelp. But he didn’t let her escape his hold. “Yes, I do. In fact, when I’m at my own place, I live off takeout. And let me tell you, no one can order food quite like I can. Thank you very much.”  
Once they reached the second floor of the manor, the two of them parted ways to changed out of their fancy clothes.
Y/N washed her face, scrubbing the layers of makeup off. But before she could rid herself of the evidence, she noticed the smeared mascara and eyeliner. 
Words could not describe the relief of putting on baggy sweatpants and a hoodie and fluffy socks after wearing a fitted gown and high heels.
30 minutes later, just as promised, Dick was bringing up a huge pizza and a box of wings to Y/N’s bedroom.
They ate on the floor. Dick managed to light the fireplace that was in there, because Y/N didn’t know what to do with the thing. The television was on, but neither of them were watching it. It was simply white noise.
Two hours later, Y/N was laughing so hard at a story Dick was telling her that she had tears in her eyes and her stomach hurt.
“I don’t believe you!”
“I’m not kidding. Ask Jason. He took my clothes and I was ass naked, running through the streets of Gotham. I wanted to kill him.”
Y/N grabbed another wing and got sauce all over her face.
“What?” She asked when Dick was watching her with adoration. “Do I have sauce on my face?”
He tried to hide his smile. “Nope.”
She knew he was lying and then purposely smeared more sauce around her lips. “How about now? Do I have anything now?”
“No. Nothing.”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how attractive am I right now?” Y/N laughed as she wiped the sauce off her face with napkins.
“11,” Dick responded without hesitating.
The playfulness was sucked out of the room when they both heard how serious his tone was.
Y/N’s face went somber as she looked down at the floor. “I’m sorry I didn’t dance with you.” She laughed lightly, “I’m a lousy date, huh?”
“That’s not true,” he immediately shot down. “This is the most fun I’ve had…” His words died out when he realized he couldn’t even remember. “Well, it’s the most fun I’ve had in awhile.”
“Me too,” she replied with a quiet sweetness.
Through her full-body laughter, she had moved closer to Dick without realizing it.
He glanced at her lips. He just couldn’t help himself. 
The thing about Dick wearing his heart on his sleeve was that it was nearly impossible for him to hide his feelings, his desires. It was all in those blue eyes of his, waiting to easily be read by someone.  
And while Y/N looked at him looking at her, she felt beautiful. Because that was all Dick could possibly think as he stared at her.
Neither knew who leaned in first. Perhaps this was their dance that they weren’t able to have earlier.
But they made up for it by sharing an impassioned kiss now. 
Dick’s lips were softer than Y/N expected. His hands gripped her waist possessively, making it very clear what he wanted – but still being ever so gentle and soft with his touches.
One of Dick’s hands moved from her waist up her back to tangle his fingers in her hair. He tugged on the strands and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss.
They both could slightly taste the pizza and wings on each other’s lips, but neither of them cared at all.
The kiss didn’t last long enough for either of their liking.
But Y/N pulled away anyways, gasping for air a bit.
“I’m sorry,” she sighed. 
“You don’t have to be sorry,” he whispered through hooded eyes as he brushed some hair away from her face. “I’ve been wanting to do that for awhile,” he added with a smirk.
But Y/N wasn’t really sorry about the kiss. 
She was sorry because she knew that things were far more complicated than ever.
Part V
Happy Valentine’s Day!!! 
Please, please, please write me a book report of what he thought of this chapter. It will be your VDay gift to me 😘
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aspoonofsugar · 3 years
Ironwood and Cinder: The Final Word
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Cinder: And that’s… checkmate.
The Final Word of the volume is Cinder’s and it is meaningful she says it to Ironwood.
As a matter of fact Ironwood and Cinder are two sides of the same coin on many levels. This is conveyed also structurally.
Volume 7 is mostly about Ironwood’s tragic spiral. We are shown him struggle with his flaw throughout the whole volume, but in the end he loses to it and becomes just as dangerous as Salem:
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Oscar: Then you're as dangerous as she is, James.
Not only does volume 8 close with Cinder instead, but it also opens with her:
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And it even gives us her backstory:
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Why does it happen? And why is Cinder’s final line so important when it comes to her foiling with Ironwood?
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It is not by chance that Watts calls both Ironwood and Cinder out before the climax of respectively volume 7 (Ironwood) and volume 8 (Cinder). This is because, as stated above, volume 7 is Ironwood’s volume, while volume 8 is Cinder’s. So they both are confronted with a truth about themselves and their reaction to it influences their stories in the Atlas arc.
In a sense, even if Watts is the one dangerously hanging over an abyss... it is actually Ironwood and Cinder who are on the brink. They are deciding Watts’s survival, but they are also deciding their own destiny.
They are choosing if to fall because of gravity or if to fly in the sky victorious.
At the same time, the two scenes with Watts show how Cinder and Ironwood are both similar and opposites.
Ironwood and Cinder are nothing, but two products of Atlas’s society.
Ironwood was born at the very top:
Watts: You just stood atop it and called yourself a giant!
Cinder existed at the very bottom:
Watts: You think you're entitled to everything just because you've suffered, but suffering isn't enough! You can't just be strong, you have to be smart! You can't just be deserving, you have to be worthy! But all you have ever been, is a BLOODY MIGRAINE!
Watts is in the middle and he represents the worst traits of both.
He wants everything, just like Cinder:
Ironwood: I gave you everything you could have wanted!
But differently from Cinder it was no true he had nothing. He was successful, had food, clothes and respect. Still, he was never satisfied and ended up disgracing himself in the search of something more.
He also disregards feelings in favor of rationality, just like Ironwood:
Watts: Our tin soldier’s heart has cost him his mind.
And he sees people under him as inherently inferior:
Watts: Yes, yes, please keep your posse in check.
This is why his death is fitting:
Cinder: I merely added more flames to the fires of Atlas.
He burns with Atlas aka the city he wants to destroy, but also a symbol of who he is deep down.
What is more, his death happens specifically because he blindly follows his wishes:
Watts: Oh, believe me, this is everything I've ever wanted.
And because he is outsmarted and manipulated by Cinder:
Cinder: You deserve this, Arthur. We'll be back.
He is proud of his genius and rationality, but in the end he dies because of his feelings of pettiness.
In short, Watts, Cinder and Ironwood represent three social classes of Atlas and how the system corrupts people at every level. In general, all three want to be at the very top, but disreguard and mistreat the ones below.
-This is why Ironwood seeks control even in situations where he is not in charge, like the Vytal Festival. He also challenges Ozpin’s authority and leadership because he is not used not to be the one deciding. At the same time, he is shown ready to discard Mantle in multiple occasions.
-This is why Watts can call out Ironwood’s arrogance without seeing he is exactly the same as him.
-Finally, this is why Cinder lashes out at people she sees as Atlas elites (the Schnees, Ironwood, Watts), but treats those below her just like she was treated:
Emerald: We don't need him! Everything was going fine! (a slap is heard, and she cries out in pain)
Cinder: Do not mistake your place.
Mercury: Oh yeah? Tell that to--
Cinder: Quiet.
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Both Ironwood and Cinder’s left arms are artificial. Ironwood’s is mechanical, while Cinder’s is Grimm.
Their respective arms convey opposite approaches to things.
On a more general level, they are respectively linked to Creation (Ironwood’s mechanical arm) and to Destruction (Cinder’s Grimm arm). As a matter of fact a robotic arm is a human creation, while Grimms are nothing, but the symbol of destruction.
On a personal level, their arms hint at the two characters’ opposite personalities.
Ironwood’s arm can’t feel pain.
Cinder’s is instead linked to pain and feelings in different ways:
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Raven: Aura can't protect your arm, it's Grimm.
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Salem: You chose to disobey my specific instructions just to fail again.
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Cinder: She’s back…
Cinder feels great pain whenever her Shadow Hand is cut because she can’t protect it with aura. At the same time, it is used by Salem to torture her. Finally, it links her to Salem to the point that she knows when her Master is back.
In other words, Cinder’s arm lets her feel more, while Ironwood’s lets him feel less.
This difference is mirrored by both the ways Ironwood and Cinder respectively attack Watts and by their semblances:
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Ironwood’s Mettle lets Ironwood suppress his own feelings, so that he can pursue any objective, no matter how cruel or immoral it is. It makes him “superhuman”, but in a very negative sense.
Cinder’s Scorching Caress represents Cinder’s explosive emotions. It is a form of self-expression, which is both destructive and self-destructive.
Ironwood’s semblance is about repression, while Cinder’s is about lashing out.
Similarly, Ironwood goes after Watts at the cost of his arm and he ignores the pain he feels:
Watts: I wouldn't do that if I were you. I mean, unless you're hoping to add more metal to that body of yours.
Cinder instead goes after Watts to vent her anger:
Cinder: What do you mean, she'll destroy herself? How am I supposed to take her power if she's dead?!
Both are extremes and both are wrong, as Winter explains:
Winter: But yes Penny, we must still acknowledge our personal feelings, wrestle with them. It ensures us that we’re on the right path. It’s what makes us human.
Ironwood and Cinder should aknowledge their own feelings not to be consumed by them.  It is also the only way for them to truly be humans, not machines or monsters, but simply people.
Both characters almost succeed just before the climax of their respective volumes.
Ironwood tries to open up to others:
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And Cinder shows vulnerability:
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However, none of them is able to capitalize on this chance for development. This is ironically because of each other:
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Cinder messes with Ironwood’s insecurities, while Ironwood’s ultimatum gives Cinder the perfect chance to ignore hers.
The result is that Ironwood goes back to control, while Cinder goes back to manipulation. Both do so because they are unable to trust.
Interestingly, they take after their respective mentors in this.
Ironwood takes after Ozpin:
Ironwood: Did you really think you were the only one who got to work on a new plan after Beacon? WIth Ozpin gone, I needed my own team of people I could trust.
Oscar: General? Earlier, you asked for my advice.
Ironwood: I wanted Ozpin's advice.
Oscar: And his advice probably would've been to keep your secrets.
Cinder takes after Salem:
Salem: When I chose you as my vessel for the Maidens, I put my trust in you. So, I trust that you wouldn’t possibly return to me empty-handed.
Ironwood’s whole struggle in volume 7 is his search for a “new approach”. He wants to be like Ozpin, but better. This is why he founds his own group, but wants to trust the world with the truth about Salem. However, he confuses trust with control.
Cinder instead wants to become just like Salem and suffers when she sees she is not. This is why she collects assets, just like her master. This is also why she does not trust anyone, but manipulates others.
That said, what is the difference between Ironwood’s control and Cinder’s manipulation? It has once again to do with feelings.
Ironwood’s attempt to manipulate others is about suppressing feelings. He uses Atlas’s military hierarchy and social structures to ask for his subordinates’ blind loyalty.
Cinder’s method to control people lies instead in making use of others’ feelings. She uses both wishes and fears to her advantage.
In short, control and manipulation are nothing, but the same inability to trust declined in opposite ways. They are both “enemies of trust”.
This is why both Ironwood and Cinder find a strong enemy and a foil in the character, who embodies friendship in these volumes:
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Deep down, Ironwood and Cinder not trusting others is because they fear betrayal:
Cinder: I won’t have to run now.
Rhodes: That’s all you’ll ever do.
Ironwood: I've chased a lot of shadows over the years, always expecting betrayal. But never once did I think it would ever come from you.
However, Penny too is betrayed and mistreated by others:
Penny: I do not like it when friends fight.
Ruby: I know. Yang and I may not agree on how best to save Mantle but-
Penny: No. I mean Winter. The general. They were our friends. But then the Ace Ops attacked you. And the general, he said people were going to die, because of me.
 However, she does not give up on the ideal of a genuine bond:
Attached but not By strings
Still, if Penny is a positive foil to both Ironwood and Cinder, why does she die?
Weiss: Trust is a risk.  
Yang: Ruby, they’re not called sure things, they’re called risks.
These two lines taken together are why at the end of volume 8 Penny dies, our heroes fall and the manipulative Cinder wins.
It happens to show the main theme of the two Atlas volumes. Trust is not a “sure thing”. It is a risk and it does not always work. Still, it is necessary to trust as it is necessary to take risks:
Yang: You were being optimistic. Look, blind optimism isn’t great, but no optimism means we already lost. We need hope. We need to take risks.
Giving up on trust and risks means giving up on hope. It means to give in to fear.
Still, this does not mean your trust will always be paid back. And it does not mean that the risks you take will always work, even if you come up with a wonderful plan:
Cinder: I knew your plan would be bold, but I never could have predicted all of this...
Sometimes people will betray you:
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Sometimes your risk will end up in a fall:
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However, it is still worth to trust, even when you have no guarantee it will work:
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And sometimes It is even worth to risk the fall because it may lead to people being saved:
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This same idea is conveyed also through Penny’s final choice:
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Penny: Trust me.
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Winter: Thank you for trusting me with this.
Penny dies tragically, but she still manages to pass the Maiden’s power to a person she trusts.
This is especially meaningful because the Winter Maiden power, just like Penny herself, has been subjected to both control and manipulation.
Ironwood does all he can to make sure the power ends up to Winter. At the same time, he is the one most responsible for Penny feeling as nothing, but a robot:
Ironwood: As the official report stated, that footage was doctored. Penny is completely under my control.
Cinder tries to steal the power three times. She also manipulates Penny’s feelings towards her friends:
Cinder: I was hoping your friends would be here. But it looks like they left you to do all the work. You’re just a tool to be used!
In the end, Ironwood treating Penny as a machine (control) and Cinder using Penny’s love for her friends against her (manipulation) are among the psychological factors that lead Penny to be mortally wounded by Cinder.
Still, while dying Penny negates both Ironwood and Cinder and frees the power and herself from both control and manipulation.
The fact she chooses Winter works well to illustrate this.
Winter is the person Ironwood wants as the next Maiden. However, Winter becomes a Maiden not because of Ironwood’s control, but because of Penny’s trust:
Ironwood: So… the destiny I chose for you has arrived.
Winter: You chose nothing. This...was a gift.
Winter is a Schnee, so she represents both what Cinder hates and what she herself wants to be:
Cinder to Winter: You Atlas elites are all the same! You think hoarding power means you’ll have it forever, but it just makes the rest of us hungrier.
Winter is a symbol of Atlas and so she is a reminder to Cinder that Atlas is not really destroyed:
Robyn: What do you think a kingdom is? The people, or just the chunk of land they live on?
Just like Cinder’s past isn’t.
Cinder wants to be worthy. Ironwood wants to be a hero.
Deep down, Ironwood and Cinder want the same thing. They want to be above others. They want to be more than humans.
However, they go at it in opposite ways:
Ironwood: I have sacrificed everything!
Cinder: I want it all...
Ironwood thinks that victory lies in sacrificing everything, while Cinder sees it as taking it all.
These opposite viewpoints mirror their respective social stances.
Ironwood can say he wants to sacrifice everything because he has everything.
Cinder thinks happiness lies in everything because she has nothing:
Cinder: You’re right. Without you I am nothing. But because of you, I am everything.
In the end, Ironwood and Cinder are each other’s true enemies, but they fail to see it and lash out against the wrong people:
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Ironwood and Cinder’s respective fight against Winter and Weiss is exactly this.
Ironwood fights a Maiden he sees as an enemy of Atlas, while another Maiden is attacking the people he swore to protect.
Cinder lashes out at Weiss because of her origins, while Weiss has decided to leave her status and money behind to make the right thing.
Still, Ironwood and Cinder are too hypocritical to see the truth. This is why they attack people, who could have helped them, if they were given the chance.
This is also why they receive a warning:
Winter: No, you have sacrificed everyone else!
Winter: You… are going to pay… for everything you’ve done!
Ironwood claims he is ready to sacrifice everything. However, he never sacrifices himself:
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In the end, he is unable to sacrifice his life to fight Salem.
Let’s highlight he has nothing to lose by this point. He is falling with Atlas anyway. In his final moments, he is given the chance to prove true to his words:
I would die Without regret, I’d offer up my life With zero reservations I would fly Into the sun If that would keep our dream alive
Instead, he gives up. He has been shooting his allies until the very end, but freezes in front of his enemy.
Cinder thinks she is closer to her final victory, but in the end she has accomplished nothing of what she truly wants.
She wants to kill RWBY, but they are alive. She wants the Maiden powers, but she fails.
At the same time, Cinder is still far away from what she truly needs:
Cinder: You have everything you need?
Watts: Oh, believe me, this is everything I've ever wanted.
She is given a perfect mirror of herself in Watts. Still, instead of seeing it, Cinder uses his flaw, which is her same flaw, to kill him. Watts’ wants lead to his death and the same thing might happen to Cinder if she does not stop herself in time.
Finally, there is this:
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Salem: This game is not yours to win, Cinder, it’s mine. Just because you’re more valuable to me than a pawn, does not make you a player. Everything is already in motion. All you need concern yourself with is your ability to act when I tell you to.
Ironwood and Cinder share a chess motif.
Ironwood thinks of himself as a player and specifically as Salem’s opponent.
Cinder is instead told she is no player.
However, in the end, Ironwood becomes a mere pawn to the point that all Watts has to do is to open his cell to be sure he is going to unwillingly aid in Cinder’s plan.
What is more, he is so fixated on Salem that he fails to aknowledge the people below him. This is why his true opponent is a slave that Atlas exploited.
Cinder frames herself as a player instead. She is the one who truly makes the first move against Ironwood and ultimately she is the one who defeats both him and our protagonists. Finally, she is the one who calls checkmate.
Still, is she really playing her own game?
In the end, the one who gets what she wants is not Cinder, but Salem:
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And all she has to do to obtain it is one small move:
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Salem: And I’ve realized, it’s all my fault. You’ve fought your whole life unwaveringly for what you want and here I am holding you back instead of lifting you up.
While Cinder is once again letting her talent be exploited by those above her. She is choosing to be Salem’s Queen instead than a player of her own life.
She is the Black Queen defeating the White King, but nothing more.
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linkspooky · 3 years
idk if ur taking asks abt jjk but i was curious on ur thoughts abt gojo i haven’t rlly heard this around but i’ve been thinking abt the fact that gojo desire to basically indoctrinate children to fit his ideal sorcerer society is a bit strange and i saw this on your meta on how the schools only see these kids as tools but doesn’t gojo do the same idk my thoughts are everywhere and i get that gojo was raised in this system so it’s normalised in his eyes but idk gojo’s ideology is lowkey fucked imo and i was curious what u thought
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I think Gojo is a product of the same society that raises up kids to be used as tools, and he unintentionally passes that lesson onto his students.Gojo knows that the system is wrong for using kids that way, but he’s such a fundamental part of the system, he doesn’t really know how to overcome it works inside of it instead.  I think what he said to Megumi is pretty telling of how he treats these kids in general, he tells him you better get strong or else you’ll get left behind.” He thinks he’s teaching them what’s best, because that’s how Gojo understands the world works, but at the same time he’s telling a five year old kid if he fails to protect his sister it’s all his fault. 
Gojo teaches his students to “get stronger, get stronger” as a response for all of their problems. He takes responsibility for their development as sorcerers, but nothing else really, and especially not their well-being as individuals. Gojo basically treats his students like mini-adults, friends he can pal around with, and that makes sense if you think about it, he’s raising them all to be political allies.  He’s not really trying to raise a bunch of healthy adults. I think Gojo genuinely does care for these kids and stick out his neck to protect them, and his goal is entirely an altruistic one to prevent the childhoods of other children from getting destroyed like his did. However, Gojo is fatally a selfish person just like Geto is fatally selfless, he doesn’t offer help out of the goodness of his heart, he barters. He always expects something in return from these children.
So, on one level I believe Gojo yes is intentionally using these children. He only extends help when he gets something in return from them, his helps is always conditional on the fact that he’ll gain another ally. However, at the same time I think the problem more lies in the fact that Gojo doesn’t see individual people as individuals, and therefore doesn’t want to pay attention to the indivdual emotions of his students that he ends up using his students this way. He thinks it’s fine. This is how he was used  growing up, but this time, Gojo is using them for good ends instead of a bad one. 
I think Gojo’s inability to take care of their needs as individuals, especially attending to their emotional needs is why Tokyo Students are so strong indivudally, but weak as a group. Gojo’s only interesting in fostering their strength as sorcerers, not their emotional health, or their interpersonal relationships, because he doesn’t view those things as necessary. I mean he’s only had one best friend his whole life, and look at him, he’s fine. 
To give evidence to my argument though, here’s a comparison between the Tokyo Kids and the Kyoto Kids. 
1. Tokyo vs Kyoto
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Gojo can be a fantastic teacher when he wants to be, but it requires him paying attention to a student’s individual needs, which he almost never does. When he designs a lesson plan raound Yuji, he does two things that make him better than most Jujutsu Sorcerers already. First, most traditional teachers teach that cursed technique is everything, and would have rejected Yuji outright. Whereas Gojo sees Yuji’s strength as a brawler. He’s willing to go outside the box, and buck tradition to focus on a student’s individual strength and emphasize those rather than telling Yuji he’ll never be a strong sorcerer without strong techniques. The second is he comes up with a method extremely suited to Yuji’s learning style. 
However, I think it’s important to note that Yuji and Gojo are actually really similiar. He’s a really receptive student who hangs off of Gojo’s every word. For Gojo it’s like him teaching a younger version of himself, someone who believes that strength is everything, and wants to become the strongeste to be a pillar of support to others. You don’t really get good teacher points for spending the most time with someone who’s easy to teach.
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And even  with Yuji whose really really receptive to Gojo’s highly individual focused learning style, there are several things that Gojo just neglects to teach or even mention. Basic, fundamental things, that every sorcerer should know. 
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Nanami has to go out of his way to give Yuji the 101, because Gojo neglected to tell him all the basics. Children are smart of course, especially adolescents who are capable of thinking for themselves, but they also generally know what they’ve been taught up to this point. Yuji is a complete newcomer to the sorcerery world, it makes sense he’d basically be a blank slate having to learn all of this from scratch, but Gojo himself either doesn’t know this, or doesn’t bother with it because it’s too troublesome. He thinks of the kids as miniature adults so, it would make sense that he just assumes they know everything he knows already.
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That’s the entire point of introducing Nanami into the story. Gojo teaches Yuji to be a better sorcerer, but not to be an adult, and it’s because he doesn’t really see him as a child to begin with. Gojo thinks becoming a strong sorcerer is the way to teach these kids to be good adults, but he neglects the emotional half of having to teach because Gojo doesn’t deal with emotions well. I mean, even in his training of Yuji, he designs a training method where Gojo doesn’t actually have to be there, and present with him most of the time. He can lock him in a room, and go run off to do Gojo things while Yuji teaches himself. As opposed to a mentor like Nanami who constantly watches and monitors his development. 
This is where we start to get to the comparison with the Kyoto students. Because even in the creaive way Gojo taught Yuji, there were some things that Yuji just learned wrong, and internalized wrong from Gojo’s lesson.
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Gojo explained the theory behind Yuji’s divergent fist, but Yuji learned it wrong, because he didn’t understand the way cursed energy flowed through the body. If Gojo was paying attention, he would have caught it and corrected it, but Gojo’s teaching style is sink or swim, let students learn or fall entirely on their own. Whereas, when Todo actually sees Yuji’s flawed divertgent fist, he’s able to point out the problem.
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Todo actually acknowledges that there’s a difference between beginners and elite sorcerers, that their’s a learning curve to these things, and rather than leaving Yuji to learn it on his own he guides him through these things. While at the same time, expecting Yuji to figure out some things naturally. Todo never once goes easy on Yuji, I’d say his standards for people are as harsh as Gojo’s. You either learn it or you don’t. You’re either strong or you’re not. However, there’s a distinct difference between Todo and Gojo’s teaching styles, and it’s that Todo is emotionally intelligent, and Gojo is not.
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Todo pays attention to people, he notices when they’re off, when they’re going through something, and rather than just ignore it, he almost immediately addresses it and tries to talk them thorugh it. It’s not perfect of course, but having his emotions paid attention to, helps Yuji develop as a person moreso than a sorcerer. 
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The Kyoto students have a teacher who pays attention to their individual needs. A teacher who actually teaches. While we may not know much about Utahime as a character yet, you can see the direct impact she has on her students compared to Gojo.
Gojo’s students are individually strong, but weak as a team,. Utahime’s students are much weaker individually, but can come together.
It shows both in the Kyoto Battle Event, but also the Shibuya arc. The Kyoto kids are all unstable it’s true, they’re all prone to lashing out, but because they’ve dealt with such dark emotions rather than repressing them they’re also way more capable of talking about their feelings to others.
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Yes, the Kyoto kids don’t deserve to lash out at whoever they want. Yes, lashing out is a bad way to attempt communication. However, it’s also true that the Tokyo kids respond with what basically amounts to self-righteousness. The Kyoto kids are lashing out because they are going through something, because they’re suffering, yet the Tokyo kids don’t really try to understand those feelings. 
Kamo was seperated from his mother at a young age. Maki left Mai behind in an abusive household. Nobara has never experienced the same abuse that Mai has so she’s not really in a position to judge which twin she thinks is the good twin, and which is the bad one. Mechamaru is chronically ill and in constant agony, and then instead of getting him medical help he’s just being used as a toy soldier. 
So.  The problem is. Gojo’s style of teaching. He wants these kids to be political allies. He wants them to try to make a better world than the one he experienced growing up. However, Gojo doesn’t really teach them to think for themselves. He doesn’t teach them to look at the situation, and the way the Jujutsu World is designed to manipulate and use these children.
Individual responsibiltiy is a good lesson to teach. Individual responssibility can help someone get over themselves and their issues and work towards self improvement, but it’s also, not the only solution. It’s also, impossible to overcome these circumstances all on their own. 
Mai can’t be strong like Maki. She’s not weak for folding under the pressure of being in an abusive household. You could even argue that Maki isn’t stronger than her abuse, because emotionally she’s weak, she can’t even maintain a relationship with her own sister she has to cut herself off from everyone. 
Kamo has to follow the clan’s orders, he’s terrified they’ll hurt his mother and he’ll never see her again. She’s actively being used as a tool to manipulate them. 
Mechamaru is already strong as a sorcerer, that’s not going to stop the fact that he’s chronically ill. 
Basically, in this regard Gojo’s students repeat what Gojo himself always says. “Have you tried getting stronger?” We can see why this approach doesn’t work with Kokichi, because he did do what Gojo would always reccomend. He didn’t want to burden others with his emotions so he tried to be strong and solve everything on his own, and that resulted in his death.
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Think if Mechamaru had been supported. If he thought it was okay to confide his problems with others, if it was okay for him to be weak, and ask for help when he didn’t know what to do on his own.
However, when he tried to do that with panda he just got slapped with a “Your behavior is wrong.” It’s why even when telling people, especially children their behavior is wrong you also need to be sure to take care of their emotional needs as well. Especially teenagers, because teenagers are literally all emotions, they’re not minitature, fully-developed adults. Kokichi was wrong to lash out, but his emotions were right. He has every right to be in pain. When he’s told off, he also takes that as a message that he’s weak for trying to confide anything in others, that him complaining about his victimhood made him weak in the first place, so what does Kokichi do. He retreates into himself, he quiets down about his problems, he tries to solve everything on his own and he fails at doing that because you can’t. You cannot solve all your problems by simply being stronger than them. 
Gojo’s students aren’t raised as emotionally healthy individuals, and because of that they also can’t really relate to the emotions of other people, especially the negative one. They are, strong willed individuals yes, strong sorcerers, yes, but they’re not really a team. 
I think that’s illustrated in how they all fall apart in Shibuya. All of Gojo’s students basically make the same mistake, they don’t listen to the adults, they charge into battle because “I’m strong enough.” 
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Nobara, the adults literally all told you not to fight. Nobara: Nah it’s fine I’m strong.
Look at how Nobara loses. The second she starts fighting with Yuji as a team, she makes a sloppy mistake because she 1) underestimated her opponent and 2) was never taught how to fight in a team. 
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It’s not just Nobara though it’s every single one of them.
Yuji runs off on his own, fights on his own, and loses to Choso.  Megumi suicide attacks to take down one (1) opponent whose just a regular curse user when he reaches his limit. 
This is what they are all taught. They all have to fight on their own, be strong on their own, and if they’re strong enough they’ll win, if they’re not strong enough oh well. The Tokyo Kids genuinely like each other as a team but they’re always running away from each other. They all overestimate themselves and what they’re capable of handling and get in over their heads. 
And it does go back to the Kyoto Battle arc, because the Tokyo kids are just as emotionally disturbed as the Kyoto kids, they just are repressed about it. Take Megumi for example, Megumi has been abandoned and neglected all of his life, and Gojo never really offered him any support or healing for that abandonment.
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There’s no canon indication that Gojo ever raised Megumi or did anything with him other than provide for housing, and protect him from the Zenin clan on the condition that Megumi STILL BECOME A SORCERER, JUST ONE POLITICALLY ALLIGNED FOR HIM AND NOT THE ZENIN. 
He didn’t offer Megumi a chance at a normal life, or even help him grow up as an individual because Gojo’s not interested in these things. Gojo’s help is conditional on the fact that Megumi work hard to pay him back, and reach his full potential as a sorcerer. As a result, Megumi is walking around with completely unaddressed abandonment issues as a result of never having a stable adult in his life, and this goes, completely unnoticed, which leads to him constantly risking his own life, endangering and harming himself. Megumi’s just as unstable  as the Kyoto kids, he’s going to do something dangerous someday soon. It’s just Megumi’s been taught from a young age, he has to be the responsible one in his household, and he has to take responsibility for everything on his own by working to become stronger, and look like where that has led him.
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Hmm, I wonder why Megumi always feels like it’s his responsibility to sacrifice, what could have possibly led him ot that conclusion? Why does he feel so responsible for the actions of other people around him? It’s a geuine mystery.
However, the Kyoto kids are capable of doing something the Tokyo kids can’t do. They can cry and be weak in front of other people. They can support each other as a group. Not only did they help Miwa at her lowest point, but Yuji would have given up, had Todo not shown up when he did. 
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Yuji actually wasn’t capable of handling it all on his own. He couldn’t defeat Mahito just by being stronger than him, or having a strong will. 
Individualism like Gojo teaches is important, but it’s also incomplete. It’s only half the solution. The Tokyo kids need the camraderie of the Kyoto kids, the same way the Kyoto kids need to learn to take responsibility for themselves.
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That’s why the Shibuya arc ends the way it does. The Tokyo kids failing as individuals, and the Kyoto kids coming together as team. However, since both sides only have half the answer, neither side is able to defeat Kamo Sr. totally.
However, Gojo’s mistakes are shown even more clearly after the arc resolves. Gojo doesn’t actually teach people to think for themselves, because he’s raising them up to follow his politics. Now, look at what his students are doing in his absence. Gojo wants to fix the broken world, but Yuji’s conclusion he comes too after suffering is that he doesn’t want to think about fixing the world. He just wants to become another cog in the machine.
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What was the greatest mistake the previous generation made?
Geto. Not only in exposing him to the trauma of Riko dying in front of him. But also, offering him no support a year afterwards.  Yaga completely neglecting him and failing to see what was going wrong. Then, when Geto finally did break, sending another student to kill him.
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Yaga really can’t understand why this eighteen year old would hestiate to kill this other eighteen year old, that’s been his best and only friend for three years.  Why is this child not comfortable with an execution mission? It baffles the mind.
Gojo, by failing to raise his students as emotionally healthy individuals repeats the same mistake.
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Yuta and Yuji both don’t really care about the world around them, or politics. They don’t pay attention to those things, they weren’t raised to do that. However, now because of that, because both are willing to become cogs in the machine they’re both letting themselves beused right now. 
They refused to think for themselves, so now the elders are manipulating them into a conflict against each other. Yuta because he doesn’t see the situation at large, he only wants to protect his friends. Yuji, because the only way he thinks he has value is by killing curses, he’s just going to keep blindly executing them until Yuta comes to kill him. Gojo’s students are divided specially because of that reason. They’re not together as a group, they’re just a group of particularly strong individuals, and Gojo never even thought that these strong individuals with no particular connection to each other might turn against each other. They might lie to each other. They might keep secrets from each other. They might fail to communicate. Because, Gojo doesn’t really pay attention to complex relaitonships like that. He’s only had his one friend his whole life. 
Even though that’s also exactly what happened to his one and only friend, his emotional needs were neglected by the system around him until he completely fell apart. Geto and Gojo’s problem wasn’t that they weren’t “the strongest” when they were together. It’s that they were never “together” again after a certain point. 
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itsmymeaningoflife · 3 years
Wanna hear your bullshit hehe
Hehe you asked for it. I’m gonna drop bullshit from the first half of s3 here:
- They really chose a 12 yo boy over grown women to raid the house wtf
- Carl’s crush on Beth is fucking adorable
- “While the others wash their panties let’s go hunt” Daryl darling you need to scrub your ass too
- Rick might have been a bit of a control freak in this era but at least he’s putting himself on the line over the others
- Carol almost shooting Rick bit being totally unbothered by it is hilarious
- Noticed that Daryl always keeps his distance but is always following Carol
- BACK RUB SCENE. Daryl providing physical contact and low-key also surprising himself with it is so adorable. The flirting, the innuendos *chef kiss*
- Daryl and Carol have a healthier relationship than Rick and Lori at this point. And they DEFFO sleep next to each other around the fire every night they were in the road
- The prisoners were wasted tbf. I wish they kept Oscar around as part of the main group for a few seasons. He could’ve shown the audience that not all people in prison are evil.
- Daryls obsession with not sleeping in a cage is deffo routed in trauma. He probs got locked in places as a kid
- Beths unflinching optimism / naive outlook is so pure and I love her. Damn 14 year old me for hating her
- “Not for one second do I think you have malice in your heart” YES LORI IF THAT DOESNT SUM UP RICK GRIMES IDDK WHAT DOES
- Twd really said “wow maybe we need more POC in our cast” and while they had the right sentiment they probably shouldn’t have made them all prisoners either :///
- Also Daryl taking the lead with the prisoners and being the main one to talk to them / reason with them despite Rick being a police officer is great. Give me a fic where Daryl is a youth worker
- Beth putting Carl in his place when he goes off at Lori is strong woman supporting strong woman energy
- Loris death scene makes me sob. Maggie is a real trooper in this scene too.
- Omg Daryl when he finds Carols bloody scarf and think she’s dead after they see T dogs body. He’s heartbroken that he thinks he’s lost one of his only genuine friends.
- Rick finding out Lori is dead is heartbreaking but I’ve seen too many memes of that scene to not laugh.
- Rick goes insane and Daryl immediately steps up. “Nope we’re not losing another one. Not her.” Organising a run. Pulling Beth aside to tell her to watch over Carl. We really see his leadership jump out real early.
- If Maggie wasn’t in a relationship with Glenn from the get go people would’ve shipped her with both Rick and Daryl
- Daryl seeing the “sofie” hand hurts. He really thought he was going to be the one to bring Sophia back. He believed she was alive
- DARYL WITH BABY JUDITh calling her ass kicker and sweetheart… bro my heart can’t take it. Also interesting when Carl suggests names he chooses Sofia and Carol first and the camera is focused on Daryls face.
- Daryl visiting carols grave at sunset and gently placing a Cherokee rose down and tenderly touching the cross is enough to make a grown man cry. He is deffo confused with what his feelings are and why he’s so upset that she’s gone here
- Daryl telling Carl how he was allowed to play out with other neighbourhood kids when Merle was gone and they chased a fire engine on their bikes and it ended up going to his house and his mom was dead / burnt down. Heart breaking. Trauma bonding over dead moms
- Give Daryl a child 2020 (jokes in s10 HES a chaotic sigle dad of 3)
- Daryl finding Carol knife HURTS. His voice is so wobbly and he’s so angry and he keeps the knife and he sits stabbing at the floor working himslef up to put her down. THEN HE FINDS HER ALIVE AND HOLDS HER CHIN AND CARRIED HER BACK HES A HERO
- Michonne and Rick locking eyes murderouly through the fences like damn what a way to kick start a romance
- Carl was the first to help Michonne my heart. And the way Rick hauls her over his shoulder with ease BRO… then he pours water over her boobs? Not sure why but hey I don’t question true love
- Daryl is so dramatic “hey Rick, come in here” “everything alright??” “You’re gonna want to see this” *leads everyone to carol*. He couldn’t just tell them he found her alive. I love his dramatic ass
- RICK AND CAROLS FRIENDSHIP IS everything. Also I’ll forever be salty about how we never got more of carols reaction to loris death
- Daryl calling Carol a POOR THING when he explains to everyone. Sir you are tender
- Michonne calling Maggie “the pretty girl” then one breath later calls the govener “pretty boy” is massive bi wife energy
- Rick and Daryl threatening Michonne like they won’t be tripping over themselves to lay down their life for her come season 9
- I fucking hate Merle so much. But he can’t comprehend that the group will be there to save them. He just doesn’t understand how to care for other people
- Daryl and Oscar could’ve been great friends
- Rick leaving 12 year old Carl in charge of the prison A* parenting
- Milton is the token chaotic gay scientist of twd change my mind
- The governor can rot in hell for what he did to Maggie I hate him
- Daryl sees a dead dog and makes a lassie joke? I’m sorry but this man is so funny
- Maggie said “men always have been and always will be trash”
- Axel being sleazy around Beth after Beth tells him she’s 17 and Carol immediately swooping in to protect her is PEAK MOMMA BEAR ENERGY.
- Okay but their heist to get glenn and Maggie back was elite
- The conflict on Daryls face when he realises Merle is around and his deperate voice when he’s asking Rick if he can go find him hurts my HEART
- RICK TELLING DARYL “I need you. Are you with me?” And Daryls soft “yeah” voice THAT IS THE MOMENT DARYL REALISED HE WAS APPRECIATED.
- Carl and beths friendship is underrated.
- Gov really thinks penny is still in there huh
- Everyone referring to Carl as “the man” is hilarious but also so concerning
- I forget how on odds Rick and Michonne were at the beginning. The original enemies to lovers
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