#genuinely unsure of how i wound up here…
quinn-pop · 1 year
Mayta Knight 8 and 9
8 - Short (King)
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9 - Board Game
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wow dedede looks as inconsistent here as he does in the games lol
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cherubfae · 4 months
Can you write Alastor x a Reader who works in radio? I don't think Alastor would let them on air since he doesn't seem the type to have a co host to me but maybe he'd have a intern who gets him coffee or a script writer.
Good To Be Back On the Air || Alastor x reader
tags: gn!sinner!reader (described to have horns but is an otherwise ambiguous demon!!), fluff, pre-established relationship, mentions of death, true crime, vox being vox lmao, jealous alastor, blood/bloody play (sorta??), Valentino is his own warning (threats of SA but nothing happens), mentions of injuries and being kidnapped (use of chloroform), implied VoxVal
a/n: I hope you enjoy!! This got a bit long!
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Much like Alastor's life before he died, you were also quite the popular radio host for your time. Engaging, funny, and respectable. Your audience loved tuning in the early hours of the morning to you recanting the strange occurrences of the multiple killings of men from the late 1920s until that stream suddenly stopped during the year 1933 within New Orleans, Louisiana.
True crime has always been your passion, in life and in death. You certainly didn't think you'd end up in Hell for taking the life of someone trying to mug you on the street. A tall, masked man who saw to it that you'd never see the light of day again. A couple gunshot wounds to your abdomen proved effective as you rest against the wall, bleeding out onto the concrete with your soon-to-be killer lying facedown and dead mere feet from you. Killed by the very thing you sought to bring awareness towards. Quite poetic in a way.
As your gaze clouds and vision becomes unfocused, you look up at the stars. The ares around you was beautiful. It was one of your favorite parts of town, even your death wouldn't taint the beauty of the stretching oak and maple trees reaching tall towards the skies. The faint sound of smooth jazz playing from the record shop only a few paces away mixing with the swirling scent of coffee. At least you were dying in a place that you loved.
Now, here you are. In Hell. Doomed to total damnation for all fucking eternity. You'd been down here for a couple months, taking up residence near Cannibal Town, yet still unsure of what to make of all the carnage, debauchery, and depravity. You didn't think you belonged in Hell, even if you took the life that simultaneously extinguished your own.
"What's wrong, dearie? I've known you to be quiet but today you are exceptionally so." Mused Rosie, her gentle tone pulling you out of your reverie. You glanced down at your tea, sighing.
Leaning your cheek against your palm, you meet her charcoal-black eyes. Genuine concern etched onto her politely beautiful face. "I'm just feeling lost is all, I guess. I told you how I ended up in Hell, right?" Solemnly, Rosie nods.
Placing down her tea cup, Rosie wiggles towards you a bit. "Maybe you just need to find that old spark again! Something that roused you when you were alive! I have a friend who was a radio host, same as you. He may be able to have a job for you! Alastor is as charming as they come!" She grins, her mouth full of pointed teeth on full display.
Your brow quirks. "Alastor? The Radio Demon?" Rosie nods, excitedly. Alastor had been the prolific serial killer that haunted New Orleans back in the 1920s. It felt weird that the main man-- subject, you studied in life would soon be your acquaintance and potential boss in death. You'd heard many hushed tales about the aforementioned Radio Demon dealing in bartered souls and how he wreaked havoc against his fellow Overlords overnight. He definitely seemed like the kind of demon you didn't want to make light of, or worse, be on his bad side.
"He's a quirky one, for sure, but don't listen to all those rumors and gossip!" Rosie waves her hand with a laugh. "Alastor is still a gentleman and I'm sure he'd be delighted to offer you a job! Maybe you can intern for him? Besides! If he's ever rude to you, ol' Rosie will kick him in the shins! I'll wear my extra-pointy boots!" She giggles, holding your hands in hers. "You'll be in good hands, my dear! I'll let Alastor know you're coming right away!"
Staring down at the neatly folded paper in your hand, you double and triple check the address scrawled in neat calligraphy.
Hazbin Hotel.
Was it normal for a former serial killer slash radio host to become a hotelier that's trying to rehabilitate sinners?
With a shrug, you made your way up the incline taking note of the rather ominous looking radio tower jutting out from the far-right side of the hotel. A sign displaying the words on-air was currently unlit and it looked quite dark inside from what you could see from the ground. Perhaps the great Alastor wasn't at home.
Knocking on the front door, you're greeted by a tall, deer-like demon with two-toned hair and sharp yellow teeth dressed in a dapper red-pinstripe suit complete with a microphone-like cane. Scarlet eyes stare down at you like a lion watching a gazelle. You feel utterly and completely exposed, like he's peeling back your every layer, surveying you, before he even said a single word.
"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, my dear! Quite a pleasure! You must be the little darling that dear Rosie sent, yes?" Alastor places his hand on your lower back, guiding you past the hotel's front doors and into the welcoming comfort of the establishment's front lobby and reception area. "This is a place where wayward sinners such as yourself can find peace and be led on the path of redemption to ascend to Heaven by Hell's very own princess, Charlie Morningstar!"
On queue, a blonde-haired girl sprints up to you squealing and flailing her arms a bit. She takes her hands in yours and offers you a big, delighted smile. You like her immediately. "Oh, my gosh! Welcome, welcome to Hazbin Hotel! I see you've met our gracious host Alastor! He's mentioned that you're going to be interning for him-- how exciting! We are so thankful to have you!"
To think, all those months ago had been the start of your journey with your friends. You had felt so out of place in Hell, in your new skin, uncomfortable with the weight of sharp horns protruding your skin and the strength of your clawed hands. You were quite pleasantly surprised at what you could withstand now as a demon.
With the attention directed back at him, Alastor grins with a whine of radio static. It was the equivalent of a lazy smirk with his half-lidded scarlet eyes taking you in one more, searching for any potential risks you may pose though you didn't intend any of that sort. You felt your skin begin to heat the longer his gaze remained on you, and hesitantly break the eye contact with the demon in favor of Charlie, who has been excitedly talking about all of the hotel's features.
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"I brought your coffee, sir." Alastor hums out a soft 'thank you' yet continues to fiddle with the buttons and tracks on his console, not raising his head to look at you. "Rosie gave me some venison for you. She said aid it's your favorite when it's fresh and raw." Placing Alastor's simple black coffee on a small side table, you revere your boss with a fond expression. Rosie had been truthful she said he was the charming sort. There certainly was an air of respectability about him that men lacked from your time.
"Our dear Rosie is certainly a clever one, and she is quite correct. There is no better way to enjoy meat than having it served fresh. Preferably off the bone but this will do." Alastor tilts his head, turning to the side to regale you from the corner of his eyes. Those damn beautiful scarlet gems. "Something the matter, my dear?" Alastor's voice is a soft crackle.
Stumbling in surprise, you wrack your brain for a plausible answer. When you find none, you shake your head from side to side cursing the heat that sets your cheeks ablaze.
Alastor smirks, standing from his stool and approaches you. He grasps your chin between his thumb and forefinger; his claw lightly dragging across your lower lip. Blood beads up following the path his claw created. He swipes it up, licking it in front of you.
"Tasty," Alastor grins, leaning down and bumping his nose into yours. "As I said, meat is best when fresh." He squeezes your cheek lightly, chuckling at the exudes into his palm. "If I wasn't certain, I'd say you have a little crush on me, hmm?" He turns his back to you, those damned scarlet eyes that see straight through your soul strike you where you stand. "That'll be all now, dearest. Thank you for your time and your blood."
You couldn't get out of there fast enough. You weren't afraid of him, no, you were more scared of kissing him now more than ever. A fantasy of both of you pressed tight to one another with mouths soaked in blood would be all you can think of for hours.
Whatever was going on between you and Alastor continued on much like a game of cat and mouse only he seemed to be going out of his way more and more to fluster you, saying things that would catch you off guard.
"I don't think of myself as much of a man who desires a relationship beyond friends and family, but cohabitating with you as lifelong partners does sound desirable."
"Hmm, tell me. Are your horns sensitive?" His breath ghosts then one day, causing you to shriek and cover them. You pout, turning your head to glare at him. Alastor's grin only seemed to stretch further. "Only teasing, darling, no need to get so uppity."
It was a slow evening, Alastor had sent you off on another errand. There was a sense of apprehension worrying his brow, glancing at the analog clock. The hour hand strikes the 3am mark. He'd sent you off almost an hour and a half ago, so where were you?
Interference crackles onto his radio, Alastor hissing as the feedback screeches. With ears pinned back, his eyes narrowed further when a familiar voice crosses.
"Ugh, I will never understand why thr fuck you use this shit, Alastor." Groaned Vox. "Anyway, I got your cute assistant here. You should see them, shaking like a leaf." The radio glitches in tune with Vox's laughter. "Valentino here has been itching for a new plaything, doesn't that sound good, sweetheart? Maybe we can broadcast that for all of Hell to see, right Al--"
Smash. Alastor's fist smashes through the radio cutting off Vox's boastful rant.
On the other side of the city, Vox blinks in confusion. "I lost the radio signal? Oh, fuck, God this shit is so old." He sighs, leaning back in his chair. Spinning around, he gives you a wry smirk. "Guess we'll see if the Great Alastor comes to rescue his lost pup, hmm?"
Glowering at him, left bound and gagged, sitting on the cold, hard floor. Valentino gives a harsh tug on your hair, your teeth sinking into the cotton gag shoved in your mouth, a muffled grunt leaving you.
An electric feeling in the air has your hair rising. Vox and Valentino share a confused look. A large fist blasts inside of the V Tower, claws sharp as they did through the metal like it was butter.
"Oh, fuck, it's Alastor!" Vox shrieks, scrambling to get away from the broken window. A second fist smashes through sending Vox into the opposing wall with a deep thud. Valentino runs to his friend's aid, helping him up.
"Well, this is what you wanted, honey."
Vox groans in protest. "I know."
Green electricity crackles, a dark shadow pooling into the room and with a shriek, manifests into Alastor.
Paying the two no mind, Alastor crosses the threshold and kneels down before you. His clawed fingers are gentle as he removes the gag around your bruised mouth. "Sorry it took me so long, mon cour." A tentacle bursts through his back, spiraling directly into Vox and Valentino, sending the two into the neighboring room with a loud crash.
Scooping you into his arms, Alastor calmly walks through to the next room, his hand cupping the back of your head. "Rest." He regards the other two males with a snarling crackle.
"If I didn't have more important matters to attend to, I would eviscerate you two gents. Touch what is mine again and I'll broadcast your fucking screams all over Hell." Alastor hums, exiting V Tower.
"Holy shit! Did you see?? He finally sees me as his rival!" Vox cheers, tossing both arms into the air in celebration.
"This may sting, but I trust that you can handle it." Alastor says, rubbing off the blood from your brow with a cotton ball doused in isopropyl alcohol. Wincing softly, you take the moment to look at him closely. You'd never seen Alastor so disheveled. Even with dealing with enemies, he was always composed. But, tonight, he had been anything but the picture of composure. He looked positively feral.
Valentino sighs, "Honey, you need psychiatric help."
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"Is there something about my face you find interesting, dearest?"
Squeaking, your face flushes, shaking your arms frantically. Gasping you quickly place a hand to your ribs. Guess they really did fracture something when they knocked you out.
Alastor stills your hands with his own. "Easy now, pet. You're in no state to be moving around like an interpretive mime. I was only teasing you, my dearest. You had me worried tonight."
Hanging your head low, you turn your gaze away. "I'm sorry, Alastor. I don't know how they got the drop on me. I was walking home and smelled something odd--," you gasped in realization. "Chloroform. It had to be."
Alastor growled tensely at that. He tied the bandage around your arm and with a snap of his fingers the medical kit disappeared and a serving tray appeared carrying a kettle full of hot chocolate and a staple 1920s dessert: pound cake. This one was drizzled with a bitter chocolate and filled with strawberries.
Alastor takes your hand and gently kisses your knuckles. "Care to join me for a treat?" His tone was a touch more gentle than it had been a heartbeat ago. You smile, nodding eagerly. He grins and begins to cut the cake, serving you first. "One more thing."
Softly, Alastor kisses your cheek. It was the lightest of touches and over as soon as it happened. He busies himself by pouring two mugs of steaming hot chocolate, the apples of his cheeks were a rosy hue.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Could you do a concept of Alicent from House of the Dragon with a handmaid/lady-in-waiting darling?
Watching/reading ASOIAF related content and I'm getting ideas. Am I being self indulgent? Perhaps... but let me have this.
As usual with ASOIAF content, read Trigger Warnings carefully.
Yandere! Alicent Hightower with Handmaid! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, ASOIAF content, Obsession, Affairs, Girl/Girl, Manipulation, Medieval marriage practices and Medieval practices in general, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Intimacy mentioned (Touchy behavior, Bedding, etc) but nothing graphic, Unhealthy power dynamic, Targcest (Mentions of Aegon and Helaena's marriage in one line), Blood, Threats, Violence, Death, Restraints, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Alicent's story is a bit sad... but her actions feel vile at times.
Her father, Otto, made her marry King Viserys I to provide power to the Hightower family.
She didn't want such a role, such a role only ruined her freedoms.
She even lost Rhaenyra... the act of marrying her friend's father betraying the young princess.
Alicent was never happy in her marriage.
Her only purpose as queen was to supply male heirs for the throne.
She succeeded... having Aegon and Aemond... even a daughter, Helaena.
But all of this was out of duty.
Not love.
As a result I feel Alicent may confide in a loyal maid, you.
You're her personal maid, an outlet for her to vent to.
Alicent often calls her maid when she is not needed with the king.
You serve both her and Viserys I, but she calls you more often.
You showed the queen sympathy when she first brought up such issues.
She trusts you not to say a word as her handmaid, plus she can tell you pity her even if you don't understand the life of royalty.
Alicent's obsession starts as her speaking with you for comfort.
She wishes for her previous freedoms, she envies Rhaenyra for being able to do what she wishes...
Alicent wants to experience intimacy without just tolerating it.
As a result... Alicent ends up falling for the one person she trusts will care about her.
You are a comfort for her as her maid.
She knows she shouldn't have such feelings... you are a maid and Alicent is a queen married to a king.
Yet... when Alicent tests the waters with you after a few years... you seem so compliant.
You see the queen as what she is, a woman who has had her youth wasted.
You provide her friendship... support... someone to talk to.
Admittedly... when you noticed the queen get oddly touchy with you, it confused you.
When you spoke alone in her chambers, Alicent would sit beside you, a hand nearing your thigh as she leans closer.
The thought flusters you, but nothing's forced upon you.
Alicent grows fond of you when she speaks with you and watches you take care of her children.
You comfort Aegon when he's berated and correct him, you try to listen to Helaena's babbling about strange sayings, and you tend to Aemond's wounds after fights.
Alicent held no genuine love for Viserys... yet here she is infatuated with a maid.
I imagine eventually Alicent manages to convince you to join her in her bed when alone.
At first she says she just wishes to talk while you sit next to her...
But one thing leads to another...
Leaving the queen able to satiate herself.
Alicent keeps such an obsession hidden from everyone.
While Rhaenyra has rumors that her sons are Strongs (they are)... Alicent would rather have no rumors of her bedding her maid behind the king's back.
Alicent urges such an affair to stay quiet, she tells you not to say a word.
Yet this is only the start of Alicent's obsession.
Having been deprived of a partner of her choosing... she ends up soothing herself with her maid.
You are unsure how to feel about the queen being so attached to you.
She always has an arm or hand on you at all times, even at meals she keeps you close.
You feel uncomfortable under the gaze of Viserys and his children.
They have no idea how tightly Alicent holds your hand under the table... a reminder of the bond she has with you.
While you keep up appearances as the queen's handmaid, you know your duty when Alicent calls you to her chambers in private.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't like what the queen does for you.
You and the queen aid one another in many ways.
You are committing possibly illegal acts whenever the queen holds you close to her.
But guilt always manages to worm its way back into your mind.
Maybe you shouldn't enjoy it?
While Viserys is unaware... busy with his illness and children... you're here under Alicent's covers with her arms fully wrapped around you.
You are her escape... no matter the cost you have to pay.
As her obsession continues, Alicent continues to keep you close.
Many begin to whisper about the queen and her handmaid.
You two are very close... perhaps too close...
Yet such rumors are quickly snuffed out by Alicent whispering a silent order.
No one is allowed to touch you.
Even Aegon knows his place when he sees his mother hold you around the waist so tightly.
You're hers... even if you wished to change profession, she wouldn't let it go through.
You're her handmaid... her forbidden love... and she plans to be your one and only.
If others tried to court you, Alicent puts a stop to it.
A knight flirts with you? Alicent has his position moved.
Your family found someone for you? Alicent votes against it, saying she doesn't want her handmaid to devote herself to a partner yet.
Aegon touches you? Alicent will punish him herself.
Aemond already knows better and Helaena sees you in a platonic light.
Alicent worries Aegon will treat you like all the other maids... so you end up being unable to serve the prince for now.
Even when Viserys dies and Aegon II is set to be king... even when the war between the Blacks and Greens begins... Alicent has you by her side.
It's unknown if you are giving into her out of duty or genuine love by this point... but the queen has you on a tight lead.
With her husband gone, she is free to do with you as she wishes while Aegon II and Helaena act as the new king and queen.
Now her heart is fully dedicated to you.
She expects the same with you... any other partner being drained of their blood if they so much as touch you.
Ever since you gave in and provided comfort to the queen... you were hers.
Her mind deteriorates as tragic events begin to occur throughout the war.
Yet one thing is certain in her mind...
Her maid will always be by her side... even if it has to be by chains.
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zer0pm · 1 year
Imagine working your first night in the village tavern and serving a drink to a man you catch sitting by his lonesome. He accepts your kind gesture and engages you in conversation. You didn’t realize you were talking to Lord Heisenberg until it was too late.
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“Got a tall one with your name on it.”
The silver-haired man simply glances up at you from his seat, bright eyes switching between your smiling face and the full mug you’ve placed in front of him. The bored expression he wore previously relaxes into that of mild intrigue.
“I didn’t order that,” he says, amusement in his deep voice.
You shrug casually, “It’s on the house.”
When he didn’t say anything right away, you proceeded to explain yourself. “Barkeep mentioned you haven’t ordered anything since you got here. I figured I could spot you a round. Hope you don’t find it rude.”
To your surprise, the man chuckles, returning your patient smile with a toothy grin. “Can’t tell if you’re brave or just straight-up fucking strange. But you are definitely interesting, I’ll give you that.”
You tilt your head curiously, unsure of what to make of his comment. Perhaps, this stranger is one of those lone wolf types that rarely engage in social interaction. However, that didn’t seem correct. He seemed more like the type that enjoyed talking, if not just to hear the sound of his own voice. He has such a distinctive voice too, you found, the rich baritone hitting strings inside you that sent shivering notes tingling down your spine. You shudder not out of fear or anxiety, but out of genuine fascination.
The stranger takes the mug you’ve put down for him in one of his hands, lifting it by the handle and bringing it to his lips before tipping his head back. It gave you an opportunity to look him over. As you suspected, he is large in build. Burly and robust but not overly ripped in muscular definition. He looked strong and undeniably imposing, shaped by hard, laborious work. You imagine that if he wasn’t holding the mug at its handle, he could wrap his thick, calloused digits around the cup with ease. The loose shirt he wore had the sleeves rolled up, exposing several wiry scars that adorn the back of his hands and forearms. They varied in length and size, barely faded by time, and matched the old wounds that ran across his rugged face.
Questions danced upon your tongue on how he got his scars, but you thought better of it and bit them down. He looked different from the other men you’ve seen in the village and had a unique air about him too, one that you would be able to immediately spot in a busy crowd. He was quite handsome, in a rough sort of way.
The man must have noticed you staring for when you brought your eyes back up to his, he was already looking right at you. His bright gaze remained locked onto you even as he sets the drink back down with a quenched sigh, a devilish tongue swipes the excess liquid from damp lips before withdrawing behind wolfish teeth. The ends of his mouth tugs upwards, putting his canines into full display. The damn man is smirking again and his eyes had a knowing, teasing gleam to them. Feeling like a deer caught in the headlights, you bowed your head to hide the embarrassment burning on your cheeks.
Suddenly feeling incredibly shy, you take a step back. “I-I’m going to see to my other patrons, then. If you need anything else, just-”
“What’s your name, buttercup?” He cuts you off. There is an edge to his tone, as if daring you to move from your spot before him.
Buttercup? He’s giving you a petname? Is it derogatory or is it a genuine term of endearment? Either way, it made your face burn hotter.
Overwhelmed with the need to answer him immediately, you gave the stranger your name without a second thought. He repeats it in a low, slow drawl as if testing and savoring the sound on his tongue. Your heart picks up speed and you spoke up again in a futile attempt to calm the rapid beating.
“What’s yours?”
Like flipping a switch, the air between you two suddenly shifts. The wide smirk he wore falters and his brows furrow. These few words seemed to have disarmed him as the grey-haired man beholds you with a piercing glare, searching your face for any signs that you are joking or something. You could do nothing but stare back, balancing on the balls of your feet nervously. When he found that you were sincere in your question, he grasps his bearded chin thoughtfully.
“Intriguing,” he comments, his expression deeply pensive. His reply didn’t relieve any of the tension you were feeling and you wondered if you somehow offended him for not knowing who he is. “Are you local?”
Unable to fathom where his line of questioning was heading, you decided that it was best to answer him honestly as you have been doing thus far. “Uhh, yes, of course. Born and raised. Although, I’m not from the immediate area, if that’s what you mean.”
A thick silver brow arches. “So, I take it you’re not the religious sort, then.”
You shake your head. There was no helping the guilt taking root inside you. Clearly this man thinks that his identity should be apparent to you. Thinking about it, he does look sort of familiar but you couldn’t quite place him. You wished then that you paid more attention to the people around you in the weekly sermons.
“Not really,” you rub the back of your neck sheepishly. “I rarely went to church. Not that I don’t follow the black faith, mind you. I just have other priorities. Life can be hard in the village, you know how it is.”
When he didn’t comment on this, you followed up with your own inquiry with the intention of making polite conversation. He mentioned religion, so…
“Are you a pastor?” That seemed like a logical thing to ask. But surely if he was leading the mass, you’d have remembered him right away. Maybe you simply missed each other in passing. You can’t shake the feeling that you do know him somewhere.
A bellowing laugh erupts from his throat. The man bends over on his seat, banging the wooden tabletop with a clenched fist as zealous humor consumed him. You didn’t notice that the rest of the tavern went completely quiet at his spontaneous outburst. When he finally sits back upright, he was in tears.
“Damn, you’re adorable!” He sighs deeply, his grin wide as he wipes the water from his eyes. “Do I look like the kind to give fucking sermons, buttercup?”
Again with the petname. You weren’t bothered by it this time. If anything, you took the lighthearted turn in the conversation as a good sign, pleased to see that the man looked like he was enjoying his time with you. Even at the expense of your embarrassment.
Deciding it best to play along, you returned his good humor with a playful smile of your own. “Looks can be deceiving.”
He scoffs, “Can say that again. Guess not everyone in Miranda’s herd is a sheep.”
You didn’t quite register that. “Excuse me?”
His hand waves off your question dismissively. “Don’t worry about it. You…”, the grey-haired man leans back against his chair, his lopsided smile bordered on teasing. “You get to call me Karl.”
A surprised hum escapes you, you didn’t expect a man so interesting to have such an ordinary name. Thankfully, he didn’t seem offended by the involuntary sound. Remembering you had a job to do, you throw him a courteous nod.
“Nice to meet you, Karl. I really should check on my other customers. Is there anything else I can get you?”
He casts you a playful look, “Are you on the menu?”
Although you were standing still, you nearly tripped over on the spot and tried to save face by quipping back. “Ha ha. Think you’re so smooth.”
Karl shrugs, reaching for the mug once more and inspecting the contents lazily. “I prefer to be rough. But no, I think this will do. For now.”
Your brain shut down after “rough” and you were quick to retreat back to the bar, ears turning red upon hearing his knowing chuckle as you created distance. So distracted by the maelstrom of emotions swirling inside you that you failed to realize that the usual hustle and bustle of the busy tavern was completely void of sound. A loud bang of what sounded like someone slamming their hand against the wood harshly is all that it took to bring life back into the room and the patrons returning to their own devices. This somehow went under your notice too. You did not regain your wits until the barkeep you were working with for the night snapped his fingers in front of your face.
“Oy! New blood! Didn’t I tell you not to bother that one?” he reproached you. Was that panic in his eyes?
You blink back at your distressed coworker. “If it’s about the free tankard, I’ll foot the lei. Everyone else looked like they were having a fine time besides him. That didn’t seem right to me.”
The frantic man shook his head fiercely, “Whether or not he is enjoying himself isn’t any of our business. He could very well be plotting his wrath upon this establishment for what you did!”
The excitement that was bubbling within you before is now replaced by confusion. “Why would Karl do that? Who is he?”
The barkeep’s face falls into that of pure shock. “Are you completely daft!? He’s-”
He chokes. Suddenly, his expression pales to an alarming shade of white. From the corner of your eye, you spot a large shadow looming and felt an imposing presence from your side.
You turn your head to see the man from before standing next to you. But this wasn’t the Karl that you spoke with earlier. He had the same face but wore more clothing- more distinct articles of clothing that made you freeze on the spot upon recognition. Afterall, who could ever miss the signature dirty trenchcoat, or the dark, round glasses, or the well-worn hat of Lord Heisenberg himself? Who dares not recognize one of the four nobles that rule over the village with an iron fist? Evidently you.
He didn’t meet your eyes right away, instead he had a deathly glare directed right at the barkeep who was now quivering in his boots. “Because I’m in a good mood,” the lord began, voice descended into a low growl, “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear what you just called my new friend.” Lord Heisenberg then looks down at you behind black lenses, his demeanor shifting from threatening and terrifying to playful and pleasant.
His smile returns, seemingly wider than before, likely because he knows that you know who he is now. “Thanks for the drink, buttercup. I’ll see you real soon.” He pushes his shades down the bridge of his nose, winking at you before tipping his hat in an exaggerated head bow. With heavy footsteps, he takes his leave, not giving a second glance.
Your eyes followed him and lingered on the door he went through long after he left. There was a deafening silence. It filled the tavern for what seemed like an eternity before it was broken by the clanging of the metal tray you once held in your hands.
The lord of steel was here in the flesh. And you were talking to him so carelessly. And he was flirting with you so shamelessly. This was not how you expected your first day on the job to go. And he declared he intended to see you again.
You’re in deep trouble…
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archivesofthevoid · 4 months
Would you mind if I request kissing headcanons for Rolan, Astarion, Gale, Wyll, and Halsin with gender neutral s/o?
It's currently 4 am as I'm writing this and pulling this all out of a magic hat (aka my brain) so HERE WE GO!!
Rolan: personally I do not know that much about him yet!!! Though I'm going to try based off the vibes of what I've seen from him. So I apologize here if it's ooc!! But I think his kisses would be very.. sophisticated? Like okay- they're so loving and soft. Light, too. Sometimes it feels like he's trying to keep them professional and away from prying eyes. HOWEVER there's some times when he's a bit more vulnerable and he holds you for a moment longer than he should. You both don't often get a chance alone together but when you do, he's grabbing you by your cheeks in the most gentle way he can muster and kissing you like it's his life support. Which sometimes, it kind of is.
Astarion: oh boy. See this guy? His kisses can vary. At first they were rough and seemed to be fueled purely with carnal desire. However as time goes on and the two of you become more entrapped with one another, you notice he's become softer. More delicate. He likes the kiss to last and for it to linger on your lips after it's over. Other days when he's feeling down and vulnerable because of everything going on (specifically with Cazador) - those moments where his head gets to him and he's scared he's going to lose you or get taken back?? He kisses you so desperately. He'll cling to you and press into your lips. It's full of despair, desire, and need. Belonging. He needs that reassurance that you're here and that you're real. That you'll stay. Please don't ever go, he needs you so bad even if he sucks at showing it.
Gale: at first his kisses were unsure. With the whole loyalty to Mystra thing he's got conditioned into his brain - he felt like he was betraying her. Though as time went on he realized he actually loved you. Whatever he felt with Mystra he realized wasn't genuine. Well at least not on Mystra's end. But with you, it's different. He knows you love him and care for him. You don't see him as some prize to flaunt off to others for power. So after awhile, his kisses become sickeningly sweet. Sometimes they're rushed if you guys are quick to set out on the road again. Other times he will let them linger. Or sometimes he'll give you multiple kisses in one go which leaves the both of you giggling at the end. He's such a hopeless romantic that once he actually has you the way you want him, he's completely whipped for you. He's the type of man who loves with his whole being like it's breathing.
Wyll: he's actually such a big sweetie that it definitely shows in his kisses :(( /pos!! They're never long and don't often linger. Very light and sweet like warm sugar. Sometimes he doesn't even kiss you on the lips. His go to places most of the time is on your wrist, your knuckles, your forehead or your cheek. He really loves to grab your hand and press a kiss into it while smiling at you. His eyes hold so much warmth in them that you could feel like you're drowning if you're not careful. He's so caring and gentle. He's the type to cover you head to toe in tiny little kisses if you'd let him. Sure, kisses on the lips are nice but he wants to cherish every part of you he can.
Halsin: another man who worships you and the ground you walk on. Most of his kisses are on your forehead, cheek, or shoulders. He tends to your wounds first out of everyone in the party and spends the most time on you. Even if you're all healed up, he's still there - telling you how strong you are for standing your ground with such a violent battle. He leaves kisses in his wake wherever he can. His kiss to your lips though? They're so brutal. It's like his carnal beastly urges come out to play when he kisses your lips. Sometimes, much like Astarion, he uses his teeth. He'll nip at your lip and plead for you to just let him devour your mouth with his own. He doesn't often give these types of kisses because quite frankly he holds himself back. If you ask though he'd be more than willing to kiss you like that more often.
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lovely-peace · 10 months
The Whims of Fate
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Summary: The big game is coming up and you can't wait to see Sirius fly again. But he seems to be more excited for after the game and just before that he surprises you... While seraph has an internal crisis.
Pairing: Sirius black x hufflepuff!reader
Warnings: past toxic friendship, past toxic relationship (not with the reader), insecurities, self conscious , fake dating
Wc: 2.5k anyone who wants to be tagged, just say so there is always room! And I am sorry if my writing isn't as good in this part :')
Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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As we entered the Great Hall for lunch, I could feel the tension still lingering in the air. Sirius was walking beside me, his steps purposeful but his expression stern. The incident with Leander had left him seething, and it was evident in the way he clenched his jaw and the occasional glares he shot in the direction of the Slytherin table.
I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, unsure of how to address the situation. It was clear that he was trying to maintain composure, but the anger was simmering just beneath the surface. I knew he wasn't upset with me, but I couldn't shake off the uneasiness.
As we settled at the Gryffindor table, I tried to focus on my plate of food, but the tension was palpable. Sirius seemed lost in his thoughts, and I felt like an intruder in his world of frustration. The conversations around us were a mere buzz, distant and unimportant compared to the storm within.
Then, a soft nudge against my shoulder brought my attention back to reality. I turned to see Sirius looking at me, his expression slightly softened. He offered me a small, reassuring smile. "Sorry about earlier. I didn't mean for things to get that heated."
I managed a weak smile in return. "It's alright, Sirius. I understand why you were upset."
He nodded, his gaze lingering on me for a moment before he turned his attention back to his food. Despite his attempt to make amends, I could sense the turmoil still swirling within him. It was as if he was battling his emotions, struggling to find a balance between his protective instincts and his desire not to cause further stress.
As I ate my meal, I couldn't help but steal glances at him. He was so beautiful. How could anyone be so beautiful?
He was putting on a facade of nonchalance, but his clenched fists and furrowed brows betrayed his true feelings. I wished there was something I could do to ease his anger, to let him know that I appreciated his concern.
Meanwhile, a little bit right from us, I noticed Lydia and Maya engrossed in a hushed conversation. Lydia's animated gestures and Maya's attentive nods suggested that they were deep in thought about something. I wondered what they were discussing, but my focus was quickly pulled back to Sirius when he spoke again.
"Are you nervous about the game?" he asked, his tone softer now.
I shook my head, grateful for the change of topic. "Not really. I mean, you are the one playing, so I don't really feel the pressure here. But, I'm excited to watch you play."
He smirked playfully. "Planning to cheer for me?"
I rolled my eyes, trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe I'll just shout 'Sirius Black, you're not as cool as you think!'"
He chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Oh, you wound me."
We shared a genuine laugh, and for a moment, the tension seemed to lift. It was as if we had managed to carve out a small bubble of normalcy in the midst of the chaos. As lunch continued, our conversation flowed more easily, and I found myself forgetting the unease that had gripped me earlier.
Unbeknownst to us, Lydia and Maya were observing our interaction from afar, their heads close together as they exchanged whispered thoughts. Maya nodded at something Lydia said, and they seemed to be sharing some sort of silent agreement.
Later, as we made our way out of the Great Hall, I caught a glimpse of Lydia's mischievous smile. She winked at me, and I couldn't help but wonder what they were plotting.
As we went on, I couldn't help but look after them. I wondered if they would talk about their feelings, or if they would just ignore what was so obviously there.
"Oh, shit!" Sirius looked at me with an apologetic frown. "I already have to go, because James wants to go over the planning we did. Hope you can forgive me."
I smiled at him. He looked so apologetic like a little puppy that disappointed someone. "Don't worry, I understand. Go you have a game to win!"
He smiled at me and ran up to the field, while I watched him go. Without him, the halls felt empty and at the same time overwhelming full.
I already wanted to leave to the library, because we still had time till the game, when I saw Sirius ran up to me.
He was panting heavily and red like a tomato as he stood before me, like he just played the quidditch game of his life.
"What's wrong? Did you forget something?" I felt like I was missing something here, as he took my hands and smiled at me with a red face.
"Yeah, I forgot something very important." He hold my hands tightly and looked me in the eyes. Something plagued his mind and I so desperately wanted to know what. But it remained a secret behind those beautiful eyes.
"What did you-"
"Wish me luck." he suddenly said. His eyes were avoiding mine and suddenly found the ground very interesting. "Please?"
"You don't need luck," I replied softly, my voice filled with faith in him.
He chuckled, his fingers briefly intertwining with mine. "Maybe, but a little extra never hurts."
I chuckled at that. His eyes found mine and sucked me into them again. His right hand let go of mine and wandered off to my cheek. As he hold me captive in his warm touch, he seemed to beg for something.
"Good l-"
Then, in that moment, when I least expected it, he closed the gap between us, his lips capturing mine in a kiss. It was an innocent little peck, like he didn't want to do anything wrong. Time seemed to stand still as our lips molded together, and the world faded away. All that mattered was the sensation of his mouth moving against mine, the taste of his lips, and the rapid beat of my heart, which seemed to run a marathon.
He stroked my cheek while softly breaking the kiss. I missed the contact, but was at the same time overwhelmed by the thing that just happened.
He gazed into my eyes, a fire burning within them. "For luck," he whispered, his voice husky.
My cheeks flushed, and I nodded, my voice equally breathless. "For luck."
We stood like that, with intertwined fingers and gazing at each others eyes, for a minute or two, as he cleared his throat.
"I should go."
"Yeah, you should."
But neither of us wanted to let go of each other, our fingers still intertwined. But after one more minute he let go and smiled at me, with this unreadable expression that so often visited his face.
"I will see you after the game right?" he asked and smiled brightly, as I nodded.
"Then see you later, darling."
I looked after him and couldn't control the smile that was slowly creeping on my red face.
You don't need luck, you idiot. I know that you will win. I saw it with my own eyes.
~1974 Third year. ~
The little girls eyes were shining as she watched. 'Was this fake?' she wondered as her eyes followed his broom. His flying hair in the wind, his bright smile as he beat the ball at one of his opponents and lastly his promising eyes. All of it was beautiful.
The seeker in red should have been the main attraction for the audience, but his best friend was like a shooting star for her. Bright, fast and so out of reach. Hoping he would grant her a wish, she looked at him with a wish written in her eyes.
As she wished for once to be noticed, the girl in green next to her followed her gaze. The girl was angry that her house was losing and she was even more pissed that she was here with her.
This naive girl in yellow, which didn't belong here between the people in green. This clingy parasite with this annoying expression. That begging look not to be abandoned, that made the girl in green reconsider.
Why did she even bring her?
Why was she even friends with her?
The girl in the warm colors of the sun, looked at the star of the field, again with this annoying expression. And the girl in green next to her was jealous as she realized how beautiful the emotions behind this gaze were. 'How can you feel this kind of emotions?'
As their eyes were focused on the star, his best friend's eyes caught the golden ball and his broom was racing towards it. The other seeker slowly realized why the boy was suddenly flying so fast and tried to follow just as fast. But he realized that it was no use. The feeling that he already lost was creeping in and he became even slower.
Then a ball hit him from above and threw him off his broom. The beater Sirius black took the chance to cover his mate. He dodged the ball himself and hit it right towards the green seeker.
"And James Potter caught the snitch!!!"
The Gryffindor audience burst into cheers, while the slytherins were glaring at them. The other beater in green was looking at the boy with the name black and wanted so bad to be better. "Next time you hit him leander." his teammates said, but they knew just like him that that was very unlikely.
The green side of the field was full of anger towards those red prideful bunch of kids, that were so obviously the favorites of hogwarts.
Only two girls seemed to be out of place.
They didn't cheer and they didn't get mad. They were both watching the boy in red and wished.
Yellow to be visible. Green to be yellow.
I smiled, as I thought about the memories. The first game he played and the first I watched. I know that he doesn't need a Goodluck kiss.
I kissed you out of pure desire for you.
Meanwhile in the slytherin common room
"You are such an idiot, Leander, seriously. You don't stand a chance against Sirius, why did you search a fight with him?"
I shook my head at his silliness. How can someone be so impulsive?
"I just had a little 'talk' with your whisky. How could I have guessed that he would be so angry?" the brown haired boy looked away from me and seemed to pout.
A cold feeling went down my spine. I tried to shake it off, but it came right back. What was wrong with me? Why was I so cold?
"Hey, is something wrong, seraph?" Leander looked at me with worry in his eyes and came closer to me. "You looked like something plagued your mind?"
He seemed to want to stroke my cheek with his hand, but I dodged him. "It's nothing of your concern." I stated, and his hand dropped like a stone. He seemed embarrassed and looked at the ground.
'Your whisky' he said. Like I owned her. Maybe I did, but not anymore. She is off and has new friends now. Every time I see them, I feel like I missed something in my life. Like I got all of this wrong. Like I got her completely wrong. Like I regretted what I did. What I still do.
Those feelings that she has. This joy that she feels, when she is with her friends. This excitement when she sees Sirius. I never felt any of that.
Why was I so bored of those people around me? Why couldn't I be excited for the things that I had? Why does she have this explosive feelings for Sirius, while I can't make myself feel even excitement?
"I wish I could say i'm surprised, but I'm really not. And that's the thing I most regret, seraph. We were never really meant to be." his eyes bore through mine. Ice-cold. "I think you know that as well."
"Do you miss her?" Leanders soft voice snapped me back to reality. His eyes were gentle, with this strange smile. It wasn't threatening, but I could never really interpret it and it made me crazy.
"Who, whisky?" I tried to laugh the cold feeling away. "Oh, please, why would I miss this parasite? I abandoned her in the first place, sweet Leander." I smiled my usual smile. The i don't care smile that made me feel better of myself. I need to feel better about myself.
He looked at me with that strange smile again. Like he knew me better than I know myself. But he really doesn't.
"You know what I think?"
I narrowed my eyes. "I don't really care."
But he didn't stop, like he didn't hear me. "I think you're starting to realize that you really care about her and you've lost her. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve it, she's a snake, but I think you're not so sure anymore and you miss her."
"You don't know anything!" But he did not let himself be stopped.
"You're not as untouchable as you think, 'sweet' seraph. In fact, you're still a little girl who whines when she doesn't get what she wants."
"Shut up!" I was screaming.
"That's why you ran after Sirius like a lost puppy. You just can't stand that he doesn't like you anymore."
"You have no idea, Leander! You have no idea how I feel!" Or what I don't feel. "So don't act like you really understand me."
He was quiet on that. But then he looked at me in such an intense way that Sirius never did. And my heart skipped a beat. Why? "Why did you make out with me if you love him so much? Why did you cheat with me if you miss him so much now?"
His gaze held me and there was a fire in them. The evening in which I let myself drown in self-pity came back, even though I tried so hard to forget it. Eventually, though, I managed to turn away. "You need to get to the quidditch field. It's getting late."
There was tension in the air at that, until he finally stood up. He grabbed his things he needed and went to the door, of the slytherin common room. Before he opened it, he looked at me.
"A little whining girl in green."
And then he left.
Taglist: @theofficialmadman@fanboyluvr@fjdjsiskcjfj@starsval@olkathedestroyer@helloitsmeeeeeee@xamapolax@maripositanoctruna@ancientimes@cloudlst@marina468 @regulus-black-223048 @loving-and-dreaming
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 8 months
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Astarion x Y/N - Chapter 4 - 3.9K WC
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (you are here!)
Chapter 5 NSFW 18+
Chapter 6 NSFW 18+
Chapter 7 NSFW 18+
Warnings: mention of SA (not detailed), drug use (elixir), slightly steamy (not NSFW)
A sunbeam perfectly aimed for your face is what woke you. The warmth making you smile before you lazily got up from your bedroll, wincing a bit. You saw everyone seemingly at the bonfire looking like they were ready to head out. Everyone apart from a certain vampire. You jogged over to the campfire from your tent. 
“Y/N! Thank the gods you’re awake. We were all going to head out and visit a merchant, care to join us?” Karlach beamed. 
You went to answer but you winced, hard. Enough for Karlach and the others to notice. You lifted up your shirt to reveal the wound the nurse left on your lower stomach. 
“That’s infected, no wonder you’re in pain.” Gale said, moving to retrieve a salve from his backpack. “Here,” he said, rubbing it into your skin before conjuring gauze to cover it. It felt cool and soothed the hateful heat emitting from the wound. “That’ll take a few hours to clear the infection out and fully heal the wound. You’ll need to stay here and rest for the day. Astarion will stay with you; help keep the camp safe and keep you company.”
“Sure it's a good idea keeping those two together?” Shadowheart asked, alluding to the punching incident. 
“We’ll be fine.” you reassured her, giving her shoulder a light squeeze. 
“Well we best be off. Want anything from the merchant?” Karlach asked.
“I’d love a book or two if you could find any for cheap.” you asked shyly, “I’ll pay you back when I can.”
Karlach shook her head, “No need, books it is! Rest easy soldier!” she said starting to leave camp.
Gale clapped your shoulder before leaving, “Books, eh? A cleric after my own heart.” he smiled.
And just like that, camp was quiet aside from the occasional bird. You elected to change into a different pair of small clothes. A simple black, flowy long sleeve. Much too large for you but that's what made it so comfy. Slipping on a new pair of under shorts you hauled your dirty clothes and armor to the streamside. You trudged back up the hill to grab your phone. So far it hasn’t needed to be enchanted again, it has yet to fall below 100%. You peered into Astarion’s tent as you walked past it, he was still asleep (meditating?), best to leave him alone. 
Returning to the stream with your phone you started to play music. The soft beats of Cooks by Still Woozy bumped along as you softly sang to it, cleaning your clothes and armor. 
Astarion watched you walk up and down the hill to the stream twice, acting asleep when you peered into his tent. He snuck down the hill, grabbing two bright red apples before standing a few feet behind you. The music you listened to was strange, nothing like he had heard before. Your world must have been strange. He made his way to you, shifting the rocks as he walked so he wouldn’t startle you. You looked up at him, a smile graced your face that would put the sun to shame. His rare doe eyes made an appearance along with a genuine smirk. Nothing seductive or tricky about it, just unhideable glee. He felt so wrong and yet so right being this happy with another person. Most of all he felt confused, unsure of how to proceed with all these new feelings that accompanied freedom. He pushed the anxiety to the back of his mind, silently holding out one of the apples to you. You gently put your armor down, wiping your wet hands on your shirt quickly before taking the fruit. 
“Thank you.” you smiled at him before motioning for him to sit with you as you took a bite. Astarion sat with his back against the tree you had hung your clothes on to dry. His feet next to your legs as you sat criss cross fully facing him. He ate a few bites of his apple before looking into your eyes.
“What?” he asked, he had felt you staring at him.
“Sorry! I just… I didn’t know vampires could eat real food.” you tried to say casually, finding your apple to be most interesting in the moment as you stared at it in your lap.
He chuckled, “We need blood to survive but we can still imbibe in the pleasures of mortals.”
You nodded, giving a short chuckle of embarrassment. 
Astarion bent his head a little to catch your eyes which you quickly averted. He sighed, “Any other vampiric queries? You must be dying to know…” he smirked his usual taunting smirk at you. 
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable…” you eyed him.
His heart grew two sizes. You cared about his feelings? You weren't going to make him talk if he didn’t want to? You surprised him everyday, and today was no exception. He nodded at you.
“Can you eat garlic?” you asked.
He laughed and looked at you confused, “Are vampires from your world so weak they can be taken out by a vegetable?” 
“Apparently.” you laughed, “How come you can be in the sun?”
“That’s a new development thanks to our little worms. Usually I’d be a pile of ash.” he grimaced at the end. 
You nodded curtly, “Wooden stake to the heart, is that lethal for vampires here?”
“Who wouldn’t that kill?” he asked rhetorically. 
“Good point.” you said finishing your apple before throwing the core into the stream, Astarion doing the same shortly after. “How old are you?”
“230.” he said softly, the air changing into something sour. 
You looked at him empathetically, scooching closer so you could sit next to him. Hesitantly you softly grabbed his hand, giving him every opportunity to pull away. He watched you trace his knuckles, veins, tendons, etc. You spoke softly as you interlaced your fingers, “People often speak in riddles when trying to comfort others… but the pain you’ve endured. All I can say is I’m so sorry Astarion. So very sorry.” You gently kissed the back of his hand before continuing to trace his veins.
He nodded and looked down to hide the stray tear that threatened to spill. He squeezed your hand before letting it go. “Would you like to do something fun?” he asked suddenly.
You pulled your hand back, missing his touch already all the while suppressing any urges to crave intimacy with him. “Absolutely! It seems we have the camp to ourselves today, no better time to do something fun.” you smiled at him standing up. You moved your armor to a large rock so everything could start drying. Astarion walked to his tent and you followed. He turned to you after digging in his supply pack for a moment. He held a rectangular bottle with a dazzling gold liquid swirling about inside. 
“Elixir of Folly.” he said, handing it to you. You inspected the bottle before popping the lid open. A few random sparkles fizzled out before you brought the bottle to your nose, it smelled like vanilla and death. You quickly pulled it back from your face. Astarion laughed at your reaction. He gently took the open bottle from you.
“Don’t worry, a little death is what makes this so fun. You’ll be fine I promise.” he said before drinking half the bottle. He handed the rest to you, waiting to see if you trusted him enough to try it. You took the bottle, “Cheers?” you said quizzically before gulping down the drink. You didn’t feel any different.
“So… what does it do? Make you happy or something?” you asked, sitting on his bedroll. He sat next to you knocking your shoulder with his playfully. 
“Euphoric is a better term. Let's just say this potion is for… recreational use.” He could feel a gentle warmth engulf him. His brain felt fuzzy and everything seemed full of wonder. A gentle smile laid on his face as his eyes glossed over.
You felt the same sensations, “I’m sorry but did we just do drugs? Magical drugs?” you said with a slight panic to your voice. 
“Darling, with all due respect, shut up and enjoy just this once. Please?” he sighed.
You put your hands up in surrender, “Alright, I trust you.” 
His eyes widened a bit, the soft glow around you surely proved you were an angel. A stupid idea really, to trust him. And yet, all he could feel was pride and joy at the fact that you trusted him and wanted to protect him. He would never admit it, not even to himself, but he trusted you too. Is this what it feels like to be cared for? You let out a long sigh, pulling him from his thoughts. He watched you shift so your whole body was laying in the pleasant sunlight. You stretched, reminding him of a cat on a sunny day. Your hand flew up, eyes still closed. He looked at your hand before taking it. You yanked him down so he was laying next to you in the sun. He quickly relaxed, stretching and making himself comfortable in the sun. He watched you, memorizing your face while it was blissed out. 
“Ya know,” you began softly, keeping your eyes shut “I never do this in my world. I feel like I belong to the dark there. It's… lonely and… miserable if I’m honest. I like being here with you. With all of you. I don’t even know if I want to go back.” you hummed, a little smile never leaving your face. 
What Astarion neglected to tell you was that Elixir of Folly was known for loosening tongues and dropping guards as well as its euphoric side effects. He really had no ill intentions, he really did just want to have fun with you. But he couldn’t help but hope for exactly what was happening, you dropping your guard enough for him to probe. 
“You don’t want to go home?” he asked, gently brushing a piece of hair out of your closed eyes. 
Your eyes fluttered open, you turned on your side so you were facing him. You softly took his hand that brushed your hair away, holding it to your cheek and rubbing your thumb over his knuckles repeatedly. “If I’m honest… it never felt like home. I was stuck doing the same mundane thing over and over again every day… it made life… melancholic.” you sighed, looking down sadly. It's true, life wasn’t easier before all this happened to you. Drowning in bills, fighting depression, being alone. Maybe that's why you thought so little of going home. You don’t really want to go back, but you should… shouldn’t you? The longer you stayed in Baldur’s Gate the less you missed your old life, the less you remembered it. 
Astarion hummed, rubbing his thumb over your cheek bone. “Really? No lovers are going to miss you terribly?” he asked.
You let out a huff that was almost a chuckle, “I haven’t had a lover in quite some time.” you replied.
“Oh? And why’s that?” he said quietly shifting ever so slightly closer to you.
“I was tired of being used. I’d rather have nothing than be used like a collection of parts for somebody else.” you paused for a moment before flicking your eyes to his momentarily, “I’d live 1000 lifetimes alone if it meant I got to have one love. One true love. But… I don’t know if I was made to be loved. I think I was made to love others. To look after everyone else and make sure they feel okay. Some people are just born with tragedy in their blood I suppose.” you sighed. 
“I understand,” he whispered. Trying to change the mood he quickly asked, “What’s your favorite color?”
You giggled at his ungraceful change of topic but let it slide, “Black.” you replied.
“Favorite book?”
“A Portrait of Dorian Grey.” you said quickly. “Behind every exquisite thing that existed, there was something tragic.” you quoted aloud.
Astarion smiled, he liked that you enjoyed reading. Even more impressive that you could recall quotes from the book so easily. He felt the quote sink into his mind, thinking how something tragic must be behind you just as there is for him. 
“A secret?” he asked hesitantly, looking at you.
“I like you a lot. Even when you didn’t like me. It made me so sad you didn’t like me. It made me even sadder when you wanted to have sex because I know you don’t want to.” you rattled off, sounding progressively more sleepy and unfocused. 
Astarion’s chest gave a squeeze, “How did you know I didn’t want to?”
“I know what it’s like to have someone do things to your body that you don’t want. I also know what it’s like to feel like you owe someone your body. Both are wretched feelings. I could see them in your eyes. I’d never want to hurt you, especially like that.” you mumbled, unconsciously snuggling yourself into his chest as you drifted off to sleep. 
Astarion let this tear slip down his face. He listened to your even heartbeat, he watched the hypnotic rise and fall of your chest. He held you while you slept until he too started to feel drowsy.
“I’m going to fall for you and it will kill me 1000 times over when you inevitably leave.” he whispered to nobody in particular, slipping into a dreamless sleep. 
Karlach and everyone else went back to their tents as soon as they all came back. Everyone was exhausted from having to walk two towns over since the usual merchant wasn’t in town today. She walked past Astarion’s tent with little care until she noticed four feet just barely peeking outside of the tent flap. Her curiosity got the better of her and she opened the tent flap slightly. Her fiery heart jolted with happiness. The two of you lost in slumber and each other's arms. Karlach silently took your phone from next to you, she took a picture of the two of you. She had come to love your phone, especially after she learned how to take selfies. Gently plopping the phone back down next to you, she backed away from the tent. 
You awoke to the ghosting of a hand rubbing soft circles on your exposed hip and lower back. Fluttering your eyes open, you were met with Astarion’s ruby eyes. You jolted back a little, the feeling of the elixir completely gone. You tried to scoot away but he held you in place. 
“I’m sorry, I’ll go…” you said, again trying to leave. You couldn’t believe you fell asleep on the one person who didn’t need the pressure or even the innuendo of intimacy. 
“Stay?” Astarion asked hopefully, readjusting his grip on your hip so he could pull you back to him. 
“Astarion stop, you don’t have to..” you looked at him with a fragile gaze. 
“But what if I want to?” he said against your lips as he finally pulled you flush to him, in the softest tone you’d ever heard him utter. His eyes looked between your lips and eyes repeatedly, asking an unspoken question. 
You wish you could. Gods you do. But you couldn’t tell if this was real, or if he had ulterior motives. Your eyes grew sad as you placed your hand on his chest, putting space between the two of you. 
“We shouldn’t.” you said painfully. 
Astarion felt a pang in his chest, not the good kind. Did you not feel the air grow thick and sweet whenever you two were alone? He shifted his gaze downwards feeling hurt but determined not to show it.
He cleared his throat before swiftly pulling away and getting up, “We should join the others, I can smell whatever they’re roasting out there.” He helped you up with one arm. 
Truth be told, your heart hurt just as much as his unbeating one. You wanted so badly to touch him, to feel him, to know him in every way. The last few weeks you have been together have brought you so much closer and every day you fell more and more for the pale elf. You’d never say it was love stirring inside you. Not out loud at least. 
The group quickly took to drinking when a new companion came to camp that night. Halsin had finally returned. You introduced yourself and found yourself drinking with the friendly druid like you were old friends. You had quite the green thumb back home, plants covered your home wall to wall. You two talked about nature endlessly and before you knew it, you felt drunk. Karlach had started to play music on your phone a while ago, everyone had come to like having the music going during supper. Astarion sat on the adjacent log at the campfire, unusually quiet beside Karlach. He watched you light up for the druid. Has he misread everything between you two over the past few weeks? 
A particularly lively song came on, Allegro by Antonio Vivaldi. Halsin stood, extending his hand to you. You looked at him, your cheeks warming “I… I’m sorry… I don’t exactly know how to dance to this type of music.” 
“Where better to learn than among friends?” he declared pulling you up and to the side of the campfire. 
Halsin was patient. He taught you the most simple waltz, or what you could call a waltz in your state. You giggled and smiled, it was infectious. Everyone seemed to enjoy the sight. Everyone except Astarion who huffed and walked back to his tent after the third song had passed. He couldn’t bear to watch you grow close to another. The way Halsin put his hands on you so gently. Could he ever do such a thing? To watch someone else end up with someone he wanted so desperately. So purely. It left an awful taste in his mouth and a wrenching in his heart.
You spun around and finished your dance. Out of breath you thanked Halsin for the lovely dances before excusing yourself and trotting after Astarion.
You knocked lightly on the tent post. Astarion hummed, expecting another one of your companions perhaps. You entered his tent and he tutted looking away from you. 
“What?” he said sharply.
“I wanted to check on you… why’d you leave?” you said shifting from foot to foot, his tone making you feel uneasy.
“Oh you noticed? I thought you’d be in Halsin’s bed by now.” the venom in his voice made you cringe, stepping back from him.
“What? Why would you think that? I just met him tonight?” you sounded confused.
“Like that would stop you.” He said standing up, moving to walk past you.
You ignored the way you felt your eyes getting misty, putting your hand against his chest making him stop and look at you. “You’re being hurtful. Why?” you asked.
He sighed, the last time he tried this approach it got him punched so he might as well attempt to talk to you about his feelings. If he could manage it.
“Why didn’t you kiss me?” he whispered, his own eyes misting. 
You bit your lip before responding truthfully, “Because I don’t know if you truly want it. Or if you’re trying to use me. I… I can't do that again, Astarion. I won't.” you paused, taking in a shaky breath “And I won't let you use yourself to get something from me. You need but ask and I will do as you ask without hesitation.”
“Kiss me then.” he asked, his eyes big and pleading.
You looked down, shaking your head. You let the tears fall but did your best to keep quiet so Astarion didn’t hear you breaking. You crumbled to the ground, the weight of everything sinking you. Astarion descended with you. He looked so soft, so concerned. So unlike the snooty jerk you initially met. 
“Can I tell you a secret?” he asked, taking your hand, tracing your knuckles, veins, tendons, etc. “You could cut me down and I’d ask you to do it again. Everything with you feels unlike anything else. It drives me mad honestly.” His admission shocked you, you went to reply before he spoke again, “And yet, I seek you out every day because whatever you have poisoned me with… it's as if you are the antidote. I cannot breathe when you are not near. I rise and rest with my thoughts being overwhelmed by you.” he sighed shakily. 
You looked at him, absolutely gobsmacked. Your tears hadn’t ceased; Astarion raised his hand hesitantly before deciding to beg forgiveness instead of asking permission before he wiped your cheeks with his thumb. He held your face in his palm, the lump in his throat growing with each passing moment. 
“I want you. That is my choice, that is my decision, those are my feelings. And if you won’t have me just say the -” Astarion’s preparation for rejection caught in his throat when you consumed him in the most feather light kiss. Your hands shook as you gingerly held his face, ever so lightly deepening the kiss. You pulled back slightly, eyeing him for a reaction. His eyes were closed, he had a smile on his lips, and his tongue darted out to taste yourself on him. 
“Can I do that again?” you ask barely above a whisper. He was captivating. His lips tasted like brandy and you could get lost in them forever. 
“As you wish.” he said, opening his eyes. Pulling you to him so that you straddled him. He felt you tense above him, not putting your weight on him. “We can stop if either of us feels anything besides pleasure.” he assured you as he held your face with one hand and your hip with another. He looked so calm, as if this is right where he wanted to be. You settled yourself in his lap quickly before going back to his lips. You moved them hesitantly before he kissed you with so much passion it made your head spin. The kiss quickly turned into a battle for dominance but it was no surprise that the man with 200 years experience over you won. Astarion moved to lay you down, you felt his hands roam your body. He kissed your jaw, moving down to your neck, then your collar bones. His fingers gently untied the laces of your shirt. 
You went rigid.
Is what rang out in his mind. He quickly pulled off of you, glancing you over to see if he had somehow hurt you. 
“I’m sorry…” you whispered, pulling your shirt together. “Can we… not do anything more?” 
Astarion’s worry faded into understanding, “Of course.” he smiled as he pulled off of you. “Could I be so bold as to ask you to stay? Just to sleep!” he quickly clarified.
You smiled up at him, your erratic heartbeat already returning to normal. “I’d love to.” you said as you shifted yourself on his bedroll. 
He laid next to you gently, pulling a silken blanket over the two of you. Of course he had a silk blanket for sleeping on the ground. You chuckled to yourself at the thought. You curled into his chest once again, falling asleep all too quickly. Astarion ran his fingers through your hair, he kissed your forehead one final time before closing his eyes, preparing for sleep to take him.
“To the beginning of my end.” he cheers’ed himself.
Hello! Some not awesome stuff happened in life recently, so I thought I'd write a bit. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Next chapter might have some NSFW stuff in it. What do you think? Please let me know if there is anything you'd like to see in the story or suggestions you may have. I love getting comments! Thanks for reading! <3
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Bloody Hell of a Mess
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
“Oh my god you're bleeding. How the hell did you do that?”
“I was trying to cut the tomatoes!”
Warnings: Gash/Blood
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"Oh my god you're bleeding!," Natasha shrieks as she enters the kitchen to find you hovering your injured hand over the sink., "How the hell did you do that?," she continues while making her way over to assess the damages, and she's nearly fainting as she takes note of the deep gash, her eyes quickly bore into yours next, effectively making you nervously shriek out a response., "I was trying to cut the tomatoes!"
Natasha's brows furrow while her hands take a fresh dish towel to apply the necessary pressure to your bleeding wound. The pain is rather blinding, causing you to slightly sway in your spot, and that's when Natasha uses her other hand to stabilize your body., "Y/N.," she calmly mutters your name, you look up to her nervously as you're unsure what Natasha you are about to get here., "Why were you cutting the tomatoes and not Wanda or Bucky? You know, the ones who actually cook dinner here."
"I-I was trying to help Wanda, she seemed stressed, and so I offered to be her sous chef.," you mumbled your answer so quietly that the redhead hardly heard you., "Come again?," you looked up to her with your lip trapped between your teeth, and her surface level anger melted at the adorable sight of your nervous state., "Detka, you know there's a reason you're not one of the chef's here.," she softly cooed before swiftly pecking at your lips to get you to release your lower lip., "That reason being your stunning ability to burn water, and apparently now to chop your hand up along with the tomatoes.," she chuckled when you tried to lean away from her, the embarrassment clear as day on your face., "Natty, it was one time."
"One time is too many.," she reasons while pulling your body closer to hers, and you can see the genuine concern she carried for you beneath her usually guarded eyes, "Let's get you to Bruce now, then if you're good we can cuddle in bed until you're feeling better.," you sighed, knowing that fighting her would get you nowhere so you nodded your acceptance.
Wanda then entered the kitchen at the worst time, approaching the cut tomatoes and shrieking at the sight of your blood all over. Natasha was quick to stop you from talking, the need to keep you focused on your hand was imminent., "Hey Wands, use the black card to just order takeout tonight, Y/N here was given privileges she never should've been.," the witch grimaced once she took in the sight of you, the way you looked of a wounded puppy made her heart skip, and she also found Natasha's calm to be nothing to take for granted., "Sounds good to me, I'll just clean this up and order some Chinese food since it's your guys favorite.," Natasha smirked at the relative easiness of the situation, knowing good and well that even if Wanda would win in a fight, she was still fearful of the former assassin.
Wanda sent you an apologetic smile when you walked by her sniffling, the bloodied towel a reminder to never you near the knives again. Natasha was also quick to whisper said reminder to her, the softness in her voice was a faux offer of comfort, because the truth in her words was that the witch got off lucky this time. Natasha escorted you to Bruce, who with one silent nod from the redhead knew to get to work on fixing you up. She held your good hand, allowing you to squeeze hers whenever a stitch was too much to bare, and she kept her comments to herself about how soft you were.
After all was said and done you were her precious little baby, a fierce avenger by day, but by nightfall you were a soft little cuddle bug. Every time you’d inevitably come home injured she’d revel in the cuddling to come after she knew you were going to be okay. So just as soon as Bruce gave you the all clear she was carrying you out of the medbay bridal style. Passing the kitchen she expertly grabbed the bag being extended her way, and carried you along with the takeout up to your shared room.
Natasha settled you on the bed, stopping briefly to kiss your cheeks since you whined at the loss of her warmth. The adorable pout you wore always warmed her heart, knowing that she brought you as much comfort as she did never failed to make her feel contentment. Loving you had been by far her favorite thing that life ever threw her way, so as she held you close, scooping your go to chow mein into your mouth, she thanked the world for another day that she got to spend cherishing your life.
808 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 😍
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ghouljams · 5 months
Ghoul, I have a question.
I always see people describing the CoD guys as « knowing what they want », and a lot of readers are also described like that. Not that it is wrong, on the contrary, I like it a lot, because I’m not really confident myself (even though I try real hard to be) and it throws me into a world where I am. It allows me to dream.
But the thing is, I keep wondering if some of the guys would actually like someone like me, who is always unsure, hesitating, who takes time to decide for absolutely everything. Who’s extremely shy to the point of getting really anxious around people, and who has no idea of how relationships work. Who does everything to give and never know how to take without being embarrassed and feeling like I don’t deserve it, who sees others taking advantage of it and runs away even further from people every time it happens. I try to overcome all of this, but there’s no real progress, and I genuinely think the CoD guys would end up being frustrated with me, or bored, or both. Or that they would even be interested in me in the first place.
I’m not trying to vent or anything, but it’s just that you portray every character so well (yours too, I love them so much) that I was wondering what your thoughts would be about this ?
Anon I will answer this for you person to person and not as a writer.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you which darling would be nervous like you, which CoD boy would be patient, because at the end of it all these people do not exist and we can make them do whatever we want. I am going to tell you that anyone who loves you and wants to know you will understand and accommodate your nerves. Sex is a conversation, whether you know what you want or don't. Your partner should provide a safe space for you to try things out and decide what you do or don't like, they should be there to boost you up not shame you for your indecision.
Hesitation is natural, needing time to decide is not a bad thing. If the person you're trying to sleep with gets frustrated with you then you should not be sleeping with them. Sex is fun but it's also vulnerable, you should feel comfortable enough to voice your opinions to your partner and know that they'll talk it out with you.
In my own show of Ghoul vulnerability, I struggle a lot with feeling like I deserve the things I get. The space that I occupy feels like something I need to justify, I'm constantly afraid that I'm too much or that my desires/needs will be a bother to the people around me. I spent my whole childhood being pushed aside and told that my needs didn't matter, and that no one had time for me, and it left wounds that I will probably never heal from. But let me tell you right now: We both deserve to take up space, to be people, and to get the same things that others do. There's nothing that either of us have to do to justify our existence or our right to the things we want.
I truly suggest looking into therapy or finding a friend that you can talk about this with. Being selfish is one of the best things you can do for yourself. And if you feel like you're too scared to do it, do it scared. I don't believe that you don't know what you want, even if it's just knowing what you want to try. I do think you've forced yourself to push it aside or rationalize it away, and same, but that doesn't mean my desires aren't in me somewhere. We all know what we want, it's just a matter or articulating it.
All my love darling, I wish you the best.
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itsabouttimex2 · 1 month
Just finished reading new chapter and I'm still not over how seamless yet clear are the transitions between memories. Genuinely with how naturally you reveal information about characters i have to sometimes go double check to make sure I'm not making stuff up.
But before i prate for too long - I came back to throw some more thoughts about part 5 at the wall and see what sticks:
- I assume Y/n's bookmark is the same piece of scarf Macaque used to bandage them. (Please tell me they washed and disinfected it thoroughly) (if not my condolences to MK). I'm guessing if we went with other master it would be piece of Nezha ribbon or a snippet of Wukong's headdress (maybe cape?)
- In part two it's said that our book has anatomical illustrations + pages pointing out weaknesses so I'm assuming that's what Savage and Rumble are after. (And Macaque too since he didn't try to stop them + distracted y/n with mooncakes and question instead. Or maybe he just doesn't care and sees it as a opportunity to manipulate his student further? Honestly not sure)
- Really looking forward to more information about the book and who gave it to Y/n!! In comments under part three you mention Tang pointing out that y/n's version of jttw had been altered but I'm unsure whenever that's also canon in this version of the story? If it is, my suspicions towards the gifter are doubled.
I don't want to make ask too long so i will cut it here. Hopefully this one has less typos than the previous one. I'm very glad you don't mind my rants about your work! Thanks for the food as always and i hope your pillow is cold on both sides every night! :]
Aahhh! I love getting your comments so much! It’s incredibly very heartening for me, and I appreciate it so much! I was honestly a little worried when I started writing it, but all the support from this community has been so incredibly wonderful! I’m really glad I decided to go through with it!
Uh, mild, mild spoilers for A Brand New Journey underneath? I’m not even sure they count. Also info on unchosen routes.
That’s exactly right! Y/N keeps little mementos of the things they cherish, and couldn’t bring themselves to to throw the cloth away- and started using it as a bookmark instead! It’s been cleaned top to bottom, which is part of why it’s tattered by now.
Wukong would’ve torn half of his headdress to pieces, regardless of how valuable that fabric was. (In his scenario, the reader would’ve been his bio child. He was planned to be pretty doting!) The Great Sage was sort of a helicopter parent, constantly checking in with clones and astral projection.
And given that Ne Zha’s scenario had Y/N as the “Fourth Lotus Child”, he was explicitly their older brother- and incredibly protective of them! He actually was going to shred his armillary sash to patch their wounds- that’s how devoted he was to their safety.
As for the book… Macaque gave it to them! Rumble and Savage made the illustrations themselves, cause heavens know that Mac couldn’t have drawn them. They’re basically big brothers trying to keep their baby sibling from getting into trouble. I wrote up miniature characters sheets for these two, actually!
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Yes, the book is doctored! Macaque only wants his student knowing so much, after all. I don’t think the parts he changed are too hard to guess, haha!
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404writes · 2 years
Scars - (Carl Grimes)
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Masterlist !! Taglist !!
Summary: Reader helps Carl clean his eye wound after discovering he couldn't bring himself to do it.
Word Count: 1.3k Pairing: None A/N: Forewarning, this story is very conversation heavy, tbh I wrote it for myself so I wasn't really thinking about that stuff. Hope you enjoy anyways! -S404 !! Trigger Warning: Mention of scars (Presumed but not mentioned that they're the result of physical abuse) !!
You open the door to the Grimes’ house to see Michonne smiling and Judith bubbling away in the kitchen, both organising the pantry. “Hey Y/N! what can I do for you?” Michonne called out, diverting her attention from Judith and her shenanigans. “Not much today, I was just here to see if Carl was home? I haven't seen him around today,” you felt bad, coming for him and no one else. “Oh yeah! He’s up in his room, don’t know exactly what he’s up to right now though,” Michonne tried to respond whilst stopping Judith from eating raw ingredients. “Thanks Michonne, we’ve gotta catch up properly sometime soon, I feel as if I don’t see enough of you anymore.” It was true, you spent most of your time out on runs or with Carl. Michonne was one of your best friends, and you saw less and less of her every day. “Yeah definitely Y/N, maybe sometime next week, I'll leave Judy with Olivia and we can have a coffee!” Michonne replied, enthusiastic. “Sounds great, I’ll be on my way now but let me know when you have that free day.” You felt as though you were disrupting something, as Judith continued to cause havoc for Michonne to attempt to prevent.
“See ya Y/N!" Michonne cheered from her position in the kitchen. “Bye Michonne! Bye Judith!” You said, waving and blowing raspberries at the 4 year old.
You swiftly walked up the stairs, making your way to the door of the Grimes you know best. Approaching the vacantly silent room you knock. “It’s me!” You call out although unnecessary, he’d open the door even if he didn't recognise your voice. “Yeah, uh, come in.” You take the offer and open the door. Seeing the empty-presenced room, you follow through to the bathroom, leaning on the door frame, looking at the familiar face in the mirror. Just as a smile begins to form on your face, you see the distress on the one in front of you. “Oh, not a good day?” You ask, your brows furrowing just enough for the three lines he loved so much (for a reason unknown to man) to appear. “You could say that.” He said, avoiding eye contact. “Talk to me, Mr Grimes.” You venture, leering for an answer. “It’s nothing much, just some dust and dirt got under the bandage. Now I have to clean it to 'avoid infection' or something, that's what Carson said." It may have been a satisfactory answer, but you knew better than that. “So- What’s so bad about that?” You ask, becoming more curious than sympathetic. “I just uh, I don’t think I can look at myself with it off-” He finally gave in. “Oh.” You replied, unsure of what to say, not having given any prior thought to the fact he might have felt that way.
~ A few moments passed before you had collected yourself enough to speak again. “How long have you been staring in that mirror for?” You ask. Still curious, but feeling immense pity for the boy. He turns around to look at you, appearing defeated, “too long.” “I could do it for you if you’d like, away from the mirror?” You offered your help. “I couldn’t ask you to do that.” He replied with a sense of urgency. You couldn't tell if he was rejecting your help because he genuinely thought it was something you shouldn't have to do or see, or if he just didn't want to open up to the vulnerability of the process. “Yes you could. It’s still bothering you isn’t it? Taking it off?” You urged.  “I don’t know. I’ve just, never really taken it off for anyone before,” he replied, becoming more open by the second. You were aware he was uncomfortable having his missing eye visible to other people, even you hadn't ever really seen it before. However you weren't aware the problem stemmed this far back, had he even seen it off before? “You wouldn’t be taking it off for me. Plus, it needs to be cleaned, that’s not really an optional thing.” You sought his approval, longing for him to find the smallest bit of inner peace. Maybe allowing a sense of vulnerability would do some good for him. “Alright.” The single word brought you an intense wave of relief. “Okay, just sit on the bed, I’ll grab the cleaning stuff.” You walked into the bathroom as he walked out, grabbing the bag of things that were sitting idle before you had touched them. You came out, put the bag down on the side table, pulled a wheelie chair over, and gazed at the boy in front of you. ~
“Tell me if I need to stop. No exceptions.” You pleaded, to which he nodded. You started to brush the hair from his face, deeply analysing the insecurity his features wallowed in. Like painting porcelain, you took to the bandage with the most gentle of touches, slowly unwrapping in a way not to bring suspense, but in hopes to make the boy feel secure. As the last of the bandage came undone a single tear fell from Carl’s face. Not in any way prolonging the process, you picked up some damp cloth and began to clean, as the boy continued to weep. “You know, everyone has scars. I’m not going to give you one of those talks about how you should be proud of it, and wear it with that pride, because that’d be complete bullshit. As I was saying though, everyone has scars, some are larger, and some are easier to hide. But none of us want to wear them, and all of us feel just as vulnerable and exposed when they’re all we wear. I just don’t know why we give them that power.” It's something you'd been thinking about for a while. You looked into the boy’s remaining eye to see it staring back, you hoped that he resonated with your words. “I’ve seen yours.” The three words momentarily paralysed you. Gaining back your composure, you replied, “figured.” His brow drooped. “Sorry, I thought you should know… Why do you hide them?” He was distracted, good. “They aren’t me.” You responded, finishing up the cleaning. “Anyways, you should probably let air get to that for a few hours at least. Did Rick bring you back any new comics on his last run?” You asked, genuinely curious. “Yeah, he found the one I was missing from that Marvel series, and he brought back another series I reckon you’ll like.” A slight smile was forming at the cracks of his mouth. “Well indulge me then, let’s read.” You stood up from the chair and shifted to the bed.
“Alright we should probably get a bandage back over that eye about now.” You declared. Standing up from where you sat, the boy subtly looked at you up and down. You walked into the bathroom to fetch a new bandage for him, “Y/N, can I ask you a question?” Carl ventured. You walked out, sat again on the wheelie chair, and pulled your body closer to his, so much that your legs were touching. “Yeah what’s up?” You replied, beginning to work. “How does it look?” All his focus was on you. “Well to be honest, I think it looks totally kick-ass and banging at best. It’s a cool scar, and it has a lot of story to tell. I get why you’re insecure about it though, can’t blame you. I just hope you come around to it at some point.” You wanted to say that for a long time, but never wanted to make him feel uncomfortable. He smiled “You really think so?” You smiled too “Yeah, I do.”
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canibeyoungforever · 1 year
👋🏻 Hii
I loved your fic where Neymar had a daughter so i was wondering if i could request another one but where he’s out celebrating a friends birthday with all the PSG players and he receives a call saying that his daughter and her friends were in a car crash, like her friends were driving she wasn’t but a car crash into their car and into her side so she got injured the most and so Neymar’s friends took him to the hospital and they wait with him, you can decide how to end it, please and thank you 🙏
a/n:thank you so much for your request <33 i wrote it while listening this song so i suggest you to listen to it while reading it tell me what you think afterwards
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Neymar Jr Imagines: Blessing in disguise
Neymar Jr was a person who couldn’t care less about other people’s opinions,but not when it came to his daughter.She was his only child and he always thought his blessing in disguise.
After entering fatherhood even if it was unexpected he finally understood.He finally understood what everyone told him and how you could love someone that much,even more than yourself.
"So how’s Y/n Neymar?" Achraf ask "She just got into this photography school and i see that she love it.So,if she’s happy, i’m happy." "That’s great honestly" Your phone start ringing "Who is it at 2 am?" Kylian ask "I don’t know dude.." You answer,unsure.
"Allô?" "Are you Mister Neymar Jr Da Silva Santos?" A woman say "Yeah?Who are you?" "Nurse Nic Neville from the Chastain Memorial Hospital" "What- What’s going on?"
"Your daughter Y/n was just admitted in the emergency department of our hospital" "What happened?" You ask so worried. "She was the victim of a car crash" "Is she okay?" "I couldn’t tell you our doctors are taking care of her right now she was admitted in a serious condition so it will be better if you’re coming right now."
"Of course what is- what hospital again?" "Chastain i’ll wait for you at the reception" She say "Okay okay thank you" You finish the call and pack all your stuffs "Yo dude what’s going on?" Sergio ask "Y/n she’s hurt- in the hospital- all alone.I need to go..I need to go.." You finish your sentence in tears "We’re all coming with you man don’t worry" Kylian say
A couple of minutes later all of you arrive at the hospital "Mister Da Silva!" You turn around and see a woman halfway into a corridor. You go toward the woman "Yeah you’re the woman i was in the phone with?" "Yeah"
"Come with me" You arrive in front of a room
"You can all wait here the doctors are going to come on in a few minutes.They just need to hook up her to medical machines, get her into bed and all that." The nurse explain. "But do you know if she’s okay?" You ask.
"I just know that she was able to be admitted to block to be operated so that means she was stabilized and that’s good news" "I’m so sorry i really have to go" She explain. "Yeah yeah thank you so much" You say. "Don’t worry."
1 minute.
5 minutes..
10 minutes…
15 minutes….
30 minutes…..
The door finally open on two doctors:
"Mister Da Silva come in"
You enter and when you see Y/n "asleep" in some ways. You can’t stop yourself from bursting into tears.
"No no no it’s not as bad as it look"
"I am the doctor Austin i’m a surgeon"
"And i’m doctor Hawkins"
"What happened?" You ask
"Your daughter was victim of a pile-up and as the people who arrived first told us one of them crashed right into her side." Doctor Hawkins explain "That’s why it looks that bad but it’s not really that bad."
"She has a broken arm and a broken leg but also a concussion." "About internal injury she only had one wound which i took care of." Doctor Austin say
"So why is she asleep? Like in a coma?" You ask genuinely worried. "It’s not a comas. She is just sedated but she will wake up in a few hours" Doctor Austin say
"So she will be okay?" You ask tears in your eyes
"She will get a long recovery but yes,she will be okay." You breathe deeply,relieved.
The two doctors leave the room and you sit on a chair next to your daughter
"Mi corazon" "What would i ever do without you?" You say smiling
A few hours later sleep takes over you
The moon leave and the sun rises
"La lune."
You turn around thinking you hallucinated but no it’s real you see Y/n awake
"Hi" You say crying
"Hello Papai" She say smiling
"Don’t ever scare me again like that" You beg
"I promise."
a/n:i tried to do it like you all wanted to please tell me what you think and if it’s okay like that i’ll keep doing it that way for the other imagines english is not my first language
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hwnglx · 1 year
Could u do a reading for sunoo and niki relationship ? 🙏
sunoo and niki's dynamic based on tarot, take it with a grain of salt
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how was their dynamic in the past?
kingofsw, aceofc, world, 3ofc
their dynamic seemed to have been more work-based in the beginning stages. they were colleagues and respected each other, it was fine. they started gaining a strong bond with each other as some time went by. i'm getting lot of trust and harmony between them, the existence of the other fulfilled them in a way. niki completed what sunoo lacked and vice versa. really beautiful and loving dynamic, very wholesome. they truly enjoyed each others company and felt comfortable with one another, shared many fun times together. they were precious friends who believed in one another no matter what.
how did niki feel towards sunoo in the past?
world, 8ofw, moon&devil, empr, 3ofcrx+highpr
awe. niki felt whole whenever he was around sunoo. it's almost like sunoo was the friend he never knew he needed. he brought a lot of harmony in his life, i'm getting a lot of grateful feelings. "i'm so happy you're here." is what i keep hearing. however, he felt like things turned toxic too quickly. sunoo started becoming too secretive, hid his feelings from not just niki but everyone, stopped engaging with him. niki never stopped deeply caring for sunoo, even during this period. but he felt distant and had problems getting close again. he couldn't figure sunoo out at all.
how did sunoo feel towards niki in the past?
strength, magicrx, 3ofsw, knofsw, 10ofw, death, 4ofc
although sunoo received a lot of strength from niki in the beginning, i think he felt like there were problems and blocks in their communication from the start. he had difficulties and lacked confidence to really express himself in an open and honest way. there seemed to have been a period in which niki got too harsh with his words out of immaturity. sunoo felt immensely hurt. he thought niki was being reckless, impulsive and inconsiderate. those wounds truly weighed on sunoo, as this caused a major change in his feelings towards niki. i think he really hated showing how hurt he actually was and preferred to act indifferent. he wanted to protect his heart.
how does niki feel towards sunoo now?
7ofsw&pagofp, 8ofc, 8ofw, 5ofp, sun, tower
niki is still trying to figure out how to talk to sunoo. he feels awkward, cautious and unsure what to do or say in order to get to his bandmate, since he feels like he's still not communicating with him openly. he knows sunoo is sensitive. he's also very aware of the shift that happened between them, and is genuinely trying to communicate, but it just doesn't seem to work out. there are times in which the two do share some happy and joyful times together and things seem fine, but in the end they somehow end up fighting again and are back at level zero. on and off friendship type of thing. niki feels kinda hopeless in that regard and seems to have accepted that this is the way it'll probably stay for a while. but deep inside he seems to miss the more harmonious old times.
how does sunoo feel towards niki now?
2ofw, temp, pagofp, 8ofc&3ofsw, kingofsw
sunoo's heart is still scarred and wounded, but he's okay with things being the way are now. he realizes him and niki clash way too much in order for there to be any changes at this point. similary to niki, he feels a sense of awkwardness and unresolved tension that'll probably be there for a while, unless the two lay out their honest thoughts in open manner. but they both seem to be very "my way" type of people, so things will probably stay kinda tense and cold for now and sunoo is aware of that. i get "it is what it is" type of vibes. i guess he's glad they don't fight every two working days anymore lol.
how is their dynamic now?
aceofsw, justice, fool, 2ofw, hieroph
i don't think there's any huge grudges but their dynamic definitely isn't how it used to be. it seems like they did manage to balance things out in a way where it doesn't affect their dynamic as group members. since time has passed, they are also able to enjoy some fun and light-hearted times with each other now without holding on to any weight from the past. but they're very much on two different pages now. it's more of a work-related relationship between two colleagues. they do what needs to be done but probably aren't crazy about spending much time together outside their schedules.
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t3a-tan · 1 year
How long did it take for Oliver and James to become friends?
After the third or fourth time of Oliver coming to James specifically the human began considering them friends, but it took Oliver a while to realize what they were. Here's a short interaction to demonstrate when they officially became friends..! ^^
"It's getting late. Do you want to just stay and hang out?" Everytime Oliver appeared it was fast… he came to James, told him what had happened, and then would promptly leave after things were sorted. Despite that, they had a few moments where James felt like they were bonding.
Apparently, that wasn't reciprocated.
Oliver looked up at him with a confused expression. "Stay and hang out? Why? You've already helped me with what I asked." There was no maliciousness or smugness to his tone; genuinely the borrower didn't understand why James would ask such a thing out of nowhere.
"Wh— because we're friends..?" James responded, raising an eyebrow at the borrower's blunt response.
This was the ninth time Oliver had sought out James specifically. He didn't do that with other humans— he checked in with young children every now and then, but with adults he didn't tend to make repeat visits. Despite that, Oliver hadn't really thought much of it. James was nice and helpful, but a friend?
Oliver wasn't exactly sure what a friend was… he knew of them, but he didn't really have any himself. He was too busy working. Why would a human want to be friends with a borrower anyway? Didn't they have human friends?
"Are we?" He hummed. "Sorry, I didn't realize." Oliver bowed his head in apology slightly. James sputtered.
"Y-you didn't?? Wh...but then why do you keep coming back here? You even said you don't team up with other humans..!" James was a little hurt by the realization that Oliver hadn't thought they were friends the entire time. But, at the same time, he knew that Oliver's nature was very intelligent, but socially not very aware.
"It makes the most sense. Going to different adult humans every time poses a significant risk the more I would do it. I trust you, so I come to you instead." Oliver explained, but his stoicism faltered a little when he saw that James seemed to feel hurt by this fact. "I haven't had a friend before. So I apologize if I hurt your feelings… I do value your company." He finished, a little unsure about his own words as this was such new territory for him.
James let out a sigh, collapsing back onto the sofa and staring up at the ceiling. He understood that Oliver was a bit... odd and socially unaware. But he thought it was mutual. He'd help the borrower anyway of course, but it did feel a little sad to have thought they were friends only to be so bluntly told that they weren't.
"I would like to stay, if only a little longer. It would be nice to just talk… rather than working." Oliver insisted. James bristled, then looked over to the tiny man standing upon his coffee table. The words were sincere...Oliver had that determined glint in his eyes that meant he was serious.
And James knew by now that the borrower wasn't a liar.
"You can stay as long as you want, mate. No one else comes to see me anyway…" He hadn't meant to come across as whiny...he was disappointed in the fact that Oliver hadn't been thinking the same thing this whole time. But then again… James knew that with a lot of things Oliver needed a more direct approach, so he knew there was no malice in Oliver's words.
Oliver tilted his head again. "No one? Humans usually have a handful of companions at your age." He remarked, and James dramatically held his heart, acting pained and falling onto his back across the cushions.
"You wound me…" He complained, then relaxed again, looking at the furrowed concern Oliver was showing and chuckling. "I'm fine. Not actually injured… But fuck, Oliver, you can be so brutal with your words sometimes.."
Oliver blinked. "Sorry, did I say something wrong? I didn't realize the topic of friendship was so hurtful. Is it because you're alone even at this age?" He asked, still remaining blunt and unaware of the problem. James couldn't help but let out a laugh, shaking his head.
"No. You aren't wrong… but usually not having any friends makes people feel bad. That's all." He explained. Oliver's expression softened as he nodded, taking note of that information as if James was bestowing some secret knowledge upon him.
"Ah I see. It is quite normal for borrowers to not have friendships outside of family, so we don't find it as upsetting. I didn't mean to offend you." The borrower stated, bowing his head apologetically once more. James waved his hand dismissively.
"It's fine." He assured. Seeing Oliver make a gesture towards one of his hands, James offered it as Oliver had taught him to before, watching as the borrower climbed on. At this point it was routine, and neither James nor Oliver were bothered by the interaction at all. James brought his hand over to the arm of the sofa, letting him step off. "Speaking of... You never talk about your family. What are they like?"
Oliver paused, taking longer than usual to respond…
"I'm a fairly unlucky borrower. My family is all dead. Or...presumed dead in some instances, since I haven't exactly found all the corpses." James was taken aback by the new information, leaning away from Oliver as if being at any comfortable distance was now intrusive. The way he said that...meant he had at least seen some corpses. James swallowed thickly.
"My sister drowned. My mother fell ill, and my father went to go collect herbs to treat her but never returned, so she passed away. I did manage to find his bag, although it was broken, indicating that he had been attacked by an animal of some kind. Probably a fox, based on what I recall…" Oliver explained, as calmly as one would talk about what they had for lunch that day.
"I was ten, so of course I went to live with my aunt and uncle who were indoor borrowers. And everything was fine there. I had two cousins, both about a decade or so younger than me… but I went to visit them a couple years ago only to find that the walls had traces of being broken into, and blood stains in various areas of the old den. I did find my uncle's body discarded outside, though he wasn't in the most recognisable condition, but my cousins and aunt are missing and presumed dead. The likely culprit is one or more humans." He finished, very matter-of-fact.
James was stunned to silence for a few moments.
"Jesus fucking Christ, Oliver. Are you okay?" He asked, shocked and horrified by all that had been just dumped onto him. He was used to Oliver going on random long tangents every now and then, but usually it wasn't this viscerally traumatizing. And yet, Oliver had the audacity to give him a confused look.
"Yes? Why do you ask?"
James sighed exasperatedly, rephrasing his words. "I mean… That sounds really traumatic. I'm surprised you're as calm as you are right now…"
Oliver hummed, a frown appearing on his face. "I look calm on the outside. I struggle with being as expressive as others, but I can assure you, I am upset about the things that happened. However, what happened will remain...I cannot change it. My energy is better spent bettering the lives and safety of others rather than wallowing in despair." His brows furrowed. "I do hope though… that my cousins are alright. Perhaps they are just far away and cannot return to see me. I'd like to think that's the case. Sammy and Tanner were only young, after all."
"I hope so too." James agreed. Silence fell over the two again— the human needed a few moments to process what he had been told. He was even more surprised now that Oliver was so fearless towards humans, knowing that Oliver had actually experienced how bad humans could be. And it kind of made him feel odd in this position… Guilty, despite having had nothing to do with what happened.
"You don't need to feel pity for me." Oliver announced, noticing how quiet and dejected James had become. Every now and then he could be very perceptive— it always startled James when he was. "I'm not triggered by being in the presence of you either. You are a person like me. Just larger. I do not see you as James the human, I see you as just James...my friend."
James caught the slight smile on Oliver's face and he couldn't help but relax. Hearing Oliver say that so directly was nice… He admired the borrower a lot for how he saw the world. It was always surprising when he remembered that Oliver was younger than him— even if it was only a four year difference.
"Glad it's official now." He beamed. "I'll go put the kettle on and then I'm showing you Star Wars..."
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silky-slinky · 2 years
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“It's really not that hard to be nice to people. I don't get why people are such douchebags all the time, Klaus.”
The pads of your feet kept in contact with the bouncy house both of you were in as you stood steadily, occasionally rocking back and forth as Klaus kept jumping up and down, clearly having fun. Children's voices and laughter as the background noise of your neverending rant.
Klaus now stopped abruptly, “they're just like that, Y/n/n. Douchebags.”
Your face scrunched up in sudden confusion as it dawned on you that you never knew how you were in this bouncy house in the first place. No recollection of how or why it happened. Accepting the fact that you were in this bouncy house with Klaus. You never even knew how Klaus got here.
Looking up at his jumping frame, “Klaus?” To which he replied with a happy hum.
“Where are we?”
Klaus still jumping, seemingly never getting tired. A new suspicion of yours. You and Klaus jumping from hours on end, never getting tired? “We're in the Void, babe.”
By now you were sitting down, Klaus was now also sitting down in front of you, the pads of his fingertips making contact with your chin as he made you look up at him. He didn't know how to tell you that you were dead, and of course, he was dead.
“How do I say this.” He says, genuinely unsure how he would tell you that Five had a funeral for you. “You're dead.”
A blow of emotions courses through you, confusion, guilt, and sadness. You had your hunches on how or why you were here with him. But being dead was on the bottom of your list. Not that you had many things on the list of course.
“What about Five?” His face got even more distressed as he thought of the times he saw Five looking scattered or the time when Five announced that you were no longer with them. Klaus knew he would see you again in the afterlife, he saw Reginald, how could he not see you. But of course, it was still different seeing you so happy with his siblings.
“Five has been a wreck without you.”
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The pads of your feet went in contact with the elevator floor. Again, having no recollection of how or why you were now in here, in an elevator.
A ding of an elevator caught their attention. Could there be more of them? The sparrow academy? Sloane perhaps? All their theories were blown out of the picture when you came out. Five couldn't quite believe that you were there, not bloody and had wounds all over, not a slit throat in sight, all in one piece.
As if his feet had a mind of their own, making their way to you. All eyes were on both of you now, confusion on their faces while yours had a wide grin. You could see a few unfamiliar faces, like the girl who had bleached hair and a good-looking guy with a black coat on.
Five's face softened, wiping away the permanent scowl on his face as he looked at you. The palm of his hands on your face as he caressed your cheeks, taking his time to get a good look at you. He's dreamed and hoped for a scenario that was like this, seeing you alive, seeing you happy with him, it overwhelmed him that it was now finally happening.
“Are you-” He breathed out in disbelief. “-real?” His voice was as soft as cotton as he talked to you. A laugh emitted from your throat, Five could melt at finally hearing your laugh.
“Yes, Five. I'm real. Now shut up and kiss me.” Your wish was his command.
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- ★
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berryzawati · 10 months
Rambling about wolnpc....
One of the reasons why I'm so deep into multishipping hell with my wol is that I love genuinely love exploring dynamics with different npcs. FFXIV throws so many awesome npcs at me, how can I just stick with one or two?
Ok, there's also the fact that she fell in love twice and the first time her lover died and the second time, the guy was already dead BUT...
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As far as canon goes Layla had a whirlwind romance with Haurchefant. They fell in love fast and the romance ended just as fast at the Vault. It was a very cliched romance, Haurchefant swept Layla off her feet. Often literally. He was very affectionate with her and often times Layla was a bit shy, especially when they are in public. But she loved him just as much.
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Her love for Ardbert was doomed due to the fact that he was already dead and not from the Source. Ardbert fell in love with Layla during Shadowbringers too but denied his feelings for her until the very end.
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Layla felt like Ardbert was truly her soulmate and often wonders if she would feel similar about the other Azem shards. By then, Layla overcame her timidly and often persued Ardbert romantically and Ardbert was often unsure how to react to her advances - all the while he slowly fell for her. Also I constantly think of newlywed AUs for them lmfao
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Layla and Leofard are friends with benefits but on a non-sexual level, they enjoy each other's company a lot. Leofard understands that Layla comes from a very different background and starts to banter with her accordingly. I call their dynamics charming rogue x graceful, courtly fighter.
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Layla may act as if Leofard's teasing bothered her a little but deep down she appreciates him as a dear, dear companion. Someone who understands that the world is vast and that there is still so much for them to discover...
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When it comes to non-canon ships, I'm afraid this is where my brainrot truly shines. I ship my wol with so many npcs, I sometimes even forget which minor msq/general npc I ship my wol with. It do be like that. Though these days I often think of job/role quest npcs.
As someone who ADORES job quest npcs, I was extremely sad that the stopped doing them in Shadowbringers.
Some of my favorites include:
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Gransonwol. They're both tanks and they both lost a loved one. In my mind, Layla and Granson lick each other's wounds and get closer in the progress. Their personalities don't clash at all and they go well together.
But Granson is from the First and Layla is from the Source. Not only are they griefing but it is hard to deal with physical distance. This often leads to conflicts between them. Will they be able to overcome this? Who knows...
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Oborowol. The first thing I think when I think of Layla and Oboro was how when she became a ninja, Oboro asked her to teach him about the culture of Eorzea. But Layla is not a native of Eorzea either! I think this may have lead to funny moments to them, Layla loves helping people, so she often answered all the question.
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The second thing is:
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Oboro's Zadnor field note gave me a lot inspiration. Layla may be experienced in all things romance but she can get pretty bashful and lets her partner lead. Oboro however is not really experienced, so she waits a long time for him to make a move on her. So, here's a rare case of Layla often taking charge in the relationship. Oboro is often thankful but eventually overcomes his own shyness, methinks.
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Widargeltwol. Probably the ship that is connected to Layla's lore the most, even more than her canonical ships. Layla is half Ala Mhigan and her Ala Mhigan mother is one of the last surviving monks. This had a huge impact on Layla growing up. Growing up her mother strictly trained her to become a monk but Layla could not open a chakra despite her apititude for fighting and her strong body.
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It wasn't until she met Widargelt during the first monk job quest that she opened her first chakra. Widargelt realized her potential and made plans to use her for his revenge against the Garleans (as shown during the ARR MNK job quests). I love this because during A Realm Reborn, Layla felt connected to the Ala Mhigans and started to see herself as an Ala Mhigan more and more.
So, queue in the angst when during the level 50 quest, Widargelt tried to kill her. Layla quickly became fond of Widargelt, so her heart broke after this but during the Heavensward quests they've mended their relationship fast. Even in the canonical timeline in which they don't end up together, Layla sees Widargelt as one of the most precious person she has met during her journey.
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It is worth noting that Layla has kept her mother's identity hidden but after the events of the last ARR MNK quests, Layla confessed to Widargelt and Erik that her mother was a monk as well. They were the first people, Layla has told about her mother.
I think out of all my ships, this one is the one I'd label a slowburn. They saw each other as siblings in monkhood first but I also think that their romance is also a very smooth one once they realize their feelings. No need for big words, both know very well that the other has nothing but love in their heart. But first steps are hard...
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