#get it cause trains are iron horses
mothsartart · 1 year
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here’s another snippet of my modern au. this is during TT and gen is really bent out of shape on why they had to take a train and couldn’t just rent a car
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rain-day-today · 4 months
A few more baby fairytail headcanons because their the found family that haunts me in my dreams🫶🏽 these are a little more natsu and gray centric cause those are my favs
Gray and Natsu did not have a place to live until they were in the guild for like a year . There were too many parentless orphans running around and not enough people to keep track of them, so It was couch surfing hot potato like nobody’s business.
Natsu’s stuff was scattered to the high heavens. You would find his sandals in Laxus’s room, bag in the Strauss Siblings place,any clothes were scattered between Erza, Cana and Levy. Really its a miracle he had clothes at all considering the fact he also refused to wear a shirt his first month( “you don’t needs shirts in the forest snd their itchhhyyy” ) . Gray was a bit better and just had a card board box that he took to people’s house when he decided (without the person’s permission) to crash there for the next week. Ironically,The two would always end up trying to crash with the same person on the same night. Natsu would be climbing into the room through the window right when Gray was breaking in by picking the lock.
Speaking of which, Everyone but erza can pick locks. Lissana is the fastest followed by Cana and then Natsu. Mira just broke the door down.
Whenever they were smaller and Erza went on a job with Levy they had an unspoken understanding to only speak like they were from medieval times. There were alot of questions afterward and more lost in translation.
Little Cana would cut and dye everyone’s hair. She Once dyed natsu’s hair black, mistaking the hair dye as extra shampoo-y shampoo
That was the worst week of Natsu and Grays life. Whenever they were out in public together they got mistaken for brothers.
*cana and laxus dying of laughter*
*maco and wakaba choking*
natsu and gray couldn’t look at each other that entire week.
EmoTeen!Gray discovered the girls taste in books after being locked in the library closet during “book club”
Natsu knows exactly what Erza and Levy read. super hearing y’know? He wont admit to it but he knows not to be in the guild whenever those high pitched giggle start.
Laxus gets severely motion sick. He used to deal with it by using those stupid looking motion sickness glasses every time he got on a train. Now he just sells his soul to the devil (mira) for a bottle of magic elixir ( straight vodka) that lets him pass tf out.
Erza lost an Erza look alike contest once
Mira lost a Mira look alike contest
Lissana won both of them back to back
Natsu has a collection of hand me downs that he refuses to wear or get rid of. Most of them are Erzas old armors or things gray stripped and forgot about, but he has a little of everyone. His favorite one is Laxus’s old big coat.
Elfman does a little quote of the day thing in the guildhall
Elfman once got all the fairytail kids including s-class Laxus, Erza, and Mira to Jump Guildarts. No one knows the outcome because at some point all the smaller kids got knocked out with only Erza,Mira and Laxus left awake and they wont tell who won.
When they were younger there was a cute skate park the girls would visit often, thats why they can do all the cool skate board tricks.
Levy bought a motorcycle after getting the money from her first “big” job
Natsu once put a tin full of mentos in multiple buckets of coke in the guild hall infirmary
One time gramps was feeling really down and kids did a little play to cheer him up. They did sleeping beauty with Levy as Sleeping Beauty, Cana as the prince, Mira was maleficent, and Laxus as the prince’s horse. Gray, Natsu, and Elfman were obviously the fairies. Erza wasn’t in the guild at the moment much to her dismay. The play genuinely went incredibly well except instead of waking the princess up with a kiss, Cana head butted Levy so hard it caused Levy to pass out.
Little Valentines Day scenario
(No i do not care that its may)
The first year they were all together, Natsu and Gray got in trouble with Erza the day before valentine’s day. Them hearing everyone gush about wanting someone to give them something, decided that the best way to apologize (save themselves) would be to give her a bunch of valentines day candy and presents. They gave them to her at the guild with cute cards and she was so so happy she started to tear up. This marks Erza as the first person among them all to get a Valentine present.
The others were silently seething, which turned into alot of teasing “ Aww looks like Grays got a crushhh,” “ Look at natsu being all gentlemen like , Erza must be a special special girl,” Erza promptly beat them all up for it, and Gray and Natsu were successfully in their mission to save themselves!
They did feel kinda bad afterwards seeing the others look longingly at Erza quite large pile. Natsu sneakily went out and bought some more chocolates to hand cheer everyone up, gray joined in because “No way am I letting flame brain be liked more then me!” They obviously fought, which melted the chocolates. No fear however! Natsu tempered the chocolates to perfection and gray used his magic to make fun molds.
The next day they handed them out and now its a tradition. On Valentine’s day you get candy from the boy of your dreams, the next day Natsu and Gray give you a creepily detailed mini you made out of chocolate.
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: neteyam x olo'eyktan metkayina male reader
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: There's a bit of time before your ceremony—you take advantage of it.
ʀᴇ𝐐: no ~ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 1370 ~ neteyam & reader are in their late 20's
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: swearing
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ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: i have to write one of these sometime
There was a buffer of time before the ceremony—your ceremony. You didn't exactly know what caused it, be it the current Tsahìk still getting prepared, or the Tsakarem or current Olo'eyktan, or perhaps even the venue. And if it was the reason, you thought it rather peculiar, because your family weren't ones to take long in little things such as preparation.
Whatever the case, you took advantage of it.
Neteyam took you in. He gazed upon your bare skin, lacking all jewelry and ornaments, even your Iknimaya band, knife and sheath. Though the sight was one to behold, a small panic settled in. "Should you not be getting prepared?" He rushed over.
You only chuckle at his concern, "If it worries you so, we can go back to my preparation pod. However, I must take the moment to speak with you."
"Why is that?" He takes the offer silently, leading you along back to your pod.
"There's a lot in my mind. It runs like those dire horses you tell me about." You give a small laugh, "And..."
"And?" He asks impatiently.
Though you had sought him out, you don't quite have the courage to tell him what you wanted to. "...my family isn't ready yet. That's what I think, anyway."
He huffs, "Surely it won't be long."
"However much time it takes, I'll spend it with you."
It was a simple sentiment, but nice either way. Spending time with your best friend, right before the biggest ceremony of your life—maybe second to your mate ceremony, where you showed off your beloved that you would spend your every moment with; it was something that usually happened before the Olo'eyktan crowning, but you hadn't found the one yet.
Once you settle down, relaxed atop the only chair in your pod, Neteyam can't help but worry. You were the one to become Olo'eyktan, yet you remained calm. He, on the other hand, paces anxiously.
"Are you worried?"
Instead of answering, he stops before you and asks, "Why are you bare?" You were practically naked, stripped from your usual ornaments and garments. It was a sight to drink in, but he had to find an excuse for his staring.
"My loved ones must paint my skin before the ceremony. They all learned a different technique to the painting. Their marks will signify their shared love for me."
He nods, slowly, "Your family?"
You give half a shrug that doesn't quite answer his question, "My family, sure."
"Okay, well, yes, I'm worried." Neteyam takes a deep breath, revisiting the breathing techniques you'd taught him years ago, the very ones he didn't have to think about doing anymore. Right now, they slip from his mind. "Of course I am, you're about to become Olo'eyktan."
"I am."
"And you're going to—how are you so calm right now?" His hands remain stiff in his hair, mid run through.
"It's what I've been trained for all my life." You say simply, "I knew this day would come and I'm, well, prepared for it."
He lets out a small laugh. "I was to be Olo'eyktan once." He thinks it ironic. "I was trained for it too. My people looked up to me. That pressure weighed heavy on my shoulders. How does it evade yours?"
"In truth, I don't know, Neteyam." You beckon him to sit next to you. Mindlessly, he does. "Perhaps it is that I have more, we'll say, nerve-wracking things on my mind right now."
Right. You had told him that your mind was running like a dire horse, though the word should be galloping. "Like what?"
You can't really say it. As you stare into his pretty eyes, the small cluster of algae that was your courage shrunk like it was drying.
Neteyam fills in your silence with his own words. "What could possibly be more nerve-wracking than becoming Olo'eyktan? Won't it be hard to live up to your father's name, his legacy? Being the leader of the archipelago and its many islands, all under the Metkayina tribe?" He shakes his head, thinking of many more things. "More nerve-wracking than–?"
"You're beautiful."
It was a passing thought, one that popped up in your head as you watched him speak. You didn't mean to blurt it out at all, only realizing after he points it out with his shock.
His lips press into a thin line, that expression of his you'd come to be familiar with. For a moment you think only bad could come of it, but instead he looks away, his expression turning bashful. "I should be the one saying that." He mumbles, his mouth opening far too little.
Your heart flutters. You scoot a little closer, bringing a hand to his cheek so that you may turn his once attentive gaze towards you once more. "Why is that?"
"Well, it's your day." Though you had turned his head towards you, his eyes still avoid your face. "Your ceremony, your new title, your new tattoos, your new songcord bead."
He closes his eyes, shaking his head with his words, "What even is there to call beautiful about me?"
"I don't know."
He rolls his eyes, but does not roll his head with them, too fearful of losing your touch.
"Sorry, I mean," You snicker, looking away to gather your thoughts. Neteyam takes the opportunity to stare at you. You're beautiful this way, beautiful any way, beautiful all ways. "If I had to choose one thing..."
You turn back to him, suddenly, and he doesn't tear his eyes away. "Everything."
"That isn't one thing." Because he can't tear his eyes away.
"Then I choose all of it." Neteyam brings a hand to hold onto yours. "Your smile, your hair, your eyes, your laughter; your immense need to care. All of you that I see."
The way his face lights up, it's gradual, piece by piece, but it doesn't take long. It starts at his ears perking up, then his smile widening, his cheeks raising with his lips, and his eyes creasing at the corners. His smile doesn't grow into a grin, however, and it doesn't take long for the entirety of his face to turn sheepish. He buries his head into his hands and laughs a small little laugh. His legs, both, kick restlessly.
He says something in English you don't quite know. Even in all your years together, he hadn't taught you the word. "I'm so fucking childish."
"What does that mean?" You ask, "Fu–?"
"Don't say that word." He warns, suddenly coming out his blue-skinned, handmade shell. "It's not exactly a good one."
"Is what you mean–" He shakes his head at himself, closing his eyes. How could he be so doubtful? He really wasn't sure of it, your feelings. He wanted to be sure. "That you... like me?"
"Yes," You bring both his hands in yours, "I... want you to be my mate."
"But I'm..." He stares down at his hands. Still dark blue. "and you're Olo–you're going to be Olo'eyktan."
You were always kind, always responsible, always aware of your future role. Because of this, your words were always premeditated. You couldn't tarnish your reputation in the clan. But right now, you don't see the need for it. "What do I care for it?"
Neteyam laughs at your brashness.
"Nga yawne lu oer. That is all that I care for. Though, for many years, I battled with that." You admit, "It is why I haven't told you of them, of my feelings for you. I should've told you much sooner."
"I'll say, your crowning day was probably not the best day," He declares with a laugh, "I should've told you as well."
"Well, we have only but the present."
He curses at how easy it is for you to be smooth. "Fu–" He smothers the curse against your neck, instead of into his hands again. He wraps his long arms around you, securing your larger body in his embrace. You return the hug much more gently.
"Will you accept my proposal? Be my mate? Because I'd like to invite you to paint me for the ceremony, and that is the job of a loved one."
Oh, for Eywa!
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inkyminx · 18 days
I couldn’t resist so have a character that appears in most adaptations of JTTW cause I like the concept and that it’d be fun instead of sticking a character to one series.
Experimental & whatnot. R.I.P spine and sleep schedule BUT HEY— IT FUN.
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Have Some Trivia ~
The name’s Kaihua Haizi!  开花孩子
Kai Zi for short.
Panamanian White-Face Capuchin.
Gay, He / Him
Is a mystic, not born from stone.
Born on Flower Fruit Mountain.
Be loyal or kneecaps be backwards, sassy, strong-willed, brutally honest, curious & aggressive.
May have broken someone’s bone in an arm wrestle. Or two. Or ten—
A singer & performer: mostly ballet & acrobatics.
Has some kind of romance or camaraderie with Wukong (depending on the version) & often a mentor for successors and young.
This guy will make a sh!t ton of movie references (mostly Emperor’s New Groove) .
Kind of a busy-body.
Pretty much an older sibling type/guidance for the younger monkeys in FFM.
That or the guy that trains said youngins and newcomers, often times the kiddos being dragged back by him unconscious later.
Is a tad older than Macaque and Wukong. (Headcanon: Don’t know if it’s proven, but to me- Macaque is older than Sun Wukong) (more related to LMK) .
Gained Immortality through witchcraft and that one time Wukong stole the longevity peaches.
Possesses appearance manipulation, flora & black magic.
Uses hairpins, needles & a Guandao-like blade.
Was burned with an iron as punishment by the Heavens for being connected to Wukong and taking part in his war against them (hence the mark on his chest) .
Will Lion King his own kid (MK, Destined One, Fruity & Chenxiang watch out) .
And for the adaptations, continue under the cut!
Mei Hou Wang
Was raised alongside Liu’er by the former king after losing his parents as an infant (Headcanon, not sure if proven) .
Nicknamed “Hua Hua” by Shihou right after meeting him.
In a kind of love triangle with Liu’er & Shihou as they got older.
It’s unknown how their ending will go but it remains lighthearted and fun regardless (fvck off Nine Headed B!tch) .
Close friends and dance partners with Yutu.
Accompanied Liu’er during his training with the deer master (more so to keep an eye on him/babysitting) .
May have spied on Liu’er much after noticing something was up after his first encounter with the Nine Headed demon (can’t remember his name, sorry) .
Definitely hung Ginseng on a tree branch a few times as discipline.
Likes to tease Havoc and the monkey generals for days on end.
Nicknames Shihou “Shidi” for fun.
Started wearing his hair with a braid after Liu’er started it one day while enjoying the sunshine.
Played a LOT of pranks on the generals as a cub.
Was born with the mark on his chest as a symbol to his power in flora in this version.
Was taught singing and dancing to “ease his buffoonery” by the former king.
Kinda went the other way but still kinda worked?
Owns a flower-made promise ring Shihou made for him.
Calls Macaque “Shidi” to mess with him in this version.
In their youth, Kai & Sun Wukong were in a relationship for a couple of years (basically a friends-to-lovers situation) .
Introduced the shy Macaque to Wukong.
BOI this version’s chaotic tendencies go through the Heavens compared to the others (minus one) .
Was friends with the Brotherhood and often hung around together, getting drunk most times (minus Peng) .
Sorry Macaque, gonna have to drag TWO drunk primates back up the mountain this time.
Pranked tf out of Peng and lesser demons in his youth.
Got into an argument with Wukong right before the Brotherhood’s attack on the Heavens, leaving some strings torn.
“I’m not gonna stand on that battlefield and watch you die!”
Stayed with Macaque on FFM until his fight with the King.
Left FFM after his friends’ battle.
Now lives in the mountains of The Red-Buttocked Horse Monkey (Headcanon as seen in Sheng’s story) .
Plays a similar role to Macaque with MK in S1 but doesn’t try to uppercut the kid.
In fact, this guy is a pretty frequent customer of Pigsy’s Noodles before this but hid his history during that time.
Tang: YOUR THE MONKEY KING’S LOVER! 🤩 Kai: Ah sh!t, here we go again.
Makes up with Wukong after season 3, seeing him interact with MK and Macaque, and his change.
While not back together completely, the two go DAYS being menaces & buddy-buddy once more.
MK: Your technically my fifth dad, right?  Kai.exe Stopped Working.
Is Sun Wukong’s close friend & comrade instead of pursuing a full relationship.
Appeared briefly in the town during their search, covering most of their face to hide themself.
Was caught by Fruity at one point in the town but the monkey not carefully shoved the baby in the pile of a vegetable stall.
Was hinted by Wukong when Fruity asked if he had someone waiting for him back home.
This guy is a lot more…mysterious & dark vibes in appearance than the usual chirpy but still holds that prankster/fun vibe.
Aside from that, there’s not much about him in the movie since he only appears in the background and is only mentioned verbally once.
Will be created once I finally find a decent translation without signing for a subscription and whatnot.
Black Myth
Like most, Kai and Wukong were close comrades and eventually started a somewhat more intimate relationship before the Journey.
MANY years later, Kai plays a supporting role and guide for the destined one (similar to Zhu Bajie) .
In this version, Kai does appear as an elder (though not as much as the old monkey in the beginning) but does revert back to his true age near the end.
Age Appearance Manipulation do be like that.
Lost his right arm & left eye a period after Sun Wukong’s death.
Kai, to The Destined One: “When I was your age—“  Zhu Bajie: *repeats in spongebob mocking*
Despite not actually being able to be so GOD does this guy have a great time being an old man/monkey.
To Destined One: “FVCK ‘EM UP, SONNY!”
Havoc In Heaven / Lotus Lantern
This version doesn’t really do much in the story of both aside from what’s already been said, including an intimate relationship w/ Wukong, mentoring and taking care off the young monkeys, etc.
Their romance is more subtle in this version.
His design is more of a mix of the opera & ballet, but simplified to match the style of the animation.
If you thought LMK PeachSong (yea) was a chaotic pair, BOY LET ME TELL YA—
In the latter, Kai is sometimes seen either behind the lotus Wukong sits on doing his own thing (mostly just listening & basically giving off the “old married couple vibe” or being a guardian type to Chenxiang as he trains.
Grandpapi & Grandpapa be here wrecking so much havoc (badum chsss) .
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tenebrous-if · 6 months
Can we get some facts about MCs family members and their betrothed ? Maybe also how they changed after MC was missing for awhile.
King Leonidas and Queen Nyra
Nyra, who was then Crown Princess, met Leonidas during his opening tourney of being a knight— something he didn’t wish to do as he’s never truly enjoyed that sort of thing; it’s something his father wished of him and he didn’t wish to be more of a disappointment. Nyra felt endeared to the fumbling boy that could barely hold the sword up, let alone hope to wield it, but the gentleness he displayed towards his horse is what truly made her wish to meet him. (They fell in love fairly quickly… Leonidas is one of her most trusted advisors.)
Nyra, like all members of her bloodline, has a magical gift in the form of water magic— said magic, like it does with all the family, showcasing itself by changing the color of her eyes on the dawn of her sixteenth birthday. Changing light green to enchanting blue.
Leonidas is definitely the softer of the two. Sneaking his children little treats after dinner has finished, or trying to persuade his wife to let them play a bit longer, but it’s Nyra that read to you when you were little before bed— despite Leonidas being the scholar between them— as she’d do different voices and various other things; all in the effort to make her darling children smile.
They both still wear midnight purple— the color of mourning for a royal within Aetheria— due to the loss of you. Nyra wearing a necklace/earrings with the stone and Leonidas with his cape being the color… Something that’s understated, as it’s not the full outfit, but something that still shows that they’re thinking of you.
Leonidas has become much more finicky of his children, worrying constantly when they’re not where they’re supposed to be. The stress has caused his darker hair to start going a bit more grey. While Nyra has been much more protective and less willing to bend her already iron-clad rules… She won’t let another one of her children disappear.
Crown Prince Elarin
Many call him cold-hearted, aloof in the face of all the heartache that his family has faced as he’s never been seen to have shed a single tear for you… Of course, that wasn’t the case within the privacy of his quarters, but he refused to break within the public eye— remaining the perfect heir as he was always trained to do.
He has a certain fondness for the old tabby that’s made her home within the stables of the palace— a scruffy thing with half its right ear missing and a scar across her face, but the tabby has survived despite everything and Elarin, however foolish he believes it to be, hopes that if the cat could survive then so could you.
Likes the peace and quiet of the library within the Royal Wing, less people coming into bother him— barring the cleaning staff— which is what he prefers. When he’s not in with his various tutors then he’s there simply basking in the tranquility that the place offers him… It happens few and far between as of late.
Stills wears a small trinket that you made for him years before— a silly birthday present that he had pretended to not understand… The little brooch now sits snugly over his heart, underneath the sash that he wears to court.
To an outsiders perspective he hasn’t changed in the slightest, but to the people that know him they know that he’s become colder, more withdraw, focused more and more on his duties… It helps him stop wondering about what could have been; even if he does stop to stare at the Map of Arvandor whenever he sees it… Wondering where you could have possibly gone.
Prince/Princess Kalyn
Being your twin, your disappearance destroyed them completely. They couldn’t be in their quarters of the castle, that they shared with you, for months after the fact. They wouldn’t even let the cleaning staff in either— refusing to let anyone destroy the last bits of you they had.
As is custom, on the sixteenth birthday of a royal heir a ball is held to honor them, and to showcase their gift, Kalyn absolutely refused to have theirs without you by their side. As it would feel like they’d be celebrating something that wasn’t wholly theirs (and it isn’t in their eyes).
Was always hot-headed as a child, which is why their gift with fire magic wasn’t a surprise, but they detest the color of their crimson eyes now… As it took away the small connection they had with you… The color of your eyes. Because, at least, when they looked in the mirror they could pretend that you were looking back.
Has a sweet tooth the likes no one has seen before. Kalyn and Leonidas always had a little “date” where they’d sneak into the palace kitchens to raid the sweets… Something that Leonidas spoke with the cooks beforehand so they were prepared (Kalyn still thinks they were being thieves of the night).
They’re still fairly hot-headed, but they’re also more closed off in a sense that they try not to form new connections with other people. When they used to try to make friends with everyone and anyone. The one topic that is definitely liable to make them blow up is you… so people tread that line with extreme caution. Especially after they punched a dignitary who had been talking about a conspiracy that the royal family is the one that caused you to vanish.
Princess Isadora
Spends a lot of her time within the castle gardens or within the courtyard surrounded by admirers and potential suitors… Not that she truly pays them any attention. While getting gifts are cute/endearing, and she gives thanks to the people who went out of their way to give her one, it’s a simple benefit nothing more— it can also get tedious when she’s simply trying to be alone.
Has a deep fondness and love for animals and plants, all living things really. You can typically see her with her loyal hound heeling at her feet or following closely by her side… She always feels safe when he’s nearby.
Her sixteenth birthday is coming up, along with the ball and manifestation of her gift, which is coincidentally around the time that you’re found… Maybe you can finally have the ball that was stolen from you (and Kalyn)… If she agrees to it, of course.
Tries her best to be there for her family when the time of your disappearance comes around… Even if she feels like a ghost at times due to it, because she doesn’t truly understand but still feels the faint echoes of her own pain falling back to her— telling her things she tries to grasp, to remember, but it’s always too far out of reach.
She was five years old when you vanished. Remembers faint things about you, but she’s mainly been affected by the way her family is now without you. A part of her misses you, misses the relationship she used to have with you, but she doesn’t truly remember you completely… She’s also far from being the energetic child with chubby cheeks that you remember.
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subzerosongie · 11 months
How my Headcannons differ from canon for Obey Me! (Characters) Demon forms
Lucifer's wings are bigger, proper sized bird wings
Lucifer has a tail train, six feet of gorgeous black, blue, white and red feathers. If he is in demon form he's learned how to make it disappear as it snags on everything
In the case of attraction, Lucifer loses control of the spell hiding his tail and he acts like a Peacock, his brothers are always amused when this happens
His fingers up to his elbow is a gradient of grey to his skin tone, darkest at his fingers 
Same with his toes and legs
Skin becomes scaly there as well
Large talons on the fingers
Fangs in his mouth
Pointy ears
Scars all over his body
The tops of his wings are feathered, revealing his bat like wings underneath 
Mammon has a tail(cause it feels weird that he doesn't.) It has a tail feather plume
His nails become claws
He gets the same gradient and scaling on his limbs that Lucifer does
His eyes are sharper, not much escapes his notice
Fangs in his mouth
Scars on his body
Tail has fins running down
Ears become fins
His hands and feet also slightly web with claws on each finger
Sharp teeth line his mouth however has snake like fangs that fold in when closed and pop up when Leviathan opens and flexes the muscles in his jaw
Gills on the side of his neck
Scaly patterns down his back
Scars on his body
Snake-like Eyes
Forked tongue 
Has a mild venom 
Pudgy due to inactivity 
Horse like ears on the sides of his head
Fangs in his mouth 
His tail has a horse hair plume at the end of it
His feet are hooves
He sparkles and sheds loose glitter
When enraged these glitters ignite 
Scars on his body
His back and the back of his neck are covered in exoskeleton-like chitin plating 
His wings are the same
He has a scorpion tail that has an aphrodisiac rather than venom 
His fangs are larger than the rest of his teeth (my attempt to mix in his rabbit symbolism)
Scars on his body 
His fly wings are more pronounced 
He has four arms 
While demons have a good sense of smell, Beel has an almost godlike sense of smell
His eyesight is also better than most
Fangs in his mouth
Scars on his body
Cow like ears on the sides on his head (His left with one of those cattle tags cause he finds it ironic)
He has black splotches all over his body
A bit on the chubby side, Beelzebub can get Belphegor to run around and get exercise 
His feet are hooves
Fangs in his mouth
Scars on his body
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nadiv22 · 10 months
My favorite quotes from civ VI
“No man ever wetted clay and then left it, as if there would be bricks by chance and fortune.” – Plutarch
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” – Will Rogers
“I AM FOND OF PIGS. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.” – Winston S. Churchill
“Who deserves more credit than the wife of a coal miner?” – Merle Travis
“When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging.” – Will Rogers
“I don’t believe in astrology; I’m a Sagittarius and we’re skeptical.” – Arthur C. Clarke
“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” -W. H. Auden
“I shot an arrow into the air. It fell to earth, I knew not where.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.” -Mark Twain
“I’m also interested in creating a lasting legacy … because bronze will last for thousands of years.” – Richard MacDonald
“MONEA, if it does not bring you happiness, will at least help you be miserable in comfort.” – Helen Gurley Brown
“A man on a horse is spiritually as well as physically bigger than a man on foot.” – John Steinbeck
“The Lord made us all out of iron. Then he turns up the heat to forge some of us into steel.” – Marie Osmond
“I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder … Modern shipbuilding has gone beyond that.” – Capt. E.J. Smith, RMS Titanic
“Create with the heart; build with the mind.” – Criss Jami
“One man’s ‘magic’ is another man’s engineering.” – Robert Heinlein
“There is no easy way to train an apprentice. My two tools are example and nagging.” – Lemony Snicket
The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one.” – Malcolm Forbes
“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” – Aristotle
“Rocks in my path? I keep them all. With them I shall build my castle.” – Nemo Nox
“Not all who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
“People can have the Model T in any color – so long as it’s black.” – Henry Ford
“The pen might not be mightier than the sword, but maybe the printing press is heavier than the siege weapon. Just a few words can change everything.” – Terry Pratchett
“Astronomy’s much more fun when you’re not an astronomer.” – Brian May
“If facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.” – Albert Einstein
“No one starts a war – or rather, no one in his senses ought to do so – without first being clear in his mind what he intends to achieve by that war and how he intends to conduct it.” – Karl von Clausewitz
“Science owes more to the steam engine than the steam engine owes to science.” – Lawrence Henderson
“Bolt actions speak louder than words.” – Craig Roberts
“Never criticize a rifleman until you have walked a mile in his shoes. That way, he’ll be barefoot and you’ll be out of range.” – The 2nd Target Company
“For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.” – Leonardo da Vinci
“If you can walk away from a landing, it’s a good landing. If you use the airplane the next day, it’s an outstanding landing.” – Chuck Yeager
“Benjamin Franklin may have discovered electricity, but it was the man who invented the meter who made the money.” – Earl Wilson
“Chemists do not usually stutter. It would be very awkward if they did, seeing that they have at times to get out such words as methylethylamylophenylium.” – Sir William Crookes
“If God had really intended men to fly, He’d make it easier to get to the airport.” – George Winters
“Untutored courage is useless in the face of educated bullets.” – George Patton
“There may be no forgiveness for polyester. On this one matter, Satan and the Lord are in agreement.” – Joe Hill
“I’m a big laser believer – I really think they are the wave of the future.” – Courteney Cox
"Even though the future seems far away, it is actually beginning right now.” – Mattie Stepanek
“Bravery is being the only one who knows you’re afraid.” — Colonel David Hackworth
“A strong economy begins with a strong, well-educated workforce.”– Bill Owens “Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too.” – Marcus Aurelius
“It was luxuries like air conditioning that brought down the Roman Empire. With air conditioning their windows were shut; they couldn’t hear the barbarians coming.” – Garrison Keillor
Divide and rule, a sound motto. Unite and lead, a better one.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” – William Shakespeare
“Invincibility lies in the defense; the possibility of victory in the attack.” – Sun Tzu
“History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.” – Napoleon Bonaparte
“A good navy is not a provocation to war. It is the surest guaranty of peace.” – Theodore Roosevelt
“In democracy it’s your vote that counts; in feudalism it’s your count that votes.” – Mogens Jallberg
“There are very honest people who do not think that they have had a bargain unless they have cheated a merchant.” – Anatole France
“You can’t go around arresting the Thieves’ Guild. I mean, we’d be at it all day!” – Terry Pratchett
“Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government … You can’t expect to wield supreme power just ‘cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!” – Monty Python
“In diplomacy there are two kinds of problems: small ones and large ones. The small ones will go away by themselves, and the large ones you will not be able to do anything about.” – Patrick McGuinness
“A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday but never remembers her age.” – Robert Frost
“New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common.” – John Locke
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.” – Douglas Adams
“Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal.” – Edward Wilson
“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re mis-informed.” -Mark Twain
“Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” – Heywood Broun
“A good plan violently executed right now is far better than a perfect plan executed next week.” – George S. Patton
“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” – John F. Kennedy
“Which of all my important nothings shall I tell you first?” -Jane Austen
“I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.” –Albert Einstein
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scotianostra · 8 months
On January 28th 1927 hurricane force winds struck Scotland, killing 22 and seriously injuring 150 people in Glasgow.
The following day, the Larne Times told readers that practically ‘every property in Glasgow was damaged’ - with two tenements completely destroyed. Locals described the crash of falling debris in all corners of the city.
With schools shut down, trams halted, and the telephone systems down - Glasgow was chaotic. Fifty fire engines were on hand to help the city, with eight ambulances continuously carrying the injured to hospital.
On Newark Street, a repairman was crushed by a snapped tree blown down by the winds – killing him instantly. Elsewhere in the city, several of those killed were crushed by falling masonry - such as George McDonald who was rendered unconscious by a falling chimney and died in hospital two days later.
The largest death toll was caused by the collapse of a chimney head at Marlow Street in Kinning Park, with the falling wreckage killing five people outright. The gales threw masses of solid stonework down through successive flights of the homes, tearing occupants and furniture in an avalanche towards the ground.
Two infant children miraculously escaped at Marlow Street. One child, who fell two storeys, was found among the debris - with a dummy still in its mouth, crying but unhurt.
A second child, who had been sitting in a pram on the ground floor, was unscratched by the masses of stones, plaster, and stoves which had fallen around.
Across Scotland, 22 deaths were recorded - nine of these due to the collapse of buildings. In one case, a man trying to get home by way of the train tracks to avoid falling masonry was killed by a night train.
On February 1, the Lord Provost announced the opening of a relief fund for the hurricane. He appealed to Glaswegians: “Great distress has been caused to many deserving citizens by the disastrous hurricane of last week, especially those who have bereaved and rendered homeless by the collapse of their houses, and the destruction of their furniture and other belongings.”
Elsewhere in Scotland, a horse-lorry driver was killed by a flying piece of iron from a nearby building in Dundee. An East Lothian farmer lost her life when the roof of the farm hen house collapsed on itself.
The damage in Glasgow was estimated at around £250,000, which is £16million by today's standards.
Those lost in the 1927 hurricane included; Nan Dicke (12), Hugh Gallacher (44), James Brown (46), Martian McIntyre (25), Lizzie McIntyre (8), Charles Rennie (4), James Duncan (2), George Henderson, Charles Connelly (36), George McDonald (39), and George Hunter (21).
The video shows footage from British Pathé of the aftermath of the tenement terror.
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fourstarsoutofnine · 1 year
Your Linksona. Hand it over.
HAJAHASV thank you so much
I’ll use this to tell yall a bit more about him
-He grew up in hateno; his father was a knight-turned-farmer after getting honorably discharged(I tried to look up how that works for royal guards, couldn’t find anything on it so I’m just gonna assume it’s the same as it is for US military)
-He(Leo) was always a pretty snarky guy, though before the calamity it was mostly in his head. After the calamity, though, he has a bit of trouble keeping his thoughts to himself. He kind of just says whatever pops into his head
-And because of such, a lot of people talk, and you can imagine where that goes.
“That can’t be the princess’s knight! He’s way too disrespectful!”
-This causes some major insecurities for Leo. First he had to train for the master sword, when he used to just have it, and now he can’t even control his mouth?
-Hehe funny boy trauma.
-He also has a lot of pent up anger towards the goddesses, especially after choosing him again when he failed. Is it just so they can laugh at him? Watch him fail again? He thinks so.
-He doesn’t wanna do this. He wants to save Zelda, of course, but he wished he didn’t have to.
-And don’t even get me started on how tragic it was when totk happened.
-The panic attack this boy had, yeesh
-I’m thinking about giving him scars, I’m just not sure where they’ll be yet, but know he’s got some.
-Now onto some fun stuff—this boy loves animals. Dogs, his horses, all of them.
-He likes the caves. They’re like little mazes and it’s fun to go through them.
-Shield-surfs. Literally. Everywhere. And I mean Everywhere.
-Hates the depths, thinks they’re terrifying
-Ironically though, he does like treasure hunting in there.(Will do anything when there’s treasure and money involved)
-Loves to fight lynels and boss bokoblins.
-Also loves putting majora’s mask on and getting in the middle of a crowd of bokoblins +boss bokoblin and grabbing a dual handed weapon and spinning to attack. Thinks it’s hilarious.
-He and tulin are a chaos causing duo.
-You should’ve seen the look he had on his face when he found out about Yona and Sidon
-And the look he had when he saw Yunobo with that mask.(he almost fully got into a fistfight)
-acts like he’s not all that smart, but likes to do research on things. His favorite, and most dangerous subject is the gloom hands.
-loves helping Purah and Robbie
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How Koichi showing up could affect MHA 
So, a while back I made a quick twitter post about why I want Koichi to show up in main MHA, about how I want Koichi and Deku to interact and actually talk about the possibility of saving Tomura. So, here I wanted to expand a little on why I think that would be a really good thing for the series. 
As of writing this I am taking into consideration canon up until chapter 378 of MHA (the most recent chapter as of writing). 
So, in this scenario let's say Koichi shows up as one of the international heroes here to stop the villains, probably in spectacular fashion to stop AFO or the twice clones, (Also sidebar, it’s crazy that Koichi is in the running for being the strongest character we have rn, with the other heroes being incapacitated), and in this scenario, he gets the chance to talk to Deku and the other heroes. This would require a break from the pace we’ve currently been experiencing, but with all the additional characters and heroes (that would show up) it might cause AFO and the others to back down. This downtime would allow for our characters to re-group. 
Specifically, I want Koichi to legitimize Deku’s ideas about trying to save Tomura and to ask Deku how he plans on saving him, because, as only Koichi knows, just wanting to save someone isn't enough. I want this because as of now Deku has never had his ideas about saving Tomura be legitimized by any adult hero, with Uraraka being the only other student to reflect his ideas. By having Koichi be the one to listen and reflect Izuku’s ideas back at him it would help him understand that it isn’t just “crazy” to think that he could help Tomura. It would also help to create an easy, instant connection between the characters, besides both being huge All Might fans, of course.
Then, Koichi could tell his own cautionary tale. About how he was a vigilante who only wanted to help people, that ended up saving nearly everyone in his town (Read: everyone who’s ever tried to kill him: all the guys at the cafe except the Hotta Bros, Soga, Rapt, Moyuru, Pop, both x-men, the train guys, the horse guy, ect.), to then being targeted by Number 6, another person groomed by All for One, (this would confirm to the rest of the characters that yes, there have been more of them) to ultimately being unable to save Number 6 from himself. 
In this conversation, Koichi would bring a hand up to his scar and recite, “Everytime you glance in a mirror , you’ll remember, the weight of responsibility, the meaning of existence, and the guy you couldn’t save no matter how long you tired.” And then turn to Izuku and ask how he plans on saving Tomura. Koichi’s failure ultimately came from not understanding what 6 wanted and being too weak from their fight to stop 6 from blowing himself up. He needs to warn Deku that just being stronger than Tomura isn’t enough, he also needs to understand him if he wants to save him. 
Having Koichi in main MHA would also give a narrative purpose to Number 6’s death. In Vigilantes as it stands, we know that Koichi learns his lesson from 6, but we don't get to see him actually apply it because the series ends. By having him in the main series, we can see him put to use what he learned in that final battle. In this way Koichi’s failure becomes Deku’s success (hopefully).
This is also all incredibly ironic considering Koichi was made to be “Izuku Midoryia if he didn’t meet All Might.” [Chapter 1 Vigilantes notes], because now we have the character modeled off of Izuku coming back to teach him a much needed lesson. 
And all of this is why I and others are BEGGING that Koichi and the gang show up in MHA, not only cause it would be a “Hey, cool cameo!”, or “Yay! Another heavy hitter hero!”, but because it could legitimately change the outcome for the MHA characters. 
There’s more I could write about this ie: how Knucklduster showing up would affect All Might’s current state, or how other vigilantes characters could affect the plot (looking at you Makoto please threaten the president of America), but I’ll leave that to another time. 
Also, you could just have Inko recognize Koichi as “that nice boy in the All Might hoodie who gave me directions that one time” and Deku would be 100% ready to ride or die for him.
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moonpiemoonshine · 8 months
Don’t be Sorry pt.2
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(A iron claw fanfic)
Time seemed to slow for Kevin. He would run up to her fence post every morning hoping and praying to see her. But he never did. It was always some random man he had never met taking care of her horses. Not getting to kiss or even see Hazel in the morning made it seem like his day never started. The long slow days turned into long slow weeks and led into long slow months. Kevin kept his mind occupied with wrestling. Diving head deep into the training and matches.
Kevin found comfort in his brothers. They provided him with a good enough distraction from Hazel. Kevin never wanted to forget about Hazel. Even though that is what his brothers and parents wanted him to do. Kevin liked to think he was just waiting for her to come back from a vacation. He kept hope because after the first month Hazel was gone she had sent him a postcard. This made him happy because it solidified the idea of her still thinking about him.
Every day Kevin prayed for a tour in California. He didn’t care if it was a beneficial match or not. He just wanted to see Hazel's face. But unknowing to Kevin his father avoided the California matches like the plague. It was a late night and it was just David and his father talking in the kitchen.
“So there was a guy in Cali askin’ to wrestle Kev. You gonna take him up on that offer” David asked, his mouth full of food. His father scoffed at the question and answered.
“God knows that boy doesn’t need to be goin’ to California” his answer made David cock a curious brow.
“What do you mean? It’s not like those boys down there ain’t no good” David was curious about his fathers response leaning in closer to his dad.
“If he goes down there he’ll be looking for that girl. She’s not good enough for my boy. She’ll only hurt him” he grumbled and spoke in a low tone as to not have any eavesdroppers overhear.
“What! She was amazin’ dad. Didn’t you like her? I’d think seein’ her would put our Kev back in a better position” David tried to argue with his fathers claim. Now in disbelief that his father would say such things.
“She’s not loyal. She had the choice to stay here with Kevin and she didn’t. Why should he stick around for her if she ain’t gonna do the same” he started to get more and more riled up the longer he talked about her.
“Dad. You’re bein’ unreasonable. She gotta take care of her family. If Kevin was in that situation he’d do the same thing” David protested trying to reason with his father but this reply sent him over the edge. Jack slammed his palm onto the table and barked at David.
“She had a good-for-nothing brother that would have cared for her! She abandoned my son! End of discussion” he stormed off into the deep emptiness of their home.
David sat in awe. He didn’t know his father felt this way about Hazel. He wanted to tell Kevin but he knew this would cause a rift between his brother and father. David sat at the now empty table conflicted. Decisions battling in his head, he wanted the best for his brother but also the best for the family. David thought for the time being he’d keep quiet. It’d be sooner or later before Kevin found out the truth.
Kevin had started to rely on the mailbox. Every Monday evening he’d check the mailbox. Hoping and waiting for a letter or postcard. It would be his new routine. If she wasn’t in the pasture in the morning there was hope for something in the mail.
Hazel had only sent postcards once a month. She’d write very little. Just that she was okay and that she missed him. She’d never give him updates on her mother. Slowly once a month turned to once every other month, then once in a few months, to only on the holidays.
After about two years of her sending postcards and letters she had just abruptly stopped. Kevin didn’t want to think the worst so he just believed she was too busy and something had come up. With her lack of communication Kevin started to go full time wrestling mode with his father now that he was out of highschool.
Kevin’s brothers were there to be his net. They kept him busy. They fully leaned into him being the caretaker brother. Letting Kevin step in and take care of them and their problems. Kevin slowly through the course of time kevin had ever so slightly started to forget what Hazel acted like. Then he forgot what she sounded like. Then finally he had forgotten what she looked like. He had busier himself so much with his family and wrestling. Giving himself a busy schedule and distracting lifestyle he slowly etched Hazel out of his thoughts. Think of her as a small fleeting girl that he had a small fling with.
“So Kev. You hear from you know who?” David asked while driving out to a party with Kevin. They all seemed to change their mannerisms about Hazel. Trying to not get Kevin’s hopes up by saying her name. They treated her like a taboo word, a thing too controversial to even utter its name.
“Oh no. She must’ve just moved on, living her own life there now” Kevin replied quietly. He was still in the stage of acceptance about it. But she still is a tender topic to him.
“Have you moved on brother?” He asked his question being much more sincere, wanting to try to break through to his brother.
“Me. Oh yeah. It was just a fling. No need for me to get wrapped up with a girl I only knew for a few months” Kevin said, masking his doubt and sadness with a tone of confidence and composure.
“Well brother there’s a load of girls here who’d kill for a chance with you. So don’t linger on the past” David cheered putting Kevin in lighter spirits.
It had been around three years since Hazel stopped writing and five years since she had left. There was no sense of lingering for her anymore to Kevin. She was just a faint memory, a ghost in his past. Even with this he had made the habit of always running by her post but he never thought of her anymore when running by it. He checked the mail but thought of doing it for his family instead of her.
It has been the start of spring. It was still cold in the morning. There was a small fog in the air but even with these conditions Kevin went out on his run. He followed his usual path. He had made a habit of putting his head down when passing her pasture so as to not get his hopes up. He knew he was close to the fence post because the grass seems healthier by her pasture. It was a quiet morning. All he could hear was his heavy breathing, feet stepping on the grass. His thoughts were clouded with thoughts and plans of the day. But as if everything had come to a stop, it was silent and all he heard is a soft.
“Look at you, such a pretty girl” the voice was tender and loving. Because of the distance it was quiet. He hadn’t thought of her voice in ages. But the moment the last syllable escaped her lips he finally remembered whose voice it had belonged to.
Kevin stopped dead in his tracks and turned to the fence post he had refused to look at for years. Through the fog he almost hoped it was that man who had been there but it wasn’t. Through the faint fog he could see her. Hazel standing and holding her horse's head in her hands. She had changed. Her hair was lighter from the sun, skin tanner and she was brown taller. Kevin couldn’t believe his eyes. It was really her. She seemed almost like a myth to him. For the first time ever his legs shook from his run. He stumbled to the fence post. He looked out at her like she was a rare animal at a zoo. He just observed.
Hazel knew Kevin was there. She could hear him running past. She was surprised he kept up running by her pasture. She almost hoped he did stop. She never thought she’d get this far. Hazel was scared to look away from her horse. She didn’t wanna believe it was real. After what felt like hours she finally turned her head to the side to glance at Kevin.
When they locked eyes it was like they both turned into deer in headlights. They didn’t know what to do. They each waited for the other to do something. After a few minutes Kevin finally thought of something to say.
“You’re back” is all he could muster, his voice quivering.
“Yeah… I didn’t think I’d be gone that long. Hazel's voice is small and quiet. Guilt wrecked her entire being.
“What. What did I do wrong” Hazel wanted to cry, hearing the hurt in his voice. She had finally broken from her closeness to her horse and stumbled herself to the fence.
“Nothing!” She accidentally cried out but quickly dropped her head to hide her sorrowful face, and continued more composed, “you did nothing wrong Kev. It was just- it was all me. My-“ Hazel choked on her words. She felt so guilty she felt like she was gonna be sick, “my mother died… and I just- I just couldn’t leave her.” Kevin was frozen. He thought this was the outcome, but he was still saddened knowing now how true it was.
“Hazel. I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what you went through.” Kevin was understanding and he wanted to reach out and comfort her but he didn’t know if he could.
“I’m sorry Kevin. I’m so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you” Hazel started to break. She kept her head down to hide the tears. Kevin was quick to tell she was crying and was crippling with guilt.
“No, no, no Hazel please. Don’t be sorry. You did nothing. It’s alright” Kevin lifted her head to face his. He rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs trying to reassure and comfort her.
“I abandoned you… I promised I’d come back” Hazel had shut her eyes not being able to face Kevin.
“And look at you. You came back” Kevin said softly and sweetly, causing her to flutter her eyes open to look up at Kevin. Seeing a soft genuine smile on his face causes a little smile to creep on hers.
To Hazel it felt like old times when looking at Kevin like this. Even though things have changed so much. Kevin was much taller and bigger muscular wise. His hair was shaggy and better kept short. His skin had been much more bronze then the last time she saw him. She wanted to kiss him so bad, but she knew it wasn’t a good idea. After calming down after a while she pulled herself away from Kevin.
“Thank you for understanding Kev. I’m happy to see you again” she said softly with a smile.
“You don’t understand how much I missed your voice. I’m glad you’re finally home” Kevin’s voice slightly shook. He softly caressed her face. She was pulling him in, just like the first time he saw her.
“I am too. I missed you Kev” she whispered leaning deeper into his touch.
“I missed you too Hazel. You don’t even know” Kevin replied and was slowly leaning closer to her. He wanted to kiss her so bad but he didn’t know if it was okay to do.
“I don’t wanna hurt you.” She started feeling the distance between them. She so desperately wanted his lips on hers but she’s almost scared to.
“You won’t. If you’re not gonna leave again you won’t. Please Hazel I want you back” Kevin whines quietly. He couldn’t help himself. He was overrun with emotions. He couldn’t bear to even think about being angry with her.
“I’m not going anywhere” she ended with a small smile.
This was all the confirmation Kevin needed. He was quick but gentle when first kissing the girl. He couldn’t help but be needy while kissing her. He had needed and pleaded for her to come back to him and in this moment she was. The kiss was long, almost like they didn't need to breathe. Not feeling close enough she broke away from the kiss momentarily and swiftly climbed over the fence. Kevin had quickly wrapped his arms around her and held her as close as possible, continuing the kiss. A giggle started to escape Hazel's lips. Every time she tried to break away from the kiss Kevin would just pull her back in. Her laugh soon infected Kevin and he let out a small chuckle of his own
(Stay tuned for part 3 🥰)
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luimagines · 1 year
You have a huge point on Twilight crying about Houndstone's Pokedex, I think part of it reminds him of the Hero's Shade in an opposite light. As for Fierce and Wild, I'll be going over that here.
The Chain find out about Starter Pokemon when they find a counter full of awards and photos specifically a picture of 12 year old Reader with two unfamiliar Pokemon, a white rabbit and a pink imp. Everyone haven't gotten a full grasp on Pokemon evolution but have an inkling about who the imp is.
Sky: Is that your Grimmsnarl? They look so small back then!
Reader: Yep, that's my buddy back when they were an Impidimp. The other Pokemon is Scorbunny, the Starter Pokemon I received from to start my journey with.
Wild: *eyes gleaming* You can be given a Pokemon?
The Pokemon Trainer then explains the concept of Starters to the 9 Links and Fierce. How each region offer three different Pokemon for new trainers to choose from and the set always being Water, Grass, or Fire. Reader began their journey in Galar so they were offered the Scorbunny(Fire), Grookey(Grass) and Sobble(Water). They been best friends with their partner since childhood so the Dark/Fairy Type was caught right after receiving the Rabbit Pokemon.
Legend, of course, asks where their Scorbunny is. Reader decides to lead everyone outside in the more open section of their backyard. Neither Link or Fierce were ready to see an intense sparring match between two Pokemon. A massive 30' steel snake and a 4'7 rabbit with a soccer aesthetic.
Reader's Pokedex: Cinderace, the Striker Pokemon and the final evolved form of Scorbunny. A Fire Type. It's quite prideful in both its offensive and defensive abilities that cheering pumps it up, albeit showboating will put it in a tough spot. Cinderace can juggle a pebble between its feet to turn into a fiery soccer ball that leaves opponents scorched from its powerful shots.
Steelix, the Iron Snake Pokemon. A Steel/Ground Type. Tempered underground by high pressure and heat, it's body became harder than diamond from the accumulation of iron in the soil it swallowed. Steelix chews its way through boulders with its sturdy teeth while its eyes can easily see through the darkness.
Reader: They evolved a long time ago and usually trains the other Pokemon, specifically ones with issues against fast opponents like Steelix over here. You can consider my Cinderace 'The Coach' of my true team.
They aren't kidding as the Striker Pokemon is a speed demon easily outrunning even the fastest horse. Weaving past Steelix's attacks and striking the blindspot with a flaming Pyro Ball or a powerful kick. The Iron Snake's attacks are nothing to sneeze at as one move literally conjures a large Rock Slide from thin air. Both stopped their spar when they notice the audience.
Cinderace immediately felt the fellow rabbit vibes from Legend cause he's the first one the Fire Type greeted. Our dear Vet is mix between proud and slightly jealous. Proud cause there's actually a very powerful rabbit while the jealousy is cause his rabbit form isn't so impressive.
Like with Tinkatink, I can see Four absolutely adoring Steelix too. The sturdy tempered body makes him think back to perfectly forged steel that can only be made through hard work, skill and dedication. Steelix is quite gentle since it didn't topple anyone when it want to be petted.
Although the Iron Snake Pokemon might've purposely knocked Fierce on his ass cause Reader's other Pokemon made a challenge about who could knock down the 'walking steel wall'. They are sneaky little shits like that.
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FD probably wouldn't even be mad. He'd laugh and stay on the ground, making himself comfortable. I'm sure he woukd have caight on that the pokemon want to mess with him but he's purpises made it hard for them to get what they want.
But he was taken off guard this time. So he'll let them have this round.
Legend being jealous though? XD
It's Legend meets E.Aster Bunnymund all over again.
But soccer is involved and there's no boomerangs. 😅😅
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lunarsilkscreen · 11 months
Scarecrow in Batman Begins
Johnathan Crane is who Bruce Wayne wishes he could be.
I want you to examine the following statement closely:
"A shadowy figure, trained and influenced by the league of shadows, starts importing equipment into the city through legal channels, while simultaneously erasing the record of them in order to create a secret arsenal in order to fight the criminal element in Gotham, parallel to the police force, but often without their consent."
"Where are the other helmets going?" - Scarecrow stalking the shadows while trying to figure out why shipments belonging to Wayne Enterprises always seem to have *one extra* shipping container that nobody seems to know where they are going.
Presumably gassing some crooked cop in an alleyway after he just visited a taco stand.
The difference is that instead of just being a fearsome symbol, the Scarecrow is literally putting fear into them. This is painted in a way, that from Wayne's (and Rachel Dawe's) perspective; he looks like he's releasing people from prison and putting them in a mental Asylum (Arkham) on *trumped up* "insanity" diagnosis'.
Except he's literally using a weaponized aerosol in such a way that they won't recover from that.
See, Batman thinks that the place they can "do no harm" is Blackgate Prison. But Scarecrow thinks that "they keep escaping or being released from Blackgate, so let's put them somewhere *more* permanent."
Nowhere are Scarecrows intentions *more* clear, then when the gas is released on Gotham, and scarecrow, riding a horse, is actively trying to go around saving the innocent civilians caught up in it. But thanks to the gas, is justifiable tasered.
Batman in Batman Begins, doesn't know what he is doing. He makes a mess of himself, causes a weapon which is produced by Wayne Enterprises to be lost (and fires the guy trying to account for it) just so he can embezzle funds to build a fursuit, and help a single police officer get a promotion (which, is ironic considering Gordon was the one cop who wasn't crooked. Until he started turning a blind eye to a Billionaire Vigilante who was ineffective at best, and grossly negligent at worst.)
No. In the first movie, it's Scarecrow who is cleaning up the streets. Johnathan Crane both him and his alter ego work towards that one cause. Unlike Bruce Wayne who works to keep his alter-ego secret.
Remember, both The League of Shadows and Batman have the same goal in mind. They differ on the process. But Batman's Process serves only to protect the Status Quo (IMO)
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weirdowithaquill · 2 years
WIP Game:
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS. (... I do not know this many people)
Thank you @jobey-wan-kenobi for tagging me in - here's my best attempt to categorise the various inane WIP pieces I have floating about. Oh, and cause I'm a multi-fandom writer, the fandom is at the end of the title.
Edit: Alright, so now I'm sort of using this as a check-off list for things I've written. Things people ask about generally get more progress done on them - so ask about what you want to read!
1: Jinty, Pug and the Ffarquhar Branch Engines (RWS) 2: Bowler the Redeemed Engine (RWS) 3: Arry the Churlish Engine (RWS) 4: Murdoch the Mighty Engine (RWS) 5: Seaside Engines (RWS) 6: Duncan the Disagreeable Engine (RWS) 7: Sir Topham Hatt and his Engines (RWS) 8: Ivo Hugh the Young Engine (RWS) 9: Arthur the Midland Engine (RWS) 10: Mixed-Traffic Engines (RWS) 11: Mid Sodor Engines (RWS) 12: The Caledonian Twin Engines (RWS) 13: Very Important Engines (RWS) 14: Silent Engine Bert Again (RWS) 15: Duke's and Duchess' Engines (RWS) 16: The 2004 Special: The World-Famous Engine (RWS) 17: Edward; a Requiem in Steam (RWS) 18: Mavis the Quarry Engine (RWS) 19: History of the Sodor Highland Railway (RWS) 20: The Island Song (RWS) 21: Five American Engines (RWS) 22: TATMR Horror Story (RWS) 23: The Reject Railway (RWS) 24: Tales From the Other Railway (RWS) 25: Tidmouth Train to Hell (RWS) 26: RWS/World Trigger Crossover (RWS, World Trigger)
27: Hyuse & The Iron Horse (World Trigger) 28: Crash-Course in Meeden (World Trigger)
29: In Orwell's World (Voltron) 30: Comfort Food (Voltron) 31: Pidge & Dr Strangelove (Voltron) 32: Keith and the Wolf (Voltron) 33: Grandma McClain and Adam Join the Voltron Crew (Voltron) 34: Planet Obscure (Voltron)
35: TDWT Rewrite (Total Drama) 36: Total Drama Grand Tour (Total Drama) 37: Pull Your Weight (Total Drama) 38: X-Treme Torture Rewrite (Total Drama) 39: A Night To Remember (Total Drama) 40: In the Hold (Total Drama) 41: Total Drama King Lear AU (Total Drama)
42: BirdFlash story (DC) 43: Jingle Bells, Nightwing Noel (DC) 44: Red Hood Reading Club (DC) 45: WikiHow Does Not Have An Article For That! (DC) 46: Manor on the Hill (DC) 47: Swear Jar (DC)
48: Malevolent Spirit (Saiki K) 49: When You Fall, I Will Pick You Up (Saiki K) 50: Dark Reunion's Anti-Love Ray (Saiki K) 51: Rome (Saiki K) 52: How to Win Over Saiki K, or a Rhapsody of a Man Not in Love (Saiki K) 53: Saiki K Europe Trip (Saiki K) 54: Kusuo's Christmas (Saiki K)
55: Jinrao (Naruto) 56: Obito, Father of the Jinchuuriki (Naruto) 57: Akatsuki Parents (Naruto) 58: Naruto & Nazis (Naruto) 59: Sakura Out-trains Everyone (Naruto) 60: Dogs Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 61: Refuelling Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 62: Work Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 63: Barbeques Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 64: Snorkelling Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 65: Adoption Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 66: Children Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 67: KakaObi Regency Story Part 2 (Naruto) 68: Sasuke/Naruto Story (Naruto) 69: The Club (Naruto) 70: Atomic (Naruto) 71: Only Love Can Hurt Like This (Naruto) 72: The Railwayman AU (Naruto) 73: The Hidan Story (Naruto) 74: School Shenanigans (Naruto)
75: Just Ask Him Out Already! (Assassination Classroom) 76: AssClass Yearbook (Assassination Classroom) 77: The Theoretical Sequel to 'The Informant' (Assassination Classroom) 78: Lost in the Night (Assassination Classroom)
79: Britain in the AtLA World (Avatar; The Last Airbender) 80: Picture of Sokka of the Water Tribe (Avatar; The Last Airbender) 81: Night at the Fire Temple (Avatar; The Last Airbender) 82: Fast Car (Avatar; The Last Airbender)
83: Stay Away From Minnemeny Island (One Piece) 84: Kaoru and the German (Ouran High School Host Club) 85: Romantic Killer AU (Romantic Killer)
86: The White Elephant *The Sherlockverse* (Various)
Right... so that took way longer than expected. Originally, it all seemed fine - I have most of my things in a single, neat folder. And then I remembered I have a Microsoft Account... and a WordPad full of old fics... and several workbooks with their own things in them. I think I'm still missing one workbook, all truth be told!
@lswro2-222 @predawnrex04 and that's all the people I know who aren't @jobey-wan-kenobi
Edit 2: When I get down to like... 60 or something WIPs on here, I'm going to overhaul the list to take them off and put up the new ones. Until then, remember to ask about the WIPs you're most interested in!
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ravenloftian · 1 year
Village of Lunamire
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Overview: Lunamire, a secluded village with roughly 600 inhabitants, lies nestled within the chilling embrace of the Barovian realm. Protected by a wooden curtain wall, it is near Lake Zarovich to the south, with the village of Vallaki beyond. Accessible only through a series of shifting canals and marshes, Lunamire is a hub of fishing, brewing, and military arts.
Defensible Position: Lunamire's strategic position offers unparalleled defensibility against the encroaching shadows of Barovia. Its network of ever-changing swamps and canals acts as a natural labyrinth, rendering any intruders lost in the shroud of mist. The treacherous terrain transforms constantly, and the dangers lurking within the murky depths deter even the bravest souls. Transporting livestock, horses, or marching troops through this unforgiving landscape is nigh impossible, a natural defense that guards the village against unwanted invaders.
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Trade and Commerce: Despite the challenges posed by the surrounding swamps, Lunamire's main livelihood centers around fishing and brewing. The Morninglord's Abbey of Eternal Dawn brews a renowned beer cherished far and wide across Barovia. The brew is in high demand and is frequently traded with Vallaki, Krezk, Barovia, and other villages and castles. The abbey imports grain from the south, skillfully transformed by twelve dedicated monks.
Abbey of Eternal Dawn: A Forge of Holy Warriors
Within Lunamire's heart lies the Abbey of Eternal Dawn, a beacon of light and hope for the church of the Morninglord. The abbey serves as a place of worship and a formidable training ground for aspiring paladins and holy warriors. Under the guidance of the fierce and experienced knight, Sir Brandrak of Vallaki, recruits train relentlessly in combat and righteousness. When not honing their skills, the recruits help in the cloister gardens, the kitchens, and the brewery.
Sir Brandrak - The Fierce Instructor: Sir Brandrak's presence in the village is as indomitable as the swirling mists that enshroud it. He leads the recruits with an iron will, molding them into formidable protectors of the realm. His wisdom and stern compassion instill discipline in the hearts of the aspiring paladins, and his fierce dedication to the Morninglord's cause motivates them to embrace their destinies as defenders of the light.
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The Heart of Craftsmanship: Lunamire thrives on the expertise of skilled artisans. The village boasts a weaponsmith, an armorsmith, a leatherworker, a carpenter, a baker, and a tailor, each weaving their talents into practical and enchanting creations. The general store, mill, cooper, tavern, and barge maker contribute to the village's self-sufficiency and flourishing trade, drawing visitors from far and wide.
Challenges and Aspirations: Lunamire's unwavering resilience is mirrored in its challenges. Passage through the ever-changing swamp remains treacherous, making transporting large animals or marching troops insurmountable. Yet, despite these obstacles, the village's allure draws aspiring knights from distant lands, eager to train within the knightly barracks and embrace the legacy of the Morninglord's holy warriors. The knight's horses are stabled on the other side of Lake Zarovich at a walled compound known as the Menagerie. The Menagerie also doubles as a warehouse, tavern, and inn.
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The Courageous Widow: The village is led by Mirela Rusu Vennethar, a widow of remarkable valor, and the Burgomaster. Mirela fought courageously alongside her husband, Sir Ranceval Vennethar of Rogalford, in the War with the Tergs, retreating only after suffering terrible injuries that severed her hand and part of her left leg. Now in her sixties, with graying hair and visible scars, Mirela remains a symbol of unwavering resilience and staunch devotion to the Morninglord.
Nearest Neighbors: The Village of Marais d' Tarrascon. Marais is difficult to get to as it's deeper into the swamp, though once there it is a pleasant enough place.
Summary: Lunamire stands defiantly, protected by its labyrinthine swamps and canals, a testament to the indomitable spirit of its people. Amidst the swirling mists and moonlit waters, the village thrives on faith, craftsmanship, and the divine allure of the Morninglord's beer. As the villagers gather in The Silver Chalice to celebrate life's moments, Lunamire's unique charm beckons travelers from far and wide, offering a glimpse into the enigmatic world of Barovia. At its core, the Abbey of Eternal Dawn nurtures the soul and shapes fierce warriors who will defend the realm against the shadows that lurk in the darkness. With Sir Brandrak as their steadfast guide, the aspiring paladins march towards a future where hope and valor shall forever pierce the heart of the encroaching night, safeguarding Lunamire and the light it embraces.
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multiandmany · 6 months
Clay Bailey (Canon)
Fandom: Xiaolin Showdown
Name: Clay Bailey Age: 16 Species: Human Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Height: 6'1" Weight: ??? Abilities: Earth Manipulation*, First Aid Skills, Cooking/Baking Skills, High Food Tolerance*, Superhuman Strength, Martial art skills, Seismic Kick Earth, Elemental Combination (using the Fist of Tebigong), Dragon X-Kumei Formation (with the other dragons) *Comes with the elemental martial arts attacks as well as being able to use her element outside of that. (Basically covers the whole elemental powers outside of the named list.) *AKA Iron stomach, meaning he can eat things that would make others sick, this does have its limits
Clay's southern upbringing causes some confusion among the dragons and monks, but his actions clear things up well when it comes time for them. He's physically strong and uses his side to his advantage in battle. His strength comes in handy for every day tasks too. Raimundo keeps trying to swap chores with various degrees of success!
While at times taken as slow and dense, him being quiet is not a sign of weakness, its him thinking and working through what's going on. Him being of few words means he's for the most part keeping up with everything. There are times things confuse him when it comes to magic though, as where he comes from, magic is not common at all aside from the spare magic show put on for kids.
When it comes to reliable, its Clay you look to, if he says he'll do something he'll do it, if he doesn't then something really important got in the way or something happened to him. Or the world is ending and you should run for cover cause he's fighting for the planet.
Out of all of the dragons, he's the best cook and the best at first aid. Things he was taught at home have come in handy at the temple. He can also fix certain things mechanically but only if its heavy machinery. Leave the tiny tech to Kimiko.
Due to growing up on a ranch, he has some veterinary experience as well. He can handle and take care of multiple kinds of animals, both wild and domestic. He can ride horses and tack them. His lasso skills are second to none and he uses them all the time while in battle and other times too, like keeping Omi out of trouble.
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His monk outfit is above.
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His casual outfit is above.
Mythic Showdown AU || (X)
The last of the dragons in training to find out what myth he is, Clay was surprised to find out that he was. You'd think he'd notice more signs coming from a cattle ranch but he didn't until right up at the turning point.
It takes him the longest out of them to get use to being a mythic because while the others are full creature myths, his myth is part human. It's a learning curb. It is also likely why it took him so long to notice. His ears shift out more than often, like when he's embarrassed.
He's 6'7" in this form. He still has freckles too!
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