#get out of my kitchen or I’m hitting you with a wooden spoon
badolmen · 4 months
…there are twinks that can get pregnant. Some twinks want to get pregnant. Sometimes twinks are trans babe.
The problem is with cishet people appropriating queer language. A cishet person looking at a cishet guy and saying ‘he’s such a twink I want to get him pregnant’ is homophobic. They’re first and least of all applying a queer term to a non-queer person (who often doesn’t actually fit the physical description that term describes). More importantly it’s treating ‘twink’ the same way cishet (and to an extent, younger and less experienced queer) people have been treating sub/dom and top/bottom. They reinvent a strict dichotomy solely based on whatever they imagine those words mean because they aren’t actually kinksters or queer. In this case they’re conflating twinks with whatever they think subs are just because the cishet person wants to dominate a dude and in their mind ‘twink’ is just a quirky queer word for ‘subservient/bottom/etc.’
Just say you wanna fuck him stupid and stop using queer vocabulary without understanding what it means.
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bussyslayer333 · 1 year
it’s all about you
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summary: 4 times Jake thought about marrying you and the 1 time he did.
pairing: jake seresin x girlfriend!reader
word count: 5.9k
warnings: allusions to smut throughout, mentions of alcohol, swearing, jake being whipped!! MDNI 18+
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“Cookies or Brownies?” you hum, rifling through your kitchen cupboards.
“Cookies, we’re not monsters babe.�� Jake replies seriously from where he’s stood behind you, checking out your ass.
You snap back up with a cheer and the brown sugar you were looking for in tow. Jake quickly diverts his gaze in favour of not getting caught and decides that your fridge magnets are suddenly the most interesting thing in the world.
His intense inspection of the little windmill stuck to your fridge has you snorting, quickly turned into a squeal when Jake pats your behind with a little more force than intended.
“What?” He spins around as if to look for someone else who could have committed the offending action.
“You’re stupid.” You giggle, jutting your hip out to hit his own.
Jake reciprocates the action before finally picking up a wooden spoon and smacking it against his palm loudly.
“Where do you need me chef?”
“Fold the butter into the brown sugar,” you instruct, “softly.”
Jake rolls his eyes purposefully obnoxiously and sighs loudly, “I know.”
“Don’t make me remind you of cupcake gate.”
Jake’s attitude drops, “we agreed not to bring that up.”
“I play petty Seresin, now fold. Gently.” You sass.
Jake chuckles at your demeanour and gets to work, following your orders to complete the cookie dough.
Once complete and set to chill in the freezer, Jake goes to leave the kitchen but instead watches on in amusement as you pace around anxiously. After your third rearrangement of the trinkets on the window sill he interrupts.
“Babe, what are you doing?”
You sigh dramatically and throw yourself into his arms.
“I’m nervous.”
Jake snorts, “why?”
You pull back from where you face was smushed into his chest and pout, “don’t be mean. I’m scared they won’t like my cookies. Or me, for that matter.”
Jake’s thumb strokes absentmindedly over your cheek in an act of comfort.
“All kids like cookies. Fact.” He states, “and they’re gonna love you because they love me and I love you.”
“I don’t want to be their uncle Jake’s lame girlfriend who makes bad cookies.” You bite at your pushed out lip.
“You won’t be, now let’s bake these suckers.”
Jake pats your ass playfully as you bend down to retrieve the cookie dough.
“Put the oven on.” You order.
Jake mock salutes, “yes, chef.”
You run through about ten outfits before finally settling on what to wear, and as you brush through your hair once more, the doorbell goes.
You can hear Jake and his sister talking downstairs as well as the excited giggles of his nieces. When you finally descend the stairs Jake’s sister is smiling up at you.
“It’s great to see you again!” She gives you a one armed hug, the other holding the girls backpacks.
“You too!” You look down to where the girls are holding on to each of Jake’s hands, “and it’s great to meet you girls!”
The younger of the two immediately leaps forward and grabs onto your hand, “I’m Ellie, you’re pretty,” she singsongs.
You bend down and wipe at a smudge on her face, “Not as pretty as you!”
Ellie giggles determinedly and turns back to her mom to smile.
“Ellie, Olive, be good okay?” Jake’s sister nods her head to the two girls before looking back up to the two of you, “and thank you for looking after them on such short notice.”
Jake rolls his eyes, “you know it’s fine, now go have fun.”
“Thank you!” She smiles before kissing the girls on the heads and making her exit.
You look back down to the girls, Ellie is still clinging onto your hand with a smitten look on her face. Her golden curls are kept in two pigtails with small scrunchies. She’s adorable and can’t be older than 5.
When you avert your gaze to Olive, she seems to blush slightly. She is partially hidden by Jake’s large frame but you can still make out her blue eyes and long, mousy brown hair. She looks much older than Ellie, probably about 9 or 10. Much more reserved as well.
“It’s nice to meet you Olive!” You beam.
She nods in your direction, “hi.” It’s almost a whisper but you smile in acknowledgement anyways.
“Jakey I’m hungryyyyy,” Ellie drags out the “e” sound of her Y.
“Well that won’t do will it, Ellie bellie?” Jake teases, dropping Olive’s hand in favour of scooping Ellie up into his arms.
Olive chuckles awkwardly at the commotion and fiddles with the straps of her bag as Jake carries Ellie towards the kitchen where the cookies are almost finished. You can sense a small amount of anxiety radiating off of her, you were similar at that age. Never quite feeling in place. It suddenly becomes your duty to make sure she understands it’s okay.
“I love your hair, it’s so long!” You smile comfortingly at her, reaching out to fiddle with the ends.
She leans more into your touch and speaks quietly, “thank you, I- sometimes I think it’s kind of boring.” She shrugs.
“It’s really beautiful! I wish I could grow my hair that long,” you hum, inspecting the completely undamaged strands of hair.
Olive smiles up at you, “I just wish I could do more hairstyles with it.”
“I could braid it for you? If you would like that of course?”
“I would really like that,” Olive nods.
She lets you lead her upstairs where you sit her in front of your vanity with all your hair and makeup products. You watch fondly as she “oohs” and “ahhs” at the products on display.
“Tell me if I hurt you at all okay?” You question as you brush out her mostly untangled hair.
Olive nods in understanding, “can you do two french braids?”
“Of course!”
You sit in silence for a few moments as you brush and part her hair. You can feel her gaze on you from the mirror.
“You okay?” You hum.
“You’re really pretty, y’know? Way more than Uncle Jake.”
Her words make you giggle, “Your Uncle Jake is very handsome, why else would I be with him?” you tease.
She snorts, “I figured it wasn’t because he was clever.”
You try not to laugh too loud at her quip and bite your lip, “he has his moments.”
Olive rolls her eyes and mumbles “sure” and once calmed from your laughter you’re able to start on the first of the braids and talk to her more.
“How’s school?” You question absentmindedly.
“It’s okay,” she answers. Olive opens her mouth again as if to say something else, before closing it again.
“You can tell me,” you affirm.
“Promise you won’t tell Uncle Jake?” She asks.
She quickly intertwines her little finger with yours before beginning.
“There’s this boy,” she blushes as she sees a grin spread across your face, “he sits next to me when we do science, and he’s really cute.”
“What’s his name?” You ask, trying to keep your face neutral.
“Trey. But I don’t even think he knows my name.” She sighs.
“I’m sure he does, Olive, especially if he sits next to you.” You reassure her.
“I mean he only really talks to me to ask for help, but one time he told me he really liked my shoes.” She gushes.
“That’s a good sign Olive,” you confirm, “if a boy likes you he’ll make sure to compliment you, don’t settle for a boy who doesn’t make you feel special, promise me?”
Olive nods diligently, “promise.”
You make a little “aha” noise as you finish with the first braid and begin to move onto the second.
“Did Uncle Jake do that?” She ponders.
“Make you feel special?”
You nod your head as your fingers move nimbly through her hair, “he asked me out five times before I said yes.” you giggle in remembrance.
“Five?” Olive chuckles.
You’re not quite sure how to explain to Jake’s niece that you thought he was something of the manwhore before he finally professed his feelings for you.
“I wanted to know that he was committed,” you decide on.
“Uncle Jake really loves you. I heard him on the phone to my mom yesterday and-”
“Stop spilling all my secrets would ya?” Jake quickly interrupts, butting the door open with his foot.
Ellie is propped on his right side holding a plate of what you can assume are your cookies. She and Jake had long gone through the sheets of her My Little Pony colouring book and had decided to come find the two of you and share the cookies that were quickly depleting.
Olive giggles, “sorry Uncle Jake.”
“It’s okay kid,” he grins and plops Ellie down on your bed before coming to stand behind you. He wraps his arms around your waist and pecks you on the lips quickly.
Olive and Ellie both pull faces and Jake laughs, “I thought that’s what you wanted to do to Trey, Ollie?”
Olive gasps, “how do you know? And no I do not!”
Jake taps the side of his nose teasingly. You roll your eyes and quickly finish off her braid, flipping them over her shoulders.
“Done.” You pat her head and hope her anger will diffuse.
“Thank you,” she smiles brightly at you, but returns to shooting daggers at Jake just shortly after.
“Cookies?” He offers up as a peace offering.
Olive still keeps up her impressive pout.
“I made them babe don’t worry,” you provide.
“Well in that case,” Olive reaches for a cookie and takes a hefty bite, her eyes widen considerably, “these are so good!”
“Thank you!” You smile, brushing at the crumbs that had accumulated on her cheeks.
“These are the best cookies ever!” Ellie proclaims from where she is now chowing down on another cookie.
“Hey! I thought we said no more?” Jake frowns in faux anger, plopping down on the bed next to Ellie.
“You said that, not me!” Ellie giggles.
“You got me there, bellie.” Jake sighs in defeat.
Ellie throws herself into Jake’s arms and gives her best puppy dog eyes.
“Can we watch a movie?” She pleads.
“You wanna watch a movie, kid?” Jake pokes Olive.
Olive looks to you and you smile, “Yeah,” she nods.
An hour later, you’re all squished onto the couch watching Frozen. Ellie is long past waking up and is spread out across the “L” part of the couch snoring quietly.
You’re tucked into Jake’s side and he’s fiddling with your hand, he hasn’t been watching the screen at all. Instead, watching your features and the way Olive will point out her favourite parts and songs to you. He particularly enjoys her version of “fixer upper” which he presumed might be dedicated to him. He enjoys even more so when by the time the film ends the way that Olive is dozing off on your shoulder and the way you’re stroking softly at her arm.
“They love you,” he coos into your ear.
“I’m glad,” you hum, “I really love them.”
“Olive is never like that with anyone, she’s usually so shy.” Jake explains, placing a kiss at your temple and then tucking your head under his chin.
“I was like that too when I was her age.” You murmur as to not wake the girls, “I hope she knows how special she is.”
“You’re gonna be such a good mom someday,” he whispers down at you.
“I hope so.”
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Jake had been waiting for what felt like hours. It was five minutes really. But when you had told him to go wait in the car he had expected you to be out much sooner than you were. And when you finally sat down next to him, he wasn’t all too pleased.
“Let’s go.” You hum, pulling down the mirror to apply a final layer of lip gloss.
“Is that what you’re wearing?”
“Yeah, why?” You turn, a crease forming in your brow.
Jake winces, unsure of whether to continue, “your skirt, it’s really short.”
“I guess so.” You deadpan.
A beat passes.
“Are you going to cover up?”
Jake watches as your face drops.
“Why would I do that?” You reply snappily.
Jake sighs and begins to pull his car out of the driveway.
“Because I don’t want random guys hitting on you all night.”
“How is that my problem?” You retort, anger bubbling up.
“I just don’t want them getting wrong ideas about you, that’s all.” Jake tries to reason.
“And what would those ideas be, Jake?”
Jake can sense your rising anger. He doesn’t want to be in an argument with you by the time you reach the Hard Deck. That leaves him approximately four minutes to diffuse the situation he has caused.
“Just forget I said anything, it’s fine.” Jake dismisses.
“No, I want to know what you mean.” You assert, arms coming up to cross over your chest.
“Can we just drop it?” Jake sighs after a moment, “I don’t want to fight in front of everyone.”
“We wouldn’t have to fight if you weren’t being a dick!”
Jake rolls his eyes and doesn’t dignify you with a response, angering you even further. When he finally pulls into a spot outside of the Hard Deck you turn to him and flick at his shirt that can’t have more than two buttons done up.
“You gonna do that up sweetheart? Touch revealing don’t ya think?” You spit snarkily.
With that you slam the door to the car and make your way inside without looking back. Jake watches as you beeline for Natasha and rolls his eyes when she shoots him a dirty look. It was only more ammunition for her general distaste of him.
It goes like that for the rest of the night. You avoid Jake like the plague, sticking to Nat’s side mostly near the bar top. Although, you always stay within Jake’s line of sight which is heartening for him.
Bradley seems to find the ordeal hilarious.
“What did you do to piss her off this time?” He taunts.
Jake grunts. “I told her that her skirt was too short and that she needed to change.”
Bradley’s eyes widen, “bagman even I know you’re not supposed to say shit like that.”
“Yeah, well I know that now!” Jake spits.
“Hey don’t shoot the messenger,” Bradley rolls his eyes, “just go say sorry.”
“Why not?”
“She called me a dick.” Jake huffs.
“She’s not wrong,” Bradley offers.
Jake stays silent.
“You’re so petty.”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
Bradley and Jake stare at one another for a moment.
“Yeah, okay maybe,” Jake relents.
He sighs and averts his gaze back where you’re sat with Nat. You’re laughing so hard at something she’s said that you’re doubled over. You really did look beautiful, and Jake hadn’t even told you because he was too worried he was gonna get jealous and be a dick. Yet he still managed to do the last part.
“I hate when you’re right,” Jake admits, handing his beer over to Bradley.
Jake begins to make his way over to you, he’s going to apologise. However, he did not account for what was going to be quite the persistent obstacle.
“Hey,” a voice blurts from in front of him.
Jake catches sight of the owner of the voice, she’s tall and just a touch too blonde to be believable. She’s pretty, sure. But not you.
“Hey,” Jake replies absentmindedly, trying to make his way around her.
She steps in front of him again, blocking you from his view and tries to start up a new conversation.
“I’m Kendra, and you are?” She smiles in what Jake supposes was seduction.
Right now all he’s really trying to figure out is if your still at the bar or not.
“Jake.” He replies, hoping it will satiate her enough to move.
“Well Jake, it is great to meet you,” Kendra hums, sticking out her hand for Jake to shake.
Jake shakes it swiftly and goes to retract his hand, Kendra keeps it in her own grasp and plays with his fingers, keeping an awkward amount of eye contact with him.
“Look Kendra, I’m sure you’re a great girl but my-”
“I love your shirt!” She interrupts, “would probably love what’s underneath more.”
Jake cringes at her line and at the way her hand is now currently moving towards the excessive amount of chest exposed by his lowly buttons. Before she can reach skin, her hand is smacked away by red polished nails that Jake would recognise anywhere.
“Hey baby,” you whisper, before throwing your arms around Jake’s neck and smashing your lips into his.
Jake is all too quick to reciprocate, letting his hands fall to your ass only just covered by the tiny skirt that Jake has suddenly taken a distinct liking to. You pull back only to catch your breath, but instead catch sight of the seething blonde still stood uncomfortably close.
“We were talking!” She insists.
“He’s busy,” you cock your head to the side in faux apology, “sorry.”
She huffs and mumbles “crazy bitch” as she storms off, you pout to try and hold in your giggles. When you turn back to Jake, it proves useless trying to hold them in when you catch sight of his mouth smothered in your pink lipgloss.
“You’re so fucking hot,” Jake breathes out.
“I’m still mad at you,” you tease.
“I’m sorry, I know I’m a jealous dick, you just look so fucking good I didn’t want anyone else to see you.” Jake explains, hands caressing at the skin at the tops of your thighs.
You snort, “I think I’m the jealous one,”
“Good, I like a change of pace sometimes,” Jake pinches softly at your skin and lets a smile grace his feature at the way you squeak.
“Should we get out of here?” You whisper, hand trailing down Jake’s chest to where his hand is resting on you.
You guide his hand underneath your skirt slowly until Jake realises the lack of barrier between his hand and your cunt.
“Fuck, baby.” Jake hums practically into your mouth from how closely you two are stood.
You step away from him swiftly and bring his hand back into yours, pulling him towards the parking lot. Jake could cry from happiness.
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“If this is stupid you can just tell me, okay?” You ask from where you’re stood in front of a blindfolded Jake.
It’s his birthday today and you told him you had a surprise. He figured it would be a party, which he was thankful for but he couldn’t understand the point of the blindfold.
“Okay you can take it off now.” You instruct.
Jake all but rips the blindfold off and looks down at you to take in your attire.
“Jesus, baby.”
“Do you like it?” You question, giving him a little spin.
Jake’s mouth is agape as he watches the way you twirl, clad in the tiniest daisy dukes he thinks he’s ever seen and what can only be his flannel. The cream of your cowboy boots are subtle and suit you well.
“Like it?” Jake steps forward and shoves his hands into the small back pockets of your shorts, “I fuckin’ love it.”
Behind you, Jake can see his Stetson placed on the table, and behind that he can see into the garden where all of his friends are already drinking and chatting.
“You set this up, baby?” He nods to the glass doors.
“I had some help,” you shrug, finally moving out of his grip to grab his hat.
Jake extends his hand out for you to pass it to him, but is pleasantly surprised when you place it on your own head. He opens his mouth to speak, but your catch him before he can with a wink,
“I know the rule, cowboy.” You tease, placing your hand on his chest. “Consider it a birthday gift.”
Jake holds back a groan as you drag him outside to where he’s greeted by a chorus of “happy birthday”s and various other jokes about him getting old. It sort of shocks Jake at the amount of people there to celebrate, and he has to hold in a chuckle as he sees a number of your friends already beelining for the group of pilots nursing beers on the decking.
Bradley is quick to find Jake as the party gets into full swing, people chatting and music playing throughout the yard.
“You’re one lucky son of a bitch,” Bradley chuckles slapping Jake on the shoulder.
Jake has been staring at you for the last 10 minutes as you twirl around with Phoenix to the varied 2000s songs that have been on loop for most of the evening.
“Don’t I know it,” Jake boasts, clinking his beer bottle against Bradley’s.
You can feel a gaze on your back as you grind onto Phoenix whilst Nelly Furtado plays, not to your shock it’s Jake, head cocked to the side with a lazy smirk on his face whilst practically ignoring everything Bradley is saying to him. You can only giggle as Phoenix makes a teasing remark about him being whipped. She wasn’t wrong.
You make you way towards the boys slowly, smiling as you catch the end of their conversation.
“Whatcha talking about?” You goad, as Jake pulls you back against his chest already.
“You.” Bradley answers truthfully.
“All bad I suppose?” You bait.
“Oh the worst,” Jake fills in, pinching at the meat of your thigh playfully.
Deciding not to prod further, you turn in Jake’s grip to face him and plant a sloppy kiss on his face. It makes Jake laugh and Bradley mock gag, rolling his eyes and making his way towards Phoenix. Jake captures your lips with his a few more times, hands wandering dangerously low towards your ass before you pull away with a wink, and also slight fear of traumatising your guests.
“Patience is a virtue,” you remind Jake, he simply groans in response.
The rest of the night goes as such, Jake gets cornered into conversations, his eyes wander to you, you tease him some way or the other, Jake is left half hard whilst talking to an admiral. It’s uncomfortably delicious and Jake cannot wait for his last birthday gift.
At 1:30 AM, the only stragglers left are the dagger squad, drunkenly swaying around Jake’s backyard and singing horrific variations of “Slow Ride” to annoy him. It doesn’t even work, because Jake knows he has something so sweet waiting for him. However, his patience is wearing thin and considering these are the people closest to him, he has no qualms with speaking his mind.
“Alright, y’all time to get going,” he announces, herding everyone out.
Bob had been kind enough to offer to drive everyone home, and Jake was keen to take him up on it, helping Bob strap in their drunk friends with alarming efficiency.
“Hey! What’s the rush birthday boy?” Javy slurs as Jake buckles his seatbelt.
“He wants birthday sex!” Nat whisper shouts into Javy’s ear, with emphasis on the shout.
The truck erupts in whoops and crude hollers towards Jake and only Bob can offer him an apologetic smile.
“Good luck,” Jake pats Bob on the back.
“You too.” Bob replies with a laugh, eyes glancing quickly to where you’re stood on the porch, hip popped out against one of the wooden beams.
Jake all but sprints back to you, hauling you up into his arms, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist. You move to place his stetson on his own head, but Jake stops you.
“Nuh-uh sweetheart, you ride the cowboy, you gotta wear the hat.” He smirks, kicking the front door shut behind him.
“Seems fair.” You hum after a moment.
And when Jake walks into the changing rooms on Monday morning, taking off his shirt to reveal hideous claw marks down his back. No one bats an eye.
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Jake had experienced what one could only describe as a clusterfuck of a day.
To start off the day, his alarm hadn’t gone off, meaning he had to sprint to his car and run a red light on the way to work. What was worse than the impending ticket that he was going to receive was the fact that he hadn’t even been able to kiss you goodbye like he does every morning.
It set him up badly. Jake Seresin was never one for superstitions but you were clearly his lucky charm. Proved so even further by the way his concentration was lacking in the flight simulations he was running. Then when they were up in the air, Jake was missing every opportunity to shoot down Maverick, messing up every manoeuvre and just generally souring his already damp mood.
To top it all off, the pièce de résistance, when Jake finally made it back to the changing rooms, itching to change out of his sweaty flight suit. His bag was sat open, clothes sopping wet whilst two of the newbies stood guiltily next to a broken shower head.
He almost blew his lid. Almost. But then he pictured getting back to you, falling into your arms after this tragic day and finally being able to relax. So for once, Jake decided to keep his mouth shut. He picked up his sopping bag and silently stalked out of the room.
When Jake reached his truck and listened to the way his bag squelched as he set it down, he held in another groan of frustration. The sun was still beating down and his sweaty flight suit was clinging to him in all the wrong places. Deep breath in, clench the steering wheel too hard, deep breath out. It was a 15 minute drive. He could do that for God’s sake.
Jake’s 15 minute drive quickly became a 45 minute one when he found out the road he was supposed to be taking was closed due to a burst pipe. The sky was a dusky purple as he finally pulled up outside your house. Jake can see that the light is on in the kitchen as well as your figure moving around languidly.
Jake slams the car door probably too loudly and rushes to the door. When he opens it, Jake is greeted with the loud sounds of your 90s playlist blasting throughout the house, he can hear you voice - although somewhat out of tune - belting along as well.
It makes him smile, for the first time on that horrid day. Jake’s bag of damp clothes are forgotten by the door as he quickly shucks himself of his boots and makes his way towards the kitchen. He opens the door to the sight of you wiggling your hips to Santana whilst holding a spatula and pushing around some type of stir fry.
You continue your movements, but turn at the sound of someone entering, a large smile gracing your face once you realise who it is.
“Hey, handsome,” you preen, dancing your way towards him.
Jake can’t help but chuckle at you movements, but he quickly falls limp once your wrap your arms around his neck. His large arms wrap around your waist tightly, engulfing you in him. You take note of Jake’s subdued demeanour, and raise one of your hands to scratch at the hair at his neck just like you know he loves.
“You okay, babe?” you hum, swaying him slightly.
“Shit day,” he groans out, leaning further into your touch.
“You wanna talk about it?” You continue your ministrations.
“Later.” He huffs, “Just wanna be with you.”
Jake’s sweet words make you melt into him further, burying your face into his chest. The arms of his flight suit were tied around his waist, only his tight black undershirt covering the expanse of his chest. He smelt like a combination of jet fuel, sweat and his cologne that he’d hurriedly sprayed in the morning. It should probably be off putting but it was so undeniably Jake that it was addictive. You inhale again as you place a chaste kiss against his pec.
“Are you sniffing me?” Jake chuckles.
“You smell so good,” you can only groan out, smushing your face into him again.
Jake leans back and takes your face in his hands,
“I’ve not even showered, I stink,” he chuckles incredulously.
“You still smell so good,” you whine, lips forming a pout.
“That means we’re meant to be or something, my pheromones get you going huh?” Jake teases.
“Never say pheromones again,” you roll your eyes and wiggle out of his grip to lower the heat under the pan you were searing the food in.
Jake follows you diligently, arms wrapping around your waist so he can cling to you as you move about the kitchen. Once bored of your movements, Jake swiftly lifts you up to sit at the counter top.
“Jake!” You swat at his chest, “we need to plate up the food,” you remind him.
“It can wait,” he decides, leaning in to connect his lips to yours.
It’s what he’d been waiting for all day. The pillow of your lips on his, the way you melt into his touch. One strong hand caressing the side of your face and the other gripping at your hip. You rest one hand on his chest, the other at the back of his neck, guiding his face to yours over and over again. Jake feels like a teenager again, making out with his girlfriend on the kitchen counter top. Except his 16 year old self would probably lose his mind trying to figure out how he ended up with someone like you.
Once you’d let Jake’s tongue explore your mouth in a kiss that had lasted far too long, you finally pull back to catch your breath.
“You want food?” you question with a smile.
“Please,” Jake hums as you hop off the counter. He smacks at your ass you walk away from him, “I’m starving.”
You roll your eyes fondly, and get to plating up the food. Jake isn’t too keen on letting you out of his grip, so you sit in his lap as you eat, feeding him and yourself at the same time. It’s nice, his strong grip is comforting and Jake appreciates how eager you are to listen to his rant about his shitty day.
“I was missing you all day, baby,” Jake murmurs, kissing at the side of your neck.
“I always miss you, Jake,” you smile earnestly, “now go shower and I’ll wash the plates.”
Jake allows you out of his grip so you can stand and move back around the kitchen, he shadows you once again, moving in tandem with his hands never leaving you.
“I thought you were going to shower?” You question, placing the last dish in the dishwasher.
“I don’t wanna leave you,” he whines.
You sigh, holding in your smirk as you turn to face him. “You wanna shower together?”
Jake has never looked so giddy as he practically races up the stairs, shirt flying off as he climbs the steps.
“You’re insatiable!” You yell after him.
“Only for you!” He yells in return.
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“I’ve thought a lot about what I could say right now,” Jake clears his throat.
He’s not nervous. In fact he doesn’t think anything has ever been so clear in his mind.
“I think usually when people do these things they tell memories or defining moments about their relationship, but the truth is. Every goddamn moment since I met you, I knew this was the only possible outcome.”
Jake looks down to where your sat with your shared friends and family, you look like a dream really. He’d been antsy about not seeing your dress, but now he was glad he’d waited.
“Y’know she turned me down five times before finally agreeing to go out with me?” Jake chuckles into the mic he’s holding.
Laughter rings out through the guests but Jake’s gaze never wavers from you. You’re rolling your eyes at him with a smile on your face, letting out a giggle as Jake’s mom squeezes your hand.
“I don’t blame her, I was kind of a mess. I’d just been stationed back here on North Island, and Javy was my only friend because I was a dick.”
The dagger squad, raise their glasses in a cheers to Jake’s statement, cracking the room up again.
“I never thought Rooster would be sat at my table at my wedding, I’ll admit that.” Jake laughs out.
Bradley in return whoops and raises a hand in salute to Jake.
“He’s single by the way ladies,” Jake winks to your elderly grandmother.
“Anyways, as I was saying, total dick, with a lacking moral compass and even more so in my emotions. I was kind of betting on getting the mission done and going back to wherever the hell I was stationed and moving on. Then I ended up pissing off the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen by pouring a drink down her shirt, and she chewed me out worse than any admiral I’d ever crossed.”
“It was expensive!” You quickly yell out in defence.
“As you can see, I’m still making up for it,” Jake teases, “but from that moment onwards I realised I needed to get my act together. My pea brain was shocked that a woman would cuss me out like that, and I immediately fell in love with her. Which probably makes me sound crazy but seriously, being around you for five minutes makes you want to be a better person, and being around you for this long has made me a better man.”
Jake’s smile can only widen when your glossy eyes meet his, “Rooster once told me I was a lucky son of a bitch to have you, and as annoyingly as always. He was right. I don’t know how or why you agreed to be my girlfriend, and it’s a godsent miracle that I get to call you my wife. You’re the best person in every room - sorry everyone - and the most beautiful person always. I love you, which you already know, but I just wanted to say it again,” Jake exhales.
Jake raises his glass in a final toast, “to my beautiful wife, the new Mrs Seresin.”
Glasses clink around the room and Jake almost misses you beelining for him throughout all the commotion. Your arms wrap swiftly around his neck, pulling his lips against yours. You kiss him softly, before pulling back to whisper to him,
“You know I love you so fucking much right?”
“Of course I do, baby,” Jake hums.
“You’re the best man I know,” you smile, leaning in to his lips again.
Jake dips you as you kiss, feeding off of the theatrics as people holler. People are standing and moving towards the dance floor as he brings you back up, forehead pressed against your own.
“Do you know how hot it is that you’re my wife?” He smirks.
“Mrs Seresin does have a nice ring to it,” you decide.
“The best, actually,” Jake replies, as he’s dragged towards the dance floor by Javy.
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a/n: jake is so husband coded it’s not even funny,,, like THAT IS MY MAN!!!!
@roosterforme ages ago we were talking and you asked me to tag you when i posted my jake fic, sorry it’s been eons hehe i hope you enjoy!!
pls comment, reblog, or send me an ask and tell me what you think!!
thank you for reading :))
- honey <333
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Imagine arguing with Sanji in the kitchen and holding up service…
The kitchen at Baratie was heating up and it wasn’t from the flaming stovetops or pre-heated ovens.
There was a wicked, hot tension between yourself and Sanji and it was making the rest of the kitchen staff sweat. No one knew what had caused the new dynamic but they quickly learnt to stay a safe distance from the pair after Patty accidentally fanned the flame. Now they only interacted with the duo when required.
Sanji was chopping vegetables for his soup that was almost ready to simmer while you silently iced some cakes on the station beside him. Both regretting the request to cook next to one another.
The blonde-haired chef finished dicing the last of the carrots and picked up the board to hold over the pot. He gently swept the vegetables into the broth with the knife. Setting the utensils back down, Sanji inhaled the beautiful aroma that was starting to perfume the air. His hand reached out for his spoon but his fingers met empty air.
He sighed and closed his eyes. “I’d like my spoon back.”
Your eyes were fixed on the patterns being made on the soft pieces of sponge but your ears picked up that his tone was directed toward you.
“I don’t have it.” You offered simply without breaking focus.
Sanji turned to you, eyes squinting. “Really? Because I recall that you used it last to mix the cake batter.”
It was your turn to exhale. “I did and I washed it thoroughly before setting it back on the table.”
“Well, it’s not here.”
“Then pull out another one.” You snapped.
Sanji lowered the heat of his soup so it wouldn’t burn before returning to glare at you. “Why should I have to when you’re the one who-”
Splat! The cook’s eyes went wide as the cold vanilla cream dripped from his chin, lips tasting its sweetness.
You now stood upright holding the bag of frosting, brows knitted to match the frown on your face.
“I didn’t take your damn spoon.”
The doors to the kitchen opened with their familiar heaviness and a wooden footstep hit the tiles.
“Why is there no soup or cakes out on the floor?” Zeff asked as he entered.
The kitchen that had gone quiet during the public argument suddenly sprang to life and scrambled to resume duties. Zeff’s eyes floated to the two in charge of the slowed menu line and his eyes narrowed.
“Why on earth are you tasting the desserts, Little Eggplant?” He inquired, approaching the bench.
Sanji’s hands flew to gesture your entire being. “Y/n is literally holding the bag. I’m a victim here!”
Zeff held a hand up to silence the boy and set his gaze on you. “You know that we don’t waste food here. Explain yourself.”
You shrugged. “He accused me of losing his spoon so I did what had to be done. I’m not apologising.”
Zeff blinked, jaw dropping slightly.
“A spoon.” He repeated slowly before his voice, and temper, was unleashed. “You two held up service because of a damn spoon!”
You held up your hands in defence. “I told him to just use another one but he was stubborn about it.”
Sanji didn’t take kindly to being thrown under the bus, rounding on you while completely ignoring the steam blowing out of Zeff’s ears.
“Excuse me but that is my special soup spoon. You’re lucky that I even let you borrow it.”
You rolled your eyes. “It’s a spoon, Sanji. It’s not the All Blue.”
“You know what-?”
“I’ve heard enough!” Zeff bellowed, his voice sending vibrations through the glassware. “Mix the soup with a rolling pin for all I care. Just get it out to the customers along with those cakes or you’re both on dish duty for two months. Am I clear?”
Receiving a grumbled reply, the owner of the Baratie marched off.
A few stations away, Patty stealthily pulled a towel to cover the wooden handle of the missing utensil. It was too late to reveal the small prank without being boiled alive or baked into a pie.
With the tension still rising, Patty decided to lock them in a cupboard after the shift.
~ More imagines here ~
A/n: Heading back to the office tomorrow with a 5am wake up but here I lay at 12am dishing out some Baratie mania (with more to come). No regrets.
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luvaurae · 2 months
Simon “ghost” Riley x reader 🫶🏼
This is my first tumblr post, go easy on me 🙏 I’m not sure how it sounds or if I like it or not, sorry if there’s typos ‼️
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You and Simon had been together for about 6 months now. Normally Simon was deployed and sent away to work for 3-4 months (depending on the job.) which wasn’t the best. You always had to sit in your little yet cozy apartment without his presence, and sometimes when you needed him most, he wasn’t there. When you were in the shower, he wasn’t standing behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist. When you were in bed, he wasn’t spooning you and keeping you warm. When you cooked dinner, you had no one to serve it to except yourself. Obviously you loved him, but it was so hard to get up for your own work in the morning without him groaning and saying things like - “..five more minutes luv’ .” Or “.. jus’ call work n tell em ya sick, please dove?”. But you knew his job was important, and it helped the both of them with rent and food shopping.
As you jangled your keys into your doorknob, trying your best to shove it in as your eyes fluttered open and shut. You had just been on a six-hour shift at work and felt as if you were going to pass out every time you moved any part of your body. Eventually you managed to open up your apartment door, shutting it and locking it behind you without even turning back. You dropped your bag to the floor next to your shoe rack before making your way into bed, taking off your coat as you do so. You awkwardly rub your eyes before hopping into bed with your work t-shirt and your panties, pulling the blanket up trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. As soon as your head hits your pillow, you’re out cold. Snoring, not so quietly. You’re positive the whole of the building can hear it.
It was about 5:05pm.
You woke up to the sound of your door opening. It couldn’t be Simon, could it?.. he told you another week? He texted you and said specifically “captain said another week lovie, I’m sorry.” You shot up from your bed, not making a creak. You tiptoed into your closet, where a wooden bat had been lying against the wall (it was the one your dad gave you before you moved out.) you wrapped your hands around the handle as you opened your door, slowly yet carefully. Sweat building up within your palms, yet your grip on the bat extremely hard. You manage to tiptoe out of your room, the rest of your apartment still dark as you heard sounds coming from your kitchen. You gripped the bat with two hands before running into the kitchen and swinging it at the figures head, you told yourself you got a pretty good hit. Yet as the light from the refrigerator shines on the figure.. it was Simon. Of course it was.
“I’m so sorry baby. I didn’t know it was you.” I say shakily pressing a cold freezer pack wrapped in a cloth onto Simon’s head as he rested on our bed.
“Don’t be sorry dove. At least I know ya know how to protect ya self’” Simon’s says in his deep British accent, giving off a small chuckle at the end. I felt horrible, yet at the same time proud. And honestly it felt a little good to get him back for not having much time to spend with me.
“How come your back so early? And why didn’t you text me?” I say pulling away the ice pack from his head and placing it on my side table as I now tuck myself beside him in our bed.
“I dunno, and I knew i shou’ve but I didn’t want to disturb my Angel in er’ beauty sleep.” Simon gives another chuckle. God sometimes I had forgotten how beautiful he was. I smile at him as my head rested against the pillow, now just staring at him as I take in his features. For a moment I was in my own world, just thinking about how gorgeous he was.
“I missed you.” I say in a slightly tired and grumbled voice as I snap out of my trance and close my eyes.
“I missed you too, luv.” Simon gives me a soft peck on my shoulder before turning off the lamp and spooning me, sliding his arm underneath mine and pulling me close to him so that his warmth radiated me.
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heyidkyay · 2 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Twenty-One
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: This is a long one, it took me a while but hopefully the waits been worth it? EMOTIONS is all I'm going to say.
Warnings: Lots going on- talks of car crashes, alcohol abuse (both in the past) also some previous thoughts on trauma and different coping mechanisms
> Last update: look back here if you'd like!
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It takes a second for change to implement itself, though it can take a while longer for its realisation to truly hit.
I could hear him. 
Bustling his way around my kitchen, singing quietly as he worked on the breakfast he’d promised the night before. Tins clattered, the kettle whistled, and the fridge door rattled closed, all whilst I padded my way towards him, pausing in the entryway to simply take in the sight I’d been gifted.
I grinned over at Teddy, who was currently tiptoeing on the wooden stool I had tucked away for whenever he felt inclined to help me cook, and then at Matty who seemed happy enough with making him giggle whenever he chose to lean in close to sing by his ear. 
“Thinking this through… It's like, one,”
“..TWO!” Teddy laughed back when Matty pointed at him, beaming brightly at the sight of the man’s all too amused face.
“Yeah, ‘cause I'm in love with you-”
It was something I’d never thought to even picture, let alone see, my son staring up at a man with such adoration and pride. The two of them simply belonging. The whole scene made me ache with a wanting for it to never stop, but even the best of things had to come to an end I supposed.
Matty turned, a smile painting on his features, only to pause when he caught sight of me, watching them from the doorway. He narrowed his eyes, then gave me a sly smile, before he placed the plate he’d been holding down on the counter and shuffled on closer, arms stretching out towards me as he continued to sing along to his own song. I mean, the ego on him.
“… I’m in love with you.”
It was hard going, attempting to dampen the grin that pulled at the corners of my mouth, especially when Matty wrapped his arms around my hips and started to sway us to and fro. He raised his brows up at me, fully expecting me to finish off the song for him, so I rolled my eyes and laughed the final line out, accompanied by a much louder Teddy, “I-I-I-I-I.”
Matty leaned in close to press a quick kiss to the corner of my mouth, his tangled hair tickling my cheek. He chuckled lowly to himself when I wrinkled my nose at the feeling and tried to escape from his hold, but did eventually let me go.
“What are you even making?” I asked the pair of them around a fond smile, crossing the kitchen to ruffle Teddy’s curls and open up the little window there. I sniffed lightly. “Did you end up burning something too?”
Matty rolled his eyes at that and shook his head with a tut, before he moved to pick up his plate once more, sliding past Teddy and I to grab at the toast which had just popped up. “No.”
“Liar.” I laughed with Teddy, picking him up and settling him on my hip whilst Matty turned his back on us to start buttering the bread. “What’s with the big breakfast then anyway? I thought you had to record today.” I asked him, praising Teddy quietly for the way he’d spooned some sugar and two teabags into a pair of matching mugs for us. 
“Later on,” Matty answered me in a quiet murmur as I peered over his shoulder to nick a fresh piece of toast. “Oi!”
Grinning around the bite I’d just taken, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn’t completely charred. “Better than the last batch.” I told him honestly and with a wry smirk.
Matty just shook his head at me, but even as he turned back to the task at hand I could see the tiny beginnings of the smile he wore. “Said I could cook.”
With a sarky hum, I could only reply, “Does toast even count as cooking?”
I was simply swatted away with a tea towel in hasty retort and Teddy squealed, wriggling to be let down.
“Okay, okay!” I relented with a laugh of my own before I slid on over to press a grateful kiss to the side of Matty’s neck. “It’s very good, merci mon amour.” 
I pulled away with a grin when I felt him tense beneath me, gesturing to Teddy for him to go ahead and grab the milk for us from the fridge whilst I began to pour the hot water into the tea he’d started. 
“What are you up to today then?” Matty asked after having cleared his throat, tossing the butter-covered knife into the sink before he looked over at us. He thanked Teddy proudly when the little monster hurried back from dumping the tea bags in the bin to point at the man’s given cup. “Lifesaver!”
Teddy giggled happily.
Matty’s question had me chewing on the inside of my cheek as I went about lifting Teddy into his usual seat at the kitchen table and laying a plate in front of him. I smoothed down his tousled hair and didn’t quite look in Matty’s direction when I finally said, “You know, the usual… Quick trip to the shops, phone mum, speak to Finn, maybe pop into the park. I hear they’ve put in this new little greenhouse by the pond, you know, just across the bridge?”
I’d thrown it in there, hoping that he might just brush over it. But then Matty didn’t offer me an answer of any kind, so with nothing else to occupy myself with I slowly peered over to where he still stood, propped up against the kitchen counter. 
He was staring down at the bowl of fruit he’d prepped sometime earlier, almost as though the grapes had suddenly grown legs and the banana pieces had turned purple. I sighed quietly to myself and felt my shoulders drop an inch before crouching down to whisper in Teddy’s ear, “Go turn on the tele for me, yeah? We can eat on the sofa today.”
Teddy’s entire face lit up at the very prospect and was so eager in his haste to hurry into the living room that he almost toppled out of his chair. I chuckled in fond exasperation, helping him down and handing him his plate with a quiet caution before allowing him to run off.
It was then that I turned my attention back to the main issue at hand. 
We hadn’t spoken much of Finn and what had happened back at the studio. I’d given Matty his space after it had all gone down, allowed him the time to mull it over and hopefully forget the words that had been said, but I knew that had mostly been wishful thinking on my part. 
Still, I was kicking myself for it now. We’d been good. Things had really been looking up; at work and at home, with Teddy and Matty, and then with Matty and I. Stupidly, I had thought that this might just be something we could have simply plastered over and left to settle, because admitting to the fact that things weren’t alright between two of the most important people in my life just wasn’t something I was ready to face yet.
I’d been selfish in that regard though, it seemed. Because of course Matty had taken the brunt of it all and pretended to shrug it off like it was no skin off of his nose. Leaving me to realise all too late just how much this whole thing had affected him. 
“Matty.” I called to him softly before I gently rested my hand on the crook of his arm, testing if I was welcome. When he didn’t immediately shy away from my touch, I slid in behind him so that I could press my forehead to the curve of his back, to where that little dip in between both of his shoulder blades resided. 
Thoughtlessly, my fingers trailed over the hem of the jeans he’d thrown on that morning, toying with the two belt loops which sat at the very centre. 
We stood there for a long moment in the quiet space of the kitchen, the food going cold but neither one of us really caring. It was only when I felt some of that tension finally ebb in his shoulders that I slowly wound my arms around his middle, smiling slightly when I felt his hands take hold of mine at his front.
“I hate this.” I admitted to him, voice so faint it was muffled by the fabric of his t-shirt. His fingers squeezed my own.
“I know.” He told me after a small pause and I felt him raise his head to gaze out of the small window sat opposite. “I know, Squeaks. Me too.”
I squeezed back.
“I’m sorry we haven’t spoken about it either. That I let it fester. I just wished, hoped even, that you might not linger too much on it, that things would- I don’t know, just end up working out. But I was stupid.”
Matty heaved a weighted breath and I let my eyes slip closed at the motion before he carefully turned in my grasp. He stopped to stare down at me, lifting a hand to tuck a strand of stray hair behind my ear, thumb brushing over a whitened scar I had yet to hide with makeup.
“Don’t. There’s no need.” He murmured to me, though his gaze was focused on the slow movement he’d just made. “Talk to him. He’s your mate, it’d be weird if you didn’t. But, I don’t know. Reckon I just might need some time. That alright?”
I was already nodding before he could even finish his sentence, more than okay with that. “‘Course it is. Though I don’t know much about talking with him, I’m betting on a screaming match. I’m still fuming with how it all went down.”
Matty gifted me a soft chuckle, and although it was hollow he had tried and that was what mattered most to me. It would take time to move past this, I could understand that. “Let him explain first, yeah?”
I frowned, brow pinching with it. “What do you mean? What’s he got to explain?”
He smiled, one of those soft dopey ones of his, the kind he often gave me whenever I’d said something silly or he was humoured by my confusion. “I get it, Mouse.” He sighed quietly, “I don't like how he went about it, it was cheap, shitty even, but he was just looking out for you, babe.”
My frown deepened and I didn't care to give his words much thought. “There’s looking out for me and then there's being a massive prick, Matty.”
With a huffed breath of a laugh, Matty trailed his thumb down my jaw to skirt over the bottom edge of my lip. His eyes finally met mine. “He went about it the wrong way, but he’s been good for you, baby. Looked after you and Teds for years, got you through some hard times, and so for that I give him a little leeway.” 
My expression softened. 
Matty’s fingers pinched my chin as he coaxed me back up to meet his gaze.
“Do that for me?” He asked, and who was I to say no to an ask like that?
Instead of answering him though, I simply leaned in and kissed him sweetly, cradling his jaw in my hands so that I could thumb over the tops of his cheeks. I wondered, momentarily, where I’d gotten so lucky.
A kid in the studio had both its perks and disadvantages, Matty had soon come to see. 
Squeaks had been messaging Finn not long before he’d gone to set off, slowly pulling out some clean clothes from the ever growing pile he kept adding to each time he went round to her flat, whilst Teds completed his phonics, sat on the bed.
He’d kept calling out to Matty whenever he’d stumble onto the next, asking him to sound it out for him before trying to memorise it himself. Matty had enjoyed it- enjoyed all the time he spent with the little monster as a matter of fact- but helping him with the lessons he knew that Teddy would soon carry on further into his life… He didn’t know, it just settled something within him. Made him feel needed. 
He hadn’t ever felt much of that.
Anyway, Squeaks had come into the bedroom just as he’d been tugging on a jumper, one she had said she’d liked the last time he’d worn it, and mentioned that she had to get ready to drop Teddy off round Adi’s so that she could head on over to meet Finn. 
Matty had tried to keep his expression fairly neutral each time she mentioned the man. Because he hadn’t lied earlier when he’d asked for her to give her mate the benefit of the doubt. But it still irked him. The whole situation did, in truth. See because he knew that he was running on fucking borrowed time here with her. He’d never claimed to have been a lucky man either, so he knew that something was bound to happen sooner or later. He was merely praying that he’d be able to hold onto this small bubble of peace he’d found for himself for as long as he possibly could.
Teddy had appeared put out by the fact that he would have to head on over to Adi’s, who still lived with her elderly grandmother. All pouty and sweet looking, proper cute in actuality, and Matty had honestly gone and spoken before his mind had even had a chance to catch up with his massive mouth.
Mouse had been just as surprised by his offer to let Teds tag along with him down to the studio, spilling out claims that it would be fine with the guys (who’d yet to even meet the tyke) and that they weren’t actually working on anything too big that afternoon (just recording the ending of a session). And even though Matty hadn’t exactly asked the lot of them beforehand either, he figured it to be true enough.
And with the relief that had visibly fallen off of Squeaks at his reassurance, Matty hadn’t had it in himself to regret the offer. So with that, he’d set to helping her get Teddy ready for the day and then headed out the door.
Thing was though, the last time he’d ever gotten the tube with a little kid had been years before when his mum had visited with Lou. And back then she’d been the one to worry over his every move, not wanting to lose him in the crowd or have him swept under a carriage. Gruesome yeah, but it was a real fucking fear Matty realised. 
This time around it had been his turn though, and God, did he feel sorry for all the shit he’d given his poor mum throughout the years. Was this why parents looked so tired all the fucking time?
Teddy was good enough though, curious sure, always asking questions and pointing at everything, but he listened, held onto his hand and didn’t ever wander off. He’d enjoyed counting the stops on the train too and didn’t think much of the few stares they’d gotten on the platform and again when they’d sat down. 
By the time they’d made it to the studio, Matty had felt as though he’d just gone and ran a half marathon.
It was only when Teds had crowded into his trouser leg upon first walking through the entrance that he realised that this was just as new to Teddy as it was to him, and the fact that he was now being forced into an unknown setting probably didn’t make things much easier for the kid. 
Still, he had managed to perk up on the small tour Matty had given him. Wanting to ease his nerves before they ventured much further, it had just been the two of them wandering the halls aimlessly and simply nodding or smiling at the very few people who passed them by. 
It was only once Matty had figured it time to head into the room the band usually booked did Teddy quieten again.
“Where’ve you been? Only texted you like twenty times!” Matty heard George huff from around the short corner they were hidden behind after he’d called out to let them know that it was just him. 
Matty paused by the door to cast a glance down at Teddy, but the kid was already looking at everything the walls had to offer; the big plaques with the even bigger names, the posters and many album covers that dotted the dark paint. It was only when Matty crouched down to level with him did Teddy glance back.
“You alright, monster?” He asked quietly, wanting to give Teds a second to wrap his head around things. Matty noted that he was back to chewing on his lip again, eyes wide and unsure, but Teddy gripped onto the hand Matty silently offered him. 
After a moment, Teddy nodded at the question and Matty gave him a hopeful smile. “Good, ‘cause imma need you to kick this sorry lot into shape for me, alright? I mean, I know I’m good but they can’t just depend on me for everything, can they?”
He was gifted a quiet giggle, one which eased Matty’s mind a tad. 
Matty rolled his eyes at the shout of his name then shook his head mockingly at Teddy, who seemed to have jumped a bit at the beckon. “Told you, didn’t I?” He tutted playfully to the boy, rolling his eyes too for added effect, “Fall apart if I’m not here.”
Teddy was back to smiling now, “Like mum.”
Matty laughed at the comparison, certain that Squeaks would say that she had a much harder job with the show than he did here in the booth. But Matty wasn’t too inclined to disagree, she worked far too hard in truth.
“Exactly, mate.” He replied anyway, then nodded in the direction of the many voices that were bouncing their way towards them, watching as Teddy peered round him once more, “You think you’re gonna be okay?”
Teddy blinked and then looked over towards him, it was in moments like these which Matty saw just how much he resembled his mum, he reckoned it was those big eyes of theirs that held so much emotion.
“Yeah.” The boy finally breathed out and so Matty squeezed his hand just once in support, before lumbering back to his feet. He stole a quick breath for himself and then started leading them both further inside.
George was stationed where he always was, by the decks, surrounded by laptops and many a monitor. Ross was sprawled out on the beanbag they’d lugged in on day three, fiddling with the bass he held in hand. Hann, however, had chosen to sit nearest to the door and so he was the only one to glance upon at their nearing footsteps.
Matty watched on as a flash of surprise flickered across his mate’s face. Brows rose and a slow blink was seen before Adam finally smiled, looking every inch the father Matty knew him to be. 
“Just who might you be then?” Hann greeted cheerfully whilst tucking his mobile back into his trouser pocket. He didn’t make a move to get up off the settee corner though, something which Matty felt immediately thankful for, it seemed neither of them wanted to crowd the kid just yet. 
It was with that greeting though that Ross’s head finally shot up and George turned to face them in his big fancy chair. The pair of them flicked both alarmed and shock filled gazes to Matty, who did his very best to ignore their all too familiar mugs.
“This is Teddy.” Matty acknowledged, crouching down once more so that Teds could lean further into his side whilst his wide eyes surveyed their way about the rest of the room. Matty wondered what it must’ve felt like for him, struggling to recall moments from his own childhood when his mum and dad had brought him along to their interviews to sit in the audience.
“Teddy love, these three doughnuts are my mates. You remember, the ones I’m in a band with?”
Matty let Teddy have a second, waiting quietly as the little boy dragged his gaze back towards him with parted lips, he blinked and then nodded, hands wringing the sleeve of Matty’s jumper.
Matty merely smiled, bringing the kid in closer to press a quick kiss to his head of hair. “Look, Teds. See that one there, with the funny face? That’s Hann.” He was delighted to hear Teddy’s soft laughter, however muted it was, even as Adam scolded him with an unimpressed glare. “Then in the corner there, that guy?” Teddy dipped his chin, eyes trained on the bearded bloke who was grinning away like a twat, “That’s Ross, he looks like a giant but cries when he’s hungry.”
“I do not!” Ross shot back scathingly, narrowed eyes pointed at Matty which only proved to fuel Teddy’s quiet chuckles.
“Yeah alright, MacDonald.” Matty ignored whatever else Ross attempted to say after that, rolling his eyes theatrically towards Teddy before he gestured over to where George was sitting in his chair, pushing those pretentious sunglasses he often wore up onto his shaved head. “And that one there, that’s G.”
Teddy leaned in close again to whisper in Matty’s ear, “Drums.”
Matty chuckled despite himself, loathing the fact that of course Teds would have remembered the drummer. Most did. “Yeah, mate. That’s him.”
George quirked a brow at the hushed conversation shared but said nothing on it, at least not then. Instead he just waved Teddy on over, “You want to come see? Got a ton of buttons you can press.” He added as though he was trying to entice the kid. 
Matty dampened the mirthful grin that crawled up onto his face when it seemed to work though, even as Teddy tugged him along by their joint pair of hands. 
By the time Matty finally got around to stepping into the booth to record a few verses a while later, Teddy felt comfortable enough to wait for him just outside the door with the three giant idiots he’d left him with.
A stalemate.
That was where we were currently sat.
Even with everything that had gone down, him starting this whole mess, I had been the one to go to him. To his loft where he worked most days when he wasn’t with clients, or visiting galleries. 
Finn had welcomed me in with his usual hello through the intercom, buzzing me up into the building and then meeting me just past the front door. He’d been kitted up when I’d entered, still in his apron and covered in paint, the latter of which he was trying to wash off when I first spotted him. 
He’d had the kettle already going and he smiled slightly after asking me how I’d been. I’d been truthful, said that I was doing good- all things considered.
There’d been an awkward pause at that, the two of us unsure on where we should then go with the encounter, but the kettle had whistled and on instinct I had turned to grab the mugs. 
He had nodded gratefully, but then gestured me over to where his colourful sofa sat by the large open bay windows, joining me with two steaming brews not a minute later. 
“How’s Teds?”
I licked at my lower lip at the question, peering into the still swirling mug. “Good, on Easter break soon enough.”
“What have they been working on then?” Finn asked next, because we both knew this was a safe topic, an easy starter. 
“Phonics at the moment,” I replied with a small smile that couldn’t quite be helped, recalling the way Teddy had puttered around after Matty this morning calling out each sound he’d needed to learn. “He sounds them out after breakfast most days and then again at night.” We shared a brief smile, before I mentioned, “Matty’s been helping too.”
Finn hummed. 
I pressed my lips together to keep from blurting out everything I wanted to say at the sound of it, attempting to stick to the plan I’d formed on my way over here. Letting Finn open up on his own, rather than come in all guns blazing.
“How is that going then?”
My brow pinched as I peered over at him from across the settee, “What, with Matty and I?”
Another hum, though this one was accompanied by a slight nod.
I was wary of how to answer Finn, especially after having learnt what the man truly thought about our whole relationship, but figured I should at least be honest.
“We’re happy.” I love him. “He’s good for me, I think.” It terrifies me. “He brings out a part of me that I haven’t seen much of since- I don’t know, maybe my first year of uni?” I let go of a breathy chuckle, picking at the wrinkled hem that sat at the knee of my jeans. “It’s been, really nice.”
When I chanced a glance back up, it was only to find Finn already looking back at me, his expression carefully set, almost as though he was trying to suss out any sort of lie in my answer. I waited a second and then he smiled. Nothing less than genuine, and I felt my whole body relax at the sight of it.
“I’m sorry for how I reacted.” Finn spoke softly, placing his cup down on a side table to slide on a tad bit closer. He rubbed at the back of his wrist before settling his hands in his lap, “I shouldn’t have gone about it the way I did, I just- You know I care so much, Mouse. And this is me in no way asking to be let off the hook or anything of the like, but, you have to remember I was there through it all.”
Frowning slightly at his words, I followed Finn’s prior motion, putting my own mug down so that I could pull a leg up under me, settling nearer. 
He let go of an exhale, “I was there when you found out about Teddy, I was there before that and then after. I saw the line of broken hearts you left in your wake, chasing this thrill you sought so hard to find, and all of the games you wanted to play.” 
He took my hand then and I just let him, thinking on his words, on how it must have seemed to someone else looking in from the outside. I knew I’d been a right mess after leaving home. 
In truth, I’d been a mess since the night of the accident, when my whole world had been flipped on its head, turning me into this scarred little kid. Leaving me not only alone, but wanting to chase after everything I felt I’d missed out on because of it the second that I’d gotten the chance. Which had meant finding friends and casual sex, bar hopping and clubbing for days on end, looking for the next best thing to simply entice or excite me.
Finn had been there.
He’d been there through most of it, if not it all. He had watched me jump from guy to guy, get my stomach pumped at the local A&E, not just once but three times. He’d been the one I had turned to in my lowest moments, when I’d felt dirtied, when I’d just wanted to cry, or to merely laugh. He was there.
I could understand what Matty had meant now. 
‘He looked after you and Teds for years, got you through some hard times, and so for that I give him a little leeway.’
“I can still picture your face, you know.” Finn murmured, stare fixed on the tight hold I now had on his hand. “That night you turned up at mine after finding out that you were pregnant. You looked a fucking state, soaking wet from the rain and wearing only your pjs.” We shared a light chuckle that echoed before drifting off. “It broke me, to see you like that.”
“I know.” I whispered in a rasp, emotions clinging to the back of my throat.
Finn only smiled sadly. “But it worked out. Enough that you seemed happy enough with what you had. And I know that Teddy will always be enough fro you, but you deserve so much. You deserve to live and to love, to have that family you’ve always dreamed of.” I went to protest but he just shook his head, “I know it’s what you want, Mouse. You don’t have to say anything for me to notice the looks you give other parents in the park, or the kids who meet their mums and dads in the school playground. I can see how much you want that, and not just for Teds. But for you too.”
I swallowed thickly, feeling all too seen suddenly.
Finn squeezed my hand, forcing me to meet his gaze once more. I hadn’t even realised I had shied away. “Does he do that? Does he give you that hope?”
The inside of my cheek had practically been bitten raw these last few days, but it didn’t stop me from chewing on it again as I looked over at Finn with a watery stare. “I think so.”
With a slow, albeit fond, tilt of his head, Finn hauled an arm over my shoulder to crowd me into his side. The two of us huddled in close on his artsy sofa that would look so out of place anywhere else.
I smiled at the thought.
“If he means that much to you, then I’ll make up for what I did. What I said.” Finn reassured me, his voice quiet in the large expanse of his loft. I hadn’t actually expected it to go this way. “But I do want to know. I want to make sure that he knows that he’s not just getting you out of this, that Teddy isn’t a deal breaker here. That he’s grown enough to understand the implications and repercussions of his life and whatever the fuck goes on with it. That he is clean-”
I opened my mouth, guard jumping right back up. But Finn just tucked my head under his chin, hand gripping at my shoulder enough to keep me there with him.
“Sobriety is hard. I understand that. When it finally comes to light that he actually is with you, that means Teddy too, and it’ll be a fucking mess. I want to make sure that he won’t fuck up and throw it all away the second shit gets hard.”
Inhaling, I could only nod. I knew what he meant, it was something I had thought about an awful lot. Too much in fact, I’d worried enough over it that I was still so wary over whether or not to broach the topic with Matty himself. But I hoped, for the first time in a long while.
And that had to be enough for now.
Finn’s had been an emotional affair, but not a place I’d lingered too long after our initial apology. We both still needed some time to process and to lick over our wounds.
I’d been more than thankful for it though, it had been a real weight off of my shoulders in truth, because knowing that there was a chance to move on past it without having to pick and choose, or divide my time, was something I hadn’t really held out hope for.
I was a pessimist at heart.
But that being said, I’d been quite optimistic about Teddy’s few hours spent with Matty- alone. Which should’ve been daunting in retrospect, insane even, and had probably once been, but Matty had quickly come to prove himself not only to me, but to Teddy too. So although I’d been cautious, I hadn’t necessarily been quick to stamp out the idea. 
The last little excursion the pair had been on without me had gone down a treat, with Teddy having been tuckered out and fast asleep the second he’d gotten into bed, and Matty having bonded further with him somehow.
Then there had been the whole ‘I love you’ mess.
And God, if anyone would’ve told me that I’d have been the one to say it first I would have laughed in their face. Cackled loudly enough to be heard three streets over and on the very urge of wetting myself. But then exactly that had happened.
The words had been lingering in the corners of my mind for a few weeks before last night. Tittering, almost. Having started popping up around Christmas time, with the unannounced gift giving ceremony we’d shared and the incredible bond Matty seemed to have formed with my son. And had then settled in not long after that demo I’d received and the midnight visit where Matty had turned up at my doorstep in a downpour. 
I hadn’t loved.
Not really.
I’d loved people, friends and family. Sure.
But someone to keep? Someone that I could call mine?
No, that had never really felt like much of an option for me. And Matty… he’d sort of come out of nowhere, hadn’t he? This mess of a man, but so very wonderful in his own way. He had really crept up on me, and looking back it almost felt as though it was bound to happen. Us, I meant. It felt strange to imagine it any differently.
Messages now
I’m here! Come get me, it’s freezing!!
It didn’t take long before his telltale pop of curls emerged from the main entrance to the same studio I had found him perched outside of during the aftermath of the big mishap with Finn. It almost felt like coming full circle with our decision to have me meet the pair of them here after just having talked with Finn.
Matty’s grin was infectious as we moved to meet one another in a quiet hello, his arms catching themselves around my middle whilst I buried my face into the curve of his shoulder. 
He was warm, that was my first thought even as he pressed a chaste kiss to my head, enough so that I didn’t mind the fact that he kept me tucked up under his arm as he pulled away to lead us back inside the building.
“You get here okay?” Matty asked me once the door had rattled shut behind us, his voice travelling in the sparse lobby like area I’d yet to get acquainted with.
Humming, I answered his question with a nod, “Yeah, walked most of it, Finn had a client call out of the blue.”
Matty’s cheeks hollowed a tad but he hummed too before tilting his head over to the right, we started to walk that way. “It go alright then?”
I let go of a heavy breath, eyes surveying every inch of the studio as we wandered further inside, “As well as it could have, I ’spose. It’ll take time, I reckon, though he wants to make it up to you, too.”
Matty appeared to blink at that, the words seemed to have caught him by surprise, but he didn’t falter in his wandering, leading me down a narrow walkway.
“Are you up for that?” I pushed.
He wet his lower lip in thought, dipping his head at a maintenance worker who passed us by before looking back at me. “Told you, I’d give him a little leeway. But I wanna know more about what you spoke about first. If that’s alright with you.”
I was nodding away before he could even tack that last bit on, “Of course, I wouldn’t think not to, in truth.”
I was gifted a sweet smile and quick peck to the cheek before Matty paused, his hand catching on the handle to a heavy door. Soundlessly we slipped past it, Matty closing it slowly behind us to stop it from banging against its hinges and alerting the rest of the room’s occupants to our sudden arrival. Not that it would’ve been all that easy a task, what with the noise that consumed you the second you entered.
Matty smirked at the look that must’ve crossed my face at the sound before he held a finger to his lips, signalling me to keep quiet. I rolled my eyes but took the hand he held out towards me, the two of us creeping over to the corner that gave way to the real chaos that greeted us beyond.
First thing I took notice of was the loudmouth four year old who had seemingly taken charge of the band’s rehearsal, a sight which had me biting my lip to muffle my sudden hysteria. 
George was seated by a stretched desk full of slides and buttons, elbows rested on the tops of his thighs whilst he listened animatedly to Teddy’s thoughts on whatever he had Ross and Hann tinkering about with. 
The latter two were just holding onto their instruments, Ross stood with his bass and nodding along to what strings Teddy pointed at, whilst Hann was told to ‘look happier’. Something Matty had immediately snorted at, endlessly amused by Adam being told to liven up by a kid who’d only been out of nappies for a little over a year and a half.
The snort seemed to catch George’s attention though because his head shot over at the sound, which in turn forced the rest of the room to follow.
I heard Teddy’s gasp before he came bounding over, wearing a pair of sunglasses that probably cost more than my monthly rent. 
“Alright, lovie?” I laughed, swiping up an excited Teddy before he could barrel straight into my legs. “You been having a good time?”
Teddy’s enthusiastic nod was enough to assure me of that but then Ross spoke up, “Should hope so, been hounding me to get this bassline right for ages, ain't you, mate?” He smiled at the giant grin he received in turn before nodding over towards me, “He’s got a proper good ear though. Should get him into it soon, especially if he likes it.”
Blinking, I could only look back down at Teddy, who was now informing Matty on everything he’d missed out on in the sparse moments he’d been gone in a tangent like ramble. 
George sniffed as he made to walk on over to us which forced me to glance up again. Hann had started to take off his guitar strap whilst Ross went back to fiddling with his strings once more. Seeingly wanting to get whatever he was working on down before he had to leave for the day.
“He’s a good kid.” George commented to me, watching on as Teddy reached out to be taken by Matty, the man not even second guessing the motion of catching the boy under his arms and settling him on his hip. “And Ross ain’t wrong either. He seemed to really enjoy himself, had him messing about with the console for a bit and Matty even got him to play a couple chords on the guitar for us.” He chuckled lowly, a soft sort of smile breaking up his typically stoic features.
“Hope he wasn’t too much for you guys, Matty reckoned you’d all be alright with him tagging along but I didn’t even think to double check.” I mentioned, eyes caught on the way Teddy was now so enthralled by the story he was telling both Matty and Hann, arms stretched out wide as he exaggerated something or other.
George was shaking his head when I glanced back at him, “It was nice. Having him here, but seeing Matt with him too.” George’s mouth thinned when he lifted a hand to tug on his ear, “I didn’t think he could be like that. It’s strange, him letting someone else hog the limelight whilst he’s sat on the outskirts.”
We both shared a fond chuckle, because I could see what he meant but also, “He’s taken to Teddy better than I expected, really. It’s something I’m most thankful for, as well as the fact that Teddy seems to really like him too.”
My smile was warm, I could tell, and when George caught a glimpse of it I got to watch him almost mimic the gesture, as though he was thankful for it all too.
“You’re good for him.”
My breath caught a little at that, but I kept on smiling as I peered over at Teddy and Matty who were giggling between themselves whilst Hann, and now Ross, had seemingly taken to shaking their heads at the pair in indulging amusement.
“He’s good for me.”
The walk home from the studio had been spent hand in hand. The three of us just padding along the narrowing pavement, Matty more often than not trailing alongside the curb so that we could keep it up.
Teddy seemed to enjoy it though, even more so when Matty and I had started up a game with him, lifting him up off his feet so that he could swing back and forth in midair for a few brief moments.
By the time we’d made it home we were all just content to find something to eat and curl up in front of the tele, me listening to Teddy tell me all about his day with Matty whilst Matty pulled my feet into his lap.
He put Teddy to bed not long after, upon the boy’s sleepy request, and had returned about fifteen minutes later, having read a story and bundled Teddy up under his duvet covers. It had been then that I’d gotten to tell Matty more about the conversation I’d had with Finn, rehashing his words and even delving a little deeper into my past with him.
“How long have you known him again?” Matty asked me, thumb trailing back and forth over the jut of my knee whilst the tv played on low.
“Only since the first year of uni.”
Matty appeared quite surprised by that, he said so too. “Seems like longer.” I grinned tiredly at his musings, eyes squinting with it as I leant further into his side.
“It does a lot of the time, but sometimes it doesn't. Wasn’t lucky enough to have been gifted a group of bandits and made to start a band.” I teased, not unkindly, appreciating the way his hand travelled up to run his fingers through my hair. I peered up at him, “They’re all so lovely, you know.”
He answered me with an airy titter, the sound soft enough not to echo out of the living room and down the hall to where Teddy slept, “You’ve never been on tour with them, sweetheart.”
I laughed then too. “Maybe, but Teddy likes them. And I like them too.”
“I’m glad.” Matty whispered, pressing a kiss to the crown of my head. When he pulled away, I moved to capture his hand in my own. “You have anyone like that?”
I shook my head minutely, not wanting him to disturb his position, “No, wasn’t in school long enough to make any lasting friendships and then I guess when you reach a certain age it always feels a little harder.”
A quiet swept over us then and I took the time to simply admire the few tattoos Matty's forearms held; the passport number, the box, the postcode on his inner elbow.
“Was that because of what happened?”
His voice was cautious, which was unusual for Matty and more than likely the cause which had me peering up at him, rather than his ask that had gone and broken our peaceful bout of silence. 
My nose wrinkled, “What, with my scars?”
Matty gave a soft hum of assent, watching me from under a careful gaze, obviously anxious not to overstep or force my hand on the matter. I smiled at his care and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
“Yeah, it shook me a lot. I mean, I spent weeks in hospital and then after that, I was on strict bed rest whilst at home.” I explained to him, fingertips trailing over the faint grooves in his palm. “I was homeschooled for a long time too and when I did finally go back, well most of my class didn’t much care for me beyond the horror story they’d been told. It grew old quickly enough though, but even so it was hard to connect with people beyond the basic level.”
Matty’s thumb had begun to trail over the skin of my wrist, settling once or twice on my pulse point before going back to stroking again. “What did happen? I mean, only if you’re alright with saying anything about it, I know sometimes shit can still be hard.”
I breathed out an airy chuckle, turning my head to hide my enamoured smile in the wrinkle of his jumper. “I don’t mind. I don’t like mentioning it with strangers much, which is why it’s not really public knowledge unless you go digging. But it was a car accident.”
I felt Matty tense beneath me but his touch didn’t stray, only became that bit bolder, the hand in my hair coaxing me to glance up at him so that he could kiss me sweetly, nose nudging at the curve of my cheek before withdrawing. I hummed happily.
“My dad was with the local police. High up, but a drinker. Only started though after this one case, and then it spiralled. My mam worked night shifts sometimes at the hospital, which was a good way away from where we lived, so it would just be him and me until she got home.” 
I took a breath, realising it had been quite sometime since I’d actually spoken about the crash, or even thought of it really. The scars were a constant reminder, yes, but the crash itself was something that had occurred almost two decades ago now, so I’d had time to sort of come to terms with it. As much as I could. 
Not to say that it still didn’t wear at me, it had been a big event in my life, changed things in more ways than one. Because it had also been the spark which had sent my dad packing.
“It’d been raining that night, I remember ‘cause the water had been leaking in from under the backdoor. My dad had sworn up a fucking storm when he’d noticed it but could only really stick a couple towels down, claiming that he’d fix it on his next day off.” 
A light chuckle escaped me at the vivid memory my mind made up, his tall figure, the odd phrasings he would use, but nothing of real substance. I couldn’t quite recall his face, or the depth of his voice, seeing as I hadn’t looked over old videos or photos we had since I’d visited mum back home.
“It had been a bad storm, had the tides reaching the cliff peaks if I remember rightly. Which meant that the hospital had started to flood, at least the north ward where mam had worked.” I continued, enjoying the delicate caress of Matty’s thumb as it trailed up my arm, “She’d been sent home after they’d managed to move most of the patients on the ground floor westward, but her car broke down about a mile out.”
I could hear the call even now, the sound of my dad’s heavy footsteps when he’d come to wrap me up in a coat, murmuring that we had to go and pick her up.
“The winds picked up, I guess. Dad didn’t have a car seat, that was what we used mam’s car for. So he just sat me in the front seat before setting off.” 
Matty’s touch faltered slightly, probably having suspected where I was headed with this before it picked up once again. “The rain was relentless and we weren’t too far from the shore so it almost felt as though it was just thick sludge falling from the sky. It was hard to see past the first metre or so.”
I swallowed, noting how the light from the tv screen stretched out across the floor and flickered each time a scene changed. 
“Our town wasn’t huge, but it was big enough to warrant a couple T-junctions and the odd roundabout. There was a fourway, just up past the old baptist church, a road mostly used for when you were coming off the main motorway or headed out towards the airport. Dad had been drinking, you could smell it on him some days, but at night it was always stronger. He blew through it, the traffic light teetering on amber before it finally turned red.”
Staring blankly out across the living room, I could almost picture it. The downpour which had clouded the windscreen, the old dash of my dad’s car, the familiar scent of his preferred brand of tobacco.
I licked at my lower lip, mouth suddenly dry. “A van had been crossing. On the passenger side.” I added quietly, appreciating the grip of Matty’s hand as I carried on, “All I really remember after that are headlights and the blare of a horn. Woke up a couple days later, having missed my seventh birthday and my dad nowhere to be seen.”
I huffed a small chuckle, reaching up to rub at my eyes before turning to face Matty. I wasn’t quite prepared for the wet gaze I’d been met with or the single tear that had seemingly escaped and come to a pause on the bridge of his upper lip.
I lifted a hand up to wipe it away, smiling when he kissed the pad of my thumb.
“You’re incredible, you know that.”
I’d been called many things, but I don’t think incredible was one of them.
I leaned in to kiss him, wanting nothing more than the feel of having him close, even if that meant tasting the salt of his tears or enduring that careful way he held my face. It was everything I had needed then.
After the little moment I had shared with Matty the previous night, I’d gone to bed feeling a little more drained that usual, but I’d put it down to the exhausting day I’d had and the fact that Matty’d had to head home so that he could do a skype interview early the next morning.
I’d almost been tempted to say that he could do it here in the flat, but with Teddy you could never tell when the kid would be coming or going, so it was safer for Matty to stick to his typical routine.
But I’d woken up all sniffly and foggy headed the next morning. The pounding at the base of my skull had forced me up out of bed in search of painkillers, as well as the fact that it had just gone ten, which meant that Teds was already up and mulling about.
I took a couple of nurofen I had tucked away in the medicine cupboard with a glass of water and figured I’d be better getting a move on with my day than heading back to bed. I knew that Matty would be popping round sooner or later too, so I attempted to sort through a load of washing that desperately needed to be done as well as tidy away the mess we’d created last night.
Teddy had helped himself to a banana from the fruit bowl at some point but was already asking for breakfast by the time I’d stuck the washing machine on- unaware of how close to crying I’d been after I’d gone and dropped a wad of detergent on the floor.
Even so, I’d set to start on a pot of porridge, knowing he would enjoy it with either some jam or spread, but I was surprised when I heard the front door rattle shut not long later, having not heard a knock nor Teddy answer it. I went to scold him, frowning at the fact that he thought he could just answer the door to anyone when Matty appeared with a few Tesco bags in hand.
“I knocked on the window, so he saw me before he let me in,” Matty was quick to rush out, grinning down at Teddy who had since spotted his breakfast and made a dive for it. “Figured I’d grab some stuff before stopping in, knew you mentioned feeling crap last night before I left so..”
He shrugged, moving over towards the kitchen before I could even think up a reply, a little bewildered by the fact that anyone would have the foresight, let alone the sincerity to do something like this for me.
“Matty.” I breathed out, so utterly warmed by the gesture as I followed after him, “You didn’t have to.”
Matty rolled his eyes at me, settling the bags down on the counter, “Shut up, you idiot. Just let me feel like an adult for once, yeah?”
I laughed, unable to help myself, even as he gestured for me to take a seat at the table, claiming I looked a little warm and confirming it when he pressed his hand to my rosy cheeks. 
“Do you ever stop?” He questioned around an exasperated smile, settling some basic cold medicines down as well as a few sweet treats. “Washing machine’s already going, the kid’s been fed, floor seems to have been swept too. How’ve you not dropped?”
I rolled my eyes at his ever growing eccentrics, though was still wearing a rather pleased smile. It was nice, I deemed, having someone look after me for once.
“I can’t stop, babe, got things to do, a tiny person to look after!”
Matty just shook his head at that, obviously not too happy with my retort, “Guess we’re just gonna have a lazy day then, yeah? Got snacks, popcorn even. Reckon Teds will enjoy it. I can even take him out to the park for a bit, just to let him run off some of that energy.”
I blinked at the maddening man stood before me. Wondering what I’d done to deserve all of the things he'd done for me. And without having even been asked.
“Haven’t you got stuff to do?” I queried, content to simply watch him unpack the shopping he’d bought.
Matty shrugged a single shoulder, wrapping up a carrier bag and tucking it into the stash I kept hidden beneath the sink. “Nothing important.”
“The interview went alright then?”
He hummed, putting a couple tins of soup away in a cupboard just above his head. “Yeah, fine. Hann did it with me, other guy was in Paris or some other, I think. Definitely French though.” His phone sounded then, but it seemed he’d left it in the pocket of his jacket which he’d gone and thrown over the back of a chair upon walking in. “Look at that for me, would you?” He asked, peering down at a carton of something or other, probably pondering over whether or not it went in the fridge.
I was only a little surprised by his request, but did so anyway, trying to find the phone in one of his many deep pockets. “Definitely French?” I prompted, smirking smugly over at him before my fingers finally found the device. “You sound so certain, Healy. Almost as though you’ve been taking notes on the French dialect, or something like it.”
Chuckling to himself, Matty flashed me a big smile from over his shoulder before turning away with a wink. “The French are fit, baby.”
I laughed lightly with a halfhearted shake of my head, then peered down at his phone, “Password?”
“0709.” He told me, and so with a slight pinch in odd wonderment I typed it in.
“Why that?” I couldn’t help but ask, only glancing up again when I heard the shuffle of his feet. I raised a single eyebrow. “What, is it like the death of your guinea pig or something?”
Matty’s face pitched itself into a hearty grimace that made me cackle. “My guinea pig? Who the fuck owns a guinea pig?” He shook his head at me, deciding it wasn’t worth the effort and instead said, “It’s the date we met.”
My eyes widened considerably. “Actually?”
With a light huff, he turned back to putting things away, “Thing gets lost or nicked more times than not, so I’m always changing my passwords. Figured I’d remember that one.”
“Matty!” I all but awed, honestly feeling the love. “You can be such a sap sometimes, you know that. The day we met!”
I received a glare in retort but I simply laughed at him before turning to look down at the message he’d just received. My forehead furrowed.
“You said you had nothing going on today!” I was quick to accuse, eyes flashing up to meet his somewhat startled face, “George’s party is tonight!”
Matty’s mouth formed a little ‘o’ before he merely shrugged, “G will get over it if I can’t make it. You need me here more, and besides, his birthday isn't even for a couple more days. They’re only throwin’ it tonight so that most people can make it.”
I looked heavenwards, hoping that the second pause would give me a little bit of strength. Did it fuck. “Matty, you’re not staying here with us when George, your best mate might I add, is out celebrating his birthday! He’ll want you there.”
“Squeaks, you’re sick. He’ll underst-”
I shook my head, “No, you’re going. I’ve got a little cold, nothing that’s gonna kill me. What will kill me though is you not going to be with G on his special day.”
Matty narrowed his eyes a tad, “Don’t guilt trip me.”
My next bout of laughter couldn’t be helped. “I’m not!”
With a scoff, Matty turned to put the carton he’d held in the side door of the fridge, shaking his head as though I was the one being outlandish. “It’s fine, alright?” He said once he’d spun back around, “I’d much prefer being here anyway.”
My head dropped to the side as I looked up at him, “Babe, please go. It would honestly mean a lot to me, but even more so to George. You know, who’s birthday it is. Go on. Please?”
Matty sighed and ended up dropping himself into the opposing chair, I slid his phone on over to him. “What about you though, and Teddy?” He asked and it was sweet, how much he cared. 
“We’ll be fine.” I assured him, reaching out to take his hand, “The party isn’t til later anyway, so how about we stick with your lazy day idea and then when you need to start heading out, I can just pop Teds in the bath and get him ready for bed.” When Matty still didn’t seem too keen on the idea, I squeezed his hand a tad and added, “You can even head back here after if you want.”
He perked up at that, but was still a little resistant to the whole idea of leaving.
“I promise we’ll be fine, love.”
And oh, did I wish that had been the truth.
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futfemfantasies · 11 months
Not for long \\ giovana queiroz x reader
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Prompt #30
Stirring the food in the pot, the aroma of the different herbs and spices hit your nostrils. Just as you put the wooden spoon down, you feel muscular arms envelope your waist and you lean back into Gio. You feel her pull you closer while her lips attach to your exposed neck. One hand goes under your shirt and while the other slightly underneath the waistband of your shorts. Your eyes flutter close but re-open sooner than you’d like, as you smell something burning. You quickly try to salvage the food but it was too late. You turn to Gio who has a mischievous look on her face and is laughing at your supposed ‘angry’ face.
“What are we going to eat now?” You ask, still made about the now burnt spaghetti sauce. Taking a step towards you, Gio scans her eyes up and down your frame and bites her lip slightly.
“I can think of something” Your eyes go wide at Gio’s suggestion and you lightly hit her on the arm.
“We can order in and have a lazy night okay?”
You agree with Gio’s proposal and suggest getting pizza from your favourite place around the corner. You announce you are having a shower and you’ve never heard Gio speak quicker on the phone than in that moment.
After some fun activities in the shower, you both retreat to the couch where you wait for the pizza. The doorbell rings through the apartment and you jump up with excitement, with Gio laughing and shaking her head. Oh how I’m going to miss her, Gio thinks to herself. She gets pulled out of her thoughts by a kiss on her cheek and a plate put in her lap. She quietly thanks you and busies herself by eating as many pieces of pizza her stomach allows her. You move the pizza box to the kitchen to come back to find Gio in that same position again, lost in her thoughts. You put yourself in her lap and cupped both cheeks.
“What’s going on baby?”
“I have some news and I don’t know how to tell you without crying”
“It’s okay baby, you’re allowed to cry”
One tear escapes Gio’s eyes then a waterfall appeared down her cheeks. You held her close and tight and she did the same to you. You moved to a more comfortable position where Gio was lying on top of you, her head on your stomach, saturating your tee shirt with tears but you didn’t care. You just wanted to know what has gotten your girl so upset, so you could think of some ways to help. You brush your fingers through her hair and her breathing evens out, she’s relaxed now. Gio looks up at you with her red, puffy eyes and sad smile decorating her face.
“Can you tell me what’s got you so upset now my love?” You question, tucking her loose hair behind her ear
“I’m leaving Barca at the end of the season. I’m going to Arsenal”
You take a few seconds to digest what Gio just said but then you break out in a big smile, hugging her tightly.
“This is so great for you baby”
“How do feel about it?” Gio asks you as she sits up slightly, pulling you into her lap.
“I think it’s going to be great for you babe. I just know Leah and Beth will look after you”
You talk about everything about London and Gio doesn’t appear to be upset about it now.
It’s been four long months without seeing your love and you’ve finally got time to surprise her. You picked up a little knock to your shoulder so the Barca medical team suggest 2 weeks to heal. After long discussions about recovery and the healing process with the head of medical, they let you have 2 weeks personal leave. You got back from training and dumped your kit bag at the door. You kick off your trainers and sprinted upstairs to immediately book a flight to London. You found a flight leaving in 5 hours, so you quickly text your teammates to tell them you won’t be in the country and race around to find your passport and pack your bag. In the middle of all the chaos, you almost forgot your daily call with Gio. You both talk about your day when you hear Gio sniffle, meaning she’s about to cry or has just cried.
“What’s wrong G?”
���I miss you” Gio pouted.
“It’s only temporary mi amor”
You two eventually hang up, with your lame lie of you having a team bonding lunch you need to get ready for. Gio reluctanty let’s you go and you promise to call her later. You check the time and you are set to leave in 30 minutes. You shove more random clothes, that consisted of both yours and Gio’s in a suitcase before having a quick shower and setting off.
You arrive in London and you feel like you can breath again. You whistle down a taxi and give them Gio’s address. The whole time you’re bouncing your leg and picking at the skin around your nails. You are nervous and you don’t know why. You’re about to spend 2 weeks with your girl and watch her play with her new team. A little while later, the taxi pulls up to the apartment complex and you thank the driver as he got you suitcase out of the trunk. You quickly scroll through yours and Gio’s texts to find the apartment number. As soon as you find it, you race to the elevator and put in the floor number. You practically run out of the elevator and run down the hall to apartment 347.
You take a moment to yourself before wiping the palms on your sweats and knocking on the door. You hear that accent you’ve missed so dearly yell out ‘I’ll be a minute!’. You cover the peep hole and the wooden door swings open to reveal your Brazilian beauty wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt and panties. You both look at each other like it was the first time all over again until Gio hugs you tightly. You wince slightly due to your shoulder and Gio immediately apologises.
“What are you waiting for? Kiss me”
Gio rolled her eyes before kissing you passionately. Eventually, you both pulled away and Gio wheeled your suitcase inside. You both went straight into her bedroom and cuddled. A few hours later, you decided to tell Gio your news. You looked up at her and the golden light from the sunset shone perfectly on Gio’s features, making you fall in love with her all over again.
“I have some news” You say sitting up slightly.
“I’m all ears”
“I’m leaving Barca at the end of the season” This causes Gio to sit up too.
“Where are you going to play?”
“You’re kidding?” You shake your head and Gio leaps up from the bed and starts celebrating.
“I’m so happy for you beautiful” Gio jumps on the bed and kisses you, but both of you smiling so it’s short lived.
“I told you it was only temporary”
“I love you mi amor”
“I love you more baby"
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
cinnamon spice and everything (not so) nice - matt murdock x vigilante!reader
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summary: the holiday season puts you in a baking mood before duty calls, and coming home tastes better than ever.
warnings: canon-typical violence, possessive!matt, unprotected p-in-v, shower sex, hints of what’s to come for our sweet kitten and devil
a/n: uNEDITED I’m lazy I’m sorry but this one was interesting to write!!! hints of what’s to come (not for a while but it wILL HAPPEN SOON I SWEAR) - my askbox is always open if you have theories 😏
🍂kay’s autumn adventures🍂
Matt’s pretty sure he can count on one hand the number of times he’s used his kitchen.
Since you appeared on the scene, however — swooping your way into his life and deciding to stay, despite everything you’d both been through — the apartment is a test lab of sorts. Every night you’re over at his place, you’re trying out some new recipe, greeting him at the door with a wooden spoon coated in something, pushing it towards his mouth and telling him to taste. It’s only after he gives you his honest opinion that he gets his hello kiss, a smile on your mouth more often than not.
Spaghetti is a staple and is always a hit, along with all your variations and sauces. Same goes with pad thai, broccoli cheddar soup, and a ridiculously good ravioli thing that Matt’s still not sure you made correctly, but was delicious either way. He’s joked more than once that it’s a good thing you both spend your evenings taking down criminals and running across rooftops, otherwise he’d have traded his muscles for a paunch a long time ago.
“And I’d still want to fuck your brains out,” you’d chided, poking him in the stomach before grabbing his belt and hauling him towards you for a kiss.
He can always smell your cooking before he even steps out of the elevator, even more so when he takes the stairs, the scents mingling with the building air and hitting his nose as soon as he’s inside. He’s made a game of it, trying to figure out just what you’re making for dinner before he gets to his floor. Sometimes he’ll text you his guess from inside the elevator, waiting for your triumphant no! or confused yes? how did you guess that? once he steps through the door.
But today, he’s…confused.
The smell is different today. There’s nothing savoury about it, no salt or pepper or — your favourite — garlic powder permeating the air. No, no, today is different. Today is…sweet.
Matt inhales deeply as soon as he steps into the building, and the flavours explode on the back of his tongue. Cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar, maple. It goes on and on, and he’s too distracted to even think about hitting the button for the elevator, keeping his cane handy in case he encounters anyone on the way up. No one crosses his path, however, and before you can even shout hello, he’s through the door and into the kitchen, sniffing the air like a hound dog, licking his lips as the flavours and smells grow more and more intense.
“You’ve been busy,” he laughs, and you just shrug.
“I had the day off,” you reply, and Matt steps up behind you, slipping his arms around your middle, setting his chin on your shoulder while you continue to roll out cookie dough. Everything just smells so good, he can feel the drool pooling on his tongue, and coupled with the familiar scent of you, he’s nearly a goner. “Foggy called earlier,” you continue, sucking a stripe off cinnamon off your knuckle before turning in Matt’s grasp, draping your arms around his shoulders. “He wants us to come over for Thanksgiving dinner.”
“Uh-huh,” Matt mumbles, leaning in to kiss you. You taste like sugar, your already sweet mouth made doubly so. It sends him reeling. “So you decided to turn my apartment into a bakery?”
“I bake when I’m nervous,” you sigh, tilting your head back, accepting the kisses he drags down your throat. “And you know what tonight is.”
Matt stops short, trying to comb through his sugar-hazed mind. Tonight? Tonight, it’s late October, it’s Wednesday, it’s not your birthday, it’s not his birthday, and you don’t necessarily have an anniversary to speak of, not yet anyway, so what is tonight…?
“I do know what tonight is,” Matt grumbles, the words spoken directly into your jugular, followed up with a little nip that makes you whine and smack his shoulder.
You are nothing if not persistent. In everything you do; your vigilantism, your day-job, your friendships, your love for him. He’s tried his best to keep you at arm’s length with what you both do in the dark, but he knows your patience has waned thin. For a while, taking it in shifts was the easiest, swapping out each night, the other staying behind, ready to tend to wounds and kiss bruised egos back to life. It worked, for a time, but the waiting, the pacing the apartment (his or yours, it didn’t matter) and just waiting for the other half of your heart to come back through the door — or window — it became too much. It was too hard, simply waiting, praying to whoever was listening to bring them back. Whole. Unbroken. Alive.
“Remind me again why we don’t cut the bullshit and protect the Kitchen together?” you’d asked, ever so casually, over breakfast one morning. You were nursing a nasty black eye, and Matt sputtered on his cereal, his cracked rib sending a twinge of pain up his spine.
“If we did this together,” you continued, sipping your coffee. “If we worked together, instead of just waiting up for each other, we could actually get things done. Put the bad guys in cells. Protect our city.”
His hand turned into a fist on the table. “Kitten, don’t. You know what I—”
“I know exactly what you’re going to say,” you countered, reaching over and curling a hand around his wrist. “You’ve said it a million times, Matty. So, I have a proposal. One month from now, we go out on patrol together. You watch my back, I watch yours, for one night. One night, Matthew. And if anything goes wrong, I’ll drop it forever. But if it works, if we make as good of a team as I think we will, then you stop pushing back at me.” You squeezed his arm. “Deal?”
He bit back his objection. He knew you wouldn’t drop it otherwise, knew you didn’t care what else he had to say. It was obvious in the consistently steady beat of your heart; you hadn’t let yourself think about this turning into a fight. Your mind was made up, your proposal was perfectly logical, and there was no lawyering himself out of this one — not if he didn’t want to sleep on the couch for the foreseeable future.
For a beat, Matt wishes he could go back in time and punch his past self in the face. It might hurt less than the instant knot of worry and fear that makes a home in his stomach, the sugary taste on his tongue turning sickly sweet. He buries his face further into your neck, inhaling the familiar scent of you that lurks beneath the cinnamon and brown sugar.
“We had a deal, Matthew,” you murmur, lifting one hand and threading your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. “You promised.”
“I did,” he replies, the words spoken into the hollow of your throat. “We go together. I promised.”
It’s late by the time you head out into the city. The kitchen is mostly clean, the scent of baked goods still drenching every inch of the apartment, and Matt can still taste the toffee from the cookies you made, the sweetness lingering on the back of his tongue. He’s stoic and silent as you prepare, suits zipped and weapons fastened, masks donned and courage mustered. He’s antsy as you head up the stairs to the roof entrance, the sounds of your footfalls echoing loud in his ears.
You reach for the door handle, and Matt grabs your wrist. “You stay close to me, understand?” he murmurs, squeezing his fingers lightly. “And if I tell you to run, you run.”
“Matt, this isn’t—”
“Kitten,” he chides, his grip growing tighter. “I promised you. Now it’s your turn.”
He hears the hard swallow you take, the huff of your breath before he feels the heat on his chin. “Fine. I promise.”
Everything goes fine, really.
Until it doesn’t.
Until you’re pinned down in an alleyway, both of you with your backs to bricks, multiple guns pointed in your direction, more thugs than you’ve faced alone crowding you further down the alley. You’re both worse for wear, busted knuckles and a few ribs, a steady drip of blood down the side of your face, and Matt’s lip is split in at least three places. He’s positioned himself in front of you, his body angled in such a way that he’s mostly blocking you. Your heart is in your throat, and you’re sure he can hear it. 
This is bad.
You know Matt’s faced worse, at this point. Everything that happened at Midland Circle, everything leading up to it. Your resume pales in comparison, and you’d never dream of trying to take down an operation like this on your own, but you didn’t anticipate this many men. Or this man guns.
You’re fast, but you can’t outrun a bullet. You’ve tried, and you have the scars to prove it.
“The fire escape,” Matt murmurs, so low you can barely hear him. “To the left. When I signal, you run.”
The tone sends a shiver down your spine. It’s the same one he’d used when you started to protest back at the apartment. Everything in you is screaming not to go, but before you can, he’s sprinting towards a dumpster, using all his weight to push it towards the group of men. Bullets start to fly, ricocheting off brick and metal, and, knowing Matt is safe enough tucked behind the dumpster, you curse under your breath and sprint up the fire escape, just as he’d asked.
You don’t look back, heart in your throat and blood thundering through your ears as you sprint up the steps. Metal clangs beneath your boots, and as you near the top of the building, you have enough wherewithal to realize that there’s a second set of footsteps below you.
Please God, if you’re listening, let it be Matt. Please, please. please.
You roll onto the gravel roof as soon as you’re over the edge of the fire escape, scrambling against the brick, heaving breaths and trying to suck down more oxygen. You hear another panted breath behind you and spin to your feet, reaching for the weapon at your belt.
Before you can make another move, a large hand wraps itself around your throat, hauling you up and to your feet, boots scraping on the gravel, your back shoved hard against brick a moment later. “You think you can outrun us, little bitch?” the man spits. You’re scrabbling against his grip, trying to claw at his wrist, his arm, his face, anything you can reach. Your feet kick like mad, vision blurring at the edge as his grip goes tighter. No, no, no, no, please God, no. All you can hear is the sound of your own choked sputtering, see the gruesome face of your attacker, feel the life slowly draining from you.
This cannot be the end. Not after everything. Not like this.
The grip goes slack, and you fall to the gravel in a heap, your body immediately trying to get as much oxygen as humanly possible, the blurriness giving way to little black dots that dance across your vision. You lay there for a moment, palm pressed to your chest. You’re alive.
There’s shouting, from the other side of the roof, and you struggle to sit up, head turning in time to see Matt being shoved to his knees by your attacker, punch after punch delivered to his face, blood pouring down his cheeks, staining the front of his suit an even darker shade of red. His billy club lies on the ground a few feet from the pair of them, and you scramble forward on your knees, your body quaking in protest as you haul yourself up.
You shout loud as you crack the club across the back of the man’s head, but he barely flinches, large frame turning from Matt and back to you. You try to will the fear away, but the feeling of his hand around your throat comes back, a phantom ache that makes your breath come shorter.
“Little bitch!” he shouts, and goes to lunge for you, but before he can, Matt swoops in from the side, shoving his shoulder into the man’s middle, sending him wheeling backwards.
Right over the edge of the roof.
You both face each other as the sound echoes up from the alley below. Your chest is heaving, breaths wispy and thin. You feel lightheaded, and Matt notices, moving to step beside you as you collapse into him, curling your hand into whatever part of his suit you can. He slips an arm around your waist. “Home,” he breathes out, the word thick with blood that he spits onto the gravel. “Now.”
You can’t bring yourself to voice your agreement, nodding as you lean your head on his shoulder. He smells like copper. 
“Is he dead?” you ask as he pulls you across the roof.
A pause, head cocked to the side. “He’ll live.”
“He will.”
Something feels different as you slowly make your way back to Matt’s apartment. It’s not tension between you, per se, but something different, something more tangible, something almost desperate as Matt nearly carries you through the rooftop entrance. He stops at the bottom of the steps, forces you to sit, and pulls your feet into his lap one at a time, unlacing your boots and pulling them off, setting them aside. 
Blood is still leaking from his nose, and you’re worried it might be broken, but he doesn’t flinch when you reach out to wipe the red from his cupid’s bow. “You took the brunt of it,” you say, your voice hoarse and scratchy, and he tosses your second boot to the side, reaching up and pulling his helmet off.
“I had to,” he replies, hair a mess as he lets the helmet fall to the floor. “He was trying to kill you.”
There’s a glimmer in those bottomless eyes as they move in your direction, something feral and uncanny that you’ve never seen before. His lashes flutter as he blinks slowly, gaze turning glassy as he reaches for your hand, takes it between both of his, swipes his thumb across your busted knuckles.
“I won’t let that happen.”
His voice nearly cracks on the last word, and you hook your fingers in the front of the suit, leaning up with what little strength you have left and brushing a soft kiss across his lips, careful of the splits in his skin. “I know you won’t, Matty.”
He’s quiet as he helps you to your feet, quieter as he leads you into the bathroom, turns on the shower so hot that the steam fills the room quickly. Silent as he undresses himself, bloodied suit laying in a heap on the floor, your own — dirty and dust-covered — joining it a moment later. Noiseless as you step under the spray together, take turns washing the dirt and blood from each other. The steam eases the ache in your chest, makes your breaths come a bit easier, and after you’re both clean, Matt pushes you against the tile, pushes your knees apart with his thigh, and kisses you hard.
You squeak in surprise, one hand grabbing his shoulder, the other threading in his hair as his body moulds itself against yours. You can feel every inch of him, scars and muscle and wet skin. The prod of his cock against the inside of your thigh, the gentle scratch of his body hair against you.
He kisses you hard, and his tongue tastes like toffee. It makes you laugh, the awful juxtaposition of the duelling sides of your life. The light and the dark, the normal and the uncanny. But there, no matter where you look: Matt Murdock, Daredevil, man of your dreams, owner of your heart.
“Kitten,” he whispers against your lips, hands roaming your body gently. He skims your thigh, hooks his hand around the back of your knee and hikes your leg over his hip. Pleasure spikes as he rolls his body into yours, friction in all the right places, and your head tips back against the tile. “Please, I…”
“Tell me, Matty,” you reply, breathing fast as his other hand glances down your front, tweaking your nipple before fitting into the curve of your waist. “What do you need?”
“I need you safe,” he groans, dropping his hips enough that his cock slides between your folds, the water easing his thrust, teasing and slow. “I need you beside me.” He sucks your bottom lip between his teeth, nipping lightly before releasing it, mouthing along the edge of your jaw. “I need to be inside you.”
“Uh-huh,” you mumble out, bliss climbing, replacing whatever fear you’ve encountered, whatever stress and tension you’ve accumulated dissipating as your body screams: Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt. “I want that too.”
“Such a good kitten,” he murmurs, the tip of his nose dragged along the underside of your jaw. He’s pointedly avoiding your throat, and you can tell, but you don’t mind. He squeezes your hip. “My perfect girl.” Another teasing thrust, making your breath hitch high, hand moving from his shoulder to his bicep, squeezing tight. “Let me fuck you, please.”
You just nod again, your head falling forward, jaw hinging open as he angles himself and pushes deep into you. It’s slow, like the rest of it, drawn out and almost excruciating, the drag of him inside you sending your nerves into a frenzy, rushes of pleasure just teetering on the edge of pain.
A few thrusts, and he’s reaching for your other thigh, holding one in each hand, lifting you against the tile as he starts to drive into you. You throw your arms around his neck, cheek pressed to the top of his head as his lips attach to your collarbone, teeth scraping and lips sucking.
It’s a moment before you realize he’s talking, his voice low and husky.
The word, over and over and over again, your name interspersed, in perfect time with his thrusts, the sound of his skin against yours barely audible over the rush of the water. The heat is almost too much, and you can feel yourself teetering on that edge already, your exhausted body leaping towards the peak of pleasure.
A particularly deep thrust has the ridge of his stomach glancing against your clit, and you’re a goner. He’s not far behind you, growling his way through his orgasm, that familiar warmth only he can provide spreading through you. The water’s starting to go from hot to warm, cold not too far off, as you come down, Matt slipping out of you with a groan and letting you down, holding you close as you right yourself on shaky knees.
Just as the water starts to go cold, he grabs your jaw, turns your face towards him, kisses you rough.
matt murdock taglists will be rb’d!
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Little Hargrove
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Billy Hargrove x F!Reader
Summery: After seeing you with Nancy’s and Steve’s baby it’s all Billy can think about, now it’s only a matter of convincing you.
Warnings: SMUT (MDI) cussing, mentions of babies, pregnancy, unprotected sex, p in v, cream pie, oral (f receiving), pet names used, the name daddy and mama used. I think that’s it but let me know if I miss anything.
If Billy had to narrow it down to one moment, one instance when the realization hit him like a truck, it would of been when you held that small bundle of pink cotton blankets and wispy black hair.
Nancy and Steve just had their little girl and you were more than excited to hold the fragile little thing. It came naturally to you as Billy watched, his heart beating so hard he was afraid his ribs would be bruised; you cradled her little head, cooing softly at the small grunts the baby made.
“Oh Nance… she is so beautiful.” You had whispered, babbling at the baby as you rocked her, the smile on your face like none he’d ever seen before. And when your bright eyes reached his he knew he was a goner.
That had to be the moment, it had to of been when he realized he wanted a baby with you.
Billy toed the door to the apartment closed, the smell of dinner pelting him and making his stomach grumble. Peaking around the hall corner he watches you, busy in your element as you hummed swaying your hips to whatever music is in your head.
“Hey, doll face.” Billy steps up behind you, slipping his arms around your waist and crushing you to his chest in a tight hug making you squeal and gasp.
“Hey yourself.” You laugh, swatting his arms with your wooden spoon before opening the lid to the stew you’ve been working on. “Dinner is ready, I’m waiting on the oven to warm up for the rolls though.”
“Sounds good.” Dropping into a kitchen chair Billy spreads out his long legs, relaxing for what felt like the first time today. “Come here.”
You glance over your should with a smile, taking in your fiancé before sauntering over, the over sized t-shirt you’re wearing hanging off one shoulder as you straddle his lap, arms wrapping around his neck.
Billy smiles, hands on your hips situating you how he wants. “There’s my girl… so beautiful.” His blue eyes search your face, watching the light dust of pink coat your cheeks. No matter how many compliments he has given you over the many years of your relationship you still blush like a school girl, giddy at the remarks.
“I missed you today.” You whisper, leaning in and brushing your lips against his, melting into the small kiss as his hands rub up and down your sides.
“Missed you too. You won’t believe who I ran into.”
“Mmmm… the president?” Billy scoffs and rolls his eyes. “No… smaller. The mayor.” You feign shock, hand resting on your chest as you pull back and Billy barks a laugh.
“Jesus woman you are intolerable. I ran into Steve, he had Olivia with him.”
Your face lights up, your smile crinkling your eyes. “Awww that’s awesome. She’s getting so big I can hardly believe she’s going to be a year old!”
Billy hums in agreement, rubbing your hips slowly. “Yeah we talked for a little bit, he was outside the little pizza shop in town while Nancy was ordering. Y’know cuz she’s picky.” You laugh nodding along.
“That she is.”
“But… kinda got me thinking about some things.” Billy’s eyes travel down your body, staring at his hands on your hips, thumbs working soft circles into your skin. You shift slightly, feeling his mood change and your heart picks up a little, anticipation setting into your bones.
“Oh…” Humming softly Billy rests his hand on your abdomen, splaying his long fingers. You let out a nervous laugh, grabbing his wrist and pushing his hand away. Bright blue eyes shoot to yours and your mouth goes dry. Billy looks ready to eat you alive, his pupils blown wide, lust etched into his features. “Y-you’re not serious, are you?”
“And what if I am?” He drags you up his lap, the hard bulge in his pants pressing into your pantie covered mound making you gasp. Arousal shooting up your spine. “It’s all I can think about… thinking about just how pretty you’d look, big and round with my baby inside you. Letting everyone know just who you belong to.”
His tongue darts out, sweeping over his lower lip and you follow the movement. “A… A baby is a lot Billy… It is hard work and there’s so much we have to do. We’re still in an apartment…”
Billy nods, watching the pink staining your cheeks turn beetroot, your hands moving animatedly as you continue to list off all the things people supposedly need for babies. Excuse after excuse flying from your lips.
Dipping his fingers under your shirt he smooths his hand over your stomach, bringing you back to him and silencing your rambling. “Billy…”
“All I know is that when I look at you, I see the woman I want to have a family with, a woman who has given her all to a man who is a grumbling asshole and still loves him everyday.” Tears prick your eyes, one hand resting on his shoulder as the other gingerly touches the hand on your stomach. “I love you, and I want to have a baby with you. We have all the love in the world, a few grand in the bank, we can do this.”
“B-but we aren’t even married yet… we’ve only been engaged a year.” Your voice wobbles, “What will people say?”
“Let them talk, what does it matter? It’s you and me remember?” Billy leans up, brushing his lips across your own, eyes hooded as he scans your face. He can see your resolve breaking, from the way your hand tightness over his to how your breathing has become more shallow.
“You and me.” You repeat, breathing becoming hard as your nose bumps against his. The air is tense and thick, staring into each others eyes when suddenly the ding of the oven startles you. “T-the rolls… dinner.”
Billy’s hips press up into yours making your breath hitch, eyes fluttering closed. “Screw the rolls. Let me make you a mama.”
Something in your stomach ignites at the words and you slam your mouth into his. Tongue, teeth, and lips clashing as Billy gathers you into him and stands, carrying you blindly to the bedroom.
You land on the bed with a gasp, looking up at your fiancé who stares at you with a predatory grin. Your breathing constricts, the weight of your decision sinking in your gut as Billy peals his shirt off revealing his broad chest and softer stomach.
“Hey.” Your eyes shoot to his as he pops the button on his jeans and crawls on the bed between your thighs. “You’re thinking to much.” Billy reaches out, pulling your lip from between your teeth where you unconsciously were chewing the pink skin.
“I’m a little scared.” You admit even as your breath picks up from the feeling of his hands sliding under your shirt to hook his fingers into your panties.
Billy pulls your underwear down easily, your body limp under his heavy gaze. “If you need me to stop, say the word sweet girl… but…” He leans down, planting a soft kiss on your bare pussy making you jolt, hips rising off the bed. Chuckling Billy nuzzles into you, swiping his tongue over your pussy a few times before lifting his head. “But just know… daddy will always take good care of you.”
Your stomach flips, brain going fuzzy at his words and he can see it on your face, how your eyes blow out, the flair in your nostrils. “You’d like that wouldn’t you baby? Want daddy to take good care of you?” You nod, hips grinding down against the mattress, searching for more friction. For more of him.
Billy kisses your stomach, long and soft taking your breath away and melting you into the mattress, before he lays flat on the bed. Thick arms wrap around your thighs from below, trapping you to him as he dips his head, sucking your aching clit into his mouth.
Tossing your head back you moan brokenly, fisting the sheets and squeezing your eyes shut. After years of being together Billy knows just how you like it, just where to poke, and prod, how hard and fast or slow and easy to go depending on the sounds you make.
Even now, as he his tongue slowly lavas your cunt from entrance to clit he chuckles, your whinny little noises increasing as you squirm in his hold. “Billy… fuck please…” You gasp, skin flushing with heat as your walls flutter around nothing, the feeling of being so empty suddenly to much.
“Tell me what you need, baby.” Billy mumbles, muffled slightly as he continues to devour you, fingers leaving indents in your soft thighs.
Your chest feels tight, skin so hot you feel on fire as the words you so desperately want to say stick in your throat. Instead you opt for carding your fingers through his sandy locks and tugging, the slight sting in his scalp making him hiss and look up.
“No, use your words. Tells daddy what you want, otherwise you aren’t going to get it.” Tears brim your eyes as you finally look down your body at him. His expression is serious, yet warm and loving.
This dynamic wasn’t new to either of you, your vocalization always being very important to Billy, but you suddenly felt shy and uncertain, like the first time the two of you ever had sex. What you wanted to ask for would change everything.
“I… I want you Billy.” Your breathy and uneven, gripping the blankets so hard your fingers start to turn numb.
“You’ve got me baby.” He smiles, his chin glistening with your arousal making your stomach clench.
“N-no… I… I want you in me… I… need you.” You mumble out.
Billy makes a mock expression of surprise, your face heating. “Oooh you want me? Like this?” Two fingers trace your opening slipping in easily and curling right where he knows has you coming undone.
You mewl softly, frustration slamming into you even as you drop your head back to the pillows. Billy works you slowly, his smile mean as he teases and pushes you to say exactly what you want. Knowing otherwise you won’t voice it.
You moan, cantering your hips to ease his thick fingers deeper. “I…” You swallow thickly, resolve breaking further as you rut into his hand. “I need you to fuck me. Please, please fuck me Billy.”
And like that his hands disappear, the soft thud of his jeans and boxers hitting the floor before he’s back over you capturing your lips in a heated, demanding kiss. The angry red tip of his cock brushes over your wet slit and you whine into his mouth, legs wrapping around his waist as your hands find his shoulders.
“So needy for me.” Billy chuckles, prepping himself up on one arm as he reaches between the two of you to hide his cock into your cunt. You hold your breath, relishing in the feeling of him stretching you, stuffing you full with gentle thrusts.
It feels so much better with nothing in between your slick walls and his hard cock, Billy’s head falls forward moaning loudly when he’s fully seated inside you. “Fuck… fuck feel so good, such a tight little pussy.” Billy rocks back and forth, giving you shallow thrusts.
“Ah… more… please.” You beg, hips meeting his as you match his slow rhythm.
Billy smiles, lopsided and pussy drunk as he watches your face contort with pleasure. “Yeah? You want more? So greedy for my cum aren’t you baby?” You gasp as he punctuates his words with a hard thrust, jaw slackening and lips curling in euphoria as his pace picks up.
“Yesyesyesyesyes…” You pant, your orgasm building quickly with the added fire of his words. “Don’t stop… please don’t stop.”
Billy is more than happy to comply, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing harsh circles to draw you closer. “M gonna cum in you, gonna fill you up until you’re dripping… Gonna look so pretty pregnant.” He’s babbling much like you are, his orgasm to close but he needs to feel you clench around him, he needs to see you come undone first.
“P-please… please cum in me… want you to.” Tears are spilling over your checks, and the band in your stomach snaps with a low growl from Billy’s throat. You cry out, back arching, nails digging into his shoulders. Your cunt clenches his cock, milking his orgasm from him with a string of cuss words. Billy stills, rutting against you as he explodes, thick cum coating your walls and warming you.
Gasping you open your eyes, piecing blue crashing with yours. Your body beings to shake with your come down, reality flooding you. “I love you.” You blurt, fresh tears springing to your eyes.
“I love you, it’s okay. You’re okay.” He whispers, peppering your face and neck with kisses.
“I know… it’s just overwhelming.” You whisper back, leaning up into each kiss. “I’m happy, I promise, I’m scared but so happy.”
Six weeks was all it took before you saw the two blue lines on your pregnancy test. You’d rush into the living room, tears flowing down your cheeks as you crash into Billy’s chest, the man bewildered and anxiety straining his voice as he asks you what’s wrong over and over before he manages to push you at arms length.
“I’m pregnant!” You squeal in delight, his eye widen and he scoops you into his arms, spinning you around with a triumphant laugh. Unshed tears line his eyes as he places you on your feet, cupping the side of your face and gazing down at you with more love and affection than ever before.
“I’m going to be a dad.”
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writingchalamet · 10 months
History and drama part 2
A/n: I couldn’t help but write a part two because I loved the first one so much…sue me…
Warning: smut, curse words, fluff, angst, ROSS BECAUSE HE IS A WARNING ⚠️
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Ross’s doorbell rings Friday night 8pm sharp and he can’t contain his excitement as he rushes towards the front door. He had styled his hair in his usual low man bun, wearing a soft oversized button down with a pair of slacks, he had made sure to take his time to carefully groom himself making sure he looked presentable for you, even though he could wear a bin bag and you’d still find him hot. He opened the door to see the most beautiful sight he had laid his eyes upon. There you stood, hair pulled up into a ponytail with two strands framing your face, and a silk slip dress with lace detailing, the slit in the side laying perfectly against the plump skin of your thighs. You held a bouquet of flowers in your arms, bright colours bursting out their paper encasing. His heart skipped several beats as he stared at you. “You look beautiful, come in” He opens his door more for you to step inside, taking you in his arms, leaning down to entrap your lips in a breathtaking kiss, you pull apart and smile brightly, handing him the carnation of flowers. “These are for you, my best friend is a florist, so I get to take advantage of her skills” Placing the bundle in his arms gently, he admires them and brings them to his nose to smell. He can tell they were fresh, the sensibility making his lips curl. “No one has ever bought me flowers before, thank you” you smile, enjoying the fact that you would be a first of his for something, even if it was something small.
You follow him through his home into the kitchen where he finds a vase, telling you how his mother had given it to him in the hopes he would have a girl move in to buy flowers for, and it’s the first time the vase would be used in his home. You laugh, taking in the warming environment of his house, the colours of the walls painted soft muted greens, very calming, he also had lots of books, but unlike your play writes and novels most of his collection were non-fiction and history pieces. You could tell he enjoyed his craft. His house was neat and clean, you can tell it’s not just because of your company, he has always been very pristine, well-groomed hair, nice skin, thought out outfits that were always perfectly ironed. He places the flowers in the vase, careful not to disturb their arrangement. You admire the joy in his eyes as he fluffs them out. “There…” He finishes displaying the flowers, taking the newly filled vase, and placing it on the dining table, where he had placed a few candles, ready for your meal. “It smells amazing in here Ross; I didn’t know you could cook?” you exclaim excitedly, examining the food cooking on the hob. “Well, I did ask you here for dinner so, I must deliver” he smiles watching you trail to the oven your homely instincts already kicking in, you pick up the wooden spoon and stir looking inside the dish nearly fainting at the heavenly sight, if it tasted as good as it looked you would marry the man right here on the spot, Ross comes to stand behind you one hand resting around your waist holding your stomach, your back pressing against his front. The other hand taking the spoon from your hand scooping up some of the sauce bringing it to your lips, you blow on it before taking it into your mouth, moaning at the taste, your head lulling backwards hitting his chest, your eyes roll back into your head, Ross enjoying the moment. “It’s Tuscan chicken casserole, it is ready I’m just waiting for the bread to warm up” you spin in his arms eyes wide, “There’s bread too?! Ross, I think I’m ready to become Mrs Macdonald now” you joke, his eyes crease with laughter, “If I knew all it took to impress you so much was baguette, I would have brought you one long ago” his hand cups your cheek as he leans down and peppers kisses across your face, putting a bright smile on your face.
You ate dinner peacefully, Fleetwood mac playing in the background, the candles lighting the room in a soft glow, your heart was thumping in your chest the entire time, at the thought he had put behind the date, no man had ever made you feel this way. You finished your meal, and you took the plates away insisting on washing up, he protested and joined you at the sink, no matter how much you scorned him. Washing the plates and cooking utensils passing them to him to dry up and put away, you found yourself slipping into the domestic bliss you so craved to share with him. Once the washing up was complete you follow the man into his living room, the music carrying through into the next room, the room was lit by the warm glow of the lamp on his coffee table next to his sofa. He grabbed the pair of you a drink each before settling down on the sofa, His body language open and inviting, you slipped down next to him, tucking your legs underneath themselves, folding yourself into his touch, his fingers play with the ends of your hair while you get yourself comfortable.
“So how was your week, any troubles with Alison?” He smirks at you; you simply roll your eyes taking a sip of your drink. “No thankfully. She just sort of snickers whenever I see her in my lessons, I know she will have told half her year group by now, but I honestly don’t care, it’s more of the same rumours that have been flying around since we first met” you smile and lean into him when he blushes at your last comment. The pair of you had been pining after one another for so long and neither of you don’t know why you haven’t just gone for it. “I just know that Matty and George are gonna have a field day when they hear that we were caught” Ross laughs again, his fingers trailing along your neckline and shoulder as you speak sending chills down your spine. “Kiss me” his words are all the invite you need, your lips crashing into his. You had shared the odd sneaky kiss around school in one another’s offices when no one was looking, but you had longed for his touch properly since last week. He nudges you backwards so you’re lying backwards on the sofa, taking his place in between your legs, holding himself up hovering just above you, your legs wrap themselves around his waist like a koala coiling him closer towards you, he sniggers at your neediness, leaning back down to kiss you. Your lips moving together in perfect sync, his tongue slithered into your mouth earning a gasp from you, fighting a loosing battle for dominance. Ross’s hands grip at your waist, your dress bunching up at your sides as he claws at the fabric to get to your skin. You have come to find that fleshy area joining your hips to your legs was his favourite thing to grab in the entire world. The skin feeling so soft and squashy in his hands. You moan breathlessly as he grinds his hips against your covered entrance. One of your hands move from his shoulder to his hair, pulling it out of his man bun, letting it fall into his face, he moans as you tug the hair at the root roughly, and he gives your hip a spank in response. You pull back and bite your lip looking him dead in the eye, “fuck me, please” no hesitation in your voice this time, compared to your shy disposition the last time. Those are the only words he needs to hear, unclasping his trousers, pulling them along with his boxers down low enough to release him from his prison. You shimmy yourself out of your underwear throwing them somewhere in the living room. He spits in his hand and smooths it across the tip of his dick before burying himself within your walls.
You straggle out a moan of his name as he slams himself back and forth, setting an unmatched pace, you somehow felt him deeper than ever before, your legs clinging to him for dear life, he was hitting a spot that had never been reached before, he took your small hand in his and pressed against your stomach, feeling him hitting the walls inside you knocked the air out of your lungs. “You’re my special girl, you know that right?” You nod and reattach your lips, his hand weaves up your dress and palms your breast, the silk fabric of your dress clinging to your chest with the heat rising between the two of you. You moan into his mouth as he delivers a hard squeeze, a firm thrust following the action. The scene was hot and heavy, unlike the slow romantic time before, this time you both felt a sense of urgency, hardly touching throughout the week had gone to his head and he had to have you, he didn’t care how needy he seemed. “Ross – harder!” Your words muffled into his mouth as he continued to press hot wet kisses to yours. He pulled out, untangling your limbs from around him, flipping you roughly onto your front and raised your arse up to meet his hips, he definitely appreciated the site, and the squeal you let out when he slapped and grabbed at the flesh harshly, without a second to think, he shoved himself back inside of you, the new angle hitting every ridge as his cock slid back in, he gave you two warning thrusts before absolutely annihilating you. You scream and gasp, biting onto your hand in front of you as he continually slams himself in and out, his grunts and moans above you are obscene, he holds onto your hips tightly as he pounds away, your screams only spurring him on more. One of his hands wound themselves into your hair, gripping at the ponytail, pulling back on it harshly so you are now sat up with your back against him, the hand travels around your neck and clasps a hold, choaking you, your head falls back onto his shoulder as he fucks you, your hand joins his, gripping around the wrist and digging your nails into his hand each time he choaks or hits that special spot inside of you. He cranes his neck round to kiss you, swallowing more of your moans, his thrusts become faster and deeper than ever before, he feels you begin to tighten around him, knowing what’s to come, his hand leaves your hip and holds you flush against him, rubbing circles on your clit, your eyes roll into the back of your head out of pleasure and you feel yourself spasming around him, “That’s a good girl, let go for me” he whispers in your ear as he continues to fuck you through another mind blowing orgasm, you swear they will never be the same without him. You feel him throb inside you and soon enough he stills, filling you full of his load, he gives you one final thrust before pulling out, leaving you with the thick and warm juices spilling from inside you, He bites his lip and groans as he watches the mess spill back out of your entrance, the sight enough to make him ready for another round. He turns you around onto your back once more and leaves the room, coming back with a ‘merry Christmas’ tea towel which makes you laugh. He smiles and leans in for a kiss before wiping you clean throwing the tea towel on the floor.
“Well Miss S/n, I think we’ve out done ourselves”
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Several weeks had gone by and yourself and Ross had been on many dates. The pair of you enjoying each others company to the fullest, you had managed to squeeze in at least 2 dates a week, as well as not being able to keep your hands off each other when you were alone in one another’s offices. Today was no different, you were just prepping for your year 10 class about to come in when familiar arms incased round your waist and spun you round your studio, you let out a little scream and a giggle until your feet touched the ground again. Spinning in his arms to face the beautiful man, “hello sweetheart” he places a delicate kiss on your lips, arms wrapped snugly around you, hands resting on your bum, “hey, that was a nice surprise, I’ve missed you today” you peck him again and he chuckles, “you saw me two hours ago” and you sigh throwing your head back dramatically “I know but my heart yearns for you!” You both laugh and step away from each others embrace as you hear the warning bell, signally the children will be here any moment. “I have a free period and I was wondering if you would mind if I sit in and watch your lesson, just for fun” your smile only brightens, the thought that he couldn’t be away from you during his free period, even if your attention wasn’t going o be on him made your heart twitch. “Yeah of course, just don’t look at me like I’m a mad woman because we’re studying ‘the metamorphosis’ and Brecht’s physicality, so when I’m hanging upside down pretending to be a beetle please don’t stop fancying me” you stare at him dead in the eyes and search his soul, he only laughs and leans forward placing a peck on your forehead. He takes a seat on the side of the studio and watches as your students pour through the door. Most of them with confused looks as to why a history teacher was sitting in their lesson.
The students put their bags to the side, and come to the centre of the room, “okay class, so you’ve probably already seen that we have a visitor today, Mr Macdonald is a big Metamorphosis fan and wanted to see what you guys have been working on, I’ll give you twenty minutes to get back into your groups from last week and go over the scene you were given, then we will sit and watch each group’s performance okay?” You clap your hands together and the kids all nod back to you, “You are all free to use the boxes, climbing apparatus and matts, just go into the props room to bring them out!” The students all break off into their groups, some going into the props room bringing out the large black boxes and climbing frames to use for their pieces.
You loved seeing your students so enthusiastic about their work, it reminded you of being in school and drama being your favourite lesson. You walk around the studio stopping to help some students when they ask, not noticing the big grin on Ross’s face as he watches you teach. He watches you reassure your kids they are doing a good job, and show them how to use the equipment safely, he loves watching you in your element. You were showing one student that had asked about physical movement during the metamorphosis scene, and Ross watched as you quite literally got on the floor and contorted your body in ways he did know you could, the action making him feel rather ravenous. You stood again and guided the student’s movements unintentionally bending with them out of habit. You see Ross from the corner of your eye cross his leg over and smirk to yourself. After taking another lap around the room and seeing the kids were getting on okay you plop yourself down next to Ross, legs brushing against each other. “Hey” you smile at him. “You’re so good at what you do” the sudden compliment strikes through your heart, you bite your lip to hide the fact that you want to smile ear to ear. “Thank you, I happen to think you’re pretty good too” you nudge his shoulder with your own. “The kids all love you, I’ve never seen students behave so well for a class before, I don’t think I’ve ever heard your raise your voice once at any of your students” you giggle and put your head down “you should see one of my year 8 classes, they’re awful, I’m screaming at them all time, you’re just in the right class, these guys are lovely because they actually want to be here, and there is a group of boys in my year 8 class who know exactly what buttons to push to send me over the edge” you shake your head at the thought of the dreadful class. You hated the students that just came into your lessons to mess around, after you spend so many gruelling hours planning lessons having little to no free time to yourself, they seem to want to come in and make your life miserable. “Hey, these kids are the ones that count right, you got that teaching award last year for a reason, and it’s the students that vote, so you’re clearly doing something right” you smile at the fact that he remembers that you had won. You wanted so badly to kiss him, to touch him, anything but you couldn’t, you had to hold out.
“Okay class, come and sit down and we’ll pick groups to perform, does anyone want to go first?” One groups hands shoot right up, the group of the student who you were helping with the transformation scene, you were excited, you loved watching your students work. The rest of the students came to sit down as the group set up their stage. They performed the scene and the look on Ross’s face was telling enough, these kids were talented and they had you to thank for the extra push. You all clap your hands at the end of the scene and give each student a well done calling up the next group. “They’re all so good, they’re such a credit to you” Ross whispers into your ear as you watch the next few performances. The smile on your face and the proud feeling in your stomach made you live for moments like this. The lesson draws to a close and as the students leave some kids come over to hug you before leaving the studio, thanking you for your help, he sentiment warming Ross heart.
He walks over to you as the last student leaves the studio and wraps his arm around you once more. “That was such a good lesson, I thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you for letting me sit in” you smile turning to kiss the man “you can join in next time” you wink at him, earning a hearty laugh from him at the thought of him jumping around with the students. “Well I have to get back for my last lesson of the day, thank you again for letting me sit in, you did great, I love you” he kisses your lips and the words had left his mouth before he could even comprehend what he was saying. Your jaw practically hit the ground, you stood there astounded unable to speak or stutter even. His eyes went wide as he realised what he had done, his hand scratched the back of his neck as he looked at your shocked and confused face, “I uh- I have to go” he left you there, mouth swinging, heart pounding and eyes glassing over. He loves you.
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Ross had been avoiding you since the whole ‘I love you’ ordeal. Whenever you saw him in the staff room he would gather his things and rush off claiming ‘he was busy’ if you went by his office he would say he was ‘needed somewhere’ and it made you want to staple the man to the spot so you could tell him how you really feel. You’re hoping today would be different though, it was Matty’s birthday, and a group of you, Ross included were going out tonight for dinner and drinks to celebrate. You were in your house getting ready for the night deciding on wearing something daring to catch a certain someone’s eyes.
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Adam picks you up from your house driving you to the restaurant where you meet the rest of your friends, there was a large table of about 20 of you, Ross already sat down laughing with some co workers, his eyes bulge out of his head as he glanced your way. You walk straight up to Matty leaning down to give him a kiss and hug, his face lit up at your presence asking you to sit down next to him and George. Ross sits opposite from you and gives you an awkward nod. Adam comes to take the vacant seat next to you and you immerse yourself back into conversation with him about your week and jokingly implying you were ready to quit after the day you had, when an English teacher sat next to Ross pipes up, “yeah I heard about the fight between those two sixth formers down the music corridor, apparently it was really bad, well done for breaking it up Y/n!” At the sound of your name and the mention of a fight Ross’s head perked up, he hadn’t heard anything about a fight at work today.
Matty jumps into the conversation “oh my god it was brilliant, the two lads were proper swinging on each other and she just jumped straight in between them, nearly took a hit too! Little pocket rocket!” Matty laughs and you shake your head sipping your drink “yeah no thanks to you lot, all just stood shouting at them from your classroom doors! Someone had to get in there and break them up!” George laughs and throws his head back! “Are you kidding you’ve seen that kid Jack right?! He’s like 6’7 I’m not getting in the way of one of those punches!” Ross sat in his chair anger bubbling up inside him like a volcano, all these people just stood and watched while you willingly threw yourself, over a foot and a half shorter than, someone throwing punches. “And none of you thought to help her?” The anger in Ross’s voice was clear, the smiles dropping from everyone’s faces in an instant. “What if she had gotten hurt, would you have just stood and watched then!?” You watched as he clenched his fist, eyebrows furrowed, clearly angry at Matty and George for not ‘defending your honour’. “I was fine Ross, nothing happened, they calmed down as soon as I split them up” your hand reached across the table and took his hand in your own, it soothed him instantly, feeling your soft skin brush against his. “You two are so wet for each other it’s disgusting” Matty interrupts your moment and you roll your eyes taking your hand away from Ross’s picking up your drink once more. You all eat then move onto a pub, a large number of the group filter out wishing Matty a happy birthday as they leave. Ross still hadn’t spoken to you apart from the scene at the table, but now most the faculty had left, he had less places to hide. You sat with George while Ross and Matty were at the bar with Adam and a couple of friends ordering some drinks, Matty flirting with the barmaid. “What’s going on with you and the history buff then?” George nudges you making you look his way. You let out a sigh before talking “you have to talk to each other to have something going on George “ you allow a shallow laugh to leave your lips. Picking at your nails, George could tell you were upset. “I thought it was going well? You no longer in the honeymoon period?” You just raise your eyebrows and shrug not really knowing how to respond. “He told me he loved me the other day, then ran away and has been avoiding me ever since, every time I walk into a room he storms out” you shake your head at the thought that he didn’t really mean his words. “What that’s massive! I’m sure he does mean it, he’s probably just afraid of what you’re gonna say back” he nudges you once more raising his brows in a quizzical manner. “Well he actually has to talk to me to get his answer, I’m not that scary am I?” You joke. “I dunno… scary enough to jump in between two huge guys almost twice your size having a fight” you laugh, and lean your head on his shoulder. Matty and the others walk over carrying a tray filled with pints and shots… This was going to be fun.
Matty wedged himself next to you, Ross, Adam and the others sitting on the other side of the table, “alright guys, shot time” Matty passes you each two shots from his tray, handing out lime slices and packets of salt, you all get ready do your shots on the count of three, grimacing as the liquor burns your throat. Ross watched your face closely as you took the slice of lime in between your teeth and sucked the juice out, joking with Matty when you both turn to each other with the rind in your mouths. George takes a photo of the two of you and it makes Ross’s heart burn at the sight of Matty pulling you into his lap, arms around your waist and head over your shoulder while you take photos together. Adam pulls a deck of cards out his pocket and suggests a game, Matty instantly voting for strip poker but you had to remind him you were in public, much to his dismay. You settled on shit head each taking turns to lay your cards out, each wanting to be the first to get rid of all your cards. The game went on for a while, George kept stitching Matty up making him pick up, which made you all laugh. Ross had won, and you came a close second which made you smile. You finished your drink and wandered over to the bar to buy another round when you felt an arm around your waist, an unfamiliar arm. You look to your left to see a tall, fairly handsome man stood beside you, he smiles at you “hey I was wondering if I could buy your drink for you?” His arm is unmoving, and even though he seemed nice, he wasn’t your cup of tea. “I’m actually buying a round for me and my friends-” you were cut off by the guy taking his card out of his wallet and placing it on the bar, “please I insist, I’ve been watching you all night, and I had to come say hello” the bartender takes the card and taps it before you can protest, you step back out of his grasp and watch as your drinks are made. “Thank you, you didn’t have to do that” you say awkwardly. “Nonsense, any excuse to talk to a beautiful woman, so what brings you here tonight?” You try and be polite but the guy was giving you the creeps, the way his eye-line kept faltering to look at your chest and he kept leaning in close to you each time you made a move backwards. “Uh it’s my friends birthday..” you trail off, waiting as patiently for your drinks as possible so you could get the hell away from this creep, looking rather desperately at the barman, who clearly, wasn’t catching your hint. “So are you single?” Just then the strong familiar arms that feel like home, wrap around your waist and pull you into his chest, your back hitting firmly against him. “No she’s not.” You look up and see a very displeased Ross above you, you wrap your arm around his and give him a squeeze, letting him know you were alright. “Oh sorry man, I uh- I didn’t realise” the man scurried off into the busying crowd and was forgot in a second, you turned in Ross’s arms to look up at his face, leaning up to give him a peck, a meaningful one that held much behind it, your hand stroked his cheek and you smiled at him. “Thank you” he simply nodded his head and leaned back down for another kiss, missing the taste and softening touch of your lips these last few days. “I need to talk to you” you say, eyes boring into his, he looked worried, frightened almost, he opened his mouth to speak when the barman slid over all your drinks on a tray, “there you go miss, enjoy” you just smile muttering a thank you, taking the tray and walking back to the table.
“Here she is…player!! We saw you over there flirting away!” Matty yelling slurring his words, big smile on his chops, “yeah we’ll be grateful, my so called ‘flirting’ just got you lot a free round” you joke putting the tray down, they all cheer and take their drinks off, cheers-ing to you and your ‘flirting technique’ which Ross did not find funny at all. You sat at the edge of the table this time, Ross taking a seat at the head of the table so he was next to you. The animosity had mostly settled but you still had yet to speak properly. “Okay how about a game of truth or dare!” You all groan “Matty, we’re not 15!” You whinge “ahh but it is my birthday!” You all sigh and give in to the birthday boy. A few rounds go by, the group doing stupid dares like downing the dirty pint, Adam was dared to lick the bottom of George’s shoe, Matty had to try and get a free drink from someone in the bar, failing miserably, you had been dared to give the ‘birthday boy’ a lap dance, much to yours and Ross’s dismay. And now it was back to you again. “Truth” you say confidently as George asked the question “okay, tell Ross how you really feel about him” the table goes silent, and everyone has wide eyes looking between you and Ross in anticipation. You give George a look of disbelief before turning and facing Ross fully giving him your attention, you take his hand in yours and lean close to him to give the pair of you some privacy, as if it were at all possible! “Ross, ever since I first met you I couldn’t take my eyes off of you, you make me smile just by walking into the room, I love the way your eyes crinkle every time you smile, and the little freckle you have on your forehead, I love how kind and genuine you are, and caring of others, I have been absolutely enamoured with you since you first said hello to me, I hate it when we’re apart, it makes me feel like I’m missing a limb, I want you all the time, forever… I love you Ross, I’ve been in love with you for ages” you were looking down at your hands towards the end of your unintentionally longwinded speech, not wanting to meet his eyes. His fingers leave yours and touch your chin lightly tilting your head up to meet his eye-line, for just a moment the entire world melted away and it was just the two of you. “You really mean all of that?” His eyes were glassy the finger under your chin was stroking soft comforting strokes, you just nodded and pulled him towards you for a kiss, your lips melting together, you let your fingers travel into his hair out of instinct, he pulls you forwards so you are sitting in his lap and hear the others in uproar at the table. “Woah woah Ross! Put her down!” - “get your tongue out her throat!” - “no one needs to see that!” The boys all chime in together, words crossing over each other. Without pulling away you stick your middle finger up at them behind you. You pull away and smile at Ross, caressing his cheek, fingers moving to smooth over his beard. “I love you” you whisper to him, his hand squeezes your waist “I love you” he leans in to place another peck on your lips, you had never felt so content in your life.
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You had gone official with Ross, feeling like one of the teenagers you teach, all lovestruck and doe eyed. It was the end of another week and you were walking up to Ross’s classroom ready to go home, Ross was leading a study group in his classroom, walking round the room occasionally leaning down to help students with their work, you lean on the doorframe watching as the students finish up their work, smiling seeing them so enthralled in their work, you were holding your bag and folders ready for the day to end when Ross noticed you. “Hey come in, we’re nearly finished” he nods for you to come over, you step into the room smiling at the students as some of them look up at you, you walk over to his desk and perch on the edge, Ross surprising you by coming and sitting right next to you. Some students in the very front row eye the two of you as Ross nudges you affectionately and stares at you a little too long. The clock struck 4:30 and Ross dismissed the class, once the last student had left you were in his arms. “I’ve missed you” he peppers kisses across your face and down your neck, you giggle leaning up on your tippy toes to reach his lips, you hum as his hands smooth over your back and cheekily grab a hold of your bum. You pull away from the kiss staring into his eyes seeing that all familiar glimmer in them, “I’ve missed you more, what do you want for dinner tonight?” You step away from him and help collect his things from his desk. “I was just gonna cook something simple like stir fry? Sound good?” He replies, taking your hand in his as you leave his classroom and make your way down the hallway together. “Sounds amazing, your place of mine?” You pass the other history teachers in their office and say goodnight to them wishing them a good weekend. “I don’t care who’s house we go to, as long as I get my dessert afterwards I’m happy” Ross winks at you and tugs you down the corridor a little faster with a newfound spring in your steps. You giggle as he leads the way to his car, seemingly driving in autopilot to your house, which was his new favourite destination. Where you carried out an evening of food, wine, sex and lots of laughter.
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jesussavemenow11 · 5 months
Winter's the Only Season // Smosh
Pairing- Amanda Lehan-Canto // Fem!Reader
Warnings- I don’t think any but if there is let me know and I will add them!
Word count- 1716
Summery- You love your close friends and family, especially when it comes time for the excitement of winter parties and feasts. But ever since your childhood best friend moved away, it’s never quite felt the same. 
 Winter’s in Boston are brutal, always have been brutal, will most likely always be brutal. From the wind to the constant snowfall. And don’t get me started on the irritable individuals that live in this city. I have a big family, they all come together during the big holidays like Christmas. It’s nice to have them all together. Friends and neighbors will get together and enjoy one another's company in the many parties my parents throw. The nights get rowdy and drinks get shared along with secrets about anyone and everyone. The moms gravitate to one side of the room, while the dads crowd to the other. 
It’s been this way since I was a kid. But ever since Amanda moved away, things haven’t been the same. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy she got out of this god forsaken city, but I can’t help but be devastated with the truth of her not being around anymore. Amanda and I grew up as neighbors, our moms being highschool friends and our dads being forced to enjoy one another's company, and the constant playdates since we were babies, we couldn’t help falling into some sort of friendship. Amanda really only comes back into town for the winter excitement, due to her moms constant nagging and begging for her to at least visit during Christmas. Though I see her yearly, I still crave the day she flies back in and everything would feel normal and at peace again. Today was that day.
I drove home yesterday, returning back to the house I grew up in. I went through the typical emotional greetings. Now I sit by the window, picking at the loose fabric on the cuff of my jeans, waiting oh so impatiently for Amanda to show up once more. It had been a full year since I last saw her, hugged her, felt her arms wrap around me and smelled her signature honey and tea tree perfume. 
My mom walked into the living room, a wooden spoon in hand, she sighed contently at me perched by the window. “Oh, honey.” She giggled slightly. “Hm?” I hummed back, not daring to move my eyes away from the view of the end of the street. “She’ll get here soon, I promise!” My mother tried reassuring me. 
“While you wait, why don’t you help Cindy and I in the kitchen?” She said as she returned to the kitchen. 
I rolled my eyes, my impatients eating away at me. The anticipation for Amanda to get here was killing me. I didn’t want to miss her arrival, but I also would feel awful If I didn’t go help my mom. So reluctantly I left my spot in front of the window, making my way to the kitchen. Immediately I was hit with the smell of warm rolls, turkey keeping warm in the oven and many other yearly feasts. My dad stood beside the fridge complaining to Cindy about how my mom won’t let him cook the turkey anymore because last year he cooked it for too long and my mom sent him out to get something else. 
“She’s never Cooked the Turkey Cindy!” My dad complained, throwing his arms up, to an annoyed Cindy who stood chopping veggies while my nephew sorted them on a platter beside her. “I know Scott, but you have to have more faith in your own wife.” Cindy reassured the man. 
I tried squeezing past the two, not sneaky enough though, my dad stopped me saying, “Candy! Help your dad out, tell your mom she has nothing to worry about.” I rolled my eyes at my frazzled father. “No thanks daddio, I don’t want to get caught up in between you and moms arguments.” I responded. My dad shook his head and mumbled under his breath. I reached over my nephew grabbing some celery. “We aren’t arguing, just bickering!” My mom giggled and patted my dads back. 
“Whatever it is, I don’t want to be a part of it. Dad please stop calling me Candy, I turned 34 this year, It’s not the same.” I said through a mouth full of celery. “Not the same as what?” He said as I squeezed past him. “As when you were 33?” I went to glare at him until I heard the front door open and a screech from my mom. “Amanda’s home!!” She shouted. 
I practically threw my celery on the counter, sprinting to the front of the house. I looked out the window to see Amanda and her dad getting out of their car. My heart picked up, my excitement bubbling in my stomach and to my chest. Suddenly I felt sweaty and out of breath. I ran to the front door pushing it open. There she was, her hair up in a low pony-tail to be out of her face. She wore a ‘Smosh’ hoodie and blue jeans. She stretched as she got out of the car. Her long limbs reaching for the sky. I took in her beauty, even from here she was flawless. I have liked every part of her for so long, she was back home. She had let her hair grow out since I last saw her, her bangs longer and her skin seemed so tan compared to the falling snow. 
I ran off the porch and straight into her, wrapping my arms around her neck. She stumbled back slightly, the impact startling her. Once she regained her balance, she wrapped her arms around me. I immediately melted into her embrace, she lifted me off the ground just barely to emphasize the love poured into the hug. This hug was shared yearly, typically on the same day, and nearly always at the same spot. Yet every time it feels so fresh and new. Amanda means the world to me, and I couldn’t stand the thought of never seeing her again. This moment right here, her hugging me, the faint feeling of her lips secretly pushed to my neck, the scent of her floating around us, my chest pounding with content, this moment was an unwritten law. We were to share this moment last year, this year, and the many years to come. 
  Hours passed since Amanda returned home, the sun had set by now and we had all enjoyed dinner around the table. Per usual Amanda and I sat side by side. Her hand squeezed my knee from time to time under the table. I sat back and let the others reunite with her as I admired her from afar. My favorite is watching her play card games with some of the family and friends. The pure passion she has for winning, I love when she gets so into it she will start screaming and slamming her cards down in anger. Her and my dad will get into full blown arguments about what play was wrong and how the other is cheating. She’ll point at him and say: “How is that cheating?!” As he accuses her of a perfectly out of hand play. At the end of it all I will remind them both they forget rules way to easily. 
Now, the both of us sit in the living room, wine glasses in our hands, and the bottle that I stole from the kitchen, stands on the floor just close enough to reach when either of us needs a quick refill. Everyone else either already went home or still sat chatting in the dining room out of sight, we could still hear them though, their loud banter and the faint christmas records creating a gentle ambience. 
I shared a gentle moment of peace with Amanda, just the two of us in the living room on Christmas eve night. She took a sip from her wine, I watched her lips as she did so, so delicate, so soft. Her eyes shimmered in the light of the Christmas tree. 
“How has work been?” I asked, really just using it as an excuse to hear her talk again. She shrugged. “Pretty good.” She started, her voice raspy from all of her shouting. “The fans seem to be taking a liking to our long story series stuff so we’re doing a lot of that lately.” 
I nodded along listening to her every word. “I think they have been taking a good liking to you!” I pointed at her, wine glass still in hand. She quickly shook her head, but I could see a small blush cover her face. “I mean I can’t blame them!” I giggled. 
“Oh please!” Amanda rolled her eyes. “Yeah I’m a real hot commodity!” She laughed with me. Our fit of giggles fading slowly into the background noise. “I really missed you.” I said suddenly, my heart skipping a beat when she looked over to me, her smile lingering on her face. “I always miss you.” She replied. 
A silence fell over us once more, I couldn’t help but admire her. “You stare a lot.” She said, “You have a very stare-worthy face.” I replied quickly. Her smile dropped, and I inched forward, I had been waiting to feel this again, was the the moment? 
“You too.” She replied before leaning the rest of the way.
I kissed her, slow and tender. She returned the gentle kiss, treating me as if I were made of the finest marble and she didn’t dare make a scratch. I pushed deeper into the kiss, wanting to live in the moment all the time. Wanting to have her during all seasons, I want to have her near me everyday. I don’t want to wait for that one time of year that she comes home and I only get her for two weeks. I loved these two weeks, but I also despised them because I knew at the end I would have to say goodbye again. 
I knew that at the end she would go back to California and I would go back to my 9-5, as I counted down the days of her return. Winter was the only season we could be together.
I hope you enjoy this, this is my first EVER smosh fic. I hope you like it, leave critics and requests I am open to anything. I used to be a huge fanfic writer but haven't done it in a while so I'm a little rusty. Love you all!! - DOT
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
I feel like Santiago Garcia barely gets any fluff content. Prompt 24. “oh, god, i’m sorry about your shirt.” *shirt is drenched in tears* “it’s okay. i was planning on throwing it out anyway.” Would be so pleasant with him, please with a cherry on top!
Here With You (Santiago Garcia x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Want to be tagged?
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A/N: You’re so right for this, yes we need more Santi fluff <3 Thanks for the ask, sweet nonnie!
Word count: 714 words
Warnings: A little bit of parental angst (you know the usual)
You storm into your shared apartment, throwing the door open and letting it hit the wall with a bang. You were fuming, angry at the way the lunch with your mother went. You knew it was going to be like this, full of arguments, disagreements and just plain insulting. You have brought yourself up over the past few years, indirectly cutting yourself off from your parents and never relying on them ever since you entered university. 
You decided to give it a chance a few weeks ago, when your mother finally contacted you, asking to see you. You craved simple love, the love that your parents would most definitely provide you if they chose to try. You had made sure that the lunch would go perfectly, booking the best restaurants and making sure that her dietary needs were satisfied, but most importantly, you made sure you were on your best behaviour. 
But no matter how hard you tried, your mother always got on your nerves, lighting every single one of them on fire and you began to argue with her. You got up, paid the bill and left, your head hot with all of the thoughts you had meant to say to your mother. Now, you were home and you wanted to scream and kick everything that came across you. Before you tried to do anything, a blurry figure ran out of the kitchen, clutching a wooden spoon in one hand and a pot in the other, wearing your eggplant designed apron. 
“What the hell?! Is everything okay?” Santiago Garcia lowered his makeshift weapons and stared at you incredulously. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry Santi, didn’t mean to burst in like that.” you said, your anger quickly turning into guilt.
Ex military Santiago Garcia didn’t like loud noises and you felt like an idiot, not remembering your roommate and his very real PTSD. 
“You didn’t answer my question, are you okay?” he asked again, inching closer to you, his voice softer this time. 
In that moment, everything came crashing down on you and you ran into Santi’s arms. You hugged him tightly and started to sob, every cell in your body breaking down from the strain that is your parents. You felt Santi pull the both of you down with his body frame, setting the cooking utensils aside and pulling you into his lap properly, letting you sob into his chest as you mumbled garbage that you thought was coherent.
“It's okay, dulce niña, let it out, you’re okay, you’re here now and I’m here with you.” Santiago whispered through your sobs as you shook against his hard body. 
He caressed your hair and rocked you, lulling you into a soothed state, leaving you only with hiccups after he had dried your tears with the edge of the eggplant apron he was wearing. You emerged from his chest a few minutes later, once you had fully calmed down, rubbing your nose with your sweater sleeve. You came face to face with Santiago’s worried eyes and you gave him a small smile, indicating that you were feeling a lot better.
You looked down and your eyes caught the huge wet patch on Santi’s shirt that had formed from your crying session. 
“Oh, god, Santi, your shirt! I’m so sorry.” you said, trying to rub at the wet patch with your sleeves but to no avail. 
Santiago caught your arms with a chuckle.
“That’s alright, dulce niña, I was planning to throw this shirt out anyway.” he said with a grin.
You nodded before realising that he was messing with you. 
“You dick!” you punch him affectionately before throwing your arms around his neck again. 
“Thanks, Santi.” you mumble into his shoulder. 
“You do know that if you need to talk, I’m always here right?” he whispers back, making your heart swell with happiness.
“I know, and I love you for that.” you say, bringing your face slightly forward and kissing his cheek. 
“I know you’re judging my cooking, I made spaghetti and you’re not having any.” He said, before deploying a tickle attack, making you squeal and scream, desperate to get away from his claws. 
Reblogs are appreciated ~~~~
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sanjoongie · 10 months
Let bygones be bygones
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ღPairing: Director! Park Seonghwa x Professor of Dreams! Reader (f) x Professor of Battle! (General) Hongjoong
ღGenre: enemies to lovers au, Modern Wizardry School au
ღWord Count: 5,631
ღWarnings:  pegging (double-sided magic strap-on), anal (m receiving), degradation kink, reverse dynamics (Captain! {Dom}Reader x Lieutenant! {Sub}Hongjoong), aphrodisiac spell, strap on that squirts!, finger sucking, aftercare, suggestive mxm, hwa using battle spells, mentions of blood/cuts
ღRated: 18+ MDNI, smut with hella plot
ღSummary: you do your best to avoid your past and present but even the most seasoned vet cannot avoid a well laid trap.
ღDedication: @mejuii (dare you to bring up breaking woo's heart again) & @downtoamagicalland, my lovely beta’s
ღPrevious Part| ღAll of the Parts | ღNext Part
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“What will it be--oh, it’s you.” Wooyoung sourly killed his happy customer smile as he approached the table you were sitting at.
“Wooyoung,” You began to beg, clinging to his apron, “I don’t want to be enemies like you are with Seonghwa.”
You had decided today to go make up with the chef that cooked with his emotions. It had nothing to do with the fact that you were avoiding Seonghwa or Hongjoong. Or at least that’s what you told yourself.
Wooyoung pursed his lips to the side. “I do like you, you know.”
“I like you too,” You smiled hopefully. 
Wooyoung narrowed his eyes at you, however. “But then you went and fucked the headmaster...”
“Wooyoung!” You couldn't help but shout, feeling heat climb your neck in embarrassment.
Wooyoung grinned and it had a hint of meanness to it, if you were being honest. “Good, at least you’re not proud of it.”
Suddenly, the silverware was very interesting. “I’d like to start coming back here once a week, if you’d let me.”
Wooyoung folded his arms across his chest. “I can’t say no to a paying customer.”
You raised your eyes. “Wooyoung, please.”
Wooyoung rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically. “I’m still angry at you. Seriously. I’m not sure I can cook for you.” Wooyoung paused his words, clearly chewing on them. “But, if you start spending some tiny breaks here, maybe I might be convinced.”
“Really?” You jumped up, excited at the hope of Wooyoung letting bygones be bygones.
“Maybe,” Wooyoung reiterated, placing his hands on your shoulders and pushing you back in the seat. “Let me go find some desserts in the back I was working on earlier.”
Wooyoung made his way back to the kitchen and you let out a sigh of relief. The last thing you wanted was a fellow white magic user to be angry at you. You were hoping it didn’t have anything to do with the past hatred between the magic types and more to do with a personal problem with the high and mighty headmaster, because that you could actually get behind.
“Oh hello, you’re a new face, who are you?” A handsome, dimpled face bent at the waist to peer at you. 
You smiled, part polite, part strained, and offered your hand to shake. “Mistress of Dreams, pleasure to make your acquaintance…?” 
“San. Choi San. I own the inn portion of this fine establishment. I’m Wooyoung’s partner in crime.” San wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, “Where has he been hiding you?”
You laughed awkwardly, cocking your head in confusion. “Hiding?”
San sat down in front of you, smiling and only making his dimples more pronounced. “Oh he was definitely hiding you--OW, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?”
Wooyoung, with a hand on his hip and a hand wrapped around a wooden spoon that had smacked San on his ear, frowned at his business partner. “Stop hitting on my customers!”
“I’m not hitting on her, I’m simply--YOU STOP HITTING ME RIGHT NOW!” San stood up abruptly. 
You giggled and the two of them deflated--slightly. “You two must be very close.”
“We’ve been best friends since we were children,” Wooyoung confessed.
San looked a bit sheepish, rubbing the back of his head. “Woo, is this--?”
Wooyoung raised his spoon again and San flinched. “You be quiet, you nosy cat.”
San smiled, “It was nice meeting you, Mistress of Dreams. If you ever need to stay at the inn again, let me know. I could arrange--”
“SHE’S NOT GOING TO SLEEP WITH YOU!” Wooyoung raised his voice this time, “The headmaster already snagged her.”
San’s eyebrows lifted up in surprise. “Oh that’s very interesting.”
“Wooyoung,” You said his name in warning, “That was for me to say and you to keep your mouth shut about.”
Wooyoung smiled quickly and then killed it, making it seem mocking, almost. Damn he really was still angry at you. “Sorry.”
You remained at Wooyoung’s pub to nibble on the flaky pecan butter tarts he had baked earlier in the day as San explained how his specialty in magic is song. Someone once told him that if he liked to sleep so much, why didn’t he make it his job. San grinned while explaining he knew it was a joke but it actually was a sound idea. So, with the help of Wooyoung and his cooking specialty, they opened the inn and pub together. San spent most of his days singing to his clients that remain at the inn, and they leave the inn happy, as well as satisfied with Wooyoung’s food.
“It’s a brilliant business plan,” You agreed.
San leaned over the table, “Are you saying I’m brilliant?”
“I’m closing!” Wooyoung announced but not before sending a glare San’s way, “You should get out of here, go back to the academy.”
San’s face fell. “I can’t convince you to stay here for the night?”
You smiled painfully. You didn’t want to go back to the school because the possibility of running into Seonghwa or Hongjoong sounded very excruciating, but you definitely should not encourage San. Especially after trying to make up with Wooyoung. “Wooyoung is right, I should go back.”
Wooyoung offered you a box, pushing it into your hands. “Supplies for when you eventually board yourself in your room.”
You shot Wooyoung a surprised look. “Yeah, I know why you were here. Why do you think I let San chat with you all night?”
You cleared your throat. “Thank you, Wooyoung.”
You walked back towards the school, kicking a stone in the process as you went along. You couldn't even do this without your thoughts moving back towards Seonghwa. 
The thought that his goal was to actually capture your heart terrified you. And it was underlined even more because Hongjoong was here at the school now. The one man who you had fallen in love with, who had fallen in love with you in return… you did not want to live that life again when you inevitably separated with Seonghwa. You had vowed to yourself that very day you had left the army--and Hongjoong--that you would never love again. Whether that was to protect yourself or others, that had remained to be seen.
More to the point, Seonghwa knew how to get what he wanted, that much was clear. And it was also evident in how far you had allowed him to wiggle into your life. You quite enjoyed what you had so far: the secrecy, the sex, the banter. But you didn't actually want to have a life with Seonghwa. His slewed view of having children with you while your career took a backseat was not how you wanted to live your life. You just didn't know how to avoid that with the power Seonghwa seemed to have over you.
Thus, while burdened with your thoughts and your heavy heart, you hadn't realized you had walked all the way to your set of rooms. 
"Come on, Lieutenant," Hongjoong’s voice crooned softly at your door, his back to you, "You can't avoid me forever?"
Your head snapped upwards. "Captain?" You responded automatically.
"Ah, there you are!" Hongjoong smiled happily as he turned around to follow your voice.
"Here I am," You smiled awkwardly.
Hongjoong gestured with his head towards your door. "Invite me in?"
You pursed your lips. "I don't think that's a good idea."
"I haven't properly talked to you since I started," Hongjoong protested, eyebrows furrowing. There was an extra sense of urgency in his voice and it made your stomach tighten. You used to be what Hongjoong used to relieve his stress. Even now, it continues to do something to you.
"We talked plenty before you made your big announcement," You replied in a clipped tone. "Go back to your rooms, Joong, and leave me alone."
The hurt that etched across Hongjoong’s face scraped against your determination to keep him at arm's length. This was someone who you had loved wholeheartedly before. Hurting him was like hurting yourself.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to hurt you but clearly I've been avoiding you for a reason. You don't become a captain of the intelligence Corp without picking up a few things," You grumbled an apology.
Hongjoong pressed at the opportunity you gave him. "Let me come in. Let me talk to you. I mi--"
"Don't! Just don't. We can talk but I won't talk about the past. That's off limits," You insisted.
Hongjoong nodded and you opened your door with your own personal password and a flare of your magic as you pressed your hand to the pink opal slate. "Un beau rêve."
The door opened and you walked in. Hongjoong followed you and closed it behind him softly. Your comfortable reading chair and side table fit into one corner where your moon orb glowed. Your bed was in the other corner looking inviting to your tired body. You offered your chair to Hongjoong, but Hongjoong did as he preferred and instead he sat on your bed.
"How's your classes going?" You asked politely, sitting on your reading chair. You touched the moon orb and it changed to a sun orb, so that it could illuminate the room better. 
"The students are eager to learn battle magic and statistics from me. Seems like they think fighting in a war is exciting," Hongjoong smiled but it was strained. "They've only heard the legends, of course. They didn't live what we lived through."
"They're good students," You offered, folding your hands in your lap.
"I knew when you were in charge of training the new recruits to our unit that you would make a good teacher," Hongjoong mused. You opened your mouth to remind him to not speak of the past but he cut you to the chase. "Do you love it as much as you said you would?"
You nodded, your throat suddenly becoming tight with emotion. "Very much so."
"Lieutenant…" Hongjoong stood up.
You stood up before he could stand in front of you. "Don't you dare Lieutenant me, Hongjoong."
Hongjoong swallowed hard and you watched his Adam's apple move up and down. "Please, I didn't know who else to come to."
"No, Hongjoong, no!" You raised your voice as he fell to his knees in front of you.
"Captain," Hongjoong gave you his big eyes, the same he used to give you when he needed to be taken care of.
"No !” You said again firmly. “Things are no longer the same between you and I.”
“I need you, now more than ever,” Hongjoong pressed, his arms wrapping around your waist. “Please.”
You didn’t need to have Jongho’s powers to be aware that the impending war and the new profession would be weighing heavily on Hongjoong. How was he supposed to prepare for an incoming threat of immense proportions and teach the students on how to both defend and attack in a battle setting when all they had known was peace? That kind of stress wound Hongjoong up until it spilled over him and when he released it in unhealthy ways… it always wounded his soul when he became aware of what he did afterwards.
“Surely you can find someone else to take care of you,” You insisted.
Hongjoong shook his head. “Are you so wrapped up in Seonghwa that you cannot even do this?”
You stiffened at the mention of Seonghwa. “I am not wrapped up in him, Hongjoong. We have a mutual understanding. That is all.”
“Did you tell him that? Or do you let Seonghwa also assume that you love him and will never leave him.”
Hongjoong might as well have buried a dagger into your chest, that’s how much his words hurt. “I did love you, Hongjoong. I didn’t want to leave you!”
“Then why did you?” Hongjoong demanded, wearing his heart on his sleeve.
“I couldn't be a part of the army anymore. They made me eat a dream, Hongjoong! Do you know how much that affected me? And you wouldn’t leave!” Your chest heaved as your emotions got the better of you.
"I found my calling in that army! I was born to lead!" Hongjoong raised his voice to your level, "You said you would follow me anywhere!"
"I did," You said quietly, "I followed you until my heart grew heavy with the guilt of what I had done and my mind splintered. And then I couldn't follow you further than that."
"I followed you instead," Hongjoong said with a raspy voice. "I think it was meant to be. After all--"
"Hongjoong, I am begging you--!"
"No strings attached. It means nothing," Hongjoong made empty promises.
"You're such a fucking liar!" You snarled and pushed him off of you. Hongjoong landed on his ass on the floor, palms supporting him, as you began to pace. "You almost said you missed me. If this happens, there's a lot of strings attached." Not to mention… Seonghwa.
Hongjoong bit down on his lip. "Fuck me, Captain. Please. I need it. I need you."
You closed your eyes, breathed in deeply and let out a quiet sigh. How did he still have the ability to pull that out of you? The desire tugging from the pit of your stomach was overwhelming. Making Hongjoong a drooling mess in bed was something that helped you relieve stress too!
“I’ve a spell that can translate pain into pleasure.”
Fuck, goddamn Seonghwa. You shook your head. Maybe this is what you needed. Maybe you needed to put some space between you and the headmaster, who seemed to think that there was more between you than a hot fuck and some companionship.
"Get on the bed, Lieutenant," You snapped.
Hongjoong almost grinned ear to ear before he scrambled up and climbed back onto your bed. 
"You're lucky I still have this," You grumbled.
You moved towards the chest at the end of your bed and murmured Yuftah.  The lid popped open and you found your old strapon after years of it remaining dormant. "And before you ask, no, I never used it with Seonghwa." Our relationship isn't like that.
You began to remove your clothes but Hongjoong’s eyes widened. "Wait!!! Let me. It's my pleasure, Captain."
Hongjoong took the strapon and laid it on the bed. He went on his knees, still on the bed, and pulled off your blazer, neatly folding it before pulling your blouse from the waist of your pencil skirt. His fingers aptly popped the onyx buttons, the back of his fingers skimming your chest. 
"This is beautiful," he murmured under his breath, bright eyes taking in your baby blue lingerie set. The same one you had worn your first time with Seonghwa.
"I'm using an aphrodisiac spell," You announced suddenly, breaking Hongjoong from making heart eyes at your body.
"Wha--no! I want to--!"
You grabbed Hongjoong by the back of the head and slanted your lips over his. Your tongue began to play with his and when you broke the kiss, Hongjoong looked fucked out and his lips were covered in spit. They were plush from kissing and he looked simply ravishable. 
You spoke in Ancient Roman, entreating Venus to ready both your bodies for sex. An oyster appeared in a lovely shade of green and broke into two, in a cloudy smoke that zoomed to your nose and Hongjoong’s. You breathed in deeply of the olfactory spell and felt your lower half tighten with lust. Hongjoong gasped and he appeared hard against the front of his pants.
"Do not question my orders again, Lieutenant or I'll remove you from my rooms, hard as a rock," You informed Hongjoong cooly.
Hongjoong nodded, swallowing hard. "Yes, Captain."
You got rid of the rest of your clothes and kept on your lingerie set. Hongjoong was about to shed his when you stopped him with a cluck of your tongue. "I don't think so," You chuckled, "I'm going to fuck you in your clothes."
Hongjoong, the general of the White Magic Army, whined. 
"Get on your hands and knees," You ordered him.
"I won't even get to see you insert it?" Hongjoong protested… as he got on his hands and knees like he had been told.
The strapon was a simple contraption that was a deep, dark blue and molded to fit and stay inside of your pussy snuggly while the phallus part allowed you to fuck Hongjoong. There was even a rough side that slid up against your clit, giving you stimulation there as well. The phallus/strapon had, in the past, given you both immense pleasure. You muttered Agua and the strapon pulled from your wetness inside of you and spurted from the phallus. You rubbed it over the phallus until you were satisfied with the results.
Roughly you pulled Hongjoong pants down over his ass and let them pool at his knees. With one hand dry and the other wet, you appreciated Hongjoong’s ample ass cheeks, squeezing and rubbing your hands over it generously. Seeing it glimmer with your wetness was a pleasure in itself. "I'm going to assume you haven't done this in awhile?"
"C-captain," Hongjoong stuttered but pushed his ass backwards, "Please fuck me."
"Patience, Lieutenant, I have to go slow," You reminded him.
You rubbed the head of the phallus against his puckered hole and he groaned at the sensation. You pushed in, slowly but with intent. The pressure against your g-spot made you moan in response as well. 
"D-do I f-feel g-good, Captain?" Hongjoong stuttered as you filled him up.
"So good, Hongjoong." You slipped a hand around the curve of his hip and leaned over his back. Your hand found his hard cock and wrapped your fingers around him.
"Fu-fuck, Ca-captain," Hongjoong whined, "Touch me m-more, please."
You jerked off Hongjoong’s cock, and as he moaned from the stimulation, you started to begin to rock into him. Your movements jolted Hongjoong’s body forward slightly, the head of his cock slapping his stomach. 
"Such a good lieutenant for me, taking everything I give to you, hmmm?" You murmured into his shoulder. "Does it make you feel good, getting stuff like this, Hongjoong?"
"Please." Hongjoong pushed back again on the phallus, your hips digging into his plush ass. "I want it. I want it all."
You pulled your hips back and then thrusted further into Hongjoong, causing him to moan wantonly. "Th-that's the spot."
"Is that your sweet spot, Joongie?" You crooned, "Getting fucked good, are you?"
Hongjoong’s arms gave out and he was now face down, ass up. You watched as his eyes clouded over with lust, drool pooling from his lips as he was fucked and jerked off simultaneously. "Goooood," he moaned, somewhat gone, swallowed up by the dual stimulation.
"You wanna come untouched or you want me to keep touching you?" You tried to check in before Hongjoong was completely gone.
"Wanna get fucked, wanna come from you fucking me, please," He whined into your sheets.
You righted yourself and firmly gripped Hongjoong’s hips with both of his hands. Momentarily you wished to see the naked slope of his back as you fucked him, but fucking him in his uniform was priceless. You fucked Hongjoong roughly, your own g-spot being stimulated and your clit as well. The two of you were moaning messes, completely focused on chasing both of your releases.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Hongjoong chanted, his pitch getting higher and higher until he cried out.
You quickly leaned over his back, searching for your own release but wrapping your hand around Hongjoong’s squirting cock. Hongjoong cried out at the overstimulation but bucked eagerly into your hand. You used the cum coming out of his cock to continue to jerk him through his orgasm. Finally, you came, stilling your hips as your orgasm washed through you. The phallus continued to pull your wetness from inside of you to squirt inside of Hongjoong.
"Such a good boy for me," You murmured against his back, pulling your hand from his cock and shoving fingers into his mouth. Hongjoong’s tongue eagerly sucked and licked his cum from your fingers. "A messy boy, but a good one nonetheless."
"Th-thank you," Hongjoong stuttered under you when you removed your fingers from his mouth.
"Let's clean up and we can sleep," You responded, pulling out and getting up.
The sight before you was just what you remembered when spending these kinds of nights with Hongjoong: his cock still spurting his cum, your cum leaking out of his abused hole and Hongjoong’s face a mess of spit and his own cum. He was looking gently used and oh so delicious.
Once the both of you were clean, the toy put away and new sheets on your bed, the two of you cuddled. Hongjoong always needed careful aftercare, gentle reassurances that everything was going to be okay. You murmured into the crown of his head, his head against your sternum.
As Hongjoong ran his fingers up and down your arm, face completely at peace, you knew what you had to do. You had to go to Seonghwa and break it off with him. You couldn't hurt Seonghwa the way you had hurt Hongjoong. It had to end now; before your heart broke again as well.
Your knock on Seonghwa’s door was curt and loud. Seonghwa’s voice came from within and you opened the door. Seonghwa’s office was as intimidating as the man himself. His wire rim glasses sat low on the bridge of his nose as a quill scratched loudly on his desk below. His eyes widened as you came in but he finished his dictation nonetheless, continuing to pace behind his desk.
"The second level of hell will need to be temporarily unlocked for the seniors, period. The parental council has given me no choice but to advise our students on what happens when you are too lustful in your younger years, period. You should also get the Mistress of Dreams to hold a class of healthy sexual education for she seems to know most of those types of spells comma, including the infertility one she used on you, period."
"And what do I owe the honor--shit, halt dictation." The quill dropped at Seonghwa’s order. "Why hello, lover," he purred instead.
"You put so much energy into avoiding me and now you come straight to my office?" Seonghwa's eyes glinted dangerously. "Do I owe you a spanking? No, too soft for your tastes. Perhaps some pussy slaps? I could always summon my ghost hands again."
"Stop it," You commanded, your nails digging into your palms.
Seonghwa walked around from behind his desk, holding his arms behind his back. "Do you actually prefer a softer approach this time? Shall I take you in my arms and whisper to you of how you have stolen my heart and refuse to give it back so I demand kisses to my nose as payment?"
You sighed heavily, rubbing an eyebrow. "Stop being silly, you ridiculous--"
"I won't let you do this," Seonghwa vowed.
"Do what, Seonghwa? You won't let me finish a goddamn sentence!" You shouted at him.
A crooked smile bloomed on his lips. "There's all that yummy anger." He pursed his lips next, looking determined. "I don't care if you slept with him. You're still mine," Seonghwa declared.
"See, I think you do care," You corrected him, "I don't think you could share well at all."
"Incorrect," Seonghwa, in turn, corrected you. He leaned back on his desk. "I once shared a lovely night with Mingi and another female teacher and she said--"
You groaned in frustration. "I have been informed that I don't clarify relationships well enough, so I am here to stop this one."
"Don't let that bastard Light Skipper project his problems on me. I have no problem with the way you speak your mind and dictate our relationship. I simply inform you that you're wrong." And then Seonghwa winked at you.
You pressed forward, determined to see this through. "We will no longer be sleeping with each other, Park Seonghwa. Our understanding is over." With that, you spun on your heel and left his office, unable to take his cheeky denial any longer.
You walked straight to Hongjoong’s rooms, determined to fuck your frustrations out, perhaps even ride Hongjoong’s face, until you felt in charge of your life again. Hongjoong was surprised to see you at the door but let you in regardless. It was as he was closing the door that a heavy boot halted that motion from finishing. 
“I believe you have something of mine,” Seonghwa purred.
Hongjoong met Seonghwa’s eyes with a challenge. “Yours?”
Seonghwa leaned on the doorframe, putting more of his body in the way of the door being closed. “Apparently you convinced her to break it off with me. She seems to think I can’t share.”
“I know I don’t plan on it,” Hongjoong retorted. 
Your fingers found your eyebrows to rub in frustration. “This is what I get for thinking life would move smoothly for once,” You grumbled to yourself.
Both men turned to you, however, looking concerned. Well at least they had one thing in common. It did seem like they both cared for you. 
“What am I going to do with the both of you?” You demanded since both of their concentration was on you and not each other. 
Hongjoong shot a cautious look at Seonghwa before speaking. “I don’t know about him but I only just got you back, I don’t want to lose you.”
Seonghwa’s eyes traveled up and down Hongjoong’s body before focusing on you. “She doesn’t want to choose, you idiot! Except you just said you’d refuse to share her body.”
Hongjoong winced. “Lieutenant…”
You held both your hands up to halt his words. “I don’t want any of this right now, you don’t have to say anything.”
“Darling, I will not let him ruin a good thing,” Seonghwa frowned at you. 
“Seonghwa, he’s not ruin anything.” Your brain was whirling because of the current situation.
“I still don’t understand what he does for you,” Hongjoong had to mutter under his breath.
Seonghwa grinned dangerously. “I could show you.”
“Uh, no, I don’t think so!” You protested before Seonghwa could get any ideas.
“No, go ahead, do you think I couldn't possibly take watching you with him--?” 
You were in a race to finish the simple shield spell but Seonghwa was The Reaper. His pain into pleasure spell hit Hongjoong before you could complete your last syllable. Seonghwa almost had a wild look on his face before his lips were twisting into another spell. Your shield was up with a bright blue hue but the striking spell Seonghwa had used slashed Hongjoong’s cheek just as your shield covered him in a bubble. Hongjoong moaned and then brought his hand up to his cheek, unused to finding pleasure there. When his hand came down and he found blood, his eyes darkened in anger.
“You two are peas in a pod, enjoying the pleasure that comes with pain,” Seonghwa chuckled darkly.
You strode forward and struck Seonghwa solidly across the face. You shook your fist in pain but it was well worth it. “You are the headmaster of the school and you would strike out at one of your professors just like that? PARK SEONGHWA!” You roared in anger. 
“Lieutenant!” Hongjoong gasped. It wasn’t like you to lose your anger and break the line of command. He couldn't move past your shield, however. 
Seonghwa fell to his knees, not unlike Hongjoong when he begged for you to take care of him. “Please, let me feast on your anger, darling.” His tongue played with the corner of his mouth where there was blood from where you had punched him.
“You sicken me,” You spat at him. “And to think, I trusted you. You’re just like everything I once thought of a damn Black Magic User.”
Seonghwa’s eyes widened at your words. The hurt was etched across his face for only a moment before that skilled courtier smirk replaced it. “Isn’t that your kink?”
You shook your head and turned away from Seonghwa. You waved your hand and your shield released Hongjoong. “I’m sorry, Hongjoong. It’s my fault this happened. I should have gone to my room instead of yours. I was wrong to include either of you in my life. I’ll be leaving." You angrily motioned to Seonghwa. "Do with that one what you will.”
In a blink of an eye, Hongjoong was in front of you before you could reach the door. “You’re not going anywhere, Lieutenant.”
“Hongjoong, really?!” You were confused.
“I believe you just put me through the same situation earlier.” Hongjoong paused to run his hand through his hair. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but we both are begging for you to keep us in your life. Regardless of the other.”
“If I may speak,” Seonghwa stood up from his position on the floor, “If the general is saying that, you know something has changed.”
Hongjoong’s ears were a little red. “I’ve never seen her anger so high before. Your aura, Lieutenant, was beautiful.”
Seonghwa sported a lazy, smug smirk. “Ah, so I’m not the only one who sees that.”
“What are you saying, Hongjoong?” You demanded.
“If you come to me, burning with the anger that Seonghwa has stirred up in you, I can’t say no to that,” Hongjoong mumbled.
Seonghwa threw his head back, laughing and then bringing his hand to cover his mouth. “Oh, that’s refreshing.”
You shook a finger at Seonghwa. “Whatever you learn inside of this room will never leave, Park Seonghwa. You will not sully his name.”
“I wouldn’t dare,” Seonghwa promised, although his eyes glittered with amusement.
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. “Then we are in agreement? I will continue to visit Seonghwa and when he, as you so aptly put it, Hongjoong, stirs me up with anger, I will come find you. And we will all be good little adults about this and not let it stir the pot?”
Hongjoong nodded. Seonghwa was smirking again. “What, Seonghwa?”
“Shouldn’t we seal it with a kiss?” 
You rolled your eyes. “Really?”
“I haven’t had a kiss from you in a while, lover.” Seonghwa mock-pouted and you really wanted to hit him again but held back. 
“Well, if it’s an agreement between the three of us, wouldn’t that mean a threeway kiss?” You lifted an eyebrow at him.
Seonghwa eyed Hongjoong curiously again. Hongjoong was caught between wanting to protest and not wanting to break the peace. Maybe you would have been better off just sticking with Wooyoung in the beginning. “Well?” You snapped, causing the both of them to jump slightly.
“We won’t have to share you in the future, right?” Hongjoong asked, still looking unsure.
"What's wrong, General?" Seonghwa moved to pull you against his body, "Worried you might be compared?"
"Seonghwa," You growled his name in warning.
"Who was here first?" Hongjoong intoned, "She's already compared you to me."
You laughed under your breath. "He's got you there, Seonghwa."
"And?" Seonghwa leaned down to speak directly into your ear, "Do I measure up?"
"I'm not playing this game," You declined, "Are we doing this kiss or not?"
"Did you ever imagine, after almost killing me, that you'd be kissing me?" Seonghwa prodded at Hongjoong.
"Seonghwa, I am going to kill you, seriously!" You shouted, stomping a foot in annoyance.
Seonghwa’s eyes became hooded and he tipped your head up with a chuck of his fingers. “Come here, Lover, give me all that anger.”
You struggled as Seonghwa kissed you but eventually melted into his embrace. His plush lips tempted you into forgetting everything else, just the slow seduction of his lips against yours. You were practically whining against his lips as you became wet just from the kiss. When Seonghwa released you from the kiss, you were a bit dazed and confused for a moment, that’s how sucked in you were from the one kiss.
“That is what I do for her,” Seonghwa purred to Hongjoong. 
"Lieutenant," Hongjoong called for you and you slowly focused your eyes on your old Captain. "Come give me a kiss, and seal the deal."
You moved into Hongjoong’s arms in an almost dreamlike state and cupped his head. You kissed him softly, tenderly and not once did he take advantage of you; that's not how Hongjoong worked. He took everything you gave him, even smiling into the kiss. You felt your heart swell for your ex lover and then you were the one to end the kiss upruptly, terrified of how you had slipped into that mindset again. 
Seonghwa’s face was unreadable, which was a first. "Did my lips taste good on hers?" He seemingly couldn't help but prod.
Hongjoong’s smile was gone and his own anger was back. "Can we have peace for more than a few seconds, Reaper?"
"You should know me better by now, General. I like a little chaos every now and then," Seonghwa chuckled.
"Then drink your fill."
It sounded like a threat from Hongjoong until he gripped the back of Seonghwa's neck and brought the taller man's lips down to his. Seonghwa’s eyes were wide and you jumped to intervene before things got messy but when Seonghwa’s eyes slowly closed and you saw a flash of tongue, your mouth dropped open instead.
"Ho-hongjoong?" You said in complete and utter disbelief.
Hongjoong let go of Seonghwa and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "He's a good kisser, I'll give you that."
Seonghwa smirked, crooked and wicked, and said "Mmm, your anger tastes yummy too, General."
You found that you were rubbing your eyebrows again. What the fuck did you just get yourself into???
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Taglist: @hijirikaww @mingsolo @flowerboykun @starillusion13 @flurrys-creativity @stardragongalaxy
Twilight Academy taglist: @babiestarrcandy @michael-angelhoe
Honorary suffer with me braincell but not really because you have an emotional attachment to this world tag: @thelargefrye
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Quick errand: Big brother Alhaitham x astrologist little sister reader x Kaveh.
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Age: 14/15 Reader Chan is Alhaitham’s little sister, she has a cryo vision, is a catalyst user and is studying astrology. Kaveh sends her to the tavern for spice but on the way home she runs into trouble luckily big brother Al got out of work on time.
You are sitting in a tree not too far from Sumeru city Sketching out a Star map that your teacher assigned to you.
(Ignore the broom, the book is your catalyst, you have on black nail polish and your wearing a cloak like Venti but in the same color scheme as the outfit.)
As you finished sketching a drop of water hit your paper.
Looking up you saw dark clouds cover the stars and moon as rain went down “I gotta get home anyways Al and Kaveh are probably wondering where I am.” You said quickly putting your sketch book, Star map and pencil case in your bag and then pulling the hood of your cloak up and running towards the city waving at your neighbors and friends “Goodnight Nilou and Layla.” You said running passed the performer and your upperclass woman who waved at you “See you in class Y/N.” Layla said yawning “Hope to see you qt the festival Y/N.” Nilou said waving back as you made your way carefully through the now wet streets of Sumeru city with the lamp posts being your only source of light.
You finally made it to your brothers house that you both shared with his roommate.
When you got in the house you’re surprised to not hear Alhaitham and Kaveh arguing.
You hang your cloak on the rack near the door then called out for your older brother and his roommate “Al! kav! I’m home.” You said walking to put your bag in your room “I’m in the kitchen Y/N but Alhaitham won’t be home in an hour.” Kaveh said walking out of the kitchen with a wooden spoon in his hand wearing his weasel house slippers and a matching apron “Do you mind going to the market Y/N? We’re almost out of spice.” He said giving you some Mora and going back into the kitchen “Sure Kav.” You said walking back towards the door to put your cloak on and heading to the market place “If you see your brother tell him I’m cooking.” He said mixing up chopped vegetables.
You walked into Lambad’s tavern and went up to Lambad at the counter “Ahh welcome Y/N what can I do for you?” He asked “hello Lambad. I’m just getting spice.” You said handing him the Mora “Spice coming up.” He said heading to the back.
As you’re waiting you saw a drunk man slowly walking towards the counter while Swaying and leaving a tip “Better be carful on the way home kid! The Fatui has been active in the city.” He said walking out of the tavern holding his head in his palm “I will thank you.” You said thanking the man as Lambad came out of the back with the spice “Here you are Y/N. The spice.” He said giving you a bag filled with the spice “You know while I’m here I’ll take three rose custards.” You said pointing to the display of freshly made rose custards “certainly.” He said as you gave him the Mora “Here you go.” He said giving you another bag “Thank you Lambad.” You said happily walking out of the tavern with the bags.
When you got out of the tavern you saw that it stopped raining but the streets were still wet, You walked down the streets again for the third time that night determined to get home and hopefully not run into any Fatui but sadly luck wasn’t on your side tonight when you saw four Fatui agents stand in front of you “Hey kid? come join the Fatui! Some one with your skill would make a great addition.” The masked stranger said “Sorry I’m not interested.” You said trying to walk around them but they blocked your way “Hey! You’re the acting grand sages kid sister.” One of the agents said taking out his weapon while you summoned your catalyst ‘Great leaser Lord Kusanali help me.’ You think to yourself preparing to fight “If you want to leave in one piece I suggest you leave my sister alone.” Said a deep and familiar voice making you turn around to see your older brother with his sword out “Crud, let’s go boys.” The leader of the group said running with his goons “Let’s go sis.” Alhaitham said grabbing a bag from you and then your hand.
When you got home Kaveh was seasoning meat “oh good you’re both home.” He said walking over as you held out the bag of spice towards him “Next time check to make sure we have enough spice. There has been Fatui active in the city, Y/N almost got in a fight with some agents tonight.” Alhaitham said when Kaveh shrieked “WHAT!?” And began checking you “Kaveh I’m fine I had my catalyst at the ready incase things went ugly. Oh I brought rose custard for dessert.” You said taking the treat to the kitchen to put in the ice box.
Once dinner was ready you, Your brother and roommate sat and ate “So Y/N how’s your star mapping homework going?” Your brother asked taking a sip of dandelion wine imported from Mondstadt “It’s going well but it started raining when I had finished.” You said “I heard That Layla did hers while sleeping.” Kaveh said “The rumor is true, but our teacher will give us another load.” You said biting on the steak then taking a sip of your Wolfhook juice “She’s one of the most devoted teachers in the academia.” Alhaitham said as you all continue to eat your dinner “And next time Kaveh wait for me to get home before sending Y/N.” Your brother said getting up to wash his plate “I didn’t know the Fatui were in the city and Y/N is old enough to take care of herself she’s had her vision since she was 7.” The ash blond man said as you two took your dishes to wash while you shook your heads from your brother’s and roommates bickering.
After dinner you bathed and changed into your pajamas and then you checked your homework to see that it wasn’t wet and was protected by the books you sandwiched it in between.
Smiling you put the map back in your bag and went straight to sleep hoping that Layla gets a goodnights rest “That girl deserves a vacation away from school work.” You said to yourself falling into a goodnights rest.
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saturnthesilliest · 5 months
Day 6 YAYAYAYA I was waiting for this one!!! I have something cooked up. When I think pepper I think gumbo and I’m thinking princess and the frog setting AND GRRRRGSYETSTTSTEYSGSHRHR
(Go check out my friend @omgitslin >:3)
It was a warm evening, the sun was just below the horizon and the blues of the sky’s begin to turn black. The lights of the tiny homes surrounding the neighborhood lit up the place and gave you room to see. It was a small neighborhood, in a small town. Far off into grass plains and farmers land. It was a very close knit community.
You sat on the porch of your tiny, wooden home, watching as kids from around the houses played in a small grass area, squealing as they fought for custody of a simple leather ball. You saw parents, watching from their own porches, smiling softly at their children. You smiled as well, just for how loving the community is, and the time off you get.
You worked in a bigger, busier town. As a waitress in a small restaurant, and came back home to your small, warm community full of humans and monsters alike.
Speaking of warm, a smell lifts into the air, from a small house nearby. Ah, you knew who that was. Horror, the big guy. He always cooked for everyone. He made stews, sandwiches and more for every person in this little neighborhood. Sometimes money was tight, and people didn’t have it for meals, but horror? He was a lifesaver.
Always volunteering, always wanting to help out with livestock, harvesting, and most importantly, food.
You smirk, getting up from your porch and making your way over to his house. As you walk your way up his porch with your boots clicking on the old wood, the door was open and you could hear the sound of wood and pot hitting against each other and a thoughtful hum from the big guy.
You lean onto the railing of his porch and call out,
“Heyya big guy, whatcha cookin up in there?” The sounds of the kitchen stop for a bit. You could hear a particular laugh of a kid who probably was running and being chased around.
Heavy steps make their way over before you could see his head, looking over the door frame that leads into the kitchen. His big red eye light was fixated on you, black dot in the middle going here to there slightly.
“..Gumbo.” He finally huffs out, “but… need.. help.” He was slow but careful with his words, seemingly shrinking into himself.
You hum, and walk all the way up the porch, going up to the doorframe and peaking inside.
“What do ya need help with?” You ask. He nods his head towards the kitchen and you take that as your invitation inside. You walk inside, looking around. It was relatively cozy! With a nice big couch and a shelf full of who knows what. When you make your way inside the kitchen you saw how.. neat it was. Pristine and organized.
Knives hung up against the wall, the stove clean and not rusty, cabinets polished, a light hung from above. On the stove you could see a giant pot with a wooden spoon. Then you could see Horror himself. He had an apron on that said ‘kiss the cook’ that you held in a laugh once you saw it. He wore a short sleeved white shirt that showed off his arm bones, and regular black pants.
You lean against the door frame and watch as he gets a spoonful of Gumbo in the wooden spoon and hold it out to.. you?
You take the invitation gladly, letting him feed you. Once you tasted it, you knew what was off. There wasn’t enough flavor. He brings the spoon back, watching your reaction. You hum and nod, looking off to the side befor starting back up, moving around him and grabbing the ingredient it needed most. Pepper.
You grab it and dash it into the pot, looking inside at the delicious gumbo, before gently grabbing the spoon from Horrors hand,grabbing a spoonful and giving it a taste before holding it out for horror to taste.
He does, and the black dot in the sea of red dilates happily. He hums and nods.
“Perfect. Thanks.. lamb chop.” He ruffles your hair and you stagger back, giggling.
“Aye! Hehe- your welcome big guy.” You pat his shoulder, moving around him and grabbing bowls, “can I help ya serve everyone?”
And so that night you helped serve out bowls to everyone, giving them their fair share of Gumbo. You got yours, horror handing it to you once everyone was served. You took it, appreciating horror and his kindness and willingness to help. You sat on your porch, eating it happily as you stared up at the northern star, bright and beautiful.
Eventually Horror came up and sat next to you. The two of you talked to each other, finishing your bowls.
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stupid and heartbroken. [Embry call x reader]
You and Leah Clearwater have something in common, heartbreak and a inclining to stupid decisions. Slowly you and Leah find the secrets of the Reservation that took your best friend, Embry, slowly unravel themselves to you. But not without a little blood, tears, and love.
word count: 1.7k. this will be multiple chapters. please enjoy <3
Chapter one: stupid and impulsive decisions made by the heartbroken.
"I’m not angry at Emily." Leah had told me. I banged my head on the door frame, turning around too quickly. She’d spent the last few days at my house ranting mercilessly and rightfully about Emily and Sam, the lack of loyalty, and the pain of betrayal. I’d held her hand.
She gasped and ran over to me across the small kitchen. "I didn’t think it’d shock you this much." She muttered, and I could hear her grin, so I slapped her leg lightly, groaning about the throbbing pain in my temple and nose. I'd sat down on the floor, Leah clutching my arm. "I think I should get my mom to look at your head."
I had tried to protest, knowing the last place she wanted to be was anywhere near Sam.
“Hush.” I never won a fight against Leah.
It was a twenty-minute drive from Forks to La Push; normally it would speed by like nothing and the beautiful winding trees would hold my attention, but this time all I could see was a green haze. I could smell strong iron as if someone had placed a spoon under my nose. Why in the hell would I have a spoon under my nose? When I raised my hand to my nose, I discovered it was wet with a red haze. Wincing Leah told me to stop touching my nose.
"What the hell happened?" I heard Leah’s mom Sue yell. I had closed my eyes while in the car; my head kept spinning, and I could’ve sworn the road was swirly, like literally a swirl. Leah guided me into her home, explaining—and suppressing laughter—about my incident. She’d conveniently left out the part where she’d forgiven Emily; I made a mental note to mention that later.
Turns out there were lots of people at the Clearwater residence, all of whom kept mentioning how much blood I was covered in. I heard a soft gasp and a hand grab mine, Seth. He’d always been a little brother to me, sweet, kind-hearted, and concerningly chaotic.
"The two of you are on your own for four days, and you turn up like this?" Sue was not enjoying this.
I attempted to mutter a sorry as she attacked my nose with tissues, hushing me. I couldn’t help but remember how alike Leah and her mom are. Harry Clearwater's laughter fills the room.
"You two do more damage than the boys!" He was right; Leah and I had a record for roughhousing. This, however, was not fighting. This was stupidity, lack of sleep, and genuine surprise.
The house was full of laughter, and I cracked an eye open, seeing a lot of boys in the other room. Jacob was there, and he slowly came over to me.
"What the hell did you do to her, Leah? She looks like Carrie!"
"No, she did this to herself."
Jacob's laughter became more hearty and fucking annoying. I didn’t have the energy to hit him. If I could just close my eyes again.
"Nothing's broken, and you only have a light concussion." My chances of getting some sweet, sweet sleep seemed like a pipe dream for a cold man. I groaned and slouched on the wooden chair. Seth started talking about how good it was that nothing broke and how he wouldn’t be able to stomach it if he saw his mom "fix" my nose if it was broken.
All the blood had been cleaned up, and I stole one of Leah’s shirts, yearning for her bed. It looked so beautiful. So soft. I would marry that bed. Honestly, any bed. I think I’d take a pile of rocks and a blanket at this moment.
"Don’t even think about it." Leah scolded, pulling my gaze away from the alluring dream castle.
"I’m tired, though." With how weak my voice sounded, even I wouldn’t let myself fall asleep. It hurt to speak after not doing so for so long, no doubt due to the pain pulling and contorting all my muscles into a tangle of strings. Leah put on a TV show we’d both seen before, clearly unnecessarily loud to keep me awake, and sat me on the hardwood floor. Sitting opposite me, it was clear how tired she was too.
"So, you aren’t angry at her?" I didn’t mean to say that aloud, but I think that head bang knocked out any sense I had in my head, I always knew it would come to this. I’d have to live the rest of my life as an idiot.
Although Leah didn’t look taken aback, it seemed like she’d been expecting me to bring it up, just waiting for the clogs in my head to move faster.
"No. If she is in love, I don’t think I can hate her for that. But it still hurts, you know? She’s my cousin; we grew up together, and she just..." She pulled in a deep breath and continued, "It’s so fucked up. I think I’ll resent Sam for it forever. But Emily’s family. That's stronger than this." Leah and I had always been friends, but only recently had we been this close. Being two years younger than her, I grew up closer to Jake, Quill, and Embry and Leah than Sam, but just recently we’d gotten closer. Pre heartbreak.
"Even if it hurts, its love?" I ask. I can’t help but think of Embry when I speak of love. I can feel the warmth of his touch even when I am so far from him. His brown eyes, long, dark hair, and smile—a smile that held every gasp of reassurance—I don’t think he was with Jacob earlier. I wish he was. I just want to hear him.
"It’s love, especially if it hurts, I guess."
Maybe Leah wasn’t the only heartbroken one. I felt a hot tear rise. Fuck off. I wiped it away, hanging my head down, but, dear lord, that hurt my nose.
"Stop thinking about him. He left you. That isn’t a friend." Leah said, can she read minds?
"What do you say to some reckless activities?" I asked, smiling. Grabbing my backpack from her desk, I pulled out the pain meds I had stashed for cramps. They’d work well for this. Swallowing three down without water wasn’t a cheerful experience, but it got Leah to laugh.
"Cliff diving? In your condition?" Leah and I didn’t tend to make good choices. But heartbroken people rarely do. We were defiantly going, Leah had already stood up, grabbing her keys.
"I can’t get any more hurt!" We started putting our shoes back on. "Plus, I won’t tell your mom if you don’t."
"Ah, secret cliff diving, even though you are 18 and I’m 20." I didn’t respond as we left the house. only talking again as we drove away. The meds had thankfully kicked in rather quickly.
"I mean, if Emily and Sam get married, there is no way I’d go to the wedding," Leah continued, her eyes plastered on the winding road in front of us. I couldn’t think of anything to say in return. Going through what she has gone through in the past week, my anger would probably lead to stupid, impulsive decisions. Speaking of stupid and impulsive decisions, we drove up to the bottom of the cliff and decided to walk up so we wouldn’t have to walk up again after we were soaking wet.
"So how high up do we go? I’m thinking high or stupidly high." Leah’s tone was harsh, the wind was harsher, and I could feel nothing.
"Stupidly high, but only if you go first," I tried to laugh, but the wind was sucking all the air out of my lungs.
"Deal," she laughed. Her face seemed peaceful, devoid of the knitted brow she’d been sporting lately. The wind circled around her, picking up stray hairs from her braid that lay on her back. "Fuck it’s cold." We took off as many layers as we could and left them in the car, only wearing our shoes, jean shorts, and a black t-shirt for Leah, and cargo shorts and a white vest for myself. It was brutal. My arms weaved around myself; Leah did the same. When we reached the very top of the cliff, I remembered the first time I reached the top. It had been with Embry. before he left. His thin frame was swamped in layers upon layers of clothes. His hair swirled. He held my hand anxiously the whole time. His tall stature looked like the wind would pick him up and take him away. He’d gained muscle since I’d last seen him—at least that’s what Leah had told me. that he’d become one of Sam’s puppies. He called them the hall monitors on steroids, and he joined them?
"Ready?" Leah pulled me out of my stewing anger.
"Ready." I laughed, looking down. Since the first jump, the sense of impending doom has remained. It rushed within me. "Are the currents too strong?" The waves collapsed over each other. People do jump from this height; we’ve seen them. The puppies jump from this height. So, I guessed we’d be fine doing it. But it wouldn’t feel good. It’d feel cold.
"They might be; we can go back if you want." Leah said, holding onto my arm as if she were trying to tell me something that I couldn’t hear. But I knew from the look in her eyes that she wanted to do this, and I wasn’t going to let her down. She’d go down with me if I changed my mind; Leah wouldn’t leave me alone.
"Let's do this," I said, my teeth cold.She grinned back, and we both took a few steps back. As she ran to the edge, I heard something in the woods behind us. I watched as she jumped down, her lean body struggling against the wind. Watching her land was amazing. She reappeared on the surface and gave me a thumbs up.As she swam to the beach, I could see the strength it took.
I could hear more rustling, it felt like I was being watched. Turning around giant glowing things caught my eye. Were they eyes? Is that a bear? Am I gonna die right here because that’ll be embarrassing. Maybe the painkillers were too strong, or maybe I was just an idiot who could look a massive bear in the eyes and not feel fear? That’s not a bear. It moved back slowly, like I hadn’t seen it. And I definitely wasn’t an idiot because I felt fear. It hit like a fucking hammer. The massive not-bear looked human. That wasn’t a good sign. I turned quickly and jumped. The air pelted my skin.
end of chapter one.
ATTENTION. please do not copy any of the actions made by the characters, they are reserved for the stupid and heartbroken. Lots of love, em x
embrys pinterest board
leah’s pinterest board
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n04hfiction · 11 months
hii noah :]
could you write something along the lines of trying out impact play/slapping with george, perhaps both with george both giving and receiving???
helllooooo sure thing, coming right up :) sorry if this isn’t my normal quality, i’m running on 2 hours of sleep lmfao
george is big on the spanking especially, he likes tools but tbh he likes using his hands even more just cause he gets to feel you yk??? when he’s giving it to you he tends to be in a more dominant degrading mood, especially if you like being bratty
“YOU dirty, little, whore..” george growled, spanking you once again, leaving a slightly pink hand mark on your bare ass. “good little sluts take what their given, they don’t take unless asked to. do you understand?”
despite his whole big and mighty attitude, he’s like constantly checking up on you to make sure you’re taking it well, he’ll dip from rough to soft really quickly if he thinks you show the smallest sign of discomfort
“HOW are you feeling, love? you taking me in well?” george asked, as he made his way down your body, kissing down stomach as his heated breath rose onto you. “‘m doin’ g-great…”
he’s almost always in a bratty mood when he’s receiving, he’ll do almost anything to get you to hit him, becuz he really wants it. you tend to pick up on it, especially as you two got more used to impact play, sometimes you won’t always give him what he wants right away🤷‍♀️he’s also a bit of a begger
“PLEASE, i promise, i’ll be good…” george groaned, throwing his head back. “earn it, sweetheart.” you mumbled nipping at his neck lightly. “p-please!!” he screamed, kicking his feet on the bed in anticipation.
he also loves the idea of him sitting on top of like the kitchen counter as you spank him with a wooden spoon and suck him off
GEORGE let out another groan as you sucked the tip of his dripping cock. you take his dick out of your mouth and hit him roughly with the wooden spoon as he let out a small whimper. “hey! what’d i tell you? your supposed to keep quiet unless i ask you otherwise…”
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