ghostieeeee · 3 months
ayo albert ghostein
Yeye that's me >:D
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absentfather · 3 years
My new oc’s (Picrews, small info I’ve made)
So I’m starting a new wip, just called the Reaperverse at the moment because there is going to be a LOT of stories.
So I wanted to start making the characters so I’ve made seven of them so far using a picrew (My favourite one, djarn’s character creator) and here is stuff I’ve got about them so far (It’s not a lot) Also, let me just say before I start, these are all set in stone, character’s design or even whole characters in general can change so don’t get too attach to these characters just yet.
So let’s start!
1. Diego Hugo (He/him)
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So Diego is the leader type but he’s not the leader so it causes a few problems in the group.
He had an alright up bringing and he knew that from a very young age he wanted to be a Reaper so when he became part of the Valkyrie Reapers, he was very excited as he knew he wanted to join and that he was going to do a good job.
He wants to be the leader of the Valkyrie group he is in, Tempus, but that job is given to Victor Fuller, a rich kid which does make Diego angry as he feels like Victor must have been handed everything seeing as he is a rich kid (Which isn’t true).
Diego is a cis bisexual man who uses he/him pronouns, and although he hates Victor at the moment, he’ll learn over time that it is easier to love him than hate him.
2. Victor Fuller (He/him)
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I love Victor with my whole soul and he is the best. He’s a rich kid who hates his parents and were kicked out after coming out as gay. They tried to reconnect with him after he became a Valkyrie Reaper (Which is sort of like a celeb) but he was having none of their toxic arses and he stayed far away from them.
He doesn’t connect to the others, he’s quiet but he’s a good leader and is able to connect to people when he needs to. The others don’t hate him but they can get pissed off at him when they have a mission and he’s barely talking but they work through it.
Victor is a cis gay man who uses he/him pronouns and over time, he will be the first to fall in love with Diego Hugo (he is hopeless when stopping himself from falling in love)
3. Rosalie Harper (She/her)
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Rosalie is that soft cottagecore girl who you see at an art class who looks so perfect and divine that finding something bad about her seems impossible.
Rosalie isn’t as perfect as she seems though. Through her cheery exterior, Rosalie is a broken mess of pieces that is trying to stop her from shattering every hour of every day. At a young age, she came from a small family that wanted the best for their daughter and training her up to care about life and caring for others probably wasn’t a good idea when putting her into a reaper group, in which her whole job is to kill people who have broken even the smallest of laws.
Although her job can take a toll on her sometimes, she is still able to power through and able to do her job.
Rosalie is a cis lesbian who uses she/her pronouns and she also slightly falls in love, with another part of the team of course.
4. Eve Kim (She/her)
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Eve is a badass and she will kill anyone who says otherwise.
She loves her job as a reaper, although she hates the Government she works for with a deathly passion fuelled from rage that lurks in her heart from her past. 
Eve watched her parents be killed after were openly anti-Government and would hate on the Government in public and online. Her older sister and her were taken in by their aunt but after her sister started to become anti-Government like her parents, her aunt sent her sister away to live with her Godfathers (Who were basically uncles to them both). Eve wanted to see her sister again but with fear that she would be killed, she decided that becoming a Reaper would be an easier way to keep her sister alive rather than going out to look for her.
Eve is a cis lesbian who uses she/her pronouns and can be a bit of a softie when it comes to a certain cottagecore girl.
5. Teddy Horne (He/him)
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Teddy, real name Theodore, is a humble dude who grew up in a large family with three siblings, four plus uncle & aunts (On both side), too many cousins and way too many pets (Mostly dogs)
Teddy is a golden retriever, he’s the most loyal person you’ll ever meet but there is something behind that smile.
He’s terrified of losing the ones he loves, he doesn’t want to be alone in the world and he can’t find a romantic relationship to save his life because he’s scared that he will lose them one day. He is a good planner and a great asset when things are going bad.
Teddy is a cis bisexual man who uses he/him pronouns, he currently have no romantic love interests but he has many crushes.
6. Nathaniel/Nathan/Nate Madden (He/they)
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Here is Nathaniel, but his friends call them Nathan and VERY close friends call him Nate. 
Nathan is the chaotic one of the group, seriously do not trust this gremlin if you ever see him. He has many problems. Nathan so far with my wip, only has two siblings, a goth sister who is as chaotic as he is and a deaf brother who works as a lawyer with his blind partner.
With Nathan being a reaper, they’re also a Ghostein, a group of people who are able to communicate with the dead. Most Ghosteins have mental health and substance abuse problems and Nathan isn’t any different. He’s trying to be sober but having a bunch of ghosts screaming at you isn’t exactly the best life someone can have.
Nathan is pansexual and genderfluid who uses he/they pronouns, he does fall in love but not with anyone from this time period, you’ll have to go back in time a bit to find their lover. 
7. Aidan Wansell (He/him)
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Look at this man and say you don’t want to hug him, he really needs a hug. Such a shame he can’t be hugged seeing as he’s a ghost who died in his first year of being a Reaper.
Yep, Aidan’s a ghost, he doesn’t really mind being a ghost, it’s alright and he can communicate with others is he uses a Ghostein. It’s a shame that the only Ghostein he can talk to is also the one his soul is attached to, Nathan. 
The scar on his face is from his death and he has other scars but he doesn’t like to show them. 
Aidan is a trans acearo man who uses he/him pronouns, he is not interested in dating. He didn’t like to date or do anything when he was alive and he can’t do anything as a ghost so he’s fine.
I hope you enjoyed the characters, maybe I’ll make a part two, I am missing a LOT of characters. I would say my favourite characters are Rosalie & Nathan (Although Victor has a place in my heart), I just need to finish their characters with some last names and some other stuff.
See you soon!
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q-gorgeous · 3 years
Bearbert Ghostein
word count: 1215
How old was Jazz the first time her stuffed animal Bearbert was ecto-contaminated? prompt by @feministhotline
another day another prompt filled hi
The first time Bearbert had come to life was when she was nine. It had been after she had watched both the movie Toy Story and Christmas dinner come to life that year. She couldn’t decide if she should be terrified or elated. Because she knew, she knew it couldn’t have been happy movie magic making him come to life. It had to be ectoplasm. 
Some ectoplasm had spilled on him when she’d been holding him while grabbing something from the fridge. She thought she could just wash him off and he’d be fine. She didn’t want to bother her parents because they were always working down in the lab. She could clean him off just fine on her own. 
She woke up one night, not expecting anyone to be watching her. But when she lifted her groggy eyes up she could see him sitting up and staring at her.
She scrambled up and fell backwards off of her bed. They continued staring at each other for a few seconds before he waved at her. 
Eyes wide, Jazz waved back. 
Beartbert danced excitedly back and forth on his feet, clapping his hands. 
She smiled at him and crawled up to her bed and stared at him. He didn’t look much different than he usually did. He just had the tiniest green glow. He still looked like the stuffed animal she’d had all her life. 
For the next two weeks, Bearbert became her playmate. Danny didn’t want to play with her. All he wanted to do was play video games and make rocket ships, so Bearbert finally gave her some much needed company. 
She’d never really had any close friends before, but she imagined that’s what Bearbert was. She felt extra secure at night now knowing she had someone who’d protect her from all the monsters in the shadows. 
One morning she woke up and the bed next to her was empty. Looking around she couldn’t find Bearbert anywhere. He wasn’t wrapped in the bedsheets, he wasn’t on the floor, he wasn’t even on her desk drawing something for her. 
She walked downstairs and into the kitchen where she saw her mom making breakfast at the stove. 
“Mom? Have you seen Bearbert?” She asked groggily. 
Maddie flipped a pancake. “I found him when I came to wake you up today. I took him down to the lab to decontaminate him, he’s waiting for you at your seat at the table!”
Jazz’s heart dropped into her stomach and she walked up to the table to see him sitting on her placemat. He didn’t have an ectoplasmic glow anymore and he sat so horrifyingly still. Her lip wobbled but she didn’t let the tears fall. She just took a deep breath and pulled him to her chest. 
The next time he had come alive was when she was in middle school. She found out earlier in the day that Spike was in the hospital because he was hurting. It broke her heart and she wished she could’ve done something to help him. She wouldn’t get to see him for a couple weeks and she already missed him so much. 
She didn’t know how it happened. Bearbert had been sitting on one of her shelves for a couple years now. She didn’t sleep with him at night anymore, so there wasn’t any risk of ectoplasm spilling on him. 
But while she was crying, someone had tapped her arm and when she looked over Bearbert was standing there looking at her, his ectoplasmic glow so very faint. He waved at her. 
More tears filled her eyes and she grabbed onto him and pulled him into a hug. She doesn’t know how long she sat there crying, but when she pulled Bearbert away he was a regular, limp stuffed animal again. 
She doesn’t know how he did it. He must’ve absorbed enough ambient ectoplasm to come alive long enough to comfort her. 
She started sleeping with him at night again. 
This last time it had happened was when Jazz was coming home from school. She opened the door to her room and found an ecto-gun laying on the floor, ectoplasm leaking out of it. She wrinkled her nose at it. The seal must not have been tight enough on it. She’d have to tell her parents. 
It looked like there were little drops leading underneath her bed, which didn’t make sense if the gun was just leaking. She dropped to her knees and looked under the bed and her eyes widened. 
Sitting there looking at her was Bearbert. The last place she left him was on her bed near her pillow. He must’ve fallen off into the puddle of ectoplasm. He waved at her. 
She waved back at him and opened her arms for a hug. 
He ran out to her and jumped into her arms and she pulled him to her chest. After a moment, he pulled back and pointed at the door. 
A confused look crossed her face and she looked at it. 
He pointed at the door again and then pointed at a picture of her and Danny that was sitting on her night stand. Her eyes widened. 
“You want to meet Danny?”
Bearbert nodded. Jazz just stared at him. He’d never been interested in playing with Danny during those two weeks as a kid. She wonders what-
“Oh.” She whispered. “I get it.”
She stood up, holding Bearbert. Opening her door, she looked both ways before crossing the hall and knocking on Danny’s door. She heard a mumbled come in. 
She opened the door and walked in, closing it behind her.
“What do you want, Jazz? I’m trying to take a nap before a ghost decides to interrupt me.”
She held Bearbert out in front of her. “I had someone who wanted to meet you.”
“What are you talking about? That’s just-” His eyes widened when Bearbert waved at him. “What the hell? Jazz! Put that down!” An ectoblast appeared in Danny’s hand.
“Danny! No!” She pulled Bearbert back to her chest. “He’s not evil!”
“How do you know that?”
“Because this isn’t the first time this has happened! He used to play with me.”
“Whenever he gets ectoplasm on him or soaks up enough ambient ectoplasm he comes to life.” She furrowed her brows. “Or, unlife, I guess. But he wanted to meet you.”
She set Bearbert on the bed and he waddled over to where Danny sat.
“Why though? I literally tore his stuffing out a month ago.” “I think he knows what happened.” Jazz said quietly.
Bearbert wrapped his arms around Danny and nodded. Danny looked stunned before placing a hand on Bearbert’s head.
“Why does he care?”
Jazz shrugged. “He likes comforting people I think.”
She watched as Danny leaned back against his headboard again, petting Bearbert’s hair. 
“I’m gonna go do homework for a little while. I can come pick him up later.”
She got up and went back across the hall to her room. She did homework for about an hour before deciding to wake Danny up in time for dinner.
When she peaked in his door again, Danny was laying on his side holding Bearbert in his arms. Bearbert looked at her and waved. 
She smiled and waved back.
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cupidisco · 9 years
omg good job!!!
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oswednesday · 9 years
if vidalia had thick eyebrows i literally would be like IS THAT MANDY FROM GRIM ADVENTURES
OMG omg i thought her design felt like??? familiar beyond the show itself like i love mandy omg omg
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koizik · 9 years
ghostein said: gay nerd wears hawk in a ponytail, more at 11 (ur adorbs wtf)
you know too much (no u)
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ciraxis · 10 years
was gonna say chimera but then i......... ya.......
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winterbolt · 10 years
ghostein replied to your post:I know there’s like a website or something with a...
Saving this too, thank you!
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officialurdnotwrex · 10 years
but why would u need to convince urself ur beautiful u already ARE you fukin memer
haha see thats the thing no matter how hard i try i need something like. really big or drawn out for me to even begin to believe it. such is life for me.
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koizik · 9 years
ghostein said: no……….
that’s what i thought
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winterbolt · 10 years
miriam tells me there's word of a possible AT group reboot on tegaki? ? or is this just false rumour 0:
Oh is there? If there is I'm not doing it, but maybe some others were thinking about trying to reboot it? 
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mirriam · 10 years
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spookiest gf
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koizik · 9 years
ghostein said: TOO GASSY
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