horrorlocke · 9 months
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Doing rituals in the underground
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thecountessus · 3 months
June, 23 2024
Chi sono poi,
se non una Apparizione.
Realtà o Miraggio?
Vera o falsa?
Presente o Passata?
Fantasma di me stesso.
Conosciuto Straniero.
Triste fratello della Fantasia.
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bebettersworld · 2 years
Tanggungjawab !!!!
Hati yang sudah kamu ambil dan kamu terbangkan sekarang kamu biarkan begitu saja. Tanggung jawab tuan, jangan pergi begitu saja tanpa pamit.Tidak sopan sama sekali
Rumah kosong yang sangat berantakan ini kamu tiba-tiba masuk tanpa permisi  kemudian merapikan sedikit demi sedikit ketika sudah sempurna kamu hancurkan lagi menjadi pecahan yang sangat sulit untuk dirangkai kembali. Jahat sekali kamu! jangan datang hanya untuk menambah kesakitan dan berantakan lagi. Pergi yang jauh dan jangan pernah kembali. 
Rumahnya masih aku bersihkan kalau ada yang datang hanya untuk singgah dan berbincang-bincang akan aku beri dua pilihan: pergi sendiri atau aku yang pergi
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gomzdrawfr · 6 months
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itsohh · 1 year
Ghost and Price Soulmate AU
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A/N: G/N reader, posted as seperate fics on ao3 with each specific tag relating.
Warnings: Angst, self-mutaliation, reference domestic abuse
AO3 Masterlist
He never believed in soul mates. Not in the matter that most people thought. Sure, they were real, sure there was someone out there destined to be ones other's match. Ghost just didn't believe it meant anything. Not really.
He of course had seen what it lead to.
His mother, destined to be with his father. They were soul mates and yet he treated her just as bad. His father loved his mother, sure, but he loved himself so much more.
So when that fated day came, that one when a bullet hit Ghost directly on his thigh, he couldn't help but be a little relieved.  The nurses had been so sympathetic, the doctors too. They hadn't been able to save the soul mark. Now replaced with a gunshot scar. A blessing in disguise. It was a weight off his shoulders.
Escaped. He had escaped destiny.
Legs rather comfortable on Soaps lap, you hand your arm over your eyes while you quietly rest. "How'd you get this one?" He poked the scar just under your knee. If anyone else had asked, you would have given them a piece of your mind. Asking about a scar wasn't a line that everyone could cross.
"Some dude tried to go for my kneecap and missed."
"Didn't even hit me hard enough to shatter my kneecaps regardless of his shit aim."
The door clicked open and you heard the quietest of footsteps enter the room. "Sergeants." Ghost.
"Hey LT, what's the sit'?"
"Price's put us all on mandatory vacation leave." Your arm lift from your face at his voice as you stared at him.
"For real?" You asked, disbelief written across your face.
"Two weeks." You heard a huff from his voice as he sat down opposite to you. There was almost a relief in his eyes. He had been working hard. Too hard.
"Well gives the pair of you a perfect amount of time for a honeymoon huh-" Soap's tease was cut off by your kick but only made him laugh harder. Your relationship with Simon wasn't a secret, not to Soap anyway.
"Alright, alright I was joking. Shite."
"Perhaps you could use that two weeks to learn how to be funny." Your eyes narrowed at him.
"You wound me." He jabbed a finger next to a scar. "Speaking of wounds, How'd you get this one?" You looked over to the exposed skin just under your shirt.
You froze for a moment and your eyes didn't go to Soaps, but to Ghosts. The pair of you had never brought up the matter at hand. Soul marks, it never seemed important. So many people so dedicated to finding that person that the world designed for them, it just didn't seem to matter for you. You loved Ghost, you didn't want to know it was because of an outside force. You loved him and nothing would change that.
"That's my soul mark."
"Damn, that's rough. Not a pretty one." Soap looked down at the nasty scar.
"No, I mean it was. Alright, so when I was a kid I was totally in love with this girl at school called Lilith."
"Oh yeah?" He raised a brow while Ghost continued to watch.
"But she had a different soul mark than mine and wouldn't even look at someone who wasn't her soul mark. She was only gonna date her soulmate."
"What happened?"
"I figured I couldn't have the same one as her but maybe she would date me if I didn't have one. Like how would she ever know if I lost it."
"So you burnt it off?" Soap looked at you with slight horror.
"Cut actually. It uh, really fucking hurt but man she was really pretty." Soap straightened his back slightly and you swallowed.
"I presume it didn't work out."
"We started dating happily and were together up until right before I joined the military. Until her actual soulmate showed up."
"Ohhhh, rough." He gave you a look of sympathy.
"At the time? Was not happy. But I think everything worked out okay." Your eyes locked onto Ghosts for a moment.
"Cute. What about this one?" Soap asked and you looked at the scar on your hand.
"Think that was when I burnt myself making an omelette." Soap barked out a laugh and you could have sworn you saw Ghost's eyes squint from a smile.
"For fucks sake, Soap!" A grumble turned into a yell and the pair of you froze at Price's voice. In all honesty, Price didn't shout like that very often, especially at one of you. Normally it was more akin to a tired sigh.
"Whaddya do this time?" You removed your legs from his lap.
"Better go find out." He jumped up and cracked his neck. "If you don't hear from me in three hours then I want stripers at my funeral." He gave you a wink and headed out the door. The fact he locked the door after him wasn't something you missed.
Silence settled between the pair of you. Eventually, Ghost spoke up. "Can I see it?" Your eyes lift up and met his. You knew exactly what he meant.
"Sure. It's just a scar now, nothing special." Ghost stood up and towered his way over to you. He replaced Soap and your feet settled on his lap. Carefully, Simon removed the mask from his face and placed it on the coffee table next to you. You watched as he bit the top of his glove and slid it off his hand for it to join his mask.
His hand gently grazed the old scar. "Do you regret it?"
"No. Not really, to be honest after things didn't work out with Lilith I didn't think I would date again."
"Why did you?" His brown eyes settled on yours while he continued to stroke the scar.
"Well, we spent what like three months skirting around each other?"
"Mmm, I mean you're an attractive man Simon. Enough to make someone change their mind."
"You couldn't see my face."
"What can I say, I'm a sucker for tats." You grinned and he raised a brown. His curled lips betrayed him and you let out a small laugh. "Honestly blame Soap, dunno if he did the same to you but god fucking dammit was he a persistent wingman. I enjoy your company and he didn't let me forget that."
"Hmm, seems he played matchmaker for the pair of us."
"Are you really surprised? It's Soap, he loves to meddle."
"Probably why Price is ripping him a new one," Simon muttered and his eyes sent back to the scar.
"Does it bother you?" Your voice was small, quiet and concern drew across your face. "That I don't have a mark anymore. That we will never know if we were made for each other." Simon paused and then suddenly got up from the chair only adding to your uncertainty. He placed his leg on the coffee table and started to pull up his trouser leg.
Confused you watched him until he pointed to a particular scar. "See that there?"
"You got shot?" You raised a brow.
"That there's where my mark god before it was shot. Lucky bullet. Can't be upset with you an't having one if I don't have one now."
Simon let the trouser leg fall and sat back down on the couch. This time he grabbed your legs and pulled you up onto his lap. It was a swift movement that had you automatically let out a small laugh. He had that adoring look on his face. The corners of his lips all crinkled up. Now with you in arm's reach, his bare hand caressed your face. "Couldn't give a flying fuck about that shite. I'm with you because I want to be, not because some destiny bullshit tells me to. But because I choose to love you."
It had been a completely innocent moment that he saw it. That mark on your torso. A cropped singlet showed it off while you played netball with your squad. A particular game that Gaz had joined. Price wasn't even supposed to be there, he was only getting Gaz. Yet he froze when he saw that mark. The one that was identical to the on his wrist. Just under his watch.
Gaz forgotten about, Price had a call he had to make.
"Look, Kate, doesn't need to be somewhere safe or dangerous just anywhere but where I am."
"John I can't just have people reassigned for no good reason. Are you trying to sabotage their career? Is this a personal thing?"
"No, fuck, I'm not trying to fuck with their career. I'll be compromised around them, it's not a problem now but it might be in the future."
"Are you in a relationship with this person? Or were you?" Kate asked and John let out a sound of slight frustration through the phone.
"They're my soul mate Kate. They don't know it but I saw it." The line went silent. John eventually heard a sigh on the other end of the line.
"I'll do what I can."
After that phone call, John hadn't heard from you again. Despite the desire for companionship feeling deep down inside of him, he knew he did the right thing. It wasn't your fault and it wasn't his. Yet he had decided to override date, to override destiny.
Laswell never told him where she sent you. On any other day, he would have said that was for the better.
Any other day.
Gaz sprinted alongside him, guns firing about near them. "Fuck!" He could hear Gaz as the building nearby crumbled down into dust, a building they had just come from.
The pair of them were overrun and for a moment he looked at Gaz and regretted bringing him to his death. There were just too many from too many directions. With no proper cover, the pair of them were fish in a barrel. Bullets came from in front of them but not at them. By some miracle, a door opened while gunfire continued to cover them.
The door promptly shut behind them as both Gaz and Price fell to the ground in their hurried movement.
"Well, I'll be damned, long time no see Gaz." You held a hand out for him and Price watched as you pulled Gaz off the ground.
"Hey, Lieutenant! Didn't expect you to be here." Lieutenant? Price never knew you were promoted. Then again it's not like he wanted to hear about you, it was easier pretending you didn't exist.
"Yeah well, not the worst place to be at. I presume you guys are here due to the attack three days ago?"
"Affirmative on that." Price finally spoke up, he could pretend at least now that you weren't his soul mate.
"We have been here since then, then you two were running through dead man's land."
"Are you guys stuck here?" Gaz asked while you lead them over to a table with a map on top.
"Of course not. We have an underground pathway in our access. But they don't know that. They think that we are stuck here, they tried to push a could of times but Katey up in the best keeps taking them out."
"Are they hoping to starve you out then?" Gaz asked and you nodded.
"Yup in the meantime we have been setting up."
"Setting up what?" Price asked and you gave him a big grind.
"Fireworks show of course. The tunnels below here are far more extensive than everyone originally thought. It goes directly under their set up so we are going to hit the supports."
"Have it crumble from beneath them." Gaz breathed and you nodded.
"Only problem is that there's a high chance that our tunnels will collapse too, we are right on a cliff face so it's gonna be close." Your Sergent popped up next to you.
"This is Sergeant Lawyerson. Demolitions and structural expert."
"The idea is we will evacuate everyone first. " You explained.
"Speaking of, we should get to that. I onto have one set of charges left."
"Right we have to be quick then, when they realise that we don't have people at their posts they might push."
"I'll go get them in place now. Captain, Sergent do you mind looking after my men? There's a side path on the mountain we need to take, it goes from tunnel to straight cliff face. It's pretty risky but KitKat knows the way."
They both gave you a nod and started to work with the squad to leave. Yet Price's eyes lingered on you for a moment. You were a storm, not one to be trifled with. You spoke with certainty and confidence. The perfect leader for your squad. He could see the trust in their eyes.
"What is it, Katey?"
"Fuck, they got a tank out here!" Price watched as you froze for a moment then sprinted to the exposed gap then swore.
"Right, everyone evacuates now. KitKat eyes front."
"What about Attorney?"
"I'll get Lawyerson, the rest of you go." Price was swept up with the small crowd and followed KitKat down a tunnel. He only had a glimpse of you before you ran down a different path away from him.
"Captain, this way." KitKat had a kind smile on her face but he couldn't help but feel the pit in his stomach form. Was this a result of the bond? Or was this a gut feeling? He couldn't tell.
With Gaz in front of him, he was led through the path until he reached outside. It was an old climbing path, the bridges were old and wooden while the actual path was thin. It didn't allow for fast movement.
A few minutes later his head whipped around to see you following your Sargent. "Blow it." You commanded as the pair of you expertly hurried down the path. Far faster than everyone else had. He couldn't help but wonder how many times the pair of you had travelled it in the last few days.
"We're too close to the blast!" Price's eyes went to the entryway as more voices started to echo down.
"We can't let them reach here else everyone's dead. There's no cover here."
"We can handle some!" She protested.
"Some, not a goddamn army." You were right. She glanced at you over her shoulder then hit the detonator.
A rumble echoed it as the pair of you continued to sprint. Echos of your enemies' screams carried through the tunnel and out into the open. True to Lawyersons suspicions, the tunnels on your side had started to collapse too.
Unfortunately, not all your foes were caught. A brief area by the exit was reinforced rather well and they survived. Meanwhile, the path around you started to crumble. Gaz lit up his gun in an attempt to cover the pair of you.
Price snapped to action just in time for the wooden bridge to collapse under both you and Lawyerson. She managed to barely leap over to safety but your jump, slightly further back didn't make it.
But he caught you.
Price's hand found yours as he dove prone to the side. With one hand off the side, you dangled to his hand. "I got you." His eyes bore into yours as the pair of you tried to pull you up. Yet the wood that you used cracked under your weight and all progress was lost. Lawyerson recovered and went to help pull you up but a bullet in her leg had her cry out.
A curse left John's mouth as a gunshot hit his shoulder. They were getting lit up trying to save you. Your eyes turned to see the small group that had survived. They were aiming for the three of you.
"Let go, you need to leave." Your voice came and for the first time in a very long time. He froze.
"I'm not leaving you."
"You will die if you stay and I'll die regardless. Don't water your life like this. " He felt your hand go limp against him and he used all his strength to continue holding on.
"I can't."
"They always said you were such a level-headed man. Let go. Don't put the weight of your death on me. Lawyerson will need help with that leg of hers. Save her."
His eyes glanced at the small mark on his exposed wrist, your eyes followed him and you gave him a weak smile. John couldn't say it out loud, that he was your soul mate. A man you only knew from word of mouth.
"I already knew. Gaz showed me a picture of the pair of you, your wrist was showing." His lips parted.
"You didn't say anything."
"Love wasn't an option for me. Soulmates? That's a fantasy for civilians to have. Not us. But for what it's worth, if there was anyone worth being cosmically tied to, your a pretty damn amazing man to be it."
He shouted your name and with your free hand, you pried yourself from his grip. "Go!" So John watched as you fell, a love finished before it had even started.
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starnightlover · 1 year
I just want to say that I just manifested a person after he ghosthed me, all I did was affirm that he loved me and that I was his best friend, he just called me asking for forgiveness, the manifestation is incredible that I was not even surprised, I knew it was going to happen
I'm so happy for you!!!
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eclipian · 2 months
Maraith Pal Headmate
pt: maraith pal headmate
reminder beings will almost definitely not turn out exactly as described, and these can be edited and changed as needed.
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divider credit
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“ By the flame we go on “
Name: Maraith , Soul , Flame , Lilith , Drauaga , Axar , Hantu , Carrie , Sparks , Blu , Blue , Nyx , Boo , Phoenix , Ash
Age: Ghostchronoless / Chronoghost
Pronouns: They/Them , It/Its , Soul/Souls , Spirit/Spirits , Creep/Creeps , Blaze/Blazes , Flame/Flames , Ritual/Rituals , Ember/Embers , 🔥/🔥s , 👻/👻s
Gender: Ghostgender , Aghostlector , Osteofindant , Ghostaesic , Ghostorbic , Ghosthing , Ghostsplit , Ghostgaurdian
Attraction: Masc Leaning Omni
Dissomei: Dissopal , Dissocarnivore , Dissopyromania
Other IDs: AghAB , Mortemate , Ghost Omninoun
Species: Pal Maraith
Role: Protecter (both physical and spiritual)
Aesthetic: Ghostcore , Gloomcore , Dullcore , Goth
Misc Info: Need a Pal? Meet Maraith a protector for you and the mind. Maraith is a ghost who’s blue flames clear path for a clear mind. Maraith is a stoic, intelligent, and serious. Maraith tends to refer to itself as we/us.
pt: name, age, pronouns, gender, attraction, dissomei, other ids, species, role, aesthetics , misc info
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tagging: @bahtive
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nekkomaa · 2 years
I'm not fluent in English, so in case of any mistake, please let me know so I can fix it.
Just something that popped into my head suddenly, and I thought it was a good idea out there in practice.
with steps almost imperceptible, Ghost entered the house, eyes automatically looking for you. Youreyebrows arched upward as she saw a white shadow run down the hall.yours forehead,What the fuck?.
"Dear?" Ghost walked through the house indirection to the white figure,not getting an answer when he called Ghost stopped before going deeper into the slightly dark hallway.
Listening to the noises he deduced that you were hiding wanting to scare him, and that white figure was probably something that you took to try scare him more, with a little sigh and a slight smile on your lips, who were out of sight because of the balaclava, Ghost walked down the hall more confident now, confidence disguised as fear just to satisfy you,do it believe that he was really falling into the game. Although he could have foreseen her mischief long before it started.
As soon as he walked through the doorsuite, a direction that the figure was,you jumped on him with atypical “boo!” Ghost recoiled, eyes wide with mock surprise,you tried to disguise the laugh but failed miserably.
“I got you this time!”
Ghost watched the sheet that covered his body, the piece of cloth didn't even have eye holes like you don't feel when he ran out was a mystery.
“Yes, yes, it got me.” He withdrew the sheet from your head watching your eyes pranksters staring at him. “I really was scared, you know? You no Do you think I deserve an apology?”
"Try?"You looked away smiling, Ghost watched you carefully, the affection stamped on his face, if you had seen his face doing such an expression probably would have melted, it was really a shame that Ghosthe was with your face covered.
Eyes now on Ghost,you pulled the balaclava, revealing Ghost's face.
“Sorry, Simon.''You leaned over, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose and then one on his cheeks.lips. Ghost approved the apology with a hoarse groan, pulling you close around the waist, a light grip was left there before he pulled away.
“What was the idea of ​​running around the house with a sheet white on the head?" Ghost questioned, the hands of it remained at her waist with lightcaresses, the man patiently waited for an answer seeing you bite the lips lightly.
“I thought scaring a ghost with a ghost would do sense." You explained smiling.
"Oh yeah? How does that make sense?You Can you explain it to me dear?”
“Ghosts scaring ghosts.”
Ghost arched an eyebrow and shook head smiling. “Maybe you should just add a cutout for the eyes, like you will you see it? Like this you no can see my expressions of fear.”
You pondered the idea looking at him. “I can think about it.”
portuguese version
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gunnrblze · 3 months
moth...... ghosts.... ghosths.......
walkers........ Ceanothus silkmoths?? Verify??
I'm havin the doodle urge but I want to be specific with what species these bastards(/aff) are, as I will not rest until I have a specific reference
there's only like 1 California and sadly it is not here😔
Sorry anon, I’m def not the person to ask about this…I have a weird irrational fear of moths that I cannot explain 💀💀
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markus-xx · 1 year
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Ghosth 💀
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alaorilladelmar · 7 months
Jesús inventó el ghosthing cuando desapareció 3 días.
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horrorlocke · 4 months
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Concept cover art for an episode of a horror podcast; this has been sat in my patreon-discord for a while but now that patrons are starting to recieve the prints I’m posting this up here as well. Ghosth(a)unt follows an extremely unprofessional and unsuccessful ghost-hunting show that happens to often be followed by gruesome murders.
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lowres-trying · 1 year
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violetrose-art · 2 years
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silvetz · 2 years
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Artfight 2022- Ghost
Hes just relaxing character belongs to uaru artfight
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midi4ri0love · 2 months
a guy is ghosthing me rn but i'm not even sad bc now i unlocked that achievement and finally can relate more in girl talks
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