#gilmore girls stories
mqrianos · 1 year
jess mariano and rory gilmore are literally the SAME people at their core, just in opposite fonts. they MIRROR each other and are each other's TWIN FLAMES. that's exactly why they understand each other better than everyone else (asp herself said so). both are raised by teen moms and have deadbeat dads. yet, one is nurtured with love and care with a mom like lorelai. and the other is abandoned & ignored by a flaky mom like liz. both develop an immense love for reading regardless of whether it became kind of a coping mechanism. both exceed normal expectations of intelligence required for their age. hence, one goes above and beyond, strives for perfection with it, and craves validation while the other could not care less what people think and says "fuck it. rules don't matter anymore for me. i know stuff". one becomes stars hollow's princess, held onto a pedestal by everyone around her. the other becomes stars hollow's pariah, hated by every person he meets. both are under intense scrutiny by people where one is held to exceptionally high standards and the other is seen as "good for nothing". both of them break out of those respective moulds as soon as they become young adults. and both play a pivotal role in helping each other break out of those moulds and still be true to their inner selfs. I COULD WRITE AN ENTIRE TEN-PAGE ESSAY ON THE PARALLELS BETWEEN THEM....I REALLY COULD!
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GILMORE GIRLS | 3.15 "Face-Off"
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bonnyisboring · 14 days
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𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 - 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
𝐓𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐧‧₊˚
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riffteddss · 2 months
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my very own girl dinner 🎀
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stellaluna33 · 16 days
The Jess episodes in Season 6 are SO gratifying (for those of us who, like Rory, would say, "I KNEW you could do something like this! I KNEW it, I knew it!") but at the same time SO FRUSTRATING, because everything about the way they were written suggests that they were making deliberate comparisons between Jess and Logan- comparisons in which Logan doesn't come off particularly well. Like they went to great pains to imply that: Jess knew Rory better than Logan (the birthday subplot), was better FOR her, was more mature, loyal, freaking noble, etc. etc... And then they just... never went anywhere with it! Logan jumps off a cliff and Rory feels guilty, and... The whole plotline gets dropped and they never talk about it again! It really freaking seemed like they were making a point, but WHAT WAS THE FREAKING POINT??? *flips a table!*
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graysnetwork · 10 months
i was watching Gilmore girls at the beginning of the year i think and then i suddenly got the urge to watch again, so i'm finally on the last episode of season 2. Im completely in love with Tristan but at the moment i'm loving jess (i also searched up jess edits on tiktok and i've spoiled things for myself so i will be debating on skipping that one scene)
Also Ik this is not the best but I hope u guys like it
Warnings— none
Summary— Jess is turning into a great student and Luke not lorelai can think of a reason he’s become an amazing kid all of a sudden.
The library
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Two full weeks, two full weeks had gone by now and no calls from the school had been made to Luke's phone. This was more concerning than actually getting calls from the school. And another notable thing was that Jess started leaving every day at the same time 6:30 and he'd come back home at 9:30 or even earlier.
Luke was getting suspicious but he didn't exactly know how to bring it up since it was very possible he was cheating on his tests, maybe copying off some one else for work. So he decided he'd mention it another day, and every time that decided day came by he'd put it off again, and again.
the two of them were in the diner, it was surprisingly very quiet, there was only one person which was also surprising and then the person walked out. Jess started cleaning up the table before checking his watch.
He dropped the towel and rushed upstairs, he came back down with a backpack, had he been hiding that thing?
"where are you goin?" Luke asked, finally looking up from the counter “somewhere.” “what do you have in there?” “some things” he shrugged and opened the door, before he could even get one foot out the door he could hear Luke’s heavy steps get closer to him, he turned around again.
“What do you have in there” Luke said again, “why do you wanna know, it’s nothing important” Jess rolled his eyes and checked his watch again.
“I’ve never even seen you come outside with a backpack, and I need to know if you’re stealing things again” Luke gave him an annoyed stare, Jess unzipped the the bag and showed the books in his backpacks.
“Oh” Luke muttered, and looked over to the side “happy? Cause I need to get going” he zipped the bag up again. “where have you been going?” Luke sighed, it was time he got the truth.
“why do you wanna know?” Jess rolled his eyes again, “because I gotta know these things” another sigh came out of Luke, and Jess mumbled something. It took a good few minutes to get him to admit.
“I’m goin to the library”
He said it quietly but at least it was coherent.
“You’re late” you smiled as Jess sat down in front of you, “I know, I’m sorry, Luke wouldn’t let me go until I told him where I was going and what I was bringing” he smiled back at you and took out his books. “well, you’re here now, that’s what matters to me, now what’s today? math?” You smiled again and the two of you started opening your books.
“Today is math day” jess nodded and started reading your math notes.
“Jess, in the library? Is he meeting behind it and doing something?” Lorelai drank her coffee, “I didn’t think about that” Luke said as he gave her a doughnut.
The moment very quickly ended when Jess came in and quickly went upstairs without saying a word, Luke and Lorelai could hear the thud from Jess’s backpack hitting the floor.
Jess came back down and grabbed a doughnut; pink icing. Very weird to the two adults in the diner. Unknowing to them the only reason he grabbed it was because you swore that the pink icing on the doughnuts taste different.
“So anything new and interesting happening?” You asked as you and Jess walked around after studying, it was the quickest you’ve ever studied but that was because it was English, all jess had to do was read and write some answers.
“no, but, if you call getting a new shipments for the diner interesting, than yes, there something new happening” he smiled at you, “sounds very interesting” you smiled back at him.
“what about you?” Jess turned to you again “what about me? Nothing” you shrugged “cmon there’s gotta be something that’s happened so far this week” Jess said, “there’s nothing, nothings happened, and im 100 percent sure nothings gonna happen” you smiled again at him.
He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and smiled “how about I give you something to look forward to then since you’re free” Jess’s brows perked up, “really? how?” your hand reached up and grabbed his that was on your shoulder.
“how bout you, me, and chinese food, and we can do it on, Friday? You said your parents are leaving on Friday right?” He smiled as you two got closer to Luke’s diner.
“yeah, my parents are going on Friday.. that sounds like a plan” you smiled “it’s a date” he smiled. “Cmon I’ll walk you home” he walked past the diner “thanks Jess” you wrapped your arm around his waist as the two of you continued you way down the street.
“Did I see that right?” Lorelai’s eyes were wide and her brows were furrowed, “wow” Luke said, it was the only thing that could be uttered at the moment as they had just seen; You and Jess walking together.
“That must be why he’s going to the library so much! y/n’s always at the library!” Her mouth hung open in shock, it was silent for a few moments “y’know what, this is good” like said as he nodded while drinking his coffee.
“This is good?” She looked at him confused, “yes, he’s doing good in school, and it seems like he really likes y/n, as long as he isn’t hurting her, or doing bad things than I’m happy about this” Luke smiled “I guess this is good..” Lorelai smiled back at him.
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so exited for fall mornings
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bellamysgriffin · 6 months
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One day I'm gonna cut it clear Ride like Paul Revere And when they ask me who I am I'll say I'm not from around here
for @emmafallsinlove
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hauntedrose555 · 11 days
autumn fashion icons ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆
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panharmonium · 8 months
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Mama, please, the phone.
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bikinigoldbaby · 6 months
making my edition of characters i see myself in or relate to :3
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loonylupinblack3 · 2 years
Jess Mariano x Reader
Pairing: Jess Mariano x reader
Warnings: none
Summary: it's cold outside and Jess helps you out
Word count: 1.1k
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You’d been walking around town for a while now, the chilly night air starting to get to you. You rubbed your arms to get some semblance of warmth as you tried to think of what to do. You didn't want to go home, not with your mother bound to be there. After the vicious fight you two had, you had no longing to be anywhere near her, which unfortunately left you with no place to sleep tonight. You knew you should go back, you knew it would be the smart, reasonable thing to do, but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it as you remembered the words your mother had spat at you as she stared at you with revulsion.
Of course you’d had fights with your mother before, but when she wanted she could be particularly cruel, and tonight she had certainly wanted to be cruel. She was pissed at you because you’d failed an important test at school, a failure she said had to do with a certain raven-haired boy currently residing above Luke’s diner. She believed that Jess was a bad influence on you and since you'd refused to stop hanging out with him, your mother sought other ways to convince you he was bad, namely blaming every single failure you had onto him. You were sick of defending him to your mother whenever you made a mistake, and so you had said some things you shouldn’t have, which caused the massive fight to implode, and here you were. Walking around Stars Hollow late on a Tuesday night with nowhere to sleep.
You were about to relent and go home, wondering if you’d be able to sneak into your second story window, when you heard someone call your name.
You looked up and found Jess leaning out of his window, staring at you with a slight smirk and smug expression.
“Jess?” you asked in disbelief.
His smirk widened “Y/n. Enjoy your walk?”
Your brows furrowed in confusion. “What?”
“Seen you walking around for a while. Cold night for a stroll, don’t you think?”
You let out a huff, crossing your arms as you stared at the boy you were so reluctantly fond of.
“Shut up,” you muttered, though you made sure you were loud enough for him to hear you.
“I’m guessing that means you don’t want to come in for a hot chocolate.”
Your head perked up as you stared at him. “Are you offering?”
Jess rolled his eyes. “I wouldn’t very well say it if I wasn’t offering, would I?”
You grinned and walked up to the diner, crossing your arms to savour any warmth you might have while you waited for Jess to come downstairs. How slow could he be? Eventually you saw the diner light up and Jess walk towards the door, his stride leisurely despite the fact you were contracting hypothermia right that second.
Jess did open the door though, and as soon as he did you were inside, as far from the door as possible as you felt your whole body shiver in delight at the change of temperature. Maybe you wouldn’t contract hypothermia after all.
Jess snorted at your reaction and started making the hot chocolate while you trailed behind him, unused to being in the diner when everyone else was gone.
“Where’s Luke?” you asked, eyes darting around the place as if Luke would spawn there any moment.
Jess shrugged, his back to you as he stirred the hot chocolates. “Out at something. Can’t quite remember. He’s not gonna be back till later.”
You raised your eyebrows, checking your watch which said 11:45pm. “When exactly is later?”
Jess shrugged again. “I dunno. Later.”
You rolled your eyes but gratefully accepted the warm cup of hot chocolate he placed into your hands. You took a sip, burning your tongue slightly but you didn’t care. It was nice and warm and you were still so cold after spending most of the night outside with the snow in just a flimsy cardigan.
“You look cold,” Jess observed over his hot chocolate.
“You don’t say?”
Jess placed his mug on the counter. “I’m serious. How long were you out there?”
You checked your watch again. “I don’t know. A few hours? I left just after dinner so…”
Jess didn’t need to ask why. You’d complained enough about your mother that Jess knew when you had a fight it tended to be big, and staying outside while it snowed for hours was a pretty clear sign that whatever happened had been big.
Jess sighed. “You’re an idiot, you know that? Come on, I’ve got blankets upstairs.”
Jess took your hand and you complied, though you brought your hot chocolate with you. When you arrived in Luke and Jess’s tiny apartment, Jess led you to his bed where there were clothes, books, and most importantly, blankets scattered across the area.
You carefully placed you cup on a table and found one of Jess’s jumpers to put on, as well as not one, not two, but three blankets that you wrapped tightly around you. Still, you couldn’t stop the chills racking your body from all your time outside. Jess had sat next to you on his bed and was quietly watching you while you froze away, until he let out a frustrated sigh and tugged you towards him.
“What are you doing-“
You didn’t get to finish before Jess ripped you of every layer you had just wrapped yourself in – minus the jumper – and you squawked in outrage. Jess ignored you, rewrapping both of you in the cocoon of blankets and pulling you closer until your head rested against his chest.
“There,” he said. “Body heat.”
You rolled your eyes but nestled further into his embrace, feeling the delicious heat surround you. The two of you stayed there like that, holding on to one another, until you tilted your head to look up at him.
“Thank you,” you said. “For doing this.”
Jess raised an eyebrow. “Doing what, exactly?”
You shrugged. “Letting me stay over, keeping me warm, the hot chocolate.”
Jess looked at you silently before carefully brushing some hair away from your face. His hand stopped on your face, before a slow smile crept across his face.
“You’re all good,” he said quietly, tugging you closer to him.
You placed your head into the crook of his neck so he couldn’t see you smiling, and slowly, as you listened to the steady beat of Jess’s heart and felt some feeling come back to your fingers and toes, you drifted to sleep, wrapped up in Jess’s embrace.
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Forgive me, Jess, please know that I tried To hold on to the days When you were mine
— requested by @emmafallsinlove
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bonnyisboring · 11 days
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𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 - 𝐂𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐧‧₊˚
𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫
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clockworkbee · 4 months
Them: So what's all this hype around The Folk of The Air? It's just another YA enemies-to-lovers, urban fantasy series.
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clemssigss · 14 days
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me and him (we’ve talked once) 🤍🎵
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