#give his jug a hug
luveline · 5 months
Can you do hotch and pregnant!reader where they’ve been trying for a baby for awhile without success and he comes home from a mission to a pregnancy announcement?
pregnant!reader, 1k
Trying for a baby with Aaron is undeniably a good time. He’s the kindest man you’ve ever met. He loves you intensely. 
There’s been a lot of intimacy (crassly but obviously), ten times as many kisses, and a heap of disappointed hugs to mellow it out. 
“We aren’t in any rush,” he’d said last time, in the midst of a post-test back rub, his voice soft and comforting as always, “we just need to take our time. You’ll wish we took a little more time once it happens, I promise.”  
When you do find out, you’re overjoyed. He should know logistically that it was possible for you to find out while he was away, and he shouldn’t be surprised, but you’re hoping he will be anyhow. He looks moody walking up the path to the house, a little less when he notices you and Jack sitting on the porch swing with a jug of lemonade on the glass table. You take Jack’s glass.
“Hey, buddy!” he says, laughing as Jack jumps from the swing and rushes across the porch to tackle his legs in a hug. “Hey, buddy,” he repeats, gentler, “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too.” 
“Let me go put my stuff in the safe, okay? I’ll be right back.” 
He sends you a glowing smile and heads inside. Jack runs back to the swing and uses your leg to climb onto his cushion, turning his face up to yours. You can’t decide if he looks more like Aaron or Haley. 
Haley, you think after a few seconds. Jack has eyes like hers, big and round but with thick lashes in the corners that make them seem sparkly. 
“Are you gonna tell him the secret now?” Jack whispers. 
“Yes, I am. Do you think he’ll be happy?” 
“So happy.” Jack nods. “Like me. I can’t wait to have a brother.” 
“Or sister,” you say, putting the lemonades down on the table. 
“Or sister, but I want a brother.” 
Aaron returns in time to catch it. “You can’t choose, buddy, it happens at random.” He’s ditched his suit jacket inside, rolling his sleeves to the elbow. His first port of call is to pick Jack up and hug him like he’s something fragile. He guards Jack from the sun, turning half from you, and covers the small boy’s back with his hand. “You okay?” he asks. “You had a good time? Sorry I said I’d be back yesterday, but I wasn’t. I’m sorry.” 
Jack laughs into his dad’s neck. “You’re back today.” 
“You missed both of my questions, bud. How are you?” Aaron asks. 
“I’m excited! Y/N’s gonna tell you a secret!” 
You grin. Aaron turns to you expectantly. “Oh yeah? And you can’t tell me?” 
“Noooo,” Jack drags out. 
Aaron manoeuvres around the table, sitting on the porch swing next to you, the hooks creaking as he settles. Jack gets comfortable on his lap, eyes flashing between you and his dad excitedly. It’s as good a place as any to tell him the news, sunshine on your faces, his hand working behind your back. 
You smile at him before you start to speak. You can tell he already knows. “I found something out this morning.” 
“Yeah?” he asks, clutching at your back. His hand can’t stay still suddenly. It’s like a massage. “You are?”
“Yeah, I think so. The test says so. I took one of those strip ones first and it was two lines, and then I took a Clear Blue and it says one to two weeks.” 
“You’re pregnant,” he says surely, his lips turned up into a line, his smile as bright as you’ve ever seen it. 
“With a baby!” Jack supplies. 
“I’m just worried it’s too early.” 
“Honey, if the test says you’re pregnant, it’s not too early. How many did you take, just two?” 
“Four.” You nod, pulse going hard in your chest, you’re that happy. 
“Four,” he says, leaning in slowly to give you time to tilt your head. You close your eyes, smiling too much to kiss back as Aaron presses a loving one to your top lip, then just below, a pressure on the seam of your lips that makes you laugh. “I think you can be confident in their accuracy, then.” 
He kisses you again, then Jack. “What do you think about that, Jack? Y/N’s pregnant! She’s gonna get a big tummy.” 
“Like Mrs. Lundy?” 
Aaron cuddles him up to his neck. “Yeah, exactly like Mrs. Lundy. Wow. What should we do to celebrate?” 
Something in his voice has changed, turning scratchy and raw. You duck your head to peer at him through the shadow of Jack’s head, flummoxed by the sudden appearance of wetness in his lashes. 
“Aaron,” you murmur. 
He nods into Jack’s hair. 
“You are happy, right?” you ask. 
“Yeah,” he says, hugging Jack like he’s scared he’s gonna move away. 
You aren’t sure what he’s thinking about, if he’s happy or sad, though it’s probably both, but you know he loves you. You wrap your arm behind his head, the other around his arm where he holds Jack. “You know what four tests means?” you ask, giving his back a good rub with your knuckles. 
Aaron’s eyes blink open. He doesn’t cry, to your relief, he only leans forward to kiss you all over your closest cheek. “What does it mean?”
“It means I’m gonna have four babies, duh.” 
“Four?” Jack asks incredulously. “No way. Dad, I am not having four brothers. No way.” 
“What’s wrong with four brothers?” Aaron asks. “You’d only have to share your room with two.” 
“No way!” 
“We’re kidding, baby,” you say, taking Jack in where he sits on Aaron’s lap. You’d have been perfectly happy with just him and his father, but you’re ecstatic for another baby to bring up. Jack will make a good brother, and Aaron’s a great dad. “It’s one brother or sister. You’ll have your own room no matter what.” 
He sighs in relief that’s too big for his body. “Oh, okay. I’m excited again then.” 
Aaron gives the porch swing a rock with his leg. “Me too, buddy.” 
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stevieschrodinger · 27 days
Part One Eighteen
Eddie looks up, towards the front of the house, “car.”
It’s a good count of five before Steve hears a car pulling up onto the drive, “do you want to get it? Surprise Robin?”
Eddie just shakes his head, suddenly shy. Steve remembers how loudly she had shrieked over the phone, “yeah, that’s fair.”
Steve waits until the bell is rung, and Eddie does come and stand in the hallway, half hidden in the lounge doorway, watching as Steve gets the door. Just as he’s opening it he realizes just how uncharacteristically polite she’s being; normally Robin just barges in.
He gets his answer a second later; it’s not just Robin.
She does cross the threshold first, hugging Steve and then clearly spotting Eddie, Steve grabs her, “do not be loud.”
“Okay, okay,” and she goes in.
Joyce is next, carrying a big pot with a lid, she leans over to kiss Steve’s cheek, Jon and Nancy follow, both equally laden down, Nancy holding what looks like a cobbler in a large dish, with a grocery bag hanging precariously from each wrist, “we didn’t have many left overs, so mom put together a quick dessert, it’s only canned filling, hope that’s okay.”
“That’s...so great of you Nancy, she didn’t need to-”
“Hush, Steve,” and she goes in, Hopper, Will and El bringing up the rear. Everyone has their hands full.
“Okay, lets move along, we need to get all this warmed up,” Joyce says to clear the blockage of Eddie gawkers in the hall. Steve watches as Eddie nods at people, looking on curiously, as they all move past.
“Jon, bring through the kitchen chairs honey!”
Joyce has completely commandeered Steve house, and he’s totally okay with it. Jon and Hopper move the chairs so there’s enough seating around the dining table. They might be elbow to elbow, but Steve wouldn’t really have it any other way.
“We brought what we had honey,” Joyce tells Steve, passing him a bowl with a cucumber, a lettuce and some apples in it, “I didn’t want him to feel left out.”
Steve’s heart melts, “he actually might try a meal.”
Joyce absolutely lights up, and she takes the bowl back, setting it on the kitchen counter, “then lets get him a Christmas dinner. Can you deal with the roast please Hop, I’m bringing the rest out now,” and like a sergeant major directing her troops, Joyce calls on people to fetch and carry as she plates things up, “El honey, take all the cutlery please. Will, jugs of juice, thank you.”
Steve just smiles and watches it happen, “better be a beer in it for me,” Hopper grumbles from behind Steve.
Eddie’s been half watching from doorways, occasionally retreating to the couch and then coming back again, but he seems to be drawn by the smell of all the food. “Come on, come and sit at the table.”
“Table,” Eddie repeats, following as Steve leads him by the hand into the dining room.
Eddie sits, and Steve sits next to him.
“Well, Merry First Ever Christmas,” Joyce says to Eddie, before she’s distracted again, “Will, vegetables please.” Will huffs over his plate of meat and potatoes.
“What do you want baby?” Steve whispers to Eddie while everyone helps themselves.
Eddie shrugs a little helplessly in the face of the spread Joyce has put on. Steve smiles reassuringly, giving his thigh a squeeze before he makes him a plate with a little of everything. While he’s occupied, Steve is vaguely aware of El saying, “I love your hat.”
“Eddidie hat?” Eddie replies, “thank you, El.”
Eddie likes meat. He also still really likes his vegetables; he just likes them hot.
Once everyone’s eating the conversation dies down, Eddie uses a combination of claws and his fork to eat, and Steve doesn’t think he’s doing too badly for his first proper sit down meal, when Joyce asks, “Eddie, do you like the food?”
Eddie nods, “good good. Many good.”
Joyce smiles, “and how are you finding having legs?”
“Good, not different Stee.” Joyce seems to get the drift of what Eddie kind of means. This clearly gives Eddie an idea though, turning to Steve he asks, “Eddidie work? One dollar bill gro-ser-ees.”
“Uhm,” Steve chuckles, “maybe. Need to work on a few things first. Maybe.”
“Eddidie car?” And Eddie mimes turning the steering wheel back and forth.
“Need a license first,” Hopper interjects from the other end of the table.
“License first?”
“A drivers license,” Steve clarifies, or tries too, “so you can drive the car.”
“He’s going to need a birth certificate and all that,” Nancy adds.
Joyce elbows Hopper, “I’m sure Hop could help there.”
“Yeah, like I don’t have enough-” Joyce elbows him again, “yeah, okay. Watch it woman, your elbows are like knives.”
“Eddie,” El starts in, “your birth certificate is important, you can choose where you were born.”
“That’s not actually how it works for the rest of us,” Will whispers to her, smiling.
“I got to choose,” she tells him, “I chose Hawkins.”
“Eddidie born?”
El nods, “where you’re from.”
“The Upside Down,” Eddie announces with some confidence, raising a round of, maybe slightly weirded out, chuckles from around the table.
El shakes her head, “no, where are you from now?”
Eddie nods, grasping that part, “Hawkins Indiana. Pool,” and Eddie points, back through the house at the yard, just to clarify. Steve hides his laughter behind his hand.
“Might want to loose the ‘pool’ part,” Hopper adds, helpfully.
“No no,” Jon suggests, “if you make him like, from another country, it’ll explain the language barrier.”
“That’s not a bad idea,” Joyce muses, “where would you suggest?”
“Well, there’s only one obvious place, right? Fin-land.”
Everyone groans, and John gets balled up napkins thrown at him.
“In all seriousness kid, going to need a full name and date of birth,” Hopper tells them.
“Oh! Christmas Eve! That would be a lovely birthday for Eddie,” Joyce tells him, excited.
Hopper hums, “uh hu, what year? And a surname, write it all down for me kid.”
“Obviously Harrington,” Steve says before he can really think about it.
Hoppers eyebrows are in his hairline, “so...brothers?”
Robin nearly chokes on her drink.
“Okay, time for gifts, and then dessert after,” Joyce says as she shoos everyone into the lounge, “the boys can do the dishes later.”
Jon and Hop share a look, and Steve knows instantly it’s a look they’ve shared quite a few times.
Everyone spreads around in the lounge, El putting on the Christmas tree lights with a little frown of concentration.
“Okay, me first,” Joyce says, getting up, and she gives Steve and Eddie a wrapped gift each.
“Joyce, you don’t have to, I didn’t get chance to-”
“Don’t worry about any of that honey,” she waves him away, sipping her drink, “just open them.”
Eddie looks perplexed by the thing he’s been handed, just turning it over and over in his hands, “here, watch,” Steve says, and carefully tears into the paper on his own gift.
Eddie seems to be delighted by this turn of events, and uses his claws to easily tear into the paper.
Matching knitted material unfurls onto both of their laps, Steve unfolding his to find a red and green knitted sweater; clearly home made by Joyce.
Eddie holds his up, “sweater? Gift?”
“Yeah, look,” Steve holds up his own.
They are a little different; while the sleeves of Eddie’s are the same as Steve’s, the middle is a hell of a lot shorter, and it takes a second for Steve to realize why; it would stop it from dragging on the ground.
“Stee Eddidie not different!” Eddie says, all excited, just as Steve looses his battle and starts to cry.
A little less than twenty four hours ago, the deepest parts of Steve were convinced that Eddie was dead in his pool. Before that, days of...of torture, knowing that Eddie could very well be dying in the black water. The sleepless nights. The slow erosion of Steve’s hope, and the guilt that came with it, all seem to hit Steve all at once.
Eddie could have died, and now they’re here, sitting on the couch together, holding matching Christmas sweaters. They got insanely lucky.
Steve’s tears come harder, and a sob escapes him, “sorry,” he chokes out, excusing himself and heading into the kitchen.
“Stee?” Eddie creeps in quietly after him.
“Hey, I’m okay.”
Eddie frowns, following Steve across to where he’s leaning against the counter, wiping at his eyes with his sleeve, “no.”
It does make Steve laugh a little through his tears, and he lets Eddie carefully wipe his face before he licks the moisture off his fingers, “called?”
“Tears. I’m crying. I got upset.”
“Stee ow? Tell Eddidie.”
Steve swallows thickly, but his tears abate in the face of Eddie’s clear concern, “when you were in the pool...I had to wait. Days. And I was...so frightened. Scared. That you were dead.”
“Eddidie not dead.”
“No,” Steve huffs, “I know that now,” and he wraps his arms more firmly around Eddie’s middle, “I missed you.”
“Called missed?”
“I was sad, Steve ow, Eddie wasn’t here. You were gone. In the pool.”
“Eddidie no missed Steve. Sorry. Eddidie…” he taps the side of his head, the bobble wobbling as he cocks his head in thought, “no TV. TV inied. Together now. Many tomorrow.”
“All tomorrow?” Steve asks hopefully.
Eddie nods, his bobble rocking back and forth furiously.
And then he leans forward the scant inches between them, and kisses Steve. It’s slow, gentle. A soft brush of lips before Eddie shifts on a sigh. The gentlest, barely there sucking of Steve’s bottom lip; the softest of scratching claws against the back of his head, Eddie’s hand sliding into his hair.
“Oh!” Eddie pulls apart, but not away. If anything he instinctively holds Steve tighter, “I’m...I’m sorry,” Nancy says, wide eyed from the doorway, before she backs back into the lounge.
Steve sighs, “cats out of the bag now.”
“Cat? Lion. Tiger? Called bag?”
“I’ll explain that one another time, okay?”
When they sit back down on the couch, Steve has a fuck it moment and holds Eddie’s hand. He has to keep letting go so Eddie can open his gifts, but still. It doesn’t take long for Hopper to notice, and then he says, “oh, Harrington,” in the most unhelpful way ever.
Steve looks down at their linked fingers, and it suddenly occurs to him exactly which finger it is that next to the pinky finger. Oh. Oh, well. Eddie doesn’t understand what it means...and it’s not like Steve isn’t all in anyway at this point. Not that they can even get married but...he looks up, happening to make eye contact with Robin, who has the most ‘what the fuck?’ look on her face Steve’s ever seen.
Steve eyes her back, ‘not now.’
He gets some world class shit eye in return.
All of Steve’s gifts are...standard. Fairly thoughtful, but mostly just...standard. The toiletries he likes. Some cleaning stuff for his car. Another, not home made, new sweater.
Eddie on the other hand, makes absolute bank. Notebooks, coloring books, pencils and pens. A nice case to keep all of his stationary in. A four pack of fancy beer from Hopper of all people. Plus books, granted, they’re all kids books, but they’re perfect. Steve figures Eddie isn’t that far off learning to read, he has been nailing the alphabet for a little while now.
One of Eddie’s gifts from Robin is a calendar; it’s full of pictures of month appropriate trees. Steve sees cherry blossoms and ripe apples and snow covered firs as Eddie flicks through, reading the months out loud. “That’s a whole year,” Steve tells him, once Eddie has haltingly read out, ‘December,’ “we can write important things in there.”
Eddie perks up, “Eddidie Birthday?”
“Yeah, you want Christmas Eve?”
Eddie nods, and once Steve finds the right box on the right page, Eddie uses one of his new pens to, very carefully, write his name in the box. “Birthday?”
“How to spell birthday?”
Eddie nods, “letters.”
Steve tells him, one slow letter at a time, as Eddie writes it out, showing everyone proudly once he’s done.
Eddie insists on inspecting every single gift thoroughly, and saying thank you, before tucking it all around himself on the couch, like a little dragon with his tiny hoard.
Steve sighs when Eddie unwraps a VHS of ‘Splash,’ from Jon. “You’re not as funny as you think you are.”
“I’m hilarious,” Jon replies, deadpan.
Part twenty
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You know that feeling when you want to make a good impression and eveything you do feels low-key humiliating
Or when you're just perpetually mortified about every word that leaves your mouth by default regardless of what's happening or who you're talking to like I am—
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Oooh Nooooo
Zoro, Sanji, Shanks, Mihawk, Buggy x Reader
Needless pointless fluff with the tiniest bit of hurt-comfort or something
Live-action or anime/manga canon, either or both
I don't think there are any TWs?
Sorry for wasting all of our time with this silliness
Anyway here's some Nu.
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He just pushes himself much too hard sometimes.
Sitting down and "taking a nap" after training, when he's clearly well beyond his limit.
Or rather "passing out from utter exhaustion with his swords unsheathed across his lap."
It could have ended a lot worse than a rogue wave washing across the deck and a gash on his arm.
Grumbling about how he's fine and doesn't need any help the whole time you're wrapping bandages around his arm and chiding him.
Going silent and tense for a moment when you wrap him in a tight hug and softly ask him to be more careful.
No, he's not blushing, he's never blushed in his entire life, shut up
Hugging you back? What are you talking about?
Gives a little growl of annoyance, refusing to let you go for longer than he's willing to admit, and will probably say it was for your benefit if anyone asks.
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The old *whoops* with the pepper shaker.
It had already been a long day, he was just trying to wind down in the kitchen.
Trying to season a very simple, very straightforward sauce.
And the entire lid falls off of the pepper shaker, and into the pot, along with a massive pile of ground black pepper.
And he just lets out a groan of defeat, dropping to his knees and letting his forehead fall against the edge of the stove with a weak little thunk.
But no no no, you're already hurrying over to help scoop out the excess pepper, reassuring him that it'll definitely be fine.
Your rush to assist him is enough to make him smile in itself, to let out a small affectionate chuckle as he watches you grimace at the taste the ruined sauce, before you meet his eye and try to fake a smile.
Decides to repurpose the sauce in question, to get back at the idiots that loosened the pepper shaker lid in the first place.
The two of you are left snickering to yourselves while the rest of the crew fights over the nearest jug of fresh water after tasting it themselves.
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Man could probably drop a knife and sever three of his toes and still manage to laugh it off, what is "embarrassment...?"
Well, it's a little more subtle.
It's having to relearn how to use both a sword and a pen after losing half of his dominant arm.
It's laughing off how his handwriting looks like a child's now.
It's getting mildly annoyed at trying to button a shirt one-handed and simply tucking it into his belt instead.
It's refusing help with simple tasks that could be made far simpler if the stubborn idiot would just let you help already—
It's hearing him chuckle and agree when you call him a stubborn idiot for refusing any help, settling his hand in your hair and pulling you close.
The whole process is embarrassing in itself, but he's got you, and he's got his crew, and that makes it all so much easier.
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What on earth could he possibly have to be embarrassed about?
World's Greatest Swordsman, one of the seven Warlords, with a sense of wit as devastating as his blade.
And yet, despite all his efforts to hide it, he's just a big softie.
As if it wasn't already evident from how he allowed Zoro to live after challenging him and subsequently trained him, with the convenient excuse of wanting a worthy rival.
He's going to glare at you with a sharpness that could slice clean through diamond if you suggest out loud that he did any of it out of kindness, much less fondness.
But he's also going to sigh in an irritable sort of defeat when you kiss his cheek and compliment him for finding such a perfect balance between mercy and murder.
And mumble just as irritably about how you're lucky he finds you endearing enough to keep around, begrudgingly proving your point without even realizing it.
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Lives in a perpetual state of embarrassment that he tries to mask with haughtiness and aggression.
It mostly revolves around the elephant in the room.
The very red, very round elephant in the room, attached to the very center of his face.
The one he might just slaughter anyone for mentioning in front of him.
Who nose what that could possibly be *wink-wink*nudge-nudge**stupidest-pun*
But the second you plant a kiss there and say how cute it is, in a way that makes it clear you're not condescending or taunting him about it, he's too busy blushing and sputtering over his words to remember what he was supposed to be angry about in the first place.
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violet-butterflies · 1 year
❥︎ yandere! Dilf
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❥︎ Warnings ! ☞︎︎︎ drugging, stalking, delusional, doing things without consent ( male yandere! oc x female reader ) Click to see part 2 !
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It was a sunny afternoon when yandere! dilf finally finished unloading his and his son's stuff into their new home. Due to work and terrible memories from his past marriage, he moved into a different town with his son to start a new life. He was just beginning to unpack everything when someone knocked on his door.
"Hi! I'm your neighbor! I noticed that you were spending the whole day just unloading stuff so I decided to make you and your son some lemonade!"
The voice came from a woman who had a jug of lemonade on a tray with a couple of glass cups to pour the citrus drink into. Yandere! dilf couldn't help but smile at the offer as his muscular hands take the tray from your hands as he sent a pearly white smile their way.
"Thanks! I really appreciate it. I'm yandere! dilf by the way," he introduced himself while his son hides behind his leg "and this is my son."
"I'm (y/n)! Well then, I'll see you around neighbor!" (y/n) then disappeared back into their house which was right beside his. At first, yandere! dilf thought that he liked them because of their kind gift but it was only going to escalate from there.
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It really surprised yandere! dilf a few days when he met (y/n) again only in the most unexpected place. He was picking his son up from kindergarten when he realized that you were there, playing with his son.
"(y/n)? What are you doing here?"
"Oh! This is really such a coincidence! I happen to be your son's kindergarten teacher!" she explained with a bright smile on her face as his son came rushing to hug him.
"I was only playing with him since all the kids left already and I didn't want him to be alone for too long"
Yandere! dilf felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
"I'm really sorry about that. I've just been swamped with work and before I knew it, I was 2 hours late to pick him up."
You sent the muscular man a sympathetic smile.
"No, I completely understand... Does this mean that he's with babysitters most of the time?"
"That's what My plan is but well... it seems like I'm finding difficulty finding any babysitters in this neighborhood"
"If you'd like, I can babysit your son on the weekends? I happen to need some extra money but, don't worry, I won't charge a crazy amount. We're neighbors after all," she offered.
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Ever since (y/n) offered yandere! dilf to be his son's babysitter, he only began seeing more and more of you inside his house. Yandere! dilf only expected you to take care of his son but you always seemed to go above and beyond. Sometimes, if the house was messy you'd try to clean it as best you could. Or maybe when you knew that he'll be home late, you'd prepare a simple dinner for both his son and him.
"Don't worry about it! Being a single parent must be really hard so I'll try to help you as best as I can!" That was always the kind of answer you would give when yandere! dilf feels bad for having you do all the housework.
Slowly though, yandere! dilf can't help but feel like (y/n) was acting just like a stay-at-home wife for him and he liked it. He can't help but daydream of situations where you were actually his wife. Situations where he was sharing a bed with you or taking you out on dates or sometimes to the extent of either their marriage or what their future children would look like.
Yandere! dilf might not look like it but, he was completely smitten. He was scared however of you finding out that he had a fat massive crush on you since he was at least 7 years older than you. This crush caused him to be obsessive and overprotective of you.
"What if she finds someone better? What if she is seeing someone?" Those were the questions that always made him have a small panic attack. He can't afford to lose someone so perfect; someone, who proved herself to be the perfect wife for him.
So, yandere! dilf would set up cameras in his house and ask you to babysit all the time. This would mean that he could always see you playing with his son through his phone and it always makes his heart swell with joy. He loved seeing how well you were getting along with the most precious little human in his world which only boosts the idea of how you were the only perfect person to be his son's mother and his wife. Not only that, but to take it one step further, he loved to buy you some treats or drinks when he gets back from work. The only catch is that they were drugged so you'd always end up falling asleep in yandere! dilf's house. (Y/n) never found it too odd though since you always connected it to you being too exhausted by playing with yandere! dilf's son all day.
(Y/n) falling asleep in his house was a big win for yandere! dilf too. The drugs that he used would make (y/n) fall into such a deep sleep it would actually be impossible to wake you up. This would mean that he can take as many pictures as he can and make you sleep on the bed with him before he has to move you to a spare room before you wake up to avoid suspicion. He loves it when he gets to snuggle your smaller body on his bed; a bigger plus if his son decides to join in. It was as if you three were already a picture-perfect family that yandere!dilf always dreamed of. His phone gallery is now filled to the brim with pictures of his son and you. His phone wallpaper is (y/n), there was a group picture of (y/n), his son and him set as his computer wallpaper, and there was a picture of (y/n) and his son in his wallet; acting like the perfect family he always dreamed of.
"Oh, good morning (y/n)! You fell asleep here again. Don't worry about it though! Here I made us all breakfast!"
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luvfy0dor · 5 months
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“Please Don't Cry ♡⁠˖” BSD x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
Warnings; crying, Nikolais kinda an asshole
Description; The BSD men seeing you cry, whether it's their fault or not
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A/n; hi guys :333 one more request until they're all finished!! It only took me 6 months to do what, 11? 12? I don't know, I'm really slow when it comes to reqs, so I'm sorry it took so long!! I've also decided not to change to a gray theme cuz I don't wanna feel like I'm copying anyone, maybe one day though!!
Osamu Dazai ★
• It's probably his fault in most cases, but for this scenario we'll assume it isn't. Your day has just progressively gotten worse, and you were at the point where any minor inconvenience or annoyance would set you off and make you cry.
You pushed open the door to your apartment that you shared with your boyfriend, bags in your hands ready to rip from the weight of the groceries inside. You huff and kick the door shut behind you, annoyed when it doesn't fully close and requires you to kick it one more time. You carry the bags to the kitchen counter and set them down rather aggressively, not minding the strength you put into roughly placing them on the surface while you turn to put them away and wait for your boyfriend to arrive home from work for once. You sigh with a hand on your hip and the other on your forehead, opening the fridge and observing your current minimal amount of food and get to stocking up. A few things make it into the fridge before you hear the door open again and your boyfriend call out to you. "Y/n? Home?" A hum erupts from your throat in response and he quickly makes his way to you, following the sound of your voice. "Hey, babe, how was your day?" He asks, grabbing a head of lettuce to hand to you. "Terrible, 'Samu, nothing tragic happened but like, all the little things, you know?" You say, shoving the head of lettuce into one of the bottom drawers of the refrigerator. He reaches over to grab the milk, but realized that the half-gallon wasn't completely full, and upon further investigation (lifting the jug up), he realized that the plastic had broken and milk was spilling out into the plastic bags, onto the counter, and down onto the floor.
"Oh, the milk broke." He says, taking a large, exaggerated step past you and over the milk to bring the half-gallon to the sink. You straighten your posture and stand up straight, head swiveling towards the counter with whiplash inducing speed. You felt your throat close up, making you unable to say anything in response. Before you knew it, your shoulders started shaking and your tears quickly followed that motion. You whimpered quietly into the palms of your hands which attracted Dazais attention again over the milk. "Aw, don't cry over spilled milk now!" He jokes, but when you give him an agitated glare and open your mouth to defend yourself, he switches up and pulls you in for a hug. "No, I was just joking, but it's okay! There's nothing to cry about, we can get more milk. Do you have any idea how it coulda happened?" He asks you, stroking your back. "M-might've put the bag down to roughly.." you say, sniffling and wiping your tears from your face. He gives a pitiful frown and kisses your cheek quickly.
"Well that just means you're too strong for your own good! Oo, see I knew there was a reason why I had to clarify I was joking, you could've broken my neck if I didn't." He playfully says, trying to cheer your up a little bit. You let out a shaky sigh and nod. "Yeah...I guess. We can go without milk for tonight, I'll get some more for tomorrow." You grab some paper towels from the roll on the counter and start cleaning up all the milk. He nods in agreement and pulls you into his body, pressing a kiss to your forehead and squeezing your shoulder. "Yeah, we'll live. We should get take out for dinner, I don't think either of us are really in the mood to cook." A little bit of weight is lifted off your shoulders, one less responsibility for tonight. "Okay, Chinese?" he nods and smiles. "Yeah. I'll call right now, you want your usual, right?" He asks, pulling his phone out of his pocket. You hum against his chest, ready to knock out and take a nap. His words blurred together as you felt yourself slipping into sleep, but with that you also felt great amounts of gratitude for your boyfriend for making you feel just a little better. Or maybe you just needed to cry a little, who knows.
Chuuya Nakahara ★
• Chuuya is no stranger to annoying co-workers and tiring missions, often wearing him down through the day, but sometimes he's unintentionally snappy. Don't worry, he's always quick to make it up to you.
Throughout the day, the texts between yourself and Chuuya had indicated that Chuuya was having a rather troublesome day, especially because of the frequent complaints followed by the facepalm emoji. You decided that you'd kick back with Chuuya and relax, opening a new bottle of one of his favorite wines and maybe giving him a back massage or something to relieve his stress. You eagerly awaited that familiar sound of his key in the door, and when you finally heard it, you stood up from your seat. In walked Chuuya, his appearance a little roughed up. He hung up his coat and hat without a word or glance to you, walking right passed you into the kitchen. 'That was kinda rude.' You thought to yourself, but you knew Chuuyas job was stressful and sometimes overwhelming, so you let him walk off on his own for a while. You knew where he was going and it didn't concern you, just to the balcony for a cigarette. You crossed your arms over you chest, hoping that he'd come back in a bit of a better mood. You turned on the TV and occupied yourself with that for a little bit before his familiar, light footsteps were heard coming back into the house. "Chuuya?" You called out to him. You could hear his loud sigh. "Yes?" His tone of voice was clearly agitated and disgruntled.
You were taken aback by how clear it was that he didn't want to talk to you right now, and you knew it wasn't personal, but you couldn't help but be saddened over it. "Are you alright-" you go to ask, but he quickly cuts you off. "Yes, I'm fine, y/n, just leave me alone. God..." His words were followed by the bedroom door closing. You were stunned. Your mouth hung agape for a moment before you had to close it to swallow the shock that closed your throat up. After prying your eyes away from the closed door, you averted your gaze to your feet, feeling tears well up in your eyes. You felt bad for crying, but what could you do? All you wanted was to make him feel a little better and he wouldn't even give you the chance to. He chose to take some alone time instead, which you didn't mind, but he didn't have to be so mean about it. You went into your hands, some of the tears falling through the cracks in your fingers and silently onto the floor. Your sobs became louder and audible to Chuuya, who laid face first on the bed. He felt a bit guilty too, he never once asked how your day was and for all he knew, your day could have been just as bad as his. He knew you only had good intentions, and he didn't need to shove you off like that.
He sighed and got out of bed, opening the door gently instead of swinging it open and walked into the living room again, frowning at the sight of you. "I'm sorry, doll, y'know I didn't mean it..." He whispered quietly, placing a hand on your shoulder. You turned your head to look into his eyes, seeing the apologetic expression that painted his face. "Yeah, I know, but you didn't have to be so mean about it." He sighed and pulled you into a hug. "Yeah, I know, that was a dumb move. I just wanted some alone time, ill be better about it next time though, I promise." He says, grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles. "Wanna tell me 'bout your day?" He asks, looking over at you. "Thank you. It wasn't terrible, just bland and regular." You tell him, erupting a hum of understanding from him. "I can only assume you already know I had a rough day." He jokes, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm real sorry though." The smile from his laugh turns into a more neutral one, almost a faint frown. "It's fine, just don't let it happen again, I don't like it when you're annoying like that." You punch his shoulder playfully. He groans in response, laughing as he stands up. "I won't, promise." He says, tilting your head backwards to kiss your lips. "I do still want that alone time, though, so I'll see you in a little bit, alright?" You nod in understanding. "Alright." He walked back into the room, giving himself some time to do nothing more than exist. He didn't sleep and he didn't think, just existed. You stayed on the couch, waiting for him to return with open arms, happy to see him giving himself personal time instead of forcing himself to be around people, even if it was yourself. Everyone needs a break sometimes, and Chuuya was grateful that you understood.
Fyodor Dostoevsky ★
• Fyodor came home to you, and that was enough to make you sob your eyes out. Happy tears, ofcourse, but your days had been riddled with anxiety since he left. He knew you'd feel that way, and he was fully prepared to open his arms to you again with that faint smile.
You watched the helicopter land on the helipad with your heart pounding in your throat. Your fingers fiddled with the collar and fabric of your shirt as you waited for the propellers to come to a full halt and your lover to step off. Leaves, gravel, and dust alike all blew around your feet as the blades finally slowed and your boyfriend came into view. Your body tensed and almost started moving towards him on its own, but your anxiety stopped it, keeping you in your place. Your eyes scanned over his intact body and granted you a sense of relief when you saw no visible large injuries. He took notice of you and gave a small wave, walking towards you with a steady pace. You couldn't stop it anymore and all of a sudden you were moving towards him at an increasing speed. Before you knew it, your arms were once in their familiar spot around his torso and he was quietly chuckling. He ran one hand up and down your back and kissed your forehead. "Someone's excited." You nodded, feeling your tears falling down your face. It wasn't until he got a better look at your face that he noticed you were crying, and his smile widened. "You missed me that much, Myshka?" He says, tilting your head upwards to look at him.
"Obviously! You knew I would." You huff, sniffling and wiping your tears off of your cheeks, but they just kept on flowing. He laughs at you and pulls you back into the hug. "Well i'm home now, and you don't have to worry about me anymore. For now, atleast." Now he's already got you stressing over his next leave, but luckily you're able to push it away from your head in the moment and be grateful to breathe in his familiar scent again. You felt him place a hand on your head and exhale, his heartbeat being your favorite sound next to his voice. The feeling of his hands on your body was easily #1 in the category of touch, and his appearance was, to you, the very best sight. And his kisses, his lips, were by far the best taste. It had been so long until you felt his lips on yours, so you went for it again, cupping his face with your right hand and pulling him into you. He hummed and kissed you back, rubbing your hip with his thumb. When you pulled away, his face was pinker than before and his breathing unsteady. He swallowed before speaking. "Everytime I come back to you it's like adding gasoline to the bonfire that is my love for you." He says, looking into your eyes.
You couldn't help but find his words as silly as they were romantic and pulled him in for another brief peck. "You talk so formally all the time, it makes me giggle." You tell him, caressing his pale pink lips with your thumb. "It's better than the things I say that make you cry, yes?" He had a point. "Very true." He grabbed your hand and held it in his own while leading you away from the helicopter and to your car, more than ready to go home. "Your face is still wet from your tears." He whispers, wiping the remaining dampness from your cheeks with a smile. "Much better." You blushed and nodded. "Yeah, I'm glad you're finally back to wipe my tears for me." You tease. "Was a workout doing it all by my lonesome." He laughs at your remark and 'tsks'. "Well then maybe you should get more active or stop crying so much." He replies, a smug grin on his face. "Says you, the only arm movement I ever see you getting in is moving the mouse of a keyboard around." He shakes his head. "That's very untrue, you see me using my arms for other things rather frequently, actually." He insists. The sun shone down on his raven hair and gave him a halo-like highlight. How unfitting to the rest of the world, but sensible to you. "Fine, I guess so." You leaned your head on his shoulder as you continued to walk, finally liberated from the depression and anxiety that overcame you when he had left all that time ago.
Nikolai Gogol ★
• Nikolai doesn't mean to hurt your feelings with his teasing and jokes, but when you trip and fall face first into the pavement in front of a bunch of people and all he does is laugh with them, you can't help but cry out of embarrassment.
You walked along a sidewalk with your boyfriend, one hand holding his and the other holding a coffee. Your conversation was filled with mindless chatter as your stride stayed at a steady speed. Your eyes were flickering between him and the pavement in front of you as you were careful to watch where you were going. You saw the feet of many people walking passed you both, avoiding the states they were bound to give you and your clownish boyfriend. Something astonishing must have come out of Nikolais mouth at a point though, because you've never turned your head so fast to look at him and stare for long enough to not notice the tree roots that poked out of the ground far enough to trip you and land you right on your face with both coffee and dirt all over your shirt. All falls silent for a moment before you start hearing snickers and then the outrageously loud cackle of your boyfriend.
You pushed your body up off the ground, clearly embarrassed over the whole thing and shot a glare at Nikolai. "Really? You're just gonna stand there and laugh?" Your cheeks were hot and your heart heavy with both annoyance and fluster. "I'm sorry, dove, it was just so funny! That stains gonna take awhile to come out, though." He says, pointing out the big splatter of coffee on your light colored top. You can't help but scoff. "It was so funny that you couldn't even help me up?" He nods, exhaling audibly and wiping a tear of amusement from his eye. "But ofcourse! If I wasn't paralyzed by my laughter than I would have been the first to help you." He started walking back home along the paved path with you, going to grab your hand but furrowing his eyebrows when you snatch it away. He looks up to your face with an exasperated frown. "Oh, don't tell me that made you cry." You just sniffle and huff, letting your tears drip from your waterline. "Come on, don't be such a baby. It's just a material item, I can always get you a new one." He says, referring to the shirt. Your expression is one of confusion before you snap out of it and correct him. "It's not that, it's the fact that you just let me trip, fall, and spill coffee all over myself and let everyone laugh at me! You even laughed with them! That's so rude." You say, trying to cover the stain to no avail.
He blinks. "Oh. Well, I told you I would have if I wasn't laughing- I thought we were like that, we laugh when the other falls, you know?" He raises an eyebrow. "Okay, yeah, but not in front of other people." You say, chewing on the inside of your lip. "That was....oh my god, I'll never erase that from my memory." You say, still completely overtaken by embarrassment. He bites his cheek and grabs your hand before reaching over to wipe your tears from your cheeks. "I'm sorry." He tells you, leaning his head on yours. "It wasn't ever with ill intention, darling. We'll go home and I'll get you changed out of that ruined shirt and whatever it takes to make you smile again." He says, smiling and opening his portal to whisk the two of you away. Soon enough you were standing back in your living room with a new shirt already in hand. "See how quick that was? Can I take this off for you?" He asks, tugging at the hem of your ruined shirt. You sigh and speak. "I can take it off on my own, thank you very much." You roll your eyes and pull it off, but it's quickly replaced with the new one. He laughs for a moment at your discombobulated expression, but the noise quickly quiets. "I really am sorry, sweetcheeks." He says, leaning in to rub your noses together. You peck his lips and brush his hair from his face. "It's fine, but don't be doing nothin' like that again. That was so embarrassing." You say, averting your eyes. He hums. "Alright, as long as my dove forgives me!" He smiles and pulls you into a hug, happy with your decision to forgive him.
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A/n; dawg I'm writing this in the tj Maxx bro forgive me if it sucks lol
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judasofsuburbia · 2 years
something something kindergarten teacher! steve who is so tired of going on bad dates. kindergarten teacher! robin who doesn't want him to give up.
“Really? The date went that bad?” Robin asks again. 
“Yes,” Steve drones. “I swear she looked like she’d rather be at the dentist than on a date with me.”
Robin makes a sad face at him. Steve continues to sort the paint jugs and throw out any that have been mixed with other colors. Robin finishes putting toys back into cubbies and sanitizing the fake food. 
“Okay so,” Robin starts. 
Steve immediately holds up a hand. “Don’t say ‘maybe she’s not the one but someone is’. I’m sick of this, Rob. I feel like I’m just better off alone.”
“Not true,” Robin argues. “You’re a catch. You’re attractive and good with kids. You make me laugh so hard my ribs shake. You’re a great listener and you make amazing cocktails. Great helmet of hair. Who wouldn’t want to date that?” 
Steve’s heard it all before. He loves Robin, he does, but it doesn’t seem to matter what she thinks of him because no one in this town wants to make it to date two with him.
He used to be so good at this. Always had a girl on his arm at football games in high school. Always had a date to prom. Always had some girl to make out with at parties. Even when he realized later on in his twenties that he liked boys too, he still couldn’t find one that took his attraction seriously.
Steve Harrington? Like both? Unheard of, apparently. 
Still, Steve didn’t want to start the first day of school on a bad note. “Thanks, Rob. I might need to lick my wounds for a second but I’ll get back on the horse I promise.”
“Good because our marriage pact could be closing soon,” Robin mumbles with a sly smile. 
Steve’s head whips around. “Are you‒”
“I have a ring picked out,” Robin practically squeals. 
Steve does his best to gently set down the paint jugs and rip off his latex gloves before darting across the room to pick Robin up in a twirling hug. He kisses her head repeatedly until she’s groaning, giggling, and shoving him off. 
“Rob, that’s amazing,” Steve breathes. He squeezes her tightly again. 
“You better keep your mouth shut,” Robin warns with a pointed finger. “It’s so hard to surprise Nancy Wheeler but I think I’m finally going to be able to.” 
Steve’s grinning from ear to ear as he mimes zipping his mouth closed. “Secret’s safe with me.”
The alarm on Steve’s phone breaks them out of their little love fest and suddenly the halls are filled with parents, children, and teachers gabbing to high heaven. Robin gives him a salute before crossing over onto her side of the classroom. Technically, there is a foldable partition between the two rooms but it will be a cold day in Hell if Robin and Steve ever actually separate their classrooms. 
Steve goes to stand by his door and greet his new gaggle of students. He high-fives each of them as they walk through the door and points to their assigned cubby and seat.
Fifteen minutes later, he’s looking around the room and sees that two seats are still empty. Dustin and Max Munson. He didn’t see them at parent-teacher night last week but he knows from their file that they’re fraternal twins from a single, widowed dad. He tries to keep an eye out for them but he knows the other kids are getting restless. 
Then he hears, “Oh, Mr. Munson, you’re actually in Steve’s‒sorry, Mr. Harrington’s class. He’s just right across the way.” 
Steve glances across the room and does a double-take. Across the room is the alleged Mr. Munson, this tall, lanky man with curly brown hair that hits his shoulders with a blank bandana tying down the top of his head, big brown eyes, a leather jacket with pins, a white tank top, and coverall sleeves tied at his waist. He’s positively breathtaking. 
Holding either hand are Max and Dustin. A little redhead with a baseball cap, overalls, and a striped shirt. A little brunette curly head with green khaki shorts and a shirt with a dragon on it. Mr. Munson smiles apologetically at Robin and walks across the room to Steve’s. Dustin bolts to his assigned seat and starts talking animatedly to Will Byers who looks a little scared out of his mind but is quickly rescued by Mike Wheeler who is just as excited. Max stays glued to Mr. Munson’s side as he walks up to Steve.
If Steve’s not mistaken, Mr. Munson looks him up and down before speaking. 
“Sorry we’re late,” Mr. Munson says and of course, his voice is pretty too. “This one is a little nervous about being away from her dad.”
Steve draws his eyes away from the strong neck and pale collarbones that poke out from underneath his jacket to the scared girl. He bends down to her level and gives her a soft smile. 
“Are you Max? I’m Mr. Harrington,” Steve says.
Max blinks, inching more and more behind Mr. Munson’s pant leg. 
“School’s kinda scary, huh?” Steve asks. 
Max nods.
“I know I get a little nervous on the first day and I’m the teacher,” Steve admits in a small, dramatic voice. He sees the tiniest sliver of a smile on Max’s face. “I’ve sat you next to Lucas Sinclair,” Steve points to the smiling kid on the other side of the room. Lucas gives a small wave. “He’s a very nice boy and I think he even likes the Bulls,” Steve gestures to Max’s hat. “So, I think you guys will have loads to talk about. We’re gonna have a really fun day, okay? And then you’ll get to tell your dad all about it.”
Max glances timidly around the room again and slowly lets go of her dad’s pant leg. Dustin rushes over and shows Max where her cubby is which detaches her completely. Max sits next to Lucas who does get very excited over her hat. Steve and Mr. Munson watch her relax little by little. 
“Holy sh‒shirt," Mr. Munson coughs and smiles sheepishly. "Wow, uh, you really know how to talk to them. Literally made her a friend within five seconds."
Steve stands and tries to regain composure now that the irresistible dad’s attention is on him. 
“Thanks,” Steve says quietly. “The first day is always a little tricky.”
Mr. Munson holds out his hand and says, “Eddie.”
Steve takes it, feeling a little dizzy over how firm his grip is and the callouses on his hands. “S-Steve. Harrington.”
“I’m sorry we couldn’t make it last week. Last-minute towing emergency for Chief Hopper,” Eddie says, finally dropping Steve’s hand. 
Steve playfully rolls his eyes. “I’ve been telling him for years that he needs to dump that old hunk of junk already. I’m guessing you work for Munson Mechanics?”
Eddie smiles boldly and glances down at his attire. “Yeah, that’s where I get this sick uniform. Very exclusive.”
“I’m jealous,” Steve laughs nervously, trying desperately to keep his eyes on Eddie’s face. But even then, his eyes are so pretty and his smile is so radiant. There’s faint stubble on his upper lip and jaw. Steve wants to run his fingers over it amongst other things.
“Well, I won’t keep you much longer,” Eddie smiles, clapping Steve on his back. “Maybe I’ll get you a free oil change for your trouble.”
“Oh, it’s no trouble‒”
Eddie leans forward a little and squeezes Steve’s shoulder. He whispers, “Or maybe I just want to see you when there are not twenty five-year-olds staring at me.”
From this proximity, Steve can smell his cologne and lingering car oil. He can feel his brain cells dying every second he inhales the intoxicating aroma. Steve breathes shallowly, too aware of the growing blush on his cheeks, and says, “S-sure. I’d like that.”
Eddie smirks and has the audacity to wink before going to each of his kids, ruffling their hair, and kissing them goodbye with a big wet smack on their cheeks. He passes by Steve again and murmurs, “I won’t say goodbye to you like that. Not yet, at least. Good luck with my little gremlins” before walking out the door. 
Steve hears the clunk of his boots echoing down the hall and each step makes his heart beat louder against his ribs.
He dares to look at Robin across the room who is staring at him with a smug grin on her face. She mimics getting on a horse and does a little lasso with her hand. 
Steve adjusts his glasses, clears his throat, and says in his best teacher voice, “Alright friends, who’s ready to start kindergarten?” 
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eternalmoonlight18 · 21 days
Please please Shanks or Law taking care of sick!reader
Ouuuu I always wanted to do headcanons based on sick!reader!
Law and Shanks Taking Care of You When You're Sick
GN!Reader x Trafalgar Law and GN!Reader x Akagami no Shanks (pre-established relationship)
Your immune system is usually strong, so you usually don't get sick
But one day, you suddenly fell ill, like super SUPER ill and you're bedridden
But you don't let the others find out, and everyone thinks that you're sleeping.
But once the crew finds out you're down with a sickness for the first time they freak out and tell their captains.
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Trafalgar Law
Once he's alerted that you're down with illness, he heads straight to your room
He's pissed that you didn't say anything to him but he couldn't stay mad once he saw how sick you really were
He's a doctor so of course he knows what to do! He comes back to your room with a blood pressure monitor, thermometer, and an IV
Yeah he kind of goes overboard
But I think he would have an innate fear of his loved one getting sick or ill because of what happened to his family and friends with the White Lead disease and it triggers him
So he does everything under his power to make sure you're okay
"Hold still I'm trying to take your blood pressure"
"Law, this is fourth time you've done this in the last hour"
He would make sure that you're well fed with hot soup
Makes sure that you're taking your medication even though they taste terrible
"I don't want to take it"
"(Y/n)-ya, I will literally cut you in half and place that pill directly in your stomach so help me God"
He would refuse to leave your side and will sleep on a chair next to you
Will make sure that you're hydrated
Expect a 2-litre jug of water in your room and he will make you finish one a day until you better or else he threatens to hook you up to an IV
"How many times did you pee today? If you pee a lot it means you drank a lot of water which will help you recover"
"Uh I didn't go yet"
"You have 1 minute to drink 1 litre of water or else I'm hooking you up to this IV right now"
Once you're better he will force you to do checkups with him every month from now on
"I hate the infirmary I refuse to do monthly checkups. Also, isn't supposed to be annual?"
"I don't trust your immune system anymore"
He may be overbearing and too much but that's because he loves you very much and hates to see you sick <3
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Akagami no Shanks
The man beelines it to your room as soon as Benn alerts him that you're down with an illness
He starts freaking out because he thinks you're dying because you've never been sick before until now
"Omg please don't die yet we have to get married first"
"Shanks, darling, I just have a flu"
Y'all know that scene where Luffy tries to make Nami feel better on Drum Island when she was sick and he makes a silly face
Yeah, Shanks does the same thing
His face is scribbled with blank ink and his hair is tied up into two ponytails as he tries to make you laugh. Hongo walks in on him and accidentally stabs Shanks with one of his needles in shock
While Hongo does the actual healing since he's the doctor, Shanks tries his best to assist him even though he was no help
"Captain can you not use my stethoscope on their asscheeks please"
"Sorry I was trying to see if I could hear their heartbeat from there"
Shanks would try to cook soup for you but for some reason it tasted like beer
"Is it delicious? I tried to make soup for you so you'd feel better!"
"Why does it taste like beer? And is that a dead fly?"
While you're sleeping, he'd put cold damp towels on your forehead and change them every hour on the dot
Shanks will also refuse to leave your side as well. He will be glued next to you until you got better
He'd give lots of forehead kisses and will cuddle with you, much to your dismay
"Honey, it's getting too hot"
"I know, it's cause I'm here"
"No you loveable idiot you're hugging me too tight, let me go before I cough on your face"
Once you're fully recovered the man is stuck to you like velcro and smothers you with his love and kisses
"Shanks stop it you're going to make me sick with all of your germs!"
"Then let's both get sick!"
He may be clueless but he does his best to take care of you because he loves you <3
LOL this was fun to write
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Lips anon! Soccer Family. Silly little idea, but Imagine Miguel pestering the wife by calling her breasts "Milk Jugs" lmao
One time he says it too casually, and Gabi pops outta nowhere like "Milk Jugs?". He never hears the end of it from his wife lol
😂😂😂 omg Mild nsfw
You were doing the week's laundry when strong and large arms hugged you from behind. His chin rested on your shoulder.
"Hmm" he hummed and with a hand pulled the tanktop a bit down, nodding in approval at how full they looked from his perspective.
"W-What are you doing?" Your fluttering voice mumbled as he cupped your breast, something he would do out of nowhere.
"Just taking an observation, mi amor." He'd squeeze them to feel you tense.
"Wait! no no! Im not wearing my nipple pads-" Too late, your top was soaked with milk and he nodded, coming to an end of his experiment.
"Love those milk jugs." He escaped after giving you a firm spank before you could get a hold of him. You had to change your top.
And from now on, that's the nickname for your breast. Even though you had stopped nursing Benjamin, milk was still coming out of you, making it sometimes uncomfortable and awkward. At least for you. Miguel would unabashedly love them the more.
If you were in the kitchen, he'd do exactly like he did in the laundry area, he'd even whisper it at your ear whenever you were around just to see the angry and flustered reaction on your face.
You were helping him with dinner when that knowing smirk plastered on his face. He loved when you wore his shirts.
"Too bad can't see those milk jugs properly, corazón."
"Milk Jugs?"
Gabriela's voice snapped your attention (and almost your neck) by how fast your heads turned in her direction
"What are those?"
Oh ho, Payback time.
You squeezed his glute, he went rigid and you smiled sweetly at him
"Yeah, Papa. Why don't you explain Gabi what are those?" Your hands went to his waist to ground him on the spot. he cleared his throat, trying to sound serious
"Something you never must say before Mama, Solecito." he cleared his throat and patted Gabriela's head softly.
"You're so in trouble" you whispered and he deadpanned.
"You forget I like getting in trouble with you" He kissed your temple and served food.
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writingchalamet · 2 months
Angels Like You II
Angels Like You Chapter I
A.N: Hope you enjoyed part 1, things will be heating up from here and we will be getting a lot more Y/n and Bucky interaction!
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: Angst, Swearing, violence, blood, mentions of S/A, mentions of graphic physical abuse, fluff, y/n has a child, Bucky being protective
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Chapter II
Your day had begun like any other, waking to the sound of Forrest stirring on your baby monitor. You walk into his bedroom finding him sitting in his cot a beautiful smile instantly gracing his face as you enter the room, rambling the word 'mama' or an iteration of the sort over and over, you were both all smiles all morning as you most days, getting Forrest ready for day care was perhaps your least favourite part of the day, he still cried when you dropped him off and it broke your heart in two everyday. After Forrest was dropped off at day care, you start your day at work, keeping the door to the Bakery locked until your other baker joins you in an hour, you make a start on your breads taking your premade doughs out the fridge, giving them a quick kneed before placing them in their baking trays. Then onto pastries and cakes you can whip up from scratch, deciding on lemon and blueberry cupcakes with cream-cheese frosting as your 'chefs choice' for the week.
You hear a tap on the glass door and go through kitchen into the main shop to kind your employee Kay standing at the door smiling, clutching a bunch of flowers in her arms. You unlocked the door opening enough to let her in before securing the lock again, "Hey Kay, how are you?" you embrace her in a side hug "I'm good thanks, I got these flowers for the counter, I saw them yesterday and they reminded me of you, so you know" the thought brought a smile to your face in an instant. "Oh thank you, that's so cute" You find a jug to put them in, arranging the carnations on the counter next to the till. Yourself and Kay continue baking and prepping for the day ahead, finishing off some icing and glazing before placing the first batches into the display counter and finishing setting up.
The morning flew by, your regulars came in for their morning coffee and pastries, the couple of old ladies who come by once a week to pick up a loaf of bread and some cakes stopped by and had a chat, and a few college students stopped in, you were happy with how business was going, until you saw a certain head of curls across the street, dark eyes looking your way, his figure loomed over you like a dark omen, you just knew something terrible was about to happen, you could tell by the way he sat there chain smoking and swigging from his coffee cup, that was most likely not coffee, he wore a smug smile across his face while he continued to stare at you.
"Okay Boss, I'm gonna run down the road and grab some lunch, you want anything?" You tore your gaze away from the menacing stare of your ex to meet Kay's. "Uh, no I'm good thanks" she nodded and headed out the door, down the street and out of sight. You were alone. Shit. You look up again and see that Matt had moved from his spot on the wall across your shop, and was moving hastily towards you. You clamber over the counter and try to make it to the door before him, but you're too late. The sweet ding off the bell above the door ringing leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. "Get out Matt, you can't be here" you try to be firm but your voice only comes out broken.
"Or what, you gonna call the cops? You know they won't do anything" He stalks towards you until your backed up against your counter, the hard wood digging into your back. "Matt seriously, leave me alone, please" you were willing yourself not to cry but couldn't help the few stray tears that slipped down your cheeks. Matt picked up the jug of flowers smashing them down against the counter with force causing the glass to shatter, a few shards cutting your arm in the process. "Don't you fucking cry or I'll give you something to cry about" His hands wrapped around your neck cutting off your supply of oxygen while he threw you against the window, keeping you pinned there by your neck. You sputtered out a choke as tears slipped down your face, only making him grip you impossibly tighter, "You wanna fucking cry, you ran away while you were pregnant with my child, I have a right to see them, huh, where is the little brat" He shook your neck bashing your head against the glass. You only hoped he would tire himself out, he usually didn't last long when he'd had a drink anyway.
Over all the commotion you didn't hear the bell of the door opening, and you didn't see Bucky coming to stand behind Matt but thank the lord he did. "You're gonna wanna let the lady go" As soon as you heard his voice your senses ignited, your eyes opened and the tears stopped flowing immediately. Matt loosened his grip but refused to let go. "yeah or what" he scoffed before throwing his head over his shoulder catching a glimpse of your rescuer. You could have sworn you saw him recoil into himself, something you had never once seen. However his fear was short lived and soon replaced by anger once more. "Who's this guy huh? what you just opened your legs for the first guy you said hi to here, you whor-" the second his grip tightened around your neck once more it was enough to send Bucky into overdrive.
He reached forwards wrapping his hand around Matts wrist bending it backwards until you were sure you heard a snap, while Matt screamed Bucky secured an arm around you, giving you the once over, not stopping until you gave him a nod. "Oh I'm gonna fucking kill you, you stupid bitch" in a poor attempt to throw a punch Matt practically threw himself at Bucky, who didn't seem the slightest bit phased, caught Matt by his throat with his vibranium arm, squeezing until he was red in the face. Matt coughed attempting to pull back, Bucky only pulled him closer, clenching his fist all that bit harder. He pulled him close enough that his mouth reached Matts ear. "If you come near her again, I'll fucking finish the job" with those words he pushed Matt away from the two of them, Matt scrambling away and out the door nearly falling to the floor in the process. You let out a sigh you didn't know you were holding, feeling the weight of the world fall off your shoulders for just a moment.
Hot tears spill down your cheeks again in slow steady streams, burning the skin in their wake. "Thank you" you breathed out, your shaking hands reaching up to wipe your face, it's then your realise the blood dripping from a glass made gash on your arm, dripping down your fingers and onto the floor. "Hey, let me take a look at that, make sure you don't need stitches" you pull your arm away from him recoiling into yourself, "no it's fine, you've done enough, you can go, thank you Bucky" You stare at the floor the entire time watching as small droplets of blood begin to litter the tiles. "I'm not leaving in case he comes back, in fact I'm gonna patch you up and we're gonna get Forrest and go home, okay, sound good?" His hand raised to your cheek gaining your attention from your disoriented state, he wipes away the tears as they form under your eyes, brushing them away from your skin, you close your eyes for a moment allowing the feeling to sooth you.
"Alright lets get you cleaned up"
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After the incident at the bakery Sam, Bucky and Sarah had been on high alert, Sam brought up the fact that they could have Torres flown in to be your own personal bodyguard, the thought daunting, that you might actually need one. Then Sarah brough up the fact that there are two more than capable 'bodyguards' here if they want to help. And that's how you ended up here, with Bucky living in your spare room for the past two nights, seemingly watching your every move afraid you'll shatter like glass.
What shocked you the most was how quickly Forrest had taken to Bucky, usually he was shy around people for weeks, hell he’s been going to nursery for a year and still won’t let some of the day care assistants hold or play with him. In a way you were glad he was so reserved, made you think that he would never just run off with a stranger, or your psycho ex. But with Bucky he was different, he seemed to open up pretty much straight away, showing him his favourite toys, wanting to sit next to him on the sofa, wherever you looked you would see Forrest’s little hand reaching up for Buck’s trying to show him something, the sight bringing a dull ache to your chest. Maybe it was the lack of a male presence in his life that made him take to Bucky so well, but you were grateful either way.
You were settling down for the evening after feeding Forrest his dinner, the three of you snuggled up on the couch watching a Disney movie before you put Forrest down for bed. You couldn’t help the warm fuzzy feeling filling your body as you watched Forrest nuzzle into Bucky’s side, his head leaning on his chest. You found your head lulling to the side more often than watching the film, admiring the pair of them, Forrest occasionally pointing to the screen and muttering some gibberish to Bucky excitedly. Towards the end of the film, Forrest had fallen asleep, cuddled into Buck’s side. “I better get him up to bed” you sighed in content beginning to sit up from your comfy seated position. “I can take him up if you want” Bucky spoke in a hushed tone, already slipping his arms around the boy and standing from the sofa. “Why don’t we go up together?" You smiled, getting up from the sofa and following Bucky up the stairs into your sons’ room, you admired the way Bucky gently placed him down on the changing table as if he had done it a thousand times, and stood aside letting you get the baby changed ready for bed. Once he had a fresh nappy and pyjamas on, Bucky picked him up once more, leaning over the side of the cot and smoothly placed Forrest down into his bed, without him stirring once. You both stood there and smiled over the sleeping baby for a moment before retreating back downstairs.
You opened a bottle of wine grabbing two glasses, heading back into the living room finding Bucky back in his original spot on the sofa once more. “I never really got the chance to thank you for the other day, or explain…” You avoided eye contact as you sat down, fiddling with the stem of your wine glass in an attempt to distract yourself. “You don’t have to explain anything to me, I’m just glad I was able to help is all” Bucky responds coyly, wrapping a hand around yours in an attempt to stop your nervous fidgeting around the glass. “Sarah spoke to me… She said that she told you guys about Matt… That you seemed pretty upset” you plucked up the courage to look in his eyes, as you did, he looked away, shaking his head. Almost embarrassed. “I uh… I don’t know what to tell you…” There was a pause after he spoke, neither of you knowing what to say. “Why do you care so much, you don’t know me?”
Bucky scoffed, seeming taken aback by your comment, as if someone caring about your well being was a problem. “Why wouldn’t I care, especially after hearing the shit he put you through, that would be enough to make any sane person mad, no?” His response seemed valid, even if you didn’t want to admit it, if it had been you that had found Sarah pregnant and sleeping in her car, hearing her situation you would have been just as furious. You understood where he was coming from. “I guess…” Your sentence trailed off and you stared into your empty wine glass. Bucky took the hint and opened the bottle of wine, filling your glass more than you normally would have, you giggled side eyeing him, tilting the glass up to your eyeline. “You trying to get me drunk Barnes, you know there’s a sleeping toddler upstairs right” you joked, clinking your glass with his, just as full. He laughed along shaking his head.
After sinking one or two bottles of wine, you felt yourself growing more confident. The wine raising a sweet pink blush to your cheeks which Bucky found undeniably cute, he found himself drawing closer to you and you let him, there was no room between you, his arm encased the back of the sofa around your shoulders, your head occasionally falling back to rest on the limb, your thigh hunched up resting on his own, as you chatted the night away truly getting to know each other. If Sam were to look in through the window Bucky knows he would have a shit eating grin plastered on his face at the sight of his best friend this close to a girl after so many years. And you couldn’t help but admit, it felt nice to be this close to someone, especially after the only relationship you had ever been in was an abusive one, you thought you would find it hard to trust, but Bucky made you feel at ease the second you were near him.
“So, what’s it like being a superhero?” you enquired eyes wide with wonder. He scoffed again shaking his head, and attribute you would soon grow attached to. “I’m no superhero doll” you shook your head, taking his glass out of his hand and placing it on the coffee table, you place yourself directly in his eyeline, practically sitting in his lap. “Oh common! You fought Thanos’ army, helped bring down that Zemo guy and you just stopped the flag smashers! And to top it off you were sergeant of the Howling Commandos. I’d say that’s pretty superhero-esque to me” you wink at him and couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the look on his face. “Okay stalker, someone’s done their homework” he laughs out, he raised his hands in defence, lowering them to rest on your lower back and his Vibranium hand on your thigh, your hands settled on his shoulders, and you gave them a light squeeze, feeling intrigued by the feeling of the metal under his shirt.
 “Of course, I had to, I’m not gonna let some strange man I don’t know stay in the same house as my son, am I?” you tilted your head to the side, eyeing him quizzically. “Of course, not” The flesh hand holding your back began to stroke up your back and you forgot to breathe for a moment. His hand stilled in the centre of your back, laying there flat and steady. You stared into the blues of his eyes, realizing now just how deep they really are. How much history they hold behind them, how many horrors he too has seen. You felt his gaze searching your own, tracing every spec on your face, you saw his eyes linger by your eyebrow where your scar was and regrettably you tore your own pair away from his face. Removing yourself from his lap, standing before him. He sat there; brows furrowed slightly in question as to why you were leaving. “I should get to bed, I have to get back to work tomorrow, but thank you Bucky for a lovely evening, thank you for everything…” You spoke to the floor before turning hurriedly towards the stairs. “Yeah, yeah, no problem… No problem at all…” Bucky spoke shallowly to himself wondering what he had done wrong.
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soobnny · 1 year
classmate au | kim sunoo
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❝ no one is allowed to borrow my art materials except for (name) ❞
heeseung | jay | jake | sunghoon | SUNOO | jungwon | ni-ki
kim sunoo
sweet, sunshine, best friend kim sunoo
it was kind of SO obvious he wanted to be friends
like he wants to be close to you soooo bad and maybe it’s bc he saw u playfully bullying riki
it was love at first sight and an instant best friendship the moment you finally met
your seats were assigned so u were sat next to each other
you two are basically inseparable now
sunoo strikes me as the type to just walk into the classroom and walk straight towards where you’re seated
at school events, he’d leave his backpack on the seat next to him to reserve you a seat
then he’d go “(name)!” while waving from his seat it’s actually kind of embarrassing
there is never anxiety of being seated next to a stranger bc sunoo has your back
he’d grab an extra mini fan from his bag to give to U bc these school events r always so scorching hot
sunoo does that “leaning against your locker while you get things” thing
he is so unaware of how HANDSOME he looks
oh and btw if you don’t attend class, he probably won’t in solidarity
in the chances that he does attend class, he usually sends you photos of his notes and everything you need to know
he’d be like i’m soooooo bored 2 minutes into the class without you like it hasn’t even STARTED
just prepare for his spam messages
after class, you’d buy street food and just gossip over it
you’d stare at what he bought and he’d roll his eyes before pushing the stick towards you so you can bite off it
YES feeding each other … normal best friend things
anyways moving on
another thing in my vision is that he’s the provider of art materials
the teacher suddenly lets you make a poster????
you know you’re secured bc sunoo is ur bff and will let only YOU borrow his supplies
“sunoo, let me borrow your colored markers”
“ok, which colors do you want” ☺️☺️☺️☺️
flat out will say no to everyone else tho
he’s kind of intimidating honestly despite having the sweetest smile
LIKE he’s friends with everyone but not friends friends
do you guys get what i mean
he is just a completely different person with you bc he trusts u the most and he just becomes CRAZY
like yall let him keep his crazy too much .. thank god you’re there for him to unleash it to
he’s one of the people who plays volleyball with riki and friends
but he’s absolutely horrible please save him
altho … why does he look so handsome playing even tho he can’t receive the ball? 🤨
he’d just laugh and crumble in embarrassment and you’d be the number one person cheering for him
(update after ella’s rb,, full credits to her) u would def put the blame on his teammates
“RIKI DO BETTER” even if it was 100% sunoo’s fault like so real
weird specific love language? buying each other water
he’s playing volleyball? you have a bottle of water for him in case he wants to sit out the game and watch with you
you’re finished with your physical education practical exam? he’s waiting for you with his big ass water jug
BUT LIKEEEE why is there a change in the air suddenly 😩😩😩
why is your best friend so boyfriend material actually
he holds your hand… holds it so firmly
sunoo gives the best hugs too
he makes you laugh and he’s so thoughtful with his stupid water and his art materials
even carries your things for you sometimes
AND yall take good photos of each other
“does my hair look fine?”
he’d reach out to fix it … tuck it behind your ear or look at you so intensely before going back to smiling n saying yup all good!
during the sports festival, yall are off joining some type of singing jingle cheer competition which is usually the first event
so you guys just joke around for the rest of the week, watch some events, and take LOTS of photos
you would laugh at your classmates
maybe even cheer for some of your friends
just as long as you’re next to each other
you probably bad mouth the opposite team BUT TO YOURSELVES .. not out loud
would clap so hard when your team wins a point !!!
also back to the taking photos detail
he’d just be dragging you everywhere to take photos bc when is the best time but NOW
ofc u do take his photos .. u ltrly take the Best
“sunoo, look, you’re so handsome here!”
and then you look up at him to see his reaction and he’s already looking at you
uh oh.
your faces are so close to each other like SO close
let’s step back and check the label 😂
tho he does save u out of ur misery by asking you out a week later
bc apparently the sudden shift in air also happened to HIM
he brings it up as a joke first bc he’s testing the waters and he’s not trynna get rejected
“imagine if we were dating…..” and a long lingering pause in the air afterward
if you joked back with like a “LOL”, he’d know u don’t feel the same
but you ltrly go 😮 and so speechless bc why is he suddenly bringing this up when you’ve spent the last few nights thinking about him
did those tiktok manifestations work
did that tiktok audio actually get sunoo to like u back
“um… well! well, you see…”
“i like you”
you guys are like waaaaay more inseparable now that you’re dating
your friends will fake vomit around u .. but don’t worry it’s just bc they’re bitchless
while u and ur bf sunoo are happily in love
btw he gets jealous easily TEARSSSSSS
he gets all pouty but don’t worry, you just have to Hug him and give him a kiss and he’s all smiles again
oh, and i feel the need to inform you that hugs are his favorite thing in the world
and CHEEK kisses like specifically cheek kisses.. he loves them
his ideal dates r just when you’re at each other’s house
you can order takeout and do your skincare together … watch the latest movies
his family loves you too
so much that they include your favorite snacks when they go grocery shopping
“sunoo, get those chips that (name) rly likes. u dont know when she might come over next!”
like they are ANTICIPATING you
enjoy dating i love sunoo
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! let me know what you think! please discuss these with me i’m crazy
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fantasydreamland · 6 months
margaery tyrell x fem reader
Summary: Margaery is currently engaged to Renly Baratheon. You are Margaerys new hand maiden. You figure Margaery just has a flirty personality until one night it becomes more.
Notes: 18+ ONLY!!! wlw, smut, lots of tension, fluff, possible spoilers
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Sequel - Gossip
“Ah you must be my new hand maiden!” Margaery greets you with a warm smile as you walk into her chambers.
“Yes my lady. My name is (y/n). Whatever you need I’m here.” You give a shy curtsy.
“I was just getting ready to leave for tea with my grandmother. Come along then.” She waves to you as she walks out the door.
You follow along behind her to the gardens. She stops for a moment so she can walk beside you.
“So tell me about yourself.” She smiles.
“Uh… yes of course. What do you want to know my lady?”
“Everything! For starters tell me about where you are from.”
As you two walk side by side you tell her about the small city in the North you grew up in and the lady you served until her very recent death.
“How awful…” She frowns and shakes her head.
“Yes, her death was a bit unexpected. I didn’t have many options, so I ended up here.”
“Well I’m very glad for that.” She smiles.
You chuckle and look down awkwardly.
“Ah grandmother!” Margaery rushes ahead to greet her grandmother with a quick hug. They sit down to tea and the servants bring out trays of pastries and fruit.
“Lady Olenna” You curtsy before walking past her at the table. She gives you a small smile and a nod.
You stand quietly off to the side listening to them chat away. Margaery would make occasional eye contact and you give a small smile before shyly looking away each time.
You helped tidy up as the evening ended, feeling her eyes on you the entire time.
Both of you walk back to the castle in an oddly comfortable silence as the sun starts to set.
“Will you please draw me a bath?” She says once you reach the castle. She lightly touches your arm and your face gets hot. “I have some affairs to attend to.”
“Of course my lady.” You nod before heading to her chambers and drawing a hot bath.
Shortly after the bath is drawn she reappears.
“Oh lovely, is it ready?” She asks as she starts to undress.
You try to hide your surprise when she takes off all her clothing, tossing her dress onto a chair.
She walks right past you and gets into the tub. She sighs with her eyes closed and sinks into the water before looking at you.
She smirks. “Help me with my hair?” She lifts her hair to hang over the back of the tub.
You nod, unable to get words out. You pull a chair behind the tub and grab the jug next to it before putting it in the tub to get some water. The jug lightly brushes Margaerys stomach and she gives a small chuckle and smirk. Surely she saw your flushed cheeks. You didn’t understand the heat in your face or why your heart was racing. You’ve helped with plenty of baths with the last lady you served. But this felt different.
You pour the water onto her hair as it drips into the bucket below. You softly work your fingers through her hair to wash it. Trying your best not to stare at her perfect body you take another careful scoop of water. Then you slowly rinse her hair as she lets out a content sigh.
“You have no idea the stress I have had lately.” She suddenly speaks.
“I’m sorry to hear that my lady.”
“You would think I would be looking forward to my wedding but…” She trails off.
“You do not love Lord Renly?” The question slips out. “Forgive me, my lady. I don’t mean to pry.”
“There is nothing to forgive (y/n).” She smirks up at you. “But no…” Her expression softens. “We certainly are not in love.”
“You don’t think he loves you?” You ask.
She chuckles softly and shakes her head. “I am not his type.”
You scoff. “That’s not possible. You’re so beautiful.” Your face quickly turns more red, embarrassed.
She sits up in the tub and slightly turns around to face you.
“I’m glad you think so.” She smirks. “I know Renly agrees, only… He seems to be more interested in my brother, if you understand my meaning.” She tilts her head.
She says nothing else just continues looking at you. You hold eye contact for a long moment until she suddenly shakes her head like she was lost in thought.
“Right. Well, I best get ready for bed.”
She stands up from the tub and steps out, water dripping on the floor. You grab a robe for her and find it nearly impossible to keep your eyes off her wet naked body. The air feels heavier and you find it difficult to breathe. She smiles warmly at you as you wrap her in the robe.
“Goodnight then.” She says sweetly.
“Goodnight my lady.” You curtsy before leaving her chambers.
Once you step into the hallway and close the door you let out a very deep breath. That night you toss and turn finding it hard to remove Margaery from your thoughts.
The next day is slow and normal. You do your chores and follow Margaery while she goes about her day. She would start small chats with you while you were walking, seeming very happy to talk to you. She asked about your love life which you found amusing because it’s very dull. You’ve only been with one man in your life and you didn’t find it enjoyable.
Later you help her prepare for supper as she changes her dress to a lovely but simple gold gown. She slips off her dress standing in only her under garments. She holds your hand and smiles at you as you help her step into the gown and pull it up. You lightly move her hair from the back and your fingers brush against her soft skin causing some electricity. Your hands shake a bit as you pull the corset strings in the back of her gown. There is a silent tension in the air.
“Thank you.” She says as she moves her hair back into place giving a shy smile. “Well I don’t want to be late for supper, I’ll see you later on.” She hurries out the door before you have a chance to respond.
You enjoy your own small supper before returning to your tasks. As you finish tidying up her chambers she appears. She doesn’t even look at you, just storms over to her bad and sits down.
“Are you alright my lady?” You asked, concerned.
She looks up at you as if she didn’t realize you were there. “Yes, I’m alright. It’s fine.” She huffs, clearly not alright.
“It’s just-“ she continues before you respond. “Renly and Loras can be so thick headed.”
You walk closer as you listen to her vent.
“I understand they’re in love. And I’m completely fine with that. Happy for them even!” She shakes her head. “But we are engaged to be wed. You’d think he would at least TRY to be discreet when they’re running around with one another.”
She looks at you listening to her and pats the space beside her on the bed to gesture you to sit down, so you sit next to her keeping an appropriate distance.
“I’m still to be his wife. There should just be a certain level of respect, you know?” She continues ranting, moving closer to you as she does. You nod.
“I’ve been more than respectful to his wishes, wanting to be with Loras. I do not blame him for that. We do not really get to choose who we love.” She looks up at you, her blue eyes piercing through you.
“I completely agree with you my lady. They should be acting discreetly. I think it’s very noble that you allow him to even pursue that.” You reply warmly. “But as you said, we cannot choose who we love.”
“Thank you (y/n).” She says softly and places her hand on yours.
Her touch makes your heart race and cheeks flush. “Of course my lady.”
She leaves her hand there for a long moment as she studies your face to try to figure out what you’re thinking. You sit there quietly looking back at her, wondering about her thoughts too.
The seemingly long moment ends when she moves her hand from yours and reaches up to brush your hair from your face. You continue staring in eachothers eyes. The whole moment making you feel light headed. Her eyes slowly flicker from your lips back to your eyes. You couldn’t help but do the same.
She leans towards you agonizingly slow until your lips finally touch.
“Oh gods, I am so sorry.” She suddenly pulls away and gets off the bed.
“No, no. It’s alright.” You also stand. “I didn’t- You just-“ you stutter unable to get words out.
She looks back at you clearly embarrassed. She looks like she’s waiting for you to speak but your brain is fogging all your thoughts and words. Instead you walk closer before taking her hand in yours and looking back up at her.
Suddenly her lips are back on yours as she pulls you into a deep passionate kiss, moving her other hand to your cheek. You push your bodies against eachother as the kiss continues. Your body feels like it was set on fire as your skin burns from the excitement.
For a moment she pulls away, keeping your hand in hers she leads you to her bed. She lets go of your hand and unties the top of her dress, exposing her breasts. You can’t tell if you’re even breathing at this point. The whole world feels still. She smirks at you and turns around.
“Help me with the back?” She asks.
You nod and start untying her gown and corset as your mind races thinking of what’s to come.
Once everything is loose enough she lifts all her clothing over her head. You try to swallow but there’s a knot in your throat as she stands naked in front of you. She pushes your hair back and lightly touches your shoulder, gesturing you to take off your dress. You follow her silent instructions and pull your sleeves downs off your arms, exposing your chest. She looks at you for a moment before leaning into another kiss. The kiss is slow and gentle, your chests pressed against one another. She brushes your arm before moving her hand between your bodies and grabbing your breast. She helps you pull the rest of your dress off before the kiss breaks and you both get into the bed.
Once you’ve slipped under the sheets you look into eachothers eyes for a silent moment, taking in eachothers beauty.
She places her hand on your cheek. “Are you sure?” Her face full of worry that you may change your mind in wanting her.
You quickly nod, having no doubts this is what you want. She smirks before crashing her mouth onto yours. The kiss is strong and heated, full of pent up lust. You pull eachother closer, legs intertwined. Both your hands wander all over, exploring every inch eachothers bodies. She moans once your fingers find her most intimate place. The beautiful sounds coming out of her light a fire in your stomach. Her hand quickly reaches the same place on your body. You whimper into eachothers mouths as the tension below your stomach builds and builds. Nearly in unison you hit the peak. The kiss breaks as you both cry out loudly, foreheads pressed together.
You both lay back and pant as you catch your breath. You try to bring your mind back to earth as it continues to race at what just happened. She turns her head and smiles at you. You give a shy smile back.
“Well…” She huffs, still breathless. “That was…”
“Wonderful?” You smirk.
She nods and giggles. “Yes, very wonderful.”
“I’ve never…” You hesitate. “Been with… a woman.”
“Neither have I.” She admits and you both giggle.
You look out to the now dark night sky. Margaery notices.
“Would you like to stay?” She asks. “There’s plenty of room to sleep.”
“I would but… I’m not sure it would be proper.”
“What we just did would also not seem proper.” She teases.
“Alright then.” You give a soft smile.
You lightly place your hand on her cheek and she leans into your touch.
“Goodnight my lady.”
“Goodnight (y/n).” She sighs.
She snuggles up closer to you. She gives your shoulder a soft kiss before resting her head. You smile and fall into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning you let out a soft moan to Margaery kissing your neck. Her eyes meet yours when she sees you’re awake. She has a firey look in her blue eyes as she gives you a longing stare before moving her lips back to your neck. She kisses an agonizingly slow trail as she moves down and down your stomach. She begins kissing on your inner thigh. You whine in frustration. Suddenly her mouth is on you and you gasp. Your hands reach for her hair as she teases you with her tongue. You let out little gasps and small moans as she holds your hips still. Your sweet sounds make her moan onto you only sending more electricity through your body. You start to lose control when she enters two of her fingers, keeping in rhythm with her tongue. Your pants eventually turn into a silent scream and you arch your hips against her face and see stars.
You let out a final moan before a heavy sigh as your body relaxes. Margaery wipes her face and moves back up the bed to lay beside you. You pull her in for a strong kiss tasting yourself on her mouth.
“Good morning (y/n).” She smirks.
“Good morning.” You give a shy laugh.
Before you can lean over to kiss her again she gets out of bed and begins to get dressed. You sit up holding the covers and watch her.
She notices you looking at her. “My apologies love, I have many things I must attend to today.”
You try to hide your disappointment, badly wanting to return the favour and to taste her on your tongue. She walks back over to you and asks you to help with her dress. You shuffle to the end of the bed and tie the laces. She turns to you noticing your mood. She leans down and brushes your hair aside.
“But I will return later. We will be together again very soon.” She kisses you with her soft lips.
Once she’s gone you get out of bed and begin to dress. You spend your entire day in a daze, all the memories of her clouding your mind. You count down the hours until you have her alone again.
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si1verghosts · 3 months
3. A kiss on the forehead😌
helloooo dear anon!! i am sorry this took so long i could not for the life of me figure out to write but then ! i wrote this on the 4th and i realized it could work... maybe... sorta. this may not be what you were expecting/wanting but there's forehead kisses in there.... somewhere 🫡 also, if u are not american i apologize for giving you a july 4th fic 😭 but the holiday is relatively inconsequential here like theres no patriotism it's just a backdrop if u know what i mean.... anyway, i hope u enjoy <33
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you taste like the 4th of july
di leon s. kennedy x fem reader (no use of y/n)
wc: 3.5k
18+ | cw: mentions of drinking | tw: thoughts about death and dying
tags: established relationship; fluff (i guess??); slight changes to canon to suit author's headcanons
read on ao3
a/n: for the past few months i've been working on this very insane multi-chap post di leon fic 😵‍💫 this was written with that in mind But does not have a place in that story... probably.... idk!!! either way, i think it can be read as a standalone just fine
additionally, there is a scene in here where leon picks the reader up. i would just like to say like... he gets thrown into concrete walls on a biweekly basis and gets up and walks it off without issue so i think he can lift anyone no matter their size or shape!!
not beta read or proofread - sorry if any of it is gibberish i've had a wicked migraine the past few days... will maybe attempt to proofread once i can see correctly again 🚬🧍‍♀️regardless, all mistakes are my own
i do not own leon or any other resi character mentioned, etc etc, please don't sue me <3
please do not use my work to train any sort of AI chatbot and/or writing generator.
"It was a good day, wasn't it?" Leon asks, wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as you stand over the patio table, cleaning up the abandoned plates and platters.
You hum. It was; a beautiful, cloudless July 4th, spent with Leon's friends in the backyard of your home. The only ones missing were Ashley and Ingrid; the former having a standing family commitment and the latter planning to spend her holiday on the beach, away from the country and your fiancé.
Typically, Chris hosted the Independence Day cookout, but Leon offered up your new home as this year's venue, citing your in-ground pool and the plenty of extra space you have for guests to stay. In reality, he just wanted the chance to out-grill Chris - he'd been preparing since Memorial Day; testing different spice and sauce combinations as well as stocking your freezer full of large cuts of meat.
He'd started before you were even awake, chopping and seasoning in the kitchen, slowly loading up the smoker. You'd joined him on the patio a few hours later, watching from your pool floaty as he poked and prodded at various things.
You don't even eat meat, didn't know the whole thing was so involved, but you did enjoy the view; worn blue jeans hugging his frame as he crouched to check a thermometer.
You had taken a short break from the water, tying up lights and setting a few little decorations around before your guests arrived. Rebecca was the first, tucking her jugs of pre-made cocktail and platter of deviled eggs into your fridge before joining you on the patio.
Chris wasn't far behind, unloading two coolers filled with beer and containers of homemade potato and pasta salads. He'd handed one off to you, grinning, "Claire made one just for you this year."
You'd thanked him, making another attempt to get him to share his family's recipes with you. It was futile, you probably couldn't even waterboard it out of either of them.
Claire had arrived on her motorcycle shortly after, pulling a bundle of fireworks out of her saddlebags. "Sorry I'm late," she said - even though she wasn't - dumping the pile on the ground, thankfully far away from the grill. "Had to stop for these."
Leon had crouched down to inspect them, listening intently as Claire told him about all the different varieties she'd purchased while you relaxed back into the pool.
Sherry arrived next, Jake trailing behind her. She'd left both him and her bags of chips at the table, giving Leon and Claire quick hugs before immediately joining you in the water.
She'd slipped in right beside your floaty, grabbing your hand to get a look at your engagement ring - she'd yet to see it, having been so busy with work. Her eyes widened at the ring as she pushed her sunglasses up to rest on top of her head, "Leon picked this out? Our Leon? Leon Kennedy? Are you sure?"
You'd giggled at her astonishment, "Ashley helped him out; took him to one of her favorite jewelers."
"I should've guessed," She nods. "For my 20th Birthday, he bought me this crazy cute pink tennis bracelet and I was like, 'no way you picked this out alone.' He fessed up that he got a little help from a friend named Ashley.
"At the time, I thought it was just some girlfriend - or hoped, I guess. Back then, I spent a lot of time hoping that Claire and Leon weren't just… working; I liked to think they were taking time for themselves, that they were happy," she had trailed off then, looking off to the tree line behind your house for a minute. Blinking the mist from her eyes, she shrugged, continuing on, "Anyways, I'm thankful to Ash for that bracelet, it was there with me though… a lot. And I'm thankful to you for making him happy, like I always wanted him to be."
With that, you slid off the float to give her a hug, holding her tight as you whispered your thanks. You had worked to bite back your tears - if she didn't cry, neither would you.
Luckily, Jill had walked in a few seconds later, providing a distraction in the form of the most ridiculously large watermelon. "Hey, Kennedy," she shouted, pulling Leon out of his conversation with Claire as she gestured to the melon tucked under her arm. "Can't burn this, can I?"
Leon had thrown his head back with a laugh - in previous years, Jill had always brought boxed brownies with extra crispy edges and Leon invariably had to make a comment about them. "I don't know," he had shrugged, "When it comes to you, Valentine, I'll never say never."
Jill had reared the watermelon back, acting as if she was going to throw it at him. Leon had thrown his arms up, shielding his face, causing everyone to crumble into laughter at the scene.
"It was nice," you agree, reaching to pick up the barong machete he had given Jill when she asked for a knife to cut the melon. "We do have kitchen knives, you know," you scold mockingly, gently waving the blade around.
"I know," he says, releasing you to reach around and pluck the machete out of your hand. "It's good to exercise these every once in a while, though."
You roll your eyes at him, "It's a machete, Leon, not a horse."
He waves you off, slipping through the patio door to wash the blade in the kitchen sink. You take the opportunity to speed clean, knowing it'll be a much harder task once he returns and wraps his arms back around you.
Thankfully everyone had taken care of their own plates and cups - they'd tried to stay and do more but you had ushered them out of the backyard, wanting Chris, Sherry and Jake to depart before the traffic picked up with the crowds leaving the city following the fireworks shows. Jill, Claire and Rebecca had taken up on your offer to stay, at least, piling into your guest rooms. You were glad to have them, secretly plotting to drag them to brunch once you all woke.
You finish piling the platters as Leon makes his way back outside. Before he can get his hands on you and derail your progress, you point to the stack, "Take those inside."
He frowns, "Can't it just wait until tomorrow?"
"We'll get ants; come on, five minutes and it'll be done."
He sighs, but doesn't protest further, carrying the heavy plates inside as you follow him with the utensils. You stack everything by the sink before turning to him, "Is there any of Becca's cocktail left?"
He cocks his brow, tilting his head, "You really want to try that again?"
It's a valid question - you had given it a go earlier and despite everyone's warnings to take it easy, you had thrown back a large mouthful right off the bat. You ended up wincing in pain, "Fuck, that burns. What'd you put in there, Becca?"
She'd shrugged, "Oh, you know, a splash of this, a splash of that. And," she teased, drawing out the vowel, "A bit of my own creation."
"Your own creation…" You had muttered, trailing off before it hit you, "Test tube alcohol?"
She had giggled, grinning, "Takes some getting used to."
You had tried another, much tinier sip. You were able to enjoy the sweetness of the juice for a moment before the burn kicked in again, causing you to curse once more, louder.
Leon had shifted his attention from Chris to you at your exclamation. Seeing the jug of Rebecca's cocktail in front of you on the table, he quickly pieced together what was happening, calling over to Rebecca from his place by the grill, "You trying to kill my fiancé, Becks?"
"Absolutely not; that'd be a stupid thing for me to do," she'd shot back. "She's the only one who can keep you in line, and we kind of like you like that."
"Well," you start, rolling the word around your mouth, "No. But yes - there's gotta be some sort of trick to it, right? Everyone else drank it just fine."
"The trick is," he starts, voice low, reaching out to grab ahold of your hips, "To not drink it. Let me make you some tea instead."
"Fine," you pout, relaxing into his grip, not bothering to argue - tea won't make you hate yourself in the morning.
He moves his hands from your hips, sliding his fingertips along your spine. "Go wait outside," he says, releasing you with a featherlight kiss to your forehead, "I'll bring it out."
With a brush of your lips against his cheek in thanks, you slip away from him, heading back out to the backyard and pulling off your shorts, settling onto the ledge of the shallow end of the pool. The air has cooled with the setting of the sun, becoming a comforting warmth instead of an overbearing heat. You dip your legs into the water, thankful you insisted on having a pool when you and Leon were house hunting.
Someone is still setting off fireworks; they're a few miles away, though - you can hear them more than you can see them. Resting back on your palms, you close your eyes, imagining what bursts of color may be accompanying each sound.
Leon joins you a few minutes later - just after the fireworks had died down - sporting his swim shorts and carrying your tea. He bends, setting the mug next to you with a kiss to your temple, nosing at your hair. "Earl Grey," he reports before drawling, "How terribly unpatriotic of you."
"You going to arrest me for treason, Agent Kennedy?" You laugh, reaching up to squeeze his thigh below the hem of his shorts. "You're the one who made it; they'd nail you as an accomplice."
He falls into a crouch, leg muscles bunching under the pads of your fingertips as he shifts closer to touch his lips on your cheek. "They can hang us together, then," he remarks, voice a bit too serious for it to be just a joke. "Side by side, off the same branch."
You sit back just enough to get your eyes focused on him, reaching your other hand out to thumb at his bottom lip. "Dulce et decorum est pro cor mori," you whisper, tacking on a hum in question.
He cocks his head at the unfamiliar words, nipping at your nail playfully, "English please, baby."
You consider him for a moment, the translation of the true phrase running through your mind; how sweet and honorable it is to die for one's country. The old lie, it's come to be known as - fittingly.
It's a similar sentiment to one that's grown to become your fear; that he'll die for the sake of the country, under orders from the government, believing it was his duty.
But you think your spin on it may be true; would be willing to find out.
You don't want to weigh him down with the thought, though, choosing to reel him in for a kiss instead. "I love you," is the answer you settle on, laying the words down right on his tongue.
He seems content with your translation - the method of delivery likely having something to do with it - humming into your mouth. He kisses you back lazily for a long, languid moment before he pulls away, "As much as I'm enjoying this, I've been wanting to get in there all day," he says, nodding his head towards the water.
"Go," you chuckle, giving him a gentle push away from you with the hand still resting along his face.
He lays another quick peck against your lips before standing, padding around the edge to the steps. He pauses for a moment to pull his shirt over his head, skin honeyed under the soft glow of the lights you'd hung around the patio.
A second later, he slips under the surface without hesitation; kicking off the steps, moving quickly to the deep end. He almost shimmers as he glides along the floor of the pool, the rippling of the gentle waves he'd created making him seem like some sort of mirage as he passes by you.
He comes up for air once he hits the far wall, tossing his hair back, smoothing the water from his eyes. He doesn't rest long, though, beginning to swim short laps across the width of the deep end.
You observe him, sipping your tea slowly, appreciating the way his back and arms work with each stroke. He continues long enough for you to nearly drain your cup, stopping short when another trio of fireworks set off in the distance.
Setting your mug down, you eye him, preparing to slip into the pool to soothe him if you have to, but he relaxes once he connects the sound to the flashes in the sky. The tension that had flooded the line of his shoulders drains into the water as he shifts to wade backward, moving closer to where you sit.
You finish off your drink as he starfishes out across the surface of the water, floating just a few feet in front of you. You wonder if you could use him as a floaty, pinning up a note in your brain to try it out sometime.
"I'm glad you insisted on a pool, sweetheart," he sighs, breaking your companionable silence.
You hum, pleased, kicking your legs out gently and causing the water to lap against his skin. More fireworks sound out; he doesn't tense this time, but he does get his feet back under himself, moving to where you sit along the ledge.
Sliding his hands up your legs, he pillows his head in your lap, wet hair fanning out across your thighs. You shift your weight back onto your right hand, laying the other along his jaw. His eyes flutter closed as you brush your thumb along his cheekbone and the scar that runs beneath it.
He picks at the tie of your bathing suit absentmindedly, tugging at the strings when you slide your hand into his hair, scratching at his scalp. "Sherry said something to me earlier."
He makes a noise urging you to elaborate, not bothering to open his eyes.
"She told me that when she was younger, she hoped that you and Claire were living your lives; that you were doing more than just working, you know? She said she wanted you guys to be happy," you explain, working to keep your voice even.
He cracks his eyes open, picking his head up to watch you as you continue. "She thanked me," you swallow thickly, "for making you happy, like she always wanted you to be."
He smiles at your words, and it's a beautiful thing. You still get all twisted up inside with how gorgeous he is; neurons overclocking themselves with the thrill of being the subject of his attention.
"I owe you a thank you, too, baby," he starts, pausing to nose at your wrist.
"You don't owe me anything, Leon," you tug at his damp strands still between your fingers, highlights catching the yellow glow from the lights around the patio.
"I do," he says, the words sending a jolt through you. You never intended on getting married, yet here you are now, eager to hear the phrase on the altar.
He kisses the thin skin of your wrist, lips lingering as if he can feel the thrum of your heartbeat; knows that the pace has picked up under his affection. "All this," he pulls back, taking a hand off you to gesture to the pool; the backyard; the house; to you. "It's something I never thought I'd get.
"Sherry's right - you're behind basically every bit of happiness I have now, sweetheart; I owe it all to you." He reaches up, untangling your grip from his hair, thumbing gently at the ring he put there, "Thank you."
You can't respond verbally, will burst into tears if you do. In lieu of speech, you lean forward, pressing your lips against his insistently.
He seems to get the message; understands that the pleasure is all yours, that you'd give him anything and everything you can - knowing he'd do the same for you.
He gets his arms back around you, continuing your kiss as he lifts you from the edge of the pool and into the water with him. You wrap your legs around his waist, safe and secure in his hold.
His teeth catch along your bottom lip and the neighbors down the street set off fireworks, the bright bursts of color painting your backyard in reds and blues and greens and oranges. The sparks reflect off the surface of the water as he slides his nose against yours and not for the first time, you think this may all be a dream. Maybe you died four years ago and this whole thing has been some sort of afterlife; you aren't sure you'd done anything worth this treatment, though.
Maybe it's more supernatural in origin; an intricate hallucination weaved by a Djinn that's got you chained up in some dark, damp basement as it feeds off your blood. Or maybe you just went crazy and the pool is actually a padded room, Leon's mouth against yours a product of your mind working to distract itself from your reality.
Whatever the case may be, it certainly feels real when he shifts his hold on you, hoists you up higher to get at your neck, laying kisses up and down the column of your throat, nipping at your jaw.
But before he can venture much further, the neighbor's fireworks show grows into an extravaganza, the relentless popping and bursting becoming a nuisance, shattering the illusion of your teeny-boppy movie moment.
"Jeez," Leon mutters, breath hot against the saliva cooling on your skin, causing you to shudder. "Did they buy out a whole tent?"
"Did you check that Claire actually went to bed?" You ask, shaking yourself free of his hold. "She could've joined them; brought everything I wouldn't let her set off here."
He hums, letting you down into the water, considering your words - even though you said it as a joke, it certainly is a possibility. You seem to come to this realization at the same time, eyes narrowing at each other as the spray of fireworks continues overhead. "We should…" He starts, nodding towards the stairs.
"Yeah," you agree, already beginning to move.
You pause to grab your towels, wrapping your own around yourself, throwing the other over Leon's shoulders when you catch up to him at the patio door. Stepping inside, you hear someone knocking around your kitchen.
Luckily, it's Claire. She steps back from the cabinet she'd been rifling through to face you and Leon with a frown. "Isn't this shit ridiculous?" She remarks, pointing to the ceiling in reference to the fireworks.
"You're one to talk, Claire," Leon shoots back. "Didn't you just set off about five hundred dollars worth of them in my backyard a few hours ago?"
"Yes, a few hours ago," she reiterates. "Nothing should be set off after the show at the Capitol is finished - after that, you're done; you missed your shot; better luck next year."
"Exactly," you nod in agreement at her reasoning, "They should put you in charge."
She grins at your words, moving to continue on, but Leon cuts in before she can start; "What is it that you were clawing through my cabinets for?"
She sighs, displeased with his interruption, setting her hands on her hips. "Where do you keep the ibuprofen?"
Leon shoos her out of the way, padding across the kitchen to get the medicine himself. Claire relents without argument, attention immediately shifting back to you as she leans over the counter. "So," she wiggles her eyebrows, "It seems like that pool was a good investment, huh?"
You bite at your lip, ears burning with embarrassment that she'd seen you and Leon necking in the water like teenagers - even though you shouldn't be flustered; it is your house, after all.
Leon sets the bottle of ibuprofen and a glass of water down in front of Claire, annoyance evident with the way he uses a bit more force than really necessary, causing the items to clack against the marble.
"What?" Claire questions, glaring at him. "It was cute."
Leon huffs in response, unable to hide the flush that crawls up his neck at her words. You can't help the giggle that bubbles out of you, enjoying the way they bicker like siblings.
Claire leaves Leon to stew, tossing you a grin as she collects the bottle and glass, bidding you goodnight once more before she leaves the kitchen.
You move around the counter to Leon, steps careful in an effort not to slip on the water that has dripped off him and onto the tile. The neighbors must've ran out of fireworks while you were distracted by Claire as it's silent when you wrap your arms around him, tucking your face into his neck. "Still a good day?" You ask, voice muffled against his skin.
He slings an arm around you, fingers fanning out along the small of your back, "Still a good day."
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embrosegraves · 7 months
ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕋𝕠 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤
(request) Fernando Alonso x Fem!Reader x Carlos Sainz Jr "What are you doing?" "Giving you affection." "Disgusting...do it more"
Warnings: None I think?? I did most of the Spanish translations all by myself!
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You lived with the goal of trying and experiencing as many new things as possible. Which is how you found yourself in a triad relationship with the only two Spanish drivers on the Formula One grid. You never thought that you’d ever get into a situation like this. At first when both drivers approached you and made their intentions known, admittedly you had taken a while to think about it. You had weighed the pros and cons, thought for hours on end and even questioned how you used to identify with relationships before eventually accepting their advancements. 
It was a new thing for you. You had only ever been in a monogamous relationship before meeting the two Spaniards. Thankfully, the relationship was also a new experience for Carlos and Fernando. You remember asking them if they were in this relationship as each other’s boyfriend or just as your boyfriend, which had made them think a fair bit about what they wanted. Eventually they figured out that there was no harm in being each other’s boyfriend as well.
Growing up, your parents showed you plenty of affection and love. However that had mostly been verbal praise or a high-five. The only time either of your parents had given you a hug was when you were upset. They usually didn’t give you hugs or kisses unless for special occasions and as you grew older those rare affections became even more sparse. So it startled you every time Carlos would come up and kiss you randomly or when Fernando would tuck you under his arm as you walked beside him. 
One night, early on in the relationship, you had been prepping some veggies for dinner when the front door had opened. You listened as two sets of footsteps entered the house and knew that both Carlos and Fernando had finally finished their duties for the day. Finishing the veggies you moved to put the kettle on so that you could make yourself a tea. 
“¿Té o café?” You called out to them, grateful for having learnt some Spanish in school. They both walked into the kitchen, Carlos grabbing two plastic cups while Fernando went to the fridge to grab the jug of cold water. [Tea or coffee?]
“Ninguno para mi gracias.” Carlos said. [None for me, thanks.]
“Fern? ¿Cualquier cosa por ti?” [Anything for you?]
“Un café sería estupendo.” Fernando replied as he set the jug of water in front of Carlos before going around and placing a kiss on your cheek. Your whole body froze the moment you felt Fernando’s lips make contact with your cheek. [A coffee would be great.]
Seeing you react that way made Fernando chuckle. In turn, his chuckles made Carlos look over to the both of you. He saw how you weren’t moving and how Fernando was now leaning on the counter next to you. It didn’t take him very long to figure out what had occurred. Carlos hesitated for barely a second before he convinced himself that it was the only logical thing to do. 
You could feel how close Fernando was leaning towards you. You could hear him chuckling. You were acutely aware of the skin on skin contact he was maintaining, his hand resting on the small of your back underneath the oversized shirt you were wearing. You almost jumped when you felt Carlos come and take the coffee mugs from your hands and place them on the counter. You knew he made damn sure that his hands brushed yours as he did so. 
Once Carlos had made sure the mugs were safely away from the counter edge, he grabbed your hips and turned you so that you were facing him. His hands made their way up your body, lovingly caressing every curve and dip in their path, until finally they came to rest on either side of your face. Fernando had caught on pretty quickly, if the way he pressed his body to your back said anything. With Carlos in front of you, gently caressing your face, and Fernando behind you rubbing soothing circles on your hips and love handles, you were absolutely sure that you were as red as the Ferrari that Carlos drove. 
You tried to open your mouth so that you could speak, but before you could even think of the words you wanted to say, Carlos had dipped his head and gently pressed his lips to yours. Apparently Fernando didn’t want to be left out of the kissing because no sooner had Carlos lent in, Fernando attached his own lips to the junction between your shoulder and neck. 
“Wha- What are you both doing?” You managed to breathe out between kisses. The onslaught of touch was almost overwhelming. 
“You looked like you needed some affection, Querida.” Carlos whispered, his hot breath danced across your ear. 
“Would you like us to stop?” Fernando had barely lifted his lips from your shoulder, but you heard him anyway. 
“Yes- No- I-” You were conflicted. On the one hand, you were nowhere near used to the amount of love they were showing. On the other hand, however, Fernando and Carlos made you feel like you were dreaming.
“It’s alright, Amor. We can slow down.” Fernando had finally lifted his head, only to rest his chin on the top of your head. “We go at your pace, Dulce Niña.” [Sweet Girl]
“I need a little space, please.” You managed to whisper. The moment they loosened their grip on you, you moved to the corner closest to where they were. You wanted to be in your own space but you didn’t want to be far from them, in case they felt offended or guilty. 
You took a few moments to yourself, thinking over how to explain to them just how unused to affection you were. It wasn’t their fault that they grew up in a culture where casual displays of affection between lovers was so common. Just like it wasn’t your fault that you grew up never witnessing or experiencing casual affection at all. Part of your mind was going insane, telling you that they would think differently of you for not having the same experience. No matter what you told yourself, you just couldn’t get rid of that nagging little voice. 
“Are you alright, Mi Amor?” Carlos looked at you with worry. He thought what they did was a harmless bit of fun. He wasn’t expecting you to act as you had. Fernando wasn’t any better. He looked just as worried, though slightly more concerned. 
“I’m okay.” You said, taking a deep breath. “I just- I need to get used to it.” 
“Used to what?” Fernando spoke softly, as if trying his best to not spook you. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at them. “The affection.” 
Your voice was so quiet you honestly didn’t expect for either of them to hear you. You almost wished they didn’t, but luck was not on your side. 
“What do you mean you’re not used to affection?” Again, Fernando spoke. Holding his arm out slightly as if to stop Carlos from moving towards you. You were thankful that he did so because you weren’t sure you could handle being surrounded by a pair of arms at the moment. 
“I never got a lot growing up and the only boyfriend I ever had didn’t last long enough to get more physically affectionate.” You whispered.
“Does it make you uncomfortable when we kiss you?” Carlos looked almost like a wounded puppy. He never ever wanted for you to be uncomfortable in this relationship. If you said the word, he would happily never kiss you again. Okay maybe not ‘happily’ but he would do it nonetheless. 
“It doesn’t make me uncomfortable, Carlitos. I’m just not used to getting kisses all the time. I think I just need to ease myself into it.” 
By now you had moved to sit on the floor. It was always something you did when your feelings or thoughts got too overwhelming for you. Just sitting on the floor was already making you feel better. It didn’t take very long at all for both Fernando and Carlos to also sit down on the floor. They didn’t want to push you to talk about something that you were potentially very private about. If you wanted to tell them, then you would do it when you were ready. 
The three of you had sat on the floor for the rest of the night, quietly talking to each other about how to go forward. You told them as best you could about how the amount of romantic affection made you feel. Carlos had suggested dealing with it by pretending to be teenagers in their first relationship as a joke, but Fernando had decided that it was the best way to go about navigating the new influx of affection. 
As childish as the idea was, you were grateful that they wanted to help you overcome the unfamiliarity that you had receiving affection. You loved that they were determined to make sure you were comfortable in the relationship. 
You were broken out of your reminiscing when you felt kisses on both your cheeks. 
“Where is your mind today, Hermosa?” Carlos’ voice came from your left. 
“Must be somewhere special if she didn’t hear us walk into the kitchen.” To your right was Fernando, with a cheeky grin on his face. 
You turned around so that you could look at the two of them. “I was thinking about when we were sitting on the floor a few years ago. Talking about being teenagers in love.” 
Both of your boys were smiling at you. Carlos was holding your hand and Fernando had a hand on yours and Carlos’ waists. 
“We’ve come so far, no?” Carlos said softly. “We have grown in ourselves and our relationship. We’re no longer teenagers anymore.” 
Fernando pinched Carlos’ waist gently. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m still a teenager, Corazón.” 
“Alright you two,” you laughed. “wash your hands. You’re gonna help me with dinner.”
They both saluted you and spoke in almost perfect unison. “¡Sí Señorita!”
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I feel so bad for how long this took me to write lmao but at the same time, I'm glad I took as long as I did because I'm finally happy enough with it to post
likes, replies and reblogs are always appreciated <3
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moralcandy · 2 months
fifteen things that don't come back, by charlie slimecicle:
number one. the paper airplane you and your daughter throw at your husband while his back is turned in the kitchen, the two of you hiding behind the counter as you snicker quietly when he stops humming and yelps a curse as he turns around with a faux angry expression and a poorly-hidden smile.
number two. the glass your daughter broke trying to grab it from the cabinet on her tippy-toes. you didn't look over until you heard the glass shatter against the kitchen floor, too preoccupied with grabbing the jug of cold orange juice from the fridge to notice until it was too late. golden, afternoon sunlight shone warmly on the both of you from the open window as you swept it up while she stood to the side with a sheepish expression.
number three. your husband's soft shirt he let you borrow when you said you couldn't find your own but really you just quickly shoved yours under the bed when he wasn't looking. you absently noted that it smelled like him. your lips curved into a slight smile without input. your foot shoved your shirt under the bed a little bit farther.
number four. the pictures you took of your daughter and niece, hugging eachother as they posed for the camera, the photo incinerated into ash when you blew up your house. you frantically dug through your daughter's chest afterwards, soot covering your hands as you searched for the photograph. you did not find it.
number five. your niece.
number six. the feeling of a cold glass of wine held tipsily in your hand, the waterdrop of condensation slipping down the glass at the same pace your tears did down your cheeks. you downed the alcohol until there was nothing left except a burning feeling and a lump in your throat. the bartender did not give you another drink.
number seven. your friend, the one who used to laugh hysterically with you as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders before he began to scream at you while he wrapped his hands around your neck. he pushed you into the dirt, the metallic taste of blood in your mouth and the feeling of wet dirt on your skin as you absently question whether the water dripping on your face was the rain or the tears slipping down your friend's face. you know that was the funeral of your children, but you think both of the real 'you's died that day, too.
number eight. the warm, rumbling feeling of laughter in your chest as a smile hurts your cheeks, the sensation long gone. your mouth, for a moment, twitches into a small smile at the memory of the feeling.
number nine. the feeling of hands on your own, your husband's warm hands intertwined with yours as your cold, golden rings clink against eachother. your daughter's tiny hand clasped around yours as she leads you to a butterfly she found, grass brushing your ankles as you walk.
ten. the sound of your daughter's amused laughter, snorts interrupting occasionally. her head leans back as she giggles, her eyes scrunched up in happiness.
eleven. the sound of your husband's soothing voice, lilting with fondness as he looks at you. a smile absently crosses his face as he speaks, audible in his voice. you always remember smiling back.
twelve. your golden wedding band your husband lovingly slipped onto your ring finger so long ago, the one you furiously tossed into a dusty corner with particularily bad aim. you blame the poor aim on the tears blurring your vision, but it could've been the alcohol, really.
thirteen. your husband. you try to go to sleep in the center of your bed now, knowing that he won't be there. when you wake up, you always find yourself on the left side of the bed, as if you've moved in your sleep to accommodate someone. you scowl and think that your asleep self should stop being so stupid. ..you make the bed just in case he really does decide to come back.
fourteen. your daughter. whenever you make yourself breakfast now, you keep accidentally making two bowls, the muscle memory automatic, familiar, and no longer needed. you sit down at the table and set the bowls and begin to eat, but you always end up just stirring the cereal with your spoon as you stare at the untouched bowl across from you. you always end up throwing them both away. without your input, a frown tugs slightly at your lips as your pour out the second bowl but you know that nobody else was even here to eat it anyway. your eyes burn.
fifteen. your daughter, the one you know isn't the real one. sometimes you walk down those train tracks where you found her, hoping she'll be here this time. she never is. ..you still keep checking, just in case.
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fillthattank · 2 years
A huge thanks to @plumpboybellies for requesting this story, it was very fun to write! Also, a shout out to a few friends for giving me a few ideas (you'll recognize yourselves!). This story wouldn't exist without you!
"I want you to move up a weight class," Colton's coach said. "I know you've been playing at this weight for a while, but you have a big frame. You'll be even better with more meat on you."
"How big do you want me?" Colton asked. 
Colton was a wrestler. 6'2'', 190 lbs, all of it muscle. His singlet hugged his lean body, highlighting every bit of definition. You could even guess the outline of his abs through the fabric.
"As big as you can? They removed the maximum weight limit a few years ago," Coach said. "Just bulk up as much as possible in the off season, we'll see how it works out after."
Colton nodded. This sounded fun.
"You'll probably have to kiss that eight-pack goodbye, but the extra muscle and all the heavyweight matches you'll be winning should more than make up for it," Coach laughed, slapping Colton's flat stomach.
Like any self respecting jock, Colton had a big appetite, but sticking to his wrestling weight meant he had to keep it under control. Every so often, Colton would overeat, whether it was wanting to impress his friends, having too much fun at a party, or just his stomach having the better of him, and he'd have to go on a brutal diet to cut back down.
This was, starting now, a thing of the past. After his meeting with Coach, Colton went to the nearest fast-food joint, and ordered 3 massive burgers from the get go. He knew he had the capacity, and now he could binge guilt-free.
Colton came back for a 4th. And a fifth. By then, his belly was bloated and stretching his shirt, making a gentle curve from under his pecs. That belly felt good, firm and heavy, a symbol of his newfound freedom.
"You sure about this?" Asked the vendor, as he ordered his 6th burger. Jocks overloading their bellies was a common occurrence, so some concern was natural.
"One hundred percent," he said, giving his bloated belly a good rub. It was starting to feel tight, but Colton knew there was room for at least one more.
Back at his flat, Colton took off his shirt, and checked out his gut. The six burgers had bloated him so much, it stuck out by a good 6 inches from under his pecs. His abs were still visible, making the belly look like a turtleshell.
This would be the last time Colton saw his abs, as he then opened his fridge, and continued his rampage. Chugging milk from the jug, eating an entire tub of grated carrots with the better part of a jar of mayo. Colton wasn't even sure of what some things were, he just ate them, and his belly stuck out even more. Not that he cared. He just wanted as much food as possible inside him.
Eventually, Colton got so bloated he had to lie down. His belly was a perfect ball now, his abs completely smoothed out by the tremendous volumes inside him. As if he'd been blown up like a balloon, except rather than air, it was solid, heavy food. His huge tank hurt, a bit, but it was a good pain. The kind you got after intense exercise, one that comes with a deep feeling of satisfaction. 
Colton stayed on his bed for a while, feeling up his tank of a belly, enjoying the fullness. He could have stayed like that all evening, but was this really his limit? He no longer had to keep his appetite under control, he could experiment a bit, right?
Still flat on his back, the bloated jock grabbed his phone from the bedside table, and ordered a pizza. His guilty-pleasure pizza, large and with all his favorite toppings, the one he always ordered when he felt down, or wanted to treat himself.
Waiting for the pizza to come was a haze. Digestion was starting to heat up his belly, to make him feel sleepy. When the bell rang, getting up was harder than expected. His gut was so heavy, his abs were so stretched, his quads working so hard to bear his weight. His stomach like a wrecking ball inside him. Maybe this was too much ?
All doubt vanished when he opened the door and smelled his favorite pizza. Colton felt the delivery guy's gaze on his muscular body and massive belly, giving him an extra confidence boost. He was a jock, and he had the muscle and the gut to eat meals smaller guys could only dream of.
Colton brought the pizza back to his bed, and ate it flat on his back, watching his musclegut rise a little bit with each slice. His stomach had probably reached capacity a while back, the jock now eating by sheer force of will. Pizza being dragged into his monster stomach by muscle memory. The pressure inside his stomach, the weight of all that food, the stretch on his abs, the heat of digestion, it was all one big dream-like haze. It wasn't a new feeling, but the stretching felt like heaven. The jock passed out not long after the last slice, using what strength was left in his tired body to give his bloated belly one final rub. This offseason was going to be fun
Colton woke up still bloated the next morning. He'd eaten so much even his rocket-speed metabolism hadn't been able to digest it all in one night. Weirdest of all, he was hungry. His belly didn't so much feel half full as it felt half empty.
Colton liked this. He made himself the biggest breakfast ever, and ate it all.
This became an everyday occurrence. Colton's belly was constantly bloated, and Colton was constantly eating. Each time his bloat went down a bit, he'd top it back up. And when his belly looked close to the limit, he'd force more food in the tank. He figured out a neat trick, if he rubbed the side of his belly with one finger after it got full, his stomach would be able to stretch a little more, allowing him to eat more.
Colton had no idea how fat he was or wasn't getting, or even what his weight was. He had to be constantly lugging a few dozens of pounds inside his gut, and it was so packed at all times he couldn't tell how much of it was muscle, fat, or just plain bloat.
All Colton knew is that he was indeed getting bigger, and was getting stronger. His arms were bigger, his pecs, his back, his legs, every muscle, actually, though with a big asterisk over his abs. Sure, people stared at him when he turned up at the gym looking pregnant, but their judgement turned to admiration when they saw how much he was lifting, or how much he could put away in just one meal.
The day before wrestling resumed, Colton checked himself out in the mirror. He looked so massive, so beefy, his big round gut looking great on his muscular frame. Colton picked up his singlet, unworn since the end of last season, looking forward to seeing what he'd be looking like for the next few months.
Putting it over his legs proved tough. Even his calves were tight, nevermind his massive quads. Colton painfully got it over his lower body, but when it reached his waist, the singlet blocked. Colton's enormous belly stuck out by about a foot over the girdle, so far out he didn't think he could pull the rest of it up without risking tearing the fabric.
Colton tried to suck in his belly. Tried, and failed. He could barely get it to stick out by a few inches less, and trying to suck it in any further made him feel he was about to throw up.
He stared at his reflection, his singlet hanging around his waist, his belly looking way too big. Maybe he'd taken the eating a bit too far? 
Colton decided to fast for the rest of the day. He needed his bloat to go down to fit in his singlet, and anyway, it would be useful to know his actual weight. Never mind that he probably had enough food still in his system to hibernate a whole winter.
The rest of the evening was miserable. Somehow, the many pounds of food inside Colton's enormous belly weren't enough. He now needed to be permanently stuffed. The overbulked jock went out on a run, the first in a while, hoping it would speed up his metabolism and help his belly deflate faster, but it just made him hungrier. And after months of non-stop overeating, falling asleep on a stomach that wasn't stuffed to the limit proved tough.
Out of habit, Colton took a pack of pancakes to eat as he cooked a monster omelette, before remembering. He miserably put the food back in the cupboards, his huge stomach begging him not to.
Getting dressed for his first day back wrestling, Colton found almost everything in his wardrobe was still tight around his belly, even empty. The jock had always liked wearing clothes that highlighted his physique, and had carried the bloated gut as a point of pride all the off-season, but now he felt almost embarrassed. Maybe he'd gone too far, maybe the hunger was just putting him on edge. He settled on a baggy tank top, that was loose everywhere, but that made up by showing off his meaty arms.
Colton was driving to his wrestling practice when he snapped. He passed the same burger place he'd had his first cheat meal at. Remembered stuffing himself, how good it had tasted, how nice his belly had felt. And decided he was so hungry it was probably unsafe to drive.
"You sure about this?" The vendor said, as he ordered one burger. "Don't even want a second, big guy?"
Colton's orders had been progressively getting bigger over his offseason, so this was a sudden change. Still, a second wouldn't hurt?
Colton started eating, and this was the best a cheap burger had ever tasted. He could feel the life force coming back to him as he gorged, as the food flowed into his huge hungry belly.  He ordered a 3rd burger, then a 4th, and kept eating more and more. He needed the food. It was a matter of life or death.
The jock returned to his car with his 8 burgers comfortably packed in his big round belly. He'd worry about his singlet when he got there. His belly felt so good. And he wasn't going to perform well if he was too hungry, right?
Stepping into the locker room, Colton noticed he was way bigger than the other wrestlers. Even bigger than he expected. Guys he used to think of as massive, he now outbulked. Some had trimmed down, others had beefed up, but no one had gained as much as Colton, and he wasn't the only one to notice.
"Wow Colt', look at those guns!" said a jock.
"Bro the other heavyweights won't stand a chance," said another, feeling up his biceps and triceps. Because of his loose tank top, his arms stood out the most. And yeah, they had grown a lot bigger.
Colton was more than happy to have all the guys playing withis his big arms. His bulk had been a success, after all. The tune changed, however, when Colton took off his shirt, revealing his massive belly.
"Bro, you got pregnant or what?" 
"Damn dude, I know coach said bulk up but damn. It looks like you've done nothing but eat everyday until that belly is past its limit! That's some serious extra heft bro."
Other wrestlers stopped what they were doing, and came up to see Colton's new belly for themselves.
"I ate a lot at lunch time," Colton said, trying to defend himself.
"Yeah, and at breakfast, and at dinner, and a lot of snacking too, everyday. We can tell," one wrestler replied. Colton couldn't think of a come-back, the guy was right.
"Guys just how much do you think we can fit in here?" said one guy, passing a hand over Colton's big belly. "A gallon? Two gallons? Maybe even three gallons? It's really huge!"
The whole wrestling team was around him, playing with his belly, when Coach stepped into the locker rooms.
"You guys never seen a heavyweight wrestler, or what?" 
The other jocks stepped back. Coach walked up to Colton, eyeing up his belly. Gave it a few slaps.
"They've got a point, though. This is one big belly," Coach said, giving it a few more pats. "Go get changed, son."
Colton blushed and acquiesced. As the other jocks walked out, Colton pulled his singlet out of his bag. He hadn't eaten that much, only eight burgers, and he'd fasted before, so he was probably going to fit, right?
As last night, it was tight around his legs, the fabric straining over his bulked quads. Getting it over his meaty butt was even harder. It hadn't grown as much as his belly, but he couldn't suck it in, meaning he had to force hard.
Then came the belly. Colton sucked it in as hard as he could, pulled the singlet up, and nothing happened. He just felt really tight around the places he'd already put it on.
Colton relaxed, took a few breaths. Looked at his huge round belly on his beefy frame. The extremely tight singlet around his quads. He checked out his backside in a mirror, it looked vacuum sealed. Still, if he could get it over his butt, he could get it over his belly, right?
The jock breathed out all the air in his lungs. Sucked his gut in so hard he almost felt one of the burgers come back up. The belly still stuck out by a few inches, but Colton could now slowly inch the singlet up over his paunch. By the time he'd gotten his arms through the holes, he'd been holding his breath for so long he was about to pass out.
Colton's singlet was back on, clinging tightly to every bit of his bulked body. So tight, it was as if it had been spray painted on him. His beefy pecs, his quads, and of course his big round belly, prominent even as he sucked it in. A big change from last season. 
Pleased with himself, Colton relaxed, breathing normally once again.
Colton heard fabric tearing. He looked down, and saw his singlet completely torn, his bare belly sticking far out.
"Uh, Coach!" he called out, "I have a problem."
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twstfanblog · 1 month
Because I wanna talk about this event in the Brothel AU.
Cheka does find Leona before the rest of the Kingscholar family. Leona was actually on pretty good terms with his brother because they were in a healthy competition for the crown instead of his brother just being heir by birthright. The tipping point was the fact Farena had a child before Leona did and their dad named him heir.
While Leona bowed out with grace, his supporters weren't so willing. Once Cheka was born, he was the target of a number of assassination attempts and kidnappings. Leona stuck around for a few years, protecting Cheka and publically endorsing his brother's rule, but the attempts kept happening. Leona makes the choice to fully disappear, his brother doesn't even know his plan. With him completely out of the picture, Leona's supporters don't have any real leverage anymore and are fully labeled as traitors to the crown. And while the attempts STOPPED, Leona couldn't risk popping back in and everything starting over. So he leaves the Sunset Savanah entirely.
As of now, he lives comfortably in the Brothel and all he had to do was pierce his nipples. Sam gives him news on his family since the merchant travels so much. What Sam DOESN'T TELL HIM, is in an effort to find Leona, Farena is touring various nations to introduce himself as the future king of the sunset savana (while royal guards search the city with a fine comb).
Cheka, a child, wants to help. So he sneaks away from his babysitter and roams around the city trying to find his uncle that he barely remembers. He finds Crewel's brothel, not knowing it's a brothel, and goes in.
He tugs on the back of Vil's kimono, and once Vil looks down at him, Cheka asks him if he can have juice; he's been walking all day, and he's tired.
So Vil puts this like 5yo up in a guest room and gets him a jug of their finest grape juice. They"re having nice conversation. Cheka is telling Vil all about how blue and yellow make green, but you can make a Blue-Green if you add more blue. But it has to be the right shade of blue-
Vil interrupts this stimulating talk to ask Cheka about his bracelet, he's never seen one like it. Which is a lie. He's seen the exact same one only bigger; it's the one piece of jewelry Leona refuses to give up even though he's agreed with Vil on it being gaudy. Cheka is now talking at length about how it's a bracelet showing his royal status as a prince, it used to be his uncle's when he was little! And now Cheka is sad because he hasn't seen his uncle in a long while, he misses him...
Vil: Hmmm...what's your uncle's name?
Cheka: Um...Leona? My dad says his name is Leona. But I always called him Unca, because I was a baby and couldn't say my L's good, I can say them really good now!
Vil: You can! I may be able to help you if I can borrow your bracelet.
Cheka really doesn't want to. But he might be able to see his uncle...so he gives Vil his bracelet and agrees to wait.
Vil puts his acting skills to use and rushes to find Leona telling him a customer just came in demanding to see him.
Leona, of course, couldn't care less until Vil nervously shows him the bracelet. Vil tells Leona they gave it to him and said that Leona would know where it came from. Leona snatches the bracelet and rushes to the room ready to murder who he could only think kidnapped his nephew. Only to slam the door open and see a lone 5yo drinking grape juice from a sake cup.
Leona lets out the biggest sigh and just picks Cheka up: Of course you'd be the one to hunt me down...
Cheka starts crying and attaches himself to Leona for hugs and cuddling.
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