#give me a break!!! i just want to finish these stupid classes and be done with it all!
cuddlingsun · 5 months
i hate feelings!!!! go away!!!!!!
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silverislander · 7 months
i can't be trusted to take breaks bc i'm now on day 4-5 of "doing no school work at all" since it's the winter semester break and i said i'd take monday off for myself. i have the second section of my essay technically due tomorrow and i'm absolutely not going to be done on time. fuck me man
#the problem is im not doing awesome rn. im gonna be ok but yk its february it happens#so i said 'ill take a day off see if that helps. no work for one day and then back at it tomorrow'#but i didnt get back at it. bc my stupid fucking adhd ass brain hears 'do no work' and will then refuse to turn back on#i NEEDED a break genuinely. but i cant turn my attention/focus on and off like everyone else so now its fucking. broken#i have shit i need to get done!!#and make it worse bc i wasnt doing great to begin with now that im not doing anything i feel guilty for that which makes me feel worse#and makes it harder to do anything at all#the only options for me are working until i drop which is bad for me or taking a break and getting completely off track#levi.txt#vent tw#its not even that i dont WANT to work bc i like what im doing. i just cant make myself fucking do it#doesnt help that bc im on break my routine is all fucked up. i always start to work idly during class between taking notes#it helps me focus and not get bored and then i can work up to full focus hard work after class in the library#and since im not going to class this week... i dont start work#whoever came up w the idea that school breaks were for finishing/catching up on work: youre fucking evil#what do you think a BREAK means#companies arent allowed to make me work on my lunch so why are you giving us a 'break' and forcing us to work through that#anyway. im going to try to finish a paragraph of my essay today and email my supervisor to tell him itll be in late#fucking sucks but yk. im really not making this deadline. id have to get like 10pgs done today plus major revisions
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flowershines · 10 months
Unbearable Feelings
School Rival Virgin. Jungwon x F. Reader
Summary: Two academic rivals have to share a tent and an enclosed area from the class due to not enough space. (Huddle for warmth)
Warnings: Smut, mentions of baby trapping, rivals, virgin Jungwon, switch Jungwon, car break down, mutual masterbation
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Song to represent Unbearable Feelings:
Hallways filled with people as they moved from one class to the other, glancing around the hallway as music ran through your ears trying to keep your mind occupied by reviewing the vocab you had to study for your next class. Mumbling as you tried to remember the phrases, looking up to try and think of the words that were somewhere in your mind, letting out a frustrated sigh as you just could not remember. Taking out the paper from behind your phone as you swiftly look at the phrase and repeating the french translation in your head, glancing at the wall closest to you still repeating the word and its definition in your mind. Moving onto the next line you said the phrase in your head then referring to see your paper if you had gotten it right, you did.
Feeling a pair of eyes look at you, your gaze was met with the one guy you despised, don't get me wrong he was okay and everything but you both had always wanted to be the top of your class. Debate after debate you would win then him then tie then repeating that order, you never understood why he always argued back all he talked about was getting into his dream job but getting into that business doesn’t depend on a stupid debate that you had won so why was he taking it so serious.
Quickly breaking eye contact then softly returning your gaze to him a figure appeared in front of you, turning your head to the wall and letting out a huff of air, a headphone was pulled from in your ear into the boy's hand. “Go away, Jungwon.” He placed his hand on his chest and opened his mouth as a way to act, referring to how ‘offended’ he was. Rolling your eyes he said, “I’m actually great company Y/n, see now you would notice if you really cared.” “Wow that's crazy cause honestly I don't care about you enough to want to know.” Opening your eyes wide and leaving your mouth open ajar to show your sarcasm. “Ouch, what’cha studying?” He asked, ripping the paper from your grasp, looking at the paper, “You don’t know these, I already know them all.” “Yeah okay.” a sarcastic laugh fell from your lips. “Say the English, I'll translate for you since you're having a hard time.” scoffing at his confidence you replied saying “Send a text message.”
Turning to him waiting for his reply “Envoyer un texto, évidemment stupido.” ( _, obviously stupid.) “Ha Ha very funny, how do you say I am a very ignorant man?” turning to him waiting for an actual answer from your sarcasm, “Je me tiens à côté d'une petite fille ignorante.” (I'm standing next to an ignorant little girl.) “Va te faire foutre.” (Fuck you) walking faster to try to get away from him he speeded up his pace as well, “Wait where are you off so fast?” “My class, just leave me alone, I don't know why you love to bug me.” “Was it something I said?” “Isn’t it always?” You told him walking faster as he stopped walking and just stood, finally arriving at your class you put your phone in your bag and continued to study your vocab till your mind was occupied on the paper your french teacher put over your paper lifting your head you saw her giving one to every classmate, including Jungwon.
Looking back at the paper you read from top to bottom, ‘French Trip, all students who wish to partake in this trip must give a $10 fund and sign the paper below. The trip starts 1.12.23 till 3.12.23 when finished hand in back to the teacher when done.’ Maybe this will give you some time to yourself which is much needed, spending time at your apartment with your roommate isn't always your favorite thing to do, she would always bring people over when you studied but it just made you want to work harder so that way when people see the new person you would become and how successful you were would be the best part.
But of course Jungwon just loved to ruin these things for you, he always had since you both started the same school. His priorities were your priorities, not to mention the business he wanted to go to was not even the best job out there, being as smart as he is you thought he would want to get into a better job but it was a business that almost everyone gets into. I mean if it's his dream who were you to stop him you just thought it was odd. Class was like any other class with Jungwon starting by the teacher teaching the lesson following by you asking a question on the assignment as Jungwon tells it to you and proceeds to make a blunt remark following his explanation back to you telling him off, starting an argument with him till the teacher tells you both to stop and get your work done.
But today was different. You didn’t ask any questions and just stayed to yourself the whole class, making no remarks, nothing, you barely even spoke to your classmates. You could feel Jungwons gaze seeping in through your soul, refusing to look up at him. You just continued with your work till the teacher assigned the homework and made a joke saying how quiet the class was that day, making the class look at you and Jungwon even then you didn't say anything. She passed out the homework then dismissed the class, standing up putting your bag on your chair. You took out your folder and placed the homework in there then proceeded to put it in your bag looking up from your bag you were met face to face with the one person who made you want to stay quiet that day.
“What do you want?” You asked while zipping up your backpack then putting it on, “You were quiet.” “Yeah so?” “Nothing I liked it, you should do it more often.” Lips touching each other making a straight line across your face then nodding. “Noted, you done?” “Yup.” Rolling your eyes and shaking your head he walked right by your side till you were by the doors to leave the school, “Where are you going we still have English?” “I know, I'm not going.” Opening the doors, he asked “Why?” “I wanna go home, I'm tired.” not waiting for his response you left the building getting your car keys out from your back, you knew it wasn't the best thing to skip out on English but it was the last class and you had nothing major going on that day.
The whole rest of the day you spent in your room studying and trying to make up the english work that you missed, she had emailed you the work as you told her you weren't feeling well and had to go home. The next day walking into the building was the same thing as yesterday going to the same classes, French class was the same as well you turned in the slip as the trip would be later today. Whole class she told the people who were going on the trip to stay in the class and the rest who weren't going to the library and study for any other class, almost the whole class left except for 6 other students not including you. Of course your favorite person in the whole world had to go on the trip as well, but you just figured you wouldn’t talk to him and actually enjoy yourself without him.
You noticed how for the past classes you had with him, he hasn’t made any comments, no rude remarks, barely tried to talk to you, no arguing, nothing. A part of you felt at peace with yourself being able to do all of your work and had extra time to study for upcoming topics, today was the day you had the trip. Being so excited to be by yourself with your classmates that you never really minded except Jungwon, you minded if he was going. Heading home from school you start to pack your bag with your pj’s, toothbrush, toothpaste, blanket, outfits, the book you had been reading in your free time, along with other unimportant things as well. The french teacher emailed the individuals to meet back at the school around 4:30pm being 4:05 you changed into more comfortable clothes then headed to the school, arriving there a couple minutes early you see almost all of the students that were attending including the teacher.
She had told everybody the address of where the place was, telling everyone their partner who they would be driving with as they would take one person from the pair's car. As the teacher called out the pairs the only person who you hoped not to get you had gotten as a partner, he looked at you as you looked at him pulling your eyes away from his stare you refused to look back at him not wanting to look at him as you will for a couple of hours already, great.
“We are taking my car.” You told him as he came closer to you after the teacher had finished talking, not giving him any time to respond back you started to head to your car surprisingly he followed in your footsteps back into your car. Unlocking you placed your bag in the back seat waiting for him to catch up and held out your hand to tell him to give you his bag, he reached his hand up to yours and placed the bag handles in your hand.
“So this is what it feels like to have you as a personal slave.” “Yeah, don’t get used to it.” You gave him a sarcastic smile and shut the car door behind you walking over to the driver's side of the car. Starting the car you see Jungwon in your peripheral vision putting on his seat belt and acting all sporadically holding the seatbelt with a tight grip. “The fuck are you doing?” “You got a helmet?” “Why would I have a helmet?” He shrugged “For your passengers.” “The seatbelt should be enough.” “I don’t think so Y/nie, your driving isn't the best I see you swerve all the time.” “Bull shit, I’m a good driver you on the other hand that's a different story.” He giggled at your remark, you softly smiled as you found his smile heartwarming but thought to yourself why were you smiling at him, HIM.
Immediately putting a straight face on not wanting him to see you smiling at his smile, putting the car into reverse then starting to drive Jungwon was being as annoying as he can distracting you so much from driving, “Omg Jungwon shut the fuck up.” He slowly turned his head raising one eyebrow making a disgusted face, “So mean” He signed sarcastically looking down pretending to be upset at your remark. After glancing at him you returned your gaze to the road, hearing a loud noise coming from the back of your car, “Did you just get rear ended?” “No, it sounded loud but we didn't get rear ended.” Blinking his eyes in confusion, “You sure?” you hummed at him to let him know that we were okay. “Then why are we slowing down?” “Jungwon shut up, I don’t know.” “It’s your car you should know.”
Rolling your eyes you pulled over on the side of the road, you put the car in park not wanting it to move as you went to check out what happened. Unlocking your seatbelt and stepping out of the car swearing to yourself as your tire was flat against the pavement on the side of the road, “I heard you, is everything okay.” he asked from the passengers in the car, “Flat tire.” stepping out of the car he appeared in front of you on the opposite side of the car as he slowly walked over to you to see the condition you guys were in. “You got a spare on you.” “No.” “Hasn’t your boyfriend or anyone ever told you it would be a SMART idea too.” “Well I don't have a boyfriend so nobody ever warned me about this stuff.” “So what would you think if this ever happened?” Looking directly at him shrugging your shoulders you, “Just call someone or hope for the best i guess.” He huffed and rolled his eyes pulling out his phone from his pocket, he ran his fingers through his hair frustrated as he couldn't get a signal, the only lighting found from the woods was the light of his phone that was resting in his palms.
“Are you getting a signal?” Taking out your phone as well and going to make a call nothing was going through saying the connection failed even trying the emergency call, it would only let you call the police. It wasn’t that big of a deal to call the police so you decided not to. “No, what are we supposed to do?” Looking up at him with doe eyes, holding your arms as a gust of wind ran through your hair along with the t-shirt you were wearing. “Maybe we should just stay here till someone comes or till we get a connection.” Walking back to the car you sighed before getting in as tears brickled at your eyelashes threatening to fall, Jungwon noticed before he was able to get in he shut the door of the passengers side making a tear fall down your cheek from being scared and embarrassed. All of the sudden the door on your side was opening to reveal him standing at your door.
He grabbed your wrists and took them so you weren't sitting but standing outside the car door, he pulled your wrists around his waist letting go then placing his hand around your neck. “It’s not your fault, these things just happen, it's nothing to get upset over.” He told you to pull away, looking down at you, wiping away your tears, hugging you tighter. “We can still have a good time if that will make you feel better, I brought a tent with us.” You looked up at him then hugged him tighter, he giggled. “Is that a yes?” You nodded against his chest, pulling away you cried even more noticing how you had gotten mascara smudged all over his shirt. “I'm sorry.” You told him sniffling as your hands went to your face to hide yourself in the state you were in, “Don’t worry about it, I bright extra shirts.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you to the side of the car where all of your things had been in, taking out the duffel bag that had the tent in it and placing it in your arms. He grabbed a shirt from his bag and followed you into the forest not that far away from your car and not too deep into the forest as you had never seen the area before not wanting to walk into random animals territory.
Unzipping the duffel bag you went to turn around to ask him for help but you were faced with a shirtless Jungwon standing in front of you, not saying a word you quickly turned your head around, face starting to heat up you tried to pull your mind away form the image you just saw but you couldn't he just looked so gorgeous like that in front of you. He walked over to you with a smirk on his face as he was biting the inside of his lip, “Can’t look at me now, Y/n?” not saying anything you continued to act like you were busy reading the instructions he pulled them out of your hands, still not looking at him you looked into the woods. “Look, it's so pretty.” You were referring to the moon shining down on the trees making the river that ran through the trees sparkle, “So pretty.” walking to stand in front of you making perfect eye contact with his cock.
“OKAY.” You said shooting up from your spot, “Let's make this.” He smiled and took the lead looking at the instructions and starting to build the tent. Not long after the tent was all built you got off from your knees as you were pushing the tent pegs into the ground to make sure that the tent would stay in place. Unzipping the tent and crawling in you went in and sat down in the corner as you watched him get in the tent as well, “I’ll go get the blankets, you want anything from the car?” “Just my bag please.” “Such a polite girl.” He said, exiting the tent grabbing the things, hearing him walk back he came back and threw your bag at you, “You know what time it is?” “Like almost 10 I think” He pulled out his phone to check the time, “10:34” yawning, you covered your mouth and turned the other way not wanting him to notice how tired you were, “You tired?” He asked while setting up both of your beds.
“Nope.” “You're such a liar.” Shaking his head while giggling at your comment, “Just go to bed.” “But you're still up.” “Yeah I stay up late, go to bed if you're tired I'll still be here when you wake up.” Smiling softly at his comment as you noticed how he has never acted this soft around you before, he moved aside letting you be able to crawl to your spot, “I still have to get into my pj’s though.” “Nobody is stopping you.” “Turn around.” “Y/n I won't look, I swear I'm still making my bed.” “Swear.” “Pinky swear.” Taking off your sweatshirt and shirts from your bag you started to stake off your shirt as you made direct eye contact with the man in front of you, he immediately turned back around. Continuing you took off your shirt and put your sweatshirt on standing up after you're done and pulling down your pants grabbing your shorts that barely covered your ass and putting them on. “Okay, all done.” He turned around to look at you, he just stared at your thighs in awe his cheeks blushed not being able to look away it looked like he was in some sort of trance. He slowly looked away in embarrassment knowing that you saw him staring at you that way, he crawled into his bed as you got into yours as well he went on his phone and turned around so that way he wasn't facing you. Shutting your eyes and drifting off into your dreams you were awakened by shivering throughout your whole body, no light was being portrayed in the tent.
“Won?” He hummed back, “Are you cold?” “No, are you?” you hummed he sighed, “Come over here.” Unzipping your sleeping bag you crawled over to him and he had it held open as his back was now against the tent, so now he can see you. “Is there going to be enough space?” You asked him, “I don’t know, just get in here.” He shook the sleeping referring to how you should get in, crawling in next to him getting as far away as possible but still being able to zip it up again. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer and zipped up the sleeping bag, “So far away, you scared of me or something.” He asked sarcastically whispering in your ear, a shiver trailed down your spine from being this close to him and feeling his breath on your neck along with on your ears as well. “No?” He hummed, “You should be good now, go back to sleep.” following his suggestion you closed your eyes once again, fading away into dreamland, waking up you noticed you heard some noises coming from Jungwon behind you. Turning towards the side you noticed him still sleeping, rolling back to the side you were just on and closing your eyes thinking that you were probably just imagining the sound, but the noises got louder as you felt something rubbing up against you upper thigh. NO FUCKING WAY, IS HE… NOO.
Shuffling was heard behind you as a hand trailed down to your waist turning around you were facing him eye to his closed eyes that were closed tightly shut, his face alone made you think of him in certain ways. His eyebrows were knitted together, his eyes tightly shut, the veins on his neck were popped out, nose scrunching up and his bottom lip was placed in between his teeth. You felt something tap on you then go back, was that his dick? Heavy breathing was heard from him as his you would hear his breathing stop then go again the go but shake as he let out the air. Soft moans were pulled from his mouth, you just watched as he fell apart right in front of you his hands around your waist tightened as he pulled you closer thrusting his cock up against you rubbing against your pussy. A moan loud enough for you to hear fell from his lips from the friction, staring at him butterflies filled your stomach as his thrusts became more intense as his breathing became less clear and all over the place.
His eyes fluttered, not wanting him to catch you staring you immediately shut your eyes pretending to be asleep. He moaned the loudest as his hip shuttered against you, he had woken up just after he came which was starting to seep through his pants and onto your bare thighs. “Fuck fuck fuck.” He whisper shouted not knowing what to do, he pulled the waistband away from his putting his hand down his pants. “I came?! Oh shit, she asleep?” He sighed in relief seeing you ‘sleeping’ beside him, he let go of his pants and slowly unzipped the sleeping bag and exiting it. He cursed to himself as he went to crawl over you his leg ran up against your thigh realizing that there was a wet spot on his leg, lifting up the sleeping bag he noticed his cum dripping down your thigh trailing down to your ass.
He swore he could cum again just from seeing that sight, “Oh Fuck, what do i do? Fuck i’m still hard to.” He looked down noticing the tent in his pants, picking up his phone he checked the time it was almost 2 he was exhausted and just wanted to be in his bed which would allow him to jerk off to the dream he was having about you. He wanted to jerk off so bad seeing his cum on you along with remembering his dream he had of you made him moan to himself he quickly placed his hands i’ve this mouth scared that you would hear him, digging through his bag to find something to wipe off his cum with. He found the t-shirt that had your mascara on it and decided he would use that, he slowly lifted up the sleeping bag and saw how the his cum was now on your ass cheek. He softly ran the t-shirt down your leg then around to your ass he but his lip trying to not make any noises as he ran the shirt along your ass, he went towards his bag and pulled his pants down below his thighs and trying to get his cum that was on his pants on the t-shirt.
You stirred to his side he stopped his motions and placed the t-shirt over his dick thinking that you were awake but was relieved to know that you were still ‘asleep’ you opened one eye as he turned away staring at how he struggled to grab his cock from it twitching, grabbing the base he moaned slightly pulling the shirt he was wearing in between his teeth to silence his moans. Grabbing the tip of his cock he ran the shirt along his slit wiping off all the pre cum that was leaking from his tip, getting the sudden urge of confidence you decided to say something. “Won?” You couldn’t look at his eyes but staring directly down at his boner that was twitching from lack of touch and due to the cold air, his head shot up from looking at his cock in disappointment to looking at you as you looked at his dick.
Seeing you stare at him filled with lust in your eyes made him twitch as he quickly pulled the shirt over his dick making you look at him directly in the eyes, “It’s not- I swear- Y/n-” “Relax Wonnie, I was already awake.” you said sitting up, he tilted his head to the side “Huh?!” “You were moaning rather loudly and when I tried to fall asleep you came on me.” “OH. My. God Y/n i’m so sorry i didn’t mean to i just hand a wet dream about you and couldn’t help myself when you were that close to me, i’m so sorry if anything happened that you were uncomfortable with. I can go sleep in the car-” “Won relax it’s okay.”
His breathing became rapid you started to go near him to calm him down but as you did his cock twitched each step closer you took, “Wha- What are you doing?” I was just going to cuddle with you so maybe we can fall sleep again, “I don’t think that’s a good idea Y/n.” “Why?” He looked at his cock then slowly brought his gaze up to you, “I couldn’t control myself the first time so i definitely can’t the second now that you have seen me like this.” “I can help.” You say energetic, “WHAT?!?” “I’m being serious you said you had a wet dream about me, i can make it come true.” “No Y/n I can’t make you do this.” “But i want to.” he chewed the side of his cheek. “Y/n if you just saying that please just tell me-” You pulled him in by his shirt over to you kissing him on the lips leading you both to a messy make out as you travel down to his collarbone, moving onto his lap straddle him as his cock twitched against your stomach bringing your hand down to his dick and starting to jerk him off. He places his hands on your ass as his head tilts back and moaning from your touch, his eyes were filled with need wanting more, wanting your pussy.
Wanting to shove you down onto the sleeping bag make you beg for his cock then shoving his dick in you then fucking you senseless, but making out with him more he leaned forward slowly as he softly placed you down onto the sleeping bag that you and him had just been in. Fiddling with the bottom of his shirt you tug on it lightly as he sits up and grabs your wrists and slowly trailing them up you knew that he wanted you to take it off, soon after taking off his shirt he grabbed your waistband of your short shorts and tugged them down to your ankles as he then took them off for you.
He was mesmerized staring at you in adoration loving every movement you were doing, he stared at your panties which had a tiny pink bow right in the middle his fingers ran through the loops of the bow as you took your sweatshirt off. “So pretty.” He said playing with the bow and waistband placing his hand inside your panties rubbing your clit as you ran your fingers long his slit, he grabbed his dick and ran it along the outline of your pussy. You both moaned from the sudden stimulation from him dry humping your pussy slowly, you moved your panties to the side taking his dick in your hands and running it along your bare pussy. “Please need to be in you, i’ll be good i swear.” “You have a condom?” he shook his head but rubbed his cock along your pussy lips, “Just the tip then, no more then that.” Instantly spitting on his tip for lube as he started slowly pushing in the head of his cock moaning loud enough you thought the birds in the trees could hear, you placed you hand over his mouth to shush him.
He slowly started to move in and out of your pussy one hand grabbing onto your tit for more support while his other hand was jerking off the base of his cock, “Y/n need more, need to feel more of you please.” “Fine but I do the moving so lay down.” he quickly obeys your order and lays down on the sleeping bag. Cock straight up in the air waiting for you twitching due to the anticipation getting up you crawled over to him and got on top of him straddling his lap your pussy just inches away from his dick, grabbing his base he moaned from your hand on him while you aligned him up to your entrance. You kissed him just hovering above him, he wrapped his arms around you bear hugging you as he pushed his cock up into you bottoming you out making you moan from the sudden feeling of him filling you up. Whines fell from his mouth talking about how good you feel, how so hard he is for you, can stay in you forever, never wants to leave this position and how he wants to feel you cum around his cock. “Please Y/n need to feel you cum around me, it’s all i’ve ever wanted, need you so bad it hurts please can i move?” Nodding your head he thrusts into you two times slow and taking his time but on his third thrust he pushed so hard up into you while his hips kept fucking up into you fast, during one of his rapid movements his cock fell out of you leaving a whine from his lips.
“Your so perfect, I’ve always wanted to bend you over those desks and fuck the attitude out of you.” He huffed and kissed your ear keeping his heavy breathing right by your ears, he moaned in your ear shocking you but it was because of how you were clenching on him cause of his moaning louder and squeeze you harder his cock started twitching in you, you started to rub your clit as you would clench on him more. He loved the sensation of your pussy squeezing around him, you stared to sit up he let go of you and placed his hands in your waist you brought your fingers up to his nipples as he stopped his movements to roll his head back as his body rolled back to his dick making his movements continue even header this time. “Y/nn- I gott- I gotta cum-” “Then cum.” “Where do you want it?” You started to think about his question thinking about where it would be the easiest place to clean the mess up after. “Y/n I n-need an answer- now!”
His hands went below you to be ready to pull out and cum where you tell him to, “Just cum in me.” “I’m not playing Y/n tell me now.” “In me.” you slammed down on his hips, “I’m not gonna c-cum until you tell me somewhere else, please Y-Y/n need to so bad. If you w-want it in you can w-we please-e talk about this first.” getting off of him you brought your head down around his dick as he took both sides of your head and thrusted up into your mouth not caring how you gagged below him. After he finished cumming you looked up at him as his cum was dripping down your chin, picking it up with your finger and putting it back in your mouth then swallowing all of it. “Thank you so much, I mean it Y/n.” “You weren’t that bad.” he looked down disappointed, “Hey i’m just kidding I loved it you did so good.” you tackled him with a hug laying on him. “I was a virgin by the way.” he said looking down at you, putting your hands on top of one another placing your elbows on either side of his body you responded saying, “I know, usually if a guy isn’t really a virgin they just cum in her no questions asked and it was your wet dream whining that gave it away for me, but it was so cute.” you smiled big from ear to ear. “Did i do good?” “You did great, we should do it again some time!”
He pulled his arms around you turning to his still holding onto you as you cuddled into his chest right before falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. “Goodnight Y/n.” He kissed your forehead before falling asleep holding you.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 9 months
Hi could you please write one where reader gets assigned as Leo's tutor cuz he's failing math so they go to his house for her to teach him math but they just end up making out instead (like, HEATED making out, like, very intensely)
I'm sorry but the Bad Boy Supreme is not failing his maths classes. So I changed it to English :] enjoy the 2.6k of golden hour! <3
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Studying no longer means student dying---Leo Valdez x Tutor!reader [making out. a lot]
»»————- ★ ————-««
You sipped your apple juice and set the cup down, watching Leo continue to rest his forehead on the textbooks spread out in front of you on the cold concrete floor that you were sprawled across to fight the summer heat. “Are you just gonna go to sleep, or?”
“Why,” he said with a voice that was definitely smirking. It made your stomach feel funny. “You tryna get into my-”
“No, I’m trying to get into your mum’s wallet, actually,” you shot back, and finished your drink, the ice clinking around the bottom of the glass. You knew you’d won the argument and just waited for Leo to remember that he actually needed to pay attention if he wanted to not fail his class instead of bugging him. 
The flock of birds in the sky around your balcony both squawked and swooped at each other, acting a lot like you both this late afternoon as Leo tried to put off studying for as long as he could and you made a new playlist as he groaned and flopped about on the pillows you’d brought in from the couch. 
You were glad you weren’t the one having to concentrate because you didn’t think you’d be able to if Leo insisted on sitting there in the light of golden hour.
“All you have to do is read this one act, and then answer a few of the questions your teacher set. Then you’re done, okay?” You said a few minutes later when Leo hadn’t moved. “It’ll take twenty minutes at most. Besides, you’re a genius.”
Leo sat up with eyes squinted against the bright and then glared at the dog eared energy drink stained paperback sitting on the piles of worksheets and your laptops. 
You glanced at the streaks beneath his eyes and then down to his hands. He had very pretty hands, only his finger-nails had been bitten down til the skin around them was red and torn. You wanted to reach out and squeeze his hand, but you just tried for a comforting smile, “you really don’t want to do this, do you?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to, I just can’t…” Leo said, staring out at the powerlines and tops of trees in front of him. He grinned and waved a hand, “anyways, I’ve got a much better id-”
“If this is another sex joke I’m pushing you off the balcony,” you said bluntly, and then let your tone soften. “Don’t just change the subject, because you can’t change your subjects. You have to do this.”
“I know!” Leo burst, his voice breaking, and then pulled his knees to his chest and screwed up his eyes, arms around his legs. “I- I’m sorry. That was loud.”
You gave him a moment to slow down his breathing and rub his face tiredly before you spoke. “If you can tell me, why do you think you can’t read?”
“I can do it, like, I’m not dumb.” he said defensively, and turned away a little, his chin on knee. “But it’s so hard to just start reading when I know that it’ll take me ages and give me a headache and I won’t get what they’re saying anyway. It’s stupid-”
You reached out and grabbed his hand at that last part, watching him whip around with a red face. “You’re not dumb, or stupid. And, Leo, not everyone’s good at everything. You’re just so math-y that you need a weakness. And it’s not your fault your brain is doing that self preservation thing, it knows that you’ll hate what you’re about to do, so it’s trying to protect you.”
Leo sniffled and nodded quickly, his little grin hidden by his arm as he hunched over. You squeezed his hand. “Don’t be mean to your brain when it’s just trying to look after you.”
“Okay… okay.” he said, and sat up, face red while he grinned harder. The sun glowed behind him like a halo and made his dark curls light up. “...Thanks.”
“All good,” you said, pretending not to notice how he didn’t stop clutching your hand. It made your chest light so you smiled at him. “Now, how about I read one character and you read the other?” 
»»————- ★ ————-««
“I brought Starbucks!”
You looked up from your laptop and pulled your headphones out of your ears, the white cords tangling round your fingers as you stuffed them into your pocket. “Hey Valdez.”
“Hey yourself,” Leo said, doing that thing with his face where he tried not to smile. It was endearing, but his smile itself was just as cute. He put the drinks down on the ground next to you and collapsed onto the cushion he’d claimed, digging through his bulky backpack full of robotics club things and pulled out a few pieces of paper stapled together. He was waving it far too happily for you to read anything so you waited for him to burst. “I got a C!”
“No way,” you breathed, and then leapt up and grabbed the paper. It was his essay response you’d helped him study for last week. He got a C. “No way! Dude, that’s amazing!”
“Who knew I could be so good at English,” he smirked, hands in the pockets of his green army jacket. Then he let out a little yelp when you pulled him into a tight hug that smelt like machinery grease and incense and his laundry detergent. 
You sat back down and let him pull out his things a minute later, sipping the drink he’d brought over once your fridge had started to complain about its empty shelves. You couldn’t help that snacks were just great for studying. And the chocolate wafers seemed to motivate Leo greatly. 
“I thought your English teacher hated you,” you said, not really knowing how that situation had gone down. You didn’t know any of his teachers really, except the principal that had contacted you first, after you’d done tutoring for a few of her other students. 
You went to the school a few blocks from Leo’s, but you’d gone to primary school together and only lived a street apart. Teachers preferred tutors from other schools, because then they knew that their students weren’t just copying each-others work. It wasn’t a very full proof plan, but you hadn’t complained when Leo had shown up with a bag over his shoulder and equally as large ones under his eyes.
It’d been a semester and they were still there, but when he grinned at you, it wasn’t fake. 
He waved his hand away, “nah, she got fired cause she started selling weed to the year twelves before their exams or something, I dunno. I got a new one, Mr Blofis, he’s kinda weird, but he’s nice. And he brings swords in sometimes.”
“Why didn’t we think of that before?” you scoffed sarcastically, moving your books away as Leo dumped a binder as thick as the dictionary in front of you both. “I should’ve brought weapons to help you concentrate.” 
“Shuddup,” Leo muttered, picking up his drink that he probably shouldn’t have considering how much caffeine was in there, but he started sculling it anyway, and handed over the new book his class was studying. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
Leo glared at you.
It wasn’t a look you were used to, so you lowered your laptop screen and raised your eyebrows. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
He fumed in the doorway leading to the balcony you’d spent endless hours on together, his shoulders bunched up and his bulky backpack slipping from his grip. Then he stormed forwards and held out a sheet of paper in your face, “I found this, today.” 
“Huh?” You asked, sitting up and taking the form from him, assuming he’d failed an assignment, but then he’d be mad at himself, not you. You’d hug him and he’d complain about teachers for a little bit then you’d go inside and play Mario Kart and eat chocolate wafers that would get stuck in his teeth. 
Your eyes widened as you scanned the document. “...Right.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?!” Leo snapped, “I’ve been wasting your afternoons for ages when my tutoring was over months ago!”
You looked down at your socks and wrung your hands together while you tried to think of what to say. It was true, though. Leo’s mum had stopped paying and the school had stopped sending emails, but apparently no one had told Leo that. Including you. He stood above you, shaking with anger. 
Leo screwed his face up, “I’m not a charity case, I don’t need you to lie to me about-”
“You were never a charity case, Leo,” you interrupted before he went on a misplaced tangent as he tended to do. Then you rolled your eyes kindly. “And you never wasted my afternoons.” 
“It was selfish,” you said bluntly, and tried for a smile. “I just really like you.”
Leo’s shoulders sank, and he blinked stupidly. “Huh?”
“I pretended you had to come over longer than you needed to so I could keep hanging out with you, but I get that I was just forcing you to do schoolwork, it was mean.” You understood that he was going to leave now, he had no fake reasons to stay and lay his legs over your lap and make stupid jokes until dinner time. 
At least he’d know he was never a charity case. “You’re getting C’s and B’s in all of you essays now, and you’ve got that grammar checker too, so the school ended the contract.”
He didn’t say anything. You sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“You really like me?”
 “That’s what you got from that?” You raised an eyebrow. Then you patted the cushion next to you and Leo plopped onto it immediately, eyes wide. Then you squinted at him. “What were you even upset about? At the end of the day, you were getting free tutoring anyway.”
Leo shrugged, “I’m sure there was a reason.”
“You’ve forgotten, haven't you.”
“But you like me?” 
“You get very fixated, don’t you?” You smiled, and turned to afternoon sun fading over the powerlines and birds flitting around. Then you opened your arm over his shoulder and hugged him. “Course I like you, Valdez. Even if you eat all my food.” 
“Not my fault you’ve got good food.”
He was incredibly close. It made you face heat up because his hair was tickling your shoulder and his fingers tapped randomly on the space between you. Maybe it’d been selfish to not tell him, but god, it was sort of worth getting to see him a few times during the week. 
Leo was just so pretty. 
He glanced at you, “what?”
“Nothing,” you answered quickly, looking away from the little spatter of freckles across his nose and the warmth of his eyes. 
Then he poked your side with a curious grin, “what?”
“Nothing!” you shot back, wiggling away from his nimble fingers that tried to tickle you as he laughed. You kicked at his legs gently to scramble back through the pillows, laughing as you did so. “Hey!”
Leo slipped and made an odd yelping sound, then he managed to crash into you. 
You rubbed your face, chuckling, at his clumsiness. You sat up. Leo stared up at you with a red face, his shaky arms holding himself up on either side of you. He gulped, eyes moving between yours quickly. 
It was at this point that you both should’ve pulled away and laughed, going back to finding snacks and laughing over nothing, but then that window passed and Leo was turner redder by the second. His eyes moved away from your eyes slowly, and you reached to slide your fingers next to his slowly.
Leo’s chest rose and fell quickly. “I, uh… I really like you too.”
“I’m going to kiss you now, if that’s-”
You paused for a moment as his eyes crinkled and he grinned, ducking his head. Then you lifted his chin up a little bit and you watched his pupils visibly expand. 
“God, you’re so-” You cut yourself off, using his soft cracked lips to do so. The first thing you registered was Leo’s hands moving closer to you instantly and the way your eyes fluttered shut without warning. 
You pressed your lips to his harder and pulled back, breathless. He blinked up at you, eyes wide, and you reached out to pull him closer again, your fingers sliding along his jaw and holding his face. He scooted closer, kneeling between your legs and clutching the belt loops of your jeans while you pressed kiss after kiss to his lips.
He tilted his head and you gave him a second before you opened your mouth against his, realizing that you really were kissing the boy you’d been daydreaming about for months. Holy shit. It was better than you’d imagined, the way his breath fanned out over you when he kissed your open mouth back, tasting like strawberry gum and softness. 
When you took another breath, stealing a glance at Leo’s puffy lips and red face, but he pulled you back into the embrace, your shirt balled up in his fist. 
Teeth clashed together. You jerked back at the awful feeling and began to laugh, wiping at your mouth. “Oh my god.”
“Oh my god,” Leo choked, blinking rapidly. He looked around and a grin spread across his face. He was panting. “I’d be getting A’s if you kissed me instead of yelled, y’know.”
“I beg to differ,” you said, letting go of his jaw. Your fingernails had left little dints in his cheeks, but he didn’t look like he cared at all. You rested your hands on his waist and smirked. “I think you’d fail all your classes.”
“True,” he squeaked, breath catching.
You narrowed your eyes at him and slowly moved your hands up a little bit, fingers tracing his sides cautiously. 
You’d asked to kiss him, not pull weird sounds out of his throat and have him bury his head in your neck, but that’s what happened. As your fingers caught on the edge of his shirt, you whispered quietly to him. “Is this okay?” 
Leo just nodded frantically, his hot breath landing on the patch of skin where your neck and shoulder met. When your fingers touched his warm skin he grinned, his mouth brushing you. You felt the shiver that ran up him under the pads of your fingers, and you decided you liked it. 
He pressed his face tightly against you, hands curling around the back of your collar. 
Your chest tightened at the feeling of his lips and you dug your nails into the squishy part of Leo’s hips. It was a bad habit but it got you a firm kiss on your neck, even if it was accidental. 
Leo pulled back enough for him to look up at you, cheeks dusted with pink and lips puffy. He smiled the tiniest bit, but you could see a question in it and you answered by moving your hands to his back, rubbing circles. 
It was only at this point did you realize that he had sharp teeth, but as he chewed at your skin softly and licked it afterwards like an apology, you weren’t complaining. 
Neither was Leo, obviously. He left sore spots and his hair brushed your ear. His teeth picked you apart. You felt like rubber under his warm hands and wide grin, but then your hands traced his ribs because he’d begun sucking on a tender spot beneath your jaw. 
He insisted on leaving bruises you would have to cover up later. Maybe he’d take it as a challenge. Hopefully.
He pecked kisses along your kissed out skin until he reached your lips again. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
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atomicbland · 4 months
Just A Mirage
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Hello I'm outting myself as the ──★ ˙🍓anon from @ghoulphile. Anyways they've inspired me to fall face first dip my toe back into writing and might as well share the brain rot with the class. This is my first time writing smut or anything relatively like this so any questions comments critques are welcome! I dont bite unless you want me to
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pairings: cooper howard x fem!reader rating: 18+ MDNI! warnings: bondage, degradation, pet names, mentions of age gap (obviously), Cooper Howard being a jackass in general, canon typical chem use, smoking AO3 Link
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You were tired, thirsty, and hungry. Your rations had been finished earlier that morning though it was not by your hand. The tall ghoul who looked like he had walked right off the set of one of those western movies with his cowboy hat, ragged leather duster, and shotgun strapped to his back had stolen the last of your food and water while you stepped away to relieve yourself. You had come back to him chewing on your stash of jerky while letting his scruffy companion, “Dogmeat”, drink straight from your water flask. You learned quickly that no matter what, he’d treat the dog better than you. He kept you on a leash, his lasso was tied around your waist and tethered to the weapon belt that might as well have been fused into his skin. Anytime you weren’t keeping pace he’d give a rough tug of the rope, causing it to bite into your belly. Argued it’s easier to keep track of you that way. 
While you lamented over the loss of your food and water and debated if hiring the old ghoul was a smart choice something catches your attention stopping you in your tracks. Along the edge of the tree line, you spot the remains of what looked like a house, bigger than any house you’ve come across. The roof and windows were still somewhat intact and something that looked like brick peeked through the vines that had taken over the structure. You felt the bite of the rope at your stomach. 
“Now, I done told you what’ll happen if I gotta tug this damn rope again…” the Ghoul threatened from in front of you.
“I saw someth-”
“You ain’t seen nothin’,” he spat. “A mirage. Just that pretty lil’ head of yours playin’ tricks sweetie.” He tugged the rope again, urging you to move along not even bothering to look in the same direction as you. 
Sweetie. Whenever he called you that you could feel the heat of a thousand rads shoot through your body, making your blood boil. 
“Maybe my mind wouldn’t be playing tricks if I still had my food and water!” You didn’t budge, refusing to play his stupid game. You were in charge, hiring him to escort you to the Old World Wall safely. 
He turned to face you, his eyes hidden by the brim of his hat but his features were twisted into a scowl. “What was that lil lady?” 
He didn’t scare you. You cleared your throat. “I said. I NEED water. You don’t get any caps or vials if I’M dead!” He stays silent, still glaring. A month's supply of vials upon arrival was on the line and he knew it. You point towards the treeline. “I saw a house over there. We're out of rations and it's getting dark. Can we at least set up camp there?” 
His answer is wordless, whistling a command to Dogmeat to run ahead to the house. He gives another tug at the rope, commanding you to follow behind him, a cautious hand at his holster. 
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The inside of the house was far nicer than the outside led you to believe. While everything appeared to be overrun by nature the original bones were still there. Holey yet plush couches formed a sitting area around a fire pit that recessed into the tattered wall. The floorboards creaked and moaned under the new weight as the three of you walked around making sure the area was clear. Dusty paintings littered the walls, images nearly impossible to make out in the dim light. 
“Now smoothie,” the Ghoul started, taking a quick break to puff his inhaler, “I’mma take you off yer leash and scope the perimeter ‘fore we hunker down.” 
You nod, happy to have some relief from the scratchy fibers of the rope and to get some sort of break from your freakish travel partner. Not that you didn’t hate him but the way he spoke and stole from you did wear on your nerves. All of the stupid pet names that cowboy gave you did something to you. You couldn’t place it, a warm feeling in the pit of your stomach, a milder feeling of what he did when he’d make a pass at you. And despite how much he annoyed you, you found him strangely attractive. On those sleepless night when you were sure he was sleeping, you’d study his features, imagining his strong hands around you as he pulled your hips down onto his, his cock hitting your core just right making your back arch and pulling the same loud cries of pleasure you had heard him pull from others in the adjacent room of whatever hostel would allow a ghoul and his dog. 
The smell of viscera and tobacco cloud your senses, and you feel a gloved hand around the back of your neck, ripping you back to reality. “And be good for me while I’m gone.” The heat of his breath travels down your neck and straight between your thighs. 
You watch as he slinks away, stopping at the crumbling doorway—a dark shadow masking the top half of his face. “Oh and sweetheart,” he pulls a cigarette from one of the pockets of his duster, lighting it before he continued, “be a doll an’ rangle somethin’ up for dinner. Ain’t much in the mood for ass jerky t’night.” He flashes you a smile from underneath his hat before leaving, Dogmeat happily cantering after him. 
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The house is larger than it looks on the inside and despite its current state of ruin, you could see it in all of its glory, like one of those fancy houses you see in the movies. People smiling and laughing around a table piled with food, dressed in the most beautiful clothes that shimmered against the light. Women with beautifully painted faces and clean, perfectly styled hair. Those movies always made you wonder about the world before the bombs, before everyone wanted to kill everyone else, before the fear of radiation. 
You find your way into the kitchen, cracked black and white tiles decorate the floor, dingy teal cabinets matching the Atomic Queen appliances hug the walls. You take care to peek behind every cabinet door checking for any food or water that might have been missed by whoever came through here last. You manage to find some unlabeled booze and canned food tucked behind the remains of some long abandoned animal nest, while it isn’t much at least you’ll be able to eat tonight. In another cabinet you find some Sugar Bombs, the box is dented and beat up but surprisingly unopened, lucky you. 
You move towards the back of the kitchen, finding yourself in a small dark room. The smell of mildew and rot is so strong your stomach would've turned if it wasn't already empty, it's so bad you couldn't bother to examine the shelves that lined the wall. You make a mental note to ask the Ghoul to check for loot, of the two of you, he had the stronger stomach to rifle through damn near anything. Pushing through the door to the other side, fresh air greets you, a welcomed relief to your lungs. The very last dregs of sunlight shine through the windows that made up the roof, tall green trees kiss the glass in a desperate attempt to break free. If it wasn't for the roof you would've sworn you accidentally found your way outside. 
With one hand on the holster of your knife you creep with the brick of the wall at your back, slowly examining the plants in front of you. You recognized a few, Daffodils, Marigolds, even Tato vines. However a majority were new to you;  large flowers the size of your head, and plants that seemed to grow from the roof. You spot some pear and apple trees with the largest fruits you’ve ever seen further into the room. As you found your way to the perpendicular wall, you noticed that it was made of a giant window. You remember seeing building plans for something similar in a pre-war book years ago, a glass house that kept the plants inside at the ideal temperature. For whatever reason the plants in this glass house were thriving on neglect, carrying on with life as if the bombs never dropped. 
The sound makes you drop to the ground, covering your head. Whatever it was you just hope it was coming from the Ghoul. 
Just as you're about to get up, something catches your eye. You crawl towards the brush to get a closer look, little red fruits perched on vines decorated with white flowers cover the dirt by your feet. You pluck one, rolling it between your fingers the skin is rough, yellow dots littering the surface of the red flesh. The sweet scent of the fruit travels to your nose and entices your palate you know better than to put anything in your mouth. Instead, you procure the small tin that you use to store food from your bag and fill it with the mystery fruit. 
Hastily you shove the container back in your bag, whatever was going on outside had you a fair bit more concerned now that you could hear Dogmeat barking wildly. You quickly get up and make your way out of the glass house, through the dark storage room, and past the kitchen. Not stopping until you've collided with a large solid mass, sending a plume of dust into the air as your ass hits the cushion of the couch. 
“You’re ‘sposed to say ‘scuse you after runnin’ into a fella sweetheart.” 
You look up, your eyes meet the dark shadow of the Ghoul's from under his hat. Yellowed teeth show through as he grins wide. You look down to see in his gloved hand are two Rad Rabbits, in the other an unopened can of purified water. Relief washes over you, knowing that your dinner would be more than just Cram and Sugar Bombs. 
“I believe a thank you's in order.” His stupid handsome grin growing even wider. Clearly proud of himself despite him having taken down much harder prey. 
You glare at him before softening, in some way, you feel like this is his way of apologizing for earlier. Any time he pissed you off he would at least make up for it with his actions. Stolen stimpak? Within the next day, you'd find it replaced along with a bag of RadAway. A few bottle caps would find their way into your bag too, when you brought it up to him he'd deny it, telling you to keep a better eye on your shit.
“Thank you,” you pause, it just dawned on you that you didn't know his name. He was the Ghoul, the Cowboy, your escort across the wasteland. But no name to attach to him. You fish for a polite title for him, and if you knew him better you would've punctuated your gratitude with a kiss, yet the older man didn't seem like one for physical contact. “Thank you, Sir.” Is what you land on. 
His smile fades as if your gratitude offends him and he tosses rabbit carcasses into your lap.
“Make sure Dogmeat gets her fair share. She found ‘em after all.” He says, patting the mutt beside him before making his way to the firepit, and lighting another cigarette. 
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h3yl4dies · 6 months
❀ '𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐞!?'
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Pairing : Student!Haitani Rindou x Class President!Fem!reader
Admin note : thank you for 90 followers<3 we are so close to a hundred omg!! BTW this is school AU! SO ENJOYYY!!
Type : Scenario & fluff
Warnings ⚠ : a few swear words and there will be a few kissing scenes
Summary : You and your friends were playing truth or dare, you choosened dare and they gave you an dare to kiss Rindou Haitani but Rindou Haitani actually had a secret crush on you.
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"I choose dare." You spat randomly before they asked you to choose truth or dare, your friend's eyes widened a bit as they both looked at each other, exchanging shocking glares to each other.
"You sure y/n? You don't wanna.. You know.. Change your choice or your mind?" One of your friends said as they laughed at you, your face was serious, you knew they would give you a weird ass shitty dare to do.
But you were ready to face it all, you were gonna accept the fact about it. "Alright then.. I dare you to kiss Rindou Haitani" one of your friend group leader spat out as you flinched slightly at their request of their dare.
"What the fuck? Are you kidding me right now?- I mean.. I know your gonna give me some kind of shitty dare but not this kind of shitty one.." You said as their expressions doesn't seem to change their mind.
"Go on, Y/n. Go towards him and kiss him or are you just shy?" One of your friends teased as you blushed slightly, not knowing Rindou Haitani actually has a crush on you.
You have NO choice but to accept his stupid dare and get it all done, you stand from your table as you pushed your chair in quietly. You turned your head to stare at Rindou. Unsure of this new feeling your getting.
You went towards him, as soon as you came I front of his sight, he noticed you. "Why are you staring at me like that-" before he could finish his sentence, you pulled his collar and pulled him. Laying your soft lips into his.
You thought he was going to push you or hurt you in self defense but he didn't. Instead, he grabbed your waist with both of his hands and pulled you into him, deepening the kiss as your friends snicker and watch.
After a while of the heated kiss, you both pulled out slightly. A string of saliva connecting each other's tongue. You both held a awkward eye contact. "So are you going to tell me what is this all about?" He said as you looked away from him.
He grabbed your chin and swifted it in front of his eyes, forcing you to look at him. "It was a dare dummy" you said as you narrowed your eye contact with him. He rolled his eyes annoyingly as he grinned a bit.
After school, your friends didn't stopped teasing you about the stupid dare they gave you and how you both kissed.. A bit too heatingly. "Gosh can you guys shut up? It's not my fault you guys gave me this kind of dare!" You said, but they didn't respond, they just kept laughing at you.
You still wanted to say more. "Like omg.. Why would you guys give me this kind of stupid dare?!" You said as one of your friends replied "cmon.. Don't be too mad, you should be lucky your kissing him! I mean look how good he is??" They said as you turned your head away. They weren't wrong. He looked good.
You went back to your home, waving your hands to say goodbye to your friends. You showered, ate and passed out on your bed. It wasn't too long until you felt like a stone had hit your bedroom window, your eyes snapped opened. Is a robber trying to break in?
You quickly gotten up from your bed and looked straight out of your window. It was Rindou again. Your eyes was too blurry as you roughly slide up your window. "What the hell are you doing in front of my house outside at night?! I need sleep for school you know?!" You angrily shouted out.
"Just come outside and have a late night ride with me" he said as he patted his motorcycle with his slim hands. "Jeez why would you think I would follow you? Are you gonna kidnap me?" You said as he laughed quietly.
"Just come out, and don't worry about your sleep, I will drop you early back. " he said as he smiled gently. You decided to accept him and go out with him, you both stopped by a beautiful sea.
"The moon looks so pretty, isn't it?" He said as he held your hand. You didn't knew what is this new lovely dovely feeling your getting from him. "Yeah, I guess so." You both sat down at the rocks. Admiring the beautiful moon at night.
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Tokyo revengers masterlist!
Original masterlist!
Reblogs are appreciated<3
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jamsandsuch · 1 year
advice for first year uni students from a uni senior
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the roommate(s) will always be more important than the room
+ for roommates, SET. CLEANING. EXPECTATIONS. EARLY. don't wait until you're uncomfortable with how much mess is in the kitchen for you to start thinking if you should bring it up or not. set standards and make them clear.
put your key on a lanyard and hang it from your doorknob when you’re at home so you don’t forget it on the way out
if your dorm has a shared laundry room, set your timer for when your laundry finishes ~5 mins early to give you time to walk from your room to the laundry - especially during weekends/evenings/finals people wont have the patience to wait for you - even if your load just finished
If you have noodle arms like me, buy yourself one of those collapsible grocery carts you drag behind you like a luggage - best purchase i've ever made
Or if you're lazy, order online - but order on a free day because even if you schedule a time they're always gonna come stupid early and you dont want any frozen items to get spoiled or have your groceries stolen
DONT BUY ANY TEXTBOOKS/MATERIALS UNTIL THE FIRST WEEK/CLASSES ARE OVER. sometimes you’ll have early access to the booklist or syllabus and go ahead and start buying textbooks, but increasingly often you’ll buy the materials and show up to class just to find your prof has uploaded scanned copies of everything. *save your money*, wait!
BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS - look at your class schedule and walk around campus to find each classroom. you will probably get lost on day 1 and so will many other students so this will save you a lot of walking around bumping into other lost first years
trust me after a few weeks you won’t be waking up for that 8am class. i know you did it 5 days a week in high school, but there’s a reason uni students are allergic to morning classes. know your natural energy/attention levels and take advantage of the freedom to build your schedule around your energy fluctuations
compress/stack your class schedule as much as possible. if you absolutely do need breaks, make them at least 1.5-2 hours long or you probably wont get anything productive done and minimize these long breaks as much as you can so you can just get your day over with sooner
work smarter, not harder - when school starts note each course’s assessment type by quizzes/finals/essays. if i ever have a course thats just essays, i only do lecture notes + write my own annotations about readings rather than taking notes on them which saves time i can dedicate to textbook notetaking for courses with frequent quizzes + finals
if your school has benefits/discounts/insurance - know what it is and USE IT.
most clubs wont be like high school where there are regular meetings you attend. unless youre in the exec team the membership fee you pay/when you sign up for membership it’s just for access to their events when they happen. if you want to be involved in a club in a way thats as involved as high school, look at their social media pages for hiring.
+ as someone who has had to hire before - if you’re nervous, literally just do it. i was in an exec position for our student union services and once only had like 3 applicants to pick from
if you want to be noticed by a professor, sit in the front row. and always answer/ask questions - it doesn’t matter if you said anything of substance or not, they will remember that you contributed
that and also always make the point to say hello and goodbye! eventually (in my experience) if you come early enough and are just waiting for class to start, a conversation will happen - make these regular enough and you could have an important connection!
disclaimer: of course, not all of this might be something that resonates with you/possible for your course or school, so in the words of my cousin - take what resonates
+ anyone else is free to add on!!
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
can you make a headcanons with satan + solomon and maybe any character you want to add with mc who likes doodling cats/stars or anything during the day or maybe even in class on the (character) hands and they find it cute ??
love you❤️ .
drawing cats on lucifer, satan, solomon, and diavolo
includes: lucifer, satan, solomon, diavolo x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .5k | rated g | m.list
a/n: ugh this was adorable, i hope you enjoy! thanks for requesting and ly2!! my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come talk w me
please like, reply, and reblog!!
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grabbing a pen from your bag, you take your seatmate’s hand in yours, double-checking to make sure the lecturer isn’t looking.
“what are you doing?” he hisses, but you only flash him a grin, putting the pen to his hand. gently, you draw out a design, taking care to make it neat and cute.
patiently, he waits for you to finish, taking notes with his other hand. you should be taking notes. it’s fine, you’ll get them from him later.
once you’re finally done, you pull back, letting him admire your work.
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➳ lucifer looks down at his hand, eyebrows raised. “a cat? really?”
you let out a quiet giggle, leaning your head on his shoulder. “i made it grumpy, just like you!” you take his hand again, admiring your beautiful art, and can’t help but laugh again.
“i should go wash my hands,” he whispers idly, a half-threat. hopefully, he doesn't–you put effort into that cat! you even tried to make the eyebrows match!
unbeknownst to you, however, lucifer secretly quite enjoys the drawing and doesn’t plan to wash it off any time soon.
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➳ satan look down at his hand, breaking into a rare smile. “a cat? oh, mc, you know me so well.”
“of course i do,” you return, and he chuckles quietly.
“here, give me the pen.” you do as he says, and he takes your hand. “i’m going to draw a cat to match.”
he’s so serious and focused, which is honest perfect, because it gives you a moment to stare at his face, unabashed. after a few moments, he pulls back, revealing his masterpiece. it’s honestly not that well done, but you’ll cherish it all the same.
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➳ solomon squints down at his hand. “what in the world is that supposed to be?”
“a cat!” you hiss, scowling. “isn’t it obvious?”
“a cat?” he turns his hand this way and that, trying to see a cat in the squiggle of lines you’d drawn. “no, not at all.”
“you suck,” you inform him, and he laughs.
“here, give me the pen. i’ll show you how a real cat is drawn!” the mess he leaves on your hand isn’t any better than your attempts, something you continue to rib him over for the next few days.
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➳ diavolo preens as he examines the drawing. “i like the hearts around its head,” he whispers. “what’s its name?”
“harold,” you whisper, and his shoulders shake with suppressed laughter. it wouldn’t do for the lord of the devildom to be caught slacking off in class.
“the name suits him,” diavolo praises, and you smile, satisfied. “perhaps i should get this tattooed here. i’ll even draw you one to match”
“i wouldn’t go that far,” you say quickly, not wanting him to do something stupid, “but i don’t hate the idea of matching tattoos.”
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leviathans-watching's works - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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loveyouanyway · 5 months
i’ll kiss your scars
buck x eddie | 900 words | teen rating
trans buck my beloved for @steadfastsaturnsrings <3
“But y-you like men.” “Yes I do. Particularly the amazing and gorgeous man in front of me.” Buck stumbles across his words, all flustered. “But Eddie, I’m not— like I don’t have a you know.” He glances down there. “That doesn’t make you any less of a man, Buck." (Buck comes out to the love of his life)
read on ao3 or below
Buck, Eddie and Christopher are enjoying their dinner together in comfortable silence.
Christopher finishes his plate of spaghetti and meatballs first and now that he’s not eating, the silence feels weird so he speaks up.
“I’m not the only Christopher in my class anymore.”
Eddie hums. “Oh new student?”
“Nope. His name used to be Chloe but now it’s Christopher.”
Eddie and Buck look to each other in understanding.
“So he’s…”
“Trans. Yeah, it’s not a big deal, Dad. Now people just call me Chris and him Christopher.”
“How did people react?” Buck asks curiously.
“Everyone was cool about it. Some people had questions though so Christopher answered them. Then Mr. Nolan told everyone that he will not tolerate any transphobia or homophobia but he’s happy to tell us more about it. And if we ever have to talk to him about it, we can.”
Buck blinks back tears thinking how happy he is that in school, kids can come out and people will be supportive or at least respectful enough that they won’t say anything negative. He thinks about how bad it would be if he came out in middle school. He’s so glad Christopher has a teacher like Mr. Nolan.
He should probably tell Eddie that he’s trans. It’s been over a year since they’ve been friends. He knows Eddie will be accepting and everything but it’s still hard. He doesn’t want anything to change between them.
“Buck?” Eddie and nudges his foot with his own under the table.
“You okay?” he asks.
Buck quickly nods. “Yeah no I’m good.”
Eddie thankfully doesn’t push and instead asks what movie they should watch tonight.
They watch Spiderman: Into the Spider-Verse and Buck suggests they watch the second one next movie night which Christopher enthusiastically agrees to.
Christopher gets ready for bed reluctantly and Buck reads him a chapter of Percy Jackson. Eddie watches them with a sickening fond smile.
Once the chapter’s done, he and Eddie both hug Christopher and tell him “good night” and Buck yearns for him to have this every night.
They walk into the living room and Buck plops onto the couch with a sigh.
Eddie sits down next to Buck and faces him.
“Hey, you know that you can tell me anything, right?” he says earnestly with his stupidly pretty eyes and it feels like Eddie's staring into his soul.
Buck breaks eye contact and nods. “Yeah of course, uh thanks.”
Eddie doesn’t reply as if he’s hoping Buck will say more.
“Just give me a moment.” he adds and to that Eddie hums and rests his hand on Buck’s thigh. Oh fuck. This isn’t helping his nerves.
Buck takes a deep breath. “I’m trans.”
A second passes.
“Thanks for telling me.” Eddie smiles, trying to act like he didn’t know this but Buck sees past it.
“You already knew. How?”
“I saw your testosterone gel thing in the bathroom once. I guess you forgot to put it away like you usually do,” Eddie answers softly.
“You’re not mad I didn’t tell you?”
“Of course not, Buck. You don’t owe me anything regarding that.”
“We’ve been best friends for months.”
“Yeah well did I come out to you as cis? No. Besides gender is fucking stupid. Am I even a man?”
Buck sighs. He supposes Eddie has a valid point.
“Uh, while we’re talking about more serious topics, I have something to tell you,” Eddie admits.
Buck doesn’t have enough time to panic before Eddie calmly says “I’m in love with you.”
Is this a fucking dream? Buck doesn’t know what to say. “I- What do you mean?”
Eddie continues, “Yeah that was one of the factors in the whole me discovering my sexuality process. Hen called me out so many times about my gay panic for you.”
“But y-you like men.”
“Yes I do. Particularly the amazing and gorgeous man in front of me.”
Buck stumbles across his words, all flustered. “But Eddie, I’m not— like I don’t have a you know.” He glances down there.
“That doesn’t make you any less of a man, Buck. I know how I feel about you. I love you beyond your body but I mean, I do really love your body too and I hope I can make you feel safe and comfortable with it.”
Yeah this is a fucking dream come true.
Eddie lifts up the bottom of his shirt. “Can I…”
Buck has no idea what he’s about to do but he’ll let Eddie do anything to him. That probably should be concerning but he doesn’t care.
“Yeah,” he says with a shaky breath.
Eddie gently takes Buck’s shirt (which actually belonged to Eddie originally) and looks at him with such adoration, it makes Buck want to cry.
He lowers his head and brings his lips to Buck’s top surgery scars. He softly kisses along the two lines, whispering “I love you” after each kiss.
Now Buck is crying. He is just so overwhelmed with love—both his love for Eddie and feeling so loved by Eddie. He manages to say, “I love you” back before the tears make unable to speak coherently
Of course Eddie understands and doesn’t tell him “No it’s okay don’t cry,” instead he embraces him into a hug that makes Buck feel all warm and fuzzy — like all hugs from Eddie do.
They stay there, holding each other and Buck realizes things have changed between them but in the best way possible.
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tan1shere · 8 months
Too Late
Ellie Williams x female reader
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A/n: it's just one of those days for angst 😍 I put my whole heart into this I hope you all enjoy it <3 also did the paragraphs differently idk which layout I should do. This or my normal one...
Summary: Ellie was blind to it all. But so were you. Blind by her sweet little remarks, sucked in. You fell first but she fell incredibly harder once she realized she'd lost you entirely.
Warnings: not much just angsty angst my friends. NO HAPPY ENDING hehehe sorry not sorry ;)
Tears threatening to spill. For what felt like the thousandth time that week, you've been crying your heart out. Yes that's right, crying over someone who doesn't even glance at you, the way you would like. Doesn't even want anything to do with you... The way you'd like. How could you be so stupid to fall, to cry when they haven't even done anything. Ellie williams, your best friend. Well not right now. You two have been drifting and it hurt like anything. Shes very affectionate towards you, so much that at some points you wonder if she could ever like you for more. You were very stupid to think that even for a second.
Sitting in your room, alone. Text after text. You just wanted to wither away into thin air. Your eyes stung from the constant truckle of tears. But what hurt more, were the texts weren't even from the one person you wanted it to be. You were a bit younger than Ellie, so maybe she just thought of you as a child. That roamed around your brain for what felt like hours. Overthinking to the absolute max. You just wish your brain would zip it. Stop talking to you, just stop. It was silly to think that someone as amazing as her, would ever go for a wreck like you. Turning over in your bed, trying to get your brain to stop antagonizing you.
Fast forward a few days later, you were in your last class of the day, eyes droopy. Dark. Sore. Every possible thing that wasn't good. You were pale from lack of sun, just genuinely looking dead. Exactly how you felt deep inside. Dead. Dead. DEAD. "Y/n?" You get pulled out of your depressing thoughts by a voice. Her voice. You swallow, worried if you look at her you might break and crumble. You turn around looking at your feet, avoiding everything. "Hey, you haven't been in classes recently." You close your eyes for a split second praying that in some random universe this was all a silly dream.
That you were safe in your bed, dreaming this all. But no, ofcourse not. This was reality, she was talking to you and all you wanted to do was puke. Hurl. Your mind was racing. "Everything alright?" Your mouth goes dry, feeling like you can't form any words. You really were dead. So you do the only thing you could think of and just nod. "Babe are you sure?" There it was. That hope. That name. You kept everything in you not to let go completely and just run off to your small apartment, as you didn't live on campus. You finally look up at her, going to be strong as you had finished for the day. Not long to go now. "I'm sure. Just tired." She nods. "Ok well I want you to come with me this avo, I'm having a small party at mine. I miss you, please come."
Does she not understand what she's doing to your little heart. You feel it break more, every single day. You don't know how much longer you can keep going until it fully breaks in half. Jagged edges pinching your organs with that sting of pain. Or do you get over it once that's happened, maybe you want her to hurt you just that much, so even if you're broken you have nothing left to give. No more worries. "Yeah maybe." You go to leave not wanting to continue this any further. But she grabs your wrsit stopping you. "Please. I've missed you these past few weeks. And I have something really exciting to show you." For the first time in what felt like a decade you smile.
She was poisoning you. Your tiny heart started to mend again. Heartbreaking as it was you still loved her so much. You were inlove with her. "Okay, I'll be there." You were still so stupid.
Later on rolled round pretty quickly, your spark had come back again, you still looked like a bit of a mess but nothing a little makeup couldn't fix. Hiding those bags, and dark circles. You decided to wear something cute, maybe in hopes she'd fully see you for you. As you were approaching the dorm room that Ellie lived in you were smiling ear to ear, then suddenly everything in you fades. The door was open music booming, people everywhere. But you saw her. And she wasn't alone. A pretty girl was perched on her lap, they were laughing. Everything went buzzy. Your ears, numb. Your body. She sees you and smiles. Coming over to you hand in hand with this girl.
She looks to be Ellies age. Making your overthinking come face to face with you, as it was true. "Hey, you came! Id like you to meet Layla." You stare at both of them unsure of how to even process anything right now. Your brain was muddled. Hurt. So hurt. Your heart ached. The girl doesn't really say much she just smiles. You get a gross feeling. But you being you. You stay silent. Letting it hurt quietly, not wanting to ruin how happy she looks. But it isn't with you. You gulp thickly. Wanting to do nothing but go home and melt into your sheets.
"I- uhm. I have to go." You abruptly say, letting your small body wisk off, you get into your car and sit there. Feeling like a broken bone, not yet sunk in as the shock still consumes you. But when it hits you. It hits hard. You sob, cry. Break down, putting your head on the steering wheel as you let your heart out. You had gotten your hopes up. Again. In hopes that she'd love you like you loved her. You hit the steering wheel, sobbing with every bit of strength you have left. And just like that your heart was fully broken, no amount of super glue would fix it. No, nothing would fix the ache. The sting. You let out a pained scream as you rest your head back, knowing you can't drive like this.
You get out your phone and call for an Uber, you could pick up your car in the morning when you felt a bit better. But who are you kidding you'd never feel good ever again. It's like the person in you has just deflated. Gone. As you get out you hear her voice. You don't even know if it was a dream or reality. But you didn't care for the calls you couldn't. "What the hell was that." You then hear. You stop in your tracks. Is she really going to be putrid right now. "What...?" You don't turn around. "You heard me, what the fuck is up with you lately." You start to cry more, frustration starting to fuel your body. You slowly turn around. "Are you stupid Williams.." She squints at you. "Excuse me?" You stay silent. Not even sure what to say to her.
"Babe. Just talk to m-" That's when you lost it. "No. NO. stop fucking calling me that. God Ellie. After all these years you don't even fucking know me!" You get a bit sidetracked, letting everything in. "Dont stand there calling me that, you don't know how much it hurts me. When your off with someone else, leaving me behind you say you miss me but where were your texts huh? You're the only one I wanted texts from. I only wanted you." She was speechless. "But no, I'm not going to stand here and argue with you, because if anything im mad at myself. Glad you're happy." Your Uber had pulled up in time. You get in not even looking at her as the vehicle drives off.
Numb. Empty. Dead. You felt emotionless the next day. You truly had no tears left to cry. Like it has been your eyes hurt. But this time, you didn't even care. It was sort of soothing. Comforting to know you could atleast feel something. You hadn't moved that whole night. Hadn't slept. Just laying there. Your theory was right. Your heart was now fully broken, it felt exactly how you had imagined it to. You had nothing left to give. But you were glad about that. Ellie broke your heart to the point where you just lost all that love for her. It was just gone. You scrunch your face up at the sound of a car parking outside. It sounded exactly like your car. And you were greeted with the sound of a knock on your door.
Confusion strikes you. You slowly, emotionlessly. Get up and head over to it. You're greeted with that one person you never wanted to see again. And yet, you don't even care for her arrival. Nor ask why the hell she's even here. You just move, heading back inside and leaving the door open for her to do what she wanted. You did not care. "Hi..." She speaks softly. Your cold, dark. You don't say a word. "I uhm. I had a spare key of yours that you had given me in case of anything so." Silence. Nothing. You go into your kitchen grabbing a glass of water. Was the only thing you felt like. "Me and her aren't..-" She sighs. "She was just using me to make her ex boyfriend jealous and, well. It worked." You turn your head to slightly look at her.
"B- Y/n I'm so fucking sorry-" You don't even know what came over you but you speak. "I'm not inlove with you anymore." She stares at you for a second, letting out another sigh. "I didn't know you were." She responds. You look into her eyes, yours drained and tired. Full of nothing for her, or anyone else in this world for that matter. She saw it now. She didn't the other day because she was so hung up on something that deep down she knew wouldn't end well. She's full of regret, hatred for herself. How could she not of seen any of it. "I can make this up to you, I genuinely want to be with you also-" You then look at her, making her shut up for some reason, worried about your reaction or response. "Guess it's too late for that." Her face drops, watching you going into your room, shutting the door behind you. Leaving Ellie stunned in your living room. Knowing she's lost you for good.
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gigglesandfreckles-hp · 4 months
Could you do "How are you?" "I have been better" for those Jily prompts?? Im absolutely obsessed with your writing!
from this prompt list
James hasn’t been here in a week. 
That probably makes him a lousy Head Boy, but wasn’t he already anyway? Besides, he’s been so busy (kept himself so busy), there hasn’t been time to hole up in here in the way he’d grown accustomed to since Halloween. 
She hasn’t been avoiding the Head Office like he has, something he’s spent a ridiculous amount of hours turning over in his head. Is it because she knows he has the Map and won’t impede on her space? Is it because she wants him to find her there? Is it because she doesn’t care at all and isn’t as pathetically miserable as he is?
He pushes into the office, with the intent of getting some homework done in his break before lunch. He didn’t check the Map, but Lily has Potions anyway.
Or—he thought she did?
“Oh.” James freezes at the door. “I thought you—I can just…come back when—”
Lily shakes her head, a quick, anxious movement. “No, it’s fine. I was just leaving. Slughorn cancelled class so we can revise before—never mind. I finished the patrol schedule if you wanna glance over it before I send it out.” She slides the parchment across the desk toward him, but as soon as he starts moving toward her, the chair screeches loudly against the floor and she hurriedly rises. “You can just…” She takes a backwards step and gestures limply toward the parchment. “Leave any notes you have and I’ll…adjust it this evening.”
"Okay," James responds, his own unease palpable in the silence that follows.
“I’ll be back around eight,” she tells him, and he knows why.
“I have Quidditch anyway.”
“Right.” He hates the way her shoulders sag in relief. She grabs her bag from the floor and takes a step toward the door. “So I’ll just…”
“Well then, er…” Lily falters, her gaze flickering uncertainly toward the door. “Bye.”
“Wait!” James blurts out, the word escaping before he can stop it, and he immediately regrets his impulsiveness. He wants to kick himself or slam his head down on the desk or something because he's supposed to be done with this. This impulse, to act like an idiot every time she's in his general vicinity. The Lily Evans Effect, as Sirius calls it.
Lily stops, her hand hovering over the door, her expression curious yet guarded.
James swallows. “If you can hang on a second, I can…I can look over this and then you can get it sent out by…dinner.”
“Oh.” She reshoulders her bag, but gives a small nod. “Yeah, okay.”
He takes a seat at the spot she's just vacated and deliberately focuses on the parchment in front of him, determined to ignore, ignore, ignore the lingering scent of vanilla and oranges that she always carries with her. He hasn't been close enough to her to smell it for days, but it's like flying a broom, the way it comes back to him unbidden.
His eyes skim across the parchment, noting the familiar quirks of her handwriting. She always forgets to dot her 'i's, a detail he's found amusing since it's her own name. The cursive loops of the 'h's are large and exaggerated, evidence of her habit of going back over them. But she still doesn’t bother to dot the ‘i’s. It’s infuriating. He loves her so much.
“This looks good,” he says. “Is Parkinson still in the Hospital Wing?”
“Yeah, that’s why I—”
He nods, understanding. “Right, yeah, I see that.”
“Do you think—”
“No, I think this is better because—”
“Okay, that’s what I thought, but what if—”
“No, he’ll be fine. And if not he can just—”
“Fuck right off,” they both say simultaneously, locking eyes. He wants to laugh—or cry, maybe. It’s a fine line these days.
She looks like she’s on the verge of crying herself.
He rakes his hand through his hair and sinks back into the chair, a heavy sigh escaping him. “This is stupid. I don’t…” He looks back at her, his voice trailing off. “At least tell me…I—how are you?” His words emerge with careful deliberation, a sharp contrast to the frantic thudding of his heart.
“I’ve…been better,” she says softly, and maybe it makes him terrible, maybe it makes him a right prick, but somehow the misery in her admission gives him hope.
Straightening up, he leans toward her. “Lily—”
She cuts him off with a shake of her head, her eyes squeezing shut. Her fingers find the doorknob, a silent plea evident in her trembling form.
“Just—hang on a second, okay?” he presses. “Can we…I don’t know—”
“Please don’t, James.”
He groans, rising from the chair and pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Aren’t you miserable?”
“You know I am,” she sighs.
“Then let’s—” He stops as her hand twists on the doorknob. “Please.”
“Leave it, James.”
He lets his head drop between his hands. This is worse than before, worse than fifth year, and he just—he wants to hold her. Instead, he keeps his eyes on the floor, unable to watch as she leaves, again.
“Sunday,” she says suddenly.
He looks up, surprised to still see her standing there. “What?”
“I just need—the Potions practical is Thursday and you have a match Saturday, so we—let’s just get through the week and talk on…Sunday.” She looks at him expectantly. “Okay?”
“What kind of talk?”
“I don’t know, James,” she says, with a bit of exasperation. It’s halfway between genuine irritation and fondness, but James has never minded those odds before. “Let’s just see how we’re feeling after the weekend.”
“You know how I feel. You know I—”
“Will you still…are you going to the match?”
She fixes him with a frown then, and this time—he’s positive he sees fondness. “Just because things with us are…” She sighs. “I’m still a Gryffindor, aren’t I?”
And he just can’t help himself. The Lily Evans Effect. “Will you cheer for me?”
She laughs, in spite of herself, as she opens the door and James feels like he’s already won the match. “Sunday, Potter.”
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sharkboywrites · 11 months
HIII If you're accepting requests rn I'd love to ask for something done! Floyd leech x autistic (preferably trans, but it's okay if not as well!) male reader! basically I'd love for my fave character to comfort me lol,,, Like... bodily affirmations, squeezes, lots of sweet kisses... maybe some crying... Idk!! just go with whatever comes to mind! (sorry if too vauge, I feel sooo braindead rn XD)
yah ty if you get around to this!!! it'd make my days so much better, I've already read all the stuff in the floyd x male reader tags so I'm feeling so deprived of good n' comforting content aughhh....
Bad Days
Floyd x autistic trans male reader
A/N: So funny thing I wrote like half of this and then my app reset so I have to rewrite almost I’ll of it :,) but anyways this is also kinda a comfort fic for me because I’ve been dealing with a lot of sensory issues and transphobia lately , along with being borderline denied an autism assessment so this is a fic for both of us anon
Trans male reader, autistic reader, dysphoria, sensory issues, autism meltdown, non sexual nudity
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Days like these are tough. From the moment you woke up you could tell that something was wrong. It starts with the clothes. The shirt and jacket just feel wrong.
But there’s nothing else to wear so… you wear it. Then it gets worse in class. The temperature is just too much, and it makes your clothes feel so much worse, like you want to just scratch at your skin until the feeling stopped.
The noises the people make around you are unbearable. The gum chewing, the lip smacking, all of it is just to much. It makes you want to tear your hair out and rip your ears off.
The lights are too bright and everyone is just so loud, it’s starting to feel like your getting a migraine, like you just can’t take it anymore and start screaming at any moment.
And of course somehow these feelings just make you more aware of your body. You’re suddenly hyper aware of your chest, your waist, your face, even your voice. It’s all too much.
Luckily, when you first came to Night Raven Colege, you thought ahead about this. It was important for your teachers to understand your situation, diagnosis or not.
Crewel was aware of your situation, and with one look you’re able to slip out of class. You rush back to your dorm as quickly as possible, suddenly grateful that classes were going on so nobody could see you. You can’t help the whines that slip from your throat as you desperately try to hold yourself back from completely breaking down into a mess of screams and cries.
You’re able to quickly make it back to your dorm, locking yourself in your room and throwing off your uniform. Sure, being completely naked almost in tears in your dorm room isn’t the most flattering thing, but you just had to get that stupid uniform off.
Rubbing down the worst feeling parts of your body, you’re able to calm down enough to dig out your favorite clothes and throw them back on, even if they not be in the best state. You just need them right now.
Being able to use any type of noise cancelling headphones or earbuds helps calm you down a little bit more. Just having them in, even if you’re not playing anything, it helps get all of the noises from the day out of your head.
A drink of water also helps. In very few gulps you’re able to swallow almost an entire bottle of water. You lay down in your bed, breathing heavily as you start to calms down in a safer environment.
As you lay in bed, you can feel your soft blanket in your feet, rubbing them back in forth to get a nicer sensation than what you were feeling for most of the day.
Taking a few more sips of water, completely finishing off the water bottle, you take your stim toy of choice. You have all of your favorite options thanks to everyone at NRC giving them to you. As you fidget and play one of your favorite videos, you start to think. You managed to slip out of class, and you didn’t even hurt yourself or make a complete mess of your room. At least that’s some progress.
You’re cut off by your thinking by a knock on the door. Not able to form words at the moments, you pull yourself out of bed and peek out of the door.
Standing there is your tall, rather intimating boyfriend.
“Eh? Shirmpy what happened? You just left class so suddenly…”
He has his usual playful drone to his voice, but you can tell the slight hint of concern, a difference you’re sure only you and his brother can notice.
You stay silent, just giving him a pained look and hoping he understand. He does.
“Not talkin’? Alright… you want me to stay?”
You’re able to give him a small nod, and he walks right in and practically jumps onto your bed, making grabby hands at you, his mood doing almost a 180, as he usually does.
You could always depend on Floyd to understand what you’re going through. He also has his fair share of his own mood swings and tantrums, he’s never judge you for your own.
You walk back to bed and slowly slink into his arms, leaning against his chest comfortably. Floyd was somehow never too hot or too cold to cuddle with. He was somehow always the perfect temperature no matter what you were feeling. It almost feels like he knows how to control his own body temperature on purpose.
He squeezes you tight, not as hard as he does when he’s mad at someone or intentionally trying to hurt them, but a real, genuine hug. And it’s perfect. Others would complain that his squeezes are way to tight, but to you it’s perfect. He’s almost like a weighted blanket. You’re glad you make him feel safe enough to hug you as hard as he wants with genuine love.
He snuggle close to you, leaving soft kisses on his he top of your head and cheek, but not anywhere that may be uncomfortable in your overstimulated time. He’s mindful of where exactly he’s touching you, he knows what parts don’t want to be touched in these moments, even the most obscure ones.
As the two of you snuggle and watch whatever you chose to put on, he mutters sweet things to you.
“I love yooou.” “My boyfriend….” “My boy.” “So handsome”
It seems like he’s in a lovey mood now. Even with his sudden switches, he always seems to know the right things that you need to hear. He also checks up on how you’re feeling.
“Are ya comfortable?” “Feelin’ any better?” “Are you too warm?” “Do ya want your stuffed animal?” “Want me to move my arms?”
When you aren’t talking, the both of you are in a comfortable silence. It starts to become hard to keep your eyes open after the day you’ve had combined with the cozy environment with your boyfriend holding you tight.
Eventually, you can’t fight the exhaustion anymore and feel yourself starting to drift. Before you fully fall asleep, you feel a soft kiss on the top of your head and the arms around you squeeze just a bit tighter.
“G’night Shirmpy, sweet dreams…”
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Aaah I love writing comfort fics. Usually my head cannon style posts do better than my actual fics so I guess I’ll see how this goes. Also this is based on my own experience with autism, so if it doesn’t fit you I’m sorry, Ty for reading and have a nice day
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steviesbicrisis · 2 years
Are you dating Eddie Munson?
I haven't stopped thinking about this AU idea so I decided to write a little bit more! I have other stuff in mind so I might write other scenes too, we'll see. A little summary for you:
Eddie and Steve have been dating for a few months now, and things couldn't go better between them. Being a popular kid and all, Eddie's love life is the talk of the campus, and everybody seems to wonder: what does Eddie Munson see in that ordinary freshman?
Steve doesn’t how it’s possible, but he's pretty sure words are moving around the page in front of him; some are blurry, others have a messed up order and a few are totally jumping out.
It wouldn't be the first time that happens to him, either. Sometimes it's impossible to focus, and the more he tries the fastest the words escape from him.
There's no solution for this either. Steve would never admit out loud how stupid he is, not over his dead body, so he'd rather stare at the same paragraph for hours than admit he doesn't understand. Robin is sitting across from him, eyes focused on the same book but a different paragraph, she looks deep in thought and Steve would bet she is far ahead of him. Steve shifts in his seat, pulling the book closer so she won't see he's still at the beginning of the chapter.
He looks back at the page, determined to at least finish reading it - the bare minimum - before they have to go to class.
«Hi, sorry to bother you but I have to ask - are you and Eddie Munson dating?»
Steve grips his book, because of course, as if his morning isn't going shits already, he also has to deal with this. Again. He gives one last glance at the paragraph before looking up «sorry, didn’t catch your name…?» he says instead, giving the girl the fakest smile he can master.
He is sure Robin is containing a laugh behind her book.
«Uhm, I’m Stacy» she’s taken aback, and a little annoyed «so, are you? dating.»
«I don't know for how much longer,» he says, teeth clenched. And really, he knows he's being dramatic and he knows that it's just an innocent question. Hell, he'd rather have them blatantly ask him than flirt with his boyfriend behind his back, but when you get asked the same question a million times over, you're bound to get a little pissed.
«Excuse me?»
«I mean, isn't that what you wanted to hear? You would be happy if I did, wouldn’t you? How about I do you a favor and write it down so you also have proof to show! Hell, I could make a fucking poster and hang it somewhere, so you and the rest of the student body will know for sure and will leave me the fuck alone.»
The girl - Stacy - takes a step back, her eyes fixed on Steve in a comical expression of shock and disbelief. She then turns to look at someone, probably mouthing something about Steve to her friends, like "can you believe this guy?" or "Munson must be crazy".
«Are we done?»
Stacy doesn't even bother to answer, she gives him a look of "you are insane" and walks away.
«I know okay?» he interrupts Robin, not wanting to hear it «it’s stupid and I should let it go, but it pisses me off.»
«Then talk to Eddie! he could do something» she suggests, closing her book. It’s time for their first lecture. Steve hasn't even managed to finish the paragraph in two hours. Shit.
Talking with Eddie would be the better choice, it doesn’t make it any easier.
Steve is finally done with his last lecture and he's cutting through the inner courtyard to reach Robin at the entrance Hall. People have been whispering around him all day so he knows not only that the Stacy girl has no shame in pursuing taken men, she also has a big mouth.
Someone catches up with him and puts an arm around his middle.
«So, what is this thing about you breaking up with me with a billboard? Let me tell you it won’t work - I’m a sucker for drama and attention» Eddie presses on his side, his face only a few inches from Steve's. His smile is an amused one.
From the start, Eddie never shied away from physical touch: once he was sure Steve was comfortable with it - and not only he was, he loved it - there was always a part of Eddie in contact with him, whether it was an arm over his shoulders, fingers in his hair, hand on his back. Accordingly, they rarely did more than that in public, because even tho they were not hiding their relationship, homophobes still exist in 2022 and they live in Indiana.
Steve rolls his eyes and looks the other way, clenching the books he's carrying in his arms. Eddie's presence is enough to make him feel better, but he wants to stay mad «your groupies are delusional. And drop that grin or I might actually take on that billboard idea. I’ll make a giant one, over the main entrance» his tone is deadly serious but Eddie knows him better than to believe anything he's saying. He covers his grin with one hand, just in case.
«I know you're still smiling, Munson. I have a huge sheet and red paint at home and I'm not afraid to use it! It will look like that scene in Harry Potter, with the bloody writing on the wall and everything.»
Eddie can't believe that his boyfriend - who barely knew what Lord of the Rings was before they started dating - has just laid out a Harry Potter reference for him like it was a daily occurrence. He wants to kiss the daylight out of him, but that would make him actually mad.
So he puts his other arm around his stomach, caging him. They're forced to a stop.
«I'm sorry baby, you're just so cute all worked up,» Eddie says, containing himself from gushing all over him. Steve still avoids his gaze, but he's clearly melting under Eddie's attention. Pet names and physical touch always get through him.
«I'm glad one of us is having fun» Steve deadpans.
Eddie keeps one of his arms around his waist and lifts Steve's chin up with his free hand «I'm not gonna lie, it is kinda funny. And you are very cute and hot at the same time - somehow - but» he emphasizes the last word, dramatically, « I don't want you to be upset so, talk to me.»
Steve is a little embarrassed. He knows it doesn't matter, he's been through this before. People love gossiping, and he really doesn't care what they say. But also, he used to be the one on the other side, no one has ever questioned him being with anybody, or has given him that look of disgust he got from Eddie's most loyal fans.
Even so, Eddie has nothing to do with it.
«I'm sorry. I get you're some sort of rock star here, and I love that for you, I really do, but...» he's struggling to find the right words «... I don't know, I guess I'm a little jealous.»
«of the groupies?»
«No! Well, I don’t enjoy their presence, for sure. It’s more-» he’s trying to find the right words, Eddie rubs his palms on his back to encourage him «it’s about you. But not you - you, it's the way you carry yourself, like you were made for college! And everyone here can tell, as much as they can tell that I wasn't. I barely know which class I’m taking when, I don't understand what I'm studying and I feel like everyone here already knows what they’re doing, like they went to college before going to college, if this even makes any sense… and, I don’t know, it’s hard already when you know that you’re fucking up, but when everyone else knows and wonders why the great Eddie Munson is dating you of all people- it’s not great. But also, I can't even read a simple introductive chapter without getting a headache, so I get why people might have some reservations against me, I just wish they would keep it for themselves instead of bugging me every second of my life!»
While he was talking, Eddie had made them both sit at one of the picnic tables scattered around the court, he realizes.
It's clear to both of them that Steve's outburst isn't just about the gossip.
«I had no idea this was bothering you this much,» Eddie says, earnestly.
Steve starts fidgeting with Eddie's rings on his right hand, his left arm is still on Steve's back. He feels pathetic, bothering his boyfriend with trivial matters and his stupidity.
«It's not a big deal» he tries to take back some of his words, but Eddie interrupts him immediately.
«It is a huge deal if it bothers you this much. Plus, I get some curiosity about us, but asking you almost every day is just, fucked up.»
«Well, that's popularity for you. I thought you had figured this out by now» Steve jokes.
«Well, I was supposed to learn how to manage it from an expert, but somehow I always get distracted when he lectures me» he manages to make Steve chuckle. «But let's talk about college for a second. It flatters me that you think of me as a perfect social butterfly, but do I need to remind you that I came to you a couple of months ago because I couldn't take it anymore? Also» he shifts in his seat, taking Steve's hands in his «you're not giving yourself enough credit. College is fucking hard, man, especially first year. Everything is so big and serious and different compared to high school, you think I was this confident in my first year? it takes time to adjust, maybe even more for you since - well - you used to have the school at your feet. So trust your gorgeous, perfect-»
«I never said you were perfect.»
Eddie ignores him «-super famous boyfriend: you're doing great, you'll get there and even if you don't, there's no shame in failing. Okay?»
Steve stares at him for a few seconds, then nods «okay. But I don't think I can stand more people questioning your sanity for dating me.»
«Honestly, I'm pretty sure you misread the whole thing. They're totally thinking “why is Eddie Munson dating this hottie of all people? I don’t stand a chance”» Steve laughs, Eddie gets up «but just to be sure they won't bother you anymore...» he jumps on the picnic table, and Steve's eyes widen comically.
«Eddie what are you doing?? Come down!» he knows his boyfriend and his love for big grand speeches too well to not guess what he has in mind.
Eddie blows him a kiss «Attention everyone! Your favorite music department student has an announcement to make!» some people from said department immediately cheer and he thanks them with an exaggerated bow. Steve hides his face in his palm, knowing there's no way he can stop him now.
«I've heard there has been some confusion so let me clear the air: I, Eddie Munson, have been involved in a consensual, very sexual» Steve makes a strangled noise and a few people whistle «but also romantic relationship with this hot piece of ass right here» he puts his hands on Steve’s shoulders, leaving him no way to escape «Steve Harrington» he bends forward, Steve looks up at him and Eddie gives him a quick upside-down peck, as to reinforce the concept «who isn’t going to break up with me today, tomorrow or never. So, it’s none of your fucking business but if any of you shitheads has any concerns on this matter, you know where to find me. Thank you for your attention» he jumps off the table, the curious students who had stopped to witness the scene are giving a mix of incredulous, baffled and admiring reactions. Eddie barely cares, his eyes are on Steve.
«I fucking hate you» Steve immediately tells him.
«No you don’t» he's smirking.
«I'm breaking up with you right now.»
«No, you aren't, Stevie» his smile is somehow even bigger.
«I really, actually, genuinely hate you,» Steve says, hugging him. Eddie hugs him back, tight.
«How are you feeling?» Eddie whispers in his ear.
«I wanna say better but then I'm validating you putting up a show every time we have a problem.»
«I am nothing but a humble knight serving his Majesty the King,» he says, using a pompous tone for his character.
«I need no man saving my regal ass, thank you very much.»
When they reach the main Hall, Eddie's arm once again around his middle, Robin is waiting for them, a mischievous grin on her face «Excuse me» she addresses Steve, loudly «are you the famous Hot-Piece-of-Ass engaged in a consensual and very sexual relationship with Eddie Munson?»
Steve flips her off as Eddie laughs and high-fives her.
Let's just say, the nickname will stick with Steve for a while.
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lambertdiary · 1 year
can I request daltons family dropping by his dorm one day and catching dalton and the reader who he’s dating by surprise and it’s the first they’re seeing of the reader they didn’t even know he had a girlfriend ?
A/N: heyy! i'm so so so sorry it took this long to finish this but hopefully you're still around to read it! i had SO much fun with this idea, i think it's my favorite thing i've written so i hope you like it too!! feel free to let me know :)
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: fluff, language, established relationship, ‘heavy’ makeout
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“I’m sorry you’re stuck with me on your birthday”
It was Dalton’s birthday today and Y/N wanted to do something really special for him, but due to a large amount of homework she needed to finish by midnight, they decided to postpone their celebratory plans to the weekend.
But that didn’t stop them from spending the rest of the day together. Dalton insisted they meet in his room after class so he could help her with her work, that way she could finish faster and they would be together, so it was a win-win.
They were both sitting on Dalton’s bed, surrounded by a few books and other school supplies “Stuck isn’t the word I would use” He said with a heavy book in his hands as he read through the pages.
“Well you are, we were supposed to do something fun today, but instead you’re here with me, helping me with this stupid assignment” Y/N put her laptop down and pushed herself out of the bed “Can I change into one of your shirts? This outfit is getting uncomfortable”
“Sure” Dalton fully turned his body to face the window, giving his girlfriend some privacy to change.
Y/N opened one of the drawers and took a black and white tie dye sweatshirt, quickly removing her top and replacing it with Dalton’s clothing “It’s getting late, I thought we would be done in time to at least go get some dinner” She was clearly frustrated with herself “You can look now” 
Dalton returned to his old position and followed Y/N with his eyes as she got closer to him, he took a moment to admire how his sweatshirt looked on her “It’s only 5 PM, but maybe we can order something and just stay here, we can even make a picnic out of it, if that’s okay with you” He looked at her with loving eyes, gesturing her to get back on the bed. 
“But I thought you wanted to go to the new italian restaurant you told me about the other day” Y/N whispered with her head down. She took Dalton’s hand but stayed standing next to him.
“I don’t need some fancy expensive dinner to have a good birthday, okay? Being with you is more than enough” He brought Y/N’s hand up to his lips, leaving soft kisses all over it.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at this “Are you sure?”
“Of course, you do remember it was me who offered to help you, right?”
“But we haven’t done anything today, I just wanna make sure you’re completely, 100% okay with this”
“I thought I made it clear when we talked last night… and just now”
“Ok” She finally agreed “Let’s order something then”
Happy that she was on board with his plan, he looked for his phone on the mess that was his bed, spotting it after a few seconds but getting only a black screen “My phone’s dead” He groaned, reaching for a charger. He plugged his phone and then proceeded to leave it on the desk and returned his full attention to his girlfriend 
She looked terrified as she inspected her remaining work “Ugh” Y/N dramatically fell in the middle of the room, her back flat on the floor “I’m dropping out”
“Come on love, we’re almost done, you can’t give up now” He was now sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at Y/N. He felt for her, he knew how stressed out and overwhelmed she got in moments like these, especially being under pressure and deep down still having that idea that she ruined Dalton’s birthday.
“I can’t think anymore, my brain is about to shut down” She covered her face with her hands, feeling the need to take a break from staring at her screen.
“Do you wanna stop for a moment? Do you need a break?”
“I do” Dalton held her hand and helped her get back up. Not dropping her hand, he guided her back on the bed. 
“Okay, let’s pause for a moment” She was on the verge of tears but tried her hardest to hold them back, not wanting to make this situation worse.
Sitting on his lap, she estranged her legs around his waist. Getting comfortable as she felt Dalton’s hand caressing her back with a warm comforting smile on his face “I love you” She whispered softly.
Dalton’s smile grew bigger “I love you so much more, you have no idea” She was about to speak again but Dalton stopped her “Uh-uh, I win” Y/N could sense tears threatening to come out again, this time for a different reason, but suppressed her thoughts as she noticed Dalton’s eyes flickering between her eyes and her lips. She saw him get closer and let out a sigh when he pressed a gentle kiss on her temple. Then, he gave one last look at her soft lips before leaning in for a kiss, but suddenly stopped when their lips were barely touching “Is this okay?” He asked.
“Yes” Y/N breathed, cutting the distance between them. 
As they’re kissing, everything on her head goes oddly quiet, and she’s only thinking about Dalton. The kiss is long and full of love, feeling each other smile from time to time. Eventually, Y/N breaks the kiss, needing to catch her breath “Oh shit, sorry” Y/N looked at the lipstick mark on Dalton’s face as she tried to wipe it off with her thumb, but failed and only smudged it “I forgot I still had my makeup on”
“It’s okay, maybe this was all I needed to become the Lipstick Demon”
Dalton saw Y/N’s eyes widen “Don’t be stupid” They both laughed, Y/N gently pushing him. He reached out to push the hair out of her face, leaning in for another kiss “You know I still have to finish my homework” She said against his lips, feeling Dalton get a little worked up.
Dalton hummed in response, not breaking the kiss.
Meanwhile, Dalton’s parents were entering the building. They wanted to surprise him for his birthday. They had a gift and a dinner reservation for the three of them. It’s been a while since they saw him, but his birthday seemed like the perfect excuse to pay him a visit.
Josh checked his phone for the millionth time. They had been trying to get a hold of their son for nearly two hours “Really, what’s the point of having a phone if you’re not gonna pick up a call or answer some texts? It’s not hard”
“I’m sure he’s just busy” Renai tried defending him “Maybe we should have told him we were coming. What if he already made plans and that’s why he’s not picking up?”
“I don’t think he did, he’s just ignoring us like he always does” Taking the elevator, they reached the right floor and Renai followed Josh as he guided the way to Dalton’s dorm “I think this is it” He said knocking on the door.
Dalton and Y/N broke their kiss, looking at the door trying to decipher who could be out there “Is that Chris?” Dalton was annoyed that their makeout session was interrupted, but that feeling was soon replaced with worry when he recognized the voice on the other side of the door. Shit.
“I think there’s someone in there with him” Renai said, taking a step back worried they interrupted something important.
“Maybe it's his roommate” Josh knocked once again.
“He doesn’t have a roommate yet” Renai was now whispering.
“It’s my parents” Dalton took Y/N’s hips and gently pushed her out of his lap.
Landing on the bed, Y/N could feel her hands starting to sweat, she has never met Dalton’s parents before, she didn’t think they even had any idea she existed and the fact that they were out there and practically caught them in the middle of… that, made her nervous, to say the least. 
Dalton walked towards the entrance, adjusting his pants and fixing his hair on his way there “Don’t worry, they’re nice” He whispered to Y/N before opening the door.
“Hey sweetie” Renai greeted him with a smile, wanting to scan the room behind him without being too obvious but his stained face gave her the answers she was looking for. 
“Hey guys, what are you doing here?” Dalton said in a surprised tone, stepping aside to let his parents in. 
“We tried to call you but you never answer your phone” Josh said showing his son his call history, and indeed there were at least 7 unanswered calls from Dalton “There’s a reason you have one of these things, you know?”
“Josh-” Renai interrupted him, slightly hitting his arm “Happy birthday darling” She pulled her son in for a hug.
Josh joining them shortly after "Happy birthday, buddy" He muttered.
“Thank you” Dalton said awkwardly “Uh- this is Y/N… my girlfriend”
Y/N’s face was burning as she stepped closer Dalton’s parents “Hi, nice to meet you”
 “Hi, I’m Renai” She sweetly said, shaking her hand.
“I’m Josh” He waited for his turn to shake Y/N’s hand.
“I’ve heard a lot about you!” She was trying really hard to overcome her negative feeling, there was no way she would screw up the first impression “Woah, Dalton does an amazing job at drawing you guys” She said looking back at Dalton’s art wall.
“Oh, that’s so nice of you. I hope we didn’t interrupt anything” Renai looked at both of them, the worry and guilt present in her voice.
“No! Don’t worry” Dalton rushed to reply before his mom could say something else “We were just finishing some homework” He pointed at the bed full of books.
“Yeah, I bet you were” Y/N had hoped they didn’t know what was happening before they came in, but now they were both blushing. She looked at him looking for comfort but eyes widened when she noticed her lipstick still on Dalton’s face. Judging by his expression,Y/N guessed he remembered too.
“Josh- well Dalton, do you have any plans for tonight? Your dad and I wanted to surprise you for your birthday and we haven’t seen you in months so we planned a few things. You should join us!” Renai exclaimed looking at Y/N.
Dalton and Y/N replied at the same time “We are still working”
“I have a lot of homework to finish but thank you so much for the invitation” She declined politely.
“What is it? Maybe Josh can help you”
“Oh please, don’t worry” Y/N turned to face Dalton “You should go, I can finish on my own” She gave her boyfriend a reassuring look.
“I promised I’d help you finish-”
“Dalton, your parents drove all the way here” She insisted. 
“Well, dinner reservations are at 7, you and Dalton can finish while we wait and I will call the restaurant and ask them to add one more person” Josh looked at the couple, waiting for approval on his plan.
“Do you think we can make it on time? Please come with me” Dalton whispered getting closer to Y/N, almost as if he only wanted her to listen to his words.
Y/N smiled softly at his sweet tone “Okay, but we should start right now” She agreed.
“Great!” Josh replied, smiling at Y/N as he stepped out of the room getting ready to call the restaurant.
“Y/N, I’m so happy you’re joining us tonight! This is the first time I have the pleasure to meet one of Dalton’s girls”
“Mom” He interrupted in a warning tone. Y/N’s smile was growing, the nervousness was leaving her body and she definitely understood why Dalton talked about his mom so much.
“What? You never brought a girl home”
“Okay, we are gonna finish our homework now” He said, taking Y/N’s hand and getting back on the bed.
“Oh don’t worry” Renai claimed a spot on the bed across from them “We’ll talk over dinner”
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mattyriddlegf · 25 days
The Stupid Closet (14)*
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Happy release day Sunday everyone! Please comment to be added to the tag list as always.
!! This chapter contains smut !! Please remember that all chapters marked with * are NSFW! The story gets a little spicy from here on out ;)
Monday comes around and after classes, you can’t find Theo. 
He skipped out on quidditch and Mattheo hadn’t seen him at all. Which meant you couldn’t officially break up with him yet and that he was in a bad mood…not that you blamed him.
You and Mattheo are sitting in the library, working on divination homework when he places his hand on your cheek. 
You turn your head towards him, “Matty no.” You stress.
He squints his eyes but keeps his hand where it is on your face, “Matty seriously, I want to wait until I can talk to Theo.”
“I know but just one kiss?” He begs.
You put down your pencil and turn your whole body towards him, “Mattheo.” You look at him pitifully.
“Ugh fine.” He takes his hand off and turns back towards the desk, looking at the school work, “I don’t want to be doing this right now.”
“Me neither…believe me. But we have to because I am not going to fail. And I’m not gonna let you either.”
Mattheo just stares at you with puppy dog eyes, knowing you would eventually crack. He was catching on to how much you loved his eyes.
“Ok fine. One kiss, that’s it.” You give in. Mattheo instantly smirks and pressed his lips to yours. You smile into the kiss before he backs away.
“Thank you.” He says happily before he turns back to the desk and picks up his pencil.
You laugh, shaking your head, “unbelievable.”
You turn and continue working for a bit until you hear Theo’s voice. You turn around to see him speaking with the librarian.
You stand up, placing your hand on Mattheo’s shoulder for a second, notifying him before you walk towards Theo.
You wait behind him and when he’s done speaking, he turns around to face you. He rolls his eyes and starts walking towards you.
“Hi…” you say quietly.
“Hi.” He replies plainly.
“Uhm…I’ve been looking for you, I need to talk to you.” You say.
“Well you found me.” 
“Look I’m sorry about how I’ve acted towards you. I was just really confused…but I’m not anymore.” You start, “Theo, I want to break up.”
“Of course. I figured this was coming.” He says emotionlessly while scoffing. His eyes move past you, seeing Mattheo watching with your stuff by his and your empty seat, “Did you sleep with him?”
He can’t quite meet your eyes, “what?”
“Did you sleep with him? Yes or no.” He repeats quietly.
“No.” You try to reassure him.
“Just stay away from me.” He says before walking away, taking a second glance at Mattheo.
You turn around and walk back to your seat, sitting down next to Mattheo.
“You ok?” He asks.
“I’m fine.” You turn and smile towards him, trying to act normal. He stares at you for a second, not believing you but he doesn’t say anything.
You two continue to finish your work, taking turns glancing at each other but not once talking about Theo or your relationship. You knew Mattheo could sense that you were trying to ignore it all for the moment.
You finish writing the last piece of the assignment, putting down your pencil.
“I think we deserve dinner, yeah?” You say happily.
You look over to Mattheo to see him looking back at you, “or we could do something else…” he suggests.
“You have a one track mind, don’t you?” You say scooting forward. 
“Maybe…” he trails off, taking his gaze down to your lips.
You stare at him for a moment before deciding, “Oh fuck it.” You say. You both stand up hastily, grabbing your books and practically running out of the library. 
You get back to the Slytherin house and immediately head for your dorm, passing by Draco and Pansy on your way up.
Once you get in the door, you shut and lock it behind you, instantly throwing your books to the side and pouncing on Mattheo. 
You jump up, wrapping your legs around his legs. This kiss is fast and sloppy. 
You start pulling at his tie and once you pull it over his head, you jump back down to the floor. He unbuttons his shirt as you pull your shirt over your head.
He looks up, smirking as you stand there waiting for him to unbutton the last button. You’re practically squirming.
“So impatient” he says before he grabs your back and pulls you in, kissing you again. 
As he kisses you, he unclips your bra and you shimmy it off without breaking the kiss. You laugh into the kiss, this not feeling real. 
This felt so weird but oddly makes so much sense. All you knew was that you were getting naked with Mattheo. Then it hits you.
“Wait.” You blurt out.
Mattheo backs away, “you ok?”
“Yeah I’m fine…it just hit me that I’m about to have sex with Mattheo Riddle.” You say stunned.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing” Mattheo says, holding your cheeks, your faces just a couple inches away.
“Not even close.” You smirk before reconnecting your lips. After a moment, you drop down in front of him, undoing his buckle and then unzipping his pants.
You could see the bulge in his pants, indicating just how hard he was for you.
You look up to him, Mattheo watching you, as you pull down both his pants and his boxers. 
His cock springs out in front of you and you smirk at him before dragging your finger along his length. You can feel him twitch before you lick his tip.
He throws his head back and grabs your hair, “oh fuck.”
You move your mouth up and down his shaft but taking special attention to his tip. That was his sweet spot, every time you licked it, he’d let out a moan.
You use both your hands and your mouth as he holds your hair in his hand, tangling it.
After you feel him start to twitch, you back away, licking your lips.
You stand up and turn around, your back facing Mattheo now. As you unzip your skirt, Mattheo wraps his hands around your waist and starts playing with your breasts, one hand on each.
You let out a moan as he twists your nipples, your skirt falling to the ground. Once it’s on the floor, you turn around. 
You jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist. Mattheo starts sucking on your breasts as you pull your hair behind your shoulders.
You throw your head back, “Mattheo please.” You beg.
He turns around and walks towards the bed and he kisses you before dropping you onto the bed.
He crawls on top of you, his chain dangling down as he kisses you.
He crawls off of you to put on a condom as you spread your legs, getting impatient.
“Look at you, all spread out for me.” He smirks.
He climbs back on top of you and you lock eyes until you feel him insert himself. You knew he was big but this was overwhelming.
“Holy shit” you breathe out, feeling pain only for a second until a feeling of euphoria takes over your body.
Mattheo finds a pace, pumping in and out of you. You close your eyes as you grip the sheets around you.
“No, look at me.” Mattheo mutters. 
You open your eyes, watching him as he looks back at you. 
“Such a good girl for me.” Mattheo says as he quickens his pace, causing an animalistic moan to come out of you.
He’s gripping your thigh so hard, it’s going to leave a mark tomorrow as you feel your high coming.
“I’m almost there Matty” you manage to say.
“Cum for me baby” he replies, slowing his pace again as you climax. The feeling of euphoria takes over your whole body as you arch your back, still gripping the sheets.
You take deep breaths in and out as you come down, mattheo still pumping in and out a couple more times before he climaxes. 
“Fuck.” He says under his breath as he pulls out of you.
You continue to lay on the bed, catching your breath and Mattheo takes the condom off before grabbing a towel and wiping you guys down.
You prop yourself up on your shoulders, watching him be gentle with you.
You don’t say a word, still sitting on the bed, until he starts to put his pants back on. 
You get up and go to the bathroom quickly before coming out. He stops doing his belt to watch you as you walk over to your dresser and pull out the shirt he gave you.
You pull it over your body before grabbing your underwear and putting those back on as well. You walk over to the bed and sit criss-cross next to Mattheo, looking at him.
You run your hands through his hair as he speaks up, “I like that shirt on you”
“It still smells like you” you smile.
taglist: @helendeath @mayamonroem @princessluvssleep @hatakemrs @feistyfox47 @iamdnb @malydiavsss @schaebickel @swamp-box
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kookwashere · 1 year
No Hard Feelings
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Summary: You, the girl everyone wants to be, the girl that every guy wants, the good girl, falls in love with cold, handsome, bad boy Jungkook, you know it's wrong, and one day, you make a bet to Jungkook that you can make him fall in love with you in 4 days.
Warnings: Fluff, angst (tiny weeny bit) smut, language, mentions of violence and death (death not with OC's) Jungkook smokes, Jungkook can kinda be a dickhead at some times (now onto the dirty part 😋) jungkook is rough, oral (f receiving) doggy, some pus-pus slaps and some booty slaps, unprotected sex (stay safe yall) OC'S are both seniors in high school but both 18, enjoy 💕
You were getting ready in the mirror to go to a normal friday night high school party, you were putting the finishing touches of your makeup on, wearing a black dress with your hair down.
"____, you ready?" Karly asked while grabbing her purse. "Just finishing my lips, almost done." You said not looking away from the mirror. "Okay, well hurry up, don't wanna be late!" She said while walking out the door.
You finished and grabbed your purse, getting into the car, driving to drunk teenagers, the smell of sex and drugs, and stupid activities. You and Karly finally arrived, music was blasting through-out the house, the smell of beer hitting your nostrils almost instantly, but what caught your attention the most, was him.
Him...Jeon Jungkook, the bad boy, who skips classes, smokes inside the bathrooms, and fucks around with girls to end up breaking their hearts. You gulped when you saw him in his leather jacket with black skinny jeans and black boots, his right arm tatted all the way up, from his shoulder to his long fingers you wanted in you so badly.
"Girl, you okay?" Karly asked while putting her end on your shoulder. "Yeah, im fine." You said looking away while smiling at her "Come on, let's get a drink." She said while grabbing your hand, leading you through the crowd.
Fuck, by this point you lost your mind, the room was spinning, what's your name again? Whatever.
The taste of alcohol still running in your mouth, your feet and legs felt wobbly, like you were going to fall any moment, Karly probably left real quick to see her boyfriend, so here you are, in the crowd alone.
You walked trying to find any place to sit down, your hand on your head, bouncing from wall to wall, until what you bounced on suddenly didn't feel like a wall, it felt firm, warm, and it smelled like fresh cologne, the best kind.
"Well, if it isn't little miss perfect, well, not so perfect right now..." You froze hearing that voice, fuck. It couldn't be...right? You looked up and saw him, oh no.
"Woah, you look fucked, how much did you drink tonight?" He asked holding onto your arms to keep you in place from falling. You put your fingers up counting, and you put 10 fingers up atleast twice. "M-maybe like *hic* 3 or something." You said while licking your lips. "You definitely had way more than 3, where's your friend?" He asked looking around. "I-I have no i-idea *hic*" You felt weightless and leaned into his chest, seeking the closest thing to comfort.
"We need to get you home before you strip on the table, let's go." He said looking at you, observing your drunk state. As soon as you tried to walk, bam. You fell. He sighed and picked you up bridal style, taking you into his car. "____, I need your help. You have to try and tell me where you live so I can take you home." He said after buckling you in the passenger seat. "Uhhhhh, some apartment right by the small convenience store." You said eyes closed. He sighed taking his head in his hands. "This might take awhile." He said while starting the engine.
"Ok, up the stairs we go, one foot at a time." He said while trying to help you up, finally reaching the door. "____, give me your keys." He had his hand out, waiting. You rummaged through your purse trying to find that thing. "H-here" You put the key in his hand so he could unlock the door. "Lets get you to bed." He said still holding you. He plopped you down on your soft bed, laying you down on your back.
"I guess I need to wipe your makeup off..." He mumbled under his breath, he found a makeup wipe in your bathroom, ever so gently wiping your makeup off, and softly taking your heels off.
He stared at you for a few seconds, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"Goodnight, pretty." He whispered before turning the lights off and locking your front door.
You don't even remember what happened. You woke up with the biggest fucking headache and groaned, trying to sit up.
You rubbed your eyes, feeling your makeup has been taken off, and your heels placed beside your bed. Did Karly take you home last night?
Your phone was vibrating by your bed, messages spamming in from Karly.
KarlyFry: omg im so sorry, are you ok?? did u make it home safely???
Me: hey, im home, just woke up, do u remember what happened last night? you gave me to many drinks lol
KarlyFry: not really, i just remember a few things, making out with andrew lol, i remember seeing jungkook carry you out the door too which was crazy, i couldn't do anything about it tho, im sorry girl
Me: ?? jungkook? huh? what? jungkook was the one that took me home?
KarlyFry: ya i guess so, what a gentleman huh ;)
You blushed and smiled at your phone, biting your lip.
Me: Karly i gotta go, make sure to take ur hangover meds, love you
You put your phone down and kicked around on your bed, all giddy and happy. You just had to wait until monday to see him again.
Monday came around, it was bright and early in the morning and Karly was picking you up for school, you still can't drive, both you and your other friend Namjoon suck at driving, but you aren't called the "God of destruction" Like he is.
"It's cold, huh?" Karly said while turning the heating on in her car. "It's fucking freezing." You said bundled in your jacket. "Lets go, I want to get to class early." You told her while buckling your belt.
"Fuck, it's so cold in this room..." You tried to huddle up in your chair, your fingers feeling like they would get frostbite. All of a sudden, Jungkook came in and sat down on his assigned seat next to you.
You stared at him, thinking about what he did last night. "Jungkook." You said, trying to catch his attention. He just ignored you and closed his eyes, leaning back in his chair.
"Jungkook, I am talking to you!" You said a bit more louder. "Fuck, what?" He said sighing. "I was just wondering if it was you that brought me home last night..." You said the last part a bit more quiet. "Mmm, nope." he said while popping the P. "Oh come on Jungkook, I know it was you." You said raising an eyebrow and crossing your arms.
"Oh really? How do you know?" He said challenged. "I smelt like your cologne, you know, your cologne has a very specific smell, like, I don't know how to describe it." You said shrugging. "Okay...it's kind of weird how you know that." He said awkwardly. "I literally sit next to you everyday Jungkook." You said obviously.
"And that's not even the point, the point is I know that it was you." You exclaimed. He turned to face you fully. "Okay, so what if it was me? You were fucked up and could barely walk, I couldn't just leave you there." He scoffed. "Hmm, maybe you have a little crush on me huh?" You smirked a bit.
"A crush? Really ____? Crushes are for like- middle school girls and boys, I don't do that shit no more, and no I don't." He said. "Well, I wouldn't be surprised if you do, apparently a lot of boys here want me." You were teasing him a bit, seeing if it did something. "Well, not me." He turned away from you again. "You know, I bet I could make you love me in 4 days." You said in another teasing tone, but you were dead serious.
He looked at you challenged once again. "You have me...what's the catch?" He asked while raising an eyebrow. "There is no catch, it's just exactly what I said." You smiled.
"Do I get something if I fall in love with you or something? Love is for losers." He said. "Uhh, you get an amazing experience with me, and also love is a unique feeling and it isn't for losers, you just think that because you've never experienced it." You exclaimed.
"Okay, fine. 4 days. If you don't do it, i'll tell everyone about your little secret." He whispered the last part in your ear. "Bye, pretty." He said and got up to smoke outside.
What did I just do?
Day 1
"Jungkook, look- I made lunch for you today." You said cheerfully.
"What the fuck is this supposed to be?" He said staring at it. "It's kimchi fried rice you idiot, try it." You said pushing the food towards him. He got some, cautiously putting it in his mouth.
"So, how is it?" You asked. "Wow...this is...surprisingly good." He said and took more bites. "Yeah, I know." You said flipping your hair behind your shoulder.
"You are a great cook, ____." He said smiling a bit. "Oh- is that a smile I see, Jungkook?" You teased. "No, my teeth hurt, that's it." He said sarcastically. "Whatever." You mumbled.
"Hey, ____? Thank you for the food."
••••••••••••••••••• Day 2
"How the fuck do you cook this without it burning?" He said frustrated. "Jungkook, calm down, here." You came behind him and guided his hands, teaching him how to cook. "Like this, see? Very gently, and while stiring pour in the sugar, very simple." You said softly, knowing he was actually frustrated.
His breathing was going quicker, and you noticed.
"Okay, thank you." He mumbled. "I'm going to take a smoke, wanna come?" He turned to face you. "Sure, just let me wash my hands." You said while turning the faucet on, he nodded and went outside, a couple minutes later you met him out.
You saw him leaning against the wall, inhaling the smoke while closing his eyes, blowing it out. "You know, I see why every guy wants you." He says while puffing out more smoke. "What do you mean?" You say watching him. "Your just like, girlfriend material, but what do I know about that right? Apparently all i've done is fucked around." He sadly chuckles. "You have done some shitty things, Jungkook- But you can still change." You said softly.
"Yeah, thanks ____." He smiled.
Day 3
"____." His soft but manly voice reached your eyes, catching your attention. "Hm?" You said still focusing on your homework. "Will you help me with this math? This shit is so stupid." He groaned. "You get mad to easily." You giggled and sat beside him. "So you move this number over the 1, then divide that by the number under it." You explained, but he wasn't listening, what caught his attention was the little details on your face, taking it in, memorizing everything.
"Jungkook? Did you hear me?" You asked snapping your fingers. "Huh? What?" He snapped out of it. "I said what does it equal too." You asked pointing at the paper. "O-oh, uhm- 2" He said still trying to get out of the trance. "That's right, good job Jungkook." You smiled at him again. "Math is very hard for me too bec-" You started talking. "You're beautiful." He cut you off.
"I'm what?" You asked shocked. "I said you're beautiful." He said smiling softly. "O-oh, thank you." You shyly tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "Thank you." He whispered.
"Of course, Jungkook." You whispered back, smiling.
"No hard feelings right?" He asked looking in your eyes.
"No, no hard feelings." You smiled.
Day 4
"Jungkook, why are you shaking so much?" You put your hand on his to calm him down. "I've just never actually been on a real date before, like a real one." He said kind of embarrassed. You giggled quietly, thinking it was cute.
"What's so funny?" He furrowed his brows. "Nothing, nothing, it's just kind of cute." You bit your bottom lip to contain your smile. He rolled his eyes, looking away, trying not to show he was smiling.
"Come on, let's go." He grabbed your hand and led you to the picnic blanket, some other couples were there but it only felt like you and Jungkook.
"Jungkook, did you do this all yourself?" You asked while looking around, seeing the food and candles. He nodded smiling. "How romantic." You teased.
You both were eating, sharing stories, talking about each other, he smoked a bit and you looked up at the stars, until he turned his attention to you, and layed on his back, right next to you.
"It's beautiful, isn't it? So many stars, so many specks in the sky, it's a beautiful galaxy we live in." You whispered. "Yeah...it is beautiful." He whispered looking up at the sky, until he looked at you, and you looked at him.
"I think...I think you won your part of the bet." He said looking in your eyes. "I think im in love with you, you are an amazing, beautiful person, there's no wonder why every guy wants you, I did want you, I wanted you so bad." He said "I want to be there no matter that happens, no matter what comes our way, as long as it's with you, you feel like my home, my life, my heart." He was serious, oh my- "Jungkook..." You said smiling, turning on your side to put your hand on his cheek.
"I love you too, silly. I was getting worried I wasn't doing enough to make you love me." You said laughing. "____, will you be my girl?" He asked holding your face. "Yes, I will Jungkook." You said, face flushed.
••••••••••••••••• "Well, thank you for the date." You whispered, body close to his. He didn't say anything, just looking at your face. "Please let me kiss you." He whispered. You nodded, automatically saying yes. He put both hands on your waist, and leaned in, with your hands around his neck.
Your lips met his, they were so soft, so pink, so kissable. The kiss got more intense when he tilted his head to the side to get better access.
He pulled out, being short of breath. "Do you maybe want to come in?" You asked him softly. "I thought you would never ask." He came in for another kiss, pushing you inside your apartment and slamming the door with his foot.
He kissed you all the way to your room, sitting on your bed and pulling you on his lap. Makeout still happening, tongues touching, spit connecting your lips. "I love your lips, I could kiss them all day." He groaned out.
You smiled and pulled his shirt over his head, touching his abs while kissing him. He slid your shirt off too, seeing your pink lacy bra. "You are so beautiful." He whispered and stared at your body. "Will you let me eat you out, lick your pussy so that you come all over my face and tongue?" He asked while slapping your ass.
"Fuck, yes, yes Jungkook." You said while sliding off your pants and panties. He slowly leaned forward, his hair tickling between your thighs, he gave your clit a gentle kiss, and give it kitten licks, he slowly dragged his tongue up and down your slit, progressively going faster. He closed his eyes as he got comfortable between your legs.
"Mhmm, yes Kookie..." You moaned out. "Kookie? Thats new." He smiled sexily. "Shut up and get back to work." You groaned, and he slapped your pussy, once, twice, thrice. "I'm the boss here, not you." He said growling. "Spread those pretty legs so I can finish eating your pretty cunt."
You listened, and moaned when he ate you out roughly, until you came all over his face and mouth.
"That was perfect." You smiled up at him. "Yeah? Will you let me fuck your tight cunt now?" He said licking his lips. "Yes, Kookie, please." You said gripping the sheets. "Fuck, face on pillow and on your knees. Now." He demanded once again.
You listened immediately, your cunt dripping, waiting for him to fill you up. He spread your ass so he can get a better look at you. "Such a pretty, pretty baby." He muttered. "I'm gonna slide in now, okay baby?" He asked, holding his cock, sliding the tip up and down your cunt, waiting for your response.
You nodded and gripped the sheets when he slid in, you both moaned loud, overwhelmed by the feeling. "Mmm, feels so good." He groaned. He moved his hips back and fourth, ripples on your ass every time his hips made contact with it, balls hitting your cunt.
"J-Jungkook-" You moaned. "I know, I know baby." He said growling out. He slapped your ass again "Such a beautiful girl, my pretty girl likes this huh?" He asked and gave you another slap. "Yes Jungkook, I love it so much!" Your voice muffled by the pillow.
"You close baby, I need to come soon." He said and started thrusting harder. "I-I need to come now-" You moaned out "Hold on baby, hold on." He said grabbing your hips harder, "Come on baby, throw it back on me, FUCK." He growled. Your legs shook as your orgasm him, you lost your vision and your body went numb to pleasure, you forgot who you were.
Jungkook looked so erotic when he came, his back arched, his head thrown back, jaw slacked and eyes closed with furrowed eyebrows, he moaned loudly when he came inside you.
He gently pulled out, breathing heavily, damp hair stuck to his forehead. "I really meant it when I said I love you, you are my whole world now, I won't let anything happen to you." He said still out of breath. You nodded, unable to speak but still smiled, seaking comfort by snuggling on his chest, under the light duvet.
"No hard feelings?" He still managed to ask
"No Jungkook, no hard feelings." You whispered, closing your eyes, drifting off in a wonderful dream, called him.
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