#give me more Tribe related dad jokes
misslavenderlady · 8 months
OK Since you left me some questions about Cherry, I'm gonna leave you some asks about Bree!!
Who's our gals go to when it comes to late night rides? Which of the boys is she sticking with?
Each of the boys nicknames for her? Do they share a collective one?
Which of the baby bats are mama's girls or daddy's girls?
Do you think she and Michael would ever start a family in the future?
Awwww thank you!! You're too sweet! 💜
Being on motorcycles makes her nervous as hell. She's constantly worried about getting into an accident, so her go-to is actually Michael. He sometimes takes her on rides (😏) around Santa Carla or gives her a lift to work if she's having car issues. He's very sweet and patient and doesn't drive faster than what she's comfortable with. If she's with the Lost Boys, then her go-to is Dwayne. In her mind, if Laddie is safest with him, then he's the best pick.
And unlike the others, Bree wears a helmet. She doesn't care how much the boys tease her about it, brain damage is no joke. She will not get on the bike without it. She'd rather walk than not wear a helmet.
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2. These are their nicknames for her:
David - Darling, Pretty Girl, Little One
Dwayne - Sweet Girl, Little Lady, Honey
Paul - Babydoll, Hottie, Wifey (makes her blush the most)
Marko - Bella, Angel, Nightingale (as in Florence Nightingale)
Michael - Bee/B, Babe, Beautiful (the second two are only for when they're in a relationship)
All five of them call her "Baby" most of the time
3. Honestly? It's an even split. The baby bats are basically clones of their fathers in both looks and personalities, meaning they're very attached to their dads, but their mother is so loving and kind to them. They all follow her around like ducklings.
Kira does tend to gravitate to her dad just a smidge more. She got her mother's need to take care of everyone, and her anxiety as well (sorry bby), so she wants to learn from her dad about being a strong, brave leader so she can protect her sisters. She's always spending time we David, getting guidance from him on how to hunt, fight and outsmart her enemies.
4. Okay......here's the thing. She kinda already does have something with Michael. This is a long answer, so I'll divide the post and add the answer below:
When I played this all out in my Sims game, I had a separate family for Michael and Star. Now, we all know about the terrible "sequel" to the Lost Boys called The Tribe, where our main characters are Chris and Nicole Emerson. I've seen some sources say they're Michael's children and others say they're his cousins. I feel like it makes more sense if they're his children. Not that I would ever enjoy acknowledging the movie as canon, of course.
But I thought "I can make this better".
So in this setup, Michael was in a relationship with both David and Star (Michael has two hands! He can share them!). He ended up having Chris and Nicole with Star while David became a step-dad to them. This was while the other baby-bats were around. Kira is the only one of the girls to have siblings that aren't biologically related to her. She sees herself as the big sister of Chris and Nicole.
Tweaking this story a bit, Chris and Nicole become the children of Michael and Bree. There's a bit of an age gap between the two Emerson kids and the Lost Girls, but they're all still family. Unlike in the movie, Chris and Nicole are still kids when the girls are grown up. Kira teases her brother a lot, but she's also a good caretaker to him, making sure he knows how to be a good big brother to Nicole.
That advice comes in handy because Chris grows up to be a very cautious and protective brother while Nicole is adventurous and reckless. He has to keep her in check so she doesn't wander into danger. He'd never forgive himself if something happened to her.
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Bonus Grandma Lucy:
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26 Reasons why Qrow is not Ruby’s father and why Taiyang is Ruby’s father
In response to the toxic aspect of the fandom attacking CRWBY and demanding that their desires for Qrow be chosen over canon, or how they feel their theory is more valid than the show itself? I have researched RWBY to make this 26-point Discussion as to why Canon is valid, and fancanon is not when it comes to Qrow Branwen, Ruby Rose, Taiyang Xiao Long, and Summer Rose.
 1.       “Monty said NO”    Most obviously. Monty Oum.
   He said in this tweet that ruby and yang are half-sisters…half-sisters,  which means they share the same mom or dad…in this case Taiyang….
Now people have claimed “he obviously meant step-sisters or cousins” Why is it that every time we show the English dictionary to you people or ask you to read it, that you claim you are being attacked or that you claim Monty was misleading us?
 2.       The writers said NO
   Miles Luna debunked this theory on Reddit…
   He pointed out that Ruby sees Qrow as a Role model, so she adapts her colors to be similar to his.
   And you don’t need somebody to be blood to be your role model.
 3. “Rooster Teeth said NO” Rooster Teeth even said that Qrow is "Ruby and Yang's Uncle" They also said “Ladies, he’s not your man”
 4.  “But what if Summer had feelings for Qrow? Why does Qrow Serve Ozpin?” Qrow said in Volume 6 " No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good... " So he was saying he wasn't wanted, so no relationship with Summer. SUMMER DID NOT WANT HIM. And he was literally saying he served Ozpin because Ozpin gave him purpose. It’s pretty sad how people think Qrow can only be a complex character if he obsesses over another person’s wife and child. What , you wanna make him Severus Snape, the Lilly Potter stalker who insulted a girl’s face and tried to poison a boy’s pet and publicly outed a teacher?
5, "But Qrow could be lying" Except in volume 6 Qrow literally said "Don't lie...we're better than that"
And in volume 7?
" Long time ago. I just found working alone tends to be for the best "
" Gotta say, I’m still not really used to working with other Huntsmen in the field. "
And finally World Of Remnant on Patch.
" Nice place to raise a family, if you're into that sort of thing. "
  6.  “Qrow fans claim that Ruby and Summer form a core part of Qrow’s character and backstory.” WRONG! The main accusation for demanding Rooster Teeth / CRWBY change the backstory for Qrow would accomplish nothing.
Raven already pushed Yang onto Taiyang to raise on his own.
Qrow forcing Tai to Raise Ruby alongside Yang while Qrow could regularly visit, and while Summer lived with Taiyang, Yang, and Ruby?
It would cheapen Qrow’s character….blood isn’t everything.  Neither are cliches.
 7. “But what if Qrow gave Ruby to Tai to raise after Summer’s death?” Volume Chapter 6, Burning the Candle.
Yang tells Blake that she (yang) and Ruby were raised together by Summer and Taiyang…not by Taiyang on his own, but by Summer and Taiyang.
Yang clearly had memories of being raised by Summer and Tai both,  which meant that Summer and Taiyang lived together raising Ruby and Yang for Several Years.
  8. “Does Taiyang care about Summer or Ruby?” Taiyang was noted to have shut down when Summer didn’t come back…. Yang noted this in Volume 2 Chapter 6, and Ruby mentioned in the first episode of Volume 3 that Taiyang missed Summer. Qrow also said that Ruby is Taiyang’s “Special Angel”…. Ruby has also pointed out numerous times that Taiyang is Overprotective of Ruby. In fact, Ruby's conversation with Penny about overprotective fathers.
 9. “Qrow knows Taiyang is Ruby’s Father. Taiyang knows Ruby is Taiyang’s daughter. Qrow has referred to Taiyang as Ruby’s father during volume 3 and 7. Taiyang referred to Ruby as his daughter in volume 3.
 10. “Why didn’t Taiyang train Ruby in Martial Arts?” Taiyang is a martial arts fighter.   Ruby has neither the build nor the personality for ruthless hand to hand combat like her sister… Taiyang would trust Qrow, despite his semblance.   Remember how bad Ruby was in v5?
 11. “Qrow’s semblance is not what his fans exaggerate it to be”
Speaking of Qrow’s semblance? He was playing video games with his nieces,   taught at Signal Academy,   and could train Ruby… Clearly,  his semblance is not what theorists make it out to be.
 12. “Why doesn’t Qrow treat Yang the same way he treats Ruby?”
Yang is the daughter of Qrow’s sister,who abandoned the team.
During a one on one interaction between Qrow and Yang after yang vs mercury, Qrow called his own niece crazy, after she had been framed.
Qrow was not empathetic to Yang.
Qrow may not like Yang’s resemblance to Raven.
Ruby is the daughter of his two closest friends, so of course he’d prefer Ruby over Yang.
 13.  “Examples of Taiyang caring for Ruby.”
Volume 2 Ruby was excited when Taiyang sent a package in the mail, not even knowing it was Zwei.
Taiyang was at Ruby’s bedside in V3, and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
He also tried to bring her breakfast in bed.
Taiyang said he wanted to chase after Ruby, but had to nurse Yang back to health.
During the V8 broadcast, Taiyang was upset when the broadcast was cut.
 14. “Genetics research”
Black hair is the subtype of the pigment for blonde hair…
Also, Ruby’s got the same hair strand that Yang and Taiyang have.
Finally, black hair is more dominant.
So Ruby doesn’t need blonde hair to be Taiyang’s kid.
 15. “The STRQ Photo”
The photo....Qrow was with STRQ for four years...do you really think Qrow is not allowed to cry on the photo unless he was romantically involved? Can't a man grieve over the death of a female friend that he was NOT in a relationship with? Or are men not allowed to have female friends? Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach for example...friendship. They were his friends, his family. People seem obsessed with the idea that Qrow cannot care about a woman unless he was romantically involved or unless he's their bastard father.
 16. “Men and Women…as friends, platonic” Harry Potter as a book showed that a boy and a girl can interact and still be friends…
Why can’t Qrow be Summer’s friend?
Why does he have to be her lover?
We’ve seen Qrow talk about Innkeeper’s skirt lengths and leer at Barmaids who flirted with him.
Also, he’s shown to be bonding with both Clover and Robyn.
People act like he doesn't flirt with anyone , and yet he does.
 17. “Bad Luck Charm” Qrow has spent his whole life with his semblance, named after a Crow.
Raised by the Branwen bandit tribe.
“You and I are not the same, you don’t want the burden of my name” Both Branwen and Qrow are names that Qrow hates due to his semblance and past…
People may think of him as cool, but Qrow suffers from self-loathing.
So NO, the Bad Luck Charm song does NOT in fact allude to Qrow being Ruby’s father, but that Qrow hates himself, hence a major part of why he’s alcoholic.
Proof of which is his volume 6 exchange with Ozpin about being useful, which Qrow disagrees with, leading him to drink further. Yang literally said that she had never seen qrow so drunk before in v6.
And Ruby encourages his self-worth leading him to try giving up alcohol….
His alcoholism is tied to low-self-esteem, not relationships.
 18. Manga Anthology
Taiyang was shown in the Manga Anthology to have shut down upon Summer’s Death. That impacted his relationship with Ruby and Yang. Qrow? Is relatively unaffected. The good Uncle helping around the house. Taiyang haters and Qrow stans took this to demand that Qrow is entitled to Ruby, despite Taiyang recovering and doing his best to be a father. Anything Qrow does is worshipped like Mother Teresa, while anything Taiyang does, good or bad, is downplayed and smashed. Taiyang loved Summer so much he was devastated by her death. Qrow was unaffected. Think about that.
 19. “I like Brats” Why does Qrow spend time with kids he’s not related to? Because he likes kids. You know how there are adults who enjoy being around brats? That’s Qrow. He didn’t have romantic feelings for Summer, he liked being around her because she was like a kid. Similar to how Blake likes Ruby’s idealism? And trusts her leadership?
 20.  “Taiyang the 2-timer accusation”
A woman on youtube claimed that Taiyang was a 2-timer who cheated on raven with summer, as there was, in her and her friends’ minds, “no way that taiyang could be with half his team” When asked about TaiQrow as a joke, she was angered that people even ship TaiQrow.
But let me ask you this. Are you the same person you are now that you were 10 years ago? People claim that Qrow was somehow cool in beacon…because he’s cool now. But Taiyang, who raises two kids, and holds a job and a house…cannot be ruby’s father…because he’s not cool? And that somehow he was never cool? I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had to be cool to be a parent. I also had no idea people were only allowed to be in one relationship per lifetime. Raven freaking abandoned Tai for the tribe. Summer chose Taiyang over Qrow. People literally make Qrow out to be either an OC in a shipping fanfic, or a Naruto fanfic where Naruto is written to be fawned over by a girl whose canonical spouse, boyfriend, or male friend is somehow rewritten as evil.
1 year…..in 1 year since Raven abandoned Taiyang and Yang, Summer Rose the friend of Taiyang’s who he had known for 4 years, became more than a friend.
So no….Taiyang is not a two-timer…he moved on from Raven.
 22. “Why can’t Taiyang talk about Summer?” To WHO? He’s barely got 15 minutes of screentime, and the writers did NOT do him any favors when they had Qrow demand he leave so Qrow could tell Ruby a secret Ozpin trusted him with, before telling Ruby to run away from home leaving only a freaking note. Terrible daughter. Even Yang was prepared to do the same! To a man whose first wife abandoned him! At least Weiss has a legit reason for acting as she does against Jacques, several at least. Ruby? No. Now why would Taiyang talk about Summer’s fighting style to Yang when trying to get her to stop acting like Raven in her fighting style and semblance? Sure if there was more time…but RT at the end of the day isn’t some money-hungry political entity, it’s a startup at the end of the day, they don’t have the ability to do a full anime episode. Also, Taiyang cannot go out on these active missions…he was a schoolteacher who did not do missions until only recently…he was retired, remember.
 23. “These fanworks make more sense to me”
Qrow fans have tried using fanworks to justify their theory or ship, the same way Blacksun fans or Adam apologists make similar claims, and even Raven fans try to claim Raven is somehow a good mother. What do these fanworks do? Hate on Taiyang. Dismiss Ruby and Yang being half-blood siblings. Ignore multiple elements of the show or scenes. Occasionally shit-talk the writers.
Every time somebody tries to make a “rwby rewrite” or “rwby alt” or “Qrow is ruby’s father au” they cannot do it without completely rewriting the characters in so many forms and even the show, till Qrow, Raven, Taiyang, and Summer are NOTHING like they are in the show…And ONLY how a shipper wants qrow to be.
Or rewriting qrow to be nothing like he is in the show.
Most Alt or Rewrite consists of making Taiyang abusive, a cheater, or refusing to allow him to interact with Summer, while regularly pushing qrowxsummer at each other.
So no…it’s not that it makes sense to them through some fanart….a headcanon that has been debunked is no longer headcanon. A theory that is shut down is no longer a theory. There’s a reason anti-vaxxers and flat-earthers still exist. Because to them, their theories make more sense than reality. Which is why people still believe Qrow is Ruby’s father the same way people believe vaccines cause autism. Neither are true, and no amount of facts will shut them down, but they’re both popular theories.
 24. “Qrow Rings and Cross”
People claim that Qrow was married to Summer or that his cross represents him mourning Summer. Did the STRQ photo, in v3, the same volume as his appearance, not show Qrow with his rings, his cross, and angrily scowling, while Summer was right next to Taiyang?
 25. “What about Summer Rose’s choice?”
Remember how I said making Qrow’s character based on solely Ruby and Summer, ignoring everything regarding the tribe and ozpin giving him hope, and the grimm reaper…was bad writing? There’s a reason people hated v5. Raven was proven to be the deadbeat, Qrow was shown to have friends, and that Taiyang knew about Salem, and of course it was confirmed that Yang and Ruby again were sisters by Raven.
Now how about Summer? Team leader….took a man and a daughter who were abandoned by her friend…and made them her own. Yang calls Summer Rose “Supermom” and “Her Hero”…was literally willing to storm a bandit camp so Raven could use her portal to take Yang to Qrow, so she could get to Ruby. And yeah, I know the RWBY critics scream “why didn’t Yang just look for Ruby in Mistral?” It’s a bloody kingdom, and Yang was pursuing a lead, that Tai had given her, and Qrow told Yang he’d look after her sister. Remember that? Oh wait, RWBY Critics forget, my bad. Anyway, she’s more of a sister to Qrow than his blood sister Raven, she’s more of a mother to Yang than Raven, and she’s more of a spouse to Tai than Raven. Good Stepmother. Non-married couple. Relationship built on trust. Blood is not the same as family. (Example Weiss’s remark to her father) (Or Dom Toretto)
So making Summer into a throw-away character who dies so that a brooding jerk of an alcoholic can claim character development? Making a woman nothing except a throw-away for a man to get development is BAD WRITING. For God’s Sakes, even Pyrrha was written better than that! She interacted with team rwby, nora was always helping her out, and so was Ren (though those shakes are a crime against humanity” But when Qrow fans try to demand he’s ruby’s father? Their fanworks make Summer as much of a flat character as Preston Harvey from Fallout 4, where they make Summer unable to do anything but be obsessed with Qrow and having his child, similar to how Preston cannot think of anything other than “Another settlement needs your help, I’ll mark it on your pip-boy”
 26. Finally, the accusations that CRWBY are lying.
“You have to be ****** if you believe CRWBY when they say Qrow isn’t Ruby’s father” “CRWBY is lying, it’s what writers do” “It’s okay for writers to lie, it’s good for plot” “I’d prefer it if CRWBY was lying to us” “Monty is dead, the writers should change it now” “Monty is dead, nothing else in the writing matters” “Monty was hiding the truth from us” “CRWBY is hiding the truth about Qrow being Ruby’s father” “It makes sense for CRWBY to lie to us” Look at this…Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, Reddit, instagram…. The first quote? Was a woman who was using an anti-autism anti-disability slur defending the theory. Never have I ever seen people so obsessed with a  theory that they would deny reality and be rude to the very writers and original creator. But the QrowxSummer and Qrow is Ruby’s Father fandom group has made countless cases of this. THIS is how they defend their theory? And people upvote, like and support these remarks? SHAME SHAME SHAME
I get how people desire qrow to be Ruby’s father for ships or fanfics.
Even to where they make Taiyang a hated character just for the sake of making sure nobody disagrees with them.
But the attacking of RWBY and CRWBY, claiming that “this needs to be fixed”, or getting angry at RT for not giving you the non-canon ship you want? Claiming that just because you want it to be so, that somehow your ship/theory has “validity?”
That reflects poorly on the fandom and critics.
But then again…. It’s easy to ignore what’s real and what’s a fact that when theorists and ship-pushers and CRWBY Haters on youtube tells you to stop listening to monty and the writers, and instead believe whatever you want and claim whatever you want, Because surely you know what’s better for the show than the people who worked on it, right? Ha ha ha, no. THAT is the ULTIMATE disrespect somebody calling themselves a fan could ever give. And if you think or agree with that type of logic, you should look in the mirror.
I looked for backup sources to defend CRWBY and RWBY, you’ll find them below.
Backup sources include:
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autumnslance · 3 years
This isn't related to the ask meme, but I'm curious. Have you ever found yourself really enjoying a certain character that was either completely forgotten about in fandom or you might fear wouldn't be taken seriously by fanon if they were more popular for one reason or another? I constantly struggle with this, like with some comic relief characters who show more personality than what their propensity for lightening the mood would give them credit for.
A few times. I rather like the padjal characters, particularly E-Sumi for instance, but taking them seriously is difficult for some, given they always look like kids, so E-Sumi usually isn’t on the list of dads and grandpas people trot out (because let’s face it for most people those lists are often not just weighed by the emotional maturity/growth of the characters).
I also think a lot of people see Hildibrand’s slapstick and buffoonery and miss the times he shows real observation and emotional wisdom. He’s a very sweet and earnest young man, which is what makes the silliness work. I’ve seen a lovely slowburn OC/Hildy romance that still acknowledged the outrageousness of the character as well as his deep caring for others.
Mischaracterization happens for pretty much every character in a fandom, though, and fanon often obscures actual canon material. Ask any Aymeric, Estinien, Urianger, Thancred fan; ask any of the fans of the various lady characters, many of whom have to put up with vitriol about favorites like Lyse and Minfilia, where people remember inaccurate jokes and memes more than what those characters actually do in the text. And Twelve help the fans of any and all of the lalafell characters; very few take them as seriously as the game itself does.
In the end though, the only ways recently that I’ve allowed fandom to color my take on a character has been positively. I see a lot of vitriol and bad faith takes on a character and I tend to start defending them to where sometimes I become a fan because I’ve had to dig into them and the lore around them (maybe a little spite, I’m not immune to that). Sometimes peoples’ lighthearted takes, or deep introspections, make me see a character in a new light and more positively. Sometimes I just want to poke more at a character I’ve been otherwise neutral toward or forgetting about a lot.
Write what you want to write, who you want to write; look for the like-minded types and learn to set the Ao3 searches and filters to find more of that content (if it exists; there’s depressingly little for many of my favorite Job or Tribe NPCs and I have only so much time and energy myself). While the wider fandom may not take the characters you love seriously, there will be some who also love them as you do, and you can find one another and make your own happy little corner shrine for those neglected figures.
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nat-the-cat-123 · 4 years
(this will be a VERY long post)
✨Time to criticize Yashahime ✨
First of all:
I will only criticize the writing aspects, so don't expect me to say anything about the animation since I barely know about that stuff
Because of this I also won't address anything of Sessrin or the discontent because of Moroha's and Inukag's separation because that's more of a fandom thing
And this is only the opinion of someone who isn't any kind of expert in writing or something like that
Uff, Yashahime finally ended and it was... Interesting.
So let's criticize it :)
So first of all let's tell the ✨the good things✨ because even if there are more bad things, infact there are very little good things, we have to give credit where credit is due.
Good things :D
The girls' originality
Something that I saw other fandoms have complained in their own "next generation sequel" (like in boruto) is that the kids were just a "copy paste" of their parents, and when Yashahime was just announced I saw the same concerns (specially with Setsuna and Moroha)
But in the end I think any of them ended up being just female Inuyasha/Sesshomaru, and all were able to be their very own character.
Half of their relationship
Ok, I'm specifying that only half because sometimes the twins would be a little unfair with Moroha, but then be her "new family"(?), But then they proceed to leave her behind, and then AGAIN being like bff's so there is no consistency.
But in the first episodes Sunrise got it right and we could see a pretty good and functional dynamic between the 3 that was consistent and made sense.
Each one had a defined role that worked, Towa was the "moral" one, Setsuna the "cold" one who took more drastic decisions, and Moroha intervenes mediating both and brings information that may help please both sides. (At the beginning)
I'M SORRY, I'm sorry, I can't help it, it's just that she has so much charm and is so lovely and innocent. And you can totally ignore the fact that she's InuKag's daughter and still love her just because her personality brings so much to the story.
It's such a shame that they didn't really use all her potential but I'll get to that later.
Aaaand that's all ;-;
Now let's go to the interesting part...
The bad things D:<
This point I actually want to explore it further in another post, because there's a lot I want to talk about her to specify what exactly went wrong and how I would have managed her but here I will leave it simple.
Towa in any way possible wasn't properly used, and even if almost every character suffered of bad writing, she was the most affected one.
She honestly isn't interesting, everything that could have been done with her according to her backstory was completely wasted, because even if she was the one with the least tragic story, there was a lot to work with (I mean, just look at Kagome's case and still most of the fandom loved her)
She kept changing her personality and ideology according to what the story needed, and at some point her only trait was "Setsuna's protective older sister"
And don't even get me started with how overpowered she is without any kind of training (I get she knows how to fight with bullies, but clearly that isn't the same as fighting demons with demonic energy)
When people argue if the phasing is too fast or too slow, I think it's both, but in the worst way possible.
They waste so much time in scenes that aren't really that necessary or could be much shorter, and rush at incredible speed things that should actually be worked slowly and carefully.
The fights
I only can remember two or three that I actually liked because most of them were just exchanging hits with the sword, sometimes an special movement and that's all.
Half of the battles didn't affect the story in the least, and the worst of all was how the villains were defeated wether because they were lame as fuck or because Towa's random power up appeared out of nowhere.
Meanwhile in Inuyasha even if we didn't always had the best fights of all anime, we did get some pretty interesting choreographies and some villains really had an impact on the characters in a natural way.
Talking about villains...
Naraku is laughing from his grave
You know? I'm not a Naraku fan, but he was a bastard that you loved to hate, he maybe wasn't the most powerful character when we talk purely about his strength, but he was intelligent as fuck, he was always one step ahead, he had some pretty interesting abilities and plans, with him he brought other AMAZING villains (or anti heroes) like Kagura, Kanna, Hakudoshi, the weird baby, or even Sesshomaru back at the beginning, and the best part was how he was written being a complex character (like when he struggled with his human feelings for Kikyo)
But on the other hand we have Kirinmaru, Zero, the four losers (I mean, perils), probably my boy Riku, and who knows what other random villains.
First of all, ONLY RIKU would be a good villain (maybe I should have put him in the good things ;-;)
But then we have the four perils who, out of them the only one who seemed to know what he was doing was the green guy that did weird witchcraft, but the rest? They are just randomly bothering people because they have nothing else to do and honestly they didn't seem to be that powerful.
I'm not sure about Kirinmaru because I don't see anything clear with him, I mean, I'm not even sure if he's a villain.
And Zero... *Sighs*
I don't get what the hell she's trying to do. Anything that she does makes sense. She's just alive because of Riku, without him she can't do anything.
Like seriously, half of the world was after Naraku's ass, even his allies, and still he could get away with it. Zero can't even get her army in order to take care of 3 fourteen years old girls.
(Sorry for letting myself go with this one ;-;)
Not using half of your characters
I guess the best example is Moroha because even with an interesting backstory, mysterious abilities, and most of the fandom's love, they just used her as comedic relief for most of the series instead of developing her character or explaining better her spiritual abilities or Beniyasha.
And not only her, Hisui and the rest of the demon slayers were more of a background character. For example, in Hisui's episode we should have gotten to meet him, Gyokuto, and Kin'u better, but they preferred to focus in the twins AGAIN and not work the MirSan family. (Guys, first season and I still can't tell Hisui's definitive personality)
Same Takechiyo, Kyubi, Yawaragi, Kohaku, the villains, some past characters, sometimes even Riku. Basically every character who isn't Towa and Setsuna are walking tools for them to use whenever the plot needs it.
Inuyasha knew when and how to dedicate an episode to a character, Yashahime doesn't.
Lack of character development
No one, except for Setsuna who is learning to rely and trust more on the girls, has any kind of development (sorry Moroha (・ัω・ั)).
I see Towa exactly the same as in the first episode, and because of how they've barely put attention to Moroha, she has barely shown any growth as well.
And I guess Hisui learnt how to trust his dad, but again, I can barely tell which is his personality, and the rest are background characters.
Powers / Abilities / Weapons
Here they neither explained ANY of the characters abilities properly or made them more powerful making sense.
Towa, just randomly learnt how to concentrate her demon energy in a sword and just keeps getting new abilities without training, and any of them seem to have any effect on Towa like (idk) having the risk of running out of energy. And at the beginning I liked how she struggled with her other demon abilities like smelling things but then they just forgot ;-;.
Setsuna's stick just produces wind and lasers without explanation, and her sealed power doesn't really work naturally.
And Moroha... EXPLAIN BENIYASHA BETTER. SAME FOR THE SPIRITUAL POWERS, that was supposed to be impossible!!! And again they recognized that at the very beginning, why did they forgot about it later???
There barely has been any "world" expansion
Something that Inuyasha never really got into was the "demon society", because with the exception of some tribes they never mentioned anything related to that BUT...
With that thing of Inu no Taisho and Kirinmaru apparently being "royalty" I thought they would talk more about that "Demon hierarchy" or if "Setsuna's courage trial" was something like a demon tradition (damn, that was honestly pretty interesting) but NO.
The topic has been barely mentioned and let's keep saying over and over again what the audience already knows for 24 episodes.
Weird Exposition
The way they threw information at us was pretty weird, like it didn't feel "organic" because instead of the girls getting into whatever situation where "x" character tells them certain things because it is related to what is happening, again, they chose pretty weird ways.
There were like 1,000 different options to tell us what happened to InuKag and Sesshomaru and all of them, like the girls talking with Myoga or Kaede...
I'm not saying Moroha is a bad comedy relief, she actually came with many good jokes, but you can't leave only ONE character to take care of the comedy. Towa and Setsuna also came with some good funny moments, so why would they only reduce the comedy to Moroha????
(In Inuyasha EVERYONE gave amazing comedy moments, even Sesshomaru)
And the worst part is that they only use the same joke with her most of the time! Losing her bounty and being poor.
"Atmosphere" (?)
I Promise I don't want to sound pretentious with this one ;-;
Those scenes where we were supposed to feel sad because of someone's death, intimidated because Kirinmaru appeared or excited because of a fight didn't work out.
I don't know exactly why but I think that it is because of a combination of lazy animation, bad selection of soundtrack, weird dialogue and the characters' lack of reaction.
So now that I think I've said all the points that they got wrong, let's get to the conclusion.
They stablished side plots or mysteries everywhere and didn't really do anything with them.
The girls never advanced with the story, they just kept running in circles around the same point during 24 episodes. (And no matter how long or short a story is, you can NEVER do that or you'll lose the audience's attention).
And with or without a second season, they made terrible mistakes that won't be able to be fixed. If it is only one season, TERRIBLE, they left way to much things uncovered, and if they plan another season, ALSO TERRIBLE, they rushed essential things and if they work them again they'll repeat one of their biggest mistakes.
And honestly I really tried to love this sequel, almost up to episode 12 I really tried to appreciate the small good things but they just kept slapping me with disappointment every single episode, and if they release a second season, I'll watch it but this time only expecting the worst of it.
In resume, yo can only truly enjoy Yashahime if you completely turn off your critical sense, and expecting nothing from it, otherwise you'll only keep asking yourself "why?"
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radishaur · 4 years
Hi! I love waking up in the morning to find my feed filled with your writing! You’re so good! I was wondering if you can write a zuko x female reader based on the song “Easy as all that” by Miniature Tigers? That song gives me major pining!zuko vibes. Hope your day/night is going well! :)
Oh my goodness, this literally melted my heart! 🥺 Thank you so so much! Also I would love to do a song request! I think that idea is so cool! I hope you enjoy!
- Zoe
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Crazy About You (Zuko x Reader)
Warnings: none
Genre: Fluff
Part: 1/1
Summary: See request
When Zuko invaded the Southern Water Tribe, he had expected to find the Avatar. What he did not expect to find was you.
You were absolutely fearless, not hesitating to attack him when he threatened you. You were also incredibly talented at fighting. Without even breaking a sweat, you were able to beat him in a fight. Your water bending was powerful. You were clearly a beginner, but that didn’t matter. Your sheer power was enough to knock him off his feet.
Not to mention you were undeniably beautiful. Of course, nothing could ever come of it. You were enemies. Destined to fight each other until the end of time. He had no choice but to repress the feelings you gave him down into oblivion.
Admittedly, he wasn’t very good at it though. Everytime you guys went head to head he would always be careful not to hurt you. He even purposefully let you escape sometimes. Not that you needed him to. He knew you were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself.
There had been multiple times he went back and forth about confessing his feelings for you. He knew they were wrong and that you would obviously be disgusted, which made him want to keep his mouth shut. But on the other hand, his Uncle had once told him that being honest about your feelings is better than hiding them. Maybe if he told you then he could finally get rid of them.
He shook his head. Right now was not the time to be thinking about you. His nerves about seeing you again made him distracted, but he needed to practice his speech. Not get flustered over a girl.
He straightened up and looked at the badger frog who was sitting on the log in front of him. He took a deep breath before starting.
“Hello, Zuko here. But I guess you probably already know me....sort of,” he trailed off, rubbing his head sheepishly.
This was not a good start.
“Uh, so, the thing is, I have a lot of firebending experience and I’m considered to be pretty good at it. Well, you’ve seen me....You know, when I was attacking you?” he asked, quickly realizing that was probably not the best thing to bring up, “Uh, yeah, I guess I should apologize for that.”
Not a good start at all.
“B-But anyway, I’m good now. I mean, I thought I was good before, but now I realize I was bad. But anyways...,” he sighed, realizing this was not going to be easy, “I think it’s time I joined your group and taught the Avatar firebending.”
There was a beat of silence as the badger frog croaked.
“That wasn’t bad, but I would probably tweak a few things.”
I spun around in shock to see her leaning against a tree behind me. She had a basket in her hand that was full of fish. She must have been hunting food down for the group. I looked at her cautiously, unsure if she was going to attack me or not.
“It’s a good infiltration plan I have to say, although none of us are stupid enough to believe it after everything you’ve put us through,” she continued, pushing herself up off the tree and coming closer.
“I-It’s not- I’m not-“ I tried to say, my words getting stuck in my mouth as she came closer.
“Why else would you be practicing your speech? Usually people who are genuine don’t need to rehearse what they’re saying,” she argued, standing a mere few inches away from me.
I blushed in embarrassment and crossed my arms over my chest.
“I’m not exactly a people person. It usually helps to practice beforehand,” I mumbled.
“Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation? Shy? I don’t believe it for a second. Although you’re a good actor,” she insisted, her glare so intense I felt like she was looking inside my soul.
“I didn’t even know you were there! Why would I be acting for myself?” I exclaimed, my blush growing as my embarrassment doubled.
She seemed to hesitate to take in my point. She took a step backwards and looked at me in shock.
“You’re being serious,” she said in disbelief.
“Yes. I’m being serious,” I huffed, finally looking back at her.
I immediately regretted it. She looked beautiful and I felt paralyzed to the spot as she looked at me. Her gaze had softened when she realized I wasn’t joking about joining the Avatar and her stance had relaxed significantly. The way the sun shone on her and glimmered in her eyes-
“What are you looking at?” she asked, looking over her shoulder for something that wasn’t there.
“Oh! Uh....nothing. I just uh- I thought I saw something,” I replied, my whole face going red in embarrassment at being caught staring.
She looked at me once more before sighing. She grabbed my arm and began dragging me behind her.
“Come on, then. If you’re really serious I can convince them to believe you,” she said.
“R-Really? You would do that? I’ve given you no reason to trust me,” I responded, shocked that she had believe me so easily.
“Because you’ve always let me go. You never really attacked me and I know you could have if you wanted to. There’s good in you somewhere,” she answered.
Her response made me more flustered that I was before. My stomach flipped as she spoke and I could feel my cheeks heat up. Did she really notice I was going easy on her? And did she know why?
I didn’t ask any of the questions I had. I just followed after her as she led me down to the group. They had all been horrified to see her dragging me behind her and they went to attack, but she held them off. She let me explain myself and, despite some rough patches, got them to accept me as a prisoner.
It was clear to me then how much trust the gaang had in her. She stood by my side even after I accidentally told them I sent an assassin after them and she had been able to convince them to let me stay. They clearly didn’t want me to, but they agreed because she asked them to. Even though she wasn’t related to any of them, they treated her like family. They trusted her with their lives.
She truly was special.
It wasn’t until after I saved the group from Combustion Man that they began to trust me on my own. Aang and Toph were almost immediately on board with me while Sokka and Katara were more hesitant. But Y/N was by far my #1 supporter and grew to be my best friend. She did everything in her power to help me gain the group’s trust.
She accompanied Aang and I to the ancient Sun Warrior’s temple. She helped me break Sokka’s dad and girlfriend out of prison. She even tracked down Katara and Sokka’s mom’s killer with me. All to get me to trust them.
And everything she did just made it harder for me to repress my feelings for her. Her laugh sent butterflies off in my stomach. Her smile made my heart ache. Her kindness made me feel things I had never felt before. And there were countless times I had been caught staring at her.
Pretty much everybody could see I was desperately head over heels for her. But I was still fighting myself over wether to tell her or not. I really wanted to tell her. Especially now that we had become friends, it could be possible. But there was always a tiny voice in my head that told me I would never be good enough for her. It told me that I wouldn’t be able to treat her the way she deserved. That she deserved someone worthy of her and that I clearly wasn’t.
That was the battle I had within myself everytime I saw her and now was not an exception to that.
Sokka had convinced us all to go see a play about ourselves. I had originally been against the idea until I saw how excited Y/N was to go. I immediately agreed after that. Now, she was sitting right next to me as we waited for the play to start.
My heart was pounding out of my chest. She was so close to me that if I moved even an inch to the right we would be touching. Her hand brushed against mind as she talked with Katara, spending sparks through my arm. She had no idea how crazy she drove me.
“Zuko, are you ok?” Aang asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Huh?...Oh! Y-Yea. Just nervous about the play,” I lied.
Luckily, Aang was gullible. That or he decided to spare me the embarrassment of pressing the issue. Either way, he let it go. Pretty soon, the play had started. Everybody was pissed with how their chatacter was portrayed except Y/N. She was displayed as head strong and independent, constantly shown beating stage me in our fights. To be fair, that part was incredibly accurate. Plus, her excitement over her portrayal was enough to make me forget my annoyance about how state me was portrayed.
The play itself was kind of terrible. The storyline was skewed and the relationships between everyone felt off. It was annoying, but bearable. At least she was happy. After a brief intermission, the play continued. I was thoroughly bored up until the scene in the crystal catacombs. At that point, I’m pretty sure my heart stopped beating.
“I have to admit Prince Zuko, I really find you attractive,” Actress Katara said.
“You don’t have to make fun of me!” Actor Zuko snapped in response.
“But I mean it. I’ve had eyes for you since you first captured me,” Actress Katara cooed.
“Wait. I thought you were the Avatar’s girl?” Actor Zuko asked in confusion.
“The Avatar? Why he’s like a little brother to me,” Actress Katara said through fits of laughter, “I certainly don’t think of him in a romantic way.”
“Well, that’s too bad for you. I’ve only ever had eyes on Y/N,” Actor Zuko exclaimed, turning to face Actress Y/N who was watching from the side.
Everyone turned to look at me and I shrunk into my seat. Thank Agni the theatre was dark otherwise they would clearly see the blush covering my face.
“You like me?” Actress Y/N asked with a laugh.
“Your beauty and power is alluring. You’ve had my heart since the day I met you,” Actor Zuko said, taking Actress Y/N’a hands in his.
I could feel everyone’s eyes on me as I hid my face in my hood. I desperately wanted this scene to be over.
Oh how I would soon regret that wish.
Actress Y/N laughed uncontrollably. She even wiped a fake tear from her eyes when she was done.
“I could never like you!” Actress Y/N exclaimed , pushing Actor Zuko away, “I’m much to powerful for you. You disgust me. You’re nothing but a monster. An obstacle in my way.”
I felt my heart sink. Even though she hadn’t actually said those things, it hurt like she did. I needed to leave. I saw Aang getting up to leave and mumbled something about going with him before bolting out of the theatre.
I walked outside the theatre as I thought over everything that had happened. I scolded myself for ever allowing myself to feel things for her. What Actress Y/N had said was probably true. How could she ever see me as anything other than a monster? She was much better than I ever could be, not to mention everything I’d put her and her friends through.
I sat down at the beach that was across from the theatre. I groaned as I let myself lean against the rocks. I cursed under my breath. How did I let myself get so worked up over a stupid play. A stupid play about stupid-
My heart dropped into my stomach. I felt like I was going to be sick from nerves. I opened my eyes and looked to the side to see Y/N sitting next to me in the sand. I looked up at the stars to avoid her gaze.
“Hi,” I forced myself to say.
“You seemed upset when you stormed out of the theatre, so I wanted to come check on you,” she explained, placing a hand on my shoulder.
Her touch sent a shock across my whole body. Even just her touch drove me wild. I was properly and thoroughly whipped.
“I’m fine,” I insisted, still not looking at her.
“You wouldn’t have stormed off if something didn’t upset you,” she argued, scooting even closer to me.
Spirits, I wanted nothing more than to pull her close to me and never let go. To her over and over again. I forced myself to stop thinking about how close she was. I needed to forget about it. It would never happen. Ever.
“Is it because of what Actress Me said?” she asked.
“I...” I went to deny it, but couldn’t come up with something to say, so I simply sighed.
“Zuko, you know I don’t see you as a monster, right?” she assured me, squeezing my shoulder as she did.
“Why not?” I exclaimed, finally looking at her as I felt my heart breaking into a million pieces, “After everything I’ve done to you and your friends, why don’t you hate me?”
She seemed taken aback at my sudden outburst before her expression softened once more. She let her hand drop from my shoulder and instead took my hand in hers. She gave me a soft smile as she squeezed it.
“Because you’re a good person who got handed a terrible hand of cards to start your life with. I don’t blame you for struggling. I think that makes you an even better person, actually. It means you’re not afraid to work for what’s right, even if it’s hard,” she explained.
I couldn’t stop myself anymore. She looked radiant in the moonlight and her speech was enough to make my heart explode. I reacted before I could think twice about it. I let my free hand cup her face and pressed my lips onto hers. They were soft and warm and everything I had imagined and more.
But then the realization of what I had just done crashed down on me and I snapped myself back. I stared at her shocked face in horror. Oh Agni what had I done?
“I-I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. Oh spirits, I-“ I began apologizing before I was muffled by her lips crashing into mine.
I was surprised that she was kissing me, but that didn’t stop me from kissing back. My heart swelled with joy as I kissed her back, letting my hand cup her cheek softly. When she finally pulled away, she rested her forehead against mine.
“I was wondering how long it was going to take you to do that,” she giggled.
“W-What?” I asked, clearly confused as to what she meant.
“Zuko, you’re not very good at hiding your feelings,” she teased, causing me to get flustered once again.
She laughed as I began to blush profusely. I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly as I pulled away from her. I felt her hand on my face and then a soft peck on my cheek.
“You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed,” she said, a huge grin plastered on her face.
I felt my face grow hotter as my blush grew more intense, but I couldn’t stop myself from smiling back at her. She stood up and held a hand down for me to take.
“Come on. The intermission will be over soon and everyone will be wondering where we are,” she said.
I grabbed her hand and let her help me on to my feet. She laced her fingers with mine and walked beside me all the way back to the theatre.
The rest of the play sucked. It was probably one of the worst ones they had ever out on. And yet, despite that, I had never been happier. Y/N made me happier than I had ever been before. Looking back, I really should have just come clean about my feelings. But I wouldn’t change it. The way it went down was perfect to me.
Who knew it would be as easy as all that?
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cluz1babe · 3 years
*** Episode 2 Chapter 4 (STSF) ***
Dean leaned back in the booth. “Since I have you here, can I ask you something?”
“I get the feeling you’re gonna ask me more than something.”
He smirked and continued, “Do you trust me?”
“That’s kind of...” She paused, “Yeah.”
“Why don’t you trust my brother?”
“Sam didn’t tell you?” She shifted and Dean could see the discomfort in her face. “We tried to— I tried to connect with him.”
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“It didn’t turn out well.”
“What happened?”
“I saw things I probably shouldn’t have. Instead of those thoughts and feelings flowing back and forth between us, it was all coming from him and going into me. Couldn’t control it.”
“What’d you see?”
She closed her eyes and focused her breathing, bringing it all back to her memory. “There was this person—a man. No, not a man. He had these yellow eyes."
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“You saw Azazel. Did you see what he did?”
“No, but I tasted it.”
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“And the other times.”
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"And everything else."
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“There was so much. There was Hell."
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"Then almost like he felt…nothing"
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“…and he did things… I can’t really judge him based on those actions. And there were a few beautiful things."
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“Did you see Lucifer?” Dean asked.
“Yes. He was beautiful.”
Y/N thought of his radiant grace. “His true form was beautiful, but I could also feel the terror. The fact that he was beautiful is no comparison to that feeling.” She thought for a moment. “There were two others in the cage. One was an angel, but don’t know who the other was.”
“Yeah… His name was Adam.”
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“Who was he?”
“Our brother. We were related through dad. Michael used him as a vessel and they ended up in the cage with Sam and Lucifer.”
“Oh...” Y/N tried to find anything else to look at. Why hadn’t they told her about any of this?
“I don’t feel like talkin’ about it right now.”
I guess that’s fair, considering I’ve only known them two and a half weeks, she thought.
“What about Cas? Why have you been avoiding him?” Dean questioned.
“I don’t know. I just don’t feel right around him.”
Dean thinks about it for a moment. “Let’s start with something small about you.”
“As in?”
“What’s your last name?
Y/N rolled her eyes. “How many times do I need to have this conversation before you believe me? I don’t know. Or I don’t have one... It’s difficult to find that information without an official document. I wasn’t born in a hospital.”
“You sayin’ you don’t know who your parents are?”
She sighed, “Actually, I don’t care.”
“How can you not care?”
“They decided to check out early and tried to take me with them. That’s how.”
This revelation was unexpected and Dean didn’t know what to say.
“Look, I don’t know anything relevant to my life before 1995.” She continued. "Can we have fun now?”
“Alright, fine. You tell me what you want to tell me.”
“I was raised in a group home."
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"Sort of. Someone saved me from my parents' death trap.”
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When his senses returned, he prodded her for more. “How old are you?” “I don’t know exactly how old I am, but I was somewhere between 3 and 5 in 1995. Stopped aging in 2016, I think. At least, enough to be noticeable.”
“So you’re in your 30s?”
Y/N shrugged, “Best guess. Only it’s not that simple. There are feelings, thoughts, languages...like memories, in my head. Stuff there's no way I would know if I’m only in my thirties. I often question if what I remember is real or if the other stuff is.”
“What are some of those memories?”
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“Actually sounds like you might have a lot in common with Cas.”
"Do you remember what I showed you?” Y/N asked.
“Nothing specific. It all runs together like—“
“Indecipherable thoughts strung together.”
"Within an acid trip.”
"Yeah", she agreed.
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Dean swallowed, "Just thinkin' about it makes me want another drink."
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“Tell me something about you that know one knows.”
“Sam is the only person who knows almost everything about me and the things he doesn’t know are way too private to be telling anyone else.”
“So tell me something almost no one knows about you.” Y/N pressed after too many drinks.
“I had a daughter.”
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Y/N stopped completely, and stared at Dean. “Had? What happened?”
“She was killed.”
“I’m sorry.”
“That’s not the worst part.”
Dumbfounded, Y/N had to ask, “What could make that worse?”
“Sam’s the one who killed her.”
Y/N’s eyes were fixed to Dean’s trying to figure out if he was telling some morbid joke that she didn’t understand. “H-how—?”
“She was trying to kill me.”
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Y/N was trying to imagine it in her head. Was she a toddler? 8? 13? Why was she trying to kill him? Maybe it was a possession? That doesn’t seem right. These guys can handle a possession, easily. Plus, they have an angel on their side. “I-I’m sorry.” She didn’t know what else to say.
“I only knew her for a day. I slept with her completely non-pregnant mom. Three days later, she looked like she was 15 years old. Trying to kill me to be accepted into her tribe.”
The more he talked, the more confused Y/N felt, until he told her the full story.
There was a long silence before she finally spoke again.
“Shots!” She blurted out and left her third beer at the table. This conversation was making her uncomfortable. She wasn’t expecting someone like Dean to drop a bomb like that. She slid out of her side in the booth, as quickly as possible.
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The band on stage started playing a cover of Led Zeppelin’s Dancing Days and an older gentleman at the bar grabbed Y/N’s hand. At first, Dean thought he was going to have to step in, but She went with him. He was leading her out to the floor in front the stage and started dancing. At first, she laughed, but the man insisted by continuing his dancing. She finally relented and began dancing with him.
There was a crooked smile on Dean’s face. He hadn’t seen her like this before. It was cute. He took a moment watching before he started to feel a pang of envy. He wanted to dance with her. Closer than this man was, though.
However, when Y/N turned to look at him, there was something about her that reminded him of Lisa. There was a different pang in his chest, and his smile was gone. What am I doing here with Y/N? She’s at least 10 years younger. Maybe 12.
When the song was over, She and Dean were laughing again. Maybe the liquor was helping him forget Lisa again. His phone buzzed and he checked it. He made a slight grin upon seeing the message.
“Your brother wondering what we’re up to?”
It buzzed again. Same reaction. “Definitely not”, he said.
“Ah, you’re talking to a woman.”
“It’s a dating app. Sometimes I get random messages.” Another buzz. “This one’s a picture.”
“Ooh! Let me see.”
“No. When someone shares a picture, you keep it safe and secret. Hidden to the rest of the world. It’s the respectful thing to do.”
“Ask her if I can see it.”
“Why would I do that?” Dean asked, perplexed and also intrigued by the idea.
“You interrupted fun drinking and sharing time by bringing another woman. Even if it is via smartphone. I’d like to know who else it sitting at this table and what they have goin’ on. — Be sure to let her know I’m also into women.”
"Lookin' for a threesome?”
"Why not?”
After giving her a devilish smile, he sends an ask the other woman he's messaging. Dean then leaned in close to Y/N, placed his hand on her thigh, making sure his lips were close to her ear so she could hear him. "Are you trying hard to be naughty or are you just trouble?”
"I'm trouble all the time. Naughty on the side, and nasty late at night." She caught her dumb line and chalked it up to the alcohol. They both giggled. "I'm sorry. I've never been good with my words, especially when I'm tryin' to flirt.”
"It's okay. Maybe I can teach you." Dean caught her lips with his and the kiss quickly became heated, with his hand traveling up her leg and to her breast. Her hand was grazing his crotch, feeling him getting hard. Even right here in front of everyone, he might screw her. He couldn't understand this desire to be inside of her so badly. When his phone buzzed in a reply, he handed Y/N his phone.
She looked at him, impressed. “Wow. Not bad.”
“Yeah, yeah. I don’t get it, though.”
“The lack of hair. One, I thought that was over by 2010. Two, I just don’t feel that comfortable with it.”
Y/N shrugged, “So don‘t fuck her.”
“Easier said than done.”
She scoffed, “Why does a woman’s personal choice about her body hair bother you at all?”
“Makes me feel like a sex offender.”
“Sounds like your personal problem.”
“Well, also her age.”
“What’s wrong with her age?” Y/N inquired.
“Too young.”
“Too young?”
“Too young. I need to find someone my own age and stop runnin’ around, you know?” Dean looked off into the distance.
“Settle down? You?”
Y/N laughed at him and replied with a smile, “Sure.”
*** EPISODE 1 ***
Part One - Episode Two
PLAYLIST Ep 2 Ch 1-4
*** Strong Tongue and Slender Fingers *** (Here and AO3)
*** Alt Strong Tongue and Slender Fingers Smut Scenes *** (Here and AO3)
KLEE (Original Version) (Currently only on AO3)
Alt KLEE Smut (Currently only on AO3)
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nerdybookworm25 · 4 years
Rambling about Katara and Zutara
Ok so I’m going to kind of just put my two cents out there on this stuff. I joined the ATLA fandom this past summer and just started watching TLOK (my brother and I just finished Book 2 yesterday). This is a hot debate and I just want to ramble on about my opinions on this stuff. A lot of this will focus on Katara’s perspective because I can understand her better than Zuko or Aang due to personal experience. Im just... gonna... get into it now...
I’ll give you some background on me so you guys can understand where I’m coming from. I’m a 15 year old girl with abandonment issues caused by multiple deaths of close friends and family at a young age (my uncle when I was 4, a grandmother like figure when I was 7, my dad’s mum when I was 9 or 10, my great grandma when I was 11, a close friend of my dad’s when I was 13 and many others). I also am the Mum Friend (my friends literally call me “Mum”). I’m the caregiver of the group- the glue, the harmonizer, the therapist, the teacher, the good advice giver etc. (This stuff actually hot me in trouble as a kid and it kind of messed me up). My friends who have seen Avatar have compared me to Katara on multiple occasions and say I’ve got the temperament of a waterbender. You can kind of see where I’d relate, you know?
I do ship Zutara. My brother turned to me during the Book 1: Water- Episode 9~ The Waterbending Scroll and asked, “What if Zuko becomes a good guy and ends up with Katara?” From then on I was on the Zutara hill and I’ll probably die there. It limited ships that I loved from childhood and I thought it would hav been really cool- it would have fit the themes of the show, it would have been a cool thing to see grow and blossom, etc. It had nothing to do with Katara and Zuko being attractive at all- not in the slightest. It also wasn’t me projecting onto Katara. I didn’t really care to notice any major similarities between us until Book Three: Fire- Episode 7~ The Runaway. It was this exchange that changed Katara from my favorite character to someone I could heavily relate to.
Toph: [Sarcasically.] Oh really, Mom? Or what are you gonna do? Send me to my room?
Katara: I wish I could!
Toph: well you can’t! Because you’re not my mom, and you’re not their mom! [Extends her arm at Aang and Sokka, who are sitting on a ledge.]
Katara: I never said I was!
Toph: No, but you act like it! You think it’s your job to boss everyone around, but it’s not! You’re just a regular kid like the rest of us! Stop acting like you can tell me what to do! I can do whatever I want!
I remember bursting out laughing when I heard this. My brother asked me what was up and I paused it and explained that that was a lecture I revived so regularly when I was younger. It really really ended up messing me up. It’s not like I tried to mother anyone- it just happened. I wasn’t controlling it. I didn’t notice I was doing it and I got in trouble. Now things are different and I’ve embraced the fact that I am the designated Mum Freind. Still working on getting over being told off about it in therapy though. Anyway, I think you now can understand where I’m coming from with this “analysis.” Now I’m going to get into it (for real this time lol).
I think I’m going to start with the caregiver stuff. Katara’s mother died when she was very young. It was a very traumatic death. We can infer that Katara blamed herself for this death because the Southern Raiders were looking for the last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe- her. That’s a lot for an 8 year old to try to process. Here’s the kicker: I don’t think she ever fully processed it until after Book 3: Fire- Episode 16~ The Southern Raiders. She almost immediately helped her grandmother take up the roll as the woman of the house. She probably didn’t feel like she had anyone to talk to about what she was feeling however true or false that’s what she most likely perceived this to be. When Hakoda leaves for war with all of the men of the tribe, Kanna might be the matriarch and help raise Sokka and Katara but even Sokka admits that Katara became a pseudo-mother for him. Taking care of others doesn’t leave a lot of time to deal with your own issues. Sometimes it feels easier to help others face their demons than face your own.
We continue to see Katara become the glue of the Gaang as the series progresses. She keeps them together in the Si Wong desert after Aang leaves her, Sokka, Toph, and Momo. She’s always the one cooking, cleaning, and mending not because she wants to, but because she knows no one else will do it and it needs to be done. We see her try to coax Toph into helping out around camp when she firsts joins the Gaang. It doesn’t work and this conflict continues for most of Book 2 and the beginning of Book 3. All of this time, she’s making it a point to take care of everyone. When the adults show up after the Boiling Rock, she’s still the one making the dinner and probably does a lot of the other chores as well (except for tea making- this will come into play later).
There’s a running joke about Katara being “Momtara” within the ATLA fandom (more the Zutaraians in the fandom than anything else but it’s a pretty well known concept). We continue to see this when the Gaang is on Ember Island. She brings them all drink during training sessions, watches said training sessions in case someone gets hurt and they need her, wrangles Sokka to the best of her ability, and just generally looks out for everyone regardless of age gap. It’s her natural instinct to be motherly. She retains this quality even after she finds Yon Rha. (Getting closure on her mother’s death doesn’t mean losing what had become a major personality trait).
Let’s unpack that now, shall we? Kya dies and Katara thinks it’s her fault. She doesn’t really talk to anyone about it. A few years later, Hakoda leaves to fight in the war. The Southern Water Tribe recives no letters or news about what happened to their warriors at all. Katara felt like she lost another parent. She nearly says as much during Book 3: Fire- Episode 1~ The Awakening.
Hakoda: You’re taking about me too, aren’t you?
Katara: How could you leave us, Dad? [She attempts to wipe away the tears.] I mean, I know we had Gran-Gran, and she loved us, but we were just so lost without you.
Hakoda moves to comfort her as she turns away.
Hakoda: I’m so sorry, Katara.
Katara: [Embraces Hakoda.] I understand why you left. I really do, and I know that you had to go, so why do I still feel this way? I’m so sad and angry and hurt!
The thing that sets off this exchange is Aang running away for the third time since Katara has known him (the fourth time in Aang’s lifetime). The other times he ran were when confronted by the rude fisherman in Book 1: Water- Episode 12~ The Storm, then again during Book 2: Earth- Episode 11~ The Desert. Aang has a, for lack of a better word, chronic running away problem. I’m not mad at him for it. It makes him an interesting character and shows that he too has flaws (even if they aren’t always addressed but that’s an issue with Bryke). When Aang flys away after waking up during 3.1, Katara is distraught.
Katara: He left.
Hakoda: What?
Katara: Aang. He just took his glider and disappeared. He has this ridiculous notion that he has to save the world alone, that it’s all his responsibility.
Hakoda: Maybe that’s his way of being brave.
Katara: Its not brave, it’s selfish and stupid! We could be helping him and I know the world needs him, but doesn’t he know how much we need him, too? How can he just leave us behind?
Katara feels abandoned by Aang. This is completely understandable. She has every right to be angry at him and feel sad that he flew away. He comes back every time but I feel like if I were in her position, as much as I’d hope my friend would come back and I’d tell everyone that I knew he would, I’d still be afraid that there was an off chance that he doesn’t. This is a natural human reaction to this situation. People were seemingly constantly fading in and out of Katara’s life and that just wasn’t good for her mental health. It couldn’t have been. This also raises the question of if someone has a very serious fear of abandonment, would it be healthy to be in a romantic relationship with someone who consistently leaves? Personally I don’t think so. Be friends? Sure. Date? I don’t know. It doesn’t quite sit right with me.
Katara probably feels abandoned by Zuko too. During the Book 2 Finale: Crossroads of Destiny, Katara and Zuko bond in the crystal catacombs under Ba Sing Se. They relate over their shared fear of being abandoned by those they love (yes I think Zuko has abandonment issues too- among other issues/fears). When he turns his back on her, she doesn’t live him (obviously). She has cared about him enough up to that point to offer to use what is arguably her most powerful possession to heal his scar. She cares. Because she cares about him then, she is downright livid when he betrays her. (Of course the difference between Zuko and Aang with this is Zuko leaves once and comes back and he doesn’t leave again. Aang leaves and comes back over and over and over again).
Katara: I thought you had changed!
Zuko: I have changed!
Katara carries the weight of his betrayal on her mind until she and Zuko go on their life changing field trip to confront the man who killed Katara’s mother. This was her time to finally get closure. She had probably had these feelings bottled up for 6 years and didn’t act on them. When she finally had the chance, her best friend and brother tried to stop her. She lashed out.
Katara: We’re going to find the man who took my mother from me.
Sokka pauses and stands up, surprised.
Zuko: Sokka told me the story of what happened. I know who did it and I know how to find him.
Aang: Um ... and what exactly do you think this will accomplish?
Katara: [Shakes her head in dismay.] Ugh, I knew you wouldn’t understand. [Begins to walk away.]
Aang: Wait! Stop! I do understand. You’re feeling unbelievable pain and rage. How do you think I felt about the sandbenders when they stole Appa? How do you think I felt about the Fire Nation when I found out what happened to my people?
Zuko: She needs this, Aang. This is about getting closure and justice.
Aang: I don’t think so. I think this is about getting revenge.
Katara: [Angrily.] Fine, maybe it is! Maybe it’s what he deserves!
Aang: Katara, you sound like Jet.
Katara: Its not the same! Jet attacked the innocent. This man, he’s a monster.
Sokka: Katara, she was my mother, too, but I think Aang might be right.
Katara: Then you didn’t love her the way I did!
Sokka: [Hurt.] Katara!
Katara gets a lot of flack for this interaction. She says Sokka didn’t love their mother like she did and Sokka I’d understandably hurt. It doesn’t excuse what she said, but people do lash out when they are feeling a lot of emotions and they get defensive when they feel like they’re being ganged up on or attacked (I myself am guilty of this sort of thing). What Katara said was wrong but I have no doubt in my mind that she didn’t apologize to Sokka when he and the rest of the Gaang arrive on Ember Island later in the episode. She is seen walking over to him after she hugs Zuko.
Zuko and Katara go after Yon Rha anyway. For once in her life, Katara is feeling emotions and no one is trying to get her to stop or to push them aside. She doesn’t have to be constantly taking care of someone so she can focus on herself. Katara trusts Zuko more than I think she realizes. I mean she trusts him with a lot and he follows through on a lot of unspoken/subconscious agreements and promises.
Zuko is looking out for her. Zuko has her back. Zuko is allowing her to feel all of these emotions and work them out of her own accord. Zuko isn’t telling her to feel one way or another. Zuko isn’t going to judge her for whatever she decides to do when they find Yon Rha or what she does in order for them to get to that point. Zuko ensures she gets the closure she feels she needs.
When he sees her bloodbend, he’s surprised, but he isn’t appalled. When he thinks she’s going to run Yon Rha through with a giant shard of ice, he doesn’t try to stop her. He lets her be her. He sees a dark side of her in a way that no one else in the Gaang has seen. It’s strangely intimate. Clearly it has enough of an impact to make her forgive him. She knows he isn’t going to abandon betray her and her friend again.
Once they become friends, and even before that, Zuko starts to help out with small things here and there. We see him making tea for all of the kids at dinner. He tells jokes to make them laugh. He teaches Aang firebending. He goes with Sokka to the Boiling Rock to make sure he doesn’t get himself killed or in a prison cell for the rest of his life. With all of this, “Dadko” is born.
If you strip away Zuko’s anger, he just becomes the awkward-turtleduck-first-time-father that we all know and love. There’s more balance in the Gaang with him there to help and become an “authority” figure with Katara. They become the parents of the other members of the Gaang. It’s an interesting shift in their relationship- enemies to unsteady acquaintances to enemies to frenemies to friends. They’re close enough that they show small signs of physical intimacy and they tease each other.
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Also if you look close enough when the Gaang walks into the “seedy Earth Kingdom tavern,” Zuko and Katara appear to be holding hands and are near each other from then until the finale episodes. They are clearly just great friends by the end of the show. I mean Zuko also takes a bolt of lightning to the chest for her...
Zuko doesn’t leave when his life gets difficult- not after he joins the Gaang. He made that mistake once and he won’t make it again. Aang was always part of the Gaang but continued to leave (again, I’m not mad at him for it but he never seems to realize the effect it has on the people around him- especially Katara). Zuko also doesn’t all but forget Katara and continue to run around the world. When Zuko fully decides to stick around, you best believe he is sticking around.
This works really well for Zutara. They’re both each other’s rock. They support each other and help each other in times of trouble. Do they argue? Yes. Is that a normal part of a healthy relationship- romantic or otherwise? Yes. Do they take care of and look out for each other while also not smothering or suffocating each other? Yes. I don’t know about you but this sounds stable and healthy to me. They balance each other out so well (I’m not going to get too into that because if you’re reading this you probably already know with the whole Tui and La, Yin and Yang, Oma and Shu thing).
Now, this is a big deal for me and it makes me furious, but Katara is forgotten by history. She has no statue. She is reduced to a housewife and healer- things our wonderful water feminist was afraid of becoming as an adult. I mean this girl
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This girl
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She becomes nothing but a housewife stuck in a healing hut who gets forgotten by the world and left behind by her family just... let’s all of that happen? Yeah that’s pretty unrealistic. I think about this frequently and with starting TLOK I have formed even more opinions and have a little thingy (I don’t know what to call it) for what happened to her.
Kya II is everything Teenage Katara wanted to do and be before settling down. Old Katara is everything Teenage Katara was so afraid of become reduced to/becoming.
It’s an interesting way to think about it and I thought I’d share. Now if Katara was Fire Lady, she wouldn’t end up like that. She’d have the power to change the world and continue to fight for what she believed in. She could have helped with the trail with Yakone. Katara has so much potential to not be forgotten or brushed aside and somehow it happened. It makes me so sad. The potential Zutara had to make sure Katara had a genuine legacy was right there at their finger tips and they didn’t use it. What a shame. What a shame.
With all of the things I’ve talked about, I just feel like Zutara would have been better for Katara than Kataang was. I think that’s more Bryke not developing the relationship well enough and instead choosing to be sloppy and selfish in the way they structured the relationship. Yeah this is my rambling on about the issue. Hope it was mildly entertaining! If you want me to write something about how Zuko would have benefited from Zutara, let me know!
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night-time-writing · 4 years
The Eye of the Hurricane pt2
Summary: Katara finds out she has to marry Zuko. Aang wants to talk to Zuko about their relationship.
Word Count: 1,317
Chapter 1: https://night-time-writing.tumblr.com/post/640963749784780800/the-eye-of-the-hurricane
Chapter 3: https://night-time-writing.tumblr.com/post/642040880816111616/eye-of-the-hurricane-pt3
Chapter 2
Katara looked around at the semicircle of young children in their tribe learning how to water bend for the first time. Even though it was years ago now, she could still remember the first time she water bended herself.
“Knock, knock.” Sokka said as he walked in. 
“You don’t have to do that every time you want to come in.” Katara rolled her eyes.
“Your right, I’m sorry.”
“What did you do?”
“I need to talk to you in private.”
“Okay, we will resume tomorrow, class.” she said to the rest of the room. Then turning back to her brother, “What did you do, Sokka?”
“My favorite sister ever, who would never ever hurt her brother, especially for something he can’t control-”
“What did you do?” She started to get frustrated. What could even make Sokka act like this?
“Well, you see. The leaders were talking, and you know we are still trying to rebuild so some of us have to make sacrifices for our tribe and-”
“And by us you mean me, don’t you?” She said while cutting him off again.
“You know we need supplies and people, and we need better relations with the other nations-”
“Yes, but what does that have to do with me? Just spit it out already, Sokka.”
“You have to marry Zuko.” He rushed and put his hands up to block his face.
It was silent for a minute. “I’m sorry, I must have misheard you, what do you need?”
“You have to marry Zuko, well if you don’t want to then we can say no, but it would help us a lot if you did. They seem desperate.”
“Why are they desperate? Zuko is dating Aang and last I checked they were happy. I feel like if they weren’t we would know. Aang probably would have come here.”
“I don’t know. They just seem desperate. Maybe there is something going on in the fire nation that has caused them to need you. But will you do it?”
Katara thought about it for a moment. To be honest, she wasn’t sure. It was a lot to take in all at once and to suddenly uproot her life that she’s come to know here to move across the world to be Zuko’s wife for some unknown reason was not something she planned on. “I’ll think about it. I’ll have an answer by tonight.”
Sokka nodded before leaving her alone with her thoughts. She first thought about her relationship with both Zuko and Aang. If this was Zuko asking for help, she might have said yes, but she was unaware why they needed her help, and what was going on with Aang. Why would Zuko ask for her to marry him if they were still in a relationship? She didn’t want to hurt Aang, of course. Then she thought about her tribe. They were still rebuilding, and they were trying to establish relationships with the other nations. They need better trade. Right now it was still really just the northern water tribe that was helping them out. An alliance with the fire nation would be very beneficial, they could rebuild faster, and they could trade faster. 
Before she realized it, it became dark, and she had to decide. But, if she was being honest, there was only really one right answer. She had to do what was best for her people, even if it was at her expense.
She walked to her and her dad’s house to give her answer. As she entered the igloo, she saw Sokka was also there. She figured that was a good thing. This was something she would have to tell both of them anyway and saying it once was enough.
“So I have concluded. I will go to the fire nation and marry the fire lord.”
“Are you sure you want to do that, Katara? You don’t have to.” Her dad said. She could hear the sadness in his voice and she wanted to break and cry the way she used to when she was a little girl. But the sad truth is that she isn’t a little girl, and she can no longer hide behind her dad to protect her from the fire nation.
“I know dad, but I want to. I want to help our people as best as I can. There are other water bending teachers, but there is only one way to make an alliance with the fire nation.”
Sokka began to cry before running up to her and crushing her in a hug. “I’m going to miss you so much.” he wailed.
Katara realized that this might be the last time she is with her family like this, and she hugs him back equally tight. Then her dad came over and enveloped them both in a bone-crushing hug. They all just stood there for a while, just hugging each other. Katara allowed a single tear to escape.
Aang had been avoiding Zuko ever since their talk. He still didn’t know how he felt about the whole situation. He loves Zuko, and he loves Katara. But that almost made it worse. Aang didn’t know what this meant for him. Would he still get to be with Zuko? Were they even really still dating if Zuko married Katara? Would he and Katara even still be friends? All the what ifs were killing him, and he had no way of answering them. Katara was arriving tomorrow, so Aang knew it was time to suck it up and talk to Zuko. They needed to know where their relationship stood before it got more complicated.
Aang walked to Zuko’s room, took a deep breath, then knocked on the door. It made Aang sad that he felt like he had to knock now. He never had to do that before. But he was unsure if he was still always welcomed in Zuko’s bedroom.
The door swung open quite forcefully. “For the last time, I don’t need anything, I just want to be left alone.”
“Oh, okay, I can come back later.” Aang said dejectedly.
“Wait, I didn’t know it was you, you’re always welcome, Aang. The servants just won’t leave me alone. Why don’t you come in?”
Aang sighed in relief as he walked into the room. Zuko didn’t hate him, and he didn’t push him away. That was definitely a good sign.
“Is there something specific you needed? We haven’t talked since dinner a week ago.”
“I wanted to talk about us-”
“You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you?”
“What? No? Unless you want to. Do you want to break up?”
“No,” Zuko said curtly.
Aang nodded. At least they got that out of the way. At least they agree they’re not breaking up or anything. “Good, I’m glad neither of us want to break up. But we do still need to talk about what you getting married means for us. Especially since you know, you’re marrying my ex.”
Zuko stared at Aang for a moment with his confused look.
“What’s the matter, Zuko?”
“Who is your ex?”
“For someone so smart, you can be real dumb, moving on,” Aang said. He was unsure if Zuko was joking or not. Zuko wasn’t one for joking and this wasn’t really the time, but there wasn’t any other good explanation.
“I don’t want anything between us to change.”
“Yes, but it’s going to change and we need to think about that,” Aang said desperately.
“I know, but can we have tonight, tonight to be just us. I’ve missed you.” Zuko almost seemed to beg. 
Aang wanted to press the matter. He didn’t like the uncertainty of their future. But he would be lying if he said he didn’t miss Zuko and just being with him and Zuko’s tone of voice was at least enough to convince him that Zuko wanted to be with him just as much. “Okay. Tonight we’ll just be us.”
Note: Me and my friend @bakudeku-positivity wrote this.
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amixiifish · 4 years
Heat- Chapter 35: The Boiling Rock
They were about to land the balloon before they started falling.
“Why are we falling?” Jet hisses.
“I don’t know!” Zuko snaps back.
“The air outside and inside the balloon is the same. We can’t fly,” Sokka says, panicking.
They splash into the water, a little landing on Sokka’s hand causing the alpha to bite his fist to stop himself from crying out in pain.
Jet sighed. “There goes the idea of flying out.”
Zuko nods.
They slowly land onshore, looking up at the huge building.
They end up dressing like Fire Nation guards to fit in.
The second they leave the supply closet as they are told to follow a guard as a fight has broken out.
“Sokka. Jet,” Zuko mutters under his breath.
“What?” Sokka whispers back.
“I forgot to tell you but some guards own the prisoners. As in sexually. Especially the omegas. They get special access to the prison cell too,” Zuko says.
Jet and Sokka looked shocked.
“Is it consensual?” Jet finally asks.
“From the guards' side,” Zuko responds before they’re led into a courtyard.
A man is in the middle with a guard.
They seem to be squabbling about something.
“I didn't do anything! I'm going back to my cell,” The man yells.
The guard whips fire at him. “Stop right there, Chit Sang.”
Zuko tries to approach them, but Sokka grabs his arm to stop him.
“We can't blow our cover, sweetheart. I’m sorry,” Sokka says.
Zuko’s jaw clenched but he relents.
“I've had it with your unruly behavior!” The guard snarls.
“What did I do?” Chit Sang asked, exasperated.
“He wants to know what he did. Isn't that cute?” The guard said, addressing Jet and Sokka.
“Uh, very cute, sir,” Jet replied, unsure of what to say.
“Super cute,” Sokka said, following Jet’s example.
The guard walks up to Chit Sang. “You didn't bow down when I walked by, Chit Sang!”
“What? That's not a prison rule,” Chit Sang snaps.
“Do it!” The guard bellows.
“Make me,” Chit Sang said through gritted teeth.
The guard walked away, but before he left, he whipped fire at Chit Sang. 
Chit Sang blocks it and redirects it at him. 
The guard breaks the blast with a kick.
“Tsk, tsk. Firebending is prohibited. You're going in the cooler. You! Help me take him in,” The guard snapped, pointing at Sokka.
“Meet back here in an hour,” Sokka whispers. 
Back inside, Chit Sang is led to a cooler.
“Man, can you believe this guy?” The guard said, clearly irritated.
“Yeah, prisoners, right?” Sokka jokes, feeling uneasy.
“Tell me about it,” the guard scoffs.
Sokka watched Chit Sang shiver in the cold.
“It sure looks cold in there,” Sokka said, inwardly wincing at his lack of adequate conversation starters.
“That's why we call it the cooler. He won't be firebending there. Look alive!” The guard says as he sees the Warden.
The Warden opens the cooler. 
“So Chit Sang, I hear you used firebending to try to escape. You should know better,” The Warden tuts.
“I wasn't trying to escape,” Chit Sang said through clattering teeth.
“He's lying! I saw it with my own eyes,” one guard snaps, attempting to move forward but pushed back by the Warden’s bodyguards.
“No one has ever, ever escaped from here. I'd sooner jump in the Boiling Lake myself than let that record fall. Don't forget it. Now go back to your shivering,” The Warden said coldly.
He stands up to leave.
Sokka really hoped Jet would find his dad.
Jet enters the break room.
“Hey, new guy! I know it's the rule to have your helmet on at all times, but this is the lounge. Relax,” A guy called to Jet.
“But what if there's an incident? If I'm not prepared, someone could strike me on the head.” Jet said, not willing to risk his cover.
The guards laugh.
“Give it a week, he'll loosen up,” A female says.
“Can the new guy ask you veterans a few questions about the prison?” Jet said, a joking lilt to his voice,
“No, you can't date the omegan guards,” A woman deadpans from the side.
“Trust me, you don't want to. The omegan prisoners are better. If you're an omega, no worries. I’m sure some beta or alpha in here would be willing to taste some pussy,” another man said, causing the rest to snicker.
Jet felt sick.
“No, that's not it. The Boiling Rock, it holds the Fire Nation's most dangerous criminals, right?” Jet starts. Everyone nods. “So what about war prisoners?”
A guard nods. “A few.”
“Any Water Tribe?” Jet presses.
“Why?” Someone asks.
“He probably has a type,” another says.
Jet feels like he’s about to barf and in his helmet.
“Nah, no Water Tribe. Oh, and before I forget. You can ask the Warden for a plaything. They give enough cards and access codes,” A man said, holding a card with several different applications on it.
“I’ll think about it,” Jet said, lying through his teeth.
He hopes Zuko is having better luck.
Zuko was just wandering. He had no idea what he was doing.
He was looking for Hakoda but couldn’t find him.
Instead, he found someone else.
“Hello?” Zuko calls quietly into the cell labeled ‘Earth Prisoner: Kyoshi Island’.
“What,” A voice snaps back.
“Do you know Sokka?” Zuko said, his voice a hushed whisper.
Silence filled the cell.
“Open the door. Quickly,” The girl snaps.
Zuko opens the door and walks in.
“Who-” Zuko starts before he’s pinned to the wall.
The woman takes off his helmet and snarls, “Prince Zuko, what a surprise.”
Zuko just whimpers. The alpha was radiating anger and hate.
“Please, I’m with Sokka, I swear,” Zuko says, the ability to breathe seemed more of a dream.
The Kyoshi Warrior drops him.
“How are you related to him?” The alpha snaps.
“I’m here to help him find his dad. He’s here too. I’ll bring him to you. He and Jet are courting me,” Zuko explained.
The alpha seemed to relax.
“I’m so sorry, honey. I didn’t know. My name is Suki,” The alpha, now known as Suki, says.
“It’s fine. You have a right to be wary,” Zuko responds.
Zuko hears footsteps.
“Who’s that?” Zuko hisses under his breath.
“Some stupid omega guard that owns me or some shit. Go. Visit soon. I wouldn’t mind getting a visit from a cute omega guard such as yourself,” Suki coos. Zuko flushes but takes his leave.
He wonders if Sokka has died yet.
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paintpencilink · 4 years
Do you think countries often push for specific house combos ? Like for example , the US seems very intent on being seen as a Lion Primary by the rest of the world and often comes across as a pretty twisted one .
I don't want to get too political, so I won't talk about the US government--I'll answer your question with less hot-button examples. The short answer is yes, I think cultures can value certain Houses, both primaries and secondaries, and countries have cultures.
Japan is very Bird secondary, for example-- so tidy! So systematic! Look at their recycling program! Look at how they package food! Have you ever seen a Japanese moving company? Japan is so detail oriented. ☺️
England kinda gives off Loyalist primary vibes to me. Maybe it's a combination of the tight-knit communities often portrayed in English TV shows I've watched, and the lingering cultural traces of a focus on nobility.
A culture's influence is pretty complex, though, and it's not monolithic; they'll have different expectations of different types of people, however they define those categories. This can be based on class, region, profession, gender... all kinds of stuff.
The Water Tribe in A:TLA (as noted by the sortinghatchats podcast) expects girls to be Badgers and boys to be Lions. Neither Katara nor Sokka fits neatly into this mold. Fortunately, they both find self-acceptance: Katara through her huge Lion display of ferocity and yelling at Paku until he agrees to teach her and then eventually declares her a master, and Sokka through learning that the father he's idolized but not seen for years is just as much of a wacky Bird as he is, and the men he leads respect him for who he is (even if they roll their eyes at his dad jokes).
I live in the Midwest US, and I can vouch for the sheer amount of Badger secondary around here. If you want to really insult someone from my region, call them lazy. It's not a bad thing, as long as you think critically when the community starts to glorify overwork. I don't think we have a strong regional bias towards one of the primaries, but I'm sure there are other cultural pressures for different people.
US business culture seems to emphasize Snake secondary. Adaptability, individualism, and opportunism are all valued. I once read a post from a Snake secondary who was trying to convince a Badger secondary to use a relevant contact she had to help her get a job, but she'd refused on the basis that it wouldn't be fair. Exasperated, the Snake tried to explain that this is just how people get jobs, this is how you get past the resume slush pile--that fair isn't the point, they're just trying to find someone competent.
A society that was more Badgery would probably focus on checking everyone more equally to try to find the best candidate, but US business culture likes to go fast, make mistakes, and iterate. There's a fear of getting bogged down in details. This has its pros and cons--it's great for developing technology, but there's plenty of stuff for which these tactics aren't well suited.
So, yeah! Countries have cultures. Cultures have values. Cultures influence people toward those values. It's a whole thing :)
Housekeeping note:
I'm going to be gradually shifting my SHC related stuff over to @paint-the-ravenclaw. My existing SHC posts have been reblogged there and will stay up on my main, but when I write original Sorting posts and stuff, I'll be posting over there from now on. Asks are officially open on the new blog!
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seven-oomen · 4 years
Hi, Ben!  I hope your day is going well so far!  Are you still getting snow, or has the storm calmed a bit?  We’re supposed to be getting a potentially severe ice storm over the course of today.  There’s already a thin layer this morning, we’ll see how the rest of the day goes.  And temperatures are supposed to stay in about the -4 to -6C range the rest of the week.  I’m very glad that I’m off the next couple of days, and managed to get by the grocery last night after work.
I saw your post about writing and writing styles!  It was helpful because I’ve not really seen the different styles written out and explained before.  I’m still not 100% which I am, but probably either an intuitive plotter or a methodological pantser.  Usually there’s a scene or a line or two that I’m like “this needs to happen in this story” and everything else is fairly free-form.  I did try actually writing down an outline for IYWTD, but even then it’s more a list of beats/tropes and the order I want to include them in.  (And I’ve only just made it past halfway through, although a couple may need to be altered a bit, oh god, how did this get so long…)
It’s also always kinda of amusing to me how many of those writing advice lists are like “Don’t do this”, “Stop doing this”, “Never do that”, and then they’ll encourage you to find your own voice and style.  Like, bitch, you just told me not to ever do half the shit that makes up my style.  Which am I supposed to do?  Damn.  XD  (You will seriously pry adverbs and similar descriptors from my cold, dead, grasping hands.  Also the occasional epithet.  No, I’m not using a character’s name nine times in one paragraph, sorry, and pronouns don’t always help if the characters are the same gender.  The reader can deal. ;D )
And I feel ya on the tall, skinny, blue-eyed boys thing.  It doesn’t have to be just a white boy, but if he’s taller than me, slender, and has a pretty pair of baby blues, my higher brain functions tend to go into insta-lag.  I ain’t particularly proud, but I’ve long accepted this about myself (there are many reasons Luke became my forever BAE.)  That’s not to say a lack of any of those is a deal-breaker in the slightest, but it’s definitely going to immediately get my attention.
Speaking (vaguely) of Luke, I had a thought the other day of him and Din being off on some planet together (Grogu is staying with Aunt Leia and Uncle Han for a few days), and there’s a noise in the middle of the night, and Din refuses to accept Luke’s assurance that there’s nothing out there, and in true himbo fashion insists on going out to investigate having grabbed only the darksaber and his helmet to cover his face -but nothing else.  Luke just finds it a combo of hysterical and adorable (and kinda hot.)
I hope your novel is going well (whatever stage you happen to be at), and I’m always up for hearing whatever you feel like sharing about it.
I hope you’re still doing well with the whole eating and hydrating regularly thing (it’s also totally okay if you aren’t!), and I’m super proud of you for sticking to it as much as you can anyway.  That shit is hard.  (Also, ignore the 1500 calories thing, I swear that shit is designed for 130lb women trying to shed a few pounds, not people who need to safely and steadily lose larger amounts of weight.  But then I’ve also never fully understood making someone lose weight before surgery, either.  “We need you to get rid of some excess weight before we’ll okay this surgery to *checks notes* get rid of some excess weight."  Like, weird flex, but okay.)
Anyway, I’m rambling again, and should really eat some breakfast and try to write a little myself today, maybe.  Hope you’re feeling okay, and that things are going well overall.  I hope Mo is doing well, and enjoying his best cuddle buddy life.  Take care!  *Hugs!*
Okay, gonna try this this way so that I can refer back to the links on my phone if need be.  I couldn’t quite see the full entries for the physical descriptions, and when I tried clicking on them it kept asking for a login, but I think I saw enough to get the gist.  I’m not sure exactly what sort of feedback you’re interested in, if any, so this will mainly be my usual sort of rambling stream-of-consciousness type thoughts and questions.  Hope that’s okay.  Feel free to ignore if it’s not what you’re after right now!  :D
I think one of the first questions that popped to mind was where is/what happened to Ellie’s mom, and is that something that’s going to cause problems later in some way?  (I.e.- was she killed on a hunt, are they divorced, was it bitter or amicable [would she come after her daughter if she heard about his relationship?])  I guess technically similar questions could also apply to Nate (late husband, ex-husband, ex-boyfriend, one night stand, sperm donor?) it was just more noticeable with Ellie being so young still.  Although that could also be part of why he’s ended up in Wyoming, which was another question I had, although there I assume it’s hunt-related.
I also anticipate quite a bit of tension of all kinds when he and Nate first meet, because Faron strikes me from his descriptions as someone rather used to being able to get his own way either through the influence of who he is, or through his size (not necessarily in any kind of intentional or aggressive way, more in an unconscious privilege kind of way, if that makes sense?), and I don’t think Nate sounds like the type to give two shits about either of those things, and it would probably drive Faron up the proverbial wall that Nate isn’t intimidated by him in the slightest.  (I could be entirely wrong about all this, this is just the impression I get so far. :D )  And I think Nate being noticeably older than him would just make it that much more irritating at first, too.  Now, how long these impressions last will just depend on how quickly they get to know each other, and whether Bachelor #3 is helping or hindering things.  XD  The potential for just sitting back and watching the fireworks as “laid-back dad jokes with a quick temper” clashes with “quiet, reserved, and possibly takes themselves slightly too seriously” might prove too much for our last contestant for a while, depending on where his personality falls.  ;D  (Especially since Faron coming in and starting shit will likely come off as a direct threat to people and places Nate considers under his protection.)
Also, are any of these three going to have met before?  Will Nate already have some sort of relationship with the werewolf (Does he already know about the supernatural at all?)  Did he and Faron encounter each other on the trip to Europe you mentioned in the Life Highlights?  If he and the wolf already know each other, how does he get along with Cas, or Nate’s pets?  Is the werewolf also going to be native to the region?  Does he know anything about Faron’s family?  Does Faron already know he’s a werewolf, or is that going to be a bit of a crisis for him later?  A test of how well he’s learned not to judge?  If Nate doesn’t already know, how will he deal with both their secrets?  Do you plan for full-shift only wolves, partial-shift only wolves, or a mix of the two like TW?  Are there other supes in the area?
I think you mentioned maybe having him be of Native American descent?  I think that could be very interesting, but would require a LOT of research into which tribes are active in the Yellowstone area, and what their individual mythologies say about things like shapeshifters, and LGTBQ+ issues, etc., because there can be a fair amount of variance, I’m sure.  Also, I’m just overall curious how he’ll fit in with the other two size wise (get your mind out of the gutter, you know what I mean.  XD )  Also curious if any o them are going to have the slightest clue on the feelings front, or are they all going to be just absolute disasters?  Will the kids figure it out before they do?  Will the kids get along?  (Will BachelorWolf have any kids of his own, or just Nate and Faron?)  Will Nate’s coworkers have any clue about either the supernatural, or what’s going on with those three?  Because I suspect at least some of them will be way more obvious than they think they’re being.  XD
Uh… I think that was all that’s occured to me right now?…  I’m sorry you’re having a yucky day overall, and I hope tomorrow’s a bit better!  The ice storm has finally moved in here, and I can feel the temperature drop radiating off of the front door and windows.  It went from rain to freezing rain/hail and I’m not sure how long it’s supposed to last.  Hopefully only a little while.  Also, sorry your book was terrible.  I haven’t seen too many recent recommendations from friends, and I’ve been mostly reading “cozy” mysteries (Agatha Christie, Elizabeth Peters, etc) as my comfort reading myself, lately, so I can’t really suggest anything in particular, unfortunately.  At least, nothing I think you wouldn’t already know.  Anyway, hope you’re getting some decent rest, and hope you have a better day tomorrow!  Take care!  *Hugs!*
Alright since this is going to be like a very long one, I’m break it down into a few things.
First full physical descriptions, cause I didn’t know Milanote would be a bitch about it.
164 cm (5'4), 75 kg (166 lbs), Short slightly overweight trans man in his middle age. Nearly always the shortest man in the room, only standing around 5'4 and weighing in around 166 lbs. With kind moss green eyes that have permanent crow's feet in their corners and a polite but reserved smile always on his face. 
A face that's framed by faint freckles that are only visible in the sunlight. A neatly trimmed beard spices up his features and frames his pink lips. His thick but short eyebrows frame his eyes and create a short arc to his slim nose. 
A high forehead separates his brows from his wavy dark blond hair that's always tucked behind his ears. 
He generally wears the Superintendents' Park Ranger uniform while on duty. When he's not he wears comfortable jeans and t-shirts, usually a mono color like green, white, or black, plaid flannel shirts, socks with the weirdest patterns and colors, and hiking boots. He wears a steel ring on his right index finger and has a little steel Mjolnir on a necklace around his neck.
He's missing two fingers (his ring and little finger) on his left hand due to a childhood accident.
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185 cm (6'1 ft), 93 kg (205 lbs), Faron is a tall man with plenty of muscle from his time hunting. He can seem daunting and intimidating when you first meet him but there is a kinder, softer side to him. He has a warm light brown skin color, blue eyes, and black natural tight curly hair that he keeps very short. His full dark beard decorates his cheeks and chin, connects to his upper lip, and all the way up to his sideburns.
  He tends to wear dark clothing, leather jackets, no jewelry that could identify him, jeans, henley shirts, or V-neck shirts, and black, brown, or red jackets. He usually wears black combat boots or dark brown hiking boots. He's got knives and other weapons hidden all over his body and pockets and it might take him a good few minutes to unload every single knife from his body when he was to disarm.
There are also scars all over his body, including some scars on his neck that are visible from day to day life. He had the bad luck of being struck down by a vicious Wendigo but managed to escape. He survived thanks to his sister's quick thinking and first aid.
He covers some of those scars up with tattoos; he has one tattoo of a dragon laying down on his shoulder, with its head on his chest and its body curling over his shoulder and ending just below his shoulder blades. And one tattoo covers up some scars on his lower arm, it's a tattoo of a wolf's head that covers up a bite mark.
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He’s 37 and has 4 siblings, and two children, Kajika & Kaniya (Jika & Niya, identical twins, but one of them identifies as male, he’s trans. Kajika is his chosen/reassigned name. They are 10.) Dichali grew up in Riverton, WY, which is the largest town of 10,000 in the largest Native Reservation in Wyoming. He’s also a dear friend to our Nate (who is also his boss technically) and has slowly been falling in love with him for the last few years. (Although he still hasn’t realized that he loves his friend.) 
Yena, his coworker and friend, who’s much younger at 25 has been watching her coworker and her boss joke and dance around each other. She has a betting pool with her girlfriend on who snaps first.
Not sure how I’ll connect him to Faron if it’s more fun/better to have him find out later or to already know him and keep it quiet. 
I’m still working on him, so I don’t have much of personality and other things written down yet. But I have made his physical description:
At 178 cm (5'8) and 83 kilos (182 lbs) Dichali probably isn't the tallest man you've met, he's also not the shortest. And while he's got some good muscle on him from working as a Park Ranger, and being a werewolf, he also has some softer sides. All the better to cuddle with. He has long straight brown hair that falls to his mid-back and deep brown eyes and a long nose that ends prominently. His eyebrows are thin and he has a high forehead. His skin is a light Tawny color, there's a hint of an orange brown with a cool undertone.
His skin is also relatively clear and youthful looking because of his lycanthropy.
He tends to wear pants and jackets made by native designers and always incorporates native fashion into his outfits. He has jackets of mostly gray, blue, brown, and black colors made of denim, cotton, wool, or brass that are lined with more traditional cloths and patterns like the designer brand Ginew. Usually he pairs them with dark jeans, either black, gray, or dark blue. He pairs it with white, blue, red, black, or printed band t-shirts (Metallica, Green Day, Marianas Trench). 
For shoes he has brown hiking boots that are part of the Ranger uniform, more western styled boots like black cowboy boots, and a pair of sneakers.He also wears a copper bracelet with lighting bolts etched into it.
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Now this whole story got started because I had the question what if we had a DILF romance going on while/because the following happened?
What if a YouTube video that accidentally got uploaded shows the existence of a werewolf in Yellowstone park? Threatening to expose the entire supernatural world.
The werewolves right now are a mix, so half shift is like the classical half shift of a wolf head on a man’s body, but the full shift is more like a larger wolf. Almost the size of a black bear. Though I might change those ideas as the story progresses.
But that is how the Cryptid of Yellowstone is brought into the world. And that brings problems. Big problems.
Wendigos, vampires, djins, I plan to create a world where a lot of supernatural creates exist. From all sorts of cultures. I’m also toying with the idea of Kelpies and Griffins. That kind of stuff.
The supernatural world is hidden from ours, hidden in plain sight if you will. Most encounters are written off as really strange, sometimes a picture pops up, but with the coming of the internet, things have gotten more complicated. Also with deforestation and competition with regular wildlife has made some bigger supernatural creatures either extinct or thought to be extinct. They’re not sure what still lives in Australia, though.
Nate or his son don’t know about the supernatural world. Neither does Yena. Or much of the world. Dichali, his children (to some extent), Faron, and Faron’s family do know about this world.
Alright, as for your other post XD
Right now it’s no longer storming but due to the freezing temperatures the snow’s not going away and all public transport and delivery services are still not driving/delivering/running. So that’s neat. Not. 
I swear we get some snow and the country is just down. Upside, ain’t nobody going outside and this helps with lockdown.
I hope your snowstorm won’t be too bad and everything thaws down soon. Snow’s fun for a day but after that...
Make sure you stay warm alright? And bundle up.
Yes dad... alright XD
Honestly, I’m glad to hear you liked my advice too. I’m getting quite a bit of positive feedback on it and that just makes me really happy ^^. I’m definitely writing more writing advice from everything I’ve learned so far.
There’s honestly so many contradicting ones out there, it’s a matter of picking and choosing which ones work best for you and applying those. And that’s the real trick of advice.
Fun fact, a lot of famous writers are also pantsers. Steven King, Neil Gaiman, George RR Martin are examples of famous pantsers or gardeners as they are also called. 
John Grisham, JK Rowling, RL Stein fall into the plotter or architect category. 
Writers like Hank Green seem to fall in the in-between category of plantser (somewhere between a plotter and a pantser. Or the Intuitive plotter.)
Okay but the DinLuke things is really really kinda hot and cute and adorable and has me smiling <3
And I can’t remember what else I wanted to say since it is like 2 am and my meds are seriously kicking in now.
But I hope you’re doing alright and that the snowstorm isn’t too bad where you’re at.
I’ll be alright, my diet hasn’t been going so well the last few days and I can’t really exercise, but I did mostly get healthy groceries that will be delivered friday so there’s that. 
Fingers crossed I can pick it back up.
Okay I’m heading to bed XD 
I’ll talk to you later, B <3 
Hugs from me and Mo <3
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of-muppets-and-men · 5 years
Qrow as Ruby’s Dad
I am fully aware of the ugly can of worms I am opening just by discussing this but whatever. Here we go.
Just a disclaimer, I mean no disrespect to Monty, Miles or Kerry. I am simply stating the possibility and leaving all options on the table.
The idea of Qrow being Ruby’s biological father has been around since Qrow was introduced back in Volume 3. And although it’s been shot down by the creator and current writers of the show, I’m going to go over as much I can to show that the theory/headcanon still has some level of validity.
This is also pretty long so brace yourself.
Point #1: The Writers
Monty originally “debunked” this theory while dismissing another by saying Yang and Ruby were half-sisters. And recently it was debunked again by Miles, who outright said Qrow wasn’t her dad. The word of the Writer’s is, under most circumstances, Law. But let me say this: What is the one thing you are supposed to do above all else? Preserving your narrative, meaning doing everything you can to protect your plot.
Many writers have concealed or just lied to their audience about certain plot points to maintain the story. And just because Monty, Miles and Kerry don’t seem like they would, doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of it.
Why would Monty lie? Because Ruby and Yang being sisters was what he had presented at the time. Qrow was only a name at the time, so revealing so detrimental so soon wouldn’t make any sense for the show’s longevity. Thus, he kept his lips sealed.
Now there’s Miles; why would he outright deny this theory. Well, if I had to guess, it would be to quell the speculation, to stop people from outwardly talking about it. Has he succeeded? For the most part, yes. Fans and Haters alike have stopped discussing it en mass, but it hasn’t stopped fanfic writers and artists much.
While debunking this theory, Miles gave his reasoning to be “Ruby just admires him so much that she mimics a lot of what Qrow does.”.
Let’s unpack that for a moment.
What about Ruby’s character is reminiscent of Qrow?  Ruby is, by all accounts, opposite to Qrow in many facets of her personality. She overwhelmingly optimistic, despite witnessing the deaths of Penny and Pyrrha. She’s open and honest, though a bit naive and socially awkward, but after all she’s still a teenager. Qrow, from the few accounts we know of, is actually pretty suave and quite the ladies man too.
Basically, anything Ruby is, Qrow is not. The only real thing that statement applies too, is her love of her scythe, but even then that argument is flimsy. As an impressionable young girl with a passion for weapons/huntsman, and then seeing her uncle wielding the coolest weapon in entire show; I mean who wouldn’t want a scythe at that point.
Point #2: Appearance
First and foremost, the most obvious thing people tend to bring up; Ruby’s appearance. In current canon, Taiyang is Ruby’s father, but you’d never be able to tell as they share absolutely no physical traits or attributes. Already a bit strange, no? Now I get Ruby is SUPPOSED to be a near spitting image of her mom, Summer Rose, but to no share anything with Tai is a bit of stretch.
Then there’s Yang in stark (hehe) contrast; who is a near even split of her parents. She has Raven’s long bushy hair, is taller than most other girls, has Raven’s general shape of face and paler skin, but is blonde and has lilac eyes; a combination of Raven’s red eyes and Tai’s blue eyes (even though that isn’t how genetics works but whatever). Even Yang’s outfits have been greatly inspired by Tai’s in terms of colour palette and design.
Even comparing other characters within RWBY, such as Weiss, Blake or Ren, have a striking resemblance to both their parents/siblings. So for Ruby to not designed in a similar fashion is odd to say the least. Ruby isn’t exactly identical to Qrow by means, she stills shares a great deal more with Qrow than we’ve ever seen with Taiyang.
Qrow is also a fraternal twin. Or in other words, Ruby is also liable to look like Raven too. Male and Female character models are different looking in RWBY, so it’s reasonable to think to Ruby would share some traits with her could-be aunt.
Ruby’s current overall aesthetic has subtle cues from both Qrow and Summer. Dark but red tipped hair, her mother’s eyes and a near identical outfit. Ruby’s cloak is red and tattered like Qrow’s, but large and hooded like Summer’s. Her aura is red, but generates flower petals when she uses her semblance. Ruby even had Cross as her emblem, until it was changed to be the same as her mom’s. But even still, she had cross pins in her cloak till her outfit change in Volume 4. Only one character shares this cross motif, and it’s you guessed it, Qrow.
One minor thing is that Ruby’s alternative outfit in Volume 2, dubbed Slayer, gives her a noticeably large resemblance to Qrow; even more so than her current or former outfits.
I’m very aware that any of this could be just simple coincidence and random choices in design but let me say this. Colour is an underlying basis for RWBY, and it plays a semi essential role in the show’s lore. So for it’s main protagonist’s colour pallette have next to nothing to do with her actual parent, but share parallels and such to someone she has no genetic relation to is, to me, unbelievably suspect. If Ruby was a strawberry blonde or even a bit tanned, we wouldn’t be even having this discussion, but given everything we know, it just doesn’t add up.
I’ve seen a handful of people say that it doesn’t matter that Ruby doesn’t look like Taiyang or It’s okay because not all children look like both parents. Well that may be true in reality, but in RWBY, this is contrary to the underlying theme of the show.
Point #3: Ruby’s Mentor
Let’s look at Ruby’s phenomenal skill with the scythe. As we well know, Qrow was her mentor and taught her most of her current fighting skills. However, this begs the question of why Qrow taught her and not Taiyang. Taiyang is incredibly skilled at hand to hand combat and is evidently a good teacher, as he trained Yang and currently still is a professor/licensed huntsman.
So why is Ruby so utterly abysmal without Crescent Rose? Since she’s Tai’s daughter, you’d think she’d be at least somewhat talented like Yang but such isn’t the case here. Why would Taiyang heavily train Yang, but leave Ruby practically defenseless (given her dream of being a huntress too)? Seems a bit strange no matter how you look at it.
However. There is something I noticed about Qrow. We know and seen how badass he is with Harbinger in tow; his skills are nothing to scoff at. Many in the RWBY universe are aware of Qrow’s prowess and would prefer to not engage him at all. But when Harbinger was wretched from his hand during his fight with Tyrian, he showed that he is capable without his weapon.
The thing that’s intriguing is he looked very rigid and doesn’t seem too confident without his scythe, especially comparing him to hand-to-hand combatants like Yang or Mercury. It felt like it was just a ‘screw it’ moment so to speak. A weird thing to point out, I know, but it creates another parallel between him and Ruby. Masters of the scythe that don’t fare too well without it.
Point #4: Ruby’s Name
A small thing to point is why Ruby has her surname as Rose. Ruby Xiao Long doesn’t flow off the tongue by any stretch, but there must be some other reason why she hasn’t taken Tai’s last name. Is it to honour Summer? Or is it because she isn’t a Xiao Long at all?
Now a point I don’t love but must mention is the line from Qrow’s theme song Bad Luck Charm.
The line in question is “You don’t want the burden of my name”. Many believe it is Qrow referring to Ruby and how she’s better not being known as a Branwen. As Qrow mentioned, his tribe is a group of “killers and thieves” and likely didn’t want a innocent child to be associated with such a group. There’s a chance it could mean he deliberately convinced Summer to let Ruby have her name, to protect her from the Tribe’s retribution. If Ruby was a Branwen on top of being a SEW, it would likely make her a target for not only Salem’s forces but bounty hunters too. (Going after Ruby to punish the “Traitor” so to speak)
Point #5: Qrow’s Semblance
An argument against Qrow being Ruby’s Dad is that it doesn’t make sense to hide the truth from her but then teach her the most difficult weapon to master in Remnant. While at first glance, this is a fair argument, but let me dive a bit deeper.
In Episode 8 of Volume 4, we learned that Qrow’s semblance is Misfortune. It intermittently causes bad luck to every person around him, from simple inconveniences like a bartender dropping a glass to life threatening things like a massive beam almost falling on Ruby. This gives him a logical reason for his loner persona.
He can’t control what will and can happen to his friends, his allies, or his family. He is, much to his own grief, a constant danger to those he loves. Why does this matter? Because he’d be Ruby’s only remaining parent; meaning she’d always want to be with him, ironically putting herself in more danger. He’d keep the truth from her until she was hopefully old to understand why he kept it from her.
Qrow was also a former Professor at Signal Academy. Though most of the details of his career as a teacher are sadly unknown, It can be at least gathered his semblance wasn’t potent enough to cause too much trouble on campus or he’d have never been allowed as a teacher in the first place (perhaps it’s less effective in crowds?).
Now Qrow likely would have trained Ruby in a controlled environment to ensure his semblance would cause as little damage as possible. Qrow and Ruby are arguably the two closest characters in the series as far as we know and they have been shown to be this way. They understand each other, know each other’s mannerisms and Ruby even gets Qrow pervy jokes. So it’s no shock to think Qrow knew much she idolized the hunter lifestyle and helped her live out her dream, all the while getting to spend time with his baby girl.
Point #6: The Timeline
Another thing many have taken note of is the amount of time it took Taiyang to father both Yang and Ruby. The math is a bit difficult as we don’t know Yang’s birthday, but let’s get an estimate.
As of Volume 6, Yang is about 19 and Ruby is about 17.
Ruby’s birthday is October 31st, so she was conceived near the end of January or early February. Yang was likely already around 15 months (give or take) at the time of Ruby’s conception. In short, Taiyang would have had Yang, been abandoned by Raven, gotten together with Summer and impregnated her in little more than a year. A situation like this is not impossible, but it is extremely unlikely.
Getting over a significant other varies per person, but given how Tai talks about Raven; it doesn’t seem like their relationship has run its course quite yet. Summer was most likely helping Tai because he genuinely needed it. Dealing with a newborn and the fact his lover just left him alone, Tai wasn’t exactly in the best state of mind.
In “Two steps forward and two steps back”, Tai finally opens up to Yang about her mother. The way he speaks about Raven feels as though he still fondly remembers her, despite her leaving so abruptly. It feels as if he still loves her, but if that’s the case, why would he shack up with Summer and have another child so quickly? Anyway you slice it, this is a pretty irresponsible thing to do.
UNLESS, Taiyang was never a part of the equation and Summer and Qrow were together the entire time.
Another thing people tend to point is why Qrow would have Ruby believe Taiyang was her father and Yang her sister.  Simple, he didn’t want her to feel isolated. Her mom was gone, and he couldn’t there for her. Children can be cruel, and Ruby not having a dad around would definitely be fuel for any and all types of bullying. Making Ruby and Yang “sisters” would have been made things simple; Qrow was already Yang’s Uncle so why not Ruby’s too.
And if this were canon, it would mean Qrow gave up his only child, just so she could have some semblance of a proper family; something he never had or would be able to give her. That is weapon’s grade bittersweet.
A reason Qrow could be hesitant to reveal himself is because of the backlash. Ruby is just a teenager and to drop a bomb on her like that would be a terrible thing to do. Tai wouldn’t be her dad, Yang wouldn’t be her sister and she’d have to come to terms with the fact the two adults she trusted the most have been actively lying to her face her entire life. Qrow is fully aware of the fact of how this revelation could shatter her whole world. So instead of causing her anguish, he lets her live in happy ignorance with her friends.
Point #7: Scenes of Interest
Now there is a handful of moments from the show that highlight the relationship between Ruby and Qrow. I’m going to over a few that are questionable, to me at least.
First the most notable scene is from finale of Volume 3. Ruby is safely at home, in bed, while Taiyang patiently waits for her to awaken. When she does, she asks Tai about what happened. In his brief recollection, he makes a small mention of her silver eyed abilities. Ruby asks him to clarify, but Taiyang immediately dismisses the subject.
Enter Qrow and he then asks Taiyang to “give them a minute”. Taiyang retorts but ultimately leaves to make tea, letting Ruby and Qrow talk. He asks her if she recalls what happened, to which she does through tears. Seemingly out of nowhere, Qrow then asks if she remembered what Ozpin first said to her; something about silver eyes. He goes off about supposed legendary warriors he Grimm singularly feared and how Ruby was special just like her mom.
(The line ‘You’re special, Ruby. and not in the “daddy loves his special angel” kinda way’ is also really interesting. Is it a throwaway line or foreshadowing?)
This seems like a relatively normal scenario until you realize a couple things. Why is Qrow asking Tai to leave the room? And why does Tai give practically no resistance to the notion? Taiyang should have absolute authority, not only as Ruby’s father, but as the owner of the household too. Yet, he relinquishes control of the situation as if it wasn’t his place, as if he knew he shouldn’t be there. 
Qrow’s simple yet sincere plea of  ‘Tai… please.’ is peculiar because it sounds like he needed to do this, as if it was his responsibility to Ruby. Tai even gives Qrow a small scowl when he exits the room, so there is some discord here, but not enough Tai to act on it. Reinforcing the idea that Tai knows he shouldn’t argue.
Stranger still, Qrow is the one that tells Ruby of her abilities and the first person to liken her to Summer. The fact Qrow, who isn’t an open book by ANY means, was the one to tell her such important albeit limited information about her lineage, while Tai continued to keep as much as he could from her is a dubious sign something is up. As a parent, it should have been Taiyang's duty to comfort Ruby in such trying times, telling her about herself and about Summer.
Another scene that was weird to me was in ‘A Much Needed Talk’. After Qrow finished telling Team RNJR of the gods, maidens, relicts and so on, Ruby asks him if there was anything else he wanted to tell them. A second after she asked, Raven in corvid form perches herself on a nearby branch, prompting Qrow to say “not tonight”. But what could Qrow possibly say that Raven doesn’t already know about? Raven is already privy to Ozpin and Salem’s secret war, about maidens and the relicts. What information could Qrow not want Raven to know about? (A secret child perhaps? Imagine the blackmail between Raven and Qrow if this were the case) 
Even over the course of the show, Qrow has been continuously protecting Ruby all her life. Killing Grimm to keep safe and diving in at the last moment when she’s in a real bind. He goes unnecessarily out of his way for her, but doesn’t do the same when his actual niece needs it. Very dedicated for an “Honorary Uncle”.
There are many minor nuances in Volume 6 (specifically Episodes 10-12) as well; many of which having to do with the way Qrow looks when Ruby is danger. When she misses the cliff, the camera switches to Qrow; absolutely horrified when she starts falling.
Another time is when Ruby gets bold and dives into the Mech’s cannon, the camera again pans to Qrow about to have a damn heart attack. The look on Qrow’s face both times conveys the idea of the fact Qrow is terrified of losing Ruby. Perhaps the same way he lost Summer, and perhaps lose the last piece of her he has left. Bottom line is, this doesn’t look like an uncle concerned for his niece, it’s a father worried for the safety of his child.
Lastly, when Qrow catches Ruby after she comes flying out the cannon. The worry on his face tells the same story. The gentle nudge and the panic when she doesn’t immediately wake up is highly reminiscent of when Tai waited for her to wake up in Volume 3; is my baby girl okay?
And a quick shoutout to @anthurak who made a very in-depth post about the Father-Daughter dynamic of Qrow and Ruby in Volume 6. I highly recommend it if haven’t read it already.
Point #8: Qrow’s Alcoholism and Summer’s Death
Though not overtly obvious, it would appear Qrow’s drinking problem and Summer’s passing are intertwined to a degree.
First there is the photo of his team from when they were still together. Why does he tote this ragged photo around with him? Well if you take a closer look, you can make out a ring of condensation around Summer. You typically only get such stains from cups and glasses, so it would seem Qrow used the photo as a coaster to hide the image of Summer.
But why? Well, Summer, being deceased, is the only member of his team he can’t see anymore, but it seems as though he was closer to her than the rest of STRQ.
From what can be gathered, Qrow broke down while drinking over the loss of Summer and was so devastated that he couldn’t even bare to look at a picture of her. Grief like this usually stems from the loss of someone of immeasurable importance to you; a parent, a child, or a significant other.
According to psychology, losing a spouse (child too but not applicable here) is the most stressful thing that can happen to an adult. A loss of this magnitude can have lasting effects for years after their passing. Given Qrow’s previously mentioned breakdown and continuous drinking, it’s very likely that Summer was of said importance to him. I’m not trying to undermine Taiyang’s own grief, giving that he “shut down” when Qrow told him what had happened.
Speaking of which When Qrow was still suffering from Tyrian’s venom, so much so he couldn’t walk, he mumbles something; “Tai… She’s not coming… Tai.”. The line implies that Qrow was there when Summer died and he was charged with letting Tai and the girls know happened.
Another moment that reinforces this is from Episode 10 of Volume 6 (8:12 timestamp). Qrow goes a tirade about he’s causing Jaune’s plan to go awry. Then he says ”I shouldn’t have come, shouldn’t have let any you come. What was I THINKING?”. I don’t know about you but to me that sounds like he’s been down this road before. Like he knows something bad will happen again.
Qrow’s alcoholism is exacerbated when he finds out Salem, the very enemy he’s been fighting against for years, cannot be beaten.
This sends him deeper and deeper into despair and when he socks Ozcar in the jaw, he says “Meeting you was the worse luck of my life”. This is a remarkably harsh thing to say, but it feels as though he isn’t regarding himself in this line. Yes, much of Qrow’s life was spent fighting for Oz and all that time is ultimately wasted, but Qrow has lost many friends and allies in this war as well. Chiefest among them I’d say is Summer. If Qrow was intimate with Summer, then her presumably dying at the hands of Salem’s forces was entirely meaningless. The woman he loved and all the huntsman/huntresses he knew died for a lost cause, which is absolutely tragic.
It’s difficult to discuss Qrow being Ruby’s Dad without mentioning another theory; Was Qrow involved in Summer’s death? I personally think he was, though not intentionally. I’m under the impression Summer sacrificed herself to protect him on her last mission but that’s a topic for another time.
Because of Ruby’s large resemblance to her mom, it has been seen giving Qrow flashbacks of his time with Summer.
When Ruby stands up to Qrow for likely the first time in her life (Volume 6 episode 9), Qrow is not only taken aback by his niece’s strength of will, but is also recognizing how much she is like Summer. The camera angles and shots depict it as if it’s history repeating itself, the daughter walking in the mother’s footsteps. Not letting Qrow spew his bullshit is apparently a Rose thing.
Another time in Volume 6 is when Ruby decides to confront Cordovin alone. Qrow tries to stop her but she shoots a look while saying “i need you to trust me”. Qrow glances back at Ruby, and he ultimately relents, brought down by that stare. He’s definitely heard those words before.
While this may not seem important, it actually lays the foundation for when Qrow finally talks about Summer. After all, besides Yang, he’s the only person who’s actually mentioned her, albeit not by name. (Raven too but that was more of an insult)
Point #9: Thematic Purpose
Qrow being Ruby’s dad I find, adds more than it takes away. It doesn’t do as much for the overlaying plot, it does create many avenues for Character Development.
Take Ruby: she’s been the same bundle of optimism and joy since she first debuted. Then take this and flip it on it’s head. Her faith in her loved ones is now crumbling and is in desperate need of guidance. This revelation could potentially be the most impactful event of her entire life. This scenario would see Ruby peel away from her Paragon attitude and give her much needed development.
It would also explain a curious theme in Volume 4. Every member besides Ruby is seen with their father. Yang is shown training and gaining valuable lesson from Tai. Blake is shown to reconnect with her estranged parents for the first time in years. And sadly, it is shown how far Weiss’s relationship with her family has degraded, particularly with Jacque. Only Ruby is left out of this trend. Or is she? Only one person was beside her the whole time, protecting her from Grimm and Tyrian: Qrow.
This would shed much needed light on Qrow too. It would explain practically he’s done, everything he’s put himself through and why he’s loathed himself the entire way. This creates a unexpected parallel between him and Raven too. If Qrow is Ruby’s father, then it would mean he’s been loving her from the sidelines while never really exposing himself. In contrast, Raven abandoned her family though never denying who she was to Yang.
And speaking of Yang, it gives her and Ruby’s relationship development as well. This revelation would mean they are cousins, not sisters, but they could persevere beyond this fact. Imagine Yang embracing her cousin and simply saying “I don’t care what the truth is. You will ALWAYS be my little sister and nothing will change that.” 
And a brief mention to the fact it sheds more light of the dynamic of Team STRQ and by extension Summer herself.
Closing Statement
Not gonna lie, I’m pretty biased on this subject because I adore this theory/head canon and Hummingbird/Flown North is my absolute favourite ship in the fandom without a shadow of a doubt (I prefer the name Hunter’s Dream). I know people who hate this theory/head canon will more than likely shit on this for all it’s worth. But I wanted to finally put my two cents in on this. I will always hope for this to be canon, even though it’s extremely unlikely.
If the writers at one point or another explain/debunk away any of what I've mentioned in the narrative and reinforce the current canon of Taiyang being Ruby’s Dad, I will gladly concede and admit that I was wrong. Until then, I will hold on to the last vestiges of this theory/head canon.
Let a man dream, okay?
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your-localghost · 4 years
so um who wants to read a 50 page essay of me and my mom's journey through the IT movies?
too bad you're reading it
so like i saw this goddamm clown, and i, also being a clown, said to my mom, also a clown, "lets watch this clown movie lol" and she said yes. and in the like first five minutes we are already awwing and stuff because??? omg georgie and bill are so cu- oh. oh my god. oh this us not what we thought at all-
so enter Losers. instant RELATE i am also a LOSER hellO?? hAh look at these 2 idiots theyre bickering like an old couple an- oh my fucking GOD of course there are bullies. one of them looks like draco malfoy??? guYs did draco malfoy play in this movie we see him like 2 times-
oh my god oh no poor bill he is trying to find his brother :( but alsO BEV IS SO PRETTY??? IM SO GAY???? and yeah i really feel the New Kid On The Block like same man i didnt even get to meet a pretty girl and a buncho losers who will go jump into lakes with me
OH and the lake scene? it bites me in the ass later. i fucking passed it off as a "theyre bonding" moment and then it transforms into a feelings plane and crashes into my house
me: they just keep leaving their bikes
mom: well It takes kids, not bikes
fastforward and??? the fight secene?? the fuckijgn fi Ght SCE ne??? o H M Y GO D
bill was so desperate to find georgie?? richie was so scared he would die??? beN BEING SCARED HIS FRIENDS ARE GONE?
and oh?? bev's dad??? hate the vibe this dude gives to me. like this dude def did more than mentally abuse her and im so glad she beat him up
bill's speech on georgie, like, dude just fucking stab me it will hurt way less
fastforward more, the oath??? how scared stan was??? like i ddint really feel any connection with stan other than his actor played my fav character, stan, in ianowt, but uHm? i still love him??? so mUCH???
oOOOH i just realied i didnt talk about mikey
so between the 2 movies we realized it wasnt on netflix and went on various websites to watch the 2nd movie, got progressively angrier until i got my laptop and just watched it blindly because we are both blind
okay heres the tea yall
they completely erased bev's character in the 2nd movie. in the first it was emphesized SO MUCH just how brave she was compared to the others. she took the first step, she wasnt afraid to go into the house she fought her abusive dad and in the 2nd movie it was all gone. i really liked the fact that bev wqsnt a damsel in distress until in the 2nd movie she was. while in the 1st movue you forgot that gender roles existed in the 2nd it really seemed like they wrote bev as a "woman" rather than "bev" you dig me??? okay rant over. basically fuck the 2nd movie bev and im not just saying this because her 1st movie actor made me realize i was a lesbian. on to the movie
oh mY GOD HOMOSEXUALS??? WILL THEY HAVE A PART IN THIS STORY OH MY IM SO EX- oh. right. oh hey theres mikey :D
me: who's this??
mom: its bill look, its his surname
me: you remember bill's surname but not richie or ben's names?
oh theyre all grown up!! oh bevs fighting an abusive man again and uh
mom: i have a feeling stans gonna kill himself
me: hah can you imagi
STANLEY??? BABEY BOY OH NO???? and also are we gonna let the spider with the baby head thing pass?
"this is like a virus its been eating us for 27 years!" YEA MIKEY ITS CALLED PTSD YOU FOUGHT A FUCKING DEMON AND DIDNT SEE A THERAPIST????
also the whole tribe thing seemed really out of story and like it didnt belong there at all? idk maybe its just me but i dont wanna believe that bill's 3rd eye opened after he got drugged by his friend idk
so like hightlights because ive got many rants about the 2nd movie
what the fuck do you mean bev got out of jer specilized hell after ben recited 1 fucking poem are you kidding me are yOU FUCKING KIDDING ARE WE REALLY DOING THE SAVED BY LOVE BULLSHIT AGAIN OH OKAY
well uh now that we got my love for richie on papet um
the lake scene
i cried and i had to watch heteros kiss underwater while wiping my tears. its only cool when percabeth does it guys
the lake scene aside i full on BAWLED LIKE A BABY at the ending because i felt so bad that stan died already and i felt bad that not only was richie facing years if bullying and homophobia anf the loss of his friends it finally is confirmed that richie had a crush on eddie and i
i just cried man? it hurt me so much as it weighed on me how many jokes richie made, how scared he was when he saw the missing paper of himself, his flashbacks to people calling him names, his speech to eddie and that he had to get dragged out because this fucker obviously couldnt let go of his feelings. and between all of that and stan's letter my brain blocks out everything and focuses on one
R + E
oh my god
NOW i dont really like watching movies. as a writer myself im really critical of everything involving the world building, the characters, the plot and all that jazz and usually the acting is so bad that i dont feel for the characters but THIS ONE. T H I S O N E
my mom turned to me and was SO SHOCKED to see my flat out CRYING because i just dont do that man, and she just asked my what made me cry and i just made a noise like "hhhnnnn" and she nodded and went "richie's love story" and i, still crying, went "hhhnnnn" but in a higher pitch
and im just so mad? that eddie didnt get to live?? we didnt get an "i love you" or even a "im gay" from richie??? we didnt get to see them holding hands and letting go of their trauma together and being gay and happy yet
yet the fucking bad-writer-white-boy and boo-hoo-i-had-no-friends and not-bev get happy endings??? mike can get a happy ending because he is a well thought out character
bill had to change his endings which really makes me angry because ima writer yada yada
bill has been bullied his uh what whole life? he got told his opinion didnt matter and from what i remember even his parents shut down his ideas and i feel like he should have made the endings how he wanted instead of changing to what the public wanted. thats what he defended as a kid, thats why he was in the losers club unwilling to change, because they were losers. yet he changed.
ben should have stayed fat or at least have abnornal weight because that also defeats his story with bev. it makes it seem that suddenly and magically when ben is hot bev can BEGIN to consider that she loves him.
i already ranted about bev.
mike is decent i guess? i like that he didnt stay with whoever the fuck that was in the first movie because he seemed very aggreasive to me. im glad the chose to research into pennywise because others were too stupid not to (RICH AND EDDIE GET A PASS AGAIN BECAUSE THEY SHARE HALF A BRAINCELL AND I LOVE THEM)
well stan is just tragic
me: who the fuck is afraid of spiders why do they keep showing up
mom: its stan?
mom: he brought the hair things and all
me, about to cry: oh m y god
so TL;DR: we really liked the first film! the acting, the plot, the creepiness is overall better and you get to relate to a bunch of Losers who get abused by their parents
the 2nd film doesnt exist. i refuse to acknowledge it exist EXCEPT for the ending where stan writes a letter about how he would like to meet hks friends again while BREATHING and richie and eddie carve their initials on a piece of wood and get to be gay.
if your name starts with B your opinion is invalid in the 2nd movie
also can anybody give me fanfics where the fortnite dancing clown doesnt exist and richie goes to therapy to heal from the bullying and once he gets over his homophobia he gays with eddie??? specific i know but im willing to write it if it doesnt exist
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mottledscales · 5 years
LFRP - Muunokhoi Gloamwarder(Ayol)
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The Basics ––– –
Age: Appears mid-to-late 50s
Race: Xaela
Gender: Cisgender Man
Sexuality: Homosexual
Marital Status: Widower
Server: Mateus
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: White, cropped close
Eyes: Steel grey, white limbal ring. No left eye.
Height: 7′11″
Build: Strongman build. Thickly muscled but not cut definition. Looks healthy...and enormous.
Distinguishing Marks: Various white splashes and dapplings where his scales become starkly white instead of black. Said scales grow prolific and asymmetrical, favoring the left side of his body over his right. Scars and tears, silvery and faded, are numerous throughout his body but similarly, they favor his left side. Muunokhoi’s tail is exceptionally long and has a loose set of scales that sit atop the spine. It, like the rest of him, is mottled. Big sharp teeth.
Common Accessories: Muunokhoi doesn’t seem given to adornments beyond armor or clothing. One may see him with a satchel or heavy pack filled with tools or materials for work orders, but nothing more.
Personal ––– –
Profession: “Handyman” It’s sort of difficult to nail down exactly what Muunokhoi does these days, though best he could explain to you, he fixes things. Tables, bookshelves, walls, tears in the fabric of reality, stools and chairs, floors,  he’ll tackle most projects with diligence and a skillful hand. He tends to prefer working with wood and stone, however.
Hobbies: Furniture craft, carving, storytelling, sparring
Residence: A flat located in Limsa Lominsa.
Birthplace: The Tail Mountains
Religion: Primarily animistic reverence of spirits and ancestors, which ultimately takes a backseat to the worship of Nhaama.
Patron Deity: Nhaama
Fears: Failing to provide and prepare his daughter for the world. An unspecified loss of control. His own mortality. Not seeing an opportunity until it passes him by. Being insufficient. 
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: Asato[Husband] - Deceased
Children: Narangawa[Adopted Daughter] - Alive
Parents: -Bayari [Mother] - Alive -Kokegan[Father]-Deceased
Siblings: N/A
Other Relatives: Sarangerel[Aunt] - Alive Numerous other aunts, uncles, and cousins
Pets: Black cat named ‘Cat’ [Catarina Catatonia Catatrix]
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Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open-Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious 
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Themes and More: I’ll be forthright. Muunokhoi’s story started rather basic with the intent of taking a sharp left turn into ‘deep dark’ themes both edgy and sad. Okay, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way... There’s a lot here. I’m talkin’ magic, mysticism, the struggle between tradition and progress, between one’s old life and one’s new. The effects of duty, failure, devotion to family and faith, violence, having some rad bad dreams. That sort of thing. Oh and if it was not entirely obvious, I like exploring monsters and what it means to be one. Muunokhoi happens to be one of my foremost outlets for that.
What I’m Looking For: Long-term story. I get a lot of slice-of-life already, but I do have a story I want to tell with Muunokhoi. And I want to help some folks tell their stories too. Like monstery things? Want to talk about xaela history, magic, faith, and the blurring lines between myth and reality? I’m your guy. Like subtlety but are completely okay with getting hit with a brick sometimes instead? I’m also here for you because I can’t tell the difference.
Must love[tolerate] dad-jokes.
Romance optional [who doesn’t like a good romantic subplot?] but keep in mind this man’s old and he’s not looking. Furthermore, it’s highly unlikely he’s going to be into anyone young. Just, keep that in mind. I don’t really care about slow or fast burn it all depends on character chemistry and interaction.
RP Hooks ––– –
Handyman: Need something fixed? Carpentry happens to be Muunokhoi’s forté, he might be able to help. Especially if it is related to structural or furniture repair. That said, if he can’t fix it, he probably knows someone who can and will point you in the right direction. 
Edge of the Ejinn: About twenty years ago a pale man with mottled scales showed up on the far borders of Ejinn territory, beaten and bloody from conflict. While he was allowed to stay on the condition that he warned the tribe of approaching assaults, he was not allowed close to camp. The strange nature of his scales and pallid skin earned him the name “Chagatai” and a rumor that he might well be cursed. Furthermore, he took into his care a child born ‘marked’ by an eclipse, an omen to join an omen.  Doma, Oh Doma: Thirty-five years ago, in a village along the One River, a raen doctor lived surrounded by a neighborhood that served the Rijin clan. Attending him was a tall xaela, quiet and poor in speech, covered in strange scales. Though apprenticed to a local carpenter, this xaela -known only as ‘Shiro’- was known better for keeping the peace when the lord’s samurai were away. With the coming of the empire of Garlemald both the raen doctor and his xaela shadow disappeared, presumed dead in the wake of the neighborhood’s burning. A Mountain To Break: Ul’dah’s blood sands briefly held a xaela amidst their number in the past five years: a roughly-hewn man known to take intense amounts of punishment with ease. A few remnant gladiators yet have a score to settle with the old bruiser, and others simply never got the chance to face off against him. “Handyman”: They say that Muunokhoi’s talents for repair extend beyond the material, and into the metaphysical. While it is not clear where precisely his talents lie, his very clear awareness of otherworldly energies and void taint seems to suggest he may share some sort of connection. Or at the very least, that he can feel the tears in the world as they are rent. Yet, stranger still is the present ‘wrongness’ about him, a sensation not unlike the prickling of gooseflesh. 
Contact Information/About the player ––– –
Hey. I’m Fishy, or Mister Eyeteeth. Either works well enough. If you’d like to contact me I’m most readily available through tumblr’s messaging system, though ingame @ Muunokhoi Gloamwarder is also applicable. 
My schedule shifts around due to the nature of sleep, health, and various other contributing factors. Suffice to say: I’ll get back to you when I can, so if you’re looking to set something up, give me time! I will thank you for your patience.
I’m pretty big on communication but I can function pretty well with little. The only thing I ask is that you communicate any problems or limits to the story you have. I won’t be upset and I won’t push anything you do not dig. Dig? Also, if there is something you’d like to see in a story, talk to me about that too! I’ll do my best to make it happen.
Finally, I’m not terribly social on my own and don’t like getting confused[and I’m very easily confused]. Be forthright and direct with me, and I’ll give you the same courtesy.
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{Valentine’s Collection} #12
Note: This is set a bit in the future, allowing Monica to see what she’s working toward by giving the Family, and pregnancy, a chance. ♥
“Let’s run away together.”
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Monica couldn’t help her startled laugh, turning her pretty green eyes toward her second oldest son. Deavon flashed her a cheeky grin that was way, way too reminiscent of his father’s near infamous grin. Monica had to clear her throat twice and look away before she could get that image out of her head enough to ask--
“What, Deavon?”
“You heard me,” Deavon shifted his accelerating car with expert ease--after all, the second thing he learned to do after walk was drive stick. Having a Dad whose a mechanic definitely has it’s perks, especially when his Ma had a love affair with pretty, souped up cars. “Let’s just elope.”
“Deavon Dreadful you are sixteen years old.” Monica shifted in her seat with another laugh.
“So? That’s old enough.”
“It’s not, and it’s definitely not old enough to take on your father, who will be after us the second this car goes outside it’s planned route for this trip.” Monica reminded, pointing to the dashboard, where the Haus Network was plotting the round trip on the car’s screen. “You know he sits and watches the car’s trip until we’re back on Haus property.”
“Yeah, don’t I know it,” Deavon grumbled, resting his wrist against the steering wheel. “He makes fun of Uncle Lu for being over-protective but he’s the same fuckin’ way.”
Monica laughed behind her hand. “Don’t let him hear you say that.”
“I say it to his face.” Deavon quipped immediately, showing that he inherited more than just his father’s face. He also got that brash, stubborn personality--a stubborn personality that was likely amped up by his mother’s as well. Deavon had a real problem with backing down, but Monica never had much of a problem with him. Cavon, on the other hand...well, the two locked horns...a lot. The only time Monica had a problem with Deavon’s unbending spine was when he had her literally pinned against the wall, insisting on joining with his Ma because he “needed it” before he could go to school. Unaware of his mother’s thoughts, Deavon brought his free hand up to scratch at his shaved hair. “I ain’t scared of him, Ma. I’ll fight him for you.”
“D-Don’t--You don’t need to do that.” Monica shook her head. “In fact, please don’t.”
Deavon turned, his hand still in his half-shaven hair. True to his age and his rebellious future, Deavon was sporting a mohawk, but he left the sides a little longer, and he kept the tails by his ears--all because he’d heard from his Dad that Monica liked them that way. His green eyes matched his Mom’s and when they locked, he gave her another grin. “Are you sayin’ that ‘cause Dad always marks you up after he thinks you’ve been siding with me too much?”
“You are entirely too much like your Dad.”
Deavon nodded, dropping his hand to shift gears again, easily overtaking two cars on the freeway as he did so. “Yeah, that’s why you’re sayin’ it.”
“That isn’t--I didn’t agree with you!”
“You didn’t disagree.”
“A good mother never tells her son no.” Monica tried, putting on her best imperial tone, as if her word was final--except the problem was, it hadn’t been final for Deavon since he was a pre-teen. Wolf pups are primal, from birth, and have to learn to control their urges, their wants and desires. Deavon may be half-Werewolf, half-Vampire, but he seemed to inherit all the Dreadful emotions and Monica hadn’t been ready for the change from Raphael. Her oldest son was far more like the rest of the Frenzy’s when it came to emotions and for some reason she’d been expecting repeats of that with the pups she had with the Alpha Triplets--all of them had proven her wrong. Even Lulu, her daughter with Luvon, was such a savage mix of emotion and raw, silent need that Monica had a hard time meeting her daughter’s fiery orange gaze anymore. Lulu was ruthless; out of the pups she was arguably the “worst”, because she was so much like her father. Lulu may only be sixteen, and she may be the daughter, but like her father she checked in on her Momma’s location even when she was at school, and she was fiercely overprotective of her regardless of who was around. To say Monica had her hands full with her pups was probably an understatement, but it was far more a blessing than a curse.
“You tell me no a lot more than you think you do, Ma,” Deavon reached over for Monica’s little hand--his already dwarfed hers and he wasn’t nearly done growing. He laced his fingers through hers with that sharp-toothed grin. “It’s only, you do it in bed.”
Monica cursed the fact that she could blush, again, because it always seemed to take her by surprise. How long before she got used to it?
Years ago, when the Family hit it’s 5th year anniversary, Monica was given a gift she would carry with her for the rest of her life. The Dreadful’s together had started her heart again. Every single member of the Tribe contributed their blood and when she fed from the Patriarch, her Poppy, she got to experience what it was to truly be alive, to be joined with her lifemates and have them be tied with her. It was far more permanent a tie than the ring that sat upon her finger (also a 5th year gift from the entirety of the Family) but she savored every tie she had with a Family she’d had to work very hard to hold onto. It was no secret that years ago, when the Family was first getting off the ground, there had been some rough patches. There were times Monica worried she’d lose what she had, what she wanted to keep. The early years hadn’t been easy but she’d stayed the course, she’d fought past dark days and depression, she’d fought off negative thoughts and as the days, weeks, months, years passed, the more rewards she gained. The first true step forward with the Family had been her pregnancy with the Von Triplet’s pups, and it hadn’t been an easy decision. It had taken weeks of conversations, of reassurances and her tip-toeing around the idea before she finally took the plunge and offered herself to the Von’s for their birthday. The result had been more rewarding than she could ever have hoped for. It opened a door to permanent, physical ties with loved ones--not just Dreadful’s, but the entire Family was suddenly seen in a new light for a woman who had been hesitant to try again after Raphael.
Deavon knew, because he was a telepath and an empath, and a Dreadful (good luck hiding anything from him), that his birth, and the birth of his twin Heavon, and his other siblings, was a monumental occasion in the Haushold. It started a new path for the Family to grow and become closer to his Ma, who was at the center of it all. That was a sentiment the pups could relate to, as she was and had been the center of their lives from the moment they’d been conceived. The closeness they’d shared with her in the womb had simply transcended to a physical relationship the day they all turned sixteen--it would have been sooner, but it was stressed by both their Fathers and Grandfather Atamu that they needed to come of age, first. Now that they were sixteen going on seventeen, the future for the pups grew brighter and brighter and Deavon was not the only one planning on marrying his Ma the day he turned eighteen. His comment of “running away” may have been posed as a joke to make her laugh, just to get her attention because he always wanted it, but the truth was he may be as selfish as his Dad but even he couldn’t bring himself to take his Ma away from a Family that needed her. She often thought she was the one who needed her Family, but he knew for a fact she didn’t see the way everyone leaned upon her for support, too. She was more important than she ever gave herself credit for, but Deavon had overheard Uncle Luvon saying before that her pups, all her children, would be good at proving that to her. All her children, all of them, leaned on her, depended on her, same as she did them, and they helped her see how needed and loved she really was. Hell, Deavon’s twin Heavon was the clingiest child to have ever been born; she was constantly vying for Monica’s attention...though in truth, any of Monica’s children could take that title.
“Love you, Ma,” Deavon extended his long fingers before tightening his hold around his mother’s hand.
“I l-love you too, Deavon.” Monica returned the squeeze to her son’s hand.
“Forever?” He moved her hand to his mouth, pressing wandering kisses to her knuckles, looking between the highway and her.
“F-Forever.” She promised, nervous gaze taking in his square profile. It nearly stole her breath away, that her son was nearly a man. Nearly old enough to make good on everything he’d been promising her since he could speak--yeah, Monica had been her son’s first girlfriend and he’d said that when he was three years old. She’d had to stop Cavon from devouring his own son in a jealous fit.
“Good. I’m gonna add my ring to this promise,” he murmured, kissing Monica’s ring finger, “the day I turn eighteen. It’ll be official.”
Deavon, as well as all his siblings, had already made other aspects of their relationship with their Mother “official”. Monica found out pretty quickly that pups were a lot needier than their fathers could be. Sixteen was the age all had agreed was old enough to mate with their beloved Mother but all the pups had tried their luck younger than that. If Monica thought the original Dreadful’s were handsy, needy...her children took it to another level. Heavon, at times, still insisted on sleeping with her mouth latched to Monica’s breast, as she couldn’t, wouldn’t sleep otherwise. Savon’s pup was arguably the most fussy, a little prince if there ever was one, but Monica had no complaints about any of her children--of course she didn’t. It may be hard for her to take how much she was loved, and needed, but it was good for her all the same. It had been scary to start down this path, to let herself trust the Family to catch her when she stumbled, to weather her storms with her, but she’d never been let down and now, years later, she trusted she never would be. Deavon, Heavon, Lulu--her flesh and blood were living proof forever meant forever to the Stone Spider Family.
Monica gave her son a genuine smile. “I can’t wait, baby.”
Deavon returned her smile effortlessly, his love for his mother evident on his handsome face, in the depths of his eyes. “Trust me, Ma. None of us can, either.”
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entamewitchlulu · 6 years
Homura’s Flash Reviews [Spring 2018]
It’s the end of another animu season, so it’s time to give some flash reviews for the stuff I ended up finishing this season!
Under the cut for the length + all the gifs lol
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Comic Girls
After having storyboard after storyboard rejected, young aspiring manga artist Kaoruko moves to a dorm specifically for young mangaka, where she makes new friends, has fun adventures, and learns a lot about herself and her craft.
I liked this show way more than I expected to; it’s a very moeblob show and especially in the first couple of episodes there’s a lot of anime bullshit.  It IS a gag anime at the start and tends to default to a lot of the same tropes.  Despite this, I found it ridiculously hilarious, and I could relate to a lot of the #ArtistProblems and other things the girls dealt with regularly.  Not to mention, the characters were generally just really fun, cute personalities.  Despite some frustrations with some general character arcs feeling a bit stagnant, there were actually multiple places where I physically cried because despite the gag manga start, it gets pretty emotional later on regarding things like anxiety, artist’s block, and the feeling of stagnation, which was super relatable.  Also....Kaoruko is absolutely a tiny lesbian and I love my tiny lesbian daughter.  Actually I’m pretty sure they’re all lesbians, except for Rukki who is probably bisexual.
overall: 7/10
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Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card
Following the events of the original Cardcaptors, Sakura wakes up one morning to find that all of her Sakura Cards have turned clear.  Not only that, but there are more, strange new spirits appearing, and she’s been granted a brand new key from a dream.
Okay so....I have made mention of this one from a few other flash reviews since the first cour took place during last season.  And...my opinion has honestly worsened.  This was 22 episodes of obnoxiously boring fluff and little else. Don’t get me wrong: I love fluff. But I watch specific things for fluff. I don’t watch magical girl shows for 95% fluff, I watch them for sparkly, magical girl bullshit, cute costumes, fun magical experiences, and maybe just a little bit of worldbuilding.  Clear Card gave me next to nothing on all fronts.  When it wasn’t trying to be Cardcaptor Sakura: The Cooking Show, it was dragging its feet with 15 minutes of pointless chatter that did nothing to further characters or relationships, leaving them the exact same static characters they were in the original series.  Syaoran’s greatest draw was nearly completely erased once he became just a sedentary background love interest who did little. At least as a rival he pushed Sakura, but here, he just enabled the boring writing that did nothing to push the envelope.  The formula is nearly exactly the same as the last two series and the arc even mentions it.  Characters are unnecessarily cryptic, hiding things from each other, which only drags the story down.  The main plot is barely sprinkled in, magic stuff usually only happens for about 2 minutes towards the end of the mind-bogglingly slow fluff episodes, and the major plot??  Only appears for about five minutes in the final episode, addresses none of the questions we had and only reveals things we had already figured out fifteen episodes ago, gives no conclusion to any of it, and COMPLETELY ERASES THE ONLY CLIMATIC, STORY-FURTHERING SCENE BY USING TIME MAGIC.
And that’s...it, apparently.  I see no indication of a second season.  I assume the manga is still ongoing, but even if it is, this was an absolutely horrendous ending that did nothing to satisfyingly tie up ANY loose ends, further the world or the characters, or really do anything to add to the previous series.  Even the costumes were few and far between and the cards were almost all the same as the last set.  There was no creativity and nothing added here for the fans.  That brings me to my ultimate complaint: who was this show even for?! It can’t still be for kids, because new young fans of the original demographic’s age group would not have any clue what was happening with these characters, and it’s just lore-based enough to confuse any new viewers.  And it can’t be for the original fan group, who are all much older now and want something with just a little more substance. I’m not asking for a gritty cardcaptors show at all. Just something that respects us as adult viewers and gives us a little more to grab onto.  And that was way longer than any flash review has any right to be, so I will cut myself off there.
overall: 4/10
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Lostorage conflated WIXOSS
Though they believed it was finally over, former LRIG and Selector Kiyoi knows that the Selector battles will come again, and this time, they will destroy everything--and she is determined to bring the dark loop of suffering to a close once and for all by bringing together all of the greatest Selectors from every generation to take on the new threat.
Boasting the largest cast of any of the previous WIXOSS series and continuing both the story of Lostorage and the first two Selector series, this is absolutely the most ambitious take on the WIXOSS universe thus far: and it does fantastically with it.  There was not a single moment where I was bored; even during slower flashback and exposition parts, I was hooked.  This was one of the best ways to expand and complete the universe, as the ending here finally does feel like a decisive end to the anime franchise (though, so did the end of the Selector anime, so who knows lol).
As always, WIXOSS has some of the most fantastic character designs, relationships, dynamics, and animation among other anime, making it truly stand out.  The card game is more window dressing than actual substance, but that doesn’t matter, because the power of the relationships and the messages that this story is telling are far more powerful and attention grabbing.  The decision to make Kiyoi the protagonist of this series, while also bringing back previous protagonists Ruko and Suzuko, was an incredible decision and really made for a fantastic story.
overall: 9/10
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Golden Kamuy
After being discharged from the army after the Japanese-Russo war, Sugimoto is left with the dying wish of his comrade: to make enough money to support his fallen comrade’s wife and son and pay for their medical expenses.  He stumbles across an opportunity when an escaped convict tells him of a hidden trove of Ainu gold that can only be found by collecting the information tattooed onto the bodies of a group of escaped prisoners. With the help of an Ainu girl named Asirpa, whose tribe the gold was stolen from, Sugimoto takes on the mission to track down the prisoners and find the gold.
This show is absolutely fucking incredible.  I don’t think I can even give it proper words.  Like what a goddamn great season for anime this was??  Not only is the show clearly heavily researched, giving us insight into a part of Japanese history and Ainu culture that is rarely if ever discussed in Japanese culture, the story and characters are all so well done.  The animation can be wonky in places, but the expressions, the character banter, and god the soundtrack are all mind-blowingly good.  Unlike Clear Card, when this show decided it wanted to be a cooking show, I was completely on board, because I was learning something new about Ainu culture and also getting to see our heroes be adorkable and hilarious together.  The characters are absolutely where this show shines, and even though it’s a bit bloated at first, characters quickly become recognizeable and easily separated.  The relationship between Sugimoto and Asirpa, especially, is one of the most wholesome and fun friendships I’ve ever witnessed (I’m hoping, tho, that it stays platonic despite some jokes to the contrary lol).  This was only season 1, and season 2 will air in October, and you can bet I will be waiting at the edge of my seat for more of this incredible show.
overall: 9/10
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After a strange girl in a metal cocoon drops out of the sky and onto his head, yakuza Nitta finds himself the reluctant father of a needy young girl with psychic powers.  Shenanigans ensue around their strange new family and the dysfunctional adults and children that surround them.
This show was so much fucking better than it had any right to be; from the initial plot summary I was worried it was going to be awful, creepy-ish moe bullshit...but it was NOT.  This was a gag anime of the highest caliber.  The pacing was amazing, the characters were to a one endearing, the animation was BEAUTIFUL, and god...the punchlines...everything was so fucking funny the whole time.
You’ve got pretty much everything here: you’ve got the obnoxiously needy Hina, who is monotone in everything she does, you’ve got the Worst/Best Dad Nitta, you’ve got poor can’t-say-no-to-favors Hitomi, and the Most Pure and Wholesome Anzu.  There’s something to love in every character and every scene, and it’s ridiculous just how amazing this show is.  I can’t put it into words, please just watch it.  Where my other top shows of the season took awhile to grow on me, this one was hitting home runs from episode 1.  Do yourself a favor and watch it.
overall: 9/10
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Megalo Box
In a world where boxing is performed with powerful mechanical rigs known as Gear, a nameless boxer known only as Junk Dog is tired of being forced to throw fights in an illegal underground boxing ring to pad the pockets of his gambling organization.  When he crosses paths with the current champion of Megalo Box, he and his crew take a risky gamble to get him into the world’s first international Megalo Box competition so that he can fight the champion again, reinventing himself as Gearless Joe as he steps into the ring without any Gear.
This show took a while to really get onto my Awesome List, mostly because the aesthetic that it’s throwing back to was never really my thing in the first place.  I’m generally not a huge fan of the muted color palettes, the punkish music, or just the idea of boxing in general (a lack of significant female characters also always tends to put me off).  Despite this, however, the show ended up being stunning.  By halfway through, I was incredibly hooked on the high this show wanted me to ride, by the character arcs that were playing off each other, and I was even coming around to the music.  Boxing may not be my thing, but the character story that was told here was an incredible one, and definitely deserves its place among the Best Anime of 2018, which if it doesn’t win something come that time, I’ll be floored and disappointed with everyone.
overall: 9/10
Overall this was an incredibly strong season: I dropped a few things of course, but what I continued were almost all 9/10s.  I’m super pleased with the spring season and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s coming out for summer.
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