#give your 14 yo self some love though
daisymaycries · 1 year
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How’s the weather, Jellybeans?
Have a fresh meme, direct from the distillery.
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handledwithgloves · 6 months
two very popular drarry fics that i did not care for and why
in the past however long of my becoming a drarry stan ive read many fanfics and i can say only two had really gotten me so pissed i had to log off
and thats not to say that i never dnf a drarry fic before because i have done that to so many for various different reasons. ive also read plenty dead doves do not eat so… this is saying something i suppose.
and this is no hate at all to the writers of these fics they clearly love what they do and are super talented and no hate to the enjoyers of these fics, like what you like. this is just my person experiences.
first is, harry potter and the welcome to the world of grey. i just gotta say i did not get the hype at all. i hated voldemort so much everything he says to harry is meant to be philosophical and insightful and whatnot and that makes harry question whether or not voldemort is truly evil but mans just talked way too much for my liking. he needed to be shut up and every time harry was tryin to beat on his ass he stopped for whatever reason - i was so pissed. like atp just kill each other istg. and then harry is supposed to be conflicted and all alone and he cant trust dumbledore and he doesn't want to face the consequences of his actions and go to jail for killing someone, well too bad pookie! get tf over yourself you're a bad guy now. not only did you kill twice but both times you killed it was not in self defense but your own willingness to do so. like the drarry was good, in fact so good that i got about 3/4ths way through before i had to quit. the drarry was carrying this story and i understand if drarry stans love it solely for the drarry but if there's going to be other parts of the story i need it to make sense to me. harry and voldemort's characters were just not doing it for me.
second, is the mirror of ecidyrue series. It started off soo well, so well. i loved how all the characters were so in character and everything was cool and draco was powerful and his power was mysterious and bella was scary. i loved how harry met draco and how hermione started trying to befriend him i loved the friendship bracelent draco made her and that snape helped. i even loved jealous harry when draco and charlie were flirting and harry was like 'how old are you again, charlie? 25!? well draco's 14' and charlie started freaking out 'um, 21'. so anyway, strong start! but theeennn... we get later on in the series and for some reason draco starts changing? like yes he gets influenced by the people around him but all of a sudden he's like hyper fem which is not a bad thing in general but definite ooc - i like draco's character so i would prefer him to be in character but whatever i was able to ignore it until they started giving each other nicknames. oh god the nicknames were the worst part. like i get they're cringey kids they do dumb things draco is no exception apparently even though mentally he's like 21 hanging out with 14 yos. so yeah i had to absolutely stop when draco was having sex with 16 yo harry and harry starts calling him dragon in a sexual way... yeah i just had to stop there. i was getting way too much second hand embarrassment that it was pissing me off. i did not like draco lmfao. also i hate that they made lucius abusive lmao.
once again just disclaiming this is no hate to the writers or enjoyers of these fics i just couldnt stomach the stories and thats my own personal fault. i just wanted to share what i thought lol. they definitely made an impression!
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goldenboikuvasauce · 8 months
Backstory/personality of your oc/s, mylord?
This is the Most Question of all time. So I will be putting it under the cut LMAO. A lot of my Tenno were developed when Duviri was announced, but there were no details. I assumed it meant Tenno aged normally. Now that we have an explanation for Drifters these backstories are most likely going to be retconned. Most of my Tenno are adults now so they're more relatable to me (and I don't have to stomach child soldiers as much - it just makes me sad)
there's also a lot of canon divergence stuff just cos I like silly aus. I just like giving my actual warframe ocs reason behind sentience... I rather be a space meat robot than a kiddo.
and if anyone has been ao3 in 2021... some of these names and faces might be familiar... and you know of their many sins... please forgive everything being over the place. it's how my brain is wired and one can say wf ocs are my own personal brand of cocaine duviri
Group 1)
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Antaeus, a confuzzled Tenno who woke up a lil too late with a serious case of amnesia. He appears to be in his mid 20s. He loves kavats, languages, and history. He's fluent in Corpus and Ostron and can read Grineer script easily. He's also very optimistic, playful and friendly - assuming that the biomechanical beings on the ship he woke up on are his roommates, not machines he's supposed to control.
K - My main Nidus 💕 He's broody and shy, but really he's touch starved. He loves sculpting and hates kavats and by extension, the resident Valkyr. Ironically, as he gets over the hatred, he ends up mutating a kavat like helmet (Nightstalker helmet my beloved). K is capable of speech, but his overly infested vocal chords make his voice sound raspy and rumbly. He speaks in short sentences or simply grunts for brevity. K usually speaks outloud just to insult Valk, but not much else. He is incapable of communicating with text and doesn't care for the group chat anyway.
Pneuma - My starter Mag. she's a lil cold and stern but is super caring underneath all that. She lost her left arm to a Bombard while trying to save a kubrow pup. She's extremely protective of everyone on the ship and is considered the resident mom friend because of that. Pneuma has a vocaliser, but with no Tenno transferenced in she does not speak. She instead communicates with blank stares that say 1000 words. She uses text otherwise, and is as articulated as one can be with one hand, or a parazon. She doesn't capitalise the start of sentences though.
Valkyr - She's a big herbo who loves Pneuma to bits. She also loves fishing, kavats, and treating Antaeus like a kavat kit even tho he's a grown man. She hates magnetic Eidolon water and K. She is capable of speech, though her vocal chords are hoarse and it's difficult to speak in longer sentences. She mainly uses her voice to hiss at K. Her talons stop her from typing quickly, but she's fond of kavat emojis. With a parazon her communication style is expressive. While her personality seems as primal as a motherly kavat who loves her wife so much, she has been able to express her level of intelligence and self reflection through personal logs that are recorded by the ship Cephalon.
Zippo - Nezha - He has the emotional maturity of a 12-14 yo, and he loves trying to cook and the Index. Valk found him wandering around by himself at a relay and just took him back to the ship. Zippo communicates in sign language, and a lot of emojis in text form - he has bad grammar and over uses punctuation for emphasis. His nickname was given to him by Nando as a bit of an insult (see group 3) when they were in an Index match together. Zippo, or Z, having a tiny infested brain, didn't catch it was supposed to be a jab at him, ended up liking it. Z's celebrity crush is John Prodman.
Xuron - Ship Cephalon - Initially assigned to monitoring Pneuma by Simaris, due to her sentience, Cephalon Xuron abandoned his precepts of investigation when Simaris wanted to synthesise Antaeus. Xuron moderates of the crew's group chat, which serves as a way for everyone to communicate with each other, at least until Tae learns to actually utilise transference. Xuron has had "software failures" that are more serious than Ordis' blurts - due to remembering traumatic experiences prior to being Glassed.
K's Helminth (not pictured cos they're an infested room) - After a traumatic event that had awakened K's sentience, Helminth had spawned their physical form from a self inflicted neck wound K had made in madness. Helminth has possessive nature over K, seeing him as an extension of themselves, and actively tries to sabotage any progress Antaeus makes towards transference. They see the tenno as a force that removes a warframe's free will. If it were up to Helminth, Antaeus would be dead and it would be Helminth and K, forever and ever...
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Group 2)
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Lissa - Lone Tenno. Lissa has lost control of most of her warframes with the exception of her Nekros Prime and she doesn't know why - but she knows it makes her violently ill at times. Because of this her cephalon had abandoned her. Despite all this she tries to be kind to those less fortunate than her, specifically the Solaris. She mainly resides in the Fortuna alleyways. She appears to be in her early 20s. She has a strong bond with Charon, and since he is the only frame she has left, she'd put her life on the line for him.
Charon - Lissa's Nekros Prime. Like any Nekros he enjoys grave robbing and dismembering enemies - he's honed his craft and can dismember very quickly and precisely. He's a hoarder who keeps his and Lissa's things in his Hey Kavat backpack, as well as his guts. He likes shiny things, pain, keeping his Mortus binds in a bow and painting his and Lissa's nails. He's in a situationship with K. Charon always had a low level of sentience, stemming from being protective over Lissa. The intense stew of raw emotion and happy brain chemicals being with K gives him had fully awakened Charon's hidden personality however. That and the cheeky lil cyst made of K's Helminth.
Blaze, a Red Veil operative and Railjack hire. He's also Lissa's ex boyfriend. The relationship was taboo under the Red Veil's rules, he ended the relationship when it got to his conscience. He is a devout Veil cultist and feels great guilt over "leading the Tenno astray" by courting Lissa when they were just love sick teens. He still deeply cares about Lissa, and wish she'd put herself first every now and then. He does not believe Charon is sentient, and is worried Lissa is projecting or experiencing delusions.
Group 3)
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Nando, an obnoxious Tenno with a penchant for overspending and recreational substance use. He has a serious fear of the Infestation and refuses to do any missions that involve them. For this reason he sticks with more mechanical frames like Gauss, Zephyr Harrier, and Octavia. Nando appears to be in his early 20s and shares his orbiter with his lil "cousin" Max, who he's protective over despite being barely able to look after himself.
Mac - Nando's Gauss. After being infected by a Helminth cyst that was contracted from Charon (who contracted it from K), Mac developed enough sentience to hide the cyst from Nando. However, all the running into walls keeps Mac's probable IQ in the double digits. Nando eventually finds out and tries to scrub the cyst, but the damage had already been done. Mac has a singular braincell!!
Max, a young Tenno, who was only a toddler on the Zariman during the Void incident. Biologically, they are not related to Nando, but because they came from the same long dead tribe Nando calls Max his lil cousin as per custom. Max is still young, about 12-14 years old. They enjoy conservation and collecting floofs, and playing in the Index with Nando. The two share an Ash Shroud frame together, but Max mains Xaku (Nando was not going to step foot on Deimos to seek the parts out) and Equinox. Max is best friends with Zippo (but doesn't know that Zippo is actually a sentient warframe)
Group 4 - my more evil ocs lmao)
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Sar - New Loka Tenno. She enjoys fashion (of frames and humans) and flowers. Her bubbly personality is a rouse however. She's well on her way to being the best assassin in the syndicate, happily purging those that are tainted and ruined - including other Tenno. She is in her 20s, and through meditation and guidance from Amaryn she makes sure to keep the Void from completely robbing her of her sanity.
Jase - Perrin Tenno. Jase was 17 during the Zariman incident. His huge stature let him assign himself as a leader among the children, and he lead the assault on those corrupted by the Void. Because of his role and readiness for combat, he was one of the first Tenno Lotus woke up. While the Somatic dream and transference freezes the body of a Tenno, Jase preferred hand to hand combat. This aged him over time, and as his biological clocks continues to tick he's at high risk of Void Corruption. He was recruited by the Perrin Sequence as brutish muscle to occasionally intimidate brokers into diplomacy.
Kaiju (Jase's Chroma - not pictured cos idk how to draw Chroma) Kaiju is a Chroma Jase forced Transference with. But as Jase slowly falls into Corruption, Kaiju regains his sentience and fights back for control. This results in catastrophic events, especially when Kaiju decides to murder and consume a Volt, Frost, Saryn and Ember Prime - in order to himself a Prime.
Sar's Trinity Prime , who's fashionframe was rightfully titled "the Harmacist" by a wf friend of mine (speaking of which he'd be traumatised if he saw the state of my blog rn). She has an all white colour palette, with the prime body and Strega helmet, and the eros wing ephemera. She enjoys luring unsuspecting victims to Kaiju for him to eat. Sar utilised her Trin in the meta ways often, and also has a killer DPS Tank build for Trin.
Group... Infested and Feral >¦3
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Fester (Rhino) - Dumped in Deimos after his Tenno had reached mastery with him. The Grey Strain took over him, and gave him sentience. He is bonded with an infested Volt named Nux (my boyfriend @tethermaw's oc). Fester has crazy abandonment issues.
Xantho (Ash) - Initially a feral Ash maggot looking for a humanoid corpse to claim as a host, Xantho found a dead explorer in the isolation vaults. Unfortunately, a Saryn and Banshee maggot had the same idea, so Xantho had to fight them off for the cadaver. This resulted in the subsumation of Saryn's Molt and Banshee's Silence. As a full fledged feral frame, Xantho spent most of their days waiting for Tenno to open up vaults, just so they can sneak in and steal the goods. But now Xantho lives with one of my boyfriend's Nidus ocs, Plague 😊 Xantho is spoiled so much
Maprico (Feral Nidus) - mistaken for a tame cryptillex, Maprico was adopted as a maggot. Maprico had intended to kill and take over this person's body but found something much better. They got their namesake when they refused to eat kibble, and instead gorge on human food made with the bright orange fruit. However, when a thief broke into the home one night, Maprico tried to scare off the intruder with cute lil squeaks. The Intruder laughed then screamed, as Maprico had already pounced at the jugular. The next morning, Maprico is engorged with human flesh, preparing their host for metamorphosis.. Much to their person's dismay. Maprico eventually grew to the great height of 8ft as a full fledged Nidus, and was a much better guard. They went on to have many of their own maggots, who now inhabit the happy and safe settlement like their own nest.
Cage (Nidus - Maprico's spawn). Cage was a fiesty maggot, who bit one of the settlement's children in the arm when the child kept pestering them. The child had to have the arm amputated, and the little maggot was put in a timeout cage by Maprico. Cage gnawed at the bars and escaped.. to go nuzzle and apologise to the child. Years later, Cage grew alongside the child, who was now a teen. Cage was ready to search for a host, and when they were fully fledged they enhanced their friend's prosthetic with the Infestation. The two now work with Steel Meridian, the syndicate that helps protect the settlement.
Venous, an unranked Nidus that was built for one purpose: to be consumed by the Mouth Wall. Venous was next in line to be subsumed, after a Titania frame. Venous broke out the arsenal and into the infirmary to destroy the Chair. After escaping with the other frame, the two formed a close bond and are now inseparable. Venous is very feral and likes rotting grineer as their energy source
Caelus, an unranked Titania that was built only to be subsumed. Venous broke Caelus free from the Chair and together they escaped. Caelus, despite being a Titania, quickly presented more masculine to distance himself from the prime fae frame that took his place. With Venous, Caelus attempts to learn his abilities through clumsy trial and error.
more or less civilised ocs
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Axenic - A Nidus that works as a Perrin Sequence mercenary. Axenic was an unnamed and unknown Nidus captured by the Corpus. They were tortured, lobotomised, and vivisected so the scientists could experiment with the Helminth strain of the infestation, as well as an attempt to copy its chrysalis system and Tenno warframe maintenance procedures. They were dubbed Axenic, as they were brutally scrubbed and sterilised. The experiments resulted in Axenic losing the passive healing, Larva and Ravenous abilities, which where replaced with Ensnare and Eclipse. Axenic was eventually bought/emancipated by the Perrin Sequence, and the upkeep of Axenic's functions are supported by the syndicate. This involves supplying Axenic with a shield capacitor, aggressive painkillers and high octane stimulants. In terms of personality, The Axenic Nidus has none. At least that's what they portray. Internally, Axenic mourns they can not cultivate their own Infestation and parthenogenise their own maggots, that choice was taken from them.
Axenic's mercenary work leads them to becoming a bodyguard for Latrox Une in the Cambion Drift, as he films nature documentaries and enjoys studying the Infestation with funding from the Entrati. This leads to Axenic protecting Une from an attack from Fester and Nux, and as Axenic links to Fester, they contract a part of the Grey Strain that mutates Axenic enough to have a form of reproduction again. With some enthusiastic experimentation and vigorous testing with Une the two discover the reproduction is allogamous. It is still ineffective and Axenic has only been able to produce one living spawn and has no interest in utilising this in combat. Axenic now takes in maggots often abandoned by their progenitors, and teaches them how to assimilate with Tenno without raising suspicions about being unmanned.
Jnr. - A hybridized Nidus, and Axenic's only spawn. Jnr. was a very weak maggot and lived most of this life stage in intensive care in Une's lab/home. Junior is more learned and academic than your average feral maggot, but of course he lacks the basic survival instincts or "street smarts". In that way it is a blessing that after his metamorphosis he maintained a more humanoid appearance (at least in silhouette) as he can fit in normal humanoid attire and attend Perrin board meetings on an operative suit. However, Junior didn't feel like he was making much of a change at a desk, and snuck off to join Steel Meridian despite his progenitor's values. He feels more at ease among defectors and freedom fighters with prosthetics and other chronic disabilities. He meets Cage, who easily detects him as another Nidus despite his (adorable) defector disguise. Cage keeps his secret, and the two occasionally hold hands, because Junior's Link ability sprouts from his palms. Axenic eventually finds out about Junior joining an enemy syndicate, and upon seeing the bond Junior had made with Cage Axenic makes no comment on the topic. The equivalent of acceptance. And when Axenic has the equivalent of wallet photos of Junior's and Cage's own maggots, that can only be seen as familial pride and approval.
Group "they're from the red veil so they're unhinged but that's their normal"
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Phryke (Nidus) + Dyanta were created my boyfriend @tethermaw but I develop them too.
When kids act up, parents warn them that a particular Nidus Phryke will eat them for being bratty and ungrateful. And it's true, Phryke did eat a bratty kid - his own Tenno Operator. He only ended up regretting it when the transference bolt he was built with was becoming a literal pain in the neck, so loitered around in RJ groups hoping he could steal some Tenno for himself, maybe there were older operators who weren't annoying pieces of shit... Then he met Dyanta.
Dyanta wasn't always part of the Red Veil. He had been harvesting and selling organs since he was a child, roped into the scheme to pay off his shelved father's debts. He was able to pay it off, and as an occupational perk he was allowed to stay in mostly one piece, and when he made it to adulthood he got free gender affirmation surgeries on the house. But when the operation was busted Dyanta's employers left him on the operating table to escape and Dyanra was literally arrested with his pants down. During his incarceration he shared a cell with a cannibalistic cultist named Grun, who he found enigmatic and so magnetic.. He was initiated into the Red Veil by him and when they broke out together and went their seperate ways, Dyanta formally joined the cult. Due to the secrecy of the Veil, Dyanta wasn't able to get back in contact with Grun, but he couldn't stop thinking about him. He kept himself busy by becoming a Railjack defender for hire. During one mission, Dyanta was struck by a void storm bolt just as Phryke was about to jump and protect him from the blast. When Phryke got up, Dyanta had disappeared... accidentally transferenced into Phryke. Being more than compatible, Phryke decided that Dyanta was going to be his Operator. There were bonuses for Dyanta too. He went from being mostly illiterate (he could only read and write HEART, LUNG, KIDNEY, LIVER, in Corpus) to being able to read Orokin text within milliseconds. He also has Phryke to blurt out his thoughts (without his permission), which can be helpful in some situations, like when he reunited with Grun.
Grun was the only son in the middle of 7 sisters, born and raised on Mars in a Red Veil resistance that fought off the Grineer. Grun was trained in the ways of espionage, and the art of cleansing evil from the system - by consuming the flesh of enemies. After Grun failed to properly conceal an assassination attempt he was arrested and charged for multiple counts of terrorism. Someone in the higher ups, a Red Veil spy, had more plans for Grun and turned Grun's solitary confinement into an executioner's room, where a starved Grun would be made to kill and eat some of the prisoners to keep numbers low. Dyanta was thrown in this cell, and when finding Grun was chained up, emaciated and covered in years old blood, Dyanta snuck in food and water for Grun. The two ended up falling for one another without realising, Grun scarified a Red Veil insignia into Dyanta's wrist, and they planned an escape. Grun found the Red Veil plant that trapped him in that cell with no real food or water. He killed them in a "cleansing fire", as subjecting him and others to such conditions was indication of corrupted power. He took the ashes back to his splinter. He was praised for the cleansing, but for killing one of his own he was to take a vow of anonymity. Grun could never speak outloud, contact his family, or show his face to anyone ever again. It didn't stop him from working or basic socialisation, as he could still use sign language and encrypted text to communicate. But when he found Dyanta again, he broke the vow of anonymity, just for him (and Phryke).
I didn't mean to write so much about these three but grunyata has been rotting my and my bf's brain for 2 whole years.
Phryke and Grun have done some Real Red Veil """studies""" together, and the results gave them two groups of maggos.
the first clutch was an accident, Phryke dispelled them hoping they'd attack and blow up some Corpus as Ravenous maggots would. That didn't quite happen. Instead only three maggots ran amuck, and did attack but refused to blow up, even when Phryke tried to squish em with a Virulence (dad of the year!) They ran away from the ability and played a game of hide and seek with Phryke (Dyanta was cracking up in his head)
Rakta was the first maggot to find a body, to inhabit among the ruckus. When Phryke tried to pull Rakta away from the body Rakta protested and bit him. Phryke tried to squish Rakta for this but these maggots seem to be made of ooblek lmao. So Phryke decided to just try to extract without em, like a parent starting to leave a toy store cos their child won't listen. Rakta threw a tantrum about this and demanded to be carried back to the orbiter. WITH the body.
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the line "I dont think that corpus is my son" is so funny to me. (excuse the discord grammar)
Rakta is named as such as they have an obsession with playing in Phryke's arsenal. They also don't really care about anything else, just guns and cookie dough.
here's another discord screenshot that makes me laugh still
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Phryke is truly dad of the year.
The poor lil maggot in question is named Blight. They were half way through their metamorphosis when the Corpus attempted to extract them. This resulted in them having very thin transparent membrane skin, a loss of fangs.. baby Blight wasn't doing too good. Grun did his best to help Blight, by wrapping them up with his kevlar scarf, cutting small lil giblets for them, but he could only do so much. Grun took Blight back to Phryke, and Phryke let Blight crawl under his stacks to heal. After this Blight was good as new, but a lot more wary about being left alone. (just a baby... a little baby...)
unfortunately I have run out image slots...
Taurus + 9 living spawn
While initially retrieving Blight, Grun came across the final maggot to escape Phryke's parenting. This maggot was the biggest, well on their way into melding with their host, and shared Phryke's huge horns. Grun hid them in a hard to reach vent, hoping they won't have the same fate Blight experienced.
Years later, Blight and Rakta have gotten antsy about being babied, ready to go out on their own.. Phryke didn't expect to be hit with empty nest syndrome, since he always disliked children. He didn't realised he enjoyed this weird parenthood of licking cookie dough off Blight, wrestling an Ignis out of Rakta's inquisitive hands. Mostly keeping them out of trouble.. It made him wonder what it would have been like, coming into the world the way his spawn did. And it made him wonder.. where was his third spawn...? Did they survive...?
I would continue but not being able to share more drawings makes me so sad 😭 So I've reached the end of my rope with writing this all out, my boyfriend said I might even end up finding the word limit on a tumblr post!
There are a few more OC's.. most lack names (I tend to name my OC's after the cosmetics they don, because most of them have such nice names) There is also a current warframe concept I'm working on but development is mostly kept private for now.
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autisticempathydaemon · 10 months
Have never done anything like this before but I wanted to participate because why not!
Hope I'm doing this right- this is for the RedactedAudio Match-up :)
1 - Ok so I have 2 song fixations, first one is "Used to the Darkness" by Des Rocs and the other is "Morning Coffee" by Chevy and Nalba
For Used to the Darkness the specific verse is the chorus, it's a bit long for tumblr but I'll give my reasoning. I've always loved this kind of rock because it reminds me of the 90s rebellion kind of era and this verse strikes me as 'society has forced me down by its standards and is leaving me in the dust because I've "made a mistake", but I'm going to fight because my life hasn't started yet and I'm too young to simply give up'. Every time I hear that chorus it gives me a second wind of sorts and reminds me to just keep going, to keep being stubborn and to keep being me unapologetically.
For Morning Coffee there is no specific line because I resonate with the whole song lol. I'm a very big coffee addict, like I need coffee or tea every day to make it feel right. The reason being is that it's a small comfort treat to help me feel better especially when some days just aren't the best and I need a pick me up to feel better, even if it's a little bit. I listen to this every morning on my commute and every afternoon on the way back home, it's such a big comfort song that I keep on repeat.
2 - 6! (subtype sp) 3 - I love a good video essay! My favourite ones are a bit niche but I especially love SovietWomble's essay about "The Forest" because it's a deep dive critique and explanation of what happens when lore is added to a game post-release and why it's so important to develop it as a whole rather than doing it in bits as it can be the difference of an amazing or completely underwhelming experience. As someone who writes for fun and loves to play games soley for the lore sometimes, I found it useful to develop and hone my skills in world-building and making my stories more coherent. Also because he did a face reveal at the end BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT!
4 - Gosh I haven't talked about my imaginary friend in a bit, her face evades me but I remember she would always help me sleep or play with me when no one else did (so everyday basically). She always wore a yellow dress and had her hair up in pigtails. I never gave her a name because she never needed one, I just called her 'friend', I miss her
5 - Put on a redacted audio vid and fall asleep to that lmfao (usually a david vid)
6 - I honestly don't know what I'd change my name to, sometimes I just wish I didn't really have a name because my self identity fluctuates so much
7 - Favourite redacted audio, hm, tbh any of David's audios. I find myself always returning to one of his videos but I think I like his camping one the most, I cry every time but hearing the stories makes my heart so full and like I genuinely want to comfort him.
8 - Huxley maybe? I love his pairing with Damien but I've never really liked or gotten into his story much, might just be a me thing- but hey he's gay so that's fun
9 - RWBY! Specifically volumes 1-3 because they're so iconic, love the entire series though, I quote it a lot to myself.
10 - Guy, he's as much as a dumbass and gremlin as I am and I THRIVE off of the chaotic energy so much. Plus he can make me pizza while we hang out so that's fun!
11 - Memes, I will start quoting memes. Either that or "Which character would win in xyz situation? A or B?" 12 - 7-11 hot chocolate but instead of milk I put a latte in it
13 - Karu's "How To Train Your Dragon" orchestra cover playlist 14 - smutty audios... idk I just find it fun to scour for a good audio on reddit lmfao
15 - I'm very argumentative and will debate anyone on any topic (I've been a debater for years), but I'm also very much a people pleaser because I like to give people gifts and do acts of service. Uh- does a plushie addiction count as something that'll tell you who I am? I like dnd and Critical Role
Thank you!
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Ooh, I love you; you gave me so much information to work with! There were a good amount of possibilities I was working with, but if you’re an argumentative Six, who else can I pair you with but Avior?
You’re both similar in a lot of ways- a love of debate, prone to Acts of Service, Type Sixes who are loyal, thoughtful, and reliable. It’s these similarities but also the differences that make me think you’d be compatible. Avior and his sarcastic, sharp nature would be good at keeping your people-pleasing chaos in check. Your love of storytelling and narratives would be new and so refreshing to him as he’s never put so much thought into fantasy and fiction. He learns to accept your gifts graciously because he wants you to be happy even though he’s not used to it.
Your life together would be so fun; you’d make his life so fun. Avior does not understand your plushie collection, but he tolerates it and comes to terms with their watching eyes every day because he loves you. He also doesn’t understand any of your memes either; he pretends he thinks they’re insipid and pointless, but he actually thinks they and you are cute and silly when you quote them. Also, you’re totally coffee/tea addicts together, and you’ve got the best stocked caffeine cupboards in all of Dahlia.
Just tea for two and two for tea/ Me for you and you for me alone/ Nobody near us/ To see us or hear us/ No friends or relations/ On weekend vacations/ We won't have it known, dear/ That we own a telephone (oh, I hate telephones) (yeah, me too)
I couldn’t help it; you gave me a coffee song, so I had to give you a tea song in return! I also like it for you, because it’s cute, it’s sweet, it’s singable. It’s not just about tea but love and being together, having tea side by side for the rest of your lives. It’s the kind of song you could sing at Avior, and he’d have to try really hard to not be charmed.
If you’re a DnD fan, I’ve got to give you Lasko as a runner-up; my brain would not allow otherwise! The two of you could write together and be so cute. Asher is your other contender because you’re similar in a lot of ways that would be really fun but more in a platonic, best friend way than romantic like Avior.
note: thank you so much for waiting~! I hope you like your match-up!
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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sweet sixteenth - e.m. & s.h.
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a/n: this is self indulgent angst, and idk if 16 roses are a thing since im not from the US, so pardon me if i make a mistake.
content: pre-season 4 eddie, pre-season 1 steve, angst, hurt, 16th birthday, cussing, yelling, minor!reader, minor!eddie, minor!steve,
summary: three months after you and eddie broke up, he shows up at your 16th birthday unannounced.
its been three months since eddie munson cheated on you for a dumb bimbo, again, you were used to it by now, your relationship has been on and off for months. you got out of the relationship maturely, or atleast that's what you tell everyone when they asked since you couldn't bear to tell them about the messy fight that resulted to your break up.
He was mad, you couldn't even remember why. your mouth had the tendency to say things you don't mean in a middle of a fight, it was dumb, you probably struck a nerve. maybe you mentioned something about him being like his dad, maybe that was it, that's why he threw a vase on the floor and just skipped.
After that you never talked to each other, not that he tried to reach out, you were pretty sure he hates you as much as you hated him, but what was the point, you knew it was the end of you both, you weren't good for each other, sure there were times when the days are going great, you both love each other so much you just want to crawl inside each other's skin but the bad days overwhelmed the good ones.
Those days when he won't talk to you because he was upset about something that doesn't even involve you, the days when both of you had enough and just scream at each other, those days when he'll just vanish for a few days, you never knew where he's been. the days when you're struggling and he's nowhere to he found, you were there on his bad days, you can recognize his irritation from a mile away, yet when it comes to you, he wouldn't even know a dog was after him until he gets bitten.
the first month was hard, everything stung, hell even basketball that he has never seen hurts you. you pushed through, or atleast you tried to, but three months later everything still hurts, it was great when you were distracted, so put up as many distractions as you can. not until your 16th birthday though.
you were having fun, there were many people, you didn't think the party was even possible, so you thanked everyone who helped you. there was a little gimmick your friends did for you.
sixteen roses
you'll have sixteen guys waltzing you on the dancefloor after they hand you rose, you don't know who these guys are but it has gotten you curious.
14 down and it was some of the famous seniors you were pretty sure your friends hooked up with. and the 15th one was very mysterious, he was standing out of your line of sight because the lights were blocking your view of the mysterious man.
you felt the dread crawl up your skin, as he walked towards you, until he's infront of you, and boy were you wrong, it was Steve Harrington, the cute junior who had liked you long before. you breathe a sigh of relief and danced with him as both of you laughed at his corny jokes, you didn't want to let him go but the dance was coming to an end.
he placed a soft kiss on your cheek and waved goodbye as he left the dancefloor, your smile was unwavering, not until you saw the man who'll give you your last waltz. your blood ran cold, your smile fell from your lips and you went rigid as he walked to you wearing a suit, a rose on his teeth.
"no," you managed to breathe out and unconsciously stepped back, his face bore the hurt you dreaded to see, as soon as you were on his arms, and you sucked in a breath, you can't smell him, you shouldn't remember the good times, yet here he is.
"im sorry, princess," he whispered and held you close, his big and warm hands settled on your waist as the piano started its melodic tune, far from everyone, they couldn't see how uncomfortable you were. your face scrunched underneath your hair as you avoided his eyes, you knew he was staring at you, or atleast your hair. you were sure he was frustrated, the way he breathes gave it away.
you recognized the slowing end of the piano and you immediately looked up, a dejected eddie was looking at you with a plea in his eyes.
"take me back, I'll be good, please." he begged but you couldn't do it again, you couldn't risk your heart again.
"I can't, im sorry," as if on cue, the music ended and you headed straight to your chair and plastered a fake smile, something you'd probably wear the whole night, you glared at your friends signaling them that they did this shit so wrong, they're dead afterwards.
the whole night, you can feel two people stare at you. Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson, you caught them a few times that night, steve looked away all the time while Eddie held the eye contact. they were so different yet so in-sync. after the party, you decided to head to a spare room to breathe and you didn't notice eddie was also following you, as you covered your face with your hand, you heard the door click shut. you faced the door and saw him, you backed away quickly.
"what are you still doing here?" you asked in a hurried tone, hoping someone will notice that you were gone and try to find you. hoping someone will save you from another confrontation.
"please, sweetheart. let's talk" he calmly asked and sat on the edge of the bed, giving you the space you needed.
"I don't want to talk, eddie, we're done. that's it." you stood up and walked to the door, you can't be mad anymore. you can't have another repeat of that night.
"please, im sorry."
you looked back at him, you can't understand how such two words could make your blood boil. he said sorry a million times and he never changed, he never cared, he never meant it.
'you're sorry? you're fucking sorry? YOU'RE ALWAYS SORRY, EDDIE YOU'RE ALWAYS FUCKING SORRY, DID YOU EVEN KNOW THE MEANING OF THAT WORD? I HAVE HEARD THE SAME IM SORRY I'LL CHANGE TOO MANY FUCKING TIMES ALREADY. NEWS FLASH, IT GETS OLD! IT MEANS NOTHING TO ME NOW. I DON'T WANT YOU ANYMORE AND NEVER WILL AGAIN: your tears started to fall, mascara dripping and probably making a mess on your face but you couldn't care less. you wanted to scream at him, and that's what's he's getting.
yeah, you're definitely killing your friends for including him on the list.
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vbee-miya · 2 years
Loved the matchups now can I have a normal one for haikyuu and demon slayer
A male one btw
I'm a straight short girl use she/her pronouns, im around 5'2 with long brown hair and eyes and a leo also a infp,im also ace as for which one im not too sure atm as i just found out not ling ago. I'm 21. I like anime,dragons,reptiles,drawing but I'm not good,tarantulas,sweets,video games, memes,dark humor. I am very kind but I care more about others than I do myself. I have bad anxiety. I tend to overthink about everything. I love to sing especially country music but I am tone deaf. I have trouble standing up for myself because I was bullied alot. I can be very blunt. I also love to swear. I can be very loud. I love a good mystery and cop shows. I love dad jokes and puns.I am terrified of bees and heights. I am very lazy but I can be good at doing stuff if motivated. , unless I know it will happen or if I touch someone. I accidentally snap at people and I find people's pain hilarious so if someone gets hurt there is a good chance I will laugh at them. I sound meaner than intended sometimes. I can have trouble showing that im thankful at times. I pick at scabs as a nervous habit. I love to add alot of lemon juice to my tea to where it's more lemon than tea. When I'm woken up early with low sleep I am very mean and grumpy. I cant tell when people are joking and take it seriously. I do have asphergers which is a form of autism. Becuase of it I am a very picky person with foods and such.
I am very kind but people take advantage of it and I don't usually fight back. I also have adhd and I can go on forever about something but I don't know when to stop and should be told to if it's getting annoying. I have self esteem issues at times as well.
I am a bit overweight it isn't shown well I have thick thighs and am just a but chubby around the stomach it isn't noticeable unless I wear somethign small I usually wear large t-shirts.I have a few weird talents. I can put my foot behind my head while standing and both while sitting down. I can burp for 14 seconds. I have been told I have resting bitch face. When someone stops talking to me my attention goes to something else so I won't be able to hear what they said if they say something again so I end up saying what alot cause I loose focus easily. I am incredibly stubborn if I want something done.
For dislikes I don't like people who don't understand that I'm different and ignore my sensitivities. I also don't like smoking it bothers me. For my love languages im not too sure probably gift giving or quality time as I love to just laze around in bed and play games.
༺❀༻ matchup ༺❀༻
haikyuu one
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honestly i was going to match you with issei.
but daichi is definitely a better fit. he’s a sexy cop man that’s all I can say. but listen issei is also just as sexy and working in a funeral is sexy.
anyways daichi. he’d think your adoration for dragons and reptiles are pretty damn cool just like your drawings. because headcanon he can’t draw for shit and even if he did try it still wouldn’t look like what he’d want.
i also can’t keep thinking about how daichi low key looks like thomas crusader. if not by looks then definitely the vibes. idk that’s just my random take.
anyways your humor and his humor certainly don’t fit like puzzle pieces. but he’d try to understand dark humor which honestly he still wouldn’t find funny. though if it’s a funny meme then what the hell. he’ll give a good deep of a laughter. but he can’t resist a good dad joke and actually would be clever enough to come up with new ones when you guys are taking a stroke in some place.
he’d be weary of you about not fully putting yourself first than others, and he’ll remind you that. he’d make sure you’re taking care of yourself and even if it’s difficult he’ll be there to motivate you. after all you are talking to a former volleyball captain. it’s only natural he’s good with words and motivations of that sorts.
when you overthink he’ll hear you out but pull you back into reality. and tell you to take everything one step at a time. no matter how much you’re thinking about something, the moment you start getting ahead of yourself daichi would pull you out of the loop hole and take time to live in the moment and critically think about things one step at a time and make sure those steps aren’t just empty words but actions as well.
you’re bluntness might scare him, but honestly it’s more of the fact that he appreciates you for it. not many people who say they’re blunt are blunt. he’d also completely ignore you swearing. not that he’s got a problem he just wouldn’t care for it unless if it’s around his parents then he’ll have a word with you elsewhere. really playing that cop fantasy.
as mean as you may portray or perceive yourself daichi knows you’ve got a good heart. and even though it’ll take time for him to actually understand everything about you, just know in those times of being together he’s got insane patience and will never ignore you sensitivities. and like any decent human being will always accept you for who you are and will help you get better because you make them feel like they can also better themselves.
daichi even as great of a motivator as he is sucks at getting motivated. that’s only a joke though but if you give him something in exchange or even a simple talk in quality time he’ll forever be grateful to you. and also i will like to add quality time with you and daichi is watching action acclaimed shows and movies especially ones with cops and he’d play judge and see how well thought out and played the roles of the law are.
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cwispyhologwam · 4 years
Admit it. Rick Sanchez X F!Reader
Word count: 2,382
Rick was... out of it, I guess you could say he was still himself, but not really he just seemed, off. When Morty tried to ask if anything was wrong, Rick would respond in a "normal" Rick way but, it seemed forced. It was barely noticeable but he could tell, even though after Rick basically told him to fuck off he dropped it. It was just after the whole incident with Unity, which didn't make sense to Morty because it seemed like Rick had gotten what he needed and wanted from her, or it, or they, he didn't really know how to refer to the entity, but that's besides the point.
He had spent the whole night in the garage when Morty woke up for school the next morning he found his grandfather passed out at his work bench with a strange device looming over his head. Morty didn't know why but looking at it sent dread coursing through his body, he had a feeling he knew someone who could help him and his grandpa. She was... Rick's friend? (Y/n) (L/n), well honestly he didn't know what their relationship was at the moment, because a few years ago she used to visit daily but again that was years ago, he thinks they might have gotten in a fight or something. But if anyone could help him, it was her.
So he asked his mom to give him a ride to her house, but it took some convincing because what mother wouldn't question why her 14 year old son is going to a 23 year olds house by himself, like what kinda porn set up type bullshit, but after he explained his concerns for his grandpa she agreed. Once he got there he told his mom he would get a ride home and she complied and left. He rang the doorbell of the large house and waited, once the door opened he felt like all the air had been knocked out of his lungs.
She was absolutely gorgeous, her (S/C) skin looked so beautiful in the sun's light and her (long,short,medium) (straight,curly,wavey, kinky) (H/C) hair was beautiful. She was (Tall/short) and (Skinny,medium,thick) it made Morty wonder if her and Rick were ever more than friends at one point. What really got to him was what she was wearing, it was a matching set, a long sleeve sweater and shorts  "Morty? Hello? You alright there kid?" He snapped out of his trance and nodded "Sorry, and sorry again for showing up unannounced but i need your help."
She looked at him for a couple of seconds before sighing "Listen first come in it's weird talking outside like this, and second, if this has anything to do with Sanchez I'm sorry but i can't help you." He frowned, why did she call him Sanchez? And why did her (E/C) eyes look so sad when she said it? He came in and she led him to her living room where they sat on the couch "So what happened?" He asked her, he really thought if he knew why she suddenly stopped talking to Rick he would be able to help "Morty, i guarantee if Rick is going through something right now it hasn't got anything to do with me, we haven't talked in years."
How did she know? "How do you know that's the problem?" he asked, she giggled playfully rolling her eyes at him "Rick and i used to work together, well if you could really even call it that, it was more like working next to each other and having conversations. But we were also intimate with each other and i know the only reason you would be here without him is because there's a problem concerning him."
His eyes widened if Rick worked with her that could only mean that she was a genius too, so if they were partners and lovers in one way or another then how could she not be the problem? But then again they hadn't talked in years. She was right there was no way she could be the cause of his grandpa acting strange. With that he felt pretty much defeated, what now? He didn't know how to contact anyone else or even who to talk to, it took him almost two weeks just to find her and she lived on earth there was no way in fuck he’d be able to get in contact with anyone else without Rick.
"So what do i do now (Y/N)? I just want grandpa Rick to go back to normal, I can tell he’s faking being his old self." He sighed and dropped his head, his shoulders slumped, he resembled a kicked puppy in all honesty, they stood in silence for a while before she sighed, "Have you met Unity? Or has he talked to them recently?" she asked with an almost sour look on her face, Morty nodded "Well there you go, she probably fucked him then left again" Morty had an oo0oh moment and nodded.
"Just like all things he'll get over it, now i think it's about time i take you back home yeah?" He nodded, but now he felt kind of bad she seemed really, bothered by something . "(Y/N) have you ever liked Rick? Or you know when you used to come over a lot were you together?" He asked as they walked out the door and to her car. "Yes, we did date at the time, well what i thought was dating until he bluntly told me it was nowhere near that and i was just quote un quote, "something to do." As they got in the car Mortys mouth dropped open no wonder she just disappeared from their life like that.
"i-im sorry Rick’s a real dick sometimes" she shrugged and focused her eyes on the road, ”Listen Morty your grandpa is a lot of things, a dick especially, and when it comes to emotions, especially his own, he becomes a coward, please Morty i know you've picked up about 300 shitty casualties from him but avoid that like your life depends on it. Okay? Or at least promise to try?” Morty could tell how serious she was without even looking at her.
 The rest of the ride was silent, once she pulled into the driveway of Morty’s house she groaned seeing that the garage was open and Rick was standing in front of it. With his arms crossed, the moment his eyes landed on (Y/n) she felt her stomach drop, her hands were shaking, which Morty noticed. "Fuck me" she said under her breath, Morty got out the car but she stayed still almost frozen. "B-Bout damn time yo-ughh- you got here." Morty groaned "How did you even know I left?" Rick rolled his eyes "your mom o-obviously di-ugh-dipshit." Morty shook his head and waved goodbye to (y/n).
She waved back, she jumped when she realized Rick was now at her window motioning for her to get out she rolled her eyes before reluctantly getting out. He looked her up and down before stopping and staring at her lips, his eyes just sat there for a good minute before she cleared her throat. "Did you have something to say or did you just wanna stand here lookin’ stupid?" He scoffed before taking a swig of his flask "Y-You know yo-ughhh you never wer- seemed like one to hold a g-grudge. Thought yo-you wou-ughh would have got- been over it b-by now."
she stared at him with a blank expression before she back handed him sending him stumbling "wha-what the fuck!?" he exclaimed as he looked at her he was gonna say more till he noticed the tears streaming down her expressionless face "How long have we known each other rick?" he looked at her questionably "hey y-your ughh c--" she cut him off her voice a little louder than before "How fucking long rick?" he stood up right and looked into her watery (e/c) eyes as he held his cheek. "5 years" she nodded "and how many times in those 5 years did you introduce me to the many girls you fucked, the girls you ploughed mindlessly just to get off?”
he looked at her questionably again "none." he said simply "how many of them did you introduce to birdperson, or squanchy, or the people you know from other fuckin universes, Matter of fuckin’ fact, how many of those whores did you see walking around with different dimension ricks at the citadle?" he didn't have to think at all before saying "none" she nodded
"Rick not only, not fuckin’ only did you introduce me to squanchy, birdperson, and other Rick’s and their (y/n), when you decided you were ready to go back into Beths life you introduced me to your family, to your only daughter, to your nephew, your niece, and the dickhead that you cant fuckin’ stand for knockin you daughter up, that that in itself should be enough proof that im not just a hole off the street for you to have fun with" he stood silently still looking into her (e/c) eyes.
"And that the crazy fuckin’ thing rRick! not once did we even have sex, we never went further than sleep naked together! So for you to have looked me directly in my fucking face, and tell me that I was simply something to do didn't hurt, what hurt was the fact that you lied! You lied Rick! Straight through yo motha fuckin’ teeth! The fact that you're a genius doesn't mean shit to me when you don't even have the damn brain capacity to admit when you care about someone! You are a fuckin coward! I know you're scared to be hurt again, fine! But dont fucking pussy out and act like the shit that we had meant nothing!"
Rick was at a lost for words he didn't want to get attached to anyone since Diane and he knew that, he watched as (Y/n) wiped the tears from her eyes ``It hurts like a bitch to love someone so much, and to know that they love you back but won't admit it, it just makes you feel like they’re ashamed of you, like you're ashamed of me, Rick i asked for nothing when we first met." she sighed
“I told you that i just wanted to learn, you took that as if i can get the bitch to trust me enough i can eventually fuck her, yet you never even made a move Rick, your exact words were, i dont want you talking to anyone else, and i accepted that as your fucked up way of asking me out. i never once asked to label us because i already knew what we were, i thought i actually meant something to you.” The two sat in silence for a couple minutes she had hoped he would say something, and when he didn't she shook her head and got ready to get back in her car " I have to go, tell Morty to come see me whenever i guess." she turned ready to get in her car till she fell through a lime green portal. She landed in Rick's room, on his bed to be exact Rick soon came in after opening another portal and walked through.
“When normal people want to talk they usually use their words.” she said as she rolled her eyes and stoop up intending to leave, she wasn't the person she was 5 years ago, he couldn't kiss and caress his way out of this one. She was sick of him talking his way out of things his words couldn't be trusted and his actions were misleading so at this point fuck it, fuck him, fuck his hugs, his kisses, his scent, fuck the way he looked at her with longing eyes and made her weak in the knees. 
Fuck everything, enough was enough, either he wanted to be with her, or he didnt those were his options, she hadnt even realized tears were freely falling down her (S/C) cheeks, she was shaking, she had tried to pursue a relationship with at least 10 other men and it all failed, she was taping her foot fast with her arms crossed as she kept looking at the ground 
She didnt want him to see her like that the man had barely said a fuckin word and here she stood crying her eyes out, damn near hyperventilating “I’m sorry … you’re right, i am a fuckin coward and everything you said is true … fuck this is making me nauseous, all this sappy bullshit, to sum up this shit show of our relationship i love you, i am a cunt for pulling that bullshit, like you didnt mean anything to me because unfortunately you do, i gave into the pathetic chemical reaction that makes me just as human and vulnerable as the rest of our shitty race, hell i might even be a little less Rick because of this shit but if it means you wont disappear again …. It's worth it.”
She slowly approached Rick and buried her face in his chest as she cried, finally the dickhead admitted to well, being a dickhead and a liar, and a coward, and a cunt pussy shit fuck bastard, and his way of apologizing, it was.. Shitty but that's what she expected, he held her tightly kissing the top of her head inhaling her sent messaging her scalp through her (kinky,curly,thick,straight) hair
Once again they'd be sharing the night together she already knew he wasn't letting her leave so after she had stopped crying and did all the things she needed to do before she went to sleep she crawled into bed with him usually shed sleep on his chest but tonight rick insisted on sleeping on her chest probably his way of making sure she stayed there. Of course the two were butterball ass naked it was the only way she could sleep, “i love you” rick said just as she was drifting to sleep she smiled and kissed his forehead “i love you too.”  
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jeontaehui · 4 years
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kun kunhee
taehee’s true aegyo only shows when she talks to kun.
she would call him ‘kun gege‘ or ‘kunnie kun kun’ when she’s feeling it lol
taehee Loves kun’s cooking !!! every time the neos would separate into groups during an activity that involved cooking, she’d beg to be in the same group as him.
(nct world ep. 8) “oppa, your food is to die for.”
kun looks at taehee very fondly, like how a dad would watch his child. 
he thinks taehee can be a bit out of hand sometimes, but 98% of the time they’re together, kun looks like he’d spoil taehee without her having to ask him. 
(180403 vlive) “kun-ge,” taehee skips in her steps as kun turns his head to acknowledge her, “hmm?” “if ten oppa asked you to cut me in half, would you?” she asks him expectantly, and without missing a beat, he replies, “no”. triumphantly, taehee turns to the back to stick out her tongue at ten, “see, you’re the only person—“ “i don’t want to have two of you around,” kun cuts her off with a playful smirk, which turns to a laugh as soon as taehee lets out a gasp. she continued to ramble about how she trusted him, how she felt betrayed. “i’m just kidding,” kun says as he put his arm around taehee’s shoulders, pulling her close before ruffling her hair. 
although they’re not a very popular duo or not seen together quite often, taehee absolutely missed kun and his playfulness (and maybe his cooking too).
iconic moment (uncut take #1 | 2020 yearparty behind scene #2) “hello,” they respectfully greeted, with taehee clinging to kun’s side. “i’m here with taehee,” kun starts, “and even if we aren’t in a scene together, we’re hanging out.”
“i missed kun oppa,” taehee pouts, “kun gege.” this immediately made kun smile, it was clear how kun adored taehee like she was his own child. “really?” and taehee nods in response. “it’s been like, what, two years? since i’ve last seen you. moments with you are like, a breath of fresh air,” kun softly laughs at the comparison as he shakes his head at her dramatics. “you’re just making stuff up, aren’t you?”
“i’m not! i swear!”
“are you sure it’s not my cooking that you missed?”
“well... maybe that too.”
song happier by marshmellow ft. bastille
ten tnt / tenhee
taehee likes to think of ten as her twin, but then he would always shoot down the idea. 
(n’-75) “we’re like twins, right?” taehee tells ten before throwing a chip into her mouth. “yeah, but you’re the annoying one and everyone likes me.”
their videos on nct’s dance channel are literally Divine !!!!!! nctzens especially went wild when taehee performed with ten on ‘hit the stage’.
the dirty jokes ..... don’t even get me started. ten would make one remark and it immediately becomes dirty when he makes eye contact with taehee (ft. mark sometimes). if taehee was about to break out laughing, she’d go “UGH I HATE YOU!”
but even if they’re like this with each other, ten and taehee care about each other a whole lot :(
(nct world ep. 3) taehee strained her wrist while attempting to do jump over the vault. though she was able to balance herself quickly, she looked as if she were about to fall; at this split second, ten took a worried step forward, afraid that she’d slip to the ground. later, when taehee comes back with a wrist guard around her hand, ten takes a concerned look at her and asks if she was okay.
taehee also caught a cold while they were preparing for ‘90’s love’ and ten kept insisting he’d make her something to help her feel better.
ten would never admit it but taehee is his baby, anything or anyone that’s bothering her will have to go through him first >:(
iconic moment (jcc ep. 25) “ten, i don’t think it’s supposed to work that way,” taehee giggles at him as he stood a foot away from her while mixing his self-made cookie dough. “no, you wait for it. it’s gonna work,” ten insists while pointing the wooden spoon menacingly at taehee, but this just made the girl smile wider.
she secretly slides the jar of white sugar towards her and scoops up a spoonful, before moving carefully towards ten. “i don’t even think you added sugar,” she mumbles, but his body moves to block her and she bumps into his back with another step. “HEY!” she laughs at how protective ten was getting over his cookie dough, and his stirring becoming more and more aggressive as she tries to put sugar in it, “i’m going to place some so it has a taste!”
ten protests that he already did a while ago while taehee maneuvered her way around him laughing. ten knew what she was trying to do and so he bumped his hip against hers to stop her from getting any nearer. “this is going to spill! ten, stop!,” taehee tries to hold in her giggles, ten was being too cute. “and you’re going to clean it up when it does,” he bites back.
taehee resumes to finding ways to get sugar into the mix while ten resists, causing a very entertained mark to fill the studio with laughter. after a few minutes of trying, taehee sighs and puts back the sugar in the jar, "wow, i never knew baking could be so tiring.”
turns out, ten’s cookies didn’t come out that well and taehee’s expression said it all. “i told you so.”
song positions by ariana grande 
winwin winhee
when winwin was promoting with wayv, he and taehee would send each other messages asking about their days or if they had plans for anything. since both units were busy, they really never do this and it’s only rare that they message each other, let alone call each other.
that’s why taehee was very happy when she saw winwin again for resonance :(
if taehee was chill about her love for winwin before, now she’d just poke his cheeks every once in a while.
(uncut take #1 | 2020 yearparty behind scene #1) taehee watches from the side as three or four members corner winwin to gush over him, making her give a disapproving shake of the head to the camera. “everyone, winwin hyungie is like a baby,” she nods. “babies won’t like it if you bother them too much, so you have to be subtle with your affection.” taehee gives a playful smirk to the camera, “that’s why winwin hyungie likes me.”
winwin, on the other hand, thinks that taehee changed very much the last time he saw her. from being childish and innocent, she became matured and confident. this is how winwin felt time really flew.
(uncut take #1 | 2020 yearparty behind scene #1) “winwin gege~,” taehee whines, seeing how it would roll off her tongue. “did i say that right? ‘winwin gege’?,” she looks to see that winwin already had a fond smile on his face. “you are so cute,” he pouts, “jeon taehee, you are really too cute.”
iconic moment (201106 twitter blueroom live) “winwin hyung, who is your favorite member here in 90’s love?,” haechan asks from his left. and as everyone appeals to him, including mark who touches his ear out of affection, he already had one person in mind. “jeon taehee.”
song left to right by marteen
lucas luhee
a very very very very chaotic duo.
if you watch compilation videos of the funniest moments from empathy era, the iconic clip of lucas and taehee saying something else instead of ‘yadom’ (nasal spray) would always be included. they had to cut out that part from the live later, and members had to tell them what ‘야동’ actually meant in the next live.
taehee would try to teach lucas some korean before, but then that’s just her talking in korean with an english accent.
(180712 vlive) “why are you so tall?,” taehee raises her eyebrow at him. “why are you so short?,” lucas laughs.
taehee threw a pick-up line at mark during that same live, and lucas asked her why wasn’t she like that to him too. “lucas, don’t laugh but,” taehee tells him, “even if you’re as tall as a tree, i’ll still see you as a big baby. i’m not lying.”
and so jungwoo and taehee’s snacking tradition was actually jungwoo, taehee, and lucas’ snacking tradition.
for taehee, it’s so satisfying to watch lucas eat especially if he’s enjoying it so much. lucas actually admitted that the food that taehee carried in her bag would eventually go to his stomach. it became a habit for taehee to carry some in her bag even if lucas wasn’t promoting with her anymore.
iconic moment (uncut take #14 | ‘resonance’ mv behind the scene) “yo lucas,” taehee greets as she was pulled into a friendly bro hug. when she pulls away, she quicklt takes a look at lucas’ gorgeous features and steps back, “woah, you’re seriously so handsome.” lucas turns shy at her compliment and rubs the back of his neck, “you too.”
taehee raises her eyebrows in amusement, smirking as she says, “i’m handsome too?” lucas thinks for a moment before nodding yes, “you can be handsome too.”
“okay czennies, meet two very handsome people. hello!”
song rather be by clean bandit (ft. jess glynne)
xiaojun xiaohee
out of all the ‘99 boys, she’d want to get to know xiaojun more the most. 
they’re not awkward with each other, they’re just shy to approach each other and start a conversation. 
(sun & moon ep. 2) “taehee-ssi told me the other day she really liked xiaojun hyung’s voice out of the blue,” the said girl eyes haechan carefully, suddenly feeling nervous at what he’s going to pull. “i told her she should tell you herself, why is she telling me? she said she was shy,” when he had said this, a chorus of ‘ohh’s’ came from the rest of the bunch, except for taehee. she had a threatening smile on her face directed at the one and only lee haechan, so he decides to prod her further, “taehee-ssi, perhaps you’d like a guesting on awsaz?”
unknowingly though, xiaojun soon becomes one of the causes of taehee’s smiles or laughter whenever they’re filming together. 
(nct world ep. 2) “taehee, fighting!,” he cheers as taehee stepped forward to arm wrestle. the latter quickly turns around to give him a salute as she winks.
(201120 vlive) “xiaojun comes home and he talks about taehee too,” kun shares, “they hang out a lot.” doyoung snickers, “he fell for her too? taehee tells us how funny you guys are in your dorms, but she only ever talked about xiaojun.”
so yes ,,, they are very shy around each other but as far as we know !!! they’re really good friends who want to be closer to each other.
iconic moment (uncut take #14 | ‘resonance’ mv behind the scene) “you guys have pets in your dorm, right?,” taehee asks him as she leaned back, her arms supporting her from behind. “yes, we have three. the dog is bella and we have two cats named leon and louis,” taehee’s eyes widened, though she admits she feels jealous to have their pets around.
“i would keep my dog with me but they won’t let me.”
“oh really? what’s the name?”
“her name is 뚱이, and she’s a lhasa apso.”
“ahh,” xiaojun nods, “does she pee on your carpet?”
taehee throws her head back slightly as she laughs at the question, bringing a hand to her mouth to hide her growing smile. “do your pets pee on your carpet?” xiaojun shrugs, “well, sometimes,” he nods off disappointingly, causing taehee to giggle. “but we love them,” xiaojun sighs, and his eyes see taehee’s wide smile as she agrees with him. “that’s right, we love them.”
song i really like you by carly rae jepsen 
hendery deryhee
taehee finds hendery SO funny, i swear.
like he can literally just smile and nod she’d bust her lungs out from laughing
nctzens found it cute when taehee and hendery monitored each other while they were shooting for the ‘misfit’ track vid.
(misfit track video behind the scene) “ooo hendery is good. he looks cool.”
taehee watched the awsaz episode of winwin and jisung ,,, firstly because of those two.
but then hendery and haechan were so funny too she may have shed a tear from laughing.
a fan asked in those video call fansigns if taehee has watched any of wayv’s videos and she laughed, saying that she watched the one where they acted as disney princesses.
“hendery is so funny, really,” she smiled. “I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD!!!!”
they became really close during resonance era and talk about games, their pets, and already have some inside jokes between the two of them.
like a member would just say ‘cabbage’ and we already have the two of them smiling to each other from across the room !!! or they’d make eye contact when looking at the mirror and taehee would just bust out laughing.
iconic moment (201106 twitter blueroom live) “you’re really, really, really, really handsome,” yuta starts with utmost sincerity, “hendery.” the latter brings a hand to his face, his face warming up at the compliment as he sighs contently. this comical reaction causes taehee to burst into a fit of laughter, one you could hear off-cam.
later, when it was time for the ‘90’s love’ unit to take charge of the live, taehee giggles out of the blue, trying to keep her laughs in. “why?,” mark asks as he glances at her. “i’m sorry i just,” she pauses. surely, she was thinking about the funny things hendery pulled when they were doing the live before them. “i just keep thinking about how funny hendery was. i’m sorry, i’ll just eat my fries,” she says the last part quickly, throwing a french fry in her mouth as she bites back a smile.
song love story by taylor swift (disco lines ft. cassidi remix)
yangyang yanghee
taehee finds yangyang SO cute, precious, and tiny.
whenever yangyang is speaking, we’d see taehee in the corner of the frame smiling. 
she’s all over the yangyang vocalist agenda !!!!!!
(uncut #16 | ‘90’s love’ recording behind) “this is yangyang’s voice, isn’t it?,” taehee beams as she hears the younger’s voice through her headphones. “i really like his voice.”
yangyang’s such a smiley baby around taehee, partially because she told him he was very cute when he smiles.
fans find it so endearing when taehee calls yangyang “yangyangie” as if she’s talking to a baby :(
(201022 weibo live) “taehee noona and i play games when she comes here,” yangyang tells renjun. “and then she’ll hangout with the pets later,” he and renjun laugh at this. typical taehee.
taehee would buy drinks from the vending machine for sungchan since he’s the maknae in ‘90’s love’ but !!!! she makes a special exception for yangyang.
just a little bit more and he’s up taehee’s baby list ^ ^
iconic moment (uncut take #8 | ‘90′s love’ mv behind) “today is yangyang’s birthday!,” taehee chirps as she held the camera, making sure she and yangyang were both in the frame. “you’re like, 21 now, right?,” yangyang nods, “how are you feeling today?”
“i feel happy right now since you guys like prepared a cake and stuff and sang ‘happy birthday’ to me awhile ago,” taehee smiles at this. “so i’ll continue to work hard with you guys as we wrap up filming,” yangyang finishes as he beams at her, the latter mirroring his expression. 
“you’re so cute, you know that, right?,” taehee coos as she focuses the camera to yangyang (who smiles shyly at the compliment), before placing herself back in frame. “i only got to play games with yangyang a few times because chenle invited me, but now that we’re all spending time together, i think yangyang’s a very cute dongsaeng.” at this, they both giggle and taehee raises her fist for a fist bump. “i know,” yangyang says as he bumps his fist against hers, taehee laughing at this cute ball of sunshine. 
song timber by pitbull (ft. ke$ha) 
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starrybouquet · 3 years
yo should i watch star trek? i've been thinking about watching it but there are so many shows and movies and it's verrry overwhelming.
star trek and ncis have both been in my list of shows to watch for a long time, but i never got around to actually watching them. watching u post about them makes me wanna binge watch them but it's SO overwhelming and idk where to start
Okay, first off, you should ABSOLUTELY watch Star Trek. It's GLORIOUS and absolutely bonkers and thoughtful at the same time. You should also definitely watch NCIS because for a show about murder, it is surprisingly comforting 😂
This post got VERY VERY long because I learned I have a LOT of thoughts about how to watch large amounts of television. Uh, sorry 😂I split it up into NCIS and Star Trek, and then....the Star Trek section is still really long. I hope it's not too much rambling, and that it is possibly helpful?? I feel really honored you asked me about this <3
NCIS is pretty simple to binge - I just finished watching it for the first time. Pretty much, I'd run straight through NCIS (the original, not NCIS:LA or NCIS:NO) from season 1-13. A few caveats: I enjoyed s1-s2, but I have some friends who were bothered by a few episodes that were transphobic. I mean it's kind of expected, since the show started in 2003 and some of the characters weren't written as the most accepting people, at least at the start But that doesn't make it easier to watch. If you think that will bother you, I'd be happy to give you a list of episodes to watch/skip. :)
From season 3 onward, I'd really just watch in order (you can skip some of the more gruesome ones *glares at two specific season 3 episodes*). I wandered off sometime around season 13/14 but you can conceivably continue on to season 18 which just finished like a week ago, I think?
Oh, and then you can try the spin-offs. Neither have really been able to hold my attention but you might have better luck!
Star Trek
Okay this one is a lot less simple. Yes, there is SO much Star Trek and asking yourself to binge all of it is very very confusing because....this timeline is a good explanation.
Tumblr media
Sir, what?
So! There's no right way to binge Trek. I'd definitely start with a TV show. Yes, there are a lot of Star Trek movies and some of them are fabulous, but Star Trek was born on TV and the TV shows are still the bread and butter of the franchise.
There are maybe five good entry points for Star Trek. If you don't like the first one you try, try a different one, since they are similar but every entry in the franchise has a very different feel.
I'd say there are maybe five good entry points for Star Trek:
Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-1969) The classic, very first Star Trek. Kirk, Spock, McCoy. Absolutely ICONIC. Has a few fabulous, classic high-concept sci-fi episodes and a few absolutely HILARIOUS episodes. If you choose this one, be prepared for a show that's VERY 60s in color and style, thinly-veiled Vietnam War allegories, and a lot of William Shatner.
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994) My personal favorite. Episodic, absolutely brilliant acting, and the RANGE! Literally has a cross-dressing Wild West romp one week and a deep, "machines develop a sense of self-preservation" plot the next. Some of the very best television ever made. The only problem with TNG is it starts reallllly slow. Most people don't really enjoy season 1, and it really doesn't get good until halfway thru season 2. So I'd recommend watching the pilot, then maybe skipping through a few s1 episodes as they strike your fancy. There are a few good ones but also many duds. The nice thing is it's entirely episodic so you can skip without worrying about losing the main thread of the story. After the pilot, I think the only season 1 episode that's crucial for plotty reasons is Skin of Evil (1x23)? Then starting with A Measure of a Man (2x09) I'd watch straight through. The rest of the series is EXCELLENT and quality is, on average, fairly high. (Okay, you can skip the last episode of s2 since it's a clip show. A writer's strike happened. XD) If you choose this route, be prepared for the slow start. And the VERY 80s sci-fi costumes. :)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999) I'm not a huge DS9 fan, but I really, really enjoy their comedic episodes. If season-long arcs and a more gritty, politick-y feel strikes your fancy, this is the show for you. Again, this one has brilliant acting (most Trek does tbh) and a LOT of range. DS9 is set during wartime, so it's definitely got a different feel. I like it but don't love it, but this show has changed the lives of a lot of people, I think, so it's definitely a good option. I think DS9 starts better than TNG, and this is definitely one you want to watch in order. Seasons 1-3 are a little more episodic and then the series-long war arc begins in earnest.
Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001) I have an outsized love for Voyager entirely because of fandom. (J/C fandom has a very large overlap with Sam/Jack fandom!) The premise of Voyager is that it's a ragtag crew (half military officers, half rebel terrorists) trying to get home after being flung 70,000 light years from Earth (which will take roughly 70 years for them to traverse). This is the only show with a female captain and it is TERRIFIC. I'm just saying, if you watch this one, be prepared to ship the captain and the first officer. Because...you will. :) Overall quality of Voyager is, IMHO, not quite as high as TNG. It's again more episodic with some occasional multi-episode plot threads. But the two shows have equally strong captains, and Voyager is definitely a more scrappy ship than TNG's Enterprise. The characters change a LOT over seven seasons, so definitely watch Voyager in order. I think this show actually has one of the better pilot episodes of Star Trek, in a franchise full of notoriously poor pilot episodes.
Star Trek: Discovery (2017-) If you want a "modern" show - y'know, fancy effects and such - I'd roll with Discovery. But it's definitely a controversial entry in the franchise, and one of the less consistent ones, IMHO. But I really like the pilot, and also enjoyed season 2, so you could definitely start here if you're looking for something that's more recent and less, y'know, of whatever era it was made.
For people who love SG-1, I'd probably start with TNG or Voyager? I'm not sure. Discovery is a lot flashier but I think you'll probably enjoy the other four more, if you like SG-1. Totally a matter of personal taste, though.
I hope you got to the end of this, and honestly, if you want to get into either of these shows and are still confused, just message me? I will happily give advice :)
Just binge NCIS from episode 1 onward. If you are very sensitive to transphobia, message me and I'll tell you which season 1 eps to skip.
For Trek: If you love SG-1, I'd start with The Next Generation or Voyager. But honestly, you could start with The Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, or Discovery, depending on what you like in your TV.
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gureishi · 4 years
either 14, 16, or 19 with jaehee. and you can make is nsfw only if your heart desires 👀
OH, thank you for giving me this excuse to write some Jaehee smut. I am deeply in debt to you, my friend.
I went ahead and made MC biologically female/afab here even though you didn’t specify a gender (cause I needed to describe body parts and god I wanted to write some wlw sexytimes), but MC can still be any gender you’d like to imagine!
sixteen: wake up to stars in the sky
Jaehee X Reader, E, words: 3553
Smut warning, proceed with caution ♡
You shiver as you pull your keys out of your jacket pocket and unlock the door to the cafe. In a few hours, it’ll probably be a warm, lovely day; now, the sky is still pitch black and the early morning chill seems to penetrate every cell of your body. Your bones feel hollow.
You wiggle the key in the lock (it always sticks) and make your way inside, stifling a yawn. Everything is just the way you left it yesterday evening: the chairs stacked nearly upside down on the tables, the floors swept spotless, the single emergency light glowing dimly on the back wall. You check your phone, the bright screen making your head ache—it really is so early. By some miracle, for the first time in ages, you’re here first. It seems only fair: you’re the one who agreed to book out the cafe for this corporate event, and so it’s really your fault that you’re here getting ready to open two hours earlier than usual. It had seemed like such a good business move at the time; now, squinting at the empty cafe through sleepy eyes, you hate yourself for it.
Forcing your poor muscles to work, you slip behind the bar and start turning on the lights, keeping them low for now—just enough light that you can see, not enough that you’ll get a full-on headache. As you’re tying on your apron, your hear a key in the door (not rattling around—she’s always so much gentler with the door than you are, and it always seems to open easily for her). The bell on the door chimes and you turn, leaning your arms on the counter in a way that you hope is charming and flirtatious.
“Morning, beautiful. What can I get you?” you sing, putting on your most exaggerated barista manner. She laughs, soft and sleepy.
“I’m sorry you beat me here today,” she says, slipping off her coat. There’s something about the way she looks in the early morning—her hair, which is normally pristine, is just slightly fluffed, like she brushed it a little too fast; her big eyes have a sort of puppy dog quality, as though she can’t quite keep them all the way open. You admire and adore her when she’s put-together and pristine; but when she’s even the tiniest bit in disarray, you find her absolutely intoxicating.
“I wouldn’t have, if…” you trail off, absentmindedly spraying disinfectant on the (already very clean) counter.
“If…?” She joins you behind the bar, hangs her coat on a hook. You pretend not to notice her as she comes up behind you, waiting waiting till you feel her soft, small hand on your side to react. You close your eyes gratefully and tilt your face toward hers; she kisses your lips once, with such gentleness it makes your fingertips tremor.
“Ugh, if you’d just move in with me already,” you whine, dramatically slumping over the counter. Her hand slips from your side up your back, agile fingers finding the tension between your shoulder blades and rubbing it away with the casual ease of someone who knows your body as well as she knows her own.
“It won’t be much longer until we can afford our own place together,” she says, and her sweet voice and her fingers on your back are almost enough to lull you back to sleep—right here, standing in the cafe with your apron on and your face pressed into the counter. “It’s not practical for me to move all my things to your place for us to then have to move again so soon.”
“Not soon enough for me,” you mutter. You don’t mean to be grumpy with her—but it’s just so early, and you had to spend last night alone in bed once again, and her simple good night texts just aren’t cutting it anymore.
She moves away from you then, and you hear the sounds of her rummaging around in the cabinets.
“I know how you feel, but we need to have patience,” she murmurs, and suddenly you feel guilty for whining to her, for laying uselessly across the counter, for behaving like a child. Begrudgingly, you lift your head and begin spraying down the gleaming wood all over again.
“You’re the goddess of patience and self-control and I’m just your grouchy, miserable disciple,” you tell her. You wipe down the counter with big, circular motions; behind you, she’s plugging in the industrial-size coffee grinder, pulling down packets of fresh beans from the cabinet. Even with your back turned, you can sense her movements. You’ve memorized all her patterns: the way she carefully unrolls the tops of the brown paper bags of coffee beans, leans forward and takes one tiny sniff, closes her eyes to enjoy the scent for a moment, then rapidly gets to work, pouring the beans in the grinder with a businesslike efficiency.
You can’t help but grin as you hear the beans cascading into the grinder—just on time.
She’s quiet for a moment as she grinds the beans. She doesn’t like to shout over the sound, and you don’t ask her to. You tuck your rag back into your apron pocket and move into the larger dining space, start setting chairs upright at the tables.
You peer at her out of the corner of your eye as you carefully arrange the chairs: perfectly symmetrical, four around each little round table. Her tongue pokes out a tiny bit as she focuses on the coffee, and you know she’s counting in her head. It’s these little things that first drew you to her—the quiet, meticulous way she works to make things just right. And as you grew to love her, you uncovered the unbridled desperation with which she quests for perfection, and you fell in love with this, too—her longing, her prudence.
You turn over the last chair and survey the dining room: it’s neat, just the way you like it; the dark wood is scrubbed clean and the tabletops shimmer.
Jaehee finishes grinding the coffee. 
“You’re not my disciple,” she says simply, and at first you don’t remember what she’s responding to. But she always remembers—never leaves you hanging, never leaves a thought unanswered. She pauses and you see from the way her hand lingers too long on the side of the coffee grinder that she has more to say. “And I’m not as patient as you seem to think I am,” she says at last, her voice unexpectedly quiet. 
On the pretense of bringing her the glass jar for the freshly-ground beans, you move closer to the counter. You’re surprised to see that she’s blushing, a light pink dusted over her cheeks. It doesn’t seem like she’s going to say more, so you slip around the bar and set the jar beside her, slide an arm around her waist. She squirms delightfully at your touch.
“What on earth could my perfect girlfriend be impatient about?” you say into her ear. She shuts her eyes and exhales, sounding a little unsteady. Again, you’re taken aback—it’s usually not so easy to affect her, especially here at the cafe. You’ve tried—oh, you’ve tried to flirt with her while working, skating a hand over her hip as she peers into the pastry case, winking at her from across the crowded dining area—but normally she’s so composed here, all efficiency and priorities.
But now—and maybe because it’s still dark out, practically nighttime, and maybe it’s because your schedules have prevented you from spending the night together for days—she’s flustered, cheeks distinctly pink, body frozen in place. So you take advantage of the rare moment of weakness, experimentally sliding your hand down to the small of her back. She keeps her eyes closed but you hear her breath hitch in her throat. Interesting.
“I have to start the drip coffee,” she whispers, but she’s leaning into your touch. You love her at all times: chatting with customers, hair tucked cutely behind her ears; trying out a new recipe, eyebrows knitted with concentration; falling into your bed at night, looking so small and lovable in a too-big t-shirt. But you love her like this perhaps the most: face pink, open, vulnerable; every muscle in her body on high alert and attuned to you.
“So start the coffee,” you say. “Don’t mind me.”
She laughs, and it turns into a startled cough as you shift so you’re behind her, arms wrapping around her waist, dancing over the front of her neatly-pressed apron.
She chokes out your name, scolding, and you giggle.
“You can multi-task, right?” You slide your hands lower, feeling her prominent hip bones through the apron. You press your nose into her back, inhaling the familiar scent of her shampoo: coconut and vanilla.
She hesitates, and you think she might push you away; “Later,” she’ll say—patient as always, cool as a cucumber. But: “I’m making the coffee,” she says. “I take no responsibility for—whatever you’re going to do.”
Your heart skips a beat. Pressed against her back, you feel the way her muscles tense, anticipating your touch. Above the counter, her efficient little hands busy themselves with the coffee maker. Under the counter, you drift your hands lower, over the smooth fabric of her skirt, pulling it taut against her thighs.
She fills the coffee pot with cool water from the sink that’s, thankfully, within reach; you glide your hands down her thighs, questing for the bottom of her skirt, where the soft, neat fabric flares out just below her knees.
You find the bottom edge and grasp it in one hand, bunching it up against her legs. She pours the water into the coffee maker, her pink tongue peeking out over her lip again. If not for the tiny bit of water that spills over the side of the coffee pot—so unlike her—you’d never know anything was out of the ordinary.
“Could you tell me what it is you were impatient for?” you whisper into the back of her neck. You can see she gets goosebumps at the feeling of your breath, so you part her hair and, experimentally, exhale directly on the skin. She noticeably shivers.
“Suffice it to say I was thinking about you,” she says, voice a little high-pitched, and you giggle and slide one hand up her thigh. Her skin is warm and supple under your fingertips. With the hand that’s not exploring under her skirt, you caress her side, over her arm.
“What were you thinking about me?” you ask her. Your hand quests higher, just barely grazing her underwear. She doesn’t make a sound, but you can feel how fast her heart is beating.
“I was…I just…ahhh.” She tries valiantly, but you graze her underwear again, startled and delighted to find a tiny spot of wetness on her perfect satin panties. 
“Don’t you need to make the coffee?” you murmur into her ear, peppering little kisses down the side of it and then taking her earlobe into your mouth. You suck it gently and feel her shoulders quiver.
“I…y-yes.” She’s been frozen in place, but now she goes for the coffee filters, puts one in. You rub your index finger over her underwear again and she deposits the filter into the coffee maker with perhaps too much force. You stroke her again, making a slow, tight circle with your finger; you pull her hair off her neck with your other hand, tug your fingers through it. She tilts her head back, but her legs are steady.
You want to see her unsteady.
So you curl your finger, flicking it against the silky fabric of her underwear. She’s persistent, stubborn—even as you feel the way her body is shaking against yours, she scoops a small, deliciously scented heap of coffee into the filter.
You increase the pressure the tiniest bit, flit your finger more quickly against her, and she keens, back arching as the scoop falls from her hand. There’s coffee on the floor.
“Oh, I need to…”
She reflexively bends, as if to clean up the spilled coffee; and you know it goes against all of her instincts, but you stop her with a firm hand on her shoulder, spin her to face you. The look on her face is almost too much for you: her eyes are gigantic above her pink cheeks. You feel your own legs quivering and remind yourself that she’s the one you want to see unraveled. You press her back against the counter with both hands and her eyelids flutter shut, the spilled coffee forgotten. You bunch up her skirt again, more vigorously this time, and slip a hand up and under the waistband of her panties.
You know better—you’re probably breaking about a million health code regulations right now, and you see in her eyes that she’s thinking about that too. But then you slip one warm, questing finger inside her, curling it upwards, and the anxiety on her face dissolves instantly.
“Was this what you were thinking about when you missed me last night?” you ask her. With your thumb, you put pressure on her clit again—its hot beneath the pad of your finger, pulsing as though relieved to be touched again. She stammers something you can’t understand, and you curl your finger inside her, making a little circle on her clit with your thumb at the same time.
She’s shivering now, fingers grasping at your waist. You slide your finger deeper and she grabs at you harder, and finally—finally—you see her give in, letting out a quiet, beautiful moan as her legs give out and she clutches at your waist for support. You brace her with one hand and push her harder into the counter, continuing your unrelenting pressure on her clit.
She’s shaking, shaking, and move your finger inside her, holding her tight as she trembles violently against you.
“Take a deep breath,” you murmur, and she does, and you move your fingers to the rhythm of her heartbeat. As she exhales, you insert a second finger into her, curling up beside the first; this undoes her completely, and her head falls forward onto your shoulder as she comes, hands grasping handfuls of your apron.
She’s panting and you stroke her hair off her face with one hand. Her shirt has come untucked and her skirt is bunched around her hips. And she’s every bit as perfect like this—flushed and needy—as she is when she’s composed and coolheaded.
“Was it okay that I did that?” you whisper into her hair—too little too late, you think, but suddenly you’re so conscious of the large, empty dining area behind you, the coffee grounds on the floor.
She doesn’t say anything. “Sweetheart?”
She lifts her head to yours and there’s a mischievous twinkle there, a look you’ve rarely seen—once or twice, lying beside you on her perfectly-made bed, but certainly never here in the cafe.
She kisses your lips, quick and soft, taking you by surprise.
“There’s something I’d like to do, and it…it’s probably not a good idea.”
You grin. “Whatever it is, I’m in.”
She takes you by the hand, interlacing her delicate fingers with yours. You follow wordlessly as she leads you into the dining area. The curtains are drawn, but you still feel somehow exposed.
“Would you please…um, sit on the table?” she asks. Her gaze is averted and she hasn’t bothered to fix her untucked shirt. You want to fix it for her. You feel nervous, suddenly, and you can’t explain why.
But you obey her, because of course you do—sliding up on the table with ease. And she’s touching you, her coffee-scented hands on your legs, her efficient fingers untying your apron, unzipping your pants.
And for a moment, you’re lost—lost in her soft fingers on your thighs as she tugs your pants over your hips. But then you look up and see the cute sea glass light fixture, and oh my god, you’re in the cafe right now, and your heart starts pounding.
“Jaehee, this…”
She looks back at you with such adoration that you’re lost for words.
“Will you let me do this for you?” Her fingers are on your underwear now, pulling it down your legs, and it’s happening so quickly, and your head’s spinning, and that stupid light fixture is swinging back and forth over your head like a pendulum.
“The…table,” you mutter.
“This is what disinfectant is for,” she says, and you think god, we’ll have to bleach the whole damn place, and then you stop thinking entirely as she tugs your underwear all the way off in one swift motion and her head disappears from your line of sight as she sinks to her knees.
You lean back, propping yourself on the table with your elbows, and you know what’s coming right before it happens—you tremble in anticipation, feeling vulnerable and desperate.
Her tongue flits over you, warm and startling and delightful. You hold your breath, arms shaking beneath you as her tongue caresses you, darting in and out of her mouth. You lean back further, closing your eyes and let the sensations roll over you like an ocean wave. She moves faster now and your hips rock upward involuntarily as her tongue dances over you, tearing you apart so impossibly gently.
Sensing your need, she gives you more, increasing the pressure, turning your head around. You can hardly feel the hard wood table beneath you anymore, and the light fixture means nothing, and you’re no longer at work but in a void full of only you and her.
She slips her finger where her mouth was and kisses up the soft skin where your hip meets your thigh. Her finger takes up the rhythm her tongue began and your body is dissolving like salt in water.
And then her mouth is on you again, and you think you say her name, leaning forward, twisting yourself into an impossible position as you tangle a hand in her hair. And even like this, bent almost double on the cafe table, your thighs are shaking uncontrollably and the room is dissolving around you.
You can’t take it anymore; your head is going to explode; and you open your eyes and see the light fixture dangling above you again, and the empty room that’s usually full of chattering customers, and her tongue darts out again, and again, and again, and you’re gasping for air, legs flopping helplessly against the hard wood.
One last wave crests and breaks over you and you let yourself go. Jaehee grips your thighs with both hands, holding you in place, and you feel indistinguishable, meaningless sounds tearing from your throat as you forget who, or where, you are.
And then it’s quiet. Quiet and so still.
Vaguely, you feel her pulling away, standing up and curling her little hands into yours. She’s warm against you and you lean into her instinctively; she kisses your forehead, your ear, your shoulder. She’s saying something and you have to shake your head to clear it, desperately tugging yourself back to reality.
“…do that,” she says, laughing the soft laugh that makes you think of the bells on the door of the cafe.
“Um,” you manage. You have to catch your breath. “What did you say?”
“I absolutely cannot believe we did that,” she repeats. You’ve still got the height advantage, perched on the table, and she leans her face on your chest. You envelop her, wrapping both arms around her neck.
“I’m serious,” you tell her after a moment. “You have to move in with me.”
She pulls away a little and you pat the spot beside you on the table. She hesitates, deliberates—then something breaks in her eyes and she hops up beside you. You rest your head on her shoulder.
“Why?” she asks.
“Because if we keep spending nights apart we’re going to keep fucking in the coffee shop,” you say.
“You really shouldn’t say ‘fuck’ at work,” she says reflexively, and you burst out laughing, shaking the little table.
“You just ate me out on a table. In the dining room. Of our cafe. And you’re lecturing me about swearing?”
She pauses as if she’s not sure what to say to that; you take her hand and squeeze it and she squeezes back.
“We’re going to have to disinfect everything in here now,” she says slowly. “Twice. Three times. At least.”
You raise your entwined hands and press a kiss to her wrist, holding it there for a moment to feel the way her pulse quickens. Then you let go, hopping off the table with energy you didn’t know you had.
“Good thing we got here early, then,” you say. You turn back to look at her and there’s the most beautiful look of surprise and puzzlement on her face. Then she laughs.
“Yes,” she says. “And by the way, I’m planning to sleep at your apartment tonight.”
You nod firmly. “You better be.”
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theglassfloor · 3 years
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I posted 893 times in 2021
37 posts created (4%)
856 posts reblogged (96%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 23.1 posts.
I added 46 tags in 2021
#lol - 9 posts
#the hobbit - 6 posts
#bagginshield - 5 posts
#soy yo - 5 posts
#i'm dead - 4 posts
#lotr - 4 posts
#mall - 4 posts
#purdy - 3 posts
#colorful - 3 posts
#btvs - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#and it describes in great detail from his pov all the different parts of a woman's physical appearance he finds attractive
My Top Posts in 2021
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better.
Tagged by: @chokit-pyrus Thanks ;)
Favorite colors: Blue and red
Currently reading: The Given Day by Dennis Lehane. A novel, based on real historical events. I chose it because I wanted to read something set in the early 1900s, and I had no idea it would be this good! It’s 700 pages, and I’m about ⅔ of the way through it.
Last song: “Beneath a Moonless Sky” from Love Never Dies, the sequel to Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom of the Opera. That was yesterday. I also fell asleep listening to a YouTube video of Kingdom Hearts Traverse Town ambience.
Last series: That I finished? The new Saved by the Bell on Peacock. Before that it was Angel on Hulu, although that was already over a year ago I think. I’m not a big TV watcher.
Last movie: Not too long ago I watched the 1930s film adaptation of the novel Ramona, one of my favorite books. (That’s the one by Helen Hunt Jackson, not Beverly Cleary.)
More recently I watched the 25th anniversary performance of Phantom of the Opera at Royal Albert Hall because Lindsay Ellis talks about it so much. Does that really count as a movie? It’s not the movie, it’s a performance of the stage musical that was filmed.
Sweet, savory, or spicy: Why not all three? Actually, I love sweet stuff.
Currently working on: I have my own universe of interconnected stories that I like to work on from time to time, just as a little bit of self-indulgence, but I’m sort of at a loss as to where to go with it next.
Tagging: @bagginshieldhappiness @bespectacledbookworm @complicatedundertones @drszm @i-have-beards + anyone else who feels like doing it. I don’t have that many mutuals. I need to be more social.
5 notes • Posted 2021-10-28 21:13:16 GMT
I'm watching the movie of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera, and exactly 22 minutes in, there's a scene of some of the audience members mingling with the cast and crew backstage, and in the foreground right, Meg passes an effeminate young man who appears to be flirting with an older, bald gentleman with a white mustache. I thought it was cute.
7 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 10:59:46 GMT
So, I just watched Love Never Dies (Andrew Lloyd Webber's sequel to Phantom of the Opera) for the first time, and...I kinda liked it? I'm not saying it's "good", I think I'm just a sucker for any kind of Victorian/Edwardian era melodrama. Plus Lindsay Ellis has talked about it extensively, providing many laughs, and my local library had the DVD to borrow, one dollar for a week, and now I'm richer for having seen it.
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14 notes • Posted 2021-11-03 23:34:26 GMT
Addams Family Values, one of my all-time favorite comfort movies, is free with ads on YouTube right now. Even though I've seen it enough times to be able to quote the entire thing, I thought, what the heck, I'll give it fresh watch.
I really should own the damn thing. I used to have it on VHS, taped off of TV, which was how I watched it all the time back in the day.
32 notes • Posted 2021-09-17 21:49:56 GMT
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Words cannot describe how wonderful this show is.
36 notes • Posted 2021-04-16 22:52:52 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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morganmeyers · 3 years
Big Reading
So I did this super intense reading last night that was the biggest reading I’ve ever done and it wasn’t for just me so I’m going to share it here. If you see this, it might be for you so take what resonates and leave the rest.
IMPORTANT BEFORE READING: MEDITATE AND GROUND YOURSELF! There is a lot of information that is about to be unpacked in this reading.
I did this reading by using my Santa Muerte Tarot and Oracle cards. With the Oracle cards, I will be explaining what they mean, the significance behind them and what I saw in the cards while reading them. Songs also came up on my phone on shuffle, so Shufflemancy also plays a part in this reading as well. These songs came up before I started the reading that I felt were important:
Gabbie Hanna - Honestly
Halestorm - Uncomfortable
In total for all of the cards that got pulled, there was 44. The angel number 44 means: pay attention to your intuition & inner-wisdom as your connection with your guides is VERY strong at this time. This is a very prominent theme that goes with this reading.
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Oracle Cards:
Darkness - 1 - Coming out of the shadows and showing your face. Standing in YOUR power. Meditation. Meditation. MEDITATION. The song Midnight Sky by Miley Cyrus came in my phone on shuffle mode. Some lyrics that stood out to me: “The Midnight Sky is the road I’m taking, head high up in the clouds. I was born to run, I don’t belong to anyone, I don’t need to be loved by you.
Masculine - 2 - Don’t be afraid to ask questions. You might not like the answers given, but take it in stride and make the best of it. The song Cancer by My Chemical Romance came up in my head when reading this card. When looking at it, I see a gas mask. Maybe it has something to do with being gaslighted by someone close to you? Either way there are some hard lessons that you’re about to learn. The color red is very prominent not only in this card but the reading in general. Red refers to Family, Love, partnerships, etc. Someone in your family/close to you isn’t telling you the truth or respecting who you are or your boundaries. Don’t take their shit. They’re afraid of whatever truth they’re hiding to come out.
Tlaloc - 9 - Tlaloc is an Aztec god of rain & fertility. He was very feared but also respected in the fact that he could water the fields of labor with one hand and could very easily destroy that same field with the other. In this card, I saw the color of green. Green is in reference to getting justice upon whatever your situation may be. Take no shit but do no harm. While you are being disrespected by whoever it is in your situation, it’s not a good idea to do the same to them. Whatever revenge you want to exact upon the person in question, don’t do it. It will bite you in the ass. The song Bow Down by the band I, Prevail came on: “I don’t really like myself, I think I’m breaking down.”
Mictlantecuhtli - 10 - I almost immediately saw Rafiki from the Lion King when looking at this card. Not everything is as black and white as you’d like it to be. You have to look at the other person’s POV before taking any sort of action. Watch what you say and do.
Tezcatlipōca - 12 - Tezcatlipōca is an Aztec god of night, war, education & temptation. I immediately paid attention to the cheetah print cloak. Maybe the action that needs to be taken upon whoever it is needs to be a fast action. He’s also missing a leg from a battle he fought. When meditating, you need to assess what things in your life you need to sacrifice or cut out when going into this next stage of your life. Not everything you can take with you. Some things you DEFINITELY cannot take with you. 2 songs came up with this card.
Eminem - Love The Way You Lie: “It Wasn’t you, baby it was me.”
Linkin Park - Bleed It Out: “Mama help me, I’ve been cursed, death is rolling in every verse, candy paint on his brand new hearse, can’t contain him he knows he works. Fuck this hurts, I won’t lie. Doesn’t matter how hard I try. Half the words don’t mean a thing and I know that I won’t be satisfied”
Huitzilopachtli - 13 - Huitzilopachtli is an Aztec god of the son & War. The sun is a very prominent theme in this reading. The color blue very much stood out to me with this card. Blue is in reference to Wisdom, increased mental powers & concentration. What drew my most attention was the 4 swords in the back. I went through my tarot deck because the 4 of Swords wasn’t originally a card that was pulled but when I did look at it, it was reversed. What I got from this card specifically, it looks like to me you’re taking the nails out of a coffin. Make plans to trust your intuition & take the nails/swords out of the coffin you previously stored away but do it with caution like the humming bird on the Huitzilopachtli #13 oracle card in the left corner so you don’t get burnt.
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Chalchiuhtlicue - 14 - Chalchiuhtlicue is an Aztec goddess of water, lakes, seas, sailors, beauty & fertility. I saw the thunderbolts upon the top of the head first. The day of reckoning/judgement day is coming. 3 songs came up with this one.
Beatles - Yer Blues
AC/DC - Thunderstruck
AC/DC - Back In Black
Go with the flow because you’re at the point of no return and there’s no way for you to go back. At all. Embrace that power, that thunder, as your own.
I saw Mama Imelda & Hector from the Disney movie COCO when looking at this card as well and heard another song by Rihanna called Hate That I Love You (Feat. Ne-Yo). Some lyrics: “And I can’t stand you. Must everything you do make me want to smile? Can I not like you for awhile?” And “I despise that I adore you”
Tlazolteotl - 15 - Tlazolteotl is an Aztec goddess of earth, sex, moon & birth. The moon and the birth is what I saw first. A rebirth of sorts will take place. You need to do shadow work as your ego needs to be put in check but you also need to trust your intuition. If you feel something is off, it is. And it needs to be fixed.
Quetzalcóatl - 16 - Quetzalcóatl is the most important god in the Aztec pantheon. He is a god of Knowledge, dawn, merchants, arts & professions. I thought of Pepita from Coco. Pepita is an Alebrije which in Latin cultures is more so a spirit guide taking the form of an animal. Your spirit guides are trying to tell you something so you need to pay TF attention! Do not fear and do not give up. Through perseverance and insistence, you will reach the goal that you desire and that most of all, you deserve.
Shadow - 17 - Most of people that I know and know me, know that I’m afraid of Spiders. Always have been and probably always will. I saw spiders crawling all across the face on this one. Embrace your fears and face them head-on. Now is the time to do some HEAVY shadow work and work on yourself in general. Be mindful of your thoughts, feelings & words towards yourself and others during this time.
Intellect - 22 - Some of you will be getting MAJOR downloads in the coming days and or will be doing some heavy studying. Keep your brain busy and analyze the situation your facing with rational though. Yellow is also a prominent color in this reading and this card. Yellow represents thoughts, Wisdom and knowledge.
Flux - 24 - The song Carolyn by Black Veil Brides came up with this card. Lyrics: “I wished to god I’d known that I, I didn’t stand a chance of looking back in knowing why. A pain of circumstance.”
Breaking. Generational. Curses.
You’re doing it now. You’re working on yourself and putting yourself first before undoing everything else and that’s a good thing! KEEP GOING!
You have the world in your hands to take time and reflect on your lineage/ancestors.
Harvest - 27 - The sun in the corner. You will be able to eat the fruits of your labor one day and so will your future family/successors if you continue to go forth in braking those curses put upon your family line.
Art - 29 - Your ancestors and spirit guides are watching you in awe for doing the work you’re doing. They see you painting the sun card and creating your own happiness and they’re cheering you on. Keep doing the good work you’re doing.
Santa Muerte - 32 - Be absolutely sure that what you cut out in your life is what you want to be gone. Once it is, there’s almost no way of getting it back. Trust your intuition.
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Tarot Cards:
Fool ⬇️
Magician ⬆️
Lovers ⬇️
Temperance ⬆️
Devil ⬆️
Tower ⬆️
Sun ⬆️
Judgement ⬆️
2 of Cups ⬆️
6 of Cups ⬇️
Page of Cups ⬆️
Knight of Cups ⬆️
King of Cups ⬇️
Ace of Pentacles ⬆️
2 of Pentacles ⬆️
3 of Pentacles ⬆️
4 of Pentacles ⬆️
5 of Pentacles ⬆️
7 of Pentacles ⬇️
King of Pentacles ⬇️
Ace of Swords ⬇️
6 of Swords ⬇️
Page of Swords ⬆️
Queen of Swords ⬆️
King of Swords ⬇️
2 of Wands ⬇️
3 of Wands ⬇️
6 of Wands ⬇️
Queen of Wands ⬆️
Like with the Oracle cards, you’re on a journey of self healing & breaking generational curses. You’re on a path that you can’t turn around and go back on. You need to keep walking forwards. Right now it seems like things in your life are in disarray and that’s for a reason. You’re on your current path and dealing with these issues head-on so that others that come after you, don’t have to, they’re gonna have other issues that need to be dealt with. However, the heavy load of the curses/trauma is being dealt with you now in this lifetime because you are the most capable even though it might not seem like you think you are. Going through the trauma is what’s going to bring you so much happiness and everything you could ever hope for.
You are so near the end of the finish line in dealing with everything that it’s so unnecessary for you to even attempt to turn around and undo al do the hard work you’ve already done. Why would you want to go back to all of the trauma? You don’t. Don’t sacrifice yourself for others who clearly don’t give a SHIT about you. FUCK. THAT.
Do what you believe is good for you and your higher self and go forth in doing things that you’re passionate about. Don’t let others lie to you and walk all over you. They don’t know you like YOU do. If you can sense that someone is going something that isn’t good or can tell that they’re not telling you the truth of something that’s going on, that’s most likely the case.
You need to assess what you’re willing to let slide and willing to take with you in the next chapter of your life cause you won’t be able to bring everything with you. And when you do and you set your boundaries by putting your foot down HARD, there will be others waiting for you on the other side cheering you on because you make it to the other side a FAR better person that where you were when you started your journey. Not everybody is worthy to walk with you if they continue to act the way that they do and you have to accept that or nothing will come of the changes you’ve made for your happiness.
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readyplayerhobi · 5 years
Flower | 13
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; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff, angst, slight smut
; Word Count: 4.6k
; Warnings: Anxiety, low self-esteem, discussions of sex, mention of (f) oral sex, sexual anxiety
; Synopsis: You finally decide to take a dip into the world of online dating and find the Flower dating app. One of the top matches for you proves to be a guy who looks to be your complete opposite; tattooed, pierced, a metalhead and oh…incredibly handsome. What happens when you throw caution to the wind and reach out to him?
; A/N: I hope you all enjoy this! As usual, if you do...please reblog and leave me a comment! Or send me an ask letting me know your thoughts, I’m glad you’re all loving Flower!Hobi!
; Flower Masterpost
Staring at your computer screen, a deep sigh leaves you as yet another email notification pops up in the corner. Clicking on it with as much enthusiasm as you’d give towards picking up a slug, you watch as it directs you back to Outlook and brings up the email. It was from your boss, who was literally sat across the small room from you, asking you to call a client and check whether they were still available for a meeting tomorrow.
Pursing your lips, you bring up her previous email that includes the client’s contact details and input their number into your work phone. Holding the phone between your cheek and shoulder, you tap your pen against your mouse as the dial tone fills your ear.
You really hated your job. 26-years-old, with a degree and you were just stuck doing the work people better paid than you didn’t want to do. Chewing on your lip, you contemplated looking at the list of job sites you’d begun to frequent lately, wondering whether or not you should apply for a new job.
The prospect of a job you actually loved and enjoyed was so foreign to you that it felt almost like a mythical unicorn right now, but you knew they existed. Hoseok loved his job, despite how everyone berated IT departments in every company. So you knew that there was something out there for you. 
But what was it? And how could you get it when you had no relevant experience in...well anything except for the modern day equivalent of pen pushing? Some days you were rushed off your feet doing everything for your boss, acting like a secretary, personal assistant and administrative assistant all at once.
Getting tea and coffee for work meetings, sitting in and taking notes, writing up meeting notes and distributing them, arranging meetings and visits and so much more. It was all boring and dull. The very idea of doing this for the rest of your life was simply unimaginable but you just...couldn’t get the courage to put yourself out there and apply for something better.
You were afraid of rejection and you were even more afraid of getting accepted for a job and then finding out you couldn’t do it. 
Almost without even thinking, you talk through with the client and make sure that they’re still okay for the meeting that was prepared for tomorrow. As soon as the phone clicks back into the cradle, you’re opening a response to your boss and sending her a quick email to let her know that it’s still on and that you’ve checked the room is still booked for them.
And then you just sit there a moment, staring at the screen and wondering what to do next. You had some menial tasks that needed to be done; photocopying documents for their meeting, forwarding invoices and so forth. But you just didn’t want to do any of it. 
That was nothing new though, you never wanted to do anything at work.
A sudden flash of colour out of the corner of your eye catches your attention and look over to where your phone lay on the desk, just above your keyboard. One of the only good things about this place was that no one complained about phones being used as long as you were doing your work too.
And the green that lights up the screen can only mean that someone has sent you a message on WhatsApp. Licking your lips, you glance up at your boss before unlocking your phone quickly and clicking onto the app. 
Upon seeing Hoseok’s name your grin turns even broader, feeling a little better already. He didn’t often text during the work day, often being far too busy to waste time on texting. Unlike you, he was permanently busy.
Hoseok [13:38pm]: Guess who got promoted?
Hoseok [13:38pm]: It’s me! I got promoted :D
Smiling even wider, you quickly texted back as pride fills your chest. Amazing how you’ve only been dating for four months yet you feel so happy and proud of him already. You’d known that he had a meeting today with his managers and he’d been a little worried, unsure whether or not they were going to be laying people off or not.
Y/N [13:39pm]: Yaaaaaaaaay. Can you boss people around now?
Hoseok [13:40pm]: I already boss people around
Hoseok [13:40pm]: Now I just have another department to boss...and more money :D
Y/N [13:41pm]: I is jealouz
Y/N [13:41pm]: (;﹏;)
Hoseok [13:42pm]: I still can’t get over how you text sometimes, honestly
Hoseok [13:42pm]: ANYWAY, it’s more money to spend on youuu :D and Kasumi
Y/N [13:43pm]: Hush, more money for you to spend on gigs
Hoseok [13:43pm]: :O don’t tell me how to spend my money >:[
And then you get a photo sent. Your phone’s setting means that you need to accept it before it downloads, image pixelated at first before becoming high quality. Clicking on it again, you frown momentarily before your eyes widen and your throat goes strangely dry suddenly.
He’s in an all black suit; black jacket, a silk black shirt and a skinny black tie to compliment it all off. It makes the hint of tattoos you can see pop vividly with their colours over the top of his shirt collar and the bit of wrist you can see on the hand that’s pointing at the camera. And it all complements his dark hair wonderfully, today actually styled properly and pushed up elegantly to reveal his forehead and let the astonishing beauty of his face be seen properly.
His face though, isn’t the pure sex his body is emanating. Instead, he’s got a comical expression in which his face is scrunched together, lips pursed in faux anger to go with his last text. But you don’t care, you can’t care.
Hoseok in a suit is...oh god. It’s everything, and you feel things for him suddenly that you’ve never really felt for anyone before from just seeing a picture. You...want to do things to him, right now. 
The strength of your reaction actually makes you pause, looking up from your phone as you assess yourself to try and comprehend what you feel. And what you wanted was for Hoseok to send you a serious photo of him looking like that.
Y/N [13:49pm]: You’re in a suit?
Hoseok [13:50pm]: Yeah, manager meeting
Y/N [13:55pm]: Can you...send a serious picture?
Hoseok [13:56pm]: ...you want another selfie of me?
Y/N [14:00pm]: I mean...you don’t have to
And then you get another photo sent through, causing you to swallow thickly as you download it. You end up biting your lip harshly as you try to stop yourself from making any kind of noise out loud. No one had noticed that you hadn’t done a lot of work in the last fifteen minutes, but they would notice if you made the kind of noise that wanted to erupt from your throat.
Hoseok had evidently known where your thoughts had gone from your awkward text back to him, and he’d pulled out all the stops for you. Part of you wondered where on Earth he was that he could take pictures like this without getting strange looks from his colleagues but an overriding part of you didn’t care.
Because holy shit, your boyfriend was ridiculously fucking attractive and how in the hell had you pulled him?
This photo has him in almost the same angle, only two of his fingers frame the pink tongue that pokes out of his mouth, white teeth pressing against the back of his tongue ring while his eyes are dark with intent. There’s no playfulness in this picture, at least nothing that could be done in public. 
No indeed and you squirm slightly in your seat, contemplating the wild fact that you were horny at work. This has never happened before and you didn’t really know that to do! But how could you not be? The way Hoseok was looking at the camera was the exact way he’d looked at you all three times he’d gone down on you so far.
And he knew it, given his suggestive pose with his tongue. In fact, you’re suddenly sent back to last week when he’d gone down on you in bed. You still weren’t even remotely comfortable asking him to do anything like that yet, but apparently he’d been wanting to so you’d shyly agreed once more.
Not that you were opposed to it or anything.
But those eyes he was giving the camera are the exact same he gave you from between your legs. And that just was not fair, because what were you supposed to do about this in the middle of work? You had just under three hours left to work before you left and he wouldn’t even finish till six.
Y/N [14:07pm]: Handsome
Y/N [14:08pm]: Are you still staying over?
Hoseok [14:10pm]: That’s all you gotta say to that, you wound me. And yes, be around 7
Y/N [14:11pm]: <33
Putting your phone down, you stare at your computer screen that has gotten three new email notifications since you got distracted. You don’t click on them though...instead you just chew on your lip, tapping your fingertips against the desk slowly as you think.
Maybe tonight...maybe…
The quick rapping on the door lets you know that Hoseok is finally here, half an hour late. Opening the door to him, you don't even get a chance to say anything as he brushes past you, kicking his shoes off and apologising profusely.
"I'm sorry, they kept me an extra half an hour 'cos some idiot basically broke his laptop and then there was traffic so I haven't been able to go back and change." He's taking his coat off, hanging it up on the little rack on the wall before looking at you and letting out a deep sigh.
"Oh I'm so glad to be home. Today has been so fucking stressful, maybe I should have turned down that promotion and it’s not even been a full day." You don't even get time to consider the fact that he just called your place home because he's suddenly leaning forward, giving you a quick kiss before moving into the kitchen.
Watching after him, you simply stare in bewilderment. You're not entirely sure that you could speak right now, hit by the double whammy of his slip of the tongue and his clothes.
It was true that Hoseok had pretty much spent the last month near enough living at your place, only going home a day or two a week but you hadn't realised he'd felt that comfortable here. You felt a shy warm happiness bubble in your chest at the thought though, looking down at your hands as you bite your lip to stop smiling like a little girl.
But what really turns you into an excitable mess is his outfit. He's still wearing the suit from earlier, his hair tousled from where he'd obviously been running his hands through it in the stress of his work.
And if he'd looked hot in his photos, he looked damn near sinful in person.
Which is why you simply watch him with wide eyes, moving into the kitchen slowly and resting a hip against one of the counters as he peers into the slow cooker that you'd set up this morning before going to work. It was just a simple beef stew with a hint of red wine, the scent delicious but you found that wasn't what was making your mouth water.
Not tonight.
"So...I didn't...know you had a suit like that." The words are incredibly stilted, sounding unbelievably awkward in your mouth and you inwardly cringe. Particularly when you see Hoseok stiffen, ever so slightly beneath the delightful black fabric that outlines his lithe body beautifully.
You knew that Hoseok had been incredibly patient with you. Probably more patient than most men would have been, not even slightly pushing you and making sure that you are completely comfortable with every moment. He didn't ask for much and you often felt bad that he seemed to give up so much in exchange for the eternal patience he gave to you. 
But he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to thrive on what little advancement in your relationship he could get. You still got shy when he gave you oral obviously, but you were far more eager to say yes compared to the beginning.
And tonight...tonight you wanted to finally let him get the pleasure he’d willingly denied himself to keep you comfortable. Especially when he looked like that.
It wasn't just a 'giving him a good time' too because you like him, a lot, but also because quite simply...for the first time ever...you wanted to have sex with someone. You desperately wanted to find out what he felt like inside you. Feel him thrusting within you and in turn explore him to find out what made him jerk, made him twitch and made him moan.
Oh god yes, you wanted to hear him moan. The very idea of him making those kinds of noises because of you was intoxicating and you squeeze your thighs together, fully in the knowledge that you were probably wet already. 
You have no doubt that Hoseok can tell there’s something different, an unusual kind of tension in the air as he turns around slowly, brow raised. Glancing away, you find yourself playing with the label of a Coke bottle on the side, fingers picking until it came away.
Part of you wanted to be brash and forward, boldly tell him what you wanted but as soon as you consider doing it, it felt like an iron band wrapped around your lungs. Breathing was made a lot of harder suddenly and you couldn’t get any words out, your limbs feeling cold and tingly with nerves and anxiety.
Oh how you wished desperately that you could be a bolder person because you just knew that you weren’t at that level of confidence yet with him. Even if you felt no expectations from him. You just weren’t there, and that’s why you were hoping he’d understand and take the lead once more. 
And Jung Hoseok, your wonderful boyfriend who you still believe is far too good for you, does so. You have no idea how he knows that you want to do more than cuddle or talk, no idea how he can tell that you’re struggling to get across your desires but he does.
He smiles slowly, the corners of his lips turning up in a smirk at first before turning into that beautiful smile that makes your heart flutter. Moving slowly, he walked over to you and you press yourself into the counter, eyes widening as you took in the long and loping stride.
Without so much as a word, he stands firmly in front of you, leaning forward just enough to place his arms on the counter, trapping you between them. You can feel the heat of him, the way his leg’s brush against yours with how close he is and the way his jacket slides along your stomach slightly. Combined with the fresh scent that was so unique to Hoseok and the dark look in his eyes, you felt completely overwhelmed by him.
Overwhelmed, in the best way possible.
Leaning down, Hoseok moves close enough until you feel the tip of his nose brushing against yours, the movement deceptively soft given the sexual tension that’s so thick between you both. Biting your lip, you force yourself to remain quiet to see what he does.
“I have more suits than you might realise baby. Why? Do you like it?” His voice is annoyingly light, innocence laced into every syllable that matches his perfect, angelic face too well. Smiling, his eyes widen ever so slightly as he waits for an answer but before you can even say anything, his arms move a little and you feel them pressing against your waist.
“Y-yeah, it...it looks good.” You stutter out, body heating rapidly as you lick at your lips, mouth absurdly dry. And before even realising...you’re pressing your face against his black shirt, feeling the soft silky material rub at your cheek while all you can think of is what the firm chest beneath it looks like.
Hoseok seems to pause for a moment before his hands move to rest on your hips, hesitantly stroking along them. Almost instantly you cringe forward, the feel of his hands so foreign and a subtle panic rushes through you as your mind screams at where he’s touching. The place you dislike on yourself, the place society has taught you isn’t beautiful.
But he touches you with so much care, light and gentle. He doesn’t push further with you, simply let the moment hold despite how tense you both are. You know what he’s doing, instinctively understand because he’s done this your whole relationship so far. He’s letting you get used to him, decide whether or not you feel comfortable with what he’s doing...what he’s offering.
Pressing your ear to his chest, you close your eyes and inhale deeply, shakily as you fight the demons of insecurity over yourself and your previous sexual experiences. Originally, you’d considered perhaps returning the favour to him and giving him oral sex. But now, hearing the strong beat of his heart and the warmth that has comforted you for many nights now...now you want more.
So you let him know, in that quiet and shy method that he must have become so used to. Your own hands tremble slightly as you move your head back just enough before you press them to his chest, hesitantly just letting yourself feel him like this for the first time. And then your fingers move to his collar, the top two buttons already undone.
Finally, finally you glance up at him, feeling unbelievably frightened that he might push you away, decided he didn’t want it. Didn’t want you. 
It had been years since you’d done anything...you knew this and he knew this by now. But you knew that he was far more experienced, so experienced in fact that it scares you a little. You felt like you’d be judged against others and found wanting, even if you knew that Hoseok wouldn’t do that.
“Hoseok,” You start, words meek and quiet. “I...erm, I want...I mean...I don’t…” 
And Hoseok moves his hands to cup your cheeks, smiling at you sweetly, so sweetly. It’s so reminiscent of when he’d gone down on you the first time and you get the urge to suddenly cry at how caring he is. How lucky you are.
“It’s okay. I know...you’re not hugely experienced and you’re not confident. That’s fine, I don’t expect anything from you. We don’t need to do anything, I was just teasing. If you want, I can just go do-”
“No. No, not today. I don’t...I don’t want that. I want...I want you.” This time, the words are a tiny bit more confident but rushed out. “I just...sex...I’ve never really...understood why people like it. You know? It just...felt okay. Maybe it was me but like...yeah, I mean...you know. It was…rushed and you’ve done so much more than me and-” Now it’s Hoseok’s turn to interrupt you, thumbs stroking your cheeks as he lets out a shushing noise.
Suddenly, surprising you entirely, he backs away and gently takes your hand to lead you back to the couch. Without a word he gets you to sit down before doing so himself, taking both your hands between his own with a quiet sigh.
“Okay, I just...want us to talk for a moment, so that neither of us get confused or offended or anything. So...yes, I’ve had a lot of sex, I won’t deny that. It doesn’t mean I’m gonna judge you though. You’re my girlfriend, the vast majority of everyone else was not. I’m incredibly turned on by you and I wanna beat my chest like a neanderthal knowing you want me too. I know you’re shy and you’re not confident of yourself, which is just plain wrong by the way because you are unbelievably beautiful. I just...I don’t want to move too fast for you and have you regret it. So...talk to me. Please.” You’re sure this man really isn’t real, because surely no one really existed like him in real life. 
“Why are you so patient?” You blurt out, brow furrowed in confusion and he looks just as confused for a moment before smiling.
“Because being pushy doesn’t get me anything? Except upsetting you and making you close up. And then if you do anything for me, then it’s because I’ve pushed and pushed until you feel forced to do it. So I’m patient. I don’t really mind, I like your company and it’s strangely rewarding seeing you slowly open up to me. I’m not doing anything for an ulterior motive.” He’s so earnest that you can tell he’s being honest but it still confuses you. 
Not that you’re going to look a gift horse in the mouth or anything. 
So inhaling deeply, you squeeze his hands and gave him a tight smile before talking. Something about Hoseok has always been comforting and reassuring, like he won’t judge you and you know he’ll be the same this time.
“I haven’t...slept with anyone in years. You’ve probably realised or...maybe I told you. But...well. I mean,” Your hands feel so clammy in his. “It wasn’t really good? I never...you know, with anyone. It just...felt fine. Good enough that I’d do it again but not so good I actively wanted it. Thought something was wrong with me because of that. I’ve accepted there isn’t...maybe even wondered if I was asexual for a while or something. Maybe I still am? I don’t really know. I just...I like you...a lot...and I like doing...things with you. I’ve never...you know…”
It’s a simple word and he says it so casually but you find yourself squirming at it, feeling warm and embarrassed about it. Not only talking about orgasms but also admitting that you’d never had one during sex before. So you simply nod, unable to get the words out and frowning in frustration at yourself.
“Hey...hey look at me,” Hoseok says gently, squeezing your hands till you do as he says. “Don’t feel embarrassed about it. It’s not something to feel bad about. This probably isn’t what I should be saying right now...but I’ve had a lot of sex, with...a sizeable amount of women. Do you know how many times they orgasmed during sex?”
Frowning, you wonder momentarily whether you’re meant to feel better with the knowledge that he’d been with a lot of women. Or that some of them had even orgasmed with him. But you sensed he was trying to make a point, and Hoseok had never been cruel.
Slowly, you shake your head.
“Not that many of them to be honest. I wish I could boost my ego and say I have a 100% strike rate but...I don’t. Sometimes girl’s would cum, most of the time they didn’t. I had to go down on them or something. And I’ve never had a single woman orgasm from penetration alone, they all needed some help. What I’m trying to get across here to you, and very badly because there’s nothing less sexy than hearing about your partner’s...escapades but...please don’t think that you’re always meant to orgasm during sex. Sometimes you might, sometimes you might not. I know that for some women, they just enjoy the feeling because they can’t get there. Sometimes, I don’t even orgasm. I’m not in the mood or something or I get bored...or I’m too drunk.”
That makes your eyes widen in shock and surprise. You hadn’t even though guys could just...not orgasm during sex. It made you realise how little you really knew, and suddenly you felt a little embarrassed about your lack of knowledge about sex. But he wasn’t being condescending or demeaning, so you decided to take the plunge and ask him.
“R-really? You...I didn’t know guys...I thought you just always did.” Hoseok laughs at that, looking so attractive that you can’t help but bite your lip. Even though you’re having a serious conversation with him, you still can’t mask the desire you have for him. Damn him for looking so good in a suit.
“The vast majority of the time? Yeah, it’s no problem. But sometimes like...I’m too tired to bother anymore and I just don’t want to carry on. Sometimes I’m a bit stressed and can’t get there which then leads to anxiety that I’m not. I try not to take it to heart but...you don’t need to be embarrassed. If you wanna orgasm then we can definitely try, if you don’t feel like it, then we don’t need to. It’s entirely up to you, I swear.” 
Silence falls between you both and you stare at your hands, swallowing thickly. He’s offering you so much, and part of you feels bad. But at the same time...you want to just enjoy him without the stress or anxiety of not performing like you thought you were supposed to.
Clenching your jaw, you make the decision and nod your head to yourself. Yes, you were doing this.
So without a word, you grab onto this small flame of confidence he’s lit within you and let go of his hands, instead using them to grip the lapels of his jacket and pulling him forward. His eyes widen for a second and he lets out an ‘oomph’ before you’re kissing him.
It’s not pretty at first, almost painful from the force and you both take a few seconds to reacquaint yourselves with each other before it finally starts moving smoothly like usual. Only this time, the kiss is far more intense than anything you’d had before with him, almost as if you were trying to devour each other with the force and intensity.
Pulling away momentarily, you look at him and groan softly at the desire in his eyes. You’ve seen him in moments of pure lust before, but he’s bordering on unrestrained here. And you want that, so you pull him back in, moulding your lips to his own and feeling the tingle of excitement that runs through you.
“Not here, not here. Please, I really wanna fuck you on your bed.” Hoseok gasps out as he pulls away once more, trying to avoid your grasping hands with a breathy laugh. 
You don’t even question it, getting up quickly and practically tugging him into your bedroom in your eagerness. The sheer laugh of delight he gives you as you do so invigorates you, bolstering the confidence that’s spurring you on and you hope it lasts.
Wrapping your arms around his neck and tugging him into a kiss once you’re in the safe haven of your bedroom, you prepare to trust him with your insecurities once more.
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dramagamergirl · 4 years
Love unholyc - Day 12 (Sol route)
Chat 02:59 Don't work about me and sleep
Because of Sol, I woke up feeling good ―
I was waiting for you to contact me +Sol
Did you pass out!?
Did you contact me right away after coming to your senses? +Sol
Liam was like a pro!
To be honest, I was disappointed because it wasn't Sol +Sol
Going already? Lest chat more T.T
Sol always says obvious things lol +Sol
Chat 08:12 An anticipated day
Hi Sui, good morning ―
Sui?? Did something happen? +Sol
Hahah you though of me?
It's early right? +Sol
It didn't bother me at all!
Hahah it's ok, it's a cute mistake anyway +Sol
So did you finish what you have to say? +Sol
Do you have any other business with me ? ―
No, not at all ―
I like that I get to talk to Sui hehe +Sol
Hah Siu, you have nothing to say?
Sui, if you have nothing to say then would we finish up? +Sol
Free? Why? +Sol
Today, I think so?
No, it's fine! +Sol
Okay, when should we meet?
Chat 10:49 Separated family
Gasp! You must have been working since down? +Hi
Haha hi, you seems to be so full of energy impending the morning ! ―
Thanks for worrying about us
We're doing good lol―
Right ! Sent some pictures for Leo! +Leo //. Hi image
I want to see a picture of Leo too! +Sol //. Leo image
Leo calls
Chat 11:38 what can we do about the past
It's been a while since I woke up!  ―
I woke up thanks to you, thanks! ―
A relief? ―
I always had nothing wrong ! +Sol
It's only Liam who is always worried for me !
Why would you said something so embarrassing first thing in the morning ! +Sol
Liam you seem happy for some reason
Sol has really amazing self control +Sol
Huh? What are you saying ? —
Yeah.. It's a shame  ―
Chat 13:16 Sorry
It is because eater came to see us yesterday?
If its something important then is about our relationship +Sol
It does make sense. Then i’ll go out a bit more
If I can go out with sol then that’s not a bad idea —
Aren’t you talking to formally? + Sol
It would ve nice if we can go another date
Because you keep dampening the mood
You never listen to what I say and only say what you want  —
Yeah. I have don’t worry.
Whether I have one or not I just wanted to spend more time with you +Sol
Chat 14:23 You didn’t forget, right?
Lol that was fast! —
How could I forget! —
No ?I didn't —
If you want, I can tell him +Sol
Thanks for being so considerate +Sol
you're going there already? —
Story 15:58 Review Date
Sui! How have you been doing +Sol
Sui! Why did you come looking so cool! -
No, I like this place +Sol
What’s not to like. Its just a Binsu cafe
(Choose, the bins I eat with sol) +Sol
(Choose a different binsu) -
Sui, do you have something to say to me + Sol
If you look at me that much, do you think I woulnd be concerned? -
Was..that a confession? -
Was I rally that amazing? +Sol
I like how kind and thoughtful he is +Sol
I like how cute and silly sometime -
What did you think was strange? +Sol
So he onset only acting strange to me? -
Chat 17: 36 lets stop talking about this
Sol? Peipei is here too?+Sol
Huh? Why is there a new chatroom?
Talked a moment ago? +Sol
The south of you we’re already talking?
Okay, I’ll answer all your question sincerely +Sol
Didn’t Peipei manage to finish up that matter?
Sol would know more than me about that +Sol
Why are you asking me that
Then tell me what you were talking about with peipei -
I was just too preoccupied with saving you though   +Sol
Im here as well Sui -
They want to ask you something +Sol
Thank you for understanding my situation Sui -
Im sure its because Sol is frustrated. We need to understand +Sol
Yeah, the both of you stop +Sol
I should have answer properly from the start, im sorry -
Chat 18:18 Love him happily forever!
Babe? Why are you suddenly contacting me? +Sol
Haha good afternoon, Babe -
Sol Image
The cat is fine ! Haha -
What do you want to ask?
Sol is acting strange ? -
No, I don’t think I have
How could sol do that! should I go and scold him ?
Should I ask sol if there is something wrong ? +Sol
you’re just going to leave like this? Babe?
Didn’t you say you weren't going to call me sister in law?? Hello?  +Sol
Chat 19:00 Sui is a little strange
Asking me something ? -
Ask me anything! +Sol
I don’t even concat Sui that often +Sol
What do you mean when you say Sui is acting strange? -
Theres nothing to tell you. And Sou isn’t  strange +Sol
If Siu is  strange, then Sol, you’re strange too -
No … I keep telling you that nothing is wrong with him, so why don’t you listen? -
If you’re that  worried then ask Sou yourself +Sol
Then, Sol. Is there something wring going on Ripeato ?-
Sol, I think something is going on with you or Ripeato, but why won you tell me?  +Sol
What you’re not telling me, you told Peipei, right? +Sol
Okay.. I also have nothing more to ask -
Sol call
Chat 20:31 Right to protect you
No, im not busy —
Yeah, Im busy —
I think you can just contact him yourself +Sol
Rejected . Ask another request —
Tho be honest..I’m just so upset because of Sol! +Sol
It’s not that big of a deal —
I’ll tell you so calm down! —
Hahahahahah (let it all out) +Sol
Honestly, is not that big of a deal..I just feel upset at Sol for some reason..—
For some reason it feels like Sol is pushing me away.. +Sol
Liam! Sol must have a reason for doing this ! +Sol
Liam! I can hear your  blood pressure rising! Calm down ! —
Just what kind of training are you doing..  +Sol
I trust you, Liam —
Okay, then I’ll contact him +Sol
Thank you for worrying about me, Liam.. +Sol
Chat 21:57 I hope you avoid personal contacts
I was actually going to contact you +Sol
You’re the one not giving me time.. 
I don’t, but Liam wants you to come early today.
Liam said to come early. I was going yo use that excuse to contact you +Sol
Yeah, is it okay if I go now? +Sol
I have a lot to say ..
Why are you asking  If I personally contact Siu? +Sol
Yeah, after getting to know him, he’s cute lol
But you’re busy
But even if  I contact you, all you do is hide thing from me +Sol
Then, what kind of training are you doing with Liam +Sol
Then what are you and Peipei talking about so much?
Story 23:26 After all, by your side
Who is it? +Sol
Liam? You actually knocked? -
You can’t say it? +Sol
What does that mean? -
Yeah, We’re really close?
Sol, not as close as with you +Sol
Yeah +Sol
Im not sure about today -
Sol images (2)
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aphroditeslesbian · 3 years
I was also raised 7th day Adventist and I’m a closeted lesbian. I don’t hate my religion..because I personally didn’t have a bad experience with it in my childhood, but it clashes a lot with my beliefs and well parts of my identity. I’m feeling a bit helpless because this religion has been a big part of my life, a lot of strong women I look up to in my life are sda, and my local sda community is very wholesome. And by now you can sense my reluctance in letting it go. I’ve been coping by thinking I should find a gay-friendly sda church once I move out.. if I ever get married. What’s your journey been like? 🪴
Hey! I don't meet a lot of sda online, it's interesting to hear a different perspective. I'm gonna go into everything, bc my experiences with sda really shaped me, and yeah, it's been a wild, not so fun ride.
Basically I was baptized catholic as an infant, but my family isn't practicing catholic. My mom is very religious, and wanted me to have a good education... In Brazil, we have very poor public education in primary and secondary school, and the best schools are the private ones... Which are also religious schools. So I wound up studying in a sda school from kindergarten to highschool graduation.
So from a young age (4 yo) I was raised on my school's religious beliefs. I was really involved, and my childhood best friend was also sda, she lived a couple floors down from me and we'd hang out often, and her family would bring me to church on Saturdays (there was a sda church across the street from the apartments we lived in). I was the staple Christian child, I prayed every night and every morning, apart from all the prayer at school ofc. At 8yo they did a talk at school about the importance of baptism, and I asked my parents to allow me to be baptized as sda. My mom surprisingly didn't want me to be baptized again, not so young, but my dad said I should do what I wanted, so I was baptized again at the school's church. Literally the school had an auditorium for our weekly religion-related classes, which we called "chapel", and was basically like going to church – but mandatory, as it was during school time. This specific school also had a church built on the side, so yeah.
During my early childhood through preteen years I had no issues with the school's teachings and sda ideology. It was all I had ever known, my family encouraged religion and we'd also sometimes (rarely) go to catholic church. I honestly didn't even realize people could not believe in god until I was 12/13.
I had never really heard much about being gay, or being anti gay during primary school - I may have forgotten having ever heard it from teachers. I only heard about homophobia from peers, and so I knew that being gay was a bad, evil, gross thing.
When I was around 11/12 we moved to a smaller town, and I started at a smaller Adventist school. I was the only one in my small newly found friend group who was baptized, and moving was very traumatic for me, so I started becoming less active in church. I became severely depressed because of the move and other stuff at home, and turned to the internet for a distraction.
I first heard about atheism from a youtuber, and he was known for his controversial takes (he's pretty nasty, it's only gotten worse with time but anyway). I guess a mixture of depression, becoming a teen, having my rebellious phase, I started researching into it.
My religion teacher (we had "religion" classes, but they should really have been called "7th Day Adventism classes") was much harsher than the one I had at my first school. This was around the time that Twilight was a big deal, and I read those books sooo many times for comfort, I got into Harry Potter etc. Not long after I moved to this school, we had a religion class about how Harry Potter was inspired by the devil. My books were often confiscated during class, even if I had already finished my assignments and was reading quietly, even if they were just on my desk. Being super depressed and introverted, with very few friends, books were my refuge. Having the teachers look down on them and literally say they were devilish and evil really started to shift my view of the religion. I knew these were good books, I loved them. So how could they be evil?
I have a very strong memory of praying and praying once and begging Jesus and god to help me, to give me a sign, because I was terrified of losing my religion, of losing god. All I had learned my whole life was that god is good, god is love etc. How come god wasn't helping me, my family, through some of the worst times? How come I was alone?
At around 12/13 my cousin came out to me as bi, and soon after another cousin came out as gay. I barely fully understood what that meant, and the internet was again where I researched about it. I realized I liked girls at the time, but I never understood you could even be married to a woman, as a woman. Even though I knew I liked and was attracted to girls, I never let myself think too much on it. The school was pretty obvious about how marriage is between a man and a woman, our "sex talk" was a class with our religion teacher. Bio talk was split, the boys left the room so we could learn about female anatomy and stuff, and then the boys had the room, etc. Our religious teacher was very adamant about how one shouldn't have sex before marriage, and marriage was between a man and a woman so...
Honestly the basework they laid was to erase homosexuality. I didn't even grasp that I could be anything but attracted to girls, I didn't realize I could do anything about it.
And then in highschool, I guess bc we were old enough, they finally started being outspoken about their hatred of gay people. There would be snide comments from the Portuguese/Lit teacher, a disgusting talk from the History teacher about how gay men's sexual activity leads to anal incontinence, the Religion teacher saying it was wrong, comparing it to criminality, the school's vice principal giving us a lecture and making sure to hammer in the worst thing anyone could turn out to be was homosexual.
At this point I thought I was okay with my same sex attraction, I thought these things weren't getting under my skin. But then I learned about being trans, and I came to the conclusion that since I was into girls, I couldn't be a woman. I identified as trans from around 15-19. That was internalized misogyny and homophobia, that was me actually letting all the snide little comments settle deep in me, and shape who I was.
Anyway, at around 14 I was done. School was teaching us that bastard kids aren't blessed by god (me and my siblings are all "bastards" as my parents were never married). They told us couples who lived together and we're never married were not blessed by god, and implied they were bound to have issues for their sin.
I was a teenager living in a broken home, my father was emotionally abusive to me and my mother, and honestly at the end of the day I had to choose if I wanted to believe in a god who was supposedly love itself, yet didn't protect me and my young siblings and my mom... Or not believe in god at all.
Leaving the church and coming to terms with not believing in god was one of the toughest times in my life. My depression was in the gutter, I was self harming, I was struggling. I remember thinking of my cousins, whom I was very close with growing up, and knowing they were good people, so how could god not love then? I remember thinking of myself, of all I had done for the church, for god, and wondering how could god not accept me.
For me, the church was poison. I only saw hypocrisy, I saw people who judged each other, who cared more about their own concepts of right and wrong than being mindful of others. I saw my teachers who preached being kind, but ridiculed and laughed at other religions and those who believed them. When I was questioning religion, I always had sooo many questions for my religion teacher and so often she just told me that some questions were too big for us to understand, that only god could fully comprehend himself.
I'm proud to have come out the other side, but I won't lie. The community that church represents does seem so lovely and welcoming. I wanted to be a part of something, and church offered that.
But at the end of the day, there's no space for me, a lesbian, in there. They don't believe gay marriage is okay, they don't condone our "lifestyle". They think this is a choice we're making, and a bad one at that.
The childhood friend I mentioned earlier, who I used to go to church with, actually came out as a lesbian a couple years ago as well. Her sda family is giving her a really hard time. She's left the church, last I heard.
Honestly, my advice would be to find other community. Find community with other lesbians, people who can accept you unconditionally, who can offer you support without small print. That's what I'm trying to do.
I personally am against christianity for a lot of other reasons besides my very negative experiences. Maybe that's not you, and in that case I guess finding a church that is LGB friendly can be the answer. I couldn't judge anyone for choosing to stay, because like I said I really understand how nice it can feel, how it's like you belong in this community, how it can feel like the church is family.
But I really suggest deep soulsearching, because in my experience all they ever did for me was suck all my energy, all my devotion, and spit me out when I was never going to be the heterosexual good girl they expected me to be.
Sorry for the super long answer, I hope this helps some? If you wanna talk more in private you can hit me up through DMs, I'm very willing to listen and talk about it.
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mellowrat21 · 3 years
Rough Changes.
AU where the bullying Sal recieves from Travis, his school crush, gets so hard to him, it almost kills him, so he decides to close some cycles and get the hell out of the situation. Cw: mention of self harm, bullying, graphic violence, strong vocabulary, polyamorous relationships, mild (really really mild) implied sex scene(?, heavily loaded with angst. Fandom: Sally Face Words: 4800 Hope you enjoy it!
The first time Sally went out around Nockfell he used to wear a beanie to hide his bright, long, electric blue hair and wore discrete clothes, but as the time went by and he started hanging out with Larry, Ash and Todd, his confidence slowly started going higher and higher until he started going to school with his signature hairstyle, some hairpins and his favorite clothes, he was a cis guy, and he was bisexual, but who cared, everyone who saw him thought he was a girl and probably a lesbian since he hung out with Ashley so much. And he didn’t give a flying fuck about it, he wouldn’t make an effort to change his voice to make it sound “more feminine” or go to the women’s restroom because he didn’t feel the need to, he was a guy, period. Some people didn’t seem to agree and thought he was a trans guy or something, which was terribly stupid and Sal and his friends would always mock the people that harassed him on the streets “you will never be a real woman, you tranny!” or “no matter how many chemicals are in your body, you will always be a girl!”, people never knew if he was a girl or a boy, and that amused him a lot. But then, when they got to the middle of 8th grade, a new kid was introduced to his class, he was a tall, brown boy with shiny blonde hair, he had what appeared to be a bruise on his left eye but Sal thought it was rude to stare, so he lowered his head, wondering if it was a bruise or a birthmark. The kid got to sit beside him, they didn’t talk at all, if not just the common “hi” from when a new kid gets introduced to the class and you’re the one sitting next to them. Dear diary: Today in class there was a new kid, he is cute, I wanna be his friend and maybe share drawings or stickers or even Pokémon cards, what if he collects them too? I could find the ones I don’t have and he could benefit from mine too. He’s my age, his name is Travis. I think he’s religious, so not cool, religion is boring, I always sleep in religion class. I’m gonna ask him if he wants to sit with me at lunch, he might be lonely since he’s a new boy at school, I wanna be his first friend, I could even introduce him to the group!
Alright, gotta sleep, Sal out.
The alarm clock was buzzing, letting Sal know it was time to get out of bed and ready for a heavy Tuesday of school, he hated Tuesdays, no band club, no art classes, nothing, just geometry, math and a lot of history, Spanish and English, oh, and religion too. He got up and went to take a quick shower, it was cold and he didn’t really like turning the heater on, it was too noisy for being 6:40 in the morning the time he showered for school. When he got out of the shower, he put on his underwear and with a towel around his hair he sat on the sink to take care of his reddish scars, that day they were way more tender than usual, it stung and even hurt in some places the q-tip touched with the lotion. He sighed, getting back down from the sink and finding a meowing Gizmo on his bed, who stretched as soon as he saw his owner, asking him to pet him and rub his belly. “Aw hi little guy! Did you get some good sleep?” Sally asked in a tiny voice, thoroughly shaking Gizmo’s big belly, he earned a purry meow from him, who got up and walked out of the room to get food. Sal let out a breathy giggle and started going through his closet, thinking what he should wear; he found a white skirt he thought was really cute, tried it on but found out it was way too short and it showed the scars on his thighs, he didn’t want any more visits to the school counselor for self-harm even though his scars were a combination of cuts made by him and scratches made by Gizmo. He decided to stop thinking so much and just grabbed a pair or ripped black skinny jeans with patches and chains Larry had gifted him for his 15th birthday and a pastel blue gloomy bear t-shirt to go with it, by the time he tied his usual blue converse he thought of grabbing a hoodie, so he grabbed a red zip-up hoodie and threw it on before he went to get some breakfast, some peach slices and Greek yogurt did the job and after a little bit of him styling his hair with his dryer and iron, he went to brush his teeth, he grabbed his bag after putting his prosthetic on and headed out. On the way he found Larry, with whom he went to the bus stop while chatting a little bit. “hey Lar, did you see the new kid?” Sal asked, eager to hear the answer, he was so interested in him, he was excited to know him. “uh yeah, that Travis boy? He’s chill, why? Larry said, munching on a chocolate chip cookie that might be his breakfast, he had his hair tied back in a messy bun which showed he didn’t shower, and those bruise-like bags under his eyes made clear he didn’t sleep either. “huh? What do you mean chill, did you talk to him?” Sal’s eyelids perked up, surprised by his friend talking about his interesting future new friend. “oh hell no, he’s religious, I would never get near a religious guy, they’re scary with all their crazy ‘god loves you’ shit” Larry shivered jokingly, earning an annoyed sigh from Sal, who playfully punched his friend’s shoulder. “he can’t be that bad bro, he’s 14, he probably just uses the cross necklace because his dad makes him.” Sal tried to shrug it off, then the bus came and they got on. While looking for a seat, Sal spotted a blonde head, and when he got closer, low and behold, it was Travis. He was talking to another blue haired kid that attended their school, but they suddenly locked eye contact and Sal smiled to him, only to remember he couldn’t see it, so he shakingly waved until Larry softly pushed him to sit behind Travis and the other boy that was there. “come on dude, you’re gonna fall if you stay there!” Larry tugged on his hoodie, which made him sigh and sit next to his friend, his face red as a cherry and the blush spreading to his ears. That was so embarrassing… “woah woah dude are you okay? Do you have like a fever or something? Your face is hot as fuck and your so re- AH DUDE NOT COOL!!” Larry said worried, getting elbowed on the stomach by his flustered friend who was literally shaking on his seat. “i-I am- I’m okay it’s j-ju-just I-… fuuuuck” Sal stammered out, not being able to form a sentence from how hard he was shaking, then he hear a gasp from the
seat in front of him. “what? Are you- are you a boy?” a flustered, weirded out Travis was looking at him, he looked disgusted and scared. “uh m-me? I- I… yes, I’m a boy…” Sal stuttered again, scared, the first words they exchanged and they were not at all the ones he expected. “what the- ugh, boys don’t wear skirts, you shouldn’t wear that kind of attires, it’s ungodly.” The disgust in Travis’ face was growing with every word and Sal was literally at the verge of tears from how scared he was, even though he had picked a gender neutral looking outfit he got a bad comment, from the boy he wanted to be friends with. Sal tried to talk but the words were stuck in his mouth, when a sudden movement startled him to the point he yelped. “yo, clothes don’t have gender. Go fuck with someone else smartass.” Larry had jerked up from his sit, completely angered and with a threatening stand. Travis got scared himself and he just turned around mumbling something under his breath. Sal was silently crying, little sobs slipped from under the mask his day didn’t start well at all and he had heard what the boy in front of him had mumbled.
He called him a faggot.
His day went on horribly, boring classes, all of them where he sat next to the boy who he had a little crush on, it was all wrong, all he wanted to do was go home and curl up in a ball to cry, and cry and cry. Before lunch started, he got up rather quickly, Travis used the opportunity to trip him and he fell over, he scratched both his knees and it wanted to make him cry again, and it did, he just ran to the restrooms and locked himself in a stall, hugging his legs and silently crying again, what a shit day, he just wanted it to end already. The urge was suddenly unbearable, he needed to get himself off of that situation, he reached to his hoodie pockets and pulled out a little envelope that contained a stainless steel blade he hadn’t used in a while. He then pulled his sleeves up and angrily started making multiple deep cuts in every dimension, that made him sob and gasp, and when he was done, he was just a mess of blood and tears, he reached for the toilet paper and luckily for him, there was, so he quickly put it on the wounds and made some pressure until the blood was almost gone, he pulled the sleeves back down and sighed, he wasn’t relieved, but he wasn’t around Travis so he was good for a while. Then he remembered his next class was religion, fuck no, he was going to the principle to ask him to call his dad, he needed to go home, he couldn’t resist any more time with Travis let alone it being in religion class, fucking religion class, that was the last thing he wanted to happen to him. After he decided he was calling his dad to go home, he got off the toilet and opened up the stall door slowly as to not find any “unwanted guests”. Once he double-checked and triple-checked he was able to get out of there an run to the principal’s office, only to blink and open his eyes back up at a hospital room, surrounded by Larry, Ashley, Todd, Todd’s boyfriend (he didn’t remember his name) and his dad, all looking both worried and relieved. “oh my god, he’s awake!” Ashley almost yelled, rushing to hold his friends hand. “huh…? Wha- what am I doing here?” Sal asked, looking around, noticing his arms were uncovered, showing his fresh cuts and the catheter where the liquids where flowing. “uh, you passed out and Larry found you completely splattered on the ground, your hoodie was soaked in blood so he told us and we rushed you to the hospital. It seemed like you lost a lot of blood, Sally, what’s wrong?” Todd talked, looking concerned. “Salvatore, please tell me you’re not going to start cutting yourself again, I already signed a document to refuse your admission to the mental hospital, I know you don’t wanna go back there and I don’t want you to go either, that place only drugs you and prevents you from everything…” Henry spoke, worry and sadness gushing out of his mouth while he talked. Tears started falling down Sal’s eyes, he was mortified, and now he was in the fucking hospital, he was sure this was a nightmare, he needed to wake up, he needed to fucking- “SAL, WAKE UP!!” Larry said, worried and scared, it had been a day since Sal got out of the hospital and he stopped going to school for a while, Larry was taking care of him every day after school to make sure he was eating and cleaning himself, he was worried his best friend would kill himself if he spent too many time alone and he wasn’t risking losing another loved one. Never again. Sal jerked awake, all startled by his friend’s yelling. “what do you want Larry…” annoyed by his sudden awakening, Sal rolls over on the bed and starts falling back asleep. “I brought you some pancakes and chocolate milk… I know you like them…” Larry sighed out, he was sad to see his best friend like that, he hated it, he fucking hated whatever was going on with him to make him that depressed. Sal sat up and started eating bit by bit, the bandages on his arms were getting loose and a bit gooey, so after Sal finished eating, Larry carried him piggyback to the bathroom to clean him up.
That was only the beginning of the worst four years of his life, days of never ending bullying, depressive episodes, fights, detentions, panic attacks and breakdowns.
Last break of their last year of school was nearing in, that was the last day of school before break and they’d be back for a month and a half more of school and everything would be over. Sal was excited because he was going on a field trip with the squad, not knowing those plans were going to be completely crushed by goody two-shoes blonde fuck Travis, who had woke up that last day of school and chose complete violence. That day was living hell for Sal, he never stopped mocking him and calling him names, but Sal just pretended to ignore him, until… “Hey freak, you faceless faggot motherfucker, did your mommy do your hair for you? It looks shitty! Oh wait, no she didn’t. why, you ask? OH YEAH, BECAUSE SHE’S DEAD, SHE MUST BE CRINGING AND CRYING IN HER GRAVE BECAUSE SHE’S ASHAMED OF YOU, ABOMINATION, UNGODLY MONSTER” Travis was following him around, tugging at his hair and pushing his head around, until Sal snapped. He didn’t say anything, just a hit, square in the nose, a loud crack and a scream followed, Sal just kept hitting and hitting until Larry had to physically drag him away, he was frozen, scared, absolutely terrified of himself, of what he did. Luckily it was finally break time and he got to dip out of there, he locked himself at home and ravaged the tree on his backyard, then when he was tired of it, he decided to go back inside and look at himself in the mirror, he then found himself staring down to a pair of scissors on his nightstand. His breath became shaky and anxious, he didn’t want to do it, he made him do it, it was all his fault, all his fault, he fucking did it. “LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID, TRAVIS FUCKING PHELPS!” he cried out, yelling and shaking after he looked at himself back in the mirror, his pretty blue long locks were completely gone, leaving him with a mess of hair, he didn’t want it anymore, he didn’t want to look like a girl, he didn’t want to be bullied anymore, he didn’t deserve it. “I am a man, I was born a man, I will die a man, and if I am a man I will fucking behave like one. Did you fucking hear me, Phelps!? IM GONNA BE WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE, A FUCKING GUY, NOT THE UNGODLY FAGGOT YOU ALWAYS SAW ON ME!! ARE YOU HAPPY? ARE YOU GLAD?! FUCK YOU! YOU MADE ME LIKE THIS! ME! THE ONE WHO ALWAYS THOUGHT FONDLY OF YOU, THE ONE THAT THOUGHT YOU WERE JUST SCARED OF ME! The one who… the one… the one who fucking liked you…” Sally couldn’t speak anymore, he was shaking, sobbing and crying out loud on the bathroom floor, just to stare back up and find Larry and Ashley looking down at him, both crying, completely worried and scared of what they were looking at. Larry picked him up as he drifted away, passing out from all the crying. They let him sleep, he was sleeping soundly as the other two were slowly falling asleep by his sides. When he woke up he found them sleeping there, he woke them up too since he had an enormous headache and needed some assistance. “Lar… b-bring me some medicine please my head hurts like hell…” He went to grab onto his locks and all he found was a nest of tangled up short hair, he found himself scared but then remembered what happened before he went out and tears started gushing out of his eyes. “fuck, I really did it, I cut my fucking hair.” Sal unbelievably laughed, a melancholic laugh. Larry got up and Ash stayed there, hugging him softly. “don’t worry, blue, I’ll take you to a salon after you take your medicine and we’ll get that mess fixed, alright?” Ash held his hand, reassuringly squishing it softly. Sal nodded then looked up when he saw Larry pop out of the doorframe holding a pill and a glass of water which he gave him to drink. “So dude… after you get the haircut… do you wanna go get some food and maybe get high at the abandoned house down the hill? I know Ash is out of this because she has to babysit her brother but we can go if you want.” Larry asks rather shyly, trying not to give Sal any strong emotions. “I’ll take the food offer, but no weed for me today, this headache will get fucking worse if I even get near the stuff” Larry nodded, joining the hug
after Sal had swallowed the pill, closing his eyes at the pleasuring hug. After the pill kicked in and Sal was no longer in pain, the three young adults went to the hair salon to get Sal a haircut, then the other two sat back reading awfully boring magazines. Mid haircut, Sal asked the stylist to dye his hair black, he wanted to change himself completely, never look back at himself how he used to be. They finished washing his hair and he went to show his friends who looked completely dumbfounded by the new look, so dumbfounded Sal started to worry. “guys? What is it? Do-does it look bad? Do I change it or-“ he was cut off by a wave of NO’s from both of them, they were both in love with what they saw before them, they rushed to hug him and cradle him, Larry cried, because he loved him, he loved every single piece of his existence and now he looked so different, not happier, but completely different, he was proud of him, of his baby, not blue anymore.
The road trip never happened, but they stayed together at Sal’s house the whole break since Henry was away for a business trip that meant a lot of money coming to them afterwards. The three spent the break like a little family, they tried doing all sorts of things, like cooking, hiking, stargazing, burning all Sal’s “feminine” stuff as a symbolic sacrifice (even if Ashley wanted to keep the makeup and some stockings he had) and well, other kind of stuff between the three of them. The day they had go back to school went… not so badly. The squad had agreed not to talk to Sal a lot at school so people thought he was just absent or something, and it worked out until some person started to suspect. “hey, you, uh… Salvatore?” Travis approached the guy shyly, tapping his shoulder. “yeah?” Sal tried to lower his voice to confuse the oblivious blonde even more. “well I wanted to talk to you about something, in private, so… do you mind going with me to the school’s auditorium? I promise it’ll not take long.” Travis stepped a little further from him as to not scare him. “uh yeah sure, why not.” He nodded and followed behind, not too closely, while he texted his partners about it, he was shaking, scared and stressed about what might happen there. Porcelain doll: school auditorium, quick, heading there with Travis, apparently he wants to talk about something.
Ashey<3: oooo someone is getting confessed to!!!
Lar-Bear: be there in 3 minutes, dragging Ash with me if something happens.
Porcelain doll: nice, thanks babe.
Ashey<3: no worries boo ~
Lar-Bear: we love you, Torey.
Sal sighed in relief knowing his boyfriend and girlfriend were going to be around if something bad happened, so he ruffled his hair and jogged a bit, trying to keep up the pace. When they got there, Travis pushed the big doors to the entrance, the dim lighted room was scary enough with the theatre people in it, let alone it being completely empty, except for Ash and Larry who were hiding in the console room.
Travis cleared his throat, he was… nervous? Maybe Sal was imagining it, there’s no way that motherfucker was nervous.
“so… what did you wanna talk about?” Sal spit out rather venomously, stressed and annoyed by Travis’ presence.
“I promise it wouldn’t take long so it won’t. Salvatore Fisher, Sally Face, I wanted to tell you I’m absolutely sorry for what I did to you, all those years of suffering because of my fear of… of… uh… of…” Travis was struggling to take it out, he was disgusted by his own words though he knew he had to say it somehow. “of liking another man, of liking you, Sal… I was taking it all out on you and you didn’t deserve it, I’m working on myself, on becoming a better person for you, because I know how much damage I caused you on the outside, but on the inside, I know I left you a wound that is rotting and I will never know how deep it is.”
“Bro. You waited four years. Four fucking whole years to apologize for something you did to me every day nonstop, the words, the names, the hits, the hair pulling, all of that, and now you’re just telling me that you’re sorry? What do you expect? That I fall on your arms, begging you to hold me and forgiving you right away? Fuck no. Totally not. I will never forget what you did to me, and you know what? Fuck you. You’re the fucking faggot, you’re the one that deserves to get your shit rocked every single day of the rest of your fucking existence. You’re the sissy, little blondie piss baby, what’re you gonna do, huh? Cry out to daddy for him to save you? Only sissies cry, Travis, man the fuck up and piss your pants anywhere else but near me.” Sal gushed every word that came out of his mouth so naturally it was like he had rehearsed that speech a thousand times. He pushed him, making him trip over his feet and fall to the ground before he left, fuming, at the verge of tears, and before he closed the doors of the auditorium he yelled “FUCK YOU TRAVIS PHELPS, EVEN IF I STILL LOVED YOU, I WOULD NEVER TOUCH YOUR FILTHY FLESH IN MY MISERABLE LIFE, Y’KNOW!?” and with that said, he slammed the door behind him, actually hearing rushed footsteps from the other side. Todd and Larry were waiting for him outside but Sal ignored them, he was too busy wiping the tears off of his face as his legs gave in and let him sit on the floor, resting his back against a stack of lockers nearby. Travis barged out of the auditorium, tears desperately streaming down his face, yelling out for Sal. “SAL PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I LOVE YOU WITH MY LIFE AND IM SORRY I HURT YOU SO MUCH PLEASE JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE I PROMISE I’LL BE BETTER!!” Travis was full on begging, he needed him so bad but Todd and Larry stopped him, Larry had hit him square in the face while on the floor Todd kicked him on the side, completely angered to see how poor Sally was crying too, with Ashley by his side hugging him and comforting him, they would never let Travis get near Sal, ever again. Since the principal actually knew Sal and Travis situation, he didn’t end up expelling anyone and didn’t give them detention, Travis, Todd and Larry were given a warning and Ash was congratulated because of how good of a job she did comforting Sally while he was having his panic attack. Finally they got to go home and do their homework and onto the next day.
Finally, the school year, graduation and prom had been completely over, and Ash, Sal and Larry were moving out of Nockfell to live together in the city since Larry had gotten a job and Sal was planning to start university with Ash, they were both planning on enrolling in art school even though Sal wasn’t too excited about it since he wasn’t as good at art as Larry and Ashley were, but they both always reminded him that he doesn’t need to be good, he needs to be passionate. That way he would finally get better.
The news of the moving got to Travis, so, as a goodbye present, he left a letter and some candy for Sal in his letterbox, promising him and himself that they would never cross each other ever again. Sal thought it was a cute gesture, maybe in another life they would’ve been together, but in this one, they just peacefully drifted away after all the suffering they felt throughout the years. He went in to smoke some weed, he took the letter with him and read it out loud, he cried a little while, and after that he just burned the letter and went back into the empty house. Ash greeted him with a soft kiss on the lips and smiled. “The moving crew called, they’ll be here in ten minutes. Lar is upstairs saying his last goodbyes to the house.” Ash kissed his forehead and let him go with a playful spank on his butt, making both of them giggle. When Sal went up he found Larry crying, he softly approached him and sat beside him, hugging him tightly.
“hi doll, sorry you get to see me like this, I got nostalgic and I was thinking of how glad my mom would be to know that I found a job, that I have a beautiful loving relationship and that I’m moving out with them, with the beautiful people I love.” Larry sobbed onto Sally’s chest and he howled as soon as the words left Larry’s mouth.
“I’m sure little old Lisa is really fucking proud of you, of me and of Ashey, like, we’re both successful young adults and we’re taking off, we’re living our lives just like Lisa, my dad and Ashley’s wanted, so never doubt it, they’re all pretty proud of you, bear.” Sally reassured him with a big smile, Larry kissed him softly then pulled out with a huge smile.
“good god Torey, I love you so fucking much.” They ended up cuddling on the beanbag they didn’t pack, it was big enough to fit three people there, so they were comfortable, kissing and cuddling there. They started getting heated up and kissing more aggressively. Rough kissing and hickeys, until Ashley interrupted them.
“I knew I was hearing my little porcelain doll moaning, why am I not invited again?” They all laughed and pulled her onto the beanbag, but then again there was another interruption, the doorbell rang, the moving crew was there, they started loading the stuff to the moving truck and the other stuff inside Larry’s truck, then took off, they were leaving, finally leaving that damn town, the memories, the suffering, off to a new life, a better life where they had love to give and receive, wealth and success, so they weren’t sad. Obviously they were nostalgic, but never sad.
They finally got to the new house, it was big and pretty, the furniture looked perfect and the bedroom was cozy and welcoming. They were so tired that day, they just slept through the whole night and the next half of the day.
There their life started, their new life, where the worries were different and the old problems were nowhere to be seen, and they were happy, they were completely free. Free, loved and happy, just how they deserved.
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