#go bother someone else
lottiesprophecy · 1 year
you really can’t talk about Lizzie Stark without some gremlin popping up and crying about their dead girl Grace. under every post, tweet, or tiktok about our bravest and strongest girl Lizzie there’s some crybaby going off about Grace. well you know what else went off?? the gun that killed her to remove her from the story.
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cosmictiddies · 2 months
isn't it important to understand the beliefs of people you are on opposite ideological sides of? if we can't understand our own beliefs then were just parroting Twitter phrases and we're not any better than them. we cany just say all exclusion is bad and leave it there, we have to understand why or it falls apart the first time anyone asks a question. like, why is it okay to ban men from things for women but not ban trans women? both are banning a group, the effect is the same even if the ideas behind it are different. I'm all for banning men from say, calling themselves lesbians but if I'm banning a group and telling them what they can or can't call themselves then why is it different than what terfs do? it's not splitting hairs, it's a valuable tool in having discussions with these people, and maybe even succeeding in changing their minds
ive done my time in the "argue with bigots" mines. i know their ideology bc i used to think i could change their minds or whatever. and i dont care bc it didnt do anything except make me mad. i dont want to understand them or their point of view anymore bc they will not do the same for me. also i dont wanna ban men from anything you listed i simply dont care. this is a wendy's
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tobytheeggo · 1 month
Wow that’s so cool! I never thought about this before but how do you actually figure out who is the original creator of a ship? Is it the first person to post a fic, or the first person to mention the ship on a public website, or the first person to mention it anywhere, or the first person to think about it even if they don’t tell anyone?
I feel like this is INSANELY backhanded but I wanna explain something rq
I wouldn’t go out my way to say that I EXPLICITLY CREATED this ship, more or less that I was a big chunk of contributing to it because I started spreading it around with stuff I had from months prior
HERE SPECIFICALLY. It started with one post from someone else who merely said ‘I think Marquis and his bodyguard have something going on’ AND had their replies off; then me, which then I told my friend, which then she started posting and writing about, which ultimately made it more popular and interesting.
I say I MADE HopelesslyDevoted because I have so much on it that others didn’t months ago, if I never said anything to that friend, HD would still just be ‘MarquisChidi’; let alone the fact I came up with the name ‘HopelesslyDevoted’
If anyone else wants to stand up and say they are the creator of a ship, WITH THE EVIDENCE OF BEING ONE OF THE FIRST AT LEAST THREE PEOPLE TO TALK ABOUT IT (in my opinion), I say they are creator of the ship, if it’s popular now and you were one of 3 people to talk about it first, I say you have all the right in the world to say you made it.
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pirefyrelight · 7 months
you've heard of Distant Whistling that instantly breaks any veneer of calm you've pretended to don, now get ready for Curbside Wubstep that slowly pounds anger into your skull as you're trying to enjoy your daydreams on a morning off work.
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fawnyblues · 5 months
I hate this time of the month
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lady-morrigen · 8 months
if you’re too up your own ass to engage your critical thinking skills before hopping into someone’s anons and trying to stir shit up, idk what to tell you.
perhaps you could try logging off and getting some fresh air. might do you some good.
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queenielacy · 7 months
I’m not arguing with any Roman Reigns stans so don’t waste your time sending asks because they’re being deleted. I’m also a fan of Roman Reigns, but I don’t blindly stan him and I don’t take critiques of Roman personally. I truly don’t understand why it hurts you all so badly that people may not like your fav or may not like something your fav has done or said. Unless you’re being paid, you shouldn’t be going this hard for someone that doesn’t even know you exist.
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thegreeneyedlycan · 7 months
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mayisgoingnuts · 8 months
"Making things worse" don't make me laugh! You have no idea how much of a positive difference I have made and how much work I have put into making posts accessible. My "spamming" has convinced multiple people TODAY to start making an effort to include image descriptions in the future and even more to add them to just one post.
YOU are the one making things worse. You're whining over describing a single gif. Boohoo, put in some real work before you complain.
Suck my nuts
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candyredappledragon · 8 months
(Please don’t go into the woods)
im not gonna even say anything.
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cupcakes-and-pain · 2 years
REMINDER: I am a trans man. I don’t particularly care for H*rry P*tter fans on my blog. Please block me, leave, and never come back if you are transphobic or spend money on HP stuff (which just gives JKR more money and more of a platform)
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"lord and savior" who’s face first in the snow after being used like a chopping board by his own men lmaoo
Your reading comprehension must be zero if you consider that Jon will remain dead in the two remaining books of the series.
He's returning and he will major contribute to defeating the Others. Your insignificant faves would never...
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legendsyz · 1 year
Most npd and ASPD people are abusive, you have to be very self aware and work very hard with cluster b disorders to not abuse people. Both narcissistic and sociopathic abuse can co-exist with not all narcs and socios are abusive.
Who even are you?? Be brave, come off anon pls ❤️
Do you live with a cluster b disorder? I do! And it's actually a punch to the gut to be told that me just living my life means I'm going to abuse people. Having a disorder doesn't make someone abusive. It actually enhanced the ptsd, self esteem issues, and self doubt. Ptsd HD if you will!
You aren't my psych or my therapist.
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caralara · 1 year
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wisdomfish · 2 years
Tumblr media
Look at the cross and there's where you see that the God of the Bible has bothered with us. He has rolled up his sleeves and got his hands dirty to pull off his plan to rescue us. ~ Mike Cain
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lady-morrigen · 1 year
inserting myself into the bullshit because it involves my best friend and i have a few things i'd like to say, in case the anon weirdo is following me too (if you are, unfollow me right fucking now):
if you've followed her for any length of time, you would realize by now that @acrossthesestars blog is not the space for you if you're genuinely so affected by nsfw content. i'm honestly concerned on how you manage day-to-day life and the internet in general if you're this sensitive.
which is it? is her blog too spicy for you? or is it too vanilla? last time i checked, no one is triggered by vanilla sex. please figure yourself out before talking nonsense on anon like a coward.
if you think her blog is too "tiggering" or too "vanilla," what the fuck are you following her for? no one is forcing this content on you. absolutely no one. tumblr won't even tell her if you unfollow. like my dude... be so fr.
do you realize how absolutely bonkers bananas crazy you look rn? sending anon after anon, despite getting no response, and stalking other blogs for things to send more messages about? fun tumblr fact! if i reblog something from neil gaiman, it does not mean i know him. a reblog does not mean the person reblogging is personal friends with the op, or even the person they reblogged it from.
as fun as it has been to make you look like a giant, blithering idiot, what you're doing is really uncool. if you're just socially awkward or whatever, that's one thing. but your obsessiveness with my best friend is actually unhinged and i'm begging you to go outside and take a few deep breaths. maybe contemplate why you are the way that you are while you're at it. and stop sending creepy fucking anons.
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