#go buy a fucking wlw book
rollercoasterwords · 2 years
like. ok i am going to spell it out
the reason having conversations about representation can be productive in the realm of like. tv or movies or published fiction is that
a) those forms of media are outside the realm of your control. like. most individuals do not get much of a say in the creation of film and most individuals never publish books, etc. BUT
b) those forms of media are largely driven by audience consumption. they exist in a profit economy and rely on reaching an audience to survive. so it does matter what the audience thinks, because a bigger, happier audience = more money
ergo, yelling about liking or disliking something is essentially one of the only ways you can make a difference in those forms of media. it can be productive to push for lesbian rep in tv shows, for example, because if consumers are putting their money where their mouth is then it incentivizes the people who do control what gets made to make things that consumers will want to buy.
but none of that applies to fanfiction.
do you see where i'm going with this? generally speaking, fanfiction is something made as a hobby by individuals who are writing stories that they want to see. because there is no profit, it doesn't really matter what an audience wants; at the end of the day, people generally aren't going to be motivated to write stories for free in their spare time if the story isn't something they themselves want to write. if someone is choosing to write stories about men over writing stories about women, that is not automatically or inherently misogynistic.
additionally--this is a space where you can control the media you consume! if there's a story you want to read, you can just write it. like. it's fanfiction. you can literally just write anything you want to see.
"oh but i'm not a good writer" "oh but that takes so long" "oh but that's so hard" "oh but i don't want to write it, i just want to read it"
okay? go search for the stories you want then. there are tons of people writing wlw fic in this fandom; you can find them if you try.
"yeah but the wlw fics aren't as good--" fuck off
"yeah but there aren't as many--" THEN WRITE SOME. or find a fic writer who writes wlw fic and shower them with praise if you really want to encourage them to keep writing. aside from writing it yourself, supporting wlw fic writers is the most productive thing you can do if you genuinely feel that this is a serious issue.
but when you complain that there's "not enough" wlw fic, you are approaching fanfiction in the same way you would approach media created within a profit economy. you are acting as if fic writers are obligated to provide you, the consumer, with certain types of "content," which deteriorates the boundaries that keep fanfiction outside the consumer economy and protect it as one of few community spaces left that has not been entirely swallowed by the chokehold of capitalism. is there a conversation to be had about how misogyny might play into the popularity of mlm vs. wlw fic? sure! but that is a nuanced conversation that cannot be boiled down to a one-sentence tweet or a single comment on tiktok, and trying to simplify it down to a punchline does more harm than good.
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camelspit · 4 months
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Tinker by @thefoxysnake
Umber by @chronically-ill-psionipath
Master Cadence by @tw-5
Note! Definition of a sexywoman:
According to the sexywomanpedia, a sexywoman is "a character who shows the 'lanky suitman villain' tropes, is popular with wlw, and/or is highly divisive." Some factors to consider are morality (or lack thereof), overall mysteriousness, and strength (physical or abilitywise.)
"she's trans! she's autistic! she's a mad scientist! she's everything you could possibly want in a woman!!!!!" @gay-otlc
"shes a mad genius she built a mad science castle she invented steampunk literally why would you not love her" @necromycologist
"Shes an evil hot powerful shade that got killed in the book she got introduced in what more could you want" @thefoxysnake
"Umber (Redacted) is one of the women in the series that isn’t JUST psychological manipulator! She also fought! She broke bones (if I remembered correctly) and messes with everyone’s minds without even revealing her true name! She has a boyfriend! A BOYFRIEND. TRIX. She went through something ‘the incident’ (mentioned in the latest book) and joined the Neverseen! She got Trix, her Pookie to be in the Neverseen as well 🥺. You can tell she was also a good lover how Trix was so sad over her death. KEEP IN MIND SHE DIED BEING CRUSHED, so for those who likes angst; there you go. She died in her mission. She was Tam’s mentor and an EXCELLENT fighter if I do say so myself. Who wouldn’t vote Umber? A girlboss with a sweet boyfriend and has murderous tendencies? 😔🎉 Vote for Umber PLEASE! I’M BEGGING YOU! PLSPLSPLSPLS 😭😭" @chronically-ill-psionipath
Master Cadence:
"she’s a linguist. she’s a woman in stem. she’s tired of everyone’s bullshit. she’s fruity as hell. her house is cool as fuck (a howls moving castle style boat-thing made of metal that she built herself because she didn’t want to live in the elven cities???? come on). she’s a MASTER. what more could you want." @let-them-sing-of-others
"she’s an academic. shes smarter than u. she hates on the council and she’s RIGHT. she hates sophie actually you know what she has a hater complex but in a hot way. i love her yr honour." @necromycologist
"ok not to be a lesbian or horny on main (<- ace) but HOLY SHIT i want her to step on me. this lady has intensified my sexuality crisis" (anonymous)
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homeless202 · 1 year
No Home Prompts/Headcanons
[feel free to use these as inspiration for fanfics or fanart. tag me if you post it!!]
(disclaimer 1: this is prolly very ooc but it's also not supposed to be realistic. disclaimer 2: a lot of these are centered around Haejoon and Eunyung and can be interpreted as /r or /p)
HJ stopping someone from harassing EY, similar to the frying pan scene. [one concrete scenario i have is a teacher/supervisor wanting to cut EY's hair and HJ, who's standing next to him (i imagine all dorm boys lined up for the lights-out roll call), grabs the scissors out of their hand and throws it out the window. HJ: "you should go grab them if you don't want them to rust" so the supervisor goes away. badass HJ (altho he's too much of a model student to spite a teacher like that). EY is confused and in awe. bonus points if there's witnesses who marvel at HJ's badassery and authority defiance.]
all 6 MCs hanging out in the clubroom and HJ does sth cool or impressive (maybe sings out loud and it sounds good). juwan and minju are panicking bc 'holy shit he's so hot i want him carnally' like tearing up, rolling on the floor type craving. marie is watching them freak tf out, completely unimpressed, with an expression like she's on the office. hara is like 'hey man, that sounded really good' like the golden retriever sunshine puppy she is. EY is just staring very intently at him like trying to figure out a puzzle with a faint thought of 'he should join the theater club'. HJ, poor him, is so fucking confused as to why everyone is overreacting and a little embarrassed that he accidentally did that.
minju and juwan craving the 184cm mommy issues ghost guy be like:
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^^ this is how i imagine juwan's internal monologue like 98% of the times he interacts with HJ. just constant gay panic.
all the other boys in their dorms who have to listen to HJ and EY's screaming matches all the time. poor fuckers. they all often choke on the tension those two create in the room they're in. but the fighting is basically like free live reality TV prime-time entertainment, so they can't be too bothered (unless they're trying to sleep). and generally, everyone is weirded out/confused by their friendship (?). like 'why is the nice popular pretty guy hanging out with model student bully who sees ghosts, especially when they're always just fighting?' <- #confusion. but it's entertaining so eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
HJ helping EY study, maybe forced by a teacher, or from EY's own volition (doubtful), or per juwan's suggestion when EY failed too many exams/classes to keep living in the dorms. i wonder how that tutoring session would go. would probably end bloody.
whenever HJ goes to the grocery store to buy food he also buys a pack of sweets or snacks. every time EY sees them in their room he asks if he can have some. HJ lets him open the pack. EY always asks if he wants some too and HJ almost always says no. after the 6th time this happened, EY confronted him abt it 'why are you buying these if you're not eating them?' and HJ is like 'i buy them for you. i know you like them.' EY is surprised and juwan is happy they're not fighting anymore (but also insanely jealous -> 'when did they get so close? grrrr')
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(/r) HJ chilling on the couch in the dorm living-room, reading a book for class and EY comes and wants to lie down but there's no more space so he spreads out on the couch with his legs on HJ's lap, who's a bit like 'wtf' but decides against picking a fight. EY is chilling on his phone in a skirt shorts and with his hair undone. they just chill like that for a while and every poor soul who passes through that room are confused and uneasy abt their lack of fighting. at some point HJ notices the scars on EY's knees and rests his hand (the one not holding the book) on them, then goes back to reading while absent-mindedly rubbing his thumb over the scars. EY is startled and also like 'wtf' but let's it be bc he has crypto to mine.
juwan-marie mlm/wlw solidarity. all 3 boys are not surprised when she comes out as a (disater) lesbian but their reaction is 'oh really? i never would've guessed (/s)'. she comes out to them bc she needs help making hara figure out she likes her in an non-obvious way.
the boys' reaction be like:
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marie likes hara, minju likes marie, and hara likes her sport (karate? idr). marie is frustrated at hara's cluelessness, minju is annoyed marie doesn't take her advances seriously, hara is oblivious to the turmoil she's caused. [a scenario i came up with is all 6 in the clubroom where minju just goes full out after shit's been building up for a while like ' why do you like hara and not me? i'm here trying my best and she doesn't even care! how is she so much better than me?' marie is beyond embarrassed and also very done with the bs. she pulls minju outside the clubroom and slaps her in the hallway promptly rejecting her. the other 4 saw everything through the door window and are jaw-dropped-flabbergasted. marie enters again after minju left and everyone asks if she's ok. hara's like 'you like me?' and marie says 'now's not the time for that. don't you have practice or sth?'. after a bit of convincing hara leaves for her lessons and the 3 boys ask marie why she doesn't like minju -> 'she doesn't like me, she just likes the chase. if we were to get together she'd get bored in less than a month and break up with me.' juwan agrees bc he knows minju best and that's something she would absolutely do. marie starts tearing up bc this is overwheming and embarrassing but the boys are there to comfort her. (<- what's even more frustrating in all of this is that marie did like minju in the beginning, before she swindled marie for the clubroom, was disingenuous abt their friendship, and friendzone marie when she told minju that she liked her.) ohh how the turn tables]
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^^ this is the dynamic i imagine bc it's hella funny /// @ artist on twt
EY wil fight for kids who can't fight for themselves. if he sees a kid/friend get hit by a parent/authority he won't hesitate to throw hands. he'll step in on the spot and sucker-punch the mfer who put their hands on someone weaker than themselves. [the first time the others see this side of him is when they meet marie's brother, who acts like a massive asshole and stupidly smacks marie in front of them. HJ is ready to say sth/jump in but EY is half a second quicker and already gave the bitch a bloody nose. and he fights with the rage he'd fight his dad with, if he ever dared to do that. like a demon possessed, not anywhere near the way he's ever fought HJ before. marie's crying and begging him to stop hitting her brother, HJ and juwan are frozen in shock. juwan wants to try to calm him down but is too scared to approach him when he's like that. meanwhile HJ is just like 'holy shit, this mfer is actually crazy' and goes to pull EY off of marie's brother bc he got too close to killing him. after that everyone is more wary of him in general, marie is somewhat grateful but also terrified of him. from then on the brother either never hits her again or gathers a group of friends to go beat up a blond high school kid.]
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i think it would be interesting to see the bullies who forced EY to crawl two stations to get his money back resurface. that group of bullies bumping into our 3 boys and going like 'whoa, EY? is that you? how're your knees doing?' and laughing. juwan is confused as to what they're talking about, HJ immediately knows who the fuckers are bc he knows the knee story, and EY is trying to ignore them with a poker face but really he's terrified inside bc trauma™. HJ has never seen EY so affected/blank/scared/distraught and is concerned. trouble ensues, bonus points if HJ saves the day (aka beats the fuckers up) and bonus bonus points if he doesn't tell EY abt it and does it in secret.
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^^ no thought's behind those eyes. only misery and trauma
juwan and HJ gift EY clothes every time they have an excuse like 'oh you passed that exam? nice here is a new pair of jeans' or 'it's Christmas, this is a jacket for you'. bc my boy needs more than one piece of everything. he needs more clothes and his friends noticed and are now providing. they need to have an excuse/good reason to gift the items to EY bc he will not accept them otherwise (he refuses to be indebted to anyone).
whenever EY catches HJ changing clothes in their room, he feels really guilty when he sees the scar he gave him when they first met. every time, he wants to apologize but he doesn't know how to make it sound genuine, and the apology always catches in his throat anyway. he can't say it out loud, so he quickly makes it a habit to leave the room when HJ changes.
idk man, i just wanna see HJ help EY braid his hair. and EY be surprised by how well he can braid or make fun of him for how bad he is at it. [maybe a hand/arm injury that prevents him from braiding his hair himself and he doesn't want to leave the dorm looking like that before he can get to a girl-friend who could do his hair for him.]
EY goes with HJ to provide moral support when HJ has to go back to his old house to pick sth up or when HJ goes to visit his mom's grave (only 52% willingly). [(/r ->) at the house, HJ would definitely have a mental breakdown and EY would be there to unintentionally aggravate the situation, then mend it and comfort him. EY is also terrified of all the ghost items inside that house when he first enters. HJ is a tad happy to see some old faces (<- the ghosts who live/haunt his house). /// at the graveyard, HJ would try his best not to cry, EY would notice and leave him alone for a bit to mourn. when he's done, before they leave, EY looks intently at the mom's grave stone and nods his head once. maybe it's a salute to the mom, or a 'thank you for raising him well', but in any case, that's the first time we see EY use manners. HJ doesn't notice it bc he's busy with his own feelings.]
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parallel to that, juwan and HJ come pick EY up from (aka get him out of) his parent's apartment. the parent's are astounded anyone came for their 'good-for-nothing' son. before the boys leave the apartment building's courtyard, EY's mom comes running up to them. HJ and juwan are in defense/protection mode, EY is just so tired and so done with everything he doesn't feel present anymore. the mom doesn't get any closer, she just looks HJ in the eyes and thanks him for looking out for her son. then she turns to EY and says 'don't fuck this up like everything else in your life' and goes back to the apartment. all of them are shocked by the unexpected good nature she's shown and EY is also a bit upset by her comment about his life but he's too tired to give a shit atm.
when EY finally gets back into acting, HJ helps him learn his lines when he has the time. after his first play, HJ is there to give him flowers and tell him how good his acting was. (/r -> this may or may not be the moment EY really (realizes he) caught feelings) also HJ was gen amazed at how good his acting skills are, like wide-eyed 'wow he's actually really really good'.
(/r) i want EY to wear a skirt as a dare or sth and fluster the shit out of HJ (and any other eyes that catch him in that outfit). EY would tease him for blushing so hard and feel powerful bc of the reaction he's got, until HJ grabs him (one hand on a shoulder and one hand on his waist) and pulls him so he can whisper in his ear 'stop that'. the tables turn. EY pushes away like he's been burned, which might be true, seeing how he got so red one would think he's been sunburned.
(/r) idk if it's canon but i for some reason think HJ has weights in their room. so, EY always stares at HJ from his top bunk bed (where HJ can't see him), whenever HJ's using them. specifically at his biceps. EY is unsure whether he's jealous bc he wants those muscles or if he wants those muscles. (if you catch my drift)
i feel like HJ and EY could bond a lot over music. they are often listening to it.
the apocalypse storyline is not talked about enough. someone needs to write this since wanan only gave us a crumb and disappeared.
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i mean, look at this ^^. are you gonna stand there and tell me you're not intrigued?
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schwhoopsie · 3 months
yk what’s funny? just when i come to terms with myself and my sexuality the universe decides to fuck with that
i was at barnes and noble today and was feeling pretty good about myself. i didn’t need to get any books but i was just near one and decided to go in. i found two very obviously wlw books and decided to buy them. while i was in line i realized this was the first time i’d be buying a wlw book in person and i nearly broke down in the barnes and noble.
i have bought gay books in person before but they were mlm so it’s not that the books i was buying were gay. i think it was more that the books i was buying were wlw and that’s something that (from an outsider perspective) can be applied to me if that makes sense???
on the bright side though i bought the books using a gift card that my homophobic cousin gave to me so
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radley-writes · 2 years
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I posted 8,300 times in 2022
That's 2,151 more posts than 2021!
373 posts created (4%)
7,927 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#jugemu jugemu go-kō-no-surikire kaijari-suigyo no suigyō-matsu unrai-matsu fūrai-matsu kū-neru tokoro ni sumu tokoro yaburakōji no burakōji
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hello yes I am another toothpaste pain experiencer
I am allergic to the mint flavouring in toothpaste and it is the worst
On the upside, I have discovered that watermelon flavoured toothpaste is a thing that exists, even if it is aimed at toddlers
I have SUCH a mighty need, that sounds amazing
except uh, I would absolutely eat that stuff right out the tube
1,052 notes - Posted May 10, 2022
THE STRICTLY NO HEROICS (Feiwel & Friends, Macmillan Children’s, 2023) IS UP FOR PRE-ORDER!
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[ID: cover of a book showing a figure in a gasmask, hoodie and gloves, leant on an old TV. A rainbow pride pin is pinned to their jacket. Text reads ‘STRICTLY NO HEROICS’ in neon pink and green, and ‘B. L. Radley’ in white.]
If you're a powerless normie in a world run by superheroes, you need three rules to survive:
1: Keep your head down
2: Don’t make enemies
When a hero gropes her best friend, Riley Jones breaks all of them.
​Her attempt at serving justice gets her fired from her summer job. Luckily, Sunnylake City’s biggest business is booming (literally, when there's C4 involved).
​Every villain wants henchmen: masked cronies who take their coffee orders, vacuum their secret lairs, and posture in the background while they fight. The HENCH agency provides a steady stream of drop-outs and losers who are willing to get beaten up by sidekicks for minimum wage.
​Riley might just be the perfect candidate.
I’ve worked so hard on this project, with an incredible team of people. And we’re getting closer to that sweet, sweet pub date (March 28, 2023)!
Any boosts would be greatly appreciated <3 Let’s give my debut some love?
If you like queer & wlw content, teenage activists organizing strikes, and superhero stories from the perspective of the civilians... this is the book for you!
Goodreads page!
(If you’re short a bob but still want to get your hands on this glorious beast of a novel, consider requesting that your local library buy it! x)
2,470 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
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has this already been done or
2,487 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
.....roe v wade being overturned is fucking horrific, but as I’ve already seen more than one grumbly ‘why are people still posting casually like nothing happened’ post, it feels like a great time to remind folks that a) performatively posting on social media is not activism and you don’t know what people are doing irl, b) not everyone is American, c) some people really mentally struggle with being surrounded 24/7 by doomposting and misery, d) not everyone is American, e) people often have sideblogs categorised by the sort of material they post, so you might not be following the place where they are posting about roe v wade, f) NOT EVERONE IS AMERICAN -
6,941 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
...Do you ever see people critiquing specific word usage in novels and wonder if they know that language can be used in fun and figurative ways? And that this is half the joy of writing?
An example off the top of my head - if I say ‘He gave a whisper of a smile’, it does not mean that the smile is literally whispering; it means that the word ‘whisper’ invokes a sense of smallness, due perhaps to subtlety or shyness, and that is something I want connected to your mental envisioning of this dude’s smile. 
Saying ‘But that makes no sense; a smile and a whisper are two different things’ misses the point e n t i r e l y
28,585 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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canonicallyanxious · 2 years
in addition to my usual top 10's the last couple of years i made an extra top 10 list for funsies (2020 list of top 10 wlw medias and 2021 list of top 10 webcomics for posterity) and i wanted to take this year's list as an opportunity to shout out some cool artists/shoprunners out there (and also drag myself for my poor self-control) so this year I present:
Sarah's Top 10 Impulse Purchases of 2022
(notes: links to stores where applicable; also this post features my personal pics so some of them include my face and/or body, don't be jumpscared)
10. Uchuu Summer (feat. Private Caller Hawaiian Shirt and Watermelon Pop Hawaiian shirt)
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Shout out to Jacob & Karina Drawfee for wearing their cool shirts from this rad artist-owned store during a livestream which prompted me to buy two of my own shirts as the stream was happening. no model pics bc these shirts just recently came in (these previews are pulled from the website, also just want to say their preview art goes so hard) but when summer comes round again i will have infinite rights
9. Awesome Socks Club
(i don't have any cool pics yet for this one either because the subscription starts at the beginning of 2023 but look at the past designs on this website and tell me they don't absolutely fuck)
I saw a tumblr post from Hank Green about his socks subscription service where each month they get a new indie artist to design a pair of socks and all of their profits go to charity and look. i couldn't not do it. i fucking love weird quirky socks i was doomed from the moment i saw the words "awesome socks club".
8. REGALROSE (feat. Betrayal hoop dagger earrings)
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REGALROSE is a UK based company that makes supremely badass jewelry. i picked up these dagger earrings to complement a wedding outfit and i think it worked very well if i do say so myself. Tbh very challenging to get good close ups of these lol so you're just gonna have to take my word for it that they're just as cool and badass in person as you might imagine. Favorite earring purchase of the year hands down!
7. Across a Field of Starlight by Blue Delliquanti
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Became a huge fan of Blue Delliquanti after reading their excellent webcomic O Human Star (HUGELY recommend if you're in the mood for good sci fi with strong queer/trans themes btw!) and was thrilled to find out that they were coming out with a YA sci fi graphic novel with nonbinary protagonists earlier this year. Even more thrilled to discover how tender and heartfelt the story was!! Highly recommend for any graphic novel/sci fi enthusiasts!!
6. An Assortment of Records
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My parents got me a record player for my birthday this year so obviously i had to buy the fuck out of some vinyls(there are plenty i bought that aren't pictured here but i was too lazy to scrounge up every single pic i have on hand of my records skdjfnskdnfs)
5. Sleepy Peach (feat. Choose Violence sweater vest, Locals Only bomber jacket, & Bird of Paradise cardigan)
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Sleepy Peach is an independent clothing store that makes some bombass clothing, so colorful and fun and eyecatching! a friend sent me a link to their Instagram and i went OOH and never went back. I basically lived in the bomber jacket for most of the year and i have absolutely no regrets
4. Classics but Make it Gay: Volume II (edited by Nova & Mali)
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Nova & Mali are a small queer publishing house that puts out some really incredible queer-themed art books and projects. This is part of a series that reimagines classic art through a queer/trans lens and it's absolutely gorgeous from start to finish, featuring so many talented artists it honestly blows my mind. They're planning on putting together a Volume III next year which I'm really looking forward to supporting!! (i also have digital copies of Cover Me Queer, an art book of queer-themed romance novel covers, and their Our Flag Means Death fanzine and they're both fantastic, just some outstanding work from these folks)
3. The Calorum Cookbook (unofficial Dimension 20 inspired fanzine)
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Dimension 20's "A Crown of Candy" has an INSANELY talented fandom, it's truly jaw-dropping. The Calorum Cookbook is a charity fanzine cookbook inspired by ACOC's world that collects original recipes and TONS of amazing accompanying fanart and spot art. The layout is so professional and aesthetically pleasing, the recipes look so delicious (can't wait to try my hand at some of them!) and they even all come with little blurbs of in-world fanmade lore that put the recipes in the context of the show's setting in such a fun and creative way! Everything about this zine delights me and I'm so glad i decided to purchase a physical copy so I can hold it in my hands with childish delight and wonder. unfortunately i don't think they're selling physical copies anymore but I still recommend checking out the featured artists and contributors, this is a cool bunch of people!
2. Kinwamonster (feat. Monster Train bag, Big Bad jacket, & Home sweater)
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One of my favorite independent clothing brand discoveries of the year! run primarily by one artist, i'm just so in love with the aesthetic and the quality of these products. This sweater is seriously the comfiest thing i own and i use the monster train bag for everything, it fits basically everything i need when I'm out and about. don't even get me started on this jacket, if it were possible to put it on and never take it off I ABSOLUTELY WOULD. I think they're currently on break but I'm really excited to see what they'll release in the new year!!!
1. Original lineart of Princeps Zortch from Dimension 20's A Starstruck Odyssey (by Amy Reeder)
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This is undoubtedly one of the coolest purchases i have ever made in my goddamn life. unfortunately i am so hopelessly lazy and haven't gotten a frame for it yet so it's basically just sitting on my bedroom wall right now but MY GOD it is glorious. Thank you Amy Reeder for making such wonderfully compelling character art for dimension 20 and for the amazing opportunity to get my hands on the real actual lineart of my favorite npc of my favorite d20 season!!!!
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saint-fagula · 2 years
chap.4 of my wlw vampire story
 I sprint out the door, headphones in ears and in full panic mode. I completely forgot I had the 8:30 shift at Starbucks, arguably the busiest. It doesn’t end till 6:30. I promised to cover Yvonne’s shift because she needed to take a day off. Plus Francesca could use some help. They always cover for everybody. She always said she needs the extra money but I think it’s partly because she cares about us. 
I open the door and sprint behind the counter. As I put on the apron on, I realize that I’m wearing last night's clothes. I have no time to change. It would take me a half hour and it's already 8:35. 
“Looks like someone finally decided to show up.” Francesca smirks as I get ready to greet customers. 
The day was going to be pretty busy. But since it was November it was going to be an absolute pain. The amount of people ordering pumpkin spice latte made me cry. It's not even that good. It’s way too sweet. I prefer a black coffee and if I am held at gunpoint, I might add honey.
I personally don’t even like Starbucks. I prefer more local coffee shops but none were hiring when I needed a job. I still keep an eye just in case. I would gladly drop my job to work at a local coffee shop.
The long shift is tiring but I need to do it. I’m not getting paid overtime but Fran could use some help.
About around 2:30 I finally got a break. Only 15 minutes but still worth it. I put on my music and sit in the backroom. 
I spend the time researching guitars. I’m in the market for a new one anyway. The last one died a terrible death two years ago when I still had a band. When I’m playing I get excited. Too excited. I “accidentally” smashed it on stage for the aesthetic. I was going to replace it but I didn’t have the money. The one that got smashed was a fender. Don’t remember what type though. Maybe a player telecaster. What I really wanted was a gibson les paul. 
“Your time is up. I’m going to need you to man the front again. Val took off early again, the bastard.” Fran yelled to me. 
I put away my phone and headphones. I take a deep breath and head out.
I was pretty much on autopilot till six. I had no idea until one customer showed up. I had no idea they were even here. 
Mona was in line. I finished up the order I was taking on to the best of my ability. I hope I don’t seem flustered to them.
“I’ll have a small iced caramel macchiato.” She said, not even looking up from her sketchbook. I wonder if she is a comic book artist. I’d buy all her books.
“Sure, that’ll be four dollars and twenty-five cents. Anything else I can get you?” I ask in my normal voice. I usually have to make this god awful voice so I wouldn’t get complaints from my manager. 
Mona looks up at the menu, I assume anyway. Her brow furrows whenever she’s making a decision. It’s really cute of her. I’d love to kiss her bro-N O P E. She is just an acquaintance. Not even a friend yet. You don’t even know her last name. I panicked.
“No, I think that’s all.” She said before making eye contact. When she did finally see me she. . blushed? She couldn’t have been. It must’ve been the lighting or maybe that’s how she wears her makeup. I reassured myself. She is wearing some sparkly makeup right now.
“Oh hi Rosa!” Mona greets me, beaming. God, I melt everytime I see her smile. I would kill to see it everyday. “Have you thought about our offer?”
Fuck. I forgot. “I’m thinking about it. I just don’t want to intrude, ya know.” 
“Okay, let me know if anything happens. I’d love to have you stay.” 
“You would?” I didn't mean to say that out loud. The way it came out made me seem confused and helpless, which I was, I just didn’t want people to know.
As Mona was about to answer, Fran yelled “Hurry up lovers, I need to close up soon.”
I flushed a bright crimson and nodded. Did we really look like lovers? I wouldn’t mind being Mona’s girlfriend. I would die to be her wif-STOP IT! I reminded myself.
I relay Mona’s order to Fran, who reluctantly sighs. “Is she your girlfriend?” She asks nonchalantly.
If I had a drink, I would spit it out. “You practically melt when you are looking at her.” Fran continued.
“No! I mean, I wouldn’t mind but no! I don’t even know if she’s interested in women.” I frantically reply. 
“She’s definitely into women. I mean she has a pansexual flag on her sketchbook. Also she’s ordering an iced coffee in November.”
“That being said, Mona could totally already have a girlfriend. With looks like hers, she could have anyone she ever wanted. Also, it’s really selfish of me to assume she’s in love with me.”
“I mean she looks like she’s related to a raccoon, but ok.” Fran sighs as they hand me Mona’s drink. 
I snicker and write her name on the cup. I wrote with a little more care than usual. Even using the skills from the one calligraphy class I took when I was nine. I add a tiny heart at the end of her name because that’s what friends do.
I should probably give her my number. I might already be needing to take her up on the offer. I think to myself. 
“Mona!” I announce as I put her cup on the counter. She was the last order of the day.
Then the thought hit me; Where am I going to sleep tonight? I could couch surf but I doubt I should even think about asking that of Francesca. I guess I’ll take up Mona and Lilliane’s offer.
I go to see if Mona is still here. She sits at the chairs closest to the ordering booth. The way the shitty starbucks lighting lit up her face made me want to kiss her. Mona looked like she belonged to the night. Like she was the moon herself. If I was a star, I would try to be the closest to her.
“The offer.” I say, almost hesitating. “I’ll take it up as long as I am helping out around the place.” Mona grinned like she was offered a million dollars. “Like paying rent or making meals. Otherwise I feel like I’m leeching off of you.”
“Of course! Would you like me to help you transfer your stuff to my car?” Mona said as sweet as ever. Oh how I would be looking forward to this everyday.
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ghirahims-left-shoe · 2 months
I'm trying to have a hot girl summer where I try to unlearn a lot of the weird fuck-off catholic flavored shame I have about sex and hedonism because rules are deeply ingrained in me but fake as fuck, and so I've decided to listen to smut audiobooks while I'm chillin around the house, but tragically I live in a pretty conservative area and my library has one (1) wlw audiobook I can borrow and it's got like a 6 week wait. Does anybody have any recs for me? Might just go ahead and buy some but I have no idea where to start. Fantasy books are a bonus but not necessary. Lmk!
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moonlightperseus · 1 year
You're genuinely making me want to try reading them again so badly give me a sec to like, pull them up for motivation. (93 issues? Insane fam) (also again your comic site is great lmao, like just for instance I just pulled up the first issue of bombshells NO pop-up ads, NO leaving the page. If I'd used mine the second I clicked the search bar I would've been sent to a scam site I had to back space from before it could load, then when I clicked on the actual comic there'd be a 50/50 chance that would happen again, same as when I clicked on the specific issue, and then there would've been a giant pop up over the whole comic that I'd either have to read around or exit and if would send me to another site, or open another tab, and would only be gone for like 2 minutes tops, so again, you're a life saver lmao this is GREAT) 
That all sounds very interesting!!! That's very exciting!!! 
and Barda isn't as BIG as I like my Big Barda, that's a bit of a con for me, but she is still very pretty and I appreciate the mention she deserves to be in a  wlw relationship all the time. (Is there a girl doctor light in DC like normally? That's a genuine question idfk) 
I DO honestly mostly agree everyone needs to love things and it's so exciting. But I started talking about orcas for like 10 seconds and I shit you not the mental health worker said "hey have you heard of Asperger's?" (I also get asked "have you ever thought of being a marine biologist?" And I say "no that sounds really boring" and then I get yelled at) 
I've never been to SeaWorld (or anything of the sort) bit as a kid I BEGGED to go to Marineland so I get it. I, obviously, do not support that anymore. I haven't done anything like that but I want to go to British Columbia SO BAD to go whale watching. All of my writing is set in BC (a place I've NEVER BEEN) just because I long to be by the whales lmao. I NEED to see orcas before I die. I would think it's stupidity. I GENUINELY wonder, if I was like swimming in the ocean and a pod of orcas came up to me, if I would remember y'know, COMMON SENSE and leave the water, or if I'd just be so blinded by love I'd be like !!! Oh my god hey guys!! Hey buddies!!! Wanna play fetch?? Wanna be pet??? Because I'm NOT dumb but I HAVE loved them my entire life so they should just also love me instinctively. 
dude that sounds SO FUN we should become Spies. I can talk about whales forever. My phone case is called like "Canadian whales" or "whales of the Hudson's Bay" (I think it's the former bit it's just belugas and orcas and Canada has more whales than that but The Hudson's Bay doesn't???) But yeah it's covered in whales. I can go ALL day. And with an AUDIENCE of ORCAS THEMSELVES??? 
My mother and brother and an ex-bestfriemd all loved/ liked agents of shield so I get it!! And Peggy!! I love like her style and her everything honestly. I had to do an assignment where I wrote a diary as a solider years ago in school and I drew a portrait of his wife and everyone was like 'thay looks like the girl from captain america" as though that wasn't the point? Why would I draw anyone else?? 
It's volumes, I barely buy issues because they're so delicate and that scares me, but I bought a couple individual issues of SAGA this year as they came out and I think *they* were 4$ each? And as for bombshells, as a direct comparison I'll check mine to tell you bit a) I bought it years ago (proves have gone up since) and b) I just recently reorganized my bookshelves but don't really have space for my comics anymore so I couldn't keep it in alphabetical order and I have literally no idea where bombshells is. 
Okay so it was under a lot of comics and it was very hard to get at and I need to figure out what the fuck to do with my comic collection. But I bought it at Indigo (Canada's main book retailer, essentially our Barnes and Noble) so it sold for normal retail value and it was 22.99$ CAD. I remember it being more expensive? But I also had no job then because it was many years ago so. The most recent one I bought was definitely either 30 or 40$ but it's also like half of the green arrow and black canary run. (apparently the Hardcover Injustice: Góðs Among us year four volume 1 should be 27.99$ and the paperback should be 19.99, but most of my paper back (I don't think that's what they're called in comics?) Are 22.99$ like bombshells. The green arrow and black canary comic was 45.99$ and so is my deluxe rebirth justice league comic that I bought from Dollarama bit again I only paid > 5$ for two of those) 
​That could be good!! 
That's faid yeah I don't like when they don't that either. It's cool to know it's all cohesive ( unlike how the current BOP started with Dinah talking with Oliver when in current green arrow comics he's "missing" (I won't like spoil the rest that's literally the plot so it's not intrusive if you haven't read them: Dinah's a fairly active character so far if you were interested but obviously it IS a green arrow comic and I always get annoyed when he's the main character) but it IS frustrating (and, if I were buying them as they came out, more expensive I'd think?) 
I didn't even know that it moved!! And I really just know her from Gotham city garage and Injustice 2, so not like,,, canon things) and I love that the three mom's were so important you mentioned it twice thats wonderful I trust that they're very good 
It is now OPEN on my phone so hopefully I'll get to it bit I won't be starting it immediately since I have go work early tomorrow but hopefully that will be SOON and I absolutely will 
Oh dw I will talk about my mental health relentlessly and do not mind when people do it back so you're good. But I actually get that pretty much exactly so maybe it's kind of a common thing? I don't know how I feel about libraries (the last time I went to one was a year ago for my friend and I just read a book on dolphins while he looked for dantes inferno) but the used book thing is a big one. I have issues in thrift stores entirely but my town has a big book sale once a year where it's all just used books and I go every year and buy SO MANY books but I have go wash my hands as soon as I get home and am now too scared to read any of them. (which sucks because one is called the doctor who lived in a house at sea- I love doctors and the sea!! But I cannot touch it) it's good that you made progress!!! Buying them for someone else was a good idea. And I'm glad that made it easier! And tbch I mostly just buy new books, but that's because I'm stupid. I do have an online library app that's wonderful but my old library card expired so I have to go to my local library and ask for a new one but I am scared :( so I just can't listen to audiobooks for free until I do that (or read the books)
I have no idea what kind of books you like but while I had Libby (my library app) I only listened to two and one was Wonderwoman War Bringér, which was honestly really interesting but I do chronically read YA so. And then a book called wild and wicked things that you might like? It's an adult book set after WW2 about witchcraft and lesbians. 
I didn't like the Harley x birds comic just because everyone but Harley seemed incredibly out of character but I do really like the way her relationship with Dinah was essentially just Harley being like !!!!! And Dinah being 😮‍💨 about it the entire time. I want that back. (honestly it's somewhat similar on Injustice too and it's just like bring that back please). I also hope it gets better!!! If worse comes to worst I'll take over and write it myself I can do it. We deserve it. 
That's fair!! Hope you enjoy it!! 
(I only know so many "good time of day" in Gaelic so you have to be reading this at the time I say I don't make the rules, anyway) Madainn Mhath!! 
akalsjg i'm so glad the site is working well for you! and that’s very fair re:big barda. and yeah! dr kimiyo hyoshi exists as dr light in the main continuity too!! according to wikipedia she was introduce during crisis on infinite earths & has even come face to face with the villian who goes by the name dr light.
also like i don’t really know much about working in marine biology but i gotta say from my own personal experience in working in a career related to smth im passionate about (i work in the dog world) definitely has serious drawbacks in that im hitting serious exhaustion and burnout and it feels like my passion itself is kinda burning out. so yeah gotta say totally respect not wanting to go into a career specific to the animal you love.
ajsjdjsjs i did mention bombshells!kara’s three moms (four actually if you count her earth adoptive mother) twice huh. the silliest part is when i mentioned it the second time i even remember. going back and checking if i had mentioned it previously but clearly i didn’t read my own words throughly enough, whoops lmao
yeah supergirl was originally a cbs show for s1 and then i forget the details but it switched over to the cw for s2. thats why supergirl was set on a different earth from the rest of the arrowverse (up until they changed that with their version of crisis on infinite earths and they decided no more multiverse, which really is no fucking fun i love a multiverse)
i haven’t read the new green arrow run but i think i may give it a try bc i do enjoy comics ollie (he’s VERY much preferred to arrow oliver in every possible way ((which is kinda like saying i prefer pizza over a moldy slice of bread))) and i have a friend who’s really into green arrow comics so it could give me smth to talk about with them too.
also yeah!! thrift stores are hard for me too. it took me a long time but i can buy clothes from thrift stores now because they can go directly in the washing machine but anything else is a pretty hard no. i hope this isnt weird to say but its nice to find solidarity/similarity in struggling w/used items.
i actually own a physical copy of wonder woman warbringer!!! i got it as a gift, and then my dog decided to rip the cover of it and made me very upset (he has now been assigned Wonder Woman Hater-he also ripped up some wonder woman stickers i got as a completely separate gift) but yeah i really enjoyed warbringer, wouldve loved it even more if they let alia be diana's love interest instead of that dude who i barely remember (maybe i should reread its been a long time) i will have to add wild and wicked things to my to read list! one of my friend groups just convinced me to start the raven cycle series so i ended up listening to that on my drive to my parents today, i havent formed a solid opinion on it yet but ive been intriuged/enjoying it so far!
you know i actually dont remember if i read the harley x bop run or not. i feel like i probably did but i have no memory of it. alas such is the way my memory works
okay i kinda liveblogged my reading of injustice a little bit which i will put below the cut for you, its a little scattered bc i read a lot in one sitting last night after work and then fell asleep (on the couch lmao) but ive definitely gotten invested in it. but i have to ask, does dinah not come back until injustice 2? (she comes back right? i feel like i definitely remember seeing panels out there of her and other earth ollie). anyways. yeah here are some of my thoughts i had, a bit scattered, i might attempt more coherent thoughts later but i wanted to finally respond to this ask <3
okay i finished year one of injustice and i am continuing to read as i write this reply. i have to say it is by no means my favorite comic series and its a bit frustrating at times however..... the dinah of it all.... yeah. i was also really loving the dinahollie of it all, i did... forget that ollie dies in injustice. didnt know superman literally beat him to death. killing martian manhunter and green arrow really isnt a good look for superman i gotta say.
the hardest thing with reading injustice so far has been the whole wonder woman aspect of it but ive simply chosen to decide that its not really diana. like idk who that is but that is Not My Wonder Woman <3 i simply know her better. it is nice to see some of the other heroes working with superman questioning things and beginning to have Doubts about what superman is doing. (i feel so bad for shazam who is literally a fucking child he should not have to be a part of these horrors.) and im curious to see what reactions will be if/when they find out superman killed ollie bc like, sure he had a justification for killing martian manhunter (he was trying to kill imposter wonder woman) but ollie was just vibing (he... put an arrow in papa kent but papa kent was fine about it! and that was after clark starting attacking ollie) now if i remember correctly injustice brings in like an alternate earth version of ollie? looking forward to when that happens i hate when dinah is sad.
and okay just got to ollie's funeral and damn even hal's staying on superman's side huh. homoerotic friendship means nothing to hal i see. (i dont actually know that much about hal but from my understanding he does have a homoerotic friendship with ollie and i support that)
okay i just got to the beginning of harley & dinahs friendship and oughghghghghghghghghhghghghghg i love them (i had seen pretty much the entire interaction between harley & dinah that i just read previously but it still was so good and wonderful)
okay so its been a minute since the last sentence (more than a minute) i got home from work and literally.... read all of year two and year three. its 1:30am rn and i really need to not start year four but ouugh. year two was very good for me as a dinah fan. year three not so much however year three did have zatanna and i do love zatanna. (coulda been more zatanna in my opinion)
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royxrizafan · 2 years
Y’all are complaining on here about rwrb getting a movie bc “mlm get everything” but have you purchased and read One Last Stop? Have you recommended it to your friends and posted about it here? How about Kissing Sarah Wheeler?
I’m tired of people going into lgbtq+ content tags to complain about mlm when they’re not doing shit for the wlw content that already exists
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anosrepasi · 4 years
Hey everyone,
do you want to read some wlw, science fiction, enemies-to-lovers, slowburn to the speed of time travel and millenia, the inherent romanticism of letters, and a book that most certainly might make you cry?
Go get a copy of This is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone.
It’s so fucking good.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
ok here's the cottagecore rant lol
i'm definitely not the first person to complain about cottagecore and like the 'cottagecorification' of lesbians but i've just been thinking about it tonight and i feel like the two main facets of what irritate me about it are like:
the way it mysticizes femininity. like...i am generally skeptical of any form of gender essentialism but especially this whole "divine feminine" sort of rhetoric that i've seen floating around the internet, which essentially acts as though a proper response to the gender roles created by patriarchy is to take the gender role of "woman" and shout really loudly about how good it is, which like...i understand the desire to take historically stigmatized aspects of femininity and reclaim them and push back against stigmatizing narratives, but mysticizing feminity does nothing but take us back to gender essentialism, which will always inevitably take us back to a gender hierarchy, so it's like....idk babe read some audre lorde. master's tools will never dismantle the master's house and all that. like there is no inherent goodness to womanhood and portraying femininity as this dainty pretty thing isn't actually really doing anyone a favor in the long-run. also -- i feel like this ties in to the ways that people will sometimes talk about lesbians and lesbian relationships like "wow women are just so beautiful and magical and amazing and lesbians are just so perfect and lesbian relationships are all just so perfect" where it's like...k. tell me u don't see lesbians as people but make it woke ig.
the way it sanitizes lesbianism. and like again i am not the first person to complain about this but anytime i see lesbianism portrayed as just like "omg uwu cute picnics and matching little fairy outfits and watching the sunset together" i'm just like...i'm not 5 years old??? like it almost feels as if in trying to avoid lesbians being oversexualized we've just decided to turn them into a children's picture book?? and it's like....idk babe u do u but if this is your impression of what being a lesbian is about then....yikes.
and the thing is like this combo of mysticizing femininty and sanitizing lesbianism i think leads to this weird anti-masculinity sentiment within queer and wlw spaces where people will be like "feminine = good and masculine = bad" and then we get all these "jokes" where people just repeat the same rhetoric about masculine lesbians being creepy ugly predators and it's like....i am literally going to rip ur spine out. i am. going to kill you. seriously the fucking "hey mamas" jokes and shit?? ohhhh i could go on and on maybe i just need to make a separate rant for that but yeah. making fun of masculine lesbians is literally only ever punching down and if you don't understand that then u have an incredibly warped understanding of like queer politics and also have probably never studied even a crumb of queer history.
ANYWAY at the end of the day all of this also just goes back to like. turning queerness into an aesthetic for the consumption of a broad audience and this is an issue throughout queer spaces i think because people don't actually want to accept queerness they just want to consume it as a form of entertainment but with lesbians specifically it just sucks that the palatable aesthetic is always going to be some kind of hyperfeminine conventionally pretty little package that is either completely devoid of sexuality or sexualized in a way that is very consumable for nonlesbians. and it sucks when people within the queer community buy so heavily into that aesthetic without seeing the ways that boiling a sexuality down to an aesthetic is harmful. like -- it's okay to enjoy or identify with certain aspects of "cottagecore" like shit man i like picnics too and if ur into cute dresses and shit u do u but if your queer identity revolves around aesthetics then there is very little that is actually queer about it and you will likely struggle to actually be in community with those who don't fit into your sanitized and palatable narratives of what it means to be queer. so. work on conceptualizing queerness beyond aesthetics maybe!
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camelspit · 4 months
Tumblr media
Master Cadence by @tw-5
Umber by @chronically-ill-psionipath
Tinker by @thefoxysnake
Esha Aria by @camelspit
Lady Galvin by @an-ungraceful-swan
Note! Definition of a sexywoman:
According to the sexywomanpedia, a sexywoman is "a character who shows the 'lanky suitman villain' tropes, is popular with wlw, and/or is highly divisive." Some factors to consider are morality (or lack thereof), overall mysteriousness, and strength (physical or abilitywise.)
Master Cadence:
"she’s a linguist. she’s a woman in stem. she’s tired of everyone’s bullshit. she’s fruity as hell. her house is cool as fuck (a howls moving castle style boat-thing made of metal that she built herself because she didn’t want to live in the elven cities???? come on). she’s a MASTER. what more could you want." @let-them-sing-of-others
"she’s an academic. shes smarter than u. she hates on the council and she’s RIGHT. she hates sophie actually you know what she has a hater complex but in a hot way. i love her yr honour." @necromycologist
"ok not to be a lesbian or horny on main (<- ace) but HOLY SHIT i want her to step on me. this lady has intensified my sexuality crisis" (anonymous)
"Shes an evil hot powerful shade that got killed in the book she got introduced in what more could you want" @thefoxysnake
"Umber (Redacted) is one of the women in the series that isn’t JUST psychological manipulator! She also fought! She broke bones (if I remembered correctly) and messes with everyone’s minds without even revealing her true name! She has a boyfriend! A BOYFRIEND. TRIX. She went through something ‘the incident’ (mentioned in the latest book) and joined the Neverseen! She got Trix, her Pookie to be in the Neverseen as well 🥺. You can tell she was also a good lover how Trix was so sad over her death. KEEP IN MIND SHE DIED BEING CRUSHED, so for those who likes angst; there you go. She died in her mission. She was Tam’s mentor and an EXCELLENT fighter if I do say so myself. Who wouldn’t vote Umber? A girlboss with a sweet boyfriend and has murderous tendencies? 😔🎉 Vote for Umber PLEASE! I’M BEGGING YOU! PLSPLSPLSPLS 😭😭" @chronically-ill-psionipath
"she's trans! she's autistic! she's a mad scientist! she's everything you could possibly want in a woman!!!!!" @gay-otlc
"shes a mad genius she built a mad science castle she invented steampunk literally why would you not love her" @necromycologist
Esha Aria:
"shes sooo funny guys. she fucked with the system to get some dick and almost got away with it. she chose that dick over her daughter. she may be exiled but at least she has her man. morals and consequences mean nothing!!!" @camelspit
Lady Galvin:
"She's one of the greatest alchemists there ever was, and yet no one recognizes her for her talents. She's surrounded by people who will never understand or appreciate her, and because of that she tries to make their life hell. She has no ambitions, no future, no goal, and yet she doesn't break. She wears her cool ass capes and rules over detention with an iron fist, desperately searching for the control she lost when she realized her job wasn't up to her. She's an evil supergenius stuck in a children's school." @lizzie-dude
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owlmylove · 3 years
Just had the very distressing thought that if I ever want to have a girlfriend I'm gonna have to TALK to a girl?!?!??!?!?!?
I'd have to talk to a girl that I LIKE and HAVE A CRUSH ON?!?!? Impossible! Please help a distressed lesbian if you have any advice
okay so: in my personal experience 90% of all lesbian flirting is eyeing up fellow women to discreetly try to determine if they, too, are wlw. then you compliment each others button downs and never speak to each other again
BUT if you would like to painstakingly attempt to challenge the starfish fallacy then read on for my comprehensive guide on flirting w/ women! (credentials: i have accidentally flirted with So Many Women oh my god)
first up: start with the art of compliments! if you're too shy to tell a girl they're gorg out of nowhere, then focus on their clothing, their haircuts, their cool shoes, the patches on their denim jackets, etc. opening a convo with a compliment is one of the easiest shortcuts, as it neatly prevents you from having to come up w/ a witty rejoinder right off the bat (save those for later)
physical proximity makes it easy to do this to someone standing or sitting next to you. if, however, they're on the other side of the room/otherwise engaged, it gets trickier. if ur confident enough to walk up to a girl in a coffeeshop + compliment her, GO FOR IT. but if you're too anxious to just coldcall her, approach with a question.
you can warp the compliment to fit the question, i.e. "Hey! Sorry to interrupt [your reading], but your book looks super interesting/I've seen it around & am debating whether to buy it. Would you recommend it?" or, re: outfits/haircuts "Hey! Your ____ is super cute, can I ask where you got it [done]?" if they're a classmate/coworker, you can make it even less direct: "Hey! Do you know when we're scheduled to do ____?" (<- this one comes w/ the perk of, pending her response, immediately asking for her # to swap shifts or trade notes, which can quickly allow for inviting her to a study group/after work drinks with coworkers. speedrun!!)
once Conversation is Initiated, maintain eye contact, listen attentively to their replies, and keep smiling/smizing. if they're reticent, follow up with more questions unless you're getting fuck off vibes ("I'm trying to get more into reading lately, would you have any other reccs?" or, "I haven't found a hairstylist yet since I moved here from _____, are there any other local spots you'd recommend?")
BUT if they're returning eye contact, smiling, and keeping open body language towards you, make it a full-on convo! offer some personal details in return, don't be afraid to make (non-risky!!!!) jokes, and (if you can control when & where you're moving, i.e. not during a job or class) have a built-in exit.
even if convos are going good, it's polite (+ leaves them wanting more via scarcity principle, etc. etc.) to end a brief first-time convo after a few minutes, ideally before the energy winds down & you're left feeling awkward. "it's been so lovely meeting you! [insert name here], right? I've got to get going, but thanks for the ___!" if you wanna play the long game/are in a coffeeshop/aren't confident enough yet (no shame!) ask if she comes here regularly and say you hope to see her around sometime soon.
if you've managed to get a good enough energy going: ask if she has an insta/social media you could get for _____ purpose, i.e. letting her know if you like the book/music/media she recc'd or asking for more local spots. IF, however, you don't wanna put yourself at the whim of her generosity: give yourself a cheat code during the initial conversation.
namely; reference something you'd recommend, think she'd find funny, or can't believe she hasn't seen yet, etc. etc. then, at the end of the convo, you can naturally offer "Oh! Lemme send you that X I mentioned--do you have an insta/social?" et voila. asking for social is always less awk/direct than asking for phone numbers, AND it lets the flirtee decide whether she wants to offer that level of trust just yet
if you're not coldcall flirting a girl in public, but rather have an object of your affections at work or school: this formula works p. much the same, but on a slower scale (if you don't use my speedrun ofc) start building a rapport via compliments/questions, progress to chatting briefly whenever you see each other, and third step: say "I saw something yesterday that totally reminded me of you/I just have to send to you!! Here-do I have your insta yet?"
once you have someone's insta: continue chatting when you see them irl/replying to their stories over social, and see if you can pay close enough attention to what she likes to do. judging by the number of accidental lesbian dates i've been on, it's probably
art museum
botanical gardens, or
burlesque shows
however, hikes, used bookstores, underground shows, and grocery shopping together for a subsequent picnic also feature prominently. invite her to do whatever activity you think you'd both enjoy most (over social or irl, whichever you're comfortable with [tho irl gives you a better judge of facial expressions/body language]) and boom. if she says yes, shoot back "it's a date!" after setting the day/time, bc if she's anywhere near as clueless as i am (i'm so sorry wlw) they may honestly think you're still just friends.
if, over the course of your irl convos or DMs, you have the chance to casually mention your sexuality (patches, pride is coming up, mention "my teenage crush/my ex-girlfriend") and ask for hers, go for it. if you can be direct: ask directly. it will save you time, trouble, and mild heartbreak. but if you suffer from the conflict avoidance that plagues lo so many of us: just lean into the subtext.
offer your celebrity crushes and ask what hers are. mention an ex (BRIEFLY, in connection to another topic entirely [she recc'd this cool band to me!] and always in a positive context). wear birkenstocks or docs and say Portrait of a Lady on Fire is the best film of all time, say you listen to girl in red or w/e those charming youths do. just lay the foundation in barely-subtext and keep an eye on her responses, while accepting the risk of wooing what may or may not be a fellow wlw
once you are, in point of fact, ON the date: standard rules and rates apply. relax! be urself!! enjoy spending time with a cool person, regardless of what may or may not come of it!!!! if she seems into it lean into physical proximity, do the whole Tarzan hand-comparison wlw are addicted to, offer to feed her bites of food or swap sips of each other's drinks, and casually set intentions for future plans ("I've never heard of X cafe--we'll have to do that next time!" or, the infamous buy-her-smth-secretly and then offer "You can get mine next time c:")
again, the most important thing is to be sincere. it's good not to place too many expectations on the other person, but don't force yourself to be overly "chill" if you are not, in point of fact, a chill person. dating is always a process of getting to know one another, and it's important to be polite but pls don't feel like you have to follow a script or be someone you're not. just be you babe: you're already plenty lovable. godspeed + good luck!!<33
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dead-finch-420 · 3 years
Resident Evil Village: Human AU Pt. 2
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We're back with more headcanons fellas!
Thanks for the incredible reception on the previous one, your reactions gave one hell of a serotonin boost. But! That's not what you're here for, so let's get on with it shall we?
Is still a sadist, just not to extreme degrees as seen in-game.
Plays games like chess and poker, preferably in person just to watch her opponent squirm.
Despite her sadism, she is a fiercely protective girlfriend. She'd rather eat her own foot than hurt her S/O, or her sisters (most of the time).
She's also not too fond of animals, at least, not as her other two sisters. This can sometimes be a problem in relationships when her girlfriend has a particularly big dog.
Also a problem in her own house, since their cat, Dunkin (Short for Powdered Dunkin Donuts) likes her very much. She often wakes up choking in cat hair and with a 4.5 kg lump of fur on her face.
Very observant, so observant it pisses Daniela off sometimes, because how do you fuck with someone who knows you too well?
Has the smallest hands.
Is more sympathetic to plants and animals than she is with people.
"Oh? Daniela split her brow while trying to chokeslam a skateboard? Fascinating."
The only one in her family reliable enough to drive. (Aside from Alcina, of course)
Sleep-deprived because of how much she has to drive her sisters to the hospital at 3 in the morning.
Has to go with her sisters shopping, because Cassandra is too stingy and Daniela sucks at math.
Picked up Dunkin as a stray kitten at the back of a Chili's when she was looking for Daniela. She was foolish enough to let her name the little guy.
Has the biggest hands.
Very emotional person, was the one who convinced Bela to adopt Dunkin, unfortunately, also the person who named him.
Because of how emotional she is, she suffers from heartbreak the worst out of the three siblings.
But, easily gets cheered up, especially when surrounded by people she loves.
A golden retriever lesbian, to the tee.
Literally, she likes going on walks, loves head pats and attention, and loves people unconditionally.
Closest to their Uncle Heisenberg, since they share the love for dogs, she likes taking care of them when he's out on business trips.
Her hands are pretty in the middle in terms of size. Has the most cuts on it though.
Daniela tried to ride Uncle Moreau's E-bike once, drove straight into a light pole. They were in an empty parking lot, yes, it was recorded by Cassandra.
They don't like K-pop too much, but Bela despises the sound of it, and her two sisters know this. What do they do? When they get into an argument, Dani stomps into her room and plays Love Scenario real f*cking loud, Bela can't say anything because one, she's stubborn, and two, Cassandra managed to convince her it was a form of self-expression, and she wasn't gonna get in the way of that, probably.
Bela and Dani go thrift books together, usually wlw romance novels, but sometimes it involves history and mythology, they buy some astronomy books for Cassandra too.
Cass and Dani go thrift clothes together, but have to drag Bela with them because of the reasons stated above.
Bela and Cass go watch musicals together, and often buy the albums and blast them in their home's music room.
Bela enjoys making music, Cass enjoys acting or writing, Dani enjoys painting.
They always cook together, are they good at it? Absolutely not, but what's Alcina gonna do? Discourage them from a family bonding experience? No, but she has learned to keep a fire extinguisher nearby, which is probably better than nothing.
Cassandra is physically slow, and doesn't exercise much. She's a little self-conscious about it, but on the bright side her bones can do that crackle thingie, and it scares the shit out of Daniela.
Daniela works out the most, often with her Uncle Heisenberg. She does it because she wants to be strong enough to protect her family.
Bela, being the heir to her mother's winery, constantly has to juggle between business and personal life, it often gets mixed up, and gets really stressed out about it. She leans on her family emotionally and throws slumber parties to relax.
These slumber parties are just them making pillow forts in the living room and watching horror movies Heisenberg managed to pirate, and being seconds close to the burning down the kitchen because someone forgot to remove the spoon from the microwave.
In short, they all share the same brain cells, and it's Bela's.
Sorry, lmao, I forgot I wasn't supposed to paint the abs because the cat was gonna be there, got carried away I guess. Didn't wanna put the effort to waste so you're welcome and I'm sorry 🥖🥖🥖
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You're gonna hate me but i kinda enjoyed tshoeh (i had to think about it lmao). I dont think the book is life-changing in any way and i didn't like a lot of things about it (like how obsessed and focused on Evelyn's boobs the book is, especially considering the author is straight i believe, and the whole why did she give this interview to this dumbass plot is not that great) but it was entertaining enough, i read it in one afternoon and i kinda cried at the end. At the very least if we compare it to other similar books, this one is original enough and at least has a wlw couple. Anyway at the end of the day it just goes to show how we need more lgbt novels cause this one is one of the better ones imo. Insert "i aint reading all that, im happy for u tho or sorry that happened" meme
no i’m not gonna hate you! i also found it entertaining enough and teared up a bit at the end. for me, the issue is partly personal ill admit that cough cough kaylors acting like it’s their bible and taylor ghost wrote it. but the main problem is that it’s .. objectively not well written? like taylor jenkins reid isn’t a good writer? i’ll give her this: she recognizes a story when she sees one & she would be well suited to be on a creative team for tv or film. but her actual writing is NOT GOOD. like at all. she tells you exactly what is happening and what to think and feel. she writes like an amateur fanfic writer. not a 4+ stars on good reads everyone shitting their pants to praise her level. and everyone going on and on about how amazing she is makes me feel like i’m on the outside of an inside joke.
her books are perfectly entertaining in the way a soap opera can be entertaining or those YA mystery novels you read as a kid are entertaining or decent fanfic about a couple you ship is entertaining. acting like it’s more than that is INSANE. it makes me think genuinely she buys her reviews or has extreme connections getting her name out there like this because no way surely not everyone reading these books and thinking they’re good???
daisy jones & the six is even worse than evelyn hugo. it’s literally just fleetwood mac and then ripped off almost famous. she is so bad at writing - like i called her out about the tell not show aspect of TSHOEH - that she had to make the entire book in the form of an interview because she has no idea how to write. you can’t convince me anyone read that book and got attached to the characters or thought she was actually doing something new and orginal??? how!??
the thing that makes me the most frustrated is that on paper.. these are two ideas i would absolutely eat the fuck up. closeted gay old hollywood actress has a secret wife? dysfunctional band enjoys the highs and lows of fame? love the concepts! her executions are just not praise worthy and especially not to the extent she is praised.
i’m not mad at people enjoying them. i’m frustrated with feeling CRAZY for hearing her hyped up 24/7 when she’s an objectively bad writer.
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