#go on. get attached. adore them to your hearts content. i would never hurt you of course
yan-lorkai · 1 year
Hii, Lorks ~
Had see that your writing for my favorie earl now, have any hcs for older sibling reader and young brother Ciel? Sorry about bad english, is not my first language
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Been busy with uni stuff but nothing couldn't stop me from writing this now that inspiration strikes me and since we're having a new season I began to reread the manga these past few days and wow, I still love this lil dude. Look at his smiled he knows he's adorable. The Green Witch arc remains my favorite <3
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warning: Yandere content, platonic yandere, protectiveness.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You were a few years older than the twins, but you were very close to them as well as being a constant figure for them as they grew up. You were what they would describe as the best sibling in the world, even though you liked to make fun of them and make jokes that embarrassed them in front of people, like any good old sibling would do.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ When you had free time, you enjoyed teaching them chess and other logic games, loving the way the expressions on their faces were confusing whenever you used a different strategy. These were simple times when the whole family would get together to watch you play while everyone chatted. Times that were lost after the attack, all the joy, all the warmth, that mixed with the sad blue of the wallpaper until it turned the entire mansion into something cold.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Ciel came back, lost, deeply hurt, and you were the only person he told what happened. The whole kidnapping and the cult, and it broke your heart, your brilliant little brother was an unresponsive blank as he recounted the facts, as if he didn't want to realize the impact that that event had on him. As if he was still on autopilot and couldn't let his guard down. And things were worse now that he had lost his twin brother, who he was as attached to as you were.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ But you were there to support him every step of the way, holding his hand after a nightmare, wiping the rare tears from his eyes, listening to everything he had to say. Ciel's stubborn and prideful, he never asks for help but he has this serene smile on his face when you go out of your way to help him anyway. You knew he was strong for withstanding all the pressure, for enduring everything he went through and for having the strength necessary to overcome everything, and you reminded him of that in each of his "weak moments". It reminded him that he was loved and that you would always be by his side.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He's still twelve, he's still a child, and you're always telling him stories to sleep and taking him out to take his mind off his trauma. Sometimes you just sit next to him and listen to him express his thoughts.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Ciel can be a little overprotective sometimes, which is funny considering you should be the overprotective one due to the age difference. He always sends Sebastian with you on your errands, to protect you from some attack or someone. And you don't complain, his intentions are good and you can understand the anxiety he feels upon knowing that those responsible for the attack are free and alive.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Being a few years older, you know a lot about balls, about every important person and how to negotiate with them. And you teach each of these things to Ciel when he decides to claim the title of Queen's Watchdog, giving advice and sharing your opinion whenever he asks you, being by his side as his left hand.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ And being his left hand means that you and Sebastian interact on a daily basis, protecting Ciel, going on missions together, collecting information and the such.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ In private, when your masks can finally fall, you call him by his real name, hug him lightly and let him know that no matter what, you'll be there for him. Always.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Ciel actually told you everything, everything except that he made a contract with a demon. He hopes you can forgive him when the contract is completed, when he and his soul disappear from this world, without any chance of seeing you one last time in the so-called paradise.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Even after your death, Ciel might remember the loving way you sat in the chair next to his bed when he was sick and took care of him. He will remember the silly promises you made, the bad jokes you told him to make him laugh until his stomach hurt, the little adventures to steal cookies on Christmas morning. Things too precious for him.
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muffinsin · 8 months
Sorry bothering you again, i asked about the reincarnated reader having nightmares about their death and it was a bit all over the place 😅 so how do you think each sister would react to reincarnated reader screaming from her nightmares?
Absolutely adore ur content
Not a bother at all hon! :) I understood, don’t worry😊 I’m glad you like my works! :)
(Full/original request attached as pictures, will be answered by a text linking to this post)
Let’s get into it!
(Full request), torture post referenced can be found here
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You’ve been taken from her entirely too early
She knew she had enemies, just never thought you would fall victim to them. And that she couldn’t protect you
When they took you, and took you from her in the end, she was completely broken
She’d never forgive herself
Yet, you returned to her. Somehow
At first, she doesn’t believe her eyes to see you work at the castle
She can’t understand it. It’s been nearly a lifetime
And still, she has never stopped loving you
To have you back brings all the feelings back up within her. All those she has stuffed down and covered with cement, simply back at the surface
Against her better judgement, she immediately swarms to you when she sees you
She needs to apologise, to make it better, somehow
But, she finds things have changed
You are yourself. But, you’ve forgotten your past life. She’s nothing but “Lady Bela” to you now
And perhaps, she thinks, it’s for the best. Her mind is plagued by what happened in the past, and if it takes her distance to keep you safe, it’ll be done
She watches from afar, never truly interacts with you or allows you to see her
But she watches out for you. She ensures not too much work is dumped on you
She pulls strings to allow you a room for yourself, quite a spacious one. Officially this is “for your hard work”, despite having only started at the castle
She watches you smile with the staff. Your happiness is still the most important thing to her, even if the distance makes her heart ache
She yearns to feel you back in her arms. But your safety comes first
Bela understands, her love means danger
She wants you to live a happy life now. And you do, for a while
Yet, the castle, as well as time, brings memories
Each night, building up
It starts with innocent dreams, memories, of holding Bela’s hand and being intimate with her. Kissing, dates, confessions of love, quality time together
Bela knows nothing of this. She does notice you looking around, however, more often than not when you work
She feels your eyes stare at her when you are in the same room as her as her dinner is served
She hears your breath hitch when you are tasked to place a plate down in front of her and smell the oddly familiar scent that Bela carries with her
Still, she stays distant. She can’t risk your life for her love again
Yet as time goes on, you begin to have nightmares
Smaller ones, of horrors that have your heart beating wildly and have you wake up drenched in sweat
Then, there are major ones
Bela is immediately alerted by your scream at night. She fears for your safety, and immediately comes rushing to you
Instead, she finds you screaming and crying in bed, sweating and turning in your sleep
For just a moment, she agrees to screw her promise to stay away
You need her
Perhaps you won’t even remember this in the morning anyway
It hurts, yet feels so right for her to move over to the bed and pull you into her arms
You struggle and scream still, caught up in whatever dream you have
Bela shushes you and coos, her voice low and her arm tight around you. Securing you
The scent of her perfume surrounds you. Even asleep, you seem to take notice of it. You relax a little, crying and gasping out words like “No” and “Bela”
Are you having a nightmare about her? The thought pains her. Maybe she shouldn’t be here, she figures
Yet, just as she attempts to let go, your eyes flash open wide, fearful and confused, and your hands grip her wrists tightly
Upon looking at the tall fly woman in your room, you manage to calm yourself a little
Memories have been coming you, and seeing her- really seeing her- and feeling her, opens the floodgates
She gasps when you tug her forwards, arms around her midsection as you bury your face in her stomach. She stands awkwardly next to the bed, unsure what to do. Are you aware of your actions?
You sense her confusion and nervousness. You just need to feel her close. Even closer
“Iubirea mea”
Bela’s eyes widen at this. You stare up at her, shaking and with teary eyes
“My love”, she repeats back in nothing but a whisper, emotions welling up in her and silent tears wetting her cheeks
When you tug her again, she wastes no time. She’s yearning for you, and incredibly deprived of you. She wants- needs- you. She has, always
You grip her tight as she swarms into your bed, your body rested against hers
In a way, you’re both each other’s teddy bears, content and desperate to be as close as possible
Dresses and shirts are discarded and tossed away. She wants to feel as close to you as possible
Only when you’re on top of her, with your bare skin pressed against hers, the two of you can begin to feel content
You haven’t realised how much missed her cold skin until you remembered everything
Bela has missed your warm skin each passing day
She has her arms around you, and you’re holding onto her shoulders tightly, the blanket slung over both of you
“I felt something missing. I spent each day wondering what it was. Now, I remember”
Bela pulls you tighter. Her finger tips run lightly against your back
“I don’t want to lose you again”, she confesses quietly. You feel her nuzzle against your neck, where a mark laid long ago
“You won’t”
“I won’t”, she promises
She spends all night with you, and all day the following morning. Never lets she go of your hand
The two of you have a lot of catching up to do
She’s lost you- not to time, nor animals
To humans
They took you when she wasn’t around, and never was she able to forgive herself for it
Upon finding you dead, Cassandra feels utterly broken
How could she not have saved you? How could she not have been there?
Even as the years pass, this makes it very difficult for her to go about her life
She can’t stop thinking about you and has never found herself a replacement
No partner, no flings with random maidens, even
Then, one day, she finds you at the castle again
She doesn’t trust this. She can’t
She is enraged someone is pretending to be you, her lover!
But- you aren’t
You have no idea who she is, and are terrified when she comes for you, sickle raised and demanding answers you don’t have
She’s hurt by this, at first, and it confuses you
Her appearance, though, seems familiar to you. You’re not entirely sure why
Cassandra sees the confusion in your eyes. The lack of fear
No- she won’t let you get close again, she decides
She won’t let you get hurt
And so she snarls at you, bares her teeth and shows her sickle, fake laughter ringing out as she chases you away
She ensures you’re too scared to be intrigued by her again. It hurts, but it will have to be done
She refuses to let you get hurt again
So, as time goes on, Cassandra distances herself. And not just that
She ensures you will not reach out to her, by scaring you, often
Still, she is protective of you
Those that give you a hard time are dragged to the basement and become her newest playthings
It’s more or less an open secret, that you’ve got the murderous sister on your side
And it’s giving you strange, mixed messages. To feel you must fear for your life around her, while knowing she will make your life comfortable among servants
Even does Cassandra secretly leaves plates of food on your bed, knowing the staff never quite receives as much food as they possibly should
You begin to have dreams of her, however, and she can tell
Cassandra rarely sleeps since your oblivious self is at the castle. She wants to ensure your safety
And with this comes that she likes to have a few flies in your room. Spying, no- watching over you
She hears you sigh her name dreamily when you sleep, and knows your memories are returning
She sees the yearning look you send her when you think she doesn’t notice your presence
And lastly, she sees the small paintings you make of her. Secretly, she pockets them. You never know where they go off to
She remembers being your muse before your death…
Cassandra tries to be distant more and more. She snarls at you, but it hardly does anything
It’s as if you know she won’t hurt you. That around you, she’s not going to bring her sickle down on you
Cassandra even goes as far as to bite your neck roughly, even if your familiar taste brings back memories
Still, you don’t flinch away from her
It’s incredibly frustrating to try to stay away when you’re reaching out to her more and more with each passing week
Eventually, she feels like the chased prey. Backing away against walls and swarming when you approach, wide eyed and trying to move when you catch her eye
She knows, you remember her. She knows, you want answers
But she also knows you don’t yet remember the whole truth. As much as she wants to, she can’t give in
Your death is all that is on her mind
She fears, when you eventually remember, you will hate her. Rightfully so, in her eyes
For weeks on, she avoids you. She knows you remember more and more of your life
Then, one night, she notices something is up
You cry and squirm, whimper and gasp
Immediately, she swarms to your room. She jumps when you scream, hands grabbing the sheets and twisting them
All her distance, her caution, her worry is thrown out the window the moment you are distressed
She climbs in bed with you, and pulls you to her large and soft chest. Tears fall on it as you cry
Cassandra isn’t sure what to say. She has never been good with her words
She holds you though, tightly, in a comforting embrace, her fingers in your hair and on your back, gently stroking you
She can’t help but press a kiss to your head. This closeness is bringing up feelings and thoughts she shoved so far down
She holds you tighter as you tremble and shake, scream and gasp
When you wake up, your wide, fearful eyes stare up at her
And she stares back at you, unsure what to do. Is this right? Should she not distance herself?
Cassandra can’t bring herself to move
She gasps when you pull her tighter, cuddling her like a gigantic, sadistic teddy bear
“They hurt me so much”, you gasp out between cries
Her eyes widen at the realisation that you finally remember
Tears flood her eyes too
“I’m so sorry”, she cries, words she has never said in her newborn life, but ached to tell you the moment you returned to her, even oblivious to who she was
Cassandra gasps again when she isn’t pushed away, but rather you climb fully on top of her like you used to
She can’t help but cup your cheeks, and hums happily when she crashes your lips against yours
Perhaps, this is the most intense and passionate kiss she has ever shared with you
With both of your cheeks wet from tears and memories making both of you shake
Daniela still remembers your death
She remembers racing to find you, the adrenaline and the fast beat of her hearts
She remembers you dying her in her arms
And she can never forgive herself for it
She sees your face in her dreams years later, a decade later even. Haunting her
She still loves you. She still sees you in everyone. She tries to be happy again, to move on, yet finds herself yearning for you
Her lovers reflect this; she chooses only those that reminds her of you
And yet, none of them are you
This is to change
Daniela nearly faints when she sees you at the castle one day, fixing curtains and cleaning the shelves of the library
She feels so much at the same time
Love, happiness, relief, guilt
She so wishes she could have saved you
The moment she sees you, she swarms for you and pushes herself against you
In return, she receives a scream, before you can cover your mouth
She hears your heartbeat, fast, yet not the way it used to be
You’re terrified. Of her
Daniela draws back immediately. You stare at her, scared and confused, your rag dropped to the floor
Daniela just doesn’t understand
“Is there anything I can help you with, Lady Daniela?”, comes your shaky voice
For a moment she wonders, are you playing a cruel joke on her?
Is this because she was unable to save you?
No; you would never do such a thing to her. She knows, she was precious to you
No longer. Your memory is gone, it seems
She croaks out a “No”, and immediately swarms off. She can’t stand seeing you while knowing you are no longer hers
Daniela considers trying to court you again. She’s won you over once, after all
Then, she remembers how it ended. How you’ve died in her arms
She decides, it’s best to stay away
She doesn’t want you dying again. She loves you so much
Staying away is the most selfless thing she has ever done, she feels. And the hardest
She yearns to be with you, to feel your touch
For a long time, this holds up
Though, Daniela can’t help but try to keep you isolated. Should she hear someone express interest in you, she tries her best to intervene
It would hurt so much to see you with someone that isn’t her
After a month or so, she notices you act stranger than normal
You glance at her, when normally you try to avoid her attention entirely
Daniela feels you stare at her sometimes, and sees you advert your eyes a second before she can fully turn around to face you
You seem to be curious about her, but she can’t understand why
She’s entirely unaware of the sudden memory flashes you experience at times
Nor the dreams that sometimes appear in your mind when you’re asleep
Memories of Daniela
Memories of holding her. Cuddling her, kissing her
Memories of reading together and giggling under the covers
Memories of shared baths and serious conversations
Precious memories, that suddenly come to you
Are they truly memories, or dreams?
Daniela feels observed by you. Yet, she doesn’t try to scare you off
She can’t, not with you so important to her. She can’t bring herself to even snarl at you
Of course, this is also picked up by you
You’re bold around her, bolder than a staff member should be
When you step close to her one day and look into her eyes, trying to see whether it was a dream that her eyes reflect beautifully, her breath hitches
She knows she should be distant. She just can’t help herself properly at times
Most of the time, she opts for escaping you. It’s a fun thought, considering she is a predator
Still, she swarms away when she sees you walk in her direction, acting as though she can’t hear you call out for her
You desperately want to see her. You’ve been having an odd dream as you of lately
It showed you a memory, of cuddling naked with Daniela. You need to know if it’s real
In the dream, you are shown a small scar between her shoulder blades. You must know whether the memory is real
It’s as though you remember and don’t remember her at the same time. Your feelings are still in the past, not yet discovered fully
Daniela blushes bright red when she finds out you volunteered- no, asked, to be assigned as her private maiden
Made to clean her room, to dress and bathe her, to tend to her every need
At first, she shuts this down. She picks someone else
Eventually, nobody else is available. No other staff member wants a position this deadly
Daniela attempts to stay cold and quiet when you bathe her. You used to always do that, and often joined her in the warm water
She notices you still remember, it seems, the bath temperature she likes, somewhere in the back of your head
No matter her efforts though, Daniela is a flustered and blushing mess under your fingers
She hears you gasp once, but your face is difficult to read when she turns to you
You’ve got your answer in the form of the small scar underneath the sponge and soap. It’s real, whatever your dream have been showing you
Yet you can only remember parts. Without the full picture, you feel as if lost in the dark. Curious, yet not quite the same yet
As another month passes, your memories come back more and more
Daniela jumps to attention when she takes a stroll through the castle and hears your scream
Immediately, she swarms to you
Is there an intruder?!
No, she finds your room empty, save for you on the bed
Crying, shaking, trembling, screaming for Daniela
She runs to you and immediately wraps her arms around you
These screams remind her far too much of what was done to you. What she couldn’t prevent
“I’m here, my love”, she whispers, over and over again. She’s not letting go of you again. She’s not
Daniela shakes with you, but holds you tight. When you awaken, your eyes are wide, terror written across them
Daniela knows, you remember it all now
She cries with you as both of you attempt to escape the painful memory
Your arms are tight around her, the way they used to be
“My precious Daniela”, you whisper shakily. She cries, and holds you even tighter
“My perfect love. It’s always been you”, she reassures
All night you two hold each other. Daniela is so happy to be given another opportunity with love
This time, she will ensure you are never taken from her again
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bibli0thecary · 2 years
In The Stars
pairing (s): marc spector x reader, steven grant x reader, jake lockley x reader
summary: steven finds it hard to believe that you’re gone, while marc is forced to live with endless regret, and jake continues to blame himself for everything.
word count: 2.3k
moon knight masterlist
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
Steven was in a good mood today. He had no problems at work, everything seemed to be in his favour. Also, he came across a stray cat on his way home, taking a picture of it so he could show it to you, already imagining the adorable grin on your face once you look at it. 
He could not wait to see you as he unlocked the door, flowers in his other hand. You loved it when he gave you flowers. Hence, Steven would surprise you with flowers once in awhile, if he did not get you chocolate and candies that reminded him of you. 
“Y/N, love?” 
He called out, frowning as he stood alone in his home. The deafening silence was hurting his head, and it all started to come at him at once. No, he was forgetting it again. Every time he forgets, he had to remind himself again, only to get his heart broken in pieces.
“She’s gone, Steven.”
Marc’s voice rang through his head, as Steven shut his eyes tightly, hoping that once he opened them, you would be there with him. His heart dropped when he opened his eyes, finding himself staring at his empty home. 
His eyes landed on the Taweret plushie in his bed, which once belonged to you. He remembered giving it to you as a gift when you first met him. He was a stuttering mess, but still, you smiled and never laughed at him. Your heart was so attached to the plushie, hugging it when you sleep that sometimes he was jealous of it. 
But now it became a cruel reminder of your absence. 
“I keep forgetting, Marc.”
He whispered, knowing that Marc could hear him. He was waiting for him to say anything, but he received nothing. Steven let his head tortured him even more when he was suddenly reminded of your last conversation with him. You were smiling at him like he was your whole world, and he wished he could never forget your smile. 
Steven was telling you about his time in Egypt, and you listened to him with a huge smile on your face. The gleam in his eyes every time he talked to you was mesmerising and you never wanted to look away. 
“Why Marc is so reluctant to tell me about these stories?” 
You asked, knowing Marc was listening even if he was not fronting. Steven shrugged, obviously Marc was saying something to him. You held yourself back, not wanting to stop Steven from telling you his stories when you just wanted to hug him and tell him how adorable he was. 
“Marc said you’re too precious to know. The stories are quite… violent.”
Your heart swelled, a sigh of content was escaping your lips at how protective Marc to you. But you also appreciated how Steven could not keep a thing from you, always telling you everything that he thought you needed to know. He disliked the idea of keeping you in the dark.
“You should take me there one day.”
You said, letting yourself melt into his arms, as he put his chin on your head. Steven chuckled softly, clearly loving the fact that you were entertained by his stories.
“I will take you there one day. I promise.”
Steven had to bear witness as his promise turned into ashes. He did not get to take you to Cairo. He could not see the excitement sparkling in your eyes as you jumped on your feet, eager to experience the city by yourself. 
Sometimes Steven wondered how many things you wanted to do that you did not get to accomplish, since you were taken away from this world far too soon. You were ambitious, thus he could tell if you were blessed with more years of life, you could have lived to achieve so many dreams. 
“I can’t do this anymore, Marc.”
Steven was going to cry when Marc started to front. Holding back the tears, Marc looked at the flowers in his hand. Perhaps he should burn them and watch as they turned into dust, but he went to put them in a vase instead, like you always did. 
He understood how hard it was for Steven. He was so used to having you in his life, that sometimes he could forget that you were no longer there with them. They all mourned for you, but in their own ways. It was hard for all of them, to know that they had to wake up in the morning without you saying you love them.
However, no one cried as hard as Marc when he found out the news of your death. He was sobbing uncontrollably that he did not care about anything else but you. You were gone and he did not get to apologise for what he said to you that morning. He hurt you, and now he lost you.
“You came home last night, bloodied and bruised! I thought you were dying.”
Worry was dripping from your voice, and you could not believe that the argument started with you being concerned over his well being. Marc felt like the world was weighing down on him, and he could not have you worrying over him like this.
“Stop worrying. You know what we do.”
He said, not even bothering to look you in the eyes. You shook your head, holding back your tears. You were aware of what he did, but it did not ease your worried heart at all. 
“I know, Marc. But I don’t want you to get hurt—“
“What am I supposed to do then, Y/N?” 
His voice was harsh, and if you did not know him, you would cower in fear when he glared daggers at you. But he was your Marc, and you knew him more than anyone else ever did. He was your home, and you were his sanctuary. 
“I just hate to see you coming home to me looking half dead.”
You hissed, tears started to pour down your face. Marc scoffed, and you braced yourself before he could even open his mouth and wound you with his words. 
“Maybe I should stop coming home to you, Y/N.”
Hurt was evident in your eyes as you looked at him, and Marc realised what he had said. He wanted to take it back, but he was far too angry to care. The sound of your broken cries stabbed his heart, and he looked away from you as he felt himself close to tears as well.
“You don’t mean that. I know you don’t.”
You were right. He did not mean any of that. You were the only person he would come home to. You were his heaven, and nothing could force him to walk away from your loving arms. He loved you so much and he wished he had said it to you. 
“I’m just worried about you. I love you, Marc.”
You said, pressing a kiss on his cheek, before leaving for work. The feeling of your kiss lingered on his skin, wanting you stay but he was too stubborn to admit it. Hearing the click of the door, he let himself cry as he had once again hurt you with his words. 
You said you loved him. Marc did not say it back, and it was his biggest regret. He also did not watch you leave for work, not knowing it would be the last time he could see you waving at him with a smile on your face. If he knew, he would hold you against his chest, making sure that you were not leaving his side that day.
Perhaps if he did, you would still be here right now.
Marc went to open the drawer, feeling his chest tightened. There was a few notebooks in there, some were Steven’s and the others were his. But nothing caught his eyes more than the sight of a velvet box. He reached out for it with his trembling fingers, opening it with a heavy heart. 
The diamond ring shone in his eyes, but his life went dull, as the realisation hit him hard that he would never get a chance to ask you to marry him. He was always in doubt, having to experience a divorce before, he was unsure. But then he talked to both Steven and Jake. As soon as he was sure that he wanted to marry you, he went to buy the ring. 
Marc wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, the love of his life. 
But now it was all a hopeless dream for him. He would never get to ask you the big question. He wondered how would you react to him proposing you. Sometimes he let himself dream about it, yearning to see the shock on your face and the happy squeal that you would let out as you hug him.
“I believe you would have said yes to me.”
Marc found himself crying, thinking of getting rid of the ring to ease the pain. Before he could do anything stupid, Jake was fronting, shutting the velvet box and shoved in the drawer before locking it, keeping the key away from Marc. 
He knew how much it hurt Marc to see the ring, but he also did not want him to get rid of it either. It was a reminder of what you could have been to them if life was not so cruel towards you. You would have been their wife. And Jake did not want to forget that.
Jake got himself in bed, lying on his side and never once did he touch yours. It felt so wrong to lie alone in bed, when he was so used to having you with him. If you were still here, he would pull you to lie on top of him, wrapping his arms around you. It made him feel like he was protecting you, even when you were asleep. 
He was in the kitchen, making a cup of coffee for himself since he could not fall asleep. He was thinking of watching the television when he heard your sleepy voice calling out for him. Worried, he put his coffee down on the table and rushed to see you.   
“I’m here, sunshine. What’s wrong?”
His heart warmed when you reached out for him, and he smirked, letting you wrap your arms around his waist. You were so cute, and he never knew how could you fall in love with him when you were the sun and he was the moon. 
“You weren’t in bed. I was so scared.”
You mumbled into his chest, letting him know that you were not letting him leave you alone in bed again. Jake cupped your face with his hands, mimicking your cute pout which looked absolutely funny on him. 
“Aww you were scared?”
Jake played along, heart fluttering at the sight of your drowsy smile. You were so beautiful, and he had been saying it to you again and again since the first time he met you.
“Of course, I was scared. Who’s going to protect me if you’re not here?”
Your words resonated with his heartbeat. That night, Jake vowed to himself that he would never let anything bad happen to you. You were his precious gem, and he would treasure you forever with all of his might.
Jake knew Marc and Steven could protect you, but in your eyes, he was your protector and the first time you told him about it, he was over the moon. No words could describe the feelings in his chest when you said you felt so safe with him instead of being intimidated. 
Protecting you— It was something that he had failed to do. 
The night when you came home from work, Jake was the one who was fronting. He was on the other side of the city, saving lives, when you were walking home alone. He remembered receiving a text from you, saying that you were already on your way home and he should not worry. 
Jake would not know that just a few minutes after you sent the text, you were mugged by a group of men who had been following you from your workplace. As he was fighting off criminals, the person he loved the most was being harassed and he was not there. He was saving others, when he could not even save you. 
When Khonshu told him that he sensed you were in trouble, it felt like his heart was tore out of his chest. Jake could only wish that he was not too late. But when he arrived, your lifeless body was lying on the ground, forcing a cry of sorrow out of him for the first time as he begged you to wake up and tell him that it was not real.
You were gone and it was his fault. He was not quick enough to get there in time. He broke his own vow to protect you with his life. He failed, and now you were in the stars, out of his reach where you could be safer than when you were with him. 
That was why he did not front frequently now. He hated to be in the present where you were no longer alive, and if he could, he just wanted to live in his dreams where you were still lying in his arms. But once in awhile, he was forced to front, and it hurt him endlessly.
Jake really believed that if Marc or Steven was fronting that night, you would still be alive. They could save you. They would not fail like he did. 
Never once did they blame Jake for what happened to you, but he blamed himself. 
If only he was good enough. 
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ladyartemesia · 3 years
TEASER: Kim Seokjin and the Mean Omega
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Pairing: Nerd Alpha Kim Seokjin x Popular Omega Reader
Genre: A/B/O • Enemies to Lovers • (Sorta) College AU • Best Friend's Brother AU (Who is surprised? No one?)
Teaser Word Count: 3.6K
Teaser Warnings: A/B/O sexual dynamics • suggestive content
Rating: Explicit (18+) (Teaser is PG-13)
Summary: In the modern world, alphas are almost unheard of so why even bother learning about them? After all, as a spoiled (but reasonably kind-hearted) omega who is used to getting whatever she wants, you have better things to do. However, when unexpected circumstances throw you in the path of (extremely) nerdy and (probably?) shy Kim Seokjin, you're shocked to discover that he won't be wrapped around your little finger as easily as all the rest. Bringing that infuriating geek to his knees quickly becomes your personal mission in life... But it turns out that Kim Seokjin is not what he appears to be and the mean omega who eats beta boys for breakfast is about to get way more than she bargained for...
Author’s Note: This story would not be here without the love, support and friendship of my incredible support system. You talk with me, you laugh with me, you listen when I’m crying, and you read my chaotic drafts when I am ready to pull my hair out of my head in frustration. I love you all. @ppersonna @xjoonchildx @untaemedqueen @lemonjoonah. ALSO thank you to each and every one of you who encouraged me to post this story. This fic is dedicated to all of you as a token of my love and appreciation. Your support keeps me writing. Never doubt that for a second.
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“...due to discriminatory anti-alpha policies in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, alphas were nearly eliminated from the general population…”
You heaved a weary sigh and rolled your shoulders—stretching the buttons of your high-end Oxford shirt to their limit. The beta sophomore to your right whined audibly and you smirked.
“...despite efforts to restore the genetic balance of designations, alphas currently comprise less than one percent of the population…”
Your back arched slightly as you crossed your legs, letting the absurdly short hem of your skirt ride up even higher. The poor boy you were tormenting shifted miserably in his seat.
How was he supposed to focus on a Human Biology and Designation Studies lecture when the living breathing embodiment of every sweaty undergrad’s fantasies was twisting her fingers in her hair and wrapping her pretty pink tongue around a strawberry lollipop right there in the middle of class?
“...unlike betas and omegas, alphas possess enhanced strength and the ability to compel other designations with their voice. Unmated alphas especially were often baselessly feared and distrusted...”
You knew exactly how you affected boys like him. You were a shameless tease who relished their attention and the power it brought you. Who needed drugs when driving a man mad with desire was a rush more potent than any high?
“...and that’s all for today so please read pages 450-466 in the text over break and remember to turn in your essay on scent and consent in intimacy—”
That poor sophomore looked like he had finally worked up the courage to speak to you, but you were already out the door and tearing down the hall toward your beautiful (and entirely platonic) counterpart, Kim Taehyung.
“Do you think Professor Moore is unaware that class is over at 3:25 or is he just torturing us for science?”
Taehyung shrugged, falling into step beside you with practiced ease.
“I mean I would torture you for free so it’s hard to say.”
The corner of your mouth quirked up at his characteristic dry humor, but the irritation at being held in that sweltering lecture hall for an extra ten minutes had frayed your temper.
“It’s the last class before spring break, I’m sure he was on some sort of twisted power trip.” You dug around in your purse for some chapstick, ignoring Tae’s amused snorting, “Alphas barely exist anymore and none of us are likely to meet one. Why bother learning what they can do?”
Taehyung tilted his head in amusement.
“You might be surprised.”
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The final party before the beginning of spring break was always a laid back affair.
Many people had already caught planes to their various destinations, but your flight was scheduled for early tomorrow morning—leaving you with some time to kill.
Taehyung pressed his newest experimental concoction into your hand within minutes of entering the house (a surprisingly neat bachelor pad owned by two seniors, Jung Hoseok and Min Yoongi) and then darted back to the kitchen to craft more questionable alcohol potions like a deranged party warlock.
You had just found a comfortable place on the couch and were contemplating whether sampling your best friend’s mad scientist elixir would be worth the probable damage to your body when—
It was that sophomore from your Designations Studies class. What was his name again? Jungwoo? Jinwook?
“Jungkook,” you smiled, delighted to have remembered before it became awkward. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
You motioned to the empty cushion next to you and the man in question scrambled over like he’d won the lottery.
“I—I know we don’t know each other well, but I noticed you were absent during Professor Moore’s lecture on intimacy and scent consent so I—” he blushed deeply, “I wrote the essay for you—and I brought a copy on my flash drive if-if you want it.”
Your heart melted immediately.
“Oh my gosh Jungkook, that is so sweet of you!”
Your gaze darted over his muscular form and thick brown curls.
Sweet indeed.
“I don’t want to miss out on the learning though,” you pouted, placing a hand on his tattooed bicep. “Can you explain it to me?”
Jungkook nodded vigorously even as his wide eyes fell to where your fingers were sliding slowly over his chest.
Scent consent was a pretty basic and universally known concept, but you really were touched by the handsome sophomore's consideration.
Why not give him (and yourself) a little reward?
“Um so basically if two people are involved in...intimate activities—”
You leaned forward to nip his ear lightly and he whimpered.
“Like this?” you asked innocently.
“Y-Yes. Like that.” He gulped. “In an intimate situation consent or refusal can be smelled. The scent of refusal or reluctance in intimacy is strong, unmistakable, and has a high chemical potency.”
“Is that so?” you drawled, sliding over onto his lap. Jungkook’s eyes rolled back into his head and you bit back a grin.
He was adorable.
“Uh-huh—it—oh my gawd,” (you were nibbling on his ear again) “it can immediately block sexual arousal and performance in the other partner. Meaning, if consent is not present, then it becomes difficult or—ahh” (his voice began to waver under your continued attention) “—or even impossible to continue with intimate acts.”
Your hand slid up to his cheek, bringing him closer till your lips were almost touching.
“Then what does it mean if I’m still so turned on right now?”
“It means,” Jungkook shuddered—nearly delirious with your scent, “that I really really want you.”
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Across the room, Park Jimin chuckled as he watched you seduce his enthusiastic friend.
Jeon Jungkook was such a sweet kid.
Hopefully he wouldn’t get too attached.
“Wow... Some people are genuinely born blessed I suppose.”
Jimin turned to see Jung Hoseok eyeing the dimly lit corner where you and the eager young sophomore were exploring each other.
It was a rather...provocative spectacle. Not quite raunchy (you weren’t truly an exhibitionist)—just insanely sexy.
Jimin’s gaze lingered on the smooth curve of your thigh where Jeon Jungkook was currently holding on for dear life.
Lucky bastard.
“Ah you know how she is,” he sighed. “That boy isn’t going to get any farther than anyone else.”
It was relatively common knowledge that you liked to mess around but rarely—if ever— fully hooked up with anyone.
Jimin asked you about it once during a drunken game of truth or dare and you had just shrugged, mumbling something along the lines of avoiding STDs (which—to be fair—was at least part of your motivation), but the truth was a little more complicated than that.
In terms of experience, you weren’t a virgin, but... you hadn’t actually had sex in years.
You loved the chase, the foreplay, the build-up—the game of cat-and-mouse between two people who were attracted to one another.
But the final consummation was always so…
Wildly unfulfilling.
Every encounter left you frustrated. Empty.
So you stopped bothering with it all together. (That was what sex toys were for after all.)
At the end of the day you were perfectly content being labeled a tease—it meant that people tended to know what they were (or rather weren’t) getting into when they rolled the dice with you.
Besides…it hadn’t even put a dent in your throng of admirers.
You were sunny, spoiled, indulgent, almost universally adored—
And you loved every minute of it.
“You know…” Hoseok took a long sip of his drink. “I always thought she would end up with Taehyung, but it’s been three years.”
Like you, Kim Taehyung was a trust fund brat and it was only natural that two beautiful and absurdly privileged people would gravitate to one another. You met at a freshman pledge party and had been an inseparable (and formidable) dynamic duo ever since.
The undisputed king and queen of campus.
Yes—maybe the two of you were a little self-absorbed at times, but it was hardly your fault that people tended to instinctively cater to the force of your combined looks, wealth, and charisma.
And it didn’t hurt that neither of you were ever intentionally cruel or unkind.
Just... habitually thoughtless.
(Though not when it came to each other. If anything your friendship was one area where you were both a little more human.)
Jimin shook his head.
“Nah that’s never gonna happen.” He tapped his nose. “They’re scent-crossed.”
Hoseok’s eyes widened.
Scent-crossed pairs didn’t smell sexually attractive to each other.
Like. At all.
No matter how physically or visually appealing an individual might be, it would be near impossible to form a sexual or romantic attachment to them if you were scent-crossed. Alphas, betas, and omegas were all subject to their noses first and foremost in the realm of attraction.
You and Taehyung smelled like comfort and home to one another...
But you were more turned on by a crisp cup of apple juice than you were his scent and the feeling was quite mutual.
He might as well have been your actual brother.
“That explains so much.” Hoseok snorted as he watched a drunken Taehyung do a flying leap on top of both you and Jungkook.
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“Why is sunlight so offensive?” you croaked, dragging yourself and your luggage toward the boarding ramp next to an equally miserable Taehyung.
“The next time I book a flight before 9 AM, please shoot me,” he grunted.
Your parents were celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with a month-long European cruise so your best friend had graciously invited you to spend two glorious weeks of spring vacation at his family estate.
The invitation had actually come as somewhat of a surprise because—for all your closeness—Taehyung was uncharacteristically tight-lipped about his family.
Not that he was deliberately withholding information per se… It was just that he never really brought them up beyond an occasional passing comment.
The one time you did ask him about them directly he sighed and said—
“We’re very close, but… I suppose we’ve just gotten used to being very private.”
There was clearly more to the story, but you were confident that Tae would share it if and when he was ready.
“My parents are in Seoul opening a new branch of the company. They took my little sister with them and my older brother has his own house so it will be just us.” He snuggled deeper into the first class seat directly next to yours. “We’ll hang out by the pool and chill during the day, then hit up some of the new clubs or whatever at night.”
“So… No one from your family will be there?”
Perhaps the invitation was not so surprising after all.
“Nope. Just you and me and thirty acres of ocean front property.”
You grinned.
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“Whose room is that?”
The two of you were lugging your bags down the main hall of Taehyung’s expansive mansion when a strange hint of...something caught you right by the nose.
Your friend turned to find you frozen and staring curiously at a familiar door near the balcony.
His eyes widened, but you were too preoccupied to notice his momentary concern.
“That’s just Jin’s room.”
A firm hand wrapped around your wrist and dragged you away, but your eyes stayed glued to the source of the mysterious scent until you were around the corner and out of sight.
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Your suite for the next two weeks was right across the hall from Taehyung’s. There was a whirlpool, a full bath, a balcony, and an ocean view that would rival the cover spread of any travel magazine.
Tae headed for the shower (to ‘wash the airplane off’) immediately after showing you the room and you were thinking of doing the same except…
Your mind kept going back to that door and the hint of scent you detected.
There was something… different about it.
It was faint—and far from fresh (which made sense considering that one of the few things you did know about Kim Seokjin was that he hadn’t lived in this house for years).
But still…
The need to smell it again pressed insistently at the back of your mind.
Suddenly the sound of Taehyung singing raunchy lyrics in the shower carried over through the walls and you found your feet moving almost of their own accord.
What Tae doesn’t know won’t hurt him, you rationalized, making your way down the hall toward Jin’s door. Besides—it’s not as if I’m going to steal anything…
You just needed to find that scent again.
By the time your fingers closed over the knob every one of your nerves was strangely—acutely—alert but nothing could have prepared you for what was waiting behind the door.
Oh. My. Gosh.
“What a colossal nerd.”
The room was covered floor to ceiling in Nintendo memorabilia.
Bright primary colors assaulted your eyes from all directions in the form of action figures, posters, pillows, and every other conceivable merch variety known to man.
In the center of the suite stood a large king-sized bed covered in a custom black couture toile-style Mario-verse bed set (that looked every bit as expensive as it was geeky) and a mountain of high quality Nintendo character plush toys.
Everything was simultaneously luxe and nostalgic—a rare combination of sophisticated aesthetic balance and childlike indulgence.
And the scent was there.
It was faint and covered under layers of cleaner and air fresheners, but still lingering just below the surface—too weak for you to get a really good whiff, yet potent enough to torment you.
You moved forward unconsciously toward the strongest source of the hypnotic smell—the strangely inviting expanse of Kim Seokjin’s mattress.
Suddenly the urge to climb—no crawl—across the bed itself and roll around in it like a kitten in catnip gripped you out of nowhere.
“What the hell?” you muttered, rubbing absently over the mating gland at the base of your neck.
Something very odd was going on with your body.
Your restless gaze zeroed in on one of the stuffed toys piled atop his pillows. It was a cute little mushroom man your brain recognized as a Mario character named ‘Toad’.
Take it.
Your mouth dropped open in shock.
You need it.
“Am I going insane?” you wondered aloud.
You have to take it.
Muscles in your hand began to twitch involuntarily. You bit your lip.
Bring it back with you.
Several minutes later a freshly washed Taehyung wandered over to your room and found you sitting perfectly still on your bed while staring off into space.
His head tilted in curious concern.
“Everything ok?”
You started a bit at the sound of his voice, but recovered quickly.
“Never better!” you chirped—almost too brightly. “Let’s go get some dinner, I’m starving.”
Then you grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall toward the kitchen—shutting the door before he could catch a glimpse of his brother’s stuffed Toad doll stashed underneath your pillow
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“...a critical water main rupture in the city’s New Market district early this morning has forced several residents out of their homes as flood water swelled up to nearly two feet. The governor declared a state of emergency and ordered hotels around the city to accommodate the displaced citizens. Crews are still clearing the water and assessing damages. We expect—
“Hey!” you shouted through a mouthful of cereal, after Your best friend switched off the television, “I was watching that!”
“And what you should be doing is getting ready for the pool.” Tae snatched your cereal bowl and dragged you by your shirt collar toward the stairs. “It is the first morning of our vacation. I’m not trying to waste any time. Now go.” He shoved you forward, smacking your ass for good measure.
You swatted back at him half-heartedly as jogged back up to the room where you enjoyed a surprisingly restful sleep last night.
Kim Seokjin’s door glared at you accusingly as you shuffled past—unable to let you forget that you had kidnapped it’s little mushroom man in an unexplained fit of kleptomania, but that was a problem for your future self.
The you of right now was going to zen out in the Kim family's premium glass-enclosed indoor pool (it was still a little chilly for the outdoor pool) with her best friend and bask in the simple joys of good company and no responsibility.
...Or not.
A few minutes later you bounced into the living room wearing a simple black tankini with a cute floral cover only to find Taehyung on the phone with his head in his hands.
“Yes, sir. I understand… I...I know this is my responsibility...”
That didn’t sound good.
After a few more tense moments, Tae hung up and collapsed backward into the couch with a heavy sigh.
“That water main break you heard about on TV this morning was the last straw between the province and its current contractor. They called an emergency meeting for new bids.”
Your heart dropped as you sank down beside him.
“Your dad wants you to go...doesn’t he.”
Taehyung nodded miserably.
“He can’t leave the Seoul opening on such short notice and managing government construction contracts is part of what I’ve been training for. This could be huge for our company.”
“Well...why doesn’t your brother go?”
“Jin is the brains behind most of our patented gaming and tech innovations. He wouldn’t even know where to begin with this sort of thing. Besides,” his lips quirked up in a rueful grin, “my brother doesn’t have the patience to stroke entitled geriatric egos for hours on end—which is likely what I’m going to have to do.”
The two of you headed back to Taehyung’s room where you helped him pack some suits and toiletries for his trip.
Naturally you were disappointed but...this was a great opportunity for your best friend to prove himself in his chosen field and you both knew it. In fact, he was already starting to brighten a bit.
“The meeting is about a hundred miles north of here. My dad’s secretary already handled the flight and hotel room.” His eyes darted around the suite to see if he was forgetting anything.
It was clear he was nervous, though you were sure he didn’t need to be. Kim Taehyung was a trust fund brat, but he was also talented and deeply passionate about his family’s company.
Someday this would be the norm. The two of you were stealing time in college, determined to live a little before the expectations of your powerful families transferred fully onto your shoulders.
It was becoming more and more clear, however, that your carefree time was slowly running out.
Mother had already spoken to you about potential marriage alliances and your father expected you to intern with his Vice President this summer just as your elder sister had...
Taehyung’s voice suddenly interrupted your bittersweet introspection and you couldn’t help but smile at how grown-up he looked in his suit and briefcase ensemble.
Everything was going to change, but not quite yet.
“They estimate negotiations should take around a week or so…” He walked over and pulled you into a tight hug. “There should still be some vacation left for us when I get back.”
“Hurry back then,” you mumbled grumpily into his chest and he chuckled.
“I will.”
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Taehyung had been gone for less than twenty minutes when you decided that the best use of your time would be to eat more snacks.
The last thing you expected when you skipped merrily into the kitchen was to find it occupied by a shaggy-haired homeless man in glasses.
Your first instinct was to scream which caused the homeless man to drop the apple he was biting right onto the floor where it rolled around for a small eternity before coming to rest at his ankles.
Your second instinct was to grab a butcher’s cleaver from the nearby knife block and wave it chaotically at the intruder while shouting something along the lines of—
“You’ve made a huge mistake! My boyfriend is the biggest, meanest mafia boss in Seoul! Leave now and he might let you live!”
The homeless man continued to stare at you with a mixture of confusion and shock, but made no move to run away in terror like you were hoping.
So you tried again.
“Didn’t you hear what I said?! The last man who touched me drinks his steak through a straw now! Do the smart thing and leave before my boyfriend comes down those stairs and it’s too late!”
Infuriatingly, the homeless man was still not fleeing for his life and frankly you were starting to get frustrated. You drew in a deep cleansing breath and were prepared to issue another grandiose threat when he finally spoke.
“I’m sorry, miss. I... think there’s been some sort of mistake. Who is your boyfriend?”
There was no rational explanation for what came out of your mouth next, but it rolled off your tongue so smoothly and you didn’t even flinch.
“Kim Seokjin.”
For the first time in your entire exchange, the intruder looked truly alarmed.
Now that’s more like it.
“You’ve heard of him I see. He’s a dangerous man and my body belongs to him.” You slammed the cleaver down onto the countertop with a (hopefully) menacing slash. “Kim Seokjin doesn’t like when other men put their hands on what belongs to him.”
There was a long, unpardonably tense moment of silence…Then the stranger slowly reached forward and picked up a mobile phone from the table in front of him.
His eyes remained locked with yours as he pressed a quick series of buttons, brought the phone to his ear, waited a few seconds and said—
“Taehyung… Would you mind telling me why there is a half-naked, knife-wielding omega in our kitchen claiming to be my girlfriend?”
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Hello! Please comment on this post if you would like to be added to the taglist!
You guys were all so wonderful, and encouraging, and excited that I literally got this teaser out in three days! If you like what you read so far, please let me know! I cannot put into words how meaningful and valuable feedback is to me. I truly treasure it! It fuels my creativity and keeps me writing. I would love to hear from you!
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝐻𝑦𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑑 𝑃𝑒𝑡 𝐺𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑡 (𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑)
Warnings: NSFW content. Read at your own discretion.
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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Loud and intense slurping sounds were the only thing heard besides your whimpers and moaning. You tried to move away from the face that was currently buried between your legs as you felt your 6th orgasm building up, but a firm hand placed itself on your stomach, holding you down to keep you from moving.
"Come on my little kitten, you know you want to cum one more time. Cum for me."
Hongjoong's skillful tongue laps up all of your juices, not letting a single drop go to waste. Coming up to lay on top of you, he kisses you tenderly, leftover arousal on his lips now being tasted by you. His fingers sweep your hair away, scratching at the back of your [insert color] ears and he chuckles when he feels you purring into his mouth.
"You feeling good kitten? You feel better?"
Although having him eat you out so many times was always a delight, you still felt like you needed more, your core starting to feel empty and needy. Looking up at him, your pupils dilated as your fingers brushed along the tent in his pants. Playing coy, Hongjoong tilted his head at you.
"What is it kitten? Do you want something from me?"
Hongjoong chuckled when he felt your claws began tearing at his jeans. Getting the hint, he began to take himself out, slapping his head on your clit.
"Don't worry kitten, master will fill you up."
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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Seonghwa let out a loud hiss when he felt your walls clench unbearably tight around him. His hand came down to caress the red prints he had left all over your ass, stroking them with utmost tenderness, before coming over to play with your little cotton tail, which briefly twitched when it felt his touch.
"You like that my little bunny?"
Your drawned out moan was an affirmative answer. Wanting to further tease you, he harshly tugged at your tail, sending you yelping into the pillow as you began cumming all over him.
"Oh fuck bunny! I'm gonna cum! Gonna cum inside you!" He cried out, his thrusts becoming more sporadic.
Your long ears began fretting uncontrollably when they heard his words.
"N-no master! You could get me pregnant! Humans can still-" Your sentence couldn't be finished as your body began getting heated once more.
Seonghwa's thrusts never stopped, in fact they got more desperate. Leaning over, he began kissing along your back.
"Really? I can breed you my little bunny?"
You nodded your head as you felt yourself cumming once again, nearly squirting when you heard his next words.
"Then let's knock you up. I wanna see you full of my babies."
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Your fingers couldn't keep from fisting at your skirt, your eyes looking everywhere but at the tv in front of you, where a movie your loving master had put on for your weekly movie nights you often had. You hated this, you thought you could distract yourself and ignore the immense throbbing that started that morning, but it was becoming too much.
"Baby? Are you ok? What's wrong pup?"
Yunho's voice snapped you out of your thoughts and until then you realized you had been unconsciously rutting yourself on his thigh, your cheeks burning red with embarrassment. But Yunho didn't seem to mind as he began kissing your shoulders, hands sliding up under your shirt to knead at your exposed breasts.
"It hurts doesn't it puppy?"
You nodded, melting into his touch and tilting your head so he could suck hickeys into your neck.
"Is this ok? Does this feel better?" He asked you as he pinched your nipples.
You whined loudly, loving your master's caresses, but wanting them places elsewhere.
"Yes but-but.." You were too scared to ask him.
"But what pup? Still hurts? Where do you need it?"
Humming softly, Yunho dropped one hands inside your skirt, pushing your panties to the side to slide a finger, then 2 inside of you. You cried out at the stretch his long fingers gave you, spreading your legs out more so he could add a 3rd one.
"Master will take the pain away for you pup."
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Coming home to find you, his fox hybrid, in pain and furiously grinding yourself onto a pillow somehow didn't phase Yeosang. He knew that you were bound to start your first heat anytime soon. You on the other hand, didn't fully understand what was happening to your body.
"M-master, please help." You begged him, your eyes becoming brimmed with tears.
Gently, Yeosang calmed you down first before ushering you to lie your naked body down onto the bed. Petting your ears softly, he went to his closet to get out the box he had stashed away until this moment arrived. Coming back over to you, he took out a weird device you had never seen before, but it was pink, long and cylindrical in shape. Turning on a button, it began making a buzzing noise and Yeosang then lowered it down until it touched your throbbing clit.
"Oh! Oh my god." You squirmed as vibrations pulsated all over your body.
Yeosang's fingers went back to your ears, stroking them as he moved the device around your sensitive little nub.
"This is called a vibrator my dear. It will help you out at times like these."
Soon he moved the vibrator from your clit and slipped it inside you, sliding it in and out of you until you were a shaking mess and came for the first time in your life. Taking it out of you, Yeosang studied the glistening juices left from your orgasm.
"Of course, one day even this won't be enough for you..."
You blushed and let out a squeak when you saw him lick some of the cum off as he winked at you.
"But that's what my cock will be here for."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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San's fingers yanked your hair from the pillow, not willing to let you muffle the screams pouring out of your mouth. You cried out even harder as he began landing hard slaps on your ass.
"Stop trying to hide now, acting like you weren't rutting yourself on Mingi's lap just 5 minutes ago like the little bitch in heat you are."
Tears came down your cheeks as your legs threatened to give out underneath you. You didn't want to make San mad, but your heat was unbearable and yes, you accidentally rutted yourself on his friend while he was cuddling you on his lap.
"I'm sorry master! My- can't control my heat!" You exclaimed.
San let out a pensive hum, his hips slowing down until they stopped and he pulled out of you, which made you whine harder at being denied to cum.
"You're right....you really can't control yourself when you're in heat. All you can think about is getting fucked over and over."
With a sadistic grin, he threw you over his shoulder and stormed out of the room and into the living room, where his other members had reddened faces at having heard what was going on, but now they looked in shock as San set you on the floor, displaying your naked form to them.
"Guys my little puppy hybrid is in heat and needs a little fucking. Correction....a lot of fucking." He emphasized the last part.
Using his foot, he made you open your legs so they could all look at your soaked hole which ached to be filled once more, stuffed to the brim with cum.
"Come on guys, I've seen you stare at my little bitch too many times. If you want to fuck her, now's your chance. "
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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You couldn't ask for a better caregiver than Mingi. You absolutely loved him and he absolutely adored you. He took great care of you and was always displaying his affection towards you. And he always made sure to satisfy your needs, especially when you went into heat. You always looked forward to those times because he was extra attentive and even romantic towards you.
"There you go my pretty little kitten. That's it. Just take it nice and slow."
Your head was thrown back, eyes closed as you lost yourself in the immense pleasure of grinding against his huge cock. Mingi's hands were holding onto your waist, guiding your movements so he could hit your sweet spot each time you sunk down on his length. The splashing sounds of the water in the bathtub you two were in were the only other sounds besides the moans coming out both of your mouths.
Mingi attached his mouth to your neck, sucking down on your wet skin, brushing away some of your dampened hair.
"You're so beautiful my pretty one, and you're doing so well taking my cock." You lived for his praises and sweet words.
"Thank you master. Thank you for making me feel-"
You were silenced when he suddenly pressed his lips against yours, his tongue running itself across your upper lip as he began bucking his hips harder into you.
"Shh. Hush kitten."
You melted and immediately came all over him, feeling overwhelmed with not only euphoria but with love as well.
"Don't thank me kitten. Master just wants to make sure you're taken care of properly."
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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Wooyoung hummed a soft tune to himself as he carefully flipped the pancakes he was currently cooking on the stove. It was early morning and he was wearing nothing but his sweatpants, hair a mess and in tangles from his previous night with you. He squealed when he suddenly felt a body press itself to his.
"Don't give me a heart attack so early in the morning." He scolded you, swatting the utensil on one of your fluffy ears.
Letting out a huff, you turned him to face you and he was kinda surprised to see you there naked. Just as he was about to ask, you pulled him in for a desperate kiss, fingers raking against his bare chest as you pulled him over to the table.
"God dammit Y/N, are you seriously this horny this early?" Although he complained, he still made no effort to push you off him nor stop your hand from palming his growing hard on.
"I'm still in heat! Please, I need you." You whimpered at him, taking one of his hands to cup and feel your dripping mound.
Growling, Wooyoung flipped you so you were laying on the table, his hands spreading your legs open. Pulling his sweatpants down, he surprised you when you saw he had gone commando that morning.
"What? I knew there would be no use in wearing underwear."
You gasped when he entered you promptly, immediately pounding his into you. He was going at it so hard you reached your hands up to grip onto his arms to steady yourself as you felt the first orgasm of the day washing over you.
"Fuck! You really are just a horny little bunny. Just wants to pounce on my cock and get fucked dumb."
You shook under him when he snaked a hand to wrap around your throat, making you go dizzy as you began chanting his name over and over again.
"I'll make sure to fuck you dumb my horny bunny."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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Catching your ears poke out from the doorway, Jongho set his weights down and turned to look at you, who immediately hid.
"What's wrong my little vixen?" He celled out for you.
You nervously stuck your face out.
"No....nothing master. I'm sorry for disturbing you."
Just as you were about to run away, Jongho called out for you again.
"Wait! Babygirl come over here." He ordered you.
Seeing you walk in with your fingers tugging at your oversized sleeves, cheeks pink and ears down, Jongho could already guess what was going on. Cupping your chin, he tilted it up.
"Well then? What is it my little vixen?"
You wanted to cry from how embarrassed you were and for disturbing Jongho with your dirty needs when he was obviously busy.
"I'm sorry m-master ... I'll go-"
"Nonsense my darling. It's ok. I know you're still in heat so don't cry ok?"
Pecking your lips, he picked you up and walked over to the couch, sitting down and immediately stripping you out of your shorts and panties, which were drenched at this point. Jongho then gently placed you on one of his thighs just as he always did when you went into heat, his hands giving your ass cheeks a gentle squeeze.
"Ok. Go on my little vixen. Put on your little show for me, fuck yourself on my thigh as much as you want."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
Can we just stop, and appreciate the pure chaos that would happen if the reader of the platonic Todoroki clan got a boyfriend? And I’m picturing hawks comes too. And everyone is just standing there glaring at this poor kid(if Dabi didn’t already kill him) and the reader is just standing there smiling while this poor kid gets burned when shaking dabi’s hand, then frost bitten by shaking natsuo’s hand, and endeavor is the only one trying to figure out if this kid is good, while everyone else is just trying to frighten the kid off.
Rei is acting nice but it is clear that she hates this poor boy who just wanted to take the reader on a date to something like an ice rink or the movies. And hawks is hiding feathers in the readers bag and pocket.
Yandere Todoroki family reacting to reader getting a bf
"Can we just stop" I thought u were gonna ask me to stop posting Todoroki Clan content lolol
Okay, but on to the ask. I have been thinking about this scenario a lot.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere Todoroki Clan:
Its a miracle how you've managed to keep your relationship a secret for so long. You're always very careful about mentioning your friends, pretending to be not close to them, not even smiling at your phone when you get a text from your boyfriend.
You know your family is...a bit odd. They're very protective of you, maybe even a little possessive? Always checking up on you, asking about where you go, who you're friends with, why do you choose your friends over them on a Friday night. You've caught your brothers, mostly Shotou and Dabi, following you around a few times. Your dad liked to pick you up from school during classes in his car, taking you on daddy-daughter dates and asking about your day and if something or someone has piqued your interest. You have caught Natsuo and Fuyumi snooping through your phone many times, and you've learned to lie on the spot everytime Rei tried to guilt you into gossiping about your life, asking if you would ever keep secrets from your self proclaimed best friend.
If anything, you'd say you were the closest to Hawks. He gives you space, doesn't pester you with questions even if you can see that he wants to, and you know for sure that of all people, he wouldn't ever be mad at you.
So when he asked about your plans for Valentines, you surprised him when you revealed how your s/o was taking you on a date. It takes everything in him to not show his dislike to your decision but he lets you go on. You explain to him about what kind of a person your s/o is and sing all his praises, but it doesn't matter because Hawks knows nobody is good enough for you. Its a fact. He was already planning on hurting your s/o but he had to postpone that when you ask him for help, to help you reveal this information to your family.
And Hawks could never say no to you.
So, during a family dinner, when everyone including Dabi and Hawks were present, you revealed your plans for Valentines. It was dead silent for a few minutes before they started throwing all sorts of questions at you. When Dabi asked about who your s/o was and where did he live because he was going to beat him up, you did your best to calm him down, asking him to at least meet him first before passing any judgements. But when your other brothers told you that they forbid you to keep in contact with s/o, you silently excused yourself from dinner, barely able to hold your tears in.
This is where Hawks comes in. He'll be the one convincing them to meet this guy, telling them not to lock you away because of it. Sure, he's equally protective of you as they are, and while he doesn't like the idea of you dating, it would be better to make you realise that your s/o is just not the one for you.
Why do they need to be the bad guys, when they can make your boyfriend out to be one?
Hawks will tell them that this is a good opportunity for family bonding. You trusted them enough to reveal your relationship, so if they react negatively, you might start hiding more things from them.
And while they all hate the idea, they can't help but agree to with Hawks. It'll be a good way to keep an eye on you. Its clear they weren't able to protect you since you're that good at keeping secrets.
And so, the family calls you back, telling you that they'd love to meet the boy. Rei apologises on everyone's behalf for rejecting the idea too quickly and when you glance at Hawks, you know that its your godfather who changed their minds.
Pressing a quick kiss to his cheek as a thanks, you're pulled out of the room by Fuyumi, Rei and Natsuo as they let you gush about your boyfriend. Once you've left, the rest of the men start talking. Planning what to do, what tracker should they put in your phone and clothes, how to break you guys up and make your s/o seem like the one who was intent on breaking your heart from the start. Not even 5 minutes later and all of them get a message from Fuyumi in the family group chat (a separate one you're not a part of).
Its an attachment of a Facebook profile of your s/o.
This gives them all an opportunity to check this guy out, his background, intentions, etc.
The day comes when the guy comes over to meet the family. Its adorable how excited you are, holding your boyfriend's hand and introducing him to everyone, sending him cute reassuring smiles, completely oblivious to the daggers your family is glaring at him. You're the only one in the room who doesn't sense the negative energy.
As soon as you leave your s/o alone with them for a while, your family puts their plan into motion. It could go many different ways. They could intimidate him, maybe bribe him to leave you alone. Dabi and Shotou aren't above using their quirks either.
The poor bastard never had a chance with you to begin with. And no one ever will as long as the Todoroki name is joined with yours.
Your boyfriend is Katsuki Bakugo.
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I love godfather Hawks sm 💖 He and Enji co parenting reader has not left my mind for days.
Anyways, what do you guys think of Bakugo as reader's bf?
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redpandaramblings · 3 years
A Matter of Admiration Alpha Gang Orca x Omega f!Reader
Hello Hello! Here is my very VERY late submission for the SFW portion of Spudcorner's Valentine Blood and Chocolate Collab. This was meant to be a two page drabble. 13 pages later it's a bit more than that. Regardless, I do hope you enjoy!
Sequel/Epilogue Here
Content Warnings- Omegaverse, SFW, Insecurities, Misunderstandings, Pining, Fluff, Lots of food mentioned, Kugo being very down on himself, very minor mention of blood and stitches needed.
“Really? Again?”
The large alpha seemed to shrink under your judgemental glare.
“I am sorry, Y/N. The fight got intense and it slipped off. Someone must have stepped on it.”
You sighed heavily, your gaze turning to the workbench where the shattered remains of your creation sat. This was your seventh attempt at outfitting Gang Orca with a communicator headset. It was dangerous for him to keep fishing for a handheld during the heat of battle. Unfortunately, his lack of outer ear made keeping a headset on him difficult. Shaking your head, you gave a small smile.
“Not your fault, Sakamata. We knew this was going to be tricky. Though at this rate I’m tempted to just glue a headset on you and call it a day.”
Kugo snorted, his posture relaxing. “I wouldn’t blame you if you did. I hate to see your hard work go to waste.”
“It’s not a waste if I learn something from it. This one lasted a couple weeks of normal patrol work, so that’s an improvement. We just need to figure out what was different about this fight. So, sit. Talk.”
Kugo shook his head with an amused huff. He admitted he had been slightly dubious when you had first come to his agency. He’d encountered many hero support workers claiming to specialize in mutation quirks that seemed to be looking for lab rats for their creations. However, you always listened to what he said, and made suggestions that would actually make his job easier. You made sure your support items not only were functional, but comfortable at well. If the few years you had worked for him, he was pleased to say you had become good friends.
“I can’t right now, Y/N. I need to get cleaned up, then complete my report before I forget the details. I’ll come back first thing tomorrow.” You frowned, tapping your foot. Kugo fought to keep a neutral expression. You’d never forgive him if you knew how much he enjoyed your expressions when you were annoyed.
“Alright. Fine. First thing tomorrow. But make sure you get some rest tonight, you’ve been working too hard lately!”
Sakamata waved a hand in answer as he walked out the workshop door. He’d try to follow your request, but a hero’s work is never done.
Gang Orca shuffled through the door to his agency with an aura of gloom about him. In the past five days, he had broken five more communicators, gotten into several serious fights, and had allowed a villain to escape. And that was just his work life. Some of his friends had set him up for a speed dating session. He didn’t blame them for trying, but it ended exactly how he knew it would. Most of the omegas who had been present were scared of him, and those that weren’t were clearly only interested in his pro hero paycheck. Kugo trudged toward his office, his thoughts gloomy. A man with a quirk like his would never have a normal courtship. It hurt sometimes. How nice it would be to come home to a sweet smelling omega. What wouldn’t he give to home filled with pups, and laughter and love? He sighed softly as he swung his door open. Such a life was not meant for him, so no point in even dreaming. On autopilot, he hung his coat on the coat rack, and turned to set his briefcase on his desk. However, the desk was already occupied. Kugo tilted his head as he stared at the object resting on his desk. It appeared to be a large bento box, wrapped in a rather feminine handkerchief, patterned with some sort of flowers. Kugo set his briefcase down on a chair before coming closer to investigate. Gingerly, he untied the knot, setting the cloth aside as he looked at the contents curiously.
First and most obviously, was the strawberry shaped sticky note attached to the top. “You looked like you had been having a rough week. I hope this can make it better!” The writing was… painstakingly cute. The “i”s were dotted with little hearts. Each letter having just a little bit of flourish, while still being legible.
Kugo hummed quietly to himself. Clearly this had been left on his desk by mistake. A bit awkward, considering his name was on the door, but there was no other explanation. He drummed his fingers on the desk as he considered his options. He could take a guess at who the bento was for. There were several popular alpha heroes working for him that got their share of gifts from admirers. The soft omegan scent coming from the handkerchief that had wrapped the bento was a solid clue the gift was likely meant for one of them. But really, there was no way to tell for sure who it was supposed to end up with, and he really didn’t want the hard work to go to waste. Yes. Best thing would be to eat the bento, and place the box in the break room with a note inside the box apologizing.
His course of action decided, Kugo opened the bento, quietly sucking a breath as he saw what was inside. There were sausages cut to look like little octopi. A large slab of teriyaki salmon. Rice balls shaped like teddy bear heads, complete with little seaweed faces. He tried to tamp down his delight at seeing over half of the bento was dedicated to tamagoyaki. While he lived up to his stereotype of loving fish, the egg dish was a secret favorite of his; something his mother had made for him whenever he had a bad day when he was growing up. The second layer of the bento had even more. Rice, vegetables, and surprisingly a small but adorable piece of cake. Kugo put the bento back together with a small smile on his face. Perhaps it wasn’t meant for him, but it had been a long time since he had been able to enjoy something like this- cute and homemade, clearly filled with a great deal of care. He couldn’t quite feel guilty as he looked forward to lunch. He could pretend, just this once, that a sweet smelling omega had put so much care into something for him.
Later that day, when most of the day team had left, Kugo made his way to the common break room. He carefully cleaned out the bento box in the sink, setting it to the side to dry. He folded the handkerchief it had came in, and placed it next to the box before sighing. He was in the process of scribbling a brief apology note when he heard a cough. He glanced up to see y/n leaning against the doorway.
“You okay, chief? Thought your shift ended an hour ago.”
Kugo nodded as he placed his note on top of the handkerchief. “Yes, just had a few things I needed to wrap up. What about you? I know you were supposed to be done several hours ago now.”
You fidgeted, embarrassed, shrugging your shoulders as you glanced away. “Had an idea for how to improve a few items and, well, you know how I get when I have a project. But what have you got there? You never struck me as the homemade lunch type.”
It was Kugo’s turn to look uncomfortable as he shuffled from foot to foot. “It was left on my desk this morning by mistake. I had no way of knowing who it was actually meant for, and I didn’t want it going to waste, so I ate it.”
You frowned as you walked into the room, opening cupboards and starting to retrieve things to make tea. You held a mug up toward Kugo in a silent question, grabbing a second one when he nodded. You were quiet for a few moments, going through the motions. After a while you asked “How are you so sure it wasn’t for you?”
Kugo snorted, leaning back against the counter and gesturing at himself. “Omegas aren’t exactly lined up around the block. I don’t place high on the ‘heroes that look most like villains’ list every year for no reason. Some unfortunate omega got confused about whose office was whose. It’s a shame I couldn’t give it to whoever it was meant for, it was a beautifully crafted bento.” Kugo doesn’t mention the note. Kugo especially doesn’t mention the note had found its way into his desk drawer to save as a memory of how nice it had been to receive the bento, even if it was an accident.
You laughed, passing him a steaming cup of tea, made just how he liked. “Sakamata, don’t talk down about yourself like that. You’re big, strong, and prime alpha material. You’re one of the top heroes! And even more importantly, you’re a gentle kind man that any omega would be lucky to have. I’d bet good money that that bento absolutely was made just for you.”
“A nice thought, but I doubt it. You’ll see. In a few days I bet a bento will make its way to who it was meant for.”
Kugo stood stock still in the doorway to his office. Sitting on his desk was another cloth wrapped package. Once was a mistake, clearly. But two days in a row? Why on Earth was there another bento on his desk? He approached the desk and slide the bento to him. He untied the scented fabric with care. A cat shaped note greeted him.
“I’m sorry if it wasn’t clear before, Sakamata. I wanted to make this for you because I admire you so much. I’m not always great at saying my feelings, so I hope my cooking says enough.”
This was… for him. The bentos… were for him? He sat in his chair, leaning his head against his hands as he regarded the innocent looking lunch. If it wasn’t a mistake, then what could it be? Probably a fortune hunting omega trying to get in his good graces, if he went off his past experience. Though usually those types of omegas were more likely to offer favors of a different sort. Kugo winced as another thought occurred to him. There was a good chance this omega pitied him. Ugly, intimidating, unmatable. Someone had seen him and decided he needed looking after because clearly he’d never get someone on his own. Yes. That had to be it. He should leave the bento in the break room and end this farce as soon as possible.
His mind made up, Kugo picked up the bundle to do exactly that. The subtle smell of the contents hit his sensitive nose, causing him to salivate. Tempura? Definitely egg. Well, it would be a shame to not even look inside to make sure.
Clearly just as much care had gone into this one as the last one. The rice balls were shaped like little cat heads, to match the note. An assortment of tempura seemed to be the main dish, cute cat shaped food picks stuck in some of them. There were even paw print shaped gummy candies for the dessert. Every inch of the lunch was absolutely adorable. And it was all done for him. There was no way Kugo could let it go to waste. It hurt to know it was a gift given out of pity, but maybe, just for a while, he could pretend there was someone out there who loved him like this. The omega would grow tired of this eventually. Until then, he’d let himself enjoy this.
It was surprising how easily this had become routine. Every day when Kugo walked into his office, there was a new bento waiting for him. And every day he’d unwrap the bento, indulging a brief moment in the cutely patterned handkerchiefs. Every bento was unique and cute. They seemed to show a good understanding of his tastes and preferences. It was a pleasant break on the quiet days and a welcome comfort on the rough days. Each day there was a sweet written note that Kugo gently stored in his desk drawer. It was perfect.
Until it wasn’t.
Kugo hated attending charity events. It wasn’t the charities, he always supported good causes. It wasn’t the dressing up, or the fancy atmosphere. It was the people. While a few of his friends were around somewhere, there were many many others who didn’t know him well. Others who were intimidated by his appearance. Others who apparently had no idea just how sharp his hearing was.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe Gang Orca is here.”
“I know! Well, I suppose he is a hero. Allegedly, anyway.”
“Did he come with anyone?”
“Of course not. I mean ew. Look at him. Can you imagine cosying up to that at the end of the day?”
“I know! And those teeth! If he tried to bond someone, he’d take their head clean off!”
“As if anyone would want to bond with that.”
“I don’t know. He’s in the top ten pretty often. He has to be loaded, right?”
“Would have to be a lot for me to even consider it.”
“It could be all the money and I still wouldn’t!”
“Oh don’t say that! Poor bastard can’t help he’s unmatable.”
Kugo walked away from the refreshment table as he tried to tune out the unkind comments and mocking laughter. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t heard before. He knew full well what he looked like. He had had enough failed courting attempts to know exactly what omegas thought of him. But it still stung. Stung more than usual, actually. The daily bentos with their scented cloths and cute little notes had almost made him forget. The only omegas who were interested either pitied him, or wanted his money. He could never forget that.
What he could forget, apparently, was that the number two pro hero was scheduled to be at his office the morning after the charity gala. Kugo stifled a sigh when he saw the red winged hero waiting outside his agency’s door. Of course he’d have to deal with this on a day when he wasn’t in the best of moods. “Orca! My man, good to see you again!”
Kugo nodded as he held the door open. “Hawks.”
“Didn’t get a chance to talk to you at the party last night. You know how it is. Go to one of those things when you're single, and you get swarmed.”
Kugo gave a non committal grunt. No, he didn’t know. He just wanted this morning to be over with. He perked up slightly as he saw you hurrying down the hallway toward them. Hawks gave a low whistle. “Who's the babe?” Kugo half growled. “That is Miss Y/N. The support item engineer you allegedly came here to see. You will be respectful and refrain from flirting with my staff.”
Keigo held up his hands and laughed. “Hey now big guy, don’t mean any offense. Just saying you’re lucky to get to work with that every day.”
Kugo jerked his head in an abbreviated nod. You slowed down your quick walk as you got closer, not wanting to interrupt the heroes’s conversation. Kugo waved you closer. You smiled at him so brightly as you joined the group. Yes. He was lucky to work with a friend such as you. Kugo’s nerves started to cool a bit as he introduced you and the three of you began to make your way to his office. Hawk’s casual questions were more inquisitive than flirty, and Kugo knew from long experience just how much you enjoyed being able to talk in depth about your work. He was smiling by the time he opened the door to his office, ushering the two or you in. Hawk’s next words hit him like a bucket of cold water to the face.
“Dang! Either you got one hell of a cafeteria service at this agency, or Gang Orca has himself quite an admirer. Delivered right to your desk, pretty bold, man! That’s exactly why I keep my door locked. There’s only so much lunch a man can eat, am I right?”
The bento. He had forgotten about the stupid bento. There it sat, as always. The handkerchief was especially cute today, some sort of pattern with teddy bears hugging and kissing. Any other day, the sight would have calmed him. Any other day he would have sat down and quickly poked through to see what surprises lay inside that day, would have read the note meant just for him with a smile.
But today was different. Others were in his office. The number two hero, handsome and popular. His support engineer, pretty enough to probably have plenty of suitors of her own. And then there was him. Large. Scary. Consistently told he looks like a villain. Has never had a relationship that wasn’t pitying or profiteering. Kugo remembered the whispered remarks from the party. Usually he’d be able to brush off Hawks’s commentary. But today…
Kugo snarled, his scent agitated as he swept his arm across the desk, knocking the bento roughly into the trash. “They are a nuisance that need to cease! I’m so tired of some desperate piting omega shoving their unwanted, unneeded efforts at me! Enough is enough!” At the end his voice was raised to a shout. He was dimly aware of his nails digging deeply into his palms. Kugo leaned on the desk, breathing deeply as he tried to calm himself. He could hear the others shuffling behind him awkwardly.
“Come on,” You murmured and lightly tugged on Keigo’s sleeve. “How about I show you my lab and take some measurements before we get started.”
“Yeah. Um. Yeah.” Keigo allowed you to lead him away. You softly closed the door behind you. Kugo remained, hunched and breathing raggedly. It took him several minutes to calm down. It took him a few minutes beyond that to gather the nerve to make the trek down to the support lab. He slipped into the room as inconspicously as a man with his fram could manage. You were taking measurements off of Keigo and muttering to yourself as you tapped out notes on your tablet. Keigo noticed Kugo’s entrance and greeted him cautiously. “You good?” Kugo nodded. “I… apologize. It’s been a rather trying week, but I should have composed myself better.”
Keigo waved him off. “No worries, man, no worries. Y/n was just telling me she thinks that she’ll be able to rig up something for me that would help slow my fall in situations where my wings get damaged.”
You hummed an affirmative, taking a few more measurements before you started describing your process. Kugo couldn’t help but notice you didn’t look his way. You looked at the ground, at your tablet, at Keigo, but you were clearly avoiding Kugo’s gaze. He mentally winced as he settled onto an out of the way stool. It was rare for him to have that kind of emotional outburst. It probably could be heard even from outside his office. He’d make sure to apologize to you better when he got the chance. But for now, it was looking like it would be a long, awkward day. Goodie.
Kugo growled under his breath the next morning when he saw the cloth wrapped bundle sitting on his desk. Yesterday’s embarrassment was still fresh in his mind as he stalked forward. His thick fingers quickly untied the surprisingly unpatterned piece of fabric. There, under the cloth, on top of the box, was a note as there always was. Kugo’s anger was cooled by confusion when he saw it, however. The paper was a plain yellow post-it note. Instead of the painstakingly cute handwriting with the heart dotted “i’s, there was a clearly hasty scrawl.
“I’m sorry. I never meant to annoy you. This will be the last one.”
Kugo frowned, shifting in his seat. Clearly the bento maker had heard about his outburst from yesterday. That was… unfortunate. But perhaps for the best, since he had no way of directly telling them to cease their nonsense. Unconsciously, his hand balled up the handkerchief and as he had been doing for a while, he scented it.
The cloth had a slight smell of salt to it. Tears, Kugo realized uncomfortably. The smell of tears slightly diluted the normal soothing smell of whoever had carefully packaged these bentos. He had little appetite as he looked over what was there. Tempura. Salmon. Vegetables. A large portion of tamagoyaki. But the part that caused an uncomfortable weight to settle in his chest was the little red box, filled with slightly clumsy, clearly homemade chocolates. Kugo closed his eyes, sighing as he set the box to the side to wait for lunch. This was good. This was what he wanted, to be left alone instead of some kind hearted omega taking pity on him. He had lived a long time without homemade bentos and little notes. He certainly didn’t want the small offering of chocolates. When lunchtime came, he certainly didn’t linger over the food longer than usual, savoring each bite. He tried to tell himself that this was for the best. That this was what he wanted. He refused to think about why he tucked the handkerchief and the box of chocolates into his desk drawer instead of leaving them in the break room as usual.
The next day as Kugo opened his office door, he looked toward his desk out of habit; searching for the lunch that had been left. His chest gave an uncomfortable lurch when he found the desk was bare. He shook his head in an attempt to clear it. This was fine. This was what he wanted. The sooner he forgot about all this nonsense, the sooner things would return to normal. He settled into his chair and began sifting through the paperwork he had to deal with. No better way to take his mind off his troubling thoughts and distract the whine of his inner alpha. He was certain. Things would be back to normal soon.
Two weeks later, Kugo listlessly picked at the limp lettuce of the poor excuse of a salad that he had picked up at a convenience store. He sighed, putting the lid back on the barely touched meal resolving to throw it away when he next passed a garbage can. He didn’t like to admit it, but he missed the carefully planned meals. Wondering what cute surprise was going to be next. It was nice that someone thought he might enjoy seeing animal shaped onigiri and cheesecake flavored kit kats. His alpha whimpered when he thought about the contented omega scent that gently perfumed every handkerchief, except the last. But just as the note had said, he had received nothing since that last bento. His thoughts remained gloomy as he entered the agency, quickly making his way into his office, locking the door behind him. He knew better than to hope as he looked towards his desk. Bare, once again. Sighing heavily, he slumped into his chair. He gently pulled open the bottom drawer of his desk. Carefully nestled into it was the cleaned, empty bento box from the last meal, the small box of dwindling homemade chocolates, and that last precious handkerchief.
Kugo carefully removed the handkerchief. He brought the cloth to his nose, inhaling deeply. Stabbing pain shot through him as he realized the scent was barely there anymore. The faint scent of tears almost completely overpowering the last lingering trace of distressed omega. His hands clutched the fabric tightly, squeezing until he realized the stress he was putting on the fabric. He quickly placed it on the desk and tried in vain to smooth out the wrinkles. After a minute of fussing, he gently refolded it and placed it back in the drawer. Kugo stared at the contents, unblinking before slowly sliding the drawer closed. It was almost gone. Everything was almost gone. And he didn’t know how to get it back.
With a low growl, Kugo pushed himself up. Today was a rare day where he hoped for trouble on his patrol. A fight would certainly take his mind off things, and just maybe calm the whining alpha that echoed throughout his entire being.
He really needed to be careful what he wished for. Kugo winced as he limped toward the support lab. He had gotten a fight alright. He had gotten three fights, a twisted ankle, and a once again smashed communication headset. It wasn’t his fault that he had gotten thrown backwards into a rather solid concrete wall. Y/N was going to kill him.
Kugo pushed the lab door open, stepping inside. His forehead creased in worry. The lab felt off. Wrong in a way he couldn’t immediately place a finger finger on. Well, he’d have to think about it later, he decided as he made his way to where you were sitting. You were at your workbench, tapping your pen on the table and staring at nothing when he settled down on the stool next to you. You glanced over as Kugo sat down, did a double take and let out a small noise of surprise.
“Sakamata! What happened to you?”
The large man shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. “The usual. Villain didn’t behave exactly how I thought, and I paid for not being vigilant enough. Nothing too bad. Twisted ankle and roughed up a little. Unfortunately though…”
Sheepishly as a scolded schoolboy, Kugo pulled the shattered remains of his latest communicator out of his pocket and placed them on the workbench.
He couldn’t help but smile. He loved the times when you got worked up enough to call him by his first name. He watched as you gingerly sifted through the sad shattered remains.
“What did you do, hit it with a rock?!”
“Concrete wall, actually.”
You stilled before turning to look at Kugo, sharp and suspicious. “And I assume you were wearing it at the time?”
Kugo had the decency to look embarrassed as he nodded. Suddenly he was being fussed over, gentle hands touching his face and turning his head this way and that. An exclamation and curse left you when you found a large, sluggishly bleeding gash on the back of Kugo’s head.
“You! You Alpha!” You huffed as you started digging through the pockets of your lab coat. Kugo got a brief glimpse of colored fabric before the handkerchief was softly dabbing at his wound. Kugo hissed, only half listening as the scolding continued about how knot headed alphas needed to learn to go to the medical ward first before worrying about stupid replacable tech. He was brought back to the present when a hand, so much smaller than his own, grabbed his hand. You easily maneuvered him so that Kugo was now firmly holding the handkerchief over the cut. You hummed, satisfied for now.
“Now Sakamata, please hold that there until you can get medical to look at it. Doubt a hard headed man like you has a concussion, but might need stitches. I’m not exactly an expert. Don’t worry about the headset. I should be able to get a new one to you before my replacement takes over. And if not, I’ll be leaving some blueprints behind anyway.”
You stilled, looking away from him. “Yeah. Yeah, sorry. I just… I never found the right time to tell you.” You fidgeted, rubbing your thumb over your knuckles. “I’m going to be going to America soon. I’ve gotten a good offer to work with a few heroes over there that need someone specialized in mutation supports. It would do a lot to boost my career…”
Kugo reached out, grabbing your hand, and stopping your nervous motions. He tried to find words in his stalling brain. “This is really sudden, Y/N.”
“Yeah. Sorry.” You wouldn’t meet his gaze.
He gently shook his head, giving your hand a squeeze. “Not scolding you. Just, is everything alright? Is something going on?”
You pulled away, digging your hands into your hair with a sigh. “You know me too well.”
Kugo gave half a smile. “I would hope so. I like to think we’re friends. Is there anything I can do? Are you in trouble in some way?”
You shook your head. “No. No, nothing like that. It’s kind of embarrassing. Just… A courtship that really didn’t turn out well. And I just… I could really use some time away to get my head back on straight. Eagle Pride’s office has mentioned wanting me to go over and collaborate with them for a while, and what better time than now?” Your laugh sounded bitter.
Kugo sat silent and stunned. He hadn’t known you were courting. Being courted? Honestly, he wasn’t even sure of your dynamic. If you weren’t beta, then you certainly hid your scent well. He cleared his throat before speaking hesitantly.
“I certainly won’t stop you if you truly wish to go. It is an excellent opportunity. Might be a step in having your own support company if you wish. And if not, you’re always welcome here, Y/n. You must know that.”
You give a small smile, finally looking him in the eye. His chest tightened when he saw tears there. “I know, Kugo. You’ve been nothing but kind to me. You’re a good friend for putting up with me.”
“There’s no putting up with. I enjoy your company, always.” Kugo reached out slowly, but you turned away and wiped your eyes with your sleeve. He frowned, placing his hand back in his lap. “And you sure you’re alright, Y/N? No one is threatening you, are they? Someone unsafe taken an interest in you?”
You snorted, “Nothing like that. And people think I’m the dramatic one. No. I just got rejected is all. I miscalculated. Thought they were interested, but they made it very clear they aren’t.”
“Then they’re an idiot.” The words escaped Kugo before he even realized what he was going to say. But it was true, he was sure. You were beautiful, kind, smart. Anyone would be beyond lucky to hold your interest. On the rare days he allowed himself to dream, he often thought he’d love to have someone like you as a mate. Someone who knew him well and cared for him as much as he cared for them. He felt pains in his chest and his eyes widened as realization hit him in the face like a wet mackerel. Oh. He was jealous. He was jealous of whoever it was that y/n had tried to court. And he was angry. Furious that some fool had rejected her. Hurt her. But he was glad she was still here. Yet she was going to leave. Going to leave him here alone. His thoughts swirled and tumbled, and he swayed slightly in his seat. And hand on his shoulder stilled him and he looked up into your concerned eyes.
“Hey, you’re not looking too good. You really should get to medical. Do you need me to help you?”
“No. No. I can make it down a few hallways, thank you though.”
Kugo stood, and tried to give back the cloth he had been pressing to his head. You pushed it back, gently scolding him. “I said leave it there until someone can look at it. If you insist on returning a silly old rag, you can wash it and give it back later.”
Kugo nodded and mumbled out a goodbye. He had a lot to think about as he slowly made his way to medical. So. He liked you. The more he thought about it, the clearer it seemed to him. He’d liked you for a while. Things were always easy with you. But now, you’re leaving. He couldn’t stop you, and wouldn’t even if he could. You clearly felt like you needed to go.
He was still ruminating on his thoughts as the doctor ushered him to a bed. He was poked and prodded. Kugo managed to mumble out what must have been coherent answers. In the end, he did end up needing a few stitches. And just like that, he found himself fixed up and back in his office. He snorted a laugh at the absurdity. How can a day like this somehow manage to be just another day? Kugo sat in his chair and twisted the cloth in his hands absently. He brought it to his nose and sniffed out of habit. Oh course, the scent of his own blood was the most dominant. But underneath that was the usual calming scent of omega. His shoulders relaxed as the tension ran out of him. He pulled that cloth away, idly looking at the pattern. It was cute. Floral. Reminded him of the cloth that the first bento had been…
He hastily brought the handkerchief to his nose again. There was no mistaking it. He knew that smell. He had missed that smell for weeks. It was faint. But it absolutely was there. Omega, soft and sweet. Not any omega. His omega. His bento maker. His y/n.
Y/n who had seen him toss her courting gift in the trash, who thought he had completely rejected her, and who was moving to America.
Kugo was on his feet in an instant. He’d never made the trip to the support lab that quickly before. You jumped when the door flew open, hitting so harshly that the doorknob dented the wall.
“Sakamata! What?”
He dropped to his knees before you, arms wrapped tight around your waist and his head pressing against your stomach.
“Kugo?” You asked softly, hesitantly stroking along his fin. “Kugo, what’s wrong?”
“You’re the best thing life has ever given me. Please don’t leave. Please.”
You made a soft, wounded sound. You kneeled slowly, and took his face in your hands. Kugo leaned into your touch like a man who had been starved of affection his whole life. You stroked your thumbs over his cheeks.
“Kugo, I’m going to need you to speak plainly, so I’m sure I don’t misunderstand. What’s going on?”
His large hands came up, taking both your hands in his.
“I’m an idiot.”
You snorted and tilted your head, confused. He met your gaze as he continued.
“I’m an idiot and I love you.”
You inhaled sharply, looking at him in disbelief. He pulled the crumpled, bloodstained handkerchief from his pocket.
“I’m an idiot because I love you and yet I never even noticed that you loved me too. You showed me every day. You knew I like eggs just as much as fish. You cared enough to make them cute. You gave me extra sweets on days when I was working a double shift. I loved every bento you made me. I have every note saved. And I might be an idiot, but I’d be an even bigger idiot if I let you go without saying something. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, and I love you and please don’t go.”
“Kugo.” You smiled sadly. “I’m sorry. I already promised I’d go.”
Kugo inhaled a shaky breath, his eyes lowering to the floor.
“But,” you used your hands to lift his chin. His gaze snapped back to yours. “It’s just for six months. Six months, and then I’ll be right back here. With you.”
“With me?”
“Mmhmm.” You gave his nose a quick peck. “Always. You’re the best man I know. I don’t think there’s anyone else in the world for me.”
Kugo groaned and pulled you close, burying his face in your neck. From here, although it was very faint, he could smell your soothing scent. “You can’t say things like that and then tell me I can’t have you here for six months!”
You chuckled as you hugged him close. “Well, we have two weeks before I leave. We have a little time. And once I’m back? We’ll have all the time in the world.”
“Even that won’t be enough time to spend with you.”
He hummed his agreement. “But it’s true. Eternity would be enough time to spend with you.” Before you could protest, he pulled you in for a gentle, but determined kiss.
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Draw your swords, pt. 7
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Summary: In order to win, she might have to lose.
Warnings: angst, swearing, bit of fluff, sexual content
Part one // Part two // Part three // Part four // Part five // Part six  
Waking up to skies lit by the wintry sun is what Y/N expected. In the back of her mind, she remembers opening her eyes. Perhaps it’s her mind playing tricks on her, but she could swear she heard Aleksander’s voice softly speaking to her. 
Telling dreams from reality felt like an impossible task, but if it were a dream, would she really dream of him?
Death never crossed her mind. She was a soldier in an expendable army for most of her life, yet she never feared death. There was never a lingering sense of what if when they asked her if she believed in life after death, but she wondered now. Looking death in the eye had forced a realization upon her – she would die and achieve nothing. She married arguably the most powerful man in all of Ravka and she failed to utilize it. In the end, her name would be forgotten in history for her plans would all die with her.
Inhaling sharply, she wanted to open her eyes. A heaviness settles on her eyelids, making her groan. Her entire body felt dismantled, every nerve bare, inflicting pain.
“It’s alright”, a hand pressed to her forehead and Y/N frowns. Breathing heavily, she felt vulnerable, exposed.
Swallowing thickly, her eyes flutter open. With blurry vision, she looked up at the dark presence looming above her. Blinking fast, her lips part and before she can ask, cool liquid runs down her parched throat.
Taking a deep breath, her eyes closed again. She needed a moment to collect herself, to stop the world from spinning.
“It hurts”, she mumbles meekly.
“Shhh”, his voice reaches her. “I’m here”, she feels a gentle squeeze of his hand, “You’re safe.”
Resisting sleep, she opened her eyes once more. The sight of his tormented gaze leaves her nearly breathless. He’s still handsome, but it looks as if he’s aged ten years in just a few days.
“What happened?” Her voice is hoarse, still raspy from thirst and sleep.
“You’ve been in and out of consciousness for a week”, his forehead wrinkles, “We’ve just made it back.”
Despite the little voice in his head, the Darkling held onto his wife throughout the night. He kept her close to his chest, running his fingers through her hair. She was exhausted, injured so badly he could hear the strain her body was under with every breath she took.
Her eyes remained closed, her lips slightly parted and his pressed in a thin line. Absurd. It was absurd to think that someone like that – so delicate, so fragile, could have any power over him. It baffles him just how quickly he found himself attached to this woman who was unremarkable in every possible way – or so he told himself.
Truth be told, he couldn’t take his eyes off her since he first saw her. She radiates genuine beauty few possess, a confidence he’s never found in anyone in hundreds of years, and an air of mystery he couldn’t quite understand.
By the time morning light reached their tent, the Darkling just stared at her with care, studying every inch of her face as if it could be the last time he’ll ever be given a chance. He memorized the way she fit in his embrace, the rhythm of her beating heart in the dead of night and every labored breath as it threatened his sanity.
Anger was his best friend for so long, his shield against humanity, but his anger wasn’t all-consuming as it once was – it was directed to those who caused the swelling around her eyes and cuts across her cheekbones.
“General”, Ivan’s head peaked inside the tent only to swiftly disappear once he caught sight of a moment he was sure wasn’t meant for his eyes.
Rolling his eyes, the Darkling gently laid her head down. Caressing her cheek, he let a heavy sigh pass his lips. It’s been too long since he last felt so defenseless and helpless as he did now. He promised himself he’d never feel that way again and yet he found himself in the same cursed whirlwind of emotions as he was in when the fold came to be.
Biting his lower lip, he pushed it all down. If he’s distraught, his people would know. He cannot be emotional and still lead an army. He has to be strong – for Grisha and for Y/N.
“Ivan, we’ll have to find a healer soon”, Kirigan spoke in a hushed tone. Glancing at the tent, he felt a lump growing at the back of his throat. “I believe she’s developed a fever too.”
“Fedyor can try to cool her temperature”, Ivan offers, “He’ll slow her heart and keep her breathing. I’ll trade with him if necessary.”
Nodding, the general was satisfied with Ivan’s solution. For once, Ivan didn’t question why he wanted to protect her. This time, he was offered aid rather than words of discouragement.
“I’ll have to leave some of our own here”, Kirigan looks at the direction they came from. “The Fjerdans came too close and I need to know why. Why would they take my wife?”
Ivan lowers his voice, making sure he doesn’t wake up Y/N, “Perhaps it was a coincidence.”
“I don’t believe in coincidences. Not when her safety is at stake.”
Nodding, Ivan glances at Fedyor. He’d be the same if anyone touched his beloved. Suppressing a smile, Ivan finally realized it – no matter how vehemently the general denies it, his heart is no longer his.
“What are the orders? I’ll make the necessary arrangements.”
“Take back what they took, place their heads on a stake and wait. More should come soon and when they do, I want to know why they came so close to Little Palace and who ordered them to take my wife.”
Squinting, not in anger but to see him better, Y/N frowns, “A week?”
“Winter made it hard for us to move faster and you were in no shape to ride back.”
Letting out a shaky breath of air, she raised an eyebrow, “So you carried me?”
“Ivan and Fedyor kept you alive too.”
Wetting her chapped lips, she hesitated. Her fingers burned, itching to touch him, to intertwine with his.
“A healer should be here any minute now”, Aleksander informed, pulling his hand out of hers as if he could sense her inner battles and decided to help her by removing himself from it entirely.
“No”, she decided.
Standing abruptly, his jaw clenched. Despite his stern expression, his eyes hold all the sadness in the world, pleading eyes that both threaten and adore.
“No?” He repeats with disdain, “What do you mean by no?”
Holding her breath, she endures a sharp pain in her ribcage as she propped herself up on her elbows. Breathing heavily, she directed her determined gaze on him. “I’m human, am I not?”
Squinting at her, his lips part, “And?”
Struggling to prevent herself from laughing at the way he looked at her now, Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Humans aren’t allowed aid of a healer. We go to the medics.”
“You’re my wife”, he remarks almost instantaneously, slightly wishing she remained unconscious for a while longer. If she slept, the healer would have done their job and there would be no argument. There was no doubt about it, their truce was over.
“But I’m still a human. The rest of my kind don’t have the privilege of being married to you.” Her voice is stern, low and frustratingly righteous.
“You need a healer or you might not survive”, Aleksander insisted.
“Then let me die.” She stared at him, no signs of crumbling and it made him feel like he’s drowning.
Rubbing his forehead, the Darkling shut his eyes in frustration. After all the sleepless nights, his head felt like it would implode. All he had on his mind was her safety and now when he brought her home, she refused help.
“What do you want?”
Knitting her eyebrows, she glanced at his jaw as it clenched. “What?”
Her voice is higher, almost confused but he knew better than that. “I’ve known you for almost two months.” Two months too long, he thought. “I know when you’re trying to extort me.”
Covering her mouth, Y/N suppressed a laugh. Truth be told, it’s exactly what she’s doing, she just didn’t expect him to cave so quickly.
“Healers for the First army”, her lips twitch. Pursing her lips, she bites the soft flesh on the inside of her mouth to stop herself from smiling at all costs.
“No”, he spoke through gritted teeth.
Shrugging, she laid back down. “Alright then. I only regret I won’t be here to hear you explain my death to the Tsar and my father.”
Growling under his breath, he swipes his hand down his face. “One healer.”
“Two”, she argued, sitting up with a pained expression on her face.
“We can’t spare two”, the Darkling crosses his arms, his eyes darker than ever before.
Lifting her chin in defiance, she narrowed her eyes at her husband. “Two healers or no deal.”
Releasing a long, heavy breath in frustration, the Darkling felt his insides turn. “Two healers but only for those who can’t get better with a week long rest on their own.”
“Two healers for those who can’t get better in a few days of rest AND the same amount of food and water for the First army.”
Running a hand through his hair, the general’s nostrils flare. Cracking his neck to the left, to the right, he turned his death glare back on his wife. “Food and water are limited for Grisha as well.”
“I saw them eat grapes”, Y/N deadpans. “You have enough, so share. If the First army dies out, who will protect your precious Grisha?”
Folding her hands in her lap, she maintained eye contact with the general who refused to blink. He stared back at her, aghast. The woman was impossible! She made every word that passed her lips a contest of wills.
His jaw set, he moved closer to stand before her. He looked formidable with the relentless, firm pools of black ink for eyes devouring her with intensity, too hard in comparison to what she had seen in the tent. He looked like he could kill her without even putting a hand on her…something she still expected him to do.
What was stopping him? She was far behind enemy lines, no reinforcements and she saw what he can do – he could kill everyone who stood in his way.
“Fine”, he huffs. “Under one condition.”
Rolling her eyes, she nods, “What is it?”
“I want a kiss.”
Her eyes flashed to his. Ringed with golden bruises, she was still alluring – like a wildfire or a storm. No…she is wildfire, a storm. She is deadly and uncontrollable and slightly out of her wits and he’s asking her to be his ruination. It isn’t love, he tells himself, it’s obsession.
Raising her eyebrows, Y/N didn’t bother hiding her surprise. A kiss? Of all the things he could have asked, the big bad general who can summon shadows is asking for a kiss?
A part of her trusted Aleksander and that trust demanded intimacy. She wanted his hands on her – in her hair, his lips on her neck. She longed to be vulnerable and that’s what worried her. Trusting him, needing him, it’s bound to breed love and self-inflicted madness. If it were anything else, she would outright refuse him, but she has so many lives dependent on her answer.
“Tonight”, she decided. If her own sanity is the price to pay, she will do what she has to do.
Nodding, the Darkling retreated. Leaving the room, he opened the door for the healer to enter. Sparing her a quick look, he swallowed thickly as the thought of her willingly kissing him made his heart slam into the rib cage. Even his heart wanted to escape him as it too longed for her hands’ touch.
He didn’t make more than two steps outside the room when a Grisha joined him - one of his many spies.
“What do you have for me?”
The spy beckons him to the side, looking around wildly. “This could change everything.”
“What is it?” The Darkling speaks through gritted teeth, demanding an answer.
“There is talk”, the spy pauses, “Of a Sun Summoner.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
Healed, bathed and properly fed, Y/N had paced their room in anticipation of his arrival. She had seen the look in his eyes earlier that day – something between them has changed.
As the door opens, her breath halts inside her throat.
“I thought you were lost”, Genya admitted. “When they found your mare, I lost hope.”
Smiling, Y/N cupped her cheek. “I did too”, she sniffled.
The Darkling felt, more than saw, her presence as he entered the room. He turned slowly, his breath held. Her hair looked darker in the candlelight, its rich color gleaming against the green velvet of fresh sheets on the bed she leaned against. He could hardly speak. The nearness of her, the quiet room, the candlelight made him question the reality of what he was looking at.
“You look better”, Aleksander managed a curt smile, looking at Y/N and her attire. The sheer nightdress she wore was back, perfectly outlining her figure.
“Why did they take you?” Genya asked, unshead tears weighing heavily on her eyes. “Did they know?”
“No”, Y/N shakes her head, “But they found out.”
“It doesn’t matter. Kirigan killed them all.” Y/N glanced at the door where she expected her husband to appear later on.
Chewing on her bottom lip, Y/N felt her heart flip. “It helped me realize something.”
Frowning, Genya waited for Y/N to explain.
“Your General does have a heart”, she states. His request for a kiss lingered in every thought her mind could concoct.
She stared at him then slowly untied the belt of her robe and it glided languidly over her smooth skin, falling to her feet.
His gaze roamed over her as if he is unable to fully comprehend her beauty. Only when he looked back at her eyes did he see she was troubled. 
“Of course he does”, Genya chuckles, “He was most worried when you were taken. He promised he’d kill them all and bathe in their blood.”
“I think I can use that.”
Knitting her eyebrows, Genya’s frown deepened. “How?”
Pressing her lips, Y/N sighed. “In order for me to win”, she paused, “He needs to believe he did.”
“Husband”, she spoke clearly. She feigned confidence, but inside she quivered.
She had barely finished the syllable when she was in his arms, being carried to their bed, his lips already fastened to hers. She felt his lips hit hers like a tornado, his admission of burning the world in her name spinning in her head. It could have been a fever dream, but she would bet her life it wasn’t.
Holding her chin in place, he rested his forehead on hers, heaving from the kiss. She couldn’t open her eyes, clinging to him for dear life, but even with eyes closed, Y/N could hear the emotions thick in his voice.
“I don’t want to do anything you’re not willing.” He whispered against his lips, all too prepared for his hands to roam her body now.
Y/N was afraid of herself as well as of him. He could sense it as he kissed her. He’d waited a long time for her to come to him and now it seems she was more than ready to give herself to him without his talk of her marital duty.
He expected anything but to find her with her arms wide open.  But even now, as he held her, he felt no great sense of triumph.
Pulling the sheet over her, he stood. “I can wait.”
The sheet accented her shoulders and the full swelling of her breasts. The candlelight deepened the shadow above the sheet. Her bare throat pulsed with life. Her face was set in a firm, serious expression that caused her eyes to darken. Her lips were hard, as if carved of marble and he ached to part them into a smile.
Turning away, he began undressing himself for bed, wondering how he could survive a night beside her if she remains as she is now.
She averts her gaze, whispering under her breath in confusion, “Wait?”
He laid beside her, barely dressed at all. She found herself achingly aware of his presence. The only light in the room was from the flames of candles she placed across the room. The light danced on her hair, played with the shadows of her delicate collarbones. At this moment, he remembered nothing of the arrangement their marriage was meant to be. He knew only that he was in bed with a desirable woman, one he never expected to claim. She seemed too headstrong to ever give into his charm, yet she bared herself before him and he couldn’t take advantage of her.
“Why don’t you want me?” She sat up, glaring at him. She let the sheet fall as his eyes met hers, bravely fixing him with her fiery gaze.
Rolling his eyes, he looks away. How can she torment him like this with no shame?
If anything, he felt like she’s attacking him. “I don’t want to hear about how a demon took you by force for the rest of my life.”
“It’s not force if I’m giving myself willingly, is it?” She raised an eyebrow, deciding on a tactic finally. Aleksander is a general, a conqueror at heart and she saw the desire in his eyes. If there was any hope of her plan to work, she had to harness his desire to convince him he won.
Licking his lips as he cracked a smile, Aleksander nodded in surprise, unable to keep his eyes from wandering lower to her breasts. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” He wanted to possess her, to claim this difficult, headstrong woman for himself. His mouth came down brutally hard on hers, claiming them, nearly bruising them.
Y/N fumbled with the sheet that wrapped around her, making Aleksander chuckle into the kiss.
“Let me help you,” Aleksander purred and tore the sheet away, pulling it from under the mattress.
Wrapping his hand around Y/N’s neck, his grip was oddly weak, gentle even. She laid nude before him, his gaze fixed on her. He stared at her in wonder; her full breasts, curvy waist, round hips. Then he looked back at her face, her eyes blazing. Her lips were reddened from his kiss, and suddenly there was no power on earth that could stop him from taking her.
“You make me feel”, he pauses in anguish, “You make me feel”, he said quietly, fiercely, “And I don’t like it. I want it to stop. Now.”
He pushed her into the mattress and Y/N saw the ruthless general in his eyes and for a moment she feared it. A general isn’t gentle at all, not like Aleksander could be. She feared the pain he’d cause and the tears that would follow. She feared what he’d do to her, but then the fear she felt dissipated as he spoke against her lips.
“I’ll go slowly.” Aleksander stopped himself, remembering she’s never had a man in her bed before and once he saw the fear in her eyes extinguish the flame he already adored, he reeled himself in.
“Your hands are bloody from murder”, she paused, “But I trust them completely.” Her voice had never been smaller, her hands never as desperate as she clung to him. She wanted to trust the sudden, overwhelming warmth in his unrelentingly tender gaze, but she still awaited the pain that was yet to come. He moved on top of her, his lips attaching to her neck gently as he pressed a kiss above her pulsating carotid, knowing she’s nervous as he felt the pace of her pulse.
With one thigh, Aleksander parted hers. He kissed her again, passionate and slow, distracting her as his hand moves lower, down to the intimate parts she never allowed another only man to see, to feel. Slipping his finger between her folds, he found if applied enough pressure a desperate moan escapes her without a fail. He feels her breathing change as he begins to rub circles, her thighs trying to push against his in a need of more friction. And that’s when control escapes her and she closes her eyes completely, letting the pleasure take over.
Unable to wait any longer, Aleksander pushed the head of his hardened length between the folds, feeling her wetness pooling over as nature’s lubricant. Feeling the membrane, he stops for a moment. Looking at her carefully for any signs of distress, he wonders if she even realizes what is about to happen.
“Do you want this?” He asks again, fearing she may change her mind.
Gripping his arm, she nods. “Yes”, she replies, breathless.
Pressing himself inside, he bows his head in the crook of her neck, growling lowly in pleasure. It’s not the first virgin he had, but it’s the first one that made him want to come on the first thrust.
“Go on.” She encourages him, surprising them both. Swallowing thickly, she sinks her nails into his back, anticipating the next thrust. It would be a lie if she said she wasn’t in pain, but she knew it would get easier as he moves again and she would feel the pleasure again – and she wanted the pleasure more than the pain.
Nodding, Aleksander starts moving in and out slowly, refusing to risk her pain for a little more pleasure he’d find in speed and his untimely release. Instead, he’s using deep, slow strokes with a relentless care for the nerve bundle between her folds. Every passing second draws louder moans from her until he feels her clench around him, his own mind blackening as he feels himself nearing the edge. She’s holding him so tightly to her body, so desperately as she unravels beneath him. Picking up pace, he finally loses control, jerking his hips to meet hers in a deep thrust only to finish deep inside her, allowing them both to breathe.
Rolling off her, Aleksander decided to stay quiet, allowing her to have control of the moment. If she wants his embrace, he’d do it for her and if she wants to talk, he’d talk to her, otherwise, he’d just sleep. It’s been so long since he truly slept – since the day they went for that ride.
He placed an arm around her for comfort alone, not pressing himself closer than necessary, closing his eyes once he realizes she’s not interested in him at all after she came down from her high.
Waiting for a few minutes, Y/N pretended to sleep. After the hurricane of emotions he’d given her, Y/N didn’t know how to feel. She wanted to relax, to sleep in bliss, but a part of her ached. She ached for who she used to be. Would her father hate her for what she just did? Would her people denounce her for sleeping with the enemy?
Her eyes opened wide, finding his are still closed. Lips quivering, she felt herself crumble as tears fled her eyes. She watched his sleeping figure and sighed deeply, telling herself to stop crying. She was supposed to be in control of him, to make him want her and crave her, yet she found it was the opposite. She didn’t love him, but she did feel a connection…perhaps it’s the kindness he showed her when he rescued her or the pleasure he had given her, but something inside her changed and the heart she hardened on purpose found a soft spot for the general.
Tags: @bruxa0007 @rangotangomango @kaitlyn2907 @thestoryofmylife9 @shelivesindaydreamswme @hxrgreeves @safetyhtom @kaqua @savannah-elliott @all-art-is-quite-useless  @azure23x @girlmadeofavocados @ashdab2611 @acciorudolphx @ladyblablabla @wckedheart @xceafh @sanna2020 @tarkanelima-blog @takethee @mellifluous-cosmos @marvel-ousnesss @tea-effect @starlightofsolaria @p3nny4urth0ught5 @blackbirddaredevil23 @sarcastic-and-cool @slytherinsbiggestproblem @within-thehollowcrown @notthatchhavi @musicconversedance @freakytillthemoon  @lgkoval @honeyofthegods @queenmalhinewahine @misselsbells06  @whatthefluffrichard @aami98 @britriestbr @itsfangirlmendes @padme-parker @readingsssssssss @runawayolives @thehighladyofasgard @emlynblack @keithseabrook27 @dailydoseofchoices @deceivedeer​
Part 8
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loreculus · 3 years
genshin impact boys taking care of you when you're sick (genshin impact x gn!reader)
characters: xiao, albedo, diluc, kaeya, childe
xiao isn't the most affectionate person; but, when he sees you lying in bed, eyes closed from the weight of fatigue, he just can't help but be the most attentive, loving person in the world. 
he doesn't say much, but the yaksha would keep the glass of water on your nightstand full, set timers for your medicine, and regularly change the cloth resting on your forehead to keep it and your body cool. 
you tend to sleep a lot while sick, consequently making you unable to relish in xiao's uncharacteristic pampering and attention. 
however, you being unconscious for almost the whole time does make xiao more comfortable with being more affectionate.
he does not hold your hand or press his forehead to yours. instead, he opts for sitting in a chair a foot away from your bed, far away enough to give you space and close enough to keep his eyes trained on you. 
he watches for any signs of improvement, discomfort, movement -- anything really. he's such a loving, caring boy. protect him at all costs because he does the same for you. 
being an alchemist, albedo knows how to pay attention to the little details and cater to each one. 
you have a headache? he knows the cure. you have a fever that you can't shake? he has a medicine for that. you're hungry but have a loss of appetite? he's got the perfect recipe for you.
the man just knows everything -- well, almost everything. despite having great knowledge about how to treat an illness, he's never been quite sure how to treat you while sick. should he hold your hand? should he make you laugh or let you sleep? 
although albedo's brain does not know exactly what to do in such situations, his heart most certainly does; so, when it comes to those sorts of things, he lets his latter organ take control. 
his brain may tell him to not let you have ice cream with a sore throat as the sugar may irritate your already inflamed throat, but his heart makes him let you have it anyways -- that look of bliss on your face makes him think that perhaps the science lied. perhaps the sweet treat actually helped more than it hurt.
diluc takes time off of work and will even cease his nighttime escapades as the darknight hero to see to your care. sure, he has tons of employees that he could task with caring for you, but the vinter wanted to do it himself. 
"i know you can look after them, adelinde, i would just like to tend to them myself. quality control, we can call it." 
when you fall ill you're normally cold, very cold. so much so that your body breaks into cold sweats and you shiver fiercely, needing an absurd amount of blankets to keep you content. 
fortunately for you, diluc is like a walking furnace, and he gladly wraps himself around you for the sake of your warmth.
he rests your face in the crook of his neck, his arms twist around your back, holding you to him. you adore the heat he brings and you soak up the comfort of this position while you have it. in an attempt to get closer to diluc than you already are, you press your hands into his chest as he makes soothing, loving circles on your back with his heated hands.
kaeya will act full on silly while your sick to see you smile despite being ill -- he'll literally stop at nothing.
he slips himself besides you in bed, wrapping his strong arms around you while telling you all about his day, making sure to exaggerate the little details and gossip as much as humanly possible. he'll also bring little items he found during his day and bring them to you. 
"i ran into jean today and she gave me this...thing...to put into secure storage. so, i just has to take it home to you. apparently it's called a harpastum and klee blew up a new fishing dock this morning with it." 
"bring it back? what, do you think im gonna get in trouble? have you seen me? i can charm my way out of any situation thank you very much."
the calvary captain knows that you also need your rest and ensures that proper rest is exactly what you receive; but, he also finds that laughter tends to be the best medicine when it comes to you. luckily for him, his boyish smile and childish humor never failed to make you chuckle. 
childe immediately cancels all of his work plans -- at least, he tries to. eventually, he gets called away on official business for the tsaritsa that he can not wiggle his way out of and is forced to leave your side.
"at present, master childe, you're the only harbinger in liyue." 
he finishes his duties as soon as possible though; he doesn't go looking for fights or spend time on frivolous conversations with his subordinates like usual. the only thing on his mind is you and your health, so he is in and out. 
when he is with you he will constantly be touching you. whether he has his hand on your forehead, his fingers laced with your own, or his entire body pressed up against yours, childe intends to attach himself to you until you recovered. 
"childe, go away." 
"hush, i'm sticking to you like glue whether you like it or not." 
"but i'm going to make you sick!" 
"i hope you will! then i won't have to work." 
he also tries to cook for you, although his culinary skills are not...the greatest. so, after failing to whip up an edible radish soup, childe just buys the two of you your favorite dishes from the wanmin restaurant. he doesn't care about the cost, so long as it makes you happy and feel a little better.
deep pockets, amirite.
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stormyoceans · 2 years
hello monica! i love reading your thoughts (you got me hyperventilating every time you write about vegaspete god i can't fucking wait for them!) but i wanted to know what do you think about kim, like do you think he's actually falling for porchay already? or do you think he's just playing and entertaining the thought of this adorable boy having a crush on him? it's that move of telling him he will be waiting for the song and then literally ghosting him that has me confused, so maybe thus far he's just playing no feelings involved yet? ugh kim is such a mysterious guy i would PAY to know what he's thinking! anyway, that's that, please keep sharing every thought you have about vegaspete because we're gonna need all the extra content we can get
AAAAAAAAAA im so happy you like my messy vegaspete posts, anon!!! i have no idea how it happened but these two took over my life and are consuming my brain, and i guess i just decided to make it everyone’s problem skfgdskfg so it’s nice to know im not being TOO annoying with it ;;;;;;
now, about your questions.. personally, i do think there already are feelings involved on kim's part, but at the same time i believe that he doesn't really recognize them for what they are (which is pretty funny considering he was the one to ask chay if he's never been in love). the thing is.. kim got closer to chay to find information about porsche, and what he found instead was this sweet genuine boy who adores his brother and looks at kim with love and admiration in his big bright eyes.. and it may be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think kim really knows what to do with that. even after meeting chay a couple of times, he was still waiting for the other shoe to drop. he sneaked into chay's room in episode 6 expecting to discover who knows what in there, probably some big shady secret, because that's what kim's life has always been like – just lies and deceit at worse, half-truths at best – but there was none of that. what there was, it was just yet another proof that, with chay, what you see is actually what you get (and if what kinn sees in porsche is the freedom he was never allowed to have, then kim definitely sees in chay that sincerity he’s never really got from anyone in his life)
the moment he saw the small shrine in chay’s room, i think kim felt very flattered by chay’s crush on him, and also very fond of this boy who wears his heart on his sleeve and can’t lie even when he tries to, so when kim asked chay to write a love song and told him he was going to look forward to hear it, i do believe he meant those words, he wasn’t just playing with chay’s feelings. the problem is that the warm feelings he has when he’s around chay painfully clash with the coldness of the world that, as much as he tries to run away from it, is still very much a part of him. i can so easily see kim getting back to his big empty flat after that afternoon spent with chay, looking himself in the mirror, and going ‘kimhan theerapanyakul, what the fuck are you doing’, because he KNOWS he can’t get attached, he KNOWS he shouldn’t be leading chay on when he will eventually have to disappear from chay’s life
that’s what his actions in episode 8 were to me, an attempt to put some distance back between them, hoping that at one point chay would get tired to call and run after him. deep down, though, kim knows that’s not gonna happen and that eventually he will have to make clear to chay that they can’t see each other again, and he knows it’s gonna hurt. but here’s the thing.. he knows that it’s gonna hurt for chay, but he has no idea how much it’s gonna hurt for HIMSELF as well. i think the saying ‘you never realise the value of something until it's gone’ is very true in their case, because i do believe kim won’t realize just how deep his feelings for chay run until chay isn’t going to be around anymore, bringing warmth into kim’s world
so yeah, tl;dr: i fully believe kim’s already falling for chay, he is just not aware of it yet
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johnsamericano · 3 years
𝓓𝓪𝔂 3:
ѕυн נσнииу
23 days of NCT masterlist.
warnings: tooth-rotting shit, Johnny is a dick at the beggining, inexperienced reader, fem masturbation, it's kinda bad but I hope you enjoy.
taglist: @notbeforelong @curieouscapt @whathamelon @unknown5tar
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“I’m going out with my friends tonight, don’t wait up for me.” He commented while slipping his black, leather shoes on.
“Drive carefully .” You answered as you popped a cup of instant ramen inside the microwave.
“Yeah.” You took a deep breath after the door closed behind him. Freedom finally.
You turned on the Tv, setting the volume louder than usual. Johnny didn’t like noise, to be honest, he probably didn’t even like you. He had so many house rules, you couldn’t even breathe without getting scolded by him. Not even three months had passed since your wedding and you already felt like you were in some sort of military camp.
“God, it smells so nice.” You murmured, pulling out the hot cup from the microwave and dumping the content in a bowl.
You ate on the sofa, another thing that Johnny hated, while watching your favorite series, enjoying your time alone. If it wasn’t for your parents, you would’ve never agreed to marry him, but they sounded so excited with the idea that you couldn’t refuse them, it wasn’t like you had a line of men waiting for you anyways.
You decided to have a little dessert, a mug cake, to be specific. You decided to make one for Johnny as well, the memories of you as kids eating all sorts of candies coming back to you as to mixed all the ingredients together. What happened to him during high school? All you knew was that he studied abroad and came back like a completely different man. He wasn’t your Johnny anymore. Of course, you were sad at first, but your sadness soon turned into anger as his attitude towards you got worse.
“Get lost.” Or “You’re so annoying.” Were some of the things you’d often hear.
You stopped trying after a semester, and it was quite healing to be honest. But then your parents had to bring him back to your life, and in the worst way possible. Nevertheless, they seemed happy, knowing that someone nice was living with you. Of course, they didn’t know the new Johnny.
After eating up all your food, you washed the dishes and laid down on the couch, your eyelids slowly closing as you drifted away. It wasn’t until a couple of hours later when a pair of arms woke you.
“Huh?” You opened your eyes a bit disoriented.
Johnny held you between his arms, carrying you towards your shared bedroom, which he almost never used.
“Go back to sleep, I got you.” He tucked you in with delicate movements. You could sense alcohol in his breath, but he wasn’t acting drunk at all. “Close your eyes.” He murmured as he felt your gaze over him.
“If alcohol was all it took for you to be nice, I would’ve poured some whiskey on your morning coffee every day.” He couldn’t help but chuckle at your remarks.
“I’ve been a bit rude to you, haven’t I?” He kneeled down in front of the bed, his thumb tracing the shape of your eyebrow. Now you were certain he was drunk. “I’m sorry, I still don’t know how to act around you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Ever since you rejected me-”
“I’m sorry, what?” You frowned.
“You know, the letter I sent you when I was abroad...” He tried helping you remember, things getting clearer for him at your lack of response. “You didn’t get it, did you?” You shook your head. “Shit.”
“So you’ve been an ass to me for a letter I didn’t even get? Way to go, Suh.” Anger started boiling at the bottom of your stomach, sleepiness abandoning your system. “God, I wanna hit you so bad right now.”
“Please, do so.” He felt like a piece of garbage, having treated the girl he loved like his worst enemy for a misunderstanding. “But, hypothetically, if you had gotten that letter...what would’ve been your answer?” He fidgeted with the bedsheets, feeling your legs shift under them.
“I don’t know, what did it say?”
“I’m not gonna tell you what a lame 14 year old wrote to his crush.” He scoffed. “It was just a love confession, quite cheesy if you ask me.”
“If I had gotten that letter...” You cupped his soft cheeks, they were burning, probably because of the drinks he’d had, or maybe because of your touch. “I would’ve begged my parents to let me take a flight to see you, so I could answer to your confession in person.” His heart stopped, the answer he’d longed for so many years was finally about to slip from your mouth. “I did like you, John. But then you abruptly changed, and you hurt me so much during this past years.” Your words sounded unforgiving, and yet, you had the softest look on your moonlit face. “But I’m willing to let that go if you tell me what you’re feeling right now.”
He didn’t hesitate to pull your face closer to his, your noses slightly touching.
“I’m so glad you agreed to marry me, that way I get to spend the rest of my life with the woman I’ve loved for so many years. Only if you want that too, of course.”
“Will rude Johnny be back tomorrow morning?” You asked, your eyebrows knitted together.
“Rude Johnny’s dead.” His sweet smile encouraged you to finally shorten the distance between your lips. It was your very first real kiss as a couple.
Your lips fitted perfectly together, like two puzzle pieces. He was the first to make a move, placing his hand on the back of your neck to pull you closer as he climbed on top of your body. The kiss started getting heated, his tongue freely exploring your mouth as his hands got playful, softly kneading your breast.
The palms of your hands touched his well built pecs, a small gasp escaping your mouth as you realized how strong he really was. He was definitely not the skinny teenager you were in love with.
“What is it, baby?” He smiled, his cheeks turning slightly pink, your wide eyes looking attentively at him.
“Did you eat teenage Johnny or something?” He laughed, the prettiest and most genuine laugh you’d ever heard from him.
“No, but there’s someone else I’m surely gonna eat out tonight.” You smack his chest, a high pitched whine coming out from his mouth. “What was that for?”
“Don’t talk like that...it’s my first time.” He’d already guessed it by the fact that you’d never had a boyfriend or a proper date, but it was still shocking to hear it from your own mouth.
“Then I guess I’ll have to be gentle.” His long fingers started undoing the buttons of his dress shirt right in front of your inexperienced eyes, cockily smirking at the way you’d unconsciously bite your lower lip. “Can I ask something?” You nodded, eyes still glued to his half naked chest. “The day of our wedding...was that your first kiss?” You remembered the lame peck you received as soon as the officiant declared you husband and wife.
“Sadly.” He felt as if a hundred needles were stabbing his lovesick heart.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized, kissing your soft lips over and over again. “I stole your first kiss.”
“Then make up for it.” You raised your hips, your sensitive core meeting with his bulge and stealing a gasp from both of you.
His hungry lips attached to your neck, sucking several purple marks on it as your hands quickly worked through the remaining buttons of his shirt, helping him slide it down his arms. Even with the lack of light in your room, you could see his torso perfectly, the way his biceps would twitch as his hands slipped inside your shirt, thumbs caressing the soft skin of your tummy.
“Johnny.” You moaned, his hands moving upwards to play with your hard nipples.
“Turn on the light on the nightstand, I want to see you.” He murmured beside your ear, kissing the shell of it as you extended your arm to do as he said.
You blinked repeatedly, trying to adjust to the new illumination. Johnny looked even more ethereal under the dim, yellow light.
“Why have you got to be so damn perfect?” Your fingers traced his well-defined abs, mesmerized by the shape of them. While you were distracted drooling over his body, he took the chance to lift your shirt just above your round boobs, moaning at the sight of the two, beautiful mounds. Reality stroke you as you felt your nipples harden from the cold air. “Don’t look at me like that.” You avoided his eyes, your body growing hotter under his intense gaze.
“How do you expect me to look at the woman I love?” You turned to your side, shirt still lifted.
“Stop it.” Johnny loved how shy you’d always been around him, specially whenever he complimented you.
“No.” He pecked your cheek, hands going down to remove your shorts, stopping right before lowering the waistband. “Are you really okay with this?” You nodded, still refusing to look at him.
“Are you?”
“What a silly question, of course I am.” Without any further delay, he pulled both of the pieces covering your lower half down. You pressed your legs together, trying to hide your wet center. “Why are you hiding yourself from me, baby?” He mocked, hands caressing your round ass.
“I’ve never been naked in front of anyone.” He was quick to dispose his remaining clothes, wanting to make you feel more comfortable.
“Look at me.” His big hand was holding the side of your head as you turned back to him, trying your best not to look down at his manhood. “Open your legs for me.” As he was the experienced one, you decided to let him take the lead, slowly revealing yourself to him. “Good girl.” His praises only sent electric shocks right into your core.
“Are you gonna put it inside now?” Adorable, Johnny thought, using his finger pads to tease your inner thighs.
“No, I need to prepare you first. Otherwise, it might hurt.” He’d done it thousands of times, but it somehow felt different with you, as if he had to be extra careful to make sure you had the most pleasurable experience, even if it meant having to endure the stinging pain between his legs for a while longer.
He first used his middle finger to run it up and down your slit, satisfied at how wet you were for him. He talked you through every single one of his movements, making sure you were comfortable with everything he was doing.
“Johnny.” You whined, three fingers pumping in and out of your entrance. It was definitely different than when you did it by yourself, his digits reached deeper, delivering a new kind of pleasure. “I need you.”
He hummed, pulling out his fingers to grab the base of his dick. He ran the tip over your slit, your hips slightly bucking at the contact.
“Tell me when it stops hurting.” He was only halfway in when you asked him for a break, already feeling overwhelmingly full. “Don’t worry, take your time.” He said despite feeling the urgent need to move.
It took you a few minutes to recover, letting him bottom out. The pain was bearable after that first break, so you almost immediately asked him to move. Johnny started off slowly, both of his hands beside your head as he rolled his hips against yours.
“Does it feel good?” He didn’t even need a verbal answer, your facial expressions were more than enough to let him know just how good he was making you feel. “I’m not gonna last long.”
“Me neither.” You held onto his biceps, the knot on your tummy becoming tighter as he picked up the pace.
He lowered his face to connect your lips, both of you moaning into each other’s mouth as you reached your high, bare chests touching each other while you tried to slow your heartbeat.
“I wish this would’ve been out wedding night.” He kissed your collarbone, pulling out to plop down beside you. “Again, I’m really sorry.”
“Let it go already, John.” You hugged his naked body against yours, letting his hand play with your hair. “As long as you’re like this from now on, we’ll be alright.”
You didn’t even notice when your eyes started closing again, falling asleep beside your now loving husband. The next morning you panicked as he wasn’t by your side anymore. Had it been a dream?
“Good morning, sunshine.” Johnny suddenly came through the door, a tray with food between his hands. “You must be hungry after last night.” He left it on top of your legs, smiling naturally as if this was your everyday routine.
It was definitely gonna take time to adjust to this Johnny.
“Heart shaped sandwiches? That’s so corny, Suh.” You laughed, staring at your food with sparkly eyes.
“Hey! That took me two hours to make.” He went to the bathroom and returned with a hairbrush. “Your hair’s a mess, let me fix it while you eat.” He sat down behind you, slowly going through your hair as you stuffed your face with food.
“Does this mean I’m not gonna have to add whiskey to your morning coffee?” He chuckled behind you, pressing his lips to the back of your neck.
“That won’t be necessary.” He tied your hair up in a not-so-messy bun, lacing his arms and legs around your waist once he was done. “You look cute on my shirt.” You hadn’t even noticed. Probably he’d cleaned you up and dressed you right after you fell asleep.
“I look cute in everything.”
“Yes you do.” More kisses. “Now hurry up, we’re going out today.”
“Where to?”
“I’m taking you out on our very first date.”
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
Coffee & Meetings
Relationship: Dark!Bucky Barnes x Innocent!Reader Warnings: stalking, drugging TW, manipulation, Summary: Prequel to Pastries & Memories - Bucky sees you day after day at a bakery and decides you’re just perfect for him. All from Bucky’s POV. A/N: someone suggested this on ao3 and i really liked that idea so I hope i did it well! I am thinking about expanding this to a bit of a mini-series... :)
Six months earlier…
He first saw you on a Monday. A bright, sunny, lovely Monday morning. He hadn’t even been looking for you — hell, he hadn’t really been looking for anyone.
Bucky was planted at a little table in the corner of a coffee shop, sipping on a dark roast, watching people come and go on the sidewalk. It had become his new morning routine, an interesting yet annoying suggestion from his therapist. She had become concerned he was too into his previous routine. She wanted him to step out of it for a bit, expand horizons, maybe even find a hobby. The craziest thing he had done yet was this — drinking overpriced coffee at a local shop.
He had to admit, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Sometimes he looked forward to this new start to his day. Everyone at the shop was always nice to him, amazingly. They didn’t mind him dilly-dallying, nursing his coffee, as he people watched. They even had a bakery attached which was part of the attraction to the place for Bucky. He had smelled their pastries one morning and was hooked.
As Bucky sat watching the people, he was contemplating getting an almond croissant to go when something caught his attention. From the corner of his eye, like a little flash, he had seen someone that made him perk up.
It was her. It was you. You were standing in front of the bakery entrance debating on going in. You looked between the coffee and the bakery sign. You checked your phone then you walked in. Bucky watched as you entered the bakery, your face bright with the kindest smile he had ever seen as you greeted the cashier. He didn’t have to hear your voice to know it was contagiously joyous.
You were like a little tease standing around all those baked goods, flicking your hair over your shoulder as you pointed at which donut you wanted. Bucky suddenly felt hungry for something else. Especially when you bent over to point at the strawberry glaze on the bottom row.
But then you were gone as fast as you had come. He watched you from the window as you got back on the path to wherever you were headed, he guessed your job. Your hair blew in the wind. Your skirt bounced as you walked proudly, your hand grasping the box of donuts tightly.
Oh, yeah, Bucky thought, this new routine was definitely what he needed.
You quickly became the most exciting part of Bucky’s day.
With his cup of coffee and hawk-like gaze, he’d sit at the little coffee shop table, watching the world outside the window. You’d come strolling by fairly early, looking so classy and professional. He figured you worked in an office which seemed very unnecessary for a girl like you. You didn’t need to work, he decided. You were too beautiful, clearly too bright, for that.
But you never seemed to recognize this yourself since you were constantly strutting past in your blouse and skirt, stopping in every day to collect some new pastry for your coworkers.
The way you talked to the bakery staff was what really won Bucky over. You were so gentle and patient when the kid behind the counter fumbled with the boxes or accidentally grabbed the wrong item. You’d still shoot them your lovely smile and make light conversation as they rang you up.
You were too generous, especially noted by the strawberry cake you had purchased one more for your work. Whoever was on the other end of your kindness better appreciate it, Bucky thought. He also didn’t miss your obvious love for strawberries.
Bucky watched you for a while, almost for two whole months, in that coffee shop seat drinking in every inch of you. The baristas didn’t seem to mind his lingering. He always made sure to order two cups as some sort of compensation for letting him sit there and watch his girl. Yes — his girl, that was what he had marked you as in his mind. You hadn’t noticed him yet but Bucky wasn’t sweating it. All in due time, he silently promised you.
It took Bucky a few days to gather what was needed. You still weren’t noticing him but he was way past being bothered by that. He had been screwed by life enough to know that sometimes you just have to take what you want. Sitting around waiting and hoping was for men who had patience. He was over it. Little worked out for him so now he had to make it work.
The morning of the commencement of the plan, Bucky stood in his kitchen double-checking the items needed. Content with it, he carefully drew up the correct amount of light sedation into the syringe. It wasn’t anything crazy and apparently affected the mind first, body second. You’d be on autopilot for a bit, walking more like someone who was just having a rough day. But that wouldn’t be an issue because Bucky would be there. He’d be able to escort you to his apartment, simply appearing as the concerned, protective boyfriend among the sidewalk pedestrians. He got a bit giddy just thinking about it.
Moments after you were properly sedated, he’d need to administer you another drug in a timely manner. This one would be focused on memory loss. He’d discovered it on some corner of the black market while originally on the look for types of sedation. Apparently, this drug was part of some sort of failed spy mission in Europe. The seller swore it boasted good results, citing studies conducted. Bucky looked into it and agreed. After some clumsy navigation in the world of online shopping, it was his within a few days. The concoction seemed like it would do that job.
The goal was to pretty much scramble your brain just a little bit. Nothing crazy like making you totally forget key components of yourself but still hit a point where you didn’t have enough to fight Bucky’s word on, well, anything. This drug wore off, though, so he would have to come up with ways to get it in your system over the course of your relationship. It was still worth it to him. He wasn’t stripping you off your personality, just some little details here and there. You’d still be his shining girl, just only now focused on him.
The final items laid out were various feet of rope. Bucky was being overly cautious with this. He didn’t know if anything actually was going to work. What if you woke up and realized you weren’t in your apartment? That you were being watched over by a stranger? You were bound to panic but he understood that. If need be, he could restrain you while he figured out the right way to go about it all. It would never be to hurt you, of course — in fact, he felt it was more for your safety than anything.
After another run of the mental checklist, Bucky gathered the syringe and headed out to the coffee shop. The idea was fairly simple. After you came in for a box of pastries, he’d head out behind you, try to chat you up a bit. He had some old moves he could flex. Once you got comfortable enough, he’d make the move and then lights out. By the end of that day, you’d be making yourself comfortable in his apartment.
Bucky practically fawned over the idea as he walked. He had taken some steps earlier in the week to add some things for you in the apartment like ladies’ toiletries and new outfits. He had even finally purchased a real couch. All for you, so you could have a home. A real home. With him.
Bucky was still lost in his daydream as he sat in the coffee shop, looking between the clock and the window. He waited and waited and waited. The syringe growing heavier and heavier in his pocket as the seconds went by.
The clock struck a new hour. Something Bucky never planned for was unfolding: it didn’t look like you were coming today. He almost about lost it there. Almost went into the streets stomping away in anger. Everything was perfect, how could you just be the only missing piece? Did something happen? Were you okay? Gosh, he should’ve got to you sooner—
Your hair suddenly came into view. You were walking furiously, just glancing at the bakery this time before deciding not to go in. You looked anxious which certainly wasn’t like you. He wanted to crush whatever was making you feel such a way. But Bucky had to snap his thoughts back. You weren’t coming into the bakery. He wouldn’t be able to follow you out, to casually build-up to this moment. His heart was pounding. He panicked.
In a moment of stupid impulsivity, Bucky quickly left the coffee shop and began racing to catch up to you. He took long strides, quite amazed by how fast you walked in those heels, but it didn’t take him very long to now be right on your tail. Few more steps and he was able to pop up right in front of you. You jumped at his sudden presence. Bucky smiled, finding you so amusing.
"Sorry to bother you, ma’am, but I think you dropped something." He lied through his teeth so gloriously, way too easily. It was just the right comment to get you to stop in your tracks but didn’t completely scare you off.
Your brows furrowed, adorably confused. You looked down, searching for whatever it could be. "I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t think I did."
Sir. The word stuck with him a bit. Maybe after some coaxing, you could always be calling him that. Bucky didn’t have much time to think about this, though, as you began to step around him. You had taken his moment of silence as a way to evade him. Smart, but frustrating. A mix of annoyance and anger shot through him. He grabbed your arm and pulled you into him quickly. You let out a yelp in surprise. He ignored it and before you could ask any questions, the syringe was plunged into your neck. To outsiders, it looked like a couple in some weird embrace, but to Bucky, it was just the beginning of something beautiful.
He got you back to his apartment fairly easily after that. You were eventually out cold and the next step of the process could begin. He was pretty much banking on the memory loss solution. Not a very religious man, Bucky still said a silent prayer as he administered it.
He took a step back from his bed, watching you look so at home knocked out on it. It was a wonderful sight, one he was saving in the back of his mind, even though he’d now see it every single day. Feeling quite content with how smoothly that all had gone, he had nothing to do now but wait for you to wake up.
Bucky took this free time as a chance to begin cutting off connections you had. Thankfully, your bag held your laptop along with other necessities like your phone and wallet. He was pretty thankful he wouldn’t have to try to get into your work to grab your devices. That would rely too heavily on whether or not you overshared. No one would believe he was the concerned boyfriend if just last week you ranted about how single you were.
Sliding onto a stool at his kitchen counter, Bucky set up your laptop. The first thing he noticed was your lack of password. You were too trustful, too good, and that was only example A. Bucky suddenly felt so relieved he had you in the safety of his apartment. There were lunatics out there.
Bucky navigated your laptop fairly easily. While he was pretty new to the technology scene, he could at least find the basics and you weren’t exactly running some government-level device. With a few simple taps and clicks, he was writing out messages to your boss and family.
He put in your letter of resignation, something short and vague, to your boss at the public relations firm you were an assistant at. Lower level work, not even anywhere near the big dogs. No wonder you constantly brought in treats for everyone. You were hoping your kindness would get you ahead. Bucky shook his head at your naivety.
A simple Google search showed him you were not the only assistant to the head of the firm. You probably wouldn’t be missed. The pastries, maybe, but you? An assistant? Someone would take your place within the week. Bucky was turning out much better for you than he had realized. He mentally patted himself on the back as he moved onto looking into your family.
Scrolling through your email contacts, it appeared you only had a sister for immediate family. No mentions of parents and… sure enough, another search brought up an obituary for your mother. No mention of a father. Even better, he thought. You needed that strong, guiding force.
A few scrolls through your current email thread with your sister and Bucky found out she was studying abroad. Could this all get any better? Nothing was in the immediate area of a threat. He responded back to the last email your sister had sent. Copying your language the best he could, he dropped some hints that you wanted a vacation. In just a few more exchanges he could drop the news that you were off in paradise. Correspondence could easily fizzle out and your sister would be too caught up in her European dream to notice an absence.
If this ever called for any more attention, Bucky figured he could easily invite her over. It’d take some training but you’d eventually remember your sister — or, what Bucky would plant in your head about her — then you’d happily host a dinner. Introduce your two favorite people to one another. He bought himself enough time to spend with you.
Of course, Bucky realized he got very lucky with you. He had done some minimal research beforehand but everything had been behind sign-in walls. He didn’t know if he was really ready to break into social media and instead decided to risk it. If all had gone to shit, like you having a real big, caring family or a prestigious job, there wasn’t anything a little talking couldn’t fix.
But Bucky had also kind of already knew you as he watched you day in and day out. He had felt that dire need to be comforted, to be loved, to be cared for, to be protected behind those cheery smiles and generous small talk. You always tried too hard as if you needed everyone in the world to love you, to praise you. That wasn’t it at all. You just needed him. And he needed you.
Lost in his dreamy thoughts, Bucky nearly jumped out of his skin (leave it to you to be the first person to actually scared him) when your soft voice called from the bedroom doorway.
"Excuse me," You said, nervously fidgeting as you slowly walked from the hall into the kitchen. "W-What’s going on?"
Bucky shut your laptop quickly and hopped down from the stool. He gave you a warm smile which you seemed to try to return. So obedient and caring already and you didn’t even know why — yet.
"Hey, doll," he said, keeping his voice steady and gentle. "You okay? You laid down for a nap earlier. I was worried you were getting sick." He placed a hand on your forehead pretending to check your temperature. Thankfully, you allowed it. After a moment, he pulled his hand away with a curious hum.
You frowned, obviously confused, much more than you were earlier. You looked totally clueless at the situation. It was the best reaction Bucky could’ve ever hoped for.
You glanced around the living space. "I- Yeah, I think I’m alright… I’m sorry, I can’t seem to remember much. Who are you?"
Bucky chuckled, "I’m your boyfriend. Bucky. And this is our apartment. You remember, don’t you, honey? Maybe you’re just still a bit sleepy."
He watched as you blinked a few times, probably wrestling with whether to admit you really didn’t remember anything or to go with the lie. If you were a good girl, like he predicted, you’d settle with the lie.
"Oh." You bit your lip and eventually nodded. Jackpot. "Of course. Again, I’m sorry. I must’ve been really tired." You glanced over at the clock. It read just before noon. "I’m a bit hungry. Would you like anything, B-Bucky?"
He smiled. "A sandwich would be great, doll."
You nodded once in acknowledgment then began hunting for everything you needed in the kitchen. You looked a bit confused at first but slowly Bucky saw you get the hang of it. He took his place at the kitchen counter again, sliding the laptop out of your sight.
He sat there waiting and observing as his new girl began making him lunch. It was a sight he had dreamed of, but Bucky also knew this was too perfect too soon. You were bound to stumble within time but that was okay. He would have to fine-tune the details later but he was already complying some ideas on how to shape you into who you were destined to be.
Yes, he had a long way to go, but it would all be worth it if he got to come home to you standing in his kitchen whipping up a special treat like the sweetest housewife to ever exist. Because that certainly would be the next step down the line — making you his darling wife.
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moralesispunk · 3 years
Frankie Morales x Female Reader (no name, use of Y/N or physical description) Summary: On Will’s wedding day, Frankie reflects on his perfect, little family with you.
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: I am back from my holiday! I will be back to posting more regularly now and have started on my fisherman! Frankie fic which will begin soon while also working on the next caramel latte chapter!
Man, stop fixing your tie, it's fine!
Has anyone seen my cufflinks?
Do you have the rings?
I thought you had them?
What? I told you to lift them!
Wait... yeah they're in my pocket.
There was an organised chaos humming around the large hotel room that was suddenly feeling a lot smaller with the four men ransaking around as they prepared for the day ahead. Black tux jackets being swapped from man to man, hands reaching to straighten ties and bow-ties, the occasional hand running down a face when someone shouts out the time.
To be completely honest, none of them, least of all Will, thought this day would arrive. That somehow after all the shit that went down in South America he would end up in the same supermarket as his ex-fiance who caught him standing in front of the cereal aisle for five minutes, his head the noisiest yet quietest it had ever been. She took him to a coffee shop and listened as he told her everything that had gone wrong before giving him her number should he need to talk again. After seeing her it was the kick he needed to go to therapy and reevaluate his life, eventually finding the confidence to pick up the phone and ask her on a date.
Now, just over a year later, he was standing in a hotel room with his brothers in arms and  preparing to wait at the end of the aisle for the love of his life. He was surprisingly panicked, something the rest of the guys had never seen before even on the toughest missions. Pope was trying to lighten the mood as he poured some of those tiny bottles of whiskey and tequila into glasses before passing them out while Benny had lost and found the rings three times now. But Frankie?
Frankie was watching silently from the corner, texting you to check that you and the kids were ready and on your way. After the text had been delivered he placed his phone inside his tux pocket, sighing when his eyes locked on his panicked friend. He pushed off from the wall and walked over to Will, placing steady hands on his friend’s shaking shoulders.
“I’m going to tell you what you told me the morning of my wedding,” Frankie’s unwavering voice suddenly quietened the room, “do you deserve that woman who will be walking down the aisle to you in less than an hour? Probably not. But does she love you more than anyone else in the world despite all the fucked up shit you’ve seen and done? Hell yeah. And do you love her?”
“More than anything,” Will sighed.
“Yeah you do,” Frankie took his hands from his friend’s shoulders and patted him on the back, “so let’s finish getting ready and then you can go make her your wife so you can be the best goddamn husband.”
The now calm room was a lot easier to get ready in, all four men looking in the mirror for one last check before heading to the door. As they walked to the elevator Frankie’s phone pinged and he took it out of the pocket to silence it before checking the text.
Just at the church now. Sofia was finally convinced to swap the Cinderella dress for the flower girl one and baby girl is still asleep, let’s hope it stays that way for the ceremony.
Frankie smiled down at his phone, leaning forward to press the elevator button for the ground floor before texting back.
My Mom will pick them up later and then we can enjoy the free bar:)
The text bubbles were already popping up and he waited for your response.
Are you trying to get me drunk Mr Morales?
Well, while I’m sure you look beautiful in that dress I will tell you I can’t wait to get it off you tonight ;)
Frankie! I’m in a church!
Frankie chuckled as the elevator bell rang again and it opened to the hotel lobby, now a lot quieter than it had been with all the guests already at the church that was attached to the side of the hotel.
Just heading over now, baby. See you soon.
It was barely a two minute walk to the church, quiet as the other three men let their friend sort his head up before the most important day of his life. The peace was disrupted with the church doors opening, the chatter halting for a moment as the heads turned and landed on Will and they followed him down the aisle. 
Frankie’s eyes immediately landed on you, one of your hands balancing your eldest daughter who was bouncing on the pew seat while the other held your youngest to your chest. He paused as he reached your row, leaning across and giving a kiss to Sofia’s cheek and the top of baby girl’s head before finding your lips.
“You look... beautiful,” he whispered.
“And you look very handsome,” you whispered back as he stood up.
Frankie winked at you before following his brothers to the front of the church. It was a quick blur as they settled and the music began, notifying everyone of the bride’s soon to be arrival. At some point not long after the ceremony began, Frankie’s mind wandered back to his own wedding day four years ago.
He remembered how sick with nerves he felt the morning of until you started your walk down the aisle to him. You looked beautiful as you do everyday but now, with the air an official of commitment between you both, his heart faltered. He remembers every single word shared between you both, how you wiped his tears away with your thumb as he stuttered through his vows, how wide you smiled when you were pronounced husband and wife before biting your lip and leaning forward for your first kiss as a married couple.
His eyes moved up to find you again. You were whispering something in Sofia’s ear, your arm around her shoulder and keeping her close against your side with the baby tight against your chest and your arm slightly rocking to keep her asleep. 
It was at this moment that a wave of contentness washed over him; looking at his perfect, little family that had brought him back from the darkest point in his life. His wife still looked at him with the same love and adoration as she did on their own wedding day. His eldest daughter looked at him like he could slay every monster and dragon like the ones in her storybooks, and he would if it meant she would be safe. His youngest always settled quickly in his arms, like those same hands hadn’t killed and hurt before.
Your eyes flicked up to meet his, a small smile finding your lips. You mouthed those three words that you say to each other every day, which he returned knowing no one in the church was focused on him.
He had never felt the calmness that he was feeling in this moment before. For the first time he felt that somehow he maybe deserved the life that he had because no matter what he had done, in the army or on the grey legal area missions him and the guys had done since retirement, he loved the three of you more than anyone else would and he could protect you better than anyone else could. 
Now, with his three beautiful girls happy and healthy and safe, he knew what real contentness felt like.
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
My Hero Academia Sentence Starters #51-60
A collection of the MHA sentence starters I’ve done, compiled for the sake of ease. These are all stand-alone stories.
51) Lee Deku, Ler Shinsou
“I wonder where raspberries are the worst for you?”
Deku whimpered, squirming under Shinsou’s hold but not enough for it to really be considered trying to get away. “I-I don’t know…” he admitted, flushing bright pink. “Why don’t you find out?”
Shinsou chuckled lowly. “With pleasure.”
He raspberried Deku’s ribs, his sides, his belly, even his hips. All of it made the poor boy scream and laugh and plead, though it was obvious he was having just as much fun as his boyfriend was.
His screaming turned to shrieking, however, when Shinsou switched from raspberries to nibbles along his hips and waistline. Deku bucked and thrashed, laughter bursting from him before he even realized it himself. He barely had enough breath to beg for mercy. “NONONO!! NOHOHOHOT – NOT THAHAHAHAHA – SHIHIHIHIHINSOHOHAHAHAHA!!”
“Hmm, nibbles really tickle, huh?” Shinsou teased, but he let up and allowed Deku to breathe. “I want to try one more spot. Okay?”
“Y-Yeah,” Deku giggled, unable to take his eyes from Shinsou’s. “Go for it.”
Shinsou leaned down to nuzzle under his ear, then pressed his lips to his neck and blew another raspberry.
“EEEEK!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Deku laughed, bucking his hips again, digging his heels into the bedsheets. “STAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! PLEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!”
“Oh, I see~” Shinsou teased into his ear. “So that’s where raspberries really get to you, huh?”
“Sh-Shinsou,” Deku said breathlessly, lungs gasping for breath. “Toshi, please…”
Shinsou tightened his grip on Deku’s arms. “Just one more. But don’t worry – I’ll make it count.”
52) Lee Bakugou, Lers Kirishima and Uraraka
“You know, you’re a lot cuter than you realize.”
The words were spoken so casually, it threw Bakugou entirely off his game. He blinked. “What?”
Kiri and Uraraka exchanged smiles, turning their loving gazes back down to their boyfriend, who lay on the bed with his arms pinned above his head. He’d been bracing himself for something a little – well, rough – but now they were telling him he was cute? Bakugou was beyond unprepared for that.
“She’s right,” Kiri agreed, nodding, using a single finger to trace down his exposed frame from his underarm to his hip. “I certainly think you’ve got a cute belly.” That finger started tracing circles around his belly button. “Don’t you agree, Ochaco?”
“Definitely.” Uraraka beamed when Bakugou started letting out little huffs of air, squirming beneath them both. “But you know, his laugh is the cutest~”
“No,” Bakugou pleaded, smiling wide despite himself. “Plehehease, don’t…”
Kiri dipped his finger into the blonde’s belly button. “Aw, but you love it, Katsuki~”
“Yes, you do~” Uraraka teased, leaning down to kiss his neck and ears, making him flush a dark red at the double dose of tickly, teasy attention. He’d never admit it, but it made him incredibly flustered and he could never get enough of it. “You love it when we tickle you and tease you, baby~”
“Dohohohohon’t call me thahahat.” He tried to snap at her, but it came out as more of a pleading whine, and her return smirk nearly melted him right then and there. “Plehehehease…”
“Oh, Kiri,” Uraraka hummed, looking at the redhead with a sweet smile. “I think he wants tickles, don’t you?”
Bakugou flushed even deeper.
“I think so, too.” Kiri beamed, leaving the blonde’s belly button to scratch at his ribs. “Do you think we should indulge him?”
Bakugou squirmed beneath them both, already giggling quietly. “Guys…”
Uraraka joined in, tickling his ribs on the other side, and their boyfriend finally gave up the fight and let out a string of happy laughter, showing his teeth in a bright smile. “Yes. Let’s indulge our adorable little blasty boy~”
53) Lee Amajiki, Ler Mirio
“Laugh for me! I know you have it in you~” Mirio teased, easily pinning Amajiki’s arms above his head and digging a single finger into the boy’s side.
Amajiki was smiling so wide it almost hurt, but he wasn’t laughing – yet. Despite himself he was desperately trying to remain in control for as long as possible. He knew his blonde friend would break him eventually, and when he did, he’d be happy to crumble. But the fight was part of the fun of surrender, so he clamped his mouth shut and shook his head defiantly.
Mirio sighed playfully. “Don’t make me make it worse.”
Amajiki whimpered, but internally he was cheering. Yes, yes, make it worse! Make me laugh!
“All right, you asked for it.” The blonde straddled his knees and dug his thumb into the meat of his friend’s thigh, and that was it. The dam burst.
Amajiki laughed.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” He shrieked, letting himself give in at last, squealing and squirming and laughing to his heart’s content. All the while Mirio grinned down at him, still pinning him in place, forcing him to take it. “AHAHAHAHAHAHA!! MIHIHIHIRIO!!”
“Yes?~” Mirio hummed, letting his arms go to tickle both thighs at once, laughing with him when he screamed with hysterics. “Feeling better now?”
“Should I keep going?”
Mirio beamed. He loved that he was able to make his friend so happy with something so simple. Not to mention, it was good to hear Amajiki let loose and laugh for once. “Then you don’t have to tell me twice!”
54) Lee Deku, Lers Bakugou and Shinsou
“Oh yeah? I bet I know how to tickle him better than you do.”
Shinsou snapped his eyes to Bakugou, glaring at him. “I dare you to say that again.”
“Please. I’ve known that nerd since childhood. You’ve been dating for what – six months? Give me a break. I can make him laugh harder, mark my words.”
“It’s not about making him laugh hard, it’s about making him desperate for it to stop. Light tickles are effective in that regard, too.”
“Uh…g-guys?” Deku stammered, looking between them nervously. “You’re both good at tickling me…”
“There’s only one way to settle this,” Bakugou growled.
Shinsou nodded. “I agree.”
Suddenly Deku was pinned on his back on the floor, his childhood best friend at his right and his current boyfriend on his left. Both of them wore matching menacing, challenging smirks.
“May the best man win,” Shinsou said.
“I intend to,” Bakugou retorted.
Then both of them were tickling Deku – four hands of twenty fingers drilling all over from his underarms to his sides, hips, knees, and everywhere else they could reach, drawing giggle after squeal after loud, screaming plea from him as he squirmed and thrashed but went absolutely nowhere.
At first it was a total blast, having both of them tickle him together. But even he had his limits, and within a few minutes his pleading became genuine.
“Who’s better?” Bakugou demanded.
“That’s not good enough,” Shinsou replied, smiling. Truly, he didn’t care if Bakugou was better than him. If anything, it motivated him to find all the little ways to make Deku completely helpless to his tickling in the future. “Pick one.”
Deku laughed and laughed and laughed, but he knew he couldn’t make a choice. Either way he’d hurt someone’s feelings – or even make them angry – and that was the last thing he wanted. So it looked like he was going to have to hold out a while longer…
55) Lee Deku, Ler Todoroki
“Oh, yeah, raspberries are a killer right here, huh?” Todoroki murmured, blowing another one on Deku’s hip bone, making his poor boyfriend screech with laughter. “Hmm~ Tickle, tickle, Izuku~”
“PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAP!!” Deku cried, laughing so hard he could barely breathe. He tugged on his restraints – a pair of ice shackles Todoroki had attached to the headboard of his bed – and watched helplessly as Todoroki flashed him a wicked smile and then did it again, flat-out ignoring his begging. “SHOHOHOHOHOHOTO!!”
Todoroki finally sat up, gently tracing his fingers along Deku’s sides. “All right, I’ll give you a short break. But just a short one. You doing okay?”
Deku nodded, giggling, grateful for the respite. He’d been more than willing to allow Todoroki to explore his interest in tickling this way, since it made him so happy and Deku didn’t mind being tickled. But it was still nice to actually be able to breathe now and then. “Y-You’re…you’re ruthless,” he stammered, blushing. “You like it a lot, don’t you?”
“Tickling you into screaming my name like that?” Todoroki smiled, digging a finger into his belly button. “Heck yeah.”
“Ehehehehehehehe!” Deku squirmed, tugging on his restraints again, both impressed and intimidated by how strong they were. For all of his thrashing, they hadn’t even shown signs of wearing down or melting at all. It was amazing, really. “Shohohohoto!”
“Thanks for letting me do this,” Todoroki murmured, his voice more sincere now. “I really love getting you riled up like this. But if you need me to stop for real, use the safe word, okay? I don’t want to go too far.”
Deku smiled at him, touched. “I will. But don’t worry – I can take a little more. So, Shoto, is that all you got? You can make me laugh harder than that, can’t you?”
The fire in Todoroki’s eyes blazed to life, and his return smile was everything to Deku. “Oh, I’m sure I can find new and creative ways to break you down.”
56) Lee Deku, Ler Shinsou
“Let’s play a game,” Shinsou said. “One of us pretends to be an animal. The other has to guess what kind of animal they are.”
Deku smiled at the silliness of it, but nodded anyway. “Sure. You go first, since it’s your idea.”
Shinsou got on his hands and knees and barked.
Deku laughed. “A dog. That was easy!”
“Your turn.” Shinsou smiled. Deku did the same thing, but meowed instead. “A cat. All right, wise guy, let’s see if you can guess this next one.” He straightened but stayed on his knees, bringing his arms up to form “claws” and growling low in his throat.
Deku smirked. “A bear.” But Shinsou shook his head, making him pause to think a little more. “Uhh, a gorilla? A rabid kangaroo?”
Shinsou lunged for him then, still growling, pinning Deku’s arms down and gently nibbling his teeth into his ribs, “eating” him. Deku burst into giggles. “Come on, Midoriya, what am I?”
“Ahahahahahahaha! I dohohohohohon’t knohohohow! A lihihihihion?!”
“Nope!” Shinsou moved further down to his hips. “What kind of animal specifically goes for your ticklish spots and wrecks you like this?”
Deku squealed, throwing his head back to unleash a bout of laughter that lasted several seconds before he found the breath to reply, “MOHOHOHOHONSTER!! TIHIHIHIHICKLE MONSTER!!”
“That’s right!” Shinsou cheered, shoving his arms above his head and continuing to nibble at his neck and ears. Deku squirmed helplessly beneath him, lost to his own hysterics.
“Didn’t I tell you? The penalty for each wrong guess is five minutes of tickling.”
“For each one. So that’s, what – twenty-five minutes of tickle torture?” Shinsou settled his weight on Deku’s hips, enjoying the distressed squeal that came out of his boyfriend. “Better get comfortable, Midoriya. We’re gonna be here a while~”
57) Lee Todoroki, Ler Sero
“What? I’m only fixing this very squirmy bed cover!” Sero grinned at the moving lump underneath the comforter of his bed where Todoroki had very poorly tried to hide from him not a minute before.
Todoroki shrieked. “Stahahahahahap! Sero, it tihihihihihihihickles!”
“It does?” Sero laughed, hopping onto the bed to pin down the open end of the comforter, further trapping his friend and blindly reaching for where he thought the half-and-half’s torso was. “Well, maybe you shouldn’t have run away.”
“Y-Yohohohohohou were gohohohohoing to t-tihihickle me!”
“And by running you only put off the inevitable.” Sero smirked. Todoroki squealed and went limp under the covers, presumably using all of his energy to laugh after a particularly bad spot was found. “Aww, did I getcha, Shoto?”
“Plehehehehehehehease!” Todoroki cried, sounding like he was gasping for breath. “I cahahahan’t breathe under hehehehehere!”
Sero frowned, worried, and quickly climbed off the bed so he could yank the comforter down and reveal the top half of a very disheveled-looking Todoroki. Before he could recover, the tape hero straddled his waist and hooked his fingers under his arms. “Tickle, tickle!”
“GAH!!” Todoroki tried arching his back, but when that did him no good he flopped helplessly onto the mattress and gave in, surrendering to his laughter as Sero tickled him silly. “Ahahahahahaha! Plehehehehehease, stop! Sehehehehero!”
“But you look like you’re having so much fun!”
A dark red blush bloomed on Todoroki’s cheeks. “Am nohohohohohot!”
“Now you’re lying to me?” Sero tsked. “You know I’m just going to punish you even more for that transgression.”
Todoroki looked elated despite himself. “Nohohohohohohohoho!”
Sero chuckled. “I think you mean yes.”
58) Lee Kaminari, Ler Ojiro
“No, no – you don’t get to hide your face.” Ojiro grabbed Kaminari’s wrists and pulled his hands away from his bright pink cheeks and wide smile, pinning them on either side of his head while his tail continued to lightly tickle his belly and belly button. “There we go.”
“No fahahahahahair,” Kami whined through his giggles, squirming but going nowhere fast. Ojiro was looming over him, grinning that wicked grin of his, using his tactical advantage against his friend in the worst – best? – way possible.
“I think it’s perfectly fair.” Ojiro smiled, trailing the fluff on his tail over Kami’s sides next, making the blonde beneath him jerk first to one side, then the other, then back again, giggling all the while. “Besides, you like gentle tickles, don’t you?”
“Behehehehetter than mehehehehean ones.”
“Mean tickles? You mean…on your knees?” Ojiro had his tail trail downwards to said spot.
Kami’s eyes widened. “Nohohohohohoho!”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding.” The tail traveled back up, settling on the dip of his hips where his shorts had ridden down slightly. “Tickle, tickle, tickle~ You like that? My tail just liiiightly tickling you to make you smile? That’s what you really love, isn’t it?”
Kaminari was bright pink by now. “Shuhuhuhuhut up…”
“Oh, but you like the teasing even more, don’t you?” Ojiro’s smile became absolutely evil. “You wouldn’t mind if I stopped tickling you as long as I kept teasing, right?” He did just that, letting his tail hover in the air behind him as he teased an increasingly flustered Kaminari with just his words. “Do you miss it already? The tickling? Or would you prefer I just keep teasing you about how cute you look, all flustered like that?”
The electric hero whined, squirming under his fellow blonde’s tight hold. “P-Please, don’t stop.”
“Don’t stop what?”
“T-Tickling me.”
Ojiro chuckled, then started dusting his tail along Kami’s shins, making him giggle all over again. “You asked for it~”
59) Lee Shinsou, Ler Deku
“You’re not squirming away, smug for brains,” Deku laughed, pulling Shinsou in close and kissing the space between his shoulder blades as his fingers skittered along his ribs. “Come here! Take my tickly love!”
“Ehehehehahahahahaha!” Shinsou squealed, kicking wildly and messing up the blankets, but neither of them cared about that right now. The taller boy was currently the little spoon in their cuddling position, and with Deku’s arms wrapped around him in tandem with the tickly kisses along his back, he was going nowhere fast. The gentle assault was making him incredibly flustered and helplessly giggly. “Nahahahahahahaha! I-Izuhuhuhuku!”
“Take it!” Deku continued to laugh with him, moving his kisses up to the base of his neck. “Take my love!” His hands wandered down to pinch at a hip. “Take it, Shinsou!”
Shinsou was an incoherent mess, giggles and laughter intermixing with unintelligible pleas – though whether they were pleas to stop or keep going neither of them could tell.
Deku chose to do the latter, scooting his body up so he could reach Shinsou’s ears with his kisses while continuing to pinch and scribble along his hip bone. “It’s so cute that you’re so ticklish up here,” he mused with his own giggle. “You can’t even speak when I’m getting you like this.”
“S-S-Stahahahahahaha! Plehehehahahahahaha!” Shinsou was lost in his own laughter and loving every second, secretly hoping his boyfriend would never stop. “Zuku, nahahahahahahahaha!”
Deku couldn’t help but laugh, hugging him even closer and nibbling at the base of his ear, drawing a loud screech and even more frantic cackles from the completely helpless Shinsou. “Take my love, Toshi~ My tickly, tickly love for you~”
60) Lee Kaminari, Ler Jirou
“What are we, five years old now?”
Jirou grunted as she struggled to pin him. “You act like enough of a five-year-old for the both of us.”
“I do not!”
“Do, too.” She finally managed to overpower him just long enough to grab his foot and scribble her fingers over it.
Denki squeaked, releasing her instinctively and then immediately wishing he hadn’t, as he’d just lost any and all leverage he may have had over her. “Nohohohoho, Jirou!”
“That’s more like it.” She settled in on his ankles and dragged her nails up and down his bare soles. “Take this, genius.”
“Nahahahahahahaha!” He flailed in the grass, wishing it wasn’t so hot out that he’d decided to go out in only his shorts this afternoon to tan. Jirou was in shorts and a tank-top as well, but that did him little good when he was at her mercy instead of the other way around! “Plehehehehehease, no! I’ll do anythihihihihing!”
Jirou smirked at him over her shoulder. “Anything?”
“What if what I want to do is tickle you silly, Denks?”
He flashed her a brief, wide-eyed look before covering his face with his hands and groaning. “Ugh, the thihihihihings I dohohohoho for you, Kyoka.”
She beamed. “Aww, how sweet. Don’t worry…I won’t tickle you too bad~”
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auty-ren · 4 years
Tainted Heart: Chapter 2
The Agreement (Western AU)
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Pairings: The Mandalorian x Reader. Din Djarin x Reader. Outlaw!Din x Reader. (Reader is female/fab)
Rating: Mature
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Mentions of blood/injury. Cursing. The kid being adorable. The reader is his babysitter. Pet names. Teasing. Soft-core Smut (kissing, heavy making out, groping, dry humping, mentions of virginity/inexperience, a few touches, unintentional edging.)
A/n: Thank you guys for being so patient, I hope it was worth the wait! We’re finally seeing a little action. Enjoy babes. (gif by @javier-pena​)
Tainted Heart Masterlist | My Masterlist
The wool was rough under your fingertips, a heavy dull gray that almost burned under the harsh tint of the midday sun. They were heavy, soaking with water and suds as you lifted them from the wash pan, squeezing what excess you could out of the fibers. A coo broke through the static that had filled your mind, numb with the monotonous action of wet, wash, rinse, repeat. The child stayed strapped in the high chair, peeking at you through white sheets you hung to dry, his inquisitive hands stretching out when the breeze blew white cotton out close, but just barely grazing the reach of his fingers. He babbled again at the sight of you, squealing when you threw the curtains of laundry away and broke the makeshift barrier between you. 
He repeated the snarl you had given him, playful and disappearing between fits of smiles and giggles.
“Are you a monster, little one?”
He was meant to scare you, giving a growl that was far cuter than it was fearsome in his pretend game of monster.
“You’re too sweet to be a monster.”
He kicked his feet in excitement, gnawing at the bread you tore into pieces on the plate attached to his chair. He offered you a piece of it, forming unrecognizable syllables as he prompted you to take it from him.
You wanted to be selfish, to hide away with your newfound companion and keep him perched on your hip permanently. None of it should be temporary.
It had been years since your home felt so warm; since the fogged windows were lit with a bright, new life that fumbled over every surface. It was sticky, the feeling you had laying on your chest when you were woken to the sound of shrill cries; the ache in your tired bones all but faded at the tear-soaked smile that greeted you in the dim mornings.
Maybe you were just lonely, growing tired of the same life you lived each day when it was just you and Papa. 
Maybe you had mistaken content for boredom.
And now it was unpredictable, a welcomed unpredictability.
You learned the hard way not to leave the little one unattended, even for a moment; not for a few measly seconds. The broken porcelain of an old vase had been enough of a warning, luckily it wouldn’t be missed and after you had cleaned up the mess, you could hardly notice any wrong had happened. 
At least, your father didn’t notice. 
But the child was just curious and his cries as he sat horrified at the pieces of glass surrounding his feet had been enough of punishment for the both of you. 
This arrangement took too much convincing on your father's part.
He only wanted to protect you, but at this point, you doubt he was thinking straight. Your father had sacrificed too much to keep you safe; to carve out a simple life for you on the edges of the real world, to keep it from crushing your spirit the way it did his.
You assumed your father’s anxiousness about the situation stemmed from something you didn't think you could understand; loved ones lost long ago to the evil that had spread to your quiet town.
But there were some things that only time could heal and it seemed for him there was never enough.
He wanted to send ‘Mando’ packing as soon as the wounds stopped bleeding, and the sun lit up the morning sky.
But you convinced him otherwise.
There was no way he would've made it twenty minutes without hurting himself, more so since he had to care for a child. A child who you found very difficult to say no to, especially since he became such good company.
Mando could stay until he was healed. But there was work to be done.
Mando’s right arm had been wrapped in a makeshift sling, leaving his less dominant hand available to carry out whatever your father asked of him. Although you argued he shouldn't be working at all, both of the men disagreed with you. Papa decided it was only fair for him to work, to repay the debt he owed you.
You wouldn't call it a debt, but you kept that to yourself and let your father negotiate the terms of Mando’s stay.
There wasn't much argument, Mando would work odd jobs around your homestead, things that Papa was unable to do anymore, and things he hated to ask you to do; in return, he and his child would be allowed to stay until Mando healed. But there were conditions, terms that your father had laid out and would be considered law as he saw fit.
Mando would not be allowed to sleep in your home.
Your father made sure to bolt the doors once Mando had left after dinner, checking each of them before he could settle enough to try and sleep. A place was made for him in the barn, blankets and an extra pillow for him to sleep with, the least you could do for someone about to work your entire harvest for practically nothing. 
The child would be allowed to stay inside.
Papa had gone into the attic in the early morning after he agreed to let Mando stay, and pulled down the old crib that had been yours once upon a time. You aired and cleaned all of the blankets and toys you had sorted inside of it, hoping that maybe they could get one final use before they crumbled from age. He slept in your room, just down the hall from where you and your father stayed.
You didn't like the idea of separating someone from their child, but your father insisted and Mando made no objection otherwise.
Your attention for the past week was wrapped completely around the fingers of a grinning child, smiling and keeping his curiosity at bay when he grabbed at anything within reach. He used unsteady legs, you being his shadow for the entire day; picking up the small toys that were left in his wake of discovery. 
He was a healthy little boy, just barely big enough to explore some on his own, and he had the energy to prove it. There were only a few times he slowed enough to nap, sleep that weighed heavy on his eyelids as he crawled into your arms, puffing small breaths into the crook of your neck while he rested.
He refused to fall asleep alone, if his fingers weren't gripping yours with an unusual force he didn't allow himself to sleep; he just cried, wailed until you picked him up again, and finally settled when the sound of your heartbeat was within reach.
You couldn't imagine what this child has been through.
There were a few things only you and Papa had spoken about, conversations and theories about your guests, the stranger who slept in the loft of your barn, and his precious companion. Papa wasn't very sentimental towards them, he was gentle with the child and polite to Mando; but the sooner both of them had left, the easier he would sleep at night. 
He repeated the same thing before bed, his voice shaking and eyes worrisome in ways you had never thought would come from him. You didn't protest, just nodding your head and trying to soothe the lines seemingly etched into his brow. You drifted off as he squeezed your fingers in his, tighter than he ever had before, and pressed a worried kiss to your hand.
“Do not trust him.”
You hadn't told Papa about what happened between you and Mando once he had gone to bed, and you'd keep it from him so long as you stay sane. He would never know about how much you thought about it, how part of you wanted something like that to happen again, how you wanted to feel that blossom of heat in your chest ten times over.
Papa was under the impression the two of you had never spoken and it was best it stayed that way. 
He couldn't be a good man.
He had the scars to prove he was a fighter, most of the wounds old and standing out sharply against his skin.
You remember how they looked, how tender and soft the damaged flesh felt when you ran your fingers over it.
That doesn't just happen.
He carried a gun, and two more sat on the saddle of his horse. One fell from the pockets of his rucksack when you lifted it off the horse's back, the other a long rifle that was heavy and awkward in your arms.
You didn't tell Papa about that, you just hid them in the haystack of the barn and hoped he wouldn't find them.
But he was kind.
He hadn't spoken much, not to you. Maybe to your father but, he hardly looked you in the eye; his face was mostly hidden behind the brow of his hat and sometimes by the cloth he wore over his face when he worked.
Or he was cunning.
Maybe Papa was right, maybe the sooner they left the better.
You didn't want them to leave.
Mando wasn't like other men, he had an attachment; something you doubt most low-lives ever considered having.
And you wanted to know why.
The baby was squealing for your attention again, and he giggled loudly when you shifted him in your arms. Papa looked in your direction, watching the two of you sitting on the porch. You gave him a small smile, one he returned in genuine, with promise that reached the crinkles in the corner of his eyes. You busied yourself with taming wisps of the baby’s hair, for the hundredth time that day, soft curls that gently framed his face sticking out in every direction. He giggled again, his hands reaching out in curiosity as he curled his fingers into his palm and babbling away as you sat him on the porch floor. He took a few unsure steps, then taking the lead as if he knew exactly where he was going and you kneeled behind him ready to reach out when he lost his balance.
He made his way to the railing, stopping above the steps that led down to where Papa sat working.
He had bushels of food sitting at his feet; vegetables that had been growing in the fields you kept behind the house. It wasn't too impressive, just enough to suffice with a little leftover that was sold at the end of the season; but it took far too long to pick any of it when the time came.
After years of practicing medicine, your father had fumbled his way through becoming a farmer. Papa had already been working for a few days, and at dinner last night he gave Mando the task of starting the harvesting of the far-garden in the morning while he’d work what had already been picked.
Mando wasn’t much of a talker; he was polite, sometimes even kind when he spoke to you, but it was few and far between. He did everything asked of him, sometimes even more.
You had mentioned at dinner last night you were planning to wash laundry in the morning, gathering clothes and sheets and rags Papa unintentionally littered about the house. It was tiresome and took most of the day, the clothesline filled with garments that took hours to dry even on a summer day. The chill in the air wasn’t the problem at all this time, the heat was.
It was tedious to fill and heat the washpans, sometimes you’d think it better to ignore that step, but the constant cold on your raw fingertips told a different story.
You hurried to eat this morning, making sure the baby was fed and occupied, so you could begin filling the tubs for laundry. 
But someone beat you to it.
You found both of the tubs were sitting out by the clothesline, filled to the brim with steaming water and the laundry stacked beside them.
Papa had been with you all morning, he couldn’t have done it.
You wanted to thank him, but it felt silly to do so, your cheeks getting warm with the thought like some smitten schoolgirl.
You had seen him one other time today, when he came in for some lunch, his boots kicking up dust that tracked from the back door into the kitchen. His pants were just as filthy from digging in the gardens all day, but his sleeves had been pushed up his arms, and his hands were still damp from when he had washed them.
At least he's not a slob.
You don't think he notices you, standing on the far side of the kitchen, quietly watching as he removes his hat, pulls down the covering on his face, and sits next to the kid. He checks on him with a ruffle of his hair, the baby babbling away with a grin on his face as he watches Mando stuff his mouth with some of the bread and meat you sat out for him on the kitchen table.
He ate in silence, quick and rushed as if someone would take it from him before he could get enough to be satisfied. You stood at the other end of the kitchen, watching him eat and interacting with his kid. He said something to him, something so quiet you barely heard it but you saw the way his hand brushed over the curls on his boy's head; just like you had been doing almost every day you watched him. He finished as he drank glass fulls of water, over and over until the pitcher was nearly empty. 
His eyes are like saucers when he turns around to see you standing there, and his mouth opens and closes as if he was thinking of some defense.
Definitely didn't see you standing there.
You try your best to smile at him and move to ask him if he'd like more to eat, but he's gone. He grabs his hat from the table and mutters a thank you before slamming the door closed behind him.
It couldn't be easy with just one arm, nothing your father had given him was gentle and no matter how much he dismissed it, you could tell he was still in pain. Even with the medication given to him regularly, he winced at the slightest movement and was slow compared to your father.
You could barely see his silhouette, still moving out in the gardens and shadowed by the sun setting behind him. He takes a moment, sitting on his ass and looking up at the painted colors of the sky. Delicate pink and orange hues fill a blue sky, mixing until there is a symphony dancing above your heads, dusk settling over the land as everyone prepares for sleep. He stretches his neck from side to side, wiping his face with his sleeve with a huff and pulling himself back to his feet.
“He's a very sweet kid.” 
Papa’s voice interrupted your watching, your eyes snapping over to him taking a seat in his chair, patting his lap, and asking for the child to join him. He waddled over, reaching up with grubby hands and squealing as he was lifted in your father’s lap.
“Why don't you take some time and wash up for dinner.” Papa insisted, nodding towards the door as he settled the child on his lap. “I’ll call for you when it's ready.”
“Nonsense,” you sigh, standing up with a smile and turning towards the door. “Someone has to help you.”
“And that someone has to be you?” He’s grinning, nothing evil or malicious; mostly playful, with just a hint of mischief sparkling in his eyes.
Your earlier intentions of dinner are forgotten as you lean against a wooden doorframe, the aged wood scratching at your arm when the sleeve of your dress is pushed up. You watch Papa coo at the child, patting his head with careful hands as the toddler yawned and laid against his chest. Your feet ache as you look down at the worn boots you wear, the leather cracked and crumbling from age at the soles of your feet; they throb as you roll your ankles, switching your weight from one foot to the next until some of the pain subsided.
 It’s just your breathing for a moment, the simple, rhythm rise and fall of your chest; occasionally dueted with the squeak of Papa’s old rocking chair.
“Looks like I'll need help taking this into town,” you gestured to the bushels sitting at the edge of your porch steps, cutting through the silence with a huff of your breath. “Kuill will be excited to see everything we've got for him.”
“Has he said anything to you?”
He took you by surprise, the change in subject hitting you with a force that had your chest seizing up. How pitiful you felt, your heart racing at the mention of a man who probably didn’t remember your name.
“No,” you offer meekly, hoping your father didn’t notice the change in your pitch. “Why?”
“He’s hardly spoken a word since he's been here.”
He rocks his seat back and forth in a steady motion, gentle as the baby in his arms drifts into slumber.
“Maybe he likes to keep to himself.” You shrug, moving to lean against the porch railing and face him.
Your father considered your reasoning, his brows knit with heavy thought and a frown set on his lips.
“Or he's guilty of something.”
There’s something you barely catch in Papa’s words, something like malice but with less bite as the words hit your ears.
“It's only for a few more days,” you pick at the splintered wood under your hand, the edges rough and pointed as they press deeper into your palm. “We'll manage.”
Papa nods his head, patting the baby’s back as he sleeps on his chest; his limbs stretching for just a moment before he settles back to sleep. You run your hands along the child’s back, soothing the tired grumbles that fell from his lips. Leaning forward, you pressed a kiss to your father’s temple, squeezing the free hand he had perched on the arm of his chair.
“You know they would've died if we hadn't helped.” You whisper it into his hairline with another kiss, turning to head back inside before anything else is said.
You keep quiet, somehow afraid of speaking nightmares into existence. They were safe for now, healing and resting what little they could on your farm. A stranger and his baby that dug tiny holes in your chest that you doubt were closing anytime soon. Part of you feared when the time came, you wouldn’t want to let your precious companion or his father go.
“I know.” 
An intake of breath is all he allows.
He says nothing, and his face is blank, staring in front of him with discipline as your father digs into his shoulder again. His wounds are still tender, pink, and fresh against his tan skin but he doesn’t even wince; there's barely a twitch in his eye, and the shaking push and pull of his breath is the only indication he felt any of it.
He does groan when your father pours alcohol over it, remnants of blood washing away from the openings in his shoulder, thrown away stitches sitting on the cloth with your father’s tools.
You didn’t ask how his stitches had broken, you could only assume it happened today while he was working, and it was almost dinner before you noticed the tint that had stained his shirt red.
You hold the child a little closer in your arms, turning his head and busying him when he reaches out for Mando. 
The painting hung mounted on the wall, just low enough it was about eye level with you and the child. You pointed to flowers caked in oil paints, their colors faded from years of the sun that breached the windowsill. He cooed as he followed your lead, tracing the petals with his fingers until he gave a big yawn.
You placed a kiss on the top of his head, the soap you used to wash him earlier still lingering on your lips as he laid on your chest. His blanket wrapped around him, the wool warm and green as you kept him snug in your arms.
“It’s time to say goodnight.”
You stayed at the threshold of the kitchen, Mando’s back turned to you as your father put new stitches into his shoulder. Papa paused for a moment, nodding his head in your direction until Mando turned his profile murmuring a ‘goodnight’ to the baby in your arms. He looked at you as he said it, something pulling deep in your belly as his eyes bore into yours; almost black in the darkness and twinkling from the light of your father’s lamp.
Papa cleared his throat, pulling your eyes towards him as you felt heat rush to your face. 
You hoped he couldn’t tell, that you didn’t look as flustered as you felt. When didn’t bring it up later, once the two of you were alone and everyone had gone to bed, you felt the pressure that built up in your chest dissipate. He went right to sleep, snoring loudly beside you while you laid wide-eyed and staring at the ceiling.
You're not sure what time it is, or how long you have been ‘asleep’ but everything blurs; your mind racing too fast for your drooping eyes to catch any sort of rest.
You laid warm beneath woolen covers as you watched the windows tint with fog, the barest hints of a cold breeze slipping between the cracks and leaving a chill in the air.
It must be very cold out in the barn.
You wouldn’t entertain the idea. Mando was a grown man, he didn’t need you to care for him or coddle him like he was a child.
Staying in bed was the right decision, but decision making was never your strong suit.
The doors to the barn looked wicked under the dim moonlight, tall and intimidating as you reached a shaking hand out to them. They groaned as you pulled open, the track they rested on squeaking and shrill in the quiet night.
You just hoped he was a heavy sleeper.
You carried the two blankets you had been washing just this morning, something Papa kept around for emergencies; thick, wooly blankets that were itchy and coarse on your skin.
They were better than nothing.
There was only one lamp lit, everything mostly covered in shadow save for the few feet of orange glow coming from the middle of the room. Hardly any sound in the air, nighttime completely dead save the occasional grunt and snort of the horses sleeping in their stalls. His belongings sat stacked in one corner, next to the makeshift bedding you had left in here just over a week ago. They were in a neat pile, a shirt and coat, his hat, the cloth he used on his face, and his holster.
He was nowhere to be found.
You put the blankets on his bedroll, hoping he would connect the dots whenever he came back. The hay crunch underneath your feet, even with your attempt at tiptoeing through the barn. You pulled the knitted shawl you wore tighter around you, shivering from the chill that seeped from cracked insulation in the walls.
You hadn’t even stood up before you jumped under the sudden baritone of his voice.
“Where are my guns?” 
The chill that ran down your spine wasn’t from the cold, but rather from accusation; deep, rich words that dripped from his words and held no real malice.
“I don't know what you're talking about.” You offered over your shoulder, slowly turning to face him head-on.
His arm was still in a sling, fresh bandaging that stood stark white against his worn clothes. He looked almost handsome in the orange hue of an oil lamp; his eyes bright even with the exhaustion pulling at his cheeks, his lips pouting and curls sticking out at his neck as if you had woken him in the embers of early morning.
“I know you didn't take them,”
He walked towards you, each step he took followed by your retreat until your back landed against the wall with a thud. Your eyes never leave him, never daring to break your stare even as your hand scrambled for purchase on the smooth wood at your back.
“So where are they?”
You counter him, thinking you're clever with a smile and a half-concocted comeback, batting your eyes when his lips quirk in response.
“How do you know I didn't keep them?”
He laughed, amusement hiding behind the rich color of his eyes and biting with the sparkle of his teeth.
“I doubt you've ever held a gun in your life, sweet girl.” His voice lowered at your pet name, sinful words that swirled at the base of your spine until you squirmed.
“I know you didn't take them.”
You take a deep breath, your cheeks burning when his hand comes to rest beside your head, his body coming just a hair closer until you feel pinned beneath him.
“I hid them.”
His eyebrow arches, questions stuck in the back of his throat that filter into one word.
You fiddled with the loose thread of your gown, wrapping the line excess around your finger until it pinched at the tip. Your ears thumped with the sound of your heartbeat, loud and racing as Mando drug his hand from your shoulder, across your neck. He cupped your jaw, squeezing your face in his hand for just a moment.
“You afraid of me, sweet girl?”
His voice rumbled, deep from his chest as he drags every word from smirking lips.
“Don't call me that.”
Any bite you had laced in your words was betrayed by the way you leaned into his touch, sighing when his fingers scratched at the hairs on the back of your neck.
His lips were gentle, chapped, and sweet against yours with a tender kiss.
“What are you gonna do about it?”
You kissed him this time, testing the waters with a playful nip to his bottom lip; earning you a chuckle before he consumes you. Your lips slot lazily together in a clash of tongue as you taste one another, slow and sensual until your fingers thread his hair, tugging until he growls into your kiss.
“Thank you,” His breath puffed on your cheek, warm and wet on your skin as he trailed kisses over your face and neck. “For taking good care of my kid.”
“He's a sweetheart.” You huff out the words around a smile, your fingers tugging on Mando’s curls.
You almost moan when nips at your throat, his teeth leaving a mark on the juncture of your neck until he groans at the salty-sweet taste of soap on your skin.
“And you're beautiful.”
He steals the breath right from your lungs, gasping in between the short moments when his mouth wasn’t molded against yours. His hand on the back of your neck kept you pressed to his chest, your fingers ghosting over the stitches you could feel through the thin material of his shirt.
His leg was firmly pushed in between yours, his body supporting most of you as he hitched your leg to rest over his hip. The muscle of his thigh flexing when you barely rocked your hips against him. The cotton material of your nightgown did nothing to hide the feeling of rough denim on the softness of your thighs, scraping and molding red indents from the back and forth motion your hips made.
You nearly shout when he snakes his hand in between your bodies, cupping your mound while his fingers work against the bundle throbbing in between your legs; sparks of electricity shoot down to your toes and into the tips of your fingers with the slightest of touches. You ache against him, your body moving with him and seeking an unfamiliar end, a delicious coil in your belly that wound tighter and tighter with every swipe of his two fingers.
You’re panting, muffling pathetic whimpers against his ear while he mouths at the deliciously tender spot on your neck. You can hardly hold your head up, your mind swimming in a thick, intoxicating fog until the world blurred around the edges. You feel the build-up at the base of your spine boiling over, almost all-consuming to the point it tingles every nerve in your body with anticipation. 
You grip his forearm until your nails leave pale, pink marks in your wake, and push him away to finally breathe again.
He is about the only thing keeping you upright, slowly he dropped your leg until you stood alone; his touches stopped, leaving a dull, unsatisfied ache that seeped into your bones. The sweat gathered at your hairline was annoying, tickling you to the point of discomfort until you swiped it away with the back of your hand.
“I don’t want Papa...”
You can’t think, nothing on the forefront of your mind coherent enough; like you were hopelessly lagging while your thoughts raged and laid stuck on the tip of your tongue. You squeeze your eyes shut, rubbing your temple with your eyes opened, and find Mando looking right back at you.
If your father woke up to you gone, you’re not sure what he would do, other than assuming the worst.
And you certainly didn’t want him to catch you in the barn, not like this.
“I-I don’t…”
His eyes were almost gentle, sharp and consuming as always, but kind behind the harsh set of his brow.
He brushes pieces of your hair behind your ear, his touch still burning as it did before but with half the intensity felt a few moments ago.
“Go get some sleep.”
You collect yourself, pulling the shawl on your shoulders tight as you tuck your hands underneath your arms. He steps back once you regained composure and watches you even as you walk away.
You only make it a few steps before he calls after you.
There’s a hint of something in his voice.
Tease? Promise? Flirt?
Something that pulls harsh at your little heartstrings he had wrapped around his finger.
“How'd you like to go hunting?”
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@basilbumble @wxrmh0le​ @jango-fettish @gallowsjoker @groovinomicon @driftllocked @courageinthemidst @hayley-the-comet @victias @freyjasamael @gondowan @nicki-mac-me @mudhornchronicles @dadolorian @jettia @misguidedandbeguiled​
Tainted Heart
@1800-fight-me​ @foxlace​ @tortles​ @justanotherblonde23​ @somanycombinacetions​ @hdlynn​ @mserynlarsen​ @barbaralaplume​ @maharani-radha​ @whatismylife00​ @rosemirrors​ @fvriosa​ @fleurdemiel145​
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kodzukenscorner · 4 years
Kuroo, Ushijima, and Sakusa during a blackout (NSFW)
anon asked: hi!! can you please do kuroo, ushijima, & sakusa during a blackout if u wanna add a little nsfw thats always nice too :))) 💕
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a/n: omg 😭  the blackout request was one of the first ones i’ve ever done on here and finally we’re doing a part two!! thanks anon 💕
wc: 1,866
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Study dates were a norm for you and Kuroo
He may be a pain in your ass sometimes but that didn’t change the fact that he was also a nerd at heart
You were finding it to be very difficult to keep your focus on the work in front of you
Kuroo had already tried everything, he bought your favorite snacks, promised you could watch your favorite movie afterwards, anything to get you to focus
In the end he made do by saying you could get a quick kiss after you got a problem right and once you were completely done he would give you a proper kiss
That was enough to convince you because Kuroo’s kisses always had you melting into him
And it wasn’t everyday that he just offered them up without teasing you first
You were finally focusing on your work while Kuroo quietly explained some things to you when everything suddenly got dark
You both looked up in confusion and Kuroo went over to the window 
Some idiot had backed their car into a utility pole and knocked the power out for half the street
He groaned and sat down next to you looking over at your textbooks
“Let’s take a break, you can’t do your work in the dark”
“Can I still get my kiss?”
Your eyes adjusted enough to the dark to notice the sly smile spreading across his face 
“Well, you have been very good, so I guess you earned a kiss. Come here”
He patted his lap and you giddily straddled him
He took your chin between his fingers and brought your lips to meet his
Kissing Kuroo always started slow and languid then before you knew it, his tongue was sliding into your mouth while he sucked on your lower lip
He always had control and you happily let him do what he wanted 
You felt his hand move from your chin under your shirt to caress your sides
He pulled away when he felt you let out a content sigh
“You know, you didn’t get any problems wrong today. I think you deserve a reward”
He made quick work to undo the button on your jeans and slid them off of you
He didn’t bother taking off his own pants and just pulled them down enough to release his hard cock
He moved your underwear to the side and brought you down on his throbbing dick
He watched your face under the moonlight contort in pleasure as you sank down on him
His cock twitched as he saw the look of pure euphoria on your face when he finally bottomed out
“My smart kitten” He mumbled into the crook of your neck as he started to buck his hips upwards
Kuroo always liked setting a fast pace when you were riding him so he could see you bounce on him
And you loved it because he always managed to fuck you deeper than he normally did, hitting all the right spots, sending you into a dizzying frenzy
As your hands gripped onto his shoulders, trying to ground yourself while Kuroo crashed his hips into yours, you promised yourself you would study much more diligently
If this is how he was going to reward you for getting your homework right, you were going to be a straight A student from now on
You weren’t even together when your power went out
You were chatting on the phone together, even though you were the one who was doing most of the talking
But Ushijima has always been a good listener, and he actually pays attention to what you have to say
You were in the middle of a random story when suddenly all the lights in your room went out
You went silent on the line and Ushijima spoke up for the first time in a couple minutes asking if everything was alright
After looking around the rest of your home you told him the power had gone out
“Hmmm, my power is still on, maybe it’s just your area”
“Toshi, it’s kinda of creepy being here alone, could you come over?”
You could hear him hum as he paused for a minute
“I’ll be there in 10 minutes, don’t move around so you don’t get hurt”
You happily agreed and patiently awaited his arrival
You nearly jumped our of your skin when you heard his knock at the door but went to welcome him quickly and carefully
Once he stepped inside he took your hand, leading you back to the room so you wouldn’t trip on anything
He made himself comfortable on your bed, gesturing for you to join him
You excitedly laid next to him, resting your head on his chest
As much as you loved him, Ushijima wasn’t always the most outwardly affectionate person out there so you relished in this rare moment of intimacy
Your body loosened up under the soft touch of his hand grazing along your arm and he could feel it
You had been uneasy sitting alone in the dark and he felt guilty for not being here to comfort you sooner
He started placing soft kisses on the crown of your head and you purred in delight 
He was glad it was too dark to see anything or you would have caught a rare glimpse at one of his genuine smiles 
You had begun to drift off so you didn’t even notice when his hands started to travel farther down to caress your thighs 
It wasn’t until his hand made contact with your crotch did your eyes shoot open
Again, he isn’t the most affectionate person but when he gets in the mood you know he’s going to absolutely ravage you
You looked up at him and as your eyes adjusted to the dark you could see the lust in his
You gulped and he took that as the initiative to pin you under him and nearly rip your clothes off
You couldn’t stop the moan that escaped your lips just at the idea of him being so eager to wreck you
Your mind was so clouded with lust you didn’t realize he had stripped you both of your clothes until you felt his hard cock teasing your entrance 
His lips attached themselves to the sensitive skin on your neck, leaving what you were sure were going to be very dark marks soon enough
“You know I love you right?” He mumbled lowly against your skin
“Yes - ah I know, please Toshi...” You arched your back, begging him to fuck you
He knew he didn’t have to say anything else and slid his cock into you with ease
No matter how many times you two have done this you never get used to his impressive size 
Usually he gives you a moment to collect yourself and get used to him but tonight he was hellbent on showing you how much he could ruin you
He started a merciless pace, it wasn’t fast but the way his hips rammed in yours had you seeing stars
His grip on your sides was surprisingly gentle while you clawed at his back trying to calm yourself 
The embarrassment you would normally feel at hearing the lewd sound of your skin slapping against each other and the squelching that echoed through the room was completely thrown out the window
All you cared about was the way his cock hit all the right spots every time
And the thick vein you could feel rubbing against your walls was enough to throw you over the edge
You prayed that the power never came back on
This was honestly one of the worst decisions you’ve ever made
You were just lounging around with Sakusa when you suggested watching a movie together
He nodded and let you make the selection and you opted for a horror movie
Usually you were fine with horror movies, you did get scared every now and again but no more than the next person
What you were not counting on was the storm brewing outside
You could see the sky beginning to darken and the distant sound of rumbling thunder
Sakusa seemed unbothered by it all and you wondered if he ever got scared
You quietly shifted closer to him as the winds outside got worse and the movie got more intense
A sudden gust of wind caused the windows to rattle and you jumped in surprise
At this point you were right next to Sakusa and he put a reassuring hand on your thigh before turning his attention back to the movie
He wasn’t able to focus long because another gust of wind knocked the power out and you clung to his arm as you were both shrouded in darkness
You heard Sakusa sigh as he brought his free hand to pet your head
“What’s wrong? You were the one who picked the movie”
“I didn’t think the power would go out! What if that creepy guy from the movie comes out of nowhere?”
He pulled your head against his chest and let you rest there for a minute
“Don’t think about things like that”
“I can’t help it Omi! It’s in my head now”
“Let me take your mind off of it then”
You opened your eyes that had been screwed shut and realized you still couldn’t see a thing
Not that it mattered because you soon felt Sakusa’s gentle hand guide your face so he could connect his lips to yours
For someone who wasn’t big on physical affection, Sakusa was one of the best kissers, slow and sensual and just the perfect amount of roughness
You pressed your body as close to his as you could possibly get
His hand slid down to your waist and you jumped at the light touch
“Relax. It’s just me” He whispered against your lips where he placed soft kisses
He pushed your back down against the couch and gently removed all your clothes and his own soon after
He made sure to leave kisses on every expanse of bare skin he uncovered
Suddenly all your worries and fears melted away under his soft lips, all you were focused on was him
He hovered over you, peppering your face with more sweet kisses
It wasn’t everyday he was this gentle and loving with you so you reveled in every moment and every touch
You squirmed under him when you felt him suck on your neck and you could feel his erection pressing against your thigh
“Kiyoomi” You whined quietly
“I know, I know. Be patient, love” 
He kissed your jawline and started slowly pushing his cock into you
Once you started letting out soft moans he quickly snapped his hips and fully sheathed himself inside of you
The sudden change of pace had your back arching up, urging him to keep going
He started a slow put forceful pace, his hungry gaze never leaving your eyes
Even in the darkness you could see the pure adoration he held in his eyes as his cock stretched you out in the most perfect way possible
“I love you Kiyoomi”
“I love you too scaredy cat”
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