#god of war Headcanons
mercur1e · 7 months
Just a silly thought i had- what if the god of war characters were adorable cats???
Okay so Kratos would be named Kittos, and he’d be a white maine coon with a scar on his eye! (deep down he’s a black cat to me though) OH AND HE’D HAVE A CRUNCHY MEOW!! You’d have to slowly earn his trust for him to feel comfortable with you petting him or getting near his baby. Otherwise he will hiss and bite. He comes and goes as he pleases.
Atreus would be Mewtreus, and he’d be a little orange tabby kitty!! He’ll always be following behind his papa💗 He has a high pitched meow that slightly deepens as he becomes a teenager.
Faye would be a pretty orange Norwegian forest cat, who Mewtreus got his looks from. Her name would be the same because I think it’s just so pretty. A soft, light meow and she’s very watchful yet playful! For an outdoor cat she’s not very dirty at all!
Freya would be a Balinese cat and Freyr would be a Balinese or Siamese cat! Their names would be Mewa and Mewer :) Mewer really loves his uh…cat grass. He cuddles nicely and has a stuffed toy boat named Skiðblaðnir that he loves very much💖
Mimir would be an Oriental shorthair because he loves to talk, and oriental shorthairs are too! Of course i’m going to name him Mewmir😂 He’d be a sweet little kitty who needs a kitty wheelchair but trust he’s always on bumpers when it’s time to fight! He loves pets and will meow until you give him what he wants.
Sindri would be a Sphynx cat but has patches of hair, and Brok would too but he’d be bald(totally NOT because Brok is a skirted egg) They have skippty pap sessions sometimes but they’ll put aside their differences quickly. Sindri loves his personal space, but Brok also loves Sindri’s personal space.
Thor would be an orange persian cat who is fiercely protective of his last daughter, Mewed. (I’m not very creative with the names I know) He will hiss and swat at anyone that gets too close to his baby except for Sif. Has a deep meow and beautiful coat.
Baldur is an Abyssinian and only lets those close to to him pet him, and does not like his mother. He is an outdoor cat that will only come back every blue moon. Kittdur loves to hunt, and would bring back dead prey to as presents.
Sif would be named Sniff and is a Siberian Forest cat! She won’t meow much, but when she does it’s very adorable.
Odin would also be an either an Oriental shorthair because he also talks A LOT !! If not an oriental cat, he’d be a Cornish Rex. Meowdin would be one of those cats that steps on your face in the middle of your night.
Angrboda would be an adorable Calico Kitty!!!! Meowgrboda is her name🫶🏽 She and Mewtreus will cuddle on occasion. She’s the kind of kitty who will stay in your arms all night and snuggle you! She loved to be picked up and enjoys challenging toys. She’s an adorable indoor cat who loves her toys!
Heimdall would be named Hissdall and is a Turkish Van who hisses at everyone except his owner. Will swat at other cats and enjoys his solitude. He tried to bite Mewtreus one time and Kittos didn’t take kindly to that.
Týr would be a brown oriental shorthair, is surprisingly very quiet for his breed but sweet as can be! Will circle around your legs for pets! Has the trademark honk meow and it’s a true treat to hear it.
Do you guys know that one cat meme and it’s just like cuddled nicely vs. bit my ass? Yeah that’s Mewer and Hissdall.
This was fun to write!! I’d would like to write about the Valkyries as cats next, would anyone be interested in seeing that? Please let me know if you are! :)
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kidcataldo · 2 months
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Headcanon that Kratos and Freya eventually become a couple years after the events of Ragnarok. And while they do not have any biological children together, they find themselves being parental figures to a few orphans:
Twins, Hnoss and Gersemi
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identical but complete opposites.
Hnoss represents healing whereas Gersemi is destruction; they are, in every way, fire and ice.
Biologically (in my headcanon/fanfic, at least) they are the daughters of the God Váli, and a young Midgardian woman, Gersemi, who Kratos knew and was fond of. See unfinished wip.
Gersemi’s destructive behavior reminds Kratos of his younger self and he wants only to guide her on a better path. This obviously creates tension, but eventually she learns how to control her power and (you guessed it) becomes less destructive.
(note the picture below depicts loki, not býleistr; I just needed a visual)
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the youngest and sort of black sheep of the family (due to not being a God).
Loki (Atreus) finds him in an abandoned village that once occupied other giants who were hiding from Odin.
For whatever reason, he’s the only survivor and, after bonding with the kid, Loki brings him to his father and Freya in the hopes they would care for him and protect him while he’s off finding the other giants.
Though not a god, Kratos trains him as if he were. He’s an excellent hunter and an even better swordsman, but he chooses to spend most of his time being a terrible flirt much to Kratos’ dismay.
Freya doesn’t want to repeat past mistakes and sometimes has a Laissez-Faire attitude when raising him (and only him), which causes tension between her and the girls, and also Kratos.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Back again on my bullshit :3
But Freya preening the wings of a winged reader? I would context if it's romantic or platonic is entirely up to you!!
Camaraderie Amongst Valkyries
[Warnings: Like, none?]
[AN: you guys don't realize how much I love God of War!! Lil tidbit, I worship and work with Freyja. I have uh, admittedly been slacking on my deity work so this is just a love letter to her,,,,,,]
[Reblogs are appreciated!]
The Queen of the Valkyries is surprisingly less formal than you had expected her to be. When Odin had recruited you from your mortal life to be one of the newest Valkyries to grace the gleaming halls of Asgard, you'd been more than honored.
You grew up a young fledgling hearing stories of them just waiting to take flight alongside them. They were the mistresses of war themselves, choosing who would go to Folkvangr or Valhalla - what a privilege! And here you were, chosen by Odin himself, to serve under his queen Freya.
You expected a lady of regal standing who had little time to work alongside those who she ruled over, but instead, you were faced with a goddess of true beauty. She was kind, and caring, witty and oh so sharp, but understood her power above you. She protected her sisters, and now that you were one of them, she protected you.
"Hold still," she chuckles, her voice sweet like honey and smoother than silk. "I know that it's a new sensation but it has to be done! I will not let a Valkyrie show themself with unpreened wings." Her fingers grip the special fish-bone comb, beak shaped for optimal usage, with a certain ease as she glides them through your long feathers.
She's gifted you the wings of a Tawny Eagle, something gorgeous in their own right. You adore them. It was a gift better than your wildest dreams. She had given you something truly beautiful.
"I don't know how you deal with these things," you playfully complain.
Freya laughs softly and shakes her head. "I have had my wings for centuries! You have only had them for a few months. In time, you will grow into them." She gently pats your shoulder as she continues to move the fish-bone comb through the tangled feathers on your back as the scent of the naturally sweet smelling oils they produce spread further across them. "They suit you well."
You smile softly at her maternal love shining through and nod. "If you say so," you reply as you stretch and fan your wings out a bit further for her, making the process just that much easier.
The dark haired goddess chuckles and nods. "I know so."
With a silly grin on your lips, you lean your head back slightly and relax, enjoying how her warm, gentle hands gingerly handle each individual feather. Though it's soft and barely audible, you can hear her humming. It's something old and ancient, whispers like the wind as it twirls between the trees, soft like moss, and smells like the earth after it's rained. Vanir, no doubt, and a sign of her growing love for you.
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Wait wait wait I had an idea!
Modern kratos thoughts
Sindri and Brok own the b&b.
Kratos, Atreus, and mimir move in and pay to stay like they are renting rooms there with kratos job as a bouncer. Since he works late shifts he doesn’t intimidate many guests staying there because they just don’t see him. Mimir and Atreus help with the being personable to guest and the day to day work like checking ppl in. Them helping frees up brok and sindri to work on their side business that they have attached to the b&b. A mechanic garage. Because the boys love to tinker and fix things.
And kratos has a motorcycle he rides when it’s just him, probably back and forth to work, that he lets brok modify and upgrade.
And they have a big wolf dog they brought with them.
And kratos and mimir and them help sindri and brok fight to keep the b&b from Odin .
Oh my god just yes to everything, to all of this.
Also may I add
Freyr being a playboy, he owned a company with his sister but too much pressure caused him to leave and all the responsibilities fell on Freya.
Freya lives in the next town over and she’s forced to stay due to Odin hiding the divorce papers and evidence she needs to take him down.
Thor is the ‘lazy son’ / ‘disappointment’ son while Sif is trying her best to make him stand up to her father.
I wanna write some AU stuff now cause all of these are just golden.
I need more, I am living for these.
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angyvalentine · 1 year
Deimos would be the nerd brother who would hide speakers everywhere in his and Kratos's living room, just to suddently make them play "Can't help falling in love" by Elvis while Kratos and Lysandra are in that room, spending their first Valentine's together.
[And Kratos'd be "I can't destroy anything since this is my home too but where the hell did he hide those damn speakers----"]
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ninjahiccups · 1 year
Hi there! I saw in one of Songbird of Asgard's chapters that you headcanon Heimdall as demi - do you have any other Heimdall headcanons you would like to share with us? Sincerely, a definitely-not-Heimdall-content-starved anon.
I have a few, though I don't want to share some of them just yet since they would give away things that happen in SoA later on.
-Like I said, I hc Heimdall as demi. Gender identity really doesn't matter to him so long as he can tolerate someone and trust them enough to accept them (which is the real hard part lol)
-Heimdall is a little shit, that much we know. I like to think that applies to people he's close to as well, but in a different way. He'll give them sass and do annoying things to them just for the fun of it. Short? He puts things on the top shelf just to watch them go crazy looking for it, then casually reveal that he moved it after they've lost their mind just to watch them blow up. Have a pet peeve? You better believe he's doing the exact thing that pisses them off every chance he gets. Neat freak? He will 100% walk into their space and fuck it up. If they're someone who will push his buttons right back at him for revenge it turns into a never-ending war of pranks and sass and just messing with each other, and he's too prideful not to have the last laugh.
-Speaking of caring, Heimdall is an all or nothing kinda person, so if he cares, he goes all out. He'll be a selfish, snobby prick to everyone else, expecting them to meet his needs and expectations because they aren't worthy of his time and effort. But if someone's earns his trust and becomes important to him, he will do anything for them. There are limits to how far he'll go depending on the circumstances, but he is devoted to the people he values.
-The same can't really be said for animals, unfortunately. Yes, he respects them, but in the end he sees them as tools that can outlive their usefulness, hence his reaction when Gulltoppr dies. T_T Though he could grow to care for an animal as well, but it would take a lot. It boils down to how he perceives external bonds, seeing them as valuable only if they benefit him (we can thank ol' Odin for that) and he has to get very, VERY close to people to let go of that idea be as devoted as I described above.
-I see him as being 6'0, 6'2ish max. I know Kratos is 6'4, and it looks like Heimdall isn't *too* much shorter than him? (This would make Eivor about 5'5 in SoA)
-Based on the God of War: Lore and Legends book, I'm guessing Heimdall is not too much older than Baldur? The book states Odin and Freya were married about 125 years before GoW 2018 and Baldur came along 5 years later. Freya clearly knows Heimdall, and considering she doesn't care for him at all makes me think she never saw him grow up (if she did I honestly think she would cut him some slack since she has a soft spot for children). That would mean Heimdall would have to be an adult by the time Freya came around, making him at least 135ish? BUT he still seems a lot younger than the other gods like Tyr and Thor based on appearance alone, so he can't be too much older. I hc he's 150ish, which is still very young compared to most other gods.
-My mans is touch-starved and you can't convince me otherwise. So force this man into a hug for god's sake, he just can't admit he needs it so someone has to take it into their own hands.
-He appreciates the arts. Literature, architecture, visual art, music, anything like that. He's just very picky about what he likes.
-I subscribe to the idea that his fate would have been different if just one person cared about him. He would have had one reason to trust someone other than Odin, and that could have changed his perspective completely. Odin likely never allowed that to happen specifically to keep Heimdall under his thumb.
-He does drink, but it's more of an Asgardian culture thing than a letting loose thing. He never gets drunk and has no desire to be.
-His favorite color is gold (shocking, I know).
-He had to learn how to control his foresight in his youngest years. It's always warned him about anything that's coming at him, but actually *reacting* to it in an efficient way was something he had to work on. He wouldn't have been able to catch arrows when he was a teenager, just duck out of the way of them. Of course, his mastery over this skill is part of what makes his ego so enormous.
-My dude is an indoors enjoyer. He very much likes neat environments, clean floors, organization. Outdoors is only nice in the short term, but ask this man to go camping? No way, bruh. You'd have to work to get him to sit on the ground, let alone SLEEP on it.
-Between Heimdall's snarkiness and Atreus's smart mouth, I see so much annoying sibling energy between them. If things had been different, Heimdall would have definitely been like a smartass, I'm-better-than-you older brother, and Atrues would have been the flat-out irritating, Nuh-uh-your-face-is-stupid younger brother. I will ride or die with the idea that the god of order and the god of mischief would piss each other off like brothers who beat each other up for fun. I may or may not plan to hint at this is SoA at some point ;)
(Side note, this blog DOES ***NOT*** support Heimtreus shipping. That last headcannon is strictly in a platonic and familial kind of way)
That's all I can think of right now, other than the ones that would give some things away is SoA. I hope you enjoyed that anon!!!
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imma-write-stuff · 1 year
Crossover Headcanons: Dante Reacts to His Adopted Jotnar Kid Reader Helping Nero Fight Vergil With Their Shapeshifting Abilities (Some Vergil)
Author’s Note: I’ve been watching too much DMC and God Of War Playthroughs. I’m planning to play both of them soon I’m excited. This was inspired by Atreus and Angrboda. Love these two so much.
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- I think Dante would’ve laugh his a$$ off watching you and Nero. Seeing you using different animal forms to screw with Vergil or at least distract him.
- Vergil would be like: Wtf?
- But at the same time he would be a bit worried about your safety. However you kept a safe distance and used different ideas to keep his brother on his toes. This would ease Dante a bit.
- After the fight is over and you return to human form to check on Dante. He would let you know he’s proud of you and Nero in his own way.
- I can imagine Vergil wondering what kind of being you are, you were clearly not human but not a demon or a devil. I think Dante would explain to his twin during their thing in the Underworld.
- Vergil is wondering how a Jotnar managed to come to this world and how of all of people you choose Dante to be your adopted dad. Dante reveals what you been through losing your family to Odin. How you managed to escape thanks your bio parents, meeting you and all the jazz.
- Vergil is curious, he read books about Norse Myths in the past. (He’s got questions,)
 - Dante will tease his brother how he try to shoo his kid while you were in bird form. Or you biting his ankles in mouse form. (Why does this image makes me laugh idk lol)
- Vergil: -_-
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cthulhum · 5 months
does anyone realize how crazy it is to have the actor of a mostly headcanoned queer ship say the fans were never crazy and they were right all along after 10+ years of everyone just absolutely going nuts over the said queerbaited ship
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yandere-kokeshi · 9 months
Yandere Headcanons of Kratos
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Warnings: yandere behavior, talks about liking the different sex (male), kidnapping, forced affection, and mention of killing (duh).
A/N: yeah, I started writing this, and now it’s posted; I’d love requests from this man! This is written as the current Kratos (2022). Hope you enjoy <3!
@sakuracream, here it is!
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He’s insanely protective, and just as possessive in the sense that everybody will know you are taken by his menacingly form standing behind you. He acts like a guard dog, always behind you with his resting face, ensuring that nobody disrespects you. But, he’s also caring in his own way. 
It’s a slow burn with him. Kratos isn’t one for simply falling in love with someone, especially with the amount of guilt, shame, and fear he carries each day of his life. He’s lost so many, and doesn’t want to get attached again. Even if he admits it or not, Kratos suffers from abandonment + trust issues. There’s a lack of consistency in his life from as far back as he can remember. So, when first meeting you, it’s harsh.
The meetings of you two are likely between Atreus. You could be a sorcerer they ran into on a late evening, Atreus quickly becoming on good terms with you; begging for you to help him with certain topics, or teaching him things of magick. 
You could be a blacksmith, Sindri making you two meet as his rather permanent weapon needs help. Or, in an infrequent case, an enemy turned into a good ally. Either way, opening up for him isn’t easy. 
Again, it’s a slow burn. He slowly notices how you make him feel — and it irks him. He doesn’t like feeling fear when he loses sight of you, or when you mumble to yourself, he hates feeling jealousy on not being able to hear what you’re saying. It’s difficult for him to analyze his emotions, and with you being near him most of the time, he’s unsure how to approach you, especially if you’re of the different sex. His heart naturally flutters when you talk, his go-to responses of grunts or silence of listening current. Hands sweat when you nudge his shoulder or accidentally bump into him. To you, he’s a tough nut. But underneath all that, he’s analyzing his emotions better; looking at you with love. 
Little by little, it starts with him writing in his journal about you. Descriptions of your characteristics, your likes & dislikes, how you two interact, how close you are to Atreus, and how your habits work; which he describes are quite adorable. This often leads to him stalking you, looking at you when you aren’t paying attention, and reading/and learning your body language like his backhand. It only adds to his adoration towards you, if by chance, you’re a motherly figure to his son. 
With this and interacting with him for a long period of time on a daily basis, Kratos, at some point, lowers his guard — especially if Atreus openly says he trusts you. 
And just like a snap of fingers, he prioritizes you. Actively looking at you when you aren’t around. Asking the others if he’d seen you; quickly shutting the conversation down if Atreus or Mimir ask what’s with him. Small touches are guaranteed, a hand guiding you on your lower back. Fingers ‘accidentally’ nudging to yours when you’re beside each other. Grabbing you by the waist to help you climb on rocks. Or teaching you factors of hunting that he knows you’ll enjoy doing. 
At this point, he’s already attached, far too North. It’s a perfect family, is it not? You aren’t going anywhere without him. He’s fallen for you, quite hard. The rope has snapped, and you’ll be his. 
This said, kidnapping is ensured. It’ll start slow at first, Kratos keeping you a bit longer at home so you can get used to it. He often invites you for supper and dinner; making stew, or having deer. He engages with small talk, admiring you and his son. Slowly but surely, he adds things inside the cabin that he knows you’ll like — shelves of books and poems, more blankets, clothes of your liking, and many items of those hobbies of yours. Atreus adds in too, gifting and creating you things with your thoughts in vain. 
It is, until, one day, you’re permanently kept into the house. Once you try to leave, your smile goes away as you realize he’s blocking your way to the door — ordering you to sit back down. Depending on your reaction, he’s equally stronger than you are, and already has you sitting down, either with his strength or voice. If he needs to, he will chain you; he’s determined on not losing anybody close to him again. 
The mere idea of losing you sends him into a panicked state, to which, he’s forced the option for you to stay here, forever. 
Life in Midgard with Kratos is rather isolated — even though he doesn’t mean to. He loves you, and often fears the worst scenarios, which means everywhere you go, even to see an old-friend, he’s there with a possessive grip. 
Within the stand of home, Kratos tries to make it cozy, and to your liking; adding things to make sure your ‘stay’ is more comfortable. He adds many blankets to the shared bed as needed to keep you warm, even though he’s a lava himself. Every night, he makes delicious food, and often tells you to retire everything to him as he promises to take care of you. 
Affection is hard for him to express — especially with words, so he’s more passionate within his actions. If you two are out in public, he will be touching you one way or another; he has a fear that you’ll leave him, which makes him quite clingy. A hand on your hip, pinky-interlocking-pinky, or if he’s feeling threatened, he puts a hand on your shoulder and pushes you into him. If he’s not directly by your side, rest assured that he will be glaring at anyone who approaches you or even looks at you. 
In private, it’s worse. He’s practically glued to your side, and if you’re sitting down, you better believe he’s scooching you closer to his body, and making you sit in/or between his lap. 
Despite his ‘distant’ and gruff answers, he pays attention to the littlest things and wants to make you happy. Despite his possessiveness, If you mention missing your homeland, Kratos will wake you up early the next morning, take you to fatherland and let you visit for a short period of time; a large hand wrapped around yours the whole time. 
Pass-to-conversation that you need more items for your certain hobby? He’s heading down to the trading posts at the butt-of-dawn, actively looking for what you said, and bringing it home with a grunt of, “Here.”
At some point in the future, he’d love to have a bigger family. The thought of having another kid, possibly a daughter, makes his heart flutter and a small smile widen. Though, if you’re of the different sex/or cannot get pregnant, he’s open to adopting or simply just having you and Atreus.
Masterlist || Reblogs, comments, and likes are very much appreciated!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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mahoganyrust · 2 months
@frosti-moon “Both of them wearing (mostly) historically accurate Norse clothes? I love seeing how different artists design those.”
I may have gone overboard…messy in some places but that’s bc I was impatient to draw the frost idfk-
Here we have Chief Hiccup and Winter Spirit Jack
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Nice throwback to my God of War days for inspo. Hiccup’s a bit of a mix of Kratos/Odin/Tyr while Jack is a mix of Baldur/Freya + Pandora from the old games.
I swear to all that is good, if someone calls him Jokul Frosti one more time I’m gonna rant- Actually fuck it ima rant in advance.
People really like the idea of Jack being “Jokul Frosti”, especially if they are exploring concepts with an old setting where Jack is further back in time. I loved it when I first came across it because duh pretty awesome. And ofc many believe that is where the name “Jack Frost” derived from. It’s cool. However, I have since done enough research to decide this isn’t very accurate.
In Norse mythology the God of wind and voice, Kari, has two sons. Some sources say otherwise and that it’s just one son - Jokul Frosti, but fuck that, my sources are older.
Kari has *two* sons - Jokul AND Frosti. They were two bros. Their names mean Icicle and Frost. Jokul went on to have a bunch of kids who were all very winter themed. It also makes more sense bc (especially in Norse stuff) it’s very odd to come across a mythological figure with two names. Think of all the gods you know, MOST are going by one. Plus it’s weird…like why is his name two things? Icicle Frost? What? Pick one. Brev it don’t make sense. It don’t add up. Most minor Norse gods are having just the one main brand right? (The big dogs like Odin, Freya, Freyr etc etc usually have side hustles tho, but we ain’t talking about them).
So what I think has happened is that somewhere down the line, probably through oral conversation, the two brothers and their names got merged into one person. Then after the merge, Jack Frost came about, hence our predicament.
Like- ya’ll do wut ya want but I personally think the Winter Twins are a better idea for our fan stuff. In my headcanon (and in my fic) they are more like Jack’s wacky adopted-uncle-types that left him their power after they kicked the bucket cos they thought he was a pretty cool mortal. Like Manny brought him back but like- so did they at the same time. Double whammy. Anyways. ✌️thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
i have so many fucking THOUGHTS about the war of eras trio and about Wind being older in the war of eras than he is in lu (and yes yes i know it’s not canon but a man can dream and headcanon okay 😭)
i just have so many thoughts about them meeting out of order. Like Wind at 13/14 meets Time and Wars at [redacted] and 27, but when he’s in the war I headcanon he’s like 17, and he meets a 11/12 yo Mask and a 19ish year old Wars. and he KNOWS them! These are his brothers! They were almost like father figures to him because they were so much older than him when he saw them last! But Mask and Captain Link have never met this kid before in their lives, and he can’t tell them anything without changing the course of their futures. So he has to sit there silently while two people he loves sit just out of reach. He has to look at Wars and NOT see Wars, he has to be a big brother to Mask without thinking about how much he misses Time’s advice and comfort because he could accidentally change their future and his own past with a single fuck up
And Wars and Time first meeting ‘Tune’ before Wind? That definitely hurts for them too. I mean Tune would’ve been an older brother to Mask and now Time is old enough to somewhat reasonably be Wind’s FATHER? That’s definitely fucking weird. And of course they’d miss the kid they knew, and every time they look at Wind they’ll see the hero from the war and see how much Wind will grow up, but they have each other. Wars and Time have each other, and yeah it’s definitely weird that Time is now the older one, but they have each other and they KNOW each other
Wind has no one, because he met them out of order. They’re RIGHT THERE, but he’s still alone, and he doesn’t have someone else to talk to about it
i have so many fucking thoughts and none of this is coherent but i needed to get it out somewhere sorry for inflicting my brain rot upon thee
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kingorqueenofnarnia · 3 months
High King Peter is Magnificent.
They say that his hair is spun from the purest gold from the holy lands of the Emperor Beyond the Sea, that his eyes are a brighter, more potent blue than any sapphire ever mined and polished, that his lips are soft and pink like the first rosebud of True Spring. They whisper of the ribbons and flowers woven into his hair and the delicate golden crown on an equally golden head, of the gentle smiles that curl over his plush lips and the crinkles around his eyes when he laughs loud and joyful.
They talk of his beauty in reverent tones, sing praises and erect shrines to honour him, and they call him Magnificent.
They don't speak of how the roses and ribbons in his hair are the exact colour of spilled blood, dark red like the paint he smears across his eyes when riding to war. They don't speak of how his gaze carries the weight of the Great Ocean— a vast, open, endless sea that swallows everything in its path, ruthless and without mercy. They don't speak of how his lips are bitten and chapped, curved up into smiles that should appear soft but are more a baring of sharp fangs teeth than anything else. They don't speak of his battle cries, loud enough to make the very earth beneath their feet tremble.
They deliberately don't speak of how Beauty is sometimes described as Terrifying, how Angels are feared by all that lay eyes upon them, about how Celestials are the farthest from Human one can get without losing the human form.
Long Live High King Peter the Magnificent, God amongst Mortals.
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angyvalentine · 1 year
☾, ■, ♦, and ൠ? c:
First of all, thanks for asking! <3 Given I spoke about my ModernAU!GoW stuff in the tags, I assume we’re talking about Kratos and Lys xD
Headcanon meme
Basic background infos for the AU: Kratos is a professional MMA fighter, Lysandra works as A.D.A., Deimos is still alive and (somehow) well.
☾ - sleep headcanon
While in winter Lysandra loves to snuggle against Kratos’ side ‘cause the man is basically a furnace – so they mostly sleep in spoon/cradle positions, in summer she doesn’t tolerate the heat. Yet they still want to feel the other one, so they loosely intertwine their fingers (and she blesses the ceiling fan LOL).
After competitions he sleeps… and snores. Like, a lot, it seems like you’re sleeping beside a fr3aking tractor. But Lys has no heart to tell him that, so she goes to sleep on the recliner she has in her home office.
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
While before they both lived in apartments, when they started to live together they chose to buy a detached, single-family home.
The style is pretty essential. Elegant, but nothing too much. No trinkets nor ornaments, beside photos and Lysandra’s succulent plants vases (except in Christmas because Lys has a weakness for Xmas themed stuff LMAO).
Kratos really didn’t care to show them, but Lys has prepared a showcase for his sport trophies and medals.
Part of the basement has been converted into a home gym for Kratos.
Lysandra has a home office for those times when she must work some extra hours on a case.
Kratos painted Calliope’s (nursery first) bedroom and built her crib.
There're big windows in the living room, and toward the backyard
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
When he takes some free time  - quite rarely , to be honest - , Kratos likes to read. Don’t give him fantasy or romantic stuff, but a nice crime novel, historical or sport-themed books? That’s his cup of tea.
If Lysandra has to overwork in her office (YES, she’s quite a Stakhanovite), he reads there with her on her recliner. Ready to take his wifey to bed when she’s almost dying from sleepiness.
If she needs to decompress, Lys likes to swim. While at school she was a quite good archer, but for her swimming is way more relaxing.
ൠ – random headcanon
Lysandra first met Deimos at the physiotherapist studio.
He’s a veteran that got honorably discharged after getting injured in an explosion, where he almost completely lost sight from his left eye and got his “marks” as scars – while Lys was there because she got shot on the shoulder joint during a trial, trying to protect a witness.
At first he thought she was a cold, yet (a hot piece of ass) charming woman, he even told his brother about that.
Then he found out that that “hot piece of ass” was the very same woman that was working to throw Kratos’s ass in jail C:
(they’re close friends now, he sees her like a sister)
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adaines-furious-feast · 5 months
Actually, no, this is more than a tag:
Jace as Porter's Lady MacBeth is my new favourite Starbreaker dynamic
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whackk-kermitt · 5 months
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Dealing w/ Your Gremlin Behavior
Genre: Platonic Headconnons
Warnings: None
Request: What if Y/n was another God, who was basically a little chaotic gremlin; they see you as their child/sibling.
≫ ────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ────── ≪
You give him a headache.
He will not hesitate to tell you to shut up.
You ramble about stupid things so often that sometimes he believes his ears will bleed.
Kratos has to hold you back by the collar when he sees that dangerous glint in your eyes.
The one that lets him know you want to try and make friends with the creature that wants to make you it's dinner.
That one that tells him that you're going to do something stupidly dangerous while claiming that you're helping.
You're not helping. You're just giving him one more thing to worry about.
When I say he's worried, I mean worried.
Atreus has done some dumb things, but you were wild and almost feral sometimes.
He's extra hard on you and even more strict with how he trains you.
Congrats, he'll drag you out for hunting and training more often than Atreus.
He's absolutely terrified that if he takes his eyes off you for even a moment, you'll piss off a troll or a soul eater.
Can't take you anywhere.
But he'd kill for you.
So I guess you can stay.
Just please stop trying to bite everything that's trying to kill you.
Atreus thinks you're hilarious.
Bonus points when Kratos is yelling at you, not him.
But most of the time you've roped him into your shenanigans and he's taking heat too.
Half the time he watches and cheers you on, the other half he's right there with you.
Mostly because things have gone horribly wrong and he's trying to help fix it before Kratos comes along and catches you two.
He can't do much more then tell you off if you to something stupid.
So, that being said, gremlin has free rain.
Until he tells Kratos to be his hands and smack you around some.
Then you better start acting straight, cause Kray don't play.
You are never allowed to carry him.
Never again.
Not after last time!
Sometimes though, its just good fun to watch you be wild.
Makes him miss being young.
And, you know. . . his body.
She has no patience for it.
Behave yourself, at least around her.
When you go gallivanting and come back with scraps or bruises, she'll scold you endlessly while tending to them.
"I'm speechless." While proceeding to talk for hours about how reckless and stupid that was.
She was horrified when she watched you insult a draugr's 'dead mama' while slashing it in half and doing a victory dance over its corpse.
What has she gotten herself into?
Yet despite your feral behavior, she enjoys being motherly again.
She has no problem cleaning you up and making food for you.
She just wishes you'd be more careful.
She's so afraid of overstepping and becoming too protective of you.
But she's not afraid to curse you for a day, a simple binding spell, to keep you in the house when you've gone too far.
You're grounded!
You leave the house all clean and spiffy.
Always returning covered in dirt and mud, leaves on your clothes and in your hair.
He'll always frown and point to the bath he prepares for you when you leave.
You make his eye twitch every time.
You'd just grin and get to it.
Arguments over cleanliness while you're staying with him.
He knows you can't help the trouble you always find yourself in, but he knows you won't avoid it.
He knows you thrive on chaos.
He hates that about you, but he cares too much to let you go off with nowhere to go if something bad happens.
So his door is always open for you.
Even if it means you're dripping blood and dirt on his clean floors.
He just makes you clean it.
He's a gremlin.
So he loves that you are as well.
You two get into so much shit together it's hard to think you're both still alive.
Sindri is over it.
Absolutely not a fan of it.
Don't even start with him.
And for the love of god, stop trying to sneak up and bite him.
It was amusing for a while, but it's getting old.
He always has to hold you back when he see's you're about to do something stupid.
He will absolutely pretend to not have a clue who you are if you get caught doing something you're not supposed to be doing.
Lots of scolding and 'don't do anything I wouldn't do's.
If you were literally anyone else he would've fed you to Gulltoppr by now.
He loves the chaos.
You keep him on his toes and his head on a swivel.
You are a challenge to put up with but damn you're fun!
Nobody makes him laugh quit like you when you're poking the bare.
Please stop. What the actually fuck are you doing?
He actually 'died' jumping in when that dead bear wasn't really dead and decided it didn't like you poking it.
But hey, he's got a new rug and a fun story so yippee!
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NOT PROOF-READ Might come back to this one and fix it up some more. It feels kinda empty right now; I'm off my game.
•Kermitts Masterlist•
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here-comes-the-moose · 4 months
I feel like the other members of the batch (most likely Crosshair and Wrecker) would be acting out and not listening to Hunter, and Hunter would finally lose his shit and hit them with the “just WAIT until your father Echo gets home!”😡
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