#goddess! Y/n
melancholypancakes · 1 year
*Sylvie & Goddess! Y/N teleport together*
Sylvie: Back again, I see.
*Sylvie looks at Goddess! Y/N smugly*
Sylvie: I don't know if you realize this, but every time you reset "time" pun intended.
Sylvie: I'll be pulled back with you waiting to ulter history.
* A very pissed off Goddess! Y/N*
Goddess! Y/N: You know you're really wrecking the timeline!
Sylvie: No, I'm not.
Goddess! Y/N: Yes, you are!
Sylvie: You're just saying that to make me feel bad. So I stop wrecking the timeline.
*Goddess! Y/N eyes widen and twitches in Sylvie stupidity*
Goddess! Y/N: Okay, I have dealt with some dense magical idiots.
Goddess! Y/N: But what exactly is you're purpose if you don't think you’re screwing up time as we know it?!
Sylvie: Ho, I was worried you wouldn't asked me about my tragic backstory.
Goddess! Y/N: I don't need justification of why you're such a piece of crap!
Sylvie: Well, along time ago, when I was very young.
Sylvie: I was kidnap by the TVA after they erased my timeline and been running arcoss the multiverse ever since.
Sylvie: then I meet this handsome male variant of me Loki.
Sylvie: we hated each other, became friends and fell in love until one day we betrayed each other.
*Goddess! Y/N weirded out and disgusted*
Goddess! Y/N: Is that it?
Sylvie: Wait, no I didn't tell it right.
Goddess! Y/N: Did you two not know how to trust each other like normal people and just be...I don't know siblings?
Sylvie: This is gonna sound really weird but let me get it out there.
Goddess! Y/N: Okay, go.
Sylvie: Okay, Loki the male variant of myself betrayed me by not being on my side to kill He who remains that starts a war of Kangs.
Sylvie: Wanted to keep the timeline in order, which which got upset because I was upset that another variant could end up like me being kidnapped from their timeline.
* Goddess! Y/N just tired of bullshit and confused by lore*
*Goddess! Y/N then has an epiphany*
Goddess! Y/N: Wait, did you say Loki?
Sylvie: Yeah, Loki with butt cheeks as round as the moon and just as far out of my grasp.
Goddess! Y/N: Yeah, I went to school with him.
Sylvie: No, you didn't.
Goddess! Y/N: Yeah, I did. He was in my class, he got herpes.
Goddess! Y/N: He was like a solid 7/10 before that.
Sylvie: 7/10?!
Sylvie: But he must've- but what about his-
Goddess! Y/N: This imagination might be....a little out there.
*Sylvie disappointed*
Sylvie: Huh, well there goes my motivation
Goddess! Y/N: Yeah, so anyway. I'm the God of Time.
Goddess! Y/N: And I can keep doing this for eternity.
Goddess! Y/n: But I figure you got...
*Goddess! Y/N calculates*
Goddess! Y/N: Forty years.
Sylvie: Not if I ascend to God hood as well.
Goddess! Y/N: Nah, I'm just keep pulling you back here.
Goddess! Y/N: You know. I can reintroduce you to Loki.
Goddess! Y/N: I mean, he still has herpes but he's taking medicine for it.
*Sylvie re-thinks her life choices*
Sylvie: You know, that's okay I guess I did romanticize a bit.
Sylvie: But we haven't kept in touch so it would be a bit awkward now.
Sylvie: Maybe it's time to let go of Loki and you and I can just be friends!
*Sylvie pleads*
*Pissed off Goddess! Y/N still/annoyed*
Goddess! Y/N: Well, let's review.
Goddess! Y/N: You started a cult, stole my wand, you tried to brainwashed me, you broke into my....tree castle and tried to destroy time itself.
*Sylvie chuckles nervously*
Sylvie: Well, when you put it that way it sounds pretty bad.
Sylvie: But my childhood was stolen from me- well with my lover betraying me and him betraying me and all.
Sylvie: So, I think you can excuse my motivations.
Goddess! Y/N: No, no. I can't let this go.
Goddess! Y/N: Sylvie Lafeydóttir. I princess Y/N, by the power vested in me by Godhood do hereby sentence you to six consecutive life sentences as friends to the Avengers.
*Sylvie is confused what Goddess! Y/N just said*
Sylvie: Huh...
Sylvie: When you put that way it almost sounds like some kind of punishment.
Goddess! Y/N: Yeah. Wednesday is Monopoly night.
Goddess! Y/N: I suggest you bring a lot of scotch and a garbage bag.
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sytoran · 1 year
𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄 | 𝐠𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐬!𝐧𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐭.𝟑
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you and natasha were star-crossed lovers, separated by galaxies and timelines. like any other shakesperean tragedy, you and natasha's tale comes to an end... or does it?
pairing: goddess!natasha x dom!fem!reader (G!P)
note: this is the 3rd installment to the goddess!nat universe! please read the other parts first if you haven't already. this part contains major angst and smut. i have spent ungodly hours on this chapter.
word count: 4.5k (i am impressed with myself)
series m.list | main m.list | join the taglist | AO3
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No one escapes the consequences of their actions. Not even the Goddess of Lust, who had formed romantic relationships with a mortal. SHIELD’s decision to forbid the two of you from ever seeing each other again tears apart all the ‘what-ifs’ of a bright future.
Natasha doesn’t know how many hours she’s been crying in the bathtub.
After the finality of SHIELD’s crushing decision had truly weighed itself upon Natasha’s burdened shoulders, the mere thought of what she would have to do to you shook her to the bone.
Which is why she crashed at her sister’s place: to cry her problems away in a bathtub made of priceless gold, alongside a fine bottle of Pinot Grigio.
“Jesus, Nat, you’re gonna die of hypothermia if you stay in there a second longer.” Yelena says, kicking open the bathroom door with a tray of smoked salmon appetizers in hand.
“Take one,” Yelena says absentmindedly, sitting herself on the edge of the bathtub next to Natasha’s partially-submerged form. “Food helps with everything.”
Natasha doesn’t respond, only looking up at her sister through glassy eyes. Empty eyes. She felt raw and numb at the same time, but the contrasting emotions were merely child’s play in comparison to the storm that raged within her weary mind.
Yelena looks at her unamusedly, before folding her arms. “Talk to me,” she stated firmly, and it wasn’t a request.  The blonde sister was the Goddess of War, after all, she could be as intimidating and ruthless as she wanted to be.
Hot-headed at times, sure, but so paradoxically calculative and strategic at other times Natasha felt like she could get whiplash. Despite all of the finicky situations the older sister had found herself drowning in, Yelena was always there for her, fiercely protective with a passion like no other.
This was no different, with Yelena being the hand to pull her out of the water. Physically and metaphorically. 
Natasha inhaled shakily, then exhaled and felt a whole lot worse than before. Impulsively, she snatched one of the smoked salmon appetizers off the plate and stuffed it in her mouth, feeling her eyes well up as she does so.
“Damn, this human fucked you up this bad?” The blonde said quizically, with an air of sarcastic wit on the surface but a layer of genuine concern underneath only Natasha would be able to decipher. 
"... I've fallen in love with her." The Goddess says softly, faraway, like she was floating with the wind and time itself. Detached from reality, or perhaps running away from it.
Yelena stayed silent. For once, the Goddess of War was at a loss. 
“I’ve fallen in love with her,” Natasha says again, with slightly more conviction. She looks to her blonde sister, and Yelena’s heart nearly shatters at the sight of the sheer hurt on Natasha’s face. So broken, so agonized, everything that she did not deserve to be.
“But that doesn’t even matter, alright? She gave me her heart, Lena, and I’m going to have to break it. I’m gonna break so many– Fuck, I’m gonna have to break every single promise I’ve ever made to her, like she’s some kind of toy.” Natasha chokes out. “And I don’t, I fucking don’t– understand why it was us, why I lead her on and why I let it happen. I’m fucking stupid, and now it’s blown up in my face. Maybe I deserve it. Maybe I-”
“You’ve never deserved it,” Yelena interrupts, placing a hand over her sisters’. Is that how you’re supposed to comfort someone? Yelena doesn’t know. Anyways, she’s trying. “Nat, I know you’re the Goddess of Lust, and your reputation precedes you, but, you, of all people, deserve love.”
You deserve love… what a fucking lie that was.
“Don’t try that on me,” Natasha snaps, her walls snapping back up in record timing. Her self-destructive defence builds like armour, and soon she’s standing up. 
“I’ve done some fucked up shit in the past, and I’m very aware of it. I thought I’d moved past it, but now those demons have caught up to me, and I can’t do jackshit but watch the love of my life slip away from my fingers. I don’t deserve love, it just happened to find me and I played along because I thought it could last.”
Natasha’s chest heaves at the impact of the outburst. She stares at Yelena, who remains painfully impassive. Arms folded, jaw working on the stupid fucking smoked salmon.
Fuck, she wanted to hurt someone. Make them feel her pain. Let it consume them like it’s consuming her, let it choke them and–
“Is that what you really think, Nat? That you were simply playing a game with Y/N L/N? Because I assure you, I haven’t seen much but I know damn well that those two months with her pure, unfiltered, undying, devotion.”
Yelena’s words puncture a hole into her conscience, injecting venom with it. Each syllable, each emphasis, cuts her. Because Natasha knows that it’s true, but she can’t accept it or she’ll never be able to let you go.
So all she does is give Yelena the best death stare she can muster, and stalk out of her bathroom like her clothes aren’t dripping with bubbly water. (Yes, she had gone into the bathtub with all her clothes on. Depression waited for no man, or Goddess.)
She shakes her head, forcing the stray thoughts to dissipate, and fixes up her appearance with wordless magic.
My palace. Natasha visualizes the place, closing her eyes, and when she opens them again, she’s standing right outside the door.
Apprehensively, she puts her hand on the handle to the huge, sparkling door. You would be waiting on the other side, waiting for Natasha to come home. 
Waiting for Natasha to break your heart.
She pushes the door open before she can cower and hide, before she can run away and curse every sentient being in existence. 
It was time for her mortal demise.
It was time for Natasha to see the fruits of your hard work.
You wipe the sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand, huffing heavily but proud nonetheless. You step back to admire the absolute feast you had prepared for your girlfriend.
The fancy dining table was adorned with a checkered tablecloth and ornate with all kinds of things, expensive plates and cutlery already set up, just for two.
It was no secret that Natasha loved your home-cooked meals, despite being able to eat whatever she wanted, as a Goddess with a private chef. She had sworn you put something magical into your food.
You’ll never forget the moan she let out the first time she ate your perfected medium-rare New York Strip.
Which is exactly why you’ve spent over an hour cooking up a banquet of all kinds of food for the Goddess, an array of cuisines from all around the world. As much as you loved the hot sex you had with Natasha, you were an absolute sucker for the domesticity of life with her, how simple and perfect it was.
As if on cue, you hear the front door open, which was not too far away from the dining hall. 
Your heart physically leaps, unbridled excitement adorning your features. Natasha had taken longer than she normally would, and you could barely contain the anticipation thrumming in your bones.
That is, until you see Natasha standing in the hallway defeatedly, shoulders sagged and eyes lowered. Like all the life had been sapped out of her.
Fuck, you had never seen her like this. Natasha was the embodiment of undying energy, always with a smile on her face, or her expression schooled into composure, or her eyes fluttering in a state of lust. Not like this. 
Never like this.
“Darling?” you ask, hushed. You take one step towards her, tentatively. The head of red hair looks up to you, and Natasha’s biting her lip like she’s stopping the words from falling out of her mouth, like she’ll start crying if you say one word more.
“I-” Natasha tries, her voice hoarse and choked. The rest of her sentence dies in her throat, as she shakes her head and strides past you quickly, like she can’t burn any longer under your gaze.
Your hand drops in complete loss as Natasha simply walks past you, shoulders brushing like a ghost of what used to be warm hugs and sweet kisses. You chase after her before you know it, yelling her name as the Goddess speeds up.
Natasha blinks back tears furiously, striding through the dining hall as the servants scatter like mice. She hardly registers the feast prepared on the ornate table, vision blurring with each desperate cry of her name you let out.
“Natasha? What’s the matter? Talk to me, please!” 
You sprint faster, dodging your way through the hallways and up the wide set of stairs. The Goddess is within arm’s reach, now, and you extend your arm to grab onto hers, so you can spin her around and ask what on earth is going–
And the Goddess simply teleports away at the last second, the fleeting touch of her warm skin dissipating into thin air.
“Fuck!” you yell, eyes darting in frustration. Why was Natasha acting like this? Had you done something? Forget her birthday? No, that was December 3rd. Forget the anniversary of your first meeting? Nope, that was January 24th. What on earth had you done? Or had she done something? You–
No, okay, calm down. Slow down. The rational voice in your head speaks up. Where would Natasha have gone? What was a significant place she would escape to, in times of distress?
After a moment of contemplation, you find your answer, and sooner than later you’re sprinting up the long flight of spiral staircases to the Astronomy Tower. 
Natasha’s thankful for the dome-shaped glass ceiling the tower has, doing what it can to block out the cold. The sky is absolutely breathtaking, a heart-wrenching contrast to her inner turmoil.
It’s a dark blue and a soft pink, with millions of little bright planets splashing across the canvas like silver sequins. The view of the galaxy from the land of the Gods had always been the greatest, after all. 
The Goddess stands, unmoving and breathing lightly. She doesn’t feel the least bit better, but at least she’s calmed down in the slightest.
She’s bought some time by teleporting up here. Her hands were clammy, but no matter how many times she wipes them down on her dress it doesn’t change a thing. She can’t change a thing, not for anything, not for you.
“Natasha?” you ask, weakly, heaving at having sprinted up so many flights of stairs. 
At the sight of you, the Goddess feels the tears spring back into her eyes again. Stupid. She wants to say sorry. Stroke your face and kiss your lips, maybe. Well, not maybe, because she can’t. Because it’s the last– nope, she can’t say it.
“Nat, can you….. fuck, I need to work out more. Can you tell me what’s going on, please? I made- I made a New York Strip, if you’re hungry–”
The Goddess walks up to you, cradling the side of your face in her hands. Oh, fuck it. Tender, sweet, delicate. You’ve never seen her face like this before, so soft yet so broken.
You’re cut off when Natasha leans into your space, eyelids fluttering shut. And for once, this wasn’t preordained or predetermined. You didn’t have to calculate the next move. You didn’t have to fix a destiny. 
Natasha’s lips meet yours in a grand, cruel, beautiful, broken kiss.
It feels so right, tongues interlocking like cogs on a machine, quavering breaths escaping from the sides of her mouth. You let her in, you drink her up. All other thoughts shut down.
Natasha kisses you with a hyena’s jaw, swearing she could never get enough, never satiate her desires for you, even if everything else is wrong. You’re stealing her every breath, every kiss, every sigh — she needed more.
She slides her hand down your torso, hands already finding the hem of your pants. But then you push her away – for the first time, for that last time – you push her away, and step back, and your head is spinning.
“I deserve to know,” you breathe heavily, and Natasha’s heart cracks. “You’re scaring me, Nat, okay? First you brush past me all soulless, and then you make me chase after you, and then you kiss me so- so sadly, and now you wanna fuck? It doesn’t make sense, not at all. I wanna know, I deserve to know, I–”
“You deserve everything,” Natasha interrupts, eyes transfixed on you now, and they look kaleidoscopic, just like the galaxy that hung above your heads. “You deserve everything, but I can’t give you what you need, and that’s why this is the last time we’re ever seeing each other again.”
Silence ensues.
You take a good moment to actually mentally digest what Natasha had just said. “...What?” 
“This is the last time we’re ever seeing each other again,” she repeats, firmer. You let out a bark of laughter in disbelief, half-joking, but Natasha’ stony face makes your face drop.
“Are you… breaking up with me?” you whisper, scared to say it loud, like doing so would make it less true. Natasha feels her heart clench, and her hands shake because you’ve never sounded so small, so vulnerable.
“No, I’m not– I had to, Y/N, darling,” Natasha says, trying to reason, clasping your hands in hers, shaking her head desparately, like it would stop her eyes from welling up. “I’m a Goddess, and you’re a mortal. I love you, please. But we can’t do this, we can’t-”
“Is it me?” you ask, softly, troubled. Eyes locking Natasha’s magnificent green eyes, one’s that you’ve fallen in love with a thousand times. Ones that you were still in love with.
“No,” Natasha says immediately, her knuckles whitening. “It’s not you. Definitely not.”
“Then who is it?” you follow up, eyes narrowing, head tilted. “Who’s the one tearing us apart?”
It was them, Natasha wants to scream out, until her lungs burned and her chest heaved and she ran out of tears. You’re the best fucking thing that’s happened in my life, and I’m a damned fool if I ever let you go, but this isn’t in my hands anymore. She wanted to curse the higher beings for centuries, taint their names with bitter words, but she couldn’t get the words out of her mouth.
You grow more hopeless as the silence stretches on. 
No, you’re the villain. Natasha’s voice says in her head. This was what had come to bite her back, this was her karma. You’re paying for everything you’ve ever done wrong, for all the hearts you’ve broken and never mended. It’s your turn to face the music, your turn to go through suffering. What a shame, isn’t it? That she’s the one who’s so hurt because of you. Y/N L/N. Only person to blame is yourself.
…Only person to blame is yourself.
“It’s me,” Natasha finally says, a shell of a woman who once was, and the Goddess swears she hears your heart smash into smithereens, the glass pieces against the floor you trod on.
“No, what are you saying, Nat?” you ask, confused, tearing up, visibly shaking. “You’re- we’re together. We’re doing good. We’re doing so fucking good, please don’t–”
“I’m the Goddess of Lust, and you’re an attorney from earth. We were never gonna work out. I wasn’t made to have long-lasting, committed relationships. Just… lustful nights,” the falsehood of the words that fell out of Natasha’s mouth wasn’t her own. It tasted bitter on her tongue, but it was like medicine and it was the right thing to do.
You needed a villain. Someone to hate. Someone to blame it all on.
And Natasha happened to be a very good one.
“We were a time-ticking bomb, Y/N, separated by galaxies you could never even fathom.” she continues. “We were never meant to be. I realise how wrong I am for this, because it was never real–”
“It was real to me!” You yell out, voice cracking, tears in your eyes. 
Natasha is stunned by the sheer volume of your words, so ferocious and so determined and fuck, she was pathetic. “It was fucking real to me, alright? It was the realest thing I’ve ever had in my entire life. It was so fucking real, Nat, so you don’t get to just pretend you never fell in love!”
“Love?” Natasha asks, letting out an amused huff of disbelief. “Love doesn’t exist, not in my world, Y/N L/N. It had to end at some point, you know that. You have your responsibilities, I have mine. We’re over, alright?”
You stand there, feet rooted on the ground, face fallen and ashen and grey. This was a dream. This was a dream, and you’d wake up next to the real Natasha later, the one with sweet smiles and peanut butter cookies, and everything would be alright.
“I’ve said what I had to say,” the Goddess says, and she has to regulate her breathing so she won’t choke on her words and swallow them back. She had to escape before she fell to her knees and begged you for forgiveness. “I’m leaving, now.”
She turns, and you grab her arm. “You’re staying.” you state, non-negotiable. A commanding tone. One that Natasha had grown to love.
This time, she scoffs, wrenching herself out of your grasp. “Fucking make me, then.”
Just like that, a lever between the two of you was flicked, and the sexual tension you’d been trying to avoid since just now is nearly suffocating.
“We’re not gonna do this right now,” You growl, looking up at the ceiling with a clenched jaw. Teetering on the edge of precipice was your raging impulse, to either punch a hole in the wall or shove your hand up Natasha’s skimpy dress.
The Goddess tilts her head up in defiance, looking at you daringly in the eyes. Your eyes narrow, taking it as a challenge. God, she looked so fucking bratty like that, and it didn’t help that she was still wearing a stupidly skimpy dress and that her pink lip gloss made that mouth so damn kissable.
“No? Then I’m leaving,” Natasha says abruptly, her tone of voice unyielding and domineering. She uncrosses her arms and turns on her heel, her hand going to the door of the tower. 
The rhythmic clicking of her strappy high heels against the tiling of the ground ticks your brain like a metronome. You stand there with your arms folded, her long legs in the field of vision of narrowed eyes. 
Click, click, click–
And then she’s being spun around and slammed against the back of the door with an unruly force.
“The only time someone ever turns their back on me, when I’m talking, is when they’re bendin’ over,” you growl into Natasha’s skin, each pause in your sentence filled with a harsh bite to her porcelain skin. Her gasp-turned-moan is heaven to your ears. 
Natasha struggles for a moment, hand still grasping for the doorknob. “Fuck,” she cries, but she feels the gyration of your roughly-shoved thigh up her dress and she nearly loses it. You wrap a hand around her neck, letting her give up her power, and you do what you’ve done a thousand times before.
Except this was the last time.
You don’t bother to take off her garments as you hike up the bottom of her dress and push your front against her. “Fuck,” Natasha moans, feeling your rock-hard bulge against her panties. She tries to grind against it, tries to alleviate the growing tension, but you do nothing more than rut against her until she’s fucking soaking.
“I don’t think so,” you growl, hands going to her ass as you push her up against the wall. Your mouth latches on to whatever slivers of bare skin you can find, on her neck and her collarbone and her upper cleavage.
You suck hard on her porcelain skin, leaving marks like you could claim her. Like this wouldn’t be the last time. “Please,” Natasha begs, indescribably aroused, her panties completely soaked through. You had never been this unforgiving.”Need you, please.”
“Yeah, that wasn’t what you were saying just now, hmm?” You ask, harshly, slapping the side of her thigh just because you can. You pin her against the wall with your knees and your left hand, using the other to unbuckle your own pants. 
She tries to reach out to help you, but you slap her hand away. “Don’t fucking touch me,” you say coldly, and Natasha wants to cry but she knows she brought it upon herself.
It takes you more time on your own, but you get the job done and the sight of your cock, the one Natasha took the first day she met you, it makes her cunt grow a heartbeat and she’s a fucking mess against the wall.
“Now you need me so bad?” You taunt, rubbing the tip of it against the slit of her pussy. “Don’t have any more words to say?” God, she’s absolutely drenched, and you think you’re gonna die if you don’t go inside her in the next five seconds.
This was probably the worst way to communicate, but, fuck, the two of you were bad at talking and you couldn’t resist the divine goddess that was Natasha, no matter how badly she had hurt you.
You nearly cum the second you enter the Goddess. Her velvet walls cling tight to you, so warm, too fucking warm. Natasha’s babbling something you don’t understand, but you can’t wait any longer.
“Oh, fuck!” she moans, as you slide your cock into her wet cunt with ease.
Your bodies move together with every thrust, Natasha’s legs wrapped tight around your torso as you thrust into her against the door. It’s hard, and fast, and rough, and nothing tender like your Saturday mornings.
She clings to your back, head thrown back, moans and cries bouncing off the sides of the wall. The door is shaking, like it might crack from the sheer weight of your thrusts into her.
You grunt at the inconvenience of that prospect, instead opting to walk the two of you back to a desk in the corner. Natasha gasps, whimpering into your neck as you walk across the floor with your cock still deep inside her pussy. It’s too sensitive, so sensitive everywhere.
You bend her over the desk, pulling away then lining yourself up again. 
You’re about to make her beg, before the irrational, carnal side of your mind takes over, and you’re pounding into her pretty little cunt mercilessly. Grunting and groaning as lodge your cock in deeper with each harder thrust, as her moans delve into a symphonic crescendo of screams of your name.
She’s thrashing around, so warm and so wet and so overstimulated all over, but you don’t let up for a moment. You only grip her thighs harder and make her hear how wet she is, before Natasha’s eyes are rolling into the back of her head and there’s drool at the sides of her mouth.
“Pretty slut,” you grunt, pulling out to slap at her puffy clit before she’s squirting, white cream going all over the mattress. “Daddy,” Natasha moans pornographically, visibly shuddering at your degradation. She might like it, a little too much.
The title that had fallen from her lips elicits a groan of acknowledgement out of you, but simultaneously brings back the bittersweet flashbacks of your time spent with her.
This was the last time.
After she’s come down from her high and you’ve hit your climax, you spread her legs and lean down to get a good taste.
"Oh! Daddy - ungh - please," she begs, as your tongue meets her overstimulated cunt. Natasha hadn't even recovered from her previous orgasm, still bent over the desk and panting like she was in heat.
You lap greedily at her wet cunt from behind, and the sheer novelty of how many times you’ve done this truly hits you. How many hours you’ve spent exploring Natasha’s body. How many days you’ve spent worshipping.
All for it to succumb to this.
It’s only after another few orgasms that the weight of ‘the last time’ hits you. Both of you have ended up on the floor, completely naked, heaving heavily to regain oxygen.
“I loved you,” you whisper, hovering above Natasha, and the use of the past tense makes chips away at Natasha’s heart. It’s only then does she realise that there are tears on her cheeks, because you’re crying.
“You deserve someone better,” is the only thing the Goddess says, a ghost of her whisper on your lips. 
“You've ruined me for anyone else,” you say, face devoid of the passion there once was. “You loved me so tenderly I won't be able to have another, had such good sex I can't sleep with anyone else.”
Natasha doesn’t respond to that. She can’t respond to that. There were too many unsaid words, broken promises, a future yet to be.
Both of you look up at the pink-blue sky, bare backs on an astronomy tower, bound by love and unbound by timelines and galaxies. It was brokenly beautiful, undeniably so. 
You only wish everything could’ve been different.
You wake up the next day in an unfamiliar bedroom. The room was far too small, the walls were too grey, the air was too cold, and fuck.
No, no, no, fuck. This was not happening.
Realisation slams into your exhausted body like a two-hundred kilogram sledgehammer, and you're winded by the weight of the impact.
This wasn't Natasha's home. This wasn't her fancy palace. 
This wasn't the Goddess' universe.
Air crushes your lungs. Your heart pounds in your chest.
This was your bedroom. This was your universe. The one you had spent all your days in, before you met the love of your life. 
At least, who you so stupidly believed to be the love of your life.
You get up with a start, the ache in your bones forgotten with the sheer emotions coursing through your veins, terror and disbelief and anger.
Your mind swims as you grab at anything you can, overturning furniture and messing up papers to find anything, anything, that could explain why this had happened.
Deep inside your chest, you had already known. Even if you managed to fool yourself. Even if you’d dreamt up a whole future of your life with her.
With a shuddering breath, your eyes fall to an envelope on your bedside table. You open it with trembling hands, almost fearful of what lay beyond.
In the envelope, contained a signed check with so many zeroes you could live luxuriously for the rest of days. 
In the envelope, contained a note with five fated words and the name of the one that got away.
All you're left with is a broken promise, an agonized cry, and the ghost of what could've been. 
To every universe and back,
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series m.list | main m.list | AO3
4.5k words my eyes are not okay i've been staring my screen and typing for two hours straight, look what i'm going thru for yall
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multi-fandom-imagine · 6 months
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A/n: YES!
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Werewolf!Mizu whose fur is a deep chocolate brown, she easily blends into the night. The only thing that stand's out are her blue eyes.
Werewolf!Mizu whose strength compares to non, that if any harm comes to you she will slaughter anyone in her path to save you.
Werewolf!Mizu who love's to cuddle with you when she is shifted but will deny it if anyone confront's her about it.
Werewolf!Mizu when she is going through heat clings to you, whimpers and beg's and when you submit she make's your toe's curl in pleasure.
Werewolf!Mizu who finally found love with you,with you she doesn't feel like a monster.
Werewolf!Mizu who will mark you, leave nips and small little bite marks over your body making sure everyone knows that you're taken.
Vampire!Mizu who is paler than the moonlight, her blue eye's gleaming as she watches you from the shadow's
Vampire!Mizu whose fang's are sharper than any blade known to man.
Vampire!Mizu who know's how to control herself, she's been doing it for years yet when she meet's you for the first time she nearly faltered due to how good your blood smelt.
Vampire!Mizu who was scared to kiss you for the first time, scared to make love to you. She was often thinks she is a monster and yet you don't. You love her for who she is.
Vampire!Mizu who love's the taste of your blood, the way you smile or how your eyes light up whenever you see her at night.
Vampire!Mizu who will turn you if you ask without a second thought, you will alway's be by her side.
Vampire!Mizu who will travel the world for you, you two living for centuries and when you finally go back home, when you both are tired you give her one last smile, she gives you one last kiss as you both vanish in the sun.
Goddess!Mizu who first came to you, answering your prayers. You were cute for a human, small...you never left her mind.
Goddess!Mizu whose eyes remind you of the blue sky's or the lakes you love so much.
Goddess!Mizu that will destroy cities or towns for you.
Goddess!Mizu, she a garden just for you, will put the stars in the sky just for you.
Goddess!Mizu for the first time feel's loved and when you die it nearly causes a destruction of a town due to her anger.
Goddess!Mizu who resurrects you, she does not fear what might happen as long as you are by her side.
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peoplesgraves · 1 year
Good For Her
Yandere God/dess X Reader
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Growing up you’d heard stories of the god who lived near your land. You’d heard he was cruel and wicked but that if a village managed to gain his favor he would bring them unimaginable wealth and prosperity for a year.
So every year your village would hold a festival and would give countless gifts to the god, would sing his praises and pray to depictions of him. But each year the gifts were rejected and the festival was ignored. The god didn’t take jewels or gold. Wouldn’t take crops or live stock. Finally the village was brought to its last resort. A human sacrifice.
You’re ripped from your bed in the middle of the night. Dressed in fine clothes and beautiful jewelry. Tied to a chair while you cry and your people chant and dance around you. They praise your sacrifice and hope that you’ll be their savior. The next night your left all alone near the very edge of the village. The perfect place to be taken by the god.
You cry and scream for your people to reconsider, to save you but no one comes. At least no one from your village. You vaguely see a strange shadow move in the trees before you almost like it had its own personal light source. A figure follows the shadow ever so slowly. You shut your eyes and prepare for the worst.
“Poor thing.” The voice falls over you like honey. It’s deep and a little scratchy but obviously feminine. You open your eyes just enough to see the supposed god. She’s beautiful. Barely human but ethereal all the same.
One of four hands moves to wipe the tears away from your cheeks all while looking at you with such kindness and such sad warmth. Like your very soul was reflected by her large pure black eyes. “You don’t have to cry ever again. Forget these vile people and focus only on me.”
she buries your face in her chest and begins to hum quietly. You can’t see what happens next but you know it’s carnage. The screaming of your people and the smell of death fill your senses and the goddess squeezes you a little tighter against her.
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idksmtms · 25 days
You Are Not One Of Us (Poseidon x Norse Goddess!reader) - Part 6
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Full Request P2
AN: GUYS! Firstly, I’m back!!! Here’s a surprise update!! Secondly, omfgggg I found new pictures of Toby Stephens so you KNOW I had to make a new header to incorporate them. That man is the inspiration for this series so it is a MUST. 
The beginning is a bit of a filler to kind of answer some side questions about how things are changed between this world and the original Percy Jackson world and what I’m keeping the same 
Most of the action is at the end so pls stick through it because it starts to get intense. 
Also, they don’t call him Percy at first but like it works with the story and ideas have for later so idk, deal with it 
+ my summaries are just getting worse and worse I’m so sorry 
Summary: Time is running out. Sally and Poseidon meet, but there is still a big decision to make. 
Word count: 6.8k 
Trigger Warnings: she/her pronouns, AFAB reader, profanity, innuendo, age gap (even tho they are both thousands of years old), non-explicit depictions of giving birth, giving your child away, (please let me know if I missed any) 
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians characters. I do not claim to own any of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians characters. I do not own any pictures used nor do I claim to do so. 
Always appreciate comments, likes, and reblogs :)
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You met Sally on the beach at midnight. Poseidon had agreed to meet her but the true test was getting her to walk deep enough to submerge her head. You had spent an hour trying to tell her that everything would be alright, that both of you would be able to breathe under Poseidon’s protection, but you could see that she was still sceptical. You grabbed her hand and began toward the water. At this time of night it was at a slow crawl up the beach, and you looked forward to dipping your feet into it. You felt a shiver pass through her but you just held onto her hand tighter and continued dragging her into the water. Both of you walked until you were waist deep in the water. 
“Everything alright?” You asked, but Sally just nodded. You could tell her mind was running, it was difficult for mortals to take in the knowledge of the gods, but you just continued until you were shoulder-deep, the taller waves washing over your face and hair. When you could no longer feel the sand under your feet, you submerged yourself entirely and let out a deep breath to sink to the floor. It took her a moment, but Sally followed suit and you watched the shock register on her face when she took a breath in and inhaled nothing but air. 
“See? I told you,” you replied jokingly, and she just laughed, swimming around, walking on the surface, enjoying herself to her heart’s content. You watched on with a smile, almost like a proud parent, when you felt a presence behind your shoulder. Arms wrapped around you and a soft beard pressed to your cheek. You felt instantly warm, and you turned around and pressed your mouth to his. He chuckled against your lips, kissing you again and again before your laughter could no longer keep your mouths together. 
“Hello, my love,” you whispered, caressing his cheek. There was something so jovial in the air, as if you were all filled with hope and happiness and everything was just… right. He pressed his forehead to yours and reached down to caress your stomach. You always marvelled at how large his hand was, but soon your stomach would be its rival!
You turned around and found Sally standing a few paces away, smiling simply like a friend who was happy to see their friend happy. It felt so… nice, that for a moment tears came to your eyes. In Asgard, in Valhalla, you had Loki as your only close friend. Even with that friendship, there had always been something behind it. You were friends simply because both of you were gods, you were friends simply because both of you happened to live among the Aesir together, that there were no better options for friendship. While you still loved Loki, and a good friendship had bloomed from those circumstances, knowing that you had a friend because both of you chose to be friends, was something entirely different. 
“My love,” you held onto his hand and moved him closer to where Sally stood, “meet Sally Jackson,” you introduced, the bright smile on your face bordering on artificial with how nervous you now were. 
“Nice to meet you, uh, sir?” She tilted her head and both you and Poseidon laughed. He shook his head though his shoulders eased down slightly. 
“Poseidon is fine, it is nice to meet you Sally,” he reached out his hand and she shook it gingerly. You were sure she could feel his power through that simple handshake. Physical contact for a human with a god could be overwhelming if the god willed it. You beamed proudly at both of them, but especially at your husband for deigning to be so kind as to offer a mortal this much respect. “My wife has told me much about you.” Your stomach turned over and over each time he called you his wife, as if everything in the world settled into its rightful place for a moment. 
“All good things, I promise, Sally,” you added with a cheeky smile, but she just laughed, digging her toes into the sand. 
“I’m an innocent person, what bad things could there possibly be to tell?” She joked, but you just raised an eyebrow at her as you remembered one night from a few weeks ago when she was laying on your couch after having a bottle of pink wine all to herself, kicking her feet in the air like a child and giggling about the male anatomy. 
“Mhm, ok,” you muttered, but a small laugh still managed to huff out of you and you pressed your cheek to Poseidon’s arm. He pulled you close right after, almost encasing you entirely in his arms so your head peaked out just over his biceps and his chin rested on top of your head. 
“So, you’re like the god of all this, huh?” Sally asked, looking at Poseidon with raised eyebrows. “So if you’re real, does that mean Zeus and Hades exist?” Poseidon cleared his throat and nodded, a little frown creasing his eyebrows just slightly. 
“My brothers do indeed exist as well, one is currently throwing a rather useless feast for the gods on Mount Olympus so he can force his cupbearer to prostrate the new chalice Hephaestus has made for him, while the other chooses to ignore the invitation to play fetch with Cerberus over the fields of Elysium. I’m sure you can guess which is which,” he sighed tiredly, but you giggled into his arm. 
You never tired of hearing his stories of Mount Olympus, of the ways in which his brothers had not changed one bit and how your previous friends were doing now. You had been angry with all of them once, seethed with rage at even the thought of Ares or Zeus, but after an eon you’ve slowly let go of your anger. You can understand why you were the target of their suspicions, if it had happened in Valhalla, surely any of the Greek Gods would be the first suspect if they had been visiting. You only wished your father and Zeus could come to terms with their own anger and release this hellish bond they had placed on you and Poseidon. Too much time had been wasted on such petty nonsense, especially since the lightning bolt had been found so soon after. Whoever had stolen it, surely had not been serious in their thievery to leave it to be so easily found. And whoever it was, because the mystery had continued for these last millenia, had done nothing of the sort again, so what did it matter now? 
“I would say to give them my well wishes but… you know,” you shrugged, and while Poseidon’s frown deepened, you only smiled and chuckled lightheartedly, moving your hand up to rub at the wrinkles on his brow until his face relaxed again. While you had begun to joke about your situation, he still was not ready to release his anger. 
“I cannot stay long. It is already criminal for me to have been away from the feast this long without at least sending a gift in apology and I cannot possibly sacrifice another dolphin for Zeus’s new aquarium project on Olympus.” He sighed again, rubbing his forehead and you reached up and kissed him gently, a short but important distraction. You could feel the tension in his muscles, the worry that he seemed to carry everywhere with him, but you just pressed a kiss to his cheek and gently began rubbing his shoulders and arms. 
Poseidon turned away from you and looked at Sally with a warm smile, as if a thank you for the moment she quietly allowed the both of you, and he pulled something out of thin air and held out to her. 
“If you are ever in trouble, or require a godly hand, flip this coin into some water, and you shall receive whatever it is you wish for,” he dropped the coin into the palm of her hand and she gawped at it like one of the fish that swam past her. 
You smiled warmly up at your husband as she examined the drachma. You caressed his bearded cheek and pressed onto the tips of your toes to guide your foreheads together. He smiled, though you felt it more than saw it, and he shifted to press a kiss to the tip of your nose. 
“I already miss you,” you whispered, and he huffed a chuckle but did not refute your statement. 
“Every moment away from you is one moment spent in the body of Prometheus,” he sighed, and you almost teared up, cupping his cheek and pressing your mouth to his firmly. He kissed you with a sort of reckless abandon that he lacked everywhere else in his life, and you took joy in being able to turn this poised god into a rushed mess. 
Sally cleared her throat behind the two of you, a blush on her face as she thought about how far the both of you were willing to take this makeout session with another person present, but you just began giggling against his lips and he put you down. 
“Goodbye, my love,” he whispered to you, stealing another peck before stepping away. “And goodbye to you, Sally Jackson, I hope you learnt whatever it is you wanted to know.” Then in his place was a flurry of bubbles and your husband was nowhere to be found. 
You smiled at the sand underneath you sadly for a moment, wishing his arms were back around you, before taking a deep breath in and going over to Sally who was staring down at the drachma in her hand. 
“Are you ready to go?” You asked softly, gently touching her elbow. She looked up at you and nodded, but she wasn’t smiling. Her eyes seemed somewhere else, and you just nodded in response, walking beside her as you both slowly made your way back up the beach and out of the water, completely dry. 
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You hadn’t seen Sally for a week after that. Usually she would be the one to come to your door with an invitation to do something or other during the day, usually something to just waste time but a fun way to just be in the company of someone else. But since the night you had taken her to meet Poseidon, she had not seeked you out. Every day you waited for the knock on your door, the jovial voice that called for you to open up because ‘surely you aren’t doing anything more important than spending time with your bestie!’ But nothing came. 
It was one of those days when, despite doing nothing differently, the very air in the world seemed to weigh extra heavily. You had woken up and instantly felt a frown pull on your face. The weather was rather muggy and a sheet of pale grey clouds stretched until the horizon, bathing everything in their muted light. 
You had tottered around the cabin doing little things to keep yourself from falling further into the cloying sadness that seemed to hang at the back of your throat, but when there were no more countertops to wipe and no more floors to sweep, you sat on the couch and stared out the window and when the baby kicked again, you felt the emotion wash over you. 
You pressed your hand to your mouth as you cried, biting into it to hide your sobs. The pain in your heart seemed to seep into your entire body. Your hands trembled despite how tightly you clenched them into fists. Your eyes continued to leak tears despite how you squeezed them shut. 
Every time the baby kicked your heart soared then plummeted like a bird giving up mid flight. You could feel the little butterfly flutters in your stomach, the soft feeling that was the most odd yet most endearing thing you had ever felt. But you couldn’t help but think about how it would not last much longer. Soon the child would be born, and these kicks would become visible, yet you would never have the chance to see them. You would never be able to see its chubby little hands grasp for the air, its plush legs kick wildly into the air. These thoughts plagued you, never letting you sit still for long enough, because if you did, you would react the way you have just done. You would never recover from your tears, would never function again. 
You had never cried this much before your pregnancy. Even when you had been forced away from Poseidon, you had cried for a week straight and then only a few times after that. Now it seemed you cried at every minor inconvenience, at every thought about your baby or your husband. You looked up to the mantle above the fireplace and gazed at the pearls arranged in their shells. 
There was a knock at the door and you shot up, placing a hand on your stomach, apologising to it for the jostling. You wiped haphazardly at your face as you walked to the door, hoping to recover any semblance of normalcy before exposing yourself to whoever had deigned to visit you. You stood at the door and took a deep breath in before opening it. 
Sally looked just shy of solemn and she was staring at the door, not you. You could see that she was holding the drachma, flipping it between her fingers mindlessly as if she had spent the last seven days only doing that. 
“I’ll do it.” She announced simply, not daring to meet your gaze yet. Your heart began beating so hard that you were sure she could hear it too. “I will do it.” She repeated slower, and let loose a breath that seemed to take away all the weight on her shoulders. She finally turned to look at you, and her eyes were bloodshot and a little puffy. Your mouth began to quiver and your face seemed to crumple in slow motion but when the first whimper fell from your mouth and the first tear dropped from your eye, she was hugging you. 
“But I have a few conditions,” she whispered, and all you could do was nod, because you didn’t care about anything else. You would do anything, you would bring stars down from the sky if it meant your baby would be with Sally, your baby would be safe and happy. 
“Come inside,” you sobbed out, smiling broadly at her as you continued to shake with your tears, “come inside and we can talk.” She nodded, smiling a watery smile so similar to your own, and stepped inside. 
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“I want the kid to know as much as possible from the get-go. I won’t be mama, I’m Aunt Sally. They’ll know their parents love them, but cannot be with them.” You nodded vigorously, smiling brightly at Sally. 
“Ofcourse, yes, I agree completely. Tell them everyday that we love them, that this situation is for the best and they will understand someday. Just… just make sure they know we love them more than anything that has ever existed.” You smiled and nodded again, as if reaffirming to yourself that this was real, and things may actually be alright in the end. 
Sally smiled in return, reaching forward and patting your folded hands gently, a warm, knowing kind of smile on her face that made you feel somehow more hopeful. 
“And I want you to send me some type of sign, I don’t know, like a message on a steamy window or something, whatever it is. Just a sign that you’re there, that you’re looking out for the kid, and that everything on your end is fine for the moment.” She raised an eyebrow at you with this, and you just chuckled quietly. 
“Of course. Though I won’t be able to send them often, I don’t want anyone to stumble upon your location, but every so often, a little blue butterfly will appear wherever you are, and you will know that I am watching, that I am wishing to be reunited with my child.” Your head dipped slightly as you opened your palms and watched them as a beautiful butterfly began to appear in the middle of your cupped hands. Its wings shined in the light, bordered by an opaque black. 
“It’s called a giant blue morpho,” you told her, nudging your hand up so the butterfly could flap into the air and make its way to Sally, resting just on the tip of her finger. “They are found in what you call Peru today. They are my favourite species of butterfly,” you smiled dazedly, eyes transfixed on the little creature that gently flapped its wings every so often to stay on Sally’s finger. Sally reached out with her other hand and touched the tip of her index finger to the very edge of the butterfly’s wing, barely even a hint of a touch, but it burst into tiny little pieces like it was made of the most fragile glass and dispersed into the air like glitter on the wind. She stared at her empty hands, eyes wide and mouth tipped slightly open, but you only sighed with a tired smile. “The ones I create are not real, more like images of the real thing.” Sally nodded but you could tell she was still a little freaked out, unused to seeing you use your powers so freely, so obviously. Your smile became sympathetic and you cleared your throat, hoping to move the conversation on. “Any other conditions?” 
“Uh, yes, um, yeah, sorry, yes, I want a coin for the kid too. I want them to have that lifeline as well, if anything ever goes too far and they don’t know what else to do. It’s a connection to their father. I want that for them.” Her tone was firmer this time, as if this was one of the more non-negotiable topics, and you nodded in response. 
Sally had mentioned some stories about her own father, a strained relationship from what you had pieced together, a certain lack of trust, and you could see that she wanted better for this child. You almost hugged her in that moment, promised her that Poseidon would not be like that, that he would do what he could for the child in whichever capacity he was capable under such difficult and complex circumstances, but you stayed silent and simply nodded. A promise that things would be better. 
“And… I don’t think they should be told about all this stuff until it’s time for them to go to this camp. If they’re going to grow up in the human world, they don't need to be confused about what they’re seeing versus all this magic stuff I might be telling them. If it’s going to be a secret, then it needs to be a secret from them too, for their own safety. And that way they can go to school as well, a normal school for normal kids, for as long as possible. I know they won’t be normal, but if you’re posing them as even half human, then I want them to have that experience, to know what it’s like to just be a child and go to school, and not worry about anything else.” Sally paused for a second, taking in a deep breath and releasing it before looking you straight in the eyes. 
“You said this child will unite worlds. You said this child will be capable of great things, of-of breaking down everything all the gods once knew, but I think they have potential for more than that. I think they can make things better for humans as well, or at least the human children of these gods. If this child knows what it’s like to be mortal, if they know how to appreciate life and the fragility of everything, the sacredness of the time we have all been given…. Y/n, I think this child could change everything.” 
You held your breath as she spoke, at the fire in her eyes and the way she leaned forward as if this was the most important thing to ever have been said, and maybe… maybe it was. The room was quiet for a few moments as you both sat in the words she had just spoken, at the many possibilities that had opened up before the two of you. At least five minutes had passed when Sally spoke up again. 
“Ok, so tell me about this ‘camp half-blood’? What is it? Where-” 
“I could not have asked for a better person to look after my child,” you interrupted. A watery smile overtook your face as you watched Sally. She could see how happy you were, at the sparkle in your eye she had only ever seen when you looked at your husband. “You will be a great mother, Sally Jackson.” 
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The remaining months of your pregnancy were rather blissful. You did not have to deal with any of the symptoms the poor mortals go through. Sally explained morning sickness and swollen ankles to you and you truly believed that if you had been mortal in that moment you would have begun praying to the Aesir and making sacrifices to Frigg and Freya for relief. Though you were not completely immune either, and occasionally a slight twinge in your back would force you to sit down and rest before continuing about your day like normal. 
Nothing particularly eventful occurred, and Poseidon’s visits were more often concerned with laying on the ocean floor and discussing a hopeful future (because neither of you would entertain a possibility of anything else). 
As the days passed by and the time of the birth neared, a feeling of something building began to permeate the air. A heaviness settled on your shoulders, as if you were a character in a story that didn’t know something big was about to occur, but the reader was yelling at the book, unable to change anything. You began watching out of your windows day and night as if someone would arrive unexpectedly, as if everything were about to explode, but you simply didn’t know when. And so you waited, waited for anything to happen, for someone to pop the balloon. And then your water broke. 
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On the day your son was born, a storm began. Grey clouds began to gather over the beach, and with every hour that ticked by, the winds began to rush faster and faster. Thunder crackled, and lightning flashed bright white in the depths of the thick grey clouds. There was something in the air, a certain heaviness that could only be felt by the gods, and you knew your time was up. Someone on Olympus knew that you were here, that there was to be a child with the blood of the Greek Gods in its veins, and they were getting close to finding you despite all yours and Poseidon’s magic working to hide your sanctuary. Zeus knew you were here. 
Your labour was the most painful thing you had ever physically experienced. You had been imprisoned, stabbed, fallen so close to the brink of death in many a battle, but nothing could have prepared you for the sheer pain and exhaustion that came with having a child. It was as if the lack of any other symptoms during your pregnancy came back to make the experience ten times harder. It seemed to bloom from your core and spread outward until you wanted to writhe in pain and kick and scream and even cease to exist. Your skin burned, your insides clenched and released and clenched and released. Even your ribs began to feel like they were poking into your flesh and moving in and out of it with your every breath. 
You lay back on the bed, eyes shut tight so all you could see was the reds and oranges of light passing over your eyelids. Your hands began to steam as you lost control of your powers before Sally pressed them into bowls of ice water she had brought up to your room. Every few minutes you screamed at the top of your lungs, releasing this guttural urge that seemed to push out of you. 
In a small moment of clarity, when it seemed the baby needed a rest from pushing itself out of you, you looked toward Sally who stood by the end-table in your room and watched her. Her hands shook as she prepared towels and cold cloths for your forehead. Her face was pale, but stern, and she clenched her hands every few seconds to try and stifle any fear she was so clearly feeling. You began laughing, a breathless huffing where the sound was mostly just air pushing from your lungs. Your head was thrown back on the pillows and your chest glistened with sweat, cooling in the breeze that blew in from the open window before being bathed in sweat once more. 
Sally turned to look at you, bewildered. You were such an odd sight, lying prostrate on the bed, arms spread slightly, hands immersed in bowls of water that were once full of ice, legs akimbo from your most recent bout of screaming and writhing, but here you were, laughing like someone had told you the funniest joke you had ever heard. She began to laugh with you, began to laugh at the incredulity of it all, at the fact that here she was in her early twenties, helping a goddess give birth before taking responsibility for a child that would change worlds. She laughed so much she began to cry. 
“It’s ok Sally,” you whispered, trying to hurry the words out as you felt the pain begin to increase again. “It’s alright. I am so proud to call you my friend, and so glad to know my child will be raised by you.” Tears streamed from your eyes, and when the pain began again, you couldn’t tell why you had begun crying in the first place. 
You didn’t know how long it took you to give birth to your son, but you were lost in a haze of pain, ebbing and flowing with it until it crescendoed to a new height you didn’t even know was possible, before releasing like popping the cork from a champagne bottle. You felt paralysed, your entire body throbbing, eyes sparking and patched with black. You were numb all over but so sensitive at the same time that you would have cried if even a fly had landed on you. 
Slowly, you began to move your fingers, splashing them slightly in the bowls of water. Then your toes, a more painful task that shot tingles up your legs. You began blinking your eyes, hoping to clear your vision, and as the world came back into focus, there he was, standing above you with a little bundle wrapped in his arms. You stared up at Poseidon, stared up at your husband, as he cradled your baby. 
His hair was dishevelled, as if he had walked through a hurricane. His cheeks were pale, as if he had lost as much blood as you had, but his ears were bright pink. His eyes were bright red and shedding tears, pouring them out like the waterfalls he controlled. He had not looked at you yet, had not noticed that you had returned to the world. He was enraptured with the child, swaying with it in his arms, whispering words you couldn’t hear over the rushing of your blood, touching its cheek with the tip of his index finger. 
A noise came out of your lips, a gurgle and a yearning, keening, sound all in one. His eyes snapped to you, bright and brimming with a thousand words he couldn’t say. Tentatively, with the gentleness of a hummingbird, he sat down on the edge of the bed, as close to you as possible without touching you. He leaned forward and gently placed the bundle against your chest. You forced one of your arms up to wrap around it, to secure the fluffy pile of blankets to your chest, before looking down. 
Thick, gurgling, sobs began to fall from your lips as you looked at the most beautiful child you had ever seen. A red, wriggly thing that would not win any awards for looking particularly beautiful, but he was the most precious thing you had ever seen. He had little wisps of blond hair, soft tufts against his scalp that began rising up as they dried and lightly tickled your chin. His hands and feet were so small. They were so small, and you weren’t sure if you had actually begun to burble about them to Poseidon. 
The blanket he was wrapped in was baby blue, and he kept pushing his hands out of it to try and grab at the air, shifting his little body as much as he could. Poseidon reached over and adjusted it to cover his arms, stroking the top of the baby’s head. Your baby’s head. 
He looked down at the both of you, his face flushed, eyes red and teary, hands shaking and chest tight with barely held sobs. He had never felt joy like this. He had been alive since the birth of Ancient Greece. He had seen cities built, empires fall, people rise to a greatness unheard of before, but nothing would ever compare to this joy. To see his wife and son together like this, something he would most likely never see again, made a sob choke itself from his throat. 
You stared at your son, your little Perseus, with his eyes scrunched up and his tiny lips opening and shutting to let out soft grunts, and you began to sob again. Painful, heart wrenching sobs, like the wails of a banshee. Thunder cracked so loud outside that the entire cabin shook. Lightning flashed, so hot that it glowed blue, and Poseidon hovered himself over you and Perseus, just shy of laying on top of you. Perseus began to cry with you, the high-pitched wailing of a baby piercing the air. He began shushing you, soft sounds and affirmations slipping from his lips directed both at you and his son, trying to keep calm despite the desperation for your pain to cease. He had never heard such painful sounds. 
“Please,” he whispered, “please do not cry. I am here, we are all here, together.” But you only shook your head, clutching Perseus tighter to your chest and staring up at Poseidon with wide, child-like eyes filled with pain and desperation and denial. 
“I don’t want him to go! I don’t want to let him go!” You cried out, over and over and over. You kept repeating the words, stabbing him in the heart over and over as he sniffed and nodded, trying anything to get you to calm down. “Please, please, I don’t want to let him go.” Your voice cracked, and you began chewing on your lip, looking between Perseus and Poseidon like a lost child. He reached out and cupped your cheek, cradling your head in his hand, fingers splayed behind your ear. He stroked your cheek just under your eye, smearing your tears on your face, and began hushing louder. You gulped, once, twice, then breathed in and out shakily. Slowly, as the thunder quieted to a rumble outside, your breaths quieted, and you blinked less, just staring into Poseidon’s eyes. He smiled sadly, eyes wet with tears and bloodshot, and he nodded. “But he has to go,” you whispered, as if affirming between the both of you that this was the right decision. Again, Poseidon nodded, but this time you nodded in return. 
Slowly, with one shaky arm, you pushed yourself up to sit straight on the bed, swinging your legs to the side as your body began to heal and dulled the pain and exhaustion in your limbs. You still felt shaky, and you knew this recovery would be slower than any others, but you continued moving, pushing yourself to stand so you could look out of the window with Perseus cradled in your arms. 
The waves were crashing onto the beach furiously, cresting at even the farthest point your eyes could see, white capped and frothing as they attacked the shore. The dry sand higher up the beach moved in waves in the wind, and you could almost hear the little grains striking the front of the cabin. The wind howled, like Fenrir had been released to hunt you down and was announcing his presence. The clouds in the sky were almost black, and the lightning seemed to flash constantly. The thunder either crackled or rumbled but never ceased, not quieting for a moment, and you knew your time with Poseidon and Perseus had ended. Zeus knew something, or at least sensed something was off in this place, and he would soon come to find out himself if you all did not separate quickly. You turned to Poseidon, absentmindedly nuzzling your chin against the top of Perseus’s head.
“I will go to delay him, buy you some more time with Perseus.” You stared at him, face stoic, and he could not even begin to fathom what you were thinking. You took slow, shaky steps to reach him. He leaned forward and took a hold of your hips to steady you as you walked, allowing you the space to choose how close you wanted to be to him. You walked until the baby was pressed to both his chest and yours. You did not push further, fearing to hurt your Perseus in any way. You looked up at Poseidon, and pressed onto the tips of your toes so you could kiss him. It was gentle, your mouths just pressed together so you felt the plushness of each other’s lips but did nothing more. Neither of you tried to deepen the kiss, tried to take things any further. You stayed like that for a few moments, had another similar kiss, and when you pulled away, both of you had your eyes closed. 
“Goodbye,” you whispered, so soft that not even the baby pressed to your chest would hear you, and when you opened your eyes, there was only an empty space in front of you. 
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You knew you did not have long. Zeus was closing in and you had to get Sally and Perseus out of here before they were discovered. You swayed with Perseus in your arms for a few moments, allowing yourself only that. You watched him yawn and smack his lips, scrunching his eyes shut and settling into your arms. You hummed a tune you remembered Frigg singing from your own childhood. You couldn’t quite remember the words, but the music was imprinted on your brain, and you hummed it to Perseus over and over until you knew too much time had passed for you to dilly-dally any longer. 
“Sally!” You called through the closed door, hoping she was close enough to hear your raw voice. She was in the room in an instant, checking both you and the baby over, but you just smiled and shook your head. “There is no time, you and Perseus must leave. Zeus is suspicious, he has felt too much power here, has noticed a shift in the world, and he will begin investigating if this power does not dissipate.” You looked about the room for a moment before hobbling out and slowly making your way down the stairs. 
“I know you’re a goddess and all but shouldn't you be taking it easy? You just gave birth, you should be laying down and letting yourself heal. You should be… you should be spending time with him before… you know.” But you only shook your head in reply, pursing your lips as pain shot through your legs with every step down the stairs.
“You need to go Sally. I hope all your things are gathered because there is simply no time to lose. You have your car parked nearby, start loading everything into it while I put some final defences in place for Perseus.” Your voice left no room for argument, so Sally just nodded and ran back up the stairs to grab the baby bag. 
You stood in the living room with Perseus, making sure that any power he may possess was suppressed to that of a strong demigod. He slept so peacefully, so softly, and you couldn’t help but smile down at him. You pressed a finger to his forehead, closing your eyes and focusing only on what you could feel of him. There were flashes in your mind, of battles to come and parts he would need to play, of a great love, of families and friendships, and you began to cry, knowing you would not see any of it. And then it was over, gone in a moment as he became like any demigod child of the big three would be. 
Sally came back from the car, hair tousled and chest heaving, and stood by the door, watching you. You looked over to her, at the way she stood so still, and you knew your time was up. You looked back down at Perseus, at this beautiful little boy who had done so much just by existing, and you leant down to press a soft kiss to his downy little head. A small smile, the most a baby could conjure perked onto his lips in his sleep, and a teardrop fell from your eye and splashed onto his cheek. 
Slowly, you walked over to Sally. You stood in front of her, not saying a word. The world seemed to go quiet for a minute, as if even the powers of Zeus died at the moment a mother gave up her child. 
“Don’t… don’t tell him about me.” You sniffled, blinking rapidly to stop the tears that refused to cease. “Tell him about his father, tell him about all the Greek heroes that came before him, about Olympus and the pantheon of aunts and uncles. Don’t tell him about me,” you whispered, stroking his cheek. “I don’t… I don’t want him to miss any part of me.” You smiled, nodding to yourself, but Sally frowned. 
“He will miss you regardless,” she replied, “he will ask about you, and miss you, and want to know everything I can tell him.” 
“Yes, I know, I’m sure he will be a very curious boy,” you chuckled breathily, leaning down to kiss his head once more. “But it will be easier if he feels he doesn't know me.” 
“Easier for who?” She whispered, watching you with concern turning her eyes down and contorting her lips. But you just closed your eyes, gulped, and offered the baby to Sally Jackson, praying she would take him from your arms quickly. 
You felt her fingers slip under your arms, felt her grip him, lift him so your arms were light as air and… empty. Your entire body felt empty. Your chest was hollow, your stomach was empty, your limbs were simple outlines. You could still feel Sally and Perseus’ presence, like the warmth of a heater just a little too far away, a brush in the air in front of you. You knew Sally was about to say something, to try and comfort you, but you began shaking your head and pointing to the door.
“Please go. Please. There is no more time. Take him and go.” You almost wanted to scream, to yell at her and tell her to get the hell away from you before you decided to throw everything to the wind and keep Perseus with you. “Please,” you whimpered. And then the door was opening, the wind howling around you, a whisper from Sally lost to it. And then it was shut again, and you were still, and the room was quiet, and there was nothing but the wind outside, the creaking of the house, and the thunder above. 
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You stayed in that house for a few more hours. You lay on the floor, allowing your body to heal and thinking back on the precious moments you had with Perseus. You walked through each room like a ghost, thinking of the first time you felt the little flutter of a heartbeat in your stomach, the first kick he ever pressed against your stomach, the last… 
You weren’t sure how long you stayed, but by the time you had gathered your sword and your pearls, had changed into one of the dresses you had stopped wearing after the banishment from Olympus, the thunder had become distant. You gave one last look to the cabin, a fleeting glance back, then made your way back to Asgard and the Aesir you had not seen in years, back to the rest of your life…
Taglist: @thicficbich1, @pasta-warlord, @turtleshavesoulmates, @wolfgirl294, @stanswifties
(If you are in bold, I couldn't tag you for some reason)
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risustravelogue · 9 months
How Do I Know
How do you know if you're in love with someone?
Alhaitham, friend!Kaveh, gn!Reader (they/them pronouns used)
Crack-ish, fluff.
My second-half entry for @soleillunne's saudade milestone event! First half was written by @kazumist. I changed the capitalization, hope you don't mind >.< P.S. We love ourselves an idiot Haitham don't we lmao-
🔗 masterlist 🔗
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What does it mean to fall in love?
No, scratch that.
How do you know if you’re in love with someone?
Alhaitham has been asking himself that question lately.
Believe him, he had never actually thought that much about love, and he had never fallen in love in his life. So it’s safe to say that yes, Alhaitham is pretty much an idiot when it comes to romance and the like. 
Kaveh feels hopeless for him; he knows—hell, everyone knows at this point! You could just see it in how Alhaitham looks at you. There’s just something in his eyes that says it all for him. That he had helplessly fallen head over heels for you. Don’t even get his roommate started on how he’s been acting lately.
He and Alhaitham had a rule that they’d go on an alternative schedule for grocery shopping. But when it was Alhaitham’s turn, he had you tag along! (Don’t get him wrong, Kaveh thinks you’re a lovely person. But was there really a need to bring you along? Then again, if that’s what his roommate is happy with, who is he to interfere?)
Archons, there’s also the fact that of all, or at least the majority, of the conversations that Kaveh shared with Alhaitham, he’s sure that at least 97% of them were about you.
And Kaveh knew it was going to happen again right now.
“Are flowers really a good gift for someone?” Alhaitham asks, and Kaveh almost spits out his drink.
“I said what I said.”
“I mean, why do you ask?”
“(Name) said it’s a nice gift to receive, but I disagree with it since what if the one you gifted it to can’t take care of plants? Wouldn’t that be troublesome for them?”
There he goes again, the architect thinks.
Kaveh is surprised that, for a smart person like Alhaitham, he’s really an idiot in love.
“Hey,” Kaveh drawls, giving his glass a swirl.
“What is it?”
“Have you ever considered the possibility that you’re in love?”
Alhaitham feels paralyzed. No, that thought has never crossed his mind. Not once, not until now, when his roommate had opened the topic. But now that he has, the gears in his mind start gearing as he connects some dots. He isn’t stupid or slow (or so he says), yet... for once in his life, he isn’t quite sure if he’s right in his answer.
“I haven’t.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”
How do you know if you’re in love with someone?
Alhaitham’s answer to this predicament is “Alright, Mr. Love Expert, so give me a list of things I need to check.”
“Huh?” Kaveh sputters in disbelief.
Alhaitham sighs. “Give me a checklist is what I’m saying.”
“No, no, I get that, but why ask me instead of love advice books?”
“The House of Daena doesn’t have those kinds of books,” Alhaitham says with a deadpan expression.
Kaveh grumbles. “You’re such an– ugh, fine!” The blond architect grabs a small piece of scrap paper and a pen. He starts scribbling on the paper carelessly, as if he wants it to be over already.
“Keep in mind that I’m giving you this only because it’s becoming increasingly painful to see the great Akademiya Scribe being such a dumbass,” he says, handing over the checklist to his old friend.
A small smile creeps onto Alhaitham’s lips as he reads the checklist.
1. Your heartbeat speeds up whenever they’re around. 2. You smile a lot when talking with them. 3. They are in your last thoughts before you fall asleep. 4. Their opinions weigh a lot in your mind. 5. You feel jealous whenever you see them getting physically intimate with another person. 6. You walk toward them hastily, as if impatient to interact with them. 7. You have thought about spending the rest of your life with them.
The scribe nods in approval. “Thanks. This will be really helpful.”
Kaveh’s mouth goes agape. “Are you actually being sincere with me right now?”
“Shut it.”
That night, Alhaitham puts a check mark after number three.
By the end of the work week, Alhaitham thinks that Kaveh is sorely mistaken.
He takes out the worn scrap of paper out of the book he’s currently reading and sighs. His handwriting litters the gaps on the paper.
1. Your heartbeat speeds up whenever they’re around. Normal heart rate. Invalid. 2. You smile a lot when talking with them. Is once every conversation a lot? 3. They are in your last thoughts before you fall asleep. ✓ 4. Their opinions weigh a lot in your mind. Nonsense. Every opinion must be weighed objectively. 5. You feel jealous whenever you see them getting physically intimate with another person. This never happens. 6. You walk toward them hastily, as if impatient to interact with them. I do that, but not because I’m impatient. 7. You have thought about spending the rest of your life with them.
Leaning back into his work chair, he lifts the paper until it’s mere inches from his nose and stares hard at number seven. Kaveh’s tired words from this morning echoes in his mind.
“Alhaitham, if you checked number 7, you can consider all the others checked and confess. To. (Name). Already.”
Really? Alhaitham thinks. Spending the rest of your life with one person? Do people really make foolish promises like that?
As Kaveh’s hasty handwriting starts to swirl, he pinches the bridge of his nose.
But then… that doesn’t sound so foolish if it’s with you…
He takes a deep breath and gets up from his work chair, stuffing the list back into his book with a sigh. It’s time to meet with you in the House of Daena.
… How do I know if I’m really in love with you, (name)?
The question floats around in the silver-haired scribe’s mind as he walks into the majestic library with his headphones off, his sensitive ears searching for the sound of your voice. Once he hears your exasperated sigh, he quickly walks toward your direction and sits beside you.
“I see the formula is as tough as ever,” he says, a smirk on his face.
“It is!” you hiss, banging your forehead onto the wooden desk. “I enrolled in this course to get away from numbers, and what I got is a super complicated formula to calculate substance release for the final assignment,” you pout. You ramble on to complain, and all Alhaitham can think is how adorable you look when you’re irritated.
I wouldn’t mind hearing you complain for the rest of my life, he thinks.
You stop and turn to face him, your eyebrows frowning in disbelief. “... What did you just say?”
Alhaitham blinks. “Did I say anything?”
“You just said you wouldn’t mind…”
“… hearing you complain for the rest of my life, yes.”
Several seconds of silence hangs in the air while every gear in his head snaps into place.
“Ah. So that’s how it is,” he smiles. Before you can respond, he takes your hands into his and tugs your fingers gently.
“(Name)... it looks like I’m in love with you,” he declares, his gaze meeting yours, both the relief of realization and the flames of excitement twinkling in his eyes. You feel a blush blooming across your face.
“You idiot…” you mutter, averting your gaze away from him. “Confessing in the middle of the library, and so loud, too…”
“But Kaveh said–”
“That doesn’t mean you have to say it so loudly in here! You could’ve taken me out to a nice dinner first… or something…”
“Oh, sorry.”
He tries to pull his hands away. Try being the keyword, as you pull them back to keep them in place.
“That said, I’ll forgive you, since I love you too,” you say with a smile.
His lips then meet yours in a tender kiss, as if uttering a silent promise.
Now I know, and I won’t know any other.
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© @risustravelogue 2023 • no to reposting, yes to reblogging. feel free to send an ask to suggest, chat, etc. :)
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Result of the DB/Z/Super Poll:
Tie for first place:
DBS Beerus x f!reader
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“You don’t say?” Bulma’s eyebrows furrowed with interest as Jaco brandished a holographic flyer. “And this pop star is taking the galaxy by storm through music? Sorry, that doesn’t seem really like our kind of thing.”
The Galaxy Patrolman scoffed, acting wounded while taking back the device. “That right there shows that you have no idea! She’s dubbed Goddess of Music for a reason and you are just too thick to realize why.”
“Come again?” She growled menacingly with steadily growing embers within her gaze.
“I’m just saying that if you of all people on Earth haven’t the slightest understanding that having her grace this planet with a performance is heavenly then you clearly do not wish to know that I’ve heard rumors she’s looking for a place to lay low for a while.”
Rumbling earned their curious gazes to rise in time to spot a dust storm worthy of classic writing lore a moment before nearly being billowed by the wind following a figure who appeared from its core with golden eyes wide and ears standing at attention, a slim tail lashing behind them. Purple-gray hued skin, not a single strand of hair to be seen, large ears and manicured paws for hands, the God of Destruction himself was barely recognizable courtesy of the glimmering stars threatening to give away the hidden emotions swirling within. “Run that by me once again, little man.”
Amused, Bulma couldn’t help but poke light fun when spotting Whis appearing a moment later with several bowls of whipped parfaits wearing a shocked expression. “Oh, there you are. I forgot you were hanging around somewhere nearby.” One of the suspended bowls slipped underneath Beerus’ nose and earned their raised brows when he paid it no mind. “Okay, spill it. For you to ignore food means that something is special about this girl.”
“You just don’t know the music of Calliope and even if you heard it I doubt you’d appreciate it.” Jaco’s hands rose when noticing a certain glare from the feared entity, beginning to sweat profusely. “A-all I’ve heard is that she may be taking a break from tour and is currently in search of somewhere to recuperate! One of the guys at work knows someone who knows someone—”
“Get to the point.”
“—from the sounds of it she’s expressed an interest in Earth but she isn’t sure if this corner of the cosmos is ready for her music!”
Almost in the same manner of a rocket, the mighty God of Destruction appeared inches from Jaco’s face. “Tell me you’re not joking or I swear I’ll destroy you now.”
“It’s the truth! I swear it on my life and I would never lie to Bul—I mean to you!”
Tension hung heavily in the air as the slanted golden eyes bore into the small patrolman until he straightened stiffer than a ruler. “If what you are saying is true, and I’m not saying I believe you, then there is much work to be done.”
Bulma shared a questioning look with Whis who looked just as lost as the Earthling woman.
Golden eyes narrowed with disgust while regarding the stage. “Wrong, it’s all wrong. Start again.”
A unified exclamation rose from the people who had been working diligently since appointed beneath his guidance. “That makes seven redesigns in the last four days!”
“Well, then, make it eight and stop wasting my time by doing it right the first time I asked!” Beerus snapped, visibly deflating while settling into a nearby chair resting beneath its umbrella. “I can hear your condescending snickers from here, Whis, so you better shut up before I destroy you along with those ingrates.”
Beside him appeared a tall fair blue skinned individual who cooed softly to the rich chocolate desert within his hold. “Forgive me, my lord, I did not mean offense.” Between his lips disappeared the spoon laced with thick fudge, powdered sugar, tart cherry, and fluffy cake that earned his bright smile and wiggle of the spine. “Oh, Almighty, this is truly divine!” He momentarily grew serious when no interest was shown by the God of Destruction. They’ve come to know each other very well in the past several centuries, he boasted to practically know the cat-like deity better than a dragon its own scales, however these last few days have been truly interesting to behold. As if something had come over the once stoic, cold, indifferent being. The desert was placed off to the side, with regret, before he fixed his gaze upon Beerus. “Come now, is it truly worth getting all excited over something so silly?” If he noticed the sudden heavy pressure within the air Whis chose to ignore it. “That musician was looking for a place to relax, not put on a show. Wouldn’t it be rude to shove something like this into her face and practically demand a performance when she’s utterly exhausted from traveling or worse?” So sooner had his words faded to silence did the chair become vacant. “My lord?”
Wordlessly, he stalked towards the incomplete stage as the workers quickly retreated upon seeing his approaching form. They were left speechless and highly frustrated when with a tap of a claw the entire structure was rendered to piles of ash. “What are you fools going on about now? I just saved you several more days of complaining so show a little gratitude.” Beerus fixed each in turn with narrowed eyes. “Or perhaps you wished to be entombed within your failed production.”
Both of his ears perked when telltale pings sounded from the scepter his Angel used.
Whis, taken by surprise, stood and peered into the sphere. “Would you look at that, an unmarked ship is approaching Earth as we speak.”
Disappointment permeated the air as Beerus returned to his seat. “Don’t get my hopes up like that.” Swiping the desert, he began eating with vigor and gusto worthy of a God of Feast rather than a God of Destruction.
“Would you like another?” A soft voice came from the side, earning Whis’ pout before it turned into a grin as several similar dishes were placed carefully across the table. You cast a smile, and a wink, from over your shoulder when Beerus took a moment to take in your appearance. “I made those specifically for you by my own hands so I can’t wait to hear how you like them.”
Almost too faintly for you to hear came a unified gasp from the pair before near identical croons of happiness.
Bulma brightened when you stepped into the kitchen, hands clasping your own. “You’re truly a lifesaver, seriously. When our chef that they’ve attached to became ill I wasn’t sure what I was going to do! Then dad said you were looking for work and had recommended you for the position! I hope they weren’t too rude.”
“Trust me when I say I’ve encountered much worse.” You grinned brightly. “It’s nice to be doing something like this with my hands. I better get back to work though to make sure our guests stay satisfied.”
“Too true,” the blue haired genius waved while walking towards the entrance, “but be sure to take as many breaks as you need!”
“Will do!”
It wasn’t until the door closed with a hiss that you released a sigh of relief. A pair of headphones were procured as if from thin air that you secured upon your head and faint notes of music could be heard as you went about the kitchen. What should you make this time?
Alarms blared wildly as Bulma sat upright in bed, blinking wildly when spotting her Saiyan husband by the window staring down as flashing lights. “What’s going on?! Is it the media again?” Her arms crossed. “What did you do?”
“Quiet, woman, I’m trying to listen.” His narrowed eyes slanted farther. “Appears that the authorities who wear blue are preventing someone from entering.”
A glance at the clock earned her groan before swinging her legs over the bed’s side. “It’s four in the morning, it’s probably (Y/n) trying to come to work. Guess dad forgot to add her to the directory.”
“Don’t move.”
“And why the hell not?”
Vegeta’s lip curled. “Your interference is not needed since they have turned from detaining to entertained.”
Blinking, she crossed the room to peer out of the window alongside her Prince and felt her jaw hit the floor before a face breaking grin lifted her lips.
“How were those deserts?” You asked with a smile, clearing away the dirty platters and dishes to place them upon the cart you’d brought. “I hope they were to your liking.”
“Truly amazing, my compliments to the baker!” Whis hummed.
Beerus made to ignore your question if not for the nudge of a food. Clearing his throat, his golden gaze met yours, earning a warm ember to nestle within your gut. “They were perfectly adequate and acceptable.”
No sting of disappointment came at his words, only appreciation, earning his blink of shock when you genuinely smiled instead of withered beneath his gaze. “I’ll make the next ones even better, you just wait! I want to hear from your own lips that my food is delicious. Then I’ll share with you my super-delicious-ultra-special desert.”
“Perhaps you should make it instead of hyping it up.” A smirk appeared upon his face. “Why boast when you can flaunt?”
Whis’ lips parted to reprimand the God of Destruction’s jab but they pursed, eyes widening, when you cocked a hip and lowered your face to be inches away from the deity.
“And when was the last time you made anything with those hands, hm?” There was no mistaking the challenge within your tone as a slow blooming smirk raised your lips the longer silence filled the air.
With a huff, he turned his head. “I’ve done things with these hands you couldn’t scarcely imagine, human, so I suggest you mosey on back to the kitchen for our next course. Besides, I am a God of Destruction not of confections.”
A bell was struck, ringing clearly through the air as the surrounding outer backyard that belonged to the Brief family.
“Thanks for joining me! We can start off easy with a simple meringue.” You clapped your hands, internally relishing when Whis smirked at the scepter he quickly hid when anger filled golden eyes locked upon him. The outside had vanished to be replaced by the all too familiar kitchen you’ve come to call home.
“What the hell are you playing at?!”
“Lord, would you mind cracking a few eggs?”
The glare was fixated upon you as a carton passed from your hands to sit before him. For a moment you surmised that he would still fight but for some reason, after his gaze meeting yours, he picked up one of the fragile shelled items. It almost immediately shattered between his claws. This earned his great displeasure once noticing a certain Angel suppressing a chuckle.
“No worries,” you soothed, placing another within his hand, “let’s try again.”
“Treating me like a child will earn you my wrath if you’re not careful, human,” he growled lowly. Despite his own words, Beerus indeed handled the egg with a bit more care as you showcased how he should rightfully crack.
Yolk and whites were separated with each egg he successfully freed from its shell. Sugar was added to the whites, which were made into fluffy clouds courtesy of a handheld whisk procured from a drawer. It was then that you revealed a pretzel pie crust that had been cooling in the refrigerator along with a bowl of previously prepared cream cheese. Both Destroyer and his Angel watched with fascination as you helped them to fold the meringue into the mixture, farther earning their wide eyed expressions when you lightly smacked reaching purple-gray hued fingers.
“Ah-ah, no snitching until its done.” A dollop of whipped cream appeared upon Beerus’ nose. “You can munch on that until I say its done. If you’d like, you can pick what toppings should go with it.”
Upon his forehead appeared a growingly frustrated tick mark while Whis happily disappeared into the nearby pantry. Surely this female knew just what he was capable of and to not irk him farther. His assumption was completely thrown out the window when you took a moment to fix him with a serious expression. The need to snap and question you was stifled when noticing something that made him pause. “That earring. It looks familiar.” Beerus eased himself closer, eyes narrowing to get a better look at the lone piece of jewelry you wore.
Panic made your heart begin to pound harder as his breath wafted your face. “O-oh, this? It used to be a necklace but the chain broke and thought that—”
“It suits you.”
Shock and awe filled you at his tone of sincerity. Did he, the God of Destruction, just compliment you? “Thank you very much,” you managed once he retreated far enough for you to breathe fresh air, “that’s kind of you to say.”
“I simply can’t decide! Lord Beerus, shall we go with sweet or savory?”
Like a glow stick, the fragile atmosphere cracked audibly when the deity huffed. Though that did make an idea come to him when you hurried to help the Angel carry in possible options. “I think we should be a bit adventurous and try something combining both. What do you say with including chunky salt and a sauce?”
“I like where this is going.” You smiled, searching the cabinets until brandishing a sea salt shaker then selecting both caramel and white chocolate chips. The entirety of your attention fixated upon the pair when they voiced doubtful objections, your gaze meeting gold. “Do you trust me?”
What an odd question. In the many years of being in his position, Beerus had never hears such an inquiry made of him. Such things meant little to beings such as himself because it was unnecessary. Yet the way you were looking at him, with those eyes and the unique air about you, set his mind, possibly very soul, at ease. “I suppose I can indulge you. Yes, for now, I shall.” Deep within his being something warmed as your cheeks lightly dusted pink.
“I promise to not betray it.”
And he believed you.
A frustrated growl filled the air when Destructor and Angel returned to their original seats beneath a large umbrella. “Seriously? Why do I have to wait two hours?” Beerus scowled, nostrils flaring slightly while stretching then settling. “What a bore. Just what are we supposed to do to pass the time?”
“And just where have the two of you been?”
He didn’t have to open his eyes which had closed. “None of your business, Bulma, move along.” Indignation filled him when a finger swiped across his skin, fangs shining brightly as he revealed them with a venomous hiss. “How dare you!”
Bulma blinked while inspecting the residue upon her skin. “Is that powdered sugar?”
“And what business is it of yours?”
“We were helping a certain young female create a desert within the kitchen not too long ago. Now we simply have to find some way of entertaining ourselves until its ready.” Whis’ bottom lip protruded in a pout. “I’m simply dying to taste it but I’ll hold out because of her assurances it would be to die for!”
Blinking, the blue haired woman blanked then brightened. “Oh, you’re talking about (Y/n), right?” Bulma bit her lip as Beerus confessed to not asking for your name. This was almost too good! “Well I have some good and bad news for you.”
Both sat upright with stiff spines, eyes widened once she finished speaking. “What do you mean she left?! What about our desert?!”
“Something came up for her and she had no choice—”
“Find her now.” Beerus’ growl earned their partial amusement when he failed to notice a figure who appeared from behind.
The tap of your finger upon his shoulder earned a sideways glare before it melted into something akin to admiration. Gone were your rudimentary clothes to be replaced by spectacular clothes that swayed with each movement of your body. There was no denying that he instantly knew who you really were. “I’ve been looking for you both. I should’ve known to start here first.” A decorated container was procured with a wave of your hand that slipped itself into his hold. “I hope you’re satisfied with tasting something you’ve made with the people you care for most. Cooking is one of my fave pastimes and I had a lot of fun! Let’s be sure to do this again sometime!”
Incomplete words leapt from between his quivering lips as you pressed a quick peck to his cheek.
“Be sure to take good care of Earth, okay? I definitely want to come back the next time I need to recharge!” With a wave and bow, you disappeared in a flurry of sparkles.
Bulma and Whis failed to contain their grins when the God of Destruction practically melted into a puddle with an equally goofy smile. How odd to see such a being as himself in such a state. Their amusement, however, was short lived as he carefully placed the desert upon the chair he’d vacated then faced the two of them with steadily growing malice.
“How long have you two known that she was Calliope this entire time?”
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arumnous · 23 days
𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐗𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐈𝐀—ᴀʀᴏᴜꜱᴀʟ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʙɪᴛɪɴɢ
"ɢᴏᴅᴅᴇꜱꜱ" ᴡᴀɴᴅᴀ x ꜰ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ!
I made this land to finally feel how it felt like to be in control, I made this land so that people will finally see the good i can make even though my very being is nothing but a mess, filled with broken pieces that still continues to crack with each mistake i make.
I came not from the skies, not from the fire below, but from another world, where i was viewed as wrong, viewed as just someone who brings destruction to her home.
But here? I was viewed as their God, nothing more than a pure, innocent being, doing everything she could to make every wrong, do good.
I was known as someone who helped, someone using her power for good, someone able to love.
But i never knew how that felt like.
They say that Gods can never be with humans, they say that you'll only earn nothing but heartbreak and regret for loving such a lowlife creature.
And I've never dreamed of experiencing such a twisted thing as love, not anymore at least, I've instead settled with nights of making others feel ecstasy, fulfilling their darkest of desires as something to somehow patch my own needs.
It never really worked, i felt nothing but emptiness, like a heavy feeling of a void in a space inside of me felt so lonely, so untouched and gnawing me for something near true love.
I gave up even trying to find something like that.
I was never really worth it anyway.
So, i drowned myself in my duties, shooing away the distractions and becoming that stoic, and cold version of me I once swore not to be.
Love wasn't in my list anymore, that thought was just a stupid dream, a fantasy i chose to ignore.
But when i heard a thought coming from a petite looking girl while she glared at the tiled floor, the things that rung in her pretty little head was quite a concerning one, profanities echoed in there, names to what i could guess was her parents' was degraded and beaten with unsaid insults, being shredded apart like how a lion will do with a piece of meat as it was thrown at it.
That peaked my interest, how could she say such nasty words? And yet not even being brave enough to utter them?
Adorable, cowardly adorable.
So i observed from my throne, keeping my gaze on her grumpy little face as she huffed and puffed annoyed breaths throughout the day.
I anticipated for each of her families visits, her grumbling stopped eventually, turning into interest as she began to let herself explore.
And her thoughts, well, they grew more... Tempting more than concerning, the depths of her brain was a place i never thought I'd find myself lost in, her mind was soo.... Creative, with the ways her body could twist and... Turn...
I never even knew that the human body can make... Such... Drooling arches.
This resulted for a new pass time of mine, checking up on her from time to time, i never intended for it to grow to the point where I'd watch her sleep, caressing her skin delicately in my hands while she scrunches her brows every time i graze my finger on the bridge of her nose.
Or to the point where i would invite myself in her dreams, or in her thoughts any chance that i could get. I never intended for myself to make her desire me too, i never intended to fuck her in her own dreams, leaving bites that will never truly appear.
I was addicted, but i needed to stop, I HAD TO. If i didn't, her living her daily life will be filled with nothing but her... Back aching, her lips and jaw sore just because of how much I've pounded myself in them, her legs shaking and with the imprint of my teeth visible near her slit.
Just my breath against her hole already made her quiver, Gosh. Imagine what my tongue can do.
The way she arched her back like her life depended on it doesn't really help with stopping me fucking her senseless. And i don't think she wants me to.
And i never will want it to stop.
I want you. And you want me.
I was inside of you.
I tasted your sweet nectar and heard your frantic pleas for release, and who was i to deny that?
I was nobody when it came to fucking you, i was just someone to make you feel like your on top of everything.
And i will never regret not letting you even do as much as twitch your legs the next day.
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abeitriz · 1 year
Rise my king.
Welp, that was a good writing, well, its not that big because i'm still thinking about what more i can add to the storie.
Warnings: mentions about killing, mentions about wounds, dom reader, kinda sub bakugou?, Reader is an Goddess, SMUUT, not really explicit smut but really simbolyc,
english is not my first language so i'm sorry for any mistake
Minors do not Interact.
Have a good time ☕✨
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It was the only thing he could see ahead, the metallic taste of blood was flooding on his mouth, the excruciating pain on his back that burned with every little movement, The screams and howls of the crowd arround him filled his eardrums, he could hear the cries of dispair of the people, HIS people was being tortured and killed by those that call themselfs "the purifiers" commanded by who they called "Dabi" who was the first-born of the king Enji Todoroki, Prince Toya
The darkness seemed to be closing in on him, suffocating him with its weight. He knew that he had to keep moving forward, to keep fighting for his people, but the pain was too much to bear. As he stumbled through the darkness, he could feel his strength fading away. But then, a glimmer of light appeared in the distance, and he knew that he had to conquer it. With every ounce of strength left in him, he pushed himself forward, determined to reach the light and find a way to save his people from the purifiers' grasp.
As he reaches for the light and held onto it with all his might, he experienced a sudden disappearance of all pain and a cessation of every scream, howl, and cry. When he opened his eyes once more, he was certain that he saw Macha, the goddess of wisdom, war, and death, shining in all her divine glory right before him.
He was dead, for sure.
As he surveyed his surroundings, he came to the realization that he had transcended the mortal realm. He found himself in a place that exceeded his wildest dreams, lying on a bed adorned with the finest silk he could fathom. This was a place that he had only heard of in tales and legends. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of tranquility and peace, and he felt a warmth that was entirely new to him. The skies were ablaze with the most stunning and vibrant northern lights. He glanced back at Macha, who was still cradling his head in her lap, and he knew that she had brought him to this place.
The goddess whispered praises and words sweetly to her beloved barbarian, Katsuki, as she caressed his ash blonde hair, expressing how long she had been eagerly anticipating his arrival." Your disdain for those repulsive individuals is palpable, and I am aware that you, my beloved, seek retribution. And because I cherish my creation deeply, I will bestow upon you a small present." said the divinty as she smiled sweetly to Katsuki
Katsuki was about to utter her name when she cut him off to reveal her true name, which she reserved for him alone. As he spoke her name, it flowed effortlessly from his lips, earning her praise. She urged him to rise and accept her gift, taking hold of his hands and reciting an ancient language. Suddenly, he felt a fiery sensation as rune tattoos materialized on his arms and hands, imbuing him with a newfound strength unlike anything he had ever experienced before
"To receive this gift, you must make a vow to me, my beloved, that you will remain faithful solely to me and I will do the same for you. We will stay together until the end of time, and my love for you will never falter. You must also promise to give your eternal love exclusively to me." He nodded in agreement to her demands, but appended a condition to the agreement. "You'll be accompanying me on the earthly plane, won't you?"
She declared that she would fulfill any wish of her king's, then proceeded to kiss him tenderly. He responded by embracing her and silently urging her to shed her golden armor, so that he could explore her body as her king, lover, and mate
As the battle-weary warrior removed her armor, her lover's eyes were drawn to the curves of her body, the softness of her skin, and the fullness of her lips. He couldn't resist the urge to touch her to feel her warmth against his skin, and to taste the sweetness of her mouth.
As they parted for air, she began to explore his neck and collarbone with her lips, leaving a trail of kisses and marks that sent shivers down his spine. He reciprocated by exploring her breasts and holding onto her hips, reveling in the feel of her body against his. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain as she bit him, marking him as hers in the tradition of the dragons. The pain quickly turned to pleasure as his body grew hot and feverish, and she exposed her own neck for him to mark.
As the temperature rose, so did the passion between them, igniting a fire that burned hotter than any battle they had ever fought. They were lost in each other, consumed by the heat of their desire, and nothing else mattered in that moment except for the two of them and the bond they shared.
The atmosphere was charged with an intense longing that had been building between them for centuries. They had tried to ignore it, but it was impossible to resist any longer. As they stood there, gazing into each other's eyes, they both knew that this was the moment they had been waiting for.
Without a word, they began to shed their clothing, each layer falling away like a barrier between them. As they stood there, naked and vulnerable, they were consumed by a raw, primal desire that left them breathless. Every touch, every caress, sent shivers down their spines, and they were lost in the heat of the moment. She ran her hands over his body, exploring every inch of him, while he traced his fingers along her curves, marveling at her beauty.
As they moved together their bodies intertwined in a dance of passion, they were transported to another world, a world where nothing else existed except for the two of them. It was a moment of pure ecstasy, a moment that they would never forget. And as they lay there, they knew that they had finally found what they had been searching For all along. They were two bodies, two souls, coming together in a moment of pure ecstasy.
The intimacy they shared was electric, and it was as if time had stood still in that moment. The vulnerability of being naked with someone else was a new feeling for him. He let her take control, as he sat there, trying to remain as silent as possible, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.
He knew that any sound he made could give him away, but the pressure was mounting. Katsuki was caught off guard when the goddess demanded that he make more beautiful sounds for her. He had never been asked to do such a thing before and was unsure of what she meant. As he pondered over her request, a high pitched whine escaped his plump lips, causing him to immediately cover his mouth with both hands out of embarrassment, however, his attempt to hide his embarrassment was futile as the goddess took his hands out of his mouth and leaned down to whisper in his ear. She wanted him to moan, whine, and scream her name to the skies above, claiming him as her own. Katsuki was confused and unsure of how to proceed, but he knew that he wanted to please the goddess. He began to experiment with different sounds, trying to find the perfect combination that would satisfy her desires. As he continued to make "beautiful sounds" for her, he felt a sense of liberation and freedom, as if he was finally able to express himself in a way that he never had before, even though what he spoke had no sence in normal conversations, he moaned words like "my Goddess" or "my Love" and even "more" but he still wasn't sure why he kept screaming that, he knew his body couldn't take more.
But proved wrong as the two bodies intertwined, Katsuki's senses were heightened by the tight, warm, and slippery sensation of her cunt enveloping his member. The pleasure was so intense that his moans grew higher and whinier, his face contorted in ecstasy. The frenetic pace of their movements only added to the pleasure, until finally, the tight knot in his abdomen broke and he screamed with pleasure. Collapsing onto the bed, he felt a sense of release as he filled her womb with his seed. The intensity of his orgasm caused her to climax moments later, both of them left breathless and satisfied.
This moment was the culmination of their desire for each other, a physical manifestation of the love and passion they shared. It was a moment that would be etched in their memories forever, a moment of pure pleasure and connection. The intensity of their passion left them both breathless and satisfied, their bodies entwined in a tangle of limbs and sweat. It was a moment of pure ecstasy, a union of two souls that transcended time and space.
The scene was one of pure happiness as the goddess and the barbarian intertwined in each other's embrace, their bodies wrapped in a passionate hug. The warmth of their love enveloped them and they lost themselves in the moment. Suddenly, the goddess pulled away and looked deeply into her lover's eyes. With a gentle smile on her lips, she whispered to him that she eagerly awaited his arrival at the Sanctuary of Cebtar her sacred temple, it was there that she would officially declare him as her husband to her people and crown him as the sole king of the dragons. She conveyed all the necessary information for him to find the temple hidden deep in the mountains, ensuring that he would not get lost on his journey As their time together came to an end, the goddess gave her lover one last kiss before uttering his name: "Wake up Katsuki"
As Katsuki slowly opened his eyes, he found himself in the center of a mysterious ring of stones. The snowflakes were falling gently from the sky, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere. However, the air was thick with the scent of snow, fire, and blood, which made him feel uneasy. He took a deep breath and stood up, feeling the coldness of the snow beneath his feet. He knew that he had to find his beloved goddess, who was waiting for him in the Northlands, beyond the mountains. With each step he took, the snow became deeper and the wind grew stranger, but Katsuki was determined to reach his destination. He imagined his goddess waiting for him, her beauty and grace inspiring him to keep moving forward.
He knew that he had to be strong and brave for the journey ahead was treacherous and full of danger As he walked, Katsuki noticed the snow-covered landscape around him. The trees were adorned with icicles, and the snowflakes sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight, Finally, after weeks of walking, Katsuki reached the foot of the mountains. He looked up at the towering peaks seeing the temple, feeling a sense of both fear and excitement. He knew that he had to go deeper in the woods, where his goddess was waiting for him. With a deep breath he began his ascent, determined to reach his beloved and fulfill his destiny
To be continued if you guys like It ♥️
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jessysapphireblue · 9 months
Goddess on board Luffy x Oc
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Nicknames included are Lu and Je, which you can replace with your name, since nothing else is mentioned. A born female magician and being damn powerful
Sighning, you leaned back on your cloud pillow you created to rest your muscels and mind from the past few days being coped up in your room, trying to figure out how to make Devil Fruit users swim, due to the constant whining of your boyfriend, also captain.
Closing your eyes, you breathed out, enjoying the quiet time, until you felt something in the water, making you groan. "Nami! 15 Marine ships comming in our direction with speed. 1 Mile away", you shouted to your orange-haired navigator, as hell broke loose.
Usopp and Chopper screaming for their lives, while Luffy was ready to kick some ass with Zoro and Sanji, which only made you groan. "Rough days, I presume", Robin stood next to you, looking at you. "I finally took a break and now this...why?", you whined and stood up, dismissing your cloud, in which Robin chuckled. "Nami! They´re comming from 2 o´clock, and cannonball is fired at 3...2...1", you said and indeed a cannonball came fireing, making you held your hand out as it stopped midair, before it fell into the water. "How the-wha-", Franky asked confused, looking at you. Standing on the railing, you heard the marine shouting about attacks, making you groan.
You began to concentrate your magic into your finger, as a tiny ball formed, hovering over your index finger. Pointing to the ships, the ball released.
"This tiny ball can´t do much-", began Zoro before a gigantic explosion interrupted him, making all turn to it to see the marine ships gone, soldiers in the water. The whole crew went silent.
And with a simple snip of your fingers, water rose by the sunny, releasing food and treasure onto the deck of the Sunny. "Good, peace and quiet now", you said and jumped onto the grass before going back onto your cloud.
"That was-" "AMAZING!!!!", Luffy sceamed and beamed, shining and joined you. "How did you do that!?" "Concentrate my magic to one point before releasing it. Quick and painless", you simply said as Nami, Chopper and Usopp came. "WE ARE UNWORTHY!", they said before bending down to you, making you blink. "...you just pretend to be weak?!", Zoro came to you. "I never pretend anything. My magic is 90% deadly, so-" "Oh, my beloved Goddess! I am just unworthy in your presence, pls forgive me", Sanji swooned over you before going on a knee in front of you.
"Sanji, pls. Neither of you is unworthy or weak. Magic is just different" "I didn´t knew you could be this strong!", Chopper looked at you with sparkles. "...that was actually nothing compared what I can do"
"Yohohoho...my eyes would defently pop out just imagining it, ah, I nave no eyes anymore. YOHOHOHOHO!!!", Brook laughed. "How strong are you?", asked Jinbei.
All looked at you. "When I say a One woman Army it´s enough. Believe me. I don´t want to go deeper", you admitted. "SUGE!", Lu was now in your face, beaming like a child because how cool he found you. "S you can kill", pressed Zoro and you nooded. "Very easily...with Lu, I could demonstrate it" "YES! YES!", your boyfriend was so eager for you to show off. Holding your hand out, you released a short breath.
"I can´t move", said Luffy before you moved your hand down, making Nami and Usopp, Chopper included, scream. "WHAT THE!" "Our captain is now a pancake", chuckled Robin and you lowered your hand, making your boyfriend sping up. "Now imagine this with real bones", you said.
"YOU COULD EASILY-", Zoro shouted, a vein pulsing on his head. "Yeah. But no" "Bro, she just stole your spot", patted Franky Zoro´s shoulder, who just growled. "Show.Me.More!!!", demanded your boyfriend. "Tomorrow? Please. I just finished up the thing you wanted" "The...thing?", Luffy tilted his head. "Yeah. I can now make Devil Fruit users swim"
"OH HELL NO! WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?! I`M OUT!", Zoro stormed away, clearly pissed. "Should we actually call you Goddess now?", admitted Robin. "Hm? Je a God?", asked Luffy Robin. "Yes. I mean, kind, gentle, sweet, always there to listen, strong, and you feel protected by her", she admitted with a soft smile.
"MY GODDESS~~~I will follow you to the end of the earth!", Sanji proclaimed and took your hand to give it a kiss but was pushed directly away by your boyfriends´ foot to the face, while he pulled you close.
"Stay away from Je! She´s mine! You have no right to kiss her hand, Sanji"
Loud bickering broke out, which made you laugh loudly. You always thought, that once they found out how strong you are, they would want you to leave the crew, in fear of endangering everyone else but never thought that you were being worshipped.
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
sun and moon
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Summary - a lonely soul realizes what he has been longing for when you cross paths by chance.
found on masterlist V // also here on ao3
He had seen you flittering around in the early gleams of dawn. Were you a spy his people had warned him of or some arrogant intruder? Namor figured to get answers for himself. He laid in waiting one night before you passed by. As soon as you did, the king of Talokan sprinted after you
You were….glowing. Essence of light radiating off your skin and hair, eyes luminous in the night. He held you by the waist but couldn’t stop staring in the gleaming light, caught in surprise at the revelation. Not a human, but something and someone entirely different. When he asked for your name, he wanted to hear it again.
“I’m…I’m y/n, patron to the Sun.”
“I’m Namor.”
The first time Namor wanted to kiss you was when you crossed paths again after that fateful night. You had gathered on the shores of the beach, dawn fast approaching with her rays. It looked as if you were in worship to your patron, thanking for the gifts and abilities you wielded. Seeing as it was a more intimate moment than most, he left you for now but remembered what flowers you wore in your hair.
The second time he wanted to kiss you was when you showed each other the worlds you came from. Flying with him put your nerves on edge at first since you weren’t used to it, but that all melted away when you showed him the temples and shrines you frequented. Namor couldn’t tear his gaze away when the excitement grew in your eyes. It was almost irresistible when you toured Talokan with him.
The third time Namor wanted to kiss you was out of desperation. Yes, he knew you were an ally to Bast and her children. But did you care for him? Was he too late in revealing any feelings to you? “If you do this, I cannot guarantee—I insist that you stay behind and—.”
“I cannot abandon them, Namor. I—care for you, but I can’t—.”
He was turned away from you when you heard the sad sigh. “I know.”
The fourth time he imagined kissing you was after the battle between his people and the Wakandans. You never looked more ethereal in armor, and he didn’t have a care in the world if he were to just kiss you now. Let them all see!
By the fifth time, Namor thought a centuries-long courtship was out of his grasp. You had been a friend, confidant, and an adversary. On that last note, he thought it hopeless of any chance to pursue you, but he was proven otherwise when you appeared back on the shores. The same ones he first met you on, and with an inviting smile.
“I thought you never wanted to be near here again…”
Your strides forward were in confidence as you kept the iron gaze. As soon as you reached him, trembling hands cupped his face as his enveloped yours.
“I couldn’t stay away even if I tried.”
You inched closer to his lips before he pulled you in. Like waves crashing on rocks, you melted into Namor’s arms as fingers wove through his soft dark hair.
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melancholypancakes · 1 year
The Goddesses and Echo The Gossip Nymph
“Why are you following me?!” the Nymph asks angrily as Persephone responds, ‘Why are you repeating everything you hear?” she asks Echo. 
“Why do you care?! do you think I care, Aphrodite, is flirting with Desire?!” she yells as Aphrodite stammers to explain herself. 
“I don’t care! I don’t care about your problems with hades and Minthe! I care about something way bigger!” 
Persephone gasps as Echo knew about her problem with Minthe.
“Echo. You gotta stop doing this or you’re gonna get yourself killed.” a goddess beside Aphrodite and Persephone said. 
“I’m not doing anything wrong!” echo exclaimed angrily at Y/n. “Yes, you are. You’re spreading rumors of Aphrodite having an “affair” with Desire of the endless and Persephone fighting Minthe over Hades!” Y/n exclaims back. 
“Well...What about you?! You’re laying with Dream of the endless! behind Zeus’s back!” she yells and the goddess gasp. 
“You have no proof of this and even if you did. I wouldn’t let you speak of it and it’s none of your business!” The goddess yelled at the nymph. 
“I swear, by the Gods keep spreading these nonsense rumors Some God or Goddess is going to curse you!” Y/n yells as the nymph runs off.
“Just leave me alone or I’ll everyone your dirty little secrets!” Echo screams.
(After Hera steals Echo’s voice) 
“Now, what have we learned?” Y/n said looking Echo dead in the eye. Echo looks sadly at her and looks down at her feet silently.
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sytoran · 1 year
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˚₊‧꒰ა 𝖆𝖑𝖑'𝖘 𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗 𝖎𝖓 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖕𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖗𝖞 ... 🖋️
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˚₊‧꒰ ✉️ 𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡 . . .
this is an 18+ blog. if you're a minor, kindly get off my blog, this is not for you. secondly, this is a safe space, any homophobia/racism/sexism/transphobia etc. is not tolerated. do not plagarise, copy, or translate my work. all works are strictly dom!reader.
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˚₊‧꒰ 🦢 𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫 𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔢 . . .
nsfw alphabet — soft!wanda x gf!reader
arabella — soft!wanda x writer!reader
medicine — subby!wanda x avenger!reader
giddyup — horny!wanda x beefy!reader
rockin' around the christmas tree — horny!wanda x gf!reader
'tis the season to be horny — horny!wanda x gf!reader
last christmas | pt.2 — toxic!wanda x ex!reader
˚₊‧꒰ 🤍 𝔪𝔦𝔩𝔣 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔞 . . .
babysitter duty | pt.2 — babysitter!reader x milf!wanda
kick a ball, score a hot mom — milf!wanda x footballcoach!reader
extra credit — professor!wanda x student!reader
all i want for christmas is you (to fuck me) — wife!wanda x beefy!reader
the excellence of misfortune
Moving into Westview to escape the demons that chase you, there you meet Wanda Maximoff, a married woman who's looking for the same kind of escapism. Where one seeks order and the other seeks thrill, maybe you can show each other a little neighbourly support, and perhaps, find the excellence of misfortune.
˚₊‧꒰ 🎧 𝔠𝔬𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔤𝔢 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔞 . . .
taunt — meangirl!wanda x college!reader
boudoir photography — student!wanda x professor!reader
study break — councilpresident!wanda x jock!reader
i'm (c)reaming of a white christmas — innocent!wanda x brother's bsf!reader
slow hands | pt.2 — popular!wanda x college!reader
˚₊‧꒰ 🐇 𝔟𝔲𝔫𝔫𝔶/𝔟𝔞𝔟𝔶𝔤𝔦𝔯𝔩 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔞 . . .
babygirl wanda | pt.2 — drabbles
pretty in pink
Adopting a hybrid bunny girl becomes one of the best decisions you've ever made in your life. Despite the blurred lines that form in your relationship, you wouldn't trade anything in the world for your sweet angel that is Wanda Maximoff.
˚₊‧꒰ ⚽ 𝔞𝔩𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔢 𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔢𝔰 . . .
espresso — model!wanda x gf!reader
spooky scary skeletons — toxic!wanda x ghostface!reader
the pirate and the mermaid — mermaid!wanda x pirate!reader
doctor's orders — barbie!wanda x gynecologist!reader
god, you're insatiable — jealous!wanda x gf!reader
heat waves — omega!wanda x alpha!bartender!reader
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𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖆𝖘𝖍𝖆 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖋𝖋
home is where the heart is
In which your married life with Natasha Romanoff is depicted through this comedy-drama series. With your dream job, three kids, and a plethora of friends, each day is blissful but all the more chaotic and unpredictable. (And ultimately, very horny.)
my divine goddess
After saving a mystical cat from a deathly experience, you're hauled into the world of Gods and Goddesses with one wish to get whatever it is you desire. Turns out, all you crave is the Goddess of Lust, Natasha Romanoff. Steamy entanglements turn into love-filled confessions, but the two of you were star-crossed from the very start.
mile high club on a plane ride to dubai for a romantic getaway, natasha takes matters into her own hands, and your cock into her own mouth. (oops?)
arsonist's lullabye natasha gets more attached than expected after a one-night-stand with the college's infamous player.
mechanic jacks and jacked mechanics natasha's car breaks down in the dead of the night, and an unbelievably sexy mechanic shows up to fix her right up.
let me fuck your tits? your wife thinks you've been acting a little off lately, but it comes down to the 'hard' truth that you just wanna fuck her tits.
i wanna be yours despite your countless pleads for natasha to stay away during the full moon, she decides to brave the beast... and gets a lot more than what she bargained for.
widow's web natasha's mission to retrieve a thumbdrive file by seducing a high-ranking executive goes a little too smoothly, and she doesn't notice you're not all you seem to be.
break the rules when visiting the strip club downtown with your co-workers, you catch the eye of none other than the 'black widow'.
obsession, possesion! your roomate's an innocent little thing, the prettiest girl on campus, whose boobs you're a little too obsessed with.
office hours | pt.2 natasha romanoff is your new secretary, and she's ready to help you with your every need.
natasha plays a prank
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if god forbid (Peggy Carter x Gn!Reader) you're eating your wife out under her office desk as she speaks to - or at least, attempts to speak to - her military soldiers.
the super soldier theory (Wandanat x Amab!Reader) being a supersoldier had its perks, like getting to fuck the black widow and scarlet witch on a mission.
possesive wandanat
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© 𝐒𝐘𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐍 2024-25 ━ do not copy, edit or translate my works
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frosty-mango · 2 months
Reanimated Madara x Shy!Forest Goddess!Reader
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@opheliasadventures1 :- Reanimated Madara with a shy and easily flustered forest goddess reader
A/N :- I gotchu with this one first, headcannons coming later I promise. Just bear with me, it's been a minute since I've written on Tumblr 😂
Warnings :- Flirting, mild language, Madara, gender specific reader (fem)
Word Count :- 1.2k
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Life has a funny way of things doesn't it? One second you're living fine, alone, happy, content. The next your falling head over heals for a man that can kill you with one fatal jutsu. After that... You're mourning the loss of that man because of a negative spiral for power and revenge. And then your back to square one for god knows how long. The heart can be something so great and so hurtful in these times.
And much to your own dismay it really is. You lived in near solitude after the death of your late husband, Madara. You were fine with this, you couldn't get hurt if you didn't make any new connections. Plus... It's more painful to watch all that you know change and leave when you're immortal. It was like this for years, but until now you hadn't had a reason to leave your sanction till you heard it.
And not just by someone who just so happened to come across your home, but by the very Senju that killed what was your brother inlaw. Tobirama Senju, an old friend yes, but a sour one at the most. Seeing as he wasn't looking completely together told you enough that he was completely there. One of the Senju brothers needing your help wasn't uncommon from back when they breathed and bled, but this was far different. Being asked to stop your husband who is trying to make the world submit to an eternal genjutsu was something else.
And that's why you're here now...
Currently using your abilities to your advantage on the battlefield. You weren't near Madara yet, but you could tell he was there and what he was doing was sickening. Everyone had a show for it too, Hashirama fighting the Ten-tails, Saratobi and who you now know as the fourth hokage, Minato, fighting the reanimated, you and Tobirama on the other hand, were tracking the slippery Uchiha. A plan set and ready, all you needed to do was distract Madara, now how hard could that be?
"How hard is it to track him if you're able to sense things from the ground and roots?" Tobirama sneered at you while you leapt around the battlefield.
"Easier said than done, the less vegetation the harder it can be. So don't act all high and mighty like you can do it better." You rolled your eyes looking softly at the younger Senju as he sighed looking around.
"Just try and focus, the sooner we can seal him away the better-" just as he finished his sentence he was sent flying by a fireball sent straight for him. "Damn bastard! If you don't watch where you're shooting you'll hurt your own plans Madara!"
You had leapt back a good distance when the fireball had come close, earth and fire don't mix well in your conditions. When you scanned the area of the fireball you spotted the spiky haired Uchiha just as he seemingly teleported right before Tobirama. They both locked their hits stopping one another from bashing the others.
"And what do you know about plans? If I recall, you had almost died from two pathetic idiots all because they ate their way out of the Nine-tails." Madara jerked back against the white haired Senju and both backed away from one another. As he was about to call his susonoo again you had jumped at his side and by a miracle tackled him to the ground.
"You damn Shinobi pest never know when to quit-"
"Finish that sentence and so help me I'll make you remember what being slapped feels like." You looked down at him and his stunned face as he was mid jutsu sign. You grinned softly at him as you straddled his waist. "Hi baby.."
Madara just looked at you as he moved to sit up and slid you down to his lap. He looked down at you, scanning over you slowly as a smile formed on his face and his hands moved to your waist and face.
"So, you really weren't lying about being immortal then huh?"
"Why would I lie about that? We had plenty of moments that showed off the truth of that very question." You scrunched your nose a bit and furrowed your brows. Despite trying to look upset and angry, it was rather difficult when he was caressing one of your cheeks and rubbing his thumb along your cheekbone.
"Because, despite that, it just means I get to experience your eternal beauty~" he winked as he brought you to stand up with him. A heavy blush formed on your face while he began laughing at your reaction, his armour shaking as he did.
"Cheeky move Mada.." you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face away into him whilst he hugged you tight to him.
Silence fell over the two of you while you held one another. Taking in one anothers present, this alone made your grip on him tighten as your eyes began to burn, before long you had a small stream of tears rolling down your face. Madara moved you away, grabbing your chin and making you look up into his shining red eyes of his mangeko sharingan. Before you could say anything he only traced his thumb over your lips, hauling your words in your throat.
"I know, I know, my sweet girl... I know..." He spoke softly as things started to come to a stop around you. You shook your head and pulled him close again as your lips met in a tender and longing kiss.
Your hands made their way to the sides of his face and in his hair. As the kiss broke away you heard someone clear their throat. You both turned to look at Hashirama scratching the back of his neck with an awkward grin, Tobirama next to him looking away as irritated as ever, and Saratobi looking away while shaking his head with a small smirk.
"Glad to see your love is as strong as ever!" Hashirama looked at the two of you and rocked on his heels before Tobirama smacked him over the head.
"How about instead of your nonsense you let them talk." Tobirama glared at him before turning to you and Madara before nodding to you directly. Madara lifted his brow as he glared at the three in front of him before looking back down at you.
"Heh- Mada, I love all that you do and all that you've done...but this isn't part of that. You're hurting what was our home. The place we built back then, look at all of this. I've watched it all change and grow and I ask that you don't destroy it. Madara I want to watch what we did grow till I can't no longer, will you grant me that? Please..?"
Madara looked at you with a panned look till it softened, he wrapped his arm around your waist making you blush. As he leaned down and planted a kiss to your forehead.
"I suppose it isn't very fair to make you watch your- our home crumble, especially with you watching over it my sweet girl." He pressed another soft kiss to your head while he looked at his fellow reanimated Shinobi and back down at you.
"Even if I'm gone, I'll be close to you, I promise."
"I know you will Mada, I never doubted your words, not once." You pulled him into another hug that he returned without hesitation and held each other tightly knowing what was to come.
"I love you, my God of the Uchiha."
"I love you too, my Goddess of the land and earth."
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holylulusworld · 7 months
G & CSP (4) - How to become a villain
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Summary: After Steve messed up (aka talked to some other woman) he tries to make amends and get to know you better.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Villain!Reader
Warnings: implied smut, a little teasing/making out, idiots in love
Written for: Winter Break Advent: Day 7 - Close proximity
Catch up here: Blurb (3) - The first fight
Goddess & Captain Sassypants masterlist
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“Don't you just want to let go and have the bad girl, a villain for once?" You purr and run your fingers through his hair to mess it up a little.
Your lips brush over Steve’s. You breathe against him but don’t touch his lips. If he wants a kiss, he must beg you for it.
He’s the one giving in first. Steve cups your face and presses his lips to yours. He devours your mouth, making you gasp against his soft lips.
Steve smiles at the memory. You opened up to him even more. And now, you crossed a line. Your flirty banter and all the teasing ended in a night of passion. (According to you.) Steve would call it making love.
“So,” Steve clears his throat. He’s still not back in your good graces. (at least not completely.) You took it to heart that he ruined your fifth date fight in the park. 
The bench you sat on that day didn’t make it out alive. The same goes for the woman’s car, her apartment, and almost her dog too.
The last one was an accident! 
You tried to rip her handbag off her shoulder only to watch her dog fly off the roof. Of course, you saved the poor dog just in time. 
She didn’t get it back, though. Let’s say Carl got the dog he always wanted, and the woman is missing an accessory she loved to carry around in a handbag. 
“Goddess, are you still mad at me?” Steve repeats the same line he said a hundred times already. “Please forgive me for messing our date up.”
You glare at him. “That wasn’t a date, Captain Sassypants!”
“Our epic battle then,” he grins when you melt against his warm chest. “So, do you want me to make things up again?”
You quirk a brow and lift the silky sheet covering his lower half. “You really are a super-soldier, huh? I didn’t think it comes with a mechanic dick.”
Steve chuckles at your comment. “It’s not mechanic, doll.”
“I don’t know,” you move your hand to his crotch to feel him up. “Litte Captain Sassypants is hard as steel!”
He grabs your hand to place it on his chest. Steve wants to talk about a few things with you.
“You never told me why you became a villain,” he softly says while you are busy running your right hand over his naked chest. “Every infamous villain has a backstory. Don’t they?”
Crap. You’re not prepared to give him a good lie. The truth is, you had a huge crush on Steve and started to commit smaller crimes to get his attention. One thing led to another, and you ended up with a whole bunch of crazy minions, a huge mansion, and a name everyone fears.
"A villain is in control. I had enough of feeling helpless. All my life people walked all over me. I got treated badly because of my powers. I belonged nowhere. Not even Shield wanted me. So, I became a villain and embraced my powers and being different from others,” you say. 
It’s not a complete lie. Your life sucked, and you got used to being an outcast. Everyone overlooked you until you decided to impress a certain hero with your powers and the crimes you committed.
“I see,” Steve wraps one arm around your body to hold you close to his warm chest. “Every villain has a backstory then.”
“What about you?” You lift your head from his chest. “Aren't you tired of being the golden boy and perfect minion to Shield, the Avengers, and everyone else out there?" You rake your nails over his chest, causing Steve to shudder. “Don’t you want to break out and run away sometimes?”
“With you?” He smirks and looks at you in his arms. “Imagine, the mightiest villain and Captain America run off for their honeymoon.”
“Whoa, slow down!” You grunt. “I conquered your body to weaken your resistance and make sure my minions can wreak havoc while you are busy with other things I never agreed to marry you.”
“You will,” he shrugs. “I know you want to be a good person. You only need someone to help you see you’re not evil.”
“I enchanted you,” you hum to yourself. “I’m even mightier than I thought. I made Captain America lose his mind!”
“That you did.” Steve agrees to not lose the chance to hold you in his arms a little longer. 
You’re a good person, he just knows it. Every time you take care of one of your minions or save someone standing in the line of fire he sees your true self.
Sadly, no one before Steve saw the light in you. They tried to extinguish it or turn it into a raging fire.
“Good thing I live in close proximity to the Avengers Tower. This way, I can keep an eye on you, Captain.”
“You’re still mad at me,” he sighs deeply. “Doll, I told you this woman meant nothing to me. She didn’t stand a chance against you.”
“Damn right,” you click your tongue. “I gave it to that bitch good. She will never try to get her greedy hands on someone else’s man-” You cough and try to play your slip-of-tongue cool. “I meant enemy.”
Steve poorly tries to hide the smirk creeping across his face. He nuzzles your hair and sighs again. “What did you do to her?”
“I kinda stole her poor dog. Little fart is much happier with Carl.”
“Little fart?”
“I didn’t name the dog,” you grumble. “Carl did.”
“You know stealing is illegal. Right?” Steve tuts, letting the hero and goody-in-two shoes show.
You chuckle darkly. “Oh, I did more than steal her dog. Do you want to arrest me now, Captain?” While you straddle his lap and place your hands on his chest, Steve watches you with adoration in his eyes. “Hey, stop looking like a love-sick puppy. We are not here to make love! You are my prisoner for the time being.”
“Oh, please don’t chain me up in the cold cell again,” he plays along. Steve knows you don’t like to give up control or admit feelings. Weakness is not an option. You had a hard life and won’t be weak ever again.
Well, maybe you allow yourself once in a while to be weak when you are in his arms. “If you are a good prisoner, you can stay here.”
“Phew, good.” Steve watches you lie back down on top of him. “I feared Tony must come to my rescue. You know him. He’ll call you my girlfriend again.”
“I dare him!” You exclaim loudly. “I’m your master and made you my willing slave. Nothing else.”
“I know, doll,” Steve runs his hand over your back. “I’ll tell him so. Promised.”
“Good. We don’t want your little friends to come over and believe they’ll get my cookies or shit. I won’t share my technology or minions with them.”
“Goddess, I need you to tell me what you did with that woman.” Steve already knows you wrecked her car and apartment.
“She had it coming,” you lift your head from his chest to grin at Steve. “I think she learned her lesson. No one touches my archenemy.”
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Steve Rogers/Chris Evans/all CEvans characters Tags
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Sleep Of The Corrupt- Morpheus x Goddess!Reader
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Hello all! Sorry for not posting in a while, I had some health issues and struggled to get back into my writing schedule. But I am back now!
Summary: “Sleep Of The Just” AU. While searching for your daughter, Elaina, you’re summoned and imprisoned by Roderick Burgess. Mistaking you for Death, he demands the resurrection of his son and other unworthy gifts. Instead of fulfilling his demands, you make him realize his horrific mistake.
TW: None really. Cosmic horror (heavily inspired by H. P. Lovecraft). Some fluff, some angst.
WC: 8.4k (Oof…)
Divider by: @firefly-graphics​
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“Ellie!” You shouted down the palace corridors and in every room, frantically scouring from top to bottom for your little girl- only to come up empty.
This wasn’t like her. Your daughter never ventured beyond Fiddler’s Green and the House of Secrets. No matter where she wandered, Elaina was always under the trusted supervision of dreams, while you and Morpheus tended to your realms and responsibilities.
An irritated huff heaved from your lips as you strode down another corridor. This stressful game of hide and seek was beyond exhausting. Alas, you and Morpheus have no choice but to play.
The abrupt sound of a slamming door clapped through the air like thunder, ascending into the rapid approach of Morpheus’s footsteps.
“Any sign of her?”
He shook his head. “None. The dreams and nightmares have found no sign. Even Jessamy has had little luck.”
“We’ve been searching for hours. How have we not found her?” You huffed in distress, wringing your hands as your thoughts spun in overwhelming worry.
If she was nowhere to be found, then wouldn’t that mean- No. Elaina couldn’t leave The Dreaming on her own… Not unless-
Your heart sank, crumbling into lifeless dust at the horrific possibility. Stressful tears glazed your eyes, lighting your nerves ablaze in a dreadful panic.
“Love, we’ll find her.” Hands warmer than sunshine caressed your shoulders in soothing circles. He pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you in a comforting embrace. Effective as always, your body slowly relaxed in his arms; against all maternal intuition blaring like an alarm, begging you to search for your daughter. “It’s likely she just wandered off farther than usual.”
“Beyond a dream’s reach?” You muttered dejectedly into his coat. “What if she’s not even here?”
“That shouldn’t be possible unless she had an escort. Besides, where would she go if she had the chance?”
Your eyes grew wide. There was a realm Elaina was highly affiliated with, one she loved to visit every chance she could.
Your birthplace. The Waking World.
“How did we forget?” You grumbled, suddenly pulling yourself from the embrace.
“Forget what?”
Unlike Morpheus and his siblings, your divinity was gifted to you nearly two decades ago, after the former Goddess of Chaos passed her crown and abilities down to you. The succession ultimately stripped you of most of your mortal life; all except your loving parents.
“If she could go anywhere, would it not be The Waking World? To my parents?” You asserted, turning down the corridor in bolting strides.
You both knew how much your parents adored Elaina. Since the day she was born, they were instantly wrapped around her little finger. They spoiled her rotten and treated her like a princess, showering her with new toys and pretty dresses every chance they could.
There was rarely a weekend or holiday where they didn’t invite you and your family over for dinner, or offer to keep Elaina for sleepovers and day trips. (Perhaps to give you and Morpheus some ‘alone time’; hopefully resulting in more grandchildren, you theorized.)
“It’s a valid theory, but an unlikely one,” Morpheus argued as he caught up to your hurried pace. “My dreams are always watching over her. They would’ve noticed her leaving with an escort.”
“Maybe, maybe not. It’s still a possibility, and far more favorable than others.” You paused your pace and spun to face him; already expecting the heavy skepticism gracing his features.
“One hour. Allow me one hour to search my old home, while you continue the search here. Please,” you negotiated and pleaded with a desperate look in your glistening eyes. “For the sake of my sanity. Before we consider the very worst.”
Morpheus sighed in thought, considering every outcome of your plan.
As much as he loves and adores you, you were still the embodiment of Chaos. He couldn’t deny the potential havoc your mere presence could wreak on The Waking World. Even with your totems, which stabilize and hinder Chaos’s effects, it was still risky. Especially during a world war.
However, if you remained true to your word and wore your crown and pendant, an hour in The Waking World would hardly cause any impact.
“One hour, and not a moment more.”
You smiled in victory, launching yourself to the tips of your toes, and pressed a kiss to his lips.
“I won’t be long.” You promised, before disappearing in a whirlwind of black fire.
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You stood before your parents’ home, dark and eerily quiet; not a soul to be found.
Must be out at the tavern, or visiting a friend, you reckoned. An irritable groan rumbled in the back of your throat as you strode down the road with tears brimming in your eyes.
Every hope you had crumbled into dust. Your worst fear has come to fruition. Your little girl was missing; only protected by the Fates’ mercy, wandering whatever realm in careless adventure.
What if she’s hurt? What if I’m too late? What if-
You halted your feverish pace; standing in the gentle trajectory of a cool breeze. It whipped through the sleek satin of your crimson gown in flowing waves, effectively cooling you down.
It was oddly refreshing; recollective in a way. Your thoughts slowly simmered down into a hushed calm, refined to focus on your next move.
“Ellie!” A child’s voice echoed in the distance.
Your vitals halted, skipping several beats as your eyes bulged out of your skull. It couldn’t be, could it-
Your feet moved on their own, taking off into a violent sprint through poorly lit alleyways and side streets.
With every step, the distant, delighted giggles grew louder and clearer, filling the crisp air and echoing into the inky night. You rounded every corner frantically, chasing after the laughter like your life depended on it. Please be her, you prayed. Please be her…
The series of small streets led you straight to the laughing culprits- two young girls swinging on a swing set in a park. Of tangled midnight and sunshine tresses you could instantly pick out of a lineup.
You could finally breathe, praising all the stars in the sky that your daughter was safe. You should’ve known Shivering Jemmy was watching over her, upholding her role as Elaina’s self-sworn protector. The little Lord of Chaos has never left her side since she was born, destined to be her partner in crime from the very beginning.
“Where did you find this place? It’s amazing!” Jemmy exclaimed, thrusting her legs forward to swing higher.
“My grandma brought me here when I stayed over last week,” Elaina said, kicking a rock with her filthy slipper from under her lavender nightgown, thickly caked in mud and grass.
The little vein on your forehead was about to pop. You and that nightgown are getting scrubbed with a brush when we return home…
As quietly as you could, you approached the girls and leaned against the swing set’s A-frame with your arms crossed.
“A bit far from home, are we now?” You said suddenly.
The girls nearly jumped out of their seats. Jemmy dragged her bare feet against the gravel, sputtering to a halt. As white as phantoms, they slowly turned to face your impending wrath.
“H-hi, Mommy…” Elaina greeted in uncertainty with large (E/C) glossed over in a silent plea as her lower lip jutted out in a quivering pout.
“H-hello, Your Grace…” Jemmy muttered quietly with a bowed head.
“Are the play gyms at home no longer to your liking?” You asked with a stern edge to your tone.
“N-no, no, it’s not that!” Your daughter exclaimed, flinching at her loud, impolite tone. A solemn frown fell over her face. “It’s just… I had so much fun when Grandma brought me here, I wanted to show Jemmy. I won’t do it again, I promise! Please don’t be mad, I’m really sorry…”
A small, sad smile twitched on the edges of your lips. You should be angry, you know. You should scold her for disappearing from The Dreaming. You should forbid her from leaving the palace for at least 10 years; solely for the stress and upset her little adventure sparked.
No, you were far too relieved to be angry with her. Jemmy, on the other hand, was a different story…
“I’m not mad.” You shook your head as you settled in the empty swing beside your daughter, swaying back and forth in a gentle rock.
“However, you cannot wander off like this again, Ellie. Not even with Jemmy. Realms like The Waking World are not like The Dreaming, it’s very dangerous to be alone here. That’s why it’s important that someone like me, Daddy, Grandma, or Grandpa are always with you when you’re here. Do you understand?”
Elaina’s dark brows furrowed at your warning. “Why is it dangerous here? Are there monsters?”
Your gaze shifted, falling on the amusement gleaming in Jemmy’s eyes. Oh, if only Elaina knew the irony in her interest…
As products of Chaos, you held the ability to bend Reality itself to create unspeakable horrors and magnificence alike. Powerful in every sense, it struck fear in those who knew the vast scale of your prowess.
Because of this, you’ve been called a monster more times than you could count. Shivering Jemmy even more so. Often by those who were more monstrous than you could ever be, ironically.
“In a way… Most beings are friendly and kind, but some are cruel and monstrous. Some that wish to hurt others…” You said with caution, not wishing to scare her. “That’s why you always need to be careful here. Alright?”
“Okay.” She nodded through a yawn. “Can we go home now?”
“Of course.” You smiled as you stood, holding a hand out to her. “It’s far past your bedtime, sweetheart-”
Here in the darkness…
Here in the darkness…
A chant echoed in the recesses of your mind, growing increasingly louder with every step you took. You froze, suddenly paralyzed by excruciating pain unlike any other. It felt like you were being ripped apart-
Here in the darkness…
Here in the darkness…
You fell to your knees, eyes glistening in fresh tears, choking and gasping for air. What’s happening?
“Mommy! What’s happening? What’s wrong?” Elaina cried, crouching beside you, watching in complete terror as grainy smoke slowly engulfed you.
Here in the darkness…
Here in the darkness…
It took all you could not to scream. The smoke was like a torrential current, pulling you under with unbridled force. You don’t know how much longer you can hold on…
With the last of your strength, your eyes locked with your most trusted Lord of Chaos. “G-get Mor-phe-us!”
You let go- suffocated in unfeeling darkness.
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Here in the darkness…
Here in the darkness…
“I give you a coin made from a stone.”
‘What is this place…?’ You stirred in the void.
Here in the darkness…
Here in the darkness…
“I give you a knife from under the hills, and I give you the blood from out of my vein…”
‘Ugh…’ The void lightens in a crimson hue.
Here in the darkness!
Here in the darkness!
“I give you a song I stole from the dirt, and I give you a feather pulled from an angel’s wing for you to lift up into the heavens…”
Slowly, you ascended from the depths, towards a growing light.
Here in the darkness!
Here in the darkness!
“I summon you with poison!”
You choke; your floating body contorting in unbearable pain.
HeRe In ThE dArKnEsS!
HeRe In ThE dArKnEsS!
“I summon you with pain!”
‘Yes. Very much in pain…’ You screamed silently into the void, thrashing against its soul-crushing depths.
HeRe In ThE dArKnEsS!
HeRe In ThE dArKnEsS!
“I open the way, I open the gates…”
‘Let me out!’ The light grows brighter, blinding and burning…
“I summon you in the names of the old lords. Namtar, Allatu, Morax… Maborym calls you. Horvendile calls you. We summon you together. Come!”
Cold and hard as Reality’s forge, you fall from your otherworldly prison onto stone tiles with a sickening thud. Your ruby crown slipped from its place atop your head, and your matching ornate pendant smacked harshly against your jaw and clattered into your tresses from the brutal impact.
A pained hiss huffed against the stone faster than you could stop it- a sharp ache erupted on the side of your skull in strong, harrowing waves. Faintly, you could feel blood seep in thick rivers from the fracture’s wound, tangling your disheveled strands and staining the tiles below.
You winced at every sharp shift of jagged bone mending back in place; slowly subsiding into a dull throb beating in sync with your pounding heart.
Had you retained your mortality, you would be lucky to be alive, or hindered with severe mental impairments. It was a wonder you were still conscious, even with your godliness rushing to your aid.
The room erupted in hushed whispers and startled gasps. You peeked under the strands of hair slipping over your face. Archaic summoning, based on the binding circle and sigils used. Black robes and hoods? Occult perhaps? Cold stone floor and no windows that you could see. A cellar?
“Alex?” The caster’s voice called out. You slammed your eyes shut as a shadow loomed over you. “Alex!”
You cracked an eye open, as small, timid footsteps slowly approached beside the caster. His face was hard to see, but from their stature, they were young. Perhaps five years older than Elaina, if you were to guess.
“Get that crown for me,” the man barked. “But be careful. Don’t break the binding circle.”
Heedful hands reached forward and gently untangled the woven strands around the crown’s ornate frame.
“Hurry, boy!” The boy gasped in panic, ripping the last few strands free with a sudden tug, and handed it to the man.
“Hmm. Gold and rubies.” The caster inspected it before handing it off to one of his disciples.
You repressed the urge to smirk. They must not know who you are, or the true purpose your jewels served…
“Now the jewel. There.” The man pointed to the dazzling gem around your neck. The child reached forward and snatched the ruby. “Good.”
Fools, you nearly broke your façade.
“Well, let’s see what other treasures you have for us.” The caster said with beaming eyes, as he reached forward and grabbed the neckline notch of your fiery bell sleeve.
“What barbarity…” Your amusement loomed through the air with the cold, harsh sting of venom. The grip on your sleeve was abruptly released with shaken gasps and scuffling footsteps. You couldn’t help but laugh, rolling over with a triumphant grin aimed at your captor. “Disrobing a vulnerable woman? What a disgrace you must be to your lover and mother.”
The man smirked, an unspoken equal to your taunting quips. “Awake, are we?”
You nodded, shifting to your knees under your crimson skirt. “I’ve been. Your spell work is impressive, however, flawed.”
His smirk fell with disdain, rousing your own. “Though, I suppose it performed as intended… Somewhat.” You rose to your feet, radiating the very essence of power- of a true goddess. “So, what do you want?”
“I captured you under the laws of magic. Therefore, I command you, Death, to return my son Randall, who died in the Gallipoli Campaign. If you give him back to me, alive and well, I’ll release you from this binding circle. A fair deal, wouldn’t you agree?”
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, suppressing every mocking quip running through your mind.
Oh, this is rich!
“Barbaric and benighted… I’m afraid your demands are impossible to fulfill.” You smiled, enjoying the fallen look plastered on his face. “Death cannot revive the dead. Especially souls long passed on and corpses reduced to dust and bone. Your efforts are fruitless, Summoner.”
It wasn’t a complete lie, nor the entire truth. There were other ways one could revive the dead- albeit at an extravagant cost, often a life for a life, or paired with severe consequences. Something he may have considered, given his talent in magic. Perhaps he refused to get his hands dirty or aimed at cheating the age-old rules of magic.
“Resurrect him,” Your summoner pressed with a dangerous gleam in his eyes. “If you wish to regain your freedom, you’ll answer my command.”
Your jaw clenched in your simmering irritation. “Do we speak in different tongues? Death leads souls to the afterlife, not back. Therefore, your request demands what cannot be done. No matter how untimely, Death makes no mistake. Your son was destined to die that day, and you cannot change that!”
Your summoner reeled back in disbelief, abhorred by your words.
Calm down…You sighed deeply, recollecting yourself from your burst of anger. “Please forgive my harsh words, it was incredibly insensitive of me. You have my condolences, I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child. But death is never the end. When your time comes, you shall be reunited with your child on the other side. That’s the only solace I can provide.”
“So, what can you give me?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Since you refuse to fulfill my request, I ask this in compromise: If I were to let you go, if I promise to give back your jewels… Power? Wealth? Immortality? Is there anything you can offer me?” The caster asked with a supercilious smirk.
Your lip curled in disgust. He’s demanding ransom for your tools now? Divine rewards for your freedom, for your totems’ theft, for ripping you away from your daughter?
“All I will offer is my word not to curse you and your followers.” You snarled in rising fury. “Release me and return my belongings and I shall forget this encounter ever happened. You’ll live out the rest of your days in peace, so long as you never cross paths with me or the Endless again.”
His eyes hardened at your harsh tone, visibly dissatisfied with your offer.
“Take the deal.” You hissed through gritted teeth. Your totems’ absence was taking its toll. Chaos’s full effect ran rampant in your veins like pure adrenaline, fanning the flames of latent corruption and masked madness, engulfing all semblance of morality and sanity in mayhem’s blaze. “It’s my most generous offer, given the circumstances. Consider yourself fortunate. Had you summoned any other member of my family, they would not be as kind.”
“Well, then. Make yourself at home in your binding circle. Until you are ready to comply, I’ll enjoy the gifts you’ve already given me.”
A cold, dark cackle echoed throughout the room, sending devastating chills down the followers’ spines. Many glanced at the exit, ready to sprint from your sinister presence at the drop of a hat. “You truly believe a chalk drawing will contain me?”
Scarlet lighting pricked along your fingertips and sparked the surrounding air ablaze in midnight cosmic fire. With each flicker, your power spun hazy tapestries of bleeding crimson stars and humming supernovas, emanating a horrific sense of fear your summoner had never experienced.
What fools they were, they realized too late.
This wasn’t Death. The caster realized in horror, unable to look away at the eldritch magic spinning from your fingertips in glowing waves. “W-what a-are you?!”
“Reality’s nightmare, so to speak.” You smiled darkly, watching the flames of Chaos roll from your fingertips in curling wisps. “You should’ve taken the deal, Magician. All this could’ve been prevented…”
With a twist of your wrist, the golden binding circle floated from its stone canvas and twirled around you at waist level. The gold cracked in a ruby-red glow, streaking slowly around the ring in lightning-like divots.
Your summoner stumbled back with eyes wide in disbelief, watching in horror as weeks of preparation fell effortlessly on the verge of destruction.
A devious, taunting smile curved across your lips, savoring the fear in his eyes.
With a flick of your wrist, the binding circle shattered.
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“Why is it that when something goes awry in this prison, I’m somehow to blame?” The Corinthian huffed in disinterest, twirling his bloody blade while rocking lazily in his chair. His mud-covered heels propped up on the library table, dragging sludge in crusty streaks across the grain.
Lucienne wrinkled her nose at the mess, glaring daggers into the nightmare’s skull.
“Given your rogue nature and hatred of me, it’s hardly unreasonable to question your potential involvement.” Morpheus nearly growled from across the table.
The search in The Dreaming resulted as you predicted: Elaina was nowhere to be found. 
Evidently, the Corinthian’s whereabouts were a bit of a mystery. Morpheus was aware of his murderous escapades in The Waking World; kidnapping, amongst other horrific crimes, was hardly beneath him.
Morpheus gritted his teeth and dug angry crescents into his palms. If possibility became reality, if the Corinthian hurt Elaina in any way, he wouldn’t hesitate to condemn him to fate worthy of his monstrosity. Morpheus already had more than enough reason to destroy his creation, why not make him beg for his demise?
“You really think so ill of me?” He chuckled, tapping the tip of his knife against his smiling lips. “See, if I truly hated you, I would’ve found some way to be rid of you once and for all, and kill that spoiled little brat. As for that powerful beauty you call a wife, I might keep her around for my entertainment… I’m certain she’s a screamer in more ways than one.”
“Do you wish to be unmade? Watch your tongue if you value your existence.” Morpheus hissed through his teeth as his eyes narrowed into dangerous slits.
A mocking laugh fell from the nightmare’s lips. “Is that your favorite threat? You’ve over worn its impact long ago. It’s just another one of your empty threats-”
“Enough!” His voice boomed in a burst of sinister rage, reverberating in powerful, poignant waves. The library shook with an earthquake’s wrath, toppling magnificent chandeliers and infinite bookshelves to the floor into crashing heaps.
“I’m in no mood to play games, Corinthian.” He warned in a dangerous tone. “Did you harm my daughter? Yes or no?”
All amusement fell from the nightmare’s face, slouching in his chair with a huff. “No.”
“Did you abduct Elaina?”
“No, I didn’t take your kid.” He asserted with an aggravated sigh as he lifted his feet off the table. “As much as I hate to rat myself out, I wasn’t in The Dreaming much today. If you don’t believe me, there are eyes all over your domain, right? Ask any of them if they saw me today; especially before your kid disappeared.”
“Where do you claim to be when Lady Elaina disappeared?” Lucienne inquired.
He smacked his lips together in thought. “Out.”
“So, The Waking World then? Indulging your bloodlust, no doubt-”
“My point is, I had nothing to do with Elaina disappearing. It may come as a shock, but the brat is terrified of me. Every time our paths crossed, she’d dart in the other direction. She’d never let me anywhere near her without screaming her head off.”
He chuckled to himself. “How ‘bout that… The King of Nightmares’ kid is easily frightened. Heh. What a treat...”
Silver eyes scanned the nightmare’s demeanor in harsh scrutiny. All taunting remarks had vanished (mostly) and his inflection felt genuine (for once!). Though he was a brilliant liar and skilled manipulator, Morpheus felt inclined to believe him.
And it drained him of all hope.
Perhaps he was too confident in the Corinthian’s involvement; too focused on ending this heartbreaking search.
He just wanted his little girl home; safe and sound.
“Daddy!” A child’s voice screamed at the top of their lungs, as the pitter-patter of tiny feet rumbled through the library.
Morpheus’s sunken heart leaped in his chest- whipping his head around with enough force to snap his neck.
Please be her…
Please be her…
Instant relief washed over him in icy waves; darting across the piles of strewn books and broken glass, with tangled midnight tresses, and speckled from head to toe in a thin layer of grime, was his missing daughter.
He fell to his knees with his arms extended wide in welcome, careless of the glass shards cutting through his pants. Tears streamed down the young girl’s face in trembling rivers. She sprinted as fast as she could into his outstretched arms, waiting to engulf her shaking frame in a bone-crushing embrace.
He could finally breathe, as mountains of stress and worry dissipated into thin air.
His hope was restored.
Elaina was home.
“I told ya it wasn’t me…” The Corinthian remarked snidely, shifting back in his seat with blatant disinterest and boredom written on his face.
“‘I’m sorry! I’m s-s-so sorry!” She sobbed in breathless heaves against his shoulder. 
“Darling, you’re safe. That’s all that-”
“No!” Elaina cried, ripping herself out of his arms. “There-therewasthisstrangesmoke-and-and-Ididn’tknowwhattodo! Thisisallmyfault! WehavetogosaveMommybeforeithurtsher!”
“Take a deep breath and calm down.” He said in a soothing voice, wiping her streaming tears away with his thumb. “Now, tell me what happened-”
“Ellie!” Another child’s voice called from outside the library. “Where are you?”
Ragged blonde hair scurried through the entrance. Her wide, mischievous eyes now shimmered in odd distress as they fell on the scene. Without a thought, she sprinted over the scattered mess at a frantic pace and latched a relentless grip on Morpheus’s coat sleeve.
“Come on! Let’s go! Let’s go! We gotta help her!” Jemmy exclaimed, tugging on the sleeve and dragging him towards the door.
Confusion distorted his handsome features. Never had he witnessed these girls behave so distraught and hysterical.
“Girls, tell me what has happened!” He demanded, tugging his arm out of Jemmy’s grasp.
Elaina sniffled. “S-Something took Mommy…”
And just like that, all sense of relief lit furiously ablaze once again.
He froze; stunned and dumbfounded, with wide eyes shining in panic. A deity’s capture was unheard of. Cosmic divinities, such as the Endless and unique gods like you, made virtually impossible prey; even by magical means.
Your captors were either formidable foes or fools graced by dumb luck.
A forced smile curved across his lips; despite his worry and rage crashing over his being in devastating waves. Despite every compelling desire to hunt your captors down like animals and inflict a hell worthy of their actions. (If you hadn’t already). Despite everything, the need to protect you and Elaina took precedence above all else.
“Elaina,” he called out softly. Her tearful (e/c) eyes gleaming with guilt and panic met his own, sending a twinge of pain straight to his heart. 
“Don’t believe for a second that you caused this. In no way is this your fault. Dry your tears, darling. I’ll bring her home.” His hand wiped the lazy streams rolling over her cheeks and tucked her dark locks behind her ear.
“Alright.” The Corinthian huffed as he emerged from his seat. “You got what you wanted. The brat’s safe. Can I leave now?”
“You may,” Morpheus grumbled, glaring lethal daggers at the nightmare. “Leave The Dreaming again, and I will uphold my every threat. Remember, my dreams are always watching...”
The Corinthian rolled his eyes beneath his glasses; falling on Elaina with a sinister smirk. 
The young girl squeaked in distress and cowered into her father’s chest. Morpheus wrapped a protective arm around her in a makeshift shield, glaring a look of a thousand threats at the nightmare.
An animalistic growl rumbled from The Lord of Chaos like ominous thunder; quick to root herself between her best friend and The Corinthian’s vile gaze like a defensive wall.
“Heh. See you around, kid.” He laughed as he sauntered out of the library.
In slow shifts, Morpheus relaxed; only daring to drop his arms from around the frightened girl when every trace of the nightmare’s presence had vanished.
The theatrics of his departure consumed more time than he’d liked. There was no telling what sort of torture you were enduring; or inflicting. He needed to leave soon. Your safety and Reality’s stability depended on it.
“Darling,” Elaina lifted her head with a frown at his gentle tone. “I want you to stay with Lucienne until I return with your mother. Alright?”
With a sniffle, she nodded; throwing her arms around him in one last hug. “Be careful, Daddy.”
He smiled, planting a kiss on the top of her head. “Always.”
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Pain. Infinite agony.
Swallowed whole by the corrupted dark and vast emptiness, Burgess crumbled to his knees under the pressure of dreadful despair and maniacal lunacy. The vast abyss resonated in a tormented cacophony of his followers’ frightful screams and deranged cackles. Some begged for death, while others wreaked in its promise. What horrors could warp their minds to such a degree?
“How does it feel, Summoner?” your voice echoed beyond the distorted cosmos.
Burgess stared into the abyss with panic; all rational sense failing to comprehend this cruel reality.
“Confined in an endless cage of my creation…”
This shouldn’t be possible… This cannot be possible! How did it come to this? He followed the grimoire’s instructions down to the punctuation! How could the ritual mistake the Angel of Death for a Chaos Goddess?
With what little strength remained, he lifted himself to his feet. In his hurried desperation, he stumbled- trampling over his writhing followers, either falling into Death’s welcoming embrace or shoving them to their untimely end.
An extended hand shot out instinctively to catch his fall, colliding with the barrier’s edge. Burgess smiled, reveling in the faint glimmer of hope coldly brushing against his fingertips.
So even reality-manipulating deities have their limits, the man mused. How pitiful.
With the wall as his guide, he lurched into a sprint.
“Is this not the fate you designed for Death?”
Colossal footsteps rumbled like a devastating earthquake. His teeth chattered and knees wobbled under its violent intensity, he clung to the invisible wall for dear life.
“Had you been competent enough to catch her?”
Burgess shuddered at the brutal chill in your taunts and ridicule. What had he done to be punished so harshly? He only sought after what any grieving parent dreamt of achieving by any means necessary. Any entity with a shred of decency or compassion would recognize this!
No, he supposed a chaos demoness like yourself could never understand. Your monstrosity was beyond mercy and reason.
“Ignorance is bliss, my foolish summoner…”
Intense tremors reverberated in such ungodly strength, Burgess was surprised the vibrations didn’t shatter his bones. He needed to move; he knew. Your footfalls were drawing near, albeit at a sinister snail’s pace. Staying put was suicide, running away guaranteed grave injury in his old age.
As the rumbles died, Burgess bolted. He gritted through the strain ripping at his joints, desperate to get away. If he could somehow evade your wrath and wait out your patience, perhaps he had a chance of escaping with his life and sanity-
His balance rocked and wavered in a fatal stumble; stomach clenching in surprise, quickly throwing a hand out to catch his fall. But found nothing.
With a screech, Burgess fell.
The inky darkness faded into a spectacle of roaring colors and freezing devastation. He screamed, twisting and contorting in an oscillating tunnel of blue and purple clouds twinkling in stardust, plunging into the heart of the universe; the soul of reality.
“Wandering blindly into the dark unknown, far beyond this vast and magical reality…”
Fearful eyes widened as the screech of rushing comets and planet-sized meteors whistled past him in blazing intensity. Stars around him buzzed and blazed in a sweltering dance of dust and light, raising thick beads of sweat on his brows.
Burgess couldn’t move, barely able to shield himself from the bursting blaze of dying stars. Fiery cinders seared like blazing bullets through clothes and bones alike. His cries of excruciating pain and babbling pleads fell on deaf and uncaring ears.
Utterly helpless, an unfortunate victim of reality’s wrath, he plummeted further into the maddening dark.
“Stranded before otherworldly truths and horrors mankind was never meant to witness…”
Swirling galaxies and glittering supernovas warped into a scarlet hollow faintly cracking in thunder’s roar. It emanated a heinous stench- something akin to burning brimstone and rotting meat. It seemed to loom in thick, noxious billows, weaving through the bloody chasm with strange sentience.
A living creature this far down?
Through watering eyes and bile burning his throat, he observed the strange fog dancing in helical patterns through the void. They seemed to move with purpose; for what, he did not know. Besides spreading its horrendous funk.
An improper omen, Burgess realized quickly; a vague warning of what waited in the darkness below. Nothing could’ve prepared him for what real horrors lingered beyond the shadows of time and space.
His eyes widened in their behold, witnessing firsthand the unholy creatures of madness and nightmares.
Beyond misty trails and beats of thunder, the raucous, high-pitched cries of a thousand broken flutes blared in a toneless tune. It was deafening- maddening; ringing in his eardrums like amplified tinnitus.
To his right, short humanoid creatures with pale gaunt faces and fibrous bat wings swarmed a twister-covered islet. They flailed in a strange dance, almost mindlessly, to the blaring broken wail. The rampant vortices easily swept their fluttering bodies in their currents- even that failed to hinder their ridiculous dance.
To his left- may the gods have mercy- colossal tentacles coated in thick scales and blister-like pustules emerged from the dark in sluggish sways. Their scale was incomprehensible; one languid swipe could destroy planets! The godless beast could swallow entire star systems, he feared.
“Lest what semblance of sanity rots into chaos and madness.”
Burgess’s eyes fell forward, to his sanity’s dismay.
Before him was the center of it all. The creator of beasts. Primordial madness.
It was an eyeless cyclopean entity; a bloated and unsightly mass of bulbous knots covered in leathery tendrils and mucus-like sludge. Rows of razor-sharp teeth lined the infinite orifice masking its featureless face; ready to devour any careless creature that fell into its jaws.
Much like Burgess.
His lips peeled back in a hopeless grin under his powerful sobs, cachinnating in a crazed chorus under the flutes’ insipid tune.
So this is the truth behind madness? Behind reality itself? He wondered in chortling delight, falling straight into the jaws of fate.
Oh, he couldn’t wait to tell Randall of this wondrous truth! Of all the majestic, abominable marvels lying dormant at reality’s edge!
This truth… Reality’s glorious truth! It was far superior to power or wealth, beyond the hollow values of humanity and sanity’s restraints.
Here, he was a tiny insignificant speck about to be swallowed by a cosmic leviathan, and never felt more doomed and freed.
You hummed with a smile, hovering above the crafted reality with amusement in your fiery eyes. The nonsensical ramblings of madmen never ceased to amuse you. Especially those driven to the brink by your own hand.
A low chuckle spilled from your lips. Oh, how you missed this! Basking in chaotic corruption was such an invigorating thrill! You couldn’t remember the last time you felt so free; so unhinged.
Fiery darkness danced at your fingertips in weaving flicks, fabricating every twinkling star and horrid monstrosity alike. This reality is becoming one of your favorites, you think. It was inspired by the terrifying dreams Morpheus had created for an aspiring writer in America. You were captivated by the concept of unfathomable deities from the depths of the cosmos, able to influence sensitive minds through dreams and evoke chaos and madness with their presence alone.
You wonder what inspired the idea…
Screams of pain pulled you from your thoughts. You glanced into the void- oh, how wonderful! Your summoner impaled himself on a colossal tooth in the monster’s gullet.
You laughed in sadistic delight, watching him wriggle and writhe in his last heaving breath. 
Well, that’s no fun…
With a jerk of your finger, Burgess slid off the tooth in a sickening squelch as the gaping cavity in his chest laced back together like a corset- just enough to keep him alive a little while longer.
Much better! Now then, what else could you inflict on your pompous captor-
“Love, that’s enough.”
You froze; paralyzed by a voice softer than silk. All baleful thoughts halted in their fiery rant, instantly snuffed out by calming tidal waves.
A gentle hand slipped past the cosmic flames’ flicker and curled over your own- silencing every violent and vengeful desire Chaos had spurred in an instant.
His joy clashed with your rage. His hope battled your despair. His light defeated your darkness.
Regretful tears rolled in rivers down your face and fell into the corrupted reality below. How could you have strayed so far? How could you abandon all the goodness that he taught you?
How could you let yourself become the monster so many believed you to be? Including yourself…
You gripped his hand as tight as you could, clinging to the warmth of his touch, terrified of letting go. Of losing control again.
Guilt washed over you with a hurricane’s wrath. Your actions reverberated like a torturous echo; the screams of terror, the pleas for death, the horrific pain your rage created…
What have I done?
In resisting flickers, the blazing black flames slowly suffocated into a dying hush, compelling Reality’s unravel.
“Ugh…” Burgess stirred in the bone-shattering pain coursing through his body. He groaned into something cold and hard like concrete- The belly of the beast? The bottom of reality?
He lifted his head with a sharp jerk, his forehead gleaming in a sheet of sweat and eyes wide with madness- darting in hyper dashes all over the room.
How odd… Wherever he was, it took the likeness of his cellar. No- that can’t be right! Perhaps his new surroundings were so unfathomable, his mind replaced its nonsense with memories.
His thoughts cackled as he rolled onto his back in a careless flop. How curious… The clarity of his memories was exquisite! Insignificant details seemed to burst off of the constructed reality his memories painted. Every speck of dust and cobweb beamed with undeniable certainty; even his (surely) deceased followers writhing and groaning in their stupor beside him seemed too real.
“Love, it’s alright,” Morpheus whispered softly over your muffled cries.
“I-it happened a-again… It’s a-all m-my f-fault…”
A furrow creased Burgess’s white brows; he didn’t recognize that voice. This was a memory! He was certain! Who was this man? How did he get into his head?
Burgess turned his head towards the voice with a twitch in his neck and sparkling paranoia in his eyes. The man was tall like a tree with a face paler than snow and dressed in a black darker than the night sky. He nearly towered over a woman dressed in red, wrapping his arms around her in a protective embrace and holding her close to his chest.
Another entity perhaps-
That woman! The ethereal goddess of Reality’s truth! Is she an alternate version of the other deity? Was this still a memory, or did she submerge him into another reality? One with secrets that demanded to be explored?
No! No! No! His mind still spiraled in the truth of his former plane of existence!
His sanity would surely combust if he faced another truth!
“…let’s go home,” Morpheus said, and you pulled from his embrace with a sniffle. 
“M-my totems…” Your tearful eyes glanced at Burgess with strange sorrow. 
What for? He should thank you! Praising you, worshiping the ground you walked on for opening his eyes to reality’s wonderful truth!
The man’s steel eyes followed yours, hardening instantly with contempt.
“I’ll handle it.”
Burgess jumped back with a trembling hiss like he had been burned by the entity’s searing stare. His eyes of steel seemed to pierce far beyond flesh and bone, beyond the blood pumping erratically in his veins, and the fluttering ventricles beating out of his chest. He pierced something much more hallowed and precious. Cold and relentless, it intended to punish several lifetimes over.
Billows of fine sand suddenly engulfed the entities into a grainy vortex. His trembling arms were quick to shield his face from the sand’s whipping wrath. 
As quick as it appeared, the wind died down- and the entities had vanished.
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Burgess did not sleep that night.
He couldn’t- he wouldn’t. No- they’ll be waiting for him in his dreams! Those eldritch monsters beyond reality’s veil, lingering in the chaotic dark… Waiting. Biding their time for God knows what.
To swallow the universe whole? Wreak chaos and destruction to every plane?
He paced his study in a hysterical flutter. The pleas of his followers and physicians, even the desperate cries of his son couldn’t reach him. Their voices were all drowned out by the blaring sound of cracked flutes.
It was stuck in his mind, playing on a relentless loop like a tortuous record. Ear-splitting and harmonious, a monotonous symphony!
No! He refused to let his guard down. The dark couldn’t be trusted!
Burgess halted in his pace; dashing to his desk and grabbed a pen from its well.
Godless. He sprawled messily over a loose page. Those abominations were far beyond any god’s reach. Perhaps they were gods themselves…
“How could I be so blind? Randall-” He spun from his desk, facing a cheerful young man in military attire sitting comfortably in an armchair across the room. “My boy, don’t you see? Those monsters must be gods! Everything- molecules, elements, magic!- it all stems from them somehow-”
For one blissful, merciful moment of clarity, the consuming madness within him froze in dead silence. A small sense of rationality glimmered in his eyes like diamonds, turning cautiously towards the subtle mew.
Black as night, sat a cat in the lurking shadows just beyond his study’s threshold. Its slitted eyes shone like a freshly minted sixpence in the moonlight. What a magnificent little creature.
Burgess approached the dark feline slowly in cautious measures. His canines pierced the thin delicate tissue of his lips with more force than he knew. Faint crimson streams trickled undetected down his chin in lazy rivers, too immersed in the creature before him to notice.
With a lithe leap and a skip of the man’s heart, the mysterious feline pranced with grace down the corridor. Burgess stuttered in his dash, nearly tripping over the ornamental runners striping the hardwood as he staggered into the hall.
The cat seemed to wait for him; patiently perched on the ornate curtail of an iron-wrought spiral staircase. How odd…
“Wh-what d-do yo-you want?!” The feline only blinked its moonish eyes; unfazed and uncaring, it ascended the staircase.
Every few steps, it would cast those strange eyes over its shoulder, as if it was assuring he followed into the attic space. A sweat broke over the old man’s brow, he heaved in anxious whimpers as paranoia hindered his every step. It was impossible to think; the thunderous pounding of his heart muffled his thoughts, fanning an overwhelming sense of fear like a rousing fire-
Perhaps this was an envoy of sorts from Reality’s Protectress; perhaps to open his eyes once again.
What was there to be afraid of? He knew the Truth; the Goddess protects the Truth; Therefore, She will always protect him!
Anticipation outweighed anxiety; he dashed up the stairs behind the cat with a maniacal smile smearing his face.
His eyes locked on the cat’s back, watching in wild mania as it strutted towards a black ornate chair seated in the corner of the circular attic. It hopped and circled the cushion, sitting powerfully tall in its center; somehow radiating the elegant essence of a king. The feline flashed its silver-slitted eyes in its rest, blinking at Burgess in a torpid blink.
A dark voice suddenly called out, inciting a surge of fear and dread within the madman. His eyes grew wide and tumbled back in shock, mumbling incoherent huffs and babbling nonsense. Sitting before him sat a shadowy man with eyes of angry white stars burning into his skull.
The man from before, the one that comforted the Goddess. The one that embedded unwavering fear into his soul.
 “N-no…” The man shook at the shadowy man as tears of terror rolled down his cheeks in trembling streams. “Please! Have mercy! I beg of you!”
“Have you any idea what you have done? The torment you inflicted on your own mind and to her?” The dark deity asked calmly, with striking eyes sharpened in rage. He rose from his black throne to his full intimidating height, slowly approaching the whimpering madman sobbing on his knees. “Can you even fathom the damage you could’ve done to your world?”
Those eyes… Colder than ice and sharper than a knife. Utterly relentless in slashing his delicate soul into ribbons! What had he done wrong to deserve his wrath? She gave him a gift! The gift of sight, of freedom, of Reality’s Truth- the glorious Truth!
Burgess cackled through his tears; all fear dissipating under the blissful warmth of this bestowed knowledge. This painful, burdensome, unholy knowledge.
“It was a wonderful mistake! I sought the Angel of Death- instead I gained something much, much more valuable! That woman- that Goddess! She opened my eyes and showed me horrors I can never unsee! They live in my mind now and feast on my brain- how incredible! It hurts! It hurts… Her reality is too cruel, too monstrous to bear. Please, have mercy on me!”
Morpheus frowned at his ramblings, cocking a brow in confusion.
What Chaos ravaged his mind? What reality had you created for this man?
“If her Reality is too cruel, perhaps my Dreams will be kinder.” The deity said as a sudden gust of wind whipped through the room. Through wide, fearful eyes, Burgess watched as wisps of dark thundering clouds emerged from the attic’s shadows, splitting the air in storming light.
The man shrieked as the looming storm drew closer, throwing his arms over his head in panic.
“Don’t fret. Your punishment shall be a gift…” Morpheus reassured, lowering himself before the cowering madman. “I give you this… The gift… of eternal… sleep.”
A hand unfurled before the entity’s lips, blowing sparkling waves of golden sand across Burgess’s eyelids.
Eyes of lead drooped in slumber’s dark embrace, screaming in a nocturnal silence that stirred his raging mind. With no fight left, Burgess surrendered to his nightmarish fate.
“Father! Father! Please wake up! Please!” A hysterical child cried, shaking Burgess’s arm as he whimpered and thrashed in his sleep.
“Doctor, what’s wrong with him?” A blonde woman asked, dabbing the chilled sweat from the man’s wrinkled brow.
“Blood pressure is normal, lungs are clear, no fever, no signs of trauma… His coma has no apparent cause, I’m afraid.”
Morpheus loomed like a shadow in the bedroom’s threshold with a cold glint in his eyes as they fell upon the sleeping man. His punishment was kindness; entrapped within the darkness of sleep, he was free from the Chaos that ravaged his mind, unable to hurt or capture another soul ever again.
For targeting Death, for ripping his wife from the arms of their daughter, all in the name of a reckless endeavor- this was the most compassion he could muster for this horrid man.
Neither in Dreams, nor in Reality, will you ever know peace again, Roderick Burgess.
He slipped down the corridor like a thief in the night, set to reclaim your stolen jewels.
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Luminous moonlight streaked The Dreaming’s sky in pearlescent radiance, shining brightly in harmony with twinkling stars on the midnight canvas. Most nights, the cosmic brilliance elicited a sense of wonder and happiness; even more so when wrapped in Morpheus’s arms.
But tonight, it felt cold and empty; a terrible reminder of the horror you conjured.
You leaned on the balcony’s stone rail, bathed in the silver light with a cheerless frown aimed at the stars. Harsh thoughts swarmed your head like berating bees, slowly eating you away into an emotionless husk, numb to everything around you.
“Love?” A warm hand brushed over your shoulder, hardly shaking you out of your thoughts.
“Did that man lose his mind?” You asked in a sorrowful voice, eyes still pinned on the vale below.
“He did.” Morpheus said reluctantly as a sad frown claimed his features. “However, from what I gathered, grief and obsession has taken a drastic toll on his sanity. Madness was destined to claim him with or without your hand.”
“And what of the others?” Your question quivered over a lump in your throat.
His hand fell from your shoulder, gripping your fidgeting hands, and tracing soothing circles into your skin. “Flustered. But they’ll recover. They’ll only remember what occurred as a harmless nightmare.”
Your brows twitched in a brief crease, a faint twinkle glossing over your eyes, but only for a moment. So distinct, but unmistakable under his observant gaze; the faint embers of hope flickering in Chaos’s torrential gale.
“Here.” A hand slipped into his coat pocket and retrieved your pendant, glinting in gilded opulence under the silver moon. A sigh of relief fell from your lips with a thankful smile. Morpheus stepped behind you, looping the necklace over your front and fastening the clasp behind your neck.
You closed your eyes as the pendant fell over your heart, basking in the waves of relief flooding through your chest, washing away every speck of dread and despair weighing you down.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, (Y/n). After all they’ve done, they were more than worthy of your wrath.” He said, spinning you around to face him as he pulled your crown from his pocket. “In this instance, your corruption was just.”
He gently placed your crown atop your head with his hands falling to cradle your cheeks. He placed a loving kiss on your forehead, sealing it with his own.
Your eyes fluttered shut with a smile, as all turbulent thoughts fell in peaceful silence. Numbness and despair melted away into joyful warmth, as all you could feel now was Morpheus. 
Your light in the darkness. Your hope in despair. Your Dream in this chaotic nightmare.
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