#going into this blind i was NOT expecting to hate the MC as much as i did
alteredphoenix · 2 years
Finished reading K.J. Parker’s Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City.
It was...decent. I don’t think it was as good or as acclaimed as the reviews made it out to be. The cast is pretty shallow, all things considered, but at least the intricacies of engineering being fleshed out makes up for it (bit of a slog to go through those passages, though, if you’re not into that sort of thing; maybe it’s the way they were written, but I wasn’t).
Also (spoilers under the cut):
Orhan’s scum, but at least he’s shamelessly honest (and honestly shameless) when he admits that everything he does is to save his own skin, will do what he can to make himself look more heroic and eloquent than he actually is in the story, and shows, a few times throughout the story, he’s willing to betray the people - most of whom don’t like him not just for being white but his decision-making in keeping the City going - he’s been trying to keep from getting slaughtered in the siege just so he doesn’t have to betray and kill his friend (the guy leading the siege).
So I’ve never been happier to have an MC die when Orhan takes an arrow right through the gut in the last couple pages of the (e-)book, when the assault has been thwarted by the Imperial Sixth Fleet. Like, at least when Fire Punch’s MC dies at the end I knew it was a foregone conclusion but at least I felt a little bad for him for all the trauma he went through (that, you know, he didn’t cause). No such thing for Orhan here. Good riddance, I say.
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mammonscheeks · 2 months
obey me brothers reacting to a malnourished mc
⤑ a/n: I feel like this is the most canon writing I’ve ever done yet... enjoy! 
⤑ warnings: none 
obey me masterlist | requesting rules 
“Hey, MC! You’re lucky because you get to go out with The Great Mammon tonight! We’ll hit the casino n’ leave with our pockets stuffed, and then we can go clubbing! What d’ya say?” 
Mammon put his warm hands on your shoulders and shook gently, not used to your lack of response. He furrowed his eyebrows as he caught sight of the dark bags under your dull eyes. 
“Yeesh, MC! Did ya get into a fight or something?” Mammon joked, trying his best to hide the fact that he was worried about his human. 
“Huh?” you blinked as you realized you had just been zoning out. “I, uh.... Shit! I forgot my potions textbook in my room, I’ll see you all later!” 
“Language,” Lucifer sternly reminded you as you haphazardly scurried out of the classroom, your mind "lagging” as Leviathan would put it. The demon brothers watched you leave, shooting odd looks at each other. 
“I don’t think MC’s been getting enough sleep,” Belphie yawned.
“As much as I hate to agree with Belphegor, he’s right. They seem quite fatigued.” Lucifer said, staring intently at his brothers. “Leviathan, did you force MC to play video games with you all night again?”
“Don’t accuse me first,” Leviathan grumbled. “But no, I was catching up on some anime alone last night.”
“Maybe MC needs to eat some more,” Beelzebub said, snacking on some chips despite the ‘no food’ sign in the front of the classroom. “Oh, I have an idea! Let’s get Luke and Simeon to cook a celestial feast.” 
“You obviously only want that for your own self interest,” Satan rolled his eyes. “I’ve read a book on this. Maybe MC’s malnourished? Humans are fragile, of course. Additionally, the Devildom provides little natural light from the sun like in the human world.” 
“I know just the cure!” Asmodeus gasped, pulling up Akuzon on his D.D.D. “Aaand it’s ordered!” 
“You better not have used my Akuzon account for whatever beauty product you bought,” Leviathan raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh hush, Levi. Trust me, this will fix MC up right away!” 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
The package arrived by the end of the school day, thanks to Levi’s Akuzon Prime subscription. 
Mammon held up a colorful piece of gelatin in his hand, inspecting it thoroughly. 
“So this... Vitamin gummy... Is gonna help MC? This tiny little colorful thing? Seriously?” He grunted. 
“Wow... Humans are weaker than I imagined,” Satan frowned, squishing one in his hand. “They have to eat these to stay alive?”
“Beel, don’t you dare think about eating MC’s gummies,” Belphegor scolded his twin. 
“And don’t forget, I also got MC a sunlight lamp!” Asmodeus’ eyes glittered. “Apparently, these provide light therapy by tricking the human body into thinking they’re receiving natural light!” 
“It seems that humans have weak minds then,” Lucifer sighed. “Either that, or we’ve been fooled.” 
You walked into the HOL, stifling a yawn. Your entire body felt heavy from fatigue. It seemed like you had taken the human world’s abundance of sunlight and Vitamin D for granted. Solomon had helped you by casting a energy spell for the first few months you had lived here, but even that was starting to wear off.
“MC!” Mammon basically tripped over his brothers to rush to you. “Take one before you die!” 
Startled, you looked up just in time to see Mammon basically shoving a gummy in your mouth, before you were immediately blinded by Asmodeus holding a warm light in your face. 
You covered your face and squinted your eyes, seeing the eager and expecting eyes of the demon brothers. 
“Guys, what are you doing?” You questioned. This was pretty unexpected, but you were used to the brothers pranks and shenanigans. 
“We just wanted to help! We heard you were malnutritioned because it’s always dark in the Devildom!” Mammon said. 
“So we bought a sun lamp and some vitamin gummies for you,” Belphegor yawned. 
“Aw, guys... Thank you!” You smiled happily. Even though you hadn’t told the brothers explicitly what was wrong, thinking you could take care of it yourself, they had of course, noticed. Your heart swelled with appreciation, until you noticed that the brothers were still staring at you expectantly, like you were about to turn into some mutant creature. 
“Uhh.. You guys do know that it’ll take a few days for my body to recover, right?” You shrugged. 
“Oh..” Satan sighed, as the brothers looked disappointed. “I thought the effects would have been immediate.” 
“Laaame,” Leviathan said. “A power-up type feature would have been way cooler! Like, imagine if MC ate that thing and grew 10 feet in size to defeat the final boss!” 
“That’s fine, MC. Just focus on resting. I’ve excused you from classes for the rest of the week,” Lucifer said. “This is an quality of humans we should have researched more during the planning stage of the exchange program. Diavolo also sends his apologies.” 
"Thank you Lucifer, but it’s no big deal,” you smiled. “Well, I’m going to go take a nap now.” 
"I’ll come with,” Belphegor yawned. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Mammon yelled, running after the two. “I’m the only one allowed in MC’s bed!” 
“Hey, don’t forget about me! I’m bringing the lamp!” Asmo cried, waving it in the air. 
“You know, I also read that cuddling with a partner can help fatigue,” Satan blushed, following behind. 
“I’ll bring some snacks for us,” Beelzebub called after. 
“I’ll bring my TSL movies so we can have some background sound!” Leviathan ran after. “Don’t you dare start without me!” 
Lucifer sighed, looking after his brothers scrambling to get to MC. From having spells backfire on you, battling unique health concerns, and getting preyed on by lower-ranking demons, your acclimation to the Devildom had faced many obstacles. However, Lucifer knew that he and his brothers would do anything to ensure you had a support system. 
As you fell asleep with the weight and warmth of your favorite people around you, you couldn’t help but feel loved and cared for. 
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infranthrax · 7 months
helo. im one they call 🍂 and id like to. make a request. i hope ur doing okay (*>∇<)ノ ur free to write this or not
i would like to request an angst w/ a good ending type of thing if its okay. a platonic f!reader&heartslabyul (seperately. if its limited to one character, you can go with riddle) headcanon that has the following plot;
mc is a pessimistic person, a very tired, overworked one. all they want is a bit of peace and quiet, but they care about the heartslabyul gang very much. they have kind of become a mom/older sister to the group (kinda like trey). anyway, one day the gang realizes that mc seems more irritable than usual which results in them making a snide remark/get in an arguement about the guy's flaws (like how riddle hurt many pre-overblot, how ace runs his mouth at the worst times, how deuce is not the brightest around, cater being addicted to his little social media sites, and trey ignoring the problems regarding riddle because he didnt want conflict, etc etc) that would hurt them.
they kind of ghosting everyone for a couple of days to calm down, and then they awkwardly come back with a box of sweets (that they managed to purchase by scraping by lmao, girlie's poor as hell...) to apologize, and eat them over tea! mc apologizes directly and wants to make up for their words, but they are not the best at speaking their mind.
ive seen countless fics where the main cast gets to be the agressive and sad, sopping wet cats, and reader comforting them. ngl, i wanted to write a piece where MC is the "sad little pathetic shrimp" but i just didnt have the time. anyway, i hope you like this prompt
oh my god I love this prompt! the mc is definitely the therapist of the group and I can imagine this happening… I restricted it down to just riddle given how detailed this prompt was, the rest of the dorm is self explanatory.☺️/pos (and thank you for your kind words! I hope you’re having a good day/night!)
generating new memory… please, one moment… ✨
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Heartslabyul x f!reader — headcanons!
sypnopsis: mc has had enough of the anal shenanigans after a near traumatic event, and she lashes back out at riddle, who is left bewildered and heated at the event.
light tw // domestic conflict, implied traumatic event
riddle rosehearts
riddle is just anal and sometimes he comes off as bossy and or ungrateful. that’s not really his intention however. that’s just an act of conditioning he’s been through.
so when he sees that you’re overwhelmed, at first he blind sighted to it. riddle isn’t great per se at emotions— let alone the ones of other people.
he gets on you for being late to class one day and it all piles up. You’re in a dorm full of boys— what girl wouldn’t have enough? at the time it was little around the time in which riddle overblotted, and he just went on with daily life like none of that ever happened.
he fucking hurt your ass. quite frankly that was the first (of many) overblots you’ll have to go through, and that’s how you’re gonna handle it? hell no, especially after the fact that you had to play superwoman to get the goons out of a near death situation.
before this, you had gotten into tiffs with the redhead on numerous occasions, trying to ground him down. never really did it work though as he was always stuck in his perfectionist ways. and you hated that about him because his mannerisms reflected into you.
he expected you to be able to carry yourself in a manner that would suit him. he expected you to dress a certain way. he expected you to follow his orders, his rules, his ultimatum. that you couldn’t stand any longer.
when he got on you for being tardy, the melting pot overflowed… and it wasn’t pretty either. let’s say you were in pain, in addition to your mental health plummeting due to not really having anyone to talk to, and then when mother nature calls upon you for your monthly drain you must attend.
you shouldn’t mess with the wrath of a woman on her period. this, riddle learned the hard way… with you.
“riddle… i swear… on god’s green earth, if you don’t shut the hell up… i’m fucking TRYING. I’M TRYING! FUCK YOU, YOU UPTIGHT PIECE OF SHIT, GO ON SOMEWHERE!”
and then the fire brewed. and then it exploded. (quite literally.) it would be hellish screaming match between you two, despite riddle claiming he is above such things. he really isn’t, he’s got a temper that’s about as fagile as glass. (no, it’s not microwave safe.)
after your blow up with riddle, you both proceed to give each other the silent treatment for the better part of a month. during this time you find comfort in your other classmates, spending time with other students outside of heartsllabyul, namely vil and rook, just for a boost of female empowerment.
and while riddle was contemplating all the bullshit that went down between the two of you, he began to feel a little bit of guilt. mattered if fact, both of you did. you shouldn’t have been so aggressive and he shouldn’t have been so… well, himself.
before class one day you enter your lab room to see a small box at your seat with a little note attached to it.
it was from riddle— a little chocolate potion bottle with those biscuits— the exact ones from the disney movie. little did he know, you happened to pop by sam’s shop to get him some mini fruit tarts and snuck into his class early to put them on his desk. you ate his little gift up, in a little bit of worry. would he accept that?
at the end of the day though, you had to return to heartslabyul to see him. and what a surprise, he wanted to talk to you.
call it him playing kiss ass— no, he’s not. he’s sorry. to be true, he should be more careful and more intuitive as a dorm lead to ensure the comfort of his students, and he does understand that sometimes he can come off as overbearing or, dare i say dictatorial. it’s really not meant to cause harm. it has a lot to do with his upbringing.
and you were sorry too. and you both hugged it out. every couple has their tiffs, right? just something he’s gonna have to work on.
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sunnybyler · 2 months
what descendants 4 would have been if i was given free reign
okay so idek if there’s a descendants community on here but i just have to get my ideas out SOMEWHERE bc the wonderland stuff had so much potential but disney just went such a bizarre direction with d4. like what even was that time travel plot. this was partly inspired by dylanisintrouble’s incorrect assumption in his reaction vid that it would be abt a group of wonderland kids bc that’s exactly what should have happened!! let me elaborate
fun fact this was written while i was getting torn to shreds on tiktok for my descendants song rankings but ANYWAYS
i’m keeping it realistic to what disney could have done, as in no cameos of the og cast that isn’t already in the movie. ofc in a perfect world we’d get more with those characters, but after cameron’s passing i’m respecting their wishes to not be in more descendants movies without him.
things i’m keeping the same:
the cast is p much the same except characters i have to cut since i’m scrapping the time travel aspect. cinderella and charming were basically the best parts of that movie to me bc i love their original cinderella so yeah we are ABSOLUTELY keeping that. and the cast is v talented they just got an ass script not their fault
red & chloe are still two of the main characters but i’m adding a third too (we’ll get there) and they’re basically unchanged personality/backstory wise
the whole beginning up through red’s song is basically unchanged. uma’s still in charge and invites wonderland kids to auradon prep, except in this case it’s more than just the one
the queen of hearts/cinderella backstory is somewhat the same; they were friends in school and then there was a prank that caused the queen of hearts to become the tyrant we now know. we get this knowledge through further exposition in love ain’t it
okay and that’s literally it LMAOO let’s get into the characters now
the main three
so as i mentioned two of the main characters are still red and chloe basically unchanged from d4. so the third mc is, and i feel genius for this…. bridget!! but an oc version, not as the young queen of hearts. hear me out. pretty much everyone seems to agree young bridget was such a fun character and loves her, myself included, so i had to find a way to make her an mc. in my plot, she’s red’s sister! either twin sister or irish twins idrk either works, but i will be calling them the twins in this post. she’d realistically have a different name but in order to not cause confusion i’m going to keep calling her bridget in this post. she has the same personality and appearance as the movie, except she also has a bit of blind loyalty towards her mom, unlike red. she’s a sweetheart and hates the idea of hurting people, but she’ll do basically anything outside of that for her mother. she also has such an intense need to be liked that she’ll sometimes do things against her morals or ignore red flags — as seen with her mom. she and red do love each other but there’s still a lot of disconnect in their relationship because of their different dynamics with the queen of hearts and how different they are.
the other wonderland kids
so just like the og descendants movie, i would have it be four kids. obviously the two girls would be the twins, and then i would also add the mad hatter’s son and alice’s son. i would keep the mad hatter’s son kinda similar to the one we see in the movie, except he’s red’s age and more eccentric. i’m keeping his name maddox as well but we’d have to recast since the actor is a bit too old. he and red are still good friends and he tries to have her back and keep her out of danger like in the movie. unlike in the movie though maddox is a lot more fun and unique. he’s still more grounded than his father, but he was boring af in the movie for the mad hatter’s kid so he’d be more vibrant in my version. he’s the comic relief. i named alice’s son alex and he’s kind of what you’d expect — very curious and eccentric but still kind and smart. ppl get annoyed with him because he’s always asking loads of questions. he’s close with bridget.
the side characters
okay so admittedly this is probably where i put in the least thought lmao i don’t really have parentage/names for anyone here. but i want there to be a relevant vk kid who’s kind to the wonderland squad just to remind fans that the vks are still here and not all bad. but they would befriend maddox and alex in particular and it could be a fun little c plot. and then on the flip side the “villain” character is actually the kid of hero characters. it’d have to be someone more unpopular of course, maybe like a side character or something. but this character pretends to be friends with the wonderland kids, specifically bridget, but is only doing it to make fun of them with her friends. but these characters would expand on the original movies concept that you aren’t your parents yk.
the parents
i wouldn’t really change the parents much if at all! the casting is great but they’d be seen a little bit less in their adult forms & we wouldn’t see their young self at all. as for the mad hatter and alice, idk if we’d even see them but if we do it’s a very brief cameo like in the first descendants.
okay actual plot time!! lmao
so like i said the first part of the movie up to red’s song is basically going to be unchanged. uma decides to invite the wonderland kids to auradon prep, specifically selecting the twins, maddox, and alex to be the first four to be invited. the first song is unchanged it’s still red. maddox still ends up saving red’s ass but the scene is more comedic relief than anything with maddox’s changed character. we then get a bridget introduction with a brief interlude of life is sweeter (the full song would be later in the movie but i don’t want too many full songs clumped at once) that shows the differences between the two sisters. we would then cut to auradon to meet chloe, and that sequence is basically the same too.
the queen of hearts enters in the next scene, announcing the invitations to the twins. we also get a similar scene as in the actual movie of the queen trying to get red to decide on a punishment for the guard and refusing to kill him. she then tries the same with bridget, who also wants to save the man’s life, but tries to appease her mother by kind of talking in circles about why him being alive is somehow worse punishment. she begs her mom to let her to something else to make her happy but she doesn’t want to hurt someone. this is clearly a recurring pattern with the twins and their mom. the queen is disappointed in both girls and expresses this, but it clearly bothers bridget more outwardly than red.
we’d then cut into the love ain’t it song just for exposition purposes. in this version it would be a cut between the queen warning the twins about auradon and cinderella explaining some of the wonderland lore to chloe after getting news of the wonderland kids attending auradon. so they’re not at the school yet, meaning chloe hasn’t met red or anything. lyric changes would be necessary but the purpose is the same. the song establishes that the queen and cinderella used to be best friends as two outcasts at the school, but at a school dance a cruel prank got pulled on the queen, causing her to drop out and leave to wonderland. the queen didn’t used to be some sweet innocent like we saw in the movie, but she was less jaded according to cinderella.
the scene then cuts to a new day when the queen of hearts has decided to let the twins attend auradon. they have to leave right away. she’s come up with a grand plan on using her girls as spies to get information on auardon so she can plan a takeover. she doesn’t follow them to the school or try to take over immediately bc in what world would one person be able to solo an entire school of powerful magic users. i get she’s unhinged but no. bridget is immediately willing, relieved to have a task from her mother that doesn’t result in her having to directly hurt someone, while red clearly is uncomfortable with the idea but doesn’t say anything to her mom. the queen leaves to go fetch maddox and alex to allow them to attend auradon as well to cover for the twins. the idea is that while bridget and red are snooping around, maddox and alex will be actually innocent to cover it up. but the queen insists they can’t know of the plan. red and bridget have an argument about spying, red saying they shouldn’t enable her but bridget arguing that the queen is their mom. it’s clear bridget is kind of in denial that she’d still be contributing harm even if she’s not being directly violent. it establishes that bridget is a genuinely good person in most ways but is way too loyal to her mother and makes excuses she shouldn’t for her.
the twins fight gets interrupted by them having to leave to auradon so it’s left unresolved. the four wonderland kids go to auradon alone, like in the first descendants movie. they have a similarly awkward meeting with the other students, but instead of being seen as evil/scary, the students seem to think they’re bizarre. alex is asking 101 questions without taking a breath, maddox is trying to make jokes/observations but is just sounding kind of out of his mind, and bridget is so overexcited it makes people uneasy. red originally seems like the most normal, so chloe approaches her trying to befriend her. red shoots that down immediately, and the girls have an instant distaste for each other. instead of people being scared of the wonderland kids, people just think they’re weird/outcasts.
there’s scenes that establish that bridget is giving the queen of hearts actual helpful information to help a potential takeover — including very useful information about the museum when they take a class trip there. red, on the other hand, is instead giving her mother vague/partially true information with some flat out lies sprinkled in. she doesn’t want to cause her mother to flip out again, but she doesn’t want to help her either. with her experience rebelling against her mom, she’s able to not get caught in her actions. red and bridget argue about the spying throughout the movie.
despite their awkward first meeting, red and chloe keep getting paired up for things and continue to get on each other’s nerves. chloe also begins to get suspicious that red is planning something with her mother after hearing stories from cinderella. there’s probably a song here about their arguing. chloe thinks bridget is sweet and doesn’t suspect her, but continues to question red’s motives which is beyond infuriating for her since bridget’s the one actually spying. but she can’t say that and expose her sister because despite their disagreements they still have love for each other. perfect start for a rivals to frenemies to lovers arc if you ask me 👀 if we’re being real disney would tell me to go fuck myself with that but i said it���s MYYY descendants 4 so there is a lot of clear romantic tension here. small moments like red getting distracted mid insult by how pretty chloe looks that day or chloe complimenting red’s outfit without thinking. just little things to establish attraction but they still dislike each other on principle.
unlike red, the other wonderland kids are starting to find some friends at auradon despite seeming so odd on first meeting. red and bridget are naturally suspicious at first that people’s motives aren’t genuine after their mother’s story. bridget is actually the one that caved first though, as she is desperate for real friends and wants to fit in. maddox and alex bond with one of the vk’s who is also a bit of an outcast and that’s a c plot of the movie but i don’t have many concrete ideas for them since i’m focusing on the 3 girls mostly. but just know that’s happening! lol. eventually bridget gets paired up with a character well call “the bully” for a class assignment (as chloe and red are somehow paired up — again). bridget goes out of her way to be nice to this girl but isn’t getting anything in return. at the end of the class, there’s a scene of the bully talking with one of her friends and complaining about bridget. the friend suggests that the bully pretend to be bridget’s friend since it’s funny to make fun of her. the bully ends up inviting bridget to eat lunch with her friend group, and they pretend to like her just to laugh at her. bridget doesn’t pick up on this though. red tries to warn bridget against them, but bridget thinks she’s just being paranoid/jealous and ignores her. she has such a deep need to be liked that she ignores the red flags. this is also when bridget starts to question following her mother’s orders, but doesn’t tell red.
red is starting to feel like an outcast even among the wonderland kids with the others making friends. there’s a scene where maddox forgets about plans they had because his was with his new vk friend and they have a little spat over it. they end up making up within a few scenes though and maddox encourages red to try hanging out with him, alex, and their new friend. despite this she refuses to cave and let other people into her circle. oddly enough the person she probably talks to the most during this time is chloe.
the bully ends up learning about the prank that was pulled on the queen of hearts by overhearing the fairy godmother talking about it with another teacher. the other teacher is questioning putting on castlecoming out of concern it will be seen as an act of aggression to her daughters. but the fairy godmother insists on it continuing. the bully ends up devising a plan to make bridget castlecoming queen (or maybe a different title since there’s an actual queen lol but same idea) and turn her into a gross beast in front of everyone. it’s the same prank that happened to bridget’s mom.
as bridget believes she’s making genuine friends, she starts to consider how her actions will actually affect them. shes been feeling guilty the whole time but there’s a ballad here where it all comes to a head and she admits that even if she’s not the one swinging the sword, by spying she’s still putting the sword in her mother’s hands. she stops spying for her mom and starts ignoring her letters. she doesn’t have experience rebelling like red, so she doesn’t think to do what her sister does to avoid suspicion. it’s a moment of character growth. bridget tells red that she’s stopped spying, and red expresses how proud she is and they make up.
so in this movie, we actually get to SEE castlecoming bc why the fuck wouldn’t we!!!! we see all the characters in their outfits getting excited — even red is a bit giddy due to maddox joking with her and hyping her up. in the bathroom at the dance, chloe overhears the bully talking about her plan to prank bridget just like her mom was pranked all those years ago. she tries to warn bridget, but she runs into red instead. she tells red what she heard and the girls reluctantly team up to stop the prank. red gets maddox’s help too, but alex is with bridget all night and they aren’t able to tell him either. they keep either losing bridget in the crowd or being blocked by the bully’s friends. at one point red gets up to her sister and tries to pull her away to talk. bridget wants to go with her sister, but has to leave before red can explain everything because she got called up on stage as part of castlecoming court. red tries to run after her but gets blocked by the bully’s friends. she gets into an altercation with them, but maddox jumps in and the two of them together manage to win.
everything comes to a head when bridget is on stage being crowned castlecoming queen. the sad part is most people voted for her in earnest because she’s a sweet girl, but they ended up leading to her being humiliated on accident. red and chloe both corner the bully who has a spell book. maddox is trying to keep the bully’s friends distracted. unfortunately, chloe and red are just a second too late and the bully casts the spell before they can intervene. the bully then drops the book and manages to escape before anyone else sees it was them since everyone is watching the prank play out. it’s a carrie type moment but without all the murder obviously lmao. more just like vibes idk if that makes sense. as people are looking around to see who did it, someone locates the spell book right by red and chloe’s feet. as the fairy godmother hastily tries to undo the spell, someone yells out that it was chloe and red that did it. the girls start to panic and accuse the bully, but it’s too late because the evidence points to them. the bully of course jumps on this and goes to console bridget while declaring how evil red must be to betray her sister like this, and how hypocritical chloe is by pretending to be so high and mighty. maddox tries to defend them but it’s no use. in her anguish, bridget believes the bully. the movie ends with everyone in chaos and the sisters truly divided.
maybe there’d be a scene of the queen of hearts crashing castlecoming and seeing what went down but idk i kind of want the prank to be the climax of the movie yk. her shenanigans would come at a different time
in my head i also have the sequel for this written out LMAOO. that movie it would be about red and chloe trying to clear their names and catch the bully, while also trying to figure out how to stop bridget from helping her mother attack auradon (bc bridget would def align with her mom again after what happened). not that anyone is gonna read this mess of a post but i might write up the sequel anyways bc this was sooo much fun lmao
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Dark! Aemondx reader
Five elements part 2♡
Warnings: Not so feministic Aemond, abuse on the half blinded (Aemond) smut and kinks definitely some praise kink mc, they all need therapy, spankings and implied martial abuse. Non con kissing and willingly for other things. Incest as Aemond is sorttaa related to baratheon (is he? *music stops*) and incest and also dirty daydreaming and fantasying .
Taglist: @iiamthehybrid @winxschester
Concept: Aemond comes wife hopping at Storm's end and you and your sisters are first getting tasted before he makes his choice. Very sub mc and dom aemond but also aemond with her sister's and mc watching.
Robert: I hate all Targaryens
Robert; he's cool tho
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There is a brief moment before panic erupts under all of you. Your mother comes over as well, horror written across her face. 'Prince Aemond, I must insist that you behave yourself under our roof. These are my daughters, and your future wife is among them. You will not taste them, and you will most certainly not question their innocence.' Your mother wants to do even more like smack his head against a wall and yell at the prince, but your father calls her back, horrified and embarrassed. 
You realize your mother is about to be punished. He has not done that in years. The last time was during a supper. He grabbed and dragged her away to their bedchamber. You heard about what husbands do with their wives when they are disobedient. 'Elenda, get here.' He does not even yell. Your mother freezes up at his strict voice.
Aemond's lips smack, in amusement and cruel sadism. He is like a little boy who gets told by his father that he is right to bully his siblings. 'Seems like you got yourself into some trouble, my lady.' He mocks her openly. 'Do not worry about your girls. They are in good hands. ' He says with a cold smirk. Your father drags your mother away.
The prince walks over to the throne not long before sitting down on it. One of the guards, you know him as Edan Stone, is brave enough to confront him. ‘My prince, that seat is not yours.’
The only sound the Targaryen prince makes is a soft chuckle. ‘You must not be aware of how politics work. Well, what do I expect from a mere soldier? You never had a proper education. You would not dare even question my motives if you did.’’ His voice is much sharper and becomes louder with every passing word. Ellyn reaches for your hand, squeezing it tightly when softly muttering that she would like to go to her rooms again. You agree. Everything is better than enduring this. 'now leave us all.' The guards leave the room.
The prince cocks his head at her, noticing her tears and her trembling hands. He has the smile of a wolf who sees a deliciously easy lamb to rip apart. ‘You, get here.’ He is not just calling her over, he is commanding her. Maris shakes her head at Ellyn but Ellyn does not have her courage. She slowly makes her way to Aemond.
You can see the jealousy in Floris’s eyes grow, just as her smirk as she thinks of a clever little plot. You and Maris share a glance and seem to think the same. ‘Princess Rhaenyra was allowed to sit in that chair, when she had her suitors come over. I am sure that father would not mind sharing his seat with his future son in law.’ Floris speaks, quickly interrupting Aemond and trying to steal away the attention from her sister. Aemond sinks back in the chair, resting his arms on the armrests. He forces his head against the back of the chair and gestures for Ellyn to come closer.
She hesitates. He chuckles before getting up. ‘I do not think I have ever been denied before by any woman.’ He ignores Floris and by his smirk you can tell its on purpose. He grabs Ellyn by her waist, ignoring her protests and whimpers when he is a bit too rough. He forces her head closer to his own and kisses her on her lips. She tries to break free desperately as if she is a bird in the mouth of a cat. You watch, frozen when your sisters are fed up with Aemond. Ellyn catches her breath and he uses that opportunity to force his tongue in her mouth. He grabs her chin and holds her during the kiss, so she has no chance of escaping.
Once he is finished, he drops her as if she is nothing, moving on to his next target. It is quite amusing watching him count you and your sister and realizing that one is missing. It is even more amusing when he realizes someone has snuck behind him, and you are laughing when Maris smacks him across his arrogant face, leaving a good red mark.
Ellyn uses this to escape and rushes to your side across the room, before crying out in your arms. She probably imagined her first kiss differently.
Cass takes the pitcher from the servant and fills her cup before raising it to Maris. Floris looks horrified and tries to earn his love by rushing to his side and offering her help and support. You are the only one staying far away. ‘Get off of me, wench.’ He groans at Floris as she touches his face. She obeys him, shocked that she is for once not the thing everyone wants.
‘You,’ he sounds even more hateful than before. Maris makes a curtsy and lowers her eyes but they are twinkling with mischief. You release a laugh. The prince’s head briefly snaps towards you before glaring at you. You stop laughing. Cass stops drinking and watches the exchange between the two of them, worried. 
Maris and your sisters enjoy this victory and his shame and humiliation of being beaten by a girl for a brief moment. Then, you all regret it. He grabs Maris by her throat, squeezing it so harshly you can see his fingerprints on it. He grins, laughing as if he has gone insane. ‘Apparently you are a bit jealous. Do not worry, you are next.’ He groans in her face, dragging her to the throne. 
‘You are an insolent stupid, ignorant, dumb little-’ He scolds when sitting down and taking her on his lap. You never saw anything like that before and have trouble looking away. You watch as his hands go over her neck, to her back, and to her behind...
Ellyn clutches to Cass’s side. ‘What will he do with her? We need to get father. He will stop this madness.’ You doubt it. 
You hear Maris cry out and realise that Aemond has hit her. 'You can't hit a lady!' Your sister Cass roars angry. 'You are a despicable little beast.'
The prince scoffs unbothered and even smiles when Maris whimpers terrified of him. 'But I can spank her. This is nothing unusual for a wife and her husband.' You know what that word means from a few books Cassandra reads sometimes and watch as your sister lies over his legs getting punished by the prince. She keeps quiet mostly and he hates it. He does everything in his power to make her scream, cry or to even beg him.
The way he hits her looks so painful. You can almost feel his hands on your flesh hitting you. You see her ashamed cheeks turn red and watch as she tries to fight but eventually accepts her punishment. Aemond has not stripped her, as he is not her lord husband yet. He has no right, yet.
When Maris is properly tamed and done for She is lifted. He grabs her by her throat as a warning and feels her breasts with his hands. You watch fascinated and worried as he smashes his lips on her own kissing her. Maris moans and feels his knees where she was laying moments earlier. You feel a strange thirst. You feel yourself become breathless.
The prince sends her away.
'Anyone else who needs to be taught a lesson?' He eyes you and your sisters, eager to punish whoever might defy.
You bite your lip and raise your chin; making direct eye contact with the prince. He grins and raises a brow at you before patting his knee, inviting you over. You quickly blush and back away, hiding from him. He chuckles.
You quickly glance back at your feet. That was poor timing on your behalf. You scold yourself in your head. Your other sister, meanwhile, sits the throne. Floris slowly takes off her dress, revealing her breasts. Aemond seems interested and comes over. He grabs her and forces her to stand. She kisses him desperate like lovers do.
Floris subtly drops her gown a bit, showing more of her breasts. Aemond grins before touching her nippels and biting her neck as if he is an animal. You watch as the two of them kiss each other passionately. Aemond slams her against the throne and spreads her legs...
Your mouth turns dry as his hands vanish under her skirts touching her. She lets out cries of pleasure. You wonder how he is touching her. How is making her feel that good. If he can make you, feel that good.
Someone squeezes you, and you are startled. Cass glares at you. 'Bentha,' She whispers furiously. 'You are watching.'
Your voice cracks and you are in need of a drink.
'I never saw any man-' you try to defend yourself.
Cass sighs. 'I will get you a man, but not him. He will destroy you.' You hear a voice whisper that no man will do that with you what he does.
Floris cries out, and you watch her closely studying her. 'What is happening to her?' Ellyn asks, worried for Floris's safety.
'She has just finished.' Maris responds drly. Ellyn blinks.
Ellyn blushes, hoping she midunderstands it all. 'With what exactly?' You all groan.
The prince sighs and grins as Floris puts her dress back on. He walks back to you all. You watch as he dryly wipes off his fingers on a towel. 'You girls are tameable, it seems.' He makes you all sound like disobedient women.
He counts you all again shoving some of you aside. 'I already kissed you, you and now you...'
You and Cass remain.
'Leaving you two.' He says joyfully. Cassandra sighs before accepting that she is next. She grabs his face gently and kisses his lips before he can even understand what is happening. She also uses her tongue like he did on Ellyn. She grins when he is absolutely shocked and wordless by her bold display.
'That was everyone.' She joyfully says. 'You did it.' She is saving you from him.
Aemond seems that confused that he does not realise that mistake.
'No; Bentha remains.' Floris suddenly rings out joining you.
You feel yourself shake. You gulp.
The prince grabs you by your hips dragging you closer to him. You feel his hot breath on your lips and feel yourself fall. 'You're mine, little stag.'
You gulp. 'Let her be, Aemond. She is the youngest. She has no interest in you.' Maris tries to intervene. It's useless.
Floris growls. 'It's a kiss.' Aemond brings you back to the throne.
You are pushed on his lap, forced to sit. You feel his warmth and sweat unintended. You never were so close to any man.
'I am not sure that is entirely true.' He says once you are sitting. You feel him touch your legs gently. You think of him parting them and feeling you like he did with Floris. What is wrong with you? He hurt your servants.
'Shall we kiss?'
'I want to have a chat with you first.' He saw you. He saw you watch. You blush. 'Yes, I saw you peek when I finished your little sister off. When she came on my lap. I also saw you gawk when I spanked your sister and forced my tongue in your other sister's throat.' He describes it.
'I was worried for their safety-' he laughs.
'I gave all your siblings a little lesson. Ellyn learned how to kiss, Maris learned the value of spankings, Floris learned how to come, and Cassandra learned how to seduce. What do you hope I teach you, little stag?' You are surprised that he even knows your names and who is who. Some servants take years.
He kisses your neck, and you gasp.
'They didn't like their lessons.' You say nervously.
'You are different. I bet you'd be the most wonderful student. So obedient to please your teacher.' Your body reacts so unpleasantly. You are wet.
'I need-' you need to get away from him. Now.
He grins. 'No, little stag. I am not quite finished.'
'Please-' you beg getting up.
'No, I said.' He says strictly and gives you a light smack on your behind. It is not enough force but it turns you on so quickly. You moan even. You blush mortified and ashamed. You definitely liked that. Wether you knew it prior or not. You whimper. You hear him chuckle. 'I will teach you.'
'I will teach you what it means to be a woman.' You watch in horror as he shoves a small silver ring around your finger before grabbing you and throwing you over his shoulder. 'Tell Lord Borros I claimed his youngest.' He tells the other girls before carrying you off. 'O, and don't come knocking any time soon.'
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mystic-headcanons · 11 months
Yoosung with MC who feels guilty about him getting hurt and going blind in one eye "for her" how do you think he'd deal with the situation and make her feel better
i love yoosung sm :(
you've been pulling away for yoosung for a few weeks now. it started with declining one or two of his calls and lying about being busy, but it progressively got worse. you weren't speaking to him as much, and you rarely saw him outside of chatrooms. (it got to the point of other members noticing and asking you if everything was alright between you and yoosung. you always lied and said yes because how could you explain the sheer amount of guilt that you felt? about how every time you saw him or spoke to him, you're reminded of the fact that you caused him to lose an eye? no, it was better to avoid him. better to pretend everything was fine.) there was also a part of you that was just scared. scared that he hated you, or that he’d grow to regret ever meeting you and you just…could not handle that.
it all came to a head when you pressed ignore on his fourth call. it’d been a long day and there was no way you could hide your emotions if you spoke to him. yoosung had this way of seeing through you, of picking up on your emotions no matter how hard you tried to hide them. whether it was because he knew you down to your bones, or because he was generally a very empathetic person, you weren’t sure. but you were sure that you couldn’t afford to speak about the guilt. if he affirmed it, if he told you it was, in fact, your fault, you don’t know what you’d do.
half an hour after you ignored yoosung’s last call, there was a knocking at your door. “it’s eight p.m.” you muttered to yourself, frowning. you were cautious as you approached the door, and with a mug in your raised hand, you flung open the door to yoosung with red rimmed eyes. he froze for a moment and looked between you and your hand with a raised eyebrow. “what? it’s late. i wasn’t expecting anyone.” you stepped aside and set the mug down as he walked in. you watched as he turned to face you; the circles under his eyes were noticeably darker and his hair was greasier than usual. the guilt began to eat away at your insides the longer you stared at him. was he not taking care of himself?
“can we…can we talk?” yoosung asked, and upon hearing the desperation in his voice, you had no choice but to nod. there was a moment of silence and you could tell that yoosung was forcing himself to gather the courage to speak. his mouth opened and closed a few times before he finally groaned in frustration. “are you trying to break up with me? you ignore almost all of my calls and barely talk to me in the messenger, but you’ll answer everyone else the second they text you. did i— did i do something?”
“no! yoosung, you did nothing. i didn’t. god, i didn’t even think how this would look to you.” you muttered the last part to yourself, but yoosung heard you. “yoosung, i promise you i’m not trying to break up or anything like that. i love you.” you averted your gaze from his and looked down before you spoke again, not wanting to see his reaction. “you lost your eye because of me, yoosung. i just. i feel so guilty every time i talk to you.” there was silence after you spoke, and a few seconds later you felt him gently grab your hand. “hey, no. the hacker is the one who did this, not you.” “but—“ “you’re not responsible for anyone else’s choices, my love.” yoosung interrupted you, and gently cupped your cheek. he gave a small smile as you looked up at him. “his actions are his own, just like how my actions are mine and yours are yours. i chose to go there with seven, fully knowing the risks. for you and for him and for the rfa.”
“…i’m sorry.” you said, reaching forward to hug him. “i was just scared that maybe you would’ve thought the same thing. that you blamed me too and wouldn’t want to be with me anymore.” you dropped your forehead to his shoulder as he held you, and the longer you were in his embrace the more you felt all the stress and worry and guilt melt away. “so talk to me about it next time. don’t just ignore me and ice me out like this. i love you, and i’m here to help you talk through these things.”
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Hey! I have an idea for a small fanfic! I love the idea of our favorite characters participating the Yule ball 🥺 I imagine something fluffy and cute. Everyone is excited but Ominis. He says that he hates those kind of parties and thinks it's useless. But in reality, he is just scared to be laughed at since no one taught him how to dance. Maybe MC can help him out even though he refused categorically first? (And I imagine a funny moment, where Garreth is a MACHINE on the dance floor and helps Ominis loosen up a bit) (Sorry it's a long paragraph 😅)
Thank you 🥰
Then do
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x MC
Word count: 2.1k+
Genre: Fluff, teensy bit of angst if you look at it under a microscope
Summary: MC teaches Ominis how to dance for the upcoming Yule Ball.
“Surely you can’t be serious, Ominis?! It’s the Yule Ball, it only comes around every five years, you must go!” MC exclaimed. “I was quite serious when I first told you I would not be going. You must think me quite fickle if you believe I could have changed my mind a mere minute later” Ominis replied in a rather agitated manner.
MC looked over at Sebastian, her usual partner-in-crime when convincing Ominis into things he did not want to do. Contrary to her expectations, the brown-haired boy just held up his hands in defeat and said nothing. This was odd. If even Sebastian did not want to get involved, perhaps there truly was no hope of persuading Ominis. MC did not feel right being excited for the Yule Ball knowing one of her closest friends would not be there, left all by himself in his common room.
“Well, maybe we can just have a dance by ourselves then? Just among our friends?” MC offered hesitatingly. She really did want to go to the actual ball, but also wanted to include Ominis in some way. “That would not do much to solve my problem” Ominis chuckled, his expression softening. “What problem?” MC asked. Ominis sighed. It seemed that he would not get out of this without revealing his secret. And why bother? He had revealed worse to MC before. Next to Sebastian, there wasn’t a living soul on earth who knew him like she did.
“I can’t dance,” he admitted. This took MC by surprise. Ominis does not know how to dance? But he is from a prestigious family. Surely, they attended and hosted dances all the time. Meanwhile Ominis, anticipating her thoughts, continued: “my family did not find it necessary to teach me, as I was, in their eyes, a failure.” At this, Sebastian quietly slid out of the room, obviously feeling it necessary to give Ominis some privacy for this story. “The Gaunts do not take kindly to weakness” Ominis resumed, “and with me being blind and, well, less inclined towards cruelty, they found me to be the very picture of weakness.”
“Oh Ominis” MC gasped, as she quickly moved towards him and enveloped him into a hug. He was quite a bit taller than her but, as he was currently seated, and she was standing, she could rest her head on top of his, embracing him firmly. “They are so wrong about you,” she whispered. He looked up at her and smiled, his face closer to hers than it had ever been, causing MC to blush. She loosened her grip on him slightly but did not let him go. “What if I taught you how to dance?” she proposed. “Your family’s unwillingness to see your true value should not stand in the way of your enjoyment.” “I’d like that.” he replied softly, his smile widening. “I’d like that very much actually.”
And so, she did. Clumsily at first, as MC herself was not such an experienced dancer either. But –after a series of mistakes including stepping on each other's toes, bumping into each other, and at one point Ominis tripping, and MC falling flat on top of him, making both of their faces flush to such a degree MC was thankful only she could see this– they completed their first flawless waltz. “We did it!” MC exclaimed, as Ominis spun her once more until she faced him, their hands linking above their heads. “We certainly did, thanks to you! I could kiss you!” Ominis replied. Then do, MC thought, immediately shocked at her own mind. She really had not meant to teach him how to dance because of any type of feelings. She was just being a good friend, right? But being this close to him, by themselves, seeing him laugh, feeling his hand on her waist, his other hand still holding hers… perhaps she did have more motive to convince him than she had admitted to herself. Perhaps the Yule Ball was not so special to her after all if he would not be there with her.
“I..thank you, it’s really nothing!” she rambled, letting his hand go and taking a step backward. “It is something” Ominis said. “It means a lot to me. Thank you.” He looked as though he wanted to take her hand again, but he did not.
“Of course, Ominis. I am so glad I was able to be helpful to you” MC smiled. “Well, it’s getting late! I had better head back to my own room.” And with that, she left him.
The day of the ball
“Sit still, MC” Imelda grumbled. “You’re messing up my hard work on your hair with all your fidgeting!” MC genuinely was trying to sit still, but she could not. She was incredibly nervous. What for, she was not entirely sure. She was just going to a dance. In her own school. With all her friends. With Ominis. Oh. At the thought of him, her heart betrayed itself by skipping a beat. He is my friend. I’ve known him for over a year, we see each other all the time. And yet. Something had irrevocably changed between them. “MC, you’re doing it again!” Imelda yelled. “I can’t with this girl, Natty, you take over!”
Natsai came over laughing, holding MC’s head in place as she pinned up the remaining strands of her hair. “We must make sure you look splendid for your first introduction to the students of Uagadou.” Natty said, obviously excited at the prospect of her former classmates visiting her new school for the Yule Ball. She continued: “Ah, but I can tell your mind is not on Uagadou, or any of the other schools attending. Who has occupied your mind so that you do not even notice a niffler is pilfering your jewelry?”
MC shot up just in time to see a niffler make off with the necklace she was planning to wear tonight. “Oh no!” she shouted, but she was too late. The beast had run off already, followed by a frantic Poppy, who was profusely apologizing “Sorry, MC!! Fitzwilliam, come back here! Sorry!!!”
Natty laughed heartily, holding MC back from following Poppy: “MC no, your hair! Poppy will bring him back, don’t worry about it!” The Gryffindor carefully added the last pin to MC’s updo. “There, all done. Stand up” she beckoned. MC did, slowly turning to face her friends and the mirror. She was dressed in a light blue floor length gown that lightly shimmered as she moved. Her hair, neatly pinned into place, made her look regal, like a princess from a foreign land.
“You look beautiful! I sure wish Ominis could see you like this!” Imelda howled. “Imelda!” MC reproached her. “I guess he’ll have to behold your beauty in other ways… touch perhaps?” Imelda continued with a devilish grin. “Or smell?” Natty added, spritzing MC with perfume from an ivory bottle. The scent was deep and yet subtle, almost indistinguishably floral, like a field of white flowers that radiate light. “I have no idea wha” “Don’t start MC, naivete doesn’t become you” Imelda cut her off. “We know all about your scandalous escapades to the boys’ dormitory to practice dancing.” “But I really” “Anyhow, it’s about time we head to the great hall. We would not want to keep anyone waiting.” And with that, Imelda led the girls out of the dormitory.
As they walked down the stairs, Poppy passed them holding Fitzwilliam the niffler. “I’ll join you in a moment, no need to wait for me!” the little Hufflepuff said. “Wait, who has my necklace?!” MC exclaimed frantically. “He does,” Poppy beckoned. MC followed her gaze to see Ominis, waiting at the bottom of the stairs. “And that’s our cue to leave” Natty nudged Imelda, giggling as they passed Ominis.
“Poppy asked that I give this to you” Ominis held up the necklace, luckily undamaged by the niffler’s misadventures. He looked stunning. A black tuxedo vest covered his intricately embroidered waistcoat. His hair, neatly slicked back as usual, perfectly suited and enhanced his formal look. MC descended the stairs. “You look.. so handsome” she said, so quietly he may not have heard her had Ominis not had excellent hearing. “You smell so beautiful” he returned. “May I?” he asked, holding up his hand. “Yes.” Slowly, he touched her hair, careful not to undo anything. Moving from the top of her head down to her cheek, her chin, her shoulder, her upper arm, and eventually her hand. He smiled. “You are beautiful.”
MC did not have the strength to respond to this, but she did not need to as he soon continued: “shall I put this on you? Turn around for me, please.” She dutifully turned, starting slightly at the cold touch of the jewelry on her skin, and Ominis’ fingers touching the back of her neck as he carefully closed the necklace clasp.
He gently spun her around to face him. “Shall we, my lady?” he smiled, offering his arm to her. She gracefully took it and they walked, guided by the wand he held in his other hand.
The Great Hall was elaborately decorated, the usual floating candles complimented by endless snowflakes which seemed to dwindle downward but never reach the floor. Dozens of Christmas trees lined the walls and pillars, also covered in unmelting snow. A band made up of 3 wizards playing violins, a goblin playing the piano, and a dozen singing frogs, played merry waltzes.
As they entered the Hall, Ominis suddenly stopped. “Ominis?” MC inquired. “This is one of the dances we practiced, we should try it out!” “I’m not sure… I’m not confident without my wand to guide me…” he hesitated. “I’ll be here to guide you, just lean on me” MC reassured him. “You’ve done this before, in the dorm, remember?” Her words were interrupted by loud laughs and cheers coming from the dance floor. In front of them, Garreth Weasley was dancing like an absolute madman, now jumping up and down, now imitating the violin players, now ducking his face into his elbow and swinging his arms from side to side.
Despite his lack of eyesight, Ominis could tell immediately who the center of attention of such a circle may be. He chuckled. “Well, with Garreth so kindly hogging the spotlight, I believe I may be brave enough to try.” [MC wondered what this strange “spotlight” word could possibly refer to, as such a device was certainly not in existence in 1890. Unfortunately, the author could not be bothered to find an adequate synonym, and thus MC, as well as any readers, shall have to live with this incongruency.]
The thing about Ominis is that once he was committed to doing something, he was committed. With renewed confidence, he led his partner onto the dance floor. He bowed slightly as he placed a gentle kiss onto her hand, not letting her hand go, but instead pulling her closer and commencing the waltz they had practiced. He placed his hand on her back as she placed hers on his shoulder. They stepped in unison, spinning along with the music, Ominis twirling her when appropriate and always catching her in time. He really had caught on formidably quick. MC could no longer hear the cheering crowd, could no longer see Garreth’s antics. The room spun out of focus and she could only see the face of the boy in front of her. Ominis. Her closest companion. Whom she loved. More dearly than any other friend. More dearly than... a friend at all. He was more to her than that. And something in the way he held her. The way his fingers intertwined with hers. The way he smiled down at her as though not another soul existed. Something in this look told her he felt the same. The end of the song approached. At the appropriate crescendo in the music, Ominis lifted her into his arms, spinning half a circle with her before expertly lowering her to the ground once more, supporting her waist as he dipped her low to the floor. The song came to a close.
Had MC been at all aware of her surroundings, she would have seen Natty & Poppy jumping up and down applauding them. She would have seen Sebastian high-fiving Imelda and paying her 5 galleons. He had bet her Ominis and MC would get together by the end of the night, Imelda had said it would not take that long.
But MC saw none of this. She only saw Ominis, who was still holding her and now pressed his forehead to hers. “Thank you, MC” he whispered. “I really could kiss you.” This time, she did not hesitate to reply. “Then do.”
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mammss · 2 years
mc saves the holidays!!
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🎄 @omsecretsanta2022 here's my secret santa fic!! my person was @kage7ama this was so fun to participate in and i hope you enjoy it as much as i did!! happy holidays ❤️
🎄mc x lucifer
🎄lucifer hating christmas and terrorizing everyone, mc saving the day, fluff, sfw
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For demons who have lived longer than the earth itself they sure never get tired of partaking in human traditions unlike Lucifer who is seconds away from convincing Diavolo to ban them. In his eyes halloween was pointless as he could dress as himself every year, thanksgiving was about eating lots of seasonal food with love ones and he does that already on account his brother is the avatar of gluttony, seeing humans celebrate his fathers resurrection during easter gives him a headache and an empty bottle of demonus, asmo and mammon turn the entire devildom upside down on valentines day, the anti-lucifer league got april fools day banned centuries ago, new years made no sense to him as to why he should be celebrating another year to look forward to when he’s got plenty more but Christmas, oh diavolo, Christmas was his least favorite human holiday.
Why should he celebrate his father's birthday? I mean maybe if he was still an angel then he would have pulled all the stops for him but now celebrating Christmas in the HoL was a myth, that was until you wormed your way into his inky black heart. Which brings us to an uneventful afternoon where he couldn’t believe that the love of his life whom he thought understood him and reassured him on his darkest days would be singing christmas songs and stringing up lights in the hallway with mammon. He knows he told you his feelings towards this cursed holiday so why go behind his back and do something like this? Striding up to the both of you blinded by anger he clears his throat
“Mc I assume you know my rules about…Christmas… and how we don’t celebrate it in this house. So I demand you and mammon tear these lights down and turn off that awful music before I punish you both ten fold.”
“Awww come on lucifer! Ya don't gotta do all that over some Christmas lights! They just wanted to get all of us in the Christmas spirit. Hang loose will ya? Oh! And while you're over there Luce could ya hand me the hammer these lights won’t stay in place.” Mammon protested.
“Mammons right Lucifer, I know you don’t like Christmas but these lights were just too cute not to hang up! And Christmas lights are universal so they can be hung up anytime anywhere. I just chose to do it now since I'm in the holiday mood!” You reasoned. There was no way Lucifer the grinch was gonna make you tear down the hard work you and Mammon did.
“Fine. Since you won't listen to me, how about I knock the Christmas spirit out of you?” Lucifer smirked. Grabbing the both of you to inevitably punish your “animalistic” behavior.
After the light fiasco you couldn’t or precisely wouldn’t give up on the holiday season just because of your boyfriend. You knew why he didn’t like it but never expected him to react the way he did, laying on your bed starfish style had you reminiscing about previous christmases in the human world spending time with loved ones, baking, shopping till you drop, the weather. Experiencing all of those little moments December came with became the main reason why you celebrate it like you do. And maybe just maybe with the christmas ban lucifer would change his mind once he understands your point of view. Jumping out of bed you had a crazy idea but an idea that might change everything (or at least you hoped).
Tree decorating was the start of the holiday season to most families in the human world. Setting up the tree, the fire cracking in the background, a classic holiday movie played to make it entertaining, decorating with all sorts of ornaments, heartfelt or store bought brought families together even if it's just for a couple hours and that's exactly what you planned to do. Finding a pine tree in the devildom was the first problem as they’re none. Spending hours in the forest only gave you false hope and going to any store you came across empty shelves and dust. Still not giving up on a tree you go back outside to find a tiny tree suitable for Christmas but more like a table decoration, you cut the tree and come back to the house to prepare.
hey Lucifer, are you busy right now? You message him silently hoping he’d say no.
Yes, but what do you need my assistance for?
Cursing to yourself you have no choice but to bait him.
wellllll i can’t explain over text but only you can help me the avatar of pride knows lots about it :)
If you need me I guess it can’t be helped. Where are you?
Smirking into the phone you continued the conversation.
common room! be here ASAP!!!!
Triple checking you had everything and more, you patiently waited for the man of the hour to arrive. It didn’t take long for him to show knowing only you could pull him away from his work with pleading eyes while stroking his ego.
“Mc. What did you do to my common room?” He stared blankly at you.
“Only what I had to do to get you in the Christmas mood Luci! I have the fire going, I hung up the lights and garlands by myself. Oh and playing on the TV is a really popular christmas movie humans watch all the time! And here's the main event, the HoL’s very own Christmas tree!” You showed off proudly.
You were about to pick up some decorations until you noticed Lucifer about to leave, bolting to him you grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back onto the couch.
“Look here. I know you don’t like the holidays but that doesn’t mean you can’t come terrorize people, just watch me decorate the tree for a little bit alright? Think of this as a little break from working.” Quietly sighing. Tree decorating was a failure but that didn't mean you were in the dog house just yet.
Picking up some tinsel, ornaments and lights you went to work decorating your tiny tree. It sucked not having your boyfriend want any part in this but on the plus side he stayed with you the entire time. You could tell he wanted to say something until you heard screaming and Lucifer's name being called by his brothers.
“Sigh, what do these idiots need now?” Getting up from the couch and walking to the noise you were left with your tree and some christmas spirit left in you.
Phase one didn't work but you could come up with another plan, you were going to show Lucifer the christmas spirit whether he liked it or not. Scheming for phase two you went to grab the star for the tree only to find it missing. You brushed it off and left the tree on the coffee table for everyone to look at.
Shopping was another staple for the holiday season whether that be for family, friends, whoever. Everyone feels joyous when they get something they really wanted and with deals throughout the month who wouldn't? Though the question remains…what would Lucifer like? Past gifts should have helped you in some sense like records, demonus and poison apples but those are all gifts he gets all the time and as much as he likes them it wouldn't be all that meaningful.
You thought of what he needed, past shopping trips, a conversation in passing you had but came up empty. The only person than yourself who knows Lucifer the best would be a certain prince and butler and with two demons in mind you left for the castle.
“Well what a sight to see you here mc. What brings you here?” Barbatos questioned.
“Is Diavolo busy? I need to ask him something but I’m sure you might help me as well.” You said with a smile.
Guided to one of the many living rooms in the castle Barbatos excused himself to grab the prince and once he walked inside he was more than happy to help you in your quest for the perfect gift. He talked about stationary lucifer questions in passing, clothes he said he’d buy later many ideas spewed at you but you were thankful nonetheless.
“Thank you so much for the help! I know Lucifer will be confused come Christmas morning but he deserves this.” Blushing at your own words you could picture him complaining about the gifts and going off on you.
“I’m glad I could help mc, but tell me more about Christmas and how it works?”
“Well Christmas is a very popular holiday where you spend the day with loved ones and open gifts you bought for each other. For children they believe Santa brought them, he’s a character made up but they’re tons of movies and books made telling his story. You can even get a picture with him at malls!” Excitedly stating.
“Okay now tell me about what people do on Christmas morning.”
“Everyone celebrates it differently but it's usually done by everyone waking up and going to the living room where all the presents are under the tree and everyone gets a chance at opening them and being surprised.”
“Mc why don’t we go shopping for Lucifer's gift? I’m more than happy to assist you and celebrate Christmas with you.” Jumping up from the couch he grabbed his coat and rushed you out the castle doors with barbatos following suit.
The rest of the afternoon was spent well for the most part, you ended up buying all sorts of gifts for the tree and made sure to slip some presents the prince and butlers way. The shops were glowing with festive lights and decorations, everyone looked so happy bags in hand chatting past you guys. Only you wished your boyfriend was here.
After shopping and getting something to eat nearby you parted ways with the royals and excitedly went back to your room to wrap presents. Having everything laid out you wrapped Lucifer's first adding excessive bows and flashy wrapping paper you knew he’d hate but it made a good laugh. Thinking of the gifts gave you another splendid idea on how to lift the ban, packing all your unwrapped gifts you made a move.
The door to his study slammed open; he scowled at the intruder only to soften the glare once he knew it was you. Looking up and down at the shopping bag in his hands he sighed knowing this was another scheme but proceeded to listen to you.
“I have gifts I need help wrapping…”
“No mc.”
“Why not? Please, these are for your brothers.” You asked.
“Diavolo hasn’t answered me all afternoon and I need his advice on something so until I hear from him I cannot help you wrap gifts for my brothers that cause me pain.” Just speaking of them gave him a headache.
“It won’t take long! I only bought them a couple things and some things can be bagged.” you giggled at the bags rumbling in front of his face. Clearly not hooked on his refusal.
A spread of boxes, wrapping paper, bows, string and stray paperwork littered his desk. You decided to split the job while you bagged gifts Luci got the pleasure to put his perfectionism to the test and wrap. Some huffs and rustling later you got a lot done and both of you enjoyed the time even if the start was rocky. With only one gift left you both worked on it, you decorating and him wrapping.
“See? I knew we could get this done in no time. You’re the only one who can wrap gifts with so much precision.” You joked.
He chuckled and smiled. Pulling you closer to him to stay that way for a while basking in each other's presence. Your heads resting on top of each other.
“Will you lift the Christmas ban now?” Asking softly.
“No, but I have to admit you’re really obsessed with the holidays.”
“What do you mean no?” Separating from him.
“I hate Christmas for the sole reason it reminds me of the past, specifically my father and my days as an angel. As you already know. But the lengths you’ll go to make me see your point of view is so you.” He turned to look at you softly.
“The lights in the hallways? To help lift my brother's Christmas spirit, I watched you look for a tree for hours on end and you spent all that work decorating the common room. I wanted to help you put the star on the tree but alas I was too late and today asking Diavolo what to give me?”
“Seeing you try to make me see the good in things is…comforting. I can sorta see why this holiday means so much to you.” He said.
“So why not lift the ban if you understood my attempts?” Cocking your head in confusion.
“So I can surprise you and do this.” Lucifer grabbed your hand and guided you to the common room.
The house was entirely decorated head to toe in all sorts of decorations. Your tiny tree was replaced with a bigger one fit for presents which littered the floor in a vast array of shapes, designs and colors. Everyone was waiting patiently for the two of you to sit down and as you did you felt so happy to be celebrating with your boyfriend.
“How about we ease into the holiday season? Can we compromise on that?” Lucifer purred.
With blush covering your face you smiled at him fondly.
“I suppose, let's shake on it.” Pulling your hand out in front of him he grabbed it and pulled you closer.
“How about this way?” Lucifer pulled you in for a tender kiss.
“Happy holidays mc.”
“Happy holidays to you to lucifer.”
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sadbitterman · 1 year
The Third Wheel. Part 1
Part 1 Part 2 - Coming soon
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Summary: It's hard when someone else comes between best friends. Even worse when that someone else is a girl.
Pairing: f!MC (Bitterness Blackwood) x Ominis Gaunt
Word Count: 1,8k
Note: Re-posting my fanfiction after some corrections. English is not my first language, so it's hard to get EVERYTHING right. But I want to share it with you anyway. Hope you like it. Enjoy reading.
It’s the start of a new school year. All Hogwarts students as usual group together, wander around tangled corridors and talk about something of their own. It seems like nothing has changed. Most of them are still happily living their best school life within these walls. But not everyone.
Last year, things took a turn for the worst for two best friends, Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt. Sebastian's betrayal and his obsession with dark magic had alienated them. And this gifted new girl, which immediately captured all the attention, became a wedge between them. In their company, Ominis felt like a third wheel. As soon as a better ally appeared, his dear friend spent less time with him and got into more and more trouble.
Of course, all Gaunt has is a loud name of hatred family. He turned out to be weak, useless. It hurt him that even she, who barely knew him, understood his feelings better than his childhood friend, the closest person in the world. He felt terrible, even though it all ended relatively well. After all, Sebastian hasn't been expelled after all he's done. This little secret, which only three of them knew, choked him badly.
While Ominis strolled across the hall, deep in his own thoughts, two students rushed past and pushed him from the way insolently. Before he could say a word, his wand glinted. Broke down at the most inconvenient moment. A whole maze of steps and ornate corridors waited ahead. Without the sonar, the world plunged back into pitch black.
“Damn it, not now!” His voice echoed through the great hall.
The boy stood to the side of the staircase foot and desperately shook his wand until it was no longer responding at all. He looked very embarrassed and annoyed. The way back wouldn't be a pleasant walk without his helper. He would have to walk mostly by feel, as the local corridors were too wide and tricky to navigate the sound smoothly. And the ladders? A wave of despair over his own helplessness hit him again.
“Need a hand? Your wand—”
“Broken, I know.” Irritated, Gaunt interrupted the phrase. Only a moment afterward, he realized who had called out to him. “Don't patronize me. I don't need your pity. I can take care of myself.”
“Oh, I didn't doubt that one bit, and never wanted to pity you.” The new girl whom he mentioned a few minutes ago in his mind softly touched his shoulder. As soon as she heard a familiar voice, she immediately went downstairs to find out what had happened. Bitter joked gently. “I just can’t leave a friend in trouble. I’m a Hufflepuff, remember?”
He was silent for a while, frowning. Afterward, he exhaled and grudgingly agreed.
“Uh, alright, you won. These stairs will drive me crazy before I find my way back to the living room.”
“Or they will drive your neck off.” She joked again, in her own caring and simple-minded way. As always. “Let’s go. Take my hand.”
Her palm touched his arm. Soft. Warm. Small. She squeezed the boy's fingers, not expecting the same in return, but suddenly felt it become mutual. Ominis hesitated, looking with his glassy gaze to nowhere. Obviously, the situation was awkward on his part.
“Not a word of this to anyone. Get it?”
“I promise I won't say a word, Ominis.”
“Even Sebastian.”
“Especially Sebastian.”
The couple moved slowly up the stairs. A tense atmosphere hung between them. Gaunt walked with his head down in silence.
"Is something wrong?" The girl said and looked at his frowning face. “Feels like you still don't like me very much.”
“What? No. I just— I hate when people see me like that.”
“Blind?” She said the dumbest thing she got first on her mind, continuing to lead the way.
“Almost got it. Weak”.
If he only could see, he would definitely roll his eyes. But this silly remark made him chill out a bit. He couldn't contain a quiet chuckle. With her there was no reason to be always aware. She always said what was on her mind and she treated people the way she really thought of them. It made him feel at ease. No hypocrisy, or subterfuge, or secrets. His face relaxed.
“Come on, all of us need help sometimes. That doesn't make you weak. If you don't want to owe me, you can help me with my History of Magic report. I fell asleep during class again.”
Faintly visible smile shone on Gaunt’s lips. He nodded, silently continuing to follow the girl down the long corridors. Only their lonely footsteps could be heard around. Bitterness Blackwood. She came out of nowhere. She changed everything he was used to. At first he believed it was just anger and jealousy because his best friend found someone else, but what if he actually… The heart thumped faster.
“Ominis?” Girl said quietly and suddenly stopped. She palpably squeezed icy fingers in her palm and pulled the boy out of his thoughts. He turned his head at a loss, trying to figure out what was going on. There was a mute question on his face. “I wanted to talk to you.”
Bitter turned to him, looking up at his pale face. She seemed a little blushing. Everything was written all over her face, but of course he couldn't see it.
“It's nothing serious, really. I just wanted to tell that I like—”
“Sebastian, right?”
His face changed again. Heavy feelings came flooding in again. There was a sadness in him he tried for a long time to contain. Gaunt’s fingers loosened, trying to slip out. “I know you became very close. As soon as you showed up—”
“What? No!” Bitter exclaimed out and instantly flushed. Shaking her head, she grabbed the boy's palm with both hands again, pulling closer. He only raised his glassy gaze in her direction in surprise. “It's not what it looks like. I don’t want to take your best friend away. Sure, he’s a nice guy, but not really my type. Actually, there’s… someone else.”
“Someone else..?” Ominis repeated in confusion.
“Yes. I like…” She took a pause, as she still wasn’t sure if it was worth saying. She mustered her courage, filled her lungs with air and spoke three unexpected words. “I like you.”
There was a ringing silence in the air. The boy was taken aback. His pale cheeks flushed slowly. His breath caught. He didn't know what to say to that, except:
“...are you kidding?”
"I wouldn't joke about that, you dork!" She hit him lightly on the shoulder, all red in the face.
“Wait, I… I don’t know what to say, I thought you and Sebastian—”
"Oh, no-no-no-no." She shook her head even harder than before. "I know our first meeting wasn't the most pleasant, of course, but... With the time we spent together, I saw your other side. I realized what kind of person you really are. And I liked you very much, Ominis Gaunt."
The last sentence kicked him in the gut again. His breathing became labored, frequent. He could hear a heart wildly pounding in his ears. At first he was silent. Then, with a sigh of relief, he finally spoke. Suddenly the tight boundaries that were weighing heavily on him disappeared.
“You're the first person to tell me these things so openly. Usually people, let alone girls, avoid me. Probably because I can't trust anyone and I'm always looking for a catch.”
"It doesn't frighten me." She said and smiled tenderly. They sat down on a bench in the dark, empty corridor, still holding hands.
"Why me?" Ominis turned his face away embarrassedly, running the pad of his thumb over her soft hand. He felt guilty about his best friend. It was as if he was trying to change her mind. In his heart he wanted to say: run away from me, I'm not the man you need, you're making a mistake. "Sebastian told me that you couldn't get out of his head. He definitely has a crush on you."
“I know. It's obvious. He lost his sister and now he’s trying hard to find someone who’ll fill the void in the chest she left. But I don't think that I'm good girlfriend material for him, especially in this situation.”
“Why do you think so? You two have been through so much—”
“And you were there too. All the time.” She said and stroked him lightly on the cheek. “He’s a nice guy despite all his mistakes, but I couldn’t fall in love with someone who treats their own childhood friend like that. When he’s obsessed with something, nothing matters. He doesn't care if he hurts his best friends, as long as it gets what he wants. You are different. Your hands are cold and your heart is warm. You were always there for him, no matter how screwed up he was. Many Hufflepuffs would envy your loyalty. And what about him… It'll be fine as long as I'm his obsession, but what if he's interested in something new?”
Her words were full of determination. Nothing could change her mind. It was clear now. The boy nodded, leaning with his back to the wall. He understood perfectly what Blackwood was talking about. A bitter smile appeared on his lips.
“You know, at first I was so angry when you appeared. I thought you had come to make things worse, to add to his problems. But then... you helped him, even though you didn't agree with his point of view like I did. You were there too, on my side. In the end, it turned out we had a lot more in common than I thought. And when Sebastian confessed he was in love with you, I suddenly felt even more bitter. I think I'm beginning to understand why.”
The boy closed his eyes, and at the same moment felt a kiss on his lips. Immediately he was thrown into a fever. She moved closer, running slim fingers through the soft blond hair. Everything about her was maddening. The pleasant smell, warm of her lips, the intimacy of her body, hot breathing.
Everything fell into place and seemed so right and clear. The heavy weight he carried with him every day was lifted from his soul. He was no longer tormented by thoughts of weakness. Here he could be himself, and that was what he needed for a long time.
It was getting dark outside. None of the students crossed the halls of Hogwarts any more - everyone hid in their living rooms. Only Sebastian Sallow wandered in search of his friend, who was still not back. Turning in another corridor, a familiar voice came to him. His heart clenched.
“I like you too.”
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rhetoricandlogic · 6 months
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Ink Blood Sister Scribe - Emma Törzs
Scribe magic is some of my absolute favorite! I tend to grab any book that has it in it. I went blind into this one so I had no expectations but it was disappointing nonetheless.
This is a story, told in third person, that follows three different characters in three different parts of the world. It also has flashback scenes. 😵‍💫😬 there’s a lot going on! The flow suffered. My attention suffered. I wish I would have DNFed in the beginning but pushed through because the magic really was interesting.
It gets slightly better once the action starts except that then the author has chosen to change scenes to another characters POV every single time something exciting is happening. It’s like a million cliffhangers in one book. Someone pulls a gun on a character, whelp let’s switch POVs. Ooo, a secret door? Nah, reader that’s too exciting so here’s another pov change. I was fed the fuck up. This isn’t suspenseful. This was killing all the suspense. I’m honestly kind of shocked that this was published like this. Once or even twice would have been fine but it’s literally every time the pov changes it changes on some sort of pivotal moment.
The characters were atrocious. Whiny and completely passive. They’re all in terrible situations yet they’re all fine to just live them until the other players in the plot force them into action. So they’re forced to finally do something but it isn’t like they’re coming up with ideas to get themselves out of these messes on their own. They’re perfectly fine to just accept whatever these notes from the magic mirrors tell them to do. They have access to thousands and thousands of magical spells!! They can write their own spells!! They fucking do nothing!! I can not. They suck. I hate them. 😂. They are just pawns and puppets. I want heroes and underdogs and I want them to actually do the work. The annoying stepmom Cecily was the star of this show. She was the only one who showed independence and assertiveness.
There’s entirely too much deception for me. I would have liked to have seen the four of them working together instead of their strings just being pulled. As a whole it’s just a very depressing story. There’s no trust, no camaraderie, these people have lived very isolated duty based lives and so I would have liked for them to have had some thing at the end that didn’t come about in the last 3%. I absolutely needed the MCs to be more capable.
So I push and I push to finish this thing and what do we get in the end?? Info dump!! You’re kidding me right?? All of that to get the ending told through info dump??
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away-ward · 1 year
might be an unpopular opinion
kill switch was the most boring book i have ever read. it took me nearly 4 weeks to finish and i went through with it only because i usually dont dnf but i was tempted to. winter was boring so was damon. the Damon we saw in the first two books was the not the Damon in kill switch. i didn't like him corrupt, tolerated him in hideaway because of his past but i HATED kill switch damon. he took himself too seriously. he was basically a 25 or smthg year old rich privileged prick who thought everyone feared him. but he was such a dummy. all that build-up in the first two books by the author for this guy. seriously he was all talk no action. they should have made someone else the villain in hideaway. the no of times i rolled my eyes during kill switch while he was interacting with erika was more than i did during corrupt and thats saying something because the MCs in corrupt were erika and michael. if anyone says you are more boring than erika and michael then you should just die in my opinion. and winter was just not it. her monologue was just bland and it is not because she is blind. she was like erika 2.0. "oh danger turns me on. i like sex but i am not a slut. i want to look down on the world. Damon is rude to me but that makes me feel alive... blah blah and blah". it was just a rinse and repeat of the first book, and that almost threesome was my snapping point. it is a pattern with Penelope's books. and they just want their favorite characters to be the center of attention everywhere. it happened with Tatum in Fall Away series and with Erika in Devil's Night. it should be noted that both are blonde-haired and blue-eyed females who crave adventure, are soft, nice to everybody and everybody wants them. and so is winter and guess what she falls under the above pattern too. and these characters get more screen time in other's books more than the MCs as well. the whole series revolves around them. the author is projecting so hard and they are not even trying to be discreet. honestly this series will be so much better if we get some time with the ACTUAL interesting characters instead of the author's favourite.
Ohhh a KS rant. It's been awhile.
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unpopular opinion kill switch was the most boring book i have ever read.
Um. Maybe unpopular elsewhere, but I wouldn’t disagree. It might have been the hardest book for me to get through too. I didn’t like Kai in HA, but Banks didn’t annoy me as much as Winter. And Damon wasn’t as unhinged as I expected, so it was a bit of a slog to push through for me.
 He was basically a 25 or smthg year old rich privileged prick who thought everyone feared him. But he was such a dummy. All that build-up in the first two books by the author for this guy. Seriously he was all talk no action
Going off of this, I was thinking about the rescue scene in NF and how… unbelievable it is. Kind of like when a movie franchise starts off somewhat realistic and then somewhere along the way we end up with cars in space (looking at you, F&F)?
Corrupt shows up young adults using their wealth and influence to torment each other and NF ends with them breaking a friend out of a secret prison and taking over their city. I mean, it’s not totally egregious, but if they had been actual criminals who did actual heists and stuff in the past books, that level of competency would be a little more in line with the story. But maybe that’s just my unpopular opinion.
she was like erika 2.0. "oh danger turns me on. i like sex but i am not a slut. i want to look down on the world. Damon is rude to me but that makes me feel alive... blah blah and blah". it was just a rinse and repeat of the first book,
Yeah, I noticed that. The blondes are soft and nice, with a side of craving danger, and the brunettes are snarky and sarcastic with a side of trauma. It seems to be a character mold that PD likes the most.
honestly this series will be so much better if we get some time with the ACTUAL interesting characters instead of the author's favourite.
I agree. But I guess that’s what HC and fan content is for. For me, I respect canon to a certain point and try to use canon to build on and further my own ideas, but I don’t have to live and die by the author’s words. I don’t have to care about the author at all.
I guess we should just be happy PD hasn’t tried to pull an Ann Rice. I think that would be the final straw for me.
But as for KS being boring, I don’t think you’ll find it’s so unpopular in this corner of the fandom. You might have found your fandom friends here.
Thanks for the message! Take care until next time.
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aroaessidhe · 2 years
whenever I see the discourse about “stop promoting books on tropes or buzzwords tell me the PLOT” it very much........ feels like a ‘make up a guy, assume their context and intentions, and get mad at them’ situation, most of the time.
like I absolutely agree that saying “gay poc fantasy enemies to lovers you don’t need to know anything else!!” is telling me very little. 
However, 1) people saying exactly the above are often (young) people just discovering this sort of representation in media for the first time, and are excited about it, so I think they should be allowed to say that without being mocked (with, perhaps, some gentle correction of tokenisation of characters of colour written by white people, etc). (Also, something being promoted in tokenistic way =/= the media itself being tokenistic, necessarily.)
2) in the vast majority of cases, within communities of people with extensive knowledge of what’s out there, this “buzzword trope promotion” is literally in the context of tweets or booktok mentions or any situation where you’re saying a little about the book in one sentence or less. I, uh, am pretty sure most books can not be entirely summarised in a sentence. In those cases it is most efficient to say a couple phrases, “buzzwords”, whatever.
I definitely think there is an art to what words or phrases to choose, which yes, not everyone is great at. I think it should include an indication of tone, themes, genre first and foremost - plus some unique elements and/or some major elements, and if any part of the plot or the character’s journey has to do with their identity, then yes it makes sense to mention that! *
ngl whenever I hear “don’t tell me the tropes tell me the plot” in regards to one-sentence-promotion I’m like.........omg you want to know what the book’s about? I can’t wait to introduce you to this thing called Reading The Blurb Of The Book. Amazingly, Reading The Blurb Of The Book gives you a summary of the plot. Why would you try to mash the entire plot concept of a book badly into one sentence, when the blurb is right there - it makes more sense to mention some other interesting things that aren’t in the blurb! New ways to find new readers, instead of repeating the same exact thing every time! If you go into a book without doing the basic minimum research of reading the blurb, you cannot blame others for your interpretation of how they promoted it.
*I see some people get mad when people mention marginalised identities at all, and... sometimes people do actually want to have explicit confirmation if a book has a lesbian, or character with a certain disability, or ethnicity, etc, even if it’s not much to do with the plot. It can be surprisingly hard to find that info if it’s not mentioned in the blurb, because a lot of people actually don’t promote books with identity buzzwords first. The amount of searching I sometimes have to do to even just figure out if a book is queer or not, or has a romance subplot or not........
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cutetehe · 2 years
Clowncore male mc?????cxxxxx.,,,,,🫠
Uhhhhhh yeahhhh fuckinbg uhhhhh
now I’m not gonna lie- I hate this because I suck with characters that have a specific type of clothing because I have no idea how to make the mc personality like😪
Your first interaction wasn’t the best… okay that’s a understatement it was horrible
Blinded by the bright colors clashed together
“What are you wearing..” Lucifer says judgmental
“Clothes??” Mc responds
“You look like a clown”
“uh yeah that’s the whole point”
You two are glaring at each other and Diavolo knew that this wasn’t going to end well…
“Let’s calm down now” Diavolo says trying to calm down the situation
“I am calm” you both say at the same time- angrily
Diavolo quickly explained the program so the situation won’t escalate
You would design your uniform and to spite Lucifer- follow all of the uniform rules
He can’t do anything if you follow the rules
You read every rule in the RAD rule book and there’s a lot
Mc gets done and gets his first sleep in devildom
Mc went to school and showed off his outfit
Almost everyone liked it- Diavolo liked it!
Lucifer though…
Diavolo had to jump in when you two were arguing
Now let’s take a look at what your relationship is after all the whole bitterness die down!
He doesn’t mind it
He doesn’t get blinded by bright clothes anymore!! Yayyyy
Scared of clowns so when he saw you he freaked out
He doesn’t like bright colors
After awhile he does get used to your outfits
But he’s never letting you pick his clothes
…he has to admit that he does like your clothing
You stand out and you look happy wearing it
“Is it tacky or is it good?” Mammon asks himself
He can stand clowns because of you
You two didn’t get into to many arguments- mainly because mammon was to scared on what you’ll do if he went to sleep after an argument
One time you caught him trying some clothes that you got him while shopping
“Awe do you like them?” Mc snickers while watching mammon go red
“No!” Mammon says a little to quickly
You tease him a little more before leaving him alone
and maybeeee take a photo
One of the only people that actually liked it at first
He stared you down when you walked passed
You looked so cool how could he not stare
Although because of the constant arguments with Lucifer made you think he was judging you
“If you have something to say then say it” mc says turning towards leviathan
“a- OH UHM- sorry for staring I just thought you looked cool” Leviathan stumbled with his words but managed to say something
Mc was surprised to hear he liked it but took the compliment
“Oh uh- thank you” mc awkwardly says
You two hung out a lot after that
Mc finds out leviathan wanted to try the whole clowncore thing but never had the confidence to do so
Sooo being the best boyfriend you got some of your clothes that could possibly fit him and give it to him
“Wha-are you sure??” Leviathan asks
You nod and you leave so he can change
While changing leviathan realizes- he’s wearing your clothes
Leviathan trying to stay calm while you compliment him
Likes the creativity
Although it’s a little TO flashy
“Interesting outfit” Asmo says expecting a bunch of thank yours but instead got
“uh thanks”
You walk away while he just stands there
He expected a bunch of thank you’s because of the compliment
Because of that interaction he tries his damn best to get you to fawn over him
soon he starts to realize how nice your outfit is- it’s not just interesting it’s actually good
Stil pretty interesting clothing choice but he likes it
“Soooo where do you get your clothes” Asmo asks
“I made some of the stuff but most of it was store bought” mc says avoiding the question
Asmo doesn’t even realize he dodged the question
anyways asmo wants to try some of your clothes and you allow him to
“So much color..” Satan thought while looking at mc- completely spaced out
Mc stared directly at satan and Satan realized he was staring at him
Satan embarrassingly looks away while mc is confused
He likes the clothes and also loves the reaction it brings out of Lucifer
Probably gets you clothes he thinks would look nice on you
Satan never thought he’d be wearing anything like that until one day
“Wanna try each other clothes” you randomly asked
“huh- oh uh sure” Satan wasn’t thinking with his answer
Satan would’ve usually change his answer immediately after realizing he said the wrong thing but… YOU LOOKED SO HAPPY
“I’ll go grab some of my clothes and you grab yours” mc says while leaving
A change of clothes later and mc is in love with how comfortable Satan clothes are while Satan is trying to process a reaction
He isn’t like leviathan at all but the thought of wearing somebody clothes was romantic
Tried to ignore that thought
“It’s uh..nice” Satan says while looking at his face in the mirror to make sure he wasn’t blushing- not even looking at the outfit☠️☠️
GUESS WHOS GONNA BE POSTING A LOT OF HEADCANONS- me after I charge my phone for the 12th time
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666writingcafe · 2 years
So here’s a fun hypothetical jealousy hcs for the boys after finding out MC found a partner before they could confess
One fun hypothetical, coming right up! I will only include the brothers for right now, but I will be more than happy to add the side characters later if you would like.
tw: mentions of suicidal tendencies, murder
Scenario: For whatever reason, he couldn't find it in him to confess to MC how they felt about him. Now, MC's in a romantic relationship with someone else, and what's worse, that someone is one of the people he hates the most.
Lucifer would do everything in his power to destroy the relationship if MC decided that they wanted to become romantically involved with Mephistopheles. The two demons have had a rivalry that spans centuries, and Mephistopheles always finds a way to take Lucifer's most beloved things and turning them into his own. HOWEVER, if MC chose Lord Diavolo, Lucifer would go through the entire grieving process before simply becoming numb. After everything he told MC about Diavolo, he would feel as though they spat in his face. Historically, demons haven't been able to kill themselves, but Lucifer would try his best to accomplish what hasn't been done (after demolishing the House of Lamentation and drinking nearly all of the Devildom's Demonus, of course).
People would expect Mammon to lose it if MC became Levi's significant other, but surprisingly that's not the case. In fact, the idea of MC dating any of his brothers doesn't really faze him all that much. But when Solomon and MC begin hooking up...oh boy. Mammon would use his powers to not only drain the magician of every cent he ever had to his name, but to make sure that he never has the luck necessary to get any money back. The reason for Mammon's extreme hatred of Solomon is simple: he has nearly died so many times from the toxic matter that is Solomon's cooking.
Upon hearing that MC and Satan were dating, Levi decides to end his friendship with MC right then and there and to spend the rest of their life giving them the cold shoulder, even if and when the romantic relationship ends. You see, Satan is everything Levi aspires to be: intelligent, popular, and powerful. Any achievement Levi has is always blinded by anything his younger brother does, and he feels like he doesn't really exist to anybody.
Similar to Mammon, some might expect Satan to go ballistic if MC and Lucifer started dating, but no. That rage is reserved for Barbatos. The demon butler always seems to know more information than Satan, even when it's in a subject that he's an expert in. Unfortunately for the Avatar of Wrath, Satan is powerless to do anything about it. One flick of the butler's wrist, and Satan could simply disappear from the current timeline. Another flick, and Satan wouldn't exist in any universe, period. So, he pretends to be happy for MC, even when all he wants to do is to kill Barbatos.
The only occasion Asmo would get jealous if MC was dating someone that wasn't him is if he couldn't be involved in the relationship in some way. He's the most laid back out of his brothers when it comes to this sort of thing. That is, until Thirteen enters the picture. The minute she arrived in the Devildom, she made every single person Asmo was romantically involved with turn against him in some way or another, and MC's no exception. Still, Asmo does have a reputation to maintain, so instead of obsessing over the loss of MC, he simply moves on to someone else (and hopes that Thirteen doesn't get to them).
Beel is generally too busy with his after-school sports and activities to really care what MC's love life is like or to hold grudges against anyone. Now, if he sees MC becoming involved with someone he finds sketchy, he will pull MC aside and tell them why he thinks they should be careful, but otherwise he's quite chill. He'd have a day or two where he's sad, but as long as he's still able to be friends with MC, he'll be okay.
And then there's Belphie. To say that he's pissed when he hears that MC and Lucifer are dating each other is an understatement. He doesn't care what Lucifer's reasons were for locking him in the attic; he will hold that against his brother until the day one or both of them are vanquished. The youngest brother enters MC's dreams and tries to use his powers to convince their conscious to break up with Lucifer, but when that doesn't work, he gives his brother nightmares.
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Hey, Hey, Hey! It’s been a minute but I didn’t wanna spam ya with requests while you have life stuff to deal with ☺️
This is similar to my Savage!MC ask but the brothers reacting to MC snapping at them and defending Mammon before calling the brothers out whenever they go too hard on him. Let’s be real, Mammon just acts on his sin and gets punished but when Lucifer’s a prick and threatens MC; crickets.
When Beel eats everything and damn near causes everyone to starve as well as threw a tantrum and nearly injured MC over custard;everyone turns a blind eye.
Levi guilt trips and whine over the smallest things but says the worst insults to Mammon and tried to kill MC over TSL.
Asmo acts like he’s above everyone and prefers to tend to his looks than help others (such as during the castle tour) but he gets no scolding.
Belphie routinely harasses Luci with Satan (who loses his temper) AND they all either threatened/killed MC but should Mammon do anything, he’s the worst. Even though Mammon:
- Never threatened MC
- Does shit for his brothers when asked (he may joke of needing a grimm but he’s an Avatar of greed and still gets the job done)
- Is very loyal to them
- And is a good brother to take falls for them. He knows how to sacrifice for them and the slightest inconvenience gets him thrown under the bus
These guys ain’t shit and I wouldn’t wanna be around them until they learn how to treat him better and equally work on their flaws rather than rip on Mammon, who’s a whole ass victim despite being the second strongest brother who takes it because he genuinely loves his brothers yet gets shit on by them so much.
Ooh this savage MC has nothing but heart eyes for Mammon and it's adorable. Right this one is going to be angsty and it's going to sting. I'm doing this in a short story instead of a headcannon cause it just seems right that way. Hope that's okay?
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It was just another one of those days Mammon tried to steal his brothers stuff and sell it again. Another day of being upside down and being laughed at. Normally he wouldn't care - it was the usual routine. But something seemed off this time.
"Mammon.. are you okay?" You approach him. He was rubbing his shoulders and arms as if to comfort the pain. He looked more tired and pained than usual.
"Ah I'm alright MC. Just the same old ya know?" He laughed. It sounded hollow yet it pierced your heart.
Enough. Enough of this. You weren't going to stand by and watch this happen again.
"You should rest." You place an arm on his shoulder and take him to his room. Making sure he's asleep, you leave. You have some problematic demons to deal with it.
"Ah MC? What brings you here? You seem rather disturbed." He asks as you storm into his study, fuming with anger.
"You tell me, you sadistic peacock." You had lost all sense of self-preservation and normalcy. Just echoing the rage in your brain.
"Excuse me?" Lucifer said, half-amused, half-shocked.
"Either you stop treating Mammon this way or I will make your life hell." You grit your teeth.
"I already have my brothers doing that what more will you do MC? Besides Mammon had it coming. He went stealing Levi's and Asmo's things again." Lucifer said nonchalantly.
"What do expect from the Avatar of Greed? He's just acting how he's cursed to. Just like the rest of you, nicompoops. Stop listening through the door and come inside." You said loudly.
The other brothers were still in the corridor nearby overhearing the whole thing. You could hear them gasp loudly at your boldness and scutter inside one by one.
"Now let me elaborate, so you rotten cucumbers understand me clearly." You cleared your throat.
"This little snake in tried to kill me because I may have known a little bit more about his favourite anime than him. Where's his punishment?" You point at Levi.
"MC I'm sorry...I couldn't help it was too new to me." Levi started. "But Mammon keeps stealing my things how is that fair-"
"And you keep throwing us into new kinds of disasters with your game hoarding problem."
"If you're still mad about the TSL incident I swear I take it all back-"
"Shut up snake, we know the reason. You're the Avatar of Envy. Getting jealous is your whole point. So you didn't get punished. Moving on..." Your finger now points to Satan. "This wild cat."
"He also threatened me cause I didn't want to make a pact with him. And when he actually flies off his handle, he wrecks his room and half the house down."
Satan seemed like he wanted to say something but he scowled and looked away.
"However I won't be too hard on him, cause he tries to keep his thing in check. And the whole reason he even has Wrath is because of Lucifer. So I get your hate towards Lucifer, but Mammon doesn't deserve any of it."
"MC you know I can't tolerate stupidity-" He grumbled.
"Oh must be hard looking in the mirror then, with all your failed pranks. And speaking of mirrors, this over- perfumed mannequin." You turn to Asmo.
"How have I possibly hurt anyone MC? You know I stand for Love too right?" Asmo said, batting his pretty little eyes.
"For someone who stands for LOVE, if you can even call it that," You make a disgusted face, "You surely love making a mockery out of your elder brother and revel in his misery, you over- perfumed potato."
"But I never cause problems do I? Why must I be punished just for standing by?"
"Your high and mighty sense of worth is an illusion you live in. You dress up pretty and act social to validate yourself, trying to conceal the ugliness within. Truly you are nothing but Lust. Also you're the reason we almost got eaten by a giant snake." You shake your head. "Now speaking of eating..."
"This giant food vaccum." You point to Beel. "He tried to eat me over a custard. Like excuse me? There's still plenty of food outside? And let's not forget that week we all had to eat cup ramen for a week cause he finished the whole pantry."
Beel softly muttered and apology and looked down.
"He even ate the walls and pillars once! Surely those renovations cost way more than however much Mammon steals? Where's his punishment?!"
"MC enough. He's sorry already." Beel's twin spoke up. You glared at him and smiled. "Don't worry I saved the best for last."
"This lazy murderous cow." You walk up to him slowly. "Not only does everyone have to your chores - you love causing chaos."
Belphie laughed, "That I do. But that's only with Lucifer. What else did I do?"
"Oh you want me to go there? I surely will." You say with a sting in your eye. "In your plan to avenge your sister, you killed what was left of her in the first timeline. And your brothers just stood by and watched. Where's your penance, you murder hornet?"
Belphie's eyes grew wide. Everyone looked shocked and uncomfortable. You never brought this up before now.
"But why bother asking you about it. I should be asking the ultimate punisher of this family." You turn to Lucifer.
"Ah! If it isn't Diavolo's pet dog! How is your master today? Does he treat you the way you treat Mammon? Is that why you come here to take your revenge on your little brother instead? Tell me Lucifer does Diavolo punish you then?"
"MC, I understand you maybe upset but you are crossing a line here." Lucifer stood up with a gutteral growl.
"Sit doggie. I didn't ask for you yet." You commanded. Lucifer sat back down as with great force. He stared at you flummoxed.
"Did you forget about the pacts already, you pompous goat? You have threatened and tried to kill me more than anyone else in this family so congratulations! I will use my pacts way more generously now." You mock bowed in gratitude.
"You might win in a fight against him but let me tell you this..." You stared back at the others.
"Mammon is the second strongest in this family. If he wanted to - if he REALLY wanted to, all of you would be turned to dust. He is stronger than all of you - but he hides it. He supresses his powers and his anger because he loves you too much. How could he ever hurt his little brothers?" You felt tears in your eyes at this point.
"AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY HIM? He's only acting on his sin! Just like the rest of you! Why must he be singled out and mocked at? I won't allow it. Never again."
"If you hurt Mammon again, I swear you will have to face me. And before you think you have a chance against me, do remember the pacts you all happily made with me I will not hesitate to use them against you dysfunctional lot-"
"MC... Stop." You felt Mammon hug you from behind.
"Mammon? I thought you were asleep." You say looking back at him. His tears were misty but his smile more full.
"And I thought I was supposed to protect ya, human! And you're out here protecting me..." Mammon trailed off and held you closer.
"We can protect each other."
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smallestapplin · 2 years
I love ur writing so much 🤧🤧 Could u maybe write something about MC/reader where after they get rejected by Mai and Lian when the sky turns red they feel so betrayed that none of the wardens would help them after all they’ve done and kinda decides to go rogue and join the miss fortune sisters and cause chaos and all the wardens try to snap them out of it and apologize and ugh happy ending plz?🥺 I love all of them but that part of the game hit me like a freight train
I understand why they turn you away, if they help you war would break out cause Kamado is a BITCH- but hey! They help you in secret cause ya know. (It’s mainly sadness turned into anger on my part.)
If you can’t tell I hate that man, I will absolutely take Volo’s spot just to punch his lights out.
Asks are open!
You didn’t do anything wrong.
You didn’t do anything you weren’t told to.
You did everything they asked of you.
And yet when the sky turned a sinister combination of purple, red, and green you were the commanders first target.
Adaman yelled that you were innocent, they have been with you every step of the way!
Irida pleaded for Kamado to not be so blind, you had clans and a village filled with witnesses!
Rei and Laventon almost left with you. You are their friend and family first! They will not stay here while you are left in the wilderness.
But you told them not to, you don’t want them to suffer the same fate.
Cyllene kept her words short but there was a faint crack in her voice. She didn’t want to do this, she knows you didn’t do anything, but if she can’t help you if she leaves with you.
And with that you were out, Rei crying and Laventon pleading for your safety was the last sounds you heard of the village.
You asked Lian, he was like a little brother to you, and he can usually think quick.
“I’m sorry…I can’t help you, if I do this might get ugly, well uglier.” He looks so defeated, but not nearly as you.
“It’s fine Lian, thank you though.” To turn to walk away.
“Hey! Just, be safe, will ya?”
“I’ll try my best.”
He didn’t like that answer.
Next was Mai, she is Wyrdeer’s warden, so maybe she has something.
“I’m sorry, I heard the news but there is nothing I can do, Kamado made it clear what will happen if any of us help you.” Mai feels a pain in her heart watching your face fall into a heart broken expression.
“It’s alright.”
She watched you leave, she needs to think of something and fast.
You didn’t know what else to do, you didn’t have anywhere to go. Not with the clans refusing you.
You have no shelter, but at least you know how to craft things and what is edible around here.
But it hurts.
You did everything you could.
You only did what you were asked and told to do.
You thought they were you family.
You thought Jubilife was your new home.
But it’s clear you meant nothing to them.
“Well little hero, seems they’ve abandoned you too.”
You jump, quickly turning to see who it was.
It’s just Charm, Coin, and Clover.
“I’m sorry, I don’t have it in me to battle.” You fully expected them to just attack you.
But they didn’t.
Charm walks closer to you.
“If you’d like you can come with us, with your strength and experience you’d be a great asset, and maybe you can teach us a thing or two.”
You stare at the bandit completely shocked.
“Yeah! Maybe I can learn and kick your ass!” Clover cheers. She sounds like a more aggressive Rei.
“It’s not like they care anyways, in a way you’re like us.” Coin looks unbothered but you feel something different.
You don’t have anywhere else to go.
You have no one else to help you.
You agreed.
You don’t know what happened to your Pokémon in the village pastures. You only have you main six on your hip.
You spent days maybe weeks with the bandits.
You taught them how to make potions.
You learned Charm was in the survey corps like you, hence why she makes the potions but she never learned how to make all these variations and full restores! She’s amazed at all you can do.
Surprisingly you bonded extremely well with them.
And you were right too! Clover really is just a more aggressive Rei, she loved rough housing and was a very energetic and loud person. She’s a joy to be around.
Coin is more distance but she slowly came around to you. You quickly bonded over treasures and rare items.
It was a bit dysfunctional but they felt like family.
You can see why they stay together, misfits in their own way having found a home with each other.
It also doesn’t help that, with your power, more chaos was easy to do.
Your Pokémon were took down most peoples Pokémon Ina few hits, giving you time to help out anyone else who was struggling to battle.
Clover learned a lot from you as you happily taught her about move typing, match ups, and super effective attacks.
Your words of encouragement gave her a confidence boost.
A boost that lead to now.
They really sent their wardens after you, huh.
“Dear please.” Ingo pleads with you as your Pokémon downs his Tangrowth.
“Ingo, dearest friend, I’m sorry.” You continue to fight while Clover takes care of Mai.
“We finally find you, and you’re with them!?” You hear Azeru cry.
You’re proud Coin is holding her own so well.
“You abandoned them! And you think we are heartless!? Look in the mirror for once!” Clover yells once her Abomasnow faints munchlax.
“We had no choice!”
“Clearly you’ve shown what you value you more.” Charm finally speaks as her Gengar takes down Lian’s Goodra.
Lian doesn’t say anything, he just looks towards you with pleading eyes.
They know why you are here.
They know why you’re with the bandits.
But in such a tight spot, they knew it was a grey area.
It was not a simple black and white situation.
They knew this.
But they have been worried for you after you went missing.
The hole in the sky gets bigger with each passing day.
Pokémon larger than they have seen can be seen behind it.
And Kamado keeps testing those creature’s patience.
They were looking for you regardless.
They wanted you home.
Even if it was to spend their final days together once those Pokémon show themselves.
Charm however seems to know this.
The desperation in all these warden’s battles.
They aren’t battling like they normally would, they aren’t battling with clear heads.
They are battling like cornered Pokémon.
Raw power won’t get them a win every time.
But she sees how much the young warden before her wants to run to you.
Coin and Clover stop and look to her.
“Yes?” The other two bandits say in sync.
“Call back your pokemon.”
Charm walks passed her confused friends and to you.
You had almost beaten Ingo too.
You look at her confused.
“You will always have a home here, but that won’t happen if the whole ends.”
You’ve never heard her speak so softly and tenderly.
“You know where to find us, now I want you to go up to that temple, beat that ponyta shit commander and save this region, okay?”
“But what about-“
“We will be fine, you have taught us well, we can take care of ourselves.”
You think for a moment, looking between her,
Coin and Clover, and the wardens before you give a firm nod “I’ll give him a good punch in your honor!”
Charm smiles “that’s my dear.”
Clover tries to argue but her and Coin and quickly taken away by the older bandit.
You sigh before looking back at your friends “I’ll help, but I refuse to stay in that village.”
The look of relief spreads over all their faces before you are tackled by a happy adopted little brother.
“Oh Lian, I’m so sorry.”
You crouch down and hug the young warden, who is holding onto you like you’re disappear again.
He is silently crying, you can feel your shirt soaking up his tears.
“Thank you little cowboy, I love you.”
He just buries his head into your shoulder so hide his face.
“Alright, next stop temple of Sinnoh!”
The other three smile while Ingo does his pose.
“All aboard!”
They are just happy to have you back.
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