#going thru so much trouble just because of the drawings
surelysilly · 17 days
i love your King Of Hell Danny (superphantom) au and i would greatly (very much) appreciate it if you could talk more about it (King Of Hell Danny) i love his (danny) smug cat energy (smug) in all of your drawing for it (hell is under New Management)
i hope you're ready for this some rambling but ask and you shall receive!!! yes i waited to post this for superphantom week i gotta shill for my own event, y'know :9
So. You want to know more about King of Hell Danny, is it?
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5
Well. Well. He's certainly Danny. Or more specifically I've decided as of recent, Dark Danny. I'm waffling on whether he's Dan Dark Danny or just... Phantom sans Plasimus. The latter feels less likely as i try to flesh him out, but you never know with these guys... he does prefer to look like his 14 yr old self though.
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But whatever version he is of himself... it's post-TUE, and he hates himself more than anyone is allowed to know.
Not sure exactly how he ended up in the SPNverse (portal probably!), but he'd definitely prefer going back to his own world/dimension in a heavily buried sense of self-flagellation and unreliable narrator-ness.
Everyone is waiting for him there, not here, wherever he is exactly. This implies anyone is left alive, but he never said that. People (Crowley, etc.) just assume so.
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and he's the worst lil jerk you could ever meet, at a first, second, and third, glance, anyway.
Smug cat, indeed. He does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, and taking over Hell felt right. (isn't that where he'd go? he thinks, after learning Hell is actually real.)
he's overpowered for sure, but it also comes from a misconception for what he is. Not a demon, not human, a secret Third Thing: weird ghost.
i like to think most regular ghost counter measures work on him, but no one thinks to try them because that ain't no ghost??? He plays the part really well though, pretending to be a demon (and gets mislabelled a crossroads demon for his red eyes) -- it doesn't bother him to kill people, but he doesn't go out of his way to do it anymore.
KOH!Danny having it out for the Winchesters is a very thoughtless and fun thing, and it would piss him off when they try to summon Crowley, but in all actuality, he'd probably end up begrudgingly working with them or something.
And ultimately betray them.
I also think his goal would be to fuse with Lucifer when he's freed from the Cage. That should give him enough power to bust a hole back to his OG dimension, right?
maybe. Who knows.
You can certainly find him at DIY skateparks across the globe. He's an asshole to anyone and everyone, but god have mercy on anyone looking to cause trouble while he's trying to have a good time (he feels guilty about it, though, having fun -- it's a circle of shame/guilt/fuck it we ball mentality, here for a good time not a long time).
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he can 'see' Castiel's wings and if in his presense, will pluck at them because he's annoying like that.
Crowley became his lap dog though, regardless of intial beheadings because... Hell generates a lot of paperwork the way Crowley was running it, and KOH!Danny don't got the time for all of that.
eventually I'm sure someone will figure him out, ghost weaknesses and all, but it's not 1:1 SPNverse ghost: no bones to burn, no records of him being alive ever, etc., but he's definitely solid enough.
i could see a later quest like what the Winchesters did to find Crowley's remains, but they'd spiral down a hole of "where hell did this creature even come from???" and the Men of Letters/Angels/anyone wouldn't know jack about what he even is exactly.
i'm so rusty on SPN though... but those are my cobbled together ideas. I'd place him mid-ish seasons Supernatural (because ive only really seen s4 thru s8...) but i think the 'hijinks' of later seasons could be fun with the seriousness of early, early seasons sprinked in!
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blueskittlesart · 6 months
Question abt drawing: been trying to attempt learning how to draw forever but I always have trouble getting over the obstacle of having to learn/study things like anatomy and shading, which then causes me to stop drawing and have a harder time picking it back up. I know it's important for improving your art and yourself as an artist but I can't help but see it as tedious and overwhelming, especially the anatomy since it's more on the science side of things and science is not my thing lol. Do you have any advice on how to get over it or work thru it?
i think there's a couple facets to this question. firstly i'd recommend you consider what exactly your end goal is in learning how to draw: do you specifically want to be able to produce anatomically accurate figures and true-to-life shading, or do you just want to be able to make something for fun that looks good to you? one of the most helpful things I ever learned at art school was that accuracy doesn't matter if it looks good. 99% of my art isn't strictly anatomically accurate, and part of that is stylization, but even when i'm doing realistic figure drawings i like to lengthen limbs and exaggerate curves in order to make my drawings look better. So if your only real goal with art is to make something that looks good and enjoy the process, my first piece of advice would be to stop worrying so much about stuff like perfect accuracy! if you use references and keep pushing yourself, the skill and understanding you're looking for will come naturally with time. before I was ever classically trained, I got pretty far just by drawing my favorite characters in different poses and situations over and over again, and that experience laid the groundwork for when classical training did become available to me. Just because you're not necessarily doing serious figure studies doesn't mean you're not getting valuable practice--what it means is that you're having FUN while you're practicing, and having fun with your art is the most important thing!!!
Secondly, you mentioned anatomy being on the science side of things, which suggests to me that you may be looking in the wrong places when trying to do more serious anatomical study. if you look up 'anatomy' or anything similar on a web search engine, you're likely going to get a lot of very complex scientific illustrations. and while those aren't necessarily devoid of artistic value (I took a class all about scientific anatomy for artists last semester and it was GREAT) for a beginner who's just trying to learn how to make a body look like a body, they're not what you're looking for. what is going to be much more helpful for you are sites like line of action or quickposes. these sites are basically repositories of figure drawing images, and you can set them to automatically switch to a new image after a certain interval of time. if you really, desperately want to improve your anatomy specifically, what I recommend is going to one of these sites, setting it to the shortest interval possible, and trying to copy the pose as closely as you can before time is up. this might sound crazy, since the shortest interval is usually somewhere between 30-60 seconds, which obviously isn't enough to get much down. but what this will do is force you to look at how these models' bodies are constructed and translate it onto the page quickly and without overthinking it. be warned, your first maybe hundred of these are going to look like shit. but if you do this enough, you're eventually going to gain an intrinsic sense for 1. how a body works and 2. the easiest way for you personally to construct a body when drawing it. even without knowing the scientific names and anatomical rules, you're going to get a FEEL for how things work, which is much more important and useful to you as a character artist.
Finally, i think the most important thing to remember is that no art is bad art, even if you're not satisfied with the end product. when you're first starting out as an artist, you're going to make things that don't look right and you're going to be frustrated with yourself because of it. i vividly remember crying over a sketchbook at maybe age 11 or 12 because I was so upset i couldn't put exactly what was in my head on the page. Skill comes with time and practice and that is a frustrating fact of life, but no time spent doing something you enjoy and are passionate about is wasted. It might look bad now but you are laying the groundwork for your future success, and someday you're probably going to look back on your past work and say "I can't believe I thought this looked bad back then. for my age and my skill level i was doing AMAZING." And as previously mentioned, it's a lot less discouraging when something looks bad if you had fun making it, so try to have FUN with your art. draw things you enjoy and are passionate about and don't worry if it looks bad. focus on the experience, the skill will come in time. you've got this!!
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meowsgirldrawing · 2 months
I was going thru ur obey me 2nd gen works (I love it!) and I wanted to ask:
How do you think lucifer would react to accidently finding out about Lillie's secret relationship w/ Dia's heir? As someone with an overprotective dad I don't think it would go down very well lmaoo
Lucifer is more offended that she didn’t tell HIM of all people. Thoughts swing and swirl as he tries to figure out why, just why she felt he couldn’t tell her. He forbids any thoughts of comparing him to his father, forcing a contrastive turn to the idea.
He is nothing close to his father, and while he has his flaws like the rest of his brothers, he doesn’t think she, his daughter, should be scared enough to come to him about her love for Diavolo’s-
Heir. Oh.
It makes sense. Being the lover to an heir could be..challenging.
He eventually confronts her about it, but makes sure she knows she isn’t in trouble. He merely worries.
She dejects, denies, even pulls moves he himself does when her pride won’t allow her to speak. But of course, he sees it loud and clear. With some gentle probing, swallowing down his own pride to show his concerns in spite of what she might think, finally she relents. A little teary eyed, but relents as he feels a worry knaw at his side.
Instead, Lillie throws him for another loop when she lets out that the reason she was scared wasn’t personal towards him, but more the reason of her being half human. Her reasoning is that no one, absolutely not a single demon, soul in devildom would be happy to hear that the future to the throne is with a half human of all things. They already send so much looks, so much insults towards her and her siblings’ way that it’s no question it wouldn’t triple the moment she shows herself as the partner of her favorite demon.
Lucifer bristles. If he wasn’t getting flashbacks to Lilith the 1st the moment his daughter was hiding something, he certainly is now. Besides, MC gets sneers and glares wherever they go when with the boys or kids, so he doesn’t doubt her worries are for nothing.
But everyone knows that the one thing Lucifer Morningstar, once prince of Heaven and now a Lord of Devildom, prides himself the most on is keeping his family safe. And his daughter is the top of his list on that.
In short- Lucifer tells Lillie to “fuck the haters” but in his “Lucifer” way of things. Tells her he’s proud she’s considering things in a responsible light but urges her to not let her relationship ever fall from it. And finally- he AND Diavolo will deal with the people if they decide to get a little too rowdy about it.
As for the Heir. It’s no surprise Diavolo knows, in fact he laughed the moment Lucifer brought it up to him in private and shared how he would love Lilith as a daughter-in-law! Hell, he already considered her so despite his child’s insistence that they aren’t ready for that yet.
As for the protective bit- Yep. Now that he knows, he tends to watch them a little too closely, asks questions that has Lilith scolding him, and of course, glaring at the heir anytime he catches them in the halls of RAD together. He lets Lilith be an adult of course and make her own decisions, she is 21 after all, but he makes it known to the heir that if any harm came to Lilith because of them, or she cries their name in a way that’ll break his heart and have his unworldly powers rearing its head for a bite at them- he won’t care that they will be his future ruler anymore.
He’s also happy to have them as his in law too he supposes.
(I got more excited about writing this than drawing it so I’m sorry But thank you for the question! We love overprotective Lucifer in this household ✨✨)
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lifmera · 7 months
hi mera!! i hope you’re having a lovely day! could i please request a hazbin hotel, chainsaw man, and twisted wonderland matchup if it isn’t too much?
pronouns | she/they
preference | it doesn’t matter!
personality | very shy, but once i’m comfortable with you i become very chaotic! i tend to be mean affectionately when i get comfortable and just say what’s on my mind without much thought cause i know i can trust you. i am the type of the person to tell you if what you’re doing could get you hurt or in trouble in some way. i’m also very big about honesty so it’s rare that i ever tell a lie, especially to people close to me. hence why i want people to be straight up and not lie to me. not very big on people i don’t know well touching me, but if you’re close to me you can hug me if you’d like.
when i’m frustrated or angry, it happens often but it’s never truly that deep. like i’ll be angry but it won’t be for long. i do lash out at people, but it is often not just one thing that caused me to do it, it’s a build of of things over time.
being sad is just the same way, it builds up over time until it boils over. i cry a lot when i’m sad, same with when i’m angry, because i don’t know where to let out my emotions.
appearance | my hair color changes often, but right now it’s blue and purple! my hair cut is a wolf cut with bangs! i’m very pale with pale blue eyes and i’m about “5’3” to “5’4” in height! my style is grunge or alt, but i like to keep it simple! so just cargo pants, a plain t-shirt, and some high tops and jacket will do!
hobbies | archery, writing, reading, drawing, collecting, gaming
likes | 80s music, vampiric aesthetics, victorian fashion, cats
dislikes | bugs, spiders, thunder, loud noises, arguing
lil extras | istp | pisces
i’m a very all over the place person so i hope this is okay! thank you! <3
I’ve decided to pair you with…. CHARLIE, DENJI & MALLEUS
Pretty wide variety… i know!
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She LOVES your personality once you start to become comfortable.
She loves to be chaotic with you. Shes just a chaotic energy in total.
She’d love if you kept her AND other people out of trouble! Thats why she loves you so much :)
Shes also huge about honesty. Did you see what happened with vaggie!
She understands boundaries. Although she’s probably huge on touch, I feel like she wouldn’t do anything unless you initiated it.
When you lash out, she tries to help you not bottling up your emotions, and talking to her anytime something happened, she’ll love to hear whats going on.
She loves your outfits and your hair!! She thinks its super unique, and would say “opposites attract”
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Chaotic trio w power!!
If you playfully are mean to him he’ll do the same. I also think he’d try to bite you as a joke. Like chomp chomp.
Hes HUGE on honesty. Like what happened with makima…? Yikes..
Please help him stay out of trouble. He’s always doing something hella nuts or putting himself in danger. Although most of the times he prob won’t listen, he might!!
I think he might be a little annoying, so it’ll make you get angry, but if you talked about it to him.. 100% he’ll try to fix it!
Loves how u look. Honestly probably fell for you bc of it!!
He would probably game with you. And he’d enjoy it so much and be like.. “could you teach me…”
Teach him all your hobbies. PLEASE. HE’D LOVE TO DO IT ALL. He’ll suck butt at drawing and painting but please. It’d be so fun.
He’ll kill all the bugs for you <3
I honestly think at first he’d be scared of thunder, but he’d start to like it, and help you!!
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Definitely found out abt you thru Lilia. Lilia approached you cus of your style and was like… we need to be bsfs.
He’s also pretty quiet, but when you get comfortable around him, he’d LOVE how chaotic you are.
I think he HATES when people are too uptight. And will look to you for a break!!
Malleus might be a frustrating partner since he seems closed off, but i promise its just cause he doesn’t have friends and he needs to learn :(
He’d be so happy to find out the reason you were shy at first is bc you’re awkward and you aren’t scared of him like everyone else.
He’d be fine with whatever you did to him. Honestly if you lash out at him, he’d be a little taken aback but he’d let you let all your emotions out, and try to help you through it all.
I also think he’d suck at art. At first. I think he’d pick it up super quickly. He’s pretty good at everything.
I think at first he’d also suck at comforting but after a while he’d be super great at it.
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pupyr0arz · 6 months
WHILE IM TALKING ABT ROACH here’s my current HC meta:
-he hasn’t talked to his family since he was like, 19. Sorry happy family roach lovers he absolutely loathes them and they don’t like him either. He feels they were more concerned with appearances than actual substance and they didn’t treat him well
-he’s selectively mute, but also genuinely prefers to sign over speaking. He can speak at times, he just doesn’t like it and finds sign or writing is better. When he’s anxious he finds signing and writing more difficult to do and speaking impossible. It takes a lot of coaxing
-I feel like roach masks his issues with humor. I like silly roach a lot that’s him to me and I accept that fanon but I feel like he deflects with jokes and more erratic behavior. He really, really, really does not want to talk about something so he’ll play it off and then drag you to go do something silly. This guy does negative communication. Even if he has an issue with you it’ll wait until he like cannot not deal with it he really needs to be forced to do so
-great cook but hates cooking. Never had any good memories with it, doesn’t find it fun or anything but a hassle that makes a mess. If he does cook for someone it’s a lot of affection going into that though. Doesnt really cook for other people tho, he learned mostly for himself and most of his recipes are to specifically his taste.
-no idea how to dress. Like, 0 clue. Help this man. He likes fashion in that he’s like wow that looks nice to basically anything and everything. Doesn’t get how some things are hated so strongly.
-he had an older brother who he felt a kinship with. The two fought like cats and dogs but they were pretty close and shared a lot of the same interests. The older brother liked Roach but the two would fight and take petty revenge on each other a lot and he let roach make a lot o f the same mistakes he did. The two also kept up the jokes act when they were kids in public and ti was probably to draw attention away from awful parents. Anyways he died and roach does not want to talk about it at all.
-roach really did not like the military until he ended up in the 141. He stuck through it because he’s a stubborn bastard but he ran into a lot of difficulties before MacTavish was his cap.
-roach is the type who will put up thru pain n discomfort for an arbitrary goal any day of the week, casually and seriously. He is never out of hills to die on. Loves having strong opinions on things.
-despises people he deems inconsiderate. Is accidentally inconsiderate a lot. More on that, bc of his closest relationships in the past he assumes a lot of his boundaries are implicit and spin fact explicitly should not be discussed because they make him uncomfortable. It’s hard for him to take violations of those not personally and he has a short temper. He might go out of his way to upset you and then feel AWFUL about it. Or not depending on what you did. If he does understand it was a mistake he’d feel bad, he’s been in that situation a lot but it doesn’t occur to him other people may have difficulties understanding each other like he does. From his failure to pick up on social cues and the treatment of his mistakes as intention he’s got an unconscious bias to assume everyone else does everything intentionally always bc that’s what it seems. When he was a kid he’d break things a lot or frame his brother for something that would get him into trouble or even get into physical fights.
-lone survivor!roach would take things very not seriously. He’d treat the apocalypse as more of a game than anything, eating when he remembers to, taking massive risks to his life without much care. He’s kind of dissociated from himself and any sorts of risks or previous attachments. Would underestimate his need for socialization. Very skilled and very likely to die in some stupid way.
-141!apoco!roach is a lot more serious. He stretches himself thin as a mediating personality. If the group is experiencing social strain he’s working overtime trying to soothe nerves. He’s probably the least suspicious of new members if just because he feels like someone has to, even if he doesn’t like the new guy. Puts most of his survival in the hands of his team. Never really thought of his future of more than a couple days and isn’t going to start now. Not the best with abstract questions but keeps an eye on rations. Thinks group politics with other groups is stupid, advocating for just killing the asshole and moving on.
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stormco0l · 1 month
hh ok tell me a little abt the characters. like umm personalities occupation pronouns etc.
how long have they known
so the main characters of sorts are this group of five who all work the night shift at the worlds shittiest drive-thru restaurant/petrol station combo. like seriously it's so shitty. [it's the ingredients. almost all of the night shift crew wish they had better ingredients to work with. but alas]. It sits just outside of town and is used by the few who still live there as a marker of where the town ends.
all of the crew work at night because they're all largely nocturnal, for varying reasons.
Angel Freeman is usually working the drive-thru section of the restaurant. she's pretty sarcastic, has one facial expression and tone of voice, takes great joy in confusing both human people and other beings, and is about as stubborn as they come. they refuse to ever tell an outright lie, but are brilliant at leaving people with strange implications, and letting them draw their own conclusions. has a bad habit of flipping off reflections.
Angel is, above all else, weird. she moves in strange ways, says strange things, and her eyes burn when you make contact with them. she so clearly takes delight in her strangeness, but if they care enough about you they're able to tone it down a bit to make you feel more safe. . . if you ask. and only if you ask.
Angel's sort of always known that the world is going to end soon. it was always a fact of life to her. simply a piece of knowledge as inevitable as the sun coming up.
Issac Stewart decided to completely take over the kitchen. he's louder than pretty much anyone else in the crew, but that honestly means very little. he shares his affection openly and with ease, but his trust is hard to earn. he keeps his secrets and his friends secrets close to his chest, and he's damn good at it.
Issac likes exploring abandoned buildings and taking photos of forgotten places. he knows where to walk so people will hear him if he screams.
he hasn't realised it yet, but he knows. if someone told him the apocolypse has started, it wouldnt come as a suprise.
Lili Hollands is usually cashier in the restaurant part of the drive thru. she's quiet, shy and anxious. she often has trouble telling exactly what she's feeling, but boy is she feeling it. she spends a lot of time drawing thise feelings down in one of the many sketchbooks she keeps on her at all times.
Lili is kind, and honest, and has no idea how to forgive people. she will remeber a wrong and pay it back tenfold years later, so its lucky for many involved that she is remarkable tolerant of many, many things
shes starting to piece it together from the things angel wispers and the darker corners of her drawings. she cares less than she thought she would.
H is the newest edition to the crew and hasn't settled on one job yet. She's working night shift because she does need to eat somehow and doesn't have any other way of getting money, but the reason he's here is because there's a stupidly high number of reflection encounters here, and he wants to see what's up with that.
she's secretive, reckless and overly cautious, and has a tendency to run headfirst into danger, but not without being at least somewhat prepared. hes been doing this for a while now. he knows when to keep quiet and when to scream.
he wishes she dosnt care as much as he does.
H found out about the world ending when he got to town. a thousand little something slowly building up into an undeniable conclusion that she dosen't want to face.
Hunter Nolan is the manager and not really part of the night crew, but the crew say he counts, so. gruff, stoic and gentle when he needs to be. technically, he should have fired most of the crew long ago, but who else is gonna come stay up for the long late shifts, and they've all grown on him.
besides, he's got a protective streak a mile wide and these guys having these jobs lets him protect them pretty easily. He gets along with animals better than he does with people.
Hunter dosen't think about the end of the world. dont ask.
Angel : she/her, sshe/hher, they/them
Issac : he/him
Lili : she/her
H : she/her, he/him
Hunter : he/him
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zuzuzuko · 1 year
Thoughts on Batman and Robin (2023) #2:
watching comic artists try to draw little kids is so funny bc I feel like they rarely look the age they're supposed to be. Like this flashback is supposed to be happening before Damian is 10 but he looks the same age as he does in the rest of the issue 😭
Damian asking Bruce not to hurt the bats is so important to me...
it seems there is a bigger bad than Shush which I'm happy about bc I thought Shush was kind of a dumb idea anyways..
Bruce is giving Damian a lot of praise in these issues which I'm not opposed to. Damian is not having it though 💀
I thought Damian asking "What could possibly be a challenge for me, Father?" and then the next page is just him standing in front of the high school building was a very good transition.
does anyone get the vibe that this artist likes drawing sneakers bc I get that vibe (valid honestly)
"he's so short" <- trueeeeeeee
the pacing leading up to the bullying scene is kind of weird like I have a hard time believing Damian just walks into a room hasn't done anything or met anyone and they're suddenly all over him.
don't get me wrong, I absolutely think bullies would have it out for Damian simply bc in the US like you don't even have to be THAT different in order to get bullied. Like I and others I know were bullied for the weirdest shit sometimes. I just more so think the pacing was weird and it could have been built up to more? idk
DAMIAN HAS AN ARABIC ACCENT CONFIRMED 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 (i know it didn't specify an Arabic accent but that's what I'm going with because of the context of the bullies not being able to tell what kind of accent it is and IT ALSO MAKES SENSE)
Sad that Damian didn't actually break any arms 😔 He got to kick ass in the dream sequence but I wanted him to beat them up fr fr
he would have definitely gotten in trouble for it but idk I just think racists deserve consequences ya dig
I swear to god though if they're setting up some white savior bullshit I will be pissed 🙄 i've got my eye on you Williamson 😤
Damian not even making it thru first period is such a fucking mood honestly
Daytime Batman and Robin lmaooooo
Bruce and Damian both being like "YOU aren't supposed to be here" was so fucking funny honestly
A note on the art: it's very pretty but the expressions are just kind of blank sometimes... Also like a lot of the characters look the same (example: The bully literally looks pretty much exactly like Damian except his hair is blond)
I am once again asking for them to give Damian's melanin back and his green eyes 😤 (i know it's not gonna happen in this run but I can still fucking complain about it ok)
ALSO I'm choosing to believe that this is taking place After Gotham War is over even though it was implied that it was happening at the same time in #1. it's just that after Batman #138 it makes literally NO sense for them to be happening at the same time.
ANYWAYS those are my thoughts
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cator99 · 2 years
Ok follow up my parents aren't religious at all they would just drop my brother and niece and I off at this fucking camp every summer and then go drive to BC to take a little vacation which was lucky for me because I had to be evacuated off of the premises ASAP after they went thru my bag and found my pipe and "weed" ... so they got my grandma to come pick me up from bible camp instead- and she didn't care at all she's this weird autistic artist who lives with her unemployed adult son in a trailer and draws comics about women's issues and rural communities and her childhood trauma and writes letters to convicts that she wants to marry. anyways she knew I was out as a lesbian but she was kind of caught off guard by me smoking weed and was worried because I was only 14 and she thought that was too young for that and I was like nooo Grandma it's not weed I promise but she thought I was just ashamed of the weed thing and didn't want to get in trouble but I had no reason to lie to her and I was like no grandma listen it's so much more embarrassing to admit this like I did not want to admit that right in front of my crush. but I had to tell her. I was smoking mint leaves.
I told the older girl it was weed and she had believed me. This whole time we were smoking together in thr bushes behind our bloody cabin and I didn't tell her it was just mint leaves I thought she would figure it out because she claimed to be such a stoner but she didn't even notice. she sould smoke it with me and was always going on and on about how high she was... and then she found out I was lying right as we were leaving I don't know why I didn't just keep lying about it being weed to make myself seem cooler or something idk probably has to do with like that weird Catholic guilt thing and confession or whatever
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As a hobby sketchbooker, its a favorite pasttime to go chronologically through old sketchbooks and note improvement. Im gonna supplement the rant below with old art, cuz its relevant and i think they're neat
I accidentally deleted my old tumblr like five months ago which held a similar sentiment (*SOB* but no use crying over split milk)
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I see a lot of fan artists getting burnt out. I see a lot of Hetalia artists stay for a bit, then leave for other fandoms (higher pastures, if u will). I use to not understand. How did people become bored so fast?!?!
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Ive never been one to switch interests quickly. I was solidly leg deep in my superhero phase 5-8th grade. I started reading exclusively usuk fanfics in 8th grade, and have hardly ventured beyond usuk.
I'm trying to branch out more.
Hetalia is unique in its ability to teach crash course history and have enemy soldiers devouring each others cocks in the same paragraph. Double win!! The concept of international relations translated to human ones, of a nations pain having physical embodiment, of fantastically diverse headcanons dissecting the intrigues of Nation biology... Its all very yummy thinking food
Ive never read the manga, ive hardly watched the show. Im fandom built thru and thru!
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Like the pic above, I use usuk as experiments to run all my ideas thru. Mix media,
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World building, swatching, expressions and unfamiliar subjects. Theyre my go-to! since I started taking art seriously in 2021 and those events were mainly usuk themed
my styles always changing, and I'm usually using America and England to do it
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Combined with writing and a poor conceptual understanding of base material (aka CANON) i have trouble knowing WHO alfred and england are, in my style. They're constantly changing designs make it hard for my writing to capture their characters consistently.
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I get so fixated on solving my own inconsistent characterization writing. Its stupid! Im going to college across the country in ten days, for Christ's sake!
Its no use getting worked up over an inconsistent style- this IS the period of constant change, of constant growth and its great fun processing new interests through art, through two characters i am familiar with (even if i somehow don't know them at all)
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Ive been reading stories about the royal navy: so i practice some made up naval uniform on england! That's just an example - i really do process new information through them, finding fun in research
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Once i couldn't stop thinking about the scene below, about the intrigue of gore (a genre id never taken an interest to). And i was cringing about doing it to myself (about how ouchi it would be), but like all my creative ideas j filter them through characters - it feels safer that way. Then drawing myself in there. Yuck.
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So i practice the idea in Alfred. "Oh ouch yup- looks just as gross and painful and I'd imagined. Perfect!!" Now ive got an Alfred doing this gross thing, now i have a headcanon about nations cleaning their tongues witn razors.
Now i wanna write about it. Haha its all a very self-feeding pattern.
Not sure if this rant makes much sense, but basically i STRUGGLE to establish characters. Partially because i play so much with them in my doodles with anything and everything i find interesting - perhaps it makes too many factors for one character.
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ginminowas · 2 years
grumpus designs addendummm
ANYWAYS. felt like doin a post talking abt how i draw the grumpuses or whatever for funsies bc im bored + since i did the design meme. lets go
in General : i draw them like furries, vaguely. which is fun because im not much of a furry artist so i have no idea what im doing and it shows. in general i give them sorta snouts in varying... snoutyness depending on their over/underbite. eg floofty, snorpy gramble and shelda have flatter faces while liz, lillow and wambus look like weird dogs, i guess. i draw them with human-shaped hands but put pawpads on them. sometimes. you could say i give them ears but to be honest they dont look functioning i just slap some squiggles on their heads and move on. i also give some of them tails. because i walk around irl like why dont i have a tail and well its their problem now.
I also give them more/detailed-er hair and clothes. character specific stuff below
Filbo is still just a guy. I mostly just slapped some freckles on him because I thought theyd be cute. in a spongebob kinda way. i put a hawaiian shirt on him. not pictured, i think he would have a little tuft of a tail. average goober
I draw Beffica with more... idk if id say realistic hair, but it’s less of a hat. as far as I can tell, her in-game model has orangeish-red eyes (color makes me think of ketchup), but I made them browner. not a lot of brown eyed characters in media but this is partially habit on my part coming from drawing genshin fanart (nobody has brown eyes). i made her nose heart shaped and put her in a off the shoulder shirt. she has a sort of... cheetah? pattern bc i think its cute.
Eggabell is round soft and pink. not as egg shaped in my style i suppose, but she prob looks more egg fullbody than just her bust lol. i like the ........ floofy thing ive seen ppl put on her so theres that, i also think she’d look cute w/ short hair. changed her med belt into a sort of... satchel lookin thing?
Liz. in the meme I forgot about her hat, LOL. I give her a ponytail haircut - she kinda looks like a wolf and less like a walrus I suppose... she’s muscular and scared from The Adventuring, and I put a vest thing on her. she still has the belt.
Wambus I made look a bit dilfy... kind of wolf shaped in my brain. him and Triffany feel like the types to be that thick beefy kind of muscled. gave him bushy eyebrows and sort of hair, w some grey hairs. he and Triffany are around 40-50s to me, they both have some wrinkles, but im. bad at drawing older ppl
Triffany..... her hat was a menace to draw. she’s just as beefed up as Wambus, but she’s very fluffy and soft looking. her vest is more Open in canon but I didn’t wanna redraw it but im sure she has amazing chest fur. she has curly-ish hair in a ponytail.
for Cromdo I tried to make him like.. idk... uncleish. danny devitocore. I’m not used to drawing characters like him so ??? its a little funny looking but I tried to make him look like he had body hair as if he wasnt covered in fur lmfao. gave him some wrinkles, he’s probably in his 40s. put a shirt on that freak. also, had trouble w his nose.
I’ve had trouble drawing shorter characters in relation to taller ones (chandlo) but I liked how I drew Gramble. I put freckles on him (cute factor), turned his vest into a full sweater (w shirt collar), gave him some curly strawberry red hair under the hat. he’s cute. I know he weighs like 3 apples
WIGGLE my beloved! I felt I made her a bit Much but honestly? fits her. I gave her short curly hair - I do like how other designs give her the spiky mohawk look from the cheepoof tho! in her model her eyes are blue, but I darkened them similarly to how I changed Beffica’s eyes, but its less noticeable with the glasses. I gave her a sorta... half tube top w a see thru part (forgot the word.) probably wears beach party clothes
Oddly, I have trouble with Chandlo. He’s kind of dog-ish like Liz an Lillow, also made his nose heart shaped cuz its cute. gave him hair under the hat but idk how I feel on it. he’s beefy obviously, but I think he’s a bit more defined than Wambus. I couldn’t quite show it but I imagine he has rather calloused paws, but is otherwise careful when carpenter-ing and such (unlike Snorpy and Floofty, OSHA enemies.)
SNORBYYYYY I love this little yellow thing. I draw him (and his sibling) with casual glasses usually, because I imagine the magnifying glass isnt Always necessary. I also put him in a sweater. I gave him some freckles and changed the direction of his hair + the style to be in a ponytail idk. his arms and hands are particularly scarred, from equipment and engineering accidents and such, probably has some burns too.
Floofty my beloved rude asshole. I have a little trouble w their hair on the left side of their head 😭 I also give them simpler glasses to wear when they don’t need the goggles because wearing that shit all day hurts. I put them in a hoodie/jacket + lab coat combo. I imagine the lab coat is blood stained. stuff’s hard to clean. They’re equally if not more scarred than their brother, and have a particularly bad burn/scar double whammy on their right hand which I hc they get after getting fired when having a meltdown. ANYWAYS
Shelda my gramma. I love her but MY GOD coloring the flowers was hard lol. I imagine her fur is on the shorter side. I don’t have too much to say I guess? I want to give her a hug.
Clumby I just drew a kind of Aunt-y ish garfield. the glasses and hat were hard. definitely the type of woman I saw in the middle school’s reception office.
is that all? I guess that’s all. there’s Lillow, but I dont have much to say I guess? besides that the scar on her nose is from snaktooth. what was it clumby said? “dont fall off a cliff onto your face?”
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theodoraflowerday · 9 days
im listening to PFA/FFV for the first time in like a month and it's 1am so these are scattered/random thoughts, again it's 1am
when she says "nothing cuts like a mother" FUCKKKKK it gets me every time. if this is what she wants (which, she's said it a lot that she does want to be a mother) then she's gonna be the coolest mom (and I know this bc she practically raised me too so that future child is gonna have to share)
"if you know love you best prepare to grieve" hits so much harder now than it did in 2020. I didn't know how hard real loss felt like. ugh.
okay..... creepin. i genuinely thought it was about the bats in her bat house (and that concept made her laugh #noticed) but if this song really IS about B then jdkgjslgjsljdjfjdkf hayley's such an asshole, this song is SO BAD AJDLSJFLSJFLSJF like "yeah I know T's like the greatest human in the world but the memory's gonna have to be enough" which like..... bruh. AND THEN FOLLOW THAT WITH SUDDEN DESIRE SJFKSLFJDLGKDLGK LIKE NOT ONLY IS HE NOT GETTING BACK W YOU BUT ITS BECAUSE HE'S WITH ME NOW, HERE, HAVE A SEX SONG
tracklist goals ily hayley
speaking of sudden desire, rmr when i was walking thru a bridge when i first heard "everywhere i am it sticks close like a friend, just like him" and I. stopped. and stood in the middle of a random bridge for like a minute processing that she meant taylor. like And That Was The Moment I Knew. I had to try and focus cutting open dead bodies knowing that she meant taylor and I couldn't talk about it because being a tayley was still frowned upon until two years ago...... suffered more than jesus tbh
"dyed my hair blue to match my lips" LYRIC GENIUS
"sorry, I could be the bigger person except I'm too small" is the FUNNIEST possible way to explain your pettiness
I just remembered dousing her wedding doc martens in cement in the dead horse music video......... nvm, hayley is the one who suffered more than jesus
like? "I got what I deserved, I was the other woman first" FIRST OF ALL! no. you were groomed. fuck you pinhead bitch i hope you never stop suffering. second of all 'other woman' YOU WERE SEVENTEEEEEEEEEN YOU WERE A *CHILD*
wherever pinhead bitch is, i hope he gets kidney stones.
remember when I got a rose/lotus/violet/iris tattooed to connect with my femininity and then i ended up being nonbinary/agender/a blob? i mean, I still like my femininity, I don't wanna get rid of it, but in retrospect that was like my last desperate attempt at remaining cisgender dlgjdlfkdlgjdlfjdlfjlf
and i will not return to where i once was, well i can break through the earth, come out soft and wild :(
i spent the weekend at home again :( drawing circles on the floor :( trying to keep myself from hurting :( don't know why anymore :( I just wanna talk about it :( I know I freaked you out :( I just wanna talk about it :( sorry for freaking out :( :( :(
so the way I listen to PFA/FFV is like, PFA through why we ever, then all of FFV, and then resume PFA from pure love through crystal clear. which means FFV is about to hit ahahahaha I need therapy
bro, first thing to go starts and like, two sentences in and im already crying skflsjfldjf
"why do memories glow the way real moments don't" to the entirety of crave....... picture me looking for my car (cause a homie's going thru a lot)
"and I should forget but I love what's left" dude :(
I always forget how violent my limb is. both because of the imagery (like "if you leave you're literally ripping out one of my limbs, that's how vital you are to me") and because of the more direct message ("you look so gentle and innocent but look at what you're doing to me and look how im bleeding out" and also "if you're gonna leave me then have the guts to do it right even if it kills me, don't patronize me") like...... hayley williams you are a fuckin wonder
I don't live for you, I live for me 😃 if only that were true, if only I could prove that on my own I'm worthy 😟
"but if I pull the plug, it isn't only me that I'm holding back" vs "and all the ways I'd keep you safe, I keep you safe from me" bro i shouldn't be doing this at 1am before my period
"all I ever had to say about love is a sad song" NOT ANYMORE YOU DON'T OHOHOHOHOHOHO
over those hills is usually when i remember that hayley did all the instruments on FFV too. like she did the whole thing. she's fucking insane.
"and I'm pretty sure you don't miss the way I put all my demons on display to your pretty music" fuck. FUCK
good grief to me is the saddest breakup song (not the saddest overall but breakup wise def yes) because the great majority of their relationship is based on the music they made together so losing that had to also be horrifying. like she couldn't fully express herself without his music. that's so depressing.
wait on is the saddest song overall btw. it's definitely wait on. it hasn't even started and I'm already tearing up.
seriously, good grief > wait on > KYRH > inordinary > HYD is an attack from every goddamn side. saddest five song run in history.
"keep you right here where the line is, on my fingers, on the surface" I cannot imagine how much it took for hayley to move past all that absurd amount of trauma. like I can't. i could never (i still haven't)
inordinary is my favorite song though. it took me, uh, four years? to admit this but im pretty sure this is my favorite song ever. this is the first time i am ever admitting this btw.
something about pleading to be seen as the most important person and then going through all your life and all the moments you were extraordinary... and using inordinary instead of extraordinary... idk man it just gets me. it gets my former gifted child ass deep in my heart
something something taylor york's absolute inability to take a goddamn compliment despite being the best human being to have ever existed something something
(i got a public commendation at work two days ago and i am still reeling from how awkward I felt so like. I get it)
"I wonder if you ever quit like you wanted, I bet you did" lmao no he fucking didn't. my man's lungs must be charred by this point. sending him that "why smoking's bad for you" book so he can break down in my arms zayn style
I can't imagine how insane it must've felt for T to hear no use I just love you. like if I were him (and knowing his insecure ass) I'd also wonder if she's just latching on to me bc I'm so close to her and convenient so hearing this song must've been like "ah. I've been an idiot"
god I wanna interview them on their ENTIRE relationship timeline i need to know what happened last night outside his house I need to know the whole breakup timeline I wanna know EVERYTHINGGGGGJLGHKLGKG
oh I forgot the full body cringe I get from "not just the friction of our skin" like those are my parents you're talking about
also pure love going "oh I have to open up huh" is HILARIOUS after FFV which is an entire album of H's deepest saddest most depressing thoughts and experiences like.... she opened up all right
the one thing that excites me deeply about fine print is the idea that if hayley releases another solo album she'll do a solo tour and I'll hear all of these live
I can't believe people heard taken and they STILL didn't catch on that she was with taylor. like maybe I am super biased but bro......... you have to be so fr
"do you taste the shame when you lick my wounds" is an insane lyric tho
god, sugar on the rim is the best PFA song and no one can tell me nothin
"I'm alive in spite of me" is also a beast of a lyric actually. that sugar on the rim > watch me while i bloom > crystal clear is also an insane 3 song run
hey remember how crystal clear is so important to hayley that she wrote a reference to it into liar
and it's important because taylor decided to surprise her with the single most romantic thing a person could do for another person
"I won't give into the fear" I'm gonna die perhaps
god hayley please keep the solo stuff coming please
also remember how hayley was like "stop. TAYLOR APPRECIATION TIME" on the US tour and did liar and crystal clear back to back? absurd
ffv always depresses me but crystal clear brings me back like ah yes. they're happy now. good for them
now I need to beat depression too. find the love of my life perhaps? Who knows
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es-tea · 15 days
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Hiya! The name's Estee, you can call me est/tee. I'm an artist + Genshin player and my main goal is to share my art with anyone who's really just interested in coming with me on my journey for improvement, y'know?
My pronouns are she/her and I am a minor ^^. I've a feeling I might be a cupioromantic but it could just be because I still haven't matured enough to recognize if I truly love someone or not. Pushing that aside TT, extra info under the cut!! :D
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Aside from being an artist, I reallyreallyreally love photography. I'm not a professional or anything, I mainly do it for fun :)) You can try to check out my little photos here!
Aside from that, I've also got a few other socials where I post my art on! ^^ So far I only post on three, one being Tumblr, the other being my TikTok account, and the other being my Pinterest account.
So far I'm not taking any commissions since I'm still trying to improve my art and because I'm in highschool on a scholarship, I can't properly balance my academics and my hobbies just yet so I only ever take...
Drawing Requests!! This means...
• The requester is giving me freedom to draw the character in any way I want as long as any add-ons or preferences they want are/can be spotted on the final product.
• The requester can choose if I can post the requested piece online or not.
My purpose for doing this is not only to allow myself to improve one piece at a time, but also to be able to make others happy even if my final pieces are simpler in style/not the best of the best ^^.
I usually take request pieces thru online interactions I have with my friends/peers on campus. The first three requested pieces I've had come from two friends who share the same interests in me. I also have friends on discord who've been very supportive of my art journey and whom I've been sending my pieces to whenever I have the chance to finish them :))
If you'd like to talk to me, you can contact me via...
Discord: @elistakou
WAIT! We're not done yet >:(
I have an under construction discord server which I pray I'll be able to finish soon. (Quarter Exams are going to murder me, I don't believe I'll be able to get through 8th grade with my dumb ahh anymore) So please stay updated!
But fr though, I'm not done yet! 💔
So far TWO people from 🍉 have submitted a little bit of mail in my inbox. I'm sure I'll be able to encounter more people in need of help but since I'm still too young all I can do is share and inform others as much as I can!
‭‭John 14:27 NIV‬‬
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
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ohmygosh HI 😙 i heard you were doing matchups soooo i figured i’d slide in here and wave my hand around in front of your face hehe
i’m fem, around 5’7, and an average body type. i’ve got longish dark brown hair, (i’m growing it out) which the inside is blonde - which i usually dye red or blue. i wear a lot of different types of clothes, but for the most part they usually fall into the ‘goth/emo/dark lolita’ category or the ‘academic scholar with good taste’ LMAO
personality wise, i’m pretty introverted but outgoing (ie i have no energy w people but i talk to a lot of ppl) i’m pretty friendly with strangers and i don’t have much trouble walking up to anyone random and asking them stuff, buuuut i usually don’t because i’m pretty antisocial (i don’t like to talk to people unless at school or im forced to lol) i spend a lot of my time at my house, really honing in on the things i enjoy! but if someone i like enough wants me to go on a date or hangout with them i’ll do my best to muster up the ability to do it for them (though i personally just prefer dates @ my house cuddling tbh but i dont mind going on an adventure if it’s for someone else) i’m pretty darn stubborn and i love to argue (when its controlled/ nobody is being mean and its all facts) people also say i’m pretty funny too, and pretty sassy (i’ve got good comeback’s apparently)
i do a lot of different stuff in my free time, i 🍃 up sometimes (not always/all the time), i also do a lot of art and drawing, i write a lot and read ofc, and i really like debating! my plan is to major in chemistry or political science annnd yeah!
my type in people varies a lot, i really like jocky dudes - and smart girls but for me what’s important is despite any differences is being able to talk through issues or disagreements! i also like being around people who don’t always share the same ideas as i do because i don’t like being confined in an echo chamber :) different experiences r what make us unique!!!
i’m pansexual so i don’t really have a like huge gender bias thing, but my only request is that you don’t pair me with a goth kid soley cause they’re goth 💀 thank u my beloved match maker 🤭
— 🎸 anon! (if its not taken)
p.s : will also be requesting for funzies so if u see another req from me yk why :,)
hi my luv! im gonna match u up with Wendy!!
You guys would LOVE debating with each other for fun.
I can imagine she’s super easy going and very easy to talk to and be around.
Please draw or paint her, cause she’ll melt.
I think she’s very clever with her words without trying but she could also enjoy silent cuddling dates just watching a movie.
As we’ve seen in the show, she’s very good with communicating about issues and I can honestly imagine that the two of you would last a very long time.
hope you like it <33 pls feel free to request more. it took me a bit to get thru the last few days but im back on it 😭💕💕
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chibitabathasloves · 2 years
i agree w the notes !! i hadnt noticed the scarf stuff but it makes a lot of sense. nice catch !
sorry the brain fog is taking a bit. i love that u have a notebook for that btw. if you ever end up watching manhunter, it's an ok adaptation of the book red dragon. im kind of insane about red dragon willnibal and manhunter willnibal : i think manhunter will is VERY different from red dragon will, in bad ways, but both are kind of insane to me. i have book fandesigns but idk if its worth posting the content bc everyone is so used to NBC ? but then again i literally draw manhunter designs which are from a movie literally Two people in the fandom have seen so
i like ur interpretation of hannibals feelings for will ! i do have a bit of trouble being as optimistic about it as other people in the fandom. i kind of don't really know where the control freakism starts and where it ends w his feelings for him. you're right that he didn't choose who he loves, which i'm sure made him ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS, BECAUSE HOW DARE, but also so he can play chess with will properly instead of just making him a pawn he does have to relinquish some control... and he can't just detach himself emotionally from the situation, he's in love... but then it means he has to give up control. i love willnibal so much, i love writing it so much, it's so fucking complicated.
also i love the italian nicknames they're so cute :) i love the idea of italian nicknames in general. hope u can kick ur friends ass !! i do love the idea of will trying to connect w hannibal thru languages. italian seems like a good middle ground, lithuanian is really pushing it too far imho. remembers lovingly that mspaint comic i made w will thinking it would be a VERY good idea to practice saying "i love you" in lithuanian and chiyoh begging him to stop because it was the worst idea alive
Hello again, sorry I was at a wedding last night trying to wrangle small children that aren't mine.
My notes have like insightful little quips and then bullshit like: "Fucking monster. Licked a newspaper." Like, ah yes. They're going to give the cannibal glue. No, no they won't. But he sure did lick that newspaper for his weird little scrapbook.
I'm not going to lie, the reason I've actually thought about watching Manhunter is cause of you. My one friend told me the movie isn't very good (I'm notoriously bad at watching bad films) but I wanted to be able to interact with your art for those things because I like your art so much. Also now that I am an unhinged Hannibal fan, he got me to watch Hannibal Rising (i think I told him I wanted my time and money back), SOTL and Red Dragon. My first thought when seeing Norton as Will was "Really? The fight club guy?" But i remember so little of the film other than 'wow, Freddie Lounds is a dick whether he has one or not' and 'hehehe exercise leash'. And then with SOTL I was like "wow, good thing all these characters appear to be the pinnacle of mental health." But they sure didn't seep into my brain. I might try watching them again. But I def want to watch Manhunter. Give me insane. I'm down for the sickness (brain rot).
Also, give me the fan designs. I'm still a partial Witcher fan, so I love seeing the book designs people come up with. I love that for people! I love that for me!
The weird thing about Hannibal's feelings is that he's so blasé about them. I think at first he saw Will, and was intrigued about the potential of being seen. But clearly it wasn't the superpower it was practically claimed to be. After all, Will looked him dead in the eyes and didn't see the creature behind the veil. But maybe Hannibal saw something else in those eyes that wouldn't settle. Like a feral animal curled into itself, eyes darting around, looking for the best and quickest exit. Unlike when he met Lass, who was hardworking and smart, he kept her because of that intelligence. Will had something, but he wasn't sure what. And I think that's why when he says he was curious about what Will would have done with Hobbs when he had placed that phone call, I believe him. Will was either going to be another of Jack's bloodhounds stolen from under his nose, or he was going to be something else. I think that Hannibal struggles with some form of depression, the surface level attachments to his creature comforts, so the boredom is stifling. Hannibal himself is so incredibly nuanced and shifts from "Will is my friend" to "Guess I have to eat him" in the same conversation. I don't think Will was ever safe from Hannibal's knife. At least not until like S3 finale. The issue with an emotion you're not used to is its volatile, and we can see that in how Hannibal talks of Will and to Will. I do think that he joined Jack in helping to groom Will to kill himself, because it would be a worthy challenge.
I know some of the Fandom elevate Will to a god-adjacent status in Hannibal's eyes. But again, I think that comes and goes. I think there are moments where Hannibal looks at Will and sees the God of Righteous Fury, and other times he sees the man who is ruining his life. Hannibal's body language and facial expressions are all very neutral (props to Mads Mikkelsen for that), so you have to watch his eyes and mouth for the smallest flickers. And they are small. Matthew Brown was a fool and a tool, but he was right about the eyes.
NBC Hannibal's past is very patchwork-y but from what I could scrape together he would have stopped speaking Lithuanian around the time he was mute, would have shifted into at least understanding or attempting to understand Russian (soviet occupied Lithuania) before he fled to France. In France he was still a mute. NBC specifically said his Uncle Robertus took him in at 16. Boarding school. So we can assume he learned French in boarding school. Japanese would have been next up, Lady Murasaki and Chiyoh would have used it to speak to each other, both so far from home, it would have helped ease the homesickness. So I do believe Hannibal would have learned Japanese. But Japanese would be tied to another heartbreak (like Lithuanian) when Murasaki sends Hannibal away after he refuses to stop stabbing people. He goes to his mother's homeland of Italy, and eventually settles in Florence, where he learns Italian and comes to grow into the man we know today. So that's why I advocated hard for Italian nicknames. And why I think that language for Hannibal is important, but also an insane field filled with landmines.
Welcome to my Hannibal TedTalk lmao
And I will kick his butt, because I want to write suburban murder husbands calling each other il mio mostro and il mio tutto, and I think we chose a German nickname for Abbie, but I don't remember it now. Had to look it up Jägerin, for huntress. Cause we're unhinged and can lmao
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snortinglaughter · 7 years
Flowers and Antlers.
Part 1
“Why you fretting, mate?” Ron eyed him as he sipped his Butterbeer.
“I’m not.” Harry had kept his eyes on the door ever since they’d entered the Three Broomsticks. He’d overheard Neville saying he’d come with Malfoy; this was the perfect opportunity.
“Yes, you are. You have that look on your face, like when you were trying to ask Cho -”
Harry wasn’t even paying attention to Hermione’s words because at that exact moment Neville and Malfoy entered the place.
“Oi, Nev!” Harry called out.
They stopped in their tracks. Malfoy stiffened visibly when he realized who had called after his friend. He murmured something in Neville’s ear –a little too close, Harry found himself thinking– and walked away, searching for a table.
“Hey, Harry!” The boy smiled as he approached.
“Hi! Fancy joining us?”
“Oh, well, I’m actually here with Draco.”
“Yeah, it’s fine. I- we actually thought you’d both like to join us.”
“We?” Ron managed to say before Hermione kicked him under the table.
“Um. Maybe some other time, mate. It’s not that he has anything against you lot, it’s just…” Neville looked over his shoulder to where Malfoy was waiting for him and sighed. “Some other time, ‘kay?”
“Yeah, sure. No problem.” Harry watched as Neville walked away.
“I may have missed part of a conversation during breakfast, mate, but since when do we want Malfoy to sit with us?”
“I just figured, you know, maybe it’s time for us to put our differences aside.” Harry shrugged. Ron looked utterly shocked by his response; Hermione just sat in silence studying him through narrow eyes as if Harry was a riddle that needed to be answered.
“Harry, you do realize this is Malfoy we’re talking about? The boy who’s made your life miserable since you first set foot in Hogwarts?” she said.
“I know, ‘Mione. But, don’t you notice something different about him? He’s not bullying first years anymore, not sneering at people left, right and center, not even making remarks about how my hair looks like a nest of pigeons with rabies.”
“Pigeons aren’t mammals, Harry; they can’t get rabies.”
“But what if, like, a dog with rabies bites a pigeon?”
“Harry, no. It’s not-“
“Forget about fucking pigeons, Hermione; Harry Potter is honest-to-Merlin trying to convince us that Draco sodding Malfoy is a good person now,” Ron whispered fiercely, looking around as if they were having the most embarrassing conversation and he was afraid someone might overhear the nasty details.
“Just think about it, mate. Malfoy befriended Neville Longbottom of all people; doesn’t that tell you something?” Harry froze for a second, realizing that yes, he was in fact defending Malfoy. Ron leaned over the table and looked deep into Harry’s eyes.
“No, he doesn’t look like he’s been Confunded.” He put a hand over his forehead. “No, he doesn’t have a fever.”
“Don’t be daft, Ron. I’m serious,” Harry said, slapping his friend’s hand away.
“Well, he is alone after all; none of his friends came back to sit their N.E.W.T.s,“ Hermione reasoned. “I suppose Nev sees something in him that we haven’t.”
“Yeah, that or Malfoy probably has him under the Imperius Curse,” Ron said grimly.
Harry felt a sudden twinge of annoyance at the suggestion and subtly reminded Ron about the Chudley Cannons’ latest defeat —that was enough to distract the red-head from anything— and discreetly glanced at Malfoy’s table every now and then while his friend kept talking about game tactics and statistics. Neville was laughing hard at something the blond was saying. It was still so strange to see them interact; Harry’s curiosity piqued as he wondered what they talked about. Was Neville aware of Malfoy’s nightly activities? If so, then he must know about the drawings.
He’d spent more time than he wanted to admit guessing what the drawings might be; landscapes, maybe? Harry remembered an ugly painting of a bowl of weird-looking vegetables somewhere in the Dursleys’ house. Malfoy caught his gaze and Harry turned back to Hermione.
“Harry, are you even listening?”
“Yeah, about the Cannons,” he said.
“No, mate. About going to Honeydukes before heading back to the castle; I’m out of Cockroach Clusters. You sure you’re alright?” Ron looked sincerely worried about him, though Hermione was eyeing Malfoy with curiosity.
“Yeah. Perfectly fine. So, Honeydukes? Sure; I’m in the mood for some chocolate frogs,” Harry said quickly.
He could swear he felt someone’s eyes on him as they left.
Fire. Everywhere.
He couldn’t breathe; couldn’t see.
There was someone else inside, screaming. He had to help.
Harry’s eyes shot open; he sat up, breathing hard and wincing at the feeling of his sheets sticking to his back, and tried to blink the darkness away. He’d had nightmares about Fred and Lupin, about werewolves and Lavender, but never about the fire. He cast a cleaning charm on the bed, since it was soaking with sweat, and searched for another set of pajamas and a towel. The idea of staying in bed surrounded by dark curtains made him feel claustrophobic; a nice warm shower might help him relax. Harry had just exited the dorm, still thinking about his nightmare, when he crashed into something –no, someone– and fell on the floor.
“What - ” the other person whispered. The back of Harry’s eyes filled with tiny white stars.
“Sorry, mate, didn’t see you there.”
Harry’s heart jumped and he tried blinking the blurriness away as he adjusted his eyeglasses.
“I’m not doing anything wrong,” the blond responded resentfully.
“I didn’t say you were.” Harry noticed the sketchbook he’d seen in Scrivenshaft’s laying on the floor beside Malfoy, who immediately took it and stood up.
“I’d like to enter the dorm, if you don’t mind.”
Harry scrunched his brows together in confusion for ten full seconds before realizing he was still on the floor and blocking the door.
“Oh, right,” he said as he stood but didn’t step aside. “Listen, Malfoy, um. Don’t know if Neville mentioned but, er, next time you’re in Hogsmeade, you and Neville that is, if you’d like to sit with us at the Three Broomsticks we wouldn’t mind. If you want, of course; you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Oh boy, he was rambling. “And, uh, I don’t think you’re doing something bad or anything, I mean I’ve noticed you’re not in bed sometimes. Wait, that didn’t sound – I’m not spying on you, I just -”
“Potter.” Thank Merlin Malfoy decided to interrupt; it couldn’t get more awkward than this. “I get it. I’d like to get some sleep now.”
“Right. I’ll just go shower; my bed’s all wet.” What?
“Oh.” Malfoy blinked. “That’s – alright. Goodnight, then.”
He finally stepped aside as Malfoy entered the room and looked back at Harry with curious eyes.
Harry quickly headed toward the boys’ restrooms. Merlin, what the bloody hell was that? He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so embarrassed. And he’d been so close to the sketchbook; that confirmed his theory that Malfoy was sneaking away to draw. If he ever wanted to have a look he needed to get closer.
“My bed’s all wet,” he snorted. “Brilliant, Harry, fucking brilliant.”
They sat at the Ravenclaw table the next morning; Harry had a clear view of Malfoy and Neville and was thinking of a good excuse to approach them while the conversation flowed around him.
“Muggles claim it’s a forest fire but father is certain it’s a Heliopath,” Luna was saying. “I got an owl from him yesterday saying he was planning an excursion to find it.”
“That’s wonderful; I hope he’s careful, though.”
Harry frowned as he watched Malfoy peeling a bunch of white grapes with his wand.
“Oh, he’ll be fine; he’s probably taking a newt scale necklace to repel the fire.”
“How does that work?” Hermione asked, genuinely interested. She had decided to make an effort and try to understand Luna’s beliefs.
Malfoy was using his knife and fork to cut his grapes into halves.
“Newt scales have magical properties which intensify if you leave them in a bowl with water and African Sea Salt to rest under the full moon.”
Was Malfoy seriously plucking the seeds out of the grapes? How ridiculous; that was it. Harry stood and walked straight to the Slytherin table to stand beside him.
“Malfoy, what do you think you’re doing?” The blond looked up, confused for a moment.
“Having breakfast; what does it look like, Potter?”
“You’re using cutlery for grapes and you’re plucking the seeds out. Honestly?” Harry didn’t realize everyone at the Slytherin and Ravenclaw tables were watching.
“Don’t forget the peeling part,” Neville murmured without taking his eyes off his pancakes.
“I peel them because the skin feels rubbery and it leaves a weird sensation on my tongue.” Malfoy said with his posh accent and raised a pointy eyebrow at his friend before turning back to Harry. “And I don’t like seeds in my grapes; they have a very unpleasant bitter taste. What did you expect me to do? Chew them?”
“You can spit them out?”
“That’s extremely impolite, Potter; have you no manners? Do you do the same with watermelon? Do you spit the seeds out and maybe keep score on which seed goes farthest?” Malfoy pressed his lips together; Harry was certain he was trying to suppress a smile.
“I don’t, but it might be fun, yeah?” He grinned; Malfoy blushed and rolled his eyes, though Harry didn’t see malice in the gesture.
“Definitely no manners, then.”
“People are watching, lads,” said Neville with a smile that resembled something like smugness.
Everyone in the Great Hall was staring, even McGonagall; her eyebrows had nearly reached her hairline. Neville gave him a funny look and realization dawned in Harry’s mind; he was having a polite discussion about grapes with Malfoy. It amazed him what he was willing to do to have a look at Malfoy’s drawings, but Harry had a plan and he was not backing up.
“Right.” He cleared his throat. “You do your thing, then. I’ll- breakfast. Yeah.”
Harry turned back to his friends who were looking at him like he’d gone bananas and felt his face grow hot.
“What was that about, Harry?” Ron inquired as Harry took his seat and heard Dean snickering.
“I remember Seamus acting weird before we finally - ow!” Someone had obviously kicked him under the table and suddenly everyone seemed to be in a hurry.
“I forgot my DADA textbook, gotta go.” Ginny said as she stood.
“By the way, father wanted to know if you’d agree to a short interview for The Quibbler, Harry. Once he’s back from his excursion, of course.” Luna waved goodbye and took off after Ginny.
“Yeah, we have to go too.” Seamus pulled on Dean’s arm.
“Before you finally what?” Ron frowned; Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed.
Harry felt as flummoxed as his friend. Was he missing something?
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kusanalogy · 2 years
Teyvat idols !
Characters: Ayaka, Venti, Chongyun and xinyan Band!au, Modern!au. some character x gn!reader, but its mostly focused about them as a band
Author's note: was inspired by this picture below and a result of playing too much bang dream/bandori.. also i rewrote this bc the original one was "being their manager" but i think i'd get more ideas if i changed it to s/o, sooo now we're here :D I might make a pt.2 but im sure it'll be shorter than this
summary: Your s/o whom you knew for the longest time becomes an idol for a band, How would they act?
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She's also known as "The Kamisato Princess" due to her angelic look :0 The young girl needs lots of encouragement before setting on stage, venti usually helps her with boosting up the confidence last-minute. Her big brother, the infamous ayato also watches her perform, Giving her more the reasons to push thru and make beautiful music.
As for you, She'd be so happy if you watch her !! Its all the assurance she needs. If you're the loud type and you always cheer her on, she gets kinda embarrased but in reality she doesnt mind it that much. After all she does have all sorts of fans. Though she'd prefer to hear your praises after a concert in private, she feels much more comfortable that way.
Speaking of fans, at first she had so much trouble communicating with them, Making her occasionally stutter :( Once you see her look uncomfy while talking to fans, you try to push her away steadily, without making a scene and go in a corner, attempting to soothe her
She actually slowly improves communicating at public events, meetings, etc. because of you <3 let the girl take her time with this, And spend time with her equally. Even after all of what the both of you do, she'll thank you for being by her side. As long as it stays like that, rest assured she'll be happy.
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Okay pretend he isnt a god in this au hes just some random guy
He loves posting on social media, Lots of the content on his account are song covers, pictures you took of him or memes (which is what his supporters love about his account). He interacts with his fans in the comments each time, But ofc there are always haters. He seems like the type to fight back but in reality he just deletes the comment and ignores the account, not wanting a bad image.
He also wrote some of the songs that the band created !! the rest are from different multiple sources
Awards the band members with a glass of wine/juice/drink of choice and some snacks the day after going on a concert. Sometimes brings you with him! He believes it'll give them some motivation to move forward, Which does work most of the time, ...unless he gets drunk and starts scaring them with objects they would not appreciate
One time it was raining outside while they were having an after party at the kamisato estate so while drunk, this mf ran outside and got a FROG into the house and claimed it as his pet. Thoma had lots of trouble trying to find it after venti lost the frog a while after.
"And as the *hic* MoNdstadt saying g-goes... wait.. where did the frog go????"
[insert sound of xinyan screaming afterwards]
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She's an amazing role model !!
She makes it a goal to like or reply all the comments, even the ones that are just "Great!!" or "amazing", she'd reply with a "thank you 🤍" or simply liking it
Like venti, she makes stuff for the band that she doesnt really need to do by herself, but she does it anyway because she adores what she does, the girl picks out outfits for the band i just know she has amazing taste in clothing. She also draws lots of ideas for merch, her designs always impress the other band members and you
She usually asks for your opinion before going on with making merch, creating tunes or just anything that she wants to improve later on. Xinyan trusts you so much with it, even if you dont know much about what she does.
Has so many ideas for her job, She can barely keep track of what she should try to push thru first. Its not like she doesnt enjoy it tho, hell, she loves it‼ Promotes the band's music everywhere, she likes to share it so more people can understand the art of music :))) shes really passionate about it
"Y/n!! Have you shared my solo to your other friend groups yet? I promise its good! I put lots of thought into it 😋"
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Like ayaka, hes pretty shy on stage too. He's also kinda a perfectionist? When its time to finish rehearsals he still practices at home, thinking it wasnt good enough. If you catch him getting to focused, pls remind him to take a break! He often forgets to take one
Gets stressed pretty easily, he randomly doodles or eats cold food to relax himself. Loves going outside <3 even better if you accompany him, sometimes just going out for a walk gives him enough inspiration.
Super supportive to the rest of the band members ⊹.(⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎). ⊹ He shows it with words tbh, he says its much easier like that. Likes the idea of working together, He believes it'll solve problems much faster and produce more ideas, making the future of the band brighter. He aims for that desire, seeking to make people proud.
He has lots of pets !! He posts lots of pics of them on social media. Speaking of social media, He tries to keep your relationship a secret. Not that he doesnt trust you or anything, he just doesnt like the fact that you might get hated or something. He's aware that he probably wouldnt stand it if his s/o got hate :(
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