#going to finish fixing this old old evie set and then i will fix the old old old umalvie set and then i will start something new
daggery · 6 months
i fixed the gifs in this gifset and then made one of them worse oh no
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druidx · 3 months
Her Countenance was Light - Chapter 29
CW: Blood, Injury, Implied child abuse AO3 ; Chapters: 01. 10. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Tag list (ask for +/-): @aquadestinyswriting, @hannah-heartstrings, @jacqueswriteblrlibrary, @babyblueetbaemonster @mr-orion
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"Hi, Mom," Elo says to the short, dark-haired, nondescript woman who answers the door of the nondescript house on this nondescript, not-quite-suburban street. Elo watches her Mother's expression as Oakrose takes in the state of her erstwhile foster daughter, with a gaze that swiftly travels from surprised joy to deep suspicion and finally ends in parental dismay. "Oh, Love. I think you'd better come on in," her Mother says with a sigh.
Elo follows her Mother through the dark and narrow front corridor, past the huge coat rack filled with every conceivable boot, jacket, outerwear accessory, bag and Personal-Protection-Equipment that could be thought of, and into the central hallway beyond as her Mother bellows for the first aid kit. Elo narrowly avoids tripping over an abandoned toy train, only to knock into the tall filing cabinet and be attacked by the spider plant that lives on it, as her Mother yells for a child to come clear the train and its tracks away. Then they pass the telephone table, with its pot of half-dead pens, hair ties, treasury tags, and stack of notepads, and into the kitchen.
Her Mother pulls out a chair and bids Elo sit, as a young girl with long brown plaits, freckles, and huge brown eyes walks in slowly, holding a red box out to Oakrose like it's a shield. "Thank you, Dimple," Oakrose says to the child as she takes the first aid kit. Elo makes a pained noise peeling her ruined jacket off, and the child scampers back, hiding behind the burnt-orange door frame. "Dimple's new," Oakrose says to Elo, then to the child, "This is Elowyn. She's one of my oldest kids. Don't worry, she's nice. Come in and say hi." Elo gives the child a lopsided smile and tries for brightness as she says, "Hi there." "Hello," the girl whispers from behind the door frame, eyes wide and wondering.
The smell of freshly baked cookies eases Elo's spirit as her Mother bustles around, making demands: "Take off your shirt. Raise your arms. This is going to sting, so don't flinch– I said don't flinch. This is a bit more than 'first aid', my Love. Really, you need to go back to hospital, I reckon… What in the name of the Green Goddess did you even do?" "Fell off my bike," Elo says, hedging the truth so as not to cause more worry. "I guess I pulled the stitches, huh?" "And then some," her Mother murmurs. "You can fix them, though?" Oakrose snorts. "I've been patching you and half the neighbourhood up since you were just a wee little thing like Dimple. You really should go to the hospital." "I can't. My health package won't cover it." Her Mother raises an eyebrow. "Child, you will be the death of me. Tell me you didn't come all this way for free medical treatment?" "No, I did this on the way over. I left a message I was coming?" "Which kid?" "Ishaan, I think." Oakrose clicks her tongue and mutters, "Boy needs a reminder on telephone etiquette." "I came to look for some old notebooks. I need them for a case." "Ah," Oakrose murmurs. "Something to do with little Evie Strucker's murder, I'll wager." "Sharp as ever, Mom," Elo replies.
Then there's no time for more talk as Oakrose sets to repairing the damage done by that damned Continental. Without the strong painkillers from the hospital, her Mother's stitches hurt more than the doctor's, and Elo bites down on the more vitriolic curses, shouting the names of vegetables instead. By the time Oakroase is finished and handing Elo a shot of something strong and alcoholic, all the other children have fled outside. All except for little Dimple, still hiding with wide eyes behind the door frame.
"That sounded like it hurt," Dimple whispers, as Oakrose putters about, tidying her equipment away. "It did," Elo says. "How do you not cry?" the girl asks. "I cried every time my bad mom hit me. Sometimes it made her hit me more." Something pinches in Elo's chest at Dimple's words. "I shout and curse instead," Elo says. "But that's just me. There're a lot of different ways to let pain out. Crying is one way, and so's shouting. And that's fine. Different people need different things." She wants to make a point to this timid little thing that Dimple isn't broken for crying. Maybe Elo's also trying to make a point to herself that she's not broken for not crying. "We all deal with things in our own way." Elo shrugs, aware that their foster Mother is watching the exchange with a careful eye. Dimple creeps out from behind the door frame and to the edge of the kitchen. "I saw your picture in the newspaper," she says. "Oakrose says you helped a lot of people." "Yes. That's my job." "Is it hard?" Elo thinks about it – thinks about the Master of Commerce, and about Snotgrut and Legnok. "Sometimes," she says. "Sometimes there are people who don't seem like they deserve your help. But they do. Sometimes they need it more than others." "Oh." Dimple chews her lip, staring hard at the ground. Then she looks up and takes another step into the kitchen. "Do you get hurt a lot, as a policeman?" "Specifically me, or policemen in general?" Dimple raises one shoulder in a slow shrug. "Generally, no. As long as you're careful and have a good partner, it's reasonably safe." Dimple stares, as if expecting Elo to say more, but Elo is not about to admit her reckless self-endangerment to a child. Behind them, Oakrose closes the bin with a touch more force than might be necessary. "Dimple, can you put the first aid kit away for me?" Dimple edges forward and comes up on her tippy toes to grab the red box from the table. She stops on the way out of the kitchen, turning back with seriousness in those wide brown eyes. "I think I want to be a policeman too, when I get older," Dimple says with such quiet conviction that Elo feels that nameless something pinching in her chest again. "It's lots of hard work, and you have to be all kinds of smart, but I bet you'll be great at it," Elo says, and wonders if this is how Alexis felt the first time they met, and Elo pronounced her vengeance for all to hear. "All right, Dimple," their foster Mother says. "Sergeant O'Toreguarde has work to do. Run along now." Dimple gives another one of those serious nods and walks, quiet and unhurried, back into the house to put the first aid kit away.
Mother and daughter watch the child go, and then Oakrose hands Elo a black t-shirt with some band name emblazoned on it. Elo's shirt is already in a basin of cold water and lemon juice, her suit jacket at the top of the laundry pile. The shirt probably can't be saved, but if not at least her Mother will have some new rags. "It's Lieutenant now, by the way," Elo says as she pulls on the t-shirt. Oakrose gives her a careful smile. "Congratulations." It comes out as a hesitant question. "It's okay – you can be proud," Elo says with a chuckle. "Everyone seems convinced it's supposed to keep me out of trouble, not get me into more." And then her Mother beams at her. "I am very proud of you, my darling. But if they think an increase in rank and responsibility is going to keep you out of trouble, well." She shakes her head. "They've clearly never met you." "Thanks, Mom," Elo says with a roll of her eyes. "I should go make myself look a little less banged up and call a tow for my bike."
Elo's getting off the phone with Evans at City Hall about retrieving her bike when the doorbell goes. She hears her Mother cry out with joy and assumes that Farren and Irvine have turned up. By the time she's finished, her Mother's settled the two men around the kitchen table with a coffee and a slice of spiced apple cake. There's one set out for Elo as well, and really she's too impatient to eat, but she'll never turn down her Mother's cooking. "So where am I likely to find my notebooks," Elo asks, ignoring the way Farren is considering her attire. Oakrose taps a fork to her lips. "Probably the shed. We had to clear out a lot of stuff when I converted the attic and basement into more rooms. A lot of things got bundled into boxes and moved down there." She eyes Farren and Irvine. "I've been meaning to sort through them for ages. Maybe you boys can give an old woman a hand?" "Of course, ma'am," Irvine chirps. Elo has to cover a snort at the way her Mother is hamming it up, which turns into a cough as she catches Farren's grinning eye roll.
The day is still fair as they make their way down to the shed. The children are scattered on the large lawn; one is holding a tea party, offering mud pies and pretend tea to various dolls and stuffies. Elo tips her head in thought. If it stays nice, perhaps she can take His Nibs for a picnic…
Then Oakrose is unlocking the shed, and Elo is the first to step inside. It is an old, dusty thing. Still sturdy and watertight, but most things in here have seen better days; a mower upturned with no blades, a bike with no tyres. Elo winces as she leans over the bench to pull open the window shutters, as Farren follows her and gives a questioning frown. Dust floats in the air, picked out in sunlight and raised on small updrafts of air. The light reveals yet more clutter and confusion – forgotten pickles, yellowed and stained newspapers, a handful of miscellaneous fixings scattered over the bench. "Start with those crates in the corner there," Oakrose says, pointing. "I could do with those tarpaulins, too." Farren passes Elo the tarpaulins. "I didn't know you liked Cryptic Goat?" Elo swallows. "I like their inventive use of industrial furniture." And it's not technically a lie, because Maddy's played her enough of the band's music that it's a genuine opinion. Farren harrumphs and turns away to start hauling down crates.
The tarpaulins are spread out on the lawn, and Elo unpacks each crate, methodically searching for her notebooks. While she's unpacking, Oakrose starts sorting the contents into piles of similar items so she can repack them and label up the crates. As they work, Elo shares her idea for the picnic with her Mother and the two women scheme.
By 11:20, all the crates have been turned out and they still haven't found the notebooks. Elo is starting to despair of finding them before she must go home for a fresh suit and collect King Storri for lunch. Oakrose, as patient as ever, digs out some clothes for Elo to borrow. Elo takes herself up to her Mother's room to change. The blouse is a bit more bouffant than she would pick, the jacket tight around her arm muscles and the trousers a little too short, but she's sure it'll be fine. Her eyes wander the room while she fusses with the collar. Her distracted gaze settles on the little set of shelves next to the bed. A clumsily crafted cup, made by her in-another-world-twin Ashbury. Wickerswitch's archery trophy. A giant manual on home brewing, owned by Grandpa Birchwick. Ten small journals, decorated with flowers and leaves. A tall, slim reference guide on local flora from her Mother's old friend Turnip. Wickerswitch's trophy for a prize-winning marrow. Elo's Police Academy graduation photo. Elo blinks. Ten small journals, decorated with woodland motifs. With a whoop of delight, Elo collects them up and pounds downstairs.
"Farren, Irvine! I found them!" she calls, coming into the back garden. "Hurrah," Irvine says, smiles all over as he comes out of the shed to put the next crate away. "Finally," mutters Farren, stubbing out a cigarette. "Where were they?" "In Mom's room." Farren gives Elo a long look, considers his cigarette, and relights it. "I'm sorry. I would never have guessed they'd be there." He looks again like he's about to ask after her change of attire, but Irvine is already plucking a book from her hands and opening it. "My gods! Your handwriting is terrible!" Irvine says, holding the book out, twisting it as if that will make her writing legible. "Yes, thank you, Cobbleskater, I am aware," Elo snips back. "But how do you even read this? It's like a half-dying spider drowned in ink and pulled its way over the page to-" "Thank you, Cobbleskater!" The little man blinked. "I only mean to say, Lieutenant, how did you pass through the academy with your handwriting this bad?" "I worked very hard." "But–" "I taught myself calligraphy, if you really must know, and applied the principles of that to my police work." "But why is this so bad?" "Because I spent seventy per cent of my time writing in glyphs, not the Latin alphabet." Irvine looks from the page of glyphs to the page of translations. "Ah, yes, I see." "If you're done, Cobbleskater," Farren says, "our LT's got someplace to be, remember?" "Well done for finding them, love," Oakrose says, coming out of the house. She hands Elo a list. "I've got most of what we discussed sorted, but I'll need you to pick up a few bits." "Thanks, Mom." The two women share a short embrace and then Farren is loading her and the journals into his car.
With Irvine ensconced with the journals on the backseat, already absorbed in learning the translations she has highlighted, Farren glances at Elo as he drives. "So what happened?" "I swear I was being careful." "But?" "Some asshole tried to run me off the road. Trashed my bike in the process." "You get a plate?" "No–" "Let me guess – distracted cuz you popped your stitches?" "It was a dark blue Lincoln Continental with tinted windows and probably a wrecked undercarriage, considering it drove over my bike. I'd know if I saw it again." "D'we need to divert to a hospital instead of the market?" "No. Mom fixed me up." "Cuthbert's Scales, Bug…" "I said I was being careful, didn't I? It's not my fault the universe has it out for me." "I'm sorely tempted to take you back to the station and stick you in lockup." "And you'd start another international incident with the Icelanders. Just go to the market."
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little-teacupss · 29 days
May your anchor be tight and your heart be mine. Chapter I
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Note: Hello! This is an old story from the past. I think I came up with the story in 2022, or 2023, and haven't built on it much since, but I want to give it a proper home, and hopefully I'll find some kind of inspiration to continue it.
Warnings: AK and VK relationship, Poly, and soulmate au. My bad attempts are pirate terminology/language and southern/Louisiana terminology
Summary: Jane feels lonely and confused. She is unsure as to whom she could be bound with, and her soulmate mark doesn't have much either, but today, she is helping Chad like always.
Note 2: If you're still waiting for 'Their good fairy' part 3-part 2 castlecoming, I hope to start on it soon, but when it come to that story In particular, I want some ideas and visions to be from my co-founder/creator @giveityourworst, since they helped me come up with the ideas for the story and 'P.S I still love you', so I'll be updating soon, but I'm gathering ideas, and once again go show them some love!
Jane sat with Evie and Doug, preparing notes from the history of spells and magic, then Evie tapped her pencil against the wooden table. "If we already know this, why do we have to take notes?"
The blunette said, looking from her notebook to Jane and then to Doug, who playfully shrugged at her and said. "It's not so bad, Eves."
Jane watched as the two bantered back and forth. She let out a soft sigh as she ran a finger over her soulmate mark. It didn't quite make sense to her, a pirate flag, but instead of a skull, it was a hunters rifle, then she heard, Doug say. "Maybe your soulmate is like a mix of Peter Pan and Robin Hood?"
Jane smiled as she allowed the thought to cross her mind, but she wasn't sure how a mix of Peter Pan and Robin Hood could really make this kind type of mark, then Evie piped in. "You know I couldn't see the color green till I met Doug."
The group continued to jot down notes for the history of spells and magic, but before they could finish, Chad made his way over to the picnic table they were seated at. "Jane, there you are!"
He quickly made his way over while fixing his hair and then stood in front of Jane.
"I have to look perfect for Audrey, and I need your help since you're a big part of my story."
Jane rolled her eyes at his dramatics, gathered her things, and followed after the entitled prince, but this is how her life had been forever, constantly bailing him out of trouble or getting whatever Chad wanted, because in a way she was his fairy god mother. "What do you need me to do?"
Chad quickly opened his locker and pulled out a series of items, a banner, paint, nails, and a hammer. "I need this set up by the Enchanted lake, and I need this finished by the end of the day."
He informed the fairy as he handed her each item, Jane gave him a wry smile, and as she made her way off the school, she passed by Li Lonnie, Navada, and Charlie la Bouff. "Need help with that, Janie?"
Li Lonnie asked as the group approached the struggling fairy who was trying not to drop everything. "Yeah, I guess so."
Jane said carefully as Charlie and Navada took a few things from her. "I can't believe he's let a beautiful young lady carry all this rubbish on her lonesome."
Charlie said as he carried the pain buckets and hammer to the Enchanted Lake while the girls helped Jane carry the banner, Jane pursed her lip as she listened to Charlie. "Chad's just been pampered his whole life. He can't exactly help it."
Jane said as they finally reached their destination, Li Lonnie helped hold the banner in place while Charlie hammered the nails in place, then Navada and Jane took over painting the banner.
Li Lonnie and Navada share a look after thinking over what Jane said, and then Li Lonnie gently touches Jane's hand. "And his mother is Cinderella. She was basically a slave for most of her life before Prince Charming."
Navada nodded to what Li Lonnie said and stepped forward. "Honey, you really need to realize he just likes to take advantage of you because he thinks you're supposed to fix his story."
Jane nodded, unsure of what to say. This had been her entire life, helping Chad. Her mother never said it was her calling in life to be his fairy godmother, but everyone else around her basically compared her to her mother. Any chance they got.
Snapping out of her train of thought, she helped the group put everything away and take a step back to look at their creation. "Chad owes you one for this because he expected you to do this all alone."
Li Lonnie said as she checked her phone. "Ben sent an email out, there sending more VK's over, there debating sea side VK's or the city VK's."
The group turned their heads to look at Li Lonnie with confusion, then Navada's phone buzzed, signaling she'd gotten a notification. "I also got that email. Why would Ben send us emails about bringing new VK's over?"
And so it went on Charlie's phone. I got an email, and then Jane got one. The group showed each other the emails they'd each received, each being a little different.
Li Lonnie took each phone and looked closely at each of the emails carefully. "Mine has some hints about bravery and determination, Navada and Charlie's talks a bit about soulmates, and Jane's is about being the fairy godmother and the wand."
Li Lonnie said as she finished scrolling through everyone's phones and handed them back. "Do you think anyone else got emails like this?"
She asked as she looked to each person in the group, Navada hums as she puts a finger under her chin, Charlie puts his hands in his pocket as he sways back and forth in thought, and Jane takes a seat on one of the stone steps while fiddling with the end of her periwinkle dress.
The group tired of waiting and thinking near the Enchanted lake make their way back to Auradon Prep, and order lunch, Jane takes a bite of her sub as the group still tries to come up with theories on why they got sent different emails about the upcoming event. "Maybe they sent personalized emails to everyone?"
Charlie suggested as he plucked the olives from his salad, while Navada shook her head at his idea. "Why would they send the entire student body personalized emails about the VK's transfer?"
He shrugs before bringing his focus back on his salad, then Li Lonnie lets out a gasp as if she's solved an ongoing investigation. "What if we're going as representatives?"
She seemed rather excited as she smiled at the group and waved her pen around. The rest of the group nodded to what she said. "I mean, think about it. we're all sent personalized emails around the same time a few minutes apart, each having to do with us or our parents, strength and bravery representatives, my parents, and soulmates fit not just Navada's parents, but Navada and Charlie, and Jane's is self explanatory, the wand, and fairy godmother."
Li Lonnie explained her theory further before shoving a french fry in her mouth, Jane pursed her lips as she processed what Li Lonnie just said. "That's actually a really good idea, but what if that's not it?"
The group continued to go back and forth on the possibilities of getting the emails before they finally plucked up the courage to go find Ben and Mal.
It took nearly an but after searching the school done they finally ran into Mal and Ben, Li Lonnie quickly dashed over to them and said. "Why did we get sent emails about the VK transfer?"
The two turn to Li Lonnie and the rest of the group as they approach, Navada was the second person to question them. "Yeah, what do we have to do with the transfer, we aren't high officials, or have important royal duties yet, and Jane isn't a true fairy godmother yet."
Mal and Ben looked at each other, realizing they had much to explain to the group, Ben flashes them a smile as he says. "Right, we picked the four of you as representatives of Auradon."
The group looks at each other, some sharing confused looks, and then Jane pitches in. "But aren't you the representative of Auradon?"
The group looks back at the couple, Ben lets out a sigh as he nods his head. "Yes, but I represent Auradon as a country, I don't represent individuals, Li Lonnie is a prime example of our military, Navada and Charlie represent the Auradon soulmate system, and Jane represents our stories, how we got here in the first place."
The group looks at each with confused looks again, then Charlie pipes in. "That's not individualism. That's more of our countries systems grouped together."
In this moment, Mal realized Ben wasn't doing them any favors and pitched in. "You see, we also want to introduce new VK's to people of Auradon before they get here because when I first came over, we're very stand offish, and at times rude, it just makes more sense to get them comfortable around Auradon people to get them to meet before arrival."
The group still confused decided just to go along with what the couple was saying by nodding and smiling, Ben clapped his hands together and stepped forward. "The transfer is next month. You all need to prepare individual speeches, and we will tell you who you will be bringing from the Isle the day we get there."
Li Lonnie carefully wrote down what he said before taking a picture and sending it to the rest of the group who were simply nodding.
After a while of Mal and Ben explaining how the event will go or should go, the group finally parts ways with Navada and Jane heading back to their dorm, while the others go about their day, Navada quickly grabs a notebooks and pen, before sitting next to Jane on her bed. "So how does one give a speech in front of thousands of people who are heavily watching them in the hopes of coming here?"
Navada asked as she stared desperately at Jane for advice as the fairy had given many speeches in the past in front of big groups, Jane let out a soft sigh as she pulled her hair up into a messy bun. "Well I suppose we start with what we're representing?"
The two spent hours writing, scraping, writing, and scraping until they finally got an outline of what they should talk about, but meanwhile, miles and miles away was a certain pirate whistling as he walked around the Jolly Roger and his name was Harry Hook. "You can clean up bette'r then that you slimy gits!"
He hollered to his pirate crew, who all yelled 'Aye!' Back to him, he let a cheshire grin spread across his face as he watched his crew scrub the Jolly Roger clean, one of his most prized possessions aside from his father's hook.
Then came aboard Gil along with the two wee lads, Squeaky and Squirmy, Harry's favorite lads made his way over to the three and adjusted Squeaky's glasses. "They won't work if you don't wear em' right."
He gently told the boy as he ruffled his long hair before turning his attention back to the crew, especially to the crew members scrubbing the canons. "Do I need to make any of you walk the plank today?"
He asked the group as he crossed one arm and brought the other one with the hook up close to his face, he gives them a cheshire grin as they quickly shook their heads and said. "No, Captain!"
Everyone pauses when they hear familiar boots and click their way up till their at the head of the ship, and they hear a voice say. "What's my name?"
The crew, along with Harry and Gil, all repeat. "Uma!"
The only ones who remain quiet are Squeaky and Squirmy who don't often speak at all unless their alone or around small groups of people, Uma makes her way down the stairs and puts her arms around the two lads. "Why don't you two boys go play along in Harry's cabin while I have a little chat with Harry and Gil?"
She tells the boys and pats their heads before they run off to Hook's former cabin that was now Harry's. Once the twins were out of hearing range, Uma turned back with her arms crossed and furrowed brows. "Guess what? Mal decided she'd bring more VK's on over to Auradon."
The two men looked at each other, now realizing what was bothering Uma, Gil carefully placed a hand on her shoulder and gently squeezed. "It's alright, I mean maybe we won't get picked?"
He suggested before pulling his hand back, while Harry processed what she said before saying. "I thought you said it didn't bother you anymore?"
Uma let's out a sad sigh as she leaned against the railing and looked out to the sea that they couldn't sail because of the barrier. "Because they pick willy nilly while they know for a fact there are kids here who actually need that lifestyle they have over there, I mean think of Squeaky and Squirmy they were born here, they don't know the outside world at all, at least we can say we're born on that side."
The two nodded as they listened to her, as the mood grew more somber as she explained what truly upset her about the Isle, the transfer, and a picking. "I mean, if I had been able to get that stupid King to fall in love with me, I could've gotten us all out of here, but clearly that didn't work, and then they finally found me and threw me back in."
They watched as Uma grew more angry as she continued, before letting out a long sigh and tilting her head back. "But don't worry, we'll find a way out eventually, and when we do we'll make her regret it."
The two men looked at each as they realized they had a new journey a foot.
Hello! Thank you for reading the first chapter of this series. Since this is one from the past, I have changed a few lines, but I'm gonna assume none of you have read this because only nine people did on wattpad, but that's besides the point thank you so much for reading
Tagged creators: @giveityourworst
If you want to be tagged in any stories I write, put mail in the mailbox!
Anyway, thank you for reading! Ba bye!
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wingsyouburn · 2 years
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I posted 969 times in 2022
52 posts created (5%)
917 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 966 of my posts in 2022
#fanart - 118 posts
#writer problems - 90 posts
#preach - 77 posts
#final fantasy vii - 76 posts
#star wars - 51 posts
#the mummy - 46 posts
#accurate - 43 posts
#your face sir - 39 posts
#meme time - 37 posts
#story: how wild are we - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 98 characters
#i have no intention of watching this movie but i would so make a character with this face and look
My Top Posts in 2022:
"Don't cover your face, I want to see you." Ardeth/Rick/Evy if you please!
Um... this is going behind a cut because it is filthy, yet I don't think you'll mind ;)
Probably will ended up putting on AO3 later!
Ardeth leaned back in the bed, resting on his forearms. His hands fisted the sheets, willing his body to remain still as Evy undid his trousers. He’d ached all evening, through the meal they shared with others in his village, through the pleasantries of socializing afterwards. The O’Connells coming to visit was a reason for celebration with food, drink, and song. 
If only the villagers realized the real reason for their arrival, and it had nothing to do with ancient artifacts, ruins, or undead creatures threatening to kill them all. 
No, they were here for Ardeth, and Ardeth had been patient, waiting for their arrival. Only now, they were finally alone, in Ardeth’s bedroom. Evy took Ardeth’s cock in hand and stroked him, cooing softly. “It’s been too long,” she murmured. A pink tongue flicked over the head. “I expected you to ravage me the moment we set foot in town.” 
He grunted, dragging a hand over his face. “You are worth the wait.” His eyes flicked over to Rick, lounging in the chair in the corner. 
Rick reached inside his own pants, fisting himself. Soon it would be Ardeth’s hand, and Ardeth’s mouth, wrapped around that girth. His mouth watered in anticipation, even as Evy’s lips slid down Ardeth’s erection. 
“All of us are out of patience,” Rick grunted. “Especially me.” 
Ardeth vowed to tend to both of his lovers, ensuring they wanted for nothing while they were in his home and among his people. Yet he couldn’t focus, not when Rick teased him with his actions, and Evy with her sinful mouth. He rocked his hips into Evy, long hair falling into his face. He made no move to fix it, choosing instead to thread a hand into Evy’s hair. 
“Don’t cover your face,” Rick said, “I want to see you. All of you.” 
Evy arched her back and glanced over at her husband. “Greedy. You’ll get your turn.” 
“And then I’ll take care of both of you.” Ardeth sat up, and, because Rick asked, tied his hair into a loose ponytail. “Better?” 
With a shit-eating grin, Rick relaxed back into his seat and stroked himself. “Much.” 
“Boys,” Evy drawled, “focus. Sex now, talking later.” 
Rick chuckled. “You heard the lady.” 
Ardeth couldn’t deny Evy or Rick anything. To have them both here was a gift, and he didn’t intend to waste it. Tonight was just the beginning. 
21 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
Ardeth and the flower crown!
Somewhere in tumblr land there was fanart of Ardeth in a flower crown and he looked so happy and I went to write a little piece and now I can't remember how I planned to finish it ._.
I do have a snippet!
Ardeth squinted against the midday sun, eyes ever scanning the open air market. Years spent on patrol left him on edge, always waiting for an unseen enemy to make an appearance, even when all should be well. 
Ahead of him, Evy skipped from stall to stall, talking to each shopkeep as if they were old friends and asking about their wares. Her Egyptian was flawless, but her smile won everyone over. A basket draped over her arm, already filled with goodies from the market. Luckily Ardeth had made sure the horses’ saddlebags had enough room for everything Evy wanted to bring back to camp. 
Likewise, they’d lost Rick at the weapons dealer at the opposite end of the market. Ardeth glanced over his shoulder at the broad-shouldered man, talking animatedly with the dealer and testing out blades. Rick, too, would be laded with goodies of the sharpest kind. 
Ardeth remained between them, a watchful eye on both parties. He had no need for anything here at the market. Everything he wanted was already within his grasp. The two people who held his heart, happy, enjoying themselves, allowing Ardeth to remain by their side. 
“Ardeth!” Evy flagged him down with a jump and a wave of her hand. “Over here!” 
27 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
Fic: Welcome Home (The Mummy)
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Title: Welcome Home
Fandoms: The Mummy
Characters: Evy Carnahan O'Connell, Rick O'Connell, Alex O'Connell
Pairing: Evy Carnahan O'Connell/Rick O'Connell
Rating: Gen
AO3 Tags: Parenting, Character Study
Summary: Rick meets baby Alex for the first time.
Notes: Based on this fanart from @the-french-belphegor​ on Tumblr, of Rick cuddling with Alex. I meant to clean this up and post it months ago, but life be like that sometimes. I hope you enjoy!
He thought he’d known fear. Those memories paled in comparison to the moment when the nurse laid the tiny baby into his arms. His son, his and Evy’s.
Read more at AO3!
28 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
Fairytale AU+Bed Sharing for Ardeth/Rick/Evy
*steeples fingers*
Evy is the princess who, of course, wanted to seek out adventure rather than stay in her ivory tower. Books are great, but there's more to the world than she can read.
Ardeth is her guard, appointed by her father, who has sworn to protect her with his life. Rick is the drifter they pick up along the way - Evy has taking a liking to him, of course, and like everyone Evy meets, she sweeps him up into their new adventure.
Of course, eventually, they need a place to stay. There's only one room at the inn. Rick doesn't know Evy is a princess. Ardeth is far too aware of it. Neither man is willing to take the one bed away from her. Her solution is to drag them both into said bed with her.
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30 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
35. filthy
(( Here you go, @ricochetoconnell! Hope you enjoy! ))
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Dust and dirt were a constant reality in the desert. No matter how many times Rick wiped at his face or dabbed his brow, the gritty feeling remained. What he wouldn’t give for a hot shower or a cold glass of water to ebb the scorching heat.
But there was one upside to working on a dig with his new wife: Evy, too, carried her fair share of grime. Sand flew out of her hair when she shook out her ponytail. She touched her forehead and a streak of dirt remained. Filth lodged under her fingernails.
Evy’s bright smile remained. She made every moment worth it — especially when Rick thought he wouldn’t have anything else worth living for. Even now, when she bounced over to him, wrapped a sweaty arm around his shoulders, and pulled his head into a kiss.
Rick grinned against her. “Done for today?”
“The workers say it’s time. I want to keep going, but…” Her voice trailed off, and she shrugged. “It’ll be dark soon.”
“We’ll return to it in the morning.” Rick cupped her cheek. “You’re filthy, you know.”
She poked his stomach. “You know what they say about being filthy, don’t you?”
He raised an eyebrow.
“That getting clean is the best part.” She tugged on his hand. “Are you coming, Mr. O’Connell?”
God, he hoped he would be soon. “Of course, Mrs. O’Connell.”
44 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
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iliumheightnights · 4 years
Bird Set Free | Ben Florian x Male Reader
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Fandom: Descendants Pairing: Ben Florian x Male Reader Summary: A jealous Audrey comes after Ben’s boyfriend.
A/N: Another co write with my amazingly talented friend @inhumanshadows​. If you haven’t checked them out what are you waiting for!? …
Ben had caught your eye the moment you stepped out of the limbo from the isle.
You were one of the first vk's to arrive in Auradon.
At the time Ben was dating Audrey so you didn't think you had any chance.
That changed after the big turney game when he asked you privately if you wanted to go on a date with him.
That shocked you first off because he was a prince/future king and you were a villain kid.
Secondly you were a guy. You hadn't expected Ben to be into guys.
You said yes of course. Who wouldn't want to go on a date with Ben.
The date went great and you enjoyed it.
During the whole coronation debacle, you helped Mal and them stop Maleficent.
Once everyone was unfrozen, Ben pulled you into a kiss in front of everyone.
That was a surprise to everyone, but who was going to challenge the king and his boyfriend who just stopped maleficent? No one that's who.
While Adam was shocked he wasn't disappointed and Belle was really supportive of you two.
Ben's parents were your biggest supporters. "Love is love."
While the kingdom had accepted you two relatively easy, one person did not. Audrey.
You had a feeling Audrey wouldn’t like it. 
But you figured she wouldn’t be too mad for long.
At least that’s how it seemed. Especially when she left school for a little “wellness retreat.”
Then the mess with Uma happened. 
You knew she spelled Ben and that any actions he made weren’t consciously his own.
The entire cotillion was...intense.
You didn't let Uma use Ben any more than she had.
You quickly pulled Ben in for a kiss and pressed your lips to his.
There was a spark and energy there that you felt every time you kissed.
Pulling back, Ben smiled at you and you could tell it had worked. He wasn't spelled anymore.
Uma and Mal then got into a fight over her spell book.
After everything settled down the two of you enjoyed the rest of your night.
However there was still a part of you that was hurt seeing Ben with someone else even if it wasn't his doing.
Luckily, Ben quickly made sure that YOU were the one for him.
That led to him proposing to you with a promise ring a week later.
You said yes to that right away. No way were you letting that pass by you.
Of course, Audrey wasn't happy with that. But who cares, what could she do?
-You didn’t care. You were engaged and had much more pressing matters to attend to.
-Now the whole kingdom was just in your face about really anything and everything.
“when’s the wedding?!”
“How are you adjusting to life as the prince’s boyfriend??”
It was that constantly and it gets old quickly.
So you just focused on Ben and your friends. 
Evie insisted on designing yours and Ben’s wedding outfits. 
“I mean I won’t tell you no Evie.”
You had to remind everyone that it was only a promise ring and not an actual engagement ring. No one seemed to care.
Honestly with you two, it really was more of an engagement ring.
But that was for another day. Today was Jane's birthday.
Ben had some last minute work to finish so you went ahead of him.
"(M/N)! It's good to see you."
"Ben's on his way. He just had to finish something first. He's sorry for being late."
She waved you off. "No worries."
Then someone you hadn't expected showed up.
She was dressed differently and had maleficent staff.
That wasn't good.
Audrey laid her eyes on you and a wicked smile came over her face.
That REALLY wasn't good.
"Jane, go. Run!"
Jane nods and hightails it out of there.
Audrey starts to sing “Happy birthday” as waves of green smoke wash over the party area, all the guests falling into a cursed sleep.
You brace for an inevitable sleep... but it never comes.
Audrey stands before you, smile on her face.
“A sleeping curse is too good and too easy for you. I have other plans.”
She bangs the bottom of the staff on the ground and you’re surrounded by smoke.
Magic flows over you and when it clears... everything is bigger.
“Well aren’t you a pretty bird...” Audrey says before vanishing. 
You run to the edge of the lake and see that she turned you into a raven.
A raven. Of course she turned you into a raven, just like diaval.
Your first instinct is to panic. You're currently a bird when just five seconds ago you were human.
After calming down a bit you realize the next best thing to do is go after Ben.
Ben! If this is what Audrey did to you what would she have done to Ben!?
Without another thought you flap your new wings and try your best to fly.
It's not pretty at first but you figure it out and soon are flying to your future husband.
When you do reach Ben...it's not fun.
Audrey had changed him as well, but instead of a bird he was a beast. Just like his dad.
When you tried talking with him you hoped he would be like how his dad was as a beast...or at least as you had been told.
You figured you'd get to talk with him and figure out a way to stop Audrey.
Ben tried to eat you.
Apparently Audrey's curse made Ben an actual full beast and not just looking like one.
There was only one thing left to do...find help!
Finding help wasn't easy. Everyone was either asleep or turned to stone!
Fairy godmother? Stone. Belle and Adam? Asleep.
Luckily you found Mal and them, along with Uma, Gil and Harry.
Unluckily, they just thought you were a raven.
Harry kept shooing you and threatening to hit you with the hook.
Gil wanted to pet you. So that wasn’t too bad.
And the others either thought you were gross or just a dumb bird. 
Gil proves to have the braincell for the group when he suggested giving whatever made Dude the dog talk to you.
Mal did it to “make the conversation change”
"Finally! I've been trying to get your attention forever!"
They all go wide eyed when you're voice comes out of the bird.
 "Yes it's me. (M/N). Audrey turned me into a raven and I went to find Ben but she changed him into a beast! You gotta help me save Ben!"
 Of course, even though you were a bird, Ben is a king, your boyfriend and a beast right now. You were helping him first.
 "Oh and Gil...can you scratch my head again?"
What? It felt good.
 Then Jay, Harry, Gil and Carlos went with you to find your boyfriend.
You guys find beast ben and slowly try to get his attention.
He turns and stalks towards you all.
He looks as if he’s about to pounce when Jane pops out of the trees and sprays him with water.
Ben roars and stumbles back rubbing his face. He drops his hands and looks relatively normal.
“What did you hit him with, Jane?” Jay asks.
“Enchanted lake water. Breaks most enchantments. Figured it couldn't hurt.”
 You let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding.
 "Oh thank gods. I was so worried babe."
 Ben froze in place as he saw you talking.
You flew over and landed on his shoulder.
"Hey Ben. Audrey got to me first. Thanks for not eating me earlier."
 Ben would then pet you.
 "I'm glad I didn't. That would be awkward...now how do we change you back? Jane?"
 "I kind of used the last of the water."
You look Ben up and down and he smiles at you.
“Gotta say Ben, I like the fangs and beard. Could be cleaner but...”
“Oh really?” Ben asks.
That when Harry whistles. “Sorry to break up that tender moment... but we have an angry Audrey to pursue...”
"Right! We'll have to figure something out later. I promise! I'll make sure to get you back" Ben said.
You knew he would. Ben always did.
 Returning to Evie's cottage, Uma seemed to be leaving in a mood.
Doug who had been asleep was now awake.
"Wait? How is he awake?"
"True love’s kiss."
You looked at Ben who looked back at you.
 "Why didn't we think of that?!" you said.
Ben rubbed the back of his head with a nervous look.
“it’s alright. Lots happening. We’ll try later. First we deal with Audrey!”
Cue Audrey sealing you all in the cottage. 
Then mal and Uma break you guys out with some awesome cooperative magic.
You: “Aww you guys are friends again!”
Mal: “I’ll pluck your feathers...”
“Alright! Geez...”
Then everything with Mal came out.
 It made your heart break. Ben,Your boyfriend, your future husband, made a decision with Mal to not bring over any more VK's.
You couldn't believe it. You didn't want to accept it.
"So...you didn't even want to talk to me about this?" You said to him.
"I'm a VK Ben! You're wanting to stop any one else from getting the chance that I did? That's so wrong!"
 Now you really wish you had gotten that kiss earlier...cause this love didn't feel true anymore.
 Uma, Harry and Gil left...and so did you.
"I need to think."
"(M/N) wait!"
Did you leave on Gil’s shoulder, slumped against him? Yes yes you did.
It was all very confusing and pretty shocking.
While you understood where they were coming from... it... it just hurt. 
You all were back at the cottage, checking up on Dizzy and the twins. 
You were glad they weren’t awake to hear about all that. They had enough on their plates.
“So what do we do now?” You ask, walking on a table, everyone seated around it. 
Uma: “Nothing. Let Mal and Ben figure it out... they don’t deserve our help after that stunt.”
"I can't just sit by Uma. I'm mad...but not let Audrey go kind of mad. If anything I want just a bit of revenge."
Uma smirked at that.
"Good to know there's still a VK in there."
You extended your wings and fake bowed.
Eventually you all began heading back to the isle before Mal stopped you begging you all to help her.
"They were turned to stone. (M/N),Ben was turned to stone."
It didn't matter how hurt you were, you still loved Ben.
Without hesitation you hopped off Gil's shoulder and began flying back.
Arriving back at the cottage you saw them, Evie, Dude,Carlos, Jay and Ben...all statues.
You landed on Ben's out stretched stone arm.
"Oh Ben...What do I do?"
You sat there perched on Ben's arm, looking at his frozen face.
You regretted that the last thing you two did was fight.
Hopefully this would be fixed soon and you can apologize.
As if your wishes were answered. Ben and the rest were unfrozen and the people began waking up.
"Ben! Oh gods you're back! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry about how I left."
"(M/N). No I'm sorry. I should have asked you. I'm sorry I didn't."
With that Ben lifted his arm with you on it up and kissed your head.
In an instant you felt yourself changing and growing and soon you were back to being human.
You smiled and pulled Ben into a tight up.
"Forget waiting. Ben, I have no idea what's going to happen but I know I want to be with you. Let's get married."
He didn't disagree and your promise ring was now that engagement ring.
After making sure everyone was alright after everything that transpired you, Ben and Mal got to talking and came to a unanimous decision.
You all agreed it was time to take the barrier down and stop making the children of villains pay for their parents misdeeds.
You worked with the other VKs to make the process as fair and efficient as possible.
Ben pulled you away for a minute to hug you. 
“I know we’re still working on the rest of the VKs but I was thinking we could meet with Evie to talk about wedding stuff?”
“of course... we have a lot to plan... together.”
Evie was excited when you told her.
Ben and you also enjoyed the planning, especially the cake.
Your wedding was going to be amazing.
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punkrockmads · 3 years
Found Family
Abby x F! Reader Mini Series
Song used: The Mother by Brandi Carlile
*...*= Evangeline's Age
Chapter Ten; The Mothers
"Abby." I hear someone mumble. I groan, hiding my face in my pillow. "Abby." The voice calls again. As soon as I realize it's Y/N, I look up, blinking the sleep from my eyes.
"Yeah?" I yawn, seeing her holding Evangeline. Evangeline clings to her finger, resting peacefully in her arms.
"Watch." Y/N says. She sits beside me on the bed, a mischievous smile on her face. She takes her finger out of Evangeline's hand and Evangeline immediately starts crying. Y/N lets Evangeline take her finger again and she calms down instantly. I chuckle, watching as Y/N takes her finger away and gives it back once more. "She likes my fingers just as much as her Momma." Y/N snorts.
"Jesus christ." I scoff, laughing. "That's awful."
"You love me." Y/N grins. I sit up, shuffling over to sit behind her. I pull her body against mine, my legs resting on either side of her as I wrap my arms around her torso.
"I do." I mumble, kissing her neck. She sighs as my lips brush against that one special spot. "How long has it been since we-"
"Too long." Y/N cuts me off with a chuckle. "I'm touch-starved."
"Aww, my poor baby." I hum, kissing behind her ear. "I bet you're missing my fingers just as much as I miss yours, huh?" Y/N tenses, nudging me away with her elbow. "You miss the way I make you moan?"
"Little ears listening, Momma." Y/N warns with a smile. I feel a very familiar warmth in my gut at the sound of her calling me 'Momma'. I'll have to tuck that away for the next time we get the chance to pleasure each other. "Finally, she's asleep." Y/N sighs, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Can you take her so I can make lunch please?"
"Yeah, of course!" I nod, taking Evangeline in my arms. As soon as Y/N pulls her finger out of Evangeline's grasp, I quickly replace it with mine, feeling Evangeline latch on. Her tiny fist can just barely fit around my finger. I feel so much pride as I look at her. She looks so much like Y/N. I didn't think I'd ever feel a love like this, but... thanks to Y/N and Evangeline, Lev and I have an even bigger family, one full of love. "My little Evie." I whisper, kissing my baby's forehead. She scrunches up her nose and sticks her tongue out before relaxing again, sleeping peacefully in my arms. She's so little. So so tiny. "Wait..." I pause. "Lunch? How long did I sleep?"
"It's noon, honey." Y/N chuckles, kissing my cheek as she gets up. I follow her out of the room.
"Why didn't you wake me?" I ask, wondering how much she had to do on her own while I was asleep.
"You were exhausted." Y/N says. She stops in front of me once we get downstairs. "It's okay. I wanted you to sleep in for once." She smiles.
"Thank you, sweet girl." I sigh, kissing the top of her head.
"You can thank me by changing Evie's diaper." Y/N says with a laugh.
"Fiiiine." I groan. "You're lucky I love you."
"I am very lucky." Y/N says, walking into the kitchen. "And I love you too!" She calls as I walk into the living room. I look around for Evangeline's little backpack. Kayla found a really cute Hello Kitty kids' backpack and Y/N stuffed it with things like diapers, bottles, pacifiers, anything Evangeline might need that we can grab quickly.
"Hey, babe!" I wipe a bit of drool off of Evangeline's lip with my pinky as she stares up at me with big sparkly eyes. "Where's Evie's backpack?"
"Um..." Y/N pauses, the sound of clinking plates coming from the kitchen. "It's by the TV stand!" I spot it almost immediately, picking it up and carrying it and Evangeline over to the couch.
"Got it!" I let her know. I lay a baby blanket on the couch, setting Evangeline down carefully. She begins to whimper. "Shh. It's okay, honey." Evangeline starts sniffling, I can tell she's about to cry. "Oh, I know, baby. You just wanna be held, huh?" Evangeline kicks her feet, starting to get fussy. "Momma's gonna hold you in just a bit, baby." After five minutes of trying to wrestle a diaper onto my squirming bean child, I finally get her changed. As I go to set Evangeline's bag back by the TV stand, I trip on the foot of the coffee table, landing on the floor with a loud thud and prompting Evangeline to start wailing at the scary sound. I hear glass shatter as Y/N runs into the living room.
"Abby?!" She looks panicked, quickly picking up Evangeline and kneeling by my side as I sit up. "Holy shit, are you okay?" Evangeline continues to cry in Y/N's arms.
"Yeah." I groan. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just tripped." Y/N puts a hand on my shoulder, rocking Evangeline.
"Jesus." Y/N sighs, hiding an amused grin. Despite her efforts, she can't hold back a laugh. I smile, starting to laugh with her. "I dropped a fucking plate." We laugh harder at our clumsiness. "Oh, my little Evie." Y/N kisses her cheek, trying to get her to stop crying. She just cries louder, starting to make a little pouty face.
"I think it's this goober's lunch time, too." I chuckle. Y/N nods, fixing Evangeline's flower patterned jumper. "Want me to bring you something to eat?"
"Please." Y/N nods, already unclipping her bra underneath her shirt. "Everything's already made. And can you-" She pauses as I help her take her left arm out of her sleeve, maneuvering Evangeline so she can eat. "That. Thank you." She chuckles.
"Hey." I mumble, making her look up at me. "You're incredible." I smile. Y/N rolls her eyes, grabbing the collar of my shirt and pulling me into a kiss. I can't help but let out a low growl from deep in my throat, making her smile into the kiss, her teeth meeting mine. She pulls away, leaving me breathless as she stares at me with a knowing smile. The things she does to me. "Oh." I grab the pillow from the wooden chair in the corner, leaning it against the arm of the couch. "Here. This should be more comfy for you." I say, helping her reposition herself so her legs lay flat across the couch and her back rests against the pillow.
"God, I love you." Y/N sighs as I kiss the side of her neck. Her stomach grumbles, making me smile against her skin.
"Your affection will have to wait." I chuckle, putting a hand on Evangeline's back. "Mommy's gotta eat too." I tell her. Y/N hums, no doubt thinking the same thing I did earlier. I squeeze Y/N's shoulder before heading into the kitchen to finish preparing lunch. As I scoop fruit salad into bowls, I hear Y/N start singing to Evangeline. I pause, letting myself listen to my wife's beautiful voice.
'Welcome to the end of being
Alone inside your mind
You're tethered to another
And you're worried all the time
You always knew the melody
But you never heard it rhyme
She's fair and she is quiet, Lord
She doesn't look like me'
I smile a bit at the irony of that line. Evangeline looks so much like Y/N already.
'She made me love the morning
She's a holiday at sea
The New York streets are as busy
As they always used to be
But I am the mother of Evangeline'
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hellsfanatic · 3 years
no title
pairing: cherry valance and sylvia
warnings: none
words: 1,001
“C’mon Cherry,” Marcia dragged out her words, tugging on Cherry’s arms to get her to speed up. It wasn’t like her to act like this--especially out in public. It was for some ‘surprise’ their friends had set up for her birthday. Cherry wasn’t against the idea, but she wasn’t very excited either. To be honest, she expected to just have Marcia over for a couple hours and then celebrate with her family. A nice relaxed birthday sounded great. Not that’d she’d be getting that with Marcia and whatever other girls they brought.
The time was nearing five in the afternoon, leaving a couple hours of daylight left for them to be out and about. “Y’know you never told me why we’re so excited for this, Marica,” Cherry commented, cocking her eyebrow at her friend.
“We just are, don’t question it, kk?” Marcia gave her a sweet smile after her rather empty answer. The little spark in her ‘kk’ was enough for Cherry to believe there wasn’t anything bad about her little idea. She wasn’t necessarily questioning her friend, it’s just that everything was so out of the blue. She didn’t even know there was a plan before that morning. Guess that’s why they had labeled it a ‘surprise’ but it was still odd that they told her before she got there.
They were getting farther into the quiet part of town, just some houses that for the most part kept their occupants to themselves. It seemed like it was probably just some of the old people that lived here, at least on this street. Nobody their age would ignore the chance to get out with their friends and party. “Marcia you gotta tell me what we’re doing, I’m not gonna keep blindly following you if you’re taking me some place weird,” Cherry pressed, slowing her pace to an ultimate stop.
“Cherry! I’m not gonna take you anywhere weird! Swear it!” Marcia whined, pulling on Cherry’s hand. “It’s not even that far and you know there’s no trouble here. You’ll be fine. Plus they’re all gonna get mad at me if I wreck the surprise and tell you, you don’t want them to get mad at your very best friend, right?” she said, aiming a little pout towards her.
“Fine. How much farther, very best friend?” Cherry teased. “If it’s out of town I’m going home, got that?”
“Yeah yeah, I got it. We’re almost there, get some patience girly.” They began walking again, but only for a couple minutes. Marcia stopped her in front of one of the houses that had their lights on, beginning to tug her into the yard. “Wait here, I gotta go check if they’re ready. Y’know, all in place and all that jazz,” Marcia’s words were quick as she let go of Cherry and snuck inside.
Evie greeted her when she made it to the living room with a, “Hey, you got Cherry right?”
“Yeah, just outside so I can’t wait too long in here. Where’s Sylvia?” Marcia asked, propping some things up around the room and generally fixing things up that didn’t need fixing.
The door from Sylvia’s bedroom opened up. “Right here. You tell Cherry anything yet? Or is she really in the dark?” Sylvia asked, smoothing out her clothes.
“In the dark. She knows it’s a surprise but that’s it. That’s what you guys told me to do. She’s pretty impatient with it though, I don’t think she’s a big fan of surprises,” Marcia answered quickly, heading towards the door. “We’re ready enough. I’m letting her in, okay?”
The other two girls moved, Evie sitting down in the living room and Sylvia leaning on a wall by the entrance to the kitchen. Marcia ran down the sidewalk to Cherry, who had been waiting quietly the whole time. “C’mon, they’re all set up,” she flashed a smile, grabbing Cherry’s hand and dragging her in.
Upon entering the house, Cherry was greeted by Sylvia all dressed up with her hair falling on the straps of a silver dress that laid on her shoulders. “Hey,” Sylvia greeted, giving a small wave and a smile to Cherry.
“Hi,” Cherry smiled back. “What’s got you all dressed up Sylv?”
Sylvia linked her fingertips with Cherry’s, beginning to bring her to the table in her dining room. The room was decorated lightly, just to give a nice idea of romance without outright setting it up. “I thought it would match the room, right?” Sylvia answered, her nervousness becoming evident in her small bite on the inside of her lip.
“Oh, yeah, I guess so. The room looks real nice—and so do you, I’m not trying to take the attention off of you or anything! You look real nice- or, pretty too,” Cherry stumbled a bit, cringing at her own failed attempts. “What’s it and uh, you, done up for though?”
“Your birthday? What else?” Sylvia let out a small laugh.
Cherry smiled. “Nothing else, I just didn’t expect it y’know? I didn’t expect anything really. But thank you, it’s nice, really.”
Sylvia only nodded to her thanks. “Sit down okay? I’ll be right back, it’ll just take a second,” she told Cherry, already backing out of the room towards her bedroom. Just when she finished talking, she was gone, but she was right. She was back in just a few seconds holding a small wrapped box. “I got you a present. The other girls pitched in a little too, I couldn’t have gotten it in time without them.”
She handed the box over, trying to keep her nerves down. They weren’t as bad as she expected, maybe it’s because Cherry didn’t seem to mind being there. Cherry slid her nail through the paper in a spot where the box wouldn’t stop it. A jewelry box was uncovered. She opened it, glancing up at Sylvia before she saw the gift. The box held a nice silver necklace.
She looked back up to Sylvia. “Thank you.”
“Of course Cher, happy birthday.”
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pinkja · 4 years
Strange Kids, Those Frye Twins
In which Ethan Frye notices the oddly weird behavior of his children that indicates a much deeper level of sentience than anyone could’ve thought they had.
Ethan Frye didn’t know when he started noticing it, the strange… patterns he sees in his children. He could’ve chalked it up to his absence for the first six years of their lives, something that could’ve existed long before he entered their lives and would exist long after.
He would’ve chalked it up to that if it weren’t the general uneasiness their behavior caused in him. The queasiness he felt in one look that lingered on for a second too long, the too quiet steps that one would attribute to a Master Assassin, not two six, seven come November, year old kids who haven’t even started training, or the slight tilt of their heads when they thought they were alone, even for the briefest moments, before they caught wind of some else’s presence and just started… staring at whomever dared to interrupt their… whatever.
And at first Ethan brushed that story off, dismissing the cautiousness of the maids and servants as mere stories. That was until he experienced it himself one September morning, the third of September, he remembers. It was almost midnight, he was exhausted, and he had been working so hard that day that he didn’t even have time to wish his children goodnight. Not like he usually did, but it was nice to put in the effort sometimes. He was on his way to his own bedroom, footsteps quiet due to years of training, and passed the twins bedroom.
The door was open, an unusual sight to Ethan. He paused before passing the door, masked his presence by hiding in the shadows, and utilized his Second Sight, only to see two small figures of… of… Ethan didn’t know how to describe it, but his head was hurting the more he looked, and the warmth in his chest clued him in to the fact that those were his children. With his Second Sight, he could see that they were sitting on their beds, Evie on the left side of the room, and Jacob on the right. Their heads were tilted, and one leg dangled off the bed, swinging side to side in a hypnotic motion. They were a mirror image of each other. Mid swing they paused the movement of their leg, almost as if they were frozen in time, and in the blink of an eye, their heads were turned to Ethan’s direction, as if they were staring right at him through the wall.
Something told him to stay there, to not make himself known and wait until their attention was somewhere else, but that queasy feeling came back again and he knew it wouldn’t go away until the twins weren’t staring at him through the wall. So he deactivated his Second Sight, and took a few loud steps until he was in front of their strangely opened door, in their line of sight.
They were still staring at him, six-year-old eyes wide like saucers, and almost shining in the completely dark room. Ethan looked around, trying to understand what the hell his kids were doing. The window was closed, and thick curtains had been placed in front of it, allowing nothing but darkness to be in the room. They didn’t even light a lamp, which made sense since they were supposed to be sleeping, but it didn’t feel… right to say that was the reason. It wasn’t true.
Once his inspection of the room was over, he met the eyes of his children once again, and he swore they hadn’t blinked this entire time, eyes both watery and shining like a child, but dry from not functioning properly. Ethan wondered how that could be as he tried to figure out something to say now that he held their gazes, or gaze. He often thought they shared one eye, one touch, one mind, and soul, and that theory only seemed to be proven correct in the years to come.
“I thought you two would be asleep by now.” He scolded himself for letting that be the best thing he could have come up with in that moment.
Jacob, always the aloof one, well towards Ethan at least, didn’t respond. The twins both blinked, finally, in unison, before Evie responded, for the both of them, Ethan assumed. “We do not need to. Goodnight.” They continued to stare at him as he stood there for a few more seconds, until he gave a curt nod, voice caught in his throat at the abrupt farewell, and moved past the door, not even bothering to remember about the open door until he heard the pitter-patter of a child’s footsteps, purposely loud, that he knows, and the click of the door as it shut.
That night, Ethan wondered if they had left the door open on purpose or not. Was he meant to see that, or did he intrude on something meant for someone, or something, else? Each answer made him uneasy again, and he knew that his children wouldn’t stop making him feel that way.
His children, he didn’t know just why yet, but his children were indescribable. He didn’t know what the reason was for their behavior or what actions they were going to take because of it. And no matter what excuse he brings up, whether it be due to their grandmother’s influence, some strange drink or food, or whatever, it never seems to fit. It never seems to describe what was the root of this… he didn’t want to call it an issue, but it was definitely a mystery. One that Ethan doesn’t believe that he will be able to solve in his lifetime.
The queasy feeling comes back to him that night at dinner. He is the first one at the dinner table, a strange occurance, as the twins’ grandmother always told him of how they would rush to the table at dinner time, the appetite of toddlers insatiable. But he waits for his children, watching the entryways to the dining room to greet them. It hasn’t fully settle in, that queasy feeling, not until he looks away from the entryway and sees Evie and Jacob sitting in their respective chairs across from him. Evie on the left, and Jacob on the right.
They’re a bit taller now, Ethan denotes, when he figures out that they aren’t using a book to make them taller. Of course he realizes this before the shock of their sudden appearance can settle in fully. Once it does, the queasy feeling comes back in droves. He didn’t hear them walk in, let alone see them. Sure, there were other entries, but those were only known to Ethan and his allies in the Brotherhood, used for late night meetings and exchange of information that can’t be disclosed anywhere else. Ethan doubts that they know of those, but couldn’t, nor wouldn’t, put it past them. He also couldn’t excuse the possibility that they just… appeared, no matter how absurd he thought the explanation was. He kids were absurd, yeah, that’s the word! His kids were absurd.
Evie places her hands upon her lap, while Jacob places his on each side of the small plate in front of him. Jacob’s hands are wet and red, as if he ran them under hot water, and he’s slightly hunched over, staring at his empty plate with no emotion in those hazel eyes. Evie sits quietly, spine straight and fiddling with the white ribbon in her braided hair with her left hand, also wet, and also red.
“I’m surprised you two are late. You’re usually the first ones to be at the dinner table, according to your grandmother.” He can see the frown form on the twins’ faces, or face, they are alike in so many aspects, at the mention of their grandmother. It is a quick change from their blank stare just a second before. Ethan’s hand reaches for the bell to signal the servants to bring out the food. He is aware of the gaze on his hand, not red and wet like his children, and Ethan should probably ask about that before they started eating. “Did you two just finish washing up?” He asks, gesturing to their hands as he watches the servants bring in plates of dinner in a straight line. When he turns back to his children, they’re both staring intensely at him, head tilted just a bit, just for a second, before straightening out. Ethan tries not to startle at it, and coughs to keep his composure. They both nod, once, in response to him as the plates of food clatter in contact with the table, and the servants bow before leaving.
He can vaguely hear the servants’ whispers of a couple of children gone missing around town earlier. He should probably set an earlier curfew for his children.
He tries to spark up a conversation with the twins to distract him from that.
“So, what have you two been up to today?” He asks as he watches the two fix their plates with their red and wet hands, listening to the clinks of utensils as they grab their fill. Once they were done, Jacob and Evie switch plates, a strange ritual that Ethan has yet to figure out, but doesn’t want to interrupt, so he waits until they are done to grab food for himself.
Evie shoves food in her mouth before she can answer, and it is Jacob who speaks to him this time. “We played,” is his answer, and Ethan tries not to let the shock and unease show. It isn’t Jacob’s response that shocks him, but the fact that he spoke to him instead of Evie. He and Jacob had never truly gotten off on the right foot, the boy suspicious of him ever since his return from India. Ethan understands, of course. Understands that all he knew was his sister and grandmother, and never him, but even Evie was more open to Ethan than he. Evie spoke to him, Evie returned his hugs and signs of affection, Evie was a daughter. Jacob was not a son, or at least not yet. Ethan’s sure that it would resolve itself soon, he hopes.
And Ethan knows he shouldn’t be thinking these thoughts, knows that some part of Jacob, and therefore some part of Evie, feels the distance between them. The rift that exists due to years of absence. But he was trying to make it better, couldn’t he, and therefore they, recognize that?
Ethan moved to put food, pork, on his plate, grabbing greens as well, just to set a good example for his children.
“You shouldn’t be out all day,” Ethan starts, as he watches Jacob pick at the food on his plate. Did he not want to eat? Even after Evie had picked out what she knew he wanted? Strange. “You two aren’t able to defend yourselves properly, and there are a lot of strange people out there that could hurt you.” Evie blinks, swallowing her food before looking at Jacob, then down at his plate of food. Jacob was eating now, fingers tapping on the table.
“We are fine.” Jacob says once more, before the two eat in silence. Ethan decides to join them.
His eyes rake over his children, at Jacob’s chubby cheeks, his hair shiny, like his mother, and the way he twirls his fork around in between bites of food. He looks at Evie, who has been silent this whole dinner, who looks at Jacob out of the corner of her eyes, the ones that they share. The ones that sees everything Jacob sees, and observes him as if she’s waiting for something to happen. Her dress today is pink, a color he doesn’t see her wear often, and in her shiny hair is a white ribbon that Ethan doesn’t remember her wearing earlier. Although now that he’s thinking about it, did Evie change clothes throughout the day? Did Jacob? He doesn’t remember what they were wearing this morning, but it couldn’t have been black slacks and a blue shirt, in the case of Jacob, or the pink dress that Evie wears, could it? As he tries to think back to this morning, think back to his children, he realizes his memory is a bit fuzzy. He can’t visualize them clearly, can’t visualize the clothes they’re wearing, the expressions on their face, the words they spoke.
Was he just not paying attention? Was he just an awful father for not noticing?
Ethan focuses on his children once again. Playing, Jacob had said, but there were no signs of it on their figures. No dirt on Jacob’s clothes, no sweat on Evie’s brow, no harsh breathing from hours of playing. They’re cheeks are unusually flushed, but not from running, just from being extremely healthy. Now, Ethan could chalk it up to them just washing up before dinner, like they said they did, but he knew that it was a lie, that they didn’t do any of that.
What the hell did his children get up to today?
It was mid afternoon, The Twins could guess. Father is the one who kept the time, and Father is out doing god knows what. The Twins are in some field, one they’ve visited many times before, with lots of flowers and a stream not that far off. Evie, a Twin, sat down in the tall grass, dull brown hair flowing over her shoulders, touching a dress that had no color. In her lap sat a book, one she had read so long ago, and many Times before. Her skin was paler than normal, eyes less shiny than they should have been. Her eyes flickers over to her Twin, Jacob, who was near the stream, running back and forth as a crow rested on his thin, raised wrist. He wore pants and a button shirt that had no color, bare feet barely touching the grass as he ran. Dull brown hair flew over his unlit eyes, barely breaking a sweat as he hops into the air. The bird stayed perched, but gave its black wings a flap. Jacob settles down, catching Evie’s gaze and walking towards her. Evie closes her book, setting it down beside her, to her left, always to her left. Jacob, a Twin, her Twin, sits to her right, keeping his left arm raised so Evie can see the crow, a rook, clearly. Its black eyes stared at Evie, head cocked to the side, and Evie did the same.
Once their inspection of each other ended, Evie nods, looking at Jacob, who gives Evie a wide smile at her approval. Evie speaks, voice far beyond her years, petting the crow’s head with her finger. “A crow, this Time?”
Jacob nodded, rubbing under the bird’s beak. “Yup! This little bugger’s gonna be my Bird!” Evie nodded, moving her dull hair out of her face. “We need a name for him!” Jacob declared, looking around to spot something to give him a clue.
The Twins pause, blinking once, twice, before craning their heads near the trees that block the field off from the rest of the world. There stood a little girl, older then The Twins’ given age, around thirteen or fourteen years old. She’s wearing a pink dress, and has a white ribbon holding her hair in a braid. Next to her stood a boy, same age as the girl, wearing black dress pants, a blue overcoat, and black boots, strange dress for the slightly warm weather. The two were walking over to The Twins, bending down in front of them with wide smiles.
“Little girls shouldn’t play with animals like that, y’know?” The pink dressed girl says. Her hair doesn’t get in her face like Evie’s did. Evie blinks as she registers she was being talked to, and leans away a bit as she realizes the two strangers are in her space, in Their space. It was Their space. Jacob moves his arm away from the boy as he tried to touch his Bird. The rook gave a small caw of caution. Jacob eyes narrow at the frown on the boy’s face. “Come on, my friend and I have a better things we all can do then sit here in the dirt.” The little girl says, tugging on Evie’s dress without color. A sound of disapproval comes out of Jacob’s mouth, an animalistic sound almost. One look from Evie placated him, as his Twin took her arm back.
“Our friend has a carriage, you know! He said he’s going to let us visit the countryside, and you can come with us if you want.” The boy said as he tried to pet Jacob’s Bird once more. The Bird nipped at his fingers, cawing even louder. Jacob can feel his teeth grind together in annoyance, an emotion he doesn’t feel often in this Time.
The Twins stay silent though, still staring at the strangers with suspicion.
The strangers falter under the stare of The Twins, but didn’t back down. “Come on,” whined the girl, “it’ll be fun! I promise!” She widens her eyes, something that The Twins are sure worked on many others. Not them, however.
The Twins are smart enough to know the strangers are trying to lure them somewhere. For what, The Twins do not care. All they care about is the fact that these strangers are in Their space, Their bubble.
The Twins gave one look to each other. An ask for permission. An understanding reached. A decision made.
In unison, they, The Twins, turned back towards the strangers as the sun seemed to dim, gone so, so fast, leaving the field in a semi state of darkness. In that state of darkness, The Twins eyes glow a color that could not be described, like ancient beings thought to only be seen in the sky. The wind blew, picking up speed slightly, whipping the stranger’s hair and clothes around them as it got darker and darker. The Twins remain unaffected by the change in weather, eyes boring into the souls of the strangers, who were unable to look away from the only source of light in the pitch black of the field.
A caw from the bird, an unseen flap of its wings, and as soon as the change started, it was over.
When the light returned, The Twins were petting the bird, staring at one another as another understanding was reached.
The strangers are gone now, were never there as far as The Twins are concerned.
There is new life in The Twins, that much anyone could tell if they could remember what they looked like before.
Their cheeks are rosier, hair shining in the sunlight, the eyes that they share bright. Evie holds a white ribbon in her hand, holding it out towards Jacob. Jacob nods and sets his Bird down on the ground. He stands up, adjusting his blue shirt and wiping off the dirt from his black pants, before settling behind Evie, his Twin. He grabs the ribbon from her hand and moves her shiny brown hair from hair face, letting it fall behind her. He braids her hair, tying it together with the white ribbon, readjusting the braid until it falls over her left shoulder, settling on her pink dress.
“Colin.” Evie says once Jacob was done, fiddling with her new ribbon. Jacob looks at his Bird, who looks back at The Twins with a tilt of its head. The Twins did the same.
“Yes, Colin.” Jacob says, happy that his Bird has a Given name for this Time. Evie smiles as well, standing up with her Twin. Colin gives another flap of its wings, wanting to fly, and needing permission. Jacob nods, and The Twins watch the bird fly towards the sky, circling over them for protection. They take a few steps over to the river, feet barely touching the ground as they bend down, Evie to the left, Jacob to the right. In unison they submerge their hands in the running water, interrupting the age old flow. They sit like this for a while, watching as the water starts to bubble up, like a pot of water sitting over a fire. They keep their hands there and watch as steam rises from the water, surrounding them and clouding their vision.
A few seconds pass and they remove their hands, now wet and red, from the water. The Twins are clean now. They stand up in unison, wiping the dirt from their knees, and Jacob raises an arm for Colin. The Bird came, sitting on his wrist with a cry.
“No.” Evie says as she goes to pick up her book. Jacob turns to her with a frown. “No.” She repeats, turning to her Twin. “He will not know what to do with Colin.” She states as a fact. It was. Evie gives her brother a sympathetic look. “Colin will still be here, Jacob. We will come back after Father leaves.” The frown never left Jacob’s face, but he knows his Twin is right. With a lift of his arm, Colin is gone, circling the air once more. “He needs Father’s trust.” Evie states another fact as they walk out the field.
“No.” Jacob objects, crossing his arms over his chest.
Evie sighs, taking his hand in hers. A touch that calmed her Twin down. “It doesn’t have to be a full conversation. You know that as well as I. Just establish a connection so Colin doesn’t see him as a threat.” She gave his fingers a squeeze, and Jacob lets out a huff.
“Fine. I draw the line at 3 sentences, though.”
“Deal.” She says, connecting their foreheads for a brief moment.
The Twins walked back to their home hand-in-hand, with a cry of Jacob’s Bird loud overhead.
As they prepare for bed that night, The Twins stand at the foot of their beds, staring at the opened door in anticipation. They can sense Father’s presence before they hear his footsteps, purposely loud this time. The Twins tilt their heads towards each other for a moment, reaching another understanding before focusing their eyes on Father’s figure.
Ethan didn’t know why his heart was beating so loudly as he walked towards the twin’s room. He tries to keep it in check as he approaches, footsteps loud in order to cover up the banging of his beating heart. Which sound the twins heard first, he is not sure. Once he reaches their door, he gives them a crooked smile, an odd thing to do, but he hopes expressing kindness would placate the… fear? Did he fear his children? God no, of course he didn’t, but it was something akin to that, was it not? The knowledge that his children were something else, something much… older or certainly not human, but at the same time they were. Maybe an ancient subset of human, or maybe something that came before, evolved into the now.
Whatever his children were, whatever they are or have been or will be, Ethan would have to deal with it accordingly, deal with their absurdity in a way that would not have them turn on him once a wrong step was made.
“I just wanted to say goodnight,” he states, fingers drumming on the doorframe, and as he looked at their slightly glowing eyes, he wonders how many times his children have been on this Earth before, how much knowledge they have, how much they experienced. They blink at him, and Ethan feels his uneasiness return.
“Goodnight, Father.” They say in unison, and Ethan is once again shocked at Jacob’s speaking. He watches them climb into bed, laying down on their side and facing one another without blinking. At this point Ethan knows he’s observing something he shouldn’t be, so he closes the door and walks back to his room for the night.
Yeah, he would have to deal with his children accordingly, even if he doesn’t completely understand what the hell they are yet.
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charincharge · 4 years
Cruel Summer, Part 2
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cruel summer masterlist
AN: Thank you all so much for your thoughts and comments. I enjoy them immensely. I thought this was all going to be from Rowan’s POV, but... I was wrong. CW: Drinking, swearing.
The first Monday after Ashryver Playland opens is always Aelin’s favorite day of the summer. It’s a silly tradition her grandparents started, but it’s been a part of her life as long as she can remember. That very first Monday after the park’s first successful week, the Ashryver Galathinius clan opens up their summer home to the Playland’s staff and families for an all day pool party and barbeque.
Summer has always been Aelin’s favorite season. It means spending three months of pure bliss in her summer home, overlooking the waters of Terrasen from her bedroom balcony. And there’s something about Ashryver’s opening week barbeque that always manages to sets the tone for her summer. Summer doesn’t really begin until the barbeque begins. It’s always marks her first something.
When she was eleven, Aelin met her first real best friend, Dorian – one of the board member’s sons. She’d left the party to hide in the music room, trying to teach herself how to play her favorite Death Cab for Cutie song on the large grand piano, when he wandered in, singing on top of her stumbling melody line with a flawless unbroken tenor. He’d flashed her a giant smile and pushed his floppy dark curls out of his face and sat down on the bench next to her. They’d been best friends ever since. And the firsts only continued from there.
As Aelin finishes drawing a perfect cat eye with her liquid eyeliner she wonders what first awaits her this summer.  
“Aelin, ten minutes til guests.” Her mother, Evalin, walks past her open bedroom door and does a double-take. “Wowww, someone looks especially nice today,” her mom says with a playful gleam in her eye. “Might I ask who you’re dressing up for?” she asks, taking in Aelin’s white eyelet sundress and full face of makeup. “Because I know this certainly isn’t for Dorian. Wisely.”
“I heard that,” Dorian says, bounding up the last few steps and onto the second floor landing. He sees Aelin and grins that very same grin he gave her that first day he spotted her a decade ago and takes off running. Aelin squeals as Dorian hugs her from behind and swings her around, lifting her off her feet.
“Dor, put me down, I just finished doing my hair!” Aelin says, shrugging him off, but she returns his smile fondly, even as he flops down onto her perfectly made bed, making himself comfortable and kicking off his flip flops.
“You do look suspiciously nice, Ace. What’s with the dress and the hair? Aren’t you going to swim?” Dorian asks stretching his arms up and placing them under his head.
Aelin ignores him and goes back to finishing her makeup. She uncaps a crimson red lipstick and leans into the mirror to apply it when –
“You know if you’re actually looking to make out with someone tonight then red lips probably isn’t the right choice.”
Aelin slides her eye to the boy on her bed and then straightens up again, putting the red lipstick away. He does have a point. Dorian bolts upright, eyebrows raised.
“We’re making out with someone tonight? Who?” Dorian asks, poking Aelin’s thigh with one of his toes.
Aelin’s cheeks flush as she remembers the name of the staff member she so thoroughly stalked the other night. So thoroughly, in fact, that she’s actually embarrassed about it. But also, who has a public Facebook profile these days? Rowan Whitethorn, that’s who.
When Aelin realized all she had to do was ask her five year old nephew for the name of the man who rescued him, she was easily able to find the man on the RSVP list for the barbeque. And from there, she sat in front of her computer for hours, soaking in every last detail she could find. Grew up in Wendlyn, went to school at Mistward and majored in computer sciences and graduated four years ago. His interests include photography and fitness and baking (what man enjoys baking and posts pictures of it?).
Aelin is extremely curious as to how he ended up working at Playland. A man with that kind of degree doesn’t usually find himself ripping ticket stubs, but she’s not complaining about it. Aelin really enjoys looking at his face. And his arms. And his back. She’s anxious to talk to him today, which is annoying. Aelin is never anxious around men. She’s fun and flirty and confident, but one look at Rowan had her excess nerves dancing in circles and turning her into kind of a bitch. She’s hoping her second impression is a lot better. Hence, the dress. And the makeup.
“We’re making out with no one.” Aelin shoots a warning glance in Dorian’s direction as she puts on a light pink lip stain.
“You and Chaol didn’t get back together, did you?” Dorian asks, and Aelin cringes.
“Of course not.” She turns to Dorian as she puts on the final touch – her favorite gold hoop earrings. “You don’t think your best friend would have told you if we’d gotten back together?”
“I don’t know, that last break up nearly took us all out, so if we could not repeat that, that’d be great.” Dorian stares at her, willing her to fess up, but Aelin refuses to give him anything in return. It’s way too early to tell Dorian anything.
“All right, then,” he drawls in a silly British accent. “Keep your secrets.”
Aelin sticks out her tongue as her mom calls out from downstairs, “Kids! Party guests are here!”
“Twenty-four-years old, and we’re still fucking kids,” Dorian grumbles as the pair make their way down the grand front staircase. Aelin hops up onto the wooden banister and rides it all the way down to the bottom, shouting “Catch me!” to Dorian as he runs and chases her to the foyer.
Evalin scolds them, but there’s no real bite to it.  Aelin fixes her banister-swept hair and makes her way out to the front stairs where she and her parents will greet all the staff members and their families. Her parents are all about making the Playland employees feel welcomed, and they make a point to learn each and every one of their names. Plus, they’re a stickler for etiquette. Aelin can’t remember a time when she wasn’t on the front steps to welcome party guests as they arrived.
“I’ll meet you out back in… an hour-ish?” Aelin tells Dorian. “Steal me a bottle of pink champagne?”
Dorian bows at the waist. “Yes, your majesty.” He chuckles softly when she flips him off.
Aelin is the last to join her family. Her parents and her brother, for all intents and purposes, Aedion, already perched and ready to welcome the first wave of guests.
An hour later and Aelin’s jaw already hurts from smiling. She’s shaken so many hands and met so many people and made polite conversation with staff members from years past, but there’s still one face that hasn’t shown yet, and Aelin is having a hard time not showing her disappointment. He RSVPed yes, which means he should be here. Not showing up would be very rude. Right?
Aedion shakes out his hands and cracks his neck loudly. “Who’s ready for a drink?”
Aelin is reluctant to leave the front stairs. Leaving the front stairs means they’re finished greeting people at the party, which means that party guests have stopped arriving, and she’s not ready to admit that defeat. She gives one last wistful glance down the long empty driveway before giving in.
“Yeah, I could use a large drink,” Aelin yawns, leaning into her big brother’s shoulder.
“You’re not allowed to be tired,” he says with a laugh, squeezing her arm. “You are a sprightly youth and don’t have a ten-year-old and a five-year-old waking you up every morning at the crack of dawn to fight about watching Cars or Disney Fam Jam.”
Aelin looks up at him. “That’s not a real thing.”
“I assure you, it is.”
“This guy needs a drink,” Aelin says loudly as she and Aedion make their way out to the back patio where the party is really happening, and Aelin relaxes a tiny bit. So what if Rowan isn’t coming and she got all dressed up for nothing? She’ll look extra cute in pictures this year. She’s here with her family on the first real day of summer, and she’s determined to have a good day, regardless.
She takes in the scene around her – everyone seems to be having the best time. Caterers mill around the stone patio, holding out trays of grilled meats and veggies. At the far side of the patio is a long bar with an ample crowd around it. Champagne is being popped and spirits are being poured, and there’s endless bounds of chatter and laughter from all directions. In the middle of it all, the pool is filled with children and adults alike, playing games and doing handstands and lounging on floats.
The edge of the pool fades into the perfect view of the ocean. Aelin takes a deep breath as she watches the waves break against the shore. She listens to the gulls cawing overhead and inhales the salty sea breeze. Despite her small bout of disappointment, Aelin is happy.
Aedion’s two kids squeal for his attention from the pool.
“Dad! Auntie Ae!” Evie calls from the far end of the pool, her usual strawberry blonde ringlets sopping wet around her shoulders. “Watch me dive!”
Evie dives into the side of the pool, her dolphin arms in perfect form as she splashes into the water. She emerges with a giant smile on her freckled face.
“Good job!” Aedion beams. “Okay, drinks, now,” he whispers to Aelin, guiding her toward the bar.
“Where’s your wife?” Aelin asks, looking around for the green eyed brunette, who’s usually hovering around her children.
Aedion points ahead, and sure enough the woman in question stands at the front of the bar, looking insanely glamorous in a black one piece with a sheer leopard kaftan, taking shots of tequila with Aelin’s favorite returning staff member, Elide.
“Lysandra brought our babysitter with us today,” he says with a devious smile and snakes his way through the crowds to wrap his arm around his wife’s waist.
“Aelin, come do shots!” Elide pulls Aelin up to the bar, her outstretched hand helping her weave her way through the throngs of buzzed staff members. “We’re celebrating my promotion!”
“Ellie is officially manager level this summer.” Lysandra and Elide raise their newly filled shot glasses and hand one each to Aelin and Aedion respectively. Aelin hates tequila but loves Elide, so she clinks glasses and downs the alcohol quickly, grabbing a lime and sucking as much of the juice out of it as she can.
She shudders and Aedion punches her in the shoulder playfully. “Lightweight.”
Aelin rolls her eyes and reverts the topic back to Elide. “So, big shot manager. Does this mean you’re spending all your time with Lorcan now?” Aelin raises her eyebrows, knowing about Elide’s not so small crush on the stoic manager. “Long nights, just the two of you, arranging schedules in the soft romantic light of the Playland breakroom?”
Elide covers her face with her hand and screws her eyes shut. “Oh my god! No! No that is not what is happening at all.”
“Your mouth says no, but your blush says – ‘Yes, Lorcan, yes!’” Aelin teases, poking at Elide’s rosy cheeks. Elide slaps Aelin’s hands away.
“I just had three tequila shots, of course my cheeks are red.” Elide’s hands go to her cheeks, covering them as much as she can, trying to will away the warm flush creeping over her face. “You’re a monster, Aelin. That’s not what’s going on with Lorcan,” she hisses.
“What’s going on with me?” Lorcan asks, approaching from out of nowhere with a beer in his hand, and if possible Elide’s blush grows even deeper.
“Nothing!” Elide shouts, exasperated. “I’ll be right back. Be good, Aelin.” She throws Aelin a warning glare as she stalks off, and Lysandra and Aedion bite back their laughter as a bewildered Lorcan muses out loud—
“Did I say something?”
“No,” Aelin says, turning all her attention to Lorcan. “Elide was just saying how excited she is to work as a manager with you.”
Lorcan’s face lights up as he takes a sip of his beer. “Yeah, she’s been a huge help so far. Especially with such a new staff this year.”
“Yeah… a lot of newbies this year.” Aelin pauses, wondering if she should probe Lorcan about Rowan. It wouldn’t do any harm, right? “Anyone giving you any trouble?”
“Nah,” Lorcan shakes his head and pushes a long piece of hair behind his hair. “But you know me. I like them to think they’re all giving me trouble, so they act accordingly.” He snorts, amused with his own management technique. “There’s one new guy who is so jumpy around me. I love it.”
“You’re evil,” Aelin laughs.
“I prefer diabolical,” Lorcan replies. “Ah, and it looks like he just arrived,” Lorcan continues with a grin. “Want me to introduce you, so you can see it up close?”
Lorcan points in the direction of the sliding doors that lead out to the patio, and there, in all his tall blonde and board-shorted glory stands Rowan. Finally. But Aelin’s heart drops. Because Rowan isn’t alone. He’s arrived with a girl.
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ilikedetectives · 4 years
Hi, did you play every AC game? If yes, in term of game plays which are the easiest? For someone without much experience in games, ty!
Not every AC game, because I can handle only so much of cookie cutter games at a time. Before I say more, lemme get this out of the way first: I played the Ezio trilogy back in 2018 because Da Vinci’s Demons was cancelled and I wanted more Da Vinci content and the white and red hoodie looks cool. In other words, I didn’t play the game because it’s called Assassin’s Creed.
The AC games I played so far, by the order of which one I play first. I’ll rate gameplay by my personal preferences (because it’s the only way I know how).
Ezio’s trilogy (AC2, AC Brotherhood, AC Revelations, played in 2018): decent parkour, minimal grind (just invest in the villa and you’re a millionaire in a day or two), very story focused (perfect balance of historical and modern plots). Decent combat. The golden years of AC and I agree.
Unity (played a few months after Ezio): good parkour, medium grind (bigger map and more items to upgrade, you still get to invest in properties so it helps). Time-saver items are on sale for real money aka MTX (ew). Combat is ok, not much difference since Ezio. Historical story is meh (I don’t care for Arnold because Elise’s story is more interesting) and they completely ditched the modern plot (you think Odyssey has little modern day plot, try Unity). Buggiest AC game I encountered and I played this game 4+ yrs after launch (hold on to that thought, keep reading). Ubi spent all of their time and budget doing the interior design (which is gorgeous btw) that they have none left to fix the bugs.
Black Flag (a few months after): chasing flying papers is my favorite activity to NOT do. Grindy af (no property investment). I can’t tolerate the controls for the ship so I hate everything that involves ship in this pirate game, except for sea shanties. You’ll have more fun playing this game as a pirate than an assassin. Combat feels the same since Ezio. Other mechanics are like Unity (understandable). Modern plot is minimal, but it makes bloodline irrelevant and there’s a....soul inside a computer server that wants to possess a human body, meanwhile said soul’s husband is a maniac who has unlimited reincarnations (realism, I know). Black Flag is the gateway game that convinces me that I should stop wasting my brain cells in “what kinda bs realism is dis?”
Odyssey (a month after launch, bought solely because of Kassandra also when I heard Odyssey is set before the creed, oh fuck yea I don’t need to sit through another rehash of Creed crap or at least minimal anyway): oh gods a breath of fresh air from the old controls where you have to hold R2 whenever you want to run and my fingers hurt sfm. Climbing is the best because the protag actually moves where you want them to move. MTX (ew). Grindy but because the combat and movements are smooth, best combat so far; I don’t see Odyssey as grindy because I enjoy my time playing (also Kassandra); I platinum the game on PS4 at around 130 hrs I think, could’ve been earlier but photomode. Fun quests that I giggle whenever thinking about them (I don’t remember shit about any quests in any other AC game, but then again Kassandra). People bitch about no parkour but who parkour in the 450BCE?!?!? Full disclosure: I never cared for parkour and never will. I stop caring for modern plot after how Unity and Black Flag handled it. Playing Odyssey makes me realize that I enjoy AC games more if idgaf for the AC aspect, rather, I play for the fictional historical tourism aspect. Just ditch the AC and voila, blue sky and fresh air. Playing Odyssey also makes me realize that I want a spin-off IP that focus on the Isu so we can go full fantasy. Do I need to say how pretty Odyssey is? lol
Origins (planned to play Origins first, but Kassandra. Also, I remember Amunet from AC2, but somehow we play as a dude in Ancient Egypt, I’m not too eager to find out, despite I prefer Egyptian mythology over Greek and I’d like to thank Yu-gi-oh for that): combat is clunky, heavy, and slow, though no need to hold R2 to run so phew. Grindy af. The bow mechanics is a decade outdated (Horizon Zero Dawn came out the same year and oh boi the difference is night and day, oh yea I played HZD before Origins. I get it the bow isn’t the focus but does it have to feel like Skyrim in 2017?). I’m glad I play this game for the Ancient Egypt (which is beautifully designed *chef kiss*) aspect and no more. 
Syndicate (I play this along side of Origins, still haven’t finished it though. Literally bought the game for Evie and I nut over Victorian fashion): combat is no different from Unity. Grindy like Black Flag and Unity. Story is meh in both historical and modern plot so far. Evie is the only reason I’m still trying to play this game. At least the Helix outfits are included in the Gold edition of the game. Victorian London is gorgeous tho.
Valhalla (only care for this game because Eivor. Tbh after God of War and Hellblade, idc for another Viking game): game is buggy af, buggiest AC game I’ve played. Combat is like Origins but worse: the only saving grace is the finishing move & the bow mechanic hasn’t been improved since Origin; I honestly would rather have combat from the Ezio games over whatever-this-is. You have to toggle a button to run now, which is dumb af because I miss Origins and Odyssey automatic run. They bring parkour back (because Vikings totally dig parkour back in the Dark Ages) as well as the-character-doesn’t-move-where-you want-them-to from the older games. Chasing flying papers from black flag is back, no thx. Looting enemies is useless, but hey you get to run around to look for a key or two or THREE to get some minimal amount of materials; so imagine if 2/3 of every chest in Origins and Odyssey are locked. Oh! You have manually pick berries/food to heal, no healing potion, wtf is this half-ass RPG shit? Side quests, oh sorry World Events, aren’t tracked in an open-world game (guess who hasn’t been doing these bitches?). Grindy af. I’m wasting my time looking at the skill points interface (you have 99 lv in Odyssey, 55 in Origins, 403 power in Valhalla. A game doesn’t feel like grindy if you level up every 2 quests for 403 times, does it? lololol). The useless SP tree is so massive that I just don’t use the skills I acquire because it takes too much time to find out which buttons to push to locate the 10 skills in this 403-dot clusterfuck, but the astronomy design is beautiful (gotta give credit when it’s due). Scummy practice from Ubi: releasing “time-saver” pack AFTER reviews are published. Also, who wanna bet there will be more mtx outfits than in-game outfits? Don’t worry, Ubi makes inventory management cLEaNeR for you *hands over 8 outfits for an RPG game*. The free event bugs tf out of your already buggy event, but hey, you’ll get a free outfit that’s a reskin of what you already have, teeheee be grateful. Eivor is amazing but by the gods playing this game is a chore. Tbh I only play Valhalla if I don’t feel like playing Ghost of Tsushima that day. Lastly, why is England so yellow like it’s Ancient Egypt?!?!? And why the sunlight moves faster than Eivor’s running at full speed? Which parts of this game does realism count?!?!?!?
Unsolicited opinion: GoT is an example of how an AC game should be and how DLCs should be handled, but with Ubisoft it will never be and I’m so fucking glad that it is Sucker Punch Prod which handles feudal Japan with utmost respect and realism. See how “honor” is handled in both games and compare the writing. Ubisoft should have announced ding dong AC is dead and create a new IP, but AC is their most financially successful franchise so expect more of this MTX, I mean, grindy RPG approach with minimal narrative. 
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creampuffqueen · 4 years
Deep in the Heart of Texas - One
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a/n: So, because I have zero self control, I went and wrote the first chapter of the ToG southern AU I was talking about. I did this instead of doing online school, so I’d appreciate some feedback! I’ll probably continue this, but you know, support is nice. I think it’s also important to note that Aelin would absolutely rock a southern accent. So would Aedion. It would be so hot. Just... imagine it.
Summary: Aelin Galathynius is ready for the best summer of her life. She’s home from college for the summer, and so are all of her friends. Even her cousin is on a break from the military. Everything is set up to be perfect. Until... her mother decides to let the son of an old family friend stay with them while he grieves the loss of a loved one. And Aelin is not going to let a party pooper ruin her summer.
Rowan Whitethorn has just suffered the biggest loss of his life: the death of his long-time girlfriend, Lyria. His family is sick of him moping around his tiny New York apartment, so they ship him down south for the summer. The last thing Rowan wants is to spend his vacation in Nowhereville, Texas, but he has little choice. Not to mention, the only people his age seem to hate him. How on earth is he going to survive 3 months of this?
Aelin Ashryver Galathynius is living the high life. She’s sitting in a chair outside in her backyard, beer in one hand, barbeque in the other. Her dog, Fleetfoot, is perched at her feet, just waiting for some scraps. 
“So, little cuz,” Aedion says, sitting beside her. He reaches over to grab one of the ribs from her plate, but Aelin quickly slaps him away. “How was your junior year at A&M?”
“Pretty good.” Aelin concedes. She finishes off the rib she was eating and passes the bone to Fleetfoot, who immediately jumps to gnaw on it.
“How about you two?” Aedion addresses Aelin’s best friends and roommates, Lysandra and Elide.
“At least you two only have one more year.” Lysandra groans. “Next year I have to focus on getting into vet school.”
“You’ll make it, Lys.” Aelin assures her. “You’re the smartest person I know.”
“I still have to get into medical school.” Yrene sighs from her own seat. “And Nehemia, you’ve got to get into law school.” Their other friend nods and rolls her eyes.
“And this is why I’m just getting a business degree.” Aelin chuckles. “Four years and I’m out.”
It’s so good to see her friends again. They’ve known each other since high school, but only Lys and Elide stayed back home in Texas for school. Nehemia got accepted into Harvard, which they all saw coming. Yrene managed to get herself all the way up to Washington State. As for Ansel and Nesryn, they moved out too, scholarships taking them far, far away.
Aelin missed her friends. It’s so good to have them back. And Aedion, too. By some miracle or another, he’s managed to have a break over the summer. His next deployment isn’t until September.
When Aelin pulls herself from her thoughts, her plate of ribs is noticeably smaller. And her cousin has the tell-tale stain of barbeque sauce on his chin. 
“You prick.” Aelin sighs.
“You weren’t eating them!” Aedion laughs. “I’m not letting good barbeque go to waste.”
Aelin, being the mature adult she is, just sticks her tongue out at her cousin until he laughs so hard he chokes. She stands up and takes her plate, smacking him on the back as she does. Aedion just glares.
“I need more food. Any of y’all coming with?” Nehemia and Yrene take their plates and follow Aelin up to the long table where the food is being served. 
Aelin’s parents are sitting in camp chairs nearby, laughing. Evalin has a margarita in hand, while Rhoe’s got a beer. When they approach, suddenly all three girls find themselves pulled into a conversation.
“Are y’all having fun?” Evalin asks, smiling.
“Definitely.” Nehemia laughs, ever the polite one. “Thank you so much for inviting us, Mrs. Galathynius.”
“Oh, of course.” Evalin gushes. “I couldn’t just throw a welcome home party for my daughter without inviting all her friends, now could I?”
Aelin attempts to shrug off her mother, but it’s no use. Evalin Galathynius has perfected her Southern charm, and of course Nehemia and Yrene are defenseless against it. 
So her friends and mother chat, about life, college, relationships. Evalin even gets Yrene to confess she’s been keeping a long-distance boyfriend, and Aelin is pissed that her friend didn’t tell her first.
But she gets more food; barbeque, mostly, but she heaps some beans and a roll on as well. 
“Save some room for banana pudding!” Her mother warns. 
“Mom, I will always have room for banana pudding.” Aelin grins. Finally realizing that they don’t have any food on their plate, Nehemia and Yrene pull themselves away and pile their plates high.
By the time they get back to their group of chairs, Aedion has managed to down two whole beers. Ansel and Lysandra are arguing, (or flirting, Aelin can never tell), and Elide is scratching Fleetfoot’s ears as the dog chews on another rib bone.
“Mom’s bringing out the desserts soon.” Aelin alerts her friends. Lys perks up at her words, glancing back towards the house, where all the food is.
“Please tell me she made banana pudding.” Elide groans. “I haven’t eaten it in like, years. Your mom always made the best.”
“Okay, but your mom makes really good butter cake.” Aelin laughs. “I mean, it’s got enough fat to give you diabetes with one slice, but that’s a problem for another day.”
“Mom didn’t make any for the party, though.” Elide pouts. 
Before Aelin can respond, three kids crash into their circle, laughing wildly. It’s Evangeline, Lysandra’s little sister, along with Hollin and Terrin, the younger brothers of Dorian and Chaol. Who, for the record, Aelin didn’t know were invited.
“Sorry!” Evie chirps. She stands up again and runs off, the younger boys chasing after her. Fleetfoot, done with her bone, jumps up and dashes after them with a bark. 
Lys just rolls her eyes. “Kids.” 
Beside her, Nesryn nods in agreement. “Kids.” Aelin spots Nesryn’s older sister, Delara, with the rest of her very large family. Delara has a baby on her hip, while the other three helions run circles around their mother’s feet. Nesryn’s younger cousins soon join in, creating a whirlwind of small children. Aelin has to look away; they’re making her dizzy.
This time Nehemia joins in, a huff of laughter on her lips. “Kids.” She points to her two little brothers, antagonizing Rhoe Galathynius by the house, likely begging for dessert to come out sooner.
“Well, as nice as this is, I don’t have any siblings, so I cannot relate. Sorry to burst your bubble.” Aelin’s comment gets a laugh from all around their circle, and soon everyone is back to eating food.
“Look! The pudding’s out!” Aedion shouts, and all the college-aged kids drop everything and sprint to the house, shoving each other out of the way. Nobody is getting between Aelin and her banana pudding.
“Hey! Slow your roll!” Evalin scolds. “There’s enough pudding for everyone. As long as you only take a small scoop. Aedion, I’m talking to you.” She fixes her nephew with a stare, and Aedion winces.
“Yes ma’am.” They all chorus. Satisfied with their manners, Evalin serves them all dessert.
She’s in the middle of scooping out Aelin’s portion when Rhoe appears, holding her phone. “Honey, someone’s calling.”
“I know how to use a phone, Rhoe.” Evalin sighs. She scoops Aelin a little bit more pudding and then takes her phone, letting her husband go on dessert-serving duty.
Aelin links arms with Elide, the two of them grinning madly before plopping down right there, next to the dessert, digging in with their spoons.
The rest of their friends are soon to follow, and Aelin doesn’t miss how Lysandra chooses to sit a little bit closer to Aedion than is probably socially acceptable. 
She chooses to ignore it, however, and instead focuses on interrogating Yrene.
“How long have you had a secret boyfriend for?” She demands.
“When I came home for Christmas.” Yrene laughs. “We went to the Havilliards’ party and I met him there.
The Havilliards, some of the most prominent people in their little cluster of small towns, have a reputation to battle even the Galathyniuses. And the Ytgers, for that matter. Their parties attract attention from all over, which was how Aelin’s friend group met each other.
Aelin and Elide had grown up practically as sisters, though Elide lived one school district over, in the neighboring town of Perranth. Orynth was the largest city in their area of South Texas, holding a whopping 10,000 people.
That was whopping to Aelin, at least. Elide’s town, Perranth, had around 8,000, with Rifthold nearby being 9,000. All the other towns that their friends lived in had even less than that, the smallest being Caraverre, Lysandra’s town, with barely 1,000 people.
The Havilliards, being the socialites of tiny Rifthold, have parties all the damn time. They even let their eldest son, Dorian, host wild gatherings of drunken teenagers. 
Aelin and Elide, barely seventeen, had managed to sneak into one of these elusive parties. They’d met Lys, Nesryn, Ansel, Nehemia, and Yrene, although the last girl was only there because her friends dragged her there and then abandoned her. Some friends, they were.
“Okay, that doesn’t give us any clue as to who he is.” Lys points out, pointing her spoon at Yrene. “Everyone and their cousin goes to the Havilliards’ parties.”
“Chaol Westfall.” Yrene giggles. Aelin nearly spits out her banana pudding. 
“Him?!” She yelps. Yrene’s laughter turns hysterical.
“Yes! Chaol Westfall is my boyfriend.”
“He’s here, though.” Ansel adds. “Why aren’t you over there with him?”
“Because I missed y’all.” Yrene says. “I haven’t seen y’all since summer last year. None of you came home for Christmas.”
“Too busy.” Aelin, Elide, and Lysandra say in unison. Yrene rolls her eyes.
Other people come for dessert, and Aelin scoots away as one of Nesryn’s nieces tries to peek over her shoulder. Delara scolds her and drags her away, and the whole group bursts into laughter.
Aelin looks up, seeing her father still serving. That’s strange, where is Evalin?
She sees her mother, standing on the porch of the house, hand over her mouth. Something’s wrong. Evalin’s porcelain face is ashen, the color drained from her cheeks. Aelin thinks she can see tears.
Before anyone can ask what she’s looking at, Aelin’s jumping up and rushing to her mother, bounding up the steps two at a time. She nearly crashes into her uncle’s rocking chair, but stops at the last second. Evalin hardly looks up.
“Of course. Of course he can stay here. For as long as he needs. Yes, please, send him my love. I’m so sorry.” Aelin catches Evalin’s eye, who holds up a finger, gesturing for her to wait.
When she finally hangs up, she just lets out a long sigh, putting the phone on the porch railing.
“Do you remember the Whitethorns, Aelin?”
The question catches her off guard, but Aelin nods, anyway. “I do. Sellene and Enda, mostly. And… there was another one, right?”
Evalin just hangs her head. “Yes. Rowan, that’s the other one. Poor boy, his girlfriend just died in a car accident.”
Now it’s Aelin’s turn to put her hands to her mouth. “Oh Lord.” She hardly remembers the Whitethorns, just that she met them a few times when she was young. She remembers that Enda and Sellene were nice and would play with her, while Rowan hung back, always saying mean things to her. She remembers Aedion beating him up one time, too.
Still, just because he was rude to five-year-old Aelin doesn’t mean he deserved this tragedy. 
“If you call Mrs. Whitethorn again, please tell her I’m so sorry for their loss.” Poor Rowan. 
“Well, here’s the thing, Aelin.” At Evalin’s tone of voice, Aelin knows she’s about to say something she won’t like. “Mrs. Whitethorn is very worried for him. They’re so busy up there, you know, they don’t always have time to check in on him. So… she asked if we would let Rowan stay down here for a bit.”
“Mama!” Aelin sighs. “I feel bad for the guy, but that doesn’t mean he has to come and live with us! All of my friends are down here! I don’t want him ruining my summer vacation.”
“Don’t you start sassin’ me, young lady.” Evalin snaps, her accent coming out in full force. “How can you be so heartless? Rowan is grieving.”
Aelin feels like a kid again, getting sent to her room for giving her mother attitude. So she relents before she gets embarrassed in front of the entire town of Orynth. And then some.
But she’s in a pissy mood, now. Of course she feels bad for him, but not that bad. Not bad enough to let him stay in her house over the summer. For all she knows, Aedion could be deployed all next summer. Lysandra might not be able to come home, being to busy getting ready for vet school. This could very well be their last summer together. 
And Aelin Galathynius will not let Rowan Whitethorn ruin her summer.
Rowan Whitethorn steps out of the Uber, taking in the sight of the small town. He’s flown into Houston, Texas from Doranelle, New York, and it’s cost him a stupid amount of money to get a car to take him all the way down here. They don’t even have taxis in this god-forsaken state. 
Though, to be fair, it’s partially his own fault. His flight had gotten moved up, and he’d forgotten to text Evalin Galathynius the new time after she insisted she’d pick him up from the airport.
As the Uber pulls away, Rowan takes a long minute to glance around. He’d seen the sign as they’d driven in, had nearly felt his eyes bulge out of his head when he saw ‘Population: 10,000’.
He fingers the strap of his backpack, taking in the scenery. He’s in what must be a public park, but why anyone is outside is beyond him. It is so fucking hot outside.
However, the park is full. A pair of mothers with strollers, chatting as they walk along the park trail. Kids play on a playground in the distance. And a couple, seated at one of the picnic tables, have their hands clasped.
Rowan looks away at that. 
There wasn’t any place he could go, or that his parents could ship him off to, where he could just forget about Lyria. She’d been the love of his life. When he had a bit more money saved up he was going to ask her to marry him. He wanted to start a family with her.
And it seems like she haunts him, because no matter where he looks there is something that reminds him of her. 
Rowan sighs deeply, starting to walk. He needs to be away from this place, with so many… people. And he needs to get inside somewhere, away from the oppressive heat. How anybody manages to live in this weather is beyond him, being born and raised in New York.
He observes the town as he walks, taking in the architecture, the style. It looks fairly modern, save for the houses. The houses all look like miniature versions of that house from Gone with the Wind. The movie, of course. He didn’t bother to pick up the book.
This tiny town seems as if it’s been permanently frozen in time… in the Civil War era. 
Rowan goes back to walking, searching for a store or something where he can step inside for a minute, pull out his phone, and turn on Google Maps. However, as he approaches the little chain of shops, he’s stopped by a slightly older woman.
“Are you visiting someone, dear?” She asks, smiling broadly. 
“Uh, yeah.” He replies awkwardly. Why is she talking to him? Back in New York, it’s pretty much every man for himself. You find your own way or you don’t. Nobody ever offers help. 
“Where are you headed?” She’s still smiling, and that puts Rowan on edge.
“Um, I’m looking for… Evalin Galathynius? Do you know her?”
The woman’s face lights up. “Oh, yes, I know her. You’re gonna want to walk down that street right there, then take a left at the blue house, keep going until you reach the small park, then-”
Rowan doesn’t know what to say. Her instructions drone on, and he just can’t pay attention that long. He’ll just take out his phone when the lady leaves. 
“You got all that, sweetie?” Rowan jolts back to the present.
“Yeah, thanks.” She smiles, and keeps walking. Rowan lets out a sigh, and pulls out his phone, plugging in the address to Google Maps. 
Fifteen minutes of walking. Rowan looks up, at the sun beating down on him. This is going to suck, isn’t it?
Rowan holds a scowl as he finally makes it to the Galathynius house. Carrying both a backpack and dragging along a suitcase in the sweltering Texas heat is not doing good things for him. 
He’d also gotten lost multiple times, even with the help of Google Maps, meaning he’d nearly doubled his walking time. All he wants to do now is to go inside somewhere they have some goddamn air conditioning. 
Rowan drags his suitcase up the porch steps, nearly panting. He’d sweated through his shirt, which had only added to the awful heat. 
There isn’t a doorbell; or not one he can see, anyway, so he knocks on the front door, hard.
He hears a muffled “I’ll get it!” before the door swings open to reveal a young woman, golden hair tied up in a messy bun. 
Her expression turns suddenly sour as she takes him in, her turquoise eyes glaring. “Are you Rowan?”
“Yeah.” He says. “Sorry I didn’t let you know, but my flight got pushed up.”
“That’s what I thought. You weren't supposed to get here until this evening.” She sighs and opens the door. “Come inside.”
Rowan does so gladly, smiling as the cool air kissed his sticky skin. “Is your mom home? You look too young to be Mrs. Galathynius.”
“My name is Aelin.” She says. She doesn’t offer her hand to shake, just keeps walking further inside. “Do you want me to show you your room?”
“Sure.” Rowan follows Aelin through the house, marvelling at how… large it is. And, he’d noticed as he’d approached, it was on a massive piece of land, as well. 
Aelin walks quickly through the house, pointing out a few things like the kitchen, dining room, living room. They come upon a large staircase, and she bounds up them. Rowan sighs and goes to dragging his suitcase upstairs.
Aelin even has the audacity to look annoyed at him for being so slow. Rowan resists the urge to snap at her. He’s exhausted, and just wants to lay down somewhere and sleep.
Aelin leads him down a long hallway, and points to one of the doors. “That’s your room. And the bathroom’s right there.” She gestures to another door across the hall. “All the other rooms are occupied right now, so no snooping.”
Rowan doesn’t answer, just nods. Stepping inside the room, he can’t help but notice how big it is. Just like this entire house, it’s giant. He’s got a four-poster bed, plush carpet on the floor, a dresser, and a closet. It’s more luxurious than anything he’s ever had.
He doesn’t bother to unload his stuff. Sleep is pulling at him, making his eyes heavy. So he quickly pulls off his sweaty shirt and collapses on the bed, sinking into the mattress.
He’s gone quickly, but right before he falls asleep, one last thought materializes in his head.
Lyria would have loved it here.
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alias-b · 4 years
sins of my youth. 003
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Billy Hargrove x OC! Evie Fenny~ Also posted to my AO3
Summary: It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even loathed the strange girl next door. Evie Fenny wasn’t too fond of the chaotic Cali transfer either. An awful high school tradition sparks a chain of events that changes everything, ultimately bringing two frayed souls together.
A/N: Hey all! Enjoy the chapter. Billy trying again to woo Evie. They strike up a bet. TW: Pica. Light fatphobia. Taglist open :)
Chapter 3: To The Devil
   “Hey, Karen, here for the two o’clock?” Evie was jotting down slanted notes at reception, crossing the name off. Mona’s salon smelled of mousse and hairspray. Fans blared to keep the air moving. Karen beamed back.
   “I am. Need a touch up.” She touched her waves to give them a flick. "I'm so jealous of your curls, how do you get them to sit like that?"
   "Genetics, I'm afraid. Ah, I just dip myself in water and pray for the best." The dry humor she was known for. "Mom has them too, if only she didn't inject a gallon of product into her hair every morning."
   "Water. Innovative. Your secret is safe with me." Karen paused to laugh when Evie grinned, nodding as she finished the notes.
   “Seat four, Claudia’s getting your stuff ready now.” A smile beamed.
   “Thanks, sweetie. You’re mom in back too?”
   “Yeah, fixing the music, she’ll be out in a sec.” Evie flicked a page and peered around. Yellow walls with baby blue trim. Similar to a dollhouse her mother made once. Too many plants to count, but that was Evie's fault. 
   She did rounds and cared for each one. Even the new bloom of begonias in one of the back rooms hanging just out a window. Twisting silk petals all blushed and unfurled.
   Evie watered them, let the soil grow damp. Listened to the thumping of a dryer full of towels behind her in the cramped space. A rhythm she could write a song to. She saw a fallen petal and plucked it up. Felt the baby smooth texture between her finger pads.
   Lifted it idly to her cheek. Let it caress her skin in one graze. It comforted, the mere touch of it. And the calm stillness that followed as if someone was holding her welled euphoria. The petal ran her lips, she felt in control of her senses. This touch that was warm and ticklish. Evie gave a shuddered breath and just wondered. 
   Evie spent too much of her life wondering.
   The petal touched her tongue and she half expected it to melt like a chocolate. Rich and silky. She rolled it damp around her mouth. Chewed for an earthy twang. Looking at the flowers. Feeling them across her running palms. Gently bouncing into place before she swallowed. Evie turned quick, jolting back into her skin for one fleeting moment.
   She was aware again. She was here. Still patting her cheek to stay grounded. Maybe the flowers would bloom a dainty beauty inside her. A delicate sensibility that’s evaded her all this life. Another flower petal plucked.
   He loves me.
   He loves me not.
   Fingers pulled a begonia clean. Chanted the little game in her head.
   He loves me.
   Swallowed. There was a slight of guilt. She’d stolen the power from this living thing and brought it into her own being. That washed away. She was carrying it now. Patting her cheek again to console herself.
   No one noticed Evie hidden in the back room. Indulging in control. It felt like a dirty school girl secret.  Evie dipped her fingers into the wet soil. Sighed and let the earth fall back into the plot. She brought them up to see the filth. Thought to lick herself clean.
   “Evie, can you bring the broom out?” A voice had her heart bursting. Evie yanked the watering can close, feeling the weight of liquid slosh. Her mother was next door fussing with music still. Blissfully unaware. Their usual relationship.
   “Y-Yes!” She felt this shame etch her spine. The rush of being caught doing something she shouldn’t have. Which Evie Fenny was already no stranger to. She washed the evidence away and snatched a broom handle. “Coming!” 
   “Thanks, honey.” Claudia took it and let Evie go about her business. Watering the last few pots at reception.
   The bell dinged right behind her as she stretched to water a pot above the door hanging from the ceiling, tip toeing upon a wooden stool. 
   Billy stood there, face at ass level and didn’t stop her. Not that he minded the view. A pink frilly apron over her violet dress. Black tights and belt to match. Big shiny hoops dangling caught the light above her, illuminating dark hair with a halo. Curls shifted and she eyed Billy Hargrove at the same time the music blasted back up. Dolly Parton of course.
   Here you come again
   Just when I've begun to get myself together
   "Angel...what a view." His bright eyes scanned, full of glittery stars. Tongue crossing pink lips in a vaguely obscene way.
   “Billy?” She hitched a breathy gasp and stumbled. Braced to fall on her ass before an arm swooped out to stop her. Muscles pulled Evie into a chest. A very cologned, hard chest. Those damn stars danced like she was in a movie, draped into Billy with the watering can clutched tight. Shifting around. Air sent their hair up and the door shut.
   Dolly’s lyric timing was really the worst. 
   You waltz right in the door
   Just like you've done before
   And wrap my heart 'round your little finger...
   Billy and his long lashes. Fluttering so pretty at her. Pulling her flush into the metalwork of his hot body. Evie lost herself.
   Swept up in his arms with no words. No synapses obeying her body’s commands. She choked there looking like the cover of a romance novel. Blushed at him. Flowers in full bloom.
   “You won’t soak my head if I make a joke about you falling from heaven, will you?”
   There he is. Evie rolled her eyes and found her footing.
   “Oh, but I will.” Hands pushed him to arm's length. No thank you followed.
   “Hon, you alright?” Claudia had dropped her shampoo bottle. Few women echoed the call, eyes on the gorgeous boy who just strode in. Evie was quick to step from him.
   “Fine, fine, I’m…” Evie brushed herself awkwardly and went around the reception counter. Mostly to put distance between them, setting the can aside. Billy followed after to lean against the wood so she kept her voice low. “What are you doing here?”
   “I got bored.” He crossed his arms there to shrug, dressed to the nines and hair all done up. Eyes flicking. “Nice apron.”
   Evie scowled at him.
   “If you’re asking me to that party again, the answer is still-”
   “Billy! How nice of you to visit, I hope I see Susan in here again soon.” Mona swept toward them. Both teens leaned out from each other. Billy flashed his teeth, all charm.
   “She’s never felt better since coming in for the new do. Made my old man crazy.” He ignored Evie glaring at him.
   “That’s what I love to hear.” Mona came up to pat his cheek. Billy slid his eyes to her daughter. “What can we do for you?” She touched golden hair to sweep it aside. Mona was just the friendly sort. “You know, we do boy’s hair too. All the time. You look like you take care of these darling curls.”
   “I’ll keep that in mind, but actually I was just walking by and I saw Evie in her apron and thought we’d hit that burger joint for lunch.” His shiny teeth flashed to smile so Evie cut in.
   “And,” her voice rose, “I was just carefully explaining to Billy that we’re super swamped today. I couldn’t possibly go. Shucks.”
   Both Mona and Billy peered to see exactly three customers getting their hair done. No one outside. The appointment book near empty too.
   “So busy.” Evie pressed her teeth, eyebrows lifting for her mother to get the hint. "Extremely."
   She didn’t.
   “Oh, no, Evie. It’s your winter break." Arms waved at her daughter. Near ready to give Billy Evie's hand in marriage. "Go have some fun with the nice young man.”
   What a laugh.
   “Are you sure? I can stay...literally all day here. I can move in here and never have to leave ever. Never. Ever.” Evie was getting her apron snatched off by her mother. A couple shoves got her around the counter.
   “No, no. Go, shoo, have fun with a boy. Good to see you, Billy. Tell your parents that I said, hi. Have Susan bring your little sister in next time. What I wouldn’t give to style that pretty red hair she has.”
   “I’ll let them know.” Billy actually held the door for Evie as she shrugged on her coat. Another heated expression before she huffed and went out. Ire. He can work with that. “Bye, ladies.” A wink.
   “Bye, Billy.” Came the chorus. Both teens grinned all the way to the end of the window before hands snatched Billy’s collar when they were out of sight.
   “What the hell are you doing, Billy?” Evie shook him by the leather jacket. Even the scrunching snarl at him was cute. Actually had his taller, broad frame pressed into a brick wall. Made Billy pause to observe her face. Mauve lips frowned deeper.
   This was a cruel thing and she couldn’t stand it. This back and forth. These sides of Billy that only came out when it suited him best.
   “Making it up to you. Christ, just fucking let me. Easy...” He shrugged off, going around her. She was being difficult about this, maybe rightfully so, but it still gnawed at him. 
   “C’mon.” Billy went on. Not bothered by the cold in his white button up shirt and jeans. Tucked and tight. The gold saint chain bounced against his chest as he walked. Hard, intent steps with a lazy wave. “You like burgers? Who doesn’t, I’m hungry.”
   “I don’t need you to make it up to me, Billy.” She trailed after him. “This weird game you’re playing really doesn’t interest me.”
   “This town is so fucking boring. You know that?” He spoke instead, clicking his tongue and looking beyond them. “Got nothing to do, why not hang out? We’re neighbors.”
   “When have you acted like a neighbor?”
   “Right fucking now, Angel.” Blue eyes shifted to spot the right building.
   He was such an ass and she was still willingly walking beside him.
   “Ask Tommy or Carol to hang out.”
   “No one likes Tommy or Carol, would you want to hang out with them in your free time? Fucking annoying. Carol wants to fuck me and Tommy? ...You know, he might want to fuck me too. I'm the whole package.”
   “So, you’re with me because I’m not annoying like them and I don’t want to fuck you?”
   Billy turned sharp to see her at the crosswalk. Golden curls swept up. Almost offended.
   “Who said you didn’t want to fuck me?” The shit asked it so genuinely too. "I never said that."
   “Literally me, just now.” She pressed the walk button because he had her under a spell and Billy went before it changed. “Ugh.” Evie, ignoring her better judgment, paced after him. Street was empty.
   “You’re plenty annoying, Fenny.” Billy strode inside the diner and didn’t wait before he grabbed a table. Slapped a plastic menu down across the way until she moved to take the offered seat. A waitress appeared from nothing, but Evie figured Billy just had that effect.
   “Know what you want, sugar?”
   “Number three. Coke. Cheese Fries. Jalapenos on the burger and on the fries. And whatever the lady wants.” He stole an ashtray and dug for a smoke, not looking at either girl. Few people eyed them and Evie gave in.
   They were both still pretty hungover and she didn’t want to make a scene. Which Billy knew well and used to his advantage.
   “I will have the exact same thing.”
   “Are you sure?” The waitress looked Evie up and down as she said that. Oh, so carefully. Evie paused to tense up, acutely aware that she didn’t look right across from this gorgeous, golden boy. 
   The thought hadn’t even struck her until it was pointed out, that’s what sobered it painfully.
   “Yeah, she’s sure. We’ll take a large chocolate milkshake also. Two straws.” Billy snapped, flicking his menu up. The waitress bowed her head and hurried away. Evie’s jaw hung open while he played with his lighter distractedly. Eyes flicked up. “What, are you catching flies over there?” He lit a cigarette and her mouth shut.
   “I’m in the fucking Twilight Zone.” Elbows hit the table
   “That stuff you said Heather liked...” Billy tapped his ashes. Ignored the waitress when she set Cokes down. “That was about you, wasn’t it?”
   “Yeah, so?”
   “Museums and horror flicks. Noted.” He shrugged. “You into that poetry shit? Always writing.”
   “Song lyrics.” Evie took a breath and answered slower. This was weird. It was weird that...it wasn’t so weird all the sudden. Billy did what suited him. Blue eyes lingering on her then darting all over. He sat back with one boot up on the seat. Actually listening. Smoking. Present. “I play guitar and sing."
   Yeah, he heard her guitar from his window every other night if it was open.
   "You're always writing too," she went on, "I know it isn't school work." Observant.
   "I'd rather write some shitty story than listen to a lecture about nothing in class." Billy's ashes hit the tray again. “Are you going to be the next Dolly?”
   “My mom would love that.” She broke to laugh at herself and sip. “More Kate Bush or Stevie Nicks.”
   “Thank fuck, one Dolly is enough.” He snuffed his smoke out. “Why won’t you go to the party with me?”
   “Why do you suck with rejection?” She asked it bolder than intended. Half expected Billy to get upset and walk out. Smoke etched out his pink lips when he chuckled, catching his tongue between teeth. This girl was all four seasons in one spitting firecracker.
   “You got a wall up bigger than your mom’s hair, Evangeline.”
   “I built it myself, William, thanks.” Evie smiled sweetly that time, gazes locked. He twitched at the use of his birth name. A beat of staring before food arrived. 
   “Will that be-?”
   “Yeah, we’re good.” Billy plucked a fry up, watched melted cheese string from it before he chewed and the waitress saw herself off. “Don’t tell me you’re not gonna eat like normal in front of me.”
   He caught Evie picking up a knife and fork. She shot him a look. Dropped them and stole the milkshake to sip. Passed it over for him before she went for the burger.
   “There you go.”
   “Stuff it.” She grabbed a fry and watched him take the biggest bite he could. Cheese drooped out the bottom. “Hangover miracle, huh.”
   “Hmm.” Billy was too busy chewing. Evie took a bite, sipped more coke and decided to engage this. 
   “Can I ask why your dad moved you across the country during your last year of high school?”
   “New bullshit job.” He went at his fries, smearing them around cheese to eat with crunching jalapenos. “Wanted to start his white picket fence over since it didn’t work the first time and he thought he could spite me in the process.”
   Billy licked his thumb, eyes elsewhere.
   “I’ll bet he just wanted away from memories of my mom.”
   Evie paused carefully. It was the first he’d spoken of her.
   “Oh.” She pulled for a napkin, eyes on her food. Peculiar how quick he got real with her here. Billy Hargrove was usually putting up thick layers of artificial bullshit. Plastic cheese on greasy fries.
   “Didn’t help that I was in and out of fights.”
   “That changed?” She reached for the milkshake. “So, your mom-”
   “Did you really get into a fight last year?” Billy had finished the burger and was now going at his fries again, gestured so she slid the milkshake back.
   “I don’t remember it well.”
   “Bullshit, Fenny.” He smirked to himself. “I’d know. You see red and you remember how it tastes every single time.”
   “You’re the expert.” She shrugged, wiping her greasy fingers on napkins. Left a few bites of burger because a voice drilled to do so. Same with the fries. “He was a jerk and...my parents just got divorced. I was upset. I let him have it. Everyone got dramatic about it because I’m Evie Fenny and not Randy Savage.”
   "So, how'd it taste?" Billy looked at her eyes and saw them flash.
   He’s had enough! Students kept chanting that in her ear. Pulling Evie and her clawing talons out of the huge football player under her knees. She breathed pure smoke. Hair flying all directions. Felt the coolness of dewy grass and warmth of blood crusting her fingers.
   "It was like..."
   Descending upon Tannen like thunder. Heavy rain and cracks of lightning followed by a boom. Thunderous applause too. She stared back at Billy with a dreamy expression. Recalled cowering through rainstorms as a little girl. Into the closet where she felt safer.
   Her father, Jack, always found her. He’d sit next to her in there and bring her close under one arm.
   “Don’t be scared, little mouse.” Never could make out his smile in darkness.
   "It's...hot metal. Lava pouring down your throat trying to harden inside you." She got real too and Billy's lip lifted. Soft as can be. "Like it's making a cast of you in that specific moment of rage."
   Evie blinked out of the memory. Watched Billy stare again before he pushed the milkshake back to her side. A peace offering. She accepted and drank, let lipstick print on the candy cane colored straw.
   “I’m going to ask you out.” He decided gentler. Intent. “New Years Eve. Seven on the dot. You can show up in a nice dress when I knock and we’ll go. Or not.”
   “You might want a back up girl.” Evie sucked in her cheeks, eyes had to leave his to see the table. Thighs pressing. He'd definitely just undressed her.
   “No need.” Billy crossed his arms to shrug. “Don’t want one. Already asked the girl I want to take. C’mon, Fenny, quit hiding and get out. What are you waiting for?”
   “I’m not hiding.” Evie shook her head, chest sinking. “You’re the one hiding.”
   “Me?” His shoulders rose. Got all puffy like a peacock.
   “Hawkins High King. Billy Hargrove.” She lifted her hands for dramatic effect. Leaned forward to match him in intensity. “Thrashing forth in a billow of hairspray and cigarette smoke. Sun left in your wake along with a trail of broken hearts. You pose for them and they eat you up. There won’t be much left..."
   That sentiment kicked Billy in the chest.
   "...Everything you say is layered in rage and cheese. It’s mind numbing. I have a wall up, but you put up this flashy front that just blinds everyone. You want their eyes to bleed for you. Get real, Hargrove.”
   “I’ll get as real as you want. Ask me anything.” Came the challenge.
   “Okay. Why’d you beat up Steve Harrington?”
   “Cause he was lying to me and because I hated him.” Billy shrugged, eyes averting. "Because I wanted to taste hot metal. It's home to me."
   “Lying? About what?”
   “Still don’t know and frankly, I don’t care anymore.” A quick sip from his coke. “Go to the party with me.”
   “You just don’t give up.” She peered into her glass. Wanted to eat the ice cubes clicking there.
   “Maybe I’m asking you not to give up on me.” There was something almost sincere there like Billy was touching the earth for the first time.
   “Why are you trying to trick me?” Evie pushed her cup aside even though her teeth chattered to crunch.
   “Trick you?”
   “This party thing.” She paused when the waitress returned to clear the table. Leaving the check face down. “You’ve been nothing but an ass to me since you moved in. Ignored me. Probably can’t even recall what I was wearing when we met.”
   “Your mom’s hair kinda got in the way when she brought you over.” He joked and didn’t miss her stifle amusement, eyes rolling. “It’s not a trick, we might actually have something in common.”
   “What’s that?”
   “The people in this hell town aren’t very interesting. Maybe I find you interesting.” His brow quirked. Fingers tapped the lacquer table.
   “I don’t find you all that interesting.” Evie smiled that time and Billy matched it.
   “That’s fine. You will."
   "So certain?"
   "Give me a chance.” Billy’s eyes flicked over her before he sat up. Didn’t miss a damn beat. “You wore red button up shirt tucked into a little denim skirt with suspenders. Black tights. Grey shoes. Sunglasses with big white cat frames. That same gold necklace with the music note and dangle earrings to match. You introduced yourself with your mom. Took the sunglasses off and even had gold on your eyelids too. I remember it.”
   "Yeah?" Her lips parted with the audible breath he stole. And oh so easily. Evie leaned closer so he followed. Hooded eyes all aflutter.
   "Made your eyes look..." Billy searched. "Molten. Volcanic like."
   "Molten?" Evie wasn't even hearing herself anymore.
   "Just, I don't fucking know, warm like..." The beach. California. Home. Billy lost the thought and licked his lips. "You just looked painted."
   "Painted?" Evie had mused then. Entertained now at his odd way of description. Tried not to think about Billy running a wet paintbrush down her bare neck.
   "Yeah." Billy breathed slower. Painted. With the autumn breeze and sun in her hair, slowly brushing curls around those full, tinting cheeks. A subject the fucking Pre Raphaelites would have lost their shit over and painted all seasons. He could picture Evie floating in an endless pool being kissed by fallen flower petals. Draped in miles of iridescent chiffon reclined in emerald green grass. Looking straight at the viewer with intensity and still dreaming all the same.
   "You had on a black tee. Jeans. Your saint chain. A pair of aviators tucked into your denim coat pocket." Evie peered under the table. "Same boots... You looked like you wanted to be literally anywhere else."
   "That'd be the truth. Wasn't you or your mom's chipper greeting." Billy was looking down now. "Just realized I couldn't see the ocean anymore is all. You held out your hand and I ignored it because I'm an asshole. We established that this morning and now I'm making it up to you."
   “And you still peeked at my chest." Evie flashed a cheekier smile. "Said your name only after Neil gave you this hard stare. Max sped by on a skateboard, you must have thought I was distracted. But, I caught you.”
   “I did check your tits out, sue me. I have eyes. You have tits. The world spins.” He smacked a couple bills down as she went through her pockets. The spell on them both shattered to rain. “Already paid. Let’s go, the waitress is staring at us. We'll make a grand exit, huh?”
   “But-” Evie stopped when he grasped her wrist and pulled her up into his side. Spied the waitress scowling as he held her hip and they went out. Got away from the window before she pulled from him. “Get your mitts off me, Hargrove.”
   “Still open for questions.” He sniffed and they went back down the street. Another smoke was lit.
   “Okay. I'll go for the obvious. Do you think we look funny together?” She crossed her arms when Billy leaned against the side of his car.
   “Who cares. You’re making a big deal over nothing. It’s just a party.”
   “The world cares. That waitress back there. Kids at school.” She shrugged. 
   “You.” He clicked his tongue, head tilting.
   “I don’t care.”
   “That’s why you don’t want to go to the party with me, you’re stuck on what they’ll think.” He pointed with the red hot cherry of his cigarette. “Fuck ‘em. As your Louisiana folk would say: to the devil with false modesty.” He mocked her mother's accent with that.
   “Maybe, it’s because you’ve been a jerk to me. That reason enough?” Evie dropped her arms and Billy paused to nod, inhaling. “I don’t know what this is, Billy, but...just stop it. Ask someone else.” She eyed her mom’s salon and took a few steps back. “Thanks for lunch. I gotta go, my mom won’t turn this place over to the evening girl unless forced.”
   “Can’t tell me what to do, Angel.” He stood taller. “I’ll bet you another Coke that Mona invites me to dinner tonight. TV included.”
   Evie gaped at him.
   “A Coke?”
   “I’m easy to please. I’m gonna come to your house for dinner. Hour of TV at least.” He cocked his head. So full of pride.
   “Why are you dragging this day out?” She turned to face him again.
   “I want to meet your cat.” Billy wrapped his lips around the smoke. Exhaled after. “That little creep stares at me from your window day in and out.”
   “He doesn’t like boys.”
   “Bet he’ll like me.”
   “I bet he won’t. He’ll stay in his bed and not spare you the time. It'll hurt your ego.” Evie came to Billy with her own certainty.
   Bourbon was old. He liked to sleep, have his ears scratched, and purr. A lot. He hid when company came and keeps a safe distance once wandering out.
   “Oh, another challenge. Okay, Fenny. We’re doing this.” Billy came to her, flicking his smoke to crush it under the toe of his boot. Cold wind blew. “When I come to dinner tonight-”
   “If.” She corrected.
   “When Mona invites me with her beat to hell Louisiana accent,” Billy insisted, “you get to play hostess. If that cat takes a liking to me, you’re going to the New Years party with a Hargrove.” He towered there and studied her.
   “And that’s if you can even set foot into my house... It’s not a date. The dance.”
   “What do you have to lose here?” Billy offered his hand and Evie eyed him suspiciously. Lips pursed before she reached to take it. His other broad palm came up to prolong it, engulfed hers before he leaned in even closer. Whispering and sultry. “Oh, and literally everyone in that place is already staring at us. We look just fine together, Evangeline. To the devil.”
   Evie hitched a breath. Inhaled his cologne and twisted to see many eyes snap aside behind the glass.
   “Ah, shit.” She tugged from his warm palms and went inside. Billy, cool and collected, trailed after. He cleared his throat and spoke up.
   “I just really don’t want to impose, Angel.” The tone changed and her body locked, turning to question it before her mother replied at reception first.
   “Impose?” Mona blinked, snapping a book shut.
   “Your daughter kindly invited me to dinner, I figured it was too short notice for her lovely mother." Billy made a thing of it to sigh with longing. "Any other day, I’d-”
   Evie's entire face scrunched at him. Cheeks red like strawberries when her jaw set.
   “Oh, no! You’re always welcome. We’re having Swedish meatballs. Easy thing to whip up. I always make so much extra, don’t I, Evie?”
   Evie Fenny hated Billy Hargrove. Officially and totally. Hated his smug little face.
   Her tongue clicked at him.
   “Mm hm.”  
   Billy only smiled, winking. Too easy.
   “What a wonderful idea to invite him, baby. I’m going to be headed home soon. We might have a late meal. Is eight alright for you?” Mona tucked Evie’s curls behind her ear and flashed a hundred watt grin.
   “Eight is perfect, Ms. Fenny.” Billy charmed the entire room. Except the painted, plush storm cloud in front of him. “I also have to say, has anyone ever told you that you look like a brunette Dolly Parton?”
   The woman about squealed at him.
   “You know, I get it sometimes.” She touched her collar with one hand and pushed at him. “Does your family want to come over for dinner?”
   “Unfortunately, no. My dad is taking Susan out. You know, date night. Max is spending the night at a friend’s house. Police Chief’s new kid. So, I’m all alone tonight.”
   “Well, not anymore, come over and I’ll get you fed. My door is always open, Billy.” Mona tapped his chin. “Eight o’clock sharp.”
   “I’ll be there.” He turned to Evie. Speechless. Voice lowered as he leaned in to brush one knuckle along her jawline. “And I’ll be seeing you, Angel.”
   Billy seemed to linger for her to say something more, finger curling into unruly locks.
   "To the devil." She uttered with pointed brown eyes. Unable to leave him.
   The curl bounced back into place. Billy heard her lungs sputter with need and bit his lip, sly. A final wink just for Evie.
   One bell and he was gone.  
   “Mom.” Evie broke to moan and pull herself back together, following. “Why?”
   “Why, what? Let the boy come over for dinner.” She plucked up a comb to put some finishing touches on a woman’s hairdo, nodding to her stylist.
   “He’s trouble, you know about him. The whole town does.”
   “Sweetheart, we’re always going to be hospitable. Especially to troubled souls. It’s what Dolly and the Bible would have wanted.” That was always Mona's sound advice.
   “Evangeline.” Mona shot her a look. Fussed. “Do not take that tone with the Lord, young lady.”
   “I’m sorry, just,” she blew air out her lips and whined, “I can’t stand him.”
   “Seemed awful cozy out there or have I gone blind now? All the smiles and nicknames.”
   Evie bit her tongue at that because there was plenty Mona chose not to see.
   “Billy does that, he tricks you and then steps on you because it’s a game to him.”
   “Maybe he’s trying to do better. I know he gotten into some trouble, but what do I always tell you?”
   Evie crossed her arms tight, hip cocked. Monotone.
   “You’d tell me Dolly would want us to see the light of a clear blue morning.”
   “And has Dolly ever steered me wrong?” Mona pointed with the comb before she fluffed the locks up. “Perfect, go ahead and finish this. Good work, dear.”
   “Thanks, Miss Mona.” A new hire moved to finish, pushing large glasses up her nose. Mona went around them and Evie followed.
   “I know, I know. Be brave and kind. Honest and always open your heart. Blah. I’ll be civil if he is.”
   “Oh honey, let a boy be nice to you once in awhile. You might like it.”
   “Pssh. Find me one first.” Evie passed her mom to get her bag. “They only get nice when they’re older and mature.”
   “I wouldn’t always bet on that, baby.” Mona replied softer than intended. “Cruelty takes so many forms, that’s how it seeps into our lives so easily. It’s a comfort.”
   Evie didn’t find something to argue with there. Just watched her mother’s back tense.
   Let the words flutter like silken petals on the wind.
   To the damn devil.
Thanks everyone xoxo! Askbox is open. TAGGED:: @80sbxtch​ @nottherightseason​​ @orxhidshavana​  @alagalaska​ @alongcamedolly​
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Moving On
 (Summer 2012)
Evangeline Cheval finally unpacked her last box for her new bedroom and kicked it to the other side of her room in her new house. The former Mrs. Depp had been looking forward to this day for months, the day she’d finally be able to move her and her kids Camille and Xavier back to her hometown, New Orleans, in her childhood neighborhood where her grandparents had raised her and her sisters. The neighborhood was more expensive, but as she hung more pictures of her family, past and present it was beginning to feel like home. The divorce had been finalized last fall, but since the kids had started back at school, Evie decided to put the move on hold until they finished school and they moved into a modest three bedroom home until the school year was up. Camille and Xavier would get a fresh start in Louisiana, where they wouldn’t be followed around with cameras.
The kids would be starting school in a month, Camille going into the 7th grade and Xavier going into the 4th grade, while Evangeline would start as the new cardiologist at the nearby hospital in two weeks. She sat on her newly made bed and looked around the room and she felt a weight leave her. Evangeline could be normal now, as in she could go to the grocery store or the gas station and not have her picture taken. No more being known as just Johnny Depp’s wife, where people forget that she’s a doctor whenever she was on his arm. No more comments about how she’s a gold digger who’s only with Johnny for money and fame.
Now she’s just Dr. Evangeline Cheval. The divorce itself was exhausting and heartbreaking, but not messy. Johnny told her how he fell in love with his costar, that he never meant for it to happen, but it did. Once news got out about Johnny divorcing Evie, Evie was phased out of social circles, women she’d known for over 20 years and called her friend stopped inviting her out to get togethers and soon, she had no support system Los Angeles, and Evie was miserable as her kids finished out the year. That was when she made the decision to move back to her hometown where her sisters and best friends were.
They welcomed her back with open arms, and since Camille and Xavier loved New Orleans, and with Johnny’s approval (it was the least he could do, he could see that she was absolutely miserable and wanted her to be happy), it was a win-win. Evangeline decided to check on the kids and see their progress, starting with Xavier. He had boxes pushed into a corner of the room and he was filling his bookshelf with his books and little action figures. His bed was in a corner near a window with a bedside table that held his unplugged alarm clock and a framed picture of all four of them on vacation in the Bahamas. When Johnny was still in love with her.
“The room looks great.” Her son sat on the bed and Evie leaned against the door jamb. “Thanks Mom.” Xavier was always quiet and reserved, just like his dad. “I know this is a big adjustment, but this will be a good thing. For all of us. Your father loves you and your sister very much, and nothing is going to change that, we’re still a team.” Xavier still looked a little unsure, and what he said next made Evie’s blood run cold. “Is she going to be our stepmother?” Johnny started dating the blonde she devil after the divorce was finalized; she wanted to be happy for him, but there was something about her that Evangeline didn’t like about her besides the fact she had a hand in ruining their marriage, but she couldn’t exactly put her finger on it. She let it go because she didn’t want to be one of those ex wives. “I don’t know sweetheart. That’s a question you have to ask Daddy.”
“I’m gonna go check on your sister.” When she crossed the room, Xavier asked, “hey Mom, what’s for dinner?” Evie pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time; there were two text messages from her sister Shanelle, and it was almost six o’clock. There wasn’t any food in the fridge yet and she didn’t have the energy to unpack the kitchen. “Uh… we can eat out. Once I finish checking on your sister, we can go get burgers or something.” She’d have to go to the grocery store after she registered the kids in school. Then she’d have to oversee the installation of the washer and dryer, then the cable so Camille could catch the new episode of Pretty Little Liars. It was a lot to do.
Camille’s door was open so Evie poked her head in; her 13-year-old asleep on her back with a copy of the newest issue of Teen Vogue resting cover side up on her stomach. So that explains why she’s been so quiet. Xavier was trying to set the time on his clock. “We can eat as soon as Camille wakes up.” Xavier groaned and threw his head back, his dark hair flopping out of his face. “But she’s gonna sleep the whole night! And I’m hungry!” 
“She could wake up soon. I don’t know how long she’s been sleeping. Wanna watch a movie while we wait?” Evie let him pick the movie so they ended up watching Howl’s Moving Castle, and thirty minutes into the movie, Camille walked into her mother’s room where her brother and mother were cuddled on the bed, Evangeline scrolling through her email. Multiple emails from reporters wanting to get her side of the divorce, her thoughts on Johnny’s girlfriend and emails from her new job saying she can pick up her new coat. “Ready to go eat? There’s a New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood restaurant nearby.” Camille nodded and fluffed out her curly hair and gathered it into a ponytail. 
“Okay y’all, go put on your shoes and then we can go.” After fixing her hair and reapplying a new coat of her favorite lip gloss, they were ready to go. It felt nice to leave the house and enjoy a meal as a family without a bunch of cameras flashing outside as they ate. No one seemed to know who they were despite the fact that Evangeline was the mother to some of the most famous kids in the world. No one was coming over to bother them for a picture or autograph. Later that night as she lay in bed waiting for a reply from Shanelle, she thought about how different her life would be now. She’s now caring for two kids by herself. She doesn’t have a housekeeper to clean up her mess (not that she ever liked having people pick up after her) or personal chefs; she would be in charge of what her small family would eat for dinner (which was just fine with her. The kids preferred their mom’s cooking anyway). Evie thought about how when the bill came, the waitress informed her that the gentleman at the next table paid for their food and dessert which he offered. He winked at her and she smiled back. 
His name was Will and Evie thought he was very attractive. Much taller than her 5”2, and dark skinned. They exchanged numbers, and long story short, she was very interested in him as they texted back and forth. If Johnny was already moving on with his life, then Evie shouldn’t have to feel guilty about texting another man. It felt nice to feel butterflies, to know that she was desirable. Maybe this wouldn’t be a bad thing.
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editorofeverything · 4 years
Day 3 of going through my drafts I never finished or posted because ✧Low Self-Esteem✧
Apparently, I tried starting a Wattpad werewolf soulmate fic at one point... You know exactly what I’m talking about. I only have three chapters, so I’ll post them together, so this one is pretty long. I thought yesterday’s cringe was bad. I shuddered when I read this. (So. Many. Typos. I had to fix them before I cried.)
Chapter 1: Dramatic Introduction, but I Liiiiiiike It
Leaving my aunt's house is a dream I thought I'd never fulfill. She never lets me go anywhere by myself and do you know how embarrassing it is to have your aunt shadow you as you go to the supermarket to buy foods, sit right behind you in the movie theatre, or worst of all, try to step into the bathroom stall when all I had to do was put on a tampon!!
I have no idea what her problem is or what I would do in the past to leave this controlling atmosphere. I had to be homeschooled all my life, never allowed to go outside the front door without my aunt practically holding my hand since I could remember, and never get to do anything myself. I always felt so useless.
I could never cook, never clean, never help with the garden out back, and I could never even dress myself! She would always come in early in the morning, pull out clothes from my closet, and hurry off to make me breakfast and get our 'classroom' set up.
Most of you are probably thinking, "How could she not love everything being done for her?!" And I did at one point, when I was really little, but I'm a eighteen year old senior being homeschooled by a woman the town calls a witch!
I needed to change my fate. So, I snuck out of the house and ran like hell with all the money I could find. I know it's stealing, but how do you get money if you never work? She's always right beside me, I'm surprised she doesn't watch me in my sleep.
I kind of compare myself to Rapunzel. Never leaving the house and doing whatever the witch wants to make her happy instead of myself. But that has got to change, now.
I ran and ran until I saw the bus stop at the end of the street. I looked back at the house as I waited for the bus that would come in at least five minutes. I had no idea if my aunt checked me in the middle of the night, so I needed to make this quick.
I looked at the house surrounded by trees, miles away from the closest town I'd never really got the chance to explore and suddenly realized I hated the house as much as I hated the witch of an aunt living in it. The house was cute and innocent enough with it's blue, chipping paint; its yellow shingles; and the friendly, cozy look it excluded with the chimney and door painted red. The mismatched color making it stand out and goes unnoticed at the same time.
I turned when I heard the bus driving up and glanced one last time at the only place I knew before getting on the bus to anywhere and driving away.
For once in my life, I felt free... Right before we got to the border of town and I saw the exiting sign coming up, a figure showed up in the middle of the road. The bus driver and I screamed and then we crashed.
✧ ✧ ✧
Chapter 2: Oddly Intense Scene... I’m proud of younger me for her ability to create such urgency and intrigue tbh. I tend to overthink everything nowadays
All I could feel when I woke was pain. Everything hurt. I looked around and realized the bus had flipped over and was now on its side. I saw the bus driver slumped forward in his seat and gasped. I saw a glimpse of a similar image but quickly shook it off.
I quickly got myself on my feet and made my way slowly and painfully until I reached him to check his pulse. There was nothing.
A sob escaped me. This can't be happening.
"Oh, come off it. He's dead. So what?" I froze when I heard her voice. I looked through the window shield and saw her still standing in the middle of the road with her arms crossed and looking at me with that face she gave me when I did something I wasn't supposed to do.
"What? What are you doing here? Why aren't you calling for help?!" I couldn't think straight. Everything was blurry and in twos. I felt something slide down my face and went to touch it before I noticed the slices running up and down my arms. I looked in the bus drivers shattered mirror and saw myself, covered in red.
I felt faint as I took in the sight of me. I started shaking with repulsion and fear. I hated blood.
Every time I saw it, I got these glimpses of a car, broken, with two heads leaning towards one another as if they were sharing a secret, but they could no longer speak.
"Come off the bus, Evie, and I'll see if you're damaged, and then I'll call the police," she was talking to me as if I were a child about to throw mud at her.
How the hell was she so calm?! Why the hell am I so calm?! I've never felt so calm in my life. Am I in shock?
"Evangeline," her silky, smooth voice wrapped me up in calmness and I felt myself following her orders without second thought.
Why can't I move my body the way I want?! Stop! I don't want to go near her!
I fell forward as my legs stopped moving towards her and away from the exit sign. If I'm about to die from my witch of an aunt, I'm going to die outside of this town.
I turned around and ran towards the sign with all my might. I was almost there, ignoring my aunts confused and angry yelling, one more step and I can die in peace.
But then, I froze this time, and I heard her angry murmuring get louder and louder until she was facing me with slit eyes and a cruel smile I'd never seen before crossed her face and suddenly, I felt the calmness leave me and I was terrified.
"I don't know where this will of yours came from suddenly, but I'll be sure to beat it out of you when we leave this town for one I'll make sure you stay quiet in."
Once again, my metal denial did something to her and this time I saw the physical aspect it had on her. She flinched back and held her head in pain so I kept at it.
She flinched again and clutched her blonde hair in her hands.
I turned and stepped over the line and collapsed to my knees.
I did it. I made it out...
I felt the blackness sweep over me, but all I felt was relief.
✧ ✧ ✧
Chapter 3:
When I woke, I felt something pressing against me as I swayed back and forth. I was instantly confused. I'm supposed to be dead, right?
I did lose a lot of blood from the crash and whatever happened to me with my witch of an aunt. I felt really funny, like I was warmed through and through...
I tried to focus on the warmth, but it was everywhere. I was actually feeling way too hot for whatever reason. It was making me sweat, I realized after a moment of intense concentration trying to open my eyes, but I also found they were glued shut.
I didn't feel right. I felt like I was there, but not really there. My head felt like someone was beating it with a hammer at a steady beat that was super annoying. Thump... thump... thump... thump.
Then, something brushed over my forehead and that's when I realized I was being carried.
Before I could properly panic, there were voices coming in through the fogginess in my mind. I could suddenly hear the sounds of footsteps, more than one set, and voices carrying on a conversation.
I instantly recognized both a male and a female conversing around me and kind of freaked out. I never really was good with people, and now I'm suddenly being carried to god knows where after a fight with my wicked aunt. Wow, I really like making puns about that already. Must be the shock.
✧ ✧ ✧
And then I forgot this file existed and never completed my idea... Common theme with me, but damn if I wasn’t better at really feeling what I was writing and getting into a rhythm with it. Poor little young me didn’t deserve how mean I was to her. 
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
Pinky Promise: Four
Sierra Elizabeth Barton was having a rough week. And Clint wasn't quite sure how it had gotten so out of hand. But he felt like the worst parent, even if he knew it wasn't his fault. 
It had started with Nat watching her tripping over her feet more often and noticing her struggling to get up. "Clint," she'd murmured, nudging him to look where Sierra was rambling slowly, more slowly than usual, across the grass with her stuffed mammoth in her little knapsack, happily helping Tony test some new tech thing. She could see the twinges of pain across her little face and watched her struggle, leaning on a table for support. 
"What?" he said, looking up from his phone and glancing that direction.
"How long has she been like that?" She asked. 
He wants to ask like what. But then he sees it. The pale little cheeks and the fine sheen of sweat from the effort of staying on her feet. But her little voice gives no sign. Clear as a bell and mixing with Tony's snarky replies.
"Fuck," Clint said softly.
"You didn't notice?" Nat asked softly. Clint hung his head for a second, and she rubbed the back of his neck, "How long has it been since she had x rays?" she asked.
Clint doesn't know that either. He thought he'd been doing everything right. Physio, making sure she kept up on music lessons, getting her in some advanced classes. "I'll try and get a hold of Jennie," he sighed, "See if she can get me the number for her doctors. Get a referral for someone out here."
He heaves himself to his feet, and Nat catches his hand, "Clint," she starts, but when he shrugs her off, she lets him go, catching Bucky's eye and jerking her head, indicating he should follow. 
Bucky frowned but nodded, following after his boyfriend. On the phone, Clint sounds tense. 
"Look, Jen," he sighs, "I don't wanna give her back. But she's in pain, and I wanna know why."
"I know she's always in pain. It's worse. She needs x rays so they can figure out if she's gonna need surgery."
"Fine. Thank you. I'll call as soon as we hang up... Does anyone know where Evie is?- Of course not. Why would she?"
He hangs up the phone and stares at the note pad on the counter with the number written on it. "Clint?" Bucky asks softly, "What's wrong?"
Clint exhales slowly and looks up at the ceiling blinking back frustrated tears. "Did you know Sierra was in that much pain?" he asked.
"No-I," he feels like he did something wrong. Clint holds up a hand to stop him and pulls him closer, wanting comfort. "What's wrong?" Bucky repeated gently, realizing this wasn't an interrogation. 
"I don't know," Clint said, swallowing hard. He hates it. He hates knowing that his kid is in pain, and there's no easy fix. He hates it even more that she's so used to pain that it didn't register that it was getting worse. 
"What do you need?" Bucky asked, cupping his jaw gently.
"I need Sierra to be okay," he said softly. The archer glanced towards the window. Natasha had apparently had a quiet word with Tony because he now had her sitting on top of the worktable he set up and was listening to her ideas about his design. Clint appreciated Tony's approach to Sierra. A lot. Stark had, surprisingly, never treated her as less than a pint-sized prodigy. He listened to her talk for four seconds and decided, "Ah, yes. A fellow weird kid." Tony didn't seem to register her disability. Not as anything but something that required occasional accommodation. 
"It'll be fine," Bucky said, "You think Sierra is gonna let anything keep her down that long?" Bucky had a lot of experience with scrappy little blonde kids. Too smart for their own good. 
That makes Clint smile a little, "No," he said softly. 
"Then call the doctor. Let's figure out what's wrong and get her back up to speed, Okay?"
"Okay," he said, stealing a kiss, "Do me a favor?"
"What's that?" Bucky said, anxious to try and make this easier. 
"See if Nat can track Evie down... She should probably be told there's a major appointment coming."
Bucky can't help it, he frowns. "I know," Clint sighs, "I know. But that's her mother. And she needs to be told."
"Even if she won't show up," Bucky growled.
"Shh," Clint said, "I know. And you know. Hell. Sierra knows, but..."
"But that's her mom," Bucky finished.
"When she grows up, Sierra can define the relationship on her terms, but... Until we get custody all the way sorted out, we can't be seen to be hiding anything. Or actively preventing Evie from seeing her."
Bucky nodded. He didn't like it. He hated knowing that Eve was going to break that little girl's heart again and again. And that He and Clint had to let her do it. But he does as Clint asked and went to go and find Natasha. 
The spy is sitting in the shade outside, keeping a careful eye on Stark. Not that the Inventor would put her in harm's way on purpose, but still, it's good to have a responsible adult on hand. "Hey," Bucky said, taking a seat next to her.
"What's up?" she said, looking over her shades.
"Clint told me to tell you to find Eve," he said, exhaling slowly. The redhead frowns, and Bucky snorts, "I made that same face."
"What's he want her for?" Nat asked
"He thinks she needs to be there. He's pretty sure this is going to be at least semi-serious."
Nat glanced over across the grass. Stark had Sierra slung giggling and protesting over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Probably to keep her from moving the joints that hurt. Without her knowing about it as he brought her over the grass. "Shit," she muttered.
"Yeah," Bucky answered.
"So," Tony said, "Here's the thing, pretty sure this kid needed a job in my lab yesterday."
"Oh?" Nat said, watching as he sat her upright in a chair.
"Why's that?" Bucky asked, amused.
"I fixed his equation," Sierra piped in beaming.
"She fixed my equation," Tony agreed, tugging the end of her braid fondly. "And I think that deserves ice cream... As long as none of the parental figures don't disagree."
"I think we can let her have some," Bucky said, stretching, "What do you think, Nat?"
"Did you do your homework?" she asked.
She nods, "And all the extra."
"Then yes," Nat said, kissing her cheek, "Just sit tight, okay? Strawberry?"
"Yeah," she said, "Thank you."
"You're welcome, Princess," she said, kissing the top of her head as she passed to go find some strawberry ice cream, thankful that she was even hungry. Sometimes, on the days when she hurt this much, she hardly ate anything. 
Clint looked up from his phone calls and quirked an eyebrow. "Sierra solved Stark's equation," Nat explained, "We're rewarding her."
"It's not dinner time," Clint said, looking at the clock.
"And?" she said, daring him to veto her.
""Small bowl, Tasha," he said, frowning at the calendar. 
"Nah," she said, rolling her eyes, "I was just gonna hand her the carton."
Clint gave her a look, but the spy only smiled and carried a little bowl of ice cream out to her waiting protegee, happy to see her still sitting where she was supposed to be and explaining something about bones to Bucky who, surprisingly, was listening patiently. 
"You're so smart," Nat said lovingly.
She gives Nat a look, tilting her head. Not the head tilt that says "The Audacity of this bitch" but the Curious one.
"I'm just weird," you tell her, "It's easy to sound smart when you learn about stuff no one cares about."
“Well, I mean someone has to care,” Tony mused, “Someone has to spend decades in dusty little Archives studying the stuff to put it in books for you to read.”
“And they’d probably be thrilled to see an eight-year-old who can understand their arguments. And probably super jealous,” Clint added, sitting next to Bucky and putting an arm around his shoulder. “How’re you feeling, Sunshine?” he asked.
“ ‘m okay,” she answers around a mouthful of ice cream. 
Clint doesn’t press but makes a mental note to give her some Tylenol and make sure she takes a hot shower to try and ease some of it so she can sleep. She needs rest, and that’s hard to do when she can’t get comfortable. 
“Hey Squirt,” Bucky said, tugging a damp lock of hair gently, “It’s bedtime. Your dad’s waiting for you.”
Sierra sits up, rubbing her eyes and looking a little lost. “You worked too hard today, huh?” he said sympathetically, moving to try and help her off the couch. 
She’s moving slow, and it’s painful just watching her trying to get her feet on the ground. “Baby,” he hums, stepping forward, “Do you-” he can’t even get the words “need help” out before her legs fold under her, and she pitches forward smacking her head on the coffee table and curling on the floor with an anguished little whimper. 
“Shit!” he said, scooping her up gently and looking at her forehead, anxious, “baby,” he kissed the injury and wiped tears away gently. As a rule, Clint didn’t spend much time coddling little bumps and scrapes, so Bucky followed suit, but this had been scary. “Clint!” he called over his shoulder, “Call medical.”
The archer half ran across the suit and assessed the situation for a second before realizing that his daughter was actually crying, and Bucky looked shaken.
“What happened?” he asked, worried. 
“She went to walk forward, and her legs just folded under her. She smacked her head on the table on the way down,” Bucky explained. 
“Okay,” he said gently.  “Sweetheart,” Clint asked, “More hurt or more scary?”
“It hurts,” she whimpered, reaching for him. Clint took her gently, picking up his phone to alert medical he was bringing them Sierra and explaining what was happening. “Shhh,” he soothed, rubbing her back. 
Bucky didn’t know what to do. So he scooped up the nearest stuffed animal to give her something to squeeze the stuffing out of and followed after.
In medical, they decided to expedite the x rays put Sierra under mild sedation to keep her from moving around too much until they could assess the suspected damage to her little spine. It also helped with the pain. The poor kid was clenching her jaw so hard Bucky could hear her teeth grinding. But as she slid into sleep, it eased up, and thankfully, she wasn’t whimpering anymore. Bucky didn’t know what was worse, hearing Sierra whimper or watching Clint cringe every time. Both felt like someone stabbing him in the chest, and he hated feeling that powerless. 
“Bucky go take a walk,” Clint said kindly, “We’ll be okay for a minute.”
“Go,” he said softly, carding fingers through his daughter’s hair, “She’s not going anywhere. And the Imaging hasn’t come back yet. Go stretch your legs.”
Bucky nodded and stood slowly, walking out of the room. But he couldn’t stay gone more than a couple minutes. Too worried to leave them alone for more than a moment or two.
“The first one is the hardest,” Clint said gently, giving Bucky a sympathetic look. “The first time she collapsed, I panicked and called 911. I thought she was dying, and I scared the poor kid so bad she had nightmares about waking up at her own funeral for a second... Which is terrifying on its own to hear from a three-year-old. You’re doing a lot better than I did.”
Bucky blinked at Clint slowly. He’d never thought of Clint having to deal with Sierra’s medical emergencies on his own. For a second, he’d thought Clint’s first question is “More hurt or More Scary?” had been a little callous. But the longer he listened to Clint give doctors a detailed medical history and advocate for her, the less sure he was about that. He realized now that it was him trying to figure out if this was an emergency or if he could hand her an icepack and put her to bed.
Clint kissed her hand tenderly and glanced towards the monitor, nodding, satisfied that for now, she was doing okay. 
“How do you keep all of her stuff straight?” Bucky asked.
“I keep files,” Clint answered, “Have done for years. Every operation, medical note, check-up, allergy... whatever it is.”
Bucky nods, a little impressed, “What is she allergic to?”
“Artificial sweeteners and blueberries,” he answers, “Neither is deadly, but blueberries give her hives, and Artificial Sweeteners give her migraines... And that’s why she can’t have gum.”
“I always assumed it got stuck in her hair once.”
“Nope,” Clint said, “But those stupid wax soda bottle candy things are a lifesaver. I gave her gum on an airplane once taking her back to her mom, and oh my god. Toddlers with migraines are hell. Pure hell. She was in pain and told me her head hurt but like... What three year old can articulate, “dad, you idiot I have a migraine”? I mean- She probably could have if she knew the words but... Yeah. Never again.”
Bucky snorted, “Good to know,” he said.
“Mr. Barton?” a Doctor said, knocking on the door.
Clint jerks to attention and stands up, shaking the woman’s hand, “Please tell me this isn’t that serious.” 
She smiles a little, “Not... Not yet,” she said, carefully putting the x rays up to show him, “The impact on the ground is basically breaking her spine, and it’s already working on her hips.”
Clint looks up at the x-ray and gets a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach, “So what do we do?” he asked. 
“Don’t let her fall,” she said sadly, “Otherwise? Preventative maintenance. Lots of low impacts exercise to help keep her weight managed. Leg braces as often as you can.”
Clint exhaled slowly, “What about her legs collapsing?”
“That,” she said, “We’re going to need an MRI for. It might be neurological. She might have something abnormal happening. An MRI might give us a starting point.”
“Abnormal? Like a tumor?” Clint asked, looking for clarification. 
“Not necessarily,” she said, trying not to alarm him. 
Clint nodded and looked back towards the bed, swallowing hard. “When do they want the MRI?” he asked. 
“You can take her home tonight,” she said, “Put her to bed. We’ll get it tomorrow.”
The archer nodded and took a deep breath, “Good,” he said, “It’ll give me time to contact her mom.”
The doctor nodded and shook his hand again, “Of course,” she said, “If you can, keep her home tomorrow. Give the inflammation in her hips some time to go down. I’ll have nursing call you and tell you when to bring her back.”
“Bucky?” Clint asked in the dark of the bedroom.
“Yeah?” he answered, rubbing the back of his lover’s neck.
“What am I gonna do?” he asked.
“You’re gonna love her,” he answered gently, “And you’re not gonna worry. Not yet.”
Clint made a soft unhappy sound and all Bucky could do was hold him a little closer. 
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
Kurt’s Mail Order Bride 3
Cowboy!Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler) x Mutant!OC
Descriptions:   Old westAU In about 1900 Germany, Kurt has heard stories about the wild west and dreamt about being a cowboy for a long time. When he’s brought over to America and sent to live with Logan he’s excited, until he learns what hard work a ranch actually is. Logan knows a woman will set him straight from his shenanigans, and brings one back. Kurt hopes for love, but they can’t seem to get along.
A/n- Please enjoy! 
Two days had passed, much the same, and Kurt was getting used to the woman being around, although he was still irritated that she could look at him without showing any problems; he was sure she was hiding them deep down, and he still didn’t know her name, since Logan never called her by it when he knew he was around, and she still called him Mr. Wagner. 
Kurt rolled over in the dark, thinking that he’d have liked to at least had a chance with a woman this soon, but that there was no way with this woman who was so, he’d found the word was uptight, just like her hair. He turned over again, seeing that something was poking out from the corner of the couch, and his tail brought it to him. 
It was the book that she had been reading. 
He read the cover and flipped open the pages, glad that the Professor had given him the ability to read as well as speak better English when he’d gotten here. 
It was a strange type of story, a little like the short ones in his book, but it was the whole book long, he saw as he flipped through. There was a woman, her family and friends, and a man, they were talking a lot about society for a little bit, and then the man came to the town and the news was everywhere. There was a little problem between the girls as they all decided that the man was “quite eligible,” and would bicker about who should be with him as a better match. 
There was a creaking and Kurt froze, looking back to see the woman peeking out of the door. She looked around and scampered out through the room and out of the door, carrying her boots. 
Kurt laid still, not knowing when she’d walk back through the door, presumably going out to use the outhouse. 
A few minutes later, the door opened again and Kurt saw the woman standing in her undergarments, pantaloons that stopped at her knee, and a top that had narrow sleeves that barely covered the top of her shoulder, dipping a little in the front in case her dress did as well. Her boots looked strange on her half bare legs, the bit showing between her boots and her underwear looking shapely. 
She quickly passed the couch and made it back to the room, closing the door. 
Kurt opened his eyes fully and thought about the look. Even if he had decided that he didn’t like her, her body did seem nicely shaped… He decided that other than her uptightness and formality, which he supposed was part of the uptightness, she looked pretty good for a woman. 
Kurt picked up the book in his hand again and started reading. 
What seemed like ages later, the man finally came to the woman’s house and they met in the entryway without anyone to introduce them. He treated her like a maid, and she was not impressed, then they were in a room together. 
“Please excuse me for my stupidity before, madam,” he bowed to her, but she wouldn’t look at him. “Madam, I’d like for you to accept my apology, though the situation would have been avoided if you had told me who you were.” 
She let out an indignant huff. “How could I? You hadn’t even introduced yourself yet!” 
“You still haven’t told me what I should call you,” he told her. 
She turned away again. “You still haven’t introduced yourself, you’re lucky that I’m speaking to you at all.” 
Kurt blinked and held the book away from his face. 
Was that really a thing? Did the man have to introduce himself first? 
That woman hadn’t told him her name, and he’d introduced himself- or he thought he had… 
As he thought over the interaction again, he realized that he hadn’t told her his name. 
He looked away with irritation. 
Is that why she called him Mr. Wagner? 
Why didn't she tell him her name? 
He picked up the book again, reading the next lines. The man bowed and took her hand, placing a kiss on it. “My peers call me Mr. Delecourt. However, you may call me Randolf.” 
The lady blushed and didn’t look at him. “You may call me Evie,” she told him. 
Kurt closed the book and let his tail place it back on the floor. 
That was ridiculous. That’s not how it really happened! 
Was it? He wondered in an aside to himself. Maybe it was different here in America… 
The light shined on Kurt’s face, waking him from his sleep, and he looked over to see the woman lighting the fire in the stove. The sun was barely rising, and she was already at work. 
He laid on the couch, watching her start mixing flour, water, eggs… He realized that she was making bread as she started kneading it. 
He had to admit, her bread did taste good. 
He noticed that her hair was in a semi messy bun, just tied up with a ribbon. It didn’t fit how he’d come to see and think of her. 
She stirred the pot on the stove, putting some oats in, and he was surprised at her efficiency as she made bread and breakfast at the same time. She poured a bowl of oatmeal and set it on the table and Logan soon came out and quickly ate it before heading outside to start work. 
The woman was kneading another loaf of bread now, as the loaves were very small, and wiped her brow. 
Kurt stood from the couch and made his way to her silently. 
She put the loaf into the small pan and took a breath before turning. “Oh,” she said, startled by Kurt’s sudden appearance. “I didn’t hear you come over here,” she told him, her hand drifting to where her hair was a mess. 
Kurt didn’t say anything, but sat at the table. 
She turned to the stove and poured the last of the oatmeal into two bowls. “Would you like honey in your oatmeal?” She asked. 
Kurt again didn’t say anything. 
Beth was starting to feel nervous, he wasn’t saying anything, and she looked like a mess. That’s what she got for thinking that she had time to cook before really fixing her hair, but it was so hot that she hadn’t really wanted to leave it down. 
She placed the bowl of oatmeal with a little honey in it in front of Kurt, and he took the offered spoon with his tail, surprised that she easily handed it over instead of going into hysterics over it. He stirred the oatmeal as she pulled the first loaf of bread from the stove, letting it sit only for a few minutes before ripping it open and spreading butter on it. She tore it in half again and offered it to Kurt. “Would you like some fresh bread?” 
Kurt took the bread and she seemed to smile, sitting and spreading out something red across her oatmeal. 
“What is that?” He asked. 
She looked up at him. “Oh, I like preserves in my oatmeal… Would you like to try it?” She asked. Kurt looked unsure, but she scooped a spoonful and held it out for him. 
He took the spoon and handed her his instead, since he hadn’t taken a bite yet. 
She took his spoon and started eating her food as Kurt ate his. 
It was quiet while they ate, and after, Kurt disappeared with a Bamf! 
Beth looked around, but he was nowhere to be found, so she finished her food and started the dishes. 
“Hey, blue,” Logan called from below. 
“Ja?” Kurt asked from the roof of the stables. 
“You don’t start making a use for yourself, might have to ship you back to New York with all the other city folk.” 
Kurt looked down at him unhappily. “But I want to be a cowboy,” he complained. “Can’t you teach me how to do that? That I’d happily do.” 
“Still don’t get it, do ya’?” Logan asked. 
“Get what?” 
“See those? Those are cattle. Now get to work keepin’ ‘em, or there won’t be a cow, boy.” 
Logan walked away and Kurt looked over to the barn, seeing the woman entering with the milk pail. He teleported down to her. 
“That is my job,” he informed her. 
“Oh, well, it hasn’t been done yet.” 
“I’ll do it,” he told her. 
“Ok,” she told him, handing him the pail. 
“Later,” he told her. 
“Then you can take the night milking.” 
She reached for the pail, but he held it away from her, making her reach past him. He was surprised that she did, getting close to him. 
“I’ll do it when I feel like it.” 
She stood straight and folded her arms. “Mr. Wagner, I need that milk to start making lunch.” 
Kurt shook his head. “You just finished the dishes from breakfast.” 
She nodded. “Yes, and I was going to make a special bread that you need milk for. In order for it to be made and cooled in time for lunch, I need the milk now.” 
“Fine,” Kurt said, sitting on the stool and starting to milk the cow. “Why does everything need to be done right now around here?” He grumbled to himself. 
“Because it can’t be done later,” she answered. 
“Why not? I don’t see how it will make any difference if I didn’t feed the cows until the sun went down, or didn’t muck things for a day.” 
Beth smiled, almost laughing. “Cows don’t eat at night, and they may not eat the old hay, so your cows would eventually starve because the grass isn’t enough to feed them. And go ahead and don’t muck the stalls, but you’re going to be digging it from their hooves, not me.” 
He looked up at her, her now fixed and tight up hair, smile, and laughing look annoying him. 
He stood and thrust the pail at her. “Hope that’s enough for lunch,” he told her, leaving as she took the pail. 
A while later, Kurt saw her wandering down to the well, starting to haul the water needed for the rest of the day. He could do that task quickly and easily, but he wanted to watch her suffer for a bit. 
On her third trip, Kurt saw a colored thing fall to the ground, and watched as halfway to the house from that spot, her hair fell. She pushed it up, but it only stayed for a moment. On her way back from the house, her hair had completely fallen free from the high and tight bun she’d tied it into. He stared in shock as her hair fell to her waist, curling from the way it had been held up. He blinked as he watched her find her ribbon and pick it up, his heart beating faster as the image of her standing in her undergarments with her hair down flooded his mind. 
She would look amazing. 
He couldn’t believe that he still didn’t know her name; what was he supposed to call her in his thought of her? He couldn’t just think, oh, woman, you are so beautiful- wait, he shouldn’t be thinking that, he didn’t like her. 
Remember? He reminded himself. 
She put her hair back up in a messy bun to get it off her neck, wiping the sweat from her face and neck, unbuttoning her shirt a little to try to cool down. 
Kurt’s brow crinkled and he wiped at it. He wasn’t sweating. He looked over at where Logan was hauling the last bucket of water to the trough in the cow pen. He was dripping sweat. He looked back to the woman as she tied her hair higher, splashing water on herself and drinking her fill. 
They were hot… 
Was that why the woman tied her hair up, not because she was up tight? 
Kurt teleported down to the house, and sat on the couch. 
Soon after, the woman walked in and looked at him. “Oh, hello. Would you like a drink, Mr. Wagner?” She asked, going to the pitcher of water she’d filled before. 
“Why do you keep calling me Mr. Wagner?” He asked, standing and walking closer to her. 
Her eyes widened and her cheeks turned a little red. “Is- is that not your name? I thought Logan said-” 
“It is,” he interrupted her. 
She let out a breath of relief and smiled a little. 
“But- why don’t you call me by my first name? Is it because you don’t like me?” 
“I like you,” she said in a rush to assure him, then her face turned red as her eyes widened in realization at what she’d said and she nearly stuttered as she spoke. “I mean- I- I don’t not like you…” 
“So why don’t you call me by my first name?” He asked again. 
“I- you never told me, and neither did Logan,” she told him. 
Kurt blinked. 
The reason they had been going through this; him not knowing her name, and her calling him formally by his last really was because she didn’t know it? 
One arm behind his back, Kurt bowed and took her hand, putting it near his lips and telling her, “you may call me Kurt.” He stood and saw that her cheeks were still red, and wondered why she looked like she was trying not to grin. 
She curtsied to him, her free hand holding out her skirts. “Beth,” she told him. “Wonderful to meet you, Kurt.” 
His name sounded light on her lips, sweet in a way he’d never heard it before. 
He let her hand go and stepped back. 
“What do people on ranches do for fun besides chores?” He asked her to crash his train of inappropriate thoughts. 
She was silent for a moment before she suddenly said, “Oh! Swimming at the swimming hole! Or play poker and drink at the saloon,” she added thoughtfully. “I think you might like to go swimming, it is rather hot lately,” she told him. 
“Ja, that sounds nice,” he told her. 
“Maybe after lunch I can take you,” she told him. He nodded and she smiled. “I’d better get to finishing it, then,” she told him, turning back to the counter. 
After they ate, Beth went out and hitched the buggy to her horse, getting a blanket and putting it in the bottom so it wouldn’t hurt to sit in it. 
Kurt gathered a towel and went to the front to see Beth putting in a basket and another blanket. 
“You want me to ride in the buggy?” He asked, mildly offended. 
“Well, you don’t have a horse, and Logan is using his, and the other isn’t a rider, he’s a cart puller. Don’t worry, it’s fun,” she told him. 
Kurt climbed into the buggy and Beth started off, going down the drive and out onto the road. 
Kurt found that it was enjoyable to ride in the buggy; he got to look around at the scenery without worrying that he would accidently lead the horse into a ditch or anything. 
There were mostly just fields around, and Beth explained that they were unclaimed property, just waiting for someone to come out and feel the need to work the land. 
They pulled off the road a ways and Beth tied her horse to a branch by the side of it before taking out the basket and blanket and heading down the hill aways. Kurt followed and found a semi secluded small pond. He pulled off his shirt and looked back at Beth as she laid out the blanket. 
“Aren’t you coming?” 
“Oh, no, I don’t have a bathing suit,” she told him. 
Kurt shed his outer pants to only be in his long underpants, jumping and teleporting over the water before falling in with a splash. 
Beth started darning the things she brought with her in the basket, watching for other people to come, but also taking peeks at Kurt as he swam around, blushing and grinning slightly to herself. 
After swimming for a while, Kurt looked up at Beth and saw her mending a shirt that Logan had ripped on a fence post the other day. 
“You came out here to have fun and are still working?” He asked her. 
She looked up at him. “I came out here so you could have fun,” she told him. 
He growled in exasperation. “Why can’t you just have fun?” He nearly demanded. 
“I have fun,” she told him. “I like riding my horse, looking around in shops, baking, reading…” 
Kurt was silent as he thought about that. “But you never play,” he told her. 
“Of course I do,” she told him. “I’m just not a child anymore; I’m taking care of a household, even if it is just the three of us; who would mend this shirt to be worn again if I didn’t? So I don’t have much time for playing any more.” 
Kurt swam over to the edge of the pond and sat in the water so it was still surrounding him. “Why wouldn’t anyone else do it?” 
Beth shrugged. “Logan is busy taking care of his ranch, and you are busy trying to have fun, who is left but me?” 
Kurt’s expression was a little hurt. 
Was that why she borderline treated him like a child? She saw him as running around like a child trying to have fun? 
“I can sew, you know…” He told her. 
“Are you offering to help, because I’d enjoy the help,” she told him. 
Kurt looked away. 
Even when she’d brought him out here to have fun swimming, she was still working, and it was so ridiculous to him. He didn’t care what they said, having fun was an important part of life. 
“You should stop putting your hair up so tight and let it down every once in a while,” Kurt told her. 
“I do wear it down, in the winter when it’s not so hot I’m melting,” she answered. 
“I meant you should have more fun, and stop being so laced up,” Kurt returned. 
Beth’s stare turned to him. “You just don’t get it, do you?” She asked, and Kurt got annoyed as she sounded like Logan. 
“What don’t I get?” He demanded. 
“Being a cattle rancher, a “cowboy”, is nothing like fun and games. It’s hard work, it’s making a living by raising good, healthy cattle that others will pay a high price for. It’s caring for other lifeforms than yourself. Putting your all into keeping them healthy and safe, despite what dangers you face. Being a human, an adult, is about caring for others in a way that helps everyone, keeps everyone safe, not just having fun and being selfish.” 
Kurt stood and growled at her. “Are you saying that I am a selfish child?” He demanded. 
Beth looked away at his near nudity. “Well, it wouldn’t hurt you to care for others mo-” She stopped and looked back up the hill to where her horse was whinnying. “Babe,” she murmured, climbing up and heading up the hill, only to turn back and come running toward Kurt. “Bull!” She cried. “Loose bull!” 
Sure enough, a bull ran down the hill towards them. 
Beth held out her hand and the bull stopped. 
She threw her hand out as he looked like he was going to charge again, and again it stopped. 
Kurt wondered what Beth was doing to stop it, but saw the shimmer of impact when the bull bumped the shield again. 
“Kurt, get out of here,” she called to him, trying to keep him safe. She took a step back and he could see that she was near a patch of mud that would make her slip into the water and make her defenseless against the bull. 
Kurt teleported and grabbed Beth around the middle before landing on a high tree branch with a Bamf! and Beth grabbed the tree to keep herself stable as she swayed. 
A young man made his way down the hill to the bull and grabbed it by the rope around its neck. “Hey, anyone down here?” He called out. 
“Yes,” Beth called. 
“What are you doing up in a tree?” The man asked. 
“Escaping your crazy bull!” She called down angrily. 
“Sorry, it’s that time- say, you sure got high up that tree pretty fast.” 
“I was very motivated! Now get your bull away! And if my horse is hurt, I’m going to find you and make you pay for him!” 
The young man shrugged. “Looked fine when I saw him. Hey, you need help down?” He asked, and Kurt could see the suggestive smile on his face. 
For some reason it made his stomach clench uncomfortably. 
“No, I don’t,” Beth called down. 
“But, you are pretty far up there, and if you’re here, your clothes might be… A lady shouldn’t be climbing a tree like that.” 
“Oh go step in some cow dung!” Beth yelled at him. 
Kurt looked at her in surprise. 
“I’ll do as I please! If I felt like it, I would fly down because that is what I pleased to do!” 
The man turned and led the bull back up the hill. “Suit yourself,” he called back with a smug smirk. 
“I will, thank you!” 
Kurt looked over her face, surprised to see it so red in anger, her hands clenched as well. 
“Are you alright?” He asked. 
Beth let out a breath. “Y-yes. I’m still just a little sore that the men in my town made me give up my family’s cattle ranch, I suppose. Come on, let’s get down,” she said, going to sit on the branch to start climbing down. 
It happened in a split second; her hand slipped and she started falling backwards. 
Kurt’s arms wrapped around her, but he couldn’t catch them, so he did the next best thing; teleported them to just above the ground. He felt the ground under his back, and the soft pressure of Beth on top of him. Her arms had tightly wrapped around his neck and her face was pressed against his bare chest. 
Kurt’s eyes were wide; he’d never had a woman this close before, and she was on top of him, holding tight against him, tensed up and not moving. She let out a sigh of relief and Kurt could feel the brush of her eyelashes against his fur as she opened her eyes. 
Kurt was sure that any second she would suddenly sit up, run backwards and try to get the feeling of his skin off of hers… 
But she wasn’t… 
Her eyelashes brushed against his fur again, and her breath stirred a path of it across his chest. One of her hands let go and drifted down his chest and paused, her fingers stroking his shoulder. 
“You’re so soft,” she murmured. 
He could say the same about her; her soft body pressing so gently against him, making him afraid to say, or even think anything in case she bolted like a deer. 
She pulled back and looked down at his chest, her fingers stroking against him again. “You have fur…” She seemed to suddenly realize what she was doing and her wide eyes leaped to his. “Oh, I uh-” She quickly stood and turned around to hide her glowing cheeks, brushing the dust off of her skirt. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- I apologize…” 
Kurt got dressed and helped to gather their things, then they made their way back up the hill to find that Beth’s horse had made a run for it, breaking the branch and ending up nearly a half mile back towards Logan’s ranch. 
“Babe!” She called. 
“Your horse’s name is Babe?” Kurt asked. 
“Well… his full name is Babylon, but everyone made fun of it,” she explained. “Babe!” She called again and the horse tried to turn, but couldn’t due to the broken buggy. He just stayed there and waited for them to reach him. Beth inspected the buggy and sighed. “Busted,” she grumbled. 
Kurt looked over the cracked wood and over to Beth. “Now what?” He asked. 
“Well… How good are you at riding a horse?” She asked. 
Kurt was in the saddle, steering the horse as they made their way down the road towards the ranch, Beth behind him, backwards so she could watch to see if the blankets came undone from where they were tied to keep the buggy together. 
He was lucky that it was a straight road, because the touching of her back against his was distracting him with short zings of lightning shooting through his nerves. 
Logan met them near the house and gave a grunt before turning and heading inside. 
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