#going to office 2 can be very depressing and boring
spacebell · 2 months
I’ve been at this job for 3 months now and I have barely interacted with coworkers outside my area bc I got the office once a week but I am picking up on some stuff I don’t know how to feel
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hunnitastic · 1 year
Can you write Wally tending to a GN reader SH scars after noticing them, if u don't want that's chill but oml I love how you write him 👌
Sure can do!
|| Wally Darling x GN!Reader ||
⚠️CW // this story contains self-harm, talk about depression, talk about feeling worthless. Please read at your own caution⚠️
Art done by: @/partycoffin
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You haven't been the same these past few weeks. You stopped hanging around your friends. Stopped accepting their invites to go out a play.
Julie asked if you wanted to come over and play business woman and play the role of her assistant like you always did....You declined.
Frank asked if you wanted to go and look at some butterflies with him at the park because they were your favorite bugs. You told him another time.
Eddie asked if you wanted to help him deliver some mail because you always enjoyed walking around in your little mailman uniform. You said you were too busy.
Wally...Wally darling had invited you to come over to his house so you could do your casual afternoon finger painting. You had always loved painting with wally. And sharing your silly little artworks after they dried. You enjoyed it so very much. Sitting on the ground, painting in silence and exchanging glances.
It was nice.
"Oh...I'm really sorry wally but- I think I might just stay home today. Maybe we can paint next week. I'll...talk to you later. Goodbye." You hung up the phone before wally could even respond. It was at that moment he knew something was wrong. You sounded very weak and tired. Almost as if you'd been crying before he called you. He took notice that you barely even stepped out of your house anymore. And if you did it was only for a little bit so you could get some fresh air. And you always wore a long sleeved sweater while outside. Which strange to the curious fellow. It was warm out so what was the need to wear a sweater?
Wally put down his phone and walked over to the window staring outside. Straight to your house. He caught you at the right moment. There you were. Wearing that same sweater as you stepped out the door and let out a small stretch and yawn. That was when wally caught a glimpse of your exposed wrist. It looked like some repeatedly scratched at your skin till it was red and bleeding. Something was most definitely wrong.
"Hmm...I think (y/n) is hiding something...don't you think home?" Wally asked, his chin resting at the palm of his hand as he continued to stare at you getting some fresh air before quickly walking back inside your house again. Home creaked in response. "It seems she doesn't us to know about something...I'll go over and ask." Wally mumbled to himself as he stepped outside and headed over.
Just as he was making his way to your house Julie spotted her neighbor and skipped over towards him. "Hey wally! Are you heading over to (y/n)'s house?" She asked in a curious tone. "Yes I am Julie. I would like to ask why (y/n) hasn't come out to play with us these past few days." Julie reached down and grabbed the others hands. "Will you please let (y/n) know that we all miss playing with them? I've been playing business women with frank but he just makes it boring!" Julie cried. "Hey! I heard that julie!" Frank shouted as he stomped over to the 2 other neighbors. "If you didn't start destroying things everytime we set up our office maybe I'd be more into it." Frank scolded before letting out a sigh. "Wally I assume you're heading to (y/n)'s house?" Frank asked. Wally hummed and nodded. "Kindly let us know if there's anything we can do for them. I've been getting awfully worried lately." Wally nodded again, growing eager to get to your house already. "I'll let them know you're all wo-"
Eddie called out a couple feet away as he waved his arms in the air. "Eddie! Keep it down! We don't want (y/n) to know!" Frank huffed placing his hands on his hips. Eddie let out a small chuckle. "Whoops, sorry bout that. Oh! Wally you're heading over to (y/n)'s house now right?" Eddie asked. "Yes I am." Wally simply responded. Eddie stuffed his hand into his bag and pulled out a stack of mail handing it over to the smaller puppet. "Could ya give these to (y/n)? Last time I tried handing them their mail they didn't answer the door so I just kept them for safety." Wally nodded and grabbed the mail. It was quite a thick stack too.
"OH- and also could you-" "OK THAT'S ENOUGH! We're keeping wally here far too long now he's probably waiting for us to stop yapping! Go on and go over to (y/n)'s house already Wally and, let us know how it goes." Frank quickly spoke before h dragged Julie and Eddie by their hands before they could open their mouths once more. 
Wally softly chuckled to himself before have continued to make his way towards your house. He softly knocked on the door 3 times and waited for you to answer. "Hello? (Y/n) it's me wally. Are you home?" He asked in his soft voice. Just before he thought you wouldn't answer the sound of the door know jiggle caught his attention. You slowly opened the door looking up at the dopey eyed puppet. "Oh, uh...hi wally. Is there...something you needed?" You asked only peeking your head out. "Eddie wanted me to give you these." Wally handed you the mail. Your eyes slightly widened at the amount there was. You kept yourself from pouting. "Oh geez. Thank you for giving these to me wally." You spoke in that unusual weak tone. "You're very welcome neighbor."
The 2 of you stood in silence before wally spoke up again. "May I come inside?" He asked in his usual soft polite voice. You didn't want any company at the moment but you couldn't say no to his face after telling you didn't want to hang out over the phone. You nodded and opened the door some more allowing your friend to walk inside.
Wally hummed as a thank you as he stepped inside. His eyes scanned the entirety of the house. There was tons of crumbled paper laying on the floor. All the lights where off too. That was something you'd usually never do. "Boy...it's pretty dark in here. I can hardly see you." Wally mentioned staring at your dim colored figure. Before you could respond wally reached over and flipped the light switch on. Your pupils dialed at the sudden brightness as you rushed to cover your eyes, blocking out the light. "There thats much better. Now I can see you more." Wally hummed turning to stare at you. 
"Uh...yeah...was there anything you needed?" You asked not moving your hands away from your face. Wally nodded and stepped forward. "Yes there is. I came over here to ask you a question." You slowly removed your hands from your face, looking up at your neighbor with tired eyes. "What's the question?" You asked nervously.
Wally stepped more closer, staring deep into your eyes. "Well you see. The others and I have been very worried about you (y/n)-" he started. "We haven't been able to play with you like we used to. So I wanted to ask if you're doing okay." Waves a guilt flooded your mind. You didn't mean to cause your friends to worry about you so much. "Is there something wrong?" Wally asked waiting for you to respond.  You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat. "Y-yeah! Everything is fine! I've just been really really tired!" You spoke in your best enthusiastic voice you could. Wally stared...he didn't seem to believe you.
"Are you sure?" He asked. You nodded your head. "Absolutely positively sure!" You sung faking a smile.
"You're lying."
Your entire body tensed up. Your breath caught in your chest. Your mouth hanging open. You couldn't find the right words to speak. Your hands lay limp at your sides.
"Wh-what do you m-"
"I can tell when somethings wrong (y/n). It's as plain as those cuts on your wrists." Wally spoke, his eyes traveling down to your clothed arms. You let out a shaky breath watching as he reached out and softly grabbed hold of your arm, slowly pulling the sleeve up. You couldn't read the look on his face. His usual smile didn't leave his lips.
You just watched as he stared at your skin. Scars old and new covered up and down your arms. Thin and and think. Deep and light. Different shades of red painted across your pale colored skin. Your arm thin and frail. You winced as wally lightly grazed his fingers over your cuts. "What are these?" He asked. You refused to respond. "Is this what you've been doing these past few days while staying locked up in your house?" He asked another question. Again, you refused to answer. "Hmm...this isn't good at all. Not. At. All." You panicked feeling his grip on your arm behind to tighten for a moment.
Wally let out a sigh and loosened his grip. He looked back at you. Same expression painted on his face. "Will you let me help clean you up?" He asked with a hint of worry in his tone. You stayed silent but nodded your head. Wally let go of your arm and held your hand, intertwining your fingers as he walked you over to your bedroom. "I'm assuming gou have a first aid kit somewhere right?" He asked sitting you down on your bed. "Yes. In my nightstand in the 3rd drawer." You pointed beside the bed.
After grabbing the kit and taking out the materials wally looked up at your face as he kneeled down infront of you. "...what?" You asked. "May you take off your sweater so it can be easier to clean up your arms?" He politely asked pulling at the hem of your sweater. You let out a slightly annoyed whine but did as he asked. "Very good. Thank you (y/n)." He hummed. 
You stayed silent watching as wally grabbed a cottonball and lightly dosed it in cleaning solution. "Would you mind telling me...what made you do this to yourself?" He asked as he lightly pressed the damp ball against the first cut watching your flinch from the stinging sensation. You stayed quiet for a minute before you decided to talk.
"I'm...I'm an awful friend" you whispered in a shakey voice. Wally stay silent letting you continue while he concentrated on cleaning up your cuts. "I ruin everything. I can't do anything right to help my friends." You sobbed. " 2 weeks ago I was playing office with julie and I ended up knocking over desk and breaking her favorite lamp that was on top of it. And when I was with frank watching some butterflies, he found one he had never seen before and was so excited about it. But I accidently scared it away. And when I helped Eddie with the mail I stupidly mixed up everyone's mail together. Eddie had to work extra hard that day because of me!" You let the tears spill from your eyes like waterfalls while you choked on your words. "And when we painted together I spilt an entire bucket of paint all over your picture ruining it! I'm so stupid! I keep messing everything up- I can't do anything right for my friends!"
Wally continued to stay silent while focusing on your arms. After he finished cleaning up all the dry and fresh blood he started placing band-aids on every single cut. "I didn't mean to make everyone worry about me. I just thought that after that you guys wouldn't wanna see me anymore. Why would YOU even want to hang out with me. I just make things worse. Staying home was the only thing I could do." You spoke between sobs. Tasting your salty tears that slid down your read flushed cheeks.
After wally was done blanketing your arms in band-aids he held your hands in his. His thumbs softly circling the top of your hands for comfort. "Do you know why we like to play with you (y/n)?" He asked staring into your eyes, watching you shake your head. "It's because we like to play with you. No one is mad at you for your small mistakes hun. Nobody's perfect after all."
"But...you are" you mumbled.
Wally tilted his head to the side. His eyes not leaving yours. "Why can't I be more like you? Calm, good at drawing...I'm nothing like you." You softly complained. "And that's a good thing" wally sung as he continued to massage your hands with his thumbs. "It wouldn't be twice as fun if you were like me. I like you as you (y/n). And so does everyone else." He spoke softly grabbing your hands and lifting them up having you lightly cup his cheeks in the palms of your hands. "You're such a funny person. Julie, frank, eddie and the other enjoy playing with you. I like playing with you too... you're so much fun to be around~." wally hummed pressing soft kisses against your wrist. Your heart started to race.
"You're really fun to be around. And it makes me so sad knowing you felt that way. I'm your best friend after all. I should have known you were so upset" wally softly spoke, nuzzling his face against your hand. "I'm really sorry you've been so upset (y/n). Could you ever forgive me?" He asked. His voice almost cracking. You stared at wally as tears continued to well up in the corners of your eyes. "Oh wally...please don't apologize. It's not your fault at all. I'm sorry I never said anything sooner. I was just...too scared to say anything." You mumbled, stroking the pad of your thumb against his cheek.
Wally closed his eyes, going limp in your touch. "Will you promise me the next time you're feeling sad you'll come talk to me about it?" You softly smiled and nodded your head. "I cross my heart and promise I will." You leaned over wrapping your arms around his neck bringing him in for a hug. Wally buried his face in the crook of his neck.
"Thank you for being such a good friend Wally."
"Anything for you (y/n) after all... What are friends for?"
♡~||AH I've never written a story like this so I hope I did a good job! Thank you very much for the ask. If you'd like to request a story feel free to send me on in my answer box||~♡
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igotanidea · 2 years
Be careful who you bring home : Morpheus x reader
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part 2 is up
request/summary by anon: you know how people get pets for emotional support? reader with anxiety or fear of loneliness finds a big black cat in a park and she is just: yeah, you are coming home with me. cat happens to be post imprisonement!morpheus. he wants to argue, but she quickly takes him to her apartment which is conveniently close to the park. reader cooing to cat: who is my little baby and Matthew seeing it from the street and laughing at his boss. with 142 for reader (maybe he said something while being a cat) and 153 for morpheus.
142 was "it's just your imagination", 153 was "put me down" I might have changed the request a little bit but I hope you'll like it. Also thete is a bit of a twist/ crossover in the story. Wonder if you'll get it :D
„Have you ever considered getting a pet?”
The girl in her mid-twenties, dressed in comfy, black clothes sitting in front of the therapist frowned in confusion.
“A pet” she repeated “and why would I need that?”
“You know, it is proven that they have positive effect on people who suffer from depression and anxiety, so maybe this would be a good idea for healing process”
“Do you give such advice to all of your patients, doctor Raynor? Did you give such advice to Bucky, as well?”
“We both know he is not that kind of guy.”
“Really, why not?” the girl shrugged “he had some goats in Wakanda after all.”
“Stop joking around.”
“Jeez, fine. I won’t get a pet. In my current mental state I can barely take care of myself, let alone any other living being. Any other words of wisdom coming from you?”
“Not with this attitude. You may leave for now.”
“You know if I was paying you that would be the shittiest session not worth a dime.” She grabbed her coat and without a word, hands in the pocket left the room and not-so-pleased therapist.
A pet. Good joke. A four legged animal who would wake her up in the morning and at night asking for food or caress. A being that would turn her life upside down since it would require constant care and supervision to avoid destroying her apartment. Nope. Thank you very much. She was good enough by herself. Determined to get her head and broken soul back together and get clearance to get back to SHIELD and field operations. She missed that, but apparently beating up a bunch of bad guys leaves you in emotional trauma and in need of recover. Bullshit! She was an agent, for god’s sake, not a crying mess. Her attitude was far from cheerful and optimistic but just today she had to curb her murderous thoughts since one of her nieces were supposed to visit. Jemma was five years old and was still going through her princesses, pink glitter and unicorns faze. She was a challenge to be around, but definitely worth it. Her father, agent’s sister were supposed to drop her in straight to the house, but just a minute ago she got the message about the change in plans. Since the weather was beautiful and it was not often this time of the year, he took the chance for a little walk in the park and decided to meet his sister there instead of in the four walls. As she approached the park, she noticed her family amongst other walking people. Jemma was running around, picking leaved and jumping into the pools with loud, happy squeals. She could not hold back the tiniest smile on her face.
“She’s gonna get all wet and dirty and then who will tend to that?” the girl mocked while coming closer
“Hm, don’t know. I think at this point she would be someone else’s responsibility.”
“Hello, brother.”
“Hello sister” he hugged her tightly “how you’ve been? Life still kicking you in the guts?”
“I mean, when it doesn’t? You know my line of work….” Her brother was convinces she was just some regular office worker dealing with boring documents, since that was simply safer for everyone.
“Right, so mundane and ordinary…..” he rolled his eyes
“Auntie!” Jemma turned around and run straight to her favorite relatives not caring about the mud she left on her trousers while clutching to her legs.
“Hi, cupcake. Don’t you have to much energy?”
“I have so much to tell you! About the rhyme I’ve learned and some new letters I came across and my friends and everything” little girl jumped around in excitement “And I know a new magic trick dad showed me. But I still don’t quite understand it….” she frowned
“It;s ok, cupcake, we can work on that.”
“Oh, thank god. Like I said, your responsibility now. Good luck.” Girl’s brother was quick to get himself some freedom “just don’t give her too much sweets, you know how she gets after that”
“Yeah, too well. See you in a couple of hours then. Come on, Jemma” she took her niece’s little hand sticky with some mysterious substance “ let’s go home.”
If only it was that easy. They only took a couple steps when the little one broke out from aunt’s grip.
“Look, auntie, a cat!” she run over to the bench where unusually big and beautiful animal was soaking up the sun.  Before he realized what hit him, he was squeezed and carried by a little pair of still sticky hands and it was visible he did not like it.
“Jemma! Leave that animal alone. It may hurt you.”
Do not refer to me as “it”. I am a male personification. And put me down! Immediately!
She could swear she heard something in the back of her mind, but let it go. After all, cats do not talk and she was in therapy for mental trouble so it was probably just her mind playing tricks on her.
“Can we take him home, auntie, he’s so sweet, please” little girl pouted
“No. Of course not, look at… him. He is very good looking, so most probably belongs to someone. Not a chance he’s a stray cat. “
“I can’t see anyone looking for him” a couple tears showed up in Jemma;s eyes. “Please, auntie, please….” Great, now she was crying out loud getting the attention of few pedestrians.
“Ok, fine, fine, just please stop crying.”
“Thank you” Jemma stopped her actions in a second and smiled widely showing the jags in her mouth. “I will carry him so don’t worry about it, auntie” she held the cat even closer not caring about him writing in her embrace.
“Just be careful so he won’t hurt you” she warned following her niece, wondering what the hell she got herself into.
I will not hurt this little mortal.
At this point, the older girl was pretty sure she was going crazy. And to think that Raynor wanted her to have a pet to help her mental health, not deteriorate it.
“Auntie, look, I made him pretty”
“Mhm, great” she did not even bother to look up from some records she was currently reading “wait, you did what, Jemma?” a second later she came to realization what a five-year-old girl can mean by saying “made pretty”.
“Look, auntie” said five year old was quick to get the cat out from behind and proudly present it. Despite her rather gloomy attitude the older one could not hold back a laugh. Black fur was now embellished  with colorful glitter and was wearing a crown. If it wasn’t for the lack of resources at home Jemma would probably extend her imagination even more.
“Oh” she cooed “look who’s pretty boy” her grin was now getting wider and wider. She was no expert on animal behavior but the look on its face clearly indicated it was not happy with the situation.
“I wanted to give him a braid, but the fur was too short” Jemma saddened
“Don’t worry sweetie, it looks just perfect. Like a ….”
“Princess!” Jemma squealed and turned around with the cat still in her embrace.
“Don’t you both dare. This is humiliating”. Once again there was this little voice inside girl’s head.
“Ok, honey, why don’t you let go of the cat now. I got a snack for you.”
“Chocolate cake?” Jemma asked innocently while playing with her fingers and shyly looking at the floor
“Apple and carrots”
“That is boooooring. And I don’t like carrots” Jemma whined
“Well, too bad for you. I heard veggies give you strength. And then your skin looks healthy and shines almost like the cat’s fur. Wouldn’t you like to look beautiful?”
“I’d rather be smart” Jemma retorted taking her aunt aback with maturity of this sentence “but I guess beauty can help in future. I saw on TV that pretty girls always have what they want so whatever” she shrugged and rushed towards the kitchen where the snack was already waiting for her.
“Unbelievable” her aunt shook her head “but she’ll be busy for a while, so how about we get you all cleaned up, huh?” she picked the cat from the floor and walked towards the bathroom ignoring the writhing animal, who was not happy about forced wash.
Put me down! It demanded again and the girl stopped looking him straight in the eyes trying to check out if she was really going nuts.
“Oh come on, girl, get yourself together. It’s just your imagination.”
She walked straight into the bathroom and started gently combing out the fur. Surprisingly, her action bring the animal comfort because surprisingly to both of them he started purring.
Two hours later, tired and sleepy Jemma was picked up by her father and her aunt could finally let the cat out into the wild. It was impossible earlier since the little girl was checking on him every five minutes, refusing to drop this action.
“Sorry about today. “ she muttered opening the door “but hey, on the bring side at least you have a nice story to tell to your fellow cats. Besides, you really are a pretty animal.” maybe it was another impression or the flicker of lights, but it seemed like the cats fur became a bit reddish and he squinted. “go, now, find your owners, get home safe, fella.”
It was just a couple of hours, but the girls was actually starting to think that maybe, hypothetically, Raynor was right about this whole “emotional support pet” stuff.
Morpheus bristled and crossed the street. Only on the other side of the road he changed back into the anthropomorphic personification of dreams.
“Um, boss?” his loyal yet rebellious Raven perched on the branch, tilting his head slightly. If he was still human he would probably laugh himself silly.
“Not a word, Matthew. Not a single word about it. To anyone” he reached for his sand and completely ignoring further words of the bird transported them back to the Dreaming “Do I make myself clear” he made sure before entering the palace.
“Sure thing, boss. But it was funny don’t you think?”
“Hold your tongue, Matthew!”
@somest1 @pinksirensong
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bean-bean2000 · 6 months
The Hacker - Part 3
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: angst, yelling, self-deprecating thoughts (lbody dismorphia, self-hatred), recall of past traumatic events including physical and mental abuse & murder, guns, depression (suicidal thoughts).
Please note that I am not responsible for what you consume online. proceed at your own caution.
Feedback is welcome and very appreciated!
Part 2 here
Series masterlist
You wake up to loud banging on your door and yelling.
You giggle at his anger. You get up and open the door swiftly with a smirk.
“What’s wrong Cap? Couldn’t sleep?”
“What is wrong with you?! Why can’t you just be a quiet nerd that does what she’s told to do? Why can’t you follow simple orders? Why must you always create problems?!”
“Geez Cap, I always took you for a morning person. Who’s got your panties in a twist?”
“Cut that out right now! I know it was you! This never happened until you showed up. What did you want to achieve from this?”
“I’m not property. I am not a soldier. As Tony said, I’m a cyberpunk. A simple ‘Thank you for saving my life’ would have been nice. You’re too high strung and refuse to admit that you were wrong and I was very right for interfering. I will not be your puppet. I am my own person, whether you like it or not! I may be a part of this team, against my own will, but that doesn’t mean you can bark orders at me like a dog!”
“GAH! you’re unbelievable!” Steve says as he stomps away.
You snort and roll your eyes. You head to the kitchen and living room to grab some breakfast; not like you were going to fall back asleep now anyway.
As you walk in you see a certain blue-eyed brooding super soldier sitting at the kitchen island, sipping on coffee.
Your heart skips a beat but you ignore it and walk nonchalantly to the coffee machine.
“Good morning.” you say politely.
Bucky doesn’t reply but you can feel his eyes boring into your back. You turn around slowly and sip on your coffee, staring back at him. You’re not that easily intimidated.
Bucky snorts as a smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth. “You’re something else you know that? Nobody has ever angered Steve like you have.”
“Nobody has treated me as poorly as he has”
Bucky sighs “Give him a chance. He doesn’t understand how to use the TV remote half the time. He’s scared. he doesn’t know how to guide you and lead you during missions. He’s lost when it comes to modern age technology and it’s frustrating him.”
You stare at him as you consider what Bucky has told you.
“Regardless, his behaviour towards me is ridiculous. Considering he’s from the 40’s I expected a bit more chivalry and respect from him. I will make it clear as much as I can and as many times as needed that I am not his dog that he can bark orders at. End of conversation.”
“Wow this generation has really raised some ballsy women.” He says while shaking his head with a smile.
“Is that a problem old man? Want me to be little miss submissive? Running to you every night with a fresh meal on the table and do everything at your bidding?” you reply in a mocking voice.
Bucky gets up from the bar stool and walks towards you, he gently lowers his elbows on the kitchen island and stares at you directly in your eyes.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it. Honestly, I respect you the most out of everyone. You came here, alone and scared, and you still stand your ground, no matter the consequences. You’re confident and self-assured. They underestimated you.”
Your tongue is caught in your throat. His blue eyes are stormy. You swear you can see admiration and pride in his eyes but you quickly look away before you let your body take over and do what you really want to do to him. This is strictly professional. No emotions, you promised yourself.
You clear your throat and back up a bit “I um - i’m going to go to my office and do some stuff…alright bye.” You stammer as you quickly run off before he can stop you.
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky watches you runaway with a smile on his face and his heart beating so fast. He can’t remember the last time he’s felt like this for someone. He just met her and feels like he’s known her forever.
You run to your office and sit on your chair abruptly. You dim the light, close the shades and turn on the purple LED lights. You let out a long breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. You embrace the calming atmosphere of your office as you begin to work.
You check your emails and notice a slew of small jobs Tony has delegated to you. Hacking into some servers to retrieve some sensitive information; nothing you haven’t done before. You put your headphones on and blast some music to drown out any background noise and help you focus on finishing the task at hand.
As you’re working through your to do list, you didn’t realize how fast time flew by. The once early morning sun has now set into the late evening. You’re continuously tapping away on your keyboard, your eyes glued to the screens in front you. You’re so hyper focused you don’t realize someone is watching you from the doorframe of your office.
Suddenly you feel a hand squeeze your shoulder. You shriek so hard that your headphones fly off your head and you leap so high out of your chair that it flips over, making you fall backwards to the ground. As you’re trying to get back up, you look to the culprit and see Steve scrambling to help you up. He grabs you by your arms and pulls you up in one swift motion, all while apologizing profusely.
“Oh god I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you, are you ok? I was calling your name but you couldn’t hear me so I tried to get your attention.” Steve rambles while analyzing you, looking for injuries.
You sigh a breath of relief and rub your head, already feeling a bump forming from the fall.
“It’s fine Steve. What do you want?” you answer coldly.
“Look, I wanted to apologize. I’m really sorry for how i’ve been acting. I don’t understand a fraction of what you do or how you do it and I have no idea how to lead you through the missions. I was frustrated and took it out on you. It’s not right and I’m sorry.” Steve says, blue eyes boring into yours, swirling with pleading sadness, begging to be forgiven.
“I get it Steve. I do, and I accept your apology. However, you understand that I don’t need guidance right? The internet, hacking, technology in general is my life. All I need from you is to lead, to tell me what to do and when and I’ll do it but if there is something else that I can do to help the team further or save you, I will do it. Whether you like it or not, I know the consequences of my actions and I know what I’m doing. I trust you. The real question is, do you trust me?”
“I— I do. I will. from now, I will trust you and your instincts. I promise. You’re part of the team now and I will treat you as an equal like I treat everyone else.”
“Good. Thank you for being honest with me and clearing this up. Let’s start over.”
“Deal. Thank you Y/N.”
“Just don’t piss me off again or I’ll make it way worse for you than a few simple alarms and blaring red lights in your room as payback.” you smirk at him and wink.
He rolls his eyes and smile “Understood, scouts honour.” He salutes you jokingly and walks out with a quick goodbye.
You decide to call it a night and close up your office for the day. You walk to the kitchen and realize you haven’t eaten all day.
As you reach the kitchen and start making yourself a quick sandwich you hear footsteps approaching you.
“Hey there Cyberpunk, what are you up too? You disappeared all day today.” Bucky says as he sits next to you on a kitchen bar stool.
“I was working on some things Tony needed. I didn’t realize how time flew by. I haven’t eaten yet so i’m just making a quick snack.”
“You didn’t take a single break? How did you not eat, drink, go to the bathroom?…” Bucky looks at you with a concerned look.
“Um, no, not really. I tend to get really hyper focused on my tasks, especially when my brain is in overdrive. It’s kind of like a coping mechanism. I escape into my own cyber world and I don’t leave until my body basically wakes me up.” You say nonchalantly.
“Well, not anymore. Not on my watch.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” you ask while giggling.
“I have decided to make it my job to make sure that you’re taking enough breaks, eating, drinking water, going outside for some fresh air…”
“You don’t have to do that. I like my little cyber-cave. It’s my space, it’s fine.”
“Doll, you are stubborn.” he chuckles to you as he playfully pushes his shoulder against yours.
You reply with a scoff as you finish making your snack.
"You're too cute to treat yourself like this. Let me take care of you for a bit, I want to help."
You stare at him in disbelief.
Is he... flirting with me? There's no chance James Buchanan Barnes is flirting with me. He's just being nice to me. With women like Natasha around him, there is no way he would even look my way. I'm a freaking nerd, a computer geek that stays indoors all day and hides from the world through the internet. The other women in the compound are gorgeous with the perfect bodies to match. I'm not exactly the most fit, I can't even jog for more than 10 seconds without my lungs hurting. I dress is loose comfortable clothes, my hair is always in either a messy bun or air dried to let its natural pattern go free. I put minimal makeup at most because I'm alone indoors all day. Remember, no emotions. It's all in your head. Focus Y/N. He is just being polite and welcoming as you're a new team member.
Your thoughts are running a mile a minute as Bucky is looking into your eyes, waiting for an answer. You must have been staring at him for too long because Bucky asked you if something was wrong.
"No I um - i'm good. Just exhausted. Long day. Thanks for keeping me company for a bit. I have to go now, bye." you say awkwardly as you grab ur plate of food and scurry to your room.
"Hey, wait where are you going?" Bucky questions as he sees you run off.
You ignore him and quicken your pace. Your heart is racing. You reach your room and close the door behind you as you let out a huge sigh of relief.
Why am I so awkward? Why can't I just have a normal conversation with him? He's too damn gorgeous thats why. How can I not be attracted to him? He's built like a greek god with these captivating blue eyes and that dark hair that you just want to run your fingers through - stop it. No no no stop that right now. If you develop a crush on him, you will only get hurt. You're being delusional. He doesn't like you. Look at yourself.
You stare at yourself in the mirror.
What could he possibly be attracted to? The dark circles under my eyes? My messy hair? My loose fitting clothes that give me no shape whatsoever? It's not like my body is perfect either. I have stretch marks, I'm not fit, I don't have abs by any means, my arms are not muscular or toned, my thighs are large.... I do have a nice ass and some great boobs, I will admit.
Bucky is a man that goes for super model type women. Not computer nerds that eat take out almost religiously and never leave their computer chair except to go to the bathroom. I think the most steps i've done in an entire day is 500. Who am i kidding? Why am I doing this to myself? Just stop. Focus on work, nothing else. This will only lead to more and more heartbreak that I just can't take anymore.
There is so much they don't know about me. They can't know. I've worked so hard to erase it from the world all together, to make myself disappear into thin air, to hardly exist. I know Tony is probably trying to deep dive into my past and find some trace of who I am and where I'm from but I know I've gotten rid of it all years ago and I plan on keeping it that way.
Start of flashback
You're hiding under your desk in your room, shaking as you hear your parents screaming at each other in the kitchen. You had accidentally dropped a plate and it crashed to the floor, pieces flying everywhere which had caused your father to erupt in a rage. He stalked towards you as a slew of insults that have been repeated to you over the years flew from his mouth: worthless, stupid, waste of life, ugly. You name it, he said it.
Taking out his anger on you, leaving you no chance to breathe until your mother pried his hands off of you while screaming for him to stop. As soon as he let go of you, you had run to your room where you're now hiding. You can feel the blood leaking from your nose and lip, one eye almost shut so tight you can hardly see out of it. You grabbed your phone and dialed 911 - terrified as to what your father might do, especially if he found out you had called the cops on him. The first responder tells you to stay where you are and keep the phone open. As you're about to reply, your door swings open and your father storms in. He rips you out from your desk and drags you to the kitchen again. You're too scared to even scream or cry.
He throws you to the floor, on the pieces of glass that remained on the floor from the broken plate you had dropped. The shards cut your hands and knees and crush into your skin. All you can do is lay there and pray that the first responder heard the scene unfold and sent police officers to your address. You're waiting to be saved, you feel helpless as always, you just want to get out.
You watch as your father punches your mother unconscious. You watch in fear as he approaches you and laughs. He tells you that this is all your fault. You watch him pull out his gun and point it as your mother who is laying on the floor lifeless. You scream as you lunge towards him to stop him but it was too late. The shot resonated throughout the tiny apartment with a sharp thud as you jumped him.
You wrestled him with all your might, grabbing a shard of glass from the floor and stabbing it into his thigh. He screamed in agony and cursed at you, punching you hard and sending you flying across the floor. You scramble to get up as you watch him point the gun to you this time. You make a split second decision and duck as you tackle his waist and force him to the ground. Wrestling again, you manage to grab the gun that is pointed at you and turn it the other way, facing your fathers chest directly. You look him in the eye as you tell him that his reign of terror has ended and you pull the trigger. You keep pulling the trigger until you hear the gun click.
You get up and look at yourself, covered in blood. Your father’s lifeless body laying there in a pool of his own blood. You hear the sirens and realize what you've done. You have to get out, now.
You grab everything you can and you run. You wash your hands, arms and chest in a pond in the forest you ran into and changed your clothes. Grabbing a pair of scissors in your bag you cut your hair to change your appearance. You take one look back at your apartment, now covered with flashing red and blue lights. You turn around and head into the forest, never looking back again.
You had found yourself in a homeless shelters for 4 years. Continuously dying your hair different colours and moving around from shelter to shelter. You had to because you were too recognizable, with a deep scar slashing across your lip and multiple scars littering the plans of your hands- a final gift from your father. When you couldn’t find a new shelter to stay at, the alleys outside were your best bet. Stealing food from trash cans and people’s lunches when they weren’t paying attention is how you survived. Keeping your appearance hidden and constantly different is how you evaded the cops. You were a missing person and a person of interest in the case of your parents. You had to get out of here to make it out alive. You decide to hop on a train and never look back.
When you woke up to the train halting to a stop. You look outside and realize you’re now in New York. You jump off the train and make your way to the city.
One day, at another random shelter, you met someone who ended up teaching you your way around computers. One thing led to another and you were a cyber whiz with an online community, making money off of rich assholes by hacking into their bank accounts and stealing some money they would never even notice was missing. You managed to get yourself a small shitty apartment, but you welcomed it as anything is better than the streets and shelters.
Once you were settled in a makeshift homb- the same home which the Avengers gracefully kidnapped you from - you decided you had to find a way to kill the old you and let the new you stay hidden.
You figured out a way to erase yourself from the world. You hacked into the government system and erased all documents pertaining to you; your birth certificate, medical records, dental records, school enrollments; everything. You manufactured one item and left it in the system for good measure; a death certificate. Nobody would search for a dead girl.
End of Flashback
You don't notice that you've sunken to the floor, shaking as you bring your knees up to your chest. Sobbing quietly as the horrific memory haunts your mind. You beg to whoever and whatever is listening to you for forgiveness. You beg to have your life taken from you. Your fathers dying words replaying in your mind forever: Worthless, stupid, waste of life.
Maybe he's right.
You hold yourself tighter as you continue crying, balled up on the floor until you fell asleep from exhaustion.
Part 4
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sunisglowing · 6 months
(sidereal scorpio)
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I see that some of you might be doubting your feelings regarding a person. I think you should go for it. This person will bring you a lot of happiness and joy. You might be logically trying to debate with yourself.
But I think you are really attracted towards this person and you should make the move. What you are manifesting is a person which you will have fun and genuinely enjoy being around.
Some of you right now might be in a situation where you have a lot of options. So you may be having a hard time deciding which person is right for you.
Materially I think you are pretty happy and stable. You aren't pretty worried about your finances. You are at a place where you may be satisfied.
When choosing a partner remember that external splendour and beauty can hide the inner corruption.
While the person you go for might be pretty charming and pleasing to the eye. Get out of the fantasy land in your head and actually be with the person to know if you like them or not. (is a good option).
Be fully aware and clear about your own expectations and desires.
Make sure your vision is clear not clouded by what you want to see.
And yes for most of you, I do see you approaching someone in the near future.
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I think you are going through a period of boredom. Some of you might be pretty dissatisfied with how life is going. It might a project too. Or you want or should start something new or do something really spontaneous. A period of rest is becoming so big that you might be bored.
Or procrastinating your other duties. Stop staying in bed and go out. Explore stuff. Go out without any purpose too.
I feel like there is detachment in you that you don't wanna participate in the social events happening around you. You might miss a lot of opportunities because of that. Get out of your comfort zone. Go and participate in clubs in your college or office. You might be very socially unaware of what is happening around you too.
Staying in bed or sticking to your books won't fix your boredom. You might get into a depressive mood instead. You need to be more responsible about yourself. Some of you also need to start doing stuff physically. Go walking for a while or gym. Google any event or seminar happening in your city and go there. Stop laying in bed all day.
Now for the others of you, any creative project or opportunity that starts or may have come to you will be really successful in your future. Accept that opportunity. Your family may support you a lot in it. Also, for a lot of you, you might be getting the opportunity to travel abroad.
In this pile I see, any significant action you guys decide to take regarding movement, travel, creativity, learning, it would be successful and really good for you!!
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For the most of you, I'm seeing you have been preparing for competitive exams or for your dream university. I do see you passing all the exams and you will get your dream job and college. Your hard work and dedication will pay off.
I do see you guys facing challenges in love life though. Some you guys really need to prioritise your health. Eat well. Don't do things too extreme at the cost of your health. I also do see travel in the cards for you in the near future. Things will go as you planned. You will be recognized as skilled at what you do.
In the past this year, you might have been pretty anxious and stressed about your exams and career. But lately in the last month, you might have become pretty detached from the outcome and your career. Your focus being on giving your best.
It's honestly freeing!!
There will be a kind of rush in the next few months. And there will be a lot of achievements too. If you are planning on going for holidays next year, it will happen and go well for you. Life will be taking off at speed so enjoy your ride!!!
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I do see most of you prioritizing your health rn. Taking those vitamins, going out moving a lot. Attaining balance, focusing on living a life of balance. If your work or home environment has been really hectic and exhausting, leading you to burn out of energy, you need to take a step back. You are cutting of and not participating or choosing to be in such environments anymore. Prioritize your mental health more.
You need to take off your boundaries and privacy. Spend time or live in quiet places if you can, staying away from the rush.
As much as you bring light to others, make space for your own private and quiet time where you can think for yourself. Take care of yourself.
I also see a phase ending in your life. You are entering a new chapter, where you need to prioritize YOU first. Where you build your confidence.
Know your worth. You will build a rich inner world. You might have been exhausted lately so this upcoming time would be good for you. You will be getting a bit defensive. But have faith in your self. You came this far with all these realizations.
You have been continuing despite feeling weak by your circumstances in the past. Have faith that you will get through it soon.
You might become pretty guarded in the future. There's a refusal to accept love and help from others because of your guarded nature. You may turn away from such gestures which deep down you crave.
So i understand. Be kind with yourself. And be patient with yourself. ❤
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fishrights69 · 1 year
My top 5 coolest fish
5. Lionfish🦁
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Ah yes, a classic fish found in many books, video games or even in your bathtub if you're tripping hard enough. The only reason I placed this fish here is because the lionfish is very nostalgic to me. Back in the day my mom would sometimes take me to her office where she had one single video game installed: Feeding frenzy. Sadly it was only a demo so if I quit the game, the whole progress would go away :( (which would make me play it for like 5 hours straight as my mom worked). One of the levels had this cool looking mfer and it got printed into my brain from a young age. This Fish gets a 7/10 for looks, 10/10 for reminding me of a simpler time where depression was a foreign concept to me. 4. Galapagos batfish💅🏻
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At first you might think ''yo what the fuck is wrong with this thing, is it even fish?'' and yes, it is VERY fish but at the same time it looks kinda fishy. To give you some facts about this little thing, not only does it look like someone put lipstick on it, but it also apparently cannot even swim right. This fish can't even fish and because of that, it is my number 4. 6/10 appearence 9/10 for personal abilities. It reminds me that even if I fuck up at something meant to be ''human'' it s oki , cuz this fish can't even do the one thing it's supposed to do and somehow it's still alive. 3.Flying fish🐦
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Now this, this thing is magestic as fuck. Without it's wings it looks like a typical ass fish, but I can still appreciate it for what it tries to be! Imagine how dramatic it can exit boring conversations, or perhaps show up all of a sudden and creep up on you! It makes me summon my inner bad bitch fish self. 8/10 appearence 10/10 I wish I could fly away from my problems as well as this fish can. 2.Pufferfish🌵
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This fish is a proper shapeshifter. Imagine being able to adjust your shape on the spot. No stupid diets to make you skinny or fat. Just swallow some water and that's it. On top of that, the spikes are amazing. I wish I had spikes like that in case someone would try to get too close to me on the playground. Their mating ritual is as amazing as it gets but sadly their toxic self cannot be ignored. 8/10 appearence(11/10 if baby), 6/10 too toxic for me tbh but I can still admire from afar 1.Longhorn cowfish🐄
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This yellow blob over here is fucking adorable. Not only does it have cow in the name(I love cows too) but he also looks like he is about to give you kisses. Now he is apparently hella lonely which made me feel sorry for him, therefore he is at number 1. because I too was once lonely, smol (still am) and looked like a blob(still do). I fucking hate the colour yellow but this tiny thing makes me like it a little bit more every time I see a pic of him. 10/10 appearence 10/10 resilience, combating loneliness and removing the stigma associated with it. BONUS FISH!!!! Seahorses. Any kind. 🐴
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These beautiful things tie super well with my previous fish. You see I really like animals pretending to be other animals and these babies are just that. On top of looking cool as hell, my favorite seahorse fact is that some males can also give birth! Love me some genderbending so keep slaying it babes. ✨ 10/10 looks 10/10 attitude That was it. Follow me if you wanna hear about my top 5 GARBAGE fish that suck.
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maochira · 10 months
idk if you’ve done this already but bllk dads staying up with their kid because reader has insomnia :)
Writing this rn because I know I’m gonna pull an all-nighter tonight 🏃‍♀️ (going on an 8 hour car ride to Italy at 3am(around the time when this posts))
Characters: Ego, Noa, Lavinho
Requests open! - masterlist
Tags: gn!reader, reader is a teenager, reader has insomnia
-does this guy ever sleep in the first place? No (I know he does. He has the type of sleep schedule where he sleeps for 4 hours, gets up, sleeps for 2 hours again, gets up again and sleeps for 2 hours another time
-but anyways the point is, even without your insomnia he’d be awake most of the night
-Ego lets you stay in his office and rewatches recordings of Blue Lock matches with you. They’re either exciting and entertain you when you can’t fall asleep, or they’re so boring you fall asleep in your chair after one or two hours. No in-between
-surprisingly, your father has enough strength in his body to carry you to your room so you can safely sleep in your bed instead of on the uncomfortable desk chair
-if you still can’t fall asleep, you and Ego also spend a lot of time talking about anything that’s on your mind. Sometimes it’s thousands of thoughts running through your head that won’t let you fall asleep, so Ego let’s you talk about what’s on your mind
-it’s also very good bonding time for the both of you. It may not be under the most optimal circumstances but hey, at least you get to spend time with your father
-he may be tired and just wants to get to bed on most nights, but he always stays awake as long as he can with you. He knows you feel lonely late at night and that can cause bad thoughts to come up in your head when you can’t fall asleep. And to prevent that, your father stays awake with you
-most nights like this are spent sitting in the living room with a random movie on the TV while you and Noa just talk and talk until you get tired
-he always makes your favourite tea, hot choccy, warm milk, or whatever other (non-caffeinated) warm beverage you’re craving
-occasionally, Noa falls asleep on the couch and you always wonder if you should wake him up or let him continue sleeping. Usually you don’t wake him up because you know how tired your father is most of the time
-but sometimes, he wakes up by himself after like 10 minutes and he keeps apologizing. He feels guilty because he doesn’t like leaving you alone when he knows negative thoughts could flood your brain at any moment
-that’s why he also made you promise to immediately wake him up whenever that happens
-he doesn’t mind staying up longer at all. This guy could get 5 minutes of sleep and would be as energized as he always is
-when you can’t sleep, you and your dad play video games together!! Usually competitive ones like Mario Kart but sometimes ones for which you have work together like Stardew Valley
-it’s also the perfect chance to catch up and talk about stuff when you have busy weeks during which you barely see each other during daytime
-but because of your insomnia Lavinho does forbid you to drink anything that has caffeine in it. Cola, energy drinks and coffee are completely banned from the house. Yes, he doesn’t drink it anymore either because if you can’t, he won’t either
Taglist (sign-up link): @kaineedstherapy12 @luvcalico @truegoist @st4rcheese @acacIa @kermitslefteyeball11 @futuristicxie @bluelock4life @blueberrryui @https-archangel @userwithlotsoftime @chaosinanutshell @mang05 @arxliana @zyuuuu @vanitasbrainrot @toruden @mafuyudonutt @weichspuelertrinker @depressed-bitchy-demon @kaiserkisser @yellowelectroslime @0rah-s @yerinsshi @slowlyholypeanut @isagikisser
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madamlaydebug · 9 months
What is Addiction?
Addiction is when a person continually takes a substance - or engages in a behavior - with a destructive impact on their health and life.
In Ancient Rome, when a person couldn’t repay a debtor they were forced to become their slave, or ‘addictus.’ This is the origin of being “a slave to your addictions.”
Addictions take many forms; some of them may surprise you. Do you struggle with any of these?
Body piercing
Book collecting
Plastic surgery
Prescription drugs
Screens (smartphones, computers, tablets, TV’s, etc.)
Social media
Video games
Addicts crave the behavior or substance, even when they know it causes them physical harm, mental harm, and/or harm to their relationships. Addiction can lead to criminal behavior, poverty, homelessness, and death.
Addiction is not defined by how much a person engages in the behavior but by the impact it has on their life. A workaholic may be very successful in the office, but at home their relationships are failing and their anxiety is increasing.
What Causes Addiction?
People become addicts through many different paths, but seeking pleasure (or avoiding pain) is the ultimate driver.
Whether a person is addicted to heroin or video games, their goal is to alter their mental state and reduce subconscious-stress.
Some people believe that taking drugs leads to addiction - but this is only part of the picture. Not everyone who takes narcotics becomes addicted to them. Therefore, there must be another factor involved - the human factor.
Research involving mice found they became easily addicted to cocaine when kept in isolation. But, when the environment was enriched with social activities, interesting food, places to explore, toys to play with and new mice to meet… they stopped taking cocaine! Just like mice, humans get depressed, miserable and bored when trapped in an unfulfilling life.
Unresolved Emotions
Addiction often stems from trauma. Adverse experiences during childhood (e.g. divorce, emotional neglect, poverty) predispose us to addiction later in life. Addiction is a response to painful or traumatic events, not simply a poor choice that people make.
Demonizing addicts is counterproductive; they need to be treated with care and compassion to maximize their chances of recovery. Brain scans on people with a range of addictions reveal the same neural circuits are involved, and they all share feelings of shame and low self-value.
People develop addictions to try and cover up issues and uncomfortable emotions:
To cope with stress and life events.
To escape the pain of past trauma.
To create connections with others.
To achieve a sense of control in life.
To avoid facing feelings of inadequacy.
To hush internal voices of self-loathing.
Overcoming Addiction
There’s no one size-fits-all solution for all addicts, but here are some general tips:
1. Find the Right Help
Addicts using opiates and narcotics need help. Addiction experts can provide the highly specialized support needed for this kind of recovery. Addicts can also be aided with behavioral re-training and dedicated recovery groups.
2. Increase Self-Value
All addicts can benefit from increasing their self-worth. Any activity that improves physical or mental health enhances esteem. Getting a massage, eating vitalizing alkaline foods, and going for walks in nature are acts of self-care that enhance how we feel about ourselves.
“Because the one thing you want to do is to LOVE, and that love should begin with you” - Dr. Sebi.
3. Be Ready to Give Up
The addicted person must be ready and willing to give up their addiction; if they are forced to give it up they are likely to relapse.
What are you ready to give up?
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buffyathena · 3 months
Tag Game
1. Do the dare of the person who tagged you in the game.
2. Write up three concepts* for a fic that you'd be interested in either writing or reading, but resist the temptation to write it before you've completed the tag game.
3. Come up with an easy dare that the ones tagged can do. Be nice!
4. Tag those writer friends of yours to do the game.
*You can do this in any way that you want, really. Like describing the world/setting the story would take place in, write a summary of this hypothetical fic, write a small blurb that gets the idea across, do it through headcanons... don't feel forced to do it in any one way.
I was tagged in this ages ago by @sweetlikesunflowersandhoney
My dare was to post a bit of writing that I love. I picked this section from Luck Be A Lady.
“Not a lot to tell,” Anetra lies, stalling while she gathers her courage—or stupidity—and comes up with something to say. She’s going on the assumption that Sasha doesn’t know she works here, and she keeps it that way. She sticks to the bare minimum, because though she might like Sasha, it would be stupid—even more stupid than what Anetra’s already done—to trust her that much. She spins a tale of working some boring office job, coming here on weekends to get a break from it. She says that she’d like to get away from the noise someday, figure out what she really wants to do. It’s a hint of honesty in the lie, a dream she really did have once, when she first started the job and thought it was one she could leave easily.
The more she talks to Sasha, tucked away in this little table, the more she believes it, the fantasy and glitz of the casino overtaking her rationality and reality. She believes that she’s not working a dangerous job with dangerous people. She’s just a normal person, on a normal date. She believes she could really live this life, a life beyond work and sleep. A life beyond the danger and desperation oozing through the walls of this casino. A life with Sasha.
I like it because I like the glamour of the casino around them, while Anetra starts to actually feel something real as Sasha draws her in.
For my concepts:
Character A is sad and depressed and moves into a new place. They plant a garden, and a garden fairy helps them grow the garden and start to feel better. I feel like I’ve done versions of this premise but whatever, I imagined it as sashnetra.
The mermaid au I did a drabble of. Anetra rescues mermaid Sasha and they grow closer while living together. Lots of talks about being human.
A fic where a Queen is looking into marriage proposals but not really liking any of the choices, because they’re in love with their loyal knight and don’t know it. I actually have this almost completely written with Queen Ra’jah (who I ended up writing as ace) and knight Icesis. I’ve considered posting it or switching it to sashnetra, or even posting both.
Honorable mention to the beloved Minotaur au Mar and I came up with.
I’m very late to this and I think a lot of people did it so I won’t tag anyone.
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nyxneon · 7 months
Here comes my very silly and very unlike-my-style little Bleach fic...
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I own nothing except my obsession. Not making any profit. Obviously.
I tried to do something I usually avoid: dialogue and humour. So...yeah. Attempt at humour. Emphasis on attempt. Dialogue heavy. Proceed at your own risk.
To be continued. Hopefully.
(I wrote this during the summer... when I was definitely less depressed than I am now. Trying to cheer myself up with a bit of fanfic.)
You can find it here on ao3.
Or you can read below:
“So, how is the boy with the oral sex tattoo?” Lisa asks.
She's lounging on the sofa, reading an abomination about naughty bored office ladies. With a straight face, of course.
Kensei sighs, shrugs and takes a sip of his beer, trying to avoid the subject.
“You've got to hand it to him, he's got balls, to get a tattoo like that on his face.”
Kensei knows he's doomed to have people comment on that forever. And says: “You know why he did it, you damn pervert! He didn't even know what it means in the world of the Living until very recently!”
Kensei would love to be joking...but it's the truth.
“Ayasegawa told him, one night we went out to drink...”
Shinji is now grinning ear to ear. He's just so terribly sorry he missed that.
“It's been the worst case of second-hand embarrassment of my life. Mashiro laughed so much she nearly hollowfied by mistake.”
“Well, and how did he react to the shocking news?” Rose asks, amused, but more composed than his companions.
“He turned as red as a kid hearing about sex for the first time. He kept looking at me, his mouth gaping like a fish, and blushing like a virgin. Unbelievable” he shrugs.
"Oh? And yet, I've heard he's not...exactly a blushing virgin after all..." Shinji hides his smirk behind yet another bottle of wine he's trying to open. It's Rose's turn to be the subject of some juicy gossip now. 
"I heard he got quite close to lieutenant Kira after that fucker Aizen showed his true colours... if you get my meaning..."
Kensei nods, "so I heard, too. Shuhei once broke a guy's nose because he'd said something nasty about it." 
"How poetic..." Rose is not jealous. He finds it terribly endearing and romantic. If Shinji is trying to... make him say something "unsuitable", it's not working.
"The sad goth and the tattooed punk? Damn, that's hot." Lisa finally raises her head from the manga, suddenly interested in the direction the evening has taken.
"Rose, if Kensei here doesn't make a move, you can start planning a nice menage à trois..."
"Lisa, do you ever stop thinking about sex?"
"I'm just a curious young woman, I have a healthy interest in the pleasures of the flesh..."
"Oh for fuck's sake..."
"You know, Lisa is not wrong..." Shinji is still trying to get Rose to say...something.
But Rose knows his tactics, and is skirting the subject. 
"Damnit Hirako, don't enable her!" 
"Shut up! You're one to talk, Mr I have a fucking 69 tattooed on my abs..."
"Well, Shinji, what about you? How's it going with your adorable little lieutenant?" Rose finally asks, with a subtle smile, while lighting a cigarette.
Shinji seems surprised, but Rose is perceptive... and knows him well.
"Oh, she gets a bit emotional sometimes, you know, but she is a fierce one. She scolds me all the time." But he doesn’t look annoyed, far from it. He looks entirely all too pleased with himself.
"Momo is a great lieutenant..." Shinji goes on, keeping on safe ground.
"Yeah, she does all your work because you're a lazy bastard."
"I think she's finally happy. All the others say that she's never looked better."
Lisa smirks. "Have you tried anything yet?"
"Who? Me? I'm not like certain degenerate captains who want to fuck their subordinates..." and he blows smoke in Rose's direction. 
"Or like that lying snake Ichimaru..." Kensei adds. 
"I see the gossip network in the Seireitei is still as efficient as it once was."
"You are all so crass." Rose complains. 
“Did you guys hear? Kuchiki and Abarai are officially engaged. They are going to get married soon.”
“What?” Kensei is looking positively astonished. 
“Not Byakuya, you idiot. His sister!” Lisa yells.
“Ah, and here I thought that Byakuya was finally going to get laid...” Shinji quips.
“They make a cute couple. It's a pity she's off the market though.”
“Lisa, I thought you liked big boobs.”
“Odd. I could say the same about you, but here you are, drooling after your lieutenant…”
“How do you guys get anything done? You just spend your time trying to bang your subordinates!” Kensei yells.
“Hey, I don't even have a lieutenant yet!”
“Thank the gods for that!”
“Well, you wouldn't even have to try very hard, Kensei. Hisagi is this close to jumping you...” Mashiro adds.
“How do you resist him? He's so handsome. And he literally worships you..."
“It's not like that, Rose. He just...still has to get over the fact that I saved his life when he was a kid.”
“Yeah, right. I saw the way he looks at you...” Shinji smirks.
“He would let you bend him over in front of the entire Gotei 13.”
“Lisa, we don't all read porn 24/7, you know...”
“You should try it then, maybe you wouldn't be so grumpy all the time! Here, smoke this... maybe it will help a bit.”
“Lisa, don't tell me you bought weed from Urahara...”
“No, I bought this from that friend of Ichigo's, the little slick guy who likes milfs.”
Shinji briefly wonders what kind of friends Ichigo has in the world of the Living, after all... 
“By the way, Urahara told me that he's been working on a fancy little project on the side… He’s been trying to make drugs that are specifically designed for shinigami.”
“He said he got inspired watching Breaking Bad...” Mashiro adds.
“Of course he did, that smug smartass.”
“He's asked for Akon's collaboration. Captain Kurotsuchi doesn't know. And must absolutely not know. Urahara said he's going to give him a lifetime supply of cigarettes at a special price.”
“You damn pervert! You traumatised my lieutenant!”
Rose is looking kinda sheepish. This time Shinji has a point, actually. 
Mashiro is trying her best not to burst out laughing. Lisa looks composed, but...it's just a facade, of course. 
And Kensei is the only one who doesn't know what happened, as usual. 
“Shinji sent Hinamori to the Third, and she caught Rose sucking Kira off in the middle of the office.”
“Are you out of your fucking mind? What if it wasn't Hinamori? What if...captain Kuchiki was the one to come by? Or, worse, Hitsugaya? Can you imagine that?”
Rose does indeed look a bit guilty. 
“Shinji, don't be so hard on Rose! You know poor Kira needs some love and distraction...”
Mashiro gleefully adds: “And also a lot of dick, apparently.”
“Lisa, you're just saying this because you wish it was you!”
“Fair point, you know me well. But it might be...you know, good for you, in the end.”
“What the hell do you mean?”
Lisa smiles conspiratorially. “I know that little Momo has been reading...some interesting things recently.”
“Hinamori is buying porn magazines from you?”  Mashiro asks, her eyes as big and round as sake cups.
“Worse! She sends other people, because she's too shy. She sent Matsumoto and Abarai.”
“You must be joking!”
“You know I take porn very seriously, I wouldn't joke about something like this.” And then she goes on: “It's been...interesting. Abarai was fucking mortified. But he didn't want to say no to an old friend who has been through so much. He kept glancing around, like he was afraid his captain could find him there...” 
Mashiro, always the lover of juicy and dirty gossip, is very interested. “But what did she want to buy?”
“Oh, you know, pretty light stuff, nothing too explicit. Office romance. Cute, shy secretary who gets it on with the new stylish womanizer boss… Does it ring any bells, Shinji?”
“Go for it, Shinji! It's time to put that tongue piercing of yours to good use!”
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reptilia0freptiles · 1 year
The Second Victim au part 2
Previous/First - Next
As Victim walked down the corridor to their office, his new accomplice was busy stopping and looking at everything that intrested them. Every few steps, they had to stop for Sec to catch up. After going down the halls in silence, the orange stick figure piped up and asked a question that was, once again, unexpected. "Can I call you something else? "Victim" is a very depressing name for the boss of a powerful company." Victim just shrugged, so Sec carried on, "maybe you can change your name to Victorio! No… maybe just Vic? Vic seems good right? Can I call you Vic?" The grey stick figure paused for a moment, thinking, before finally replying with a "Sure."
Before the two entered Vic's office, Vic made sure that the other would'nt mess anything up. "Alright. Sec, please don't touch anything? You can ask me about something, just please don't touch anything! Am I clear?" With a slow nod Sec slowly made their way into the room and sat down in a chair on the side. After a few minutes of silence, they got back up announcing that they were going to explore the building. They waited to see Vic make a dismissive hand gesture then escorted themselves back into the cold grey corridors. "I wonder what else is in this building" they said to themselves.
Sitting in a white cell all day was boring, but at least being with Dark made it better. Chosen was idly chatting with them when the door of the room opened. Not their cell of course, but the door that leads to the corridor. An orange stick figure slightly shorter then Dark and themselves walked into the room with a curious look on their face and a white pencil in their hand. Chosen heard them mumble something before they suddenly noticed the two others sitting miserably together in a white box. Dark spoke first. "Hey there kid," he chuckled "you a prisoner here too or are you just lost?" With a defiant, yet charming smile, the young hollowhead just casually replied "Oh, don't worry, I'm just exploring." Chosen grimaced to himself, thinking about the nerve this kid must have to use that tone on The Dark Lord. "Well, child, you won't find anything here. Unless you want to help us escape, we'd appreciate it if you could leave." The orange stick made a scornful look at Chosen's remark and just said "At least tell me your names. I'm The Second Victim, just call me Sec." Chosen and Dark exchanged skeptical looks before the black one answered "Call me Chosen, and the grumpy one here is Dark." Ignoring the protest from Dark, Sec nodded and walked out, leaving Chosen secretly wishing the orange hollowhead's company had lasted longer.
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thedethklokmuse · 2 years
From The Moral Orel wiki:
Lost Episodes
According to Dino Stamatopoulos in the commentary for the series finale, there were seven finished episode scripts that Adult Swim chose not to produce due to their decision to cancel the series/roll back the number of season-three episodes from 20 to 13. It was suggested that Adult Swim might be willing to make a "Moral Orel special" in the future, but Stamatopolous stated that he declined the offer to move on to other projects, resulting in the creation of "Honor" as a series finale for the character.
Had the show not been cancelled and cut down to 13 episodes, its second half would have played out quite differently: Orel's paternal grandfather would have joined the cast, appearing in an episode that happens after the events of "Sacrifice" while Clay goes to retrieve the body of the bear Orel shot. Most of the season's latter half would focus on Orel's relationship with his dying grandfather, who would help further Orel's emotional growth into adulthood and help him reconcile his faith with life's realities. Other aborted plotlines would involve Clay's affair with Miss Censordoll and Bloberta's affair with Officer Papermouth, culminating in Orel's grandfather's death and Orel's transformation into a goth-type figure in the wake of the loss of the only good parental figure in his life.
Because the episode order was significantly shortened, many elements were thrown out entirely due to time. One cut plotline dealt with Orel's terminally ill paternal grandfather, who would have moved in with the family and acted as a different type of voice in Orel's life (a non-religious and reasonable one). The seven cut episodes were described briefly by Stamatopoulos on the Adult Swim message boards:
1. Easter: "Orel's Grampa (Clay's father) comes to Moralton to tie up loose ends before he dies. He ends up sharing Orel's bed as his death bed for the last ten episodes, giving Orel good advice. (happens during the Sacrifice episode)."
2. Nurture: "Shapey and Block nurture each other and grow emotionally."
3. Narcissism: After cutting it off with Florence, Putty becomes disillusioned with all women. This makes him incredibly attractive to all the females in Moralton and he becomes the most available bachelor in town, f***ing tons of *****. This makes him even more bored with every lady out there. He starts picturing Florence as he's f***ing everyone. When he finally runs into Florence, she is dating someone else and is really really thin. Putty's disappointed in her appearance. He's been picturing fat Florence, and even though she's prettier on a shallow level, longs for her previous look. She explains that she got so depressed when he stopped seeing her that she didn't feel like eating. He happily tells her now that he's back and she can get fat again. She is insulted by his self-centered attitude and tells him to go away. In the end, I think he probably wins her back though by showing he really cares.
4. Untitled: "Bloberta and Officer Papermouth accidentally bump into each other late at night, both reaching into the garbage can outside Nurse Bendy's apt. and simultaneously grabbing the "Sonny" Teddy bear. Papermouth chivalrously let's Bloberta keep it, and this starts off an affair between the two of them. It ends up being very good for the both of them. Not sure how Clay reacts. Didn't get very far on this one."
5. Untitled: "I wanted to write the continuing saga of Orel and Christina, but never got to it. No solid ideas on this."
6. Raped: A script for this episode was briefly put on Stamatopoulos's MySpace blog. It expanded on Miss Sculptham's trauma over being raped. She would take the kids on a field trip to prison to meet the man's cellmate and strike up a brief relationship with him.
7. Death: "Orel's Grampa finally dies. Orel doesn't find too much solace from anyone and becomes a Goth kid, getting heavily into the Christian Death Metal band: Multiple Godgasm. Don't want to say much more about this, on the remote chance that there will be a Moral Orel movie, I'd like to use a lot of this story."
There is also another lost episode, "Abstinence", animated entirely by David Tuber and Morgana Ignis, two of MORAL OREL's production staff, that was finished after they learned the show had been canceled. The episode is rendered in a cruder-than-normal style using clay figures, since the animators lacked access to the puppets normally used to create each episode. The episode centers around Doughy instead of Orel, and was originally screened only once at a special live event, "Sunday with Moral Orel" in San Francisco on January 18, 2009. On May 26, 2015, series animator David Tuber uploaded the episode on his YouTube channel.[1][2] It has since been taken down, but thankfully it was archived and can still be found on YouTube and some other similar internet sites.
This episode takes place during and after "Offensiveness". Doughy finds his true calling and becomes a professional "Cock-Blocker", stopping various Moralton residents from making love, but he soon gets into trouble.
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osharenippon · 2 years
The 80s "Popeye" Extended Universe
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Popeye’s Revolution (Part 1)
Popeye’s Revolution (Part 2)
In 1980, four years after the explosive launch of "Popeye," Yoshihisa Kinameri and Jiro Ishikawa envisioned a new title for former readers who had outgrown the publication. They named it "Brutus," after the antagonistic character in the original Popeye cartoon.
Almost every long-lasting fashion/lifestyle title -- including Popeye -- underwent style and format changes through the years. But, throughout its five decades, Brutus' original concept remains the same, down to its bi-weekly periodicity. It's one of the most consistent success stories in Japanese fashion/lifestyle publishing history.
Throughout its four decades, Brutus became a guide to society's aspirations while reflecting the reality of the magazine business. In this post, we will focus specifically on Brutus' first decade.
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With legendary designer Seiichi Horiuchi serving as its first art director, Brutus -- much like Popeye and AnAn -- quickly became a reference for its high-quality, creative magazine design.
Brutus' target is "males in their 30s," and each issue focuses on a specific theme. Still, the magazine appeals to men and women of all ages interested in sophistication and the particular issue's theme.
The publication was launched when Japan was rising to become a global superpower. Its first decade was highly prosperous, encompassing most of the miraculous "Bubble years" of the Japanese economy. This background helps explain some of the classic themes in the magazine, which are still present to this day: high-quality fashion, food, and alcohol.
Looking at 80s issues, we can identify plenty of subjects still part of present Brutus, like culture, travel, and city life. Others, like the coverage of certain sports (sailing/America's Cup; Formula 1) or the focus on cars and motorcycles, were indicative of specific 80s/early 90s trends.
Early Brutus was a snapshot of a country bustling with energy, money, and optimism.
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Brutus was originally a magazine for the post-Popeye generation: men who had graduated college and were now part of the workforce, a.k.a. "salarymen." The depiction of salarymen often has a depressing tone: faceless men in dark suits, overworked in bureaucratic, boring jobs, passed out on trains from exhaustion or drinking too much to cope with their burdening responsibilities. Not in early Brutus, where the portrayal of salarymen resembled how female fashion magazines characterize office ladies: young workers who should use their hard-earned financial independence to have fun and enjoy life.
With the bubble years as the backdrop, BRUTUS could convincingly sell the "salarymen" life as glamorous and a path to affluence. It told its readers to invest in expensive, glamorous suits; use their salary in fun ways, and leave the "salarymen" mindset behind, aiming instead to become a "business elite." A very 80s, optimistic way to see your career prospects, which would be much less convincing nowadays.
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With the very generous budgets of the Bubble period, the magazine was known for travel-themed editions. The editors and the young staff would go on long trips to destinations perceived as "exotic" -- Africa, Vietnam, Thailand, China, South America, Cuba, Mexico -- and produce an entire issue around it.
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Europe was also a popular destination for Brutus, with several issues exploring the continent and its culture. Decades before Scandinavian minimalism went mainstream, Brutus had an issue dedicated to the region's charms. Brutus highlighted East and West German culture. There were issues about traveling to Spain and Portugal, England, French culture and fashion…
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But 80s Brutus had a particular obsession with Italy. Italian fashion, Italian "dolce vita," Italian cuisine, Italian design, and the charm and style of Italian men were thoroughly examined by the magazine.
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US culture was the basis for Popeye. And while Brutus preferred to explore Europe in its first decade, it also had several issues dedicated to American culture and travel tips. Some of the themes were very "bubble year 80s," such as an issue advising readers to go skiing in Texas and another centered on buying real estate in Hawaii.
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While the US often took a backseat to Europe, Brutus' favorite international city was New York City, as crystalized by two special mega-issues in 1982.
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Popeye and Brutus explored many similar subjects: traveling, fashion, Tokyo city life, and where and what to buy. But 80s Brutus had something Popeye initially didn't: sex. A subject that completely matched Brutus's "pleasures of life" concept.
While "Hot Dog Press" had love manuals and sex guides for young teen boys (crucial for the magazine to surpass Popeye's sales), Brutus packaged that content in a more sophisticated, adult way. During the 80s, there were eight sex issues.
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Regarding nudity, the 80s were very permissive compared to today's standards. While artistic shots of topless women on a magazine cover are unimaginable in 2022, '80s Brutus had several covers depicting nudity. In fact, its fifth-anniversary issue invited famed photographers to shoot nude pictorials. The edition was a hit, and the theme was repeated in other issues in the following years.
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Brutus also had annual issues dedicated to architecture and interior design. It became such a standard Brutus topic that, in 1998, it spawned a spin-off title, "Casa Brutus."
But we're getting a little ahead of ourselves here. Going back to the 80s, it was the decade when the Popeye family grew exponentially.
One of the goals of Popeye magazine was to introduce Japanese youth to a more health-conscious lifestyle inspired by America. Besides sports, such as frisbee, skateboarding, and jogging, Popeye editors were fascinated by a concept that was somewhat foreign to Japan: muscle training. From the initial issue, the publication ran features on how to "shape up." Soon, Jiro Ishikawa started using another fictional character name to define the prototype of a muscular, fit guy: Tarzan.
The Tarzan lifestyle was particularly prominent in BRUTUS.
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In 1985, for example, BRUTUS had an issue dedicated to the new "Tarzan era." Then, a few months later, in 1986, Tarzan became bi-weekly muscle training and fitness magazine, with Ishikawa as the founding editor. The first cover was shot by famed American photographer Reid Miles.
"Tarzan" is still in publication and is Japan's leading fitness publication.
But, of course, the Popeye family wouldn't be complete without Olive.
Olive magazine, aimed at the female public, was launched in 1982 as the "magazine for city girls." But it became a social phenomenon the following year when a female editor-in-chief took over and changed its entire concept. It wasn't solely the "female version of Popeye," but its own magazine, with a different vision: a dreamy, girly-like visual book aimed at teen girls. The "magazine for romantic girls" and its "lyceene" fashion were so influential that they'll be the theme of a future post. Despite its success in the 80s and 90s, "Olive" folded in 2000, the only one of the four spin-off titles that are not in circulation anymore.
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Sleeping Behaviors
Jim — he will stay up for over 24 hours, he’ll spend a whole day napping with only brief periods of consciousness in between, he’ll sleep for 14 hours straight. it severely depends on if he’s hyperfocused on anything; if not, his depression usually gets the better of him and he sleeps nonstop. If his adhd is winning, he’ll rarely sleep/suffer from insomnia when he tries.
Daniels — she’s a biphasic sleeper! her sleep is usually split pretty evenly, like 4 hours of sleep then 2-5 hours of being awake then another 5 hours of sleep. she tends to get 0 to 100 with tiredness, although won’t notice it if she’s hyperfocused. generally her total sleep in a 24 hour period is 9-10 hours
Min-Jee — just… whenever she can get some sleep. she’s chronically sleep deprived and falls asleep at her job too often. she most reliably sleeps when flying between different offices. eventually her body threatens a mutiny unless she takes a few days off to basically spend comatose. she probably gets about 3-5 hours of sleep every day.
Porter — king of having a normal healthy sleep schedule when work doesn’t interfere. he’s usually asleep by 1 and up by 8. however, his body is pretty hard wired to wake up by 9 at the latest so if he stays up late he can’t really catch up; he also really struggles to take naps so if he’s up really late he’ll spend the next few days sleepy.
Sanjit — this man honestly sleeps for 15 hours a day unless he has stuff going on. he will start napping at the drop of a hat, basically anywhere; there is no such thing as a surface too uncomfortable for sanjit to catch a half hour of z’s on. he doesn’t really do one big sleep ever, instead just sleeps in random clusters of up to about 5 hours but usually more like 2-3.
Riah — she sleeps for 7 hours. pretty much regardless of when she falls asleep, she will stay asleep for the next 7 hours. rarely takes naps, pretty much solely does after sparring or sex and even in those cases it’s rare. it’s also hard for her to wake up before the 7 hours are up, she definitely has a multiple of alarms go at max volume from the phone she makes sure to leave near her head when she sleeps for maximum loudness.
Bruce — similar boat to min; barely sleeps, when he does it’s in weird places for not long enough or his body finally decides to shut down and force him to rest. however he has the influencing force of alfred to yell at him to take care of himself and it’s effective often enough he’s at least more like 4-6 hours every night. however, like min, if he has something to really work on he’ll stay up for two days straight easy.
Noa — she’s usually sleeping because her body needs the energy and has left her too tired to be up and about. she regularly sleeps for 12 hours a day, sometimes more if it’s soon after a particularly taxing procedure.
Eun Yoo — also a biphasic sleeper! she usually gets 9 hours total; sometimes she wakes up from nightmares but she’s usually able to get back to sleep after them relatively quickly and they’re not often what splits her sleep. she prioritizes getting enough sleep so if work keeps her up she’ll sleep in the next day or catch a nap to make up for it. all bets are off on her period, though; when she’s menstruating she sleeps really fitfully, wakes up a ton, and can get really bad insomnia.
Thespian — it’s… unconfirmed whenever thespian needs to sleep, strictly speaking, but they do like to. thespian usually sleeps in response to being bored or in response to be relaxed. they don’t every really get tired, but are quite spacey & out of it right after waking up. they always have very vivid dreams. usually they sleep a normal 7-8 hours if they’re sleeping in bed with someone, but their boredom naps don’t often make it to even an hour.
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lunamooo · 6 months
I want to make a headcaon of diluc and kaeya having a younger sibling. The reason their there is anouther time. For now I want to explain a about how they would feel after everything that happened.
Like for example I made them (ima use my persona cuz I can, their name is luna)
Luna was 14 when crepus passed,and turned 15 when diluc left. I made their birthday may 12, so a couple days after everything, diluc leaving and kaeya being disowned basically but not really, verbally anyways but not on paper , so there is Luna, a lone 14-15 year old in the reading of the will, crepus distant relative there but their not included in his will. His side of the family is not the best and he left most of his things to his kids and the winery staff..
And since the main 2 people that were supposed to get most of crepus forten is not there (diluc and kaeya) and only luna present, after a couple of months after his death it is placed under her name. So everything that wasn't given to the staff was left to Luna, she held documents to his estates and the many records he placed under a lawyer now belong to her.
(Look I dont know how this works soo....yeah let's say this is what happens)
So now, a depressed and overwhelmed kid is left with a winery to handle, the staff try their best comfort and make sure everything is taken of but of course the mourning period set them back a couple of months, so its busy to finish what crepus left off, and Luna didn't know what to do. She followed along and help read papers outloud to crepus when she hung around his office bored sometimes but never actually done what it takes to do the work.
And imagine doing that for 4 years...your teen years turning into adult ones in seconds needing to mature because the business world is not all sunshine and rainbow.
Imagine all the older experienced winery owners taking advantage of the situation, offering help and guidance but end up stealing papers of wine ingredients that are secret. That what Luna worried about, being told by her dad to be careful and observant about others.
It scares her how many of the businesses men she new around her father were quick to give help but feel suspicious when they said they'll do it without a price. Some seem genuine, other maybe putting on a mask to get their way.
My how stressful it must be for 4 years of that, learning more about winery work and the process. She practically left out her studying to keep up the business. Some thing of course were taken care of by other staff but still need to get approval from the owner.
And now let's talk about realashinship with her older brothers. Of course she had less contact with kaeya, with him avoiding the winery and anyone connected to it, including Luna. So it pained and frustrated her when he wouldn't speak to her and she had get well gifts cuz the only time she was close to kaeya was at the funeral. She was right next to him, hugged him once it was over, dilucs off to the side watching.
It was very low to no contact with kaeya, they would say hi here and there and Luna wanting to chat more with him but him excusing himself all the time the request for him to come over lunch or dinner or whatever Luna could think of...
And diluc...well he was just...gone...didn't say anything nore came close to being in contact with Luna.
She would sent letter and missing person flyers with diluc on it for anyone to look for him, and got nothing.
(I dont know if I want to make Luna adopted ,I'll probably go with that. Damn crepus be collecting kids like pokemon)
And where do I begin when diluc comes back...hmm..
It was, shocking to say the least when he came back. I have an idea what he was like when he came back. Most likely malnourished and covered in old and new scars that were likely infect in a degree.for the first couple of days of diluc returning he rested and gained back his strength little by little, luna at his side. She was glad and relieved he was alive and home, but felt a slight anger for him leaving them alone for so long.
She cried when he came back,hugging him and scared to let him go. Of course she sent a letter to kaeya that diluc was back since she was aware he also sent letters to diluc when he was absent and got no reply.he sent a letter back saying hes glad hes alive, that he will see diluc when hes well (in the maga that takes place,I think? Maybe)
Now,when diluc got better and he was in a stable state of mind and body he began to wonder what Luna did while he was gone, he saw that she was grown now. Hair longer and to her ribs,and she looked more tired now..very tired, the bags under eyes evident of that. She was more straight forward now with how she asked for things, asking what he did while he was out. How did he keep himself fed and ext ext.
It felt like she was scolding him for his reckless actions and was more angry when he told her he was banned from a nation now.
Man did he get an ear full of all her frustrations and worries she been holding back for the past 4 years.
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cold-arrow · 1 year
Doctor’s Notes, Book 6 part 11
| A burning meeting | Summary, Things of note since last entry: arriving in Waterdeep B-line to Silverhand's office scheduling conflicts mansion, Jarvis had something for us? a pleasant welcome, notified of our intent. settling in for a bit.  questions of faith. rushing an important project, the trimming of tony. ashes of disaster. distraught depression. piecing the things together of what remains. (the ring)    early meeting, late night visit. no entry. LA office debriefing. Tying up loose ends, finishing final errands. readying for transport
| 1 / 6 | After we arrived in Waterdeep we immediately B-lined it towards Lady Silverhands office. Unfortunately however… she was out of town. We tried to press the guards at the entrance to reach out to her as soon as possible, and explain the urgency of the matter. But they weren’t particularly helpful. And said they couldn’t do anything much us. Maybe put in an appointment for next week, at best.
So we ended up just Sending her a message, thanks to Lym.  hopefully she’ll be able to meet with us, sooner rather than later. At the very least she now has been notified, of our intent for an urgent meeting. I don’t really want the water baron the find us, before we deliver our evidence to miss Silverhand.
-- we ended up going to the mansion in order to kill some time. Lym reminded us that Jarvis had something ready, or waiting for us? next we should visit. So we thought, might as well pay the good man a visit.
He was quite happy to see us, though a bit surprised. but welcomed us in nevertheless. Offering to prepare us some food, should we be hungry. Which we gratefully accepted. After we introduced Aldrin,  we took the time to catch up a bit. seems he’s been a bit bored without our constant buzzing around. And that he does miss our presence from time to time. but I wouldn’t be surprised if he appreciates some of the peace and quiet as well.
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Had an interesting conversation with Lym, and even Omrick, about faith. There were a couple of things that had been bothering me, or that I’d been wondering about, and I decided to finally ask some of them. Initially I was just curious about how Lym’s was doing with her new magical hand. Which fortunately, didn’t seem to feel out of sorts. Thought it definitely feels different from her other hand. it somehow still seems to feel quite natural to her. Still an extension of herself. -- Nothing felt really that different either, when casting magic with it. Or whether she can feel a connection with the weave through it, whenever she prays. But on the other hand, ( not pun intended ) , she also Does feel a connection with the Weave through it? Which seemed strange to me. I asked her about that as well, and it seems that the presence of ones deity kind of waxes and wanes. Sometimes it’s almost palpable. like if she reached out she could touch it. But other times it’s distant, or quiet. But… a different kind of quiet. Not like there is nothing, but more… I don’t know. It still confuses me.
I have only felt the presence of something, perhaps Illmater, like once or twice. So I think I can kind of understand. But… more than that.     When… Lym was gone. And I made the medallion for her, I… prayed to the Weave as well. And though I didn’t really feel, or hear anything in return. Or afterwards. Just… quiet, But it felt like a different kind of quiet? Present, but still there. Distant? But not   not there? is that perhaps what she means.
Omrick elaborated a bit as well. And told me what praying for him is like. Which was quite fascinating. -- And that it might differ from person to person. Or situation. Like his quiet prayers during the day, have a different    sensation, than the ones during combat. He described it as warm, and comforting. But during battle, it turns to a burning fury. that he can wield and fight with.
All of it left me with quite a lot to ponder on. So afterwards I went to my room to simply think on it for a bit. Maybe get some more of my thoughts out on paper, written out. So that hat hopefully makes mor sense. -- And more importantly, get started on all things we found, and all that shit Lym dumped into my bag…
I wonder how full my bag of holding now actually is.
| 3 / 6 | All of it is gone. Burned to ashes. Gone up in flames.
When… I reached into my bag to grab some of the papers. It… was on fire. I… I don’t understand, how there was a fire in my bag of holding. But all the documents we found were burning….
I panicked. And didn’t really know what to do. There shouldn’t be any oxygen inside, but putting the papers bag in didn’t seem to do anything. They just kept burning, until I eventually dumped everything from my bag onto the ground. In pile of my burning stuff. Trying to think of a way to put out the flames and safe the papers we found. But the onliest thing I could think of in the end. Was the take the enchanted decanter. And dump water onto it. I wasn’t even sure whether that was gonna work. Cause it seemed like magical fire, or had to be, if it somehow had lit inside my bag of holding. But… I don’t know.
All that is left is a lot of soggy mess of wet papers and ashes.
Told the others. They were confused. When I found lym and told her to perhaps notify Silverhand that the evidence had burned, she reminded me to perhaps first check if there was anything salvageable left. So that’s what I did.
All most all of the papers we found at the water barons office are gone. Those are the ones which had burned the most. There is still a decent amount of paper left from the captain. But it’s gonna take a lot of time to piece it all back together. Not sure where to even begin… how do I… I don’t know. Managed to make a start at least. Did a quick scan of some of the items we found as well. And one of them in particular caught my interest. Was wondering if that was perhaps the thing that had caused the fire, though unfortunately it wasn’t. it would have atleast explained it. though it’s kind of a relatively interesting ring. Think Aldirn might find it useful. If he wants it. Otherwise I might use it myself. And keep it as a reminder of all of this. Perhaps I could have saved more of the papers, if I could have asked the other for help. Or perhaps that would have been useless and everything would have just burned. Maybe in hindsight, I should have asked for some help with checking out the papers first. But I didn’t want to bother them with all of the boring menial work, and just let them relax for a bit. But, I don’t really what the best option would have been. * in hindsight, the best theory I have, is that the papers were enchanted to somehow burn
| 4 / 6 | Didn’t have time to sort through a lot of the documents in the end. I made Some headway, on the Frost giant stronghold. As well as some of the correspondence with the Water Baron and the captain. that might hopefully serve as proof. But that is about as far as I got, Because we got a late night visit. Form Lady Silverhand. Who was here the have a meeting with us, in the middle of the night. I guess she did come as soon as possible, which is nice. but… also unfortunate timing.
Took a lot of convincing and apologizing though, to have the meeting at her office. Cause Jarvis couldn’t really let her in, and possibly discover things about himself, the mansion, or it’s master. He send us out at first, trying to reason with her. but due to the complex nature and absurdity of it all, we couldn’t really convince her, or explain things in any reasonable way, why she couldn’t have the meeting here. Lym was the first one to head out to her. and stalled the best she could. But any arguments she made, fell on deaf ears, so to speak. And I wasn’t able to due much better job eitherm when I was send out instead. Eventually Jarvis head to head out himself using one of my Alter self elixers, and try and explain the situation to her. Guess only he could really explain the situation in the end, despite not wanting to risk going out to meet with her himself.
But we managed to buy some time, and arrange for a meeting at her office. So that’s where we headed to, after gathering our stuff, and want remained of the documents. -- she wasn’t as impressed as I’d hoped, which… I don’t blame her. Any concrete evidence we had, had burned. And most of the remaining pieces still had to be coherently put back together. I simply give her everything we currently had. And tried explaining the situation, along with the other, the best we could.
Hopefully the info on the Frost giants will prove useful.
And at least eliminate the possibility of Yartar joining the LA anytime soon. Or at least while she is still in rule.
But that’s about it. The info on the teleportation circles didn’t really face her. And everything we shared about the Kraken only served to concrete, that it’s pretty much out of our depth. Atleast as far as the Lord’s alliance is concerned, right now. A cult as big as that is currently impossible to handle for them. with everything that Is going on. And the best we can do is simply focus on dealing with the giants. Of which the Stone giants are up next.
We also informed her of some the thing we found about the storm king, and the Ordening. But until we can actually do anything about it. Or find out anything else about the situation, it isn’t really pertinent infor right now. So I guess we’ll be getting ready to set out, towards the Grey Peak mountains
|  5 / 6 | we took a day to prepare ourselves, and get some final business in order. Lym wanted to head out as soon as possible, which is definitely understandable. I feel kind of guilty for asking for a day to sorts some stuff out, with the… looming threat, right around the corner. But I want to get as much done, in preparation for the stone giants as possible. And a day is all ill be giving myself.
Omrick took the opportunity to “groom” Tony a bit. which he spend all day doing, and chipping away at. Especially since he’s planning on taking Tony along for the journey. Apparently the first tools he had weren’t good enough, and either broke, or would break of he continued using them. But he did find some small gems, among the debris in the meantime. And I think Tony was already a lot less bulkier by the time lunch came around.
He needed better tools though, and asked Jarvis if he could find or acquire some more durable ones for him. I’m a little offended that he didn’t ask me for help with making custom tools. But maybe he was being mindful of the fact that I was also busy with my own project. And the diamond tools Jarvis found him seemed quite exquisite.
he ended up with quite a lot of small precious gems, when he was finally done, and tony had returned to a decent size / shape.
He even gave some of them to me, which I’m quite grateful for. I could definitely use them in practicing with making some more jewellery in the near future, which is quite nice.
Alderin had and important meeting with Lady Silverhand, and took care of that during the morning.
-- and Lym spend some time with Fluffy, and within the library.
( had gone to the library as well, with Omrick, the previous day. Too look up some stuff about the stone giants, and Morkoth, the ship.
But all I found was some horrible deep sea creature, with a similar name. Which somehow looked even worse than a Kuo’toa based on the drawings. As well as some fiction novel about stone giants. Which didn’t help much. At least the last one was better than the kid’s book Omrick found though about stone giants )
| 6 / 6 | ended up just buying the ingredients I needed for my project. Since that would simply save a lot of time. And actually let me finish  enchanting it today. Turned out to be a lot cheaper than expected as well. Even though I did had to wait for one of the scrolls unfortunately, since it stall had to be inscribed.
Worth it though. Because I finished before the evening even.
Took the both the scrolls of “Long Strider” and “Jump”, as well as the arcane essence, And used that to make the ink to inscribe and treat the boots with.
Made sure to inscribe runes of levitation and agility beneath the soles, and along the lower edges for the boots.
Didn’t want to alter the boot themselves too much, since I wanted them to remain comfortable. So left them as is.
Had a bit of an issue with getting the first set of runes by the soles right. but managed to fix the mistakes. And flawlessly inscribed the remaining runes along both boots.
The results are quite satisfactory, especially for such a short time frame. Thankfully it wasn’t too complex, so that saved a lot of time, as well as difficulty with making them. but hopefully it was worth it.
Omrick seems quite happy with the boots, much to my relief. Quite glad that he likes the. And I look forward to seeing him come face to face with some the giants we’ll be facing soon. And see them in action. Will be quite interesting. … making final preparations before heading out. Somehow I’m a lot more nervous than ive been, for some the other giants we’ve faced. Maybe it because of all the undead. But… Hopefully it won’t be nearly as bad with how thing went with the fire giant stronghold.
But the stone giants seem a lot more intelligent. So im really hoping thing will go alright.
Illmater. Weave.  Please help us make it through this. We could really use our aid I think. | end of entry |
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