#goliath imagines
puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Y'know what would really increase the demon-child rumors about Damian in @phoenixcatch7 's Possessed Doll Au? His pet demon bat Goliath
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There's such pain as he walks past her, but still he refuses to look at her. It's quite a contrast the way her gaze follows him so closely. And very interesting in how in some ways, I think Demona fails to see so much of Goliath, while Goliath was seeing so much... too much, of Demona. And perhaps that's what I'm thinking here. He can't bear to take in all he came to see in her in the last several hours, while she failed to see the ways in which he changed or even what drives him. She always found his unwillingness to 'wage war on a whole world' pretty opaque. And after all these years, she still doesn't get how he can't see things her way.
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song-of-baldy-ron · 7 months
If they ever add bladesinger wizard, twilight cleric, swashbuckler rogue, or aberrant mind/ divine soul sorcerers to Baldurs Gate 3 just know I'll need time off work I'll be so absorbed
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waffietato · 1 year
I forgot how absolutely BRUTAL Spider Queen's death was omg
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cagedcats · 1 year
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Just felt like drawing @redux-iterum ‘s Lionface. He’s probably yelling at Firepaw
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coolzvillesuckz · 2 months
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my gay bug freaks
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reality-warp · 1 year
Someone asked me about a year ago if Modern AU versions of the Ravame’s Bane cast were to play in a DnD campaign together (which they absolutely would), what race/class/subclass combos would they choose to play as? And look what I found scribbled at the bottom of one of my old notes documents:
The Main Party:
Eleanor – half-high-elf warlock (celestial patron) – chaotic good
Aragorn – half-wood-elf ranger (gloom stalker) – neutral good
Legolas – tiefling rogue (scout) – neutral good
Gimli – goliath barbarian (berserker) – chaotic neutral
Boromir – halfling paladin (oath of redemption) – lawful good
Gandalf – silver dragonborn wizard (school of abjuration) – chaotic good
Merry – dwarf artificer (artillerist) – chaotic neutral
Pippin – gnome sorcerer (wild magic) – chaotic neutral
Frodo – gnome cleric (life domain) – neutral good
Sam – dwarf druid (circle of the land) – neutral good
Tink – aasimar barbarian (path of the totem warrior) – chaotic neutral … (alternatively the chaotic neutral cat who sits in the dice trays and knocks over the drinks)
Guest Characters:
Arwen – human druid (circle of stars) – lawful good
Merileth – air genasi bard (school of glamour) – neutral good
Haldir – half-drow paladin (oath of devotion) – lawful neutral 
Sarra – half-orc fighter (battlemaster) – chaotic good
Elladan – autumn eladrin monk (way of shadow) – chaotic neutral
Elrohir – spring eladrin rogue (thief) – chaotic neutral
Eowyn – dwarf cleric (war domain) – neutral good
Faramir – human wizard (school of transfiguration) – lawful good
Abrazir – human cleric (light domain) – lawful good
Var – The DM
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impulse-on · 2 years
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📁 . . . 📂
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Confidential Folder
"Whoever shot these is definitely no more."
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tcrmanson91 · 1 year
Kingdom hearts 4 TGA teaser trailer
Square einx logo pops up a dark portal opens in the city of quadratum, heartless creatures emerges from the shadows, strelitzia looks back, sora readys himself for battle, black screen with text say 'next year' (battle cry-imagine dragons plays) caius emerges from a dark portal and attacks ventus and kairi back screen with text say "kingdom hearts is back' jim hawkins rides on solar surfer in the sky black screen with text say 'with imagine dragons' scenes show the band with hikaru singing the song donald and goofy looks up in awe loki making trouble in the streets sora swings into action taking out two heartless "and on dec 8th" goliath roars as he awakens from his stone-sleep 'IMAGINE DRAGONS LIVE, AT THE GAME AWARDS' maui let put his battle cry kairi and ventus escapes from a explotion final scene show riku in on a black and yellow motocycle with braveheart keyblade on one hand doing the akira slide 'title shows kingdom hearts 4 then transformes into imagine dragons' 'the game awards live at Dec 8th' END
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yakusha-yukihime · 2 years
Reminder that in the 2022 season, wardell Stephen curry the second did all this
Breaking the three point record for most threes made at Madison square garden, surpassing ray Allen and Reggie Miller.
All star game MVP with 16 made threes
Fourth championship in 8 years.
The first western conference finals MVP
Hosted the ESPYS
Graduated from Davidson as a sociology major and got a massive one man graduation in a sold out arena
Got his jersey AND NUMBER retired by Davidson athletics
Is now considered an UNDISPUTED top 10 player of all time (he was already top 10 before don't get it twisted)
And got the key to the city of Charlotte.
And this was actually a down year for him
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haneys · 2 years
doing this to Goliath and Corp in my head i ummmmm I want to elarn how to draw so I can draw. them. SCARY WHAT R U TWO DOING TO ME!!!!
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thoughtfulfangirling · 3 months
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We pan around, following Xanatos in his helicopter, as it goes through New York and up Xanatos's skyscraper and to the newly positioned castle atop it. It's quite the endeavor. Nicely visually striking. I also enjoy how close Xanatos is calling it. He wants to be there that first night as the sun goes down, and though it is very close to just that time as he rises up in his helicopter, he's not worried. He is the kind of man who times things just right. He will be there on time. He will be there to see whatever there is to see. And the scene lays some nice tension.
Man, I would love to see this show re-animated. Everything exactly the same, keep all the voice acting (okay we can redub some of the extras so we don't hear the same voices constantly as this show is very guilty of) but with all the animation able to be updated. It would look so gooood! There are some really great shots here, just a bit stiff and without the great resolutions of today.
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akascow · 8 days
did not realize the statue of david was that big
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yensunflowers · 1 year
watched first episode of the nier automata anime and hmmmm..... i have opinions (all in tags)
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boowritess · 1 month
second addition to this post lol
retired!simon riley - sorry chef!simon riley x reader
imagine this motherfucker learns how to cook your cultures traditional foods better than you.
like maybe he had hit up an aunty, your ma, your dad, uncle, sister, brother, cousin, nan, granddad - whoever - to ask about one of your cultures traditional food that's special to you.
so they come teach him, or send him detailed steps, or probably video call him (but let's be fr they probably went over to teach him)
and that is the only time he doesn't ever raise his voice or back talks the person he's sharing a kitchen with - because why would he??? they're teaching him.
idk i just - AHHH i find it so cute imagining this towering fucking goliath of a man standing next to your nan or maybe even your dad - whoever - and he's just listening and watching so intensely.
the kitchen is filled with spices, there's music playing that he doesn’t quite understand the lyrics but it's nice and catchy.
but you come home, and you think that perhaps a family member come in and cooked it because there's no way - yet there he is. making it himself in the kitchen. hands working far better than yours at a task that you were practically raised doing.
and when you sit to eat, maybe you should feel jealous - but fuck
it tastes exactly like your family member that makes it... maybe even better.
as you eat, you look at him, eyes shining with a sort of warmth that's not just loving - it's far more intimate - more homey and one that's so personal. and he can tell because when he's looking in your eyes and there's thousands more staring back at him.
"you're making more of this..." the demand is firm, but with the way you speak, it's clear it's just covering up how much it means to you that he did this.
"whatever you want, lovie..." he softly chuckles, more than happy to adhere to your demands, pressing a kiss to your forehead before eating it himself.
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a/n: something for my fellow ethnic babies xx
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ghouljams · 3 months
Literally on my hands and knees over Ghost with a puppy and/or mommy kink, like I need to dom that man so hard please god give me just one chance 🤧 I can imagine him coming home from a really grueling deployment and just wanting to be collared, to be his darling’s good boy for a while because good boys don’t have to do anything besides obey 😮‍💨
No one would ever believe that Ghost, the infamous lieutenant, the one scarier than God, the one that must've made a deal with the devil to survive everything he went through, goes home at the end of deployment and puts on a collar before he even showers. That he comes home to a list, to strict rules that aren't his, that he takes pleasure in obeying. They couldn't begin to believe that Ghost sits at your feet and rests his head against your knee to be pet, to feel your nails scratch against his scalp, couldn't believe that he falls asleep like that.
This Goliath of a man? Of course he's dominant. He wouldn't want to slough off responsibilities, to sit thoughtless for a while, to have someone coo praises at him and tell him he's safe and cared for. He wouldn't sink somewhere soft and fuzzy, somewhere he doesn't have to listen to the world telling him what a good soldier is, somewhere only your voice can reach. He can just exist, right there at your feet, just for a while, just until he has his feet under him again. He needs to know that there's a place for him, that he can belong to something, that he can be good.
Please tell him he's good. Please tell him he hasn't been ruined yet. Please tug on his collar and ask if he wants to come up on the couch, if he wants to cuddle. Let him shake his head, let him worship at your feet a little while longer. He belongs here, he's good, tell him he's good. Tell him he's good. Tell him he's good.
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