#gonna ask my sister if she wants to see it with me actually. i prefer to have informed hater opinions
metanarrates · 1 year
Okay i drafted this in docs when i saw the barbie movie yesterday against my will with my family. The Barbie movie isnt bad for what it is per se (summer hollywood blockbuster) but set it against any higher standards and it falls short in almost every department. There's a lot of incredibly tasteless leftist political jabs about the status quo and a comparison of the smallpox genocide that claimed millions of indigenous lives to Patriarchy (because it's not mainstream feminism if we don't elevate the oppression of women at the expense of other marginalizations). The choreography and costumes were nice but in regards to its messaging i cant find a whole lot to compliment. It amounts to "humans establish gender hierarchies because we dont know to think of any other way society could be arranged :( let's all pinky promise to work towards the eradication of ALL sexism***" which is massively reductive and fails to address a plethora of issues, including the fact that patriarchy as an institution is foundationally violent 🫠
***Ken's whole arc is about him resorting to establishing a superficially patriarchal system in Barbieland because he didn't have any other outlet to claim agency for his own person. The role reversal of Ken, the "man", being an accessory who can't exist outside of Barbie, the "woman", was likely intended to highlight gender inequality in a way that would be easier for regular people to sympathize with. Unfortunately I can't help but disagree with the idea that we cling to male supremacy simply because we lack the insight to seek other methods of liberation
Uhmm anywya. I dont even particuarly care for this cultural bandwagon i just needed to be a hater for a minute. If my opinion matters at all
your hater opinions ALWAYS matter to me :) we love thinking about how movies are ideologically messes here
i was talking to a friend last night abt this, but it sounds like the messaging here is very confused. it tries to make a statement abt sexism, but since there's the aforementioned issue of the writer not understanding that patriarchy is a violently enforced system of power, it comes across as the movie ending up positing that men are just Inherently Susceptible to being patriarchial and women likewise are Inherently Susceptible to being victimized by patriarchy. which is um. BAD!
also wtf is up with that smallpox comment. it sounds fucking evil!!!!!
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torialefay · 4 months
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"(Birthday) Queen Reigns Supreme" 🎂👑
chan x bday!fem!reader x felix smut 🔞
✨ synopsis: no birthday plans means you get dragged along to your best friend's company dinner party... no plans after that means you're getting fucked by your crush(es?).
✨ warnings: kinda possessive chan, felix is a little more than a cuck, unprotected sex, etc.
✨ notes: this work was catered towards our sweet Reign [ @chrizzztopherbang ] for her birthdayyy 👑 some of the plot is specific at the beginning (i tried (very poorly) to make things more british-y), but it becomes less specific after the first few paragraphs 🌟
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“You have literally zero plans. Please, just go out with us. It will be way more fun than staying cramped up inside all day on your birthday,” Minho stated matter-of-factly. “And between me and you, if I have to go out, you should have to go out too.”
You stared at your best friend, annoyed. “I shouldn’t have to do anything when it’s my birthday.” You crossed your arms.
As much as you would have loved spending your birthday with family, it was so hard with them being spread all over. Even with your twin sister, you’d have to settle with a video call to celebrate each other as she was too far away. Each of your friends, including Minho of all people, had made prior commitments, leaving you pretty much alone for your birthday.
Not that you particularly cared. You’d never been one to care about your birthday actually. To you, it was just another day. Nothing special. Ordering in some food and cuddling up on the couch hadn’t sounded bad at all.
You had thought that your best friend felt the same way about birthdays, and to be fair, you were pretty certain he was just using the day as an excuse to get you to come with him to his company’s dinner party. You knew there was no way he could get out of it, because if he could, he would have shut it down 2 minutes after being told about it.
You fidgeted with your hair, contemplating just how many people you were going to have to talk to if you said yes. You had a massive case of RBF, so were you going to have to worry about it all night? Would you have to wear a tight, fancy dress? You always preferred something more loose. How long was this gonna last? Your social battery ran out after so long. Would you even know anyone else there? What if it’s just Minho and things get awkward?
“Chan will be there,” Minho stated, as if reading your mind.
You froze. ‘Yeah, I guess a company party would include Chris… and the rest of the boys.’ It had honestly just skipped your mind. You loved Minho’s friends, so you were at ease knowing that you’d get to see some familiar faces. But Chris? Chris Bang… he makes things different.
“Well now I extra don’t want to go!” you exclaimed, feeling your heart rate rise.
“Why? I thought you’d be happy to know that the guy you’ve been crushing on for, hmmm, I don’t know, 4 years now?, would be at an event you were attending… So you could actually, you know, talk to him?” Minho countered sarcastically.
“Absolutely not. I would rather die.”
That settled it. You weren’t going.
“Why?! I have begged you for years to let me put in a good word for you, and you won’t let me. You’re in love with him. He needs to find someone who will actually be nice to him. I have to hear about both sides every damn day. Please, just do it so that my life will be easier,” he huffed.
He was always on one.
“You know I can’t talk to him. I get so awkward, and I can’t think straight. Embarrassing myself in front of him isn’t exactly my idea of a great birthday.”
Minho rolled his eyes, letting out a deep puff of air. “Fine. Well, if you won’t go for him, will you go for the free alcohol? That, plus the members all miss you. They ask about you a lot. Even Chan,” he emphasized, making his eyes go big. “But we’re not talking about him. So the others and the alcohol. Come onnn- I swear I’ll make it fun,” Minho pleaded.
You shook your head with a smile. “Fine, you win. But we’re still stopping to get my favourite cake on the way home.”
"You know you're not sly, yeah?" you laughed at Seungmin while clinging tightly to the glass of wine in your hand.
You and the boys had basically ditched the dinner party at this point, opting instead to sit out on the rooftop patio while continuously refilling your drinks. After a few shots had been downed, Binnie suggested his go-to game of truth or dare. And there was no use in telling drunk Bin “no.” He was gonna win every time.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Seungmin replied, cocky grin on his face, as he walked back toward the table.
“We saw you put your hand over his mouth! Do ov-er! Do ov-er! Do ov-er!” Changbin began to chant.
Felix, following quickly behind Seungmin plopped himself back down at his spot at the table. “Why am I being punished? It’s not even my turn!” he jokingly yelled.
“That’s what you get for having the most delicious looking lips out of everyone here!” Changbin drunkenly yelled, dramatic as ever. “Raise your hand if you too would have picked Felix if you were dared to kiss anyone here,” Bin addressed the group loudly.
One by one, smiles arose on faces as each member snaked a hand up, including Felix. Laughs broke out as they realized they were in unison… until noticing you were the only one without your hand up.
Changbin was the first to notice, pointing his finger at you to draw attention. “Y/n doesn’t have her hand up!” he showed in his loud voice.
You just dropped your mouth wide open, staring at Binnie with a look of disbelief. You tried your best to act mad at him for pointing it out, but failed miserably. The wine circulating through had put you in too much of a good mood.
“What?! You would pick someone else over me?!” Felix pried, bringing his hands to his chest as he faked being offended.
Minho must have sensed the slight panic you were feeling, taking it upon himself to speak. “Considering Got7 is here, she’s picking either Jinyoung or Jackson. You boys were never in the equation.”
‘Thank god for you, Lee Minho,’ you thought, grateful for his quick cover-up. Although it was basically the truth.
Considering the fact that Lee Know was the only one who wasn’t drinking tonight, you knew he’d never let you live this favor down.
“Well then if you had to pick someone hereee, right now,” Felix continued.
“I’m not sayinggg,” you giggled.
“Well fine,” Felix said, sticking his tongue out.
“It’s your turn now anyway,” Binnie started. “Y/n, truth or dare?”
“Truth,” you responded without giving yourself time to think.
“Okay. Then who out of the members would you rather kiss?” He asked, smirk stretching across his face as he laughed.
“Fucking hell,” you smiled while rolling your eyes. “Nevermind. Dare.”
“I DARE you to tell us who out of the members you would rather kiss.”
Cackles erupted from the rest of the members, scrunching up their eyes and bringing their hands up to cover their faces or to clap excitedly. This was too good for them.
You stuck your tongue in your cheek, shaking your head in disbelief. You chuckled lightly, knowing you should’ve expected nothing less from Changbin… or any of them really.
“You’re not gonna let this go, are you?” you giggled, looking directly at Bin.
“Hey, you’re the one who didn’t put their hand up for Felix! You did this to yourself!” Bin said, putting the focus back on you.
“Fineeee, fine,” you said, blushing while directing your attention down to your glass. You couldn’t bare to say it while looking at them. “If I HAVE to pick… I’m choosing Chan,” you mumbled.
“Oooo”’s and little kissy noises popped up out of the members’ mouths as you continued to look away. You wanted to disappear.
“What does he have that I don’t have?!” Felix said dramatically, clutching his chest. Wine-drunk Felix’s antics were good enough to rival even the best of actors.
You finally brought your head up to face the members, feeling more confident that you now had something to work with. “I just always thought he was the cleanest one out of you lot,” you joked, hoping to mull over the situation.
As you finally locked eyes with Chan, you saw a subtle smirk on his face. Did he know? Had he always known?
“That’s not true,” Felix said with a pout, crossing his arms to give up.
“You’re just hurt that not every one of us is in love with you! Don’t lie, little lover boy!” Bin threw back to Felix.
Felix didn’t bother to respond, still fake-pouting and looking away.
“You’re my next choice, Lixie,” you reassured him, reaching your hand out and making a patting motion, hoping it would pacify him… And it did.
“Okay, fine. I can accept that,” he said theatrically, holding his head high.
All you could do was shake your head and laugh as you all went on with the night.
“Hey, y/n, could I talk to you for a second?” Chan asked, walking up from behind you as you’d been making your way with Lee Know through the car park.
You shot Lee Know a quick look, mouth dropped slightly as your brows turned inquisitive. Minho nodded, trying his best to hold back a greedy smirk but failing miserably. You wanted to hit him over the head, but knew it was inappropriate considering the situation.
“Yeah, yeah sure,” you said, pulling back from Lee Know a bit.
“I’ll go ahead and warm up the car. Just come on whenever you’re ready to go,” he nodded at both of you before turning on his heels to head off. You knew that the second his face was out of sight that he had put on a shit-eating grin.
Suddenly feeling a bit nervous now that you were alone with Chan, you knew you’d need to try playing off any nerves you felt. The last thing you wanted on your birthday was to feel like a blubbering idiot in front of your crush.
“What’s going on?” you asked, trying to seem nonchalant.
“What you said earlier about me. Did you mean it?” he asked plainly, as if he had not a care in the world.
Chan smirked as it took you a moment to get your footing. You never dreamed he’d be this direct about it.
“I mean,” you looked off to the side a bit. “Yeah, I think you probably do have the best hygiene. It just made sense,” you shrugged.
Chan wasn’t fooled in the slightest, just bouncing his head up and down to follow along. “If that’s the story you want to go with, then okay,” he said lowly, coming in closer and bringing his mouth to your ear. “Or you can be honest with yourself and come home with me tonight instead.”
Your face turned bright red. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t dreamt of a scenario like this before, but dreams were just dreams. You could act cool in your dreams. But right now? You had no clue what to say.
“Chris, I-,” you struggled to find the right words. “I don’t want things to be weird between us just because of what I said. I don’t want you to think that this is what I was after. It’s not like-.” Chris cut you off.
“Y/n, I’ve had my eyes on you for well over 2 years now and never did a damn thing about it because I didn’t know how you felt. Maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but for fuck’s sake, just come home with me and let me treat you to a good birthday.”
You felt a light sensation on your palm as he reached for your hand, locking it into his own.
You looked up to find his eyes. “Fine... But Minho promised me cake first.”
With devious grins, you both ran to the car where Lee Know was waiting, sliding yourselves into the backseat.
“Mind if we throw in a different stop?” Chan said enthusiastically as he climbed in. “My place?” He smiled, looking at you as he projected his voice toward the front.
“It’s about fucking time,” Minho huffed, chuckling to himself. “Cake first, and then I’ll take you two wherever you want to go.”
“I really am the best fucking friend ever,” he mumbled inaudibly, shaking his head as he threw the car in gear.
Chris wasted no time once you’d entered his house, slamming the door behind him and automatically pinning you to the wall.
“What does the birthday princess want, huh?” he growled, going in directly to cage your body in and connect his lips to yours. He left no time for you to give a response, instead opting to throw his tongue across yours and bite all around, hungrily.
One hand of his pressed against the wall next to your head and the other holding taunt to your jaw, his chest pressed into you so tightly you almost couldn’t breathe. There was no way you could get so much as movement in from this position. He had fully control.
Moans escaped his mouth as he continued to throw himself into you, using his hand as leverage to pull your face into his so there would be no time for space to come in between you. With a quick pop, he pulled his mouth from yours, a string of saliva still intermingled to connect your lips to each other.
As hungrily as he’d started on your lips, he found his way down your neck and onto your collar bone. He licked and bit away until small welts began to form, causing a breathy moan to escape your lips.
“Chan,” you breathed out, trying to collect enough cognition to verbalize your thoughts. “Chan you can’t. People can’t know.” You strained your face. It pained you to even have to say it.
“Can’t know?” He brought his head up. “Can’t know that I’m good to you?” His hands grabbed at your waist, smoothing down your sides to firmly grasp your ass. “Can’t know that I’m giving you a good birthday?” He leaned his head in until his lips were around your ear, nibbling the tiniest bit. “Can’t know… that I’m fucking crazy about you,” he breathed out deeply as he said this, automatically letting his tongue run down along the outside of your ear. “Why can’t they know?” he whispered.
Fuck, he was making this hard. If your mind wasn’t so clouded over, maybe you could have come up with a better response. “Just… not yet.” That would have to suffice.
“Not yet…” he kissed your ear lovingly. “But one day,” he said as he smiled into you, using his hands to scoop up under your ass and lift you so that you were thrown over his shoulder.
“Christopherrrr,” you giggled, getting the wind knocked out of you in the process. “Put me downnnn,” you wiggled your legs, making it harder for him as he began to walk.
“I will, I will!” he laughed as he gripped onto you more securely, making sure you wouldn’t fall. “Just gotta make sure you get to the couch safe.”
“I know how to walk!” you tried to protest, but sounded too cute to be taken seriously.
“Barely… Here,” he said, letting you down slowly and placing you so that you were sitting on the couch. “Is that better?” he asked, half-laughing.
“Much,” you smiled, pulling on his hand to bring him in closer.
“Now, you’re gonna have to trust me and let me take care of you for your birthday, yeah?” he looked at you, face stern and serious.
You nodded as you let your tongue run along your teeth, ending in an anticipating smile.
Not being able to stand the sight of you being too far from him, he quickly fell to his knees in front of you, letting one hand relax on your thigh while the other gripped the side of your jaw. He leaned in to begin kissing you all over again, just as much force as he’d thrown into you mere minutes ago.
Slowly, you felt his hand run along your thigh, massaging gently before running over to pay attention to the opposite side. Before you knew it, he was rubbing up and down the entirety of your leg, pulling your shoes off of you forcefully.
It was crazy how Chan could be saying something so sweet, but then behaving so aggressively back to back.
You felt his breathing quicken into your mouth as he threw his tongue further into you, letting his hand drag the bottom of your dress upward until it was above your hips.
Only then did he disconnect his lips from yours, pulling his head back to look at your body underneath. Your pretty underwear that he convinced himself that you’d worn just for him. His jaw dropped the tiniest bit, seeing how pretty you looked for him.
His mouth found its way back to your neck, more gently this time. His hand ran slowly between your legs, teasing a big before using his entire forearm to separate your legs apart. You felt his lips curl into a smile as you let out a tiny moan.
Taking his time, he walked his hand until it lingered just above your underwear, continuing to gently tug them down until they were completely off, leaving you fully exposed to him. Normally, you may have gotten a bit nervous at this point, but with Chan, you couldn’t process any emotions but pure lust.
Chan’s hands found their way to your core, running gently a few times along the outside before letting a finger wander inside of you, dipping into your entrance, which was absolutely soaked at this point.
“Damn, baby,” Chris giggled, loving how worked up you were for him.
Moving a couple of fingers against your wetness, he gently worked his way up until he hit a spot that made you wince and had your breath hitch in your throat.
“Is that it princess? Is that where it feels good?” he smiled, pulling himself from your neck so that he could watch your face.
You nodded, throwing your head back and taking deep breaths to try and keep yourself from slipping away.
“Do you like it like this?” he asked, running his fingers up and down precisely across your clit. “Or like this?” he added, moving his fingers now into a circling motion. The movement sent a quick chill down your spine.
“Like that, like that,” you huffed, reaching down to stabilize his wrist where it was. Your hips reflexively bucked up into him, only adding to the pleasure you felt.
Chan smiled, loving what he knew he was doing to you. The way your body arched for him as he went the tiniest bit faster.
“Hands off, princess. It’s just me taking care of you tonight,” he teased, moving your hand away while still rubbing you in just the right way.
Suddenly, you heard the door burst open, hearing footsteps until a disheveled-looking Felix appeared.
“What the fuck, bro?” Chan yelled, jerking your dress down a bit so that it was covering you but leaving his fingers in place all the same. “What are you doing here?!”
“You told me I could come over,” Felix whined, obviously still drunk off his ass. He took a couple more steps forward until he realized. “Wha- what are you doing?!” he asked, as if he’d just walked onto the scene of a crime.
“What does it look like we’re doing?” Chan yelled, obviously annoyed now. “Go to my room and play a game or something, or just leave and come back later.” With his last sentence, Chan became a bit more comfortable, secretly moving his fingers again as he spoke. The mixture of his voice, his touch, and the scene around you, it was all too good. You bit down on your lip to stifle the moans that were begging to be let out. You couldn’t stop yourself from grinding down a bit on Chan, forcing his eyes to dart back down to you instead of Felix.
“Channie-hyung, you knew I liked her first!” Felix complained, throwing his hands out, obviously still talking out of his ass. “It’s not fucking fair.”
“Fair?!” Chan yelled, getting even more heated. His hand still didn’t let up on your clit, instead working faster now. He was quickly gonna bring you to the edge, and you knew it. “She CHOSE me. Now get out of here and stop ruining her fucking birthday!”
“Y/n, tell him! Tell him you want me to stay. You want me too, I know you do!” Felix begged, walking closer to the scene. From here, he could tell that Chan still had you going. Your face was contorted in all kinds of shapes and slow, steady breaths were all that were keeping you sane. He was sure it was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.
“Holy shit,” Felix breathed out, savoring the sight of you. “Fuck,” he tipped his head back, not being able to stand it anymore, his senses coming to him.
“Lix can get in,” you tried to get out to Chan, though it sounded more like a whisper.
Chan’s eyes looked at you daringly, picking up the pace on your clit as if he was waiting for you to change your mind. Challenging you.
“Fuck Channie,” you moaned, arching your back and reaching for his wrist yet again. Another second of this and you were going to explode.
You yanked on his wrist, moving his hand back for a second to allow yourself to get a few breaths in. You waited until your heart began to slow before proceeding as Felix brought his eyes back down to you.
“Christopher,” you said softly, leaning up towards him to reach his lips. You planted a small kiss onto the side of his mouth as you took your hands to cup his face, holding it there for you. “Please baby,” you kissed him again. “Let Lixie in this time. For my birthday.”
You looked into his eyes deeply, slowly nodding so that hopefully he would join you and give in.
He granted your wish, nodding back and taking your hand in his to plant a kiss to it.
“Fine...” Chan said, turning his head around to find Felix. “But you’re not allowed to fuck her. That’s all me.”
Felix smiled, not needing to hear another word.
Chan rose to his feet with his hand still holding yours. “Stand up, princess,” he instructed, helping you get to your feet.
As soon as you stabilized, he hiked your dress back up, helping move you back onto the couch, now on your knees with your back arched ever so slightly.
You heard his belt unzip behind you as he shimmied his pants down and released his cock, which was already bulging and hard.
Spitting into his hand, he stroked himself a few times before lining up behind you and letting himself rub around your slit and across your clit a few times.
Felix, starting to catch on, walked himself around to the other end of the couch. As Chan got ready behind you, Felix slipped himself down so that he was lying flat on his back, inching his body up until his face rested right underneath your core.
You almost jumped at the feeling of Chan entering you slowly, feeling how big he was- much bigger than you could have imagined. He filled you up until you were completely full, not understanding until that moment how much you’d needed this. You let out a deep sigh as he bottomed out, hearing his moan from behind at how tight you were around him.
Slowly he inched out and back in until he felt comfortable enough to go harder, gripping tightly around your waist so he didn’t knock you away.
“Fuckkk,” you let out, reveling in how good he felt inside of you. Each new thrust sent a new wave of pleasure upwards. You didn’t know how any of this could get better.
Felix, too turned on by the noises overhead, brought his mouth to your pussy, just to where he was watching Chan now pound into you. He licked a few long stripes around your entrance, letting his tongue hit you, but also accidentally running slightly along Chan’s shaft as he railed into you. Felix rested his tongue here for a moment, letting it hit back and forth between you and Chan. The moans escaping your mouth were unreal. You just couldn’t help yourself. Felix’s hot breath on you only made it that much better.
“Ahh fuck,” you heard Chan curse under his breath, feeling the new stimulation from Felix’s mouth as he began alternating between licking and sucking at the area. Chan would never have admitted it, but fuck did it feel better than anything he’d ever experienced.
In unison, the three of you became a wild, moaning mess, each of you going harder and harder. Chan pounded into you as quickly as he could, beginning to hit the most perfect spot as you threw your hips back into him. He was so deep- so fucking deep that you almost couldn’t stand it. You could feel it hitting something inside you, radiating back with the most delicious feeling you’d ever experienced.
Felix’s mouth did wonders around you, having you wetter than you’d even thought possible. As his tongue moved to your throbbing clit, you audibly screamed. Your head began to spin as he swirled around you, giving you just the right pace and the right pressure.
“Oh Lixie,” you breathed out, almost in tears of how good he was doing for you.
“Mmm,” he moaned with a tiny smile, using his mouth to suck on you now, just as sweetly as before, making sure the flat of his tongue was winding you up to where you needed to be.
That’s when you felt it. The warmth growing in your stomach was starting to burn. Fast and hard. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you said, arching your body backward. “I’m gonna cum,” you repeated, closing your eyes tight as your mouth dropped open, feeling everything pent up ready to release.
Chan quickly brought his hand to your neck to hold you upright, fucking into you just right. His hips snapped up as you felt the heat of his mouth move up next to your ear.
“You’re gonna cum with me right now, pretty girl. Gonna cum together. I’m gonna fill you up right now...” His voice sped up, yelling urgently. “Cum with me right fucking now. Right fucking now,” he growled, groaning out as he fucked into you with a few final strokes.
Felix continued lapping at your clit until you couldn’t stand it. Suddenly, you snapped. Your thighs shut together around Felix’s face as you began convulsing nonstop around them both. You screamed, your arms reaching up to claw at Chan who was still fucking into you with everything he had.
Felix wouldn’t let up either, causing you to go intot he biggest overstimmulated panic you’d ever have.
You continued to thrash and to yell and to scream until tears were streaming down, unable to move or do anything anymore. You were completely spent. Completely used. And fuck did it feel amazing.
Satisfied and exhausted, Chan finally pulled out of you, cum following the direction. A bit of the cum landed right on Felix’s face, forcing him to let off of you and pull back.
“Damn,” you said, body still shaking as you took deep breaths, trying to process what had just happened.
You quickly rolled yourself back until you were able to stand again, pulling your dress down to cover you.
You brought your hands up to cover your face before laughing a bit, wondering how in the fuck this was real life and not just your imagination.
Felix dabbed at his face as he hoisten himself up back to sitting and Chan pulled his pants on. You all stood for a few moments, unable to say a single word.
“Well,” Chan finally got out, cocking a brow and trying to put everything together. He shook his head in disbelief as he fiddled with his fingers. “This was fun… but Felix…” he looked in his direction. “Never again,” he laughed, pitching his voice up at the end.
Felix nodded, holding in a laugh himself. “Yupppp,” he said awkwardly.
“And y/n,” Chan continued, looking over at you, “never again… with Felix.” He cleared his throat before going on to clarify. “With me, yes. With Felix, no.”
Felix flew his hands up, finally letting out a laugh. “Alright fine, I’m just going home,” he put on a fake pity voice before standing and walking to the front door.
You giggled in response, rolling your eyes. As you heard the door close behind Felix, you continued on.
“Ya know,” you said, looking into Chan’s eyes with a teasing smile, “you don’t get to tell the ‘birthday princess’ what to do?” you mocked his little nickname for you.
He moved in closer, placing his hands on your waist as he pulled you directly in front of him. “Technicallyyyy, you’re not the birthday princess anymore,” he smirked, nodding his head in the direction of the overhead clock hanging from the wall. “But, you can still be my princess. And my queen. And my everything else too. If you want,” he smiled.
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ribbonprincess · 4 months
hi love, please ignore if you don’t like this request! After seeing drew and Liliana I was thinking about nanny/ babysitter x drew in Charleston. I would prefer smut but ignore if your not comfortable with it 💕
note: this has been sitting in my inbox for sooo long,I'm so sorry I just couldn't find inspo for it. Also got lost in it and made it super long. Reader has a tongue piercing
🪐࿐ ࿔*:・゚
you're sitting with Drew on the patio outside the house,his sister Mackeyla went out with her husband for the day, so she left Liliana with you and Drew. You met through mutual friends that you both don't talk to anymore and since you like babies she asks to babysit Lili sometimes; so now you find yourself next to her brother who you may have a crush on.
"Keyla didn't tell me you were over today ya know, thought it was gonna be only me and Lili" "yeah...I thought the same actually" you chuckle,looking over at him as you eye each other with a knowing smile "she set us up!" It comes out at the same moment making you both laugh as the realization hits "I can't believe her" you shake your head at the thought,using your palm as a headrest. "well,guess we should make the most out of it then" Drew says, eyeing your sundress clad body,it was nothing crazy since you were looking after a 8 months old baby but it had incredibly hot in South Carolina so it was the best option if you didn't want to melt.
"Like what?" your eyebrows are furrowed as you smile softly at him "don't know...I would love getting to know you better,Keyla has said great things about you" "oh- did she? I hope so.." His body is slowly shifting closer to you,making the two-seater swing move slightly. "I like your perfume" he says,running a fingertip over the skin of your forearm "thank you" your answer comes out way breathier than you intend to but the feeling of his touch is way too affecting. His hand is slowly moving over your face,running over your shoulder and the curve of your neck where he stops for a second before he cups your cheek with a gentle smile.
"mind if I kiss you?" he whispers,already leaning in as you nod. His lips find yours as you lay a hand over his chest and the other on his shoulder "you taste like Cherries" he mumbles, grabbing your waist to manoeuvre you on his lap "I like it." Your hands are running all over his figure,over his buzzed head and then back down his biceps before they settle on holding on his neck. "I would love- to take you out on a date before this" he's pulling away from your mouth, making you almost whine before you're immediately shut by his lips finding their way over your neck "but I think I might go crazy if I don't feel you Immediately." His words are making you grin from ear to ear as they travel right down your core.
A pair of rough hands set the moves of your hips over the bulge in his jeans,making you moan as the material rubs just right against your cotton clad pussy. "gotta be quiet doll, we're outside and Lili is sleeping -she could wake up any moment" "shit,yeah yeah...I'll be quiet" you reply,knowing damn well it won't happen. One of Drew's hands moves southwards,running over your thigh before disappearing under your skirt immediately finding your mound. His index finger runs over the wet patch of your underwear before rubbing slow but firm circles over your clit "can I take these off, gorgeous?" His voice is soft,making you melt even more against his chest "hmhm.." "I need words,love" "yeah, please" He quickly presses a kiss to your temple muttering a "good girl" under his breath as he pushes your panties down your legs before pocketing them "gotta keep these for memory."
His words make you almost roll your eyes,but before you can even think about it one of his fingers is passing through your walls "there you go...'s fucking warm,hm" the way he's groaning against your collarbone makes you think he's the one getting pleasured. He quickly pushes another finger in finding a steady rhythm as they curl nicely against that sweet spongy spot. "god,you look gorgeous" He quickly undoes the bows holding the straps of your dress, revealing your chest to him "won't you look at these,fucking beautiful" he mumbles,wrapping his mouth around one of your nipples as his fingers continue to move in and out of you deliciously.
"fuck-" your voice is muffled,biting into his neck probably leaving an imprint behind as he adds another finger in making you clench around him as you feel yourself getting closer. "you're making such sweet noises,princess. You're getting there hm? You can let go,I'm right here" His lips move away from your breasts, trailing over your neck before they slot themselves back on yours "you're doing so good,just need you to cum for me sweet girl" His words are sending you down a spiral as you grind into his palm,his thumb rubbing circles over the tiny bundle of nerves as your moans start get more louder "cumming" your body shake over him for a long second before you fall completely still over him "good girl...feel much better huh,gonna clean me up?" he smirks, rubbing his sticky fingers over your bottom lip.
Your tongue rolls out to wrap around the digits,tasting yourself as you clean him off "fuck- what's that? you got a piercing I don't know about?" he raises an eyebrow once he pulls his fingers out of your mouth "well,shit...you gonna show me what you can do with it-" Your figure is already moving off the swing and between his legs before a loud cry from inside reminds you of the baby "well,guess that's gotta wait" you smile,standing up on shaky legs as you enter the house,feeling Drew's eyes bore into your skill.
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jocelynscrazyideas · 5 months
Just friends? | Matt Rempe x Reader
Pt. 2
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Warnings: language, that’s it? NOT PROOF READ
Summary: we head to the Ny Rangers game, matt had gotten three penalties and the rangers lost. We head to our little friend days, i accidentally split the way i feel about Matt, he tells me his feelings.
A:N- FIRST REMPE BLURB‼️🚨I’m scared, this is so gonna flop bc he’s like the most hated rookie…
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I’ve known Matt since we were in seventh grade. It’s been nine years of friendship. I’m excited to watch him play as a rookie in THE nhl.
“Are you ready?” Matt asks me, as if I’m the one who’s nervous. This whole time he’s been pacing back and forth, we play the Hurricanes tonight in the playoffs. I’m excited!
“No. I think I’ll just stay here in the hotel and watch you play from here.” I joke with him, he obviously isn’t in the mood to mess around.
I tie his tie and flatten his suit out, I mess with his hair a bit. “Matty?” Ally walks in.
“Hey y/n! Cars running, we’ll have to leave early, we need to grab gas. Unless you are going in early with matt?” Ally, one of Matt’s older sister.
“Oh hey? I didn’t know you were here.” Steph says as she walks in, checking in on my work. “Nice tie. Who tied it?” Steph asks Matt.
“Cool, cool.” Steph says as she looks at Matt’s eyes that trail into mine.
I’ve never seen Matt the way I’ve seen other boys, maybe it’s because I’ve grown up with him, I’ve seen him go through puberty, get girlfriends, and I’ve seen his room. Ally and Steph on the other hand… well they think Matt and I are literally meant to be.
“Cute.” Ally says as she grabs Steph and walk out.
“So we’ll see you y/n, at the seats?” Ally says as she walks down the hallway of Matt’s home. Matt pulls me to his mirror that is hung in his closet door.
“You look comfy.” He said and he rubs my shoulder, he looks down at me. For preference, I am 5”3, and he’s 6”7’. He’s significantly taller than me.
“You’ll do great.” I say and I grab my bag, my phone and apply lipgloss. He stares at me while I tie up my shoes. I’m wearing a blue tank top, and on top I have a leather jacket, I have a Rangers jersey imprinted on the back of the coat. I walk around with white air forces on my feet.
We walk to the car and we pull out of the driveway. We watch Matt’s older sister’s car get smaller as we turn a corner to head towards the rink.
“Radio on?” Matt asks me, I’m sure he’ll want to play our song.
He throws his phone at me and gives me aux. “no. Play something fun.”
I play Martin & Gina by Polo G.
“No, play our song.”
So I do, I type into his Spotify search Shower by Becky G. “I love this song!” Matt says as he looks over to me. He keeps his eyes on mine.
“Matt!” I yell as he steps on his breaks. He almost ran a kid over. He let the kid cross the street and Matt wanted some coffee so we head to a Caribou.
“You wnat anything?” Matt asks me, and again he stares me down, I see him looking at me like I’m the great Mona Lisa. Or as if I’m the Eiffel Tower.
“No I’m good I’ll just pick up a Dr Pepper at the food court.” I reply. I look into Matt’s eyes, he has a light bruise that stained his under eye from previous fights. I’m sure he’s fired up for playoffs, I’m excited!
We get to the rink and he walks in the player enterance and I head for the other side of the building, making it to the front of the building. I enter in just as normal and get my pass out to enter in as family. I understand that I should’ve gone in with Matt, but it felt better to get in early instead of late like the other family do.
I head for our seats and make it to my spot that I always sit in. I can see all the fans walking to the glass, signs are up and pressed against the window. Rempe jerseys everywhere, and family’s sitting at seats waiting for the game to start.
Hype songs start, warmups are coming. I watch Matt walk on the ice. For some reason I felt this wierd park in my stomach. I got wayyy to excited to see him. I actually smiled so big that my cheeks hurt from staring at him.
After game
The rangers lost. Matt hasn’t walked out of the locker room, and I patiently wait. He was the last one out, the coaches even left before him. The janitors started to come in and clean up. I have to wait for Matt, he’s the one driving me home.
“Matt?” I said when he finally walked out. “What.” Matt says in the grumpiest tone. He didn’t walk out for post game interviews, so I assume that he would do it later.
“Are you okay?” I ask him, I thought I was being kind for asking. He left me on heard. He just took my hand and walked me to his car. He opened my door for me, and threw his hockey gear into the back of his car.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Matt finally answered.
“Okay, let’s just go home alright?” I say canceling our plans that we were waiting for, for the last week.
“What!? No!” Matt whines before he backs out of his parking spot. “I wnat to go.” He said as he looks at me.
“Let’s spend time together. Come on. Please? I just had the worst game of my life and you’re just gonna make me feel worse?” He guilt trips me.
“Maybe.” I sarcastically answered as I throw his hands off my thigh. See, moments like this I believe his sister that maybe we could be something. NO! Matt is just a friend, he’s practically been in my life forever. Freinds for 9years and going on, and known eachother since we were 8 years old.
“I’m gonna shower, and you need to change.” Matt says when he pulls into his driveway. His sisters pull in behind us. “Matty!” Steph tells out for him.
“What.” He replied, he sounds the way he did before we left the rink.
“Um. Okay well me and Ally are going to the mall, and we’re going back to school. See you soon okay?” Steph says and she steps back into her car. That’s the last time I’ll see them, well ofcire we still have summer but they’re all the way at college and I’m just here in New York.
“Okay should I wear red, or green?” I ask Matt, I men’s his opinion matters, like a lot.
“Im wearing Blue, so you should wear that blue and white outfit you got a while ago.”
“That wasn’t an option.” I reply. I just do as he says and slide in my corset top dress and a value decal lace, the white silk sits on my curves.
“You’re so beautiful.” Matt says as he watches me walk out of the bathroom. My hair is curled, my makeup done and my legs are shaved, I also have the perfect amount of heel that raises my height.
Matt looks me up and down and grabs my hand. We drive down to a cove. We eat some pasta and we grab some dessert at this small shop downtown. “Don’t get anything in that dress!” Matt warns me, I’m eating like a pig.
He’s so sweet. I could talk to him for hours.
After our foodie phase we head to the coast. We drive about an hour just to get to a beach. It was so nice, we sat and stared at the stars, but it felt wrong. I know that we would be good as a couple but, what his sister say all the time teasing him makes me think he likes me. No.
He can’t.
We’re friends.
“How’s life been? Got a hot boyfriend I don’t know about? You just moved up here in New York so how you like?” Matt asks me, he turn his head and leans back onto his forearms. He’s watching me stare into the void. I’m scared to tell him.
No, we’re just friends.
“Nope. Men are stupid. Not you of course, your perfect- your like the only guy I would date!-or well yeah it’s nice up in New York, city is beautiful and the weather is my type.” I answer, I stuttered about all of my try feelings. Shit.
“Well l feeel the same way.” Matt says, I’m sure he heard my little cry of what the hell did I say.
“I like you as well y/n. You didn’t notice?”
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sturniolos-blog · 5 months
omg hi , I have a request for you . I was just thinking this , I dont know if you want to do it but I was thinking maybe the reader is a guess in one of they podcast and they daughter comes in the room and interrupt them or maybe they son comes up and its worried about his sister cause she is sad or upset or did something bad. Or maybe they doing a podcast and they hear a loud bang and it was they kids . They kids are around like maybe 6 or 8 years old. I dont know I just thought of that and that hey maybe you would love it . also love your writing so much .
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Podcast with a twist - Matt Sturniolo x Y/n oneshot
warnings - throw up, fluff, sickness
disclaimer: i just made up a podcast topic this isn’t actually a topic
i also know they ending the podcast but like ntm on it. 3rd person pov
“Alright, good evening campers. Today we have a special but not new guest on today’s podcast, Y/n Sturniolo!” Nick introduces.
Y/n let’s out a laugh, playing with her fingers. “Hello, guys. Happy to be here.” She says shyly, Matt looking at her in adoration.
Everyone let’s out a small chuckle.
“So on our instagram story we asked you guys what questions you have for Y/n. So, Chris will start.” Matt said, giving Y/n a small smile as Chris began to read.
Chris looks off his phone, “Y/n, are you a stay at home mom? and if you aren’t what do you do for work?” Chris read.
Y/n took in a breath, “Well, i actually work from home but i am a journalist. I have lots of articles published that you can read on losangelesnews.com. I also do have an office but i prefer to work at home.” She smiles.
Matt gives her a small wink which wouldn’t go unnoticed by viewers but he didn’t mind.
“Alright, next question. This is kind of for Matt and Y/n. What made you pick Estrella and Mailo for names?” Nick asked.
Y/n looked at Matt, expecting him to answer first.
Matt gives Y/n a nod to start first though.
“Uh- so yo hablo español y estoy hispanic, soy de Puerto Rico. Anyway, quise to do something with a star. Therefore Estrella means star in spanish, porque Ella es mi star and will always be.” Y/n answers, smiling.
yo hablo español y estoy hispanic, soy de puerto rico: i speak spanish and im hispanic, im from puerto rico.
quise: I wanted
porque ella es mi: because she is my
(i’m saying puerto rico because i’m puerto rican but if you are hispanic or latina you can fill in for wherever you are from.)
Matt smiles and nods, “I agree. She’s both our stars.”
Chris and Nick share a look before Chris speaks up, “I only understood maybe half of what you said but that’s sweet.”
Y/n laughs, “It’s okay, Chris.” She says, running a hand through her hair.
“What about Mailo? Where’d you guys come up with that?” Nick asked, looking between Y/n and Matt.
“I wanted something simple but different, so Mailo is a simple name just spelled differently.” Matt shrugged, making Chris and Nick nod.
Chris then went to ask another question, “So, Y/n when-”
“Mommy!” Mailo calls out, running in the podcast room and around the table to where Y/n was sitting.
Y/n scrunched her eyebrows, “Que pasa, hijo?” She asked, brushing some hair out of his face.
que pasa, hijo: what’s wrong, son?
“I think Estrella is upset, she’s not talking to me.” Mailo said, hugging Y/n’s knee.
Y/n sighed, “Okay, I can go check on her after, sweetheart, me and daddy are busy, baby-”
“No! Now! Mommy!” Mailo started to stomp, shaking Y/n’s knee.
“Mailo, buddy, relax.” Matt said, sternness to his voice, enough to make Mailo calm down.
Y/n rubbed her forehead, “Sorry, guys. I’m gonna go check on my daughter.”
Matt nodded, responding first. “It’s okay, go baby.” He said.
Y/n smiled and Mailo took her hand as they left the room.
Y/n walked into the living room seeing Ella on the couch, holding her stomach.
“Ella? Estás bien?” Y/n asked her four year old, walking over and sitting on the couch.
Estás bien?: are you okay?
Estrella lets out a soft whimper, Y/n now noticing the tears down Ella’s face. “Me duele el estomago, mommy.” She lets out a soft cry.
me duele el estómago: my stomach hurts
“Alright, baby. Come on, let’s go lay down.” Y/n told her, grabbing her hand.
She left out another soft cry, making Y/n give her a sad smile and pick her up. “Okay, mommy’s got you.” Y/n cooed as they started to walk up the stairs and to Matt’s old room since they weren’t home.
Y/n then placed Ella down on the bed before she made a weird sound, indicating she was about to throw up.
Y/n immediately backed up, rushing to get the trash can but it was too late as Ella leaned over the side of the bed and threw up on the floor.
Y/n let out a sigh.
Estrella finished rubbing her mouth with her hand.
“Okay, Ella, don’t do that, hold on, baby, let me clean you up.” Y/n said, going to the bathroom before coming back with a wet wash cloth.
She steps over the throw up on the floor and sits on the bed, Ella was sitting there crying as she wiped her own tears. “I’m sorry, mama!” Ella cried.
“Don’t cry, baby. It’s okay. I’m not mad at you.” Y/n hushed, taking the wet washcloth and wiping ella’s face and hands. “Arms up, lovey.” Y/n said, signaling she was gonna change Ella’s shirt for her.
Y/n was grabbing another shirt when the door opened.
“Hey, is everything alr- woah. Someone threw up.” Matt said, looking away at the sight.
“Yes, your daughter did.” Y/n said, a little grumpiness in her tone as she put another shirt on Ella.
Y/n leaned down and kissed Ella’s head as Ella started to fall asleep.
“Can one of you lay down with me?” Ella asked softly, her eyes still closed.
Matt looked at me, i nodded, signaling him to lay down with her while i get stuck cleaning the throw up.
Matt smiled and got on the bed, taking Ella’s small body in his arms, kissing her head and rubbing her back.
this was lazy but i just wanted to get ts out
tag list: @sturniolosmind @novasturniolo03 @hearts4chriss @vinniehackerslefttoe @christhopersturniolo @mattybswife @streamermattsgf @sturnolio-luvs @sturnioloslurps @marlenafortuna @lovergirl4387 @sturniololovesss @junnniiieee07
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nogenderbee · 7 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕀𝕟𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕠𝕣 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Hope requests aren't closed. Could I request Gepard, Argenti, Dan Heng, and Jing Yuan with a s/o who is an excellent inventor? Toys, machines, they can make anything.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ They weren't when you requested so you're good! Also, I don't write for Argenti so hope you don't mind me changing him for Serval! She just suits here so well and I need more of the girlies so you can say I kinda took the opportunity there~ Anyway, hope it's still up to your liking!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ Dan Heng probably knows both a lot and a little about subject of inventing
✧ he read about it and even saw few constructions due to adventuring from planet to planet, but he also never really did it himself
✧ you'll have to introduce him to all the shortcuts while inventing something because he knows just the long and boring way, like instructions said, he'll do the exact steps
✧ he doesn't really mind and find it actually quite interesting to help you around
✧ but if your workshop is loud... he may not be big fan... and if you're trabilazer like him and all the noise is coming from the next room? Yeah, he'd loose it...
"Y/N. How about we go grab some sweets and you finish your work later? I need a break..."
✧ don't get him wrong, he's happy you're working on your skills but he just doesn't like the noise and would much prefer go on a walk while you work
✧ but at least he helps you with cleaning and quieter parts of inventing!
✧ tho if you live on planet and he rarely visits you we it is... he may not mind the noise as much. He's simply more focused on spending some quality time with you than that
@miya-akane @toyaswif3y - come get your quiet but scary trabilazer!
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✧ Gepard is honestly happy for your achievements and you probably met each other through Serval
✧ but... let no one ask him who's better inventor... he's not gonna be able to choose between you and his sister so he'll end up with basic answer, simply saying you're both great which he's not lying about
✧ but if we can avoid that, he knows quite a bit about it so he'll often drop by and see how you're doing
✧ and if you need help, he wouldn't mind doing so we long as he's not busy
✧ if he won't know something... he can always ask you or Serval if you'll need some professional advice too!
✧ this boy is so busy and now he also has 2 inventors to help... he often leaves you or Serval mid day to go to another one, so he won't seem like he's playing favorites because he loves you both equally, just in different ways
"Hey love, I'll go see how Serval's doing, okey? I'll come back later so I can help you more since I know you're busy. I'll be back in 1 of 2 hours."
✧ but... Serval often kicks him out to help his partner, she's like tou cupid if you think about it...
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✧ Serval is too!! You guys either met through work and bonded OR became close and just later realized you're both inventors
✧ when you were far enough into relationship, she definitely wanted to combine your two workshops so instead of "competing against each other", you could work together
✧ and lemme tell you... if you do it, your business is going CRAZY since you're both one of the best inventors in Belebog
✧ if you ever struggle with idea, fixing or making something, she's the one you should go for!
✧ she knows you're a bit better than her and will often mention it, not because she had low self-esteem but because she's proud girlfriend and wants to compliment you
"Hehe~ C'mon, you're the best at it! You need to teach me your trick someday, alright? In exchange... I could take you on a date next week! I'll clear my schedule so we can spend entire day with each other."
✧ expect her to be a little flirty from time to time when you work, sneaking little notes between not important machines so you'll wonder why it's not working just to find love letter there, or send some flying little robot with hear or chocolates on it... many can happen when she's in the playful mood!
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✧ Jing Yuan most likely knows every citizen of Xianzhou Luofu, some worse some better... so he definitely knew you even before you got into relationship
✧ but your relationship either developed by him hiring you one day or him getting w little crush and visiting you often
✧ and when you're together, he'll often drop by to see how you're doing and he'll you around
✧ and when he can't come check up on you because of his work... he'll simply send someone to you! It can be either Cloud Knight on patrol or Yanqing passing by
✧ he loves seeing how much you can do with just the idea and materials. So he'll sometimes sit down next to you and watch you work
✧ his favorite thing is to see the project developed all the way from simple scratch to finished product
✧ he'll also remind you of breaks, taking you out for something sweet or to restaurant whenever you finish project you've been working for days
"It looks great, my dear. Now let's go eat something. My treat. Trust me, you deserve it for all the good work you did there."
@miya-akane - come get your soft general~
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crypticenbug · 29 days
I'm a barista in my day-to-day life, and my brain is currently full of bees at the moment so I am subjecting you to what twitter already had to see:
All of the different Papas and what they get at their local coffee shop:
Nihil (Younger): He would get black coffee and insist he likes it but he actually thinks it's gross, but he refuses to get anything else cause it's cheap and he thinks it makes him look cool
Nihil (Older): Extra hot hot chocolate with 9 pumps of chocolate syrup, 3 pumps vanilla, no foam and a mountain of whipped cream (This is an actual order that a regular of mine gets. She's like 90 so her RN comes in for her). He's too old and dead to care about the amount of sugar he's consuming, that's Sister's problem now
Sister (Younger): She actually likes black coffee but only ever gets it out of convenience. If she's at a coffee shop, she's gonna get a latte, usually hot, and she will cycle through sugar free vanilla, mocha, hazelnut, and caramel. She's a classy lady who likes classy flavors, though she wouldn't mind a cold brew or shaken espresso from time to time.
Sister (Older): Her tastes on coffee kinda stay the same but she drinks a lot more tea now, goes for decaf more often and doesn't branch out as much. She starts enjoying cappuccinos as she gets older
Primo: He also drinks a lot of teas, but if he does get coffee it's gonna be black with a little room for cream and sugar but not a whole lot cause he enjoys trying to pick out the flavor notes of the coffee like he's at a wine tasting.
Secondo: His order will always be a hot french vanilla latte and if the shop doesn't have french vanilla he does hazelnut, idk why his coffee order came up so easily for me he reminds me of a regular I have
Terzo: Only brother who gets iced coffee year round, and he is NEVER consistent with his order besides the fact that it's an iced latte with some sort of flavored syrup. Loves asking his barista to surprise him and he always ends up loving the drink. Isn't lactose intolerant but doesn't like the texture of dairy milk so he gets a lot of alternatives and has gone through every one to pick one he likes. Right now it's almond milk
Cardinal Copia: Doesn't go to coffee shops very often but when he does, he gets something from the bev case and a cup of ice or he asks about any seasonals. Not a huge fan of coffee unless it is so sweet it would give someone a heart attack. Much like Terzo he hates the texture of dairy milk, he seems like the type to prefer soy
Papa Copia: Still enjoys seasonals, but so far his consistent order has been a pumpkin white mocha or a peppermint hot chocolate, both kids temp. Yes he wants whipped cream, what do you take him for?
Frater Imperator: Still hates bitter coffee, but has actually developed a taste for it now, enjoys whipped cream but keeps forgetting to ask for it until he gets his drink and takes a sip
(Lmk if y'all want my nameless ghoul coffee shop headcanons)
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hannahssimblr · 9 days
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“Granny?” Ivy cries. “I hate granny.”
“You’re not supposed to hate your grandmother,” I point out as I unwind the vacuum cord. “Even if she is… the way that she is.”
“I’m telling the truth.”
“Alright, well maybe don’t tell the truth in front of mom and dad.”
“Ugh! For how long?”
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“I don’t know, a few hours. Five, maybe.”
“Five hours?” 
“Bring a book.” I find a socket behind a potted plant and fumble with the plug. “Or you can have my iPod. Actually, you can have and keep it.”
“Okay, but whenever we put on music at her house, she complains and says it’s the devil’s.”
“Not all music, just the Rolling Stones.” I point out. “Actually, Mick Jagger. She said he was the devil personified, remember?” I think she came up with that line in the sixties, thought it was poignant, and hasn't stopped saying it for the rest of her life. I don’t even listen to the Rolling Stones. She just assumes all my music must be theirs, because she hates it with the same vigour as she did Beggar’s Banquet. 
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“‘Oh, what are you reading, Ivy? Something by some old cowboy?’” Ivy says in this plummy, pretty spot-on impression of Granny Hyland, who also likes to call everyone she doesn’t like a cowboy, for reasons I could never grasp. That includes me, of course, that time I shaved my head.
“‘I’d prefer that children didn’t speak at the dinner table, and that they ate all of their disgusting, soggy peas and carrots that I’ve put no salt on. And don't scrape your cutlery on my ugly plates!’” Ivy goes on. A direct quote, probably. 
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I swear I can see Granny now, sitting there, all thin and powdery in her musty, Glasnevin Victorian that one of us is one day cursed to inherit. She’s always seemed so old, even though she’s still only in the first half of her sixties. How she would sit there at the table, gripping her knife and fork over Christmas dinner with those weird, rheumatic hands and jawing on about manners, she was like a turn of the century relic. 
My decision to throw a party tonight has condemned my sister to an evening of that, and for that, I’m guilty. 
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Ivy throws herself onto the settee, her hair spilling over the floor. 
“Move your rat tails or I’ll suck them up in the hoover,” I mutter.
“Why are you hoovering? Irene does that for us.”
I sigh. “I guess I’m the cleaner today.”
“Because mom and dad said so.”
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She frowns. “Why would they say that? If they want the house cleaned, they would just phone her to come and do it.”
“Yeah, I know, but they’re teaching me a lesson.”
“A lesson about what?”
“I don’t know, hoovering, I suppose. Move.” I scoop her hair out of the way, then hit the wrong button on the hoover. The cord retracts and tightens. 
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Ivy sits up. “Who’s coming to your party? Anyone cool?”
“Define ‘cool’.”
She shrugs. She doesn’t really know what cool is in an Irish way, only in that glossy, American tween show way she knows from watching TV at her friend Ella’s house. I’ve wanted to tell her nicely that if those smiley kids wearing belts on top of their t-shirts from her beloved Camp Rock went to school here, they’d have the contents of the canteen bins chucked over them while inside the bathroom stalls, but they’re cool to her, so I just let her enjoy it before she realises. 
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“It’s just gonna be some people from school, that’s all.”
“What about your friends from summer?”
I laugh awkwardly. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll ask them. They probably won’t come.”
“Because they live far away, and it’s short notice.”
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“You should ask. You’re going away tomorrow. Maybe they’d come because it’s the last chance to see you.”
“It won’t be the last chance. I’ll be back.”
“Yeah, at Christmas,” she says, as though Christmas is the year 2036. 
“Uh, yeah. Christmas. It’s not that long.”
“It is! It’s ages away! And also-”
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“Ivy! I’m hoovering now. It’ll drown you out even if you keep talking.” With my foot, I whack the button, the correct one this time, and the machine roars to life. Ivy yaps on, but I just move my hand like a sock puppet. “I can’t hear you!”
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She sticks out her tongue, and I stick out mine, but when she’s turned away and become interested in a bird out hopping around on the patio furniture, I pull my phone from my pocket and tap out a hasty message. 
Having a goodbye thing at my house. Will you come? 
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It’s several minutes before Evie replies, and by then, I already assume that she won’t, in that kind of sad, desperate way, familiar to me only from my pubescent MSN days. By the time my phone vibrates, I jump. 
Okay, what time? 
I type back:
Seven. Look, I know you’re in Offaly, obviously, so you’re welcome to stay if you need to. There’s a few people crashing here. 
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She won’t come. She definitely won’t come. Especially not if she has to sleep in my house. Who am I kidding? There’s all that stuff about her strict mother, and being around boys, and-
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Yeah, sounds cool. I’ll be there. 
Cool. See you later.
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madaqueue · 6 months
Practice Makes Perfect | Chapter 12
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synopsis: you and yuji have been best friends basically as long as you can remember, and you made a promise to each other to stay friends and help each other be the best versions of yourselves for your future partners. but will things change when yuji finally starts looking for a relationship?
pairing: yuji itadori (18+) x f!reader
themes/content: modern college au (characters aged up to 18+). language, fluff. 18+, MDNI
word count: 1.3k
a/n: we're in the home stretch y'all aaaAAH
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A week has passed since you and Yuji told each other your true feelings. Things aren't the same, but you wouldn’t want them to be.
You’ve seen him practically every day since then, whether he’s bringing you lunch between classes or spending the night with each other, you feel like you can finally breathe again when he is with you.
“You know,” he says one night while you’re watching TV in his dorm, “eventually you’re gonna have to tell Fushiguro why you kissed him.” He takes a bite of the cereal sitting in his lap.
“Shit, I can’t believe I forgot to do that. I was honestly so caught up with spending time with you I just didn’t think about it,” you respond truthfully.
“Aww, someone got distracted by me?” he teases, leaning his head over onto your shoulder and looking up at you. You push him off with a chuckle. “Hey now, don’t spill my cereal, I only have one set of sheets here and I’m not about to ruin these,” he laughs, that permanent grin spread across his face.
The next morning, you figure it’s time to have that conversation with Megumi. You’ll be seeing him in class today, which at least makes the transition a bit easier. Since you and Yuji made up, you've started coming back out of your shell again and allowing your smile to appear more, which Megumi has noticed but hasn’t verbally acknowledged.
When the lecture concludes, you turn to him before packing your things up.
“Hey, are you free right now? I wanted to talk to you about something,” you say, a soft smile on your face.
“Sure,” he responds, “I found a new cafe if you’d want to try that?” After weeks of barely hearing your voice and never seeing you outside of class, your request makes his heart flutter.
“Actually, I would kind of prefer one we’ve already been to before if that’s alright with you?”
“Of course,” he says, a grin now forming on his face. Seeing you smile is enough to light up the room, and he’s just happy to have you back.
Megumi sits at a booth as you walk over holding two drinks in your hand. By now you know his order by heart (it does help that it’s just black coffee) and you place the two mugs down in the middle of the table. You’re back where it all started, in the first coffee shop you two ever went together. The high ceilings, bookshelves lining the walls, and warm light feels like coming home.
You take your seat across from him, thinking about just how long it’s been since you were in his presence like this. Seeing him seated across from you, fluffy black hair and all-black clothes, the familiar warm scent of his cologne, you can feel your body relax a tenseness you didn’t know it still held.
Taking a small sip of your latte, your eyes move up to meet his. “How’s your sister?” you ask.
You can tell by the way he opens his mouth and closes it again, his lips curving up into a smile as he pauses, that this was not how he expected you to start this conversation. “She’s good,” he says, a soft grin on his face. “Her surgery finally got rescheduled for later this month, so hopefully things just keep getting better from there.”
“I’m glad to hear it” you respond, your voice genuine. “I was thinking about her, and you, when we weren’t really talking as much, so I just wanted to check how things were going."
His eyes soften as he looks at you. You really do care about him. “Thanks,” he breathes.
A comfortable silence falls between you for a moment as you both slowly drink your coffees.
“So,” Megumi begins, placing an elbow on the table and his chin in his open palm, “what did you want to talk to me about?”
Your body tenses slightly, knowing this is about to be difficult.
Taking in a deep breath, you open your mouth to respond, but he cuts you off before you can get anything out. “Is this about when you kissed me?” he asks, a smirk forming on his lips as he cocks his head to the side.
“Y-yeah,” you stutter, breaking eye contact to look down at the table. You didn’t expect him to bring it up so easily, and with such…confidence?
“I figured,” he chuckles. “You know, I might not be the smartest guy here, but don’t forget I know you pretty well.” He pauses, taking another sip of his coffee. “My rough timeline was: you see Yuji at the party, you kiss me, you and Yuji fight, you make up, and now we’re here, right?”
Bringing your eyes back up, you scan his face, trying to identify what emotion he’s feeling as he walks you through exactly what happened over the past few weeks. You expect him to feel angry, betrayed, embarrassed, yet all you seem to find is…amusement?
“Mhm,” you nod, “that’s basically everything.”
His smile widens. “See, I told you I know you. If I’m being honest though, I did cheat a little bit - I could hear Yuji listening to sad music very loudly through the door for a while until it stopped about a week ago, so I figured you two made up.”
“And you’re not mad at me?” you ask, trying to hide how much your voice waivers.
“Of course not,” he chuckles. “Look, don’t take this the wrong way, but I see you strictly as a friend. I love hanging out with you and doing all the stuff we do together, but I never felt like I needed more than that. When you kissed me…” he trails off, reaching his free hand up to the back of his hair, “I figured you were just going through some stuff, and it sounds like I was right.”
You exhale, finally feeling the lingering stress about this conversation leaving your body. Your shoulders relax into the seat behind you and you close your eyes for a minute. “Thank you, Megumi,” you finally respond. “I’m really glad to have a friend like you.” A smile rests on your lips.
Turning back towards him, you open your eyes and reach your hand out to his shoulder. Just like the first time you met, he leans his cheek against the back of your hand as he stares at you from across the table, eyes soft. “Any time,” he whispers.
Things are…easy, again. You and Yuji’s friends - now your friends - hang out every weekend, going to some party or just playing board games on the floor of one of their dorm rooms. You grow to love Toge, the sweet white-haired boy who brought you drinks at the first party you went to with Megumi and who you learn helped Yuji smuggle in the red wine that ruined one of your dresses. You get to see Maki and Nobara together, watching how Nobara shamelessly plants herself in Maki’s lap whenever she gets a chance or pretends to steal her glasses before gently placing them back on her face with a kiss. You and Megumi still hang out all the time, too, and you even started going farther and farther off campus to search for new cafes to try. Every morning feels like a gift, in part because you get to wake up next to the warmth of your favorite person.
One night after you and Yuji return to your dorm after karaoke with your friends - at which, Nobara did an incredible rendition of Somebody To Love - the two of you are cuddling in your bed when he pulls away for a moment.
He props himself up on an elbow to look at you, his eyelids low as he traces along your hips with his fingers. He’s in nothing but his sweatpants, you in a loose t-shirt and pajama shorts. “You know…” he says, a grin tugging at the corners of his face, the one that he knows you always melt for, “there’s still one thing we didn’t get to practice.”
“Oh yeah?” you tease with a chuckle. “And what’s that?”
His eyes never leave yours, and you notice them darken slightly as he opens his mouth to speak. His voice comes out low, raspy. “I want to fuck you.”
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dilf-c0nn0isseur · 1 month
I think people only see logan as a dick like yeah the guys kinda an asshole but the same asshole goes out of his way to help people for no gain. In the first xmen, he helps Rouge and even makes sure she's ok throughout the whole film. Let's not forget "come on, I'll take care of you". In origins, he comes back to save the woman who betrayed him and saves her sister and other mutants on top of it. Like logans good man trying to be bad because he fears losing who he cares about. So he pretends not to care. We only see logan just purely be a dick after everyone is dead in "logan" even so he still takes care of Charles.
Idk I feel like people forget he's actually kinda a softy to those he cares about romantically and platonically.
Oh, and in "the Wolverine." he stops miriko(I think that's her name) from killing herself and saves her from tbe yakuza. I the whole time he patronized and called her princess, but he still fights to save her despite his healing factor being gone.
His whole character is when someone ask for something he says "no" while doing the thing they asked😂😭 sorry to ramble, but it's kinda been bugging me
i absolutely love how in depth you went with this!! i totally agree with everything, this is exactly how i want to write him. i do heavily support different writing techniques/headcanons/styles/etc though, i definitely think a lot of it is based on his character in d&w which is pretty accurate i mean he is a mean old man. my truth is that’s literally how i thought his whole character was when i saw it when it first came out because i’ve never gotten into xmen or deadpool or wolverine until now🤫🤫 so my earliest writing of him is more like that.
but now that i’ve gone back and watched the xmen movies, my whole perspective of him has changed so much. i love the variant of him in the new movie, but i just cannot get past his selfless, caring nature in the xmen movies. the way that he almost can’t bring himself to kill jean once she’s turned evil and the fact that he did literally EVERYTHING in his power to save her.
even in deadpool & wolverine, we still see these underlying traits in the ‘worst’ wolverine variant; him trying to take wade’s place in the end knowing that whoever goes in that room won’t come out alive.
ugh i love rambling about these things!! i still need to watch xmen: days of future past and the wolverine for him. i’m so scared to watch logan cause i know i’m gonna SOB.
ALSO!! this is not by ANY means me hating on any writing style of logan. i honestly love all of it and think that a lot of it is justified. this is just my personal preference on how i view him, and how i wanna incorporate it into future writings of him. ♥️♥️♥️
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yannaryartside · 4 months
quite simple
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Seriously, my prediction is quite grim. I think this season, Carmy is going to be hearing the voice of his former boss in his head constantly while he tries to run the Bear like his restaurant in NYC and dive deep into depression because that is obviously going to destroy him.
I think Carmy is gonna start the season heartbroken and shit, then Richie (our man) will compel him to seek Claire because obviously Claire can fix him 🤮 Claire will come back because she has no self-respect and is an over giver who wants with an overtaker.
They are gonna date for a while and Carmy is gonna try to make it work and be happy.
Then, the trauma is gonna hit him hard, a manic episode or really bad depressive episode, maybe the pressure of the restaurant and critics (he hates that feeling). Still, because he is supposed to feel good (he has everything he has ever wanted, Claire, his brother's restaurant), he will not ask for help.
Springle here. Sydney may be dating Luca, and Carmy feels bad for having feelings for her or being jealous. His relationship with Claire never had a solid base, and he is starting to feel it. He doesn’t think he can talk to her about his depression. Also, considering Claire never advised Carmy on therapy when she witnessed his previous panic attacks, I am curious how she will manage being with him at his actual lowest.
And then, he is gonna have a dark moment. Maybe even setting the bear on fire (it was foreshadowed real hard) or even have a suicide attempt. Maybe is something people have to save him from.
And then, he is gonna think of Mickey, ask himself what his brother would tell him (there is a flashback episode with Mickey put it here).
Either way, Mickey, Sydney, something else, may want to make him see the light. Find the strength to fight back.
The rest I don’t know. I wonder if he is gonna cut people off through the season because he is back mentally at nyc suffering under his horrible boss (you should be dead”) and that is gonna hurt like shit. His friendship with Sydney may get closer, since she convinces herself that Carmy should be with Claire (Carmy said she was great, and so does everyone else). She may want to keep him as a mentor and partner, while Carmy realizes he wants more than that (hell yeah)
For Sydney, I want to see her being the leader that she is and finding her unique culinary voice. She should find a real mentor, propel herself (maybe in another restaurant to learn), and realize she can do this without Carmy. Give her a good love story and tell me the one that broke her heart. There should be a Syd-centered episode.
other things, not in order of importance:
I want Marcus to grieve and heal.
More about Luca's storyAngel and Sweeps more screentime.
I want the Bearzatto family to see Carmy's struggle/actual date preferences
Claire realizing how she chases men will hurt her.
I want our man Richie to become the greatest SydCarmy stan, but mostly Syd stan, because they may get close that season.
I think Richie may try to get Tiff back.
Also, justice for Nat, with Francine Fack and others. I want her to stand up to Donna.
Syd and Luca going on dates/sleeping together
Tina being like a mom to Syd
Nat and Syd being sisters to each other
Carmy meeting Emmanuel
Emmanuel being Carmy's and Richie's father figure
A little bit of Cicero mafia
Cicero a Syd stan
Nat's baby and Syd supporting her and encouraging her as a mother
Auntie Syd!
Syd and Donna meeting
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hysteria-things · 2 months
sfw :)
on and off matt who likes to explain some random video game or movie lore to u and sounds 100% serious about it as if its real
on and off matt whos 6 months or a year younger than u (idk he just gives off the vibe of being younger 😭)
on and off matt who listens to u vent about ur problems and always has the best advice for u
on and off matt who sends u cat videos saying "us?"
on and off matt who likes to spam u tiktoks of random funny things or animal videos he sees on his fyp but its never cute couple videos which makes ur bf so unique 😭
on and off matt who prefers being little spoon and being ur baby during cuddling
on and off matt who likes to ask u for a kiss after saying "lets go" humbly after getting a victory on fortnite
on and off matt who loves ur cooking and fucks that shit up LMAOOO
on and off matt who does the laundry and cleaning for u
on and off matt who takes care of u as a moody mess on ur period
"i love u please dont ever leave me"
"oh u dont want me to leave u?"
"gotcha, won't leave"
on and off matt whos always in ur comments after u post urself on instagram or tiktok
on and off matt whos always in ur photo dumps
on and off matt who's very clingy and loves ur personal space
"give me a kiss"
"give me a kiss"
"matt ur pissing me off"
"one kiss"
"*smooch* okay get the fuck out"
*proceeds to shimmy away*
on and off matt whos always doing something stupid around u
*tries to handstand and ends up making a picture frame fall off the wall*
"*gasp* matt-"
on and off matt whos always attached to ur hip anywhere u go (ex: shopping together as u push the cart)
*holds up a bra and acts as if hes got it on* "think these are my size?"
"matt those are d cups"
"??? no these are bras"
"no- ykw, okay!"
on and off matt who squeezes ur tits and goes "honka honka" 😭😭
on and off matt who gets jealous and petty when u tell him about all the guys who tried to get with u after u guys broke up
"oh and- *yap yap yap*"
"hm right"
"and then- *blah blah blah*"
"hm right. so u wanna know how that makes me feel?"
"like idgaf"
on and off matt who sees it coming everytime u hit him with a "ykw? we're over"
"shi, alright, can i get a kiss before i leave tho?"
on and off matt who has patience with u and refuses to yell at u back everytime u guys argue
on and off matt who has to deal with his girl friends trying to flirt with u (tara yummy and madison beer) but he prefers it rather than some random dude doing it
on and off matt who hearts ur stories or posts even after u guys break up
on and off matt who lowkey stalks ur social media over and over after u guys break up
on and off matt whos still cool with ur parents and siblings after u guys break up
on and off matt who daps up ur dad and side hugs ur mom in front of u after u guys break up and they invited him over for dinner without being aware of it
on and off matt who helps ur younger sister with her school homework even if he kinda forgot some things he learned in school and calms her anxiety while she stresses out about it
on and off matt who yaps about superhero lore with ur younger brother and is actually so engaged in it that he forgets hes actually here for u
on and off who always has to be warned whenever u whip out ketchup in front of him 😭😭
"look away im gonna put ketchup in my plate"
*immediately freaks out and covers his entire face* "are u done?"
"yep all good :)"
*sighs in relief as if he just faced the hardest thing in the world* "man. thank u"
on and off matt who gets severe separation anxiety to the point he makes u pee with the door open while he either lays in bed waiting for u or stands in the doorway while u get lecture him about this behavior 💀
"😐 i'm not laughing"
on and off matt who burps in ur face despite the fact that he hates chris doing it 😭
and lastly to top it off, whatever this is...
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luke-shywalker · 5 days
there are little moments
“Hold still,” she said, and Ben complied as his wife carefully adhered the new bacta patch over his eye. He flinched as her fingers gently pressed down to seal the sides.
“Why don’t you use your Jedi magic to just give me a new eye?” he asked dryly.
“That’s not how the Force works,” Fannie replied. She turned and went to dispose of the old patch, her lekku swaying behind her.
Ben groaned and massaged his right browbone. He couldn’t use his right eye to see—not yet, anyway—but it still moved in tandem with his left, and smarted whenever it did.
“Funny,” he remarked. “Anyone who sees me is gonna think I had some kinda heroic encounter against the First Order. When really, my eye just decided to stop working. Like…for fun, or something.”
“I’m glad we got it taken care of,” said Fannie. “You need your vision. You’re one of the best pilots in the Resistance.”
“One of ‘em. Mom seems to like Poe Dameron better.”
“Oh, hush.”
“At least this didn’t happen to you,” Ben said. “One of Skywalker’s Jedi. Though, you’d probably be able to use the Force to see, right?”
“Well, it’s not unheard of, but Force vision is not completely the same as natural vision,” said Fannie as she made her way to the kitchenette and pulled a canister of rice from the lower compartment. “You really don’t know how the Force works.”
“Sorry,” Ben shrugged. “Jedi school dropout over here.”
“I’m sure Luke much preferred training your sister,” Fannie teased. She began setting a pot of water to boil.
Ben shrugged again. Rey had confided in him recently that, without Luke to guide her, she had been struggling with the seductive pull of the dark…just like he had. But, that wasn’t for him to share.
“I can help make dinner,” he said, changing the subject and getting up from the foldout bed.
“Oh, no you don’t,” said Fannie. “Sit back down.”
“C’mon, Fan. I haven’t been able to do anything for like, two days. For the Resistance, or for you. I feel bad.”
“You took care of me after the Battle of Takodana. Call us even.”
A sudden ache behind his eye made Ben start to feel nauseous at the thought of food anyway, so he sat back down with a huff. “Fine.”
“We’re nearly out of protein rations,” Fannie noted. “We’ll have to get more soon.”
“Let’s just run out. I hate that stuff.”
Fannie flashed him a small, bittersweet smile. “Welcome to wartime, Ben Solo.”
“I’m sick of living through major historical events,” Ben said. “Though—I probably wouldn’t have ever proposed, if the war hadn’t happened.”
“Hm. So that’s what it finally took.”
“Aw, Fan. Don’t be like that. I just mean…life seemed to get way more real all of a sudden. And everything seemed to be moving way faster. Especially after Hosnian Prime was destroyed. I just…y’know…realized there wasn’t a whole lot of time left.”
“Well, I hope there’s some time left,” said Fannie. “I hope we get to see our children, someday.”
Ben squinted. “You have so been talking with my mom, haven’t you.”
Fannie smiled, placing the protein strips in the pot with the rice. “Your dad, actually.”
“Oh.” Ben scratched the back of his neck. “Well. Let’s work on making the galaxy somewhere we want our kids to be, first.”
“Yes,” Fannie agreed. She covered the boiling pot with its lid, then turned to look at him, leaning on the counter thoughtfully. “Is this what you thought it would be like, Ben?”
“What what would be like?”
“Being married.”
“Oh, well.” Ben shrugged. “I dunno. I never really thought about it much. I just like being with you, and I think we make a damn good team. And we do—at least—I sure think so. D’you think so?”
“Yes, I think so.”
“But…you used to think about it a lot, huh?” A teasing look crept onto his face. “Yeah, you always wanted the cute little house and the white duraplast fence and the two-point-five children—”
“Oh, stop it,” she said, waving a spoon at him. “But…yes, I did want that. The beginnings of a war would not normally be my ideal timeframe for a honeymoon—”
“—but we made it work.”
“Yes, we made it work.” She paused, thoughtfully.
“Well, I suppose it’s not at all like I imagined,” she said at last. “But, then…there are little moments, rather like this one, where it’s exactly as I’d hoped. Where we eat dinner together—”
“If you can call it that—”
“—and we talk about having kids—”
“—someday waaaay down the line—”
“—and reminisce about our life together so far, and I nurse my ailing husband back to health—”
“—not because something cool happened to him, but because his eye randomly stopped working…”
Fannie sighed, exasperated. “You just can’t let me speak, can you, Ben?”
Ben grinned from where he sat on the foldout bed—that roguish lopsided smirk he’d inherited from his father. “Hey, it’s my eye that’s busted, lady. Not my mouth.”
She rolled her eyes, but he was too difficult to stay mad at when he looked like that.
Even with the silly-looking eyepatch.
She smiled good-naturedly. “Well, I’ll soon fix that,” she said, and came over to give him a kiss.
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she-karev · 13 days
Happy Birthday (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister Birthday Imagine)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: One of One
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 17 Episode 17
Summary: Amber is reluctant to celebrate her birthday when her friends throw her a surprise party.
Words: 1964
September 7th, 2020
“This was Thornin’s style. He was an important dwarf.” Amber reads to her niece, Luna Karev, inside the incubator where she is sleeping peacefully while her aunt reads her a copy of The Hobbit, “If he had been allowed, he would probably have gone on like this until he was out of breath without telling anyone there anything that was not known already. But he was rudely interrupted.”
“Good morning.” Andrew greets Amber and Luan with a smile inside his helmet.
“And so was I.” Amber closes her book and stands up from her chair to face her boyfriend, “Morning.”
“I woke up and you weren’t in bed, I was gonna make you a special breakfast for today before we leave.”
“Alex and Jo are at their lawyers working out the adoption legal stuff and I didn’t want Luna to wake up alone.” She looks down at Luna with a grin, “I thought Tolkien would better stimulate her than those baby books they keep here.”
“Why can I see you two already going to cosplay as Galadriel and Frodo?”
“You make that sound like a bad thing and it’s not the first time I successfully converted a non-geek. I got you to come with me to Emerald City Comicon for two years in a row.”
“Because I was afraid you would get kidnapped in a sea of nerds.” Andrew jokes before grinning down at Luna, “Don’t worry Luna if you want to want to go hiking or learn how to ride a motorcycle, I’m your guy.”
“You put my baby niece in a sidecar, and I’ll kill you before Alex and Jo do.” Ambre half threatens before she realizes what Andrew said, “Wait why were you gonna make me a special breakfast today? What’s the occasion?”
“Seriously?” Andrew asks dumbfounded causing Amber to shrug, “It’s September the 7th, your birthday.”
“Ya-da-da.” Amber stutters holding her finger up to silence her Italian lover, “No cursing in front of the baby especially if it’s the word that shall not be said again.”
“Okay I know…that word is taboo for you for personal reasons, but I just thought this year would be different.”
“Why would it be different?”
“Because your usual rebellious half birthday celebrations in March was stalled this year by a pandemic and me getting treatment.” Amber frowns at the reminder and looks down at Luna so she doesn’t get lost in her darkness, “I just thought with all that happened maybe we could make up for it by celebrating your actual birthday.”
“No thanks. I would prefer to wait it out until next March instead of having cake on a day I detest.” Amber grabs her book ready to walk out, “Babe I appreciate the effort but it’s wasted. It’s gonna take a lot more than a pandemic and my boyfriend leaving for me to consider September 7th a joyous occasion. Save that energy for March 9th and PS I like chocolate chip pancakes with lots of whipped cream on top sprinkled in chocolate.”
“That is a lot of chocolate.” Andrew points out playfully.
“It’s my half birthday I can indulge myself all I want, or you can.” Amber giggles lightly before walking with him to go to the residents lounge so she can get coffee. They open the door and Amber starts to regret it.
“SURPRISE!” Levi Schmitt, Casey Parker, Dahlia Qadri and Taryn Helm shout out loud in the room with Parker using a confetti cannon. Amber jumps at the bang before the multi color papers float down on her to her annoyance. She groans and brushes the confetti off her before walking inside with a frown towards the residents as well as Alex and Jo who are in the room looking uncomfortable as they know how much Amber hates her birthdays.
“Who blabbed?” Amber asks before turning to Andrew behind her who holds his hands up in defense.
“I swear I had no idea; my plan was a cheese omelet with bell peppers. This is not on me.”
“It was on me.” Amber sees Bailey step forward holding a cone shaped hat that says Happy Birthday, “I made it a point to celebrate residents’ birthdays as much as we can. I figured after the year we had some cake and singing might raise morale. By the time I took this initiative your date was next on the roster.”
“Lucky me.” Amber says sarcastically with a visible frown.
“You see I told you.” Alex says bluntly, “She hates it.”
Bailey glares at him, “She does not hate it.”
“I hate it.” Amber confirms bluntly as well causing Bailey to turn her glare at her, “If you really wanted me to be happy today you should have upped my vacation days that would be better than this crap fest.”
Qadri chuckles from the side, “Yeah we tried telling her you were one of those anti birthday people, but she says those don’t exist.”
“Well then I guess this is the one day she’s proven wrong.” Amber maliciously grins at Bailey.
“Shake that negative birthday energy She-Karev.��� The chief tells her in an upbeat tone, “We have vanilla cake will that make you feel better?”
Amber rolls her eyes but sees the rectangle pink frosting cake with ‘Happy Birthday Amber!’ written across it.
“Wiping a birthday off the face of the earth should be an option.” Amber responds still bitter.
Bailey is offended and speaks with a frown as well, “Or you could just tolerate the fact that it’s a 24-hour period where the people who love you can treat you extra special.”
“And for the other 364 days they treat me like garbage?” Amber asks her boss who throws her hands up clearly agitated.
“Look child just eat the damn cake, wear the silly hat and enjoy your birthday, chief’s orders.” Bailey holds out the hat for Amber who looks at it for a silent moment.
“Nope.” Bailey is stumped and drops the hat on the floor. Amber turns to the crowd with a grin, “Thank you everyone but I will not be joining you. You guys can mingle and eat while I get coffee and go back to the NICU and continue to read The Hobbit to my beloved niece.”
“Let my daughter have a mind of her own please.” Alex begs his sister.
“We’ll see.” Amber turns to Andrew, “Save me some cake?”
“It is yours so yeah.”
“Thank you.” Amber walks out of the lounge leaving the others to celebrate her special day without her. Alex and Jo chuckled lightly before cutting the cake.
“You gotta give Amber this she has a unique reaction to her birthday.” Jo says with a smile.
“More like an ungrateful reaction to my attempts to bring joy to burnt out residents.” Bailey corrects with a frown, “Who doesn’t love their birthday? What possible reason could give that child an excuse to walk out on cake and love?”
Alex winces, “Blame me and the rest of our family on that reaction. Me and Aaron were asshole teens by the time Amber was born and our mom could occasionally remember her meds. Whenever her birthday came, we would either forget or I would remember and dump her at the nearest Chuck E Cheese so I could go trolling for chicks.”
“This explains so much.” Taryn states in realization as she eats cake.
“Yeah and it didn’t help that I left for med school not long after her tenth birthday.” Alex adds to his shame grabbing a big slice for himself that he instantly devours.
Jo squeezes Alex’s arm, “She more than gets you leaving to survive, she did it too. And besides birthdays are overrated and most of the time your expectations are high, and you get let down every time.”
Alex and Andrew look at Jo surprised that she’s also anti birthday like Amber. Out of the two of them Jo is the more upbeat and positive while Amber is more sulky and cynical. Jo sees the stares and explains.
“Foster parents never remembered my birthday and the gifts I got from charity were always addressed ‘to boy’ and ‘to girl’. It’s safe to say that I more than get Amber’s reluctance to celebrate what should have been a big day.”
“Yeah I get that.” Alex shares, “My parents forgot my birthday and it got to the point where I even forgot my own.”
Andrew looks sullen by these stories, “Wow if they ever want to hire people to make others feel bad you three could be rich.”
Jo chuckles lightly, “It would be great compensation for crappy upbringings.”
“Well now I feel bad.” Bailey sulks eating her cake, “I wish you would have tried harder to stop me before I spent money on this wasted party.”
The residents continue to eat their cake instead of arguing that they tried and were ignored. Andrew finishes his cake before deciding to resolve this issue in the privacy of his and Amber’s home so she can feel special on her big day for once.
That Night
Amber turns the key in the lock on the door outside the patio of her and Andrew’s recently bought house. After he came back from Italy a month ago they went forward in buying a new place together. Amber told him his apartment was too painful for her to live in because of all the bad memories of their relationship happening there. She proposed that they get a new place and he agreed and even suggested getting a house instead.
They were able to buy a 2-bedroom house with both of their savings and a backyard for their dog Jazz who was clearly not fit for an apartment. He is the first person to greet her with his three legs scratching the hardwood as he runs toward her panting. Amber quickly closes the door and gives him an affectionate scratch on the head before walking around the marked unpacked boxes around the house.
“Hey boy.” Amber walks toward the kitchen with Jazz following behind her, “Where’s your dad?”
“Stop where you are right now.” Amber freezes at the sound of Andrew’s voice and stays in place. He walks inside from the hallway carrying a plate with a chocolate cupcake topped with a lit candle providing light in the dim kitchen. He smiles at her, “Happy birthday bella.”
“No.” Amber whines causing Andrew to chuckle as he expected this reaction, “I told you no birthday, we agreed no birthday.”
“Actually, you told me no birthday and I don’t remember making a verbal agreement.” Andrew argues bringing the cupcake with the candle still lit closer to her, “I know you hate your birthday and you have about a million reasons to but I don’t. You may not be happy about the day you were born but I am.”
Amber’s sour attitude deflates at that sweet comment as he continues, “So I’m gonna give you a cake, a private room where we celebrate alone how you like it and your gonna blow out this candle and make a wish. Got it?”
Amber looks at the cupcake enticed by how good it looks wondering if it tastes the same, “…What kind of cake is it?”
“Your favorite, devil’s food, I wasn’t born yesterday come on.”
Amber shakes her head grinning at him before taking the plate from his hands, “Your lucky your cute.”
“I know.” Andrew says smugly, “Now make a wish.”
Amber closes her eyes and blows the candle out making a wish causing Andrew to clap before she takes the first bite and celebrates her birthday for the first time feeling like it’s not a day to dread instead a day to celebrate thanks to the man that she loves.
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thegamingcatmom · 4 months
It is me again! I swear I am holding myself back with the asks but I just- ugh ;-;
I was reading your answer to the doggo post and I was thinking, damn if Tanya gets jealous of a dog how would it be if she had to share reader with her sisters?
How a Poly relationship would work for them? (The three of them with the reader) I am honestly curious because I struggle a lot to have some kind of balance and it makes me change stuff around again and again, I am never happy with the outcome xD
In my mind Kate is definitely the more easy going of the three, Irina likes to act tough and stuff but deep down she's willing to do about anything within reason (kind of like yiu said) and Tanya... I always struggle with her because I think she is in a position where she wants to give in to you but also you gotta know who's in charge, she's the coven leader after all so I think Kate or Irina always are better options (especially Kate) when you want something... In the end you can always go from one another and I am sure at least ONE of them will agree... Right? :p
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In case you are wondering: This was me when I saw yet another lengthy ask from you. PLEASE don´t hold yourself back, goodness no! I absolutely love them! I love gushing about the Denalis, and I love even more when someone else joins me in all that fangirling. 😍🥰
Tbh, I feel like Tanya would get jealous of a spoon because it´s touching upon places she herself hasn´t had the honor of venturing to yet. And she won´t receive that honor for quite a while in my poly story. In fact, I don´t think it will be Tanya who´s gonna receive that very first kiss from Reader. Not if things go as planned.
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(Tanya: "You promised-")
(Me: "Girl, I did shit-")
With that said...it´s difficult, lol. I agree that Kate would defo be the one most likely to go "Eh, why not?" when it comes to sharing. As long as she gets her fill, she´s just peachy.
Irina and Reader won´t see eye to eye for a long time in my story. MC hates all of them with a passion at first - they did kidnap her. But with Irina it´s less a hatred out of hate, and more a hatred out of spite. Irina was the only one willing to just get it done and over with right from the start, and MC appreciates that in a way. Yes, Irina hates her, but she´s honest about it. She doesn´t toy with her like Kate and Tanya do because she has no special interest in Reader at first - aside from the bloodlust (which all of them handle very well because of their age). That´s why MC´s gonna prefer to stay in her company rather than Kate´s or Tanya´s at first.
Tanya is...Tanya, lol. She´s a bit harder to get to the bottom of because she can be rather unpredictable at times - what she says she'll do and what she'll actually do aren't always one and the same. She´s not dishonest, she´s just...cheeky, and all over Reader right from the start. She´s the reason why they didn´t just get it done and over with like Irina wishes they had. Her word is law, no matter the love she holds for her sisters (or Reader, later on). With that said, she expects to come first...always. That won´t quite work out with MC and it´s gonna drive her absolutely crazy. She´s not used to not getting her way, so she´s gonna struggle with coming to terms with Reader´s apparent dislike (to put it lightly) of her for quite a while.
With that said...MC will have the best chances in requesting something with either Kate or Tanya at first in my story.
Kate because she´s just honestly curious how things are gonna turn out, and also because she very much enjoys seeing Tanya turn green with envy whenever she manages to get a reaction from Reader that isn´t full of hate and scorn.
Now Tanya...under normal circumstances she would be a lot more strict to maintain the order. However, she´ll be more lenient with MC´s bratty behavior towards her and the things she requests because she wants to get on her "good" side. She really struggles with seeing her sisters - even Irina - have more of a connection to Reader than she does. She´s jealous, to put it blundly.
Besides...Tanya is someone who enjoys a challenge. The more Reader pushes her away, the more she´s gonna push back in return.
To summarize: It´s gonna be a rather awkward situation at first and there will be conflicts once things get to a stage where Reader can see herself getting romantically involved with all of them (which won´t happen for a long while). There´s gonna be snapping teeth and a bit of a hiss or growl here and there, but in the end I intend for them to be in an equally balanced coalition like I did with Tanya & Carmen in "Compromises", albeit a tad bit more aggressive because they are sisters - there´s always a bit of a quarrel going on with siblings. 😉
I love how you ended your ask - "In the end you can always go from one another and I am sure at least ONE of them will agree"
LMAO. It´s so true though. Why shouldn´t MC make use of having three beautiful ladies at her beck and call? Play them off against each other a bit? She´ll be batting those eyes, twirl a strand of hair-
You, batting your eyes, twirling your hair: "Pretty please?"
Irina, struggling: "...What did Tanya say?"
You, lying: 😇 "She said yes."
Irina: 🥰 "Oh, well alright then."
Tanya: "You said she could what?!"
Irina, panicking: "She said you said yes!"
Tanya, seething: "Why that little-"
Tanya (affectionately): "LOOOVE?!"
You: *entering the room rather sheepishly*
You: "...Yes?"
Tanya, standing with her hands on her hips: "Irina tells me you said I said you could what?"
You: "..."
You, batting your eyes, twirling your hair: "Pretty please?"
Tanya, eye twitching: "...I-"
You, still batting your eyes, still twirling your hair: "😏💋"
Tanya, melting: "...Oh alright." 🫠
Kate, in the distance: *makes whipping sound*
That´s pretty much the dynamic I envision for them, once things take a more romantic turn. Reader being anything but the innocent human they´re making her out to be, and the three sisters just not being able to cope. Especially Tanya. Girl is smitten, lemme tell ya. 😅
Thanks again for that amazing ask! I really wouldn´t mind if you kept ´em coming! 🥰🫶
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sleeplesssmoll · 9 months
Hello, I would just like to say thank you for writing your thoughts and theories because I've been enjoying reading through them and also for giving me much more to think about! (If not for you, I'd have missed a lot more details lol) (I actually have nothing to ask, I just wanted to say that)
Thank you for the kind message! My brain is always cooking 🍳 it's a blessing and a curse lol!
I know we have interesting things on the horizon so I have shelved the crazier for ones for now. Skimming through the game is always fun for me. From the background to the voicelines and the little enemy snippets. There is so much to see!
That being said I know I should be working on my recap project for my own sake (easy to misremeber things or forget little details) but I've been compiling list of crew member interactions (most from wiki) that involve dragging Vertin into their shenanigans instead...
Absolutely self-indulgent and self-inflicted brain rot. It's Vertin's fault. She plays along with them! For example:
An-an Lee:
I've got you some very horrible movies, and I promise you it's gonna be an unforgettable evening! (Horror movie night with the gang)
Hey, girl! Wanna hang out somewhere? Don't waste such a wonderful night! (Girls night!)
...You're here! My experiment is almost the last step. Go find 500 grams of liquid gold and help me settle it! (Vertin walking into madness)
I just bought a rare and strong bicorn. I heard it only came out at night... A bull? Eh? Am I tricked? And... does bull have anything to do with beef? (Sotheby needs supervision when she goes shopping, preferably an adult that isn't Pavia.)
Go. Don't be annoying. I am going to take care of my lady Su-01ве now. You want to help? What if you break it? (this is the rare case of Vertin wanting to take part in something and being turned down. She clearly like Lilya a lot from the voicelines. Like a chaotic big sister or maybe that one drunk auntie who is always fun?)
There's still a vacancy behind me on my broomstick. Would you like to ride together? Of course, if you dare to vomit on my back, I won't spare you. (Aw, she squishy in the center.)
Hi, what did you dream about last night? You were mumbling in your dream. I could barely hear anything even though I have moved very very close to you. (if she did this to Sonetto, Vertin would need a new assistant. I like the idea of Vertin being so used to this shit she didn't flinch)
Can you stay? Can we talk, just... just for a while. Please look at me. But... not for too long. You can watch me for 3.5 seconds, and look away for... for 5 seconds. Then look back at me again. (why is this relatable?)
Vertin being a baby and Suitcase dad at the same time is my life blood. SHE CAN DO BOTH
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