#good deeds au
mossery-chon · 1 year
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Beg me for mercy, admit you were toxic.
He scream
Here’s the wing reference I used
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omens-for-ophelia · 21 days
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Crowley is convinced that a fairy is living in his beautifully tended garden, and in spite of his very best efforts he has yet to actually see one. He has been leaving a bowl of cream out in the garden each night as a little extra temptation - but so far, only the neighbourhood fox seems to be enjoying it. On the advice of a friend, Crowley decides to switch up his tactics. As it turns out, the fairy living in his magnolia tree just has much more exacting standards than your average brownie or gnome. This is made abundantly clear the next morning when Crowley comes downstairs to find his carefully wrapped bakery box now open on the windowsill, the ribbon it was secured with now fluttering in the early breeze. And inside, nestled amongst the finest profiteroles in the South Downs, he finds a round, pink-cheeked fairy, delicately licking cream off his tiny fingertips.
I was so charmed by the idea of a plump, spoiled little 'Azirafae' enjoying fancy human desserts that I couldn't help myself! 🩷 Entirely self indulgent! Will this be a fic one day? Who knows!
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ghost-bxrd · 21 days
hi please I need this in my life rev robins tim adopting Jason is amazing I need whatever deets you got skskskisk
Here have some more bullet points! ✨
Instead of tires Jason happens upon a fancy drone Tim had stashed somewhere. He takes advantage of the situation (this kind of fancy tech sells for a thousand bucks at LEAST!), hot wires the thing, and takes off with it. Sadly, Jason misses the tracker so Tim sniffs him out within the hour, thinking Batman’s onto him (who else could have the knowledge to wire HIS advanced tech but Bruce?)
Tim kind of blue screens when he sneaks into Jay’s hideout and finds a malnourished kid nibbling on a piece of stale bread and the drone clutched in one hand
Jason thinks he’s done for when the new crime lord shows up. Like- that guy cut the heads off several people only a few days ago and- oh, oh god, he just stole from a crime lord. Oh no, oh shit-
Tim is still blue screening and thus totally misses that the kid went into fight or flight mode until the drone comes sailing at him and hits him clean in the face.
Jason, in his panic, jumps right out the window (death via fall is better than having his head cut off, or whatever else perverted thing the new crime lord is into)
Tim barely manages to react in time to keep Jason from plummeting several stories, having even more trouble dragging the kid back onto solid ground because the little shit actually tries biting him! (Tim is lowkey impressed)
Jason never stops fighting, managing some solid kicks and punches that Tim’s gonna feel for several days, and keeps spitting at Tim even after he’s finally got him pinned
Tim, after inspecting Jason’s handiwork on the drone and considering the kid’s fighting spirit (not to mention the ill seated realization that Jason might not make it much longer on the streets with how thin he is), knows that the kid is either gonna die or be picked up by Batman (or god forbid, Damian) if he finds out about the kid’s skills. So really, it’s a no brainer what Tim has to do now
Bruce and Damian think they’ll have to do another tally mark in the list of crimes Hood committed, now thinking not even street kids are safe from him
Jason’s not sure he likes this weird arrangement, but Hood turns out to be surprisingly young and doesn’t want him to do any weird crime stuff and actually teaches him things about tech, so… he thinks he’ll stay. For now.
(Tim spends exactly one week around the spitfire that is Jason and decides that, yes, he would kill everyone in Gotham and then himself if anything happened to him. Not that he’s gonna let anybody know that.)
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starry-bi-sky · 24 days
Thinking about the CFAU and marveling at how much Danny and Jason care for one another. Does anybody else figure out that Danny is going to kill the Joker, or is that knowledge Jason exclusive? I can't see Danny being close enough to any other Batfam member to disclose his plans, but I wonder if he drops hints. They're a family of paranoid detectives. I'd be surprised if they don't figure out Danny has a PURPOSE for being in Gotham at some point. Whether Danny's able to disguise it as wanting to be closer to Jason or not is another burning question.
Its def Red Hood exclusive! You're right in that Danny isn't close enough to disclose his revenge plot to any of the batfam members -- hell, not even Sam and Tucker know his true motives for returning to Gotham, and they're his best friends right after Jason! And Red Hood knows only because Danny accidentally slipped up ;].
I do also think that the Waynes kinda think something might be up with Danny -- at least Dick and/or Bruce might since they're the only ones who actually know him beyond brief mentions of him. Tim knows about him due to his stalking, but doesn't really know him -- and Danny plans to keep a healthy, friendly distance from the family so he can carry out his plans.
It's not that he holds any dislike towards them -- quite the opposite. He appreciates what they do for Gotham and recognizes the hard work that goes into keeping their Rogues Gallery at bay (even if he is bitter about Joker, but there's an obvious reason for that) -- but, well. He knows they're the vigilantes, he doesn't want to risk them sniffing out his murder plot before he can even go through with it.
Luckily for him he can excuse any distance he puts between them as just being busy with life and trying to settle in, and they're not close enough to him anymore to find it suspicious. I do think they figure out he's back in Gotham for a reason, Danny's not going to exactly hide the fact that he's back to find some kind of closure -- but what that closure is?
I think the only person who might suspect something sinister going on would be Bruce, who saw the sinking rage in Danny's eyes at the funeral -- it was part of the reason he didn't tell him who killed Jason (beyond secret identity reasons). But that depends on whether or not Danny reveals some of his hand, and the fact that he was still holding onto that rage (somewhat unwillingly) all this time.
#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc#cfau#childhood friends au#cfau danny#dpxdc crossover#danny's kept this deep-seeded hatred close to his chest for years. he's so close to his goal he's more careful than ever. he's under the#watchful eyes of his home city and the even more watchful eyes of her knights. he can't make any mistakes here -- not after the last one#with red hood. every step he takes going forward must be a cautious one so he doesn't draw the light of the batsignal.#also! funnily enough danny doesn't blame bruce for jason's death. sure they had a fight but he's not the one who sold him out to the joker#he's not the one who beat him to death. who blew him up. he's bitter over the fact that bruce withheld the identity of his murderer from hi#but even he can recognize the need to protect one's secret identity so he doesn't hold it against him that much. he's bitter over the lack#of action against the joker but that's a personal vendetta and again he recognizes how hard it is to be a hero. he would never ask bruce to#kill the Joker. he recognizes the fact that a hero cannot play judge jury or executioner and he respects Bruce's adherence to his moral cod#he knows it must be hard and he agrees that batman shouldn't kill. ever. bc if the batman kills the joker what's stopping him from killing#the common criminal? its a level of self-restraint and self-awareness that all heroes must have. and he genuinely respects bruce for it#if someone wants the joker dead that bad they can go and do the deed themself -- that's what HE'S doing. danny recognizes that his revenge#is wholly selfish in nature. it is closure for him and jason and him and jason only. its not good its not righteous its murder and danny#has come to terms with it.
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navybrat817 · 5 months
Readers doing Good Samaritan Deeds and getting unwanted attention in the process. 😈
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green-eyedfirework · 5 months
“Rose,” Dick said very seriously to the girl perched on his hip, “You need to shift.  Now.”
“I can’t,” she said, tightening her grip on him.  Dick cursed under his breath—the sound of footsteps was getting closer, and the blood trail would lead them straight to him.
But that was fine.  He’d be fine.  The merling clinging to him would not, and he just needed her to shift back to fins.
“Rose,” he said as soothingly as he could, and finally gave up and slipped into the water.  It was cold, and it stung badly in his scraped-up feet.  Rose shrieked and clung even tighter to him, nearly strangling him.  “Rose, please, your pod is right past the rocks.  Just shift and swim.  You can do it.”
Rose’s breaths were coming short and fast, and she—she was shaking.  Fuck.  She didn’t even try to deny it again, just tightened her grip with nails that were too hard and sharp to be human.  The footsteps were getting closer, accompanied by shouts.
Dick could try to hide with her, somewhere in and around the pier.  Safe waters.  For a human.  Hide until the poachers went away and he could calm her down and talk her into shifting and swimming out of the bay and towards the coves, where he knew the Wilson pod lurked.  It would be fine.
Or the poachers would find them, and he’d get Rose captured all because he wouldn’t swim out into the waters of a pod that’d nearly killed him once.
“Okay,” Dick swallowed, and tried not to think about dark claws and one icy blue eye and the scars that stretched down his back.  “Okay, I’ll take you home.”
It wasn’t easy to swim out of the way with a human-shifted merling clinging tightly to his back.  Dick was losing breath faster than he should, though that might’ve also had something to do with the way his heart was pounding.
They’re not going to try to kill you this time, he tried to tell himself.  Last time he and Grant had nearly killed each other, and Slade had been planning on finishing the job before Joey stopped him.  Last time they’d had a reason.  This time, he was returning their lost merling.  He was helping.  They wouldn’t attack him.
“Come near my pod again, and I’ll strip the flesh from your bones.”
They might attack him.
It was slow-going with Dick’s frequent stops to remember how to breathe, and saltwater getting into all his wounds and stinging them badly, but he forced himself on.
Out of the bay, water turning colder when they hit open sea.  And then back towards the rugged shoreline, wild and untamed.
Gods, he hoped they hadn’t moved.
The waves were turning choppy, and Rose whimpered, wrapped around him like an eel.  “Rose,” he murmured, “We’re almost there.”
She didn’t even raise her head from his back.
By the time the shoreline was in reach, Dick was wheezing for breath and barely treading water.  He needed to just—drop off Rose.  And leave.  He was willing to walk through the wilderness with torn-up feet if it meant not having to swim back.
He stilled.
Something crawled unpleasantly down his spine.
“Where are they?” Rose whispered into his ear, eyeing the same, ominous, empty waves.  They were close enough to the coves that someone should’ve greeted him.
Greet him they did.
With a hand around his ankle.
Rose shrieked as they plunged down, and Dick yanked at her arms the same time he kicked at the fingers wrapped around his leg.  He couldn’t protect her, not from a mer, and ripping her arms free meant her nails scored long, stinging gashes on his shoulders, but he managed to break her grip and shove her at the surface.
The fingers around his ankle squeezed, claws biting deep a second before something in his ankle cracked.
Dick’s scream was lost to air bubbles.
The water was dark and roiling, and his eyes were stinging, but he could make out blond hair and orange fins.  An all-too-familiar snarl was below his captive foot, and as Dick watched, the viciousness transformed to something more malicious.
Grant bared long, sharp, serrated teeth, and twisted Dick’s broken ankle.
Pain shot up like a fiery dagger, and Dick didn’t have the momentum to kick out at him.  There was another blond, another set of orange-and-black fins and Dick signed help right before they crashed into him, claws first.
It punched the last of his oxygen out, and Dick wheezed helplessly, stuck underwater, dark spots covering Joey’s angry face and furiously flashing signs.  Dick couldn’t read them, couldn’t understand—they really were going to kill him this time, an unarmed human against even a single mer was no contest.
The darkness covered more and more and—his ankle was free.  Dick kicked frantically at the surface with one working leg, and ended up choking on seawater when he finally broke for air.
No amount was enough, Dick couldn’t draw deep enough a breath to stop coughing, and his treading was beginning to slow as his muscles burned.  Shore was too far away, a blurry smudge in his vision, his path blocked by silver hair and a scarred face.
Rose was clinging to her father, still in human form, so at least Dick had succeeded at getting her home safe.
He just wasn’t going to succeed at getting back alive.  No matter how desperately he clawed at the water, he couldn’t hold himself up forever, not with stinging wounds and a leg radiating fire and his face was wet with more than seawater as he gasped for air.
The only member of the pod who had helped him last time had already attacked him, and Dick didn’t have the breath to beg.
He didn’t have the breath, period.
His nose dipped before the waves, once, twice, thrice before Dick could no longer force it back up.
He blinked, and there was water above him.
His lungs were burning.
His muscles were burning.
Everything went slowly, creepingly, suffocatingly dark.
“No!” Rose shrieked, directly into his ear, and Slade had to grab her before she launched herself into the water.  “No, he’s drowning!”
Slade made a sharp, irritated sound, and the human was pulled to the surface again.  Completely limp, but still breathing.  Grant’s face was poisonously dark as he supported the human’s face just above the waves, but Rose’s half-garbled explanation had insisted that Dick had saved her and brought her home.
Slade was not inclined to think charitably of a human, especially a human that had once already attacked his pod, but Joey’s expression had gone from furious betrayal to confusion, and Slade knew he had no choice.
“You can’t kill him,” Rose insisted. “He helped me and brought me back.”  She turned to face him, eyes wide.  “Papa, please.”
His daughter had been kidnapped for days, she was still not calm enough to shift back into mer form, and Slade couldn’t even have the pleasure of tearing his claws through human flesh?
“Are you sure he helped?” Grant asked darkly.  “This could be just a trick.  Get close, and destroy all of us.”  His grip tightened on Dick’s throat, and the human’s breathing grew more labored.
“He saved me!  He got hurt protecting me, and you just attacked him!”
Slade had weathered enough tantrums to know when one was starting, and his annoyed click cut through the rising squabble.  “Enough,” he said shortly.  “Take him to the cave.  We can ask our questions when he wakes up.”  He was bleeding as well, Slade could smell it, which meant they had to treat his wounds.
Humans were so annoyingly fragile.
Slade clutched Rose tighter, and let the knot of worry slowly loosen now that his daughter was back in his arms.
Everything hurt.
From the stiffness in his chest to the brief flickers of stinging pain all over his body, he felt like a wrung-out towel.  He could smell the sea, and hear the sound of waves against stone, and even taste the salt on his lips as he dragged his eyes open, exhausted enough to fall straight back to sleep.
Rose.  The poachers.
No—he’d taken her home.
But then where was he?
Dick pushed himself up on an elbow—cold, hard stone underneath him—and nearly collapsed back down when the world spun dizzyingly around him.  His stomach was gnawing at him, his throat felt ragged and dry and on the verge of a cough, and he had to curl over and put both hands against the ground to shakily push himself up.
He was—in a cave.  On slick, wet stone, shivering and trembling, the water a few feet away.  His shirt was gone, and there was a blue-green paste smeared over his shoulders and his chest, covering slices made by mer claws.
“You’re awake,” a voice said coldly—a voice he recognized, and Dick was scrambling back before he recognized the silver-haired figure pulling himself out of the water.  No long, powerful tail, poisonous orange splotches on black scales, but Slade looked terrifying in human form as well, tall and broad and muscled.
Dick forced himself up, but he didn’t realize just how slick the stone was, and his broken ankle woke up with a vengeance when he accidentally shifted his weight onto it.  He nearly cracked his head open as he crumpled, but he landed half in the water instead of completely on the stone, and, in the jolt of icy shock, he slipped all the way in.
Run, screamed some part of him ancient enough to recognize a predator, and Dick ended up swallowing seawater in his panic.  He was more flailing than swimming, but as long as he got away from Slade—
A flash of orange-and-black scales in front of him, and Dick immediately back-tracked.
Orange-and-black behind him, cutting him off from the mouth of the cave and the grey skies beyond.
A dark, glaring face beside him, teeth bared in threat.
Getting into the water had been a mistake.
Orange-and-black spun around him in whirling flashes, neatly blocking any escape, and all Dick could do was press against the cave wall, trembling all over.  One attack by that powerful tail could break his ribs.  One slash of those sharp claws could gut him.  If they didn’t just pull him down and watch him choke and splutter and drown.
Dick didn’t realize he was clawing at the wall behind him until his fingernails started stinging.
Everything was blurry.  Someone was making a sound like a dying fish, gasping and breathless and frantic.  Dick was slipping into the water again, or maybe the water was rushing up to meet him, his heartbeat deafening in his ears, his lungs burning.
Something slammed into him, hard enough to bruise, and Dick wheezed as bands of iron tightened around him, holding him fast.  “Stop it!” snapped a familiar voice.  “You’re scaring him!”
Dick tilted his gaze until he could see long silver hair.  Below them, an orange-and-black tail flicked idly.  “Rose?” he rasped.
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Old news but the fact that Cody was manager at hot topic is so unexplored in fandom. Like he wasn't some shithead employee he was the boss Entry level retail workers are so rarely promoted to manager nowadays, like, was Cody just that good at selling/managing the store? Also, managers make good money. Okay, haha, it's a hot topic, but store managers make like 70,000$ a year (CAD). They have health insurance. So Cody was actually doing pretty well. It's kinda weird to pretend he was on the same level as his friend with just a standard sales associate position, even if that friend was also full-time. Like the power and responsibility that Cody actually had is kind of impressive especially for 28.
AND then! To become a carnie! Like sick move and also Cody lost all his money anyway but the financial disparity! Was Murph probably thinking of like an assistant manager position which would make more sense with Cody's vibe? Probably. Is it funnier to imagine that Cody had to make sales reports to corporate and design store planograms? Absolutely.
Cody was management.
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rainswhenyourehere · 7 months
red, burning red
redcoat hamilton au!! (but angsty af lmao)
alexander had gotten used to life amongst his enemies. a single letter changes all of that.
@whumpthemusical day 2: ‘no good deed goes unpunished.’
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carnistcervine · 6 months
I came up with another Azula nightmare fic. :'D Well, "nightmare." *evil laugh*
Azula woke up in her bed. She sat up, ignoring the persistent radiating ache in her lower back. She spotted a wheel chair sitting across from her, in it was her brother, Zuko. He was looking at her with a dull expression. He doesn't talk much nowadays. For a second, she's shocked to see him like that, but distantly, she remembers. The agni kai, right. She smirks a little, about to remark that she hit him in the chest, the Dum Dum, only to stop herself. The rules, right.
Rule number 1- Zuko is wheelchair bound, if it walks, it is not Zuko. Do not look it in the eyes, tell it to leave immediately. And leave, if it does not.
This Zuko is sitting in the wheelchair, looking at her. Azula slips on her robes and gets out of bed. She steps closer to him, trying to gauge the scent wafting off of him. It was vanilla.
Rule number 2- Zuko smells like cinnamon and burnt flesh, anything else is not him. If it smells wrong, dump It on the floor and leave it there.
Frowning, she grabbed the wheelchair and dumped it on the ground. It made a slight ‘oof’ as it hit the floor. She scoffed as she left her bed chamber, seeing Zuko sitting in his wheelchair outside her room. He smelled like cinnamon and burnt flesh. She grinned at him, pinching his cheek before wheeling him into the kitchen. He stares at her the whole time. There was no one in the palace, she had banished everyone. Even the royal physician, which was why Zuko couldn’t move anymore. When she reached the kitchen, there were some sweet rolls on a table, still steaming. She poked them with her sharpened nails.
Rule number 3- Check any food, make sure it is not rotting flesh.
Satisfied that it was food, she grabbed one and ate it. It wasn’t her first choice, but it was there. She fed the other one to Zuko. With some prodding, he ate it. That was another thing, he couldn’t move, so she had to feed him.
She sat down next to him, he stared at her. Going over the rules in her head, she knew what she’d have to do next. She didn’t want to, but she had to. She came up with those rules from personal experience, kept repeating them over and over in her head to make sure they stuck. Azula had tried to write them down, but nothing outside her own mind ever stuck. She got up, taking a breath and pushing Zuko along. It was time to check the garden.
As she walked, she spotted a figure in an orange robe along her peripheral. She kept going, ignoring it as it grinned at her.
Rule number 4- Don’t speak to the Air Nomads, they have nothing good to say.
Azula parked Zuko to the side as she walked up to the gardens. There were four graves, one for Mai, one for Ty Lee, one for that waterbender, and one for Mother. She didn't think about Iroh. Three were filled up with dirt. She sighed.
Rule number 5- Make sure to check the graves, sometimes they are empty.
Yes, certainly, it was traditional to cremate in the Fire Nation, but that brought her to the next rule.
Rule number 6- Cremation is useless.
She stomped back over to Zuko, forcing the memory of how she came to know that rule out of her mind. Zuzu looked at her as she pushed him along again. With the graves, the best she could hope for is to kick it back into it’s hole and hope it doesn’t get back out.
“Looks like mother’s having a stroll, Zuzu.” She croaked, her voice having gone unused for so long. Zuko didn’t respond, he never did. In fact, the only thing that let her know he was even still alive was his rasping breath.
She thought about what to do. Zuko was useless, the palace was empty, the Avatar… Well, she’d asked him for his help once before. A time when all of the graves had been empty and Zuko just kept walking everywhere. She’d managed to find the boy, locked away. He looked at her with that wide grin that all Air Nomads had now. When Azula demanded that he help her, he responded by clacking his teeth louder and louder until her ears bled. Which lead her to the next rule.
Rule number 7- The Avatar won’t help.
She could always try and send for Father… No, no she couldn’t. He left the Fire Nation in her hands, he trusted her to handle all of this. She couldn’t just betray the man’s trust like that. He believed in her, she just couldn’t show him he was wrong for doing so.
She rubbed her temples, trying to stem the headache that was forming. Azula took a deep breath, tapping her foot. Zuko was looking behind her.
“Tired of looking at me, Zuzu?”
No response.
“You know, I hit you in the chest, not the head, Dum Dum. I know you can hear me. I know you can talk.” Azula said, biting off an annoyance in her cracking voice.
Zuko just looked behind her, silent and expressionless as ever.
Azula sneered, finally having had enough. She called forth her brilliant blue fire to her palms. “Shall I make both sides of your face match, Zuzu?”
“Behind you.” Zuko croaked.
It was was far too late that Azula finally noticed the acrid smell of rot closing in behind her. She didn’t even get a chance to turn around before cold, clammy hands grasped onto her shoulders, her fire snuffing out immediately. Her arms fell to her sides, she gazed at her brother, wide-eyed. Zuko was now staring at her, the reflection of their rotted mother in his glassy eyes. Something wet clamped onto her head, an intense crushing pain and a loud crunch being all there was before everything cut out.
Azula awoke in her bed.
Rule number 8- Always pay attention to Zuko.
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nevertoomanyspiders · 2 years
big jack horner fairy godmother AU
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velvets-stuff · 9 months
Uhhh… I promised to bring F.B!Martin's lore a while ago, didn't I?
Martin's original universe was quite similar to the canon show, if not almost the same, Martin was still an adventurer who traveled to help and care for animal life, he was accompanied by his team, although currently he no longer remembers much about them, use the creature power suits and dealt with the villains we already know, so what changes in their universe? Chris Chris is not part of the Kratt team due to an illness, Martin does not remember what it was, he does not remember if it was terminal, chronic or degenerative, but he remembers that it was not easy for him, yes, Chris still had a personality similar to the canon, stubborn but charismatic and kind, but that could never overshadow how sick he was, and that hurt Martin. It hurt him to see how Chris seemed sicker every time, like every time, how he felt like he was losing more and more, to see his health relapses, he simply couldn't stand seeing him like that, too sick, too tired.
One day he had left the Tortuga to walk and get some air, not for nothing, his mother had told him that Chris was hospitalized, they already knew the reason, but this had been the hardest relapse he had, and they didn't know if he was going to make it. This clearly distressed Martin, so he had gone out to clear his mind, but he walked a lot, too much, he was so lost in his thoughts that when he put his feet back on the ground he was already too far from Tortuga, or well , he didn't even know where he was. "Maybe I dissociated during the walk", was the first thing he thought, trying to justify how he got so far just walking, although he was still a little nervous, since he had never reached that area of the savannah. Everything looked so… empty, there were no animals in sight, there were no birds in the sky, he couldn't even hear the annoying mosquitoes, nothing, totally inhabited, there weren't even that many trees, it was like a meadow. But Martin was an adventurer, and he was not going to be intimidated by the place, so he continued walking, and each time everything became more empty and strange, the trees stopped appearing, the grass became lower, the clouds They cleared it, it was as if everything became a simple drawing, as if he were the only character in that drawing, in that scenario. When he reached the emptiest area, he hit rock bottom… literally. When Martin tried to continue walking, it seemed like he had reached the "end" of his universe, as if a large wall marked the limit of a virtual map for example, it was so strange, Martin felt like his head was going to explode from everything he did. was happening, he started touching the wall, trying to understand what it was, and at one point he would look for something in his backpack, he used to keep all kinds of nonsense there, so it wasn't difficult for him to find a rock, not big, maybe a little smaller. than his hand, so he was able to throw it at the wall, and when it began to fragment a little, Martin discovered something that would change his life… The codes
Martin's memories are vague and unspecific during this period, but he practically kept going to that site with the intention of learning more, and he ended up learning a little about how the codes work, especially their ability to modify universes, and perhaps Martin wanted that… Martin took Chris to that place using one of the vehicles they used on their adventures, because in addition to wanting to show him the codes, he wanted to use the possibility of modifying his universe and thus cure Chris. Clearly Chris was alarmed, all of this was crazy, everything could go perfectly wrong and who knows what else, Chris tried to stop Martin, tried to reason with him, but he said that he knew what he was doing, he was going to change all this, He was going to help Chris. He didn't know what he was doing. One bad move, just one misuse of the codes, and that cost him his entire world. The place began to empty, at first both brothers did not understand, but everything seemed to become clear when they noticed how Chris's hands began to glitch and disappear, the place also began to glitch and disappear… Martin messed up… There was panic, too much, Martin was trying to calm Chris down while at the same time looking for a solution, but he didn't know what to do, he was going to lose everything and it was going to be his fault. It didn't seem like there was any solution, his friends were going to disappear, his world was going to disappear, his brother was going to disappear, and there was nothing Martin could do, and in a desperate act, searching through the codes of his universe, he found something which seemed to be a search engine or a blank text bar, where he was given the option to type numbers, Martin had no idea what that was, but he subconsciously put in a random sequence of numbers, waiting for it to do something, and before he was blinded For a light, he hugged tightly what was left of his brother.
He was still alive, Martin didn't know how, but he was still alive, and he wasn't anywhere he knew, he didn't recognize the place, the people, anything, but when he saw his hands he realized that he had what looked like a piece of code, it was smaller than his hands and green.
It seemed like he took something from his original universe, a character code, the character code of his Chris. Martin began to study the codes more, hiding in what seemed to be an alternate universe, looking for a way to fix what he ruined, but guilt, the knowledge of other universes and versions of them and the fact that he had no results slowly drove him to madness, eventually taking questionable "solutions"…
His idea was: "If all the other versions have a character code, it would be enough to use another Chris, take away his character code and put this one on him, it should give him all the memories and information…"
And he had to make it work. He no longer cared what means he used or who he hurt along the way. He had to fix a part of what he broke, or at least try to, he had already learned more than enough, he already had a "solution", he just had to look for some physical replacement for his Chris.
And there are many versions of Chris.
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mossery-chon · 1 year
Aziraphale: 🧑🏻‍🦳🤗😶‍🌫️
🫱🏽‍🫲🏻 Being down BAD (for eachother)
Crowley: 🧑🏼‍🦰😎😈
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inksandpensblog · 2 years
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Slow day at work today, so I did some pose and expression practice.
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thecrowthatdraws · 2 years
I personally believe only one person would steal Stan’s cane, and that Eric cartman.
Oh absolutely, when Cartman was "friends" with Stan, he would steal/ hide his cane, distract Sparky, bully Stan, etc. Cartman has always been an abelist piece of shit, but ya know, maybe at least a part of him cares at least a little bit about his friends
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Nah, there's no way. He's Eric Cartman, He doesn't care about anyone but himself. At least, as far as him and everyone else is concerned anyway.
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navybrat817 · 5 months
Bahaha. Which is it, nonnie? Shut up or tell you more? Kidding. I'm glad you're asking!
No Good Deed AU has people doing nice or good deeds only to have them backfire in some way. Dark AU. Right now I only have 2 specific characters chosen along with what their fic titles and ideas will be.
Bucky Barnes - Pick Me Up (reader picks up a stranger walking in the rain)
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Curtis Everett - Pay It Forward (reader pays for a stranger's meal)
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I have other ideas (one includes a dark reader!), but haven't nailed the characters down quite yet. Always happy to discuss though.
Love and thanks! ❤️
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kiwibirb1 · 7 months
Okay yall i need help. Do I write about Sasha's adventures first (if so please give me ideas (even if not please)) or do I have a mini interlude esc chapter with Anne and Marcy's POVs?
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