#good luck studio press night
personinthepalace · 2 years
Press Night for Good Luck Studio!
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From Mercury Theatre Colchester instagram
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daycourtofficial · 4 months
Azriel’s Girls
Pairing: Azriel x reader | WC: 2.6k | warnings: none
Summary: you overhear a conversation between Azriel and his brothers that has you second guessing your boyfriend’s faithfulness. What will you find when you follow him out one night?
Author’s note: two fics one day! This is crack lmao I wrote this in a blur this afternoon from a silly convo with @milswrites @prythianpages and @ninthcircleofprythian lmao
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You and Feyre came into the River House giggling over the amount of paint that covered the both of you. The two of you stop laughing long enough to look at each other, before devolving into fits of giggles once more. One of the boys in the studio had insisted on today’s topic being finger painting, which led to the children essentially dipping their hands into paint before smearing it over all of your clothes.
“Are you sure you don’t want to shower here?” Her voice is soft and kind, a slight rasp to it from talking to the kids all afternoon.
“Thanks Fey, but I’d rather shower at home so I can slip into my pajamas and go to sleep.” You look away from her, as if you could see him through the walls. “Maybe I can even convince Azriel to rub my back. I shouldn't have given some piggy back rides.”
Feyre hums, a soft ‘told you so’ on her tongue, but you give her a pointed look and she keeps it to herself.
“Well, I’m going to go wash up. Good luck finding the boys.”
Her voice floats down the hallway she takes, and you start thinking about where to look - the most obvious place being Rhys’s study. Your feet pad through the halls until you start to hear three loud laughs coming from the cracked study door.
You keep moving towards the source, ready to make your presence known, when you hear Cassian say, “when will you see them again?”
Your boyfriend responds with a soft, “tonight”, eliciting raucous laughter from his brothers. You still, pressing yourself towards the wall, tilting your head in contemplation.
Azriel had told you he had plans tonight, that he was doing something important for Rhys. Had he lied to you?
Cassian’s voice cuts through your train of thoughts, “I’m sure the girls at Rosehall have been missing you.”
You scrunch your eyebrows, trying to remember if you had ever heard of Rosehall. Was it somewhere in Velaris? Was it a pleasure hall? Who were these girls Cassian spoke of?
Had your sweet Azriel been sneaking around, and his brothers were aware of it? Had they been condoning it?
“I haven’t been able to see them in a while, they’ll be glad for the company.”
“I’m sure they’ll be crawling all over you, brother.”
Their laughs were knives in your heart. Did everyone know? Were you nothing more than a fool to them? Nothing more than a mere joke to these males? Your mind was racing, not paying any mind to the rest of the conversation as you ran down the hall into the kitchens, getting yourself a glass of water. You chugged it, the cool liquid giving your racing thoughts something else to focus on. Like a plan to figure out the truth.
After a few minutes of allowing yourself to seethe and panic, you retraced your steps towards Rhys’s study with your plan in tow: get to Rosehall, find out who these girls are, and yell and scream at Azriel and his brothers for playing you for a fool. As you approach, the males within were now speaking of some sporting event you were not the slightest bit interested in. Azriel’s face brightens as you knock and enter, pushing the door that was slightly ajar. You hate the way your heart picks up a bit at seeing him, at seeing how his face lights up at your presence, your cheeks heating at his attention.
He’s a lying, backstabbing, good for nothing-
“How was painting with Feyre?”
The attention from all three of them pulls you from your thought spiral and you choke on your own spit, coughing a bit. Azriel’s smile turns into a look of concern as he watches you, but Cassian chuckles. “Did you eat the paint by accident?”
Rhysand’s low tone chimes in, “I believe she’s wearing half the paint in Feyre’s studio, and I’m sure my mate’s wearing the other half.”
You chuckle, “uh yeah, Feyre was heading to shower when I left her.”
Rhys dips his head, “that's my cue to leave. BRothers, always a pleasure until better things come along. I’ll see you all later.”
Cassian laughs as Rhys disappears in front of you all, “horny bastard.”
Azriel glares at his brother, “and the pot calls the kettle black.”
Cassian scoffs, flicking his wrist in the air, “pish posh, Azriel. The past is the past.”
“Your past was last week when everytime I came back to the House of Wind for two weeks I got front row seats to your ass.”
“Well, it's our house. And I have a fantastic ass.”
Cassian flexes his thighs, as if Azriel just had to see it to mitigate his annoyance.
“I live there too.”
Cassian shrugs, as if this was a matter of opinion to just accept differences over.
Azriel looks back to you, his eyes making you feel warm, just as they always did. But the warmth was quickly devolving into a ball of anger and sadness, warming your stomach with jealousy and annoyance.
You slap a smile onto your face as you look towards Az, taking in his lazy grin as Cassian slaps him on the back. “I’m off to see Nes. You kids have fun!”
Cassian walks toward the balcony, taking to the skies. Azriel turns toward you, offering his hand so the two of you could embark as well. You accept his hand in yours, a little part of your mind telling you this is the last time you’ll do this. You laugh, pushing the thoughts to the side as you allow Azriel to pick you up, the two of you shooting up into the air.
Azriel flies you back to your apartment, his wings expertly moving over the streets of Velaris. You can’t help the smile on your face as you two fly through the air, watching the people below you until he lands right in front of your home.
You open the door for the both of you, and he follows closely behind. He chuckles at your paint covered clothes, and you fidget slightly, wanting him to make the move to leave.
The clock in your living room chimes, and his gaze moves towards it. “It’s getting late, I have to go. Will you be okay?”
You nod, your arms tightening around yourself. He takes your nervous energy as your hatred for sleeping alone, not wanting to upset you further by making you speak about it.
“How long will you be gone?”
He ponders for a moment, “I should be back tomorrow or the day after.”
He turns toward the door, but you shoot out your hand to grab his wrist. “Can I have one of your shadows? To keep me company? I like having them around.”
One shadow in particular dances at your words, coming from behind Azriel, practically spinning in the air as it immediately rushes to you.
“I hope you like that one because I don’t think it’ll let a different one stay with you.”
You giggle as it weaves through your hair, picking it up into a ponytail before dropping it.
“Perfect, so I’ll have someone to be witness to my antics.”
You giggle, but his face is solemn as he looks at you, something feeling so off about your behavior.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
His words are so soft, and every part of you wants to tell him no, I’m not okay, because you are seeing other women who will be crawling all over you once you leave from here.
Instead you nod, making up an excuse about your eyes being tired from all the painting. He kisses your forehead, his lips soft and light against your skin before pulling away and stepping out of your door before winnowing away.
You count your breath for a few beats before turning to the shadow, “do you know where Rosehall is?”
Of all of your terrible ideas over the years, this one was perhaps the worst. You had asked the shadow where Rosehall was, expecting it to be somewhere in Velaris, likely in the parts of the city you were less familiar with. You did not expect the black wisp to wrap around your wrist and begin tugging you away from Velaris very forcefully.
You had started getting nervous when it kept pulling you towards the outskirts, but you were in it now, and you were going to see this ridiculous scheme through to the end.
The shadow had been pulling you for hours it seemed, across landscapes, your feet killing you as you walked, and somewhere several miles away from Velaris, the shadow’s hold loosened on your wrist, opting to move up and down your arm, as if telling you this was your destination.
“Are you sure this is right?”
The shadow danced all around you as if it were confirming your statement. You looked at the gated entrance, the estate so lush and green and not at all what you had expected, it took you by surprise.
This was where he brought women? To do scandalous things and have nights full of debauchery? Was this some beautiful and well-tended pleasure hall? Before you can debate going through the gate, the shadow moves forward, unlatching it and pushing it open for you.
You sigh, thinking to yourself no going back now.
You enter through the gate, preparing yourself to hear the sounds of females giggling, perhaps even moaning, but you are completely taken aback at the chorus of meows you hear, followed by a door opening, and Azriel’s soft voice calling out, “if you’re here for my mother, she has stepped out-”
His voice stops as he takes in the sight of you, the two of you standing before each other across the lush estate. His eyes swim with confusion, and you’re not sure you’ve ever seen him at such a loss for words or the situation before. He continues to look at you, before realizing he’s carrying a tray of various raw meats and fish. He takes no notice of the dozen or so cats circling him, several trying to climb up his legs toward the food he carries.
“You- what are- how did you get here?”
You lift up the shadow that was entwined with your arm before it skitters off to join the other shadows playing games with the cats who weren’t paying attention to Azriel. You try not to wear the confusion on your face, hoping desperately to have some upper hand here.
“Is this Rosehall?”
Azriel sighs, setting down the food as one of the cats lunges to bite at his arm, missing and falling back into the pool of cats at Azriel’s feet.
You puff up your chest, confusion seeping through your features as you ask, “and where are the females? The girls?”
“The girls?” His voice is incredulous, and you want to roll your eyes at it.
“Yes, the girls. The ones who wish to climb all over you because you haven’t been paying them attention.”
His long legs start to make their way across the front garden, the sea of cats at his feet parting as he makes his way through them. “The girls who climb over me?”
You sigh, exasperation evident, “must you repeat my words? Yes, okay fine. I overheard Cassian speaking of your plans this evening with ‘your girls’. Now why don’t you bring them out and show me to be a fool?”
A deep, belly laugh comes from his mouth, and you are utterly offended.
“Azriel, I came here to put you through the ringer for stepping out on me, and you find it funny?”
He steps forward, trying to put his arms around you but you step away from his embrace. His laughing continues as he asks, “you walked all the way here?”
You stick out your chin, determined to look strong and confident.
“You walked all the way from Velaris to here, to find out I had cats?”
“Why yes, I did walk all the way here to find out-”
Your words die on your tongue as you look around, not seeing any other females anywhere. You picked up the scent of one, but the scent smelled so much like Azriel, they had to be related in some way.
He watches your nose twitch, separating out all the smells beneath the ever present smell of cat.
“My mother lives here.”
He coughs, the joyous look from his laughter gone, his hands moving behind his back. He rocks on his feet, and you found it quite endearing.
“With my cats.”
“Your cats?”
“Yes, but they’re not really mine. They just show up.”
“Your cats show up? What does that mean?”
“It means, if I spend any time in Illyria the cats seek me out. I’ve already fixed the stray cat problem in Velaris.”
He opens his arms wide.
“They’re all here. Problem solved, I suppose.”
You blink, slightly convinced Rhys had finally broken your mind and made up the most ridiculous scenario he could imagine. You feel one of the cats rub against your legs, and you bend slightly to nuzzle its face. It was pitch black with bright green eyes. It was so little, you couldn’t help but pick it up despite its verbal protests.
“You have cats.”
“Yes, and Rhys and Cassian despise the cats. Rhys says he’s allergic, but I think he’s just too worried about his damn furniture.”
“And Cassian?”
“Cats hate Cassian.”
He says this as if it’s an uncontested fact.
“How can all cats hate one person?”
“He likes to swing them by their tails.”
You nod, “okay, maybe all cats can hate one person.”
As the two of you spoke the shadows had lifted a cat up onto Azriel’s shoulders, where it stood meowing and pawing at the black wisps. You watched in bewilderment, unsure if the shadows were playing pranks or not, when the cat slid from his shoulder into the crook of his elbow, nuzzling into the warmth there.
You cross your arms, heat blooming in your cheeks at your rash decision making. “So there aren’t beautiful females here?”
“There’s one.”
“I knew i- oh. You meant me.”
You deflate once more, letting the adrenaline seep from your body. You were exhausted, well and truly. He nodded before putting the cat down, watching it scamper off into the grass. “I shouldn’t have lied about where I was going. Several dozen cats are just�� a lot to spring on someone at once.”
You look to the ground, fingers scratching the ears of the kitten you were holding, “and maybe I got a little…. carried away.”
He quirked an eyebrow, “you picked the wrong shoes to hike out here from Velaris.”
You looked down at your sneakers, chuckling, “uh yeah, I definitely need to soak my feet for a bit.”
“Do you want to come inside?” He watches you hesitantly before asking, “Or I could take you home?”
You look toward the beautiful estate before peering back down at the wiggling kitten in your arms, before deciding that you did want to see Azriel’s mother’s home and to hopefully meet her. “Are you going to tell your mother about how I got here?”
He chuckles, slow and soft, “of course I am. She’d be endlessly amused.”
“Do you have any black felt? I’d love to make this little guy some wings.”
He chuckles, rolling his eyes as he puts an arm around your shoulder, leading you inside. “While you play arts and crafts, I can formally introduce you to all of the other cats.”
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Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx @dee-writes-smut @chairofchaos @thelov3lybookworm @berryzxx @throneofsmut @kennedy-brooke @prythianpages @itsswritten @acotarxreader @ninthcircleofprythian
Azriel taglist: @brieflyclassymortal @thisiskaylin
Thanks for reading ❣️
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jpnriikicore · 1 year
── jolene, jolene
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paring colby brock x fem!musican!reader, word count 574, genre angst, ( masterlist )
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your coming back from the dance studio after hours of choreographing a new choreography for the bands comeback. as you walks into the trap house sam and corey gave you a weird look. that’s odd. you knew prank wars was going on between the members of the house. so, you didn’t think too much into it. maybe one of them locked you out of colby’s room. hell, maybe they pranked colby.
once getting close enough to colby’s room you hears a female voice inside. you puts your ear on the door to listen better. the females voice is was very familiar, but you couldn’t understand what they was saying the voices were muffled. most likely he was just talking to one of his friends on speaker phone. you opened colby’s bedroom door to only see a fucking nightmare. the familiar redheaded was jolene meadows one of five members who is in the girl band your apart of. she is extremely too close to her boyfriend for your liking. his shirt and her yellow sundress tousled on the floor. both their hair is disheveled. flustered. both of them are flustered. your eyes dart back and forth between the two. your heart fucking drops in realization.
"i’ll be moved out by today." you spoke cold heartedly, shutting the door behind you.
you had to be in a nightmare. a very realistic nightmare. really, jolene? you should have saw it coming. they make a good couple really. you just wished he had the manners to tell you he doesn’t love you anymore and wanted to see other people. just spare you and not waste your time any longer. wasted years for absolutely nothing. jolene acted like a friend for years. who knows how long this has been on? was you mad? no. was you disappointed? yes, because you wasted so much on him. the person you believe you was going to end up with. you spent countless of nights talking about marriage and kids with him. apparently, words mean nothing.
you hope that it was worth it. you wished them the best of luck even if they wasn’t dating you hope that they continue to live their best lives.
you continued to walk out of the trap house. you heard them yelling, but you ignored them. your mind racing more than it ever has. tears slowly started to form, but you refused to let your feelings get the best of you. you unlock and start to open your car door, but he was quicker. he shut the door and blocked your way to get into the car.
"it’s a prank."
you roll your eyes and scoff in disbelief. how stupid did he think you was? "yeah, sure." you glance over at jolene, who was now fully dressed and holding a camera.
"y/n, it’s a prank." you look into his eyes. his eyes don’t lie. well, not to you anyways. you’ve spent way to many hours learning how to read him like a book. his blue eyes were sucking you back in.
"no bullshit?"
"no bullshit."
you bend down with a hand on your heart. "holy shit, i thought i was losing the love of my life and one of my bests friends all at once."
"I’m sorry, I’m sorry." he apologized, as he engulfed you in a hug. he pressed a kiss on the top of your head.
"you better be." you mumbled into his chest.
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the-summ0ning · 3 months
Sleep Token HC: being in a relationship with II
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This took longer than I wanted, also got extremely carried away w this one. I have a soft spot for II 🥹 usual NSFW ELEMENTS, fluffy nonsense, not proofread well
Our sweet quiet short king…until he’s comfy then he becomes a certified yapper.
II the bf that had to keep you informed and make you the first to know everything
New brand deal with his favorite drum company? He’s FaceTiming, grinning ear to ear and his eyes the brightest crystalline blue. “Babe, I’m so fuckin’ excited! They even sent me a sick PR package!”
He finally pranked Vessel back? Oh he’s recording the whole ordeal and it’s going to you first, listening to his quiet excited diabolical giggles in the video
His favorite drummer followed him back on instagram? He barreling into your room, and lying right on top of you to show you
A text message of the sandwich he had for lunch? Nothing was off limits
Especially late at night, when he was thinking about you on tour, keeping quiet in his bunk on the bus. Sending you pictures and videos palming himself, teasing you.
“Sweet thing, I need u so badly. Look how hard I am for u. 😕”
II the bf that ties your shoes for you, bending on one knee making you put your foot on his thigh
And if no one was looking would press a soft kiss to your ankle or the side of your inner knee. The sweet gesture wasn’t as always innocent as it seemed when his fingers would lightly graze your calf as he did so
I’m sorry I just see II clingy… so physical touch and quality time would be his top two love languages
Always needing to have a hand on your lower back leading you through crowds or hands/pinkies intertwined, arm around your shoulder
It helps him more than anything than a ‘I wanna lay the pda on heavy’ type thing. You made him at ease during social settings if he could be touching you even if just the littlest brush of your skin on him
hand on your thigh at the table during dinner sometimes testing his limits and bringing it further up your inner thigh delighted by watching you squirm
His phone background would be a picture of the two of you during rehearsal, you sitting in his lap at his drum set and his hands holding yours attempting to teach you a song. moments after that pic was taken vessel pouted that II never did that with him
He loved laying on top of you scrolling on his phone or watching tv, because you would start absentmindedly rubbing his shoulders (which were almost always tense from drumming)
II would enjoy any time he could afford with you
Whether that be an hour out together going to browse a vintage antique store and grabbing coffee before a studio session
If you had free time to go to one of his drum shoots with him and then get dinner and drinks after
He would have a triangle, symbols, cowbell, tambourine—maybe even a microphone, so you could join his jam sessions when he would practice at home
He ends up getting distracted by how cute and silly you look trying to play a cow bell to a beat of their song every time or singing along lost in your own world
II the bf that would use pre show jitters just have an excuse to have you in his grasp
Bending you over the sink in the green room bathroom, pounding deep inside inside you relentlessly. Him putting his hand over your mouth, “don’t want anyone to hear us, right darling?”
Then afterwards snatching your underwear and shove them in his pocket. “Need a good luck charm.” He winks cheekily before leaving.
Also very into spanking and being rough with you…
Loves seeing his handprint on your ass, always making sure to massage and pepper kisses to it afterwards
I believe this man would have your initials tatted on him somewhere
Just want to thank everyone for liking III and IV HCs, I hope you like II’s!!! If you want to request any HCs or just to chit chat my inbox is always open 🤭🫶🏻
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dewdropdinosaur · 7 months
Falling for You
VOX x READER Summary: You are Vox's assistant and maybe tripping isn't so bad in the work place. Warnings: None. Just Vox being egotistical(I tried to keep it canon but I am sorry if it's not exactly) and lots of pining. Keep in mind that REQUESTS are OPEN!!
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Vox stepped out of a black limo and stood up, revealing his seven foot figure as a crowd of demons rushed over to either take pictures, ask questions, or get an autograph…which he had completely ignored all their attempts to try with a disgusted look on his face. Stepping out of the limo along with him, clutching your pen-pad you strode beside him as he walked into the large VoxTech building. 
You knew he had secretly enjoyed the attention he was getting very much from the crowd. It made him feel powerful. You swore you could have seen him flash a light blue toothy grin at times.
“Sir, Zestial, your 3 o’clock is waiting in the 10th floor lounge to discuss recent sales and advertisements on 666. And your 4 o’clock canceled so your 6 pm is now moved to that slot. Valentino wants you to visit his studio apparently he is pissed and oh Velvette is having none of it—”
“Relax darling, I’ve got it handled.” Vox smirked down at you, cupping your chin in his hand in dominance. You breathe out a heavy sigh once he removes his hand, hiding a small blush that graces your cheeks hoping he didn’t notice. He does though, always has. The way your eyes light up when you look at him, the small tint of color that reaches your nose when he compliments you, he sees it all. And he loves it. 
Entering the elevator, you press the button for the 10th floor; relaxing as the metal doors close shut and you are away from the loud crowd. It continued like this for the rest of the day. Meetings, interviews, coffee break(that was more like a coffee second than the actual 30 minute lunch session), writing reports, adding to Vox’s calendar, writing more reports, making sure Valentino doesn’t blow up another employee…and so on and so forth. 15 hour days were now your specialty after working with Vox for so many years and yet some days still drug on longer than one would have appreciated. 
Sitting at your desk outside Vox’s office, the small light of the lamp illuminated the darkened area. You rub your eyes in exhaustion, peeking at the monitor to see it read ‘1:26 AM’. Deciding that five hours of sleep was better than none, you switch off your monitor and stack your paper reports neatly on your desk for later that day. Flicking off the lamp, you knock softly on Vox’s office door and allow yourself in. 
“Sir, I just finished up. I’ll see you at 7 AM.”
“Mhmm, another late night?”
“Could say the same for yourself boss.”
“Y/N, it’s past work hours. You know how I hate paying your overtime.” 
“And yet, without fail, I see that nifty little add on each week.”
“Well, you are one of the few competent assholes in this place”
“Was that a compliment sir?” 
“Don’t push your luck darling.”
Vox turns his chair around to face you, a large cup of coffee steaming in his hand as he sips it with a smirk. Crossing your arms with the chuckle, you liked this banter. You and Vox had always had a good working relationship, sassing each other back and forth while still toeing the line between professionalism and flirting. Taking a step forward, you stop right in front of his desk.
“You know me Vox, I am always pushing the envelope. So, was it a compliment?”
“Ah yes, always so pushy. Really shouldn’t be a quality you brag about.”
“But it’s why you like me~. The pushing, always getting what I want to know.”
“I will neither confirm nor deny the fact that you may have more tact than most in this shithole.” 
Biting back a laugh at his playful attempt at professional language ruined by the vulgarity, you place a hip on the desk; sitting casually. The large aquarium was a nice backdrop and you could see why Vox spent a lot of time here. Other than working himself to the bone to maintain his image/the company or hunting down the Radio Demon on any available CV camera, looking into the aquarium was a nice activity you assumed he might partake in. 
“Something on your mind Y/N?” 
Snapping your head back to his and reality, you offer a sheepish smile and a shake of your head. 
“No, no. Just admiring the aquarium.”
“It is pretty nice, I built it myself. Should have seen it, it didn't take more than a week.”
“Truly humble boss, truly humble.” 
“Now is that any way to speak to your employer?”
“My apologies. I didn't realize stroking your ego was in my job responsibilities.” 
Standing up from the desk, you accidentally catch your foot on the wires underneath. Bracing for the impact, it doesn’t come. Instead, you are caught as a small yelp leaves your mouth. Looking up, Vox has caught you with one hand; holding you in a dip. The world freezes for a few seconds as you take a moment to look at his face, the feeling of his hands on your hips, it all felt…right for some reason. 
Clearing his throat, Vox pulls you up and removes his hand. You could have sworn you saw a small flush on his screened face before he spoke. 
“Tch, women. Always falling for me.”
“Again…really humble boss.”
Heat still crept onto your cheeks as you long for the feeling of his hands on your waist, how warm they felt, how safe it made you feel. Adjusting your blouse, you excuse yourself and walk home; mind running with all the possibilities and recounting every second of the encounter. 
Little did you know, Vox was doing the very same. Replaying the event on his monitors, reviewing every second and every flush of your skin. The way your eyes widened and looked up at him with such hope, it made his circuits buzz a little. He wouldn’t deny it, he had always found you attractive. Definitely helped in meetings with other Overlords to have a pretty face moderating. But he would be wrong to say that was the only reason. You were hardworking, almost as driven as him and that is saying something. You flowed effortlessly around the office, directing everything to its natural and needed space. And the way you smiled for the camera, gosh he wished you would smile at him like that. That pretty pearly white smile. 
Looks like this might not be the professional relationship it had started out to be. Neither of you wanted to keep it professional anyway. 
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perhaps peter has an important interview for something like a college interview or something and perhaps reader had something to do before it so couldn’t go with him (for moral support) but then she rushes through her thing to get to him and surprises him like 5 min prior, gives him a good luck kiss when his name gets called and tells him to call her after. they celebrate that night (since it went well) with pizza, a movie and cuddles.
Interview - Tom!Peter Parker x Fem!Stark!Reader
Pairing: Tom!Peter Parker x Fem!Stark!Reader
Warnings: None! Super fluffy <3
Word Count: 1,001
Note: Reader isn't Stark's daughter she's Stark's niece
A/N: I hope you like this @urmykindofwoman !!
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Peter and I were in our senior year, which came with all the busy days and rough nights of writing college application essays, getting final assessments to the teachers, and booking interviews. While Peter and I were dating, we definitely weren’t going down the same career path. I had my own after-school radio show, wanting to go into something arts and humanities-based, and Peter clearly wanted to do biology and biochemistry. He wanted to go to MIT; science and technology were his whole life—especially with his ‘internship’ with Tony, who had helped him get an interview.
“Y/N? Where’s my suit?” Peter asked, running around his bedroom frantically.
“It’s over there, Pete. Relax, and you’ll do fine. I’m sure Tony put in a good word for you anyway,” I smiled.
“And you’re sure you can’t come with me? I just—this interview is a big deal for me, and if I don’t get in, then I have no idea what I’m going to do,” he said as he folded the suit and put it into his backpack.
“You know I can’t. I’ve got the radio show in an hour, and I can’t miss that,” I sighed, getting up and grabbing my bag. Peter nodded, reluctantly accepting the situation. “But make sure to call me once it’s over and let me know how it goes, okay?” I pulled him in for a quick kiss.
“I love you,” he grinned.
“Ditto, spider boy.”
I walked to the radio station to meet Ned, who had been co-hosting with me for the last few years. We didn’t have any guests for this episode, and instead, we were talking about the latest Star Wars movie that had come out. The episode lasted for an hour and a half, and I sat there staring at the clock to see if I could leave and make it to support Peter before his interview.
“And that’s our show!” Ned smiled and played the last piece of music, finally turning off our mics. “Okay, you better hurry if you’re going to be on time to surprise Peter.” I nodded, grabbing my bag and rushing out of the studio. I ran down the street towards Peter’s house, where he was doing the interview online. Knocking on the door, I noticed it was only 10 minutes before the interview started.
“Y/N?! Oh my god, what are you doing here? What about the show and Ned and—”
“I ran here when we finished. You said you wanted me for support, so I’m here, Spidey,” I grinned. Peter returned the smile, picked me up, and spun us around.
“Okay, Pete, you need to get yourself ready. They’re going to call you any second now, and you’re gonna ace it!” I pressed my lips to his in a lighthearted kiss, my hand coming up to curl his hair in my fingers. He pulled away once his computer started ringing and closed the door to his bedroom.
I sat there scrolling through my phone, hearing the hum of Peter’s voice through the door when he responded to the questions. MJ had sent me a few text messages about our English report, so I took the time to respond. About an hour later, Peter finally opened the door and walked out. I stood up excitedly, walking over to him.
“How’d it go?” His face showed no emotion, and my mind raced through all the possibilities. I’d put him off his game by surprising him, hadn’t I? Peter was going to hate me, and Tony was going to be so disappointed in Peter. It was all my fault.
“They said it was a pleasure to meet me,” a small smile grew on his face, and he looked shell-shocked, completely unsure of how to act.
“Oh my god, Peter, yes!” I screamed, running into his arms. “We need to celebrate! I’ll call Tony and organize something. We are 100% having a pizza party with the others.”
“You’re too good for me, Y/N.” Peter pressed a kiss to my cheek as I pulled out my phone to call my uncle.
“Hi, Tony. Yes, Peter did well in his interview. I’m wondering if we can order pizza and invite the others for a movie to celebrate?” Peter placed kisses across my jaw and down my neck, smiling with each press of his lips.
“Okay, I’ll call them and make sure they’ll be there,” Tony responded.
“Tell him I say hi,” Peter mumbled.
“Peter says—”
“I can hear him, Y/N. Tell him to watch where he puts those hands. Be here by 6, okay?” Tony laughed before hanging up. Peter pulled away and looked up at me with a questioning expression.
“Stark Tower at 6.”
“God, I love you,” he grinned.
“I know you do,” I said, getting everything I needed for dinner.
“That was 100% a Star Wars reference, wasn’t it?” Peter pointed to his Empire Strikes Back poster, and I nodded, trying to suppress my laughter. Peter shot out a web to pull me close to him again.
“You’re a nerd, you know that, Parker?”
“As if you’re any worse; you’ve got that Stark blood in you. I can smell it with my spider-sense—”
“Your Peter tingle,” I interrupted. He let out a loud and annoyed sigh.
“And you’ve ruined the moment.”
“You ruined it yourself, spider boy.”
Please submit any requests y'all have! I love to write so let me know if you've got any!
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
Unrequited love at the studio - Matty Healy
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A/N: It's funny how I don't plan writing the blurbs, but suddenly I feel the urge to post...hope you like it! ♥
Word count: 1.3 k
Warnings: swearing, typos.
Blog masterlist
She could listen to them bicker about the song they had been working on for hours. Matty and George were starting to get impatient with the process, partially why she left to brought food and coffee for them. A simple gesture to lift the mood a little. 
“This is not working.” Matty started to complain.
“It has to.”
Y/n stood at the studio door, looking at the pair. If they noticed she was there, they didn’t acknowledge her presence. Their faces close –way too close– to the computer. The program they used was impossible to understand for her. She admired their talent beyond words.
Matty sneaked a hand around George’s arms, he pressed a button and the song started playing. Y/n thought for her insides that anyone would love it just like that, although she knew Matty –specially– and George worked hard to make every song a perfect one. 
“This…is shit!” Matty screamed, projecting himself backwards in the chair. 
George ignored his comment. “It’s not…I can push this back-” he tried to explain, but Matty was in a difficult mood that day. 
“And it will be shit-” he concluded, bugging George. 
He glanced at the frontman, saying in a calm tone,  “Take the stick out of your ass, mate!”
Y/n decided it was the moment to interrupt before things escalate between the boys. 
“Hey, hey, hey…what’s going on, guys?” she entered the room, lifting the food in her hands.
“Fuckin’ finally, you’re here. He’s being an-” George lift his big hands on a praying sign, turning to look at her. 
Matty listen carefully to every word G was saying to fought back, interrupting his friend saying, “Georgie boy is not listening to me!” he protested like a little child.
George had his good share of Matty for not only a day, for an entire week. Since Y/n was here, knowing her words had more impact on Matty than him, decided it was the moment to take a break. 
G lift his slender body from his chair, without sparing a glance at Matty. “I’m going for a smoke. Good luck!” he wished her, leaving a sweet kiss on the top of her head.
Once they were alone, Y/n approached the man in question. She reached for his shoulders, massing them slightly. The tension on his body was palpable for her. 
“Okay, big baby…what’s going on, mhm?” she inquired him. 
Matty let him body relax, leaning back on her touch. 
“Nothin’ is going on, darlin’.” he lied, closing his eyes. Off course, she knew better than to believe his little white lie.
“Okay.” Y/n stopped massaging Matty, going to plop down onto the couch. Matty felt the loss of touch, turning on the swivel chair to look at her. 
Matty groaned loud. “Don’t ‘okay’ me.” 
Y/n smiled wide, reaching for her coffee cup. “Okay.” she mumbled, taking a big sip.
Matty waited for her to keep asking, she didn’t. Y/n stayed in silence, watching every one of his movements.
“Agh!” Matty whined, joining her on the couch. He started talking even though Y/n kept her mouth shut. “I haven’t slept…George is not really hearing what I’m saying…” he wobbled from side to side, finally resting his head down on her lap. Matty reached for her hand, leaving it on his head. 
Y/n answered his silent request, running her hands through his hair. She was accustomed to finding herself in that position with Matty. The action calmed his nerves better than anything else. 
“Why you didn’t sleep?” Y/n asked him softly. 
“I can’t stop thinking about this stupid tune.” he rubbed his face on the fabric of her trousers. 
It couldn’t be only that. “What else?”
“Nothin’ else.” Matty murmured. 
Y/n decided to went with his lie, don’t push him when he wasn’t ready to talk. “Mhm, sure.” she let out, both of them falling into a comfortable silence. Y/n continued touching his hair. 
“Where were you last night?” Matty asked out of the blue, startling Y/n a little.
“Why? I’m suspect for a murder or something?” she tried to joke, trying to get a look of his face. Matty kept his eyes closed, enjoying her touch once more. 
“Well, in that case…I was out.”
“With whom?”
Y/n was aware she could talk about anything with him. “Lana got cheated on by her boyfriend- Well, now ex. Why?” 
“That sucks…” Matty felt bad for even asking.
“Yeah, she’s not doing great right now.” she shared, watching friends suffer it was another kind of pain. 
“I like Lana, she’s great…feelin’ sorry for her.” Matty kept the conversation going. 
Y/n felt intrigued about his questions. “Now you know where I was.” she stated. 
“Why you asked?”
“Never mind.” Matty was ashamed, embarrassed to express his true worries from the night before. 
“It’s stupid.” he said, turning so he could look up at her face.
“Just tell me.”
‘Fuck it’, Matty thought. “You mentioned John the other day- You were ignoring my texts, you never do that-”
Y/n couldn’t help to burst into a fit of laughter. 
“Matty, baby, you were feeling needy?” she teased him. 
He tried to act up as if her calling him ‘baby’ didn’t affect him. “Forgetit.” he chocked into his words. 
After a brief pause, Y/n instructed him, “Get up.” He groaned, lifting his tired body. He went to returned to the chair when Y/n took his hand. 
She was laying down on the couch, using all the space to lay down comfortably, “Come here, you need sleep.”
“I have to work…” Matty tried to protest, but the bags under his eyes convinced Y/n to keep trying. 
“A nap is self caring sometimes, George is going to understand.”
“Come here.” she invited him, opening her arms. 
Matty looked at her, still standing, wondering, “Can I use my favourite pillow?” he wiggled his eyebrows to her chest.
“You nasty!” 
“Please?” he asked, showing her his underlip, making puppy eyes at her. 
Y/n rolled her eyes. “Fine.” she allowed him. “Come on, baby boy!”
Matty scoffed at her nickname, “I’m a man.” he said, resting his head on her chest. 
“Yeah, sure.”
Y/n’s hands returned to his head, while Matty breath started to calmed down. He closed his eyes. Matty didn’t hold a moan this time to scape his mouth.
After only 5 minutes, Matty was soundly asleep when George returned to the studio. Matty's snoring welcomed him. 
George pointed at his friend body on top of Y/n’s. “What is he doing?”
“Fuckin’ ell’”
“Let him sleep, please!” Y/n begged.  
George shook his head, returning to move bits around on the computer. Y/n looked at the back of his head. 
“You are way too good for him.” G said, breaking the silence. 
Y/n blushed. She was thankful Matty was asleep and G wasn’t looking at her. “‘m not.”
“Are you ever going to tell him?” 
“What do you mean?” Y/n felt exposed.
George chuckled. “Don’t play dumb with me…” he warned her. 
Y/n gave it a real thought. “No.” she finally stated. 
“You have high chances…” G suggestively told her. Y/n’s heart fluttered. 
She didn’t have a chance or even hope with Matty. Y/n was her friend and friend only. “I don’t…he has a line of girls-”
G interrupted her, “He keeps choosing you-” 
“George, shut up, please.” Y/n couldn’t go there exactly when Matty was resting on top of her body, when he was so close and yet too far. 
G let her be. “Okay…10 more minutes, and I’m waking up sleeping beauty.” he informed her with an even noise, which made her laughed. 
The vibration made Matty pushed his face further into her chest. “With a kiss?” Y/n asked George. 
“Off course.” 
Part 2
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yuna542 · 1 year
Connected (OT8 x reader)
Part 9<-
Part 10
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Pairing: Changbin x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: 18+, under 18 DNI!, Smut, Suggestive Themes, Swearing, unprotected sex (just don‘t), overstimulation
Word Count: 4.5k
Note: Changbin at the gym? A classic. Yea maybe I discovered a new kink since that Talker episode. I hope you like this part. Comments, Likes and Reblogs are as always a blessing.
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
He had really tried. With all his self-control. He might have figured he wasn't as strong as he thought after all, but it was too late now anyway.
"Bin? What...?"
Your soft voice broke off as he finally pulled those damn leggings down and pressed you against the locker, making your hands slam hard against it.
When Changbin had offered to go to the gym together so he could help you with your workout plan, you were already nervous, however you had also been looking forward to it.
Normally you hated going to the gym. As soon as you walked in and got a glimpse of all the fit bodies glistening with sweat and hard-earned muscles flexing, based of their efforts, you wanted to flee and never look back.
However, Changbin kept talking about his training and now that the gym in the JYP building had been renovated, you wanted to give it a chance.
Since he was also kind of the personal trainer of the other boys and definitely knew a lot about fitness, you felt much more confident.
He had assured you that you would be alone, without prying eyes from others, and that was reassuring on one hand, but so much worse on the other.
Alone with Changbin as your personal trainer?
That sounded like the beginning of a porn movie you'd secretly love to see.
Changbin was already standing outside your office, leaning against the wall. His hair was a mess from the stressful day, and fluffy strands fell into his forehead. He carried a bag over his shoulder and smiled when he saw you.
"Hey Bin", you smiled at him.
"Hey, Y/N. You ready?"
"Sure. I'm a little scared. Don't push me too hard, okay?", you laughed, swinging your backpack onto your back. You only had gym clothes and two bottles of water with you. Changbin said you didn't need more.
You were about to walk down the long hallway together when the door to Chan's studio opened and Han stuck his head out.
"Oh Y/N, going to the gym with Changbin? Good luck!"
"Thanks...", you mumbled a little unsettled and Han grinned even more before disappearing back into the room. They clearly had a conversation about it beforehand.
Changbin just laughed darkly beside you, which didn't help.
"Don't worry. We'll take it slow."
Once inside the gym, you were amazed. It was very modern and no one else was here. After all, it was the middle of the night and usually there were only 3Racha left in the building.
"Wow. This turned out really well."
Changbin nodded:
"Yes. The renovations were badly needed. Now there's everything you could wish for."
He led you into the locker room so you could change and placed his bag on the bench in the middle of the room. There were wooden lockers on the walls all around and even a fancy shower right next to them. You set your backpack down as well and sighed softly.
"Do you want me to go outside?", he asked uncertainly. He didn't want to disturb your privacy while you were changing. You shook your head while getting your black leggings and black sports bra out of your bag.
"No, it’s alright. You can change here too."
Changbin hesitated for a moment, but then nodded and began to take out his clothes as well. While you were slipping out of your jeans, he turned his back to you, took off his hoddie, and put it on the bench.
He really didn't want to look, but he risked a quick glance anyway. He almost turned into a drooling mess when he saw your round ass and had to bite down hard on the inside of his cheek to keep from staring at your light blue lace underwear like a pervert.
Han even bet that he wouldn't last 5 minutes before he wanted to fuck you and although Changbin would deny it, Han was right.
You had taken everything off by now and were standing with your back to him in just your underwear.
He knew it was wrong, that he should just turn around instead of staring. But when your hand moved to the clasp of your bra, he still looked a few seconds longer.
When you were standing in front of him in just your panties, he had to put a hand between his legs. He really really shouldn't have looked. Your tempting back was enough to shoot the heat between his legs.
Before turning around to put on your sports bra, he quickly turned away and continued to change. As he did so, he couldn't stop thinking about your bare skin and the curve of your ass that would fit perfectly in his big hands.
As soon as he had pulled on his shorts and a tank top, he hurried out of the locker room with a short:
"Meet me outside!"
A little puzzled, you looked after him, and followed as soon as you had put on your leggings and sports bra. He just set a water bottle on the counter and looked to you as you tied your hair up in a ponytail.
"What are we going to start with?", you asked, motivated, and he glanced around the room.
"We'll start with a warm up. Then I'll show you some exercises, and we'll do them in intervals."
"Alright! Sounds not that bad."
Changbin was a good trainer and he got you sweating within seconds. However, with each move he explained how to do it properly and all the muscle parts you would be working out with it. When you were completely wiped out after only a short time, he was just getting warmed up. Scorching breaths rushed through your lungs and pain began to prod at your stomach, spreading all the way down to your thighs and legs. Your limbs howled in agony.
He was strict, but didn't stop motivating you and at some point it was fun, even if everything hurt and you were sweating.
For the entirety of the session, for every exercise, Changbins hands got lost, wandering over your curves as he corrected your stance or instructed you on proper breathing through each repetition.  
His little touches as he helped you maintain your balance sent instant electrical impulses through your body. He just looked so good, with his pumped biceps, his trained torso and the sweat on his face.
You had to restrain yourself from touching him at every opportunity to feel his muscles under your fingers.
"Come on, I know you can give me one more, gorgeous!", Changbin said, spotting you from the front as you laid back on a mat while doing your last few sit-up's. He held your feet firmly on the ground, by your calves, cheering you on to do some more. His attentive gaze never wandered, glued to every part of you as you performed the exercises.
"Well done, doll", he praised as you struggled yourself up once more, abs burning, and chuckled as you dropped to the floor, stretched out like a starfish. Your head throbbed and your chest pounded. You needed a minute to summon air back to your lungs.
But he pushed you unbearably further into the next exercises.
With every touch, his fingers stayed pressed to your hips a little longer than necessary when he held you straight during push-ups.
He tried not to let it show, but seeing your long legs tighten with every movement, feeling your thighs under his fingers as soon as he helped you and how the sweat made your perfect skin shine had more impact on him than he showed.
You, too, could barely think straight as he gave you assistance with squats.
"You must always keep your back straight and bend your knees at a 90 degree angle until you feel it burning in your thighs", he explained expertly and had his hands firmly on your hips as you did the first squat.
He stood so close behind you that his chest grazed your back for a moment and when you squatted, he just stared at your tensed ass as it brushed against his middle.
"You need to push your back more, bend the knees, lean into the movement!"
You could feel his fingers digging harder into your sides each time after several repetitions.
"Like that?", you asked when he suddenly stopped explaining.
You did notice that he was staring at your ass and let out a small smirk but not saying anything. Then he cleared his throat and quickly averted his eyes from your ass, which was brushing against his bulge every time. Glancing over your shoulder, you could see how red he was, even though he was only giving assistance.
"Ah... Yes... Yeah you're doing good."
While counting your thirty squats in your head, almost letting your legs give out from the effort, he could think of nothing but sinking into you from behind and your perfect ass pressed against him with every thrust.
Your strained gasps and the little sighs that escaped you each time only spurred his imagination more.
"I hope I'll be able to walk tomorrow", you pressed out with a giggle, and god you had no idea what you were doing to him.
"I can't promise that”, he replied with a throaty laugh, but he sounded distracted.
At some point you felt the reason for his tense posture. Something on your butt felt increasingly harden and after a few seconds you realized what was up with him. Your heart pumped the heat to your ears and you tried to seem unbothered.
When you finished your exercise, he quickly let go of you and turned around, pretending to want something to drink.
After watching you for a whole hour, your body shaking with exertion, your shiny skin and your little exhausted sounds, he couldn't stop himself from getting hard.
But he felt dirty. He wanted to help you with your workout and all he could think about was how he wanted to fuck you hard against the nearest wall. Embarrassed, he held his water bottle in front of his increasingly hard length.
You took advantage of the brief pause and took a breath. You were exhausted and every muscle was burning, but it was a pleasant feeling.
"What now?" you asked after a short while, looking at him with energetic eyes.
"You really have endless motivation. The boys could really learn something from you."
Actually, he just wanted to lock himself away somewhere, jerk off while thinking about your sweaty body, and be ashamed of it afterwards.
But it would be too conspicuous to break off now, just because he had a boner.
As you straighten up, you suddenly frown in pain.
"Ow! Shit”, you cursed, grabbing your shoulder but not reaching the spot on your spine that hurt so much.
The sudden pinch in your back made you groan loudly, and Changbin immediately came over to you with a concerned look.
"What's wrong?"
"My back suddenly hurts", you pressed out, and that's when he knelt down behind you on the mat. His thighs bulged with muscles that strained under his skin whenever he moved.
"You probably just pinched something”, he reasoned aloud, feeling down your spine from your neck, to your lower back.
"Yea, your muscles are strained and probably pinched a nerve. I can release that if you want. I do it all the time with the members."
Of course you trusted him, so you nodded.
"Yes. Okay."
"Lay on your stomach," he said, so you complied and folded your hands, under your chin, trying and failing to ease the wild drumming of your heart against the mat as he climbed over you. His knees fell on each side of your hips, his thighs grazing your ass. And as he lowers himself to place his hands along your spine, another part of him brushed over you, igniting your face with embarrassment. You reminded yourself that he's simply wanting to help you.
Changbin tilted his pelvis against the curve of your ass, an unmistakable weight pokes the base of your spine. More heat rushed to your face.
"Just relax... This is just to help with the pain."
His voice was calm, but he clearly enjoyed the soft feeling of your ass under his body.
He began to squeeze the round flesh of your hips and massaging the aching bands of muscles above your ass. He worked his way up your back and his strong hands on your heated skin made you close your eyes.
He probably enjoyed the touch more than he should, but he couldn't stop. Only a stifled moan made its way up your throat, your body sagging under the warm press of his palms.
"Does it fell better?", he asked and you couldn't answer him. A loud sigh floated from your mouth as he nudged more weight on the pinching area. It hurts, not a bad kind of hurt, but it shifted your mind into dizziness.
"I want to hear you, doll!", he said with a raspy voice.
"Yes, it helps”, you answered him and buried your forehead in your palms to keep from gasping out loud as you definitely felt the throbbing weight in his shorts grazing your ass cheek. Your stomach is squished into the mat as he leaned over you. While he massaged your back underneath your bra a wobbly breath escaped you.
"I really like that workout clothes on you."
His hands disappeared almost completely under the fabric of your sports bra and traveled down your sides until his fingers touched the bare skin of your breasts.
"Since it was the first workout, I think we should stop for today. You did well, but otherwise you're overworking your muscles."
Relieved, you nodded. You honestly wouldn't have survived another exercise. Your muscles felt like jelly, and if Changbin came that close to you again, you'd go nuts.
He gave your hips one last lingering squeeze before his hands vanished from your body. You found yourself missing the uncomfortably close touch. Changbin's hands had worked magic on your sore muscles.
Your underpants had become wetter and wetter with each time he had grabbed your hips during the exercises, aligned your thighs, or just randomly stroked along your belly.
You wanted to feel his fingers somewhere else, and that's why you couldn't concentrate on the workout once you felt his hard member against your ass.
"You can go ahead and get changed", he said, still holding the bottle in front of his private parts.
"I'll be right there."
As silly as it sounded, it was like he was undressing you with his stare.
You nodded slowly and had to squeeze your thighs together at the sight of his sweaty torso. The tank top was sticking to his abs since he had been doing pushups with you and his hair was falling tangled in his forehead. He looked so hot that you had to force yourself away from the sight of him.
When you disappeared through the door into the locker room, he threw the bottle in the trash and stared at the closed door behind which you were probably undressing.
Had he really imagined your intense stares and slightly suggestive gasps?
The images in his head were driving in circles and he knew he couldn't take it anymore.
Just as you opened the locker to get your things, Changbin bursted into the room. You turned around and had to bite your lower lip when you saw the tent in his shorts.
"I'm sorry, but I can't help it. You're driving me insane", he growled, already pushing you against the locker as he slammed the locker door shut with the other.
With a gasp, you felt his erection against your lower abdomen and his strong hands on your hips, pressing you firmly against the lockers.
He licked his lips and watched your face with a dangerous glint in his eyes.
"Bin, what-", but you were interrupted by his lips crashing mercilessly against yours. He kissed you so tumultuously and hurriedly that your hands immediately flew into his hair and tugged at it. He grinded his length in heat against your body and you could feel it growing with every second.
Chaotically your tongues met and his huge shoulders completely shielded you from the rest of the room. He was all over you, kissing you with all the dirty desire that had built up over the last few hours.
"I need you. Now!", he panted still at your swollen lips and reached for your ass, kneading it tightly through the tight leggings so that you lifted off the floor.
He grabbed the back of your thighs and pulled you up, making your already wet pussy touch the crotch area of his shorts. Eventually slamming your back against the empty lockers.
Immediately you wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him even closer, and with your back pressed against the metal, he kissed along your jawline, up to your neck, where he immediately sucked and worked big hickeys into your skin that you probably couldn't easily hide.
"You're so cruel... I couldn't think of anything else the whole time but ripping those damn leggings off you", he mumbled into your skin, cupping your boobs with his hands. Veins stood out from the workout on his forearms and that only turned you on more.
"Fuck... Binnie", you gasped, overwhelmed. Even his sweat smelled seductive, and you tugged at his strands of hair in desire as he ripped the sports bra off your body at the speed of light.
Immediately he twirled one nipple between his fingers while roughly kneading your other breast.
"Even your tits are perfect", he growled, eyeing your half-naked body aroused. In his gaze was pure greed for you and your body, which made your panties and leggings completely soaked.
You pressed your thighs even tighter against his sides and rolled your hips against his to get more friction between your cunt and his bulge.
With shaky fingers you ripped the tank top off his body and finally you had a clear view of his muscular body. He was breathtakingly beautiful. Every one of his muscles tensed under the touch of your fingers and you couldn't quite realize that you could finally feel his perfectly built abs so tight against your skin.
You brought nothing but excited gasps from your lips. Changbin's sudden attack drove the heat into your veins and feeling his immense length through the fabric drove you insane. It was clear that his dick was huge, since everything about him was big, which put you in joyful anticipation.
But Changbin was too impatient. He needed to feel you and he needed to feel you now.
"I need your pussy so bad", he said almost desperately and lowered you down.
Before you could catch your breath, he turned you around by your hips and pressed you so hard against the lockers that you panted loudly.
Little whimpers and moans kept escaping him, which would have been cute if he wasn't so dominant with his hands.
"Fuck. I can't wait to feel your soaked pussy around my cock", he murmured as he was already pulling down your leggings along with your panties. You somehow got rid of them and kicked them off.
You got goosebumps as your skin and core were suddenly exposed to the cold air, but you already felt him ripping off his shorts and boxers.
His movements were so hurried and violent as he couldn't take it anymore. The last hours had been torture.
With his hands he pressed you rough against the locker so that your hands and cheek leaned firmly against it and your breasts were pressed against the cool metal.
This sight of your ass and wet cunt completely at his mercy made Changbin's thoughtfulness overshadowed by pure lust. Your mind emptied. No thoughts lingered as desire crowded your brain. He started urging his hardness between your ass cheeks.
You already felt his tip at your entrance when he lined up behind you, and his throbbing dick was thick and obviously massive. With a quick movement, he brought your hips into position and then sinked into you from behind with his entire length.
"Shit. You're so tight", he cursed as your walls nearly crushed him. He thrusted slowly deeper and deeper and you feared being torn apart by him stretching you out. You moaned loudly and he moved slightly so you could get used to it.
"You take my cock so well... good girl."
The pain quickly turned to pure arousal, and the way he filled you up perfectly made you dig your fingernails into the locker.
"Is everything okay?", he asked, breathing heavily as he was completely absorbed in you and you felt his balls pressed against your clit.
You couldn't open your eyes as every movement rattled your insides.
"Mmmh... Binnie, you're so... big. Filling me out...", you gasped and his tone automatically softened.
"I can stop if it's too much, babe.”
Quickly, you shook your head against the locker.
"No. Please Binnie! Please fuck me! Fuck me as hard as you want!"
Your shaky voice and strained back made his dick inside you twitch impatiently.
"You're so goddamn sexy, babe", he growled, and as he slowly pulled his length back out of you, a desperate whimper escaped you.
Without hesitation he slammed into you, making you scream and squeeze your eyes tight with your chest pounding. Your eyes rolled back and grunts came out of his gritted teeth, as your mouth hung open in a quiet scream. He found the g-spot almost immediately. He thrusted harder, hitting it every time. With each time he penetrated deeper. The sight of your cockdrunk face against the locker, the sharp moans bursting from your throat as pain blooms in your core and the way your ass wiggled every time made him go insane.
"Do you know how hard it was to hold back? All those times you bent over for me like the good girl you are...", he said between harsh grunts.
It wasn't long before he increased the pace, moving your hips against his with each thrust, until the room was filled only with your desperate moans, his gasps, and the filthy sound of skin slapping together. The squelching of your swollen cunt, mixed with your desperate, tearful pleas:
"Please, it's too.. too much, Bin..."
The filthy, wet clap of his skin against yours rises, echoing in the empty lockroom and definitely also outside at the gym. The snapping of his hips became more violent and his balls slapped against your clit with each time, making your head completely foggy.
"Gotta stretch every part of you after the workout, doll."
The vertiginous heat reaches its high and bliss overwhelmed you as you were on the edge.
"Say my name slut!"
His words made you fall apart even more. He was completely addicted to you while you moaned his name in the most beautiful melody he had ever heard. His fingernails dug into the soft skin of your ass as he fucked you without mercy against the locker, which creaked loudly with each thrust.
Your whole upper body was by now pressed firmly against the wood and your nipples were hard from rubbing against the door.
Pornographic sounds came from you and you moaned his name like a mantra that brought you to your climax. Your lids fluttered. Your back flexed, as stuttered sobs ripped themselves from your throat when you finally came.
As your walls tightened around Changbin, he grunted:
„I think I have to break my promise. I'm going to make sure you can't walk tomorrow!", while hitting all the sensitive spots that made you a mess.
"Don't stop, Binnie! Please come inside me!"
Even though you were already ruined, you wanted him to come inside you.
"You're so good for me, doll. So good", he sighed.
Your words motivated him to go harder inside you, pushing so deep it almost felt uncomfortable. Your suddenly tightened around him again and your orgasm gripped you again, making you gasp loudly as you saw stars behind your closed eyes.
But he didn't stop thrusting into you and overstimulating your sensitive pussy. However his thrusts were getting sloppier, his cock twitching inside you.
He was too distracted by your sore pussy and how it looked wrapped around his throbbing cock to pull out, filling you up with cum.
The thrusts stopped but he was still inside you. His musky scent surrounding you. You grew dizzier and couldn't hear him trough the thick fog in your head. Your thoughts are mush by now, your words nonsense and he too was completely lost.
Breathing heavily, he rested his chin on your shoulder and your bodies stuck together as sweaty as they had not been during the workout.
Protectively, he put his arms around your body, turned you to face him, and brushed your hair out of your face.
"Sorry, baby. I lost myself a little."
The fog slowly cleared, but all you could do was fall exhausted against his chest. Like a precious piece of jewelry, he held you close and caressed your forehead, your nose, your whole face with his lips. You weren't sure if you would ever be able to walk again, but you were lost in drunkenness anyway.
"Come on. Let me get you in the shower and take care of you."
His voice was velvet on your soul and he lifted you up with ease. He carried you into the shower of the gym and lowered you there. Slowly the strength returned to your shaky legs, but he insisted on soaping your hair and helping you cleaning yourself up.
Under the warm stream of water, he massaged your scalp, rinsed your hair, and spread the shower gel over your body with soft touches.
Questioningly, he looked at you as you said something for the first time again. His faithful eyes examined your tired face with such care that your heart beat faster.
"Are you my personal trainer now?"
An amused smile was on your lips and he washed the soap off your shoulders with a chuckle.
"If that's what you want, I'd love to."
"Will training always be like today then?"
"I hope so."
The corners of his mouth lifted and he stroked his fingers along your jawline, up to your temple, like he's tracing the contours of a portrait.
While you were enveloped in steam and the fresh smell of lemon and wood of his shower gel, you put your hands to his chest and kissed him.
It was a sweet, almost innocent kiss. Like the first kiss you had with your crush as a teenager. His hands cupped your cheeks and he pulled you closer.
You felt safe, secure and wanted. It was a comforting feeling and finally you had found the word that described how the boys made you feel:
Like home.
->Part 11
© Yuna542 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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tzuyusluv · 2 years
❥ I Just Wanna Be Yours
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genre → fluff, suggestive
pairing → skz x reader
warnings → in Minho’s mc is hinted at being insecure, Seungmin’s could be seen as suggestive but it depends
word count → 0.9k
summary → Stray Kids and Where They Kiss You
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Bangchan | Shoulder Kisses
The beats coming from Chan’s computer felt relaxing. It was a more slow song that what they usually did but no one complained when they saw how hard their leader was working. Your eyes start to flutter when his hand comes to your back and starts to rub it. Chan’s been doing that since you came into the studio and sat on his lap, he knows it your weakness. “Go to sleep baby. I’ll be right here.” You don’t respond with words but instead dig your face deeper into his neck. “Need good night kiss first.” Your words are muffled due to you finding a new home in Chan, but he can understand you nonetheless, he always does. He just chuckles and gives you a kiss on your shoulder as you drift off.
Minho | Lip Kisses
Your ranting comes to a stop when you realize that you’ve been talking since Minho came home. He leans up from where he laid on your chest and glares at you in a way that isn’t mean but says ‘why tf did you stop?’ Reading him like an open book, you whisper about how you thought that you were talking too much. Minho sucks in a harsh breath at that and leans all the way up, pulling you into his lap. He wraps his arms around your hips and pulls you as close as can be. He then leans down and starts pecking your lips whispering in between each one saying that he could never get tired of you.
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Changbin | Neck Kisses
Changbin’s buff arms wrap around you as he comes up behind you in the kitchen. “Bin! I was cooking, what if I dropped the pan?” Changbin doesn’t respond except for a small laugh at your words. “I’m sorry angel. Just can’t get enough of you.” He digs his face closer to you. “Bin!” His hair starts to tickle your face. Lifting his head up from the crevices of you neck, he grins before diving back down and giving lots of kisses, some wet and some were just pecks, on your neck. Laughing at the kisses, you don’t even notice that his fingers are coming up to your sides. You laugh even harder at the contact, Changbin stopping for a moment just to listen to you attempt to catch your breath. Yeah, he could live with this as the rest of his life.
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Hyunjin | Cheek Kisses
Walking the zoo was your favorite date and Hyunjin just loved to see you happy. Seeing the penguins exhibit banner, Hyunjin watches as you speed walk towards them. Once he finally makes he way over to you, he can see that your eyes are sparkling with joy at the birds plopping into the water. He looks behind him and sees a photo booth and tugs your arm over to it. Pulling you inside it and pushing the money in, you quickly get ready for the four pictures. The first one is you two holding up peace signs, the second one is you both creating a heart with you hands, the third one is your ‘silly’ faces and the forth one is Hyunjin pressing his fingers into your cheeks and giving you a kiss.
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Jisung | Thigh Kisses
You watch as Han demolishes Hyunjin in smash bros. His Kirby easily defeating Hyunjin’s Mario. You look down at the boy in front of you and in between your legs. You move your hand down to his hair and start petting it. He leans into your touch, basking in your affection but stops when Hyunjin starts up a new game. Before Han starts fighting, he quickly leans towards your thigh and gives it a kiss, saying it’s his good luck charm.
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Felix | Forehead Kisses
The oven light shows the brownies that are being baked and you watch how they rise with the heat. You and Felix made them when he had a day off and away from his other members, despite Chan’s slight complaints about his brother being taken away from him, though you know it’s all in good fun. You hear as Felix’s footsteps make their way to you from the sink. He wordlessly holds out his hand, which you take. Pulling you up into a hug, he starts to slow dance with you. Just some slight movements and you can hear him start to hum. He pushes his finger under your chin and lifts it up towards his lips where he gently presses down on your forehead.
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Seungmin | Hand Kisses
Waking up to Seungmin was everything you could ever want in life. He looked so perfect in the morning light that shed through the curtains. So calm, almost as if he didn’t have any worries. Tracing your hands down his face, you watch as his eyes flutter open. His signature smile appearing on his face when he sees you. He grabs the hand that was caressing his face and starts to gently kiss it. From your fingers, to your palm and then down to your wrist. He gently pecks and once he finishes at your wrist, he starts to go back up. Up your wrist, back to your palm and then to your fingers once more.
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Jeongin | Chin Kisses
The light from the TV glares at you both. Jeongin holds you in his arms and against his chest. The couch is filled with pillows and blankets that are halfway off the couch or completely covering you two. The TV shows when Sophie and Howl meet for the first time in years. You glance up towards Jeongin who’s still focused on the movie. You lean up towards him and give him a small kiss on his chin. He looks down back at you before starting to pull you even closer. The other boys find you two like that, on the sofa with lots of snack bags on the coffee table, blankets that were originally in their rooms littered throughout the room, you and Jeongin cuddled up with your head below his chin.
©️tzuyuluvs | Pease don’t translate, rewrite or blatantly steal any of my content.
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eviesaurusrex · 2 years
Can you do a meet cute blurb with Harry and a totally normal not famous girlie, I’m dying for a cute mushy blurb 🥰
Can you read minds? Because I have wanted to do something like that for the longest time 👀 and because I’m in the mood, here we go. This is set at the beginning of his NYC shows this year!
warnings: none, only fluff, one short mention of Olivia, that’s it
word counter: 2.5k
Harry Styles x University!Reader
It had been a busy and more than stressful day back at Parsons; her brain still smoked after hours of theoretical lectures and even more hours in one of the many photo shooting studios the private art and design school owned in their buildings. Her back hurt from the crouching position she had held since their lunch break because the current lecture slot was themed around still lives, and she hated to take photos from a chair. YN needed the constant movement of her body to really focus on her work. But now, everything the photography student wanted was to grab something halfway decent for dinner on her way home instead of ordering another round of sushi and pizza for her two roommates and herself. Well, YN would already be happy if she found something with a lot of salad and veggies without having to spend the entirety of her remaining weekly allowance on the ingredients for a self-made salad. But on the other hand, she wouldn’t have time to spend more money if she hid in her favorite photo studio right opposite the Hudson River or if she grabbed her camera to stroll around New York City in order to fill her portfolio.
The argument inside her head was on fire while her thumbs rapidly typed away on her phone to ask her two roomies if they needed dinner as well. Her feet carried YN safely around the corners and streets of Greenwich, heading straight to the perfectly stocked Target down the street because she knew how things would go if she talked herself into trying her luck at the supermarket only a block away from her home. She would be furious because the best stuff would already be gone, and YN really couldn’t allow another night with take-out.
It was as if her mother’s mouth was attached to her ear to keep the warnings on repeat.
Softly shaking her head to free herself from the sticking thoughts, YN entered Target and hummed under her breath. The young woman fixed the strap of her camera bag on her shoulder, strolling through the first few aisles, eyes wandering over the shelves in deep concentration. Her arm stretched out to reach and grab a box of cereals without hesitation, which found its way into the soft embrace of her other arm before she continued her path through the supermarket; hummed tunes still leaving her lips. It helped that the store’s radio started to play the first seconds of Late Night Talking before a cashier’s announcement interrupted the melody already. But YN knew the song by heart, so it was easy to continue the text in her mind.
With her left arm filled with the box of cereals and a pack of her favorite granola bars, the woman rounded the next corner to finally move forward to her desired section, distracted by her own thoughts and the vibration of her phone in the back pocket of her jeans. YN knew that this could never end good—and she always had been right about it; today didn’t mark an exception because the universe rarely smiled upon her.
A strong chest stopped her steps abruptly, and before YN could follow the cereals and granola bars closely in their journey downwards to the floor, a pair of equally strong hands grabbed her elbows in a steadying hold. Even before her brain could process the situation, her heart already pumped adrenaline through her veins, and her senses were heightened. YN felt the strap of the camera bag slid off her shoulder before she could pull the body part up, and so her left hand rushed to the rescue—just like another set of fingers. They met underneath the bag; her palm connected to the rough fabric while the other pressed against the back of her hand.
None of them had uttered a single word so far, barely even letting out a surprised huff of air at the feeling of impact, but now, a voice spoke up. “Everything’s okay?” And instantly, her head jerked up, and wide eyes stared into the most handsome face gracing this earth with its existence. Only moments ago, she had listened to his songs in her head, had hummed them, had mentally cursed the cashier for interrupting it—though YN knew that the poor soul didn’t have a choice—and now, the bearer of the voice, the creator of the songs, stood right in front of her, holding her elbow not to see her tumble to the ground.
Harry Styles is holding my arm between white bread and baking mix.
If her heart hadn’t worked overtime before, it damn sure did now.
“I… I am so sorry,” she pressed out after finally finding the ability to speak again and clinging to it like a drowning person on a piece of driftwood. “Oh gosh, I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t daydream while getting my stuff.” Speaking of which. YN’s eyes had to peel themselves off his face with a small smile playing around his lips to locate her proudest possessions so far. She didn’t even realize that their hands still touched to support her camera and save it from destruction. But Harry Styles—she still couldn’t wrap her head around it—seemingly caught up to it again because his eyes wandered between the bag and her face. “You got it?” His voice was so gentle she probably would’ve swooned if she had heard it on YouTube while watching one of his interviews in the depths of night. But now, YN only took a deep breath—she was raised to be a decent human and had grown into a decent adult, after all—and nodded softly and pushed the strap back onto her shoulder.
She crouched down to retrieve her granola bars which had stopped right next to her sneaker-clad foot, while the man took one step to the side to grab the fallen cereal box. They both returned to their heights at the same time, and Harry grinned down at the box in his hand before showing it her. “Lucky Charms, hm?” YN wasn’t sure why, but she had to chuckle under her breath at his tone. “Thanks.” She took the box and put it back into the embrace of her arm. A basket would’ve been too easy, dumbass, mocked the voice in her head while YN still tried to grasp a hold of her current reality. “Best cereals there is if you ask me. And… well, I have to be rebellious in my freedom.” Now, the woman grinned as well, which grew in its intensity as the singer leaned his head closer to hers. “Strict parents?” YN moved her face in his direction. “A dentist as a mom,” she whispered conspiratorially, and both chuckled like teenagers after they’d shared new gossip.
“But, seriously, I’m really sorry for… this.” The student waved her hand through the air, pointing from herself to him and the surrounding environment, but Harry waved it off with a charming smile. “Would it make it better if I tell you that I would always choose this over paparazzi and unrelenting fans?” YN had to swallow dryly because suddenly, Death Valley was located in her mouth rather than back in California. But she nodded nonetheless, even though the movement held an unsure edge to it. “This is actually making me feel better about it, yeah,” she agreed, and it was true because she finally didn’t feel the urgent need to ask if he wanted her social security number—just in case. Her brain still pressed her to ask. “So… No SSN needed? No injuries and the like? I don’t want to be the reason that Harry Styles isn’t able to jump over a stage without a cast.”
His soft laugh ran through her body like a warm shiver, and his eyes, watching her face so intently, almost let her cheeks fire up in a crimson red. “No social security number needed, no. I’m fine. More than fine, actually…”
Harry’s voice lost itself somewhere after his last spoken word; his mind traveled to daydreams about bowls full of Lucky Charms during a lazy morning, and the sound of her laugh echoed in his head as he pushed himself back on track. He cleared his throat softly. “Is it okay to ask for your name, or is it too bold because we’re standing between Nature’s Own Whitewheat Enriched Bread and…—” Harry looked to his right and grabbed a baking mix out of the shelf to inspect the brand before looking back up to the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. “…—and Betty Crocker’s Red Velvet Mix?” She took a step toward him and got a hold of the package—their fingertips touched in the gentlest of ways, and his heart almost leaped out of his chest—before taking it entirely and letting it disappear between her arm and torso. “I obviously have an advantage right now, don’t I?” Her small, teasing smile drove him almost mad. “You certainly do,” Harry returned and couldn’t help but smile. “Then you certainly can ask for my name,” the woman nodded, and he raised a brow, waiting.
And when he thought her smile almost drove him mad, he wasn’t prepared for the gentle laugh escaping her now.
Damn, was all the singer could think.
“There wasn’t a question,” she teased him relentlessly, and Harry rolled his eyes playfully. “A funny one, aren’t we?” Both tried to hide their grins as he stretched out his ring-clad hand. “Harry Styles. With whom do I have the pleasure?” He watched her as she fixed the strap of her small bag—he suspected it to be a camera bag—before their hands met again; this time in full awareness of their doing. “YN LN—photography student and Lucky Charms votary.”
Both could feel the tingles running up their arms, letting goosebumps erupt on their skins, and finally, the blood was able to run into her cheeks and tint them rosy red. Harry only could think how adorable it made her look, even more so than before. But he couldn’t boast of being unaffected because the singer could feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest, and he felt nervousness rising up in his body. At least he didn’t get sweaty hands this easily anymore…
“I fear I might be too bold and daring now, but… Damn. Uhm…” YN raised both brows in anticipation and curiosity. She had never witnessed Harry Styles being overly shy or insecure, but well, everything in those interviews and articles could be full-on show, even though she didn’t think this man was a big fan of pretending to be someone else. So, it let him appear even more charming than before and the woman already dreaded the moment she would have to part from him forever.
After all, what could a world-famous singer want from or with her? Especially a singer who still was or wasn’t involved in a relationship with a certain someone, so… Yeah. YN was just curious about what Harry tried to ask of her—and she didn’t have to wait much longer.
“Okay, bloody fuck it,” he started, and the smaller woman looked up at him with a questioning expression, still unsure what this could be about. “I’m being daring. So, here is the question: Can I get your number? If you’re not taken—happily or unhappily—or already seeing someone, that is, of course. And only if you’re interested in men at all.”
Moments like these were life-defining, world-changing. They always started innocently, but in the midst of the attack, time and space seemed to slow down around one until they almost stopped spinning altogether. YN felt exactly like this, and it wouldn’t even surprise her if she looked around right now and found that everyone in this Target had stopped moving entirely; except for them. But she wasn’t even able to move her gaze from the man in front of her, too enthralled by his presence and asked question, which implied so much more than her mind could process right now.
YN wasn’t even sure how to begin, but her lips were faster than her brain. “What’s with…?” Her lips may have been faster, but they certainly weren’t ready to form a complete sentence. But Harry understood her anyway. “Olivia?” With a racing heart, YN only dared to nod her head yes and watched him sigh softly, fingers raking through his soft-looking mop of curls. “We haven’t made it public yet, but… we’re done. We’re done for a long time already,” he explained, and she could feel how her head nodded in understanding. She didn’t need to know more, so she held out a hand with a reappearing smile on her lips. Harry’s eyes jumped from the palm of her hand to her eyes in a matter of milliseconds. “Well?” Now, a grin started to tuck at the corner of her mouth before Harry slowly began to understand the meaning of it, and a lovely blush graced his cheeks while he got a hold of his phone, unlocked it, and had opened his contact list. The phone found its way into her hand, and YN started to type before handing it back to him.
Harry laughed under his breath at the sight of the newly saved contact before looking back into her face. “Cult Leader?” YN full-on grinned over her entire face. “I have to at least try to convert people to the Lucky Charms belief, don’t I?” And she never saved herself in a serious manner into other people’s phones if it wasn’t work- or study-related. She loved making people smile or laugh if they saw her name popping up on their screens. “Sounds more like a sect to me, but I can live with that very easily as long as I’m allowed to call you.” Chuckling, YN softly shook her head at him. “You really are a cheeky one, aren’t you? But yes, you have permission to call me. That’s what numbers are for,” she teased and took a quick glance at the watch on her wrist. “Okay, this sounds really shitty, but I slowly have to get going. I have an assignment until eight, which I still have to edit the hell out of, and the subway will be hell if I’m not getting in before five.” She loved living in Brooklyn, but the subway rides were always a hassle if YN missed the tiny but perfect slot between four and five and timed everything perfectly to outdo the tedious rush hour. But Harry—universe bless him—nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, sure, of course! Don’t worry. I have your number now, remember? You’re not out of this world, only blocks, a river, or a call away.”
Smiling up at him, the woman could hug the entire world, and the happiness rushing through her system still would be almost too much to bear. “‘Kay. Then… I'll probably hear from you,” she grinned, unsure of what to do now. Should she shake his hand? Hug him? Just turn around and leave this aisle of which they still were the only occupants? Harry made it easy for her: He slowly started walking backward, eyes trained unmoving on her. “You said eight?” YN nodded while watching him. “Yeah, why?” But she only got a grin as an answer before he disappeared around the next corner and left a stunned YN behind.
I seriously didn’t plan to write this much, but deal with it. And I’m sorry to put her name into this, but I kinda wanted the slight implication of drama because I’m thinking about using this scenario as the base for some smau :3
Hope y’all enjoyed this because I really enjoyed writing it! As usual: Comments, reblogs, and likes are much appreciated <3
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natashaslittlegirl · 2 years
Surprise - EO
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Summary: you work for the Olsen's twins as model, they liked you so much that they decided to introduce you to her sister, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Olsen x Model ! Reader
Smut, bottom! Elizabeth, top!Reader, teasing, dirty talk, breast sucking (r to e), oral sex (e receiving), vaginal fingering (e receiving), edging, orgasm denial, finger sucking, praise and degrading kink, slight choking
Words count: 3000+ 
Wattpad Masterlist Elizabeth Olsen's Masterlist
Tomorrow night you will modeling for no one else than the Olsen twins, you couldn't be happier than honor the sisters' campaign. You always loved their projects, and her sister's, so this may be your chance to get to meet her.
You were going to practice in the lapse of the last two weeks, getting to know a little more of the famous blondes, who were enchanted by you, by your personality and your beauty.
You had a charming personality, there was no way they wouldn't like you. They praised you a lot since the day they decided to call you, and you were nothing but falling for them at this point.
Today was the last practice, tomorrow was the big day, it was the last hour for you there since the others models already went home, they wanted you alone now, so you put on  one of your dresses and began to walk in the runway from the studio.
You were stunning, walking firmly to the final stop, posing for them as they watched you mesmerized. You turned around to walk back, hearing a whistle, surely was Ashley.
In this time you discovered that she was the teaser one, always teasing you in the practices, you were nervous around her, but it was all like a little game. Both of them were like that with you, but mostly her. MK was a little more reserved, but she had her days.
You came back running on your tiptoes excitedly, that was one of your best walk, giggling as you reached the sisters for her approval.
"You were perfectly beautiful, y/n!" MK said.
"Yes, I have nothing to say but perfect!"
"Oh thank you, I'm still nervous about tomorrow." you sighed.
"You're gonna do good, darling, we know that." Ashley assured you, putting her hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah, we don't have doubts about you, don't overthink it, we'd seen you a lot of times." MK cooed, smiling.
"I know, but I don't want to mess it up,"
"You're gonna be fine, and, we have a surprise for you after the event!" you looked at Ashley with a smile.
"What? please tell me now!" your gaze flicked between the sisters.
"We can't tell you now, darling, it's a surprise," MK tilted her head and smirked as you pouted.
"But-" Ashley moved her hand to press her index finger into your lips cutting you off.
"No buts, precious, you'll see tomorrow," you blushed at the pet name.
"You can go home, take a bath, relax and sleep well, we need your hundred percent for tomorrow, okay darling?" you nodded. "Good girl."
You almost fell on your knees, but you managed to stay stand to go to change your clothes.
As soon as you came home, you filled the tub with hot water, some bubble soap and a bath bomb with vanilla scents.
You stripped your clothes and got into the warm water, humming at the feeling as you sit on the tub. This is was the best way to relax. You spent about and hour in there, after got out, you went to your kitchen to make a coffee, you weren't really hungry, and the nerves were stronger if you wanted to eat something.
You went to sleep with the thought of the surprise the twins have for you.
"Oh my god, y/n you're beautiful!" Ashley praised your final look, with your hair straight loose, with the white long dress, mid-tight slit, gold heels and accessories.
"You're gonna break the runway." MK said.
"Thank you so much, oh god, it's almost my turn!"
The sisters pulled you into a hug, patting your back and giving you a kiss on each cheek before leading you to stage.
"Good luck, darling."
"Break a leg!" you giggled and prepared yourself for the moment, this was your moment.
The twins quickly went to their sits in the crowd, almost in the end of the runway, where they were with her little sister, Elizabeth, waiting for you.
The manager made you the sing for you to come out, you took a deep breath and went for everything.
Serious tight face, you began to walk with firm steps, swinging your hips, all the eyes in the room were on you, stealing the glares on the model who was going back.
Ashley and MK weren't just the ones mesmerized by you, her sister Elizabeth had to take a deep breath the moment she saw you, yeah she knew you from magazines and photos her sister's show to her, but this was totally different.
You reached the end, the applause you got was incredible, you never loose your composure, not even when you saw her.
The three sisters were looking at you with bright eyes, not believing the beautiful you looked.
You made a few poses, the camera loved you, flashes everywhere form every angle and just for you. You made your way back, pair of green eyes following you until you disappeared.
The event follow its curse, and you did your next presentations and every one of them, you stole all the glares.
When it ended, the twins wait for you to go with them to the event party, obviously it was inly for special guests, and you were surprised you were invited.
"This is my surprise? The party? 'Cause I love it!" you asked them when you got in her limousin. They told you go with the white dress, it was the one who suited you perfectly.
"Yeah, but the really surprise waiting for you at the the party." Ashley giggled.
"Mhm, Okay." you rolled your eyes, you were so excited.
They never did that with another of her models, take them to parties or even talk so sweetly to them, but they saw something in you, something unique, that would fit perfectly with no one else but her little sis.
"You did so good, y/n, I couldn't imagine better!" MK says as she pours champagne in a glass to handle it to you.
"Yes, you were the most beautiful model out there!" Ashley added, taking a sip of her glass.
"For our night." the three of you cheered.
The twins lead you to the party, Ashley was holding your hand to not loose you while MK was behind you. Walking through the crowd of famous people the blonde finally found who she was looking for.
"Here you are," she lean to give a kiss on the cheek of the person in front of her and when she moved to the side, your eyes met her.
"Hey, you must be y/n, it's lovely to finally meet you, dear." your jaw almost dropped to the floor when she lean to let a kiss on your cheek.
"Hi, Miss Olsen, nice to meet you too" you thanked god it was all dark, because you could feel the heat on your cheeks by just that little touch.
"Hey, sis," MK passed by your side to greet Elizabeth when you felt a hot breath against your ear.
"Surprise," Ashley whispered to you.
Elizabeth was your surprise. Elizabeth fucking Olsen.
and you couldn't be more grateful to them in that moment.
The three sisters started to talk about something related to them, so it wasn't your business to hear.
The music echoing in your ears, burn feeling going down your throat as you took your fourth shot, deep breath before biting the slice of lemon to squeeze your eyes right after.
The twins were somewhere in the dance floor, letting you alone in the big party, but that didn't stopped you from having fun, no, you were placidly drinking tekila, sat on a stool in the counter bar.
You were about to ask for the fifth shot when a presence to your right caught your attention.
"Going hard tonight, sweetheart?" one of the sisters asked, but that wasn't one of your boss.
"Just want to get in the moment," you smirked and call the bartender "two shots here!" he grabbed your empty glasses to put two freshly full of liquor.
You passed one to her, to then hold her hand, she looked at you confused and more now that you just licked her thumb, but quickly understood when you pushed her finger into the cup of salt.
You did the same for you and let the slices of lemon in the middle, took your shot glass and cheer with her. The way Elizabeth licked the salt of her thumb turned you on, more that it should.
"Fuck," she cursed to herself, but you hear it anyway. Her raspy voice sent an uncomfortable feeling between your legs.
"Yeah, it's a good one," you locked eyes with her, your gaze falling to her lips faster than you would want it. "So, you're my surprise?"
"Disappointed?" Elizabeth smirked at you, oh the things that were running in your mind.
"Not at all, Olsen." She bited her lip at the way you said her name.
She leaned over you, putting one of her hands on your bare thigh, her hot breath sober you up as you hear her sigh on your ear.
"Let's go dance." she whispered to you, holding your hand and leading you to the dance floor.
You closed your eyes, head spinning as you sway your hips to the beat of the music, nothing matter right now, just the beautiful blonde in front of you.
The way she moved aroused you more, how a person can be that sensual?
Elizabeth took your hand to spin you around, but she pressed her warm body behind you, getting lost in the feeling, humming when you feel her hands on your hips pressing harder.
You let your body fall back, pushing to her as she guides your movements, her fingers dig into your hips making your thighs clench together.
She didn't wast time, moving your hair to the side to inhale the sweet perfume behind your ear, letting out a hum that sent shivers through your body, unconsciously you lean your head back to expose more skin.
"You feel so good against me," husky voice echoing in your mind. Your hand went to the back of her neck, pulling her closer to you.
"I could feel even better if we weren't here." You turn around to face her, lust-filled eyes meeting as you both smirk.
"Let's get out of here," she didn't have to told you twice.
You grabbed her hand and guide you two through the people to the exit, feeling a pair of eyes looking at me, you dart into the crowd to find the twins smirking at you.
Elizabeth squeeze your hand harder until you reach the exit, taking you to her car that was parked just a few steps from the entrance. She couldn't resist herself, pushing you to the passenger door, stamping her body to yours as her hands go to your waist, starting a passionate kiss.
God, she feels so fucking good.
She break the kiss before you can even think about it, opening the door for you to get in as she round the car to drive you both somewhere.
"Yours or mine?" You turn your head to look at her.
"Wherever you want, Olsen," she smirks and starts your way to her home, you guess.
She pushes you through the door, slamming it shut without breaking the kiss, you hum against her lips as your hands roam her body.
"You're driving me insane, y/n" she groans into your mouth.
"I can't help myself," You gasp as you took her lips again, your tongue deliciously entering her mouth.
Elizabeth starts to walk to her room without breaking your kiss, you turned her around the second you entered her room, pressing her body against the door.
Your hands go to her back, finding the zipper of her dress to pull it down. The expensive fabric falling to the floor but she doesn't even care. You take a few steps back, her lips parted gasping for air
Her emerald eyes growing dark as she sees you taking off your dress, smirking to her. Your gaze scans her body.
"You're beautiful, Elizabeth." she bites her lips at your words.
You couldn't resist anymore, grabbing her hips to push her onto the bed, crawling on top of her, straddling her lap. Her hands squeeze your hips, encouraging you to move them, creating a delicious friction between the two of you. You were dripping, no doubt at this point.
You pushed her back onto the mattress, kissing her jaw, her neck, sucking hardly to then pass your tongue, soothing the sore feeling, but leaving red marks on it.
"Fuck," she moans as you reach her breasts, your hand going to her back to unclap the white lace bra, taking it off as fast as you could. You wrap her already hardened nipple into your warm lips, sucking it slightly, your hand squeezing her other breast to give it the same attention.
You felt her rubbing her thighs, trying to relieve some of the tension she was having since the moment she saw you in the runway.
You switched breasts, sucking and biting the other one, hearing the little whimpers that were leaving her mouth. Her hands pushed you down and you didn't want to make her wait.
Kissing her stomach, her lower abdomen until you reached the hem of her lace panties, seeing clearly the wet patch on them, you smirked to yourself, you did this to Elizabeth Olsen.
Your tongue pushed her clit, a moan scaping from the back of her throat as you pushed again.
"Please, y/n,"
"What do you want, Elizabeth?" Your fingers hooked on the sides of her panties slowly taking them down her legs.
"Just fuck me," she moaned as she spread her legs for you, revealing her dripping pussy.
"You're dripping and I didn't even touch yet." you were mesmerized by the sight of her open for you, waiting for you to do something.
"I've waiting so long to this," your looked up at her face, lips parted sighing.
You didn't want to make her wait one more second, lowering yourself to shove your tongue into her cunt. You licked the entire lenght of her, gathering her wetness, humming at the taste.
"You taste so good, Miss Olsen." Elizabeth threw her head back to the pillows as you began to swirl your tongue on her clit, altering between sucking and licking.
Her hands went to your hair, tugging it as she rocked her hips to your face. "Fuck, y/n, you're so good," you smirked against her cunt.
You lifted your hand, squeezing her inner thigh noticing how she shivered at the simple touch. You thrust a finger into her without warning, stealing a loud deep moan from her throat, causing her to bring her own hand to her mouth to muffle the sounds coming from her.
You started slow, making her moan in desperation, bucking her hips against your face, another finger entered her, now two were working on her entrance while your tongue was on her clit, licking and sucking it.
Elizabeth's legs began to shake, squeezing your head, curling your fingers inside her, touching her g-spot.
You looked up, seeing how she had her head thrown back, one of her hands still covering her mouth, her brows knitted together and her chest heaving sharply for air.
"I want to hear you, Elizabeth," you lift your body to take her hand off her mouth, leaning over to whisper in her ear "I want to hear how good I'm making you feel."
Her eyes closed shut, eyebrows knitted together as you fastened your pace, curling your fingers inside as she rock at each one of your thrusts. Her walls began to clench around your fingers.
"I'm I- gonna c-cum!"
"No, hold it," she looked at you, blow dark pupils seeing right into you.
"I can't" your free hand went to her neck, grabbing and squeezing it softly. You didn't know if she would like that, but one of her hands covered yours, making you apply more pressure.
"You can, look how of a slut you turned out to be,"
"Please, I'll be good." she begged but that only made you smirk.
"Oh, you're good," you tilt your head, hoovering her lips but not kissing them "such a good little slut."
Her breathe hitch on her throat, her thighs clenching around your hand making you go slowly.
"Open your legs for me," she didn't think about it, she just spread her legs wide. "Good girl,"
Tears began to form in the corner of her eyes, that's what you wanted, edge her all the night.
"Good girls get reward, you knew that, Elizabeth?" she nodded. "use your words,"
"Yes," she breath out.
"Cum for me." she explode under you, soaking your fingers with her wetness.
Her body trembling because of the force of her orgasm, chest rising and falling brutally, red cheeks and eyes closed. You took your fingers out of her, licking them clean, moaning at her taste again. You leaned over to kiss her, making her taste herself.
This kiss was softly, a little more relieved from the sexual tension allowed that.
"Fuck, that was so good."
"That was just the beginning." you assured her while going down on her again.
This is gonna be a long night.
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strangersatellites · 1 year
pride, wrath, sloth, gluttony, greed, lust, ao3
Seven Deadly Sins Series (NSFW 18+)
envy (noun) - a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.
Logically, Steve knows it's not real.
He knows that. 
He knows Eddie loves him and that this is all work.
That doesn't make it any easier to watch supermodels hang all over his boyfriend. See lipstick stains pressed all over his neck, and jeweled hands dragging all over his body.
Eddie’s pretty, lazy smile doesn’t help either. 
Steve’s spent the better part of the morning sitting in a secluded corner of this studio and watching Eddie bark instructions at his manager and his bandmates and even the camera crew.
The video was going to be great, no doubt. The song was already amazing.
But couldn’t this shoot have been a little less…
He doesn’t know.
All he does know is that he would give anything to be in those girls’ place.
It’s not that he wants to be in the video. He doesn’t like that attention.
It’s not even that he wants to stake his claim over his boyfriend.
He just wants people to know. 
That Eddie’s taken. That he’s his.
But he can’t. And he knows that. Knows it’s not smart. That Steve’s got too much riding on his teaching career to be publicly linked to famed sex-symbol musician Eddie Munson.
It doesn’t make him want it any less.
Doesn’t make him not want those vinyl-covered legs around his waist. Ringed fingers tugging at his hair. 
But instead he sits. And he watches.
The ride home that night is tense. Steve feels it. He’s pretty sure their driver feels it if the lowered music and open window are anything to go by. 
No matter how hard he tries to shake it, the jealousy has dug its claws in deep. It's scratching at his chest and making him itch. Making him feel like he’s going to jump out of his skin.
But here Eddie is stretched across the seats and is smoking out the window without a care in the world. 
Cool it Steve. You’re being ridiculous.
He squeezes his eyes shut and tries to will the feeling away. But with his eyes closed he sees hands. Lipstick. Smiles that are all teeth.
He throws his head back with a groan as the driver opens the door when they’re home.
They’re hardly through the door when Steve’s got his hands on him. 
Got his hands shoved up over his head and his tongue in his mouth.
Eddie gasps against his lips, and there’s a question in the sound to which Steve responds “Mine.”
He feels Eddie’s hands shoving at his chest and he sees his eyebrows scrunch up in concern.
“Steve, what's wrong?” He asks and Steve hates that.
Hates that he’s worried about Steve and all he is is jealous.
He grabs both sides of Eddie’s face and thumbs at a bit of lipstick that’s still smudged against his cheek. Feels that jealousy flare up green and ugly once more.
He shakes his own head and furrows his brows when he whispers a quiet, shy, “Don’t like them touching you like that when I can’t.”
Eddie’s eyes soften and his own hands wrap around Steve’s wrist and he hums.
“Yeah, I know you don’t sweetheart,” he purrs, moving his arms up to wrap around Steve’s neck. “Got me all to yourself now though, hm?”
And maybe it's not right the way Eddie enables him. Maybe it's not healthy, maybe it's not good.
But it digs its claws in again and this time has Steve grabbing Eddie around the waist and hoisting him up and over his shoulder before stalking off toward their room.
He huffs a laugh through his nose and digs his fingers into the back of his thigh. “Sure do baby. And I’ve got nothing but time.”
A few minutes later has Eddie naked and writhing against the sheets as Steve torments him.
He’s got a cold cloth to scrub at the marks left on Eddie’s skin followed by Steve’s teeth leaving a mark of his own. 
By the time Eddie’s chest is marred with bruises he’s got his head thrown back in the pillows and his breathing is ragged.
Steve crawls back up his body and captures his lips with his own. It's all force, all teeth, all love. 
He brings a hand up to tilt Eddie’s chin higher and he whines in return. Steve smirks down at him and tilts his head in question.
“Who’s are you, baby?”
Eddie gasps and grabs at Steve’s hips grinding down against his own.
“Yours, Stevie. Fuck, I’m yours baby.”
Steve kisses him once more, all chaste and sweet before he’s back up on his knees.
And if Eddie enables his jealous streak, Steve enables his love of being manhandled.
“Legs up, babe,” he says and Eddie has the nerve to blush.
But then Steve’s got his hands in the creases of his thighs and drags him up and over his own lap and Eddie groans from deep in his chest. 
Steve laughs. “Those pretty girls can’t do all this, huh?”
Eddie rolls his eyes but he’s smiling and he’s so, so pretty like this. Covered in Steve’s bruises and hard against his stomach. Skin soft and marked with ink where he’s stretched out all for Steve to take. 
Steve loses himself a little in the sounds and the feeling of opening him up on his fingers. Always goes a little cross-eyed watching how much Eddie lets himself feel.
But then he sees Eddie slide a hand down his own chest to wrap around his dick and Steve snaps back into reality in an instant. He bats Eddie’s hand out of the way and shushes his affronted scoff.
“Thought you were all mine, sweetheart. That means this is just for me,” he purrs on an upward tug and a deep slide in.
Eddie rolls his eyes but grabs at his shoulders and drags him forward.
“Then fucking come on then, or I’ll find somebody else to fuck me.”
And he knows it's not real.
He knows that.
But it flares up green anyway and he’s got his teeth sunk into Eddie’s neck and his own hips pressing into him. In the back of his mind he can hear the pleased hiss that Eddie doesn’t manage to hold back, but the forefront of his head is louder, saying “Mine, mine, mine.” He thinks maybe his mouth is too.
Once again he loses himself in the feeling. In the tight heat of Eddie’s body and the circle of his arms around his neck. In the words he can feel Eddie whispering in his ear but can’t decipher. In the knowledge that they can look and they can touch but they can’t take from Eddie Munson. Not like Steve can.
He drags himself back down in time with a whine from the back of Eddie’s throat and snakes a hand back to tug him off.
Eddie’s eyes are watery and they sparkle deep and dark when they blink up at him. He tangles his hands in Steve’s hair and he presses his nose up against Steve’s own.
“‘M all yours sweetheart,” He gasps in time with a deep grind of Steve’s hips. “I’m all yours and nobody’s gonna take that away.”
If Steve wasn’t on the cusp of an earth-shattering orgasm he might have something sweet to say. But as it is, he’s still a little wrapped up in the ugly green feeling of jealousy, and it has him tugging Eddie’s hips back sharp and hard with a near-growl of “Nobody gets this but me.”
He thinks Eddie says something back before he’s coming up his own chest but Steve can’t hear it over the rushing white noise of release. 
When his breathing slows back down and his head is no longer spinning with lips and teeth and hands Eddie drags a hand through his hair where he’s laid against his chest.
“Hey baby?” He asks.
Steve hums in response.
“Do you know why our shoot took so long today?”
His brows furrow in confusion and he props his chin up against his hand.
“What do you mean?”
Eddie smiles at him, pretty and lazy, and Steve’s favorite.
“Video shoots usually only take a few hours. We were there all day because I couldn’t get my head on straight. They had to retake that close-up shot nine times because I couldn’t keep my eyes off you.”
And that's just Eddie’s flattery at work. Steve rolls his eyes but he insists.
“I’m serious, Stevie! You think you can sit in on my shoot with girls climbing all over me looking soooo cool and soooo handsome in your ass jeans and my shirt and I’d be thinking about anything but you? Yeah fucking right, man.”
He feels his cheeks blush pink and he drops a kiss to Eddie’s collarbone.
“I love you,” he whispers.
Eddie’s smile is blinding and his dimple is deep. “I love you back, sweetheart. You’re all that’s ever on my mind.”
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breezybangtanbebe · 9 months
Heaven: Changkyun❤️‍🔥
Tags: Monsta X's IM x Reader, long-distance relationship, lazy morning sex, kinda fluffy then kinda nasty, pussy eating..something short and sweet. :)
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2.7k words
24 hours.
That was all the time you had with him and he had already wasted a third of it in bed.
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The Miami humidity was less offensive from inside the luxury suite. Oceanview balconies welcomed in the breeze that morning as you lay tangled in sheets as white as the sands with your long-distance lover.
Changkyun was..busy, to say the least.
Promotions. Rehearsals. Fittings. Video shoots. Interviews. Fan meets. Group studio sessions. Solo studio sessions. Performances.
With all he and his group members had scheduled, it was out of sheer luck his managers granted the guys one full day of rest before they got to work on promoting their two new albums internationally.
Though being back in the states after such a long time seemed like a vacation, the young rapper had his fill of obligations and you couldn't bring yourself to be upset with him for choosing the first several hours of his rest day with you to be spent sleeping.
Ok, maybe you were a little mad.
Slightly pouty at best. But not at him, only at time and the lack thereof.
He deserved the rest after all.
It was barely noon and the room service you'd ordered for breakfast was surely cold when your boyfriend opened his eyes. You're seated upright in the large bed with the TV remote in hand, channel surfing in silence.
You were freshly showered, smelling like warm sugar and decadently scented body butter, shaved and exfoliated, and primed for a day of making up for the lost time. Considering how tired Changkyun was last night when he and his group members touched down in Florida, you didn't expect him to be actively intimate with you when you went to bed.
When you awoke that next morning, inhaling his warm masculine scent with your face nuzzled in his neck, you didn't mind the stillness or silence. After being separated for so long, it felt like heaven to finally be in his arms.
You were happy to be pressed against him with his leg slotted between yours, causing a teasing friction every time one of you stirred.
He felt so good. His skin was smooth and soft, contrasting his muscles that were firm and toned beneath it.
"G'mornin" Changkyun croaks from beside you, not even lifting his head as he pulled himself from his slumber.
You glance over to find him still smushed against the fluffed pillow with his jet black hair fanning over half of his face. All you can see are his dark pink sleep swollen lips as they moved.
"I smell peaches..." were his next words and you chuckle breathily as you shook your head.
"Good morning." You smirk, resuming your attention to the television only to turn it off. You weren't watching it anyway and you preferred to take advantage of the opportunity to talk. Changkyun groans tiredly as he rolls over on his back, running the palms of his large hands over his face.
"Fuck......how long have I been out?" he grimaced tiredly, leaving only one eye open to adjust to the daylight. You looked over at him fondly for a beat before responding.
"A while." is all you say, sounding much more resentful than you intended. Changkyun tenses at your tone and turns his head towards you with a lazy frown.
"Uh oh...You're mad," he states and you mirror his frown, shaking your head adamantly.
You watched Changkyun rise up from the pillows, shaking his bed head out until his long mane of black silk was falling over his perfect head in the sexiest way. His spine was curved as he sat up, making the lumps of his abs and chest protrude attractively.
"No. Why would I be mad?" you respond distractedly.
"Because.......I fell asleep." Changkyun pauses to stretch his arms over his head midsentence.
"You came here straight from the airport babe...after an 18-hour flight." you point out, now leaning against the headboard and shamelessly admiring his body as he woke himself up fully.
After rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck, Changkyun lets out a strained sigh before plopping back against his pillow again. You smirk at how he did all of that for nothing.
"And you're obviously still tired so..." you trail off, not even wanting to finish your sentence since it would add insult to injury.
"Nope! I'm up...I'm up... Tired or not, we only have half a day left together.." Changkyun groans tiredly, his words muffled slightly as he rubbed his hands over his face again in an attempt to wipe the sleepiness away. 
"Not really. I mean I'll be here for as long as you all are in Miami." you shrug and Changkyun wrinkles his nose in disagreement.
"Yeah but then I'll be too busy or too tired to spend time with you. It'll be more nights like last night. Coming in late and going to bed soon after." he almost whines. The guilt and regret in his tone are enough to make you feel like a turd for showing any signs of disappointment.
He really was working hard and the distance wasn't just hard on you. He missed you too and when this opportunity for you to be together came about, he was more excited than you to board that flight.
"Hey.....I knew what I signed up for. I'll be here for as long as you are. If that means the bulk of our alone time is to be spent in bed, laying together, I'm ok with that." you shrug, actually believing what you were saying for once.
Changkyun squints at you incredulously.
"You sure?"
You nod at him with a soft smirk.
"It can deal with it. One of the few of cons being with you."
At that, Changkyun's eyes widen in offense and amusement.
"Cons??? ....with an 's'? As in plural? More than one?" he asks, his tone climbing with each question. You laughed at his expression and roll your eyes as you moved to get up from the bed.
"Oooh, yea. You think being IM's secret lil girlfriend is a walk in the park?" you toss over your shoulder on your way across the suite. Changkyun sits up just enough to watch your thickly toned legs move as you walked, keying in on the way the shirt you wore barely concealed your ass cheeks beneath it.
"I mean. Not really but..." he murmurs, trailing off and tilting his head to get a different view of your curvaceous body.  From up close and under the covers, Changkyun hadn't realized you were basically naked underneath that loosely fit shirt. Well, his loosely fit shirt. One of the many you'd sifted through from his luggage. It was always comforting to have his scent on your skin, even when he was laying next to you.
Knowing now that you were naked made any trace of jet lag or fatigue fade, waking up other parts of him as he watched you venture across the room in the direction of the outlet where your phone was charging.
Your nudity is further confirmed when you bend over thoughtlessly to pick it up, exposing your naked ass and the slit of your lips to him for only a second. As you stand and turn to the side, the shape of your full breasts and nipples poke through the thin fabric, and Changkyun stares shamelessly as you checked for any missed notifications.
God, he loved your body.
Dreamt of it almost every moment he wasn't with you in Korea.
Spent countless nights envisioning it as he stroked himself repeatedly, calling your name as he came in his hand, and doing his best to ignore the heartache he felt once the haze faded.
But now, you weren't just a beautiful part of his imagination.
You were here.
A few seconds pass and you were making your way back to join Changkyun in bed, mindlessly texting away in response to your friends that had been checking in with you since landing in Miami. As you resumed your spot beside him, Changkyun watched you settle back against the pillows with your phone still in hand. He drags his bottom lip between his teeth while you sent your final text, setting the phone aside on the nearby dresser.
You felt his eyes on you immediately and glance over with a smirk.
"What?" you perk your brow. For a moment Changkyun doesn't respond, only dragging his heated gaze over your body appreciatively. His mouth shrugs innocently before laying his head back down against his pillow.
"Oh, nothing...Hey, why is it that every time you move...I suddenly have the strongest craving for peaches....." he asks randomly.  You grunt softly in amusement at his question and shake your head.
"You probably just smell me. I took a long shower before you woke up..." you shrug nonchalantly, not expecting Changkyun's interest to be peaked by the small fact.
"Foreal?..come here?"
Without warning, Changkyun reaches out to pull you towards him by the neck. He nuzzles you playfully while inhaling the sweet scent of your clean skin, making you giggle and push back against him.
"Now you know I'm ticklish..." you complain lightly while trying to escape his hold, only encouraging Changkyun to pull you into him tighter and chuckle mischievously against your skin.
His lips were pillow soft on your neck, the tip of his nose brushing just beneath your jawline as he inhaled the soft peaches and cream scent. His new favorite smell on you next to his. His hands held the fabric of his shirt firmly, trapping you against his body as he kissed up and over your jaw until his lips were on yours.
He tasted surprisingly fresh despite having woken up a few minutes ago and you allowed yourself to melt into him with every luscious peck. He sucks at your bottom lip before taking it between his teeth, making you moan at the sting.
He releases it to resume the languid dance between your tongues, sighing in contentment as his hands snuck beneath the shirt covering your body. The moment he touches your bare skin, you flinch in reaction to the chills they inspired as if electricity flowed through his fingers.
He squeezes your hip and allows his grip to travel lower to cup your ass cheek, pushing the shirt higher from your body.
"Take it off.." he whispers against your lips and you immediately comply, pulling away so that you could pull the loose shirt over your head. The moment it's gone, Changkyun's mouth is on you again. Starting at your lips, he pecks them softly before returning to your neck. His hands glided up your waist as he moved to guide you back against the mattress.
You allow him to dominate you gently, sinking into the pillows and opening your legs as he settled between them. The weight of his body is comforting and your hands stroke the skin of his back as his lips traveled downward.
The middle of your throat.
The center of your chest.
Over your left nipple briefly. Then to the right.
As he sucked the pebbled flesh into his mouth, you grind your body against that stiffness in his underwear. He was hard and thicker than you remembered if that were even possible.
You angled your hips in a way that makes the fabric between your bodies seem thinner than air and Changkyun groans with your nipple still caught between his lips. He pulls away to flick his tongue over it a few more times before abandoning it to attend to the annoying shred of clothing blocking him.
He settles between your legs and takes a moment to admire you beneath him. You blush under his gaze, feeling it hover over the swelling pink flesh between your legs.
He wastes no time in scooting down to push them back and smother the heat thar gathered with his mouth and tongue. You gasp on contact, eyes already rolling back at the feeling of Changkyun's tongue sliding sinuous flat licks over your folds.
The warmth of his opened mouth kisses on your clit has you moaning softly to the ceiling and Changkyun digs his fingers into the meat of your thighs as he ate.
His deft tongue plunges inside of you while his thumb rubs rhythmically over your clit, just the way he remembered you loved it. His eyes are on you, watching you bite your lip and screw your eyes shut with the struggle of holding on.
Suddenly, your fuse is blown and in an explosion of colorful language, you came all over Changkyun's waiting tongue. He presses his thumb against the hood of your clit while your walls twitched and pulsed around him, savoring the taste of your climax with a satisfied groan.
You were still panting when he pulled his mouth away from your pussy and the mattress bounces slightly as he sat up on his knees.
The print beneath his shorts was prominent as fuck and Changkyun hurriedly frees himself from its captivity. Your eyes immediately fall on his dick as he pushed his black Balenciaga boxer briefs down his toned thighs.
He's already got you wet and wanting him, legs still spread wide to accommodate his body.
There's an unspoken plea between the two of you and Changkyun responds to it by grasping your thighs and pulling you towards him over the sheets. In the same movement, the tip of his dick slides past your entrance and stretches you well until you're pressed firmly against his pelvis.
From here, he goes in. Mindlessly fucking you like there's no tomorrow. As if all of his frustrations from being away from you, having to love you from a distance, wishing he could be inside of you every night, were all being channeled through him.
Boosting his stamina.
Feeding his need to make you call his name.
Which you did. Over and over as he drove your body back up to the head of the bed.
You felt so good. Warm and wet. Tight and welcoming. It was like you were made for him and the distance hadn't affected a thing. Muscle memory molded you around his thick shaft and you took every inch of him like you were designed to do. His forehead was pressed against yours, noses touching and mouths agape as his rhythm hastened. Your walls were clenching at his pressure hungrily and your voice was reduced to barely audible yelps.
Your body trembled endlessly as you reached your climax and Changkyun smiled wolfishly against your parted lips.
"Yep, that's it. Gimme that shit, baby. Let it go.." he coaxed and praised you through the mind-numbing orgasm he rewarded you with. He continues pounding into you until tears pooled from your eyes and you weren't sure if you'd cum again from the sheer overstimulation.
All you knew was that everything he did, every move and rasped word he spoke, he was pushing you higher than you ever thought you could go.
Holding you close, Changkyun rolled his hips into you feverishly until he was stalling out. An unbearably sexy groan escapes his lips when he came deep inside of you and you took every drop of him with pleasure, squeezing him as he stroked you to his completion.
"Fuuuuck, I missed you...I missed you so much.." his husky deep voice whispers lovingly in your ear and you moan softly in response as he pressed himself deep inside of you for emphasis.
"I love you...fuck, I love you..." he continued, his voice almost breaking with the known profession. As he comes down with his face buried in your neck, Changkyun plants a series of lazy wet kisses over your sweat-coated skin.
When his teeth graze that same ticklish spot, you giggle and shy away from him. He grumbles in protest but promptly ceases his tease to rest his head on the pillow you shared.
He remains inside of you, his body weight nearly smothering you. But you didn't care.
Because being with him in any way felt like heaven.
And you were happy to die...
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*sigh* hes so FFFFFFFFFOYNE
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sketchfanda · 7 months
A Little Moxxie Love:Kinky Kiki
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Within the late evening of Imp City, it was pretty much time for most save for the night owls to call it a day and start closing up shop. Business hours over and closing time for a few and that especially applied to the non-chalant building that housed both the offices of IMP and the personal recording studio of THE Verosika Mayday. Save for two stragglers of course who were in late, one of whom we find ourselves with at this very moment. The more petite but still quite sexy member of the succubus popstar's entourage known as Kiki.
The perky stringbean sex demon sat on a bare counter top glaring at her cellphone with absolute spite, eyes narrowed and glowing venomously at the text she'd received. Just the sort of news she didn't need but of course what'd this asshole know and care? There was this private little rave party happening down in Lust City tonight and the guy she'd lined up as her Plus One date claimed he had cancel, literally last minute!! She couldn't be bothered to care what excuse he had given as she deleted the message and blocked his number, taking him out from her contacts entirely.
Sometimes you had to make it clear that when it came to Verosika''s girls, you only had one shot with a good first impression and did this chump ever blow it big time. Locking and closing the studio up as she stepped out, the doors shut as she made plans to maybe give the party a miss and maybe binge-watch some porn to get off to except if it was from Valentino, that guy was a dirtbag even if some of the stuff with Angeldust was quality material. The succu-bitch's mental musing interrupted as she found she wasn't the only one who'd been stuck working late as she stood waiting for the elevator, looking over her shoulder to see a certain imp humming as he had finished closing and locking up the doors for I.M.P's office, a folder stock of papers under one arm as he now stood beside her waiting for the lift. No doubt the little dude got stuck with the last minute day's workload to sort out, knowing his luck and going by what she could remember about Verosika's shall we say, less than favourable opinion of her ex, said little dude's boss.
Not that she felt the need to pry into his personal business of course, the sweet little possum seemed more than used to Blitzo's antics, as the pair stood in comfortable silence side by side as they waited for the elevator. Moxxie humming a little tune, whistling in between while Kiki would glance at him in between browsing her phone as the succubus groupie wondered if maybe the little guy might be considerate enough to take up being her plus one for the rave. After all when opportunity came knocking with a chance to do the horizontal tango with the imp stud that rocked Verosika Mayday's world, you'd do well sure to make sure to seize it. Kiki of course mulled it over in her brain as the duo stepped into the elevator soon as it dinged its arrival, the doors opening as she pushed the button for the ground floor.
It was all going about as routine as an elevator ride could get of course, the dull music piping and chiming in through the speakers as the cubicle made it was way down the shaft. Moxxie being the polite little gentleman he was of course doing his best not to stare at Kiki, not that you could blame after what had happened in the studio before the whole spring Break fiasco. The petite, perky succubus of course pressing her thighs together as she felt them all soaked and sticky, just being this close to the little stud imp was getting her horny. Memories of that video she'd watched over and over, the fantasies shared back and forth between herself, Milky, Coco and Apple, to say nothing of the scent of sex she could detect off of him.
It was somewhere between a few hours to days but in her eyes, it was akin to a Yautja's visual spectrum as she could pick up the distinct aura and flavours of Moxxie's liaisons. From the constant fresh perfume of his wife and that moody Hellhound to Verosika herself, who knew the little dude was such an erotic dynamo. It was taking much willpower to resist pouncing on him and finally have herself a ride on the Moxxie thrill ride, deciding to bite the bullet and ask him out to the rave, the imp and succubus fumbled a bit a the elevator car shook a bit before coming to a half as its lights dimmed slightly. Just their luck, seems a glitch had caused them to wind up stuck and who knows how long they'd be stuck in here for.
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Fortunately between their cells and the elevator's emergency phone, they were able to ensure help would be on the way but for all Kiki knew, the rave would be halfway done if not long since over by the time they got out. What's more, this damn box as getting hotter by the minute and she was getting hornier, the scent from Moxxie intensifying as she could practically feel herself going into heat. Struggling as she fidgeted about trying not to touch herself, all the while that adorkable possum tried to kill any pending awkward silence with small talk. Unaware for the time being that Kiki was an erotic ticking timebomb that could go off a any moment, really such a sweetheart being stuck in an elevator with a succubus and he's not even trying to force himself on her, small wonder he was named Moxxie.
Moxxie:*Humming away as he browsed his phone, the folder of paperwork kept tucked away in a corner as he looked for a topic to pass the time. Figuring Kiki wasn't one for anything related to politics either or boring junk like that, all the while not yet realising she was looking ready to pounce and ride him for some hot, sweaty babymaking.*"Soooooooo..........how about the weather huh? Think it might rain later today?"*In her current state of arousal of course, bless the sweet little possum's infernal heart of gold, all it would take for a succubus like Kiki is any chance to respond the with a flirt or a double entendre. But at the volume of bitch in heat state she was in right now, subtlety was going right out the goddamn window.*
Kiki:*Silently hisses, erotically biting her lower lip as she felt a shuddering tingle run up along her spine at hearing Moxxie's sweet little voice. Eyes half-lidded as she looked at him with sensual desire, giggling and purring as she leaned in close to him, her warm breath in his ear.*"Mhmm, you know what? I'm so fucking wet right now...." *The sheer rapture she felt his reaction, the look of shock and surprise on his adorable face was just delicious but as not as delicious as she found his lips as she pressed her own to them. Capturing them in a sloppy passionate kiss as her tongue invaded his mouth, making it more than clear that she was Down to Fuck.*
It wasn't like Moxxie was giving much resistance, much as Kiki's blunt and very direct statement had shocked and caught him off guard because after all in his experience? As the old chestnut of wisdom goes, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade and in Moxxie's case? He was making some very erotic lemonade right about now as his and the succubus in heat's clothing was soon scattered about the elevator interior's floor. The sweet little imp sex machine backed up against a corner as Kiki knelt on the floor practically suffocating herself with the intense fellatio she was giving his cock.
Really now it wasn't like she was in the mood for foreplay when the chance to finally have herself a ride on the Moxxie Love XXXpress presented itself like this, after sleepless nights of masturbating to that video and the passionate wet dreams. Pink glowing hearts of lust dancing in her eyes as she bobbed her head like a piston, deepthroating his length and girth with sloppy desire. Drowing that shaft in her drool as her lips touched the base and balls as she sucked and blew on it, the tastebuds of her tongue dazzled by the flavour of his pre as it poured and flowed down her throat. Pussy dribbling as juices rained down to a growing puddle on the floor which only intensified as her lover boi grasped her horns and began pumping and thrusting his quite gifted hips like a jackhammer for a powerful facefuck.
As if the succu-bitch in heat thought she couldn't get any hornier from this oral preview of the spine tingling pleasure her pussy would come to receive, she was more than delighted to be proven wrong when the moment arrived. A mind shattering orgasm rocking her nerves from head to toe, brain drowning in delicious ecstasy from the moment that length and girth penetrated her sloppy, wet slit. Inches of that womb hammering, pussy filling veiny piece of demonic heaven hitting all the right nerves as it sunk in deeper as she mounted Moxxie cowgirl style, keeping the compact little love machine on the elevator flor as she rode the tidal wave of pleasure. Before proceeding to finally start working her hips as she began to bounce and ride that shaft, their confinement cube shaking and echoing with her cries and moans of lust and passion as she began building up momentum.
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Momentum which only began to skyrocket in the best possible ways when the sweet little possum of her wet dreams began to assert dominance as he grabbed her toned hips and began to pump and piston his pelvis like a jackhammer. Making her see stars as she found her erotic rodeo intensifying with every thrust, her perky tits bouncing and her well toned ass feeling those golf ball sized baby makers smack against them. Were she to look down, there wasn't any doubt she'd see her usually smooth stomach swollen with a bump indicating the depth and reach of Moxxie's length and girth rising up and down as he took her to satisfaction avenue and back. And she was loving every fuck damn second of this as she felt herself getting a rushing buzz packing more punch than a swig of Beelze-juice!!
And it only got better as not only was she getting more orgasms than she could keep track or count of but Moxxie was proving first hand what an absolute stamina machine he was. Putting her through a variety of positions before the rush of him blowing his load hit, flooding and painting her womb while that amazing cock of his didn’t get anywhere near soft or limp. But oh was he also good with his hands and his tongue as the elevator became flooded with the scent and stains of animalistic, pornographic mating. Echoing with moans of pleasure and the primal rhythm of skin slapping on skin.
From being pinned down in a mating press to taking it from behind doggy style for as long as her arms and legs could hold her up to the thrill of being pinned up against the wall. Arms and legs wrapped around her compact little possum love machine as that quite strong for its size body pounded away into her sloppy, flooded her still eager pussy. Noticeable love bites and marks especially around her petite yet perky tits showing that the little guy really knew how to enjoy a woman no matter her body shape and size. The succubus and imp sharing one final simultaneous orgasm together after god knows how many minutes if not an hour or more of fucking like animals finally caught up to them.
This sweet little intimate climax of course coming in the shape and form of Moxxie sitting up against the elevator wall opposite it’s doors as he grasped Kiki’s waist. The lust fuelled and well fed succubus bouncing snd riding him reverse cowgirl, as those thrusting balls smacked her clit before they shuddered and groaned as her nectar slrsyed and soaked his lap while her womb once again found itself filling up with that baby batter of his. The duo panting as they relaxed to bask in the afterglow, Kiki looking over her shoulder at the cute lover boi who rocked her world as she leaned in to give him a tender yet sensual kiss as thanks. Their brief soft make out interrupted as the ding that signalled the elevator landing and it’s doors opening caught their attention.
Revealing none other than Verosika, Tex, Loona and Millie on the ground floor outside along with a rather cute little lady custodian imp who tried and failed to cover her eyes at the naked pair. Tex of course tiled his head, saying nothing but humming a sound that implied he was impressed at what a feat the little dude no doubt managed to pull off. Loona was herself as ever, non chalant in snapping a picture on her phone but if you were to read her body language like the way she bit her lower lip and rubbed her thighs, you could tell she was turned on. Verosika of course looked amused who,e a millie looked quite giddy at this erotic crime scene they were just witnessing as Moxxie and Kiki felt like deers in the headlights.
Verosika:”Well who needs a rave in Lust town when you clewrly had a more fun party here….”*The pop star turned to the janitor who was still struggling with trying not to peep. Key word trying.*”So don’t suppose we ca egt a copy of the security tape here can we?”*All and all, Kiki had to say her boss was right. Best laid plans were all well and good but getting LAID like this was Way more fun…*
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syntia13treeman · 6 months
Case files 10.01
what I think happened in:
Case 10.01, the case of "Cursed Pygmalion" or "How I stopped worrying and started fearing for my life instead"
In 1994 Channel Six hired Niger Dickerson to host night variety show, nicknamed "Nigel’s SOS," (short for "Nigel Dickerson presents Saturdays on Six,"), where Nigel was 'held prisoner' by mysterious off-screen "Mr. Six", and played pranks on his guests. The prank always concluded with the guests being informed that they "got berried" and receiving a raspberry trophy.
In 1996, as part of the prank, a character of Mr. Bonzo was created (Nigel designed the look, nobody can really remember who came up with that name*)
The first guest confronted with Mr. Bonzo, chef Gordon Ramsey Gotard Rimbaeu was so freaked out, he broke the actors arm with a frying pan (allegedly**).
After that the actors (allegedly**) wearing Bonzo's suit would change frequently. Playing the role has become sort of rite of passage for the newbies on set.
Bonzo's role also changed overtime. From a jumpscare he went to become the show's mascot, to eventually replace Mr. Six as Nigel's 'jailer'. He was a hit with target audience, the merch was selling, they even started building a themepark… and then everything changed, when Terrance Menki attacked got caught.
Who is Terrance Menki? Apparently a serial killer, whose gimmick was killing in cosplay, presumably different one each time, as he had a whole wardrobe of costumes. Just bad luck that when he got caught with his 11th victim, he was wearing a knock-off Bonzo suit. (It wasn't even a good knock-off, all the colours were backwards!)
Alas, the press immediately dubbed him the "Bonzo Butcher", the public ate it up, and Mr. Bonzo's public image was ruined. Shortly afterwards, on 3rd March 2000 the Bonzoland was closed (ARG exclusive information), "Nigel's SOS" was cancelled, and Nigel was left to deal with hate-mail and death threats, despite having nothing to do with the whole mess (allegedly).
That would be the end of the story, except… between 2016 and 2021 there were at least 3 murders where Mr. Bonzo was (allegedly) seen at the scene.
When asked about in an interview conducted by Geraldine in August 2021, Nigel Dickerson categoricity denied it refused to comment on any potential Bonzo involvement in any crime.
Considering that he'd been living in Mr. Bonzo's house for the past [number unknown] years, his claims of ignorance and innocence fall rather flat.
The most recent Bonzo sighting was not reported on Saturday night, 09th of March 2024, when Gwendolym Bouchard, acting on behalf of OIAR, handed over an envelope containing (reportedly***) a name and address. Mr. Bonzo graciously accepted and chewed said envelope in his NOT SOFT teeth and lumbered into the night.
More news next Thursday at 5pm. For now let's speculate a bit:
*If Nigel didn't come up with Bonzo's name, and his producer Rich didn't come up with the name… then who did? I won't say it's impossible that it was just some random intern that Nigel couldn't be bothered to remember, but… Names are important. Names have power. Maybe something was trying to manifest itself, and started with giving itself a name?
**Where there ever actually any actors inside Bonzo suit? There are a few possibilities: a) it's been all Bonzo all along – it would go well with Bonzo naming himself, but otherwise I think it's unlikely. It's possible that: b) there only ever was one, very unlucky actor. When the Britain's snootiest chef attacked him with a pan, he did more than just break the poor man's arm. The actor died in the costume, and stayed in the costume, and just… kept going in the costume. This is macabre enough origin story to be plausible, but I'm gonna say nah. I think that: c) SOS really had their little ritual, where a stream of very tired, minimal wage studio workers had to run around in the suit until the next loser was hired. This is too easily verifiable for Nigel to lie about. I bet there were little 'behind the scenes' documentaries during the show's golden era, where Jack the stagehand and Joe the janitor bitched in polite British about how much of a pain in the neck it was.
So at what point did the actors become unnecessary? When and how was current day Mr. Bonzo born? I think it was a process that started with the name, but ended shortly after his show was cancelled. Over the years of popularity, as more and more people thought of Bonzo as a character (or a person) more than a funny suit, Bonzo was becoming less and less of just a funny suit. When the costume no longer had actors to animate it, it decided to animate itself. And because at that time the Bonzo-mania turned to Bonzo-hate, instead of chaotic but largely harmless creature he could have been, he became… well. Something that a shady government organization apparently uses as a hitman.
And here I need to ask an important question: What the fuck was up with that? Joking. (Though I wish to know how do you even discover you can do that). (***and did the envelope really contain name and address? Did Gwen check? Does she remember the name?)
The question is: who is the unlucky person, about to receive a lethal blast of the 90s nostalgia? Will we ever even know? (Will we know tomorrow, 11.04.2024, when Celia clicks on the newest case and hears an emergency call from someone fleeing for their life from a 'guy in a weird costume?')
Other question: how long has Nigel been held hostage in his own house (sorry – Bonzo's house) and just how sorry should I feel for him? He seemed pretty unconcerned about the actor with broken arm, and about Bonzo running off into the night to do murder, but I imagine that living in constant shadow of Mr Bonzo is pretty stressful and doesn't leave much room for empathy, so… I don't know. I'm gonna wait and see.
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onthatbkdkbs · 2 months
bloodsport pt 1
bkdk x tlou crossover
warnings: dark themes, violence, bkg's mouth
At some point in his life, Katsuki must have known happiness. Simple things might have brought him joy. Chasing butterflies out in the fields, for instance. The trading of shiny Action Hero cards passed between sticky, chubby hands. A gapped tooth smile under a constellation of freckles and big green eyes that beamed at him like he was the brightest star in the galaxy. Like he was someone worth looking up to.
That was Then. This is Now.
The eye peeking up at him now through a careless tear in the funeral hood is dull and empty. No life left inside, another future snuffed out. Just a kid, tiny and broken in Katsuki's arms. A kid wearing white sneakers, the once-pristine fabric scuffed from impacts and streaked with blood. Maybe twenty years ago it would've been mud instead, shoes ruined running from other children on playgrounds instead of brain-dead monsters in alleyways. Maybe he would have smiled big and often, eyes bright instead of glassy with death. Maybe, maybe, maybe. Maybe, what if, could’ve been. It's all pointless. No sense in dwelling on it. 
"How old were you again when the outbreak hit?" Kirishima asks this of him after their late afternoon corpse disposal shift. They're out behind the gritty apartment complex situated near the ass end of the QZ shithole they call home, sitting pressed up against the cooling brick and passing a smoldering joint back and forth. Katsuki wishes the smoke would choke him, choke them both, just so he wouldn't have to answer. No such luck. His next hit passes smoothly, not even offering a cough of delay. Katsuki's head swims with the high, but his body still feels like lead.
Katsuki throws the body into the pyre without another glance and hauls the next from the backend of the pickup, his movements mechanical and thoughtless. He is as empty as that child's eyes as they boil inside their sockets. 
"Ten," he answers, flatly. He'd been too young to fully grasp the gravity of the changing world around him, but old enough to catch on quickly. "You?" 
He doesn't care. It doesn't matter. But he passes the joint back and listens anyway as Kirishima sighs out a puff of smoke and nostalgia and says, "same. Man, I wish we'd had more time. Back then, I used to think the world was such a cool place. Everything was exciting. Anything could be fun."
What he doesn't have to say is: now nothing is. Everything went to shit, about twenty years back. Everything changed, and now nothing will. All of humanity stuck, fucked, and out of luck. The two of them have their own ways of dealing with it, and one of Kirishima's favorites seems to be reminiscing on 'the good old days' like the old fogeys that brew hooch and spend their nights bitching over sour drinks in the complex basement.
Perish the fucking thought. Katsuki would honestly rather get bitten.
The dwindling joint is passed back to him. He pinches it off with two roughened fingers to pocket the roach for later, grumbling and eager to change the subject. Nothing good ever comes of talking about this shit. "Deal still going through tonight?" 
"Should be." 
"How much again?" 
Kirishima sighs, dusting off his work jeans without a word and climbing to his feet. Katsuki does the same, the two of them meandering side by side through the maze of alleys and back into the dilapidated lobby of their living quarters. With their reputations neither of them is particularly worried, but they still keep close-ranked as they walk, shoulder to shoulder, eyes sharp. Never know who might be waiting around the corner. Desperate people do desperate things, and if there's one thing they all have in common nowadays, it's desperation. 
Hence, their reputations. Hence, the deal. Hence, Kirishima crouching on the scuffed hardwood when they make it up three flights of stairs and back into their tiny, bare-bones studio apartment, pressing down on the hidden seam of their hidey hole to better take stock of their inventory the second the door is bolted behind them. The floorboards creak angrily in protest as they're cracked open. The distant part of Katsuki that still rages deep down inside wants to screech profanities in commiseration.
"The guy wants 15 of the oxy and a gram of kush. Says he'll meet us by the old outlet mall over on 10th at midnight."
Katsuki sucks an annoyed breath through his teeth. As if he doesn't have anything better to do at 12 AM during the work week. Maybe like actually fucking sleeping? The nerve of military shit-bags. Still, he doesn't get a vote. He mumbles out an affirmative and pads over to the sad, beige couch stuffed in one corner, plopping down with a soft huff.
"Dude, are you taking a nap?" 
Katsuki grinds his teeth but swallows a sharp response, like maybe how it should be perfectly fucking obvious that that's exactly what he's doing. None of this is Kirishima's fault. Ten years ago Katsuki might have taken his frustrations out on him anyway, but he's grown since then. Now he understands that there's no fucking point. Instead he throws a half-hearted glare at their water-stained ceiling and shuts his eyes, offering not a word. 
Too bad Kirishima is persistent. He doesn't even wait a whole minute before he's pestering him again, stressing, "the ration line is only open another half hour, man. We'll only get scraps but it's better than nothing. C'mon and let's go eat."
He grunts. "Not hungry."
Katsuki cracks one eye open, some of his old ire peeking through. He's tired. He just wants to sleep. He doesn't want to argue, which is unusual for him in general but quickly becoming a familiar feeling. "Fuckin' go without me. I told you, I'm not. Hungry. Jesus. Can you hear anything past that thick skull of yours or do I need to repeat myself?" 
“Loud and clear, bro,” Kirishima answers with only a hint of hurt, thick-skinned enough that he takes Katsuki's bullshit with relative ease. It's something Katsuki usually appreciates about the guy, but today he almost wishes he'd pick a fight. 
No such luck. Kirishima gives him one last lingering look of concern and takes his leave, closing the door softly behind him. Katsuki sighs, rolls onto his side to try and get more comfortable on their ugly, misshapen couch, and falls asleep within minutes. He really was tired.
When he wakes up some odd number of hours later, it's to the twist of the deadbolt sliding home. Katsuki hums and rolls towards the sound, blinking open his eyes just in time to be blinded by Kirishima flipping on the lights. His fuckin’ luck.
“Shit,” he hisses, pained and squinting at the bright red mess atop Kirishima's head that he calls hair as his eyes try to adjust to the abrupt and unwelcome assault against his retinas. “The hell? Are you just now getting back? Time’s it?” The world outside the windows is as literally dark as it is metaphorically, so he must've been gone for hours. Katsuki is groggy as all hell, but he still swings his legs over the couch and sits his ass up. The look he catches on Kirishima’s face when he can finally fucking see again tells him that it's almost time for business. 
He isn't nervous, not exactly. Kirishima is too steady for that. It's that he's wary. They're careful, but unless you’re an idiot, you know surviving out here is more about luck than skill. Any time they have to go out at night for a deal is a big risk, and one they don't take lightly. Kirishima is especially grave about it, eager for them to keep their lives. 
Katsuki, on the other hand, mostly thinks that as long as he's not coming back as one of those things, he probably wouldn't mind losing his. Not to say that he's reckless. He wouldn't risk Kirishima that way. 
“Sorry, man,” the idiot himself replies, grinning sheepishly with a telling flush on his cheeks, “got caught up at Mina's. It's half past 11, so we should probably get going if we wanna make it over there in time.”
Katsuki grunts, already hunching over to pull on his boots. He'd have preferred to be awake about a half hour ago, to feel more prepared for this bullshit, but he can't begrudge his partner time with his girl. At least, not after feeling a little guilty about being so shitty to him all the time. And knowing, despite that guilt, that he'll likely still be shitty to him tomorrow.
The next twenty-five minutes are studded with anticipation. They check their gear, pack their stash, check their gear a second time, and then sneak out. They're quiet as they move down the stairs and out the back door into the alley; they're silent as they make their way through the streets, only the dim building lamps and the light of the moon to guide them. They hold their breath and avoid one, two, three goddamn patrols, working their way around the southern edge of the city and up along the west center. And then the mall looms tall and ominous before them, their surroundings abruptly much darker than the more residential quadrant they'd just been skulking around in. It's obvious to anyone with eyes that no one is supposed to be here.
What's probably less obvious, at least to anyone that doesn't either guard the QZ or routinely creep along its underbelly, is that this area is hardly ever checked up on. It's an admittedly good spot to meet up for shady dealings since it's outside the residential zones and the Feds are understaffed as it is, nevermind how lazy a lot of those bastards are. But it being a smart place to meet doesn't negate the fact that all this is a huge pain in the ass. Katsuki would complain about the paranoid-as-shit guards if he wasn't just as bad himself. 
“10th is around the corner,” Kirishima whispers, just loudly enough for Katsuki to hear. He nods and they make their way over down a sidestreet, alert for any shuffle of soles along the pavement, or whispers of fabric behind the drooping fences lining the street. It's eerily silent, which should be assuring but is oddly the opposite. Something doesn't feel right.
Before he can relay this gut instinct to Kirishima, however, there's a yell. They both freeze, figuring they're caught out, but then the yell comes again, along with the sudden realization that it's echoing from inside the mall. 
“Fuck this, let's go,” Katsuki says, already turning to bolt. This isn't his problem, and he isn't a hero.
The issue is, Kirishima doesn't seem to agree with the sentiment. He's rushing forward on fast feet before Katsuki even gets a goddamn step in the other direction. And even though it goes against every ounce of common sense Katsuki carries around inside his head (unlike SOME PEOPLE), and against all the instinct buzzing underneath his skin like a hive of angry, stinging wasps, Katsuki gives himself just a quarter of a second to think ‘holy motherfucking hell, I'm gonna to kill this hard-headed idiot’ as viciously as he can and then darts after him. 
They sweep into the building through a gaping hole in the concrete wall, sticking close and reaching to their belts for the weapons they hide along their waistbands. Katsuki feels a little steadier with the engraved grip of his gun pressing into his hand, but he's still buzzing with enough adrenaline and anger that he's trembling. If looks could kill, Kirishima would've dropped dead before they'd even made it inside. He can't believe they're doing this. 
But they're fucking committed now, and so Katsuki puts his all into finding this apparent damsel that Kirishima is convinced he needs to save from their distress. 
It doesn't take long. By the time they get a few dozen feet through the concourse they hear a thud and someone crying out from inside the trashed tech store on their right, which they creep over to as quietly as they can, crouching low. Katsuki peeks his head up over the busted windows, eyes wild and looking for trouble. His finger gently hooks itself over the trigger of his gun, itching to squeeze.
There. By the registers along the back. It's hard to see, the store lit only by a hastily placed oil lamp on one of the neighboring wall shelves, but he can barely make out the stark white FEDRA logo printed on the back of the guard's standard issue bulletproof vest, and then he sees someone else on the floor, lying supine with their hands up. The angle is fucked so he can't make out much of the person's face, but he thinks he sees dirt or something across their cheek in the imitation of freckles. The guard has the muzzle of his semi-automatic pointed right at them. 
“Spill it, shithead,” the FEDRA fuck is saying in a lazy drawl. He ain't worried. He thinks he has this in the bag, whatever he's trying to accomplish. That much is obvious. “Where're the rest of you rats hiding in here?” 
“N-nowhere,” the person replies, warbly and unconvincing. Sounds like a dude, albeit one with an oddly sweet voice. “It's just me, I swear!”
Of course, like Katsuki, FEDRA fuck doesn't buy it. “Right, okay. And I'm the Emperor of Japan.” His body lurches forward a little and the dude on the ground lets out a quiet grunt of pain. Stepping on him somewhere. A wound, probably. Katsuki cuts a glance to Kirishima and they both inch through the doorway on silent feet. This is gonna go south fast, so they need to make their move. “You wanna try that again, Freckles? I've got somewhere to be, so if you make this quick for me maybe I'll recommend they only throw you in prison, not in front of a firing squad.” 
Freckles blubbers something else, but Katsuki isn't listening anymore. He's lifting his weapon, lining up the shot with the back of FEDRA fuck’s stupid, unprotected head and squeezing the trigger. The silencer on the end of his gun muffles the shot to a soft hiss, and the guy drops like a sack of rotten potatoes. Freckles scrambles away with a low cry, trying to avoid being crushed by the body. 
“Nice shot,” Kirishima murmurs next to him. Katsuki grunts his thanks.  
“Oh, my god,” Freckles whimpers from his heap on the floor in front of them, hand to his chest and breathing hard. “I really thought I was a goner. Leader? Is that you back there? I'm sorry you had to save me.” 
Katsuki opens his mouth to answer, say he isn't anyone's fuckin’ leader, but he doesn't get the chance to. The door at the back wall that he assumes leads to the employee break room opens, and out walks his fucking brother. 
"Wasn't me," Kudo says. His eyes somehow meet Katsuki's identical ones dead on through the gloom, and he smiles. "Looks like you've got another hero on your side tonight. Stand up and say hello, Izuku."
Oh, fucking WHAT??
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