#good question b/c ur right
Hbvnfyvjv can you tell I watch game theory- I love overanalyzing stuff I'm not surprised it was a little inaccurate- “there’s also just some things i wanna keep secret for now…” I'm very intrigued 👀 also dumb question, how do They eat with no mouths? Do they just absorb the food? Do They need to eat? If you threw a packet of biscuits at them would they eat it plastic and all? I have questions but they're not the right ones probably- -🌟
hehe 😈
hmmm well for now i'll just say that it has no mouths on any of its' faces, and len monitors it in case it needs anything
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lmaoooo i mean it would be hard to miss the fact four of your fellow students went missing, everyone starts talking about it after it gets concerning how long they've been gone
she did know them before their disappearances, but obviously wasn't as close to them as len b/c, well, they were len's friends mostly and not hers.
len has a lot of different reasons for not wanting anyone else to know abt his experiment, but you can only hide so much from your sibling lol; rin isn't stupid and knows smthn's going on, yet it's also a matter of how much information can i piece together before he knows that i know
she does eventually go down there though yeah, and you'll see what happens when she does :P
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practically begging for some george luz w/ enemies to lovers. everyone always writes amazing friends to lovers but there’s sm potential w e2l !!! love ur writing btw xx
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Jokes on You (George Luz x Fem!Reader)
Requested by: anon
Summary: George Luz is a funny guy, there is absolutely no denying that. He likes making jokes, and he likes it even more when people laugh at them. So what happens when there comes a person who makes just as good jokes as George? Or maybe even better? Some enemies to lovers for y’all.
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @teenmagazines @meteora-fc @eugenesmorphine @band-of-brothers-cz @real-fans @not-john-watsons-blog @tealaquinn @ok-roemanov @mrseasycompany @punkgeekchic @wexhappyxfew @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @rayofshanshine @mavysnavy @easynix @georgeluzwarmhugs @easy-company-tradition @immrsronaldspeirs @snafus-peckuh @curraheewestandalone @warrior-healer @justamadgirlinabox @happyveday @order-of-river-phoenix @whoahersheybars @nixoninc
Warnings: like two swear words, angst in the form of Bastogne
A/N: I so suck at endings.
Cracking jokes and making people laugh is George’s thing and his only, that’s how it’s always been. He is the funny guy in the group, that’s how he likes to define himself, the funny one. But to define is to limit and George has made the mistake of limiting himself to clinging to one particular personality trait, humour.
And then Y/N came along; about four months into the boot camp Y/N got reassigned from Dog Company to Easy Company for reasons no one knew, except for Lewis Nixon perhaps. George did not start hating her per say right from the moment he met her, but ever since she beat him to the joke when watching his favourite movie he’s strongly despised her. From then on, the feelings only got stronger; she’s always making the whole Company laugh, some of the jokes even on his account which George does not like one bit, hell she even managed to make Blithe chuckle that one day after D-Day.
Y/N had no idea what she triggered by her naturally jokester nature until she had to face a very pissed off George after she blabbed some joke about some actress and then a very pissed off George is the only kind of George she has had the privilege of meeting. The woman has pondered greatly about what she could have possibly done to anger the man so, but nothing came to mind and she soon gave up. George continued and stubbornly continues to be rude to her so she should only repay his “kindness”.
After Carentan, the word of Operation Market Garden is in the air and the Allies are particularly optimistic. Easy is in the pub, celebrating its successes in the war, while some reinforcements are trying to mingle. Y/N is watching it all from behind, the old breed not wanting to socialize with the newbies at all and sometimes the situations can get truly hilarious.
Somehow, in a few minutes, she finds herself behind a table with Luz, Malarkey, Muck and other three reinforcements who are just drinking up George’s story about his valour in Normandy. Her lips itch upwards from now and then, George’s drunkenness making it all the more amusing. Y/N can tell the new guys are impressed and somewhat terrified as well and one of them puts a pin on it when he asks Luz, “And what rank are you?”
The table sits in silence for a moment, for absolutely no one expected such question, not even the other reinforcements, then Malarkey and Muck burst out laughing, almost tipping over their beers.
Y/N chuckles, reaches over, and pats the guy’s arm. “Oh c’mon, it is Private!”
That absolutely finishes off Don and Skip, Skip eventually falls off his chair, the reinforcements are now laughing too; the mood slightly more friendly and at ease than before. Not for everyone though.
George is red to his ears, as he frowns. “The joke wasn’t that good. And it’s not even true.”
Donald is hiccupping now but manages to answer, “A- a bit c- corny, yes, but f-fucking b-brilliant.”
At this point the Company is divided into two parts only, one part bets on the two of them killing each other and the other parts bets on them fucking; which it will be is truly in the stars for George and Y/N are face to face again, both of them red in the cheeks from all the anger, both of them shouting some incoherent insults, and as Penkala has put it, “See? Honestly I can really see both happening. They will either kill each other or fuck, there is absolutely nothing in between.”
But then Market Garden happens, an underestimated operation, that leaves behind too many dead than it should and when all of Easy is boarded on trucks, retreating, the company is two people short.
Bull Randleman and Y/N Y/L/N.
The officers discuss what can be done, and despite all of the men wanting to go and save the two of the best soldiers in the company, they know they can’t. And exactly that is making George Luz lose his mind. He can’t really understand why he is so restless, anxious, and downright terrified throughout the whole night; he tosses and turns, he is not able to bring himself to close his eyes.
But then in the morning he sees Y/N on the jeep next to Bull and suddenly he feels like he could fly and go to Berlin and kill Hitler, just so he could see the carefree smile on her face.
It clicks in him just then, and Malarkey pats his shoulder. “So, you’ve finally figured it out, huh?”
George turns to him, confused. “What?”
Malarkey laughs, shaking his head, and says, “Don’t play dumb with me, you idiot, I saw it just now.”
As much as George would like to answer his friend, he truly has no idea what he is talking about, and when that dawns on Donald, he offers George a sympathetic smile.
“Okay, let me put your thoughts to words, ‘cause you’re such an oblivious idiot that you probably wouldn’t figure it out by the time this motherfucking war is over,” Malarkey continues, “you don’t hate her, do you, not really.”
It is not even a question, more of a statement, and George really wants to protest, more than anything, because it is ridiculous, right?
The plan to be home by Christmas isn’t really working out for the Allies but the soldiers of Easy Company have already forgotten about those false hopes, they aren’t the ones to be bothered with when you freeze your ass off in a foxhole in the middle of a forest where the trees blow up every now and then and the place becomes a tornado.
Y/N shares a foxhole with Muck and Penkala, the trio trying to lighten up their gloomy moods with laughter. But even Y/N is running out of jokes now, so when doc Roe runs up to them, asking for scissors, she’s more than happy to go look for them with him too, the need to stretch her stiff and frozen body overpowering her whole self.
She’s just a couple of meters away from her foxhole when another German artillery attack comes and the whole forest becomes a hurricane of explosions, splinters, and blood. The soldier throws herself to the ground, crawling her way, slowly, back to her foxhole, Muck and Penkala shouting something at her she can’t hear, encouraging her to hurry up.
Dirt is everywhere, she barely can see, she covers her ears and head with her hands as another hit comes; she continues right after the explosion, crawling, crawling, crawling.
Muck and Penkala are still shouting at her, she is getting closer; Y/N can hear another artillery attack coming but this time she doesn’t stop proceeding, she knows she has to get into the foxhole soon, so she keeps on pushing.
The explosion comes. Everything goes white for a moment. The pressure wave makes her stop moving, and she is forced to close her eyes and cover her head with her hands.
She opens her eyes. There is nothing.
Seconds ago, there were two people, now there is nothing, nothing left, not a single trace that there have ever human beings stood.
Y/N can’t bring herself to move, she stares blankly into the space before her, her limbs are stiff. But then some arms grab her body, she can hear someone shouting at her.
3 seconds. That’s all it takes her to get back. She holds on to George’s arms as they run together to another foxhole, jumping right in. He immediately brings her into his body, she wraps her arms around his torso instinctively, holding onto him so tight, her head resting on his chest. George shields her body from everything outside and when the bombing finally stops, they don’t let go of each other for another few moments.
It isn’t until a few years after the war and they are married to each other, when they finally talk about what happened that day in the forest of Bois Jacques, not a day sooner. Ever since then, their relationship has been changed, both very much aware of it, neither of them brave enough to bring it up just yet.
It is in Haguenau, where they finally share a conversation. George finds her on her own, behind some building, hiding behind some sacks, looking at the river. He throws a Hershey bar into her lap and when she looks up in confusion, he offers her a warm tired smile.
“What did I do to deserve the affection of the one and only George Luz?” she tries to crack up a joke and chuckles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. George knows Y/N is exhausted beyond words.
He sits down next to her, as he opens his mouth to say something, but he rethinks it in the last second and nothing comes out. They sit out there for a few minutes, sharing the silence and strangely enough, it feels nice. George finally does not feel the need to talk all the time, the need to prove himself funny or worthy of other people’s attention.
“Have you ever been to Rhode Island?” he suddenly blurts out, surprising himself and her at the choice of the question.
Y/N smiles, doesn’t ask why or what. “No, never.”
“Then come with me.”
This time she asks what.
“After the war I mean, come home after the war with me.”
“But- but, you-“ she stutters, her cheeks slightly red, “but you hate me.”
George chuckles at that and looks at her. She has bags under her eyes that are a bit bloodshot (she hasn’t slept much in the last few days), her hair is dirty from dirt and sweat, her face has several scratches and marks, his eyes finds the most visible one just below her left cheekbone (he recalls that day in Carentan when a piece of shrapnel hit her and the wound looked way worse then it actually was for she had blood all over her left side of face, freaking out silently has never been so hard – he hadn’t known at that time what will come). He has never seen anything to maddeningly and purely beautiful as her.
“I thought I did, a very long time ago,” he says, “but actually I never did. I don’t hate you. How could I?”
Y/N looks at him and through all the pain, horror, and grief, she feels peace. It surprises her.
And so she responds, “Okay.”
“Okay what?”
“Okay, I will come home with you. How could I not?”
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if-chaos-was-a-boy · 8 days
(Spot the ocs mentioned~)
Gluten Tag [wait that’s wrong- SHH]
Anyways, do I sound enough like the message you get on a new Apple device? No? Aight, anyways…My name is Calix and I shall be your flight attendant for today around the one and only:
your cue to applaud or get second hand embarrassment
Now if you ARE reading this trainwreck, dumpster fire of a guide, you are most probably a Demigod! Or you also could be a mortal, monster, gay, god and deity but i’m not gonna list all of 'em.
Assuming you don’t know about Greek mythology, here’s a crash course!
1. Shit happened
2. Zeus happened
3.Humans happened
4. Zeus/ur godly parent happened pt 2
5. You happened!
Now, when you get to this point other than noticing that Humour is my coping mechanism, you also start realising there are people spearing each other outside!
I’m not gonna get into your schedule right now but prepare to get wounded….NOT TRYING TO SCARE YOU!
Anyways, settle in, get snug and try to read this whole ass thing.
So you’ve made it to Camp Half Blood after (maybe) fighting through several monsters and getting a shit load of trauma on the way, now what?
First thing is to get you claimed! This used to be way harder because some gods are DIC- Anyways our lord and savior Percy Jackson refused immortality and godhood to force the gods to be good parents!
So we can do this the easy way:
Your godly parent recognises you and you get claimed in 0.5 seconds
Or the hard way:
Your godly parent is sleeping on the job and we are gonna have to dunk you in several life threatening situations to jump start your powers!
Now this section is dedicated to my non-demigod fam like my sis Aeryne:
If y’all don’t have a cabin, feel free to go to the Hermes Cabin or the Hestia Cabin!
We aren’t discriminative here at CHB, if other demigods try to start shit please call extermination hotline:
A) Damien Harvennson
B) Jack Hearth
C) Lilly Darhk
They will beat the bullies’ asses.
So you get claimed and you get assigned to your cabin. Now its time for the unfun part for the introverts….
Basically, unless you’re the only child of your godly parent, you ARE gonna have half siblings.
(Shoutout to the best sister in the world, Fay)
Here’s some icebreaker questions, though your Camp Counsellor (most experienced or oldest sibling) probably has your back:
Where are you from?
How old are you?
Anyways that’s it for chapter 1, PEACE OUT
@iceweavercatlover / @debacleofdaemons
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transmutationisms · 1 year
hi! any reading you'd rec on bio politics\necro politics? i've recently gotten curious about the concepts so forgive if this is vague or not specific lol. tyy in advance ! hope ur day is good
so, the standard recs you will usually see for getting a theoretical foundation here are:
Foucault's 1978–9 lecture series at the Collège de France, "The Birth of biopolitics", and his 1975–6 series, "Society must be defended" (there are print series of his lectures) (<-these are honestly overrated as sources imho b/c foucault never fully developed these concepts. i would read lecture 11 from the 75–6 series if you absolutely feel you need some foucault, and then skip to whatever else seems interesting)
Achille Mbembe's Necropolitics (2019)
Jasbir Puar's The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability (2017)
there are also lots and lots and lots of books that use concepts of bio/necropolitics in their historical and/or political arguments. some i've enjoyed include:
Joshua Cole, The Power of Large Numbers: Population, Politics, and Gender in Nineteenth-Century France (2018: Cornell University Press)
Daniel Nemser, Infrastructures of Race: Concentration and Biopolitics in Colonial Mexico (2017: University of Texas Press)
Andrew Aisenberg, Contagion: Disease, Government, and the "Social Question" in Nineteenth-Century France (1999)
Mie Nakachi, Replacing the Dead: The Politics of Reproduction in the Postwar Soviet Union (2021: Oxford University Press)
Banu Subramaniam, Holy Science: The Biopolitics of Hindu Nationalism (2019: University of Washington Press)
Kyla Schuller, The Biopolitics of Feeling: Race, Sex, and Science in the Nineteenth Century (2017: Duke University Press)
Michela Marcatelli, Naturalizing Inequality: Water, Race, and Biopolitics in South Africa (2021: University of Arizona Press)
Ellen Amster, Medicine and the saints: science, Islam, and the colonial encounter in Morocco, 1877-1956 (2013: University of Texas Press)
Ron Broglio, Beasts of Burden: Biopolitics, Labor, and Animal Life in British Romanticism (2017: SUNY Press) (<-doubles as an introduction into why the 'animal turn' has been such a hot topic historiographically in the past 5 or 6 years)
James Duncan, In the Shadows of the Tropics: Climate, Race and Biopower in Nineteenth Century Ceylon (2007: Ashgate)
René Dietrich & Kerstin Knopf (Eds.), Biopolitics, geopolitics, life: settler states and indigenous presence (2023) (<-haven't read this yet! some of these essays look very promising)
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
My ask is! What is your fav trait or habits or like one thing which is particular to jikook which u adore or makes ur heart all mushy? It could be a moment or like particulr thing .
For me it is the way JK takes care of JM. In one run episode he puts the socks on JM. It was a simple gesture but damn that one moment made my heart melt, jimin sitting cutely like a baby while jk put on the socks . I repeatedly watched that clip, it is one of my fav jikook moments.
Thanks for this question anon. Here is something that makes me all mushy. This behaviour from JK makes me believe we have lost him and he ain't never coming back to us. He's too far gone... fr.
Jeon Jungkook is a man whipped.
Exhibit a) BTS at Atomix. It's a good restaurant, right? And I'm sure they had fun. Ate good food and what not? We know JK loves to eat, so I'm sure it was a good time. But when the infamous tkk photo was brought up months later JK only remembers that day because Jimin said "I'm sorry"
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Umm... okay. Moving on.
Exhibit b) Run BTS episode 10. It was a continuation of several episodes where they rode on ATVs, did a bunch of shit, among them, bungee jumping and we know how much JK loves that. But his favourite thing about all of that when asked, JK said;
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Again, what?
Exhibit c) When JK was asked what his most memorable thing about the Tokyo trip with Jimin was he says 😬😬😬
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I mean....
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For me this is the cringiest Jikook moment of all fucking time. I cannot watch this. I just can't. And if it comes up I watch with one eye closed because it's painful AF to witness. Especially members' reactions. Even they know JK is whipped. So Jikook go to Tokyo. Beautiful city, they moved around, they explored, even had fun on Halloween with Scream costumes and everything. They were there several days and even went to Disney where it looks like they had a blast. But this, this? Is JK's most memorable moment?! Are u kidding me? Unless "playing on his phone" is code for something else, this is whipped behaviour right there. And look how proud he is while recounting this. W.H.I.P.P.E.D i say!!
(Sidebar: JK is wearing Jimin's photocards as earrings. ☺)
Exhibit d) JK's reaction to Jimin sneezing.
That's it.
Exhibit e) JK reacting to Jimin slurping noodles
He is adorable. Fr fr. But listen, Vhope DGAF but here JK is being endeared AF by Jimin's simple act of eating noodles. I mean... come on dude, really? I mean I get it, its Jimin. But really? 🤭
Exhibit f) JK's reaction to Jimin's pinky. The absolute cutest. He's so whipped y'all
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Exhibit g) "You owned Run Bts"
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First of all, JK sounds adorable when he says this. I just wanna put him in my pocket he's so cute 🥺 But also really? I mean okay. If someone held a gun to my head and told me to prove I was Army of course I will go "lagibolala!" It's one of the most iconic BTS quotes right up there with "party party yeah, niagara popo, listen boy, etcetera" But still... Jimin owned ALL of Run Bts because of this? Really JK? Tell us you're whipped without telling us you're whipped. I can't with this guy.
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Exhibit h) One of my favourite JK moments of all time. When he was asking Jimin for pork. Gosh, how is this man so macho and yet so adorable at the same time??? Istg I could listen to this all day. Someone make it my ringtone already!
Anyway, the thing that is easily missed is the fact that Jhope who was next to JK offered his pork. But JK didn't want that one. Nope. He wanted the one from Jimin who was allllllllll the way on the other side
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Exhibit i) Last but not least. I already brought this up but it deserves to be brought up again. BV season 4 members in New Zealand enjoying the beautiful view. They've never been there before. Its their first time. They're all in awe. Its amazing, incredible and they all pretty much "wow" the entire time. But JK, JK is like fuck the view. Staring at my boyfriend is all the view I need
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The camera keeps panning out. And JK keeps staring. What did I say? JK my dude, you are
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So yes, anon JK is a man in love and he makes me go all mushy when I see him get amused by the most mundane things as long as they're coming from Jimin.
A member will do one thing and JK won't care. Won't even notice sometimes. But as soon as Jimin does that same thing, suddenly its the funniest thing JK has ever seen. Or the cutest, or whatever. To JK, certain things are "meh" until Jimin does them. Then he absolutely loves it.
When I tell you Jungkook is a man in love, I mean it.
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leebooposting · 1 year
ahahaha partickles
summary: just a small silly fic of ran getting gotted by the particles ..
characters: lee!ranboo, ler!chat/particles [ STRICTLY platonic/sfw, do NOT touch this post if ur a nsfw blog i will break your fine china ]
w/c: 806 i think i forgor
a/n: i hate this i shouldnt have finished it while super tired but take it anyway also HOW DO YOU TITLE FICS
Ranboo wasn’t sure where the particles came from, or why there were so many, but he made it clear he really didn’t mind having so many little buddies floating around his home.
He had just ended his stream, with about 7 particles hovering around him and watching him do so. He closed Twitch and looked up at the particles. “That was a fun stream, don’t you guys think?”
“It was,” one agreed. “Should’ve said gay rights like the dono said though.”
“When..?” He questioned, scrolling through his donations for confirmation. “..Ah.”
The particles around him burst into tiny giggles in response. “I didn’t see it!” Ran defended themselves. “I was in the middle of a horror game!”
“Excuses excuses.” Said the particle sitting on his shoulder. “We know where your true loyalties lie.”
“Guys- c’mon.” Ranboo sighed good naturedly, rolling their eyes. “You’re being ridiculous.”
A few gasps sounded from the particles. “Well, how dare you!” He heard one of them say. He chuckled as he stood up, turning off his pc and heading out of his office. The particles hovered behind him, a few others joining in as they spotted their streamer.
“You know I love you guys.” Ranboo said, an amused smile on their face. They got a series of varying responses. Many ’aww’s and ’i love you too’s were thrown back at them, leaving them with a happy grin on their face. 
They took off their varsity jacket, hooking it on the side of his wardrobe before flopping down on his bed with his phone. 
“I miss Ranboo.” He heard a particle say. 
He gave a blank response. “Guys, I’m right here.”
“It’s as if I still hear their voice..”
Ranboo shook his head with a fond laugh. “You guys never fail to amuse me.”
A few of the particles following him around had nestled by his shoulders now. Some of them falling asleep, other’s watching what he was scrolling through on his phone. He jumped a little as he felt a particle land on his stomach, looking down at them as they smiled right back at him knowingly. “What was that?” 
The realisation that he was utterly screwed began to set in. “Uh, nothing? You just startled me a little bit. I didn’t see you landing so the sudden contact just- yknow.”
The particle continued to smile at them. A couple other particles had begun to catch on - mainly just the ones awake - and lay there watching their streamer get bullied™ by someone much smaller than him.
It wasn’t long before said ’bully’ particle was rubbing their fuzzy body on his stomach, causing them to let out a small gasp. “Hey- hehey!” Ran yelped, almost dropping his phone. “Dohon’t- wahait!”
The other particles sprung into action - nuzzling against his neck and sides. Ranboo had to fight against rolling over out of fear of accidentally hurting any of the boobers. 
“Don’t wait?” He heard one of them say. “Well, if you insist!”
“Thahat’s not whahat I- hEY-!”
Suddenly, the feeling got so much worse when the particles thought it would be a good idea to blow little raspberries over his sides and stomach, resulting in him kicking out his legs with a squeal. “NohoHO-! GUHUYS! WaHAH- WHY?”
The only response he got was ’funny.’
They now wished they hadn’t taken their jacket off. Kinda.
“Hohow is thIHIS FUNNY?” They spoke, but got no response. Only a look from one of the particles as if it was the most obvious question ever.
“You’re literally giggling yourself silly.” The particle answered, punctuating their sentence with a raspberry right on their navel just to make them squeal again. “It’s gotta be somewhat funny.” 
“B-BEHECAUSE- yoHOU guhuys are mahAKING ME LAHAUGH-” Ran yelped, covering his face with his hands. “What? No we’re not!” A particle by his ear spoke up, causing him to jump a little. “Where’d you get that idea from?”
“Nuh uh.”
By now, the sleeping particles had been woken up by the noise, and a few others floated over to investigate the chaos. Ranboo heard a series of coos and compliments coming from the particles, causing his face to go a deeper shade of red.
Soon, though, the boobers understood their streamer had a limit, so they let up, as he let a few stray giggles spill from his lips.
“Are you okay?” A particle asked, to which Ranboo gave a thumbs up. “Yeheah, yeah.. I’m all tired out now..”
The particles seemed to agree with that. “Us too.” One mumbled, nestling in the space between his neck and shoulder. Eventually, they were completely surrounded with particles nestled around their bed, falling asleep cuddled up against them.
Ranboo wasn’t sure where the particles came from, or why there so many, but he wouldn’t give them up for the world.
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artistic-misf1t · 2 months
So tell meee
t e l l m e a b o u t t h e c r o w n
To avoid delaying these answers you’ve been waiting for any longer, The drawings that i was working on for this will UUUUHM. 😋 be delivered at a later date! (Ive lost all drawing juice when it comes to cotl atm)
Q 1.) How Did Coron Find Her Crown
It was gifted to her in a way? She started as this sort of- confused lil being. Imagine a mushroomo growing its legs and just wandering around - not knowing where it’s going or why it’s alive at all - that was Coron.
In her ‘aimless’ wandering, she came across a blank crown on a pedestal, as well as the Goddess, Thethay (the bear woman from that one post - Goddess of Morality ; She of Virtue. )
You ever meet someone and just FEEL that they were made for a specific purpose? Something along the lines of someone being so good with kids their whole life that its like their fate to be a teacher/caretaker? Thats how Thethay felt about Coron and the crown. Like it was meant for Cori before she even got to it. Originally, Coron wasnt 100% sure what a crown was or what it did but she felt a pull to it and Thethay made it her job to guide Cori in the right direction after she realized that.
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Q 2. ) Did she have a cult
She did and still (kind of) does! As mentioned in her lil description, she acts as an additional guide to the Lamb and wanderers of good faith. Many of those wanderers pledge their loyalty to her (even though they dont have to.) - In Coron’s lands, The Pray Grounds, any and all are welcome even if they decide to follow no gods at all. The only rule is to remain a person of good faith; Her lands are meant to rise those that have fallen back to their feet. If another ex god stumbled through, she’d assist them no questions asked and that kindness attracts people. So even with the amount of freedom they have, the inhabitants of her lands remain loyal and stuck to her side whether shes a goddess or not and she takes care of them all the same.
Q 3. ) Love Interests?
An ex of sorts!
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Other notable relationships (though not romantic) would be her friendship with Dr. Sozonius up until his fall into madness and the fact that she was a mentor for both Kallamar and Shamura ( though THEIR relationship is complicated.)
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+ This red panda follower that meant a lot to her - Jaan - Their relationship is up there with everyone else mentioned in terms of importance; There was no where youd see She of Fervor where this woman wouldnt be close behind but that was a long time ago now
Q 4.) Abt her crown!
THIS ONE is the one i was excited about! REGARDING HER RENOUNCED TITLE OF GODDESS, that pedestal i mentioned the crown was on before? Coron put it back there. She refuses to wear her crown once she’s given up her title- she doesn’t feel she has the right to though she is and forever will be the very personification of faith and devotion. All honesty, after the rise of the siblings and the renouncing and falling out of the other gods, she genuinely felt she failed as the Goddess of Faith. The widespread panic that comes with something like that doesn’t just go away. When those you believe in are knocked off their pedestals, your faith wavers and she felt every second, every dissent, every ounce of faith lost.
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bloodblanks · 10 months
hi! so i recently made a creepypasta boyfriend quiz.
it’s different from literally every other existing creepypasta bf quiz because:
a) it has a very intricately balanced point system
b) it has 1,000 word long (and i’d say well written) results
c) it’s carefully thought out, the questions are unique and NOT the stereotypical ‘whAtS uR fAvOuRite WeaPoN?’
d) most of them are made by children, which i am not
but yes, there’s a catch. i’m charging €2 (which is basically the same as $2 but i’m not american) for it. and i know, why would you pay for a quiz when there’s thousands of free ones out there, right?
because you will not find the same quality in any of the free ones. and i’m saying this confidently, without any ego or narcissism.
if i sold you on my quiz, great! take a look at this post for some more details on it.
if i didn’t, then at least do me a favour and explain to me why, so that i can maybe work something out.
(i ran out of word count on the third option but it’s supposed to say reconsider)
thank you for voting, i appreciate your time! ♡
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blueamphibians · 7 months
when do you think part 3 of your ATLA rewrite will be out? (genuinely curious, take ur time!)
Hey! Dw dw its a good question, right now the Book 3 re-write is technically 60% done--however I'm probably going to end up scrapping it and redoing it. The only time i can see myself having time to start that would be in May, when my semester ends--but even then, my university uses a trimester system so i wont actually be "free" until somewhere in July :,,
All this to say, part 3 isn't abandoned b/c i definitely know exactly what i want to happen in it, but it'll be several months before i can even sit down and start re-writing it.
It is,,,,unfortunately,,,very possible I end up only publishing it in like. 2025. Ik its a horrific wait time, and honestly i probably shouldn't have started a project like this in the middle of a healthcare degree 😭😭
But yeah, its always nice to know people are still following the series :) Thanks for the Q, friend, I'm sorry ab the answer <3 <3 /gen
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95cest · 1 year
1. are u good with ur hands? are u better at practical stuff like fixing things, crafting-type stuff, or fine arts?
2. what are ur feelings on the beach
3. how do u deal w/ bugs in the house
4. have u ever experienced a death in the family that actually mattered to u
5. how quickly do u generally pick up new skills or knowledge? are u better at learning "book" knowledge or hands on stuff
6. what are u sleeping habits? can u fall asleep anywhere or do u need total silence and darkness type of thing? would u feel comfortable sharing a bed with a stranger?
7. do u have any genuinely irrational fears or phobias? did something cause it?
8. describe your dream house
9. if u were strongly outnumbered in a fight but u were genuinely in the right and like ur point was super valid would u stand ur ground or run away
10. how do u feel about your body
11. if u were shipwrecked on a deserted island, how long would u survive
12. do u have tattoos/piercings and do they have any particular meanings
13. how well can u cook? do u like it? WOULD u like it if u could?
14. would u rather travel all around the world but not have an actual home, or stay in your home town with family and friends but never leave the state
15. ur in a burning room and u can only save 1 thing: $1,000,000 or a living animal
16. how do u show affection
17. do you like fashion/do you like the way you dress
18. do you wanna be famous? if u WERE famous what would it be for
19. how do u react to people u don't like flirting w u
20. is loyalty or morality more important
21. do u believe in ghosts?
22. off the top of ur head what is ur best and wirst quality (say the first thing that comes to ur brain)
23. are u the type of person to correct someone's grammar while they're speaking
24. would u prefer to live alone or with roommtes
25. how fast do u think u could solve a rubiks cube be honest
26. ur held at gunpoint and forced to participate in a cosplay convention, who r u being
27. what would be ur 3 genie wishes
28. what is your biggest 1) personality and 2) physical insecurity
29. if u woke up one day and were in a male body what would u do
30. do u feel like u fit in w ur culture
31. u are watching someone be bullied firsthand what do u do
32. are u susceptible to peer pressure? are u susceptible to family pressure?
33. u have to live in an alternate universe, where r u going (like marvel, naria, whatevs)
34. did you have a favorite stuffed animal, blanket, doll, etc. as a child? do u still have it/when did u stop using it?
35. if u were given $1,000 dollars to spend on things for ur own entertainment what would u do
36. how would u describe ur own appearance? do u think u have a skewed perception of urself or do u think u accurately know urself
37. do u have any bad habits or compulsions
38. is there anyone you'd truly be willing to die for
39. do u think ur charismatic or does it take time for people to warm up to u ? why do u think this is?
40. what are the longest romantic and platonic relationships you've had
41. what's something u never go anywhere without (don't say phone or wallet lame-o)
42. name ur favorite fictional character from a) tv show b) movie c) book
43. name a fictional character that u think is a lot like u whether or not u like them
44. are u a spender or a saver
45. have u ever gotten in trouble w the law
46. is there anything in history ur super interested in
47. if u lived in a magic world what would u be
48. do u think ur self-aware (this is an ironic question bc a self-unaware peson would have no idea whether or not they are aware)
49. would u put yourself in danger to help a stranger
50. what is the most useless thing you would buy if u could
51. how do u react to conflict (physical and emotional)
52. what's ur ideal vacation
53. are u athletic
54. are u a thinker or a doer ? would u rather plan an idea or actually do it
55. do u take unnecessary risks? do u get into trouble often?
56. do u act differently around strangers compared to around friends? how dramatic is the difference?
57. do u cheat when playing card/board games
58. how do u react to frustration
59. do u get worked up easily
60. have u ever fainted or been unconscious
61. can u easily entertain urself
62. are u good at staying in touch w people/calling/texting?
63. do u prefer playing games at amusement parks or going on rides
64. are u clumsy or coordinated
65. do u have any special nicknames
66. what is the worst physical injury you've encountered
67. how would u react if someone tried to rob ur house while u were there
68. are u patient? are u patient w EVERYONE?
69. whats ur first email address
70. ur webkinz user?
71. do u have any scars and what r they from
72. how well do u handle ur emotions? do u breakdown often?
73. do u like receiving gifts in front of others or does it make u shy
74. do u spend a lot of time on grooming
75. what's the most expensive thing you bought yourself
76. who do u tell your secrets to? and who do u tell other people's secrets to? do u tell other people's secrets even if they tell u not to?
77. what's something petty that makes you mad
78. what are your pet peeves
79. what's something important you look for in a friend
80. what do you try to steer clear of in a friend
81. a job you could NEVER do
82. if you had to choose a career path that has nothing to do with what you're doing now what would it be
83. ugliest color combo you can think of
84. if u were a fantasy villain whats ur weapon on choice
85. who is a celebrity you are attracted to but you can't really explain why
86. a show or movie u love but people make fun of u for
87. which divergent faction would u actually be in vs. what faction would u want to be in
88. have you ever witnessed a crime or an arrest being made
89. what gives you butterflies
90. tell any fun memory that comes to ur head rn
91. name your top 3 favorites singers (purely from voice not music)
92. if u were planning a music festival for urself who would ur headliners be
93. if u were planning a music festival for the public who would ur headliners be
94. what's a stupid or silly thing u do when no one is looking
95. what's a red flag of yours
96. what are u a hypocrite about
97. where is a place you will never go back to
98. ur famous. ur doing a press tour and u need to select a talk show to promote ur newest project which one would you choose and why
99. if u were a cartoon character what animation style would u be drawn in
100. pick 3 things that you genuinely love about yourself and wouldn't change
101. 3 things about yourself that u want to brag about but never get the chance to
102. explain something that pisses you off when you think about it, no matter how small
103. rant about something you really need to complain about
104. longest grudge you've ever held?
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inmytwilighteraagain · 3 months
hi! I saw ur post about readings and I’d love to participate! My initials are AD and I’m a Virgo sun Gemini rising and Aquarius moon to start. I don’t have much to share unfortunately other than my love life has always been kinda bad. I’m a girl who has always wanted love but not in the way people would expect. Due to my lack of love as a child, it kinda rushed me into romantic love as a kid, which is why I guess everything I do is for love. I’m a misunderstood person in my eyes, people view me as cold, immature, dumb, but if I love someone, I’m not like that. “Every so called villain was once good” is how I’d describe me right now. I don’t have many hobbies either or dreams anymore, I usually just daydream about finding someone. Nothing else matters. I do like anything that is poetic or has to do with the eyes (beauty, fashion, art, expression). This all brings me to wanting a love/future spouse read lol.
I don’t have many specifics questions but I’ll just name what I want to know: his appearance (especially his fashion style lol or how he expresses himself, how we will be together as a couple, his love language, etc.
Ty for ur time 🍷🍷🍷
Hi lovely! I hope your future holds better for you! After all, we all deserve love in our lives! I added an extra question, hope it's okay!
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A. When will you meet your future s.o.?
cards pulled;
1. Strength
1.You may meet your future boyfriend during a time when you are demonstrating inner strength and confidence. This could be a period of personal growth or overcoming challenges. The card also You may meet your future boyfriend during a time when you are demonstrating inner strength and confidence. This could be a period of personal growth or overcoming challenges!
B. How will your future s.o. look like?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Ace of wands
1.Your future s.o. might have a vibrant and lively appearance, possibly with a strong and athletic build. He could also have a youthful and energetic demeanor! He might prefer clothing that reflects his energetic nature, possibly leaning towards casual yet stylish attire that allows him to move freely and comfortably.
The card also suggests that he could have features that are bold and striking, such as expressive eyes or a strong jawline etc!
C. How will your future s.o. express himself?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Six of wands
1. He is most likely very communicative, and naturally can lead the conversation. It is also possible that he might keep sharing his personal achievements many times, as he takes a lot of pride in them.
However, he'll still feel the need for public recognition so you might see him trying to showcase his talents etc. with every opportunity.
Nonetheless, he'll mostly be an optimistic person and can charm anyone with his aura.
D. How will you be as a couple?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Knight of cups
1. He'll def be a romantic, so you can expect him to treat you like that! Your relationship will also be emotionally fulfilled as you both will always be there for each other. It is also possible that you will be engaging in creative activities a lot!
E. What's your future s.o.'s love language?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Five of swords
1. Quality time, for sure!
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This took a biiit longer than the rest, sorry ahah. Nonetheless tysm for requesting<3 feel free to ask anything else!
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thislittlekumquat · 22 days
7, 14, 15, 16, 30 for the book meme :D
THANK YOU SO MUCH THESE WERE SO FUN!!! And some of them were really tough. <3 <3 <3 I gave nonfiction and fiction responses for some of them!
7. ur least fav book trope?
two tropes for the price of one: body swap stories usually are not my thing, and also miscommunication tropes that aren't character studies but more like "character A overhears character B saying something out of context to character C, character A runs away and half of the plot ensues due to this one moment of miscommunication that could have been easily avoided"
14. an overrated book?
NF: 'Sapiens' by Yuval Noah Harari. everything wrong with the "reactionary centrist parading as liberalism" movement. he taps into the idea that because we've made "progress", that things are fine now, actually, and that even a lot of the bad stuff of the past was for the greater good, actually. and we will definitely keep "progressing" towards being "better" as a species without any further effort. very popular in liberal circles and it's annoying because at its core it's quite conservative.
F: 'The Night Circus' by Erin Morgenstern. interesting concept with 3/5 star execution and mid-tier prose. the ending was a cop-out, and it took a turn towards orientalism at the end. also fridged the major queer character after she revealed her queerness as part of the orientalism. lol.
15. an underrated book?
NF: Going to take this opportunity to plug a book that I've never seen anyone else talk about but that I think everyone with even a passing interest in archaeology or cultural heritage politics should read. 'Lords of Sipan' by Sidney D. Kirkpatrick is about the discovery of Moche royal tombs (in Peru) that had been untouched by grave robbers, and had to be defended upon its discovery from grave robbers. It's part action adventure part archaeological exposition. It's an immensely enjoyable read and it's a story of how an archaeological dig was mostly run by and stayed in the hands of the people who were descended from the long-dead. I saw an exhibition of some of the finds at the Met in NYC several years ago and they were stunning.
F: Johannes Cabal the Necromancer by Jonathan L. Howard (my spouse suggested this one and I agree). Should be waaaayy more popular than it actually is. If you like necromancy and sopping wet protagonists, definitely check this out.
16. the book that made u fall in love with reading?
THIS IS ALWAYS SUCH A FUNNY QUESTION FOR ME. When I was 5 or 6, there were already about 8 cousins on my dad's side of the family, including me and my two brothers. My grandparents ended up with little magnets with each of our names on them, and a little illustration for our interests or personalities. They were customized; my grandparents picked the illustrations. It was mostly airplanes and baseballs for the boys and flowers for the girls. I had a book on mine. My favorite game when I was in first grade was being asked by my parents to spell complicated words, and mostly getting them right. Reading is like breathing to me, even if I manage to not find enough time to do it as an adult with bills to pay. I truly could not tell you the first book i read that made me go "wow i love this shit" because i was too young and it was way too long ago LOL. it was probably literally like dr seuss or berenstain bears or some shit.
30. give any 3 book recs to ur followers!
'The Name of the Rose' by Umberto Eco
'A Marvellous Light' by Freya Marske
'Entangled Life' by Merlin Sheldrake
ask memes here:
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kirbyliker12 · 1 year
What's ur full analysis on Susie
Ohoho….😏😏😏I suppose…..I’ll Unleash the Thoughts all at once😏😏😏😏😏normally you’d need more kirbyliker14EXP(exposure points) for it to be comprehensible but recommended levels are always wrong (this is the worst intro I have ever made
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Ok first of all to get That out of the way uhh the whole star Allies Susie desc got mistranslated(classic star allies!) basically it’s supposed to be like “helping other planets with technology” and the whole exterminate thing is supposed to be just crushing bad people okay are we clear did we get that good (also I’m gonna be putting my Suzy kaomoji between points because I Said So(It might act b me favorite ?? I’m reely happy w how it turned out 😙my magolor kaomoji ᴑ /₍⸌╷╷⸍₎\ ᴑ is close but I think it’s mostly bc I felt proud as hell after figuring out how to put the ears on one line)
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Ok first off her lore basically blah blah Suzy was Exposed To The Internet At A Young Age
Fun(?????????) fact😋 as it makes no sense for Max to have done those experiments with star dream with his only daughter in close proximity so it’s highly likely that Suzy disobeyed her fathers warnings and prohibition and technically caused her own disappearance (why am I mentioning dis??😏ermm aheu heu you’ll c)
Suzy returns after seeing the Horrors and now works for Max
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Come to think of it idk if Suzy even knew of max’s real goal like ik the novel made it so he openly misses her but ?? The novel also made him live at the end so No Im not counting that data in my
Anyway blah blah Suzy feels resentment for max and how either A)simple minded his goal of “unlimited money” is or B) that he doesn’t even recognize her
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Notably this is prevalent in the Japanese version as shown which means he intentionally tried to forget his feelings (in other words what makes a human=human) and then started forgetting them more after more usage but didn’t see a problem with it (why are the haltmanns Like That)
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Anyway time for the main story events
It’s been established that this is after Susie clawed her way out of hell(???) (before magolor made it cool) at like idk 11 years old so that’s slightly less impressive than the average Kirby adventure
Also that max has now lost abt 90% of his self (willingly??? Idk don’t ask me) and appears to focus entirely on money
Mr maxx pulls a questionable rant out at Kirby and tries to obliterate this 9 year olds entire world after losing a single battle but Suzy takes the helmet right after it touches his head(a tiny bit too late to enact the action?? A tiny bit too early???? Is this the worst outcome????Could he have survived and been reasoned with after defeat ???? I still don’t know STOP ASKING ME) and she enacts her famous line
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She was so real for that she yippyd before it was cool oh anyway she then comes out(WOOOO GOOD FOR HER💥💥💥💥💥) as someone who’s been Against max all this time (in other words…disobeying her father…..😏😏😏I can’t believe Suzy made a Suzy reference)
However her calculated plan backfires and as the helmet touched his head but he didn’t have the helmet he gets 99% of his entire self destroyed and now the cold calculated machine decides to destroy the universe (erm…WHOOPS!😂😂😂 susie is so losercoded I can’t believe everyone calls her the Normal Person how do you screw up a plan this bad like seriously oh my god marx and magolor enacted their plan perfectly and taranza managed to technically bring the heros of the lower worlds to sectonia but Susie completely screwed up they should start calling her Losie)
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However when learning of this susie doesn’t react in a normal way like there’s no sulking or sad face she gets up and immediately thinks of a plan to defeat star dream (giving Kirby the gimmick that notably cannot fly for very long without certain abilities and has quite short ranged attacks) then meta knight shows up n gives a much better plan by using his cool ship
As you can see her body language is all formal and cool and she’s all commanding and stuff (her autistic stare has captivated my soul) HOWEVER😏😏😏😏😂😏ohhh babyyyy I was dying after realizing this
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As soon as they fly off screen susie immediately establishes a more desperate pose and language (in like. Every other version I think this is the American version even Europe got it better Suzy uses a formal name for Kirby instead of pinky)
In other words Suzy refuses to show her weakness in front of people(LOSIE THEORY CONFIRMED??????) then at the end she immediately leaves pop star instead of like lingering around to celebrate with Kirby like taranza did or the end of rtdl with Kirby’s chums (u can probably use ur imagination for the possible reasons she chooses to be alone😙😙😙)
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ok robobot events over wooo anyway I Wasnt Sure How To Title This
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Robobot is known for having a similar lore story to Taranza where villian that dies actually lost their self prior to the events of the game and the villian who gets redeemed had a persona connection with them
When we later see Suzy in Allies she appears Completely Normal And Fine compared to taranza
However I really doubt that she’s just FINE I mean you saw during the cutscenes I bet offscreen she’s tormented by thinking abt what her dad could have been and how he ended up and how she caused his fate (ok I changed my mind I don’t want losie theory to be confirmed take it back)
Notably, she’s completely dedicated herself to max’s company even though she seemed to really dislike him at the end(she coulda just made a whole new company)is this her way of apologizing for destroying him ?? A way of making her dad proud ????? Where do these questions keep coming from
While taranza gets to openly grieve and dedicate some time to receiving closure Suzy does Not the whole thing abt planet robobot is constantly upgrading and improving and so on and GRIEF is COUNTER PRODUCTIVE (oouuhhhghgghh I feel like things obtained from evolution that are counterproductive to modern life could b soo interesting to explore with Suzy like uh adrenaline giving you paranoia and complex emotions such as guilt and embarrassment being a side effect of brains developing more)
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No more “girlboss” Susie we’ve advanced to LOSIE susie now 👍👍👍👍👍👍
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midnight-in-town · 1 year
Hi! I don't know if u have answered this in the past or not because I couldn't find a post about it, but I was wondering maybe undertakers lockets originally belonged to claudia herself, because all the dates on the locket are between 1830 and 1866( except Gilbert d that some say that the date is 1884 but it can also be read as 1862). I don't know,maybe she gave them to him before her death and he added her locket after she died, because if the lockets belong to him than why isn't any more lockets after 1866? Anways, just wanted to know ur thoughts on this
Hey Anon ! Thanks a lot for searching before asking, I really appreciate it! And nope, I don't think I ever answered a similar question (here's my tag for anything related to UT's lockets). :))
So, I don't know how long you've been around in the fandom, but there was once a huge debate about the date on Gilbert's locket and it turns out that both dates seem to exist in official concept art (1862 and 1884), which means ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that anything is possible depending on which date is actually correct.
More than Gilbert's locket though, the locket that makes me believe that these are UT's lockets (and not, say, Claudia's), is because of Molly/Mally's locket, because she died in 1837 and Claudia was 7 years old back then so... just on a vibe check, this locket and Claudia's (although you're right, he could have added it afterwards) make me think that these lockets always belonged to UT.
I have no real proof, it's just one of the many things we still need answers about so, for now, anyone's guess is as good as mine. :))
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However, Gilbert's and Molly's lockets aside, I personally find it interesting that these lockets might all be acquaintances/evil nobles/victims of UT or Claudia during Claudia's time as the Watchdog (especially since I think UT was the previous Earl Phantomhive):
Claudia P. died July 13, 1866
Alex B. died April 20, 1854
Oliver A. died November 13, 1840
Emile C. died June 18, 1848
Harry E. died October 11, 1841
Gilbert D. died November 1, 1862/1884
Molly/Mally G. died December 10, 1837 
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I mean we always assumed that in this scene of ch35, UT was mentioning that he made similar remarks to our!Ciel, Vincent and Claudia, but for all we know he also meant that he warned all his lockets.
Another theory I once had/discussed with other fans was that Alex B's locket is actually Bravat's grandparent, which could help explaining how he ended up involved in this arc. Far-fetched for now obviously and anyway, until Yana's answers, all we can do is guess, hahaha. :)
I hope it helps a little! Have a good weekend Anon!
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linklethehistorian · 7 months
salutations mr linkle the hyrule historian tumblr can u direct me 2 the last anon that said ur wrong bc i think they're great n I wanna give them a kiss on the lips!!!! anyway was it not u that said the OFFICIAL!!!!!!! 15 translation was wrong n bad so i dont think the opinions of anyone who considers rimbaud a doormat n wrote the abomination that is cherish are valid
anyway anon if ur reading this ilove u pooks u me n bitch tree anon n bully anon should b poly or smth we'd make beautiful children
Hmmmmmmmmmm, well I don’t remember anybody saying I was wrong, honey. 🤔 Last anon just asked me a question about if I’d ever considered something, and I answered! 😊
Anyway I’d love love love love to help you two hook up bc that’s so sweet and I want to meet your future children so much! 🥺💕💕💕 I could be a part of a real life love story! 🥺💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕 So cute!!! I don’t think Bully anon or Bitch Tree anon would be into it unfortunately at first, since they send me little hearts and cutesie things these days…. I’m sorry about that. 😔 Oh well! I’m sure when they hear your dedication to reach out to me they’ll still want to give you kissies somehow ‘cause they’re so dedicated to me too, just in a very loving way.
And yee! I did say the ‘official’ translation was bad! Thank you so much for remembering my words and sticking around my blog so long. 🥺💕 Anyway yeah, that unfortunately happens sometimes, and by sometimes, I mean a lot, ‘cause a) there are people out there who unironically think it’s okay to take creative liberties in translating because it’s their right as someone taking the time to do it (can’t be assed rn but if you search around this site enough, you’ll find an entire thread of translators talking about this), b), there are people who write for a lot of series they’re not into and therefore aren’t aware of all the context of previous novels, c) there are people who just slip up and make mistakes! Happens all the time unfortunately and most people don’t understand that if you misunderstand or change one thing it can change everything, and d) people who are tasked with translating 99% of the time never even talk to the people team of people who actually published the original, much less are in contact with the author themself! Mistranslations and drastic creative liberties happen a lot for example in the fandom I came from (The Legend of Zelda), which you can see a bit here! And if you still don’t believe me, you can go ask Dear old Author Neil Gaiman, who has even had some of the characters in his books turned from lovers to sisters and everything, a lot of the time completely without his knowledge until fans point it out to him! If you scroll his blog, I’m sure you’ll find those posts for yourself, assuming he doesn’t see an ask from you on if it happens. ‘Tis a sad thing, but Asagiri-sensei likely doesn’t even know when a mistranslation happens, much less do these people sit down and ask him things directly before doing their thing. He certainly doesn’t have involvement overseeing the process; that’s an unreasonable thing to ask of someone when it involves other languages they may or may not even be fluent in. And all the proof we need that it’s wrong is that the JP novel and the Stage Play (both things that Asagiri was directly, heavily involved in and/or directly penned the words of/material of the script for himself) both contradict it. If you’d like to take on that claim, since you’re implying I’m wrong, have at it! The burden of proof is on you, so, I look forward to seeing you send me the individual JP source lines of the Eng translations you want to take a crack at defending and a long wall of educational text explaining why each part of the English translation got it 1,000% right, directly in my in-box. If not, have a good day ‘cause I’m sorry, but I got limited time and other things to do right now, baby. 💕 I’ll eventually get to it myself some day, but right now I have other articles to finish first, art to make, and a fic to keep posting.
Speaking of which…OMG YOU READ CHERISH? 🥺💕💕💕💖💖💕💕💖💕💕💖💖😊💖💕🥺💕🥺💕💖💕💕🥺💕💖💕💕💕 That’s so sweet OMG OMG OMG! I’m glad you enjoy my beautiful ‘abomination’ enough to read and keep up with it! Don’t worry sweetie, the next chapter is on its way!
See this is why I love love love love love love love my ‘haters’ so fucking much, I adore y’all, I’d kill for y’all, OMG. You give me so much dedication and time, I know how much y’all adore me and I adore you right back! My beloved super fans. 💕💕💕💖💖💕💕💖💕💕💕💕🥺🥺🥺 Every ask I get and vague post I read makes my heart flutter, frfr, I’ve actually got an album I keep of screenshots of y’all’s posts to give me the motivation to keep doing what I do whenever I’m down. 🥺💖💖💕💕 This one goes in the collection for sure ahhhh 💖💖💕💕💕 I’m so important to people OMG IT’S SO CUTE AND SWEET
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hi!! i love your work sm everything u write is amazing!!! from your marvel writing to mando is perfection ✨ ive been a longtime follower and noticed u had ur username as medstudent (or something along those lines i cant rmbr too well) if this is too personal to ask plz disregard my message!! I was wondering how is med school for you?? what specialties are u the most interested/matched in?? again I'm sorry if this question is uncomfortable to ask i think its so cool that you're a fanfic writer and physician!!
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Wild shit, right? Very good memory on your part! Yeah, when I originally made this tumblr I had been a medical student (and very not clever with usernames). Now, I've since graduated so I initially tried a username that was like 'medgraduate' or something like that and i hated it. Thus, the idiot was born.
Writing is sort of my secret identity at the moment. Nobody knows this is my hobby of choice. I think it's b/c I grew up in the era where it was taboo to publicly announce that you read/wrote fanfiction. Like, back in my day (cue old person shaking their fist), I would've eaten my shoe before ever admitting to someone that I partook in fanfiction. It was like a secret drug addiction. But now, it's like super normal to openly talk about it and I think that's the coolest shit ever.
Right now I'm in a Family Medicine residency which is primary care which means i have a very broad practice of seeing everyone, all ages, for everything. It's also why the reader in 'AFS' is in the medical field b/c I am very, very lazy and making that her background meant I wasn't gonna have google as much shit lolol. Write what you know, right? (but also pls don't take any of the medicine in AFS seriously i mixed a lot of star wars nonsense into it and don't wanna get sued).
AND THANK YOU SO MUCH. For enjoying my writing, for asking such a fun question, for sticking with me all this time, for ALL the things! You're so lovely, so pls don't ever apologize for messaging me anything ever🥰
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