#goodbye lullaby era
maddafuchagurl · 1 year
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I wanted to try something different on my profile. Avril Lavigne is one of my favourite singers from my childhood and lately I've been really interested in zodiac signs and their meanings. So, I tried to associate a song per era of her discography with all 12 signs. Do you think I made a decent job?
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cellphonehippie · 2 years
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i have made the best playlist
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kaymarie-bell · 1 year
Diasomnia Book, Chapter 5 Spoilers (and mini translations)
edit: [part 2]
Baul reports that the castle is currently surrounded by Henrik, the Knight of Dawn and their troops. They cannot use teleportation magic because they're injured so they must walk all the way there + Lilia is currently not a match for the Knight. Meleanor must stay strong by herself
Baul does not want our group to come along since it's a battle of Fae vs Humans, but Silver says that race doesn't matter and we want to fight for what's right
They find a pair of cooks who give the group food and mention that Silver really looks like "him"
Silver is on his Disney princess era, he's using his ability to talk to animals to help them get to the castle/distract the guards
KNIGHT OF DAWN REVEAL (he's Silver's ancestor 100%)
Silver's ring/necklace started to shine right after we got to see the Knight
Man that Henrik is really ugly
This mf's entire reason to wage war against the Fae is just to take Meleanor's magical orb for his collection??? and to steal her egg??? the Knight is clearly against this but he cannot refuse to fight due to his own circumstances
Malleus' mother is named Meleanor (we get a confirmation of the spelling from the name of the location)
SHE'S SINGING A LULLABY BEFORE WE SEE HER (yes it's the same song Malleus sings in the overblot scene I wanna kms)
she's gorgeous omg
Meleanor is really mad at Lilia (?) and throws lighting at him and everyone else
Aye we get egg Malleus reveal
Meleanor already calls him Malleus because she was sure he was going to be a boy because of motherly instincts (😭)
Silver and Sebek experience microagressions from the Fae pt. ??? (Meleanor made them kneel before her once she saw their ears)
Meleanor decided to confront the troops by herself
just fell to my knees. hold on
She gives her egg to Lilia and orders them to flee somewhere safe
Lilia protests and Meleanor keeps on throwing lighting at him. Silver steps in to protect Lilia. Lilia scolds him but then Silver begs them to stop fighting because they're doing it only out of concern for the other
Baul and Sebek are surprised by him. Baul asks Meleanor to listen to his words
Lilia: I can't hatch this egg by myself! Dragons can only be hatched with magic and affection from their parents. It only works with true love
I don't understand parental love. I don't know what it is like to love someone.
Meleanor: You love me, don't you? Or were you lying when you proposed to me when we were young?
You love Levan too. The time you two have spent together side by side as generals is even longer than a married couple.
How can you not love a child of our blood?
Meleanor forces everyone away from the castle while saying her goodbyes to Lilia and Malleus
Lilia tries to get back to her but Baul stops him and tells him that as guards they must obey the commands given by the Draconias, or else be punished by lighting. Lilia says it doesn't matter, he will quit the squad and he's already used to the lighting.
Baul says that the egg he's holding is the King who will carry the future of the valley. They must escape. They have to trust that Meleanor is strong enough to win and get back to them, and keep their focus on protecting the egg.
Lilia finally agrees and we keep on moving
The writers are so evil. We get a confrontation of Meleanor vs the Knight of Dawn
Meleanor's battle against the troops is basically the scene of Maleficent vs Prince Philip in the movie (she's in her dragon form). Meleanor's magic attributes are the same as Malleus's dorm SSR btw (fell to my knees)
we're currently escaping via underground passage that's collapsing due to the battle
suddenly the Knight of Dawn appeared. He was blown all the way there by Meleanor's magic
the Knight recognized Lilia's general mask immediately and realized that the egg he's holding must be the Prince and Lilia takes a fighting stance
Baul steps in to fight but the ceiling collapsed, burying Lilia and Malleus under the debris. Silver panics but then an aurora-like light appears. The Knight used his magic to save Lilia and the egg
the Knight shows concern for the egg and Lilia asks him why he saved them. the Knight is speechless
the Knight's mask breaks. He looks just like Silver but with long blond hair. Everyone is shocked
there's two lights comming from them, it's originating from their ring/necklace (they both have identical ones). The Knight says he was given his by his fairy godmother (?) and it was one of a kind. He demands to know who Silver is.
Silver cannot get any words out. We hear a roar and the Knight says there's no time for talking, Henrik is after the egg so they must keep on running quickly
Baul is offended by "being pitied by their enemy" but Lilia says to forget about it and keep moving
Silver is still in shock and remembers the conversation he had with Lilia when he gave him his ring (about how he had it on when he was found)
oh no my son is straight up having a panic attack and crying his heart out. He cannot accept that his own flesh could have done this to Lilia and Malleus. We see the beginning of another overblot...
Sebek is screaming for Silver to stay strong. He tells Lilia and Baul to keep going and that we will catch up later. Silver is our responsibility as his friends.
Yuu gets dragged into darkness, Silver's negative emotions???
Silver is having a lot of negative thoughts, wondering if Sebek hates him now...how will he ever face Malleus again...thinking that maybe if he stays in the dream he won't have to show up in front of them...he wants to stay in the dark...(we have to literally fight his demons away 😭)
Silver is crying. Suddenly we hear a baby. And a familiar voice...
[Abandoned castle, covered in thorns]
Lilia: I'm coming back here again...it must have been 300...no, 400 years already.
We finally signed a peace treaty with the neighboring nations. I was able to return to this place.
It's been a long time since the last time I came here. It took quite a while. Truly.
Silver: This voice...father?
Lilia: The castle of the Wild Roses is abandoned, and it is said that you will get cursed if you step a foot in.
Silver: Father...can't he see me? Could this be part of the scenery in Father's mind, or...?
*cries from a baby*
Lilia: a baby's crying? Is it coming from the throne room? I should go see
[Throne room, covered in thorns]
Lilia: A baby? And what's more, it's a human! Why are you here?
[CG of baby Silver. He has blond hair and a shining ring/necklace]
Lilia: ! this ring...
Silver: This baby! Could it be...? My hair color is different, but those eyes and that ring...
Lilia: Hair golden like the sun, and that ring...It cannot be...the Knight of Dawn's...?
No, it isn't possible. Soon after the castle fell into Henrik's hands, there was another dispute over land and resources.
In that confusion, the Knight and his wife Leah...*sigh*
Cradle, will you show me your memory for a moment?
Far Cry Cradle [To the cradle in the distance!]
Silver: That spell...it's my Father's unique magic.
He can play the memories engraved on "things" for a little bit.
Red Fairy: The enemy is around the corner!
His Royal Highness, who was once titled the Knight of Dawn, has perished. The fall of the castle is just around the corner.
The "Land of Swords" has met its end.
Our dearest Queen Leah, please hurry up and run! We will protect the Prince.
Blue Fairy: Come now, my Prince. You will sleep sweetly for a while, until this sad battle is over.
Green Fairy: It's okay. This ring will strengthen our magic. He will remain in this form, dreaming happily ever after until the spell is broken. Whether it is 10 years, or 100 years.
Blue Fairy: Well then...
When someone who truly loves the prince comes along...this spell will be broken and he will wake up from his slumber.
Red Fairy: Yes, I'm sure of it. In a world without war, in a world of peace...
[Back to Lilia's memory]
Lilia:...I see.
Your parents and guardian fairies protected you from the flames of destruction.
Have you been waiting in this cradle for someone who truly loves you to come along, since the day the country collapsed?
But as time passed, the magic of the guardian fairies must have broken down.
*baby crying*
...the child of the Knight of Dawn...a revenge for Levan and Meleanor's...
Right now...with these hands...
*Silver gasps, the baby wails*
Lilia:...I couldn't face Malleus again if I did that.
If I tell him to love mankind and walk with his neighbors...then I must do the same.
And...I would have lost even Malleus if the Knight of Dawn hadn't granted me mercy that day.
Can this "me" ever love a human being?
Silver: Please stop, Father! -I'm not worthy of being loved by you!
*baby cries*
Lilia: There there, don't you cry anymore. I'm surprised that such a small body has been able to endure such loneliness for so long. Good boy, let's go.
Huff, you're heavier than I expected.
I remember the day the Malleus hatched. It seems like it was only yesterday.
Fairies and humans alike wish for their own children to live, even at the cost of their own lives, I suppose.
*baby cries*
Child of the Dawn, today is the birthday of the new master. Therefore, I shall give you my blessing!
Blessing of the night.
[the baby's hair changes from gold to silver]
Silver:..O-oh...my hair...
Lilia: His hair changed color!
Perhaps the Knight of Dawn's hair, which shone like sunlight, was due to the blessing of his servants of the day.
Your hair seems to have been lit by the light of the moon, with the blessing of the night's servants.
That's alright. A person with golden hair would stand out a bit in the Valley of Thorns.
*baby yawns*
Lilia: Hahah. Are you tired from crying all these years?
Now, your name is- hmm? It doesn't seem to be written anywhere on the cradle or the ring...
Hmm...let's see...moonlight...silver...Okay, I've decided.
Silver. From today on, your name is Silver.
The moon illuminates the dark night. Like so, its silver light will illuminate your path.
Despite Lilia adopting him as his son while knowing who his biological father was, Silver still feels guilty about his origins
Okay so I chose one of the spaces where you can heal your cards, and got some lines from Lilia. He's wondering what do human babies eat in order to grow, and remembers that Baul's son-in-law is a human, so he decides to ask for his help (the music changes from dramatic and gloomy to bright and cheerful, it made me tear up)
A new location appears, it is the house in the forest where Lilia raised Silver. Lilia is singing the same lullaby Meleanor sang to Malleus.
Malleus knocks on Lilia's door, he wants to see the baby he has taken in since the fairies in the forest have been talking about it. Lilia tells him to be quiet because he has just gone to sleep.
Malleus calls the baby a naked monkey-like creature and asks what is it (😭). Lilia says he's the baby from the rumors and says he looks lovely.
Malleus:...lovely? that thing? (😭😭😭)
Lilia is like "oh you came at a good time, I have to go shopping so please watch him for me for a bit, okay?" and Malleus is like "huh? This? me?"
Lilia is trying to figure out what "powdered milk" is because that's what his book says he should feed the baby. He has to go to a human store to get it. (Fairies eat flowers' nectar???)
Malleus does not want to stay on his own because he's afraid he'll break the "little creature" if he touches him. Lilia assures him that it'll be okay, he just has to sing a lullaby and the baby will fall asleep even if he's crying.
Lmao Lilia left and baby Silver woke up crying immediately. Malleus is stressed because the baby is noisy and he can't think of any song...but then remembers that he does know one at least one (he sings the song again 😭). Silver fell asleep and Malleus wishes Lilia to hurry up and return.
Malleus doesn't even remember where he heard that lullaby. He thinks it might have been from one of his nannies. The Silver of the present cries when he hears that.
There's snippets of Silver's upbringing throughout this part. Lilia and Malleus were present when he stood up on two legs for the first time (Malleus says it would take about 30 years for a fairy...it took him 20, and he was considered fast). Lilia says that at this rate Silver will be all grown up in the blink of an eye.
Lilia is reading a story, and Silver says his first word
Baby Silver: dada
Lilia: What? I am not your father....
Baby Silver: dada!
Lilia: Well...should I just wait until you understand things better before I tell you?
Well then...yes, I am [your father].
Baby Silver: *laughs*
Another conversation between Lilia and Malleus. Malleus asks where did he find a human baby, Lilia just says he found him during a walk in the forest and tells him to not pay any mind to it. Malleus says that he didn't have to raise him just because he found him, it would've been good to leave the baby with the humans.
Lilia:...your father Levan uses to say this: We fairies need to get to know humans better, and humans need to get to know fairies.
Levan was the one who took the initiative to learn a language in common with humans and also to teach it to other fae.
Silver is a way for Lilia to learn to love humans. Malleus asks him what if he can't get to love them, Lilia says not to jump ahead since there's a lot of time.
Lilia: it says here that they can only eat milk and mashed vegetables
Malleus: if that's what the human book says then that's okay. We're fairies so we shouldn't go against it.
Lilia: but you've been eating meat and fish since you were little
Malleus: But I am a dragon, not some weak human
Lilia: They cry when they are hungry, and sleep when they are full. Babies are similar, it doesn't matter whether dragons or humans.
Lilia: Oh, you ate the whole plate. Good boy, Silver! Was it good?
That's it, eat a lot and sleep well so you can grow up to be a big boy!
But don't you get tired of the same taste everyday? Next time, I'll try a little more variety-
Should we add meat of a rat to the soup? It's said to be nutritious. Or maybe the powder of a black newt?
Malleus:...don't do that. I'll have food for the baby brought from the castle regularly.
I'm a little nervous about leaving it all to you.
Lilia: Oh? You used to hate humans. What brought such a change of heart?
Malleus: If this baby gets weak, you'll be sad. Isn't that right?
Lilia:...you're such a sweetheart, Malleus.
Silver: Father...Lord Malleus...I...
[blot monster appears]
Silver:...you keep showing up again and again. Go away.
Another battle
Another memory. Young Silver is shouting for Lilia to come see what he has. Silver made a bracelet out of acorns, it is the same one Lilia still has among the things he keeps in his room.
Lilia praises him for being a genius at picking up acorns, and Silver tells him he had help from his animal friends. Silver tells him is for him.
Silver: You know, I heard that if you carry an acorn amulet, you will live a long and healthy life.
The oak tree fairies taught me that.
Be healthy all the time. And we will be together forever.
Lilia:...you will pray for my long life?
You, who are a human....
Silver: What? What's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?
Lilia:...it's nothing. Come here.
Silver: Daddy, it hurts if you squeeze me that hard.
Lilia: It's the best gift ever.
With this charm, I feel like I'll be able to live another thousand years. Thank you.
Silver: Heheh. I love you, daddy
Lilia: So do I, Silver
The current Silver remembers finding that bracelet while cleaning up Lilia's dorm room, he had forgotten it was a gift from him. Lilia had said it was the most precious gift he had ever received, a gift that even Malleus envied.
Silver says that something like that couldn't be worth much. He cries.
The next memory is the day Silver found out he was adopted. He was so shocked he ran out of the house while it rained.
Lilia says that he thought Silver would've figured it out by now, but then he retracts the statement and says he was the one who kept it to himself. He didn't have the courage to tell the truth and see Silver's sad face. Lilia runs into the rain while calling out for Silver.
The current Silver still cannot fathom that Lilia could truly love him while knowing he's the son of the Knight.
Silver says he's tired and cannot keep on going. He apologizes to Lilia and Malleus for not being able to accomplish his dream of being a knight. Then a voice speaks up...
It is general!Lilia, and he calls Silver "Knight of Dawn"
Silver goes to deny it's him, but then his appearance changes and the one with long blond hair and armor is him. General Lilia accuses him of taking away Levan and Meleanor. Silver calls him father, and Lilia tells him to not call him that.
Battle, General Lilia vs Knight of Dawn Silver.
Silver begs Lilia to stop since he doesn't want to fight him, he tells Lilia he will dissappear and never show up in front of him again. Lilia refuses to listen.
Lilia gains the upper hand and he's ready to strike Silver down, but then he starts to change into the blot monster. Silver realizes this is a nightmare, but he's very tired and cannot fight against the darkness any longer.
Lilia's voice tells him to stand up. He tells him that it's not a problem to run away from an enemy, or use cowardly tricks to get away. What matters the most is to not give up on living. So, stand up Silver!
Silver is not sure if the voice is real or just a convenient thing his mind made up. He's unsure of what to do...
[the story continues but I've been here since 1 am, it is currently 8 am ☠️]
some comments/observations so far:
- the lullaby wrecks me every time. The first time we heard it was very chilling because it was during Malleus' overblot, but then seeing Meleanor -> Lilia -> Malleus again...it just makes me sadder and sadder
- Lilia lost the only two people he had ever loved at the same time (😭)
- I hope we get to see more of RSA since the whole "Land of Swords" seems to be related to its origins...
- I kinda called it with Silver being a prince of sorts...I do not feel happy about this, he's in so much pain because of his origins
- I think the scene where Lilia finds Silver dealt me even more damage than Idia and Ortho's backstory in chapter 6. You guys have to listen to it fr. The baby crying? Silver shouting that he has no right to cry while crying himself? Lilia gently soothing the baby at that point feels like it was also meant for grown up Silver.
- Every memory we see of Lilia it's full of the love he chose to have for Silver and it breaks my heart that Silver still cannot allow himself to be loved. I also loved seeing Malleus there.
- I'm calling it now, the spell the fairies put on Silver is the reason he still falls sleep randomly. It hasn't been broken completely because he feels doubts about the love Lilia has for him, but Lilia will finally manage to make him see the light and Silver will be free.
- I also would love for the acorn bracelet to end up being the cure for whatever it is Lilia has. With the power of love everything is possible and all that.
- With all this going on I haven't even thought about what Malleus must be doing in the "real world" rip ☠️
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preciadosbass · 27 days
23/8/24 [draft from friday — key + significant photos at end]
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yay i can finally post this!! woke up at 6:30 and said goodmorning to boris. he was inside again, i think because of how cold it is out. i then got dressed as soon as i could so i was completely ready before the time we had to leave to go away. i put on a light gray low cut shirt, but then started freezing alive so i changed into my sleeping with sirens shirt as it was the only shirt out that i hadn’t already packed. i paired it with black ripped skinny jeans, gray + black striped arm warmers, knee high converse, danger days my chemical romance zip up, my kellin quinn necklace, a surfboard shaped wood carved necklace — and no cuffs/bracelets as this outfit is just to be worn for the car ride to the campus and then ill get changed for swimming.
after getting ready, i had a snack and painted my left hand’s nails with black nail polish. i surprisingly did them pretty neatly to how i usually do it and considering how small my nails are. within a few minutes of them being dried, half of my second smallest nail’s polish came off halfway lmao - i was going to put some more on to cover it up, but i was in a rush and i needed to do my teeth, i finished at 7. i then checked on boris again and replaced the pins on my bag. ive needed to ever since i took a ton off to put onto my jacket. all that’s left now is: incubus pin, spider-man pin, the last of us pin, t-rex pin, saliva pin, kittie pin, shark pin, beetle pin, brendon urie pin, chi cheng pin, soulfly pin, collide with the sky [pierce the veil] pin, and a silent hill pin. which sounds like a lot, but because of the way they’re set out, it dosent look like many. at least not compared to what i’m used to.
once i was done [7:18], i packed my bag. i packed: my camera, skeleton gloves, collage scraps, my collage journal, camera charger, headphone charger, extra bracelets, my spiral earrings, battery packs, my hairbrush, my wallet, hand sanitizer, meds, and my phone charger. after doing that and a few other odd bits around the house [turning off switches, making sure i’ve packed everything, etc] i went to see boris properly at 7:40. i told him about everything that’s going to be going on [who’s taking care of him, that she’s not comfortable letting him out, when we’re getting back, things like that] and said goodbye to him. i finished officially at 8:20. i’m gunna miss him so much while we’re away, but i’m excited to see him again afterwards and tell him everything.
everyone [me, my sister, my parents] got in the car at around the same. unrelated, but i also forgot to mention in yesterdays journal, archie was taken over to my sister’s friends house to be looked after. we set off at 2:30 and i looked through soul punk patrick stump videos along with a few pretty odd era panic! tiktoks. also watched my chemical romance’s song 2 [blur] cover, i don’t know why i haven’t seen this before i’m obsessed. i started journaling at 9:16 and wrote all of the paragraphs above. than at 9:30 i took a break and started listening to some music. [just surrender, fall out boy, gerard way + ray toro, frank iero, falling in reverse, blur, my chemical romance, death of a bachelor panic! at the disco, a static lullaby.]
i had a nap somewhere near 11:30 [on my seal plush] and woke up at around 12:40. i continued listening to music [CKY, HIM, frank iero, darling you should be ashamed, linkin park, lovehatehero, before today, a bullet for a pretty boy [[so underrated]], and sleeping with sirens.] i did so until 1:44 when we arrived at the resort. my dad pulled the car into the drive through place where you get your keycard/folder of leaflets and after driving round to our car park, we started unpacking into the room. on our holiday guide, it said that we could only get in our room at 3, so we were lucky to get in early. as soon as i found me & my sisters room and claimed my bed, and hung up my necklaces on the windows’ handle. along with taking a few things out of my bag + putting cuffs/band bracelets on. we did plan on going to swimming as soon as my extended family arrived, but that ended up not working out as they had to leave late.
i then took out my collage journal and started cutting up the leaflets from the folder into separate letters [etc] to make a collage tomorrow. well i say tomorrow, when i started cutting everything up, i intended for me to put everything together today. [photo at end] but i only got round to collecting the bits of paper i need. i used my stamps to print stars onto a yellow sticky note and took a couple pictures of the leaflets incase we needed anything off them after id cut them up [e.g wifi support]. me, my parents and my sister left for a show and arrived at the venue at 3:12. on the way to the venue, we met up with D [one of my cousins, his girlfriend — L, and her son, W.] we got the time wrong so we thought were really short on time, but it started 20 minutes after we found a table.
first up was a beatboxer, except he made more sound affects than sounds to make into some kind of song. he was also really funny with the way he made and timed the sound affects. it’s impossible for me to explain with unless you were there and saw him, but he was really good. next was four breakdancers, ive never really had much interest in breakdancing, but it was quite cool to watch them. one had come all the way down from japan or something.
after was one of those big hoop acts. there’s not much to say as there’s not much to explain — following on from that, a bmX rider came out and started doing all kinds of crazy tricks. i somewhat remember seeing the show itself around a year ago, but this bmX guy was different than last year. its tricky to explain a bmX show generally, but its even trickier for people to read id they don’t know what it is. so i recommend looking up bmX tricks. once he’d done his thing, a basketballer came onto stage. he was manipulating the ball and circling it around him shoulders etc. behind him was a fake button with “do not push” plastered above it. obviously, it’s a show, he ‘pressed’ the button and everytime another ball would roll out from backstage.
in the end, he was working with 5 different basketballs. it was super impressive. before the show finished, everyone came out and did all their tricks side by side. during the entire show, the beatboxer was singing and making even more sound affects. he actually had a pretty decent voice. at 4:30, after we’d all packed up our stuff and gotten ready to leave and do something else, me, my parents and my sister headed back to our room. D, L and W went off to their rooms aswell. upon getting into our chalet, i went to have a nap but ended up putting on my skates. my sister stuck on hers and we circuited a section of the resort, looking for D’s room. it didn’t take us long before we found it. but during skating around and checking door numbers, i stupidly sped round a corner on the second level of chalets and nearly fell headfirst down a huge staircase.
i assumed that it’d turn and go round the other side, so i could look at the numbers on the other rooms, as a few other of the second story ‘balconys’ or whatever you wanna call them - don’t have stairs and just follow on around the other side. but i was wrong. i slightly toppled down the first two stairs and then grabbed onto my sister’s back. luckily i didn’t make her fall over lmao // at 5:30, all of us [all of my family] went round to our restaurant for dinner. it was a little cheeky of us to even eat together as everyone in the family apart from my parents & sister have reservations for another restaurant.
after dinner, i went back to the room and stayed there for 30 minutes alone before me, my sister and my parents made our way to yet another show. we arrived at the venue and i sat near the front on the floor with my sister. my mum sat on some stairs and my dad stayed standing. it was a magic show, which is quite a complicated thing to explain, especially because i actually didn’t understand how any of the tricks were done, but i enjoyed it. also while the backstage staff were sorting out some more props the start of my generation by limp bizkit played!!
the show finished at 8, and me and my immediate family went round to the rest of the family’s chalets to check them out. i went into the more cousin based one first, the people staying in it were: RY and H, and R and E. i sat on R’s bed and just people watched [mostly] until H offered to paint my right hand’s nails dark purple as id forgotten to paint that hand in black when i was at home. then i went to see the rest of my family’s room. the family members in this chalet are my aunt and uncle, and L/W. when i came in my uncle had a jumper over the radiator and it smelt so bad and was clearly just about to light on fire. i went back into the cousin’s room/s and went to see E and see what she was doing.
she was applying gems to her eyelids with some kind of makeup glue. she asked if i wanted some and i agreed so she sat me down and gently glued the gems onto my face. [photo at end] when she was done and if verified i was happy with it, i went back to my room to quickly get something — i’m not sure what it was as im writing this on the 27th. when i got back at 9:10, we had to leave for another show. we walked across the resort and arrived at the venue to get ourselves some seats. me and E tried taking pictures of our gemmed-up eyelids together but wasn’t able to because of bad lighting. the show was advertised as a ‘rock’ festival, however the music that played was things like lizzo and ed sheeran.
i was kind of disappointed because i thought it’d be punk rock or something else i would be able to sing along to, but it was funny that we were catfished so bad. me and R just sat there making faces for eachother, indicating that ‘this isn’t rock, wtf is this’ - the performance ended at 10:20 and we went straight to another venue to join in with a ‘music dance party.’ as you can imagine, the music was dance music, but i like dance music. i somewhat danced with my grandad, E and R. R spun me around and my sister stayed swaying across the dance floor with my dad. [photo at end]
i haven’t really ever seen my dad dance before, but his favourite ‘party’ track came on and he went mad. he was doing all sorts of weird dance moves but it was cracking me up. if only whoever is reading this saw it in the moment. we parted with the rest of the family and went back to the chalet at approximately 11:30. i started to do a bit of my journal, made a picture collage of the day, and had a little nap. after my nap, i asked my parents questions about boris, said goodnight to boris via a picture of him [the picture in question is at the end] and went to sleep at 1:45.
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🗝️ — boris/my cat, archie/my immediate family’s dog, questions about boris/i ask my parents questions about my cat to verify he's okay + will be okay in the morning. its a compulsive thing and i'm hopefully going to be tested for OCD in the future.
have a good day/night O_o
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
Angst 🩸 | Fluff ☁️ | Smut/18+ 🥵 | Dark 🕷️ | H/C 🫀
Top R! ⬆️ | Bottom R ⬇️ | Switch ↔️ | Has a Penis 🍆
Personal Favorite ✨
Main Masterlist | Natasha Romanoff ML #2
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Oneshots (Switched POV’s | Older Style)
Thanking my Lucky Stars
Flirty Natty 🩸 | ☁️
Your Sister's Hot ☁️
It's Okay.. | No It's Not.. | It Will Be ☁️|🩸
The Forgotten Triplet 🩸 | ☁️
Dirty Secret 🩸 | ☁️
Loved You Sooner 🩸| Never Too Late ☁️
Die For You 🩸 | Live for Me 🩸|☁️ | Story of Us ☁️
Burnt Out 🩸 | Magical Night Away 🩸| ☁️
The Mystery Stark ☁️|🩸| 🥵 (✅)
Oneshots (2nd Person | Current Style)
You’re Still Mine ☁️ |🩸| 🥵 | ⬇️
Mama's Baby 🥵 | ⬆️
Sad Beautiful Tragic 🩸|☁️|🥵 | ⬇️
Labor Pains 🩸 | ☁️
Anything for You 🫀
To Be: Cherished | Mine Forever I A Family |🥵|🫀| ⬇️
Everything Comes at a Cost 🩸|☁️ | ⬇️ | 🥵
Forever, Always, and All my Days After That... ☁️ | ✨
My Body, My Choice ☁️ | She Will Be Loved ☁️
Unwelcome Surprise 🩸| 🥵 | ↔️ | Lessons Learned 🩸| ☁️
Wrong Choice… 🫀| 🥵 | ⬆️ | ✨
Starts With Goodbye ☁️ | 🥵 | 🫀| ⬇️
Ready to Run 🫀
Oh How You Brighten up the Night Sky ☁️
Shall We Play a Game? ☁️ | 🤏🏼🩸
A Warm Hand, and Your Loving Touch… ☁️ |🥵 | ⬆️
I’ll Be Home For Christmas ☁️ | 🩸🩸 | 🥵 | ⬇️ / …If Only In Your Dreams 🩸| ☁️☁️
Kiss Me Beneath The Mistletoe ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️ |✨
Never Alone With You ☁️
How to Mend What’s Broken 🩸| ☁️
Mind Games 🩸| ☁️
Cuddle Bug ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️
Take it All… 🥵 | ☁️ | ⬆️
My Heart—It Beats For You 🩸| ☁️
A Blooming Love ☁️
Liho to the Rescue ☁️ | Meet The (Fockers) Bishop-Belova’s ☁️
Through the Eras 🫀| 🥵 | ⬆️ | ✨
Do I Know You? 🩸| ☁️
A Fools Errand ☁️ -> 🩸
Clandestine Meetings 🩸| ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️ | 🍆
You Could Never Hurt Me 🫀| 🥵 | 🥩 | ⬇️
In a Summer Haze ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️
Teach Me Mommy 🥵 | ⬆️
Unconditional Kind of Love 🫀
I Can’t Lose You 🥵 |🩸 | ☁️ | ⬇️
Attachment Issues 🥵 | ☁️ | ⬇️
I Love You / I Know 🩸| 🥵 | ⬆️
You’re so Prettyyyy 🩸-> ☁️ | 🤏🏼🥵
Stripped Bare 🩸| ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️ | 🍆 / Shelter me From the Storm 🫀| 🥵 | 🍆
A Vintage Taste ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️
Roles Reversed 🥵 | ⬆️
Perfect Timing ☁️ |🩸| 🥵 | ↔️ |
In Your Corner ☁️
Pretty Princess 🩸-> ☁️ |🥵 | ⬇️
Love Me ‘Til I’m Black and Blue 🤏🏼🕷️| 🩸| 🥵⬇️
Hear Me Out ☁️
Easy to Love 🤏🏼🩸 | ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️
The Perfect Muse 🥵 | ⬇️
Don’t Worry, I’ve Got You 🩸|🫀
The One That (Almost) Got Away 🩸| ☁️ | 🥵 | ↔️ | 🍆
Short Series
Symphonic Journey ☁️ |🩸| 🥵 | ⬇️ | 🍆 |✨
Blurb (2nd Person | 1.9kish or less)
Chaos Ensues 🤏🏼🩸| ☁️ | ✨
Roadside Assistance ☁️
Bloody Hell of a Mess ☁️
A Simple Cat Nap ☁️
A Never Ending Nightmare 🩸| ☁️
My Lipgloss is Poppin’ 🥵 | ☁️ | ⬇️ | ✨
Big Bad Wolf 🕷️|🥵|🩸| ⬇️
Desperate Times… (A/B/O) 🥵 | ⬇️ | 🍆
Winging It ☁️
A Twisted Web of Lies 🩸
Tension 🤏🏼🩸| ☁️ | 🥵 | ⬇️
Whiskey Lullaby 🩸
A Master Lesson in Patience 🥵 | ⬇️
Who Are You People ☁️
Married to her Craft 🥵 | ⬆️
The Tournament 🥵 | ↔️
Dance the Night Away ☁️
1 vs 5
Broken Promises…
Flustered Mess
Lost in Battle
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youareunbearable · 9 months
I dont have my copy of the Silmarillion on hand atm (shameful I know) but I have a memory of something along the lines of when Fingon went to rescue Maedhros from Thangorodrim, he sang a traveling song from his grandfather's era, one that was popular enough that both he and Mae knew the lyrics to sing back
I've been humming and hawing about what that song might be, and I have a list, but the top of the list atm is "Stay, I Pray You" from Anastasia the Musical. Its a nice minor key, when I first heard i thought it was about missing a person, would be easy to sing along in a group, has GREAT foreshadowing depending on how u use it, etc
This is a song I can see one the Noldor sang as they crossed Middle Earth West for Valinor, one Miriel sang at the loom in Valinor, mournful about the life she left behind, Feanor and Nerdanel singing the song in a more major key to their children as they traveled or as a lullaby on the road, one that Maedhros would have sang as a lullaby to his younger brothers and cousins (and to his foster sons centuries later), a theme of which could have been incorporated into the Noldolante/one that Maglor could have sung on the shorelines, and a song I can see Nolofinwe leading as his host crossed the ice, bringing the song full circle as his host leaves Valinor for Middle Earth
Fingon singing this song, something that helped him keep walking on those dark, bitterly cold nights, something that is keeping him moving as he tries to find clues of his beloved cousin. Begging, desperate, he calls:
"You are all I know
You have raised me
How to turn away?
How to close the door?
How to go where I have never gone before?"
And then he hears a voice, faint, singing back word for word, and Fingon is scrambling over rock and leaping over ledges, not caring for anything but that voice that sings along.
"How can I desert you
How to tell you why?
Coachmen, hold the horses
Stay, I pray you
Let me have a moment
Let me say goodbye"
And then he sees him, Maedhros dangling above him, starved and broken but not gone yet, the pale fire in his eyes still flickering. Fingon can do nothing but stare, enthralled as Maedhros whispers the final line, weak voice carrying in the wind.
"I'll bless my homeland till I die"
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bokettochild · 1 year
Sonic opera house au
What happens if wild and linkle DO meet? Despite everyone's best efforts. They can't keep them apart forever.
Also I like to imagine Fi works as both a singing and dancing instructor and maybe helps stage combat (she can cannonically sing and dance in SS and its beautiful. She should be able too elsewhere.)
Linkle and Wild meeting is the beginning of a new era. Suddenly Wild has all these insane ideas he wants to add to stuff, leaving Lullaby nursing a headache after insisting that no, The Counte Of Monte Cristo would NOT be better with a breakdance battle or some other such nonsense.
Linkle is suddenly so much more present and hanging around and making herself an utter and complete nuisance to the cast and crew. Warriors is genuinely worried he could lose his job here if she doesn't stop causing chaos. This is, in fact, how they manage to convince her to stop hanging around; the crew stage a whole incident where Lullaby threatens to fire Warriors is his family keeps anging around and disrupting their work. It's honestly the best performance most of them have ever given and Time repeatedly comments he wished they'd be that good on stage.
Wild and Linkle's final parting was something like out of a bad teen movie, all longing looks and stupidly long goodbyes full of what ifs. If one didn't know better, they would think the two were some annoying teen couple (they most certainly aren't).
As for Fi, she's Sky's personal trainer! She's also Time's former teacher, but he left a long time ago for reasons he refuses to share. there's some bad blood there so he tries to keep from interacting with her if he can. Fi is also quiet on the matter and refuses to explain. She does have a sort of fondness for the kids Sky works with though (Legend and Wind) so she's extended offers to help teach both of them. Legend took her up on it ages ago, but Wind's still considering.
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mamabearwonders · 5 months
we were that 2010 emo era. and it makes me weirdly nostalgic and sad because everyone's gone. my friends are gone. we had fun, but never got to enjoy that era itself because we were just surviving and comforting each other.
🎶🌌make it a sweet sweet goodbye... scream to be heard like u needed any more attention. throw the bottle, break the door and disappear. sing me to sleep. i'll see you in my dreams waiting to say i miss you i'm so sorry😴 🎶
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esuemmanuel · 2 years
Caía la tarde con el timbre de su voz cantándome canciones de cuna. Ella deseaba tanto que siguiera soñando, mas, no sabía que al hacer mi vida, también la soñaba. Me miraba a los ojos y me acariciaba la frente, dirigiendo sus dedos a mis labios; ahí, en ese lugar sagrado, me dejaba la huella de su ser en un beso, para luego esfumarse al tacto del rayo de Sol vespertino, el mismo que se colaba por la rendija de la ventana. El viento la ayudaba a volar, en tanto el firmamento bailaba. Antes de irse, me dijo, con esa voz suya; la misma que adornaba las mañanas de marea baja y brisa fastuosa: "Hoy te estoy amando Yo". ¿Cómo no iba a entregarme a su boca ni al susurro perenne que nacía de su garganta? Si le hablaba a mi alma como si no hubiera un mañana. Deseé tanto abrazarla a mi pecho, pero el viento se la llevaba, desvaneciéndola ante mi mirada, mientras yo suplicaba que se quedara. Su secreto era visitarme, vestida de sílfide divina, cubierta de estrellas diamantinas y un halo de luz que titilaba en Rosa. Se sentaba a mi lado, frente al piano y me tomaba las manos, para adornarlas con sus labios, en suaves besos perfumados; y me invitaba a tocarla. Y no solía poner resistencia cuando eso sucedía, ya que mis manos volaban a su encuentro, posándose en el marfil del piano como si de su piel se tratara. La sentía. Me impregnaba de su esencia, de su mágica presencia vestida de notas finas, en sonatas adormecidas, para no dejarla ir. La besaba con la música y el deseo ferviente de amarrarla con las fibras transparentes de mi alma, la misma que nacía al roce del marfil. Nos sumergíamos en una profunda ensoñación. Ella ardía en Rosa, mientras yo latía en Azul… y, como llamas majestuosas, en su ardor divino, nos hacíamos el amor. Se entrelazaba en mis manos, se fundía en mis brazos, haciendo del momento, el clima perfecto para no decirnos adiós. Envuelto en su esfera de luz amorosa, le cantaba al oído, la arropaba con el ropaje divino de mi devoción; de esa casta energía que emanaba de Mi Corazón.
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The afternoon fell with the timbre of her voice singing lullabies to me. She wanted so much for me to keep dreaming, but she didn't know that by making my life, I was also dreaming her. She would look me in the eyes and caress my forehead, directing her fingers to my lips; there, in that sacred place, she would leave me the imprint of her being in a kiss, to then vanish at the touch of the evening sunbeam, the same one that slipped through the crack of the window. The wind helped her to fly, while the firmament danced. Before leaving, she told me, with that voice of hers; the same one that adorned the mornings of low tide and lavish breeze: "Today I am loving you". How could I not surrender myself to her mouth and to the perennial whisper that was born from her throat? If she spoke to my soul as if there was no tomorrow. I wanted so much to hug her to my chest, but the wind carried her away, fading her before my gaze, while I begged her to stay. Her secret was to visit me, dressed as a divine sylph, covered with diamond stars and a halo of light twinkling in Rose. She would sit next to me, in front of the piano and take my hands, to adorn them with her lips, in soft perfumed kisses; and she would invite me to touch her. And I used to put up no resistance when that happened, since my hands would fly to meet her, resting on the ivory of the piano as if it were her skin. I felt her. I would soak in her essence, her magical presence dressed in fine notes, in sleepy sonatas, so as not to let her go. I kissed her with music and the fervent desire to tie her with the transparent fibers of my soul, the same one that was born at the touch of ivory. We were submerged in a deep reverie. She burned in Rose, while I pulsed in Blue… and, like majestic flames, in their divine ardor, we made love to each other. She entwined herself in my hands, melted in my arms, making the moment, the perfect climate for not saying goodbye. Wrapped in her sphere of loving light, I sang in her ear, wrapped her in the divine garment of my devotion; of that chaste energy that emanated from My Heart.
— Esu Emmanuel©
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britesparc · 9 months
Weekend Top Ten #615
Top Ten Songs from Pixar Films
Disney is always associated with music. The very concept of a “Disney song” is so ingrained into our cultural perception of the company, that we even have multiple sub-genres within; the “villain song”, the “I Want song”, the “comedy song”, etc. Not all Disney animated films are musicals, and not all the musicals are the same, and if you go back earlier than the Renaissance the style itself hadn’t solidified in any way, but all the same; you say “Disney song”, chances are people know what kind of thing you mean.
The same is not true of Pixar. When the company first rose to prominence in the late nineties, they felt in opposition to the standard Disney formula (despite Disney releasing all their films and, eventually, buying them outright). Disney animation was just about starting the downswing towards the end of its Renaissance era; the standard pattern established by the groundbreaking likes of The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast was, arguably, starting to wear a bit thin through repetition (although I’ll definitely go to bat for late-Renaissance-era bangers like Tarzan and The Hunchback of Notre Dame). Pixar films weren’t musicals, they weren’t fairy tales, they weren’t literary adaptations or allusions. They were modern, they were comedies, they were buddy movies; they had wit and verve and contemporary references. However, right from the start, they still had songs.
Because we think of the “Disney musical” versus the “Pixar comedy”, I think we tend to overlook just how excellent some of the music in these films was, right from the off. Toy Story was nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Song (although it did lose to Pocahontas), and it was an accolade the studio would receive a number of times, even winning on more than one occasion. But these songs weren’t the kind of breakout Broadway bangers Disney was producing; they were, more often than not, non-diegetic, songs that functioned the way a musical number might, but were merely “on the soundtrack”. Jessie doesn’t actually sing “When She Loved Me” in Toy Story 2; there’s no evidence the characters “hear” the song at all. But as a narrative device, it serves the same purpose; it imparts emotional information in the most powerful manner possible. Even when characters in Pixar movies do sing, it’s in a “realistic” manner – like, they pick up a guitar and sing – rather than the emotional explosion of a traditional musical number.
All this is to say that Pixar films have some tremendous songs and this is a list of them. It isn’t score, though; these are all proper songs with words and that. And I’m not allowing songs that were already written. These have to be new songs that debuted in the film. And that’s that!
No apologies if some of these make you cry, by the way.
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When She Loved Me (Toy Story 2, 1999): I think this I the moment when the sophisticated, mature themes that underpin a lot of Pixar’s stories became very apparent. After what was essentially a knockabout buddy comedy in the first Toy Story, this really rammed home the subtext: the toys were us, parents, saying goodbye to children. There’s an inherent tragedy at the core of the Toy Story films because children will, inevitably, unthinkingly abandon their toys, but the toys will never truly abandon the children. This is heartbreakingly illustrated in this song, a tender ballad of loss that rings all too true.
Remember Me (Coco, 2017): oh Christ, here we go again; a song so good they feature it three times in three different ways. Presented initially as something of a love song, it is revealed to be an incredibly heartfelt lullaby to a child from a parent who has to go away. The simple refrain and Latin guitar helps make it feel like a classic song, something from our own childhoods. Its later use in the film is one of Pixar’s most eye-watering moments, and that’s saying something.
Lava (Lava, 2014): is it a cheat to have a song from a short? Hell no, it’s where Pixar began and it’s where they still love to shine. Lava was put out alongside Inside Out and I don’t think I’ve ever consistently cried more often in the cinema. A somewhat jaunty Hawaiian melody tells a story that feels like a creation myth, with two lovestruck volcanoes missing each other across millennia. The life-affirming triumph of love in the face of tragedy is a nice change of pace from the sadder songs we’ve had so far, but it’s no less tear-jerking.
Touch the Sky (Brave, 2012): ah, thank goodness – this isn’t sad at all! Probably one of the more under-sung songs on this list (no pun intended) it’s a stirring Celtic ballad about freedom. Whilst in some respects it’s a little on-the-nose, its evocative melody contains a lot of passion and also reminds me of the songs from Lord of the Rings, which in turn reminds of the Lord of the Rings movies, and that’s a good thing.
If I Didn’t Have You (Monsters, Inc., 2001): the first outright jaunty number on this list (and the first Pixar song to win an Oscar!), it’s a hoot as Billy Crystal and John Goodman do something of a riff on the old Frank ‘n’ Dean-style buddy-buddy duets. A beautiful pean to friendship, it’s funny and sweet and a minor bop, and is also one of the few songs here sung in-character.
Un Poco Loco (Coco, 2017): Coco is so great it’s the first film to pop up twice on this list (spoiler: it won’t be the last). This song is a blast, a really funny, silly love song about being besotted and willing to do anything despite it seeming crazy. It works so well in the film as a cathartic bonding moment for our two heroes.
Nobody Like U (Turning Red, 2022): amazingly – shockingly – this wasn’t nominated for Best Song at the Oscars. Turning Red – Pixar’s best film for maybe a decade – goes deep on the early-noughties nostalgia, no more so than in this absolutely pitch-perfect parody of a boy band. The central characters’ desire to see 4*Star sing this boppy number rings so true, and absolute top marks to Billie Eilish and her brother Finneas O’Connell for making a song that really could have been sung at the MTV Awards in 2002.
You’ve Got a Friend in Me (Toy Story, 1995): the classic is here at last! With a kind of charming, louche swagger, Friend in Me is a delightfully plodding little ditty about, well, being a great friend. Randy Newman’s deep, dulcet tones are iconic (and, ahem, ripe for parody), but are also warm and – yes – friendly. There’s something about those opening bars that just makes you feel nice.
I Will Go Sailing No More (Toy Story, 1995): from triumph to tragedy with this, another oft-overlooked minor banger in the Pixar songbook. Telling the story of Buzz’s sad realisation of his own toyhood, it charts the quixotic attempts to achieve the impossible. The use of sailing as a metaphor – when obviously Buzz wants to fly – carries connotations of epic historic voyages, something melancholy and timeless; like Buzz will never board the grey ships to the west.
Le Festin (Ratatouille, 2007): a beautiful French ballad that perfectly recreates the sort of song you think of when you think of a film set in Paris. The lyrics obviously sound better in French, but they compare life and love to food, and celebrate the hero finally getting to enjoy a feast. It’s dead good.
Well, there you go – ten great tunes from, er, seven great films. Next week: Christmas!
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dailyav7 · 2 years
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Day 23
Goodbye Lullaby era
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ao3feed-fengqing · 4 months
Cante na Minha Respiração (até pararmos de respirar)
by Nico_Maia — Meu último templo... foi-se. Ou Há uma nova Era Celestial se instalando. Novos deuses e deusas, novos conflitos e vitórias, novas risadas e sorrisos, basicamente os céus são uma festa! Infelizmente os antigos não estão convidados a participar das festanças. Então, Mu Qing e Feng Xin compartilham de um último momento juntos antes que suas histórias lendárias de dois rivais, de dois amigos, e de, talvez se eles tivessem mais tempo, dois amantes, cheguem ao fim. Words: 7108, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Português brasileiro Fandoms: 天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Feng Xin (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Mu Qing's Mother (Tian Guan Ci Fu) Relationships: Feng Xin/Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, First Kiss, Last Kiss, Love Confessions, Feng Xin and Mu Qing are Idiots in Love (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Mu Qing Needs a Hug (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Feng Xin Needs a Hug (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Mentioned Jian Lan (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Minor Hua Cheng/Xie Lian (Tian Guan Ci Fu), E-Ming and Ruoye are Hua Cheng and Xie Lian's Children (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Singing, Lullabies, Goodbyes, Past Feng Xin/Jian Lan (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Mu Qing & Xie Lian Friendship (Tian Guan Ci Fu), Jian Lan & Mu Qing Friendship (Tian Guan Ci Fu), How Do I Tag via https://ift.tt/zIW4XPT
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trastornadosrevista · 4 months
AVRIL LAVIGNE lanzará su primer álbum GREATEST HITS
Antes de su próxima gira, Avril Lavigne, ocho veces nominada al GRAMMY® y con certificación de diamante, anuncia su primer álbum de grandes éxitos que se lanzará el 21 de junio a través de Legacy Recordings, la división de catálogo de Sony Music Entertainment. Avril Lavigne - Greatest Hits ya está disponible para pre-pedido.
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Una compilación esencial de todas las fases de la carrera pionera de Avril como uno de los íconos pop del siglo XXI, Avril Lavigne - Greatest Hits presenta 20 canciones favoritas de los fanáticos de su catálogo que rompió récords, incluido "Complicated" con certificación de platino de la RIAA 3 veces y "Sk8er Boi" con certificación de platino 2 veces de su álbum debut de 2002 Let Go (Artista) hasta su séptimo álbum de estudio Love Sux (Elektra/DTA) con canciones como "Bite Me", "Bois Lie" feat. Machine Gun Kelly y "I'm A Mess" con Yungblud.
Avril Lavigne llevará sus Greatest Hits a la carretera para una serie de conciertos inolvidables en 2024. Lagira Avril Lavigne: The Greatest Hits comienza el miércoles 22 de mayo en Vancouver, BC en el Rogers Arena, con paradas en Los Ángeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Toronto, Charlotte, Nashville, Chicago y más antes de concluir el miércoles 18 de septiembre en Calgary. All Time Low y Simple Plan se unirán a Avril en fechas seleccionadas a lo largo de la gira como invitados especiales y apoyo directo, con Royal & the Serpent y Girlfriends uniéndose a fechas seleccionadas como teloneros.
Avril Lavigne - Greatest Hits Track List: 01. Sk8er Boi (Let Go/single - Arista 2002) 02. Girlfriend (The Best Damn Thing/single - RCA 2007) 03. What the Hell (Goodbye Lullaby/single - RCA 2011) 04. Complicated (Let Go/single - Arista 2002) 05. Don't Tell Me (Under My Skin/single - Arista/RCA 2004) 06. I'm A Mess (with Yungblud) (Love Sux Deluxe/single - Elektra/DTA 2022) 07. He Wasn't (Under My Skin/single - Arista/RCA 2005) 08. Losing Grip (Let Go/single - Arista 2003) 09. My Happy Ending (Under My Skin/single - Arista/RCA 2004) 10. Bite Me (Love Sux/single - Elektra/DTA/2021) 11. Nobody's Home (Under My Skin/single - Arista/RCA 2004) 12. I'm With You (Let Go/single - Arista 2002) 13. When You're Gone (The Best Damn Thing/single - RCA 2007) 14. Bois Lie (feat. Machine Gun Kelly) (Love Sux/single - Elektra/DTA 2022) 15. Smile (Goodbye Lullaby/single - RCA 2011) 16. Love It When You Hate Me (feat. blackbear) (Love Sux/single - Elektra/DTA 2022) 17. Rock n Roll (Avril Lavigne/single - Epic 2013) 18. Here's To Never Growing Up (Avril Lavigne/single - Epic 2013) 19. Keep Holding On (The Best Damn Thing/"Eragon" soundtrack/single - RCA 2006) 20. Head Above Water (Head Above Water/single - BMG 2018)
Sobre Avril Lavigne Avril Lavigne ha hecho historia, ha batido récords y ha abierto constantemente su propio camino como una fuerza intransigente en la música y la cultura. Más allá de vender 50 millones de álbumes en todo el mundo con 12.5 millones de unidades vendidas solo en los Estados Unidos, ha logrado ocho nominaciones a los premios GRAMMY® en categorías como "Mejor Artista Nuevo" y "Canción del Año" dos veces por "Complicated" y "I'm with You". Además, el ganador del Paseo de la Fama de Canadá 2023 y del Paseo de la Fama de Hollywood 2022 ha ganado diez premios JUNO, incluido el de "Artista del Año" y varios premios "JUNO Fans' Choice". Su catálogo comprende el disco certificado de diamante (Canadá) y el séptuple platino (EE. UU.) Let Go [2002], quíntuple platino (Canadá) y triple platino (EE. UU.) Under My Skin [2004], el doble platino The Best Damn Thing [2007], el disco de oro Goodbye Lullaby [2011], el disco de oro Avril Lavigne [2013] y Head Above Water [2019] destacan éxitos definitivos como "Complicated", "Sk8er Boi", "Girlfriend", "Here's To Never Growing Up" y "Head Above Water". Como tal, sigue siendo "una de las artistas más vendidas de la era Soundscan que lanza álbumes en los EE. UU." y "la tercera artista femenina canadiense más vendida de todos los tiempos". Obtuvo un lugar en el Top 10 de la lista "Lo mejor de la década de 2000" de Billboard y tiene un récord mundial Guinness como "la artista solista femenina más joven en encabezar la lista del Reino Unido", mientras que "Girlfriend" surgió como "el primer video musical en alcanzar los 100 millones de visitas en YouTube". También ha obtenido múltiples #1 en todo el mundo y sus seguidores en las redes sociales superan notablemente los 93.6 millones de fanáticos en todo el mundo. En febrero de 2022, Avril hizo su debut para DTA Records con el lanzamiento de su séptimo álbum de estudio Love Sux que debutó en el top 10 de la lista Top 200 de Billboard, acumuló más de 12 millones de reproducciones en su primera semana e incluyó éxitos como "Bite Me", "Love It When You Hate Me" feat. blackbear" y "I'm A Mess" (con YUNGBLUD). El 22 de mayo, Avril iniciará su gira norteamericana Avril Lavigne: The Greatest Hits interpretando sus canciones más importantes hasta la fecha en ciudades como Los Ángeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Charlotte, Nashville y Chicago, entre otras. Para conocer las fechas de la gira y el resto de la información, visitá  www.avrillavigne.com.
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mywifeleftme · 10 months
237: Various Artists // Howl...A Farewell Compilation of Unreleased Songs
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Howl...A Farewell Compilation of Unreleased Songs Various Artists 1994, Glitterhouse
Released in 1994 by German indie label Glitterhouse as a double 10”, Howl…A Farewell Compilation of Unreleased Songs collects 18 songs by a real odds and sods assortment of Americana, indie folk, and alt. country acts. I’m not super-familiar with Glitterhouse beyond the fact that they were Sub-Pop’s European distributor during that label’s 1987 to 1995 grunge apex. The patchy history recounted on the Glitterhouse website indicates they were making a turn towards singer-songwriter fare at the time the Sub-Pop relationship petered out, and I can imagine this comp serving as a sort of soft launch of the label’s new direction. I’m not sure how many of these artists were signed to the label directly, though presumably Glitterhouse distro’d a number of them. Iin any case, it makes for a great sampler of some of the better artists of the time who operated at the meeting place of roots and alternative music, many of them still active today, and mostly still lesser-known outside of connoisseur circles.
The best-known act on the comp today is easily the Mountain Goats, which I doubt anyone would’ve predicted in 1994—their contribution, “Against Agamemnon,” is typical of John Darnielle’s early direct-to-boombox sound, a bare sketch that refers obliquely to Greek mythology but could as easily describe waking up with a nosebleed on an existential camping trip. Steve Wynn (ex-Dream Syndicate) pops up in the midst of his wandering ‘90s period, and we’ve also got a desert jazz instrumental version of “Route 66” from the venerable Giant Sand, which anticipates the sound members John Covertino and Joey Burns would refine after departing to form Calexico. The next tier of notability down would be… I guess Vic Chesnutt, the devastating Georgian songwriter who offers a moving cover of Yoko Ono’s “Goodbye Sadness”; long-running heartland groovers the Silos (featuring Vulgar Boatmen founder Walter Salas-Humara) with the demo “Nothing But You”; alt. country forerunners Freakwater with their woozy “Lullaby”; and venerated songwriter Victoria Williams, who unfortunately contributes an irritating rendition of “Feed the Birds” from Mary Poppins.
Howl doesn’t transcend its times, but if you like this era of weird Americana, it makes for good company. You’ll likely pick up a band or five who’ve slipped your filter that you’ll want to check out (my pick being Chicago’s Souled American, whose woeful “Suitor’s Bridge” would see eventual re-release on their final record Notes Campfire).
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warsawmountain · 1 year
Winnipeg Beach Euology
Winnipeg Beach: The tiny harbour town of eternal summer day, where I had the honour of walking her down the aisle— a sprightly nonagenarian bride in a pastel white dress, radiant as the Canadian summer sky.
She held onto my arm, her touch as light as a bird's wing, her spirit as fierce as the wind often stirring the waters of Lake Winnipeg.
When I was a child, Grandma's quaint house was a castle with a garden blooming with her personality, a stone's throw from the beach.
The salty lake breeze serenaded through her windows, whistling lullabies on chilly winter nights, and delivering the scent of summer blossoms during warmer months. Her voice, a soft lullaby, still seemed to echo in the hallways, whispering tales of bygone eras and half-forgotten love stories.
She was the sweet, soury tang of rhubarb pie, the comforting warmth of butter tarts, the rich earthiness of borscht.
Winnipeg Beach, with its vast, sandy expanses— Grandma taught me about the world beyond the horizon. Pointing towards the endless lake, her wrinkles folding into a smile, Spinning tales of mythical creatures and brave voyagers. At night, under the velvety blanket of the sky, introducing me to the constellations, tracing invisible patterns in cosmic dust.
When the news of her passing came, I was thousands of miles away. Grief is a rogue wave, pulling you under, making you feral. I yearn for the comforting rhythm of the waves instead, the solace of my Winnipeg Beach.
to be in the house filled with her memories, to sit on the porch where she had watched a thousand sunsets. To be greeted by the same salty breeze, home-cooking replaced by a lingering scent of melancholy.
Yet, the beach remains the same, the waves still kiss the shore, the Sun still painted the sky, the constellations still spark in the night.
The day we bid her goodbye, the entire boardwalk is empty. The local bakery closed its doors, the fishing boats stayed anchored, even the gulls, it seemed, muted their annoying songs.
The way the fading sun painted the heavens hues of crimson, amber, and violet, casting long shadows bathing the world in an ethereal glow—
her silhouette framed by the sun's dying light, her eyes reflecting the cosmic ballet unfurling above.
I walk down the same aisle once again, now with a heavier heart, stained glass windows filtering the afternoon light, casting a kaleidoscope of colours—her final sunset.
The sun beginning to set, painting the sky with familiar colours. Waves gently engulf the entire shore now, a rhythmic solace in silence.
She taught—just as the sun sets, it also rises. The ebb and flow of the tide mirrored life and death, a ceaseless cycle.
Trace her footprints in the sand, watch the night arise. Find her in the corners of the still-growing garden, in the prairie crocus after winter, and the whispering willows.
She is the rustling autumn leaves, the ebbing tide, the radiance of today, the twinkling constellations. She was the summer Sun, her warmth lingering even after the sunset.
Winnipeg Beach: The tiny harbour town of eternal summer day. The day she passed away, the 14th of May—Mother's Day— the Sun of Winnipeg Beach finally set.
Every wave, every breeze, every sunset carries a piece of her. Every Mother's Day a reminder of her indomitable spirit, her radiant smile, and her everlasting love.
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spookyspemilyreid · 6 years
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