#google maps pokemon
mrvandalrus · 4 months
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What da dog doin?!)
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pkmn-smashorpass · 7 months
There are infact other femboys present.
- 🦨 Skunk anon
I had a feeling
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9823678 · 1 month
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Coming at August 24, 2024, at 9:00p.m. (PDT), Pokemon masters ex 5year anniversary special commemorative video debuts on the official Pokemon youtube channel.
and JP ver. has more information. the video also debuts on 新宿ユニカビジョン (Shinjuku YUNIKA VISION) at August 25, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. (JST).
you can watch the video in the street if you are in Shinjuku!
ENG ver. | JP ver. | YUNIKA VISION (google map)
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etlu-yume · 5 months
"Video Games encourage violence!"
Mmhmmm that's why I'm sitting here staring at a map of Hyrule trying to remember how the hell contour lines work and whether that's just Ol' Yonder Hill or if that's sheer cliff face of doom.
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listen if gen 8 had been the one where they introduced the open world none of y’all would’ve been bullying leon for getting lost Constantly….. once i got past the first two gyms and first sidequest with mr wolfcut i’ve been having to google directions this is Bullshit
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thechekhov · 8 months
Chekhov Reads Dungeon Meshi: CH47
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I would like to thank Ryoko Kui for this.
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I really love how, despite being antagonistic with Chilchuck, Izutsumi seems to like Marcille and him the best out of all the rest.
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You know they're Japanese pancakes with that amount of air padding them out.... 😂
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You know, it's interesting because if I remember correctly, taste is the oldest sense we have. Basic organisms surviving in water needed to be able to taste the environment in order to allow it to move away from acidic water, or dangerous environments. So it's curious that their taste is no longer working while their other senses remain.
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....sounds like it was maybe less of the...power.... and maybe more of the fact that his old childhood friend was growing old?
....... y'know. Just suggesting...
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To fight a trainer with a powerful pokemon, you must first capture a powerful pokemon yourself.
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I was JUST about to say "man, this kid seems to be a genuinely good leader! His people don't fear him and he has a good head on his shoulders. I sure hope nothing bad happens to him!"
And here we are.
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Oooooh a forest? Or one of those water places.
Update: One of those water places. A cistern.
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Her charm wore off! And now she can experience unspeakable horrors of being known in a vulnerable state.
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Someone get this poor man some google maps.
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Laios, why do you look.... less than thrilled with this information?
Oh, his Fixation Sense is tingling, that's why.
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Oh? Rare Senshi moment of stubbornness?
Mayhaps even.... A BACKSTORY?
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When the party is in Analysis Paralysis and the DM says 'roll initiative'
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Marcille is taking this Crazy Future Girlfriend thing to all new highs.
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Is he afraid of birds? Or lions? Or both? What is happening here? It makes no sense. It would be delicious! Senshi, stop that's like 60 kg of chicken wings, easy!
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Here's the thing. They aren't like, twins necessarily. But I do think that Falin, while she's just as weird as Laios is, makes herself approachable to people. She cares about ghosts as beings, instead of seeing them only as a scientific anomaly.
But other than that.... honestly I feel like Toshi wouldn't fall in love with a female Laios either.
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Marcille and Falin being MORE likely to go out to the dungeon as women makes sense somehow. Though I am amused at how femme-leaning all elves are naturally.
I think these gender twists are all pretty surface level but given that it's a conversation the party has in real time... I get it.
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mudkirby · 8 months
Pebbles In order of appearance.
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@druidshollow lore lore lore Dune lore lore
@flickering-nightfall whole reason I draw Pebbles the way I do since first exposure
@toxictoxicities b u f f
@dennis7231 still waiting on them dropwigs >:)
@weepinglilvessel ant snooooot
@mudkirby me :> 🔫
@shkika love your Suns
@northflowerowo Sorry I shoved him so far down lol
Honourable mentions/ shout outs: @trashiiplant Howwow Knight and Wainwowld :D
@kelnexia is lurking.
@daszombes Thank you for explaining lore, giving us peak story telling and characters to simp for in the form of the Iterator Logs. What? No Pebbles? Don't care. You're on here now.
Druid's Hollow, the first time I ever saw your YouTube channel was with the Distant Frontier video after just having gotten into Iterator Logs. One of the most pivotal pieces of media you've made in my life was God- Jake Daniels. That single video alone gave me the push I needed to make my first Rainworld oc Parting Clouds. The stories surrounding your characters (and Dune) are creative beyond my ability to write stories. Keep up your top tier memery.
Flickering Nightfall, I'ma put this in a nutshell. Duckdance. After that I found your blog via Google before I made a Tumblr and became enthralled by your content. From something as obscure to me as Infinity Train to Pebbles ragdolling, you were essentially my gateway into liking Iterators. I love the purple. I need moar.
Vic, b u f f I haven't known your blog long and was introduced to you through the My Goodbye animation. Since I was sort of entirely new to Rainworld at that point, I had no idea what was happening. I just saw a well drawn thing and went "oooooo". I'm all for Suns' antenna twitches and NSH box head. Also, body pillow 💀
Dennis, one of the first blogs I found when I first started Tumblr. I found you through the @iterator-ask-blog and found bullying Pebbles hilarious. I love the way you draw the yellow things on his head and I just appreciate that you do digital in general. I do not, will not and proceeds to die if I must. I've seen quick progress with your art style as well. Keep going.
Vessel, I barely know you. Who da heck are ye? I saw your art style once and knew I needed to follow. The way you draw Pebbles and Moon are so satisfying to stare at for minutes and I had way too much fun replicating that s n o o t. I don't know what you're up to with them aside from chaos. Murky Seas' story and design are fantastic. RIP
Shkika, I only found you through the @ask-looks-to-the-moon blog and love the way you draw the Iterators. It's very stylistic without straying too far. The three fingered hands to the goofy faces Moon expresses makes me smile. B a l l s. My Suns design was more so inspired by the way you make him as you were somehow the first Suns exposure. You're the only reason I can't see him without fluff. How did you make Pebbles cute kavvkatkcfadal
Northflowo, way back in 2022 in my first exposure to Hollow Knight, I found your channel through the Baby Mantis skin video with Nosk along with the lore in a nutshell video. Any other content I saw I forgor. In any case, your channel was there in my search for knowledge on that game. Fast-forward to the near conclusion of 2023 when I was first introduced to Rainworld. In my hunt for memes and more knowledge, I found the other lore in a nutshell video and realized you were the perfect channel for me as you had plenty of other content on that subject. Your art still manages to astound me, especially with the shot you did in the map Pliocene and the Warrior Cats redraws like with the waterfall. I'm trash at drawing backgrounds and might learn something from you.
And of great importance to me, @bornt-urnge/@zigmatism
@kitterjitters /@offended-dragon
Thank you for every moment of drawing from Pokemon to Kirby to Mire (oc) and anything else. You have made some of the largest impacts on my life, drawing, game choices and I've enjoyed every moment. I want to have more ridiculous sessions like that in the future and look forward to it.
Some of you have been around in my life for some time and others I've just found. All the same, every single art piece you've made has inspired me no matter how polished, memed or "trash". All of you have made an impact on me, no matter how miniscule. I look forward to the future with anticipation for all of your art. Have a terrific year, and with my deepest gratitude, thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for reading this.
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1863-project · 1 year
I've been thinking a lot lately about my experiences as an autistic adult and how difficult certain things actually have been for me, and one of the things that really hit me recently was how I can tell the patrons at the library I work at are judging me. They say things to me they'd never say to my co-workers, because my co-workers seem "normal" to them. But I can think of two different cases in the last year or so that really stand out to me that illustrate this.
The first was a patron who wanted the writing address of the governor of New Hampshire. I found it and went to write it down for her. She didn't want it that way, she wanted it printed. Of course, Wikipedia wasn't going to print well, and she was starting to get difficult about it, so I came up with a solution - I'd type it into a Word document and print it for her. I was excited that I'd come up with something, and I enthusiastically expressed this excitement by raising the volume of my voice. She decided I was "weird," told me so to my face, and left instead of letting me help her.
More recently, I showed similar excitement when showing a patron how to use Google Maps, excitedly reassuring her that we'd do it together and that I wasn't going to just tell her to do something she didn't know how to do. This patron told me my enthusiasm made me seem "like a schoolgirl." I deflated immediately, pointed out I was actually 34 years old, and did everything else with an extremely dampened mood.
Being an autistic adult in the workplace - or anywhere - is an uncomfortable experience. The first patron decided I was scary. The second patron infantilized me. The dichotomy of being an autistic adult is that some people decide you're uncanny and scary and some people decide you're actually a child. Both are microaggressions. Both are ableism. The third option is, of course, to mask so well they can't tell, and then get told "But you don't seem autistic!" when you drop the big reveal on them (if you do). There's no winning here.
I think, often, of Ingo and Emmet, autistic adults who, like me, are in the workplace, are really good at their jobs and take them seriously, and are really enthusiastic about what they do. I think about what sorts of things people must say to them, about the judgment they likely experience from passengers and trainers. I think about how gratifying it must be for them to repeatedly face trainers like Hilda, who only cares about battling and not who she's up against, because in those moments there's no judgment, just Pokemon battles. Just as my regular patrons who know me and are okay with me are a comfort to me, so too must their returning trainers be one to them, a beacon of acceptance in a world that refuses to understand.
I think sometimes about how I can't go into the tags for these characters that are just like me, because there's content that treats them the way the real world treats me. It isn't all of the things people make, but it's enough that I can't take the chance of looking myself, because you never know. It's been this way since 2010, and it shows no signs of stopping. I think about how all fandoms have this problem, about how many people experience this, and it hurts deep in my chest. I wish desperately for a kinder world in which people like me aren't treated as "weird" because we're enthusiastic about work, because we don't have volume control, because we can't mask, because we're not like most people.
I do what I've always done - I generally just talk about the things I like with trusted friends who also like the things I like. It's safer that way. I don't have to worry about stumbling upon the things I already experience in real life. If my friends find something safe, they bring it to me, a wonderful show of kindness and affection that I am always deeply grateful for.
I just wish I lived in a world that thought about how things affect people more, about how a respectful portrayal can give someone hope and help them love the person in the mirror. But every "unhinged" or "scary" depiction of normal autistic traits reminds me how far we still have to go, how Autism Speaks and other hate groups still dominate the narrative even as they fade into the background.
Everyone can do what they want in fandom, but it's supposed to be an inclusive space, not an alienating one, and I think it's good to be thoughtful. You never know who you may be helping or hurting.
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csolarstorm · 2 years
"GameFreak is what's holding back Pokemon"
You asked and The Pokemon Company listened: presenting the first non-GameFreak core Pokemon game!
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It's a stripped down port remake that misunderstands the art direction of the classic that it salvages for nostalgia bait! Oh, you don't like this?
How about a heavily monetized version of Google Maps?
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Do you see what I'm saying here? Replacing GameFreak isn't going to give us better games. Without them, Pokemon will just hire the cheapest studio willing to make their soulless nostalgia bait. Pokemon's main profit comes from merch and that's all they need to sell it.
I know GameFreak is no victim, but I'm defending them because I don't want them to go away. They speak like they honestly love what they do, and I just don't want gamers to kill that.
Edit: ILCA isn't a bad studio, and Niantic...well that's a different can of worms. Also, I'm not talking about side ventures like Pokemon New Snap. There's no reason to rush that because the franchise doesn't depend on it. My point is, no matter what company they hire to make the games the franchise depends on, The Pokemon Company will rush them for their merchandise schedule.
Edited to remove the assertion that The Pokemon Company held back ILCA's vision for BDSP. As commenters pointed out, the source did not substantiate this claim.
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adobe-outdesign · 6 months
if pokemon had it's own version of google maps i think it would be funny if it included EVERY place in the pokemon universe including stuff like. the hall of origin and whatnot. you look up "the distortion world" and it's a real place that you can't reach via any form of travel or transportation and it only has like one review and the review is from cyrus and its stuff like "place is okay, since im not bound to the confines of time and space i cannot age physically anymore. only problem is that getting from one place to another sucks and my landlord is a giant ghostly worm on a string that keeps telling me to fuck off"
Maxie has gone through and a left a "7.8/10 too much water" on every single beach
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pkmnirlevents · 1 month
How do you go about getting ideas for arcs? I’m struggling to figure out what I want to do with my character :(
Great question! This happens to be one of my absolute favorite parts of writing and pkmn irl itself. I've always been more of an ideas guy myself. I hope you don't mind but I decided to turn this into a bit of an overall tutorial for planning and writing arcs. Feel free to ask for any specifics because I could delve into my personal process for arc brainstorming, but I was admittedly writing this before getting ready for work and this post was getting kinda long haha
Knowing where to draw inspiration from can be a good place to start. It's wonderful to be inspired by music, a movie or tv show, a book, or even other people in the community and their writing. Ask yourself what elements of that thing draw you in. What do you like? What would you maybe do differently? I must mention though to be respectful of the work other blogs have put into their writing. Being inspired is a wonderful thing, lifting exact details or passages is not. If you're unsure, there's no harm is asking!
The most helpful thing I can tell you right off the bat is that you want to find out how to brainstorm. In schools they'll often try to teach you ways of brainstorming and outlining to structure your essay writing, if you're lucky they might even mention that there are multiple ways you can do this. The ones in school never worked for me personally, so for a long time I assumed brainstorming and outlining was a complete waste of my time and would launch straight into my writing drafts. But as I wanted to write more complex things and I wanted to indulge in more creative writing, I found myself getting stuck all the time. The truth is brainstorming is a helpful tool, but you have to know what type of brainstorming works best for you. Flowcharts, bullet points, stream of consciousness, word clouds, moodboards, drawings, whatever it is that gets your creative juices flowing. In my experience it works best to remember that not every one of these elements will make it into the final arc. You want to get your ideas down first and trim the excess later. I personally pay for a program (Milanote) that allows me to brainstorm in the methods that work best for me, but by no means do you have to pay for a program to do this. Pen and paper works just fine.
The next thing you wanna do is establish what you want your arc to do. Not every arc has to be a grand character development, but all arcs do something. No matter how small that something may be, something has to change as a result. Maybe your character meets a new person, obtains a new Pokemon, gets a new scar and a story to tell their friends, or maybe all they got was a t-shirt. If you already had a loose concept for your arc this can help you hone it. You can start asking yourself, "how does my character reach this point?" and work up to that. Map out what you think your character would do when dropped into a particular situation. This can also help you to establish the tone you want your arc to take. Is it silly and lighthearted or is it more serious and high stakes? Refer to the stakes tag post about proper tagging.
It can help to conceptualize your arc as a series of events rather than a single event. This allows you to understand how many posts you may need to split the arc up into, how much time the arc may take, or other hard to sort details.
These things ramp up when you start to incorporate more people into your arcs. Planning with your fellow writers is extremely important and that requires a lot of communication. Some writers prefer to do what we call pre-writing, which is typically you and the other writers get together and write out the posts in advance. This gives people the chance to look over each other's writing and make edits before the posts go live. Planning discords are useful for keeping things organized, but google docs or other collaborative writing programs can work just as well if those better suit your needs. Organize who is posting what and generally at what time, especially if the post involves other people's characters.
Remember all of this is for fun! These are not hard rules you need to follow. You should not force yourself to write things you do not like for the sake of others or for an imagined audience. Write what you want to write.
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may i receive your rant on why every videogame ever chooses to have columnar basalt in places basalt should not be, like in unsuspecting caves or just dotting beaches with no volcano in sight... because god, that gets me going.
Let me preface this rant by saying, I love when videogames at least try, like I can look at a rock and actually say, "hey that's columnar basalt and not *generic rock texture*" (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's texture shortened my lifespan). So generally speaking, if I can tell at least vaguely that someone googled photos of rocks when creating a game I am more happy than not, but!
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My GOODNESS! I think I could extend this rant to just videogame cave systems in general! Like, caves are only formed in limestones and marbles (And some limey sandstones and salt deposits), BUT for some reason we are mining and finding Rubies? Emeralds? Metals? These caves they are depicting are clearly just supposed to be these natural caves and not abandoned mines, which would give them some leeway to put whatever desirable gemstone or ore they wanted in the game, but they don't choose that for some reason, and it is beyond me why!
And can we talk about how all of these caves got there in the first place? Like limestone only forms in marine environments! Are you telling me that the entire continent you designed was underwater to the extent to have a spiraling cave system forming at least every ten miles of trail explored (Skyrim I am looking at you)? And how acidic is your rain? Are we experiencing an industrial evolution? I CANNOT, also in what situation are these random massive quartz crystals in otherwise fine-grained material forming? Like one, Who would actually leave that laying there? No one. And two, how is this forming? Like are you trying to say this formed after the cave was created or what? If that's the case the more likely mineral would be calcite or gypsum.
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My little bird brain can't wrap my head around what they are trying to do here! (The second image is from ESO and I give it a lot of lenience and to be fair they are trying to depict these are geodes that are surrounded by a massive basalt but they are also showing stalactites and stalagmites which aren't in basalts so it still gets points docked).
But yes! Seeing inaccurate geology, columnar basalts included can take you out of a game so fast, same with the imaginary ores that are kind of based off real metals. I think I would be more ok with completely fake names, because then at least I wouldn't have anything to associate it with.
That being said! I will end this rant by pointing out videogames that when either I was playing or my fiancé was playing I was pleasantly surprised by the geology/accurate textures.
ESO- elder scrolls online, I know I just docked it points above, but genuinely they do an amazing job depicting different rock types to the point that on their islands they have limestones. with. fossils. I nearly cried. Of course they still have random metal seems everywhere but it is an MMO and resources are necessary so I can ignore that as long as they keep making accurate landscapes.
Titanfall- I will just add an image because it will speak volumes
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like does that shale/siltstone have ripple marks in the middle right hand side? beautiful. amazing. perfect. chief's kiss. (Apex also does a decent job which is a battle royale game that takes place after the Titanfall games, the textures aren't as good obviously but you can definitely tell what kind of rocks are at each map)
3. Horizon Zero Dawn- the graphics in this game are just genuinely impeccable and it takes place in the US but after the collapse of civilization. In a lot of ways, I think it made it a bit easier for the designers, but they still did an amazing job depicting the rocks accurately! I believe there is a Youtube video which compares the actual locations to the videogame locations.
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some obviously tilted sedimentary rocks
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sandstone arches
@cosmic-tuna please add more games if you know any!
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papasmoke · 1 year
I will miss this piece of shit galaxy s9 that I've had for like six years which I tortured with years of playing pokemon go outside in the hot sun on with Spotify and Google maps open in the background i think I've dropped this phone 6 thousand times I've had the screen replaced twice and gone through multiple phone cases but now whenever I'm listening illegally uploaded audible audiobooks on sketchy websites on Firefox because I can't find them on my library app my phone crashes every 30 minutes and the shitty mp3 file player the websites have embedded lose track of my progress probably in part because my phone's storage is constantly at 99% capacity because I love taking photos of the great outdoors and the phone runs out of space to store the webpage in its memory but anyways it's clear my phone is elderly and withered and in pain like every time I try to open a social media app it takes 30 seconds to invidivually load each UI element so I'm going to take it out back behind the phone repair store and shoot it like old yeller rip
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On april fools day 2014, Google held a special event called "Google Maps: Pokemon challenge."
It gave people the ability to catch Pokemon on Google Maps. There were 25 Pokemon for each generation (up till 6 at that point) which resulted in a total of 150 Pokemon. But if you caught the all, Mew would spawn too.
Those who managed to complete the pokedex got special Pokemon Master business cards later in the year
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inprogresspokemon · 1 year
Why do you fans enjoy bullying fans of the oldest Pokemon versions, name calling (Genwunner). People also like retro gaming. Also Pokemon only remained popular with gamers. It was a fad everywhere else until Pokemon Go which originated from an April Fools joke on Google Maps.
Uhhhh, are you sure this ask was meant for me? I'm very much against bullying and try to keep my blog a fun and inclusive place. I've been playing Pokemon since Red and Blue versions, and certainly don't look down on people who are fans of the earlier Generations (my favorite Generation is unabashedly Gen 3). My blog's been around since 2014, two years before Pokemon Go launched.
I've never used the term "Genwunner," and even did a search on my blog to double-check, and nothing came up.
If you think you have the right blog I'd appreciate some examples of what you're talking about, because I think there's been a mixup!
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limitlessscion · 4 months
u liked this post https://www.tumblr.com/cderiva/752388311352557568 so imma go ahead and ask: what are 5 pictures you'd find in gojo's phone, what's gojo's last sent text, what's gojo's last received text, what apps does he have on his phone, and if he uses the notes app what is in there?
5 pictures:
i. A really fancy looking dessert, with multiple pics from several different angles. It's hard to tell exactly what it is other than the general vibe that it might be sweet? It's composed of many components, perhaps an ice-cream base topped with various beads of different colours and a lattice of something that could be glass or sugar. The angles give a feel more as a study of the dessert than a straight appreciation of it to share
ii. A selfie, pointed down from above at a scene of Satoru on the sofa, a sleeping Suguru held to his chest with one arm to keep him from rolling off onto the floor. Suguru dons a casual modernized kimono and his hair is splayed over the both of them like a dark veil. Satoru sports a light dress shirt, the buttons undone and open messily where it is pinned between their bodies. A calm joyful smile graces both their faces
iii. An open field on the campus of Jujutsu High. Fall colours mark the background but the focus is solely on a knot of students— or more precisely, one student, surrounded by 3 seniors writhing on the ground that he'd beaten singlehandedly. Kinji Hakari had some incredible potential, even not counting his cursed technique
iv. A pile of mutilated flesh, grotesque growths sprouting from putrid piles to combine with each other. That it appeared at all in the photo was an indication that it was not made solely of cursed energy. The camera is focused on a particular sigil carved into an exposed stretch of skin too large to be of only one human's back. Just routine investigations work mid-mission
v. A view of the ocean, taken from what seems to be a small island jutting out of cerulean waters. The sun hiding lazily behind broken thin clouds, a strong breeze written in the foam of crashing waves. Okinawa was a reminder of happier times, and this island was uninhabited, far away from any traces of non-sorcerers. Could be a nice spot for a picnic, once a see-through barrier is put in place to guard against the wind
Last sent text (note: Hiei is Suguru's contact name in his phone )
[To Hiei 2:00am ] plane lands at 4am [To Hiei 2:00am ] u still got the clothes i left last week? [To Hiei 2:10am ] i can come over directly [To Hiei 2:11am ] lmk asap i miss u
Last received text
[ From Shoko yesterday ] I need to talk to you about those pictures you sent, I have a theory on what it is but you're going to have to get a sample for me
Apps Google Maps LINE Facebook Facebook messenger Uber Neko Atsume Pokemon Go Sudoku
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