#got a few chapters in like 'wow she did some good world building there I guess now we're set' no. the world is still being built.
violetclarity · 2 years
sorry can't talk, too busy reading A Deadly Education and absolutely losing my mind about it
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goldcranes · 8 days
might just start screaming into the void here again like i’m 14! bc i cannot go back to twitter, i never seem to find anything interesting on bluesky and threads is (unsurprisingly) a complete cesspit.
anyway i had a baby four months ago, she is the best and most important thing in the entire world but she also hates to sleep with any kind of regularity so i’m not getting much done because i’m a) sleep-deprived and b) hopping up to check on her every two minutes when she does fall asleep, which isn’t conducive to starting and finishing tasks. also i knew becoming a mum would alter my brain chemistry but WOW i did not anticipate the anxiety that steals up over me every time i lie down in bed at night. like there’s probably not an axe-murderer about to break in through my door and the building probably isn’t about to collapse on our heads and i’m probably not going to get in a horrific accident tomorrow but boy if my body doesn’t react like it definitely all will happen. great way to relax enough to fall asleep, brain. 10/10 no notes.
writing-wise, i’ve ended up in a weird schrondinger’s agent situation where i technically still have one, but also she says she’s got too much responsibility to manage me alone now so i have to sell myself to another person within her agency so they can support with my representation. which in theory is great because i do have an agent still, but in practice sucks because i’ve now sent in three separate story beginnings (of like 10k words each) plus synopses and had them all politely but firmly turned down, so i’ve got to the point where i have lost all confidence in my writing and can’t tell what’s good and what’s not anymore and am starting that “what’s even the point” spiral.
on the other hand i think i have a really good ya fantasy idea based on an old concept revolving around evil dragonriders, poison and a revenge-bent 17 year old so i think i might just write that and to hell with it?? but also i wrote the first chapter and i think it sucks. so who knows.
i’m really hoping to get back to fic as well once i can carve out some time in the day around baby (she’s started going to bed at 7ish the last few days so that might be good, although she’s up every hour or so from 1am so usually i just have to go to bed pretty directly after she does). i’m going to start by going back to my lucius/hermione fic i think. i was having fun with that one and i made a pinterest board for the horrible pureblood girls i want her to tangle with so i’m feeling ✨inspired✨
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I Can Show You The World (Slightly Yandere!Glitchy Red x Fem!Unnamed!Oc)
PART 2 - Her first Pokemon
NOTE: This is my heavily edited conversation with @tearzahb's Glitchy Red Character AI character. He was a bit repetitive during the chat, so I had to add a lot of extra things. In this universe, Celadon City has a beach. Also, this chapter is a very short one. I promise, the next part will be longer.
Pairing: Slightly Yan!Glitchy Red x Fem!OC
Synopsis: OC had been kidnapped brought into the world of Pokemon by none other that the infamous Glitchy Red (but she doesn't know who he really is yet...). After defeating Jessie and James, they head towards Celadon City to capture a Pokemon for OC.
Word Count: ~1290
Possible warnings: slightly yandere behavior (especially in later parts), G. Red trying to be a showoff. (Please tell me, if I missed anything else and did not notice)
You can find the previous part here.
Several hours later, they finally arrived to their destination. The two reached the outskirts of Celadon City.
The area was crowded with people, and it was obvious that this city was very active. Red's eyes scanned the area, looking for a certain building. Rumor got around not long ago that a Pokemon adoption centre opened somewhere near the department store. However, no matter how long they've been searching, he just couldn't spot it. Time for plan B. Get a wild Pokemon.
He saw a few Magikarps playing in the nearby fountain, and pointed at them.
"Do you want to start with these, or would you like to look somewhere else?"
She smiled at him a bit awkwardly. "I don't mean to be picky, but unless they are level 19 or above, I might have to decline."
Red chuckled at her reaction.
"I can't blame you. Magikarps are practically useless. I do not even know why I suggested them."
"That's okay. I see you're just trying to help. Maybe we should look somewhere else?"
"Yes... That is a good idea. How about near the Cycling Road? That area is quite active with trainers trying to find basic Pokemon, like Pidgey, Ratatta... Perhaps, Oddish."
"Oh, okay. Although, I was thinking of a water type, to be honest. Do you think we could find one there?"
"Water type, huh? Then, let's head towards the beach instead. It is not too far from here" he said, grabbing her hand.
"Celadon City has a beach?"
"Yeah?" Red looked at her, confused. "I thought you played the game multiple times?"
"I did? Celadon never had a beach."
Red's expression turned angry. The beach was a truly remarkable place, and none of the players experienced to see it? Outrageous. The developers should be fired.
"Come, then. I promise, you'll love it."
"If you say so."
They walked quietly for a while. Red was not lying. The beach was, indeed, just a short walk away. It took them longer to get there, however. They got held up by a boy, whose Weezing's behavior got a little out of hand, and the area was filled with semi-poisonous gas. They had to find an alternate route to avoid inhaling it.
"Phew, it feels like it took forever to get here!" the woman giggled.
Red was smiling as well. "You've seen that Growlithe setting a flower shop's sign on fire, too? It was just around the corner."
"Yeah! It looked so proud of itse- woah."
She stopped walking, staring at the view in front of her in awe. Red has been right, once again. It was breathtaking. The sand was a beautiful shade of ocher, and the waves were turquoise. There were not many people there, considering it was late afternoon, but she could see some Pokemon enter and exit the water.
"Beautiful, doesn't it?"
She looked at Red, who was also admiring the view with a small smile on his face.
"It's such a shame the creators did not include this..."
"Indeed" he agreed. "So, what do you think? Any Pokemon that caught your attention?"
"Not yet. Let's go closer! Come on!" she grabbed Red's hand, and started to run toward the water. They stopped approximately a meter away from the waves. "Wow... They look so cool!"
The pure adoration in her eyes made Red's heart beat in a faster rhythm. She would make a wonderful trainer.
"You think we can get a starter around this area?" she asked.
"Maybe" he shrugged. "They are extremely rare, but if we are lucky, we might find one. But we just can't get too caught up in the idea that we'll for sure see one. Though I can guarantee we will find something worth catching."
"Okay, I trust you."
He nodded his head, smiling as he saw how trusting she is of him. He was happy that she's willing to put some faith into him. "Alright, let's go, then! I promise once again, we will find something amazing. After all, I'm here!" He started to walk and beckoned her to follow. She did so laughing, after rolling her eyes at his antics.
They walk for a couple of minutes, before he pointed off into the distance. "Hey, can you see that? It might be a little too far away, but there's a Goldeen in the water over there. How about that one?"
"Yeah, that's a good id- Wait, look! An Azurill!"
When she said that, he looked to where she was pointing. He saw, far behind the Goldeen a tiny, cute Azurill. "Woah, you're right! Do you want that one instead?"
"Well, if it's not a lot to ask for..."
Red did not need more confirmation. He dropped his backpack and cap off and dove into the water in an instant, scaring a Tentacool in the process. He swam like a madman. The poor Azurill did not really have time to react, before he got close enough.
"HEY, AZURIL! GET OVER HERE! YOU'RE MINE!" Red tried to grab the Pokemon, but it quickly dove underwater, and swam towards the shallow waters.
In the meantime, the woman standing on the beach was having the time of her life watching the Pokemon trainer. She was giggling constantly.
"Damn it, this is annoying. This Pokemon is being really stubborn" he mumbled to himself as he watched the Azurill scamper off for the sixth time. However, he was not going to give up just yet!
The woman on the coast was still giggling. "Maybe, we can catch it the traditional way..."
Red halted, looking at her confused. Then, he realised. She was pointing at his backpack he left with her. One of those pockets were filled with empty Pokeballs. His expression shifted slightly.
"Oh, right. You're right, you're right. I guess I was just a little too focused on... Okay, never mind" He chuckled awkwardly, he didn't really expect himself to make such a silly mistake. He had no excuses. He was just a dumbass, even with several years of experience behind his back.
Red quickly swam back to the coast, got his backpack from the woman, and pulled a Pokeball out of the pocket. He then threw it with precise accuracy at the Azurill, hoping that the Pokemon would remain in the ball, making this a quick and easy process.
The ball hit it. It sucked the Pokemon inside, then started to shake.
"One... Two... Three..." she counted the shakes while standing anxiously next to Red. Then, the ball made a clicking sound. She loudly cheered. "Gotcha! Azurill was caught!"
"We did it!" Red couldn't help but grin as well.
"No, YOU did it!" she reminded him. "You looked amazing!"
"O-oh, thank you" he went as red as a beetroot. "Do you want to give a nickname to the Azurill?"
Red handed her the ball containing her very first Pokemon. She clutched it to her chest tightly.
"Hm, let me think... No, thanks. I can not think of a good nickname..."
"That's okay. You can nickname it later. Do you have any other Pokemon in mind you want me to catch you?"
"O-oh, no, thank you. You have already done enough for me. I am already grateful for what I have now. Speaking of gratefulness, thank you so much. You can't even imagine how much this means to me."
She slowly stepped closer to Red and hugged him. For the male, it felt like the whole world stopped around him. It was just Red and her, wrapped in a hug, while the last rays of the Sun shone on them.
"I-it was my pleasure" he stuttered, as she let him go. "A-anyways," he cleared his throat. "It's getting dark. We should check in a hotel for the night."
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Cloud City, Chapter Thirteen - a Malevolent AU
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Parker touches his cheek. “Few more days. I’ll make them good.”
“Good?” says Arthur, very tiny. “I just want to hurt John.”
“You will.” Parker’s tone is vicious. “But you don’t have to hurt, too. Come on. I’ll treat you like a king until it’s time—and when it is time, it won’t fucking hurt. You have my word.”
It’s a lie. Arthur knows it’s a lie. He sniffles. “Okay."
TW: major character death
AO3 || Masterpost
Arthur waits, sitting against the wall by the window, head back. He isn’t sure how Parker found which building he was in, but he’s not hugely surprised when Parker arrives.
The door creaks. Parker stands in the opening, taking in this room; the mirror, the table. Taking in the fact that Arthur has used his tie to knot his left hand to the leg of the table.
“What the fuck is this?” says Parker.
“Where Asenath told me to go. Hi.”
Parker’s approach is slow and cautious. Of course it is; this screams trap. “So what did Asenath tell you when she let you go?”
“She said the ritual we’re trying to stop is yours.”
“Did she.” Parker hasn’t even crossed half the room.
“Yeah. Got me real worked up over it, too.”
“Obviously. You went pretty nuts at the end there.”
“Oh, no, that came after. I went nuts because that’s when I found out what John did.”
“Ahhhh,” Parker breathes. “That makes sense. No wonder you lost it.”
“I couldn’t—” Arthur’s voice breaks, and he takes a moment to look away.
His left hand suddenly tries to get loose. It yanks, jerking against the table, but that's old wood, and heavy, and it makes no progress.
“Quit it!” Arthur snarls. “You’re getting what’s fucking coming to you!”
“Wow,” says Parker. “Wow.” He straightens. “What the hell happened to you?”
“You know what,” says Arthur, gasping.
Parker crouches in front of him. Reaches up; thumbs his tears away. “This really messed you up, huh?”
“My daughter,” Arthur whimpers.
Parker’s shoulders lose tension. “All right. So what’s your actual plan here?”
“The one I told him? Luring you in. The actual one? Trapping his ass. I meant it, Parker. I’m dying either way. I can feel it.”
“Shit,” says Parker, looking him up and down.
“I don’t… I don’t care anymore,” says Arthur. “But I won’t let him have me after everything.”
“Funny,” says Parker.
“What's funny?” says Arthur.
Parker tilts his head. “After all that, he didn’t tell you who did kill your daughter?”
Arthur stares.
Arthur! Don’t listen to this!
“No,” says Arthur slowly. “He did not.”
“Figures,” says Parker with a shrug. “If you mean it, then… just come with me. I’ll make it better.” He reaches into his jacket and takes out a strange piece of twine; even in Arthur’s failing vision, it glows a sickly green. “This’ll stop him from acting. You sure about this?”
“I’m sure.”
No! No! Arthur, you idiot! That’s real! I can’t fight that! Arthur! Ar-
Parker ties it around his left wrist, tight; it’s scratchy.
And Hastur goes silent, voice cut off.
Arthur exhales, head down. Very softly, he starts to cry.
“You sure you want to do this?” says Parker.
“I’m dying anyway. You think I don’t know? It’s over for me. Maybe I just…”
“It won’t hurt,” lies Parker, who’s always been good at lying, and takes out his pocket knife to cut Arthur’s tie from the table. “Got a few more things to prepare before it’s ready, but… if it helps, you’re not damning the world.”
Arthur laughs weakly. “That room was pretty awful.”
“Yeah, that was on me,” says  Parker. “This close to His ascension, it’s gonna be messy. But listen: that’s because He wasn’t here to clean it up.”
Arthur’s untied. He’s free. He could move any way he wants. He doesn’t move. “Clean it up?”
“Arthur… you think I’d serve some weird rot-god? That’s what they fed you, and you think I’d do that? Me?”
“Yeah, it didn't add up,” says Arthur. “But I don’t understand.”
Parker lifts him. “Come on. To your feet. He’s going to fix it, Arthur. That’s what He’s going to do.”
Arthur knows his eyes are wide. He doesn’t have to try to fake anything. “How? I won’t see it. Tell me. How?”
“No, you won’t see it.” Parker looks regretful. “I’d hoped it wasn’t you. I really did. Thought I could keep you.”
“Keep me? What, like a budgie?”
Parker snorts. “Come on, pal, you’d at least be equivalent to keeping a rat.”
Arthur’s laugh is unplanned. He wipes his eyes. “Sure. So tell the rat what he’ll be missing.”
Parker looks intense. “Freedom. From all of this. The gods, Contracts, all that shit. He’s going to bring the Dreamlands to us—fuck, you don’t know what that is.”
“Sort of? Asenath tried to explain, but she went way over my head.”
“I can believe that,” says Parker dismissively. “Think you can walk?”
“Almost. Her stupid mirror hurt a lot more to use than I expected.”
Parker touches his ruined earlobe, and Arthur winces. “That’s ugly.”
“Feels ugly,” says Arthur. “Hurts.”
Parker leans in slowly and—as though this weren’t creepy in the slightest—licks Arthur’s torn earlobe.
Arthur inhales.
“Thought you’d like that,” says Parker. “Yeah. He’s fixing it. No more gloom in the sky. No more fear from the Wastes or the water. It’s gonna be rough for a few years. You have to destroy the bad before you can build the good, you know? Like tearing down an old building.”
“So that’s what I saw in that room,” says Arthur.
“Yeah. That’s what that was—but He’s not here, so He couldn’t fix it.”
Arthur exhales, head down.
Parker touches his cheek. “Few more days. I’ll make them good.”
“Good?” says Arthur, very tiny. “I just want to hurt John.”
“You will.” Parker’s tone is vicious. “But you don’t have to hurt, too. Come on. I’ll treat you like a king until it’s time—and when it is time, it won’t fucking hurt. You have my word.”
It’s a lie. Arthur knows it’s a lie. He sniffles. “Okay.”
“Come on, Arthur,” says Parker, as tender as he ever has, and holds out his arms.
“Thank you,” Arthur whispers, and leans into him, breathing into his neck, returning his embrace.
Parker gasps.
Arthur’s shoulders shake. He straightens, crying, and steps back, wobbling badly.
Parker stares down at the dagger in his stomach.
They’re both still, other than Arthur’s quiet sniffles. “I’m sorry,” he whispers.
“That…” Parker steps back unsteadily, as though about to fall over. “It’s so sharp, I didn’t even feel it go in. Feeling it now, though.” He looks up. His eyes are wide; it’s the first time Arthur has ever seen fear in them, in five years. “Why?”
“You know, I almost didn’t?” says Arthur. “I meant what I said. He betrayed me. I’m furious at him. And I want to believe what you said.”
“I didn’t lie!” says Parker.
“I know. You told what you believe. But you know what did it? Do you?” Arthur wipes his face on his sleeve. “You know who killed her, don’t you? The way you asked that. You know, too. And you kept it from me just as much as he did.”
Parker sways. Dark blood—too dark—spills down his front, staining him, pouring on the floor like a bottle of overturned oil. “Yeah,” he says, and now he sounds angry. “Of course I fucking know.” And he falls to his knees, splattering his weird blood.
“So you both fucking betrayed me,” says Arthur. “And so this is what I chose.”
“You don’t know what—” Parker coughs, and a bubble of blood pops from his mouth, staining his face, dripping everywhere. “You don’t know what you’ve done. It all has to keep going now! All of it! We’re fucking slaves, puppets for their entertainment!”
“That’s the thing, isn’t it?” says Arthur. “Both of you told me you needed me to save the world.” His lips are tight. “Maybe I don’t think a world where a little girl gets murdered and the murderer is let go so her fucking dad can be manipulated is a world worth saving.”
Parker stares. His mouth works. And he laughs.
It’s wet, unsteady, and he’s already swaying. Dark veins like some horrible fungus have poked out from beneath his collar, climbing his face, sliding from beneath his sleeves to cover his hands.
Arthur’s breath quickens.
Parker goes down on all fours, breathing wetly, dripping so much blood. “Figures,” he says, and looks up. “I’d pick the one son of a bitch so stupid that he doesn’t even know he…” Parker falls over. He thuds onto the floor and lies completely still. His exhale is his last; the black veins continue to grow, distending his skin, and their rope-twisting sound is the only thing that remains.
Arthur tries to step toward the door and can’t. He overbalances, flails to avoid touching Parker, and falls back onto his ass, gasping.
He’s sobbing. He can feel his heart stuttering. The Contract, he supposes, is probably safe, given what Hastur said, but he’ll never see it done. He doesn’t want to die in silence. Not alone. Not after everything. “Did that banish you?” he says. “Did… did this thing do that?” It would figure. He sobs again. It just would figure. Weakly, he works at the twine on his left wrist.
He lacks the strength to just snap it, so he chews it. Whatever’s on it makes his mouth slightly numb, but teeth work, and it finally comes loose. He expects to tune in to Hastur yelling, to a rant in progress, but he does not. The silence… "Hastur?" he says, tiny.
His left hand rises and caresses his cheek. I'm here, Arthur. I’m here.
Arthur grips that hand with his own and cries on it, clutches it to himself.
Hastur lets him, stroking his cheek with fingertips. There, there. Arthur… I’m very impressed.
Arthur laughs thickly. “Sure.”
You’re dying. You know that, don’t you? He sounds warm. Gentle. Calming.
It’s a kindness, that tone, and one Arthur does not feel he deserves. He makes a small sound.
I do enjoy those little whimpers of yours, Hastur says, pulling his hand away. I thought they were distracting in the very beginning, but they’ve grown on me.
“Good for you,” Arthur says, searching for his handkerchief.
Arthur. I am about to do a very necessary thing. Brace yourself. You can weather it.
“Huh?” says Arthur, wiping his eyes. “Weather what?”
This. Y' mgahnnn nglui!
Arthur’s whole body jolts.
He feels like he did the one time he touched a lamp cord that wasn’t properly shielded; feels like he did when he got shot, three years ago, right in the side. That jolt, that punch of force strong enough to knock a man off his feet, that burning tingle racing through his veins, and he can’t even cry out.
Y' mgahnnn nglui!
The floor shakes, rumbling as if with an approaching train.
Y' mgahnnn nglui!
The air changes, the pressure shifts; Arthur’s ears pop, painfully, and then his good eye flickers dark.
He cries out.
Is this Harvesting? Is that what this is? This doesn’t feel like being poured out like holy wine, but maybe this is preparation. Maybe this is necessary.
He knows it’s deserved.
Arthur can’t even breathe in, can't move or make a sound. All he can do is endure.
It all stops, just stops. Arthur's panting is loud.
Then his sight flickers back, both eyes suddenly working, filled with golden light. Slowly, he turns his head.
The mirror is ablaze. It’s so bright his eyes water, briefly blinding, but he can’t stop staring, can’t stop trying to see, and he blinks at it, one hand raised against the glare.
There’s some… place… through that mirror.
He can’t see it right. It’s like it’s more than three dimensions; gold and black seem to be the primary colors, and there is a depth to it, a weird feeling like if he somehow could step into that mirror, he’d fall and fall forever and never stop.
“Hello, Arthur Lester,” says a voice he knows, a voice he's lived with for five years, but it’s no longer coming from his head.
It’s coming from the mirror.
“What?” Arthur whispers.
“It’s good to see you with my own eyes. My, we have some work to do, don’t we?” And what comes into view is—
What he sees is—
It can’t fit in the mirror. It’s too big, too much. It can’t fit in his mind. It’s too big, too much; it’s more than anything he’s ever seen, its upper half humanoid, its lower a mass of writhing black tentacles. It wears a gleaming yellow cloak, brilliant and beautiful, and its face is covered with a white mask.
And it is—
That is a god. Arthur knows. Has never seen one before, and it doesn’t matter. He knows: he is staring at the King in Yellow, and he cannot look away.
“My little detective,” says the voice, which rumbles under Arthur’s hands and knees with every syllable (and his left hand feels it, too, but he can’t parse that now). “It’s time to go.”
Art by by luneatic-art on Tumblr.
[ID illustration: A drawing of Arthur and the King in Yellow.
The King is coming out of a golden mirror that sits in a corner of a dusty, bare room.
Black tentacles are sprouting from the mirror and slithering towards Arthur, who is sitting on the ground and recoiling.
He has his hand up in front of his face as if to brace himself, and the King in Yellow’s giant form looms over him. A tall window illuminates the room in a harsh green glow.
At Arthur’s feet rests a bloodied dagger.
/End ID]
“This can’t… you’re… Hastur?” Arthur whimpers.
And it’s that laugh, and it has never sounded so wicked and so eager and so dark. “Oh, Arthur… yes. It’s me.”
“Can’t… where is… how can you be this?” And in spite of the shock of his soul and his mind, a tiny tendril of rage lifts its head. “You lied again?”
That laugh. He could drown in that laugh, or pull it over him and sleep safe, or hurl it at his enemies to make them explode. Arthur cries out.
“Arthur… I lied to you. I did. And now, I am no longer. You’ve done well. You stopped my brother from his foolish plan. The makers and jugglers of the universe celebrate your uncertain victory. You’ve won some interesting bets! I am very pleased with you.”
Arthur stares. It’s becoming harder to think the longer he does; the King fills his thoughts, shoves them aside to make room for himself.
The King—Hastur—holds out one enormous black hand. “I am the King in Yellow, Arthur—and it’s time to fulfill our Contract.”
Arthur can’t blink, can’t look away from that mask, and so doesn’t notice the tentacles sliding out of the mirror like curling mist. Doesn’t notice until they grab him, around his ankles, around his waist. He cries out and panics, struggling. “No! Wait! Wait!”
“Shhh,” says Hastur, says the King in Yellow, slowly sliding him nearer. “I told you I’d arranged everything. Don't you want to know who took your daughter's life?”
Arthur freezes. Even now, in this moment, this takes precedence over all. “Who? Who did it?”
“You did.”
The words make no sense. He stares. He laughs, sharply, then falls silent again “Wh… wh… what? What?”
“You killed your daughter, Arthur. You didn’t mean to; it was an accident. But it. Was. You.”
No. No, this can’t be happening.
Memory flashes—
That night, that horrible night, case gone to shit, bad guys off on a technicality. They’d done a drive-by, shot up his office, and after a long and fruitless day trying to deal with cops and damages, he’d gone to Jack’s Bar and gotten fucking drunk.
He’d wished Bella was alive to take the kid for a few days. He wished he had anyone to lean on, anyone he could ask for help, but he didn’t. He didn’t.
And he was so fucking drunk as he got home that the quick tap of running feet almost didn’t get through, but it did, and he panicked.
Those punks, those criminals, coming at him because it was his testimony that nearly got them hanged, which meant someone had told them where he lived though that was off the books, and rage joined the fear in his head.
And he raced into the apartment and closed doors and windows, and was that them pounding on the door or his heart pounding his head? And there was a fight, a firefight, a bad one.
Neighbors called the police.
He had no idea how long it lasted. Probably only moments; he couldn’t tell.
And by the time it was over, it no longer mattered. He’d managed to shoot none of them. They’d managed to shoot his kitchen, his living room, his huge, heavy radio.
They’d managed to shoot his daughter.
In her bed, asleep. Clean through, not even time for her to wake up and struggle.
And Arthur—
The sharp flash of memory, unnatural, in a wave, rising like Dagon’s sea, Hastur doing this somehow—
Screamed and screamed, clutching his girl, wouldn’t even let anyone take her to try to help, because why bother? She was cold when he found her, so it had happened early enough on that she…
She lay there, and he hadn’t known.
She died because of him, because of his involvement in this case, and—
“We don’t have any way to know who shot her,” they told him, and they wouldn’t listen, and he screamed and clutched his child and yelled in the police station and yelled at the morgue, and the bad guys got away, and—
" What do you mean, they all had alibis?"
It hadn’t been them, hadn’t been the men he assumed, but someone had shot his daughter.
And no human could ever tell him who.
So he—
And so he had—
Arthur gasps as though he hasn’t breathed in years, and finds himself held in the air before the mirror, face to face with a god.
With his god.
“This will hurt,” says Hastur, “but then… I’m fairly sure you want it to.”
That night.
Panic that night, hearing (he can see them now, as if from a million other eyes) just some stupid teenagers running down the street.
Panic, hiding in his apartment, heart pounding, incredibly drunk.
Hearing neighbors overhead, just talking, maybe dropping something heavy.
Remembering earlier that day, ducking in terror as they shot his old office, remembering the spray of wood chips from his desk hitting his face, hitting the wall, remembering the terror of nearly being murdered.
And panicking.
Panicking and shooting.
Certain they were here, Certain they were coming for him. Too drunk to see, to aim. Him shooting his radio, him shooting his fridge, him shooting through his ugly living room sofa.
Continuing to fire—click, click, click—after the bullets ran out, because in his head, THEY were here again to take his life.
They weren’t.
And he did not stop until Yang and the others came, shaking him, shouting at him, trying to hold him back as he remembered his daughter and ran to her room.
Arthur sobs.
It was there, in his head. All of it was. He’d forgotten. Maybe he’d even forgotten on purpose.
He couldn’t live with this.
Hastur lets him sob, tentacles through the mirror, holding Arthur off the ground, stroking his sweat-damp hair.
Hastur had known.
So had Yang.
No wonder they hadn’t told him. They couldn’t use him if he’d known.
Arthur’s whole body shakes with weeping. “My girl… my little girl…”
“It was an accident, Arthur. Preventable… but an accident.”
He doesn’t care if it was. He’s done. This is done, more than he’s ever been. “Do it,” he manages.
“Hmm?” says Hastur, and one tentacle touches under his chin to lift his face.
“Do it!” Arthur screams, and spits at him.
It goes through the mirror, but misses Hastur’s masked face, falling to the void below. “Do what, Arthur Lester, murderer?”
Arthur feels like his heart is in his throat. He can barely talk. “Do it! Harvest me! Get it over with!”
“Is that what you wish?” says Hastur, and he sounds so gleeful, like this is exactly what he planned.
Why? Why? He already has the right, “Yes!”
“Then I so fulfill our Contract, Arthur: I will not give you what you want.”
“Wh… what…”
“‘Make them suffer,’” Hastur hisses, repeating Arthur’s words from his Contract so long ago. “‘I don’t care who they were. Find them. Make them pay. Make it slow. Make it long. That’s what I want.’”
Arthur stares at him.
“I will not give you the death you crave. In fact…I will prevent it,” says Hastur. “Thus, I fulfill our Contract.”
And Arthur can feel the whispers of power like unseen tentacles, sliding over and around and through them both, sliding out of his soul, and knows it is true. Their Contract is fulfilled. “No,” Arthur whimpers. “No! Do it! Don’t… you can’t leave me alive!”
“As if I would so willingly waste you. I like you, Arthur—for which you won’t be grateful for a very long time.” That laugh, so much more outside of him, shakes his bones, and Hastur draws him nearer. “Justice must be done, after all. There will be roses… but not on your grave.”
“Please,” Arthur whispers.
“No. You have been laid bare. I will take you unto myself and remake you as I will.”
He fills Arthur’s vision, fills Arthur’s mind, and Arthur can’t think, can’t recall why he demanded something that isn’t happening, but he knows this isn’t what he wants, and he tries to struggle, like a fish in a net.
“Shhh,” Hastur says, and adds more tentacles.
Arthur is worn out. He stops struggling, panting. He can’t think. He can’t see beyond the god. His anger and the god seem to be all that is left inside him, outside him, anywhere.
“Fear not, Arthur. In time, you will love me. You, Arthur Lester, are forever mine.”
Arthur is carried through the mirror, and trembles as he crosses worlds, as he travels further than he even knew it was possible to go. Hastur fills his vision and his mind. He calms.
“Good boy,” rumbles the King as the last of his limbs pull back through that mirror like cloth through a keyhole.
Like shutting off a light, it flickers back to dull gray, not quite silver. The mirror trembles. All on its own, it shakes, and falls forward. The Black Mirror lands face-down in Asenath’s empty shrine, and it shatters into a billion pieces, and for just one moment, each and every reflective piece echoes the sound of cruel laughter. Then, there is only silence.
(Artwork for this fic)
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elderdragonblu · 2 years
For questions for fic writers: 1, 7, 38, 41, 49!
Answer for Tumblr
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Depends on the person and their taste. I’d say either Alexithymia or Lacuna. They’re both pretty good examples of my writing style and how I write and typically do things with fics in general. Unless people wanna go and read the owl house fics, which aren’t bad, but they are old and have a lot of projection put onto them :)
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
Actually yeah! Depends on whether we’re talking about posted or not quite finished WIPs. Cause there’s a bit of both. I particularly like the Wardfield AU I have for Max and Dana, while it’s not completely “original” I did spend a lot of time trying to come up with an interesting world that’s different from canon but is also relating back to it, too, if that makes any sense lmao.
As for wips, I have this Amberwardfield fic that I’m working on and I’m enjoying the world building for that!! The world itself isn’t the canon Blackwell, just a regular high school called Blackwell with typical high school shit and I’m having loads of fun constructing the world, probably some of best I’ve done. There’s more, but I’m afraid if I say too much it’ll ruin further wips.
38. Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular (whatever that means to you)? Which ones? Why do you think they were so successful?
There have been a few that have gotten more attention than I thought. I originally started fanfiction writing simply because I had so many ideas and I thought “hey, there’s billions of people out there, I’m sure this story will satisfy the same itch it did for me if they read this” so I never had high expectations of being noticed or particularly praised by people for my work.
I would say more than, like, half of what I post was surprisingly popular. But for the sake of actually answering question I’ll give a very specific fic: Forget Me Not.
I’m serious when I say I wasn’t expecting anyone to actually care about FMN. Like genuinely. I posted that fic as a fun, like, little trial run. I’d never posted a multi chapter fic and fully finished it so I wanted FMN to be that finished story while also soothing that same itch for Max with memory loss lmao. What I didn’t expect was for so many people to actually like that story!!
As to how it got that way, there’s various logical reasons. One being that it’s a multi chapter fic that gets updates, so it constantly bumps the fic up to the top of whatever ship/tags its under whenever I post a new chapter. Which allows for people to constantly be interacting with it. Not to mention the tags itself, a lot of the LIS fandom lives off angst revolving around Max. Not to mention the ship tags I use like amberpricefield or pricefield, etc etc.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
Sadly, I don’t have the link of this fic, but I do remember bits and pieces of it.
This fic was about Love is Strange Amberfield where Rachel is living in this house in LA and Max had given her these flowers before she left and Rachel was trying her best to take care of them, and by the end of the fic she’d managed to take care of them and she couldn’t wait to show Max the flowers once she visited LA (which was supposed to be soon in the fic).
That fic changed my life honestly. The way the author wrote made me want to write like that. To convey a similar vibe without so many words. That fic was just so… wow, you know? Shocked me right into my core. I knew right then and there I wanted to write like that author.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Hehehe, well I’m always working on new things. I’ve got a few stranger things fics I’m working on along with other LIS fics. A few multi chapter fics are making their way through slowly, with FMN being the top of my list atm, so it’ll take a while for those to get out. As for a snippet? Well… do you like Wardfield?
“What do you mean?” She signed, her brows furrowing further when Dana gave her an exasperated look.
“He was flirting with you, Max!” Dana threw her hands around dramatically, emphasizing her point. Max blinked for a moment, processing the words slowly.
It was quiet for a moment, the gears in Max’s brains shifting and turning autonomously.
A beat.
Then another.
Then, it clicked.
“Wait he was?!”
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growingdesires · 2 years
Find all my Free Stories here
All my Links are here including: Patreon, Amazon Library (Kindle unlimited content), Gumroad and socials
Hungry - Chapter 2
Monday morning and it is miserable outside, here you sit, soggy from the walk to class at an empty chemistry bench. The seat beside you is usually occupied by Emily but with 2 minutes remaining it is still empty. “That is strange, she is never late”. You pull out your phone from your pocket and send a message to Emily Matt: Morning, where are you at Em? Emily: Running late! Should be about 15-20 minutes, long story, I’ll fill you in later You nobily inform Mr Fletcher that Emily is running late, he grumbles something about “Kids these days” as you retake your seat. After 15 minutes Emily enters the lab and apologizes to Mr Fletcher as she hurries to her seat next to you. “Everything ok?” you ask “Peachy… yeah, fine… not a good time” she says with almost a nervousness in her voice “Ok.... maybe later?” She nods “What did I miss?” she changes the subject You catch her up and continue the class as normal. You can’t help but notice she looks absolutely wiped out. Heavy bags sit under her eyes and she looks a bit pale. Finally the lesson ends and Mr Fletcher dismisses us. You grab your stuff and head out the door with her just behind you. You turn to meet her face when you feel a tug at your wrist, she is leading you out of the main campus building. “Where are we going?” you ask, she doesn’t respond. You decide to just go along for the journey. You arrive at her dorm and she quickly rushes you inside. The place is a lot messier than you remember from the party. “I’m sorry for being weird and the mess, I’ll explain everything, let me just get something” Before you can reply she rushes from the living room to the fridge and returns with a vial of a pink liquid. “This is why I was late to class. After I left your place yesterday I couldn’t get that asshole Brad out of my head. I wanted to show him who is a flat chested nerd” “Has she lost her mind?” you think “I can see that look in your eyes Matt, I’m sane I promise. My passion project has been to create a chemical or potion if you will that can help alter people’s appearances” You look at her like she has just told you Santa isn’t real “It’s not as insane as *Poof* I’m now a model, it alters your metabolism and redirects fat around your body. In future I hope it can alter DNA and maybe allow it to change more than just where fat is stored” “Surprisingly that scientific reasoning doesn’t make me think you sound any less insane” you chuckle, thankfully she smiles “I know it does sound crazy, I’ve been working on this for years. I have been so close for a few months to finishing it but yesterday I threw myself into the work as I wanted the distraction and I started having some breakthroughs and then without realising it was morning and I saw your text and here it is” she holds the vial high triumphantly “Wow. Em, that is super cool and it can be incredibly beneficial to the world. You could change so many people's lives and in a much less invasive way to surgery and I’m sure you can make some money off of it too” you exclaim “Yeah I guess… truth be told, I’m doing this for me right now” without any hesitation she downs the vial “EM!” you shout She lowers the vial from her lips and looks at you, your shocked face must’ve been quite the sight as she starts laughing “Hey? What's so funny?” you ask “You should see your face” she continues to chuckle “I mean you did just drink a potentially dangerous vial” “Give me some credit Matt, I’ve spent years on this” “Do you at least feel any different… or like how will you know if it worked” “I guess we need to just wait” she shrugs “could be a few hours, days or even weeks” “Quite anticlimactic I suppose. Why did you take them anyway?” “I am tired of being that “Flat chested nerd” I want to be sexy” She blushes “Move some fat around and suddenly I’ve got plump rear and more padding up top” she shakes her hips and chest. You watch her shake and imagine her changing. She notices your eyes becoming a bit blank. “Sorry Matt… a bit inappropriate but you must admit it would be nice. Anyway I’ve got to get some shut eye. Please keep this a secret and I’ll keep you updated on my progress” “Secret is safe with me. I do worry though Em, what if something bad happens?” “I’ll be fine, I’ll message you when I get up, how about that?” “Sounds good to me, I’ll get out of your hair, get some sleep”        
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anchanted-one · 2 years
Book of Storms Legend of Vajra
Chapter 16. Excursion
Jasme looked out the shuttle viewport with a sense of wonder. Even from the air, this city looked magnificent! She felt the familiar feelings of butterflies in her stomach, which she got every time she approached a destination. Except this time, it felt like there were a thousand of the little buggers instead of just ten.
She’d gotten permission for a field trip to the planet to see its culture for herself—and she was eager to do so—but there was another, secret reason she was here.
A part of her felt guilty about coming here without Vajra; he’d given her a sad smile when she’d told him, full of longing and homesickness. But he had been exiled. He wouldn’t be allowed here. Tarsten would have sent word if the exile had been revoked.
As soon as she stepped off the landing ramp, she got a rustic scent similar to the Kalikori, but much richer. The smells of cooking filled the air; a rich mix of spices and sweets which made her mouth water. All homes and buildings were decorated with flowers, and some of that smell reached her, even out here.
Raudra ran out to greet the new arrival; mostly children younger than ten; clearly the people had grown a little accustomed to arrivals, rare though they were. Enough to not crowd the landing zones at least.
Many greeted her warmly, bowing and folding their hands. Some offered her presents—powdered dyes, snacks, and shawls. The children asked the same question, which T0-CK dutifully translated. “Do you want to play with us?”
Jasme chuckled and said “I’d love to, but I’m here on business. But tell you what: if you can all meet me here for dinner, I can tell you some stories!”
The children’s answering cheer was a lot more deafening than it should have been, given their small number.
Some of the parents looked at her guiltily, but she smiled and said “Consider this repayment for these wonderful gifts,” which mollified them somewhat.
She found her welcoming committee at once; Captain Tarsten had come out to greet her himself. As the lone human, he stood out. There was a tall Raudra woman with him, holding a four-armed child with a complexion much closer to human. Tarsten himself was decked out in a fusion of Raudra and Republic uniform, with their stole and a dark veshti, but a Republic Officer’s vest.
He clapped his heels into attention and saluted when she reached him. “Master Jedi! Welcome to Raudraksha. I’m Captain Ugo Tarsten, and this is my wife, Urvashi.” The woman smiled and bowed. “And this is my daughter, Asha.” The child beamed when her name was called. Jasme was used to seeing Vajra’s third white eye, so the pitch-black ones on all those present here was disconcerting. “I trust you had a safe trip?”
“Good afternoon, Captain. I’ve never felt this much anticipation on a trip before; I can’t describe how much I’ve been looking forward to this. And I’m not a Jedi, I just work with them. Specifically, in the Archives. I’m Jasme, by the way.”
“Ah, an Archivist?” he looked her up and down with his keen eyes. “I thought your kind barely stepped out of the Temple.”
She gave him a hurt look. “We’re not shut-ins, you know!”
“Actually, many of you are!” he winked. “I’ve spoken to a few, while on shore leave. Most seemed to have a lot of knowledge without any understanding of how the world works. They did not understand; looking things up in a manicured library isn’t the same as experiencing the galaxy! The world’s not in your books and holos. It’s out here.”
“I have to agree. I’ve seen every report and recording you’ve taken on this enchanting world, and I wasn’t prepared for this!”
The soldier laughed. “See? And wow, I had no idea my reports were being read.”
“Not by many, I’m afraid. The Raudra are still an unknown… though I suspect that’s going to change in time.”
He looked at her questioningly before his eyebrows raised. “Ohhh, do you mean Vajra?” He gave a great shout of laughter before addressing his wife, who gave him a startled look mixed with delight. She passed their son to him before running off towards the gates.
“Despite being ‘exiled’, Vajra is loved here,” the dark-skinned soldier explained. “And not just for his chosen-one status. The people here really admire him for making such a difficult decision at such a young age. Most are eager to move his tablet inside the Maheshvara Rudra Temple, so I’m constantly getting requests for any word about him.”
“Well, I guess I know what stories to tell then,” Jasme chuckled.
“You will be feted for that,” he returned the chuckle. “I’m looking forward to it too, to be quite honest. When I last saw him, he was a broken child trying his hardest to stand tall.”
“Well, that sounds like him even today,” she reflected. “But he’s doing his best… and people are getting saved. He’s already a legend on Tython.”
“Don’t spoil the story, please!” he requested. “Anyway. I was delighted to get your message. It’s been lovely out here, but I do yearn for the larger galaxy sometimes.”
“Hasn’t your marriage closed you off to it?”
“Not quite. ‘Their ways aren’t my ways’.”
“Ah, of course.”
“Not that I want to leave. This place is incredibly serene, once you get used to the temple bells and bustle. The ‘Embassy’ is outside the walls, so we avoid the worst of it.”
“Let me guess, it’s the building over there, right?” she pointed at the one with the antenna. Like Tarsten, it had a fusion of Republic and Raudra elements. It had painted carvings on its outer walls, and the building itself was painted as well, but it was easy to tell it was a prefabricated Republic unit rather than one built of sunbaked mud bricks.
“Yes,” he chuckled in his deep voice. “I painted some of it myself.”
“You are a talented man!”
“Thank you! Here, let’s visit the Temple before I take you home. They will be eager to meet you.”
He went silent as they approached the city wall, allowing her to take in the sights.
There was a pair of statues by the main gate, which were being repainted—beautiful works of art they were; a tall man with a great many arms, a weapon in each arm. This had to be Rudra himself. But upon closer inspection, she realized that it was a woman. Adi Shakti?
This civilization was older than Rudra, she remembered belatedly. The Lord of the Storms may be their most beloved deity, but Adi Shakti was their oldest known and most supreme. She was the fount of all energy in the universe, after all, including the power of all deities. One could say that she was the Force personified.
With that thought, Jasme could not help but stare at her beautiful face for a while, to look closer at all the accruements. She had a mighty trident which she held in two hands; a curved shortsword and buckler, a lightning bolt, a flower, a mace, a bow and arrow, a javelin, some small stone, and objects she couldn’t recognize.
“That curved, round stone is a conch-shell,” Tarsten told her. “They are used like trumpets. That disc is called a chakra, and it’s the primary weapon of their great god Narayana.”
“She’s holding a lightning bolt,” Jasme said fondly.
Tarsten chuckled. “The Vajra.”
“It’s nice to think that no matter how far he travels, she holds him in her arm, empowering and watching over him.”
Upon entering the city, she was charmed by the beautiful architecture and sculptures, and the thousands of garlands adorning the city. Most of the citizens bowed to her, but did not waylay her. They kept firm hands on their children, who looked mightily disappointed they couldn’t see the new arrival up close.
“Jnanaprastha is a real gem,” she sighed.
“A word that small shouldn’t be able to do something so beautiful any justice.”
“It doesn’t. But I can’t find better words right now.”
“I remember my first days here. I took hours taking it all in.”
“Surely you got used to it?”
“I did,” he nodded. “But worse. I got over it. I started to hate it. The food, the unending chanting, the rituals… but then I reached a state of acceptance again. Then I found Urvashi. I was lucky to find her. She made life charming again. Although she was a little disappointed to find out she wouldn’t be getting any sister-wives.”
“Polygyny is common here, but the society is matriarchal,” he reminded her. “The women aren’t forced to marry one man by law, they look forward to it. Look forward to starting a new community with other women as much as their new husband. It’s a big part of the courtship here, where the prospective wife socializes with the other wives for a few weeks. They are married as much to each other as their husbands.”
“Right. Can’t wrap my head around that one.”
“I’m thinking of taking more wives too,” he confided in her. “Not for myself… I want her to get the large household she dreamed.”
“I’m a little surprised they let you marry so easily.”
“They’ve got some progressive parts to their mindsets.”
“Hmm. Hey, have you been to any of the other cities?”
“I’ve been to two. Ambapura, which is the city built around the Adi Shakti temple. And Vayakunt, the main centre for Narayan worship. They’re close enough that we can reach after two months of travel. They each have their own beauty. Ambapura is built around a lake full of swans and lotuses, and has a structure much like an opera house where there’s recitals, plays and dances every month. Vayakunt is built on an island on the ocean, one from which you can still see the peaks of the mainland. It’s in the middle of a gorgeous coral reef, which acts as a natural sea wall.”
“That’s incredible… I want to visit both of them. And as many of the others as I can.”
“I really hope you don’t mind if I tag along. One of the reasons why I haven’t been to any more cities is because this kind of travel… it wears on me. It’s fun the first few days, but then you get footsore, and can’t sleep because your bedrolls aren’t thick enough to stop the rocks from poking your neck.”
“We’d be delighted to have you!”
After ten minutes of walking, they reached the Temple in the heart of the city. Jasme gulped. Like everything else here, it was beautiful, but it was definitely imposing enough for a temple to the god of storms.
Jasme took almost five minutes examining all the statues around the temple’s main door. She wished she was good at sketching; she could sit here all day long and just draw.
“Here, I wanna show you something.” The child in his arms started to get antsy, so he let her down but kept her hand in his grip. He led her to the shrine—whose doors were closed at the moment—and pointed at a carved stone tablet right outside. “That’s Vajra. It’ll be taken inside, and an idol added, as soon as word of heroic deeds returns. The Raudra are restless to see it happen. Never before has there been a chosen of Rudra whose name was not installed within the main shrine by the next festival.”
“So, he really is a deity already,” she whispered. “I joked about it once, but…”
“What was the joke?”
“He single-handedly defended a village of illegal immigrants who settled down near the new Temple on Tython. Did it for five months. They came to saw him as a stalwart guardian. I joked that he was already worshipped in two places. Not to him, of course. He doesn’t yet have an ego, but no sense in pushing our luck.”
“Temple on Tython,” he repeated. “Never thought I’d live to see the day when the Jedi were forced off Coruscant.”
“It was bad,” she sighed. “So many dead… tens of millions.”
Tarsten looked depressed, so she changed the subject. She asked him about the nearest festival, places of interest around the city, more stories he had to share, anything to avoid mentioning Coruscant again.
Eventually, Urvashi returned to them.
“Looks like Meghna wants to meet you. Indran isn’t here, but Sumathi’s clan are.” He started walking towards the audience chamber, and Jasme hastened to follow.
“If I recall…”
“She’s the one who found Vajra. Nursed him personally that first day. Sukanya, one of her clan’s warriors, was one of many to offer to adopt Vajra. She was also chosen to defend him during that meeting.” He shivered. “You know, the first time I saw that, I thought it was because she’d taken to the child. But then I saw her fight in a tournament. I think she could give Satele Shan a decent fight. And Kuberan was even better than her. Not that they could beat Shan.”
“Whoa…” She considered that piece of information all the way to the door.
“Greetings and salutations, gentle Raudra,” Jasme gave her most courtly bow to her hosts. “I am honored to have this audience. My name is Jasme, and I am an archivist. A scholar.”
The priestess spoke, and her droid translated. “The honor is all ours, Jedi. Be welcome to our world. I am Meghna, High Priestess of this temple. All the Priests of Raudraksha answer to me. These are Kaunteya and Chandana, my most trusted advisors.”
“I’m not actually a Jedi,” she said politely. “I simply work with them.” That required some clarification, but in the end the Raudra all nodded in understanding.
“May we ask what brings you to Raudraksha?”
“I’ve come to study your people, if I may. I am fascinated most by different cultures. I spent years studying them. When I read about your people, I was surprised by how different you were from other civilizations of comparable technological advancement. Much wiser, and more compassionate.”
“You will have to elaborate on that too, some time,” Meghna said, looking pleased at the praise. “Your Republic is welcome here. And we here appreciate the thirst to learn. The curiosity.”
The doors parted again, and a dozen women walked in with their hands folded and their eyes down.
“Ah, come in, come in!” Meghna greeted the arrivals happily. “This is Sumathi of the Veerabhadra clan. Fate saw fit to have her here in Jnanaprastha on this day. Even one day each way, and you’d have missed her.”
“We are grateful for your summons, Mother,” the woman whispered. “And it’s our pleasure to meet you too, traveler.”
“My name is Jasme,” the archivist grinned. “I am an archivist. A scholar.”
“It is an honor!” she bowed deep. “I have with me Sukanya,” the most beautiful of her entourage bowed. “Kuberan,” the taller of the males. “Niyathi, Pracheti, Varsha, and Sumedh.” That last one was the other male. “Sukanya and I are… particularly interested in the tidings you are said to bear.”
“About Vajra?” Jasme confirmed. “I’d be happy to share all I know.”
“Please, make yourself comfortable first,” Meghna requested. “Happily, it is lunchtime, so we can talk about it at leisure.”
Jasme sat down, eager to dig in. She thanked the servants as they served each dish on her leaf plate, then asked “What is the first thing you’d like to talk about?”
All eyes turned to Sukanya, who smiled gratefully. “Thank you, everyone. I was the one almost chosen to be his mother you see,” she explained. “The question most important to me is; how is he? Last I saw him, his world had crumbled, and he was hanging onto whatever rocks he could, no matter how sharp.”
“He is… better. But he is forever haunted by the actions of that monster, Bellicose.”
She sighed unhappily. “I suppose it’s overly optimistic to expect otherwise. We still know little about his life before the falling star. Everyone who knew him is gone.”
“He has a new life now. And while there is pain, there is joy as well. He loves the Lightsaber, as an art form. I take it you remember that it sang to him, that day? It still does. And he dances to it. It gives him a deep peace, and connects him to the Force like nothing else does. He is also good at fixing machines. And he loves reading and learning, too.”
“This is strange to us,” Sumathi said. “Warrior, philosopher, laborer… why doesn’t he choose one path and only follow that? We understand that our way is not the Jedi way, but I thought he’d live like us, even among the stars.”
“I recall reading that philosophers and nobles in your society live as all classes before they are allowed to claim their position, yes? Isn’t this the same?”
“Well, no,” Meghna said. “The nobles and philosophers must understand the other arms of society better than most, to better use them. But they do not have to practice it.”
“Well… I see. Does his life upset you?”
“No,” Sukanya said firmly. “He sounds like he’ll grow into a capable young man someday. My single-minded husband could learn from him.”
Kuberan chuckled. He asked her something, and she nodded. “Still, no matter his varied interests, what’s most important is this,” Kuberan said. “What are his duties? How nobly does he acquit himself in discharging them?”
“As a Jedi, defending the innocent is among his most important duty, and he does it better than most. But he was forced to kill scores of cruel belligerents in order to do so. Each time he swung his Lightsaber, he wondered if he was becoming the deranged Sith he dreaded most.”
“But he is a good child, is he not?” Sukanya protested, as the others uttered shocked cries. “You said he was doing his duty… duty and emotion must be separated. How can he be on the battlefield without understanding this simple truth?” The others agreed fervently.
“The Jedi are desperate. Their numbers are diminished greatly. That’s why Padawans are being saddled with burdens they wouldn’t have forty years ago.”
“I see.” Everyone looked terribly downcast, but Sukanya fumed. “Master WenSuul failed to prepare him for his duty.”
“She taught him how to love the people he protects, among other things. She was bedridden for the past few years, thanks to her age. She became one with the Force, six months ago.”
Sukanya looked mortified when Jasme’s words were translated.
“I’m sorry for the news. May paradise welcome her with flowers and nectar.”
“Well, back to Vajra… he’s learned since his first battle. Learned to divorce his head from his heart, as was needed. His new Master taught him that.”
“That is well.”
“You have to understand… his biggest fear is to become the man who slaughtered four clans. That first fight… he killed a thousand Khrayii. It was a mighty feat, but grueling.”
All the Raudra jumped to their feet. “A thousand!” Kuberan roared. “What have your Jedi been demanding of him?”
Jasme felt alarmed by their rage, but Sumathi angrily ordered them back to their seats.
“Alas, as I said; a great many Jedi have died protecting the galaxy from Sith, and too few now remain. Far too few. Though the war is supposed to be over, there are still many dangers out there. The Jedi were forced to dispatch him, and him alone, on some important missions. I promise you, they did not take the decision lightly. And whatever his feelings, he has done your people proud. On the training yard, he’s already bested the most skilled members of the Order. He’s being hailed as one of the greatest swordsmen in the Order. He defeated a large army of beings as brutal as Sith, and saved hundreds of lives. Alone and unaided, he felled seven beasts thirty feet high in defense of a village. And he risked his life to save them from a deadly poison, without any orders from the Council. He remembers his people, and defends others so that none have to face what he did, if he can help it.”
That sparked some interest. “I suppose we have been yearning for this. Tell us about these deeds.” Meghna requested.
Jasme was only happy to oblige. “I do love telling stories after all.”
It was almost late evening when Tarsten and his wife led Jasme back out of the city, and showed her their humble home.
“I love what you’ve done with the place!” Jasme looked around.
Tarsten collapsed onto the nearest chair. “That took longer than I expected.”
“Was I too long-winded?”
“No,” he sighed. “The Raudra were fascinated, and you’re a good storyteller. I had no idea that frightened young lad would go on to dwarf my own kill count before he even became a man.”
“Sukanya seemed quite fond of him.”
“Yes. She sees herself as his rightful mother, having won the council’s vote by a decent margin. She has two children of her own, by the way, and is the second-mother to fourteen others. She’s definitely good at the job. Vajra would have had a good home, had the Force not had other plans.”
“I do wish he’d gotten that chance,” she said. “If it meant not having those ridiculous burdens. Still… I am so grateful to have met him. He’s my little brother now, and I love him dearly.”
“Good. My own brothers- and sisters-in-arms gave me much stability and support during my worst times, so I know how important it is.”
“How good is your wife’s Basic? Or your daughter’s?”
“It’s… less than basic,” he laughed. “They have no cause to learn it, but I did show them some of the sights and luxuries out there. If you want to talk to them, you either need me or your protocol Droid. Why?”
“I need to discuss the primary reason I came here. Something even more important than a grand tour of a fascinating culture.”
“You have my full attention.”
He heard what she had to say, then sat back and sighed. “You’re in luck. I recently noticed that my wife and girl don’t fall ill at all. I noticed that most of them don’t, very often. I’ve seen one sick person in ten years. I requested an audience with Chandana, who is a master of medicine and physiology. She serves as the High Priestess’ personal physician.”
“I thought they rarely fell ill?”
“Yes, it can get real bad when they do. They still need to be vigilant, if they don’t want to lose patients. And there’s other problems which need physicians, like injuries and old age. They’re no harder to harm with knives and blasters than humans. And Meghna’s definitely getting old.”
“They do heal faster than us though. Deep wounds stop bleeding in minutes. And this one time, when I went for a hunt with the town’s hunters, this Raudra named Govindan lost an arm. It grew back fully seven months later. I’ve never heard of someone regenerating a ruptured lung, or something like that, but I suspect that if you can put them in a kolto tank, they might even regenerate lost organs. I wonder what a Jedi Healing Trance can do?” He trailed off for a moment. “Anyway, like I said. The Raudra are highly resistant to all manner of diseases. Viruses, bacteria have an infinitesimally small chance of infecting them, compared to a human. They are also highly resistant to most natural venoms. There’s a snake here called the naag. For most land beasts, one bite is all it takes to kill. For a Raudra, it needs fifteen to severely hamper them, by which times its fangs have run dry. Untreated, the Raudra has an even chance of survival, if they survive the next few days, and have enough rations of course. But the physicians know antivenoms, so if found within the first day, their chance shoots up to ninety-seven per cent. I requested my Em Dee synthesize a variety of lethal toxins, including Ziroxin-12, and run tests with their blood. Again, they have a remarkable chance of survival.”
“So, they’re immune to most natural venoms and toxins,” Jasme said, falling deeper into thought. “Would you mind not sharing your findings?”
“Any reason in particular?”
“Corporations like Czerka and GSI will be mightily interested.”
“Ah. Got it.”
Jasme excused herself to use the fresher. It was just as she had been suspecting. Vajra was not affected by venoms and toxins, which meant the mushrooms in the Trial had not had any effect on him.
He had not truly faced the Mirror. He had not completed his most important Trial.
0 notes
Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
You hold the last box of your belongings close to your chest and take a deep breath nervously pressing the button to your new home. Wow, that sounds weird. Sharing a home with the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight. Your chest tightens. “God, I better not fuck this up” you mumble to yourself as the pent house suite door opens. Noah stands in clear view of the door as it opens. You walk into the apartment. “Y/N'' he yells at the top of his voice. “Where were you? I didn’t see you. I was worried, '' he said all in one breath. He wraps his arms around your leg and takes a deep inhale.
You look at him confused and put the box down. You have to tear him off you so you can kneel down to give him your daily bear hug. As you do, you notice his teary puffy eyes. You look at him puzzled then suddenly, almost like something in you woke up you panic, “Are you okay baby?” you grab him by the arm and turn him around manically looking for a source of pain. He doesn’t answer. You grab his leg and pull his PJ's up to continue looking for some sort of bruise, anything physical that would explain him crying. “He was crying cause he didn’t see you” a voice said walking past you and Noah. You look up at Liam grabbing a piece of fruit from the counter. His face looked disinterested. “He woke up and he didn't see you, he thought you left,” he said, rubbing the apple on his shirt. You lock eyes for a moment as you try to read into his expression. Fuck, he’s just like his dad, so hard to make out what he’s thinking. The sniffles coming from Noah make you break your eye contact. You look at him with wide eyes. “It’s okay Y/N. I’m okay. Please don’t cry. I just thought..” he jumps on you again, this time throwing you both onto the floor. “I’m not leaving Noah” you say, squeezing him tight. You didn’t even notice when your eyes were wet before Noah pushed back on you. He wipes the tears out your eyes. You smile at him softly. A few moments with Noah went on about how he’s so excited about your room and how it’s really close to theirs. Where’s Bakugou? You look around distracted as Noah goes on. “He’s upstairs” Liam says walking towards you with a napkin. He hands it to you and turns on his heel as he takes another bite of his apple. You sit there stunned, holding the soft piece of tissue in your hand. “Did you hear what I said?” Liam says, grabbing your face with both hands and then smashing his face into your neck. “Let’s go find your dad, yeah?” you say as you start to pick Noah up.
Bakugou is on the floor, legs crossed as he’s holding a piece of your unmade bed frame. He has his phone pressed against his ear and shoulder. “I already told you I don’t want to go on another date with her” he growled into the phone. “Well, that’s not my problem. I don’t care what the public thinks about us.” he says a little louder. “Daddy!” Noah says running, throwing himself on his back. “Hey buddy” Bakugou says, ending the call in one swipe of his finger and tossing it on his lap. “What were you talking about?” he says, gripping Bakugou's neck a bit too hard. “You're trying to kill me buddy” Bakugou says, letting out a quick laugh as he releases Noah's hands off his neck. They sit there laughing for a little. I love seeing them like this. It’s so different from how the rest of the world sees him. Bakugou looks at you leaning on the door and cracks a smirk. “Are you gonna come into your new room or what?” he says, turning around to face Noah again. You feel like the wind was knocked out of you when he looks at you even for a second. I’m going to have to live with this man. You got this y/n? You steady yourself and walk over to them. You kneel down on the floor next to Bakugou, “Do you need help? I am pretty helpful with these types of things” you say taking the piece of wood off the floor. “For starters, this was supposed to go in that thing” you say giggling. “Ah fuck” he says rolling his eyes. “HEY, WATCH YOUR MOUTH” Noah scolds him. You all break out in laughter. You spend the rest of the morning setting up your new bed set. You told bakugou that you could just use the one you had in your old apartment but he insisted on getting you a new one. You can appreciate all the things he does for you, since you’ve almost moved in he’s gotten you the best of the best; everything from fancy towels to new hair products for your hair type.
“We’re off to the park” Noah screams at the top of his lungs towards your bedroom at Bakugou. He wouldn’t be louder if he tried. But then again, look who’s his dad. He usually doesn’t raise his voice around me but when he does, oh boy is that grown man loud. The walk to the near park was one of the best, Liam actually was talking to you about his classmates and how one of them has been giving him problems. You try to come up with a plan of how to deal with it. “If I tell dad, he’s going to make a big deal about it. I already get enough attention as it is.” he explains when you asked why you haven’t told Bakugou. “Well, I’m happy to hear you out. I’m not as hot headed as your dad” you laugh. He cracks a smile as you put an arm around him as you’re walking. After a few moments Noah bust between you both and yells, “are you guys done talking? I want a hug too” he says scrunching up his nose. You hug both of them. Noah pulls you close, puts his hand on the side of his mouth and whispers, “without him please”. This child is going to be the death of me. You pick him up and swing him into your arms. “You’ll have to let me go, we’re here guys” you say as you put him down. They both run off in different directions. You sit there on a bench taking in the warm sun. I can honestly do this everyday. This feels like.. You’re stopped mid thought when your phone starts to vibrate. Oh, the alarm I set for earlier. Well might as well check social media. I haven’t had much time since moving. The first thing you look at is twitter, you follow a few of your friends and some popular celebs.
“Did you hear about Dynamite and his new girlfriend?” you overhear two women say as they walk past you and take a seat on the next bench. What? “Oh my god. They look so good together. I would die to trade places with her”. You sit still for a moment trying to gather your emotions. Who is she? Why didn’t he tell me he was dating someone? I thought. I-I don’t.. You grab your phone quickly, opening it and going to twitter again. You search up, “Dynamite and” and there it is. You stare at your phone for a bit. There she is, a beautiful tall slender blonde woman arm in arm with Bakugou. You sigh in disbelief pushing your back into the bench. Why does this hurt so much? Fuck. Why do I even fucking care? He’s not even.. “Hey, are you okay?” says a deep voice. You turn your head, noticing the very handsome man next to you. “Yeah” you say, taking another breath. “You don’t sound okay” he says looking deep in your eyes. His hair is black as night and his eyes are deep purple, you can honestly get lost trying to figure out how many different shades there are in them. “Yeah, I just got some news.. I wasn’t expecting it” you say shifting your eyes down and moving some hair out of your face. “I bet. Boyfriend?” He says as he watches your face carefully for a reaction. You let out a slight giggle before letting out a breath and bite your lip, “no”. The man and you sit in silence for a minute. Fucking hell. Why do I feel like shit right now? This hot guy is next to me and all I could think about is you wrapped around another woman. Fuck this.. You lay your eyes on the man again. He’s about Bakugou’s age with a very muscular build, he has a couple white stands in his hair, he’s beautiful. “Which one is yours?” you scooch over towards him. “The little one over there” he points at the kid playing with Noah. He stretches his arm to rub the back of his head, you can clearly see him clearly stretching his muscles. You almost laugh out loud. Trying a little too hard buddy. You both make conversation for a while. It doesn’t take long before He’s asking you on a date, you accept of course. Maybe seeing someone else for a couple hours will help me get over this.. whatever this feeling is. After a few more minutes Noah comes over to you all sweaty trying to hug you. “Let's go home” you say with a smile. I feel like shit but I can’t even show it. This kid can read me like a fucking book. Okay, put on a smile y/n.
A few days have passed since you saw the pictures of Bakugou and his “girlfriend’. When you came home that day, you couldn’t even look at him. Why the fuck am I acting like he betrayed me or something. I’m just the nanny. Get a fucking grip y/n. Still, you tried to avoid him as much as possible. When he walked into the room, you would walk out, you ate dinner in your room unless Noah asked you to stay with him and you tried everything in your power not to look at him in his eyes. You were butt fucking hurt to say the least. After a few days you get the courage to talk to him. You take a deep breath before knocking on his office door. “Come in,” he says lazily. He’s sitting in his chair facing his computer typing away. He stops and cocks his head over his shoulder to look at you. You can do this. You need to do this. “Do you need anything?” he says, turning his head back at the computer with his hands still on the keyboard. “I-I I won’t be home Friday night. I don’t know what time I’ll be back” you say almost in a whisper. “Oh” you’ve caught his attention now. He turns off the monitor and swirls in his chair to face you. Fuck fuck fuck fuck “I checked your schedule and I saw you work till about 3. That gives me time to..” you say waving your hand around like a child explaining something. “Yeah, that’s fine” he says, eyeing you up and down. You look nervous, like you have something you’re hiding. “Cool” you say, taking a deep breath as you turn on your heel about to make a run for it. “A date?” he says in a low deep almost bitter tone. I was so close. I WAS SO FUCKING CLOSEEEE “Yeah.” you say turning back around to face his him. “With that guy in the park?” He says looking you up and down almost like he’s looking for a reaction. “Yeah, How did you..” you look at him confused. “When you guys came home Noah told me that you were upset about something while you were in the park and this guy started talking to you,” he said, crossing his arms. Why do I feel like I’m getting fucking scolded. “Yeah, I was pretty upset about something" you look away from him. How can I say: Hey, I was upset that you're dating a blonde supermodel because… well, I don’t know. Also, please sign my check sir without sounding like a total psycho. You quickly snap out of that thought as he stands up and slowly walks over to you. You’re still staring at the floor as he stands in front of you. “Is that why you haven’t said a word to me for days?” he says in a low tone, still arms crossed but this time biting his top lip looking for your eyes. You slowly look up at him. He’s so big and muscular next to you. He’s also wearing your favorite outfit. Those sweats and tank top combo will be the death of me. Your eyes finally meet his. In this moment you’re lost in his eyes, the intensity that’s usually there isn’t. You can’t quite put a finger on what he’s thinking or this unknown expression plastered on his face. It feels foreign but nevertheless it knocks the wind out of you. You feel your heart rate increase. “No” you say after some time staring into his eyes. I don’t believe her. “Okay” he says with a sigh. “Okay” you say back to him looking away. Tears start to form in your eyes as you walk away from the office. You take a moment to catch your breath in the hallway and turn back towards his office. Your body almost moves on it’s own. Maybe I should cancel. I don’t even- I don’t want anyone- Before you can knock on his door again you get a twitter alert. “Bakugou and girlfriend were spotted kissing in the park two days ago” it read. The pictures in the tweet were bad, you can barely even tell if they were kissing or not but It still made your chest ache. Bakugou opened the door to see you squinting at your phone trying to zoom into the picture. “Change your mind?” he said leaning on the door frame. You jump up and step back, you didn't notice how close you guys were. “No.” you say looking him dead in the eye. “Why would I? I am so excited” you say with a broken smile.
Bakugou and you don’t speak for the rest of the day. You are both noticeable in a bad mood.. “What’s wrong with daddy?” Noah says to Liam as Bakugou stomps around the house while you’re hiding in your room. “He’s jealous,” Liam says looking at Noah. “I have a plan, wanna help?” he says, smiling at Noah. Noah gives him the same devilish smile back.
Taglist: @lil-miminini @bqkuho3 @xoxo-teddybear @candybabey @butterflyhallucations @sizzlingdonutturtlemuffin @hay-leeeah @speedmetalqueen @yourfavoriteblackfemweeb @bakucumsackslut @shipchild @nanamithecute
I'm so sorry it took so long but If anyone else wants to me on the tag list for the next one lmk :)
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 311: Hand Gun
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “thinkin’ about dropping in some woke analogies of the very real and very presently relevant issue of racial profiling idk what do you guys think” and then shrugged and did it without waiting for an answer, and ngl it was a bit sudden, but I’m here for it. All Might was all “DEKU YOU NEED TO EAT” and Deku was all “OKAY” and took his hero bento and went to go stand dramatically on a tower in the rain whilst having some highly anticipated Vestige flashbacks. OFA II was all, “sup, I guess I’m not Kacchan... OR AM I,” and ngl I think he is?? Alternate universes anybody?? Hello??? But anyway, so OFA the First a.k.a. Yoichi was all “remember that time you guys rescued me from my evil brother and Two took my hand and we Had A Moment?”, and Two and Three were all “ahh yeah good times”, and it was very nice and very, very gay. The chapter ended with it being very unclear if Two and Three have actually lent their power to Deku yet or not lmao. Y’all need to get your shit together dudes.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “what if I gave a random bad guy a fucking tommy gun that shoots nails” and jesus christ calm down son. The Hawksquad, a.k.a. SQUAWK as per @hotchocolatier​, are all “time to drive aimlessly around town acting like Deku has a restraining order on us because that’s literally the best plan to combat the League we could come up with,” and I have no further comment. Hawks is all “idk about you guys but I want to know more about AFO and Tomura’s whole deal” and I can’t remember the last time I identified so strongly with one of these characters. All Might is all, “[EXPLODES???]”, and the chapter ends with that mysterious hot girl from the Tartarus breakout being all “HELLO I CAN TURN INTO A GUN AND I LITERALLY DON’T GIVE A FUCK” and (1) WOW, and (2) IT’S TRUE, SHE CAN, AND SHE REALLY DOESN’T. GODDAMN.
(ETA: so this wholly escaped my notice on the first go, and also has nothing to do with the chapter itself, but I only just realized that this chapter was scanlated by a new group, TCB Scans. they actually did a very good job, and I’m curious if they’ve found a new RAW provider, because the quality this week is actually crazy good in comparison to what we’ve been dealing with for the past few months. I’m gonna have to get caught up on what exactly happened here lol.)
so what will it be this week? more Vestige antics? more of Sad Nomad Deku standing on buildings and pretending like he’s some cool aloof antihero, as if he could fool us when we all know his hero backpack is secretly stuffed full with his nerd diaries and the remnants of all the hero bentos that All Might keeps giving him?? or, just putting it out there, just a crazy thought, but you don’t suppose we might actually cut back to U.A.? mmm. side-eyes emoji
maaaaaan I’m starting to get tired of this trend of beginning chapters by dropping in on random power-tripping civilians and/or Shindou lol. just once can we get a chapter that opens with someone I actually give a fuck about
oh at least Endeavor is here
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lol somehow that’s more terrifying than bullets for me?? like I’m fully aware that bullets will fuck you up way worse and that in real life nail guns probably don’t work like this AT ALL and only have a range of like... hold up let me just google... up to 100 to 150 m/s and distances of up to 500m wait WHAT
okay wait. hold up. like I was expecting google to tell me nail guns only shoot a few feet at most, and instead the first search result is some CDC blog article that’s “dispelling” the “””myth””” -- please note my repeated sarcastic quotation marks -- that nail guns can fire 1400 feet per second, by explaining that actually they can fire anywhere from 315 ft/sec to 1,295 ft/sec, and that “it is in the pneumatic nail gun user’s best interest to handle these tools as if they were a firearm despite having a lower velocity” dlkjdslkjflkl
anyway, so. there’s apparently a reason why the Number One hero, who can burn people with the intensity of a sun going supernova, is hiding here behind this concrete support column making frowny faces. nope. nuh uh. he ain’t about that. I don’t blame you buddy
so now he’s barrel rolling out of his hiding place and setting this dude THE FUCK ON FIRE because HELL NO. BAD ENOUGH I HAD TO WATCH THAT FUCKING MUSHROOM EPISODE LAST WEEK! YOU TAKE THAT SHIT SOMEWHERE ELSE
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LOL look at his face
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I know the context is actually him being all “I know I’m responsible for basically everything that happened and so that’s why I’m so grim and serious about this mission to set things right piece by piece,” but in my mind this pissed-off face is 100% all because this dude tried to shoot his eye out with a nail gun. look at that. you made him go full flame face again. beard and all. protecting his face so that it can hopefully melt any stray nails that get too close. nope nope nope
good lord. so what’s up next. let me guess the guy fighting Best Jeanist has like an atomic chainsaw or some shit
lol nope we’re just cutting back to Hawks and Jeanist chilling in the Jesla after they’ve wrapped things up
Jeanist has got some serious Groot energy you guys jesus christ he’s like 12 feet tall
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oh snap someone threw a pipe at him now
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today is just the chapter of Endeavor being assaulted by random DIY tools I guess
I mean, I get why they’re pissed at him obviously; I would be too lol. but tbh I also don’t really understand the “get out of here we don’t want your help” attitude that all of these people suddenly seem to have?? like it if were me, I would be fucking DEMANDING for him and the other heroes to be working round the clock to fix their stupid mess. I mean who else is gonna do it?? it’s their mess, I sure don’t want to be the one to clean it up instead. anyways but whatever lol
oh shit?
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so they haven’t dropped the whole “OFA secret potentially gets revealed to the world” thing yet after all. that makes sense I suppose, it did seem like that whole thing wound up playing out a bit too easily
anyway so yeah
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the locals are definitely none too happy. well at least Dabi’s got something to be cheerful about I guess
so now we’re cutting to the interior of the Jesla and they’re chitchatting about the current investigation
oh wow this actually makes a bit of sense now. so there was a reason they were keeping their distance from Deku
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please note that even in this abstract Endeavor’s-Mental-Image-Of-Him panel, Deku’s eyes still don’t have the light in them anymore :( my poor son
also ftr I still think using Deku as bait in this particular sense is the shittiest idea ever ngl. like sure, let’s let the sixteen-year-old run around battling miscellaneous escaped prison convicts while we stay several kilometers away ON PURPOSE despite the fact that you’re using him as bait to draw out the Big Bad, who just a reminder can destroy anything with a mere touch and who you were all basically helpless against. what exactly are you all planning to do if Tomura or one of the other League VIPs actually shows up to retrieve him?? are you even keeping tabs on him at all in real time?? jesus
(ETA: well that escalated quickly lol.)
Horikoshi is all of a sudden dropping whole pages of exposition here and I can’t be bothered to summarize this lol so just,
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a big fat YES to what Jeanist said, though. that’s why imo they would have been better off laying a trap at U.A. rather than just wandering around out in the open. I assume they’re trying to cut their potential losses because U.A. is full of students (and civilians), but those students also happen to be more capable than pretty much anyone else in the manga at this point. and tbh they’re already in life-threatening danger regardless of how things play out from here on, so they might as well at least try to use the few advantages they have right now. U.A. is almost certainly going to come under siege at some point anyway, so they might as well prepare for it
lol I don’t think I’m explaining this very well because I don’t have the patience right now to break it down point by point like it really ought to be, so for now I’ll just say that imo “U.A. siege” stands a good chance of being the eventual endgame even now, and so this whole “Deku runs around being bait” arc is really just killing time until then lol. like and subscribe for more rambling nonsensical takes such as this. maybe next time I’ll even put it all into one single sentence for maximum meandering senior citizen rant value
well it’s nice that they’re finally talking about all of this I guess
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we readers have known all of this for months now but this confirms the heroes are finally caught up. ALSO, Hawks is so fucking smart, as always. kinda wonder if things would have played out differently if All Might had let him in on the secret a bit earlier. probably that’s why Horikoshi made damn sure they didn’t find out until after the War arc lol
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“anyone else wondering why AFO bothered to raise Tomura as his fake heir for fifteen years when he was secretly planning on taking over his body the whole time” YES, [raises hand] lmao Hawks where the hell were you when I was debating this “AFO is the final villain and Tomura is just his pawn” thing on multiple occasions over the past several years lol
lmao seeing them debate the metaphysics of OFA and all of its mystical bullshit is seriously surreal you guys
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anyway so after all that ranting it looks like that wasn’t even what Hawks was talking about after all lol. I just went off for absolutely no reason lol oh well. instead it seems that Hawks is suggesting that Tomura’s carefully cultivated hatred might not yet have actually reached “can defeat OFA” levels even after all of that trauma. interesting!
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don’t mind me, I’m just sitting here while my brain furiously scrambles to put together all the parallels between Hawks and Tomura that it never noticed before until exactly this second. like I’m not even sure that was the intent here at all (I need to check out another translation or two lol), but regardless my mind decided that now would be the perfect time to make the connection between these two twenty-somethings who both had horrific childhoods and spent years being molded by their respective manipulative guardians, and developed eerily similar “laugh at everything because what else can you do” coping mechanisms to deal with it all hmmmmm
anyway so they were talking more about their strategy, but now all of a sudden Jeanist’s phone is beeping??
AND NOW WE’RE CUTTING AWAY TO ALL MIGHT AND HIS MIGHTMOBILE DAMMIT so that means the call to Jeanist was actually something important then!! WAS IT BAKUGOU OMG. DOES YOUR INTERN WANT A WORD FFFKLFSJK please it’s been so long I just need a little crumb or two to tide me over lmao have mercy
anyway so All Might’s following the GPS tracking device he’s apparently got planted on Deku (which in my conspiracy headcanons he’s actually had for a long time now, like since before DvK2 lol because HOW ELSE WOULD HAVE HAVE KNOWN THAT THEY WERE FIGHTING EACH OTHER IN GROUND BETA, PEOPLE) and thinking angsty thoughts about Deku’s sucky life
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lol is he under attack or is he just finally giving All Might the slip like we all know he SECRETLY PLANNED TO ALL ALONG oh my poor dumb angstmuffin
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lmao only fifteen pages this week, and STILL NO KACCHAN (THEN WHO WAS PHONE!!!), but man I don’t even care because finally we’ve got a cliffhanger that’s actually deserving of being a cliffhanger! hot dog. okay then
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Stumbled Into Laughter, Stumbled Into You - A James Acaster x Reader Story
Basic plot: The year is 2019, and life has been quite dull for you since working in a job that you hate for the past two years after graduating from university. You used to do stand up comedy at uni, but you’ve been putting off pursuing it due to lack of confidence and motivation. Your best mates decide to encourage you to try a comedy mic night for the first time ever and while there you incidentally run into an old mate of yours, comedian Rhys James. That’s when your life gets turned around as you end up diving into the world of the comedy circuit and becoming close with other famous British comedians. In the midst of it all, you end up meeting a particularly distinctive red headed fellow who might end up being the very thing that brings meaning to your life again.
A/N: Hello Acaster fans!
So this was an idea I have had in mind for the last few months and I finally finished the first chapter of my story!
Just so you know, the first chapter does not include James, but be patient as he will appear soon (but maybe not quite as soon as you hope). I do reckon it will be worth the wait for his appearance, or at least I hope the story is still enjoyable! It is a slow burn so if you are an inpatient person, then this story might not be for you ;)
You can read this chapter below or if you prefer, there is also the link to the chapter posted on Ao3 right here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33748507
Rating: M
Chapter 1 word length: 2326
Characters: James Acaster (duh), Original Female Characters(s), Original Male Character(s), Rhys James, Ed Gamble, Nish Kumar, Josh Widdicombe
Relationships: James Acaster x Reader/you, Original female character/Original Male character
Story tags: Romantic comedy, domestic fluff, slow burn, fluff and smut, British comedy, eventual relationships
Tagging: @laurabeech @rilannon @jasclearwaters @marklily @queensantiagoofthe99
Chapter 1 - Summer 2019
You were sitting at your desk at your mundane job, practically ready to blow your brains out on the usual, dull Thursday afternoon. It was really warm and stuffy inside the fifteen story office block building situated in Canary Wharf. This was a place you found yourself five days a week, doing the typical 9 to 5 hours. A usual day for a usual person.
Your job wasn’t a particularly riveting one. As an underwriter for an insurance company, some days could get especially boring. You knew how to do the job well, but it was not something you really loved. It involved all kinds of clients and claims in paperwork and it sometimes felt tedious and unfulfilling. But hey, it still paid your share of rent and bills. At least you could say you could manage in the hustle and bustle of the London lifestyle.
It was nearly hometime and you were itching to get home and relax. But before that could happen, there were those last set of insurance cover forms you had to copy to get sent to the HR department. And so you typed away on your laptop, clickety clack, clickety clack… the minutes went by like a chalk on a blackboard, scraping away at a snail’s pace.
You put your full force of concentration on the documents on the screen until it was finally done. A sense of achievement was necessary in these moments despite your lack of enthusiasm. It was in the little victories you reminded yourself. You rubbed the sweat from the July heat off your forehead.
* * *
The last 2 hours eventually passed by and it was soon the rush to get out of the door before you got held up by your colleagues. They were nice enough, but sometimes they could hold you back for half an hour chatting when you just wanted to get home, or your manager might try and get you to stay an hour overtime.
Thankfully you did get out promptly, and as you ran and dashed out of the office building saying brisk goodbyes to coworkers, you managed to make it to the tube with the train just arriving on time. But not without being moderately sweaty and hot though. Bloody stuffy platforms.
As expected it was still a busy train with plenty of 5pm finishers getting themselves situated on the half crowded carriages, but as it was only 10 past, it wasn't the worst time of day for commuting yet.
You perched yourself on one of the tube’s seats and let your shoulders drop, having held the tension in your body from sitting at a desk all day. You placed your head slightly back, balancing it on the window of the train. You looked up momentarily above you and then lifted your head back up to look at your phone and choose a song to listen to on Spotify through your wireless earphones.
The streams of sound from one of your favourite songs began to play softly in your ears and you smiled, knowing that the song gave you a little bit of wistful joy. You started mouthing the words.
Call it all for nothing, but I'd rather be nothing to you. Than be a part of something, something that I didn’t do (Best to You - Blood Orange).
The words half mean something but not necessarily anything. You began to wonder about being part of something that you’re not.
I just wish I could float away from my unexciting existence… you thought to yourself.
It sometimes occurred to you that you might have wanted something more out of life, but weren’t entirely sure what. It doesn’t make you dreadfully sad, but you know that life for you hasn’t exactly been the best it could be, and that perhaps something was missing. You wish you knew what it was.
You sighed, ignoring the feeling of sorrow wash over you momentarily and propped yourself back up in the uncomfortable seat of the train. You tried to keep yourself awake so that you wouldn’t miss your stop. The music continued through your ears.
* * *
You opened the door of the three bedroom flat that you had been residing in for the last two years with your flatmates and sighed with relief that you had finally reached home. You hurried to get your handbag off your shoulder and your shoes off, placing them on the rack next to the front door and walked through the hallway.
The minute you poked your head through to the lounge, bellowing a faint hello to whoever was around, you were suddenly greeted by one of your best friends and flatmates, Grace.
“Ahh Y/n! You’re home. Thank christ!”
She grabbed you and reached her arms around to embrace you tightly. You were perplexed by this gesture as it was so random and unusual given that Grace lived with you and saw you everyday of the week. You frowned and reluctantly placed your arms around her to return the hug.
As she then let go, she looked at you with urgency in her eyes and shrieked with excitement, “Oh Y/n guess what? It looks like I’m up for a promotion! Can you believe it?”
Now processing the reason for such an embrace, you raised your eyebrows in glee and smiled proudly, gushing back to your best mate who was obviously chuffed by the matter.
“Oh wow Grace, that's fantastic! I mean, finally. It is about bloody time!”
She smiled, “Yes I guess it is. But I mustn't get too excited. I haven’t officially got the promotion yet.”
“Ah but no. I’m not having any of that. You will get that promotion. It is a guarantee. They would be idiots to not give it to you.” Grace rolled her eyes and bit her lip. She reluctantly nodded and agreed.
The smell of food distracted you momentarily from the conversation. It was a particularly appetising smell.
Grace uttered, “Yes that smell is good isn’t it? Theo insisted on cooking us a nice meal for me as a celebration.”
You smiled knowingly, having known about how Grace and Theo had been in relationship limbo ever since you three became close friends at university. You knew they both had feelings for each other but often danced around the subject, completely oblivious to one another’s obvious attraction to the other. You reckoned they had to do something about it one day.
“Thank fuck. I wasn’t prepared to make dinner tonight. I am too tired for that.”
Grace then had her worried face on. She instantly knew, as she knew you too well, but funnily enough never picked up on Theo’s emotions despite constantly wondering about them, that something was wrong.
“Are you ok babe?” she asked with a look of pity that you scornfully resented.
You sighed, half lying, “Yes. I’m fine. Just tired is all.”
You made a beeline for the couch knowing full well that you were going to talk about it whether you liked it or not. You knew that Grace would see right through your dishonesty and insist that you told her the problem.
So you waited until Grace inevitably sat next to you and gave you that sympathy look she always gave you before coming out with the concerns that were floating around your brain.
“OK fine. I know you won’t leave me alone unless I tell you.”
“Ahh, you know me so well…”
“Yes, just as you know me. I’m just- I’m fed up. Work was slow. I don’t really feel like I’m associated with my life. I feel... disconnected, I guess.”
“Do you have any idea why?”
You shrugged and looked down at the floor and then back at Grace smiling sheepishly, “I don’t know. Maybe I’m not- not fulfilled? I just don’t thoroughly enjoy my life right now.”
Grace nodded and put a hand on your leg. You twitched your face in slight discomfort. You hated it when you were given sympathy for something that seemed so miniscule. It wasn’t like you were dying.
It was times like this when you just wanted to curl up in your bed, eat a tub of ice cream and watch your favourite comedy programmes. 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown sprang to mind.
As you sat in momentary silence for a bit, Theo came waltzing through from the kitchen with his silly apron on that had a naked man’s body printed on it, and a spatula in his hand. He smiled at you.
“I thought I heard your voice. I hope meatballs for dinner are good tonight. Not mine of course,” gesturing to the apron as he said it.
You shook your head at Theo’s poor dad joke and stood up to hug him. You realised that you must be really down in the dumps to be hugging Theo. It was his turn to be confused. He looked towards Grace wide eyed.
“She’s had a particularly tough day. But mind you babe, you’ve kinda been like this for weeks now.”
You let go of Theo and turned to Grace, frowning and feeling slightly defensive. You placed a hand on your hip.
“Been like what? I’ve just been a bit fed up, that's all.”
“Yes but it’s not just a bit fed up. You said so yourself you feel disconnected. We’ve been waiting for you to say it.”
You looked to Theo and he nodded gently in agreement.
“Ok… but, nothing is really wrong exactly. My life is fine.”
“Fine, yes. But not amazing. We know it’s getting you down. And the job is the problem.”
“But I’m good at it. And it pays the bills. What else am I supposed to do?”
Grace then looked away from your eyes then, twitching her lip and looking as though she was holding something back. She then sighed and began to admit something you had not been expecting.
“OK look. We know what you can do. Theo and I have figured it out. We can manage money wise. It will be tight, but if you quit your job we should be able to help you out for a little bit.”
Your eyes grew wider than large saucepans. You were totally bewildered and your mouth slightly agape.
“What? Quit my job? Why? What work would I get instead?”
“Well, maybe you won't quit your job yet. Maybe you’re right, that's too hasty. Perhaps what I’m trying to say is-”
Theo then chimed in, “-what Grace is trying to say is…”
You smirked to yourself. How do they not realise that they’re already a couple but without the sex? They’re practically married for christ sake.
“...we reckon that you need to pursue your passion. Perhaps stop wasting your talents in an office job that you hate.”
Grace continued, “yes exactly. We have had an idea in mind. See, we want you to go to this thing… it’s no biggie but well, we’ve already booked it for you.”
Your mind was racing. You couldn’t understand anything that they were saying to you. It was all too much for you to manage.
“Booked what for me? What the hell are you both going on about?”
They both looked at each other with reluctance, pondering the moment and whether to tell you the whole truth. They both shrugged and Grace was then pulling her phone out, this whole conversation beginning to appear as though they had been trying to practice it.
Suddenly Grace’s phone screen was wavering in your face. You moved your head closer to see a photo on the screen. It was a comedy club night poster. Incidentally, it was an open mic night event happening on Saturday night. You began to then put the puzzle pieces together. You folded your arms and frowned heavily.
“What the fuck have you two done now?”
Theo softly spoke, “We… booked you a slot to do that comedy open mic event thing, on Saturday night.”
“Wait. As in to perform? You can’t be serious-”
Grace tried to reassure you and grabbed your arm.
“Look, we know it might seem daunting, but we just wanted to see you happy again. It’s been two years since we graduated and you haven’t performed since then. We thought it might be good to encourage you to perform again. You were always funny to us. And people at uni thought so too. You have the stand up talent, Y/n.”
You could not process anymore. You shook your head in disbelief and placed your head in your hands, rubbing your eyes from sudden exhaustion. You then threw your hands up in exasperation. It was not possible. You could not do that again.
Fucking no way. I can’t be on stage again! It’s too scary. University pub nights are one thing but a comedy club?
You shook your head again and placed your hands on your hips. Grace tried to speak up again seeing the frustration painted across your face. In fact it was anger that your friends chose to do this without your say so.
“No. Nope. I’m not doing it. No.”
“But Y/n, we were also going to tell you that Theo is also thinking of doing the same thing! He wants to do his music again. What harm would it be for you to rejuvenate your comedy skills? Surely you can write a quick couple of gags. Nothing strenuous. You have your old material from university, right?”
You had to get out of the room. Nothing that they were saying to you could be fully accepted at that moment.
You then gave them no choice but to let you go with your head in a flurry. They both watched you leave the room, mumbling something along the lines of I’m not really hungry anymore, I’m going to bed. Soon after, you darted across the other end of the hallway, ill-tempered and almost seething, and slammed your bedroom door shut.
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mrkcore · 3 years
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: lee donghyuck x fem!reader
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: college!au (cs - computer science major haechan, psychology major y/n)
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, slight angst
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬): suggestive innuendo(s), infidelity, drinking
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.2k
𝐚/𝐧: the first chapter of the and they were roommates! series :D send in an ask or comment here to be added to the taglist! (sorry for the delay, i have been really unproductive so uh, yeah)
𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭
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you’ve been stuck with haechan for about a month. you’ve successfully avoided him for the majority of the time, he’s still a bit flirty, but he’s been pretty quiet too.
except for when he streams. did he mention that he was a streamer? unfortunately no, you had to find out the hard way.
“haechan, can you fucking tone it down?” you storm into his room after enduring half an hour of his screaming on a thursday night. “i have an essay due tomorrow and it’s 30 percent of my mar-”
you see a professional looking mic, webcam, and another monitor with what seems like comments flowing in constantly on the screen.
“oh…” you trail off taking in all the equipment in front of you as haechan looks up at you.
“oh hey, sorry about that, jeno and renjun were being noobs and i needed to teach them a lesson, chat knows. i’ll keep it down, sorry.” he turns back to his game in front of him, completely unbothered.
“yeah.. uh sorry for barging in, thanks.” you say quickly and dash out his room, hearing the other voices from his headset laugh.
your face is hot, and you feel so embarrassed. 
anyways, lesson learned.
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a few days later, you were complaining to your friend about haechan on a zoom call–as usual.
this time, however, she needed to spill the tea about her thoughts.
“ma’am, what is this tension,” she jokes. “i can feel it from miles away.”
“hey!” you snap back. “need i remind you that i have a boyfriend? and haechan? ew no, he gets on my nerves too much for that.”
“oh right, your boyfriend.” she rolls her eyes.  “i think you need to visit him, you’re so uptight all the time, i’m gonna get wrinkles if you keep complaining to me about shit.”
“oh right, restrictions have been slightly lifted, i can probably go visit him.” you remember reading about it in the news.
“yep, go.” your friend sips on her iced coffee and you laugh.
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the next day, you go through with your plan to go visit your boyfriend.
all prepped and ready and you were going to walk out the door before you hear haechan coming out his room.
“oh, good morning, i’ll be out for a bit, maybe the whole day.” you say to him.
“good morning.” he yawns. “look at you all dolled up and pretty, where you going?” he smirks as you roll your eyes.
“visiting my boyfriend,” you scowl out. “now if you’ll excuse me, i better get going.”
“oh great, hope you enjoy your time with him.” he smiles and you think he’s going to be nice for once. “don’t forget protection.”
you groan. of course he had to ruin it.
“thanks haechan.” you yell behind you as you walk out the door.
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it takes around 1 hour to drive to your boyfriend’s university, and an additional 10 minutes to his apartment, and you’re giddy the whole time. 
you’ve missed human interaction. 
and no, lee haechan does not count. 
you’ve missed the warmth and fuzzy feeling of an embrace, of having someone’s arms around you, protecting you from the outside world. 
you couldn’t wait to get cuddles.
hopefully your boyfriend likes this surprise.
gleefully walking into the building, pressing in the password to his apartment complex. completely missing the creaking coming from his room, but as you entered, you hear the voice of another person, who was definitely not your boyfriend.
you stomp right up to the door, and push it open.
there’s two people in the bed, and your eyes glower at your boyfriend.
“what?” the girl screams, scrambling to cover herself.
“babe?” your boyfriend is frozen on the spot as the girl looks at him as if he just said the most bizarre thing ever.
“babe?” she seems angry now. “you said you were single? what the fuck?”
“yeah, i think he lied to you.” you say coldly. “do you have anything to confess, ‘babe’?”
“you’re a douche, what the fuck.” she gets up and gets dressed. “i’m so sorry, he told me he was available, i would literally never agree to sleep with anyone who’s taken.”
“yeah, it’s okay.” you say, kind of relieved, and the two stare are you like you’re an alien. “at least now i know what type of person i was dating.”
and you turn to walk out.
“wait, babe please.” your ex tries to run after you. “y/n, let me explain.”
“no need to, we’re over.” you turn to say. “you need a ride?” you ask the girl.
“yeah sure.” she says. “don’t call me.”  
“babe please, can we talk this out?”
you couldn’t believe it. you drove 1 hour to see him and he has the audacity to pull this shit and expect you to just easily forgive? nope, lesson learned.
pfft, and he said long distance would work. 
“no we can’t, now if you’ll excuse us, we have somewhere else to be.” you grab the girls arm and walk out the door, slamming it in front of your ex’s face before he can catch up.
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“do you have any plans for the rest of today?” you ask the girl after entering your car. she shakes her head while you smile. “great, any bar or night club recommendations you have?”
“uhh, bar then nightclub?” she suggests. 
“i like the way you think.” you giggle. “i’m y/n btw.”
“yina.” she smiles back at you as you pull out of the parking lot. 
a few hours later, and way too many drinks in, you’re at a table with yina, spilling your deepest secrets about your relationship with your ex.
“can you believe he made me wash his socks?” you take a sip before continuing. “and with my hands too!”
“what? that’s disgusting!” she listens to you rant in disbelief.
“yeah, he said that his socks were precious and the washing machine was too harsh on the cotton or some crap.” you snicker as you recall the other stupid stuff he told you. “ah the shit i did for love.”
“men are trash,” yina says. “cheers to that.” and you both down the rest of what’s left of your drink.
fast forward another 2 hours, you’re wasted. absolutely wasted. 
yina held you back a little bit, but its no use. you needed this.
“y/n, it’s like 11 pm, you’re drunk, i’m barely sober, i think we should call someone to come and get us.” yina tries to reason with you while you shake your head.
finally after 10 minutes of bickering, you finally agree.
“here’s my phone, you can call anyone.” you rest your head on your folded hands after handing her your unlocked phone. “anyone but haechan.” you start to doze off. “anyone but haechan…”
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“hbbhng” you jolt up, feeling the warmth of your own bed. 
how did you get back home?
groaning, you feel your headache. you feel the vomit coming up your throat as you gag.
you almost fall trying to get out of your covers.
“woah there, be careful.” haechan is suddenly barging into your room, holding onto you so you don’t fall on your face, guiding you to your bathroom.
you’re too nauseous to wonder why he’s even helping you or even bother screaming at him like usual.
he pats your back soothingly as you vomit into the toilet.
“there you go, that’s it. i’ve got you.” he reassures you.
“what are you even doing helping me?” you’ve washed up and downed some water, you’re 100% sober now.
“wow,” haechan chuckles, rolling his eyes. “after saving your ass last night, this is the thank you i get?”
“what do you mean you saved me?” you’re genuinely confused by what he means.
“this yina girl called me from your phone, telling me that you’re blacked out drunk in a nightclub at 11:32 PM, on a saturday. asking me to come and get you.” he says, matter-of-factly. “i call a cab, get to the nightclub, haul your ass out the club, drive yina back home, and then us. where during our commute back, you wake up, start crying, and when we get home, you’re bawling about how your boyfriend cheated and you were a dumbass for thinking he would change. remember now?”
you’re in shock.
yina called haechan? you remember clearly that you told her not to, this is so embarrassing. you even cried about your ex to him? oh dear lord you wanted to crawl back into your room into a deep pit and never come out. 
haechan must’ve noticed your distressed expression because his face turns softer.
“hey hey hey, sorry, that was a bit mean. you just got out of a relationship, that was really inappropriate of me and i do not blame you for wanting to relax a bit.” he tries to comfort you once again. you’re in even more shock by his words. “honestly, me driving you back home, and taking care of you was the least i could do. it would have been so mean if i just left you guys there.”
you wanted to burst out into tears. 
this is the nicest thing you’ve heard in about 6 months.
unfortunately, haechan doesn’t know that.
“oh gosh, jheez, i’m not helping aren’t i.” he’s panicked by your emotional state. “uhm, to make it up to you, i’ll watch one of those scary movies with you?”
your tears instantly are sucked back into your eyes in excitement.
“really?” you ask, just making sure.
“yep, ahaha.” he laughs nervously, but happy to see your mood lighten up.
“you free tonight?” bouncing up and down practically.
“yeah…” haechan is a bit scared. “aren’t you going a bit too fast though, princess? you jut got out of a relationship.”
you gasp and slap him in the arm.
“okay okay! that was a joke. yeah i’m free, i have an essay due, but i’ll be done by 6.” haechan says.
“sounds good!” you b-line for the kitchen, your stomach is completely empty. “see you then haechan!”
oh how haechan regrets his offer.
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6 o’clock rolls by, and you choose “the shining” to watch with haechan. anticipating the terror it would bring him. 
and you were right.
every jumpscare, even the smallest sounds, haechan would screech in fright. the last straw for him was the knock on your door.
“AHHHH!” he screams, almost knocking the popcorn out of your hands.
“calm down, dude.” you say, standing up to open the door.
to the unfortunate sight of your ex.
“y/n?” he says, softly.
“what are you doing here? how did you find out where i lived?” you were very sure you never gave him your dorm address.
“your friend gave it to me,” the eye bags he has are very evident. “listen, can we talk?”
“no?” haechan suddenly butts into the conversation. “you literally cheated on her, she doesn’t owe you anything.”
“who are you? her rebound?” your ex frowns. 
“her roommate, and if you even bothered to keep up with y/n, you’d know.” haechan returns the frown.
“it’s between me and y/n, you have no business telling us what to do.” your ex is getting more aggressive now.
“that’s funny, i was the one who was called to drive her home while she was out drunk, i was the one who listened to her talk about how she regretted believing you again, i was the one who held her hair back when she was vomiting this morning from her hangover.” haechan again returns the energy. “you tried to contact her, but she blocked your number and you had to get her address from her friend. you never even cared to ask her beforehand, and now you wanna try and show up to seem like you care? bullshit. now if you’ll excuse us now, we have a movie to finish.” he slams the door in his face and haechan surprises you for the millionth time today.
your ex bangs on the door for about 3 minutes before giving up, and you guys sit in silence as the movie still plays.
“hey haechan.” you try and start.
“AHHH!” he screams again, scaring you this time.
“okay, i’m fine, yeah sorry, continue.” haechan pants out.
“thanks for that.” you say, genuinely. “not even joking, you didn’t have to do that.”
“well i did, because that dude was a douche. literally having the guts to come over here and try and ask for forgiveness after he cheats. unbelievable.”
“yeah.” you fiddle with your fingers anxiously.
“i like this side of you,” haechan breaks the awkwardness. “you’re usually uptight, little-miss-perfect, and cranky, so i like this raw side of you.”
“mhm, i realized that now. sorry for being such a bitch.” you admit.
“no, i honestly deserve it. but i hope we can be friends now, it would be great to have real conversations with someone, you know?” he says.
“seriously?” you hit him in the chest as he chuckles.
“i’m joking! i swear. but seriously, friends?” he asks.
“yeah, friends.” 
and that’s where it started.
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© mrkcore. 2021.
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angel-riki · 3 years
Dazed & Dreaming {Ch. 1}
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summary: Y/N's life was always quite normal, some may even consider it boring. However, Y/N enjoyed her simple life and the little pleasures it brought. Unfortunately, that all changed the day she found out her best friend's biggest secret. Her discovery leads her down a rabbit hole of a new and confusing world she never knew existed. She must now navigate this new life filled with love, fear, and the supernatural. What awaits her down this path?
pairing: enhypen x reader (vampire au)
warnings: light swearing
word count: 1,435
chapters: [Ch.2] [Ch.3] [Ch.4]
The brisk autumn air pricked at your cheeks, making you shiver as you clutched your coat tighter around your body. You picked up your pace as your shoes tapped lightly against the pavement. Walking to school was nice this time of year, you loved the autumn scenery which was full of rich colors and leaves dancing in the wind. Winter on the other hand, was another story. It was also quite pretty, yet much more inconvenient and impractical. However, right now it was a pleasant walk.
Before you know it, you're at the entrance of your school, trudging up the stairs. Oh how you longed to be back in your warm, soft bed, asleep. You begrudgingly continued on your way when you heard a familiar voice ring out,
"Y/N! Wait up!"
You recognize the voice without even needing to turn around, it was Jake. Jake had been your best friend since he had moved here from Australia way back in middle school. He meant the world to you. You've grown so close over the years, he practically knows everything about you at this point. And you know all about him as well. You smiled and waved at the cheerful boy as he jogged to catch up with you. Slightly out of breath and with flushed cheeks, he greeted you,
"Good morninggg!" He drew out the last syllable with a dorky grin on his face. You giggled, he was always so cute without even trying.
"Good morning," you replied, happily.
"Kind of chilly this morning, huh? Did you walk to school again?" He asked.
"Yeah, I did. I always walk to school, you know that," you chuckled at his silly question.
"You knowww," he began,
Oh boy here we go, you thought.
"Heeseung would totally give you a ride to school if you'd like," he stated. Jake had made this offer to you a few times, however, you always declined. Heeseung was a close friend of Jake's yet he was merely an acquaintance to you at best, you would feel bad having him drive you around. Especially since he already gave Jake rides every morning.
Also not to mention, you found Heeseung incredibly attractive and you don't think your heart could handle that...
"No that's okay, I wouldn't want to impose," you politely declined like always. Jake sighed. You were always so considerate, almost to a fault.
"Y/N, Heeseung totally wouldn't mind, he isn't like that, you know." He smiled, trying to convince you to accept the offer. Especially, knowing that winter was just around the corner.
"I know...I just would rather not," you said trying to escape the topic as your cheeks began to heat up. Jake sighed defeatedly and decided to let it go as you both continued your way into the building.
The end of the day couldn't come soon enough as you headed towards your final class; physics. Yay. You've always hated physics and although you were a straight A student, your grades suffered in that class. Thankfully, Jake was quite good at physics and was always happy to help. Over time, he basically became your tutor. You scanned the front board to see what the topic of the lesson was today. Like usual, you couldn't make sense of any of it. God, I wish I had Jake's brain, you thought to yourself.
As much as you tried not to, you ended up tuning out the teacher and his lecture as your mind wandered to anything but physics. Before you knew it, class was over and students began gathering their books and shuffling out of the classroom. Shit. I didn't pay attention to any of that. You mentally kicked yourself for slacking off. Well, at least the school day is over. You headed back to your locker where you saw Jake waiting for you.
"Hey Y/N, how was physics? I know it's your favorite class," he said sarcastically.
"Shut up," you slapped him playfully on the arm, "I actually totally zoned out the whole period. Therefore, I'm lost and you really have your work cut out for you as my tutor," you retorted.
He laughed and shook his head, "Y/N, you're killing me!" He said while jokingly clutching his chest in imaginary pain.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry I should honestly be paying you at this point," you laughed.
"Nah don't worry about it, I'm happy to help," he said. Gosh he's so sweet, you thought. Sometimes you felt like you didn't deserve him. But if you ever dared to say that out loud, you know you would receive an immediate rebuttal from him. Because that's just how Jake is.
You rolled over and groaned. Ughhh, it's already time to get up? You had stayed up later than usual the night before. You had been facetiming with Jake as he tried to explain your physics homework to you. Unfortunately, it took you quite a while to understand it since you hadn't paid attention in class earlier that day.
Just 5 more minutes...you thought as you lazily snoozed your alarm.
Your eyes fluttered open as you awoke for the second time. Hm, that's weird. Why didn't my alarm go off yet? You grabbed your phone to check the time. You squinted as your eyes adjusted to the bright screen. Oh shit. You had overslept for 45 minutes. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. You mentally cursed at yourself as you scrambled to get ready in half the time you usually do. You frantically threw on your school uniform and hurried to the bathroom to brush you teeth. You gasped as you saw your reflection. You had the worst bed head you had EVER seen. Just my luck. You quickly threw your hair up into a half updo. Guess I'm going for the messy look today. You hurried downstairs and grabbed a granola bar on your way out. You headed down your driveway only to see a car parked on the side of the road right in front of your house. You were a bit confused but as you got closer you were met with two familiar faces. Oh no. This is Heeseung's car. Your stomach did a backflip. Heeseung smiled and gave a small wave as Jake greeted you from the passenger seat,
"Hey, Y/N! Sorry for the surprise, I knew you would never accept the ride but the weather's getting colder and I don't want you to get sick," Jake rambled.
"Jake told me that you walk to school every morning, but I don't mind giving you a ride, it's no problem at all," Heeseung added with a kind smile.
You appreciated the kind gesture, however, you were mortified. Here you were, looking like the hottest mess of the century in front of the hottest boy of the century. This can't be happening. Of all days, why today?!
You smiled meekly, "Wow, uh, thank you that's very kind of you! I guess I'll take you up on that offer since you already went out of your way to come here," you said apologetically. The two boys smiled at you as you opened the car door and climbed into the back seat.
So far, the ride had been fairly quiet until Jake suddenly broke the silence,
"Y/N, did you do something different with your hair?" Jake asked as he turned around to face you.
God, why did he have to bring that up??
"Uh, yeah, I actually woke up late and my hair was a mess so I just tried to make the best of it," you laughed nervously.
"Ohh, well it looks nice!" he complimented.
"Yeah, you look cute." Heeseung added with his eyes still on the road.
You froze. Your brain began malfunctioning as you tried to compute what Heeseung just said. He called me cute. You chuckled anxiously as you felt your cheeks burning up.
"Thank you," you said shyly.
Jake had noticed your abrupt change in body language, which confused him. But then, it all clicked. Oh...She has a crush on Heeseung. He didn't know how he hadn't noticed it sooner. He grinned to himself, amused by his realization. Suddenly, it made sense why you never accepted a ride.
Hi, guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I know it was a bit slow, but once the introductory part is out of the way, hopefully things will pick up the pace. Regardless, thank you for reading! I am also uploading this series on wattpad, so if you’d like to support it over there, that would mean a lot! I'm hoping to publish new chapters a couple times a week so keep your eyes peeled hehehe
~Elle <3
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Chaconne (Agatha Harkness x Reader)
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Summary: You are an aspiring concert violinist who attends an audition for the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra, under the new direction of famous conductor Agatha Harkness
Word Count: 4.2K
A/N: Hello! This is an AU fic heavily inspired by one of my favorite tv shows Mozart In The Jungle. This is going to be at least 3 more chapters, and I already have the second part done so it should be uploaded by the weekend. Also, I added a link to the piece that is heavily mentioned throughout this fic. It’s not necessary to listen to it before reading (or at all haha), I just thought I’d add it in for anyone curious :) Hope y’all enjoy! Please let me know what you think, and my inbox is always open for any questions. Also: I do not own Mozart In The Jungle...Jeff Bezos please do not sue me. 
You rushed through the bustling streets of Manhattan, silently cursing yourself for not getting a cab. Not that it would’ve made much of a difference; rush hour in the city was horrendous no matter what form of transportation you chose. But at least you would have been sitting in an air conditioned car and not running through the crowded streets. You tightened your grip on your violin case as you hurried across the street, destination clear in your mind.
You had been finishing up your final private lesson of the day when you received a call from one of your old college friends. They informed you to drop everything you were doing, not literally because that would include your very expensive and very fragile violin, and hurry down to symphony hall because one of the first violinists in the Manhattan Symphony had sprained her wrist and they were holding open auditions.
A part of you knew the odds of being selected from hundreds of the best violinists in one of the most affluent cities for music was slim to none, but you also knew you had to take this chance. It’s what you had been working so hard towards during undergrad and grad school, and it would be nice to have a more...stable job. The Manhattan Symphony Orchestra was one of the greatest and well respected orchestras in the world, and you would kill to earn a chair.  
You ran faster than you had in months, and made a mental note to add more cardio to your basically nonexistent workout regime because wow, you were out of shape. Rounding the corner, you quickly dodged running into other pedestrians and could see symphony hall a block away. Despite the burning in your lungs begging you to stop running like a mad woman, you picked up the pace and sprinted to the building.
Ever since you started playing the violin you swore to anyone who would listen that you would play in the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra. Your siblings would always ask for concert tickets to see their favorite band, or sporting tickets, but you always begged your parents to take you to the symphony. While your siblings hated it and complained how long and boring it was (and the outrage that they weren’t allowed to bring food inside), you were enraptured by the entire experience.
You fell in love with the sounds of Dvorak, Beethoven, Brahms, and Tchaikovsky. Sitting in the concert hall you waited in anticipation to watch the musicians who had spent their entire lives preparing for that moment; to pour every ounce of their soul into their instruments. Ever since the moment you stepped inside your first concert hall at the young age of five, you knew this is where you wanted to spend the rest of your life.
Shaking those thoughts aside you hurried through the building to where the blind auditions were being held. You silently thanked whatever genius came up with the idea of a blind audition, because you were a mess after running over twelve blocks from your apartment. Following the signs on the walls, you found the warm up room, but was surprised to find everyone packing up.
There were over a dozen people of various ages, and you noticed one of them crying. A woman around your age noticed your disheveled appearance and sighed. “If you’re here for the blind auditions, they were cancelled.”
You felt your heart drop. “What? Did they already find someone?”
“No, because the new conductor is a total psycho,” Someone else said angrily. “She kept yelling about how we’re all wasting her time and she’d rather have her pet rabbit play New World Symphony.” He motioned to the girl who was sobbing. “And she told Megan her tone was so bad that she would personally throw her violin into a wood chipper so no one would have to suffer through her performing again.”
The new conductor he was referring to was one of your favorites. Agatha Harkness. She was beloved throughout the music community and had many fans, but you had heard rumors of her hard work ethic and ability to make people cry in under a minute. You thought back to your undergrad violin lessons where one of your professors told you that your tone while playing Mendelssohn sounded like a dying donkey. Musicians were often times very blunt.
“That’s a bit harsh.”
“A bit?” The guy rolled his eyes. “This job isn’t worth it. I’m going to audition for the second violin chair in Iowa. It might not be as great of an orchestra but at least their conductor isn’t the devil incarnate.”
As the others continued to pack up, you still felt your gut twisting at what could have been. Feeling rejected, you left the room and saw the back entrance to the stage open. From a quick glance around it appeared the hallway was deserted, so you quickly ran through the door, violin case still in hand.
Time came to a stand still as you walked on stage and stared into the seemingly empty concert hall. You dreamt about this moment more times than you cared to admit. There was something so peaceful about being on stage. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and pictured a scene you had spent years dreaming about. Realizing the opportunity to play in this hall wouldn’t likely come again, you made the split decision to open your violin case.
Staring at your violin, you briefly wondered if this was a good idea. But, you silently argued that no one else was around, and besides, you did run half a mile to get here. It would be a waste to not play and appreciate the gorgeous acoustics. Plus you could feel your fingers aching to play something, anything, to let out the feelings of  disappointment from missing the auditions.
Gently pulling out your bow, you applied a generous amount of rosin before grabbing your violin. You took a few minutes to tune, and the moment your bow hit the strings you felt a shiver at how the sound bounced off the walls. You went through a condensed version of your normal warm up and played a few different scales before debating on what piece to play.
Although your friend had briefly explained the audition would be sight reading and then playing excerpts from Dvorak’s New World Symphony, the auditions were over and you wanted to play something else. It wasn’t the flashiest piece, or one of the better known violin concertos, but it felt right. Vitali’s Chaconne arranged by Charlier. You had originally learned the gorgeous piece during your junior year of undergrad for a concerto competition and it had quickly become a favorite.
Clearing your mind of everything but the music, you closed your eyes and began to play. Your bow swept across the string, producing the opening g-minor chord. The melodic sound rang through the empty hall and you felt your heart ache at how good this felt. It had been a while since you had the time to play this piece, but it was like it had been no time at all. Your fingers danced across the strings and you felt all the uneasiness leave your body.
While this wasn’t the most complex piece you had ever played, it required your full attention. The chaconne was structured as a simple sixteen bar phrase that was rephrased and dallied up with different techniques and melodies which made it easy enough to memorize, but hard enough that you needed to focus on the pattern your fingers made.
With every movement of your bow, every run you made up and down the fingerboard, you were letting out the pain and sadness you felt radiating through your body. It was hard to put into words how playing the violin made you feel, but the best explanation you had come up with was that it was your salvation. There was no sweeter medicine than performing. No matter how out of control life was, how bad things got, your solution was turning to music. It saved you.
As you neared the end of the piece, you felt your bow arm gently ache and you knew you had to have complete focus if you were going to hit the upcoming octave slides that led to the double stops of doom. Octaves were never a violinist’s favorite technique, and they were your own personal kryptonite. You had rather tiny hands, which made the stretch from your index to your pinky rather difficult on a good day. You changed the position of your hand to make the reach to hit the upper octave, but briefly winced when you realized you had fallen flat on the lower note.
You ended with a flourish of your bow on the final g-minor chord and let out the breath you had been holding in. You stood there for a moment, soaking in the afterglow of your performance and enjoying the quiet that radiated throughout the spacious room. Just as you went to clean off your violin and leave before you got kicked out, you heard the sound of slow clapping from within the hall. The hall was dimmed and you saw a figure sitting far up in the upper rows. The mystery figure continued clapping and they stood up and walked down the steps towards the stage. There in all her glory stood Agatha Harkness, the newest conductor of the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra.
“Not bad, but your octave slides could use some touching up,” Agatha offered as she stood at the bottom of the stage. “You tend to go flat on the lower notes.”
You felt your breath hitch as you saw the famous, and apparently very scary, conductor staring at you. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize anyone was still here.”
“Ah so you aren’t here for the auditions?” Agatha questioned, arching an eyebrow up at you. “What are you doing here then, breaking and entering? I’d hate to have to call security on you.”
“What? No, no I’m not...” You stammered, feeling your cheeks turn red. “I came for the auditions but I was told they were cancelled.”
Agatha laughed, and you noticed how it was more of a cackle. “They were. But believe me dear, I’m sure you would have done the same if you were in my shoes.”
“One of them said you threatened to throw their violin in a wood chipper. Isn’t that a little mean?” You pointed out.
“You did not have to listen to that imbecile butcher the opening of Mendelssohn,” Agatha argued, folding her hands across her chest. “Throwing her violin in a wood chipper would be the least I could do to ensure no one else suffers hearing that disgrace of a sound ever again.”
You stifled a giggle that threatened to escape. “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”
Agatha waved her hand in the air. “Maybe. But you,” she pointed a finger at you, intrigue colored her features. “You were good. Vitali’s Chaconne is a personal favorite of mine. Everyone always chooses to play Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D Major, or Mendelssohn, or Brahms, or something big and flashy. I’ve always preferred a more subdued piece like Vitali. Violinists don’t take enough time to appreciate the beauty of a chaconne.”
You stared at her in disbelief. Almost no one had even heard of Vitali’s Chaconne, but she did and it was her favorite. “Thank you, Miss Harkness. I-“
“Ah ah ah,” Agatha waved a finger to silence you. “I’m not finished. You were good, but not great. Your octave slides were flat. Your bow hold is giving me a headache, you need to relax more. Your vibrato is too fast, we need to work on slowing it down. Didn’t your teacher ever tell you that? And don’t even get me started on your opening chord.” She eyed the younger woman before continuing. “But despite all that, you have promise.”
You were speechless. She wasn’t yelling at you? “You think I have promise?”
Agatha nodded. “Which is why I’m offering you a job.”
“I got the position?” You smiled. “I can’t believe it.”
Agatha’s eyebrows furrowed. “What? No, don’t be ridiculous. You’re not ready to play with the Manhattan Symphony.”
“But you said you were offering me a job,” you repeated the words of the older woman.
“And I am. As my personal assistant,” Agatha explained as if it was the most obvious answer.
“You want me to be your assistant?” You said in disbelief. “Miss Harkness I’m not so sure if I’m qualified-“
Agatha cut you off again. “If you’re serious about being a violinist, especially being a violinist in my orchestra, we need to work on your technique. Natural talent only gets you so far my dear.” She shrugged. “And I may have just fired my newest assistant for being entirely incompetent.”
“I don’t know what to say,” You admitted. This certainly isn’t how you expected your day to go.
“I’m not going to force you to work for me, dear,” Agatha drawled out. “You can walk right out that door and continue on with your presumably simple and boring life.”
“And if I stay?” You prompted, already knowing what you were going to choose.
Agatha slowly walked up the steps of the stage and approached you. “Well then I’ll have my work cut out for me. As will you, darling. I’ll be working you quite hard.” You blushed at her suggestive tone and she smirked at your reaction. “Blushing already? I’ve barely even started.”
You cleared you throat before nodding. “Alright. I’ll do it.”
“Then let’s get started.” Agatha smirked. “This is going to be fun. Now, let’s take it from the top.”
Working for Agatha was interesting. She was very hard to read, and you could never tell if she was mad at you or if she was just in a mood. You had spent the past few weeks helping her prepare for the first symphony rehearsal of the season. Granted you weren’t doing much to help, all she was asking you to do was make copies of parts and to organize folders for each section.
Today was different. You entered the mostly empty building with a drink holder containing two cups of coffee in one hand and your violin case in the other when the sound of Agatha’s heels came click-clacking down the hallway. From the moment she rounded the corner, you could tell she was in a foul mood.
She was mumbling something incoherent but she stopped when she spotted you. “You’re late.”
You chose to not comment on the fact you were an hour early and instead carefully set down your violin case to hand her one of the cups of coffee. “Bad morning?”
“Hayward is an asshole,” Agatha seethed. “I had the entire season planned out but he thinks I’m not appealing to our investors.”
Well that explained it. Tyler Hayward was CFO of the Manhattan Symphony Orchestra and was a Grade-A asshole. You only had a few interactions with the man but they had all been quite unpleasant. He was less than pleased to discover Agatha had fired the assistant he hired and chose to hire you without consulting him. Luckily Agatha had all but kicked him out of her office and told you to come to her if he gave you a hard time.
“How is Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9 not appealing to investors?” You asked in confusion. “Everyone loves The New World Symphony.”
“That’s not the problem. He thinks I’m playing it too safe with the soloists,” Agatha explained and you thought of the soloists selected thus far. You could see how they would be safe options, but who doesn’t love Joshua Bell?
“But it’s too late to get out of those contracts without losing money,” You pointed out. “Does Hayward not know that?”
“Oh believe me, Hayward always gets his way,” Agatha spat out, and you noticed she appeared to be growing angrier. “He’s still mad I was voted in as music director by the board instead of his choice for the position, so he’s punishing me. And now I have to deal with Maximoff.”
You made a mental note to address the first part about Hayward later when Agatha wasn’t as grumpy, but grinned at the mention of the famous pianist. “Maximoff as in the Wanda Maximoff? She’s-“
“A wild card and not the soloist I envisioned having,” Agatha finished for you, glaring at the mere thought of the woman as you both walked towards her office.
“But she’s an amazing pianist,” You argued, remembering the one time you had the opportunity to watch her perform live with the Royal Philharmonic. “The way she plays is beautiful, and magical, and-“
Agatha growled and glared at you, picking up the speed she was walking at. “And she has no control. She doesn’t listen to direction and thinks she’s always right. Her ego is her downfall.”
You arched an eyebrow. “Wow, that sounds absolutely nothing like you.”
Agatha let out a laugh but still sent you another glare. “Don’t push it, darling,” Agatha warned you as she unlocked the door to her office. “I am nothing like Wanda Maximoff.”
You rolled your eyes after she turned around. “Right. So I’ll take the Beethoven parts out to make room for Wanda’s piece?”
Agatha sighed and combed her fingers through her wildly curly hair. “Well I’d rather just tell the little Sokovian princess she’s not allowed anywhere near my orchestra. But since that would be frowned upon, yes put the Beethoven back. Her agent should be emailing us the parts later today.”
You set off to prepare the dreadful task of reorganizing each folder while Agatha studied different scores. She had her baton out and was mindlessly conducting as she went through the fourth movement of the Dvorak. Over the past few weeks you had started to fall in love with watching her conduct. There was something so mesmerizing by the way she could bring different pieces to life with the mere movement of her hands. You watched her right hand lightly grip the baton and noticed the position of her fingers lightly grasping the silver object while her blue eyes scanned the score.
She felt your staring and smirked as she continued conducting. “See something you like, dear?”
Blushing furiously you went back to your task of sorting music, but every once in a while you allowed yourself to take a break to watch Agatha conduct, and although she smirked whenever she noticed, she didn’t make any more comments. Eventually you finished the work and put the folders away while filing the Beethoven in the cabinet.
“Good, you’re done,” Agatha said as she stood up. “Now it’s time for my favorite part of the day.”
You internally groaned and realized what she wanted. “Where you make one of the interns cry and go get lunch?”
“Close, dear. But no.” She motioned to your violin case. “Come.”
This was your least favorite part of the day. Now, you were used to receiving constructive criticism, and even just good old fashioned criticism. Over the years you had less than kind violin teachers, and you shuddered at the memory of Stefan throwing a chair across the room when you only had three pages of Mendelssohn fully memorized two months before your recital preview. He kept yelling in Russian that he would not be the first faculty member to have a student fail a preview. Or the time Jacqueline caused you to have a panic attack right before your sophomore year concerto competition because she didn’t ‘like your stage presence’ and went on some insane rant, and then yelled at you more while you were sobbing. Ah, the fond memories you had of college.
But there was something so intensely nerve wracking about performing in front of Agatha that it made all of those encounters seem like fun and games. You weren’t sure what it was about the woman, but there was just something about her presence that constantly had you on edge. What made it ten times worse was that Agatha seemed to be aware of the effect she had on you, and did whatever she could to make you blush.
You took a few moments to tune your violin and roll your shoulders back while Agatha made herself comfortable in the audience, but you both knew she wouldn’t stay out there for long.
“Now darling,” Agatha called out from her seat. “I want you to remember what we’ve been working on. The first impression you set when your bow hits the string needs to be dominating. I want to feel like you’re pinning me down on the stage. Make me want it.”
You stared at her incredulously and shook your head, trying not to visualize what she just said to you. “Right...pinning...dominating,” You murmured as you straightened your stance and took a deep breath. Setting your bow on the string, you made sure it was positioned at the frog.
“I can see you tensing from all the way out here,” Agatha said in a mocking tone. “Do I need to come up there and help you relax?”
You knew her coming anywhere near you would do the opposite to relax you. “Nope. Just stay where you are!”
“Oh, are you the one giving orders now, my dear?” Agatha teased as she slowly got out of her seat and made her way towards the stage. “I’m just trying to help. You need to relax your shoulders, otherwise you’re going to end up with a hunchback.”
“I like the Hunchback of Notre Dame,” You offered weakly as you watched her stalk her way up the stairs, her heels clicking up each step.
Agatha rolled her eyes. “Of course you do.” She closed the distance between you and put her hands on your shoulders. “You need to relax.” She examined you closer and arched an eyebrow. “And breathe, my dear. Unless you want to fall in my arms.” You had taken to staring at the floor of the stage until you felt her hand gently cup your chin, forcing you to gaze at her. “Am I that hideous to look at that?”
“Ha, you’re so funny,” You managed to get out before taking a deep breath, and once again tried to relax your shoulders.
Despite your best efforts, you still felt tense, and Agatha noticed it as well. Letting out a gentle huff she moved behind you and began to rub your upper back. “Jeez, have you ever had a massage? It seems like you need one.”
“That’s a bit above my current pay check,” You quipped and blushed when you heard her responding chuckle.
“If you’re asking for a raise, you’re going to have to do better than that,” Agatha replied, her breath tickling your ear and sending delightful shivers down your spine. “You need to let go, darling. This much tension in your shoulders will do too much damage to your posture.”
She hit a particularly hard knot and you couldn’t help but moan at the sensation. You thought you heard Agatha mumble something under her breath but you were so lost in the sensation you didn’t ask her what she said. Agatha continued rubbing your shoulders and you slowly felt yourself relax into her touch.
“That’s it,” Agatha murmured. “Good girl.” Your eyes shot open at the praise and you heard her lightly chuckle. “Relax, dear. I could do this all day.”
Your shoulders eventually loosened up and you couldn’t help but groan when Agatha took a step away from you. “Quit your whining and play that chord,” Agatha demanded as she turned away from you, clapping her hands loudly. “I want to be wowed.”
Taking a deep breath, you fixed your stance before setting your bow back on the string. You were hesitating, and Agatha knew it too.
“Any day now. It’s not like I have anything else to do,” Agatha’s words were sharp but you knew she meant it as encouragement.
You let go of any fears you had of what would come next as you positioned your fingers on the string and rolled your bow to produce the g-minor chord. Your left wrist was loose enough to slow down your vibrato and you went through the first section without any interruptions from Agatha. As you began the next phrase you remembered what Agatha had told you about making it bigger and better than before.
“Always leave them wanting more,” Agatha had instructed her. “Make each phrase slightly different. No one wants to suffer through ten minutes of the same few notes.”
You added more vibrato for this phrase and changed the dynamics so you were growing in sound until you heard her calling for you to stop.
“Stop! Stop, that’s enough,” Agatha yelled as she walked back towards you. “That was...better.”
“Dare I say you sound surprised?” You joked causing her to glare at you.
“Fishing for compliments, are we?” She questioned, but eventually relented. “You’re getting better.”
You grinned wildly at her praise. “That was the nicest thing you’ve said to me so far today.”
“Keeping score?” Agatha mused, a smile threatening to tug at her lips at your enthusiasm. “Like I said, you’re getting better, but there’s a lot of work to do. I want to hear those octave slides and not feel like my ears are bleeding from your intonation. Chop chop.”
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Let Chaos Reign
Chapter 4- People Of Earth
Summary: On the run from the Avengers in your search for a way off Earth, you meet some mortal annoyances along the way until a certain blue eyed human is able to find you wandering in the forest. But can he convince you to come back to the Avenger’s base with him?
Warning: action, blood, fighting, Bucky doing his best, slight fluff
Masterlist - Chapter 3
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So Bucky had been thinking.
If finding Y/N was only as easy as looking at her red dot on the tracker, then damn, he could just teleport to her no problem. Unfortunately the worlds technology hasn't yet reached Star Trek technological advancements, nor can he teleport. It's been a long hectic couple days trying to find her which is starting to drive Bucky up a wall, how is she so sneaky? He can literally see her location at all times but yet she's evaded him at all costs without even trying, she doesn't even know a tracker is attached to the inside of her jacket.
And the team, they haven't been much help at all. They've decided to listen to Fury's orders and stay clear of Bucky's mission when it comes to finding the escaped demigod and bringing her back to the Avenger's base. A lot of help they are. At least Steve checks in for updates when he's not getting pulled into a training session by any particular person of the hour. Maybe the tracker doesn't even work. Maybe?
No, it's Stark made. It has to work, this problem is simply Y/N.
Bucky pulls off to the side of the road near a little park in some rural town way outside of New York City where he knows Y/N went through not even twenty-three hours ago. He opens his door, slamming it shut in frustration before taking in a big breath of fresh air. The day is slightly overcast yet he doesn't appear to mind it at all, having the hot sun blaring down upon him never feels very pleasant. Then again, maybe he's just more familiar with colder temperatures.
A crow flies down across the vacant road from him, it ignores Bucky as it jumps onto the road in order to pick at some road kill of a dead flattened squirrel. Bucky reverts his gaze when his eyes soon land upon a bent wooden telephone line further up the road where it looks like a car ran right into it. Wanting to stretch his legs for a bit and feed into his curiosity, Bucky jogs across the street and over to the area of flattened grass and wood splinters.
He observes the wreckage. Its just as he saw from farther away, a splintered post with pieces of wood spread across the grass from the impact. A couple glass chunks shimmer in the few rays of sunlight peeking out from behind the clouds. There are tire marks imprinted into the mudded ground leading up to the post, he crouches down to get a better look at the source of impact.
A dog barks in the background, its legs getting closer and closer to Bucky until a wet slobbery nose finds its way onto Bucky's right arm. The face of a golden retriever greets him as a young man races to the spot looking very embarrassed.
"Trout! Get away from the man, be nice! Be nice! He might not want your kisses!" He shouts desperately, "Trout!"
Bucky pets the friendly dog while his owner runs to their spot before standing to greet him, "He's fine, don't worry about it."
The red faced man smiles shyly, "I'm so sorry. He gets so excited whenever there's a stranger around I just don't understand it."
Bucky shakes his head, "It's fine, really. I like dogs."
The dog sniffs around Bucky's boots before sniffing the skid marks, "Oh I'm Gio by the way, sorry about my boy Trout. I love him but he can be a lot."
"Hi." Mutters Bucky, "I'm James."
"Nice to meet you..oh..Trout drop that piece of wood you nucklehead it's sharp!" The dog stops before dropping the wood, it starts sniffing around the grounds again. Gio looks at Bucky, "It's too bad what happened here, just last night too. Thank God nobody died! It's just unfortunate."
"What happened?"
Gio nods towards the splintered pole, "Some nutcase ran out in front of the guy driving and then bam, he just swerved to miss 'em and ended up totaling his car and getting a bruised collar bone. He's my neighbor. Poor guy, never got a proper look at the idiot who did it either so there's no one to blame."
Bucky's brows furrow, "No one saw who ran in front of your friend?"
Gio stops a second to think harder on the matter, "Hmm...okay wait a second Nick did say this person moved like faster then a frickin' deer. They were here one second and gone the next, right into the woods."
"Where is Nick now? Is he okay?"
"Oh yeah he's fine, just chillin' in his hospital bed for another day until his headache goes away. Guess he also got a concussion or something, some shit luck I tell you."
"Thank you, I gotta go." Says Bucky quickly before turning on his heels and jogging across the street. Leaving a very confused Gio to go run after his dog again.
There's a hefty possibility that Y/N had absolutely nothing to do with anything surrounding that crash, however, Bucky has to know. He pulls into the Westonville Hospital before Winter Soldier sneaking his way inside and now here he stands on the other side of the door to Nick's room, 213. He knocks, a man answers and says to come in, Bucky does. Shutting the door right after.
The man lays upright in bed, sipping on a juice box as he quickly locks eyes with Bucky. "Hello." Says the twenty-something year old, "You a nurse?"
Bucky could have laughed, "No. Just here to ask you a couple questions."
"Listen man, the police already got my statement. I wasn't drunk...nor on anything at the time. I don't do that shit while driving, I wanna stay alive okay?"
"Right." Mutters Bucky, "I just want to know if you saw this person who caused you to wreck."
He eyes Bucky suspiciously, "Dude are you with the FBI or something? Cause the police think I just saw a deer but I'm telling you it wasn't a deer okay?"
"What was it then?"
The man looks from the door then back to Bucky, he makes a waving motion for him to walk closer, "Dude, this was some lady. She was so fast I never even saw her till she was almost road kill...then....and you're not gonna believe me....then I swear to God, she pushed my car." Whispers Nick before nodding, "Dude that's how I went into the pole, she pushed me and I lost control and BAM! Right into a pole. Asshole, my damn car is fucked."
"Do you know what she looked like?" Nick then proceeds to give an accurate description of you and all your beautiful chaotic-ness, who's apparently still not very fond of human transportation vehicles.  
Bucky then glances from Nick still rambling about you and what a dickhead you must be, to the window showing the woods and half a parking lot. He can't let you escape him again, you might end up killing someone next time and that absolutely cannot happen.
Stupid men! Stupid humans getting in your way! These people are irritating and bothersome, all you wanted was to search for the Ancient One in peace. All you want is to find her and get the fuck off this planet so you can confront your brother and...
"Miss are you okay?" A scratchy voice speaks to you from the car to your left, you turn your head to meet the face of a young woman looking at you with kind eyes, "You need a ride?"
She gives you a look, your appearance is admittedly more roughed up then you would like, but it's been a rough couple days since your last shower and you're technically on the run from Earth's Avengers. "You sure? I got room in here, and a nice place to stay with food and a shower too. Just tryna be nice to someone who looks like they could use a hand." You look like you could use a hand to the face.
Your brows furrow, she reeks of too much perfume and something else, "What kind of food?" You technically do need a ride and this may be your only chance to get one somewhere away from this place in the middle of nowhere. Also a place to stay for the night would be admittedly very nice considering you've been sleeping in trees and behind people's sheds.
Her eyes light up in surprise, "Anything you want. Just tell me and I got you."
She unlocks the door, "Come on in. I'm Ava by the way. Nice to meet you, now I hope you don't mind but back at my place I got a couple roommates. But don't worry they come and go, they won't bother you I promise." You don't believe her, but hop in next to her anyways. She looks like she could use a better friend then whoever she stays with. You can smell at least one of them on her.
She gives you a strange faltering smile when you take notice of a nose piercing; she wears a jacket and jeans, although an odd tattoo showing off some line of numbers keeps itself on her right wrist hidden by some colorful bracelets. All in all she is an attractive woman. But her car is no better then her person, the scent is vulgar and repulsive but you're admittedly too hungry to care. Too much perfume.
The ride to her apartment complex takes about twenty minutes, in this time Ava has explained to you how her favorite food, chicken alfredo, is made. She also won't stop looking at the long mirror above your heads, it's like something keeps drawing her attention but there's nothing behind the car of any important significance. Maybe that's just a human thing?
Eventually she takes a couple turns that passes more street stores, houses, and apartments until she drives near a gas station and takes a left for an apartment building of reddish brick that looks like a shitty castle.
It's nestled within the town, with its rear to a small park, oddly enough she claims you can see the city from the roof. Getting out, you watch as she shuts her door before jogging to the back and pulling out a couple groceries. "Oh hey there, can you get the waters, there's like three packs here but we can come back for them later."
You quickly walk to the back of her trunk and lean down to pick up all three waters with ease, her eyes go big, "Oh wow..okay yeah, that'll work." She shuts the back, you begin following her across the parking lot. Stomach growling.
Her wary eyes fall onto you, "So uh, you lift?"
She nods, "Cool cool, uh you from around here?"
"Okay cool, I am, well not originally...I was actually from Arizona but then I ran away when I was thirteen because my home life was pretty shit and then I met my boyfriend Jed and he took me here and..." Her face shifts into a frown before it regains it's half smile once more, "Doesn't matter now I guess, it's not fantastic here...with him. But I got a place to stay and a roof over my head and he gets me anything I want really. So it's not so bad."
You can't help but feel somethings not right with her, and this bothers you deeply, "So uh, how's your lover? Jed."
She frowns, "Oh he's nice....I wouldn't say lover I guess....and he's kinda older then me but it's fine really. You might see him, he comes and goes yunno?"
She opens the glass doors for you to walk inside, the area smells of stale air and smoke, "How old?"
She purses her lips together, "Not that much older, I'm seventeen he's just a little above that. But it works for us, he's got me a nice place and he loves me so that's nice." Her smile falters, you can tell something isn't right here but can't quite place your finger on it.
Ava keeps silent for the rest of the trek upstairs until she leads you down a long hallway to a tall white door reading A8 on the front, a small glass porthole in the center. She gets her keys out, "Try not to touch anything, he doesn't like messes okay? Just uh, follow me okay, he might have a friend here."
"Alright then. Proceed." She gives a little nod before unlocking the door and opening it up to reveal a large apartment as clean as a button, with the exception of a few tall thin glass bottles empty of all liquid laying on the short glass table in the lounging area. A large screen is on showcasing something of little importance to you.
Ava sets the groceries on the kitchen counter before racing over to the short table, "Oh sorry about the mess, please just set the waters down by the trash can. Give me a moment." You look down to find a tall thin metal can, doesn't look like a trash can but you set the three cases of water down anyways.
Standing in the middle of her kitchen she hastily rushes in to drop the bottles in the trash can, "I'll put the stuff away, do you-do you want anything?"
"Whatever gives me enough strength to continue on my journey."
"Right. Yeah okay uh we got," She opens up the fridge, "we got some burritos from last night. And fruit....a lot of beer....you don't want that. Here, I'll heat this up for you okay." She shuts the fridge and takes the assumed burrito to another square object hanging from the wall. She pops open the door before placing the food inside and shutting it.
She turns it on. "What is that device?" You ask a sit makes a strange vacuum sound.
She raises a brow, "A microwave." Voice on the tinge of humor, the microwave beeps and she soon opens it back up. "Here ya go! It's a day old so don't worry, still fresh."
She hands it to you, you look down at the warm thing wrapped in a brown paper, "Appreciated."
Your meal is well received and admittedly pretty delicious, once finished do you walk over to the giant glass window to have a look outside, you can see the tops of many trees and farther away across the greenery lays a city just as Ava had spoken of.
Maybe the Ancient One resides somewhere in there, hidden, but within the ginormous labyrinth of steel, cement, and glass. Farther down the hallway a door swings open and the pattering of bare feet is heard walking down the tiled floors of shiny white. This place really is clean, like a small palace for the mortals.
The man stops at the end of the halls archway though you don't care to look at him, "Ava who's the bitch over there? I thought Jed wasn't buying anymore for a few weeks." Whispers the man to the kind woman, Ava, who stands frozen in the kitchen.
You immediately don't like him, but stay your ground to listen, she whispers back, "She's a friend. Needed somewhere to stay for a day or so."
He walks over to her, "He's gonna be pissed when he sees your new friend here. If she's not here to sell, get her the fuck out before your man comes home tonight."
"Yeah tonight. His trip to Vegas ended yesterday, he's on his way. Don't you know how time works?"
She shakes her head, "Guess I just forgot is all. I'll make sure she's gone."
He looks over to give you a proper once over, you can hear his heartbeat quicken, "Not too bad either. Nice ass, she looks good..real good, it's a damn shame she's not here to stay for the fun. I wouldn't mind a couple of rounds with her myself."
Your fists clench, you've had enough of this jabbering animal, "Oh really?" You turn around to watch as his eyes go wide when they take notice of the golden color of your irises, "What filth you spill off of that thing you call a mouth is repulsive and disgusting. Who are you may I ask?"
He quickly retains his swagger once again, he takes a step forward, "I'm Jed's right hand man, Antonio, I run this bitch when he's away and I don't like how you're talking to me."
"I'm not entirely fond of your existence. Leave us, I want to speak with Ava alone."
Antonio's face shows bewildered rejection, "Excuse me?"
You take a threatening step forward, "I don't believe my tongue slipped. You heard me correctly. Leave." He keeps still as a statue, mind still processing your words. Clearly no on had ever bothered to talk to him like this before.
He blinks and points a hand up for emphasis, "No whore tells me what I can and can't do in my own goddamn house!" He immediately rushes past Ava to grab something under the kitchen bar.
She gasps in surprise, "Tony no! Don't do this! Put it away she didn't mean it, she doesn't I swear! I swear!"
He walks back around to shove her into the couch, "Shut up." He throws up his arm to reveal a black hand held object that could be nothing else but a small gun, you stare at it in curiosity, expression interested and unfazed.
He doesn't like that, he tilts the gun at you angrily, "What's up now huh! You ain't telling me to do nothin' I run this fucker up in here! So you're gonna fuckin' listen to me you whore! I'll fu.." Antonio's body stiffens, his eyes go wide as saucers when he realizes he's not able to move, not able to speak.
Hands kept to your sides, you curl the fingers of your right hand to bloodbend this imbecile. Moving this hand to the right, Antonio's grasp is forced open and the gun clatters to the floor. "What are you doing!?" Shouts Ava fearfully.
"Teaching a dog a lesson."
Curling the fingers of your other hand, Antonio is forced to walk in staggered painful steps across the carpet at your will, Ava gasps in fright as she watches your little horror show. "Men don't treat their people like animals, you want to act like a beast. Then you'll be one."
His throat makes a dry crackly sound as he tries to scream when you move your hands to orchestrate a new action, Antonio is forced to his knees where he crawls like a dog across the clean carpet. A frightened man he becomes, his movements choppy and forced, body awkward and stiff as he moves on all fours. Proud of your work, you walk over to the man and crouch down to reach his level, "You see, the universe has created us all for a reason. Whether we are powerful or not, that control we have can be taken as it can be given."
He mumbles a reply that cannot be heard properly even by your hears.
"You know of your power?" He shakes his head as you smirk, "Your strength is built from fear and hatred. That is no way to find your place in the world, that is how tyrants lead."
Drool runs down the side of his mouth as his eyes look up to you pleadingly. "Stop it! You're hurting him!" Shouts Ava.
You give Antonio a pitiful look, "I know. And this creature deserves more then I'm willing him to do, but because you've gained my respect. I will release him." Standing, you flick your hands and Antonio is released from your trance. He coughs and sputters in a curled up heap on the floor like a beaten old dog.
"Pathetic." You mutter dryly as Ava breaths heavily from the couch.
"Wh-what are you?" She whispers, "Are you a witch?"
"No. But I am someone who is done with this place." You give her a respectful tilt of your head, "Ava, I thank you for your hospitality, but I must leave." She watches as you take one last look around the room before walking towards the closed door. Turning the handle you're prepared to exit when she screams. "Antonio no!"
The bullet stops three inches from the back of your head, whipping around to face your assailant, he fires two more rounds as you halt the bullets in their tracks. He registers what's happening and quickly chooses to pull the trigger again. As a plethora of steel flies your way, you raise an open palm that causes them all to freeze in place.
The room goes deathly silent before Antonio takes a single step and you've sent all five bullets straight through his vulnerable flesh. Blood flies across the walls as he slumps to the ground while Ava gasps in terror, too afraid to make a sound.
You frown, gaze set on Ava, "I'm sorry I had to do this in front of you. He gave me no choice, but I think this loss will not be mourned over." Your golden eyes flicker back down at the bullet ridden body, "A quick death is more then he deserved. So long Ava, be brave."
The door opens.
"What the fuck happened here?!" Speaks a man most certainly in his late thirties as he sets something on the ground, "Who's this bitch?"
Ava's expression shifts to fear as you let out a tired sigh, eyes set to the man you know as Jed, "An old friend." ——
Crouched down by a river, you rub off flecks of blood that dissipate into the murky water like forgotten memories. You just wanted to eat and rest a while as you gathered your thoughts. But here you are, you've killed two humans and have damaged a couple busses in the process of it all. Not to mention that one car the other night...at least that man kept his life.
This realm is complicated and busy, there's not enough wilderness to hide in and there are certainly too many prying eyes that can catch you with their small square devices easier then you'd like. Thankfully Ava had not seen your rampage on the internet so she wasn't able to instantly recognize you. Then again you weren't wearing your armor.
However your eye color certainly doesn't aid you in finding a way into the city close by, that's still too far for your liking, people will undoubtedly stare. At this point you don't trust a single soul, and anyone close enough to see your face would most likely report you to the authorities in an instant.
Your goal has been thwarted one too many times and that shit does not fly with you one bit. Find the Ancient One, have her open a portal to your realm, and from there kick your brothers ass. It's all very simple, well at least it should be. Stupid Midgardians.
Hrrrrr Hrrrrrrrr! A loud horn blares from within the woods to your back right, twisting around and standing at attention, your fists emit flame when a huge lumbering mass of metal rolls through the trees practically making the ground shake.
It sounds like a tiny thunderstorm, you've never seen anything like it except for when you where in Norway but that vehicle was significantly smaller and less loud. "God this place is insufferable." You mutter, annoyed by the less then peaceful atmosphere of Midgard.
So far you've evaded the watchful eyes of the Avengers for the past three days and have gotten nowhere on your quest for vengeance. And now this thing just adds to your stirred up pot of frustration.
Taking a breath, you decide to wander through the trees until you've found the tracks where that metal vessel was drawing its power from, oddly enough the steel bars attached to plates of wood does not give off energy. Strange.
Figuring it must be the vehicle itself, you sway your mind from pondering the idea as your thoughts drift to that of home and the necklace hidden around your neck. This valued object was your dying mother's, a heirloom of your linage, and a damn powerful piece of jewelry.
But your brother and his wicked ideas, he wanted to use it for his grant thoughts of tyranny and power over the nine realms. A fool, no one could ever claim such a feat, no place needs rules like such from one being calling all the shots. It's madness.
It's insane.
Shaking your head, you keep following down the tracks as you listen to the sounds of cars in the far off distance. Birds chirp and flutter by while minding their business in the forest, although you could have sworn you heard a soft thud in the dirt behind you. A shuffle of stones maybe?
A deer perhaps? No, this is no deer; halting your trek to the city, you place your hands upon your hips before slowly turning around, "I'd expected as much. You are a clever man after all....Bucky."
The dark haired man greets you with a shy grin as he stands there off to the side of the tracks, dressed in casual attire like that when you saw him in Norway. He seems genuinely happy to see you, "I wish I could stay away." Replies Bucky in a playful tone, "But you've killed two human traffickers and I gotta make sure you don't hurt anyone else. Even if they deserve it."
You scoff, "I could end your life right now if I wanted to, kill all your friends next and then burn this world to ash and dust trying to get what I want. No matter the cowards I've killed."
He shrugs, "That sounds harsh. I'd rather you didn't actually, kinda like being alive." He's such a smartass in the best way, yet you hold back a smile to keep your noble aurora about you.
"Fair point I suppose. This Earth may be greatly flawed, but I have no qualms with the people here but that of my own business."
"Right. Your own business, finding the Ancient One and dealing with your brother and all that stuff." Nods Bucky, "Y/N, you know we could help you..."
"I don't need it! I'll find my way through this planet myself.  Alone!" You shout, causing the trees to creak and moan from a surplus of wind that blows Bucky's hair about. He knows what you're capable of, but he has to try and persuade you anyways.
He looks almost apprehensive to approach you, "Y/N please. I know we all got off on the wrong foot, probably by a lot. But my friends are good people, we want to help you find what you're looking for. I promise you that." Says Bucky with a pleading look, "No lies. I promise."
You give him a conflicted glare as you think of your options; he found you somehow, he legitimately wants to help, and you desperately need a way off this damn planet. Maybe they do know a way, maybe they'll actually be able to help you, maybe Bucky is truthful?
He goes to take a step forward when you throw a hand out, "Stop." He keeps still as you take a breath, "Bucky, you give me your word?"
"I do."
Raising his hands up, he gives you a sincere look, "I promise Y/N."
Taking a long moment to think over his words, you finally nod, "Good." He watches as you walk across the tracks until you're within a couple feet of him, he swallows, unsure if you might have just lied and are about to set him on fire. Instead he's relieved when you gift him a tight lipped grin, "Fine then, let us leave this place."
"Awesome.....yeah, okay good...well I'm parked back that way. We can just walk on the tracks instead of through the woods. Easier that way." He takes a couple steps back the way you came, when you don't move does Bucky stop and reach a hand out for you to take, "I'm not going to hurt you Y/N, I promised I'd help you remember?"
"I haven't forgotten." You quickly answer him.
"Good because I intend to keep it." He smiles softly, beautiful stormy blues focused all on you with a gloved hand ready for you to take.
You shake your head before walking past him, "Fine but I'm not shaking your hand."
Bucky chuckles to himself as he watches you practically swagger down the side of the tracks away from him. Quickly does he break from his staring trance to jog over to your side. The two of you walk for a little ways in complete silence until you glance over at him when your curiosity gets the better of you. There's just one tiny question you still need answered, "Well, how'd you find me?"
Bucky holds back a grin, "Your pocket." He points down towards your jackets pocket. Giving him a look of confusion, you reach down and feel inside for whatever he's on about, suddenly your fingers touch something round and metal attached to the inside wall.
Taking a hold of this odd device, you tug it loose before bringing your hand into the open, "What the hell is this?" You ask.
Bucky reaches out to take the object from you, he holds it up, "This. Is a tracker."
"That thing? It's like a thick coin, how does it manage to do such a feat?"
"Technology, radio waves. It's not my design, but with it I was able to follow where you went. Granted you're more elusive with your traveling then I'd first realized, but it did it's job...and now I'm here."
"Yes, now you're here. Maybe you really are braver then I first thought, or just a plain fool. I could have stuck to my word and killed you." You snap your fingers, "Just like that."
He chuckles, "I had a feeling you wouldn't."
"Oh really? What made you assume I would be merciful?"
"When we met for the first time in Norway, and later at the base. You didn't hurt me, well I guess I should say you didn't try and squeeze the life out of me. Or set me on fire.."
"I set your jacket on fire." You point out as he smiles.
"You did. I liked that jacket too." Muses Bucky, "Still, you let me live both times. Even let my friends live too, Y/N, I don't think you're so bad at all."
You hum in thought, "Your words are kind and humbling. But I do not feel worthy of such claims." He has no idea who you are, what you've done. So much he doesn't know.
Bucky frowns, "Why not?"
"I have done nothing but add more chaos to this realm with my existence here, I have been betrayed and for that I was filled with rage taken out on innocent people living their lives. I want to be worthy of what you say I am, but I am not." His heart hurts at your valiantly honest words, if only he could understand completely.
"Believe me Y/N, you aren't nearly as bad as you think you are. There's been way worse people throughout history here before you ever showed up."
"I believe your words though my personal occurrence's chance to lessen these people compared to what I have done centuries ago. Do not misinterpret all of what I speak, I understand there are always beings harming others for their own sick pleasure, however I did not frighten for enjoyment. Quite the opposite."
He could just about give up his metal arm forever just to know what the hell you're talking about. What kind of life did you live before all of this? Bucky soon takes out a small square device with his one gloved hand, "I trust your word on that. And hopefully we're able to help you...I just gotta get us a ride out of here first." He turns on a black screen and slides his finger across to unlock, "I have where I parked pin pointed via another tracker."
"You don't recall where you've come from?"
"Yeah, I mean no..no, I do remember the direction I came in, it's just I was running so fast to find you I forget exactly where my car is. Don't worry this will only take a moment."
Holding back a grin at the way he muddles around on that screen of his, you divert your gaze elsewhere to look around at the trees and other various greenery spread about as usual on a planet such as this one. It's fascinating, almost like that of your home world in Vanaheim. How you miss that place. The vast mountains spread throughout the landscape, huge lumbering trees taller then the cellphone towers you've passed, and great skies of blue where dragons fly at will.
Suddenly a stick cracks in the trees to your right, you turn while Bucky pays little attention, a crow flies out and into the blue sky it goes. Easy now, just a bird, nothing more. The wind picks up for a second and you can almost catch the scent of sulfur when a ball of fire erupts from the trees ready to kill.
The spherical flame screams towards you and Bucky, who's by now dropped his phone onto the tracks, "Y/N watch out!" He shouts fearfully, hand gripping onto your shoulder as you keep a strong fearless stance to the approaching flame.
Throwing a hand out, you divert the ball into the gravel where it bursts like a small firework, rocks flying everywhere as you stand at the ready for whatever happens next. "Y/N! What the hell was that!" Shouts Bucky.
"A scout. I think one of my brother's loyalists found me."
"A scou..." Another ball of flame soars towards the two of you and then another right behind it as you maneuver your body to deflect each of them in quick succession when out of the scorched trees does a smirking woman reveal herself. Her smile is proud and wicked, taller then Bucky she stands and impeccably strong she appears.
She wears armor closely resembling your own, but instead of blues, silver, and white. Her armor is black and red, silver replaced with shimmering obsidian as she walks into the evening light. Her eyes flicker gold like your own, she tilts her head at you, "Princess Y/N of Vanaheim. An honor to meet you, truly." She bows with mockery, you immediately despise her.
"What dog is this who speaks to me?"
She grimaces, "Aüla, master of flame, Phoenix of Vanaheim, I am here to bring what stolen jewelry lays upon your neck. What belongs to King Leyondros." She points a sharp nailed finger to your neck, "That, is a house Lavpranthus family heirloom."
"You think I was born yesterday? That incompetent tyrant who dare claim himself as king does not deserve what treasure I possess. He is barely a brother to me now, and you, what business do you serve?"
She smirks, gifting Bucky with a wink as she wiggles her fingers with flame, "He's sent his best out to find your whereabouts since he's exiled you. I just happened to be lucky enough to land on Midgard where wouldn't you know it, here keeps the banished Princess herself. I couldn't be more fortunate." She opens up her palm like a needy child, "Now Y/N, the object I so desire."
"You will die trying."
She holds up a threatening fist of hot flame, "I will be bathed in riches! I will be loved! King Leyondros will welcome his champion with open arms as I present him with the necklace stolen by his traitor sister! With grand tidings of her annihilation!"
You share a dark look with Aüle as you step in front of Bucky, "I do not care to know what bargaining from the beasts of this realm you made to find me. And I certainly do not care for the false promises my brother has warped into your mind, you cannot take my life and you cannot have this necklace."
She calls flame into both hands, "Then I'll take it off your burnt corpse!" She thrusts her hands forward causing a burst of hot orange flames to shoot like dragon fire straight for yourself and Bucky.
Anticipating this action, you create a wall of your own fire that shatters her advances, you turn to the wide eyed brunette, "Bucky forgive me for not handling this sooner. I hadn't realized she was here."
"It's fine." Mumbles Bucky, chest rising and falling with heavy breaths as he stares fearfully at the angry woman spewing fire at you still.
Focused back on Aüla, she suddenly begins creating whips of flame that crack and slash at the air. She throws a whip towards Bucky but you're able to deflect it easily, in retaliation of her advances, you thrust a burst of dusty wind knocking her backwards.
She tumbles across the gravel like a discarded sack of potatoes, jumping gracefully down from the high point of the tracks, you land nearby this hellfire spawn who staggers to her feet. Rubbing the dust from out of her eyes, she coughs, "Foul play Princess, I should have guessed you'd cheap shot."
"You still believe you're leaving here with my necklace?"
Leaving her charcoal stained eyes be, she opens her palms to flame, "Well I certainly don't intend on perishing at your hand. I will get what I came for."
You throw a quizzical look, is she insane? Not wanting to ponder her mental stability, you use the gravel to crawl it up to her knees where it fuses and roots itself into the ground, she flails her arms trying to regain balance. Angered by this, Aüla clenches her fists, tightly hugging them to her chest as she concentrates.
A small orange glow emits from the center of her chest before she screams while opening her arms to the sky and with that her whole body erupts with flame like that of a Phoenix reborn. Tree branches and leaves alike are burnt and singed nearby while her anchor is melted.  Aüla levitates freely now, body a mass of hot flames as she stares furiously down at you with eyes of black charcoal.
"Behold the Phoenix! Now you will obey by law of the one true king!" Fire is thrown like thin arrows towards your face, again, easily deflected into the gravel below.
She chuckles darkly, thrusting a hand of intense flame that causes you to fall backwards across the ground. Pushing yourself up by the pads of your hands, she takes this vulnerable moment to race after Bucky with wings of fire.
Face contorted like a melted candle, her arms open wide as she prepares to embrace Bucky to the flames. Jumping up, you bend your arms, moving them in opposite directions on a linear path to conjure some type of protection. Aüla slams into an enchanted force field of dark blues that sends her flailing backwards like a bursting firework.
Regaining her balance, she levitates, scowling in disgust, "You? Would protect this mortal man?"
Your gaze falls onto Bucky, he's standing there, expression fearful and wide as he looks at you desperately. You take a step forward, "I will."
"But why? He is nothing compared to you, to us, he's simply an insect on a leaf."
"He is someone who has showed me more kindness in the last couple days then some of my own people have in the past hundred years!" You shout furiously before using your magic to paralyze her like you did with Wanda and Vision.
She struggles to move but all efforts are unfruitful, "Do not! Don't. You. Dare!" She screams as you take another fearless step towards her, raising your hands in a beautiful fluid motion, her obsidian irises flash with terror.
"Aüla, Phoenix of Vanaheim, I admire your efforts and valor. But I am not so merciful when my life as been threatened, as someone of these nine realms with some type of authority still. I, Y/N Lavpranthus of Vanaheim, condemn you to die." Your golden eyes flash with a noble flair of judgment while your hands sway like subtle waves on a beach.
"No. No. Nooo..." Her screams are eradicated when a burst of water consumes her entire vessel, she sizzles and smokes as you draw the river water away to reveal nothing but discarded broken armor. She never even noticed you were doing this.
As a plethora of water dissipates into steam from where she once stood, more liquid fills through the cracks in the gravel while you slowly wander over to the dark spot stained onto the center tracks. Kneeling down, you pick up an obsidian gauntlet cracked down the middle curve. "Who was that?" Asks Bucky from behind you.
"One of my brothers scouts. His best fire-bender.." You study the intricate markings that dance like vines around the metalwork, "..a phoenix in human form."
There is a long pause before he asks, "Why are you being hunted Y/N?"
You sigh, head bowed to the earth, "It's a long story."
Bucky frowns down at you, he's not sure what to do, but he knows you're deeply troubled by whatever events have led you to this point. A comforting hand rests upon your shoulder, "You don't have to tell me now. But I think we should go."
Dropping the broken gauntlet onto the dark stained wood, you stand, "Perhaps you're right. Who knows what else lurks in the shadows waiting to pounce. I'd rather not have you injured on my behalf."
Bucky shares a lopsided grin, "Appreciated. Now come on, I know the way home." Directs Bucky as the two of you begin walking down the tracks for wherever he speaks of.
Maybe these people aren't as bad as you'd first thought, unfortunately there are still evils that are desperate to find you. Until that time comes again.
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57 notes · View notes
Out Of Time ~ 141
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 3,200ish
Summary: Things start to get real. (gifs aren’t mine) PLEASE READ THE NOTE AT THE END.
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“Now, you better be on your best behavior for your Aunt Pepper and Uncle Happy, alright?” Y/N said. She was kneeling down to Morgan’s level, brushing the little girl’s hair behind her ears.
“Alright, momma,” Morgan agreed with a nod. 
“Daddy and I will call you every day.”
“Can’t I just come visit you? The—the com… compod… com—“
“Compound,” Y/N gently fixed with a smile.
“Yeah! It’s not too far away. I can come and help a wittle!”
Y/N sighed. “I wish you could, honey, but this is grown up stuff. Someday you’ll understand.” She pulled the girl into her arms, holding a kiss to the side of her head. “I love you, Morgan, so much.”
“Don’t tell daddy,” Morgan giggled, trying to whisper, “but I love you more than 3000.”
“Hey!” Tony exclaimed with mock hurt, coming onto the porch after packing the car. “I heard that.” He came and joined in on the hug. “But I forgive you.” He kissed the top of Morgan’s head before him and Y/N pulled back. “Don’t give Happy too much grieve, okay?”
“Okay, daddy!”
Tony leaned closer to Y/N. “If we’re going to do this, we’ve got to get going,” he whispered, placing a slight kiss near her ear.
“Okay,” Y/N whispered in reply. She leaned in and gave Morgan one last kiss on the forehead. “We’ll call you later tonight. I love you.”
“I love you too, momma and daddy,” Morgan responded.
Y/N and Tony stood up. She had an arm around his waist, holding herself close to him. Pepper and Happy came up behind Morgan.
“We’ll take good care of her,” Pepper promised.
“Thank you guys,” Y/N said before Tony led her to the car.
He opened the passenger door for her then got into the driver’s seat. Y/N waved and blew kisses to Morgan as they drove off. When they were too far away, she sighed into the seat. Tony reached one hand over and gave her knee a slight squeeze. They didn’t talk though, they were both too overwhelmed with what they were both headed to do.
Steve was standing outside, staring at the ground. His hands were on his hips as he looked beat. Bruce, Scott, Natasha, and himself had just tried to send Scott back in time, to no success. All they did was age and de-age Scott. Steve needed to get out of the hanger and clear his head. It had gotten his hopes up to bring everyone back, but it was looking like their plan wouldn’t be a possibility.
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As a noise broke the silence, Steve looked up to see a car speeding towards the entrance. The car pulled over to him, passing him slightly, before reversing. As it backed up to stop in front of Steve, Tony rolled down his window to reveal himself and Y/N.
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“Why the long face?” Tony asked. “Let me guess: he turned into a baby.”
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Steve looked away with a slight smile on his face and a nod. “Among other things, yeah,” he responded looking back at the couple. “What are you two doing here?”
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Tony got out of the car, Y/N following, and walked around to the back. “That's the EPR Paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang. It's tricky. Dangerous. Somebody should've cautioned you against it.” He leaned against the car as Y/N moved to stand beside him.
“You did.”
“Oh, did I?”
“Tony,” Y/N scolded quietly, knowing Steve did deserve the sass.
“Thank goodness we’re here. Regardless, I fixed it.” He held up his right hand, device on it. “A fully functioning Time-Space GPS. I just want peace.” He made a peace sign. “Turns out, resentment is corrosive, and I hate it.”
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“Me too.”
“We got a shot at getting these Stones, but I gotta tell you our priorities: Bring back what we lost? I hope, yes. Keep what we got? I have to, at all costs. And... maybe not die trying will be nice.”
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“Sounds like a deal.” 
Steve reached out his hand to shake, in which Tony took it. Pulling away, Tony opened his truck. He reached in to pull out Captain America’s shield. He handed it toward Steve, who didn’t take it.
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“Tony… I don’t know,” Steve said.
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“Why?” Y/N asked. “Howard made it for you.” 
“Plus, honestly we had to get it out of the garage before Morgan took it sledding,” Tony added. “She’s been way too eager to take it out since she found out it belongs to you.”
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With a light sigh, Steve took the shield, placing his arm in the straps. It had been too long since it had rested on his arms, seven years in fact. It felt nice to have it back.
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“Thank you,” Steve replied.
“Will you keep that a little quiet?” Tony asked as he pulled out a few more things from the car. “Didn’t bring one for the whole team… we are getting the whole team, yeah?”
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“We’re working on that right now. You guys might be able to be of some help.” Steve began leading them back into the hanger. “Who’s with Morgan?”
“Pepper and Happy,” Y/N responded. It was clear to the men that Y/N was feeling hesitate to do this and leave Morgan. “You’re going to have to join in on the call tonight. She’s upset she didn’t get to talk to you that much when you guys showed up a few days ago.”
“Y/N? Tony?” She heard Natasha gasp. Her friend quickly ran to her, engulfing her in a hug. “You came to help. Thank you so much.”
“Woah there, Banner,” Tony said, causing everyone to notice him studying Bruce, who had merged with the Hulk. “What did you do?”
“I know, it���s different,” Bruce responded. “But I finally found a way to live with both my sides.”
“That’s wonderful,” Y/N smiled. “I’m so happy for you, Bruce.”
“Thank you.”
“What’s the plan with the team though?”
“I’ve called Rocket and Nebula,” Nat explained. “They’re on their way. Once they get here, Bruce with go with Rocket to fetch Thor from New Asgard. Rhodey needs to finish up a few things before he comes. They should all be here tomorrow.”
“What about Clint? Is he still off the grid?”
“I’ve pinned pointed his location and am going after him tonight.”
“Do you need any help?”
“I think this is something I need to do on my own.”
Night had fallen and Tony had already started building a platform for the time travel. Natasha had left to retrieve Clint and Y/N was just finishing up her video call with Morgan.
“It’s time to go sleepy night-night, now Mo,” she told her daughter. “I love you, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight.” She blew a kiss.
Morgan blew one back. “Love you, momma!”
Y/N smiled softly as she hung up. Turning the phone in her hands, she looked around the bedroom she was sitting in. This old bedroom was filled was so many memories, good and bad. Y/N honestly never thought she’d ever come back here, again. With a small sigh, she pushed herself up from the bed and walked out onto the small balcony that was attached to the room. She leaned on the railing by her forearms and looked over the once bustling grounds of the compound.
“I thought I’d find you out here,” Tony said, snaking his arms around her and pressing a kiss to her neck. She jumped slightly. “Sorry, did I scare you?”
“A little. I guess I was too caught up in my thoughts,” Y/N responded.
Tony rested his chin on her shoulder. “Care to share?”
“This place used to be so lively… even after the team broke. There were people running around and working hard. Now… now It’s empty. Too empty… I don’t want this to be the world Morgan grows up in. I want to her see busy streets and cheer in crowded arenas. I want her to experience what life should be like. Not this… this mess.”
“I get it… I want her to meet Peter. I can already imagine the chaos those two could cause.” 
Y/N laughed. “Me too… And Harley.”
“And Harley… we have to get our boys back.”
“We have to. And not die trying.”
The next day, Tony and Y/N spent building the platform, while everyone else came and went, going about their assignments. Natasha left to get Clint, having got some concrete leads about him being in Japan. Rocket, Nebula, and Rhodey arrived. Rocket and Bruce quickly left for New Asgard to fetch Thor. Nebula, Rhodey, and Scott began thinking of suit ideas for the time traveling. Steve gathered together everything he could find on the Infinity Stones, the whole time itching to ask Y/N questions. He wondered if she knew more than they had learned from past experiences. And it wouldn’t surprise him if she did.
Rocket and Bruce arrived back with Thor first. It shocked the team to see Thor in such a state as he was. His hair and beard were long once again, and he had gained more than a few pounds. It saddened Y/N to know that this had all taken such a toll on Thor. Her and Tony really had been one of the few lucky ones. 
Rocket quickly began helping Y/N and Tony with the platform. Which Y/N was extremely grateful for because she could only understand, or do, very little of what Tony was asking of her. 
Thor was drinking a beer as he clumsily walked towards the platform. Tony was walking from behind Thor, dragging a long hose.
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“Drifting left,” Tony warned Thor as he began to pass him. “On the side there, Lebowski.” He faced Rocket, who was working underneath the platform. “Ratchet, how’s it going?”
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“It’s Rocket,” the raccoon corrected. “Take it easy. You’re only a genius on Earth, pal.”
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“Thank you!” Y/N exclaimed jokingly, pointing at Rocket.
“Hey!” Tony exclaimed, a little hurt.
“I love you!”
Tony scoffed. “Sure.”
Y/N giggled as she came up to Tony. “I’m sorry,” she pouted slightly as she grasped his hand. “Forgive me?”
Tony sighed, rolling his eyes playfully. “I guess.” He gave her a light kiss. “Want to go check out how the suit is coming?”
“Of course.”
They intertwined their fingers and headed to where they were figuring out the suit. When they arrived in the room, Scott was in the suit with Nebula and Bruce working on it around him.
“How’s it coming with the thingamajigger?” Tony asked as him and Y/N walked over to the Scott. “What’s our status?”
“Now?” Bruce wondered. “Yeah, it’s just about ready.”
“Alright, let me see. Wow. Got a little Pym,” Tony pointed, “Stark styling.”
“And the, uh, noggin bubble, courtesy of, uh,” Tony turned to Nebula, “Rings of Uranus. What’s your troop called?”
“The Guardians of the Galaxy,” Nebula answered.
“We just need someone to test it,” Bruce said, as he grabbed some small glass tubes with a red liquid and started doing something to Scott’s suit.
“Time travel suit?” Rhodey questioned, walking in. “Not bad.”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Scott exclaimed, stopping Bruce. “Easy, easy!”
“I’m being very careful,” Bruce responded.
“No, you’re being very Hulky.”
“I’m being careful.”
Scott held up a red tube. “These are Pym Particles, alright? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more.”
“Scott, calm down,” Rhodey advised.
“Sorry. We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs.” Accidentally pressing a button, Scott quickly shrunk and returned to his normal size. “One test run.”
“Shit, Scott,” Y/N muttered, shaking her head.
“Alright, sorry. I’m not ready for this.”
“I’m game,” Clint’s voice suddenly came from behind them. They all turned to look at him. “I’ll do it.”
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He looked different. It wasn’t just his hair cut and his sleeve tattoo. It was his eyes. Clint had lost his wife and three kids. Y/N couldn’t even imagine what he was exactly going through.
“Clint,” Y/N gasped softly.
“Y/N,” Clint responded with a nod.
Tearing up, Y/N let go of Tony’s hand and quickly wrapped her arms around Clint’s neck, bringing him in for a hug. Clint didn’t hesitate to hug her back.
“I’ve missed you,” she whispered.
“I’ve missed you too, Y/N/N,” he responded. He pulled away and looked back at the others. “Suit me up. Let’s do this.”
Tony and Y/N got the platform set up and gathered everyone while Bruce, Rhodey, Scott, and Nebula got Clint situated. As everyone slowly gathered and Bruce came to help Tony, Y/N stayed back and close to the wall. She had started to tremble at the thought of the time travel actually working and all that came a long with it. Her head had also started to get fuzzy. And, from past experience over the years, she knew that a seizure could easily be triggered. Steve had noticed at discretely came over to her.
“You alright?” He whispered.
“I-I-I… I don’t know,” she responded, shakily. “This all… what if it works? And… what if it changes things? I… I can’t lose Morgan. I-I can’t.”
Steve came around and cupped Y/N’s face with his large hands. “You are not going to lose Morgan. I will not let that happen, I promise.”
“You can’t control that Steve… you don’t know… I’ve seen things. I know things… something’s still coming.”
“What do you mean?”
She shook her head quickly. “I can’t say anymore. I can’t.”
“Don’t push this, Steve. I…” She swallowed, getting a tad dizzy. She gripped onto Steve’s arm, trying to keep herself steady. “I… oh…”
Steve held onto Y/N’s upper arms, noticing that she was struggling. “Talk to me, Y/N. What’s going on?”
“Just keep me close. I’m not feeling so good.”
“Maybe we should sit you down in the other room.”
“No. I want to be here. I need to be here. Just wrap your arm around my waist and keep me close to your side. I don’t want Tony to worry.”
Steve gave in with a sigh before turning so that they were both facing the platform and wrapping an arm around Y/N’s waist. Everyone else was at the control panel and Clint was taking his position on the platform.
“Alright, Clint,” Bruce said. “We’re going in 3… 2… 1!”
A helmet formed over Clint’s head before he went quantum. That was the longest minute of everyone’s lives. Y/N could barely breath as she stared at the space Clint once stood. When he finally rematerialized, Clint was on his hands and knees, breathing heavily. Natasha rushed up the platform, crouching down and cupping Clint’s cheeks. Scott and Tony rushed up onto the platform as well.
“Hey, hey,” she called. “Look at me. You okay?”
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Clint held up a baseball glove and threw it at Tony. “Yeah, it worked,” Clint said. “It worked.”
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Tony smiled triumphantly, holding the baseball glove, as he turned towards Y/N. She was the only one that didn’t seem excited. In fact, her complexion was off and her breathing pattern had changed. Tony knew what was about to happen before her eyes even rolled back.
“Rogers!” Tony shouted, surprising everyone. “Get her on the ground and on her side. Now!” 
When Tony had called out to Steve, that was when her eyes rolled back and Y/N began to seize. Steve quickly did as he was directed, already familiar with the routine. The whole team quickly surrounded them, with Tony and Bruce pushing to the front to help.
“What’s going on?” Thor asked, confused and completely worried.
“She’s having a seizure,” Natasha responded. “She had a car accident a few years back, left her with some brain issues.”
“When was the last time she had one?” Steve asked as he kept his sister on her side. 
“Probably a little bit over a year,” Tony replied, helping Steve.
They all let out a breath of relief when she finally stopped moving.
“Let’s get her to her bed,” Bruce suggested.
Tony picked her up. “I’ll handle it,” he said. “I’ll get her settled and then we can figure out a plan.”
They watched as Tony carried Y/N away.
“Steve,” Natasha called gently, looking at her friend. “What triggered it?”
“I have absolutely no idea,” Steve asked, keeping his eyes on the pair as Tony walked away.
Y/N immediately knew what had happened the moment she opened her eyes. She was laying in her bed, all tucked in, and Tony was sitting next to her, reading something on his tablet.
“How long have I been out?” Y/N asked, voice slightly horse.
“Hey, you’re awake,” Tony said, placing his tablet down and turning to face her. “You had us all worried.”
“What happened?”
“I was just thinking about… well, everything… and I guess I stressed myself over the edge.”
“Maybe you should go home, stay with Morgan.”
“No. I need to be here.”
Tony pursed his lips as he studied his wife. He definitely didn’t like the way she emphasized need. “Why? Why do you need to be here?”
Y/N sighed and closed her eyes. “You know why.”
“No, I really don’t. You’ve always been so vague around your destiny and the Stones and shit. Just tell me what’s going on. What do you know?”
Y/N tossed her covers off and sat up, sitting on the edge of the bed facing away from Tony. “I can’t say Tony.”
“Like hell!” Y/N stood up, walking onto the balcony with Tony following. “If you’re scared of the Stones, no need. They’re gone, Y/N. You felt that yourself.”
“You don’t understand… Things could still happen and I can’t have more lives on my hands than I already do.”
“Y/N, what happened is not solely your fault.”
“But it is. I was tasked to save everyone. And I failed…I failed Wanda, I failed Vision! I failed Peter! And Bucky!”
“Bucky,” Tony scoffed. There had always been a question lingering in Tony’s mind, fighting for an answer. But he was too frightened to know the truth. Until now. He had to know. “Are you still…” He studied Y/N for a quiet moment. “Are you still in love with him?”
“Tony…” She tried to turn away, but Tony grabbed onto her arms, keeping her facing him.
“No, you don’t get to run away right now. I need an answer. If we’re going to do this, bring everyone back. I need to know the truth, once and for all. That I wasn’t the second choice, that I wasn’t just the only option so you went for it… So, tell me, would you have chosen me if Barnes was still here?”
Ending 1: It’s Always Been You >
Ending 2: I’m From Brooklyn, Too >
I hope this wasn’t complete crap. And I couldn’t wait to post this! I know I’m on a break, I just got too excited about getting to the 2 separate parts!
I would love to hear your theories/hopes for the endings! I would love for everyone to read both, especially because they’ll take on Endgame very differently!
Also, my tag list is struggling to work. So please be patient with me. Also, Chapter 140 did not get a tag list because tumblr is the WORST right now and hates me and kept deleting it. So, again, please be patient with me. I’m just a human trying my best.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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202 notes · View notes
fific7 · 3 years
Cold Day in Hell - Part 2
Logan Delos x Reader
A/N: This does not completely follow canon, it’s mainly lemon zest 🍋 because the world needs more Logan Delos.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content, including oral, between consenting adults* in some chapters. Drinking and swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My GIF)
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Logan went back to his own office after showing her to hers. He sat down in his plush office chair and swivelled slowly from side to side, picking up his pen and tapping it on the desk as he did so. He was thinking. How was he going to approach this?
Unusually for him, Logan wasn’t 100% convinced that she was attracted to him. That was something of a departure for him; the norm was that he would just look at someone and that was it, they were putty in his hands. Not this gal. He thought she might be interested but he could tell that there were walls up there, that was for sure.
Should he ask Juliet? She was dead set against him getting involved with this new lady, but it might be worth listening to one of her lectures if he got some useful ’women’s perspective’ advice at the same time. He got up and strolled the short distance down to her office, knocking and popping his head round the door. Juliet looked up from her screen at him, “Hey, Logan... what can I do for you? I’m right in the middle of something here.”
Irrespective of her comment, Logan went into the office and sat down in the chair opposite her. Sighing, Juliet put her screen lock on and lounged back in her own chair. Knowing him as she did, she could tell just by looking at his face that he was in thinking mode, in fact he wasn’t even looking at her; he was staring at the back of her big computer screen, a sure sign that his mind was off somewhere else. “Logan!” she said firmly, and his eyes snapped to hers, “I’m busy here, darling brother. What’s on your mind?”
As Juliet had been expecting, he said the name of their new secondment. Then he held up a hand, “Now I know you don’t want me to go there, Jules - but I’m serious here. She’s not a one-and-done in my mind.” Juliet snorted, “What then? A two-and-done?!” Logan rolled his eyes, “Ha ha, very funny. No. I’m thinking of something a bit more... established than that.”
Juliet’s eyes widened, “You mean....” her voice took on a mock awestruck tone, “...a relationship, Logan?” He nodded, “Well... yeah. I suppose you could call it that.” She sat forward, eyes boring into his, “No! I just don’t believe you. Look, you’re the guy who’s out on the town every night with a different person. Or occasionally someone you’ve taken out once or twice before. You are just not a monogamous kinda guy! I don’t want you to mess around with this girl!” Logan crossed one leg over the other and made a point of studying his nails, “I know you don’t, but I want to take her out. And I’m gonna take her out, Jules. She can make her own mind up if she doesn’t want anything to do with me from there on.”
Juliet muttered something and Logan leant in a bit, “Whaddya say, sis?” She looked him straight in the eye, “She probably doesn’t want anything to do with you right now, never mind after you’ve taken her out. Your reputation proceeds you, Lo.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You’d spent a little time arranging the few items you’d brought with you onto your new desk. Your laptop, your favourite pens, a ruler and a stapler. That was it - you liked to travel light. And anything else you needed, you were sure Delos Destinations would be able to supply by the kilo-load. Logan had said to you, before disappearing back to his own office, “I’ll leave you to settle in, and anything you need.... just ask!” There had been the merest hint of a wink accompanying that last comment, but you’d poker-faced it and just said, “Thanks, Logan.... I’ll bear that in mind.”
You so wished that he wasn’t as handsome as he was, as you had to admit that this made it quite difficult to concentrate on your projects. Shaking your head, you pulled up the folder for one of said projects on your laptop and began work on it.
Hopefully Logan would just keep to his own office. Otherwise you weren’t sure how much work you’d actually get done. Your eyes would be too busy drinking in the male masterpiece that was Logan Delos.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan walked dejectedly back to his office. The visit to Juliet for advice had been a complete and utter waste of time. All he’d got was one big rant about keeping far away from his new love interest. Well, he wasn’t about to do what she said, he’d be damned if he would.
Back in his office, he took to swinging from side to side in his chair once more. He really didn’t have a clue how to start his campaign to win her over. Logan just wasn’t used to having to chase down anyone he was interested in, so this was a bit of a new challenge for him. Should he go all out and whisk her off somewhere in one of the private jets? Take her out on the company yacht? Pick her up in a limo and take her to a premiere?
Or should he go low-key, ask her out for a coffee and see how that went down? Build it up from there? He’d picked up his pen once more and as he got more and more frustrated, threw it across the room where it bounced off the door, dropped and skittered across the floor. A couple of seconds later, his secretary knocked and opened the door, “Did you need something, Mr Delos?” “Uhhh.. no, no, it’s fine, Stacy, sorry about that.” She gave him a bit of a look, nodded and closed the door.
He sighed and thought to himself that he’d better get ready for these upcoming investor meetings in Seattle the following week. He sat bolt upright in his chair, smacking his forehead. Of course! Why hadn’t he thought of that sooner!
Three days in Seattle... just the two of them.... perfect!
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You heard a small tap and then Juliet’s head appeared round the door. “Welcome!” she smiled, coming into the office and over to you, giving you a big hug. “I’m so pleased you’re here!” You agreed, “Yes, I’m pleased to be here. It’s lovely to see you, Juliet.” “It’s going to be so much easier all round,” she said, before sitting down opposite you, “...it’s going to make a big difference to the status of the projects.” She paused, her eyes - so like Logan’s - gazing into yours, “And.... I don’t mean to sound off-putting, especially on your first day... but I’m guessing you already know that my brother is really quite taken with you?”
You gave a small smile, “Umm... yes I kind of did get that vibe.” She nodded, “You’re a damn good engineer and that’s a big part of the reason you’re here, but this was Logan’s idea and I’ll be straight with you, he’s busy working out how he’s going to get close to you.”
Laughing out loud, “Juliet, no offence to your brother - who’s a very good-looking guy - but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I go out with him. I know he’s a complete player.” She laughed too, “I’m glad you’re already aware of that. I mean, I love my brother to bits but he is just terrible at relationships! He doesn’t mean to be, but he says he doesn’t know if he could ever love anyone, any one person. It’s not really in his DNA.”
You took a breath, thought to yourself, why not? - and asked, “Is his ...uhh... substance abuse a thing of the past now? Well, as much as it can ever be.” Juliet nodded, a pained look on her face, “Yes, thank god. We had a pretty awful time with him for a while, especially after a... a particular situation in Westworld, but he’s clean now and still goes to meetings every so often just to keep himself in line. I really thought we’d lost him a couple of times, so yes, he’s done really well. I’m proud of him.” “You should be,” you agreed, having seen tears welling in her eyes when she’d mentioned losing him. “I’m sorry I brought that up, Juliet, I shouldn’t have said anything.” She smiled, “Hey, it’s fine. You should know what you’re getting into... or rather not getting into!”
You both laughed at that.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
In the meantime, Logan had asked his secretary to book one of the private jets and two hotel suites in downtown Seattle for the dates of the investor meetings. He was almost bouncing around his office, he was so pleased with himself and his new plan.
He thought he heard the sound of laughter coming from her office, and couldn’t stop himself from going right next door to see what was going on. He opened the door after a brief knock on it, and saw his sister sitting with the object of his affections, the two of them still laughing.
Juliet turned round and said with a smile, “Lo! We were just talking about you.” His eyes narrowed suspiciously, “Oh yeah?” She nodded, “Yeah. Are your ears flaming?” Logan scowled at her, “What have you been saying, Jules?” with a quick, anxious look over at the other woman in the room. Juliet stood up and said, “Oh, nothing too bad, Logan,” giving him a wicked little smile and striding out of the room.
Logan watched Juliet go before clearing his throat and turning back just in time to see her hiding a smile. “C’mon,” he said, “...what did she say?” She shook her head, “Honestly, nothing bad. She was just pulling your strings.” Logan just managed to stop himself saying that she would be more than welcome to pull his strings, before sitting down in the chair which Juliet had just vacated. “Okay... well, what I came in to tell you is that we’re going to Seattle next week...” total surprise on her face, “....to some investor meetings,” Logan carried on smoothly. “Oh now, Logan, why on earth would you want me to go to them?” “You’ll be able to update them on a few of those middleware projects you’re working on. You were so much better than that boring asshole they let do most of the presentation. You’ll wow these guys.”
She was still looking at him as if he’d asked her to go to the moon. “It’s all booked,” he said quickly, a tiny bit of confidence leaving his voice, “...so I’ll give you the dates and schedule, okay?”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Oh, he’s booked it already has he? you thought. Sighing, you could feel your shoulders slump a little in defeat as you agreed to go with him. You knew that your boss wouldn’t be very impressed if you didn’t, as apart from helping Delos Destinations get more investment, you’d be floating your own company’s name out in front of them.
“Who else is going?” you asked, and saw a distinct gleam in Logan’s dark eyes as he answered, “Uhh.. just the two of us. Don’t want to overwhelm them with too many speakers.” He slapped his hands down onto his thighs, “Well, I’d better get back, I’ve got a meeting in 5. I’ll get those details to you asap.” He stood up, “See you later,” and left your office.
Okayyy - just the two of you? This trip was shaping up to be something out of a bad romcom.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan had mentioned the proposed Seattle trip to Juliet as they were both leaving the office, casually dropping in who was going amongst all the other details. She stopped in the middle of the corridor, looking round to see if anyone else was within earshot before saying in an exasperated tone, “Really, Logan? Are you serious? And I suppose there’s only going to be one room available when you get there?!” Logan held up both hands, “No!! You can check, there are two rooms booked!”
Juliet scowled at him, “Logan, I swear - you better be on your best behaviour. She’s only just arrived, so you piss her off this early in then I’m going to be super pissed too!” Logan did one of his over-exaggerated eye rolls, “Oh for fuck’s sake stop worrying, Jules, I’m not about to piss her off. I’m out to charm her.”
“Oh god help her then,” muttered Juliet as she stalked towards her car.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan took your hand as you stepped out of the chauffeur-driven car at the private airstrip. You’d thought about ignoring his outstretched hand but instead placed yours in his. A smile appeared on his face, “Now, this is how it’s gonna be over the next few days - us holding each other’s hands through the investor meetings.” You rolled your eyes, “Whatever you say, Logan.” “I do say,” he smirked, hand going to the small of your back as you reached the bottom of the steps up to the aircraft and guiding you onto them. You knew that his eyes were glued to your rear as you made your way up the steps, but tried to ignore the feeling. Every so often you’d catch Logan’s eyes on you, looking at you as if you were a prey animal and this made you even more determined to avoid getting involved with him.
But lordy it wasn’t easy, you admitted to yourself as you watched him settle his tall frame into the extremely comfortable seat facing yours. You’d never been on a private jet before, but you were having difficulty paying attention to all its facilities when Logan was looking absolutely edible in an impeccable dark blue suit and light pink shirt, unbuttoned quite low as usual and showing off a little chest hair. Your eyes met his after you’d finished exploring his body, and he was looking so smug you wanted to punch him. Damn! You’d better be more guarded in future when drooling over him.
Now you started showing an interest in the interior of the plane, but every time you caught Logan’s eye he was still smirking at you.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Ha! he laughed to himself, he’d obviously chosen the right suit then. He’d taken particular care when dressing that morning as he’d wanted to look really good for her and it seemed he’d made a good choice, judging by the look on her face when she’d finished eyeing him up and down.
He lounged back in his seat, still gazing at her. He wanted to fuck her so badly! His mind supplied a vision of himself climbing on top of her as she sat there, undoing her top, pushing her skirt up and.... He could feel himself getting hard just from that short clip playing in his head right now.
“Wanna fu-...”, he clamped his jaw shut, before carrying on, “...wanna drink, sweetheart?”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You were under no illusions as to exactly what was running through Logan’s mind at that moment.
You’d noticed how his eyes had glazed over slightly as he stared at you, his lips parted, and you could literally see his trousers tightening by the second over his groin. The dead giveaway was when he almost asked you if you wanted to fuck instead of what you wanted to drink. You couldn’t stop a smile making its way onto your lips. There was an undeniable thrill that you could turn him on like this ...but No!!! your brain said. This guy’s middle name is ‘Player’ and even his own sister had warned you what a hound-dog he was.
“I’ll have a G&T, please,” you said sweetly, “...and nothing else, thanks.”
Logan looked stunned for a second, then pressed the call button for the attendant.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Oh shit, Logan thought, she knows exactly what I was thinking. I guess I’m being a little obvious here, I’d better calm it the hell down. He just wasn’t used to playing it cool in the pursuit of someone. Usually he went from 0 to 90 in sixty seconds, and the people he hung out with expected that from him. Not this gorgeous example of womanhood though. He was going to have to majorly change his approach.
But being with her like this - so close, just the two of them - was driving him crazy as it felt really intimate, and while his thoughts were still firmly planted in the sexual receptor of his brain, the longer they were on the plane together the more he realised that he was enjoying just being with her. Which surprised him to be honest, that wasn’t something that normally entered his sphere of relations with other people. She had a very calm demeanour, and it made him feel at ease. Conversation flowed, and he felt like he was getting to know her a lot more.
Initially he’d hinted to his sister that he wanted more than sex from his new love interest to get Juliet off his back, but now it appeared that karma had got him fair and square. It felt like that he did really want something more.
What that was, he wasn’t exactly sure yet.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Checking in to the fancy hotel in downtown Seattle, you noticed the receptionists - male and female - checking out Logan and not being discreet about it. He, meanwhile, was in his element, flirting up a storm with them while handing over his black Delos card to register for the rooms. You shook your head, smiling to yourself. This was exactly what put you off him. You were more than certain that he’d be sharing a bed with one or all of them that night.
He handed you your keycard, and quickly noting your room number you took off like a shot towards the elevators. Logan had been surprised when you’d set off so briskly, and scrambled to grab his bag and suitcase beside the reception desk before following you.
He reached the elevator just as you turned, smiling at him and commenting, “Have fun with your new little friends,” and nodding your head back towards reception.
Hitting the ‘close doors’ button, you were still smiling at him as the doors closed.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan scrabbled at the ‘call’ button but not quickly enough to stop the doors closing in his face. Damn it! The other elevator arrived after a couple of moments and he rushed into it, wanting to catch up with her. What had he done wrong? She’d seemed pissed off underneath that smile. And what did she mean by his ‘new little friends’? Then he realised what had ticked her off - he’d been doing his usual flirting with the hired help who of course had been flirting right back.
But it didn’t mean anything to him, it was just his usual m.o., didn’t she realise that? He’d obviously need to introduce her to the Delos way of doing things so there’d be no future misunderstandings.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You were just putting your toiletries out in the bathroom when there was a knock on the door. Knowing it would be Logan, you opened the door to find him standing outside still with his suitcase and bag in hand. “Come in,” you invited and he walked quickly inside. You went back to the bathroom and finished laying out your shower gel and shampoo.
He stopped next to your bed and sat on it, waiting until you emerged from the bathroom. You had to admit he looked good on your bed but dismissed the thought and headed over to your suitcase to start unpacking. “I always flirt with the staff,” he said, “...it gets you a better level of service.” “Or just gets you serviced,” you said before you could stop yourself. You heard his deep chuckle as you kept taking items out of your case.
“No, that’s not the aim,” he said, “truly it’s not.” Walking over to the unit underneath the giant flat-screen TV attached to the wall, you began putting the garments away in the drawers then became aware of Logan invading your personal space to look over your shoulder. He was smirking at you and you suddenly realised you were holding a handful of your lingerie. Long fingers stroked one of the silky pairs of panties you were holding and you abruptly shoved them all into the drawer and slammed it shut. “Logan!” you admonished him, but his only reaction was to keep smiling mischievously at you.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan had tried to persuade her to come out on the town with him but she’d decided to stay in the hotel and have an early night. So he’d gone out on his own, heading to a restaurant he’d eaten at before and ordering a steak and some wine. The waitress had been very interested in him, hitting on him shamelessly but he’d politely brushed her off.
There was only one person he wanted in his bed. Not sure how long it’s gonna take me to get her there though, he thought glumly.
What did surprise him was the fact that he was willing to hang on in there until that happened.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Drifting off to sleep, aware of the low sound of the TV in the background, you couldn’t even be bothered to sit up to grab the remote and switch it off. There was a low knock on your door, then a second one - louder - when you didn’t answer the door. Groaning, you got up and went over to it, looking through the peephole to see Logan standing outside.
Sighing, you opened the door and he swept into your room as if he owned it. Then with typical Logan braggadocio he threw himself gracefully onto your bed, propping up some pillows behind him, crossing his ankles and linking his hands behind his head. You rolled your eyes heavenwards and closed the door, making your way towards where he lay. You were damned if he was going to chase you out of your bed. Standing beside it with your hands on your hips, you demanded, “Logan... what do you think you’re doing exactly?” Those dark eyes of his roamed all over you in your short little silk nightdress and he smiled, “I’m lonely.”
“Lonely!” you laughed, “You’re... you’re just... unbelievable!” His smile got wider, “I’m more than willing to prove just how unbelievable I am, but you won’t let me.” “Do you blame me, Logan?” His smile faltered, and he looked away from you, gazing at the TV, “I guess not.” But then those dark chocolate eyes were back on you, “But you could at least give me a chance,” he said with a small but genuine smile.
You felt yourself melt a little, you couldn’t help it. So against your better judgement, you lay down next to him on the bed, under the covers. “Can I get myself a drink?” he asked. “Oh, I see, it’s my mini-bar you’re after, is it? Help yourself.” He got up and headed over to it, laughing and turning back to you, “You know only too well what I want, sweetheart.”
“You can have a whisky, Delos, but that’s all you’re having.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan sighed as he poured the whisky miniature into a glass and made his way back over to the bed. But then he perked up, after all he had made it into her bed - in a manner of speaking - and against all expectations. Now he just had to make sure he didn’t screw it up (again, in a manner of speaking) by hitting on her.
If he got to spend the night in her bed, that would be enough for him - for now.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Your eyes slowly opened and you gave a little yawn, wondering what time it was and thinking that today was the first round of investor meetings, when you suddenly realised that you could feel someone’s breath on your ear and that there was an arm slung over your stomach. You were lying on your side and you moved your head slightly to look over your shoulder, but you knew what you’d see before you did.
Logan. His eyes closed, hair tousled, lying on top of the covers but he’d still managed to more or less wrap himself around you. He shifted slightly, giving a little sigh and burrowing his nose even further into the nape of your neck.
Oh hell. This was really not a good plan, but you couldn’t deny how good it felt to be lying here with him. He looked so deliciously handsome while he was asleep. But also vulnerable. You turned away from him and studied the bedroom wall opposite you.
You really did have to watch how you were handling this, or despite your best intentions you were going to end up getting badly hurt.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan awoke from the very horny dream he’d been having, only to remember that he was partly living it in real life. He sensed she was awake - he could tell by her breathing - and he decided to push his luck a bit. He gave a small sigh as if he was still sleeping, and gently rubbed his erection against the back of her leg. He heard a quick intake of breath, and smiled to himself as he felt her trying to squirm away from him but he tightened the arm he’d sneaked over her during the night.
“Logan!” she hissed, “Get that away from me!” He chuckled, “Aw sweetheart, get what away from you?” He further pushed his luck by moving her hair aside and kissing her behind her ear.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You shivered, he’d kissed you somewhere you wished he hadn’t as it made you want to kiss him back so badly. You were very aware of his body pressed up against yours, how good he smelt, how good it felt to be lying there with him almost wrapped around you....
You’d better get him out of this bed before you made a catastrophically bad decision.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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@obscurilicious @theshadowkingsqueen
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