#gotta pull up the server just in case
me getting off work at 5pm on a fob concert night, opening all my fall out boy twitter/tumblr/setlistfm/discord tabs, about to think about nothing else for 6 hours:
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anastasiabowe · 6 months
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𝙍𝙄𝘾𝙃 𝙂𝙀𝙉𝙏𝙇𝙀𝙈𝘼𝙉 — As a broke college student, it’s not wrong to want a rich husband! That doesn’t mean you’re a gold digger, or will stoop so low you will ruin your worth, it just means you want a man who will take care of you, and guess what? You found him.
note: this will be a 3 part series! First one I’ve ever made and may be my last! So please not too much on these writings! Luv you!
Content Warnings: Language..? Nothing other than that!
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Nanami stared at his reflection.
“Nanami, get it together. It’s just a date, you’ve done them plenty of times.”
Nanami repeated that to himself and each time he got more nervous. His hands were now sticky with sweat, and his stomach began to hurt from the nerves. Nanami has never been this nervous, not even for business meetings that can determine his companies status or funds.
Nanami’s phone chimed a little song as his alarm went off. It was 5:15 and he needed to leave for his date.
He went to his sink and washed the sweat from his hands. He grabbed his car keys and headed to his garage.
Once he got in his car and started driving, he didn’t want to do this date anymore. What if you found him ugly? I mean the photos he chose weren’t the best, but what if you were expecting younger, or handsomer?!
He pulled into Hermès’ parking lot, and he went to park in a spot as close to the restaurant in case of a quick exit he may have to make.
He sat in his car as the clock ticked. It was only 5:25, and his reservation wouldn’t be ready for another five minutes. He took a deep breath, and made his way into the luxurious restaurant. He signed in, and the Server brought him to his table. Nanami thanked him as the server said he would be right back and Nanami nodded. Just as he sat down his phone chimed and he picked it up.
He saw a message from Haibara.
H: “Hey dude, just wanted to wish you luck. Remember, don’t think too much and act like you. It’s not as complicated as you think! Alright, I gotta go, tell me all about the date after it, or tomorrow!
N: Thank you, I really appreciate it Haibara. I will tell you all about it tomorrow!
Nanami smiled, Haibara was too good for him. His phone chimed again and a message from you appeared on his screen.
Y: “Hey Kento! I might be running late, I missed my bus, so it might take me a few minutes! (Hopefully it’s not a deal breaker😅)
Nanami laughed to himself while also internally punching himself. Why didn’t he offer you a ride!? Oh he’s such an idiot! While Nanami cursed himself for mistakes he didn’t even make, the waiter looked at him in slight discomfort.
“Sir?” Nanami jerked his head towards the young man, startled by his sudden appearance.
“I’m sorry, did you say something?” Nanami kindly apologized.
“Oh, it’s not problem, at all! I was just wondering if you were waiting for someone, if not, are you ready to order drinks?” The young man so kindly asked the clueless Nanami the 4th time about what his plans were at the restaurant.
“Yes, I am waiting for someone, you can come back in five minutes, sorry for the troubles.” Nanami felt like an absolute clown. He is recognizable. He bets the waiter felt bad for him, thinking he was stood up, so he lingered to keep him company.
“Alright, I will be back shortly!” The young gentleman walked away, and Nanami checked his phone to see another message from you.
Y:“Hi! I’m at the front, the woman won’t let me in unless the person who made the reservation comes and gets me..”
Nanami sighed, places like these makes him hate reservations. He walks towards the front, and he couldn’t help but fucking forget how to breathe.
He saw you standing in a deep green dress. It was so flattering on your body, Nanami had to bite his lip to hold back the groan he wanted to let out.
“Hello, I am Kento Nanami. This is my date, please let her in.” Nanami’s stern voice irritatingly informed the woman. She looked up at Nanami with slight fear, she was different from the other guy who let him in, so she must be new.
You awkwardly smiled at the woman and walked towards Nanami. Nanami stepped to the side to let you walk past, and he eyed the woman up and down.
Nanami followed you and soon lead you to the table, and he pulled out your seat to help you sit down. He cringed at himself for acting so out of character for you. He never once felt or done this for a date, and so this all feels so forced.
“Thank you.” Your soft, sweet, voice quietly giggled and thanked him as you scooted your chair in with the help of Nanami.
“No problem.” He grunted. The awkward tension between you two was thick, but praise to god above, the waiter came over to the table.
“Glad to see your date arrived Mr. Nanami.” The waiter smirked towards Nanami, Nanami not finding it very funny. You looked in between them both, it just have been an inside joke.
“Can I get you both started with drinks?”
You looked at Nanami, insinuating him to order first.
“Um, What’s your finest wine?”
“That would be the Romanée-Conti, sir.”
“Then I will have that.” Nanami cleared his throat. You smirked, and looked at the waiter.
“A water would be fine, thank you.” The waiter nodded.
“I will be right back with your drinks.” Nanami and you both nodded back.
“So you don’t drink wine?”
“I’m 20.” You smiled at him.
Nanami felt a spring burst in his ear. You were 20, how could he forget!
“I’m sorry, I knew that, I do not know what’s come over me!" He scoffed at himself.
"Oh, no worries at all!" You awkwardly laughed. You hoped he wasn't too upset for forgetting your age..
"I tried a few types of wine before when I went to Europe with my family a while ago, I didn't really like any of them." You smiled, hopefully that helped ease his nerves.
Nanami chuckled, trying to erase the embarrassment he felt for acting so childish. No one would be offended if someone forgets their age..! "Am I a fucking child?! Who would get mad if I forget their age!" Nanami thought to himself.
"Wine is not for everyone. Took me a while to find my niche." Nanami smiled, making eye contact. You looked down when you caught his eyes, and tried to hide the smile that was creeping on your face.
Nanami knew that look, and felt his heart warm. "So, tell me, Y/n," he cleared his throat. "What are you majoring in?"
You looked back up, surprised at his question. "Uh, I'm majoring in business!" You smirked, seeing a sparkle appear in his eyes. You knew he loved to talk about business, hence everything in his profile was about business.
"interesting. Are you planning on starting one?"
"yes! I mean, I'm not sure what I want to do with any businesses I might create, but they're somewhere on the line of some sort of marketing." Nanami couldn't find you any more perfect. Not only are you beautiful and smart, you both share the same interests!
"Wow, I mean, if you need any help starting a business, you can always ask me. I've helped over 300 people start a business and 98% of them were successful." Your heart beated at the thought of having your own business and maybe a partner to help you through it all.
"really? I couldn't ask you to do that."
"I would love to, my favorite thing is to help others succeed. That's the whole point of my company."
You softly smiled, honestly completely out of words.
"Just let me know. But, let's put that aside, I'm curious, why were you truly on Richify?"
You laughed, you knew he would ask, I mean it was a very valid question.
"I could ask the same for you, but to tell you the truth, I want a rich husband." You were utterly amazed by how honest you were being. You barely know Kento and here you are telling him your selfish desires.
He lifted both of his eyebrows in shock, but had a playful smirk dancing on his face.
"Oh, is that so?"
"I don't like dating around. For the few guys I've been with, after maybe the second date, they just weren't the one so I limited who I met with and who I talked to." You scratched your head, hoping he agreed.
Nanami thought about his words carefully.
"Exactly that. I don't get how people can just hop from person to person, I can't stand the thought of it." Nanami chuckled, you chuckling with him.
"yeah, but you seem like someone worth my time." This time those words actually came out of your mouth on their own. You slapped your hand over your mouth. Nanami chuckled, amused by your slight embarrassment.
"is that so?" Nanami puting more emphasis on 'that'.
"I don't know why I said that.." you shyly giggle. He only eyed you down, making you more nervous.
"don't worry, I think you're worth my time also." Nanami winked, you smiled, and started to ease up. The waiter came back with the wine and water.
"Here you..go." he carefully set the wine glasses down, alongside a pitcher of water and a bottle of wine.
"would you like me to pour you your wine, or would you prefer to have the bottle?"
"I'll take the bottle, thank you."
"alright, are you both ready to order?"
You and Nanami gave him your respective orders, and the rest of the night went really well!
As the night went on, you found out truly why nanami was on that app and what his true desires were. The desires of wanting his own family, a family that didn't worry about money, a family that loved each other. You couldn't help but think about how a man with such power and influence would want such a normal life. But, you also smiled thinking about how much you both wanted the same thing.
You both also talked about how it was for a girl so young to not find any guys, and a guy so old to not find any girls and how funny it was that you both met.
You both also started to talk about things more deeper, more personal. You both talked about the failed relationships and the dates you went on, what your likes and dislikes were, turn ons and turn offs, what you both found weird or normal, or even your favorite type of animal. Everything either of you said did nothing more than to help the person you were sitting across fall more deeply in love with you.
Nanami admired every single aspect of you. He adored how wide your smile would get just from his jokes and stories alone, how beautiful your hands were, which were littered with rings, as they smoothed down your dress, he admired how clean and beautiful you looked, no matter how much you covered your face with your hands, he found you beautiful. No matter how much you nervously hugged your body, he found you even more beautiful. You were simply too beautiful for him to handle.
And ever since that night, dinners turned into breakfast, and breakfasts turned into brunches, and brunchs turned into amusement parks, and amusement parks turned into sleep overs, and sleep overs turned into moving in.
"Nanami," you sighed as he pulled you softly onto his lap, legs spreading as he held your hips tightly. "You know I couldn't do that to you, my apartment is fine!"
He looked up at you, eyes soft as a knowingly smile danced on his face. He's asked you quite a few times to just move in with him, you've always been hesitant to the idea, not sure if that's what your ready for. You've never moved in with a boyfriend, let alone someone like Nanami.
"I know baby, but it would be so beneficial for us both. I mean, we can carpool to work since you took that internship at my job, we don't have to worry about meeting up when we are always together, I mean, hell, you wouldn't have to worry about rent." He softly said, as you continued to have your worries.
His house was so empty without you there all the time. I mean, he barely has anything in that mansion, and whenever you come over, you always shiver from how cold it was, except when you get to snuggle under the warm pink blankets you brought to his house to give it a little color instead of the plain white, black, and gray color scheme.
"Yeah, but that's a big step. I mean I have a lot of stuff and 2 pets!" You looked into his eyes as you emphasized your point.
"I love Milo and Princess." He simply said.
"I have a lot of clothes" He smirked as I said that as if that was a laughable point.
"I have a few walk in closets"
"I mean, God knows if my landlord will let me move out, I don't really know the terms and conditions of my lease."
"we'll figure it out." His voice never wavered nor changed in tone as he softly reassured you.
You didn't have any other points than that, I mean, what if it doesn't... You know..
"Wait, but what if-"
"Y/n please, I'm not trying to pressure you, but I think you moving in would be for the best. It gets so lonely when I don't have you next to me every waking moment. I need you here with me, I need you to help fill this empty house with things you love, we love." Nanami chuckled thinking about how the house would be a completely new home with your charm added to it. It would have a warmer and homier feel to it.
His hands began to softly rub up your sides and to your back. His would softly glide over your skin, making you melt into his touch. You nodded and relaxed as his words of how much he wanted, no needed you here made you feel. You did want to live with him. You wanted to wake up and breathe his fresh smell, listen to his deep soothing voice hum any song, and feel him everywhere you go.
You wanted to say 'Yes nanami! I will move in with you!' but an underlying feeling of doubt still clouded your mind. You had to say something.
"Nanami, I want to live with you, I really do! But.." his hands stopped moving, and slowly settled back onto my hips.
"But? Is something wrong?" His face now wasn't as soft and playful, now more tense and worried.
"No, but.." I sighed, trying to look away from him. He softly grabbed my chin with his hand making me face him again, eyes staring up directly into yours.
"Tell me, I promise you, no problem can't be fixed."
"I'm sorry, I really didn't want to think this way, but.. What if we, you know, break up? I mean I can't afford to move out, and my family lives far and that would really su-"
"y/n." He stopped me before my head started spiraling. He knew how you thought. He knew how much you overthink simple things, and don't always see things positively.
He took a deep breath, unsure as to why you were thinking you both might separate.. were you..
"Please tell me you aren't unhappy in our relationship." Nanami's eyes left your as he was now just searching your face for a confirmation.
"no! No of course not, I'm very happy, why would you think that?" Now it was your turn to grab his chin and make him face you.
"well, I mean, you're having doubts about us taking our relationship to the next level, and your scaring me with the thought you don't see us ending up in a happy successful relationship." His voice was so raw, so clear, he was genuinely nervous about how you truly felt.
You felt extremely terrible for even thinking so negatively. You knew your boyfriend hated when you thought negatively, always taking those thoughts as something you're actually feeling. And in this case, he was assuming you weren't happy in your relationship.
Nanami's eyebrows were extremely furrowed as he tried to process and read your facial expressions again for now, a sign of any lies in what you said.
Your face softened as you placed both of your hands on the sides of his face. Your thumbs came to his brows as you softly stroked them to help them go back to his they were as you spoke to him.
"I'm so sorry, baby. I promise I didn't mean to insinuate that. It's just, I've never moved in with a boyfriend of mine, and I usually like to prepare for the worst." Your voice was quiet as you felt his eyebrows' tension slowly release and his arms wrapped around your waist tightly. Nanami laid his cheek on your chest, and let out a huge breath in relief.
"Just.." nanami chuckled. "Just let me know what you decide on. I'm not going anywhere, so take as much time as you need." You smiled, and stroked his hair. You just hummed in response, and you both continued to peacefully dwell in each other's arms.
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kaeyacollection · 2 months
After much delay, I bring to you this fun lil game:
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A silly game where you have five rounds to guess if Diluc SHOULD be there or if he's become a helicopter brother
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Answers under the cut 🎉
Yes! Diluc keeps an eye out for abyss movements around Mondstadt, so it's completely reasonable for him to show up while following a lead! (Presumably why Kaeya mentions it being interesting now that Diluc showed up is because it confirms this is a bigger case than some hilichurls gathering)
Yes! He works there! Now if this was questioning ACTIONS, then the dialog it was posted with: "I’m busy today. This glass is my treat, so go home after you finish it." mayyyy have ended up with a different answer
No! If they're there gathering information, then they've gotten real off track 😮‍💨 While they could be genuine friends/informants of Diluc (since we know they've been inside the winery before), Diluc sits furthest away and keeps the conversation on Kaeya once the traveler enters the scene
No!! He's not even pretending here sjdjdjdjdj couldn't find a single beverage? No snack? Just saw Kaeya out day drinking and pulled up a seat?
Okay well now the customers are playing their own game of "where's the bartender?" Cause as you can see there's bottles faaaar in the background behind them, and where's Diluc? Following one patron around. 😤 Aka: No! Get back to the bar 😤😤 at least Rosaria knows where to find the hovering server 😮‍💨
Bonus Round:
You decide!
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Points for Yay
He's been personally invited to come after he wrote a speech on their signboard
Diona is a bartender that hates alcohol (and him) while also mixing spectacular drinks, maybe he's there to chat with her
Could have been lured in by a cat
Points for Nay
He scoffed when asked if he had free time
He doesn't drink alcohol and this was (I believe) before the Cats Tail started introducing non-alcoholic beverages and tcg
We've seen this man spin on his heels and leave this exact bar to go chase Kaeya the second he found an excuse to
It always feels like it's Kaeya coming to pester Diluc, but perhaps seeing the ex-captain lingering around so often is the reason why the Knights push for Kaeya to go see him in the first place
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(All these islands and dudes gotta stand that close behind his brother? 😮‍💨)
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wanda-widow · 6 months
Wait For Your Love
Civilian!f!Reader x Male!OC, Avenger!Bucky x Civilian!f!Reader
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listened to "We Can't Be Friends" and decided to write on a whim.
Word Count: 1k
Summary: After loving one person that felt like your everything, you can't find it in yourself to love someone else the way you should and they know it. A run in with the person you loved most doesn't help your case much either.
Warnings: divorce, angst, bad writing (sorry it's my first time)
Don't forget to like and reblog 🫶🏻 please don't copy my work
To say that you had no luck in the relationship department was an understatement. Not one of those cliche “oh, I can’t find love, I’m hopeless” situations, but the kind where you couldn’t find yourself loving someone after you were in love for the first time.
Your first and quite possibly only love was the man you ran into the street one Sunday afternoon in Bucharest. The man that had eyes the color of the ocean in the sunlight and a smile that could warm your insides like hot chocolate. The man who was Bucky Barnes himself, the infamous Winter Soldier, the noble Sergeant. But all that put aside, he was your Bucky, your James. Yours.
Yours until one morning, you went to his small apartment to find it wrecked with no sight of him. Bullet shells littered the floor and the wood was broken near a corner of the room. You didn’t see him since, but he was always a lingering “what if” in your mind.
6 years later, your fourth attempt at love had landed you in a marriage that barely seemed to hold itself together. Owen, your husband, was constantly busy and on days that he wasn’t, all the two of you seemed to do was sit around. “I love you’s” had become a barely heard statement, the efforts to try and rekindle what was once a blooming romance falling flat. Maybe it was partially your fault, looking for what you loved in Bucky in other people. You fell in love with Owen because he had made you feel seen, made you feel that warmness you felt when you were with Bucky, a rare gentleman in a messed up society. A rare gentleman who reminded you a little too much of a certain someone. A rare gentleman who wasn’t Bucky and who didn’t quite love you anymore.
Your eyes fell on the overdue divorce papers on the kitchen counter, various bills and letters covering the majority of it. A full year had gone by since Owen had filed for divorce and yet, neither of you had signed it yet. Gently pulling it out from the stack, you sighed as you ran your fingers over it before reaching for a pen.
“Dammit” you sighed softly, signing your name carefully at the bottom before placing it on the kitchen table where he would see it when he got home for work. Walking to your bedroom, you took in the house one more time, gaze lingering in places where you and Owen would cuddle for hours, make meals, and just be in love. Finding your suitcase in the closet, you packed your essentials before leaving your house keys on the table, leaving the house for good.
Deciding to get some food before you crashed at your friend’s house, you found a small sushi bar and parked your car, entering the shop.
“Welcome to Izzy’s, just take a table anywhere or come sit at the bar” A bartender called out as another staff member ushered you to the bar and put the menu in front of you.
“The California roll’s here are good. Basic, I know, but you gotta try them” A warm voice came from your right as you looked up, nodding and looking back down at the menu before doing a double take. Short brown hair, slight stubble, the same ocean blue eyes and charming grin. The same man you fell in love with all those years ago.
“Bucky?!” came the loud response before you could stop yourself, face flaming red from your loud exclamation as he drank you in, putting the pieces together as well.
“(Y/N)... I uh… it’s been a while” he said quietly, turning so that his stool now faced you, sliding the menu over to the server and ordering for you before looking back. “How have you been?”
“How have I been? How have I…” you scoffed, hand coming up to rest on your head, mind reeling from the sudden change of events and the sheer audacity that he had to ask how you had been after running 6 years ago. To be honest or to lie through your teeth, you went with the latter. “I’ve been stuck wondering every night where you had run off to, James. Better yet, my marriage just ended because he didn’t love me anymore and he…” He wasn’t you. I only loved liked him because he was kind of like you. “We just didn’t work” you ended flatly as you stared at the counter.
“That night…” he started to say, throat bobbing as the memories started to flood back. “I ran because I had to. Fuck, if I could be with you without the risk of your safety, I would, (Y/N).”
“Bullshit on the risk of your safety” you retorted, jaw clenched as you remembered the news announcing that he had gotten a full pardon, that he was partnered alongside the new Captain America. Pushing down the hurt and the longing, you shrugged. “It’s fine, guess some things are better left in the past.”
“Doll, c’mon” he said quietly, watching as you shoved a piece of your California roll in your mouth to avoid talking. “Give me a little time to make amends, gather myself after the whole Flash Smashers situation. A-And then we could try again? Start as friends, see where that goes… I…” Sadness flashed on his face for a moment when he saw how dejected you looked. “Please?”
“Just a couple months wait. Even less if I push through it” He said earnestly, raising an eyebrow as you shoved another piece of sushi in your mouth, waiting for you to swallow.
“I’ll think about it”
“Remember when we used to cuddle on the small mattress in my apartment. You’d make little hand shadow puppet shows for me until I fell asleep” Bucky pushed on, feeling hope bloom in his chest when a small smile tugged at your lips. “And sometimes we’d sit on the balcony and wait for the stars to come out while we made up constellations because Lord knows we don’t know a single one.”
“Okay” you whispered, eyes finally meeting his. “I’ll wait for your love”
Authors Note: Thank you so much for reading! Appreciate all of you so so much 💗
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Alright, *cracks knuckles, back, pussy, crack, etc* more trailer to break down.
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Mirror image of the shot in the teaser? Was it flipped for a reason or are we getting more than one scene like this? What boat are they on? It's not the dinghy, not the revenge (I don't THINK?), and they're not dressed the way they are with the Chinese pirates. (Red scarf presence noted.)
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Speaking of: Is this 'Susan' he's talking to? This has to be early on, he's not got his cunty little earring yet. (Just trying to nail SOME of the timeline down, you understand.)
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Scarf. Feeling more and more sure it's Ed's silk.
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Oluwande 💚. The way this dialogue is cut seems like they're skipping something, the way Olu says 'you dumped him' doesn't flow with the conversation the way it would if it was a immediate response to Stede's 'no, why would he do that?'
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Presented without comment.
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They're eating the wedding cake. :)
This is presumably happening while Ed is throwing knives at Izzy's head. :(
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Anyway. This looks like they're definitely trying to get Blackbeard to stop -
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- doing this so they can get through the storm or tell him something's gone wrong. Maybe Izzy's foot/leg gets real bad during the storm? Could be a lot of things.
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Initially I thought this might be a precursor to him menacing Frenchie in the one shot in the EW article, but that's in the galley not Stede's cabin and this is a bucket full of bottles (alcohol) and with Frenchie it's a box with bottles (containers, possibly food but I think it looks more likely to be medicine)
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(for reference)
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I think this is in the auxiliary wardrobe, bride figure in the top right.
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Izzy looks MISERABLE here. Whether it's the idea of him knowing EXACTLY why they're at a wedding or because he's in a hell of a lot of pain (foot still present and infected and all that) or some unfortunate combination of both (likely both), I want to wrap him up in a blanket burrito and give him forehead kissies. Also, wider shot here lets me update who's where on the topdown, so:
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Unnamed bald one with the studded bracers behind Izzy in the previous shot
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Ed. Ed you are like. Consistently seen smoking from a pipe. You can't handle a blunt? Or is the weed too dank? Also, pretty sure this is him and Anne and/or the person she's with in the shots a bit after this.
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This is why I thought it might have been the shot from the EW article but again, different container with different miscellanea and different room. He. Does seem to be. Interacting with Frenchie a lot though. And. This instance seems very specifically similar to. To him interacting with. A certain someone else. In season 1. . . I'm not saying Izzy's out with a case of Leg Gone and Ed's leaning on Frenchie in the aftermath. . . but.
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I feel this so hard. We've all been there Ed. Anyway I'm pretty sure this is the same place he's smoking with mysterious, mostly offscreen, light skin-toned hand person who may or may not be Anne and/or her friend. (No scarf.)
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Genuinely I feel like the nose staying on his face would look more believable without the ribbon. Lucius didn't need a ribbon for his finger. Maybe if it was horizontal as opposed to diagonal? It looks LOOSE and that makes it seem like it's not secure enough to be staying on his face like it is.
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Deserved (the punch). My baby's leg tho. :'(c It's not even the right height for him. Look how he's gotta bend his other leg just standing.
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Olu fighting someone???
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Bracer looks like guy number 6 from the wedding raid but this doesn't look like it's on a ship. This guy also seems to have a beard or something that the other guy didn't so idk.
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Cracked the code here thanks to @tizzyizzy pointing out something in my server. I was right about this not being during the storm. I was wrong about it being a possibly mutiny. I'm gonna jump a bit ahead in the trailer in a sec to explain but: Ed's got a rock tied around his waist here. You can see the rock at the bottom of the screen.
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You can see the line go taut and pull him down.
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You can see the rock continue to pull him down. (The rock is right at the bottom of the screen.)
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Jumping ahead in the trailer and. Well. Rock with some rope tied around it. (Once again, thank you Tizzy 🙏 you eagle eyed hero) The lighting certainly matches better than the storm did. The question is: Is Hornighost trying to talk him into it or out of it? (And. Yknow. Is he a ghost at all, even?)
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Back to where we jumped from. Are these guys wearing the same clothes as the guy Stede 'did a punch' to? Looks like it. *Black Pete voice* What IS this fucking timeline!
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Love that Izzy is the only one who doesn't duck away. Also 👀 Lucius spotted. Is he holding hands with Jim? He certainly seems comfortable positioned right between the two little killers doesn't he? ;3c
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'Oh no my boat :'(c' Is anyone still on board or did they take a dinghy and get outta there after the storm?
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(New promo pic.) This.
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(Skipping ahead in the trailer.) And this, are all the same version of Stede. The outfit (weird little arm flappies, red sash) and location are the same. This is absolutely a dream sequence. Stede is dreaming about being the kind of pirate he wishes he was. I'd also venture as to guess this is the extent of his 'revenge on Izzy' that Some Of You are all so clamoring for.
[Out of allowed images, please hold]
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lynmars79 · 5 months
When sharing stories on Tumblr, what makes for good tags to put on them?
Well, that depends. And there's likely people who do a lot of original writing on Tumblr who may have different answers, but:
I have a specific writing tag I use for both original and fanfiction ("Lyn Writing") as it helps me find things in my archive/blog search, and if folks are using those auto-tagger addons that just copy your tags, or the auto-copy of tags in mobile or other addons, it doesn't put "my writing" on their blog (which I get annoyed by).
For fanfiction, I'm going to tag the main fandom tag, and any relevant characters. Things like specific seasons, episodes, expansions, books, etc as necessary, especially if spoilery.
For original fiction, I might have an "original character" tag. If it's stuff I'm going to repeatedly post I make tags for specific OCs (or places, concepts, etc original to my writing). Usually in that last case, it's again a housekeeping method to make searching my own blog easier.
For either, there might be genre, general themes, ideas, concepts, or warnings I feel might be needed ("poetry, horror, romance, hope, names, family, violence"). Maybe some jabber commentary ("in which I try to write silly songs, OC just wants to take a nap"). If it's for a writing challenge or prompt that gets added, too, especially if the organizer has a requested tag or two to use ("DWC2024"). Sometimes I might use some Ao3 methodology to determine a few things (ratings, relationships, warnings, etc).
In the end, it's not too different from other posts one wants to be able to find, and/or tell people at a glance what's in the work, and what Searches it pops up in. For the question of "how easily do you want to find things on your own blog later," consider if you are keeping links on a page or post somewhere (also back up your work elsewhere always), and how easily do you want others to find your original stories? Do you have a specific writing tag on your pinned post or in your description?
Words and phrases in the body of a work, as well as in the tags, will pull up in the Search. Don't use tags (especially fandom tags) unrelated to one's work; that's a quick trip to "Blocked and Reported as Spam."
I also recommend anything over (my personal limit of) 500 words go under a cut. It's a delicate balance of "get people to read" when that's already difficult, so gotta hook them to hit that "Keep Reading" link, or stretch out dashes and annoy people who then scroll past (or block you or the post).
Original stuff likely won't be noticed often. The folks who do get noticed tend to have larger followings already, and/or are posting their stories as replies to writing prompts to start and getting noticed when folks trawl the notes of those posts.
A lot of it is, frankly, luck, and who reblogs to show a wider audience and then if any of them read and reblog, and so on.
So figure out the tagging scheme that works for you, link to friends and in Discord servers you're in, and reblog yourself a few times to catch followers with different timezones. Know only original posts show in the Search, not reblogs (even a reblog by OP). Write and post for the fun of it and keep expectations realistic so far as wide recognition, but honestly in the end, somewhat consistent posting, with consistent and clear tags, will slowly grow an audience over time.
11 notes · View notes
K-BBQ. The fun part of korean barbecue is the fact you get to cook it diy style. Tonight, Stray kids are doing-it-themselves, at their favorite restaurant. They munched on the scrumptious cheese corn while they waited for their server to bring around the meat. Eventually, the waiter appeared with a tray of thinly sliced meat which he placed onto the hot stove.
Not long after the waiter had walked away, Chan eagerly reached for a piece of meat. 
“You may want to let it cook a little longer before you eat that.” Changbin said, across the table.
“Looks fine to me!” Chan said, taking a piece and dipping it in one of the sauces.
“Mmmm” he said, the tasty meat practically melting in his mouth. He washed it down with a big gulp of his coke, before going back in for more.
“Whatever. I advise that the rest of us wait just a little longer.”, Changbin said, to which everyone agreed. 
By the time the meat was deemed cocked enough to eat, Chan had already eaten a pretty large portion of it. 
Although a bit frustrated they would have slightly less food to themselves, they dug in. Meanwhile, Chan ordered a refill on his coke. 
It wasn’t long before his stomach started to churn. He assumed he was just a bit over filled, although he didn’t remember eaten all that much. He guzzled down more coke, hoping it would help to settle his stomach, to no avail. If anything, it made his stomach ache even more.
Luckily, the boys were all polishing their own plates off already, and they just had to wait for the check.
The car-ride home was hell. The rest of the group was loud and rambunctious, just as they always do, the bumpy movement of the car just made him feel 10 times worse. It took everything in him not to throw up then and there, almost asking Minho to pull over. But he somehow managed to make it back to their dorm. 
Once they made it back, he casually sauntered in the direction of his bedroom, careful not to draw attention to himself.
Once he was out of sight, he tiptoe-ran to the bathroom, not even bothering to lock the door, and leaned over the toilet bowl with a heave. However, the food didn’t want to crawl up his throat. The twisting pain in his stomach was almost unbearable. He panted through the nausea, saliva dripping down his already sweaty chin.
Han barged into the room, never having much value for peoples privacy, 
“Chan your favorite show is on tv-“ He said as his flew through the door before realizing how Chan hunched over the toilet, his back arching as he gagged dryly. 
“Oh my gosh, Chan? Are you alright?”
In response he shook his head with a look on his face, as if to say “of course not idiot.”
“Have you thrown up at all?”
Another head shake, this time without the annoyed expression.
“Here, why don’t you sit down?”
Jisung said, guided the leader to his knees in front of toilet. He whined, digging his head into Jisung’s shoulder, who sat beside him on the tile.
After almost ten minutes of staying exactly there, Jisung spoke up.
“Do you want to go back to your room? I can bring you a bucket in case, but it doesn’t seem like you’re going to throw up right now.”
He groaned.
“Feel like I will.”
The poor boy was so nauseous, he didn’t see himself ever getting up. 
For ten minutes more, he sat there, panting over the toilet water.
“Chan, you gotta let it up buddy.” Han said.
“It’s not coming up.”
“You’ll feel better after.”
He nodded his head, opening his mouth a gagging, before snapping shut again. His body didn’t want to throw up. He won’t admit it, but he’s scared.
“Channie, just open your mouth wide, close your eyes, and let it out.” Jisung said, feeling bad about what he was about to do. Slowly, as to not let Chan know, he moved his hand to Chans mouth. He used two fingers, and pushed them into Chans mouth, quickly now, and touching the back of his throat, retracting his hand as Chan flinched away. His efforts were not unrewarded, as Chan gagged, bringing with it a mouthful of undigested meat from dinner.
“I’m sorry Chan.” 
Once it started coming up, it didn’t stop. Mouthful after mouthful of beef, rice, and cola spewed out of him. Eventually, Chan finished vomiting, sweat dripping from his forehead.
“Cmon, let’s get you to bed.” Jisung said, helping Chan up and tucking him into bed. He rested a bucket on the floor beside Chans bed, along with a bottle of water. Chans stomach still cramped and churned, warning to the night ahead. But atleast he had his quokka, there to take care of him, no matter how gross.
this was a request but i mistakenly deleted it from my inbox 😔 you know who you are i guess!
10 notes · View notes
bleue-flora · 11 months
Me and my fellow fanfic author @error-dream-was-found yesterday were a bit unhinged on discord and I thought ya'll might enjoy it... so umm please enjoy this discord chat fic I guess. :) (mostly left the way it is btw)
Oh guess I should do warnings huh…TRIGGER WARNINGS: Quackity (… lol oh for real though) Descriptions/Mentions of Torture, Blood, Death, Injuries, Forced drug usage and Cussing… you know the standard prison arc stuff… ;)
If It Pleases The Court
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 3:52 PM
Ah yes… getting arrested with all those dsmp laws… mmmm yes those………
Wait what laws?
“QUACKITY What Laws?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 3:53 PM
We don't do laws on Smp
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 3:54 PM
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 3:54 PM
Unless you're Dream in that case we have many laws you have conveniently broken
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 3:55 PM
Sam and Q check book - “Yes that is correct!”
Good glad we cleared that up……
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 3:55 PM
I know the laws of Smp so well ... damn I could be lawyer!
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 3:56 PM
Thought that was my job🙃🤣
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 3:56 PM
Gotta look for a different career then ....
Maybe Q could use some help with ideas 🤔
You know ... to help enforce the law
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 3:57 PM
Torturing blob does not count
Oh wait no Q talked about his “commute” so nvm perfectly good job
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 3:58 PM
I could also be a judge 🤔 I know the Smp law well and I'd have an easy job
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:02 PM
“Dream, GUILTY. Everyone else, INNOCENT!”…. Easy
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:02 PM
I know ... we´d both have easy jobs 🤣
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:02 PM
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:04 PM
although things would get complicated if someone, god forbid, sympathized with Dream ... although who would ever commit such a crime? Punz, laughs nervously.
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:06 PM
If Punz spoke up on behalf of Dream, Dream would kill him because that defeats the whole point…
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:07 PM
oh! So easy again! Plus we have another point against Dream
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:07 PM
He’d be so mad… imagine getting torture for a guy in prison for that guy to just ruin everything in court…
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:07 PM
Yeah, valid reason for murder
{DSMP Court in Session with Error-DreamWasFound as presiding judge}
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:08 PM
Now death penalty…. Or…forever in a torture box with a highly corrupt warden?
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:08 PM
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brings down the hammer "Torture box!"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:09 PM
Tommy: “BOTH!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:09 PM
points at the kid "that! That´s the spirit! I approve!"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:10 PM
Everyone cheers
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:10 PM
"The case is closed!"
"what a productive day it has been"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:11 PM
pulls out next case - Pandora’s Box Vs Dream
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:13 PM
"Pandora wins. Next!"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:13 PM
(Before it gets nuked that is🤣)
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:14 PM
"wait, wait, wait who approved the nukes! That wasn´t me!
It´s probably Dream´s fault ... time to add to his sentence!
I'm officialy making it 2 forevers in a torture box!"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:15 PM
Tubbo walks in “I approved them because I'm big Law!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:15 PM
yells I´M THE LAW!
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Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:16 PM
"you´re lucky you´re not Dream ...."
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:17 PM
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:18 PM
"Shut up accused!
Why is he still here?! Sam!"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:19 PM
Bad stands up “Actually I pay for it, so technically it’s my property… and language!… but yea no y’all leave because you don’t have souls and the egg is better than yall anyways.”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:20 PM
"Who let the lunatic in 🤦‍♀️ I thought I said it clearly, no cultists in my court hall!"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:20 PM
Sam too busy cutting off Ponks arm for frowning at Dream’s sentence
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:21 PM
"Awesam! Leave the guy's arm be and come get your prisoner!"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:22 PM
Sam walks over awkwardly, before pulling Dream out with a wide smirk
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:22 PM
"Thank you ... finally
so what is on the schedule next?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:22 PM
Quackity sneaks out the back door after them
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:22 PM
looks away so I can´t be hold accusable later
"And someone already see the Egg fanatic out, please, he´s disturbing the process"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:24 PM
Skeppy grabs Bad and takes him out passing Ponk who’s bleeding out on the floor
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:24 PM
"Thank you
so is that all for today? Or does anyone has any other case? No Ponk you can´t sue Sam"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:25 PM
Ponk looks up “What?!?… why?”
“That’s not fair, can I at least sue Dream?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:25 PM
congratulations, you won
no need to trouble Sam and have him drag the prisoner back
Anyone else wants to sue Dream?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:27 PM
everyone raises their hand
Minus Punz who left
(Techno does it with smirk)
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:27 PM
sus .... gotta ask Sam to check it later
"Okay everyone, quiet down ... do you want this the fast way or short way?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:27 PM
Tommy stands up “I vote the Quackity Way!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:28 PM
"That´s my boy! Everyone, stand in line and pick a weapon of choice"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:29 PM
(Sam does not check later, too busy forcing potatoes down Dream’s throat to keep him alive…)
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:29 PM
mumbles to myself "why are we employing that idiot? ... Q do you have a minute?"
"No, don´t worry about Dream, others will keep him entertained"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:31 PM
Q looks very displeased, blood dripping down his shirt “Yea? What’s up?… I’m kinda in the fucking middle of something…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:31 PM
"Punz is acting sus and Sam´s ... ehm ... busy so I need someone to check"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:32 PM
Ponk struggles to carry an axe with his one arm
Q pouts “Can’t this wait until later….”
“These noobs are gonna have all the fun without me…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:33 PM
mumbles again "another idiot ...." out loud "You can have fun later, go check now"
"or get someone else to do it I'm not paid enough to deal with this"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:33 PM
Ponk struggles to carry an axe with his one arm
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:33 PM
"Remember, it´s all Dream´s fault. If it weren´t for him you´d have your arm, I know it´s hard but this is to make him pay! You can do it! Chop off his arm!"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:34 PM
Ponk and Foolish look at you disturbed, then Ponk whispers to Dream “I’m sorry” before doing just that
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:34 PM
"and by that I conclude the case Ponk vs Dream closed! Justice has been served!"
"Damn I´m really good at this job
now someone please reattach the arm so another person can have a go"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:35 PM
Q looks over at you “yea no kidding, you’re fucking nailing it!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:35 PM
"Aw thanks"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:36 PM
Sam sighs waking over “this is gonna be a long day…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:36 PM
"yeah, better get the healing pots in advance. And stop whining! You're getting paid for this"
"Just play some relaxing music and ignore the screams for a few hours 🤷‍♀️"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:36 PM
Ponk stares at him with a look that could kill
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:37 PM
"you want another go?
I´m sure it could be arranged 🤔"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:37 PM
Ponk looks back to you mumbling “No I want my arm back…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:38 PM
".... you can have Dream´s arm?
Everyone! Will any of you miss Dream´s arm?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:39 PM
they all pause in a longer then should be contemplation… “nah it’s fine.”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:39 PM
"Lovely, Ponk, you can have the arm 🙂"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:40 PM
Tommy stutters “wait why does that bitch get an arm?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:40 PM
"Cuz he lost one because of Dream, duh" rolls eyes
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:40 PM
Ponk looks at said mutilated arm “….thanks?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:41 PM
"you´re welcome"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:41 PM
Sam attaching Ponk’s new arm “at least this one has all the fingers still”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:41 PM
nods "Okay so who wants to go next?"
"And where the heck is Q? What is taking him so long ....?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:42 PM
Tommy clearly outraged “ Yea but like that’s not fucking fair!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:42 PM
sighs "Why not Tommy?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:42 PM
“Because Dream didn’t even touch Ponk, why does he deserve the arm?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:43 PM
"So do you want to sue Dream?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:43 PM
Tommy grins “Yes!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:43 PM
"Should´ve started with that! Okay, what do you want to sue him for?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:44 PM
Quackity wandering all over the smp muttering profanity, looking for Punz who’s sneakily disappeared
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:45 PM
reads the report on my comm, mutters another idiot ... I'm surrounded by idiots ... "Sam! Go help Q"
"He´s lost or something ...."
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:45 PM
Tommy looks like he’s solving world hunger in such deep thought “Everything?… ruining my life?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:45 PM
checks some papers "yeah seems valid"
"Dream? Do you have anything to say in your defense?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:46 PM
Sam in the middle of stitching up a long gash in Dream’s chest “Aw what now? I’m kinda busy here!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:47 PM
"Damn it ... turns to the rest can some of you please go look for Q?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:49 PM
Dream on back trying not to choke on his own blood “Oh come on, FUCK YOU TOMMY! You ruined my life by being a little annoying bitch.” coughs “…If anyone’s guilty it’s fucking you.”
Techno and Foolish make their way out rather fast, looking relieved
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:50 PM
notes down - the accused is not cooperating and is verbally attacking the plaintiff
"Since the accused decided to not make use of his chance to defend himself I declare him guilty!"
"Tommy, you won, congrats"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:51 PM
everyone claps, Niki and Jack making eye contact
Jack buts in “You’re honor, if I may, he was just pleading his case as your requested”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:52 PM
"Ehm, I didn´t say you may so the argument is invalid
Anyone else has some objection?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:53 PM
Ranboo recording the notes “just so I’m clear we would like to strike Dream’s testimony from the record as Here Say?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:55 PM
"Yes, please"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:55 PM
Ranboo brushing his hand to remove the blood that landed on his paper- it just smears in one red line over the word Dream “Ok.”
George raises hand like he’s in class, half awake “To be fair, Tommy burned my house, So he ruined my life!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:55 PM
"Thank you Boo ... finally someone competent"
thinks it through ... "would you like to sue Dream for it?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:56 PM
George looks at Dream bleeding out on the floor as Sam frantically tries to stop the bleeding “Nope. I wanna sue Tommy!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 4:56 PM
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"Alright, let's hear it. What are your accusations?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 4:58 PM
George clears throat “Tommy has stolen and burned my house, but also griefed and robbed countless other properties. He is also a whiny childish bitch.”
Niki and Jack step up “We agree, he always starts conflicts that results with our homes being destroyed.”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:00 PM
"I see, and are you 100% sure that this was by no means Dream's fault?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:00 PM
George looks from side to side sheepishly “I mean…”
Dream stares at George looking half hurt and half wanting to kill the man who’s so easily turned
Niki and Jack sigh “yea… I mean… you do have a point but…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:04 PM
glares at Dream to make sure he doesn't say a word, then looks at George encouragingly "you're safe here George, feel free to continue. And you" looks at Nikki and Jack "please leave your opinion for when it's asked for"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:06 PM
George looks like he just want to crawl back to bed and give up because it’s too much work to continue “Well I mean… Tommy burning my house wasn’t related to Dream. Was it? Dream hates me…”
Dream looks at George, rolling his eyes then looks at Sapnap, who looks on the brink of tears, and he just snorts bitterly amused
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:08 PM
"Oh, so he may hate you? Does that mean that he could, theoretically, be responsible for the destruction of your house?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:08 PM
Tommy raises the axe about to take Dream’s other arm, while Sam tries to move out of the way in time
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:08 PM
"Sam! Get out of the way! We don´t have enough doctors to stitch you back together 🤦‍♀️"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:09 PM
George getting exasperated like a child refusing to go to bed “BUT HE DIDNT BURN MY HOUSE! Tommy did, Dream helped fix it!…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:10 PM
"And are you certain that this wasn´t just one of Dream´s manipulation tactics to mess with your mind?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:10 PM
Philza buts in confused “He helped fix your house? I thought you said he hated you?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:11 PM
"Phil, please ... you know what, since it´s a very good question I´ll let it pass."
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:12 PM
George bites his lip watching Tommy and Sam struggle with the axe over Dream’s body
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:13 PM
follows his gaze, mumbles to myself "what are those idiots doing?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:15 PM
George still staring blankly “I don’t know… he did he… said so.. or maybe he didn’t doesn't matter.. he hates us” George decides on before clenching his fist and turning to Sapnap “He hates us!… doesn’t he?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:16 PM
turns to Sap "Sapnap, can you confirm this statement?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:17 PM
Axe held between them Tommy holding the handle Sam holding the blunt end, they turn to look at George as everyone goes quiet
Tears weigh in Sapnap’s eyes as he stares at Dream who’s looking hurt and hopeful and pleading “He does. Tom—Quackity said he doesn’t care about anything!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:20 PM
nods "are there any other witnesses to confirm this statement?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:21 PM
Dream laughs something broken and bitter and hysterical  pulling Sam's and Tommy's attention back to him
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:21 PM
pinches the bridge of my nose "Sam, keep your prisoner in check please, we´re in a middle of something here"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:23 PM
Tubbo looks at the scene conflicted and thinking “He did… but… he didn’t say Sapnap and George so… and he was… Tommy was…. He was…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:24 PM
"Is that a confirmation to Sapnap´s statement Tubbo? I'm afraid I need to you to express yourself more clearly"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:24 PM
Sam slaps Dream in the face making Dream choke in amusement
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:24 PM
"Thank you Sam"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:28 PM
“Tommy he—he was using Spirit’s remains to… black mail him and….” Tommy takes his venomous eyes off Dream and stares at Tubbo dumbfounded “What?”  Tubbo ignores him “He was… Tommy he burned George’s house because he knew it’d piss off Dream… and … Dream was upset he was…. Well he never said he didn’t care about George he only said that he cares about the discs…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:29 PM
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"Tommy, what is your version of the story?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:31 PM
Dream looks up at Tubbo absolutely dumbfounded like Tubbo has walked on water
Tommy steps on Dream’s hand yelling “WHAT NO! Tubbo, what the hell man?… look me and Ranboo” Ranboo looks up freaked out “we were just having some fun…and Dream he was being a bitch and he put walls around L'Manberg and he-he said he didn’t care about anything except my discs!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:34 PM
look at others "is that so?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:36 PM
everyone looks at Tommy then Tubbo then Tommy again “Tommy never lies, he’s always right!… but Tommy did just kinda confess to burning George’s house so…..”
Puffy frowning “But he’s a child!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:38 PM
"this is indeed a very difficult situation" thinks "however taking Tommy´s age and Dream´s well known negative influence into consideration, I came to the conclusion that Tommy is innocent and all the blame should be rightfully blamed at Dream as the SMP´s law says!"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:38 PM
Ranboo looks like he’s going to throw up and in Tommy’s distraction Sam manages to get the ax
everyone kinda pauses… “No yea fair enough, seems about right”
Dream smiles sadly like he expected nothing less and yet finds it mildly entertaining….. until Tommy wrangles the axe and tries to cut off his arm-it doesn’t work but gets about half way
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:43 PM
"Tommy! Stop with the murder! It´s George´s time now!"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:43 PM
George and Sapnap stare at each other in conflicted confused gazes before Dream screams and they turn to him again… everyone does… Sam cuts in “Shut up Dream! You’re fine.”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:44 PM
"Thank you Sam turns to Dream Dream, please, don´t disturb. We´re discussing something important here"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:44 PM
Tommy halfway through another swing stops “Awww but I want an arm….” he pouts “this green bitch just tried to turn everyone against me!…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:45 PM
thinks it through "does anyone here object against Tommy getting the arm?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:45 PM
Dream just stares at his mutilated shoulder involuntarily tears streaming down his face
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:45 PM
"Dream, please, stop making a scene
Sam, stitch him up, I don´t want him to bleed out ..."
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:46 PM
Everyone just stares at the gory scene quietly
Sam exasperated “That’s what I’m trying to do!… “
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:47 PM
"Try harder!"
"Okay everyone, unless you have another thing you want to sue Dream for I suggest we call it a day"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:47 PM
“I’m out of potions! Q used too many before they got here!”
Eryn wordlessly holds out a potion to Sam
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:49 PM
"Thank you Eryn"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:49 PM
Tommy takes the open opportunity to finish the job as Sam grabs the potion
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:49 PM
"Everyone, please go home. We can continue tomorrow when the guitly is in better condition"
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:49 PM
makes attempt to stop him
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:50 PM
-were too late- Dream screams, Sam drops the potion and everyone else just looks grossed out
Tommy picks up the severed arm and slings it over his shoulder, blood dripping over the sides “Ok I’m ready to go now”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:51 PM
is mildly disturbed by the scene
"O-okay ... everyone please go now. The process is over"
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:52 PM
takes deep breath trying to process the scene
searching my stuff for a potion, just short of frantic while Dream´s bleeding out a few steps away
"Does anyone have a potion?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:53 PM
Eryn gives a whole hand full of potions to Sam not taking his eyes off Dream as he leaves
Sam rushes to Dream and tries to pour a potion down his throat but Dream just continues to cough it up with blood
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:55 PM
"Shit" seriously worried now, tries to help Sam "come on Dream don´t do this"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:55 PM
Sam getting frantic “Damnit Tommy! does someone have a splash potion?!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:56 PM
searches my stuff again hoping that I just missed it the first time
"damn don´t stand there like idiots!"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:56 PM
Dream just smiles widely up at you and Sam as he chokes
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:56 PM
finds the potions "Not, yet Dream"
"No way you´re fucking dying this soon"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:58 PM
Hannah pulls out a potion hesitantly “Wouldn’t it… maybe we should just… let him die… I think he’s paid enough hasn’t he?… what happened to the death penalty?"
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 5:59 PM
stops in my attempts to save Dream and bits my lips hesitantly
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 5:59 PM
Dream’s wounds try to stitch back together as he looks at Hannah surprised and conflicted
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:00 PM
looks at Dream trying to decide. It was law ... it was my job and I liked it but ... for the first time I wondered ...
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:00 PM
Dream looks around at everyone for an answer… something… anything as he continues to bleed out
Dream’s pulse in your hand grows fainter as his skin gets cold
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:02 PM
"Hannah! Give me the potion!"
I reach towards her urging to her to give me the glowing pink vial
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:03 PM
Hannah looks at you at everyone looking for something.. an answer? Humanity? Empathy? Murder?… getting nothing she turns to Dream who looks at her with tear filled pleading eyes
she hands you the potion
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:04 PM
I breathe out a sigh of relief, the yell for her to hurry dying on my tongue
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:04 PM
Hannah mouths an apology only Dream notices
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:04 PM
pours the potion on Dream´s wound and watches it close
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:05 PM
Dream closes his eyes as it seals the wound on his shoulder-did he really want to live?
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:06 PM
"Dream ... I- ..." I hold down whatever I wanted to say, I saw that haunted look in his eyes, the resignation in them and my chest tightened with an unfamiliar feeling
"This is enough for today, everyone, leave. You too Sam
And tell Quackity to not come back either"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:07 PM
Sam opens his mouth to argue but closes it
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:07 PM
glares at him, challenging him to protest
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:08 PM
Sam sighs leaving, leading the others to follow the blood trail Tommy’s arm left behind
Puffy is the last one to leave her eyes lingering on her duckling an ‘almost’ conflicted look in her eyes
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:10 PM
I breathe a sigh of relief now that they´re gone, some of the tension I didn´t even realize was there, leaves my shoulders and I turn to Dream again
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:10 PM
Dream stares up at you face scrunched in pain and confusion
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:10 PM
I don´t notice Puffy´s look as I already reach for another potion, pressing it up to Dream´s lips, with a simple order "Drink it"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:11 PM
Dream obeys best he can as he watches behind you Puffy leaving
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:12 PM
observes the wounds all over his body close, my eyes lingers on his missing arms ... "I didn´t expect Tommy to ..."
"damn! I didn´t even really expect Ponk to ..."
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:13 PM
Dream laughs, it sounds terrible “You didn’t?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:13 PM
"I shouldn´t be surprised right?" shrugs
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:14 PM
“I mean I thought you were one of the non idiots”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:14 PM
laughs sadly
"Yeah ... sometimes I forget how messed up this place is ..."
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:15 PM
“I think…. I think we all do…”
“It’s easy to be fucking reminded it isn’t it?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:15 PM
"Yeah ... yeah it is"
laughs again, edging on hysterical fuck, "this was- the job was supposed to be easy not- not this!" gestures around
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:16 PM
“Ah… I mean to be fair nothings ever fucking easy.”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:16 PM
"Are you .... are you okay?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:17 PM
Dream stars at you “that’s a joke right? Tell me that’s a joke.”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:18 PM
"Right ... dumb question" looks around trying to distract myself from looking at him
feeling awkward and wishing to leave but at the same time finding myself unable to do so
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:19 PM
Dream snorts at your clear guilt
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:19 PM
jumps at the sound and my eyes snap back to him
I open my mouth to say something, then close it again
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:20 PM
He stares up at you quietly asking “Why?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:20 PM
I blink in surprise, trying to process what he´s asking me
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:22 PM
Dream coughs clearing his throat before going on raspily “You know why not let me die? Why send them away when I didn’t?…. I mean were there—were there not more cases you wanted to pin on me?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:24 PM
"I ... "I trial off unsure what to say. Because he was right no? Why? Why did I do it? There was no reason to, leaving him to die or letting them continue after he didn´t would be better, it´d be justice. Or ... would it? "I don´t know" I admitted weakly
"It wasn´t ... it wasn´t right ..." then why did it feel right at the start?
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:25 PM
“Wasn’t it? Wasn’t it justice?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:26 PM
wasn´t it? It should be ... but looking at the blood around it didn´t feel like it
"I don´t know" the tears pushing into my eyes blurred my vision, it was a mercy, I didn´t see the fresh wounds all over Dream´s body so clearly now
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:28 PM
“Hmm… you don’t know….” he trails off watching you, trying to read you
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:28 PM
"No ... not anymore"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:28 PM
“Aren’t you the judge?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:29 PM
"I ... I am. But I don´t make the rules ... there are laws ... I need to respect them" it sounded weak even to my own ears
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:29 PM
“Laws… right those” he says sarcastically
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:30 PM
"Dream ..." I try weakly, desperate to change the topic
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:31 PM
“You know… I get Tommy… I get all of them, but you? I mean you—I just thought maybe you’d see….”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:31 PM
"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry Dream-"
I felt terrible, how could I be so stupid, how could I let the server corrupt me like this?
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:33 PM
Dream laughs he knows it isn’t funny but lying there aching with missing arms and a hole in his heart drilled by their lingering words and looks, he can’t help but find it funny
“That’s a first…”
“I don’t… I don’t blame you you know… they just—Tommy just… the rules I think are different here aren’t they?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:35 PM
my heart breaks a little at his words ... he doesn´t blame me? How? ... unable to bear it any longer I get up and start collecting the potions scattered all around
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:36 PM
“You just followed everyone else… ‘Dream is the problem’… you’re right, its the law right?…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:37 PM
I stop, clenching the glowing vial with enough force to make my knuckles go white before I force myself to relax my hold. I avoid looking at him when I answer "Don´t say that ... it´s not right"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:39 PM
Dream wants to ask ‘why?’ He wants to scream it, he want to know why the rules are different for him, why are his words always unheard… why does it hurt so much….
but he doesn’t
he knows the answer…
~meanwhile~ Techno and Foolish catch up to Q and Techno promptly punches him in the face
Punz watches from behind a building and laughs… Foolish notices
Punz knows he screwed up… but he’s also not sure why they are out here….
Techno, with his back turned, addresses Punz while pulling up Q from the ground where his punch put him “Hey Punz, wanna turn? He’s very punchable I assure you.”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:46 PM
Quackity curses them all out while Punz considers the offer
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:47 PM
Punz moves out of the corner causally cool “You don’t say?”
Techno handles Q to be stand and brushes the dust off him before shoving him towards Punz “I swear but ya know don’t just take my word for it.”
“If you insist” Punz smirks
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:49 PM
Quackity stumbles and panic overtakes his features "Wait what-?!"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:51 PM
Punz punches him and he lands in the dirt again this time his nose is bleeding… not that anyone can really tell considering all of Dream's blood
“Sure enough… You’re Right Techno, that was fun.”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:51 PM
Q stares up at Punz in shock, then anger "You fucking-!"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:52 PM
Foolish looks on from the side surveying stoically
Techno steps on Quackity’s hand as he tries to get up “My monetization!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:55 PM
Quackity yelps in pain and looks at Techno with a look that could kill, an insult already sitting at the top of his tongue
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:55 PM
Techno stares back amused
after a moment to make sure his point got across Techno removes his foot
Punz just glares as Q gets up holding his bruised hand
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 6:57 PM
Q glares at the other 3 wanting to curse, fight, curse some more- but the memory of his last encounter with Technoblade is still fresh in his mind
he thinks better of it
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 6:58 PM
still watching Q, Punz ask coolly “So… What are y’all doing it out here? Thought everyone was still at the trial…”
Foolish respond crossing his arms suspiciously “Everyone was… “
Techno cuts Foolish off “We left… it was getting…. Not family friendly so me and chat had to go… What about you? Thought you’d for sure have some cases to file with Dream, didn’t you like work with him or something?…”
Punz looks at Q at Foolish then at Techno…
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:02 PM
Quacktity eyes the piglin warily, trying to plan his escape
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:03 PM
Techno pretends not to notice… eyeing Punz like he's the only one there
Punz responds analyzing Techno’s expression… which is per usual rather unexpressive “I mean I worked for him sure, but it was about the money really and if he's being sued by everyone I hardly think I’ll get any money out of it. So I figured it was a waste of time…”
Foolish eyes him wearily still on guard but mostly accepts the answer
Techno smiles back friendly “Right right yea I had been wondering why you’d work for and then betray the Teletubby, but then again I guess everyone betrays him eventually….’
“I’ll keep a mental note to always have cash around to pay you huh.. don’t want to get betrayed and all… speaking of betrayed!” Techno lightens turning back to Q
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:09 PM
Q shies back involuntary, realizing that fuck this is bad
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:11 PM
Foolish shifts uneasily
“Quackity, what cha doing out here? See anything?…” Techno leads fishing for intel
Punz grips his sword staring at Q
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:15 PM
Quackity takes a step back putting his hands up
"Hey no need to get violent-"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:16 PM
Foolish steps behind him blocking his exit
Techno chuckles “No one's gettin violent Quackity, we’ll just chillin here, just me and my enemy and some dudes.”
Punz staring down Q “… Yea but like things could get violent… that’s a lot of blood on you Quackity… should I add some?”
Techno buts in to Punz approaching Q “Hey Hey there. we’re all friends here no need to get nasty… no need to cut off anyone’s arm here or nothin..”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:21 PM
Q forgets about Foolish and tries to step back
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:22 PM
They bump and Foolish contemplates his move, looking from Punz to Techno to Q waging their threat levels
“Then again I was thinking about opening another dentist practice… what cha think Punz, could be profitable? I was gonna open it with Dream but ya know you could be a good assistant too..”
Quackity flinches after bumping into Foolish “Hey look Punz if its money your after, I run a very profitable country”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:24 PM
Quackity is visibly scared now
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:25 PM
“You know we’ve got casinos and restaurants and all kinds of money… You could join and make a ton like you know…Foolish you want to back me up here?”
Foolish eyes Q contemplating, noticing all the blood… “I don’t know Quackity maybe the dentist would be more beneficial…”
Techno smiles “Yooo pog lets go, we’re gonna be dentists chat.”
Techno pulls out his pickaxe
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:29 PM
Quackity begins to shake, trying desperately to find a way to get out of it
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:32 PM
Tommy shows up covered in blood carrying an arm over his shoulder “Hey big Q, bitch you missed all the fun… Tubbo he well fuck him” Techno sighs “My monetization Tommy!” Tommy carries on unbothered “He he defended the green bitch can you believe that?...But hey it doesn't matter I still won!”
He starts skipping along the prime path leaving a trial of its builder’s blood behind
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:32 PM
everyone stares at him in utter shock
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:33 PM
“What the fuck!” Punz lets out
Techno almost shames Punz for his cuss but stops just staring at the hand that’s bouncing back and forth behind Tommy as he skips… Foolish just stares
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:35 PM
Even Quackity is at loss of words because what the hell just happened?
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Punz pulls out his sword looking at Q then Tommy then the blood line leading to where Tommy just came from… presumably the owner… trying to decides who to kill
He wants to kill everyone but the more his eyes follow the path back where Tommy came he grows concerned
Punz and Techno make eye contact before both of them sprint down where Tommy just came leaving Foolish and Q stunned
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:40 PM
Q immediately tries to take his chance and get as far away as possible
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:40 PM
But Foolish is bigger and stronger and tackles Q to the ground
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:41 PM
Quackity tries to wiggle out from under him
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:42 PM
The blood makes him slippery and he manages to get free from Foolish sprinting away as fast as he can
Foolish stands there now also disgusting “Shit…”
He contemplates going after Q but he doesn’t feel like running, its not his fight anyways
He thinks about going towards where everyone else is but he almost doesn’t want to know what happened… He think’s he prefers a million of Bad’s pranks over whatever the hell this is…
So he heads home for a shower… not sure what else to do…
by the time Punz and Techno arrive they are pushing and shoving through everyone who’s leaving, noticing the shock on their faces… including a very disturbed Phil which is a rare find
Puffy bumps into Techno falling and stumbling, Techno helps her get back up he doesn’t miss the tears in her eyes… but he can’t place the emotion
Before you know it, Punz is standing with a sword pointed at your throat
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:49 PM
I raise my hands in surrender, one if the healing potions still held in them
"Hey, hey no need for that"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:50 PM
Techno walks in to the scene taking it in “Woah there Punz… I think she was helping him”
Punz just now takes the moment to looks down at the armless man below him… his hands are shaking as he holds to sword but he doesn’t put it down “Dream?…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:51 PM
I look at him thankful, nodding to the best of my abilities with the sword at my throat
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:52 PM
before getting a response he turns back to you forcing the sword closer to your neck to which you back up until you hit the wall
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:53 PM
I want to say something but the sword under my chin makes me think twice. I look at Techno begging him for help with just my eyes
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:53 PM
Techno slowly walks in and Punz looks back at him. Techno raises his hands
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:54 PM
A single drop of blood drips down my neck where Punz´s sword digs lightly into the sensitive skin. I barely dare to breathe
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:54 PM
Techno steps closer, slowly with his hands raised “Hey man calm down… no need for that. I think there has been enough violence. Lets.. lets hear the woman out we don't know what happened here.”
Punz wavers his whole body shaking with anger or something else its hard to say
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:56 PM
I press myself more firmly against the wall, trying to lighten the pressure of the blade on my neck
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:56 PM
Techno glances at you worried “Chat this isn’t workin help me out here…”
Dream coughs “Punz put down the sword… there’s no need for that.”
Punz hesitates before dropping his sword
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 7:59 PM
I take a deep breath, massaging my throat where the blade cut it
"Thank you"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 7:59 PM
Punz turns to you and glares, but doesn’t say anything
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:00 PM
I bit my lip, feeling terribly small and unsure under his gaze. A part of me wants to return to tending to Dream's unhealed wounds but I feel like that´s not the best idea in the current situation
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:00 PM
Techno walks further in and crouches down next to Dream “Bruhhh you don’t look to good…”
Dream breathes back sarcastically “Really? I didn’t notice…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:02 PM
I feel terrible listening to them, this is my fault ...
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:03 PM
Punz finally turns away from you “I swear Dream if you’re about to utter the words in any form that you’re fine…”
Dream chuckles “I’m clearly not fine Punz they cut off by freaking arms!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:04 PM
I watch their exchange feeling out of place. I had no right to be here. I should leave but I wasn´t sure if I´ll be allowed to. Besides I wanted to make sure that Dream´s fine ...
Or well ... as fine as he can get
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:06 PM
Punz turns to you coldly “What the fuck happened here!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:07 PM
"I- I messed up" I said with tears in my eyes as the reality of what I let happened- what I caused came crashing down on me
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:08 PM
Punz grips his sword tighter “So it was you!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:08 PM
I felt like I couldn´t breathe as I slid down the wall not even noticing Punz´s reaction. I caused it. It was my fault- I felt nauseous
I began to tremble and press my palm against my mouth for the first time really realizing what I had done
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:10 PM
Dream spits up blood and responds “Technically it was Q-Quackity’s fault or was it Tommy’s and.. I don’t know I lost track… there were a lot of sharp objects to be fair…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:11 PM
I don´t even hear him as I keep spiraling deeper. I caused it, I caused it, I-
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:12 PM
Techno watches you but turns back to Dream as blood pools from his mouth… Techno hovers his hands over Dream wanting to help but not even sure where to start… Punz comes up beside him a potion in hand
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:12 PM
I hug my knees to my chest tightly, wishing it´d all just go away
A silent voice in my head berates me for the scene I'm making, I should be helping Dream not having a breakdown, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid attention whore. I´m not the victim here so why am I crying?
I should do something - help, let Punz kill me, do it myself- anything would be fine but instead I just sat there unable to move, feeling helpless and exposed, wishing for a smaller cramped space to curl in and pretend that it´s not happening
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:15 PM
Dream starts coughing again, wheezing, sounding like his lungs are filling and Techno gets frantic “Your Honor, we need your help here! Teletubby is dying you can have your angsty panic attack later!”
Dream just watches Punz his eyes stone
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:16 PM
my head snaps up, I feel dizzy but I do my best to crawl over to them and offer the potion I still had
I try to form a coherent sentence but the words get caught up in my throat
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:18 PM
Techno pours the potion on his chest hoping it’ll fix it… but Dream still continues on struggling for air “It’s not working!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:18 PM
I end up only passing the potion before returning to my little ball again, hating myself for being such a wreck
My heart skips a beat in fear upon hearing him No, no, no, no, no I mumble not even realizing that I´m speaking out loud
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:19 PM
“Don’t die on me Teletubby! Not today… Chat will be very upset and I’ll lose so much money… please Dream...”
With you and Techno caught in frantic hysteria yall don't even notice the look Punz and Dream are sharing as if they are in their own little world
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:22 PM
I try to get my body to work again, I can´t be this selfish right? I can´t have a breakdown while someone is dying right next to me. I should have more potions right?
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:23 PM
“Punz, please tell me you have more potions man…” Techno pleads
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:24 PM
I dig around my pockets, certain that there were more potions somewhere, the cloud of panic and emotions I couldn´t be bothered to name at the moment clouding my mind
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:25 PM
Punz pulls one out slowly beside him, Techno doesn’t see it yet as Dream shakes his head looking into Punz begging with his eyes… “p—please Punz…” Dream pleads between gasps quieter than a whisper
Punz’s hand shakes holding the potion as he watches Dream suffocation on his own blood… wanting to step in but the sound of Dream’s words linger in his ears…
Error-DreamWasFound �� Yesterday at 8:27 PM
I finally snap out of it at least enough to see Punz hesitating "Punz!"
He can´t, he can´t, he can´t-
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:28 PM
Techno turns to Punz and Punz turns to you… Punz just frowns not saying anything… Techno does though “What? Punz do you have a potion or not, man? He’s dying on us…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:29 PM
"Punz you- you can´t- you need to- he´s gonna die"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:31 PM
Punz with glossy eyes looks away from you back at Dream who’s closed his eyes scrunched up in pain “I know…”
Techno feels for a pulse panicking as Dream’s uneven breathing stops
Techno looks up at you and Punz “Guys I think… he’s”
“Dead…” Punz finishes darkly
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:33 PM
I stop breathing for a moment, simply forgetting how
the world narrows down on the single thought, playing on loop in my head: I killed him
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:34 PM
you all stare at his destroyed body as he slowly dissolves
only the blood remains like a snow angel where his body was
bitterness coating his tongue Punz reasons “It’s what you wanted right?… the death penalty remember?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:37 PM
I don´t hear him, I'm too lost in my head, drowning in the feeling of guilt
other thoughts raise to surface as I eye the shattered remains of a potion bottle, close to where Dream´s body used to lay
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:38 PM
Techno’s hands begin to shake as Chat calls in his head for blood
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:38 PM
It´d be fair if I just-
I reached for one of the larger shards
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:40 PM
Techno grips your hand before you get one “Bruhhh… that’s not what he would want”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:41 PM
I blink blankly at him. Why not? It´d be fair
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:42 PM
Techno stares back tightening his hold on your arm to the point of near bruising as he watches you
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:43 PM
I don´t mind the pain, it merely suits as the substitute to the pain I wanted to inflict on myself
I turn my head a little, looking at him through teary eyes, trying to understand why he won´t just let me do it "Why?" I manage to whisper
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:45 PM
Techno looks at you with what must be maybe pity maybe something else “That’s not justice ya know…”
“The Dream I know wouldn’t want that.”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:46 PM
"But ..." I don´t understand it "I killed him ..."
the tears are now streaming down my face freely
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:47 PM
“Maybe… but its not up to you to decide.”
“You tried to help him… that has to stand for something...”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:47 PM
I just shake my head, my eyes already trailed on the glass again
I tried to help ... but he died anyway. I killed him. It doesn´t matter what I did, I still killed him
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:49 PM
Techno whispers to Chat “a little help here… I don’t know what to do guys…. I’m not good at this ‘people’ stuff…” he turns to Punz in desperation but Punz isn't looking just pacing back and forth stuck in his head
“Dream… He stopped Punz from killin ya, remember? He wouldn't do that if he wanted you harmed or dead…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:50 PM
"... he should´ve let me die"
"I deserve it, I killed him"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:53 PM
Techno shrugs “deserve is a strong word… and trust me I’ve done vengeance… but it—it never solves anything…”
“Dream’d say that’s unproductive and pointless…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:54 PM
I consider his words for a moment, still feeling detached from myself "What if I want to die?" I ask numbly
Finally, I managed to tear my eyes from the glass. Instead my gaze slids to Techno´s hand grabbing my wrist. I didn´t understand it: why try to stop me?
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:56 PM
“I mean…. I wouldn’t recommend that… but like I can't really stop you in the long run… but like can ya at least wait till tomorrow so I can spread out the deaths for Chat… they get very upset”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:57 PM
A little hysterical laugh escaped me "Yeah ... we wouldn´t want that." I replied, my voice edging on bitter
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 8:57 PM
Punz snorts
Techno watches you before slowly releasing your wrist making sure you don’t try anything
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 8:59 PM
I consider reaching for the glass anyway. Imagine dragging it across my forearm leaving angry red lines in it´s wake. I imagine bringing it to my veins, would it hurt more if I cut those?
Eventually I decide against it, letting my hands drop into my lap as I just blankly stare ahead, getting lost in my head again. It was the only other thing I could think of
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:01 PM
Punz finally stops pacing “Does anyone have a flint and steel or some form of fire?”
Techno looks up at him “why planning on blowing some shit up because I’m down?”
“There’s a country just screaming to be blown to bits…” he smirks turning to you “what cha think, sounds fun right?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:03 PM
I don´t hear him, staring ahead blankly, basically dissociating at this point
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:04 PM
“No no no… god, not that… I mean yea it does but… anyways that's not the point. Do you have a fire source or not?” Punz replies exasperated
Techno searchers his inventory “oh yea sure thing dude, I got a… oh wait did you say fire?”
“Well dang all I got are buttons to light TNT but I don’t suppose that works for ya huh…”
Punz turns to you desperately “please tell be you have some burning something…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:08 PM
Blinks slowly trying to process what he wants from me "I ... m-maybe?"
However I make no move to look for a flint or steel, not really realizing that I should
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:10 PM
Punz moves over to you and shakes your shoulders frantically not meaning to be rough but it is a little jostling
Techno speaks up trying to calm Punz “Punz calm down you’re scaring her. Chill out dude.”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:12 PM
my eyes snap to Techno trying to piece together the situation. It shouldn´t be as hard as it was
but I was still feeling floaty and lightheaded, vaguely I realized they wanted something from me but I struggled to remember what.
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:15 PM
“I can’t chill out, Techno!… Dream is… He’s dead! … and I need…. Something to burn with….please”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:16 PM
Burn? ... I could burn myself ... maybe Techno wouldn´t mind that like the glass ... the thought was unexpected but not really unwelcome, I dig through my pockets for a flint and steel.
I find it in a matter of seconds
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:21 PM
Punz looks like he’s going to explode “Well? Did you fucking find anything?”
Techno-“Come on man… Chats innocent ears…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:24 PM
I hold up the flint and steal, crooking my head a little, is that what they want?
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:25 PM
Punz practically rips it out of your hands “Yes! Yes thank you”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:25 PM
I jerk a little at how rough he is, I didn´t expect it and I feel confused. Why did he take it?
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:28 PM
Punz pulls out a book, scribbles on it, dips his fingers into Dream’s blood on the floor and wipes it on the page. He uses the flint and steel to start a fire and drops the book in… it’s dust within seconds and the fire turns green before going out…
Techno doesn’t even process what happened before Dream’s laying on the ground under him again
Dream turns to Punz smiling “Long time no see buddy!”
Punz slides to the ground and wraps Dream in an awkward hug… Dream hugs back (with his newly back arms) “It worked. It worked. Oh god I was worried”
Techno stares shocked “Bruhhhhh… you��re a necromancer too?”
Dream takes a moment to take in his surroundings, Punz still clinging to him… His eyes narrow at you and Techno “Punz…… what the hell did you do?… come one, you were supposed to wait till they left.”
Punz finally lets go with glossy eyes meets Dream’s green ones “I know I just.. I didn’t want you to have to wait long and… I…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:35 PM
I stare at them not able to really process what I'm seeing (also kinda wanting my flint and steel back)
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:35 PM
Punz sniffs hugging Dream again.. Dream just huffs “idiot.”
“Sorry dude..” Punz finally settles on actually pulling away from the hug this time
Techno turns to you “Did you know he had the revive book? Like bruhhh I want one.”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:38 PM
I shake my head slowly, not even sure if I'm answering correctly. I'm not in the mental state to process this right now
A part of me wonders if I lost it completely and am just hallucinating at this point
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:40 PM
Dream moves trying to stand, swaying a bit before steadying himself… Punz just watches not getting involved even though he really wants to….Techno just sits there and tries to process
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:40 PM
I sit next to Tech trying to process as well
it´s not everyday I see someone raise from the dead
"D-Dream?" I breathe out eventually
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:43 PM
“Yes Si——…. Oh you’re still here…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:44 PM
the most intelligible answer I managed was a single nod. I was, indeed, still here
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:45 PM
Dream clears his throat “If it pleases the court, Your Honor, may I…. leave?…. You aren’t going to like call Sam in here…. Right?”
Punz growls going for his sword “She better not”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:46 PM
I finally snap out of my shock a little "N-No! I- I won´t ..."
I didn´t even think about it. I would never ...
Not after ...
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:47 PM
Dream eyes you looking for lies but finds none… he’d be lying if he didn't say he was surprised…. But you tended to surprise him so it made sense
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:50 PM
I stand up, swaying on my feet and almost falling immediately. However I manage to support myself against a wall. It takes a moment for my head to stop spinning but eventually I look at the 3 of them with an unsure look. "I-" I have to clear my throat before continuing "I think you should go, before someone shows up ..."
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:51 PM
Techno looks concerned and ready to catch “and you?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:51 PM
"I-" I looked around the cell, unsure "I think I´ll stay here for a bit longer ..."
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:52 PM
“I mean no offense but we can handle ourselves… well besides Teletubby who looks like a walking corpse. Well I guess he is a walking corpse huh…”
Techno looks at the glass and Dream follows his look frowning….
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:53 PM
I nod, looking at Dream with concern "You should get him out of here"
I don´t notice where the two of them are looking, or at least I pretend not to
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 9:55 PM
Punz looks at the two of them oblivious “Guys lets go!…”
Techno and Dream stay staring at you with concern “Your honor, I believe I would like to sue Tommy over the property of my arm… so ya know I need a judge” Dream smirks pleading with his look
“You have your arm! Dude you can’t sue for that you already got one!…” Techno laughs
Dream snorts under his breath “idiot” then rebuttals “Fine fine how bout for emotional damage… or assault?...you know because he did kinda kill me to be fair…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 9:59 PM
"I ... I'm sorry, the proceedings are over today" I chew on my lip not liking the fact that they´re staying. Why weren´t they going already? "You ... you can- your request can be processed tomorrow?"
I tried not to think about that last part. It wasn´t Tommy who killed him, it was me
he was here now, breathing and alive ... still I couldn´t forgive myself. The glass looked even more welcoming than before and it was scary in a way. I was no longer being hysteric, I shouldn´t have those thoughts anymore
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:01 PM
Punz joins in “Your honor, who do I have to sue to burn Las Nevadas to the ground?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:01 PM
"... try Quackity?"
I offered weakly not really sure at the moment
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:02 PM
Techno and Dream join in at the same time “so to court?”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:02 PM
the law would pretty much blame it all on Dream, I wasn´t even sure if any of these cases would be possible to push through
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:02 PM
Dream offered his hand… Techno pushes him aside and offers his
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:03 PM
"I-I already said ... you need to come tomorrow ..."
I shied away from their hands, why were they doing this? They should just leave me here and go ...
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:04 PM
“Tomorrow… I have to let them live till tomorrow?…” Techno asks outraged
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:05 PM
"I mean ... you can do it without the court?" I offered. It was how most of the things on the server were dealt with anyway ...
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:05 PM
Dream snorts “but what about the laws…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:06 PM
"... you know how they work ... you wouldn´t win at court anyway ..." tears sprinted to my eyes again
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:06 PM
“Eghhh maybe….” Dream responds a calculating look in his eyes
“Chat… really wants someone dead now… and Teletubby would be the easiest but he also just came back so like… Tommy sounds good…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:06 PM
I laughed a little but it wasn´t happy laugh "So suddenly they want more death huh?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:07 PM
Techno sighs… “Chat always wants blood… “ he gestures to the floor “you’d think this would be enough…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:08 PM
Despite knowing better, I couldn´t help snapping back at him "That´s not what you said 10 minutes ago."
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:08 PM
Techno looks at you “Look they didn’t want your blood ok?… they were all crying for Dream  and calling me TechnoSoft but I couldn’t deal with them crying for you too….”
Dream turns to you “Wait what?!”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:10 PM
"Why would they cry for me?"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:11 PM
Techno sighs his headache getting worse “They like you…”
Punz off in the corner wonders -Do they like me?
Dream laughs “Well that’s unfortunate if Chat likes you it usually means you’ll be a wanted criminal… that's ironic…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:13 PM
"What?! Why?!" I didn´t understand what I could possibly do to make them like me
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:14 PM
"Well ... I'm letting you go ... that will probably mark me a criminal in many people´s book"
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:14 PM
Techno shrugs “How should I know?… The shits liked Tommy too at one point so ya know their judge of character is questionable…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:16 PM
I nodded. That seemed about right. It was probably just a phase and Chat will grow out of it soon. Hopefully ... I really wasn´t someone they should like
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:16 PM
“Guess that means you gotta come with us for like protection…” Techno adds
Dream finally processing Techno’s words “Hey what the hell is wrong with you?!… Chat likes me too you idiot.”
Punz snorts, Dream glares at him and Techno chuckles
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:18 PM
I snicker at that but I´m still a little hesitant to go with them ... Punz would probably stab me if I went anyway ... which actually might not be the worst outcome ... I probably shouldn´t think like that
still I couldn't imagine why they´d want me to come with them. Surely not to protect me ... but maybe I should go ... I owed it to them no? If they wanted to execute me ... well ...
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:20 PM
“Ya know you do have a point though, Dream… considerin you were like tortured to death a minute ago… whoever Chat likes doesn’t have a good time…”
“See exactly why you have to come with us.” Dream adds
he stares at the remains of the pool of blood on the floor
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:21 PM
I follow his gaze, feeling the shame nag at me again, it never went away to begin with
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:22 PM
“Wait… are you saying this is Chat's fault?” Punz poses curiously Dream glares at him unamused
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:22 PM
I chuckle a little
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:22 PM
Techno shrugs “How should I know?”
“Look Dream is the one who looks like a god, ask him about the millions of children in my head…”
Error-DreamWasFound — Yesterday at 10:24 PM
"Millions of what? ... and they demand blood on a daily basis?" I´m slightly concerned about Chat's mental state now
Bleue_Flora — Yesterday at 10:26 PM
“Well they aren’t all children… even if they act as mature as them… but yea…”
“Also chat would like to say umm ‘F you they are perfectly sane thank you very much’… I wouldn’t believe them”
{The end... aka I fell asleep}
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Hello! I’been writing a play for a long time now. Started it on march 2022, hit a wall that I didn’t know how to move through and decided to give it a break, let it breathe. The thing is, I can really feel I have something special with it, special for me and for what it means to me, but it’s like I can’t even figure out WHY, and how to give form to it. It’s like an abstract thing inside my brain that I’m not sure how to bring to life in a logical way yet. Cut to 2023, for a short time now I’ve been trying to do it. Do the old trick of “just write even if it’s garbage, but write” and I don’t know how I feel about this. There are moments when I feel that I’m going somewhere, where it just flows. But from a technical and objective point of view I can see that it’s really discursive and nothing really HAPPENS. I fear that I will turn out with something too abstract and with little action, but at the same time, the play revolves around the theme of “being stuck” so that is a big part for it not involving a lot of action. Anyways, I don’t know how to feel and would very much appreciate some advice for this weird kind of blockage 😅🫶🏼
This is a hard part of the writing process to get over, because when you hit this wall, it's hard to see around it. Realistically, you know you have to push through this crappy draft version to get to anything concrete. In practice, though, that's hard to do, especially when you have this grand vision that you just can't get down on paper. Here are some ideas to try:
The sounding board of a second opinion. Often talking your writing woes out with someone will help you figure out how to solve them, even if what that person suggests isn't anything close to what you actually want to do. I went through this process with my writing group earlier this week - in explaining a vague idea for Nanowrimo, a fellow writer made a suggestion that wouldn't work for my story - but it did help me figure out a missing piece of the puzzle to get that concept into a working story. Talking to people about your story can help.
Rubber duck it. Finding people you can comfortably talk to about writing is much easier said than done. Sometimes you slog through alone, and when that's the case, pull out the rubber duck method. It works for coders, it works for engineers, and it can work for you. Slap your favorite figurine or stuffed animal down in front of you, and let yourself talk through the problem. It'll feel awkward, and it might be slow-going, but it can really help if you try. I have a plushie of Gritty who sees all and judges, but dang is he helpful in working out what to do.
Speaking of Nanowrimo... I know you're worried about writing a lot of stuff that won't work out in the long run, but sometimes that's how writing works. You need to push through it, and sometimes writing a lot of garbage is the only way to do it. Erin Morgenstern originally wrote THE NIGHT CIRCUS during Nanowrimo - but as she admits, 100k of that original work didn't even include the main character and never made it to the final version. You gotta be okay with writing garbage. You will find your way through it, even though it might seem like it's going nowhere.
Nanowrimo is coming up, and I recommend taking advantage of it to push yourself through. Find a local group, join a discord server, and give yourself permission to suck. You can push through this and find the story you're looking for.
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briarthorns · 2 years
Spitballing a Head Canon with no in-depth research after the recent events of Chapter 7 because AAAAA—
Spoilers for Chapter 7 (naturally) and unreleased events for the EN servers:
From a meta standpoint, we know that the Limited Events/Cards are ‘characters’ you can pull for Twisted Wonderland. They cast different spells/have different stats.
But I wonder if some (if not all) of these events within universe are things that would happen within a Sleeping World Malleus created due to his Unique Magic. A way to pass the time/distract the residents of the Dream. As noted, after Malleus finishes singing Once Upon a Dream (holy shit dude, why he gotta do this to me), we cut to the title card that is shown when the Game Boots up.
Repeating Birthdays/New Years/annual events are the biggest evidence of this. We started getting Birthday Events back in 2020, with each year adding a new “variation” on the theme (the white dress coat and sash, the varsity jacket, the Broom Bloom get up and probably a new one come August for Riddle). Most, if not all the main student cast should have graduated if we went by a time scale of “this world”.
Cutting back to meta, this is just us being fed pieces of lore to make us fall in love with the characters. But Riddle Rosehearts on his way to celebrate his 4th ‘birthday’ on the NRC campus? Plus, his personality isn’t like that of the Crimson Tyrant we say in Chapter 1. For that matter, none of the OB Gang are like this. They’re no where as severe as they were when their Chapters were rolling,
There is also the matter of ‘offsite’ events happening. Some are in line with the school curriculum (e.g. Beans Day, the Camping Event and debatably, the Masquerade Event), but others like the Arabian Sands event, Harveston and the Sunset Savana…that would eat away at school time. Crowley may be bird-brained, but Professor Trein takes no BS. Plus, we have to consider everything that is happening in the main game (the Sports Event, the VDC event, holidays, potentially even exams). It would be a lot that happens within the space of one year, and it just seems like too much to fit in.
Malleus is considered one of the most powerful mages in the world of Twisted Wonderland, so the idea of him creating a functioning dreamscape is possible. He did say that he would make them sleep for a millennia so there’s plenty of time to happen in a dreamworld (and dreamworld logic is known to be funky at the best of times).
As for NPCs we’ve only seen (e.g Rollo, Epel’s Grandma), it could be that Malleus’s spell allowed for students and staff to have.. ‘input’ so to say. The Dream is able to draw on previous memories/experiences, creating scenarios for NRC to experience. For example, a school exchange may have happened with Noble Bell College in a previous year, with Trein as chaperone and Rollo in attendance. This would mean that the Spell to create the NPCs we interact with. I
There has been an element of danger involved with the story events. But honestly, I think it could be that Malleus’s Overblot has an effect on the spell or could just be how the dream works. Everything got resolved in the end and no one died/got seriously hurt.
The Time Loop Theory could also be integrated into this, as the dream will repeat the one year that everyone is together. And when Lilian’s retirement rolls around, boom it’s Rewind Time. Thus, a Groundhog Day but the length of a school year. Sometimes certain events happen, some don’t. But there are key events no one can avoid. The events of the Main Story line.
Granted, this is mainly conjecture and my own observations of the game. I could be well off the mark but it would be interesting to confirm this to be the case; everything happened but didn’t actually happen. Saying that I had suspicions about the events in correlation to the actual story line after the fact may be a bit cowardly, but hey it is what it is
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eadanga · 3 months
The Royal Romance Chapter 9 Part 1
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Riley slowly opens her eyes and stands and stretches she walks up to the mirror looking at herself the sighs Time to get ready for Olivia’s stupid ball no doubt she’s gonna show that she’s charge Riley quickly gets ready then heads down to the boutique and sees Hana there picking out a dress
She grins “Hey Riley” She holds up the sliver dress she’s holding “I love this I’m gonna go and change” She dashes into the dressing room then pulls back the curtain “Ta-daa! How do I look?”
“Wow Hana everyone is gonna be talking about your dress”
Hana smiles “You think so?”
Riley smirks “I’ll force people into awkward conversations about it if I have to”
Hana laughs then grins “Come on we gotta find you a dress so that we’re not late for the ball”
Riley continues looking through the racks “I’m looking just haven’t found the right” She stops and pulls out a white silky gown “I love this but it’s missing something”
Hana looks around and pulls out white fur shawl “How about this?”
Riley smiles “Perfect I love it” She heads to the dressing room and puts on the dress and shawl and smiles “What do you think?”
Hana’s jaw drops “Wow”
Riley giggles “I take it you’re impressed”
“That’s one word for it” She grins “Shall we be off?”
Riley gives a curtesy “After you Lady Hana” They both giggle as they head out to the ballroom. They enter the ballroom and Riley immediately spots Maxwell and walks over to him
He bows “Ladies it’s a pleasure to see you both tonight and Lady Brooks I must say you look utterly charming like a diamond in the water”
Riley looks at him confused “That’s unusually formal of you what gives”
“Tonight I’m representing Duchy of Ramsford at this important social event”
Riley raises an eyebrow “That sounds like something Bertrand would say”
Maxwell sighs “He’s been calling me all night to remind me”
“Ah so you gotta be on your best behavior or else Bertrand will get on your case”
Maxwel nods “Pretty much”
Hana grins “Ooh Olivia hired a full orchestra to play tonight”
Maxwell nods “I’ve heard you’re quite the musician yourself Hana”
Hana fidgets “Oh I’m not”
Maxwell looks at her shocked “Really I feel like I’ve remembered hearing you’re a virtuoso pianist”
“I still play from time to time just for fun”
Riley smiles “I would love to hear you play sometime!”
Hana smiles “I actually found a piano in the parlor here I was considering sneaking over to play but for now we should take our seats”
Riley looks around “Where are we sitting?”
“Well as it turns out I’m sitting at the head table with Olivia and the Prince” Maxwell sighs “But you two are at the furthest at the back I guess Olivia put together a seating plan”
Riley rolls her eyes Of course she wants to be petty She smiles “I’m just happy to be invited I’m surprised she hasn’t locked me in my room yet”
Maxwell chuckles “Heh something like that would be unlikely and I wouldn’t give her any ideas”
Hana nods “Agreed she has her own schemes already”
Maxwell frowns “Sorry to leave you guys but”
Hana places a hand on his shoulder “Don’t worry Maxwell Riley and I will make the best of it”
Hana and Riley head the assigned table and spot Drake already sitting there
He nods “Welcome to the table of the exiles”
Riley takes her seat “Now I know we’re at the worst table in the room”
Drake shrugs “We’re just pawns lined up in Olivia’s board game”
Riley raises an eyebrow “Are you telling me you actually know how to play chess?”
Drake smirks “Heh I did grow up in the palace you ask Prince Liam who always won our matches”
Hana smiles “Drake you don’t seem to bothered about sitting in the back”
Drake shrugs “What can I say after years of being treated like that you develop a thick skin besides back here out of the spotlight you can actually relax”
Riley looks and sees servers coming out to deliver the food
Hana grins “The food looks amazing I hope they serve us soon I’m starving”
Drake leans back “I wouldn’t get your hopes up where we’re seated we’ll be the last to eat if there’s even anything left for us”
Hana frowns “But the lobster bisque do you really think we’ll go hungry?”
Riley smirks “Not if I can help it this can’t be any too different than hailing down a New York taxi” Riley spots a server and grabs him by the arm stands and tries to make herself as pale as possible “Please I need food I haven’t eaten all day I…” She flutters her eyes and falls forward
“Hey!” Drake jumps out his seat and catches her before she hits the floor
Riley mumbles in his shoulder “Please…food…”
The server looks at her shocked then places a plate on the table and runs off as Drake sits her down
Riley doubles over laughing “I could barley hold in my laughter”
Drake grins “Nice I can’t believe that actually worked Brooks just warn me before you take a dive next time I might not be able to catch you”
Riley giggles “Oh Drake you know I like to keep you on your toes”
Liam walks over to the head table he spots Olivia who waves him over “Oh Liam!”
Liam sighs She’s the host I gotta spend time with her He squares his shoulders and walks over to the table and takes his seat next to her “Good evening Lady Olivia”
“Evening Prince Liam isn’t the ball just amazing?”
Liam looks around and nods “Yes I can see you put a lot of work in this beautiful occasion”
“Only the finest for the guests”
Maxwell comes over and bows “Prince Liam is this seat taken?”
Olivia frowns “Actually”
“No it is not Lord Maxwell please sit” Maxwell sits next to him and Liam whispers “I’m glad you’re here”
“If you need me to do more saving you know when to call!” Liam chuckles and he looks around Maxwell nods to the back “Riley is in back unfortunately”
“Who put her there?”
“Who else?” Maxwell nods to Olivia who’s greeting more guests
Liam frowns “I hate how she’s being treated like that unfortunately it happens at court”
“Hey she’ll get through it she’s a strong person”
Liam nods “She is”
The servers come with the food and Olivia waves her arms “Please enjoy the finest Lythikos has to offer”
Liam digs into his food and notices Riley’s without food I hope she eats soon Liam’s eyes go wide as he sees Riley falling forward he almost jumps out his chair when he sees her laughing and digging into the food. He chuckles Very cleverly done Lady Riley Liam watches as she chats happily and he sighs She’s so beautiful
Maxwell nudges him “When the dance starts I can give her a chance to dance with you”
Liam smiles “I have no doubt you’ll accomplish that”
“Don’t underestimate the power of Maxwell Beaumont! I’ll give you a cue”
Tags: @mfackenthal @choicesgodfanatic @indiacater @the-soot-sprite @twinkleallnight @iaminlovewithtrr @gkittylove99 @princess-geek
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cboffshore · 8 months
So what direction is OSSAS going in with the next installment, now that we've seen Nya power struggle with Nadakhan via seagulls and chess? 👀
I'm going to answer this one under the cut just in case someone who sees this hasn't read it yet (in which case: GO! that is a prerequisite for this course! get outta here! and leave me comments, dammit!), but I know that doesn't include you. You've been enrolled in the honors course.
The big thing right now is that plans are super fluid. I'm in the very loose brainstorm stage, which means I wake up at 3 am, jot something bizarre down in my ideas server, and then interpret in the morning and hope it works. Everything I'm about to say is subject to change, but with that being said, here's what #5 looks like now.
Timeline: We're jumping straight to episode 64, post-wedding. This is one of the few things that are pretty much non-negotiable. We know the buildup, the sword handoff, Nya's manipulation - I don't need to rehash that. Dan and Kevin did that for us. Instead, I've got the mother of all blank spaces to fill once Delara takes up residence in Nya's body.
Remember that line in IICT(OSC) where Nadakhan tells Nya he thinks that her being unconscious for the rest of her life would probably be preferable to having to endure his presence? Whether or not making sure she's comfortable is a genuine desire of his (spoiler: it's not. the possession is just him shoving her to the back of the storage closet so he doesn't have to deal with her shit. who'da thunk it?"), he's going to fuck it up, bad. This is partially because I've determined and highlighted that he is shit at checking his own work (source: the fact that anyone remembers Skybound at all, especially the floating temple! and I know there's that line in the ceremony, but that never happened, so, like... HUH????) and partially because, if I made it actually work as intended, #5 would just be like those Twilight chapters where Meyer represents a bunch of months with blank pages. (I've never read Twilight, but I've heard great things about that technique. It's not something I can get away with.) In other words: boring. I've always believed strongly in the importance of the Idiot Ball in any story, and this is no exception. Nadakhan once again has plenty of hands free to catch it.
Which, of course, means Nya's gotta be conscious for this, and as is par for the OSSAS course, pissed. Nadakhan's actually right that being unconscious would be an upgrade in this case (too obtuse to realize that and realize what a self-dig that is, yeesh). So: we've got a pissed off soul bouncing around while Delara takes her body for a test drive. That's a workable setting. What are we going to do with that?
WE ARE NOT going to insinuate any spicy activity between Delara and Nadakhan. This is also non-negotiable. I've seen that a handful of times in fics that bother to even acknowledge what's going on with Nya (and I can count those on, like, two fingers), and it's big-time DISGUSTANG. I don't think one can both rail against Nadakhan being a creep and then endorse those versions of the story... I'll move on before my ears start shooting out steam.
First off: you know my stance on SA in Skybound stuff. I'm sure as hell not writing it. Second, I genuinely don't think that's on Nadakhan's mind, and to act like it is cheapens his character. For my sake and his, I'm trying to work from the interpretation that he is both of the following:
This specific tattoo - that is, too enamored with the fact that holy shit he pulled it off to do anything but marvel while that goofy love theme from The LEGO Movie plays and everyone's hair does the slow-mo romantic swivel:
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2. Too tied up in his own self-doubt to really give a shit about that. The single most frustrating and interesting sequence in the finale to me is the part where he badgers Delara about if she forgives and/or still loves him for what he's done. He can barely believe she's here, let alone that she forgives him! I'm not a fan of the idea that he can balance that shock and disbelief with Enthusiastic Adult Activities. I'm also hoping to keep going with that brief angle I mentioned where Nadakhan's got two names for that face now, and I don't think that could reconcile very well. Nope, sorry, dude! Pathetic Wet Chihuahua time for you. Nonexistent pants stay on. Nobody needs to see your legs.
Nya's had enough shit happen to her - even by my relatively clean standards! I'm not doing that. Also, I don't know how much I want to rehash the death scene, although maybe I'll change my mind and continue the trend of building on the glimpses from Small Cuts.
Here are some options for what I might do (again, all subject to change, just some general ideas I've tossed around):
Let Nya witness not quite the beginning of the possession. Wakes up five minutes in, realizes what's happening... major introspection opportunity, really. And you know I love introspection.
Have Nya give Delara a migraine just because. Like, an actual migraine, or maybe just a nasty thunderclap headache. If Nya can't operate her body solo, nobody can. This could also be her causing other types of chaos - maybe she tightens Delara's grip on Nadakhan's hook and he flinches. Because of the chess aftermath, of course. Or some such chaos - little tweaks, like she's reaching in from the backseat and futzing with the radio and the AC and the hand brake.
Pull Nya's soul out of her body entirely and just let her wander around and witness different parts of the finale. Maybe she's on the deck when Flintlocke gets his aim back. Maybe she's the reason that loose locker with the venom in it turns up - maybe she drags it out after Clancee stashes it to help the team find it faster. Maybe the only reason Jay manages to pick her up is because Nya bum-rushes Delara, shoves her out of the driver's seat, and then stops in her tracks just long enough to let Jay yeet her across the lawn. (Remember: the scream sound effect they use in that scene is Nya's!)
But who's to say, really?
Thanks for the ask!
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There’s a scene that I’m just calling the orange juice scene and I can’t stop thinking about it so here’s a piece while I move scenes around in scrivener instead of writing. Gotta keep the chronology right first y’know
Without another word, Dameron lets the back door slam behind him, and in his weakness, Hux flinches at the noise. His father would be so disappointed, and so as if to further spite him, Hux’s hand reaches with trembling fingers for the small cigarette case at the bottom of his apron. It takes him three tries to light it, but the first pull forces him to think about breathing. Between that and the nicotine, Hux can feel his head start to right itself. “Terrible fucking habit,” Solo mutters, likely to himself. As usual, Solo is incapable of reading the room. Unfortunately for him, Hux is still in a state of panic, but he’s come down just enough for fight to be his response, instead of flight. “Because property damage is so much better,” Hux cuts back. “Next time I’m teetering on the edge of a break down, I’ll be sure to just start throwing pint glasses at the wall and shouting. I’m sure I won’t get fired. That’s a thing we’re all allowed to do, right?” Solo’s eyes narrow, his hands clenching into fists. “Of course, Mr. Always in Control. How can I forget, the great and powerful Hux has never had an emotion in his life, and as such, finds all us beings will feelings to be lower lifeforms.” Standing, Hux let’s a bitter, broken laugh escape before taking another drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke into the sky and watching in float away in the flood lights. “Indeed. Before you stands the paragon of control, about to throw his dinner up onto the concrete.” Dameron should have come back with his water by now, Hux thinks. He’s not upset; if anything, he’s worried. Is the restaurant falling apart while he breaks down by the dumpster? “Are you sick?” Solo asks. “You shouldn’t have come in for your shift if there was a chance you had a food-borne illness.” “Panic attacks aren’t contagious,” Hux snaps, dropping his cigarette into the bucket of sand and kicking it to cover it. “So our guests are safe from my malady, and your precious health codes haven’t been violated.” “The health and safety of our guests is incredibly important,” Solo says, and then, “panic attack?” For a moment, Hux can feel his hands start to shake again, can feel his heart beating a little faster than it had been just moments before. As he falls apart, surely the restaurant has been lit aflame, he thinks. Finn and Dameron are spreading the story of his infirmity all throughout the servers, and he’ll be a laughing stock in some group chat he’s not in by morning. Any respect his coworkers have for him will have vanished into the ether, and in shame, so will he. “I haven’t had one in a couple of years,” he says instead, keeping his internal thoughts to himself. “I used to handle them much better, but I suppose I must be out of practice.” Looking up, he can see on Solo’s face the desire to ask, different from Dameron’s need for gossip. There’s genuine concern there, but Hux doesn’t need the manger’s kid knowing all the ways he has trouble doing his job, the various walls and coping mechanisms he’s constructed out of duct tape and nicotine. “It’s nothing important. I’m sorry to have bothered your tantrum, but I can’t ask my coworkers to cover my slack any longer, so I really must return to my tables.” Hux watches a flash of rage die, as if he’s finally beginning to see through Hux’s bullshit, and isn’t that a terrifying thought. Ben Solo, being fully aware that Hux’s personality, his cutting remarks and his dry wit, are a lie. If he is unlikeable, he never worries about how people perceive him. He’s simply the bastard. “You should drink some orange juice,” Solo says. “It always used to make me feel better, after mine. Something about the sugar, I think?” Not trusting himself to speak, Hux nods, opening the door and heading back inside the restaurant. For the rest of the night, he’s sure to avoid Solo, eager to avoid any further conversation about his incident. Finn and Dameron, though they eye him with concern, appear to have kept the details of why Hux was pulled off the floor to himself. Phasma won’t stop looking at him, no doubt having noticed that he’s camping in the server alley, hiding from an entire half of the restaurant, lest table 23 spend a second too long looking around and connect his face to his name. Hux chooses not to meet her eye, sipping his orange juice instead and staring into the middle distance.
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sburbian-sage · 5 months
One of my coplayers just spends all day every day at the alchimiter and is always bothering us for codes and using up crazy amounts of grist. He's mostly not even getting like superweapons or whatever he'll just combine random shit. I keep telling him to stop cuz for sure sooner or later he'll make something corrupted or dangerous or something by accident, right, or we're gonna need some of the grist he's using up, but he just tells me not to ruin his fun. How do I get him to stop??? Nobody else even cares cuz he makes them cool outfits and shit it's like I'm the only one taking this seriously.
If he's using your Grist, then that means you guys installed GristTorrent. Letting everyone draw from the same pool of Grist is usually a tactically sound (and communistic) move because it ensures everyone has a certain level of insurance vis a vis "being able to make critical tools/items/resources", in addition to encouraging coplayer camaraderie. But he's abusing it, so now you've gotta pull the plug. You probably can't kick him off the program without hacking his computer, but you should be able to block him from accessing your Grist at the very least. Once you do that, he might notice how low his reserves are running and he'll stop. Or maybe he'll have to leech more Grist from the others, and they'll either realize your concerns and take your side, or wake up to an empty Grist Cache. And at the end of it, you get to be the Industrious Mouse, with your rich stockpile of untouched Grist, lording over the other mice how dumb this was and to maybe the Lazy Mouse should be doing more than just dicking with the Alchemiter all day, trying to "solve" the 281,474,976,710,655 unique captcha codes by making useless garbage. If blocking him on GristTorrent is not an option, or he bypasses it through some other mean, you may have to take direct action and just bomb his Alchemiter. Or if you're the Server to his Client, just pick it up and throw it into the horizon or something.
In any case, I doubt he's going to hurt himself (or others) unless he does something suicidally dumb like handling corruptive material associated with the Angels or the Others. The only "valid threat" is him wasting everyone's Grist. Or worse, actually making something useful and proving you wrong. Speaking of, a potential compromise that doesn't lead you to engineering confrontations or terrorism is simply "reminding" him that he's using your Grist, and so maybe he might feel "encouraged" to make some useful items for you (or otherwise hitting him up like he's some shopkeeper), or else you might have to "break his kneecaps". Something along those lines.
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Fav ships reveal wheennnnnn /nf /silly
I gotta use the list in the discord server for this one bro i dont remember shit HEEEELP!!
Caramelcorn (Kevin x Radford) blahhh i just think the way they interact/are in sync with each other is a very sweet thing i want to skin them alive. that is all there is to it
Rosie (Susie x Roy) normally shipping Roy with anyone would feel off to me but this is an exception, Susie would totally be the one in charge of everything/puttin that fool in his bitch ass place 💪💪 kinda started being partial to it when i came up with this scenario in my head of Susie sketching Roy when he was possessed by Moloch because she only started findin him cute after she saw him demon-ish for a bit... this girl and her demon obsession... kinda wanna draw that idea its funny (also let me make it clear that neither of them are straight theyre both rainbow rangers)
Macaron (Kevin x Carmen) THIS ONE IS KIND OF LIKE. FOR IRONY IN MY CASE. because i cant actually see them in a relationship but their dynamic would be actually funny as shit like babe carry my 7535364 shopping bags
Holyfire (I think thats the name?? but its Ignacio x Skid's papa) tbh i dont really know why i like it.. i kinda pulled the pairing out of my ass in my thoughts before i found out it was an actual thing but yea similar situation to Macaron, i think the dynamic would be hilarious
Motorhead (Jaune x Ross's dad) idk what to say I just think they look good together and the "YOUUU are driving servant <3" line was cutesy
(Idk the name, Patty x Lila) pulled it out of my ass, i think they look cute together... if i pull MORE out of the endless void that is my ass i will gladly draw/write Patty x Lila yuri
(Idk the name, Carmen x Jaune) they have a rivalry so u know what that means, SOUND THE TOXIC YURI ALARM 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🚨🚨🚨🚨
honestly i can be really particular about what pairings i like thats why there arent that many (plus im not really ship oriented in general) but yeah!!! i like these ones!!!
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bayleaf-2 · 1 year
Drew some art of the progression of Lyra's feelings about Ioun
But it's like 11 PM and I should sleep so I'm gonna post the art and make barebones captions/context, go to bed, and might just remake the post if i wake up, look at it, and go "voci. voci...voci thats not enough buddy"
With that in mind!
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This is when Ioun apologized to Lyra after they were resurrected (they died in the Zehir fight) and (in my mind) the start of Lyra having. A closer relationship with her, or seeing her as more than just. (Because we legally cannot call Ioun our boss) the person in charge, hense why it's labeled "beginning." Their thoughts in that moment are general feelings of appreciation, surprise, and relief. Debated putting warmth in there as well. Probably too soon. Maybe. Idk!
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Transcript: Lyra's dialogue reads "Tough!" which is what they said to the goddess of prosperity trying to offer them deals. Description reads "Loyalty to Ioun after she apologized."
Ioun apologizing combined with Emily inviting Lyra to stay with her once all of this was over (AUUUUUUUGH) pulled Lyra out of their mortality crisis, hence the design change! They're wearing old (aka Elion's) earrings and actually put effort into styling their hair :)
Transcript of the bottom one: Nerd <3 "I love her" (Connotation: I just think Ioun's neat :) ) "I need to apologize to her if we fail"
Nerd refers to this being the time where Lyra starts researching and interacting with the library. "I just think she's neat" is a reference to that one Marge meme. Point being the "I love her" is a casual declaration with no deeper feelings attached. "I need to apologize to her if we fail" is referencing this:
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Now a disclaimer on that: I wrote that months ago and while the og idea still holds in that I was planning on doing it, I would absolutely tweak the wording now. Also that's from my writing server so the wording is mostly for me. in terms of what "today" and "everyone else didnt follow orders" means I think that was the Tiamat fight? Timing indicates it's Tiamat. I do not know what "orders" past Voci is referencing. It might be the deals thing. ANYWAY!!
General summary for that point: Closer but still not quite friends. That being said Lyra's more cheery around Ioun and seeking out talking to her just cause.
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Transcript: Lyra thinking to themself "God I love her she's so cool" Description reads "Whale convo, which is almost directly post Vecna" (So Lyra is thinking that as Ioun's talking to them) and then the bottom one starts with "After Ioun leaves and they're just thinking" Lyra's thought reads "...Oh." with the description "Means [I love her] in a different way than before"
Squish! :) Congrats lil guy! You love her and now you gotta hide your feelings so you don't pressure her because that'd be really fucked up of you! Yeah that includes your thoughts! Good luck suppressing those! (HE FAILS. HE SLIPS UP SO MUCH I'M DYING TO TAKE PROPER NOTES ABOUT THAT SHIT YOU HAVE NO IDEA)
"Voci why is the 4th heart in the scale grey instead of black in the top one" Uhhh I'm not sure. I think it has to do with Lyra not really knowing what their feelings are?? Like it's vague and then once they're actually reflecting on it, they realize it's something more than just thinking Ioun's neat. Btw it's not clear in this shitty photo but Lyra is blushing.
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Transcript: Ioun saying "I do care, by the way." Lyra verbally keysmashing in response, which is cut off by the tiny tiny page. Description reads "right after the trial".
We had a trial where Emily was trying to make a case about the wording of the curse so we wouldn't have to kill her and only temporarily banish her (and Ioun. And possibly the Raven Queen. And anyone else who ascended) outside of reality. It was a really formal court though so everyone was in like. Proper boring formal wear and Lyra went the safe route of going in a suit yes I know that collar looks scribbly I was drawing in front of a campfire okay
I??? This is hard to describe, but by this point, Lyra's feelings are deeper, like they weren't...flustered by Ioun before, at least not to the same extent, and now they are, if that makes sense. I hesitate to say their feelings got? Deeper or more intense, because the timing makes this extremely fucky. And also feels like I'm in the danger zone in terms of possibly using aphobic wording. So I'm just gonna hold off for now.
And there's another art I drew of. The dream conversation where Ioun and Lyra ended up holding hands for an enTIRE FUCKING HOUR but it wasn't finished and I think? That moment kind of speaks for itself? So I'll just. Leave that there and sleep now gn <3
Again apologies if huge chunks of this don't make sense this is one of those moments where the hyperfixation is just Taking the God Damn Reins and I Have To Show People This
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