#gratias tibi ago!
elizabethan-memes · 2 years
Does anyone know any good books or articles on Valeria Messalina? I'd like to add her to my catalogue of blorbos only I don't know where to begin with the historiography
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bookofjudith · 6 months
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latinare · 3 months
Do the Minecraft End Poem: https://minecraft.wiki/w/Credit_sequence
Longissima est haec poema et tempus fugit. Gratias autem tibi ago propter legendi: pulchra est poema quam numquam legi!
Caelum es. :)
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bittybat28 · 7 months
(Just something sweet for your day!)
Warnings: none just fluff!
Copia x Reader
Every day Copia woke you up in the same way.
His soft lips came to kiss at your hands and then your eyelids, pulling you from sleep in the most gentle way. His arms would wrap around your middle, pulling you close and speaking a Latin prayer over and over that he whispered so softly you could never quite make it out.
One morning as he finished his little routine, head resting against your breast while he cuddled you, your hand came up to stroke his hair. “Papa?” You asked softly. The feeling of your hand in his hair made him completely relaxed and he nuzzled into your chest. “Hmm what is it, amore mio?” He murmured against your bare skin. “What is it You whisper each morning?” This made Copia chuckle, gazing up at you lovingly. “O Satanas, gratias ago tibi pro meis votis” He repeated in the most melodic voice, caressing your cheek. “I’m thanking the Dark Lord for answering my prayers” explained Copia and you looked at him curiously. “What did you pray for?” Your heart fluttered when that goofy smile of his appeared and he leaned up to give you a kiss before whispering sweetly against your lips.
“You, of course.”
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marionluth · 1 month
Haven't done any dialogues in a while but I thought I'd post a snippet of my WIP flufftober fic. I feel a little silly posting this considering how small of a following I have, but hopefully some of you will like it and it just might make your lips twitch a bit. Can you guess who the new face is? 🤩
Damian didn't bother to hide the smile at the sound of Richard’s voice. Just like he didn’t stop Dick from pulling him into a tight hug or didn't reprimand him for calling him Dami. When his oldest brother tried to noogie him though, Damian immediately escaped the hold and landed a hearty punch on his shoulder. He had to draw the line somewhere.
Damian smirked at the pained utterance that escaped Richard. “Missed me, Grayson?”
“Of course I missed you, you little piece of Damian,” Grayson responded with a smirk. “It’s been more than a month.”
“And to think I’d actually pay for more than a month of not seeing him,” Jason’s voice rang in the room.
“You kidding? I’d pay for a single week,” Tim added, stepping in right behind Jason, and Damian rolled his eyes. Tim then threw Damian’s duffel bag on the floor, making sure it landed on his foot. “Next time carry your own bag, jerk!”
“But that’s a peasant’s job, Drake,” Damian said dryly. He considered informing them he’d gladly kill both of them so that they never had to see him again, period, but he knew Grayson wouldn’t approve. Nor would Father. Tt.
“No casualties on the road? I’m impressed.” Dick’s grin widened and he glanced at each of his brothers with that annoyingly fond expression that drove both Todd and Damian crazy.
“No casualties yet. We still have to drive back,” Todd pointed out, as he headed to the fridge. “I think I look forward to the little shit’s learner’s permit more than he does. Chauffeuring his ass around is way below my pay grade.”
“Kindly fuck yourself, Todd,” Damian snapped. “And don’t you all think it’s high time you quit the little shit jokes. I’m not ten anymore.”
Tim, who had followed Jason to the fridge, and snatched the last redbull before Todd could even reach for it, turned to shoot Damian a look, raising a single eyebrow.
“Are you still the youngest, D?”
“That is irrel–”
“Then you’re the little shit, little D,” Jason cut him off, a soda in hand and a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Don’t worry, though, Dami. It’s been a hot minute since the last kid Bruce abducted—I mean adopted. I’m sure you’ll have to bid your ‘little shit’ title goodbye sooner rather than later,” Dick added.
Damian turned to glare at him. “Et tu, Brute?”
“Nice Latin there!”
Damian turned to look who the new voice belonged to and found himself staring at a face he hadn’t seen before.
“Gratias tibi ago,” Damian mumbled. He mumbled. He mumbled? Since when did he mumble? Damian sometimes muttered, quite often hissed, snapped and intoned, he occasionally graveled, he predominantly stated and deadpanned, but he never —never— mumbled. And was he just now internally rambling? He never internally rambled. What sorcery was this?
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mynameistocool · 11 months
~When in Rome~
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Part 1
Pairing: Mobius M Mobius x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
*translated lines
You’d seen magic before, of course you have, it was the very being of your spirit. It was your purpose. So just as those two bodies stepped out of that orange glowing door, you knew it was finally your time to fulfil your destiny. The reason you were brought onto this very earth by your mother and father, the reason you harboured so many hardships and so much turmoil.
Looking at the pair as they whispered and bickered between each other, you stood still waiting for your chance to approach and just as your foot left the ground, the black hair god stood forward his long legs jumping on a cart and freeing a cart full of goats before shouting in a foreign language.
“Mihi nomen est Loki. Praefectus consilii ad tempus mutandem. Atque adfero acerbum nuntium ad vos omnes!” *My name is Loki. The commander of time. And I bring bitter news to you all!* he shouted to the unnerving crowd, but the more he spoke, the more you walked, covering your head more and more with your scarf, trying to be unnoticed by all. 
The god's words started to be mixed about speaking in that foreign tongue once more to his… you didn’t know who he was. 
You could hear the rumbling in the background growing larger and larger. An old tail telling that it was the gods speaking to us and reminding us of the offerings, but you knew it was a lie. It was a warning of some sort, something which spiralled wickedly and cruel.
You checked around seeing if anyone also saw the pair, but to your acknowledgment it was only you who could see them. You’ve been chosen… by him. 
You turned the corner and there he stood, the figure you had been giving your whole to. He was the reason you went hungry, the reason you cried and laughed, he was everything you loved and breathed. 
His tall stance and broad shoulders were met with his dark locks and brooding blue eyes. A mischievous glint in his eyes as his hands twitched, a green vapour surrounding them. You looked at his odd choice of clothing, but who were you to judge, he was after all a God. Your God. Your deity. 
“O potens Mercurie, tibi gratias ago quod me praesentia tua benedixeris, quid meruisse tanto honore possum ?”*Oh mighty Mercury, thank you for blessing me with your presence. What can I have done to deserve such honour ?* you fell to your knees, scrambling forward as you whispered small prays holding your necklace tightly, your eyes shining bright with adoration and joy.
Finally, you thought to yourself, finally your talents and your ruthless loyalty have paid off. You were finally being seen for all you’ve done.
“Who is this Loki ?” The grey - hair man beside him spoke, but you ignored the gibberish that came out his mouth, understanding none of it. 
“I’m not exactly certain.” Your god spoke back, but you couldn’t understand him. Why couldn’t you understand his sacred words. You looked up between the two, a pleading look in your eyes. “Mercurous oro, ver- nacula loquor” *Mercury I plead you speak in my mother tongue*
“Loki, what is she saying ?” Mobius muttered under his breath. “She’s speaking Latin, I think ?” Loki answered, looking down at you. “Uhh Salve… Humanum”*uhhh hello… Human* the god muttered, “O Mercurius te intellexi ! Tibi gratias ago tibi vere intellego ... Oportet te cito venire debes” * Oh Mercury, I understand you ! I understand you thank you truly... you must come quickly you must come* you pry at his legs as you rush to your feet, your body griping into his “mi Mercurius” *My dear Mercury,* you smiled at him, tears welling your eyes as you began to drag the man, but he quickly stopped in his tracks making your turn around to face him. 
Was he not here for you ? 
“Ohhh mihi paenitemus o magna una tibi Nymphe, ut venias nimis” *my apologies' oh Great one your Nymph may come too* you bowed your head in the direction of the grey - hair confused nymph and your God began to laugh “what did she say ?” He stepped forward toward the black haired God, “she… thinks you’re my nymph.” He laughed some more. 
“Nymph ?” He looked between the two of you “look I’m not a nymph, my name is Mobius.” he explained to you exaggerating certain words “M-Mobius est valde pulchra nomen.”*M-Mobius is such a pretty name* You give him a short, tight-lipped smile, in which he nodded. 
“What is she saying now ?” He asked Loki looking between the pair of you waiting for translation, “she said your name is very pretty.” Loki shook his head, looking down to his feet waiting for his coworker response, but he heard nothing and instead saw the small glint of awe in his eyes before he cleared his throat, “okay.” Mobius nodded. “Okay ?” Loki repeated his response, “okay.” Mobius nodded again. 
“What happened to the full fear of not changing the timeline, Mobius ?” Loki looked at the man beside him, quirking his brow at his change of morals, “yeah, well she clearly confused, so it doesn’t really matter.” He challenges his own words while saying them.
“Mercuries et Mobius.” *Mercury and Mobius * you smiled and quickly nodded, grabbing the men’s hands tightly, and silver smoke began to swallow around you.
The three of you stood there still in the temple. Your home. You quickly dragged the black haired man and began to show him the shrine dedicated to him. It was decorated in snakes and gold with green and red fabrics draping all the way across the large stone. 
“omnes enim vos”*All for you* you bowed a gleaming smile on your face as you watched the god move in scouring over the shrine focusing on the name engraved on the front. “Mercuries”*Mercury* he muttered before looking to you “Mercuries”*Mercury* his eye widened at the loud sounding rumbling.
“Loki, what is this ?” Mobius came forward, pulling on Loki's lapels, dragging his forward. He must have been tricked and betrayed once again by the God of mischief. “nolite tangere” *Don’t touch him.* You flicked your wrist upward, silver smoke emerging and sending the man back. 
“No, no” Loki muttered, smiling, grabbing your hands and placing them down. “Mobius I have no idea what this possibly could be.” He spoke “tell her… to stop doing that” he groaned as he got up from the cold, hard floor. 
There it was the final rumble, the explosion. “What I do know is we have to go now.” Loki grabbed Mobius hand helping him up, patting him on the back signalling him to hurry up with the temped.
“Mercuries ?” *Mercury ?* You quickly stood in the way of the two  “Non sum qui me putas non sum deus tuus sum Loki deus mali sed Mercuries non sum” *I’m not who you think I am. I’m not your god. I am Loki god of mischief. I am not Mercury* 
“Quid ?”*What ?* you asked, your smile slowly fading. “Mobius hurry we have to go now this volcano is about to erupt.” Loki shouted at his grey haired partner, “I am trying.” He fiddled with the buttons of the tempad.
No. No. No. You won’t be left here. You won’t be left to die. You won’t be left alone, not again you refuse. Not after all you have done, all you have sacrificed, all you have given. You give your life. Your life.
“Vale”*Goodbye* Loki smiled, waving before stepping through the large orange door. You stood up, your hands weak and frail.
The grey haired man turned to look at you. A saddened expression filled his face, he opened his mouth but closed it once more before looking to the floor and heading through the door. 
You looked at the orange glowing door that stayed open for a few moments. This wasn’t meant to happen. It stayed open, the glowing portal called your name like the sun called Icarus.  You inched forward, your hands delving into the orb… it didn’t hurt, you were left unharmed as you pushed your full body through the door. 
Quick noise and fast chattering was all you heard as you appeared on the other side, of bright, blinding lights and a surge of… belonging.
“Mobius ?” Loki tapped his concentrated partner, looking straight at you. “What ?” He turned around to look at his friend worrying concern only to be greeted with you. 
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salve! so this isn’t related to any trials but you know, this is a good ROMAN account and i was hoping you might be able to help me. this weirdo named spurinna keeps hanging around outside my house at night yelling at me and my wife? he keeps telling me to like “beware the ides of march” and “see the omens” but i’m LITERALLY the pontifex maximus and dictator perpetuo and i don’t know what he’s talking about. anyway i’m meant to be going away on business soon so i really can’t be worrying about this stuff. do you know anyone who can get him prosecuted for annoying me or something? a good lawyer. not one of those second-rate backstabbers. do you know anyone like cicero but less annoying?
gratias tibi ago in advance. vale
i mean i would recommend caelius as a prosecutor (although i can't say whether he is less annoying than cicero) but he was kind of a little bit um. killed. in the civil war. that you started. soooooo maybe not. have you considered just having him killed? i am sure this would have no effect on your reputation as a guy who is definitely acting within the law and not at all amassing worrying amounts of power for an individual. good luck with the parthian campaign :-)
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helenofsimblr · 5 months
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Elita: My penchant for violence aside, let's circle back now to the island of Sulani, where today, this very morning in fact, was the big day for Stella Montgomery, future wife of King Triton. You see today, Stella was going to leave her human failings behind, she was going to attempt the change to become a Mer. Something that hadn’t been done for quite a few centuries. Tongues were a bit of a stir among both the islanders and the merfolk over it…
Elita: A woman from the mainland becoming their queen consort? Unbelievable! Stella approached the huge temple with Morrigan and Mama K with her, the redoubtable Mama K was currently on her 3rd cigar of the day. Stella marched closer. 
Stella: Tibi gratias ago tibi utrumque, gia na mou kanei parea. Ego iustus volo vos et scire quantum aestimo te na eísai mazi mou kathos ypovallo aftín tin allagi.  ((Thank you both for keeping me company. I just want you both to know how much I value you being with me as I undergo this change)). 
Elita: In a comparatively and, surprisingly short time, in case you forgot, Stella had become practically fluent in the Sulani tongue! Something that helped her case a lot with the locals! 
Morrigan: Your Sulanese is remarkable. I am here to assist as best as I can. 
Mama Kevari: She be fine, Princess. Dat be a truth!
Elita: Ok so from here on out, I’m just going to say what they said in Unilish because honestly my Sulanese is not the best but through this whole situation they were speaking their own native sulani lingo, got it? So… Triton nodded to her, communicating his full love and support with his eyes; all the sea lords had surfaced as well for this event. 
Elita: Oh yeah, the Sea Lords, you’ve not met these guys before, ok, so, behind Triton as the lords from the other Mer houses. So going from left to right, that is how you’re looking at it, first up the tall baldy looking one, that’s Lord Abyssal, the shifty looking motherfucker next to him is Lord Narquad, then we have Lord Lunar, and finally, Lord Marianna. As you can see from Lord Abyssal’s similar pallor to King Triton’s, he doesn’t surface very often at all. 
Triton: Stella, you are ready. Some of the people have gathered in the main area to watch this - successful -transformation.
Ozen: I’m sure you will be fine. If anyone can do this, it’s you. 
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hello dear person. i saw that someone else has attacked you on artfight and hope to inquire on where to find you on there so that i may also do that. gratias tibi ago, et vale.
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Gratias, spero te adiuvat
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dieinct · 4 months
felicem diem natalem!!!
tibi gratias ago!
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iwaoixreaderangst · 1 year
Chapter one - The New Hashira
The day was lovely and pure as you were up and ready at 5am your mother was already awake and everything as she heard you coming downstairs in your Hashira uniform that hugged your body tightly and firm.
Your mother had a smile on her face that said 'I'm so proud of you' that was one of those smiles you knew that your mother always placed on her lips everytime.
As she walked to you and gave you a tight hug before whispering something important to you in Latin as you laughed a bit and headed out with all the things you needed by yourside, your father was on a long trip with the guards and some of the other kings for business in the towns and cities where all the kingdoms took place.
When you arrived at the mansion it's name said it clearly the 'Butterfly Mansion' where all the Hashiras lived and slept inside with their girlfriend or wife that would check up on their partner, you however told the main guy who lives here not to say to anyone else that your a princess who's working as a Hashira as well at the same time.
When you saw the main owner's wife with her kids you smiled as you greeted her in English which she smiled and let you through to see that Kayaga was busy with a meeting with the others, he spotted you immediately and told you to wait as he mouthed it to you he then let his Hashiras know that a special and new person has come to the Butterfly mansion.
"My children today we have someone new who's been a Hashira for more than 8 years, they're the most caring and kind person some of you might know them. Come on in my child."
As you walked in like the steps your mother took when she became Queen you were still 4 months old when she was being crowned as Queen.
Then he told you to introduce yourself which you spoke in Latin.
"Salve, nomen meum Emiko Rosemary ita fui in Hashira plus quam octo annos meus tertius decimus annus est sicut Hashira septendecim. Scio te hic admodum paucos cum amicis amicis et amicissimis meis sis. Tibi gratias ago quod me hic excipias apud Butterfly mansionem Dcemonis Slayer Corps. Mirum est me hic habere iucundissimum."
You told them all with a bright smile then both Kanae and Shinobu looked up at you realizing who was speaking in Latin.
They both smiled while Giyuu looked at you and mouthed to you 'welcome back' and you almost blushed from embarrassment.
"It's a pleasure to see you again Emiko-chan!"
"Shinobu, Kanae! I missed you both in my town. When will you both come visit again?"
"Sometime next week. We also have someone to meet you later tonight."
Both Kocho sisters were looking at you while smirking a bit but they all knew what was going to happen tonight you were meeting some old friends of yours, also known as the upper and lower moons that you're friends with that you'll see them again tonight.
Though as the moon was out there in the sky shining brightly under the evening breeze then you sat outside with Kanae and Shinobu talking, that was until they all arrived within five minutes they all stood in front of you three girls.
You saw how some of them their expressions turned to smiles or you saw tears starting to form in the corner of their eyes.
You saw that Katsumi went towards you both Muzan and Kokushibo was observing it just in-case she might attack you in some way, which she didn't as she bowed in front of your presence and said something in Latin to you which you smiled at.
You looked at them all and noticed something that made your heart drop and almost crumble into pieces Muzan had a wedding ring on his finger.
Soon enough questions started going through your mind you aren't ready to see that he has a wife that he's got someone he's spending his life with.
"Emiko? Is that truly you? Speak Latin please?"
Akaza asked you with a smile on his face as he gave you that look and it was towards your crush on Muzan.
You sometimes hated when your friends get like this but that's just how they all are trying to get you and Muzan together as a couple, but when all of them heard the biggest news that he got married and turned her into a demon they knew how upsetting it would make you feel.
"Modo amas me audientem loqui Latine omnibus nunc videsne Akaza?"
You asked him which he laughed at it after he responded you back on that simple question though Muzan had to distract himself from not hearing your beautiful Latino voice.
"Hmm maybe it is all to see his reaction for you to realize how much you love him."
"Akaza she doesn't want you to say that!"
Daki told him strictly.
"Fine whatever. How was Tokyo?"
Akaza asked you with a stern look but a smile on his face.
"Rei erat, amoena itinere fruebam, sed gratias ago tibi quod usquam me rogabat."
You told them all with a smile on your face as you said that in Latin.
Though something seemed off in this tension you saw a little girl next to Muzan as he stood there making sure none of the others were going to let this girl wonder off.
When you looked at the three or four year old girl tugging on Muzan's sleeve jacket then she got a smile from him which you blushed at it.
"Dada! Dada! Up up up!!"
"Hmm does my little princess want up?"
"Dada dada!!!"
"Okay okay my little princess, dada will pick you up. Love you sweetheart and your mother loves you more than anything else."
"Dada mama!!!"
You were still a bit shocked to know that he's married and having a second child with his wife that he turned her into a demon, that was until one of the Hashiras came outside to see you and told you that the royal guards are looking for you.
When you smiled at your friends and waved goodbye to them as you left with Giyuu to let him say goodbye to you before you have to leave, as you got to your royal guards and they were so happy to see you again here with them then they opened the carriage door for you to climb inside and sit down.
Then you gave Giyuu that look which said 'I'll check when my next mission is' as he nodded and waved goodbye to you.
When your carriage left the place then you changed into your princess gown at the back which the gaurds had to cover making sure that no one sees you changing or them seeing you change.
As your carriage went through the big golden gates of your kingdom and your small town then your carriage took a turn to the right and stopped there, as one of the other guards came to help you out of your carriage and took your things from your hands as you entered in your home.
No one else knew you were both a Hashira and a Latino princess but your family and friends knew you are both in one.
Which is why when the palace doors opened widely just for you to see your mother the Queen letting the guards go back to their rooms.
You were now happy to see your mother after a long day for the introduction and all the training with the slayers it was beginner training for them, the real and actual training will start from tomorrow onwards but your demon friends might come say hi to you at the palace.
Timeskip to you in bed!!!!!???
The only HUGE problem is that you haven't told them to tell Muzan you're a princess and a Hashira so no one really told him that you are both in one.
Warning!!!⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ !!!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ !!?!!!!?⚠️⚠️
While you were in bed then you heard a knock on your window the knock then went to your balcony doors and a very soft but hard knock as you opened both balcony doors to see Nakime standing there with a smile on her face.
Though it seemed like it was serious knowing you saw only her here on your balcony you don't know what's going on as you let her inside.
"Naki, quid agitur? Nonne Muzan aliquid factum est? Quid est? Potesne me dicere?"
You asked your cousin with worry in your voice as she closed the balcony doors and the curtains as you both sat on your bed to talk.
"No no no, nothing like that happened! It's just um Douma spilled it out.. he revealed to Muzan that your a Latino princess. We were all supposed to keep that secret away from him. Your mother told us."
"gemens... id est douma tibi."
You said to her with a deep sigh out in frustration and whispered something under your breath.
Nakime knew that secret was to be kept away safely from Muzan without him knowing you are a princess and a hashira but guess that secret failed out.
How will this turn out? Will Muzan kill you for being a princess? You doubt that might happen but you have a slight feeling he might send Akaza to you and considering that, now here you see Akaza standing on your balcony with a slight annoyed smile on his face as you let him inside your room.
"Me coniicere.. Muzan te ad me misit? Instanit et non vult me videre quod uxor praegnans aliquid de ea dicat? Douma in tribulatione mea revelans secretum meum? Mayumi cum eo est?"
"Yeah that's all correct."
"Hmm igitur video, quid hoc est? Estne de divortio quod habebunt cum Mayumi paulo maior et idem cum infantem fratrem suum?"
"That's only happening at exactly like what you said when their kids are both a bit older then it might happen soon. It's just us here he won't come to find you."
"Ughh fine, you know how hard it is for me to speak in Japanese and in English!! It's very difficult for me."
"That I know Emiko.. Muzan almost asked where you are currently.."
"F*ck it. He'll soon find out about my kingdom of where I live.."
"That's what we came to let you know."
"sigh... okay thanks Akaza and thanks so much Naki, you guys are the best for telling me this.."
That didn't confuse Akaza and Nakime at all they knew that divorce will happen when the kids are either tweens or teenagers.
That was until the three of you heard the maid outside of your bedroom door saying something near the door like this 'Muzan Kibutsuji has arrived princess' which made all three of you stare in shock.
Then you said something to your maid in Latin as she understood and left to show him where your room is so that you both could talk things out, while Nakime and Akaza hid in your walk-in closest which they enjoyed staying there until Muzan entered your room.
"Muzan? What are you doing here? I told you not to come here."
Both Nakime and Akaza were shocked to hear that from your mouth and out of your lips.
"Let's just talk, come sit with me."
" groans & sighs... your impossible to deal with and you know that yourself Muzan!"
"Your just jealous that I'm married and have kids."
".... don't go there."
You told him with no smile on your face which he noticed within seconds.
"Did I go to far?"
He asked you suddenly.
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latinare · 4 months
insanus similiter amenti salutem dicit!
me quoque omnia in Latina vertere iuvat
Insani optimi! Salve et propter linguam diverbio exercendam gratias tibi ago! Quem auctorem huius linguae legere amas?
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interretialia · 1 year
salve! aliquid rogandum mihi est, quod spero te explicare posse.
civitas mea nomen "Nova Zelandia" habet. quid autem nomen adiectivum hominibus huius civitatis adhiberi debet? sumne mulier novazealandica? novazealandensis? neozelandensis, sicut in linguā italicā? praecipue miror quemadmodum vocabulum "nova" ut pars adiectivi declinatur - suntne exempla ex antiquitatis?
(si civitatem "Aotearoa" appellem, nomen adiectivum "aoteroana" sit - sed pauci externi hoc vocabulum Maorianum cognoscunt)
Gratias tibi ago quod mihi nuntium dedisti. Dicere tibi possum quemadmodum nomen adiectivum e Nova Zelandia nomine facere debeamus et quae figurae nominis adiectivi iam factae sint.
Si veras ac solitas regulas iuncta et derivativa verba Latina formandi restrictissime rigidissimeque sequamur, habeamus Novizelandiensis aut Novizelandicus aut Novizelandianus. Bene nota quid alibi antea dixerim sed Anglice: “Duo verba in unum simpliciter commiscere nec morphologiam utriusque verbi nec syntaxin irritam facit.” Idcirco res ita se habet quod, ut Zelandia, cum novum nomen adiectivum ortum est, terminationes suas casuum amisit et ne figuram nominativam singularem quidem habere potuit, ita Nova quoque, eodem tempore, terminationes suas casuum amisit et ne figuram nominativam singularem quidem habere potuit. Quare Novazelandiensis et Nova(-)zelandicus menda re vera sunt, quippe quorum -a terminatio casus in i Vocalem Conectentem mutari debeat.
Scriptores autem novae Latinitatis, ut “New” pars derivativi nominis adiectivi e nomine Latino formati in Latinum converteretur, Neo- elemento (quod e Lingua Graeca venit) aut Novo- elemento uti constituerunt, etiamsi Novus in hoc nomine Latino loci ipso apparet, condentes igitur modum propter quem Novum Eboracum ac Neo-Eboracensis (in quo fortasse hypen est ut “eoe” grex inconcinnus vitetur) et Novum Brunsvicum ac Novobrunsvicensis nunc videri possunt. Romani ipsi Novocomensis adiectivum e Comum fecerunt, quae sine dubio origo Novo- elementi est. Exemplum adiectivi e nomine Latino formati, quod et Neo- elementum monstrat et a Romanis ipsis factum est, invenire non possum, sed Neo- elementum novae Latinitati insertum firme est (ut significant scriptores hodierni, quorum est Gulielmus Stearn, scriptor Botanical Latin libri). Adde quod e nominibus Latinis in -landia desinentibus adiectiva facta sunt quae in -landicus aut -landiensis aut (irregulariter quasi e -landum) -landensis desinunt.
Secundum Davidis Morgan lexicon, Carolus Egger, praeclarus scriptor novae Latinitatis, has tres figuras adiectivi nobis dedit: Novozelandicus et Neozelandiensis et Novozelandensis. Pagina “Nova Zelandia” in Vicipaedia situ posita porro Neozelandicus et Neozelandiensis et Novozelandensis tres figuras monstrat, sed ibi non est nota quae fontem Neozelandicus figurae indicat. Novocomensis adiectivum a Romanis ipsis iam factum nobis exemplar Novozelandiensis novae figurae dat.
Inter omnes figuras adiectivi e Nova Zelandia formati iam dictas, ego, quoniam sententiae Caroli Egger fido et veram etymologiam verborum indicare volo, Novozelandicus et Neozelandiensis figuras commendo, quorum hoc nomen substantivum hominem Novae Zelandiae indicans fieri potest et illud adiectivum tantum plerumque remanet. At profecto, si nobis omnes hae figurae adiectivi desunt, Novae Zelandiae figura genitiva nominis pro adiectivo uti possumus! Ergo tu, ut puto, mulier Novozelandica aut mulier Neozelandiensis aut Neozelandiensis aut etiam mulier Novae Zelandiae es.
Utinam hoc tibi prosit!
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catilinas · 4 months
wishing you happy birthday with this letter (cic. att. 5.4) dated 12 may (51 BC). emphasis on the end, which is one of my favorite epistolary cicero moments:
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gratias tibi ago and oUGH yeah. i love when they talk about the actual process of letter writing. marce tulli......
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mynameistocool · 11 months
~When in Rome~
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Pairing : Mobius M Mobius x fem! Reader
Warnings : none
*translated lines
Synopsis : All Mobius wanted to do was solve this full Loki time issue and now he’s in Ancient Rome finally meeting you.
You turned the corner and there he stood, the figure you had been giving your whole to. He was the reason you went hungry, the reason you cried and laughed, he was everything you loved and breathed. 
His tall stance and broad shoulders were met with his dark locks and brooding blue eyes. A mischievous glint in his eyes as his hands twitched, a green vapour surrounding them. You looked at his odd choice of clothing, but who were you to judge, he was after all a God. Your God. Your deity. 
“O potens Mercurie, tibi gratias ago quod me praesentia tua benedixeris, quid meruisse tanto honore possum ?”*Oh mighty Mercury, thank you for blessing me with your presence. What can I have done to deserve such honour ?* you fell to your knees, scrambling forward as you whispered small prays holding your necklace tightly, your eyes shining bright with adoration and joy.
Finally, you thought to yourself, finally your talents and your ruthless loyalty have paid off. You were finally being seen for all you’ve done. 
“Who is this Loki ?” The grey - hair man beside him spoke, but you ignored the gibberish that came out his mouth, understanding none of it. 
“I’m not exactly certain.” Your god spoke back, but you couldn’t understand him. Why couldn’t you understand his sacred words. You looked up between the two, a pleading look in your eyes. “Mercurous oro, ver- nacula loquor” *Mercury I plead you speak in my mother tongue*
“Loki, what is she saying ?” Mobius muttered under his breath. “She’s speaking Latin, I think ?” Loki answered, looking down at you. “Uhh Salve… Humanum”*Uhhh Hello… Human* the god muttered, “O Mercurius te intellexi ! Tibi gratias ago tibi vere intellego ... Oportet te cito venire debes” *Oh Mercury, I understand you ! I understand you thank you truly... you must come quickly you must come* you pry at his legs as you rush to your feet, your body griping into his “mi Mercurius” *My dear Mercury,* you smiled at him, tears welling your eyes as you began to drag the man, but he quickly stopped in his tracks making your turn around to face him. 
Was he not here for you ? 
“Ohhh mihi paenitemus o magna una tibi Nymphe, ut venias nimis” *my apologies' oh Great one your Nymph may come too* you bowed your head in the direction of the grey - hair confused nymph and your God began to laugh “what did she say ?” He stepped forward toward the black haired God, “she… thinks you’re my nymph.” He laughed some more. 
“Nymph ?” He looked between the two of you “look I’m not a nymph, my name is Mobius.” he explained to you exaggerating certain words “M-Mobius est valde pulchra nomen.” *M-Mobius is such a pretty name.* You give him a short, tight-lipped smile.
“What is she saying now ?” He asked Loki looking between the two you waiting for a translation “she said your name is very pretty.” Loki shook his head looking down to his feet waiting for his coworker response but he heard nothing and instead saw the small glint of awe in his eyes before he cleared his throat “okay.” Mobius nodded. “Okay ?” Loki repeated his response “okay.” Mobius nodded again.
“What happened to the full fear of not changing the timeline, Mobius ?” Loki looked at the man beside him, quirking his brow at his change of morals, “yeah, well she clearly confused, so it doesn’t really matter.” He challenges his own words while saying them. 
“Mercuries et Mobius . *Mercury and Mobius* you smiled and quickly nodded, grabbing the men’s hands tightly, and silver smoke began to swallow around you.
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vigilante-chaos · 4 months
It's not an offering it's a friend. He's friend shaped. :(
"Amicus? Piscis est. Iterum tibi gratias ago pro offero, sed id nolo."
"A- friend? That's…a fish. Again, thank you for the offer, but I do not want it."
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