#gregory goyle x harry potter
snack-o-ween · 2 years
Work Title: Apologetically, Sirius Black
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences | Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply | Category: M/M.
Relationship: Sirius Black/Severus Snape.
Additional Tags: Community: hp_goldenage, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Battle of Hogwarts, Epistolary, Endgame Sirius Black/Severus Snape, Background Pansy Parkinson/Ron Weasley, Background Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Background Gregory Goyle/Harry Potter, hp_goldenage's Salt and Pepper Fest 2023.
I, Sirius Orion Black, would like to extend an apology to those who were interviewed in relation to the so-called tell-all manuscript that may have been titled 'The Black Sheep of the Family' or 'Hiding Amongst The Shearers' depending on which intern entered the title for printing.
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lilbeanz · 1 year
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Love is love is love 🫶
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beingsuneone · 11 months
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The One
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SYNOPSIS: it would’ve been fun. If he would’ve been the one.
FANDOM: Harry Potter
PAIRING(S): Mattheo Riddle x Fem!Reader
CHARACTERS MENTIONED: Goyle, Crabbe, Draco, Theo, Pansy, Enzo, Blaise, Tom, Voldemort
GENRE/AU: Angst, Unhappy ending, Arranged Marriage Au!, reader is married to Goyle (not by choice),
A/N: *cough* the 1 by Taylor Swift was my inspo. *cough* header and dividers made by me. I would also like to make a part two to this. Note: Voldemort/Toms son Tom Jr who looks exactly like him! (Pre-Voldemort)!AU hope this helps.
DEDICATIONS: the people who voted for him in the poll :)
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The silver band on your finger glistens in the bright lights of the wedding hall, looking anything but enticing; instead of a symbol of love and comfort, it was like a shackle that tied you to a man you didn’t love forever.
Your eyes scan the crowd for the millionth time this evening, trying to seek out a pair of familiar brown eyes— your heart drops for the millionth time this evening, and you realize all over again that no matter how many times your eyes search for his, it will not make him appear.
He won’t come, you know that now as your new husband leans over to ‘kiss the bride’.
You try to wipe the disappointment off of your face, let go of his messy brown curls and smooth words, his rough hands and intoxicating scent.
Mattheo Riddle wasn’t yours to think about anymore; the man in front of you was.
Why your father thought a marriage alliance with Gregory Goyle would help your family, you’ll never know.
Worse, Goyle was, at one point, at least a decent friend of yours; You, Mattheo, Draco, Theo, Enzo, Blaise, Tom, Goyle, and Crabbe, used to strut around Hogwarts like you owned the place— let’s be honest, you damn near did. You and your protective group of Slytherins.
You allow your lips to touch Goyle’s for only a moment before you pull back and smile cordially; the two of you walk arm-in-arm down the aisle until you reach the doors at the end.
The moment you’re through, you push him away.
“I’m sorry, Y/n.” He says sadly. “If I could have said no, I would have.”
You shake your head, not even listening. “He didn’t even come, Goyle. I thought he’d at least try.”
Goyle sighs. “It wasn’t up to any of us. Not even Mattheo.”
Your eyes sting so you force your face to go deadpan and stare at Goyle. “I will always love you as a friend, Goyle, but I will never love you as anything more.” You say, retreating towards your dressing room.
He says nothing in return. He doesn’t need to. The feeling is mutual.
You enter your dressing room and release a strained breath, resting your head against the door after you close it.
Taking a deep breath, you allow yourself to daydream; to think what this day would be like if Mattheo was the one wearing a suit, the one saying his vows and sliding a ring onto your finger. You let yourself imagine all of the things you would’ve shared with him in this alternate reality, all the joy you might’ve felt. The future you might’ve been able to look forward to.
A tear slips silently down your cheek as your throat closes, suffocating you in the feelings you wish you were feeling.
Someone clears their throat and your eyes fly open, as your whole body snaps stick straight.
It’s your father, sitting eery and alone in a dark room. “You had to grow up one day, Y/n,” he says as his cold gaze sweeps over you. “Stop running around with that Riddle kid and risking your future.”
You shake your head. “The only real future I had was with him, Father.” You tug on the skirt on your wedding dress, and then your hair. “All this— this glamour and camaraderie is you, father, you playing puppeteer with real live people. I don’t know what status you think you’ll get from Goyle, of all people.”
Your father just sneers and pulls up his sleeve— an elaborate tattoo meant to symbolize his allegiance to Voldemort. The dark mark. He says, “You know exactly who that boy’s father is, and exactly where that puts me in relation.” He pauses. “This is what the Dark Lord wanted, Y/n.”
“…what?” Your mouth hangs open, and you wonder why the dark lord would want to torment you personally. “Why would he… I don’t understand.”
Your father just brushes past you and twists the door open. “If the Dark Lord doesn’t tell, you do not ask.”
“You’re going to marry him, right?” Pansy asks, smiling at you in the way that friends do when you have a crush on someone.
You shrug, playing it cool but despite your heart going a thousand miles a minute; excitement courses through your veins at the thought of Mattheo. “I think we’d have to become an actual thing first, Pansy.” You laugh.
She winks at you playfully. “I don’t think that’ll take too long, Y/n, He is whipped for you.”
You shake your head. “He is not.” Your heart still flutters.
“He is.” A new voice cuts in, and it sends a shiver down your spine. You turn to face Mattheo, who is now leaning in the doorframe.
What an entrance.
Pansy looks between the two of you and smirks mischievously. “I‘ll leave you two alone and go bug Blaise.” She slips past Mattheo.
You can’t meet his eyes as you grin stupidly at the floor, and the shirt in your hand.
“You talk about me often?” He says, settling on the floor next to you; he breaks you out of your stupor by gently tugging the shirt out of your hands.
You finally look at him. “No, only when Pansy brings you up. Which is always.” You bite your lip as you smile. “I don’t mind it though, you’re one of my favourite subjects.”
“That’s good,” he agrees, toying with a lock of your hair. “I think the guys are sick of hearing about you.”
“Of course they are,” you banter, “They already know everything about me.”
Mattheo leans in closer. “I don’t think they know everything.” His head dips down until his lips are just millimeters from yours. “They wouldn’t know what your lips feel like, would they?”
He bridges the gap and the two of you spent what is probably several minutes just kissing, and when he pulls away you’re breathless.
“No, I don’t think they know that.” Your voice comes out high-pitched, still trying to catch your breath both mentally and physically.
“I hope they never find out.” He says quietly.
You nod absent-mindedly. “Me too.”
You sigh deeply and set down the box in your new living room. Trying to put a positive spin on it, you think about how it won’t be terrible living with a friend instead of your parents, who were never there when they needed to be and always there when you needed them to leave.
Emotionally and physically.
You and Goyle are throwing a housewarming party, per his mothers request; so, technically this box really shouldn’t be in this room right now. It needs to be prepped for the party.
Goyle walks into the room. “Malfoy wants to know if he should invite Mattheo.”
You shrug. “Tell him to invite him, I don’t think he’ll show up either way.” Getting over Mattheo has not been easy, and when you think about him, his absence still sends several intense stabs through your heart.
You can still feel the ravines where the cracks in your heart formed. If he did show up, it would either put you on the path to healing or destroy you all over again and possibly forever.
You were fully prepared for the latter if it meant seeing him one last time.
But he won’t show, just like he wasn’t there when you really needed him just a few months ago, when some other man’s ring was being slipped onto your finger and you were near powerless to stop it.
Goyle stares at you for minutes, as if you’re fragile and need to be handled gently. “It is short notice.”
You pick the box back up and walk past him, just to stop at the foot of the stairs. “That’s not what I mean and you know it.” Then, you go upstairs and place the box in the guest bedroom. You have all this space in your new house and absolutely nothing to do with it.
Rooms filled with expectations and soured dreams.
Parties should be fun; this cake, considering it’s your favourite flavour, should taste good. You’re surrounded by the faces of your closest friends, all your family— though you aren’t fond of many of them— and all of Goyle’s family. Yet, all you feel is unfulfilled aching for Mattheo.
You feel so pathetic, always thinking about Mattheo, always relating everyone moment to your first love.
But you had wanted him to be your last. Your only. Your everything.
Draco is here, and he’s the one who asked about inviting Mattheo, so you’re pretty sure he’s not coming and you know you absolutely shouldn’t ask.
Instead, you stare at Draco as you eat the tasteless cake, wishing he’d somehow understand what you wanted to know.
Doesn’t help that he’s across the room.
“Y/n, come upstairs for a minute.” Pansy says, dragging you away from the party and into your bedroom. Or what will be your bedroom, anyways.
When the door has shut and she’s locked it, she turns back to you. “You can’t spend the whole party pining over the possibility of Mattheo showing up, Y/n; I know how much he means to you but you have to accept that you’re married and it’s over. You’re only going to hurt yourself more if you keep obsessing over this.”
You reel back, though you’re thankful for how bluntly Pansy says it. “I know, Pansy, I know. I just— I don’t know if can ever get over him. I mean…” You trail off trying to find your words. “Goyle was probably the last person out of our group that I would’ve chosen if I couldn’t have Mattheo. Truly, I think I could live if it was Enzo, or Theo, or even Draco, but not Goyle.”
She sighs. “But it’s not them, and it is Goyle.”
“So, what now?” You huff. “I’m just supposed to… I don’t know, keep his house and have his kids?”
Pansy’s eyes soften but she doesn’t respond; its a rhetorical question and there really isn’t any proper answer for it.
Then, there is a knock at the door. Pansy unlocks and opens the door, just enough for her to see who it is.
When she does, she says nothing. You watch her slip out the door before you even see who is behind it.
And then he steps in.
Mattheo Riddle.
“Hello, Y/n.” He says, so plainly as though he hasn’t just affected you in more ways than you could ever possibly count.
You look away. “You actually came.”
He clears his throat. “I did.”
You can almost picture him a few years back, standing in your dorm room door, smiling at you in that teasing way that made you knees weak.
Except he’s not smiling, and there is absolutely nothing blissful about this moment.
“There’s something I have to tell you.” Mattheo shuts the door behind him. “If it changes anything at all.”
“There’s something I want to tell you, y/n.” Mattheo says one day, cryptically. “I’m just not sure if I should yet.”
You brush his hair out of his face. “Whatever it is, you can tell me, whenever you’re ready.”
He shakes his head, but he’s not disagreeing. “I’m worried you’ll see me differently.”
“There is nothing in the world that could make me see you differently, Mattheo.”
He seems sated by your words, and pulls you into a hug, resting his chin on top of your head. The two of you stay like that for a long while before he finally says, “I’ll tell you, but not today.”
You nod silently and focus on the feel of his arms around you, not wanting to take a single moment with him for granted.
“What is it, Mattheo?” You say exhaustedly while you sit down on the mattress. “What could you say that would change anything?”
He takes a deep breath and sits beside you. “I know why this is happening, why Voldemort singled you out.”
You look up at him. “Mattheo…” trailing off, you stare at his sleeve in horror, dreading what you think he’s going to say. “Please tell me you didn’t.”
He furrows his eyebrows, following your gaze; when he realizes, his eyebrows shoot up again. “No! No, That’s not why I know.”
You visibly deflate with relief. He instinctively curls his arm around you but then quickly pulls it away. “Okay,”
He chuckles dryly. “My reason is actually much worse.” Mattheo pauses, blowing out a breath. “I’m his son.”
After a moment's hesitation, you shoot up from your spot, your eyes blown wide with disbelief. “Mattheo, you cannot be serious.”
He stands up, and sits you back down, trying to keep you calm. “It’s not like I want to advertise that my father is the most notorious dark wizard in history.” He reaches out and pushes a strand of hair out of your face, like you used to do to him so many times. “But he didn’t want you with me, Y/n, all of this is happening to you because of me.”
He sinks down to his knees in front of you and takes your hands in his.
“So,” You start. “I was personally targeted by the dark lord because you couldn’t bother to mention what’s probably a very important detail.”
His fingers tighten around yours. “I was so scared that you wouldn’t love me anymore if I told you, and then, by the time you were engaged, it was too late.”
You push his hands away. “Mattheo, I would have loved you no matter what you told me.” The hurt in your voice makes him back away from you and you can see the pain swirling in his eyes too.
“I told you. You know. Now, we can fix this.”
“No, Mattheo,” You stand up and push him towards the door. “It’s too late. You’re too late.”
He shakes his head rapidly. “No. No, it’s not.” Mattheo tries to stop you from opening the door but ultimately you push him over the threshold. “Please, Love, We can make it work— we could run away, do anything— please.”
You can’t look at him as you speak, while tears flow freely down your cheeks. “We were something, don’t you think so?”
His face falls, and you can see his heart shatter— you can feel your heart mirror his.
Perhaps, though, the most painful part is when he replies; “Yeah, we were.”
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All content belongs to @beingsuneone , do not repost, copy or post on other platforms without my permission.
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Draco Malfoy x y/n (Slytherin Reader) one shot
SUMMARY: Draco relentlessly flirts with y/n even if it annoys her.
WARNING: none other than the fact that this is not proof read.
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It was late afternoon after lunch break and Y/n was noting down points on a piece of parchment while professor Prof.Binns went on droning about the 'Medieval Assembly of European Wizards'. Most students find History of Magic to be exasperating but it's mostly because of Prof.Binn's teaching techniques.
Regardless of how boring it may seem, y/n makes it a point to give her 100% in class. She was concentrating so sincerely that she failed to notice a certain platinum haired boy glancing her way every few minutes. As the class went on, Prof. Binns decided to halt the lecture to let the students read and review the material before proceeding further . As she continued to read through her textbook, a charmed paper swan flew over her head and landed right on the page she was reading. She looked up and around to see who levitated it towards her and saw the group of infamous Slytherins laughing- Malfoy, Zabini, Parkinson , Nott, Crabbe and Goyle. She immediately knew it was their doing. Draco was waiting for her to look in his direction and now that she did he winked at her and shouted across the class " go on darling, read it" ; only for his friends to howl and make funny noises. Y/n got irritated so she rolled her eyes at him and grabbed the paper swan to crush it into a paper ball and chuck it at him. Soon the class ended but only after Prof.Binns had given them an essay as homework.
Y/n slung her bag on her shoulder and carried her extra books with her arms & exited the classroom to head to the courtyard since it was her last lecture of the day. Draco immediately followed her out of the class to catch up and annoy her. "Uff, that looks heavy; lemme carry them for you sweetheart" he tries to snatch the books in her arms. Y/n gets irritated " Don't you have somebody else to bother Malfoy?". "Actually, I do but you're far more interesting and also pretty cute to look at" he replies with a grin and tries to snatch her books again. This time y/n stops in her tracks and pulls Draco down by his tie to look into his eyes "Back off Draco". This makes him grin wider and he lets out a whistle while looking her up and down " ooh... feisty". Y/n blushes at the action and immediately releases his tie and walks away while Draco just stands there grinning like a fool in satisfaction.
Later that night y/n entered back in the Slytherin common room after having finished with her dinner and decided to sit on one of the couches near the fireplace. She was reading a magazine that she found on one of the coffee tables when she felt the couch sink beside her and an arm around the back of the sofa where she sat. She immediately recognised who it was just by the smell of expensive cologne. " What do you want now Malfoy?" she said without looking up from the page. "What? Can I not just spend some time trying to make acquaintances with fellow house mates?" he mockingly replied. Y/n decided to ignore him altogether and Draco got the hint but he wasn't satisfied with the interaction just yet, so he started to play with her hair. This made y/n's blood boil and she swatted his hand away and he let out a chortle. "You have nice hair" he said. "Oh why thank you Mr.Malfoy. It's an honour to get complimented by the ferret boy with slimey hair" she replied with a sarcastic smile. Draco pulled a face at this but laughed it off. Y/n shut the magazine and stood up and walked towards the stairs leading to the girl's dormitories when she heard "Goodnight darling!". She turned the corner as she secretly smiled at his antics and yelled back "Goodnight ferret boy!"
Thanks for reading! 🤍
Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors, this is not proof read 😅
Do like, share and comment your thoughts down below 🤔💭
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protea-drarry-shit · 2 years
Pansy, helping Draco up the tree: my respect for you has been lowered significantly.
Crabby: yeah.
Goyle: mate why are you doing this?
Draco: everybody SHUT UP he’s coming.
Draco: hey potter.
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citruswriter · 2 months
Hogwarts Masterlist
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Hermione Granger 💚
Harry Potter 💛
Ronald Weasley 💛
Ginny Weasley 💚
Fred & George Weasley 💛
Seamus Finnegan 💛
Oliver Wood 💛
Pavarti Patil 💚
Everett Goldhorn 💛
Gregory Goyle 💛
Draco Malfoy 💛/🩷
Vincent Crabbe 💛
Blaise Zabini 💛/🩷
Pansy Parkinson 💚/🩷
Tom Riddle 💛/🩷
Mattheo Riddle 💛/🩷
Theodore Nott 💛/🩷
Lorenzo Berkshire 💛
Adrian Pucey 💛
Lucian Bole 💛/🩷
Padma Patil 💚
Cho Chang 💚
Michael Corner 💛
Luna Lovegood 💚
Neville Longbottom 💛
Rowan Silverthorn 💛/🩷
Cedric Diggory 💛
Lucas Blackwell 💛/🩷
Ernie Macmillan 💛
Anthony Bitterwood 💛
Susan Bones 💚
Aura Silverthorn 💚
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Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 1
Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 2
Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 3
Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 4
Harry Potter Characters Reacting to You Singing a Song at Them
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Hermione Granger
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Harry Potter
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Ron Weasley
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Ginny Weasley
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Fred & George Weasley
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Seamus Finnegan
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Oliver Wood
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Pavarti Patil
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Everett Goldhorn
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Gregory Goyle
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Draco Malfoy
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Vincent Crabbe
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Blaise Zabini
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Pansy Parkinson
Character Sheet
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Tom Riddle
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Mattheo Riddle
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Theodore Nott
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Lorenzo Berkshire
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Adrian Pucey
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Lucian Bole
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Padma Patil
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Cho Chang
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Luna Lovegood
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Neville Longbottom
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Michael Corner
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Rowan Silverthorn
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Cedric Diggory
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Lucas Blackwell
█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ◈ █▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█
Ernie Macmillan
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Anthony Bitterwood
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Susan Bones
█▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ◈ █▒▒▒▒▒▒▒█
Aura Silverthorn
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Polyamorus Fics
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E to L. Reader falls into lake, someone makes an inappropriate comment about it and Draco snaps, leading to heavy make out?
Thank you so much for your request. For some reason, I´m not completely content with how this turned out but I hope you will still enjoy it anyways.
Driving you mad
Warning: suggestive language
"Severed heads, unidentifiable stumps, terrifying frog-rabbit mutations — all have been created, to the dismay of those who made them...", Professor McGonagall stated, while you, along with the other students stared at the birds, that were fluttering through the classroom, in awe. “Now it is on you. Let´s see what you remember.”
You bit your lip. It wasn’t like you had any problems with the spell itself, it worked out just fine for you. But using those spells without saying them out loud had never been one of your strengths. And the only way to change that was to practice.
But at the end of the lesson, Hermione had been the only one who had been able to actually conjure some birds without saying a word. For a moment everyone had been surprised when from the tip of Ron´s wand some birds had flown up as well, but soon you realized that he, even if it had been unconsciously, had mumbled “Avis.”, through his clenched teeth, earning laughter from his classmates and a disapproving look from Professor McGonagall.
When you exited the classroom after the lesson after the Professor had reminded you once more to not forget to practice also between the lessons, Ron was still embarrassed, but Hermione reminded him that he might have done better if he would have practised the nonverbal spells more frequently from the very beginning. That lead to a heated argument, Harry and you listened, quite amused by the constant bickering, until you were interrupted by someone, who also had to run his mouth about Ron´s failure, but with not as good intentions as Hermione.
“Isn´t it a shame how you fail even if you cheat Weaselbee?”
You could see Ron´s ears turning slightly pink as he turned around to the blond Slytherin who had made the comment and was now looking at him with a sly grin on his face.  
“As I recall you didn’t manage the spell either, did you?”, Hermione said, narrowing her eyes.
“Don’t think I need a filthy mudblood to assess my abilities as a wizard.”, Malfoy answered, eying Hermione haughtily, earning some snickering of his friends who were standing behind him.
“At least she was the only one who had been able to actually cast the spell.”, Harry returned.
Malfoy shrugged his shoulders.
“Wagging your wand hasn’t anything to do with real magic.”, he said.
“Is that how you justify a muggleborn being better than you? That´s just pathetic.”, Harry spoke up again.
“Don’t you dare to call me pathetic, Potter.”
“There´s no need to be ashamed of it, Malfoy. We all already know.”, you jumped in.
Malfoy now turned to you, his eyes sparkling.
“Doesn’t say much when it comes from you. As if you´d be the sharpest knife in the drawer.”, he hissed.
“Never said I am, but at least I´m smart enough to know you aren’t either.”, you answered with a sweet smile on your face.
Malfoy took a step towards you. He was now towering you, but you refused to take a step back, even though you felt your pulse quicken as you felt his hot breath hitting your face.
“Did you just call me stupid?”
Your smile only grew wider as you locked your eyes with his and nodded.
“In fact, I did.”
You saw Malfoy´s hand twitching from the corner of your eye, getting ready to grab your wand if he would make any effort to use his, in case you had to defend yourself. But then you heard someone clearing their throat behind you. You tore your gaze apart from Malfoy and looked up to Professor McGonagall who watched the scene, her lips pressed together to a thin line.
Malfoy also looked at the teacher, his gaze flickering between her and you. Then he bent down, bringing his lips close to your ear as he whispered: “We aren’t done yet, love.”
“I would be disappointed if it would be any other way.”, you smiled.
Malfoy then straightened up again and took a step back.
“Let´s go.”, he said and strutted away, followed by his henchman.
Professor McGonagall gave you a warning look before she turned around and left.
You let out an annoyed groan.
“He´s driving me mad. One day I´ll kill him, I swear.”, you mumbled.
Ron, who stood next to you, was watching Malfoy turning around the next corner grimly.
“Not if I´ll get him first.”
“If we´ll ever get to it, we´ll draw lots.”, Harry added and you all nodded in agreement, while your thoughts drifted off to all the things you wanted to do to the boy.
The next afternoon, you were sitting on a landing stage down by the lake. The sun was already low and even though it was still warm, the cold breeze blowing across the lake made you shiver. The sun had still been burning when you had left the castle and you had left your robe back in your dorm, thinking you would return before it would get too cold. Because originally, you had just wanted to practice how to conjure the birds nonverbally once more, since Professor McGonagall had announced that you would have to present what you had learned in the next lesson. But unfortunately, it had taken longer than you had thought it would.
Still, you felt the satisfaction rushing through your body, now that it had actually worked out. A small flock of birds was fluttering above your head, chirping happily. You had to admit, you were kinda proud of your performance. Spells that created life always amazed you the most. It always reminded you of how powerful magic actually was. Sometimes you took it for granted, and sometimes you were even a little bit annoyed when the teachers would preach over and over again that with the great power you had, huge responsibility would come along, thinking you would be able to work things out on your own just as well, but in moments like this, you remembered that they were probably right. You had a responsibility. Responsibility towards you, the people around you, the society and now also those little birds, hovering above you.
You smiled quietly to yourself as you watched them flying towards the sun, wishing those little creatures only the best and hoping they wouldn´t end as Mrs Norris´ dinner.
Speaking of dinner, you realized with a look at your watch that you should probably get back to the castle if you wanted to be on time for your own.
You were just packing your things together when you suddenly felt the landing stage vibrating under you. As you turned around, you sighed in annoyance. The day had actually been quite good so far, but now, it probably wouldn’t stay that way.
“Look who´s here.”, Malfoy sneered, eying you, with a tight-lipped grin. “All on your own today (Y/l/n)?”
“I wish I was.”, you mumbled.
Your eyes were flickering from Malfoy to Crabbe and Goyle, standing to his left and right, as well as Parkinson and Montague, effacing themselves, but with a nevertheless, mean grin on their faces.
“That´s not really polite, is it boys?”, Malfoy pouted, but you could see his grin only widened. “We just wanted to keep your company.”
“I´ll pass on that, thanks.”, you responded.
You wanted to pass them, but one of Malfoy´s gorillas -Crabbe- got in your way. With his broad shoulders, he almost covered half of the pier, making it almost impossible to pass him. The boy crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked at you with a stupid grin on his face.
“Let me through.”, you hissed, but the boy in front of you didn’t react at all.
You turned around to Malfoy.
“Tell your henchman to let me through.”
Malfoy frowned, acting as if he had to think about it for a second.
“What do I get from this?”
“I won´t hex you in a way that will make you never leave the hospital wing ever again.”
But Malfoy and the others just cackled.
“You really need to learn to curb your mouth (Y/l/n). But if you will ask me nicely, I might think about it once more.”
“You wish Malfoy.”, you spit out.
You took another step forward, trying to break through the human wall, but Crabbe stopped you and was surprisingly quick to hold you in a tight grip, preventing you from leaving.
“Let go of me! Right now.”, your voice was now louder, but even if you would have screamed, there was no one in sight who might be able to hear you. Most of the people had already left.
“Think about it (Y/l/n). Just ask nicely. Only one pretty please. That’s it.”
But you didn’t even think about it. You tried to shake the boy off, but his grip was firm.
You squirmed and took a step back and Crabbe finally let go of you. But the release didn’t last long, because just as you felt Crabbe´s hands not holding on to you anymore, you also felt how you stepped at nothing. You let out a high-pitched scream, flailing your arms, trying to regain your balance, but it was already too late.
With a loud splash, you fell backwards into the water.
The wetness that embraced you was icy. It was only a second, but the time you spend pedalling to get back to the surface felt like forever. Your lungs felt as if they would burst any moment, your clothes suddenly feeling heavy, threatening to pull you down further. When you finally fought you way back up, you gasped for air immediately, coughing some water.
The first thing you noticed when your head had broken through the surface of the water and realized, you most likely wouldn’t drown today, was some hysterical laughter, coming from above you. As you looked up, you saw Malfoy, Parkinson, Montague, Crabbe and Goyle standing at the edge of the landing stage, laughing so hard, tears were running down their cheeks.
“Very funny.”, you growled through gritted teeth.
You swam back to the pier, trying to pull yourself up, but your clothes were so heavy, now that they were soaked with water, you lost your grip on the first try and plunged back into the water, making your fellow students burst into laughter once more.
Finally, you managed to escape the freezing hell. You tried to wring out your clothes that were now sticking to your body. Malfoy was wiping away some tears, before he came up to you, still with an uncontrollable grin on his face.
“That would have been preventable if you wouldn’t have been that stubborn.”, he told you.
“I´d rather jump in there again right away than give in to you.”, you responded.
Malfoy shrugged his shoulders.
“Feel free to do so. But I had my fun for today.”
“Well, I feel like the fun had just started, Draco.”, Montague suddenly spoke up. You looked at the boy, who was stepping closer, his eyes travelling down your body.
You looked down on you as well and felt your cheeks flush. You hadn’t thought about the fact you weren’t wearing your robe as usual, but only the white blouse that was a part of the school uniform as well. Only that, now that it was dripping wet, it was almost completely transparent, showing off your bra. Also, your skirt had ridden up, not enough to make anything visible but still more than you wanted others to see. Especially those boys standing in front of you, eying you predatory. You quickly tried to fix it before crossing your arms in front of your chest.
Malfoy´s eyes were drifting down your body for a split second as well, before they flickered to his friends who were looking at you with a dangerous shimmer in their eyes, then back to you.
“That was for you daring to call me stupid. You better leave now before I change my mind.”, he said, his voice sounding a little bit husky and you noticed that he was avoiding your gaze.
You were a bit irritated by his behaviour and almost thankful for his words, as you passed him and wanted to leave, but this time it was Montague, who cut you off.
“C´mon Draco. Don’t be a poor sport. I still got many things on my mind we could do with her. I´m sure you´ll have fun as well. I mean, just look at her. I knew she was a dirty whore after all.”, he said, his eyes fixed on parts of your body, that were definitely more than just impolite to stare at the way he did now.
You tensed, watching his movements closely, your hand sliding to the pocket of your skirt, ready to fight him if it would be necessary. But just as Montague took another step towards you, you received some unexpected help.
“Leave it.” Malfoy´s tone sounded sharp.
You looked at him in surprise, as well as the others.
“I said leave it.”, Malfoy snapped, his tone letting anyone know that he wouldn’t have an argument.
Montague pouted before he shrugged his shoulders and took a step back again.
“Never mind mate, she´s all yours.”, he grinned.
You were still eying the boys suspiciously as they stepped aside, paving the way. But you didn’t move, your body was still tensed, your fingertips brushing over your wand.
Suddenly, you felt a hand on your back. You flinched and spun around, but as you looked into Malfoy´s eyes, even if you were only able to do so for a short moment before he lowered his gaze again, there was something that held you back from hexing him right away. The blond boy grabbed your bag before he turned around to you again.
“Let´s go.”
It was all he said.
You hesitated for a moment. Why in Godric´s name should you follow him? But which other options did you have? Malfoy was an idiot for sure, but at any rate, you felt like he had at least the slightest idea of what the word decency meant. But you weren’t sure if his friends did so as well. And besides, it was more likely that you would be able to handle Malfoy on your own than four of his friends.
That´s why you decided to follow him. You heard Montague whistling behind you as you caught up to Malfoy who was already on his way back to the castle and saw Pansy Parkinson pressing her lips together and muttering some kind of insult as you passed her. But you couldn’t care less. For now, you were just glad you would be able to escape that unpleasant situation. Even if you weren’t sure if what would come next would be any better.
Malfoy was walking at a fast pace, not even caring if you were able to keep up with him. So you jogged next to him, shooting him some glances as if you expected some kind of explanation for why he had gotten you out of there, but Malfoy just ignored you, acting as if he didn’t even notice your presence.
By now the sun had almost gone down and it only had gotten colder. And your wet clothes weren’t exactly comfortable and felt clammy.
“Malfoy, could you just slow down for a second?”, you spoke up, as you had already made half the way to the castle.
But Malfoy just continued his way, still ignoring you.
“Could you just wait for a damn second?” You were panting, due to the immense pace.
No reaction.
“Draco, please!”
The boy stopped so abruptly, you almost ran into him. As Malfoy turned around, you could see an indefinable look in his eyes.
Little did you know that it almost broke the boy’s heart as he saw you standing there. You were breathing heavily, and you had put your hands on your hips, trying to catch your breath. Your hair was still wet and dripping and he could hear your teeth chattering and saw your hands shaking.
And he didn’t even want to start on how hard he had to try to ignore that he could still look through your damn blouse, on the one hand wanting to take in every aspect of you right now, wanting the picture to burn into his mind as he knew it probably would, and on the other hand wanting to forget what you looked like right now immediately, so he could just move on hating you like he had always done.
However, all of these things were even harder for him to do since he knew that in the end, it had been him who had done this to you. But now he had to shove all the feelings of guilt and thoughts, of which much more pleasant reasons there would be to have you panting and staring up at him with those beautiful eyes, aside.
If you had known what was going on in Malfoy´s head right now, you would probably have understood his next action. But since you didn’t, you were utterly surprised as the Slytherin boy took off his own robe and put it around your shoulders. You were embraced by a comfortable warmth immediately and soaked in a scent that made you, in your opinion, feel way too comfortable.
“Better?”, Malfoy asked, while he still didn’t dare to look at you.
You nodded and threw him a wry smile.
“Let´s get you inside then.”
The rest of the way back to the castle, you remained silent. Malfoy had now adapted his pace to yours. But still, he didn’t look at you once. Your shivers had by now decreased and even if you were still freezing and pretty sure you would catch a cold soon, it felt bearable by now.
As you entered the castle, the corridors were almost completely empty. Most of the students were probably already at dinner.
You glanced at Malfoy from the side curiously. You couldn’t help but wonder what was going on inside his head. At first he had incited his friends against you and then he had saved you. Sometimes you couldn’t help but wonder if Malfoy just enjoyed bickering with other people, but when things became actually serious, he knew what was right and what was wrong. At least that was the only explanation you had for his strange behaviour right now. And if you were frank, you felt quite the same. For sure, Malfoy was an idiot and you had never got along with him, but if you were completely honest, you had never actually tried to. Because you felt as if without all the fighting with him, without all the tension between the two of you, something would be missing in your life. But right now, even though the tension was thick, it felt different than the other times. And you couldn’t help but wonder why.
“Why did you help me?”, you finally spoke up.
Malfoy didn’t even care to look at you as he answered: “I didn’t.”
“Of course you did. This was a very… uncomfortable situation and you got me out.”
“I got you in there as well.”
“You always do.”, you chuckled.
Malfoy only hummed in response.
“But you still didn’t answer my question. Why did you get me out?”
“Montague was an asshole.”
“Why does it even matter?”
“It does.”
“Because… That´s not the point.”
“What is your point?”
“Why did you help me?”
“You really think I would help a filthy blood traitor like you?”
“You just did.”
“I didn’t for sure.”
The only thing that was actually for sure was that no one in this world had ever frustrated you that much. You didn’t even know why you wanted to know or what answer you were expecting, but for some reason, you felt as if there was one you were hoping for. Even if you weren’t quite sure which one it was yet.
But the boy just kept on ignoring you, staring straight ahead.
“Malfoy, could you just wait…”
You stopped and gripped the boy by the wrist.
Within a split second, the blond boy spun around and glared down at you. You felt your pulse quicken as he did so. Still, you couldn’t look away. It felt as if you were hypnotized by his grey eyes, which were by now fixed on you.
“What do you want, hm? What do you want to hear?”, his voice sounded dangerous, but not in the way Montague had sounded only minutes ago. Back then you had felt fear rising up in you. You had been scared of what might happen, scared, they might hurt you. But now it felt different. You felt anticipation rising up in you. You didn’t know how you could be so sure, but somehow you knew, Malfoy wouldn’t hurt you. Even if every logical thinking would tell you differently.
“I… It´s just…” Your voice was shaky. “I just want to know why you even care.”
As you saw him freezing, staring down at you, as if he needed to think about it for a second, you instantly knew which answer you wanted to hear. You knew why you wanted him to care. Or more precisely, because of who.
And when his gaze grew more intense, you knew, that there was at least a chance you would get the answer you wanted.
Malfoy took a deep breath.
“Screw it.”, he whispered.
And before you could even start to wonder what this answer possibly could mean, you suddenly felt Malfoy´s lips pressing against yours, erasing any thought that had still been left on your mind. You didn’t even give it a second thought as you returned the kiss. Even if you had wanted to, you probably wouldn’t have been able to, since his lips felt far too perfect on yours to even doubt whether this was wrong or right for just a second. Your hands immediately found their way to Malfoy´s chest, while his got tangled in your hair, which was still wet from the earlier incident, now neither of you spend another thought on it.
Only when you were completely out of breath you pulled back, with swollen lips, panting heavily once more.
“What the hell Malfoy?”, you gasped, now totally confused.
Said boy needed a second to catch his breath again, using it to regain control over his racing thoughts before he would say something stupid. At least that’s what he hoped for.
Malfoy grinned at you smugly.
“What is it love?”
“What was that?”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t like it.”
“I… Well, that’s… I mean you started… That´s completely not the point once more.”
“This is completely the point.”, Malfoy responded.
“You got me here so you can kiss me?”
“You wouldn’t have shut up any other way, would you?”
You felt your heart stinging at his words.
“You… You kissed me so I would shut up?”
You tried to make your voice sound expressionlessness as you said this, but still, you didn’t manage to hide the disappointment in your voice completely. And Malfoy seemed to notice.
“Think again (Y/l/n). For what reason do people kiss other people?”
You felt your heart racing in your chest. The way he was speaking to you sounded like he wanted to provoke yet another fight, but the possible meaning behind his words suggested something very different.
“Well, normally I would think one shows affection like this, but I highly doubt you are even capable of such feelings.”
Malfoy raised an eyebrow in amusement.
“If that´s the case I might as well get back to my friends now.”
“Don’t you dare Malfoy. I need a proper answer first.”
“Might need some motivation to respond.”
And this time it was your lips crashing on his, which he gladly accepted. The kiss was even more demanding than the first. The only time Malfoy´s lips left yours was when they travelled to your neck, nibbling on your earlobe, before travelling further down, covering your skin in kisses and sometimes you could feel his teeth carefully digging into your most sensitive spots as well until he had reached your collarbone. You sighed comfortably as you tilted your head, trying to give the boy even more access.
The way Malfoy´s lips ghosted over your skin, made your legs weak, literally. That´s why you weren’t exactly sorry when you stumbled back and your back hit the cold stone wall behind you. But Malfoy held you up, his hands travelling down your neck, then your spine, until he placed them on your hips. You felt the clammy material of your blouse slightly riding up as his fingers slid under it and Malfoy started drawing some small circles on your hipbones. When you felt his fingers tracing over your bare skin, it made chills run down your spine.
But the best feeling was when his lips found their way back to yours and he kissed you once more, this time much more carefully with way more affection.
“You really are unbelievable annoying, you know that?”, he whispered against your lips, once he was able to break away from the addictive taste of yours.
“It´s really hard to believe you that right now.”, you chuckled. “But if I am, you are at least as annoying as me.”
“Seems like we are the perfect match then.”
You looked up at Malfoy with doe eyes, making his heart jump.
“What are you trying to say?”
“You know what I´m trying to say.”, he answered, as a rosy shimmer appeared on his cheeks, not only due to the latest physical exertion.
“I might have an idea.”, you smiled. “Just want to make sure you´re thinking of the same thing I got on my mind.”
“I mean”, Malfoy said as he pecked your lips, “that I will never let anyone ever talk to you like Montague did today. And I mean”, he pecked your lips once again, “that I would love to spend some more time with you from now on.”
“Even if I´m so annoying?”, you teased.
“Maybe because you are so annoying.”
“Maybe I like how that sounds.”
“If that’s the case, maybe”, Malfoy glanced at you carefully, but relaxed as he saw how your eyes were sparkling as you looked at him, “you would like to meet up with me for some butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks next weekend?”
You raised an eyebrow and grinned at him.
“Draco Malfoy, did you just ask me out?”
The blush on Draco´s cheeks only darkened.
“If a Malfoy asks you for a date, it will be more special, than meeting up in a stupid pub. But if you are interested in what it would be like to go on a date with me, meet me at midnight at the astronomy tower. And yes, now I asked you out.”, Draco added.
The smile on your face only widened.
“I would love to meet you next weekend. And I would… I would also love to go on a date with you.”
Malfoy puffed his chest proudly.
“Of course you do. Every girl wants to go on a date with me.”
“Don’t exaggerate Malfoy. Or I might remember that I normally can´t stand you.”, you laughed.
Draco chuckled.
“Well, from what I have witnessed in the last few minutes, you can. And not only that.”
“Don’t pride yourself. That wasn’t something special.”
“So do you often kiss random boys?” You could swear that you had seen a jealous sparkle in Draco´s eyes.
“Only those who drive me mad.”
“I drive you mad?”
You smiled and nodded.
“But in the best way possible.”
Draco mirrored your smile.
“So do you love.”
And when Draco pulled you in a kiss the next time, it was much more gentle. His hands cupped your cheeks and his lips carefully brushed over yours. And at that moment you wondered how you could have ever mistaken the tension between the two of you for anything else than what you had right now.
But when you entered your dorm much later that evening with the most stupid smile on your face and Hermione greeted you with her arms crossed and eyes narrowed, asking you why in the name of Godric you were wearing a Slytherin robe, you felt as if this would be the easiest to explain when you would tell her how your life had turned upside down within the last hour.
Taglist: @xodracomalfoyxo @marigold-morelli @writingwitch007 @army24--7 @lbhmoon @cappgyuccino @victoriapedroza
416 notes · View notes
Lifelike Shadows
A scream tore from her lips when something grabbed her and hauled her to her feet."Tell me you can see me!" A frantic voice said. The last thing Hermione expected to find while helping her Muggle cousin was the missing Malfoy, now she's stuck with him.
Harry Potter, T, English, Humor & Romance, chapters: 16, words: 55k+, favs: 1k+, follows: 393, updated: May 17, 2011 published: Feb 14, 2011, Draco M., Hermione G.
Prat Draco blasting through walls, melting her couch with acid, invading her bed every night wears on Hermione's nerves. The solution isn't what she imagined.
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misguidedasgardian · 6 months
The Lifeaters (II.6)
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VI. Christmas at Hogwarts
Chapter Summary: You stay at Hogwarts for the winter break
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, canon typical slurs, and whatnot you know what this is about
Wordcount: 1.9 k
Notes: Alright, let get this party going!
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You were almost entertained, hopeful and excited when you signed yourself to stay at Hogwarts, as requested by your aunt. 
Draco was staying too, Matthew, Vince and Greg, even Blaise, this was going to be fun, right? not as many people as you thought were staying. Soon the castle emptied itself.
You guessed that people were truly concerned, because of students getting petrified and all… in fact… Why didn't your aunt call you back home?
Did she even know? You had seen come copies of the prophet and there as no new at all of something or someone getting muggle born students getting petrified at Hogwarts
Should you tell her? you actually didn’t in the few letters you had exchanged during the semester, perhaps it was your bad
All students were leaving today, you just resigned to go to the great hall, to hang out with your friends, the tree was getting assembled, Professor Flitwick was hanging huge, beautiful, golden decorations on its thick branches
Blaise was sitting there, watching the professor instantly, he had not packed, and you guessed, like last year, that he was staying
“You haven’t packed”, he said, with a smirk tugging on his lips
“I’m staying, my aunt went to Romania, and even though I begged her to let me come with, she wouldn’t let me”, you explained softly, “how about you?”
“Oh, I in turn begged my mom to let me stay”, he said with a sad smile, “her new husband…”
“The one she married last year?”, you asked
“He is really sick, and I don’t want to catch whatever he has”, he said simply, you frowned
“Sorry Blaise”, he shrugged his shoulders, he didn’t really care, so you didn't either
“I’m staying too”, said Matthew, as he sat by Blaise’s side against the wall, as you were in front of them. His eyes on you again 
“The more the merrier”, you said with a soft smile, “we can play in the common room exploding snaps”, you suggested, “and have a pajama party”
“That is for little kids”, mocked Matthew back
“I think its cool”, muttered Blaise, giving you a small smile 
“Where’s Greg and Vince?”, he asked then
“Draco convinced them to stay too”, you said with a short smile, Matthew laughed
“You know he wanted to stay here in case the Slytherin’s heir managed to kill someone, right?”, Matthew asked you, you shook your head
“No, he wouldn’t”, you said, you knew Lucius and Narcissa were traveling, or at least that is what Draco told you
“He would and he did”, he said surely, with a smirk on his face, “that is what got me staying too”
The castle emptied itself pretty quickly after that, and from one day to the next, you coils actually feel the emptiness of the castle, but the Christmas decorations made the ambiance be spectacular and even beautiful
Mistletoe everywhere, candlelights, the huge decorated tress ont he great hall
Breathtaking really
It was so quiet you could actually enjoy the acoustics of the snow when you were in the outer courtyard, even though… you weren’t left alone a single second
Draco, Greg and Vince, and even Matthew were always there with you, wouldn’t leave you alone, and Blaise hang around too, because you were the only ones of the year staying for Christmas
Besides a couple of more students, you were almost the only ones, so you unabashedly took control of the common room. You organized a small tournament of sploding snap with others and played in turns and even gave sweets to whomever won the most times.
Soon the 24th was upon you and you were excited for the gifts you were going to receive tomorrow, but now you were with the rest of your house hanging around in the common room, talking, throwing jokes and laughing, 
Of course the thing of the chamber of secrets and the heir of Slytherin came up, everyone was almost excited about how the next victim was going to be.
As you looked around at your friends you wondered how they could be so excited… This isn’t a good thing, was it?
“I hope it’s Granger”, offered Dray, “the next victim that is”
“She is so annoying”, laughed Matthew, “she thinks she is better than anyone else, isn’t she? but she is only a mudblood”, Draco laughed 
“What if the next victim is one of us?”, you asked 
“It’s impossible”, Matthew said, “how could he attack someone from its own house?”
“How can he attack anyone?”, you asked then.
Draco seemed like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t, and you wanted to talk to him, so badly, but you never got to, he was never alone, and the others wouldn’t leave you alone
“Do we even know who it is?”, asked Goyle
“No”, Matthew said shortly.
That very night, Draco sneaked out of his room and into yours.
Your rooms, as the other houses’ were supposed to be protected by charms that prevented the “opposite sex” to enter, but, for some reason, the charms in the Slytherin’s rooms had never worked, or the seventh years jinxed them the very first week of the semester.
When he was alone with you, he was different, he looked at you with his grey eyes blowing wide
“Do you know who the heir of Slytherin is?”, you asked, and he shook his head as you were both hiding under your covers
“I don’t know, but my father told me some things”, he said, you looked back at him wide-eyed, “the last time the chamber was open, it was 50 years ago”
“5O?”, you asked, “he wasn’t even here!”, he shook his head
“No, but… he told me that time someone died!”, he said with a smile, “a muggleborn”
“Did he tell you who did it?”, you asked, “who was the heir”, he shook his head
“No, but… he told me to just stay out of it, let things happen”
“What does that mean?”, you asked back
“He told me just to lay back, and let things unfold”
“So he knows”, there was doubt on his eyes
“Maybe, but he wouldn’t tell me, no matter how hard I asked”, you shared looks
“What are they saying out there?”
“Nothing, they are keeping all under wraps, I guess Dumbledore doesn’t want to story to go public”
“Really?”, you asked, he nodded
“My father doesn’t like him”, Draco said with a frown, “he said he is the worst thing that has happened to Hogwarts”
“Why?”, you asked
“He is an advocate for Muggleborns and muggle rights”, he said, “and some other things he wouldn’t tell me”
“Oh”, you said simply, looking at him
You fell asleep together, snoozing out 
You woke up smiling widely, very excited, today was finally christmas
“Draco!”, you called, he woke up immediately, you thought it was cute how he slept so relaxed with his mouth a bit open
You ran to the common room in your pajamas, and you on your thick robe 
There was a huge tree and under it, a bunch of presents, Blaise was already there, and Matthew, who frowned when he looked at you both
“Where did you go, Malfoy?”, he asked, but you paid him no mind and he dived into the pile of presents
“This one’s for me”, he said triumphantly, “this one for you”, he said giving you a big box”, you smiled widely
It was from your family.
You sat on the floor happily with your box, you had received a beautiful set of a hand mirror and matching brush, who was enchanted to always leave your hair presentable, it was antique
You also received from France your self-care products.
And from your aunt you received a beautiful scarf and matching gloves and beanie
From aunt Narcissa and uncle Lucius you received a beautiful sweater that matches the one received by Draco, and also a huge box of treats.
Draco received something from your family too, a pretty scarf similar to yours, and a cream for his hair, which you thought was hilarious but he really liked it.
You left the box there to share, Matthew took some of the contents, but you guessed it was fine. He didn’t got a present
That very night was the Christmas feast.
The great hall looked magnificent, there was a lot of christmas trees covered in snow, mistletoe hanging from the ceilings, there was even enchanted snow falling from the already enchanted ceiling, but this one was warm, not cold, and dry, only disappeared when it hit you or the table or the floor, it was so cool
You ate turkey and stuffing and carrots and potatoes, but what you enjoyed more was dessert, pudding, and trifle, and more! 
You looked over at the Gryffindor table and saw Potter and his friends, almost all of the Weaslets, but you couldn’t care less, you were with your own friends
You couldn’t help but feel a bit uncomfortable, and when you raised your eyes, You saw the trio looking towards your table and when they noticed you were looking they quickly turned
What was that about?
Soon you all left the great hall, it was getting late and you had eaten too much, you needed to rest.
Vince and Greg stayed back, having their fill of treats.
You took a detour to the bathroom near the common room, telling them to go ahead and that you were going to join them. You took with you a goblet of pumpkin juice 
You left in on the edge of the sink while you went to the bathroom, when you came back, you washed your hand, and grabbed the cup, you took a couple of sips
And you don’t remember anything else.
You felt your head so heavy, you had trouble opening your eyes, as your eyelid weighted tons. You moaned on the floor, twisting and turning
Suddenly, you started to regain your motor skills, you managed to open your eyes, you were on the floor of the bathroom.
“Hello?”, you called, you didn’t know what had happened 
You were still in the first floor girl’s bathroom. Did you… fainted? you looked around confused 
You were alone, and it was cold, you hugged yourself, your body still feeling very heavy. I was quiet, too quiet… until it wasn’t
A slytherin sound filled the room, it was so strange, so bizarre, you stood very still. It was like a snake slithering around, you looked outside of the bathroom, the door barely opened, and you saw a shadow, a huge shadow.
You whimpered in fear, crawling back, your eyes not leaving that shadow, until you could hide yourself in one of the stalls.
 You managed to sit on top of the toilet and hug your legs to your chest, your breathing quickened, sweating all over.
A huge shadow appeared in the bathroom, the sound of something huge sliding on the floor’s stones. 
It stopped right in front of your stall.
Bathrooms in Hogwarts were huge, they were, but still, there was something out there, and it knew you were hiding in there.
When desperate tears started falling down your cheeks, the thing left, it slither back out, and disappeared leaving you alone again
Have you imagined it all?
Once you made sure you were alone, you got out of the stall, looking around, but there was nothing, no one, no signs of anything that big that could have made that noise. 
You ran back to your common room, where you were going to be safe 
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okeydokeylackey · 8 months
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part 3 of reposting old work: Bronze Triad thing I did for @hprarepairfest 2023 and then a doodle I did of them before that
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If Draco/Crabbe/Goyle has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Drabboyle has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Drabboyle has only one fan then that is me. If Drabboyle has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Drabboyle, then I am against the world.
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hprarepairfest · 10 months
Rare Pair Fest IV Works - Day 13
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Some glorious pairings today, and some artwork!! 😍
Title: No Place I'd Rather Be Author: raynick11 Ship: Remus Lupin/Draco Malfoy Prompt: #48 Rating: Explicit Word Count: 12,580 Warnings: No Warnings Apply Summary:
It's a bad idea…right?
Title: We got a lot of bridges to burn, tables to turn Author: @okeydokeylackey Ship: Vincent Crabbe/Gregory Goyle/Draco Malfoy Prompt: Self-Prompt Rating: G Word Count: N/A (Art) Warnings: N/A Summary:
Amidst their 6th year, the Death Eater children are forced to carry a burden no 16-year-old boys should ever have had to bear. But at least they can carry it together.
Title: While You're Making Plans Author: @phantomgrimalkin Ship: Regulus Black/Remus Lupin/Severus Snape Prompt: 124 Rating: T Word Count: 17,575 Warnings: Internalized homophobia/mentioned past homophobia/mentioned child abuse Summary:
“Regrettably, a terrible ‘prank’ was pulled on the night of the full moon. Mr Black revealed the secret of the Whomping Willow to Mr Snape, who went down the tunnel after you. Thankfully, Mr Potter found out and was able to save Mr Snape. Unfortunately, he was present for the beginning of your transformation."
After he was finally discharged, Remus was angry. He wanted answers. How the hell had Mr Black figured it out in the first place? And why would he do that? It seemed like Regulus and Severus were friends. For all Sirius’s belly-aching about his family, the youngest Black had always seemed… reasonably decent. Not a homicidal maniac.
Remus wakes up to find out that someone told Severus Snape the secret of how to access the tunnel under the Whomping Willow. His determination to get answers leads his life in a completely unexpected direction.
Title: Snowblind Author: Sorceress_Azalie Ship: Fleur Delacour/Severus Snape Prompt: 112 Rating: T Word Count: 956 Warnings: None Summary:
Fleur decides to shock everyone by asking Severus Snape to be her date to the Yule Ball. She wants a date who won't try to slobber over her and he agrees out of spite. After all, why shouldn't he get to go to the ball with a beautiful woman?
Title: A Deal With a Dragon Author: FuegoPI Ship: Hermione Granger / Gringotts Dragon Prompt: #84 Rating: M Word Count: 10,112 Warnings: None Summary:
During the Gringotts break-in, Hermione makes a deal with the dragon involving a mysterious favor. But she wasn’t expecting the dragon to be even more uptight about fulfilling their bargain than she was. Written For Harry Potter Rare Pair Fest IV 2023.
See the whole collection HERE!
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hi! i've written you another request just now. soo how about another one where the gryff reader and draco are enemies -i just love angst i cent help it- everyone is at a party slytherin is hosting and some guys decide to bully y/n and call her a mudblood and maybe jinx her or curse her but she doesnt have her wand and draco comes to help her and maybe takes her to his room and FLUFF
Jinx Me, Why Don't You? | Draco Malfoy x Reader
word count: 1,693 words
warnings: some foul play, cursing, some scenes that might make certain people uncomfortable, fluff!
December 16th, 1996. The Slytherin Common Room. 1:46 am.
The loud chattering of your friends surrounding you was almost unrecognizable, rolling your eyes at their drunken giggles and jabbering. There were currently a group of Hufflepuff girls near you throwing up into a hopefully empty satchel, their slurred giggles making you laugh quietly to yourself taking a sip of your soda. You decided against drinking considering you had to get up early the next morning for an early studying session.
One of your close friends, Blaise Zabini had invited you to his 'All Houses Party' that Slytherin had wanted to host as an end of the year celebration. When you arrived, your friend was chugging the biggest bottle of Firewhisky you had ever seen, practically having to hoist him up as he drunkenly showed you all around the Common Room before rushing upstairs to the bathroom. You weren't sure if it was because he really had to use the restroom, or maybe it was because his face was growing a sickly shade of green.
You shook your head, lifting your cup to your lips not to long before someone smacked it out of your hands harshly, the cold drink going all over your shirt and over the floor leaving your skin tingling from the cold. Locking eyes with a pair of Slytherins who were currently smirking down at you, one of the boys, known as Goyle was taking slow steps towards you. 
"Well don't you look out of place, little Gryffindor."
"I don't think so. Last I checked, they didn't allow roaches on campus, so if anything you're out of place.” You replied rather snappy, trying to wipe off some of the soda off of your shirt with some nearby napkins. You were beyond annoyed, you had worn one of your favorite shirts considering the baby blue fabric complimented you nicely. That bitch, I just got another refill. Goyle grabbed a hold of your hands, tugging you closer a mischievous look in his eye. "Let. Go. Of Me. Or so help me-"
"Watch who you're talking to, you filthy mudblood,"
"I know exactly who I'm talking to, Goyle." The grip on your arm tightened, feeling your breathing growing heavy as you finally took notice of how far off to the side you had wandered off, taking in all the guys currently surrounding you. Vincent Crabbe, Cassius Warrington, and Graham Montague were also eyeing you struggle in Goyle's grip.
"Seems like we need to teach her a little lesson, don't you reckon?" Cassius hummed, his fingers reaching into his robes pulling out his wand a smirk resting on his face. The other boys followed pursuit, watching as Goyle shoved me into an empty nearby dorm room locking the door behind them. You scrambled backwards patting yourself down in search for your wand, cursing at yourself as you came up empty handed. The tight feeling on your chest never ceased, your chest heaving up and down as you kept your eyes on all four guys. You prayed to god they all had the smallest amount of dignity left to where they would't take advantage of you.
"You guys are a nothing but a bunch of pansies-"
"What did you call me?" Graham hissed, his cheeks turning a slight red lifting his wand up to hit the underside of your chin forcing you to look up even further. His sneer was evident, practically snarling at you as you stared him down.
"I called you a little bitch, Warrington-" You barely managed to choke out his last name as a jinx hit your chest, crumbling to the floor as your screams were muffled by Cassius' quick thinking. The sharp pain coursing through your body was nothing like what you had ever experienced, whatever the hell it was, was a close second to feeling like the cruciatus curse. The second you thought the pain had faded, Cassius and Crabbe both hoisted you onto your feet practically having to hold you up as your knees kept buckling underneath you.
"Did you really think we wouldn't do anything?"
"I never thought you even had the balls to hold a wand, Goyle," You smirked through the pain, noting his face growing red as he threw another jinx at you making you grit your teeth in pain as you felt an unbearable heat wash over your already burning frame. The heat felt unreal, burning every little inch from your fingers down to your toes, letting out a small hiss at the small flame on the tip of his wand making his way closer to you. 
"Goyle... what in the world do you think you are doing?" The sound of a familiar voice brought instant relief to you, but it didn't last long considering the two frantic boys dropped your body onto the hard ground making room for the blonde. A loud whine left your lips, resting your sweating forehead on the cold ground, every muscle in your body aching even with the smallest of movements. This is for sure going to bruise tomorrow...
"I was just teaching the mudblood a lesson-"
"Don't you dare call her that," All four guys stopped their snickering, a look of fear evident on Goyle's face as Draco got in his face his eyes narrowed. Goyle nodded stiffly, his eyes flickering down at you stuffing his wand into his robes motioning for the rest of the guys to follow him, hastily making way from your crumbled body. You choked out a cough, attempting to use your shaking limbs to lift yourself off of the ground. 
"Love... let me,"
The touch of his cold hands on your burning skin felt refreshing, wanting nothing more than to let him just scoop you up into his arms. Malfoy wrapped his toned arms around your waist, letting you wrap your arms arounds his neck feeling your legs trembling underneath you.
Draco and you had an interesting friendship to say the least. 
No one really knew that you guys had even known each other, let alone been friends all this time. 
You guys had started talking after a small incident in your 1st year, where you had accidentally fallen during training and he happened to be the one to help cushion your fall. Ever since then, you guys had an acquaintance-ship, as Draco liked to call it.
Spending late nights talking over stupid little things.
Teasing one another over childish crushes, and practicing new spells to improve on together. 
He always helped out during Potions, while you helped him in Charms and History. He didn't mind it. He enjoyed your annoying comments at every jab he had made towards anybody. He always rolled his eyes and pretended he hated it.
But, he knew deep down he loved every second of it.
Your hands automatically went to grip onto Dracos shoulder as he helped you into his dorm room, trying to set you down on his bed without hurting you. A loud hiss left your lips as he helped you into the cooling material of his bed, happily letting yourself fall back closing your eyes tightly. "Thank you. You have no idea how grateful I am for you."
"You have no reason to thank me. If I was just paying closer attention to you, this wouldn't have happened." Draco angrily spat, knocking over one of his dorm mates cloaks off of their dresser in a haste. "Merlin... I never thought they would ever stoop that low."
The silence between the two of you was scary. For the years you had known Draco, you had never seen him as angry as he was at this very moment. His jaw was clenched, his hands gripping onto the frame of his bed tightly his knuckles a stark white. The sound of Draco seething by your feet was all that could be heard throughout the room, that and the sound of your small whimpers as you tried shifting into a more comfortable position. Failing miserably.
"Here, let me." He mumbled, making his way over to you pulling his wand out of his robe muttering a small charm over your body. And as quickly as he had uttered those words, it was as if someone had thrown warm water over you. Every ache in your body disappeared, along with an injury you had sustained earlier in the week from falling down the stairs. A small gasp left your lips at the strange sensation, your eyes fluttering close at the immediate sensation of bliss that engulfed you. "How do you feel?"
"Blissful... where in the world did you learn that?"
"My mother. I'm taking that it helped?"
"Yes. God yes. You're a saint, Draco." You hummed softly, peering up at the blonde whose bottom lip was currently being gnawed on. You reached over and grabbed ahold of his hand, squeezing it softly as a way of saying thank you. Draco cracked a small smile, letting out a sigh as he eyed your relaxed features. "Come- sit down.. Don't worry your pretty little head about this," 
You gestured to the open spot beside you, scooting over to make more room for him. Draco gladly sat alongside you wrapping his arm around your shoulders pulling you close, to which you happily hummed. Sneaking your arm around his torso, holding him by his waist pulling him closer to you reminiscing on how warm he always felt against your cold frame. Inhaling his soft scent of freshly picked mint and the cologne you had gotten him for his birthday which he never failed to wear every single day, feeling your body relax in his hold.
"Mmm... we haven't done this in so long. I’m sorry that this had to be the reason it brought us together."
"Don't. You know none of this is your fault." Draco scolded, using his free hand to find its way into your hair running his fingers through it softly. "Nothing you could do, could ever ruin my night, or my anything for that matter… besides, I missed you.”
"I missed you too, darling," You tightened your hold on his torso, nuzzling closer into him. "Did you want to spend the night tonight?" He hummed, trailing his fingers alongside your arms chuckling softly as he spotted goosebumps follow behind the trail he made.
“You truly are something Malfoy.”
"So is that a yes or...?"
authors note: thank you so much for requesting this lovely, sorry it took me so long to get back to you! i only just now started picking this back up again, i was a little bit preoccupied with my job but i should be back for good now! i got a little carried away with this but i do hope its to your standards. thank you and enjoy!
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fanfics4all · 1 year
Off Limits
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Request: Yes / No do you write for Goyle 🥺 nobody does so I'm desperate. I'd  like to read abt his first kiss with a female slytherin reader. Friends to lovers kinda. And how he can't believe she has feelings for him etc Anon
Requests are closed  <3 Have a nice day/night
Gregory Goyle x Fem!Malfoy!Reader 
Word count: 1472
Warnings: Nothing I think
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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*Gregory’s POV* 
Another year at Hogwarts and we were sitting around watching the first years get sorted. Malfoy seemed to be a little more interested then normal, but he wouldn’t tell us why. He was looked at the front, almost desperately? 
“Why are you interested in the sorting?” Crabbe asked with furrowed brows. 
“You’ll see, just shut up!” Malfoy snapped. The two of us looked at each other and shrugged. 
“Y/N Malfoy!” Professor McGonagall called and both our eyes widened. We saw a girl with black hair and a white streak walk up and take a seat on the stool. We looked at Malfoy and he just smirked. 
“My sister’s been off at boarding school in America for the last few years, but Mother finally convinced Father that she should come home for Hogwarts.” He said and the two of us were confused. 
“How did we not know you had a sister?” I asked. 
“I just told you she’s been on at boarding school!” He answered while rolling his eyes. We looked back at the front and McGonagall placed the sorting at on her head. 
“Slytherin!” It shouted after a few moments. Malfoy cheered along with us other Slytherins. She walked up to our table and Malfoy waved her over. She smiled brightly and hurried over to us. She hugged Malfoy tightly and sat next to him, across from me. 
“I’ve missed you Dray!” She said and he smiled at her. 
“I missed you too, Bun.” Malfoy said. She looked over at us and smiled. 
“Oh, this is Crabbe and Goyle.” Malfoy said, uninterested. She smiled brightly and my heart skipped a beat. She was incredibly attractive, but I shouldn’t be shocked… she’s a bloody Malfoy. 
“Do you always call them by last name?” She asked, slightly confused. Malfoy just shrugged, clearly not caring. 
“What’s your first names?” She asked and Malfoy rolled his eyes. 
“Vincent.” Crabbe answered and nudged me. I snapped out of my stunned state and gave her a smile. 
“Uh, Gregory.” I answered and she smiled brighter if you could believe it. 
“Well it’s nice to meet you both, I hope my brother isn’t always so rude.” She said and Malfoy rolled his eyes and gently shoved her. 
“I’m not rude.” He sneered and she giggled. 
“You’re only not rude to our family.” She said and he once again rolled his eyes. 
“Whatever…” He mumbled. She giggled again and it was like angels singing in my ears. She was perfect… 
Throughout the year Y/N had made and effort to be friends with Crabbe and me. She was so unlike her older brother, she was kind to pretty much everyone, she was always willing to help someone in need, and she was extremely beautiful. I was falling for her hard, but I knew there was no way I could get anywhere near her the way I wanted to. Malfoy would literally kill me. Crabbe knew about my crush on her and was telling me to just tell her. I told him he was mad if he thinks Malfoy would let his little sister date me out of all people. 
“Seriously mate, you think Malfoy would kill you?” He asked as we sat on the couch and I rolled my eyes. 
“Yes! You’ve seen how protective he is over her!” I said, annoyed that we were talking about this again. 
“Yeah, but he trusts us around her.” He said. 
“Because what are we going to do to her? He knows that he intimidates us.” I answered and Crabbe shrugged. 
“Well that should mean you’d be a great boyfriend to her.” He said. 
“Whatever, just stop talking about it!” I groaned. 
“Stop talking about what?” I froze at the sound of her voice and Crabbe smirked. 
“Goyle was just talking about how he needs help with the Astronomy assignment.” He said and she smiled. 
“I’d be more than happy to help you if you want.” She offered and I gave her a smile. 
“Uh, sure if you don’t mind.” I answered, scratching the back of my neck. 
“Perfect, would you like to meet me in the library in an hour? I have to meet up with Dray for a bit.” She asked and I nodded. 
“Um… Y-Yeah, sure.” I answered and she smiled. 
“Great! I’ll meet you in an hour!” She said and skipped off to find her brother. Crabbe smirked at me and I rolled my eyes at him. 
“You two will be alone! You guys are gonna have a little study date!” He said and I covered his mouth. 
“Shut it will you! The second Malfoy finds out we’ll be alone he’s going to jinx me into next century!” I hissed at him. He pushed me off him and just smiled. 
“Just tell her how you feel today! I’m sick of you drooling over her.” He said and I rolled my eyes. 
“I don’t drool over her…” I mumbled. 
An hour later I found myself walking to the library, something I almost never do. Y/N would drag me and Crabbe here sometimes when she wanted us to study. It was cute how much she cared about our education. She was crazy smart, just as smart as Granger. Which is why Dumbledore let her skip first year and take classes with us second years. I walked into the library and saw Y/N sitting at one of the tables, surrounded by books. I sat next to her and she looked up with a smile. 
“Gregory! You made it!” She said and hugged me slightly. I blushed and nodded. 
“Uh, yeah, I wouldn’t miss getting your help.” I said and her eyes brightened. 
“Great, well let’s get to work!” She said and I pulled out my books. 
Y/N was great when it came to anything academics, but Astronomy was her favorite. She always got more enthusiastic when she talked about anything to do with space. Stars were her favorite to talk about, but really anything to do with the class she’d get excited about it. It was so cute watching the twinkle in her eyes get brighter, or her little rambling when she got lost in her thoughts. I could listen to her ramble about anything forever though. She was talking about some planets that we were going over in class and I rested my head on my hand, just staring at her. I wasn’t entirely paying attention, but she was so cute. 
“Gregory! Are you even listening?” She asked, waving her hand in front of my face. 
“Huh? Oh, sorry.” I blushed and she just smiled. 
“Maybe we should take a little break.” She said and closed the book she was looking at. 
“Oh, we don’t have to.” I said and she shook her head. 
“It’s fine, we’ve been going for an hour now.” She said and my eyes widened slightly. 
“Really?” I asked and she giggled. 
“Yeah, how long have you been zoned out?” She asked and I blushed. 
“I don’t know…” I answered and she giggled again. 
“What were you thinking about?” She asked and my blushed deepened, which she noticed. 
“Ooo you’re blushing! Now you have to tell me!” She said, gently poking me. 
“I-It’s nothing…” I stuttered. 
“Liar! Come on Gregory, you can tell me.” She said and I sighed. Maybe Crabbe is right… 
“Um… well…” I started and looked away from her. 
“I was thinking about you and how cute you are…” I whispered. When she didn’t say anything I looked up worried, but she was just smiling. 
“I think you’re pretty cute too.” She said with a light blush dusting her cheeks. 
“R-Really?” I asked with wide eyes and she giggled. She nodded and blushed slightly deeper. 
“I’ve been hoping you’d like me back…” She said quietly and my head was spinning. 
“I-I do.” I said, still stunned by the fact that she likes me. She bit her lip slightly and looked at mine. I gulped and took a deep breath. I leaned in and she followed my lead. Our lips met and it felt perfect! Her lips molded with mind and I pulled her in a little closer. When we pulled away she had a huge smile, that I’m sure mirrored mine. 
“Wow…” She whispered and I nodded silently agreeing with her. 
“Y/N, I really like you and I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go on a date?” I asked and she smiled. 
“I’d love to! But first we should finish studying.” She said and I sighed. 
“Do we have to?” I asked and she giggled. 
“Yes we do, and maybe if you get the questions right I’ll reward you with a kiss for each right answer.” She said, which definitely peaked my interest. 
“I think that’s a good deal.” I said and she giggled again.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs-blog1​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches28​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @rachelxwayne​ @ready-4-fanfiction @in-slytherin-we-trust​ @accio-rogers​ @sambucky8 @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @vanessa-kom-skaikru​ @impulse-anchor​ @psamathegoesrawr @nighttimemoonlover​
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indigo-scarf · 2 years
Recommend us 3 of YOUR fics: 1 that is “most popular” and 2 that are “hidden gems.” Then tag some folks.
🖤🤍💜Assumptions (M)
Draco thinks he has to have sex with his boyfriend.
Or, a Drarry fic about them coming out as asexual to each other. By far my most popular fic ever, which makes me happy to be of service to my fellow aces. It was also largely based on my own experiences, so it's nice to see that resonate with so many people. And it was important for me to allow myself an indulgent ace/ace pairing.
💕🛀💅 Care (T)
After the war, Draco and Pansy find little ways to cope with life, as well as strengthen their relationship.
Basically a Dransy manifesto. I imagine Draco taking her for granted for most of their school years, and Pansy actually being pretty closed off too for fear of rejection, but this fic shows them trying to do better after the war. Also Pansy being the girly girl who helps you with self-care.
🐍🐍🔞 One Night (E)
When Gregory finally confesses his feelings to Malfoy, Malfoy offers him one pity shag.
My first foray into smut, with a rare pair I had never seriously considered, but which I really liked writing. The idea was that while Crabbe might have been in it for the status, Goyle genuinely cared about Draco, and Draco is well, a mess. Writing from Goyle's POV was very fun and gave me a new appreciation for him. Plus I had a blast writing the turbulent dynamic between them.
I tag @broomsticks, @turanga4, @ashesandhackles and @nv-md :)
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witchofhimring · 1 year
Gryffindor Party
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Cackling echoed through the hall as six Slytherin students raced down the hall. Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Gregory Crab, Vincent Goyle and Y/n L/n. No, they should not have been out. Nor should they be trying to sneak into a Gryffindor party. But tonight was a day they could get away with it. The Gryffindor's had invited everyone, though there was an unspoken rule that most Slytherins were not invited. But who would care? Everyone was probably having too good of a time to care if a few unwelcome guests slithered in. 
The idea had mainly been Y/n and Malfoy’s. Crab and Goyle would follow Malfoy everywhere and Pansy probably had a crush on Malfoy. It took Y/n an entire day to convince Zabini to come along, he was always a stick in the mud. But after Y/n had sworn that she would buy him candy from Honeydukes, he agreed. 
The journey did not go as well as you had hoped. On the third floor Peeves was dropping eggs on the heads of unfortunate passers by. 
“Of all the nights.” Disgusting. Blaise spat in disgust. You looked down at your robes to see that they were mercifully dry. Pansy sneered at him and Draco anxiously looked around. 
“C’mon I don’t wanna be late.” You got to your feet and were quick to race down the hall. 
“Wait!”  Everyone ran after you. 
“What?” You asked, looking back. 
“We need to be careful!” Blaise caught up to you. But you didn’t wait to argue, the Gryffindor tower was just up ahead. You walked up to the door. The Fat Lady was drinking heavily from a goblet. 
“Well, aren't you going to say password?” She slurred. Instead you knocked, knowing someone would let you in. 
The scene was absolutely wild. Students from multiple houses were practically trashing the common room. The Weasley twins had set off fireworks, Percy was sobbing in the corner (probably because of the mess), and some blonde kid was on the chandelier. 
Awesome! You grinned. Pulling an unwilling Zambini inside, you joined the throng. 
It was mayhem. You were surrounded by a sea of scarlet and gold. The radio was turned up so loud you could feel the vibration in your bones. Somehow you found yourself dancing with Lee Jordan. You were chugging down Butterbeer with Pansy as Draco looked on in between horror and disgust. 
“Honestly, no one would take you for a pureblood.” Pansy huffed and flounced away. 
“You belong to the L/N family. You have to act in accordance with your station! I think it is very important to behave in accordance. For example, my family- “
You grabbed both of Draco’s cheeks. Giving him a silly smile, you giggled. 
“Draco, we all know you come from a long line of ferrets.” You grinned. At this point Draco had enough. After muttering that he was most certainly not a descendant of ferrets (contrary to what Ron Weasley would have you believe), he stalked off. Likely he had gone to find Crab and Goyle. Looking at the clock you saw it was twelve. Maybe it was time to head back? 
“Are we going back now?” Zabini hissed in your ear, causing you to jump. 
“I reckon we should. Where's everyone else?” You looked around to see Draco, Crab and Goyle in a corner. 
Alright. I’ll go find Pansy. Get those three and wait by the door. You slipped through the crowd and eventually found her looking out on the grounds. 
“Pansy, it’s time to go.” She followed your lead and both of you headed to the exit. 
“Where's Zabini?”  You could only see Draco, Crab and Goyle. He already left. 
“What?!” You rushed out the door. Zabini couldn't go out alone, he might be caught! The four of you cautiously snuck down to the dungeons. Hopefully Zabini didn’t run into any trouble. 
He ran this way. A voice growled. Everyone froze. It was Filch. You guys moved behind a statue. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. You jumped. But looking behind you, it was Zabini. 
“Oh thank Salazar.” You caught your breath, heart beating painfully. 
“Filch caught me just as I entered the Great Hall. He didn’t see who it was, only that I was there. Damn it!” Zabini hissed. 
“How are we going to get out of this!?” Draco whimpered. Suddenly you had an idea. A firecracker was hidden in your robes. You had brought it just in case. 
“Okay, guys I have a plan.” 
This would either go very well or very badly. Filch was prowling a floor bellow, so you would have to be quiet. The rest hid in the shadows. 
“Wingardium Leviosa!” The firecracker levitated in the air. You let it float six floors about before setting it on the landing. Then you flicked your wand. 
BAM!  a n explosion echoed around Hogwarts castle, getting the attention of everyone resident. Immediately an uproar was heard. Teachers and students spilled up onto the landing about. People passed the statue, not sparing it a glance. With ease, everyone was able to slip into the crowd. 
“Who started that!?” 
“You don't think  we are under attack?”
“Nah, I bet it was Peeves.”  
The six of you snickered as you slipped away. 
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citruswriter · 3 months
Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 2
❤ = Original Actor
💙 = Fancast
💘 = OC
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Gregory Goyle 💙 Draco Malfoy ❤ Vincent Crabbe 💙
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Blaise Zabini 💙 Pansy Parkinson 💙
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Tom Riddle ❤ Mattheo Riddle 💘 Theodore Nott 💘💙
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Lorenzo Berkshire 💘 Adrian Pucey 💙 Lucian Bole 💙💘
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