#gryffindor gayness
polaroidcats · 4 months
On the Origin of Gayness – Are All Gryffindors Actually Gay?
(another pseudo-scientific paper by cat)
This paper examines the question of Homosexuality in the Gryffindor House, drawing from previous research as well as collected samples and interviews with several acclaimed marauders scholars, using mixed methods. Much uncertainty still exists around the relationship between Gayness and Gryffindor, so in this paper I will once again commit to the bit and evaluate scientific scholarship on tumbler dot com for your education and entertainment.
This research was prompted by my esteemed colleague and collaborator @lynxindisguise who revolutionised the scientific community by asking “what if gryffindor is just where you go if you’re gay [?]” (lynxindisguise 2024), daring scholars to “name a straight gryffindor” (ibid). Several highly esteemed scholars such as @plecotusauritus (2024) and @kaleidoscopexsighs (2024) agree with lynxindisguise on her thesis, @werewolfenthusiast (2024) even went so far as to comment that this "would explain a lot" while acclaimed marauders scholar @spindrifters is asking lynxindisguise to “pls”, not elaborating further what they want lynxindisguise to “pls” do, leaving the reader with more questions that this paper hopes to answer.
This paper systematically reviews the data gathered from the popular blogging website tumblr.com on this topic, aiming to provide more insight and clarity on the question of what I have coined “Gryffindor Gayness”.
The overall structure of the paper takes the form of two parts: the main part is 1 The Gryffindor Ideology, Theses on Gryffindor, focusing on the question of Gryffindor Gayness, providing an in-depth analysis and discussion of Gryffindor Gayness. Part 2 Can the Slytherins be Gay? can be seen as a call to action for other Hogwartian Sexuality scholars to consider doing research in this promising field.
1. The Gryffindor Ideology, Theses on Gryffindor
1.1 The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Gryffindor
This section of the paper aims to give a quick overview of the history of Gryffindor Gayness. The term “Gryffindor” tends to be used almost synonymous with “Serving Cunt”, which can be seen as synonymous for “Gay”.
To answer the question “What the hell is a Gryffindor?”, readers are encouraged to also familiarize themselves with previous works on this topic (cf. The Sorting Hat 1997, 2000, 2003; The Scarf of Sexual Preference 2009, 2010, 2012).
The Sorting Hat, leading expert in all things Gryffindor, has done extensive research in various closets, stating “I’m the Hogwarts Sorting Hat, And I can cap them all” (The Sorting Hat 1997), and “You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve and chivalry, Set Gryffindors apart” (ibid).
To fully understand this, additional context of the song is important to note: whenever the Sorting Hat says brave or chivalrous, or daring, most scholars agree that these can be read as synonyms for “gay”, “homosexual” and “serving cunt” respectively. With this alternative reading of the Sorting Hat’s song, Gryffindor Gayness starts to make more sense, but in their later work, the Sorting Hat elaborates more on this, referring to Godric Gryffindor as “the bravest [the gayest]” (The Sorting Hat 2000).
@wanderingdonut (2024), a certified expert on vibes of all stripes shared insightful and important scholarship on the inherently homosexual symbolism of swords, and was the first scholar to draw the connection between the sword of Godric Gryffindor and Homosexuality, stating:
“as everyone knows, swords are the gayest accessory (the point is designed to penetrate? Please. And we all know everyone is gay for a woman with a sword), so really, it was godric who set everyone up for gayness.”
Further proving that Homosexuality has been connected to the House of Gryffindor from the beginning, as was intended by its founder. Wanderingdonut (2024) then goes on to say:
“There is nothing gayer than being bonked on the head with gayness at a deeply inconvenient time and Godric wants that for all his children”,
again stating explicit intent of homosexuality by the founding daddy of Gryffindor house, Godric Gryffindor.
Marauders scholar @fruityindividual also indirectly refers to Godric Gryffindor’s intentional mandate of homosexuality by describing the accommodations for Gryffindor students as having “cosy beds” and forcing proximity, thus leading to Gryffindor Gayness.
1.2 Gryffindor Trouble: Gayness and the Subversion of Identity
In this chapter I will give some examples for Gryffindor Gayness, illustrating why the initial assumption that all Gryffindors are Gay (cf. lynxindisguise 2024) is such an important, one could almost say revolutionary addition to this field of science.
1.2.1 The Weasley Family
The Weasley Family are one of the most prominent Gay/Gryffindor families, making them ideal subjects for this study.
Molly and Arthur Weasley have both been known to be into swinging, often asking couples to be their third and using rubber ducks in many creative ways, setting a good example for their many gay children (cf. polaroidcats 2024).
Fred and George Weasley are both known to have dated Lee Jordan at the same time, “Lee thought he was only dating one of them but forgot which one and was not brave enough to ask” (polaroidcats 2024), which makes Fred and George both perfect examples of that mischievous flavor of Gryffindor Gayness the Weasley family seems to be known for.
However one of the most prominent examples for Gryffindor Gayness in the Weasley family is the youngest child, Ginevra (“Ginny”) Weasley.
Wanderingdonut (2024) claims that “everyone is gay for a woman with a sword. Particularly if it’s Ginny Weasley with a sword”, calling her a “lesbian queen”. Similarly, plecotusauritus (2024) states that “Ginny had a new girlfriend every two weeks but it never got mentioned since it wasnt [sic!] important part of Harry's journey”, introducing not only Ginny’s tendency to fall into her parents’ promisingly promiscuous footsteps, but also highlighting an important aspect of her relationship with Harry James Potter.
@kaaaaaaarf (2024) elaborates further on this idea of compulsory heteronormativity in relation to Ginny’s relationships:
“That girl [Ginny] is a lesbian and I will not be convinced otherwise. I think half the reason her and Harry were drawn to each other is because they recognized (even subconciously) that the other gave off queer vibes, and therefore was a safe person to be with in a heteronormative society. I truly believe that eventually she met a woman and fell in love”
The Homosexuality of the Weasley family is well-documented and widely accepted among scholars of the field. One more example for this can be found in the next section of this paper, discussing the compulsory heteronormative tendencies of certain Gryffindors.
1.2.2 The Golden Trio and Compulsory Heteronormativity
In this section I will explore the parallels between Harry and Ginny’s relationship and Hermione and Ron’s relationship that I have found in my research.
Plecotusauritus (2024) raises the point of “Ron having a major crush on Krum” and elaborates that Ron eventually decides “that he was actually jealous of Hermione and not Krum, and commiting to the bit so hard they end up married (but will eventually find a way for them both to act on their queer tendencies)”, bringing up the idea of compulsory heteronormativity.
This sentiment is mirrored in kaaaaaaarf’s (2024) description of Harry and Ginny’s relationship, where the scholar states that “when [Ginny] finally talked to Harry about it [falling in love with a woman] he wasn't really upset at all. This sent him on his own spiral, realizing that he might not be as straight as he thought he was...”
When asked about favorite Gay Gryffindor moments, scholar lynxindisguise (2024) replied with: “harry being unable to talk about cedric or sirius without mentioning them handsoming [sic!] handsomely down the stairs”.
Likewise, the scholar kaaaaaaarf (2024) replied to the same question as follows:
“I think every time Harry made some sort of comment about how attractive other men were/his obsession with Draco. No straight person is that obsessed with their same sex arch enemy, I'm sorry.”
Scholar @greengrug (2024) also refers to Harry’s obsession with Draco Malfoy, stating that he “takes a permanent residence in the love-to-hate you part of the brain. Two powerful emotions combined to create an unwavering obsession that can't be forgotten.”
Greengrug (ibid) also points out the inherent heteronormativity of the love triangle between Harry James Potter, Cho Chang and Cedric Diggory, elaborating on Harry’s feelings of jealousy and mourning leading him to participate in the classic comphet ritual of kissing your dead lover’s ex girlfriend next to his picture:
“Harry is jealous of Cho being with Cedric! Why else would he kiss her next to his picture next year? Anyone else can see how horridly inappropriate that is. Clearly only a mourning gryffingay could be driven to that point.” (ibid).
1.2.3 The Marauders
Before evaluating the individual Gayness of each member of the friend group known as “the Marauders” (see also my previous work on their crying practises, polaroidcats 2023), a common thread in the gayness of all four members is, as marauders scholar fruityindividual puts it “the scantily-clad special alone times in the sheesh shed”, raising the important question of where the wizard’s clothes go when they change from their animagus form back to their human forms, an area that has been overlooked by science thus far. There is little to be known about it, but it can be assumed that most time any of the marauders has spent in the “sheesh shed”, as the expert calls it, must have been spent naked. Further research on this topic is encouraged. Sirius Black
The added context of Gryffindor Gayness allows for a much more interesting reading of Sirius Black being sorted into Gryffindor. Acclaimed Sirius Black expert plecotusauritus (2024) states that “deep down his [Sirius’] parents knew that this might happen. It was still bit of a shock to this notably straight family.”, referencing the Black family tradition of Slytherin Super Straightness. Remus Lupin
Remus Lupin is one of the most interesting examples for Gryffindor Gayness, proving simultaneously that being Gay is and is not a choice. According to lynxindisguise (2024), Remus “chose gryffindor because he immediately fell in love with sirius on the train and then felt bad when he saw him get sorted into gryffindor and look scared”, proving that being gay is a choice. In my own previous research, I have stated that “Neville’s first crush was Remus Lupin” (polaroidcats 2024), to which spindrifters (2024) has since added the important addition that “remus lupin was also dean thomas's gay awakening”, stating that “there is canon evidence for this across like 3 books”, proving once and for all that being gay is not a choice. James Potter
James Potter is another fascinating example of Gryffindor Gayness, because he was in what the scholars call a “bi4bi” relationship with Lily Evans, another Gryffindor Gay, proving that Gryffindor Gayness is inclusive of Bisexuality and possibly also other queer sexualities. Further research on this topic would be necessary to find a definitive list of sexual orientations that can be subsumed under Gryffindor Gayness, but James Potter and Lily Evans are probably most if not all of them at the same time. Peter Pettigrew
Peter Pettigrew is still the nastiest skank bitch I have ever met, I do not trust him and he is a fugly slut. He was also in love with James and fandom would be all over that Gryffindor Gayness if Peter hadn’t been portrayed as unattractive, but that is a different topic for another paper.
1.3 Gryffindor Realism
This chapter illustrated different examples of Gryffindor Gayness across various generations and genders. There are countless more examples that I encourage scholars to explore. One could argue that there are also straight Gryffindors, but one would be wrong, all Gryffindors are gay. The last section of this paper examines the question of why some non-Gryffindors are also (seemingly) gay and provides further questions for future researchers to consider.
2. Can the Slytherins Be Gay?
The question of why there are also non-Gryffindors who are gay can be answered by referring readers to section 1.2.2 The Golden Trio and Compulsory Heteronormativity. Children are sorted into these houses at eleven years old, so some children might develop their Homosexual tendencies only later in life, or they might try and hide them from the sorting hat. Black family scholar plecotusauritus (2024) also raises the important point of Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black) threatening the Sorting Hat so bad that she got sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor.
3 Conclusion
Previous studies of Hogwartian Sexualities have failed to identify the precise reasoning for students of other houses also showing signs of Gayness. In this article I hope to help close that research gap by focusing on Gryffindor Gayness, but further research into Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw Sexualities would be necessary for a more systematic approach. With more time and funding, I hope to address these issues in future research.
Future research questions that could be asked include “Why was Gilderoy Lockhardt in Ravenclaw?”, “Who are the Slytherin Super Straights?” and “What the hell is a Hufflepuff?”.
The most obvious findings to emerge from this research project are the confirmation of Gryffindor Gayness in all members of the Weasley family, the Marauders and the Golden Trio, as well as other Gryffindors, and the exploration of compulsory heteronormativity as a possible explanation for Non-Gryffindor Gayness, as well as atypical Gryffindor behaviour. Considerably more work will need to be done to determine the precise circumstances of phenomena such as Slytherin Super Straights, Hufflepolyamory and Ravenclaw Aces, and I hope to be able to do research on these soon.
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tateshifts · 1 month
Hiiii, some thoughts on the golden trio in ur DR ? What are they like ? Do the slytherin boys interact with them and all ?
THE GOLDEN TRIO ⋆。˚ ੈ✩‧₊˚ dr headcanons (ish)
we are friends with them, we’re dating them actually & all that good stuff. it’s just that they’re gryffindors.. so fucking annoying. pansy’s dating hermione and draco is lowkey with harry ? they’re supposed to be a secret but their failing at that. we still have ‘beef’ i guess you could say, it’s more like light hearted insults / banter with eachother but we do try and keep the peace for pansy’s and draco’s sake 😭
gryffindors are so uptight and they can’t chill for shit. it’s like babysitting 10 year olds on crack. there always worrying about something istg. but on the rare occasion they’re fine lmao. because of this pansy and hermione and draco and harry are so compatible - it’s like opposites attract
i love hermione, she’s so fucking funny and sarcastic, her and pansy are great together- they’ve been together for around 3 years now !
because pansy is dating hermione - the boys and i were lowkey forced to get along with her but then she was actually cool when we really got to know her. and this is how we met & became friends with harry (not ron, fuck ron.)
i guess it’s just the rumours that you hear around hogwarts, the paintings and the 3rd years LOVE to gossip. and you get sucked into it and believe most things - but everything about hermione was wrong
harry pisses me off sometimes, he’s not the chosen one in my dr but still manages to make everything about him?? he’s so fustrating and arrogant sometimes. but he has his nice moments 😭
my dr doesn’t follow the plot of HP so james potter is the chosen one ..
draco and harry… oml. it’s so obvious they’re together AND have been for ages but they’re so secret LMAO i think dracos ashamed of his gayness 😐 but it’s so obvious christ
and ron. no comment honestly wished he just never spoke i can’t STAND him at all praying he gets eaten by a creature
no one likes ron. not even ginny. that says enough
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The marauders as shit me and my friends have said (pt 3)
sirius: how dare you
sirius: i have never felt more betrayed
sirius: if you ever talk to me again i will report you
sirius: this should be considered a hate crime
sirius: i can never look you in the eye again.
literally everyone in the room:
remus: all i said is that i don’t like gravy or stuffing...
sirius: HOW COULD YOU?!!
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jazzyshipsdrarry · 4 years
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*+Dɾαɾɾყ σɳҽ-ʂԋσƚʂ+* (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/BFARU5F2Hab 𝕁𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕝𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕤, 𝕌𝕞𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕘𝕖 𝕤𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕤. ℍ𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕚𝕤 𝕤𝕠 𝕘𝕒𝕪. 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠'𝕤 𝕙𝕠𝕥, 𝔾𝕚𝕟𝕟𝕪'𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥. 𝔻ℝ𝔸ℝℝ𝕐 𝔸𝕃𝕃 𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕎𝔸𝕐! ᵀʳᵘᵉ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᶜᵃⁿⁿᵒᵗ ᵇᵉ ᶠᵒᵘⁿᵈ ʷʰᵉʳᵉ ⁱᵗ ᵈᵒᵉˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵉˣⁱˢᵗ... ᴺᵒʳ ᶜᵃⁿ ⁱᵗ ᵇᵉ ʰⁱᵈᵈᵉⁿ ʷʰᵉⁿ ⁱᵗ ᵈᵒᵉˢ. ⁻ ᵂⁱˡˡⁱᵃᵐ ˢʰᵃᵏᵉˢᵖᵉᵃʳᵉ
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hpsaffics · 2 years
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✨ WLW Wednesday: Pansmione Pandemonium ✨
A biweekly HP femslash rec list made by the lovely members of the HP SAFFICS (18+) discord server. See all previous rec lists in the WLW Library.
This week's focus: Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson Last week's focus: Linny is Love (see list)
💫 - highly recc'd | 🌹 - sweet | 🌶 - spicy |🩸- sharp (mind the tags)
💫 sometimes you amaze me by burstofpeony [T, 54.3k]
Hermione’s on track to become the youngest Minister of Magic in history. There’s just one issue-- the polls hate her. Well, the polls hate her gayness, specifically. When a solution is presented that could fix everything, who’s she to decline?
💫 Brave Open Heart by @maraudersaffair, agentmoppet, @secretartlair [E, 28.1k] WITH ART! 🌶
Nine months ago, Hermione and Millicent had a passionate affair, but now, Hermione is in love with Pansy, a power couple fighting for creature equality in the Ministry. Everything comes crashing down when Hermione discovers she is pregnant and Millicent is the other mother. Hermione had no idea two witches could create life, but now she must answer some big questions about parenthood, intimacy, and love.
Pansy, Rows, and Mutual Wanking by @violetclarity, @kysprite [E, 27.1k] 🌶
Eighth year. Hermione's ready. She's going to study, have fun with her friends, and ignore her new roommate's obnoxious wanking habits. And alright, maybe she wouldn't be so annoyed with it if she'd had any good sex in the past. But that doesn't mean she wants Pansy Parkinson to teach her how to wank....does it?
💫💫 Dawn by @wynnefic [T, 15.4k]
At this very moment, Hermione Granger is a tiny muggleborn child who's tried half a dozen spells. No one is scared of her. No one knows to expect her. "We're really doing this," Pansy eventually says, breaking the silence. "We must be insane." (time-traveling Pansmione)
Sharp kisses, soft bites by vendettadays [E, 10.7k] 🩸
Hermione thought her life had quietened now that the world was calmer. She had a good, stable job at the Ministry. She had her pub nights with Harry and Ron. All in all, things were going well for her. That was until she died and was turned into a vampire.
(More below the cut!)
Working Late by becauseISaidSo [E, 8.7k]
Last week, Hermione finally went to her first lesbian bar. This week, she’s being invited to the office of a very high powered CEO who’s legs never seem to end and who’s taste in whiskey is rivaled only by her own. (Pansmione Wall Street AU)
Fiddlesticks by peskywhistpaw [T, 8.6]
Getting lost in a good book is easy. It’s getting out that’s a bit more of a challenge.
'cause we look so good together by iam0kaywiththis [E, 7.4k] 🌶
It started out as a favor for a friend. Show up, model some lingerie, and leave. Easy, right? Too bad the other model was also her ex. An ex she hadn’t seen in eight years. The same ex that had broken her heart.
💫 Make Me Feel, Make Me Hurt, Make Me Whole by @unmistakablyoatmeal [E, 6.3k]
Hermione and Pansy fall in love.
We should be lovers instead by @bicalamity [E, 4.8k]
Pansy's pining works strongly in her favor
Women Do It Better by @queenkatelynthearistocrat [E, 4.1k] 🌹 🌶
Ron can't bring Hermione to orgasm. Pansy decides that Hermione deserves better. And that she would be more than happy to do something about it herself.
burning into the night by slowrush [E, 3.5k] 🌶
"Hey," Pansy says, forehead creased in concern. "Still with me?" "Yes," Hermione replies, snapping back into the moment. She shifts her hips, pushes them up in a slow grind that has Pansy cursing under her breath. "Yes, always."
Slytherin Altruism by @owlswithfins [T, 4.3k] 🌹
“Sorry I’m late, babe. You know how it is down at the Prophet.” Hermione’s mouth fell open as she stared dumbly at one Pansy Parkinson. Pansy sent her a look that said, “just go with it” and took Gryffindor’s hand in her own. Hermione shut her mouth.
💫 Thirty-eight by The Last Good Name [E, 2.9k] 🌶
Hermione and Pansy have sex together. Hermione counts.
💫 Risk & Reward by @mrsren [E, 2.3k] 🌶
The first time should have been a fluke. Nothing more than an accident after too much elf wine. Then there was a second time on her desk in her office after hours. The third time is the riskiest of them all but Hermione had realized that she has to stop drinking if this witch is going to be anywhere near her.
💫💫 Breaking wild roses (stings like love's pain) by @teacup-tai [E, 1.4k] 🌶
I feel like a scream is stuck inside my chest, creeping up in the deep dark hollow of my throat. It’s a mix of pain and agony. So to keep it down, I open my mouth and fill it with your soft, tender flesh. The bronze skin of your shoulder right against my tongue.
Dare to love you by pan_and_ready_to_stan [T, 1.2k]
'Hermione, it's your turn.' Harry bumped his shoulder into her, 'Truth or Dare?' 'Dare.' She was a gryffindor after all. 'I dare you to flirt with Pansy for the rest of the night.'
Where can I read more Pansmione fics?
🌙 - Pansmione: Tag on Tumblr | Tag on AO3 🌙 - WLW Library: Tumblr | Tag | AO3
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thirdwheelerjames · 3 years
after all the hangers-on are done hanging on
Read on AO3.
Prince Remus of Godric's Hollow is set to marry Benjamin Fenwick, Duke of Hufflepuff, by the next month before his coronation. Long-exiled Sirius Black, the disinherited son of Lord and Lady Black of Slytherin, has returned to win his childhood friend back before it’s too late.
Sirius Black got out of the black Range Rover followed by his best friend, James Potter. They had just arrived to the massive building in which Sirius unvisited penthouse rested. After five years of exile, since his parent disinherited him, he had returned home. During his time gone, he had stayed with his uncle Alphard in Paris, and when he had died due to a renal failure, he’d left every single one of his possessions to Sirius’ name, including an important number of stocks in Black Enterprises, a telecommunication monopoly that extended all over Godric’s Hollow’s territory.
Uncle Alphard’s money had given him a safe way to return to Godric’s Hollow and face his parents. He was yet to decide what he was going to do with his part of his family’s company, but he had come back for a more important matter.
Sirius and Remus Lupin, the heir to the throne, had met when they were just five years old, in some presumptuous party full of the richest and most horrible people that inhabited Godric’s. Sirius hated and resented his parents with good reason, but there was some part of him that was terribly grateful towards those awful parties. Otherwise, he’d never met Remus, James, whose parents owned a successful company of beauty and health care products, and Peter, the heir to the Pettigrew family.
The four of them had established a beautiful friendship not long after their first meeting. They’d all assisted the same kindergarten, elementary school and then spent six years together at Hogwarts before going to college. Halfway through his degree in Economic Sciences in the University of Gryffindor, Sirius had been disinherited and had left to Paris, where he finished his studies.
It all seemed awfully understanding, if it hadn’t been for the fact that Sirius had left just after the pinnacle of his flirting with Remus had taken place. Years of yearning and pining had led to them finally kissing, half-drunk and high after a party and walking the lonely streets towards their dorms.
“Remus,” he’d said, hiccupping slightly. “Remus, come.”
Remus turned towards him with a giant smile. His face was illuminated by the yellow glow of a lamppost and his breath smell of cheap alcohol when he got closer. Sirius had taken his hand after leaving the party on the flimsy excuse of “How am I gonna tell the Queen that his drunk son got killed by his horrible coordination and lack of tolerance to alcohol?”
Afterwards, Remus had given some mumbled answer about how his lack of tolerance to alcohol was just another disgrace to the crown. “Kings are supposed to know how to drink, Sirius.”
“Most of them were just drunk farts, Remus, I don’t think any alcohol tolerance is required.”
“The gayness is definitely a disappointment then,” he’d said, not quite serious or understandable and balancing dangerously on the sidewalk. “Mom already knows, but I’ve no idea how dad’s going to take it. Might as well be disinherited someday.”
“He loves you, Remus, he’s going to understand,” he’d answered, after a beat to long because the information he had just received was too precious.
He did suspect Remus wasn’t too inclined towards women, but the reassurance that he wasn’t at all did incredible things to Sirius heart.
It took Sirius half a mile of walking in silence to talk again. And when he’d come close enough to Remus, he’d stood as close as humanely possible, standing chest to chest and with Remus expensive sneakers touching his.
“Is this alright?” he’d asked, anxious to get an answer. Remus had barely nodded before he’d crashed their mouths together. Holding Remus waist and feeling his arms around his neck had been almost a religious experience to Sirius. It had all gone wrong, though, the next morning, when Sirius was awoken by his parents’ missed calls and James frantic knocking on his door.
His parents, by methods yet undeciphered by Sirius, had found about his feelings for Remus and threatened to out the prince if he didn’t cut their relationship immediately. James had come in name of Alphard, with a plane ticket in hand and a suitcase ready. He’d never loved James more, but his heart ached with the idea of leaving Remus.
He’d been able to explain to Remus what had happened, of course, in the era of technology and communication he’d gotten a new phone as soon as he’d landed in France and had called Remus. However, it’d been years since then and he wasn’t even certain that Remus in all his drunk glory had remembered their kiss, and he’d been still too shaken with the events of the last hours to mention it.
Now, back in Godric’s for good, he was set to prevent a wedding. Remus, who had come out two years before, almost as equally accepted as criticized, was going to marry Benjy Fenwick, the duke of some nowhere territory north of Godric’s. Sirius knew Benjy, of course. Godric’s was, after all, not a very large place, and being of the elite population through most of his life he was well acquainted with all the rich kids. Especially with the ones seven years older than him and who threatened to steal the love of his life.
It’s five in the afternoon when he slides the key into his penthouse door, James close behind.
“Oh wow,” James whistles, “your uncle’s got some taste.”
“As if you have any taste to tell, James, please. But, yes, it’s actually quite nicer than I would’ve thought. His flat in France was a tad too baroque for my liking.”
“I liked it.”
“Exactly. Anyways, we should start getting ready, the ball’s in two hours and I don’t want to be late, I want to be the first to dance with Remus.”
“I would’ve thought appearing in the middle of the ball would’ve been more striking, don’t you think? He’ll be dancing with some bloke when he meets your eye across the room. I’m as straight as it gets, but I can’t deny Remus is as a pretty as a flower when he blushes.”
“Ugh, don’t I know? He’s so cute, but no, Jamie, enough wait. I’ve dreamed of this moment basically since I left and I can’t wait any longer. Plus, I don’t want that Benjy fellow getting his dirty paws all over him.”
“Benjy’s not so bad,” James mumbles. They were both polo teammates and James is loyal to his kind.
“Not good enough for Remus, anyway,” Sirius answers hotly, though unsatisfied by James noncommittal hum. “Kreacher said our suits are in our rooms. Yours should be in the guest room, be ready by seven.”
“Yeah, yeah, dad, I won’t be late for your prince charming.”
At seven on the dot, they’re both looking stunning, and going down the lift, on their way to the car. James blue suit contrasts attractively against his skin, and his black curls, which usually resemble more of a bird’s nest than hair, fall rather nicely in his forehead. Sirius wears a dark green suit that brings out the greyness of his eyes. His hair remains free with several strands falling over his face, and he blushes like a teenager when he remembers sunny afternoons, laying with his head in Remus long legs while he pushed Sirius hair behind his ears and caressed his skull.
Kreacher is waiting for them, and drives them silently to the Lupin’s palace. The ride is charged with Sirius’ anxious energy and James attempt at helping Sirius relax. They arrive at the Lupin manor shortly after. They both get out of the car under the flashes of cameras and the shocked surprise of reporters who didn’t expect the exiled Black to show up.
It’s all waiting from then on. Watching new guests come inside and saying their hellos to faces they won’t remember an hour later. They both stick close to the Euphemia and Fleamont Potter, James’ parents, who know must of the attendees like the palm of their hands. Also, Fleamont likes to gossip and can tell a story like nobody’s business.
At eight o’clock, the entrance of the queen and the king is announced, and the guests gather around bright, polished stairs that lead into an ample empty space so as to accommodate the hundreds of attendees. The ball is just some unnecessary formality sponsored by the royal family’s supporters before Remus’ coronation in two months.
Hope and Lyall walk down the stairs with huge smiles plastered to their faces and elegant gowns covering their bodies. They walk hand in hand, and wait for their son downstairs. Finally, he appears. Remus is more beautiful than Sirius remembered. Facetime and the intrusive pictures of paparazzi do him no credit. His golden curls look soft and bright. His smile is shy and sweet, and a well-tailored velvet suit hugs his strong frame. Halfway down the stairs, Remus and Sirius make eye contact, but Remus, well-practiced in the art of never showing what he’s feeling, keeps on walking with just the tiniest surprise shown on his face.
They’re all then led to a larger room with its wide glass doors opened onto a green, flowery garden and the sight of the lake reflecting the shining full moon.
It takes Sirius another half hour to gather the courage to walk towards Remus, where he stands with his parents talking to some (probably) important diplomat. He doesn’t make eye contact while striding towards Remus. (If he’s stopped, he doesn’t think he’ll be able to gather the courage again to talk to Remus).
“Your majesty,” he addresses them, first speaking to Hope and Lyall.
“Mr. Black, what a pleasure to have you back in Godric’s. You have been dearly missed,” Hope answers kindly while Sirius kisses her hand.
“I missed Godric’s very much too, ma’am.”
“Mr. Black, good to have you back,” Lyall says.
“Thank you, sir.” He takes a deep breathe. “Prince Remus, it’s great to see you. May I have this dance?” Remus visibly swallows, squares his shoulders, and a too formal smile appears on his face.
“Of course, Mr. Black.” Sirius extends his hand, and Remus takes it delicately.
He walks them to the centre of the room, where most of the guests are dancing in a slow pace and wraps a hand around Remus waist instantly.
“I’d prefer to lead, Mr. Black.”
“Oh, yes, of course.” Sirius places his hand on Remus’ shoulder and the other one remains holding Remus’ hand. Remus’ other arm snakes around Sirius’ waist. “I’m very happy to see you again, Rem. I’ve missed you like crazy. Facetime does you no credit, you look gorgeous.”
“Thank you, Sirius. You’re not too bad yourself,” he replies, with, finally, a small smile lighting his face. His dimples are yet to be seen but Sirius can be patient. Or so he thinks.
“I,” he says nervously, “I saw you were getting married. Rita Skeeter was particularly outraged by how much of a horrible groom you are. Said something about spitting on the wedding planner when they chose red roses instead of lilies?”
Remus laughs quietly just for Sirius, and there they are, making their miraculous appearance the dimples have returned.
“Our friend Rita has always been quite my admirer as you can see. Ever since I was five years old and made that horrible tantrum during one of my father’s speeches. The only time she’s been honest about me,” Sirius laughs, holding tighter onto Remus’ shoulder and getting an inch closer than is appropriate in public. “But, no, I’m not getting married. Nothing is set it stone, Sirius. Benjy hasn’t even proposed and if the rumours of him and some Mary fellow are true, he’s not going to any time soon.”
“What? But what about The Prophet’s decreet? I thought it was all official. And what about your coronation? Shouldn’t you be married before becoming king?”
“Please. Do you, of all people, believe the paper where Rita Skeeter works to say anything honest? And it’s not the fucking eighteenth century, I do not need a husband to rule. Unless you’re offering, that is.”
“Of course, I’m offering,” he snorts. “I don’t think you understand, Remus, I had planned a very dramatic entrance once the priest asked if anyone was against you and Benjy’s union.”
“I figured,” Remus laughs beautifully, holding tighter onto Sirius’ waist. “Well, I’m definitely not marrying Benjy, but I can’t deny I’m sorry about all the media’s fuss. It brought you back, didn’t it?”
“It did. I was always planning to return. I’ve finally got my degree and Alphard’s inheritance has been very helpful. I do miss him like mad, though, the grumpy old man.”
“I’m really sorry for your loss, Sirius, I know how important he was to you.”
“Yes, he made my stay in Paris bearable. But, anyways, onto cheerer matters, I was all but ready to duel Benjy. I’ll protect your virgin and delicate self with my own blood, Remus. Jokes aside.”
“Thank you, but it won’t be necessary. I’m truly happy you’re back, Sirius. The last few years have been incredibly difficult without you.”
“I missed you so much, Rem, every day. But maybe well, maybe you are in need of some economic advisor? You know, when your time to rule comes.”
“Oh certainly. In close quarters also. Who knows when I’ll need some advice? Kings never sleep, you know? Does the royal chamber sound good enough?”
“It’ll do, I guess,” Remus rolls his eyes, laughing. Sirius can’t keep the smile off his face. “I’m serious, Remus, no pun intended. I came back for you. My family can’t touch me anymore and I really want to give us a chance.”
“You never said anything,” Remus whispers, “after we kissed. I thought you regretted it. Or you’d forgotten it.”
“No, never, I was just scared. But I’m ready now. If you are too, of course, and if you still want me.”
“I do, fuck, Sirius, I really do.” A second later, with Remus bright, earnest eyes looking right into his soul, Remus stands on his toes and kisses Sirius square on the mouth. It’s a short thing, but fuck it if it doesn’t leave Sirius thrumming with electricity and yearning for more.
“Fuck, Remus, I’d take you right here. I’m afraid it could damage your public image a bit though,” Sirius groans. Remus steps closer and he can feel himself grow hard.
“Later,” Remus whispers on his ear. “So, you’re really staying for good?” The confident that had carried Remus until then crumbles just slightly, and he can understand how insecure Sirius feels.
“Yes, definitely for good, Remus. I’m here for the long-haul. I’ve been in love with you just half my life, you see.”
“In love, you say?”
“Yes, in love,” he answers, without a second of hesitation.
“Meet me in my room later. By midnight. I hope most people will have left by then.”
“I will,” Sirius says earnestly.
“Great,” Remus smiles, dimples in full splendour. “I must go and greet some of the guests, but, do wait for me. Please.”
“Of course, Remus, always.”
As he sees Remus go, turning slightly to gaze at him like a teenager in love, he returns his love’s smile. Weirdly enough, a certain gratefulness towards Rita Skeeter’s lies and Benjy Fenwick’s wandering hands spreads in his chest. His awaited return was very much worth it.
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Welcome to the Blog
Commissions - Ko-Fi - AO3 - Discord - Linktree
The name's Moss, she/her, and I write fanfiction here on hellsite.com. All my long fics are on AO3, all my shorter stuff is here, although it does overlap quite a bit.
Commissions: My fanfiction commissions are OPEN!!! Thank you all for your patience with them being closed, and I am excited to be back in business!
Ko-Fi: consider buying me a coffee. I'm currently working toward restocking my art supplies with the money donated.
Discord: occasional memes, updates, and Q&As. Pretty chill server. I take suggestions on there as well as here on Tumblr.
Complete List of AO3 Fics Here (descriptions below the cut):
Current Fic: The Genderfluid Gryffindor (previously titled “Genderfluid at Hogwarts”)
Completed Fics: "Thus Conscience Doth Make Cowards of Us All" (4.2k, OFMD fic), The Stowaway (21.9k, Mando fic), The Clan (52.6k, sequel to The Stowaway)
Character Letters/Letters from a Character: To Be With You Always (500 words, The Arcana fic)
One Shots: Dean's Confession (pictures here) (1k, Destiel fic), The Stowaway/The Clan One Shots (6.8k in total, occasionally uploading new ones)
I think that's about it! Thanks for sticking around I guess :)
The Genderfluid Gryffindor: Harry Potter fic (obviously). First Person POV from the adopted child of Remus and Sirius. I started at The Philosopher's Stone and I’m making my way through the books, but I'm making it just so gay. JKR would probably die if she saw it tbh. I upload a chapter once a month (or so), and each chapter is between 3-5k words. I'm following the canon plotline and characterizations pretty closely (at least, at the beginning), but it's basically one big "What-If" scenario where I dropped a ton gayness and a genderfluid kiddo who was raised by Sirius and Remus into the Harry Potter universe. Yes, I fully intend on writing all seven years... this fic is going to be long.
"Thus Conscience Doth Make Cowards of Us All": Our Flag Means Death fic. Third Person POV. Based around the time of 1x09/1x10, in which Ed recites Shakespeare (badly), Izzy Hands is tricked because he's an idiot, and the crew plans to get Stede back before Ed goes off the deep end. Canon-typical shenanigans ensue.
The Stowaway: Mandalorian fic. Second Person (Y/N) POV. You are a stowaway (what a surprise) on Moff Gideon's shuttle when Luke Skywalker comes and takes The Child from Mando. You become a stowaway (how many times can I use that word before you get sick of it?) on Mando's ship and over the course of your journey across the galaxy, you become friends... but of course it's a slow burn romance too ;)
The Clan: The sequel to The Stowaway. It's way longer than The Stowaway because each chapter has like twice as many words. And there's more chapters. I also ended up pretty much speed-running the sequels in my writing towards the end so if you like the sequels, you're in luck. If you don't like the sequels, you're also in luck, since I basically rewrote them. Also, if you like found family you'll probably like this one.
Dean's Confession: Supernatural fic. Third Person POV. I got real sad about Destiel one night and wondered what would have happened if Dean had written out his feelings for Cas after 15x18. I learned Dean's handwriting for y'all so say thank you and go check it out. Anyhow, just a short fic that I wrote at like midnight because I was sad about two fictional men.
The Stowaway Series One Shots: Mandalorian fic. First Person POV. Gave the main character of the original fics a name and put it in first person (I'll let you in on a secret; I hate second person POV. Did I write a 73k word fic in second person? Yes! Did I hate it the whole time? Pretty much!). There's some one shots that didn't fit the flow of the original fic but still happened behind the scenes, and there's some scenes that did get included in the original but I wanted to write from a different character's POV. No, I don't have a consistent uploading schedule for these. Yes, I do take suggestions for one-shots on my Discord.
To Be With You Always: The Arcana (visual novel) fic. A heartfelt love letter from Nadia to the Apprentice (gender-neutral). Short and sweet.
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peacxhybxtch · 3 years
More of my favorite Johnlock fanfics:
- The River Variations by withoutawish
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Greg Lestrade, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, three garridebs, Near Death Experience, Romance, some case fic in here IDK, Overuse of italics Soulmates
Words: 11,619
Chapters: 1/1
Summary: John Watson never knew that he wanted a ‘no toast in the mornings’ normal until he realized what an honor it is to be destroyed by Sherlock Holmes.
Written for Johnlock Challenges: “The modern take of The Three Garridebs; essentially, John is wounded during a case and Sherlock loses his mind a little bit. And then gayness. Obviously that last bit is where it deviates from canon…or is it? Any rating.”
- Faerie-Touched by Blind_Author
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Alternative Universe - Fantasy, First Time
Words: 9,283
Chapters: 2/2
Summary: In a world of sorcerers and magic, Sherlock is a Faerie-born and John, lacking any kind of magical talent, often seems a bit out of place. But he has a gift all his own...
- Notes by Kryptaria 
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Fluff, Sherlock's version of handwriting analysis, Don't copy to another site
Words: 2,756
Chapters: 1/1
Summary: It had begun innocuously enough, when Sherlock had found a scrap of paper under the armchair that had become reserved solely for John’s use. Sherlock Holmes, it read, with 221B Baker Street underneath.
- A Terrific Soporific by antietamfalls
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Fluff, Insomnia, Accidental Cuddling, Sharing a Bed, Sleepy Cuddles, Sherlock Experiments on John, Sleep Deprivation
Words: 11,269
Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Sherlock, a long-time sufferer of insomnia, is forced to share a bed with John at a hotel while on a case. To his astonishment, he finds that spending the night next to John helps him sleep and becomes determined to maneuver himself back into John's bed.
- Scales and Skin by TheMadKatter13
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Greg Lestrade, Poppy Pomfrey, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Omegaverse, Alpha/Omega, Potterlock, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Mounting, Biting, Marking, Teenlock, Omega John, Teen John, Teen Sherlock, Gryffindor John, Creature Sherlock, Merman Sherlock, First Time, Top Sherlock, Bottom John, Alpha Sherlock, Ravenclaw Sherlock
Words: 15,008
Chapters: 1/1
Summary: John never thought he’d present at all. The few times he’d put thought to it, he’d never thought he’d present omega. And if he’d put any more thought into it past that, he wouldn’t have imagined sharing his first heat with a mermaid. Er, merman.
- The Vapor Variant by 88thParallel (CanadaHolm)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Henry Knight, Barrymore (Sherlock), Doctor Stapleton (Sherlock), Post Episode: s02e02 The Hounds of Baskerville, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD John, Whump, Sickfic, Injury, Guilt, John Watson Whump, Protective Sherlock, Big Brother Mycroft, Protective Greg, Minor Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Guilty Sherlock, Medical Jargon, Virus, Suspense, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, John is a Bit Not Good, Implied Mystrade, Angst with a Happy Ending, Late Night Conversations, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Garridebs Moment, Podfic Available, Sensitive Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock is a Mess, Don't copy to another site
Words: 72,684
Chapters: 18/18
Summary: They stood face to face in the middle of a clearing. The dim light of the moon barely allowed Sherlock to see the glassy terror in John’s eyes and the sweat that glistened off his forehead. His nose was bleeding again, blood dripping in a slow stream from his right nostril.
They were both gasping for air, John’s eyes locked on Sherlock’s. There was no recognition there, just wild animal fear.
Time stood still for an eternal few seconds, and Sherlock took a shaky breath. “John—”
Spell broken, John spun and bolted back into the woods.
Still heaving for air, Sherlock took off after him.
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ao3feed-tododeku · 4 years
Midoriya's Adventure as Alice
Midoriya's Adventure as Alice by Pepsi Or Coke
Today was supposed to be a normal Monday for Midoriya. So why is everything so twisted and abnormal? Where is he? What is Wonderland, and why is Todoroki dead set on calling him Alice?
Words: 936, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Related Fandoms, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Dabi, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Dabi/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Other(s)
Additional Tags: Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Alternate Universe - Alice in Wonderland Fusion, Alice in Wonderland References, two worlds colliding, Reference of child abuse, Some characters start off dead, Full out gayness, Based off of a group role play, Breaking fourth wall, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki is a Dork, Todoroki Shouto is Cheshire Cat, Bakugou Katsuki is White Rabbit, Todoroki Shouto Needs a Hug, Leader Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Cute Todoroki Shouto, Dabi is a Todoroki, Dabi is Todoroki Touya, Dabi and Todoroki Shouto Are Siblings, Protective Dabi, Soft Dabi, Possessive Dabi, Dabi is Bad at Feelings, Top Dabi, Dabi is a Little Shit, Dabi is Not a Villain, Good Sibling Dabi, Dabi is Mad Hatter, Dabi Needs a Hug, Cute Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Protective Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Possessive Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Bottom Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Top Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Needs a Hug, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is dead at the beginning but comes back to life, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is the Queen of Hearts, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Not a Villain, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is So Done, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Bad at Feelings, Bottom Takami Keigo | Hawks, Protective Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks-centric, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Little Shit, Takami Keigo | Hawks Needs a Hug, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Mess, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, Takami Keigo | Hawks is mind control by darkness, Kaminari Denki is a Dork, Kaminari Denki Being An Idiot, Kaminari Denki is a Good Friend, Kaminari Denki-centric, Kaminari Denki is a Mess, Kaminari Denki is So Done, Kaminari Denki is a Sweetheart, Kaminari Denki is the Dormouse, Shinsou Hitoshi Needs a Hug, Shinsou Hitoshi is So Done, Shinsou Hitoshi Deserves Happiness, Shinsou Hitoshi Gets a Hug, Shinsou Hitoshi is dead at the beginning but comes back to life, Shinsou Hitoshi is Knave of Hearts, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Kirishima Eijirou is a Dork, Kirishima Eijirou is a Sweetheart, Cute Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki and Kirishima Eijirou are not together yet, Kirishima Eijirou is a Tease, Kirishima Eijirou is a Little Shit, Kirishima Eijirou is So Done, Kirishima Eijirou is Bayard the Bloodhound, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Being An Asshole, Villain Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Abusive Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Dead Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor is Time, Everyone has their quirks, Everyone is very British in this fanfic, Takami Keigo | Hawks is Jabberwocky, Takami Keigo | Hawks is Jubjub Bird, Takami Keigo | Hawks is Bandersnatch, Takami Keigo | Hawks is really a gryffindor/human hybrid in this fanfic
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26187007
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lupin-for-president · 4 years
After understanding and accepting his own gayness, Sirius became fully open about "not-that-macho" featurings (like, he no longer cares about Marlene using him as model to her hairstyles or to wear some eyeliner - At first he thought it would be a good one to say FUCK OFF WALBURGA but he found that he actually really likes these things), but Remus is still a little afraid of what people would think (Freaking love your headcanons 💚)
this one’s gold & thank you!
so after coming out, sirius feels free —he even shouted it from the top of gryffindor tower the night he came out to the rest of the marauders— and finally feels like he can really be himself. remus, on the other hand, is completely petrified. he only came out after sirius did —he couldn’t work up the courage beforehand— and even then, he thought they would all hate him because of it
sirius loves telling people and damn, i am totally the hottest gay here, oh, except you, moons and of course remus wishes he could be like that and be so open but fear begins eating away at his soul every time one of his friends brings it up because he’s worried people will use that as another reason to stare at him
so sirius decides he’ll just be openly gay enough for the both of them —do you expect anything less?— and of course marlene seizes the opportunity. soon enough sirius shows up wearing eyeliner and pretty hairdos and painted nails and fitted clothes and occasionally even insanely bright colors —that are totally not punk rock— when marlene is needing him to model and it drives remus absolutely bloody mad
one day remus leaves the dorm a little later than the other three because he was having a rough morning and a second year walks up to him in the hallway. this was normal, i mean random people walked up to the marauders to talk all the time, so this wasn’t odd at all. until the girl asked, “you’re the one who’s dating sirius black, aren’t you?”
remus immediately flushes, his heart racing rapidly within his chest, and his throat feels like it’s closing up. “i’m not sure what you mean. i’m not- we’re not- this isn’t-” and remus nearly faints when he feels a familiar black nail polished hand wrap around his wrist and c’mon, moons, we’re late for class
and when they round the corner sirius pulls remus into an empty broom closet and the boy basically collapses in sirius’ arms and i’m sorry i’m such a coward, pads. sirius just holds a crying remus tightly, running his hands over his hair and whispering soothing words into his ear and eventually remus is able to calm down and places a soft kiss to sirius’ lips and they never make it to class
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polaroidcats · 4 months
If you wondered where this prongsfoot ask came from all of a sudden.. I messed it up. That was supposed to go into someone's ask box who is way more into prongsfoot. Though I'd love to read your take as we, but you don’t have to answer that if you're more comfortable with other ships. Also this happens way too often. I postet things on my own blog, that were supposed to land in someone's ask box several times :)
hi anon! haha no worries, and thank u for explaining, I was so confused for a bit there and kept wondering when I'd reblogged prongsfoot or if it was bc of the gryffindor gayness post haha! I don't mind prongsfoot content, I think it's a great ship, it makes so much sense and their dynamic is compelling and I don't understand how it is a rarepair but I also haven't thought much abt their kinks/sex life (outside of wolfstarbucks/jilypad my beloveds 💖) so I might get back to you on the other ask some other time!! Fully support the Sirius sniffing armpits agenda tho 🫡
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saintflint · 5 years
tag game!
rules: answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to know better
tagged by @lovesickens thank u gem ♥️💫
nickname: tori, tor-tor (my full name is victoria)
zodiac sign: scorpio sun, virgo moon, cancer rising
height: 5’10
hogwarts house: hufflepuff with gryffindor tendencies
last thing i googled: “wait by the river lyrics”
song stuck in my head: smoke signals — phoebe bridgers
following and followers: 3,550 / 1,944
amount of sleep i get: 7ish hours. if i’m lucky
lucky number(s): 11
dream job: i would do anything to teach and direct high school theatre. also i want to raise kids, really bad
wearing: high-waisted skinny jeans, a old blue mickey mouse sweatshirt i bought at a thrift store, black and red stranger things socks, and white converse
favorite songs: (i’m going with more current choices) let’s get married — bleachers / steamroller — phoebe bridgers / the predatory wasp of the palisades is out to get us — sufjan stevens / me & my dog — boygenius / along with just a whole lot of mitski, lorde, hayley kiyoko, and the 1975
instruments: i can pluck out a few songs on the piano but other than that, i’m really more of a singer
random facts: the day after i graduated kindergarten, i contracted an extremely rare virus that almost killed me and i still have a scar on my side from the whole ordeal; i carry two books in my backpack wherever i go; i can memorize the full melody of a song within the first listen; i once wrote a letter to peter pan asking him to fly me away and slept with it under my pillow for a good long while
aesthetic: hmmm....uhh... sunshine filtering through leaves, the comfort from smelling a home cooked meal after a long hard day, nostalgia saturated in gold, stacks of books begging to be read, long car rides with the windows down, yearning LOTS of yearning, really just a whole lot of gayness
i tag: @plnetoflove, @bikenight, @femininus, @hotknifetheory / @vegaschapters, @eddiemylovee, @edddiekaspbraks, @successsionhbo, @foxesmouth, @enjols, @margaretatwoof, @thotfuss, @spacewitch, @livevamaria, @ratatouiile, @ophanic, @frissliebe, and @chamomillles (only if you want to!)
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Tagged by @introvert-traveler
Instructions: do this and tag human beings you want to know better
Name: Sarah
Gender: Female
Starsign: Leo
Height: 5 ft 1 1/2 inches
Sexuality: Lesbian
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
Favorite animal: Black panther but really any cats.
Average hours of sleep: less than 7 on work days. Around 8 to 9 on weekends.
Current time: 11:48am
Dogs or Cats: Cats
Blankets you sleep with: besides sheets and a comforter..sometimes one but that’s rarely. 
Dream Job: game trailer video editor
When I made my blog: 2017 maybe? I honestly don’t remember. 
Followers: 90
Why I made my tumblr: to be able to express my gayness. It was my escape for having to be in the closet while living with my parents.
Reasons for my URL: It’s from Howl’s Moving Castle. The spark represents my passions, and that’s mostly what I post or reblog about. The things that I love or enjoy. 
Tags: @shylesbiannerd @rainbowskittle @cant-dance23 @100rosepetals @tessalonia @rhino894 @southernmistake or anyone else who wants to do it. Feel free to answer these questions or not. It’s all good :)
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ao3feed-shinkami · 4 years
Midoriya's Adventure as Alice
by Pepsi_Or_Coke
Today was supposed to be a normal Monday for Midoriya. So why is everything so twisted and abnormal? Where is he? What is Wonderland, and why is Todoroki dead set on calling him Alice?
Words: 936, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Related Fandoms, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Dabi/Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Other(s)
Additional Tags: Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Alternate Universe - Alice in Wonderland Fusion, Alice in Wonderland References, two worlds colliding, Reference of child abuse, Some characters start off dead, Full out gayness, Based off of a group role play, Breaking fourth wall, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Bakugou Katsuki is a Dork, Todoroki Shouto is Cheshire Cat, Bakugou Katsuki is White Rabbit, Todoroki Shouto Needs a Hug, Leader Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Shouto is a Dork, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Cute Todoroki Shouto, Dabi is a Todoroki, Dabi is Todoroki Touya, Dabi and Todoroki Shouto Are Siblings, Protective Dabi (My Hero Academia), Soft Dabi (My Hero Academia), Possessive Dabi (My Hero Academia), Dabi is Bad at Feelings (My Hero Academia), Top Dabi (My Hero Academia), Dabi is a Little Shit (My Hero Academia), Dabi is Not a Villain (My Hero Academia), Good Sibling Dabi (My Hero Academia), Dabi is Mad Hatter, Dabi Needs a Hug (My Hero Academia), Cute Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Midoriya Izuku is a Dork, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Protective Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Possessive Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Bottom Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Top Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Needs a Hug, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is dead at the beginning but comes back to life, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is the Queen of Hearts, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Not a Villain, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is So Done, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko is Bad at Feelings, Bottom Takami Keigo | Hawks, Protective Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks-centric, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Little Shit, Takami Keigo | Hawks Needs a Hug, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Mess, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, Takami Keigo | Hawks is mind control by darkness, Kaminari Denki is a Dork, Kaminari Denki Being An Idiot, Kaminari Denki is a Good Friend, Kaminari Denki-centric, Kaminari Denki is a Mess, Kaminari Denki is So Done, Kaminari Denki is a Sweetheart, Kaminari Denki is the Dormouse, Shinsou Hitoshi Needs a Hug, Shinsou Hitoshi is So Done, Shinsou Hitoshi Deserves Happiness, Shinsou Hitoshi Gets a Hug, Shinsou Hitoshi is dead at the beginning but comes back to life, Shinsou Hitoshi is Knave of Hearts, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Kirishima Eijirou is a Dork, Kirishima Eijirou is a Sweetheart, Cute Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki and Kirishima Eijirou are not together yet, Kirishima Eijirou is a Tease, Kirishima Eijirou is a Little Shit, Kirishima Eijirou is So Done, Kirishima Eijirou is Bayard the Bloodhound, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Being An Asshole, Villain Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Abusive Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Dead Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor is Time, Everyone has their quirks, Everyone is very British in this fanfic, Takami Keigo | Hawks is Jabberwocky, Takami Keigo | Hawks is Jubjub Bird, Takami Keigo | Hawks is Bandersnatch, Takami Keigo | Hawks is really a gryffindor/human hybrid in this fanfic
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/26187007
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tudor-thorns · 5 years
Cleves’ Hogwarts House
So a few days ago multiple analyses on the Hogwarts houses of the queens have been written and my girl Cleves has always been sorted into Hufflepuff (being a hatstall between Slytherin and Hufflepuff), which I accept, but since I’m a Cleves and a Slytherin I felt like making an own post just analysing the different Cleves actresses, so here we go.
I won’t analyse Tilda Wickham for now because it has been a while since I listened to the student’s run and I’m at school so I can’t listen to it right now, therefore I won’t judge her for now.
Genesis!Cleves is an obvious pureblood Slytherin to me. Sure, like all the other versions of Cleves she’s the second nicest person in the show, but I feel like Genesis’ interpretation of the character makes Cleves way more judgy, unapproachable and proud. Her Cleves knows that she’s the richest and prettiest and best and she plays with it. While watching her emergency return I felt like she payed for the whole production to happen for her to watch it and occasionally stepping in because she fucking can. So yeah, this makes her a pretty clear Slytherin to me.
I 100% think that Lexi!Cleves is a Hufflepuff, though. I don’t know about her blood status but I feel like it wouldn’t matter because her family is neither very strict nor all hufflepuff-ly, so I’m letting that open. Although this version of the character has much big dick energy as well, she’s much more sweet, playful and flirty compared to Genesis!Cleves. I also feel like Lexi’s interpretation would choose to go to Hufflepuff if given the choice, which she was not, but still - to me she’s the most Hufflepuff of them all and honestly it makes her so amazing. 
Brittney!Cleves wasn’t only a hatstall between Slytherin and Hufflepuff, but also Gryffindor. She ended up in Slytherin as well though. She’s that one kid you’re kind of afraid of, the one who will insult you and make grim jokes about your blood status. She still stays in her own lane as well and steps in when the other queens get too bullshitty, though, and her mean personality is mostly a defense mechanism, because deep in her heart she’s soft, too, but out of all the Cleves versions she pretends to be mean the most. Also, I think she’s from a really popular pureblood family and although she’s all for being proud of her family, she has a lot of pressure on here which she will confess only to Kitty.
Vicki!Cleves was, like Brittney!Cleves, a hatstall between Slytherin, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff as well, and when she eventually got the choice between Slytherin and Gryffindor, she chose Slytherin as well. As we all well know, Vicki!Cleves is out for blood, and I don’t see a version of her in Hufflepuff, not gonna lie. She’s also a quite intimidating Slytherin, but as she is one of the few halfbloods in Slytherin she also stands up against hate on her blood status and will fight her own housemates for that. 
I imagine Courtney!Cleves is a muggleborn, so she isn’t considered for Slytherin in first place because there are no muggleborn Slytherins. She’s a hatstall between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff instead and eventually decided to go to Ravenclaw because although she’s very soft, in Ravenclaw she gets more competition and I generally feel like she would be an anti villain character who’s so done with all the hate and doesn’t want to be the victim so she fights purebloods verbally and physically. But that’s more imagination than interpretation tbh so fight me on that
Grace!Cleves (oh my, bless her, is it too soon?) is similar to Courtney Cleves also a muggleborn who is in consideration for Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, and I think the hat would decide Hufflepuff for her. It has been a while since I listened to Grace’s Cleves so I’m not exactly sure but I think I remember some a little dumb but still precious jock vibes, like she’d be in some popular friend group and the star of the quidditch team who doesn’t think a lot about other things than quidditch. Then again, it has been a while since I listened to her so idk.
Shekinah!Cleves is a hatstall between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Eventually, she get’s sorted into Gryffindor though. I don’t really know how to explain but I think she has similar jock-ish vibes like Grace, but way sassier and less soft. She’s a halfblood from an unproblematic family and probably stands up against racist purebloods. 
We haven’t seen Nicole!Cleves and Mallory!Cleves yet but I think they’d both be sassy Hufflepuffs, but I’m really not sure, so technically I should let those open as well.
So yeah this is it! I’d love to hear your opinions on it but please be nice I hate being hated for my opinions lol. I’ve only seen Genesis!Cleves live so I’m only judging the rest from you know what, so if people who have actually seen other versions of Cleves wanna add something please do so!!
Also did I just prove my obsession slash gayness for Cleves AND my very specific nerd knowledge about the Harry Potter universe in one way too long post? i do think so
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hacked-wtsdz · 5 years
Virgo, gryffindor and enfj moodboard and playlist please? :)
A Virgo, ENFJ, Gryffindor moodboard for you🎇
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Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd
Young And Beautiful - Lana Del Rey
We Don’t Believe What’s on TV - 21 Pilots
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough - Gaye Marvin
Gold - Imagine Dragons
Unstoppable - Sia
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